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Friday Favorites – Celebrating Moms Everywhere

May 10, 2013

Mother’s Day. A sweet holiday to show your mom just how much you care. But sometimes, it’s just plain hard to think of something new to make this year’s celebration of her stand out. So, I thought it might be helpful to share a few ideas I’ve come across…


1. Hydrangea: Now I know what you’re thinking – “flowers for Mother’s Day? That’s not original at all.” But just wait. There’s a twist. One of the finance gals in the Proverbs 31 office was talking about her most special Mother’s Day present today and I absolutely loved this idea… give your mom a hydrangea that she can plant herself. Then every year when it blooms, she’ll remember that you gave her a special gift that lives on.

2. Farmer’s market: A trip to the local farmer’s market is right up my alley. And I’ll tell you why – I’m really, really trying hard to only eat fruits, vegetables, and lean meats right now. Healthy eating. Yes. So why not spend a day with your mom picking out some fresh produce to make a meal together? And if you’re feeling adventurous, maybe you can buy some cauliflower and avocados to experiment with these healthy summer recipes I posted a few Fridays ago.

3. Cooking classes: Y’all. I’m not even going to pretend I’m a good cook. I’m just not good at it. Period. But learning a thing or two about how to make an easy, tasty meal from someone who knows what they’re doing sounds fun. And the best part? You can find some amazing deals on these classes by going through Groupon or LivingSocial. You can also check with your local grocery store or culinary school to see if they’re offering classes.

4. Necklace: What would a Friday Favorites be without some fun jewelry? And if we’re being honest… every mom loves something to give her outfit a little “pop.”

5. NIV Real-Life Devotional Bible for Women: Give your mom the gift of God’s Word through the NIV Real-Life Devotional Bible for Women. Woven throughout Scripture are daily devotions from the Proverbs 31 team! You can purchase it through our Proverbs 31 store or if you want to give it to mom on Sunday, check with your local Family Christian Bookstore.

And I’m doing a giveaway! Leave a comment telling me your favorite Mother’s Day gift and I’ll pick one person to win a copy of the NIV Real-Life Devotional Bible for Women shown above.

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  1. Claudia Schneider

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift is a charm my son, who was 10, gave me for my Pandora bracelet. It is a sweet little mama monkey and her baby. He chose the charm himself because he thought it looked like us…When I asked how, he said, “Cuz we’ll always be stuck together!” Melted my heart then, and has been a reminder as we navigate the pre-teen years! We will stick together!

  2. Debbie Callan

    My favorite Mother’s day present was when my son had his first job and I picked him up from work. He had gotten paid and wanted to take me to a Chinese buffet. I said if we waited until tomorrow for lunch it would be cheaper (being extremely frugal at the time being a single Mom). “Oh Mom,” he said “I want to take you now, it is Mother’s day!!”

  3. Betty Ann Huntting

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift is a “diploma”, green on white in a beautiful white profile frame. It says M.O.M.,”Master of Mothering” and was presented to me by the Baptist Church of Salzburg, Austria, on Mother’s Day, 2012. Because I am “Mom” to ca. 65 Persian speaking ‘sons’ and ca. 10 ‘daughters’. I love every one of these, my children, with an unbelievably warm and real love from God! And they know it and love me, too! HalleluJah!!:-)

  4. Lynn Graham

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift to give to my mother is anything in cats. she is a cat lover and will enjoy that kind of a gift.

  5. Halona Luna

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift (so far) was earlier last month when my oldest decided to get me a pink, sparkly cup that said I Love You Mom. She knows that I love pink, sparkly and reuseable cups. I know she and her three siblings are not done but God really blessed me.

  6. Johnna

    Bath and body basket.

  7. Marla

    My favorite Mother’s Day gifts – several years ago, I got a weeping cherry tree, and it’s so beautiful every spring when it blooms!! For this year, I received my absolute favorite, a deep dark purple lilac!!! Love living gifts! Love you Lysa and Proverbs 31 too, so glad I found your ministry!!!

  8. Gail

    I would have to say by far the best and most meaningful gift my kids and husband gave me on Mothers Day was little notes of appreciation tacked in out of the way places like medicine cabinet, closet, wherever I looked . It was so special I will never forget this little act of love. My children are grown and have children of their own now.

  9. Michelle

    Having 3 little boys, my favorite gifts are their “projects” they make at school for me. It’s so cute when they bring them home I can’t help them with it, they need daddy’s help to hide it from me until Mother’s Day. The joy on their faces is the greatest gift I could receive when they finally get to “reveal” what it is they made me! You can’t put a price on their smiles 🙂

  10. Susan ruffa

    My favorite thing is getting breakfast in bed. All done up by my children.

  11. Lauren

    Honestly the most precious gift I have ever received for mothers day is not tangible. Last year my 3 children were giving a mothers day presentation in church, along with the other Sunday school students, and each was supposed to say why they love their moms. It came time for my 4 year old daughter and she said I love my mom because SHE loves ME. Everyone in church was touched because she had the brightest smile on her face. But no one was more touched than I was 🙂

  12. Denise

    I would have to say the best Mother’s Day gift I every received was… My son!!! My husband and I had been trying to become pregnant for two years. I wasn’t having any luck. I finally did become pregnant and the. Had a miscarriage. I was devastated as you can imagine! Then six months later I got pregnant again and we were really nervous. I didnt mention this pregnancy to anyone until I was pretty far along. I did have a healthy baby on May 12th 2000! It was the Friday before Mother’s Day but it was the best Mother’s Day gift of all. Now this year he is turning 13 years old and I am truly not prepared for these teen years. Lord HELP ME!!!!

  13. Kesha

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift is a magnet my daughter made me. It is a cupcake that she painted with a clothes pin on the back and it holds a picture of her! I love it!

  14. Debbie Sutherland

    Last year my 21 year old son took me out for coffee and spent an hour pouring out his hopes and dreams. It was so nice to have him all to myself and watch the little boy I nurtured pour out his young manly heart. Best gift from an older child…time

  15. Constance

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift was a card my son made at school where he wrote so very sweet words about how he loves me and thanking me for all I do for him (he was 9 then). Brought tears to my eyes!

  16. karen

    My best gift was spending last Mother’s Day with my 92 year old Mother. She was in a rehab facility after having surgery. There was a Mother’s Day Tea which included there with a very bad Elvis impersonator that went on forever it seemed. At the time I did not know Father would call her home in June. I will treasure that day forever…

  17. Krysta

    I have a two year old, so we’ve only had two mommy’s days so far – and those have been about the cupcake he decorated and the flowers he helped daddy pick out. That’s not quite the same as what everyone is commenting about. =-) But my favorite gift to give my mom growing up was a handmade card, something that I took the time to create myself, and that showed her that I cared…. and that I could be creative too. =-)

  18. Laura

    My children gave me a hydrangea plant one year and it is one of my favorite plants in the yard

  19. pamela browne

    My favorite gift from my only son, is a gift I have worn for 5 years. A gold butterfly necklace. Butterflies are my favorite,everthing butterflies. I still get comments from those who see it on my neck Its like it is still brand new. Children as well as adults adore it. It not a very expensive necklace, as a matter fact walmart has it in its jewerly case. I believe when my son bought it not only was he thinking of a great gift for his mom, but a necklace that displays characterics of simple but elegant, free in spirit, to soar and transform just as the butterfly does. Its been the gift that keeps giving.

  20. Jenn Parker

    My Favorite Mother’s Day gift has been the notes from kiddos. They are three and six and from their penmanship to what they treasure about me, its all priceless:)

  21. Debi Zischke

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift was a plate that my children made that had my grandson and granddaughters footprints on them in designs of a butterfly and flower. Adorable and it will last forever. (They know I’m good at killing live plants and flowers.)

