Download my new, free resource: Trust Is a Track Record: 5 Scriptural Truths To Remember God’s Faithfulness. 


Overcoming the Overwhelming for Mother’s Day

May 4, 2016

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, I’m reminded that this holiday doesn’t always feel so ‘happy’ for each of us. I’m grateful my friend Rachel Wojo understands this and is guest posting on the blog today to point us to Jesus in the moments that might be difficult this time of year.

Some days I would pick up the phone to call her, only to realize that I couldn’t. Since Mom had graduated to Heaven, one of my favorite months of the year became the most difficult.

May 10 is Mom’s birthday and Mother’s Day is always close to that date. Going to church on Mother’s Day became bittersweet after her death. I wanted to celebrate my children and the joys of motherhood; but I also ached to see my mama. A roller coaster of emotions resulted.

After Mom’s death, my daughter, Taylor was diagnosed with MPS at age 4. The diagnosis of a rare, terminal disease was tough enough, but to watch the gradual decline as neurological degeneration occurred was more than I could bear. With the loss of my mother still very fresh, watching my daughter lose her quality of life little by little consumed my heart and soul.

At age 6, the loss of cognitive discernment grew more evident. TayTay didn’t sleep well, and when she woke up in the night, she’d play quietly in her room. Some nights, I placed her back in bed so many times that I couldn’t hold my eyes open long enough to walk to her room one more time. So I’d sleep on the floor in the hallway to ensure that she didn’t leave the room or injure herself. Our family worked to make everything as childproof as we could. We moved the light switch to the outer hallway so she wouldn’t play with it. To keep her from harming herself by swinging on hangers and climbing on closet shelves, we placed locks on the closet doors.

Then Taylor developed a habit of placing her hands in her diaper. During the day, we kept a close eye on her diapering needs, but at night, it became more challenging.

One Sunday morning, I awoke early to prepare for church and before I hopped in the shower, I peeked into Taylor’s room. In spite of my early rising, Taylor had been awake for a while. She had taken on an art project of the worst kind. Because I had been unable to care for her diapering needs instantly, she had plastered the room with poop. The curtains, the walls, the bedding, the carpet, the doorknob, her toys. Everything.

I could hardly pull myself together enough emotionally to take her to the bathtub and wash her clean. I opened her bedroom window, closed the door, and took her to my bed to watch TV so I could take a speed shower. All the while, I sobbed and asked God why.

Why did we have to go through this? Why did she have to lose her mind? Why did I have to spend the afternoon after church scrubbing down her entire room?

And why did all this have to happen… on Mother’s Day?

I couldn’t do it. I was overwhelmed on every level and struggled to understand. Why does life have to be so difficult?

How did I begin to overcome the overwhelming?

How did I begin to work through those hard questions? I discovered that I needed to run to God’s Word when discouragement strikes. If Psalm 18 were written today, it might be known as “David’s Survival Guide for the Overwhelmed.” Take a look at the psalmist’s 6 tips for overcoming the overwhelming.

• Recognize that God is your strength.
I love you, O Lord, my strength. (Psalm 18:1) Can you repeat David’s praise as your own?

• Realize that prayer is your lifeline.
What does your prayer life look like right now?

• Remember the victories God gave in the past.
What has God brought you through so far?

• Refuse to focus on personal limitations and believe God will do His redemptive work in you.
What personal fears are holding you back from believing God will empower you for His work?

• Recall the details of God’s moment by moment provisions.
How has God provided protection for you, even in your overwhelming circumstance?

• Renew your perspective of the situation.
Is your vision limited by failing to recognize his never-ending supply of strength?

My perspective of being an overwhelmed mama has changed drastically since that dreadful Mother’s Day afternoon I spent cleaning up poop. I’ve learned that God is my total source of strength and that by continually talking to my Heavenly Father about everything, I will naturally take my burdens to Him as well. When I think about the victories God has given me by providing patience and understanding, I’m stunned by His provisions. I stopped focusing on my lack of abilities to care for a child with special needs and began comprehending that God chose me to be Taylor’s mother. I am the mom He trusts with her unique and precious life.

Years after the poopy art incident occurred, more heartache consumed our family when we lost a sweet baby to Heaven just a few months after conception. Like David, we found ourselves in a state of being completely overwhelmed. But that’s why it’s called a survival guide. We’re likely going to need the reminders again and again, right?

Two years later, another Mother’s Day arrived and in place of feeling despair, our family experienced delight. This day, May 10, 2009, was not only Mother’s Day, and not only my mom’s birthday, but also a special redemption day. We had prayed and God answered beyond our request or imagination. He ushered a baby girl into our lives on this very day, not only to answer our prayers, but to reveal His incredible power and attention to detail. He redeemed a significant date for our family by allowing Tarah to be born on her grandma’s birthday and Mother’s Day, the very day that I thought I could never be fit to be a mom.

We only share the poopy art days to reveal the glory of how He takes the worst mess and creates the best message. How He takes the hard days of loss and balances them with happy days of love. How He loves to take the overwhelmed and transform them into overjoyed. He did it for us; He’ll do it for you too!


If you enjoyed today’s post, you’ll love Rachel’s latest book, One More Step: Finding Strength When You Feel Like Giving Up. We’ve got 3 copies to give away today! Just leave a comment below to be entered to win.

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  1. Suz Conchinha

    So grateful for your newsletters, I find myself lighter after reading them. Blessings, Suz

  2. Jenn

    What a beautiful story of God’s redemption and overwhelming grace. Thank you for sharing her story and reminding us that He is our strength.

  3. Alina

    This message touched my heart. I have found myself saying why me Lord or when is my break coming. I need to stop viewing life through multiple strength and look to the Lord in all thingd.

  4. Caroline

    This spoke to me today, I know that feeling of being totally overwhelmed, unable to cope, calling out to God ‘why me ‘ ‘ why my family ‘ ‘it’s not fair’
    I am on my knees praying Lord heal my daughter, give me the strength to cope with each day… I often cry in the shower, hot tears rolling down my cheeks, the sound of the shower hides the sobs that come from my heart. God is my strength and refuge I know this to be true, but I allow my emotions to rule my heart, I am mum not God, I must hand this situation over to him….
    Two things that struck home were… Get a perspective on the situation .. If I am honest I loose perspective and try to sort things myself, when it doesn’t work, I become frustrated, hurt, angry.. Holy Spirit enable me to surrender ALL things to you and let you work in my life and my daughters…. And secondly I was chosen my God to be her mum…. God believes I have the qualities to help her and support her, so if God believes in me and has given me this task I must be capable with his help of seeing it through to the end.
    Thank you

  5. laura Morris

    What a great reminder!! There are days and weeks and even seasons that are so hard at being a MOM!!


    I really needed this today. So much had happened the last couple of days. I think that this book would be an inspiration to give to my co-worker that is struggling. Her husband has gone to basic training recently. She has two beautiful girls that are her life. She is a new Christian and is love to be able to give a copy of this great book to help her through the rough time in her life.

  7. Suzanne Noble

    I lost my husband yesterday after 2 months on hospice at the age of 80. I am feeling overwhelmed with all that needs to be done. I’m much younger., 22 years to exact…so at 58…here I am facing starting my life over yet again. Rachel’s devotion this morning was a direct word of encouragement from God. While, I may have different conditions of being overwhelmed…I definitely am. I would live to get one of her free books if chosen. God bless you and your ministry as you continue to follow His will.

  8. Jennifer

    Thank you for your courage to share this! Some days I too think “God you thought I was the person to handle what we have been given? I am lacking so much.” It is very humbling. To think that in the midst of the many ways we feel we aren’t good enough, aren’t more together or could offer so much more we are reminded that we were chosen for something that seems so difficult. I will continue to rely on Gods strength as I walk this!

  9. Tj

    The tears that have flowed after reading this devotional have caused a pool to form at my feet. Overwhelmed is such an appropriate word for me this morning as I struggle to make sense of the mess that I feel is my life. Parenting is the most precious, yet hardest job that I have ever had but with two teenage hormonal sons continously coming up against one hormonal woman with the feeling that she is doing this parenting thing badly, I am struggling to stay afloat. Thank-you such raw honesty and for the reassurance that God is in it with us. EVERY.SINGLE.MINUTE.

  10. renetta

    What a beautiful reminder of his life, mercy, and Grace. Also, that He never leaves us where we are. He always wants and has so much in store for us if we trust him

  11. Peggy Cuomo

    Wow, just excellent!! I am focusing on Him right now as I approach Mother’s Day. Thanks for the encouragement, I needed it!

  12. Anne

    Thank you for sharing. I’m in an overwhelming time, but your sharing has helped shift my perspective . God Bless!

  13. Deb

    Thanks so much for the encouragement! I’d love to hear more of your journey in “one more step”

  14. Deborah J. Holliday

    The loneliness of being a motherless mother and the sting of a daughter’s icy silence feels like toes over a cliff…….I am grateful for the direction to the Psalm 18 survival guide and will purchase One More Step if I don’t win it ‘cuz I need it!!

  15. Kristi Edwards

    Thank you so much for sharing part of your world with us! It’s so good to know that we all have struggles and to be able to see that everything will eventually turn out for the good of God’s work!

  16. JDodd

    What an amazing message! For other reasons Mother’s Day has always been difficult for me. I do not have children of my own and have never had the relationship my heart has desired since childhood with my mother. Now that my mom is challenged by both her physical and mental health, it seems as if one of my mommy desires may never come to pass. But God… He is not surprised by where I am and I am encouraged by this post and the Word of God that gives not only comfort, but peace during these and other times of life!

  17. Peggy

    Thank you for sharing! I had forgotten just how precious and helpful these devotions are. In this overwhelming time in my life, I have gotten away from my daily time with the Lord and my P31 reading. What a wonderful read as I start back just this morning! Thank you for reminding me that I am not alone in my struggles! Thank you for sharing your personal message and Happy Mothers Day! May the Lord continue to bless you as you have blessed others!

  18. Susan Allison

    God is so good. I was praying last night about being overwhelmed in my trial. I woke this morning to check my email devotions before rising my Bible and I came across a devotion on being overwhelmed. I am thankful that God osees and hears our hearts and desires and keeps his promises.

  19. Kim

    Thank you for sharing all your inspirational experiences.

  20. Kim

    I really appreciate all that was said in today’s devotion. Although I haven’t experienced the things she had experienced, I still feel like giving up (almost) on the daily basis. Being the wife of a pastor, mother of 3 girls and working full time myself has me down and out some days. I will remember to run to the cross and to the promises of God.

  21. Virginia

    Our God is AMAZING! He uses every circumstance in our life to draw us closer to Him. Thanks for sharing your life with us.

  22. Rachelle Craig

    How encouraging! My husband and I work with kids at Church on Wednesday night who are troubled, hurting, wear a tough man mask, and make us feel like giving up! These kids are not our typical Church kids, they are from the neighborhood, and their home lives are not pretty. Of course we will never give up, but this book could very well be what we need to receive some advice on moving forward with and for them. Our prayer is that they will learn that they are loved and accepted by us, and how much Jesus loves them. That they will accept Him, and grow a beautiful relationship! Thank you for this post today, and for the chance to win a copy of this book. 🙂

  23. Sue

    Thank you for Sharing this. Mothers day is always challenging for me and my birthday is May 15th. I have previouslyrics referred to it as my week of dread. As one of my son’s was growing up he was a challenge. Defiant, running away, drugs and the list goes on. He even assaulted my husband and I. He spent time in a juvenile wilderness camp. We thought it helped but several months after graduation from the camp he was threatening to kill himself and his biological father. I did not know what to do, my son needed help. He was involuntarily committed…twice. he refused medication and said what he needed to in sessions to get released. It’s been 6 years and our relationship is still very strained. He thinks I abandoned him.

    I renewed my commitment to Christmas earlier this year and have found a wonderful Church. I’m reading my Bible and praying. I don’t expect to feel celebratory on Mothers Day, but thanks to God’s grace perhaps I won’t feel so hopeless.

  24. Sandra Henderson

    My Mothers birthday was yesterday May 3. We lost her to cancer 6 yrs ago. She was my best friend. As you said having her birthday and Mothers Day so close is really hard. Thanks for the message Rachael posted. Happy Mothers Day to you.

  25. Judy sharp

    I was reading my devotional this morning feeling a little sorry for myself praying for Gods peace when Lysa shows up with Rachel
    And I realized I have no problems
    Thanks so much
    Our God is faithful
    Love you

  26. Carrie

    Thank you for sharing. I needed this reminder and encouragement today!

  27. Rachel

    Thank you for sharing this poopy and beautiful story. It’s a wonderful reminder not to rush God’s plan. We have been wanting to have a baby for a while now, but circumstances won’t allow. This brings me peace knowing God’s not done with us yet! My birthday is also on Mother’s Day often (May 8) and I pray one day I can celebrate someone else’s life instead of mine that day. Thank you for being real and open – I know it will bless many others as well!

  28. Jill

    What a sweet reminder of God’s constant help

  29. Mk

    I so needed this devotional today! Thank you for the encouragemeni it brought me.

  30. Kayla

    Thank you for the reminder that God uses messes. It’s been hard to see Mother’s Day cards everywhere when my relationship with my mother is strained, but I know God can heal the wounds and make something beautiful of my experience. He can also allow me to have a positive mother and child relationship with my own children someday.

  31. Karla Salsbury

    Oh how I needed this refreshing ‘survival’ story! Thank you! Will remember David’s survival guide too!

  32. Danielle

    This is just what I needed today. It was beautiful! Sometimes life can seem so difficult!

  33. Martha Carroll

    I am struggling with a decision my daughter made to return to an abusive relationship. Thank you for the encouragement. I pray for her every day. God has this.

  34. Sarah

    I would love a copy of this book.

  35. Jules

    Oh to the God that brings you victory over that very sad story. He is amazing. Yet we let doubt settle in so many times. I’m so thankful for scripture and other’s stories that bring us back to Him.

  36. Dee

    Thank you for sharing!! My step-daughter lost her mother to cancer about 5 years ago & has never really dealt with the loss. Now a single mother herself it’s even harder for her. I would love to bless her with this book & help her in this journey.

  37. nancy walmer

    I an so distraught over a custody battle my son is in for his daughter. I was her full-time caregiver and now I haven’t seen her for six weeks. Court date is next Tuesday. Pray we regain partial custody.

  38. Cindy

    You are wonderful! You lead by example. I have a friend who has miscarried several times. She is strong in her faith but needs encouragement. I will share your words with her today. Thank you for being so honest & open.

