Stop carrying the weight of holding everything and everybody together and surrender what you’re most worried about into God’s fully capable hands with my free resource, “Am I Trying To Control the Uncontrollable?


10 Prayers For Your Daughter

January 17, 2014

There is something I’ve come to realize I need to guard against as a mom. I sometimes want to be God in my kids’ lives.

I want to write their stories.

I want to set the courses of their futures.

I want to determine what’s best for them.

I want to prevent them from ever being hurt.

I want to be their provider and protector.

And I want to be the one to set anyone straight who messes with my kids.

Can you relate on any level? I think most moms can. We love these people entrusted to us more than we ever knew possible. And despite all the infant sleepless nights, toddler tantrums, tween eye rolling, and the teen decisions that break our heart slap in two… they are ours. To love. To lead. To launch.

And we want to make it all good.

But then things happen so beyond our control we eventually have to face the reality that we aren’t God. And we can’t operate like we are.

So what do we do with that gap where our mommy capabilities end and trusting God begins? I want to trust God with everything beyond my control with my kids but it’s so scary. It feels so risky.

And scary and risky are two words us moms don’t want as part of our kids’ lives.

So, how do we deepen our trust in God? How do we make peace with the limits of what we can and cannot protect them from? What do we do with the risky and scary feelings that can make a mom lose sleep at best and feel crazed with fear at worst?

We must fill that gap with the only thing that bridges the space between our limitations and our trust in God… prayer.

I know, I know – that can sound like such a cliché Christian answer. Typical. Too hyper-spiritual. Not the answer we want sometimes.

But prayer is the only possibility with real possibility.

Earlier this week my friend, Brooke McGlothlin, wrote an article I posted on Scriptural prayers for boys. Today, I want to post some specific Scriptural prayers for our girls.

I’ve prayed these and I’ve seen amazingly powerful things happen in the lives of my daughters.

I can still fret and worry and want to mess with anyone who messes with my girls.

My girls still make mistakes, and cross lines, and give the principal reasons to call me.

But where would we all be if the power of prayer wasn’t in the mix of our lives?

And what might these prayers be working out for their futures that I won’t see for years to come?

Yes, prayer is the only possibility with real possibility. And that brings me to the place where I can finally say… “Hello, my name is Mom. Not God.”

10 Prayers For Your Daughter

10 Powerful Prayers to Help You Fight for the Heart of Your Daughter:

1. Give my daughter a deep desire to listen to You, Lord, and pray often, “What message does my Lord have for his servant?” (Joshua 5:14b).

2. Let her learn early in life that to obey You, God, is the best way to the life her heart truly desires, (1 Samuel 15:22).

3. May she find comfort in Your ability, God, to reach her, hold her, and rescue her, (2 Samuel 22:17-18).

4. May she please You, Lord, by desiring, asking for, and utilizing a discerning heart full of wisdom, (1 Kings 3:9-12).

5. Let her find confidence in You, God, even when hard times come and she doesn’t know what to do, by keeping her eyes fixed on You, (2 Chronicles 20:12).

6. Give her a great desire to accept Your word, God, and store up Your commands within her so her ears will turn to Your wisdom, (Proverbs 2:1-2).

7. May she keep herself under control and not give full vent to people and situations that anger her, (Proverbs 29:11).

8. Give her the ability to rise above the traps of people pleasing so she can be kept safe by trusting You, Lord, (Proverbs 29:25).

9. Let her walk in the security of Your assigned worth to her. Give her a strong work ethic and health to accomplish all her tasks. Give her a heart that desires to extend her hand to those in need. Protect her for the right husband, a man of respect and godly honor. And let her be a woman of joy and laughter whose Christ-centered character is what makes her most beautiful, (Proverbs chapter 31).

10. And every time you, Jesus, whisper, “Follow me” she does so with great grace, (Matthew 4:19).

Today, I’m giving five commenting blog friends a copy of the book I wrote with my daughter, What Happens When Young Women Say Yes to God. To enter, leave a comment below.

(For “10 Powerful Prayers to Help You Fight for the Heart of Your Son” click here.)

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  1. Merisa

    I love this! I don’t have daughters yet but I will pray these for my two nieces.

  2. Lynn E

    I would love a copy of your book, “What Happens when young Women Say Yes to God”.

  3. Megan

    Thank you! What a great resource for my husband and me to use when praying for our toddler!

  4. Mona

    Wow. Love these prayers. I am so blessed to have a now 20 year old daughter and she has my heart. Recently she blessed me beyond belief by just saying thank you. Thank you mom for being open and letting us talk to you about anything and everything. That was the most powerful statement she could have ever made to me. Over these 20 years prayer is the only thing that has carried me and kept me from being crazy.

  5. Donna Jackson

    As I read this , I was reminded how scared I get sometimes when I think of my daughter as she gets older. I wish she could remain 5 forever:). As I watch her sometimes I forget that she is God’s first and she is a result of my faith in action when I believed God for her against all odds. So today I am encouraged that if I continue to trust God with her she will be able to navigate the days ahead. I have to realize that I am only MOM , cant be her every minute of every day, so I will pray. Thanks Lysa

  6. Susan Moore

    Thank you I have the book so don’t need it. I have tried this 2014 to pray to God to “Let my girl hear your voice and strike her heart so overwhelmingly she knows it’s you without question”. This is something I believe I need to do daily. I also had a copy of “The Power of a Praying Mother or is it Woman” by Stormie Omartian which I enjoyed too. Prayer for your childs future husband was also important even if she isn’t married yet. I believe I learned that from Stormie Omartian as well. Letting my 18 and 1/2 year old hear me pray these things are important to me so she knows that no matter what she is important in my prayers. I think I will post your ten prayers is that is ok with you Lysa. Thanks again

  7. Arlene

    Thank you for this message. They ALWAYS seem to come in the right time and on the right day. You are so awesome and I appreciate your words!

  8. Debbie

    My daughter doesn’t know The Lord but knowing God is in charge gives me comfort to say WHEN Lord, not WHY….



  10. Melanie Kiernan

    As a mother of an almost-2 year old, my heart breaks at the state of our society; that God has been removed from so much of our lives. I grew up in a home where God was at the center of our family and know that it is probably more important than ever to keep Him there as I start my own. I pray every night with my daughter that she listens to God’s plan and hears Him with an open heart…right after bedtime stories!

  11. Teresa M

    Thank you so much for sharing these prayers for daughters. I have 2 – one that just went across country to college and one that is in 10th grade. With the college daughter leaving for the first time and being so far away on her own, this Mama is having a hard time. Thank you for being so inspiring to us Moms. I would love a copy of your book.

  12. Kayla

    Thank you for sharing!! And thanks to my mom who sent this via email to me! It was perfect to read after some the struggles I have faced this week!! These verses are going to be ones I medidate and pray on.

  13. Amy

    With three beautiful daughters I feel blessed to be raising, I too feel much of what you’ve described in your amazingly insightful post. It’s hard to relinquish control and not want to intervene in their choices, but your prayers are exactly what I needed to see – and use to pray for my girls too. Thanks Lysa!

  14. Tonia Bowman

    I’m so excited for these scrpitures. This week has been a battle with my precios 8 year old, she is so emotional, I pray so hard, I can’t wait to start praying these scriptures. Tough week for us….

  15. Amanda Forward

    Yes Lord, I want all of this for my daughter’s. Amen

  16. Barbara

    Hi Lysa! I saw/heard you at WOF event 2013 in San Antonio! You SO ministered to me! For a few months afterwards, I could hear your voice (southern accent) each time I read something you had written! 🙂 Thanks for your ministry to women! I have adult children, so my years of “parenting” are behind me! However, I am learning from you and want to encourage to press on!!! God is so faithful and I have seen many answered prayers in my kids’ lives! Through your writings, and scripture, I am learning to pray for them in different ways and am anxious to see what God has in store! Enjoy your journey with your kids at home…it’s a great ride! Blessings & Prayers, Barbara Ramirez

  17. Traci Harre

    Thank you for this wonderful blog today. I have a teenage daughter who has ADHD and social skills and her father is not currently in the picture and many days I feel as if I’m failing as a mom and as a Godly witness. I needed to read and see this today and I’m thankful God used you to provide these verses to all of us so that we can continue to do what we can for our daughters. Thank you, again.

  18. Angela heikkinen

    These prayer suggestions have come just at the perfect time! Thank you. My daughter is 13 and just this school year has been struggling with some issues. I pray the prayers of ‘The Power of a praying Parent ‘ but more is better than less 🙂

  19. P. Kanefield

    Trust in God, not money. Be rich in doing good, and you will be rewarded.

  20. Dana

    WOW! Just what I needed today! We’re raising three teenage daughters, 19,17, 15 and I seriously struggle with letting go and letting God. Thank you for the reminder Lysa! Blessings!!!

  21. Michelle

    I really needed this!! It feels so OVERWHELMING sometimes, that fear, that broken heart, that sense you did everything wrong…but God still does everything RIGHT!! Praise His holy name!! I am ONLY Mom, thanks for that stark reminder!!

  22. Mary

    Oh my I love this. I was anticipating todays email. I sent the earlier one to all my friends that have boys and now will send this one to my friends with girls. I was one of three girls and I have two girls. Such beautiful and powerful prayers and scriptures. Sometimes I get lost in what I should pray, these are perfect.

  23. Michelle

    Thank you Lysa, I really needed this. I have an 18 year old daughter who is about to graduate and go away for college. Knowing that I can’t be there to protect her is scary at the least. I know we’ve taught her God’s word and she is smart. I’m trusting God to guide her and protect her, and I know she will make wise choices.

  24. Darcy Henry

    What timing God has! I’m truly thankful that you posted this prayer, as I have 2 daughters, one coming in to the tween years. Thank you!

  25. Lori

    Thank you so much for this Lysa. I really struggle with turning my daughter over to God, it is scary! I want so desperately for her to know and love God….I would love this book for her. I will be keeping the prayers you posted close by so I remember to say them often!! Bless you Lysa! 🙂

  26. Leslie

    I loved reading this. My daughter (first child) is due to arrive in early April, but while reading this I realized I can already be praying these things for her.

  27. Cara Shirley

    Oh how I would love to win this book for my newly teenage age daughter!!

  28. Darcey

    My oldest daughter is almost 10 and showing signs of being a teen. I love this list! I get so scared that she is not ready for the world and what it all entails. Thank you so much for this post.

  29. Margaret

    These are such beautiful reminders to pray for our daughters. Thank you for sharing them!

  30. Teresa

    Thank you so much for posting this. Especially today. God knew this is what I needed. Thank you for being obedient to Him.

  31. Katie Durden

    What a blessing to see this pop up on my email today. I was at the Women conference at Concord this past weekend and I was so blessed by your words! Concord is starting a bible study with our teenagers on the book What Happens when young women say yes to God. Can’t wait to see amazing things happen in their lives!

  32. Jen

    I would LOVE this book! thanks for the opportunity.

  33. deb

    I have a teenage daughter and it breaks my heart when she struggles with opinions of others who are not Christ followers. It breaks her heart not to be included, but I keep telling her that those kinds of activities are not the ones she wants to be involved in….but it hurts when she isn’t included.

    This book would help her soo much!! Thank you for your wisdom and being the hands and feet of Jesus to many!! Much love…..deb

  34. Rhonda

    Thank you Lisa for this. The Lord has called me to be a mom to many, 3 of which are daughters. I am printing this out (along with the prayer for sons) and keeping it where I will see it to pray specifically everyday. ❤️

  35. Katie

    Love this! I will be getting married in a month, becoming a mom to a beautiful 9 year old girl. And while I have struggled a bit with what my role as a stepmom will look like, I can guarantee it will include these prayers. Thank you!!

  36. Juli Rudd

    Thank you! Thank you! Printing the prayers now, going to put in my bible!

  37. Jody

    Thank you so very much for these much needed prayers! As usual God’s timing of such things to come into my inbox at just the right time is always amazing & comforting. Lisa you are a true servant of God’s and I thank you for being so willing to follow His ways and allowing Him to use you to be a blessing.

  38. Heather

    This touched me in a huge way! My daugther is almost 19 and the transition to college and entering adulthood has been very hard for me. We have been through so many things in the past year and some days I feel like my heart has been ripped right out of my chest. Reading these prayers for our daughters has given me hope and perspective. I do need to pray more and let go sometimes. I want so much to save her from everything but she is his and I need to release her to him. Thank you for the reminder and the prayers.

  39. Becky

    Thank you for both the prayers for sons and the prayers for daughters. I have 1 son and 3 daughters. My daughters are 10, 17 and 19 and I continually pray for their hearts and ears to be open for God to work in their lives. I always look forward to your posts!

  40. Angela

    I love these. I have printed them out to have at hand. My youngest and only daughter is going off to college in the fall. I know her faith is strong, but I also know how kids can go astray when on their own. These will be my stronghold to help her and me get though the upcoming transition.

  41. Yvette Strickland

    My daughter will be 14 in March, we but heads, she is very tall & has my genes, not overweight, but not stick thin. She does not have many friends at school & our youthgroup lacks girls her age…so it is me trying to be the Mom, the friend, etc.
    Thank you for giving me some prayer scriptures that I can pray over her. I am also praying that God says a christian friend her age that she can relate to that will be en encourager. Thank you.

  42. Lori

    Ok…..I am struggling! My son is grown and doing well! Our daughters are becoming young women too and one is a Freshman in college and the other is a sophomore in high school. I LOVE the scriptures and advice you have posted in this blog! I see myself wanting to be God and not just Mom, SO MUCH!! I don’t want to drive them away or mold their lives to be what I want and I struggle with this honestly! Please pray for this Mama who is “growing up” also! 🙂

  43. Francine Orlando

    My beautiful daughter, Jenelle, recently passed away at 28 years old. Oh, how I wish I could have a do-over for all the times I worried and was fearful for her. I am blessed that she knew how much I loved her … no matter what she did and that I was always there for her. Jenelle knew Jesus and the power of the Father’s Love and I am so thankful for the times she listened as I spoke into her life. Time passes so quickly and we need to cherish every moment we have here and yes, pray, pray, pray.

  44. Bobby

    I so need this book! My daughter and i butt heads all the time i ionly want whats good for her butt i always say the wrong thing were she doesnt understand my concerns ! Thank you

  45. Emily

    I’m an empty nester now, but I don’t think we ever stop being a mom! I still pray for my kids, and now my grandkids! They are such blessings and precious gifts from God!

  46. Moriah C

    What a great post!! Thanks and thank you for the giveaway. Having 3 teenage daughters and someday 2 daughter-in-laws I cannot let go, trust God and pray enough

  47. Lucy Sanguinetti

    Oh how I need this book! I have a son getting married in May and I loved the 10 prayers for your son….but I have a 19 yr old and 21 yr old daughters. I pray without ceasing for them to continue to follow their Heavenly Father in their choices and decisions and actions. Thank you for these prayers for my daughters and thank you for what you continue to invest in my life! You came to Temple Baptist Church in Hattiesburg, MS, last year and we love you here!!!

  48. Amy

    Thank you for these prayers. I would love to read this book and will continue to pray for my 7 year old daughter (and 3 sons too!) Thank you so much for your blog and encouragement!

  49. Emily

    I don’t think we ever stop being a mom! I still pray for my kids, and now my grandkids! They are such blessings and precious gifts from God!

  50. Bobby

    I so need this book! My daughter and i butt heads all the time i ionly want whats good for her butt i always say the wrong thing where she doesnt understand my concerns ! Thank you

  51. Cindy

    My 23 yr old daughter had a romantic relationship end last night. She is devastated because she let her guard down and was ready to give this young man her heart. Through her tears she said “Mom, it hurts but I prayed before J and I talked and again afterward”. Even though she doesn’t need me to fight her battles I wanted to go shake this young man and ask him what is wrong with him! So this blog post came at just the right time for me today.. 5. Let her find confidence in You, God, even when hard times come and she doesn’t know what to do, by keeping her eyes fixed on You, (2 Chronicles 20:12).

  52. Beth Morphis

    I’m printing these out as daily reminders for myself… I’m also printing the ones about praying for our sons and our husbands. My husband just recently became the Youth Pastor at our church and now we have many children that we pray over just like a mother or father would do. I have read your book What Happens When Women Say Yes to God and I’ve had a strong tug on my heart to do a study with my youth girls. You are such an inspiration and I appreciate how you allow God to use you. I pray I’m a role model worth following. I’ve already found it difficult to let the youth hurt on their own. So I need to remember more then ever, that I am mom and not God. That I am the Youth Leader not God. I can’t fix it all but I can pray about it all.

  53. marilyn rodriguez

    prayer is the most powerful thing we can do, i have had many prayers answered for my daughter, thank you so much for your posts. i had prayed many times for right friends in her life and wrong friends to be removed, that was my prayer to God as she was growing up, she did not know. i knew God was answering when she said ” i am afraid to be friends with someone because everytime i am friends with someone they move” i can say there is power in prayer and he will use our daughters at times to speak the very thing we are praying about. yes it is difficult at times to just leave in his hands, us mothers love to protect. continue to love them where they are at and TRUST GOD. He never fails.

  54. Christine

    Such a comfort! I have a 3 1/2 year old daughter and I am pregnant with my second child! How I will pray these over them often!

  55. Natasha Cooper

    Thank you so much for these prayers! I’m saving them and printing them for her wall! God bless you and your Christ-like heart!☺️

  56. Rachelle Cooper

    This was just what I needed today. As a mom of a 12 year old daughter, I struggle trying to guide her the way I want her to go and forget that God has a plan. I was up last night praying for her over a relationship with a friend. This is a great reminder that God is in charge and I can go to Him with my worries. Thank you for your insight.

  57. Vickie

    Powerful, indeed! Thank you for sharing.

  58. Heather Gray

    This was a great message. I will definitely be sharing this with my friends and family. Often we teach our girls at church how to be a secret keeper girl. I love those books and this blog is something to help us moms more also. Growing up, I’m sure my mom didn’t always pray those things for me, but I try to remember not to only pray in the moment, but for the future. I not only pray for my daughter to be protected for the right husband, but I pray for her to find a pure husband as well. I pray the same for my son.

  59. Marie

    I love this! So appreciate your ministry!

  60. Melody Byrum

    I love this. I will be printing it out and carrying those prayers with me so that I can pray them for my daughter. She turns 10 on Sunday and we butt heads a lot. We are a lot alike and that seems to cause problems more often than not. These will help me pray for her and God will help me get her to where she needs to be spiritiually. With these she will be ready to face the world when the time comes.

  61. C.C.

    Perfect timing for this momma of 2 young girls to hear! I love these and will keep them “posted” nearby to reflect on for many years to come. Thank you for being such a faithful servant of God and letting Him use you to bless so many of us with your words of comfort and encouragement every day!

  62. Emily Sarvis

    I love these prayers! I have two daughters ages 4 & 9. I am overfilled with joy…last Wednesday night my oldest daughter accepted Christ as her Lord & Savior! I pray for God’s guidance to help me be the Christian example I should be.

  63. Linda K

    My mother is 90 years old. I am 53 years old. The other day I sent her a letter (she lives in assisted living) THANKING her for praying for me all these years! I told her “All those years of praying for me worked!! Keep praying. God is using me!” She still prays for me everyday!

    I have a daughter of my own. I hope that some day she will send me a letter saying “Thanks for praying for me all those years! It worked! God is using me!”

    If you know of someone who has been praying for you….send them a letter..or call them and thank them. It will make their day!

  64. Ardis George

    This is perfect timing! My daughter is about to go back to CA for her second semester of her freshmen year of college. Letting so for me has always been harder for me than for her. It is a new season for me in SO many ways. I am so thankful for God’s Grace and Mercy in my days! Thank you for sharing your wisdom!

  65. Savonna Mikell

    These are beautiful prayers to pray over a daughter however, I don’t have a daughter so I am going to pray these over my beautiful niece who is so special to me and has a big heart for God.

    • Sandy K

      If you have sons, you could pray these for their future mates 🙂

  66. tamera

    Powerful words…. and I love God’s timing. The ‘worry’ factor with moms can really take over and cloud the fact that God is in charge. He is the protector! And faith and prayer really do play a huge role in the life of a mom! Thanks for the reminder!!!

  67. Kim

    WOW!! What a God send today! You don’t know how much I needed this. It has been a really rough week between the 14 year old young lady in the house and me. As much as I want her heart, and I know God wants her heart; the world and sin have such a strong grip. Unfortunately, much of what the enemy wants to offer seems so appealing to young innocent girls. I will pray these prayers with confidence, knowing that my God hears and answers! Thank you!!

  68. Amy B

    What beautiful things for us to pray for our daughters as well as ourselves as daughters of the King. Thank you for this reminder of praying these specific things for our girls so they will be ready in any situation to act and react in a manner that will make their Father smile.
    Thank you for allowing the Lord to use you in the amazing way that He does. We are blessed by you!
    Amy Billingsly

  69. Carla Martin

    I have a 15 yr old daughter who we adopted when she was almost 8. The road has been hard. We have experienced alot of joy and heartache. Recently my daughter gave her life to God and wad rebaptised. I am so very proud of her, but I know she is in for a rough time with kids at school
    Thos post has given me some specific prayers to pray for her everyday. Thank you.

  70. Shonda

    I have prayed a lot for my son, but not as much for my daughter. Thanks for these verses!

  71. Marilyn rodriguez

    When I have surrendered it. Gid does more than what I can do for my daughter. I have seen prayers answered. Glory to God

  72. Kim Mills

    This is exactly the encouragement I needed today. I am so guilty in this area and this will help me as I shift my focus.

  73. Sue

    Ouch. Now as a grandmother, I will forward this to my daughters, who now have children of their own. I also read the piece on sons, and have been dwelling on the first one. Thanks!

  74. Sandy K

    I am a homeschooling mom. I have a son(17) and two daughters(10,7). I love the prayers for the daughters, and sons, from another blog. I truely want my daughters to pass some of the issues I had when not following God’s will. Thank you for being so encouraging in so many different areas of life!

  75. Mary Miller

    Thank you for your words of wisdom. I am a praying mom but can always use some extra help with what to pray. My girls are 19 and 22. I started praying for them before I was married and had no idea if I would ever have children. I have seen some prayers come into being in their lives and others are still to come.

  76. Anna

    Thank you Lysa, so needed this today. My daughter has gotten herself in trouble, and we had our first counseling appointment yesterday, I praise my Lord that the place is Christian based. My girl has slipped away from church and she is questioning wheather there is a God because we cant see Him. I try to explain to her about faith and trust, and she just doesn’t seem to want to grasp it, or can’t…. I have always been there to help her when she makes a wrong turn, but have learned that, she will be 18 in April, and I am not God, and I can’t fix everything. I will carry these prayers and pray them during the day. I will also pray for my son who is still at home. I have four children 2 girls and 2 boys ages 36, 29, 19 and 17. The oldest are married and we have 4 beautiful grand kids.

  77. Connie Boman

    I love your blog. It Inspires me as a woman, mother and human being.. that being said, I would like to share with you something very emotional and extremely close to my heart, of which I think can relate with your book, you have written.

    My daughter (now 22- Middle child of three) just said to me two days ago.

    “Mom, Guess what I did today?” Of which, I responded, “What’s that?”

    She replies.. “I asked Jesus to come into my heart and like a minute later…. I had this huge smile on my face!”
    I was speechless. I just smiled at her and said, “I bet that felt Phenomenal, didn’t it? I said, “I am soo happy for you and proud of you and just Love you to pieces!”
    I literally had to refrain from crying and acting like a sappy mom. LOL

    This is my middle child, the child that has given me more than a run for my money, to say the least.
    But regardless of the awful things that we have been through or what she has been through, I have Never Given up on her. Even when she Begged me to.
    I just prayed even harder and begged God to get us through it.

    Her father, my husband.. passed away when she was just three years old. So it’s not been an easy road for our little family. But I can say this, the moment she told me that. I felt like all the prayers I have said in just the last 10 years, were finally answered.

    So that being said.. Thank you for letting me share my story. Thank you for your words of realistic inspiration and Thank God for all that He does for Us and through Us.

  78. Anna

    oops, my computer just stopped, so this is a continuation of my first post…..I am so grateful that I opened my email and there was your devotion. God is good and I so needed this today. Your amazing Lysa, Proverbs 31 has been such a life-line for me.


  79. Luanne Driver

    Lisa, I have purchased most of your books and have enjoyed all of them! This blog could not have come at a more perfect time. My daughter is going to be turning 21 on 01/26/93. Her name is Kayla. Kayla is a junior in college and loves God! I couldn’t ask for a better daughter. She gets good grades, has never drank alcohol, never had sex, and goes to church every Sunday! God has blessed me. Here’s where it gets sticky Lisa. Kayla broke up with her boyfriend who is love by all our family. She has made the decision to reunite with her ex boyfriend from high school. Derek has anger issues and is can become very depressed. In high school they used to scream at each other over the phone. Her decision scares me. Derek is sexually active. When she dated him in high school she was not nice to me nor my parents who have done everything for her. Kayla could not see how the relationship effected her relationship with us. Kayla is already starting to show the old emotions from high school. My mother is very upset over all of this. Please pray for me and Kayla. Pray for my mother to let go of things she can’t control. I would love to have this book.

  80. Ashleigh Langan

    Thank you for this! I pray with my daughter every night (she is 20 months) and sometimes I don’t know what to say or how to pray for her. This really helps!

  81. Emma

    Lysa, I have your What Happens When Women Walk In Faith, I LOVE IT! I use your stories a lot when I teach the ladies at the local Jail. We need to be available to hear God and follow him. Thanks for writing What Happens When Young Women Say Yes To God. I would love to give it to my neice, who is also my Godchild, she is a great blessing from God in my life. I love the verses powerful prayers verses you have for us.Thanks.

  82. Belinda

    Thank you. I needed this.

  83. lola

    Love it!

  84. Lisa

    Wow, what a powerful article. My sons are out of the house, but this article really hit home with me. Prayer is the key! Loved this and will read and re-read this one!

  85. Donna

    Thank you, Lysa for those prayers. I was just praying for my daughter when I opened your email! My daughter has turned her back on the Lord and is heading to India for a month this evening. My heart is broken by the path she is on now yet I know God will bring her back to Himself. What will it take? I don’t know. She is already into so many “spiritual” paths that have carried her further away from Him and has suffered because of it. I am putting my trust in the Lord because He has never failed me. He is faithful even when we are not and is working all things together for the good of my daughter. Thank you again for your 10 prayers-perfect for today! God bless you, Lysa!

  86. Christy

    I love this for my 3 daughters, even though they have grown to beautiful women, I needed these 10 specific prayers

  87. Carol

    These prayers work great for grandmothers too. Always let your grandchildren know that you love them no matter what and so does our Lord. You might not always agree with their actions, but the love is non-restrictive.

  88. Regina

    I love these! I’m printing them out so I can look at them each time I pray!

  89. Marlene

    Thank you, Lysa, for sharing your life experiences…it is so nice to hear someone else has had tween eye-rolls and the other things you mentioned even in a Godly Christian home! It is so reassuring to hear how you deal with this and the prayers and scripture that you mention will be so helpful! Thank you!

  90. Laura

    I stumbled across your website from another blog and can I just say, praise God for HIS timing?! Seriously. He knows exactly what we need and when we need it. Thank you for being sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading. 🙂

  91. Wendi

    Thank you! These are great. I can’t wait to see the power of prayer in my daughter’s life.

  92. Robin Holloway

    I have 3 daughters, a grand daughter, and I disciple tween and teenage girls from my church. I just had a meeting with one of the young ladies last night where I mentioned, I need to find a book for us to walk through together. I would love for your book to be THE ONE! : )
    Praying that God shows me favor and I am one of the chosen ones.
    May God countinue to richly bless you and your family.
    Robin Holloway

  93. sandra Patterson

    WOW!! My daughter’s are grown with daughter’s of their own so I will be forwarding this on to them as an encouragement for their journey. I identify so strongly with wanting to be God in my children’s life’s. I want to apply each of those prayers to myself and by so doing live in a way my daughters can see them lived out! And to God be the glory! He’s still working on me and I am so thankful that He never gives up on His children. Thank you for being a malleable piece of clay being fashined by the Spirit of God, and allowing us to grow with you as you journey in this life.

  94. Amy Phillips

    Thank you. Just what I needed to read today! I need to read the book!

  95. Yvonne

    Perfect. I will use these prayers for my daughter, daughter in law, and granddaughter.

  96. Denise

    I have a young teen daughter with chronic medical challenges, as well as chronic family medical challenges. I have to repeatedly turn it all over to God and keep my eyes on Jesus, as I am like Peter, in that when I take my eyes off Christ and see all the deep water (circumstances) around me, I panic and feel like I’m drowning. Only Jesus gives me strength and restores my peace.
    Thank you for sharing this and the possibility of more growth in Christ through your book. It’s a process, as He is continually refining me through life lessons.

  97. Eydie

    Taking in I am Mom not God… lord, help me keep trusting You for my kids. He is so able!

  98. Debbie Nelson

    Oh how I need to be able to trust God more to teach my children and trust my children more to turn to God. I have two daughters that are very special to me and I have always been there for their every need guiding them along the way. My daughters are both married now and one of them has two precious little girls of her own. In the past few years my granddaughter has been fighting leukemia and there have been many difficult decisions to make. My daughter and her husband have been through a lot of stress and have reached out to me many times through this process. I so feel it is my responsibility to guide them in their decision making and I have been striving over the past few years to be able to have them lean more on God and less on me. I don’t want them to think I don’t want to help them make the right decisions but I just don’t know any more than they do what the right decisions are. I hope and pray your book will help me to teach my girls to follow God through their journeys and I as their mom will be there to hold their hand and give them a hug if they need me.

  99. Julie

    I love this post today. I have daughters and I pray similar prayers for them all the time. My 24 year old, who grew up in the church fell away from her faith a bit while in college. Recently she has been coming to church with me and wants to go shopping to find a daily devotional. I have been singing God’s praises for working things out in His timing and am so grateful that He hears my prayers!

  100. Carrie Cheecham

    I have 3 teenage daughters and have only been raising them for a few years as a Christ follower. I have many years of mistakes that they are paying for. They deeply need these prayers.

  101. Carmen

    I have two young daughters and a son and I want more than anything for my children to fulfill their God-given purposes in life. To be a Godly influence and not be influenced by this world. To be the salt and light of this world…

  102. Shirley

    I have a beautiful daughter and a gorgeous granddaughter. The three of us spend a lot of time together and talk about everything. We pray together and we cry together. Lysa I have several of your books and would love to have this one to pass on to my daughter and granddaughter. God is using you in a mighty way Lysa!

  103. Tish McNeill

    WOW!! is all I can say, I truly know that this was sent straight from God through your email for me today! I have been struggling all week with a sixteen year old daughter and her problems with her and her boyfriend and it is so hard to just sit back and watch knowing your daughter is hurting so bad. This week has felt like my relationship with my daughter has really been tested more than ever before because the boyfriend seems to have a grip and mom knows nothing at this time. This a very hard place for me with my daughter because we have always been so close, so Thank You for this blog today and Thank You Lord for sending just what we need when we need it! 🙂

  104. Cheryl D

    Thank you so much for this reminder that I am Mom and not God. Needing it so much more these days!

  105. Brady Wilhelm

    These 2 posts (prayers for sons and daughters) came at the EXACT time I needed them. I’ve been struggling with my 3 year old boy and 1 year old daughter. Girl, they are some WORK!! Thanks for sharing!

  106. Sherry Walls

    You just don’t know how I needed this 10 prayers for Daughter’s today, My Daughter Ashley is in an abusive marriage with two small children right now, still at home, but in the process of getting out, I’m so worried she’s going to be hurt, before she gets out. I would love to have this book, I feel like God sent this to me today. Thank you so much for sharing this today

  107. lisa

    We recently took in a 16 year old girl from a very broken home, some days i dont even know how to handle her actions or what to pray for, were trying to replace old broken habits with new ideas. These prayer will start my day now and i know will impact her future. Thanks so much!

