Stop carrying the weight of holding everything and everybody together and surrender what you’re most worried about into God’s fully capable hands with my free resource, “Am I Trying To Control the Uncontrollable?


Emily Freeman Guest Post and a Giveaway!

October 22, 2013

Now that the weather is getting cooler here in the US, I’ve started to put away my summer clothes. But as much as I wish I could pack away the bathing suit until next year, I am not able to do that thanks to the invention of the indoor water park.


One of my least favorite things in all the world is an indoor water park. I know in the scope of world troubles, this is trivial. But in a first-world-problem kind of way, indoor water parks are the worst.

But I go. And I suffer. For the kids.

Of all the things I dislike about these parks – the humidity, the smell, the wearing-of-the-bathing-suit-whilst-standing-on-steps – I found one redeeming quality that nearly made up for it.

The lifeguards.

These lifeguards are no whistle-twirling, chair-lounging, teenage-flirting type of lifeguards. These people are serious and focused. Not only are they always on their feet, they never stop moving.

It is as if they are each assigned an eight-foot length of the pool, no more and no less. They are responsible for those eight feet and anyone who swims in front of them. They pace their assigned distance back and forth on the edge of the pool, eyes never leaving the water.

It is impressive to watch, as much as I don’t want to admit that anything impresses me at the water park.

As I watched them, I couldn’t help but think about my life, my calling, and my own eight-foot assignment.

Some of us grow up hearing the sky is the limit and we can do anything if we set our minds to it. And while it seems like a positive and encouraging message to tell our kids, it is unfair and untrue.

Possibility can be as overwhelming as it is inspiring. At first it can feel terribly exciting to imagine anything is possible — until you sprint flat into the wall of your own limits in the form of lack of energy, bad timing, comparison, competition, and distraction.

Could it be possible that your limits – those things you curse and wish were different about yourself – are not holding you back but pointing you forward?

It seems to me when I finally recognize my inability is when Christ shows up able within me. But He doesn’t equip me to do every job possible, He equips me to do the job meant for me.

If you’re willing to face your inability, you are able to see what is outside your circle of influence and responsibility so that you may embrace and focus on the small part that belongs to you and only to you.

Could it be possible that the reason we are so overwhelmed is because we are focused on the whole pool, forgetting our own eight-foot assignment?

You have a job to do and it won’t look like mine or his or theirs. It looks like yours. It isn’t the whole pool, but it’s still important.

The fact that you can’t cover the whole pool at once doesn’t mean you are a failure, it just means you have the wrong goal. It also means you need other people around you to do their jobs, too.

What would it look like if we all began to uncover the art we were born to make, the hints of our own design hidden in the sacred curve of our souls? What if we began to consider how our limits might actually be our guideposts, gifts along our pathway to remind us what our calling isn’t so that we may be more open to what it is?

Are you a writer beginning to explore your own story? Do you want to write words that are memorable and life-changing but aren’t quite sure which part of the pool belongs to you? Consider joining Lysa and the Proverbs 31 team by registering for Compel, a membership site for influencers who want to write words to influence people.

Are you a mama, a teacher, a lawyer, a manager, or anyone longing to do work that matters? Perhaps you are motivated to move within your own section of the pool but are unsure what section that is.

a million little ways by emily p. freemanI wrote a book for you. It’s called A Million Little Ways: Uncover the Art You Were Made to Live and it is for the person who fears she has nothing to offer but secretly hopes she’s wrong. It’s for the person who wants to be brave enough to move toward what makes her come alive. I hope it’s for you.

Today we are giving away 5 copies! To enter to win, simply leave a comment below.

Emily P. Freeman is the author of three books, including her latest, A Million Little Ways. Whether in her writing or speaking, Emily’s words create space for souls to breathe. She and her husband, John, live in North Carolina with their three children. She would love to connect with you at her blog, Chatting at the Sky, where she is writing a series every day in October: 31 days of Living Art.


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  1. Elizabeth

    I would love to win one of the books 🙂

  2. Linda

    This book looks very interesting and I would like to read it.

  3. Brittany jacobson

    wow this looks like a book that I need

  4. Sue

    I love the 8-foot assignment analogy! How many of us never venture away from our 8 feet of life?! I look forward to reading the book whether or not I win it! Thank you for the guest post. Blessings to you and your water park loving family.

  5. Vicky D

    I love this post! I love the thought of focusing on what God wants you to do (and doing it well) instead of trying to do everything (and end up feeling like a failure!). And having others to help you along the way. Thank you for this!

  6. LeVelle Calbat

    Attended San Antonio WOF Conference with 24 other ladies from our church, We were blessed by you and all speakers, singers etc. Hope to do some Bible studies from you and others we heard there. Thank you for your ministry.

  7. Kirsteryn

    I’m longing to know what’s my true assignment. Should I be doing more or less? Am I supposed to get tired at times doing Kingdom work? Praying this book can guide me in the right direction with sound biblical references mostly. Hope to win this book!!!

  8. Terri Manning

    I think Lysa is amazing — how do you write all this? OMGoodness – I have a friend that needs this book – I think she has wonderful thoughts too and should write them and share them with all of us.

  9. Dorothy Baker

    Thanks for the reminder that I am equipped to do my job and no one else’s – I too often look at the sparkling and dynamic skills of others and allow myself to feel inadequate. That limits my Lord and the work He wants to do through and in me.

  10. Joy

    Thank you for pointing out not to cover the whole pool. That we need to be responsible for the part we have been given and nothing else.

  11. Pam

    It sounds as though this topic should’ve been written at least two decades ago so Im glad it’s been written . I’m very excited about it and eagerly look forward to reading it . I’d love to be one to receive a copy!

  12. Diane

    YES!!! I took up SCUBA recently… THAT was a my big dive, literally! But it really helps me to see that I really can overcome my fears and step out… dive deeper… and it’s okay! No, it’s BETTER than okay!!! Way better! My whole works has super duper expanded!!! Yup! I’ll dive… but there’s still some deeper waters to check out!!!

  13. Alexa

    This book sounds very interesting!

  14. Lisa Reed

    Would love to read your book!

  15. Theresa Davies

    OK – I am interested. Would love to read the book and learn more.

  16. Morgan R.

    My friend and I were just talking about my “8 feet” and allowing God to work through me in “my section”! Like 20 minutes ago! 🙂

  17. Lisa Reed

    Would love to read your book! Also NEED to read it 🙂

  18. Melissa

    This book looks like just what I need right now!! Thanks for always inspiring me:)

  19. Joy Patterson

    Great article. Would like to read the book and learn more.

  20. Rhodora

    After journeying thru the valley of shadows after the death of my husband I’m continuing to press on each day to discover what God has for me. No longer a wife, but still a mother in a different way, since my sons are grown, I long to find my 8 ft! I’ve found 4 ft, but desire the 8! Lol. I loved your analogy as I have great memories of my family at those waterparks all over Canada! We would be exhausted after a day of outings but our boys were always ready to go to the park inside hotel! Of course we would, collapsing later but happy we were exhausted. Thanks for the reminder!

  21. Courtney

    Thank you for a chance to win this book! It looks and sounds amazing! 🙂 <3

  22. Dinah

    That reminder keeps me from trying to be all over the place, don’t we forget? Thank you, would love to win and keep learning and growing. 🙂

  23. Sharon Carpenter

    it is for the person who fears she has nothing to offer but secretly hopes she’s wrong-THIS IS SO ME LISA.

  24. Cathy Brown

    I appreciate how you always use real every day life events to challenge and encourage us in the Lord. This book looks very interesting!

  25. Vanessa warren

    Oh this def a book I need , would live to win a copy.

  26. Michelle

    Was just thinking about what the Lord would have me do… Getting older and seeing the thing you wanted to do not happening and wondering how you can fit…

  27. Erin Keaton

    yay, giveaway! thanks!

  28. Mandy

    Yes! Would love and cherish a book like this.

  29. Alberta Kincaid

    Thank you for showing me a diff perspective as I tend to be one of those who wants & thinks I should do it all and constantly failing. I want to learn to work on my “8” feet of pool and see where God takes me from there. Thank you!

  30. Lori

    This sounds like a lovely book. Thank you for the opportunity.

  31. Annette

    I am new on my journey with God and still figuring out where I’m supposed to go with Him; what my offerings could possibly be. I am not sure where my 8 feet of pool is. Always open to suggestions and help. I feel lost and wandering aimlessly at times, but so not giving up.

  32. Sarah C.

    I wonder every day what my talents are and what God has planned for me…I would love to read this book. Thank you!

  33. Peggy Fulgham

    I have always wanted to write a book but don’t know how to start.

  34. Cindy

    Would love the opportunity to read this book.

  35. Amanda

    Thank you Emily for guest posting today! I liked your analogy of an 8′ section of a water park that we are each responsible for. Just as you don’t enjoy the indoor water park, I don’t enjoy water parks at all. For that matter i don’t enjoy tubing down the river either. The last two times tubing I have ended up being dumped by the rapids and come up looking like a drowned rat who has lost her cool sunglasses. But I digress…. 🙂
    I came home yesterday evening from leading my second women’s retreat weekend for the ladies of our church, with one more before that as a co-leader. I would love to get my hands on your new book! If I win it I promise to pass it on to someone else after I finish reading it. Even if I don’t win it, once I have either bought it for myself or it has been bought as a gift for me I will still pass it on to someone else. I am a book reading girl, and when it comes to Faith based books I love to pass them on to whomever the Lord brings to mind.
    Again, Thank you for the post! I will keep my eye out for you another time!

  36. Tammy Scott

    I am not a book writer but I write for our children’s ministry some. I would love to have some guidance.

  37. Chris Carter

    This looks like a lovely inspiring book. 🙂 RIGHT up my alley!!

  38. Carol Ann Matuszewski

    I AM one of those people who is having trouble, discerning what my gifts of the Spirit are, and what I can offer to other people; yet, there are sisters within my church who are seeing gifts in me which I am still somewhat doubtful of, or which I am unsure of how to use them, even though I see myself as a compassionate person who likes to share myself when I see someone hurting and in need of encouragement in an area where I have been there, done that! Maybe, I need to focus on the gift that comes most naturally to me, even though I feel sometimes that I don’t offer all that much! Someone referred me to Romans 12:8, to the gift of encouragement, and reading your blog about this book has inspired me to look into my heart more intently!

  39. Kathleen Heller

    This sounds like just the thing my youngest sister should read! She is a journalism major who desires to be/is a stay at home mom. She loves to write, but it needs to be in her own time frame and schedule with my nephew keeping her on her toes!
    Just reading your blog tonight was a refreshing reminder to me to “stop beating myself up” for so many things. I am right where I need to be, doing exactly what I should be doing-maybe a bit too much???- and still growing even if not at the same pace as last year when I was embroiled in a life altering struggle! GOD IS GOOD!! And I AM HIS.
    Thankful for your words…they have helped me a lot. To surrender, to rest, to trust Jesus more.

  40. Sharon

    What encouraging words. I would love to read more.

  41. Dani Ball

    Great post. Being in my late 30s with several health issues, I find myself feeling ‘limited’. What a refreshing perspective to look from now.

  42. Samantha


    Thank you so much for this liberating read. It has definitely challenged me and given me something to think about. At the moment I am in an interesting season. I have ‘given up’ on teaching but at the same time looking forward to what is next (I am at home with my 18 month old at the moment).

    I would love to read this book!

    And for anybody else who may read this – I have recently joined Compel and am really enjoying walking with Lysa and the Proverbs 31 crew. Bless yoU!

  43. Heather

    Great post! Would love to win and read the book!

  44. Debbie Carson

    This was a Breath of Fresh Air!

  45. Ashley H

    I would LOVE to read this book. Thanks for offering the giveaway!

  46. Michelle

    So beautifully put. At a place in my life where these were words were more then needed. Thank you I feel as if I could breathe a little easier this morning.

  47. Treva

    Loved this! Sounds like an interesting book.

  48. Megan F.

    “Could it be possible that your limits – those things you curse and wish were different about yourself – are not holding you back but pointing you forward?” I sure hope so and I’d love to find out. 🙂

  49. Barb

    Aweaome idea. Would love to read more.

  50. Janet Trenda

    Thanks for sharing this. I am sitting in the place of paralyzation right now as I read this. It’s a new season in my life and seemingly “I can do anything”. But, I can’t. I’m pretty sure I hear a whisper that God has something. But, I’m not sure how to narrow down the possibilities. I would love to read this book!

  51. Sheila

    Would love the book!

  52. Ilonka

    All I can say is …. I need to read this book.

  53. Angie Ryg

    “…for the person who fears she has nothing to offer but secretly hopes she’s wrong.”

    Sigh…Just for this. May God continue to use your words as encouragement to point out that we all have something to offer…what He has first given us.

    Thank you for this and for this gracious chance to win!


  54. Jennifer Norwood

    Sounds like an inspiring book

  55. Tia James

    Hi Lysa!
    I am one of those women who feel like God is calling me to something, but I feel like I’m not getting a clear signal as to what. I just want to live a life pleasing to God. I am a wife, mother of a 3 year old, in graduate school and working on my internship. Sometimes I feel I may not even have time to devote to something (whatever it may be)! I do have faith that God will let me know when it’s the right time!
    Tia J.

  56. Beth medley

    I love that you point out that limits can be just as inspiring as possibilities. Can’t wait to read this book!

  57. Lisa Brown

    My son is in his 4th year of college and I’m still looking for what’s next and some direction! I will feel blessed to read your book:)

  58. Christy

    The 8 foot section I am responsible for is changing, yet I continue to hold on to the old section(s). It is a way of thinking “I can do it all”. I have struggled, then, with weariness and ineffectiveness, and yet I desire to have significance in real and intimate relationships. They suffer with my current pursuit and too large of a field in which to move. Thank you for this illustration. I, too, appreciate such life guards at some pools I have been to. While I have referred to them re focus and work ethic for my sons, I did not realize there was such a life lesson in it for me and so many others, too.

  59. Shelly Nguyen

    I am struggling with this at this very moment. Praying for direction

  60. Robin

    I hope I have so much more to offer. I just don’t know what. And I quake at the thought of needing to put a foot forward to find out what this might be I can offer.
    Thank you for your offer!

  61. Randie

    As others have said – I’d love to win a copy – I need to find a ’cause’ for me – I feel so ‘down and dreary’ with my life at times… enjoy your posts tho !! Blessings…

  62. Dana McCool

    I would love to read this book!

  63. Nichelle

    “It is for the person who fears she has nothing to offer but secretly hopes she’s wrong. It’s for the person who wants to be brave enough to move toward what makes her come alive.”

    It definitely sounds like it’s for me, particularly at this moment. Thanks so much for your words and the giveaway opportunity.

  64. Anne Phillips

    I found this provocotive, hopeful, challenging and am still pondering what my eight feet are. Thank you for this analogy that is spurring me to look at what a christian sister has been mentioning to me: my overful plate!. I also will be sharing this.

  65. Melissa B

    Sounds like an awesome book!! And a great book to help you find out things about yourself!!! Hope to win a copy!!

  66. LISA L


  67. Sherry

    Very encouraging! It’s so true that we are told we can do or be anything we want. I’ve never thought of that as being a untrue. As a stay at home/ homeschooling mom for most of the past 10 years it gives me hope to hear that I am in my God given assignment. But I would love to read more about finding my God-given gifts.

  68. Lois Doughty

    The woman this book was written for sounds just like me. I’d love to win a copy of this book!

  69. Jennifer Badolato

    Thank you for the opportunity to win this book!

  70. Sherry

    Help me find my place in the pool. Thank you.

  71. Tracy Dougherty

    Wow! That spoke straight to my soul. Thank you!

  72. Tayce Hill

    Thank you so much for putting this so simply, I would love to read more of your book. I would love to be a recipient to on of your books. Bless you,
    Tayce Hill

  73. Jen

    Thank you for your encouraging words! I would love to win and read your book! God bless you as you bless others!!

  74. lola r

    Pick me!!

  75. Tammy Rude

    Count me in for the win!

  76. April

    Would love ❤️ to read this book!!

  77. Ellen

    Why is it so hard for some people to let others help? I am usually a one man show. Not really because I feel that I do it better, it is just easier and quicker to get it done myself. BUT I am learning that others like, yes they actually like to help me! Being a grandmother of four (two of which we are raising!) and caring for the two year old every day I think this book sounds like what I could use! Now comes the next issue of when on earth am I ever going to find the time to read it!

  78. Carrie L

    What an encouragement to my heart. Would love to read this book!

  79. Bonnie Martin

    So many stories sitting waiting to be shared. Some buried deep inside and some right there on the surface about to explode. Mine seems to be seeping out. Creeping from my heart to find it’s way to others. Praying for God to use me to reach someone. If many, praise Him. If only one, praise Him. He is love. Would love to read this outpouring of encouragement!!

  80. cindy

    just read a bit on your I am ‘art’.. what a thought. unique, a filter of God’s making for people to see Jesus through. Can I allow myself to take confidence and rest in this idea? That I don’t have to think so hard about everything would be a great relief..
    thanks for teh thoughts.. if I win the book it will be additional blessing, but you’ve given me much food for thought already.
    God bless you.

  81. E Marshall

    I love writing! I love reading! I have a girlfriend that tells me regularly,….everyone has a story to tell, you my friend, have a trilogy! 😉 Thank you for this opportunity!

  82. Tina G

    What a ever-timely topic. Because of phases in life it seems the locale of our 8 ft may very well be in the shifting sands along the beach rather than beside a cement pond. Would love to read more.

  83. Laura

    This devo is exactly where I am . Focusing on who He made me o be not more and not less. Great conformation for me. The book sounds great!!

  84. tony

    I would be honored with a book.

  85. Rosa

    Thinking God is talking to me – the book looks like something I need now!

  86. Tammy

    Such a great reminder that each of us has a purpose and a gift(s) from God that is/are unique to each of us, but useless if we never use them.

  87. natalie

    I would love to win this book! This came at the perfect time as I am seriously considering leaving work to stay home with my babies….a calling I’ve had on my heart for years but am finally feeling God leading me to that next step!

  88. Donna Norris

    Thank you for all you do Lysa. Would love to win a copy of this book. I bought one for myself, but would like to be able to give one to a friend. Be blessed sweet lady.

  89. Shannon

    It’s so easy to lose focus and instead try to do and be everything. I love the idea of focusing on just our “eight feet” 🙂

  90. DeAnna Bird

    oh how this may help me…

  91. Michele

    In my attempt to be all to everyone each day (which of course is always a rousing success, LOL), I usually only scan my emails in order to save time, but when I saw your line, ..”for the person who fears she has nothing to offer but secretly hopes she’s wrong”, I knew God was speaking to ME! That is me, Lisa, and I thank Him that he gave you those words today. I know God has plans for me, and I know that if I stopped long enough to listen to find out what they are, He would clear the way to make them happen. I’m joining your group, Compel, Thanks for stopping long enough to let His words influence other women!

  92. Amy R

    I would be very interested in reading ” A Million Little Ways….” I am unable to have children of my own, but four years ago became a step mother. Last year, after a very contentious custody case, we became the custodial parents of our children. In all of this, I have been struggling to find my way- I am mother, but I am not. I struggle constantly with stepping aside to give their bio-mom her time, and at the same time having those responsibilities heaped on me. I would really appreciate some perspective, and think that this book would be a help.

  93. Jan

    I started reading Emily’s blog because I thought her “Graceful” would be great for my daughter, only to realize that I desperately needed it too! I think the best part is that when you are following God’s plan, there is nothing to fear, especially not failure. Would love to get a hold of this book to learn more about living free to make all of life art!

  94. Colleen G.

    Good morning.
    I enjoy your Blog too Emily and your new book sounds great : )
    -Colleen G.

  95. Christa

    I’m focusing on my 8 feet today!!! Thanks for such a timely message for me!!

  96. Elizabeth Jones

    Yes! This is something I’ve been wrestling with lately. I would love the chance to win a copy! Thank you

  97. Melissa

    Great perspective for the day! Thanks! Your book sounds amazing!

  98. Cheryl Skogland

    Hi Lysa, This book will tie in nicely with your book, “She Did What She Could”. I gave some copies of it to my friends. I hope to win a copy of this new book 🙂
    By the way, I am just finishing the A 21 campaign and it has been such a blessing for me. It follows on with the message of these 2 books. I always feel so helpless when problems are so enormous! But this challenge enabled me to DO SOMETHING!!! I passed it on to many friends and I hope they have done it as well.
    Thank you!!

  99. Christina C

    This is something that I have struggled with for quite a while. I would love to win a copy of Emily’s book! Thank you!

  100. Debbie F.

    This sounds like a wonderful book. I try to do things I can do but often feel I don’t live up to what I could/should be doing. Would love to read a copy.

  101. Glenda

    I would love to read your book. I need some encouragement. Thanks!

  102. Annette D.

    Awesome message!! I have been feeling very overwhelmed at work and home! Thank you for sharing this perspective with us this morning!

  103. Lenee S. Smith

    Ha! I laughed out loud when I saw the pictures of GWL. Oh, the sheer terror of visiting there with my 2 kids. NOW, I can look at it with a different perspective. THANK YOU for that. We did Unglued in our bible study this fall and I enjoyed it so much. Looking forward to reading your latest as well.

  104. Melanie

    Figuring out what exactly God has for me has been such a mind boggling process! I’m doing a Bible study right now that has brought it to the front of my mind, but it’s one of those studies that says “just pray.” And that advice hasn’t gotten me very far (though it’s certainly led to more prayer!). I’d love to win the book!

