Download my new, free resource: Trust Is a Track Record: 5 Scriptural Truths To Remember God’s Faithfulness. 


6 Healthy Eating Go-To Scripts

January 13, 2014

It’s mid-January and if you’re anything like me those changes we decided to make that seemed so exciting January 1, don’t feel so thrilling today.

Have you been having any of these thoughts…

Why is this healthy eating thing such a challenge?

Why does this have to be my issue?

Why does the scale insist on revealing my secrets?

Should a Christian woman even worry about getting healthy?

I’ve already blown my healthy eating commitments this month, so I’ll just start next month. Or next year. Or never.

If any of these resonate with you, I can totally relate. I was stuck in such a cycle of defeat over this issue for years. And honestly, if I’m not careful, I can slip right back into a cycle of defeat so easily.

I’ve never craved a carrot stick in my whole life and don’t think I ever will.

That’s why I have to have Biblically-based healthy eating go-to scripts to help me. Maybe you’ll find these helpful as well. They are from my book, Made to Crave – satisfying life’s deepest desires with God not food.

It’s my gut honest look at the reality that God loves me just as I am no matter what the scale says. But He loves me too much to leave me in a state of defeat.

God made me to consume food, but food was never supposed to consume me.

I pray these scripts are as encouraging and helpful to you as they have been for me.

Healthy Eating Go-To Scripts

Today we are celebrating a milestone at Proverbs 31 Ministries. Over 30,000 have signed up to participate in our Made to Crave online Bible study. If you are looking for a group of women with whom to journey through the ups and downs of making healthy changes in your life, this is a great one to consider. All you need to do to join is:

* Buy your copy of the Made to Crave book here (or wherever the book is sold.) Or you can borrow it from a friend or check it out from your library.

* Sign up for the online Bible study here. There is no cost to join!

For more information on the book, Made to Crave, visit by clicking here.

And if you leave a comment below telling me of a friend you’ll share this post with, I will pick five commenters to send a free copy of Made to Crave to!

If you’re reading this post through your email, click here to leave a comment.

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  1. linda paley

    This was fantastic! will forward to my sister – my best friend – she is such a Christian and i don’t know that she gets your emails, so happy to send it to her.

  2. Melanie Hamm

    Sitting here at work and I get your email! Couldn’t have come at a better time! I have started with Weight Watchers online hoping to lose some of my poundage. I have 66 pounds to lose. This really inspired me to seek the help of our Lord!! Maybe this time I will not fail! Thanks, Lysa!

  3. Bonnie

    I plan to tell my sister-in-law and two nieces. One of my nieces was just married earlier this year and the other plans to be married later this fall. Thinking of all the stress they have had and will have, that they may need help in the turning to God instead of food. ( I know I do and I have not or will not be planning weddings like they have!)

  4. Linda Carranza

    I have shared this with my friend, Allene Bradt. And she and I are also participating in your “Made to Crave” OBS. Looking forward to it!

  5. Lynn

    I’ve shared the study offer with my friend Kim and Lisa. I will also forward this to them. Thank you Lysa!

  6. Kim Entrekin

    My dear friend Janet. Janet was such a gift to me when I moved to GA 8 years ago. I was a single mom left to take care two small children. God moved us to GA where my family lived which was wonderful however leaving my friends behind was not. Janet and I met at church in a women’s Sunday school class. She was single never married no children. She was from Zimbabwe and had this beautiful accent. She and I connected immediately. Although she had no children of her own, she loved mine as if they were hers and my girls loved her back. She even stayed overnight to help me when one of my daughters had eye surgery at the age of 3. Being a single mom and dad was not easy and many times it just helped to have someone there. Over the years, Janet and I have experienced the joy of watching each other get married. We even had the privilege of working together. Ill never forget the day she told me she and her husband were moving to FL. Janet has yet to have her own children but the lives of kids she has blessed is amazing. My children still look at her as a second momma. Ill never forget the Mothers Day one of my twins gave her the Mothers Day gift she made at church. Janet still has it to this day. We talk at least two times a week and of course keep up with each other on FB. It would be so neat if her and I could do this online study together. How awesome to be able to pray, share and grow together in Gods word even while being states away. I will always be thankful to God for putting Janet in my life. I could not have gotten through many things without her. True friendship is so hard to find. I have been blessed with a one of a kind friend.

  7. Beckey

    I am sharing this with my mom!

  8. Tonya Innis

    I had already told my friend, Susan Martin, about this Bible Study, and I’m excited to send her this link so she can learn more! I hoping that we can do the study together.

  9. angie

    I started using/studying your Made to Crave book 2 years ago. I still go back to it when I need a “pep talk”! I love the go-to verses that you offer. They often make me read more of the before and after verses in my Bible! Thank you for your journey and sharing it with us so we can have hope to succeed! It is a daily—sometimes moment by moment choice to eat healthy. To honor God w the choices we make. One of my favorite prayers is: God, today please help me to make good choices for feeding my body. While YOU take care of feeding my soul, spirit and emotions. Cuz my food cannot do that!
    Thanks again, Lysa,

  10. Jacoba

    I will share this post with my best friend, my sister. I am enjoying your Unglued book so much, I know that I (we) will enjoy Made to Crave as well!

  11. Emma

    Thanks, Lysa, I am sharing this email with my sister Dorothy.

  12. Dora

    I am going to tell my friend Cheryl about this. We both work together and food is always a struggle for us. We are also both committed to deepening our relationship with our Lord and Savior so it is a win – win study!

  13. Jen N

    I have just started reading Made to Crave in January, and that is how I found your website. this Bible Study sounds like perfect timing! I continue to remind myself “God made me for more than this. God plans victory, not defeat” Thank you for the great helps!
    I plan to share the book with my Mom and sister.
    Thank you!!

  14. Sandy

    Thanks for sharing scriptures we can “go to” when the temptation to give us becomes to great.

  15. Amy

    I am sharing this with my friend Kelly! I loved the six tips in the middle, #3 really struck me – thinking about it would make me feel later. Thank you for sharing this!

  16. Carey Crossthwaite

    Thank you Lysa,
    I started a fairly strict diet in the new year so when I saw your go to scripts they helped consolidate my prayer for this challenge. I have printed them of and stuck them on my pantry door. I have several friends who I will be forwarding this on too, Sue, Sylvia, Gill, Jo. to name a few
    God Bless

  17. ella

    Just went to a talk on purity (sexual) with my teen daughters. Amazing how the same go-to phrases and scriptures are TRUE for purity and clean eating. The Word is always fresha and new… Love it!

  18. Suzanne R.

    My friends Leslie and Lisa

  19. Brenda Morehead

    I am sharing this email with my daughter who is my best friend, Jill Henley. I am praying that she and I can do this together so we can get healthier together through the Lord.

  20. Barb Wittmer

    My friend Robin and I will be starting with this book next Monday. We are looking forward in getting to the heart of craving God more and food less. Thank you for writing this book and the devotional also. God bless you.

  21. Helen

    I am sharing this with Julie. We both need a new beginning in this area.

  22. Mary Jane

    I will share this with my friend, Jennifer. We both are Jesus freaks who need to lose a little poundage.
    Thanks for your inspiration.
    Mary Jane

  23. Nicole

    I am sharing this with my husband but if I won the book I would give it to my friend Tanya….my husband can just borrow mine:)

  24. Liz

    I need to read these verses until they soak in and become my new reality. I was just talking to my sister this morning about joining the Made to Crave study. I’m forwarding this on to her and hopefully she will get as excited as I am for a new beginning.

  25. Christina Hall

    Lysa, I shared this Bible study event with my Mom! She mentioned to me over the holidays that she wanted to shed some pounds and I thought this would be a way to do it without joining anything so to speak. Thank you for your great studies.

  26. Charity

    I’m sharing with my hubby and my friend. Kristina. I know we all have struggles in this area and have enjoyed your studies in the past. 🙂

  27. Stacey Keyes

    I am telling my friend Tristen AND everyone on Facebook! You never know just who may see it and really need it!

  28. Tammy

    I sent an invite to my daughter Jennifer to join Proverbs 31 and to also join the Made to Crave study. She is a very busy and active christian woman, wife and mother with two young children who struggles with her weight and healthy eating. The question “Why is this healthy eating thing such a challenge,” question that both of us have asked ourselves and each other.

  29. Arlin

    I will share this with my mom and sister! God’s timing is so perfect. I was just sitting at the desk checking my email, when I noticed a lollipop, from Christmas, staring me down. It had been placed in our pen cup and I’ve looked at that lollipop about 50 times without it causing such warfare in my taste buds. But, today is day one of my fast, and wouldn’t you know it would be hollering for my attention. I was just thinking to myself…”Why is this so hard?” And then I come across your email. Perfect! I will be victorious after all. Thank you!

  30. Michelle

    I’ve already shared it with a friend, who downloaded your book on her Kindle. She shared with our small group and now some if us are going to walk this walk together. I have the DVD, the devotional, I just need the book. I also really enjoyed seeing you in 2012 in VA. Thank you for all you do.

  31. Kathy

    I’m sharing this post with my daughter. I found it when a friend shared it on FB. Great scripts!

  32. Anne

    This is my go to book and I share it every chance I get. Helps keep me in track.

  33. Susan

    I’m sharing this with my husband. We are on a weight-loss journey together, and I’m so appreciative of those six truths you shared above. Thinking about joining the OBS as well.

  34. Jill Isham

    I will share this with my Sunday Schollsville class I teach.

  35. Jennifer

    I will share this with my newly found sister in Christ!!!!

  36. ginger stark

    I am going to share this with a young (late 20’s) friend who is tired of this struggle. Thank you.

  37. Lori

    I need this. I not only need to drop the weight but I need to draw closer to Him. Thanks for this blog!!!

  38. Mary Beth

    I will share this with my best friend and my mom! Thank you!

  39. Cheryl Kron

    Hi Lysa,

    Ready to go and sharing this with my friend Trish!

  40. Cheri

    Hi Lysa,

    I just took a picture of your verses and was getting ready to send after I finished your post. Now I will send the picture, share your post, sign up for your bible study and truly hope to win your book.

    Thank you Lysa for all you do!!!

    Your Sistet in Christ!!! –

  41. Karen Ellis

    Hey all,

    I’m signed up for the OBS and am looking forward to VICTORY…because I was made for more than this! I absolutely love script #2: “You have circled this mountain long enough. Now turn North.”

  42. Debra Ann

    Thanks for the go-to scripts, especially #3. I will share this with my sister.

  43. Teresa

    I’ve just forwarded this to my friend because the scriptures are so great for ANY challenge we are working on. I started the Made to Crave on January 1st (thought I would need a head start as I have a lot of ground to cover!) and although first few days were tough I managed to hang on by using these scriptures to encourage my choices. It has really made me focus on WHY I reached for cookies in times of stress rather than taking the situation to the Lord; my quiet times with Him are really refreshed Thank you Lysa for being so honest about what you went through. Blessings

  44. Jackie Green

    I am sharing this with my mother and daughters! Thank you for being so transparent and practical in your teaching. This is where the ‘rubber meets the road’- so to speak!

  45. Katie sneed

    I have shared this OBS with so many people and am pleased to hear they are joining too! I am going to send this to one of my dearest friends who has worked on weight-loss as many times as I have. Maybe this will be both of our tickets to success?!?!

  46. Kathy

    We are going thru a real rough patch in my family. My one daughter and I would be the ones to join the study if we were chosen. To lose weight I’ve always said you need to be in the right frame of mind….we are not there yet…..I love your style of writing so maybe this book would work on me….

  47. Cindy

    My sister has had a terrible time since my Mom passed away 2 years ago. She turns to food for comfort. Her doctor told her to get some weight off or she would die. I’m trying to encourage her to do this study with me. Receiving a book from you might encourage her to at least do the study. Thanks.

  48. Lena

    I have purchased a few of your amazing Bible studies and led many women through your tools of bringing us all closer to The Lord. Reading what ” Made to Crave” is about really spoke volumes to me as a mom of a 4 and 6 year old- I am juggling a full time job and often find myself in what I call “quick bad snack” eating or fast food. Not all the time but often I will just grab what I can because of how busy we are. My studies consist of moms that are also in the same boat as I am and I am going to share this with them 🙂 thank you for yielding to His Spirit.

  49. nancys1128

    I am going to forward this to quite a few friends, actually. It has relevance for so any areas beyond food that it’s universal in its ability to grow us into God cravers.

  50. sheilah mullins

    A friend and I have been having a difficult time putting our own Bible study together so we have decided to join this one and extend the invitation to a 3 others whose lives are also crazy busy. Finding time to spend in study over God’s word = investment in my future!

    • Joanna Ward

      I will share this with my friend Laura! Looking forward to the study.

  51. Julie Anderson

    I would share this book with my friend Carol!

  52. Kathleen Bennefield

    I have a friend, Misty, who struggles as I do, and I would love for her to have a copy of Made to Crave! 3rd child about to turn one year old, getting a new home ready to move into, home schooling her daughters…..she could really use some special time for herself and I think this would be just the ticket!!!!

  53. Kelly

    Love this. So encouraging! I wish I could print this off, just the way it is, to post on my refrigerator! I already have your book, “Made to Crave”. It encouraged me, too. Thanks so much for keeping things real.

    • Amy

      I found a 1-page printout of the go-to scripts under the freebies tab at I want to put those up in my kitchen too. Only on the cabinet, not the frig, the frig door is too messy 🙁

    • Georgia

      I was able to print a copy of the scripts. All I did was right-click my mouse button, click on “print a picture” and it worked. Hope this helps. Good luck.

  54. Jodie

    Thanks!! I’ll try to remember those steps when making a decision. At the moment eating is not my focus, but I can see it working on other things (like my spending…)

  55. Veronica

    This is awesome!! I am always looking for scriptures to share with my challenge groups I run! I am going to share this with the all the ladies in there! My passion is to help them have a healthy balance with food and exercise <3 Understanding both from God's persepective is huge! I am hoping that a few of them will want to join the study!

  56. Stephanie Jackson

    I would love to share this book with some ladies in my church, I am a pastor’s wife and I lead a group called “Fit for the King”. This group focuses on healthy living so that we can better serve our King. Thank you for the devotional today.

    • Michelle T

      That book is so good!! Sheri Rose Shepherd has an amazing testimony!!

  57. cheryl

    I plan on sharing with my accountibility partner. We both are in that lovely stage of going through menopause and using food for stress. I think that it would be a great study for us both do together and deal with the real issue instead of resorting to food.

  58. Amy

    I would love to share this book with my mom and complete the online bible studies with her. She bought this book for me but has yet to buy herself a copy!

  59. Kim Johns

    I am going to share this with my sister whom I live with and who also struggles with weight and eating healthy. It will be easier to be successful if we do it together!

  60. Tina Fuchs

    New ways of changing in doing things like eating healthy is always a good thing, but fine it hard to do at times. This isn’t the only area I need to improve in but a few in others as well.
    I will get the book and that the Lord is about to do something great and mighty things I do not know. In this new year I pray that all my sisters in Christ Jesus will draw near and close to the Lord like never before. Thank you for listening to the Lord Lysa and taking steps to bring out all that His has and still calling you to do.

  61. Stephanie

    I would love this book…so tired of living in defeat!!

  62. Lori

    I was just talking to a friend last night about the defeat of our weight. I want to overcome the neverending cycle of disappointment and regret with weight. My friend said to me. “What is the point, I have just given up!” I hated to hear her say that because I think together we could do this!! We finished the “Unglued” Bible Study in November and I can say it is still making a difference in my life and hers, so I would like to somehow encourage her to try a biblical approach to weight management as well without offending her by asking. She is a baby Christian and has grown so much this last year!!!

  63. Brandy

    Could you PLEASE make this a free PRINTABLE!??!?!? 🙂 THANKS!

    • Jenine

      Brandy – I was able to right click on the image and select “view image.” From there I could print it. Good luck!

  64. Jessica Morrow

    I will be sharing this with a few friends!! Tammy, Niki, Christina & Crystal.
    Have a beautiful blessed day!!
    Thank you!! Jessa

  65. deb

    I will share w/ my friend,Teena.

  66. Stefanie

    I shared with Pam and Lauren. Thank you for these – I LOVE them. Blessings to you Lysa and the OBS team.

  67. Sarah

    I shared this with all the women I work with!

  68. Crystal

    I will be sharing this with my mother & sisters.

  69. Helen

    I going to share this with my buddy Suzanne

  70. Julie Nettleton

    I am sharing with a dear friend and was moved to share with 2 others this morning..yay! Can’t wait for Sunday!

  71. Shanna Rodgers

    I am sharing this with my bookclub. We have 10 members and I know that with that kind of support we can make healthier choices in how we eat.

  72. Jammie

    My friend Lori and I live about an hour apart and we crave doing a bible study together!!! I saw this study and thought how perfect it would be for us!!! I just sent her the link…SO EXCITED to grow together in HIS word!

  73. Jackie

    Love the ideas you shared. What a blessing to have access at your finger tips to words of truth to challenge those doubts that plague us. Thank you for sharing with us. Please consider me for one of the free books.

  74. Mali

    I will share this post with my friends from church and my friend Jen, especially, as she is my healthy lifestyle co-pilot as I work on fixing a lot of damage I’ve done to myself!

  75. Barbara

    I would love to have a paper copy. NOthing beats paper!

  76. Donna Dellinger

    I have shared about the Bible Study with both my sister and my mother. They, like me struggle with their weight. I am going to forward this email to them also. Thanks so much for this bible study. I can’t wait to get started.

  77. Crystal

    I will be sharing this with my mother & both of my sisters.

  78. Helen Stevens

    I’m going to share this with my two grown daughters.

  79. Beth

    I will share this with my friend Jennifer.

  80. Heidi

    Since I have my own book already I would share with my friend Anna

  81. Kaylin

    I have had this book on my Nook for months! Now I have no more excuses! Ready for this study to begin.

  82. Patty Cline

    I am so excited for this study! The 6 scripts all resonate so well with me. Especially #6-I have never thought of my healthy choices as a parameter to my FREEDOM? This is truly genius because I’m always having such a pity party because I’m restricted while others eat. I’m memorizing #6 and the Scripture that goes with it. Already blessed and we haven’t even begun the study yet!

  83. Tammy

    I can’t wait to start! I am sharing this with my daughter Allie!!!!!!

  84. Linda B

    There are a few women in our church that I have had conversations with already that I think would benefit from doing a study with me of your book Made to Crave.

  85. Ashley

    I would love to do this Bible study with my friend Jess. She doesn’t have a ton to lose, but she has Lupis and thyroid conditions and I want her to see that she can overcome all of that with God. I also work at Curves, and there are a ton of ministry opportunities there. I can’t wait to start so that I can share more truths with them straight from Scripture. 🙂

  86. Liz

    I checked this book out from the library a couple years ago and LOVED it…I was SO excited to see it was being made into an OBS!! I have a small (and growing) group of friends from all walks of life doing this with me. What a wonderful way to get healthy, share God’s Word, and enjoy fellowship…the topic is pretty much universal! Can’t wait to begin!!!