  108. Lisa

    Wow! So prefect for this time in my life. My husband ans I have been fasting for our children and your blog earlier this week and today’s are great reminders of why we need to pray for our children. Prayer something’s is the only thing we can do. Thanks for this post! I am going to be printing them off to pray over this week.

  109. Michelle

    Thank you for this, i needed it for my son and daughters. Its such a great reminder. I pray for my children, however rarely use scripture when praying for them and i love that. My oldest turns 10 on Monday and i already feel like shes a teenager:) her and i both can use more prayer. She is a fantastic little girl that loves the Lord, but obviously still figuring out who she is in this world. I thank God that she is her daughter and is always watching:).

  110. Stephanie Higgins

    What a grest article! With 3 teenagers and a pre-teen, it’s so hard not to worry. And I love how specific the prayers are!

  111. Sarah Wolff

    Wow I needed this today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As I was bawling on the drive home from dropping my twin girls off at school. In those moments I need to learn to just pray.. Thank you for this!!!

  112. Marla

    Wow, did I ever need to read this! With my oldest daughter half-way through her senior year (this very week), I find myself gripped with fear most days. I can’t stand the thoughts of her leaving for college! And I tear up just thinking about how our family will never be the same. There are so many unknowns, and I needed the reminder that I am not in control, but I know He who is! Thank you for sharing.

  113. Janet axelson

    As a single mom of 3 daughters, I need frequent reminders… I’m the mom. Not God!

  114. Karen VandenBush

    I SO needed this today! I’m a struggling with my 25 yr old daughter (who has 2 daughters of her own a 5 yr old and a 2 yr old). She is very depressed and going through a lot of inner turmoil. # 5 and # 7 are my prayers today.

    Thank you God for blessing me with a beautiful daughter. Give me strength to step back and let you take over in situations. Give her a eyes to see you, ears to hear you and a heart to accept your will in her life.

  115. Lisa Allen

    Wow! I bet you had no idea you were writing to me when you penned this article. I have four daughters and two grown step-daughters. A dear friend forwarded this to me, and I so appreciate these words of wisdom on what may be an otherwise difficult day.

  116. Laura

    These are great thank you so much! We have just recently moved to a new town and will be starting today praying these over my daughter, Larissa and continue daily! Thanks again!

  117. kim Barnard

    Thank you for sharing your struggles as a Mother! I too want the very best for my daughter and feel the urge to play God and control things in her life! I will be using these prayers and seeking Gods direction going forward ! God loves my daughter more than I do! I would love a copy of your book! May God Bless you

  118. Marsha Holmes

    This post made me cry. It is so true Lysa…for those (most) of us that want our children to be better or have a better life than we do, pouring our heart and soul into them and protecting them. Having reality settle in that GOD is in complete control, these precious babies were HIS PLAN and they are only for me to borrow my short time here on earth. Oh how I love my baby girls and oh how I worry what happens if I die? What happens if I lose one of them? What happens if one becomes diagnosed with something? You see the “I” in all of my statements? Reality settles in and remembers that they belong to the GREAT I AM, not I. Thanks for the prayers for our daughters, love having a focus. Our precious girls need so much prayer in this ever so changing world, where life gets harder and harder. Without the GREAT I AM I fear for those precious girls, but am so grateful HIS (my) precious babies have ACCEPTED HIM and are LOVED unconditionally by HIM.

  119. Robyn

    I know I struggle with being the control over my daughter. Like they reflect ourselves so much it’s scary and I am always in need of a reminder to pray for her instead of step in and change, fix, adjust, and act. God uses you through these blogs more then you probably even know! Thanks for sharing!

  120. Deb

    Don’t have biological children but have 20+ nieces & nephews & lots of ‘friends’ & this serves as a timely reminder, praying that their hearts will be turned to God & attuned with His love for them. When we understand His love, we have a safety net that keeps us from seeking that love outside of Him. I’d love to have a copy of the book!

  121. rhonda whitt

    Loved the 10 things to pray for daugher (and likewise 10 things for your son that I linked too). So helpful as I have a hard time putting heart feelings into words…and find when I am praying with a group others do it..with kids emotions are able to take over. SO thanks for the emotions and feeling made words to take to GOD. Am in a MIPI group when we gather every week to specifically pray for our children and all the schools in our area. We pray for individual teachers of the schools by name and for the administration and staff of every school in our area. In a year we say every name. Always need more information and help and assistant with prayer.. it is our power.

  122. Kathy McAdams

    Thank you for the peace you brought my heart today. I worry about my adult daughter who needs to know Jesus and realize her importance to Him. As a mom, I know I have very little control over her choices. However, it comforts my heart to know that my prayers will be heard and answered by the One who controls everything!!!!

  123. Rachael

    I am going to print this and put it in my Bible. Thank you!

  124. Angie Newby

    My only child is a beautiful and precious two year old girl, so I’m new to this mama hood journey. The beginning of this article resonated in my heart. I am hoping and praying for myself to be able to let go and remember that she really is only a gift to me; and my duty is to deliver her back to her Father. Thank you so much for your wisdom and for the scriptured prayers. I am anxious to see the life she journeys, and I will be praying these prayers over her throughout it all!

  125. Barb

    Prayed as I read this. Thank you, Lysa!

  126. June Carter

    I have two daughters adopted from birth and now age 15 and 20. I’ve taken in one of my daughter’s friend who was rejected by her single divorced mom. She has lived with us for the last 19 months. So I have 3 daughters and I pray that God will envelope and watch over them all the time. I immensely enjoyed hearing your perspective about your daughter(s), and scripture. I will claim the scripture over them and print one up for each of them to place in their Bibles. Thanks for your blog.

  127. Vanessa Overton

    I want my daughter to be a strong godly young woman. I have read your book What Happens When Women Say Yes to God and it really showed me some areas of my life that I needed to let go and let God. My desire for my daughter is that she walk in the way of the Lord.

  128. Michelle D

    I really needed to read your blog today….God knows just what we need.

    Thank-you Jesus.

  129. Lynn

    Thank you for these prayers. I will be praying them for my daughter who is in college.

  130. Pamela Hailey

    Thank you so much for these 10 scriptures to pray over my daughter. Although my daughter is a Junior in college I still feel the need to pray for her and her future daily. Memorizing these 10 scriptures will be a great addition to my daily prayers for her. A relationship with the Lord is what I want most for my baby (20 year old) girl.:)

  131. Charlotte

    I just want to say thank you for sharing your scriptural prayers for our children! I have a boy and girl and now a grandson so I will be putting them all to good use!!

  132. angie

    God blessed your heart, for the prayers. Now, it’s your prayer I using for my sons and daughters.

  133. Liz Rider

    I’m praying for my daughter to cling to Jesus now as she struggles with depression. She is a believer and has a strong faith. The depression is having a terrible toil on her though. It is so hard to watch your sweet daughter struggle with something that you can’t fix with a band aid. We believe God has a plan for all of this and in His time will heal her.

  134. Beth

    This was just what my heart needed today.

  135. Anna

    Praying for my girls, 10 and 3.

  136. Jessica Horner

    I just got through writing a post on obedience to God and saying yes to him! I would love A copy of this book!!

  137. Mandy Litzke

    May I be a fervent prayer warrior for the beautiful daughters God has so graciously entrusted to my care here on earth. May I be reminded they are HIS and He loves them so!

  138. Sandy

    Just what I needed to hear today! Being a mom of two tween daughters will keep me on my knees, praise the One who carries our burdens, Hallelujah, thank you Jesus!

  139. Leigh

    Thanks, as always Lysa. You write as if you are in my mind! I am praying this for my daughter, now as she gets ready to have her own daughter.

  140. Holly Simpson

    Thank you for posting this blog. Sometimes I am not sure what to pray for my daughters and I appreciate your willingness to always speak to your readers about your own struggles.

  141. Grace

    Thank you, Lysa for these prayers. I will put these on a index card, pray them and carry them with me always. A dear friend once told me that we as moms are holding the hands of the Lord and our children and as they grow up become adults we are to place their sweet hand into our Lord’s hand, He will guide them. If you given your children to God, you’ve given them the best chance to succeed that you could ever give them!
    3 John 4— ‘I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.’
    ~~Blessings to all mothers~~

  142. Franki Martin

    My daughter turned 7 yesterday & this is so timely!! Praise God for His continued Grace & Mercy!! He knows all the plans He has for us and I am standing on His promise!!! Thank you LORD for my girl- the one you sent straight from Heaven and entrusted me with!! I pray that everything I do be an example for her to follow, and always, always to keep God first in our lives. When we do that, we can’t fail! Thank you Lysa for these scriptures and prayers. May God continue to bless & keep you! fm

  143. KRISTI

    My girls are 6, 5, and 3. These are wonderful prayers for me to use as I pray for them over the coming years!

  144. Sharon Turner

    Love this…I was just asking God for something like this-prayers answered. Raising daughters can be a challenge even at 4 years old-never too early to start praying!!!

  145. Jessica

    Always look forward to reading your post.

  146. Jennifer

    Thank you, Lysa! Once again you are speaking my language with words that truly reverbate in my soul. I’m raising three daughters so I’m on my face in the carpet ALL the time. Thanks for specific scriptures to add to my heart’s cries!

  147. Nancy

    I heard you on the radio and wanted to find your blog. When I opened this page and saw prayers for a daughter, I knew it was meant for me today because I have a daughter whom I pray for everyday. I so want her to get back to her spiritual roots. I must let go of my fretting, sleep again, and lay it ALL in His hands. These prayers really speak to this situation.

  148. Steph

    Although my daughters have grown I still continue to pray for them. I prayed these 10 prayers for my granddaughters ranging from 5-19. Will continue to use them. Thanks for your daily inspirations!

  149. Betty

    God bless u for giving us Gods word in a personal way, we have 3 beautiful daughters ages 8,6&6 month old,I’m looking forward to praying these prayers over our girls,some go very well with them:) God has shown us His nearness so many times, we so often fail as parents& yet He showers us with His love-we went thru a very hard time last spring, our middle daughter was molested, we cried out to God for healing& even tho she still has days where she’s scared& wants mommy very close-God has given healing& peace& forgiveness in our hearts& we’re greatful for that:)

  150. jenny

    Thank you for these specific prayers. As a mother of three girls I needed some guidance on what to pray. You know what you want to say,but sometimes can’t find the words. Love that they are based on specific scripture!!!

  151. Julie

    Thank you for these wonderful words. My daughter is 10 and praying this words, my heart feels lighter. I hope that I can be the kind of mom who shows these qualities as well. Again, thank you.

  152. Meghann

    Thank you! Printing this out to reference regularly during my quiet time. Thank you. My girls are 9, 7, and 5 and what you articulated above is my desire for them, and how I desire to be for them. I want to hold them closely and love them dearly, all the time allowing God to work in them as He wills!

  153. Leigh Anne

    My precious daughter was conceived after 2 miscarriages. I tend to neglect praying for other than being thankful for having her…this blog post was very good for me!

  154. Landon G

    Ah man! This week has been one of the toughest Mommy weeks I’ve had in a while. I have been in tears practically every day and then found out I am expecting #4. Talk about feeling in over my head! BUT I have been getting encouraging words from all directions. So, thanks.

  155. Lydia P

    Thank you for this post, it is just what I needed at this point and time in my daughters life. I want her to become everything God has created her to be and not what I hope and think she should be.

  156. Jenni

    Invaluable! Thank you!!!

  157. Pam S.

    This would be a welcome gift to pass on to my granddaughters. Thank you.

  158. Chandra Wenke

    This gave me peace that was much needed! Thank you!

  159. Margaret

    I have prayed for my daughter for all her 30 years – sometimes harder and more desperately than others, for sure. But, now, at 30 I begin to see the results. And my heart just bursts.

  160. Cindy

    Both of my daughters are grown and married. I still struggle with letting them go. They are wonderful, remarkable young ladies and I pray for them every day. I miss them terribly but they have to bloom the way God wants them to bloom. I found comfort in your prayers for them.

  161. Angie

    I am a grandmother and I can really identify with what you have wrote. I only have one daughter, but I do have granddaughters. I wish this book was out when my daughter was small. Pray is truly the answer, yet we often wait to long to do it. I am printing this out to share with others. Your writings touch my soul. Thank you!

  162. Julie

    Asking desperately for prayer for my daughter Brittney that The Lord show her His truths in His Word regarding the man she’s dating, that he is not good for her. I pray these prayers over her today even though she is many miles away from me… Thank you Lysa for sharing these. I enjoyed the ones for sons as well.

  163. Donna Bennett

    I am a mother( in my late seventy) of 3 precious women who have brought me much joy. Everything you said about wanting to protect and secure their future was everything I wanted to do. I learned that the only thing I can do is to love them, to be there when they ask for help or coucil and than to pray. Pray about everything because God is the Blessed Control of all situation and He does have a plan for their good. I don’t know that plan, but I know the planner and I trust Him.
    Blessings to you and your ministry,

  164. Jen

    This is such a timely post for me! We’re dealing with heart issues related to boys with my 13 year old daughter. She has an admirer & we’re walking through this new phase with her. Your prayer points are exactly what we’ve been discussing with her. I would treasure this book!!

  165. Amy D

    Such a great article. I just had my first daughter 3 weeks ago. This is coming at such a great time to be able to cover her in these prayers starting now at the beginning of her birth and all the way through adulthood. Thank you for your wisdom and passionate godly writing. It encourages all of us women in The Lord and in everyday life.

  166. Lynette

    I am praying these things for my granddaughters. How my heart longs for each of them to know and love Him above all else and to become the women He created them to be. Thank you for sharing these, they are words of wisdom for Mom’s and Grandmom’s!

  167. Darlene

    I would love to have the book. The prayer for our daughters was right where I want my daughter to be.

  168. Jennifer Gearheart

    Love these! I have a 14 year old daughter and it seems she is really struggling during these teenage years and finding herself. I am printing these out!! Thank you for the encouragement!!!

  169. Alyssa

    This is beautiful. My daughter is 10 weeks old and I love being able to use these prayers for her each day…. thank you for the lovely post.

  170. Alison G

    Love this! My daughter is starting k5 next year and I pray that I can be encouraging for her when she starts school! I am going to print this out and put in my Bible! Would love the book!

  171. Vicky

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Just what I needed to hear today.

  172. Melissa Choate

    Thank you for sharing your wisdom. As a single mother of a teenage daughter it’s not always easy but she has been such a blessing to me. I was blessed to have her encourage me to attend your workshop in Madisonville, KY a couple months ago and it was great!!!

  173. Kristen

    Thank you for this! I had to print it out so I can refer to it often – my daughter is only 6 months old, but how this spoke to me what I pray for her!

  174. Kelly F.

    I would love to share this with my daughter!

  175. Bobbi Jo

    Will def be praying these over our daughter

  176. Shelly Womack

    My daughter is 23. Hoping it’s not too late to start praying these things for her now.

  177. Teresa

    Thank you this. My daughters live with their dad. One not so happy about it and I pray that they will be with me again soon. My daughters and my son needs words to look toward and accept in their hearts.

  178. Tammy

    Love this! Have a daughter that started college this year. Tough letting go and letting God sometimes. These are words I so needed today.

  179. Brenda

    Thank you so much for all these prayers! I am going to print it out and also the boys prayers so I will remember to use them for my two daughters and son.

  180. leann

    Thank you for this.

  181. LaToshia Jordan

    After tomorrow I will bemom to two teens and a nine year old girl. Tjis years pesyer and focus is weekly scriptures and eventually learn howbto incorporate them when they pray. Yes I suffer allvtjose issues wanting to make sure my girls are ok. But im learning im not God. Thsnks for the scriptures

  182. Jessica Waller

    Just pinned this and the 10 prayers for our sons. Really encouraging.

  183. Christina Huck

    Thank you so much for posting this! I have been looking for something like this to keep myself and my daughter encouraged as she gets older. At 8 years old she is struggling with authority figures. I want her to keep her focus on the Lord and learn that He is the ultimate authority.

  184. Tanya Anderson

    I have two beautiful daughters and pray for them and with them daily. It would be such a blessing to have your book as a helpful tool to guide us along our way.

  185. Kelli Shimkus

    You have a way to keep me on my toes in a good sense. Everyday when I wake up I check to see what you have posted on your blog or KLove or Facebook to help me breathe deeply and focus on God to help me in parenting my children. Thank you for being such an integral part of my life (through the computer, media and the written word).

  186. Linda

    You are such a blessing Lysa! Thank you for sharing your wisdom, it truly inspires me! May you feeling the blessings in return for all that you do!

  187. DeeDee

    Thank you for sharing!

  188. Kate

    Thank you! Printing these out, along with the comment, Hello, I’m mom not God–the reminder I need!

  189. Tracy Phillips

    Thank you for your daily posts. I look forward to reading them daily. I have a 4 y/0 and I’d love to read your book.

  190. Dawn Johnson

    Thank you for the these. I love the way you express God’s words!

  191. Sharon Serrano

    I have 3 daughters and this has helped a great deal. Oh how many times do I try to play God in their lives bc Im so fearful of them not getting what Im trying to teach them. Same issue I hvae w/my 3 boys!

  192. rachel

    Thank you for sharing…we have been in the hospital with our sweet daughter know going on over a week…we so need scripture to lift us all up…again thank you

  193. Jessica

    I love these prayers and scriptures; I don’t have a daughter yet, but I’ll be praying these over her now in anticipation of having a daughter, and for a woman of these standings and character for my 6month old son to find and marry some day. I wish that when I was growing up my mom would have seen these, but luckily she and I can pray these over my sisters and talk about them together! 🙂

  194. Julie

    With three young girls this information is priceless thank you!

  195. Emily

    How perfect! It’s just my daughter and I in our house full of boys. (Even the cat and dog are males) 🙂 these are so timely thank you!

  196. Danae

    I have a young daughter and I constantly find myself trying to be God in her life! I don’t want her to know of or feel the pain, that I know some day she will as she becomes older and understands things more. I will be praying these prayers for her! Thank you!

  197. Donna Brooks

    Thank you for this! We have 3 precious daughters!

  198. Shannon C

    So glad God led me to this blog! I will be sharing it with the moms that I pray with and I am sure they will love it also! Thank you.

  199. crystal

    Thank you and thank God for giving you the right words to so many of us!

  200. Litsa

    How beautiful are these prayers! How I need these memorized for my beautiful daughter who is so much like me it scares me to wanting to be more than mom!?! Given to me by God to launch…to love, to pray over…

  201. Misty

    Thank you so much for this. I have two girls that I’m always praying over. Thank you!

  202. Sarah Humphrey

    So beautiful! This is my heart’s desire for my three girls!

  203. Carolyn

    I have two little girls and I love these prayers, planning to start using them regularly! Thank you!

  204. Jerilynn Reiman

    Thank you Lysa for these. My dd is 10 and the drama is sometimes more than I can deal with and it’s only just begun! I am praying.

  205. AAmiee

    Thank you for your inspiring words. We all need the extra strength to raise our kids these days

  206. Nakia S Edwards

    Thank you! This came at the perfect time…you have no idea how much I needed to hear this right now. Thank you again.

  207. Ashley

    Can’t tell you how grateful I am for this post. My only daughter is weeks away from turning one, and these prayers speak straight to my heart. Thank you!

  208. Angie Parra

    Wow!! Don’t I need to learn I’m mom & not God when it comes to my 11 & 13 year old daughters…it’s tough but it’ll teach them to do the same when they marry & have girls of their own. Thank you for posting this 🙂

  209. Dawn Alicea

    Thank you so much for addressing not only the prayers for boys but girls as well. This week has been so very trying for me between my 14yr old daughter and my nearly 11yr old son. I need to remember that when things are getting to dramatically stressed to Pray! Pray! Pray!

  210. Diane Baker

    Thanks so much for the 10 prayers!!! I have 2 daughters, 17 & 14. There is not a day that goes by without lifting them in prayer and thanking God for them!! I am a single Mom and there are difficult days, but God gets me through each day!!! Now I have 10 more prayers!! Again thank you!!

  211. Tracie

    My daughter is 22 and has a 2 yr old. I pray for her everyday because of the mess I made of my live when I was young I’m scared she will do the same. I became a Christian in 2007 after years of drugs, men and alcohol I had to change. I want so much for her to listen to me about God but it’s hard.

  212. Pam blackwood

    Beautiful! Thank you for being an instrument of our Lord.

  213. Vanessa dean

    I’m a MOPS coordinator in Watertown NY. We just covered praying for our children, something I fail often to do. I have three small blessings 4.5, 3, 16 months with the fourth on the way. These blessings are such a joy I often feel that I’m neglecting the best thing I can do for them, praying for them. And I just wish I could pray with the same faith my daughter has.

  214. Karen Heighway

    I love it! Thanks for sharing. I will start this.

  215. Kyra

    This is such a timely reminder for me.

  216. Marilyn

    I thank you and God for putting this in front of me now. God’s timing is always perfect. We have a 17 year old daughter who is vibrant, full of life, and knows Jesus as her personal savior. You would love her. Last year, she made some poor decisions. We are working through all of it, but each day at times I just want to hold her protect and never let her go. She is a Senior this year and will attend college in the fall. I say thank you for these scriptures to pray. God’s continued blessings on you and your awesome mnistry.

  217. Keri

    Hi I would love to have this book. I have a 3 year old daughter and my husband and I are in ministry. I want all the Godly resources I can get to train her with love and discipline and to know God.

  218. Shannon Gauthreaux

    I needed this today, I thank you gor sharing

  219. Karly

    Thank you for this! I hear of so many mother-son devotionals. This is the first I’ve read about mother-daughter and I love it! I saved this to my phone so I can reference these verses. I have a 3.5 year old daughter who is my world! 🙂

  220. Carolyn

    Beautiful! I have a 9-year old daughter and it just seems like those teen years will be here sooner than I know – and it scares me. I pray God’s protection over her everyday and I trust in that, but these prayers are wonderful, specific prayers to pray over her. They will bring me comfort and peace. Thank you.

  221. Pam

    Thank you for these sweet opportunities to seek the Lord on their behalf!

  222. Kym

    Thank you!! Printing these now for daily reference! I so appreciate your heart, thank you! I have two daughters — one entering high school in the fall and the other college. Your thoughts hit home with me. Thank you, again. Much love to you.

  223. Jamie

    Thank for those prayers! I’m on a 31 day challenge of praying for my daugher every day! These are a welcome addition! Thank you! And, thank you for the chance to win your book!

  224. Jan

    Thank you for these prayers! We have two grown daughters (27 and 30), and middle school daughter (13) and now a granddaughter who is about to turn 1. I have said time and again that if raising teenagers does not make a person believe in the power of prayer, nothing will! It is so difficult to raise children these days. I frequently look spiritual support in raising this 3rd daughter.

  225. Lori

    Great truths! Thank you for sharing!

  226. Ginny

    thank you so much for your words of encouragement. as a single mom, sometimes it’s overwhelming + frankly just daunting to even know where to begin, or how, at times to pray. i’m so grateful i stumbled upon your ministry a few months ago. thank you!

  227. Jessica

    This is an awesome reminder and the picture is now my screensaver. 🙂

  228. Janeen Hedeen

    I have a 14 year old and can’t wait to strat praying these verses over her.

  229. dawn

    Love this. I have two daughters, one grown with children of her own, and one adopted 9 year old. I love the specific prayers given her for a discerning heart and Godly wisdom.

  230. Ellen M

    These are prayers that I will be praying for my 10 yr old and my 9 yr old. Definitely much needed words to comfort my heart and give me the words to speak to the Lord on their behalf.

  231. Janeen Hedeen

    I have a 14 year old and can’t wait to strat praying these verses over her. She and I both need this.

  232. Judy

    Two times today, you have spoken directly into something my 17 year old was experiencing at that moment! Thank you.

  233. Lea T

    Lysa- You inspire me and always get me to thinking. I am printing a couple of copies of this message from today; one to keep in my bible and one for the front of the fridge. I am blessed beyond measure by the gift of two little girls, ages 8 and 5. Currently reading “Am I messing up my kids?”. I have done a few of your bible studies and got to see you last year at WOF. Thank you Sister!

  234. Brandy Wood

    I am so in need of Godly tools to help my 8 year old daughter Grace. She is the most loving girl who carries all the worries of adults and the world on her little shoulders. I’ve asked for wisdom and discernment from God on how to help her through this without breaking her wonderful spirit. I just made her an appointment to start counseling. Thank you for your prayer list. It really gave me some insight on how I can really pray for her. God Bless!!!

  235. Velda E

    Thank you! Really needed to hear this reminder and I will be printing off this list.

  236. Lindsay Harline

    Such a good article! I have prayed some of these for my girls 4 and 3 already but had not thought of some of them. I will definitely be keeping these in mind

  237. Jennifer

    I have 2 daughters, ages 20 and 13. Thank you for these timely prayers and reminding me of the great importance and responsibility we have as Moms to pray for our girls!

  238. Carol Round

    Thank you for these prayers, Lisa. Although I never had a daughter, I am going to pray these prayers for my granddaughters. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I will also read the prayers for sons since I have two grown sons and two grandsons. God bless you for sharing.

  239. Veronica Rodriguez

    Thank you for posting this. It is a great help for mothers with daughters. I have two…both are teenagers. My oldest is dealing with the upcoming anniversary of being sexually assaulted and her attempted suicide shortly after. My younger daughter has had a couple of surgeries and deals with a lot of pain that causes her to miss a lot of school and also causes her to be behind on her assignments. I’ve felt so helpless in these trials they’ve faced, because I cannot just “kiss it and make it all better”. I find myself trying to step in and steer the outcome of their lives in other areas that I feel like I can control when the reality is, God is in control and as hard as it may be, I just need to let it happen.

  240. Tina

    My daughter is 9 years old, she gave her life to christ this past year and i pray that she will always walk with him and know that he is always there for her. i would love to have your book, love reading your post..

  241. Angie W

    We’ve got 2 girls (5&2)! Thanks for the post! God’s raising up some amazing girls in this generation! I’ll be praying these prayers over mine!

  242. Dionne Palomino

    This is fabulous. I am struggling right now with my own 17 year old “good girl” making wrong choices. I am struggling with the fact that she is almost an adult and wondering – have I fully equipped her? I am also wondering – should I do things differently with my 10 year old daughter? Is there anything I can do to help them both “cram” for this test of life that is inevitably out of mommy’s control. ♥

  243. Keenya L.

    Being the mother of 2 girls 4 and 6 weeks I find that these prayers and scriptures will be very useful for me and praying over them everyday. I want them to be far better than me and I want them to be equipped with the Word of God from their very young age to their senior years. Thanks so much for them Lysa!!!

  244. Kesey T

    Oh my, I’m in tears reading this 🙂 my husband and I just found out that our 2nd baby is a girl (I thought I was called to raise up men only ;), ha! Af ter reading this, it set a lot of feArs aside and gave me hope that God knows what He is doing!! I’ve been wanting to read this book for while, along with all of your others!

  245. Crystal

    As my daughter is moving through the “college decision” process, this is huge for me! Thanks so much for these words.

  246. Alissa L

    This really spoke to me today. I found myself wanting to step in and defend my daughter against two girls who were acting snotty towards her this morning. This has refocused me to pray for my daughter….and the other girls as well. Thanks you!

  247. Christine Noggle

    The Lord spoke to many years ago-20. I accepted Christ in my Heart 3 years ago. I have 3 beautiful girls ages 22,7, and 5. I feel unsure on how to reach them with their faith because my husband has no faith. I feel as though I am on a journey by myself, then I will hear my 7 year old praying or see her reading her bible and know I have made some impression, but I would like it to be more. My life is complicated and hard but yet my mom keeps my faith high. she lives a long ways away but we talk often. She sends me books of enlightment, in fact the first one was yours. You started me on this journey of love for the lord. I thank you. Christine Noggle

  248. Lindsey Morris

    LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

  249. Amy

    Love this, will be printing! Thank you!

  250. LeJandie Estes

    So thankful for this post. Very eye opening for this Momma bear whose always wanting to protect but as I read here may be done experiences are for my girls to grow in a Christ centered character. I just pray I’m doing it correctly.

  251. Emily

    I have two teen daughters and was teary-eyed reading this. This is was written for me it seems. Just what I needed to hear…so hard to do. Thank you for your daily encouragment.

  252. Kristin

    Oh my goodness…. This could not have come at a better time. I have 3 girls, ages 2, 8 and 13. There are different things in different stages that we are dealing with on a daiy basis with our girls. Our 13 year old has definitely changed over the last several months thinking that her life is over at times because of new rules that are implemented or dicussions that have been had. Oh how draining it is at times. I struggle with guilt a lot wondering why I handled something the way that I handled it or if I did or said something wrong and how it will impact them. I love this reminder that we are just moms. Not God. God has entrusted me with these 3 girls, now I need to trust Him to lead and guide and protect them as well. Thank you Lisa, for all that you do to inspire and remind me every day what our focus as moms truly should be.

  253. Courtney

    Thanks for sharing! I have two girls ages 2 and 3. My 3 year old has Autism and I pray that she has a great and close relationship with our Lord. That she will focus on Him all throughout her life as some people aren’t as supportive and loving because in their eyes she is “different”. My two year old has such spunk and determination. Nothing gets her down, at least not for long. I want her to run to God for everything and the same as her sister to have a close relationship with our Lord and Savior!
    Thanks again for posting!!! Great prayers!!!

  254. Leigh

    Thank you for this blog. Right words at the right moment. It touched my heart.

  255. Brenda

    Thank you for these words today. I am really struggling with letting go when I see my daughter headed for much heartache in the choices she is making. I want to protect her. I know God loves her more than I do and I have to trust He will bring good out of this situation.

  256. Natalie

    So many words jumped out at me. This blog post could have been written by me in is many ways. I pray for my daughter everyday but will be adding these special prayers. Thank you for your words and encouragement

  257. Cynthia Young

    Thank you for this. I will be adding these to the prayers I say for my 17 year old daughter.

  258. Kim Haley

    Thank you so much for the scriptures to pray for my daughters. I have two young daughters and need to be better about praying for their needs. I look forward to reading your book about young women saying yes to God too. Thanks again for all the encouragement you have given me on so many topics!

  259. Melissa Crutcher

    Thank you for sharing this. Your timing was perfect in my life. I am the single mom of a 4 1/2 year old daughter and we are going through the process of settling her into a new school. Some days are great and other days she struggles. I think these prayers are going to help us both during this transition and in many more to come. Thank you, thank you!

  260. Lori Rardin

    I needed to hear this today. My daughter is 17 and we have had our share of “issues”. I have started praying for God’s hedge of protection around her, to keep her until she can again give her heart to Him. I made a decision this new year to show her God’s love and grace through my interactions with her. It is hard. I want to fix, change, shake, and sometimes scream! I know He loves her more than I do and I have to trust that He has got this.

  261. Heather

    I love your work. Thanks for the 10 Scripturs to pray for my daughter.

  262. Juli Barrett

    Thank you so much Lysa! My daughter has been through a great deal in her short 16 years. Sometimes I am not sure what or how to pray for her. This was huge for me. It gives me something to focus on when things seem impossible.

  263. Jennifer H.

    What a wonderful message to start praying as my daughter turns one next week! I look forwards to referencing these 10 prayers as she grows into a young woman!

  264. Angela Stolpe

    Love this. My prayers over my daughters is always asking for them to follow Gods will and not mine.

  265. Tiffany

    This was wonderful for me to read, my daughter will be 2 years old soon, and I believe it is never to early to start praying for her future! I pray over her each night.

  266. Karen Gaudet

    Thanks for these words. Needed this this week. My daughters are 11 & 8.
    The 8 year is having a challenge with wanting to study. I prayed today Lord you change her mind and heart. For only He can.

