All relationships can be difficult at times, but they should not be destructive to our well-being. Learn the difference between a destructive pattern and a difficult season with this free resource, “Is This Normal? 15 Red Flags You May Be Missing in Your Relationships.”


Monday Night Dinner Webcast Replay – Now Available!

September 9, 2014

Hey blog friends!

If you missed last night’s Monday Night Dinner webcast, good news – it’s available to watch again in the video below!

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(If you’re viewing this post in an e-mail, click here to watch the video.)

I so enjoyed talking through ways to recapture the “US” in the midst of our “RUSH” last night.

If you’ve set your life to the rhythm of rush and need practical ways to step out of the chaos, my new book, The Best Yes, can help. Click here to purchase your copy!

P.S. SAVE $20! Speaking of recapturing what gets lost in the rush… I’m so excited that Women of Faith’s theme this year is “From Survival to Revival.”

I’ll be talking more about how to unrush our schedules at an event near you! And here’s the fun part… for a limited time you can save $20 on your registration when you enter the code UNRUSH20. Click here to register!

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  1. Beverly Reynolds

    I thoroughly enjoyed last night chat around the table. I am retired but feel like I am in a rush all the time. This challenged me to make better use of my time to include more prayer and bible study time. Thanks so much for your words. I just attended a WOF conference last week. It was a blessing.

    • Renea

      Looking forward to this online study!!!

  2. Jeanette

    I loved hearing from all the moms who have kids in different seasons. I have a 16 year old, 12, and 8 month old. This was perfect! Thank you!

  3. sophie

    this is so so great! thank you Lisa!! I really feel like I am having dinner with you ladies! thank you for the message!

    • sophie

      oops.. I meant “LYsa” of course!:)

  4. Brenda Lyddy

    I enjoyed the evening with you ladies at the dinning table very much. A great introduction to your September 22 Bible Study. A bit of humor, I was trying to finish preparing our meal for myself and husband. I was fixing my gravy and watching on my iPad to you when I smelt something burning. Yes it was the gravy and I was standing right by it. Lol. Threw it out and made more. Next time I must say make my decision to have our meal cooked in advance. Anyway before the program was over I heard my husband in the kitchen washing dishes. How sweet, is that!!! I just love Lysa TerKeurst!!! Ladies go to her site and register for The Best Yes Bible study.

  5. Anna

    I was unable to see the video last night, but thank you for posting it for all of us to enjoy today. It was amazing thank you all for sharing from your hearts. I am a stay at home wife and mom and I seem to always be on the move, and feel like I never get things done. I really am looking forward to doing the bible study and learn more about breaking down the hours and blocking of time. I have been praying for awhile now about having more discipline with my time to study and be with God, I start off so well, and then get so side tracked, re-group and start again. I want to stop that cycle.
    Thanks again.

  6. Chelsea

    I’m a mother of 8 beautiful busy adopted and biological children ….this webcast was absolutely stunning! What a phenomenal way to look at the rush rush of our lives. Thank you!

  7. Kristen

    I really enjoyed the webcast! Thank you so much for articulating something that so many of us feel. I am in a different season of life than I am used to and feel “off” – does that make sense? I am asking the Lord to help me find the “us” in the middle of all this different kind of rush.

  8. Kathy Bruce

    Watching this webcast was my best yes tonight!! #thebestyes

  9. Amanda

    Thank you for posting the video to be watched later. I missed it Monday night. Tuesday is my best shot at a unrushed night. Amazing that there are 26 children among 6 of the 7 women present. That’s a lot of opportunity for noise. Thanks for sharing your dinner.

  10. Shannon

    Lysa … thank you for saying “yes” the “best” of what God has for you. I must admit that I have felt overwhelming angry and resentful because I feel like I am expected to say yes to everyone and everything. It is embarrassing to admit, but here’s where the healing starts. I have lived my life as a checklist and have become more task-oriented than people-oriented. I find myself yelling at my 4 yr. old princess who just wants my attention – I could learn how to enjoy life just by letting her “be”. I’m on edge with my husband because he doesn’t keep the checklist I do – I could learn that perfection is not God’s requirement to love me, and He does not want me to impress that expectation on others. I want to laugh more; I want to pray without distractions – to silence the internal commentary so I can really hear and feel God’s heart for me.

    I am picking up “The Best Yes” this week! I can’t do life like this anymore.

    Thank you!

    • Cindy

      Hi Shannon. I really appreciate what you have shared here, especially ” I want to pray without distractions – to silence the internal commentary so I can really hear and feel God’s heart for me.” Wow! Silencing the internal commentary – that is good – and I am thinking in more than prayer time. It would be advantageous in many instances. May God help both of us this area. God continue to bless you richly!

  11. Katrina

    Thank you so much for allowing others to be part of your “Monday Night Dinner”. What a beautiful conversation!