  39. Jan

    Thank you for posting this!! I am the mother of a special needs sweet baby girl that was born premature and drug exposed, only weighing 1 pound – she is precious but sleep isn’t a priority to her so my husband and I are exhausted!! We are in the process of adopting her and are so excited but some days seem very dark as we walk this unknown road. just last night I was wondering why God chose me to be her mommy- I don’t feel equipped at all! Reading your post this morning has breathed life back into me and reminded me where my strength comes from.
    Thank you!!!!!

  40. Lorie Taylor

    I could really use a copy of this book at this point in my life!

  41. Stephanie

    What a great way to wake up this morning and I certainly needed to hear it! I am so guilty to take on tasks and feel like I can handle it all on my own like super mom! Getting up earlier and earlier just to conquer the laundry and dishes before the rush of the day with three kids and work has been a bit overwhelming. And through this devotion I’m reminded who gives me strength and who I need to rely on always. I am too guilty of not making the time to breathe, read His word, or make prayer a priority when I’m Overwhelmed with my busy day. Thanks for the message and the reminder of how this mom needs God everyday!

  42. Mary Jo Cyr

    Wow. What a story that was. My heart ached for this momma. I cannot even imagine the despair…the overwhelming feeling of, I quit or I can’t. I felt like that reading when she opened the door to the “poopy mess.” Such a wonderful, loving and God fearing mother. Obviously her strength was given by God……otherwise… could she. I was thrilled to read of the gift of God in the blessing of a baby girl on Mother’s Day and birthday. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

  43. Dawn

    How timely was this blog! I lost my precious mama in July 2015. I have noticed a blah about my attitude and mood this week-knowing Mothers Day is coming. I loved the opening of this blog how she wanted to celebrate her children but missed her mom so-that’s me. So thankful for this blog!

  44. Babs

    God is good. He is our strength and He will never fail. Thank you for the reminder and encouragement.

  45. Theresa Clark

    What a wonderful and encouraging story! We all feel overwhelmed and praying to God -giving what is crushing me to Him via the lifeline of prayer and then being guided by His Word to remember His goodness and care are the only way I survive when life is not fair. And then it reminds me too that He has chosen me for this… So who am I to question Him? He brings me back to a place of praise. Not that it’s easy, it takes time to learn. Often I have to be reminded of this over and over again. But because He a good Father, I also know He gives me amazing blessings too. He gives a life of balance to each and everyone of us…He gives us himself. Hallelujah!

  46. Tanya

    I can relate to overwhelming. I had a special needs child who passed away in 1994 at the age of two years. I also became I’ll with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia during that time. Right now I’ve been having a major setback with my health and am going through some hard times with my teenager. Thank you so much for this post.

  47. nancys1128

    What a great example of God’s redemptive nature! We truly do worship and serve a loving Father.

  48. Kaylee Vida

    May 10 was also my mother’s birthday. She passed away June of 2014. Mother’s Day has become a bittersweet day as I learn to celebrate her life, cherish my memories, and still be present in my present as a mom and daughter-in-law. Thank you, Rachel, for your vulnerability and encouragement.

  49. Karen Sims

    Beautiful story and encouragement that I needed to hear today.

  50. Ariean Krieger

    I think this book could really speak to me right now. Thanks for offering the giveaway. Happy Mother’s Day!

  51. tamara

    life … we are just strangers here,,, heaven is our home… and to do life and not be overwhelmed we need Jesus ~ thank you for the reminder ~ God bless ~

  52. Janet Mihalopoulos

    I’m completely overwhelmed with my husband’s depression and his lack of desire for this world. I’m trying desperately to get him to take one more step for his treatment but he doesn’t feel anything will make a difference. I have always felt God put us together for a reason. I’m working at giving it all to God and getting strength from Him.

  53. Christina

    Thank you for sharing transparently and for the reminder that clinging to our Father allows us to be the Mothers He made us to be.

  54. Lori

    Wow, this post could not have come at a better time. I really needed to read this.
    I am completely overwhelmed by the task of raising a teenage son on the autism spectrum. He has sever OCD and anxiety and is very unstable.
    I am trusting the Lord to intervene and waiting on Him. The day to day gets very tiring…
    Thank you for this very timely encouragement!!

  55. Connie Lawson

    The book will be such a blessing! Thank you for the opportunity.

  56. Jennifer

    This devotion has been a true blessing to me. While I am absolutely THRILLED for my mom to be able to be in heaven with my dadS (both of them! 🙂 )this year, this month is very trying. My siblings and I are celebrating our first birthdays without our mom, she and dad’s birthday was Monday and Mother’s Day is this Sunday. My first thought is “Yuck”! But the Lord is faithful, He is by our side every step of every day. Nothing could ever make me doubt that, but this is just not a fun season of life. So I concentrate on my true happiness for our parents to be together again, along with all who have gone on before us, and wait for the day when we will all be together again.

  57. Kathy L

    Oh my, I cannot fathom what Rachel or any other woman with a special needs child goes through daily. But being thankful in all circumstances is what we are asked to do. Thank you LORD for these women and for your grace in our lives.

  58. Heather

    What a great way to put things in prospective. There will always be trials in our lives but hope and pray for those times to help us appreciate the blessings in our lives!

  59. Lawana

    God is so good, He is the Author of Restoration!

  60. Donna

    I too had a poop art project to cleN up with our first daughter and your post brought back many of the same feelings why God why? Today that same child has her own first born and I help out by watching him it rough sometimes I’m not as young as I once was but I am thankful she trusts me with her baby that she waited so very long for. Thankful for helping me make an attitude change!!

  61. JC

    Although quite minimal as compared to many others trials, including the one in today’s post, I am finding myself in a very difficult season. We just learned we are being relocated to another state for my hubbys job. The move will take place in a few short months and lots needs to happen prior, including selling our home. Normally this wouldn’t be a huge deal except that I am handling the showings on my own with an infant, 2 preschoolers and a dog, while my husband commutes out of state 4 days a week. To say it’s a challenge is an understatement and lately I’ve been feeling like I can’t get one foot in front of the other, and worse, that I’m failing as a mom due to the constant stress. But as always, God is righteous and speaks to us exactly what we need to hear, and I opened my email to this encouraging post this morning to remind me of the endless strength He will provide for me. He is so good and faithful!

  62. Joan

    Oh, Lysa, thanks for addressing the potential for Mother’s Day NOT being the Hallmark moment for all women. Loss of mothers; loss of children to death, abortion, estrangement, addiction, loss of custody can all lead to a very painful reminder that Mother’s Day isn’t “happy” for everyone. I try to be mindful of that and remind hurting women that they have a “heavenly (parent) Father who loves them and will never leave or forsake them”…and a better day is coming for all who trust in Him!

  63. Laura

    Your journey through dark days provides Light for others on that same dark path. Yes, you were chosen to be a daughter, a mother and a testimony of how Our Father will give beauty from ashes! Peace to you!

  64. Lisa Spies

    Brought tears to my eyes this morning. I am reminded that I am Blessed by God and also reminded that I am not alone in this journey of motherhood. Thank you for all that you do through this ministry….

  65. Anne Wills

    ❤️ Thank you for encouraging words of wisdom ❤️

  66. Rachel Q

    What a hard yet beautiful story of God’s grace. I lost my mom 13 years ago and it’s still hard on every Mothers Day so I’m so thankful to hear stories of grace. Thank you!

  67. Lois Bogenschutz

    This is such a wonderful story. You faced such challenges but with God help you were able to see the good in it. A very uplifting and beneficial story for me. Thank you for sharing.

  68. Loretta Culbert

    I was very surprised to hear that your daughter was born with MPS,it is very rare. I have a daughter who was born with MPS 1 Hurler Syndrome. She was bone marrow transplanted at 21 months on Jan. 17th 1997. She is now 21 and will be graduating from high school ( Special Education) on May 20th of 2016! her name is Danielle, I would love to have a copy of your book.

  69. Anne VK

    I am so there! I have a daughter with cognitive delays, she was born 2 lbs oz 7 1/2 weeks premature with a chromosome abnormality that we cannot find anyone else like it. It has been an uphill battle and I am a teacher! I should be able to handle things right? Wrong!! My wanting to control how things are is not and has not worked. I have been working on my patience and my only strength comes from praying to my Lord. I love the way Rachel says, “God chose me to be her mom” I try to remind myself of that every day. Thank you for this passage. I really needed to hear it. I also am thankful that my daughter, Mary, doesn’t have the medical needs of others in her special ed class. She is very social and verbal. We are so blessed to have her in our lives.

  70. Hollie

    Thank you for this post! My mom went to heaven on April 20. Instead of spending Mother’s Day with my mom, we are celebrating her life by planting flowers in the garden she so carefully tended while she was here on earth with us. We miss her, but are happy that she is with Jesus and is not in pain anymore.

  71. Jane Hyden

    Mothers’ Day can be difficult for oh so many reasons. Thank you for sharing your hard place and the victory and joy that can only come through Jesus. And I pray that this year will be a peaceful and Happy Mothers’ day for you.

  72. Carrie

    Perfect reminder needed for this week…

  73. Tamala Stecker

    My overwhelmingness starts today by just feeling pulled in many directions. The number of kids we have does account for some of the craziness. When I gain perspective, most of these things are all good things with little problems speckled in between–but the feeling of so much to do, a crazy schedule, a messy house, rides to and from, what to eat, (or for some what not to eat) consumes me at times, alot of the time. I am blessed by other people’s stories and know God is that constant strength, but the verse today really saturated my soul ~Thanks!

  74. Sandra

    I couldn’t help thinking of my friend when I read Rachel’s story. It brings me back into perspective when I start to question God, but my friend has been through so much helping her husband through an addiction for many years only to have him pick up and leave her with 3 teenage children, all of whom are going through enormous difficulties (depression, identity crisis, ptss) and she is trying to hold it together. Lysa, I share a lot of your messages with her from this website and also through First5. I am so grateful for these words of encouragement.

  75. Amanda

    Mother’s Day is a hard day…I am not a mother & do not have a mother to remember.

  76. Helen Katy Blair

    I’m mindful Mother’s Day is bittersweet for many – thank you for reminding all of your readers how to look for the joy by remembering all God’s brought us through! Excellent blog!

  77. Mary Grace McGee

    This is just what I needed this morning. It was a rough mom morning getting the kids to school. God has really been speaking to me about my prayer life. Thanks!

  78. Lisa Williams

    My daughter-in-law lost her 24 year old brother 2 days after he had his tonsils out. My daughter in law was 8 months pregnant. Fortunately she had her son on time. Due to this loss and the timing of her son being born she has post pardum depression & has been hospitalized. Her other 3 children are trying to cope as well as her husband. I say all this because she said yesterday that she just wanted all this to be over. She wanted to go back to normal. I’m going to send her this post because I think it will give her hope to realize that God hand is truly there even in the midst of the storm. Even when we can’t feel him. Thanks for posting this as she as well as her mother go thru the first Mother’s Day without their son/brother.

  79. Lynda Rose

    Oh I needed this word this am. Thank you God for providing just what I need at the correct times.

  80. Deanna

    Love this reading today! Mothers Fay is not always happy for me as I have a prodigal daughter. We have been estranged now for 17 yrs. Mother’s Day is a reminder of my not being enough for her. Thanks for publishing such a beautiful reminder that I am enough because God says I’m enough. That her being away is he result of her choices not necessarily a reflection of my inadequacies.

  81. Julie Andrews

    Thank you so much for sharing. He is our Strength. God is good all the time. All the time, God is good!

  82. Becky

    Omg, how I could relate to your story. Last Saturday i had a very similar situation happen to me late at night, and I, too was on my knees cleaning up and patching, and sobbing and crying out to God asking him “why?” I was a tired mama, over whelmed, and very discouraged. People often ask me how I do it, and truly it is because I know God entrusted me with this son for a reason. I am his mom, and his challenges and mistakes, and mental health issues have drawn me into a deeper walk of faith and relationship with God. For that I am grateful. Our walk of life is part of a plan and I hold onto that, trusting God to show us His glory through it. Thank you so much for this message, I, too have lost my mom and this holiday is always so difficult for me.

  83. Tammi

    would love to have a copy of this book to give to a friend who recently had a baby boy with special needs.

  84. Renee

    My heart aches for everything Rachel has been through, but it is such a testimony to how great God’s love for us is. I was tearing up at the end when she told about her daughter being born on her Mother’s birthday and Mother’s Day that particular year! I also liked how she spoke of Psalm 18 and those tips she listed…so true about it being a survival guide – I really needed this reminder. Thanks and God bless!

  85. Lisa Lloyd

    This was a wonderful story of a mother’s love. Thank you for sharing. I (we)am at a turning point in my life. Two of our three children are getting married; our daughter on 21 May and our middle son on 11 June. Our youngest son will be a Senior in college Fall of 2016. My prayer is the Lord will help us(mostly mom here) adjust to this “new normal” in our life. I know HE has a plan for us as we navigate through the empty nest.
    I am thankful for the years of being home with my precious children. There have been many highs and lows, but God was ever faithful through all the times.

  86. Jen Wilkens

    Being a mom has its joys and challenges. Being a mom to grown children can also be overwhelming. Thank you so much for sharing your story and encouragement.

  87. Deb Waters

    I would love to have a copy of this book as a source of encouragement and to point me back to Jesus at times of major struggles similar to what Rachel has gone through. My oldest daughter that’s 33 is autistic and I have 3 babies that died before birth with the Lord, and then to have both a mom and mom in law that are in serious dementia to care for. thanks for reminding me that I’m not alone..

  88. Siobhan Brown

    Wow! Very powerful and encouraging post! I’d love to have a copy of this book to give to my mom- she can really relate.
    Thank you for the chance at the giveaway!

  89. Amy Christensen

    Thank you for sharing this! God spoke to me through this!❤

  90. Vimenuo S. Kuotsu

    I am not married and not a mother. But as I read through that blog, tears were running down my face, because though not the same situation, I knew that kind of desperation calling out to God for answers. The pain of how certain dates of celebration in one’s life becomes days of memories and pain. But it is in these dark times, that God takes us closer to Him.
    Thankful for that.
    God bless you.

  91. Diane N

    Thank you for the timely reminder of how to handle all the difficult moments of our lives, whether they are related to motherhood or not. That the lesson was taught in such a poignant message just makes it that much better.

  92. Debbie Rousey

    I was encouraged reading this story as I too have a Tay Tay who is only 22 and on the streets battling drug addiction but my heart was towards a young couple that I know who just lost their first child to (only a year old)to diabeties..didn’t see it coming! I pray for them every day…was thinking the book may encourage them..Bless you

  93. Janice Moore

    Would love one of these books to share with my bible study ladies

  94. Denise

    God’s attention to detail, His faithfulness, and how He is such a personal God are so evident in your story! Thank you for sharing. I would love to read more! 🙂

  95. Pam

    I have found myself asking that “why” question regarding my mama’s Alzheimer’s diagnosis. It’s so hard to watch her decline, but God has indeed been faithful in my past and will continue to be faithful to our family as we walk this journey with His sustaining grace. Thank you for this post today.