  267. Donna Jennings


    I just wanted to tell you just how much I appreciate what you and the others with Proverbs 31 ministries do. There have been so many days I’m looking for something to comfort my heart and each day I receive something that always lifts me up. I have a daughter who has been very ill for the past 20 years. Beautiful inside and out, such a God given talent that she used in the church. But just one mistake made by a surgeon several years ago took that all away and now it’s a struggle for her to even get out of bed. Things like this are what her and I really don’t understand. I know God has a plan for everyone of us, but sometimes it is so hard to understand why this would happen to such a sweet and giving person. She will even commit I wonder why God hates me so bad. She knows deep in her heart that is not true, but when things don’t get better we have to wonder. Your devotionals gives me the strength I need to continue with the fight and know that in due season God’s plan will be complete. I will continue to support your ministry with offerings as I can, and prayers, because I know there are lots of us out there that depend on you everyday. I pray for God to give each one of you strength, wisdom, and grace as you continue on your journey.


    Donna Jennings

  268. tmom

    Thank you for your continued inspiration and encouragement.

  269. Jenny

    I have 2 young daughters and I am always looking to protect them! Thank you for sharing this with us today.

  270. Christina Fields

    I love these. I was anxiously awaiting your blog on these today. I have a son and a daughter and these prayers are wonderful. Thank you for doing this blog!!

  271. Kathy Stevenson

    This is wonderful! I am looking forward to using these verses for my girls!

  272. Laura

    Thank you for this post. Praying for each of my children is very important to me, and having these specific scripture references will be wonderful. I want to be Mom. Jesus. Take the wheel.
    Dear Heavenly Father, please take this worrysome, anxious, and perfection-seeking mom, and change me from the inside out. Amen.

  273. michelle

    This is so good! I have two daughters of my own. And I always looking for a way to pray over them and how to become the mom God wants me to be. Thank you for these verses.

  274. Sarah

    I just discovered your blog an am loving it! I’m currently going through an ugly divorce an have found your blog uplifting and encouraging as I go through this heartbreaking time with my 1 yr old and 3.5 yr old daughters. Thank you for your words!

  275. Priscilla Ibarra

    These prayers are truly amazing and this blog so on target for how I have been feeling lately! God bless you!

  276. Cindy

    Love these! My daughter is 18, and I love finding additional resources such as these scriptures to pray over her sweet life! Thank you!

  277. Roxanne Bailey

    Thank you for these amazing prayers!

  278. Karen

    Thank you for this article!!! It is much needed in my life. I am a new parent…she is 17 months and I already gained great strength and peace from this article. Thanks for the blessing!!! -KC

  279. Becca Johnson

    I love these prayers. Thank you for your heart for us moms and our children!

  280. Joy

    Thank you for sharing…our girls are: Courtney, 19; Faith, 8; Grace, 7; and Hope,5. Beautiful…

  281. Leesa Griffin

    Thank you, thank you! This post was very much needed in my life today.

  282. Amy Butler

    Yes. So much. I feel so much responsibility and so out of control to meet it. What that means is that I’m trying to do my job AND God’s job at the same time. Thank you for your heart!

  283. Elaine

    Beautiful and powerful ways to pray for our daughters. I’m praying that way (with a few modifications) for my daughters who are grown and married and for my four young granddaughters. Thanks so much!

  284. Tammie

    I really love this because I have two young daughters! I pray with them every night and it is nice to know someone out there that also prays over their children! Thank you so much for this!!

  285. Kristen

    Beautiful verses straight from God’s Word. Love them! And I love all your books and your ministry. Would love this book too! Thank you for always looking out for women and teen girls!

  286. Jeni M

    God is using you in such a bold way. I am grateful for your wisdom and pray I can successfully apply some of it to my life. I am blessed with a wonderful husband and two teenage daughters who also love The Lord. Thank you for being an inspiration and for challenging me! God bless you!

  287. Terri

    So needed this wisdom today. Rough day yesterday. Thank you!

  288. Penelope

    Lysa, God has given you a wonderful gift in writing! Thank you!

  289. Lisa Reimer

    Thank you so much for these words of encouragement. I have 4 children, 3 of which are daughters. 2 are in college and a 9th grader. I try hard not to worry, but my college girls are away from home. I love the scriptures. These words will help me to pray instead of worry. Thank you again!

  290. Carmen

    Thanks for a awesome prayers I have two daughter’s Vero and torrie both are mom with true blessing of wonderful children lord you know they have gone thru ruff time I know lord in my heart you lead me to seeing these wonderful prayers I know in my heart u will continue to guide and protect them open doors to come out ahead for there babies both of them got dead beat dads I believe and trust in u lord amen

  291. Cindye

    Thank you for allowing God to use you to speak His word over me. I have a beautiful almost 18 year old daughter who will soon head off to college. She has been a joy and a committed believer. Recently, she has been deeply hurt by a couple of friends. The Mama Bear wants to unleash in me, but I know God is in control. I know that He is God…and I am not! Reading your blog and 10 prayers has been so timely for where we are. May God continue to bless you as you share your heart with us.

  292. Christina Marlin

    I have 2 girls heading into their preteen years. Thank you for the prayers and scripture. These are things I need to remember each day as a mom and continually ask for God’s guidance in all our lives.

  293. Nancy

    Love this. My daughter isn’t born yet but I’ve been praying that she would grow to love the Lord deeply, that she would always keep her eyes fixed on Him, and that when she is older would seek a man of God. I will definitely be using these even now before her arrival, thank you!

  294. Jamie

    This is beautiful Lysa, thank you so much for this but most importantly Thank you for always being so open and honest! It is SO encouraging to know as a mother myself that I’m not alone….Big hugs to you sister in Christ!!!

  295. Tiffany

    Thank you for these prayers. My daughter is married and lives far away but I am still her Mom and I still pray for her.

  296. Michelle

    Thank you so much for these prayer prompts. I have 2 daughters to pray over.

  297. Amie Miles

    Thank you!

  298. Tana M

    I’m printing these out to pray every day. I have a 16 year old who does not respect me or herself. I catch myself yelling at times just out of frustration. Thanks for the scriptures.

  299. Mary

    Thank you for this wonderful guidance. My daughters are 19 and 7, and though I pray for them daily–several times a day!–sometimes I struggle for the words.

  300. Kristy G.

    oh my, I love this! my daughter just turned 4 and since she was born, I have taken time out each day to pray for her and with her. I pray many of these things that you wrote about, and some you didn’t. I thank God daily for this gift and miracle. I am doing my best to teach her about dependency on the Father through Jesus Christ.
    it is wonderful that you were able to write a book with your daughter. I hope one day to have my daughter join me in ministry-worship and teaching ministry. God has certainly gifted and anointed her, much like Deborah, but it is all for God’s gory and His kingdom. my only hope for her is in a relationship with God, the Father through Jesus. it is a choice that I cannot force upon her, but I am praying that all we are learning now will give her a love for the word of God, a love for Jesus, and a heart for worship and people. I gave her to God and I am aware that she isn’t mine. she is His. she needs Jesus as much as I do. I try to remember that whenever she tries to exercise her independence in an inappropriate manner. we all have challenges and each be stage presents a different way to pray and new lessons to learn…for them and us.
    thank you for your encouragement and just being real. it is a blessing to the body of Messiah.

  301. Laura H

    Thank you so much for this post! I have recently been in search of some guidance in praying for my 7 year old daughter who is going through some difficulties right now. Thank you!

  302. catherine haynes

    Thank you GOD in speaking Wisdom through your servant Lysa. I read this and it Completely Changed my “stinkin thinkin”

  303. linda

    My daughter is grown with children of her own, but prayers do not stop, they just change. I’ve prayed for her and her brother all their life and i’m still learning to be mom and not God. I’m a fixer and a worrier. God asks me constantly “don’t you trust me”? I do Lord, yes I do. Then for a bit I get out of His way until he had to remind me again! Thank you Lysa for a great reminder. Think I”ll print it and tape it everywhere.

  304. Denise

    I so needed this today. Me and my daughter live 5,500 miles apart and I hate being away from her but she is almost 24 so have to remember that !! Not always easy as she will forever be ‘my little girl’.

  305. Bernice

    Thank You Lisa……Will pray these over my teen daughter and for myself

  306. Kelley Reeher

    I read this as my 4 year old grand daughter napped upstairs and prayed these words for her and for her mama who began a new adventure today of finishing her 4 year degree through a “Christian” college adult ed program while working full time. I pray that God will walk with both of them through this journey, guiding and protecting. That both my girls will share their love of God with all they meet and their their testimonies would show Jason, my son-in-law who God is and how much he loves us all. I also pray that they would see Christ in my words and actions. Thank you for these precious words.

  307. Leslie Crysel

    Lysa I thank you for all your wisdom and just practical mom tips that you share. We just had a retreat this past weekend and used your What Happens When Women Say Yes To God. I’ve come home ready to do the study with the young women in our church. Again thanks so much for your wisdom and knowledge that you share.

  308. Brenda Bailey

    This so touched my heart! I am a mother of two daughters, ages 20 & 15.

  309. Debbie

    Great blog! My daughter just turned 18 and I have to learn to let go and trust God. It is so hard.

  310. Tiffani McDaniel

    Love it! I have two daughters that I needed scripture to pray over them!

  311. Teresa Hughes

    I am blessed with two young teenage daughters (13 and 14), one biological and one by marriage. I pray for them daily and appreciate all words of encouragement and advice for how to pray scripture over their lives. Thank you! Hope to read some of your books soon!

  312. Anne Holmes

    My daughter is serving a 2-year missionary term in Southeast Asia. Thank you for giving me a list of 10 powerful ways to pray for her! I am learning to “let go and let God” trusting him as her Heavenly Father to lead, guard, guide, and protect her. Prayer really is the only possibility with possibilities!

  313. Jeannette

    Thanks for putting it into words!

    I want to encourage my granddaughters (8 & 9) to pray these for THEMSELVES too. I want them to start NOW to ask the Lord to make their thoughts to be in accordance with His will and acknowledge that His plans for their lives are best!

  314. Ricki

    Thank you! I needed this reminder 🙂

  315. Brenda

    Dear God, thank you for Lysa. Thank you for blessing her with the gift of words. Please continue to speak truth to her heart and give her the ability to put these truths on paper with clarity. Bless her children abundantly, above measure, as this is the best gift for a mother’s heart.

  316. Sharon

    Thank you so much! My daughter is over 40 now and I am so thankful that she has remained true to the Lord. We will keep these prayers in our hears for my grand daughter.

  317. Sharon

    Thank you so much! My daughter is over 40 now and I am so thankful that she has remained true to the Lord. We will keep these prayers in our hears for my grand daughter.

  318. Dana

    Perfect timing as I needed this reminder. Thank you so much!

  319. Amy

    Thank you for obeying the Lord’s call on your life and for your ministry that touches the hearts of so many women, including mine! The 10 things to pray for our daughters is a great way for me to focus on what is important in the life of my daughters as I pray for them. These 10 things are also a reminder for MYSELF. I cannot expect these things for my daughters if I am in deed not following God and obeying Him as I should. Thank you for this reminder!

  320. Anita

    I’ll be using these to pray for my daughters and all the young girls ladies in my life. Thank you, Lysa, for being such a sweet blessing in my life!

  321. Tessa

    Thank you for posting these. My 6 year old has had some difficulties working through some things since her father and I are divorced. I have felt struggled at times in trying to figure out how I was going to raise her to be a Godly woman with a healthy perspective on love and relationships. Your post was very encouraging.

  322. Kathy

    Thank you, for sharing this! I have two daughters, ages 11 and 15.

  323. SandyE

    Thank you for words of wisdom so close to my heart…

  324. Amy Baase

    Thank you so much for sharing this blog! I SOOOO needed it! My daughter is 19 months old and I find myself worrying so much about her, not about her getting sick or things of that nature but of the future. I worry A LOT of “What ifs”! What if she doesnt become a Christian, what if she grows up and hates me etc. My husband is always telling me to stop worrying and that we will cross that bridge when we get there. I know it is because i ultimately do not trust God with her and i am a control freak, LOL!! I will write these scriptures down and go over them everyday! Thank you!!!

  325. Wendy

    My daughters are now grown and I continue to pray for them, just as I now pray for my granddaughter and grandson. Thank you for the scripture references and ideas on how to pray. Sometimes I find myself as very uncreative in my prayers so I’m always looking for inspiration.

  326. Melissa Withers

    Hank you so much for the great prayers. As a mom of a beautiful 15 year old daughter I love the extra help. She has devoted herself to stay pure and wait for the husband God has prepared for her and I never thought to pray for his protection.

  327. Kristi

    Love this! My daughter is 10 and I can’t wait to start praying these over her and seeing them fulfilled in her life .

  328. Susan

    Thank you, Lysa, for these words of wisdom and for all the inspiring posts on your blog and on Facebook! My daughter is 27 but these prayers are perfect even for grown daughters. And, like you, it took me a long time to finally say, “I’m just a Mom, not God.” But I don’t think we ever stop having that feeling (sometimes) of wanting to control things related to them…to protect and prevent and provide. It’s in our nature. Lysa, keep on doing what you do and inspiring the rest of us to be better at what we do…becoming the best wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, grandmothers, (etc.) that we can be!

  329. Kristine

    I love these prayers

  330. Debbie

    My daughter is 20 and I am still learning this. God can do a much better job of taking care of her than I can and his plan for hers is greater than mine.

  331. Bridget Wilson

    Thank you for addressing something I still struggle with, even though my only child is almost 23 years old. She’s a wonderful young lady and I’m so blessed. I’m still learning to trust her to God. Your words always touch my heart and I appreciate you so much!

  332. Sandi Harris

    Being a parent is such a challenge. I try my hardest to make Imperfect Progress with my teen daughter. God sent me this challenge and sometimes I want to quit but I hear God whisper She’s loaned From me to you Sandi.

  333. Karen

    Thank you so much! I can relate to all that you shared! I have 2 little girls – 8 and 11 and I am going to start praying these verses over them.

  334. Pamela

    Thank you SO much for this. I’m bookmarking this page and will print this out for reference with my Bible. My daughter is almost 28 and I will be praying all of these for her. God bless you!

  335. Cindy

    Thank you for sharing, I will start praying on this everyday!! I have a 14 year old and pray will be praying these verses over her.

  336. Rachel

    As a mother of 5 girls I so appreciate this. I have felt recently that I was failing and wanted to make some changes but didn’t know where to start. It can be so overwhelming. As a Christian I should have thought of prayer first. Thanks for getting me started with scriptural prayers for my girls!

  337. Nancy

    I have two young daughters I pray for daily! Sounds like an amazing book to own.

  338. Stephanie

    It is so hard to let go and let God. These scripture really resonate with me right now as I have a teen that is beginning to embark on driving and is innodated with college emails….God please lead her and teach me..

  339. Kristy

    I would love to see 10 Things to pray over my husband. 😉

  340. Melissa

    My children are grown, but they always need prayer!

  341. Sheil

    Thank you for sharing these. They’re beautiful!

  342. Hannah B Fourtner

    I’m writing these down and will use them as I pray for my daughter. Thank you!

  343. Kayla

    Thank you, for once again making an impact on my life. I enjoy reading your blogs and your books. Unglued gave me an insight to how I’m not alone struggling in “unglued” issues. I have two daughters, ages 8 and 4. As a single mom I often feel the need to overpower them, in an attempt to lead them away from the path I once walked. I pray consistently that they can run to God for everything in life. That they will grow up to be strong Christian women and lead a life full of faith. Thank you for being such a great Christian leader and an encouragement to us all! God bless you!

  344. Morgan

    Thank you thank you thank you for those words and for being a woman of God and for allowing us to read your blogs! I hope that I can raise my daughter to be a Godly Christain girl who goes to him for anything and trust that he has her life in his hands when she feels like no one else is there! I needed to read this today and can not thank you enough!!

  345. Kelly

    Yes I have to be reminded when things happen that we have to turn to God, because my automatic impulse is to take care of the situation then, but only with God is it going to be taken care of. I love the verses, thanks so much for sharing!

  346. Bonnie K. Meier

    I love your books, “Made to Crave” and “Unglued” and I look forward to your encouragement on Face Book every day. I thank God for you!
    My hubby and I still have to work hard our marriage of 41 years and I can use all the encouragement and advice I can get. We’ve both been eating healthier (him since last June and me since 9-23-13). He has lost over 30# and I’ve lost 12#. We are doing it for our health more than the lost pounds and it has really caused us to take a long hard look at our relationship. Sometimes I wonder if we are going to make it but one thing for sure is I’m growing closer to God, listening, obeying, submitting to His authority and loving Him and His Word more every day. I would so appreciate prayers!

  347. Traci

    Thanks for helping me match up my prayers with the right words and scriptures. My 4 daughters, ages 14-20, are now making many/most decisions on their own. It is so scary.

  348. Jennifer marimberga

    Thank you Lisa! I have two daughters and I’m scared to death! What a good read and you have inspired me! Keep it up!

  349. Barb Graybeal

    I didn’t have daughters, but my first grandchild, a girl, will be here in May. I will begin to pray these prayers for her now. Thank you.

  350. Erin

    It’s my daughter’s 5th birthday today and your post is so fitting! I pray for her nearly every day that she will truly follow the Lord all of her days, but thank you for reminding me of other great ways to pray for her. You are such an encouragement!

  351. Jennifer Sylvester

    Thank you. This is fabulous. I’m printing this out and sharing it.

  352. Patty

    Such inspiring words to pray over “My Greatest Treasure”!

  353. MaryAnne Kelly

    My daughter is 22 and I still fight these urges. I appreciate your biblical encouragement. This helps me with the Jr. High girls and their parents too.

  354. gayle

    What a powerful blog post.

    • Kim

      Thank you for sharing these…..I have three daughters ages 12, 10, and 8 ❤️

  355. Jan

    These are incredible prayers. I have 3 daughters and will pray these often. Thanks for the msg “i am mom not God” too.

  356. Ashley

    Bookmarked this pages for later reference! Definitely need this with 3 girls!!

  357. Jackie Bailey

    Thanks for an important message, and the scripture prayers. I sense a clarity coming to the prayers for my daughter, and my granddaughter. God bless you.

  358. jill george

    Great prayers for a daughter of any age! I have a 13 month old and frequently pray for her future in following God, friends she will have and her future husband.

  359. Stefani

    Thank you for such a timely message. We’ve been praying through these struggles in our home right now. I’m so glad God is God and I am not. I need to remember this at all times. 😉

  360. Jannie B

    Thank you for this post. I have been reading Crave and just checked out your blog yesterday…was looking forward to this! Will be praying these over my two daughters.
    Proud to be a Jesus girl too

  361. Amy

    I love these prayers and especially how you correlate each one to scripture! Thank you for sharing!

  362. Rachel Graf

    Thank you so much for these wise words! I have a 16 year old daughter and more and more I am learning that I cannot control her every move. I so wish that I could put her in a bubble and protect her heart from ever being broken! But you are right…I am her mother…I am NOT God! I too will be printing out these verses! 🙂

  363. Ann Basham

    I will be a 1st time grandmother to a girl due in May. I so appreciate the list and will use this as I pray for this little one. I so want to do all I can to encourage her love and faith in our Lord. I am beyond excited for my son and dear daughter-in-law. If you have a moment pray for all of us as we guard this wonderful blessing.

  364. Laura

    This article hit so close to home. I just was discussing this issue today with girlfriends as I am struggling with letting go of my 19 year old daughter. Thank you for giving such a Godly perspective & focus to this difficult season!!! Love this & I’m so encouraged.

  365. Bridget

    These are prayers that can simply be prayed throughout the day for my daughter. ..and prayers that can be quickly written and tucked in her lunch box. Thanks Lysa!

  366. Nicole Bella Remini

    I SO NEEDED THIS TODAY. My daughter was on her way to an interview and I kept texting her with the “right things” to say. She wrote OKAY MOM – I had to laugh and write back – “Man, I am so bossy, I just need to have Faith in you” She said “Yes you are and yes you do”. She is 17, I want to control it all so ends up on the right path. We have 3 more after her and one boy – I am killing these kids with control – I just need to let go and let God and yes, pray!

  367. Lisa

    Thank you for the incredible prayers! Will be praying these for my 12 year old daughter, wish I had these to refer to when my other daughters were younger(their 29, 22, 21) but will be praying them for them starting now, and for my 4 granddaughters. Thanks!

    • Nico Smith

      I can relate because my mom always wanted the best for me when I was growing up. Not only am I the first born, but I’m also the only girl in my family-just me and my younger br…other. My mom wanted the best for me, but she didn’t realize that wanting the best for me was going to mean letting me go to school far away from home at the Illinois School for the Visually Impaired (ISVI)in Jacksonville Illinois. Much of my school years were spent attending public school, but that didn’t do any good, as having a disability only made learning difficult for me. It was OK in elementary school, didn’t have bad grades; however, high school and college was so much different. My grades were never the greates, due to issues getting my accommodation needs met- even though I exercised my right to use my voice and advocate for what I needed in order to be as successful as possible. Deepening our trust in Goed can be done by spending time being quiet in His presence. My mom thought that she was protecting me from learning to be as independent as I can be by trying to keep me close to her during all my school years- even during college. My mom eventually realized that she needed to learn to let go and let me experience new things for myself in life, rather than living my life for me. My mom really had to learn to let go when I married my Ron Smith, something that she and my dad were attempting to keep from even happening in the very first place nearly 2 years ago. I didn’t let that stand in the way, and now they are supportive of us being together for all of our entire lives.” Give my daughter a deep desire to listen to You, Lord, and pray often, “What message does my Lord have for his servant?” (Joshua 5:14b).
      Moms should pray that we, as girls, have the desire and love for God. I think it’s awesome for girls to learn how to love God because He has made us so unique as women in His image.
      “Let her learn early in life that to obey You, God, is the best way to the life her heart truly desires”, (1 Samuel 15:22).
      Girls should be taught from a very early age how to love God unconditionally without allowing anything else to stand in the way.
      “May she find comfort in Your ability, God, to reach her, hold her, and rescue her”, (2 Samuel 22:17-18 As a girl, I’ve found refuge in God’s ♥ from being let down in situations that I may not be able to control at any given time in my life- no matter what. “May she please You, Lord, by desiring, asking for, and utilizing a discerning heart full of wisdom”, (1 Kings 3:9-12).
      If I had a daughter, I’d ask God to show her how to tell the difference between a real friend and someone who only wants to abuse friendship for their own personal happiness.
      “Let her find confidence in You, God, even when hard times come and she doesn’t know what to do, by keeping her eyes fixed on You”, (2 Chronicles 20:12).
      I have had many times when things got difficult, and I didn’t know what to do Sure you can try to handle these problems on your own; however, God has the power to take our burdens away from us.
      “Give her a great desire to accept Your word, God, and store up Your commands within her so her ears will turn to Your wisdom,” (Proverbs 2:1-2).
      Girls should be given a tremendous wanting to accept God into their heart, acknowledge his Word within their hearts so they will be able to hear God’s wise advice and teaching.
      “May she keep herself under control and not give full vent to people and situations that anger her”, (Proverbs 29:11).
      This is a difficult verse for me to even follow sometimes. I am sensitive when it comes to others belittling me because of my disability. I try not to let their unkind words get me down, but that can sometimes be difficult. We need to turn towards God’s goodness and see that we’re perfect in His sight.
      “Give her the ability to rise above the traps of people pleasing so she can be kept safe by trusting You, Lord,” (Proverbs 29:25).
      Pleasing others isn’t what God wants. He only wants us to please Him. What others say and think of us really doesn’t matter whatsoever.
      “Let her walk in the security of Your assigned worth to her. Give her a strong work ethic and health to accomplish all her tasks. Give her a heart that desires to extend her hand to those in need. Protect her for the right husband, a man of respect and godly honor. And let her be a woman of joy and laughter whose Christ-centered character is what makes her most beautiful”, (Proverbs chapter 31).
      God has given me the best husband in the entire universe. He also showed me how to love others as He loves me. God is also showing me that I’m perfect as I am, that having a disability is just how He created me.
      “And every time you, Jesus, whisper, “Follow me” she does so with great grace,” (Matthew 4:19).
      If God whispers that He wants us to follow Him, we should not be afraid to do so whatsoever. God wants to lead us on a path of being an encouragement to someone else, who may not know where to turn.See More

  368. Stephanie Back

    I first saw you at Women of Joy and loved it! When I saw this, I knew this would help me because we are getting ready to send our oldest daughter to college this year and have been worrying over this transition. Thank you so much for all you do for mothers and daughters.

  369. Shelly

    These prayers are wonderful. I need something to remind me daily that my daughter needs prayer more than my constant direction. Thank you.

  370. Erin Keller

    A friend posted this on Facebook. I read it because it was just as if God was speaking straight to me. I have 2 daughters, 9 and 6. The 9 year old has started having friend troubles this year in school. I am at a loss for what to do. This is one of those things only God can handle.

  371. Linda Roser

    I’m the mom of 2 kids. My daughter is 22 and my son is 18. They were raised in a Christian home and attended Christian school. Two yrs ago our daughter went away to a Christian college and in 3 months, came back claiming she prefers an alternative lifestyle. She has wandered so far… We pray for her very much but there are days it’s so very discouraging. I sometimes wonder if we didn’t pray hard enough, or the right way. We know that we are not to judge, so we love, I recently realized that I “am not God” but Mom. As soon as your kids become adults, you realize you can no longer require obedience, they have a choice and they remind you of that. Tt was a very humbling experience, but I cannot will my daughter to do “my will or God’s” I do believe that one day, she will come back to where she knows deep inside she should be. For now, she lives in another country with her significant other. It’s never too late, so I will begin to use this prayer for my daughter. I will be using the other prayer for my son. Thanks so much for your words of wisdom. May God richly bless you and your family. God IS enough!

  372. lisa guidry

    This was right on time for me and will also send to a friend of mine. Blessings can be seen, heard and even read. Thank you for sharing such Power!

  373. Joann

    I love #9. I pray my girls have a heart for those in need. I pray they seek and find a godly man. And I pray their faces radiate Christ’s love and grace. Love this…

  374. stacyg32

    I don’t have a daughter…yet. I am sitting next to an almost 3 year old foster daughter that I hope to adopt. I prayed this over her. 🙂

  375. Lisa

    Thanks so much! Such a powerful thing to do for your daughter. A good reminder of specific ways to pray for her.

  376. Charlene

    I was thrilled to see this post from a friend! I have 3 daughters! I can’t thank you enough for sharing these prayers along with all of the other words of wisdom I have gleaned from your blog.

  377. Sherri

    I’ve raised 3 boys as a single mom. All my boys struggled a lot and experimented with drugs. My oldest, 22, now has cancer. My 14 yr old daughter has watched it all and I’m very overprotective of her. This really brought it home because I can’t protect her from seeing what her brothers have chosen, I can’t protect her from her brothers cancer or anything else. I have no choice but to give her to God and pray for strength and wisdom for us all. Thank you again. Great blog!! God bless

  378. Heather

    Thank you for your continued wisdom. It is fantastic to read your posts and know I can attain something higher, but still know we are all in this together. ♥

  379. Shelly Smith Lohman

    I am so going to be praying these prayers for both of my daughters & the ones for my son also.

  380. Christine

    Thank you so much for these prayers! I appreciate having some concrete things to pray for my daughter, who seems to be growing up in the time that I blink!

  381. Stacie

    I have 3 small daughters. Thank you for this help and guidance in praying over them.

  382. patty

    Great words…and great things to pray. Thanks!

  383. Robin Knorr

    This is wonderful. I have there grown daughters with families and I still worry and pray for them. I love these prayers and will be praying these for all my daughters so they will learn to rely on the Lord for their children and families. Thank you for this post.

  384. Karen

    Thank you for the encouragement.

  385. Donna

    I loved this! What a great reminder of who God is and who we are!

  386. Amanda

    Love this! Amen!

  387. sharon gilpin

    I have one daughter along with three boys. She will graduate high school and go off to college this year! I feel like I have started praying even more now that she will go out and fly on her new journey. It is a scary feeling letting her go, but like you have said, I am Mom, and not God!

  388. Julie B

    Oh, Lisa, thank you for being you and for providing such down-to-earth, real ways to pray for the things that I hold most dear to my heart- my girls and my marriage. Your words keep my closer to Jesus and I cannot thank you enough.

  389. Joetta Colquette

    Thank you for the honest article along with the prayers. I have a 22 year old son and an almost 15 year old daughter,(in two weeks). I am finding that for my daughter and myself, one of the most meaningful ways to have real discussions and to know her heart, is that we have Bible Study together along with reading books together during that time. We ask questions of each other, and have to be real and honest. I have learned more doing this with other than any thing else. Blessings~

  390. Laura jacobs

    Thank you for sharing these 10 things to pray for!

  391. Trudi

    So powerful, my daughter is grown now, but none the less she is still my baby. She has 2 daughters of her own now 13 and 8 months, she is a wonderful mother whom worships God to the fullest. I was a single mother and it was very hard to be Mom and not God, I was in the Army and had to leave her several times with my parents and in Gods hands, she was well taken care of on all aspects, but the glory must be given to God. I had wanted a child so bad, and she was the only one God trusted me with, but oh how I thank him for that child. I was diagnosed with lung cancer in Mar 2013, this week we found out the cancer has just blown up and spread and it even spread to the brain, it is my daughter that is by my side, her and her husband and children. Once again I thank God so much for the blessing of her. Your prayers will be much used on her and my granddaughters. thank you so very much.

  392. Carol Cohen

    This article encouraged, inspired, and helped me accept grace—from God. Thank you for sharing!

  393. Christin

    Thank you so much! This is so helpful!

  394. Jana

    What a blessing this list of prayers over my 3 girls.
    Thank you

  395. Shonda Mathison

    I am blessed with 3 amazing kids, 2 that are my daughters. I am about to send one off to college on her own and one that is figuring herself out in 7th grade. I drive them nuts and sometimes finding myself distraught on ” am I being the right role model, teach them everything the way I see it best, worry wart mom” I pray often. Kills me when they hurt…but this article will be printed! A relief for me…a guide for me. I am blessed. They are every moms dream! So precious to my heart. I will definitely be praying! Thank you!

  396. Natalie Miranda

    Thank you for sharing. As a single mom if a 16 year old I became a mom at 19 and as I see my Babygirl grow I am thankful that God can break the cycle and that my daughter will live a life to give God glory. Thank you for sharing I will def. Be praying these scriptures I’ve my daughters life. May God continue to bless you ministry. God bless.

  397. Susan

    To God be the Glory. Thank u I needed the prayer for people pleasing for myself

  398. Wendy Gerlach

    Thank you Lysa for this powerful weapon to use in the battle of raising our daughters. I LOVE #9.

  399. Tina

    I have a 17 year old daughter who is out tonight with friends. I worry about her the whole time. Who is tempting her? Will she be strong? I know she has a strong faith, but it’s so easy to forget to look up and lay this, too at God’s feet. Your blog post helped me to remember that. I know what I’ll be praying tonight! Thank you for reminding us to look up!! 🙂

  400. Mindy

    As a mother of three girls and two sons, this has been one of my greatest struggles. Letting go and letting God is a whole lot easier to say than to actual follow through. With that being said, TRUSTING in God and praying for protection, guidance and provision for our beloved is the only way to achieve a true peace sending them out into the world. Our oldest daughter is 19 and I thought graduation was extremely difficult. She’s now in her second year of college and little did I know more difficult days were to come. She is a strong, beautiful, intelligent and responsible adult child. (She reminds me she is an adult.) The fears of the world and the pressures and all that comes with independence, as a mother are terrifying. I constantly have to remind myself I’m not in control, but my loving Father is.

  401. Terri S

    Thank you for the giveaway! I would love to win a copy of your book to share with my daughter!

  402. Patt Ybema

    I found this on facebook today and it really hit home. My daughter is in CA going to college and I’m back here in MI and she called that she is still struggling with strep which was diagnoised before she left to go back to school. it shoudl be better by now. we have extended family close by and they are going to take her to the doctor tomorrow, but I still want to be there for her, but she is in good hands. they will take good care of her and make sure she gets what she needs.

