All relationships can be difficult at times, but they should not be destructive to our well-being. Learn the difference between a destructive pattern and a difficult season with this free resource, “Is This Normal? 15 Red Flags You May Be Missing in Your Relationships.”


Stop Asking God to Speak and Start Praying for Better Ears

March 23, 2015

Have you ever found yourself frustrated because it seems like God’s not speaking to you? I know. It’s hard. But I’m so challenged by this thought from my friend, Jeff Goins… What if God is already speaking, but we just aren’t in tune with His voice? Jeff is guest posting more about this on the blog today. Take it away, Jeff…

I don’t know about you, but I wish God would just speak to me. Oh, I know. He speaks through Scripture and community and as a still small voice in my soul. I get that. But sometimes I just wish the clouds would part, a shining light would drop down from the heavens, and the booming voice of the Almighty would speak.

Is that too much to ask?

I’m sure I’m not the only one who wishes for these things. But I wonder if God did speak to us, if He called us in the way that we expected, if we would really listen. In fact, I have good reason to believe that we wouldn’t.

Three thousand years ago, four or five miles northwest of Jerusalem in the hill country of Ephraim, there was a small town called Ramah, where a man named Elkanah lived. He had two wives, one who was infertile and the other who reminded her of this constantly.

Once during a trip to the ancient city of Shiloh, the barren wife Hannah was so plagued with shame that she made a public vow. If she would become pregnant, she would give her son to the high priest, dedicating his life to religious service. Shortly after, she conceived a son and named him Samuel. As soon as he was weaned, he was sent to Shiloh to serve the priest Eli.

Samuel was a special boy, a gift to his parents who long awaited his birth and a gift to Eli who only had disobedient sons. He served the priest in the work that he did, and the older man groomed him for a promising future.

One night, after months if not years of service, Samuel awoke before dawn. Startling awake, he sat up in bed and looked around.


He swore he’d heard somebody whispering his name. But no one was there. Settling back into bed, the boy fell asleep only to be awakened again a few seconds later. This time, he was sure; it was a voice.

“Here I am!” he shouted back. No answer. Running into Eli’s room, he shouted, “Here I am; you called me.”

Eli rose out of bed, squinting his eyes, which were beginning to fail him.

“I did not call,” he said, confused. “Go back and lie down.”

Samuel was confused as well, but he did not want to argue with his master. So he returned to his room and slowly laid his head back down. He forced his eyes shut, too anxious to sleep. For what seemed like hours but in reality was only a few minutes, Samuel lay in bed. Then as his eyelids began to grow heavy, he heard it again, just as quiet as before but persistent as ever.

“Samuel . . .”

He shot up in bed, his heart racing. He called his master while once again rushing into Eli’s room. Again, the two were equally confused.

“My son,” Eli said. “I did not call. Go back and lie down.”

But before Samuel could even put his head down on the pillow, he heard the voice again, even louder than before. He got up again and called to Eli, his voice quivering with fear.

But the master’s response was different this time. He told the boy to stop calling and instead to listen, giving him six words to say. So Samuel returned to bed and listened. When he heard the call a final time, he responded:

“Speak, for your servant is listening.”

And with those words, his life was never the same. How the boy heard and answered that call led to many significant events in Israel’s history, including the anointing of two kings, one who became the most famous the country would ever know. Samuel was called, and he answered.

But the scary part — the part we should pay attention to — is that he almost missed it.

The truth, I think, is that God is speaking. We just struggle to listen. And sometimes we mistakenly believe that calling is about listening. But what if it was more about learning to hear? What if God was already speaking, but we just weren’t in tune with His voice?

When we look at the call of Samuel, we see a similar process. It’s not just enough to listen. You have to put yourself in a posture to hear in the first place. And that choice is actually three choices:

1. Be still.
God’s call tends to not come in the midst of noise and chaos. It often arrives when we are quiet — late at night or early in the morning or maybe in the middle of the day. Or perhaps, those are just the times when we can hear.

2. Ask for help.
God’s call is not just personal. Moses had Aaron and Miriam. Jesus had the inner circle on the Mount of Transfiguration. It may come in private but it’s confirmed in community.

3. Say yes.
I know it sounds simplistic, but God will only push us so far when we say no. He is looking for us to invite Him deeper into our lives. Yes, He’s calling, but it’s up to you to respond.

That’s what I learned once I answered my call to be a writer. I realized in His own way, God had been calling me to this vocation my whole life. I just lacked the ability to discern the message. And the truth is it took a team of mentors and a discovery process, not a single epiphany, to finally figure out what I was meant to do.

Maybe the same will be true for you, too.

TheArtofWork_hirezJeff Goins is the author of four books including his latest, The Art of Work: A Proven Path to Discovering What You Were Meant to Do. Jeff’s new book will help you make sense of your life, understand how a calling works, and what the next step is. Find out more here.

Today, we’re giving away 10 copies of The Art of Work right here on the blog! Just leave a comment below with which of the 3 choices you’re going to focus on this week to listen for God’s voice.

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  1. Missy Langford

    Be still. I need to just be quiet and still.

    • Cara

      Be still. It is one of the hardest things for me to do when I most need to do it, and one of the most rewarding once I discipline myself to just sit.

  2. Lindalee

    Be still. I need to work on being still and listening for my Savior.

  3. Shonell Bacon

    This post was SO timely for me. During my prayers and meditations this morning, I told God I was listening and waiting for him to speak to me, and now, remembering this, I laugh because I think I was expecting him to say something, loudly, right at that moment instead of going about my day and keeping my ears perked up for his voice. This week, I’m definitely focusing on BEING STILL as I tend to always be running until I’m exhausted, and when God does speak, I’m too tired to listen. Thanks for this on-time post!

  4. Lynda

    Definitely know that I need more of the Be Still…always trying to quiet my mind.

  5. Holly Fink

    # 1 Be STILL…….this has been my focus for the last week….and so glad you re-enforced it for me today! <3

  6. Ella

    Reading Acts right now – and last week we were on Paul and Barnabus hearing the Holy Spirit tell them to go – when and where… listening. I need to be quiet. Love the book – that is exactly where I am right now – deciding on “She Speaks” based on what I think is God’s call. Need to hear it clearly…

  7. Deborah (Debbie)

    I haven’t read the whole post yet…didn’t get past the title before I had to let you know I started this with a chuckle and I’m thinking “oh boy, this might have been written for me?!”

  8. Terri C.

    I am definitely going to work on being still!!!

  9. Julie Sunne

    Wonderful insight, Jeff! I’d love to read your new book.

    Oh, I definitely need to work on #1. Being still is near-tantamount to having teeth pulled for me. But you are right, I must let my mind be still, so I can receive God’s messages.

    I do find it’s best for me to take a walk, sans electronics, or do another mindless activity in my stillness, if that makes sense. Thanks again. Blessings.

  10. Rachiel

    Ask for help. I tend to think mistakenly that I can solve things on my own.

  11. Denise

    It is amazing that this post arrived in my inbox today. Our sermon at church yesterday was about just this… hearing God in the whisper. We often expect God to speak in loud, bold ways and often miss what He has to say because we are not listening when he speaks quietly and subtly. For me, I need to block out the busyness and focus more on “Being Still” so that I can be in tune to hear His “still small voice”. As mentioned, God does speaks to us… we just need to listen!

  12. Elosia

    I am praying for better ears!! I’m in the midst of making some decisions and I don’t want to make them without God.

  13. Anna D

    I shave been in the waiting and listening mode now I need to ask for help.

  14. Becky

    Be still. So interesting the timing of this. My pastor Jeff Henderson/Gwinnett Curch is speaking a 3 part series on Dream Job. It seems we miss out on the “thumbprints” God has on us confirming our gifts which he has given each one of us. I look foward to this book!

  15. Renee Scott

    I am going to focus on being still. #1 listed & #1 in my heart. Raising a toddler I feel I’ve let myself get pulled so far from being still. I lack the self-discipline to set aside time to be with God. Time to be still & listen. I really need to get this book & focus on doing these three things to help get re-centered with God. Thank you to Lisa T for allowing Jeff Goins to guest post on her blog today. I have often felt that I could be called to do something different even though I enjoy my current career & do well at it. I would love to learn to listen & see what’s really in God’s plan for my vocation.

  16. Sandy S

    I need to listen more to God and to trust fully in Him.

  17. Jeanie Kelley

    The big one for me right now is the Best Yes. We are doing it in a small Bible study session and so far have two days set aside knowing that this is my best yes. Monday working out at the gym. Making that time to go and get the workout I need. Then Thursday would be my Bible study day. I know for sure that God will be honored by the decisions I make. Thanks for posting.

  18. Alethia Crosthwaite

    I would love to read this book!!

  19. Deborah Carson

    I want to 1. Be Still and 2. Ask for Help. I feel so lost right now. So many things (husband health, finances, job, relationships) seem to be going down the wrong path. I need guidance on what to do next.

  20. Jeanne S

    I will be praying for help. I am an empty nester who is available. I see areas in which to serve but nothing standing out to me.

  21. Crystal

    Today I am going to say ‘yes’. I often hear Gods voice but fail to respond if it’s something that makes me uncomfortable.

  22. Lisa Brown

    I need to be still…… And perhaps be a better listener !!

  23. Mary

    This is such a good read. I am setting a reminder to take time to pray and listen several times a day. Otherwise, life keeps me too busy and I am not spending enough time on the most important thing in this life ‘God’s plan’.

  24. Judy K

    going to focus on more quiet time, so I can hear God’s voice

  25. Corinne

    Being still. If I could just slow down long enough and quietly enough and turn my focus solely on Him.

  26. Rhonda

    Be still and be quiet and actually listen to what God is saying to me

  27. Megan Petronella

    The big one is to be still. With 4 young kids, it’s hard to remember that I need the stillness as much as I live the chaos. 🙂

  28. Andrea

    I think the first step needs to be “still”. I am anxious to hear God’s directions for my life so I will focus on being still now. I have been wondering where God wants me to go -feel like I really need some direction!

  29. Kristen Snyder

    I am going to focus on #1 being still. I get so wrapped up in the busyness that I am not taking the time to be still and really listen to God’s voice.

  30. Suzanne R.

    Be Still and Say Yes!

  31. Rebecca Portteus

    Definitely asking for help. I have gotten better about being still, but struggle with working through it all. Sometimes it seems a burden to ask others.

  32. Marilyn

    #2: Asking for help. I believe I know what I am supposed to do … my problem is not quite knowing how to do it. I need to not depend on what I already know, but seek to learn how to get from where I am to where I need to be. I can keep not moving forward because I don’t know where to step next, or I can ask for the Lord to show me the resources I need and ask someone who has been down the road before me where I should find my footing next.

    Great post and very timely. Thank you both!

  33. Martie Rockey

    Being Still – I have to be still to hear!

  34. Daphne Smith

    I am planning to work on being still this week. I find it very hard to do, but even before reading this, I had been thinking about how much I need to be still lately. I have a blended family with 5 children, another baby on the way and work full-time. It is so hard to have a single minute of free time in a day. I need to be more intentional about this though. Thank you for posting this reminder!

  35. Karman N

    I need to practice all three but being still is hard for a busy mom of four. But I remind myself that I make time for my favorite TV show each week so I can make time for my Heavenly Father. Its a matter of making it happen! Thank you for the reminder.

  36. Rhonda

    I am so impatient on the waiting! I have a business out of my home and I sometimes think am I doing the right thing? Am I following God’s prompting? I get frustrated with myself more then anything!

  37. Renee

    This week I will be still. This is the hardest thing for me to do, yet the simplest thing God asks of us. Peace, be still will be my mantra for the week so that I can hear His voice.

  38. Norma

    My choice is to say Yes.

  39. JulesGT

    What a timely message for me. I’ve been so discontented in my spirit for several days… crying out for God’s grace and voice. I so need His direction for my life. I’m unsure of my purpose and calling. I’ve spent so much of my life following others instead of living my unique life. I’m ready to be me. The first step for me will be to Be Still. I think sometimes I stay busy out of fear…what if I don’t hear God, what if I do, what if I hear something that turns my world upside down, what if I don’t? I need to hear, I need His voice, I’m ready to be still and listen.

  40. Pam

    BE STILL definitely and LISTEN

  41. Vicki

    Creativity: I have listening down pat which allows me to know what people need, like or want, however, I would love to be blessed with creativity that would allow me to keep folks excited & stirred up and family members happy & appreciative. Love your site! Thank you.

  42. Andrea

    Be still. It’s hard to know when you’re truly being still !

  43. Pearl Watson

    I think I need to learn How to be still without falling asleep! I need more patience as well.

  44. Ann Marie

    I definitely need to work on being still. As a working wife and mom of two rambunctious boys finding time to be “still” and not fall asleep while being “still” is difficult. 🙂 I am always anxious to hear God’s voice and wish for a giant billboard with a personal message just for me.