  22. Tammy Trietch

    I have two favorite Mother’s Days – in 1982, I went into labor on the evening of Mother’s Day, my son was born the next morning. Same son, 7 years later, I’m a single parent, and he wakes me up with toast and an orange – along with a cup he bought me at a school fair with the inscription “My mom is special”. That cup has made it through three military moves without getting broken 🙂

  23. Tammy Trietch

    I have two favorite Mother’s Days – in 1982, I went into labor on the evening of Mother’s Day, my son was born the next morning. Same son, 7 years later, I’m a single parent, and he wakes me up with toast and an orange – along with a cup he bought me at a school fair with the inscription “My mom is special”. That cup has made it through three military moves without getting broken 🙂

  24. Dawn

    Hand drawn pictures or cards are my favorite gifts!

  25. Ashley

    This year for Mother’s Day I asked for a clean car! With a 3 yr old and 3 month old, my car is nasty. I can’t wait to climb into a “Cheerios free” zone

  26. LaDawn

    My love language is acts of service, therefore I love to have my house cleansed for Mother’s Day! Last year I went to the gym on Saturday before Mother’s Day and came home to a clean gift ever!

  27. Sherry

    The Mother’s Day gift I will always treasure is when my daughter was in a moms day out program at age 3, the teachers put her hand prints on the bottom of a page with the most beautiful poem about how precious our babies are and how we need to enjoy all the stages of their lives over the years – since it goes by so quickly. They laminated it and had my daughter draw on it… At age 3!! Adorable!!. I framed it and it hangs on my office wall so I can have a daily reminder of what’s really important!! Love it!!!

  28. Georgia Aderholt

    I do not have any children, but I do love to give gifts to my mom for mother’s day. I don’t have any living grandmother’s anymore, so I send cards of appreciation to several ladies who have been true examples of Christian women.

  29. Ellen Cole

    I am not a biological mother, but my husband and I raised my niece and nephew after my sister-in-law passed away. My brother was a long-distance truck driver at the time, so having the kids live with us was the best solution. It means the world to me when they remember me on Mother’s Day…since I’m not technically their mother. They are grown with their own families now. One of my favorite “gifts” is when they all come to church with me. My family are reluctant church-goers and it is so important to me that they attend. When they make the effort, they think they’re doing it for me…when I know, in reality, they are reaping the blessing of being there!

  30. Penny

    37 years ago, when I was 20 my Grandmother passed away on Mothers Day after battling cancer. I was not yet a mother… But I was given the gift of witnessing my mother lovelingly care for her own mother.My mother is hands down my best gift. She now cares for my father with Alzeimers.

  31. lisa

    My favorite Mothers’ Day gift? Hmmm, I have to say it has NEVER been a materialistic thing. I think I have to admit, when my kids, my husband and myself can go through a day without an arguement of what to do, what to eat, who did what, etc., THAT is what my favorite “gift” is…

  32. Whitney

    A homemade dinner prepared by my husband is my favorite gift. (Oh, and he did the dishes too!:)

  33. Kim M.

    My two favorite Mother’s day gifts were given to me by my two sweet girls – they are 10 years apart in age so these gifts came at separate times but both of them took the time to write me a letter….both letters thanked me for just being there for them when times were tough. I have treasured those letters and have them in a safe place where I can keep them forever. The oldest one has become quite frail because I have had to open it many times to get me through some tough periods of parenting. I thank God for those girls. This year is also special for me. My mom was diagnosed with cancer January 4th of this year. I wasn’t sure that I’d have her for this Mother’s day but praise God, the treatments seem to be working and we can all be together for another Mother’s Day celebration. God is Good!

  34. Kathy A

    Just having both of my kids home for Mothers Day. They are both out of town and can’t always make it home.

  35. Kelly L

    My favorite gift wasn’t really a gift at all. I was able to dedicate my son last Mother’s day at our church, and it was the most perfect Mother’s day!!

  36. Debbie Cooper

    When I found out I was pregnant with my second son. Had a really hard time getting pregnant and what a blessing to find out the week of Mother’s Day!

  37. Debbie DiMascio

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift was a card! When I was pregnant with my son 18 years ago, my husband gave me a card “from” my son in my tummy! My husband wrote in it as if it was my son, telling me how much he already loved me and couldn’t wait to meet his mommy! It was so special as it took a year to get pregnant! Still have that card 🙂

  38. jenn

    Because I dealt with infertility, it was my first mother’s day. The church made a framed print of her hand prints with a poem and my husband treat me.

  39. Suzanne w

    My favorite Mothers Day gift was a my first mothers day as a single mom. My children, ages 9,5,1, surprised with breakfast in bed and homemade cards. It blessed my heart; seeing them working together and so proud of themselves. They even made a happy mothers day song to sing in bed to me. It was so sweet!

  40. Lisa Spies

    For me right now, my babies are 6, 7 1/2,(he makes me put that) and 9. 2 boys and a girl. Mother’s day usually starts for me the week before. I get a “HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!!” from Braedon, the 7 1/2 yr old, everyday. Sometimes multiple times in the day. Ben, my 6 yr old, just floods me with kisses and tells me I’m the greatest mom in the world and that he wants to marry me. Brooke, the 9 yr old. She writes me the most wonderful notes and this year she drew me a card that is so good I am going to have it framed. She also bought her and I a Mother/Daughter necklace that she “just couldn’t wait to give me because she would blurt it out.” Yes, I get extra special treatment on Mother’s Day, or Mother’s Week, as I like to refer to it. But truthfully I think it is Mother’s Day everyday…for all of us. On those “other” days, I try to shower them with all of the attention that I can. I keep watching them grow and realizing that I need to cherish and record each moment to paper or memory. Never turn down a hug or a kiss or a chance to snuggle them because we may never outgrow it, but one day, they will. And hopefully, when they have children of their own they will be showered the way I am and just maybe they will remember these times with me….

  41. Trish

    Best Mother’s Day gift was a clay sculpture my oldest daughter made of me and my for kids. She was 9, and it shows. But it’s a masterpiece to me.

  42. Esther Aspling

    I’m easy, give me chocolate, don’t aggravate me, and don’t expect me to cook an amazing Mother’s Day Brunch for myself. 🙂

  43. Jill

    My favorite mother’s day gift was from my mother and it was her diamond wedding ring that I had coveted since I was a little girl. It was very touching that she chose to give it to me on my special day.

  44. Vanessa Stephens

    I would say that I can’t remember one particular gift that has really stuck out at me. I can say that I went to my mother’s house this week just to walk around in her yard and look at all the beautiful flowers blooming that she had planted all the years in life before she passed away last April. These flowers are all blooming and they are incredibly beautiful and fruitful. I looked down and beside a big tree were a bunch of old pots that she had tossed and they were all in a pile. Beside them were her yard tools in a rusty old pot. As I looked at the work of her hands, God showed me that the best mother’s day gift I could ever receive is the seeds mama planted in my life about God’s love and because of that He came along and watered those seeds in my heart. She planted seeds in all five of her children and today all five of us love and live for The Lord. The best gift ever!!

  45. Paula Fernandez

    My sons take me to a super-hero or action packed movie. This time it will be “Iron Man 3” As a single mom of 3 now young adult men-it has been a cherished tradition. Looking forward to hearing you speak at Elevation this weekend!

  46. Pat

    My children are grown – 24 and 22; of course I loved all the handmade things they gave me as small children. But what touched me the most was 3 years ago, my son spent that Mother’s Day in NM on his Air Force base. But he remembered to send me an arrangement of cactus – “to see a little bit of what he saw everyday” and he sent his Grandma a knock out rose, so she could enjoy it every year – it is growing well and this year will be extra special as we work through the grief of my Dad passing in April. Raising children are tough, but every now and then a glimpse of good will shine through!! Happy Mother’s Day to all

  47. Carol

    My favorite mothers day gift is having my girls at home with. I have been through several mothers days with my girls liviing far away. I have been blessed for them to live closer now and I’m enjoying a mothers day with them

  48. Susan M

    I loved all the hand made cards and gifts my kids made me. I loved the coupon books they prepared, especially the coupon that was good for 1 big hug!

  49. Penny Faulkenberry

    My favorite Mothers Day present is when my 8 year old daughter wrote a paper in her class about her Mommy being her hero and why. That is awesome feeling!

