Stop carrying the weight of holding everything and everybody together and surrender what you’re most worried about into God’s fully capable hands with my free resource, “Am I Trying To Control the Uncontrollable?


An Interview With Jud Wilhite

February 6, 2013

Wow. So, Monday’s blog struck a little chord. So, as a special little surprise I talked Pastor Jud Wilhite into doing a video interview with me.

You’re going to love his heart. And his retro stylish glasses. And the fact he straight up says he’s offering a 21-day challenge, when it’s in fact a 14-day challenge.

Praise Jesus there are other authors who make mistakes. Because heavens, I sure have my fair share of mishaps. Like letting the run-through of last week’s webcast go live for all the world to see.

I’m nothing if not silly. Praise Jesus I didn’t burp or something horrid like that.

Anyhow, back to today’s video. I’m super excited. As you will soon see. The bug eyed look I constantly throw to the camera is a dead giveaway. Who knew my eyes were so large?

And don’t forget to leave a comment below. I have FIVE MORE copies of Pursued to give away today. Fun!

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  1. Holly Barrett

    Loved the interview and would love to win a copy of Jud’s book. I also have read “Redeeming Love” multiple times!!

  2. Kimberly

    I went and looked at the book over at Amazon, and one of the reviews caught my eye. It said that this book is for you if you have spent your life feeling like you are running from God or for God. I have definitely done both in my life, and know I can still be found doing it even after almost 15 years. I am especially bad about finding myself feeling like I have to run FOR Him…instead of receiving His love as a gift. That whole doing instead of being thing.

    I love and have read multiple times Redeeming Love. So I am thinking this will indeed be a book for me. 🙂

    • Kimberly

      Oh, and I just want to whisper real quick how thankful I am to hear he wanted to write this book for 7 years. Just speaks sweetly to a gal’s heart about God’s timing and removes some pressure of “you must get that book you want to write done right now.” Trusting His timing, learning to move in faith. 🙂

  3. meredith

    I just started the Pursued Challenge and I love it already! I am keeping a running word .doc of the daily devotions so I can reflect back even after the challenge is over!

  4. Mona

    I am loving the challenge messages from the Pursued challenge.

  5. Sherrie

    I am just starting Redeeming Love after hearing so many great things about it. This looks like a great book!

  6. kristen

    This book sounds AMAZING! I cannot wait to read it! I have added it to my wishlist. Thank you for sharing Lysa!

  7. Rhonda

    So true! Thank you Lysa!

  8. Connie C.

    Added it to my wishlist!

  9. Michelle

    I look so forward to reading each days message on Pursued. I am coming to an end of a 40 day fast where God has taught me so much about myself. I can’t think of a better way to end this fast than with the powerful message that I am pursued by our amazing God not for what I can do or not do but simply because I am his.

  10. Rochelle Davis

    I was so intrigued whenever I first read about this book on your blog post. It was as if God was speaking directly to my heart because He had been dealing with me about THAT VERY ISSUE after I dissolved a two-year long relationship. I was so distraught, felt so unloved, so unappreciated, so hopeless that I was the only one out there that true love just refused to bless: and then the answer was right there in front of me… like car keys I’d been searching for over an hour for that had been on the coffee table the whole time: I was pursuing the wrong relationship!!! I had to set myself right with God and hone my spiritual relationship with Him before I could ever begin to be ready to be with anyone personally. I am SO excited to get this book. I just love it when God places the tools for your needs so readily at your disposal!!!

  11. Shari Grayczyk

    I thoroughly enjoyed this interview; As a single woman of God who is not in a relationship, Lysa’s valentines day comments resonated with me. In fact, they made me cry (literally) with relatability. The bottom line is: I need this book. I need to read this book. I need to find this book. So I can do just that.

    I want to win a copy of this book because I need to be reminded that God is obsessed with me and is pursuing me. I recently broke up with my boyfriend, and am still reeling with the disappointment. At 50 years old, I realize it is all in God’s plan for my life, but I so loved this man, as did my children. He, too, is a strong Christian, but God had different plans for our lives. sigh. Still need to read this book and be reminded of God’s constant pursual of me.

    Thank you.

  12. Becky J

    This is the second time I have heard from two different sources-and months apart, about the book Redeeming Love…I think I need to read BOTH…thanks for the great giveaway and video!

    • Becky J

      oops, Lysa, forgot to tell why I need to read Pursued…I struggle with believing I am worthy to be loved..I have struggled with this since I was a little..I am not sure why as I grew up in a loving home- a Pastor’s daughter….I struggle with trying to find my validation in my husband’s love {sorry for the unrealistic pressure Hunny!} ….I love the story of’s such a tender picture of God’s passion for us..I need so much more of HIM!!

  13. Cassie

    I have read Francine Rivers book, Redeeming Love (twice) and I would love to read Pursued!! I have a rough past with men, many broken hearts. I thought I finally met “the one”…he pursued me and made me feel special until I married him. He then made me feel invisible, cheap, trapped, useless, stupid, all the while he was devoting his time to other women. I’m now divorced with a gorgeous little boy. I’m still struggling with emotions and issues from the divorce. I feel like I am just another statistic now. I know God has something better in store for me, I just have to be reminded every once in a while!
    Thank you,

  14. Lori

    I would love to get a copy of this book. I commented on Monday that I’m currently in the “Single Awareness” category but previously in the “hope I have something to look forward to” category, but I don’t want to be in either anymore. Both have left me empty and I know God wants better for me, for all of us. I’m looking foward to reading this book and sharing it with others. Thank you for sharing this with us Lysa!

  15. Susan

    Sounds like something I need to read.

  16. Tammy

    Would love a copy! Sounds amazing! : )

  17. Connie Fleming

    Can’t wait to read this. I just finished Let.It.Go by Karen Ehman and I’m thirsty for more soul food. Thanks for the tip, Lysa! 🙂

  18. Rachel

    The idea that God pursues me because He loves me enough to not only want me, but to correct me and tell me I belong to Him, is overwhelming. It makes me want to know more to grow more. I want to pursue and be pursued.

  19. Sandy

    Just this morning, I prayed to God to forgive me for letting our relationship go astray. How timely to be reminded with the video clip. I need to be challenged! I need to read the book 🙂

  20. Kathy Dixon

    I loved the preview of Pursued and can’t wait to read it!

  21. Brenda

    I would love to read this book. I so need to feel Pursued. I want a much deeper understanding of my God and know his will for my life in Him.

  22. Renee' Kinder

    This book sounds like a “must read”! Our home fellowship group is looking for a new study and I think it would be an amazing study for the group. What a wonderful thought that the Lord wants to woo us!!! Getting our needs met through Christ instead of a significant other is something that I’ve had to think about over and over and over. It’s wonderful when our spouse or significant other woos us but even better when Christ wants to woo us FOREVER!!! What a freeing feeling!!!

  23. Sarah Kowalchuk

    I am so excited to be doing the 14 day Pursued challenge. I started it Monday and find myself falling in love even more with God as I come to continue to learn and feel how much He truly loves me. It’s very overwhelming at times to know how great that love is! 🙂

  24. Doreen

    Loved reading Redeeming Love, can’t wait to read Pursued!!

  25. April

    I think I really need to read this book. I love Redeeming Love-I’ll go read it again and hope I win a copy of Pursued!

  26. Amanda McClain

    I am so glad he listened to God and the desire he placed in his heart to write about this story in a Non Fiction setting and how God Pursues us. As a woman who constantly struggles with wanting to be pursued and having unrealistic expectations this is one more case of God reaffirming all we really need is HIM! I hope his book sells well and He is blessed by his commitment to following God’s lead.
    Thanks for sharing with us Lysa!

  27. michelle h

    can’t wait to read the book!

  28. Shana-kay Shirley

    This book sounds amazing! I would definitely love to have a read. As women, we seek romance and love in wrong places when all we need is to seek God. I would love to read this book so that my perspective about love and how God pursues us can be renewed and refined.

  29. Susan

    God’s perfect timing! Was praying for a new bible study book and I believe this is exactly what we need.

  30. Jodi

    I would love to have this book. I known God pursues me but it is hard to accept. Why would he want to pursue someone like me that is broken. Thanks for sharing. Living overseas I miss out on all the new books.

  31. Sharon Beitler

    I have not read Redeeming Love, but now I want to. I would love to send both of these to my beautiful, single (divorced) daughter. She has had her heart broken and needs direction. These both sound like books she might benefit from. Thanks for sharing this interview.

  32. Kiji McDaniel

    Lysa, Thank you so much for bringing this book to my attention 🙂 I’ve read Unglued & am reading A Confident Heart by Renee Swoope. This is MOST DEFINITELY next in line. I signed up for the 14 day Pursued Challenge. What a privilege to have these resources to help us measure up and live life to the fullest with and through God’s amazing grace!!!!

  33. Melody

    I loved redeeming love! One of my all time favorite books. I am thrilled about this new book! Thanks, Lysa for sharing about it.i appreciate you!

  34. Lori

    Very intrigued by your comment that this book is the non-fiction version of Francine Rivers’ book Redeeming Love!

  35. Christy

    I am adding this book to my wishlist!!!! Jud spoke @ my church this past Sunday. He really made me think about my life & exactly where I need God to be in my life. Thank you for sharing the interview!!

  36. Missy

    I to often forget how much God loves me and spend too much time working to earn his love instead of just receiving his love.

  37. lisa halloran

    I’m so amazed a man picked up on this profound fact, that God is the only one who can fulfill our need to be adored and pursued!(Am I being sexist?!) Last year, God was teaching me about compassion, don’t think I got the lesson very well. This year, he is teaching me about compassion by teaching me about his unfailing pursuit and love of me, and when I feel and know this fact, compassion for others come so much more naturally! Not only do I need to know this in my bones, but I have 2 teenage daughters I would love to pass this on to before they are adults! Can you imagine understanding this before we even turn 20 in our life nd how that could change the future for us? Sorry for being so long winded today,and Lys, don’t be so hard on yourself for your expressive eyes! God bless,

  38. Sandy H

    My heart needs a bit of reminding….that’s why I would appreciate winning a copy. Bless you Lysa. Looking forward to your visit to MN….I’ll be there. <3

  39. Brenda

    I would love to learn more about how God pursues me and learn how to rely on Him to fill some holes in my life.

  40. Esther B.

    The encouragement from this book sounds amazing!

  41. Robin Redmond

    It sounds like I NEED this book. I would love to have it and do it as a study with one of my best girlfriends & my husband too!

  42. Ginger

    I signed up yesterday for the 14/21 day challenge. I had finished the Made to Crave book and challenge and find these little email reminders of God’s love crucial to my progress not only on my relationship with God but in the puting to death of my sinful food relationships. I pray there will always be a “challenge” offered through your website or one of your friends : )

  43. Sherry

    I’m really interested in reading Pursued. Although I’ve grown up knowing God’s Word, believing that God loves me as much as others who do more has been a struggle. I am looking forward to the challenge also!

  44. Darla Griffith

    Thanks so much for sharing – I want to be pursued!!! I am going to dive into the book of Hosea until I can afford to purchase the book. thanks for the info.
    God Bless

  45. Tasha

    I am SO buying this book TODAY! This is exactly what God has been speaking to me throughout the last couple of weeks….I even made a comment to someone, “I’ve never studied the book of Hosea, I only know what Francine Rivers taught me in Redeeming Love!” So excited!!!!

  46. Karen

    I think this subject is God speaking to me and loving me today. I have been in a challenging place for the past years.

  47. Debbie

    I can’t wait to get this book and read it to share with the women around me.

  48. Teresa Waters

    Thank you! I enjoy reading books that instill God’s love for me and also help me encourage others in their journey!

  49. Jamie

    I am striving to learn that God loves me who I am when I’m messy, not just when I’m looking good on the outside. Sounds like this is just the thing for me.

  50. Susan

    This is exactly an area of my life where God is dealing with me lately. He has revealed a lie that I’ve been living under since I was a child and now is showing me how to live in that truth. I would love to read this book whether because I win it or because down the road I purchase it…but it is definitely on my book list now.
    Blessings and thank-you,

  51. Jessica

    Love Redeeming also!
    And would love a chance to dig into Pursued next! 🙂

  52. Rochelle Cascella

    I can’t believe this book is being brought to me at this point in my life!! For the last week, i have been struggling so much with the desire to be pursued. I am a 23 year old woman who has been so in love with the man/boyfriend God has so blessed me with for the past two years. This man has always pursued me, but it hasn’t been until recently i was shaken to the point of desiring a deeper pursuit. I always knew God could satisfy this desire in me, but never desired it so much until now. My heart is aching to understand the vastness of God’s love for me. I am completely blown away by His grace for me and have been daily choosing to believe and trust His love for me. For the first time in my life, i fell in love with the heart of God, and have been asking for more of Him. I want to better understand my identity as a daughter of Christ the way God sees me. His obsession with me has been hard for me to comprehend but i’m done believing the enemies lies that i am not worth it. I want a deeper understanding of His life altering love that I know will continue to grow in me the confident heart I’ve been fighting for. Thank you so much for what you do, your blogs, posts, videos, books…etc…reach me in so many ways. I pray favor over your life and those connected to you. You truly are furthering His kingdom in more ways than you could imagine. So, thank you.

  53. Aisha Williams

    This sounds like a great book! I too tend to underestimate God’s Grace in my life as well. The whole idea of God pursuing me is encouraging and gives me a sense of relief- knowing that he really wants me! I am a single mom, but more importantly I am at a place in my walk with Christ that where my thirst for him is intensified. I think this book is just what I need – knowing God is pursuing me gives me hope.

  54. Rhonda

    Lysa, I have been following you ever since I saw you on one of Karen Kingsbury’s cruises. What a wonderful way to cruise……I was then and still am going through a painful season in my marriage. I still don’t know how it will play out but lately I have had doubts about how anyone would want to pursue me. This book sounds like a wonderful way to understand that only God’s pursuit of us is really the only one that matters. I too, have read Redeeming Love, so many times. I am a hopeless romantic and love stories with “and they all lived happily ever after”. Although their journey, like mine, was long and arduous God’s redeeming love is what gives me hope in my own life.

  55. Teresa Tabb

    I loved UNGLUED. Your honestly makes it real and not condemning to know that it is ok to have these feelings. Your advice for new strategies in dealing with them is very useful. I read Redeeming Love this summer for the first time. It was a wonderfully beautiful story of redemption.

  56. Lori

    Thanks Lysa, great interview. Joining the Challenge today.

  57. Janell

    Loved Redeeming Love by Rivers. Being persued by God is something I need in my life. I need to remember he will never leave me and always wants me close. I believe reading this book will help me to grasp that message. Thanks for sharing.

  58. Joyce

    Sounds like something I need to read. Thanks.

  59. Tj Mc

    Thanks for the insight to this new book. I have 5 daughters. 4 are adopted and one a step daughter that I raised. They range from 38-9. One is currently a prodigal and is searching for the love that the world cannot give…the younger three girls need to know and understand the love that God has for them. They did not get that early in their lives. They need to know it now, instead of the lies the enemy tries to tell them. They love to read, I think this would be a good topic for us to discuss in school and life…Thanks for the opportunity.
    Blessings, tjmc

  60. Cathy

    I have started the challenge and it is amazing! I would love to have the book. I have never thought about God pursuing me, always thought I was supposed to pursue God. Can’t wait to read it.

  61. Beka T

    I read “Redeeming Love” when I was 19 years old. Barely out of 19 year stint in a IFB cult church, I had absolutely no idea about who God really was or what His Redeeming Love meant to me as His daughter. Wow, what a punch that book threw me. I could barely read a chapter without breaking down in tears. I still remember feeling so inadequate and in longing for someone to love me like the book described. Now, at 29 years old, newly married to the most wonderful man, I still grapple with the idea that someone could love me as much as My heavenly Father and my husband do. My heart’s desire is to read this new book and be able to not only reaffirm myself in God’s Love, but also share it with those that have been where I have been and have chosen to be brave and step out on their own.

  62. Angela W

    Can’t wait to read it!

  63. Misty Davenport

    Jud truly is an amazing guy! About 17 years ago I was in Jud and his now wife, Lori’s college aged church group in Amarillo, TX and Jud is also who baptisted me during that time 🙂 It would be wonderful to win this book and read his wise words.

    I also have Redeeming Love on my bookshelf waiting to be read. I’m thinking next month will be a great time on my way to the Set Apart conference to see Ann Voskamp.

  64. Krysta

    I am consistently blown away by how much God loves us, in spite of our times that I don’t think even our mothers love us! He is truly always there for us, and always wants the best for us – even when we make the wrong choices, He helps us to be able to come back to him. What an incredible God we serve!

  65. Yvonne

    This book seems really what I need. Our church has been struggling with pastors coming and going and very little volunteer base. I have taken up the role to work with visiting pastors and interium pastors to keep our place of worship a vibrant and God honouring place. In doing so I have been blessed but also drained. I know God is working with me and through me but I feel so alone and stressed by this awesome calling. I would love to experience God pursuing me and bring that energy to my family and church.

  66. Aimee

    Thanks so much for sharing this today Lysa. Perfect timing!!! I am in the midst of beginning an amazing journey as God has been strongly pursuing me over the past few months. As a married woman of 16 years with two beautiful children I have received a calling to step out in faith and go back to college to get my B.A. in Christian Ministries ~ I am completely in awe of God’s work ‘in me’ and ‘on me’ and as I seek and follow him I look forward to reading this book, Pursued – can’t wait!! And YES, I do have women I plan to share this with as we share life and God’s love together.

