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How to Wait on God Without Losing Faith

November 3, 2016

Have you ever wondered whether waiting on God is really worth it? My friend Wendy Pope is guest posting on the blog today to encourage us through those hard (and sometimes impossibly long) seasons where we’re desperate for a breakthrough.

We prayed for healing.

We anointed with oil.

We believed.

We waited and we waited… And we waited some more.

Have you been there? Have you done that? I should probably back up a bit so you can get the whole picture.

On November 23, 1991, I married the man of dreams…literally. Tall. Blond hair. Blue eyes. Drove a fast red sports car. (OK. I know this is little vain, right? But I was in my late teens.) A Christian. There. Yes God, that kind of guy will do just fine. Yep. That was him, the man I wanted to marry. So standing before Scott on our wedding day, you can only imagine how divinely blessed I believed my marriage would be since God answered my prayers down to eye color. With great confidence, we danced into our life of bliss.

Fast-forward to our earlier 40’s, you know, that time when we start noticing lines around our eyes, loosen the belt to the next hole, and grunt when we stand up. These are the typical signs of normal wear and tear that come with age, but my healthy husband seemed to have aches and issues beyond the norm. Without warning, we were thrust into a season of sickness and revolving doors of medical experts.

We started this health journey with hope, but for eighteen months doctors probed, prodded, and stuck the body of my once strong and healthy husband. This specialist treated his symptoms with that medication. That specialist treated his symptoms with different medication.

The seemingly never-ending roller coaster of meds and doctor visits finally stopped when we heard two life-altering words to my worn-out and weary husband: rheumatoid arthritis. Finally, a diagnosis…finally, an answer. Oh how we wanted our medical wait to end; but let’s face it, sometimes our wait doesn’t end as we expect. Sometimes it seems our wait will never end.

The wait is more about experiencing God than enduring the delay. Instead of getting distracted by the object of our wait, a medical diagnosis, we can grow closer to God, the Person of our faith. Here are three truths we can tuck deep in our heart to help us wait without losing faith.

1) Maintain your spiritual strength through prayer and reading God’s Word.
I realize this is the Sunday School answer. I also know that when waiting has stolen your peace, praying and reading your Bible is not at the top of the to-do list. Long waits can drive a wedge in our relationship with God. Even though I didn’t feel like spending with God, spending time with God was exactly what I needed. Peace will fill our circumstances when we push through our feelings to stay close to God and allow His Word to navigate us through our wait.

Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. (Psalm 119:105 KJV)

2) Fight for praise.
On the days Scott could barely walk praising God felt like a huge sacrifice. I wanted answers from God. I didn’t want to offer applause to God. Through my Bible reading, I fell in love David’s psalms. This man knew about suffering and waiting yet praised God. We can be certain that even on the bad days, God is still good. He will carry us through our season of waiting. Even though it is hard to praise God when the future is unknown, there’s always something worthy of praise.

You are my strength; I wait for you to rescue me, for you, O God, are my fortress.
(Psalm 59:9 NLT)

3) Find small and simple ways to love people.
Our churches, neighborhoods, and communities are full of individuals who need a touch from Jesus. This truth is number three for a reason. It is only when we have immersed ourselves in the Word, spent time with God in prayer, and made praise part of our routine that we can help others. Scott and I don’t have to look far to find someone in need. Our troubles seem to be minimized when we focus on someone else.

Whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. (Proverbs 11:25 NIV)

When we find ourselves in a holding pattern, it’s easy to ask, What was I doing wrong? Is God holding my past against me? What do I have to do to earn His favor? Rest assured, God never presses pause out of spite. Sometimes waiting has less to do with the strength of your faith and more to do the perfection of God’s timing. God makes us wait at times so we can glean valuable lessons. In the wait, He is preparing us for what He has already planned for us. Waiting isn’t wasting time; it’s training time.

Wendy is giving away 5 copies of her new book, Wait and See, today! To be entered to win, leave a comment below sharing which of these 3 truths you’re going to implement in your situation this week.

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  1. Andrea

    I want to love on others this week and not focus on my situation, and enjoy the peace that comes in doing that.

  2. Gretchen Burwick Scoleri

    Focus on others in the situation. Turn to someone else to minister to

  3. Paula Robeson

    This week I am going to maintain spiritual strength through prayer and meditating on God’s word.

  4. lc

    #2 I’m going to turn this almost 5 long years of waiting to praise and Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday ? And thank you for the encouraging words I really need to hear!

  5. Ephraim

    Thanking you for encouraging ways to wait for God. This week I am doubling my love to other people by witnessing Jesus and helping them to grow in faith. I will also share the facts you sited to help them not to lose faith while waiting for God.

  6. Mallory Morrison

    Thank you for this! I most certainly need to focus on spending time with Hod and His word…it seems to be the first thing to go when I’m running short on energy and time (with an infant and a kindergartner, this is pretty much everyday!) I forget to lean on Him to get me through the crazy days and long nights. Here’s to a fresh take on the week, and to women lifting up each other and praising God together!

  7. Mindy

    Last weekend I went on a woman’s retreat and the speaker spoke on James 1:2 “Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.” Seriously, I want to hear about how God loves me not how I’m supposed to act during trails!!! My husband had made some poor financial decisions that has put us in distress. We lost our business and now he is making less than what he use to make by working for for someone else. In the meantime I graduate a year ago with my bachelors degree and I can’t find a job that will pay me more than what I make now and my employer won’t increase my pay anymore because I’m top out according to her.

    So here we are. Trying to figure out why God hasn’t provided us jobs that we can pay our debts back. Trying to figure out how to get by with next to nothing. Trying to provide for our toddler son with the things he needs. Two years ago this wasn’t an issue! We had the money to provide and now we are scrapping for cash and looking up at our Father wait for relief

    It’s hard but I have been trying very hard to focus on one and two in the morning during my daily prayer. Trying so hard not to complain but to find good things that God has done and brought me through. Number three I find someone to lift up in prayer during my quite time. I can financially afford to buy things to bless people with but I figured lifting people up in prayer is just as good.

  8. laura Morris

    I have asked God – Who can I refresh today- He needs someone to come next to them and give love?

  9. Paula H.

    Waiting is beyond hard at times. But God has promised to be with us no matter what.. “Be still and know that I am God”!!!

  10. Shelley

    I will fight for praise. It’s difficult to see God at work when I only see the work I need God to do. So this week I’m going to fight to let go of fear and praise him even in the face of an unknown future.

  11. Julie

    I am a 34 year old momma to 5 children under the age of 8… I also have a severe autoimmune disease that has changed my life forever… I have a very restricted diet I have to follow and often am in lots of pain and sick… I’ve been praying for healing or at least remission for the past four years… I still continue to pray and to wait… I will focus on helping and ministering to others in order to help keep my eyes on Jesus and his promises instead of my pain and my waiting…

  12. Brandi

    I will be thankful for today.
    I will seek to find the positive.
    I’ll try to forgive the Pastor.

  13. Chelle

    Hi, I so need to learn how to keep praying and reading the word,consistently, in this season. It’s hard and I struggle with this. Thank you . The book sounds great. Be blessed!

  14. Mary Ann Bell

    I am going to Fight For Praise! That seems to be hardest for me during this time of waiting on healing. It is hard to praise when you feel the pain and can’t get out of the bed.
    Thank you for the encouraging words today. I needed to hear this.
    Thank you Jesus for this ministry!

  15. John Windbigler

    I will start helping, praying for young women who have been abandoned by their “husbands” I started last Sunday night when a woman at a pain where I go recognized me at a halloween party and on Tuesday. Said that it had been dark for her until she came to the Church on Rush Creek Mira Logos campus. I also pray for my pregnant friends to have healthy babies. I am 79 years old and two years ago i was half way through my forty radiation treatments for prostrate cancer. I prayed the 23 Psalm but prraticular the words “restore my soul”

  16. Elise Heerde

    I’m going to actively look out for and pray for others that are in the same infertility waiting season and pray fervently for God to grant them their hearts desire in His perfect timing – I refuse to let jealousy into my waiting anymore!

  17. Linda

    Finding small and simple ways to love people is a daily goal for me. I can get so busy and scheduled, that I don’t see the opportunities that God presents to me. Slow down, look around, and see who the Lord has brought into my day…

  18. Roxanne Morrison

    I’ll be honest, it’s very tough for me to maintain my spiritual strength through prayer and reading God’s Word, when I’m going through a long season of hoping and waiting. I run and hide from God in the moments when I need to run to him and hide myself in His word. While I have gotten better over the years, it’s still not my first instinct. So I’m praying that as I go through this season, I’ll get better at running in the right direction. Thank you for the encouragement….and much needed reminder.

  19. Suzanne

    Fight for Praise…

  20. Emily Young

    Reading scripture and praying

  21. Linda

    It is so difficult to wait and see how things will turn out. I have a suspicion that I may lose my job, but I won’t know until April or May. I’ve been praying for direction on if I should wait and see or start actively looking for a new job. I would love to read this book to learn how to wait better. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy.

  22. Rochelle

    Increasing my spiritual strength through the study of God’s word and prayer is so very important to me and has gotten me through some extremely difficult circumstances in this life. Without my time of prayer and reading of the Bible and focusing on His truth, I do not believe I would be in the good place where my family and I stand today.

  23. melanie

    Lysa’s comments on WAITING help me see waiting in a positive rather than negative light.
    The key for me is “I can’t see now, I am waiting now, Its time to trust now”
    Patience is so hard, just like it difficult for a child, it is also difficult for a full grown adult.
    Who are we kidding? Waiting is hard.
    Thanks for Lysa’s comments from a woman.
    Lord, help me trust.
    melanie p

  24. Mary E. Barth

    Fighting for praise is something I’ve just recently had brought I to focus by the Holy Spirit., So that is what I am building into my days. I actually started yesterday! Thank you for being a confirmation and an encouragement.

  25. Mandy


  26. Patty

    I will, need and have to implement all of his word and to trust what he says to be able to fulfill the call and destiny…it’s not or has been and won’t be easy at times, but it comes down to ttwo words , choice and trust…

  27. Lauren

    As a soon to be college graduate, the season of wait and having faith is real. I recently had a wake up call to how my spiritual life needed fixing. I will be implementing #1!

  28. Suzanne

    This was a great entry I will implement praying and reading the word as they will be my anchors in time of trouble – and remember waiting time is training time.

  29. Jane

    Learning these very lessons right now this week. Thanks for putting them down so concisely.

  30. Lynn

    Exactly the message I needed to read this morning. While I wait on God, the messages he sends like this one are what renew my faith. Thank you

  31. Michelle

    This morning I woke up overwhelmed and feeling unprepared for some challenges that are ahead of me today. I made petitions to the Lord as I did my outside morning chores under the stars, then came in to gain strength and insight in His Word. I checked my email and……….CONFIRMATION! “Maintain spiritual strength through prayer and meditating on God’s word”! Yes, yes, and amen!

  32. Kathy

    Sounds like a wonderful book, I’d love to read more.

  33. Carlette Stover

    Find simple and small ways to love people … though all three are great … it seems for me when I pray and praise I am lead to focus on others rather than myself. Thank you for this post!

  34. Donna

    Reading the post written by Wendy Pope this morning was a “hearing from heaven aha moment” Truly God is good. I have been crawling (walking seems to not go anywhere near the description) through months of the deepest darkest depression and despair but this morning I read I am not alone, I will fight to praise. God is my strength. I have prayed, believed, cried and repeated daily the praying, crying and begging, but I have not been alone. Today I choose to praise. Bless you, bless you, and bless you some more 31 Ministries Team.?❤️?❤️

  35. Carol

    During my season of waiting which has been going on for years I have implemented 1 and 2 but these last few weeks I am focused on loving those people who have cared for us during this time.

  36. Tamara

    In the wait and the trials I praise God for His continued love enveloping me. For His guidance, the moment of truth when I realize that He is ALL I need, He is my all and all. I praise Him for a deeper relationship that has grown for Him and His word and those around me…. working on myself to humble myself and die to my desires and serve others showing love, grace and mercy… a work in progress.


    Fighting for praise. That would be one that is sometimes super hard for me because I often have negative nelly feelings about things and praise does get you up our if that.

  38. Cris A

    To find little and small ways to bless others today! It makes such a difference in my day when I focus on others & love them through Christ!

  39. Rebecca

    These are all really great truths! But I know when I get the attention off of myself and help others, it’s uplifting and encouraging to both of us. I am seeking this week to find an older person at our church that needs love by visiting them or helping them do errands.

  40. Joyce

    Waiting on God’s perfect timing is always difficult because, let’s face it, we all want things to happen NOW. #1 Spoke to me. While I am waiting, I shouldn’t abandon God as He never abandons me. Staying in His Word will take my focus off of me and place them on Him. He holds the answers to all my needs … if I trust and wait.

  41. Crystal

    I desire to implement today and everyday #3 to show my love in small and simple ways especially to my husband. This month on the 29 th we celebrate 47 years of marriage. He is ten years older than I and though health is good he doesn’t have the zip and vigor he once had and aging is difficult to him. He will be 76 in January. Our marriage has been so blessed by God and we’re so thankful for each other. Yet I desire to show my love for him in a zillion little significant ways as we wait for either our Lord’s return or for the day God sends for our homecoming. Sometimes it’s in the daily routines of life we forget to focus on loving others in simple little ways. Thanks for the reminder.

  42. Lynn vaughn

    I will work to love others. God is good

  43. Rhonda

    Great encouragement in today’s post.
    I will focus on Maintaining my spiritual strength through prayer and reading gods word.
    I’m so thankful to you ladies who are a daily inspiration for me in my spiritual walk with God.

  44. Rebecca

    I really need to hear this right now! We are going through a hard transition in our family and it has been hard for me to find hope. I would like to implement fighting for praise in the midst of the darkness.
    Thank you for the encouraging words!
    God bless!

  45. Rhon

    I am still waiting on answers from
    My lord and savior. My son wanted out of our lives almsost 4 years ago and my heart is still broken! This season of change has brought allot of hurt and heartache and doubt and dismay but once I forgave in my heart (not forget) forgave I healed from the inside. I let this define who I was but no more, I have moved on and my family has moved on but our hearts grieve for him. His children are in our lives (thank you Jesus for that) but not in his either. This book would be awesome for me.

  46. Robin Lemon

    Thanks i needed this. I am going to implement all three but esspecially to find someone to love. Have a blessed day

  47. Marsha Newland

    Fight for praise. I was hit head on by a car 12/31/15 broke femur, crushed a liitle. Now had bone graft, still not healed still in wheelchair. Praise is hard. THANKS for your words of wisdom. GOD does that so often.

  48. lisa Chickering

    The best place to start, the beginning. This was a read I needed at this point in my life. thank you

  49. Becky

    Praising God and journaling it each night is one of the ways I am able rto keep a godly perspective of this time of waiting. BUt even more importantly, I will keep praising after the wait is over. IT’s become a part of my day. Sure keeps the attitude in check.

  50. Cj

    This is exactly where i’m at….waiting & waiting & waiting in absolute agony & torment. There are never answers. I cry out to God and ask for wisdom but get none. It is all very disheartening & disappointing.

  51. Jamie

    Wow! Thank you for this post. The last few lines especially really hit me. We have been in a season of waiting with my son’s medical condition. We finally got answers a couple of months ago, but with it learned the recovery is a year or more long process. It seems there is always another step to take. I need this book, so I thank you for it!

  52. katie

    The timing of this post was impeccable and met me right where I am in life as I wait for God to answer my prayer and carry me through the waiting for a child, after experiencing 2 miscarriages this year…..

    • Lysa TerKeurst

      Precious Katie, We are deeply sorry for your miscarriages.
      Jesus, we pray for new life spiritually and physically to evolve within Katie during these trying months of loss and waiting. We thank you for the gift of new life, and for our precious sister this day.
      LT ministry team

  53. Tabitha

    It seems that Im in the early stages of my wait. That’s scary when I think of how long some peoples waits have been. So I have already started the first step. I’ve made myself make time to read, seek Him, and pray to Him oh so often. I know that thanksgiving should accompany my prayers and that is where I’m struggling. I know He is worthy and I know He doesn’t need my praise, I do. It’s so hard to take my focus off of my circumstance because it is so close to my heart (my son) and place it on Christ but that’s what I resolve to do. I choose today to praise my God whatever I face during the way. I know it won’t be easy but I am His and I was bought with a price. Thanks for the encouragement.

  54. Nicole

    Find small and simple ways to love people – I have been dealing with a mental health diagnosis and it has really caused me to look inward and neglect everyone else around me while I wait for God to work in my situation. I know what I need to be doing is looking outward and caring for others while I trust that God is taking care of me too.

  55. Pam

    Truth! I have been in a waiting period for over three years. It’s been a time of great uncertainty. There have been moments of discouragement. What have I done wrong? Is this just the way life is going to be? Then the ole favorite…..I must be being punished for something. Seeing on the page that it’s not about any of those. It’s about Gods perfect plan for me has restored my faith and understand the waiting. . Thank you!!

  56. Celeste Oleson

    Our community has just received a blow with the killings of two police officers who were doing nothing but sitting in their car. We are deeply saddened by this nonsense and I’ve been waiting on the Lord for months now to show me why I’m here on this earth and what my purpose is. I just pray every day that his light shines through me during this sad and fearful time in our community but know there is more I can do. I’m hoping this book would help me to break down the barriers of being an introvert and give me the confidence and courage I need to step out of my comfort zone and allow me to do His will. In the meantime I’m going to love those around me and show acts of kindness and hope for a massive ripple effect.

