All relationships can be difficult at times, but they should not be destructive to our well-being. Learn the difference between a destructive pattern and a difficult season with this free resource, “Is This Normal? 15 Red Flags You May Be Missing in Your Relationships.”


Friday Favorites: Spring into Spring

March 22, 2013

I thought it might be nice to just drop a little fun into your Fridays for a while. This series might last a few weeks or maybe a few months… who knows? But for a while my Friday posts will be where I share some favorite findings from that week.

This week’s theme is Spring into Spring. Completely original, I know. As is the song playing in my mind while writing this. Think Sound of Music… these are a few of my favorite things.

Now that we’ve got our soundtrack let’s take a look:

1. Grilled Salmon Salad. Yum. Yes, please.

2. According to fashion people much smarter than me, yellow is the thing this Spring. There’s just something delightful about pairing yellow with blue and white.

3. Barefoot in Barcelona. I’m not sure if this is a wish or a nail color. Either way, it works for me.

4. I’m in like with bubble necklaces right now. This like may only last another week or two but for now this color and style makes my heart happy.

5. A gold leaf plate from Target. This is one of the many reasons I have to limit my trips to this store. Or make a list and stick to it. Who am I kidding, I never stick to my list at Target.

6. This candle holder said it’s “monogrammable.” I love that word. And I really like candles.

7. This is the cutest wedding invitation! Seriously creative, charming, and so sweet. It starts out by saying, “Adam Stafford (such a fine gentleman suitor) is madly in love with Lindsay Michelle Kreis (a fair loving sweetheart) who adores him in return, which is why they have decided to wed”

Lindsay is on my team here at Proverbs 31 Ministries. She’s amazing! As of May she will be married to Adam! He is a graphic designer. A really talented one as you can see. Adam can be hired. Lindsay cannot. Smiles.

Well, there you have it. Some fun things I found while poking around on the world wide web. When I should have been writing. Shhhh…. I know you won’t tell my editor. I love that about you.

And if you have some favorites, do share a link or two in the comments below. I’ll be needing some delightful distractions during my writing sessions this weekend. Happy Friday!

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  1. Erica

    Yep. It’s almost 4 am.. Since little man wants to be up I figured I might as well enjoy reading your Friday favorites! So I’ve really been trying to incorporate fresh vegetables into our meals because I have for too long let Veg-All be our go to vegetable source. I’ve discovered the Pioneer Woman (tried to insert a link but my tech inability has beat me again!) who has several easy and delicious vegetable dishes! So far I’ve made fresh green beans and oven roasted asparagus. Next is brussel sprouts–I’m a little scared about that one!! Thanks for sharing Lysa!!

  2. Heather

    While leading one of your studies at church a few months ago God also called me to give up TV. If I am honest, He had been calling me to do this for years but I was practicing selective hearing! But this time I said “yes”. …… So all that to say right now the Overdrive Media App is one of my favorite things. I can borrow thousands of ebooks or audiobooks right from my comfy couch (yes I hear a faint whisper, something about exercise…. One thing at a time 🙂

  3. Anne

    Being in Target is like being in a casino……you lose track of time and money.
    And I love my Target!

  4. Juli

    Living in MN this year ha brought on a new excercise if ‘how to drive safety on ice and snow….or both’. Yes, it’s been a challenge and I thank God that not once did I go in a ditch or roll my car. So my favorite thin today is that I’ve had two straight days of driving in clear roads! Can I a get a whoop whoop!?

  5. Johanna Freer

    Hi Lysa,

    Totally off topic, but I wanted to express my thanks to you for your book made to crave. I struggled with eating disorders most of my life, over excersising was my issue… and even though this book is about people who over eat and tend not to like to excersise, it has been another piece of my journey towards bringing all things in my life into the obedience of Jesus. I still struggle with watching my motivation in loosing weight, or lately the struggle has been excersising, and being pliable enought to allow myself to do other things if I must, and forfit my work outs. I would love to see a book written from the same truths but as a struggler (is that a word?) of eating disorders. I am in the work book and just read the whole piece last night on having a divided heart… God is so good, to me, and thank you so much in your obedience to him even when it is not popular. (the girl I am doing the study with is just like you, and was very aprehensive to do the study with me…. Convicted yes?) I Could write forever, but will stop here… Thanks again!

  6. Suzanne

    I love you and I love readin your stuff!