  87. Melissa

    I am super excited for this study to “officially” begin! I am sharing this post, and trying to recruit my close friend Alicia to do this with me. The buddy system is the best system, and I need her to hold me accountable as well, so we’ll BOTH benefit!

  88. Bridgette

    2014 is here and I’ve committed to being the best I can be. I asked friends to join in on that committment with growing closer to God being the number 1 priority. I’m off to a great start regularly tuning in to Provers 31 site and ready the daily devotionals. It’s great to hear such uplifting and encouraging stories and they are always related to some personal situation – God is so awesome! I also attended a wonderful Women’s Conference this weekend and was able to share with some lovely ladies who are striving to be great Women of God. I’m sharing this post with a few friends who have embarked on the journey to make 2014 an exceptional year. Thanks for helping with that effort.

  89. Yvonne

    I am so excited to have a close friend from our school/church group doing this study with me! I love the accountability I share with her and her desire to know Jesus better!

  90. cheryln

    I shared with a coworker yesterday that I had joined your study and was anxious to get started. She shared with me her struggles and expressed an interest in joining me. It will be great to having the support, therefore I’m off today to try and find her a book!

  91. Drake Hawkins

    I am going to share this with my wife, I am hoping we can both lose some weight, thank you!

  92. Cindy

    If I received a free book I would share it with my friend, Merri.

  93. Shawna

    I would share this with my Mom.

  94. Jessica

    God’s Word is the answer to all our struggles. Thank you so much for sharing

  95. Cheryl

    I would share this book with my sister who lives in Indiana. I am so excited about this study. It is my first online Bible study.

  96. Pam Sullivan

    I can’t wait to get started & I plan to share this opportunity with my daughetr Meagan!

  97. Susan S

    I would love to share this with my daughter who is preparing to go away to college and all that is.

  98. Patricia D

    I would share this book with my Friend Tamika, Monica, Susan , Lara,

    I am looking forward to this study and really need the book as our finances are very low .


  99. Deb Heuer

    I just read the first two chapters of “Made to Crave.”. I can’t wait to start the study!

  100. pattis

    Looking forward to the study!… Wondering… it’s a Bible study, right? Not just a book study?

  101. Trudy

    What woman doesn’t struggle with this? I’ll be sharing with my co-workers in hopes tht some will join me. Thank you for the opportunity!

  102. Lisa

    Hi Lysa!
    My co-workers have shared this with me and I have a girlfriend (also named Lisa) that has always struggled with her weight and would love to share a copy with her! Thanks for taking time to share you life with us!

  103. Michele Lewis

    I will be sharing this post with a good friend of mine that is struggling with a diagnosis she got for her son as well as personal demons she is facing. I pray that she seeks the help she needs to move on Ina positive direction and not it continue down the path she is currently taking.

  104. Jessica

    This is a great book and I’m looking forward to the bible study!!

  105. Aj Luck

    The timing of this study is nothing short of the gentle nudge from God- reminding me He is with me! Thank You!

  106. karyn

    I am going to share this with my friend Darlene

  107. Jennifer

    I will share this with my sister Julie. She is a big fan of yours.

  108. Kathleen

    I am signed up for the study and will share this with my 24 year old daughter. I think she would love to join me!

  109. Sarah m

    I just moved to Ohio and me and my best friend want to do the study together to help each other through this issue. I would love to have a copy of the books we could do together!! That would be so incredible! I am so excited for this new year and though the distance I know He Will keep us strong together 🙂

  110. Nichole

    My friend Stacey and I are on a weightloss journey together this year. I will direct her to this post. I love that you have found a Christ-centered approach to healthy living. We are one body and letting Him into our lives is the way to truth.

  111. Tristyn

    I would share this with a friend of mine who has been battling with weight her whole life. She has recently decided to try to combat her obsession with food and make healthy decisions towards losing weight and making the right decisions. She currently is in the right direction and I think this book would serve as a wonderful avenue and resource so she can stick to her goals! Thanks

  112. Candice Gibbs

    I will be sharing the book with my friend Vesser ..and also inviting several from my church to participate in this made to crave study..

  113. Jacqueline Cagley

    Excited about this study hoping I can buy my book in time to do it! 🙂

  114. Amanda B

    I will share this with my co-workers, Sunday School class, Cassandra and Lindsay ( my bff’s) and my sister, Jennifer!!!

  115. Vicky Warrick

    I pray for this to get into the hands of every woman out there. We have to take care of our temple so we can fulfill our purpose for the Kingdom of God. Our roles are HUGE. We are fierce warriors!

  116. Ashley S

    I will share this post with my Mom who is struggling with dietary related health issues!

  117. Patty

    I need this more than anything after trying everything to only gain it all back. The owner of my gym sent me the web site and now I am going to pass it on to my friends. Thank you and pray for all of us to make it. Why is eating such a comfort?

  118. Carrie

    i’m going to share this with my friend Julie who struggles with healthy choices that we all have, not only in the area of food. I’m hopeful this study will help me come to the understanding of why I struggle. Haven’t bought the book yet so this would be awesome to win a copy.

  119. Amy Saunders

    I will share this with my friend Julie if I had the money I would buy her the book so she could do this.I have done this before and I am getting better at it

  120. Constance

    Two of my friends and I have a group of 19 middle school girls we mentor and do missions projects with. Two of us leaders have purchased the book through our kindle apps, and have signed up to the web study. I would like the other of us 3 leaders to receive this book so she can do the study with us. She does not use the kindle. I feel this study could help us identify the crutches in our lives, so that we may better mentor the young ladies God, and their parents, have entrusted to us. I will most likely give the second book to one of the girls mothers. I will stick with the kindle, and share both copies if you chose me.

  121. April

    I would share this book with my dear friend Ericka but she already has it so my next friend I would share it with would be my friend Sarah.

  122. Kathleen K.

    I’m going to share the Healthy Eating Go-To-Scripts with my friends from church Circle and suggest we read the book and discuss at our monthly meetings this quarter. I think we all struggle with feeling defeated in our ongoing weight loss efforts. I love the positive affirmation of #1 God has given me power over my food choices!

  123. Bonnie

    What a powerful ministry tool that appeals to women of all walks of life! I would share the extra book with my aunt, who not only struggles to make healthful choices, but also could use some Godly encouragement. Thank you for this opportunity! 🙂

  124. Elizabeth

    I would share this with my mother as emotional eating is something that we struggle with together, but in different ways. My mom has struggled to lose weight, maintain appropriate blood sugar levels, etc., while I have struggled to eat appropriately, not be underweight, over-exercise, and just give this issue to God…. to trust God with it. .

  125. Kelly Quin

    I will share my friend Traci. Thanks for your encouragement.

  126. Jodi VanGorder

    I am going to share this with my best friend Connie. We’ve been friends since we have been 8. We both decided to do the online Bible Study together. We both have lost weight and put it back on multiple times.

  127. Kristen @ kristenione

    I am going to share this with my mom. We have both struggled with our eating and even though the study has not even started yet I am very moved by the content of the recent emails I’ve received. Can’t wait!

  128. Kerry

    I gave my copy of Made to Crave to my cousin, Sarah because I thought the book was so powerful and I could use another copy to do the online study for myself. Looking forward to the study!

  129. Ashley Heilprin

    I shared this with my prayer group!

  130. Stephanie

    I have multiple ladies in my church who it will b sharing this with as we are all I. Search of a quality bible study.

  131. Adrianne Dyer

    I will actually be sharing with my two teenage daughters. We would like to do this together.

  132. Michelle

    Just shared this and the OBS with an employee of mine. She was VERY interested. Excited to get started with it!!

  133. Sharon Lassiter Vinson

    I have three daughters that I will share this post with: Natalie V. Mills, Cassi V. Williams and K. Shea Vinson. Thanks so much for this. I have so glad that I found it.

  134. Vicki

    Oh I am so struggling with why healthy eating is do hard for me! I know I am the daughter of the King of Kings which makes me a Princess! And I know that my God cherishes me, has created me, celebrates me and has chosen me! And I know that my body is His temple and I should be a better steward of this body and His gift of life, but, I think it would be easier to build an Ark all by myself than figure out meals on a tight budget for one person who lives alone……. Hugs sisters!

  135. Melanie Robins

    I can’t wait to start this bible study. A co-worker and myself have talked this bible study up at work and more people have joined!!! Not only are we making healthy choices but this gives us an opportunity to witness to others.

  136. Kristin M

    I plan on sharing this with my very dear friend, Andrea. We have been on the road to trying to get healthy together for awhile now. Our hectic lives have been making it very difficult, but I am praying this is just what we need!

  137. Brenda

    I will be sharing this post with my friend Kelly! So excited to start the bible study!

  138. Bonnie

    My sister and I have struggled with our weight most of our lives. We are very close and want to do this together. She is not a Christian and I hope this will help you learn more about Cjhrist and his desires for our lives.

  139. Amanda Aguilar

    I had bought myself a book when I first heard of this Bible study beginning. As I skimmed through it I felt moved to share the book with my grandparents. My grandfather just has gastric bypass in November of 2013, so I wrapped up the copy I had bought for myself and have it to them. I shared the book and Bible study with my mom and he has already read through and has begun her plan but plans to read through it again and participate in the Bible study. So the friend I plan to share it with is myself! I plan to be as kind to myslef as I am to others, and put myself first for once when it comes to my health.

  140. April

    I will be sharing with my daughter.

  141. Tammi

    I am so ecstatic! I need the structure of a “led” bible study but as a working mom I struggle to find time to get all pretty’d up, fix a finger food to share and make it to Bible study on time – homework in hand a smile on my face! Now I can show up in my jammies while eating dinner (a bowl of cereal) and not have to worry about a babysitter, burning the finger food or if the dog chewed on my homework notepad! I look so put together when I am the only one in the room! I look forward to seeing God move in my life especially in this area as I know it is one of my biggest hindrances!

    Thank you for this opportunity and I loved hearing about how God developed this ministry. I was at the awesome conference you almost didn’t make in Clermont GA over the weekend! Thank you for being real with us and allowing us to relate!


  142. Dena Johnson

    I’m in an encouragement group with several other ladies all working to make healthy lifestyle changes. I’d love to share this book with one of them!

  143. Teresa Dolan

    I will leave a comment with Keri, my friend from work. Her and I are working on being healthy! I have read the book and done the devotional. Now all signed up for the study!! She would love a copy of the book!!!! It would really be appreciated!

  144. Julie Clooney

    I have already shared the book & upcoming OBS with two very close friends and my sister, but I need one more copy for another friend. We have all struggled with unhealthy weight and compulsive overeating. It is my firm belief that with God’s help through the work in this OBS and this inspiring writing, we will succeed in turning our cravings for food over to a craving for a closer connection with God.

  145. Cheryl Dupke

    I will share with my daughter Julie

  146. Carla Bergren

    I love the GO-TO SCRIPTS! I can apply them to many areas of my life. There are so many women I would love to share this with…to name a few,my daughters; my co-workers-Denise and Coleen; and my sister in Christ-Vicki. Thank you for the encouragement!

  147. Cynde Main

    I have always struggled with food and eating. I have a dedication when it comes to working out, but I always give in to my food cravings or cannot seem to avoid “just a try” when food is put in front of me. Your advertisement for this bible study hit me hard when I read about your struggles and your finding God to be your fulfillment rather than food. I think your first “tip of the day” says it best. We should consume food and not let food consume us. 2 Corinthinians 12: 9-11 is a great verse to put on your fridge as a daily reminder that His grace is sufficient for us. I’m looking forward to this bible study for this and many other reasons.

  148. Dianna

    I would share with my co-worker Paula. She has been doing very well on her own but this would give her spiritual guidance and support in her journey. We could them do the study together.

  149. Bekka

    As a ministry leader, mom, wife, and general worker bee it’s so hard to make time to get to Bible study! (can I get an AMEN!) 🙂 I’m so glad to find on online!! I’m sharing with my friend Jennifer!

  150. Jacquie

    Sharing with my mom as a few friends who are planning on doing this study

  151. Cleopatra Ismael

    I am going to share this wit my best friend, my daughter. Se and I ave been struggling with the same issues of healthy eating. She is in her teens and goes through teasing from others. We have decided to take this journey today, I have tried this journey before and failed but i believe god is calling me to be that example for her to follow. thank you for testimony.

  152. Tamara Speer

    I am planning on doing the online study and can not wait! I am also excited because my Women’s Bible Study group will be doing this as our Spring Study! I have struggled with my weight and health for so long! I am looking forward to seeing how this will help me come closer to God while achieving my goal of getting healthy for my family and myself! Thank you for all you do!

  153. Michelle Owens

    I’ve already shared this bible study with my sister in law Rachael. Hoping that if we do this together we can achieve our goal.

  154. andrea

    I would share this with my friend that is just solidifying her relationship with God. She has been struggling with this particular issue for years. We both are 🙂

  155. Molly Bargmann

    I would share this book with one of my female coworkers. I talked the other one into doing Confident Heart with me last time and now she is hooked!! It’s time to get the other one on the OBS train with me!!

  156. Gina Ables

    I’m looking forward to starting the on-line Bible study on Made to Crave. I downloaded a copy to my Kindle, but would love to get a copy so my mother could join the study. It would be great for us to be accountable to each other. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win.

  157. Tamera

    A group of 5 women are joining together weekly for this study. We are excited and I would share the book with new women we would invite to join us.

  158. catlin

    I am so excited about this and can not wait to start. I am going to tell my mom about this. I think this would be a great bonding time as well as a great study 🙂

  159. Melissa Dasher

    I’ll share on facebook with a friend from church who is trying to eat ‘clean’ and healthy.

  160. KC

    I would share it with as many of my friends as I can. Thank you.

  161. Michelle Angel

    I have a friend (Wendy) who saw that I was was joining the bible study online via my facebook post and she wants to join but she does not have a book. I told her I would lend her mine and I would download one on my computer. If my name is choose, I would give her the new one at church when I see her on Sunday when the online bible study starts. She would be so surprised!

  162. Phyllis

    I have shared this study ask over the web. If I have a platform, I have shared via that platform… I have a handful of friends who have said that they will join in, and at least a couple who don’t have a book yet. If I won, that’s who the book would be for. 🙂

  163. Jessica Dennis

    I would share this with my sister in law Alicia! I’m already signed up and ready to go, and excited to get this started!

  164. maggie soria

    I would share with any of my friends who ask me how I have achieved great results

  165. Bonnie Johnson

    Having a difficult time waiting to start this OBS!
    Thank you for making it available!

  166. Laura A

    I was led to Lysa by a post on a friend’s Facebook page. I ended up buying Lysa’s books for my Nook and signed up for the online bible study. My mom and I have been struggling with our healthy eating for over a year. My mom signed up and she has her book too. I will be sharing this Bible Study with my sister. She’s very, very healthy, but she struggles to continue in her path. After reading the first couple chapters of Made to Crave, I truly believe she would benefit from this study as well. Nothing is more powerful than knowing what we’re battling against and to lean on God to succeed in being healthy.

  167. Dianne

    I have invited several friends to join me in this online study! I have set up a Closed Facebook page for those who feel that cannot meet the expense of being a part of the extras you are offering. We are very excited about encouraging one another as we Crave God! If I won, I’d love to share the book with Michelle!

  168. Carolyn Hayes

    I plan to share this with my friend Stacy. She has been trying to get a closer walk with God and if I win the book I will gove her the copy as I already have one. I think she couod really use this bible study!

  169. Christine

    I have tried many “diets” “lifestyle changes”, but have discovered that I have been missing the key ingredient to all of the recipes….inviting God to help me. I have a friend who is not necessarily struggling with weight, but with health. We have both been craving more of God in our lives, so this will be the perfect thing for us to work through together (along with 30,000+ women). I am looking forward to this journey.

  170. Bambi

    I participated in the last bible study and it was awesome!! I am looking forward to this study because I have struggled with my weight my whole life. I am especially excited because I have three people joining me, my daughter who lives near me and two friends each of whom live in other states. I cannot wait to see what God does in each of our lives!!

  171. Erin

    This is such a blessing! I have been dealing with food addiction for a loooong time. I am sharing this book/study with a few of my friends that I know that have the same struggles.. Together we will encourage each other to succeed!

  172. cindy

    I am so excited to get started – I already am going to participate with my mom but I also know a friend who isn’t a christian yet but is on the verge who I am going to share with about this study to see if she wants to join us. Thank you for putting this bible study online and giving us a chance to see what God says and become closer with those we study with.

  173. Leanna Ramirez

    I would share this book with my sister and read it myself. Since being sober 8 years on Jan 19th, from meth, I have gained 190 pounds, feeling helpless over this food addiction and beating and surviving meth seems silly. This would be a great tool for me.

  174. Sandra L

    My friend Eun… We can do this!!

  175. Cheryl Darsie

    I would love to share this with my daughter. We both need to end this seemingly never ending battle of over eating. This is not the legacy we want to continue to hand down through the generations!

  176. Bree Blum

    I am so excited to be a part of my 2nd OBS with Proverbs 31 Ministries! A Confident Heart was a real game changer and so I have shared with my blogging mastermind group about the upcoming Made to Crave study. My group consists of seven Christian women (myself included) that strive to share our faith through transparency blogging, telling how it has shaped and molded each of our lives. We all struggle with our own doubts and failures along the road and I think it would be a wonderful opportunity to connect with these women through a shared OBS on top of the networking we already do for our eMinistries.

  177. Robin

    I am going to share this with my friend Pat. She and I have discussed many thoughts and have struggled. We are both in our 50’s, so our urgency isn’t necessarily there.

  178. Jessica B

    I have shared this OBS with several friends hoping they will join me in this journey.

  179. Marti

    My daughter is a recovering anorexic and self injury participant. There were many sleepless nights when i did not know if I would have her to hug and just be the beautiful individual she was meant to be. I would share this book with her in hopes that she realizes who she truly is and that the battle is won. This loving mom is grateful that she is alive today. Now, I am trying to nurture her twin sister who has now or I have just learned that she now is cutting as well. I dont understand but both of my girls are beautiful, intelligent young ladies that yearn to be accepted in a fallen world. I could really use your prayers. Marti

  180. Freda

    What a great inspiration it is to me to read your blog…and I am excited to begin this journey with you and others. Thank you so much for your encouragement. The verses and words you post seem to arrive just at the right time! I plan to share this with my three girlfriends who mean the world to me. I’m hoping that we can all become healthier so we can grow old and continue to have fun together!