  105. Shelly

    I am hoping to win. Sounds like an excellent book.

  106. Donna

    I love this message! I work with teenagers and it is exactly the message God has spoken to my heart over and over. Beautifully expressed.

  107. Andrea

    What a great inspiration and reminder! Would love to read!! Headed over to your blog now!

  108. Kim

    Great blog!!

  109. Crystal

    I keep hearing such wonderful things about this book! What a fun giveaway 🙂

  110. Jessica

    So grateful for this message this morning. Thank you. xo

  111. Tara

    This is incredibly insightful. Thank you! As a stay-home mother of 2 young children, former editor and current scattered mess, I’m desperate for God’s guidance through this sticky stage of life. Putting one foot in front of the next is hard enough when Legos scatter the floor, but I am confident he has a plan for my winding maze called life. I would love to read your book to glean more insight! Thanks for sharing!

  112. Jo Hood

    I thank you for the encouragement to be open to ways God works that we seems to miss. With our eyes focused on the wrong things, we often miss His message! The situation makes me think of Isaiah 55 where The Lord says that his thoughts and ways are above our realm of thinking, so that we don’t “get it”.

  113. Janet H. Esterly

    I would love to win a copy of your new book. I am at a crossroad and am praying for a new direction.

  114. Diana mills

    Since the kids are grown, I have been struggling. Hope I win this.

  115. Susie Engel

    This is a struggle for me 🙁 my own little insecurity. Can’t wait to read the book.

  116. Stephanie W

    Wow! This message is so timely. I am wife, mother of two (1 more on the way), teacher, and small group leader. I would love to ne a winner!!

  117. Twylene

    Great thoughts..thanks for the opportunity to win!

  118. Brie Gutierrez

    Sounds insightful and I am in the hospital pregnant on bed rest would be great to read it while I have the time!

  119. Susie Hoffmann

    Thank you for the opportunity to win a free copy, that itself gives hope.

  120. Cathy

    Oh this does speak loudly to me, and to my hopes for my son. I have seen miracles after miracles and thank God for the blessing we have with him still here with us. I continue to struggle with how God wants me to help, to share the hope for my son and his future. Trying to be a good supportive mom, not pointing the deficits he has not overcome yet becuase he does not admit he still has those limitations from his injuries. Denial of theae and hope for a better future full of that promise that the sky truly is the limit if you believe have him treading water, really all of us are treading water. I have been praying for how we can move forward again. I would love a copy of this book and thanks for the post today….perfectly timed again!

  121. Kristin Smith

    Loved hearing you at WOF this past weekend!! Would love a copy of this new book too – have heard a lot about it and have heard some great reviews!!!

  122. Lisa

    Would love to win a copy of this book.

  123. Mary

    That so describes my life in this season. Guilt and frustration, feelings of not being equipped and not even knowing what my “area of the pool” is.

  124. Shelly S. Cantrell

    Sometimes I feel like I can’t even see 8 feet in front of me; but in the grand scope, it is a tiny portion of what God has entrusted to me.

    Lysa: thanks for helping me to remember, today, that I only need to be concerned about those 8 feet and not the 8 thousand feet will occupy this year or the 8 million that might occupy my lifetime.

    I praise God for your work in continuing to pour into us.

    Would loooooove to win a copy of Emily’s book 🙂

  125. Lori

    This is perfect timing! My three kids are all in school and I am always busy but do not know what I am supposed to be doing…i’m not sure what I want to be when I grow up. A little guidance/insight would be wonderful!

  126. Linda

    Me? I have something to offer? Only God knows.

  127. Liz

    I need this book! This is so where I’m at!

  128. Brittany

    Great read this morning! Thank you.

  129. Darcie Flight

    Thank you for the reminder that I need to concern myself with what God intended for me, not for everyone else.

  130. Tiffany

    I love this analogy! I am searching for my 8 foot section. Would love to win and read her book.

  131. Mary Ann Anderson

    A Million Little Ways is such a wonderful title! The majesty of our God is so amazing in the way He threads our lives in these millions of little ways. God has a “book” for me to write with His strength and wisdom. I am beside myself with amazement for what God has given me to do but am also shaking in my shoes! This book would be a great inspiration on my writing journey. Thank you for the opportunity to win this. Blessings!!

  132. Cathy

    Thanks for this word and for saying that recognizing what “isn’t” is necessary to find out what “is”. I’ve been looking for my own 8 foot length of pool too!

  133. Melany

    I’m a single mom with a teenage daughter, so life is busier than ever before. I often wonder though whether my busy-ness is really doing God’s business? I don’t want to be busy just for the sake of being busy.

  134. Cheri

    Your posting describes me perfectly! I am still not certain of my talents and God’s purpose for me. When volunteering for any type of job, committee, etc.. I always feel that someone else (or everybody else )can do the job better than me. Would love to win a copy of your book to help me move forward. Thank you.

  135. Sara

    What a great perspective!! For years I struggled with trying to “do it all!” It left me feeling frustrated, frazzled and exhausted. And of course unavailable to do all that I was trying to do. Slowly I am learning to only set my sights on what God calls me to do. Would love to read this book!

  136. Amy N.

    I don’t know what else to say but this is me! Oh my goodness, the words took my breath as I read them. I would love to read her book and I am going to look up her blog as well! Thanks for speaking what God lays on your heart that touches my heart!

  137. Suzanne

    What a great idea for a book! I can’t wait to read it.

  138. gloria

    I have said “no” a long time for what I knew God had planned for me. I am so thankful for his patience and love as he prepared me and changed my heart to say “yes.” Thank you Jesus!!

  139. Diane

    Life is full of little pleasures and treasure if you look for them. Would love to read this book.

  140. Amanda W

    Sounds like a great book! I’d love to win a copy. I have 3 little ones and I’m new at this stay-at-home mom thing. But, I’m seeking obedience in my life & felt God clearly placed me here. So, I’d also love some understanding too!

  141. Marlene

    Wow… That’s exactly what I needed to read! I’ve been looking around me (comparing, wishing?) Instead of focusing on what God has called me to do as a single parent and it doesn’t lead me to trust God at all. I would so appreciate a copy of this book

  142. Georgia Aderholt

    I have been struggling with this issue for quite sometime…would love to win a copy of this book. Thank you, Lysa, for this post today.

  143. LuAnn

    At my age I feel like whatever God haf for me to do I’m way too old to accomplish it. This sounds like an amazing book to help me realize I’m never to old. I would love a copy of this to read and share.

  144. Cindy Stewart

    This is exactly how I feel as I am now an “empty nester.” I have written a few poems, a couple of Bible studies, and several other short essays, but as soon as I think God may be prompting me to write more, Satan starts shouting, “Who do you think you are?!”
    I need your book and would love to win a copy.

  145. Jen

    Love this post! I’d love this book!

  146. Tia

    Sounds like a fantastic book. Love discovering new authors and teachers! Hope I win.

  147. Ashley

    Loved your post today. The book sounds like what I may need to read next. Thank you.

  148. Rhon

    I have one more child at home and then I am definitively in this frame of mind! Now what do I do with my life? What purpose can I fulfill through God? Am I just going to continue being depressed and with drawn at home or am I going to stretch myself and make more of myself and give more of me! I honestly can admit I am struggling big time over this and want to feel I am indeed making a difference in the world! So this book sounds awesome and much needed in this time in my life right now! Thank you Lisa as always!!
    Blessings and love

  149. Margaret Cooper

    I am 65 years old and feel worn out; feel what is left that I can do; where did my “talent” disappear. Sometimes I feel like all my years still have something to offer, but it is like no one really wants to hear my words, feelings and even pay attention to me.

    I have never enjoyed or learn so much as my bible studies have to offer. I can still learn where my “space in the pool” is needed.

  150. Cheryl Skogland

    I will want to read Emily’s book “A Million Little Things”. Sometimes I feel as though I can’t possibly make a difference and then I read your blog Lysa, and things like the A21/P31 challenge gave me something I could do. Thank you!

  151. Vicky

    I really needed to hear this today!! I am on a journey to discover how God wants to use me for His kingdom. This book is just the springboard to help in the process!

  152. Jessica Versiga

    For as long as I can remember I have tried to do every job possible….to always do more than my 8 feet. So I could feel filled and fullfilled. Its never enough and leaves me filing not good enough. Your book sounds wonderful and I can’t wait it.

  153. Adrienne

    That’s me! I need to find MY eight feet! Thx for the giveaway 🙂

  154. Michelle

    A great message to start my morning! Thanks so much for using your talent to inspire and encourage. Blessings to you!

  155. Julie McDonnell

    Great post! Would love to read this book!

  156. Wendy

    Love this!

  157. Beth

    I’d love to win this book. Def sounds like I need to read this!

  158. Rhonda

    This book sounds perfect and much needed for this time in my life! I am amazed at how God gives us people like you and tools on this journey of life to help mold us and shape us for his kingdom!

  159. MV

    Oh to be able to put on paper the thoughts in my head. Would this book help?

  160. Caron

    After reading some of the comments left, it is obvious that I am not alone…although I usually feel like I am! This book speaks to many of us and I hope I have a chance to read it!

  161. Sunne gregg

    Wow! That was amazing, just to think that I have been asking God “now what” after some years on the missionary field. Would love to win this book. Thanks and blessings

  162. Becki

    Would love to discover my 8 feet! Thanks for the words today.

  163. Robyn Still

    Wow!! This post about limits was AWESOME and something I definitely needed to hear this morning. It certainly gives me a brand new perspective and will give me something to think about all day today. Thanks!!

  164. GM

    Dear Lord, pick me!

  165. Joyce C.

    Would love to find out what my 8 feet is!!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  166. Edie

    I would love to win a copy of your book “A Million Little Ways.” Thanks for the opportunity. I am reaching the end of my road and still have never felt I found my calling. Hmmmmm maybe I am just never satisfied and am reaching outside of my eight feet?

  167. Sylvia


    Thank you for using your many talents in encouraging and ministering to us. Truly grateful. My first thought when I read about your new book, was my daughter. She is 19 years old and has been overwhelmed for her future. She is going through a time of healing from some very difficult life experiences. Father God truly has plans for my beautiful girl!

    JOYful Blessings!!

    • Sylvia

      Oops…meant to say about Emily’s new book! GRACE….

  168. Gerri Shewmaker

    Sometimes I write, but mostly I tell myself ‘that’s silly!’. Maybe I can….

  169. Robin Redmond

    I really love this post and the analogy of the 8ft of pool space, I am trying to not only remember this for myself, but teach my 14 year old son this. He seems to have his eyes set on the enormity of life rather than his talents and trying to figure out where those will take him. Thank you for arming me with an even better way to speak to him about this…its done in small snip-its, but praying it reaches him.

  170. Beverly

    Who knew that checking Lysa’s blog would cause such a stir within me! I have quite a story to tell of hope and healing from one generation to another but I am overwhelmed by the task of the telling on paper. I am signing up to read the blog.

  171. Char Toomey

    This was a great reminder for me, and I am going to share this with my high school class today!

  172. Trudy

    I always want to wander from my 8 ft of the pool- but God always brings me back- sometimes I felt like I had NO choice- and felt trapped. But I try and remember that he has already written my story, and it’s perfect. So now I look forward to each day and wonder….what has God written for today!

  173. Angela

    How much I needed to be refocused today on just my 8 ft section when my world seems too big, too messy, and too overwhelming. I don’t feel like I can do anything well these days for all I have in front of me. I need to refocus. Thank you for that reminder! (P.S. I would LOVE a copy of that book!)

  174. Mindy

    Great insight! I would love to read your book.

  175. Deb

    My Dad told all his girls they could become anything God for us – it gave me a great sense of freedom rather than making me frustrated – maybe it’s because of the way I’m wired. I’d love to have a copy of the book as I’ve learned to break things down into smaller segments, it’s hard to articulate that to others & her book may be the tool that helps in sharing that truth. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  176. Mourninglory

    Would love a book like this!

  177. Stephanie Gil

    I would love a copy of your new book! I’m a Mom of four :19,16,4,and almost 2! Very busy at home but feel the desire to do something more…….don’t know what!??? (thinking about homeschooling! Yikes!)

    Thanks and God bless you! loved the article!
    – Stephanie

  178. R Ring

    What a great way to look at it. The world is overwhelming but I just need to focus on and take care of my eight feet to the best of my ability.

  179. Melissa

    Love the analogy of the 8 foot section of the pool/ life. Something for a SAHM to really ponder. And to share with my high school senior who has the ‘whole world’ out there but isn’t sure what to do with it. Thanks, Emily.

  180. Molly

    I adore Emily’s writing and was so encouraged by her book “Grace for the Good Girl” that some friends and I read together recently. Keep up the great work for The Lord, Emily!!!

  181. Stephanie Watkinson

    I love the example of the indoor pool/park. I tend to get overwhelmed by all the stuff ‘I’ have to do. But am really trying to narrow down my focus so that I am not trying to solve all the world’s problems. Basically trying to hang up my Superwoman’s cape. Thanks for the note of encouragement.

  182. Robin

    Emily, what a great reminder to focus on the part of the “pool” that God meant for us to instead of trying to manage the entire “pool” at once! Thank you so much for that encouragement. I struggle greatly with taking on too much and losing focus on the things I really should be giving my time and energy to. I hope to be able to read more encouragement from your book. By the way…where is that water park?! That looks so cool! I totally agree with you about not liking indoor water parks (or anytime I have to wear a bathing suit), but my kids would love that place! 🙂

  183. Carol Ann

    At 41 years old I left a secure business career, with a pretty good salary, to become an elementary teacher. I had a few selfish reasons, but I truly thought I would be able to impact the world for good. In a very short time I was hired and truly believe it was divine intervention that helped me land that job. Now, 13 years later I am discouraged because the job keeps getting harder and harder. I secretly think about giving up, quitting. I know however that this career is God-given and I’m choosing to stick with it! I just need a fresh filling to keep going and focusing on the positive in a million different ways.

  184. Stacey W

    Oh I’ve been swimming in a pool of unknowns! So thankful to see your blogpost this morning! It helps to know others have the same challenges in life! Would love the book!

  185. CC in Wi

    Nice analogy. I have love to write and create art that inspire people. I have been praying for what to do with my projects. Sounds like this book would help give me direction. I would <3 to win a copy.

  186. Debbie B

    Love this! Focus, focus, focus!

  187. melanie thrasher

    I’m a newly turned 54 year old (yesterday!) and I really feel like I need some help and encouragement to find my lost art! Thank you.

  188. Missy

    I would love to have this book, sounds a lot like me!!

  189. Tam Reed

    Would very much appreciate this book. I’ve felt a calling to write for years and I’m talented in that way but I’ve always had other time constraints. Now that I’m officially an empty nester, I’ve devoted much time to writing and love it. Am preparing my website for activation soon! Thanks so much for your encouragement and the opportunity to win this book.

  190. Jaime Turner

    This book sounds great! I can’t wait to read it. My youngest of 3 just started school this year, so I have found myself asking “now what Lord?”. Right now His answer has just been “wait”…I’m learning to be okay in the waiting. 🙂

  191. Lorrie Benjamin

    “A Million Little Ways” 🙂 MM-MMMMM ya, sounds like a very interesting book! I have not had a steady job for over 2 years……MAYBE a “million in one ways” i will win one book !!!!!! BLESSINGS! Lorrie B.

  192. Barb Wall

    Would love to read your book!! Hope I win!! Thank you and blessings, Barb

  193. Brandi Davis

    Very encouraging post! What a great reminder that when we are weak God is strong. Our limitations only mean that we can rely on His strength!

  194. Kathie

    I was just having a conversation with someone yesterday about breaking down these huge walls in front of us brick by brick. What ever my ultimate goal, there are smalls steps to be taken that can lead me closer and closer to that goal.

  195. Elosia

    One of my biggest fears is that I have nothing to offer this world. I ask myself all the time if I could do anything what would it be? And every time I don’t have a heart felt answer and I take this as a sign of no purpose, no talents, nothing to offer, etc. Whether I win this book or have to purchase my own I believe it would be a good read for me. I want to have a true heartfelt answer to the above question some day.

  196. Amy M

    Wow what a great idea for a book! I know I am personally battling with Satan telling me that I can’t make a difference for the Lord. And yes I do get overwhelmed because I am trying to doing more than my 8 foot assignment! I definitely relate to this book! Praying this book is a blessing to many people. By the way I have never been to an indoor water park but I would think it would seem claustrophobic though with so many people inside.

  197. Stela

    I woke up this morning feeling overwhelmed with everything I need to do. It seems my list goes on forever. I had my quiet time with The Lord & it helped but the final piece was this blog. Thank you. Maybe I’ve taken on too much of the pool. Time to break it up into 8′ chunks.

  198. Dianne

    Sounds like a good book to get me motivated. Sometimes it seems like there are so many things swirling around its hard to get control or at least a little order back.

  199. Christy

    At some point in our lives we are faced with the question, am I fulfilling my purpose. Because it doesn’t feel like it! Thanks for those opportunity!

  200. Emily Thomas

    I am trying to man the whole pool! That’s why I’m so stressed. I hadn’t considered that. Thank you.
    And this book looks awesome. Can’t wait to read it.

  201. jenn

    I have been feeling so overwhelmed lately and praying about what it is God wants me to focus on but can’t seem to get there. This may be a helpful book for me.

  202. Trisha Collis

    This book sounds amazing! I would love to be better at focusing on my eight feet. Thank you for being so very relatable, Lysa!

  203. Karen

    Such a vivid description of what becomes all too often our distraction– thinking we have the whole pool to manage! I’m excited about your new book and would LOVE to read it!!!

  204. Kathy Troutman

    I so needed this today. Thanks so much for allowing God to speak to me through you

  205. Linda B

    I need to be awakened to the passion I know Christ has placed within me.

  206. Linda

    In order to focus on your own 8′ – a key thing is the ability to say “No”….I find that the hardest part. I need to learn to say No to those things that are not really for me, and stop wasting time! So I can focus on the most important 8′ in front of me.

  207. Bridget

    My husband and I have been praying about starting a special needs ministry. I could use some encouragement! I would love a copy of your book! Thanks for your consideration!

  208. Lee

    You are the answer to my prayer and wrote this book for me – pick my name, pick my name, pick my name!

  209. Lori

    Thanks for sharing Emily! I would love a chance to win a copy of your new book! I have struggled for so long trying to figure out what my “8 foot section of the pool” is. I pray for God to show me the way, to show me what I’m supposed to do but I’m still struggling. Someday…..

    p.s. I dislike indoor water parks too! What we endure for our kids. 🙂

  210. Emily

    I would love to win a copy. I love Emily’s writings and what God is doing through her.

  211. Michele Morin

    Love the lifeguard analogy. I have a son who is a lifeguard and I will definitely share the thought with him too.

  212. Yvette Strickland

    Good word. I am one that tends to be introverted, God has brought me a long way.
    It is by sharing my testimony. I believe others need to hear, and as I pray, He brings those few who need to hear & see what the Lord has done for me, My 13yr old has the same tendencies & I pray God uses her in the same way, Ours is not a mission to speak to crowds, but to those onsie twosies that God brings along our path, & He does bring them….

  213. carol

    This sounds like just the tool I need to help me get my writer’s voice speaking!

  214. Lela

    I’ve been on a path of discovery and acceptance and your book sounds like a wonderful tool for my journey…

  215. Anastasia

    I love the idea of using our limits as guideposts. Limits are a good thing. God has created us for a purpose. Love it!

  216. Julie W

    I’ve been to the water parks and noticed the same thing – those lifeguards are serious! But, I haven’t translated it to my life as you did so beautifully. Thank you. I am overwhelmed right now by too many transitions. I know they will all turn out ok, but as I am 3 months in, the idea of another 3 months before it gets easier is terrifying! But, maybe I can survive today, maybe even this week. Thank you! I desperately needed a new perspective this morning and God sent me you. Breathing easier.

  217. Elaine Segstro

    Thank you for the devotional this morning. I so often feel I’m responsible for the “whole pool”, but God has given me and gifted me for an 8′ section. Bless you for sharing this with us!

  218. kate

    Yet again I read a post that speaks to what my heart has been tormented with – trying to be and do too much. Not allowing God to step in. It happens so easily that I loose my intimate connection with God. It’s through the more intimate relationship that I can fully rely on Him rather than letting self take over. Thank you, God for this reminder of your desire and design for us. Please help me to remember this truth and apply it to my daily life. Amen

  219. Kelly L

    I definitely need to read this book!!

  220. Sarah

    Thank you so much for making everything real. You are so great at putting my daily life and struggles into focus,with Gods word to guide me through them.

  221. Ingrid G

    I would love this book!

  222. Amy

    Hi Emily,

    Our book club at our church in North Carolina just read Grace for the Good Girl – I think you were in my head when you wrote it. So many great take aways from that book. I do feel as though I have nothing to share – but yet I secretly hope I’m wrong. I’m preparing to share my story this weekend at a women’s event and I write a blog as well. Would love to read your new book! Thank you!

  223. Crystal G

    Thanks for sharing about Emily’s book. Sounds like a good read as I seek to find my purpose! Have a blessed day!

  224. Kari F

    I’ve been asking God frequently lately, “Is this all there is?” My work is VERY stressful – but I truly enjoy my job. I just feel like I’m not making a difference for HIM.

    In a nutshell – I’d love to read this book…

  225. Teresa

    “the person who fears she has nothing to offer but secretly hopes she’s wrong. It’s for the person who wants to be brave enough to move toward what makes her come alive.” Me exactly!!! And at 56…is it just possibly too late??? I know everyone says “its never too late”. But really, sooner or later, its too late 🙁 This is how I feel.

