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Misplaced Affections

October 14, 2018

When you read about Solomon’s life in 1 Kings 3:3 it says, “Solomon showed his love for the Lord by walking according to the instructions given him by his father David, except that he offered sacrifices and burned incense on the high places.” 


The word “except” means that Solomon’s affections weren’t fully placed on the Lord. Instead, some of his affections were placed on things of this world that were idols. In today’s episode, Lysa TerKeurst and friends dive deep into their own misplaced affections to help you understand that although today’s idols are different than Old Testament idols, the struggle is still the same.

You’ll discover…

  • When our needs are met somewhere else other than within our relationship with the Lord, there are consequences.
  • Waiting on the Lord to heal your wounds or provide for you in your time of need will be hard, but His timing and provision are better than any quick fix.
  • You’re never too far from God to choose to give all of your affection to the Lord.

To read the transcript for this episode, click here.

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