  12. Nancy Specht

    I loved the real conversation of the ladies! I so want to be there! But twondering about my husband and our relationship and the best yes… help! He works and conquers those tasks so proficiently but doesn’t get the best yet thing with where I am… help! How do I gracefully engage my husband?

  13. sylvia

    Thank you for sharing this night with us. Iam watching your video one day late because of my rushed life. This is a great
    Eye opener for me. I will work at being more INTENTIONAL and less rushed. I dont want those little but BIG moments
    To go by and miss them. Thank you and may God continue blessing you with many more ideas to help us grow in our
    Walk with the Lord our creator and at the same time enjoy the little but BIG moments with our family members..

  14. Janet

    Loved this! Thanks for bringing us around the table with you 🙂 Great encouragement here!

  15. Rebecca McFarland

    There wer 7 ladies at the table for dinner and 26 children left at home. I would answer them all but I will save space. Loved the webcast…..I’m already trying to find the “us” and the God moments in my life with hubby & 3 teen boys. Keep up the great work.

  16. Johanna

    I absolutely LOVED the webcast Monday night!!! Thank you!! You ladies are all amazing examples for us Jesus-girls!! I love that you all keep it real. You don’t pretend to have it all together, because let’s be honest, who does?? I know I don’t. I am a work in progress and I am open to allow God to work in my heart! I am looking forward to the Best Yes OBS!!

    God Bless,

  17. Cindy

    Hi! Thank you so much for giving those of us who weren’t able to view the webcast on the night, the opportunity to see it. 🙂 It is interesting that Jesus called what we might consider interruptions invitiations. ( I keep thinking investments – perhaps that, too :). That’s some food for thought! I am a mom of two daughters – the older is married and they have blessed us with a precious grandson who will be 2 in November. The younger is in her freshman year of college. The college is right here in town, but it is still different. 🙂 Should I be asked, I would have more time during the day to help others out, not having to worry when the younger daughter would be getting home from school. I always liked to be home when they came home from school, and am so thankful to have had that privilege.

    Please pray with me about a part time job. It is so I can get credits for social security. I like simple, perhaps menial jobs – like straightening things, picking up misplaced items and returning them to where they belong, filing (when that used to be in vogue , and perhaps still is in places.) It has been so long since I have worked that it is scary . So, thank you for your added prayers.

  18. Angela Parlin

    Thanks so much for providing the replay! I wasn’t able to “be here” Monday night, but just watched it while my kiddos napped. I feel like I was there, and this was a great gift, and I’ve already read the entire book (and done the study guide) and taken 15 pages of notes on it…I do this with the most meaningful books I read–type out my highlights and any thoughts I had while reading passages in the book, as well as verses that stood out to me while I read. And Lysa, I have to say, this book is packed TIGHT with wisdom, and I could have copied all of it. 🙂 But that would have been a little painful.

    I grew up with a Dad who read us Proverbs again and again, a chapter a day, and still I am learning much from this gem of a book, and I loved the way you explained so many verses…I felt like my understanding was deepening all the way through.

    All this to say, THANK YOU again, Lysa, for your beautiful words and stories from your beautiful (and messy) life! 🙂

  19. Nicki Peoples

    Thanks so much for posting the webcast so that I could watch it tonight (Wednesday). Monday is our wild day, and by 8:39 I realized that – even though I had been reminded several times – I had forgotten yet again! Clearly, I need to do this study! Thanks again!

  20. Christina Serrata

    ■Q1. How many of us were there at Lysa’s house and how many children did we collectively leave at home to be together? 7 Women – 26 kids; but 1 one single (who maybe picked on 😉 )
    ■Q2. I shared on the webcast how Jesus didn’t see interruptions as interruptions, but instead He saw them as invitations.
    ■Q3. Lysa shared the three D’s that help her realize “people-pleasing” is kicking in. What are the 3 Ds? Dread, Disappointing/Disappointment, Drama
    ■Q4. What’s the one thing we hope you’ll do after watching the webcast?
    Join in on the online bible study starting on Sept 22nd with our friends, get The Best Yes, and pre-decide what we are giving our “best yes” to.

    Thank you ladies for doing this. One key though point/question/take away for me was: In what do you do, that you feel God’s pleasure? Figuring out that answer will help decide things in the time department. 🙂

  21. Mary

    The answer to Q1 : there were 7 ladies present and 26 children between them.
    Thank you. Looking forward to the study.

  22. Sheree

    I’m so excited to start this OLB will be my second one with Proverbs 31. Starting a new season in life with stepping down from ministry leadership, going back to school and yes, to more family time. I can’t wait to experience God in a new way. The 3 D’s are dread, disappointment and drama. And yes, I will confess to being a people pleaser too. Thank you Lysa and the Proverbs 31 team!

  23. Donna Handley

    You and your friends are helping to change my life so I can see and be with Jesus more each day! Thank you so much for all you do, you are an inspiration!