  403. Jennifer

    Great prayers! As I read I was thanking my Grandparents and parents for posting these over me!.

  404. Jennifer

    As the mother of 4 daughters ages 10-18 this was a much needed post. Thank you.

  405. Molly Koenig

    Oh Lysa! Thank you so much for this post. It so speaks to where I am with our daughter who is a freshman in college and in a hard place right now. I want to make it “all better” like I used to with a kiss and a Little Mermaid band-aid. But. I. can’t. I. am. not. God. Thank you for your gentle reminder. To say I need your book would be a huge understatement. Love in Him!

  406. Deborah Turley

    Thank you! I as m so blessed by your blog. You have a very special gift.

  407. Jean

    God is faithful and just; a very present help in time of trouble. Use these words to remember that only God can give the guidance you need at times of challenge. Make those words part of a short prayer you say to our Maker even before you leave your room for the break of day.

  408. Cassandra Hale

    You had no idea that before I read this post, I was discussing this very issue with my husband and how I was trying way to hard to fix things in our 4 daughters’ lives. WOW!!! Thanks for sharing. I so needed this tonight. Cassie

  409. Meredith

    Thank you so much for the guidance and these 10 prayers. A relative posted this entry, and God knew I needed to read it today. Prayer is my focus word for 2014. I love my daughter so much, and I need to pray for her more!!!

  410. Ann Looney

    Most powerful! I will use these in my prayers for my daughter. She needs these foundations in her life. Thank you for being such a blessing!

  411. Suzy

    After a tough afternoon w my 9 year old daughter, I needed to read this today. Thank you!

  412. Lori S

    I have an adopted daughter who just turned 3 and has had some life threatening health issues. She is doing amazing and is such a little miracle to us – to look at this little sassy bundle of energy, you can hardly imagine her life before coming home! #9 is so beautiful for her – I know God is holding her in His hand and has great plans!

  413. Rochelle

    SO powerful. And life-giving. And exciting, thinking about my daughter’s future when I submit my desires and wants for her to God and make these prayers a part of daily life. Thank you so much!

  414. Sherry Hanson

    As a Mother and Grandmother, I still believe these are relevant for me to pray for my daughters and granddaughters. Hreat words of wisdom… Thanks Lysa

    • Sherry Hanson

      That’s Great words of wisdom.. 🙂

  415. Deborah Meade

    I can relate to trying to be God to my kids.
    I want to stop!! Love the prayers!!

  416. Pam

    I thought this was an awesome page
    I have a daughter who us in recovery -before and after she went into recovery I wanted to fix every thing.
    I knew if she didn’t have Jesus as her higher power she would not be set free from her addictions
    I had to trust In God and let go and let god
    It has been the most incredible ride
    My daughter is an amazing follower and helps others

  417. trudy

    Thank you! I have an 18 month old daughter and came across these prayers just after I tucked her in.

  418. Charissa

    This is so great! I have a 3 1/2 year old daughter and this is such a great reminder for me. With 3 little ones 3 1/2 and younger I often find myself surviving through the day and “forgetting” to pray my way through the day and specifically for my little ones.

  419. Bri

    I wish I had someone to pray #7 over me as a teenager. Thank you so much for sharing!

  420. Kristel Wiltz

    This is such great info and prayers! I need to post these somewhere n read over and over and pray it over and over. I have 3 girls (4, 2, & 1) & my 4th girl will be here in 6 weeks. Thank you again for all your insight. God bless!!

  421. Rachelle

    So freeing to remember our role as Mom, and the power of prayer!

  422. Carlene Wooddell

    Lysa, thank you so much for posting these prayers. Our daughter is 19 and facing becoming a mom herself in the next few months and I can say that I have always prayed for her and God’s direction, but never as hard as I have knowing she is facing motherhood. It is definitely scary when we realize that we have absolutely no control in their lives and not only do they need to rely on God, so do we~for everything! Blessings to you!

  423. Joe K

    I am so guilty of wanting be everything to my kids. And yet…I don’t. My heart’s deepest desire is for them to chase after God. I only want to point them to Him. Thanks for this give-away.

  424. Nicole

    Thank you so much for sharing your blog! I needed this!

  425. Nicole R.

    I love how real you are 🙂 I am currently in the process of making a pray list for my kids, so this is timed beautifully 🙂 Thank you!

  426. April

    Wow! Thank you. My oldest daughter turns 12 tomorrow and hasn’t made a public profession of faith. I pray for her daily begging God for His grace but these scriptures and prayer guides are so powerful. Thank you!

  427. Lauretta Russell

    Thank you so much. I need to print this so I can pray these same words for my precious daughter Makayla Grace

  428. Terri

    Great prayers for our sons as well. Pray the Word. It won’t return void.

  429. Meg

    Thank you for this. I just got diagnosed with AS last week, and have been so impatient with my daughter as a result. My younger daughter uses humor in every situation, but my older daughter is hard to read. I’m afraid that I will damage my relationship with her by losing my patience. It can be so hard on really painful days. Your post reminded me that all of that should be lifted up in prayer…and centered not so much on helping me be a better mom…but also prayers like these for her as well. This is really awesome. Thank you so much. I love your posts. Meg

  430. Julie Henry

    This is such a blessing! I have been searching for something like this.

  431. Tammy

    I would have loved to have had this when my daughter was young, but I would love to share it with my grand daughter, Riley, now that I am serving The Lord. Thank you so much.

  432. Eva

    Thank you for this! Love it <3

  433. Jennifer

    I have printed these off & put them on my night stand. I had an abusive childhood & early adulthood. I find myself trying to guide my girls too much, reading too much into situations & extremely overprotective for their bodies & heart. I try so hard to give it to God but its a constant battle. I would love any help/advice I could get.

  434. angie grubaugh

    Thanks for this reminder and it helps knowing I’m not alone in these feelings. Thank you for your positive truth filled posts on Facebook. I look forward to reading them each day.

  435. Brenda mosey

    Powerful prayers ! I too have taken the God seat many times. I try to remember that if I place my daughter in the Lords hands he has room to take care of not only my daughter but me as well.

  436. Colleen

    This really hit the spot today for this mother of 3 teenage girls, the oldest of whom we drive back to college, 2 states away, this weekend. I’ve really had to be open handed about her experience at my Alena mautuer , and it was a profoundly spiritually formative time in my life, and I SO, I mean SOO long for it to be that for her too…but that’s not up to me. It’s Gods’ time with her, not mine…

  437. Dee Dee Gilbert

    I so needed this TODAY. My heart is aching. I can’t hardly sleep, and when I do I awaken and it is the first thought I have. I know I can’t always protect her and now my trust in her ability to make good decisions has been broken. But God can protect her when I cannot. I am not God. Thank you!

  438. Larissa

    God has perfect timing! #5 really resonated with me tonight. I had the daunting task of telling my 8 year that her school was closing and that she’d have to attend a new one next year. This is certainly a tough time. Relying on God to get us through.

  439. Tina

    Wow – so timely tonight, much needed reminder after a stressful night. I will be printing those out and praying them over my daughters! Thank you Lysa!

  440. Linda

    Dear Lysa,
    Thanks you for these prayers for daughters. Thank you for the scriptures to back each one up in my heart. Thank you for your blog and Facebook page to encourage so many daily.

  441. Karen

    Love how specific these prayers are… I pray everyday for my three daughters and know how much I love starting my day with prayer and seeing how The Lord works throughout the day…I read in one of my devotionals that it is the best way to let the spiritual realm both demons and angels know who you choose to serve and that has inspired me! Keep the wonderful blogs coming!

  442. Meredith

    Perfect! I have two daughters (and a son – loved the prayers for your son, too). So thankful for these posts!

  443. Becky

    This is so true and so important. Start early and dont ever stop.

  444. Jules

    This Is my first time on a blog. There’s lots of wisdom in these prayers, but I found myself substituting my own name in some of them. Thank you for the blessing.

  445. Pamela Kirgin

    Thank you so much….my daughter is grown and lost in addiction right now but I have given her back to God and I am trusting Him for all things. They are never to old to say these prayers for them

  446. Erin

    Thank you for sharing this! I have a daughter that is a year and a half. I pray she will know and Love our Lord at an early age. Love these prayers!

  447. Kim

    I have 4 daughters and a non Christian husband , things are very difficult , my daughters need me to be the leader , there spiritual guidance , there everything , I don’t have all the answers ( we can’t , not allowed to go to church all the time ) These prayers will definitely help , thank you so much .

  448. Mindy Hawkins

    Wow. Just Wow. Brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing. You have a God given gift in pulling us control freaks back from the brink and reminding us time and time again that we are human and God is God. 🙂

  449. Stacy

    Thanks,I needed those, I too often want to be God for kids.

  450. Jodi

    My husband and I have 5 daughters ages 15,14,12,9&9. I have just recently come across this newest book of yours on a website and would absolutely cherish a copy to read and hand down(either literally or from the knowledge I gain) to our 5 gifts from God. With all we go through with them it’s easy to get caught up in the day to day busyness that I forget my #1 job is to eternally invest in their precious souls for Gods glory!

  451. Mendy

    Thank you for these prayers. I’ve been convicted that I have been trying to play God in my children’s lives. That stops now. God loves them even more than I do and has the power to take care of them and fulfill their destinies in Him. My worry does nothing. I will trust in Him.

    • Fabiana

      Thank You for this beautiful artcle and prayers. Wonderful and insightdul things ti remember! Would Love a copy Of your book!

    • Fabiana

      Thank You for sharing The articule and prayers. Would live a copy of your book!

    • melanie

      My girls have had to endure a very hard divorce between their father and I and these prayers are so greatly appreciated. I struggle on how to pray for their safety and well being when they are not with me. It seems so unfair what they have had to endure. I keep reminding myself that God has a plan even during trying times. thanks for the encouragement.

  452. Winifred Ling

    Thanks for the inspiring post. Would love a copy of your book. Congrats!

  453. Beth Harris

    Thank you for this post! Great scriptures to pray over my 2 little girls!

  454. Pam Kubat

    I SO appreciate this word. I have tried to protect my kids from hurtful words and actions. I’ve tried to bridge the gap, smooth things over to keep the peace, orchestrate whatever necessary to keep the relationships in the family close. As my children have become adults I find I can’t have add much control. They have minds, good minds, of their own and opinions that matter and they deserve to be respected as well. I fear broken relationships with their dad over Difference of opinion in spiritual thoughts and practices. With them at college And all the social media, I can’t control what and when they say things to each other. I realize after reading your blog that I can only pray and say, I am Mom, not God. Help me and help them Lord.

  455. Megan

    Thank you for this! Very helpful for my 3 little ladies!!

  456. Pamela Henderson

    This just what I need to really understand my daughter now that she is 23 and out in the world being a young adult with many overwhelming responsibilities but I know that with much praise and prayers she will have the greats of blessings in her future Thank you so much

  457. Bonnie

    Praying for my daughters. Thank you!

  458. katrinak

    Even though my daughter is 17… I realized its not too late to start praying these prayers! Thank you!

  459. Richele

    Powerful. Thank you. I will pray these often for my three daughters.

  460. Toni

    Thanks for the great scripture and prayers to go with them. Will use with my 3 granddaughters.

  461. Jay

    Thank you for sharing the prayer and scripture for our girls. I have one granddaughter and I pray she is lead by God to do His will in her life. I am going to print your list and share with my daughter in law.

  462. Kimberly S

    Thank you for the wonderful blog posts for our daughters and our sons! What a blessing!

  463. Diane Capps

    Thank you for these prayers. I have two daughters and will begin these prayers today.

  464. Tracey

    I need to be reminded of this soo often… I love the..”.Hi my name is mom, not God!” Such a simple statement, but as we mom’s know….is so powerful!

  465. Jenn

    I am printing these off. Thanks!

  466. val

    I have both sons and daughter and so will be using both lists to guide my prayers. Thanks!

  467. Amy Baase

    I am going to write these scriptures down and memorize them! Thank you very much, just what i needed to hear 🙂

  468. Brenda

    I so needed this right now. It hurts when your kids hurt. Sometimes sports can be so hard in its lesson teaching. Help her God to see through all this.

  469. Christina

    Wow! I really needed this reminder today. And the prayers for my daughter will be so helpful. Thanks!!

  470. Angela Roberts

    This prayer, for my six year old daughter, comes straight from my heart. “Give her a great desire to accept Your word, God, and store up Your commands within her so her ears will turn to Your wisdom, (Proverbs 2:1-2).” She is constantly making up and singing songs about Jesus in her heart. . . despite just finding out that she has a very severe hearing loss. The miracle is how God has enabled her to be able to speak with speech therapy and he gifted her with an ability to sing. The blessing is that we were able to fit her with a pair of hearing aids to help her brain hear all sounds . . . including God’s word.

  471. Evelyn Hill

    God bless you Lysa for your Godly wisdom. You are such a blessing to so many.

  472. April Young

    I would love to win a copy of your book to share with my daughter. She and I have been going through some tough times and just found out she is expecting. She’s 18 and still a senior in school. I feel she has fallen away from God and I’m praying everyday holding onto Gods promise that if I teach her Gods Word growing up she may stray from it but she will return and not depart from it. She belongs to God!

  473. lissette Romero

    This was just what i needed to read. I am sending this to my kindle do i can go over it often. God had this word for me. Thank you for being a vessel for the Lord’s work.

  474. Mary Beth

    I can still, at 45, feel the prayers of my Godly mother.May I be the prayer warrior for my daughter that my mom has been for me. Inspiring article!

  475. Tara

    What a Blessing this is and in Perfect timing !! God’s timing , of course !! I’m going thru such Spiritual Warfare dealing with my 13 yr old twin Boy / girl. Son went to live w father ( my ex) last yr and now so does my daughter. My ex is NOT a Christian and making bad choices, and so are my Dear Kids. My Wonderful Godly husband and Godly friends are all Praying , and so am I. I know God is Stronger than this and I am STRONG in The Lord!! Please Pray !! God Bless You all and Lisa’s Godly work !!!!

  476. Sherri

    I have two daughters-a teen and preteen. I have been searching for a more mature way to pray for them. This post had a great impact on me. I would love a copy of your book. Thank you for sharing free copies!

  477. Debbie

    Thank you! I so needed to read this today!

  478. Deena Wade

    Thank you, Lysa, for posting this! I have a young daughter and these prayers/scriptures are an excellent tool. It’s amazing what God can do with a prayer.

  479. Christy Sumner

    Thank you for your post. These are inspiring prayers. I always find the best way to confront the mom-fears I have is to pray, and to pray specifically. These prayers are exactly what I needed.

  480. Amber

    Oh I and my preteen daughter SO need this book to read together. 🙂 Thanks for posting.

  481. Jackie

    So glad you posted this!

  482. April morgan

    Thank you so much for this. I think sometimes its easy for us to get wrapped up in praying like a laundry list. We tell God what we want and don’t always stop to listen. I want to savor each prayer and listen to God. I also want to ask God to make me the example of the kind of Godly woman I want her to be. Thank you, Lysa.

  483. Brooke Witsberger

    These are wonderful. Thank you!

  484. Salena Medina

    Absolutely beautiful, touching and inspirational especially to a mother like me who has been blessed with 6 daughters. Thank you

  485. Jose VanderKamp

    just finished your study : Unglued, wow what an eye opener that was!
    And so on it goes in life ,learning new things in every season with my 4 children, 3 boys 13,19 an 22 and the princess:15!, how precious she is to our family, but oh how my heart hurts for all the things she sees and endures in a public high school. so much pain and brokenness, she is the prayer warrior for many girls and bounces back to me ,and then I , many times do not know what to say…. And that’s when I realize: Right You gave her to me, help me ,Lord! Blessings to you and for you in all you do for Christ!

  486. Lori Formoe

    I was drawn in as usual to the gift of God’s wisdom spoken so eloquently through your words. Thank you.

  487. Brittney

    This so powerful. My daughter is only 2 but I prayed for her for a longtime and promised God that I would raise her to be a godly women. My hearts prayer is that I can be that example to her. I am not knowledgable in the bible like I should be but what an awesome resource you have given. I will save these prayers and pray them over my sweet girl often. Thank you.

  488. Cassandra Davidson

    Oh how these are WONDERFUL!!! As a single mother of 4 girls and 2 boys, I do a LOT of praying for them!! I see how their failed relationships (with my 2 older girls) with their father has hampered their looking for relationships w/ boys (same as MINE was ruined by my lack of a father). I pray and pray because I do NOT want them looking for love, like I did, and then end up alone, like I am! THANK YOU for these!!!

  489. Morgan

    Thank you so much for this post. I have seen god answer prayers over and over again. I will be praying these things for my children and myself. Thanks again

  490. Davida Monts de Oca

    Thank you Lysa. God is using you mightily! I am printing these off to pray over my two little girls.

  491. Susan Anderson

    Love this post on prayers for your daughter. I have a 15 y/o and still wearing out the carpet as I watch her grow and go, independent and confident. Praying God has a strong hold on her heart and that she seeks him in all she does. They face so many new bold and in your face challenges today. Not quite sure how Moms survive the teenage years without God as their guide. Blessings to you and hope to see your book soon. Keep up the book blessings.

  492. Jodi @ A Mom Having Fun

    I have 2 daughters. My oldest, who is 10 has suffered with generalized anxiety for years. We had her in counseling but she had too much anxiety to really put any coping mechanisms in place. We finally ended up taking her to an adolescent psychologist this year. Thank goodness we did, because it was at that time depression started to come to the surface and she was hearing a voice telling her to hurt herself. She is now on medication, happier and healthier than she has in years. So many of the prayers you posted strike a deep cord. I worry about her so often and pray that she will form a deep relationship with God to help bring her the calming peace and security she needs.

  493. Tasha

    Great resource.

    Thank you

  494. Holly Boone

    I find your posts so helpful! Especially the prayers. I have a two year old girl and use the prayers you post often.

  495. Lyane

    i have 3 little girls. thank you for the prayer guide. i need to talk to God more and not try to be God.

  496. Amy Wiod

    I love these prayers and could use all the ideas and help I can get. With one daughter that is now grown up, I pray often for protection for her and her children. She makes lots of decisions that make me ask what are you thinking. And a teenage daughter who is trying to find her way back to God in a world filled with people telling her God is not the way. She knows he is today, but it’s a battle in her mind. I pray she makes good decisions and is protected daily, teenage girls are vicious. Thank you for sharing your prayers

  497. Amber

    I want to write these down and pray them daily over my children I have five kids and four of them girls. Sometimes I feel like it’s a constant battle and am so relieved to find hope in scripture. Thank you for all your wise words The Lord blessed you with a wonderful gift

  498. Kelly

    Crying while I type. One daughter, just off to college last month. I’ve never felt more helpless, or useless. Thank you for this post. It was aptly timex.

  499. Kelly


  500. Teresa

    I have some real control issues in that department. I want to be a more prayerful parent. I have a daughter and a son and this world can be such a scary place. I know at some point they will navigate this life outside of my control and I need to trust Him more. Thank you for these prayers!

  501. Dee

    Thank you for the prayer ideas. My daughter is about to turn one and I’m sure I’ll be using many if not all of the prayers for her.

  502. Nancy

    I am becoming a follower of your posts! Love the thoughts and inspiration you give! I have one daughter and pray often for her to live a life that is pleasing to God! I would love to win a copy of your book!

  503. Nicole

    Beautiful words and perfect timing. Thank you.

  504. Cari Dague

    Thank you for helping me find some direction in my prayers for my 3 girls.

  505. Debi

    I don’t need the book, but want to thank you for the great prayers and the scripture that goes with each. My daughter is in her 3rd year away from home at college, so pretty far from my control! I know God is trustworthy, yet still often succumb to anxiety with regard to my children. Putting them back in His hands through prayer is the best action when fear starts to set in.
    You covered so many areas in your ten prayers — including requests I would not have thought of. Thank you again for sharing with us the biblical prayers you came up with.

  506. Lis

    Amen, Lysa! Scriptural prayers are so powerful! Thank you so much for sharing. Excited to win a copy of your book! 🙂

  507. Erica Borrego

    As I sit, with tears in my eyes, I am reminded that God cares for my children more than I could ever imagine. Sometimes, well, most of time, I forget. Then I stumble across a post on my fb from one of God’s humble servants, like yourself, and God uses you to gently remind me that it’s gonna be okay. As much as I have messed up, and continue to do so, He is still on the throne, and He is going to make good on His promises. Thank you so much for your obedience to Him. I prayed each and every one of those scriptures and was encouraged to not give up hope or give in to fear and anxiety over the future of my children. He who goes out weaping, carrying seed to sow, will come back singing songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them Psalm 126:6 THANK YOU!!!

  508. Erin

    These are definitely my prayers for my daughter. She’s a 3yo and a handful (and it seems like she always needs prayer), but I know that God has her in my care for now for a reason, and I’m going to do all I can to be in sync with His plan. Thank you, Lysa, for posting this.

  509. Nan Sklpper

    I have 7 grandaughters that I will speak their names as I pray these prayers. Very good guid lines for effective prayers. Thanx….

  510. Carrie

    Thank you for this. I have 2 amazing girls that I worry about often. I just printed these prayers out & will pray them daily. I can’t wait til a decent hour, it’s 4 am, to call my youngest & have her look up a few of these verses. She’s going thru something right now that only God can heal her broken heart. Thank you again. I am a mother not God but we can all be Godly mothers. Blessings!

  511. Shonda

    I have 2 teenage girls and I feel the same about wanting to write their plan and be the guide and protector! I often forget that my most powerful tool is prayer…that I can just lay it all at the feet of Jesus.

  512. Kim Andresen

    Wow, such a powerful message. I think I live in fear for my thirteen year old daughter. Your
    Message is so perfectly on point. …we as moms, are NOT God to our
    Children…and you are right, we cannot control everything! I love
    Your words about prayer being the
    Bridge to God! I would LOVE to be
    Considered for one of your book
    Give aways…my daughter and I have just recently begun studying the Bible together (a bridge in our relationship). So, I feel
    Having your book, and having my daughter know you and YOUR daughter wrote it together would
    Really mean something.
    Thank you for considering us!
    Kim Andresen

  513. Wanda Mobley

    I was a little skeptical about clicking on the website. Oh but I am so thankful that I did. These prayers and scriptures have truly touched me this morning. I would love to have these to hang in my and look at every day. I have one daughter colge an one in high school both are very good girls and love The Lord. My prayer, like yours is that they continue to Love The Lord and follow Him. I know he has their life in His hand. I pay for them a mate that is strong in The Lord.

  514. Michelle Clayton

    My daughter is almost 19 and I’ve messed up and failed her so many times. But I know God can intervene and bring her to what HE would have her to be. Thank you for the prayers and scriptures. I will use them for my daughter and her friends as well as share them with other moms and women in out church.
    Thank you and God Bless – Michelle Clayton

  515. Jessie

    I have one girl and 3 boys. But my daughter is my oldest and officially a teen. When she was younger I was not living for The Lord as I am now so trying to teach her the importance of prayer and living for The Lord has been a little bit of a challenge. On top of it I am her small group leader in her youth group at church. Talk about trying not to “be God”! These prayers are great. Definitely refocusing how I pray for her, And not be her Holy Spirit. Man. It’s hard. Thank you!

  516. Jodie

    That’s the book I was going to read next!!

    Great prayers! I’ll have to file them away for when I have children.

  517. Paula

    This is so me. Because of my garbage in my life, I so want to protect and guide my daughter. It is hard to step back and not be the “momma bear” when things happen. She is my only child, I am an older mom and I worry for her and her life to come cause she is an only child and only has herself to rely on. So I am always praying for discernment of people and wisdom for right choices and protection over her. Thank you, Lisa

  518. Marie

    As a mother, It’s so hard to move from a place of fear to a place of faith and peace. Even when we do, there is so much in this world that refuses to let us feel the peace for very long. Our daughters have so much more pressure to “be” and “be it right now” by today’s culture that I don’t believe they feel like there is time to just live – to let who they truly are be enough.
    Thank you Lysa for giving us tools each day to help faith/peace replace our fear and just as importantly tools to help us teach our daughters how incredibly awesome beautiful children of God they are. No matter what life throws at us/them, its going to be ok, God’s there and he is can handle it. 🙂

  519. LeeAnn G Taylor

    This is an excellent reminder – we are MOM, not God!

  520. Vicke

    It is my desire to raise a young girl into a woman who is totally dependent on God, who seeks him in all she does! Thank you for the reminder that I have to let go and let God in some even when it is hard for this to happen.

  521. Sonja

    Very insightful…so very true in my own life. I want so badly for my three wonderful children to grow up not making the same mistakes I did, when in reality the lessons I have learned from those mistakes have made me who I am today. Sometimes our “protective instincts” go too far and we need to trust in Him while we pray and guide…but NOT direct!

  522. Dawn

    Wonderful reminder of our role in our children’s lives. Going to print these and add them to my journal. As I read them, certain ones brought to mind each of my daughters and where they are in life right now. I love how scripture will do that! Thank you for writing.

  523. Jessie

    My oldest daughter is a year away from graduation and I find myself doing many of those things you described each and every day. I even find myself trying to make decisions for my sixth grade daughter and try to protect her from everything. The 10 prayers you posted bartended I’m going to pray for each of them every day. Thanks for sharing such amazing insight!

  524. Stephanie

    This is exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you for sharing! May God continue to use you to minister to other women.

  525. Heidi Harding

    Thank you for those prayers because as protectors of our daughters we forget to turn to God more.

  526. Dawn

    Wonderful article! Thank you for sharing!

  527. Gina

    Thank you for this blog. You have put my heart for my daughter(and sons)into words. I am not blessed with that quality. Seeing the words, makes me feel secure that my bases are covered. I will be printing out this blog so I can use it in my devotion time for my children.

    • Angie Willcoxon

      I am in tears as I read your blog. My daughter is away at college and has many difficult things in front of her. I want to fix it for her but I can’t. She is a strong, beautiful Godly young woman but I still worry about her and how overwhelmed she is right now. These prayers are a great guideline to follow and cover her in prayer. Thank you so much Lysa. I will be printing this one out as well as the one for my boys.

  528. Shelia Brumley

    As a parent of 4, I so desire to follow Christ and be an example to my children. I often fail miserably. My prayer; may God help me to help them!

  529. Danielle Drollette

    Thank you so much for these scriptures and for this book for young women !

  530. Courtney o

    Would love a copy to share w my 3 daughters 🙂

  531. Lizbeth Stephens

    Thank you for these prayers. They are exactly what I pray for my two girls. At 15 and 13, they both made a commitment to be in the ministry. I am thankful for that and pray God’s blessing and protection over both of them.

  532. Christy Paterson

    Awesome words! Thank you!

  533. Sheri

    Thank you so much!! I have to remind myself often they truly belong to Him and His plans are so much better for them than mine.

  534. Laura camp

    Daughter is 21 & I’ve always prayed over my children but w/her feel at a loss sometimes. She’s sowing a wild hair right now & is a sweet loving person but self pleasing right now & all in the name of “fun” puts herself at risk for real trouble. These prayers help give me a focus as I’ve committed to continueing to “mother” her through praying. It is truly the best I can do. Thank you for sharing.

  535. jen

    Thank you for the chance to win. What a beautiful post!

  536. Pat

    I am very appreciative for you reflecting my heart in praying for God;s best in the raising and hearts of our daughters. Although mine would be considered “grown: , they still are in our home. I am blessed they still share their hearts and seek guidance. I will be sharing your encouragement with them also.

    A;though older, I know I am never too old to learn or depend on our God who provides all the answers to the issues of our hearts—

  537. Diane culver


  538. Lori

    Thanks for these encouraging scriptures to reference!

  539. Debbie Hughes

    All I can say is WOW! As a mother of 8 now grown children, 4 of them daughters, I can say I wish I would have seen this earlier. I always prayed for my children, but these words in your prayer just struck home. I will be praying this over my grown daughters as well as my young granddaughters. My personal problem was that I always believed that God could and would do anything….for someone else. Some of my children are struggling, some with each other, some with outside influences that have turned them away from God, and I do feel like I always need to be doing or saying something to try and fix it…after all…I’m a mom. Today, it all gets turned over the HIM!

  540. Kathy

    Thanks so much. I have 2 teen and one preteen daughter. Iwould love to have your book too!

  541. Terri Juliano

    I have four children between the ages of 16 and 20 (three boys and one girl). I copied these scriptures into a word document, replaced the my son/ my daughter with my children’s names and have it hanging where I can see it every morning. I have been praying for my children since before they were born. My three sons have moved out and my daughter is planning on going to college next year. It has been so hard to let go and just be mom. These scriptures prayed this way are so encouraging and have brought a large measure of piece to me. Thank you.

  542. Minnie

    Thank you….gonna print this as a reminder 🙂

  543. Melissa

    These prayers are wonderful. Being a single mom of a 14 yr old boy & 12 yr old girl can be very overwhelming at times. God has been talking to me all week about pray…. Just pray. I

  544. Gayle TAlley

    Awesome prayers, as a single mom I find myself trying to micromanage her life. It is a hard habit to break.

  545. Jen

    I have two daughters, both close to being teenagers. I’d love this!

  546. Mary

    Love love love this. Thank you!

  547. Pamela

    For a mother who has lost a child the fear is more real then you can imagine . An Angel now and forever 17. Sometime I feel like you are talking only to me so glad you are there for us and guide us though Gods word

  548. Hannah L

    I have 6 girls so this is speaking to my heart! Thank you!

  549. Becky

    Thank you really need it that today I have 3 daughters and one is 17 and just is so lost

  550. Laurie B

    Thank you…for continued inspiration for ourselves and children…going deeper into the heart of God!

  551. Shannon

    Thank you so much for this post to your blog. I am not a mother but I do care for 4 children daily and teach 9-12th grade young ladies Sunday School. The Lord has given me a hearts desire for sharing the love of God and being a Christlike example daily in the lives of the children and youth I am blessed to serve. I am committed to pray over and encourage the young ladies I teach each Sunday to be God’s Girls. Your prayers and scripture are very much appreciated:)

    • Priscilla R Herrera

      This is so powerful thsnk you so much you have no idea how much I needed this in my life right now.I have lost all my children to the world after raising them in the church as a single mom. David 23 steven 21 savannah 19 Angelica 18 now all adults they walked away from God and I’m powerless but Prayer has been my peace and comfort and most of all the only answer.this article and blog is just another reminder from the Holy Spirit not to give up and a tool through your ministry Lisa that I can do it in his strength. Thank you again for your selfless commitment to serving us. Love Priscilla

  552. Susy

    Thank you for this post!
    From a mom of five girls ages 8-22!

  553. Debbie Faunce

    Awesome. Wish I had these when my daughters were growing up. I have 2 grand daughters and I wrote these down to start praying over them. Also sent to my daughter for her to pray. Thank you.

  554. Susie-Q

    Thank you for specific ways to pray. I sometimes struggle with words to pray. My two daughters and I are going through tough times. I am glad for this inspiration.

  555. Missy. Chester

    Thank you for this post. My girls are 19 and 17. I know that prayer is powerful and effective. Facing a looming empty nest makes me rely on God even more and realize even more fully that they are His. I guess we spend our whole lives letting go and letting God.
    God bless

  556. Jamie

    Thank you for helping me be proactive and pray Scripture over my girls!

  557. Cindy brouder

    I needed this exact post today. My daughter wants to be a missionary and it scares me to death. I will write these scriptures down and pray on them constantly. Thank you Lisa!

  558. Denise O'Bryan

    Great words of wisdom for this mother of two beautiful daughters.

  559. Wanda

    Wow! Did this touch a soft and sore spot for me in a rough relationship with my daughter who has driftied away from The Lord! I have been so heartbroken about her and this was a blessing. Thank!

  560. Jana

    Thank you so much for this!!!!!! Wow how our daughters need us praying for them rather than trying to control them.