  7. Missy

    That bubble necklace is precious. Must. Go. Find. Also, not sticking to the Target list with you since (whenever Target first opened it’s doors???). I hope this Friday Favorites sticks around for a good long while. It’s a fun way to hop into the weekend.

  8. Kristy

    I’m in like with this post!!

  9. Leigh

    One mindless thing I love to do in spring is check out all the beautiful things-flowers-gardens-room makeovers- in “Better Homes & Gardens”
    I dream of all the loveliness I would do to my home/yard if I only had all the $$ to do it 😉

  10. Susan

    OMYGosh…Target…love how it’s laid out, and those prettty red carts, and the 5% off debit card…..I think it’s 5%..How do you feel about JCP’s circulars? Love that layout!

  11. Julie

    Now that I’ve “met” you in person (last weekend), I love your writing even more because I can TOTALLY hear you saying all of these crazy things! 🙂 LOL…and I’m SOOOOO not sure about the yellow but yep, I’ve been seeing it too…on Nicki, on Lazaro 😉 A.I. for those of you non-reality tv peeps. Fair Irish skin and blonde hair like me (more like casper white) do not mix very well with yellow! We shall see!

  12. Vanessia

    I love the “He is Risen” Burlap or Screen cross on Pinterest!

  13. Christy Gadman

    Check out Its a Christian based company selling Fair Trade products, handmade by ladies around the world who can earn a fair wage so they can get out of the sex trade, poverty and sweat shops. Beautiful jewelry and home accessories that make a huge difference in the lives of women and their children around the world. If you would like more info, you can go to my page, I would even be willing to send you a product if you see something you want to see in person. 🙂

  14. Mac

    Dear Lysa,
    This has nothing to do with Friday Favorites, but I don’t know where else exactly to put this so sorry if I am bending the rules. I just wanted to thank you for your book Unglued. First of all, yes, Mac is a guy. I went to a Christian bookstore recently as a friend of mine had a discount coupon and she wanted to use it, so I tagged along. The minute I read the subtitle of your book, ‘Making wise choices in the midst of raw emotions” I looked at her (she knows me well) and said, “Hmm..I think this book is talking to me.”
    I have laughed, wept (yes, really), found great encouragement and really, really good practical advice and strategies. Coming from a family of origin where the goal was to win the argument and decimate your opponent, the phrase “First, honor them” totally changed my perspective (I think the biblical word is repentance). I could go on, but thank you for being so honest, for sharing about your family (I think I would like to meet Art some day), and for giving me hope in areas that have plagued me, well, forever.
    Mac Smith, Ph.D. (just because one is smart does not mean one is wise).

  15. Margaret

    I love the Spring. I like your idea of Spring into Spring. When I think of Spring, I think of YELLOW – it is bright and bold and beautiful. Yellow is my favorite color as you probably guessed. In my yard I have planted bushes and bulbs to come up in the Spring with bright
    colors of yellow. The buttercups bloomed for a solid month even though the temperatures
    were jumping all over the place in the south. Yellow is definitely the color for Spring. The sun pops out after a winter of gray skies and rainy and cold days. But more importantly the Spring brings new life and hope to the world. Spring is a reminder of
    the Resurrected Life of Jesus Christ.

  16. Lynn

    I am loving all the fresh new Threshold items at Target. Have you seen hem? Dishes, towels, bedding, lamps, home decor…very pretty, springy, and fresh!

  17. Teresa Hyde

    I love Friday Favorites! My favorite is all the beautiful Bright Spring colors that take away any gloom of living in the dark gray NW. My favorite find this Spring has been from Avon. This little Spring flower with little fiber optics all around its face lights up…its arms are open wide, reminding me that my Jesus loves me so much & in Him there is nothing that can separate me from His ever present love.

  18. Latosha

    I enjoyed reading the blog today and even turned on the “sound of music” as I read it.

  19. Michelle Angelique

    My favorite spring things are Robins (they are such cheery and elegant looking little song birds!) 🙂 Fresh salads with fresh squeezed lemon juice and sunflower seeds. 🙂 Creating hand made cards with my new rubber stamps. 🙂

  20. Sandra

    You need to check out They have the cutest daily deals that post Mondays through Fridays at 9 am EST. This is one of my new favorite things (websites) as well as, which is basically like Groupon, but cute jewelry, clothes, etc. And of course, I find way too many favorite new things on Etsy and Pinterest. 😀

  21. StephanieL

    Fun blog post! My favorite thing today (besides the quiet in my house right now) is a style scope quiz over on the Homegoods web page. I just knew I wasn’t as boring as my wallet led me to believe!

