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Sometimes I’m A Little Too Human

February 4, 2013

Which category are you in?

* You hope you’ll have something to look forward to on Valentine’s Day. Hint. Hint.

* Valentine’s Day feels more like Single Awareness Day.

* You’re totally excited and have bought all your friends stuff from the $1 aisle at Target.

* You couldn’t care less because you don’t like the color red or chocolate or roses. So there.

I’ll be honest, I’m always a little on the fence with this day. Yes, I wrote the post Valentine’s Tips To The Misters, to encourage the Misters on the fine art of doing Valentine’s Day right.


It still all feels a little forced. A little too commercial.

Because at the end of the day, a woman wants to feel special. And call me crazy, but mass produced cupids just don’t cut it.

I want to be adored. Thought of. Not as an obligation, because the calendar holiday demands it. But rather, just because…

He loves me.

And it’s at this point where my Christian mind screams… Jesus does this. Let Jesus fill you. Only Jesus can adore you this way. Give your husband a break.

That’s what I call a Jesus juke.

A quick move that makes you feel slapped on the hand for being so human.

Yes, of course Jesus loves me this way. But what if I say that with my mouth, while still feeling a deep ache in my heart. A longing. To be pursued.

That’s where my friend Jud Wilhite’s new project steps in and helps me connect with Jesus in the exact way that my longing heart desires.

Here’s Jud….

Valentine’s Day can be frustrating for many of us. Perhaps you’re single and you don’t want to be, or you’re in an unhappy or disappointing relationship. Maybe you’re grieving a relationship you’ve lost.

This year, remember that God loves you the way a kind and patient husband loves his bride. He wants to pursue you, cherish you, and meet your deepest needs — and He’s the only one who can.

When God wanted to illustrate the passionate intensity of His relationship with us, He chose marriage as the metaphor.

Incredibly, it was the marriage of a prophet named Hosea and a prostitute named Gomer. God told Hosea to marry Gomer and to take her back even after she’s unfaithful. God uses their marriage to illustrate His love and care for His people, who have turned away from Him again and again.

My friend, Jud Wilhite, is offering a free 14-day Pursued challenge that’s perfect as Valentine’s Day approaches. He offers thoughts on the book of Hosea and what this story can teach us about God’s love. Visit and sign up for the challenge. You can also download a sample chapter of his new book Pursued.

I’m really excited to share what I’m learning about God’s scandalous love through Pursued. How does this speak to you? Do you sometimes, like me, feel a little too human? Leave a comment today and you’ll be entered to win one of five copies of Jud’s new book, Pursued…God’s Divine Obsession with You.

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  1. Anna W.

    I feel more human with Valentine’s Day because I work through it. I work at a place where we help those misters get something lovely. And quite frankly, many of those misters wait until the last minute. This makes me tend to think unchristian and uncharitable thoughts toward said misters. Your blog will hopefully help me see they are trying to pursue their love, even if they aren’t going about it in the best way. 😉

  2. Sharon Quevreaux

    My husband and I have never been romantics so to speak. I agree that a woman seeks to feel loved before her husband leaves the house and when he arrives home from work. Words of encouragement are my favorite gifts. I often feel rejected when I don’t hears those words from my husband. Oh God forgive my humanness. My hope is in you! Amen

  3. Lori

    Oh my, sign me up! Currently I’m in the “Single Awareness” category but used to be in the “hope I have something to look forward to” category – neither do I want to be in again. I know in my head God is the only one who can truly fill the void, but my heart has a hard time following. Thank you so much for this blog today Lysa!

  4. Mandy Williams

    These posts make me incredibly uncomfortable. God created us for HIS glory. He is our Lord. He is righteous. He does not want to be our boyfriends or our husbands. He does not long to have sex with us or meet our need in this way. His ways are not our ways, and we tend to make Him human to make up for human weaknesses. He loves us as our Shepherd and King. It isn’t romantic with us. We are doing Him a disservice by teaching others that His love is a romantic love. He loves like no other. If we could focus more on loving Him on Valentine’s Day the way He wants to be loved–the way scripture instructs–we wouldn’t be so focused on making Him love us the way we want to be loved–which is full of sin, self absorption and self-glorification. I’m sorry to go against the norm here, but truth must be proclaimed.