  45. Jessica Galán

    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord, I want to see you.–Michael W. Smith By opening our “eyes” we can listen for God’s prompting. I’m surrounded by pre-teens daily; my life as a teacher is a busy one, that is wonderful, yet NOISY. I will practice “Being Still”; I’m at a time in my life where I need to listen more, and speak less, even it that “speaking” is just my hurried thoughts.

  46. Jennifer

    Most definitely, I need to BE STILL. My life is a constant running rat race. The best thing I can do is to make time and be still. Thank you for your blog. I was meant to read this today. Bless you!!

  47. Cayce Kaufman

    “The Lord will fight for you; you need only be still.”
    Exodus 14:14.

    This is posted on my desk at work. It helps me to pause and be still before I act impulsively.

  48. Latoya Mewborn

    I am going to work on #1. I need to “be still” & stop being caught up in the hustle of everyday life.

  49. Sallie

    To be still and wait on Him…

  50. Pam

    I’m often left wondering about listening. I liked what Jeff had to say about learning to listen. I may be semiretired but it doesn’t mean it’s too late to hear His call on my life.

  51. Gloria

    Be still…..Lord help me to be still, please help me to stop going, stop running here and there and to sit, sit still and listen to what YOU want to say to me. Help me to be still and listen….and then when I hear you, help me to take action on what YOU want me to do. This is my prayer! !!!

  52. Ellen Cole

    Gosh. I think I need to be still AND invite God in. I need to say, “Speak for your servant is listening”.

  53. Barbara

    Be Still. December19th my life and heart changed forever. Survival has been my daily routine. I must go back to The Word and Be Still. God’s blessings and love is there for me, I must listen with my ears, be still with my body and mind. God knows my needs, he knows my heart. He will not let me fail, he will not let me fall. I must be still and listen.

  54. Leigh Ellen

    My first thought was 3, but honestly 1 ranks pretty high up there for me right now, too.

  55. Jaye

    I’m so open to doing whatever it is that God wants me to do. I have so many opportunities set before me, but stepping into the right one and trusting the Lord w/the outcome would be where I struggle. To know that I know that God wants me to do a particular thing (s) that is where I lack. So, hearing His voice clearly and asking for help to hear clearly would be my struggle. Knowing exactly what He wanted me to do, would give me faith and boldness to walk in my calling, no matter the obstacles or outcome.

  56. Leigh F

    I am going to focus on being still and listening for God.

  57. Barbara

    I want to Be Still and I need to focus on doing this very thing.

  58. K Fousheé

    Today today I will say yes. As I contiune to make sure I’m in alignment with God, and keep my heart and mind open to hearing him.

  59. sandy

    I will concentrate on being still so that I can hear God speaking to me.

  60. Lori

    I choose to work on the first one, just being still. I don’t take the time sometimes because my mind is in a state of chaos or just thinking about other things that need to get done. I would love to win this book.

  61. Amber Nixon

    The past two weeks have been difficult to say the least. My grandma and last grandparent pasted away Sunday. She is in heaven with no more pain. My husband’s grandma is close to going home. My husband also told me he intentionally overdosed on dextromofin to escape – he’s been battling this for five years. Three blessings I’m going to focus on are: 1) I woke up today with my husband by my side, 2) God’s strength and love is immeasurable and He loves us unconditionally, 3) Prayer. Prayer for my family, myself and friends.

    Thank you Lysa for sharing this much needed blog post today. It couldn’t have come at a better time!

  62. BethA

    Being still is SO hard for me. I can be physically still, but my mind, my insides, are churning.

  63. Lisa

    Lysa, thank you so much for this! This is just what I’ve been praying for and I realize now that I do need to be still and have better ears to listen when He does speak to me. Eli’s six words are powerful.

  64. Brooke

    I’m going to focus on saying yes! And not only saying it, but meaning it and showing that with my follow-through. If got has called me to it, He’s going to get me through it!

  65. Frances Armfield

    This posting was what I needed… I usually read devotional emails after work but I had to stop in the midst if work and read … Take heed to this message. I feel God calling me and I want to be obedient unfortunately I’m distracted … Family, work, church volunteering. I need to not only Be Still but also ask for help and say yes Lord! It’s like I’m waiting in instructions ;-). My heart longs to fulfill whatever the Holy Spirit is encouraging as well as a deeper relationship with Him. So I’m acknowledging I have a calling and now I want to answer it. Thank you for this posting Lysa and Jeff!

  66. Bo

    Wow! Talk about reading the right stuff at the right time. I don’t believe in coincidences. I have been struggling painfully with this RIGHT here… The belief that God has left me, left my side, left my home. Abandonment.
    The feeling is so strong and I have been so overwhelmed by it that it *had* become my only truth. I have asked for signs, have been so desperate to hear God speak to me, to direct me, to trouble me that I have even asked friends to email Him or talk to him on behalf. Still no dign, no speech!!! And then you write this, you give me something to ponder upon… for my soul. Something that has shone light in my heart n mind. A very timely message from God. WOWmazing!!!!! I have prayed for ‘better ears’, prayed to ‘be still’ and will continue to pray that I position myself to hear Him.

  67. Debbie

    I am good at being STILL but not focused on listening. I allow the distractions to float in and out so what I will work on is being fully present and open when I’m still.

  68. Patricia DeLoatch

    Lysa, this was so on time! I made up in my mind to to purpose taking hearing God to the next level. I began a 21 day liquid only fast devoted to just that. Thank you for hearing the voice of God and being obedient to His timing!


  69. Wendy

    I am going to focus on being still. It’s not easy, but I have found that He speaks when I least expect it…usually when I’m trying to sleep and my mind keeps going. I’m going to try to have more purposeful still moments and wait to hear from Him for His direction.

  70. Romi

    Spot on post from Jeff and a very timely message….Thank you! I’m struggling and wondering where God wants me to go next at this huge cross road in my life! Lots of opportunities have presented themselves, but thanks to fear I keep slamming the doors with no’s! Then living in regret I said no! I obviously need to learn to do all three much better – 1. Be Still, 2. Ask for help, and 3. Say Yes, but for now I need to start with #1 Being still and having better ears to hear God! Responding out of fear, panic, and chaos is not of God!

  71. Michelle

    I am going to continue to work on Being Still – I have been working on this for a little while and this devotion came at a great time reminding me to keep working on it.

    Thank you!

  72. Brenda

    I am going to work on number 3. I believe that God has been challenging me to grow deeper in my faith. I need to ask him to open my heart and mind so that I can come to understand him better and his plans for me.

  73. Michele E.

    I am going to work on being still! With having a 5 year old and working full time, that is the hardest thing for me. I need to try and get up early in the mornings and have quiet time with God.

  74. Sharron

    I need to practice being still.

  75. LeeAnne Parsons

    Be still. I find this hardest of all.

  76. Michelle Green

    I am going to work on #1, being still. Thank you!

  77. Rebekah

    I am working on the Be still. It’s so challenging to shut my brain off and just passionately desire to hear God without my own agend getting in the way.

  78. Sylvia

    Learning to be STILL in God’s presence…so I can truly hear Him speak to my heart, mind and spirit.

  79. Shirley

    We have gone through so many major changes in our lives recently. I feel I’m in God’s waiting room, waiting for my name to be called. Your book sounds as if would be helpful!

  80. Linda

    Never doubt the power of speaking words of life into another…I wonder why the Lord has me speak into someones life. I think how dare I speak for the Lord!!! I wonder what they think of me for it.

  81. Sandy

    I’m going to work on asking for help. I’ve been getting better at being still and saying yes to what the Lord asks of me, but I want to be able to do it myself and not bother others with what I’m doing.

    Thanks for a timely post!

  82. Gina Helminiak

    Definitely be still and listen. I’ve had so many voices speaking to me and giving their opinions. I struggle shutting out the other voices. Not voices in my head but from people I know. Well intended people but it is more to what conforms to what they want and expect. One is a family member. My choices have not been popular to that person. They feel they have the solution but it’s not God’s solution to my life. My choices do not go against God or His word, so I’m ok not listening to this other person. I must push other voices out and invite Gods in. I made up this saying because of all this: Stop trying to let peoples opinions design who you are and who your meant to be and start living for the One who designed you and be that.

  83. Manuela Cortez

    This is so powerful! It reminds me of the vision Isaiah had of the Lord, high and lifted up. He heard a voice say, “whom shall I send? Who will go for us?” The Lord is always calling, always speaking. The problem is with us; we need to learn how to listen. It takes time and practice.

  84. Hayley

    Being still!!

  85. melanie

    For me, its “asking for help” that I find challenging. I know God comfirms and reveals to us through others all the time, but somehow I feel strange asking others to “help me” in realizing Gods will in situations..? I belong to a wonderful bible study group and have wonderful Christian friends who would pray for and give solid advice if I asked them to. I guess my pride gets in the way and the fact that I struggle with wanting “to appear in control of everything.” 🙂 So, today will be the start of something new for me and I welcome whatever it is that God has to reveal to me.

  86. Christine

    I need to be quiet. My mind is my biggest distraction from the voice of God. I need to quiet my mind and be still. This seems to be something I need to practice more because I’m always in a rush to get to the next thing. My mind is always in a rush.

  87. Patti Edwards

    I am going to focus on asking for help. I have completely changed my career after I turned 40 – I believe it was God’s calling, and I could never have done it without God’s help. Now that I am an RN, I’m not sure where he wants me – I need to ask for His help each and every day to determine my path from this point forward. And then, of course, I need to listen…

  88. Kay

    I will focus on 2. Asking for help is hard, but necessary.

  89. Tonorey

    This post was perfectly timed for me! Yesterday I made a conscious decision to focus on being still so that I could hear God’s Voice. I am starting by waking up earlier than normal so that I can spend quality time with Him instead of just doing enough to mark it off of my daily checklist.

  90. Adriana Manjarres

    I think this word arrive to my life in such an important moment in which I’m learning to hear God’s voice and recognize him in every situation that I’m living right now. For me, the principal point is to BE STILL, I just need to be quiet and hear his voice to go on in my life and projects. Greeting from Colombia, I love to learn about Lysa Terkeurst. (and pleaseee I want a copy of the book) 🙂

  91. Patricia

    I was ay a women’s conference this weekend and Andrea Yim was the speaker and she referenced Hannah…I am in a bible study at my Church and this weeks study was on what our calling may be…now this!

    I am all ears Lord.

  92. Grace

    I’m going to work on being still. I don’t do that well. I’m a doer (control freak) by nature. So, I’m always trying to fix things or hurry them along. Thank you for this post!

  93. Emily Landstrom

    I am going to focus on being still this week. Lord, help me.

  94. Julie

    I am going to focus on saying yes even when I feel I am moy qualified enough. It’s at those times when I learn the most because I have to lean on God more than ever. Thank you for your post.

  95. Merri

    Say “yes”. My husband and I have been sensing God leading us into a new season. We have been praying and seeking God for specifics on what He wants us to do. This msg was very timely. I will be saying ‘Yes’ and listening for more from Him. Thanks!

  96. Catherine

    Now that I understand what that quiet voice was, I will listen and say yes!

  97. Alicia

    Be Still. I just have to be still and know that He is God. Psalm 46:10

  98. Angie

    I think that women get so tired of listening all day long (whether it is at home, work, friends) that we stop really listening. My prayer is for balance in my listening skills.

  99. Lisa

    I will be still. It’s a struggle for me but I know I need to grow in this area. Pray for me please!

  100. Barbara

    I will be asking for help. God has called me to go on a missions trip to England. I have never been on one before, and I don’t know what group I will go with. But nothing is impossible with God. I am asking my brothers and sisters in Christ to pray for God’s guidance and provision for me to experience my calling.

  101. Brenda

    I need to be still and stay focused. How I long to be a servant.

  102. Cindy

    I am recently retired and trying so hard to discern God’s plan for me that I have become anxious and worried so I am definitely working on number 1. Be Still!

  103. Penny Diamond

    I will be still. I’m never still there is always too much to do; yet I hear God telling me to slow down and dedicate time to Him. This I must do; be still.

  104. Sarah

    I will say yes to what He wants me to do, even when I do not reason with Him!

  105. maryann bettis

    I am responding to “Say Yes”. God is calling me to be quiet before him and others. I am to talk much less to God and to other people. He is calling me to listen with my whole being to the needs of others. It will be hard for me because I am a doer and fixer. God is not necessarily calling me to fix the needs of others. First, He wants me to be available to listen to their hearts. That means I need to be quiet more.

  106. Kelly

    I need to say yes to what I know He has called me to do. I heard the calling and it was verified in community, but it’s a calling that I struggle to say yes to because of fear and doubt. I need to trust Him that He will guide me and bring it to fruition because I can’t.

  107. Emily McCargar

    I need to say YES to God and stop doubting.