  67. Kimberly Anderson

    I would love this book for 2 reasons:
    1) I am always seeking to learn more about God’s incredilbe love for me and how He truly does pursue me……it is mind boggling to me!
    2) I mentor some younger women who struggle so much with this, and this will give me another tool from which to share and teach.

  68. Gillian

    I can’t wait to get a copy of Pursued!! As a single-again gal in my mid-thirties, I know that God wants me to be pursued by Him before I involve myself in another relationship. I am excited to see what God has planned for me by reading this! Thanks so much for bringing it to our attention. Be Blessed!!

  69. Julie

    I hope this works! 🙂

  70. Lynda

    I’m not content to know the word Pursued. I want to experience the word Pursued, so that it changes me and so that I can bring that experience to the people around me. Thanks for sharing. I want to read that book!

  71. Kristal Leach

    Can’t wait to read and get into this book!!! Loved Redeeming Love and can’t wait to have a new favorite to add to my list.

  72. Brittany Neal

    Thank you! For posting about this new book…I have seen it posted on twitter from various speakers/authors and I’m pumped to read it! I was completely transformed by Redeeming Love and was so excited when you made the correlation between that and Pastor Jud’s new book!

  73. Elisabeth

    I would love a copy of this book to give to my valentine. He is struggling in his walk with his loving creator in a season where our family has gone through huge changes. We recently adopted a sibling set from Ethiopia, a huge step out if his comfort zone. I have been praying over him. I am currently reading your devotional, Made to Crave. Day 14 stuck out to me yesterday and I read and prayed over John 4:1-42. I love that Jesus offers the woman the gift of life giving water, nourishment. As he pours into her life, he himself is nourished by serving his Father. Such a perfect picture and example for our life. I have also signed up for Jud’s Pursued devotional and am loving it. Jud’s writing style is honest, and transparent, no fluff. I think my hubby would appreciate his writing style.
    Thank you for your daily encouragement – you have made a positive impact in my life, all for the Glory of God. May you be blessed and encouraged as you continue to walk in faith with Christ.

  74. Lacey C.

    this seems like a great book! thank you

  75. Tracey

    I have a friend who could really use a new lease on life. Plagued by mental illness, unable to work, hooked on perscription meds and confused as to what love is and does ANYONE truly love HER, this book sounds like the read she needs!

  76. Gayle Haddock

    For the record, I loved watching the run-through that went live, even if it wasn’t supposed to! It’s great to see that you ladies are every bit as real “off camera” as you are on camera. As an aspiring speaker, I liked seeing how you prepared, and then how it all came together during the live webcast. So don’t think of it as a mistake – think of it as extra training for all of the She Speaks sisters out there!

  77. Suzanne

    Yes, I can totally agree, being pursued is a desire that I have in my heart, I know only Jesus can fill

  78. Kristen

    pastor is always right on the money. would love the opportunity to read the book. you always seem to discuss what I need at just the right times. Thank you and God bless.

  79. Tonya

    This sounds like a book I need to read! It sounds like a book everyone needs to read. I would love to win this book to donate into our church library. I go to a small church. We have started a little library in one of the offices for everyone to use. This would be such a great addition!

  80. Sherry

    God is still trying to teach me I am loved unconditionally. Valentines Day does seem like single awareness day! I just told Him this week, I want to be pursued Lord, that is what I want. And look what He does! You, Lysa send this out, right to my inbox! Who am I that He is mindful of me?? I haven’t read Redeeming Love in years but loved the book! Have to dig it out of the bookshelf an re-read! Can’t wait to read Pursued! I will sing to the Lord for He has been good to me! Psalm 14:6

  81. jamie C

    I have really been struggling for the last several months in my relationship with God…even though I know he is constantly pursuing me…..this book sound like just what I need…anxious to dig into it.

  82. Carissa

    I signed up two days ago for the Pursued challenged. WOW, has God already used it to stir and awaken my heart. As a young girl who has never really been “pursued” by others, I feel like I’m learning about a brand new truth of God I have never grasped or understood. How much this is already changing my heart and mind, knowing (as Jud said in today’s email challenge) that God isn’t tolerating me; he’s pursing me. Such sweet words to some deep forgotten wounds. Would love to dig into his book and go more in depth!

  83. Kris

    Loved your book “unglued” and would love to read this one as well!!!
    *fingers crossed* 🙂

  84. Lisa Smith

    Can’t wait to read it!!!

  85. Becky Vande Lune

    I LOVE the book Redeeming Love. It is on my re-read list every year or so.
    My husband just did a paper on Hosea for an online class he is taking to “pursue” his master degree in Philosophy and Religion. I think this book will be the perfect Valentine Gift—THANK YOU!

  86. Margie F.

    Lysa and Jud,

    I have been looking for a place to “start fresh” in my relationship with God, and your enthusiasm for these books and the challenge touched my heart. I plan to sign up today! Thank you for all you do for us.

  87. Julie

    I am struggling with life itself. Being by myself after 35 years of marriage losing my husband to separation. Not knowing where I am going in life from here. God is pursuing
    me and I him. He has wanting me to be closer to him for along time. Trying to get there.
    Sounds like would be a good read at this time in my life.

  88. Melissa B

    Although I know God loves me, Satan often reminds me of the faults that make me unlovable or “not good enough.”
    Persued sounds like THE book to help combat Satan’s nasty lies, and I can’t wait to read it and be encouraged!

  89. Silvia Arvelo

    Lysa, I loved Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers and I also struggled with that book in truly receive and comprending the unconditional love that God has for us. I have always had a sense that I had to “earn” affection from others and the thought that God loves me….that I don’t do anything to earn it, that I actually can not earn it in my human abilities is a struggle for me. Need to get my hands on this book!

  90. Julie

    This book sounds like a great reminder of God’s inspiring ‘pursuit’ of each of us, I’m excited to take on the 14/21 day challenge 🙂

  91. Christina

    Thank you. I am at a point in my life where I am not being pursued by my husband of 10 years and we are struggling and I am spending as much time as I can with God to help me with the feelings I am having about these issues. This sounds like a great book for me to read. Thank you.

  92. Karen Long-Moore

    I am looking forward to reading this book! God’s love is the answer to everything we need. Learning to accept and return God’s love is the key to the joy he promises us.
    Thanks for the interview!

  93. Cyndi

    I have signed up for the 14 day challenge and am so blessed by it so far. I have just finished reading the book, Redeemimg Love by Francine Rivers, and I absolutely loved it. Can’t wait to read Pursued!

  94. Robbye

    So need this book! Am going now to sign up for the ummmm 21 day challenge;)

  95. MV

    I have a friend that struggles with life especially around Valentines Day. She feels like she has never been pursued. Today is the first time I was aware of this book by Rev Judd. Sounds like it will really be wonderful for people struggling with this issue.

  96. Sandy

    Great interview! Would love to have the book!

  97. Tracey Sodt

    I always yearn to FEEL pursued by God… I will definately be reading this book…asap! My Bible Study girlfriends and I are starting Unglued as a study next week….Cannot wait! Thank you so much! God is Good!

  98. Jennifer

    I am so intrigued! I haven’t read either book… fiction or non-fiction book. I think it’s something that I could really use in my life! Thank you for your ministry to women.

  99. vicki anfenson

    Having a hard time “being still” I have the longing desire to be in the word daily and spend my time with the Lord, but some how just always struggle…. so anything that will help me get there will be a blessing..and to set my heart of fire 🙂

  100. Teresa Timmins

    This book sounds like it is a great book. I was wondering though is it a good book to give an unsaved friend? If so, that is what I would do with it. I know what friend I would give it to.

  101. deb b

    This book sounds so good. I loved Redeeming Love (by Francine Rivers). The fiction and non-fiction look at this book in the Bible. Cool. I am excited to read this book! I also, am liking Unglued as I am reading it. Thank you.

  102. Robin

    Lately I have been feeling pretty insignificant in the universe; questioning if who I am and what I do really matters to anyone. I’m thinking I need to gain some understanding of God’s love for me and how He pursues me. Because right now, I’m honestly not feeling it. Would love to read the book and experience a ‘change of heart’.

  103. Cristy

    This sounds like an interesting book. Valentine’s day is a “holiday” that I’ve always struggled with. I don’t believe we need a day for our significant other to shower us with gifts when they should be showing us everyday how much they love us. Last year my husband and I decided not to get each other anything and I believe we are continuing that tradition this year. I would love to read this book and the Francine Rivers book! I’ll have to check them out! Thanks for the video today!

  104. Leisha

    I read Francine River’s Redeeming Love several years ago and cried and cried and cried some more….can’t wait to read this too….tissue at the ready!!

  105. Rebecca

    Wow! I am so excited to learn about this book. To be perfectly honest, I can’t read or ‘pursue’ another book or do another Bible Study about becoming a better wife, praying more for my husband, or one that focuses on my shortcomings. They are exhausting. I love that this book focuses on my relationship with God, and being pursued by God. What a refreshing and uplifting idea!

  106. Nikki

    That sounds like such an amazing book!! I loved reading redeeming love! I haven’t been “pursued” by a man in life, but he really said what is important, that it is God who is the only one who can fill that need! New and amazing thought that I am being pursued by God when I don’t feel pursuable!

  107. Andrea

    Hi Lysa! I think we could all use some help in understanding and realizing the love that God has for us. My sister-in-law could really use this information now also because of things going on in her life. Thanks for all that you do in ministry. You are one of my biggest inspirations because you are so real. Thank you Lord for Lysa!

  108. Judy Stokely

    I LOVED Francine Rivers’ book – Redeemed…absolutely loved it…I would love to win a copy of this book!

  109. Suzi

    At 66, having had 5 children, blessed w 14 grand grand grand children, and most importantly saved at age 54 through the Lord using my youngest daughter and her husband to share the gospel w me as my life was falling apart back then, 12 years ago. I have struggled with extremely loneliness and feelings of being unlovable in spite of the fact I know that God loves me, especially because being single with all the couples and families surrounding you in the church, it almost seems as if you are being punished somehow. I can’t wait until I can get the book ‘Pursued’. I am already signed up for his Pursued Challenge. I may have the head knowledge of his love but how to live in it, to walk in it…. much needed bible study, for sure.

  110. Morgan Ross

    Redeeming Love was the first Christian Fiction book I had read, which couldnt have been a better message to read at that time- or anytime! Unglued happened to be the first nonfiction Christian book I read… 🙂 Ever since I can’t stop buying all kinda of Christian books! I also always want to share these books with my girlfriends an give them to my friends. I can’t help but share! I will be buying Jud’s book but would love to receive one to share so I can still have a copy when I am done! 😉

  111. Christy

    Sounds like a great book, can’t wait to read it.

  112. Lori

    Thank you for all you do to minister to women! This book could be a prayer answered. I wholeheartedly believe we’re at war with a sick “ME ME ME” society, that starves our marriages however strong or weak they are. So I’m about to launch a married couples ministry at my church to help strengthen them with an armor of God’s word. I have had SO many moments of jubilation and contagious excitement as I prepare. BUT, I’ve also had sheer terror as my imperfect marriage hands me a mirror and my insecurities chase after me. I married a man’s man, and I’m a hopeless romantic. Even though I’ve helped launch this ministry at my last church, it feels like more is at stake here.
    My desires are in my blue print – and they are real. I have always believed God put that in us on purpose. I feel SO confident a book like this could feed me in a very powerful way as I answer His call to help God’s children take back our marriages.
    Martin Luther called the daily assaults of Satan “Anfechtung.” No clue how you pronounce that, but I’m in it. I think Pursued could help me give the prince of darkness the Heisman. So pick me as one of your 5 – ok? Bless you, Lysa! You done good again! More than you’ll ever know this side of heaven!

  113. Diane

    My sister inlaw had given me Redeeming Love and I could not put the book down!! I am so excited to see this book coming out. It was amazing to me in Redeeming Love that Hosea had such unconditional love and forgiveness for her. I pray that God would lead a Hosea into my life. I think it is wonderful that this book is showing us that God is all we need and that he is really persuing us and all we need to do is accept his unconditional love. I signed up for the pastors challange and received my first email today and look forward to the next one tomorrow!! Thank you so much for what you bring to us! I am very greatful for all you share. I would love to be considered for one of the 5 books that you have. Financially things are very tight for me and I know that I would not be able to get a copy for a while. Thank you again for all you share!!! Have a blessed day.

  114. barb

    Lysa –
    Thanks to you and Pastor Jud Wilhite for sharing about ‘Pursued.’ I am married to a wonderful man, however he does not do romance well. We’ve been married a little over a decade and I’ve learned to rely on the Lord for the romance I need as a woman. I do know that as human beings we have physical needs but as a woman I need to be romanced and the Lord is my Knight in Shining Armor, it is He alone who pursues my heart each and every day to ensure that I’m loved ever so tenderly. I do love my husband very much and know that God is doing a mighty work in him. Growing him into the man He needs to be and I will continue to be his cheerleader and life long partner loving him through all of lives circumstances. However, my first love will be the Lord who fills my heart with love and my life with joy. I look forward to reading ‘Pursued’ Thanks so much… barb

  115. Amy

    My whole life I have persuade men to take care of me and meet my needs in my life. It resulted in my being a three time divorcee, along with a few men I just lived with, all to be alone and oh so lonely, leaving me wondering “what did I do wrong, how come I can’t do this?” But that was where it changed, my last divorce.
    … BUT GOD … and he took all that mess and has taken me from a woman who depended on other (especially men) to fulfill my deepest needs,(the ones that you talk about in this video,) to a woman who most times than not now, depend on God – and I know now, hearing this video, he is so far from being finished with me yet. Oh,it has taken 4 year and continuously forgiving of myself and my last husband to know that God is the only one qualified to love me and cherish me and lavish his love upon me and even though humanly I don’t believe it sometimes, HE IS THE best HUSBAND and now I consider myself too good for anyone apart from the Lord. If the Lord isn’t in it – I don’t want it.
    My story is long like so many – like the Woman at the Well … God saw all that need in me and I was going about it all the wrong ways. He literally pulled my life out from under me and rebuild HIS strong foundation under me and I have found a love there that is beyond words.
    I think this book would cement in my the realization that no matter who is in my life, or not, that he loves me and will come after me – he will take me to a safe place and look me in the heart and tell me “its Ok Amy, I LOVE you so deeply I could never leave you, no matter what you may have done”. What a relief.
    If I win the book, that would be awesome, because I already signed up for the 14 day devotional and just reading it makes me want to hear more of what is in it. If I don’t win the book, I will be ordering it. Woman (and men also) need to know that God loves them and that they are valuable and like precious gems to him and he will come after you and get you to that place where if it IS just him and you … that is all you will ever really need anyway. It is the safest place to be – I know now I never want to leave.

  116. Lisa Tolson

    What a perfect gift for my daughter’s upcoming 21st birthday!! As Jud spoke about our desire to be pursued and seeking fulfillment I just saw so much of her in his words. She has expressed doubts to me and spoken as Jud said about having a feeling of “faking” it religiously. She attends church, is involved in a small group and is in His word but still is struggling with those doubts. I know that she (as is the case with many young women do) tends to look for that “knight in shining armor” to fulfill her without realizing that true fulfillment comes from God Himself.

    This is such a critical time in her life and I would love to share this message with her as she continues her journey. (And I’ll be getting a copy for myself as well!) What a great tool it will be to assist her as she becomes the Godly woman that He has made her to be!

    Thanks for such awesome blogs…and guests!

  117. Alison Nye

    After36 years with a wonderful, loving, adoring husband my heart still yearns to be pursued. From one of you books Lysa, I pray often “Lord, let me desire YOU more than anything else in my my life.” I also pray that I would pursue Him more than anything else in my life.
    This is something that my husband and I often talk about . The “pursueing” doesn’t come naturally for him, nor should it. I should be sharing that with God first!
    This book will be perfect for us. I also intend to purchase copies for our two married children.
    My husband and I will be in Las Vegas for 5 days in March. After learning that Jud is pastor at Central Christian in Las Vegas, we will be worshipping there! I can’t wait!

  118. Sheri Kembel

    Oh my both And God must be speaking to me through your blog and the Pursued book. I am married to the most wonderful man but seem to be always wanting more romance and pursuing from him. I miss the days of dating and the feelings of that time. This book already sounds like the beginning of the answer to my quest for feelings of love. I look forward to reading it and growing closer to God….and not relying so much on my husband to meet these deep desires. Thank you Judy and Lysa!

  119. cindy

    An amazing and comforting thought that God is still pursuing me…even though I am saved! I knew He pursued me before I was saved, but even now? I’ve been pursuing Him since then…how incredibly refreshing to think He is pursuing me! Just amazing…

  120. Shannon S

    Wow! I am just realizing at 40 that a lot of the mistakes I have made in my relationships have been because I have been looking for others to fulfill in me what I should be looking to God to fulfill! I am determined to let God reveal is Passionate Love for me! To rely on HIM alone to fulfill my deepest needs! Thanks so much Lysa for bringing this to me!

  121. Denise

    I also have read “Redeeming Love” (as well as every other book by Francine Rivers) several times over the years and I continue to recommend it to others as a life-changing experience. I do plan to pick up a copy of “Pursued,” if I don’t win a copy of it today, and am excited to be reminded of God’s pursuing love for us.

    I want to take this opportunity to thank God for you, Lysa! Your books, bible studies, website, and blog have ministered to me over the past year. God knows just what we need, and your ministry has definitely been what I needed this past year. Thank you for listening to God and for sharing what you are learning with us!