  561. Regina Irvin

    I have so guilty of having made mom and God antonyms. Thank God for His mercy. And, I am so very thankful for the truths shared in this posting. Covering my daughter in prayer is my most reasonable service to The Lord and to her. I am grateful for women of God in the Kingdom like you. Thank you!
    I have shared the 10 prayers with other mothers in my sphere. I hope one day Hod can use me for a mother/daughter fellowship circle of ministry.

  562. Dian

    I find myself wanting to rescue my daughter and granddaughter from experiences that might be painful or disappointing

  563. DeAnn Gardyszewski

    Pick me!

  564. Denise

    Hi Lysa,
    Thank you so much for this post. I am an older mom, my daughter is 40, however I still find myself “in her business”. I don’t think so until she blows up. This came at just the right time and I will be praying those scriptures.

  565. Erin

    Thank you so much for this! My little girl is almost one and I already worry so much about her future. I know that the only control I have is to trust in Gods plan for her, but it can be so hard sometimes to just let go of the worry!

  566. Jennifer Druery

    Last night my daughter said she has a boyfriend! I especially need to pray these things because of what will be facing her in the future. I don’t like it that he is not a believer and she is only 17, too young for a relationship. Thank you for this list of specific prayers….I’m going to need it!

  567. Tracy Powers

    Thank you for reminding me that, as much as I want to, I’m not the one who can best protect and guide her (my daughter). After loosing a son almost ten years ago, I so desperately to no harm to come to her. I struggle everyday to trust that God had a plan but I keep trying.

  568. peri krueger

    It is wonderful to read your prayers for your girl. I too have raised a wonderful daughter with prayers like these. God is so faithful to be present…strong…loving…trustworthy. we are so limited in ourselves but He is unlimited. Thanks for your sweet soultalk.

  569. Melissa

    Beautifully written and applicable! Thank you!!!

  570. Jennifer DeMoss

    Amazing post. I am printing it out to tuck into my bible to refer to daily. My daughter and I are so close, and my prayer is that we continue to be as she matures and grows into a young woman. Thanks Lysa for all you do! God bless you!

  571. Cindy

    I had a 21yr loss of relationship w/ my own mom. She would set the typical mother curse on me hoping I had a daughter like me someday…but really, I am more confident in who God says I am, than who she said I ever was. She would make up lies to my father to get me in trouble because she was jealous that dad and I were close and she and dad fought all the time about her hoarding issues. I am so thankful that God showed me to be the daughter he created me to be – and through forgiveness mom and I now talk several times a week. PRAISE HIM! My daughter and I do experience some ‘head-butting’ but I know God will keep us close in heart and show us both the way.

  572. Leanne Pearce

    Thank you for your posts!! From a Grandma of two beautiful girls 13 months and two weeks old and my beautiful 19 year old daughter!!

  573. Donna

    I love all 10 and will definitely be praying them! Thanks so much!

  574. Jaydnn

    Love the verses and words of encouragement.

  575. Candace

    Thank you. I lost my mom three years ago and feel lost at times when it comes to parenting my two daughters. These prayers will definitely help.

  576. Kris

    As a single mom of a daughter, I so appreciate these words and prayers. Thank you for sharing your wisdom.

  577. Crystal

    Thank you so much for the verses. As a mother of a 12 year old daughter who lost her dad a few years ago I needed that as I am trying my best to raise her in a godly home. I pray for her daily. As the world today is much different than it was when I was growing up. Thank you again!!

  578. Amy Henderson

    I appreciate the powerful prayers for both sons and daughters. We have such a brief time with them and we should be intentional with our prayers and time. I can definitely grow in this area so thank you for the suggestions.

  579. Kristie Parrish

    Thank you!

  580. Heidi

    I love these prayers and am definitely going to start praying them! I would love to share the book with my daughter. I have read “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God” and love it!

  581. Lauren Reese

    Thank you so much for posting this blog. As the mother of a two month old girl, I already feel the weight of the importance of praying over my daughter and have been seeking the right way to go about that. Thank you for providing some excellent wisdom!

  582. Tamrah Alvarado

    Thank you for sharing these prayers for your daughter. I am praying them for my family as well.

  583. Melanie

    Yes Lord, teach me to pray for my daughters.

  584. Jan Guiterrez

    I am a mother of two daughters. The contrast to that; one I have served God since before she was born. The other one was into her teens before I surrendered. I am grateful for God’s mercy in my life. My oldest daughter is with The Lord and my youngest is in college. Women: cherish your children. Fight on your knees for them!

  585. erin

    they are exactly what I needed to be reminded of 🙂 my husband & I are going through a trial and I am reminded that I dedicated my daughter when she was born that she is God’s and that He knows all & has her best interest for her & that I can let go confidently… hard but peaceful about that 🙂

  586. Leigh Powell

    Thank you! Mom of 3 boys and now new baby GIRL! Will need these

  587. Lorene

    Thank you!

  588. Kim Thomas

    I saw your post from a friend on Facebook. So I clicked on it, boy this is what I need for my daughter. She has to take a test in school to graduate. She has tried this 3 times and failed all 3. And like you said, we want to be God. In the last few days, I have been praying and asking God for guidance. I feel that the 10 prayers is what I need. Thanks for posting…..

  589. Kim Cash

    Thank you, Lysa! Such wise words! ❤️

  590. Dawn Adamczyk

    Thank you so much Lysa. Just what I needed.
    Dawn Adamczyk , mom of Victoria 16 and Erica 13.

  591. Kerri

    Beautiful scriptures to ponder on. I lived reading this!

  592. Jennifer McCullough

    Thank you for these beautiful prayers, I have 2 girls and find myself trying to control instead of letting God guide me. Amen to these prayers❤

  593. Brooke Domek

    I have two little girls ages 7 & 3, and I lift them up in prayer multiple times a day. These prayers above are not only important, but life changing for them and their generations to come! Thank you Lysa!

  594. Terri Bruntmyer

    Thank you so much! My only child, my daughter is 21 and away at college. It has been hard not talking to her every day and being involved in her daily life. Sometimes it is hard to catch up with her to chat once a week even! I am so proud of her! She is a smart, sensible girl but I worry a little about the influence of non-Christians that she might interact with. She has not found a church in her college town, I had hoped that she would. I also worry when she makes the 2 1/2 hour drive home, and about safety in general. It is a small college and has security but she sometimes has to walk across campus in the dark and late in the evening. It was also hard when she broke up with her first boyfriend while away at school and I couldn’t be there to comfort her. She is an equestrian administration major and she spends a lot of time in the barns (around 160 horses on campus). Late one evening she and a handful of other people were finishing up work in the barns and a stranger came in, strung out on drugs and yelling that he thought a biker gang was chasing him (just in his mind). I was on the phone with her when the guy walked in. She said she had to get off the phone. I was terrified for about 20 minutes until she was able to text – they had locked themselves in a tack room, called security and the police who arrested the guy. It was a long 20 minutes, trying to pray and so worried it was hard to find words to pray!. I am going to keep this in my Bible where I can look to this when I pray for her, especially at times when I struggle with exactly what/how to pray!

  595. Amy P.

    I am a mom raising two daughters and a son. I am so glad I read your post today. I often try to fix what I think is broken to protect my children. I need to pray more and worry less.

  596. Jonna

    These are so great! Need to be praying these over her constantly!

  597. Lori Johnson

    I admit that I have been trying to be God in my daughters life. These prayers will help me back up a bit and let God work. Thank you for this articles, it has perfect timing. But Gods time is always perfect!

  598. Kim Riddle

    From a mother of three adult girls, 23, 21, and 18, and two granddaughters, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this! You see I am a new Christian of two years and I know what I want to pray, but sometimes just don’t know the words! I have learned to pray scriptures, but this just has everything I want for all my girls and more! This is truly a blessing to me! Thank You So Much!

  599. Denise Channel

    I have a wonderful daughter that will be graduating from high school in May of this year and starting college in August out of state so I really need this!

  600. Helen

    Thank you this is wonderful

  601. Jo McEnroe

    I’m overwhelmed at the thought of how differently life for girls would be with these prayers. I have two girls in college, and hundreds of ‘kids’ – my students- who all need these prayers. I love the comment about the lady in conflict with her mother but forgiveness is rejoining them. I had a similar dlemna and pray I never have that with my girls. Being a mom is so hard! These prayers will help lift the burden or worry.

    • Shannon R

      Thank you! thank you God for giving this message and prayers for my ten year old daughter today. We are working through this battle for her heart today…. Praying to give her direction as mom, but trusting God to lead her in character. Oh the joys and strengthening and patience through the Holy Spirit. Amen

  602. Holly Loomis

    Lysa, I just want to thank you for your website and posts. I do thank God for you also. There are so many posts I see from you that I look at in disbelief because they speak so clearly to me that day and my life in general…every day. I have three girls ranging from 6-16! (Lord help me, lol!) Seriously though, I am so blessed. They are so challenging and yet so completely rewarding, and sometimes both at the same time!
    God is truly truly doing His work through you…so thank you thank you thank you…and praise God because of you!

    Holly Loomis

  603. Krista Ferrell

    What a beautiful way to pray for my granddaughters!

  604. Shannon

    Just this afternoon I patted myself on the back when my daughter saw confirmation for guidance and instruction I had given her. Thank you for letting me see clearly that GOD is the one who guides her steps and I am just used in the process sometimes if He sees fit. Thank you Lysa…

  605. Ann

    I have prayed for and spoken blessings over my children many times through the years. However your ten are a better prayer guide because you take them right from God’s word. Thank you for sharing.

  606. Sherry Timmerman

    Thank for such a great reminder that God is the one in control in our relationships with our children.

  607. Laura

    Thank you so much for the wonderful prayers for daughters. They fit perfectly.

  608. christine

    My oldest daughter (who is 16) is angry with me right now for something that happened over Christmas break. There was miss-communication and she still isn’t speaking to me and has blocked me from her phone. Please pray that she will eventually come around and start speaking to me again. Thank you Lysa…….

  609. Paula

    Oh the sleepless nights. Many of them spent WHILE praying fervently for my daughter (and my son).

  610. Amanda Whitaker

    Thank you for this beautiful reminder! I often look at my daughter and think that i know whats best for her. God is the one who truely knows who she is, inside and out, so why not intrust her to God with these prayers!

  611. Natasha

    God bless you and thank you!

  612. Kiesha

    I’m a mom to three daughters. Thx u for sharing!

  613. Nita

    Thank you so much for your posts and your books! It is so comforting to know as a wife, mother, daughter, friend, and child of God that I am not alone in my struggles in each role I have in life!

  614. Tracie Davis

    I have twin 17 year old girls that love God and it is so hard to step back and let God do his thing! I loves all of these, but #9 just resonates with me so deeply. Thank you for posting these. I will be adding these to my prayers every day!

  615. Melissa Hotaling

    This comes at a time where I struggle with this and in different ways. My daughters are in different stages in their lives: one a new mother and the other struggling to find her worth as an adolescent.

    I am saying a lot of prayers. I have faith in His plan.

  616. Tammy

    I continue to pray for my daughters who are walking their own path. I pray they are touched in a way they will turn back to God soon! Thank you for sharing!!!

  617. Lara

    I love this, thank you! I pray for my girls daily however having ideas on very specific things to pray for them is wonderful! Love your writing!

  618. Christy

    Wonderful prayers for our daughters. Thank you!

  619. Jaime

    TY for posting. It’s timely and just perfect for the spiritual warfare our family is going through right now. My daughter is in college, and is very double minded. One moment we r great, the next we r horrid people. I so want to say more to her but God has told me to wait on Him. Wait? wait? Me patient? Lol. So thank you for this. This is something everyday that I can pray over her. And ur right prayer is the only possibility with possibilities-that is a fact. in the past, (last week) made the problems more with me trying to run ahead of God. So again TY for posting! Praise God for His word that brings us truth and instruction. Bless you.

  620. Laura

    My church is co-sponsoring a Mother & Daughter retreat in May, I think this would be a great resource for us! Thanks!,

  621. Liz

    My mum had this problem too. She actually wrote me a letter saying that she had to let God be in control but wished he needed help as she had some great ideas. I struggle too particularly when it comes to safety. Your article was extremely timely thank you and God bless you.

  622. Christal Helmick

    Thank you so much for this post. I have a teen daughter who I pray for, but am sometimes at a loss as to what I should be praying for her. Thank you for these Biblical truths to guide my prayers! Blessings to you!

  623. Patty Johnson

    Thank you for this. I love this prayer list.

  624. Bobbi

    This was such a great message, and perfect timing. We are at a retreat this weekend with almost 100 high schoolers, and I have gotten to spend time with my group of 7 young women. I will not only be saying these prayers for my own daughters but for my 7 girls this weekend as well! Thank you!!

  625. Vicki Herndon

    Great stuff

  626. Anika Vines-Ogle

    Lyssa: first and foremost thank you for this post. It is true many times as a mom I want the best for my daughter and for her to continue her spiritual growth(she is currently 7). But I have to tell you that many times I stand in God’s way because I want to control the situation and don’t fully hand it over to God. As humans we have such a hard time being able to trust and let go of a situation. Thank you soo much for writing this are ticket as I neede some solid scripture to help me let go and let my daughter exercise discernment and allow her relationship with Gid to grow.

  627. Juli

    This was such a timely message for me. Thank you so much and God bless!

  628. becky segerstrom

    It’s so important to pray for our girls… (and boys! :)) thank you for the reminder and for specific areas to pray about in their lives. I wish someone had prayed for me like this… but then again.. maybe they did.

  629. Leticia marlow

    I want to know more scripture to help with my daughter

  630. Kelli

    Lysa, I am thankful for your posts and especially for this one. Sometimes I feel like I am floundering when I pray for/over my girls and this is a GREAT directional prayer. My daughters are 5 and 3 and I will be praying these prayers and verses over them every day! Thank you!

  631. becky segerstrom

    It’s so important to pray for our girls… and boys! thank you for the reminder and for specific areas to pray about in their lives. I wish someone had prayed for me like this… but then again.. maybe they did.

  632. Serrena Westerfield

    Lysa you can so bring my deepest thoughts to words. Yes, to all 10 as I reviewed a prayer today that wrote and almost through it away thinking yes, right some day. You bring me hope through sharing your thoughts and devotions. Blessings to you today dear Lysa and I pray that your words will sink deep into the hearts of young Moms.

  633. Ann Wallmark

    When we focus on Him as you help us do we are reminded, refreshed and renewed. Thanking God for you and ways to stay focused and serving and this helps social media be what it must be.. Thank you!

  634. Vilmarie

    Love it! It was refreshing, powerful and comforting! Thanks!!!!

  635. Jennifer Lytle

    Thank you for sharing this! It’s just what I needed!

  636. sharon amato

    These will be my prayers for my girls even though they are adults… they have strayed from knowing and serving GOD. I am putting my trust and Faith in the Lord for them and my grandchildren… Please keep them all in your Prayers… Thank you

  637. Brandi

    My 3 daughters livec with their father and I struggle with the things they are allowed to do and exposed to everyday. I am by no means a bible scholar but I do pray for my girls and that christ will show through them everyday. They go to church with me every other weekend and sometimes I see a passion and sometimes not. I can use all the guidance I can get and this sure helped thank you. I enjoy reading so much of your work. You can see in so many things your mother point of view. Great job and God bless.

  638. Melissa E.

    I love this. My precious girl is 17 months. I will be printing this post and posting it on my fridge. I love your blog and I check in everyday!!

  639. Brandi

    My 3 daughters live with their father and I struggle with the things they are allowed to do and exposed to everyday. I am by no means a bible scholar but I do pray for my girls and that christ will show through them everyday. They go to church with me every other weekend and sometimes I see a passion and sometimes not. I can use all the guidance I can get and this sure helped thank you. I enjoy reading so much of your work. You can see in so many things your mother point of view. Great job and God bless.

  640. Carla

    Thank you Lysa for being such an inspiration and encouragement. You spur me to think deeper about my role as a wife, mother, and daughter of Christ. May God continue to bless your ministry.

  641. Brandie

    Thank you SO much for all you share. I have 3 beautiful daughters (15, 7, 5) and I needed this today! Love it! Thank you again!

  642. Anna Roddenberry

    I have a beautiful 24 year old daughter that is dealing with emotional issues from past trauma. I trying to give the situation to The Lord and be the right kind mother and know how to pray. These words will helpe find mine.

  643. Jacky

    Lysa, this post was exactly what I needed to hear. God definitely had a work in getting me to view your site. My daughter Elizabeth has been facing some difficult times at school because she has been picked on and I wanted nothin more than to run into the school and be her defender. She is just five years old and I was overwhelmed that she was already facing difficult times in her short life. I have been searching and praying now for two weeks as to how to handle this when I stumbled upon your blog on Facebook. Simply praying for Elizabeth never crossed my mind as her best defense and my relief but God does reminds us continually to go to him with our trials. I just wanted to thank you for giving me a great start at praying for Elizabeth as well as my younger daughter Maddie.

  644. Beth Donathan

    This is great, wish I had read it when my daughters were younger. They are both grown, married, one has a daughter ( adopted) the other is expecting her first child…. But a mothers heart never changes, it is still appropriate for them too!

  645. Lisa

    I have 2 daughters, age 12 and 9. I thank God they loves the Lord so much! I thank God they knew Him early in their life. Every day i keep praying that they will fear the Lord and put God as number one in their lives. I pray that God use them as His instruments for His glory. Your post and book will help us a lot. My husband and I will use these scriptures to pray for them. Thank you!

  646. Sharilyn

    Wonderful….prayers for Granddaughter! Thanks

  647. Ronda

    It’s so hard to watch our kids grow up in such a crazy world. I’m learning to pray for my family to stay in God’s Will (per Pastor Steven) and when we’re in God’s Will we make right choices. Your advice always makes me realize simple things I can do to make things easier as a mom. Thanks!

  648. Molli Balcom

    This is where I struggle the most when it comes to my daughter. She is still very young but has gone through a lot in the last year with her father walking out on us. I am now a single young mom and the one thing I always find myself doing is being stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed with wanting to keep her from being effected by anything that’s happening between her father and I, let alone the rest of the world. I want her growing up with a strong faith and understanding that God provides, heals, and loves. And I know the only way I can truly do this is to lead by example, pray for her daily, and teach her the importance of a relationship with God. Thank you for reminding me most Moms struggle with this too but by clinging to my faith I can help her grow to be a woman of faith.

  649. Jan Reilly

    Thank you for this article. I pray these things for my daughter. I thank God for his promises and faithfulness.

  650. Anne Smith

    just tonight i was having a hard time dealing with my daughter (actually months now) but tonight one of the hardest. i was blaming myself for all the problems and trouble my daughter is going through. i feel as her mom it reflected my parenting as to all she did. see my 12 yr old started middle school this year and she changed overnight. she is staying in trouble, back talking teachers, cussing, was sent to alternative school for a month and the last was a fight with another girl, put in a sheriffs car taking to the jail and i had to go pick her up. nothing anyone says or does opens her eyes to see she does not know it all and talking bad about other people is ok even when she keeps loosing friends. then tonight i read lysa’s post on facebook which leads me here. i am not god i am a mom he entrusted with his child and the only way i can save her is pray…..pray day and night for her. i also thank god for lysa’s message just when i needed this most god used her to open my eyes. i hope she sees this comment not to win the book but to see how on this saturday night she opened my eyes with her words.

  651. Fran

    Wow great words for this Mom!! I have a daughter who has strayed far from God!! She has a heroine addiction and has lost almost everything including her son! As you can imagine this is at times overwhelming at best but I refuse to give up on God and the Word we planted in her…please pray along with us for our daughter Liz!!

  652. Karla MacDonald

    I think I found this just in time. Struggling so much with wanting so much more for my daughter while she is willing to settle for what’s in the moment. Thank you for these prayers and Scripture…I’m starting right now!

  653. Melissa

    This is inspiring but heartbreaking to me at the same time. I have failed at this. I have amazing daughters that are almost grown. I have missed this opportunity –

  654. Connie

    Many of the things you have written have touched my heart and mind and moved me more than I can say, as well as sending me in a direction with my thoughts and prayers that were much needed. God bless you in all you do and thanks for your words!
    Your friend in Christ,
    Connie Cutlip

  655. Connie

    Really like the Scripture verse given for each prayer! Definitely what I desire for my two daughters!

  656. Anne Smith

    just tonight i was having a hard time dealing with my daughter (actually months now) but tonight one of the hardest. i was blaming myself for all the problems and trouble my daughter is going through. i feel as her mom it reflected my parenting as to all she did. see my 12 yr old started middle school this year and she changed overnight. she is staying in trouble, back talking teachers, was sent to alternative school for a month and the last was a fight with another girl, put in a sheriffs car taking to the jail and i had to go pick her up. nothing anyone says or does opens her eyes to see she does not know it all and talking bad about other people is ok even when she keeps loosing friends. then tonight i read lysa’s post on facebook which leads me here. i am not god i am a mom he entrusted with his child and the only way i can save her is pray…..pray day and night for her. i also thank god for lysa’s message just when i needed this most god used her to open my eyes. i hope she sees this comment not to win the book but to see how on this saturday night she opened my eyes with her words.

  657. Tracy Burgess Bolt

    Hello Lysa, I want to thank you for this opportunity and for the prayers. I am a mom of three, 28, 23 and my only child still at home is now almost 13. She is an amazing young girl who loves The Lord with all her heart. Our world has grown so cold and hard, we must raise up new generations of believers. It is our responsibility to teach our children. So many have fallen away from God and have not taught their children about Him. I thank God for you and many others like you who touch the lives of thousands each and every day and enable us to in turn, to touch the lives of others. You have made a difference in my life, through your posts, your Bible Studies and books, and I thank you wholeheartedly for that. God bless you and your family. Again, thank you for all you do! Tracy….

  658. Jeanne

    Thank you for these scripture suggestions to pray for my daughters!

  659. Lynessa

    My daughters are my world. Thank you for this blog of 10 prayers for daughters. God Bless you.

  660. Megan M. Moore

    Right now, I am crying with tears of joy and happiness for our babies coming forth forth from the spiritual realm to the natural. My husband and I are believing for perfect, healthy children. God has healed and delivered us from our past to prepare us for his promises. I published a book, “More than an overcomer,” that has opened the door to God’s blessings and it is bringing young and older women to Jesus for every area of their life. I am experiencing physical healing, wholeness, and restoration in my body by God’s word, eating the right foods, and taking natural vitamins. I am thankful for God’s strength, help, courage, and love to walk this journey. My husband and I believe and know God has answered our prayers. God has already worked through our friends to sow baby clothes and we already have a baby room for our little one. The other night my husband and I were listening to craig campbell, “When she grows up,” God spoke to us and revealed to us our baby girl’s name. When I read this blog, the Holy Spirit led me to speak and declare these scriptures over our baby girl. In the Bible, It says, children are a heritage from God. I thank God for your obedience and for your ministry. I claim God’s favor and grace abounds towards you, Lysa, your hubby, and beautiful, beloved daughters.

  661. Judy Den Hertog

    These prayers so much reflect how I prayed for my 2 girls who are both Mommies now… and they both have precious daughters too… My 3 sons are also daddies, one to 2 boys and a daughter, one to 3 girls, 4 boys and twins due in July, and one to become a daddy for the first time within a month. So many little ones to pray over…

  662. Merri

    Thank you for taking the time to write this – I want to print out this list and hang it up so that I can see it to regularly pray these scriptures for my daughter!

  663. Julie

    Thanks. Good words for today.

  664. cynthia noles

    Beautifully Stated!!!

  665. Kandis

    Thank you so much for posting these! Right at this moment my tween daughter is away for the first time from us not with family member and my heart is wild but thank you Lord that He always puts exactly what I need right in front of me! Prayer is so powerful!

  666. Janine

    I will be sharing these with my daughter too, so she knows my prayers for her. And will be reading the prayers for boys! My boys are grown, but still praying for them!

  667. Michelle Sutton

    My girls are very little, but I will pray for all of these in their little lives! Thanks so much for sharing!!

  668. Leigh

    I am a single mom of an amazing daughter in college. I have prayed for her but the list you gave is priceless. I am going to tell her about this website and hope to get some of your books. Wish you had a poster of that list. Thank you for sharing,

  669. maary

    I began praying for my daughter while I was pregnant and didn’t know whether I was having a boy or girl, I wanted to be surprised. My prayers took on a whole new meaning once she arrived. I remember rocking her and praying for so many things for her…wisdom, protection, health, happiness, a heart for God, and I also said prayers for the man who would become her husband one day. She is now in college, no boyfriend yet, and pursuing a nursing degree! And I still pray for her multiple times daily. She is simply an amazing young woman! Reading this article gives me more areas and new ways to pray for her. Thank you for your post.

  670. Sheri Sparks

    Wow, these prayers are wonderful! I enjoy your books, blogs, and have had the opportunity to meet you once in person in Florida. I am always searching for suggestions to help me in my prayer life and how to be still and just listen to God. Thank you for all the comforting words of encouragement, you have such a wonderful gift of reaching people. I know, because I am one of them! Have a blessed evening.

    Sheri Sparks

  671. Rhonda

    I really love this message. I pray for my daughters regularly and hope they always turn to Him for guidance. I am printing this off to use during my prayer time. Thanks so much for this.

  672. Melissa

    Thank you for this post. I plan to use each prayer im our weekly family bible study with my two girls. I can’t say enough prayers to protect them or guide them. Motherhood truly is an amazing blessing.

  673. Rebekah's Mom

    Sometimes I feel like I’ve exhausted my dialog with God, when it comes to my kids. I love praying scripture back to Him and you’ve given me new ways to pray his will.
    Thank you, so much!

  674. Kristel Petty

    Thank you for this post. I love all of these sweet prayers!

  675. Trina

    Thank you for this prayer list! As a mother of five daughters my prayer life has been steadily getting better and better the older they get. Now that boys are entering the equation, I need any and all help I can get

  676. Mary E

    Love these beautiful prayers! I sent them to my daughter who is expecting in June. No better gift. “To pray is to let go and let God take over”.

  677. Aimee

    Thank you for your encouraging words!

  678. Jane F

    Thank you for this jumping off point of prayers for daughters and the great reminder that we are ultimately not in control. Thank you too for Proverbs 31 ministries; it has blessed me immensely even in the tough places in life.

  679. Candi

    This has really touched my heart. We have 2 beautiful Foster Daughters that I am realizing that I am playing God to WAY too often. We are in the process of adopting them and they will never have to return to the life they had before. I just need to learn that I alone can not protect them from everything.

  680. Kelly Paluscsak

    Thank you so much for posting of these prayers! Thank you Lord for reveiling it at just the time I needed it the most. My girls are 24 & 19 but both are still live at home. My heart has been so broken over how they search for a boyfriend instead on waiting on God. I will be praying these prayets over them.

  681. Tammy Henderson

    My daughter is 20 and it’s so hard to wait and hope that she will make God a priority when the world pulls in so many directions.

  682. Darlene Wright

    Love seeing people work for God! Thanks!

  683. Sharon

    I just read these 10 prayers and I don’t think I could find the words to express the feelings I have that these are a must for my daughter. Especially #9!! In this day where all that can come against her, I know that I must do all that I can to help her fiend her treasure that God has put inside her, and that she always knows she is loved and valued. These prayers may be geared toward her but they are also a reminder of what we can do, and what God will do. With God’s help I will be the mother I am to be, and with these prayers I can help my daughter become the woman she is to be! Now my next stop in this blog is the prayers to pray over our sons!

  684. Patty

    My daughter is so precious to me and many others, as well. She hasn’t had an easy life and she could have taken the wrong path so easily. She suffered a heart attack late in her pregnancy and her son suffered oxygen deprivation. He had many health problems as a result. She was the most awesome mommy to her beautiful blue eyed, blond baby boy and he was the center of her universe. God called him home 2 years ago on Christmas Eve morning at the age of 22 months. She also went through a divorce. But, instead of giving up, she turned to God to strengthen her and she is truly an example of what a Christian should look like. Since then, she has met a wonderful man who has 3 teen and pre-teen daughters. They have been dating for over a year and God is truly turning her life around and filling it with blessings. She serves God in so many ways and I’m so proud to be her mom. Praise God for our daughters!

  685. Traci Wagnon

    Thank you so much! God so used this for me to night. I was sitting thinking how sad I am over some things about my daughter heading in to teen years and how uncapable I am as a mom. Can’t wait to see the book. Every word has touched my heart.

  686. Shelly

    Thank you! I have 2 daughters in their 20s and I pray for them but love these specific prayers based on scripture!

  687. Mandy Stallings

    These are amazing prayers and Bible references. These are also prayers we can seek for ourselves as mothers.

  688. Kerry King

    I would love to win this! I have 2 daughters I’m continually praying for!!

  689. susan winters

    I am a mother of 5 children, 3 boys and 2 girls. I saw your post on Proverbs 31. I had to immediately come to your to site. Thanks for sharing.

  690. Michelle Ladd

    Thank you Lisa for these amazing prayers God Bless You!!

  691. Colleen

    My daughter is just a toddler. How powerful these specific prayers would be in her life if I will just ask The Lord! I would love to recieve a copy of this book.

  692. linda zobel

    Yes, Lord, help me remember that I am mom and not God! this is so hard as they are now young women themselves. These prayers are perfect. thank you!!

  693. Tammy

    That was beautiful and everything my heart desires for my daughter! Thank you!

  694. Bobbie Harrell

    Just prayed this over my daughter in Jesus name! Thank u for the words of wisdom!

  695. Karin Conlee

    Grateful for your ministry and encouraged that you wrote with your daughter. After @SheSpeaks, I sensed a writing project with my daughter might be in my future. Would love to see yours.

  696. McKala

    Thank you for this guide. I think it so interesting that I tend to pray most fervently for my daughter in the areas of life I have struggled. I didn’t notice it right away. Thank for providing a way to make my prayers about the big things in life and just the worries (although I know God hears those too).

  697. Faith

    Oh Lysa. With three daughters all grown up I can surely relate to issues they all present and I have to learn to Let God!

  698. Eden Garner

    This is beautiful, thank you!

  699. Anna Brown

    Thank you, I just prayed these with and for my daughters.

  700. Nancy

    When I read this it was if it was my exact words coming from my mouth…I have an 18 year old daughter that has wanted to be in control of her life since she was two…the older she got the more control I felt like I needed to have, especially when she would push the limits…for the last two years I wrestled w/trying to shape her into the cookie I wanted her to be…God finally took me to a place this summer where I had to surrender her to him…probably the hardest thing for a mother to do because u think “what if God’s plans are different than mine?” and “what if God needs to send her down some scary road to bring her to him?”…it IS scary but since then I have seen God start to do amazing things w/my daughter’s heart and life (Isaiah 43:18-19)…things only made possible by him…thank you for these prayers and for your willingness to share your struggles even though you have such a great faith…God uses our struggles to draw us near to him w/a sincere heart and full assurance that faith brings! (Hebrews 10:22)

  701. andrea s

    Thank you for sharing this post. I needed both the one for girls and boys. What a blessing.

  702. Cyndy S

    I have been searching for concise points to pray for my son and daughter and found you!! It would be blessing to receive both.

    Thank you so much!!


  703. Kathy

    Last night, my daughter was spending the night with her dad. Around 10pm, she texted me with something she was struggling with. She began with, “Have you ever wished for something that, if it happened, it would change your life forever?”. After a few minutes of texting, I offered to pick her up and she agreed. The 5 minute drive to get her I prayed for God to give me the guidance in handling her struggle, let my words be His words, and in all things, let us learn and grow for His glory. Last night went well with our talk and she is now still asleep in my bed with our two dogs, content and peaceful. The moral of this is that I prayed and God answered. Not only did he answer, but he followed up with placing your “10 Prayers” post on my facebook. Thank you for writing it and thank God for doing great things in our lives.

  704. Dina B

    This came to me at a time when I needed it the most. Someone hurt my daughter & sadly enough it was her own father. I told him that I can’t mend her broken spirit for him. Trust me if I could I would! I just keep arming her with love, positive self worth & the tools to help her grow in God. These prayers will be read for her often. Thank you!