  108. Peggy K

    Be still and listen. I have more and more quiet moments now in this season of life. I desire to use this time wisely and not let it slip away needlessly.

  109. Ronnie Bouldware

    i will work on Be Still. Sometimes I give up too soon because I
    feel Gos isn’t speaking to me. I just have to pay attention to how
    He speaks! Thanks for this post.

  110. Mandy

    I need to say yes to God, by really trusting HIM! To stop worrying and really trust that all things work for good for those that love the Lord!!!

  111. Jaimie

    I definitely, without a doubt, need to work on being still. It was confirmed this weekend when someone was praying over me. Grant me Grace, LORD!

  112. Merry

    I appreciated the encouragement for the final step to say YES! When God speaks, I want to be quick to say, “Yes, Lord.”

  113. kristen

    I want to calm the busy. This week I will focus on ‘BE STILL’.

  114. Theresa

    Thank you Lysa and Jeff!
    Be still…be still…be still. And now I will.

  115. Lynn Best

    I choose to say “YES” , open my tightened fist and let God lead me to the next steps in my life. It’s TIME.

  116. Heidi Seaman

    I’m saying yes to “Being Still”. Hectic daily life often crowds out my time with God. But this is Spring Break in the CO Rockies. What better way to be still and hear the voice of my Creator and Sustainer!!!

  117. Michele

    I will focus on Be Still. I need to slow down the chaos and take the time to simply be still before God.

  118. Deb Young

    I need to be still. that’s what I need to focus on in order to determine what God has in store for me. I left my job 4 months ago for health reasons, & I believe my Heavenly Father will guide me in what I am to do for him. I have already said yes, I already have support, but sorting through the noise and chaos in my life makes me feel confused and disoriented. I know I want more of him and less of me, and my heart’s desire is to serve him fully. He has given me, as he has everyone, A deep story that I think I am to share, but I don’t know what to do next.

  119. Gina

    I will be still and listen and hear God’s voice.

  120. Melissa Cosgrove

    I will concentrate on opening my ears. I am having a very large struggle with this since my husband died 3 yrs ago tomorrow.

  121. Margaret

    Be still … So heard with all of the details of life: family, work, kids …

  122. Rita

    I will try harder to be still & pray that God will give me listening ears!

  123. Connie Boyd

    Be still….my continued direction from the Lord, is to be still – to enjoy, find contentment, be in the moment…just be still.

  124. Erin

    I am going to try to work on saying yes even when I have no idea what I’m going to do or how.

  125. Gerry Lavery

    I am going to attempt to learn how to “Be Still”. Not something I do well. I know I am having a faith crisis and have felt abandoned. My heart tells me no not true. I can’t get past this. I feel angry with God. Yet I know he understands what is in my heart.

  126. Diane Iverson

    Be Still. I know that I am always busing doing one thing or another, and feeling like I am always waiting for God’s answer. I will work on being still, and knowing that He is God.

  127. Brenda

    help me to hear

  128. Mom Seeks Peace

    Hello! I am going to focus on the Say Yes portion of hearing God this week.
    While all three choices are important, I believe God has been calling me to certain work and it has been ME to invent roadblocks. Fear can be debilitating and paralyzing but through faith, the obstacles, real or imagined – can be overcome.

  129. Cindy

    Be Still…to be quiet with God. To read his word and pray. This is what my heart is yearning for…to slow down and seek him.

  130. Carolyn R

    I think this is one of the first devos from Lysa or Prov 31 that I didn’t quite get. I guess I need to think about it some more.

  131. jammie

    Be Still- I will be still in the early morning hours. Say, those simple words. I am here Lord and I am listening!

  132. vicki

    Be still……the world is so loud and chaotic, I feel like I am on the hamster wheel while juggling flaming swords, trying to keep up with the day’s demands. I am getting up earlier, just to have the chance of being still before my God.

  133. Ruthie Paulson

    Never doubt speaking words of life into another … — This is where I am at. Though my friend has broken off a dear friendship with me, I still long to speak words of life into her b/c I still love her so much. I know that God is bigger and He can speak when she doesn’t want to hear what I have to say. Praying on what to say to her in a birthday card.

  134. Linda Henderson

    My path to hearing God’s voice will be by being still.

  135. Jodie

    Be Still – I often am “busy” in my head thinking what the next step is that I miss that ‘sill small voice’ of the Holy Spirit. Or, I hear something and don’t stop to let it sink in and then act in obedience to what the Lord is saying. This devotion was good. My word for this year is ‘listen’. All 3 steps are good. Blessings – Jodie

  136. Shirley Brosius

    I want to be more attentive while I read scripture. I want to be more interactive with the text, expecting God to share his heart with me.

  137. Lee Roberts

    I have difficulty in this area but when I am tuned in, it is wonderful. One time i heard God tell me to pray for a lady at church on a Wednesday night. I didn’t even know the lady but for some reason felt led to pray for her. she looked sort of sad. she said she was waiting on her daughters to bring her grandsons to church. She mentioned that her daughter had recently gotten saved but that she still continued her drinking. Later that night her daughter was killed in a car accident. I was so glad that I listened to Him and prayed with her about her daughter. I always try to pray whenever God asks me to. I would like to get more in tune with God. i need to develop better listening skills.

  138. Michelle MacLean

    I’m going to “be still”. Something I battle with.

  139. Glenda Daw

    I am currently going through one of the most difficult times in my life. It is so hard to just be quiet. My life’s bible verse is “Be still and know that I am God”. It is so hard to be still, not only in my body but in my thoughts as well. I am struggling with myself to not force solutions in this life changing event in my life. I was reminded today to “Be still” before I read this devotional, so I am reminded to 1. Be still. It is so amazing how God puts my answers out there when I need it most.
    Thank you
    Glenda Daw

  140. Patty Brooks

    I am struggling with hearing God, always have. I try and try each method but still not sure if I am hearing Him! Is it my conscience or recurring thoughts or something else? I just don’t know!

  141. Ally

    I will take more time to be still- truly still, and let God calm my rushing, frantic mind. Thank you for your blog, Lysa.

  142. Christi Brotherton

    I love this article! I’m getting pretty good at #1 & #3, but not always #2, so I’m trying to follow that more consistently.

  143. Cathy

    I have a strong desire to hear what God has to say about what the next part of my life should look like, as I consider retirement. I trust that he placed me in the right vocation and place, but now what? I’m listening, but maybe I need to be stiller.

  144. Megan

    Waking up early to be still before the noise and chaos of two little boys begins!:)

  145. Leticia

    To be still and listen to God speak; to live a quiet life while learning and growing more on what God’s plans are for me.

  146. Betsy Spiegel

    I will focus on #3. I know there are times I don’t listen and find out later I should have.
    Ears to hear and a heart to obey. That is my prayer

  147. Debbie Henderson

    I’d choose to say “yes” because saying no will only lead to more wandering in the wilderness!

  148. Laura

    I want to BE STILL. And stop asking God all the time to speak louder to me, to learn to listen to the soft gentle sound of His voice, and to make time for it

  149. Whitney

    This week I will be focusing on number 3, Say Yes! I must start saying yes to everything God has called me to ; even if it nay be out of my comfort zone.

  150. Stephenie

    I will focus on being still this week. Always a struggle in the hustle of each day.

  151. Maddie

    To be still …in the busyness of my life I forget to just be still and let God surround me.

    • Nico Smith

      I ♥ how so incredible this journey really is that I’m on. God wants to show us how He wishes to use us in our lives. Ultimately, we should also listen for when God calls us. We need to hear his voice above all the worldly noise that may hinder us from serving Him as He desires.
      “Have you ever found yourself frustrated because it seems like God’s not speaking to you? I know. It’s hard. But I’m so challenged by this thought from my friend, Jeff Goins… What if God is already speaking, but we just aren’t in tune with His voice? Jeff is guest posting more about this on the blog today. Take it away, Jeff… I don’t know about you, but I wish God would just speak to me. Oh, I know. He speaks through Scripture and community and as a still small voice in my soul. I get that. But sometimes I just wish the clouds would part, a shining light would drop down from the heavens, and the booming voice of the Almighty would speak. Is that too much to ask? I’m sure I’m not the only one who wishes for these things. But I wonder if God did speak to us, if He called us in the way that we expected, if we would really listen. In fact, I have good reason to believe that we wouldn’t. Three thousand years ago, four or five miles northwest of Jerusalem in the hill country of Ephraim, there was a small town called Ramah, where a man named Elkanah lived. He had two wives, one who was infertile and the other who reminded her of this constantly. Once during a trip to the ancient city of Shiloh, the barren wife Hannah was so plagued with shame that she made a public vow. If she would become pregnant, she would give her son to the high priest, dedicating his life to religious service. Shortly after, she conceived a son and named him Samuel. As soon as he was weaned, he was sent to Shiloh to serve the priest Eli. Samuel was a special boy, a gift to his parents who long awaited his birth and a gift to Eli who only had disobedient sons. He served the priest in the work that he did, and the older man groomed him for a promising future. One night, after months if not years of service, Samuel awoke before dawn. Startling awake, he sat up in bed and looked around. Nothing. He swore he’d heard somebody whispering his name. But no one was there. Settling back into bed, the boy fell asleep only to be awakened again a few seconds later. This time, he was sure; it was a voice. “Here I am!” he shouted back. No answer. Running into Eli’s room, he shouted, “Here I am; you called me.” Eli rose out of bed, squinting his eyes, which were beginning to fail him. “I did not call,” he said, confused. “Go back and lie down.” Samuel was confused as well, but he did not want to argue with his master. So he returned to his room and slowly laid his head back down. He forced his eyes shut, too anxious to sleep. For what seemed like hours but in reality was only a few minutes, Samuel lay in bed. Then as his eyelids began to grow heavy, he heard it again, just as quiet as before but persistent as ever. “Samuel . . .” He shot up in bed, his heart racing. He called his master while once again rushing into Eli’s room. Again, the two were equally confused. “My son,” Eli said. “I did not call. Go back and lie down.” But before Samuel could even put his head down on the pillow, he heard the voice again, even louder than before. He got up again and called to Eli, his voice quivering with fear.  But the master’s response was different this time. He told the boy to stop calling and instead to listen, giving him six words to say. So Samuel returned to bed and listened. When he heard the call a final time, he responded: “Speak, for your servant is listening.” And with those words, his life was never the same. How the boy heard and answered that call led to many significant events in Israel’s history, including the anointing of two kings, one who became the most famous the country would ever know. Samuel was called, and he answered. But the scary part — the part we should pay attention to — is that he almost missed it. The truth, I think, is that God is speaking. We just struggle to listen. And sometimes we mistakenly believe that calling is about listening. But what if it was more about learning to hear? What if God was already speaking, but we just weren’t in tune with His voice? When we look at the call of Samuel, we see a similar process. It’s not just enough to listen. You have to put yourself in a posture to hear in the first place. And that choice is actually three choices:
      1. Be still. God’s call tends to not come in the midst of noise and chaos. It often arrives when we are quiet — late at night or early in the morning or maybe in the middle of the day. Or perhaps, those are just the times when we can hear.
      2. Ask for help. God’s call is not just personal. Moses had Aaron and Miriam. Jesus had the inner circle on the Mount of Transfiguration. It may come in private but it’s confirmed in community.
      3. Say yes. I know it sounds simplistic, but God will only push us so far when we say no. He is looking for us to invite Him deeper into our lives. Yes, He’s calling, but it’s up to you to respond. That’s what I learned once I answered my call to be a writer. I realized in His own way, God had been calling me to this vocation my whole life. I just lacked the ability to discern the message. And the truth is it took a team of mentors and a discovery process, not a single epiphany, to finally figure out what I was meant to do. Maybe the same will be true for you, too.”~ Lysa TerKeurst
      Amen! What a wonderful thing to remember on this Monday afternoon! No matter what our call in life may happen to be, we shouldn’t be afraid to answer it whatsoever.
      “Life can sometimes feel like a waiting game. Have there been times in the past when you waited a long time for something important to take place? Describe the experience and how you responded to the waiting period. What was the outcome and how do you feel about it? “~“Just Enough Light for the Step I’m On “ by Stormie Omartian
      Unbeleevablly powerful! Amen! What a wonderful thing to always remember! When we are going through difficult times in life, God can usse these opportunities for growth in our spiritual journey with Him.

  152. Sharon

    I am goin to work on “Being Still” before God to get His service orders and thoughts

  153. Connie Fleming

    If I’m completely hones, I have to say that all three of these are difficult for me.
    !. Be still. The definition of “still” is not moving or making a sound. When I pray, many times I’m asking God for a certain outcome to a problem. Then I try to “fix it” myself. I will try to be still, and trust that He has it under control.
    2. Ask for help. Refusing to ask for help comes from the sin of pride. I confess that sin and ask God for help now,
    3. Say yes. Perhaps saying “no” to people will give me the heart to say yes to God. I get so busy volunteering that I can’t hear God’s direction.