  96. Stacey

    Today marks the anniversary 17 years ago when I gave birth to our baby girl who went to be with Jesus at 25 weeks gestation. God has redeemed us with three beautiful children. He is good all the time!

  97. Jennifer

    Oh, how I relate…facing my first Mother’s Day without my mom, 5th anniversary of my brain injury I still am recovering from, and the trip my husband planned to distract us all just belly flopped. I need this book.

  98. Elizabeth Jones

    I think I started crying before I finished reading the first paragraph of today’s post. My mom went to be home with Jesus just 4 months ago on December 31, 2015 one day after her 64th birthday. These months have been difficult and I only find strength through God’s word and prayer. In the last month with all the Mother’s Day advertisement and gifts in the stores and on TV it has become even more difficult. I never in my mind imagined I wouldn`t have her here to shower with gifts this Mother`’s Day. I miss her so much but I know that God is more than my father but He is also a comforter and He will continue to comfort each of us.

  99. Cindy

    Thank you for this beautiful reminder of God’s constant provision for us!

  100. Debbie

    What an encouraging message! My husband often travels for work and I’m home with 3 children under 5. Life can get very lonely and I need the reminder to rely on God he is my strength that will help get me through challenging times.

  101. Mona

    What a powerful testimony.

  102. Phyllis

    So powerful. So convicting. So true. He never forgets our pain. Thank you for the encouragement.

  103. Sandi

    this post was so encouraging; struggling with a lot of issues, and trials and health situations, to the point of wondering how much more can we take; and I read this and am reminded we are not alone. would love your book!

  104. Stephanie Staton

    I lost my mom sixteen years ago about a month before Mother’s Day. That forever changed Mother’s Day for me. Thank you for sharing your story and giving me a different view of Mother’s Day this year!

  105. Margaret Pott

    Beautiful story!! Just what I needed to read today.. great message at the right time ! thank you for sharing…

  106. Julie Cummings

    Very Encouraging article. Makes my own life seem easy in comparison.

  107. Kim Vernetti

    Beautiful story of redemption. Thank you for sharing I would love to read your book!

  108. AMY FOGLE

    Would love a copy of the book!

  109. Melissa

    What a truly touching story. The message hit home for me. Thank you for sharing.

  110. Mary Margaret Smith

    I have had those days and thankful for God’s strength. Lost a child 18 years ago. Thanks for your encouragement.

  111. Beverly Rosand

    Great reminder of God’s amazing strength in the midst of our weakness. Very good advice on those days when everyone else is celebrating and your heart is aching.

  112. Cheryl Louis

    Wow! And I thought I had a bad morning today. Reading your post really made me change my perspective and think about the positives in my life and stop focusing on the negatives. Finding strength in God is the only way to get through hard times and just reading your post just really made me think about what I need on days like today when things aren’t going right. Thank you.

  113. Julie Heller

    Thank you for this post. I too get overwhelmed with my responsibilities as a mom. Raising a teenager and all the worries that go along with that, plus my youngest who has a heart condition that ALWAYS keeps me a little edgy and worried…add to that 2 dramatic daughters…whew! I’m definitely desperate for God all the time, and the time I decide to make decisions without consulting Him always tend to be my biggest mistakes.

  114. Angela Donadio

    Thank you for your honesty and vulnerability. I needed this reminder today! God is my strength…

  115. Sue M.

    While I have never been blessed with children, I can appreciate the poopy art day. Caregiving, whether of the young or the old, is an art that requires constant tutoring by God. Some days are overwhelming and other days are so fulfilling there are no words for them. Thank you for sharing.

  116. Lisa

    What a beautiful post Lysa. Thank you. I am going to print the struggle guide for me to have close by. I struggle with Mother’s Day as well. I struggle because I am a Mother of two stepchildren who live with us. Being a stepmom, I have to realize I will never be their Mom. I may do all the things that a Mom does, but I will never be looked at or treated as a “real” Mom would. Their “real” Mom is deceased. So it makes Mother’s Day even more difficult. I am lots of time, a stranger in my own home. I don’t have the same authority as a “real” Mom would. I can be ignored, and left out of conversations, and they go to their Dad for everything. I am usually glad when Mother’s Day is over.

    • Sharon McConnell

      Lisa. I am so sorry that your husband is allowing his children, and himself, to treat you this way. Father. This is not what you want for Lisa. Please open her husband’s eyes to see what is happening here. Please work on him to repent of the sin he is committing against his one flesh mate, as well as his children by allowing such disrespectful and unloving behavior. Please redeem this hurtful mess.

  117. Beth

    Thank you for sharing your heart & your story to give perspective to this new day. 🙂

  118. Miranda lyons

    I love your encouragement. I love your real life experiences that tell me I am not alone in the struggle. I needed this today. I would love to read you book!

  119. Sheryl D

    Thank you Lysa, for allowing Rachel to share her story with us. I feel a deep presence to the Lord prompting me to open up your email this morning, thus wanting me to experience His love through the two of you. As I sit in my car waiting to begin again -work for the 1st time in almost 8yrs- I realize for the first time just how God was really with me when I was planning to take my life, leave my children, and everything He had blessed me with. 5/8/16, is a Mother’s Day, like no other because He has blessed me with another chance to be His and a mother to my children. Thank you again shining His light unto my path! 🙂

  120. Chris

    As always, it seems just the kind of encouragement I need is always found in one of your posts. thank you so much for sharing this. you have no idea how much I needed this today.

  121. carolin lloyd

    Thank you for this encouraging post. This book could be the voice of encouragement, renewed perspective and hope for a similar place of struggle we have found ourselves in.

  122. Kristie Howarth

    No words to describe how this post touched me. I am not a mother but I have struggled with not being able to conceive and it breaks my heart that this was not in God’s plan for my life. I have really been struggling with a lot o f things in my life and basically just trying to run from all of it! As I sit here in tears reading your post about how God took the worst mess and turns it into a great message that speaks to many people! <3

    Thank you for sharing!

  123. Nancy Whitehurst

    I would love a copy of this book for my niece Lindsay.
    Lindsay lost her mom (my sister in law) to cancer. Lindsay was only 19 & took care of her mom til she took her last breath. Lindsay is now a mama herself and she just really is going through hard times, she misses her mom terribly.

  124. Diana

    I moved out of state three years prior, and In 2012 I spent two weeks in the hospital and then in hospice with my Mama before she passed four days before Mother’s Day. This year, four years later, her passing lands on Mother’s Day. I miss her so.

  125. Nicole

    Beautiful post!!

  126. Debbie Lane

    I’d love a copy of Rachel’s book. I was just asking the Lord this morning to help me trust in his strength because my life is overwhelming. Then I opened my email and your encouragement was just what I needed to hear. God is good! 🙂 Thank you!

  127. Sky Sanchez-Fischer

    This is God’s voice this early morning. I’ve been up all night, again like the past few months. The babies won’t sleep. And I feel consumed with the dread that I’ll never sleep again. It’s been four grueling years. I lay in bed upset and feeling Huge mom guilt and shame that I can’t get my kids to sleep through the night. Then I open this. And my heart is poured out, the tears run and my hope is restored. Mother’s Day. I opened this thinking it would be about how difficult the day can be when your own mom is here but plagued by illness that prevents closeness at many times. That’s specific but I thought it would be about how this day isn’t always full of fresh flowers and lush brunches. And this is true. But it’s also a day filled with His redemption and reminders of how much He loves us in our struggles.

    We just recently said goodbye to our sweet soul. Our little one was carried for twelve weeks before God ushered her/him back to His arms. Your story gives me the hope that I’ve been both struggling with and feeling overwhelmed by since the day we no longer saw that flicker on the screen. I Love His love for you, and us.
    Thank you for this glimpse into your huge life. I am humbled and encouraged to continue to pray and seek His best for us too. And even if I don’t get sleep for another year (let’s be honest, who sleeps anymore?) I will cherish the gifts He gives me through these little/big lives.

    One more thing, your daughter, Taylor….her story is such a light for me. I felt like I was walking the hall, sleeping on her floor and cleaning right along with you. What a beautiful and messy gift we’ve been given, us mamas.
    Thank you. And God bless every mess.

  128. Linda Halley

    I would love to read this book. We all have times when we feel like we can’t go on.

  129. Chris Worpel

    I began reading to quickly skim today’s post so I could delete it and move on to my other emails. I slowed down as I read and was pulled into the pain that Rachel discribed. We all have those “dates” of remembrance that are hard for us but then she went into what they experienced with their daughter. What she said about going to the word and approaching ALL situations in prayer has been THE THEME for me these past few weeks. PRAY – PRAY – PRAY… what an under-used privilege we have as believers. I will pass this on to my daughter who has a son with Down Syndrome and deals with how life is hard almost every day. I don’t praise God enough for how he has entrusted our little Thatcher to our daughter/son-in-law but they press on every day. I was very encouraged today by these words… thank you!

  130. Rachel

    I just finished this book after one of my teenage daughters same so close to losing her life and is struggling daily to want to live. As a a parent it has been an unbearable experience to walk through and this book was so encouraging on the days where it just felt like we were all drowning. I know I’m not alone and would love to have a copy to share when I come across the next hurting person. I’m not quite ready to give mine up!!

  131. Linda

    So needed to hear this powerful reminder in this message. Thank you for sharing what started as a sad situation which turned into a very inspiring, uplifting feeling of relief and hope.

  132. Donna Jackson

    There are so many days I want to give up, thanks for encouraging me to keep pressing on.

  133. Kathy

    My daughter is a counselor and has a client that could really use this book right this very minute. I would love to win this book to give to my daughter to help her show her client that the Lord does love her and there is hope in being overwhelmed.

  134. Michelle Smyth

    God is so amazing and His ways are so far beyond anything we can can ask or imagine. Your story brought tears to my eyes. God is in the process of redeeming me as well. I am rising out of the ashes. He has given me a testimony to share as I am just coming out of an abusive marriage both physically and verbally as well as last year having a benign tumor that was crushing my spine removed to now giving me a job that I can only do with His strength and not my own. He is so good and gets all the glory!!!

  135. Felicia

    I can’t even begin to explain how timely this is.

    My mother died one month before Mother’s Day six yrs ago and not only didn’t I want to celebrate that day, I didn’t want to hear about it or see anything related to it, for years.

    I’m still easing back into that day…

    But more than thinking about myself, this post reminds me to open my heart to other women who may struggle and cope with this day in ways I can’t imagine.

    Thank you.

  136. yvonne williams

    Wow!!! My children are adult now but I could have used this back in the days of raising them, when I felt so overwhelmed. I am just in awe of the strength that God provides for us through all of our parenting storms. I would love to read this book and forward this on to my daughter and daughter in law.
    Bless You!!!

  137. S. Snow

    You have no idea how much I needed to read this. I am currently in my car, in my daughter’s daycare parking lot, sobbing. I feel like I have no more left to give. Today is the day my great grandmother, a woman who raised me by herself from infancy until I left for college, was called to be with the Lord three years ago today. As I think about her love and strength, I feel more than overwhelmed with a home that is strained, a marriage that makes me feel lonelier now than when I was married, a feeling of inadequacy as a wife, mother, Christian, and just withdrawal. I should have been at work thirty minutes ago and I just can’t get myself to leave this parking lot. And I find that I don’t care what the result of that will be. Your post has helped and I appreciate it very much. God bless you.

  138. Gina flanagan

    This post is especially relevant to me. I started reading because I too, lost my Mother, just weeks before her first grandchild was conceived. It was difficult to know that she would never get to know him or his younger brother. Also, my birthday is on May 10 too. Needless to say that because Mother’s Day is often on the 10th, the year’s following her death, my birthday and Mother’s day have often been especially hard for me to enjoy. I appreciate the advice, especially on praying more. I know I need to take my worries to Him. Thank you for this.

  139. Jennifer C.

    What a heartfelt, touching story! I have a dear friend that sure could use those words of wisdom and encouragement right now. Thanks for sharing!

  140. Debra Blunk

    I can relate regarding Mothers birthday in May and missing her every year. God blessed me with a daughter when doctors said I could not have anymore children. Now my daughter and husband is told they can not have children and they are going through training to foster children. I pray God will bless them with a little girl one day. My daughter is a teacher and her hearts desire is to be a mother. Please join me to pray God will bless. The blessing to be parents. Thank you.

  141. Becca

    What an incredible portrayal of the way only God can love us.

  142. Elsie

    Thank you for this. I am going to read Psalm 18 and begin memorizing Psalm 18 : 1 -3.

  143. Anne Watson

    What a powerful message. I lost my mom nine years ago and so much fell apart after that. We will never be the same but I love Rachel’s perspective and will use it this weekend as I celebrate my mom, who graduated to heaven, too.

  144. Heidi Kelly

    Thank you for sharing this. Even though I have two great kids and two grandchildren that I adore, Mother’s Day is still always bittersweet because I don’t have my mom here. This Mother’s Day will be especially hard because my 20-year old nephew passed away from leukemia on March 26th. His mom is not only my niece (by marriage), but also my best friend. Caleb was her only child and his passing has left a huge whole in the hearts of every member of our family.

  145. Lydia

    Thank you for the opportunity to receive one of your books. I have dealt with at of loss which I do not understand why it all had to happen the way it did, and believe me I have wanted to give up and not take another step. Your book sounds like the encouragement I need to help me understand how to keep on moving forward. I pray I will be bless to receive one.

  146. Sheila Williams

    This devotion means a lot to me right now. I’m sitting at my dying mothers bedside in the hospital and watching her as she is being taken from me. With it being so close to Mother’s Day I’m experiencing all sorts of emotions. Life is on hold while I watch and wait. But because of God’s mighty strength and comfort I am able to cope and put one foot in front of the other.

  147. Kelly Willie

    Wonderful post! Just as I am having a pity party of my own due to my Mother’s passing five years ago, I read this and praise God that I had my Mother for 57 years of my life and praying for this sweet Mama that has already been through things I would have never dreamed. Sometimes we forget what others are going through because we get so consumed with our own pity parties! God Bless and Happy Mothers Day to all!

  148. Elizabeth

    I LOVE this! Couldn’t have come at a better time! I was preparing to share a daily devotional with a group of co-workers struggling with constant attacks from the enemy as they prepare to grow their ministry. I prayed that God would give me the right message and words to share and i received this in my inbox! Perfect! While it is not the exact same situations, the feeling of being overwhelmed is the same no matter what the cause. SO thank you! praying this gets their hearts refocused on the Lord! Blessings

  149. Amanda James

    I would love to win a copy. Thank you for all the uplifting words.