  57. Jeanne Welch

    I got up this morning determined to spend more time in prayer and reading my Bible. Both are desperately needed. Thank you for the reminder.

  58. Suzie

    Boy did I need this! I married my husband at 19. Now here we are at 40 and 42 and he we found out he has cancer. He’s in the midst of treatment now and it’s taking a toll on his body. Thank you for the words! I will wait on God!

  59. JoAnne

    I am waiting on God’s plans for my daughter who is unwed and pregnant. She asks herself over and over again, “Should I keep my baby and put him up for adoption where he will be well cared for. I can’t even take care of myself how can I take care of myself? But, this is my baby yet the father wants nothing to do with me or the baby. Oh Lord, what should I do? What are your plans for my life and the life of my baby? How will I decide? Help me Lord, guide me Holy Spirit”. My heart is breaking and in turmoil over my daughter’s turmoil and her decision. It is her decision but this is my grandchild Lord! We are trusting in your plan and purpose for our lives Lord but this is so so hard. The waiting and finding peace in your plans.

    • JoAnne

      I should of reread this comment before I posted. I always reread! “Should I keep my baby OR put him up for adoption. I can’t even take care of myself how can I take care of another life? The waiting is so difficult but we are both striving to find peace in your plans.

  60. Melanie Grant

    These are great truths……. my key verse that gets me through tough times is Psalm 46: Be still, and know that I am God;

  61. Shirley

    I feel all 3 are awesome and timely but hope to try #3 a little harder.
    Thanks for wisdom.

  62. Michelle Bonds

    Thank you for the powerful word on today, I find myself helping others and supporting others in small ways because it helps to keep my mind off of my own problems. Thanks for the verse: Proverbs 11:25
    Whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
    Wow what an awesome God we serve.


  63. Linda Carson

    On reflection, my life is a blessed life. At 62 years of age, I have the typical age related issues, aging parents, concerns about retirement, will I ever retire, grown children going through some tough times and a few aches and pains. All expected and kept in perspective. However, you can’t reach the age of 62 and not experience a few of life’s tragedies. During these times, I can spiral down into the depths of hopelessness and feel guilty, lonely and forgotten.
    1st Place- Maintain your spiritual strength through prayer and reading God’s word. This is the message I will fight to strive for when things seems hopeless. My typical response is to withday from everyone or do something physical like go for a walk or workout, clean out a closet…This works but the relief doesn’t last. I’m guilty of forgetting how prayer and reading God’s word consistently will bring me peace in all of my days, not just the bad ones.
    2nd Place- Find simple ways to love others. Whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. I love the simplicity and pure wisdom of this Proverb.
    3rd Place- Fight for praise. Fight is absolutely right. Me centeredness is so all consuming when faced with strife, only when I look for the good in others and praise God for their place in my life am I truly able to love myself.
    Your post was a path to peace. All of three of your messages will stay with me.

  64. Alison S

    I need to turn my focus to God and His word instead of my circumstances.

  65. Sherrie

    I’m choosing #2 Fight for Praise. I often let the situation and circumstances control my demeanor. I need to let praise flow from my lips instead of sourness. I need to recognize that uttering praise can and will turn a bad day into a good day. Being sour and surly won’t change anything and it makes the pause/wait that I’m going through feel suffocating. It’s not enough to read God’s Word and pray, I need to lift my praises to God and fully trust Him for His timing is perfect.

  66. Melanie

    We have been in a season of waiting for about a year. It is definitely a roller coaster of emotions and faith. I do believe praising God in this midst of it is His will for us. So hard though – this is why it is called a “sacrifice of praise.” My desire is to praise Him always and be thankful, even when things are not the way I want them.

  67. Margarita

    Good morning Wendy, thank you so much for sharing your testimony with us. What a beautiful reminder of just how faithful Our Lord is. I am going to apply Fight for Praise, because I really feel as though that is what the Lord is calling me to do right now in my life. It seems as though I have been praying for salvation for my family, and healing from chains that bind them, and simply circumstances in this world that are beyond my control, but not beyond the will of my Father, and his preciouses Son Jesus Christ. So I will praise Him in this storm, for the faithfulness of the Holy Spirit who is with me always. Because greater is He who is in me, then he who is in this world. Great is His faithfulness.

  68. jacki

    I need this book…

  69. DeeDee Evers

    Thank you for the opportunity to read your book. I recently met a lady that has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. The information was new and troubling for her but somehow she found strength to come to church on her own and accepted Jesus as her personal savior. “Ecstatic” does not explain her character, she appears full of joy and loves all around her. However, I had the opportunity to speak with her at a Women’s conference last month and she has a ton of questions surrounding illness. I would love to give her your book and purchase one for myself so we can schedule book talks together. Thanks!

  70. Gloria

    Today – I will fight for praise even when I don’t feel like it.

  71. Sharon

    As I wait, I plan to continue in prayer trusting God’s plan for my life. God has NEVER let me down. I PRAISE AND GLORIFY HIM!
    Peace and Blessings!

  72. Jan Gardner

    Everyone has been so vocal on the election and I’ll bet some of them won’t vote because of all of it! Christians should know better than to worry so and put demands on others to vote a certain way or the country as we know it is over! It gets tiresome on Facebook and in general emails and conversation. PTL we don’t talk about it at Bible Study! We do talk about how we aren’t to worry and we should vote, but know that God will be in control no matter who wins.

  73. Beth

    Thank you for your encouraging words. I am going to maintain my spiritual strength by praying and reading God’s Word!

  74. Becky

    I plan to focus on reading God’s word and praying more. I am not in a healthcare crisis rather an empty nest crisis. Finding my place after raising my kiddo has been so hard. I pray constantly for the emptiness to not sting so bad. I am filling my time by serving and reaching out to others but my mind wanders back to …I wish I had my family back together and what in the world should I do with my life now. God has the answers and I am waiting for His direction.

  75. Kate Semer

    I am inspired by your post. I have arthritis, my 33 year old DIL has Lupus and Schogrens and we struggle at times. But, God!

  76. Felita

    I want to continue to praise God in the hallway until my breakthrough comes. I know personal what God can and has done in my life. But when life has unprecedented surprises, one tends to loose focus in what God is continuing to do. Please keep me in prayer.

  77. Emily

    Today I am going to maintain my spiritual strength through prayer and God’s word. It hasn’t always been easy for my husband and I. He has had stage 4 Hodgkins Lymphoma cancer and now years later he was just diagnosed with MS. Sometimes hard to understand but have trust and allow God to do his work, for he knows the plans for us.

    • Lysa TerKeurst

      We are praying over you husbands healing, Emily!
      Love, LT ministry team

  78. Christina

    So thankful for encouragement to continue what God has pressed me to do in our family’s time of waiting for God’s direction in a big decision. Asking each day that He would renew the desire for deeper time with Him, and praising Him for ALL that He is. This week I will ask for open eyes to see who around me needs to see His love in action…asking Him to allow me to be His vessel, using the gifts He’s given to do the good works He planned long ago…

  79. Kathy Wygant

    Good morning…I loved your story…Wendy..thank you…2 lines
    Specifically caught my attention; the last line of #2…even though it is hard to praise God.when the future is unknown..there is
    Always something worthy of praise..I find that very poignant;..&
    The last line of #3…our troubles seem to be minimized when we
    Focus on someone else…I have a few good friends…in those spots right now…these 2 sentences..jumped off the page @ me..
    Thank you…& I could not agree more….

    I also love your post on the upcoming election; I love your wording up to & including…I DON’T GET A GOOD FEELING..!!!

    That rather says it all….thank you for that too..!!!

    Have a blessed day…..Wendy…& Lysa……

  80. Leslie

    Fight for Praise — waiting to know what is wrong with my 22yo son, for 3 years we too have been searching for answers…..and sometimes it is so hard to see your son trying to be brave and fight whatever is going on. So yes, FIGHT FOR PRAISE because there IS a reason to praise – ALWAYS!

  81. Lauren Jolly

    I’m going through a season of secondary infertility after a miscarriage last November and it feels like the wait has been forever! I’m going to implement the third tool of loving others in small ways so that I can minimize my situation and see the beauty in this season, difficult as it may seem on some days. Thank you, Wendy, for writing the message and congratulations on the dream of your book being fulfilled after all these years!

  82. Miranda Pyne

    This encouragement this morning allowed me to look at my own circumstances with health issues that seem to have come out of nowhere. I know that God will heal and that in due time I will be okay. My path will be to 1) Maintain your spiritual strength through prayer and reading God’s Word. I know that by submerging myself in the word I will grow stronger in my faith daily. Thank you again.

  83. Mindy Wirkus

    Thank you for the wonderful devotion! We’ve been waiting on the Lord to heal a child from an alcohol addiction for almost 10 years and this really blessed me today! Thank you!

  84. Dawn

    I truly appreciate and can identify with Wendy’s 3 points. I have seen and felt the difference of trying to be there for someone “in my own strength” verses really equipping myself through prayer and reading his word. When I have the right attitude and perspective, God gives me His strength and wisdom to do what HE wants me to do…He is pretty AWESOME!

  85. Dereniece Boyd


  86. Jan

    Very much enjoyed this devotional. Waiting is definitely a gift I have not be blessed with . My impulsiveness to take things in my own hands causes me grief at times :(. I am claiming Prov 11:25 today and trying to bless others ❤️

  87. Cathy Fontenot

    I am going to find small and simple ways to show love to others.

  88. LA Ivy

    I am going to do not just one but all 3! I needed to hear this today. I am dealing with my 16 year old son being influenced negatively you his peers. My heart has been broken by some of the choices he has made. I have been struggling. I have done my best to raise him right and in church. I have to trust God. God has him and the enemy has no authority or power of my family in Jesus name!!!! Thank you for the gentle reminder of what I need to do and how I need to fight this. My battle is not with my son, but with the enemy. I have to suit up and fight him with the prayer and God’s Word! I am not and will not be defeated! Thank you for this encouragement today! It just lit a fire under me! Now, let’s WAIT AND SEE how MY GOD is going to handle this!

  89. Rachelle Reid

    Today I will fight for praise! These words really spoke to me and the current most pressing challenge I am facing. It’s so easy for me to complain and focus on what I don’t have. Today I will praise!

  90. Alyssa

    I am going to stop myself when worrying and pray or read the bible instead.

  91. Shirley Smedley-Theiss

    I’ve gone through a similar time, but PRAISE GOD He had already taught me the lesson of: “Praise Comes First”. That’s my everyday word: PRAISE Him! I choose #2.

  92. LP

    Today, and until our burden is released, I will fight for praise.

  93. Tammy Ma

    I implement all the tools as much as I can, but my favorite is the third tool “loving others in small ways”. You see 10 years ago I was blessed with a brain tumor, the operation to remove it went well, along with some of my short term memory, then it came back :-(. Then a car T-boned me and messed my back up. God kept saying slow down girl, take some time with me, with others. Finally during these last 3 years I’ve found my pace and peace. Some days are slow, and some are slower, but my lord always works in me to give me just enough endurance to do his works. My favorite days are those days when I feel my worse and he gets me up (the greatest gift he gives me is every Sunday morning at 5am, a homeless breakfast where I serve food to those lovely souls) and moving. Every Saturday I think, Lord I can’t do this tomorrow – I feel terrible, I hurt all over, how I can I love on them when I can hardly walk and think. Every Sunday I wake up and jump up ready to give the love that Jesus gave me, God fills me up with enough strength and love to go and do his work. Gotta love a God like that – it’s so healing for me and so wonderful for them. A perfect fit from a lord who knows what is best for his children. Keep loving others as I have loved you! Praise our God!!!!

  94. Glenda

    I have been going through a time where I don’t want to be in Gods word. I will implement #1 and read and pray and truly listen to God and hear what he wants me to hear. I want the joy of God to fill my heart.

  95. Jan

    Spending time with God through prayer and hid word.

  96. Heather

    Step 1…I must return to the basics.

  97. Stephanie

    Find small and simple ways to love my people and love others!

  98. Carolene Wilson

    Am so thankful for your encouraging words, 16 years ago my mom filed for me and my kids to come to the u.s to live, I had hopes of giving my children a better life and finally we got the long awaited call only for them to turn us down, I was disappointed I felt like God had forgotten about us, but I convince myself that God has another plan for us so am just continuing to praise and worship God in everything I do, am lifting my faith knowing that he has a better plan for me.

  99. Janet Miller

    This spoke to ME today. Thank you Wendy. I am struggling in a looooong waiting season, and it is so hard to stay still and just faithfully wait on God. I keep wanting to rush Him, or “help” the outcome. HA! So thanks for these encouraging words. ❤️

  100. KCM

    Oh how I needed this today…Satan is attacking me , I’m trying to stay strong, but I need JESUS!!!
    This phrase really stood out to me, “The wait is more about experiencing God than enduring the delay”
    Thank you!

  101. Tammy

    Maintain your spiritual strength through prayer and reading God’s Word.

  102. Becky

    I try to draw close to God during difficult times by reading encouraging verses in scripture and promises that God has given us in His word. Just having one powerful verse to hold onto can give me the strength I need to get through the day. Sometimes I feel discouraged about circumstances going on around me – but I always know He is in control.

  103. Linda

    I’m giving it all to “Him”..

  104. Cindy Horton

    I hate waiting! But God is showing me HIs Plans and His ways in my season of waiting. God’s will is what I want..Just have to keep praying and seeking Him daily and know thaT HIS WAYS are so much better than my ways!

  105. Christine Barnaby

    Seems like our season has been a long one, in the midst of which my husband has struggled more than me to stay in a close relationship with God, (He is not educated as he grew up in Jamaica and schooling there when he was young was tough, his teacher liked to hit her students and his parents didnt stop her, not because they didnt love him just because in that culture the teacher has the right to and they feel that if she does than in some way he deserved it.) I tell you that to say that he cant read the bible, and even on the device i got him to sit and listen to the bible seems to be more than he can understand, he really needs someone along side him to explain it to him. I try but a wife sometimes is not the best person as i seem to frustrate him.
    He was in the auto body trade for almost 40 years and got chemical poisoning of the brain, now he is 63 and cannot find work in any other field. This is hard on a man. makes him feel like whats the use, he says all the time life sucks and why should I go on. I pray over him and for him and try to encourage him that God can take the lowest person and use them for the greatest of things. He struggles to believe this. Over the past few months we have been arguing more than ever as he will not go to church with me and is always talking about leaving and going to Jamaica and not coming back. Oh how I long for God to really use us together for Him, this was my dream when we stood together and vowed to love each other and serve God together, that was only 4 years ago, please keep us in your prayers and I am going to share your book with him if I receive it to show him how God can work in any situation. Love your blog Lysa and your new book is amazing !
    Christine & Forest Barnaby

  106. Angela Hall

    Fight for praise.

  107. Sally

    This morning tool number three has spoken too me, “Whoever refreshes others will be refreshed” Proverbs 11:25. Our family is in a holding pattern waiting for our granddaughter who is 2 to have brain surgery at the end of this month. Even through I am so thankful to God that the problem was located from another test, I am struggling on some days, but I do believe that my strength of the next few weeks will fall from reading God’s word and through prayer. The reason I have picked number three is I feel our church has been so distant in encouraging us since we got this news on August 22nd. Satan enjoys having me spend a lot of time wondering what all have I done wrong that the ministers of our church are silent and offer no encouragement. So the verse mentioned spoke greatly to me this morning, and I will strive to refresh others, and not be waiting for someone to help me on those days when my heart is sad that my sweet granddaughter has to go through this, and not sure of the future outcome for her. Thank you for sharing the blog with us today.

  108. Mary Fisk

    1. I am concerned about the election. I don’t have a lot of faith in either candidate. I wish Congress would get past the party and deal with the issues regardless of who brought up the subject at hand. This battling between the candidates is like elementary kids. I’m glad I don’t have small children-they would be scolded for talking to others the way the candidates have been putting down each other.
    However it comes out, it will be a rough four years but God is the one who is in control so I firmly believe He will see us through.

  109. Sharon

    I am going to focus on praising God during the wait. I’ve been going through the air very dry ‘desert time’ and am hanging onto and claiming God’s Sovereignty even during this time. I would love to read what Wendy has to share with us about waiting!!

  110. Tina

    Find small and simple ways to love people! This was exactly in our bible study last night. I will be attentive and aware this week for opportunities to love others.

  111. Cindy

    Thank you for the reminders Wendy! At times I practice one without the other two which doesn’t seem complete so….I will endeavor to practice all three during my wait and see.

  112. Charlotte

    In this season of waiting with my 11 year old son entering middle school with his ADHD not being treated with meds but naturally as we wait on maturity and control to come I look at your 3 guides. My thoughts go to #1 where sometimes I am tired and fall away from the Word to rest and sleep, while #3 I isolate myself feeling no one understands as the sole parent struggling alone. So I am led to #3 where I grasp my joy journal daily and find at least one reason to praise God in the trial of daily living. to purposely find Him, see Him and rejoice in HIs presence whether bog or small l in my day. I know my pilgrimage to the Holy Land last year was to allow me time at the feet of Jesus and prepare my spirit for this dry season where the only refreshment will come from and through Him. Where this land I am living has seen no rain I find refreshment in the cool dmap breath of the Lord watering into my life and into the life of my son.