  50. Beckey

    Oh Lysa, I have been hinting for a hydrangea for two years! I have the perfect spot picked out and everything!
    My favorite Mothers Day gift was a card (yes, a card…) from my daughter. Last year was her firsy Mother’s Day as a mom herself. She gave me a lovely card expressing her love and appreciation and telling me how she looks up to me as her mothering role model. It literally brought me to tears. Those words meant more than any trinket she could have given!

  51. Michele

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift is actually one my sister and I give to my Mom each year. We take time out of our busy schedules and just spend time together. Sometimes we shop, sometimes we go out to eat, each year is a different plan. We take turns choosing our “destination”, even if it is just my Mom’s back porch. Even though we do it as a gift for our Mom, it really turns out to be a gift for ME!

  52. Sally

    When my daughter was a preschooler, she made me a corsage out of construction paper & pipe cleaners. I wore it to church with pride as it was so special!

  53. angela taylor

    Hi Lysa, I tell my mom I love her everyday and how much she means to my. God really knew what he was doing when he made her my mom. She has stood by me though all the storms of my life and their have been a lot. She like God has loved me even when I didn’t love myself.My borther and I always take our momto breakfast and buy her a plant that she wants. She loves flowers and works in her yard all the time with her husband my step father. I have know girls that have been disowned by their mothers for a lot less than I have done, that is why I thank God for making my mother mine, and tell her everyday how special she is to me. In Christ Love

  54. angela taylor

    My special mothers day gift came from my doughter when she was in the 3rd grade. It was a card that was to read ” you are the best mom in the world”,but in stead it read “you are the beat mom of the woods” I love that card and still have it in my keepsafe box my doughter is now 27 years old and a mother her self.In Christ Love

  55. Jettie

    Having raised five daughters with my wonderful husband, my favorite Mothers Day gift is simply a gift of their time. The girls are all grown women now with lives of their own, so even if time spent together isn’t on Mothers Day, I just feel so blessed when I can spend time with them, just talking and finding out about their joys and sorrows.

  56. Clara

    Several years my two (much younger then) sons gave me a journal called, “Reflections From a Mother’s Heart”. Several years passed before I picked it up to begin journaling. One year I decided to set a goal to complete the questions and fill in my thoughts in this beautiful journal. During that year I looked forward to the time each day when I thought about beautiful memories from my childhood, how I met their Dad, and memories from their childhood. This journal is filled with precious thoughts and memories that one day my sons and my grandchildren (I hope) will read and truly see the reflections of a mother’s heart that has prayed for them and loved them. This journal is my favorite Mother’s Day gift because it will become a part of my heritage to my sons.

  57. Kathy North

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift was actually from my sweet Husband and Father of our 4 children. He gave it to me after we had just been through a hard time with one of our children. It is a sterling bangle bracelet with Proverbs 31:28 engraved on it– “Her children arise and call her blessed; and they praise her.” I never take the bracelet off. We have been missionaries in the Philippines for over 20 years and all of our children have been raised here. It is hard to be 8,000 miles away from three of them now but this bracelet is a constant reminder to pray for them and be the best Mom I can be from afar (praise God for skype and email).

  58. BethA

    Last year’s gift was my favorite. A beautiful necklace, earrings and bracelet which my daughter picked out and bought on her own. I love it not because they’re beautiful, which they are, but that she thought about it, knew I loved this brand of jewelry and got it on her own. Love it! And her!!!

  59. Jennifer Welch

    Every year for Mother’s Day, my boys arrange breakfast in bed prepared in a very special way. I have three boys who each put in their own little twist. My oldest son, Garrett, knows I’m trying to eat healthy, so he makes sure I have a bowl of fresh fruit. My middle son, Gage, always prepares for me his favorite foods. He loves pancakes, so he makes me pancakes! And the baby, Graham, he loves to pick his mama flowers, so he goes outside to my beautiful yellow rose bush and picks the most beautiful flower just for me. So, next to my beautiful, delicious meal my precious boys have prepared is a fragrant rose picked just for me. And, the best part, Gage always dresses in his suit, so he can wait on me dressed in his best! It’s such a special time. To know that each of my boys thought specifically of me and tried to make me feel special is priceless!!!

  60. Nancy

    Every year, my husband and kids make me homemade strawberry shortcake. It’s my favorite! Most years, it comes out burnt or dry or just not good – but I always eat it with a smile because no matter what it tastes like, it was made with their love and that is all that matters!

  61. Amanda W.

    My favorite gift so far was last year’s present. My husband and 2 daughter’s, ages 2 & 5 went to the beach for the weekend! Just us 4. It was amazing to just spend time with them. This year may be even better. I am 40 weeks pregnant with a baby boy! My due date is May 13. What a precious Mother’s Day gift he will be 🙂

  62. Amanda W.

    My favorite gift so far was last year’s present. My husband and two daughter’s, ages 2 and 5 went to the beach for the weekend! Just us four. It was amazing to just spend time with them. This year may be even better. I am 40 weeks pregnant with a baby boy! My due date is May 13. What a precious Mother’s Day gift he will be 🙂

  63. Amanda W.

    My favorite gift so far was last year’s present. My husband and two daughter’s, ages 2 and 5 went to the beach for the weekend! Just us four. It was amazing to just spend time with them. This year may be even better. I am 40 weeks pregnant with a baby boy! My due date is May 13. What a precious Mother’s Day gift he will be!

  64. Anastasia Corbin

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift was a ring my husband and kids gave me. It was a heart shaped February birthstone. We lost a baby between my older two kids. Our baby Jeremiah would have been born in February. The ring is a very precious gift to remind me that one day I will meet my son again.

  65. Amanda W.

    My favorite gift so far was last year’s present. My husband and two daughters, ages 2 and 5 went to the beach for the weekend! Just us four. It was amazing spending time with them. This year may be even better. I am 40 weeks pregnant with a baby boy! My due date is May 13. What a precious Mother’s Day gift he will be!

  66. Paige

    My favorite gift was from my oldest son. He made a little book with descriptions of my favorite food, activity, hair color etc. he was 5 years old. I had that puppy laminated and bound. I pull it out often. So thankful for him. Even when we are running late for school and he is still standing in his room in only boxers, trying in his baseball glove and rearranging stuffed animals while I pace the hallway and suggest in my best forced sing-songy voice that he get dressed.

  67. Mona

    Mother’s day is different now as a single mom of teenage – one high school, one college. My favorite thing is just to have them both home – this year they will be with me and that is the best give I can get. And even better we will spend all day together with my mom just enjoying family.

  68. Margaret

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift is always the card that my daughter gives me. She always picks a card that says exactly what I can picture her saying and she always writes a note that makes me cry. I’ve kept all her cards.

  69. Sandy

    My favorite Mother’s day gift from my kids has been the cards they pick out (now that they are teenagers). Just reading the words and knowing that this is how they feel about me mean the world to this mom You know cause when you are a teenager the last thing you want to do is verbalize your feelings towards your mom in public.. lol!

  70. Lynn

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift was one of your suggestions: hydrangeas. They are also the exact color I had in my wedding 8 years ago.

  71. Kris

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift was from my husband. After 25 years of marriage, my wedding ring had lost 2 small diamonds and the large diamond was loose, so my husband bought me a new wedding ring. I loved it and it’s the only gift I will wear every day for the rest of my life.

  72. Betsy Ringer

    While the kids were growing up, our Mother’s Day tradition was going on our first picnic and hike of the season. Some years our hike would be in the rain and our picnic in the car. And my husband always suffered with allergies right around Mother’s Day. But we made many wonderful memories being together for the day and being outside. With the kids grown today…still…my favorite gift is time with them. Now that they are spread out…FaceTime is great! And of course…who doesn’t like to be told what a fabulous Mom she is??

  73. Marla

    My favorite Mothers Day was when all four of my boys took me and my husband out to dinner.
    They all buy me a card every year and I treasure and keep each one of them.

    • leslie miller

      I loved the ring my husband bought with each of our childrens birth stone in it:)

  74. Terri

    Several years my children have given me a rose bush to plant. Like you said every year I get to enjoy thinking about them when the roses bloom.

  75. Jennifer S.

    My favorite mothers day gift was a necklace that had both my kiddos picture on it. Precious!