  150. Jenn miller

    Beautiful post! Thank u for the continuing encouragement : ) I’d love to win !

  151. Barb

    I lost my mom a few years ago & she was my best friend. I am blessed with one child that I prayed a long time for but now I have been struggling & praying for a long time for him as a teen because he has wandered off path. I miss my mom so much and I know if she were here she would be able to support me & help him. I have been feeling so overwhelmed & growing very weary from this struggle along with feeling like a failure as a mom. This spoke to my heart & I pray that God gives me strength & that blessings & joys will be coming soon to my life but especially to my son, who I love with all my heart.

    • Shelly Rocha

      Dear Barb,
      I too can relate to your post. Unfortunately but fortunately. May Our Father encourage you in a very specific way. I love Is 66:13 As a mother comfort her child so I will comfort you. Its been my new favorite since He brought her to Him 2010. She gave it to us on a plaque a month before she left . He knew He was about to take her place as my comforter. Children’s difficulties wear us out like birth process. Painful on every level . He is the Father of our children so we must rest in His arms just as they must. I hope this doesn’t feel like a “Pat” answer for your name is Barb.

    • Lisa

      Oh, Barb, I understand and my heart goes out to you…you expressed everything that is in my heart as well. Just prayed for you and your son (and for myself and mine) and I will not forget to keep praying for you both.

  152. Heather

    Encouragement when needed.

  153. Linda

    Needed this today!

  154. Emily

    What a beautiful testimony of God’s amazing love! It’s all about our focus. Thank you for sharing how God is working in your life.

  155. Elaine

    Thank you for your words. Very inspiring and exactly what I needed to hear.

  156. Becca

    I’d love to read this book! I am leading a local MOPs group next year and are looking for resources to encourage our moms.

  157. Paula Imerman

    I found your story very uplifting. We forget how God has us in his plans when we are in difficult situations. My husband left me and I struggle every day with the hurt and betrayal. I find comfort in your message of David’s.

  158. Lisa

    Thanks for this. I’m printing the survival guide and putting it in my wallet. After the loss of my Mother, I used to get so angry about Mother’s day being everywhere you looked. Then when I learned I’d never have children I really hated it. I feel so bad that what comes so easily to most is impossible for me. The world stops on Sunday and I just want to get off! Plus, my Father died this year. So I’ll be going through this again in a month. Thank you for something I can hold onto, something I can do to help me get through this day.

  159. Tami Koetje

    Sometimes we feel like nobody else understands how hard our trials are, no matter how unique the situation is. Thank you Rachel for being so transparent about the “poopiest ” time in your life. We all need to be reminded, even if we know, that our hope and rest and salvation from this worlds’ worst troubles really really is possible if we keep our eyes on Jesus and His Word.
    You brought back memories of my daughter giving me lotion for Mother’s Day, I “annointed” my Mom with it, as she knew her time was close, and four days later she went to be in Jesus arms. It was the saddest, most beautiful week of my life. Ever since, Mother’s Day brings tears of missing her but tears of joy too. She is with Jesus !

  160. Angela S

    It’s difficult to remember God answers prayers according to his timeline, not ours. Thank you for this reminder!

  161. Candice

    I would love a copy of Rachel’s book!

  162. Christy C.

    I really needed to hear these words of encouragement today. As the mother of a prodigal, Mother’s Day (and all the holidays) can be a tough time for me. This post gives me hope and reminds me in whom to place my faith and trust.

  163. Beth Martin

    I enjoyed your message this morning about your family. As a full-time working mother of two, youth director, school volunteer, and currently building a new home, there are many days (especially lately)I feel overwhelmed with just completing daily tasks. I would love the opportunity to read your book and learn more from you. I enjoy your daily devotions. May God continue to bless you!

  164. Tamara

    Happy Mother’s Day, Rachel and Lysa!

  165. Lisa R.

    There are many days this book would be a life saver……One More Step…….the name says it all. Thank you for considering me for this wonderful gift 🙂

  166. Anita Hurdle

    I love the words: “God takes the worst mess and turns it into the best message.” I would love to read this book!

  167. Dee

    Bless you Lysa for always encouraging us and Rachael for sharing how God met you when and where you were and gave you hope!

  168. M Nelson

    So thankful for Rachel’s post today. My husband and I are at the other end of the spectrum now as God has recently called us to be care givers for my elderly parents. I like the way Rachel said,
    “I stopped focusing on my lack of abilities to care for a child with special needs and began comprehending that God chose me to be Taylor’s mother. I am the mom He trusts with her unique and precious life.”
    We believe God chosen us to care for my parents at this time and that, because He has prepared us with many life challenges over the years, He trusts us to be the care givers He has called us to be.
    God always provides all that we need to accomplish what He has given us to do, and sharing what He has brought us through is part of the way He sends encouragement to help us stay the course. Thank you for this post. I have been encouraged and look forward to reading Rachel’s book.

  169. Katie Harris

    I found this post to be so encouraging for myself at this time. I needed to hear this message!

  170. S.Jacks

    Thank you for sharing., such an inspiration. God Bless

  171. Lynn

    I’m reading this with tears streaming down my face and Kutless singing “Everything I Need” in the background! So many things, but most recently your posts have been the most timely for the present difficulty our family is going through and I just want to say, “Thank You” for allowing God to use you to touch the lives of others. God bless you.

  172. Debbie Kesterson

    What a great message! When my mother died almost six years ago a hole was left in my heart that has not yet closed. Mother’s Day is really hard now. I too try to celebrate it for my children and grandchildren, but not for me. I am truly thankful for my children but I’m not comfortable with celebration of myself. In this current season my husband lost his job six months ago and my daughter will begin college in the fall. I work at a church so my rewards are in Heaven and not on this earth…i.e., I don’t make a lot of money. I’m handling everything, mostly in my own strength. Translated: I’m really not handling anything at all! I haven’t tried Psalm 18 yet. Thanks for leading me there.

  173. Sandy

    WOW – just what I needed to read today! Thank you for sharing and encouraging others to take that step of knowing God is our strength in every moment of our lives!

  174. Leslie Kemmet

    Thank you so much for this blog. I love Mother’s day but it is bittersweet at times. God always provides and your blog highlights that it may not be on my time schedule but He always does provide. Thank you for sharing!

  175. Teresa

    Great book!

  176. Lenita

    Simply beautiful! I love the survival guide!

  177. De

    What a great message.

  178. Noa

    Thanks for the read! Sometimes life is over whelming and exhausting and I physically feel unable but after reading this article, I know my troubles are very small.

  179. Lorie

    Lost my mom to suicide, 46 years ago and some years are harder than others. Thankful for the strength God gives.

  180. Amy

    After many years of struggle, we were recently blessed with a baby boy through adoption. God is so great! He gave us the strength to get through the long lonely years and blessed us in His perfect timing. Our fear was that His answer was “no”, but instead it was “not yet”. Why did we have to wait so long? Why was our road to becoming a family so long and rocky? We don’t know, but we do know that we appreciate this child with all our hearts and will always turn to our heavenly Father for strength and answers.

  181. Sharlene Zimmerman

    Encouraging to read and be reminded that in the midst of terrible pain and discouragement, God is there. It’s so hard at times to sense Him, and question if He has just gone dark. Our oldest grandson has been diagnosed bi polar with psychosis…we have him physically, but not emotionally or present. There are no words to express the pain of watching him and his parents try to figure out how to care for him and deal with loss of so many dreams. Our family has experienced just too much in the past years…so I’m grateful He’s here, listening and giving more strength then I sense.
    Was reminded this morning from Hebrews 5: 7 While Jesus lived on earth, he prayed to God and asked God for help. He prayed with loud cries and tears to the One who could save him from death, and his prayer was heard because he trusted God. 8 Even though Jesus was the Son of God, he learned obedience by what he suffered. Grateful in this moment, knowing He’s here and hears.

  182. Cherrita

    Thank you so much for sharing your testimony. I too can relate. I lost my mom 18 years ago and it still feels like it was yesterday. I really needed to read this, thanks again!

  183. Lisa

    Thank you for sharing Rachel’s message. It is both reassuring and comforting to see how the Lord never left her side during her struggles and restored joy to her hurting heart.

  184. Cassandra

    God is teaching me that “Every Difficulty has a BLESSING and a LESSON”. May we keep our focus on God, and His leading in the storm. Thank you for this encouraging post.

  185. Staci noyes

    Thank you.

  186. Shannon

    Each day when I wake up, I sometimes wonder what else can be dropped in my lap or even how much more can I take? Today’s’ email from you was perfect timing, God always knows what I need to hear right when I need to hear it. I have been laying awake at night trying to figure out what I am suppose to be doing with my life to glorify God. I feel like I am being pulled in so many different directions right now and I just need/want to hear His voice. Thank you for your message today and thank you for all the encouragement you send out everyday! I am starting your bible study tonight with the ladies of my church, The Best Yes, looking forward to what you will be teaching 🙂

  187. Mignon

    Thank you for your testimony. I’m caring for my son who, at 24, was diagnosed with epilepsy. He’s pretty much lost his independence and is struggling to accept his “new normal”. I am overwhelmed with anxiety and fear and know that God has sent this to our family for a reason. Your words inspire me to not give up and embrace my place. God bless you.

  188. Tiffini McLeod

    Wow – is all I can say about this post. I feel so overwhelmed at times and I do not have a special needs kid and I still have my mom. How it puts into perspective how luck I am to have what I do. Thank you!

  189. Karen

    I have been challenged recently w/ my own health crisis of a very serious nature. While I have lifted it to my savior and given over complete control, I have not been in the word as I should. I have distracted myself with nonsense television and movies. I pray continually and always give glory to my Lord for this. I do however need help in the daily word.

  190. Andrea

    Wow! What an incredible post and inspiration to read. I have had some of those experiences also (the poop art and losing a child a few months after conception). God blessed us afterwards too. I’d love to read more about her leaning on God as I need to learn this too.

  191. Brenda

    What a beautiful story of God’s ability to work through difficult circumstances. So often we lose sight of the God inside of us while the world outside is in chaos. Thank you for the reminder to draw close to Him, especially during the difficult times, instead of pulling away. He is an ever-present help in time of need, and He longs for us to call to Him and to rely upon His never-ending strength.

  192. Julie

    Oh, my! Different circumstances, same overwhelmed-ness. Her book sounds like a balm for my weary soul.

  193. Laura

    Wow! This left me in tears! Our God is so good, even when we don’t understand He is always in control!

  194. Mary Jane

    Thank you for your generosity! Happy Mother’s Day. 🙂

    Blessings, Mary Jane


    Oh, how I know the struggle! Day by day, minute by minute, second by second! But still continuing to Praise my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

  196. Karen

    I grieve over losing my son. How does a Christian get so depressed that they take their own life? I am 66 years old and I lost my 40 year old to alcohol and bipolar. It has been 7 months but just seems like it just happened. He was saved but couldn’t cope with life so he ended it. I am having hard time with this. I need prayer. Thank you.

  197. Foodie4Healing

    Thank you so much for your vulnerability and for sharing your story. We have some similarities. Your book sounds like exactly what I need. When life gets overwhelming, all I want to do is run away.

  198. Liz T.

    Thank you for this powerful message. We often need to be reminded to open up our eyes and see His goodness and love surrounding us. He is a good, good FATHER and His heart is to restore and redeem. What a mighty God we serve!

  199. Mary Lynch

    I really loved this. What heartache you have endured. Yet you remember the ways God has been faithful and reached down to hold you. My days are hard now, fighting chronic lyme disease and also wondering what God’s plan is for my high functioning autistic son. My emotionally abusive ex husband was fired from his job so i have no alimony. I am on disability and unable to drive or work. I don’t know where God is leading us in our story but i have a note by my computer that says “remember”. It tells me to remember all the blessings God has given me. I just want my story to bring glory to Him.

  200. Mireya Garcia

    My heart has been heavy, this time of year is especially hard for me, we lost our mother to cancer 8 1/2 years ago. My little sister was only 10. This Saturday a day before Mother’s Day is her 19th Birthday. And another year we don’t have a mother to celebrate with. I look forward to the joyful
    Moments I will share with my family and with with my 5 children and my little sister since I’ve been the only mother figure she’s had. But I cannot deny my heart aching as I see everyone celebrating with their mothers and grandmothers. Thank you for this word. It has really touched me.

  201. Sharon

    I really needed to see this today. This will be my 3rd Mother’s Day without my mom and this article was great to read. Thank you.

  202. Jessica Flaherty

    Lysa and Rachel, Thank you for sharing this today. I lost my mother to ALS in August. This is my first Mother’s Day without my mama. I am struggling this week as I know my children and husband will want to celebrate Mother’s Day with me, but I do not want to celebrate as I am without my mother. I needed to read this today. Thank you both for the encouragement.

  203. Raquel Aguillon

    Thank You for Sharing your Story with Us and Showing Us How God Can and Will be Everything that we need

  204. Cindy

    Wow! God is so good even in the darkest! My husband and I were told there was a 99% chance we would never conceive a child. After years of trying and treatments, I came to the point where I had to give it all to Jesus. If God’s plan for my life was to not be a mother, I had to have him fill me and give my life meaning. On Mother’s Day 2001, we took a pregnancy test and rejoiced with positive news! When I went to my first appointment, the doctor said “God still works miracles.” AMEN! That baby girl is now a sweet, smart, athletic, precious young lady who is now 14. My first miracle baby! Miracle baby #2 was born in August 2004.

    I would love to receive this book (avid reader) and be able to share it with others.

  205. Anna Davenport

    Thank you for sharing!

  206. Karen

    My sister has lost two sons. One when he was only 9 months old and the other two years ago at the age of 32. Both were sudden deaths. Her husband took to alcohol to deal with it, my sister just cries herself to sleep each night. They have just started counseling but I feel this book would be great for both of them. If I don’t “win” one I will purchase it for them. Thank you for following your calling to help others who feel like giving up.

  207. LC

    Oh Wow, that was powerful and convicting at the same time…it brought me to tears.
    Often times as a single mom I struggle with being overwhelmed, two years ago by my son’s choice to reject God and most recently his rejection of me. I often remind myself that God guides me through these challenges and although my son is now living with my ex-husband, which breaks my heart daily, I know that God will bring him back to me. I have to believe that!! Thank you Rachel for remind me of the Survivor’s Guide, I had heard it before but conveniently forgot about it. I will commit it to memory and pass it on to my mama-friends.


    • LC

      Clarification: forgot to say that my son accepted Christ last year…and since God brought him back to Him, I know God will bring him (my son) back to me!