  22. Lynda

    Lysa, I can verify that walking the beach in Barcelona is like heaven on earth! We spent two months living there this past summer just down the block from our eldest son. Grown up kids are almost as fun as two year olds~without the little fits!

    (PS-Joyce McNeill keyed me into your blog after our circle’s book club read your book. Funny the connections that we all seem to have 🙂 Hugs from another Tallahassee oldie but goodie!

  23. Sandi in MN

    One of my favorite things lately is making our own Komboucha, a cultured tea beverage full of probiotics. Yum and good for you! My last batch was so carbonated, it over flowed when I opened it, just like a shaken pop (yes we call it pop in MN, not soda 🙂 )!

  24. Janelle

    If you really want to spend time getting carried away, check out my Pinterest page. =)
    Here’s the link: …… Enjoy!!!

  25. Debra

    Just curious how many hours you would write in a weekend?
    Your Friday Favorites is a fun idea. Something new and fresh. Enjoyed looking through it.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  26. Cindy

    Some of my favorite things is our dog snuggling between us in the bed in the morning, the smile of our grandson, and waiting for the tulips to poke their heads up through the earth to welcome spring!

  27. Jana

    YES to salmon salad, especially with a balsamic vinaigrette, and YES to Barefoot in Barcelona! I only paint my toenails in summer (never my nails; nailbiter, embarassed to say), and this is the perfect neutral-without-being-boring color. The only one I own, in fact. And when I can’t find it in town, I track it down online!

    And I just bought a yellow purse yesterday, so I’m tickled to find out after-the-fact that I’m “in”! 😉

  28. Kathie

    My favorite new thing is “Trades of Hope”. They sell fair trade items to help women out of poverty from around the world! I’m a Compassion Entrepreneur for the company sell the products through the home party model and/or vendor fairs…..It’s a PARTY WITH A PURPOSE!! It’s a WIN – WIN!! Who doesn’t want to look good with GREAT ACCESSORIES that also have the purpose of helping other women around the world send their kids to school, make a living for their families, get out of sweat shops and the sex trade. Check out my website for further information – Check it out Lysa!!

  29. Christina


    I’m a Broadcast Journalism student in Indiana, and I’m beginning to realize how important it is for me to start blogging. You are an amazing writer, and I was wondering if you could give me some advice! I just have no idea what I would write about or where to begin. It would really mean a lot!

  30. Helena

    I love this idea. Keep us posted every Friday.
    I love your books.

  31. Anonymous

    I hope I’m not to late in posting and that someone will see this. I am in need of prayer and was hoping someone could please pray for me?

  32. Cindy

    It’s never too late for prayer! God knows your need, and I am praying.

  33. Alba

    God has blessed me with an amazing husband. One of the ways he has shown me love is by the way he protects me, which in turn makes me feel extremely special. We have 2 sons, ages 17 & 20 who love The Lord. I absolutely love going to church as a family (something I didn’t experience growing up). I am truly blessed by these terrific men in my life. They are mighty men of God and I am privileged to be wife and mother in this wonderful family God put together. Thank you Jesus, for allowing me to fulfill my heart’s desire to be a wife and mom, may we bring you glory in all we do as a family.

  34. Marilyn

    I just finished the study, for women only. Awesome study!

  35. Stacy Price

    I too have been blessed with an AMAZING husband – we’ve had a rough couple of years, my brother committed suicide, I lost my job, my mother passed away (unexpectedly) and my grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Through all this I have (at times) not been the easiest person to get along with, but he has been as steady as a a stream, always pitching in, always there with a hug, with a comforting word. There was one day in particular when I had gotten sick and couldn’t take my grandmother to the doctor, he took her – girls, there aren’t too many men out there that would tackle this task. We have been married 22 years this year and, everyday just keeps getting better and better – I have truly married my best friend. He rarely, if ever misses a day getting up and reading his bible and rarely ever misses church – I’m a blessed girl!

  36. Mary Trimble

    The “men” in my life are easy to brag on… Their personalities are so diversified they always keep me entertained and on my toes. The greatest thing I love about them…their hearts are as big as the universe. This is I feel the best characteristic any one person can have…an outstretched hand to those in need.

  37. Rena

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