  76. Kimberly Holen

    The best gift to me, mother of 7, is a day of love, repect, and peace. A true blessing that isn`t materialistic…just peace,

  77. Angela

    My favorite Mother’s day gift was from about 4 years ago. My girls and husband took a family picture and a scrap piece of wood (my husband is a carpenter). The cut out a heart in the middle and put the picture there. Then they each signed it Happy Mother’s day. The girls each helped so it is obviously homemade, but to me it’s better than any picture frame you can buy!

  78. Joanne

    My favourite Mother’s Day gift was when my son (2nd child of 4) was 4 months old (he’s 10 years old now). He was a tough guy to get to sleep, and I also had a 1 1/2 year old daughter, so it was hard to get time to myself. On my first Mother’s Day with two kids, he decided to nap at the SAME time as his sister and it was seriously the BEST gift I could have ever received at that time! 🙂

  79. Denise

    My favorite mother’s day gift was when my children accompanied me to my college graduation. It fell on mother’ day one year and it was the best feeling having my children with me. You see it took me 15 years part time to get by Bachelors Degree. With many life changing events happening along the way. My husband had just left us a few months prior and my son and daughter were in their teens. They wanted dad to come to the graduation so bad. Even though he would not come, we made the best of it and it was a wonderful day for me. Even the registrar came and shook my hand. She knew what I had gone through too. Praise God that I made it through it! My children are grown now and to this day they remain my greatest joy. Without them I wouldn’t be where I am at today.

  80. Dianne

    I always enjoy the cards they give me. I love seeing what they pick out. My sons usually pick out funny ones and my daughters, more “serious”. But each reflects their personality and I cherish each one!!

  81. Pam Jenson

    Every Mother’s Day weekend since my first granddaughter was born 15 years ago I get to spend Saturday night in a hotel with my daughter and (now) two granddaughters. We go shopping, out for lunch, swimming, play games, and just have fun! I love the time together and that is my best Mother’s Day gift!

  82. TERESA

    This year is my favorite Mothers Day! Because I am so blessed with health, and wonderful children – Each year I see more and more how much more like Christ they are becoming. To see my Children follow the Lord is the best Mothers Day Present Ever!!

  83. Cristina

    The best Mother’s Day gift was from all of my children. We have a “brady bunch” kind of family and then some. My husband has 3 from a previous marriage, I had 1 from a previous marriage and we have 1 together. My husband and all the children got me a journey necklace with a small diamond for each person including me and my husband. It reminds me of the long journey we went through to be together as one family. Even though we aren’t always together every day, I always have them with me.

    I would love this devotional, p.s. 🙂

  84. Jenn Glass

    I am about to have my first chid, a daughter, and my mom is flying in today to spend Mother’s Day weekend with us. I am so excited to give her this Mother/Daughter letter book and complete it with her as my daughter comes into the world. One day we can give it to her!

    • wendy hope payne

      Precious Jenn…..I would have to say bringing our three children into the world was my greatest blessing….then watching our 4 grandchildren come into the world…Joy Joy Joy to you and your family….Happy Mothers Day….Blessings as you wait her birth!

  85. Kimberly

    Okay so I can not only list one since I have two wonderful children. The first one was eight years ago my son wrote me a letter…he was 7 and it said …”if anything ever happened to you i would call 911 and say you are the beas momma here”…he was trying to say he would tell them I was the best momma. I cried…and of course I have it framed 🙂 My 18 year old daughter made a card for me last year that said . . . To the best momma…I took a picture of it and have it on my cell phone…so when I am not feeling so good about my parenting skills I can read that and think Hey maybe I’m doing this Momma thing okay.

  86. Cheryl Louis

    This may sound weird but a few years ago, I went camping with my family on Mother’s Day and my youngest son, who was about 4 or 5 at the time, felt bad that he hadn’t gotten me anything so he ran to the camp store and bought, with his own money, a little pooping cow keychain. If you squeeze the stomach of the cow it has a rubber thing that comes out the bottom. He was so excited to give it to me and it made me laugh so hard. I still have that pooping cow here at work on my shelf. It makes me smile every time I see it. 🙂

  87. Suzanne

    This one will be the best one, my family and I will be together in God’s house!

  88. jsews

    Since my children live far from home, a card always warms my heart, but time with them would be the ultimate gift – whether it happens on the actual Mother’s day date or close to it.

  89. Carol

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift would be to sit in the yard or in a hot tub reading Christian novels on my Kindle, sipping my favorite drink, listening to piano music on Pandora & not to have to prepare any meals or clean anything!! Plus if I win, I would give the Real Life Devotional Bible for women to my mother in law. (I already own it on my Kindle!!!!!).

  90. Rhonda

    I got my brother’s kids almost two years now and this Wednesday my niece/daughter went to church and brought me home a cake that said, “Mom with a heart”. It’s the first time she has referred to me as Mom…I thought I was going to cry. The kids had a ruff life and bottle up a lot, so I’m just trying to love them and give them a childhood. So this year is the second best one yet. The first best one would have been the “first” Mother’s day after having my baby girl. I was thirty then and waited a long time to be called Mom. 🙂

  91. Leslie R.

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift was finding out I was pregnant with our first child on my first Mother’s Day as a married woman.

  92. Pauline Pruitt

    The best mothers day gift I have received is my husband supprised me with a picture of him and our two boys and got me the most beautiful picture frame and with it i got a cross necklace that said live by faith on it and i got a lunch bag (know sounds silly) from 31 with my life verse on it- which is Philippians 4:13. I love my guys they always try to make me feel special- if i win this book i am going to give it away to a single mother at work who is trying to find her way.

  93. Joe K

    My kids are little, so my gifts thus far have been picked out by their dad. But my IDEAL gift when they’re older would be to just spend the day doing something fun with them. A pedicure with my daughter, maybe my son helping me plant some flowers that he bought. I totally love the cooking class idea. Maybe something you could do together with mom???

  94. Leigh Ann Contreras

    My favorite mothers day gift was when my 17 yr old daughter made me a collage of pictures of me and her (she looks young and BEAUTIFUL and I look not so young and extremely tired) when we went to New York with her high school drill team. While putting it together she stepped on the glass and had to have stitches in her foot. She literally put her heart, blood and tears into this gift. I will treasure it always!

  95. Angie Buffington

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift came in 2010. My son was only eight months old at the time, so I wasn’t expecting anything really. However, he had a surprise for me. It was on that special day that he said “Mama” for the first time!! He is now three years old, and I still remember that special Mother’s Day like it was yesterday!

  96. NancyLynn

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift was actually given to me the day after Mithers Day . I was pregnant with m 3rd child and had been told there was not heart beat and they would have to do a DNC. My mothers day was clouded by fhe sad news Praise God be found her heartbeat and she is now 18

  97. Terri

    My mom and I are packing up my daughter and bringing her home after her first year of college. Mom and I enjoyed our 7 hour drive and I am getting to spend precious time with the two women I love most in my life. This is the best Mother’s Day weekend!!

  98. C Williams

    My family grew up very “budget conscious” to put it nicely….So our gifts to and from each other were never really big, especially outside of Christmas. But, I remember one year my dad (and us kids) got my mom a brand-new bicycle for mothers day, and she was so happy. Although this wasn’t my gift, it was my favorite mothers day gift memory….

  99. Charity

    Honestly, my favorite gifts are the pieces of pottery, or even just laminated papers, that have my little ones’ hand prints or footprints on them. They are only small once, and I love those types of mementos. My kids are just 5 and 2 now, so I’m sure once they are grown something with their hand print on it won’t seem quite the same 😉

  100. Roxanne Erdman

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift was a beautiful assortment of craft projects that my girls ages 5 and 7 put together for me. They worked hard and kept mentioning the quality they put into it. It was a wonderful gift!

  101. Mindy G

    I do love all the handmade gifts from my children but I honestly would just about give an arm and a leg for a real day off 😉

  102. Heather

    One year my oldest son (he was 10 at the time) cut lilacs, my favorite, from a large bush along the road and put them in a Mason jar, tied a straggly ribbon around it that he’d found, and presented to me the most beautiful bouquet ever!