    • Deb P

      Couldn’t agree more!

  5. Lisa C.

    Would love to win a copy of the book “Pursued” Can we ever begin to understand God’s love for us?

  6. Beth B

    I want to be pursued by God! I know He does but sometimes it is hard to experience it. Every woman wants to feel loved and cherished. Isn’t it wonderful that we don’t have to look for it! We already have the love of our Father, our bridegroom. I just need to embrace Him every moment. Easier said than done but oh so worth it!

  7. Nicole

    I tend to feel exactlly like you….

  8. Shar

    My husband says that he told me he loved me once and if that ever changes he will let me know….LOL. But he truly speaks my love language. He is always showing me he loves me in other ways.From buying me a space heater for my office, a seat warmer for my car,fills my gas tank so I don’t have to, we live in Il. near Chicago brrrrrrr. He even finished off a space for my sewing and is always willing to go out and get me ice cream when I NEED it. I am not big on flowers and we are both addicted to chocolate so we always have it in the house. We will get each other a card and I will get him a small teddy bear as a joke……cause nothing says love like a teddy bear on Valentines day! We always go out on some other day because we like to “buck” the system 😉

  9. Mona

    No matter where we are in life, married, single, divorced, or widowed we all want to be pursued. We want to be loved and needed and understood. Thankfully I serve a big God who has the power to fill my needs and sends what I need before I even know I need it.

  10. Spring

    My husband and I haven’t usually “done” valentine’s day, in nearly 18 years of marriage. For the same reason. (Although I sometimes plan a little treat by each child’s plate with a special note from me.) But I have been thinking about this a lot lately… about expecting our spouse’s to fulfill what only Jesus really can. And wondering “but how do you get from here to there?” Excited to read about this project and see what I can learn!

  11. Kyndra

    I’m so excited about the pursued challenge! It excites me to remember that God does love me and pursue me. Of course, I am the woman who had already bought myself and my husband a valentines day present. Please send up some prayers for us! This year I have bought us each a copy of Jesus Calling (his in Spanish, his 1st language) and mine in English. I’m praying that he will actually read it!

  12. Anne

    It took me almost 20 years to realize that the man I married demonstrated this type of love on a daily basis.(Call me slow.) He is always kind and patient. Never judgmental. And there are times when I wish he would get in to the fray with me but the bottom line is that he has never dishonored me. What a gift! What a vision to the love of God! I am so grateful for my hubs! As an aside, Valentine’s is kind of a Hallmark holiday for us…we might go out to eat, we might not. Either way, we’ll still love each other the next day. Best.Valentine.Ever.

  13. Tammy

    Lysa, thank you for the post, but I think I am going to spend my time figuring out a way to show my husband my unconditional love for HIM. Instead of me trying to be OK with whatever he decides to do for me, I am going to try my best to approach this with a servants heart and not focus on what I want from him or God. It just seems a bit selfish to me. So, I am praying God will use this Valentine’s Day to teach me a servant heart and do as our Online Bible Study verse says, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” ~ Colossians 3:23 NIV84 . I am going to work at this to let God teach me something, instead of Him or my husband giving me anything this year.

    • Ella

      Love this!!!! It is hard to be upset about not receiving when your goal is giving!!!!! Thank you for your perspective!!

  14. Melinda M. Mayeur

    I appreciate your thoughts on Valentine’s Day! My husband battles the day because he hates to be told when to express his love. He’s really good about expressing love daily. I’ve always worked in an office with multiple women who get flowers, balloons, etc and it’s been hard for me to not receive “something” on Valentine’s Day. I’m working on this and your comments helped.

  15. Sonja

    I want to be persued!! You ripped the words from my heart Lysa! I haven’t felt persued by my husband in a very long time. It is the deepest hurt of my marriage.

    God, please use this time in my life for SOMETHING awesome – cause it hurts and it sucks and I don’t like it!