  122. Debbie Wright

    Would love the book, because we all need to know that feeling of being pursued. I love the story of Hosea and Gomer. Can’t wait to get this book..

  123. angel w.

    I signed up for the Pursued 14 Day challenge and today was the first day I started reading and I was in tears. I have been praying for someone I love dearly to come back to Christ after a traumatizing incident in their life and the Day 2 reading spoke to that and to me. I am in tears right now thinking of how much God loves me and all His daughters that He will run after them even when they run from Him.

  124. Theresa

    I can’t wait to get Pursued! I loved Francine Rivers book and this one sounds amazing too! Thanks for the blog Lisa, you look great and you help us all soooo much!

  125. Barby S

    I would love to give this book to a very sweet young lady that I’ve met with several times now. She asked to meet with me because she is struggling in her relationship with God …..wondering about His love for her. Last week as she was sharing about her up-bringing and some sorrows and saddness of things her father has spoken to her I had the urge to hug her. I asked if I could and in that embrace spoke some words that I am sure came from the heart of God. Among them , I told her I was so sorry she’d been treated like that…..and that I would have loved to have had a daughter like her….and that God loved her and was going to redeem it all in her life. When we “broke” from the hug……tears were streaming down both of our faces. I know this book would be a blessing to her……!

  126. Marcy

    Thanks for sharing Lysa. I am going to go re-read Redeeming Love and then read Pursued. Can’t wait!

  127. Erica

    So as I’m getting older & finally starting to really grow in my faith, I’ve found that I prefer reading books about Jesus Christ vs. the every day murder mysteries, etc (which were my favorites for so long). 🙂 I feel now that I can finally relate as I’m in my mid 30’s and no longer have the mindset that I know everything. When in fact, I do not know a whole lot…about anything really. But God’s love is pouring thru to me and becomes more clear as each day passes. I welcome the opportunity to read anything as now I’m reading for my heart and soul…

  128. April Moore

    Loved it Lysa! The fact that you allow your true self to show and embrace your mistakes is what makes you so relatable and allows you to have such a profound impact on people’s lives… especially women, who typically hide these “flaws” from one another… Thank you for all that you do!!! XOXO

  129. Silvia Arvelo

    Okay, TOTALLY off topic but Lysa, where did you get the beautiful top that you wore on the Leading and Loving it video? LOL! It’s was a sheer white top:-)

  130. Lisa Petrarca

    I would love to win a copy for my sister, Stacy who is struggling with depression, anxiety and a son who’s battling drug addiction and trying to grow closer and rely on The Lord in the midst of it. I think this book will really be a blessing and help her through this time in the desert of her life!

  131. Kathleen

    Thanks for letting us know about Pursued. It truly is the deepest longing of every heart. I think of how it is connected with how we were Made to Crave! We crave connection and to be known and loved for who we really are deep in our souls. Only God is capable of fulfilling that desire, because only He knows us that intimately-yet loves us unconditionally.
    Thanks for sharing such great resources for the journey!

  132. Kim P

    I’m signed up for th Pursued Challenge!! Would love to be able to share a copy of the book with my good friend and we can read it and grow to have a better understand of Gods love for us! Thank you for making this off!

  133. Jewels

    I don’t think I can wait to see if I can win a book but I’m commenting to see if I can win one for a dear friend…this is very timely for me and I’ve been so blessed by Unglued and your blog. Praise The Lord for He is amazing!

  134. Kathie

    This is the first I’ve heard of the book “Pursued”. It sounds amazing. I loved the Francine Rivers book. In the last 5 years or so God has been showing me over and over again how he is pursuing me, how he loves me, how he cherishes me and all of his people. Thank you for turning me onto this new resource. I’m now off to sign up for the 14 day challenge.

  135. Andrea G.

    I not only want to feel loved and pursued, I want to feel like I am good enough! This past week has been a roller coaster of emotions and it feels like my self esteem has dropped. I know God loves me and pursues me, but try telling that to my heart. I so want to feel it and feel worthy. I have so far to go!
    Thank you Lysa for your words and devotions that help me when I need it!

  136. Lyn

    Jud is the lead pastor of my church. WE are so excited for him with this book release. The word pursue has been on my heart, mind and vocabulary for the last year. I love that when I am having a great day or a long one, I know that God is there, pursuing me to focus on Him and not the circumstance to remember to praise and look to Him, for the good and not so good days. Once my focus changes, He pursues me to rest in Him and Him alone. I have been blessed with Jud’s teachings for awhile, and I so look forward to being able to read his words as well.

  137. Bekah furches

    PICK ME! PICK ME ! I would love to read this!

  138. Exodus

    I’ve never commented before due to anxiety over things I hear happening online and in cyberspace, but what I’ve read in the free section of “Pursued” has ministered to me soooo much. Even though I’ve known & loved Jesus for many, many years, I long for a strong revelation of His love for me . . . I think this book just may be it 😉

    Thanks, Lysa & Jud . . .

  139. Jodi

    What timing God has for everything to come together. Just reviewed the story in Joshua in Sunday class this past week. I would really like to win a copy of Pursued book for my brother. He has made a lot of bad choices in his life with everything starting to crumble around him. Luckily some have been able to reach out to him and he is starting to come back to God. I think this would be a great book for him in his journey especially at this time in his life.

  140. Melanie

    I love that God is speaking to His children and we are listening:0
    In my desperate lonliness during Valentine’s at times years ago God would always draw me to HIM. I have found song of solomon to help me with longing in my heart for HIM, even though I have amazing imperfect husband. As I learned to let him off the hook of all my expectations and mention to him my desires and didn’t react more peace and life long lasting changes occured. I do tea for women without their families and husbands to help me focus on the purest of loves and to spend time with them praying for their families. It has truly made a difference in my life and theirs to God be the Glory. I would love to give one of these as a give a way at the tea:0 Can’t wait to read from a man’s perspective as well. Blessings to you all who work soo hard for the kingdom.

  141. Jana B

    I look forward to reading this book and sharing it with my daughters. With the bombardment from the world of unrealistic expectations, it is refreshing to focus on how much God loves us, pursues us, and fulfills us beyond anything that we can comprehend.
    How freeing it is to know and understand this aspect of God’s love for me!

  142. Heather

    I read the intro and first chapter of the book and then sent it out to the women in my Christian Singles group. I am so excited about what Jud is sharing with us. I am also getting his emails for the 14-day devotional. This fits in so well with the studies we’ve been doing in our singles group and I look forward to being able to share these insights as we continue to embrace God’s initiation of a relationship with us and His never-ending pursuit of us. Thanks, Jud, for the book and the devotional and sharing God’s word and revelation with the world. And thank you, Lysa, for always sharing amazing and insightful books that help us to grow in our desire for God and our relationship with him.

  143. Jane

    The book sounds wonderful – I have read Redeeming Love and really need to read this book – the interview was so good.

  144. Kelly

    My step father is an addict. I hope giving him a copy of this book will start the process of him relying on God instead of drugs and alcohol to bring him joy.

  145. Kaye Cannon

    I read the Francine Rivers book, Redeeming Love and cried most of the way through the book. It touched my heart and struck so close to home. I’d love to win this book, Pursued! Pick me!!!

  146. Jeanne

    I didn’t think I needed another book but I think I need this one! Sounds amazing and love that it is written from a man’s perspective! I don’t know why it is so hard to grasp that God loves us so much and is pursuing us in our brokenness! Loved “Redeeming Love” and have read it a couple times! God Bless you both!

  147. Stacy White

    I ordered Pursued. Cannot wait to get it!!!!!

  148. Danielle C

    I would love to read this book! It sounds like it would be a great reminder of how great God’s love really is for me…a reminder that I often need! I signed up for the 14-day challenge and am super excited to get my first email!!

  149. Bekah furches

    Ok. S I commented before I watched the video, so now I will tell you why I want to get this book. God has crossed my path with two ladies recently. One is a very broken 21 year old who grew up in foster care and has been abused. She is always texting and wanting advice on a new guy or job or move. I want to do this with her so she can begin to understand how much she is loved by her Heavenly Father. The other is an abused wife who left her husband, visited our church and ,told me she wasn’t saved but wasn’t ready. Since then she is pursuing divorce and dating while her husband has gotten saved and is growing in his walk. I’d love to get her a copy as well. I am out of my element here as I grew up in a very stable, baptist preachers daughter, Christian school, comfortable bubble. This would help me help them!

  150. Julie Sunne

    Sounds like an amazing book. One that would refresh the soul of every woman.

  151. Cathy Staurovsky

    This book sounds so very interesting to get to know God’s love even more than I do. I’ve never read Redeeming Love but would love to read Pursued. I have been married to my husband for 12 years and assumed even before we got married and the way he talked like he was saved. It’s a hard marriage when one, like myself, is so loving the Lord and trying to walk each day in His walk, while the other, my husband, doesn’t understand why I’m not agreeing with his wordly views. I pray for him constantly but continue to follow the Lord and walk my walk. I drive 45 minutes away from my home to go to my church. This is where the Lord has called me and I have been active for 4 years now. I serve at communion when scheduled, I serve on the care team, which is being a greeter, or a meeter or doing name tags or just being a floater on Sunday for either of our services. I am involved with the WOF through our group leader of our church. We have a WOF team of 8 to inspire women and collect for the tickets and to inform all the church women of this beautiful and blessed even each year. My husband doesn’t go to church with me. He doesn’t stop me from going or being active but I keep praying he finds the love of God in his heart and maybe one day will realize why I am the way I am. How I long for my husband to know the Lord and maybe one day be serving at my church right along beside me. Until then I’m always praying for him. Thank you for sharing this video and the book and having Jud Wilhite share his views about it. I would love to receive it, and take the 21 day challenge. Thank you Lysa for emailing me every day, you are a beautiful inspiration. God bless you and Jud always.

  152. Kim

    I think accepting that we are being pursued and loved by God can be an issue for any woman and I know it is for me. So excited to read this book and receive insight and learn what God has for me!

  153. Carla

    I have two young boys. One of them is being bullied relentlesly. Kids are calling him ‘gay’. He doesn’t behave the same way that other boys do..he doesn’t swear, play voilent video games etc.. he is perceived as ‘different’. he also is dealing with severe dyslexia. God has impressed on me that we need to focus on His Love and take the focus off of the perceived society shortcomings/judgements. My son needs to get to the point that he doesn’t care what people say–only what God says about him. I believe this book will help. Thanks.. Lord Bless.

  154. Susan Walker

    This is definitely what I needed to hear today. I feel like my marriage is crumbling, but I also have not been spending the time I should in prayer or on my relationship with God. I have begun to realize that He is the one I am needing when I feel so lonely and forgotten. As I was watching this video, I kept thinking that I need to read Hosea. It has been a long time since I read my Bible other than in church. Thank you for reminding me that I am wanted and needed, and “pursued”.

  155. Marilyn

    Last summer, I chose to randomly pick a book of the Bible and read it just for the sake of reading it. I chose Hosea. It truly touched me. Now, I’ve downloaded Pursued to my Kindle just yesterday and had a hard time putting it down. I’ve never highlighted so much in my life (yes, I’m a highlighter reader)! I just needed the reminder that all my heart desires is not found in my hubby (bless him, he’s just a man and he does try so hard) but it all can be found in the Lord. He loves me like no one else can. I am so thankful for this book. Thank you Pastor Wilhite for writing this.

  156. Mechelle

    Makes me want to go dig right into Hosea to learn more about how God wants to pursue me. I know I am fearfully and wonderfully made because God made me, but often times I let myself forget that. I beat myself up. I let those negative thoughts overcome me. I am currently on a quest to find the me God created me to be. I am in the midst of doing the Unglued Bible Study and boy is it working on me. God is using you to teach me so much about me and my emotions. I can feel him chiseling away to reveal the me that has been hidden away inside this body.I AM sick and tired of being sick and tired. I want to find the me God is pursuing. I want to be the me He wants me to be. I would love to read “Pursued” and learn more and more about God’s infinite love for me so that I can learn to love me like He loves me and let go of those negative voices that haunt me so often.

  157. Amy

    Being pursued has always been my hearts desire……it has led to lots of unhealthy behavior over the years. i just don’t know how God is going to pursue me the way I really desire to be pursed.

  158. Cindy

    Would love to share this book with our High School Youth girls. Always looking for good topics for them.

  159. Mel

    As always Lysa The Lord works through you to speak to me with materials pertinent to things I NEED to hear, this book seems to be no exception. After my husband left me 3 yrs ago for another woman I have been struggling with my faith and especially my capability to be truly loved…including and especially by God. So I cannot wait to read this book, I am looking forward to having peace again with who I am and with assurance of His love for me.
    Thank you so much for your ministry!!

  160. Marti A

    My Dad would discipline his girls by shaking his head and walking away. My husband does the same thing when he’s unhappy with me. I think my human relationships have influenced my perception of God as Father. Deep down, I believe I have to be perfect for Him to love me. The very title of this book made me teary. Can’t wait to read it, to begin to know that God really does tenderly and actively pursue our hearts. Thank you for sharing!

  161. Dena Johnson

    I would love to read this book! I really like the challenges.

  162. Melissa

    I can definitely resonate with what you said about feeling stuck. Would love a copy of this book to help me get unstuck!

  163. Marjorie

    This book sounds like something I really need. I’ve been on a journey to reignite that loving relationship with God again. The past six months I’ve felt lost, in fact my husband and I just started back to church after leaving our home church of over eight years last July. This has caused confusion and just plain frustration. I’M feeling very displaced right now but hopeful. Thanks for sharing Lysa, I’m going to sign up for the challenge and purchase the book. God bless.

  164. Suzanne

    Sounds like a great book. Thank you for your ministry to Women.

  165. Kellie S

    This interview makes me want to read this book myself, but more than that, share it like I’ve never shared a book before!!! I know so many sweet women who do not think they’re worth it and this books title alone melts my heart and tugs on the heart strings enough to drop some tears. What a BEAUTIFUL title and such truth that God whispers to every woman. He IS pursuing us!!! Thank you for this interview or it might have taken this mountain girl a while to hear about this book!!! God Bless you Lysa and Jud!!! 🙂

  166. Christine Marie

    I am buying this book today. If I win a copy I am giving it to my 22 year old daughter who deperately needs to know that God is pursuing her. If not, I’m buying one for her to!

  167. Pat

    Lysa, I am so thankful for this blog you posted with Jud. You spoke at my church in the last several months, and after purchasing your books and devouring them since then, I was equally impressed by Jud’s comments and look forward to purchasing it. I have battled depression for sometime and issues I don’t discuss with anyone. I have a wonderfully supportive Christian husband, but even he does not know the full extent of what I deal with. I have drawn strength from what God has placed on your heart to reveal to us in your books. I am so thankful for you and your ministry. I do have God on my side but still doubt how He can love me that way. I keep pursuing and keep asking Him to reveal to me how precious I am to Him. It’s the way I feel about me and the past little voices that keep cropping up instead of pursuing God’s voice. Thank you again for your wonderful ministry and the Proverbs 21 Ministry.

  168. Michele

    Lysa…..I would love to not only read this myself, but share it with my team of volunteers who lead in the kids ministry of my church. How powerful to have these revelations for ourselves but then begin to invest in those in the next generation. 🙂

  169. Karen

    Oh, this sounds SO good! I’d LOVE to read it!

  170. Bethany Gremel

    THANK YOU LYSA! I really appreciate you sharing this interview and reminding me how much God loves me. I loved Francine River’s book Redeeming Love and am excited to read Pursued! Blessings to you Lysa!

  171. Jenn

    I’ve been going to church since I was a little girl but never really understood God’s love for me. I never had anything to complain about or any tragedy in my life so life was good, but I still longed for something more. I got married to a wonderful man and have 4 children. About 7 years ago our church was going through lots of changes. I hadn’t gone to a ladies bible study and was pregnant with my 4th. Through that bible study is when I finally realized and felt God for the first time. Though its been a difficult walk with the high and low seasons of my relationship with God I still come back to Him. Just recently I was in a low season a life-changing time for me. I thought it was everyone around me but I now realize it was more of my actions than anything. I wasn’t following the path God was directing me to. Through and through God has brought me back to where I need to be. I’m determined to stay constent in my walk with Him. Thanking Him for the beauty around me and all of His glory and the people he loves that he has created. I hope to read the book, “Pursed” to strengthen my walk and see more of what God wants to reveal in my life to keep me going positive.

  172. tiffannie

    I would absolutely love to read this book. My husband and I are in the middle of learning about God’s love for us! I believe this is something great we could read together and then as our children grow older pass on to them. Everyone needs to understand how much God loves ALL of us!

  173. Lori B

    What a great message for women. I’m looking forward to reading this book!

  174. Leanne

    I can’t wait to read this book!

  175. Amy Rostance

    This was wonderful! I was really inspired by Redeeming Love and have started reading lots of things by Francine Rivers. I can’t wait to read Pursued. I lead a Ladies Small Group at our church and many of the issues you touched on here are exactly the feelings of so many women. I have wanted to find something that will touch their lives in a special way and give them a passion for pursuing their relationship with the Lord. So many of us just become stagnant and don’t fully grasp that He is pursuing us and in turn we should be doing the same. Hoping I win a book so I can share it!

  176. Jenelle Yoder

    The book sounds great! Thank you for sharing this interview on your blog. Something he said struck a chord with me, knowing the “good news” is good news, but not really grasping how much God is pursuing us. I look forward to reading this book.