  208. Sherri Longnecker

    Being a mother is the best/worst job in the world. And sometimes I feel like I want to give up and wonder if I am doing a good job. Sometimes I feel like I have let them down. But then I see my kids do something wonderful like giving to others or helping others and it feels my heart with joy. I know God chose me to be their mom and he will give them the strength to see it through.

  209. Debra

    Thank You Lysa, God is always on time.

  210. Sharon Nicolai

    I would love this book to read we at our Church have started Hope ministry. We distribute Hope boxes to Mom’s who have lost children both preterm and after birth. I am thinking your book maybe an amazing addition to this venture we have taken on.

  211. Sylvia

    I often rely on 11Cor. 4:16-18, to ease my crazy anxieties or whatever ocean of emotions engulf me in the present. I am reminded that being present with my feelings before my Father, He restores my perspectives on Him and lays new tracks of thoughts in His Spirit. Sylvia

  212. Lynn Bass

    Thank you so much for sharing such precious insight! God bless you and your family!

  213. Shauna

    Thank you for this! My momma died this past June of Lung Cancer. While I celebrate her being with Jesus, I’m so sad some days too. I feel like I’m finally coming out of the grief fog and my husband and kids are starting to recognize me again. I’m pushing myself to let mother’s day be a happy day so that my kids will enjoy it with me like we always have before. Prayers for everyone in the same boat!

  214. Cindi Willis

    Lysa and Rachel, You are a blessing to our lives. You both are so inspiring! You are able to put everything into perspective to gain peace in a worrisome world. God Bless you both!

  215. Buffy Keith

    Thank you for your words of encouragement. I lost my mom 7 years ago this past February and not one day is easy without her. I search for encouragement during this time and am so thankful to have found your story.

  216. Kelli Garms

    What an encouragement! This article really helped me put things in perspective.

  217. Stephanie

    Thank you ladies for sharing your hearts today. I did not grow up with a mother so it has been a hard thing to celebrate but I am joyful I have my toddler to focus on now. For her I am grateful and need to focus on her.
    I would love to tead this book. Thank you

  218. Amber Bonner

    What an incredible story of faith and grace. Looking forward to reading her book.

  219. Sally

    Thank you for this post.
    It is a wonderful example of God’s timing is perfect.

  220. Stefanie

    Thank you for this! Timely for sure! God’s grace is amazing!! So thankful for a Father who loves us and can redeem even the worst situation and turn it into something beautiful. xoxo

  221. Kathy

    This book, Rachel empty, heart broken, is God’s movement through her yeilding. Touched me in the deepest, darkest place, yet encouraged me on with my #ichoosehope decision. I would be so honored to be blessed with a copy to share with a very special searching woman. Press in press on!

  222. Ana Pena

    What a great reminder that we need to go to God when being overwhelmed with any situation. The promises are there in Psalm 18 and throughout the bible, for motherhood or other situations.
    I have a friend that just shared with me how she is very emotional with Mother’s Day coming up due to her twin boys being gone to college and not home until the week after the holiday and her mom that passed 6 years ago and her older sister just passed 6 months ago. I am going to share this with her to give her encouragement and hope.
    Thank you for sharing!

  223. Sheril Vergara

    Rachel’s story is such a blessing showing us that no matter what life’s journey entails, God is in control and He will hear and answer our prayers! I can share in the motherly struggles because I have an only child “Prodigal Son” that I pray for daily knowing that God will return him some day! Please lift my son, Evan Ward, up in prayer. I send much Christian sisterly love and knowing that there are Moms everywhere dealing with their children’s challenges whether it be sickness, rebellion or them simply falling into Satan’s snare, we Moms are united in prayer! I recently joined “Moms In Prayer International” and what a blessing it has been. God is good all the time and all the time God is good! We must never forget this!

  224. Asha

    I am literally sitting at my desk with tears rolling down my face. I lost my mom when I was thirteen. I am now in my late thirties and don’t have kids. This time of year is always so hard for me. It helps to know I am not alone.

  225. Melanie

    Thank you so much for your encouraging story. I’m going through a very difficult time due to a chronic illness. Feeling overwhelmed. I love the reference to Psalm 18. “David’s survival guide”.

  226. Claudia

    Thank you for sharing your story and your heart with us. God has definitely used you to speak to my life today! God bless you!

  227. Jen

    Truly appreciate your telling about the poopy art and other disappointments you have suffered regarding children. It gave me a positively altered perspective. My life also seems to roll from crisis to crisis – very stressful and debilitating. Sometimes I feel so defeated I literally think I’d be better off dead. My son has ADD, learning disability and ALWAYS! I seem to be expending major energy extricating him from bad situations which could impact the rest of his life. TRULY STRESSFUL!! and makes me feel very alone. I’m a single working mom by the way, with no support financial or emotional from his dad.
    Today I have a better outlook. Not why me, but Yes, I was CHOSEN! to pilot this child. And I have.
    Thank you.

  228. Sherree Forst

    o am forwarding your blog to a friend of mine who is in the “pit of despair” with their teenage daughter. I know this will encourage them both!!! Thanks for your transparency!!!

  229. Marie

    Thank you for this post. I’m a 24/7 caregiver for my mom and its been a tough week. God knew I needed this post today, His goodness is amazing. I’m reading Palm 18, answering the questions and journaling. Thank you for sharing.

  230. Sally

    What a beautiful and inspiring post. I’m so happy to have read it exactly now. God bless you Lysa and Rachel!

  231. Katherine Jones

    Beautiful story demonstrating God’s redemptive power. Praying those who need this message most win this book. If it happens to be me, I’m gifting it to my dear friend who is overwhelmed most days caring for her deeply challenging daughter with autism.

  232. Sarah S.

    I want to give this book to my friend. Last week she delivered her fourth baby at seventeen weeks. The doctors don’t know why she is losing babies at 17 weeks and she is at a loss. She knows Jesus and is trusting Him. I think this would be encouraging for her.

  233. Lori

    This devotional was just what I needed. Thanks so much for sharing your story.

  234. Cindy J

    This will be my 2nd Mothers’ day without 3 of my kids. My ex kidnapped them May 24, 2014 along with my 2 younger sons and took them into woods, exposed them to elements, dragged and hid from police for some time. Through the power of prayer I got my 2 youngest sons 3 months later but the damage had already been done – physically, emotionally, spiritually, etc. They still live with me but my mentally unstable ex nearly killed my now 15 yr old son last year, allowed my oldest son to be dependent on marijuana, street drugs, etc and commit arson, and worst not allowing me to see either of them or my special needs son who is 13 and not getting help for all his disabilities. I’ve gone through the system, police, FBI, missing children, etc all with no help. Keep getting told get an expensive attorney and drag him to court. Hard to do when I was out of work for almost 2 years raising these 2 younger ones with no help from family or anyone. God brought us through homelessness and unemployment and I now have a good job and safe place for my 2 younger ones to live (now ages 10 and 12).

    My other sons refuse to talk to me and dad won’t let me see them despite court order, etc. So this Mother’s day is bittersweet. All I can do is pray for them. I do have the assurance that they all know Jesus before they were taken from me for no valid reason other than my ex is very venegful and mentally unstable.

  235. Sarah

    This speaks directly to my heart. As a mom of 6- 2 in Heaven, 4 on earth, 1 w disabilities….. life can be so overwhelming. Thank you for your message today. Bless you and your family!

  236. Tamara Nuberg

    Thank you for sharing this story with us. Having a special needs child myself I can certainly relate. Sometimes wondering why me, why our family? God always come through when we ask him. It may not be on our time but is always on His time. Stories like this only remind us that we are not the only one with struggles.

  237. LH

    So many stories posted.
    I too lost my mother, back in 1986, but it was to suicide. I miss her so much. Sometimes I get very mad at her because she has and is missing out on so much. My second marriage to a Godly man, our blended family and our grandchildren. She would have loved being a Great Grandma, I’m sorry she was in such a state that she had to do what she did. As I said, I get mad at her, but I hurt for her as well.
    Then there are the Mother’s Days that have hit me really hard (not everyone). They are usually the ones where I’m remembering the special things about her. I have written letters to my mom, for God to give to her. It doesn’t seem like she is so far away then.
    It doesn’t matter how long they’ve been gone, there always that empty spot in your heart. I have two daughters, they have two children, one being a daughter. There is just something special about a mother daughter bond. I feel that bond with my girls that my mom and I shared, with my girls. I watching it grow with my girls and their daughters.
    I have a plant that is from her funeral, come June will be 30 years. It has traveled with me to 6 homes, 2 cities, and from Michigan to Texas (1025 miles), and it still thriving.
    Happy Mother’s Day to all of you. If you have lost your Mom, find an elderly lady in your church and give her a big hug this Sunday. You’ll be surprised how well it will make her feel, and how good it will make you feel. God Bless You All!

  238. Tracy

    Oh I so needed this today. I am a special needs Mom who is struggling with the whys? right now. Going trough some tough times. Made me feel like I’m not alone. Thanks so much.

  239. Grace Rivera

    Dear Lysa:
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful and blessed story. I am not a mother, I’ve never married but helped my parents and sister raise and care for 2 nieces and 2 nephews. My sister and I decided these children, our loves, needed us in so many ways. Neither of us have regretted this decision. Today, they are wonderful, loving, giving and successful adults with families of their own. I prayed for a while, during my younger years for a family of my own, but came to realize where God wanted me to be a “mom”. We lost our wonderful and loving Mamita on November 2014 and then our Papa on October 2015. This is the second Mother’s Day we will not have our dear Mamita with us, but we know that she is with our Heavenly Father and she and my dad are no longer sick. They were wonderful parents, with their limitations of course and their gifts, but our Precious Lord gave them the love we needed to grow as good sons and daughters of a loving Father above. My mom would always say that children did not come with an instruction sheet, but that our Lord would help in figuring out whatever it was that needed to be sorted out. From your narrative, I see a loving mom who learned from her mom how to love and care for her children. I pray that our beautiful Lord keep on guiding you in your care of your family. Again, thanks for your words. They have been confirmation to me of what the Lord had set me out to do, I am a mom too, not a biological one but one who is a mom from the heart. God Bless, Grace Rivera

  240. Autumn Pride

    Thanks so much for sharing this today. I’m facing my first Mother’s Day since we lost my mom to cancer, and since I experienced a miscarriage. Mom had a May birthday also, so I relate to a previoualy wonderful month being so hard. Thanks for the encouragement, and pointing to Psalm 18.

  241. Marie P Enriquez

    I needed these today!! Encouragement!!
    Thank you Heavenly Father for been my teacher,counselor and Friend

  242. Kathy Scott

    What a heart felt message from this mother. She found the overwhelming challenges of raising a special needs child could only be met by turning to God and His Word. Psalm 18 is such a beautiful prayer by David when he was at the end of his strength. As we face personal trials and circumstances beyond our control, God’s Word and the Spirit can sustain and comfort us. This process causes growth in faith, trusting Him to bring us through to victory.

  243. Sugar Thiessen

    Thank you, it is so easy to look at our shortcomings in life, and lose sight of our hope. I appreciate your willingness to share your story, it is encouraging. Thank you.

  244. Jennifer O

    Thank you for sharing your heart. I lost my mom to cancer 3 years ago. The day we returned home, we found out we were pregnant with baby girl #4. She is such a joyful child. She has brought so much hope to us. Fast forward to this January. We found out we were expecting again-a total surprise. We lost that little one two months later, just two weeks before the anniversary of my mother’s death. I am heartbroken but healing. Rachel, your videos on One More Step have been an encouragement to me. Thank you!

  245. Kara Hyden

    Thank you for your heart to share in this blog post. Mother’s Day is always hard for me. I’ve longed for so long to be a Mother and have not had the experience to do so yet. We had a miscarriage a few years ago and have been trying ever since. This is one of those days that I get to celebrate my wonderful mom & my mom-in-law and then turn to God for comfort for the heartache in my own heart. Thank you for the encouraging words!

    • Amy Black

      Jesus knows. And He has a plan. I know that nothing can compare to a natural experience as a momma. But God has so many who need love, and I’m sure Lysa can tell you sweet lady, that loving someone else’s, would be just as grand. Place it in His mighty hands. Praying for Gods will.

  246. Joy

    Very encouraging and challenging. Would love to read this book.

  247. Retia Smith

    Like you, I have had my share of losses especially around Mother’s Day. Lost my sister-in-law who had the mentality of a 5 year old, then lost my mom 10 days after Mothers Day 10 years ago. Her last Mother’s Day celebration was the best one she said she ever had. All the family, kids, grand kids, and great grand kids were all together for a cookout. She sat outside all day and watched us play baseball and have a water fight like we use to do with Dad. We had buckets, pitchers, garden hoses, anything that would carry water was used. Mom said it brought back so many fond memories of younger years and she treasured that. That’s all she talked about for the 10 days after that. She passed and it has been 10 years ago and we still (when we get together) on Mother’s Day talk about what a wonderful time Mom had her last Mother’s Day. Mom was a very special lady. But knowing where they are makes it so much easier. God’s plan was for my mother to be in heaven when our little Violet (5) arrived to take care of her. Knowing this gives us all peace and gratification. God is awesome….and loved.

    • Amy Black

      Love this. Sounds like our family. My mother in law died May 26, 2011. It was hard. She had brain cancer after beating lung cancer. But, she crossed over so peacefully. Just a natural easy breath, and then Jesus face. We were all around her hospice bed at 2:45 That afternoon and I saw death in a whole different light.

  248. Kate

    Thank you for sharing those moments of pain & victory. I needed to read this. In 4 months, I birthed a baby and buried my mother and this Mother’s Day is my first without her. Lately, I’ve been reminded of a lot of the not so great relationship we had, and trying to just focus on the lessons I learned from even the worst moments. Thank you for the reminder that we have the grace and strength we need for the hard days when we run to God.

    • Amy Black

      Will be thinking of you and all of the others who have lost their mothers this Mother’s Day. I am not in really good terms with my momma rite now. Pray for my bitterness.

  249. Sarah Yates

    Thank you so much for this!

  250. Amy

    I have been wanting a copy of this book for ages but have been unable to afford it. Winning a copy would be a blessing beyond belief. Thank you.
    Amy Jacob

  251. Amanda

    Wow! Thanks for sharing your story! You are such an inspiration! This book looks like a great read! 🙂

  252. kat

    Thank you for sharing this! My son called me this morning telling me how stressful of a morning he was having trying to get three boys ready to take just one of them to school. I told him that parenting is hard and we’re never really prepared for it. His name is Chris. His oldest woke up last night crying because he wants his mom. His mom left him and his brother with their dad while she went back to another state. Please keep all of them in your prayers. Thanks!

    • Amy Black

      I will have them in my thoughts and praying a prayer right now.

  253. Michelle Feezor

    Would love a copy!!