  103. Samantha hoggle

    My husband wouldn’t get me anything because he said I wasn’t his mother even though our daughter couldn’t get me anything because she was little. So that year she folded me a piece of construction paper and drew a stick person on it that said happy Mother’s Day and made me a placemat with her hand prints and sweet poem the teacher put in there and a bonnet to wear out of a paper plate and crepe paper. The best Mother’s Day ever!!!! No money required.

  104. Amber S

    My favorite Mother’s day so far was 6 years ago when our church had a mother/daughter banquet. I had invited my mom and it was a special time and the banquet was very nice. It was special because I had just found out I was pregnant with my first baby and since I was very early I had not told a lot of people but the one person who knew was my mom. It was a special time for us knowing that I was celebrating my first mother’s day with her!

  105. Crystal Seward

    I have three little kids, 7, 4 and 1. My husband helped make my moms day special by bringing dipped strawberries, and so-pretty flowers. But what touched my heart most, was the hand made picture on a piece of copy paper from my 7 year old and the cute little flower from my 4 year old that he made for me at storytime. My boy also asked me, “when is the Mother’s Day party?” I told him its on Sunday. (They gave me their gifts Thur night). He said, “well can I have a strawberry now!” This has been my favorite moms day! We are kind if celebrating all weekend. It’s so fun once the kids are old enough to acknowledge Mother’s Day on their own.

  106. Joy

    By far my favorite Mother’s Day gift was from God. On Mother’s Day 1998 I was blessed with my daughter, Kayla. Today she celebrates her 15th birthday and she has been a blessing to our family every day.

  107. Loretta Lebleu

    I am going to have to call this the best. I’m saying that because every year it seams to get better. I am blessed with a beautiful daughter and a precious grandchild. What more could you ask for

  108. Paige

    My kids usually give me money to buy flowers for the yard, and I love it!

  109. Allison in North Texas

    The best Mother’s Day gift I received were independent phone calls from both my younger brother and sister telling me how much of a Mom I had been to each of them. It brought me to tears as I was well into my forties when these uncoordinated calls came in the same year. I was responsible for my siblings from 7:00 am until 7:00 pm when my parents arrived home from their corporate jobs. Starting when I was aged 6 until I was 20. So now that I don’t have kids of my own (endometrial scarring took care of that!) I know I was able to be a Mom to them for at least 14 years!! God knew that would be enough for me and for that I am thankful!

  110. Paula

    My daughter made me a ceramic jewlery bowl and wrote “You Are The Best Mom” on the inside! 🙂

  111. Leigh

    My favorite Mother’s Day present is the handmade gifts I have from when my daughter was young. Those treasures are truly priceless 🙂

  112. Annemarie Vinci

    My favorites are the ones where the kids come up with sweet, cute cards or handmade gifts made from their heart all by themselves, I love how happy and excited they are to give them to me…

  113. wendy hope payne

    I have received many precious and thoughtful gifts thru the years….but spending the day and spending TIME with our 3 children and families is my favorite..Numero Uno…Happy Mothers Day Lysa 🙂

  114. Heather

    My favorite Mother’s Day gifts are the ones my kids made me in preschool with their handprints. They are precious to me. Much better than anything you could buy.

  115. Diana

    one of my favorite Mother’s day gifts were when my three boys that i raised on my own who were now nearly grown at 17,19 & 21 all came in my room Mother’s day morning and climbed in the bed with me and cuddled up all together to hug and love on me and give me a beautiful card and a diamond heart pendant. out of it all, them snuggled in the bed with me like old times meant more than the diamonds and white gold!!! ♥

  116. Shanon

    When they were little, all the handmade gifts from our children were so special. They were so carefully made and then wrapped. So much love and pride went into them. They were so excited to give them to you, you either got them early, or they left them in their backpacks all weekend and you found them Monday morning.
    When they are teens, you are lucky if they remember Mother’s Day and even luckier if they say it to you. (You are usually the last person they want to talk to.)
    When they move out, they call, wish you a happy Mother’s Day, then ask for money.
    All the gifts, memories, and experiences that your kids give you is priceless. But the best gift-besides them loving the Lord-right now for me would be a day off! SPA DAY! A day filled with pampering head to toe. No worries, thoughts, or stresses. I love my family, but taking time for myself once in a while, on their dime would have to be my favorite at this time.

  117. Alicia

    I feel since my first child was born that every Mothers Day has been special and a blessing. I had a tubal ligation done in 1997 and had a precious baby boy 10 yrs later. I am so thankful my savior knows more than I do or I would never have had this blessing in my life. I think every Mothers day we have with a healthy child is a special and blessed Mothers Day. Happy Mothers Day to all moms!



  119. Brenda

    My favorite Mother’s Day gifts were the ones my son bought at Awana’s (with his Awana bucks he earned for memorizing verses). Passing up the usual candies, He bought me a ring one year, and an Angel pin another year. Treasures i will keep forever!!

  120. Melanie Manley

    Favorite mothers day gift was handmade necklace my son made me for me when he was about 6, there is a very special bond between mother and son. (PS I really need a new Bible!)

  121. Traci

    This year, my 5 year old little boy rubbed lotion on my hands and feet and painted my nails for Mother’s day! I have purple polish and glitter polish all over the ends of my fingers and toes but we had the best time together doing it and he is SO proud of his handwork! The best gifts are priceless memories and this is definitely one!

  122. Jana

    I have to say my favorite gift was an apron with my children’s finger prints! What a way to hold onto a time in their life!!

  123. Laur

    Being a late in life Mom, just seeing the excitement on my Daughters face is such a blessing and precious gift. It will be even more meaningful this year being I just recently lost my own Mother. I believe seeing the little joys of my daughter, brings back the joys my Mom must haven seen in my own eyes.

  124. Mary Margaret Smith

    I have been wanting a new devotional bible and sure would love to win it. You know every Mother’s Day is special just cause you are a mom and God gave you a special gift a child. He blessed me with two amazing boys. One of them Luke is in heaven. I lost him 15 years ago at the age of 18, but my heart knows that every mothers day God gives him a special hug for me. I have a special ministry that is what I call it anyway. Since losing my son I try to reach out to other moms who have lost a child and send them cards to help comfort them. For us, mothers day is hard cause a part of our hearts are missing. But God is good and he doesn’t make mistakes and when we don’t understand we just trust His hand. Thanks for all you do……..

  125. Dawnn M

    I got my favorite Mother’s Day gift last year. The week before Mother’s Day, I ran my first ever 5K & received a medal for finishing it. My husband bought a shadow box & framed the medal with my race bib. It really meant a lot to me

  126. allison

    My favorite mother’s day gift is a day spent outside with my kids and husband planting flowers all together!

  127. Becky Sherman

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift so far is my first Mother’s Day present–a necklace with my daughter’s birthstone for the pendant.

  128. Shannon

    When my son, now 8, was an infant, my husband ran me a bubble bath with candles and low light. He watched the baby while I rested in the bath. That was a very nice and relaxing Mother’s Day gift.

  129. Janet Worthy

    A bit unusual, but my best was a round-trip plane ticket to visit my sister in NC for a week! My daughters were quite young and I was a stay-at-home mom and had been through several rough health issues and hadn’t seen my “big sis” in several years. So it was a very loving gift and an amazing week! I came back a much, much better mom:)

  130. Robin

    My favorite was a trip to the spa so I could go get pampered and relax ALONE. With 4 little kids alone time was rare. 🙂

  131. Michaela

    This is my third mother’s day as a mom to my beautiful 2 1/2 year old, Makenzie and it is my first as a mom to my 5 month old, Elijah! They are my greatest joy!

    My favorite gift so far was a framed painting of my daughter’s hand print with a cute poem. I will treasure it forever and always remember just how tiny she used to be! 🙂

  132. Christina

    I think the NIV Study Bible would be my favorite! I have several bibles but I just love getting new ones and then comparing them. I think it makes bible study so much more rich to see all the different ways scripture can enlighten us!