  181. Adriana

    My friend Mary came to mind. She lives two doors down (close to me) and we’ve been friends and neighbors for a good long time 🙂

  182. Joy

    I am going to share this with my friend, Eileen. She is making changes in her life and could really use this type of encouragement.

  183. Coco

    I will share this with Sherrie. She & I have discussed the difficulty of “emotional eating” many times.

  184. Jenni

    I would share this book with my sister!

  185. Amber B.

    I’m going to share this with my sister. I am trying to make healthier food choices and have recently started exercising again. I have hypothyroid so I can’t eat the same way I used to eat.

  186. Megann Harlan

    I coordinate a MOPS group and am sharing this study with all 43 moms. We do have 1 or 2 that would and could really use a free copy of the book ♥

  187. Gina

    Thanks for this. Great reminder and encouragement. I struggle with eating healthy, and I so want to, because I know I will feel better. I am looking forward to this study!

  188. Kellie Lindstrom

    I am excited to start this new journey! I have asked a few of my friends to join me in this journey so we can have support..

  189. Hazel Hatcher

    I would share it with my friend Shana!

  190. Michelle T

    I am so excited to be doing this with so many women round the globe! My friends and I are doing a 12 week Biggest Loser challenge as well. Thank you for your obedience to God!

  191. Yesenia

    I will share this book with my friend Carmen

  192. Sarah Bredemeyer

    I would love to share this book with a couple of girls who would not only learn how to battle health issues through scripture but would also see how God sees them through this study!

  193. Tracy Bland

    I can’t wait to start this study. It will be one of my first studies. I am certainly going to share this with a friend, Cassandra, and encourage my mother-in-law to do this journey with me. So excited!

  194. jessica

    My mother who is my best friend live 5 hours away from each other. Wevare going to do the study and then compare and talk.

  195. Sharon Baker

    I have a friend, Joy, who I am going to be completing the Made to Crave bible study with. I’m excited to be taking this journey with a wonderful friend 🙂

  196. Karen carney

    I am going to share this post and the tips with my friend Sarah who has lost 90 pounds since last July using biblical truths to strengthen her. I am of course going to hang them up on my pantry door in my home also!

  197. Andrea S

    I am going to share this with a group of ladies who are all going thru a biggest loser contest at our gym right now. I care about them deeply and know that they will struggle now and then just like I did when I went thru it last year. I am hoping your post and God’s word can encourage them when they feel they just can’t resist their temptations any longer. Thank you for providing us with such encouraging wisdom.

  198. Denise from Texas

    I have already exhausted my list of friends to invite, but I would love to share the book with one of them as extra encouragement. Thanks, Lysa, for all that you do!

  199. Ann

    I am looking forward to the Bible study and would love to share this book with my friends who are very interested in joining in on the study. Thank you for making it available!!

  200. Julie

    I will share it with Michelle and Trina.

  201. Tammie Campbell

    My weight goes up and down constantly due to stress eating!! I need to turn it all over to God instead of binge eating. It will help to be in a study where I see I’m not alone !

  202. Wendy

    I would share with my friends Karen and Linda, because we’ve agreed to hold each other accountable.

  203. Chimene

    I have already shared this with my best friend! Now I’m passing it along to both my sisters, my mom, my aunt, and my niece. Thanks so much! Looking forward to the study!

  204. Meg

    2nd time going through this book. It keeps me grounded. I keep giving the book away and having to get another one. SUUCCHHH a good problem to have. Thanks for all you do and the encouragment you give to so many women. BIG HUGS from MT

  205. Jacki

    I am going to share with my sister who struggles with her weight. She tries all sorts of diets that are not very safe.

  206. Sue Sperry

    I am sharing this info with my sister in love and a couple more friends as I write this. Just yesterday myself and a couple of my friends brought our books and signed up. So looking forward to this 🙂

  207. Anna

    I am a college student looking to graduate this summer. I am spending some time on myself before I graduate so that my heart, mind, and attitude will be in the right place as I enter the difficult search for a career. It would be great to have a different outlook on this life long (so far) issue and to be past the same old difficulties as I encounter new challenges, lessons, and blessings. I’m hoping that this book and this study can help.

  208. Christel W

    I have struggled all my life with weight & food. Last year I did pretty well controlling those food temptations & cravings, but as Christmas approached it became out of control. I am not even sure how to get those cravings & food out of my life again. I feel overwhelmed & feel like I seriously need help, but when I ask doctors for help, they just say stop eating. So frustrated, but I will NOT give up!

  209. KayCee Perry

    I am sharing this with my friend Alicia, in hopes she will join the bible study and do it with me!

  210. Martha

    I’m going to do this with a friend of mine in Nebraska, but I’m going to invite another friend in another state, Liesl.

  211. Amanda S.

    I’m excited to share this post with my church! We’re starting MTC next month! 🙂

  212. Mary

    I’m looking forward to the bible study. Do you think you could make the Healthy Eating Go To Scripts a printable poster?

  213. Stacey

    I am so glad I’ve found this blog and I am excited about the bible study. I will be sharing this with my friends Jennifer and Wendy

  214. Lee

    I’m enrolled in the upcoming Made to Crave Bible study. I plan to share with my twin daughters who also struggle with their weight. It would be great to give them a copy of the book for their own personal experience. Thanks for the opportunity.

  215. Mimi Gin

    Sharing with coworkers for support !

  216. Jackie Roth

    I will share this post with my friend Jana Schweitzer! 🙂
    excited to start this study

  217. Shelly

    I am going to share this with my two sisters. I cannot wait for this Bible study to start!

  218. Monique

    Thanks for this. I’m struggling with keeping a positive mindset so these scriptures will defiantly help.

  219. Ashlie :)

    I am sharing the obs info on my fb page every time I see it! I have 2 friends so far who will be doing the study with me. This is my first time to do Made to Crave, and I purchased the leadership kit so that we can start a M2C small group this summer! An extra book would be great to have! 🙂

  220. Paula Palla

    My amazing friend Schyler and I live 200 miles apart. The Online Bible Studies are an awesome tool for these two friends who CRAVE REVOLUTION in all aspects of our lives!

    I believe God is in the business of restoration, and He’s working to break us free from all forms of bondage!

    God is near the broken hearted! He’s healing poor body images and terrible eating habits. As we fill up on Him, remember…”When God is in it, there is no limit. It’s not over!”
    -Israel Houghton and New Breed

    If you pick this post, PLEASE give the book to my friend Schyler, (I’ll provide her information.)
    She deserves a REAL blessing like that!


  221. Tammy

    I would share this book with my sister and sister-in-law!!

  222. Kendall

    I shared about this Bible study with my facebook friends and I have 2 friends who are joining me!! 🙂

  223. Julia

    First off, can’t believe I figured this online stuff out! So excited! This is my first online study and I’m so ready. Read the 1st 2 chapters last night and made myself put it down before I read any further. I am so happy to invite my friend to join me on this adventure. Thank you!

  224. Rebecca Jo

    I’m going to share this with my mother. She’s been up & down the scale so many times. She was a Weight Watcher’s director most of my life… Twice. Why twice? Because she gained all her weight back, had to loose it again… & its back again.
    & we need to break this family generational hold!

  225. Kristy Scalish

    I shared this Bible Study with my mom and a friend. Our family has always started the new year with the Daniels Fast, but always the day afterward we go back to our not so healthy way of eating because we feel like…we earned it. I’ve signed up for this Bible Study in hopes that after the Daniel Fast is over we will keep going on our healthier way of living. I can’t wait for this to begin!!!!

  226. Caroline McGinnis

    I have invited friends to join me on the Made to Crave journey, maybe if I had the book to offer them if would encourage them to join me. Although eating is not a big issue for me I know that scriptures can apply to many different choices I make in my life. Thanks you Lysa for sharing your heart on this topic. God Bless the Proverbs 31 Ministry.

  227. Rebecca "Beckysue" Duran

    I’ll share this post with my friend Sherry, who is learning to eat healthy again. I think this could really help her as much as it is helping me! Thanks!

  228. Stacey James

    Thank you for the reminders of God’s word and who we are in Him! I’ve been sharing your blog posts and excerpts from your book with my fit4Him group on Facebook!

  229. Kathy

    I plan on sharing with my daughter’s, I feel that my problems have seeped into their lives and we need to correct our priorities. I want to crave more of my Lord and learn to control food and other particulars in my life.

  230. Denise

    I am going to share with my family! My husband is my best friend and my daughter is a great supporter. I’m hoping to make a lifestyle change for life alongside my family, not just for myself 🙂 Of course, I’ll share with my women’s group too, but the best support I can get is from my family.

  231. Leigh Powell

    I would share with my mom!

  232. Sherri

    I would share this with my Mom. For years she has always put everyone else first, so when it comes to her weight she tends to give up easily and then completely puts herself down because she couldn’t stay with it. An encouraging word from the bible an others who struggle the same way would be a great comfort to her!

  233. Anna Walker

    I have shared the info with my sister-in-law already! I would love to win a book to gift to her. My brother in law has been going to school the last few years, and she is the sole “breadwinner” for their family right now. It would be a real blessing for her!

  234. Karen

    I am reading this while walking on the treadmill at work. One of my coworkers (Sharon) just came in and I realized that she would love this study as well. We are both participating in a diabetes prevention program and this Bible study fits perfectly with it.

  235. kathys

    Can’t wait to get started!

  236. Cynthia

    My mom and I have been walking
    Together and eating healthy. I am going
    To share this article with her and encourage her to join the bible study with me as well! With the right goals we will be better for each other.

  237. Bekah M.

    I am sharing this with my mom! She says her biggest regret is teaching me to be an emotional eater and we are breaking our patterns together!

  238. Michelle Adkins

    I am going to share this with my sister Dawn. She is really struggling right now….I think it will encouraging to her.

  239. Irma

    I’m so excited to begin this new journey. I have made it a priority to spend time in the word and could no ask for a better way to start than through this Bible study. Can’t wait!

  240. Terri Bollinger

    It seems like it was a long time ago that I signed up for this Bible Study. And now we are just days away from beginning. I love all the we have rec’d leading up to our day! I thought I was going to have a couple of friends join me in this journey but as it turns out that is not going to happen. Then today I was so blessed when the realization hit me that I will not be alone, I will be joining thousands of sister’s in Christ to face this battle and grow closer to Jesus! I am excited, a little nervous, but most of all READY! Who knows maybe one of you is right next door. 🙂 That is the way God works!!

  241. Ricki Stewart

    I would share this book with my mother inlaw. She has dealt with being over weight for many years and I think it would help her.

  242. Melinda

    I have an older friend who signed up for My Fitness Pal yesterday. I told her about the bible study, and she signed up! 😀 Hopefully some of the other ladies who were talking to her about weight loss will also sign up.

    Also, is this a printable? I would love to be able to post this on my cupboard.

  243. Kristen

    I’m going to tell my best friend Nikki to see if she would be interested in this. I’m also going to tell my women’s ministry leader at church. I know she’s been looking for a good bible study for a ladies group to participate in.

  244. Sue

    I will share with Jerkia, my coworker.

  245. Heather Allen

    I have a friend who has a lot of health issues and is currently waiting on back surgery. We will be going thru the bible study together, sharing a book. It would be great if we both had our own copy.

  246. Sami

    I am sharing this with the dietician I am working with – she is a Christian and sees the need for looking at food from a spiritual perspective as she is working with clients. I plan on doing the study and continue to work with her – she is really good and has been a great help – her approach is similar to the books and this way she can share the book and its info with even more people!!!! Cant wait till Sunday!

  247. Chris Cassady

    I will share this with my lifegroup and my Mom who is just starting Chemo and needs to start eating healthy, she is not a Christ driven person so I am hoping it will help her to lean more towards God as she works on better eating 🙂

  248. Penny Messick

    I am sharing this with my two daughters, my sister, and my best friend. I want them to hear these words and commit to making a change for themselves.

  249. Vicki

    I plan to share this with my 5 besties! We will all be together for our annual beach trip.

  250. Marilyn Ueno

    I am so excited to share this with Michelle – such a blessing for both do us!

  251. Regina C

    I have done this study before with my small group, but didn’t have much success but I have a different outlook this time so I am hoping that I have better success all already.

  252. Kimberly Hogue

    I’m sharing this with my friend, Betty. We have been supporting each other in this struggle since God put us together in Germany in 2000. One of the best blessings of my life!

  253. Rita Biggs

    I knew unhealthy eating was a physical issue by looking at my blood tests results. Now I am starting to see it as a spiritual issue. Love these scriptures….they will remind me to turn to God instead of sweets to feel emotionally full. I downloaded the e-book, but want a copy I can give to the church women’s library.

  254. Christina

    I’m planning on sharing this with my sister, Connie. This study came at the perfect time!

  255. Beverly Gerres

    I will share this with our Friends of Ebenezer Baptist Church Page. Mostly all Women!
    and my friend Jane, thanks

  256. Tammy Wall

    I am going to share this with my mom and my sister. My sister is really struggling and I think this will for sure be an encouragement.

  257. Marie Smith

    would share this with my friend Lisa, she really needs gods word in her life!

  258. Teresa

    This would be perfect for some of the ladies in our group who can’t afford to buy the book, so they are sharing. I would definitely give it to one of those ladies.

  259. Kathy

    SO excited about the upcoming online study. I am looking forward where it will lead me and the next chapter in my walk with my Lord.

  260. Jill Olsen

    I will be sharing your post with my dear friend, Cristi…she has struggled with her weight since dealing with other medical issues. I know she will find your information most helpful and to be a blessing (as I do)!

  261. Melissa Warner

    Ok so I couldn’t wait til next week…. I’ve finished the first chapter and I’m so looking forward to what lies ahead, I’m not skipping ahead anymore. Time to take control of the crazy cravings. I have just shared this with my friend Esther who I hope will join me in this.

  262. Betsy Gallivan

    This is great information I can’t wait to share it with my sister! Looking forward to all the great information in the bible study!

  263. Wendy Guy

    I want to share this with my mom and sister!

  264. Karen

    Shared with my Celebrate Recovery friends!

  265. Ali

    I moved to Richmond, VA this summer and before this, two of my girlfriends and I were doing Bible studies together and they are still in Illinois. One of those girlfriends told me about this study so we could do it long distance, but still together! I am definitely going to share this with the 3rd girlfriend so we can continue our little Bible study group over the miles!!!

  266. Becky Atchison

    I am going to share this with my cowirkers. There is already about 40 of us that are going to do the bible study through an online group but I would like to get more outside our group to join too. Thanks for a chance to win a copy.

  267. Stacy Simpson

    I will share this with all of my friends! 2 I’m thinking of today are Kristi and Jennifer! Who wouldn’t be blessed by this?! I’m excited to get started!

  268. Wanda

    I would share this book with my cousin. She and I are embarking on a “weight loss, get healthy” journey together!

  269. Brandie Sharpley

    I shared this bible study with my friend Lori who has also signed up. I am super excited to be going through this with her! But we would love a extra book for her mother to have so she can participate- she has several health problems and unhealthy eating habits. She would benefit from this in ways that are unimaginable!!

  270. Christina

    I am sharing this with my friends on Facebook. This post, particularly the scripture from Deuteronomy that says “You’ve circled this mountain long enough. Now turn north.”truly speaks to my heart. It is a grounding and centering scripture that I can hold on to. I can’t wait for my friends to have similar revelations!!

  271. Rebeca Anderson

    I will be sharing with my sister’n’law who has struggled as I thinking it was with food the whole time learning it’s something more. She’s really just starting to trust God in her life more and more as He leads her so here’s hoping it’s her time 🙂

  272. Martha

    I will share this with my BFF Laura…

  273. Dawn

    I bought the whole package (with DVD, study guide and devotional) last year and loved it so much I lent it to others. I bought another package for my mom. I joined the online bible study and now need to get the book again:). Can’t wait for the online bible study! I just completed the last one on A Confident Heart and learned so much from it! Looking forward to this journey! Thank you!

  274. Morgan

    Shared with my sister Meredith! I am so excited to be a part of this study!

  275. Connie

    I will share with my friend Keith.

  276. Cayce

    I will share with my friend, and workout partner, Katy, whom I’ve already shared the online Bible study with and were thrilled to get started!

  277. Kathie

    I would share with my daughter. 🙂

  278. Jennifer

    A childhood friend of mine is joining me in doing this Bible study, and I thank you for making it possible! She lives in Ohio and I live in Florida! I participated in the “What Happens When a Woman Says Yes to God” and was so moved by the outpouring of support for Dove’s Nest and the encouragement from the other ladies. PS-Lysa, I love your writing style!

  279. Brooke White

    My fellow sixth grade teammates and I are so excited to start this journey together. It will be a great way to recharge here at work during our planning time. Thank you for offering this as an online study. We will invite other teachers to join us too. Thanks for the encouragement!

  280. Mary Lou Olson

    Thank you, Lisa!! “for we know we are Christian by our love, by our love!” You are always so helpful…. Thank You

  281. Vicki Waineo

    I would share this with my Mom first, then all the ladies at my church! Who knows who is really struggling unless you talk about it deeply and are HONEST?! But I know me. I know I’m really looking forward to this study. I’ve been reading the Bible every day so far this year, (one of those “split-into-four sections” plans) trying to get my heart deeper into God’s word… it’s beautiful, but it’s hard work! (Chronicles? whaaat? ugh!) :o) Thanks for putting this all together!

  282. Denine

    I am leading a “Biggest Loser” contest with my MOPS group. I will share this post with the ladies who are part of the group. Thank you!

  283. Deb

    I would share this with a group of moms who are all embarking on a journey this year to eat better!

  284. Laura

    I am so excited about doing this study! My best friend and I have long been talking about how to prioritize our time as busy moms of precious children. I also work outside the home, and it is a challenge, to say the least. We want to spend as much time as possible teaching our kids and playing with them and goofing off and having fun, but we also want to be good examples of fit, healthy adults who take good eating and exercise seriously. We also want to have a good long life and to be there for our kids when they need us. It is a tough balance. I’m looking forward to reading more of your good tips.

    • Laura

      P.S. My friend that I mentioned is the person I plan to share this book with. 🙂

  285. Ashlie

    I have invited my best friend and mom, Vickie!!

  286. Casie

    Hey Lysa! I’m so looking forward to this study! I’ve even approached the pastors at my church about being able to meet during Sunday school with others at the church who are doing the study as well. So we’ll study on our own during the week and on Sunday have a chance to be together and talk about what we’ve read and where we are struggling. I can’t wait to share this with my congregation!

  287. Kathy D.

    I’ll be sharing this with my girlfriend Shauna. We have been walking this road to health together for the past year, and I know that this is the next step. This has been a real answer to prayer as I have sought the Lord to move my heart to even WANT to make the right choices. And the WHY needs to be for His glory and honor. I have desperately desired to connect with others on this journey to glorify Him in our eating, and I am so full of hope as we endeavor, by His grace to walk in victory in this area of our lives. Can’t wait to get started!