  226. Bev Blair

    after I read the book I would share it with my Bible study friends 🙂 we are in the grandparenting phase of this life’s journey but your message strikes a chord for us too!

  227. Frankie Manners

    This is a beautiful blog. I never thought telling my kids they could do anything could possibly be a bad thing and actually setting them up for failure.

    I practice this in my own life. I do not set unrealistic goals for myself because I know (for the most part) what I’m realistically capable of doing so I do not want to set myself up to fail.

    My mom always told me I could do anything and because I believed that (she is my mom after all so I have to believe her) I tested that theory. I found out I can’t do everything but I can do some things and the things I can do, the things I’m meant to do, I’m very good at.

    My kids are grown now so I can’t take back the damage I may have done by telling them what all moms believe of their children “you can do anything you put your mind to”.

    On the other side of the pool however, my oldest son was born blind in his left eye and the vision in his right eye isn’t good at all. I never treated him different from the other kids. I told him he could try anything (even driving which gave quite a few people mini heart attacks). I allowed him to test and find his own limits and today he is a very productive young man. He has a family. He has a real-world job he goes to every day, and every once in a while when we are going somewhere I still ask him if he wants to drive 🙂

    Maybe telling our kids they can do anything is giving them the freedom to test their own limits and see just how far they can swim outside that eight foot radius.

  228. JulieAnna

    This post sums up my plight of the past several years perfectly. And I’m absolutely exhausted from trying to keep up. To point of paralysis and wanting to give up. I can never figure out what *I’m* supposed to be doing, which section of the pool is mine to manage. So, I alternate between taking it ALL on, or burying my head and hiding altogether. Prayerful that this book could help me figure it out…

  229. Alisa

    I love this book, Emily! It is the loudest ‘starting pistol’ my soul has heard and confirmation that I’m on the right track. So many of the questions i’ve asked myself over the years you answered as if you seriously read my journal and were having a conversation just with me. I would love to win a copy to give as a gift for my friend. Thanks for writing this book–can’t say enough how much it’s impacted me!

  230. Katie

    Wow, I hate the water park/pool too lol. But such an awesome story. I’d love to read the book as well.

  231. Karen

    Loved, loved Grace for the Good Girl, Emily! I have introduced “Graceful” to many of our teen girls at youth, too. Can’t wait to read your new book! Thank you for your messages to women of being enough and finding purpose – all in the context of our loving Saviour! Millions are blessed because you are living out the messages you write about! Blessings!

  232. Shanna D

    What a wonderful way to describe this. Excited to find this book!

  233. Amy Heirbrandt

    I would love to explore my 8 foot section of the pool. Right now I believe it is raising our boys to know and love Christ. Still my heart is always restless…. wondering about all the other sections in the pool. It would be so freeing to put my wonderings to rest. 🙂

  234. Reynie

    I will be 60 years old in 2 weeks. I don’t feel 60 (whatever that is suppose to feel like) but it has been a milestone that causes one to reflect over the years past as well as the years to come. Questions like “have I made a difference to anyone” , “am I on the path God wants me to be”, “how can I use what is left of my life to make a difference in the kingdom of God”. I am searching…….this book sounds like a gift from heaven.

  235. Kristina

    I would LOVE to win this book!

  236. Terri

    What an interesting perspective!!!! Thank you!!!

  237. Karen

    This is the EXACT topic I have been struggling with for the last few years. What does my 8′ piece look like? Am I on the right track? I would love to win/read your book.

  238. Lindsay Tallman

    I would love to read this book. I’m a writer mama and I’m at a crossroads in my life, trying to follow the dream ahead.

  239. Mona Bender

    Reading this touched me greatly. This is exactly how I feel life has been lately. I felt as if I was the one writing those words.
    Thank you!

  240. Anita

    knowing that I am the 126th commentor encourages me to know that I am not alone in feeling this way – but it is something I deeply struggle with – knowing my place

  241. debbie

    Oh, how that message spoke to me. Thank you for letting me know that I am ‘normal’ 🙂 Have a blessed day!

  242. Lovina Herschberger

    Love this article. Great inspiration. And the book sounds amazing as well

  243. Melanie @

    Wow. That’s so true. Sometimes we just need to zero on and focus on the smaller picture but it that I believe God doesn’t want us to lose sight of the big picture. Thanks for sharing!

  244. michelle stone

    would love a copy of the book. would be perfect for me with the place i am in right now with my life 🙂

  245. jennifer sanders

    I would love a copy of this book. The feeling of being overwhelmed gets to a point for me where I feel stuck in time.

  246. Pam

    I get overwhelmed by the whole pool too many times. I have enjoyed Emily’s series on her blog this month and would love a chance to win a copy of A Million Little Ways to learn more about the art I was born to make.

  247. Crystal

    I love you Emily ❤️

  248. Aimee D

    Thank you for showing me that I had turned into the lifeguard of the whole pool. I need to figure out how to go back to just focusing on my eight foot section. It seems like that’s a hard enough parameter.

  249. Landon G

    Wow! This is one of those posts that smacks you in the face like a cold rush of wind!

    My father has always told me that I’m a “Jack of all Trades, but a King of None”. Though it sounds harsh, he means well and speaks from his own life experience. His encouragement to me has always been to focus on doing one or two things well, instead of dabbling in everything. Though his words have lingered in my mind throughout my life, this “dabbling” of sorts continues to plague me.

    In the end, however, Dad’s advice has come full circle and I find myself staring at a number of boundaries and limitations (not set in place by me) that are forcing me to give up my “royal” title.

    Emily’s life-giving words this morning reinforced an idea that was already forming in my subconscious. Our constant struggle with finances, though seemingly negative and limiting, has actually opened up an opportunity for me to explore and marry two areas that have interested me for some time – natural living and cooking.

    As the expression goes, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” Due to our limited resources and my head-strong desire to not consume the over-processed, nutrient-lacking foods so typically purchased by those struggling financially, I have learned the art of making practically everything from scratch. Just to name a few (and then I’ll be done, I promise): laundry detergent, flour, bread, yogurt, beef & chicken stock, beans, crackers, and so on. So, thank you, Emily, for helping me to see yet again, that my Dad is right. 🙂 I have found great joy and excitement in my new endeavors, and we’ll see what avenues open up down the road.

    Thanks for listening! LG

  250. Michelle

    Glad to know I’m not alone in my search…….thanks for being bold and being honest for all women!

  251. Nancy OBS Small Group Leader

    This looks like an amazing book. I recently found one of my passions and that is encouraging women in Bible study by being an OBS Small Group Leader yet I wonder if there is more that God would like me to do. Perhaps OBS is my 8 feet, perhaps not-seeking God for His direction. 🙂

  252. Lori H

    Isn’t is amazing how often we see ourselves in a post like this and wonder at God’s timing. Like many, I can see myself in the post and the book. I would love to win this book as a resource to seek God’s plan in my life.

  253. Karen

    Thank you for the great perspective this morning.

  254. Anne Peterson

    If those lifeguards tried scouring the whole pool, lives might be lost. We take on more than we should and wonder why it doesn’t work. Great post.

  255. SDB

    I so need this book. Thank you!

  256. Megan F

    This was a much-needed post today. I’m beginning the soul-searching task of deciding if I should become a doula. I feel like I’m meant to help others. I miss feeling like I’m helping others. I don’t know if this is the way I’m supposed to do it, or if it is just one more way ill be over extending myself or over committing or never giving myself a moment to rest. But I sure hope it is the direction I should be going. I would also love for my husband to read this book. I’m sending this post to him to give to his band students to serve as an amazing pep talk in the middle of the marching season. Thanks for the perfect encouragement today!!

  257. Cheryl Braden

    This message couldn’t have come at a more appropriate time in my life. Thank you for your insight. Loved the lifeguard illustration. Blessings to you!

  258. Candy

    I would LOVE to read this book! I get so caught up in the whole pool. Assuming not only that it’s my responsibility, but that I have to handle it all perfectly! PERFECTLY!!! Knowing full well that I am anything but perfect. I think it’s a woman thing.

    I am slowly learning (or should I say accepting) that I can only do so much. I’m asking God each day to show me what HE has planned for me. No more, no less. Yes. Just my 8 feet of pool.

    Emily’s book sounds very encouraging – and to breathe in the midst of chaos is always a good thing!

  259. Kathy Stephens

    Thanks Emily. This is an analogy I can understand. And my pool was getting too big. I need to find my place and hang there!

  260. Jennifer Ebenhack

    Wonderful insights to ponder and pray about! I signed up for your blog and newsletters… looking forward to reading more! Blessings!

  261. Lisa McEachin

    Thanks for the encouragement today.

  262. Heather W

    I need this book! I’ve been struggling with trying to find my place all my life. I am now forty, unemployed, and trying to figure out “now what?” after a huge setback to my career (that I’m not sure was my right fit anyway). Everyone says to follow your dreams, but I’m not sure what mine are… I feel so lost.

  263. Betsy

    Oh, I love your thought about our limitations maybe being God’s guideposts for us. Rather than being frustrated by them, we can embrace them!

    I’m thinking about joining Compel…

  264. Paula

    This book would be of great help to me, no doubt. I do pray everyday that God would open doors he wants me to go through and close the ones He doesn’t. It takes away the opportunity for me to misunderstand what He wants for me. It has worked so far and I’ve been able to follow my military ministry to places I never thought I’d go, all being led, hand in hand with God.
    I LOVE indoor water parks. No sunscreen needed. It does smell a bit but the stable weather conditions make up for it for me.

  265. Lynn M.

    Excellent blog post, thank you! I would love to have this book 🙂

  266. Meg Derosier

    I would love to win a copy! I have never read any of her books and would love to!

  267. Jeanie

    I am that girl that feels like I’m standing at the pool and there are a million things out there and I could be doing any one of them……but I have no idea which one is the one God is calling me to do. That makes me feel lost and unfocused. 🙁

  268. Susan

    That is exactly how I feel about those indoor water parks! The book sounds great……would help me as I continue my journey of finding God’s purpose for me.

  269. Korky Waites

    Assisting in finding this “sweet spot” in this life is what I feel my main job is right now as I homeschool my boys. What are their challenges and how do those bring out special talents? Where is God calling them to use their special package? feel like I’m blessed many days to be watching over my assigned spot in the pool and fairly successful at it. Other days I wonder if I’m even watching the right pool! I look forward to reading this book and hearing God’s guidance in this area.

  270. Farrah

    Sometimes there’s so many commitments, with work, kids, home, and sometimes even church, that it becomes easy to forget you don’t have it all to do. You can say no sometimes to have only my 8 feet, I will have to remember that.

  271. Kim

    Thank you for this post! It is always a good reminder that we do NOT have to do it all, even though the world is constantly screaming at us to the contrary. What matters is what God has for me…that is where I should focus…help me, Jesus!

  272. Mimi Ehlen

    My 16-year-old daughter IS an indoor water park lifeguard and has learned valuable lessons about focusing on just her eight feet of the pool. But her mama struggles with this same focus…too often I am trying to cover too much territory and accomplishing little.

  273. Becky

    Your message spoke to my heart. I am working on my spiritual gifts and where God wants to use me. This book sounds like it is just what I need to read right now. Thank you!

  274. Allison

    My mom always told me that I could do anything that I wanted to do. You described my life perfectly. I am 41 years old and have held so many jobs that I can’t count them all. I’ve been in search of what I’m supposed to be doing my entire life. I felt I could do anything; that I could watch the whole pool. I’ve been a flight attendant, a sales person, a 7th grade school teacher to name a few. I’ve went back to college last year for interior design. That has been a life long passion so I thought that must be it. God called me away from it last December. This past August I went back to teaching because I thought God had given me that gift so that must be it. I quit in September because I figured out really quick that that wasn’t it. I really need this book. I need to find my 8 feet. I’m tired of searching. I’ve prayed for guidance, but evidently I’m in a waiting phase, which I’m ok with. I need to work for my family, but want to find where God has plans to use me for my 8 feet.

  275. Karen

    This sounds like me “for the person who fears she has nothing to offer but secretly hopes she’s wrong. It’s for the person who wants to be brave enough to move toward what makes her come alive.”. I would love a copy of this book! Just this description stirs hope in me.

  276. Michelle Spence

    I am a teacher, mother and wife. I am always feeling as if I’m failing at all three. I also have a feeling I should be doing more, but what? I struggle with the unknown and doubt.

  277. Jennie S

    Can’t wait to read Emily’s new book! I am tired of allowing fear to sideline the words that God has given me to share with others. Thank you for your beautiful words, Emily (and Lysa!)!

  278. Robyn

    Yes, please! For the artist in me. She is buried underneath the weight of expectations, mostly my own!

  279. Janet

    I so need to know where my part of the pool is. I tend to be the one trying to control the whole pool, and at times missing things in my eight foot section!

  280. Gail Byrd

    Currently struggling to figure out the boundaries of my “8 feet”. Thank you for helping me see that its ok not to take on the world! Often in that attempt I come out feeling inadequate.

  281. Maria Fletcher

    I can so relate to this blog post today. I know that I was made for some great purpose and have been trying to figure it out, but of course I keep looking at the whole pool and feel like I come up short! There have been occurrences in my life that I feel I have repeated which has lead me to realize that I was not made for that particular job or situation. As I continue to grow older I have shortened down my section and am getting closer to my 8 feet!

  282. Cindy

    My children are in college, the love of my life has been gone for seven years and I am feeling I have nothing more to offer this world. I’m only in my 50’s but I am stuck in the past. I pray that this book will help me move forward. Thank you.

  283. Denise

    Thank you, Emily, for this encouraging, grace-filled devotion this morning. I love your writing and it would be a blessing to read more in “A Million Little Ways”!

  284. Jen Marcus

    A great reminder that I don’t need to take care of the whole pool – just my part!

  285. Robin S

    It is so easy, for me anyway, to become distracted by all of the things I want to do, think I need to do, things others want me to do, and just so many possibilities. I often forget to stay focused on the things God has asked me to be responsible for. My dad used to tell me that it is better to do one thing really well than to do a lot of things half-way. He’s right. When I say yes to too many things, I become overwhelmed and end up not able to give my best. I also question a lot if the things I’m focused on are the right things. I need to trust that The Lord will speak to my heart when or if things need to change. Until then, I need to focus on the path in front of me that The Lord is lighting.
    Thanks for the reminder today.

  286. Cindy Eddins

    I would love to read Emily’s book! I’ve heard so many great things about it. Thank you for the opportunity! Cindy

  287. Jenny BC

    This is the very thing I have been struggling with for a while now. With two children in college and another one at home, I feel like sometimes I am just keeping my head above water. The expenses are staggering and so, for now, I am working full time to help with them. In the meantime, I have lost the little bit of creative me. The book sounds like a wonderful motivation to get back to that part of me I long to express. The college kids graduate next May…there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

  288. Julia

    I am a single mom with too much on my plate. I would love to read your new book.

  289. Terry

    This book sounds so interesting. I would love to read it. Thanks for addressing such need meeting subjects.

  290. Brooke Chowdhury

    I have struggled with figuring out what I’m doing with my life for years! It’s caused major depression and anxiety to the point of medication. I keep searching for ways to figure out what I’m supposed to be doing but still have no idea. This book looks like an awesome resource!!

  291. Kelly

    I am a Mother of two beautiful children, I work FT, and am a FT mother, work is stressfull and trying to balance the life of a mother and work is pure craziness. I would love to read your book, it sounds very inspiring.

  292. Kandee Popham

    This is something I have been struggling with for a while now. I feel like I have all these things I can do and ways I can serve, but can’t figure out what God wants me to do. I just want to serve Him…looking for how.

  293. Liz C

    I know I will have a part of the pool but that pool is still under construction. I know God has something in the works for me, it is just not specifically defined yet. I am moving soon and Satan has been on the attack because he doesn’t want us to be in this new house. God gave us this house to do His work but again that hadn’t been defined yet. In the waiting & praying mode! ☺️

  294. ann

    I would love to read this book.What do I have to offer? That is my question

  295. Christie

    Inspiring. And I also hate indoor water parks 🙂

  296. Jackie Moisan-Smith

    The words “the person who fears she has nothing to offer but secretly hopes she’s wrong” are words I have often wondered. I feel those around me are so sure what they are suppose to do and sometimes I feel I am stuck and have no idea where I am going. I am ready to do what the Lord wants me to do but not sure what that is.

  297. Laureen

    This post was a timely gift of grace from God’s heart to mine! This morning, I was qliterally rewriting chapter titles for a book that has been conceived, yet still embryonic and still yet unannounced. Still savoring the sweetness that the lover of my soul has truly embedded this seed of a message within me!

    Anyway, the chapter title “Captivating Liberty: Freedom’s Inspiration to the Artful and Abundant Life” was today’s big moment of clarity as I cried out for wisdom regarding this message, and in the middle of my quiet time I was led to pick up my phone and read Lysa’s blog. Whoosh…floods of confirmation, liberation and inspiration entered my soul with Emily’s words. Maybe it’s the sisterhood of mutual former good girls, liberated to live as grace girls, but this morning’s message resonated like a “grace gong” in my heart and I can not wait to read more!!

    Looking so forward to heaven and I’m already planning a little party to thank long-distance mentors and surrogate mothers who discipled me through their writings…Emily and Lysa…thank you from the bottom of my heart for being vessels of wisdom and life into the body of Christ!!!

  298. Beth Mesquita

    Thank you for the reminder to start my day focused on what He wants me to do. :0)

  299. Colleen

    Thank you for your Godly and thoughtful insight. I always look forward to your writings and can relate so closely just about every time.

  300. Annette

    I would love to read the book and discover more of what God has in store for me.

  301. Melanie S

    Emily, Thanks for the timely reminder. At times, it’s so easy to see what others are doing and how they are being used, and wanting to ask “Lord, pick me! Pick me!” and yet, He has called me to be faithful in my little corner of the world…and to make a difference in the lives He has put into my life.

    • emily p freeman

      You’re welcome, Melanie.

  302. Michele Carter

    I think I know what I’m meant to do, but I just don’t know how to get there and when. In the meantime, I put my faith in the Lord, wait to see what he brings to me (and what he doesn’t) as the rest of my life develops.

    • emily p freeman

      Sounds like a nice plan if you ask me.

  303. Melanie

    I needed this today! I need to stop focusing on the million reasons why I think I cant do it and foucus on the main reasons I NEED to do it! Thank you!!

  304. Cindy

    I don’t know if I have a gift of expressing my thoughts about the Lord through words but I would like to explore and see if I do.

  305. patty schmid

    I would love to read Emily Freeman’s book. I have been a stay at home since I found out I was pregnant with our first child. We now have three kids (8 yr old boy, 12 yr old boy, 14 yr old girl). I homeschooled the older two for four years. They are now all in school and it has been two years since they were home. I am now trying to figure out what I am supposed to do next. I have gotten involved in many different things because I feel like I should but I am still not quite sure what my calling is. I run the MOPS/MomsNext group at our church, am a Cub Scout Den Leader, Nursery Admin asst at church, substitute teacher at the kids school, bookkeeper at home for a couple of our businesses.,,,I have had words spoken into my life that I am to rescue children, strengthen moms and build families – but I have no idea how!!!

  306. Terri Pierce

    Wow! I initially just vaguely started skimming this today but then you got my attention!! I am a mom of 4 all but grown kids w/just my daughter left at home & have been pondering some of these same questions for the past few yrs as my kids started leaving home!! What am I to do now? I feel inadequate & useless at times & really want to know what God wants me to do now for His Glory not mine!! I think some of my child raising was focused on myself at times instead of on Him! I would love a copy of your book! Maybe my name will be picked who knows! Thanks for sharing about my need to focus on my 8 ft!

    • emily p freeman

      Glad we got your attention, Terri!

  307. Sunshine

    This sounds like just what I need! I would love to win a copy.

  308. Laura Proctor

    I have always wondered if what I want to write would be good enough. I would love to find out.

  309. Angela Dorenzo

    Wonderful post! This sounds like a great book.

  310. serena hanson

    What perfect timing thisnpost had in my life!

  311. Naomi

    I think this would be a wonderful book to have it would help me and help the mentors i lead to see how everyone has a creative aspect to them as we are made in the image of God. I have difficulty letting myself go because i want it to be the finalproduct right away the first time. This book goes with where God is working in me we all have a redemptive story and are called to express it for His glory.

  312. Ann Kite

    Woke up this morning thinking about this very subject. God is so good.

  313. Amber Isbell

    I would love to read your book as I am looking to see what God has in store for me to do.

  314. Valarie Bayer

    Emily Freeman’s books have been recommended to me by my sister-in-law. I just haven’t found the time to pick one up and read it. Would love to win a copy so I can enjoy a weekend of relaxation and reading. Thanks.

  315. Kathy

    Thank you for this I’ll have to get the book. I’m searching for what God wants me to do from here. I’ve been involved in several areas at Church but not sure now where my place is. Most times I’ve tried to be everything to everybody including my family. But these two sentences really helped me today, thank you:
    “Could it be possible that the reason we are so overwhelmed is because we are focused on the whole pool, forgetting our own eight-foot assignment?

    You have a job to do and it won’t look like mine or his or theirs. It looks like yours. It isn’t the whole pool, but it’s still important.”

    Again thank you for the words.

  316. Ina

    I needed this message today. Thank You!

  317. Jessica V

    For so many years I have tried to take on the entire pool, so that I could be filled and fulfilled. I have felt for so long that I am not good enough to be anything but the sinner I am…..Your book sounds so wonderful, can’t wait to read it!