  16. Chrissy

    My husband and I celebrate Valentines day by devoting extra time to each other. I’ll admit one of my love languages is gifts. I live getting and giving but time is a gift as well. Look at the time Christ gives us…. Every moment He is with us! Your post makes me more aware of the time I devote to beig just with Him each day!

  17. Sarah

    Lysa what I like about you is that you’re so real and right on with your posts! I’ve been feeling this way recently-lonely- and trying to remember Jesus is always near..and you help me remember its okay to be human!

  18. Michelle McCaskill

    I’m reading several devotionals right now, but this seems to be just what I need…thanks for the recommendation!! I feel the same way..

  19. Lisa

    I have been putting little notes in my husband’s lunch every couple days. I am trying to pursue him instead of always expecting him to pursue me. Maybe it will even stir him to move ahead of time instead of last minute, but if not that’s ok too.

  20. Johanna Kirkland

    This post really spoke to me. I struggle almost everyday with finding someone that will love me like Jesus and the reality is that no one ever will but that me makes happy knowing that my Father has a love for me that no one can touch. I am so in love with Jesus and he’s in love with me!

  21. Karen

    I have always been more “sentimental/romantic” than most…odd that God called me to a life of singleness until I turned 41. I have been married 2 & half years – and this year (2013), I decided I was really going to make daily efforts to show love to my husband, not just at “special” times. I manage a Christian camp and I think “Pursued” sounds like the kind of book that my summer staff could really use – I know I could have used a book like it when I was in college, to open my eyes to the Love that God has for me.

  22. Robyn

    I’ve been single for 3 years now. I’m not sure how I feel about valentine’s day. I’m happy for those who have significant others who spoil them. At least I try to be. There is sometimes an ache though because I desire that too.

    I also agree totally, that you shouldn’t have to make a special effort on one day. I want to be surprised. I want flowers just because. Not because its a commercial day. I don’t want mass produced stuff that every other woman is getting from her man. I want something that is just for me.

  23. Gigi Parkins

    I find it ironic that our special speaker on Sunday spoke about God pursuing us ( and our God being the only god who pursues…all other religions require humans to do the pursuing). I know I shouldn’t be surprised because usually the stuff I need to really “get” I often hear more than once.

  24. Gazella

    I used to be so disappointed on Valentine’s Day because my husband referred it “as something Hallmark created.” After several years he acknowledged my disappointment and gifted me with special things, but after 48 years of marriage, I, too, recognize what is important and know first that God loves me, and the husband he gave me daily demonstrates his love in small ways that count, not a card or flowers or candy, but faithfulness, caring and protection.

  25. Leanne

    I can’t wait to read this book!

  26. Kathie

    I have been married for over 27 years and I feel that Valentine’s Day has become sort of a cop out or helps to excuse us from not living in true love all the time. We try to make up that one day for all the times we don’t choose to live in love. Instead it should be a time to celebrate what we already do all the time and I’m sure it is for some, but not for all of us, including me! It is a day that should remind us to love each other EVERY DAY. Just like Christmas should be a reminder of Jesus coming to earth for one reason, to reconcile us to our First Love, and Easter should be a reminder of God’s “scandalous” love for us to the point of sacrificing His Son for us. Consumers spend so much money on these holidays but I wonder if all that “stuff” was taken away, what ways would we find to truly celebrate our love for each other, or God’s love for us? Something to think about….even for me!

  27. Ginger

    When God wanted to illustrate the passionate intensity of His relationship with us, He chose marriage as the metaphor, reading this really touched me. I know it in my head but I never really thought of it as a comparison like that, Him giving us a glimpse into our relationship with Him through our spouse. The part of Hosea & Gomer also validated how forgiving our God is, that we struggle in our flesh but yet, our pasts and all the sins, He always takes us back, such an example for how people should view marriage, and all relationships in general. Thanks for the share 🙂

  28. Angie

    Oh goodness, the book of Hosea is one of my very favorite books! I love how right in the middle of Gomer’s messiness God says she no longer call Him her Master, but her Husband. Yes, I’d been super-excited to receive a copy of Pursued. Thanks for the opportunity, and happy Valentine’s Day!