  288. Vicki

    I will share this study with my sister in law. I’m looking forward to making this journey with her!

  289. Joann

    I would share this book with my mother. We often share books we are reading that we like.

  290. Melissa V. Boykin

    I am actually going to share this link and information on a Facebook group for those participating in this OBS. Not everyone may check their e-mail or see it. We have 19 in our group thus far.

  291. Kathy ten Haaf

    I would share this book with my friend Korene who really struggles with letting food control her. My book came in the mail today, I can’t wait for the bible study to begin. God Bless all of you~

  292. April

    I loved Unglued so much being a mom of young kids. Can’t wait to start this book because my eating choices are terrible trying to always put my kids first and being in a rush. I also stress eat when things are tough…which is almost daily! I would live to share this book ad study with several moms in my MOPS group!

  293. Rita

    My mom, sister and I all struggle with our weight. My sister and mother more so than myself. I have always been like a yo-yo when it comes to weight and seem to have it a little easier than them. I am sharing this with them both. Currently my sister is suffering with psuedo tumor cerbri and hpothryoidsim. Losing weight is a must for her. My mother has been overweight since I was a child and suffers from arthritis and a myriad of other problems. I

  294. Sheri

    I plan to share this with my mom. Not only does she struggle with weight since battling breast cancer, she is not near to God at all. I worry about her physical health and spiritual health. I’m hoping this study can help her from the inside out!

  295. Alison

    I’m going to tell my sister about it, we have been wanting to do a Bible study together

  296. Jessica

    I plan to share this with my friends Beth and Amanda!!

  297. valerie dixon

    I’m really excited about moving forward in my life styles changes with the help of the bible study. I can’t wait to get started. My weight been up and down. Never thought about approaching it with the word of God. …

  298. Cheryl

    I am in need of a made to crave book, so I would first give it to myself to follow along. Then I will pass it on to a friend when she asks me what I am doing to loose so much weight. I can tell her it’s Jesus! With the help of Lysa TerKeurst 🙂

  299. Sandy Leija

    I’m so excited! I will share with my sister, Trish Self!

  300. Ruth

    Looking forward to this on-line Bible study. Such a blessing

  301. Olivia

    I would love to share a copy of the Crave book to one of my sister’s that is always saying ” I come to accept that all my life I have been fat and curvy, that is who I am “, if only she can see the beautiful person she is inside and out. She has a heart of gold and boy God made her soooo beautiful. I am confident that this book will not only going to help her but me as well. I can’t wait. I am excited and anguish to start looking at food through God’s perspective not mine. (:

  302. Vickie

    I will share this amazing opportunity with my Sister and best friend, Teresa!

  303. Tracy

    I am going to share this with my mom!

  304. Elizabeth J.

    I have shared with some women from my church and my mom and MIL and all my sisters! I’m so looking forward to Sunday!

  305. Stacey G

    I will be sharing this with my mom and look forward to the study! Thank you to all who put their heart and soul into making this study happen 🙂

  306. Kelly

    My 26 year old daughter is having some major self esteem issues….I’ve been praying for a long time for God to heal her and help her. I would love to give her a copy of Lysa’s book.

  307. Caitlin

    I’ll be sharing this with my mom and a friend. All of us have our own struggles with the cycle of defeat and being consumed by food. I pray that it will be life-changing for us all!

  308. Tatia

    I am sharing this with my sister. She is my best friend and I really want her to go on this journey with me!

  309. Jennifer Edwards

    I work with numerous ladies who are working towards their weight loss goals! I have had 2 sign-up for the bible study!

  310. Katie

    This study comes at a perfect time. I just connected with someone else in my church who also struggles with food, and we are planning to meet regularly to support each other and hold each other accountable. We wanted to start with a study, and were deciding between Made to Crave and another one. I have the book already, but she would need one. Thanks!

  311. Alah B

    I live in a quaint neighborhood with some truly amazing folks. It is my prayer to be used as a light in any dark place that those living closest to my experience. Not through my strength, but His alone. Proverbs 31 Ministries plays a significant role in making online studies available to those who juggle the busyness of life…which is true for the precious ladies here, so I have invited them to join the fun at a pace that can be fit into their schedules at a time most suited for them! So thankful for how God has used this ministry to touch my life repeatedly as I have participated in the last several. Praying for all those that receive your blog message today and that the Holy Spirit will move the hearts of each and every one. <3

  312. Olivia

    I will share this post with my friend Angela!

  313. Sabrina

    I recently signed up for the OBS and am already thankful for the encouragement I’ve received. I have an accountability partner that I work out with and will share this with. I struggle more with the “food thing” & “body thing” than she does, but she definitely keeps me honest!

  314. Edith

    I am going to share with my friend Jomari. Like myself we’ve struggled with losing weight after having children. She tries so very hard to do it on her own but I know Made to Crave will impact her far more than another diet. I’ve come to understand that we need to feed our soul with Christ first and that He will give us victory!

  315. Mellissa

    am so thankful for the opportunity to do this study with my best friend and 30,000+ sisters in Christ! I have been wanting to do this study for almost 3 years now and it will be such a blessing to be able to participate from home while my little ones sleep. I am full of hope that the Lord will use this for good to continue to renew my mind and change my life for His kingdom. Thank you!

    • Mellissa

      And I shared with my mom and all my Facebook friends too 😀

  316. Sherri

    I have shared this study with my friend Colleen and she has signed up. I also shared it with my exercise partner today and she is looking into it. I am so excited about this journey and about the changes that God is sure to make!!

  317. LK

    Started reading Made to Crave and absolutely love it! I’ve challenged myself to a day with zero sugar. So far, so strong! Love the biblical references to keep me going.

  318. Katie Born

    I am new to your blog and wondering “where have I been?” I plan to share this with my best friend Beth, who like I, have struggled to make life changing habits and have relied on the quick fix. Looking forward to this study!

  319. Darlene

    I would love to share this study with my sister-in-law and friend, Christi!

  320. Jennifer

    I am sharing this post with my best friend Julie.

  321. Alicia

    Absolutely love the book can’t wait for the study to begin!!!

  322. Robyn May

    I will share this book with my sister Tamara!

  323. jilda swift

    Will share with my daughter in law we did Beth Moore together, so looking forward to this one

  324. Linda M.

    I’m so excited about this group bible study! My adult daughter has decided to join me. I’m so encouraged, two are better than one. 🙂

  325. Sarah

    I’ll be telling my friend at church about this! She’ll love it!

  326. Gina Robertson

    I have invited my best friend Trisha. She and I have been struggling with weight and our goal this year is more intimacy with Christ so I think this study is an excellent fit!

  327. Linda M.

    I’m so excited about this group bible study! My adult daughter has decided to join me. I’m so encouraged. Two are better than one.

  328. jilda swift

    Will share with my daughter in law we did Beth Moore together, so looking forward to this one , will share with celebrate recovery too !!

  329. Rebecca

    I have already invited my sister and two of my friends. When I see my daughter this afternoon, I will be inviting her too! I am excited to do this study, but even more excited to connect with others through this study, especially my family and friends!

  330. Jennifer Vaughn

    I have invited 2 of my good friends and my mother in law to join me in this bible study and I am so excited to begin.

  331. Shelly

    I shared and invited my best friend (also named) Schelly! We are so exited to bask in His presence and let the spirit move in or lives!

  332. Elizabeth

    My best friend Chasity!

  333. Loresa

    I will share this with my friend who moved to another state whom I miss so very much.
    We can do this together and feel that connection once again.

  334. Diane

    I’ve struggled with weight issues since my 20’s and I’m 53 now,
    I’ve never participated in an online Bible study and feel unsure about it.
    I’m giving it the benefit of the doubt solely on the great reputation of the Proverbs 31 daily online devotional. It has truly been a life line to me. Maybe this bible study will have a life changing impact on my life also.

  335. CG

    Sunday it is! Preparing my mind and my heart to be open to Christ’s wisdom and guidance.

  336. Lori

    Just signed up yesterday ~ Havent purchased book yet so would love to win a copy according to the email I just received! Thank you!!

  337. Sarah Kozel

    I invited my friend Letty & Tracy! 🙂

  338. Jenny Reilly

    I am sharing this with my sister-in-law as she and I are giving support to one another as we both strive to become more healthy and whole. We are both so busy with three children each and life on top of it…filled but wanting to make sure we keep our focus on God as we “love ourselves” during this time. Hard to give yourself permission to do that sometimes.

  339. nadia martinez

    I invited my friend paty that is struggling as a single mom of 4 : )

  340. susan bartlett

    I’m sharing with my sister.

  341. Kathy Habrial

    I will tell all the ladies at my women’s Bible study tomorrow!

  342. Amy

    I’m sharing this with my great friend & boss. We are hoping to go thru this journey together and come out on the other side with positive results.

  343. Cheryl

    I will be inviting my sister. We started Friday on our goal of losing weight. We have always struggled together with weight ups and downs.

  344. Cheryl

    I’ve invited and encouraged my sister who lives 2000 miles away from me to join in on this study, Made to Crave. We are in contact with each other everyday and are such an encouragement to each other. We’ve tried exercising “together” and being accountability partners. But when it comes to taking care of our bodies, we are both struggling so much. My sis lives on a very frugal budget and as such does not have the extra funds to buy the book. Would you please give her the book? I know she would greatly benefit from reading it and participate in the study. Thank you for all you do!

  345. Dawn Benson

    Posting to my Facebook wall to share with all my friends and acquaintances.

  346. Maryann

    I will be sharing this Bible study with my 20 year old daughter. She is exceptionally introverted and I believe some of this trait is due to her being very overweight. I would like to help her shine her light for all to see by seeing God as the solution for all life’s trials.

  347. Jan

    I shared today with a group of ladies (50) that are encouraging each other to get healthy this new year. I am so looking forward to starting on SUNDAY!

  348. CG

    These verses are very helpful, I will repeat them to myself when I feel temptation calling. Thanks, can’t wait until the study starts.

  349. amanda Gonzales

    My friend Jennifer invited me,and I invited my former pastor’s daughter and everyone on Facebook 🙂

  350. Linda Dums

    I am telling all the ladies I know about this study! Thank you for sharing!

  351. Linda Rodekohr

    Can’t wait to of study! I invited my friend Rhonda to join me!

  352. Laura

    I can’t wait to do this I would share with my best friend. This is SO great

  353. Hannah

    I have a dear friend that is “long distance” and we keep in touch and help to keep each other motivated via text, email, phone during our weight loss and general motherhood journies. She is a cancer survivor and weight loss has been very difficult for her since her the birth of her third baby (a miracle in itself). I have ordered her a copy of the book as a gift and have invited her to join us during the study. Looking forward to starting this weekend!

  354. Andi

    I am tired of trying to do this on my own! I pray this book and study will help me rely on Him and his word for strength! And I’m asking my friend Amy to join me in the journey for accountability together!

  355. pam

    I’ve told several of my friends about this study and cannot eat to begin. I love God and trust Him completely, but there is this saboteur in my head that allows me, almost encourages me to eat junk and eat when I’m not even hungry. It’s almost like I’m afraid to lose the weight and truly be physically attractive. This whole becoming single at 50 is really challenging, but I have to get healthy for the right reasons!

  356. Brandi Duke

    There are a group of ladies I work with who are doing The Biggest Loser, and I forwarded the first link I received to them. What better way to start this journey than with God and help knowing we are not the only ones who struggle with this problem! There are two I am going to buy the books for, because they cannot afford it. I am soooo looking forward to this Bible study!

  357. Larah

    Love Made to Crave! Would love to use the free copy to give to a friend of mine who is a huge encourager and supporter in my journey to being a healthy Jesus girl!

  358. Kimberly Foster

    Can’t wait to begin this study!

  359. lia

    I’m sharing this post with my mommy who I have been paying for for awhile now and for God to just get us closer. She has decided to make some changes and I just know its all God! So this will be such an amazing start for her and for us to do together! 🙂 also gonna try to talk to my sister n law about it too!

  360. johnnie

    I am so excited to be starting this Bible Study with my BFF. God is good!

  361. Tenneil

    I am sharing this with my sister and my mom and my readers!

  362. Carrie

    My mother in law!!! We are so excited!!!

  363. schaneil Irish

    I will be telling my 2 bf praying they will help me gey thru this chapter in my life.

  364. Sheila

    I am sharing this post with my daughter, Lizzie!

  365. lia

    I’m sharing this post with my mommy who I have been paying for for awhile now and for God to bring us closer. So this will be such an amazing start for her and for us to do together! 🙂 also gonna try to talk to my sister n law about it too!

  366. Joyrina Hunter

    I had 2 great friends share this with to gain knowledge, experience, and wisdom. I shared this site for another friend to get on board. I’m super excited to be embarking on this journey. I’ve been battling my weight for a few years and I need to get back on track physically as well as spiritually. I can’t wait to start 🙂

  367. Paulete Camp

    I really like that you pointed out that these are not restrictions but parameters which will bring great freedom. I will share with my best fried P.G. in Phoenix

  368. Margie

    I am sharing this with my friends at church. I hope to get more involved!

  369. Lynda Anderson

    I’m going to share this post with my sister. I could use a partner in my journey.

  370. Christine

    I’m going to ask Meg if she is doing this bible study. We did the Unglued one together at our church. It was very good!

  371. April Bohm

    I have invited my mom!

  372. Carrie

    I am sharing this with my mom & my best friend! And everyone else that rreads my Facebook page. 🙂

  373. Tracy Smith

    I shared the Healthy Eating Go-To Scripts with my Medifast Take Shape For Life group. 🙂 Thought I had a copy of Made to Crave when I signed up for the study and it turns out I have the devotional not the book so I’d love to win a copy! Excited for the study!

  374. Cassandra Hale

    I will be sharing this post with my Bible study sisters as many of them are trying to lose weight, and we were discussing doing this together!!! Thanks for your generosity!

  375. Karen S.

    i am going to share this with my Bible Study sister, Nancy. We bought the books a year ago with the intent of working together – well it never happened…. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to get it right this time!

  376. Mandy Roye

    Several friends I have invited through Church

  377. Carrie

    I am sharing this with my mom, & my best friend. And everyone that reads my Facebook page. 🙂

  378. Julie Lawson

    I invited my daughter to this study.

  379. Mandi Moragne

    I’ll be sharing this with my small group ladies! Thank you so much for all you do!!

  380. Jessica Guthrie

    I am excited about the upcoming bible study. As a teacher and busy mom of 3 I find it very challenging to eat healthily. I need all the help I can get! Thanks for the chance to win a free book!

  381. ann

    Have a dear friend whose daughter has been trying to have a baby and so far no luck. Does anybody know some scriptures I can give her so she doesn’t give up hope?

  382. Rosemary

    I’m excited about this study. This is my second go around. The first time I didn’t keep up with it.

  383. Karen

    I am going to share this with my eldest daughter to remind her who she is in Christ, deal with the dislike of her post pregnancy body & the help with struggles she has had & is having again to get pregnant. Thank you Lysa

  384. Mary

    I have a few friends I am going to talk to about this but specifically june

  385. JL Grabowski

    I posted this on my Facebook page and will be sending it to a friend who said she will do the study with me. by the way as long as I’m at it I just want to say that reading your daily Facebook post is like reading my own journal. blessed be God!

  386. Ann

    I am so looking forward to this Bible Study. By all accounts, I’m an extremely successful woman. I am a physician with a Master’s degree in Healthcare Management, married to a wonderful husband, and have a sweet 15 yr doggie and precious 5 yr old son. However, the only real failure I feel in my life is my lifelong battle with my weight. I’m obese and was just diagnosed with high blood pressure. I know NOW is the time to conquer this inner demon and I look forward to having a group of people who are in the same boat. Thank you Lysa!!!

  387. Kathy

    LOVE the scripts. TFS. I know a huge component of victory in any area of addiction involves wallpapering your mind with truth from the Word of God. These are wonderful and will go on my frig, my work wall, and my mind.

    • Kathy

      Oh, forgot to mention, I shared on my Facebook wall my CRAVE journey and invited all who saw my page to attend the online Bible study.

  388. Cecilia Gomez

    I have invited my fellow workers. Several have committed!

  389. Jennifer Hutchinson

    I shared with a dear friend and co-worker. We together can be each other support/buddy system!

  390. Marilyn Gray

    I will be sharing this withmy small group tonight, not all of them struggle with food issues but I believe it can be put to use in many areas of our lives!

  391. Darcy

    I am sharing with my friend Sheri who has struggled with the same ups and downs I have but is always an inspiration spiritually.

  392. Kelly

    I am going to share this with my three sisters, Karen, Angie and Colleen. Our mother struggled with her weight her entire life and so do we and we are all ready to break the cycle for our children. In Jesus Christ all things are possible!

  393. Lacey McAdams

    Sharing this with my friends Kami & Christina!

  394. Jana

    I’ve read your book twice and I’m looking forward to the on-line Bible study and will share this with my daughter! Thanks so much!

  395. Robin

    Sharing with several of my Sisters in Christ who would benefit from this study as I know I will! Thanks for doing this study, Lysa!

  396. Debra

    I am so grateful for Made to Crave, I have battled bulimia for 20 plus years. I have been seeking the Lord’s guidance for more understanding and healing, The Lord put Made to Crave on my path of recovery and it opened my eyes, my heart and my understanding. What a blessing it has been for me physically, mentally and most of all spiritually. I am sharing Made to Crave with 3 children, I want to share with them the book & Bible study that has made the biggest impact in my recovery. Thank you for writing this book, you are truly a blessing.

  397. Julie Sanders

    Hello! I am inviting the women from my church!! Seems like we all struggle with weight and this would be an awesome way to work on it together!!

  398. Beth

    I am excited to pass this along to my friend, Roxanne. We are striving to eat healthier and exercise regularly. This will be great to post on my kitchen cabinet, as well! Thanks for sharing it with us!

  399. Rosemarie Whiteley

    I can’t wait to learn more!! I have been struggling with this issue my entire adult life. I am looking forward to getting closer to God and ending feeling like I’m struggling alone!

  400. Wanda

    I have already shared the Made to Crave Bible study with 3 different people who I felt would also benefit from the study. Thanks, Lysa!

  401. Robin Boston

    I will share this with my friend in TX, we talk on chat since I am in KY. But anytime I tell her I messed up and ate something I shouldnt have she always says dont let it deter you. Just watch it the rest of the day or no biggie start again tomorrow dont let it get you down. She helps me so I want to share these ideas with her as well.

  402. Sophia

    I’m so very excited to start this bible study.. I’m buying books for everyone.. Thank you so much for doing this!

  403. Victoria

    I am excited to start this study and I have invited my friend Cindy to join!