  318. Loree

    Thank You for this post. i am at a point where I have discovered that I have been trying to cover more than my 8 feet of the pool. i am coming out of a season of feeling overwhelmed and defeated. The key now is to discover what my 8 feet are and have the courage to move into that. I think I know what it is but the feeling or uncertainty can be overwhelming.

  319. Angela Gusman

    Seems like I am surrounded by cancer. My Aunt has stage 4 liver cancer & my niece just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Even, on sunday at Mass my Pastor said that he has a friend going through pancreatic cancer. Wow!! I am caregiving a 108 yr. Old person and she is still walking, talking and all she worries about is “who is going to bury me?” I wonder why some people get these awful diseases and what they go through with chemo . Sometimes, it doesn’t feel like it is fair. I feel their pain and all I can do for them is pray for them and listen to them. Maybe God is revealing himself to me through this so I can minister to them. Lord, give me strength to be there for eveyone and everything that is happening around me. You are in control . You are my Light and my salvation. Amen.

  320. Laurie

    Thank you for this post! I am always looking at the massive pool instead of the water around me! Your post really spoke to me, this book sounds perfect too!

  321. Leslie Dannhardt

    I am trying to grow my Mary Kay business and truly want God to be my CEO, but I have a hard time focusing on the task at hand. I look way into the future trying to see where I will be with my business in the future. I truly believe this book could help me in so many ways, not just my Mary Kay business.

  322. Katrina

    Your book sounds great for my nieces. The oldest tells classmates she is adopted instead of keeping to herself. She’s been bullied throughout school. Why I don’t know. Jealous girls cuz she’s pretty or very comfortable talking with guys. She seems to flirt/chat in my view. I worry that she’s too focused on pleasing peer group vs find her own way. I believe God gives us trials to strengthen us for his purposes. She doesn’t see her gifts nor her inside internal value. I want to get your book to read myself to remind me of God’s purposes for our lives. I’ve had lessons in relationships and now in divorce from husband after 14 years. It is making me stronger in believing in God and my truth. We are in small town. Challenges me not to talk about him, yet he tells untruths about me. Without Gid, verses, other Godmy women and reading scripture I would’ve quit and not been given fair settlement. He is offering zero. I invested my savings in home remodels. So lessons at age of 59.

  323. Dana

    I struggle with this as well. I’ve been a stay at home mom for 13 years. I love it but sometimes feel like I’m not doing enough. I needed to read this post!! Thanks!!

  324. Marla Dunn

    Wow! Your book sounds like it’s exactly what I need to be reading right now. I love God’s perfect timing. I started writing a blog during a serious illness a few years ago and want found that people enjoyed my writing and found it inspirational. What a surprise! I long to continue writing to encourage and inspire women to be in health in all ways – emotionally, physically, spiritually and in relationships. It’s my heart’s desire to bring glory to God by helping His daughters heal.

  325. Gina Flanagan

    Thanks for these words of encouragement today. They hit home.

  326. Teresa

    Wow! I need to read this. I homeschool my children and am always telling myself that is my priority, that is where my goals need to lie. But then ministries at church come up and other services. My vision gets larger and I get overwhelmed. I need to learn to focus on my “8 feet”!

  327. Sabra Penley

    I am a lump of clay. I’ve been a lump of clay for a long time. Just sitting there…happy to be just sitting on a shelf. But GOD…. Oh! How He woke up this blob of inactivity! It took watching my husband’s heart stop and nearly losing him…waiting…waiting…and crying out to my heavenly Father–the only One who could make a difference. Only He didn’t just save my husband’s life. He saved mine…from being totally self-absorbed, useless. He showed me that I am His art project–He wants me to be a beautiful work of His. But He had to bring me to a willingness to be putty in His hands…for Him to hold me and mold me. Oh, Lord, may I be exactly what You have designed me to be!

  328. Donna

    Thank you Emily Freeman for finding and living your art and helping me find mine <3

  329. katie sexton

    I am a Christ follower; a wife; a mother; a grandmother; a connection group leader and I am employed in a management position. I find my self feeling that I don’t have any real talents or callings. I see all the outstanding accomplishements of many of my Christian friends and I feel that I have nothing to offer. This is a helpless and overwhelming feeling. Thank you so much for your words of wisdom. I have never thought of how important it is to just focus on my eight feet! Awesome.

  330. Molly Higle

    This is exactly what I have been muddling through as of late. I am seeking God for my “part of the pool” so to speak. I feel like I am late (40+ years old), but God is good and faithful.
    Thank you for sharing your gift.

  331. Jeanine

    Sounds like a great book! Would love to read it.

  332. Christy

    Right words at the right time! So needed to hear those words today. Been feeling a little overwhelmed and ill-equipped for a new leadership positon as MOPS coordinator for my church. Just a reminder when He calls someone to do a ministry He will provide exactly what we need along the way.

  333. Michele

    Love the title!

  334. Courtney

    Emily, I have been going through this for years! I believe your book and you’re story will help me greatly! I would love to read your words of wisdom!

  335. Mona Huston

    Wow!! Encouraging words. Sometimes it seems impossible to see what our “art” is supposed to be. Thanking you for the reminder that mine isn’t like anyone else and I just need to seek God’s plan, not what others think.

  336. Anita

    I love the title of your book…it’s not always the huge big deals but the million little ways! 🙂

  337. Karen

    The blog was very inspiring, and I’d love to read this book. As a retired teacher who is dealing with health issues, I feel as if I’m not doing what I should be doing anymore. In fact I’m not sure what I should be doing.! I just want to follow God’s plan for me.

  338. Patty

    Some very interesting things have happened in my growing relationship with God, and as scary as it is, I know they’re not just for me. I’m supposed to share them via a book. However, it’s all so bizarre and atypical (“Does God really interact with people like THAT?!?!”) that I can’t imagine anyone else ever wanting to read it. Not only that, I know absolutely nothing about publishing and marketing. But I do know how to write and proofread, so I’m choosing to do what I know to do – taking those baby steps now and trusting God to show me what to do next. Please enter me in the drawing for “A Million Little Ways.” Thank you!

  339. Connie Stibora

    I definitely need to add this book to my growing library, thank you for sharing. I recently lost my son, and this was something that weighed heavy on his heart. He always wanted to make a difference and struggled with feeling that he was not equipped to do so. My husband and I want to do something to honor his memory and we too are having a difficult time figuring out what exactly this might be.

  340. C

    Something in this post made me tear up. Perhaps God wants me to explore . . .

  341. Darlene

    This sounds like a good book. I would love to have it.

  342. Carissa Welch

    This is just what I needed this morning! Such a revelation! My whole life I have been so busy trying to sore as high as I could….when I only have to worry about 8 feet. Such a relief! Thank you!

  343. Jana Barcay

    Thank you for pushing. For reminding me that I need that pushing. For being gloriously irritating enough to force growth. Or at least shame me into it.

    You rock, girlfriend.

  344. Darla Griffith

    thank you for your encouraging enlightening words every day! you are an inspriration.

  345. Pam

    I struggle with this constantly. I don’t seem to have any talents, I can’t sing, I don’t play an instrument, I don’t feel comfortable teaching. I pray for God to give me a burden every night which is difficult for me because I’m scared of the burden he wi give me

  346. Debbie Miller

    I always wanted to be a writer. A man once told me, if I hadn’t written by now I never would. Then the dream died. I wonder what would have happened “if”… sad!

  347. Michele

    The book sounds so good – What an exciting read!!

  348. Rachel Swigert

    To know the path that God is leading you toward is a gift and it doesn’t seem everybody gets to see their path years in the making. Here I am in my late 30’s working in a career where I feel I have totally missed my calling. The door is being knocked on but I keep opening the wrong door. I feel like my eight foot section of the pool is still unmanned and I can’t find it. I would love to read your book and be inspired to find my section of the pool. I know it is out there.

  349. Melissa

    Amazing how this idea of doing something I am unsure of, keeps coming back. I have written several children’s stories, but, have never had them published. I don’t know the next step. God is speaking to me about creating more stories. I think He is giving me gentle taps on the shoulder. haha! God is saying, “Don’t worry, Melissa.” Thank you for your message today, Lysa. 🙂

  350. Nanci D

    I think the biggest thing is trying something new and having it blow up in your face over and over again. Finally, you give up.

  351. Shannon

    I have ideas on help out but I don’t have any strategies and I’m asking people including strangers but nothing is coming together. Maybe it’s not God timing yet but I want to do so much for those who are less fortunate one of them is i want to build a home for those school age children (not a daycare) but a place where they can grow spiritually. I know it will not be easy but so many times these children have no one to talk too, express their feelings, or don’t know where there own gifts are. How do I know? I really don’t but being an only and being around older people it is hard for me to related to my own generation because when I was younger I also had a speech impairment and was on the borderline of disability because I would study so hard and still get an average grade so I was teased and I knew if I came home and when I tried to share my feelings oh you’re two sensitive. However, my parents BEFORE they were MARRIED came from a different lifestyle for my Mom was a nun, my Dad was a priest. However, this past year God called me to walk a different paths of my parents. Yes, I told them in tears because I knew this wouldn’t please them but I found a Church where I am at peace and where God has blessed me with wonderful mentors, Truthseekers and also some jobs and compliments. In addition, I accepted Jesus as my Savior last year and this year and God gave me this desire to be Baptized and on April 14, 2013 I did. It’s been amazing how God has opened my eyes; I was so blind and lost but thank God for His Amazing Grace for I have been found. For I was praying about an issue and how to express it to someone in a loving way. Hmm told one person but was still afraid or inferior to this mentor however, this mentor confirmed my conviction of idolatry. Was it hard to hear oh yes, did I feel rejected yes but I was so surprised how I responded to this e-mail. I replied. Thank you for sharing your concern and you’re correct not because you say so but because God is opening my eyes and this is the big issue and learning to walk this way is Hard but I know God is peeling off my mask so strangers and everyone could see the true me. Am I there…will I be…I wish but I know it’s all for God’s glory. So I thank God for this blessing of this mentor who had the guts to tell me the truth. I know it was tough for this mentor to tell me her concern and even though I responded well..My actions turned to gossip due to the hurt and I knew that wasnt right but that’s another way of God is teaching me to in a scripture verse.. Be swift to hear,slow to speak,slow to anger. James 1:19 So I want to help these children of all ages not for the works but to be obedient to God.

  352. Cara Shirley

    Learning to focus on only my 8ft section of the pool can be hard!

  353. Rebecca mcfarland

    I am leading our spiritual growth movement at church and have been feeling drained unt 2 weeks ago when through prayer God gave me hope. I loved this blog today. I just need to focus on my 8 feet of the pool. Thanks.

  354. Erin

    This book sounds like a great way to refine my focus and that it would be a wonderful study for my small group girls. Thank you Lysa for letting God lead you to using your talents to inspire all of us.

  355. Tiffany

    Sounds like an awesome book!

  356. Joey Reynolds

    This book sounds like an amazing read!! I would love to have it!!

  357. Cindy

    Wow looks awesome would love to read this with my daughters.

  358. Tammy

    Needed to read this………….

  359. Robin Bunting

    Boy, does this title discribe a need in me. I have never looked at myself as an arty person. I have always admired the art ability in those around me but have always been afraid to try anything on my own. Thanks.

  360. Minerva Huante

    It is hard to believe in yourself when were always told you wouldn’t amount to anything as a child. I want to prove to those people that I can do so much more through Christ.

  361. Joe K

    I love to see God work. I have been praying recently, “God, use me. I don’t know where. Point me.” I have big ideas but I want them to be HIS ideas, too. I would love and appreciate a copy of this book.

  362. Tanya

    This looks like an awesome book! I have been wanting to write my story for years. I have started but never finished. This would be a great help!

  363. Brenda

    I would love to read your book it sounds like it will fit right in with the season of life I am in. Thanks Lysa for letting God use you to bless so many. Shalom

  364. Jeanette

    “If you desperately fear you have nothing to offer, but secretly hope you are wrong…”

    – Sounds like me! Would really appreciate “A Million Little Ways” both for myself and my girlfriends =)

  365. Lisa Wine

    This was the perfect thing for me to read today. I have been struggling with this very thing. Thank you for this posting and opportunity.

  366. Mary

    I’m 60 years old and have never felt like I had anything special to offer; but I trust the Lord and I know that somewhere deep inside my God given gift is screaming to get uncovered. It’s buried so deeply I can’t seem to dig it out on my own. I’m retired now and desperately wanting to spend the rest of my life doing what God intended me to do. Help, I need to figure out what it is. Could this book be just what I need??

  367. Marcie

    What a cool book! Can’t wait to read it!

  368. Deb

    This article is so true. There are millions of women trying to “do it all” and falling short. Many of them seek prescription meds & other things to help them cope. I am so thankful for mentors in my life who taught me to discover my God given gifts & talents which helped me to identify my “8 foot section of the pool.”

  369. Margaret Fretwell

    Sounds like a great book and one that I need to read!

  370. Brandie Potter

    Unfortunately, I am one of those that tries to cover the WHOLE pool. Comparision is a cruel thing, but it is what I do best. Comparing what I lack and can’t do instead of focusing on what I can do and what I was called to do. I’m surely working on it daily, with imperfect progess and it is a struggle, but God is guiding me.

  371. Mandy Shelton

    Wow….God has perfect timing! I am at a point in my life where I have a couple of big decisions to make for my career and what direction I want or need to go in. This book I know could help me find some answers! Loved this topic and post. Thanks!

  372. Elizabeth

    Thank you! I needed this timely encouragement. I always think that I have to be in charge of “life guarding” an Olympic sized pool. I am praying for God to help me sharpen my focus on the part of the pool He has designed me to guard.

  373. carol hirst

    I would love to receive your book! It’s always been my desire to write a book and now that we are retired and spend a few months a year in Arizona, where I am free of distractions,it is a great time to try. Your book would be so helpful!

  374. Jennifer

    This has been the story of my life. I spent a career doing something I was good at, but felt empty doing. There had to be something I was missing. I would have these dreams, but then the doubt would creep in: you can’t do that, you have no talent, you have no experience, you have no education, you are getting too old. And instead of finding a beginning, I jump to the end. I quit. And I am filled with a longing for something that I have yet to discover.

  375. Nibal

    Amen. When we tell our kids they can do anything, we are telling them a lie. We were all created for a purpose and our journey on this earth is designed to help us discern that call.

  376. Annette

    As in the search for a “needle in a haystack”, I am walking, working, and searching for my “key in the haystack” to see and work in “the purpose that My Father created me for.

  377. Deanna

    I have always wondered what is my “art”. I would love to read this book.

  378. Laura

    I accepted Christ 2 years ago (at 39 yrs old) and am trying to find my way with The Lord by surrendering my life to Him. It’s because of this that I am turning over a new leaf… or leaves. I would love to read this book in hopes to provide me with not only encouragement, but a plan in keeping Him, rather than myself, at the center.

  379. Julie

    I would SO love this book. I was just reading a comment from one of my friends on FB, how she doesn’t feel like she is measuring up, being a mom and wife with 2 little ones. I tried to encourage her, saying that voice is the voice of lies and we need to listen to the Voice of Truth! The Voice of Truth tells us that we are strong in Jesus and are doing great at being a mommy and wife. I just got done reading and doing a Bible study “A Confident Heart” and did the Unglued study this summer. I sell myself short SO many times. I stay at home with my precious babes and in the quiet is when satan tries to sell me his lies. I have goals (like writing a book!) and don’t really know how to get started! I could really use this book to help me! So, Thank You!! God Bless! Julie

  380. Laura Rath

    Overwhelmed because I’m looking at the whole pool? Oh yeah, I get that. An 8-foot section seems much more managable. Would love to read the book!

  381. Shelly Wildman

    Even after all these years, I’m still trying to figure this out. Thanks, Emily, for daring to put to paper the thoughts that I’ve been thinking for a long time. I’d love to read your book and sort it out some more.

  382. Suzanne

    I have spent most of my life trying to figure out what I “want to be when I grow up”… I am 51 years old.. lol
    I probably could use this book!

  383. Debi

    What a motivating message to start the day with! Thank you for so often seeing inside the hidden places of the heart and speaking the right words to give me some impetus to change and to do something different.
    For years I have thought about writing, but in my perfectionism have been reluctant to even start, and in the struggle to provide a living for myself and my children have not forged out the time nor expended the effort to get beyond a title. 🙂
    Thank you for reminding me that Christ is my ability and that faithfulness to what He puts before me each day is where my effort should go.

  384. Giffbox

    I can relate to your feelings about indoor waterparks! Hate them. But I too was super impressed with those lifeguards. They take their job seriously!

  385. Cari

    I have a story to tell but I am afraid to take a leap, write it down, and finally send it to a publisher. So need to read your book!

  386. Sherrie Raney

    Due to recent financial reversal I’m considering dropping my enrollment in COMPEL….
    I want each part of my life to be yeilded to GOD’s will including this rekindled desire to write and believe HE guided me to COMPEL to glorify HIS name.
    Of course I have no idea what to write so I keep asking HIM. So do I even continue without direction?
    Truthfully I don’t think I have a book in me and don’t know why I’m being led in this direction… But I want to be obedient to the leading of CHRIST.
    As an empty nester, the new Leader of Woman’s Ministries in our church and working 10.5 hours a day my plate is joyfully full and yet this “writing” will not leave me.
    Truthfully I can’t put pen to paper without direction.
    My education and childish pursuits lend themselves to writing so it’s not entirely foreign but certainly hard to “narrow down”.
    So the answer wasn’t in this mornings blog but the encouragement to keep seeking GOD in my area of the pool was… Perhaps if GOD is willing I will find a way to read the featured book…
    If not I know HE is faithful and as I continue seeking HIS face and follow in obedience, HE will direct my steps no matter what the cost.
    CHRIST first.

  387. Melissa

    I can totally relate to this as a professional turn SAHM, who is now searching and eagerly tring to hear God’s call in my life; and to be OK with it even if it seems so small.

  388. Moriah,C

    This sounds like the perfect book for me. How I struggle with thinking I have much significance when I cannot remember the last encouraging word I’ve had spoken to me by anyone

  389. Nerissa Ruiz

    Buenos Dias Emily!
    I recently started reading your blog and receive your emails. You are a great inspiration to me. I have fallen away from my passion of writing and leading young adults due to my own issues. I feel that my coma is over. I want to be brave enough to move toward what makes ME come alive. I crave it. I need it and want it desperately. Thank you for being obedient to Gods calling in your life.

  390. Lisa Waters

    For years I have tried to please too many people and felt guilty if I didn’t do things that were asked of me. This has been especially true in my work at church. I am learning that it’s ok to simply say no. I think that if you enjoy what you’re doing and you’re good at it, it’s probably a gift or strength that God has given you. I desire your prayers as I continue to learn not to over commit.

    Thanks for your writings. They are such a Blessing to me!

  391. Michele

    I would love to with A Million Little Ways because I do feel that there is something else out there for me; I’m just not sure how to get there! By the way Lysa, God has definitely given you a gift. You have a way with words that is so comforting! I always look forward to your emails. Have a beautiful, blessed day!! And thank you!!

  392. Kara Adams

    I love the 8′ of pool / lifeguard analogy – I was a lifeguard growing up. I have that perspective but I often worry do I raise my eyes up enough to see the bigger picture also – so I know where my 8′ of pool fits into the grand scheme of things…

  393. Carrie Christos

    There’s something inside me longing to get out. To make a difference. To be alive again. I would love to read this book!

  394. Kelly

    I’m really looking forward to reading your book, Emily! I know God has called me to write, and He’s spent the last two years teaching me that. Now I’m waiting for His timing to take the next step while praying for courage to be bold and put myself out there.

  395. Melissa

    Your message makes so much sense. I often wonder what my ‘purpose’ is in life and if I am supposed to be doing bigger or more noticeable things for God. I am a wife and mother. I view these as my most important callings at this point in my life. I also work a full time job from a home office which I enjoy very much. I often find myself wishing that I could write moving blogs or give inspirational talks. Writing is not a gift of mine. My work does involve training large groups of people from time to time and I do enjoy that but that training is never about things of “importance” – just job related training. I have such peace after reading this blog that perhaps my circle of influence is limited to this ‘8 foot’ length of pool that has been assigned to me for the moment. Thank you for your message!

  396. Alicia

    Oh my goodness! I just had this conversation with my coach yesterday. I told him that I’ve been in this place of neither here nor there and not feeling like I am living up to the potential God created in me. I struggle with efforts at work and efforts in ministry and the community… where do I invest? He said I should read 48 Days to the Work You Love and I immediately went to Amazon to purchase. I think I’ve known for most of my life that God wants to do great things through me, but my confidence has wained and my scepticism that I could be used for great things has held me back. I’m sure this would be a great book to help me as I seek to understand God’s path for my life. TY!

  397. Charity

    I love the analogy and logic used. It makes so much sense but I’ve never heard someone say it and it makes you feel better about your role, your sphere of influence – you still have a calling, even if it isn’t for the whole swimming pool!

  398. Karen

    I love that you are focusing on art! I am a Homeschool mom (3 still home), I have a small notecard business that I have been working at growing for the past 3 years in between caring for my elderly parents. Beauty and encouragement is why I started my business. I need to create things or I feel withered and dry…I believe that being creative is one of the ways that we have been made in God’s image (Genesis 1:27). With caring for my parents, the load was taking it’s toll on me and my family. In the midst, the Lord has been dismantling a lot of wrong thinking about being faithful to Him. I would love to read your book, Emily! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  399. Kathryn

    This is right on time for me! I was just having this very discussion with my husband on Sunday night. I can’t wait to read this book and begin to put a plan into action! Thank you!!!