  113. Cherie

    Since the death of my husband, I have tried to give myself in service to others and their needs and it has so helped my grieving process. It is a way to feel God beside me in a great way!! He loves us in the middle of hardships and cares deeply

  114. Candace Kelly

    Great article on waiting, I am in a season of waiting as my husband has been going through some medical issues. I have used this time for intense prayer and drawing closer to God as he talks about leaving and running as far and as fast as he can. Breaks my heart but I know God is in control and i am waiting on him. This morning there are glimmers of hope that things are changing. But I am waiting on God praying and trusting him!

  115. Heather

    I love #3; it’s like the random acts of loving kindness our local Christian radio station promotes. This is something I can do.

  116. Paige Stovall

    Finding small and simple ways to share your love with the community. I have always believed that something as simple as a smile can change not only my attitude but also someone elses. We have no idea what someone else may have woken up to or be battling. Our smile can demonstrate that we not only care about them but also give them hope to go on to the next hurdle they may face.

  117. Debra

    I want to fight for praise this week,I am not where I want to be but if I can praise God the valley then I can certainly praise Him when I am on top of the mountain. My situation does not define my God, is still good and will always be good.

  118. Anushka

    Nr 2 keep on praising. Even when it is hard. And trusting. Even when you dont see

  119. Miranda

    prayer and reading God’s word are what I plan to maintain and implement in this season of waiting! It is not always easy but God is faithful to always be there and I am so thankful!

  120. Angela

    My season of waiting has been God developing my spiritual discipline. It started over a year ago with setting aside that time in the morning to devote it to the Lord through reading his word, studying and prayer. Through this time, the devil has been trying to steal my spiritual discipline by bringing different pressures to bear down on me physically and emotionally. But going to the Word has spiritually kept me praising the Lord. In each physical and emotional attack of the devil, I have been able to find a praise where God has protected my body from being seriously hurt or comforted a crying a heart. Where I need to start growing is applying my story to reach out and give support and comfort to those around me. I need to start taking action when the Spirit is telling me to help others. Reading, studying, praying, and praising have made his voice stronger in me. It’s time to “pay it forward.”

  121. Donna Eszlinger

    I have chosen to follow through on #2, Fight for Praise. As we have had a very bad year in the ranching business, with the cattle markets dropping to the bottom of the barrel, we struggle to balance things out, trying to make ends meet with insurance rates, living costs, and life in general. So Looking at others helps to put things into perspective, things could always be so much worse, So we change our attitude and course of direction.

  122. Laura Smith

    I am learning to keep my eyes on the Lord during this season of waiting. It’s been a long season and He alone knows how difficult it has been at times. I am learning to lean in heavily to Him and find my Joy in Him and looking outward to see the people that are looking for the hope only Christ can give them. Investing in people is always God honoring as long as we are not enabling them in any way. So I offer all I have to Him and may He use it to glorify Himself and may it best fruit that will produce His character in my life. I will look forward to this study Wendy, it’s very timely! Blessings to you all at P31 Ministries!

  123. Sandra Bajsec

    I am going to joy our prayer team at church. It is so true when we are in a difficult situation as we reach out to others, God revives us.

  124. Annie

    Oh how this speaks to me today. I know these truths but they are hard. I am weary. My daughter is weary. She had simple ankle surgery 8 months ago, followed by some post op infection and the wound won’t close. While so thankful to have found a wonderful wound doctor, we still wait. She was already in a depression, relationship with dad is terrible, marriage on the rocks, stress through the roof and she can’t attend school and she is willing to go to a wilderness program. We wait. God’s will. What is God’s plan? I will intentionally apply all these truths, beginning small as the evil one knows I go overboard and then get frustrated… Praise is the hardest right now so that will be where I concentrate the most. Going back to thanking God for these challenges so I can find Him more in my day. And pray for all our hearts to soften, as God wills. Thank you for outlining these truths so succinctly. 1,2,3.

  125. Laura

    This week I will Fight for praise. Even when a hard situation keeps lasting, God is still good.

  126. Gina Williams

    Definitely #1 for me. When I am waiting or in a hard spot, the last thing I want to do is read the Word and pray. And then feelings come along, thoughts, emotions, that I know I’m giving the enemy a foothold to plant his seeds of lies in.

  127. Christine

    God is so good! When I have to wait it feels so easy to focus on me, but if I am still I see so many blessings God puts in my life. And just how very much he loves me. Wendy thank God for your faithfulness and sharing your story.

  128. Deb

    ‘Fight for praise’. A friend is going through HUGE marriage struggles, a family member is having a health crisis, another family member is making poor choices; Lord, could you just ‘fix it’? We want the easy way out but it’s through the hard, we learn His heart for us. Would love a copy of the book to read, then share! Thanks so much for the words of hope!

  129. Angie Buffington

    I loved all three of the suggestions, I can’t pick just one! But I think I really need to focus on spending more time with God and praising Him more. Thank you so much for this post!

  130. Pamela

    Very encouraging article today. I know choosing and explaining which of the three steps I will try to implement in my life is my task here, however, I’m not sure how to separate them. All three steps are essential and will play a huge role in my life as I strive to be who God wants me to be. I was diagnosed with melanoma yesterday, and these three areas of working through a tough time in your life are all speaking directly to my heart today. As I wake up, I give God my praise and struggles, at work I focus on my students and do all I can to show God’s love to them, then I dig in and study God’s Word as I find encouragement from Him.

    I would love to read this new book Wait and See. ? I have waiting ahead of me. I pray that I don’t waste my time in selfishness and self-pity as this new adventure in my life unfolds.

  131. Amy A

    Thank you for his word today, it was a balm to my scarred heart. For me, I’m going to maintain spiritual strength by continuing to pray and read God’s word. I’m also going to fight for praise. Everyday, I try to write at least 3 things I’m so grateful for. Some days it might be, ” thank you, God for keeping my lips sealed when…,” but it helps. Thank you again for sharing..

  132. Angie

    About 6 months ago, I clearly heard God tell me to take my claws out of a situation. I felt such peace. I knew God was leading in a different direction and I finally was will to go. Then, NOTHING…. Maintaining my spiritual strength has been the toughest. Questioning, “Did I hear you right God?” or “Did I really hear you Lord?” Letting frustration instead of peace rule. I definitely need to focus on spiritual strength.

  133. Tiffini

    Maintain your spiritual strength through prayer and reading God’s Word – this is the one that I need to really work on. I have been going through a struggle for years (marital) and things just never seem to change. I need to truly leave it with God and study his word.

  134. Karen M.

    This sounds amazing. Having been in a waiting period lately for different circumstances. I can truly attest to the power of God being revealed through waiting. He is our true shield and strength and we truly can trust Him….but we always want to understand, it is so our nature. Thank you for sharing.

  135. Debbie Shives

    I would love a copy of this book. I have been unemployed for over a year now. Before leaving employment I prayed to God often to let me know if I should stay or if it was time for me to leave this place of employment. When he did answer my prayer letting me know that it was time to leave of course I questioned the timing. He repeated his answer and so I left employment with the assurance that God would take care of me. Since that time I have prayed that God would show me how he wants to use me now and each time the answer is for me to “wait”. I can tell that he is sharping me and growing me but the “wait” is hard.

  136. April

    “Fight for Praise” is what I need to implement in my life right now. In a season of waiting I find myself speaking more about the problems, exalting them over God. I need to just BE, and rest in Him and His process for me, and be thankful for the lessons I am learning and the endurance I am building in my faith walk. His timing has always been perfect in the past, so I will choose to praise Him for who He is, what He’s already done, and what He’s currently working together for my good. Thank you for the encouragement!

  137. RoseMary Baty-Willcox

    I so need Wendy Popes book.
    I am going thru a very dark season

  138. senait Seghid

    I am going to apply 1,2 and 3. a timely message for me. Thank you for the encouragement “Waiting isn’t wasting time; it’s training time” .

  139. Kris

    I needed this today! My mom is going through some health challenges right now and this is just affirmation during this time. Cling to God no matter what, draw close to Him in your times of challenge. We naturally expect a right not fix but when we prayed we already got the answer. It’s the waiting! Thank you for reminding me of the Praise!~ Because God is ABSOLUTELY good ALL the time! And YES we always have something to be thankful for.

  140. Jen

    Thank you for this ministry. God bless you

  141. Carolyn

    I need to practice #1 more. I read blogs, write comments, follow FB to keep up with everyone, study using books, praise God at the drop of a hat but fail to open the Word and just sit with Jesus to hear His direction. No wonder I am scatterbrained. Lord have mercy on me and help me just enjoy Your Word and presence.

  142. Kayla

    This week I will implement finding small ways to love people. I work around the general public at a retail store, and the holiday shopping is getting the store busier already. People tend to be more stressed and rude about their holiday shopping, and it can be discouraging to me, especially as a highly sensitive person. Instead, I want to try to find small ways to possibly alter their state. Maybe all I can do is make sure I maintain my smile for the duration of our conversation. Maybe I can take it a little further and attempt some small talk.

  143. Mary Weiss

    What a wonderful revelation join this article.
    I would like to say I will do all three as I do know in my heart that I need to,so I will set forth to do this and not beat myself up if I fail.
    I will allow each day to be a new beginning.
    Thank You Father for your patience with me !

  144. Karen

    In the hardest places, I was handfed text’d scripture verses from dear friends daily. Scripture still continued to be my nourishment even though my heart had no strength left to focus on seeking God.

  145. Teresa Reed

    Find small and simple ways to love people. 🙂

  146. Michelle Powell

    Thank you! I have been dealing with health issues and I am finally seeing a turn! This is what I needed today. Also, my husband has had to deal with my problems for so long that I hope he is finally going to get some relief.

  147. beth foster

    Hmmmm…in pondering, I can’t put it down to just one area as they all pertain to me. 22 months ago I was hit by a garbage truck, not once but twice. I have been suffering with traumatic brain injury ever since. In this 22 month time frame, 10 months post accident my Mom passed away and this past Oct 15th my Dad passed. It is not so much their passing (I know they are in Heaven and happier than ever, a life well lived) but rather it is what I lost of me from the accident. I was their caregiver. I will never get those 2 almost years back. I have had to spend times “out” at appointments and the other times alone and resting this injury (post concussion syndrome). I will say if it wasn’t for my faith, I would have a harder time dealing with what has come my way. I have tried to find ways to help others ( ex: made fancy hairbands to sell for funds for a 3 yr old battling cancer, made a pie for church auction that brought $240.00 for Africa). Whenever I am out and the opportunity arises I share with people some of my story and you soon hear that you are not alone in this world of suffering. I always say “I have been put on the couch of rest to keep me looking up”. Some days I am totally blank (partly the injury) and other days filled with many requests for others and praise. Thank you for sharing your story. It is a keeper of inspiration for me. Bet

  148. Jada Huff

    FIGHT FOR PRAISE: Our house (that my Granddaddy built 70+ years ago and raised my momma in) burned to the ground on June 29th and we are having issue after issue with insurance, builders, etc, etc. I am FIGHTING for PRAISE as the holidays approach and I will be unable to host my precious family for the holidays this year. My Momma and Grandmomma are passed, so I am the Matriarch and feel as if I am letting my family down, BUT STILL I WILL PRAISE HIM!!!

  149. Sarina Phillips

    I am actually going to implement all 3 going forward. Yesterday, I had a horrible day. I didn’t sleep Tuesday night and really was feeling lonely and alone. I really was stuck on trying to figure out my “why”. Why am I still here? Why am I still single? Why am I at my current job? Why, why, why. The one thing I did come away yesterday knowing was that I had to fill my time and that I had to seek God more for my answers. This blog is so timely and almost written just for me. I know a lot of people can say that, but I have not really been looking at my emails, so for me to see this first today, I know it is a message from God to me. Thank you.

  150. Laura Boyd

    I’m going to fight for praise this week.

  151. Rebecca Pappas

    I am going to Fight for Praise. The more I take my mind off of me and focus on and trust God the more peace I have. And I know deep in my heart, and through many experiences, He always makes things work out for the best and I need to remind myself of that. He sees the big picture while I only see short term.
    I praised Him in the storm when my mom was in ICU and when she passed away which was one of, if not the most, difficult times in my life, and even through all of that I could see His work and feel His peace. We have an AWESOME God!

  152. Nancy Nelson

    Loving others – I think part of the reason that this works is because it takes the focus off of us. And God tells us that it is by our love that others will know that we are Christ followers. This doesn’t have to be a big production – telling someone how nice they look, holding the door for an elderly neighbor or a young mom, doubling the recipe for dinner and taking it to someone who is struggling with health issues of themselves or of a loved one. None of these things cost a lot of money or time, but they do show love. I plan to act on my good impulses in this area of life this week 🙂

  153. Robbin

    This is so hard to do. We want the miracle. We want the quick fix. We want the healing. We want the victory. AND WE WANT IT NOW. I know. I am there. My mom (a wonderful believer and follower of Jesus Christ for all of her 78 years) was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer in July. Our family was devastated. We have prayed and trusted and anointed and bound and rebuked in Jesus name. And after surgery mom’s CT scan showed 7 tumors in her liver, inoperable at this time. So she started chemotherapy to try to shrink the tumors so they can maybe operate. Then we prayed for the side effects of the chemo to be minimal and manageable. And this past week my mother has been very sick and weak. She has taken two treatments . . . she has 10 more to go. Are we afraid, yes, we are afraid. Does it seem like sometimes Jesus is doing nothing? Yes, if I am very honest there are times I have that feeling. But I know, that I know, that I know, that He hears our prayers. I know that He loves my mom even more than I do. And I know that He is moving. “When darkness seems to hide His face, I rest on His unchanging grace. In every high and stormy gale, my Anchor holds within the veil.” Still I will trust Him, still I will praise Him. Even in the midst of the storm. So whatever storm you are facing in this life, cling tightly to Jesus. He never fails. And if you feel led to pray for my mom, her name is Donna.

  154. Debbie Henderson

    Wendy, I would love a chance to have a copy of your book. I have to learn to wait now since I have just lost my job but I am certain God is working out the details of my next opportunity to serve and be a blessing to someone. My health is slowly declining with all the arthritis but I am happy despite my circumstances. Praying for your ministry and for all the others who need to hear from God. Thank you.

  155. Esther Bell

    We have been just where Wendy is. We did always get a diagnosis, but there were so many issues that taking care of one would set off a different one, most of them life threatening. From the depths of our hearts we meant what we would tell people. No matter what happens, God is still God! Miracles have happened these last two weeks that having us shouting “THANK YOU FATHER GOD”.

  156. Sue Darger

    I am going to Fight For Praise!! I am in the midst of turmoil in my church family as well as at home, so I will Fight For Praise while I Wait and See!!

  157. Darcy Hawkins

    “Finding small and simple ways to love people” is so easy to neglect when I feel so wrapped up in my situation. But, it always resets my perspective and brings a blessing when I take time to do it.

  158. Shawna

    I am in the wait and see stage right now. i’m recovering from surgery over a month ago and you always get told it takes time. I don’t want to wait I want to be “normal” again. I pray God will heal me and I got anointed at church and yet here I wait. Its frustrating and you wonder did God hear me? Did I do something? Is this a test? Is this the devil trying to get me down? It’s hard to do what I am supposed to do like read the Bible. i am trying but I need pray to do HIS will and not my own.

  159. Sondra

    Oh my goodness, I SO need this book “Wait and See”! Long story short, I fell ill in one day 7 long years ago. No warning. Went from active healthy mom to literally dying. After seeing 100 doctors that first year without answers while going from 150 to 100 scary pounds, I’m 5’7″, I finally received partial diagnosis of POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome ). That means my blood pressure and heart rate can’t regulate properly from lying to sitting to standing. Plus my entire autonomic nervous system was so messed up that I was unable to sleep more than 1-2 hrs a night, my stomach stopped working (gastroparesis), the list goes on and on. And basically there’s no successful treatment for this condition. Any drugs that can help with some of the symptoms I was allergic to. Which is when I got part 2 of my diagnosis. I was diagnosed with systemic mastocytosis. Which means I’m basically allergic to everything! I could eat only 10 foods without anaphylactic reactions. Couldn’t go in public without a mask due to scents on people’s clothes from laundry soaps, perfumes, etc.

    Praise God after finding a holistic doctor this past February I’ve had major progress, but still feels so far from being able to live a normal life. I still can’t work or cook meals for my son and husband because I get too weak or am in too much pain. I’m not flat out bedridden anymore, but am still couch ridden most days.

    I plan to spend more time PRAISING God from your suggestions. It hit home to me when you said it’s hard to praise when you’re still suffering in so many ways. The enemy has worked beyond hard to drive a wedge between me and God. He tries to tell me daily that God doesn’t love me or he wouldn’t leave me suffering this way. I fight it and will continue to fight those lies, but your book would be such a huge help and blessing to me!

    Thank you for listening to my story. God bless you and your husband.

  160. Kat

    This week I am going to maintain my spiritual strength through prayer and reading God’s Word. See 4 of my grandchildren have been placed in foster care in another state (that’s where they live with their mother). We went to the emergency hearing only for them to stay in foster care. We are waiting for a home study to be done on our home in hopes that our grandsons will be able to come home with us. Our next court date is Nov 14. I’m not sure what will happen then. I do remember the attorney didn’t want to pull them out of school in the middle of the quarter but one of the boys is an hour and a half away from where he was living and is in another school in the middle of the quarter. I have found it extremely hard for me to focus on reading the Word. Please keep them and us in your prayers. This morning as I was driving to work I felt my hands feel like my skin was tightening up around my fingers and I remembered that my great great grandfather had rheumatoid arthritis and I rebuked it off me, not sure that’s what was going on but just in care. Thanks for all you do. God bless you and love reading your books.