  177. Anne Stenger

    I want to read this book!! I was SO moved by Redeeming Love (and I’m not a romance novel type of woman) and have often wondered about the biblical truths behind this story. I think this book, and the 14-day challenge will be a perfect follow-up to Lysa’s book “What Happens When Women Walk In Faith”, which my small group is just finishing.

  178. Kellie

    I really need to read this book. I am just begining to welcome God into my life/heart and I know this book will help me understand his love for me. Thank you Lysa for your blog, you help me everyday.

  179. jc3

    What a great way to view this topic. I think we all want to be pursued. I never thought about God pursuing us. Sounds like a great book! Thanks for introducing me to this.

  180. Carol

    Would love to share this book with a friend! 🙂

  181. Marilyn

    I loved Ms. Rivers’ book and am looking forward to reading Pursued. Thanks, Lysa!

  182. Kathy

    To think that the God of the Universe wants to pursue and romance me – a divorced woman of a certain age (?). From Lysa’s book “Made to Crave” I learned about surrendering to Him to allow Him to lift me up and succeed in an area where I had failed for many years – and now through our small group Bible Study from Church I am being bombbarded with the Truth that God’s love for me is so beyond what I can grasp – and that He is truly pursueing me – me who deserves it so little – I once was told by a wonderful Christain friend, Jeanne – that I could not say “but” – unless I said “but God”! I will order the book to be assured I can read about Him romancing and pursuing me.

  183. Debbie Hunley

    Sounds like a great book!!!

  184. Helen

    Pursued – Jud says we all have that desire. It is keen in my heart, and now I’m realizing that this not only affects our relationship with the Lord, but also with those we love. My husband pursued me while we were dating, and often shows signs of that pursuit even after 30+ years of marriage. But, how much better would my relationships look if I filled that need with the Lord, and endeavored to begin to fulfill that need in others. When I give others that sense of worth by pursuing them, I’ll be better able to share with them their value in God’s eyes, that Jesus was willing to die for each one of us. I’d love to give this book to some friends who do not feel loved or valued.

  185. Billie Korstad

    Started the video and u were very animated with a “hi, I’m so excited!” – then it went silent and I watched you both animatedly talk and share about Pursued! Fun! In silence, but enjoying every moment. Blessings to you both and upon this book!


  186. Gloria

    I know God loves me. But to think that He is pursuing me is an awesome feeling. I would like a chance to read this book. Thank you. Gloria

  187. Carrie Cheney

    Redeeming Love is one of my favorite books of all time. I have read it multiple times and passed it around to many friends. I am excited to read Pursued to see how the story can come alive in my life.

  188. Lisa

    So excited to watch this video introducing Jud’s new book. I’m a single mom, and like most other single mom’s, I struggle with being at peace with God’s love and all He offers me, and also wanted to have a close relationship with a partner here in my day to day life. I’m currently going through the Growing Kid’s God’s Way program at my church, and we’re just beginning to touch on “couch time” and how important it is for your children to see the relationship between husband and wife. With that same thought, my teacher said that it is just as important for my daughter to see me have some “couch time” with my heavenly Father every evening…..that He wants to fulfill those desires and places in my heart. It’s a work in progress getting to that place of contentment, and I am so looking forward to reading this book.

  189. Kim

    Incredible! Love it!

  190. Marilyn

    Lysa, I’m a widow and daily struggle with the fact that I may be alone the rest of my life. I would love to win a copy of Pursued – maybe I can glean some solid understanding that it is okay to be alone now?

  191. Kristine

    Thank you so much for this! Even without reading the book, your all’s conversation has charged my heart this morning. God’s hand was so in me coming across this this morning, as I just laid guilt on my husband last night (I’m sorry to say) for basically this very thing- not feeling pursued by him. We just had a first child a few months ago and we have since been steadily growing somewhat away from each other and from Him in the midst of the busyness of our new normal. I am very excited at the prospect of diving into this book, and would be overjoyed to receive a copy as (also with our new little one) times are tight these days and don’t lend to many ‘extras’. Anyhow, THANK YOU, for what you’ve already shared 🙂 I’m headed over to the “Pursued” website to sign up now 🙂

  192. Kiki

    Wow! God’s timing is ALWAYS perfect. I’m doing a Bible study right now that asked me to describe what God’s relationship with me is at this time in my life. One of the responses was pursued. It is the one I chose, just yesterday! If I don’t win a copy, I will surely buy one. Thank you!

  193. Sarah

    The book sounds just like what I need. I am always wanting to learn more about how He loves us!

  194. Stephanie Edwards

    I would LOVE a copy of this book. I have looked for love in all the wrong places all my life. I am beginning a relationship with God and would be blessed to read this. Thanks.

  195. Gail

    Count me in. I may be older, but I want to understand and help my younger friends and family. And even us older ones need this too! Thank you so much!

  196. Linda B

    I would love this book! It is exactly where God has me right now. I just can’t quite wrap my head around God wanting to romance me.

  197. Deanna L

    I JUST purchased a few days ago, Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. I had never heard of it until a friend mentioned it to me. I RARELY listen to online videos, so the fact that I even clicked on this was a miracle unto itself. And THEN to learn that this is a non-fiction version (so to speak) of Redeeming Love…. Well, when things line up like that, you know the good Lord it speaking to you. And the timing is impeccable. My husband, who I credit for my being saved and who joined me in being batpized last fall, has recently informed me he doesn’t see our marriage going forward any further. I know God wanted me to see this book at this time – to know that I am loved by Him no matter what.

  198. Terri

    Accepting God’s love and forgiveness took a lot of work for me. The idea of Him continually pursueing me is mind-blowing. I can’t wait to read “Pursued”.

  199. Laura

    would love to read this book!!!! have just gone through a separation and it has been difficult because the situation was one of mental abuse and I know that God has brought me through this and continues to renew my mind with His truth and love and defeat the lies that the enemy used to belittle, demean and destroy my self-esteem and self-worth. Jesus loves me so much and I am worthy through Him, that truth has set me free and daily I claim that truth!! It is still along road to recovery of the attacks on my mind and myself but with God all things are possible and healing is here at the Cross!!! Blessings to you all!!

  200. Renda

    I sometimes forget how much God loves me. I think this book would help me and keep me more aware of His great love for me.

  201. BethV

    I would love to get one of the free books. My husband is a Christian counselor and I am sure both of us need to read it. I believe it would help him in his ministry. Thanks

  202. Denise

    I am really excited about this book. I am starting the 21 day challenge, I plan to spend my day reading Hosea and listening!!!. I know so many of us women pursue God, and relationships…. its how we are wired. I anticipate that this book will bring the head knowledge of our value to our hearts as we learn to be pursued and begin to rely less on what we are doing to determine our sense of value and lovability. I know I need this book more than I want to admit I need it. I have felt so often like the dog getting the table scraps and leftovers not like the child of the King at the Kings table. Seeing me from Gods perspective and accepting His intense pursuit of me will be a 180 degree turn. I would so love to be chosen for a copy of this book!!!

  203. Laura

    Just signed up for the challenge… sounds great!

  204. Jane Harrold

    thank you for love for Christ and being transparent in your walk –
    I will look for this book – thanks for the heads up-

  205. Daphne R.

    What a great challenge…thanks!

  206. Dana Kenneson

    I love your honesty. Makes me feel almost normal.. Going through allot of struggles right now and your blogs and comments from others really help!! God bless!

  207. Leisha Winfree

    I’m signed up for the challenge and I love it! I can’t wait to get the book. I hope I win it!!

  208. Barb

    What an incredible concept to teach our teenage kids!! Sometimes it feels as though changing my perception is impossible (said as I go through Unglued) but to empower my daughters to think from this perspective gives me hope for their futures.

  209. jennifer

    Looking forward to watching the interview after work. He spoke at our church on Sunday and was amazing. My husband & I have just been through a big change and were questioning things, but he said something Sunday that hit right where we needed it to. We had been so busy “running for God that we had stopped running to Him.” Talk about wake up moments. Makes me want to read his book all the more. Thank you Lysa for your heart and encouragements.

  210. Heather King

    I love the idea of this! I found so many of my insecurities in my marriage came because I didn’t feel pursued by my husband. I knew he was the right one for me long before he did and just waited patient and available until he figured it out. I always felt it was a little unfair that he is always confident that I thought he was amazing and worth caring about while I didn’t have that assurance. And my favorite love stories of all time? Like Anne of Green Gables, Pride and Prejudice—all about a man doing crazy amazing things to pursue the heart of the woman he adores. I didn’t get to feel that. I’m so thankful, though, that God pursues us passionately. What a beautiful thing to know I’m loved by Him!

  211. Cindy

    I passed the other day on this, but now I’m hooked. Thanks for giving us snoozers another chance!

  212. Leida

    Would love to read the book!!!!

  213. Tracie

    Would love to understand more about this love affair …

  214. Becky

    I would love to read Pursued! I feel like I am at a crossroad in my life and reading this book may be just the experience I need for the direction of my future.

  215. Abby

    Would love to read this book, loved Redeeming Love, but would love to study the book if Hosea especially raising 2 girls in this world. I want to teach them God’s plan!

  216. Nicole

    Great interview! Signed up for the challenge, and would LOVE to read this book. Whether or not I have to buy it! Thanks for sharing!

  217. Patty

    This book sounds amazing and I want to read it and have my 22 year old daughter read it also. My daughter is presently a senior in college and is doing an internship with the Salvation Army. She works with women coming out of prostitution. I know she could share what she learns from this book with these precious women.

  218. Dena Masterino

    I never thought I had trouble believing that God loved me and would pursue me until recently. Seems that each new day recently has been showing me a new way where I THINK I believe it but am not acting that way. I only read Redeeming Love in the last year and know that I will be reading it again. Seems like Hosea has been coming up a lot in the last week – I think the Spirit is trying to tell me something….. I’d love to win one of the books.

  219. Jeanine

    I love the pursuit of God, and I love even more the reality that He pursues us. Can’t wait to read this book! Thank you for sharing! God bless.

  220. Susan Rothbauer

    I am always looking for ways to grow in my relationship with God and this sounds very interesting and inspirational. Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

  221. Chris

    Francine Rivers’ book touched me deeply… But I still struggle to understand/believe this love God has for me!! :(. And I am in my 60’s! Why do I feel so undeserving, so unloveable?!?! I think I understand in my head why… But my heart lags behind in getting this Basic Truth about how much God LOVES me! I want this to change… Maybe this book is the vehicle for that to finally happen–with God’s Redeeming Love!!!

  222. Miriam

    Looking forward to the 21 day challenge! Thank you for the opportunity to win this book! It sounds great!

  223. Laura Scott

    Looks like an awesome book!

  224. Meredith

    I would love to read this book. I find myself often feeling stuck in a rut, searching for what is missing, even though I live a life working in ministry. I long to understand how God pursues me. I find myself able to teach others but not finding it in my own life. Isn’t that crazy? I am blessed that God continues to work through me, in spite of me, but I long, ever-so-much, to fill my own “holes” with Him and not other things. Looking forward to the challenge, as well.

  225. Deanna

    I’m totally excited to read this book, mostly because of my own insecurities as a woman, but also because of my desire to break the bondage of feeling unloved for my two teenage daughters. This sounds like just the kind of book I’ve been looking for!

  226. Jennifer

    Well, I can’t see the video since I only have internet on my phone and it won’t let me, BUT I am very interested in whatever this challenge is, and I definately want to read his book! Jud is kinda my long distance pastor in a sense, haha. My friend who goes to Central calls me often while she is at church and just leaves her phone on so that I can listen. 🙂 It is a unique blessing, and there is not one message that has not touched my heart, made me laugh and even cry a little…or a lot. Thanks to both you and Jud for the ways you have impacted my life from a distance. 🙂

  227. Tina

    Just watched a movie on Hosea and it really intrigued me into wanting to go deeper into God’s word about this love story. Seeing the parallelism of His very patient love for us is so humbling and so pure in forgiveness and love that it challenged me to examine every relationship in my life and make sure that they are being kept clean of unforgiveness and impurities. Thank you for offering this chance to dig deeper!

  228. Angella Lewis

    I’ve been actively pursuing God for the past year or so… But it was after a long period of running from God… I have no doubt that during those times he pursued me and did romance me back to Him. I would love to study the reality of this through the Word and I believe the book Pursued is a great way to do this! Thanks for sharing this info.. God Bless!

  229. Allisia

    Lysa, I have always had a problem with this subject (God persuading me). I’m married to a good man now but have been divorced and was abused by my earthly fathers. I’d love to get a copy of this book to help me learn more about how God loves me and I think it could help my marriage a lot as well! Thank-you so much for sharing!

  230. April W

    Why would I love to read this book? It seems that I am on a journey right now of discovering all the WONDERFUL things that God has given to me and has in store for me. All my life I felt alone, insicure, unworthy, and not truly loved. Since I was little (almost too little to remember) I was abused – mentally and sexually. Who would truly want me? For some reason, it’s taken me 30+ years to discover a God that I’ve known about and heard about for most of those years is the One who wants an intimate relationship with ME! I’m still on a journey of tearing aways layers upon layers of protective walls I’ve built up, but am so glad that I’m doing it knowing that God is there helping me with this painful process!

  231. Ronda

    I think reading this book would help me in my relationship. God loves me.

  232. Jolene P

    I can’t wait to read this book.

  233. Orenda

    This sounds like a book I would love to read and a challenge that be good for me. I would love to win of the books 🙂

    • Orenda

      This is an area where I struggle the most in knowing that God really loves me. I have head knowdledge, but my heart seems to just not grasp how much He really loves and cares for me!! All my life I been searching for this unconditional love, but it has been in all the wrong things and people. I been wanting and waiting to be love unconditional and now that Jesus Christ is saying to me here I am just trust Me and I love you unconditionally, I find myself scared of that unconditional love. I find myself scared to trust in Him and His love for me. This sounds like a book I need to read…

  234. Brandy Wathke

    I loved the statement that we all want to be pursued! It’s so true! I often feel that my insecurities keep me from realizing that God is indeed pursuing me! I would love to learn more from the book!

  235. Twila

    interesting, being pursued by GOD – I’m in – going to sign-up now – thanks for sharing – GOD bless

  236. Stephanie Hancock

    How exciting, that God pursues us like that!! I love it!

  237. Linda R.

    Wow! I was just sharing this exact same message with a dear friend yesterday!!! Don’t you just lOve it when the spirit speaks through and then you realize your also talking to yourself? Can’t wait to get this book and study more deeply about God’s pursuing Love! 😉

  238. Amanda

    I am just getting out of a 10 year marraige, and finding myself alone with two little kids. I however have realized that I am not alone. I have God. I love the idea of this book, and will be looking into Redeemed as well. This would really help to fill a hole in my heart.

  239. Shelly

    Always searching always seeking.

  240. Kim

    Howdy..the book sounds awesome! I’m on this same journey just like alot of folks..but I’m planting seeds in both my adult daughters and now my 2 year old granddaughter…I was raised in church, raised my two daughters in church, but didn’t truly know God until I was much older and when our girls went to college…Thank God for His transformation in me…I am so grateful that I’m able to teach my granddaughter from a very young age things and Christ like behaviors I wasn’t able to with my own daughters about Him…because I was lost and I didn’t even know it…:):)..all in God’s perfect timing…God Bless!

  241. janay oliver

    Hope to get a chance to read this!

  242. Sasha Estby

    Dear Jesus, Will you be my valentine? <3 Be Mine <3. Love u lots and lots….Pick me!

  243. Jennifer

    I would be thrilled to win this book simply because my One Word for the year is “restoration.” I really believe that this book could be a critical tool in God’s desire to not only make restoration a reality in my life but also to plant it firmly in my belief system. And because God is calling me to something, I think this may be a next step towards what He has for me.

  244. Nancy

    Just what I need to read right now. Would love to have a copy of the book.

  245. Tammy Hill

    A friend recommended your site to me. I am listening to your Inside Chatter webcast now. If you have an extra copy of Pursued available I would so like a copy.

    God Bless You

  246. Sherri Conran

    Hi Lysa,
    I love God’s timing! I recently started an independent study on God’s love for us, and it is amazing how He keeps putting His truths in front of me. I recently checked my fb page and Lisa Kramp posted some great words about love… time I checked fb, you put the link for this video!! Some might say coincidence, but I don’t believe in that! Instead I would say Godincidence:) I love your ministry….thank you for your transparency, I love how it ministers to others! It is my goal to do the same! Putting on a false persona helps absolutely no one! God bless you!!!

    P. S. I have read Redeeming Love and it was a great book! I would love to add Jud’s book as one of my resources for my study!!!! Thanks again for all that you do;)

  247. Aimee

    Just signed up. Looks like a great study!

  248. Jackie Cohen

    I am excited about the book as well. I would love to have a copy and will start saving for it.

    I appreciate your honesty Lisa and the great inspiration you have been to me personally. Jud is a great speaker and I believe the book would be a fantastic addition to my collection of spiritual books.
    I am in a marriage that is filled with struggle and I do feel so alone at times. I just open the Bible and remind myself that I will never be alone EVER! God and Lord Jesus are with me 🙂 I am very grateful for Their loving kindness and direction!