  400. Tracie

    As I have been in a season of waiting for what the next step is, and fearing I may not be ‘up to” doing what that is, I am searching for strength to help me be brave enough to step into the new season. My past dreams have been put on hold, now I wonder if I am qualified to attain those dreams. This book looks like what I may need to help encourage me as I start this new journey.

  401. Linda Misale

    I feel as though this e-mail was something I needed to hear. I have been struggling as to what to do next in my life. The lack of confidence in my ability to do the next thing has been something I have not been able to let go since being laid off in 2012. The book you are offering today by Emily P. Freeman seems to be something that will be helpful to me in letting go of that fear.
    Thank you and God Bless

  402. Lindsey Edwards

    I’m sure every woman out there could say that this book would be perfect for them and I try not to be cliche, but this book is perfect for me! I hope I get the blessed opportunity to read it. Thank you!

  403. Amy Faris

    I would love to read this book! I wear many hats & would like some wisdom!

  404. Lynda

    –Going forward where God is leading…waiting and dreaming and planning where He has not yet spoken to move. There’s lots of dreaming and wonder going on!

  405. Disha Moreau

    It was so encouraging to think that and be reminded that we are all unique and the things that we think are in our way are actually there to help us get past our limitations.
    Thank you for sharing! God bless you today!

  406. Rhonda Bourland

    I love this post. I never thought of not being to do everything. I always do what ever is asked of me and do it to the best of my ability…that would be the ability God has given me. I never thought of not being able to do it. Now someone might do it better but I would do it. Oops I guess I need to rethink my thoughts.

  407. Kristina

    Sounds like a must read book!! This is exactly what I have been feeling lately. Thanks for a chance to win a copy.

  408. Sandy

    I find the 8 foot assignment stress relieving and encouraging.

  409. Kursten Gruben

    Me pls!

  410. Esther Weisbrod

    Thank you for this blog. I’ve just started reading it, recommended by a friend. I am always overwhelmed with so much in my life, that I feel I can’t accomplish anything. I tend to look at everything instead of focusing on what’s in front of me. I hope and pray that God would show me His plan and direction for my life.

  411. Kimberly Hogg

    You know what you’ve read applies to you when you get tears in your eyes. Lately I’ve been pondering how God can use (even) me. Thank you for your encouragement. Praying blessings over you and your family!

  412. Sandy

    I would love to find a few little ways to grow in the space I am meant to grow.

  413. Lena

    I would love to figure out my “art”. Thanks for a chance to win.

  414. Denny

    Wow! What a great concept for a book! So many women need to know they are valuable!!

  415. Sherry Hooper

    Since I was young, I’ve wanted to write a book. I don’t feel equipped and don’t even know if this is really God putting this desire on my heart or if it’s just me. I second guess myself so much. There’s been times when I think God was telling me to do something only to find, down the road, saying to myself, maybe that wasn’t God. Since I was young, I had this dream to be God’s “Joan of Arc”. Well, at 50, I still don’t know if I’m making a difference, but the desire is there.

  416. Charlotte Hammer

    This resonated with me…just what God was speaking to me this morning. Beautiful words.

  417. Donna Lott

    I love reading your post each day . I’m loving all the crafts and ideas you share. Thank you for being obedient to God’s will. You are being used as His hands and feet. Praying continued blessing over you in All you do. I would love your book.

  418. Tristina Senter

    I know I am searching for something. I am working on taking the fluff out of my life so i have more time for important things. I have made some major changes in my life changed jobs for the fourth time and became debt free so I didn’t feel like a slave to my job. I feel lighter but there is still something missing. I feel I am holding myself back. Sometime I feel I am not good enough or not capable. I want to know what job God had for me. I want to be that beacon of light for his glory.

  419. Sally Baker

    I have been “stuck” for a while now (2+ years) while knowing what God has asked me to do, “write”. I start, I stop. I start, I stop. I start. I stop. Then I feel just defeated that I am not doing what God has asked me to do. Truth is, I am scared of failing – scared that what I have to say would not be important to anyone. So, here I am, with bits and pieces of writing. Pray for me please to learn what obedience looks like in this task. Thank you! Sally Baker

  420. Michel,le W

    I can totally relate to the whole indoor water park feeling…what we do for our kids.:}
    I liked the perspective from today. As a stay at home mom, sometimes it is hard to find what my calling might be. I just know I haven’t found it yet. Would love to read the book! Thanks for continuing to encourage others!

  421. Kari Lannon

    Thanks for the great article on focusing on what is in front of us. I have been thinking a lot lately about my calling as a mother and realizing that much of my experience and education has been for this time and this place.

  422. Sherry

    I need this book and would love a copy. I am stuck and don’t know where to start, this book could be my ” for such a time as this” opportunity! I want to read it!

  423. Kelly wells

    This spoke to my heart! I must read it!

  424. Kerry Ann

    Wow! What a neat idea – one that I need to tell myself over and over – I am valuale and was created for a specific purpose! Can’t wait to read this – thank you!

  425. Valerie Peterson

    I would love to win this book! Have a blessed day!

  426. April Moore

    This post is so amazingly timely for me and my life situation right now!!! Thank you so much!!!

  427. Barbi Workman

    Almost daily I have been asking the Lord “what now”. My two youngest children are almost ready to fly out of the nest. I want to step into this next phase of my life with a purpose and have always felt like I needed to guard the whole pool. I would love a copy of Emily’s book A million little ways: uncover the art you were made to live. I need only to guard my eight feet, but just not sure what that is. I thank God for using many people like Lysa and Emily to help guide and encourage us along the way.

  428. Flordeliz

    Hi Lysa & God bless you!
    First off, I want to thank you for what you do. You have blessed me very much with your loving words and I pray that God blesses you tremendously. Ok, so here it goes… My parents are missionaries since before I was born in Ecuador, Peru and in Canada. It’s been very challenging being a pastor’s kid but thank God for his grace and love that I’ve been able to come this far. I am still going! I always said there was no way I was going to be a pastor or anything involved with the ministry because I see that its hard work but also VERY rewarding; there is nothing like living and giving your life for God. However, as I have gotten older, I have have developed a strong desire and passion to live for God and go out to the world to spread the gospel and help people in need. I have not told my parents that lol but I feel it deep down in my heart and I know that is what God wants me to do. The only thing is, I do not know where to start. I will continue to pray and to listen to His voice for guidance, discernment and winsome. God bless you all & good luck!! 🙂

  429. Laura Renee Wallis

    I would love to read and share the book A Million Little Things! And to grow where we are planted by God 🙂

  430. Betty Gutierrez

    Wow! What an answer to prayer this is for all of us ordinary janes who want to make a difference but can’t figure out what direction that first step is..trusting God is the first step..this book sounds like it will be an incredible eye opening experience!

  431. Courtney

    Thank you for this encouragement today. Unfortunately I don’t know which section of the pool God wants me to cover. I pray all the time for revelation, but I’m still waiting on His answer. It’ll come in time. Hopefully sooner rather than later, because I’m ready to dive in!

  432. Emily

    Sounds like a good read!

  433. Linda

    God has spoken through you! so what I needed to hear..can’t do everything. Thanks for the challenge of taking care of that space we are called to do! 🙂

  434. Tara

    Would love to have this book as I struggle to find the ‘in between’ of currently being a stay at home mommy while keeping my eyes and ears open to what the future holds for me when I do return to the outside working world!

  435. Cherlyn

    Your post really touched my heart today. I realize that I need to focus on what God has instilled in my heart for me to be what He created, nothing more and nothing less. Whew, that really takes a lot of pressure off! Thank you for opening my eyes and my heart. Blessings!!

  436. Shurica Poyner

    I love the lesson created from the Water Park post. How awesome life would be if we could just master our 8ft of space. Guard with our hearts and give it freely. I am realizing the importance of mastering my purpose in my life as well as the effect that it has on others. As your post shares, we save lives when we operate in our purpose. I believe my purpose in writing and speaking, but I’m not sure. I just know that it is imperative that I work in my purpose. I keep hearing, “I am apart of miracles of biblical proportions”, in my spirit. I’m just focusing on being able to aware of instructions that Holy Spirit has for me and surrendering my will to God. I would love to experience “A Million Little Ways.” And thank you for sharing your gift.

  437. Joanne

    There are times when I wonder if what I am doing is God’s purpose for my life. At the same time it seems difficult to make a change. How will I know if I am heading in the right direction? Will I be following my will or God’s? I think I could benefit from this book.

  438. BB Godfrey

    I saw this book on your sister’s blog a week ago and was immediately eager to get my hands on this book! I’m in a Craft Life Group, where us women get together every other Friday night and bring our craft we need to work on. We fellowship, inspire, and even share a small devotional. The only downfall is we have been searching and searching for a devotional book for artist. There’s just not one out there. I would LOVe to bring this book to our Craft Life Group and inspire those who think they aren’t good at anything artistic or creative to open their minds and go for it. I think it would be a great encouragement to everyone.

  439. Rachel Kagay

    I LOVE this – it is all so true. We each have unique strengths and a God-designed purpose. Instead of focusing on these strengths and developing them to fulfill our purpose, we often find ourselves dwelling on our weaknesses. I love the idea of redirecting our focus, and using the identification of our weaknesses to turn us back to our life’s purpose. Thank you for sharing! I would LOVE to have a copy of your book!

  440. Kelly

    Limits as guideposts. Wow! I can only imagine what could be accomplished if I applied this to my life.

  441. Sally

    I have been waiting for the opportunity to read this book since I read a post of Emily’s at the In Courage website.

  442. Jodi B.

    This post was just what I needed today! I have been in the teaching profession for twenty years and have loved the joy and wonder my second graders bring to each new day of learning. I have to admit though, this is the first year I have doubted the future of education and my mind thinks more about how many more years until retirement!? It seems the Joy and the Art of teaching becomes less and less each year…so that leaves me praying…where in my life do I get to be creative? Sounds like a book for me!

  443. Cindy Lee

    I loved this post, & would love, love, love a copy of this book!

  444. janice

    Thanks for the opportunity – would love to be entered for the book!

  445. Lara Sadowski

    Emily, I hope I get to meet you at Allume this week. I have to admit that I have wondered from time to time if what I have to say matters? What part of the pool can I swim in? (OOPS – I ended that sentence with a preposition! My inner-English major is not happy! :->). Anyway, this book is right up my alley, and I would “heart” a copy. If I do not get one here, you can be sure that I will pick one up at Allume this week.

    Blessings on you!
    Lara Sadowski <

  446. Stephanie Pinsonat

    I believe I am one of those who is letting my past, my now, and my future from coming alive. Often I feel overwhelmed. Actually, most of the time. There is a story inside of me, but I’m not sure where to start. Being 57, and not truly being happy, is a story in itself. I’ve heard and read that it comes from within…maybe I’m not putting enough of my “within” out there. Would love to read this book.

  447. Bernadette

    A growing number of serious health issue seek to squelch my belief I can be used of Him. It’s just that I am uncharacteristcly so young for these issues. Yet , I am finding the surprising outcome of joy, as He wraps me in His love and care in ways I never knew Him before. While I praise Jesus for that, I also ask Him, how can you now use me, in ways that maybe before,You weren’t able? I wonder if He is using Emily’s book to answer me….

  448. Doreen

    Thanks for the reminder. If my 8 foot section is enough for me, why do I go poking into other’s sections, thinking they could use my help or that my 8 foot section isn’t large enough for me when it surely is.

  449. Lori L

    You just described me to a T. Searching – what is my gift while waiting patiently (& sometimes not so patiently) and thinking dyne I’m not usable. Refreshing to know there may be someone like me that feels the same.

  450. Carrie Stringfield

    WOW!!! This post spoke to me in such a personal way!!! I have struggled for some time with wondering what my purpose on this Earth is and the plan I so fatihfully know God has planned for my time here. I have probably always struggled with being so proud of all of the gifts and talents that our Gracious Father has given to my close family and friends. I have watched their awesome athletic ability, really amazing creativity and great ideas. I seem to not have too much of these qualities. I am the most unathletic person you could meet and while I try so hard to be creative it does not come easy for me. I pray often about what how God would have me to serve his people if I cannot find that talent. A close friend told me not long ago that my gift is people and just being a compassionate listening ear. After I heard this it was as if my world suddenly opened up and I thought- wow, she might be on to something. I am so very excited to read this book because this is a struggle that I am working through and leaning on my awesome God to show me his will in my life!!!

  451. Tammy

    What a great message! I love the visual of guideposts! I am at a point of having too much on my plate. Time to decide if it can all stay and if not what goes? How do you go about finding out what you are given from God and what is my own idea of necessesity?

  452. Barb Maynard

    Would love to win! Love the background and have seen it around the blogging community. Be blessed as you read all the lovely comments!

  453. Patty

    Hi Lysa:
    I so love recieving emails from P31 and from you! the book “A Million Little Ways: Uncover the Art You Were Made to Live” seems to be a book that would help me possibly find a “vision” for my life or to feel inspired.I look forward to reading it whether i win it or not! thank you for taking the time to share with us.


  454. Brandee

    Could it be possible that the reason we are so overwhelmed is because we are focused on the whole pool, forgetting our own eight-foot assignment?

    Wow! These words spoke volumes to me. In a research message at our church, the minister mentioned that we need to be tending to our stuff not anyone else’s stuff. This is the second time this same message just in a different package comes calling to me. I need to stick with my stuff, not everybody else’s stuff. I need to focus on what God has in store for me.

    Thank you Lysa for sharing this. I needed the gentle reminder than we all are unique and are all called to a different purpose in His ultimate will.

  455. Stephanie

    I would really love to read this!!!!!

  456. Kelly Willie

    What a wonderful post that I can truly relate to. I just turned 60 and I am miserable at my administrative job because I feel a calling to do something relative to helping others and with long hours, time just does not allow me to pursue my dream. I would love to win a copy of Emily’s book. She is a gifted author!

  457. Pam

    Wow! THANK YOU GOD for guiding me to read this post today. I could really use this book. I’m a parent who’s been struggling for quite a while with trying to do EVERYTHING well and feeling like I’m not succeeding

  458. Linda

    You touch my heart, which helps me with each step of my day. I’m in a rut. I used to be ready at a split second to volunteer for many things with a happy heart, simply because I loved to. After a few years of off and on medical problems, I’ve had a difficult time getting back to that place I loved so much in my life. I don’t feel as equipped as I used to. I’m sad, missing that interaction with sister believers….but just can’t get out of this tunnel of…is it depression, loneliness, etc…! My mind longs to jump in and get started again but I’m struggling with actually doing it. Why? I just can’t seem to get that answer. Maybe, just maybe your book would have that little snippet of knowledge that is meant for me. I know that whomever receives this gift will be greatly blessed.

  459. Holly

    Plannng too much with not enough time to do it all is one of my downfalls. 8 feet to contend with sounds much more doable!

  460. Brenda

    Your writing touches me

  461. Mollye

    Just two days, I wept uncontrollably in front of my Sunday school class over the very heart of this message. I have just been so overwhelmed and unsure. Thank you for reminding me to focus on what has been bestowed to me, and only me.

  462. Ellyn Wheeless

    I would love to learn more about finding my way .

  463. Jenna VanDyke

    Sounds like a great book. Would love to get a copy.

  464. Melanie

    I have been overwhelmed with this lesson from God for the last few years. I have so many interests, connections, and demands on my time. I am a helper and a please-er. I am a do-er. I am also utterly exhausted. I am truly trying to focus my time on what is most important, and listen closer to God’s voice about his aspirations for me. And ladies, I am flailing at best. I could use some focus and structure to guide me in my meditations. My days are all a blur, and my mind is frazzled. This isn’t how God wants me. My pool is an ocean, and I am pulling the drain plug. Can a girl get some floaties around here? 🙂

  465. Ardis Rivera

    I know that God has a job for each person. I have been in Mexico for 10 years now and the first 7 I was with a ministry that came in periodically but basically didn’t do anything. God started putting things on my heart that He wanted done here. The leadership said no to all of them. Finally in frustration I begged God to change the hearts of those in leadership and He said immediately no. The reason was that He planned on using me, not the ministry. I was thinking that I was not the person to do this, and it has been in some ways a tough road so far. But, I am learning, and we are waiting to get the papers from the government for a non-profit that will enable the pastors I know to get funds to do the outreaches to those living in extreme poverty. Why would God choose to use a woman in her 60s to do this? I don’t know. But I am grateful and the process is bringing a maturity in my life that I never thought possible. (Now on the other projects while getting the first one going!!!) God has a job for everyone.

  466. Lynda

    I am new to your site and am enjoying your beautiful insights every morning. This morning you talked about doing your own art. I lost my husband 3 years ago and my biggest struggle is trying to figure out where I fit in again. God must have a purpose for me…somewhere? This book, A Million Little Ways, sounds like it may give me some direction….someplace to start. You have a beautiful ministry that blesses women every day. Thank you for being obedient to the leading of God in your life.

  467. Lisa Moore

    Your words today spoke encouragement to me today. I long to know that my failures and shortcomings aren’t something to push to the back of mind. God wants me to offer them up to Him in praise and my pride wants to hide it away. The struggle within surges on, yet these struggles are part of HIS story – for my life to use for His purposes. I will push these shortcomings/weaknesses to the surface and allow the Lord to use them, today.

  468. katherine

    All I can say is WOW. This was written just for me. OK, not really just for ME, but it sure felt like it 🙂 Great post, thank you!

  469. Pam

    I’m always critical of myself and especially my limits. I never thought of them as being a way to direct me forward. Very interested in reading this book — especially with my accountability partner.

  470. Deana

    On this very journey and would love to read your book!!

  471. Caroline Starr Rose

    I already have a copy, so please leave me out of the running!

    Ten years ago, we had a squirrel mama and her four babies in our attic. The man who came to remove them loved his job — he called them sweeties and made sure to release them somewhere they’d be happy. An artist, for sure!

  472. Joy

    I’d like a book.

  473. Sandra

    Thank you for this post, I needed to be reminded it is not my job to tend to the entire pool. I so often think that’s what I need to do. I love the analogy of the pool of being responsible for my own 8 foot section. Thank you!

  474. Ann L.

    Would love to read this book! I was touched by this post – thank you.

  475. Whitney

    As a young mother, i’ve heard (and said) the advice that “you can do anything you set your mind too!” it is refreshing to be reminded that we are equipped (and called) for a specific purpose… not everyone is a gifted writer… not everyone is called to preach… and but we all have a purpose and when we focus on that purpose instead of trying to be everything to everyone we are being much better stewards of our talents. Now figuring out that purpose is the hard part 🙂

  476. Eileen

    Would love to read this book!

  477. Pam

    Just the book I need!!!!!!!! Loved your perspective today and everyday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  478. Jill

    Thank you for your guidance, Lysa! I would love to read this book and share it with my best friends!

  479. Margie Cupps

    I am always thinking I’m missing the mark, that I missed the exit on this road of life. I know there’s something I’m supposed to be doing, my calling, I’m lost, confused, scared. I don’t know what it is or even how to find out WHAT it is. A well defined map on this journey would be greatly appreciated !!!

  480. Erica

    I so need to read this book!

  481. Mandy

    Another great post and some much needed fuel for thought…

  482. Caroline

    I would love to read this book, what a great message!

  483. Earlene

    God lead me here this morning. I long to figure out what my 8 foot section is and how He wants to use me in it.

  484. Amy McDaniel

    I can so relate to watermarks in general! Can anyone say cesspool? Anyway, I have been searching for my 8 ft section for years now. It is hard to know where to start and stop. Thanks for the encouragement!

  485. deb

    Your Pool Analogy is exactly right! I am a writer (the first step there being that I began to say AM instead of WANT TO BE! Just fyi…). I dreamed of writing the Great American Novel. And it was going to be to the Glory of God. But GOD’S plan was for me to use my talent to write notes and letters to people who are ill, or desperate, or doubtful. When I am faithful at that work I am living in unbelieveable peace.

  486. Mary Eilers

    I would really love to read this book.

  487. Teresa Jarvis

    Through blood, sweat, tears and MANY prayers, God, my husband, and I have raised 3 wonderful Christian daughters. I took my blessing of a mother very serious through the years and was intentional to teach them about God in every circumstance that allowed. Now that they are practically raised, ( 2 still in college, one married), I have felt like a “ministry drifter”, not knowing really where to put my efforts. I have been a girl’s small group leader and chaperone in their Jr. High and High School ministry as my girls were growing up but I somehow don’t feel like I “fit” anymore. I have prayed for direction and haven’t quite found my new normal. Maybe a book like this would be helpful to get me on a new course.

  488. jane

    Beautiful encouragement to our seeking souls…I love the reminder that when I find myself unable, Christ shows up able within me. Needed that today! Thank you for sharing your art with the world! Jane

  489. Cristal

    This is great! I have now “favorited” her blog site too. This post speaks to what I have been struggling with right now….what am I supposed to do?

  490. Crystal

    I really need to learn to be who God designed me to be and to not worry about what I can not change and change what God wants me to. I know this book is just that tool to help me.

  491. Tobi

    This is today’s perfect reminder that my story is meant to be shared with those who cross my path. I’ve made the brave start by joining Compel and have circled a few dreams for the year. Thank you for your boldness in Christ. I would love to read the book.

  492. Holly Johnson

    This sounds like a great book to learn and discover more about yourself.

  493. Laura

    Yes, limits are a blessing, once you decide to embrace them! I’d love to win a copy!