  161. Julie

    3) Find small and simple ways to love people.

  162. Clarissa Giangarra

    I plan on being the light. Whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. (Proverbs 11:25 NIV)

  163. Cyndee

    1) Maintain your spiritual strength through prayer and reading God’s Word.
    I am going to start with #1 because I know I become discouraged when I don’t get an answer NOW! I need to relearn that my Father GOD has his own timetable and NOW isn’t always the answer I need. Self gratification doesn’t teach me how I need to be ready to help others. And being able to help others starts with my relationship.

  164. libby

    OH, MY….This is one of the most timely devotionals for me ever.
    Thanks for posting this…will have to keep in my heart and on paper….Press On….As we live and breath to make HIM known, libby

  165. Tina Nobles

    Oh wow! how your story spoke to me!!! In my early 40s I started with same symptoms. Went to many Docs. with many test, and feeling like I was crazy to finally be diagnosed 7 years later with psoriatic arthritis. After, many different medications to treat with several to quit working and several allergic reactions, FINALLY I believe we have found a fit. I wondered many many days why the delay in finding a medication to work or why I kept having reactions which sent me to the hospital, when all I wanted was to feel normal. I struggled with God’s plan for my life, even ashamed to admit I thought he had forgotten about me. BUT, GOD! he assured me he still had me in the palm of his hand. He had me all the time. IT was a journey I had to take. His love is never failing!!!

  166. Sarah C.

    Fight for praise! I find this to be the most challenging, even more than making muffins and taking it across the street. Fighting for praise requires my attention–to ask the Lord Jesus to root out the “worry”, the “pity” and to let my soul truly praise HIM! That’s what I am going to do today! Thanks for the beautiful, grace-filled challenge!

  167. Carla

    Thank you for this very encouraging article. It really spoke to my heart as I am going through some difficult times and having to wait on our great God.

  168. Kirsten D.

    These last two years have been emotionally, physically, and spiritually challenging. I have ended my 23 years marriage, have shared custody of my son, have bought, sold and moved, have had financial ruin, and they my sister was diagnosed with terminal cancer and passed away in less then 6 months. I also came down with a serious illness and was not sure that I would make it back. I stand alone and turned inward and really got back to pray. So I want to help others and I am focused finding small and simple ways to love people. Because I want to love myself, and god, and to do this I can share and find simple ways to love myself and others, because I know that I am a seeker of truth and love.

    • Lysa TerKeurst

      We are so terribly sorry for your many loses and tough seasons, precious sister. We are thinking and praying over you today! Love, LT ministry team

  169. Lisa Robotham

    “Fight for Praise” is what I will work on. My family has been through a lot in the last 14 months from job losses, to parents dying to physical pain for both my husband and I and even though he has a job, he’s a salesman and the income is slow in coming. We sometimes forget to praise God through all of this. Sometimes we fall into the pit instead of reaching out and praising to help us out.

    • Iris Brissette

      I will pray for you, Lisa. God hears your prayers and he is working on your behalf, even we dint see it. He PROMISES to care for us. Matthew 6:28

  170. Iris Brissette

    It was almost two years ago since my husband filed for divorce. He has been steadfast on not settling our properties. The Lord has become everything to me and has taught me much, but I am still waiting. My finances have been drained, but I know God has a plan.

  171. Patricia

    I am in a holding pattern right now. It’s been long and hard but ive gained so much by continuing to give God praise! It has made such a difference in my life. It’s opens my eyes to others around me and i see so much of His Faithfulness in my praises to Him. Funny how that works out! Waiting, Processing and Trusting and Believing!!

  172. Debbie F

    I like all three but maintain spiritual strength. Waiting on answers, dealing with things gets tough and only through maintaining my spiritual strength do I get comfort and peace. Life is tough and life gets hard and only God knows the timing and plans and I need to just rest in that.

  173. Bree Schmidt

    The timing of this post could not have been more perfect. My brother just passed away of an overdose, and our family is devastated. Through all of the heartache we are experiencing, God has spoken to use to Maintain our spiritual strength through prayer and reading His word. We are sharing our story with other addicts, and families that are also in our same situation and we are bringing light to a dark subject. Thank you for sharing this wonderful post today and I look forward to a chance to win the book!

    • Lysa TerKeurst

      We are praying for peace and guidance during this unbelievably hard situation, Bree!
      With love – LT ministry team.

  174. Bernadette Breitinger

    Lysa & Wendy, thank you for your wisdom from Him! I am waiting for a mentally ill brother to get out of the Trauma Unit. I’m conflicted with wanting him out, and fearing the even deeper involvement of my Mom with Dementia.
    I am going to camp in the psalms more to see David model trusting and praising in the midst of waiting.

  175. Andrea Gautschi

    I’m going to praise God and find ways to bless others. It’s wonderful to be able to make someone else smile and know you’ve brightened his/her day.

  176. Nancy Olivares

    Whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. (Proverbs 11:25 NIV)
    This post has reminded me what I really need to do while I wait.
    I recently left my job to become a stay at home mom and I am going kind of crazy and desperate about it because I feel useless. I relate to Wendy because we have (I will declare it as past) gone through a health fight all this year.
    Being at home with 2 kids is not easy but For me the hardest part is to be a housewife.
    However, I feel God sending me a reminder of what he has spoke to me and I am truly grateful For your lives. Thank you For sharing. You are a true blessing.

  177. Liz T.

    Fight for Praise! I want to develop the habit of thanking him continually throughout the day for everything, whether big or small, because of His faithfulness, goodness, and His great love for each of us! He deserves all our praise all of the time!!!

  178. Leigh F.

    Fight for Praise – I get so wrapped up in not understanding why God isn’t answering prayers, I fail to praise him. This is the biggest area I need to work on improving.

  179. Diane

    I’m going to fight for praise. I have struggled with kidney cancer and now dealing with a broken wrist and elbow from a fall. Keeping my eyes on the Lord and using my doctor visits to encourage others – doctors, nurses, admin. So many opportunities to cheer others as I realize God uses these physical set-backs for His purpose.

  180. Barbie

    During my struggles with an autoimmune disease, I’ve been feeling God’s pull to spend more time with him. It sets the tone for my day of more peace and more patience. However, praise and thankfulness do not come easy, so those I will be concentrating on this week.
    Thank you for your encouragement!!

  181. Marie

    Fight for praise and bless others. It’s been the longest hardest season to praise. Tomorrow will be the 1 year anniversary of my 15 year old niece being murdered., my husband loss his job just prior to this horrific event and still hasn’t found work. I still believe, Lord help my unbelief. Prayers appreciated.

  182. Lydia Edgy

    I’m going to really try to practice all 3 of these. I know that it will be a help to me. I also have rheumatoid arthritis and I just recently went through a difficult divorce. My world has been turned upside down and I know God is working but it is hard to wait on Him. Thank you for this devotion and the encouragement to keep the faith!

  183. Cheryl McLean

    I am going through a divorce that is primarily related to a chronic progressive nerve disease I have. Like your husband, diagnosis took a long time- nearly 10 years. My husband just couldn’t take all the medical issues, treatments, meds, tests and surgeries so after 37 years we art divorcing. I plan to continue my Bible Study and trust the Lord to guide my path and carry me when needed and I chose Joy everyday.

  184. Carol Bolin

    I am going to focus on Praise. I tend to withdraw from God in times of “waiting”. I have been separated from my husband for over a year now and I am so “misplaced” in my life. I hate living alone and all the changes I have gone through and now I am facing the holidays once again. I am going to Praise God for this time and try with His help to count it as a blessing and be obedient to what He is trying to do with me during this trial. This past year seems like an eternity, but I know it’s all on God’s schedule, not mine. Thank you and if anyone reads this, please pray for me. I greatly appreciate your prayers on my behalf! Love in Christ!

  185. Krista D.

    This devotional came at just the right time today. Wow, thank you! Point #1 really stood out to me. 1) Maintain your spiritual strength through prayer and reading God’s Word.

    I am currently in a waiting period and have been praying that the Lord would mold me and shape me during this time as He prepares me for the next thing. I want to draw closer to Him and know Him more through prayer and seeking the Lord through reading His Word every day.

  186. Ele

    All three are necessary, so I’ll focus on them. But serving others
    Is getting beyond ourselves…..

  187. Donna Sturdevant

    I find that #3 is fairly easy – now. #2 is a little harder. My main focus is to stay in God’s Word and pray – pray, pray, and pray some more!

  188. Christine

    Boy did I need to read this! My adult son got very ill quite suddenly. He has so many things going wrong with him all at the same time. He went to a sleep center to be tested for sleep apnea, it was discovered that he wakes up 12 times a night! The doctor said David is basically not sleeping and doesn’t know how David is still alive. Exhaustion doesn’t describe what he feels. His vitamin D levels were almost non-existent which was a real surprise considering we live in Arizona! He had to take 50,000 units of vitamin D for awhile to bring that back up to normal. Then there is the growths on his thyroid, too. Then one day at work, he could not breathe and turned purple and freaked out his fellow employees. The EMTs said there was something wrong with his heart. So I spent hours in the ER with him, while he was hooked up to a monitor. He has two appointments this month with a cardiologist. His hormone levels are very low, too. On top of this he has to work because he has a family to support. His wife works also which is a blessing during this.
    Praying, crying out to God, praying, praying every day. And WAITING. More waiting while seeing David struggle to just get through the day. It’s very hard on everyone. I’m so grateful he is a Christian and so had God in his life. On top of all this, David needs a special machine called a Bipap, which is sort of like the Cpap for sleep apnea but somewhat different. The insurance company won’t cover it till he pays a HUGE co-pay of $750 which will be broken down in three payments. He doesn’t have the money. Plus the medical supply company is going to charge over $200 to just show him how to use the machine. (which I personally think is a rip-off for the short time it is going to take to show him how to use it.) So on this Monday, November 7th, he has to be at the medical supply company at nine in the morning with $495 to pay the first month’s payment on the Bipap plus the set up fee which the medical supply charges. David does not make a lot of money and they are struggling.
    But each day I go to God with hope in my heart and even though I don’t know why it is taking so long for David to be healed, I know God has some purpose to it which no one knows yet.

    • Lysa TerKeurst

      Oh Christine, we are praying right now over your son and your family.
      With love – LT ministry team!


    Oh how I need to implement these 3 steps on my life! I will definitely do it. #1 is the one that I need to focus more. Being on this constant fight and waiting on God can be frustrating and easily takes away my focus from Him.

  190. Marlys Christie

    As I’m going through a season of waiting, I’m thankful for Wendy’s words. I’m going to implement all 3, but I think the one I will focus on is priase

  191. Cindy Smith

    Find small and simple ways to love people.–spoke to me the most
    I have found this to be so true in my own life because it takes the focus off of me…and like the verse says….when i refresh another, He refreshes me! But it has been hard…losing a loved one has created some pain in our whole family and waiting for God’s restoration….not an easy fix.

  192. Erin

    Oh how this speaks to me! There is so much going on in my life that has me waiting. I am going to do all 3 of these. I was so faithful in prayer and being in the Word for over 2 years, and the waiting continued. I started losing faith, hope and trust. I need to get back to praying to and praising God!

  193. Margaret

    Waiting, waiting and yet, more waiting. This speaks to me today as I wait for a prodigal to return home

  194. Sherry

    #2 Fight For Praise

  195. Ree

    All three are fantastic! But the one that speaks volumes to me… Is to find simple ways to love people. About a year and a half ago, I left my role as the breadwinner of the family after much prayer and God’s direction. I am patiently waiting for his next instruction for my life. It has been extremely tough financially ever since, but finding ways to love people doesn’t always have to be financial. It could be with blessing others with a smile, God’s word, an open ear, LOVE. The other day there was a man on the side of the street that looked extremely hungry, I had some extra bread and pastries given to me by a lady at my church bible study group to take home.. And while I knew my family could use it, I also knew that it was more than we needed… So I broke the bread and sacrificed the pastries to feed this man. His response was a sincere “God bless you!” And that was all the refreshing I needed. 🙂

  196. Teresa

    Fight for praise! We found out recently that our 29 year old son is battling alcohol addiction. After all the “why God” and “what did I do wrong” questions, I realize that God is in control. I need to continue to praise His name in situations that I have no control. I would enjoy this book so much.

  197. Pam

    Fighting for praise. Loved this.

  198. Shari

    I will work on getting into God’s word and praising him for the obstacles he has put into my life. We must beleive in the things unseen and not focus on the things of this world. Who are we to question what God has put into our lives?. He loves us and has a reason for everything. Often OUR problems can be opportunites and examples to show others our love for God and be able to witness to them. How wonderful it is that God wants to draw us closer to him! Earthly family and friends are not always able to do that and do not compare to God’s eternal and unconditional love. I think the book will help deepen my relationship with God which I need. (who doesn’t)
    Lysa, you are really “God’s Girl.” Your life experiences have impacted many.
    I love the song by Building 429. “All I know is I’m not home yet. This is not where I belong. Take this world and give me Jesus. This is not where I belong.”
    I pray that YOU will pray that God will lead you to give the books to whomever he feels needs them the most!

  199. Jillian Bryant

    Fight for praise…my husband has been unemployed for two months now, and is severely depressed. We have been fighting to “praise Him in the storm” since this happened. And we will CONTINUE to praise God, because HE IS GOOD!

  200. yvonne williams

    Thanks for the Encouragement! Luv waiting isn’t wasting time ; it’s training time!

  201. Cara Gilds

    Absolutely #1. I am going through a very rough time in my marriage right now and sometimes I think it is easier to be mad at God than to sit down and talk it out with Him. I need to dig into His Word to find my answers. I need to pray to hear His voice.

    • Chloe

      Number 2 is definitely something I need to work on. Being a thirteen year old girl and not being able to be in any activities is hard. Plus trying to fight migraine that I throw up with. Im actually homeschooled too so I can try and focus on school.(when im feel in good) This is day number 4 with being sick in a row. Prayers please! Thanks!

  202. Jill Howard

    I am going to fight for praise

  203. Amy Smith

    Waiting for praise! Thank you Lysa! I have really LOVED reading your books!

  204. Cyndi Staudt

    Fight for Praise was exactly what my weary heart needed to read to revive the barely audible words I was lifting to God. My mind often says praise should flow freely, like I can barely contain it and couldn’t keep it in if I tried. But the reality is sometimes I truly have to struggle and fight to squeak out a few words that even resemble praise. Your truth reminded me of Psalm 31:15 – “Unseal my lips, Oh Lord, that my mouth may praise you.” And PRAISE I WILL!!!

  205. Katherine Griffin

    Find small and simple ways to love people. Continuing this now!

  206. Connie J

    Went through a flood of emotions reading this! My mom suffers from RA and the last year has been a tough one. Medication stopped working and to get the right combination again took almost 2 years. Because of the challenged immune system she developed pneumonia and shingles all within that time. It was hard to see and keep praising but we FOUGHT THROUGH OUR PRAISE! Today, Praise God she is back walking and free of shingles! God is good!

  207. Kiera Kirchner

    #1 For sure for me. I have a hard time staying in Gods word when things are going good, so when things are bad…yeah. Something I’m not proud of. The craziness of life takes over and God gets pushed aside. I have a 3 year old and 9 year old and they are busy bees. I have a bad habit of making idols out of to-do lists and my family and I really want to make a strive to make God number one as he should be. I have to get out of the business of the world and start slowing down with God.

  208. Riversnrocks

    Waiting for a happy marriage as my wife doesn’t need or want sex -EVER, she doesn’t even touch me – not even a little, and her words are so harsh and critical with NO (Zero) encouragement!!

    These are my two love languages and I’m getting none of it and haven’t gotten anything for the past 15 years! I don’t know how much longer I can or should wait on something that she says will never happen!

    I needed to hear this, but I’m still questioning the wait as it’s hard to always get your encouragement from someone or somewhere else!

  209. Mandy Ashley

    I need to remind myself to stay spiritually strong through prayer and reading and studying God’s word. It’s easy to grow weary in the wait. But that’s when we need to fight to stay spiritually strong

  210. Debbie nunez

    When my husbands health began to fail it was in three’s, he became ill with lung issues that seemed to go on for years without diagnosis. A once weight lifter become sedate, he began to lose his eyesight and his mother passed away . My happy husband became angry and hostile to us all. It wore our family down to destruction. Did I want to praise my God, no I was on overdrive trying to just survive and protect our children from the onslaught. It took my to be on my knees looking up to realize all that I had and God was in charge with blessing abounds. Even if it meant I had to see it from another perspective.

  211. Barbara Pauls

    What an awesome reminder of how important it is know how to wait in times of difficulties. For me, I need to embrace all three of the inspirations. Praise God for His faithfulness in the midst of any storm!

  212. Barbara Pauls

    Thank you for all that you do in sharing your love of the Lord.

  213. Theresa S

    Number three is piercing my heart! I’m learning that as I change my focus on God and other people my troubles don’t seem as big anymore.

  214. Anna

    1) Maintain your spiritual strength through prayer and reading God’s Word

    This is for me, I have to stay close in prayer and reading God’s Word. The cold weather brings on added pain, and I need God’s warmth, peace, and strength, everyday…thank You Lord for your comfort.