  254. Amy Black

    Oh how I need this book. I read with Rachael through Gods word on her blog. She has been an inspiration to me as she is just as down to earth as I am. A woman, doing life and sharing her experiences with those of us who can use her words of wisdom and learn that life is worth the living when we have Christ at the center of our lives. Thank you for this opportunity. Congrats to the winners. God bless.

  255. Stacy Rien

    My prayers are with you. This is a heartbreaking story. We all need to remember that during tough times we need to turn to God for guidance and to keep strong.

  256. Haven Headley

    I have been wanting to read this so badly! But, my library doesn’t have it and I haven’t been able to get my finances to a place where I can purchase it (just had to pay $800 to get my car fixed).

  257. Sherry Cunnigham

    Would love to have a copy of this book for Bible study leader – recently diagnosed with breast cancer & had a mastectomy. I think she would really get a lot out of reading
    Rachel’s book.

  258. Sherri

    Thank you for sharing!

  259. HM

    Thank you so much for your post today. This will be my second Mother’s Day without my Mom. I love how God repeats what He’s trying to tell us sometimes when we don’t get it the first time. I was meditating on Psalm 18 this morning to try to re-center my heart because I’m feeling overwhelmed. It was so wonderful to read your post and be reminded again.

  260. Christine Shepherd

    Your post could not have come at a better time. I have a friend whose 2 1/2 year old daughter was just diagnosed with leukemia. She also has a 1 1/2 year old son who she is caring for. She is weathering the storm as well as can be expected, but I know there are days when it’s overwhelming. I plan on sharing this post with her.

  261. Mallory S.

    This devotional really ministered to me. I am going through challenges in my marriage and with my daughter. These words are what I need, as most days I feel like walking away from my marriage. Thank you so much for sharing!

  262. Kellie Metzker

    Wow! What a day! Thank you for the reminder, everyone’s life gets hard but God is there for us!

  263. Inell

    Thanks so much. for sharing.

  264. Latifa

    Hi. Read your article. Beautiful. I thank God I still have mum. Even though we don’t see eye to eye I am happy my kids get to be with their grandmother. My mum is 79. Love your emails and all the challenges.

  265. Tarah Wyatt

    I would love to read this book. I can relate on so many levels and just the Mother’s Day story has blessed me so much.

  266. Dawn Parks

    I still have my parents and am so grateful they are still with me! Would love a copy of the book! God bless!!

  267. Ronda McFalls

    That is a great reminder that no matter what I’m going through God will use it for His good if I will only let Him go through with His plans. I would love to win a copy of One More Step to help keep me encouraged when times get hard.

  268. Belinda

    Wow. What an amazing story.

  269. Sherri Bertrand

    Have been loving Rachel Wojo’s wisdom and insight and hope to learn more every day!

  270. Rhonda Vandergriff

    Rachel, I enjoy your blogs and emails, but did not know your story. I have difficulty with Mother’s Day and Father’s Day for similar reasons. My mother has Alzheimer’s and my father has graduated to heaven. My husband and I will never have grandchildren because of our son’s choices. We try to choose not to mourn the losses but to celebrate our lives together and have faith that all will indeed work for good for those that love the Lord.

  271. Natalie

    Such a great article. I would really like to read the book you are giving away.

  272. Tracy Hamilton

    Awesome book. I would love to have.

  273. Victoria Johnson

    This is a beautiful reminder of God’s love and faithfulness!! Thank you!!

  274. Susy Shelton

    I purchased the book & read it in 2 nights (with a bright yellow highlighter so I could remember her points!). I would love to win a copy to give to my best friend 🙂

  275. Leslie Lynn Gore

    Is it not so amazing whenever we feel that we feel like life for us is spinning out of control nothing seems to have the outcome we had expected,it’s hard to pray,for we think we should be able handle this,then the Holy Spirit comes to us,show us the way to handle it.RheiNgold lifts u up drive our tears and gives us h Grace Amen.

    • Leslie Lynn Gore

      I meant to say then God comes lifts us up nd dries our tears and gives us Grace.I have no idea where that word Rheingold came from sorry.

  276. marcy

    This message is so powerful! I have also lost my mother, and also my father , but was blessed to have them through my childhood and formative years. I pray that you, Rachel, will have another blessed Mother’s Day this year. Thank you for this beautiful encouragement! I love your journaling, too! Lysa, thanks for your offer, and for your posting. I pray for your continued blessings also!

  277. Sherryl Cole

    This book is great. I’ve read it and have bought it and shared with friends.

  278. Sherryl Cole

    I enjoyed this book so much that I’ve book and shared it with others. So glad to see you on here Rachel.

  279. Sandy

    What an inspiring testimony. My daughter is the mother of two special needs children ( she has a total of 4 children, and lost one like you a few months into her pregnancy) I know there are so many times I see her feeling overwhelmed at her task for the day. I pray for her continually and am so proud to be HER Mom. She is a wonderful Mommy to her 4 children ( 3 boys) and her last a precious baby girl, born 9 months after the death of my Mom ( her grandmother) Thank you for sharing your testimony.

  280. Sara dewar

    This will be my first Mother’s Day without my mom. She passed from cancer this past August. It has been very hard for me. I still cry at night and miss her so much. My Dad has been gone just over 10 yrs now. I feel alone now.

  281. tammy

    thanks for doing this I really would love a copy of this book and this post gave me a lot to think on

  282. Linda M Valdivia

    So true we never know the real pain that someone ia experiencing. Just because someone is smiling on the outside, inside they can be struggling with pain and sorrow. We need to beware of others and be kind.

    I lost my grandmother 10 yrs ago and that was the second person I lost who meant the world to me. She raise me and to this date I breakdown and cry. I miss our morning talks.

  283. janet diggins

    I have had several times in my life when life is out of control and thank God he has rescued me

  284. Beverly

    Love you Rachel

  285. J. Morgan

    Love this post! We all have trials and tribulations but HE is always right there! And HE is always on time! I am going through my own personal storm right now and have been searching for ways to strengthen my Faith daily. I trust Him, but we have always got to learn daily to stay one up on the enemy. I would love a copy of your book to help with my studies. Thanks!

  286. Pamela

    Mothers Day has been the worst day of 3 for me for the past 7 years. After my son died. Then having a peaceful feeling cone over my heart. That I was sure my other son (that had just dissappear due to a mental health issues) was with his brother. I’m selfish saying why do I have to lived with this day also. But I have enough faith that I know God will get me through it. The love of God is the only way to get through the bad days

  287. Andrea China

    I didn’t get to read the book even though opportunity came to buy it. I realize each post, about this book is real, refreshing, insightful, and put in the work to truly apply it to my life I can be who God needs, and knows I can be. I really do want this book I have been clinical diagnosed with depression/anxiety. This book will be a real blessing to me, and I will let an chance pass by to get a book like this to help me in my life as a christian.

  288. Emily Hozian

    Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing!

    I’ve been interested in this book for a while – we’ll see how it goes =D

  289. Phynedra Franklin

    I would love to have a copy of this book. Thanks for your encouragement during my trials of health problems. God is good and I know I will overcome.

  290. Rebecca Calcote

    I’d love to read this book. Right now I’m overwhelmed to the point of contemplating ending it all. I can’t think. I feel like I’m spinning in a very small circle. I can’t sleep. I pray but only silence. Help me

  291. Deb Campbell

    I was very much moved by the post today. Some dear friends of ours expected to be celebrating Mother’s Day with the child they were to adopt earlier this year. The birth mother never showed at the hospital the day of her expected delivery. Certainly there are broken hearted, finding hope and trusting God through this difficult time. I would so much like to share this book with them.

  292. Amy

    I would SO LOVE to read this book!!

  293. Alli

    This post was very encouraging. As a single mother of an eighteen-year-old son, who does everything that he has been raised to stay away from, it’s encouraging to read about God’s faithfulness and love through the testimonies of others. There have been many days when I’ve felt like giving up, but instead I hold on to my trust in God. It’s not always easy, but it’s encouraging to know that God honors every pray and step that we make to stay in the faith, hope, and love that He has provided for us. I would love to read Rachel Wojo’s book One More Step. I need every tool and weapon I can acquire to help me gain strength each day to go on my journey of life and be successful.

  294. Laura Hartman

    Oh how this spoke to my heart. I just sat down on the couch crying after a difficult therapy session with my 4 year old who’s ADHD is spinning out of control and just finished cleaning up the poop he smeared all over the toilet. Yes, I can relate to this story! I am completely overwhelmed! Would love to read her book and find encouragement.

  295. Lavendergrey

    My 99 year old mom went to heaven on January 1st. She was quite a lady and a mother who left a legacy of love. It was hard seeing her struggle in her old age, so her home going was a blessing, yet she is missed beyond what I can describe. I actually began missing her several years prior, due to advancing dementia. This will be my (and my siblings’) first Mother’s Day without her. I, too, have often thought of calling her…my husband and I always sent her flowers for Mother’s Day, as we live across the country from her home. I would call her on Mother’s Day (and my birthday) and tell her how much I love her and how very blessed I am to have her chosen by God to be my mother. She would giggle and say “Oh, thank you.” Oh, how I miss her! Being away from all my kids this year will make the day all the more melancholy (hubby & I are traveling and won’t be near any of the kids). Thank you for this…the good Lord is always there and our firm foundation in all things, including grief and loneliness. I am grateful to have been cared for and blessed by my God given mom.

  296. Donna Eszlinger

    I so enjoyed reading your story , as it certainly seems at times when we already have enough stress, it only piles up even more.. We wonder how it can get any worse, and yet, we get through it, and another day is granted to us.. very inspiring, thank you for your writings..

  297. Susan Boos

    I really need this book as I am recently divorced and am going through a very painful breakup with a man who I love very much and miss very much already but he only seemed concerned about himself and only talked to me through phone calls, emails or texts when it suited him. It is becoming all too clear again that I was used again for whatever he wanted or needed and when he couldn’t push me into doing what he wanted me to do… he discarded me like an old shoe just like so many men have done to me since my separation. I can’t get past the hurting that my ex husband caused me and because of my financial situation I had no choice but to move back in with him(I’d rather live in my vehicle but he won’t hear of it as now he has decided to slow down on his drinking ad that was one of the many different reasons why I wanted a divorce from him!) I don’t even feel like I’m worthy of God’s love. I had a job that I loved and did for 15 years but because of the stress of the divorce, my youngest daughter and my ex boyfriend… I couldn’t focus on my job and they fired me. I am more miserable than I have ever been in my life and daily think of suicide. I suffer with bouts of depression, anxiety and panic attacks as well as this mother’s day is bittersweet as I had a miscarriage 27 years ago(never had a gravesite and most people thought that I was stupid to have a memorial service as well as I lost my mom almost two years ago. I really want to change my life for the better as I’m really so tired of feeling invisible and unloved and know that I can’t do without God’s help.

  298. Anita Dries

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. Your emails and words are inspiring as I hunger more to walk closer with God. I would be thrilled to receive this book. The excerpts are amazing and helpful in my journey.


    Wow what an amazing testimony! Would love to read this book!

  300. Jessica

    Thank you so much for sharing! This was perfectly timed in my life. I was taking a break from all that was overwhelming me, having an emotional breakdown when I went to check my email to distract me from my tears and saw this post title in my email. God was definitely using your post in my life at that very moment to encourage and strengthen me!

  301. Cheryl

    My daughter was a poop artist also. I remember that day well. God got me through it and
    we both survived. I think that God has cleaned up many poop messes that we have made in our life. He even lets us laugh through situations when we would rather be crying.
    We are not just mother’s but also daughters to the most amazing Father. He is here for us and provides the strength and comfort we need. I would love to read your book and pass it on to my sister’s in Christ.
    Thank you for being a blessing to all of us. Hugs

  302. Kar Mun

    Would love a copy too!!

  303. Rebecca

    This encouraging story from Rachel Wojo was definitely made for me today, as I myself, encountered my own “poopy” incident yesterday with my daughter…not once, but two times!

    I was extremely overwhelmed and kept asking God, “why???”
    I have been under a lot of stress lately, so yesterday’s incident with my daughter broke me.

    I constantly need a reminder that God sees all/hears all and only He can give me the strength to take “one more step!”

    I would love to read Rachel’s book, as I believe it can help me tremendously; given my days lately!

    Thank you kindly!
    God Bless!

  304. EllenaH

    I followed the online study group, but didn’t have the book. Your story and many others that have been shared are very inspirational. I’m new to all this. Becoming a Christian and following in the Lords plans have been a struggle. I’m working on one day at a time and trying to find as much help and knowledge that I can. I’m always wanting to learn more. Not much is available in my area, so more I can get help on-line the better. Please keep up the guidance for others like me. Prayers and Blessings to all.

  305. Sandra Padgett

    My mom passed away on Mother’s Day in 2012 which was my daughter’s birthday too. We miss her every day. God bless all of you here. Thanks for the giveaway.

  306. Polly Schneider

    Thanks so much for sharing your trials and tribulations. Our family is now going through a rough time with my husband developing dementia. It is such a hard thing to go through. I went through it once already with my Mom. Now my husband. I can hardly deal with this. Only with my family’s help and the Lord’s. Please pray for us. I would love to win this book.

  307. Patricia

    This will be first mothers day without my mom. I know she is happy. I have been through trial after trial and the book would be a prayer answered. But I am hoping to give to my daughter who is struggling in every aspect of life. The sad thing is she had 2 children that have seen more than some grown ups. I know That my Fear Lord is working with her but she don’t. I believe she wants to believe it but hasn’t reached get faith yet. She is suicidal so I am hoping this will help her before she gives up. Her kids need her. Happy mother’s day. Thank you for giving is hope

  308. Lina

    Thank you for being willing to share the poop. So many Christians try to “clean it up” to tell their stories and it really leaves out the big things that God does for us… Thanks!

  309. Pamela Fredieu

    I have given the Lord my job issues. My boss is a mean and unreasonable woman. Each day I must find the strength to get up and attempt to do my job with a boss that is set on destroying me anyway she can. Somedays, I win but there are days, I don’t. I have to remind myself that both days, I need the Lord. He lifts me on wings of butterflies on days of glory and he lifts me with his strong arms when the sadness weight is too much to bear. I ask God that if it be his will, I would love to win your book. May God Bless You and everyone that hears your words hear his voice. Hugs…

  310. Monica Lafayette

    I am truly inspired, I would love to win the book

  311. Jill

    Looking forward to reading your book!

  312. Julie

    As I read the above about the book, I reflected what I dealing in my life right now. When you think that nothing more can happen, another issue hits. One after another. As I am dealing with everything happening in my life, I found that keeps me sane through it all is my God and my faith. Keeping him close and drawing from his love and strength to keep going. If not for my God, I would not be able to move on day to day.