  494. georgia

    I struggle with this every day! The feeling that God made me to be doing something great and my insecurities get in my way leaving me to feel like I don’t have anything great to offer> I would love to read this book!!! Thank you!!

  495. Cami

    Yes! This is right in line what the Spirit has been reminding me lately. Love the analogy of the lifeguards. And I want to change what I say to my kids! I want to tell them that they will be able to do anything GOD gives them to do in life, not whatever THEY choose.

    Thank you for the reminder.

  496. Joy Waters Martin

    Loved this ! I am one of those who can get overwhelmed easily with all the needs and / or opportunities around me. I’m learning …stay focused on the race marked out for me …my section of the pool ! Thanks for the reminder again and I would love a copy of the book! As a fairly new blogger and mama to another blogger — I’m pretty sure this is right up our alley 🙂 Thanks !!!!

  497. Cathy

    Yes, yes, yes! Would love to win this book!

  498. michelle h

    I love the image of the 8 foot section God gave me! I’m going to share this with my women’s group! thanks!

  499. Tracy Smith

    Would love to win this book for a friend of mine stepping out into a new ministry to teen girls! Blessings!

  500. Laura

    This would be a great book to win! Thanks for the opportunity!

  501. LuAnn Gregory

    I am at a point in my faith walk that I want to know what God has for me next. I want to be bold and step out in faith……………I just don’t know what that next step is…………praying for guidance.

  502. Leigh Ziehm

    Though life seems out-of-control so much of the time lately, I am assured that God is in control and that He is faithful. I am thankful for so many blessings.

  503. Melody

    I’m currently working through Unglued with my small group and am finding it so very helpful. Your words are always inspiring and uplifting and so very, very true.

  504. Brandi Shepherd

    I am currently reading Radical by David Platt and am looking for how to make it practical yet challenging in my life. This book sounds like it will be a perfect jumping point!

  505. Amber

    I have read Emily’s blog for years and would enjoy a copy of her new book!

  506. Carol

    Oh, Emily, this makes so much sense and speaks to where I am. I’m beginning to know – and speak – to what parts of the pool aren’t mine, although I’m still not really sure what part is. Progress, albeit slowly, in any case.

  507. Sara

    once again, you’ve spoken to the place within me that needed reached today. Thank you!

  508. Wendy L

    God is full of Grace and Mercy, but I need to ask myself daily ‘What has God chosen for me to do?’ Am I being obedient? Would love to win a copy of this book and to be able to share with my Bible Study group too. Thanks!

  509. Morgan

    Thank you God and for Emily! He really does show up in your life when you need Him! Your words of focusing on whole is so true and often times where I am in my life. I wish I knew how to focus on the 8 feet of assignment given to us. And I think it’s in part that we as women are pushed to that limit when we strive for perfection, independence and girl power. Lets face it we want it all! I know that’s the the goal in my mind, but really all I feel is when I have it all, I just feel stressed, overwhelmed, and not fulfilled. But if I try like Emily said working on my assignment right in front of me then we can work toward bigger and better plans. God’s plan. Women: Conquering the world can wait…. For now! Thanks again for the wonderful read! God bless!

  510. Carrie

    This so sounds like me. Where do you draw the line? Knowing a certain thing isn’t your gift but knowing His grace is sufficient as He has commanded to do this thing. Even reading my words…I know that is how it is to be. For in my weakness and insufficiency, He is made strong. Oh to know His complete will, yet how would my faith grow if I did? God is sooo goood! I would love to read your thoughts on this.

  511. Heather

    I would love a copy of this book. I struggle with finding who I am besides being mom.

  512. Lizzie Goldsmith

    Can’t wait to read this book!

  513. Denise

    Emily this sounds like the perfect book to help be a guiding resourse to definitely be helping women. I would love to win a copy to share with my care group and my ladies group.

  514. Cherie

    Art—being reminded that what we are called to do is be the best YOU. We cannot know the future or even the ripple effect of today…a life well lived today matters for tomorrow.

  515. Päivi Venäläinen

    Hi! I really could use one of those books, or anything like it, because I feal, I’m really lost in this world and I don’t have a clue what to do, or why I’m here… I’ve believed so many lies for so long, that even that I gain faith when I was about 19, it has took from the Lord all these twenty years to start to get me realize, that things aren’t, as I thought they were. But I feal lost… How to start and where to go and what voice is His and how to learn to trust etc. Well… I wish you all have a great winter there and thank you for your ingouraging thoughts and all. God bless you! Thank you Jesus that you are helping me! Without you… huh, I don’t want to even think about it…

  516. Kelli G

    I bought Grace for the Good Girl after reading Emily’s post “One thing your daughter doesn’t need you to say.” It took me the whole summer to read the book because of how it changed me. I am hesitant to read Emily’s next book because of the power of her writing – I know it will cause a change to stir within me. A change that I very well need but don’t quite want to admit to. I am thankful for Emily, her books, and the space she creates to breathe at her blog.

  517. Mary Ann

    It is so true that we get too focused on the BIG picture and forget about what our part might be and end up feeling like a failure in various things we do. I really could connect with a lot of what you mentioned. I would love to get a copy of this book. Thanks for sharing Lysa!

  518. Jeannine Spivak

    I love Emily and the way she writes–thanks for sharing her today!

  519. Carol

    What timing – boy do I need this!

  520. Patricia McDavid

    I want to be inspired and hope to win one of your books!

  521. Cathy Howell

    I do not want to miss God’s assignment for me. I want to please Him in every way.

  522. Lori Stilger

    Ohhh, I think I need to read your book – and then share it. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win it!

  523. Janet Worthy

    I think I’m going to really, really enjoy reading this book and grow from studying it thoroughly!

  524. Jules

    Wow…thank you Lysa! This message is hitting me at just the right time. I have been feeling that this moment in my life is leading to something more…I just don’t know what yet. God is moving and is about to move in a big way to change my circumstances. I would love to find out what my “art” is and begin making it. I’ve spent far too much time trying to recreate others’ pictures instead of creating my own masterpiece. I believe my time is now.

  525. Juli vrotney

    would love the book…I already follow Emily’s blog.

  526. Cindy H in Texas

    I think this is just the book I need to read!! Thanks for your post; very timely and much needed…

  527. Tina Clark

    I am the woman you mentioned who thinks she has no place or purpose on this earth anymore, (My kids are grown and moved away, and I am currently unemployed and in a less than desireable marriage.) but wishes that she did. I know God has a plan for me. I just have to wait for HIs timing.

  528. Gwendolyn

    This message was perfect for me. I’ve always been told that I can do anything, and that’s nice and all, but it is indeed overwhelming. I’ve also been discouraged at times by the fact that while I’m good at everything, I’m not very good at anything. Maybe it really is okay to focus on a few things, and just… let the rest go.

  529. Mandy

    I’m covering the whole pool in every area of my life! Working full-time with 3 nuggets under the age of 6, I strive to be SuperMom every chance I get. When things (more often than not) don’t go as planned, I begin to think that I will probably never acheive the anticipated title. I must start thinking that I’m just good enough anyway. Thanks for having such advice on how not to be perfect and take charge of everything! This book has taken priority on my “to read list” and I need a copy now! Thanks for helping with your encouraging words.

  530. Kelly Thompson

    Great post! I will definitely check out Emily’s site! Her book looks very relevant for me right now! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  531. Jamie

    How timely! As I torment over my life as a single mom of 2, one with special needs, my greatest sadness is that I am not enjoying my children. I find myself asking “why did I ever have kids?” I desperately love my children! But am spread so so thin. In a dysfunctional, thankless job, so little of me left over for them. Totally overwhelmed… I am a strong, intelligent woman who has succeeded in most everything I’ve taken on. Motherhood has been the exception. Guideposts, road blocks, my 8 feet of the pool… I want my focus to be where God wants it to be. It just seems that my 8 feet bleeds into so many other areas whether I want it to or not!!

  532. Emma

    I would love to read this book – am loving Emily’s 31 days series & can’t wait to dive into eveything she has to teach us about living art.

  533. Lora

    Just what I needed-praying for a job change and direction of where I am suppose to be!

  534. Bonnie Mauck


  535. Margaret

    What a great post! And it goes right along with our icebreaker we had last week in small group, about our spiritual gifts. I would love to read this book.

  536. peggywright

    Would love to have a book for my artistic daughter-in-love.

  537. Missy

    I would love to win a book! Thank you for your ministry; it has blessed me in so many ways.

  538. Nancy Flees

    I very much enjoyed Emily’s post. It inspired me as I often try to guard the whole pool and since I am 71 years old can’t do it as efficiently as I once did. I need to learn where my 8 feet are and to stop when I reach it—thanks Emily.

    I also read Hope’s comments today and I want to congratulate her on her insight. I am still trying to decide what to do ” when I grow up” despite a 50 year career as a nurse!!
    I just need to slow down and realize what I can and cannot do!!

  539. Michelle

    My years as a lifeguard were the best training for my work as an attorney, which requires reviewing documents for hours on end, scouring each one for details as if the life of the project depends on it. Tedious and no fun yet important to do it right. And I look forward to creating what is next.

  540. Valerie Weaver

    Thanks for these encouraging words, Lisa. As my children are growing older I am finding myself at just such a place….what am I to do now? There is a big “pool” of possibilities out there, but I want to know what my 8 foot section is to be.

  541. rosie davies

    This was a huge help today – I am a full-time student struggling with Chronic Fatigue, so it was great to be reminded that I don’t need to do everything – just do my bit to the best of my ability and that God has the rest of that covered with other people all doing their bit too. It’s also really good to be reminded that in little ways I can matter, and have something to offer, despite the limitations of chronic illness. thank you!

  542. Michele Pepper

    Thank you for the opportunity to be blessed by this writing.

  543. michelle watts

    i would love to win this

  544. Lawanna Horton

    Sounds like the book for me!!!

  545. Mandy DeTurk

    Lovely words, Emily! Can’t wait to read your book!

  546. Pam Stewart

    What a great guest post!! I AM going to sign up for her 31 Days blog beginning in Dec. Can’t wait!! Thanks Lysa for introd me to her and her book. Even if I don’t win, I WILL purchase a copy to read-its that good!! Woo! Hoo!

  547. Christine

    “He equips me to do the job meant for me.” I will walk away with this nugget as I pack and clean my house to make a move. Thanks Emily

  548. Laura

    It sounds like a wonderful book that I would likely benefit from. I’ve been enjoying reading Emily’s blog lately. She is very inspiring. Thank you.

  549. Sandi

    I grabbed paper this morning, expressing my heart that the world does not need another Ann Voskamp or Emily Freeman (or Lysa), You are all fantastic in the creative ways God is expressing Himself. His Joy. His Life. The art that is inside of us waiting to come out. I express myself through combining photos and writing at times. Other times it comes through the word. I am asking God to show me the “eight foot ” section and the words to express His Heart. The book did light up my eyes. 🙂

  550. Heather

    Thankyou, Emily, for so eloquently speaking to what my heart is longing for: to be surrendered to God and seek what my 8 feet of pool looks like and how to use the gifts God had given me. Here’s to the journey!

  551. Sonya Coggins

    Thank you so much for this devotional today. It really has meaning for me. I hear people all the time speaking of what they think they are entitled to, where in life they think they should be, what in life they think they are suppose to be doing, who in life they should be with, blah, blah, blah…not ever realizing that if you would simply confer with The Lord about the matter, He will place you exactly where you need to be, doing what you need to be doing, and around who you should be doing it with. I encourage my children in this very way, as I have seen the happiness in my own life soar as I have embarked on my journey with The Lord doing what He has deemed essential for my life and His greater plan. I read a book once called Choose Happiness. One of my favorite parts is where the author speaks to her daughters (I think) and says (paraphrase), “Don’t spend your life trying to find the perfect job. If it doesn’t appear, just get A JOB already!” She meant don’t spend your days on this Earth seeking perfection. Find a piece of it, live fruitfully in that light and in that season, and KEEP IT MOVING! You can’t find your calling w/o God’s help. When you ask Him, things always sweetly, fall into place.

  552. Chelsea

    Wow! I love Emily’s writing!! Would love to win! 🙂

  553. Becky J

    These words are so timely. How beautifully the body of Christ could operate if we were all “on duty” with our eight feet of the pool. Thanks for sharing, I needed that wisdom. God bless!

  554. Amy Wicks

    Just what I needed to read today. Looking forward to unpacking more in her book!
    Thank you.

  555. Jill West

    You had me at “dislike indoor water parks”!!! Haha!! Me too, yet I do it for the kids (& husband)! Which makes me what I am…wife & mom. I’m so grateful for all I have, but I struggle HARD with knowing what I am to do beyond these two callings. I just KNOW there’s more to what makes me ME, & I’m beyond ready to tap into that!! And I would LOVE to win a copy of your book to help me get started!!! 😀 Blessings!!!

  556. Donna Hostetter

    Emily, everything you say makes me cry. In a good way! Somehow, you put into words what many of us feel or know but could never have articulated. Thank you.

  557. Aubrey R

    So excited to read this book! Thanks for the giveaway!

  558. Barb

    Love Emily Freeman! So many of my favorite authors know one another! Thanks for the chance to win!

  559. Ardis George

    This is just perfectly in step for what God is saying in my life right now. In my Bible study group, we are a studying “Lord, who do YOU say that I am?” Our scripture reading last week was Romans 12 reminding us that we a body with many members and gifts. This was an awesome reminder so that I don’t get too hard on myself for not doing more. Thank you!

  560. Julie Burrows

    My life consists of being a single mom to two girls (ages 8 and 10) and working full-time. Sometimes it feels like I’m just going through the motions and that doing mundane tasks is what I’m destined for. I love that God offers us hope that we are more than what we do.

  561. Elizabeth Smillie

    So looking forward to reading this!!!

  562. Tracy H.

    This is a perfect thought for me today because I do feel like I am trying to improve the lives of everyone in my pool, when perhaps I just need to focus on my 8 feet. I’ve recently taken on the caregiving of my parents who have dementia and their affairs. My job is ending soon, and I have just had the joy of new grandkids. I am praying about finding what God has for me to do in this next phase of my life and trying to manage the guilt of feeling like I can’t meet everyone’s needs. What will God have me do next? I’m feeling led to serve my family for awhile and thankfully have this option. Thanks, Emily for timely words.

  563. Rebecca Monroe

    I would love to win a copy of Emily Freeman’s book! Thanks so much for the giveaway opportunity. 🙂

  564. Wendy

    Just what I needed to hear today!! Trying so hard to listen! Struggling finding my calling lately. Writing this title down in case I don’t win!!

  565. Christi Diener

    Oh! I’d love to win this book. Sounds like just what I need to read in this transition place in my life. Almost finished with my childrearing days and really no idea what I’m called to be other than a mom.

  566. Sharon

    I could so relate. I realize I have my part. Just not sure what “my part” is so I look at what other people are doing – and their activities don’t “fit” me and then I start a pity party. Working on that though – hard to control those thoughts sometimes.

  567. Lindsay Warford

    What encouragement! Thank you Lysa for having Emily share this guest post with us. Emily, I love the honesty in your perspective; and it’s so refreshing to hear the truth in your reminder. Thank you for the challenge to focus on our 8-feet. I’ve just started my own business and the long term goals overwhelm me. But, I don’t need to focus on the whole pool right now! Just my 8-feet right in front of me. Thank you!

  568. Lindsay

    This book looks awesome! I’d love to win a copy, curl up in a comfy chair and dig in!

  569. Laura

    My daughter is a senior in high school and getting ready to decide what college she should attend and what she wants to study. She knows she wants to help people. She has trouble in science, languages and math and has been told by many, in one way or another that she is not “smart” because she is on an ISP and needs extra help. She just doesn’t think the way others do…she is bright, funny and has a heart to serve. I’d love for her to learn tips on why she is the way she is…it’s part of God’s plan for her. I tell her, but reading it and hearing it from somewhere else might make it more real.

  570. Candy

    Pondering as i try to allow my desires begin to shape my lifestyle instead of my lifestyle shaping my desires.

  571. Shannon

    I would love to win a copy of A Million Little Ways. I love Emily’s other books and her blog as well…such an encouragement to me. Thanks for the giveaway!

  572. Kristen

    Sounds like a book just for me!

  573. Kim Elem

    Would love a copy as I’m in the process of waiting on The Lord to reveal my “8 feet of water”

  574. Victoria

    Emily, TIMELY words!!! You said it sooo perfectly and you are absolutely right! We do reach for the sky and in our reaching we grow weary and discouraged….In our reaching, we miss the living waiting to happen right where we are.

    Thank you a million times over. God’s got sooo much to say through you. I’m grateful to be here reading it!

  575. Mary Lou

    First of all, I just have to agree about the indoor water parks. Yuck! What fun is a pool or water park without sunshine??? But the idea of us taking responsibility for our eight feet of the pool and leaving others to their eight feet is so true. What a clear, insightful way to illustrate a Biblical truth. I know I will think about that picture again and again…especially when I’m tempted to fret over what’s going on in another’s part of the pool.

  576. anna

    Excited about this book and giveaway! Thank you!

  577. Rebecca

    Such a good reminder… What is my section of the pool. Too often I get overwhelmed by the whole pool. All the things that I could help with. How I can change the world. All that needs to be done. But yes. Breathe and focus on what God has assigned me to.

  578. Natalie g

    I would love to win a copy! The description fits so perfectly to where I am right now in life. Thanks!

  579. Renee N Damron

    This book really speaks to my heart. I have been praying for quite some time over these areas of my life and would be blessed to receive your book!

  580. Lisa

    Loved Emily’s book, Grace for the Good Girl, and would love to read this one too!

  581. Sarah Jo

    Beautiful! No one ever told me that I could do anything I wanted, but somehow I believed it anyway… and sometimes a misunderstanding of that concept overwhelms me. But when I take the wonderful dream I’ve been given, the inspiring flash of genius, the momentary of glimpse of “point B” to encourage me to keep on walking, and say, “anything is possible between here and there…” then I pursue that vision with faith and boldness, able to devote my energy to my own 8-foot section. God is good!

  582. Jen

    Emily I’d love one of your books so I can be encouraged to use what God’s given me to bless others!

  583. Linda

    A little art goes a long way as our lives prove! Grateful for your encouragement to be the word, the presence, the color, the expression of the loving work of God right where we are! Blessings!

  584. Rachel

    This sounds like me! I really need to read her book!

  585. Holley whitman

    Would love to win a copy!

  586. Elizabeth B.

    Thank you, Emily, for ALL that you invested in the writing of this new book! You are a blessing to sooooo many!

  587. Lindsay

    Love this post- was just reading in Romans 12 this morning about the body of Christ and how we all have different gifts and talents because of the grace of God. I so often try to do more than God is asking me to, comparing myself to others, instead of accepting the gifts he’s given me in his grace and using them to their fullest extent for his glory.

  588. Stephenie Wilson

    I would love this!!! i have heard everyone raving over this magical little book!! 🙂

  589. Erin H

    I’d love to win this! I’m reading Unglued right now and love it!

  590. Melissa Jeter

    This is something I struggle with – just never put it into words!

  591. Mechele Fuller

    I cannot wait to read this, would love to win it!!!!!!

  592. Janice Parent

    I try to keep reminding myself of this. When I fall into comparison, I especially need to keep reminding myself that that is not my gift and God is using me here, just here, now, doing this. Thank you

  593. alysia peterson

    This sounds so familiar to my heart! I hope your book touches many lives! It sounds AwEsOmE!

  594. Tiffany

    This exact topic has been on my mind for several months now, and you just explained it much more clearly than I’ve been able to. 😉 Sounds like a wonderful tool to use!

  595. Nikita

    It’s crazy. I’m a woman who has always known she has a Mama’s heart. I’ve been “mothering” people for my entire life, but now that I’m moving into a season where I’m preparing to mother this child I’m carrying, I’m nervous. I don’t know I have what it takes and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to find the art in this. I really look forward to reading this book. the idea that there is a reflection of Creator God in this and this can be art makes my soul sigh.

  596. Donnie Reed

    The Holy Spirit has laid on my heart for the last month to ask God to help me be everything He created me to be in every area of my life. I am a bit overwhelmed at this idea when I try to improve every area at once. This book sounds like it would be an amazing help. Thanks for writing it!!

  597. Sheri Barnett

    I would love a copy of Emily’s new book!

  598. Beth S

    Lysa, thank you so much for this post. It really spoke to me. Its helping me really reflect why I stay where it’s more comfortable, then taking the risks and leap if Faith that God may be calling me to do.

  599. KrisZ

    This book sounds like exactly what I need! I would love to win a copy, but if I don’t it will be on my list of books to buy soon!

  600. Shari

    I would love a copy of the book!

  601. Tracy S.

    I’ve been wanting to get my hands on this book! 🙂

  602. Chrislyn

    This book sounds amazing! Can’t wait to check out the author’s blog. Thanks for this inspiring give-a-way!

  603. Deb

    I have felt led to do something with & for the tween/teen girls at church but my fear & insecurity keeps getting the better of me. I need this book!!!
    PLEASE choose me! Money is tight so it may be a long time before I could buy it!

    Thanks for considering!


  604. Ashley

    I have no clue what I am doing in my life but I don’t want to waste it! You only have one chance to do this and I want to make it count. Plus, I don’t want to have so many regrets because I never knew which direction to take. I already have a little list of regrets, I don’t want to add too many more to it!

  605. Wendy Schmidt

    I NEED this book! I am wandering around my desert looking for my meaning in life or if I even have one. I have turned my life over to Christ and am looking forward to what he wants me to do for him!