  154. Kendra

    I have been working on saying “yes” when I feel God nudging me!

  155. Patricia Cappiello

    Thought provoking message. I will seek to Be Still to hear God’s voice speaking to me

  156. Nancy Walker

    I will focus on being still today and in my listening, really try to “hear” what the Lord God wants me to understand.

  157. Monica

    to be still

  158. Miranda

    Going to focus on saying yes!

  159. Freda

    Work on being still.

  160. Rachel k

    To be still and say yes. Too often his calling is on something I have fear on. Fear that has no business being their. God is my everything I need not ever have fear.

  161. Brooke

    Be Still. I often hide in the busyness of life and allow myself to run to the point that I eventually feel run down or low on the spiritual fuel needed to fulfill the call to write and pour into others. Thanks for this reminder.

  162. April Haynes

    Ask for help. I am at a point in my life right now where I am searching for where God wants me to serve. Maybe I need the counsel of some good Christian friends to help me hear what God wants me to hear.

  163. Erin

    To Be Still.
    I have been diligent in the other steps. But as I go through this “strange” yet not strange course of events…according to God’s word…I am still coming to this point. I decided to do something different. Came to church…after another meeting in this lengthy, challenging battle. Instead of home or lunch, while trying to “hear from God”…in light of the new information…came to the prayer room…to BE STILL…in His presence.❤

  164. Karen Choate

    “Say yes,” is the part I will work on. I keep wanting a “neon sign” to let me know how God wants me to proceed regarding a hard issue in my life. Perhaps i need to say more of, “Yes God, your servant is listening,” and less of “God, what do You want me to do?”.

  165. Joseph

    Be Still! Similar to Jeff, I also am awaiting to see what God is going to call me to do. Quieting my mind,the eliminating old thinking of “I” need to come up with the solution and being still to listen for God’s direction is my focus!

  166. Jessica

    Definitely going to focus on asking for help.

  167. Jodi Rosser

    I think it is hard to be still. I am learning how to do this more and more but sometimes my life is so busy that being still is challenging. I find that I always benefit from being still but sometimes I let tasks and to do lists come first. I am definitely working on getting up earlier than my kids and having my be still time each morning. I am getting more consistent but still have lots of room for growth!

  168. Lori Hurrell

    I’m going to focus on saying YES!! I have been on a journey to change professions and start my own business and I have had many instances that have come about where I didn’t take God’s opportunity for me to say YES. No more, I will say YES. Amen!

  169. Tami

    Be still! It’s easy for me to read the Bible and study God’s word because I feel like I am doing something but I really struggle with being still and quiet and listening to what God is saying to me!

  170. Wanda Beal

    Ask for help. Asking others to confirm if what I think God is saying is Biblical and his truth.

  171. Mimi W

    I’ll focus on asking for help! I need this book!

  172. christy mobley

    Lysa, my choice is to say yes! That’s the scariest choice because when I say yes, right then and there I’ve make a commitment to God. That’s huge!

  173. Teena Smith

    I would be interesting in getting a free copy of “Never doubt the power of speaking words of life into another. I was diagnosied with MS 25+years ago and then developed Blastomycosis in December 2014. I was hospitalized for 8 days and almost died the Blasto was not only in my lungs but spread thru out my body including my skin. During the time of treatment for the Blasto I had to be off treatment for MS. Doctor appts with Infectious Disease dr and Neurogolist monthly for over a year. I was told last month that many other doctor’s had been following my story and progress of the two diseases and I am the first know case in history of surviving the aggressiveness of both diseases and will ask for my permission to publish it in The National Medical Journal Magazine with the pictures of the skin lesions I had developed from the Blasto (very ugly sites and very painful I might add) name withheld. Upon doing my yearly MRI of brain it was discovered that over 95% of my brain cells are damaged by the plague that MS causes. I should NOT be able to do anything on my own according to our human physicians. But I know a MIGHTY PHYSICIAN WHO SAYS OTHERWISE….JESUS!!!! They call me a MIRACLE 🙂 When I was first diagonised with MS my son was 3 now 25 years old and I remember saying OK God use it for your GLORY. He has sustained me and KEEPS ME KEEPING ON IN THE LORD even thru the pain that I experience daily. It has brought me closer to HIM IN EVERYWAY and I can’t complain. I am now on a walker I(Betsy) when just last year I was working out at the gym 4hrs every other day but I have just been released to light walking again. **THE JOY OF THE LORD IS MY STRENGTH** and I try to encourage others the best I know how to NEVER give up until GOD says it that this journey here is over and time to come on HOME to be with HIM in our Glorified Bodies 🙂 Hallelujah..Hallelujah…Hallelujah!!!!! I can only imagine a day without extreme pain. Love and God BLess always 🙂

  174. Trudy Ruck

    Lysa, I choose saying yes….so often I say maybe…or no…but I want to start to say YES more often.

  175. Deborah E

    Be still. I want to hear His voice.

  176. Ava

    Be still. I can’t seem to escape those words. For years now I’ve strugge with that scripture in Psalm 46. How can being still possibly help me when life is spiraling out of control? But it keeps coming up over and over and I know it’s God. For my sake I think it’s time…way past time to be still and let God be God in my life.

  177. Tia Jones

    Be still. I’ve been struggling with this a lot lately. I know I need to slow things down and spend some quiet time with the Lord.

  178. Terri

    The facility where I’ve worked for 16 years is closing. I’ve been in this profession for 36 years! I am listening for God’s voice to guide me what is His plan for me??

  179. Donna Jones

    Perfect timing for this timeless message!! Thank you, Jeff and Lysa.


    I feel sometimes that God wants me to write also. but I asked for direction this past week, and I feel the answer was, not now, wait. and in reality, I think that is wise as I am dealing with elderly parents, and other stressors. I know in my heart that God is right but He hasn’t shut the door on me, just not now.

  181. Kathryn Taylor

    I am going to focus pn “Be Still”. Thank you for sharing….

  182. Connie Cameron

    Being still and listening. With my husband’s recent diagnosis of stage 4 terminal cancer, I have been struggling with letting go of control (knowing “I” don’t have control anyway), and keeping my quiet time (including listening for God’s still small voice), a priority. I miss it greatly! Thanks for the reminder that I am the one who has stepped away, not God.

  183. Rachel Q

    I am going to work on saying yes.

  184. nita tucker

    I’m focusing on saying yes to God! Thank you for this opportunity

  185. Wendy Easter

    working hard to “Be Still!”

  186. Anecia Finch

    I am going to focus on Being Still. It is my biggest struggle out of the 3 choices. I need to hear from God and I want better spiritual ears for sure!

  187. Lemon Love

    I choose to be still. I was reflecting this past week on certain things/issues I laid at God’s feet but kept picking it back up. This was confirmation.

  188. Elissa Breitenstein

    I’m going to work on Be Still. I am very outgoing and a huge extrovert so I am never quiet and am constantly talking. Listening is a skill I have to really focus on. I will vow to set aside some quiet time each day to be still and listen to God. I will also work at really opening up and reading my Bible each day because I have let daily devotional snippets replace that and I need to change that. I really hope I win this book as I am not happy in my current job and need to find a well-suited career path.

  189. Christina Steiner

    I’m going to work on being still. With 5 little ones, a husband, and a full-time job, it’s so hard to focus on getting quiet with the Lord. I need to have the white noise so I can stay in tune with the Holy Spirit.

  190. Gina

    Ask for help – I am in a place right now where I need some help and while I would like to think I can do it on my own I am not having any success on my own

  191. Barb B.

    This is just what I needed to hear today. I have been asking for God to reveal His will and it brings to mind one of my favorite scriptures “Psalm 46:10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

  192. Cathy

    I am working on #1. Be still. And then asking for help.

  193. Rachel Swanson

    I think I need to “Be Still.” God actually told me this last month when I got still before him and looked into the heavenly stars above one night with my husband. We both heard the same answer from God to “Be Still.” Reading this again today is confirmation that God just wants me to be still to know the next steps he has for me and my husband in our ministry, as well as other pursuits I have towards writing and speaking. I get overwhelmed thinking about all of the things necessary to begin those steps towards progressing His kingdom work of us, however I realize, again, that I only need to “Be Still,” and know that He truly has a plan for me, for my husband, and for His work that he wants accomplished through us. Thank you for those inspiring words you shared.

  194. Carol

    I want to work on be still.

  195. Vickie

    I will work at Be Still. Listen trust an have faith.

  196. Alison Edwards

    I want so much to go deeper with Him so I think the third choice, ‘He is looking for us to invite Him deeper into our lives. Yes, He’s calling, but it’s up to you to respond.’ But it is being still too and making that time to be still with Him. And yet He has been at work in my life as I’ve made the choice to be more thankful, as I’ve listened to His prompt not to harden my heart but to apologise to my husband for complaining and for my lack of trust in the Lord. And I am so thankful for His gentle rebuke as it means that He is still at work in my life and I am still His. Thank you Lysa for your latest post and for all the others that you’ve posted. Thank you for being so real and honest. May God continue to bless you and your family.

  197. Sharon

    Be still. I feel that would also include being quiet. Which, I don’t do often enough!!

  198. Lauren

    I am going to be still! I am a busy lady: a senior in college, teaching ballet and theater at a Christian performing arts school, writing/editing a magazine, building a website, coordinating volunteers in my church’s preschool ministry, and the list goes on! I am going to set aside time to sit still and listen to God’s voice.

  199. amy

    I’m working on being still!!

  200. Shannon irvine

    This week I am getting up 30 minutes earlier so I am not rushed in my quiet time. I am starting with workship then quietness instead of going right into scripture. I am going to be still before bed so I can hear Him.

  201. anne buechler

    Be still. I am starting now. Reading the post opened the conversation. Now I must listen.

  202. Brandy

    Going to work on saying “Yes!”

  203. Tina

    Be still.. In the storms of life I need more of God!

  204. Amy O

    Asking for help. Sometimes it’s just easier to do it myself, you know?? But I’ve learned in the last few years that I can’t do it all, no matter how hard I try to.

  205. Karen Massey

    I am going to try to Be Still this week. Life can be so noisy and chaotic, especially with a 3 year old. Thank you for the great advice!

  206. Jodie

    It’s just like the Lord to bring this blog into my life today. I am struggling right now with fear and anxiety over a major decision in my life. One that truly could involve the loss of a dream. A dream that I’ve had for over a decade and that I felt the Lord was just makin come true when all the sudden the rug has been pulled out from under me. I just told the Lord last night that I could not hear him! I truly need to work on all 3! However, being still is the best focus for me at this point. Being still has never been easy for me.

  207. Theresa

    I need to be still, God can’t talk if I won’ t be quiet! Thanks for the great article, gotta get this book!

  208. Debra Winterrowd

    Say YES!

  209. Megan Lyons

    Ask for help. I actually just did today. Would love to win this book!

  210. Elizabeth Ohman

    I need to ask my trusted friends to help me both to understand and confirm what I perceive I have head from God; and to have the wisdom and courage to act on it.

  211. Rachelle S

    To be still. Sometimes I think I am talking so much I couldn’t hear if he is trying to speak.

  212. Rhonda

    Be still.

  213. Jlynn

    Be still, I get in such a hurry at times, I am thankful for the reminder to be still, and listen. God bless you both in your work for our Lord Jesus.

  214. Angie

    I will focus on being still… That seems to be a common theme in my life right now as I’m waiting on some major events to transpire. Nothing is happening fast but everywhere I turn I’m hearing, “be still”

  215. Sue Heth

    To BE STILL!!

  216. Carole

    I struggle to Be Still. With three busy children, a husband who works at night, a job in ministry, I spend a large portion of each day doing really good things, God-honoring things but without God’s blessing and making time daily for Him, it is all done in vain.

  217. barbara

    Be still

  218. Tammy Mashburn

    i struggle in the quietness, being still in the busyness of life & distractions. Would love to have this book!!

  219. Sherri

    be still, find quiet time, and listen!

  220. Arlene

    Being still. There is too much noise in life. Makes it hard to hear.

  221. Cheri

    I am a Mom in the middle. My children are growing up and do not need me as much. That is good, very good. Yet, I am unsure as to what God wants me to do now for when they are all on their own. Maybe this book would give me a direction that God has been trying to tell me but my ears are not hearing.

  222. sonya

    1) trust in god through difficult times

  223. Karen Huber

    Be still and know and listen! I have ideas about what I’m to do, but have to concentrate on what God is trying to tell me… I admit – I wish there were a billboard, because I’m hard-headed and impatient and want to know NOW! OK, breathe and be still…..