  133. Kelly Anderson

    My favorite Mother’s day gift was a small bunch of roses made out of red duck tape by youngest son. The same Mother’s day my husband picked a beautiful bunch of wildflowers for me and my oldest son drew a lovely bouquet. They didn’t plan to all give me flowers. It turned out to be my most memorable Mother’s Day because of the simplicity, thoughtfulness, and time they all put into their gifts.

  134. Shannon Smith

    My favorite Mother’s Day present is a steak dinner at home, prepared by my dear husband…eaten after an uninterrupted Sunday afternoon nap and bubble bath (made possible by my sweet, well-behaved kiddos…for that day, at least!). 🙂

  135. Sandy

    My best Mother’s Day gift is yet to come. I ordered a Mother’s ring that should be here within the week. It’s a combo Mother’s Day/birthday gift. I can’t wait to wear it all the time. Every Mother’s Day, I have a picture taken with my boys. It’s soo nice to see them grow from year to year and see the change in them.

  136. Sherri

    My most memorable Mother’s Day present was not actually a physical gift, but time around the table with my 17 yr daughter and husband. There were no, texting or FB going on…just precious face to face conversation and laughter :). It blessed my heart to have uninterrupted time with the ones I love 🙂

  137. Susan

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift came 4 years ago in the form of 2 little boys. My husband and I had been married for almost 18 years and unable to have children of our own when we decided to adopt. After waiting for over a year, our 2 little guys (ages 3 and 5) came to us just 2 weeks before Mother’s Day. What a special day that was! I will never forget the joy I felt, realizing that God had heard my prayers and fulfilled my lifelong dream of being a mom. Thank you, Lord!

  138. Stephanie DesOrmeaux

    We are a military family that moves frequently and has a weight restriction for this moves, meaning for my husband’s rank, our household goods have to weigh less than 9000 pounds. All of it. With 3 kids. Right as we were preparing to move, tossing old stuffed animals out, and wondering if we were going to be over weight, Mother’s Day rolled around. And what I did get from my 3 handsome boys- another stuffed animal!! A large, soft cuddly, stuffed dog straight from my boys’ hearts to their mommy. It was specifically and especially picked out for me.

  139. Retia Smith

    As a mother of a daughter and son I am blessed beyond means…They both have given me grandchildren which I love more than life. Throughout the early years I got the usual handmade items, cards, hugs, and kisses every mother usually gets which was treasured. But I have to say my favorite Mother’s Day was last year…2013…my son who is 40 now suprised me with the greatest gift of love I could ask for;…he gave me an open heart diamond necklace (which is wonderful…beautiful beyond description, it is large) it wasn’t so much the diamond necklace as it was what he said to me….his words brought tears to my eyes. He is divorced with a son….had gone through such a hard life being handicapped, losing job after job, struggling to make it in the working world, never enough money for him to succeed at anything….but he finally got a job where he could make a little money and saved up to buy me this special necklace…He told me..”Mom, this gift is nothing compared to what you have given me. You support me in whatever I do (right or wrong), you cover my child support (when I;m not working) to keep me out of jail, your encourage me to go on, always telling me that I am somebody, it will get better and that God has something special in store for me, and you have never kicked me out of the house, I love you mom so much… Now you have to understand that this is from a 6 ft 5, 280 lb 40 year old man…who is my baby….and the love we share will go on forever….no matter what….

  140. Karen M

    Last year was my first Mother’s Day. My husband and son got me a beautiful thornless rose bush! I can’t wait for it to bloom again this year 🙂

  141. Lisa M.

    My daughter was born a week before Mother’s Day, so she’s probably the best MD gift I ever got!

  142. Kellie

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift is a meal out with my family and then some quiet time to myself. I have to play for church Mother’s Day morning, so I don’t get the traditional “breakfast in bed”, I’m out the door before they are even up!

  143. Deb

    I used to get my Mom & Mom-in-law a hanging basket for Mother’s Day. My Mom passed away 18 years ago & the miles separate me & my Mom-in-law, but always send a card, along with a personal note & often a gift card for a restaurant.

  144. Angela

    I am so thankful for my 3 girls, Phoebe 5, Piper Rose 3, Lola 1….feel so blessed to be there Mother. They are my most blessed gift of all.

  145. debbie-can

    My best time is just spending time with my kids which really dosn’t happen anymore 🙁
    They are grown and have families of their own. Just the other day feeling low and I got a card from my son, this never happens. However my spirits were lifted and just what I needed at this time.

    God Bless and happy mothers day to you all.

  146. Sheila

    My son, when he was 6, (he is now turning 24) picked a tulip and wrote this note. Mom, my love for you is like this flower, it keeps growing. It made me cry just thinking about it. I still have the note. And my wonderful little boy have grown up to an awesome young man, who will be married next month.

  147. Brenda Gentry

    Every year just gets sweeter and sweeter. I have two of the most wonderful children who now have children of their own. And boy, grandchildren are GRAND. It would be hard to pick just one Mother’s Day as the best. They just continue to amaze me every day.

  148. Suzie Hurst

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift was my first baby, born on Mother’s Day.

  149. Doni

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift was a bracelet that said “Mother” and a card. Pretty simple, but I found them while cleaning several months AFTER Mother’s Day! My daughter, Katherine, bought them, hid them & then forgot about them! I LOVED IT because it was SO something I would do & have done!!!

  150. Deborah Patterson

    The best gift I recieved for Mothers Day was about four years ago. I was sitting between two of my daughters at Central Christain Church. You see I hadn’t been in church for a very long time, but was scared to go back by my self. The girls new I wanted to go but I made every excuse and never went. Then on Mothers day they said your spending the day with us. They took me out to breakfast then on to church. When we pulled in I was scared but once inside the doors and listening to Pastor Judd, I felt right at home. The message felt like it was just for me. I now am a member and haven’t missed a service. The best thing about this gifts is it always keeps on giving.

  151. Trisha

    The best Mother’s Day gift is a homemade card and a day of rest/relaxation!! 🙂

  152. bev. james

    My adult son gave me the best mothers day ever he came down and went to church with me .The pastor asked if anyone Would like to say something My son got up and said I love my MOM because of my mom I know god! My study group was talking about mothers day all of them said they didn’t like mothers day because they felt like they were’nt good mothers. I said I love mothers day because the lord laided on Ricks heart to love his mom and god.

  153. Heather

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift is going to be that my whole family will be at my church on Sunday to dedicate our sweet little peanut, Penny, to the Lord! It’s my first Mother’s Day (and my Mom’s first Mother’s Day as a grandma – “Glamma” as we call her) and this moment will be such a sweet gift to our entire family. I’m so excited.

  154. Wendy

    Best Mother’s Day Gift Ever: Garmin Nuvi Navigational System for my car

    My DH is the typical “refuse to stop & ask for directions” guy. After missing an event because we spent the entire time driving the 465 Loop around Indianapolis (with me fuming in a perfect passive-aggressive snit!), I received this Mother’s Day gift. Don’t get me wrong — I adore the handmade gifts & cards from my children, but a useful gift & an apology all in one? The Best! (And I’m still using it regularly 6 years later for all those “Away” sports events!) My husband is awesome!!

  155. Jody Elton

    My favorite Mother’s Day is feeling loved by my husband, children and family! I enjoy feeling appreciated so no gifts required just the simply thank you’s, handmade cards and gifts will do! We are blessed to be called mom and I pray that my family recognizes that blessing daily! Happy Mother’s Day to all!

  156. Elena Haskew

    I have 3 favorite Mother’s Day gifts each given by one of my children. My oldest daughter Amanda made me a collage of all her favorite family pictures of the two of us. My son cleaned off my screen in porch so I could sit out there and read. If you knew how much pollen we have in Chattanooga, TN, ( it “snows” pollen!) you’d realize whatever a huge gift that was and when my youngest daughter was in middle school she made me a bouquet of ribbon roses and put them in a vase and attached a beautiful poem to the vase.i have been blessed with 3 amazing children that have given me gifts I treasure dearly but it my children themselves that really are the greatest gift of all!