  29. Megan

    Thank you for the post! Very insightful!

  30. Patricia Peterson

    I feel it’s a “Human Holday”. Most holidays these days have lost their true meaning.
    My boyfriend and I will buy cards for each other but know that it’s one day and that we do need to show each other how we feel each and every day.
    I know that no one can fill me with love as much as Jesus.

  31. Piper

    Even as a married woman, I find myself being disappointed that my husband didn’t do this or didn’t do that and being reminded that we are human and got is the perfect one is such a great thing. I’m looking forward to Valentine’s Day this year because I know that my hope is in Him and not in earthly posesssions.

  32. Kellie

    It wasn’t until I read Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge that I began to understand God’s love for me. I still struggle with letting God love me completely…I’m a work in progress! This book/challenge sounds like something I need right now…gotta love God’s timing! Thank you Lysa for being human and sharing your heart!

  33. Terri

    My God is a Faithful God, this I know. His Thoughts and Ways are not mine, this I know as well. When I look around my unhappy, disappointing relationship remembering that He’d asked me,quite clearly, to “do it for Him”, I feel like Hosea, hurting and bewildered. Then after mentioning Hosea to Him this morning, He sends this devotional, proving His Faithfulness yet again….yet as Lysa says I feel so human for hurting, for not “counting it all joy”, for telling him yesterday that it over. I just don’t know how to do what I was asked to.

  34. Marcella

    Lysa, so funny that your topic today is right where I am. I was telling a good friend of mine about how we wait for the guy in our life to make us feel valued loved and appreciated. We wait for them only to be disappointed. But why do we do this? God is the only one who can fill these shoes. Why is it we feel the need of human relationship to fill valued. Thanks for the post. It spoke volumes to me today and I will share it with my friend.

  35. Tricia

    Well thank you for posting this oh so timely message on God’s love. I’m in the process of dealing with a painful breakup, done In part because my boyfriend’s refusal to pursue me and my unhealthy need to be pursued in order to be fulfilled. I know on paper God’s love for me is all that matters and I know I have not been receptive to his wooing and it’s time for me to fully realize this. I’m excited for this study!

    And to those that think its not right to want God to pursuer us and focus on asking Him to do so, I think you might be missing the point. It’s not about selfishly commanding God to fulfill our human needs but in allowing Him to complete what was started when he made us. God’s greatest joy is loving us and He will pursue us in many ways which i have completely missed out because of my own selfishness and closed mindedness.

  36. Dianna

    i ALWAYS feel too human. I”ve been struggling so much lately – trying to find some quiet time – time to sit and read the bible without having so many distractions fighting for my thoughts. It brings me to tears just thinking about it.

  37. Andrea

    I want to enjoy Valentine’s Day for just what it is—a special day set aside to show my family I care for them. I want to say this is ok, BUT inside I think this is so phony.
    I desire God’s REAL love not something that is just part of the calendar, a day that says you should do this because if you do not what message are you sending. Maybe Pursued would help my understanding and my ability to express love more freely.

  38. Kara Dennison

    Thank you for writing this post today. I think Valentine’s Day can be filled with unfulfilled expectations. We’re to spend money that we don’t have on fancy jewelry and flowers. If we don’t get those things than it’s not fulfilling our expectations.
    The truth is, that only the Lord Jesus Christ can truly be our Valentine. I know that my husband shows his love for me all year long. I need to have no expectations going into this holiday.
    Thank you Jesus for your greatest love for me. You died on the cross, was buried, and then rose again for me. Who can do that on this Valentine’ Day?

  39. Sherry

    Being hurt from things makes you feel less than satisfactory in your life….its so refreshing to understand and feel God’s love. Would love to read this new book.
    Thanks for writing “Life” books.

  40. Kirsten

    I definitely feel too human sometimes, looking to my husband to provide the sense of love and security that I desire. And because he is human, he doesn’t always do it well, no matter how wonderful he is. Only God can truly fill that need and I’m constantly reminding myself not to expect more from my husband than he can be, but to simply love and respect him for who he is and what he does do.