  313. Judie Montgomery

    Thank you for this so aptly timed story. As a mother of a special needs child who is now in her 30s. I have at times wanted skip this day. As I struggled with my daughter not being able to tell me happy Mothers Day or I love you. Until one day at the end of a rough one. God found an unusual way to let me hear I love you from my daughter when I turned on tv at the end of what is now my favorite Hallmark Movie. Follow the Stars. It is amazing how God can use all sorts of ways to remind us how much He loves us

  314. Michelle

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. Would love to win a copy of this book. Have been wanting to read it for a while.

  315. Rachel Fortney

    My family has faced some trials over the past 3 years. Though my heart has been broken, I’ve been trying my best to seek God through these challenges and trust Him. I appreciate reading about the experiences of others who’ve faced similar trials. It is encouraging to hear stories of God’s intervention and healing. I’d love to win a copy of this book.

  316. Kristina R Schopmeyer

    This post was such a huge inspiration. Thank you so much for your courage to share with us all! I am super excited for the book!

  317. Charletta Rupert

    Awesome! God gives us His best and we (I) am not worthy.

  318. Mary T

    Being a Mimi to a grandson with a rare genetic disorder and special health care needs, I have always found comfort in Rachel’s sharing of her journey…. in sorrow and sadness, in joy and love, in taking that one more step. Thank you Rachel for your inspiration!

  319. Bekah

    Ooh. I’ve been wanting to read this book! I love how that led me to this great and encouraging post, too. 🙂

  320. Christina

    Thankyou! This story has helped me in more ways than one. I read your emails and find hope, encouragment, peace, strength, and sometimes smiles, & lols! I am a single mom of 2 who was in a marriage for 7 years and pushed away the domestic violence to have a “family” and to find out my instincts were correct and that, that same person was sexually abusing my children. So thankyou for all you do and for all you share with others.
    Be Salt, Be Light!

  321. Meadow Merrill

    What a heart-touching and beautiful testimony of God’s love overcoming our deepest sorrow. Not that we do not sorrow, but that he allows us to live beyond it. As a mother who has also lost a young child, my heart both grieves and celebrates with you. God bless.

  322. Aracelis E Lorenzo

    Rachel’s story is inspirational in every level!…she had helped me to overcome many times the hopelessness I feel more than often…thanks to her monthly Bible’s challenges, as I read the passages, I had become more aware of God’s mercy and everlasting love for us…I can’t even imagine the impact of “One more Step” if I get blessed enough to have it….I was impressed when I read she had also struggled like me and had felt also as weary at times…

  323. Sherry

    Thank you for sharing so openly…I understand. My son was caught shoplifting on Mothers Day and both my mom and mother in law both died on that day a few years apart.
    It is only the Lord that gives us His supernatural strength to carry on.

  324. Jennifer Zuczek

    I would love to give this book to my sister who is in the process of losing a daughter they’ve fostered for two years with intention to adopt.

  325. teresa mckay-horsey

    strength and love and blessings -you spoke it all to us to give us chance to pray for you and Our Father to give us all strength and love and blessings

  326. Michelle Myers

    I would certainly be interested in getting one of the free books. I enjoy reading books from Lysa Terkurst. Thank you again.

  327. Meri

    I have a special needs child and would love to read this book. Thanks for sharing.

  328. Brittnie (A Joy Renewed)

    This post resonates with me on so many levels. I am a special needs mommy and last year, lost a baby boy at 20 weeks pregnant. There has been lots of overwhelm, but I am so encouraged because yes, God is my strength, and He is willing to carry my load now and forever.

  329. Quiana Boyce

    Thanks for sharing your story. Also thanks for giving us the opportunity to win this great read.

  330. Jason

    Good read and would LOVE a copy of the book!!!

  331. Domoina

    You are not alone, thank you for your advice. I’ll try to apply some. Blessings

  332. Rachel

    You are such an inspiration to me. I love reading all you post, such a blessing!! God Bless

  333. Teresa Vinyard

    I would love to win a copy of this book. I really need this right now.

  334. Darcey

    Awesome story! It is so great to be able to look back and see God working in our lives.

  335. kathy w

    Thanks for sharing how important it if for mothers to give in over to God when we are overwhelmed.

  336. Karen

    Just lost my mom in another state. Upon coming home, found out my mother-in-law has cancer. Lots of deadlines for some ministries due in the next month. Have a health issue on top of all of this. Very overwhelmed at the moment. Trying to hand it over to God to handle in His way and time!!

  337. Rita

    Thank you for sharing your struggles & lessons learned. It was very inspirational! I would love to have a copy of your book!

  338. Belle

    It is when I’m going through challenges after challenges that I rely on Him as my strength to go. Thanks for sharing your testimony – it was a great encouragement to me! I would now love “One More Step” to keep on going.

  339. Siny Sebastian

    Thanks for sharing your story! It makes me realize how much more I need to hold on to our lord during the harder times rather than complaining about it. Excited about the book !

    Thanks again

  340. Mellissa

    Thank you for sharing your story and giving glory to The Father. I would love to win this book as perseverance is exactly the chapter God has me in right now.

  341. Karla

    God sure has his timing. He always answers our prayers. He responds writhing his own timeline. Not ours. It’s also often up to us to see it.
    This was perfect. Each step outlined above is applicable in all difficult situations. That’s why it’s so great. Thank you!

  342. MARLENE

    Thank you very much for your story, your faith and your hope. You are a model and an example. I will be honore to win your wonderful book. God bless you. With love. Marlène

  343. Jennifer stanley

    Yes I would like to win a copy of this book and I would like to thank Lysa for sharing her story it was just what I needed because I have lost my mom also and I was just missing her this year for mothers day

  344. Pamela Nigro

    Perfect timing. My mom went home to be with the Lord a few months ago.
    I was so dreading Mother’s day this first mothers day without her. I appreciate
    your honesty and insight. Lets me know Im not alone. Thank you for blessing us
    with your books.

  345. June

    Hats off to you Lysa for your patience and compassion – BUT GOD is a Good God and He knows exactly what HE is doing and as said in Ephesians that we are His workmanship and created to do things which He planned out even before the foundations of the world, so then Jesus is the Source of your strength and is helping you in every aspect of your life. My prayer for you is that you continue to shine for Jesus and be made more and more “useable” for His Kingdom’s cause. God bless and a Happy Mothers Day in advance. Just wanted to encourage you Lysa.

  346. Eline

    Wauw.. Just what I needed. I have had some tough weeks lately, but last night in church was so powerful. And then start this day by reading this.. Just wauw.

  347. Michelle

    God always turns your MESS into a MESSAGE! everyone has a story that it’s beautiful when God makes it your own. God is good!

  348. Ann Buchler

    Thank you for sharing your story.
    I would like a chance to be a chosen recipient of your book.
    I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior at the age of five. I’ve had a rough life; raised in abusive foster homes.
    After marrying my second husband, who was a lay minister, I became involved in many areas of ministry for 16 years.
    After 16 years of marriage my husband told me he didn’t love me anymore and hadn’t for years. He was trying to drive me insane and told many lies to our church in which my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ shunned me. Not one person would speak to me from my home church. Since then (five years ago) I have a new home church in which I’ve been very active.
    However, in August 2015, I began suffering another health problem and major financial hardship. Due to my health problems I have been unable to attend church. Not one person has called to inquire as to why I haven’t been at church.
    You talked about talking to God and reading His Word. I am so lost at the moment. I am alone. I don’t have any friends.
    If chosen to be a recipient of your book my goal is to get my life back in line with my Savior.
    Thank you for your ministry.

  349. Nicole

    Thank you for your honesty and your heart. I needed this.

  350. jessica dann

    God is good!

  351. Martha

    This was truly encouraging today. I would love to read Rachel’s book!
    Thank you!

  352. Lisa

    Thank you for allowing God to speak through your words. I have had the highest of highs and am experiencing the lowest of lows. All my babies are grown and out of the house and what should be a time of celebration and renewal in my 30 year marriage turned into an affair and betrayal. I am okay. a year later on my own and recovering. But I struggle. Thank you again for sha ring your stories and God’s word!!

  353. Sarah

    Amazing inspiring encouraging and very pertinent word for me this season! It’s great to know we aren’t alone but we all face overwhelming situations and stages of life! But it was beautiful to see how God redeemed that date for Rachel’s family!! How beautiful and such a testimony of Godslive grace and wonderful redemption!!! It showed me how much Our God is in the Business of restoring back to us what the enemy tries to steal!! Thanks for sharing Women of faith!!!!

  354. Reilda Earp

    Thank you for sharing. I have learned the hard way to trust the Lord & wait on Him to answer my prayers. It is in His time not mine & that is something we all need to learn and take to heart.

  355. Marcie

    Thank you for sharing, Lysa~ your sorrow & pain & JOY! HE has indeed turned your mourning into dancing! What a beautiful story of God’s unfailing grace & blessing.

  356. Terry Dykes

    I would love to have a copy of this book for my daughter who has taken in a teenage boy and has been trying to mentor him for the last 2 1/2 years. His mother is a drug addict and he keeps trying to go home and help his mother. This keeps him in an agitated state and prone to use drugs, etc. My daughter is overwhelmed with trying to figure out what God wants her to do. It is affecting her family.She has no legal rights.

  357. Ann

    What an encouraging story, thank you for being real!! It is just what I needed! God bless you!

  358. Lisa

    I am at a hard time in my life where I really need to trust in God to totally guide my steps. I would love to read this book and see how she does it.

  359. Summer B

    I would love to have a copy. I just did the online bible study she hosted without the book. What a gift she has! Thank you Lysa!

  360. Holly Irwin Fine Art

    God bless you, Lysa. Thanks for your courage and faith and for sharing this with us. Happy Mother’s Day!

  361. Phyllis

    My husband has a severe traumatic brain injury as a result of a car accident that happened in July. On May 9th we will celebrate 29 yrs of marriage. And we will celebrate, despite the incredible changes and disruptions in our lives. The Lord is ever faithful and true. The miracles are there when I walk with Him and keep my eyes and heart focused on the Lord.

  362. Judy

    Thank you so much for your encouragement. Just last night I cried myself to sleep because I feel so overwhelmed and I can’t seem to feel God’s presence. God is good. I know He loves me!

  363. Maambo Mwenda

    I lost mum on 18th March 2016….She was sick 7 years from stroke-related complications but even then I was NOT prepared for her death when it came. I still walk around like a zombie and ask God WHY she died when we as a family had prayed for healing….so I find strength in your post….because we put mum to rest 7 days later on Good Friday…and I know NOT how I will face all the coming Good Fridays…..Thank you! For reminding me that from all this pain of loss, anguish, grief…..God will definitely give us beauty for ashes.

  364. Winona Wise

    Had a copy but gave to my niece who is in a difficult place. Would love a copy for me. I do love the journaling of verses, so I can go back over and over. Thanks.

  365. Teresa

    I would love a copy of Rachael’s book! I found her on Pinterest when looking for Bible journaling help. I kept being pulled to all areas of her website & her words have helped me to renew my relationship with my Heavenly Father! She has become my online mentor, friend & sister in Christ! I am praising Him & I am inspired with the daily devotions & reading her blog! I can’t express in words how much Rachael has inspired me at a time I just wanted to give up. God has lead me to Rachael’s website & for so many reasons, to take “One More Step.” Now, each day has a new beginning, a new commitment & a renewed strength from Jesus Christ our Lord! I have purchased the eBook & have been wanting to order the actual book, I guess I’m one of those people that loves my books! I love to go back & read it over & over! Thank You Lisa for this opportunity to win this awesome book! Many Blessings!

  366. Lilly

    Thank you so much for sharing that story. I know that it will touch so many .

  367. Elaine Lukawski

    Thank you. This has certainly encouraged me

  368. Sheri

    Mothers Day has always been bittersweet for me as well. My mom passed away when I was 32. She was my best friend. No other person cares about you like your mom. No one else gets excited about the silly, seemingly insignificant things in your life like your mom. This Mothers Day I will be dealing with the reminder that I do not have a mother once again. But compounding the loss this year I am processing the responsibility of being the mother of a clinically depressed young adult child who tried to take his life 5 days ago. God had it all under control and I’m reminding myself of that continually. But it still hurts deeply. Mothers Day right now feels like a cruel joke.

    • Deb

      Know that God created you exactly the way you are, for such a time as this-Our family motto this year is “We were made for this” I cling to the hope that comes only from Christ and all that He has given to us-We must only receive! YOU were made for this, Sheri!!!

  369. Michele

    This was a great message today, I needed reminding that we do have a survival guide that we can turn to any time we are in trouble or we are discouraged. He is an amazing God and even though we may not understand His ways, He is in control and does want to help His children just as we want to help ours. Thank you again for sharing and I would love to have a copy of this wonderful book for self study. I have followed not only your blog but all those of Proverbs 31 as well as Rachel’s. Your all truly blessings to all of us mothers, daughters, sisters and wives. Have a blessed day and Happy early Mother’s Day to you and all that read this.

  370. Christi

    I have been in a tough season of my life for a long while now. Posts like this are especially helpful. I’m grateful for people who are willing to share their insights. Without things like this, I wouldn’t be able to keep going, and most likely, wouldn’t be here. Thank you!

  371. Diana Lopez

    What a great reminder. I was diagnosed with depression and agoraphobia. But God uses me even when I feel like hiding. God is with us in all our circumstances good and poop days.

  372. Patrice

    God has such an amazing way of letting us know His very real presence in the heartfelt words and through the loving hands of those we encounter daily ! You have certainly made Him present to me today. Lately my faith is being put to a true test after learning that my son, who is already enduring the rigors of flight school as an ensign in the Coast Guard has been found to have TB. I am also trying to make a difficult health decision following my doctor’s suspicion that I may have an undetected cancer growing in me. And I am now waiting to hear if the downsizing of our Catholic school staff will mean my termination from a job I have partnered in with God and absolutely love. I stumbled across Rachel’s site while investigating Bible journaling, and have found great encouragement and comfort there. I had to share it with my co-workers as we face an uncertain future in our beloved school. Rachel’s book is on my list of celebratory delights to pursue if I keep my position. So I would love an advance copy in the spirit of hopefulness!

  373. Elena Wells

    Rachel, your words are so encouraging and such a beautiful reminder of just how great our God is! Last June I had 17 vertebrae and 2 rods placed into my spine. Then on April 3rd of this year I fell and broke my neck. Through the grace of and favor of God I am able to walk! This journey is difficult but with God on my side it is also possible and your daily words and bible study are so encouraging to so many. Thank you Rachel for being a true woman of faith. Sincerely, Elena

  374. Kathie

    Needed your encouraging email today. Caring for my mother who is on hospice in my home can get very, very tiring – emotionally and physically. So thankful she is with us one more mother’s day – Lord willing. Thank you!