    Thanks for sharing yourself Lisa, your books, your thoughts, and now….Jud. God bless you both in your endeavors 🙂


  249. Ashley

    Seven years and two kids later I found myself discontent, unhappy, and earnestly seeking the title of “wife” to cement my desire to be loved. In this slump…God found me. He met me at this place of discontentment and called me to a higher standard–as a woman and a mother. He called me to a year of “singleness” to pursue Him and to allow Him to ignite His passions, His desires, and His love in my life. I have refused co-habitation, ended my relationship, and each day I brave the tough waters of single motherhood in an effort to truly come to know God. As I brace the reality of Valentines Day without all the commercial fluff and temporal gifts I’m grateful to have a God that pursues me. I would love to learn more about the biblical truths surrounding His pursuit, love, and desire for us. I’m grateful to each of you for your commitment to share the love of God each and every day. I’m frequently encouraged by the Proverbs 31 Ministry.


  250. Alison

    I am a single mother of 2 boys. I would love to read “Persued” because I want to get closer and closer to God. I want to experience being persued by God.

  251. Buffy D

    This was a great interview! Looking forward to reading the book! However, I am even more interested in share the book with my daughter and some of her friends as they are looking for love in all the wrong places! A particular young woman we know has a deep desire to be loved and she is devastated that she has yet another Valentine’s Day without her true love – she’s only 16! I wish I could make these young ladies undertstand that their pursuit needs to be God as only He can fulfill this longing!

  252. Victoria

    I have a dear friend I would LOVE to give this book to. Perfect timing!

  253. Lori

    This book sounds like its going to be amazing. I’m currently doing the Beth Moore- A man after Gods own Heart and it is something I really needed in my life. I was never aware at how much I was lacking. Learning to love myself is really showing great changes in not only myself but others that come in contact with me. I feel this book would be a great supplement to the topic of love. If I don’t get a copy I will definitely be purchasing, plus I am going now to sign up for the 21day challenge. Thanks so much, I love your blog!!!

  254. Fibia

    Would love the chance to read this book. Thank you for the opportunity.

  255. linda

    thank you for introducing us to this book. it is surely the heart of every woman to be pursued. how often our expectations are not met in our relationships. i look forward to the challenge and especially to reading the book.

  256. Dara

    Love, love, loving the Pursued challenges and inspiration each day!

  257. Cara Overcash

    Sounds like a must read for me! Signing up for the challenge!

  258. Fay

    God is so good! When He desires for us to learn something, He brings it to us many ways. The story of Hosea is also being taught in a devotional magazine I received for the month of February. I would love to read this book as well.

  259. Tammy Zydonis

    I would love to read this book! “Redeeming Love” is my all time favorite and this sounds like the next step to help the reality of God’s love for ME to sink deeper into my heart!

  260. Felicity Sophia

    Lisa, I was so excited when you mention Francine Rivers book. That book really helped me because like Angel, I too allowed others to use me. Francine Rivers book showed me that I am worthy enough to be loved, even though I have not always chosen the right path. The book Pursued; looks awesome. I am hoping to get my hands on that book. I can’t wait to see what our Lord has waiting for me. This Valentines day I won’t have to use the “He Loves Me, He Love Me Not” flowers, because I know I am already loved. Have a very blessed and joyful Valentines Day.

  261. Tammy

    I would love to give this book to my 19 year old daughter. She grew up knowing God, singing praises and sharing her faith with others but then it stopped.
    She struggles with weight, believes she is ugly, its hard for her trust and that God is far from her.
    I’ve tried reassuring she is loved by God.

  262. Deb

    God is soooo good. I have and am struggling with so much about being the person I am and especially trying to find out who I am in Christ. Especially since loosing my job and feeling like I’ve let God down and being a overall “loser”. Your daily blogs, the books, the web cast with Shelia Walsh and now this interview with Jud are ministring to me. Thank-you for the Proverbs 31 Ministry and how you touch the very core of what women need. I have a long way to go but have hope……… Thank-you

  263. Beccy Kirtland

    Thank you for all your encouragement! God bless you!

  264. Sandy

    I am currently dealing with unfaithfulness in my marriage. I am in counseling, but feel like I need more help to see me through. I would love to win a copy of the book.
    Prayers are always appreciated. Thanks.

  265. Connie Lutz

    I’m single, again/still on Valentine’s Day and my last close single girlfriend will get married next month. Lately I am on the verge of tears thinking that I am going to be single FORever. I have a great fantastic BLESSED beyond belief life… and no one man to share it with. I know I am greatly loved by God and many… most days that is all I need but the love of a Godly husband is something I still long for. 🙂

  266. Jessica Sheets

    I signed up for the email challenge earlier this week! I would LOVE to win one of these books now I’ve read some of the challenge emails. I know some people who would benefit from it, too! Also, I absolutely LOVED reading and re-reading Francine Rivers’, Redeeming Love, so that is just one more reason why I’d like to read and OWN this book! 🙂

  267. Leslie Parra

    Sounds like a super book! Hope I win one!

  268. Vivian

    Thank you for taking the time to write such an uplifing book. I definitely need to be encouraged at this point in my life. Man may look on my outward appearance but God looks on my heart. I need to make changes and make them NOW.

  269. val boda

    Redeeming Love is my favorite book, so I’ll definitely grab a copy of this!

  270. Christina

    Do find myself leaving it up to my husband to fulfill my emotion needs,especially since my kids have special needs of there own.Finding the balance is hard since I had no balance in my up-bringing.The challenge sounds,we’ll challenging. I would love to get the book,it would be great for that bedtime settle down thing for me.

  271. Bethany

    Awe. Some.

  272. Joyce

    I appreciate the reminder of how much God loves me.

  273. Jessica Saunders

    This would be great to do during this time of my life.

  274. Chrissy

    I spent 30 years begging God to find me a husband that would pursue me, pray with me and over me, and love me deeply. He came through and blessed me in that area. Then I gradually began to discover that no matter how wonderful my husband was, my longing to be pursued was still there! And hubby was pursuing and loving to death! The Spirit revealed to me I was putting it all on my husband’s shoulders when what my soul longed for was to be pursued by God! I want to read this book to fall in love with my first love all over again!

  275. Leslie

    I would love a copy of the book to give to a girlfriend of mine who recently went through a very painful divorce. She is dating again, and with each date I find her examining every word and nuance, looking for signs to predict the outcome of the relationship. This happens even after ONE date. I am trying to help her see that if she would simply accept the love that God already has for her, she would realize that she doesn’t need a man to affirm her worth.

  276. Sarah C

    Oh my goodness-our pastor has been doing a series on love/marriage and just this last week he touched on how we want to be pursued, ESPECIALLY if we are married. Too often, we leave the pursuing for the dating portion of our relationship and become lazy in this aspect once we get married. I would love a copy of this book-thank you so much for this opportunity!

  277. Melanie Dorsey

    I’d like a copy of this book because the subject is intriguing and I like a good deep in the Word study. I also read Francine River’s book even though I rarely read fiction.

  278. Cheryl Williams

    I follow you Lysa on FB, and your post today led me to your website to listen to Jud, because like MANY Monday really hit home with me. I want to just simply thank you
    for what you do. I feel understood, somewhat normal (lol!) and a sisterhood thru your words of honesty. I will be looking for his book to get and of course if I do win the book
    I have a few friends that would be blessed with the book. Thank you again and bless you:))) Cheryl

  279. Patti Wentling

    If we as Christians do not admit to our mistakes, it drives some people away, because tjey feel as if they would have to be perfect as Christians. None of us arw perfect and we shouldnt pretend tobe.

  280. Suzette Fox

    Signing up for the challenge too and would love to win the book. Thanks for all you do!

  281. Cheryl Williams

    P.S. I am signing up for the challange, will be my first of anything like this,excited!!!

  282. Joan

    I’m excited about this book. I signed up for the Challenge. As a person who grew up with parents who were more concerned about themselves than how their choices affected their children, I’ve had a hard time in life understanding that I’m worthy of love, and then further why God would love me when he’s got this great big world to watch over. This comes at a great time for me because I’ve been really trying to wrap my arms around God’s love for me.

  283. Shelly

    I would LOVE to read this book!

  284. Pam

    Wow. I did read Redeeming Love more than once and Pursued definitely sounds like a book I would love to read. Every girl wants to be pursued or picked and even though I’m married, my husband’s love for me, as great as it is, can’t always supply the deep longing in my heart that is meant for only JESUS to fulfill. I’m going to sign up for those devotionals right now. Thanks again, Lysa, for sharing another great book with your readers.

  285. Lisa

    Hello, Thank you for sharing this interview. I am completely intrigued by the sounds of this book. I was not raised in a Christian home. I committed my life to Christ five years ago. Throughout my childhood and during an abusive marriage for 14 years, I was constantly hearing that I wasn’t good enough. Constant negative and controlling comments. I never would have thought that God was pursuing me. The thought of God pursuing me is awesome! I love this! I can’t wait to read this book. I just started your book Made to Crave and I love it so far. Thanks for sharing yourself. Lisa

    • Karie

      I loved reading your comment! Because I can relate to what you shared, I wanted to leave a comment and encourage you. I am currently ending an abusive marriage of 12 years. I know he has a plan for people like you and I. He wants us to have an abundant life with him. It’s by pursing him that we can find fulfillment (even though this can be harder said then done). I pray that God richly blesses you as you continue to pursue Him!
      God Bless!

  286. Anita

    Thank you for the opportunity to win such a great sounding book!

  287. Valerie Miller

    Listening to this conversation between Jud and Lysa convinced me to do the challenge and read the book Pursued. I recently read “Finding Favor with the King”. It took my relationship with God to a new place. I tells of how for 1 year Ester prepared to meet the King, and how we, during our time here on earth, are being prepared to meet our King, JESUS, I will read Pursed with my heart open …to Him.

  288. Deb

    This book sounds wonderful… Would love to win it!!!

  289. Erin G.

    I am looking forward to reading his book, thank you for letting us know about it! I am fortunate to have a strong marriage, for that I am very grateful. But there are still many times, of course, that I get frustrated in the areas my husband doesn’t meet my expectations. I look forward to a new reminder that my needs can be met by Jesus alone. Thanks for sharing this book with us, I plan to order soon!

  290. Edie Jones

    I broke the glass! Jud’s message inspired by God was awesome! A girlfriend attended the New Speing service when Jus preached and she shared that I HAD to listen. Blessed when I was reminded I can run straight to the cross! I would love a copy of Jud’s book. I’ll read and pass along to a friend in need just like me.

  291. Susan

    This sounds exactly like the book I need to read! I certainly need to see myself from my Lord’s point of view! Thank you, Jud for writing it and thank you, Lysa for arranging a give-away! May our Lord bless you both abundantly!

  292. Melody

    How exciting! I’m signing up for the challenge and hope I win this book. I need it and I think my daughter would benefit from it too……..she has read Redeeming Love many times! Thank you for bringing this book and this challenge to our attention!

  293. Angie Woodward

    Awesome video today Lysa! Just signed up for the challenge and can’t wait to get started. This is definitely a book I’m going to have to read!! I just Love your enthusiasm Lysa!!
    Thanks for the inspiration!!

  294. Marcella

    You are a great example to all of us as to be the Christian should be. Not perfection but forgiven. Thanks for always being real.

  295. Kat C

    I would love to read this book. I just went through a terrible terrible time and although I had perhaps seen and ignored the signs before, it was one of those times where I found out who my true friends and family were. Needless to say, I ended up dealing with the situation totally alone which opened my eyes to the fact that there is really only one being that I can rely on to be there for me and that is God. In the past I was taught to fear God and now I’m learning to open up my heart to Him and that He is my one and only true friend.

  296. Jennifer Myatt

    I can’t wait to read this book. My husband and I have been separated for four years and we have a six year old son. I really want this Valentine’s Day to be filled with love, God’s love! I’m signing up today for the challenge. So excited!!

  297. mindi

    This book strikes such a nerve with me and sounds like great reading! It sounds like exactly what I need in preparing for our schools father daughter banquet and how important it is for these girls to know how much their Heavenly “Daddy” loves them and His desires for them. Excited to read!

  298. Liddy

    What a wonderful topic for a book! Would love to read it and then pass it on to others who I know would benefit from it!

  299. melissa

    Thanks for the chance to win a copy of this book, Lysa! (and Jud)

  300. Meredith

    Sounds like an awesome book! Totally want to read it!

  301. Carrie

    Wow! I really love the sounds of this book and I can’t wait to read it. I’m hoping it will really speak to me because of something very personal I experienced in my life that opened my eyes to having maybe sort of an idol– and it was my husband. Although I was a follower of Christ, I seemed to go to my husband when I was mad and sad and angry and happy and joyful and hurt and needed to be held, etc… In this eye opening experience, He said to me, “I am your lord, your eternal husband and it is me that u should come to first for comfort and peace and no one else.” So I have been stuck in this area of knowing HOW to allow God to be my husband. I need to learn that and I hope that while raising 4 young sons, I can making reading this book a priority so i can move forward! Thanks for the interview on the blog!!

  302. Nita

    Would love to read this book–when my husband left the family over 19 years ago to live another life with other women–I read and re-read Hosea and prayed. The Lord showed me I was to be committed to my husband and stand for my marriage and forgive. Long, long story but would love to read the book by Jud. God is faithful.

  303. Cyndy

    There is a dear girlfriend of mine who would love this book which I would glady give to her if I was the lucky recipient!

  304. Sheila

    Looking forward to winning this book. In my heart there is a deep longing to be pursued, I am understanding in a deeper way that the real longing has been met by Jesus. No man can fill this void.

  305. Darcy

    I would love to receive a free copy of this book! This is the exact thing that I’ve really been trying to hear from God on lately. This spring I’m going to be a bridesmaid for two of my best friends, this will be the 10th wedding I’ve been a part of. Much like Connie, my last two best single girlfriends just started courting. So I’ve been feeling like it’s time for me to really draw close to the Lord and hear from Him, who He says I am.

  306. Karie

    I’ve been going through an extremely difficult divorce after a 12 year marriage to someone who was abusive. I have seen SO many of God’s blessings along the way, but have recently felt like I’m looking for them in the pitch dark.
    There have been a couple of men who have pursued me this past month. I have tried to figure out why God would allow these men to enter my life during a difficult season and the purpose of these potential relationships. It’s possible God is teaching me that there is a possibility of love ahead for me. However, after listening to your video, I believe God is telling me that HE wants to be the only one to pursue me (and vice-versa). He can continue to heal me and meet my needs though his unconditional, perfect love. If he chooses to give me someone I deserve in the future, then great! If not, I need to remember that God can and will meet all my needs!
    I would love the opportunity to read Pursued.
    Thanks for reading.

  307. Suzanne

    Looking forward to reading this book and doing the challenge. Read Redeeming Love years ago before I had a relationship with God and loved the romance in the book. Years later, now I know God personally, read it again and loved it more and understood it better. God spoke to me after my husband passed away when I didn’t know how I could go on. Felt like I had lost my identity because too often we identify ourselves with our husband, our family, job, etc. As I cried out to God, He gently told me (three times), “Your identity is in Me.” Peace came over me immediately. He does pursue us and we need to pursue Him, too. Thanks, Lysa, for sharing yourself.

  308. Linda H

    Would love a copy of this book – I totally struggle with unrealistic expectations. I repeat in my head all the time something you said at a conference (I hope this quote is right) “Even a great husband makes a poor God” I am currently reading “His Revolutionary Love – Jesus’ Radical Pursuit of You” even though I bought it for my teenager : ) Sounds like this book would be *very* helpful for me. Thank you so much for all you do!!!

  309. Kathy Jenkins

    Loved, loved Redeeming Love ~ Will definitely want to ready this 🙂

  310. Ellen

    Sounds like a book to read.

  311. Andrea Selvey

    I LOVE THIS….it allows me to ‘let my husband off the hook!’..and allow him to really love me the way he truely knows how! 🙂 I want this book! 🙂

  312. Vickie

    If I don’t win, I will buy this book!

  313. Nancy

    Thanks for making us aware of yet another great book. I am going to get it!

  314. Rose

    I have read redeeming, love it and look forward to reading this one.

  315. Caryn

    Great interview and a fantastic reminder! God is relentless in pursuing His people. How often we forget that, and how often we minimize Him. Thanks for this interview and for giving us a chance to win a copy of the book!

  316. Kimberly

    I loved Redeeming Love – need to read that one again! And I would love to read Pursued!

  317. Carmen

    Sounds like a wonderful book with powerful truths…looking forward to reading it! What this be a good book to share with a non believer?

  318. ConnieH

    This book sounds so good! I never win these things, but figured I’d comment and enter anyway. I’m with others here who’ve said, if I don’t win this book, I just may have to buy it!
    Thanks for the opportunity Lysa!

  319. Dale Katherine

    I have read and re-read Redeeming Love and have passed on many copies to family and friends. I look forward to getting my hands on this book, whether by winning it here or purchasing it:) I want to know and experience being pursued by God’s redeeming love.

  320. Loretta Pearson

    I so need to understand God’s love more deeply. I’ve just signed up for the 14-day challenge. Thanks Lysa for always helping us grown in Jesus.
    Also, thanks for Made to Crave…I’m making it with Jesus help and your resources!
    Thanks again.

    • Sandi

      When I clicked on the “sign up” hyperlink, it showed a link to H&R Block. Thought you might want to know.
      I LOVED the book Redeeming Love, and hope to read this soon – it sounds great!

  321. cindy

    can’t wait to start my ’21’ day devotional 😉
    seriously, I thank you for the interview Lysa and thank Jud for this message that most women seem to need to hear…I sure do.. my insecurity screams….

  322. Esther

    So wonderful! What a great time of year when everything is cold and lonely to start rekindling that relationship!
    Can’t wait!

