by Lysa TerKeurst | Dec 1, 2015 | Blog, Giving
I closed my eyes and warm tears slipped down my face onto my pillow. I knew I should pray but quite honestly, I doubted God was listening. I could hear the kids fighting in the kitchen. More evidence I wasn’t measuring up. I knew I should get up and address whatever...
by Lysa TerKeurst | Dec 12, 2014 | Blog, Giving
Do you ever wish God would appear in the flesh and tell you exactly what He wants you to do in a situation? I do. Sometimes I wish He’d hand me a piece of paper with clear, step-by-step instructions written out and personalized for my specific circumstance. And then...
by Lysa TerKeurst | Dec 20, 2013 | Blog, Giving, Overcoming, Spiritual Growth
I’ve been a little quiet on the blog this fall. Life can sometimes strip the words right out of you. You know what I mean? When I turned my book in this summer, I had plans to return to the blog with great enthusiasm. But that didn’t happen. There hasn’t been some big...
by Lysa TerKeurst | Aug 8, 2013 | Blog, Giving, Spiritual Growth
I was feeling sorry for myself. I try not to make a habit of this. Actually, I really challenge myself to keep things in perspective, remain fairly positive, and resist all pity parties. But sometimes I get tired. And feel pulled in one too many directions. You ever...
by Lysa TerKeurst | Apr 26, 2013 | Blog, Giving, Relationships, Uncategorized
(I covered so many of my favorites in the webcast this week so I didn’t do a Friday Favorites post. But never fear, next week’s Friday Favorites is one of the most fun yet!) Legacy. It’s a beautiful word. Part old-fashioned grace mixed with a stirring desire to have...
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