  375. Maryann Schwinge

    Thank you for this message in my mess!!! When I was feeling very sorry for myself and missing my Mom so much because she too has graduated to heaven your devotion came along and for that I say thank you!!!

  376. Lisa Taylor

    Thank you, this was awesome….

  377. Diana Glasier

    Oh my. What a amazing and moving account of a mom living by the grace of God. I can hardly imagine her struggles, but know her Father and mine are leading us all the way, and when we cannot walk on our own, He is carrying us through the deep waters.

    Thank you for sharing.


  378. JoEllen Silvas

    This is an amazing story and inspirational. On my way to taking one more step.

  379. Kristy

    Your story is really inspiring. Thank You so much for sharing.

  380. Karen M. Roth

    Rachel, May I just say once again that you are a source of Inspiration, Encouragement to me. I am so sorry for the loss of your dear mother and your precious baby. {{{hugz}}}}

    My mother forced me to give up both of my children and in between the two I also suffered a miscarriage and since then I have not been able to have another child. My own mother told my children such lies about me that they do not want anything to do with me and my own daughter told me straight up that she will be happy when I am dead. Well she may be getting her wish. I have had either Giant Cell Tumor or a rare form of cancer Chondroblastoma for the past 2 years and did not even know about it and now all my access to the treatment I need is being blocked.

    So you can honestly say that I am a Motherless Child and a Childless mother.

  381. Lisa

    Needing this inspiration so much today. Thank you!

  382. Lisa

    Needing this inspiration so much today. Going through the worst situation I have ever faced in my life and my heart is hurting so.

  383. Doris

    I really need help with the next step.

  384. Tina

    A beautiful message. Made me cry.

  385. Vernaliza. Francisco

    Thank you for sharing your story. It is amazing and encouraging. I would love to have this book.
    Thank you again.

  386. Lindy Swanson

    What a beautiful, encouraging story. Lord, thank you for giving Rachel your help, comfort and grace to get her through this trial. We praise you, Jehovah, for your faithfulness and love. May God bless you, Rachel, and multiply your joy and fruitfulness as recompense for all you have suffered.

  387. Steph Gilmore

    Wow! What an inspiration! Thank you for sharing your story!

  388. lisa halloran

    I would absolutely love a book! My husband has been without full time employment for almost 4 years, and we had to sell the house. Right now I am struggling with being mad at God, and trying to love Him for Him and not for what He can give.

    I have tried her strategies, and find I need to keep repeating them. I love her attitude through all the trials God has allowed. He is definetly teaching us perseverance so that we can become mature and lack nothing. It’s a bit painful1

  389. Deborah Champion

    I truly need these reminders in my life. God is my strength.

  390. Grace Jones

    What a precious reminder. Thank you, Rachel, for reminding me to turn to God in all things. Poopy diaper days and all.

  391. Jessica

    Wow! I needed that today. I have 3 kids (10, 3 and 4 months) and I absolutely have days that I feel that I wasn’t meant to be a mom. But then I remember how hard I prayed for these babies (diagnosed at 16 with PCOS) and how our last one was conceived just months after my dads sudden death, and I know that He wouldn’t have gave me these babies if He didn’t know that I could raise them and be a good mom!

  392. gayle montiel

    Thank you so much for this blog post. I would not only be blessed to read her book, but know a ton of women who could use some encouragement going through tough things in life.

  393. Corena

    Thank you for this reminder. As you know by now your book which I was honored to preview was a tender instrument God had ordained to pull me closer to Him. I have gifted your book many times now and if I get another copy I already have a struggling mom friend who would receive it. His gift to you has been a gift that keeps on giving. Tay is in my prayers because I understand how hard it is to see your child suffer. You are all loved. God bless you and have a beautiful Mother’s Day

  394. Suzanne

    May is your month with your mother birthday/mother’s day. June is my month with my father’s birthday/Father’s Day. I continue to ask myself: “Did Dad know I loved him? Did I tell him I loved him the last night at the hospital before he died?” The questions are never ending.

    I would LOVE to have a copy of this book!

  395. Rebecca

    Thankyou for sharing your caregiving story. I was caregiver to my mother as she slowly died with Dementia. The Lord was so faithful in showing me that while I was losing the one person on earth that loved and knew me better than anyone else, I had him and he was all I needed… Mothers day is hard, but I know whom I have believed in and know that he is able that which I commit to him againat it all! I would love to read Rachels book. Thanks again for sharing one of your really hard times.

  396. Brenda Gentry

    Would love to have this book to share with others.

  397. Mrs Mac

    This is a very wonderful confirmation that God is always working things for our good even when our eyes are full of tears and our hearts ache. I find myself in this 2016 Mother’s Day season experiencing the emotional sensitivity associated with missing my mom for over three years now. I actually did not realize that my weepiness was as a result of Mothers Day festivities going on around me. The shouts outs to Moms on radio stations, people making plans to get pampering packages or hair do’s for their moms has me hurting for my mom. This story gives me hope and let’s me know God still has some joy ahead for me.

  398. Jennifer Lawson

    Thanks for sharing. We just have to continually believe “If God don’t do it, it’s not because He couldn’t”. Sometimes the answer is NO!

  399. Pam Handy

    Yes, it was a messy story but I love mom stories. We all have so many. Mother’s Day was also my favorite time of year. Then mom passed, She went to heaven in Jan. so Mother’s Day that year was very hard. I talked to my Pastor and he let me have a Mother’s Day Brunch for the ladies of our church. It took my sad day and made it happy. Mother’s Day is still hard but I try to think of all the good times instead of being sad. Mom would want me to smile. 🙂

  400. Wendy

    Oh how I needed to hear this today! God certainly knows when we need to hear his divine words!

  401. Sue

    Rachael – I so appreciate your scripture and sharing. I feel that right now I am going through A deep, dark valley. I didn’t think things would get worse after having an emergency splenectomy in 2013, followed by a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. God saw me through these things (Whipple surgery took out the cancer and I have been cancer free for 1 1/2 years.). But since 2016 started, I have lost both my parents and my son and daughter are in the middle of a horrible argument which I am starting to see it will take God’s grace to solve. It is clear an attack of Satan on our family while I am trying to mourn my parents and carry out my duties as executer. Your message is so lifting..

    • Karen M. Roth

      I am so very sorry for your loss and for the trials. Will be praying for you and your family. {{{hugz}}}

  402. Joyce de la Rosa

    Thank you for sharing your story. My mother would probably share one she had about my brother decorating a Grayhound Bus in the same way (happened back in the 40’s). Your story brought back that memory of which now I’ll have to call him just to rag on him a bit about it.
    I will pray for you and your family. My problems seem so minute compared to yours and others. Tay is a gift from God and He gave her to you because He knew you’d be the BEST mom for her. As I look back, I thank our Lord for ALL my children, (2 of my own and 4 step). They are all grown up now with families of their own. My baby is going to be a father in June and I just pray that I have given him the best of my knowledge for him to be a great father. I just pray that he brings his daughter up believing in God, as his wife is agnostic (believes in a higher power but doesn’t want to call it God) and won’t allow me to tell my granddaughter about God. So I pray about that every night.
    Well, Happy Mothers Day and may our Lord bestow His many blessings upon you.

  403. Jennifer Shoalmire

    Thank you for sharing your overwhelming moments.

  404. Sylvianne

    I enjoyed your devotions and learned a lot lately how to depend on our Lord more and more He’s the only one we can depend on and trust

  405. Sharon Snyder

    Thanks So much for the post!! I needed this today, a day before my 6th Mother’s Day. My 5 year old has been challenging me. ( Oh, yes, about 3 years ago, my daughter had painting poop-days, too. )Today, was tough. Ugh! My 2 year old little boy is allboy and my daughter is all drama. 🙂

  406. Marcheta

    Your devotional was wonderful.thanks for sharing . My husband has Parkinson’s and I thought some of my days were hard but nothing compared to your Mother’s Day. I count my blessings each day. God bless you in your ministry.

  407. Sue Walker

    I’m new to the website

  408. Allison McElwee

    Thank you for this post. I too struggle with Mother’s Day, for different reasons. But it was so encouraging to hear this mom’s story. As I celebrate my first Mother’s Day with a child away from home, I will try to remember how God has seen me through many Mother’s Days, and He will be with me for this one, too.
    P.S. My son did the same art project when he was little…every afternoon that I didn’t get him out of his crib fast enough when he woke from his nap!

  409. Pamela Burke

    Thank you for sharing your story. I would love to win your book and share it with the women in my family!

  410. Jeni

    Wow. I needed this. As a mother, this has been the hardest year of my life. I know eventually this chapter will end, but instead of just wishing it away, your posts and Facebook posts have encouraged me to embrace these moments and embrace Jesus during these moments. Thank you for all your encouragement daily.

  411. stacy jenkins

    Thank you so much for sharing your stories.

  412. Lisa

    Such a great reminder that God will meet you right where you are

  413. Pat addler

    I so needed this story this morning! Thank you for the chance to win her book! Happy Mothers Day!

  414. LaKisha

    Very empowering story. Thanks for sharing.

  415. Rhonda teasley

    Happy Mother’s Day

  416. Angela Smith

    Thank you for all you do! You are an inspiration!!

  417. Carla Baker

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. I feel very overwhelmed, and my heart is heavy with what I am going through right now with my children. I turned to Lysa Terkeurst’s page in the hopes that I would find a word of encouragement to go on. I found it through your inspirational story. God bless you and your family.

  418. Patty Prout

    Thank you, for sharing your hard times as a mother, I too have a daughter who needs daily care she lives with a eating disorder, and don’t want help it tears my heart in pieces, I love her and don’t want to see her hurting. Sometimes I doubt I am a good mom because I can’t help her. Been dealing with it for over 10 years , plus went through breast cancer and taking care of a sick mom in her last year of her life. Thank you for your encouragement.

  419. God's Runner

    I appreciated your post and I particularly like the title of your book–“One More Step”. I’m a runner and I know the feeling of deep fatigue; the point at which all you can do is take one more step, and then one more, and one more after that. If you focus on the thousand steps yet need to finish the race, you’ll cave. This is the life of faith, dealing with each days tasks as they come. I hope I get the chance to read your book! Blessings to you. Keep “running on!” in Jesus!

  420. Jesseca Morales

    Thank you so much for all your dedecation and time. Through life struggles Your posts and emails are such an encouragement to me and help me daily with my walk with Christ.

  421. Geegee

    Hello your blog about your daughter is encouraging i too need to be saved and changed for me and my family. Pray that ill repent and submit to God and resist the devil. In jesus name. Thanks.

  422. Anna Weekley

    I to am struggling with a diease that is really hard to deal with, espically when your older senior and you are very alone with no one to help or support you. I have a mother but she lives several states away and didn’t even acknowledge the special card I created for help. Why am I so alone?

    • Kellie Smith

      You are not alone! God is with you always – praying for you.

  423. Megan Blazovic

    Absolutely beautiful! God’s attention to detail is amazing and revealed in your story. Thank you for sharing 🙂

  424. Nicole S.H.

    Hi Rachel
    Your post inspired, and encouraged more than you can know.
    We’ve all have those days, weeks, months, and even years, living under an im-moveable dark shadow, where everything seems to be ‘going to hell in a hand-basket’ and it can be an almost monumental struggle to keep ‘getting up and going forward’ with our ‘brave mask faces’ to deal with ‘one more thing’, ‘one more time’, just when we are at our most discouraged, beyond weary, and frustrated. (ie as per the song by Mandissa “Just Cry”). Those times when, with every fibre of our being is screaming for a ‘time out’ to stop the negative spiral, and to allow us to just savour a few refreshing moments of ‘normalcy’, rest, and a change of scene. My heart aches for you and your family that you have suffered deeply, witnessing, and living with the tortured progression of your daughter’s MPS, every step along with her. Through it all, she is God’s gift to all of you, as equally as you are all God’s very best gifts to her and the best-est ‘family’ to bring her through this, whatever God’s will, though God willing may he choose to provide you all ‘your needed miracle’. As you have alluded to in your post, such is the magic of God’s ways, that like the Phoenix, he can transform the greatest good(s) beyond what we can ever imagine, from the ashes, and darkest places of our lives to inspire, encourage, and bring about much good, holy, and positive into the dark places of multiple others’ lives. I am thankful for you, that you have been able to come out the other side, to find/see your light again and a nourishing source of hope, joy and ‘soul food’. Thank you for taking the great courage to share from one of the most vulnerable, painful places of your life, and to allow from it, TayTay’s and God’s hope and life to shine forth from it to give as a great gift for others.

    I just love you ‘sisters’. You do not really know me, though amazingly enough you all still you just so ‘get me’, and those past hard places of my life. Helps to know that we are not all alone in these, and that we can help each other carry on with our ‘true and authentic’ brave faces. Nicole

  425. Kellie Smith

    My husband and I just separated (he has been having an affair). I have 2 young children, 6 and 3, who I have been a stay at home mom with almost their entire lives. My son is in kinder, and we have been so blessed to have him attend a private Christian universitity model school where he goes to school 2 days a week and I homeschool him 2 days. It has been my dream and the biggest blessing to be at home raising my children. Now, I’m unsure I will be able to continue with the homeschool, and keeping my 3 year old at home all the time, and my heart is BREAKING. Reading your post is such an encouragement to remember all God has brought us through as a family, and that he knows the desires of my heart, and loves my children even more than I do! Which is amazing! Thank you for sharing and showing me to go back to God again and again where He will give me hope and rest, and most importantly make sure my children’s needs are met.

  426. ricky

    It just goes to show GOD can take our poop and our struggles to deal with it and make a blessing not on our timing but his. I find myself trying to fix things NOW and not waiting on GOD. What is his plan? If I am not being stretched am I truly living God’s will?

  427. Sharon

    I could not believe the words when I read of your loss on May 10, Mother’s Day, and of the Lord’s reclaiming the day for you. I can so very much relate. The very thing thing happened to me. My husband was killed on May 10, Mother’s Day. Whichever date it fell, on Mother’s day or near it, I was in pain until 1989 when my second grandson was born on May 10. God redeemed the day for me! That grandson is now 27. Our God definitely pays attention to the details! Thank you for sharing your story!

  428. Renee

    Thank you for your Godly words in the right time!

  429. Suma

    Thank you for sharing your precious story. Every time I feel discouraged or overwhelmed, God lovingly encourages me through songs, prayers, and touching stories from people. Tonight, God put hope in my heart and spirit with your words.
    Thank you!

  430. GRACE

    Thank you Lisa you did it again, touching the most hurting places of my heart, by allowing God to use you to inspire me and the rest of the sisters, am pressing on. God bless you

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