  224. shauna

    Asking for help. This is not easy for me! I want to handle things on my own. And if I don’t accomplish what I set out for if no one know I don’t have to deal with guilt. All in all its my insecurities I m dealing with. I feel I know gods calling. I just don’t feel equipped. So ask for help 🙂

  225. Glenda

    This blog post itself is like a confirmation of a seedling idea I felt was from God. Lately I have felt that God has been telling me to ask several women to pray about it with me. I am still considering and praying about who they should be. God is truly an amazing God.
    One thing that helped me get to this place was asking God to teach me how to be still several months ago. I am learning this slowly 🙂

  226. Hope

    I am going to focus on being still this week.

  227. Steph

    I need to be still. I often get so caught up in worry and anxiety, and can get myself quite worked up! If I remember to be still, and ask God for strength and guidance, I immediately find peace. I need to remember to do this every time!

  228. Robin Davis

    Be still- I made so many mistakes all because I refused to tune into the voice of the Lord.

  229. Abby

    I think for me the first step of Being Still is the one that I need to work on right now. I get so caught up in trying to figure things out on my own and in my own head that just stopping to let Him speak to me is what needs to be done.

  230. Hayley

    Thank-you for writing this book. I personally KNOW that I need to be still and listen. I know God is leading me. I have to find his voice among my own personal chaos and have the courage to follow it.

  231. Molly Fulton

    Be still. I think it’s no coincidence that message has floated past me several times today.

  232. Lara Pait

    I’ve actually been awakened twice to the sound of my name in the last week or so. I live alone so there was no one else here to speak it. I wish I had been reminded of this passage earlier but at least God sent the reminder now. I am going to work on asking for help.

  233. Sarah

    Be Still. What a hard thing to do as a single mom. But I will try. I, like Jeff, would love to hear His voice in a loud, obvious way. But this is not the first time in this week that I have been told to be still.

  234. Patty Maun

    I am going to take the time and “be still” and listen

  235. Janelle Keith

    Which one to choose? There’s only one choice D: all of the above. I love my two favorite writers are in one place today!

  236. Lori W

    the courage to say, “Yes” when I know it is Him speaking.

  237. Tammy

    Ask for help!!! I’m way too independent for my own good!

  238. Devin

    I am going to work on asking for help. I usually don’t ask for it until it’s too late.

  239. Donald Bless

    I have been reading the posts on facebook. and today, I logged onto the website and I am astonished by the word about Samuel’s calling. I wish I could study the books mentioned above by download. I will be still and then I will ask for help. thank you so much.

  240. Annie E

    I will focus on being still this week. While I am active in my social life and community, I would like to slow down and be meditative and intentional in my thoughts and actions. I believe God speaks to me and through me when I accept this!

  241. Sarah

    Isn’t the hardest thing on Earth to be still and wait? Every day I feel there’s one more thing I should try to work in-one more errand, one more call before I rest. But God rested on the 7th day after all His hard work. If it was important for Him, how much more important is it for us to do the same? I pray for the wisdom to rest and let God’s presence, His command, wash over me.

  242. Kathy

    Be Still!

  243. Jill E

    This column really hit me today. I’ve been pondering and praying about this exact same idea: please speak to me, God, in a loud way I can hear. But after reading this, I know that I need to concentrate on all three: to be still, to listen, and to ask for help. I have so much to learn in this journey! And I would love to win a copy of a book that would help me figure out what to do with my life. Thank you for all this food for thought.

  244. Dawn R

    Ask for help, I have never been very good at this.
    My children are almost grown and I’m getting ready for a new journey that I want God to direct.

  245. Tobe

    The hardest part of me is being still and hearing His voice. My struggle is being still and quieting all the voices in my head..worrying and anxiety.

  246. DeAnn Huxman

    Be still!

  247. Susan Thomas

    This week being still and quiet is my focus. Jeff, I occasionally follow my human feelings and they are not always the wisest choice. Whenever I have been still, read God’s Word, prayed, and was simply quiet and resting, many times it will contradict my human feelings. This week, I took a chance and followed where I felt God’s spirit was leading me, and it was the best decision I’ve made in years. My human feelings were different. Pride was in the way. Women are emotional and sometimes it may be more difficult for women because we are taught to trust our feelings and instincts. But the Holy Spirit is wiser than our instincts. Sometimes they are in tune. Any way, thank you for the article with Lysa’s blog.

  248. Melanie Vaughn

    Saying yes. I am good at being still and asking for help. But sometimes I think it can the God talking to me, But just my own crazy mind, so I ignore the voice and either don’t say yes, or don’t follow thru.

  249. Carrie

    Joining the crowd who is working on “be still.” I’m a mom of two littles who works outside the home, and often those early hours I want to just sleep or even accomplish other things.

  250. Metta

    I’d have to say that I struggle most in being still. Really quieting my mind. Joyce Meyer spoke about it the other day as well Kim Wear and it has been in my heart ever since. “Community confirmation”? Being a Mary in a Martha world. I pray that I can quiet my mind and hear Him speak to me. To guide my steps and fill my heart. Look forward to reading your book “The Art of Work” Thanks for sharing!!! Be blessed!

  251. Tiara

    I’m constantly on the go and busy, I need to slow down and take time to be still to listen.

  252. Kellie

    I plan to be still and listen to God this week. I just heard that silent and listen have the same letters. It made me think!!

  253. Jennifer H

    I’ve been struggling to be still lately. God has already called me to do some crazy things so I think I’m just afraid of what He’s going to ask next haha

  254. Elizabeth

    This was so necessary for me to read today. I’ve been struggling with not hearing from God and feeling the frustrations that come with that. I’ve been quite discouraged by what I perceived as “God being far from me”. I felt at wit’s end because I just didn’t know what to do. So I will choose to be still. I get caught up with the distractions of everyday life and while I do pray and read the bible, I’m rarely just, STILL. Thank you for this message because honestly, I truly believe that while I didn’t hear God’s voice, he just spoke to me through this blog entry.

  255. Courtney Dykes

    Asking for help is what I need to work on. Too often I try to fix it all myself or only give God a portion. I want to ask for help and leave it at His feet and let Him lead me.

  256. Bonnie

    I am going to focus on saying yes.

  257. Barbara

    Being still and listening for and to God will be my focus. I tend to move ahead without asking God first. Thank you for posting this article.

  258. Kaylee

    I am going to focus on being still.

  259. Cathy Chung

    I need to say yes. Sometimes I feel the prompting of the Spirit and I’m stubborn. I need to be more obedient and I believe he’ll shower me with more communication. Why should God continue to guide someone who doesn’t follow?

  260. Rebekah Rupprecht

    Be still. It is something I have a hard time doing. Makes me uncomfortable sometimes. And with 3 little ones sometimes impossible. Challenge accepted and I am excited to see what I hear from the Lord this week!

  261. Sandra Taylor

    I ask for help often but not sure I listen!!

  262. Tiffany

    I’m going to focus on saying yes.

  263. Laurie

    I need so much to learn how to be still, I am usually so stressed and alone. I want to hear, but I feel like my head is too full of other things, so afraid I won’t / can’t hear!

  264. Andrea

    Be still and listen for the voice of God. I have a very busy household and when things are quiet, there is always background noise like the TV or radio. Thanks for the reminder that God might be trying to speak to me!

  265. christina

    Saying yes! Inviting God in and then saying yes!

  266. JennyBC

    I have been working on ways to declutter my life so I can be still to hear God but I can also see where I need to have a “say yes” attitude as well. The three things all seem to go hand in hand.

  267. Michele

    Be still.

  268. Rachel

    This post spoke so deeply to me. This week I am making the commitment to watch less TV, so that I can create some blank space in my life for quiet stillness. I commit to spending more time in the Word, and discussing what I’m learning and hearing with my husband. I would love a copy of Jeff’s book to help me in discerning God’s purpose for my life.

  269. Traci

    Saying yes to God has been a struggle for me over the past year. I have been very intentional in spending time with Gid daily (hourly and even minute-by-minute) AND I have often asked Him why I can’t always hear Him. His answer came to me last week when I realized He was talking and I was hearing BUT I was not listening because I didn’t want to “say yes” to his instructions for me. Instructions to enter into a new career — a path I would not have chosen.

    So after much hesitation and A LOT of telling God why His plan for my life is crazy and will not work, I now realize I need to stop talking — let Him get a few words in — and surrender!

  270. Amelinda casias

    My focus will be to ” be still ” and discern/listen for God’s voice. I find myself doing all the talking and fail to listen more to His voice.

  271. Carol

    Be Still.
    I want to be able to calm myself and listen.

  272. Courtney

    This post is so relevant to my life right now. I often get frustrated worrying that I’m doing something wrong and that’s why I can’t hear Gods voice or that I need to do more in order to know his voice. I’m going to focus more on number 1 of being still for more periods of time. Great post!

  273. Jessica

    Be still…

  274. Stephanie C.

    Being still!!

  275. Megan

    I need to focus on asking for help. I do and do and do and want to show the world how productive I am. I picture God up in Heaven, giggling at me a little. 🙂 So I will try to ask for help, I promise.

  276. Noelle

    I will focus on asking for help this week; not easy when you’ve been taught to be and have lived being independent

  277. Amy Wilson

    I am going to focus on saying yes!

  278. Whale Boy Mama

    I need to focus on being still and quiet. Usually I do all the talking and I know I need to work on that.

  279. Lisa Gowen

    To be still. It is a very hard task for me to tackle, but I know that this is possible if I ask God to help me. I need to find that daily quiet time and listen to God’s direction for me.

  280. ange

    I have definitely been working on # and that has been so good for me but #3 saying yes has been hard for me. I trust myself a lot and usually know right away how to proceed but I feel that lately God has taken my discernment away so I trust in Him and not myself.

  281. Barri

    Be still.. Need to try to do this more often to really hear from God and to experience His perfect peace.

  282. Mary Ann Marko

    I believe God has been calling me for quite some time to write. So this week I am focusing on saying yes and taking the steps He wants me to take.

  283. Diane

    I am going to work on Being Still! In the chaos and pressures of every day life I am guilty of working harder, trying to do more, striving to fix everything…not bad actions, but fruitless time wasters when I have not First “been still” and sought to have ” better ears”!

  284. Brandie W.

    I am going to “Be Still”. I have been in a difficult season but I am not where I use to be emotionally or mentally. Even though things has gotten much better I feel that I am not thriving spiritually. I have been busy with work and with my children. As a single mom it’s tough trying to find the balance sometimes.

    I would love to hear God’s voice in this season. I do feel that I am at a stand still, and I am not sure what God is really saying for my life but I trust that He knows. I will take the much needed quiet time.

  285. Gwen Peaden

    Thank you for sharing this article. It was a very timely read for me. I’m currently in the middle of a small group study on Priscilla Shirer’s “He Seaks To Me” and it has been wonderful, convicting and enlightening thus far. I plan to share this article with our group next time we meet. I’ve been jobless and searching for a job for the past six months and I’ve tried so hard to hear His call and understand His direction for me. Again, thank you so much for sharing this!

  286. Theresa Oman

    Be still; my Martha personality prevails most of the time.

  287. Bianca

    I am going through a difficult and stressful time right now. My husband is in jail, finances are a mess and on and on. I need to be still despite all that is going on so I can hear God.

  288. Melanie

    Being still – hard with two littles but I know I need to stop and take time to listen for Him, just be with Him.

  289. Christel Woody

    I need to focus on being still! That’s really hard when you have a 2 year old and a full time job and have an opposition schedule from your husband!

  290. Mike Cipolla

    Never ask for help. Seldom read the instructions or pay attention to maps. Help is definitely what I need.

  291. Ashley Firkus

    Be still.

    Be still and know that I am God

  292. Terri

    My answer is to “Say Yes”! Most importantly my answer is to “MEAN Yes”!
    I was struck by my minds behaviour when given these options. I ask myself…am I choosing my answer correctly based on what I need, or what I believe I need to work on? Or when I think I have chosen, I evaluate the series of required actions that would be needed to follow-thru, and then I try to determine my desired choice.

    It is then I realize I am missing the point. If Saying Yes is not my immediate choice…then I haven’t said Yes at all!!!

    Yes Lord, Yes!! I say Yes!!

  293. Ashley Firkus

    Psalm 37:7 AMP

    Be still and rest in the Lord; wait for Him and patiently lean yourself upon Him; fret not yourself because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who brings wicked devices to pass.

    Psalm 46:10 AMP

    Let be and be still, and know (recognize and understand) that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations! I will be exalted in the earth!

  294. Emmy

    Wow that was exactly what I needed to hear!!!! It’s funny I’ve been asking God to speak but not stopping long enough to listen.. Not to mention I just heard a sermon on Jesus’ inner circle! I am amazed how God tries to speak and so often we miss what he is saying because we are afraid … Maybe it’s just me I’m afraid to try in case it’s not what He’s calling me to … Maybe it’s fear of failure … But the awesome thing is He doesn’t give up on us!!! What an awesome God we have… He cares about us so much he keeps speaking … Waiting patiently for us to listen …

  295. Patty

    Be still – I need to reflect and just listen to Christ instead of filling in the gaps with my own ideas.