  215. Jan

    What if during our waiting time, we aren’t gleaning any answers or lessons from God? I had about 9 months of waiting for a physical healing and was physically unable to do anything but sit in my chair and pray and praise. I kept asking God, “What was it He was wanting to teach me? What lessons could I take away form this season?” To this day I never have gotten an answer and it bothers me that maybe I can’t hear God?

  216. Melissa Chambers

    3) Find small and simple ways to love people.

    I think sometimes I get lost in the big gesture and forget how important a smile, kind attutude, and extending grace and patience can be.

    This book is incredible and helped me to STOP doubting and I would love to give it to others who I know need it.

  217. Amy Wadkins

    I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 3 years ago. I left the job I loved as a nurse and lost my income. There is no definitive prognosis and I have had many health challenges. BUT God has blessed me, strengthed me and continues to grow me spiritually and I wouldnt change this diagnosis (most days!). I am strengthened through reading His word and working to strengthen my prayer life- and interestingly, this allows me to love people more and find good and joy in the midst of adversity. He is ever present- and He is GOOD!

  218. Carinna harding

    I need to fight for praise. It’s so exhausting in seasons seem hopeless and never ending but we can’t lose hope.

  219. stephanie

    To love others in some small way!! My husband also has rheumatoid arthritis and its been extremely tough on our marriage but also a saving grace! I love the scripture you quoted Whoever refreshes others will be refreshed..Proverbs 11:25! God laid it upon my heart after reading that that I also need to refresh my husband! Would love to read & share the book.

  220. Shari Abrams

    I will use the fight for praise – I will take each day that I do not have pain as a great day and thank him for all of those days. Thank you for laying it out so simply.

  221. mary

    I will praise the Lord and say thank you throughout the day for the moment I am doing..Yes, the waiting is hard, but God has a bigger plan and picture in mind than what I can see, I need to trust that

  222. Shelly McGovern

    I just found out about you and your ministry not to long ago…about a week or so now. My husband and I have two girls, ages 8 and 11. I will be 49 and he will be 50 next year. I was the working mom, and he was the Stay-at-Home-Dad for the last 10 years. I had a great job, made great money, loved the company, loved my managers, excellent benefits, etc. I couldn’t say anything bad about it except it was stressful and I missed my girls. I was laid off after six years in 2011. I received unemployment, we went on food stamps, and I was hired temporarily several times before I almost literally came to the end of my rope. I was anxious, depressed, wondered why I was even applying for jobs because I went to so many interviews, 3-4 hour skills assessments, typing tests, etc., at employment agencies. We even thought of relocating. Within the last 3 weeks my husband and I decided it was time for me to help my depression, etc., and he could go to work. We signed up for welfare–in our state it’s called Cal/Works. He has to volunteer at a company (thrift store by Rescue Mission) each week to get cash for non-food items. We still have food stamps. It was quite a change going from making great money to barely able to have enough food to feed our kids. I confess, I got angry with God. Really angry. I doubted God. Is there a God, I was thinking? I thought it was hopeless. My family would be financially better off if I were dead…seriously. I have enough working credits in with social security that they’d have more money each month and my husband would never have to work again. Today, I am beginning to heal, and very slowly becoming closer to God. I even dug out my Bible and put it next to the computer so I would see it in hopes of reminding me to read it. I have been praying a little. My husband is still ‘volunteering’ his time but we do get the welfare cash, and hopefully he will network or his manager will tell him about a job opening somewhere. We are tired. Yes, it’s difficult to keep up with two schools, a 1998 Ford, PRAISE JESUS that it gets us where we need to go. When you wrote, “…Sometimes waiting has less to do with the strength of your faith and more to do the perfection of God’s timing. God makes us wait at times so we can glean valuable lessons. In the wait, He is preparing us for what He has already planned for us. Waiting isn’t wasting time; it’s training time.”
    I feel exactly like that. We are in training. I really think my youngest daughter really needed me here at home instead of working or searching for work. So, I am still in training. I hope God has a plan for us. I am still not certain where our lives are going to end up. I am the strong one in the family…emotionally. I think God has us here for a reason but I don’t know everything yet. I hope to find out. Please pray for me and my family. My husband needs emotional strength. My oldest daughter has been limping on her leg since September, and doctors don’t know what it is. I think muscle strain…she’s going for an MRI for soft tissue exploration–already had an x-ray and two doctors look at it.

    Thank you for your ministry, and I wish you and yours many blessings.

    • Lysa TerKeurst

      Thank you so much for sharing all of your story with us today. We are so thankful that today’s devotional spoke to you in such amazing ways, and the Lord is taking you and your family through a season of healing and restoration. We are so so proud of you!
      LT ministry team

  223. Rose

    Your ministry has been such a blessing to me. A friend sent me your post on How to Press Through Unanswered Prayer, and I have read your articles ever since. My husband and I have been in a waiting seaso for 5 years now as we pound heavens door for our prodigal son. Our son Adam who once loved the Lord and served him, walked away from his faith, embraced homosexuality, and although he knows God loves him and Jesus is just waiting for him to return still has not. Thank you for your encouragement to continue to pray for Adam as we wait an wait for the Lord to move mountains.

    • Jaimi

      We also have a son who has walked away from His faith and is living in a homosexualy lifestyle. I feel compelled to encourage you to seek help through a parent support group. We attend one in Oklahoma City at First Stone Ministries. We join you in the “waiting” period, about 4 years now, but never losing the Hope that Jacob will hear anmd resond to God’s call and return to Him. Feel free to reach out to us if you want more encouragement from us.

  224. Julie Maxwell

    I do not have to fear the upcoming election because GOD ( JESUS) knows already what the the outcome will be. They have won the election and battle already–we only need to focus on them, and pray without ceasing.

  225. Tammy

    Its all on Gods timing !

  226. Ivy Hill

    This week would be #3 to find small ways to love people.

  227. Mary Johnson

    #3 for me. I just “completed” a health crisis and it helped me to focus on others’ needs and not just my own. I plan to continue to have more concern for others,

  228. Sarah

    Fight for Praise. Would love to win a copy of this book. Definitely in a season of waiting.

    • Jasmine

      #1 and #2 I find myself in my free time looking for inspiration onfb and getting some scriptures there but i need to pray morethroughought the day and actually open my bible for a more personal and intimate gesture and I’m dealing with lupus so imexhausted all the time and feel so weak so I need more of God’s strength and I’ll get that through his word and sometimes getting out of bed is a struggle but i should be praising God I get another chance to praise him so i must fight to praise because i can

  229. Norma Vannoy

    I’m going to stay encouraged by spending time alone with Jesus in His Word, memorizing and meditating upon it more and more as I see The Day approaching…..and praise Him as I wait for a “yes” answer to a prayer of 10 years now!

    • Norma Vannoy

      My previous comment should have read:

      Maintain my spiritual strength through reading God’s Word and prayer.

  230. LeNell Sue Baxter

    I need to let go of the past and move forward. I still have issues with people that hurt me 10 or 20 years ago. I can’t be in Christ and grow with these issues. Thank-you for your words that I can go forward.

  231. Angela Klein

    Finding ways to love people is so effective. At one of the lowest points in my life, I attended a morning church service and the pastor said, “When you feel like you are beyond despair, just look across the tracks and help someone in need.” I was gathering my mail later that week and happened to notice my neighbor across the street sitting outside covered with blankets; and it was warm out. I walked over and introduced myself and asked if she was all right. Turned out that she had colon cancer and was going through chemo and radiation. I offered to drive with her to treatments and we became the greatest of friends. I often say now that we saved each other…we became each other’s bright hope! I know that God led me into that service on that Sunday morning; so that I could find my way and be a blessing to someone who really needed hope. I am blessed every day by my dear friend, Sandy! God is so good!
    The blog was awesome and I look forward to reading the book.


  232. Paula Miner

    I’m going to do all 3. But most needed I think for me now in this very, very long season of waiting is “maintain your spiritual strength through prayer and reading God’s Word.” I don’t know where to begin telling why I need this message today . Everyone dearest to me is struggling and broken, and they have been for many years; my daughter, my son, and my husband. My husband has dementia, which gets worse and worse each day. I’ve prayed for many years that he would be healed or the progression would slow, but it appears that prayer will not be answered. My daughter has many health issues, including serious back problems requiring major surgery next month, depression, and infertility that is breaking her heart. Prayers day after day, year after year, no healing and no answers. And my son’s problems are numerous, too long to list. I have prayed for my children since they were babies, and they are 37 and 40 now. I feel truly weary in every way, and for the first time in my life feeling hope fading. I so much need just a glimpse, a hint from God that he hears me and sees me; that He loves my family even though we are in pieces and have been for many, many years. I’ve prayed He would heal us. I’m still waiting. Thank you for the encouragement today!

  233. Sara Williams

    Number Two

  234. Nan Barbee

    Like everyone else, I will be happy when the election is over. I trust in GOD, MY SAVIOR, and with the HOLY SPIRIT help will to vote, than I will wait!!! I do not worry about who will win, because I know that only GOD is in control! Worry, discussing, disagreeing is useless. I personally pray for JESUS PLEASE COME….NOW!!! At the age of 69 and poor health, but still loving, laughing, going to church, being a Decision Guide, active in my Women’s Bible Study group Prayer Partners and Love Where You Are, I am as active as the LORD wants me to be. I have HIS peace, lots of trials, like everyone else. So, Phil 4:6 I am not anxious about anything, but in prayer, supplication and with thanksgiving, present my requests to GOD, and HE gives me peace,that is beyond understanding and will guard my heart and mind, through JESUS CHRIST, Amen

  235. Pamela

    In my situation right now I need to fight for praise. I also need to pray and read God’s word. My husband has multiple health issues, the hardest for me being losing his vision. This feels like a long grief… I keep finding things that are super hard about this and I’m so very tired… Thank you for your words today.

  236. Pat

    I will turn to God’s word to fill me spiritually. I am entering a difficult journey as my husband and I are separating. My prayers are for healing and reconciliation, but only God can do that. So many tears shed and hurtful words spoken. Two hearts that loved each other are shattering into million pieces.

    • Jaimi

      praying for you both.

  237. Christina

    I’m going to try to fight for praise. I’ve been praying or marriage reconciliation for almost a year now and my husband has just filed for divorce. The waiting has seemed unbearable.

  238. Judy

    I am losing hope. So much pain and serious illness in my family. So many unanswered pleas for pain relief.

  239. Julie Anne

    Loving on others comes a bit naturally to me, even in the pain of endless waiting. I need to step outside of my instincts and seek to praise God when it’s the last thing my heart wants to fully engage in doing.

  240. Judy

    I am losing hope. So much pain and serious illness in my family. So many urgent pleas for pain relief are going unanswered.

  241. Candy

    Start with #1 by digging into His Word. Move on to #2 through praise & worship. Rejoice when I can get to #3 and be a blessing to others.

  242. Cara

    Number two….fight for Praise even in the midst of confusing times or hard circumstances.

  243. Sara M.

    At this moment, I am not experiencing a hard trial, but there are people all around me who are and I look for small ways to love and bless them (#3). I have been able to make a lot of meals and send encouragement cards to friends and neighbors who are hurting. I would love to win this book so I could pass it on to one of those people.

  244. Pam

    I’m going to have to say all three. I have been in a serious waiting season for about 6 years now. It seems as though it is never going to end. But, God is working through it. He is so faithful and is bringing me to a new place that I might never have gone. I would love to receive Wendy’s book!, I so enjoy her teaching on the First5 App. Thank you for this post today!

  245. Jennifer

    Thank you for this post. I am trying to focus on #3.

  246. Jaimi

    Fight for praise….my husband and I spoke to a couple last night and encouraged then to tell each other three things daily that they are thankful for about their spouse, They are fighting for praise in the midst of difficulties in their marriage. We will continue to reach out and offer hope in the middle of fighting our own battles.

  247. Niki

    Number 2. I’m going through a time of sickness and unemployment, so learning to praise God no matter what needs to be my focus right now.
    Such an encouraging article!

  248. Kristie G.

    Very timely!! We are going through a similar thing right now with my dad. He has been in and out of hospitals and rehab since the middle of August. Just when we think we have an answer, there is another problem that pops up. My dad can’t catch a break; 2 strokes, colon surgery and now an infection in his blood. Thank you for your post and for reminding me who’s still in control. The one I’m going to implement during this difficult time of waiting is to “Fight for Praise”. There is always something to be thankful for and praise Him for.

  249. Kathleen Aderhold

    #1 I definitely struggle with praising God through the tough battles. I’m blessed with good health, with good fortune as my husband is doing well in his sales job right now and it allows me to be at home with our small children…but oh how I struggle with the mundane day to day of being a full time mother. It’s the hardest job I’ve ever had and some days I feel like I knock it out of the park and others feel like I’ve struck out repeatedly. I know I don’t praise Him enough through the strikes outs or even the home runs. Thank you for the reminder.

  250. Amy

    Thank you for this. Hit the nail on the head. Being a mom of 4 boys and dealing with my own Cancer battle the past 3 years. God certainly prunes me in the waiting. Love the points. I choose to praise Him and God has opened many relationships because I choose to give Him glory. I don’t always want to but when I do Gos gets the victory. ?

  251. Chrissy

    I’m going to fight for praise. It’s easy for me to be neutral – not critical of God, but not actively praising him through my own journey of chronic health issues following spinal cord surgery. The pain is debilitating, the symptoms permanent, and that can sometimes cloud the goodness of my Savior. But I need to praise Jesus. Every day. And doing that will help transform each day into a more hopeful journey.

  252. Yessi

    So thankful for these truths. My favorite is reading His word and praising. Worshiping God sometimes only through tears. Grateful that He is always with us! A beautiful song I heard earlier today Our Champion by Jesus Culture. Thank you!

  253. Bethany

    #2 for sure..I live a life of chronic pain. Fighting to praise Him in the blessings of each day.

  254. Sharise

    All 3 I have been working on in my 4 year cancer journey. Just when I felt it was done in was thrown a curve ball and told the tumour was back and I was put back on chemo. The waiting for appointments, waiting for results…..just all the waiting is very tiring and wondering when and where God is in all…. am not sure. Would love to read this book in my waiting.

  255. Lori

    I have been dealing with a neck and skull injury for 14 years and live with pain 24/7. I have to lean into God daily and if I don’t I am a wreck. This week I will focus on praising God.

  256. Jen

    Fighting for Praise! Realizing that no matter what situation you are in there is a reason and there is always a silver lining. Love the relation to a training period. Keep fighting the good fight!

  257. Billie Albertson

    3) Find small and simple ways to love people.
    This sounds like a good place to set my mind.

  258. Sarah Lipsey

    #2…. My husband and I were high school sweethearts! Just celebrated our 20th anniversary. 16 days later Steve was diagnosed with stage 3 melanoma. I love the Lord with all my heart and worship is my passion. But honestly worship has not been on mind lately. Been a lot to take in. Yet I know I have so much to be thankful for and I know God is bigger than this battle we are facing!

  259. Mandi Griffin

    I am going to fight for praise..#2
    It seems like my body is continuing to fail me. Stage 3b rectal cancer in Jan. 2015. 25 rounds of radiation and xeloda chemo pills twice a day at same time. That May surgery to remove where the tumor was leaving me with an ileostomy. Starting in June 12 rounds of FOLFOX every other week. Reversal of ileostomy in Feb 2016 worst recovery and disappointment of the whole cancer journey..still on disability. Gallbladder removed in late August. Diagnosed with Grave’s Disease last week. Cancer symptoms returning. But HE has brought me through it all.

  260. Maya

    1) Maintain spiritual strength through prayer and especially through reading God’s Word.

  261. Mary Ann Hamilton

    #3 Find small and simple ways to love people. When I am hurting and waiting on God, I find joy and strength in serving others, whether it’s taking salsa to the lady at the cleaners, giving a smile to the lady at the resale shop, or taking pj’s to seniors at the local nursing center. It makes my heart smile, and reminds me that God is good and that He’s always holding my hand.

  262. Sunshine

    #1. I’ve been waiting many years for an answer to a prayer. I haven’t prayed for it like I should the last few years because I have just all but given up. Why bother praying if God’s not going to answer. I need to start back praying for this situation and spending more time with Him.

  263. Ann Souza

    I want to find small ways to love people!!! He will take care of my needs if I focus on someone else’s! Thank you!!

  264. Amie

    I’ve. No in a waiting pattern for about 5 YEARS!! I read this and began to cry because I keep saying, “what am I doing wrong, Lord?” I am so tired and worn, I just don’t know how much more I can take. I plan to incorporate praise into my daily. I have found that so hard to do, even stepped down from my place on the praise team because I was having such a hard time praising. Thank you for sharing it has touched my heart.

  265. Mia Randall

    I am in such a long waiting season that I have never been in before, it seems weird and at times I feel like I am the cause, like maybe I am not learning the lesson or doing what God is asking so He is keeping me on hold until I “get right”, but after reading todays 3 truths, I am going to focus on finding small and simple ways to love people! It will give me great joy being with others who need to feel that love through me!

    Thank you for this perfect, on time, message!

  266. Ang

    I am going to praise. It is so easy for me for me to look at the storm instead of the God who is still at work.

  267. Nancy Ramirez

    Wow, are you peeking through my windows??? <3 <3 <3
    Refreshing words that I SOOOO need right now. Thank you!!

