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Paintings and People

January 7, 2019

How do we embrace what seems so glaringly imperfect in the process of becoming more like Jesus? In Lysa TerKeurst’s new book, It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way, she says “Anytime we feel not good enough we deny the powerful truth that we are a glorious work of God in progress.” 

In this episode of the Proverbs 31 Ministries Podcast, you’ll have the opportunity to listen to one of our favorite chapters, “Paintings and People,” from Lysa’s newest book. In this chapter Lysa takes us through her own experience of feeling not good enough, and teaches us how to trust God with our imperfections on this side of eternity. 

You’ll discover…

  • Sometimes you might be expecting a perfection from yourself or others that even God Himself doesn’t expect.
  • Time spent showing up and bringing compassion to a friend is never wasted time.
  • Being honest with yourself and your friends (rather than trying to cover up your imperfections) will strengthen the way you see yourself and your relationships.

To read the transcript for this episode click here.

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