  705. tracey

    I have two daughters. One a young woman and one that is a few months from becoming a teenager. My youngest girl went through the last 3 years of being bullied at school and cyberbullying. God was our strongest power during those years. We sang the song everymorning for the last year “i am a friend of God” before she would go to school. We ended up moving and changing her schools this year and she is doing great so far. I would love to have your book and i wrote these prayers in my journal so i can pray them daily.

  706. Shawn

    Isn’t it amazing how God puts exactly what you need, right where you need it, just when you need it?? God Bless you!

  707. Stacy

    The way our world would be turned upside down if every parent prayed these prayers for their daughters. We need a more God centered society. May all our daughters bear fruit for the Glory of our God and may they walk uprightly in His ways!

  708. Ashley H

    A friend published this and it was exactly what I need. Thankful Mom raising three amazing daughters. Glad I find this site to help build a stonger relationship with God.

  709. Tonya Galloway

    So incredibly glad I found your site. Thank you for allowing God to use you.

  710. Tiffany voshell

    I have four daughters under 10 and I pray I can remember this over the years! I’m not God!! I can’t control it all!! All I can do is wrap my girls in prayer and trust Him- he loves them even more than I do and he is oh so much wiser!

  711. Amy

    Prayers are powerful. I will add these scriptures to prayers for my 3 little ladies.

  712. Abbe Gunnink

    Thank you for these wonderful prayers for my two teenage daughters. I have had some health issues over the last two years and now struggling with some anxiety and always seem to worry too much about my two daughters. They are wonderful girls. I am going to use your prayers to pray for them daily and maybe some of my anxiety will go away. Thanks so much. Abbe

  713. amy

    as a mother of 5 daughters I so appreciate this. printing it out as a reminder that I can only do so much for my girls. as a reminder that I must teach my girls, by example, to trust in the Lord.

  714. Wendy

    Wow. I can’t thank you enough for posting these words. It’s as if I could have written them myself. I have not seen my daughter in almost 5 months. Before that, we were best friends. Until now I did not know HOW to pray for her. My emotions and fears would mix up my words and I’d get nowhere. Thank You for giving me these prayers.

  715. Jessica Russell

    Thank you so much for this post!! I have 3 beautiful girls and I can’t wait to begin these prayers over them! I am new to Proverb 31 ministries!! It started Jan 1 when I wanted to make several changes in my life and I thought the best way would be to study Proverbs 31! At the time i was not familiar with Proverbs at all! I found your blog on Pinterest and have began following a lot of y’all and receiving emails! I’ve been a christian all my life but just recently have I noticed the complete power of prayer! It changes everything!! I’m learning every day and so excited for what’s in store for my family as our journey continues! These powerful prayers will be extremely helpful! Thank you! and your ministry is what is helping me with my walk with my Saviour!! I will be forever grateful~

  716. Leah R.

    Thank you! I need the reminder that I’m not God, but I do have a job, to pray for my girls!

  717. Cory

    Thank you thank you thank you for these! What a perfect timing to hear all these as I found out we are expecting our second daughter! Again thank you for your godly wisdom!

  718. Jeanne

    Lysa, I have been overwhelmed lately with the many challenges facing my 11y/o 6th grade daughter. Depression, anxiety, hormones, bullying, discrimination, societal pressures. These prayers are just what I needed to focus on asking God for guidance in her life. Thank you so much. I have 4 sisters who each have daughters, too, and know they will also find these helpful.

  719. Carol Gillette

    Thank you. I can relate to the article so well with having three daughters. Always praying, but carefully praying for what I want, not always for what God has planned. The letting go and Letting God is a tricky thing. I think I am praying according to His will, but its always with exceptions like don’t let them get hurt, physically or emotionally, etc, etc. Goodness, may God help me! Thanks again.

  720. Lisa B

    I feel exactly the way you describe in your blog, Lysa. My girls are both 4 years old. I often find myself worrying about the future, whether bad things will happen to them, and if they will be strong in their walks with the Lord. There are things I experienced in my life that I don’t want them to experience. I have to remember that I am their Mom, and not God, but it is very difficult at times. These scripture prayers will be perfect for me to use when praying for them each day – I’m printing them out and keeping them with my devotion material. Thanks, Lysa!

  721. Ruann

    Having raised four daughters and knowing that all of the “wants” don’t stop just because they are adults, I find your list to be so valuable, especially with the Scriptures to pray right along with them. This will be copied and used to pray, and I’m also sharing with my daughters as we all pray for their daughters now, as well. Thank you.

  722. Lisa

    Thank you for this post. I am always trying to formulate a prayer for my 3 daughters and 2 granddaughters. I will incorporate these prayers!

  723. Diane Szabad

    The power for pray is stronger then we could ever amagine. This is great advise for all mothers young and old.

  724. Stefanie Hartman

    Your words are such an inspiration Lisa! Will be praying these things for my precious daughter Andrea. God bless 🙂

  725. Michelle H

    We have been having a revival at our church this past week and this so fits in to what God has been speaking to my heart. Thank you for being open and honest and for sharing your mistakes with us. Prayer really does work and I will be using these for my daughters.

  726. Nichole

    I love these prayers! I’ve printed them and the sit at my bedside so they will get prayed out daily. Thank you!!

  727. Lisa M.

    The prayers you have written are powerful and wise. Thank you, Lysa, for sharing your prayers with the world. The Number 10 prayer stands out to me today concerning our daughters following The Lord as He speaks to them. My pastor spoke today about Jonah being blinded by bitterness which caused him to not be willing to follow the Lord’s leading at first. I have found that bitterness creeps in where there is unforgiveness. I pray that our daughters can follow the Lord’s unique path for their lives as they walk in forgiveness and consequently, not have a root of bitterness waiting to grow and cause problems wherby many would be hurt. Colossians 3:12b-13 “…Put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, long suffering; bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do.” (NKJV)

  728. Jackie Tessnair

    Thank you for posting this…I could have written your words.I absolutely could use this book.These are such great words…thanks again.

  729. Hellen

    Thanks for this list. I was JUST asking the LORD last night to show me how I can more effectively pray for my daughters.

  730. Julie

    Thank you for the reminder to pray that our daughters seek the Lord with a listening ear and a willing heart.

  731. Connie Lenz

    Thank you for sharing! As a mom of 3 girls, I relate!

  732. Michelle

    This article brought tears to my eyes. I realize i need to trust god with my children and not force my will upon them. Thank you for sharing! You are an inspiration to me.

  733. Cathy

    Beautiful prayers, Lisa, for my beautiful girls. Thank you!

  734. Leslie Manske

    Thank you so much for sharing this. Such a wonderful encouragement to me!

  735. rita

    I need this right now. Starting to find out that I need to show love to my 6th grade daughter differently these days. These prayers will definitely give me peace and encouragement.

  736. Rachel Vermillion

    These are wonderful ways to be powerful during powerless moments without interfering. Love this!

  737. Betty Predmore

    I struggle with this issue as well. Through prayer I have come to realize that I cannot control every aspect of my children”s lives. I can do the one thing that is the most powerful tool in helping them become strong women of God….I can give them to my Lord and Savior in prayer, trusting Him to meet their needs, guide them, and give them wisdom. I share this with other moms when counseling them. So many are distraught by the choices their children are making, and so many are so controlling when it comes to their children and the plans THEY have for them. We must remember it is not what WE plan for them, it is what GOD has planned for them. Trusting God with our most precious possessions is the key.

  738. Kim Freeman

    Thank you so much. My daughter is 15, I am so proud of her. She is so godly and practicing purity. It is so hard for young girls to stand against the ways of this world. I just purchased Unglued for my sis and I. Your writing is so encouraging.

  739. Karen

    I have 2 daughters, a 22-year-old & a 20-year-old. Both are working toward figuring out what God would have them to do in their life. I pray daily (sometimes multiple times a day) for them to pursue whatever it is that God has planned for them. Thank you so much for these prayers & scriptures.

  740. Annette Green

    Being the first time mom of a twenty year old daughter. I know from the intro post, I need this! Thank you

  741. Kim

    Love love love

  742. Valerie

    So powerful! I always find myself saying “I want Zoe(my daughter) to be _____, when she grows up!” If that’s not me trying to play God already I don’t know what else is! She’s 2! Lol This was an eye opener and I’ll definitely be praying these scriptures over her for the rest of her life. I’m so grateful I got to read this now rather than later in life! 🙂

  743. Gail

    I wish someone had specifically prayed this list for me. Now I have a grown daughter & 5 grand daughters.

  744. Brandi Hammen-Smith

    Would love to win a copy…

  745. Debbie

    Thank you for these scriptures and prayers… God’s timing is always perfect!

  746. Patty Seidelman

    I have 4 daughters ages 23,21,18 and 16. I need to remember to pray for them everyday. These are great reminders. Can you send me theses in an email? I would love a copy of the book you are offering. I am imperfectly trying to be a better mom for my girls.

  747. Jen

    I so needed that today and everyday! Raising 2 teenager girls is not easy but I wouldn’t trade it for anything in this world! I love them both more than life itself! I hav shared your book and book on CD with 2 lovely ladies in my life who needed those words from “unglugged” Thanks for doing what God has definitely called you to do!

  748. Andrea S.

    I LOVE this article! It is definitely something I needed to read and will need to read over and over again.

  749. Melissa

    God is awesome!!! What a timely word! ~ This is right where I’m at with my daughter!

  750. Anna

    Thank for for sharing these scripture passages. I am looking forward to incorporating them into my prayers for my daughter.

  751. Melissa Krumbach

    This is so beautiful. With my daughter going to college in LA I worry so much about her. So having this book would be great for her! I’m also showing her the list.

  752. Amanda Edwards

    What a timely blog! I bathe my children in prayer every day; thank you for the guidance of specific prayers for my children.

  753. Tracey

    I’m almost at a loss for words…..I’ve been having a major silent struggle with our 19 year old daughter, who goes to college and lives here at home. Because of the decision she has made to follow her carnal heart to a man that claims Godliness, yet there has been a very negative experience in the past with him, I decided yesterday to “let her go”. Let her make those horrible mistakes and not show my personal care for her and distance myself from our strong mother-daughter bond.
    Lysa, by your posting this…I can clearly see I was acting as if I was God, not Mom. I’ve been refusing to pray about this situation, because..well, frankly-It’s exhausting and I’m afraid of what God will tell me. Thank you for writing about this and posting to Facebook! I’m going to do my best at prayer with these scriptures and journal my experience. <3

  754. Constance

    LOVE your post, thank you so much, I needed the encouragement. Struggling to raise my first teenage daughter (age 13), two more coming (aged 4 and 2)

  755. Laura

    Thank you for the wonderful prayer to pray for my daughter! I am a single mother and pray for my daughter everyday but this is way better than anything I have come up with!

  756. Kara

    Would love a copy of your book!

  757. DeAnn

    I have two pre-teen daughters that sometimes, prayer is my only survival tool. 🙂 Thank you for this, Lysa

  758. Annette

    Thank you for sharing your insights, your honesty and your hope. As a single mom to two young girls and a son I look forward to your God inspired nuggets to assist me in their spiritual guidance. I’m grateful you share your gifts with us.

  759. Louise A

    Thank you Lysa. I’ve have 4 daughters who I pray for daily. Thanks for sharing your inspiring words.

  760. NeCole Sanson

    Loved this book!

  761. Denise

    Thank you for sharing

  762. Christy

    My precious daughters, how I long to save you from the pain I have suffered, and the mistakes I have made. Oh, how I wish I could keep you at home, under Mommy’s wing, close by, to guard against the evil and influence of the world. But I can only sit on the sidelines of your life and cheer you on from a distance. There’s no more going out on the field to check on your injuries, or asking the coach to pull you out of the game. This is your game. You must now make the decisions, and the tough calls, as I sit by waiting, watching, praying, and longing to see a victory for our team <3

  763. Amy

    Very well said and great scriptures to be prayed for our daughters. I have 2 daughters, ages 13 and 19 and I pray for them daily. Thanks for sharing. Love your emails and blog.

  764. Deborah Yanez

    We have 4 daughters that I am always praying for. While they are all awesome individuals, there is so much bad in the world that you can’t help but worry. I put them all in God’s hands and know the his protection surrounds them each and every day. Thank you Lysa!

  765. Corey

    I so needed this. I am this mom to my two precious little girls. I will pray these prayers.

  766. Krissi

    I have three daughters & am praying thru Stormie Omartian’s 60 Day prayer book for your kids. (Can’t remember title). I will add these to my prayers!! Would love this book for my girls.

  767. Genae Herbig

    A few years ago my Bible study girls went through your study what happens when women say yes to God. It was such a blessing to go through. I would love to be able to teach my daughter to say yes to God as well. Thank you so much for your passion to grow closer to God.

  768. Debbie

    LOVE this! One of our most powerful tools as a Christ-follower is prayer! This world that our daughters are growing up in is so different than the one we became teenagers in. May each of our daughters grow in grace & beauty as they unabashedly know their identity in Christ.

  769. Daphne

    I really needed this today. Thank you for the encouragement. I will be printing these and sticking them in my Bible.

  770. Summer

    Love this post! Thank you for sharing!

  771. Deb

    Thanks Lisa! I birthed one girl, two boys and am surrogate mom to several more. As I pray for my adult daughter(s) today so often I wish I had known what I know today. Your 10 prayers for daughters and sons are so very ‘right on spot’ I trust that Jesus has my girl(s) in his palm and everyday step out of His place and rest in mine. It’s hard to fully step back and yet is the right thing so they can become His women.

  772. Chelsea Fessler

    Thank you for sharing these powerful prayers with us. As a mother of three girls each and everyone of these prayers will be put to good use. Your words are inspiring and uplifting as I have read, unglued, and am currently reading, am I messing up my kids! I love your books and daily post!!

  773. Shanda

    I just recently starting following you. Boy have I been thankful for you. You are so real, never pretending to have it all. Admitting mistakes and using them for helping others! I have 2 boys and 1 little girl! I’d love the book! Thank you for sharing from your heart!

  774. Joanna

    I am enjoying your blog Lysa! My second daughter was just born this morning (premature!) and I saw this while I am sitting here recovering. 🙂 It is encouraging and nice to have a list to help guide my prayers. 🙂

  775. Abby B

    As a mother of two little girls 8&11, I need this book! I feel like every time we back out of our driveway we are entering a battle! They have to learn to put on their armor, I want to teach them early how to follow God and live in this world with relevance and grace.

  776. Margie G.

    My husband and I have three teen daughters. I do not want to be their god. I do not want to be a control freak. I PRAY for the good Lord to help me keep a balance that I’m able to give permissions when appropriate and not hold back b/c of MY fears. Driving in snow? She’s 17. She drives 30 minutes each direction to their college four days a week. I pray for safety and wisdom for each of mine. My struggle is keeping a balance. I need their obedience in order to keep everything moving along appropriately as a working homeschooling mom. They’re growing and I see/take note of improvements, but some failures and occasional complete disregard for the rules/assignments can be so….. overwhelming as “mom”. Wish I knew specifically how God the Father would handle these things. I’ve blown it with yelling and super frustration and other times I feel a calmness and fear I’m too subdued about it. I mostly want them to LOVE God and be kind to others while working hard…. seeking service opportunities…. and trying to BE HOLY…. or be more like Jesus.

  777. Kalie

    I’ve been reading and doing a study on the circle maker. One of my “circles” of prayer is around my daughter. Sometimes i struggle with what exactly to pray for and over her…this was exactly what I needed!!! Thank you!

  778. Jodi

    Thank you! These are perfect. Thank you for you ministry!

  779. Candy Burton

    I love these prayers that I can pray daily for my daughters

  780. Kelly

    Hi Lysa, I was hesitant to comment but this is what I needed today. You see, I used to be close to my daughter and now she is a stranger in our home. She is suffering from severe depression at a young age and has tried to take her life . I have always tried to be God, her defender, her protector. But I realize through these struggles, I’m not in control. I need to give it up to God and have faith he will help her through this storm . I appreciate the prayers you’ve given .This could not have come at a better time. Thank you so much

  781. Christina Tippens

    Thanks for this! I have two daughters who are pre teens and I can totally relate to this article. I love the prayers and scripture listed and will pray these for my girls!!!

  782. Cindy

    Such great prayers for our daughters. I have two that are 18 and 21. They are never too old for these beautiful prayers.

  783. Joyce

    For Tammy, Jennifer, & Amanda, Jessica, Casey, Haidyn, Miss & Aizlyne.

  784. Mechelle Earl

    I am a single mom of two teenage daughters. I pray they always seek God for everything they do!

  785. Angie

    Thank you for this! Will be praying these for my daughter!

  786. Angie

    Thank you for this! Wonderful!

  787. Pam

    The prayers of a mother are strong. I have three daughters, all grown now. I raised them mostly as a single mom with the direct help of God. I have prayed for, taken them to church, tried to show them by example though I know not the best at most times I am sure they thought. But I see His hand in them. I have one serving him as a music minister, one that is involved in her local church faithfully and now one that has decided to live the way of the world. Our entire family is torn to pieces with the choices she is making for her 7 year old son and herself. The sin she is choosing is so beyond anything we ever imagined or she ever would have a few short years ago. These scriptures are like a lifeline for me now. The devil is roaming around stalking families to see what he can steal, kill and destroy. Not here! I will be standing on the word and he will not get my daughter. Release her now! I am excited to see you this weekend in Lubbock what timing God has!

  788. Amy

    Thank you so much….you are such an inspiration! Can’t wait to go read the prayers for my boys now!

  789. Erica Bancroft

    One of the lies we moms believe is ‘I’m the only one… I cant talk to anyone about this… no one will understand…’
    But your willingness to be real and open provides a trail blazed – a glimmer of hope – a sense of fellowship and even community.
    Thank you for your heart, Lysa.
    One Mom in Oregon.

  790. Joi Pokerwinski

    Thank you so much for your words put into prayers. There are so many times I just don’t know what to pray for my girls. I have so many thoughts but they don’t always seem to come out as well as the way you put it. I will be praying these things for my three daughters. Thank you

  791. Kim Davies

    Lysa, I love your website and your books and youtube videos. This book would be so great to win. I have one daughter and her dad and I are divorced. I am remarried to a wonderful Christian man now. Her dad is an atheist. This book would be great for her. 🙂

  792. Erin romano

    Thankyou Lysa!! My daughter will be graduating in a few months and will be attending college in another state! ): i will be praying these scriptures over her everyday starting today!

  793. Beth Lebourgeois

    Beautiful prayers!! Love, love!!

  794. Donna

    This came to me at just the right time! Love it!

  795. Natalie Tomasello

    Thank you so much for this article, it was so timely!

  796. Rhonda

    My momma’s heart needed this today. Thank you so much for sharing. I will use these to not only pray for my daughter (who is just beginning her 2nd semester of college…way away from home) but also, for my daughters-in-law and my granddaughters.

  797. Sherry krout

    Thank you ao much for posting the 10 prayers for girls. I have three grown daughter and two grandaughters. I also have three grandsons. I pray for them every day. Each with there own struggles in life. I believe my mom says these prayers for me and my sister as well as in the last couple of years. I have come to live by these words in scripture. God has blessed me with so much. I know i have to leave all that is going on in my life as well as my daughters livea in his hands. He will answer my prayers in his time. I have hit rock bottom in this life and come to know that the rock is God and he is lifting me up daily to a better renewed life with him. My prayer isy girls see this and follow him closer as well. Thank you again for the 10 prayers for girls. And boys.

  798. Gretchena Vaughn

    Wise words to pray for daughters and moms!

  799. Victoria Martinez

    I was just sharing with a young lady today @church the importance of a mommy’s prayer. Lysa you touched on what I believe are the most important areas to pray for your daughters. Thank you♥

  800. Lynette Braun

    I have printed off this list of prayers and verses, my daughter is a young adult now and needs my prayers now more than ever. This will really help me especially when I’m struggling with what to say and how to ask for the right things for my girl.
    Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with the rest of us.

  801. Melanie Powell

    Could really have used this when my daughters were younger.. maybe I could use it for my granddaughters.

  802. Kerry

    Printing these verses out to keep, thanks for sharing!

  803. Dee Ann Henn

    I would love a copy of your book. I am praying for 3 granddaughters (one on the way) and two daughters-in-law. My son is separated from his wife and I need to find ways to help her say “Yes” to God.

  804. Juliet Horan

    Thank you for these. My daughter had a rough day today and me having these prayers and your blog was a message to me that I need to turn them over and let God be God in their lives. Thanks!

  805. Aimee Jeffries

    Lysa, thank you for the encouragement. I’m a new mommy, my daughter is only 14 months, and I will start these today. I get overwhelmed at this amazing responsibility sometimes but trust that God had already planned her path – I just need to teach her how to hear His voice and sense His leading – something I’m still learning myself. I’ve read the book you’re giving away, in fact it helped get me through a very painful time in my life not so long ago. I pray that it will encourage all those who read it just as it did me. Your ministry is leading hearts closer to Him and as one of those women, I just wanted to say thank you! May your week be blessed!

  806. Rosa Restivo

    Lysa this is precious to me. I will pray these 10 prayers for my daughter Michelle who is a very young new mother herself. She needs so much prayer, direction, wisdom, faith and protection from the Lord. She is so far from me so I can’t reach her so I pray for her every morning, day and night. I ask her heavenly Father to cover her with his mercy, grace and compassion. Thank you for sharing these prayers with all of us moms for our precious daughters. May our Lord bless them all. -In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

  807. Beth

    With a14 year old girl I love and will use these prayers with her.

  808. Michelle Harris

    Thank you so much! Our family has been through a lot over past couple of years & with my daughter being the youngest @ home she has really been testing the boundaries. She has such a beautiful heart I just want to make sure it goes in the right direction.

  809. Gail Robinson

    Thank you for your faithfulness and obedience in touching so many of our lives. Theses scriptures will now be my fervent prayers for my three granddaughters. My daughter and son in law are now moving to Uganda Africa as missionary’s and I will be praying and sending these scriptures to them.Nay the Lord bless every step you take.

  810. Blessed mom

    Thanks for these great prayers. I’ll sure add to the ones I pray over my daughter.

  811. Alison

    This is very timely Lysa, thank you!

  812. Ginger Young

    With one daughter in her first year of law school and the other finishing her senior year of high school, I so needed this reminder to fully rely on God.

  813. Teresa Knight

    Wow!! First let me say that young girls are my heartbeat. I have two daughters, and three daughters that I mentor. These are some awesome points!!! Lysa Terkeurst I enjoy your books. I’m reading Unglued now, would love to win a copy of this book o help me with my passion.

  814. Kathy Martin

    Thanks for these verses and the reminder to pray first before I resort to worry, fear, comparison, nagging and all of my usual gut reactions. I joined a weekly prayer time, Moms in Prayer, about 7 years ago and I’ve seen God answer my prayers for my son and my daughter beyond what I could ask or imagine. I found out along the way that He knows them and loves them better than I can even on my best days. That’s brings such peace!

  815. Michele

    Really appreciate this article. Been a mommy to a sweet little girl for 7 years & just had another little girl 6 months ago. Would love & use your book. 🙂

  816. Patty Fannin

    I have been searching scripture to find the right words to say to my granddaughter, whom I am raiding and mt heart is full if joy that you have shared exactly what I need. Thank you got your faith, live and knowledge.

  817. Jana morrison

    Thank you for your encouraging blog and the prayer list for daughters.

  818. Peggy Whalen

    I can’t tell you what a blessing these prayers will be.I’m about out of prayers.You see My daughter is 34 and at one time was a believer. She’s married to real loser who won’t work I know that’s her choice, and there’s nothing I can do about it but pray. She has a 14 year old son who attends Youth Group only at one of the local churches, but gets no encouragement from the home atmosphere. The situation is depressing and of course she stays depressed as she is the bread winner and frequently has to ask for our help which makes her feel like less than nothing. Her father was in a wreck 4 years ago and has a brain injury which removed almost all of the “filters” and tact about him and he says things that come out harsh even though he doesn’t mean them to be, His brain processes in a checklist manner so everytime he calls her or sees her it’s a checklist of questions mostly the same ones everytimesuch as : How is Sean Michael doing in school? Did Big Sean get a job? When do you get paid? etc. So she feels pressure from that. My heart aches and breaks for her on a daily basis even if it is her own fault that she won’t get out of her bad marriage. I am terrified she will reach a breaking point and I’m not sure what she will do. I do know that only God can fix this and prayer is the only thing that keeps me sane and I know it is Keeping God working on her. Your book would be used by me for sure.

  819. Billie McHone

    My daughter is in a terrible situation with man she lives with. She is afraid to leave him. He is abusive in all forms to her. Has a child by him and is afraid he will take her. Thank you for the prayers. Please pray for her. Her name is Anne. Help

  820. Tiffany Matthews

    Thank you for the post, my husband and I have two beautiful girls, 9 and 7! Would love a copy of the book! Thanks for all you do!

  821. Milka

    Thank you Lysa for sharing. I am a single lady who is currently pursuing the Heart of God. Your ministry has been nurturing, encouraging and challenging me to trust God in everything that I do. I know that these scriptures will help moms immensly. Thank you for giving away 5 copies of your book. May the Lord continue to fill you as you continue to give.

  822. Lisa Flack-Williams

    So true. I have learned I am not my children’s Holy Spirit as well. I can lead them to truth, but I don’t need to try and manipulate them into my convictions. That’s something only God should do. Thank you for these great reminders.

  823. Debra

    Great words of wisdom. Would love to have your book. Thanks for sharing.

  824. Monikee

    Great encouragement!

  825. Kymm

    Thank you for this encouragement!

  826. Amy

    How encouraging!! Great reminder that I am mom! Would love your book

  827. Sonya

    Thank you for sharing these prayers. Some are prayers my husband and I have prayed over our 3 daughters since birth. But some are a comfort to my heart showing me new prayers I can pray. I want God to be God to my girls and me to be mom. Thank you for sharing.

  828. Megan

    Beautiful and strong prayers no matter how old your daughter is

  829. Cherrie

    Such a blessing to read this! Next, to read the prayers for my son!!

  830. Vicki Traughber

    Thank you for sharing with us. God bless you and your ministry. It helps me so much. I’m sure it helps many others too.

  831. Stephanie Smith

    All excellent reasons to pray for our daughters especially that they recognize their need for God and recognize HIM as their Savior.

  832. Jael Jones

    What a wonderful straightforward way to pray for my daughter even when I can’t find my own words.

  833. Rhonda

    Thank you so much for always sharing! Exactly what I needed today!

  834. Carrie

    What great reminders for every mom.

  835. Patti VanDeWoestyne

    Thank you so much for all your wisdom Lysa. My daughter is 25 and gets impatient thinking that there aren’t any godly men left out there. These 10 prayers will be perfect for us to encourage her through this season of her life. Blessings to you!

  836. Michelle Haab

    My daughter is getting ready to turn 1 year old. These prayers will certainly be invaluable in the years to come.

  837. Sheila Yarbrough

    I have 6 daughters I love with all my heart. It is wonderful prayers for my girls. Thank you

  838. Shelley

    I pray for my daughters but I find this list so helpful in guiding me! Thank you 🙂

  839. Tammy A

    Thank you so much for these prayers. I try to pray for my daughter but sometimes adequate words fail me. #7 is especially helpful as a prayer for my daughter. Thank you for your blog and your words of help and comfort!

  840. Catherine

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! …for your positive and encouraging message, for your prayers, and your generosity.

  841. Melanie

    Perfect timing for this!

  842. Judith Whitehouse

    May she find comfort in Your ability, God, to reach her, hold her, and rescue her, (2 Samuel 22:17-18).. This rings true for my eldest daughter and step-daughter, they have both grown up from day 1 without their parents together and I know my eldest knows God is/does all these things and pray my step-daughter knows too.

  843. Beth Beauchamp

    Love your words of encouragement – words of conviction. Love your realness. Thank you for your Godly perspective. Thank you for being faithful to God’s calling on your life – you are making a daily difference in my life — as a pastor’s wife, a mother of a teenage daughter and a 1st grade son. Thank you!

  844. Karrlin Bain

    This post hits right in the heart (literally) of things and just in God’s timing too! I appreciate your writing this post and directing us into God’s word. God’s word is the armor that we can use (“wear”) to shelter our family, and when it comes to our kids it seems the more reminders the better. Thank you for the verses and the encouragement!

  845. Kim

    Thank you for these words to pray for my daughters. What we think is protection is acting out of fear rather than trusting God to lead them in their lives. Also it is my responsibility to disciple them to be a disciple. Thank you again for these.

  846. Tira Naze

    Sometimes all there is left to do is pray. This is the greatest gift to extend to our children. There comes a time when we have to step out of the way and let God do the work. When we are not in prayer, it is much harder to do. I do my best to “pay attention” to how I can help Him rather than work on my own agenda. This is not an easy task, especially when our children are involved.

  847. Rachel Epperson

    Thanks for the chance. I have two girls.

  848. Stef

    Thank you for these prayers. We have 2 young girls that we are blessed with. Thinking back on my youth…these are so helpful!

  849. Dutchess

    Thank you so much for these! I have daughters ages 16 and 11 and try to pray God’s Word over them daily. This is a real help.

  850. Amanda

    Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful prayers. My Daughter (16) is not very religious at all and has gone down the wrong path lately (as they all do). All I can do is pray for her!!

  851. Cheryl

    My daughter recently left to join the military. I’m so proud and excited for her, and admittedly relieved that she has left this town. She’s a great kid, kind, generous, fun, but she’s a bit too accepting and has fallen into the devil’s trap of compromise. She is a believer, but not so much a follower. She has been right in accepting and befriending people without judgement, but she is unable to separate good people and bad habits. I worry about what she will encounter as she spreads her wings in this crazy world! I need these focused prayers and references to help me remember all things are possible through Christ. Thank you so very much for happening to me!

    • Rita Walker

      This was so timely for me. I have two beautiful daughters that have been my world and my reason for living all these years. Interestingly enough, just recently God has brought me through some things with them that he has reminded me………….They are mine NOT YOURS. I only gave you the responsibility to raise them up in the way they should GO!!!! I got this,God!
      I can only slightly imagine in my human dimension what pain Mary must have gone through with Jesus being her son, knowing that he was the son of God!
      The problem is not with my daughter, the problem is with ME, and my relationship with God! God uses my daughters to bring me closer to him and learn to trust him more.
      Thank you so much for posting this today, and thank you for your insight and scriptures.
      May God bless you in your ministry, and may God richly bless all the mothers who are reading this posting from you today.

    • Dianne Abney

      When we can’t God Can. Where we can’t be, God Can Be Our love is to the moon and back, God’s Love is Greater. GOD IS EVERYTHING OUR DAUGHTER’S NEED.

  852. trish glover

    What a blessing and mighty Woman of God you are to inspire, teach, educate, help, bless, give back to your community. You have such a way with words and you have helped so many women to be all they can be. What an honor it must be to be your child and have you to teach love and kindness to them. Im sure their proud of mama and all she has become as a young adult and a loving mother. I have been speaking the Word of God over my daughter Karisha before she was ever born, I would read her the word in my womb and I know God has a plan for all of his precious little ones and so i pray one day I can be all God wants me to be in HIM for her too. Bless you and all you have done for others lives. Your basket is rich and full in heaven… Rewards are yours and crowns at Jesus feet…

  853. Jenn McNeel

    Thank you so much for these wonderful prayers! Can’t wait to print them out to keep in my Bible!

  854. Jennifer

    Praying for my 2 girls to become women of faith … Realizing this is nothing I can do as a mom … It is a work of God in calling my girls to him.

  855. krystal

    Great advice! I want to print that prayers out, because it really is easy to try to be God when it comes to our children. Thank you!

  856. Melissa Dailey

    AMEN!!! The power of prayer– changes everything.

  857. Linda Teese

    I shared this with my niece, a cancer survivor and now mother of two precious girls 3 & 6. She’s found a good church home, is pursuing God & the girls are thriving. Words of encouragement, like these are invaluable. Thank you!