  323. Jennifer


  324. Barbara Prince

    Pursued! yes, that is what I’ve hungered for all my life. And, yes, I set myself up for failure when I placed that need to be pursued onto my husband. He is not a pursuing kind of guy. About the only time I get an “I love you” out of him is when I lamenting that he doesn’t love me. Then he’ll buy me something and I hate that. I don’t want to be bought. I want to be loved. God has spoken to me about this a few times. Maybe this book would be the thing that would sear it into my mind. I love Hosea.

  325. Kasie Siple

    This sounds exactly what I need to read right now

  326. Dawn

    Never heard of this author before. Very excited to read. High expectations as in women on Valentine’s Day? Of course we do and then disappointment sets in and it can make for a difficult day. I would love to read this book. Thanks Lysa!

  327. Debbie

    After my husband left I just started running, running and found mysefl pursuing things, and relationships that were so terribly destructive. I realize I have never felt worthy, or desireable enough to be pursued. I cannot begin to tell you, Lysa, how you have made a difference in my life. Thank you for making life real, enjoyable, and fun.
    Sisters in Christ

  328. Jackie Bender

    While reading thru the Bible and readind about God bring the Israelite out of Egypt and seeing how he provided for them you see Gods love and His pursuit of them. Oh how great it will be to read Jud book ,thank you Lysa for sharing. God bless you much 😉

  329. Marilyn Miller

    I have read every one of his books and they are all great. He is a great author and preacher. Awesome interview!!!

  330. Robyn

    I am that person who is sick and tired of being sick and tired. Sounds like I need to read this book.

  331. Linda

    Thank you Lysa for this interview. Such a welcome subject as most days we don’t feel pursued by anyone anywhere. We crave someone to “pick me” and spend some time with me! You have been a tremendous blessing in my life, Lysa over the last few years and I am thankful you’ve said YES to God and keep on saying YES!

  332. Jennifer

    Loved “Redeeming Love” and would love the opportunity to read this book as well!

  333. Krissy

    I think this book would be perfect for me to read right now. I’m struggling right now but I have lots of Hope that I will soon find insights to lead me out of despair!

  334. Stacia

    Sounds great!

  335. CK Smith

    Can’t wait to read Pursued and sign up for the challenge! Your book recommendations are much appreciated.

  336. Eric Davis

    Looking forward to getting a hold of this interesting book. Great interview.

  337. Mary

    I was lent the book “Redeeming Love” by a friend at church and very much enjoyed the book. Then just a couple weeks ago in Bible study we looked at Hosea and what the relationshiip between us & God is through this amazing prophet. If God told me to marry someone who I knew was going to “cheat” on me, could I do it? But God does it with me EVERYDAY! I am not perfect. I struggle with sin every day. Not “bad sin”. But sin is sin. My thoughts, my tongue (sometimes), my attitude. God loves me even when I can’t stand myself. I learned how great His love is for me when I read and studied the fictional and Bible accounts of Hosea. I would love to read Judd’s book. Think I’ll check out the Christian book store ASAP. Thanks Lysa & Judd!

  338. CBG

    I would love to win this book to give to my daughter. She is a young single mama who gets sad when she considers that she might not be able to meet a good man who will love her and her little boy. I think this would be very encouraging for her to read!

  339. Donna

    I couldn’t see it on my iPhone but wod love to have the book!

  340. Jenny Newman

    Would love the opportunity to get this book. I echo the other comments here that I appreciate your book recommendations, Lysa.

    • Jenny Newman

      Also looking for the link you mentioned for his challenge…don’t see it here on the blog unless I’m missing it? You know, my b-day is actually Valentine’s Day so this one really hits home.

  341. April

    I so need this! After reading Day 1 of the Pursued Challenge, I am excited to learn more of this idea of finding fulfillment in God’s pursuit of me, rather than in my unrealistic expectations of others. This is huge for me! My poor husband has been held accidentally accountable for my ups and downs for so long. I know I need to let the guy go free, but I have not been able to do it in my own strength. This is something I have struggled with for a long time. Also, I did read “Redeeming Love,” and loved it! One thing I would pray for a long time after was to be able to hear and believe only the bold italics of God’s voice. Thanks, Lysa, for teaming up with Jud Wilhite to bring us this hope for lasting change.

  342. Christa Johnson

    Loved Redeeming Love and would love to read “Pursued”. So thankful for creative writers!

  343. Cheya

    I’m on day two of his devotional and am just loving it! Will definitely get the book! 🙂

  344. Sarah

    I’ m leading a Bible Study “Experiencing God” by Henry & Richard Blackaby. A lot of the units are about God pursuing us. I would like a copy of Pursued by Jud Wilhite to share with the group. I’m sure this book will blend in with the study.

  345. Evelyn

    Today’s devotion – Remind Me Who I Am by Glynnis Whitewer was for me the perfect introduction to the first day of the challenge – I had read Hosea yesterday and after meditating one how I too was beloved, I was ready to learn that I am also pursued. They were a one two punch of empowerment, encouragement and WOW! I’ve ordered the book but have several someones that I would love to share with.

  346. Elizabeth

    Awesome cant wait to read

  347. Rainie

    I want to read this book ’cause I want to be free to be the me god created me to be without strings.

  348. Mary R

    I would really like to read it. I prayed to get closer to God this year and on the 8th I was told I needed surgery. Now I’m home recovering. Yes, I was on the ride of faith. Just had to put myself in His hands and say whatever happens I know I’ll always be yours. I’m not out of the woods yet so I better start reading more.

  349. Nadia

    Really needed the reminder today that God CAN fulfill all my needs. Would love to win the book and read more about what I need to do or change to feel whole and loved. Thankful for all the ministries out there that reach out to encourage and support the body of Christ. God Bless.

  350. KB

    I am in a very difficult relationship and feel trapped in marriage. I always said I would rather be alone and lonely than be married and lonely, and yet here I am, married and lonely. I need a book like Jud’s, especially with Valentine’s Day approaching.

  351. Sally

    Pursued. Can’t wait to dive into it!

  352. heather walker

    Would love this book!

  353. Melinda Smith

    I now know the next 2 books in my readingQ….redeeming love and pursued. Thanks lysa

  354. AlyssaZ

    Wow, I am super excited to read this book now!! Adding it to the ‘to-read’ list now!!

  355. Krista

    I would love to read this book. Being reminded of God’s pursuit of me and love for me is exacty what I need!

  356. Tia

    Can’t wait to read this book! Thanks Lysa!

  357. Eric Mason

    I absolutely love Jud. He provides a message with impeccable timing and accuracy. It is important that we should know that we can run as fast and hard as we want in self-will, and God will chase us faster, and with more determination, than our efforts.

  358. Joyce Holtz

    Pastor Wilhite is the the pastor at my church and he is so awesome. I would love to win the book. I have read some of the other books he has written and he makes you feel so good. Thank you for offering the books to us.

  359. Nicki Rullman

    Can’t wait to read this book!

  360. Shana

    This is on my birthday wish list… The 26th just can’t get here fast enough! Can’t wait to dive into this book!

  361. Terri

    Redeeming Love is one of my all time favorite books I plan on reading Pursued as well.Its good to be reminded that God is the only one who can fill our hearts to overflowing.

  362. Becky Jackenheimer

    I absolutely want to read this book. With an unfortunate divorce in the works, I feel like I NEED this book and its message. I can’t wait to read!

  363. Diane W. Bailey

    And what woman does not want to be pursued? I would love a copy of the book!

  364. Evie

    Lysa, Thank you for sharing the video and the book Pursuit. Your right…Every woman needs to read this. I think its interesting that it was written by a man. I probably would not have noticed your big eyes if you hadnt mentioned it. But it was cute. I love you and your spirit. I just read unglued and didnt want it to end. It was like I was sitting in my living room with you. This book is exactly where im at and NEED to read. Love you. xoxox

  365. Tiffany

    Can’t wait to read!!!

  366. Diana Lopez

    I can’t to get a copy. Being a Director of a Women’s Ministry I am always looking for bible study material that encourages a better relationship with God. I love the story of Hosea and Gomer. It isa great example of unconditional love.

  367. LaDonna

    I remember reading Francine Rivers’ Redeeming Love with my book club and it was such a gorgeous story. I think that it’s important to get a firmly established understanding of how God desires a relationship with us and how He loves. I struggle with that revelation due to my own insecurities but I am looking forward to reading Pastor Wilhite’s book. I think it will give me a greater understanding in those areas that aren’t so clear to me not to mention, it would be super awesome to win a copy on my birthday today!

    Take care!

  368. Barbara Breglia

    i am a member of Central Christian Church and my husband Mike has read other books of Juds, his words have helped get through so much . I think my husband would love to have this book to read while he is starting his chemo treatments on Monday.. thank you

  369. Jamie hansen

    I need to feel gods love for like this very much

  370. Marianne Foriska

    Can’t wait to read Jud’s book “Pursued”. I loved “Redeeming Love” I’ve read it twice.
    Thanks, Lysa

  371. Susan Harris

    This sounds like a GREAT book and I’ve added it to my list of “must have’s”! I could have used this years ago!! It would have been a huge help for me as I spent time in the dessert seeking being pursued by all the wrong things; but will serve as a wonderful reminder of God’s great and wondrous love for me!!! Thank you for offering this book as a give away! I’m sure those who win will be blessed beyond measure!

  372. Trudy

    As a 59 yr old widow, I agree that Valentine s day is hard to maneuver around. I do get lonely and long for someone special in my life. I would like to join Jud s challenge to draw closer to the one who woo s me on a daily basis! His love will always be around.

  373. Tom Kile

    Jud is a great example of how God pursues us. He grew up in the church I go to and he wasn’t headed anywhere near where he is today. He was going to play in a rock and roll band and have nothing to do with God. You can see where he is now so he has a first hand knowledge of God’s pursuit of us. I have read several of Jud’s books and given them as gifts. Looking forward to this read.

  374. Anne A.

    I would love to read Pursued. What an awesome thought that God pursues us in this way! And perfect to read right now as I think about my relationship with a God who loves like that.

  375. Catherine Mendez

    I am looking forward to read this book and share it with my family. At 37 I am just beginning to learn how to receive God’s love.

  376. Georgette

    I rededicated my life to Jesus 4 years ago on Valentines Day. I was in a place in my life that brought me to the end of everything i believed in. Troubled first family, abortion, broken marriage, promises and dreams. My heart on that day was dead. I remember saying to my co worker that i didn’t believe in love anymore. I was numb.

    I was invited to a little country bar to listen to a local band. I thought this would be better than sitting at home. So i went. Up comes a man i had thought i was in love with months before. He took my hand and told me it must be fate that i was there. He had been thinking about me for awhile. You see he was a man that dated a lot of women. And i knew it. This was the place my life was at. He left me months before feeling empty and ashamed. And still for a second while he was holding my hand i thought what if… Then he said to me he had had an epiphany. He said we were exactly alike. For a second i was happy then taken aback. You see the Holy Spirit at that moment decided that was just about enough. He came for me. I started hearing a whisper in this loud bar. Go home. Leave this bar. I knew Holy Spirits voice. It had been awhile, but He never leaves us. I went home immediately. Got on my knees and prayed. I rededicated my life that night. Jesus never stops persuing us.

    I love in Hosea where He say’s, ” and you will know the Lord.” It is His promise we will know Him. I can’t wait to read this book. Thank you Lysa Terkeurst and Jud Wilhite, you are both an awesome voice for Jesus love and persuit of our heart.

  377. Nicole W.

    This sounds like an awesome book! The enemy works overtime in making us feel inadequate, unloved, insignificant and to be able to read this book and be constantly reminded of how God pursues us is so encouraging. Thank you for this offer, Lysa!

  378. elle faulkner

    Having a rough day….this book win would definitely cheer me up!

  379. Karen M

    Looks like I have another book to add to my wish list!! 🙂 Thanks!

  380. Trish

    Pursued sounds like just what I need to ignite my relationship with God and have my emotional needs met through God rather than man.

  381. Katie Leonard

    I’m reading Philip Keller’s Shepherd trilogy, and am so BLOWN AWAY by the metaphors God gives us to know Him better. After I finish basking in my sheep-ness, sounds like I might need to move on to getting to know the marriage metaphor!

  382. Chris Griesser

    Great stuff!Awesome! Our church in Hawaii loves what Jud and his team is doing!

  383. Darcy

    He preached at my church Sunday and was AWESOME!! Cannot wait to read this book!

  384. Melinda Rickert

    I would love to read pursued. I absolutely loved Redeeming Love. It healed me in so many ways. Just recently read through Hosea and can’t believe how differently I understood it as a love affair with God. Thank you for this video!!

  385. Dianne

    I long to feel pursued.

  386. Jim Rutherford

    Would love to have a copy of your book. Our church is made up of former addicts, alcoholics and felons, and I think your book would benefit many,

  387. Elizabeth

    Cannot wait to read this book. I would love to share this book with a dear friend of mine that is single and has been divorced for 12 years and sometimes wonders if God will ever bring the right man her way. She has been believing God for a godly man and she recently broke up with a man she thought was going to be the one. I want her to feel pursued by our heavenly Father. I know this book will bless her life.

  388. Brandi Bass

    We LOVE Jud! Jud is our pastor at Central on line. My husband and I use to live in Henderson, NV and attended Central Christian. However, a new job led us to another state but we are blessed to still have Jud with us through our Roku player and the Central website. Although we attend a new church in our new state, we still turn to Jud and watch his sermons to follow him and the church. He still teaches us even though we are on the East coast now. When people find out that we use to live in Las Vegas they ask us if we miss it. The very first thing we say is, “We miss our church and our church family.” I don’t think that is a very common answer coming from most people who have lived in Las Vegas but it’s the truth. We can’t wait to read this book. Jud is such a blessing and has taught us so many things already. We can’t wait to read his book.

  389. Sherry

    Pursued!!! Wow!!! Would love to know more about how God pursues ME!!! Sounds like a great book that I would love to read! Thank you for sharing this interview! Really speaks to me in awesome ways!

  390. Ashley Rigdon

    Sounds amazing..can’t wait to see you next month in Waxahachie and then again in Spetember at WOF

  391. Jessica

    Jud was our pastor while my husband and I spent three years in Las Vegas. Was so excited to see his name on your page today! Can’t wait to read this book!

  392. Lisa Harris

    I’m about to spend valentines day without a valentine for the first time in almost 30 years (recent divorce) and my daughter and her college boyfriend recently broke up as well. Needless to say our house is avoiding all things valentine this year. I hate the fact that we are both feeling rather jaded about romance right now and make barfing sounds when anything lovey dovey comes on the television or radio. Turning to God to fill that broken and empty space sounds like the right plan.

  393. Nancy Garcia

    I would so love to have this book!

  394. Lisa Harris

    I’m about to spend valentines day without a valentine for the first time in almost 30 years (recent divorce) and my daughter and her college boyfriend recently broke up as well. Needless to say our house is avoiding all things valentine this year. I hate the fact that we are both feeling rather jaded about romance right now and make barfing sounds when anything lovey dovey comes on the television or radio.

  395. Lita

    Love the idea of God wooing us!!!!

  396. cynthia salmon

    I cannot wait to read the book Pursued and do the challenge.

  397. Karen Hertberg

    I loved Torn and look forward to the blessings that Pursued bring!

  398. C

    I’d love a copy of this!!

  399. Amanda

    How awesome would it be to win this book. This year has been a year of much uncertainty in my life. My husband deployed in August for 13 months and I have found myself very alone recently in his absence. I would love to return to the relationship of my first true love, Jesus Christ and get to know Him in a deeper way than ever before…to allow him to pursue my heart again the way I did as a new Christian and to learn to lean & rely on Him and Him alone when I do feel alone.

  400. Brandy Barnett

    Started day one of the pursued challenge and would love to get a hold of the book

  401. Marti Hagan

    Great interview Lysa. I am currently on Day #6 of the Pursued Challenge. I was priviledged to watch Jud preach (online) on Pursued at NewSpring Church Sunday and I can’t wait to read the book when I can fit it into my budget.
    By the way – I am on my 3rd time through your Made to Crave book, and so far I’ve lost 28 pounds and feeling so much better. Thanks for your inspiration!

  402. Laine

    I was honored to hear Pastor Jud preach at my church this past Sunday! I love his heart and would love to read his book!!

  403. Penny

    In the midst of separation and praying for restoration of my marriage. LOVED “Redeeming Love”. Looking forward to reading this book as well.

  404. Malissa Brock

    I heard Jud speak at NewSpring Church this past weekend and was already planning on buying the book. But winning it would be awesome!

  405. Kim W

    I’ve put this on my list of must reads. Thank you.

  406. Sandi

    Planning on ordering this book tonight! If I win, I will give the free copy to someone who needs it.

  407. Teisha

    Looking forward to reading this book! And sharing this with a special girlfriend who needs to know God’s UNCONDITIONAL LOVE! Thanks, Teisha

  408. Stacey Goetz

    OK I loved this interview with Jud. I am so excited to have a chance to win a copy of his book!!! I just finished Made to Crave and need a new read. I have been studying Gen. in my BSF class, we have been talking about Abram. I am just amazed every day how much God loves us, just as he loved and pursued Abraham. In church we have been studying Ruth. Today I listed how God pursued Ruth and Naome. It is so precious how Jesus loves us and pursues us even with all the mess/sin I have in our lives. I had tears running down my eyes after watching your blog. The Lord has been telling me all day how much he pursues me. Can’t wait to start reading Jud’s book and I am also going to sign up for his blog. I am excited to learn more about Jud and his walk with Christ. I am new to your blog Lysa. I LOVE IT 🙂

  409. Sandi

    I tried to contact you through your website (privately), but couldn’t find a way to do it (and didn’t have a ton of time to look!). I thought you might want to know that on Monday’s blog page and also somewhere on these comments, when you click on “sign up” for Jud’s 14-day challenge, you actually are directed to H&R Block (wrong hyperlink – I tried the link, and sure enough, it went to H&R Block … which may be useful to many people right now, but I’m pretty sure that’s NOT where you meant to take them …).

