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Where I Really Fall Short

Can I admit something to you on this cold fall day? It’s not pretty. It’s not something I’m proud of. And it’s certainly not something I want highlighted about my life. But, I must share just in case it might help you. I struggle at times trusting God with my kids....

Watch the Webcast Replay!

If you missed last night’s webcast on prayer with Max Lucado, the replay is now available to watch. And trust me, this is one you’ll want to take notes on: [field name=video] (If you’re reading this in an email, click here to watch the video.) Thank you, Max, for...

When Prayers Seem to Fail

Disillusionment. Have you ever felt it? Have you ever lived it? You carry a significant request to God and beg Him to do something. And He does. But it wasn’t what you asked Him to do. Or maybe God seems silent. And you don’t know what to do next. On the one hand you...

Do My Prayers Really Matter?

Do you ever feel guilty for not praying more or wonder if your prayers really matter? Your heart really wants to connect with God. But when you pray, maybe it feels more like a wish list than a conversation. Or you don’t know what to say, so you just don’t pray at...