  268. Lynnea

    I am fighting for praise as my doctors knock down my opinion and try to encourage treatments I don’t want to do…

  269. Meaghan

    Both #1 and #2 but definitely #2. I am in a waiting process of medically knowing what is wrong. I also have in between insurances now so financially (and emotionally) it’s hard! So I desire to fight for praise in the midst of

  270. Heidi Wright

    Definitely starting with #1. It’s certainly the most basic, but also the easiest to neglect. Thank you for you words of encouragement!

  271. Jennifer

    I’m going to continue to fight and lift up a sacrifice of praise – while looking for those small opportunities to be a blessing to others!

  272. Joy

    #3 I’m going through my own health ‘wait and see.’ Well, another ‘wait and see.’….my list seems to keep growing. Although, I have the book and am looking forward to the online study, I hope to win one to give away to someone that needs it more than me.

  273. Brei

    Struggling to tread above the surface some days with my own RA diagnosis, fighting for praise has been and continues to be vital for me. It doesn’t change my circumstances a bit, but shifts my focus, even for just a moment.

  274. Kim Sternbe

    With everything I have I am going to fight with praise!

  275. Kat

    “The wait is more about experiencing God than enduring the delay.” That really hit home. I just keep trying to make it through the delay, trying to endure it. I really have been trying a little bit of all 3. I get a lot of scripture or encourage meant of the day kind of posts, but I haven’t read the word, studied it like I should. So I’ll be trying to do more of #1. We recently found out that both of our boys are high functioning autistic. The more I learn about it the more I realize that my husband is too. It was depressing when this began to dawn on me because I realized that all the problems and communication difficulties in our marriage weren’t going to suddenly get better. There are many things that need to be addressed. We are getting the kids the help they need but I don’t know if my husband will get help for himself. He is content to accommodate the problems. Not sure where this is leading.

  276. Susan Bricker

    I want to rest in #1 maintain my spiritual strength, no matter what I’m facing! This was such a powerful post, I loved it! Amen!

  277. Alisa Turner

    I am fighting for praise! The last 7 months have been full of ups and downs. My son has been super sick. He was finally diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis, an enlarged spleen, and 2 blood clots on his spleen. I know that God has such a big calling on his life. The enemy is fighting overtime! I’m so proud of how strong my son has been through this. He went on his first missions trip last year to Haiti but had to cancel this year due to his immune system.

  278. Kathy Scott

    I have been waiting for over 20 years for my husband to come to know Christ. Only by maintaining composure and living Christ have I been able to continue in this relationship. I am trusting the Lord to have a God centered marriage, but sometimes the waiting has been filled with times of frustration and despair. I am now resting in the Lord and find time to spend in the Word in the morning. Thank you for your timely words to keep me looking unto Jesus and enjoying His presence until my prayer has been answered. If not, I will have gained Christ in my inner being and can be assured God is in control.

  279. Alison

    #2 has been Gods message to me these last few weeks struggling with the same struggle of finding a diagnosis. I’ve waited for weeks to get a test done. Now I’ve waited a week for results. I’ve questioned him so much. This is a great word and I’m thankful to have it right now when I need it. Thank you!

  280. Amanda

    #2 “Fight for Praise” – I lost my second baby in 8 months last week and I feel so alone. I pray and pray and God remains so very silent. I am trying to focus on the praiseworthy moments around me rather than give into the hopelessness that threatens to pull me under.

  281. Toni

    I am going to fight for praise. I’m almost 39 and I have been single for over 8 years with no prospect of a future husband. I want to be married, I want to raise a family, with at least one biological child and everyday that I wait in obedience, there are moments that I feel one or both of those dreams slipping away. I know God is the Father of time. I no longer feel like I’m being punished. I try to encourage others and love on people any way I can. But, when I get discouraged, want a hug, someone to talk to, see a diaper commercial, it’s hard to stay up, so I’m going to fight for my praise because I feel my joy actively being snatched from me right now. Thanks for this blog and the reminder.

  282. Gareth Davis

    I will praise Him as I wait and have for many years. My husband has also been battling health issues from the moment we got married almost 16 years ago. Three years ago he went septic and literally died for a couple seconds, and stayed in ICU for 6 days and they never figured out what was infected. Then a year ago, he had surgery to remove mesh in his head, that they put in head 5 years earlier, and they found dead and infected brain tissue. The surgeon said he was lucky, he could have easily died from the brain infection. The whole time I kept God in my heart and prayed everyday. And although he is much better he is dealing with issues from the surgery like chronic pain, which a ongoing struggle for both of us. But, we are both waiting to see how God is using us, there must be something for my husband.

  283. Connie

    I will fight for praise! I too, have been going through an illness (healthy and strong before this and in my early 40’s) for 6 months with no real answers. I have gotten closer to God, but some days when you feel so weary it is easy for the devil to get a foothold and this is were I have to remember to praise him! Thank you for this post! It was such an encouragement to me.

  284. JB

    Kind listening ear, compassion and love for a friend who has been battling cancer. Thank you Lord for your love and example. Amen.

  285. Kendra

    I love this so much. Fight for Praise… What a beautiful but oh so tough challenge!

  286. Kaydee

    I’ve been practicing the fighting for praise step, so I think it’s time for me to find ways to love on people. I need to get my eyes off of my problems and maybe focus on loving others a little more. Thank you for this post.

  287. Patricia Dyke

    Step 1 is where I really need to focus on atm as have just commenced Chemotherapy. To come to the foot of the Cross and listen to my Father and trust Him with all the ooutcome. Have found it extremely hard to wait and believe for His answers in this journey so far. All the why questions and doubts of His love.

  288. Jodi

    Definitely going to praise God for all my many blessings this week and throughout this month! My life’s pursuit in a nursing degree, I thought was God’s will, came to a screeching halt several months ago. I’m struggling with debilitating anxiety as I wait in limbo for God’s direction on whether to continue pursuing, or to let it go. So the Wait and See study is perfect timing and I thank God for it. Also! Thank you for the Proverbs 31 Ministry daily devotional and Lysa’s Uninited study I got to participate in last month. I am so blessed while I wait!

  289. Jeannie

    Needed to read this today. Waiting is rough, especially when it’s about the one you love ……..thanks for this, may have to buy your book ♡

  290. Debbie

    Getting past my past! It seems circumstances of the past continue to plague my marriage; God knows the wilderness journey is taking its toll on my relationship with my husband. Please pray for us!

  291. Anonymous

    I have been learning these truths. God is graciously training me in my wait. I would love to read this book.

  292. Brandy B.

    Definelty number 2: I’ve been in my waiting season for almost two years. I’ve been believing and waiting for God to restore a relationship. I’ve felt from the beginning God has been asking me to wait and see how he works, but as the days are numbered so is my faith and patience. I believe in the power of our God, but definelty have moments of unbelief. I constantly find myself frustrated and wanting answers. Today I was reminded to put more energy in my praise instead of my plea.

  293. Monica Olmedo

    I’m working on praise

  294. Ellen

    Praising God in the midst of hardship is a lesson that God, Himself helped me learn. I prayed that He would keep my eyes fastened on Him through my husband’s 6 month cancer treatment. And He answered my prayer with a sweeping, resounding “yes.” I experienced His presence, His mercy and His love like I never had before. He revealed His heart to me. And my own heart could not keep quiet. I wrote and wrote about our experience, about my beautiful, sweet God and His tender care. Praise just pours forth when your heart is filled to overflowing with His precious love.

  295. Wendy Hayden

    I’m seeking daily inspiration in God’s Word and prayer in a difficult season. It takes constant devotion to keep a cheerful spirit.

  296. Kayla

    I am going to fight for praise. After having a stroke this year and struggling with my health after it has been so hard sometimes to praise God. He is so worthy to be praised despite the dark seasons of life we are in.

  297. Maree Dee

    Maintain your spiritual strength through prayer and reading God’s Word. This is my number one that keeps me balanced. Sometimes I try to bypass it, and my circumstances become unmanageable.

  298. Susan Bungard

    I lost my husband 5.5 years ago to a very ugly cancer. I learned to love people. We were surrounded by our church family – our immediate family – our extended family. I learned to let people into our home to pray with us – visit with us – feed us – love us like we were their own. I learned to let people do things for me which was very difficult. I wrote a blog called “Not Why Me But What Now”. Not a day goes by that not I’m not thankful for the people in my life. So many challenges people are facing. I do my best to always try to make a difference. I pray for situations and individuals who need to know that they are not alone. I’m always looking for a way to use my past to lift up another. I just lost my mom to cancer at the age of 82. God is becoming closer to me every day. I know his plan is greater than I can ever imagine and I trust in him to guide me through it. He’s brought me a long way and I know he’s not finished with me yet. I strive towards using my abilities and talents and my past to love others where they are! I work at giving back every day I wake up and face the world because there is a reason we are all still here. #lovethemwheretheyare

  299. Elaine Segstro

    I need to maintain my spiritual strength through prayer and reading God’s Word, not just when problems arise, but DAILY. Drawing closer to Him draws me closer to His truths and love.

  300. Nikki

    Find small and simple ways to love people.
    I’ve dealt with a similar situation. I’ve been sick since I was 15 (now 23, almost 24) and God has promised that He will heal me. I believe but waiting all of these years makes it difficult sometimes. Thanks for this post.

  301. Megan

    It’s hard to pick one honestly. I suppose #1. I feel like my waiting period is just beginning (and I’ve already been going through my battle for a year). Staying focused on God through prayer and His word has been a major lifeline for me so far. Every time I falter in my journey I just pray and my waiting spirit is renewed.

  302. Elizabeth

    Thanks for the article! This was very timely for me. Honestly, I will be focusing on the first two, but the second point was very important to me. I so often feel like my faith wasn’t strong enough when praying for something, or that I must have gotten something wrong. In current hard times, I struggle to see why God would allow certain things to happen. In these times, I find it difficult to praise Him. I am going to focus on praising Him, because and worthy even/especially in the waiting time.

  303. Amanda

    Waiting in a relationship right now. I so need gods peace!

  304. Berdena

    I will choose praise 🙂

  305. Kayla

    # 1. I’ve been so distracted with my mental health issues… begging God to heal me so I don’t have to take medicine.. but instead spending time in his words getting answers. I turn to articles, people’s opinions,etc. it’s time I spend more time in his word!

  306. Debbie Schafer

    Your story sounds so similar to mine. As my husband has battled with severe pain and weakness with severe depression with suicidal thoughts that has taken us on a 2 1/2 year journey. After 2 years he was finally diagnosed this August with spondyloarthropathy and fibromyalgia. My prayer the last 2 years has been strength for today and courage for tomorrow.

    Joshua 1:9
    Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

  307. Jackie Morris

    Praying and in the Word

  308. Melanie U

    My husband has been unemployed for ten months, and my teacher’s salary doesn’t cover the bills. Everything is crashing around us, and yesterday I cried out to God in fear and desperation and even anger, but even as I cried and pleaded, I could sense Him nudging me to praise, to remember His goodness throughout this desert.. I will continue to fight for praise, even as the collectors call and the debt grows. Despite my circumstances, HE IS STILL GOD!

  309. Crete

    I will find small, simple ways to love people! I work with children and they are so easy to love but with the pressures of having to make each child academically successful, expressions of love are neglected. I’m going to make a conscious effort to do something to let my students know just how much they are loved!

  310. Wendy Gehret

    Whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. When I can make a difference in someones life even in the simplest way, that’s when I feel the closest to God because I know it is him who is working through me.

  311. Amanda

    #1 is definitely where I need to focus. My husband is fighting a particularly unusual and stubborn cancer, that we’ve found out is chemo-resistant. It has been a difficult journey, consuming a good chunk of our 5 years of marriage. I’m exhausted, and God has been revealing to me that I need to cling to him even more fiercely than I am pushing my husband to fight this disease. I need to grow my relationship with God in order to have the strength to support my husband.

  312. Hannah Smith

    Find strength in the word… I’ll be looking at the Psalms, too. Thanks for this post!

  313. Michelle

    I feel like I’ve been walking this road for a few years. God has taught me similar lessons about gratitude and spending quality time with Jesus. I think I may miss out on the blessing of helping others most often though. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in my own struggle that I miss the chances to encourage others

  314. Missy

    I need to get back to #1 & 2. I naturally want to help people but doing it in my own strength drains me. I spend too little time in His word & prayer. I spend too little time praising Him. I feel as though I’m becoming ineffective & wanting to give up on things that used to bring joy. This reminded me that my focus is not on God. I know He will give me the strength & wisdom I need if I will seek Him first.

  315. Judy

    Fight for praise in every situation.

  316. Linda Verzwyvelt

    #1, waiting is so hard! But I trust God!

  317. Lenita

    #3 I am going to find find small ways to love on people. It is such a profound way to bring joy to the waiting. There were gold nuggets of wisdom in this devotion. Thank you!

  318. Deborah

    The second truth.

  319. Susan

    I love your posts. They always encourage me.
    My husband is a pastor. He is very discouraged and frustrated. It would take too long to explain the why. We have been praying, seeking direction from the Lord as to what we need to do….leave or stay. There have been a couple of doors that have partially opened, but nothing for sure yet. We have become weary, but are determined to remain faithful while we wait. Waiting is difficult. Especially when I know how discouraged my husband is.
    I am determined to maintain spiritual strength through prayer and reading God’s word.

  320. Leslie Villanueva


  321. Lisa Smith

    I. Love. You. Wendy Pope! This book is gonna be so worth the wait to read 🙂

  322. Kathy

    Oh my gosh this was so needed! My son, like your husband, has recently been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder and it’s so frustrating to not have the answers and to just have to “wait” for things to turn around. But I *can* choose to see this as training time. Thank you for this!

  323. Michelle

    Truth #3 I have had about 2 years if waiting and am struggling to figure out if I’m in a God training Joseph situation or a Satan challenging Job situation as one thing after another continues to be ripped away in my life. I probably focus too much in trying to figure out what God is saying and where he is leading and could spending more time blessing others.

  324. Leilani

    WOW! I love love this blog by Wendy Pope. I think this was God’s timing for me to read and study her book about “Waiting.” God has been testing my Character of Patience which is also one of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. I’m the only Committed Christian in my Catholic family and God wants me to stay with my mom’s house including my divorced sister and her three kids witnessing to them and serving them. So I have to do Number 3) Find small and simple ways to love people.
    I have to find simple ways to love and serve here at my moms house which is a big challenged and a spiritual battle for me since they already disowned me as a family.
    I don’t really have a real-loving heart to heart relationship with my mom and my sister but God still wants me to serve and love them like how He loves them unconditionally.
    I also met a Christian man online on Craigs list and we’re only 2 years apart. He is recently divorced with an 8-year old son and living with his mother. When I met him and his son, it was a Godly dream come true for me to start my own family. But I truly hope and pray that he’s honest and has a real serious marrying intentions God’s love for me. Please pray for me and Luis relationship to grow in God’s Grace and God’s Love.

  325. Amy C

    Definitely #1. I find that to be the hardest for me to maintain when I am waiting. I want to work harder in that.

  326. Tina

    #1 I am going to stay steadfast in prayer and read my Bible faithfully. So that I can be prepared for Satan’s attacks.

    I was in a major storm in my life a year ago. My husband and I purchased a good and moved to TN from FL; a week later my husband was laid off. He found work in Louisiana and worked there Monday through Thursday while during the week while the kids and I remained in TN. During this time, I clung to the Word. Once things got better, I became more laxed in my prayer life and studies. Now simple things appear larger and more difficult to push through because I’m not exercising my faith and seeking God’s peace like I should. I realized that this week. This post is a great confirmation.

  327. Sarah

    Fight for praise

  328. Brittney Bales

    This is perfect fir my family right now. We ha e been waiting for a while and I’m looking forward to
    Implementing #3 and serving others.

  329. Diane

    Finding small and simple ways to love others! I have been praying, been obedient and have begun to question what is in the way. Trusting God through it all. He has my best interest at heart and has never left me or forsaken me!

  330. Valerie Reeder

    Fight for praise even when I can’t figure it all out.

  331. Pam Hunt

    I experienced a lot of waiting as I was going through my breast cancer diagnosis! Waiting can be the hardest part,b ut when you lean in close to Jesus it transforms the whole situation! I’m going to find ways to love the people in my life and those who I come into contact with each day!

  332. Linda

    Definitely #1…. Maintain your spiritual strength through prayer and reading God’s Word! Through our struggle with infertility it’s hard to read the bible sometimes because your angry with God and just don’t understand why he won’t give us a second child…. But yet every time I do read scripture I feel peace, so I really need to turn to scripture more!

  333. Donna

    Thank you for your words of encouragement Lysa. In the midst of the storm it is so hard to wait on the Lord so I needed to read this devotional.

  334. Amber

    I will focus more on practicing number 3. When I trust that God is more than enough for me, I can take my worry and focus off of myself and start seeing the needs of the people that I have been called to partner with God to show His love.

  335. Corena

    It’s interesting but essential for me to live some part of my day in Gods Word, there are often days where I do fight to praise and thank God not for the trial but despite it and it’s my calling to be actionable as a Christian. For it is my love that will show others the Mighty yet humble and compassionate face of the One who loves me and my soul is enchanted with.
    I would be blessed by your book Wendy. Christian books are nourishment to my Spirit & essential adjunct to the Word of my God. God bless

  336. Corena

    In other words I am going to pointedly adopt even deeper into my day all 3 truths that are already part of my life.

  337. Veronica

    These are some amazing truths!….thanks Wendy! Can’t wait to read your book!

