by Lysa TerKeurst | Feb 13, 2014 | Blog, Insecurities, Overcoming, Parenting, Spiritual Growth
Chatter, chatter, chatter… that dialogue that runs like a never-ending tickertape in the back of our minds. That chatter can be especially loud and consuming when it comes to how we view our parenting skills. I mean really, have you ever mentally beaten yourself up...
by Lysa TerKeurst | Feb 12, 2014 | Blog, Insecurities, Overcoming, Spiritual Growth
We’re back with day 2 of some seriously honest conversations I’m having with my pastor, Steven Furtick. The topic we’re tackling today? Doubt. If your mind works like mine, doubt can feel like the uninvited visitor who hangs around way too much. It’s something I...
by Lysa TerKeurst | Feb 11, 2014 | Blog, Insecurities, Overcoming, Spiritual Growth
One of the best things a Bible teacher ever told me was, “Me too.” That two-word statement stopped a vicious misperception I had that church was only for perfect people. And because I was so hyper aware of my imperfections, I determined church didn’t work for people...
by Lysa TerKeurst | Jan 27, 2014 | Blog, Overcoming, Spiritual Growth
Sometimes my soul needs a song. And recently, “Last Word” is on my list of favorites. Its message is one that lifts me above what I’m facing and recalibrates me to the reality that Jesus always has the last word. Today you may be facing a hard...
by Lysa TerKeurst | Jan 3, 2014 | Blog, Made to Crave, Overcoming, Spiritual Growth
I started out this year with great determination to be victorious in my healthy eating resolutions. But then life happened. Like when the upstairs toilet clogged and flooded my kitchen ceiling. Or when I got stuck in traffic, yelled at my kids, and missed an important...
by Lysa TerKeurst | Dec 20, 2013 | Blog, Giving, Overcoming, Spiritual Growth
I’ve been a little quiet on the blog this fall. Life can sometimes strip the words right out of you. You know what I mean? When I turned my book in this summer, I had plans to return to the blog with great enthusiasm. But that didn’t happen. There hasn’t been some big...
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