  858. Shirica

    Thank you for that message. I felt like you were writing about me as a mom. I love the prayers for my daughters.

  859. Geeta Arathoon

    Would love a copy of the book. My daughter just turned 20 and is very excited about her relationship with God. I think it would encourage her tremendously. Thanks

  860. Tamra Evans

    Thank you for sharing. I have a two year old daughter and will be using these.

  861. April

    Our only daughter just married. On her honeymoon she and her new husband conceived our first grandchild. Recently we found out we will celebrate the coming of another little girl. A granddaughter! They’ve chosen her name from our daughters favorite Biblical lady; Lydia. And so in @18 weeks will meet our granddaughter Lydia and at that time begin these powerful daily prayers over her life as well as her mothers. I admit to tears flowing and whispers said to The Lord – acknowledging we may have dropped the ball (so to speak) on many of these prayers for our now grown daughter. But I believe The Lord gives us opportunities to learn, grow, develop new skills, repent, and start new. Our granddaughter is our new opportunity to do things His way. May these prayers be engraved in our hearts and minds. May Lydia walk this earth and grow in our daughters womb knowing the love and grace of Jesus. “Thank You Lord God for new life. Thank You for second chances! May our daughter embrace these prayers over her own daughter now. And as a family unit may we ALL embrace Lydia and may she know Her Maker, Provider, Protector and Champion. And may we pray as one voice that she may forever walk along the path that You’ve chosen for her–not us. In Jesus’ Name. Amen”
    Thank you for this new start Lysa. May God bless your ministry that is daily changing and enriching lives. Blessings from our family to yours. In Christ Jesus our Lord.

  862. Stephanie

    Theses are wonderful prayers, THANK YOU. Will certainly print out and keep in my bible to pray often. You are always pointing me back to the word and for that I am grateful.

  863. Ginny H

    Thank you so much for these! I also make sure to pray for the men who come into my daughters’ lives – that they will be men of God, seekers after his will! and treat my daughters with pure and committed love.

  864. Mandy

    I love this article! I’m like so many of the mothers who have commented here. I love my two daughters. Ten years ago, I was blessed with my first beautiful daughter. She was 12 weeks early. Leaving her in the hospital for 7 weeks is one of the top ten most heart wrenching experiences of my life. It felt like I had left pieces of my soul when I walked out of the hospital. With every New IV line, each blood draw, each painful experience, I felt I had failed her as a mother. I felt that I had not protected her. I felt I had not taken care of her. You see I had severe pre-eclampsia and I felt like my body had failed me and her. During that time God began to show me that even though I loved her with a love more powerful than I had ever experienced, He loves her, and me, even more. The Matthew West song More was playing a lot on Christian radio at the time. It reminded me that God loved her more. Even though I was with her as much as I could be, the hospital had strict restrictions on how and when I could see her. They had strict restrictions on how long I could see her. That song helped me realize that God could and would not be limited. His Holy Spirit was with her in that isolette every moment. Thank you for reminding me of this important lesson and of the importance of praying for my
    daughters. I would love to have your book to guide me further.

  865. Charli

    I am so guilty of trying to be God in my kids’ life. I’m finding myself question when did it happen that I usurped Him? We start with the logical Mom duties, caring and protecting, and then over the years we’ve stopped relying on Him. I am determined to give God back his rightful place and trust My children’s future to Him.

  866. Nicole J.

    I have three young girls and I often fret about the teen years. This prayer(s) will help me get through! Thank you!!

  867. Connie

    Thank you for this encouragement. I am a single mother and have raised two children alone now for thirteen years. My daughter is getting married in two months and I have been looking for the right words to say at her reception. My son just returned to college and I am alone in an empty house waiting for God to give me my new marching orders. 😉

  868. Katryn

    I have two daughters that are 15 & 17 and definitely agree with those prayers.

  869. Laura

    Thank you for these. I pray over my baby girl every day and fear the world we are bringing her up to be a part of. I pray she becomes a respectfully beautiful productive member of society.

    I’m going to print these for her wall 🙂

  870. Crystal Foster

    I may be too late for the prize entry but that’s not the important part. I just wanted to say “Thank you”. The road I am walking isn’t easy or preferred but it is the journey God has called me to walk. I am raising my girls alone ages 5 and 8) after the suicide of my husband in 2011. My girls are still grieving and I am always seeking scripture to pray over them. I love to posts scripture around our apartment too. So “Thank You” for these prayers and scriptures. Maybe one day I can read your book. I have already had the pleasure of reading several of your books so I will put this on my wish list.

  871. Janis

    My daughter just turned 13 and I’ve been praying for Jesus to capture her heart. How amazing to come across these 10 prayers for her! God is good! Thank you for sharing them!

  872. Kim Johnson

    Thank you so much for this post! Being the mom of 7 children -3 girls, 4boys-it is so easy to try to be God and call it good parenting.I needed to read this! Would love your book. My oldest is a girl entering adolescents and I so want her to have s heart to follow Him!

  873. Lisa Pogue

    Thank you for sharing then wisdom that God has given you.

  874. Marina Vincent

    Thank you for writing this and sharing it with us. I have a 25 yr old and a 6 yr old daughter that I could really use this to cover them with.

  875. Lynn Ball

    This is a great reminder to never stop praying for our children.

  876. Debbie

    I have three girls and hope and pray that they grow up to be the Godly Women that God has designed them to be. I am so enjoying all the spiritual tidbits I am learning from you. I am so glad I found your site.

  877. Tery Sarver

    Thank you, Lisa,
    This is wonderful! I am a grandmother, praying for both my daughter, and granddaughter. Thanks so much for the helpful guidelines.
    Many Blessings, Tery

  878. Susan M. Ford

    Thank you so much for these beautiful prayers! I have four grown daughters and this is certainly my desire for each of them!

  879. Patty Whittington

    Love this post. I will print these and pray them every day. Thank you Lysa!

  880. KayTrenia

    Thanks for sharing. I plan to print this off and focus on each one and use it as devotion time with my girls.

  881. Ellen Saunders

    Powerful!!! Thank you for helping to empower me with how to raise daughters that look up!

  882. Tina Marie

    I stared out right. Serving Good abd teaching her to do the same. Until she was about 14 and then I let someone hurt me deeply and then instead of turning to God because it was a pastor who hurt me, I went the other way and my daughter went to live with her non Christian father… she recently came to live with me again. She is now a senior in high school. She came back a totally different person and I realized I’m to blame. I have dedicated my life and returned to church. Trying to undo what I have done… I’m leaning to trust in a huge way. I have no other choice. I need His help. I only pray it’s not too late, I feel like it’s my second chance. Would love this book and prayers… even if I don’t win. Your prayers would be enough!!

    • Tammy

      Tina Marie, I hope it’s okay to reply. God is a God of restoration. Never give up on your daughter. I made many mistakes as a mother with my son. He is a junior in college and has turned his back on his faith. I have felt so much guilt too. But, we have to stop believing those lies. Our only hope is in the Lord. I believe he is the Repairer of the Breech and will restore what the locusts have eaten. You hang on to that for your daughter. God’s Grace is far greater than our failures. God will use all these things as a great testimony in their life. I will be praying for you and your daughter.

  883. Haven Willimon

    I have 3 girls 4 months, 20 months and 14 years old. This book would be a great tradition to start with my girls. As they grow up and have children of their own they will need all the guidance they can get. Love your books!

  884. Chris Esper

    I am thankful for the guidance, i didn’t know how to pray for my daughter. thank you.

  885. Melissa Steed

    Thank you!

  886. Teresa Killebrew

    Went to bed last night thinking about my daughter; having a billion thoughts running through my head as to how to pray for her. Woke up thinking about it too. Then this appeared on Facebook and I got my prayers. Thank you!

  887. Stacie

    I am very thankful for this, especially at this time. My daughter is 18 and is at a very important time in her life and not making very good decisions and I keep trying to “fix” it all but all I continue to end up with is a breaking heart. It is such a difficult thing to do when you have to learn to let go and let them make their own mistakes and yes, trust God. These prayers are absolutely word for word my prayer for my daughter. Thank you, Lysa for allowing God to speak through you and help so many women everyday.

  888. Katie Harley

    Thank you for this message and for the scriptures to accompany it. I believe in the power of prayer. I have two young daughters and want to be praying for them daily. These scriptures will help me to focus on specifics that I would like for my daughter. Thank you Lysa. You are a blessing.

  889. Robyn @ a bird in the Father's hand

    My daughter is in middle school, and true-to-form she wants to make other people happy so they will like her (she comes by the people-pleasing honestly, I must admit), so #9 particularly spoke to me. I will be praying this for her and with her, and giving her the verse as well. We have a notebook we write to each other in occasionally, and that has been a great communication tool for those intimate, close-to-the-heart matters. Thank you for posting this, Lysa. Your life is truly a gift!

  890. Tracy Knaup

    I need as many prayers as I can get to circle around my daughter who has severe anxiety – these are great.

  891. Gay T

    Thank you. This was a humbling post for me to read as I take (um…) pride in being a grizzly Mom for my dd when needed. I will keep this list close by as she’s 10 and a total tween. Blessings to you and your daughters.

  892. Lisa

    What a pwerful and awesome message! Can’t wait to share with and use them in my prayers for my daughters! Thank you!

  893. Sherry Anderson

    Tears flowed as I read the prayers. I will with shame admit to not praying for my children enough. I know the Father loves them MUCH more than I ever could but I still do want to act in His place…protector, keeper. My children suffer from the curse of a divorce, the hurt and pain of what it does to their precious hearts. Since I didn’t have a mother, I was fearful of having my own daughter…what kindof relationship would we have…I wouldn’t know how to interact with her. God has blessed me with a beautiful relationship with my daughter. I am a mother bear and had to learn in the early stages of the divorce that He was the only one that could protect them. I still step in His place as wrong as it is. So, thank you for these. For reminding me…for giving me additional resources. She will be leaving home in a little over a year and I pray we both are ready. Blessings to all the moms on here and your gifts from heaven.

  894. April

    Thank you for this wonderful blog and the prayers. I will be praying them over my daughter. Would love to win your book!

  895. Tammy

    Wonderful list of prayers. I want to check out the list for sons as well. I’ve been guilty of trying to be “god” instead of mom. I’m learning from my mistakes. There’s only one “God,” and I’m not it….LOL….Just wanted to say I’ve enjoyed your ministry. I just read Capture His Heart and applying the principles. Already seeing some fruit in my marriage relationship. God’s Word Never Fails!

  896. Carol Fedewa

    Beautiful! Sharing these with the moms of the tween-girl faith confirmation ministry group I co-lead. Thank you!

  897. Patricia L Pantana

    This was such a beautiful reminder of God’s grace, mercy and His perfect plans for my daughters. I have three daughters that most days I feel so undeserving to be their mother, but God in His never ending love and grace, chose me to fulfill the task of being their mom.
    I didn’t really grasp the concept of truly loving my daughters until God revealed to me that I will always fail at trying to love them more than He does. I will never be capable of loving them as much or as perfectly as He does.
    This releases me to be less ME focused on mothering and HIM focused on allowing Him to make me the best mom.
    Thanks for always sharing such wise and refreshing insight into so many topics! God continues to pour out His revelations through you so keep being obedient to His assignment for your life!

  898. Ceci

    Thank you so much! I am a single mom of 2 young daughters and I am always worried I am not doing enough, not doing it right or something. I pray for them everyday, but I love this. It will help me! I’d also love to win the book! 🙂

  899. Melody

    I have a very kind hearted daughter but she is also very strong-willed. I would love to win the book and learn to pray for her better! I am going to print out your tips above for my husband and I to pray as often as we can. She is so special and talented and is only 5 it’s old. I would like to be praying for her in this way her whole life and see great blessings in her future! Also a little thing to add is to pray with faith! Having faith that God is listening to my fervent prayers and that my prayers matter!

  900. Christy

    Thank you for putting into words what I feel in my own heart at times. We live in a world where raising children can be a scary thing as we do all we can to protect them from all that is bad. I needed the reminder that my job is to be a mother, not God, in the lives of my girls (and son). I’m not supposed to know what to do in all times, or have the right answer for everything. Thank you for penning the prayers, it helps to know exactly what to pray for…and to know I’m not alone!

  901. Lori

    Thank you, Lisa! I need this so badly! I want to “save” my daughter from all the issues I’ve had; I want her to have the marriage I dream of, and hundreds of other things! But I forget that God may have something totally different planned for her! That you for putting me in my place….behind God!!!

  902. Katie

    Thank you for this!

  903. Shelly Dubriel

    This is powerful! This is my first time hearing of you. I am the mother of a 15y/o girl and it has not been easy. Thank you for 10 Prayers For Your Daughter.

  904. vera davies

    I want my daughter to stay faithful with god in all she does with her life…

  905. Shannon

    Oh my! This is such a blessing!

  906. sandy

    Thank you for this piece of godly wisdom, it is not easy raising girls in today’s world,

  907. Pam

    Oh, my goodness. Raising my daughter’s I did my best to raise them in the most spiritual ways I knew how. The Lord and “I” had this handled. Sometimes it was “Me” and the Lord. Many times I put myself first. I still had the Lord in the picture but I did not always seek Him first. After many bumps in the road they have grown up and become Christian women and are raising their children in church. Right now one of them is attending a church that is going through a church wide study with a 21 day fasting included. Her whole family is doing this. They are teaching their family young. I like many others prayed and are still praying for their daughters be they still young or all grown up now. I had a plan for each of their lives and how they should accomplish it, the road they should go, etc. The Lord and my girl’s have taken paths I did not plan. The route they chose was not mine. My girl’s are awesome young women serving the Lord. On a particular subject one of my daughter’s and I were discussing something that we had the same goal in mind. She said “Mom, we want the same thing. Just because I do not go about it the way you would does not mean my way is wrong”. She is so right. The Lord is so right. I’m so glad it does not all depend on me. When I step back and realize that I say, Phew, I could have messed that up. Know what I mean? I am blessed.

  908. Marie

    Need to learn all I can to help my daughters know and serve Christ!!

  909. alma

    You gave me hope for raising a God loving teenage daughter. THANK YOU

  910. Lynda McCullough

    I just led 2 mom sessions at our Mother Daughter Retreat at Dry Creek Baptist Camp in Dry Creek, Louisiana this past weekend. It was such a blessing to see so many moms still in the fight for faith and doing battle for and with their daughter’s so that they may not conform to this world. I wish I gad read your 10 ways to pray for them as I prepared. We talked about giving our daughters a heritage of prayer. These would have affirmed our battle plan even more. I hope to email the moms i met this weekend and encourage them to read this this week. Thank you for being so obedient, Lisa.

  911. Susan

    Thank you so much for this post! These are things I think about all the time. My daughter is only 2 but I already pray about her future mate and fear all the junk she’ll go through in high school. *sigh* It’s all enough to drive a mama crazy. I do pray she finds peace and direction in God.

  912. Beverly Watson

    My granddaughter will be 14 on Valentine Day. I want her to know God will always be there for every problem that she has, and that he has the answer for every question. Her parents are recently divorced.

  913. Elizabeth

    Great stuff you always seem to know what I need to hear. Thank you
    Your book for women is awesome my bible study group used it last fall. I know this is something my daughter and her friends would enjoy as well. Thank you

  914. BrookieJ

    Love this…printing it off to have in my quiet time binder. 🙂 Love & blessings!

  915. Tabitha

    Thank you for the words of encouragement as I seek wisdom from His word on raising my girls.

  916. Jennifer Bowling

    Brilliant, sharing with my daughter and her friends who are like daughters! Beautiful!

  917. Jordan Rios

    Thank you Lysa! I am a first time mom with a one month old daughter. These are powerful prayers! The word of God has self-fulfilling power and this article has encouraged me to search God’s Word for truth to pray over my sweet daughter!!

  918. Teresa VerKuilen

    The third question. Would I be okay if someone were taping the reaction and showing it to everyone. I think about all the people who trust me with so much and yet I have injured my poor daughter’s 21 year old heart. We are on the mend with a lot of forgiveness because we are both children of God. I thank God she is! I am learning to apologize for what is mine to apologize for. I wanted her to not make MY mistakes and didn’t realize that she would make her own. I hurt her trying to make her perfect.

  919. tracy

    This is touching yet so true.

  920. Sara Snatchko

    Lysa you always put a tear in my eye when I read your incredible words. I thank you for that. I feel so much love for my two girls that are still little, 1&3, filled with tantrums & bossiness daily. I try to find god in the.midst of this hard stage of life we’re in. these prayers will be helpful to remember nightly sweet girls just looking for a place in this big big world.

  921. Carol I.

    Thank you for sharing these prayers! I can relate to needing to step back and trust God!

  922. dawn gray

    Wonderful prayers..heard from my daughter after sometime today asking for BOY advice..tonight..because of this..i have confidence in what i am praying

  923. Amy Bates

    Thank you! My daughter is 13 and I try to be as open and honest as possible. I love these prayers…. Thank you again… I need all the help I can get. Prayer is the answer!

  924. Loralee Druart

    Thank you for spreading sunshine! I have you on my list for a Sunshine Award for bloggers…

    Your posts are so helpful to so many. Thank you forgiving to the Lord.

  925. Angie

    Thank you Lysa for your precious prayers for our daughters….I have learned that no matter how much I love my daughters, Jesus loves them even more…..who am I to question the ways in which he molds them into fine gold…..trusting them to the Lord is the ONLY way to truly take care of them as a mother. God Bless you for your ministry. It speaks to me so often!!

  926. Susan Jackson

    I needed this reminder. Thank you so much for posting.

  927. Melody Foster

    Hmmm…that’s a little scary how much I need those prayers. God bless the gentle hearts in our world who take time to think and pray ;).

  928. Stacey

    God is so wonderful. I was just praying for help this morning with trusting Him in dealings with my daughter when I get anxious about her friendships and happiness. Then I read this as an answer from him. Thank you.

  929. Kathy

    Beautifully written! I have been praying a specific prayer for years for my daughters! This encouraged me to not give up and trust the outcome to God! Thank you, Kathy.

  930. G. Lanae

    Thank you!!

  931. Joan Tornquist

    #2 is the question that resonated the most with me because that is where ai would like to begin focusing change.

  932. angie thibodaux

    Thank you for remind me how I used to pray for my daughter and how I can show her now how to pray for her daughter and her son thank you so much in Jesus name

  933. Jacky Long

    Very good prayers and at a time I REALLY need them because its never to late for God!
    My 31 year old daughter just told me on the phone tonight how I was such a bad role-model for her. Talk about breaking a mama’s heart into crumbs!! I did the best I could and made many mistakes but I have served God since her 3rd birthday. She and her brother were raised in the church. She was in Bible Quiz and STARS. She made some choices as an adult to put God on “hold” and have children.
    I’m giving this to God!
    Thanks for being faithful to God.

  934. Rachel Anna

    I definitely need to be reminded that I’m Mom, not God. Thank you!

  935. Kim Harston

    I really enjoyed the prayers for a daughter. I have two young daughters, and I really desire for them to grow into strong, humbled, beautiful women who love God, and obey Him. I am learning in life, that with being a mom, all I can do is pray. It is very scary, but in the end of everything, I don’t have control and must learn to trust God.

  936. Wanda Catoe

    Lysa, My daughter has turned from the lord and she has a13year old daughter who is confused about God. I tried to teach my daughter the best I could when she was younger and she now says she does not have proof that there is a God! Help me pray for my girls. I like reading your comments and would appreciate having your book. Sincerely, Wanda Catoe P.S. God Bless and keep you and your girls!

  937. Melanie Kern

    Two months ago I lost my husband to brain cancer. We have 3 beautiful children together…2 boys and a daughter. It was when I was 6 months pregnant with our daughter that he was diagnosed & given one month to live. God allowed 4 miraculous years for my daughter to get to know her earthly father as well as him being able to teach her about our Father in Heaven. I want to protect all of my children and worry about the repercussions they all face but especially, our daughter when reaching dating age.
    Thank you for reminding me today specifically what to pray for. I love my friend who sent this to me & now I’ll be contacting her or you to get the copy of specific prayers you posted before for boys. Many blessings!

  938. Tammy

    Thanks Lysa for your encouragement! I’ve been wanting to check out Proverbs 31 for awhile and today was the first time I did. I am so glad I did. I feel like telling everyone I know about this site…maybe I will:)

  939. Allison Crow

    Thank you so much for your prayers and your insight. I really needed to hear this. I have 3 beautiful daughters and a little boy with Down syndrome. They are already ahead of the game since they have Eli in their lives. God is so good and I pray that He will show me the way to raise my daughter’s up to be all that He would have them to be. May God bless you.

  940. Maria Villanueva

    I have three daughters, two of which I raised on my own. I fell into the trap of felling I had to save them from an unfair life without a dad. Very quickly, I became their savior and their god. Thankfully, the Lord spoke clearly to me and let me know that I was not their savior…He was. I see the fruit of love and intimate relation between my daughters and our Lord. I thank him for having done this in time to do a work on all of us.

  941. Donna

    Lysa, what true words you have spoken today. My girls are grown – one married with 2 of her own and one getting married in a few months. I still want to do all of the things you mentioned in the beginning and more. Mom to adult daughters is so different than mom to them when they are little, and yet, many things are the same. It’s just good sometimes to know that other moms (women) feel the same things that we do. God bless you.

  942. Nicole

    This is beautiful.. Thank You for sharing.

  943. Gina

    Lysa, It seems every time I am going through something there is always words or a song for me to read/listen to and meditate on. I do not have daughters but I have 2 boys. I feel like I worry about them so much that it keeps me from being as close to God as I want and he wants. I was reading today about how fear is the “master spirit” that Satan uses to keep us from getting so close to the Lord. It can keep us from reaching all that God wants for us. I just don’t know how to get past the worry. I have followed the kids with cancer that have died or are living with the ugly disease. I have heard of so many parents that lose there kids that serve the Lord and I just wonder why? I need to be freed from this kind of worry and stress. Please pray for me in this area that I can be released because it is every day torment when it’s what I do all day, worry when it’s going to happen to me.

  944. Polly

    Lysa –
    I was blessed enough to be given your book “Becoming More Than A Good Bible Study Girl”. I must say, God is amazing. That book came to me in perfect timing. I have gave my life to Christ a little over a year ago & was baptized this past summer.
    I have a 16 y/o daughter & she is in a turbulent time. She wants to help kids her age, which is great but she is also crossing kids who are not the most positive kids to be around. Dare I say, they are troubled teens, with less than desirable traits. She feels she can help them. This past summer she told me she does believe in God, in the past that wasn’t so. I’m so blessed to have her. I now have the added power of extra prayers directed at her. Thank you Lysa. Have a wonderfully blessed day!

  945. Christie

    I love the scriptures you choose to base your prayers on. I feel like the praying these for my daughters are valuable but my example of walking in these ways are the biggest influence in their lives. So I am praying for my heart as I’m praying for theirs. I am blessed by your ministry!

  946. Cathy

    Thank you for this. I’m constantly looking for ways to make my prayers for my 3 girls more effective!!!

  947. Lacie Young

    Thank you for encouraging this tired mom’s heart. This is one I will print and hold close to my heart.

  948. Ann

    As the mother of four daughters and the grandmother of three girls, this is a powerful reminder to let go and let God! Abundant Blessings!

  949. Sue

    Even when they are 39 years old and have a wonderful career they need our prayers for the disappointments in life.

  950. Kim

    Thank You for the scripture for our daughters! I always seem to be directed to God’s word when I need to hear certain things. This was definitely something that I needed to hear! My daughter is such a blessing in my life and the power of prayer is just that, so incredibly powerful! The suggestions are just what is needed to get me over the wondering what I can say or do to make my daughter’s life a bit more God filled. May God Bless You for what you do! Thank You!

  951. Joan

    Thank you for the references. I plan on sharing one each day with my teen age daughter.

  952. Angela Drumm

    These are great! I feel like I could also trade out the word “her” for “me.” Thank you.

  953. Tonnie Carter

    Lysa, To be honest I had never heard of you until Friday, Jan. 31st. I am reading and applying Debbie MaComber’s One Perfect Word in my life. My word for the year is, are you ready for this?, EAT!!!. I came face to face with your book Craving God on Fri. at the bookstore as I was about to check out. THEN, a friend of mine posted your blog today (and she NEVER posts) on fb. I do believe the good Lord is putting you and your words in my path!!!!

  954. Crystal

    Just reading this brought tears to my eyes. I have 2 little girls (ages 3 & 6) both they are both growing up so fast! I also have 2 sisters and each of them have 2 girls a piece and I can’t wait to share this with them. Thank you so much!

  955. Lynnette N.

    These prayers are heaven sent! As a first time mom with a gift of intercession, I too sometimes try to be God in my little girl’s life. These prayers will be a great tool in helping me to allow that paradigm to change. I am so thankful for this post, and can not wait to begin praying them!

  956. Jeanette DeClercq

    These are wonderful suggestions. I have adult children and young grandchildren that I continue to pray for daily (sometimes multiple times daily). I would love to share these prayers with other mothers, particularly the moms of the girls I assist with in our church programs. Even though I did not always see the answers at the time, as I look back on my childrens’ lives, I can now see where His hand was and is still moving in them. Thank you.

  957. Maggie

    Thank you for this as I have a 14 year old daughter with mood disorders and I try to control everything. This has reminded me that I am not in control and I have trust my child will follow God. This book sounds amazing.

  958. Richelle lingo

    Iam week and weary. God Tells me my prayers are being answered and I try to be still and listen! I have three daughters, One going through rehab and I am currently raising her 6 year old daughter, On going through a custody battle who needs God now more than ever and One who I feeL I have left behind because the two oldest require so much from me! Would love to have your Book and Blessings but mostly your wisdom and Prayers!

  959. Karen Gossage

    Thank you! These will be a treasure to share with my daughter!

  960. Noelle Kirchner

    Dear Lysa,
    I am a wife, mother of two boys, and pastor who has been inspired by your ministry. I particularly loved this post. Praying for our children is one of our highest callings as parents, and I appreciate the time and intention with which you sought scripture in your petitions. Your devotion to God is palpable! I am including a link to my blog post today, The Power of a Praying Mom. I cite your blog at the conclusion. I hope you will check it out.
    Warm blessings, Noelle

  961. Kent Smith

    These are all spot on! As a father of 2 daughters from separate marriages, I have always prayed that they be strong and independent from the influence of peer pressure, societal and modern misguidance. I am so thrilled to see what my 13 year old just posted as her very first blog post, going against everything that society would say a girl should be.

  962. Julie Thomas

    Thank you for these! I’m printing them out for a great reminder as I seek to raise my beautiful daughter. I’m in the middle of reading “Unglued”, and it’s unbelievable. I feel like you are telling my story, I’m only on chapter 4 and I’ve already had much laughter and tears. Thank you. Thank you. So much. The re-occurring words, “I’ll probably always be a slave…what a lie.”, along with your messages about labels and your telling of your visit to the statue of David….it’s chipping away and bringing freedom to this woman who has seen years and generations of women in my family caught in the stronghold of anger. Praise Him for His freedom. Thank you Lysa.

  963. Paula Newell

    How fitting these prayers were for me to pray over my beautiful daughter? We as mother’s need to be praying fervently for our girls and young women! I am encouraged to pray these prayers boldly over my daughter. I have already seen great manestifested miracle! To God be the glory!

  964. Rebecca

    Thank you so much for these beautiful prayers
    this is just what I needed during a week that could possibly be the worst in my daughter’s (and my life) and may change her future forever. But after reading your words and the prayers I have been able to let it go and truly say “Hello, my name is mom, not God”
    Thank you for this peace before I turn in for what might finally be a restful sleep

  965. Courtney Davis

    Great article! My husband is a youth pastor in Mesa, az and we have so many young women who would benefit from your book! Plus we have two girls of our own! I’m assuming it’s available on amazon? Thank u!

  966. Hope

    Hi Lysa! I started reading your book Unglued, last year, almost right around this time (May, i think) and loved it. I then did the What happens when women say yes to God study. It was the start of a journey that led to opportunities to use the spiritual gifts that Christ had given me but I had been too timid to step out because I felt defeated from my marriage/divorce situation. I then found myself struggling with my emotional eating, compulsive binge eating and then starving myself from shame and lack of self discipline, which had been ongoing for almost 11 years. So I have done the Made to Crave study with you, waiting for the Action Plan to start, and my 10 year old and I read your book out loud each night. She has even decided to take it to school and do a study there with the girls from her class. Thank you for not only impacting our generation, but our younger generation as well. She likes listening to you when you are on KLove doing your little devotions. Thank you for being a piece of the bigger picture in this crazy, broken and unglued world. PRAISE God we are OVERCOMERS!!!

  967. Donna S

    The prayers are specific and I appreciate that each one has the scripture listed. There are two that fit exactly what I have been struggling to verbalize. Thanks for sharing.

  968. Lesley

    Our daughter’s are of target of this world.I pray that they would love the Lord and choose to follow Him. Thank you for this lesson today.

    • Lesley


  969. Becky

    Thank you for the rich prayers you shared. I am praying them over my 16 year old daughter now as she sleeps.

  970. Mindi Gaut

    Thank you for these scriptures to pray! I have three daughters ages 11,13,16 and prayers for them are frequent.

  971. Kimberly

    Thank you Lysa for your devotional today because it I think too that God’s plan is in motion and what can I change? Praying boldly is our reassurance that God moves mountains and parts seas! Your prayers for daughters comes to me now when I am having to let go and let God teach my girl because I can’t do or say anything that has any meaning to her. I pray The Lord takes her to her knees and she finds Him.

  972. Colleen Loerzel

    I had 3 grown daughters and I still worry about them and pray over them and love them. The above is a wonderful avenue for me to use in prayers for my daughters. Thank you for sharing.

  973. Emily Walsh

    Those prayers are perfect for my daughter. She is a Senior in High School and the fear of choosing the right college, leaving home, money problems, etc…are overwhelming. Thank you for your words.

  974. Lyn tiller

    Thank you for sharing what The Lord has layed on your heart, and I look forward to reading your blogs. I know the verses and prayers you shared will be a blessing to me and my 2 daughters. Thank you, Lyn tiller

  975. Debbie

    I am praying desperately for my daughter to make the right choices. I have raised her in church and fed her the word. her father and I are divorced and he has been gone for over 10 years. She did well in school and it seems that just over night she met a guy, fell in love and now is hanging with the wrong crowd and handing on to him like he is God. I want to hold on to the promise that God has said if I raise my children in the way they should go, when they are grown they will not depart from in. Thank you so much for your encouragement. I really depend on it.

  976. Susan Glardon

    I love this and will use these prayers to pray for my teenage daughter. She is a Christian but has been through a lot of loss in life. Because of all the trials she has doubted God exist. I have tried telling her he does and when he answers my prayers, and I pray for her.

  977. Kathy Harmon

    I have 2 lovely grown daughters that face the world every day. I love the prayers you listed. I would love to have a copy of the book as my daughter has a daughter and the book could be passed on. I love your devotions and thank you for sharing your wisdom with us.

  978. Shari H

    WOW! My teen-age daughter is struggling right now and this is exactly what I needed to help me focus my prayers to love her through this difficult time. THANK YOU Lysa!!!

  979. Colleen Vindhurst

    Thank you so much for the beautiful prayers and scripture to pray over my daughter. She is going to be 33 years old next week, has a wonderful husband of almost 11 years, and 2 beautiful children. She is a pretty new Christian and struggles with her worth to God and being afraid of not being authentic enough. I pray for her and her family regularly, but this gives me more insight for what to pray for and how to pray over her. Your daily newsletter is very inspirational to me. Thank you so much!

  980. Becky Hilburn

    Both of my daughters desperately need these prayers prayed over them.
    I’m glad I found this.

  981. Zee Peters

    Thank you so much for posting those prayers. I have been praying for my daughter’s health and salvation who is 4 hrs away in college. Sometimes I feel discouraged but when I read something like this it strenthgens my faith. I would love read your book. Thank you for being an inspiring vessel of the Lord.