  338. Julia

    Wow! What a timely word for me! I felt like someone threw cold water on me when I read the words “rheumatoid arthritis!” This has been my journey! No test would say that I had it until an MRI of my hands showed damage in both wrists and all 10 knuckle joints. By that point I was nearly bed ridden. I am a 35 year old mother of 2 boys ages 7 and 3. My husband works offshore so it’s just me at home with them 50% of the time. When my 7yo had to help me down our stairs I was almost broken. I am doing a bit better now, but still in the trial and error phase of finding the right medication. The side effects, lack of energy, and all the other things that go along with this wretched disease have really gotten me down in the last few weeks so I plan on implementing all of this great wisdom into my life! Thank you so much for writing this!

  339. Elizabeth

    Definitely number 1!! I struggle to pray and read God’s Word whenever I am in a waiting stage. I want to run to Him not away from Him during this time. It is something I definitely need to work on. I’m SO thankful I read this blog above!!! 🙂 it blessed me tremendously!!

  340. Linda

    My husband and I have been in a holding pattern since May 2011. I am going to incorporate #3 and love on others while we wait on Gods promise to deliver us.

  341. Dana P

    Fighting for praise is always hard at times. I’m renewing my efforts to put up a fight though!

  342. Leilani

    I can’t wait to read and study this book. God wants me to do all THREE!!!!
    Thanks for this awesome, amazing reminder, Wendy Pope!

  343. Jana

    Definitely spending time in God’s Word. I have had an ongoing battle at work for months now. It’s not getting better. I am praying and believing that God is working this all to my good. But its been a long struggle and I am just tired now. I need strength to put all my trust in Him.

  344. Erin Marie McDowell

    2. Fight for praise. I am 34. A wife and mother of 3 teenagers. I have been pretty much bed and wheelchair bound for a year. Doctors don’t know how to handle my many rare issues. It have also isolated me from all my family & friends. I have been really trying hard and gaining comfort from 1 & 3. But 2 has been a struggle. ♡

  345. Hannah Gardner

    I will Maintain my spiritual strength through prayer and reading God’s Word. Spending time with God helps me to focus on him and trust that He will get me through any situation I am going through.

  346. Diana Paige

    This week I’m going to focus on finding ways to love others. My season of waiting is tough and it was good to be reminded to take the focus off me and put it on others.

  347. Lisa Hyatt

    Love this! So applicable to our lives right now in 3 different waiting areas.

    I REALLY want to read this together with my husband.

    #1 always has room for improvement and I’m always struggling to improve time with Him in His word.

    #2 Was doing that jist last nighy at Church!!!

    #3 Love it!! Definitely will lool for ways to help this week!

  348. Belindab

    I accepted the Lord two years ago and it has not been easy. I defenity need to implement more number one.

  349. Suja

    ‘Maintain your spiritual strength through prayer and reading God’s Word’. This is exactly what most of us need since it is very easy to get swayed by our circumstances.

  350. Darcy

    Fight for praise……same diagnosis for my child….heartbreaking.

  351. Lisa McLean

    I will put #1 in place as our family is going through a terrible struggle right now – thank you!!!!

  352. Nic

    I am going to implement the prayer and reading God’s word principle. The post was a great reminder of how we need to turn to the One in charge. Thanks!

    • Terri Dutton

      This was a very enlightening blog. I have tried to help people, and now I understand why things did not work out as planned. I am determined to read more word, pray more, really praise more. Once before I happened on the reading of psalms to get me through a hard time. I need to do this again, walking and reading out loud did get me mended enough to face the morning. Thank you for the help. Terri

    • carolyn wilson

      Praise, more praise to Him, today.

      • Kory

        THIS OUTFIT MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE A ROAwoTCR.wSK.but uh.. confession.. i totally love the cable cars, and yes, as tourists, it's one of the main things people remember about san francisco. the cable car rides were so fun when i went last summer. especially in the night when it was about 18 degrees and obviously, as tourists, did not know that a san francisco summer is actually a cold one.

  353. Karen Long

    Definitely #2. Need to find ways to praise. Would love this book, am definitely in a time of waiting. Working to keep the faith. AND I’m scared.

  354. Iraida

    Thank you for this encouragement, I sometimes feel so discouraged and asking for a breakthrough, as I have a teenager son who moved out because he does not want to live with me anymore, I m financially broken and even though I think I m bealthy, my body aches…though I find peace in worship and praise,.
    Though, I need to be more thankful and I need to see others more than I see myself, and it is my challenge to lend a little hand to others that need a hand…again, thank you for the encourage.

  355. Paula Croft

    I am definitely in need of praying and reading the Bible more during this time of waiting in our family’s life. My 57 year old husband list his job without warning. It is just like Wendy said, you don’t want to pray and read the Bible but this is what you need most!
    Thanks for the post, I needed this today.

    Paula Croft

  356. Dawn

    I’m going to fight for praise!

  357. Elsie

    Thanks for your devotion. Thanks for the scriptures in the book of Psalms. I have this book underlined and stared. I looked up Psalm 59 and also saw Psalm 62: 1″I wait quietly before God , for my victory comes from Him.” Psalm 62:5 Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in Him.” Psalm 63:3,4 Your unfailing love is better than life itself;how I praise You! I will praise You as long as I live, lifting up my hands to You in prayer.”

  358. Christie Selken

    Now in my 7th year of infertility, I know the truth behind all 3 of these. The one that is hardest for me sometimes is loving on others. I tend to keep myself busy with Bible studies, projects and tasks, hoping to keep my mind off my problems. How true that when we focus our attention on helping others not only is our focus changed, but our attitude and heart as well. Thank you for inspiring me to love others this week!

  359. Carol

    Reading Psalms, remembering all that God has done and Praising Him for what He is planning to do through me. Praise Him on the mountain tops; and in the valley below! He is always the same.

  360. Tina

    I feel like I am torn into different seasons in different areas of life…… So I Am doing all three…..

  361. Carli

    This is right on time for me. This year has been a tough one for me and I am going through some issues where I am wondering when will things change. It’s hard to remain full of faith but I am trying. I definitely have good and bad days. I am going to immerse myself in Helping someone else bc not only will it make me feel better but I know how good it feels to have someone help you.

  362. Robin Barnett

    I need to work on implementing all 3 things in to my life during these waiting times! Some times they are overwhelming and I lose my focus and feel the defeat over and over. #2 “Fight For Praise” is a huge struggle (the other two are as well) but finding praise in situations is what is necessary and something I need to learn; no matter what the circumstance! I covet everyone’s prayers, please! The past 4-5 years have been the hardest of my life and I need a major GOD break through!!

  363. Shasta

    Thank you! Just what I needed to hear today!

    “Waiting isn’t wasting time, it is training time!”

  364. Ashley Bratton

    Reading God’s word and prayer… this whole article was for me today… it really spoke to right where I’m at!

  365. Patti

    Great reminder that He is preparing us for what He has already planned. Makes it easier to wait on His timing vs worrying while waiting! Thank you for sharing these words of encouragement ❣️

  366. Sarah

    Wow. Reading this gave me reassurance of who God and why he does what he does. Thank you so much for posting because it gave me a different perspective that I didn’t think about. I am going to find small and simple ways to love people and there are countless ways to do that like at school, work, home, in the grocery story, at church and I could go on and on. Thanks again and actually writing this out helped me officalize what I’m going to do at least for a week and hopefully longer than that.

  367. Tiffany

    Really needed to hear this today. You are right, when you are in a waiting period you don’t want to read your bible or pray. You feel let down. So I will be implementing bible reading to get that closeness back.

  368. Tammy butler

    I need to be in God’s word. He speaks to me when i aa there. It is so difficult in times of hurt, but why. I know i have a loving God. Why is it the last place i go.

  369. Carol

    I too have battled RA for over 20 years and it has been a constant challenge to maintain the spiritual disciplines of prayer and Bible reading. The Lord has been dealing with me about this very issue lately as I continue to wait for my healing.

  370. Narik Roshawn Mitchell

    Rise and shine and raise and praise my beautiful beloved blessed anointed sisters in Christ and elegant evangelists of excellence of God’s righteousness in Christ Jesus. Grace and peace be multiplied to you and yours. Thank you so very much for the words of wellness,wisdom and wealth. I will gladly implement all three truths today and for the rest of my days because they are essential keys to abiding in Jesus Christ and dwelling in the presence of God. To God be all the glory. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Have a faith filled blessed day and weekend blessed children of possibilities,promises, purpose and power.

  371. Yolanda Grimmius

    After an accident on are 14th wedding anniversary that left me on ECMO (life support) fighting for my life, time can become the enemy! Time waiting for God’s perfect plan to show its self.

    My personal goal is to to remain in Gods word, praying with thanksgiving even in those most difficult days, weeks, and months! To know that God is love and that suffering is not part of his plan!

    I pray that God will surround me with people who love him as much as I do! I pray for opportunities to give back to others during my greatest time of need. Giving is receiving!

    Thank you for the encouragement to continue my walk in faith.

  372. CayH

    I definitely need to fight for praise in our season right now. Our hearts ache for a sweet baby blessing. We had one failed IVF cycle after the miscarriage of our twins in July. We are starting our second IVF cycle now and it is so easy to be negative with all the meds and injections. This phrase “fight for praise” has been everywhere for my husband and I lately and I know it is God assuring me he has great plans in store for us! I have been watching for Wendy’s book to come out! Thank you for encouraging those of us who are in a season of waiting.

  373. Leslie

    Oh how I needed to read this! I am waiting. And waiting. And waiting. And have felt all of those feelings that you talked about. Where is God? Why isn’t he answering me? Why has he given me these passions and skills and then not allow me to work in a job so I can use them? I have to admit, there are morning when I’ve left my house with not reading my Bible because I was mad at God, there have been days when I didn’t pray for that person because I was mad at God. All of those things only made me feel worse.
    From here on, until God answers my prayer, I am going to find PRAISE. Praise that I have a job, when so many don’t. Praise the I can pay my bills when so many can’t. I will focus on opening my eyes wider and finding praise in all things. Thank you so much for this !

  374. Jane

    Such great reminders and perfectly timed for me today. Thank you.
    Looking forward to the next Wait & See book study.

  375. Karyn

    It’s so amazing how God is always working in the details. My small group is currently studying the psalms of David and I have been in the thick of step 2 these past few days. This post was further confirmation He is at work in my situation – I was crying out to Him this morning about this very question . Thank you . I’m looking forward to working more on step 3!

  376. Katie Burns

    1) Maintain your spiritual strength through prayer and reading God’s Word.

    I am going to implement the first truth into my daily walk. I have been waiting for God to answer a prayer and praying and reading His word have kept me going. It is so hard waiting when your heart desires something, but His plan is always perfect. I am so glad I have seen that in the past, I know it is true.

  377. Debi Gable

    Look for small things you can do for others.

  378. Stephanie

    I feel that I need to praise God more than I do…..I read God’s word daily and will continue to but, yea I need to start praising God for all the good he has bestowed on my life – no matter how small or big the blessing is:)

  379. Debi Gable

    This article/blog(?) has touched my heart & can be applied to every part of my being.. May God bless all who participate in the study. And may God richly bless Lysa as she serves God in such a wonderful & helpful way.

  380. Julie

    “Find small and simple ways to love people.” Taking a meal to someone in our church who had a baby (baby has some health problems). I don’t know her but I feel for her.

  381. Sherri

    Fight for praise! This last week, I didn’t get the answer I so wanted and believed for, I have beat myself up for not doing this or that right, saying out loud, well God I guess someone else will blah blah blah…. Just because it is not my thoughts or ways- doesn’t mean it is not going to work out, fighting for praise!

  382. Bonnie

    I will implement praise more….all day…that attitude can make the most difficult situation better because as I praise, I remind myself of who God is. Thanks! 🙂

  383. Tiffany

    Such a great story about prayer and being faithful with God

  384. Andrea

    “3) Find small and simple ways to love people.”

    This is where I am right now, literally in this moment. I need to desperately find a way to love people that are at times unlovable. I give their perceived criticism too much of my “mind time” and it’s just that, perceived. Waiting is where I am currently at, waiting for my future to be decided by these same people, but this morning in my devotions I read about David wanting to build a place for the ark and God said, “No David, I’m giving that job to your son.” God already had a plan, so I gained hope for the day knowing that he also has a plan for me and when I get frustrated with waiting I just have to remember that. God’s word is true and right now my waiting is for his glory and my good. <3

  385. Diana

    Thank you for your message.
    Waiting is the hardest thing I have a few Christian friends who are devastated with physical issues and I wonder when healing will come. Thank you for the opportunity to get you book.
    I have an additional question I downloaded the free guide for November for 1st 5 and I don’t know where it is on my phone I was having trouble with it but I was wondering if I could receive it again my email is I would just greatly appreciate it or if not let me know thank you so much.
    First five has helped me so much I thank God for you and praise His name

  386. Bonnie

    I’m going through a very hard waiting period over a heavy legal & personal battle. God is stretching and growing me. I am focusing on prayer and time spent in the word. Thank you for this timely writing of God’s word. Bless you.

  387. Jolene

    Just what I needed to hear! I will be praising God…so much to be thankful for!

  388. Kathy

    This was encouraging and so needed. Seems to me I am in a season of wait and I cannot say I am overwhelmingly content. Ha! I needed the reminder to keep doing what I’m doing, even if it feels like part of the struggle – keep reaching out for Jesus, keep on praising, and looking for ways to encourage others.

    What a blessing this book would be, I must request this for Christmas.

  389. Jody Brown

    Such good practical words! I believe we sometimes struggle because we are all about the “end result/answer” and God is all about the “Journey”. The “journey” is where growth and maturity happens so that we may be stewards of those things we are believing for!!

  390. erin

    can’t wait to share this link and this book with my MOMS group. we were just talking about this yesterday. i need to start with number one i think. hoping to win a copy of the book so i can pass on the recommendation to our group!

  391. Carol

    Fantastic article! I am already committed to 1& 2. This week I will work on serving others more!

  392. Debra McBride

    Definitely #2 – fight for praise. Needed this right now.

  393. Chris

    Not sure how I stumbled upon this today, but it is exactly what I needed. My son has suffered over 18 months and 10 eye Surgeries. He has no
    Vision left at this point but I have not given up hope. I know God is waiting until his eye is healed. I will continue to pray and be immersed in Gods word and know this wait will be worth it!

  394. Cf

    Continuing here to learn the lesson of worshiping while I wait as God & radiation do there thing for inoperable tumor — He has been faithful & has let go….

  395. Lisa

    I will commit to #1 during this period of waiting. I’ve been trying to work on a long term relationship with my boyfriend. Seems we’re in a holding pattern- stuck. Not sure how this will end- feel like I’m in limbo. Need to strengthen my faith in God’s will.

  396. Sharon

    Waiting is one of the most difficult “to do” actions on my list and in my life. But it is one that we are all thrown in to. Out of the three things recommended, I’m doing all of them. That’s the only way I know God will help me through my times of “waiting.”

  397. Christine Gorenflo

    Finding praise in the trenches is definitely the most difficult one for me, but I need to do it! It really takes a deliberate choice to not let my mind dwell on the negative facts. I will try the Psalms this week.

  398. Kelly

    I will praise God through my own medical “holding pattern”!

  399. Jan Gaines

    All three of these are so wonderful it’s hard to pick just one. I have been through this season very recently and am thankful that God is right there – training and growing me. The wait, storm, or whatever is more about experiencing God than the wait or end result. I love what she said about finding small and simple ways to bless others because when I do that my focus is shifted from me to others. I want God to glorified through my season.

  400. Sarah Roe

    I know I personally need the first one: 1) Maintain your spiritual strength through prayer and reading God’s Word.
    If I don’t saturate myself in Gods Word and prayer I will saturate my life with something else. And that kind of life is deadly.

  401. Viv

    No. 1 is literally the reason ive come back and read this blog post.
    I keep avoiding God because its painful to have no answers still.
    Will fight and try though to not make that a wall between us anymore.
    Thankyou x

    • Terry

      I’m a man. is it OK to be reading proverbs 31 ministry articles or is there something else I should be reading?

    • Felicia

      No.3. I’ve been homeless and jobless for 2yrs. I made it through medical school and just got a job. I will trust in God’s time for a home of my own and I praise Him for bringing me this far. I will continue to help lift others. After reading 1-3 I can shout Hallelujah and thank you Jesus

  402. Sandra

    Number 2! I’m going to seriously take praise to a new level. After one year without an income, I need God to bless me with a new job.

  403. Alicia Bock

    I’m going to continue implementing all 3. I’ve been walking through a struggle the past two weeks…waiting on God..
    I have been pressing..fasting..praying. It’s been beautiful to watch my relationship with Jesus grow through this trail. I’m so grateful, because I can’t imagine going through this without him…I would SINK! I’m going to push myself to focus on #3 more. When I’m enduring trials & waiting on God, my tenancy is to be reclusive and selfish. I’m excited to see how God will move through this endeavor! Thanks for the encouragment!!!

  404. Angela Harvey

    Wendy, thank you for your insight and words of encouragement. I will be implementing “fighting for praise”. It is easy to focus on myself and my circumstances while I wait. But in the midst of praising God it is very difficult to focus on anything other than the awesomeness of God.

  405. Jean C.

    Number 2 is a big one for me….it seems quite challenging to PRAISE God when you are hurting, and especially when there is no “human” around to help you walk through your pain. However, I will follow through on what you said and did in your “time of waiting”and give God the “YET PRAISE” that he so dearly deserve. (Psalm 42:5 & Habakkuk 3:17-19)!!!
    Thank you SO much.