  404. Kathy Holaday

    I will share this with my daughter! She s in need of prayers and strength. She has MS and struggles to understand the affects of eating right can have on her living well with this.

  405. Bethany

    I shared this with a group of friends I attend church with! Hoping WE can use this online Bible Study to keep each other accountable offline! LOVE THIS!!! Thanks!!!

  406. vicki

    I am going to share this with Amber ,who told me she doesn’t know how to choose healthy foods when going grocery shopping, and when eating, and who desires to lose the extra weight and needs help knowing how to do it.

  407. Deb Pryor

    I am going to share this with my bestie Linda!

  408. Donna Klembczyk

    Looking forward to this Bible study and seeing how the Lord will use it to change long standing habits.

  409. Cindy

    I will share this with a girlfriend from high school who I recently connected w/ on FB. She hasn’t come to any of our reunions in 25 years because she is embarrassed by her weight. I love her dearly and want to share Made To Crave because it changed my outlook on life and blessed me so I can bless her!

  410. Camille

    I am going to share this with my friend Jennifer and my sister in law it would be wonderful to journey through this with them.

  411. Debbie Smith

    I am getting excited. What a blessing to share this experience with 34,000 women in the same boat.

  412. Meredith

    I have I invited my 2 sisters Melissa and Meagan and my best friend Holley, so excited!!

  413. Sandy

    I have invited one of my good friends to join me in this study. This is something we discuss often and have struggled with for far too many years.

  414. Carol

    I’m going to share with my sister who has lifelong weight issues just like me.

  415. Nicole

    I will share this with several friends on facebook!

  416. Jennifer

    I am going to share this with my mother.

  417. Dotty Taylor

    I have a male friend I want to share this study with. He battles the same war I do, weight, weight, and more weight! And I am certain that once we believe who we are in Christ, that we are children of Abba. God then we will experience and live in VICTORY through JESUS! Excited about transforming into who Abba has called me to be 🙂

  418. Barb Thornton

    I am sharing this with my best friend who has tons of health issues, she is fighting hard not to have major surgery until she loses some weight. Her scheduled surgery is in three months. One of the side effects is falling and she has been doing that lately.

  419. natasha

    I am sharing this with my friend Pam. We have been giing thru this battle & realized we have to make this about glorifying God

  420. Monica A.

    I want to share this with my mother-in-law, Elaine. She struggles with her weight and it would be great to do this together.

  421. Sue O

    I shared this with my Bible Study pals when I saw it before Christmas…..I’m so excited to start this study AGAIN next Monday and will send them all a reminder as well…Thanks Lysa
    Sue ~ Hartland, MI

  422. Amanda Wall

    I will be sharing this with my mom and 3 friends!

  423. Tammy

    I am sharing this poster with my cousin and as many others as I can.

  424. Leslie

    I am going to share & invite my younger sister, Stacey

  425. Amanda Miller

    I have been running a weight loss Facebook group for 4 years now. I have had well over a hundred people join throughout that 4 years. There has been great success but most importantly encouragement and accountability. It’s a secular group but I will definitely share this post with them for encouragement and to share God’s love 🙂 Thanks!

  426. Beth Bray

    I just had gastric sleeve surgery 5 weeks ago. I have been so emotional and having a hard time. I thought it would be easy and I would just pick right back up and go on. I have not. I saw several friends go through the surgery and did GREAT! Needless to say, I have not. I went to a women’s conference about 3 years back with the new church my husband and I began attending (he is a pastor) and saw Lysa speak. I bought her book Made To Crave. Well, it has sat on my shelf for 3 years until I finally gave it away (this year) for a Christmas present. A few weeks ago, I had 2 friends tell me about the online Bilble study for Made to Crave (of course I have already given my book away! LOL!). I felt led to get online and sign up. I have been so excited about it that I have told every lady friend that I have come in contact with about it!! I am really excited about turning this weight loss journey into being more about Jesus instead of more about my weight loss! Thanks for all you do for Christ ladies! We need more people in the world to step up and reach out to our ladies about living for Christ!

  427. Lisa

    I have invited 2 of my dear friends Julie and Stacie to join me in this journey!

  428. S. Colby

    My best friend so we could do this together.

  429. Niki

    I am sharing this with my Mom, and look forward to doing this bible study together!

  430. Amy

    I have already shared it with a few friends from church. I know that some have already signed up!!

  431. Erin

    I am so excited to start this bible study! I will be asking my friend Kori to join in with me.

  432. Diane

    I have invited my daughters

  433. Lisa

    I am so looking forward to the bible study! A god friend (no typo) is doing it with me. Can not wait!!

  434. Julia Gilstrap

    So good to know I am not alone in this life-long struggle! I am certain God placed this bible study in front of me when I needed it the most! So excited to learn, grow and heal with all of my sisters and brothers in Christ out there! We can do this together! Thank you Lysa for this study!

  435. Janet

    I know that this must be the beginning of something special, I will share this with my family and we will all live healthier, they will see the example in me. My husband and I want to live healthier lives to be able to see all the grandchildren(and to be to get on the floor and play with them). One step and day at a time!

  436. Faith

    I will share this with my friend Laureen, who has been a supportive and motivating mentor for me.

  437. andrea t.

    I am sharing this with my brother!!! 🙂
    He has been such an encouragement to me!
    I am very hungry for the fellowship… accountability… focus… & freedom that God has planned for me. Humbled by your leadership and eternal perspective.

  438. Lori

    Shared with my friend Christy.

  439. Tammie

    I will be sharing this with my mother-in-law, my sister-in-law and possibly with our church ladies for we all struggle with this issue. Thank you for giving us biblical information we can truly use. May God get all the glory. His Word is sharper than a two edged sword!

  440. Rachael

    I would share this with my sister! Looking forward to starting the online study.

  441. Leslie

    I will be sharing this with my friend Jennifer we are on a fitness journey together.

  442. Laura Adams

    I have just shared this study with my friend Denise this morning. I did share with several friends yesterday and Mindy signed up too. We are women who have struggled with our weight and have searched many ways to deal with it but not asking for God’s help and direction. Looking forward to the study!

  443. Teresa

    Hi Lysa –
    I am going to tell my friend Allison, and my friend Tammi about this online bible study tonight- thank you so much for the Go To Scripts – I am going to print them out and put them everywhere so I will remember…God Bless You!!

    I appreciate you so much! And your P31 team.

  444. Cathy

    I invited a person at the gym to participate in the online study.

  445. linda goodrich

    I will share with my daughter Megan

  446. Kelly Tippins

    I will share this with my friend Jenny. And my sister, whose daughter is getting married I. 10 months! We have work to do!

  447. Lauren Allen

    My sweet momma!

  448. Katie S

    I shared it with my mom, but I also made sure the many women on my Facebook ran across it!! 🙂 I think it’s great you are doing a give away! May God bless you and keep, may His face shine upon you, and His awesome love overwhelm you!

  449. Diann

    I am ready to get started after getting side tracked last summer. But I know God is leading me and so forgiving. I will need another book. My first is almost impossible to read and a new one will just focus my eyes on what God wants me to know and learn this time.

  450. Donna

    I am actually sharing this with several friends at work. Jane, Judy, Lynda. We are all going to do accountable to each other for our eating habits over the next few months. Would love to have a copy of the book for one of them. I have already shared the online bible study with them.

  451. Donna Braly

    I’ll post it on my facebook page about your program.

  452. Dora

    I am telling my friend Cheryl about it. We are committed to getting healthy and deepening our relationship with our Lord and savior. I thought at first it was a win win situation but actually it is a LOSE win situation :)!

  453. Julie K.

    I plan to share this blog post with my older sister, Lori. Have told her about the Bible study, but as of yet she hasn’t signed up. Hope she will!

  454. Tami

    I am sharing this post with my accountability group – New Year New YOU! Team 2.1. 🙂

  455. Becky Salter

    My sister Leah.

  456. LisaB

    I have invited my mom Elaine and my friend Mesha.

  457. Sarah

    Hi am so excited to start this bible study! I will tell all who will listen. So far I’ve shared it with my mom and we are going to study together!
    Blessings to all!

  458. Terri

    My BFF Lisa! Lysa, I watched your video last week and loved your quote “I can only claim victory for today’s choices”. It is posted in my cube for daily reflection…thanks!

  459. Staci

    I can’t wait to start this study. I am looking forward to the time again with my OBS group 14. 🙂

  460. Tammy

    I will be asking my friend, Laura, and possibly my daughters.

  461. Vicki

    I am sharing this post with my husband, so he can understand some of the things I am going through.

  462. Kathy

    I invited my good friend Cheryl this morning at breakfast. We decided to meet weekly at lunch time for encouragement. Thank you P31 for making studies like this possible for so many women.

  463. Lisa Smiley

    I plan on sharing this with my friend in Christ who also struggles with her eating.

    I, myself, am unable to purchase your book (my husband is an unbeliever). And although I do need Christ’s and your book to learn new eating habits……….I also just quit smoking, so, WOW, I must submit to my husband and not purchase anything. So, I am bluntly requesting a free copy of your book and possibly the study guide!, so this new year I will change, both for Our Lord and for my husband. Quit smoking, stop buying, lose weight……..ultimately to show my husband that with God’s strength, I can do anything. If The Lord should guide you, you have my email address if you’d like more information on me. I have printed out parts of your books “Becoming Spiritually Beautiful” and “Praying for Your Husband from Head to Toe”. Thank you for your ministry. It MUST speak to so many women in need. Praise God! Lisa

  464. Wendelyn Daly

    I’ve struggled with my weight since I was 7. I am now 34 and I want to be healthy for my family. This means I am going to have to shed some pounds. A lot of pounds. I blog about seeking after God’s purpose for my life and being intentional about life. I felt impressed upon to focus on my health this year and set a goal to loose 30 pounds in 2014. I am praying that this group will help me along this journey. I wish all the participants God’s blessings and direct guidance!

  465. veta millard

    Can’t wait. Love to have the book!!! Thank you for this!!!To go scripts

  466. Sabrina Hamilton

    I have circled this mountain long enough. Now turn north. This was powerful for me today and such a blessing too … thank you for the encouragement … one day at a time, a healthy choice every day …

  467. Zaneta

    I will share this post/book with my best friend Jekia! She is recently married and like all women we all have questions daily about who god wants us to be or if we’re making the right decisions in our lives. I signed up for this online bible study because I am definitely one of those women. I’m a single mother of 3, I ask myself daily why have I not found a mate? Am I not good enough!?

  468. Wendelyn Daly

    I shared this study and Facebook and have a friend who is doing it with me. Her name is Shannon.

  469. Julie

    Sharing this with my daughter! I believe this will be helpful for us both 🙂

  470. Alethea

    So excited to start this journey and to share it with my best friend and co-worker Christi. We both struggle with stress and comfort eating, so we’re in prayer that this will be the key to overcoming our battle with food.

  471. Samantha Jo Zeno

    I am inviting my best friend, Dorothy Jensen. She’s been my sister and workout buddy, my prayer partner and confidant for ten years now! We have been fighting this food battle for just as long. I pray we can overcome this with the power of god and this devotion!! Thank you so much for bringing my struggles to light and having a battle plan!

  472. Emily DeJesus

    I’m so excited and I can’t wait to start this OBS! I will be sharing this with my mother in law and I’m praying she will join me on Sunday.

  473. Ellie Courtney

    I am doing this with my best friend but I’d share it with a friend of mine that is currently struggling in her beliefs!

  474. Stephanie

    Sharing with my friend Dana 🙂
    Looking forward to starting this journey on Sunday with everyone!!

  475. Monica Crocker

    I’m trying to share with my 32-year-old daughter but she rejected me the first time! I still have a few days to work on her though!! Pray that she accepts

  476. Gaye

    I am so excited to be a part if this study. My office is participating and we have a discussion group all set us on Thursday at lunch. We call ourselves LGS. Lookin Good Sisters.

  477. Kathy Abston

    Can’t wait to start this study…I still need the book but will get it this weekend…also toldmy pastor’s wife about the study…we may di it as a women’s group…very excited!!!!

  478. Emily DeJesus

    I’m so excited and I can’t wait to start this OBS on Sunday! I’m sharing this with my mother in law and I’m praying she’ll join me.

    • Emily DeJesus

      I’m not sure why I can’t see my post in the thread…?

  479. Pam

    I am grateful for my sister in Christ and friend,Natasha , for sharing this with me. We need each other to make it to heaven! I will share with others.

  480. Kay

    I’m going to invite my sister-in-Christ Stephanie 🙂

  481. Sue Henry

    I would love to receive your book for my daughter-in-law. Waiting for Sunday….it will be just what I need.

  482. Lauren H

    I’m going to share this with my sister. We’re both guilty of blowing our healthy eating plan and then using our mess up as an excuse to just start later. Hoping she’ll join me on this journey so we can support each other and finally stick to it. So excited!

  483. Lynn Layton

    Oh do those excuses resonant with me. I’m SO looking forward to this study! And the Scripture is so good. Going to start using them NOW!

  484. Barb

    Looking forward to sharing with all of you. Count down to Sunday!!!

  485. Jennifer Tenhoff

    I am goi g to share this with my friend Angie! 🙂

  486. Kim

    I will be sharing this with my sister. We have been trying to get healthy together. We are exercising more and want to get a handle on our eating. I think your book and Bible Study will be a great help with this. My sister is also a new/baby Christian so anytime I can share God’s word with her and show her how relevant it is to our lives, I’ll take it!

  487. Becky

    I am going to share this with a couple of friends that are in the same boat as I am… Very excited to get started 🙂

  488. Tania McPherson

    Looking forward to this! Thank you for the scripts! Have the first one, and will continue collecting.

  489. Kim Townson

    A friend of mine on FB shared a link inviting all her friends to join her for an online Bible study…Made to Crave. After reading the information, this is a much needed answer of prayer for me. To be honest, I have already purchased the book and the conference calls. I shared my friends link to get more of our friends to join with us. I am so excited I couldn’t think of just one and had to share with all my friends. Sharing the book would be such a blessing for one of my friends.

  490. Ashley Ries

    I have so many friends and family that are in a position to hear these exact scripts- I plan on sharing this with my mom- she just learned she has developed type 2 diabetes, and really needs all the encouragement she can get to stay healthy- physically, and spiritually!

  491. Susanna

    I’m planning to share this with a weight loss group I’m a part of…. And I was planning to share it with them even before I realized that’s how we get entered into the drawing. 🙂

  492. Kelly Smith

    How funny, when I commented on the original blog, I said that I was thankful that you were having this contest, because I wanted to give the book to my aunt who is dieting and would definitely benefit from this book study, and then the contest says who would you share this with and it would be my Aunt Marcia, she’s a quadriplegic Who is getting too heavy for her bed and chair, and it’s hard for her caregiver to lift and move her, and so she started a diet. And we done hello mornings book studies today and Bible studies together, and I used the made to crave in a prism diet that I did through my church, and I’ve already bought the book, but I thought this would be perfect for her to go along with trying to diet right now. I was trying to get her to join this book study with me. So to win this book would be great! A real blessing.

    Thanks and blessings always,
    KellyS91709 (because there’s another Kelly S in the book study too)

    • Kelly Smith

      The link on my name is broken sorry

  493. Sheri

    I am sharing this with my sister

  494. Lisa Latimore

    I would share it with my daughter Justine. She wanted to do this study with me but decided she really needed to be more focused on school right now, I Hope she will read the book when she is not too busy!

  495. Ciara Parks

    I am going to share with my friend DJ.

  496. Laurel

    Hi, I’ve already talked to my cousin, almost 2 years older than me, about the book and program. So now I will forward info. We are both in our late 60’s and determined to have victory over this problem we have had since we were 5 or 6 years old. “Nothing is too hard for God.” including our eating issues. She doesn’t have very much money so winning the book for her would be nice. God Bless all of you, Laurel

  497. Peggy Garcia

    Hi! I’d like to invite my best friends JoAnn Eller and Peggy Snyder to join me in this Bible Study with you. I am so looking forward to this.

  498. Sheryl Atkinson

    I have invited my friend Kelly, who is also on a healthy eating journey!

  499. Carol

    My goal is to share this with my beautiful daughter. I’m also attending this class series at my church in Austin, Texas but wanted to do the online one as well. I’ve found the more time I spend connecting with Christ and Women in Christ the better life gets and the less challenging and more rewarding life and goals become.
    So looking forward to sharing this study with you all.

  500. Cindy

    I will share it with my precious friend, Louisa. We pray together and one issue for both of us is our weight. I know so many things in my mind, but putting them into practice is quite another story. 🙂

  501. Shanna Block

    I’m going to share this with the amazing women in my community group!

  502. Sabrina Williams

    I will be sharing this post with my sister in law, 3 of my sisters, and several of my coworkers.

  503. Patricia Ashmore

    Going to share this with my best friend. She and I have struggled with weight issues together. I have the book so if I win, I’m giving it to her.

  504. Debbie Parker

    I invited my friends Donnette and Sharon. I am also going to invite my Mom as well. We have all struggled with our weight our entire lives. I can’t afford the book so thanks for giving some away!

  505. Vivian

    I will share this with my college daughter who struggles constantly with eating. She consistently jumps from fad diet to fad diet and I hope that this will be a life changing for her. Her struggles I believe are deeper than food. Self esteem and her struggle for identity.

  506. Shannon Dingbaum

    I invited my good friend Patty, also my MOPS group is going to start a study group on Made to Crave! 🙂

  507. Nadia

    I never felt that I had a problem, but in the last year it has been revealed that I cannot do this on my own. A few years ago I lost 30lbs no problem. I looked and felt great! I gained all my weight back. I thought I was in control but obviously there is a greater issue here and I know now that ONLY with gods help will I be able to change my eating habits. He has shown me that yes, this needs to be addressed, but he will be right there beside me.

  508. Amy

    I have shared with our whole church lol… Well, on FB and will share this with my friend Kandi.

  509. Sheila

    I shared it with my friend and prison ministry partner Amber yesterday and she is joining us for the study!

  510. Linda Hagopian

    I am inviting my friends Cathy and Lynn. Neither are Believers (yet!) but they both have responded to other invitations from me to study God’s Word.

  511. Iindsey

    I would share this with my friend Janel who encouraged me to lose weight in a biblical way. Not a way that is honoring to myself, but in a way that is honoring to God.

  512. Debby

    This is what I have been waiting for my whole life and now I am going to share it with my best friend of 31 years, Heidi. We are sisters in Christ and it seems as if we are in every other way also. Even though we have lived miles apart for 24 of those 31 years we never miss a beat and have always been there for each other. She is an absolute blessing to me as I know this Bible Study will be too. Thank you for this beautiful gift of sharing.

  513. Ana B

    I will share this with my Mother and my best Friend! My mother-in-law actually shared this with me and I can’t wait to start this journey!

  514. Joy R.

    Looking forward to Sunday!