  41. JoAnn

    I start reading books and blogs and am encouraged but it doesn’t last. I have a hard time staying focused. My head knows what to do but my heart is not always insync.

  42. Christina

    The story of Hosea is such a wonderful story of unconditional love. Our pastor had a sermon a few weeks ago on Hose. I would love to read a copy of the book, Pursued.
    . Thank you for creating Proverbs 31 womens ministry. I have learned so many things through your teachings and see myself in many of the same situations.Have a blessed day

  43. Nancy

    Oh Lord, please fill me with your joy and strength. Draw me near to you, help me to regain that completion I only feel with you. I too only want to be thought of and desired not out of obligation but because I am loved unconditionally.

  44. KK

    Thanks so much for sharing this. My husband is out of town for weeks at a time with his job. He will be home on Feb 21st for us to attend a marriage retreat with our church. YAY!

  45. Crystal

    I can totally relate with putting a lot of pressure on my husband to make my Valentines day perfect! I put so much expectations on the day that basically no matter what my husband does he will fall short. I have been trying really hard to pursue God even more so that he can fulfill my expectations… It has helped my marriage so much!

  46. Cindy

    I would REALLY LOVE to WIN the “PURSUED” book! Lysa, your written words always speak to me and are just what I need to hear at just the right times…I know that is God working through you:) Since the New Year, through your books, Proverbs 31 Ministries, the webcast replay, and so much more, I am finally “getting it”…that God is the only one who can fill my heart with his love through a closer relationship with Him, and that in turn, my relationship with my husband whom I love dearly will be even better.

  47. Lisa

    Our Pastor is also going through the book of Hosea! Looking forward to hearing more insight regarding Pursued!

    I have read Unglued and Made to Crave – LOVE Lysa!!

  48. Stephanie McC

    Sign me up!! I almost walked away from this blog today… But that little voice said “read it!” I need this… Thank you

  49. adaykis

    Thank you for this post & this opportunity to get this precious book free!
    Valentines Day is a bit challenging this year as I am alone. Well, with the Lord. he is pursuing me and asking me for 1 year of just us. I believe it is to fill all the gaping holes in my heart and soul that I seek to satisfy with other lovers just to NOT be alone and then i end up more broken anyways because they don’t truly satisfy for they are broken cisterns. Thank u & god bless. i want to be made whole and I know it will take a sacrifice in my part-to lay my life down and take up His cross and follow Him.

  50. adaykis

    I will sign up for the challenge!

  51. Kelly Willie

    I too struggle with the understanding of God’s love for me. I am constantly in tune with the Proverbs 31 Ministry and it is a blessing to be reminded on a daily basis! The book and the challenge sounds exactly what I need! Thank you Lysa for all you do for us.

    • Kelly Willie

      I also want to add a devotion I read some time ago by Ruth Graham that I use as a constant reminder. “It is a foolish woman who expects her husband to be to her that which only Jesus Christ Himself can be; always ready to forgive, totally understand, unending patient, invariably tender and loving, unfailing in every area, anticipating every need, and making more than adequate provision. Such expectations put a man under an impossible strain. The same goes for the man who expects too much from his wife.” This has spoke volumes to me through the years and I felt the need to share it with others.

      • Jana

        That is so, so true, and a much-needed message today.

  52. michelle h

    I was just thinking of tackling Hosea next in my reading! would love to get to read someone else’s thoughts about this!

  53. Margaret

    Lysa, really enjoyed the post, as I have done most anything you’ve written. You have a way of being ‘real’ and just laying it out there on the line for us. Sometimes you smack me in the head with something I need to hear:) I really identify with the wanting to be showered with gifts, or attention, or whatever, to show that he loves me. When what I should be pursuing on a daily basis is God’s love, totally unconditional, for me. Thanks for the post. Would love to have the opportunity to read Pursued.