    I’m writing this because I had a tremendous sense of JOY yesterday by choosing to say no (and moving towards my best yes): I was in Party City buying some items for a church event and was trying to move quickly. As the cashier rang up the order, she asked me what’s your email address? My email address is kinda long, and I am frustrated most of the time when I’m in stores and they ask for this. I often tell myself that these little “pauses” in the line at stores are character building exercises and I do my best to take a deep breath and be as nice as possible (I live in AL, so I’m a southerner and niceness is my fatal flaw). So…. Yesterday your discussion online was in my head, and I said to the cashier, can I just skip that and not give you my email? She said sure!

    I may just be an idiot and not realize this is something you can always say – no – but it was a huge thing for me and I was thrilled!
    Just had to share!

    Much love and respect,

  24. Lori Rober

    So enjoyed this Monday night webcast, Lysa with you and your friends. So much felt like a was a part of it, so wonderful to listen in on other Christian women’s perspectives! As a farmer/horse rancher, I spend so much of my time on the farm…these webcasts are an awesome way for me to feel connected. I ordered the “The Best Yes” last week, so looking forward to receiving and reading it! Thanks a million for serving God in the capacity you do and helping so many women, Lysa!

  25. Judy

    I cannot say “Yes” to anything. There is no best for me. My husband left me over a year ago for a woman 16 years his junior. Everything is fruitless and hopeless. Your blog and all these women who follow you have what they think are problems. You have no problems compared to mine. I have a disabled child and four other children who depend upon me for everything. Their father pays child support but has not seen them in months. I’m tired of the vapid Christ like remarks of “I’m praying for you” when the people who say this have no idea of the hard, horrific lonely road I am traveling. I’m too exhausted to make any sense. Everyone tells me to “move on” and to “just get over it”. I’ve 22 years with this man and I still love him. No one cares about me. I have no parents, no siblings, no family. His family was my family and now I have no one as they have embraced his lover and his new life with her. Our divorce is not close to final yet he openly dates her and she lives with him part time, leaving her three children at home alone to fend for themselves. God is very, very far away and no one cares.

  26. Debbie martinez

    I saw you in Anaheim this weekend!!
    Wow what a great 2 days we had. I came home with so many golden nuggets can’t wait to share with the ladies from our church!! Can you please tell me the name of the song they played when they introduced you?? Bless you and all you do!

  27. Tammy McComber

    I just returned from attending my first Women of Faith Tour in Anahiem 9/12 & 9/13.
    I can not express in words how moved I was and how full of Christ’s love I feel today. I have been a fan of yours for the past 4 years hearing you on K-Love radio and was very excited to see and hear you in person. You were BEYOND my expectations and the other ladies were spectacular. I feel a new chapter in my faith beginning-thank you for showing the way. God Bless you for your beautiful spirit!

  28. Alluria

    Good answer back in return of this issue with solid
    arguments and explaining all regarding that.

  29. Cathy Hunter

    I am so excited ito do this study! I have had a problem with s aying yes for far too lomg!!!

  30. Jeanne

    I am soooo excited to start your on-line course! I gave a copy of your book to my daughter as a wedding gift on Saturday & she is planning to do the on-line study with me. And then I gave my sister my copy of the book and am encouraging her to also do the on-line study! So now I’m off to get myself another book!

  31. Wanda Allen

    Definitely need this book. My life is full of demands and I feel so overwhelmed trying to be everywhere and be there for everyone. This is a God send, and I soooooooo looking forward to this online study.

  32. Estela S. Luna

    This course will help me to learn to say the no I need to say at times. I know that I have boundaries and yet my kindness keeps me from saying no. But I see it’s ok to say no. Thank you for this Study God bless you.

  33. donna

    Our ladies group just started The best yess last week I’m so excited ever since I seen you at woman of purpose love ya i look out to see what else your coming out with

  34. Martha Childs

    Looking forward to this Bible study.

  35. Vicki

    My first online Bible study. Looking forward to it.

  36. Pam Torell

    I’m looking forward to really focusing on the wisdom God has for those of us who are people pleasers and to all who are just too caught up in the rush of life to listen closely to our Best Yes from Him. These lessons will change us from the inside out and I am looking forward to the change in me! Thank you gals who have put this together, those who are leading small groups and to Lysa for her encouragement to ask God even in the little things for what to put at the top of our “to do” lists.

  37. Staci Palm

    Why does this say FINAL webcast 9/22/14? I thought the study started 9/22/14.

  38. Diana Yoder

    I am signed up for this Bible study…The Best Yes. I also did the last 2 or 3 studies.

  39. Joy

    This study is an answer to prayer. A couple of years ago, I could sense God calling me to distinguish between what is “nice to do” and what I am “called to do.” Very often the “nice to dos” win out. When the busyness of life meets the burden of pleasing others, the line becomes blurred. Thanks Lysa for putting a magnifying glass to the line.

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