  515. Juanita Derryberry

    I’m posting this on my FB page, as I have many friends that could benefit from this study.

  516. Susan

    I am going to share this with 2 of my friends from Church. We are busy homeschooling Moms who need time with God and each other. I am really looking forward to this study.
    We have tried many things to lose weight and have been on the weight loss – weight gain roller coaster. We realize we need to trust God for this area of our lives, also.

  517. Stacey Rasco

    I invited and sent the book to my mother, Sue Atkison. We live 300 miles apart and are in constant phone contact, so this will be a great opportunity for us to bond, feel HIs love and enjoy losing weight together. I pray that when we get together in May, we will both be pleasantly surprised. Thank you!

  518. Sherry H.

    Sharing this post with my good friend, Jennifer S. Can’t wait to get this study started! 🙂

  519. Jessica Mills

    I am sharing with my co-worker Meredith!

  520. Wanda Livingston

    I have a friend who is struggling with food addiction and I have shared about this Bible Study.

  521. Michelle

    I’m going to share this with my MOPS (mother’s of preschoolers) ladies! 🙂

  522. Heather

    I willl share this with my mom!

  523. Laurel

    I can’t wait for the study to start. NewYears New me is going slow and i can’t wait for support from this group of victorious people. We will all be victorious in Jesus and everything we do through Him.

  524. Shannon

    Hi! I am going to invite a co worker and a long time school friend! I am so excited about this study and I hope they will join me!!

  525. Kristen

    I’ve got the devotional, which I’ve read 4 times through! I’m excited to read the book though… maybe God will speak to me in a new way. If I won the book, I would give it to my neighbor. I know she would really take a lot from it as I have.

  526. Maria W.

    I would share this with a friend at church who struggles to lose weight.

  527. Gigi Hardin

    I am starting a book study with some women at my church. This will be an wonderful resource for us. I will be sharing it with all of them!!!

  528. Mary Jane Perdue

    I am sharing this with my friends Dionne and Susan! So excited about this 🙂

  529. Rachel Fisher

    I am sharing this with my best friend Heather! We do everything together! Getting spiritually and physically in shape is something that we can do together!

  530. Rebecca Swearingen

    I’ve done the made to crave devotional through the you version app and I’m lolling forward to doing this online study. I’m sharing this with all my girlfriends on Facebook

  531. Melissa

    I have been circling the mountain long enough! That is what the holy spirit spoke to me as I read the blog today. I am looking forward to joining in the study on line. God has been so faithful to gently guide me in his ways. Although I feel like a defeated person because I tend to look at my failures, God keeps encouraging me along the way with his unmerited Grace. For that, I am thankful.

  532. Laurie VK

    I am looking forward to this Bible study. I am sharing it and being held accountable by my friend Sandra!

  533. Donna Scarcella

    A dear friend shared this Bible study on FaceBook and I bought the book & signed up. I in turn told a dear friend Denise about it and also posted the link in my Facebook page. Thank you!

  534. Debbie Kirkland

    I am sending this to my friend Janet. I’ve been inviting everyone on my Facebook. I just posted an invitation today, and Janet wanted to know more.

  535. Belinda

    I shared this with all my friends on Facebook! I am really excited about the Bible Study. Thank you for making this available!

  536. Janna S.

    I shared this with a co-worker!

  537. Allyson Fortner

    I just want to thank you for doing this study. It comes at a perfect time for me.

  538. Geni

    I’m going to share this with my friend Ashley. We’re starting our journey towards health together!

  539. Gladys

    I hope to share this study with a friend.

  540. Jennifer S.

    I am going to share this with my daughter who has been struggling with trying to lose weight.

  541. Melody Benson

    I will tell my friend Joni Ibarra & Carol Kuykendall about the study.

  542. Lynette Craven

    I am hosting a “Made to Crave” home study/support/encouragement group through the church I attend (Vineyard Boise) and our first meeting is January 22nd. So far there are eight women signed up and I will be sharing the Healthy Go-To Scripts with each of them. I am so excited about this book study and to see what the Lord has in store for me and the other women in the group.

  543. Jenny

    I have invited two friends to join and forwarded the P31 study info. 🙂

  544. claudia

    I told my sister and mother about the study! Only a few more days!

  545. Andrea

    Sharing with my BFF and mother in law!!!

  546. Mary Ann Lord

    I will send this to my friend Kelli. I’d love to share this information with her and see her get excited about this study!

  547. Rob

    I am excited to learn how to crave God more then I crave not just food but other things that are preventing me from having a deeper walk with Him.

  548. Leah

    I’ll be sharing this with my sister!

  549. Tana

    I shared this just this morning with a good friend of mine, Julianne.

  550. Katrina

    I’m inviting my sister n law, Alisha!

  551. Tara F

    I am going to tell my sister about the site. We love food…but food does not love us. We are making a change for the better. So excited about the Bible Study.

  552. Jennifer Nixon

    I’m sharing this with my best friend,my mom, Judi. She wants to lose some weight and gain back her health. As do I.

  553. Charity L.

    I will be sharing this with my sister and mother. I am on a weight loss journey right now and this book has been a blessing but would like to own it myself. I check it out from my library and have loved it. Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

  554. Lauren

    As I sit here munching carrot sticks and hummus (a surprising choice given what foods I crave), I wanted to share my acquaintance, Tonya’s, story. She is an acquaintance of mine who was nominated by another friend through a Facebook ‘contest’ I had, searching for ‘extraordinary women’ whom I could encourage by giving them Thirty-One gifts (where our motto is ‘Celebrate, Encourage, Reward’). Tonya was adopted at four years old and grew up in a home where there were different foster kids joining and leaving their home. She attended Youth for Christ in our community as a high schooler, where she was in a small group with a wonderful leader (the woman friend who nominated her). Her small group leader has kept in close touch with her (Tonya is now 21 years old), and shared with me Tonya’s struggles with her weight and unemployment and how Tonya could use encouragement! I want Tonya to know, really know, that she was created in God’s image, and that she can do all things through Christ who strengthens her. She ‘won the contest’ in that she is getting some Thirty-One products and a sweet note to encourage her, and I would LOVE to include a copy of your book, Made to Crave. Thank you for your consideration!

  555. Ruth Johnson

    Am telling my friend Mary….and my sister-in-law Deb….Would love a hard copy….TY

  556. Lori

    I have shared with both friends and my sister in this Bible study to be my accountability partners. Looking forward to losing weight and gaining closeness in my relationship with Christ.

  557. Felicia

    I love the Health eating to-go scripture, I shared with my co-workers & I posted it on my refrigerator. I have been struggling with eating healthy I have a bunch of food allergies. I would love to win your book made to crave.

  558. Niki

    I am sharing this on my Facebook page, I have several friends whom I know would benefit from this study, not just because it’s about overcoming our addiction to food, but also because it’s about learning to rely on God instead of “stuff” to fill us up.

  559. Becky galaydick

    I love this book so help for this will be my second time doing it because I let food take over my life but with gods help I can do it. I will be sharing this with my wonderful cousin Sonja . Again thank you for such a. Wonderful book

  560. Valerie

    I am going to share this post with my ladies’ accountability group. Thank you for this post!

  561. Jessica Hall

    I’ll be sharing this with my sister-in-law since she’s the one who told me about your book in the first place!

  562. Melissa

    I like most of you cannot wait to get started. I do crave a deeper relationship with God. I sense that He is calling me to draw closer to Him this year. We a fellow belivers have so much work to do for the kingdom – how can we do it all alone? Simply put -we can’t do it alone-but together with encouragment and by the grace of God and fellow sister beilvers we can do anything!! Let’s get busy sisters…. Greenville, SC (near Furman Univ. ) If anyone ever wants to walk on the Swamp Rabbit Trail. Get in touch…

  563. Cindy J

    Hi, I have actually shared this with a couple of women at my church, a lady I work with, and another friend of mine. So excited to get started!!

  564. Cathie O

    I’m so excited about this study and I can’t wait to get started! I’ll be sharing this with the wonderful group of women at my church that make up our Wednesday night Bible study group.

  565. Jane Jenkins

    I am excited to start this study not just for my physical being but me spiritual being.

  566. Echo Littrell

    I would like to share this OBS with my mother .
    We can work together to achieve better health and also pray together .
    I will also share this info with my friends and coworkers.

  567. Cathy

    I am sharing this with my Wednesday night ladies class at church. We just finished “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God” and we absolutely loved it and there was a lot of growth for all of us.

  568. Chelsea

    I am excited to start this bible study – how those comments resonate with me! I am sharing this study with my friend, Jenny.

  569. DeeAnn

    I’m sharingt his post with my Sissy! 🙂

  570. Brittany King

    I would share it with my mother in law! We are both trying to get healthier this year and stop this addiction we have with food!

  571. Nancy

    This is going to be a great help for me… I have been making those excuses.. I want to change!

  572. Tara johnson

    I’m sharing this withy friend Kelly Prather. Great thoughts!

  573. Nash

    As I sit here eating a bowl of Honeycomb cereal I received this in my email. I will be printing this out for sure 🙂 Thanks!

  574. Gretchen

    I will share this with my friend, Lisa. We’re going to be accountability partners, and we LOVED Unglued! I have read MTC on my own, but want to go through it with a buddy, now.


    I did MTC almost 3 years ago,,,totally changed how I think about food, Recommended to almost everyone I know!!! Posted on my FB page!!! WOOOWHOOO!

  576. Laqueda Chaves

    My cousin Kyleen and I are very close. We are each others biggest cheerleaders. whether its trials of life,celebrations on our accomplishments. Supporting each others kids at there activities. And most definitely on our weight issues whether its gaining or losing. I will b sharing this study with her.

  577. Wendi Gordon

    I would love to win a copy of the book. I need this study. I’m already feeling discouraged.

  578. Stephanie A

    I would share with my friend Becky 🙂 I need an accountability partner & she is an amazing friend.

  579. Mandy W.

    I’m posting this on my friend Beth’s facebook wall. She has been struggling with these issues.

  580. Kim Blake

    I have the book and doing it online! I am going to share it with one of my church ladies when we start the study together! I’m learning a ton and want to share share share!!

  581. Cheryl

    Thanks for the inspiration! I am sharing this with my coworker, Julie.

  582. Jessica Schnake

    I am sharing this with my husband and my mom. Thanks so much!

  583. Mary

    I will share with my Sister Ada and my friend Susan.

  584. Metta Wickham

    I am sharing with my wonderful life group leader. Also to my life group ladies for more encouragement. Excited to get started!!! 😉

  585. Vicki mutchler

    I will share this with my good friend Sue, we have the same problem and I need a friend to walk through this with! Thanks!!

  586. mindy minard

    im sharing this info with my sister, Charity Stone

  587. Twila

    my friend Diane Jones♥

  588. Heather Peoples

    I am telling my God-loving friend Mary about Made to Crave Bible Study right now!

  589. Jock'Lene

    My best friend and I are very excited to be doing this study. Thank you for offering it online.

  590. Kristi

    I invited two ladies! One of them has registered the other is my sister-in-law and she is still thinking about it! If she had a MDC book I betcha I could talk her into joining the group!!;)

  591. Therese Buford

    Thank you so much for sharing such wonderful tips! I’m thoroughly looking forward to this devotional study. The women in my family struggle with this exact issue so I will most definitely be sharing this with them! Can’t wait to get started!

  592. dpresley

    Sharing this with a co-worker!

  593. Tammy Moore

    I am really excited about this. I’m having so much trouble believing in myself and I am stressed everyday due to having a child who is type 1 diabetic, a child with fetal alcohol sysdrome and a husband who is disabled I’m the care taker of them all. I’m really excited to see what God has planed for me.

  594. Leigh

    I will be sharing with my daughter.

  595. Pam

    Is there a way to print the “Go to Scripts”? I would love to have them handy to keep reading to help me. I have a feeling this will be a huge battle and the more I can arm myself with positive thinking, prayer & God’s promises…the better!

  596. Tammy Moore

    I’m sharing this with my friend Nikki she and I are dealing with the same issues about our selfs

  597. Sherri

    I do struggle with these kind of thoughts and find it hard to stick to my resolutions to make healthy changes in my life..I am looking forward to our study):

  598. Melody

    I’ll share this with my 21 year old daughter. She’s in college & working full time too. She’s struggling in this area & I regret I’ve not been a better example for her 2 follow/learn from.

  599. Joycelyn

    I will share this post and would like for my two daughters to join me in this study.

  600. Lualhati Husmillo

    I have forwarded the original invite to my daughter. Please help me pray that she will consider this and register before the start day.. It would be great to study this with her and have something to interact about and in the process learn and apply it to our lives… Then share to others.. Thanks in advance if you pray for her as well. her name is Keren.

  601. ConnieH

    I would absolutely love to share this book with a friend of mine who wasn’t able to do the study with us when a group of friends did it last year. I am also looking forward to the online group and going through the study again this coming week!

    Thanks for the give away opportunity!

  602. Sherry

    I am have signed up for this study and the lady that leads us in our group studies has decided to lead this one next. I am excited that I will be getting it twice..!!

  603. Karen Simpson

    I’m going to tell my friend Dyann. I just reconnected with her after 30 years! We were coworkers when I was in high school. She was so excited to learn I got saved three years ago. We are planning to do a small group together.

  604. Myriah Bentley

    I am going to share with my mom and sister!! 🙂 cant wait to start!

  605. Denise Fuller

    I have invited my friend Theresa.

  606. Jerri Vaughn

    Please share with Jennifer Vaughn a military wife

  607. Ann Ray

    Would love to win a copy of this book! Saw you at momcon and loved you.. plus this all sounds like just what I need to focus on instead of food. Sharing this with my sister. Thanks much!

  608. Nancy

    I am encouraging my daughter as well as all my FB friends to join in the study. The momentum is building! Can you believe someone gave me 10 lbs. Of Hershey kisses today? Tricky but greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world!

  609. Jen C

    I am going to tell my mom about this. It’s a great way to keep accountable since we see each other at least 2x a week. 🙂

  610. Bernice Wise

    I have joined this Group for more insight into what God has planned for me. I’ve struggled with my weight for the last 7 years but a lot has to do with not being able to excerise because of a bad Knee. But I did go on a diet and was excerising every day and I did it with God I always prayed before I started and ended with a prayer of thanks…but some how I got side tracked and slowly stopped reading my bible regularly and then one day it just happened my knee got worse and I couldn’t excerise any more and I’m not good at dieting and I’m stuck in the house all the time which always leads me to the wrong choices in food and now I’ve become depressed about my weight because I’ve put back on 10 lbs within the last three months and I know deep down inside it’s my fault because i quit putting God First and foremost and I know I need to start doing what it was I did before and that is to ground myself into GODS Word and talking to him more because like you said God Doesn’t want us to be unhappy with ourselves at all and I know this because before I started my diet and excerise a year ago I was praying constantly for God to help me loose my weight and He did after he showed me I had to help myself first, God Helped me all the way to excerising and eating right. Then I noticed my knee got worse and I couldn’t excerise anymore and I started putting back on the weight that’s when I realized that I had taken my eyes off God I wasn’t reading my bible like I should have been and I think this group is exactly what I need to help me grow in Gods word and stay grounded in my Faith because I know First Hand what God can do for me and has done for me. I believe with all my heart that God is the reason I found this group. I just pray I can get a book before this Session begins. Thank you so much for the Emails. Ms Bernice Wise

  611. Breanna Gordon

    I am going to tell my sister, and get her to do it with me! She really doesn’t have a choice. Lol. We both have had babies in past 6mths and need help to loose the ‘baby’ weight. But really I can’t call snacking on chips at 11pm ‘baby’ weight, no matter how hard I try to justify it.
    Excited to study with all you ladies

  612. Kim

    I’m sharing with my mom and a girl that I work with. She is training for a 10K (her first ever) and is struggling with some food issues. I thought we could have some good discussions at work about the study!!! I’m looking forward to dealing with my own food issues and getting closer to God.

    • Deb

      I have already shared this study with five people. I plan to share it with Laura Ludwig too.

  613. Helen

    I am sharing with my daughter. We are always trying to help each other. But I have definitely been circling this diet mountain for years. It’s time to conquer this mountain. It’s time to be the victor not the victim!

  614. Julie B

    Gonna share with my baby girl….who’s not a baby anymore! 🙂

  615. Marsha Carter

    I’m inviting several of my friends to join this with me! I have READ the book but I want to APPLY it to my daily life! Thank you so much for sharing this very private part if your life.

  616. Donna Sullivan

    Hi Lysa, I’ve enjoyed reading your daily posts on Facebook and would love to read your book! I’m struggling with being overweight, anxiety/panic attacks and depression from time to time. I will share this with my sister as I feel she could being it from this as well! Thanks so much for being a blessing!

  617. Julie

    Go to scriptures are awesome reminders as I start of the new year by continuing to eat healthy and maintain my goals to lead a healthier life style.

  618. Kathleen C

    I will be sharing this with my friend Ali, whom I volunteer with at our church. Thank you!

  619. Pam Leavitt

    Can’t wait to dig into this study. I love how people include the Bible in all of their life activities.

  620. Twila

    I signed up my friend, Linda Parsons, in Tehatchapi, Ca. She has not been able to find email to confirm she is registered. Can you please help.

  621. Laura Stuff

    I am sharing this with my sister-in-law and my mother! Excited to share this bible study with both of them!

  622. Twila

    I actually have posted this on FB and have friends that have signed up! I’m so excited for Sunday to get here!

  623. Mandie

    I originally signed up for this study so I could finally lose some weight, but the more I’ve read the e-mails and blogs in preparation for this study my goals have changed. Now I want to make God the center of my life, and I want to crave Him before all other things. I have shared this information with my mom and she is going to do the study with me. I’m so excited for this opportunity!

  624. Debra

    I am going to share with my friend Erica. Also am going to tell my fellow co-workers. Great things happen when we are in community!!!

  625. Dawn

    I am so excited to get started. I have always started and stopped and now I want to see GODS place in this. I can’t wait to Change 50. Years of unhealthy eating. Thank you see you January 19th

  626. Marilyn

    Thank you so much for the “Go to Scripts”. My best friend told me about the Made to Crave online Bible study. I am signed up and have all my study materials. I want my eating to be pleasing to God. Thanks again for offering the Bible study.

    Anderson, SC

  627. Jennifer Mauntel

    I am sharing this post with my mom so we can do the bible study together!

  628. Susan

    Shared with my friend at work she is interested in the study also..

  629. Debi

    I have shared with my daughter in laws, my sister, my best girlfriend, my Sunday school class and co-workersI I have struggled with food addiction all of my life.

  630. April

    I am so excited for this study. I have let myself get defeated so many times without realizing it was God’s strength I should be leaning on. I have a few friends to share this with. Praying they will feel it resonate with them, too.