  406. Shelly Kissinger

    Thank you for this article.. It is exactly what I needed at the exact moment I needed to see it!! I am praying daily, praising daily, and navigating God’s word daily while waiting on my marriage to be restored. Now I know what I’ve been missing.. Serving others. 🙂

  407. Lynn

    #3…Find small and simple ways to show ❤️ to others!

  408. Julie Vander Laan

    #2- so hard but so important!

  409. Kate

    I really need to start at #1 for sure as I am in this waiting season. As you said, it doesn’t always make it to the top of our list during these times, but it is crucial.

  410. Denise

    Maintaining my spiritual strength through prayer and reading God’s word. I pray and praise most all day and my life revolves around loving others, as I am a stay at home mom and foster mom…I struggle to find time to read God’s word. I struggle with a lot of things like getting up early and doing my reading to start my day. It is something I truly desire and pray about every night, but something I can’t seem to do.

  411. Yvette Rivera

    I will put No. 1 iinto practice this week. This is the area that I find so easy to slack off from and then feel so very guilty. I know this is where God needs me to be so that I can be ready for what he had for me.
    Thank you do much. I feel so very blessed.

  412. Diana Brenman

    Your words “Experiencing God more than enduring a delay……. Allow His word to help us navigate through the wait…..”

    This is SO TRUE!

    So I will aim to apply the first truth. God is with us in our waiting. Letting God be God and experiencing Him in the time He answers with “wait” in my specific prayer to Him.

  413. rowena

    I will implement #3 Proverbs 11:25.

  414. Mysty

    Psalm 59;9 sums it up “O my Strength, I watch for you; you, O God, are my fortress, my loving God.”
    The thing I like to implement is the simple daily acts of love. Meeting the small needs in times of desperate need. Many of my friends and coworkers are suffering from Autoimmune diseases, theses diseases are strongly correlated to diet. I love them so much, I make up recipes and bring them food from God’s garden that helps to heal. The years of highly processed food have possibly taken a toll on your husbands joints Wendy. I pray God opens the eyes of your husband to see what He offers in His garden to heal and relive symptoms. Just as He has revealed how His word heals.

  415. Phyllis McElroy

    By finding small and simple ways to love people. I truly believe that in service to others a God will meet you at your point of need each and every time, and in turn your being the message by showing the love of a Jesus.

  416. Lori J Shuman

    Praise….When I think about recent life struggles, and the current world situation..I feel it is important to praise God , even in the little things, praise God for the joy we can feel at simple things like…The Cubs winning the World series. What joy Many people were praying for this, especially for loved ones who have waited their entire life to see it.
    So many were praying that my father, a life long Cubs fan, who now suffers from Dementia, would understand what was going on…and he did! Totally. Praise meant so much to him. So the long suffering of Cubs fans is over, but I praise God that my Dad felt so much joy!

  417. Joanna Rummel

    I love this, thank you for sharing!
    I will start with number 3, loving people.

  418. Lauren M.

    I will fight for praise this week. I have let the enemy defeat me far too long with what I’m going through and I know God has a plan for me. I WILL praise Him in the weak moments despite what I feel and see. God’s picture is bigger than what I see through my current view.

  419. Cheryl Sweat

    I want to glean the lesson in waiting, God , don’t let me miss the lesson, don’t let me waste the waiting.

  420. Jane Scott

    #3 loving others…never comes back void and will bless God as well as others

  421. Elizabeth

    Thank you so much for these beautiful words of encouragement. The act of “Waiting and seeing” has been on my heart for several months. When my husband and I found out we were expecting our third child, joy and excitement was quickly covered by clouds of fear and sorrow. Our baby, our miracle, has been fighting to overcome a rare illness known as Hydrops Fetalis. With this diagnosis; survival rate is typically very low. It seems each day and each week that passes, we wait…and wait…and wait…while our baby girl continues to fight the odds of what doctors have informed; she continues to fight for her life. As a mom, and a daughter of Christ, I cling to hope and pray for strength as we wait and see the face of our daughter. I also know, should this not be in God’s plan for her or our family that she soon see the face of our Lord. Prayer warriors, please wrap your hearts and prayers around our family and our around this sweet baby as we hope for a miracle.
    With love and thanks,
    The Johnson Family

    • Lysa TerKeurst

      Oh Elizabeth,
      We are so glad that you shared this with us so that we can join you in praying miraculous prayers for your precious baby girl. Jesus, we pray for strength and peace for this family as they continue to await their new reality. We pray that you would comfort when comfort is needed, give wisdom when wisdom is needed, and peace no matter what. We thank you for the gift of life both on earth and with you forever. We love you, and surrender this situation to You!
      Blessings and Love,
      LT Ministry team

  422. Traci

    Give praise is what I choose. I am going through a two major life issues in my family. I am thankful for the good day.

  423. Kay Bauch

    I will be putting comment #1
    into use.

  424. Briana

    I have to admit that Praying has not been a priority for me during this “Holding Pattern” season. I will do my best to meet God on my knees every morning so that He can give me the strength and encouragement I need to make it through the day.

    I’ve been running on empty trying to give to others without first allowing God to pour into me. Thank you for this post!

  425. Melanie Kilsby

    Thank you so much for this great post and chance to get this book!

    The one truth that stuck out to me and personally I find the hardest at times, is pressing into praise. God is so worthy of praise and often it is the first thing I let go because of my circumstances and the first one I should be running to. My situations are only circumstantial, God never changes and He is always good.

  426. Mikaela Rae

    LOVE these so so much. This is incredibly encouraging!

  427. Rhonda

    Good evening a friend suggested we work on this bible study together so we are. Recently I took a job a long ways and in another state (warmer climate) away from family and friends and good job to what I thought was my calling in life. It was evident in a few weeks it was not a good fit. The job was serving many others which is normally energizes me,was frantic and traumatic. Not to mention pay contract was way below expected and contract was not provided until 1 week after my move. This was not what expected and not what envisioned, each week I seek the Lord in prayer and apply for jobs back near family.Then a threat came at me on the job although boss supportive, it was confirmation to leave. That night and next day after reading the first portion of book, blogs on “waiting on God”& with another bible teacher on changing attitude, I gained valuable insight on what I was to learn through this experience, and adjust my attitude to see through God’s eyes. The next morning after the threat I noticed myself joking and laughing more with staff members and joyful, looking forward to God’s next move instead of living in fear and desperation. It’s in His timing and we are to look to His face for comfort and know the winters only last so long.

  428. Janet Texeira

    All 3! I’m currently in a bad situation with my husband and while we’re seperated I’ve immersed myself in Jesus Christ and the love of our God. It is there I have found peace during by his trying time.

  429. elisabeth

    Thanks for this perfectly-timed post! I need to do #1. Wendy said it well- I don’t feel like reading the Word and praying to God as I wait, but I need to push past my feelings and do it. Aiming to do just that this week!

  430. Susarah Magrietha Kasselman

    Fight for praise

  431. Joy

    I’m excited to read this book. Wait has always been a 4 letter word to me but as I have aged (knocking on 50) I’m learning to look for what God is doing in the waiting. I’m excited to see how and learn more about the treasure of waiting on a God

  432. Keri McCue

    “The wait is more about experiencing God than enduring the delay.” – This is SO profound! I love this insight and wisdom. I have many friends in “waiting seasons” right now and I know this will bring comfort to them! Sometimes we get so impatient and we want answers NOW that we forget to be content with where He has us right now and to praise Him because we know that He is in control!

  433. Brenda Bollette

    Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path…. I’ve been traveling through a lonely, dark place in life. The words of family members that sting the depths of my heart, the judgmental glances that pierce my soul are only placed in my life to strengthen my relationship with God. I am thankful for I know without a shadow of doubt, I must accept God’s will in my life and “wait for His timing”. Faith is my strength and dear sisters like you are my resource of encouragement. May God bless you all in His due time.

  434. Amber

    This is an amazing story! I have been having some health issues myself and fell into the oh pity on myself.What a light to show me the things I neglect. Goodness Thy Will shall be done in God’s timing and not my own!! Even if I do not get a free copy of the book I shall buy it!

  435. Tiffany

    Wow! Just what the “doctor” ordered. I have been standing and waiting for a breakthrough from God for almost 2 years without any light of hope. I needed this boost to get re-energized and built back up to continue to stand and wait on HIM. I will begin with 1 and end with 3. God speaks and this message is absolute proof of that.

  436. Dawn Stewart

    Thank you for this encouragement. For a decade I have been waiting on the Lord for the spiritual and physical healing for my son. In prayer and Bible reading the Lord has given me such sweet promises. He reminds me that faith isn’t faith until the waiting begins. As it goes on and on, it may seem like it is taking too long to see the results in my dear sons’ life, but dear sisters, God doesn’t waste a thing. He promises to use every heartache for the building up of our spirits and of those around us, both now and in the future. 2 Cor. 1:3-7 And yes, daily I see those who need a hand up in body and spirit. There is plenty of encouragement to go around. Thank you for yours.

  437. Mikilisa

    I’m going to try #2. I really have a desire to be a wife and mother. And at this point in life I have never been in an intimate relationship. I’ve never even been kissed. I’ve held out because I believed God had a bigger plan. But now that I’m in my mid-30s it’s getting really hard to keep that hope alive, a daily struggle even. I do pray and try to help one person daily but my praise has left. I know there are worse things in this world than being always single but for me… this is my struggle.

  438. Sara

    1) Maintain your spiritual strength through prayer and reading God’s Word.

  439. Shelly

    This book sounds like a great read for EVERYONE.
    I believe number two will be my go to plan for this week… and what a great month to practice being aware of things in my life to be thankful for and to give Him praise. I cannot think of a better time to “fight for praise” items. Thank you for giving me a good reason to work on this. Praise God!?

  440. Linda C

    I will continue to do #1 as I have been doing, and I will work harder to do #2 which I have been struggling with. #3 has been a focus of my life in the past but recently in the struggles we have been going through I have become selfish and have backed away from some of those opportunities. I am so physically tired from the struggle to keep moving forward when it feels like I am constantly flying into a 100 mph headwind.
    Thank you for all your encouragement and the knowledge that I am not the only one feeling lost in this seemingly unending season of waiting.

  441. Terry

    I have been struggling with #2. Some days the waiting is more than I care to bear.I have to has the perfect plan and his timing is always right.

    • Terry

      Oops. should have rea above before I posted. I have to remember God has the perfect plan and his timing is always right.

  442. Christina

    I’ve been married for 25 years to a man who professes to know the Lord from his lips but not with his actions. I’m ready to give up on this wait except I want my children to be done with high school first. I guess I’ll start with #1 and see what happens.

  443. Donna G

    I am going to build my spiritual strength by praying and reading my Bible. It has been difficult for me to do these things because I feel I have been treated unfairly by God.

  444. Sam

    I needed this so much today Wendy. Thank you so so much. “Sometimes waiting has less to do with the strength of your faith and more to do the perfection of God’s timing. ” – Over time, waiting for healing, the little lie has snuck into my mind that I didn’t have enough faith. Thank you for reminding me that it’s not about me, and it’s all about Him; His purposes and plans that span distance and my small understanding of time.

  445. Becky Young

    Reading daily, God’s Word for strength and encouragement. I will begin my day with prayer and scripture so as to start with focus on the Lord Jesus. I’m looking for ways to love others. My love language is food and serving. I will use meal ministry to love others. I will fight for praise when I begin to get discouraged and heavy laden with feelings of hopelessness because the situation isn’t changing. I will listen to praise and worship music which will serve to remind me of God’s faithfulness and keep my focus on Him instead of the world and circumstances.

  446. Risha Edd

    To maintain my spiritual strength they prayer and meditation. Asking for help in prayer to keep me in his word and truth, to be more intentional in his word. I need more discipline and strength lately have been drawn away.

  447. Trisha Willoughby

    Thank you for all the encouragement. I will be trying my best to implement all three into my life. I am currently sick and waiting to get better. I am very tired of crying all the time when it seems to be for no reason, The pain never stops. My boyfriend who I have been with for a long time, is no longer a believer and is always attacking my faith. I am grateful for people like you who help me get through the struggle.

  448. Jeannie George

    This is the first day I’ve read your blog Lysa, but oh how I needed these words. My family has been in a “season of waiting” for some time and it’s so easy to wonder why this lean period has lasted so long. But your words struck a cord with me when you wrote, ” it’s not time wasted, “it’s a time of training”.

    There have been times when I’ve wondered, “what have I done wrong or is my faith strong enough? But during these times, I’ve also discovered that it’s not about the challenges we face daily, it’s about taking the journey. And I an comforted as I remember what God said in Jeremiah 29:11 that reads, “For I know the plans I have for you…plans to prosper you and not to harm you…. Plans to give you hope and a future. And it is at these times where prayer is my most powerful weapon. If God brings you to it, He will certainly bring you through it!

  449. Elisa

    Wow! As I read these comments, I am reminded how there is so much need for encouragement.

    I had a struggle that attacked my very being, my very passion recently. As I walked through the struggle and sought the Lord, God reminded me about a request I had made to Him.

    I had requested, “Lord, please don’t send me anyone else to help right now. I need a break.” I know that sounds horrible, but it is the truth. I can’t remember exactly where I was in my life, but I must have been tired, exhausted and I asked God to stop the flow.

    So, in my own struggle, God reminded me. I prayed for forgiveness and asked Him to renew my ministry, because even in the pain, great joy comes from helping each other.

    I pray that I never forget that again and reading here today, I am grateful that others are willing to stand in the gap for each other.

  450. Marinda

    Wow, praise God thank you Jesus He knows exactly what I need when I need it. I am going to help those in need as much as I can. Thank you for this beautiful message you have shared, God bless you!

  451. JamesL

    Hate to say it but sometimes, waiting time is wasting time. From my life experience, God’s timing isn’t always perfect. I can think of many instances in my life where I had to wait for something and like a Christian, I prayed about it. I didn’t get it. After multiple times, I just gave up. I focused my attention to other things. Eventually what I wanted came but the sad thing was when God gave it to me, I just looked at him, shrugged, and said, “meh.” I would have praised him if I received it earlier with sincere gratitude. But because of his delay, it ended up costing him parts of my faith and belief and my interest in him. When I received it, I didn’t even bother to praise him. I just took it, put it in my pocket, and went on my merry way. It just felt like it was something in order like a package you ordered from Amazon arriving. Not a word was said. This happened multiple times up to a point where I just simply lost my faith and the power of prayer. In Genesis 50:20 God would roughly point out these trials and delays are intended for good. I countered by saying, “I think I’ll take my business somewhere else. I have yet to see any good that came out of these delays and trials.” Even those trials happened 13 years ago, I still couldn’t see any good or training come out of them.

    • staying at home mom

      I would suggest that you continue to wrestle with God. I think this blog post is for people who completely surrender their lives to God, whether it turns out good or bad. There is no if you do this for me, I’ll do this, but if you are nto do this for me, then I am gonna Adios. I don’t know what you are looking for or God is trying to teach you, but I think He will show you and I think he is being patient with you even as we speak. It’s your choice to come out of the boat and walk on the water to reach out to Jesus. Jesus simply invited Peter to walk on the water AFTER Peter said, ” If it’s you, commend me to walk on the water.” As I get closer to God, more and more I am realizing that Christianity is about Him, not about us.

  452. Aprile

    I’m searching his word for answers but find myself struggling with how long are we to wait upon him to reveal his will .? I read your devotion in 1 samuel about Hannah but What if God chooses not to give us the desires of our heart? How do we accept when his answer is wait or no ? If God has a different plan or purpose for our lifes . Sitting still is not a strong attribute of mine , should my prayers be more specific ?

    • staying at home mom

      I don’t think anyone can answer your question but God Himself. He will reveal Himself to you, if you seek His face with all your heart. I don’t think it’s so much about whether God is gonna give us our desires or not, but I think it’s a matter of obedience. I am not sure what your desires are…. but when you surrender and lay down everything before HIm, He will reveal Himself with great plans He has for you.

  453. Sheila

    I can relate to being in that holding pattern. It’s been 3 years of constant back pain from a ruptured disc, one surgery, slight recovery, re-herniation, surgical consults, injections, therapy…early on in the excruciating pain, I cried out to God, “How much longer?!” I had had bouts of back pain over the years, but I always recovered after a couple of weeks of therapy and treatments. God’s answer to my lament stung: “Child, this is just the training ground…” Not what I wanted to hear, that’s for sure! But in the coming weeks, I determined that if God was training me for something, I wanted to be the best trainee I could possibly be. I read an earlier comment on this post, and I was dismayed at how useless the reader thought their own experience of waiting was. Nothing God allows in our lives is wasted unless we choose it to be wasted. It is our choice in whether our experience is going to make us better or bitter. It is our choice whether our experience is going to make us go deeper in our faith in God, or back away from Him. Beyond that ‘simple’ concept, I’ve learned that what I think ‘the answer’ is, is from my human perspective. God’s ways are higher than my ways. I trust His plan for me. It’s bigger than I can wrap my head around, and I am learning to be OK with that.

  454. Jacqueline

    I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. I know God has had his hand in everything that has happened from the early diagnosis, to my surgery, to my son being able to come home from Dubai a day before my surgery etc. My time with God over the last month is the only thing that has gotten me this far, and will take me wherever he leads. I must say he has placed some pretty amazing angels on my path along the way. Praise him always. Blessings to all.

  455. Cherie miller

    All the statements

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