  410. Marilyn

    Our life group loved TORN, looking forward to Pursued also.

  411. Stacey Goetz

    Forgot to mention…this was my first bog I have read and also my first post. I feel so tech like 🙂

  412. Lyn Mattioli

    The feelings that come from being pursued is something I need to receive. I also need to do a better job of pursuing the loved ones in my life. Looking forward to learning from the book.

  413. Sherri n

    The book sounds intriguing. One of my New Year’s resolutions is to grow closer to God, and this book is about Him pursuing ME?! I would live to win a copy, read it, and share it with my friends who have huge holes in their hearts right now. God bless you in your ministries.

  414. Linda Hicks

    This book sounds awesome. One thing he said that stood out to me is that – not only do we desire to be PURSUED but God designed us that way. And He also rigged it so that nobody could pursue us like He does!

  415. Esmeralda Morin

    This book has definitely caught my attention! It’s true that many time we want to feel pursued by someone; and the truth is – we are. God pursues us daily, yet we take His love for granted many times.

  416. Emily

    Love this message! Can’t wait to read the book! Definitely added to my must read list! Thanks for sharing Jud’s info & ministry!

  417. Brenda Payette

    I attend Central Christian church when I lived in Las Vegas when ever I am in town love attending services. Jud is a awesome speaker and author. I have readed and shared many of his books with family and friends. Pursued sounds like a great read. I heard his lesson from the book of Hosea and what God did to him and through him especially in regards to his wife “Gomer”… WInning Pursued would be a fantastic read so I can share with my friends in Seattle WA who enjoy Jus’s books.

  418. Lisa Day

    This is the book I have been looking for!

  419. Brooke

    I am signing up for the challenge today. I love the thought of God pursuing us. I grew up knowing about God but never knowing about the relationship until I was married with children. It is so hard for me to conceive that He is pursuing me. I am working on it and I can’t wait to read this book.

  420. Suzanne M

    I am yearning to feel pursued by God and would love to win the book and learn of the ways in which God is pursuing me. I enjoyed your informative interview with Jud and look forward to signing up for the 21 day challenge.

  421. nancy

    Great interview! I am going to sign up for the challenge and buy the book.
    thanks for sharing it. If i did when the book i know several friends i could give
    this book too. Thanks again

  422. Evelyn

    I am very excited about this book! I know from personal experience that God has pursued me and continues to pursue me. I hope what I learn in “Pursued” will help me explain to others how real God’s love is for them. His love for me personally, really became real to me when I realized He pursued me, even when my lifestyle was far from pleasing to Him.

  423. MJ

    I’m often reminded that the empty hole in my heart, was designed by Him, so that HE can fill it. When I put unfair expectations on my husband, he gets discouraged because he can’t live up to them, and I set myself up to be disappointed. No one is happy at this point. People aren’t capable and weren’t created to fulfill “every” desire we have… Only the Father can fill those voids.

  424. Joan

    I really feel this book is for me. I really have been thinking a lot on how God can fill that void in you heart when your marriage is failing, and dealing w/teen children that don’t seem to care and dreaming of having that best friend that will be there for you and it never happens. It is hard to wrap my mind on the fact that God is persuing me.

  425. Sandy Gobrogge

    My friend and I have had many conversations about the longing we have in our hearts that we would love to have our husbands fill! Wow! Nothing like having your last name out there! But we both know that the longing has been put there by our God! It’s something only He can and will fulfill for us. I would love to win one of the books to give to my friend, but it doesn’t really matter, because I’m getting it for her. She is his caregiver. He is early Alzheimer’s, plus he’s in a wheelchair because of his diabetes. Her time is mostly at home, and she is one very classy, social, and loving prayer warrior! We miss her presence at church. I loved this interview.

  426. Elaine Segstro

    That God would treasure me and be obsessed with me – wow! We cannot rely upon earthly things/people to fulfill our needs, and we need to be reminded of God’s unchanging love and faithfulness. Yes, I would love to read this book.

  427. Sheilah Mullinsm

    Have always thought about how I pursue The Lord and the correct life to live. Never gave much thought to how he is pursuing me (and my children and siblings). Interesting turn around. Running to Him with open arms. Thank you.

  428. Chérie Olson

    Would love to read Judd’s book. I enjoyed Francine River’s Redeeming Love – brought tears to my eyes and convicted me of how more like Gomer than Ruth I am. I have never felt pursued, and know that during this season of my life, I need to know how fully relentless that God adores and pursues me. I have a head knowledge, and am learning to trust Him to meet my every need during my wilderness journey!

  429. Deb

    I learned in my Ladies Bible Study group that WE are God’s inheritance, so that fact that He pursues us makes so much sense! sound like this book will help me understand this concept more deeply. Thanks

  430. Janet Hannah

    Great interview! I started the challenge today and this sounds like just what I need, newly divorced and not looking forward to V-Day this month!! Nice to here daily about God’s pursuit of me and how much he loves me! Would love to win the book too! Thanks for all you do!

  431. Laurie Nicholson

    I was being pursued by my Heavenly Father this morning as I was driving to work. A few words from a song really caught my attention even though I have heard/sung them many times before… ‘I was estranged, You callled me beautiful; I was ashamed, You called me beautiful, now I’m Yours You call me beautiful’. I was moved to tears on my way to work hearing my Abba Father calling me beautiful. The book ‘Pursued’ would be an amazing way to further explore God’s unconditional love and His continuing pursuit of me. I also have friends and family members who would benefit greatly from reading a book such as Pursued. Blessings.

  432. Irene

    If given a chance to get a free copy PURSUED I’ll give it as a gift to my wayward( or probably confused) son on is 17th birthday this coming April 3. Hi Lysa, l’m taking this opportunity to thank you & let you know how blessed am I to be one those thousand subscribers of your Encouragement for Today devotionals through email. Unfortunately, I did not receive my devotinal email today and yesterday as well. My weekdays is not complete if I missed one or so. Hope I would receive one tomorrow. Amillion thanks and more blessings!

  433. Pepper

    I LOVE Francine Rivers’ book Redeeming Love, so I am very much interested in reading this book. Thanks for introducing it to us. I am just starting the Made to Crave study at my church and I’m excited about digging into that. Thanks!

  434. Mary Beth

    The book sounds great – I have added it to my “must read” list for 2013

  435. Mary Beth

    The book sounds great – I have added it to my “must read” list for 2013

  436. Mary

    The Book of Hosea saved my marriage. I look forward to the Pursued Challenge,

  437. Sandra-Kay

    My daughter and I was at our church NewSpring in Anderson this past weekend and got to hear Jud preach..he is fantastic !!! Such a funny and passionate preacher. What a great message !!! Thank you for visiting our church.

  438. Teresa Purkey

    I’m new to your blog. The interview has me intrigued to read this book. I loved Redeeming Love! I am going through a divorce and God is putting my life back together. In the last few months my Faith has grown so much and I know God is pursuing me and HE will never leave me. God bless. 🙂

  439. Sophia DeLonghi

    Would love to read this book and do a study! Intriguing!

  440. Myrna Vazquez

    When I first came to visit my brother took me to Central and I feel in love with the Church and Pastor Jud. I always leave the church feeling like a million bucks. I would love to win his book and look forward to God pursuing me!!

  441. Debbie H

    I am drawn to this topic as lately I have been feeling that I am missing the love of God but can’t imagine how it would feel better than the incredible love I am experiencing with my fiance’. I love God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit I don’t think I feel it like I am meant to.
    Thanks for all you do Lysa.

  442. Kirsten

    I would love to read this book. It sounds amazing!

  443. Linda

    On day 2 and lovin all of it. Lysa is my fav but Jud is right behind her. Would love a copy of the book. Keep it real!!

  444. Michelle W

    This book touches on something that has been difficult most of my adult life. I’ve tried to fill that need of being pursued, of unconditional love and of romance with ALL the wrong things. I’ve never married and Valentine’s Day has always been painful. I’m trusting God that He will bring the Godly husband that’s right for me. I struggle to know that God loves me in the way Jud talked about. I’ve signed up for the 14-day challenge and would love to read the book, already downloaded the free 1st chapter. Thanks Lysa

    • Patty

      I just started the challenge a couple of days ago. I am looking forward to a more encouraging Valentine’s Day than usual. I especially appreciate the sensitivity shown to those who are unmarried, as this “holiday” can feel like torture. I cannot wait to read the book, and totally hope there will be a study guide to follow soon. What a great topic to go through with a group!!

  445. Bill Buzwah

    Maybe more men should also read these books

  446. Mary Boyd

    I would love the book!

  447. Robin

    Sounds wonderful, just what I am struggling with.

  448. Susan

    This book sounds awesome. I loved Rivers “Redeeming Love”. I hope since it is written by a male my husband would like to read it. He doesn’t understand the “personal” relationship side of our faith. Thanks Lisa for the opportunity to know about this book.

  449. Wendy

    I have been asking thr Lord what He wants for me during this next season of life. I have also been wrestling with times that I feel so alone. I recently watched the movie, Amazing Love, which is the story of Hosea. In the last week, I have read three different things and they all have mentioned the story of Hosea and Gomer. I started thinking that God is wanting to teach me something here. I heard on Klove about a book called pursued, but honestly forgot about it. When I checked my email later in the day, I saw the same book mentioned on Lysa’s blog. I thought I would sign up. When I got the first email, I couldn’t believe it when I saw it was about the story of Hosea and Gomer, and now I am going to get a devotional for the next 21 days about it!!! God is wanting to teach something for sure, and I can’t wait to hear what He has to say! Thank you for your faithfulness to Him! He has used to you to keep pointing me to Him!

  450. Cheryl

    Sounds like a great book! Once I got married, I had a lot of expectations that did not come to fruition and was sorely disappointed -and not just on Valentine’s Day. Needless to say, I transferred those feeling onto God – believing He didn’t have my best interest at heart. Within the past year, I’ve been walking out of the “Naomi” bitterness walk and learning to enjoy the life I do have, to respect my husband more each day and to receive once again from Father and His goodness over me.

  451. Amber J

    I cherish the idea of being pursued! My God loves me and wants me!! He created me for His pleasure!! As a single girl, that is very precious to my heart!! I am loved!! I am valued!! I am pursued by the God of the universe!! Wow!!!!!!
    We love because HE first loved us!!!
    So grateful that God loves us so much that he comes after us and calls us to Himself!!!

  452. Maureen Bacon

    I heard Jud speak for the first time at NewSpring church on Sunday. It was a great message and I really can’t wait to read the book!

  453. Pam Stewart

    Wow!! Lately I have been feeling sad, lonely, very unloveable. :(. This interview spoke to my soul and reminded me that God does love me and IS pursuing me!! I’m going to sign up for the 21 day challenge and I’d LOVE to win a copy of the book. ;). Thanks Lysa. You always inspire and encourage me. Philemon 7

  454. Kathy

    I am in a new season of my life and walk with Jesus and trying to soak up all that I can!! This book sounds like something that I need to read!! I am desperately pursuing Him and trying immerse myself in God’s word and I need to be able to know that I am being pursued by Him as well!! I did the Unglued bible study in the Fall and am now doing Made to Crave this spring!! Love your bible studies!! You interview with Jud was wonderful!! My bible study leader is actually Jud’s sister and she highly recommended the book, not that she is biased or anything!! Please, pick me!!

  455. Roselin

    Im looking forward to reading this book!!! Sometimes the unrealistic expectations of a holiday,such as Valentines, blinds us from the reality of the One who persues us unforgivingly. I love the fiction version so this outta be a home run!

  456. Roselin

    Im looking forward to reading this book!!! Sometimes the unrealistic expectations of a holiday,such as Valentines, blinds us from the reality of the One who persues us unforgivingly. Bring it!

  457. Roselin

    Sometimes the unrealistic expectations of a holiday,such as Valentines, blinds us from the reality of the One who persues us unforgivingly. Bring it!

  458. Resa

    I love this interview. I really need to read this book. I work with the youth. I have so much I need to learn to better myself. Then I can give back! I would love to win this book!!!!

  459. Teri Baumann

    Sounds like a great book. My husband is a pastor of a smaller church and the Lord has led his preaching focus this year to be focused on LOVE. Mark 12:30-31 is our foundation verse… Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. This past Sunday he told us we must be firm on our understanding of how much God loves us. This book seems to be where we are at right now. I would love to receive a copy. Thank you Lysa for always encouraging me in my faith, sister.

  460. Linda

    Lysa, I loved the interview and am very much interested in the challange. I love that God never gives up on me but keeps pursuing me to be the best I can be for Him!

  461. Pam Sims

    I am excited about this book. I love the idea of being pursued by God and I have signed up for the 14 day pursed challenge. Great interview. God is passionate about us and I love that about Him, He never gives up on me even when my heart is somewhere else. What grace!

  462. Andrea

    I have not heard of that book!
    I want to win & read it!
    WOW – when he said . . . “I underestimated the relentless love & grace of God”
    I know I do too – sadly!
    Thank you for interviewing him & making me aware of this book.

  463. Claire

    Sounds great. Signed up for the challenge. Would enjoy the free book,

  464. Jewel

    I can’t wait to read this book it is just what I need at this time! Thank you!

  465. Jada Huff

    Cannot fathom being pursued by God!! I have tried to win approval & affection by working in the church but didn’t grow the relationship I should have with God. Going to buy book! Would be a blessing to win & give to someone who isn’t aware they are being pursued!!

  466. teepee

    I signed up for the challenge and can’t wait for the first step. Would love to win this book to give to my pastor, who is stretched beyond belief and needing God’s encouraging pursuit.

  467. Lena

    I have read the book Redeeming Love and reread it (I usually never read a book more than once). I absolutely loved it! I would love to win this giveaway. My New Years resolution this year is to get closer to God. Knowing and seeing that God pursues ME, would be a lot of help. Thanks for the chance to win.

  468. Donna

    Sounds like a great book? Enjoyed your interview.

  469. Gail

    Would love to receive the book after I am done absorbing it I will pass it on to others

  470. MC

    Book sounds great. Thanks for making it available.

  471. Margaret

    Loved the interview, and I’m going to order the book today. I’m signing up for the 21 day devotional too! Thank you Lysa & Jud!

  472. Margaret

    Loved the interview, and I’m going to order the book today. I’m signing up for the 21 day devotional too! Thank you Lysa and Jud!

  473. Margaret

    Loved the interview, and I’m going to order the book today. I’m signing up for the 21 day devotional too. Thank you Lysa and Jud.

  474. Margaret

    Loved the interview, and I am going to order the book today. I’m signing up for the 21 day devotional too. Thank you Lysa and Jud.

  475. Kerry Baca

    Trying to be closer to God everyday!!! I would love to win this book. If not I would definately like to know where I can purchase it. And very interested in your Made to Crave book as well.

  476. Laura

    I would love to win a copy of this book. I just signed up for the 14day challenge yesterday so today was the first day of receiving the emails after reading a sample of the book I quickly put it at the top of my “books to read” list. I love the story of Hosea and have read and reread Redeeming love multiple times. Can’t wait to read Jud’s book.

  477. Robin Miller

    I can’t wait to read this book! I myself am always seeking to feel the romance in my marriage and I hope this book will help me! Thanks.

  478. Alicia Key

    sounds like a great book. Seems like Valentines has become just another day- it’ll be great to learn of God pursuing me!

  479. suzanne

    I absolutely love your books, I plan on reading made to crave, becoming more than a Bible school girl, and unglued, I have them all except unglued. I review books for my blog, would love to interview you sometime, cant get enough of your enlightening books, keep of the work, you are uplifting to the spirit! Keep writing, you help my spiritual growth so much!

  480. Vickye

    I thought your interview was great. Thank you for helping so many women with the information you make available. I am struggling in my relationship with my husband and would love to read this book.

  481. Patti

    Started the 14 day challenge and I want MORE!!! Need the book!! Can’t wait to get my hands on it! Amazing truth that has the potential to revolutionalize my walk with the Lord! Really excited to read more! 🙂

  482. jodi

    I have trouble believing how much God really loves me. I hope to read this book.

  483. Lisa

    Sitting in the dark in the early morning on day 2 of a road trip with my husband of almost 36 years. 11 months since we started intense counseling together for his sexual addictions. what a hard, hard road to travel, but God is good and we are seeing what the “other side of addiction” looks like. God is my rock. It is so important to Keep Jesus as my example.

  484. anonymous

    I feel like I’ve worn out my welcome to the party. All I do is fail, and when I try to pray, I feel like my prayers go nowhere.