  982. teresa moore

    I am praying for my 6 yr old grandson. These are awesome prayers thank you for this.

  983. Loretta owens

    Lysa, I first saw you on Life Today with James and Betty Robison. I have loved you and your story ever since. You remind me of my daughter. At age 68 I now have a great grand daughter. These prayers are perfect for praying over our daughters. I have one daughter, two granddaughters, several adopted young women to pray for. Frankly I include myself in these as I need the same guidance from above. You are special to me for many reasons so keep doing what The Lord asks of you. We need women like yourself to help shed the light of Christ. Bless you

  984. Linda Builta

    My daughter is now 44 and is divorced with 5 children, she isn’t living for the Lord right now and that breaks my heart as she was raised in the Lord. Your devotion today really hit home as I am and have tried to get her back on track only to cause bad feelings between us . Thanks for this reminder that I am mom not God, thanks for the scriptures, they were a blessing. Linda

  985. Pamella George

    Thank you so much for your resources. Iy is really helping me as I spsend quality time with God as I am laid up for a time after surgery

  986. Wendy

    Thank you so much, I plan to pray these daily.

  987. Josie

    Thank you for these powerful prayers. I have two daugthers 9 and 3 years old who aregrowing up very fast in a very challenging society in London (UK) . i worry about their influence outside the home etc .. and somtimes I dont know exately what to ask God for in prayer. These prayer are uplifiting. May God continue to bless you. Thank you!

  988. sandra

    I really needed to hear that about how to pray for daughters. I did the best that I knew how with being the only parent in church and involved in their lives. They are young adults now 19 & 21. Both have sons and not married. One is living with the father of her son while the other was living with hers but she is back home now for the upteen time. Some people make me feel as such a failure because of my daughters decisions. They want to put the blame on me. I pray and worry myself crazy over the choices they make. I don’t agree with the majority of them when it comes to their relationships. I know they did not see the Godly marriage between their father and me. They saw me as a devoted wife despite all the turmoil our family faced. Maybe in some respects they are falling in my footsteps of being a doormat to men like they witnessed with me. I want so much more for them. I want to fix their lives. I want to help them be better moms and put their little ones first. I want them to live right but they are headed down roads of destruction and heartache and there is nothing I can do but pray. It is hard to Let Go & Let God. I have heard it throughout praying for my husbands salvation and our circumstances all thru the years. Now it is my daughters that I lay awake worrying over and the precious children they have brought into this world. I need PRAYER to know how to pray and how to Let Go & Let God…

  989. Barbara

    Thank you for prayers for my daughters…. they are so helpful…

  990. 'Bode Bello

    I thank you so much for this powerful prayers for my daughter. God will give you more grace to go from strength to strength. It teaches me to know where and how to pray for them. Remain blessed in Jesus Mighty Name.

  991. Rosa Debroy

    Thank you for this prayers. These were a Godsent for me. We are just about to move to a new city, which means new schools, new classmates, etc. for my 2 girls and it’s the time where I need to be reminded that I am “just Mom, nor God” and trust He will guard them and give them His grace wherever they go.
    Is it ok to translate them to Spanish to share with other friends? Thanks

  992. 'Bode Bello

    I thank you so much for this powerful prayers for my daughters. God will give you more grace to go from strength to strength. It teaches me to know where and how to pray for them. Remain blessed in Jesus Mighty Name.

  993. PJ

    This was the “knot” at the end of the rope I’m trying to hang onto. Thank you.

  994. Jacqueline Conlin

    Thank you for the beautiful scriptures that I can use to pray for my daughter. I just had a huge awakening last week with the same phrase you used, “I’m my children’s mother, not God.” I had to learn it the hard way. I threw myself into a situation with good intentions but for all the wrong reasons. I was not ever suppose to be where I was at and I realized I was trying to play God’s role. Please pray for me and that the relationship with my children are what God wants for all of us and that any damage that may of been done will be taken care of in the Lord’s timing and way. Thank you

  995. Jan

    As I read these prayers for my daughter, I realize they could just as we’ll be prayers for myself. I feel like a “child” myself so much of the time when it comes to trusting God with my prayers and my heart.

  996. Paula

    I have two grown daughters that know the Lord but at this time, they are not following him. It breaks my heart, but I trust that God is working to bring them back to him. I prayer every day for them to see that they were happier when they were in the presence of God. Thank You for these prayers, along with the ones I already prayer for them, that I can add to my daily prayers. May God bless you as you bless others. Thank You for leasing me.

  997. Judy L.

    Thank you for your prayers and inspiration!

  998. Peggy

    Thank you for the scriptural prayers for marriage, sons, and daughters. My prayer life is not where it should be so these will help me get better.

  999. Janet Burks

    Thank you for the steps and Scriptures. I am divorced with 2 girls. I’ve always try to be a good woman of GOD example for my girls. I didn’t know if my prayers were effective. My prayer and desire is that they developed a personal relationship with JESUS. They were hurt by some many at church that when I’ve asked them to come go with me to church the answer is No! I was hurt too. Thank you for the prayers.

  1000. Barbara Hill

    My daughter is an adult now but I still want to protect her and mess with anyone who messes with her. Thank you for thedevotion and the scripture passages to pray over her. God bless you.

  1001. Suzanna

    Thank you, Lysa! These are great and, as always, timely. I totally tend to be a protective mama-bear for my children and need to learn to just be a mom who trusts The Lord with her children, not a mom, who has to take over God’s job. I have a 3-year old little girl and a 4-month old baby-boy, so I’m going to check out the prayers for sons too. Never too early to start praying for your children! I also agree with one of the posts below, I can totally apply these prayers for myself too (and other ladies in my life that I dearly love). Thanks again!

    • Susan


    • Susan


  1002. Glenda Dickinson

    Yes, I do see myself in your comments. I raised one son and two girls and wanted to be all things in all situations to them. Sadly, (or not so sadly), that was not the case. I now have three grandsons and three grand daughters and am making a copy of the prayers you have stated and plan to use them in my prayers for my precious grandchildren. Thank you for a wonderful blog.

  1003. Myra

    I need to start praying specific prayers for my two daughters (2 and almost 4 y/o’s) and two sons (4 mos. old and almost 6 y/o) DAILY. Need to be intentional. Thank you for these prayers and Scripture references.


  1004. Wimberly Grove

    Thank you Lisa. I am so grateful for the Lord’s leading and the obedience to read your Blog, today. The prayers for our sons and daughters are sweet gifts for me especially know. As a mom, mother-in-law and grand mom of unbelivers, I have desperately needed God’s encouragement and He has done so, always faithful, through your Blog, today. How grateful I am to you and all the Godly women at proverbs 31. Many blessings to you all. Wimberly

  1005. Karen

    Thank you for your “REAL” devotions! They are always something I can relate to and they are such an encouragement!

  1006. Wendy

    Lysa, These prayers are exactly what I need to pray, exactly what my daughter needs, exactly what I need, exactly at the right time. To get my eyes off situations and circumstances, and onto our all powerful and knowing and good and loving God. Thank you!

  1007. Sandra

    Keeping these scriptures close to my heart.

  1008. Suzanne

    Thanks for sharing these prayers. We moms need all the tools we can get to raise our daughters to become godly young women.

  1009. Jennifer

    I am so thankful to see these scriptures. It is what I need. I have two girls 8 and 11 – who turned 11 in January. And although I know my sweet 11 yr old is still somewhere inside her, I can’t believe how quickly in the last few months she has changed. Teen years came faster than I expected. And she is only in fifth grade… I am just so thankful that almost every night both girls come to us before bedtime and ask that we all pray together. I make sure I drop what I chore I might be doing before bed and pray with them. My husband does too. So no matter what mood the pre-teen is in at least I know she knows God is the head of our family. When I was a teen I always woke up to my mom watching Kenneth Copeland on TV. Looking back I see where she always covered us in prayer. I need to change and start my day in prayer rather than end it.

  1010. Robbie Green

    Wow. That’s all I can say. A friend of mine sent this to me today, and it could not have been more on time. After reading those prayers, I am wondering if Lysa has a camera in my house. But, it just goes to show that moms that truly care about the well being of their daughters face similar struggles. Thanks for confirmation and reassurance that “prayer is the only possibility with possibility!” I love that! I often describe those gaps when you have to trust and pray like jumping off a cliff with your eyes closed. You just have to trust that God will catch you and keep you. Thank you soooooo much for these prayers. I will use them daily.

  1011. Linda Donewar

    Beautiful prayers that I will add to my daily prayers for my daughter. Thank You Lysa! She is 22 and struggling with the difficulties of life, but I KNOW my father in heaven is watching and waiting for that day when she HEARS the whispers of Jesus! I must only be still, be vigilant in prayer and patient with His plan.

  1012. Kim

    I have a 15 yr old who is still struggling from a long distance move we made over the summer. It has affected her grades and she still wants to return to her home state. It feels like things continue to go downhill, and I also see her struggling with her faith. I’ve said all I know to say to bring her to her knees and put God first. Your post could not have come at a better time!

  1013. Carley

    Thanks,Lysa. I needed to read this tonight.

  1014. Karen

    These scriptures are an answered prayer for me. I struggle with doing and being what
    my 10 year old daughter needs. I know she is a gift to me from God and I need to
    trust Him as she is His child. Thanks for these wonderful scriptures. In praying them
    already this morning I felt the peace of God’s presence. Learning to let go and let God
    can be difficult. I will pray these scriptures faithfully for my daughter and will also share
    them with friends who have daughters already grown and still being raised. Thank you
    for all you do and share. You are a blessing.

  1015. Connie

    From my heart, to God’s ears , to your heart and thoughts, to my friend, to my email, to my eyes, to my heart to my prayer. So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return to me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thingwhereto I sent it. (Isaiah 55:11).

  1016. Connie

    From my heart, to God’s ears , to your heart and thoughts, to your blog, to my friend, to my email, to my eyes, to my heart, to my prayer. So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return to me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thingwhereto I sent it. (Isaiah 55:11).

  1017. remi

    I thank you so much for the prayer for boys. My son and I are always arguing but today I got the answer instead of me being a mum I wanted to be God. Please pray with me he is in trouble but I know my God Is more than able!!!!!

    • Kim Sumner

      Remi, that is how my daughter and my relationship is. She is 24 and 2 sons of her own now. Living a life not good for herself or them. I have custody of her oldest and then she had another son. She has him and I am in constant worry over her and the man she is with. But if she were not with this man it would be another till she decides she is better than what she is currently living. She is in trouble and doesn’t care. It is extremely hard to watch her destroy her life. But we as their parents have to fully rely on God. He will take care of them along the way. We don’t see it. But I know my God’s grace is sufficient and HE will handle her situation in His time and not mine. I have to remind myself that He is the one in control…Not me. Prayers for you and your son.

  1018. Mary

    Thank you so much Lysa! I prayed it for my daughter, who just had a baby. And I also prayed it for myself! Thank you for the words. Sometimes, its hard to come up with the best words to pray to Jesus. You’ve truly helped. Much appreciated. God Bless.

  1019. Beth Parris

    Raising 5 girls on my own since the death of their Father I find myself on my knees literally or in my heart praying for God to guide me so that I will guide them in the right direction. Prayer seems to be the only thing that brings me comfort even when the days are long and I am weak I know my God has us in the palm of his hand

  1020. Sherry

    Thank you so much for these well needed verses as I struggle with a strong willed 15 year daughter. She struggles in who she is a person versus following others as examples. I pray she finds herself through the learning of Jesus!

    • Sharon Knight

      God bless to you Sherry & to you daughter. I too have a very strong willed 15 year old who thinks she knows the friends she should hang with opposed to the ones I know she shouldn’t. She loves Christ & has given her life to Him, and I pray she remembers He is ALWAYS with her & not to conform to this world (& peer pressure) that seems to be farther away from Christ as never before. As I pray for my daughters I will also prayer for yours.

  1021. Waynell

    My daughter is a senior in HS and will be leaving for college in the fall. She is a godly young woman, but I must continue to pray over her. She will be away from home in a new place with new people surrounding her and I pray that she finds the right kind of friends and that she will continue to be bold and stand for Christ in everything she does. I pray for that hedge of protection around her, that she will not conform to the world but be the salt and light wherever she goes.

  1022. Kristal S.

    Lysa: Thank you for giving us these 10 prayers to pray over our daughters. I have 2 daughters, and I will pray over them every day. It is very hard for me not to be the “mama-bear” and try to protect and shelter my girls from danger, or anything that comes against them. However, that is NOT my job, it is God’s job to protect them. I have to surrender my girls to God and allow Him to have full control. Thanks again for your blog and the encouraging words!

  1023. Sylvia Munana

    What a timely Word for this mamma of 3 girls and 1 son. My two oldest, a daughter and my son are married. My youngest is 24 and will be married on June 20-2014. My Alyssa Rose is 25 and was engaged this February 14 to the man God used to show her what love is and how a man should love his woman. Devin is a Godly man and went home to be with Jesus on February 28 2014. We was laid to rest yesterday in Sapulpa, Ok. She has asked and asked so many questions a few I can answer, most I am not able. And as her Mom I struggled and wrestled with not being able to answer her. But then I read… Hello my name is Mom. Not God.” Thank you for this timely word. I know just as my daughter knows she will write her story at the appointed TIME!

  1024. Karen

    Your statement “you are not God” startled me; yes took my breath away. Because that is just what God is gently and consistently teaching me. Only, my children are not in their cribs, but in their thirties/forties. God continues to remind me “I’ve got this, just trust me.”

    Thank you for being another vehicle God is using to teach this slow learning, tenaciously wanna be spiritual guide of adult children.

  1025. sharon wise

    Lysa, I have a daughter that loves the Lord and is all grown up now. She is single, living alone, and her heart longs for God to intersect her life with a godly man. Her dreams that she would one day be a mother are slipping away. I hope to encourage her to trust in His greater plan and His timing. Thank you for the ministering resources you make available that are so greatly needed by women of all ages. My two adult christian sons also need to put their lives in the center of God’s calling and follow with obedience.
    Bless You always

  1026. Gail

    I have a male friend who is a single dad raising a 10 year old daughter. This was a really trying week for him and I passed these prayers along to him. Thank you so much for being an instrument used by God to feed his people and allow us to lead and encourage one another.

  1027. Leah

    Thank you for this. I will print these and laminate them so I can place them in my room to help me be ever mindful of my need to constantly and
    consistently pray for my daughter.

  1028. Sharon Knight

    Lysa, I just want to say “Thank You” for this article & these prayers for our daughters. I have a 25 year old married daughter who loves the Lord with all her heart as does her husband. For that I’m very thankful to our Lord & Savior. I also have a 15 year old daughter that loves the Lord too, but we all know the struggles teenagers come in contact with & some of those are very scary…especially in today’s world.
    I am going to print this article to remind myself that I am Mom, NOT God.
    I’m also going to print the “10 Powerful Prayers to Help You Fight for the Heart of Your Daughter” & pray them everyday!! God Bless You.

  1029. Beverly Wisner

    Thank you, Lisa. I am always blessed by your words of encouragement. Thank you for sharing your heart and your thoughts. So often we all forget who we are and WHO GOD IS. I’m going to forward your blog to my daughter, goddaughter and daughter-in-law, all beautiful Christian women with children they’ll be praying for as we’ll.

  1030. Cathy Prado

    Thank you Lysa for these insightful thoughts. I will be praying them for my girl!

  1031. Mike Fowler

    Wow, I wish I had know how to be a better mom years ago. I just love what I have seen written here. Thank you for sharing.

  1032. Dusti

    Thank you so much for this post. I cannot even begin to express how grateful I am. I am tearing up just writing this. My husband and I found out a while back that, while biological children had always been in MY plans, they weren’t necessarily in God’s. It was a painful blow that took us by surprise. And after I broke down and poured my heart out to God one night, confessing my desperate desire for a daughter, He began to reveal HIS plan for our lives, one I’d honestly never considered: international adoption. Just recently, after much prayer, my husband and I decided to begin the process of adopting a child overseas. The high cost; the possibility of being rejected at some point in the process; the waiting; the inevitable delays; the overwhelming paperwork; all of it pushes me to my knees with worry, but I have found the part that frightens me the most is my inability to protect my daughter. Already she is mine, though I know nothing about her. My entire life I have been a protector. If I were given the option of a superpower, I would probably choose the gift of shielding and healing. And just knowing my daughter could be born at any moment, and I won’t be there to watch over her, hold her, make sure she’s given the proper medical care, make sure she is loved and nourished, protected and cherished, until my husband and I are able to find her and bring her home…it kills me. I cannot protect my daughter. It will probably be over a year before we know who she is, and another year or two before we’re able to bring her home. The fact that I have no control over the next three years brings tears to my eyes. Each night I fall to my knees in her bedroom and petition the King to guard His child in my absence, so this post means so much to me. I will certainly be adding these to my nightly prayers because right now, the lesson feels unbearable. But I also know God is setting the tone for my role as a mother; He teaching this fierce protector to learn to let go. I have to trust Him completely. My knees and my heart are the only thing I am able to give her right now. Her times are in His hands.

  1033. Kim Sumner

    I love this. My daughter and I do not see eye to eye for her life at all. I have prayed and prayed for her, hoping she comes back to the Lord. I have prayed many prayers for her and will continue to do so with these. Thank you!!

  1034. Theresa L

    Thank you. I worry so much about my strong willed 12 year old. She is going to make me old before my time. LOL I must remember to pray instead of worry.

  1035. M. Garrison

    I just now saw this post. Wish I had seen it earlier, but today is the day I needed to read it. Please pray for healing and reconciliation of the relationship between my daughter and I. I pray for her, for God to refresh her love for Him and her love for me, too. She is a wonderful mother and I pray that she will understand that “us mothers” have a lot of the same worries. None of us are perfect parents, but with God’s help, we do the best we can. But I really want her heart to find God again and then allow our relationship to be healed and all baggage released. Thank you.

  1036. Elizabeth Sunny

    Dear Lysa,
    I am amazed how God made me come across your prayer for the daughter. My 18 year old is going through a great deal of difficulty taking her final school leaving board exams and is aspiring to become a doctor. She wants to serve the Lord through the ministry of healing. At this juncture your prayer has grounded me with a new found assurance that ‘He’ is in charge and He takes care,no matter what. Thanks a tonne. I am also a doctor by profession and I shall definitely impart this to my students at medical school.

  1037. Lilian campa

    Wow I would love to read your book I need to learn better ways to help my daughter and guide her!

  1038. Monica Garza

    Thank you for these prayers. I really needed to see them.

  1039. Sabrina

    Thank you Lysa. God truly uses you to say just the things I need to hear. I have been dealing with this myself.

  1040. Christine

    Thank you Lysa for the words. I have two beautiful daughters and pray for them all the time. They are my wonderful gift from God. I am having such a hard time letting my youngest daughter make her own choices. I ask for her to be protected in the name of Jesus. I have to trust and let God take control and know that I have given her all the tools to make the right choices in life.

  1041. Charles

    Thank you so much for this. it was a God-sent message, confirming that we are on the right track. Recently, we have been praying for our daughter and her current relationship. We have decided to create a vision for not only her relationship but our son’s as well; a vision concerning thier mate, the one God has sent to them. These prayers for daughter and son peak to this point.

    Thank you!

    • Charles

      Sorry… that is “speak to this point.”

  1042. Kristin

    Thank you so much for this. I just printed out the prayers and will go to my Bible and read the scriptures. I have 2 girls ages 3 and 5. I tend to want to be an overbearing mom and my parenting instinct is to want to protect them from everything and any harm. I know this is not possible as they grow, I have to always remember that God is in control and to trust Him with my babies. After all, they are his first and are lent to me by Him to raise them as He wants me to.

  1043. Meredith

    Sometimes God gives me a devotional that is just so timely. That was this one today! As a mom of 4 daughters ranging in age from 2 to teenager you are speaking straight to my heart and circumstance. Thank you for these practical, tangible, scriptural prayers. I will be using them for years to come! So grateful.

  1044. Cindy Pitchford

    We have a son, and when he was 10 we adopted two daughters. It was a struggle, and there were times I didn’t know if I could survive another day! God gave me the strength I needed at the times I needed, and gave us all patience to get through. We had to “fight” the demons of our daughters’ pasts and that was incredibly hard. I sometimes feel our son was “left out” because I had to spend so much time teaching our girls, but then I remember our son had a foundation in Christ that they had not been taught. I recently received a phone call from one of my girls. She said thank you for everything. When I told her I still felt like I failed, she said “no mom, you did not”. Felt good to hear that! So, no matter how hard it seems, push forward…take a deep breath and keep going! Let go of what you can’t and don’t feel guilty about it!

  1045. Peggy Clement

    I have three daughters, thank you for theese prayers

  1046. Dawn

    Thank you so much! I REALLY needed these this week…
    And anyone looking for someone to pray for… I volunteer my family… We are having some serious issues with two of our daughters 🙁

  1047. Amy C.

    Thank you so much for sharing these. I’m learning about how to pray “better” (not that there is a bad way) and this ties into what I am wanting to add. We have 3 awesome kids but I always hope when we aren’t right there that they can make those good God-choice decisions.

  1048. Margaret

    Thank you so much! So timely. This is my struggle to try to be God in their lives and in only reaps frustration for all…

  1049. Ang

    I’ve left this email in my inbox for weeks. Each night when I sit in my toddler’s room until she falls asleep (going through a period of fears, I open this up and choose one to pray for her and her baby sister. It has been so wonderful to pray these scriptures over my girls every night. Thank you, Lysa.

  1050. sebe

    Oh thank you…Im a mom of four who lives in West Africa far away from my daugters tgat ive raised alone since the death of their father… holding back the tears as i miss them so much and one in particular is a big challenge to guide….I will print these and use them daily to pray for my girls. Im just Mom…not God

  1051. Pat

    This has really blessed me. I have been wrestling with me teen daughter who have come to a point that making a decision about school has been a struggle for both of us. We have been at odds and now I have found my peace. I am “mom” not God. There is only one God and he is the only one who can protect her to the full.
    My job now is to step back, continue to cover her in prayer and allow God to do in her and through her all the things I can never do. He loves her and he has her in the palm of his hand. He knows the plans that he have for her….plans of hope and an expected end. To God be the glory….
    Thanks so much.

  1052. Jessica

    Please pray for my 17 yr old . She ran Away with her 2 year old daughter and I just found out she is pregnant again

    • Elizabeth

      I am praying for you, your daughter, your granddaughter and your future grandchild.
      I believe she will come back but she was afraid of what would be said. Pray that she will see that you love her unconditionally. I will keep praying.
      Blessings, Elizabeth


      I will write this down & share & study with my 37 year old daughter. No matter how old, we need all
      the help we can get. Thank you for letting God use u to help others.

  1053. jen

    This spoke to me in so many ways. Thank you for sharing these wonderful truths. I need to trust the Lord with my daughter and interceed in prayer.

  1054. Karen

    Thank you. I have 4 adult daughters. 2 young mothers & my oldest expecting. Your blog hit home as I was searching for guidance. God bless you abundantly. Thank you.

  1055. Kimberly Parker

    My daughter and I are so far apart from one another… and she is further away from God…. I have adopted her 2 of her children….. I just want my daughter to know and Love God and to know that God forgives her…. and she needs to forgive herself… so please help me pray for her…. thank you

  1056. Valerie Aleksandruk

    Philippians 4Philippians 4:6 NIV
    Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
    Not anything/ Everything prayer / thanksgiving. Read often, memorize and say often. God’s word is living and powerful when I am spiritually dying and weak with worry.

  1057. Gregg

    Thanks for every other great article. The place else
    may just anybody get that type of information in such a perfect way of writing?
    I have a presentation next week, and I am on the look for such

  1058. Troy Duck

    Thank you for this wonderful article. As a father who struggles with raising three daughters and who often let’s the world and its worries come between me and God’s purpose for my influence on raising Godly girls, I really appreciate your calling me and others back to the truth, the foundation, the ruler by which we are to measure success…I am printing your words and God’s word (the verses you used as reference) and placing it about my house and work as a constant reminder. Thank you for refocusing me. God bless!!

  1059. Michelle Brumfield

    Please pray for my daughter Britany as she is a brand new mom that is dealing with a husband that has been unfaithful and she is trying to hang on to her marriage and so hurt, so angry, so broken and it hurts me so much knowing that I can’t help her. And I’m across the country just a wreck clinging to Christ to reveal himself to her right now. Thank you

  1060. Susan Coulson

    Thank you so very much. You will never know how much I neede to read these truths tonight.

  1061. Serracat

    Thank you for this! My 15 yr old daughter is struggling with a friend who is being very demanding of her friendship. I’m praying prayer #8 specifically!

  1062. Rita

    After having devotions for our girls, God lead me to your site. I am thankful for your encouraging words.

  1063. Amy

    Thank you so much for this post. It was perfectly timed to help me in a time of tremendous stress and uncertainty. No doubt God is working through you.

  1064. Cindy Kelling

    Thank you so much for the “10 Powerful Prayers to Help You Fight for the Heart of Your Daughter.” This is exactly what I needed to read today. God bless you!

  1065. Gail VanHoy

    Thank you for these prayers for my daughter. She is 15 and going thru what I hope to be a phase. If this way of thinking becomes permanent, I don’t know what will happen but it won’t be good. I keep thinking of what our pastor taught last Sunday, “If it ain’t good, God ain’t done yet”. So I keep praying.

  1066. Linda

    Asking for prayers for my daughter that she makes the right choices in life and for me to learn that I am Mom not God and I must trust in the Lord and His plan but I struggle so much to let go and let God! I am so anxious and it affects everything that I do in life Asking God to heal my heart and mind and give me courage and peace

  1067. trisha

    This is where I am at. I lay it down, surrender, I say no to trying to control a situation that is out of my control. I love these prayers and take the challenge to pray instead of fret,worry and try to fix it.

  1068. terrie snider

    Please pray for my granddaughter who I have raised,she is 15 and she is so troubled. Her parents have both done time in prison. Her mother has changed her life around totally . Her Father is sill gone . Her Mother lives in Washington state. And my granddaughter and I live in Texas. She won’t go with her mother unless I go. She is hanging around the wrong crowd. All I do is pray for to find God and keep him in Her life. IN Jesus name I pray.

  1069. Arlisa Bonner

    I’m praying for my daughter. God please help her to pass all of her tests. She will be graduating this year. Please pray for her…I love her dearly.

  1070. James

    I’ve known so many broken women and one thing they all have in common is an absent or abusive father. I feel blessed that I can be in my daughter’s life and show her before I pass that she will always have her heavenly Father and He will never leave her.

  1071. Michele

    I have been blessed with a wonderful daughter who is the sweetest thing I know on this earth. She is very loving and kind, but the world is not. She is 22 and is constantly being hurt by co-workers, peers, as well as older family “friends” who she has helped in the past. I do not understand it. I am praying that it doesnt change her way of always thinking of others first. Please pray that she finds peace within herself and that she finds a comfortable work place environment. I was up all night worrying about her until I came across this website. Thank you!

  1072. Jen Wooldridge

    Thank you for this! My daughter turns 18 in less than a year. I’m so terrified for that day. God has been nudging me to release her to Him.

  1073. Stephanie

    I found a link to your blog in an article. it is timely not only for me, but also for a dear friend of mine who is having struggles with her teenage daughter. As much as I try to “control” things, I have learned that I can control very little. I am learning to hand my days over to the Lord.

  1074. Frieda

    Thank you for the 10 prayers listed. I found your blog and prayers at a time that we needed it most. I will be praying these for my daughter who needs lots of guidance . What you wrote on your blog is so me–I need to let go and let God. I’ve made myself so sick with worry that my husband had to remind me that God has her in His hands. I look forward to seeing salvation and sanctification for our children.

  1075. Cat Anderson

    Thank you Lysa, for saying yes to where God leads you. Thank you for your servant’s heart. Thank you for letting us visit you in your life. Thank you for these prayers for our daughters, who need them more than ever in today’s world where evil and temptation is on every corner. Thank you for encouraging us to turn to God and His Word. From one mother’s heart to another….much love and appreciation!

  1076. Julie

    Your writings and spiritual help are an inspiration.
    Now that I have a granddaughter I want to
    instill in her a deeper spiritual sense of God.
    I want her to see God in me. I want to devote the
    time to her that I wasn’t able to give to our son.

  1077. Ann

    I am so VERY thankful for my relationship w/my daughter. I feel very
    blessed she calls me her best friend and
    always enjoy talking with her anytime,
    day or night as I have told her so when
    she needs to talk. But like you, I am
    Mom…not God. But I pray for her daily
    as she has anxiety issues. I only pray
    for her future happiness. Thank you for these prayers; the will be so helpful to me for her. May God bless you and yours!!!

  1078. Melody

    Thank you, I know God led me to this site. I have 2 teenage girls and one is struggling with her faith. I will pray these prayers daily. I like alot of moms struggle with worrying over my girls. I needed a reminder to trust that God has a plan for them and its not MY plan, but His.

  1079. Pam

    I beg your prayers- I just had horrible repeat fight with 16 yr daughter . I said ugly hateful things in response to her hate- filled yelling.we are both Christians struggling to see God in our situation since her dad walked out 4 yrs ago. So much rejection for precious lil girl .

  1080. Jo Ann Smith

    Please pray for my 18 year old daughter she is in a relationship with a 28 year old man …

  1081. Jo Ann Smith

    Please pray for my 18 year old daughter she is in a relationship with a 28 year old man …

  1082. MichelleT

    Lisa, I heard you speak on Mother’s Day at my church. You were such a blessing to me that day. My 17-year old & I, well, we used to be so close and now we’re not. It just breaks my heart. So many things have happened this past year. She’s made bad choices & suffered terrible consequences. I’m constantly messing up & the Lord is constantly reminding me that He has her. And just as you said…I’m not God. The more I interfere, the bigger mess I make. He’s taught me so much through the storms this past year and yet I still have so much to learn. She’s such an amazing girl. I just pray that she will realize that sooner than later. I pray for the Lord to reveal her gifts to her and give her the desire to use them as He would have her. I’m going to look for this book. I know I didn’t happen upon this page by chance. So obviously the Lord has words for me through your teachings. Thank you for your obedience to His calling. You have touched so many lives. God Bless You.

  1083. Lonna

    I like reading through an article that can make men and
    women think. Also, thank you for allowing for me to comment!

  1084. Rosa Debroy

    Hi, this has been such a a blessing for me! I was wondering if it’s ok with you that I can translate to S

  1085. Jennifer

    Thank you for this article. It truly blessed me, a mother of three children, ages. 15,6&4 . They are such beautiful prayers. & thank you for attaching Bible verses to each prayer. So much power in His name.
    God Bless U .

  1086. linda jordan

    Thank you for this and reading this there was one word that really stuck out and gave me confirmation PRAY and I really appreciate that. May blessing be poured out on you each day.

  1087. Monica

    Pls pray for my daughter to come home soon she turn 18 and the very next day she left Thank God shes safe with my mom but still I want her to come home also pray for her addiction to drugs and pills Lord help me hear my cry….. Amen

  1088. cynthia

    My 17 yr old daughter has left home and living with a fly member.she has made some mistakes and blames me for the abuse from her father that she has witnessed. To make a long story short. I started praying these prayers & had a priest to come n bless my home. I have a certain peace about it n know that she’ll be back.God does in fact has us in the palm of his hands.continue to pray for us for healing that everything will turn out for good.
    thanking u in advance

  1089. Chris

    My husband and I have been praying over his daughter to break the things that bind her. It’s hard when it feels one sided and when I’m the disciplinarian and prayer warrior. You’re article has given me hope and scripture to pray over her life. This evening as I read through the comments I prayed for each family represented. We are not alone in our struggle to raise and encourage our children!

  1090. DeeDee

    I searched for comfort this morning in regard to my daughter who is under stress and sometimes is too trusting. Your words helped and I will continue with these prayers ongoing.

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