  606. Brandi Bellmont

    I would love a copy of this book. I struggle with finding who I am besides being mom. am I doing enough in life to make it meaningful, I feel Stuck.

  607. Carol Bruntlett

    Hello thank you for the giveaway sounds so much like me
    I am always trying to fit in wherever I am at , I always want to please others and go out of my way to do that most of the time .but then I am the one who loses
    So I am trying more to lean on God and let Him show what I need to do and where I need more of Him in my life .

  608. Sharon

    There are no words right now to express my feelings from what I’ve read here and anticipate I’ll find on the pages of your book… only tears. Thank you for sharing your gift with us!

  609. Jody

    I would love to win a copy of this book, but if I don’t, I will still be looking for a copy to borrow or buy!! Thanks

  610. Patricia crew

    What a blessing this book would be.

  611. Lisa Steffich

    I am currently in the process of “trying” to write a book. I constantly get “stuck” and don’t know how to say what I want to say. I am taking the Compel class through Proverbs 31 Ministries (which is very exciting)! This book would be an amazing companion/resource in my writing!

  612. Barb Fuller

    This looks like something for me! I seem to keep getting myself chained to fears, seeking God over & over to release me. He faithfully frees me & reminds me that I AM FREE INDEED. I want to be ALL HE made me to be! Thank you for your generosity, even if I don’t win a book!

  613. Kara Pena

    I give out copies of Grace for the good girl to almost every young (and old) woman I know. My daughter and I have facilitated it as a small group for our church. If this new book is ANYTHING like GFTGG, I foresee many women finding a greater closeness to their Savior! Congrats!

  614. Helen

    I need to read this book! Thanks for writing it and making it available.

  615. Juleen

    I want to be free!

  616. Shannon GW

    Thank you for these words, ideas, and the opportunity to win a copy of you new book, Emily. I can’t wait to begin reading it!

  617. Kathy

    It always amazes me how relevant the posts that I read through you ladies are. Thank you for the work you do.

  618. Cammie

    There are days that I would love to put my words down an not feel like I’m sounding silly. There are days an even weeks that I feel like I could be doing more for others. I ask God about all that stuff, but then I feel doubt creep back in. I know it’s not true. Anyways have a good bless day.

  619. Donna

    I want to be inspirational and encourage people with my words whether in writing or speaking. i love to write, write a blog for a website, but always want to improve.

  620. AJ Anderson

    I would love to read your book!

  621. Misty connelly

    I would love read this book with my girls. We all struggle sometimes with what we are suppose to be doing for the kingdom. I love what you said about just watching your 8foot section. Sometimes we get caught up in someone else’s section and our own section suffers.

  622. Genise

    Pick me please!!!!!! Would love to read this

  623. Melissa W

    I REALLY needed this post today! This book is already on my To Read list…a free copy would just be a wonderful blessing! 🙂

  624. Kris

    Thank you Lysa and Emily for the chance to win! Would love to read this one! 🙂

    • Damien

      Would love to win!

    • Alyssa Head

      I want a copy!

  625. Sherry Ketring

    I would love to read this book! I’ve been struggling with Gods call for my life a lot lately since I hurt my back. I’m not the woman I used to be somehow and I don’t really understand what God is doing sometimes even though I know He has a plan.

  626. Candice Foldenauer

    I’d love to use this book to help me see how my hobbies and crafting fit into God’s bigger picture 🙂

  627. Lisa Coultrup

    Thank you! I thought I was going sort of crazy, and was unable to explain how in felt and then is read this and it made sense! Now to find out my part of the pool,a problem because it seems like every thing I have honestly tired to do has failed. Thank you crore writing this article!

  628. Astra Aker

    I don’t have alot to say other than I would really like this book. Sometimes you can’t put your feelings/thoughts into words. This is one of those times…

  629. Sheila Bradshaw

    My youngest son died almost 8 years ago, and to this day I am still struggling to find my place, my purpose in this world. I have tried my best to follow where I have felt God calling me, but still I search for more. I look forward to hearing what God wants me to learn through Emily’s book.

  630. Debbie McNeely

    This sounds like a book for me and several of my friends…..this book will hopefully help me to understand better……If it be His will, I will win a copy. If not, I will buy one! Thank you for this chance!!!

  631. Steph

    I’m always open to new inspirations! Thanks for sharing!

  632. erin

    wow…this book is exactly what I need. What is my calling? Thank you for the opportunity to win!

  633. Ashley Simms

    I would love to win this book. It sounds like a book that was written just for me. Exactly what I am needing to hear!

  634. Amber

    This is the type of inspiration I need right now! Always looking for help and improvement in my life to continue to grow! Thanks for sharing!

  635. Amber

    As a momma of 2, I always tell myself that the sky’s the limit for them… I’d love to gain a new perspective. This book would be perfect! I could only hope to win it!

  636. Becky Washington

    Thank you for writing such an inspirational book. I struggle with anxiety of everyday life. I love to start and end my day with inspiration. Keep the books coming!!!!

  637. Sabrina M.

    Thank you for the opportunity to win this book! 🙂
    Have a blessed day

  638. Deedee williams

    Would love and need to read something like this right now. Swimming in diapers and ministry!!!

  639. Tisheena Howard

    I would love to read this. I have been struggling so much lately!

  640. Debbie

    Lsya, your words today were like taking a nice warm soak and letting the tension just ease away. Your words gave a voice to my biggest fear…..not feeling significant but desperately wanting and hoping that I am. I am not a writer, but admire those with such talent. God has gifted you generously. Thank you for sharing your gift with me!

  641. Ruth Ann

    I’ll be checking out her website! This was a great read with some really good insights.

  642. Heather H.

    I am intrigued by the idea of this book. I would love to win this as not only for me, but I have a feeling it would be an excellent gift for my baby sister who graduates from college this year.

  643. Kelly Allan

    Even finding the right words to post in this comment is hard for me. I frequently find myself second-guessing every decision I make even when I truly believe it is God’s will….If this book will embolden me to act without fear in the name of God, I pray then that you choose me to win a copy. Reading/writing has been my only outlet in sharing my testimony and the Gospel, but I also realize that I need to step outside of my comfort zone to really let God’s light shine through me.

  644. Amy

    Thank you for this, Emily and Lysa… I’m feeling stuck trying to figure out my 8 feet in the pool as well, and would definitely love to read more from Emily for guidance. Thanks for your words and inspiration.

  645. Maja

    Thank you for this beautiful message today. I have been immersed in learning new yoga stuff for the past year and recently paused to integrate the lessons. My spirituality has blossomed in part because of the daily reminders from P31 and my own attention to it by taking time to be quiet and practice yoga. Blessings to you. I look forward to sharing your book.

  646. DeAnn Timmermans

    I have felt almost worthless in the last several years-I’m just Daniel’s mom or Jim’s wife- no one really knows the real me- not even me anymore. I feel like I have nothing of value to give anymore. I don’t know what God’s plan is for me- but I DO know He has a plan.

  647. Rhonda Nydegger

    I loved your way of looking at it. I grew u being told sky is the limit and have always felt so scattered at the endless possibilities rather than just looking at my strengths and what matters to me. Thank you!

  648. Laura Frank

    This post is so well timed for what God has been speaking to me about lately. I’ve been seeking to find who God has called me to be. What are my spiritual gifts and where should I be using them? This book would be a great read right now!

  649. Abby

    Can’t wait to read this!

  650. Michelle Watkins

    Really enjoyed this post. I can get so lost looking at the whole pool that I won’t even start to venture a peek at my 8 feet. 🙂

  651. Jessica Watton

    Reading about this book today is timed perfectly for me. I’m struggling with choosing a career path I love and being close to family

  652. Lynette D. Collins

    Hello! Yes The Lord has opened my eyes to see, I believe for right now, that my first and most important ministry right now is in my home. Ministering to my husband and my 5 girls out of 6 children. One which has already left our nest. I do desire my home to be as the days in Heaven! God bless y’all immeasurably!!! : D

  653. Christene Anderson

    That is the book I would so enjoy reading. I really was blessed by reading WHWWSYTG! I seek guidance and hope God willing to get your book! I have a lot of serious issues as a lot of women are facing nowadays . Thanks Lysa for your insight and your willingness to be here for God to use.

  654. Jessica

    LOVED reading Emily’s book, Grace for the Good Girl. She is an amazingly relatable writer with great voice! Can’t wait to read A Million Little Ways. 🙂

  655. Vanessa

    I’m trying to get past the time in my life when I compare myself to others . I know God created me to be me, not someone else and I want to show my children that as well. I would love to read your book to see what ways God can use me as I am!

  656. Jennifer

    I would love a chance to read this book. I hope it’s a blessing to many! Thank you for the giveaway opportunity too!

  657. racheul

    this is something I have really been struggling with the past few years. my life has been filled with a lot of heartache disappointment and blessings along the way and I always felt God telling me I need to use my story to reach others. Just waiting for God to show me his plan for my life and give me the resources to share and reach others struggling in similar situations.

  658. Stacie

    Thank you for this great post – couldn’t have come at a better time. This was on my mind this morning actually – always feeling lost and not finding my purpose. I know I have a lot to offer, but just can’t seem to hone in on what that is and how to do it. Always feeling lost and overwhelmed. Would love to read this book.

    Thank you!

  659. Jean Walker

    Oh, you have been reading my mail!!! God has been leading me to embrace my weaknesses. Such wisdom!!! Would love to dive into your book & see what the Lord has in mind next….. 😉

  660. Nancy Morrison

    Very interesting and encouraging! As a mom of a 16 and a 12 year old, it is a fine line to walk between being encouraging of big ol’ dreams and guiding toward what is really their calling (for myself as well!) I always am conflicted about making God too “small” or trying to make myself too “big”.

  661. Sheryl

    Would love to add this to my library…

  662. Melody

    Would love to read this book.

  663. Rachel

    Thank you for blessing me with your wisdom today. It puts things more into perspective when I’m looking at just 8 feet, instead of the whole pool!! I never thought of it that way, and it makes it less overwhelming.

  664. Amy W.

    Wow, are you ever talking about me! I get up every morning and just think of ALL the things that I can change or get done that day. Oh, by this evening all calm and serenity will prevail and the sweet music will be playing and all will be right with the world. Then, WHAM! Yep, I get drudged down with unexpected events, misguided focus, and lack of motivation. It is just too big of a job to get it all done today. But, I go to bed thinking that tomorrow I WILL conquer the world. I love that you talk about us trying “to cover the whole pool” instead of just our part! What a great reminder! Just focus on our part and what God has called us to do, and let Him help us through it, one step at a time. This looks like a great book for me to read. Thanks!

  665. Jaycee Novotny

    Thank you for the opportunity to possibly win this book. God bless everyone.

  666. Mollie

    Would love to win! I’m still trying to figure out what my 8 feet entails.

  667. Heather

    WOW! I would absolutely LOVE this book. I have always looked around and wished I was one of those people who was AMAZING at something. Instead I find that I am ok at a whole lot of things. Maybe, just maybe I’m missing something and this book has the answer of where to find MY amazing….

  668. Valerie

    Thank you for the daily encouragement through this blog!

  669. Jennifer Bennett

    As if I need anymore books in my collection, but I’m always looking for new, uplifting, inspiring books. My bestie even grounded me from buying books. Hey, what she doesn’t know, won’t hurt her. 😉

  670. Ann

    Sounds like a great read!

  671. Michelle Walter

    Wow….you have spoken to my heart! I am 55 yrs old, raised twins, was a working mom and volunteer and I still am not sure what my sweet Lord’s path is for me. I have prayed my little heart out for years and just don’t understand why I still don’t know….maybe this book is my an answer!

    • Emily freeman

      Michelle – I have twins too! It sounds to me like his path for you is the one you are already walking – mothering and volunteering and praying in his name. That sound like a beautiful life. But maybe the book will encourage you to see what this next season might look like.

  672. Nancy

    This was a divinely timed post. Thank you for sharing a bit of your insights here, and I look forward to reading more (when I win the book…;)

  673. Lisa

    Thank you for the chance to win this book!

  674. Lya

    Can’t wait to read this! 🙂

  675. Amber

    I often feel lossed on how to move forward and wonder what I have to offer. I would love to read this book for any help with direction. Thanks for writing this and for your giveaway 🙂

  676. Katie

    I would love to win a copy of this book. Thank you for the opportunity. I am struggling right now with if I should help out with something at church or if being a wife and mom are God’s call for me right now. I think this book will be helpful.

  677. Jean Moore

    What an amazing analogy! Thank you for the inspiration and allowing God to use you! I think I am guarding my 8 feet, but people want me to guard theirs too…very discouraging! So I need to get stronger in protecting my 8 feet and stop letting people make me feel like a failure if I don’t watch theirs too!

  678. Deb

    Wow, could I ever use a book like this. This is a topic heavy on my heart right now. I’m feeling God nudging me towards something that is still just out of sight. I know there’s something coming up but I don’t know what. I can’t seem to be able to see where I fit in, what my “eight-foot section” is. I think I just need a little guidance and this book seems to jumping at me. It would be great to win it. Thanks for the opportunity to try.

  679. Vicki Barnidge

    Thank you for sharing Emily!! I was blessed to hear Lysa speak at MOMCon a few days ago and I am do grateful for the encouragement of women like you!!!

  680. Bonnie

    I would love to win Emily’s book!

  681. Anna Judd

    Awesome post! I cannot wait to read this book!

  682. Jana

    Wow! It’s amazing how things work sometimes…. this is exactly what I needed to read this afternoon as my mind spins in circles with a GIANT question mark as to “What AM I suppose to be doing with my life!”

  683. Grace

    I have been intentionally trying to discern God’s calling on my life (which I’ve suspected for years is to make art with and for Him), but have been fighting fears, insecurities, and other distractions. Today’s post about how Jesus can show up able in my limitations and fears and about how He can equip me to do my small portion of whatever He is calling me to do encouraged my spirit today. Thank you for letting God use to speak to and to minister to me today.

  684. Katie Faffler

    I would love to read this book!

  685. Kathy Bever

    I love writing. Sometimes I’m not sure I have the gift or knack of writing though. And it is difficult to really get into it with a little one in the house 🙂 I would love to read this book and want to put my name in the hat to see if win ! Thanks for the chance.

  686. Trinna Durbin

    Thanks Lysa! I would love to win this!

  687. Emily

    I’ve been wanting to get this book since it came out recently, but haven’t yet. I loved “Grace for the Good Girl.” Thanks, Emily. You’re wisdom is encouraging and inspiring.

  688. Natalie

    I have read your books and love them. I’m sure that if you recommend it I will love it also. Have also lost 15 LBS after reading made to crave. Thank you.

  689. Nicholle Ulrey

    Thank you for a chance to win this book. With 4 kids and starting back to school this fall i often feel overwhelmed and would love to allow down and read this book.

  690. Christine

    Would love to read the book. Fear and self-doubt often hold me back from seeking what God has planned for me. This book sounds like a great fit for meeting me where I am right now.

  691. Sabrina

    I would love to read this book!

  692. Kimberly Baham

    I think I could really benefit from reading this book so thank you for a chance to win a copy!

  693. Barbara Abdallah

    I am feeling that way right now I know I am suppsoe to be in the Compel but can not afford the 25.00 a month. There is a book on the inside of me and I keep hitting a wall .I reached out to many publishing companies everyone wants something and I understand that I am not the best typist in the world so that holds me back as well. But I know I can not compare myself to others because God made me Barbara and no one elseis like me.I just had a moment of feeling not good enough but I am shaking that defeat off my life and praying God word over my life. Hebrews 10:35-36 I will not throw away my confidence it will be richly rewarded after I preservere I will receive what he has promised. Praise God

  694. Amy P

    I would love to read this! I am so grateful for Jesus!

  695. Christy

    There are a million little reasons I would love to win this book! Thank you for the opportunity. Blessings to all!

  696. tina thomas

    Thanks soo much for sharing from your heart! The “wall” you spoke of is all too familiar to me. What a hopeful and refreshing way to encourage all of us! God Bless!

  697. Kristy Lynn

    I would love to win a copy of A Million Little Ways!! Thank you for this opportunity! Blessings to you both 🙂

  698. Carol I.

    This book looks amazing!

  699. Dawn Opie

    This was so encouraging to me! I think I need to watch the whole pool. I want to make a difference in my eight feet. Thank you!

  700. Courtney

    Would love to read more!!

  701. Corri Brooks

    This book looks great- both for myself and many other women I know who are trying to serve God with all of their heart!

  702. J'ana

    Would LOVE to read this book!

  703. Pam Laird

    Would Love to read this book. Loved reading your message today and checking out your Blog, Thank you for your willingness to share!

  704. Sandra S

    Hi, I want to thank you for the information about your book. I have been struggling with this for awhile. My husband is out of a job and we have no income right now but would really love to read your book. Thanks again.

  705. Julie Sunne

    Inspiring post for anyone desiring to find their way in this world. Thanks, Emily.

  706. staci z

    What a blessing this book is going to be to do many lives! I can not wait to read it and apply it!

  707. Donna Pineau

    I’m struggling right now with trying to figure out what section of the pool is mine! God said there’s a section for me so I know it’s there.

  708. shirley

    I’m really looking forward to reading this book!

  709. Jenni

    Would love to win this. Thank you

  710. Irma H.

    Love this! I mentor a group of young mothers and they are always wanting to find their place in this world. Thank you for breaking it down to our own eight feet. I would love to win a copy of your book. Thank you.

  711. Milinda Giddy

    Wow I would love to win this book. I get so much from y’alls blogs and websites. Thanks

  712. Ashley Smith

    I thank you for your boldness and willingness to share. I would love to read this book:)

  713. Ali

    Turning 50 made me think. A lot. About life lived and life to come. This line: “it is for the person who fears she has nothing to offer but secretly hopes she’s wrong,” made me think even more. I’d love to read this book as I press on ahead leaving the past behind.

  714. Michelle Holland

    It sounds like a book for us all!

  715. Miranda Marsh

    Love that He is ABLE when I am weak!!:)

  716. Amelinda

    Inspired to write and continue to feel the tug by the Lord to write so , I must obey.

  717. Kimberly Swenson

    I needed to read these words today! Thanks for sharing. Would love to read the book!

  718. Janet S.

    I’ve read good things about this book. I’d love to win a copy!

  719. Pamela Farley

    I was JUST speaking with my mother this morning about this VERY same thing!!! Amazing! I am a SAHM with a BA in Communication Studies. I have been burned by job interview after job interview, most of the time making it to the final two only to lose out to the other guy. I prayed and prayed and determined God had a reason for me being at home. My kids need me, I’m convinced of that. I took a long, hard look at what I do for my children every day and realized just what I would have to give up for that extra income. At the same time, I feel useless and undervalued. I have so many skills, and writing is my passion. My professors have all applauded my papers, and I have won an essay contest, had my work used in a textbook, and won applause from a textbook author (also the dean of the discipline I majored in at the college I graduated from). I had critiqued the textbook for a class project, never knowing that I would eventually be attending this school taking classes under this author! (Yes, he got a copy of my critique…and LOVED it!). I am not sure how exactly to get out of this “volunteer” mode and do something useful, something necessary, and something valued. We live penny to penny, running out of funds within the first 7 days of the month. Hubby’s paycheck was affected negatively by the fiscal cuts and I lost one part time job due to the economy and had my hours in my other reduced by half in an attempt to cut costs. I find myself teetering on that line between fear of failure and courage to trust. I would love for some encouragement, a chance, and a way to get my foot in the door without having to fork over money I simply do not have (our monthly income is just $200 over our mortgage and we still have to be creative to come up with money for electric, basic phone, internet, food, and gasoline, oh and car insurance). I have no problem paying it forward once I get started, but I just cannot put in any funds up front and that’s one of my “failure fears” in the whole process. God has a plan for me and I’m timid between my experience being ridiculed growing up for my hearing loss, and not having funds to join anything to get me started somewhere. I figure I’m on my own with this one.

  720. Brenda Becker

    I am 56 and still do not know for certain what I am to be when I grow up. I hope that your book will help the light bulb go on.

  721. Lisa Rettig

    This is exactly me, wanting to do more, unsure of what it should be, so afraid to move forward.

  722. Andrea

    Thank you so much for sharing your heart! My big struggle as I’ve launched my little ministry is a feeling of “smallness”. So grateful there are others out there who are courageously pressing on and forgetting the lies that hold us back! Would so love to see what insights you share in your book. 🙂

  723. Sheri

    Would love to read this book. Thank you for sharing your message today!

  724. Kathy

    Thanks for always leaving us with encouraging and hopeful words.

  725. Tracey

    Thanks for posting this introduction to your book. At 48, I find myself almost an “empty-nester” with a new job I feel rather inadequate at and wondering exactly what my talents really are and how God wants me to use them. This looks like a great book to read!

  726. Jane BB

    I’ve been following Emily’s posts since the book’s release and am getting more and more excited to read it :)!

  727. Ginny

    Would love to win this book!:)

  728. Elizabeth

    Thank you for this post, and all of your other posts about art. You have given me (and many others) much encouragement in pursuing the beautiful callings God has made for us, in all their diverse and wonderful ways! It is such a helpful reminder to think of ourselves as artists just like our very own Lord!