    • Beth Smith

      Dear Sister,
      I am sorry you are struggling. God is there with us even when we can’t feel it.
      Look for His hand in the morning clouds, the dampness of the dew, the amazing sunsets. When I am feeling down, I open the front door and take a big breath of fresh air. It reminds me that God is there.
      Don’t give up. I lift you up to God right now that you feel his peace and love in your life.
      A sister in Christ,

  485. Resolve

    I hope to read this book; something needs to break down this wall inside of my heart. I have spent my entire life struggling to be loved, feel loved and believing inside the depths of my soul that I am loved. I know what God’s says and I know what the bible says, I know his promises too, many years of hurt and rejection from the ones I love the most created a wall of stone, that no matter how much I know in my mind it has never really sank in my heart. I spend my entire marriage in the pain of rejection, my childhood too. I was never good enough for anyone to love me for who I am. I am not proud but I do know that I have exhausted myself in the quest to feel this; until recently i placed all this on my husband, but I have given it up;it is what it is and that is no longer my battle. I want to feel God’s pursuit for me because its what i need to survive, I need to feel God’s love for me. I have been Blessed with many things in life and I do count my blessings; but there is one that escapes me always is the intimacy of my one true Love.

  486. Beth Smith

    I love your eyes!!!!! So cute!!!!!!
    Keep up the great work you are doing!!!!!

  487. Renee

    My small group is getting ready to start a new study next Tuesday and I think this book might be a good book to read. We have ladies from all walks of life so I think this would be a great to do and especially with Valentines next week. Thanks for sharing with us!

  488. Laurie

    I really need this. I want to see how I am pursued by God. I am in a marriage in which I am not pursued at all, just “instructed” and told not to talk. It is hard, I am not giving up though. God has me here for a reason.

  489. Dawn Riel

    Always have known my Savior has been with me, even when I was very young, but it has only been since I have grown older that I have really with what great passion that He pursues me with. Would love to read this book just gain even more insight.

  490. Laurie Vanderburg

    My husband and I have gone through a tough year. After the birth of our 4th I revisited the hospital twice both in life threating situations. My sweet husband had to visit the thought of living life without me and raising 4 children on his own. Now I have completely recovered but have gone through my husband losing his job, having to move, medical bills piling up and possibly pulling our children out of school. And yet we recognize that God is pulling us out to pull us in. The refining that has been taking place is amazing. We are continuously reading to open ourselves up to what He has for us right now. I would welcome the opportunity to focus on this attribute of God where He is pursuing us because I sense it so strongly in our lives and desire to understand it more. Thanks Lysa for all you do. Part of my journey has included your input into my life through Made to Crave. You helped me deal with an area of my life that I had been wrestling with for years. I knew there was a spiritual connection I just didn’t know how to get there. I am grateful for your willingness to share your experience with us.

  491. Jennifer D.

    I can’t wait to read this as I think many people yearn for this. I can’t wait to teach this to my daughter too, to look for this in our heavenly Father and not in others.

  492. Lori Mack

    Hi Lysa! First off, let me say I am currently reading your Unglued Devotional and it speaks to me in so many ways. Thank you for writing such a great book! I had the pleasure of hearing Jud preach at my church this past Sunday and I am so looking forward to reading his book!

  493. Dorothy Reed

    I love your devotionals. They always hit home and are an inspiration to me. Thank you

  494. Debbie

    Thanks for this information on this book. I can’t wait to read the whole book. I read a sample of the first chapter and I was in tears. It deeply spoke to my heart. I can’t wait to read it with my husband. The timing was perfect for what we need to encourage us on our journey with our amazing God as He never gives up on us.

  495. neisie99

    I live with a husband of 15 years who has emotionally left the marriage a long time ago. I have tried everything I know to do to make it work and I am to the point of giving up. I won’t get a divorce unless he chooses to, but I am no longer worrying about what is wrong with me, what did I do wrong. I have given up most everything for him. I used to do daycare and volunteer a lot at the church, but he said those things only cost us money. I was a stay at home mom because that is what I felt was important…he wanted money. I went to school and worked full time to get an education in child development so I could still be working with kids, all while he sat at home on his computer and did nothing. I mean nothing besides play games and watch tv. All the while I kept wondering what was wrong with me that he was so unhappy, but when I asked him he would tell me he was perfectly happy. He is happy, he has everything done for him, everything is taken care of and he had to make no effort. I have been asking God why my husband seems to get his way all the time and I am the one that has to give up. I gave up having more children because he didn’t want any more and I am scared that we will end up losing the farm that I was raised on because he was the man of the house and decided how the money was spent and it certainly didn’t go to taxes that we owe. I am tired of feeling like I am so very alone…I will be buying the book today and maybe I can get beyond this feeling of being alone.

  496. darlene rench

    Sounds like a book I need to read and would be great to share with my Bible Study women!

  497. Mandy

    I would love, love, love a copy of this book. It’s exactly the journey I’m on–learning about how God loves!

  498. linda

    I have been on a downward spiral for a while now. I am a Christian and am battling things I cannot see. My health is declining daily with choices I can’t seem to shake.
    When i opened your email Lysa and watched the interview heard you mention Redeeming Love, memories flooded me of how I felt the first time I read this book. I read Redeeming Love years ago it had impacted me deeply. Still don’t know how God will pull me out of this deep dark place, but I am trusting him that He will. Thanks, this is the first time i have ever make a comment but was hoping it might make a difference in one single step.

  499. nena

    It would be fabulous to win a copy of this book…but if not I’ll be getting a copy for sure.


    Thank you so much for your devotionals and also sharing such great books with us. I would have never heard of this book “Pursued” had it not been for your interview. This year has been a tough one emotionally, but I am daily learning how much God loves me and truly wants to meet all my needs. How wonderful to be pursued by the God of the Universe who cares intimately about me more than any human can ever care! Wow, it amazes me that God would love me so much. I would love to read this book.

  501. Jane Palmer

    I always need to be reminded of how much God loves me – some days are tough. This book will definitely keep me encouraged. I am looking forward to reading the book.

  502. Christine

    I can’t wait to read Pursued!! I just finished reading Unglued and absolutely loved it!!

  503. Leigh F

    It is so easy in the midst of trials to remember how much God loves us.

  504. Ashley

    This is a really interesting concept! Sounds fascinating. I’d love to read this book,

  505. Donna

    The peace gained when our focus is on Christ is indescribable. Why did it take me so long to live this awesome life!

  506. Donna Jones

    So Miss Lysa, I am totally not commenting on the above blog video (which I have yet to view, I must confess) but instead on your P31 devotion on home schooling Brooke. I have two words for you: YOU ROCK. I just love your humor, your vulnerability and your willingness to do what Jesus tells you to do. You make me laugh and you make think and you make me what to be more like Jesus. You go, girl! (and P.S.- enjoy every moment with your sweet girl:))

  507. Emily

    I’m learning what my identity in Christ really means! I would love to learn more about God’s lavish love for me.

  508. Trish

    Looking fwd to watching this!!! :)))

  509. donna Attaway

    Just love the book Redeeming Love….Think I better buy this book Pursued ….based on your recommendation Lysa. Enjoyed the video.

  510. C.J.

    Not able to watch on my reader….but hope to when I get home. I have often thought that if we are desiring to love/obey God…we will need to learn the greatness of His love for us.

  511. Heather

    I haven’t picked up this book yet, but I have read several others by Jud. I can’t wait to read it and help me become closer to Jesus and change myself for the better. I go to his church and he is wonderful. No matter what message he is giving, somehow I find something that can make me closer to God and more at peace with my problems. He is a wonderful author, person, and pastor. The church is making such a difference in Las Vegas and around the world. I am so grateful that my friend invited me to the church 10 years ago. If you can’t attend Central, you can always listen to it online. Thank you Jud for everything.

  512. Grace Jones

    I found out about Pursued via And the daily devos have really been challenging me.

    Even though I am a pastor’s wife, I still struggle with allowing God be the one and only in my heart. I struggle daily with allowing Him to meet my needs, instead of turning to human answers. Jud bringing out the perspective of Hosea with a prostitute for a wife has been very eye opening for. I would LOVE to win a copy of his book!!

  513. Kay Garrard

    Never read a blog before! I really have needed encouragement to make changes and am beginning today. Life is meant for more than feeling tired and discouraged. Thank you for sharing such a positive message and I will keep reading and try the pursued challenge!

  514. Sabrina

    I am currently in a season of God “leading me into the dessert to allure her.” It’s been challenging already but equally rewarding. I am continually amazed when God does something in my life specifically but that he also reveals His heart in someone else’s life so far away. Who knew God would inspire an author to write a book about exactly where God has me?!? Can’t wait to get this book!

  515. Mel

    My horoscope today said that “It is as if you have an engraved inscription on your heart, you have focused so much energy on the outside things that you do for others in your life, that you have lost focus on the inside, and that perhaps today I would be able to read it” The first thing that popped into my mind was that I did believe in God. I have been angry so long and a wonderful man has patiently showed me that I just have to trust. Because of his actions and belief I am allowing more faith to come into my life. I believe that this book might help along the journey. Thanx

  516. Robin Pollitte

    I often give books as gifts, especially to high school and college age girls. It sounds like that this would be an excellent one to give. Thanks for telling us about it.

  517. Becky R

    The first time I heard about the book of Hosea was when I was going through the pain and healing from discovering my husband had pursued another person rather than his wife. It was one of the hardest times in my whole life—and I had to eventually find it in my heart to forgive him for the cancer of bitterness to be lifted. Then I thought of the times I had abandoned God’s way and how He continued to pursue me. Thank God for His love and mercy toward me. This sounds like a great book.

    I also am looking forward to Jud’s blog challenge.

  518. Robin Grosso

    I am not familiar with Jud Wilhiite , but am fascinated on His perspective of “How God Woos Us.” Hosea is one of my favorite books of the Bible and I can’t wait to read about his perspective in “Pursued.” I look forward to reading the book. Thank you for the interview, Lysa.

  519. Sue Henley

    I can not wait to read this book and also participate in the 14 day challenge!! God Bless you!! Sue

  520. Chuma

    Hi Lysa,
    I have followed you on P31, your books and listened to your interview with Jud Wilhite. From all indication, the book Pursued is a must read for me.
    Thank you very much Lysa for the wonderful work God is doing through you and your ministry.May He reward your effort abundantly.


  521. Mary Fulton

    This sounds like a great book! Pick me! Pick me!

  522. Anita Young

    I just want to say thank you! It seems everything on your blog and P31 devotionals seem to be just what I need! THANK YOU! I just love your heart!

  523. Jennifer

    God pursuing us… God pursuing me in this moment because I’m sad at the moment, so watching this right now is such his perfect timing for me. Would love to read “Pursued.”

  524. Evangeline

    At least someone is obsessed with me! ….lol
    THANK YOU! I have been reading the daily challenge!

  525. Mary

    The fact that God would want to Pursue me is mind-boggling! My small group just decided to study Hosea and this book sounds like a perfect way to help us study that beautiful book in God’s Word. I would love to win this book.

  526. Ashton

    I think that our identity and who we are in Christ is something that God had placed on our hearts since the beginning of the new year. It is the very foundation of our walk with Jesus. Being a young adult, there are so many things that are available to us to fill the void in our hearts, when it ultimately needs to be God. My friends and I have been touching on this subject recently, and it would be awesome to win the book.

  527. Jenny

    Would love to read this book!

  528. Debbie

    Ok going to buy this book today! After watching your webcast with Shelia I have been set free! This book will help me continue to claim that freedom when Satan tries to haunt me with guilt. Thank you for your story and your ministry.

  529. Dina Bickell

    I would LOVE a copy of Pursued! My small group at church just completed the UNGLUED series and it sounds like Jud’s book would be a great next step, especially in helping deal with negative self talk- which seemed to be a very common issue for my group of gals. PLEASE pick me!!!!

  530. Heather Ablondi

    Very excited about the message of this book and am really excited to read it. Ever since reading Francine River’s Redeeming Live that is based on the book of Hosea, this book of the Bible has been one of my favorites.

  531. Latrelle

    Hi Just finished hearing your interview with Jud Wilhite. What an idea !–enjoying Valentines day??? No really–we do need to check our perspective. And use God’s love to fill our hearts–can’t wait to read./

  532. Erin

    I have been suffering from severe depression since my husband left me in May 2012. After 2 suicide attempts, I am still unable to move on with my life and I am on so many medications, but NOTHING is able to touch this depression. My faith has been what I have relied on and I need God to lift this depression. Every time I have a “good spiritual moment”, it seems that within a short time, I am overcome with suffocating sadness and I can’t even pinpoint why. Please pray for me, as I no longer know where to turn and am so emotionally drained that I am losing ability to even function on a daily level. I am so desperate for God’s healing.

  533. Martha

    I am so excited to read Pursed…..sounds like a great way to understand God’s divine love for us. Thanks for telling us about it and for suggesting the 21-day challenge…on my way now to sign up or that! Thanks Lysa! Love your books! I’m an unglued girl making imperfect progress in my made-to-crave journey with God!

  534. Wesley Cooper

    Oh I LoVE Francine Rivers. I actually would love this book one, so I may read it but mostly so I can lend or give to my sister who is in a tough marriage and a youn fiend of mine who is in Med school but is there cause she feels called, not cause it her desire. She really wants to be married and have children and its been a huge point of hurt and anger for her and I’d love to give her an extra little reminder of God’s glorious love for her!
    I love reading your blogs! I’m in a really hard season and everything you write, whether on P31 or your blog just touches my heart and makes me feels less alone. Thank youso much for your willingness to be so candid and real.

  535. Dorothy Billings

    Loved “redeeming Love”, so many of my friends have read and loved it that I may just need to buy a case, but I would love to win one for Gwen! She is my single girlfriend who is in her 50’s and is struggling with feeling like God has abandoned her. She needs to feel God’s pursuit!

  536. tabatha

    Would love to read this book sounds like it will be very uplifting

  537. k

    I hear over and over that God’s love for me is relentless, yet I never “feel” it. Why is that? I even wonder if for some reason it’s true for others but not for me~
    Also, I seem to see couples everywhere and wonder if I’ve been left out of “Couple-dom”. Whether or not it’s true, I know I must really embrace God’s love for me first and beyond all human love – because alone or with someone, there will always be a hole in my heart with out God’s love.
    Our church’s theme so far this year has been “world view” – and how it conflicts with “God’s view”.
    “Pursued” is on my list because I need to keep my head filled with the words of God, and not the words of this world. Then hopefully, eventually, my heart will be filled with love.

  538. Susan

    Wow, it is amazing how The Lord has used you, Lisa, in my life these last 10 months. I have been in a difficult season learning unconditional love and setting healthy boundaries at the same time. I LOVED your unglued Bible study and am still enjoying the devotional. Now I come to your blog and see this promotion of Pursued! God’s timing is perfect. He knows where I am in this journey and I need to be reminded of His unfailing love. I can’t wait to read this. Thanks for sharing. Blessings!

  539. C Dyck

    Valentine’s Day has become a painful day for me b/c my husband of 3 years has left me. I think this book would be a good one for me and him to read. I need to feel pursued by God especially in this painful time in my life!

  540. Patricia Wille

    I am early in my walk with The Lord. Although I raised my children and family in the church; I realize now all I was, was a pew sitter. I just bought your book daily devotional Unglued and as a result found your app and this interview with Judd on his book Pursued just this morning. I’m thinking it’s just as important to pursue God as it is for us to realize he is pursuing us. As a result, I’ve found two new mentors outside my church to help me on my journey.

  541. Jill

    I am excited to hear about the book Pursued. Redeeming Love was a favorite book of mine. Currently the Lord has been pressing on my heart the word “peace”. I know I have areas of my heart I have not completely surrendered to him. I am sure it is no mistake that I stumbled on to this blog and found the video clip about Pursued. It is one more way the Lord is pursuing me to release those areas of my life that I cling to too tightly to him….completely. Thank you!

  542. Brandy

    I am loving your book Unglued and recently signed up to receive your blog! I am currently facilitating a bible study with the Unglued dvd with 10 women. Thanks for your gut wrenching honesty! I hope to hear you live in Ash Flat, AR this summer. Pursued sounds great and is next on my list of reads! Keep doing what your doing! Thanks again!

  543. Kim


    Thank you for your books, sharing your faith, and experiences. I’m currently doing the Unglued study at church and wow, what an eye opener. I would love to read Pursued as well. I didn’t know about it before reading the blog today.

    Joyfully, Kim

  544. amy faith martin

    Hi Lysa,
    How wonderful your blog was today. Feeling are not facts, God is truth! Amen!!!!
    Will be sharing this with my unglued sisters tomorrow, Thanks again, amyfaith

  545. Becky

    Can’t wait to read this….

  546. Lois B. Jones

    Even when others see you as strong it is difficult to always give exactly what everyone needs. Only God has the answers to our hearts desires and when we depend on him the love we need will be supplied.

  547. Lynda Guinnee

    Hi Lysa,
    I would like to receive a copy of PURSUED because I am a widow and ……….it will help me and also because I have experienced some family difficulties ……and I want to know the LOVE of God from Hosea…. Thank you ! 🙂 Lynda

  548. Julia

    i am praising God for pursuing me! At the same time he is not intimidated by me pursuing Him. I can’t runHim away by constantly calling Him or by constantly saying “will You call me? I want to hear from you every day”. Praise God for how He values me.

  549. Rachel S.

    Oh wow! I have goosebumps just hearing this interview. The idea of God pursuing me is exhilirating! Can’t wait to dive into this book…I’m a huge fan of Redeeming Love. 😉 Thanks for the interview!

  550. Jana R.

    I would love to have a copy of Pursued, I would say I am one who truly underestimates God’s unconditional love for me everyday!!!

  551. Sue O

    Would love to read your next book! I have read all your others! With each one God has revealed so much to me thru you! Keep writing!

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