  296. Debbie Boom

    I am going to work on “saying yes” and inviting God into deeper areas of my life. By saying YES Jesus I want you to speak to me and I am listening. For me the “being still” part will be a very important part in the saying YES.

  297. Tami

    I have said YES! Now I need direction for what He would have me do in this new phase of my life.

  298. Typhanie

    Saying yes….It is no coincidence that three hours ago, during our family bedtime devotions, I read to our kids the story of Hannah. Our 13 year old asked why God was okay with Hannah making a deal with God. I was moved to tears while explaining the “yes” behind Hannah’s commitment to God if He would give her a child. Every part of her being wanted to honor God and every part of her desperately didn’t want to let go of her little boys hand as he walked toward Eli. I know that anguish. Sometimes the “yes” is so much harder than any “no” I have ever rebelliously given. I explained to the 13 year old, that following Christ for the length of you life will be much more about the “yes’a” than it will ever be about the “no’s”. While reading this tonight, hours after easing the same account of Hannah, I am really nervouse about the next “yes”. So, I choose now to have courage and not to fear. I remember that He is always good and I am always loved.

  299. Teresa

    i was just sitting down to study the bible, asking why God didn’t speak to me like others I Know when I saw the title…as I look back in the past week I realize God is talking I just have to be still and answer yes… I would love to hear his voice like Samuel and maybe if I am still enough, long enough and often enough he will.

  300. Nicki

    Definitely. 1) Being Still. Somewhere in the middle of being a wife, mother of 4, homeschooling, feeding everyone, and trying to keep the laundry under control it is quite possible that the stillness gets left behind. Thank you for this great reminder!

  301. Gwen

    Yes. I will say yes. I sense He’s been calling me for some time. I’m still not quite sure what I’m saying yes to– but it doesn’t matter, if it’s something that He wants me to do.

    I’m sure He’ll let me know what when I need to know, or when I can hear better. “Speak, Lord… Your servant is listening, or trying to listen. I will try to be quiet. Please help me hear.”

  302. Amanda Neighbors

    Say yes

  303. MaryLou

    I choose to ask for help. I need help in sitting still -I have adhd-it’s so hard to still still and not being able to focus correctly.i need His help because I am powerless.

  304. Natalie

    Quiet my mind. Prayer & meditation are what calms me & allows me to move in the right direction. When I fill my thoughts & time with background noise and chatter I don’t follow the right path.

    Thanksgiving. The more I show gratitude & appreciation the more I see Gods work in my life & the lives around me. Gratitude allows me to make God centered decisions.

    Turn my problems over to God. When a reoccurring negative thought enters my mind I instantly pray The Our Father & say a prayer of what I would like my thought to be rather than what it was. In a short amount of time I can start to hear the God lead type of thoughts.

    Thank you for this article. It has provided clarity & I’m excited to read your book!

  305. Roberta D. Gabriel (Proverbs 31 Ministries OBS Team

    I must say that it will be constantly having some quiet and still time daily. I have not been consistent with my quiet times where I am totally immersed in His Presence. In the times when I have that quiet time , everything just seems to flow and decisions are not difficult and I have peace and all in my world is calm including those who are around me, Needless to say when I neglect my quiet time, well you know…… ” Speak, Lord, your servant is listening ” definitely needs to be my focus daily. Help me, Lord Jesus.

  306. Anja

    Be still! I’m really good at talking or “calling” to God, but not so great at listening.

  307. suzanne

    I am going to say yes, because often I don’t feel worthy enough to be used by God, and allow fear to reject the good that God has for me.

  308. Katrina

    Ask for help!!! We just went through a situation where my husband was called to apply for a new job. Through a HUGE walk of faith process (that grew out faith exponentially!) he ended up not being selected. One of the things I regret the most through that learning and growing process/test was that I should’ve sought my mentor and friends that I love and respect within the church from the get-go. In an attempt to not ruffle feathers we didn’t tell many people and it wounded friendships to have it pass through an unintentional grapevine. I need to learn to ask for help – this is a frequent, recurring weakness of mine…

  309. Michelle

    I really need to Ask for help…My spirit has not been willing to heed the counsel of older members in the faith and this has led to decisions that even I have doubts in. I am afraid of taking the next step because I am not sure its the right thing , at the same time I have been getting mixed voices in my head on what to do and i feel like I disobeyed God so He’s not speaking to me. I am too scared to face even my parents for their advice so here I am frustrated on what to do next

  310. Innes

    I know that i need to do all three as i waste too much time wanting God to speak to me and like so many of us saying that i am not hearing Him so i need to focus on being still enough to listen. Especially at this moment in time when my husband’s work needs us to really hold on to Jesus and waiting patiently for His guidance alone.

  311. sandy

    how funny, i was just reading Samuel this Friday and to now see your blog with Jeff which I too have been asking myself, ” what am i really meant to do?”…i find that God is speaking to me and I am not hearing him… I need to be still and lean more into him. I am going thru so many trials right now that I am tired and baffled with how much he’s stretching me that I dont know if I can bear much more… If anyone see’s my comment, please pray for me. I need it…;/

    • Graham

      I am praying for you right now, Sandy.

    • Jenny

      Sandy, I saw your comment on Lysa’s blog and I, too am feeling tried and stretched. I will pray for you! You are not alone.

    • Jenni DeWitt

      Sandy, we will pray for you! There is a huge group of amazing Christian women who read Lysa’s blog. Take comfort in the many prayers I’m sure will be sent up on your behalf.

  312. Jessica

    This week I’am going to focus on being still. Life is so chaotic with a family and little kids, but I hope to make more of an effort to get that quiet time alone with my Lord each day.

  313. Paula

    I want to “be still”. I’m a very early rising because I love the quiet, but my mind is still busy sorting through all the day’s activities. So to be still sounds inviting and comforting.

  314. Brian

    Im going to start asking God for help, being still more, trusting God more in all areas of my life, along with listening for his guidance regarding the next chapter in my life after firefighting.

  315. Tara Smith Johnson

    God just woke me up at 3:25. Before I got up, I found this. I’m going to (3) Say Yes to God and have faith where he’s taking me. Thank you. I would be honored to read this book. I have pleanty of time while I’m Homebound with Dysautonomia.

  316. Maureen

    There is a small space in my very small closet that I just sat in yesterday. I did this about a year ago and sat and waited to hear God. For a long time there was only the chatter of my thoughts. It takes great effort to resist them. I would set a timer for 5 minutes that would seem like an eternity and then 10 and so on. Then time began to fly and I began to hear God like never before! I would love to say I am still in my closet but sadly yesterday was the first day in a long time I visited my closet, with an even smaller place, and I woke up this morning to see this in my mail. I am a day behind but in God’s economy I am right on time. So, I will go in with my timer and notebook and wait on a God Who is waiting for me to hear His whisper. Jenny Simmons sings a song called More Love, Less Hustle and I would urge everyone to listen and allow the words to embrace you. Thank You, Lysa and your team for this ministry. I tell anyone who will listen about it as it has made such a difference in my life. Many blessings!

  317. Ann Marie

    Be still…I ask this often God what am I to do? I am seeking. So, I will Be Still! So God an speak & I will be able to hear.

  318. ginger

    Say Yes- lack of self confidence, lack of understanding, lack of worthiness – no not me-but say yes and leave it in the hands of God –

  319. Dana

    Be still…being a mom can be exhausting because my mind is always thinking about the next thing that needs to be accomplished. I have to begin to take the time to just sit before my Father and breathe.

  320. Carol Ann

    God has been speaking to me for a while, and it’s not that I haven’t been listening, I just don’t like what He’s been saying. I believe He’s been telling me to share “my story” which I am ashamed of. After attending a women’s conference this past weekend, I have finally said yes to sharing, but am so hesitant. I like where Jeff said to ask for help. I’ve been thinking that I have to do this alone, but maybe I don’t. At the conference, my prayer partner said that maybe I don’t have to tell the whole world, just specific people. So now I’m listening and waiting for the right opportunity to share.

  321. Maggie

    I love how God takes my morning devotions and links them together with a common theme. I feel today’s is to put myself to the side and let God come in and take over. I’ve spent years talking myself out of His calling. I do believe that He has still been helping me prepare for rain. I’ve allowed the world to tell me what a woman should be, what a wife should look like. How all my time must be given to my family reserving none for myself. This is not true. God wants to use us in amazing ways. He has a perfect plan and equips us for every task, wife, mother, daughter, friend, and the surprises that we thought were out of reach. However, this is not possible if we block Him out because we let the lies take root. Thank you for another example of being still and listening , trusting, and obeying our Heavenly Father.

  322. Maggie

    Psalm 138:8 The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me; This should have been included in my previous comment.

  323. Jo

    I need to “Be Still”

  324. Lora Kuhn

    Oh boy where do I even start, my life has been so noisy that I’m having a hard time hearing, consitrating, comprehending, etc. since October 2014. My brother passed away very unexpectedly and since then I have just felt “out of sorts” having a hard time getting my feet planted firmly again, then beginning of the year brought more changes, He called my husband and I to quit smoking, I started exercising and now my husband exercises with me. To be perfectly honest I am completely overwhelmed.

  325. Tricia

    I will be working on Be Still. This is such a hard one for me. I keep busy, because of heart woundings. I want to hear God speak to me but I need to cultivate stillness in my spirit. Thank you for this post!

  326. Patricia C

    I believe it’s time I asked for help. I’ve prayed, been still and yet I still sit unsure. This was a great list. So as I dig a little deeper, I’ll try and seek out help. My problem with that is in the asking. Thank you for this post!! Looks to be an awesome read.


    I would LOVE to win this book! I’m almost 61 years old & STILL wonder what I want (or rather) what God wants me to be when I grow up!!! I’ve always wanted to be a writer but yet I struggle with writing! Is there something else You want me to do Lord?
    Thanks & God Bless!
    Georgia Perrong
    [email protected]

  328. Rachel

    I’ve told Him that I would say yes to whatever His plan is for me… I just can’t figure out what that is for sure. I have struggled for months (years) trying to hear what God is telling me… The struggle has me confused and sad because I feel like I’m “missing” something. I’ve always been a prayerful person, but maybe I need to talk less and “Be Still” more.

  329. Kim

    working on #3!!

  330. Sherrie Royster

    Breaking up with your quiet time was SO eye opening to me! Yes, mine has become a habit instead of getting closer to the Lord. I WANT that to change right NOW!!

  331. Gayle Bradley

    I am working on saying yes. I know I hear God telling me to do something but I sometimes don’t do it. So today I will begin to say YES!

  332. Natalie Driggs

    I could really stand to read the book. I need ears to hear and a heart that receives.

  333. Krista

    Be still.

  334. Jess passick

    I am going to say yes!! Something I need to work on this week.

  335. robyn

    I am going to focus on Yes Lord your servant Robyn is listening
    This was an Awesome reminder and I Thank you
    God bless you!

  336. Rebecca

    To be still…to quiet my soul in the midst of the chaos. To no longer wait until I can “get away” from the clutter of life to calm my spirit and listen.

  337. Cindi

    Be still.

  338. lc

    At the age of nearly 54, I’m embarrassed to say I still don’t know what God wants me to do….when I grow up! LOL
    I need to listen better.

  339. Jenny

    I’m going to say YES to God regarding my current profession, which I’ve been fighting against for the past 3 years. I know he wants me here – I just haven’t been agreeing with him. I’m done fighting!

  340. Catherine

    1. Being more present with my children. Children can often be little messengers from God in his plans for us.
    2. Quiet and stillness in nature. Noticing me surroundings for inspiration.
    3. During prayer, being a good communicator which requires active listening vs active talking to God. There needs to be a balance.

  341. Glen

    Be still…our house has so much activity that the silence can feel uncomfortable or unnatural and is often filled with tv, music or a podcast. I’m reducing the “noise and chaos”.

  342. Melinda

    I want to Be Still. It’s necessary.

  343. Sherry

    I am going to work on being still and being intentional with my family. The book sounds awesome! I have a friend who, as a teenager, dedicated his life to serving God. He it’s now 69 years old and struggling to find God’s will. Perhaps this book will make a positive influence. Thank you for your words of wisdom

  344. Robin

    I want to focus on asking for help to focus on God’s voice. For over 2 years, off and on, I’ve fought with “what am I supposed to do”. I need a clear sign. A clear answer. I’ve talked to people to get their thoughts but realized as I read this blog, am I asking for the right help and am I really listening.

  345. Debbie

    I have struggled with this for a while now. Have served in my
    church in several different areas . Now I am older and wonder what God wants me to do now that I am older.

  346. Angela

    To be still! I am ready to say YES!