  631. Pam

    Yes, this was shared with me…. I signed up.. and now I am sharing this with both my sisters in hopes that they to will do the study and see that it is because of God we are who we are and that our blessing no matter what battles we face are a way to grow with the love of the Lord and to pay it forward by sharing His love. God Bless to all, looking forward to learning more especially with my relationship with the Lord.

  632. Kim Riddle

    I am sharing this post with my daughter! She has recently gave her life to God and I couldn’t be prouder of her! She was asking me about books and bible studies, so Proverbs31 was the first thing I told her about! I am planning on getting her the A Confident Heart book and devotional! Even though the study is over, I know those books will help her! I am praying that she will join me in participating in this OBS!

  633. Sonjia Shaw

    Luv this! Thank you so much! Going to share this with my clients – awesome!

  634. Cindy Mathis

    So excited for starting this study for the new year. Plan to share this with a coworker. Want to do it on our lunch hour. Maybe this will bring an opportunity to share with others at work! Praying for that opportunity!

  635. Barbara

    I will share with my mom.

  636. Zoe

    I’ve recently come out of a very long depression. I wasn’t taking care of my health in any way, shape, or form. I was eating like crap, not exercising, cutting myself down and doubting myself, letting myself get overwhelmed with day to day duties. I thought I had finally snapped and “this was it” for me. But I did something I hadn’t done in a very long time. I prayed. I prayed for hours until I couldn’t deny that I was the person standing in the way of my own happiness. I couldn’t have done it without God’s help and leaning on Him. He has shown me the positive in so many dark situations and helped me through them. I can’t wait to read this book and go through the study. It’s only going to strengthen my relationship with Him so much more and lead me to great things.

  637. Harriet

    I’m going to share with my sister. We both struggle with our food choices and are trying to support and encourage each other with this Bible study. Its not just about food… its about our spiritual ‘food’ as well.

  638. Leigh Inman

    i have already shared this with my teacher friend/guidance counselor debbie sides!!
    And, i will share with my AES school family that is in the biggest loser challenge with me:)
    thanks, LeAn
    i am looking forward so much to learn to “crave” God in a way that it replaces my desire to “crave” food!!!

  639. Karen

    Is the 6 week Action Plan a part of the online Bible study, or do I need to order that separately?

  640. Joanne Peterson

    I just shared an invite with a friend, Michele, who is asking God to be her strength in weight loss and in the end of a marriage. She wants Jesus to walk with her and she is relying on Him.

  641. Lauren

    Lisa, I talked non-stop about Made To Crave while I was reading it. Sarah was in my Bible Study and wants to rad your book also. She is a young and new stay-at-home Mom. Wouldn’t it be great if I could give her your book?!

  642. susan

    I am going to share this with my sister and a couple if my nieces. I am so excited to begin this Bible study with other women who struggle with the same issues.

  643. Sheila

    I would love to win this free book and give it to my dear friend, Trudy. She’s a wonderful friend and I believe she would enjoy the OBS.

  644. Chris

    I will share this with my friend from church. We have talked about these issues many times but always seem to stay in the same rut.

  645. Sandi Wiig

    Would love to share with my bff who is going thru some really hard times right now. We both are but it is going to turn around. We believe that. Neither one of us can afford the books but we would love to do the studies. Have a Blessed Day.

  646. Denise

    I have heard about this book and have been wanting to read it. Looking forward to joining the group & will share with all my FB friends & pray that anyone who feels they need to refocus will join me.

  647. Kim Mahan

    I’m going to share this information with my friend Penny. We both struggle with our weight and health and love the Lord dearly!

  648. Teresa Wood

    I will share with each person that crosses my path but also my family and friends that are struggling with this as well. I have a sister and three daughters and a son that can all use this. I hope to be an example for others to be curious as to what I did to succeed at getting myself on track.

  649. Robin Hildenbrandt

    Hi! Thank you for this! I am going to share with Carol. I am 58 yrs. old and I am tired of using the excuse that I grew up poor and never want to lack of anything again! God has bee in my life on purpose since 2003. Until then, I believed I would someday be homeless! To prepare for that I belonged to a spa for 30 years because I could at least have a place to shower! I had a car big enough so that I would have a place to sleep! I always wanted a van, though to make sure of that! It took me many years to come to trust God in His promise to provide all my needs! I don’t worry about those things any longer, however, I don’t know how to let go of the food issue! I know what I need to do in my mind. I just don’t know what I need to do in my heart! With God and this study, I am looking forward to letting go of the bad habits and letting God fill those thoughts of ‘eating’ just to be eating…

  650. Lisa

    I am going to share with my mother-in-law, who has struggled with her weight most of her life.

  651. Lori Q

    I plan to share this with my sister. Something we can both use. Thanks!

  652. Sam Zavitz

    All 4 of my best friends are doing the MTC Bible Study with me! I’m excited that the five of us can do this study together and grow in Christ. 🙂

  653. Lisa Popovich

    I will share this information with my good friend Linda, from church.

  654. Barbara

    I crave carrots & love them raw but my teeth do not. I want to lose lbs. & gain core strength. The introduction finding your “Want To” has inspired me to go forward. I’m signed up w my BFF & already shared w my sisters. Ready to proceed w Jesus @ my back

  655. Jennifer

    I have shared w an old friend, Wendy. We both got the book several months ago w the intention of getting together regularly but never did. Life took over. So this is my way of holding myself accountable. I’ve read the book once but just as w the addicts I work w, often times one needs more than one time through. I really wanted to break the bondage I have to food. To gain control. I use excuses to eat what i want amd as often as i want and i want to rely on God’s love to sustain me, not food. I don’t need to lose a lot of weight so for me it’s more about trusting God for me through this discipline. Looking forward to this, my first bible study!

  656. Shannonvelvetsunset111

    I would share with my daughter-in-law who fights a battle with thyroid problems and is constantly looking at natural food sites and biblical eating practices.

  657. LaShae

    I would share the book with my mother in law in Mozambique and any other family and friends who are having the same struggle.

  658. Betty Saylor

    My niece shared on Facebook that this study was approaching, I contacted her to see if she was planning on participating and we had a good laugh! She is thin as a pencil and would actually like to gain weight! After the laughter we had a serious talk about how it is not always food that consumes us it can be many things. We are looking forward to the study. I am sharing with my co-workers also.

  659. Rachel

    I will share with my best friend Michelle. We’ve been on this journey together for 10 months now. So many highs and lows but we are thankful for our faith to lead us.

  660. Susan

    Sharing with my daughter

  661. April

    I will share with my friends and coworkers. We struggle with weight & sugar cravings! Can’t wait to start!

  662. Deb

    Somehow I left my comment in the wrong spot. I’ve shared this with five people already and plan to share it with my good friend, Laura yet.

  663. Michelle R

    Sharing it excitedly with Beverly B & my bible study group of 7!! So so so very excited!! Thank you in advance for all that God will do!!

  664. Moriah C

    Thanks for the giveaway! I’d share the book with my sister-in-law and some great friends

  665. Mary Catherine

    I will share with my friend Carole that I have partnered with to complete a 90 day health challenge! Thank you for this opportunity…I am so excited and have never thought of craving God like I crave things like food! A pivotal moment in my life! Lets get started

  666. Laurie W

    Looking fwd to the online study! Would love the 2nd book to share w/ a family member too. Love Lysa’s encouraging posts on fb every day!

    Thanks for being there!

  667. Nita Naumann

    I got my book yesterday at Calvary Book Store in Marble Falls and as far as I know I am signed up and so ready to start the 19th!

  668. Rosa

    So excited about Sunday!!!! Asking my daughter Melanie to join me on this study. It’s gonna be awesome!

  669. Barbara K

    I am going to share this post with a co-worker. Thanks!

  670. Whitney Sparks

    I am going to share this with my mom(s). I want them to be in good condition and stay around until the Lord is ready to take them home. I want them to feel good about themselves and proud to be the women that God created them to be. I know you probably don’t feel much like a woman after raising children, going through menopause all while your body is aging. I love our mom(s) very much and want them to be in the best of health!

  671. Sheryl Grasmeyer

    I bought the book for my sister in law and have shared the study information with her. Not sure
    if she will be able to do the study with us (as I have signed up), but I know she will read it and be inspired by its message.

  672. Heather

    I will share this with my friend. She had tried many times to change her eating habits and never lasts longer than a few days. She starts with such enthusiasm and I hope she can learn to hold on to it longer and stick with healthy eating forever.

  673. Lynn Glenn

    I would love to get a book for my friend who has been struggling with her weight for a few years. She is so discouraged and I have been praying for an opportunity to disciple her. May GOD BLESS this ministry!!!!!!!

  674. Carol

    I am going to share these with all of my girl friends. But especially my sister and my Mom!!! I can’t wait to get started on this study.

  675. Michelle

    I’ll share this with my mom.

  676. Robin shuler

    I’m sharing this Bible study information with a friend who is having a difficult time right now. I hope it will bring her peace.

  677. Jennifer

    I am planning to do this study with my best friend. We both could use some spiritual encouragement right now, as our lives hold big changes in the future. Always praying….

  678. Ann : )

    Looking forward to the study.

  679. Sandy B

    I will be sharing this with my husband. I stress eat, and being on prednisone doesn’t help. He just eats. I graze throughout the day so meals, per se, are not overly important to me. But when I am sitting at the computer studying, well let’s just say that eating and studying go hand in hand, or should I say hand to mouth….For him though, eating is a preoccupation. I’m 30 lbs overweight, he’s a 130 lbs overweight and it’s affecting his health. I am hoping and praying that this will be a program that we can follow together to gain victory over our health issues by controlling our eating and health God’s way.

  680. Gina

    I’m going to share this w my daughter-in-law who has a one year old and just posted on Instagram that she’s on a diet. I’m hoping this will help lead her to a relationship w Christ as well as get healthy!

  681. Hope

    Shared with my friend, kathy

  682. Robin Wilson

    funny you would ask who i would share with — well, shared it on my FB page, so that would be to like 400+ peeps. But tagged some of my faves – Amanda my daughter, Ginny, Dixie and Rose to name a few. Amanda is off in Grad School in Cali and i miss her desperately here on the East Coast. Even though she is very healthy – eats good most of the time and is a runner, I am hoping she will do this study. 1st – she, like all of us, works at being healthy and so cravings sneak in. But the most important thing I want her to remember is that God cares about every single aspect of our lives, everything!! Even, Even our cravings.

  683. Barbara Bigler

    I am going to share this with all my coworkers. It would be nice to have someone to do this with. My daughter is moving out on the 19th and I was going to start my new years health program then. When I saw the class started on the same day I knew it was a God thing. Thank you!

  684. jessica

    I am so excited about this study and so Thankful to be able to do it this way. I Need to lose weight for health reasons and know I need GOD to overcome. Sharing with friends now. Thank you

  685. Becky

    I will be sharing with several of my friends who have been struggling with this issue including my fellow church choir members Terri, Kathy, and Carrie.

  686. Laurel Wycoff

    I plan to share this with my sister; she lost over a hundred pounds 1 1/2 years ago. Due to some medical issues she has not been able to continue her weight loss journey.

  687. Roxanne

    I am very excited to start this Bible Study. I have invited many friends to join it with me.

  688. Betty

    i am going to share this with 2 friends and hope that they will join me in the study.

  689. DeLynn

    I’ve already shared the Made to Crave bible study with all the women in my church. I sent out a mass email to them telling them all about it. I invited them to join me in my journey and gave them the website! I also posted the site on my Facebook page inviting my FB friends to join in the fun! I can’t wait to start this fun adventure!

  690. jennifer r.

    I am going to share this with my womens Made to Crave Bible Study. This will be a great encouragment to all of the women as we start this journey with God’s grace.

  691. lola r

    Need this to get a healthy body and healthy frame of mind!

  692. Debra Rice

    I would share with my 3 daughters. My husband is a retired military chaplain. Each one of them have a “Made to crave”. It would be a blessing to receive this book.

  693. Debbie

    shared with coworkers, a couple have shown interest in doing the study.

  694. Candace Muhlenkamp

    My girlfriends and I have started an accountability group so I will share this with them!! We are working together to make healthier choices and staying accountable for our quiet time/bible study! 🙂 I actually bought the book then realized it was the one for young ladies!!! :-/ Can’t wait to start this journey with y’all!!!

  695. Marni Emerson

    I plan to share this post with my sisters. We all struggle with cravings/food choices. This is something we can work on together as we grow in our relationships with Christ.

  696. Caroline

    I will share with my friend Rose.

  697. Donna K

    I’m sharing this with my dear daughter and friend, Nina. Can’t wait!!

  698. Hilda. balderrama

    I never finish anything i start but yo be honest. Being a single mother there isnt extra cash i want to do this for myself

  699. Crystal Storms

    I will share it with my mom to encourage in her food sugar choices and remind her food will never fill her.

  700. Cincotta Lippard

    I have shared this Made To Crave online bible study with many friends on my facebook timeline. I have many friends who are wanting to join this study and this journey to Crave God more than food or anything thing else! I am so excited about this study and wanting to know God more and I cannot wait to get started!! Bless you all!!!

  701. Betsy Holder

    Thank you. I can only pray that I don’t get in the way of how God will change me through this study.

  702. Deana Patrick

    I am sharing this with my sister, as well as my sisters in Christ! We had started a weight loss group prior to seeing the post about this study! What a perfect addition/guide to our weight loss efforts this will be! Addressing our issues with food and eating with biblical principles is the ultimate plan!

  703. Rosemarie

    Will share this with my mother-in-law.

  704. Arnesia

    I really need this book and I am going to share thus with my and my lil cousin who is battling a weight issue.

  705. Andrea

    This is my first online Bible Study with you all! I am so excited!!!

  706. Amy Glann

    I told my mother about the online book study for Made to Crave…she is a retired nurse and enjoys staying in touch with health related topics, especially when it is Christian based…looking forward to this study!

  707. Janice

    I will share this with my friend Lisa. We help each other in the battle.

  708. Ruth Christison

    I am looking forward to this study online!

  709. Amy Pritz

    I already have the book but want to do the study with my friend and would love to help her out by giving it to her.

  710. Carol

    I just found out about your book Made to Crave last night.
    What a blessing this is.
    I can’t wait to share it with my friend Renea.

  711. Sandy Bowers

    I’m going to send my friend, Teresa, a link to this post. We met last week for lunch and talked about this study.

  712. Nancy Cooper

    It took me two years to lose 35 lbs., and now menopause has thrown me a curve ball. Fifteen of those pounds are back and I hadn’t even reached my goal. I was determined to keep the weight off forever. What’s it gonna take to get the numbers moving back down?

  713. Meg

    Just shared about the Online Bible study with a friend at work today. She was telling me about the book, and I told her I was going to order it tonight and sign up for the Bible Study.

  714. Amy Hahn

    There are so many people I want to share this with! First I want to share this with my best friend who also struggles with weight issues. I also want to share this with my friends at I’ve never met most of them but they have become good friends and a wonderful support system these past few years as I struggle to lose weight and become healthier.

  715. pblanch64

    Sharing with my firstborn daughter. WE are both struggling right now with our weight.

  716. Samanthia

    I am sharing this study with my aid at work. Neither of us has gotten the book yet. Waiting for pay day. I would like to surprise her if possible.

  717. Laura

    Looking forward to the study. Shared the info with a friend today who needs a book.

  718. Jennifer

    I am going to share this with several of my coworkers. I have seen year after year the New Years resolutions regarding weight loss that usually fizzle with no lasting results. I want them to have the opportunity along with me to experience this study and to have victory in this area with Gods help. Thank God for you and this upcoming study. I believe it will be life changing!

  719. Karin Marks

    I will share this with my girlfriend. We both struggle with food.

  720. Rhonda Palomares

    I’m going to share with the ladies in my women’s fellowship group. We are a group of mommies with infant & toddlers. We have been encouraging each other to live healthier lifestyles so we are able to keep up with our active little ones & live a long life to see our children’s children.

  721. Beverly

    I signed up for the online study and can’t wait to get started. I immediately shared it with my mom and sister who have signed up as well. I am going to share it with my daughter, too!

  722. Katie Jean-Louis

    I am so excited about this book and this study. My mom and I are going to do it together to help keep each other accountable to reading and staying on course. I am praying that the Lord will use this to make changes in my life.

  723. LaDeana Valenzuela

    I would share the book with my niece!

  724. Mary Isabel

    I’m signed up for this study & am very excited. I’ve told my daughters about this book and online study.

  725. Irene Nelson

    I have ordered the book but would love to do this study with my daughter-in-law and provide her with a book. Can’t wait to start the study.

  726. Jessica Chance

    I am so excited about starting this.. I am going to share this with 2 people I work with. We are going to workout together, and help each other stay accountable for what we eat and our workouts.. SO EXCITED!!!!

  727. Jessica Sullivan

    I am going to try and have a small group at my home with my mom and sisters who struggle as I do with food addictions.

  728. Lisa Newman

    This may just be what I need. I’m struggling w/ weight, healthy eating & my relationship with God. I think stumbled upon this today for a reason! Thanks for the opportunity to win. 🙂

  729. Maxine Rose

    I will share this post with my mom and possibly my niece, Tiffany. I gave my mom your book–Made To Crave for Christmas. I have already read it, and am signed up for the bible study. I am hoping my mom will join me! And my niece is struggling to lose weight after having her 2nd child. Her self esteem is starting to slip and I’m afraid her faith will too. I think she could learn a lot from this study!

  730. christine wells

    Wow! I bought Made to Crave several months ago because a dear friend shared with me her journey of weight loss & encouraged me to buy your book. I got the book & it started me on a very emotional journey… I put down the book because I don’t think I was ready to face the demons of emotions… A friend shared on FB that you were starting this online Bible study so I signed up & shared it on my FB page. I bought 2 more books & shared with friends & bought the devotional also… I’m pumped for this new journey to begin

  731. Missy B

    I am so excited! I have invited 16 teachers and assistants to join me in the made to crave obs and 8 of them have signed up and ordered the book. Yay! Can’t wait to start. I guess I will be guiding and encouraging this group of ladies. Do you have any advice? We will only be able to meet 1x a week for maybe 15-20 mins.

  732. Michelle

    My sister in law challenged myself & all of our female cousins to join her in your online bible study, so now I’m going to challenge my daughter!

    Can’t wait to get started!


  733. Carmen Miron

    I will share it with my best friend Diana Goman

  734. Rebecca Plaza

    I will share this post with my friend Jane because We have both struggled together for about 15 years on trying to win the battle over weight loss

  735. Marla Shifflett

    I have shared with my best friend. I have a copy of the book, but would love to win one for her. She is facing terrific challenges and could use the help right now. Thanks for a terrific study! I have read through Chapter 9, and I started a new eating plan before the January 19th kick-off date. I’m anxiously await every message and “crave” the connection to the other women, a connection of love from our Lord. Thanks for being you!