  157. Bonnie

    For the past six years, my favorite Mother’s Day gift is my three sons and their families, including (nine grandchildren this year under seven) all getting together sometime during the day. Time is the most valuable item there is and I love that they will spend some of their time with me!

  158. Kacey Bell

    I’d love to win the new devotional! I have been looking for a new one…

  159. Susan Rothbauer

    My favorite gift is that my guys always cook me dinner of some sort – usually on the grill and then ‘help’ clean up afterwards. They also write pretty cute notes in my cards that I keep because they make me smile 🙂

  160. Ann

    I love the personal gifts my children make me on Mothers’ Day and the special way they express their appreciation of me in things like cards, letters, songs,etc..and it always give me unspeakable joy …

  161. Leah

    My kids are young, and I’m a single Mom. The best gift that they could give me would be to behave and get along with each other.

  162. Melissa Anne Chambers

    While I am not technically a Mom, my baby brothers life was filled with three Moms. Most of the time he hated it, and even though I was the sister I was always the Mom with rules and boundaries while our actual Mom got to be the fun one he bragged Mother’s day week and weekend. He always loved Mother’s day and my favorite Mother’s day was the last we had with him. This is our second without him and while it hurts I know Jesus is loving on him even more than even I ever could. I have the Ebook version of the DEVO and I love it, my Mom would benefit from it greatly, she is coming to Jesus slowly and only after we lost my brother.

  163. Rebecca

    When my grandmother passed away, I took an old picture of her and made it the background of a printed poem about mothers and framed it. This year I made a pillow from a photo of my mom and her mother printed onto fabric. I always try to include something from grandma in my gifts to my mom…..she is always remembered. Without her, her I wouldn’t have my mom.

  164. anna

    After touring our local Art museum, my husband and kids planted strawberries for me last year. Best moms day gift I’ve ever received.

  165. Bree

    I’m not a mother, but I’ll be making my mom and grammy cranberry-orange scones (their favorite!) and black tea. We like giving gifts of food in my family.

  166. Lisa

    My favorite was when my husband took the boys down to the beach to go “morning fishing”, and let me sleep in.. When I woke up and walked with my coffee in hand and looked down off the balcony all I saw on the beach were my sweet little men standing beside a sign they drew in the sand..”We love you mommy, happy mothers day to an awesome mommy”..ok I just cried..again!

  167. Sue

    My favorite Mother’s Day was the two years in a row that all of the women/girls in the family went to a tearoom together. I treasure family time, so I really enjoyed going to the tearoom. Since then my granddaughter has gotten married and had a baby, so I am now a great-grandma.

  168. Amanda

    My favorite Mother’s Day gifts are the home-made/crafty things that my kids have made thru the years…such as the paint hand prints with the poem about “my fingerprints everywhere…”

  169. Loretta Lineback

    My favorite Mothers Day gift has always been, my family all getting together with their families and having great food and conversation. Since my Dad passed, it has been even more important to spend that day at my Mothers. It is always more about the presence than the presents but, we all try to get something for my Mother and make is a special day for her. That makes the day that much more special to the rest of us.

  170. Tera @ Adventures in Mommy-hood

    The family of a friend of ours always gives her flowers (bedding plants) for Mother’s day, and then they spend the day planting them together–love that. 🙂

  171. MissyB

    I love getting a gift certificate for a pedicure. With sandal or flip flop weather, who doesn’t want to show off their cute toes and feel pampered too. Sometimes we don’t take the time to do this for ourselves as moms. Another good gift I love is a gift certificate enough for you and a girlfriend at a cafe for lunch ( my husband thinks its a real girly place).

  172. Bonnie

    My son is visiting his grandparents and is not able to be with me for the first time this Mothers Day. Before he left he surprised me with a trip to my favorite mountain lookout. He is 19 so the fact that he took some time to be with his mom was the most precious gift to me!

  173. Lori

    My favorite mother’s day gift is one I have not received yet. I would love a clean house for one day.aaahhh Maybe someday. Happy Mother’s Day Ladies.

  174. Malisa Sickmiller

    Well my all time favorite Mother’s Day gift are the precious words my son’s would always write me.. That always blessed me! It is true what Hod’s Word says in Proverbs ” Your children will rise up and called you blessed.”
    And when my sons made a mug for me when they were little boys, which I still have displayed and cherish. They have grown into awesome young adults now.. Praise the Lord! HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY Lysa!

  175. Ilene

    My very favorite Mother’s Day gift came from my Autistic son in 1999. His father left us saying he couldn’t possibly have a child who wasn’t “normal”. That year my son picked me 2 dandelions on Mother’s Day. I kept them until they died, then laminated them on a 5×3 card and still carry them with me in my wallet. I remained a single mom and now my son has recently moved (a week ago) into an assisted living home. That will always be my favorite gift I hold dear to my heart.

  176. Sheila

    We have two sons who actually don’t live too far away. The younger one is 4 hrs away, but has to work Sunday. The older one is spending time with his wife’s mom and grandmoms Sunday. I told them it would be a very long day to go see all these “moms” in one day and we could see him next weekend. The 18th will be a special day since I am working with “Marines Helping Marines” to take about 30 wounded soldiers out for a day of fishing with individual boat owners. After fishing, there will be a BBQ, raffles and socializing. I feel that for my family to meet these soldiers, listen to their stories and see what they have accomplished in their young lives will have a profound impact on us all. The soldiers who are participating are still rehab patients who have had head injuries, lost limbs, etc…they have seen the worst. I want my children to understand that we have to give back to others because we have been so blessed. I have always enjoyed volunteering for different causes, but this one is going to really be special.

  177. kelley

    I enjoy your posts so very much especially Fridays….Happy Mothers Day!!!

  178. Lisa

    Two years ago was my favorite to date as the first year as a grandmother! They just keep getting better and better!

  179. Kathy W.

    I have to say probably my favorite Mother’s Day gift was from my son who is 38. He lives out of town and we had gone to visit right before Mother’s Day and before we left, he handed me a CD case with a gold ribbon around it and a note….As we drove down the highway, I opened it, and read the card that he had given me and tears started streaming down my face. He had made me a cd of our favorite 70’s songs that we would listen to when we were in our van together….didn’t know he was paying so much attention to the music!!! I loved it because it was very personal and took a lot of thought on his part. Still very special with lots of great memories attached!!!

  180. Nancy

    My favorite gift was given to me by a secret sister at Church. I was really feeling down and didn’t go to Church that day. My husband brought home a beautiful gift from my secret sister. God knew I needed a surprise that day!!!

  181. Robin

    The first time my baby boy ever slept through the night was on mother’s day and he was 3 months old. I had my first rested day in months and went to church praising God!

  182. Elaine Segstro

    I would love to have my family together sharing a meal together or playing games. I don’t mind doing the cooking, but going out to a restaurant would be nice or a gift certificate for a massage would be nice too 🙂

  183. Deb Seese

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift is a plaque from daughter that simply says “love you more”. It seems very simple but from a “poor” college student it’s priceless! She always ends her conversations with ” love you more”!

  184. Mary Beth

    Thank you for those great ideas. I personally LOVE homemade gifts from my kids.

  185. Wedding Handkerchiefs Personalized

    All great ideas. I love the idea of a flower that can be planted so each year your Mom will be reminded of how much you love you. A lovely personalized hankie to go along with it to catch her happy tears that will surely be there.

  186. Jacquie

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift was spending the day with my family after just receiving the news that I was cancer free.