  54. Shirley

    Would love to win a copy. Our pastor has been preaching on this very sybject for the past couple of weeks.

  55. Stephanie

    Makes me think of the book Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers.

    I have a great husband and we have a wonderful marriage but the human side of me can place the relationship higher than it should be.

    We do not do Valentine’s day either…I do stuff with the kids.

  56. Sharon Wilkie

    Me, too! I’m needing to free my husband from the obligation of this approaching Valentines Day, and myself from unrealistic expectations. In addition, I’ve been feeling Jesus wanting me to step into a closer relationship with Him, and draw from His love rather than draining my husband of his… It sounds like this book should be my next read!!!

  57. Laura

    Love this story of Gomer and Hosea. It helps put the pieces back together from my spouse’s affair.

  58. Rochelle Davis

    It’s amazing to me how God is always on time. This Valentine’s Day is a little bittersweet since I just recently ended a two-year relationship. I’ve really been battling focusing on God during this time, even though I know deep down that’s what I most need to be doing.

    I can’t wait to look into this book!!!

  59. Tracie

    This is good timing … Valentine’s day has been special to me since my senior year in high school when I recommitted my life to Christ. It is a great reminder of God’s love. But years later, still single and 40 it’s so easy to get lost in wanting love from others rather than pressing into God’s love. And after a recent breakup, even more so. I look forward to the challenge and remembering how God peruses me.

    • Tracie


  60. Kelly L

    Yes, I feel exactly like that! A little too human, and I need that reminder that God loves me all of the time!

  61. Cathy Staurovsky

    Lysa, you really put the valentines day thing in a God perspected way, I love it. I like you feel that is a very commerical type and hyped up day. True love should be everyday, with kind words, thoughts and actions to each other. As far as the material things for valentines day, I agree with you, I would like a gift from my husband to be any day he feels inspired from the Lord to give me something just to say “I love You”. We all need to be loved and appreciated and I thank the Lord for Him being in my life. Without Him I would fall apart. I will have to read Hosea. Thanks for the awesome email. I so enjoy reading it. I loved the inside chatter listening to you and Sheila. Very helpful in my life. God bless you always!!

  62. Dawn

    Yesterday we were at a silent auction for the Scouts. They had some table decorations you could win and I put in a bid and ended up with a really beautiful vase filled with candy and a teddy bear I gave to my toddlers, Samuel and Sarah Grace. As I looked at the vase when we got in the car, I told my husband how unique and pretty the vase was and said how pretty some flowers would be. He said well you will have to wait to a special occassion. I thought just for a second that why do I have to wait for a special occassion. Then doubted I would ever even get flowers even for Valentine’s Day. But maybe he will surprise with some flowers one day soon. 🙂 I guess I am just a little human or should I say I am just a human woman and sometimes I want to be pursued and surprised just because.

  63. Carrie

    I’m so glad you posted this..I have been struggling with this exact thing for a while now..I can’t wait to sign up for the challenge and see what God does…I think I’ll get the book too 🙂

    Thank you Lysa!!

  64. Deb Wood

    I need this book and so does my daughter. We have both been in abusive relationships… she still is….

  65. Lise

    Tough being a single mother on any day, not just Valentine’s Day. I know God is the only one who can fill the void when I feel so alone. One day at a time, towards an eternal life with Him!

  66. Heather

    A little to human? Um, yep! Valentine’s Day seems like a day of disappointment or a reminder of singleness. Yes, my hope is in the Lord, but…and I hate that there is a but…I want the physical manifestation of that love in addition to what God has for me. What God DOES for me. I have felt pursued by the Lord and it is SO AWESOME when that season is so real and present and personal. When you’re struggling with waiting and wanting more than He is ready to give you, it’s hard to find your thanks and gratitude. At least it is for me. Right now.

  67. Amy Kleinwort

    This is a great opportunity for me to grow. Thanks Lysa!