  729. Hannah J.

    Thank you, Lysa and Emily! Emily, I love reading your posts and am always so encouraged. I would love to win your new book :]

  730. Courtney Westfahl

    This exact subject has been on my mind a lot lately. After seeing this post, I was going to just go to a website and buy the book. But then thought why not try to win it? If this has been on my mind a lot lately, maybe God wants me to focus on what my gift(s) might be, and maybe I do have a chance of winning this book then! I’ve been praying for guidance in how to find my gifts and how I can make a difference in this world and in people’s lives, but have yet to find something. However, some things have recently come up that have been disheartening that I do not understand, and I’m wondering if God is preparing me and if He is trying to remove certain things from consuming so much of my life so I can focus on something else yet to come. We shall see…. Thanks for the opportunity to win the book!

  731. a.m.

    Thanks for the chance to win! I would love to win a copy of this book!

  732. Erica

    Great things to think about! I’d love a chance to read this book.

  733. Melodie

    Emily’s latest book is on my “to read” list, so I’d love to win it.
    And what she says in this post is definitely true in my life. Endless possibilities are paralyzing. Doing life—just today—well is empowering.

  734. Misty Cooper

    Thank you for the opportunity to win this book. This would be such an amazing book to have as this is something I am struggling with right now.

  735. Wendy

    Thank you for the opportunity to win the book. I enjoy your blog!

  736. Amanda Wedgewood

    I have been called by God to do something but I am so scared to take that next step because of fear or rejection or focusing on my weaknesses. I am learning that God allows my weaknesses to strengthen me an show me His strength. I still am trying to have that leap of faith and to find that first step. I want to control the situation and plan, and plan and did I mention have a back up plan for those plans?!?!?! Trusting God, having faith and change are all very scary to me but I then think on the blessings I am missing out on and I feel like I am wandering the desert with my Promised land in sight and not able to cross in because of fear of what’s to come. :-/

  737. Karen Eberts

    Love the analogy of the 8 foot area of the pool being what is, in essence, our “sphere of influence,” as Stephen Covey refers to that part of our world that we can effect change in. Our Women’s Bible study was just talking about this theme last night. Although we have talked about it before, and encourage the women to dream God’s dream for their lives, like most people, most remain in the dream stage. This book sounds like a good way to find our specific call in little ways, and,as Jesus said, if we are faithful in the small things, more will be given to us!

  738. Debbie J Block

    I bought “A Million Little Ways” and received it in the mail last Thursday.
    I can’t put it down! It was providential to where I’m at right now in my life.
    Living out the life of divine creativity within me is exactly the path I am pursuing.
    I would love to share this book with others.
    Thanks Emily.

  739. April Hunt

    I’d love to win this book! Thanks for the giveaway!

  740. Kathy McLeish

    Thank you so much for sharing this message with us and for giving us a chance to win a copy of your book, Emily! I am really looking forward to reading it – I feel like I’m right on the edge of something big that God has in store. I’m just not seeing it yet. God will bring it, and I need to hang on and be ready for the ride He’s taking me on… 🙂

  741. Lee

    I am also trying to find my 8 feet in the pool. I have been drowning trying to care for the entire pool! The last few days I have been focusing on figuring out just what it is that God wants me to do. This message today is spot on!!! Thank you both!

  742. April

    This book sounds wonderful! I would love to read it. I know it has a message for me! Thank you!

  743. Deborah Marshall

    Been struggling with this topic and would love a copy of this book!

  744. Amy Riley

    I’d love to win this book. Sounds like a very good read. Thank you for these encouraging posts.

  745. Kathy p

    Would love to read then give to my daughter

  746. Leslie

    Read one of your other books, Emily, (the one with the cage on the front.. sorry, I have a 7 week old, can I use that as an excuse for forgetting the title?, along with the fact that I gave the book to my mama to read, so I can’t look for it…:) ). Your words resonated with my heart. Can’t wait for this next read. Thanks for writing. And being brave to share your words with the world. This girl needed them.

  747. Sarah

    Loved this post!! Excited for a chance to win a copy of the book!!! 🙂

  748. Jana R.

    Wonderful post! Would love to win a copy!

  749. Jami


  750. Chris

    Wow Lysa! How is it you always post what I need exactly when I need it? I am out of work at 55… Laid off after eleven years at the same job… Replaced by someone lots younger. Hard to see there’s something else out there for me right now. Lots of closed doors. I need this book. Thanks for all you do.

  751. Sara Kiiru

    Thanks so much for the chance to win a copy of the book, Lysa!

  752. Marsha

    Today I read your blog for the first time and now I am crying. Partly because I am so tired and ready for a change and partly because I think what you write, I need at this season in my life. The leaves are falling swiftly from the trees on my street creating a beautiful pattern and I see so many reasons for me to make changes. I need a new pattern in my life and I think your book might be just what I need to provide the fuel.
    Thank you for that chance.

  753. Sally Ferguson

    Don’t we all secretly wonder if we’re really making a difference? It is so important to be surrounded with a support system, those sisters who believe in us and cheer us on!

  754. Robin

    WOW! Sounds like just what I need, can’t wait to win a copy! Thanks ladies!

  755. Elizabeth Pollet

    I would really love to read this book, thank you for this opportunity.

  756. Christie Hamby

    Thank you for the opportunity. I would love to win this book! I’m looking forward to reading it.

  757. Katherine Odle

    Wow this sounds like a great book. I so want to read it.

  758. Cindy

    It’s true – totally overwhelming to want to go out and make a difference, being told you can do anything you want, while a part of you realizes this just isn’t true. There is something specific for me and yet how do I find it? Would live to read this book!

  759. aima

    i always appreciate new ideas and direction from Godly women! thank you Lysa and Emily for this <3

  760. Sarah

    Looks like a great book! Would love to win:)

  761. Missy Kahn

    Boy did I need to hear today that it’s ok to only cover my 8 ft. Really looking forward to reading this book!

  762. Cindy

    I would LOVE to read this new book…it would be great for our small group Bible study! Hope I win….

  763. Laura

    Thank you Lysa & Emily. I so appreciate reading things like this that add perspective. I’d love to win a copy of the whole book. Blessings to both of you! 🙂

  764. Sandy T.

    This sounds like a great book! I was laid off from work 5 months ago and am definitely in a place of, what do I do now?

  765. katie

    Sounds like a wonderful book with so much to learn from! Would love to read it!

  766. Christine Bruneau

    Your words are over whelmingly inspiring. I have hit the wall many times and convinced myself that I have’t found the right journey. I anxiously look forward to more from you and in your book.
    God bless you for sharing.
    ~ Christine

  767. Becky

    Would love to win this book!

  768. Ronda Brown

    I love the pool analogy in this article. Sounds like a great and helpful book for those of us that become overwhelmed trying to focus on “the whole pool”.

  769. Stephanie Woods

    Wow! This book describes what I’m going through. How can God use me? I’m not capable but I wish I could tap into God’s strength more to see where I can go with his helping hand. Even in my little world…

  770. LindaC

    Wow, this post really hit home with me at this season in my life. I would love to win this book, but I will read it one way or the other. Thanks for the opportunity!

  771. Kelly Blackwell

    Thank you Emily for sharing about the lifeguards. I know I would like to uncover the art I was born to make. I think we get so many mixed up messages growing up that we become confused right out of what God has made us to do. Thank you Lysa, for the opportunity to win this book and for sharing Emily’s site with us.

  772. Cindy

    Wow! How often do we talk about the blessings of our limitations? I’m guilty of telling my kids they can do anything they want to do… In reality, they can’t… and that’s not only a good thing, it’s a God thing. Can’t wait to read the book!

  773. Lizzie Branch

    Love Emily Freeman and her artist heart. Thank you for sharing your heart with us.

  774. Crystal solis

    This sounds like an amazing book. It identifies the exact place I’m in right now in my life and seeking guidance from The Lord in my 8ft. Would love to win this book!!

  775. Jennifer Hester

    Thank you for the opportunity to win!!

  776. Michelle Jones

    I am once again convinced there are no coincidences with God, this describes to a “T”
    What I have been going thru in my mind, clicked on my phone, and here it is, this post, thank you for sharing…if I don’t win, I’ll be purchasing, for sure!!

  777. Nicole Anderson

    Love the cooler weather and ability to play outside more with the kids

  778. Jessica Cates

    Thank you for posting this. It helps me to remember not to overwhelm myself with the whole pool. I would love to win a copy of this book!

  779. Katherine

    Would love to read this book.

  780. Vanessa

    Thanks for the chance to win. I would like a new book to read this fall.

  781. Maria Krout

    Recovering from a knee replacement. Some days are good, some not. Looking for any and all Spiritual encouragement. I LOVE God’s Word. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  782. Jenni Williams

    I would love to read the book! looks like a great read 🙂

  783. Kailene

    Loved this post! 🙂
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  784. Jamie

    Thanks for the chance to win! Emily, I’ve enjoyed your blog and would love to read your book. Lysa, happy to discover your blog today.

  785. Danielle I

    Words of encouragement today! Congratulations on your new book!

  786. Melanie

    … gifts along our pathway to remind us what our calling isn’t so that we may be more open to what it is … Such beautiful words Emily and so true! There have been so many lessons learned in my life that have gently guided me away from things that weren’t for me … I’m trusting in my journey and praying for an open heart that will recognize my calling when the opportunity presents itself to me!

  787. sara karr

    thank you for this wonderful post and the chance to win would love to win this book

  788. Tracey

    I’d love to read this book!! Thanks so much for the chance to try and receive a copy! 🙂

  789. Amy Glann

    I am praying for the Lord to take over, lead, and expand my teritory! Though it is scary to think what I may be asking, I am trusting Him with the outcome. I would love to be encouraged through this book! Thanks for the opportunity to possibly win a copy! God Bless!

  790. Lisa

    What a great article from Lysa today!

  791. amy

    beautiful thoughts. need to chew on them. would love to read the book!

  792. Tricia

    What a great post! I’ve never thought about the blessings that come with knowing what your limitations are as I’m always too focused on living up to impossible standards. This new perspective is very inspiring as I see how I’ve really limited myself by pushing for the unlimited!

  793. Heather

    I think my 8ft pool are my 3 special needs children. Its difficult to do what they need done daily and not be in the mix outside of that 8ft pool. I struggle daily with the balance and am constantly praying about it. Would be nice to get some perspective from fresh educated eyes.

  794. laura metcalfe

    Sounds like a good book

  795. Deborah Dooley

    Thank You For Always Being So Transparent & Honest. For The Past 2 1/2 Years God Has Blessed My Husband With A Better Job So I Would Be Able To Stay Home With OuR Daughter. I Thought I Would Be One Of Those Mom’s Who Would Be Able To Have A Sparkling House, We’ll Disciplined Child, Home Cooked Meal Set On The Table Every Day Because I Saw Other Mom’s Do It & I Thought It Would Be Easy. Boy Have I Felt Tested Every Single Day. My Biggest Thing Right Now Is Dealing With A Very Strong Willed Child Whom I About Spank Every Day, But Thankfully I Have Been Able To Download Your Devotional, Unglued, & It Has Helped Me A Lot With Daily Perseverance,& Patience. I Would Really Like To Read This Book A Million Little Ways To Help Me In Finding Who God Wants Me To Be For Him, To Be A Better Wife & Mom, Thank You So Much For Letting Us Know About This Book.

  796. Denise

    Oh, thanks so much for the opportunity to win a book on something God has been speaking to me about, and my heart is longing for!!! The book looks great, and I can’t wait to read it! Thank you for this beautiful blog post and for sharing this book!

  797. Amanda Harding

    Wow, this post was written for me today! Overwhelmed and stressed is exactly how I feel right now. But, I have been looking at the WHOLE pool instead of focusing on my 8 foot section. Brilliant and so needed! Thank you!

  798. Betsy S.

    So encouraged every time I read your blog Lysa, thanks for hosting Emily as your guest. Emily…your words were packed with power and what a perspective shift for me-

    ‘your limits, those thing you curse & wish were different about yourself are not holding you back, but pointing you forward.’ Can’t wait to dive into your book.

  799. berta

    Dear Emily, I follow you from almost the other side of the world, Spain, my language is not my mother tongue but still I read and follow your blog and other blogs where you write! Now I discovered Lisa s blogs too…Your article could not fit better for me these days, hard days at work and these words were like clear water!
    Thanks to Internet I am so lucky to find you all and see that many thinkings,feelings and experincies are the same even 1000’s of miles/kms away!!!
    Thanks for sharing with us and be so transparent
    PS I apologize for any grammar mistake .

  800. Lanette Boggess

    Your book sounds as exactly where I’m at… Hearing, listening, struggling, fearful, excited, amazed, stepping out of my comfort zone and then stepping back in… It’s new and it’s God…wha He’s doing in me. I’m exhilarated and then I’m stuck. And I’m a part of the amazon wish list that has placed you, Emily, at #3! Would love to have & read your book!

  801. Laura DeMike

    I would love to read this book….. it would help in my everyday struggles.

  802. Julie Amundsen

    would so love to read this book and have peace, thanks.

  803. Breana Guinan

    This sounds like just what I need:)

  804. Angie

    Fantastic post! So true, I need to stop guarding the whole pool & find my 8 feet. I admit I’m struggling with this as I’ve had my identity wrapped up in being a stay at home mom for 20+ years & counting. Loving the freedom that comes with children becoming independent & that is what they were raised to become but What am I to do now?? What are my 8 feet? Will be reading this…soon!

  805. Bee Bee

    Looking at what my peers have achieved, I sometimes wonder if God has forgotten about His plans for me. Perhaps I just wasn’t good enough. To guard my heart from hurting, I’ve learn to think that its ok to be ignored, its ok to get lost in a sea of people and voices, its ok to be left on the wayside, that not everybody matters. This post is an eye opener. I suppose it takes all sorts of people to make up this world. Not everyone has the same eight-foot assignment. Would love to read the book and discover what I’ve been missing all these while.

  806. Melody Placker

    This sounds like a fantastic book for my life journey. Lately I have been asking that question a lot, “God what is it you want me to do with my life?”, I look forward to reading this book.

  807. Donna K. Gottwald

    I am a home care nurse for medically fragile, technology dependent children. And I always feel like I need to cover the whole pool. When a co-worker doesn’t complete the tasks I think they should on their shift, I really get “bent out of shape” and think “if only I could work every day and be there to do those tasks”. But of course I can’t work everyday, 24/7 with this child, it would be impossible. I need to do the very best I can during the time I am there and call my supervisor with legitimate concerns. It is her problem to address problems with other nurses anyway. I need to read your book!

  808. Stefani

    Sounds like a wonderful book! It’s something that I haven’t thought about much!

  809. Priscilla

    This book would be perfect for my life right now. 🙂 Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  810. Jennifer Jordan

    I really liked the message of the blog today! I have just started following the blog and I knew it was going to be something positive and encouraging. I like the thought of an eight foot section being what I am responsible for and not the whole pool. Too often I do stress myself out by trying to cover the whole pool. I also like the thought that we are all responsible for our part of the pool. It makes me think about the body of Christ how we all have different talents and are meant to work together as the body.

    Thank you for this message today!!

  811. Debbie

    Thank you so much for today’s encouragement and for the opportunity to win the book. It sounds great! I’ve been trying to do too much lately, and I’m exhausted. I work full-time, am a pastor’s wife and a mother of twin 14-year-old girls. Life is never boring! 🙂

  812. Linda haskins

    Would love this. Perfect read after A Confident Heart. Just in time for the holidays. Thank you for this giveaway.

  813. Joy

    This post really dealt with what I have had to come to grips with over the last year. So well stated and such an encouragement to me! Thank you!

  814. Mary

    Would love to read this book!

  815. Traci

    I would love to read this book!

  816. Trisha Ontiveros

    I would love to read this book!

  817. Fonda

    I would love to read this book to see what God would have me be doing instead of just being busy with life (home,work,family,etc..). Thank you for the chance of winning one of these books!

  818. Janelle Keith

    Perfect post for today! Exactly what I needed to hear! Thank you for inspiring me to look at my own 8-foot section a bit closer as Jesus draws His artwork on my soul.

  819. Sherry Eaton

    This book sounds like a great addition to my reading. I never feel like I quite measure up to those around me. This book sounds like it could give encouraging words.

  820. Kimberly

    You don’t have to enter me to win…I won a book here not too long ago. 🙂

    I just couldn’t miss the chance to say how much I love this post and the encouragement in it. How thankful I am that you, Lysa, introduced us to Emily. I actually remember the first time you introduced her – and you linked to her lovely blog and you told her that you knew she would write books some day. And now look…here she is on your blog with one of those books!

    And I have been stopping by her blog ever since – and breathing in deep the joy and bravery she offers there with such beauty and humility.

    This post – what hope it offers. Reminding us that we each DO have an assignment, encouraging us to stop trying to take care of the whole pool, showing us how our limitations could actually be pointing us forward. Thank you BOTH for sharing – Lysa, for introducing us to Emily, and Emily, for sharing the hope He has given you with us.

    Looking forward to reading this book! It is for sure on my Christmas list!

  821. stela

    I feel so encouraged by this post. That’s the right advice for my life and my goals. Thank you so much. God Bless!

  822. Billie Jo Marker

    This books sounds amazing! Bloom where you are planted and allowing God to equip you for what He has called you to do….Say Yes to God and know you are good enough to be used beautifully!!!!

  823. Maritza J.

    OMG! I am studying Proverbs 31 right now, and I was wondering what talent do I have to benifit my family. I hope I am blessed with this book so I can bless my Lord and my loved ones. Thank you for the opportunity 🙂

  824. Heather F

    My friend highly recommended this book and I would love to hear Emily’s perspective. I’m finding myself drowning in many of these emotions you describe here. Thank you for articulating so eloquently what I’ve been experiencing. And thank you for this giveaway!

  825. VHiggins

    Emily, I love how you write.
    As someone who was a ‘junior lifeguard’ in Phoenix while in high school, that’s exactly how a good lifeguard system works: each lifeguard has their ‘zone’ that they are responsible for and they’re taught how important it is to pay attention to THEIR zone. The constant scanning is emphasized because all it takes is for one little child to go under for 30 seconds for their bodies to be effected by the lack of oxygen. This understanding and acceptance of MY zone, and putting my energy into taking care of my zone (rather than comparing it to someone else’s, trying to take responsibility for someone else’s, or thinking mine is too small or too big, etc.) will bring fruit because I’m focusing on my life with my God.
    Thank you!

  826. Anne McD

    I can’t wait to read Emily’s book!

  827. Amy Graham

    This was exactly what I needed to hear! Thank you!

  828. Teresa

    Thank you for the opportunity to win this book!
    Sounds like the perfect book to read and apply to life. Have a blessed day

  829. Tracy

    This book sounds like a must read for me! I really hope to win it, if not, I may just have to buy it!

  830. Ronda Cowen

    I’m a writer trying to share my life and love for Christ. I would love to learn more about how to clearly share my passion and testimony with others through art.

  831. Suz

    So nice of you to do a giveaway, God Bless you and I hope I win!

  832. Irene Matson

    Yes, I am one of those people who are beginning to explore their own story, and yes, I want to write words that are memorable and life changing! Your blog (in tandem with other voices) has inspired me daily to rest in the art that pleases me, communing with the artist who designed me for this purpose, this moment, using this portal to His presence. And I am more at peace in this place than I have been for most of my previous 58 years of life. Thank you.

  833. Kim J

    I would love the opportunity to win this book, as I struggle with what I am called to do with chronic illness. I believe that this would be such an encouragement to me. Thank you for the chance to win a copy!!!

  834. Deanna

    This book sounds amazing! It’s so easy to want and dream but be too scared to do. I love Emily and her blog!

  835. Linda

    Thank you for writing this book, Emily. You think a lot like your wonderful Dad.

  836. Jo Ellen Burgess

    I am grateful for a truth-teller – that the sky is NOT the limit, that we have limits that God used to direct us to the purpose HE has for us. Do we do a disservice to others when we cheer them on the sidelines for a task we sense is not really theirs? And I would love to learn how to use my limits to find the task God has for me-

  837. Michelle

    This is something I’ve been struggling with lately. Thought I knew the direction I was headed, but have been met by many roadblocks. I know God has a plan, just need to trust Him 🙂

  838. Kathy Wilkins

    Loved your post today…looking forward to possibly meeting you at GOG conf in Brandon, Fl…Nov ….

    • emily p. freeman

      No way! You should send me an email and we’ll try to connect!

  839. Molly

    This is something I’ve struggled with for many years and pray and I can find what truly makes me thrive! Hoping I win a copy!! Thank you!

  840. Vickie Rasnick

    I need to find the art I was made to love!

  841. Kristie

    Learning to embrace my own 8ft length of life 🙂
    Thank you for such a great word picture…

  842. Jessica S

    Would love to read this!

  843. Courtney Vereide

    Wow, Emily! You speak beautiful words of truth that truly minister to my heart! (And so many hearts!) The Lord is using you powerfully!

  844. Amy B

    I would LOVE to win a copy of this book so much!! I’m struggling with a few things in my life right now….and am wondering if the art I create could possibly bring income to my family….

  845. Lauren Evans

    Very timely! While I feel I have very little understanding of God’s will for my life, I have an idea that I know what it is not. Praying that he will provide a glimpse of what is to come and in the meantime provide peace that passes all understanding.

  846. Catey George

    Thank you for this! I’ve been wondering about this very thing lately. I do love writing but I’ve never really used it for “good”. What I’m going through now seems like it would make an incredible story and a testament to the glory of God but its not exactly clear where its going yet!

  847. Belinda Parker

    My 8 feet…four boys, husband, home, family, church, neighbors, business, etc.
    My 8 feet…made me stop and think of the awesome responsibility that I have.
    My 8 feet…something rises in me to meet the demand that only I can fulfill.
    My 8 feet…can be so overwhelming and chaotic at times.
    My 8 feet…kept only by God’s grace.