  347. Mickie H

    Be still…am I ever i ask myself…
    I need to discipline myself during
    my morning prayers to sit quietly
    n listen for His voice…telling me to
    Be Still and u will hear Me n u will
    know my plans for you ( Jeremiah 29:11)
    then I can follow Him n obey Him n
    learn to ‘listen ‘ every morning to hear
    Be still…. Have a blessed day all….n
    sometime tday Be Still…

  348. Sherri Christy

    Be still is what I need to work on. My mind is always busy with things that need doing. I need to be still and listen.

  349. Rhonda

    After 14 yrs in Sales, God showed me that I had built my identity around what I could perform or achieve. This is what I felt made me valuable or worthy. So, He basically tied my hands, said “no more” and set me in the desert to which I’ve been for over 7 yrs. I plead with Him, hoping it’s not going to take me 40 yrs to get it, lol…since then I’ve discovered some things about my life and motivations, that I’ve been healed from and am now in the discovery of what my calling really is. I’m wondering if this book could very well be the guidance I’ve been asking God for…My choice to make today, is “say yes to God”, even though this would mean overcoming “fear of failure”. But, I think I’m ready…

  350. Teresa

    I need to be still. We recently moved and I’ve been too busy to listen.

  351. Alicia

    Ask for help …

  352. heather m.

    I’m going to say yes too! I have had a lot of opportunities in front of me that I feel are on God’s path, but I’ve been stingy with my time and gifts, so in light of reading I Peter 4:10 this morning urging me to “use my gifts well to serve one another” and reading this lovely post from Jeff on your blog (thanks for sharing!) I’m going to be taking a step or two forward in faith by saying yes! ♥

  353. HeatherRenae

    Carl Ann,
    I am convinced that as in Revelation 12:11, “They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony;” we too overcome the bondage that satan has on us by speaking our testimonies. He can’t hold you hostage by your shame anymore once you give voice to the truth of what God has done. Yes, you may have at one time done some things that are shameful, things that you would like to forget. But the enemy has power in the dark places. Once the light is let into those places, he can’t stay. He has to flee and with it the fear, and the shame, and the condemnation that he torments us with has to flee with him. Remember, those that the son has made free is FREE INDEED! The truth, yes there’s shameful things in your past (mine too), but the greatest truth is once the Lord forgives you, He casts it into the sea of forgetfulness, never to remember it again. Never to condemn you or make you feel ashamed about it again! Now testify and walk in that freedom, sister, and know that you have the key to helping someone else become free!

  354. Dottie

    For years, “Be still, and know that I am God” has been my mantra, my prayer throughout my day…and, I have stopped during my day to meditate on that verse. For the past 11/2 years I have been asking others to pray for me to be able to hear God’s voice, His calling, His guidance for me…to learn what is His ministry for me…what service. I am waiting on the Lord. But now, I will “say yes” to His calling…that is what I will work on now…and prayerfully, in God’s time, I will hear His voice. Thank you for this timely message.

  355. Regina

    Be still!

  356. Lisa Haines

    Be Still. I, too, wish I could hear from God. I hear that other people get nudges, hear God speak to them, but I don’t seem to have this experience. Maybe I am just trying to hard, and not being still and to wait.

  357. Carol B

    Be Still. I want to hear Him and have been rushing with the stresses of life as of late and need to be still with Him more.

  358. Erin F

    I needed to hear this message. With two little children and work (that which with comes so much stress) I feel like I am constantly missing God’s voice and leading. I know He has me where He wants me to be but I sure feel like through all the chaos I am plugging through versus hearing Him and following His direction. I see it so clearly in others lives and feel like I am just not there. Would love help to discover my path! 🙂

  359. LaDonna

    Say Yes. So many times I think I know what God is asking me to do and I talk myself out of it. Too. many. times. I come up with “reasons” or “excuses” thinking maybe I didn’t really hear Him, or maybe it’s meant to do later when really, I just need to be obedient and simply do what he asks me to do. It sounds so easy, but when God stretches us outside of our comfort zone, it can be intimidating and scary. Thanks for the reminder tthat I need to just say yes.

  360. Lauren Jolly

    I will focus on Being Still so I can actually hear. As the mom of an amazing little boy, this can prove challenging because so much of the time, I equate my busyness with doing my mama job well!

  361. DIanne Pestobunch

    Be Still. I had just visited a church last week that the sermon was about Hannah and I was wondering where the story was going…thank you for the message today. As my children would say, “time to turn on my listening ears.”

  362. Madeline

    I am committing to being still. With so many to-do’s, I find it hard to let myself be still. It’s as if I don’t deserve to rest sometimes, but I do. I need to be still. I need to hear Gods voice.

  363. Heather

    I am trying to let go and trust God’s perfect timing (not my own ideas of when things are to happen), so I will be focusing on ‘being still’ this week in order to hear God in the trials I am going through.

  364. Denise

    Ask for help….I love this blog it’s exactly his I feel most if the time.

  365. Tracey Michae'l

    Stillness. Ahhhhhhhh! That’s the one. And I don’t even know if it’s stillness as in external environment. I’m working on quieting the noise in my own mind. That’s the hard part for me. Thanks for this!

  366. Jenn

    I want to focus more on the second, “Ask for Help”. As I journey through this life and get excited hearing His voice, I want to pay attention more for how God is confirming it through others. It’s a beautiful thing to listen, hear and respond to His voice. Thank you for this post!

  367. kimberly

    I will learn to ask for Help!! I tend to strive to be perfect and be in control in all aspects of my life only to find I am NOT and end up frustrated, Angry and sad because I can’t do it all! I pray but now see the one I don’t ask for is Help and that God is there to help and dosent expect me to be perfect!

  368. Felicia

    To be still! In this busy world I need to remember to sow down and be still so I can have ears to listen.

  369. Terry

    I need to practice step 1 to be still. My life is chaotic and I very seldom am still.

  370. Beth Hudson

    Thanks for sharing. I have been struggling with being still and listening.

  371. Paola

    Saying yes is where I would like to learn more. I think this implies letting Jesus into all the rooms of our heart; giving over to Him all areas of our lives. In that journey of faith we are granting Him access so that He may direct how we should invest ourselves. In theory I see it clearly. In practice however I know it can be challenging for me to say yes to something if it doesn’t make sense “to me”.

  372. Jenni DeWitt

    I am in awe at how God speaks to His servants with such congruity. I wrote a book “Why Won’t God Talk to Me? Surprising Ways He Already Is” and some of what Jeff wrote in this post could have been taken directly from its pages. (I’m not saying it was, by any means, but it just jives that well. It’s amazing!)

    God laid the messages of this book heavily on my heart. How wonderfully affirming to hear the words God spoke to my heart echoed in Jeff’s post today!

    Thank you for your wisdom, Jeff. This week I will be focusing on saying yes.


  373. Angie Jackson

    I need to work on being still. That is so hard to do, because it feels like I’m not doing anything.

  374. cindy

    As a single person, it is an on-going challenge to stay connected with community, as often you feel like the proverbial 3rd wheel! Even though I have swallowed the pride thing and “reached out” on many occasions, I have too many times come up short…and NOT received the help I asked for or desperately needed. But God is still good, and of course He has answered my call through His people at various times. However, this week as I continue to struggle with some very big giants in my life, I WILL continue to reach out to community and ask for help…no matter how hard that might be.

  375. Julia

    I need to be still and open to His plans, especially when they aren’t what I think they should be! Looking forward to reading this book!

  376. Georgia

    I am in the same boat as you, 52 and don’t know where )God wants me. I feel as if I’m
    Not hearing Him or He wants me to learn something first then He will tell me? This is a hard time of life for any women and I too am struggling!! I need to be still bit I also need to listen with better ears.

  377. Cindy Neubecker

    I am going to work at the first one. I have no problem being still in body but I need to work on keeping my mind still and listening.

  378. Colleen Thomas

    I am going to focus on saying yes. Yes to everything God wants me hear, say, do, and be.

  379. Jade Currid

    I will begin by concentrating on being still this week.

  380. Fabienne F

    I am going to work on ‘Being Still’. I have a very hectic schedule and sometimes the voice and noise of busyness speaks louder than any other voice. I’m going to quiet my spirit and pray that the Lord tune my ears to his voice.

  381. Anne

    Thank you for the reminder to be still – so often quick to let words and thoughts explode into times when I desire to focus on listening and being still. This is one area I have to definitely grow in.

  382. Val Steyer

    I am going to work on “Ask for Help” & Saying yes.. Thanks for the post!

  383. Valerie McIntosh

    I have never been able to grasp the “be still” process, I would like to work on that area.

  384. Wendy Christopher

    I need to wok on the listening for his voice when I ask for help and also need to say yes God here I am what do you want me to do

  385. Jenny Staton

    Honestly, all three. I have done them before but somewhere I got to a place where I need to practice to continue to put God before ,myself

  386. Christine

    “Be Still” is always the root of it for me, I think. Easier said than done, but this is a great reminder. Would love to have the book, after many twists and turns in my journey following God’s call one step at a time and have seen many times how it does all tie together eventually!

  387. Melissa

    I would love to read that. I’ve been struggling a lot lately with what I am really supposed to be doing and what God’s call is on my life. I need to work on the listening part.

  388. Leslie Nelsen

    Be still. So much going on in and around me that it can be hard to stop at times. And wait. And listen.

    Thanks for this article.

  389. Barbarz Knapp

    I’m going to concentrate on “Being Still”

  390. Stacy

    To simply be still! Would love the book, could not come at a better time!

  391. Vicki

    Being still, both physically & in my mind. Need to read this book!

  392. Amanda

    I think the first step for me will be to be still and that doesn’t mean be still with my smart phone. I have realized how much it has changed my life – my time… I used to read before bed each night, now I surf FB and Pinterest. And of course, the results are appearing – less connected spiritually, unconnected to my husband, lost for direction. Hard to sallow the truth, however, the Spirit pulled me back to Lysa’s post yesterday and I’ve signed up for the upcoming OBS with a commitment to finish.

  393. Nancy

    Sometimes it is so hard to hear God’s voice speaking to us or we are looking to hear him in the way “we want”. Today I pray and I choose to be still, He is present today and always!

  394. Janis

    Asking for help!

  395. Will

    Saying YES. Optin in!

  396. Betsy S.

    “Speak, your servant is listening”. Wow, this hits home for me. Would love to read more about this topic. I”m in a season of discovering what’s next for me. This was encouraging. Thanks.

  397. Mary

    I have asked God to talk to me last sunday early in the morning. I went to church and we had a guest speaker from Dc Metro church speaking on How to hear from God. I am in the midst of confusion. I Prayed after the service that I will be obedient to whatever he asks of me. I am delighted to read this blog today. Yes he is speaking, but my anxious thoughts are not allowing me to hear what he is saying.I will say Yes to him.

  398. Gina T

    This message was the Lord’s quickening time to stop and be still. I am so busy looking for His voice and calling through others or I am calling out, but not waiting for His response, that I miss that still small voice. Thank you for allowing the Holy Spirit to
    Speak through you! This ministered to me greatly!

  399. Leslie

    Be still! I need to make listening to his voice a priority. Thank you for the great article, it is a timely reminder.

  400. vicki

    I need to work on the art of being still. I am running around trying to accomplish all of my daily duties and when i find time to be still i automatically fill it with more “static”. I am going to work at this this week and see what comes of it. Thank you so much for your post today! God bless!

  401. Kathy

    I would love to read the book, and totally needed the reminders of praying for better listening skills – ears that hear.

  402. Nancy

    Ask for help. Also I love “Speak, your servant is listening”.

  403. Wendy

    I never thought of Ask for Help in the way you presented it.

  404. Evelyn

    I need to work on being still. I know it is hard to do in this crazy, busy world, but we drown out God when we aren’t still.

  405. Jeanne

    I am going to work on “being still.” I needed this today; thank you!

  406. Brady Wilhelm

    I SO need to work on just saying yes. Awesome message at just the right time!

  407. Marty Walden

    I need to work on just being still. That’s so hard for this full time blogger/homeschooling mom and nana!

  408. Deborah

    Would love a copy of your book. I feel a calling but can’t figure as to what? I suffer from two debilitating diseases that have consumed me for six years now. I’m not ready to just take to my bed. I still want to be of service to the Lord. I’ve been praying for direction.

  409. Elizabeth

    I should work on all the steps, but step 1 (Be Still) is what I need to focus on this week.

  410. Tessa

    be still! When I do hear Him it has become easier and easier to say yes. It’s just hard to be still enough to listen.

  411. Marcie

    I just completed a 28-day fast, and one of the main things I was praying for was vocational direction…

    Post fast, I am continuing to focus on being still and I’ll continue to do so this week and in the upcoming weeks

  412. Rosey J

    I am going to work on being still. With little ones at home, a farm, family business and chores all clamoring for my attention, I think I miss hearing His voice. I need to be still and give time to Him each day, be still and listen!!