  68. Leisha

    A few weeks ago on a Tuesday, my husband brought home flowers ……just because….because he loves me, because he was going to be away backpacking for a few days and wanted to leave a little love behind to keep me company and because it was Tuesday. This means more to me than a holiday where men are forced and pressured to come up with some amazing romantic gesture…Tuesday can be very romantic 😉 I would love to read Pursued – don’t we all want to be pursued? I suspect that is wrapped up in part in the reasons we default to indulge in things that are not filling us with what we need….Him!!

  69. Kristina

    I tend to feel like Valentine’s day is very commercial. I too want to just feel cherished but it seems that is the only day that my husband even tries an ounce of romance. I loved your blog because I never thought of Jesus in connection with Valentine’s Day and that is so freeing. I love being reminded of how much Jesus loves me and adores me. I am faithfully trying to learn that is all I need. It is baby steps but I am getting there! 🙂

  70. Gina Marqua

    This is so exciting. Thanks for sharing this. I am definitely signing up!

  71. Jill Bryant

    Lysa, I really do feel like you must read my journal!!!! I mean REALLY! When I read your emails, I feel like you are speaking directly to me, right in the moment I’m living in!!! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to read this book!!! <3

  72. Mandy

    Oh, man, am I ever with you, Lysa! And it’s not just on Valentine’s Day! On Mother’s Day, my birthday, Christmas…I fight the expectation that I’ll be disappointed. Thanks for these words and resources!

  73. Cindy M

    thank you Lysa…I needed that today… I am definitely going to sign up for that challenge! It’s so hard to think God loves me in the way I desire to be loved… I don’t even realize
    i want to be loved anymore, I’ve so conditioned myself to not expect it anymore.. I will focus on God…thanks

  74. Karen

    I was also moved (not by choice) into the “Single Awareness Day” category a few years ago. For the first Valentines Day I was still numb from the pain of the person that I promised to love til the day I died, the man that I had been faithful & devoted to, choosing to walk away from our 18 year marriage. For the next couple of years I cried all day on that day, and then last year I wrote this nice long facebook post about how the love of my life (God) chose not just one day of the year to give me flowers, but also painted me a beautiful picture everyday, etc. This year, my 5th Valentine’s Day alone, I dread that day more than I ever have (my cousin jokingly called it Stupid Cupid day, but this year that seems to be an appropriate way to express my feelings). Thank you for the reminder this morning that I needed of how I felt last year on Valentine’s Day; the reminder that even if I never enter into a romantic relationship again then God loves me more than any man could ever love me and He will never decide to walk away from me.

  75. Colleen G.

    Thank you so much for this post today.
    I have a young daughter, to young to get into this over commercialized holiday but I know one day it could happen.
    But your post gave me an idea for Valentine’s Day….
    I would like to compose a letter to my daughter from what God says – how much He loves her. Accepts her for who she is, the way he created her to be.
    To give her a letter on Valentine’s day, year after year of His amazing Love for her!
    So thank you again. And yes, I will be signing up for the 14 day challange.
    -Colleen G.

    • Jackie Bodnar

      Colleen – what a great idea! I am a single mom with a young daughter who does not have a relationship with her father. This is a great way to make her feel special and focus on the love He has for her instead of the loss she feels from not having a dad. Thanks for the post.

  76. Melanie

    My husband is in retail so I have had to deal with being alone on valentine’s day my entire 28 years of marriage. I have to seek God and reprogram my thinking and focus on jesus the lover of my soul.

    I gave teas for others alone and we pray for our families and husbands and get ouminds

    for families and huabands.

  77. Christina Duncan

    Wow! I am glad I read this today. I have been feeling very lonely as my marriage is rocky at best right now and a lot of that is my fault. I haven’t felt pretty or pursued in a very long time. Thank you for sharing that I am not the only one who has feelings like this towards the Holiday or just life in general. Thank you so much. The encouragement is what I need in my life right now.

  78. Dawn Riel

    It’s amazing how God always swoops in and drops little “love notes” into my lap at the exact moment I need them, like today’s post. I needed to hear it and He knew it. Thank you for letting Him speak through you….He pursued me today!

  79. Dawn Booke

    It is so great to see this post. I sometimes forget that God loves me unconditionally no matter. I have been married for 21 years and it is our human nature to wonder why our husbands do not think about the small things that make us smile.

