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Your Mind, Your Mouth and Your Master

January 14, 2020

Have you ever heard the Scripture, “In your anger, do not sin” (Psalm 4:4, Ephesians 4:26) and thought to yourself, This sounds really great … but how do I actually live this out? 

The good news is, you’re not alone! We all struggle with this because we’re human. And as long as we’re human, we must choose to trust God with what makes us angry instead of fighting back in our flesh. Today on The Proverbs 31 Ministries Podcast, you’ll hear a helpful message by Lysa TerKeurst from our 2019 She Speaks Conference, where she shares what God has shown her about forgiveness. We pray that this message equips you, both spiritually and practically, to walk through whatever you’re facing today.

In this episode, you will…

  • Gain clarity on who or what you serve by looking at the key roles that forgiveness and humility play in the story of Cain and Abel.
  • Learn how to let go of the need to fix the person or situation you’re frustrated with by meditating on Scripture that aligns your heart with the goodness of God.
  • Discover how to forgive someone for an offense by asking the Lord to help you find compassion for the hurt they might’ve gone through.

Related Resources:

  • Do you feel led to share what the Lord is teaching you through writing or speaking? We’d love to come alongside you and equip you in your calling through She Speaks! Right now, you can access She Speaks on-demand and get the practical and spiritual tools you need to take the next steps on your journey to speak or write. Click here to find out more!
  • Want more access to content from Lysa TerKeurst? Be sure to follow Lysa on Instagram and subscribe to her blog for her latest posts, life updates and the occasional giveaway. 

Click here to download the transcript for this episode.

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