  413. Joni

    Need to
    Learn to be still I ask for Him to speak to me all the time but then try to fix things myself

  414. Heather

    In a time when my husband and I are searching for answers to health issues I feel my heart being called to BE STILL. I want to keep searching for answers, calling doctors, making appointments, running tests, etc. After reading this post I truly feel God saying to me … Just Be Still.

  415. Rose

    Thank you for this timely reminder.I focus to much on figuring out what my calling is that I am sure that I can’t hear God’s steady whisper.I need to be reminded that I need to have ears that listen to what he is saying and not listening for what they want to hear.

  416. Lindsay

    I need to say yes . Often times I feel like I know what I need to do but don’t know where to start or I am afraid to start!

  417. Stacy

    I would love to read this book!

  418. Emily

    Be still! And then keep being still. I wrestle with this “downtime” I’m in vocationally and I need daily reminders to find Joy in the quiet.

  419. donna

    i so need to work o n tring to be still ..wait on god…….
    this was a great heart touching message….. i love a copy of the book ….

  420. Deb LParedes

    I’ve always had a huge fear of not being able to hear God speak to me; I still do. The other part is not hearing him call to me and I answer yes. I still am waiting, wondering and praying to know what my purpose is in this world; and to complete his work through me. I always feel I’m suppose to be doing something more.

  421. Carmen

    I am focusing on being still and listening.

  422. Dianna Hughey

    I struggle with this …hearing from God so Im going to try and focus on being still and saying yes to go deeper with God ,:) Yes Lord I am your servant and I’m listening 🙂

  423. Michelle Thompson

    “Say Yes”. I love the verse that tells us to Be Still and know that He is God. I have been reciting it to myself for months. I know God is getting me ready for a transition in my life and I have placed people around me for counsel and encouragement. Now it’s up to me to “say yes” once God speaks. Am I ready to truly hear and obey. That is my prayer now.

  424. N Jean Bird

    I know I am to late for the book give-a-way, but I wanted you to know that Mr. Goins’ blog post here has encouraged, and challenged me to become a better listener. I actually had an experience of hearing my name spoken in the night once and I asked God if it was him to please continue speaking to me and that I was listening but heard no more. I don’t know why He said my name but I know it was Him. You see He called Naoma and no one calls me Naoma as I have gone by my middle name, Jean, for many years. And there was no fear involved, only a sense of being called out? I was actually disappointed that I heard no more that night, but I will continue to listen until He calls my name that last time before He gives me a new name. To God be the glory!!!

  425. kimberley bryan

    Never doubt the power of speaking words of life into another…

  426. vannah

    Getting up early and spending time with God. And saying yes !

  427. Amy

    I know you can’t contact everyone but if possible a response would be so appreciated. This past fall I read a devo from you regarding struggles your daughter went through and how God walked you through that time and has redeemed your daughter. The timing of that was a God thing as we had just found out some very hard news on our youngest. We thought we had moved to a better place over the past fews months but have just found out the pull of this world is still very very strong in her life. We are heartbroken, confused and struggling with the directions we should take. If you could contact me, I would so appreciate it. Thank you for your ministry and transparency.

  428. Judy Battle

    So true. we ask and ask of God but we do not take the time to be still and listen to His whisper. I was having a really bad morning with rushing to get the kids to school, forgetting documents I needed for a meeting, listening to the news, and just the pressures of life. I saw this shared on Facebook and God truly knew I needed this right now.

  429. Judy Battle

    I forgot to add that I will be still and listen to God in what he has me to do about my job, my family and my church.

  430. Donna Haynes Robertson

    This week, I will focus on being still. Still enough to hear His voice. Still enough to know it is Him. And still enough to really hear, listen and obey. Thank you, Jeff, for the timely reminder.

  431. Betty Lacy

    Lysa, I am praying for you as you speak to those of us at Women of Joy in Branson, MO.
    I enjoyed being part of the ‘Loop Group’ for the Best Yes. I have just finished leading the study.

    Looking forward to Saturday. After all, my husband gave me the trip as an anniversary present so I will be spending our anniversary with you and a few thousand new friends.

    Safe travels.

  432. Katie

    I need to ask for help. I have not because I ask not!

  433. Sarah

    Say yes! That’s the one I need to be pursuing right now..

  434. Robin

    –An amazing and timely article, Thank you!

    I will say “Yes, God,” and “Speak LORD, for your servant is listening.”

    …How I can identify with leadings to be a writer… most all of which I’ve dismissed for lack of ‘gainful’ employment.

    If you have an extra copy of The Art of Work, I would love to have one. Thank you.

    May God bless you and the ministry He has given you, in Christ.


  435. Mercedes

    Sometimes we know… but don’t want to do what He’s called us to. We don’t like it. We’re too busy. It’s not ‘dignified’. I fought against it for years. In a way, I’m still fighting. Since the heavens didn’t part and a loud booming voice hasn’t said “this is what I want you to do”, I wonder if it’s really Him calling me.
    But when I’m quiet… when I’m still and ponder the possibilities… there is peace and (dare I say…) joy in my heart! God is good and faithful. I’ll continue being still and quiet before Him. He might speak some more and I want to be able to listen 🙂 Thanks for the post!

  436. Elisha Corliss

    I think all 3 are very important. Right now I’m focusing on listening. I know He speaks in small ways and Big. I also know that sadly, Ive missed some messages and oh how awful that feels!

  437. Susan

    Say yes, I do want God to go deeper. I continue to push Him away when he gets too close to a place I don’t want him near or want others near. It’s work to tear into that. Unless I allow God to do that I continue to sink lower, until I come back to the one place I hold, not letting Him have control.

  438. Caitlan Boltz

    i will definitely work on asking for help this week…and in all honesty I can see the ways the God has drawn me to his choice because I really need to work on it. I definitely have trouble asking anyone for help even God and through many events asking for help has been my only choice. And hearing God is a topic I have pondered for so long and felt such despair because I felt like I did not know how to listen. I believe that God communicates a lot in events and especially reoccurring similarities in these events, it is just hard to figure out what they mean. And that is where help comes in and that is something I need to work on asking for and that has been on my heart for a few months now…and yet I have not asked anyone for help. So after reading this I definitely know that I need to ask for help and I definitely do not need to be ashamed to ask for help especially when it concerns growing close to my Lord and Savior! Thank you so much for shedding some light on what God has been trying to get me to see for a while now.

  439. Stacy

    I must focus on being still. I know I’m moving in the right direction to hear His words. I just have to carve that time out and stick to it!

  440. Tanya

    Help? My type “A” over achieving personality struggles to even recognize when I’m in over my head. Today, I’m asking for help and receiving it when he sends it. Psalm 12:1 “Help Lord”

  441. Nina

    Be still!

  442. Silvia Eme

    I am going to ensure that I have more quiet time with God so I can listen and hear him when he calls me.

  443. Vicky mckinney

    In my hurried life, I know I need to focus on being still. Thank you for this, it is a great message.

  444. Rosemary

    Say yes. I need to say “Yes” without hesitating when I know that it is God speaking to me. I let fear cause hesitation and then indecision. I must say “Yes, Lord” and then trust God to show me the way.

  445. Suzie Gehrig

    This post speaks to me because I have been asking that question for several years. My spiritual life has intensified and my relationship with the Lord has grown immensely in the last 10 years. Only the closer I become to Him, the more I have thought, what is my calling? What am I supposed to be doing? Where does God want me to make a difference?
    I would concentrate on the Saying Yes! Ask God to lead me and then tune in the listening ears and be still. Blessings to Proverbs 31 Ministry and to Lysa and all of the guests that you have participate on your blog.
    with love, Suzie

  446. Lisa

    I need to be still and listen. I’m busy doing, going, and talking to God but not taking the time to hear what He has to say. So I need to just be still and listen.

  447. Maria

    It was meant for me to read this today. When my dad passed away I felt something change in my relationship with God. I felt like I couldn’t hear him like I used too. Lots of confusion and doubt. Since then I have been feeling defeated in my faith wondering what happened. I’m going to start with being still, and praying that I have ears to hear. Thank you Lysa

  448. Dorris Banks

    I must be still and listen,then and only then I can become aligned with God’s plans for my life!!

  449. Shugar

    Be Still–how do I learn to hear God’s voice? By reading His word and understanding how He spoke to other ordinary people like me. Get to know Him through the ways He responded to the people. His word must enter my heart, isn’t that how I build relationships –good or bad–with everyone else? So be still and let God’s word penetrate my heart.

  450. Trisha

    Saying Yes!

    During my quiet time this morning I was praying about this exact thing. I want to hear, but when I do I need to say…. YES!

  451. Carole page

    Be still. I have been asking and pleading but have not stopped to just be and see what He says

  452. Nancy Yates

    Be Still—let me focus on Jesus…not on what I am going to do today. Jesus already has laid out my plans for today. Open my heart and mind to what He has in store for me. I just need to trust Jesus that He will guide my steps today.

  453. D.

    I definitely NEED this book. 🙂

  454. Babs

    I really needed this today! Just this morning after meditating on the next step in a matter, the Spirit of God confirmed my action. God’s voice was so clear. But the peace bought to my soul is comforting. God bless you as you continue to encourage others in the things of God!

  455. Kelly Mainello

    I am going to focus on being still. I would love the book. Thank you.

  456. Andrea R.

    I am going to focus on the choice of being still. Do we go on the mission field? When? How? I want to hear from you Lord. After going on another trip last week (this is now year 7 visiting this same country), my husband and I are wondering again if we should be their on the mission field full or at least part time. God, help us to know…

  457. Grace Mast

    Hi I have been getting lots of little “heads up” that I need to do something that fulfills and disciplines me. I want to do something that I feel passionate about. I am a mom, have a medium-sized family, and work part-time. That does not fill that feeling that while all that I am doing is good, that it is fulfilling. I want to make a difference for people. If people are what matter, then what greater joy than to work in what bears fruit. I don’t just want a job to help the family finances, I want to do something that I love doing. I have always wanted to write. I am somewhat comfortable with people/public. I still deal with fear and social acceptance. Been a believer for years, but boy is there a ways to go in spiritual maturity. I would like to get my hands on this book and have it spill all over me. 🙂 Thank you for your time and attention. ~Grace

  458. Kerry Ann

    Saying “Yes!” I struggle with this and tend to debate everything!

  459. CJ Kennedy

    Wow – It would definitely be ” Be Still”. Hard to shut down all the voices and things going on in my head to just be still and listen. And then to wait – expectantly – for the Lord. I feel like I am in limbo. He leads/urges me daily, step by step, but I long to do something beautiful and precious for His Glory (taken from Gwen Smith’s song) and Honor. Would love some extra guidance. Hope you choose me to receive one of the books. Thanks! God’s Will be done.

  460. Travena Rogan

    Ask For Help – I enjoyed how you reminded me of how other Biblical characters had help. When you are use to flying solo in your endeavors you fail to see who God has put before you to fulfill His purpose. I will ask for help from those who God has purposefully placed in my life.

  461. Kim

    I’m getting my family passports today so we can go on our mission trip to Guatemala. I have been led to this amazing opportunity, and I’m humbled to get to go serve the widows and orphans. Be still and know…

  462. Pat

    I’m going to concentrate on asking for help. I really need to be able to do this in the month’s ahead. I would love to win Jeff’s book as I have a sister in Christ who struggles with this all the time, not know what God wants her to do for a profession and where He is calling her to be. It would be such a blessing to her! Thank you Lysa. I so enjoy your blogs and books. God bless you!

  463. Esthet

    I have struggled with this for sometime. I am learning to sit still in his presence even tho I feel afraid of what he may say. I do know God is Faithful. I have been thinking about listening to a recording of the word of God to get more of his word into me. Trying to focus on Jesus & not my problems. I would really like to read this book. Thank you

  464. Melinda

    Here I am, Use me!

  465. April Anstey

    I don’t know what step God is calling me towards, but I know that he’s calling me….I’m struggling with trying to figure it out, I keep “looking” for an answer, a clue….something. Trying to be patient and hoping that this bible study will help me do just that.

  466. Denise

    Be still and Be in His Word.
    I believe I have been doing these out of order.
    I am saying yes but not being still and listening for what He is asking of me and why would I ask for help? Lol! Ya, know supermamas surely wouldn’t need help!
    ( I know right, only all the time.)
    Be still and be in His Word. Then I will be able to ask for help and to say yes to what He’s asking of me.

  467. Linda

    I like to start each day with something that I can learn. My life has changed dramatically in the last 18 months. I want to change my life & do what God wants me to do with my life.

  468. Michelle Batten

    Being still is where I need to start. I know what to do, but doing it is a different story, especially in the chaos of today. I would love a copy of this book because I hold a small group on this topic, and I always welcome new perspectives. God bless you!

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