by Lysa TerKeurst | Oct 11, 2013 | Blog, Overcoming, Unglued
Hello, my name is Lysa and I want people to like me. So, I will sometimes say yes when I really want to say no. And when I do say no, I sometimes worry about how much I’m disappointing that person. I would much rather write this blog in past tense. Like, “I used to...
by Lysa TerKeurst | Sep 27, 2013 | Blog, Overcoming, Relationships
Do you ever have those days when nothing seems to go right? Maybe your morning started out with such promise but quickly dissolved when you spilled coffee all over your lap. … or when you were running right on time for work only to discover that you had locked your...
by Lysa TerKeurst | Sep 13, 2013 | Blog, Insecurities, Overcoming, Parenting, Spiritual Growth
I really want to be a great mom. I want to raise kids who love the Lord, are respectful, and kind, and smart, and all the other things we want for our kids. So, I pray. I read parenting books. I teach manners, kiss the skinned knees and help the teen process her first...
by Lysa TerKeurst | Aug 26, 2013 | Blog, Overcoming, Parenting, Raw Emotions
As we enter a new school year, I thought it might be a good time to encourage moms who want to have better reactions with their kids. And just in case you aren’t feeling like mother of the year today, let me make you feel better. While I was packing lunches...
by Lysa TerKeurst | Aug 13, 2013 | Blog, Overcoming, Speaking/Writing, Spiritual Growth
I distinctly remember the day my dad brought home a typewriter. His office had gotten these new machines called ‘computers.’ Something within me stirred and went wild at the thought of possessing a typewriter. I loved the way it could strike and fill a page of nothing...
by Lysa TerKeurst | Aug 1, 2013 | Blog, Overcoming, Spiritual Growth
Are you struggling to hear God’s voice or discern what He’s asking of you? I know what it’s like to want that so desperately. In my experiences as a wife, mom, and ministry leader I’ve had many moments where I felt stretched way too thin and spiritually malnourished....
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