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Exchanging Our Will for God’s Will

December 17, 2018

When things don’t go the way we want and life doesn’t turn out the way we thought it should, it’s easy to wonder why. In Mark 14, Jesus prays “Yet not what I will, but what you will.” Those words read well, but they’re hard to live out. 

In this episode, Lysa TerKeurst will teach us what it really means to exchange our will for God’s will and builds off her last episode titled, “The Birthplace of Disappointment.” We already learned that the human heart was created in the context of the perfection of the Garden of Eden. Today, we’ll discover that there’s a physical reality we see, and at the same time, there’s the miraculous God is working. 

You’ll learn…

  • Because God is working in the midst of your hurt, you can trust that your hurt will someday be made right. 
  • When God leads you to something hard, He will also lead you through something hard because He won’t leave you.
  • Trading your will for God’s will isn’t a one-time decision; it’s a daily surrender.

To read the transcript for this episode click here.

Related resources:

  • Click here to listen to Lysa’s teaching titled, “The Birthplace of Disappointment.” 
  • Purchase your copy of Lysa’s latest book, It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way and learn what it means to find unexpected strength when life’s disappointments leave you shattered.
  • Make a donation to Proverbs 31 Ministries today to help us continue to provide free resources (just like this podcast) for women around the world to connect with God’s Truth on a daily basis. 
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