  736. Jennifer

    I shared with my mom and my ladies bible study group from church!

  737. Shelbie H

    Since my sister-in-law are getting back to our weight loss regiment, this definitely something I can share with her. We both know our love of food can be overpowering, and we are constantly reminding each other of our goals when we see an unhealthy food heading toward our lips. This is definitely something we can incorporate with our weekly exercise.

  738. Maria

    I will be sharing this at work tomorrow with the 3 ladies that I eat lunch with everyday. We are constantly trying to encourage each other to eat better not just to lose weight but to be healthier and to not let food control our lives.

  739. Chris

    I would love to share this with my daughter. She supported me through my trial with cancer last year, went to every chemo treatment, and every appointment. I wish I could just afford to get it for her (single mom, 4 children, recently divorced), but as I am not at work anymore, I just can’t. Thanks so much for your consideration!

  740. Donna D

    I am SO looking forward to beginning this Bible study. Thank you, Lysa and P31!

  741. Rosa Maria

    Hi, I will be sharing this study with my sister in law who is struggling to loose weight and get healthy while struggling with lucemia and also sharing with my dear Laura from church.

  742. Erin Hoekstra

    I shared this with a co worker and she signed up right away. It will be great to have someone at work hold me accountable and we will be able to encourage each other.

  743. katie thieman

    I’m going to share this with a friend I was actually just telling about this book and this study. If I win the book, I will bless it to her.

  744. Ghwasd

    I know this is based more for women, but I want to share this with my husband. He has recently been struggling with his food choices and I think this would help strengthen him. Thank you for your giveaway! Ghwasd at gmail dot com

  745. Melody M

    I have 2 wonderful friends I will share this post with: Kristin and Liz. I have asked both of them to join me in this journey with Made to Crave!

  746. Patty Benjamin

    I shared this with my sister and got her signed up too it. Have been sharing it with my friends to sign up. I can’t think of a female that couldn’t use this.

  747. Annette Enkhorn

    I am going to share this blog with my roommate, Laura. I’ve been sharing that I signed up for the Bible Stusy and I think a free book just be the spark that she needs to get on board as well.

  748. Patti P

    Have posted on my facebook and Twitter and Instagram. Still need to get book, money tight but gods got it!

    • Nancy

      Patti I have an extra book and would be happy to send it you. Just send your mailing address to my e-mail and I will get out right away.

  749. Theresa Payne

    I am going to share this with my friend Renee. We just started yesterday an 8 week body composition challenge.

  750. Gina S.

    I have been sharing information about this study and book with many people at my church. I will be sharing this post with a man, actually. He is the guitar player in our worship band. I’ve been telling him about this study, as he and I both struggle with similar issues. I’m going to share this post with him at band practice on Thursday, and if I win the book, I plan to give it to him. Thank you. I am so excited about this study!!!

  751. Danielle

    I would love to share this with my sister! She is 21 and was recently diagnosed with lymphoma and has completed chemo and is going through radiation. Some of the things that have helped her feel better are comfort foods. I would love to help her crave more of a relationship with God, the ultimate healer! Thanks 🙂

  752. debbief

    I will share with my daughter who I see is following me down the same path of craving the wrong things.

  753. Sheryl Mutton

    I will share this book with my friend at work, who is alsoworking on losing wight and getting in shape. Is am exited about this book and group. I made it a fall to eat healthy and get in shape this year. I am slowly plugging away at it!

  754. Yesenia Martinez

    I want to share this with my dear friend Aly because together we can help each other be a accountable, encourage, and push each other.

  755. Diane Dishmon

    My sister just purchased the book for me. When she saw the book and knew what I was going to do (online bible studies) she said “When you finish I would like to read it. If I win the book she will be blessed and get to read it along with me.

  756. Diane Berry

    Ironically, my BFF and I both registered for the class, and then found out that great minds think alike! I also has lunch (shared a small pizza and salad :D) with another girlfriend who I’m forwarding the information to so she can also benefit from Lysa’s down to earth approach and wonderful words. At 46 I’m so looking forward to this journey after a lifetime of being overweight.

  757. Vanessa

    I am so excited about this study and have already invited 3 of my friends to join. They have. We are ready to start. Look forward to this Sunday. Yay!

  758. Juli Clayton

    Made to Crave was the starting point for me to change my outlook on myself, my relationship with food, and learn how God fit in that picture. When my friends asked me what I did to lose weight, I always say it started with your study. I’ve invited many of my friends to this OBS since it’s hard for us to get together in person. I’d love to gift this book to one of my best friends who is interested in doing the study!

  759. Jacqueline Goelst

    I’m sharing this with the women in my family. I can’t wait to start the Made to Crave study on Sunday – Yay!

  760. Yolanda

    Hello, All! I was so blessed by A Confident Heart (my first OBS) that I have encouraged 3 of my friends with whom I’ve have battled yo-yo dieting and weight loss gimmicks. The spiritual basis of these OBS touches the actual root of so many surface issues. I truly believe we can be delivered totally and finally see lasting victory in this area. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

  761. jackie s

    i’ve posted about the study on facebook and also invited my friend Donna to join!

  762. Jeanne Tondryk

    Thank you for the wonderful opportunity for an issue I’ve struggled with my whole life. My cousin, who is extremely close to me as a sister, and my real sister who also struggles with weight issues, are two people I’m going to share this study and the book. Thank you.

  763. Donna

    I just signed up yesterday, and was so excited, I shared the article with 3 friends in my small group at church. I will also share with another friend who doesn’t go to church. Over lunch (of course) last week, we were both talking about getting rid of holiday weight, plus the extra lbs we were already carrying. Can’t wait to get started.

  764. Donna Strickland

    So excited to get into God’s word and learn how to deal with the addiction of food. Sharing this with my oldest daughter that has the same trouble I have, eating out of stress and not leaning on God for strength in times of trouble. Thank you Lysa for this Bible Study.

  765. Angela J P

    I would share with my friend…..she is moving this week and the online study could keep us connected.

  766. Holly Hughes

    Very excited! We have started our own little fb support group. Lisa, we will invite you!! Can’t wait until Sunday and a whole new Holly! Bless you Lisa for your obedience’s and sharing what God gave you, to give us and yourself for support.

  767. Kim

    My good friend Elaine has lead 2 bible studies of 2 of your books at her church. They were what happens when women say yes to God, and unglued. Looking at the proverbs 31 site, I discovered your book Made to Crave, and wanted to read it too, then discovered your on line bible study, I haven’t done an on line bible study before as I am a Low tech woman in a high tech world, but I am going to give it a whirl. I am sorry I have a work conflict and will be out of town when you come to share in Minot,ND at the ladies retreat arranged by the First Baptist church ladies. April 11 & 12, 2014. Because a woman’s gravitational pull (weight) is a tender issue, we have chosen to support one another in doing our made to crave bible study, individually. Thanks for sharing, may God continue to lavishly bless you and your co workers in your ministries.

  768. Kim

    2nd comment, PS I would share with a good friend, who is struggling with her gravitational pull (weight) too.

  769. Cherie K

    I am looking forward to this study and will be sure to tell my sister all about it. She lives about 600 miles from me and we don’t get to visit face to face very often. This internet Bible Study is another way to bring us together. Thanks for all your work and prayers. Blessings……….

  770. Mary Herrmann

    Thanks for making this offer! I am starting your obs and will share this with all the ladies in my group at church. One of my friends is Maggie at Thanks for giving away free books!

  771. Sandra W

    I shared about the study and the book with a wonderful friend . I have the book already and gave her the opportunity to check it out last weekend while she was visiting. I would love to get a copy in her hands too! She plans to sign up for the study 🙂

  772. Kathy Ivill

    I have shared this with my sister and a friend of mine… very excited about being an overcomer in this area of my life!!

  773. Rebecca Houston

    There are two friends I would want to share with Cassandra and Claudia. I talk about book to everyone

  774. Sarah

    Sharing this post with my sister, who is my accountability partner … and two friends.

  775. Katie P.

    I would love to share a copy with my mom!!!

  776. Stacy

    I will share this with Sara and Crystal who are doing the study with me. I am looking forward to it!

  777. Amber Bell

    Shared with my cousin who has struggled with food since early adulthood.

  778. Alisha Weaver

    I had just purchased made to crave through proverbs 31 ministries and started reading the first chapter. The first few pages already got me hooked because I can relate….I told my sister about it and said needed to read it along with me. Although I know things are tight for her right now I would even provide another book for her because I know with her struggles she would definitely benefit from Made to Crave as well! Super excited to be joining the online bible study starting this month.

  779. Jeanne Yates

    I will share this with my BFF who lives hundreds of miles away from me and is a very strong prayer warrior. She is the one I turn to with all my prayer requests and for help with taking things before the throne of grace. I love her and miss her so much.

  780. Earlene

    I’m sharing this with my daughter and praying this will help her walk in God’s truth and create better eating habits as we do this together.

  781. Lindsey

    I’m sharing this with my mom, sister, and best friend. We are all working towards our resloutions: healthy mind and body, and these are the perfect words of inspiration for all of us!

  782. karla

    I have signed up but as a pastors wife the funds are not always available for every book so will try to follow along as best as I can. Thanks for I am sure a great study to come!!!

  783. Karla

    My whole Crunchy Christian Parent group on FB knows about this Bible study. I have a book but would love to be able to give to a friend to get her to join us.

  784. Jenney-Joy Witherspoon

    I have shared this with a dear friend who has struggled with her weight most of her life. I want to partner with her to learn how to make healthy choices while seeking God for the victory!

  785. Lori Fox Housley

    I have shared this blog and the made to crave webinar infor with my dear daughter in law and co-workers… We all need this !

  786. 5Dana

    I shared this with my daughter and my best friend too. I have tried everything but letting go and asking God to help.

  787. Thesa Bryant

    You are kind and gracious! I love to see how God uses people to help others. WOW, lots of His people seeking God in this area. It is so tough! I am weary, burnt out … defeated. Some days are great, yet it’s so easy to get down. That’s why I love God’s Word where it reads, “My flesh and heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever! Psalm 73:26

    Your book is a wonderful tool for people. If I win a book, know that I will be very grateful!

  788. Birgit Clarke

    I’m sharing this with my small group from church! I can’t wait until it starts!

  789. Shawnna

    I’ve shared with my sister Shannon and a cousin. Can wait to get started. My sister and I just got off the phone talking about weight sucess and failures. We discused that we both some how growing up learned that food – happiness. So if things are good we should celebrate- pass the plate. if things are bad – I need happiness- pass the plate. I could go on and on but reading about the OBS has got me thinking maybe we are both missing something that will never come on that plate… maybe we need more… more God.. more esteam… more love for ourselves. I’m so glad that a friend shared about this on her FB page because I feel a blessing coming.

  790. tracey whitstine

    I have been trying to lose weight for 3 years. I gained 10 lbs back a year ago. I can’ t seem to lose so I can lose what I need to lose which is 60 more lbs.I have tried everything I know to do.I love to walk but my bones or not to good for that. So I would love to try this for I know GOD can do it . That is why I would love to get this book. Sometimes I hurt to bad to even get out of bed . Thank you for even going this. If I don’t get this book the person that does I know they need it more that me. Just keep all of us in your prayers that we put it in GOD’S hands . GOD BLESS ALL THAT HAS COME UP WITH THIS BOOK AND YOUR WEBSITE. THANK YOU

  791. Kathy

    I will ask my sister Karen if she will join me. She too has used food to fill the void. Seeing this today is an answer to prayer. I signed up and ready for victory!

  792. Chris

    I am sharing with my daughters and their daughters – maybe they will join me on the journey 🙂

  793. Kathy

    I would like to share this with a friend who is very overweight. I need to choose the words that will not offend her and bring her the Bible Study as a way to nurture her relationship with the Lord.

  794. Jenny

    I’ve heard nothing but great things about this book and program. Can’t wait to try it for myself!

  795. Tammy Justice

    I am so excited about reading your book. I am promoting the book in our Ladies Book Club! We are going to be starting it in February, and I am so excited. We read “Unglued” last year and had many good responses.

  796. Stephanie

    I will share with my best friend, Laine.

  797. Nena

    I have a few friends signed up to do this! we are excited!

  798. Shari

    I will share this with my close friend – so glad I found this!

  799. Rainy

    I just pinned the script for easy access no matter where I am. I’m also going to share it with my Mom-we are always commiserating, so now- we can turn this around! I so want to get this under control so my daughter (2) will never have to experience it.

  800. Chris Carter

    Okay- so you say you read every comment, so I am going to trust that you apparently don’t sleep for days in order to do this! Good Lord, there are a lot here!!

    I have such a burden to share this post I wrote with you and your readers, because although it may not speak specifically to your book, I so long to drive this message home to the hearts of those that struggle with body image issues and weight control etc. I pray it’s okay to share it with you here! I tried to email a while ago, and didn’t get a response. I understand- of course. But I have a passion for writing and sharing His Love to the mainstream population of women bloggers, and I pray they see God through my words.
    Here is the link to my friend’s blog who wanted to publish it. Her article that inspired my post was heartbreaking and sadly a reflection of many, I’m sure. We are losing hearts to weight… as our appearance is taking over our priorities and it saddens me deeply to see our culture’s downfall into a superficial purgatory.

    Would you make my dream come true and read it? I know that sounds a bit creepy, but seriously- you have no idea how much I want a platform for my message. And well, during the Holidays we played a game that asked this question: “If you could have lunch with anyone in the world, who would it be?” You, Lysa. I would pick you!
    Promise I’m not nuts- just passionate!! 😉 XOXOXO

  801. Nancy

    My daughter posted to my Facebook page that she signed up. After reading and seeing what it was all about, I signed up also. I have shared it on my Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

  802. Susie Yost

    Please pray for my niece, Heather. She was once a Lt. in the Salvation Army until there was a divorce. It seems ever since the weight has been there. She loves the Lord. I know this study would be a blessing in so many areas, so I am praying she will give it a try.
    My love and prayers to all involved at your end. Susie

  803. Stevie Ciske

    I belong to a TOPS group (Taking Pounds off Sensibly), and I’m posting this to our facebook page. We ALL need this godly encouragement! So, I’m sharing with Colleen, Arlene, Tim, Judy, and Julie!!!

  804. Anastasia Brantley

    I will be sharing this with my sisters. As well as Brittany, Pam, and Marlena.

  805. Caroline

    How exciting!!!! I cannot wait until the beginning, I have shared this with my friends who are struggling with their weight. Thank you so much for the book and this study. God bless you!!


  806. Martha

    My dear friend shared about this Bible Study with me and now I’m going to pay it forward and share it with my friend whose heart is open to God changing her. I want to do it together with her.

  807. Judy Barnhard

    I have a friend who is recovering from Cancer and I will be sharing this study with her. The cancer tumor effected her eye sight and reading is a very big challenge so I will be the reader to her with this Bible study.

  808. Julie

    I will share this with my daughter. We both need this. She has been trying to lose weight so she can get pregnant

  809. Daw Linden

    I have just singed up my friend Teresa to do it with me. we are both struggling very hard right now and we plan to meet together and do this all the way together. I have been in studies but never online, she hasn’t either. very excited. i am trying to get her the book but I will be getting it through B&N so i can read it BIG on my laptop. Best wishes to you all on this journey

  810. Senait Afework

    I will share this with a friend and I hope together we will benefit from this session and we will adopt a healthy eating pattern. God help us!!!

  811. Barbara

    Where is this online bible study going to be held? Will it be on under online bible study.

  812. Kim R

    Thanking God for wisdom and thanking you for being a willing instrument!

  813. Donna Steadman

    Thank you Lysa, this is so timely. I have a 21 year old daughter which I pray over her each morning. There is never enough prayer. As a mom I do tend to want to be everything to her and yet know only Jesus could be that. May our hope and faith in Christ never waver. I too can say ” Hello, my name is Mom! Not God.”

  814. Doreen

    I shared this on my FB page! Thanks for the chance to win! I would love to receive a copy of this book!

  815. Jackie

    I often ponder how to pray for my children. I pray that they follow the Lord but have always felt that some of my prayers should be more specific to their individuality. I just love that you have posted these specific prayers on your site. I would love the opportunity to win. Your posts encourage me everyday to keep moving forward and help me to allow the changing power of our Lord Jesus to change me into the woman HE planned for me to be.

  816. Jonna

    Excited! Still not sure how to log into the study tomorrow.

  817. Kathy Fisk

    I will share this post with my cousin, Mandy Thompson. She began her journey last year, but she is stuck. I pray this will give her Godly motivation to continue towards her goal.

  818. Nancy

    I am signed up for the M2C online study, but I don’t recall seeing this in an email. So, just want to make sure I did not miss something. I know it starts tomorrow.

  819. Betty Sykes

    Love the prayers for my daughter!!!!!

  820. Debra Sandoval

    I didn’t receive my book to start the made to crave bible study today!! 🙁

  821. Rosalie Shinsato


    I have already read Made to Crave once and am now reading it a second time and journaling. Thank you so much for this book, it is exactly what I needed to get the right focus, not just for weight loss but for getting the big picture – I was made for more!!
    QUESTION: What is the plan that you followed/are following? I have cut out the “whites”, but am wondering what are the specifics to that.

  822. Melissa Ewen

    I so want to share this with my mom. We both have shared our weight loss and gains together. I can’t wait to add this to our journey. <3

  823. Ainsley

    I’m doing this with some of my friends… there’s power in prayer and fellowship! We will replace our cravings together!

  824. mary davis

    I am sharing this with my mom as we have both struggled way to long with eating healthy. I am confident it will be different this time. I believe and I receive!

  825. Amanda

    I will share this with my daughter… She is only young but I know that one day she will struggle with her weight whether she is thin or not, we all crave something and I want her to always crave God…

  826. Michele

    This website was just shared with me by a dear friend. I can’t wait to read the book and sign up for the Bible study. I can’t wait to see the journey this takes me through. Thank you for your wisdom and for sharing this with the public.

  827. Vicki

    I am sharing this book with my daughter. She has struggled with weight loss and the humiliation of being called names all through school. She is a very loving person and always wanting to help hers. She has raised 3 beautiful kids and now raising her 2 grand daughters. I want her to see how beautiful she really is inside and out.

  828. Julie

    Thank you for your encouragement and all that you do for women. This is the year for real change.

    God bless you and this ministry!


  829. Cheryl

    I’ve only recently become acquainted with you and Proverbs 31 Ministries. Seems like I can’t get enough of this!!! Thanks for your inspiration.

  830. Joy

    You are so encouraging. Definitely pinned this so I can constantly have these scripts with me. I am going to send it to my friend, Eileen. She is trying so hard and needs some encouragement right now.

  831. Patricia Leos

    i will share this with my co-wokers we all are trying to lose weight.

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