  187. Leah

    I am a single mom of a now 7 yr old incredible son and my family lives in FL so I buy my own Mothers Day gifts ;). This year it was boots for 75% off as it is off season – gotta love a deal! BUT MY FAVORITE gift I ordered myself was a custom stamped charm necklace. It is a silver open circle with my son’s name on one side and “mommy” on the other. Dangling in the middle of the open circle is a solid smaller circle with JESUS stamped in it. Ever since my Pastor preached on ‘not’ putting Jesus first but keeping him at the center and Israel Houghton’s amazing song… Keeping Jesus at the center is something I try my best to live by and I now have a reminder around my neck ;). My son and I’s birthstones and a cross are hanging from it as well! Love the gift….even if I had to buy it myself! 😉

  188. shawnda atkinson

    My favorite mother’s day gift, is my children. I fought for years to become pregnant, and miscarried. Went another year and pregnant again, this time carrying to term a god living, son who will be 12. I divorced in 2005, and met my current husband and was again blessed with gaining his 4 children as my own. There mother is not in the picture. By the Grace of gos they as well as my husband and son have all given our lives to Christ! We were blessed by Gods miraculous works, to become pregnant in 2010. In January 2011, we welcomed Thadeus Joshua into gods world, and he has completed our family. After my miscarriage I was told to not get my hopes up, due to a medical condition called PCOS. GOD showed the Drs a different story. I prayed for a child and was blessed 6 times over, and I cherish every moment! My children are my greatest gift, next to the Forgiveness and Undying love for GOD!! With him all things are possible. God bless you all.

  189. Jody

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift would be flowers to plant outside. I would love to have flowers surrounding my pool lanai to add color in my backyard. I have lived there for almost 4 years, and I am holding out to the hope that good things come for those who wait patiently. 😉

  190. Margaret

    I don’t know about my “favorite” mother’s day gift, but one of the most memorable was a gift my daughter gave me last year. She sings with our praise team at church and she recorded a song on a CD for me – so special – and I can hear her voice whenever I want!

  191. Stephanie W

    My favorites are the homemade cards and crafts from my boys! I have always loved gifts money can’t buy!! I’ve been tempted to peak at the surprise my youngest sealed in an envelope…but I’m gonna hold out one mire day!!

  192. Melissa

    Happy Mother’s Day to all of you Mom’s!
    The last Mother’s Day I had with my late husband was May 2010. He took our 2 sons, then 3yrs old and 4 1/2 years old, to Lowes and they got me 3 window boxes and yellow and red daisies to plant in them. It was 2010. 2 weeks later is when I lost him, on our oldst sons 5th birthday. God bless my boys. Whenever I get down around this time of year, I just think of those bright daisies ♥

  193. Jude

    Hi Lisa,
    I wanted to share my favorite Mothers Day gift (actually a Mothers Day tradition now). When our 3 sons were young (2,4,6) my husband made them the “super secret guys club” ! They started a tradition of taking a very special, always different, always with a theme mothers day photo for me. The first years photo was titled…Anne Geddes eat your heart out. My husband made giant flower cut-outs out of poster boards for each boy to wear around their face. They took the picture in a field of wild flowers. By the following mothers day their sister had arrived and the tradition continued. Each year is more amazing than the last. As the kids have gotten older ( now 15, 18, 20 and 22) they have taken over responsibility for the picture without Dad’s help. They are each treasures, just like each of my kids! I wish I could send pictures of each one so you could see how special they are!

  194. Jen

    My boys are young (6 and 4) and last year my (then 5 year old) son gave me a paper heart that he had colored on paper and cut out. He wrote “I Luv You, Mommy” on it. He wrapped it in another piece of paper and the idea was his own. I framed it and still have it sitting next to my bed.

  195. Becky

    One year for mother’s day when we really didn’t have much money, I came home and found a couple of bags of groceries and a pot of miniature roses sitting by my garage door. I was really touched. I’m not 100% sure who left all of this but was very blessed.

  196. Patty

    Spending the day with my 2 daughters…that’s my gift I treasure as a Mom.

  197. Carrie Francis

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift was a photo album my husband and two sons made for me. They each picked 7 of their favorite photos of me with them and put them in an album. I will always treasure it!

  198. alison

    we arent a very gifty family but last year we all spent the day in Stillwater, MN at a special children’s park, walking near the water, eating at an outside cafe… it was lovely and I have asked for a repeat this year. It was a great mother’s day.

  199. Rachel

    Read the chapter in Am I Messing Up My Kids about your dealings with Hampstead. It made me laugh so much. Mine includes fish, frogs, lizards and snakes though. So today my husband took my daughter mothers day shopping. She convinced him I wanted a real live pink frog. Glad I have read some of this book and was prepared to handle this trial with grace and dignity rather than yelling. Seriously another living responsibility for mothers day, ugh!

  200. Vicky D

    My favorite gift would be spending time with my kids and their families. I especially appreciate this since one of my kids lives out of state.

  201. Colleen G.

    Opening my eyes to our child on my first Mother’s Day. After 7 years of infertility, just looking into the eyes of life was, and will always be my best Mother’s Day gift.
    -Colleen G.

  202. Christy

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift is the little notes drawn in crayon and stick figures. Though I’ve had my eye on that Bible for a while — maybe I should drop better hints?

  203. Brittany

    My favorite mother’s day gift that I gave my mom was when I was living overseas and I was able to surprise her by coming home that year for mother’s day. It was literally only a couple days before I had to go back to work, but it was worth it, especially seeing the surprised look on her face when she came out of a meeting and there I was with a bunch of my family. This year, money’s a little tight so I’m giving her two mix CDs of her favorite Christian worship music. Can’t wait!

  204. Latrelle

    My favorite thing from my adult children is their time–just to talk & listen. That’s the best!

  205. Angie Miller

    This is only my 4th Mothers Day as a mom, but this is my 1st year as a mom to TWO boys! That’s probably the best gift of all.

  206. Kim

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift has always been the one that is heart-felt and hand-made. Since we don’t usually “have the money” for things we don’t really need, I appreciate when my husband…I mean the kids keep it simple.

  207. Lori

    Since my husband is not the best gift giver I appreciate the gift of our family being together especially at church.

  208. Karla

    oooh, I’d love to win! This sounds like a great Bible.

  209. Susan Vaughn

    I would LOVE to give this gift of God’s Word and your devotionals to my mother, Mary! She would love this!! Hope I’m not too late in responding!!

  210. andi

    My favorite mother’s day gift – EVERY SINGLE YEAR – are the moments with my own mother and my mother-in-love when I get to shower these precious women with love and thanks for setting great examples, being godly women, and helping me to raise godly women in my home. I pray my example will point them to The Lord Jesus Christ as their guide!

  211. Michelle

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift was time. My husband and boys (13 and 15) spent time with me. No one had chores or errands. We just did what I wanted and they tagged along!

  212. denise

    Fave gift: my mom gave me the necklace she gave her mother (my grandmother) for helping her plan my wedding. My grandmother has passed away since my wedding so this gift was an extra special mother-daughter bond I didn’t really get to see my mom have with her mother.

  213. Jody Rivera

    My favorite Mother’s Day present is that my son and daughter were baptized at church this Sunday. I was so happy to see them accept God into their lives and will love to continue to watch them grow in their love and faith of him.

  214. Tara Lightsey

    This year, the most precious gift that I could receive and share with my kids and family is the gift of recovery. I have been a closet alcoholic for many years, and this past December, God finally opened my eyes to the life and blessings that I have been missing, and robbing my family of. I have drawn much nearer to God and family over these last 6 months. This Mother’s Day was different. I was able to enjoy the blessings and innocence of my children without struggling. I am so grateful for the keurig, the plants with little fingerprints (precious!), and the sweet handmade cards! But I am most thankful that God never gives up, He is the Great Healer, and His love never fails!!

  215. Christina Kirby

    I am a missionary in Mexico so I get two mother’s days! May 10th here is the day we celebrate. My step son has duchenne muscular dystrophy and goes to a special needs school we have here at the orphanage and this year they bought flowers for each child to give to their mom! The mother’s work in the strawberry fields mostly and the children stay are bused in and out so I am sure the flowers were great for all moms. However the best gift was the smile of my very proud son with his flowers!

  216. Tracy

    I am hoping to become pregnant soon and that would be the most amazing Mother’s Day gift!

  217. Rachel Anna

    My favorite Mother’s Day gift was the beautiful card that my 20-month-old daughter colored completely purple just for me!

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  219. Demika W.

    My best gift ever on Mother’s Day was to wake up seeing the smiles on my two childrens faces, them knowing that we are in a hard time trying to make it day to day but yet still finding the grace of God in their hearts and understanding that it will be ok. Hearing “Mom it will be ok, we still have each other” is enough to fill my heart for an eternity, and that is truly a blessing.

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