    I will also take a look at that 14 day challenge.


  80. Carol

    Was just thinking this morning about my dread of the upcoming big day. Being single and wishing that I had someone to love me and share life with, well let’s just say this is not my favorite day. It’s more of a day that hurts, a reminder that you don’t fit in or that you’re not loved. Yes, I know He loves me & I am so thankful that He does. I know that I have the greatest love of all, His love!

  81. Dawn

    We are all a little too human at times. Ask Jesus to fill our empty places instead of expecting people to fill them.

  82. Brandy Ogle

    Thanks for your message today! Would love to win the copy of Pursued so I can dive more deeply into the topic!

  83. Tamra

    Yes, Lysa, I know the feeling of being “too human.” I have often prayed, “Lord, please forgive me for being so human. Each and everyday Lord I want to see more of You being reflected through me and less of me.” God is so good and desires to love us like no other! His love is available 24/7. The BEST Valentine I ever received was the day He went to the cross for me. Now that is true love.

    Happy Valentine’s Day, Lysa!



  85. Paula

    This is exactly my struggle in our marriage. My husband shows love in acts of service but doesn’t do the surprises or gifts. We’ve been married over 11 years and although I still would like to be loved according to my love language, I have learned to give him a break. I need the reminder that God pursues me and loves me tenderly.

  86. Susan Tuma

    Our humaness can be our downfall sometimes! Always looking for ways to become more like Christ!

  87. Jeanne

    Lysa, i really enjoy reading your articles. I do my Bible studies in front of the computer. My husband and I are raising two young grandchildren and I don’t get out much. I am truly looking forward to being a part of this group and I thank you for your service to the Lord. I would love to win a signed book. Have a great day. I so much need to feel God’s love. I know He loves me but don’t feel that love so much of the time. Screaming at the grandkids before school, them argueing and fighting and carrying on so that I feel it is out of control some times. I need God to intervene and really show me that He is in control. I need to Let Go and Let God

  88. Nadya

    Loved what you shared today! Would love to get a copy of Jud’s book. and then pass it onto another, to spread how much God loves us even when we turn away from Him!

  89. Lacie Hogan

    While I know Valentine’s day is of course one of my favorite days, I was born that day, I also realize that it creates a good deal of pressure on my husband. He knows if he ever forgets that it is Valentine’s day, he is also forgetting the day his wife was born. I know that I should focus on God’s love on that day because he is my one true valentine, but I also like the opportunity to feel special for my brithday.

  90. Lindsey E

    I needed this reminder of God’s intimate love for me. He longs for relationship w/ me and I just keep pushing him to the side. Thank you so much! I’m excited to join the challenge!

  91. Heather

    Perfect as V-Day approaches. I used to dread the day, even as a married woman. Thank you for your post today. (I just started following you on FB and this the first visit to your website. I’m looking forward to more visits.)

  92. Angela

    I definitely feel “too human” at times. I know God is LOVE plain & simple & greater than I can imagine. But still it’s nice to know that the man in your life looks at you with loving adoration & treats you like you are the most precious thing he’s seen, met, held, etc.
    Jesus already does….but my human mind can not wrap itself around that fact quite enough.

  93. Gloria Allender

    I love the story of Hosea & Gomer.

  94. Rachelle

    I think this could benefit my marriage, we went through some tough stuff last year, and most people would give up rather than letting God.

  95. Kim

    wow what a wake up call, its so easy to fall into your human side and have a pity party for not getting your chocolates, and forget the one who can truly love you!

  96. Anonymous

    I so need this book. Right now I’m struggling with trying to work through my husband’s (continuing) affair. While some have said I have biblical grounds to divorce him, some have referred me to Hosea. I will read the chapter after my appts today (counseling, physical therapy). Thank you for the timely encouragements.

  97. Brooke

    I’d rather receive flowers on a random day than on a day when the prices are 3x the norm and they are expected to. If my spouse isn’t making me feel loved the other 364 days of the year I don’t want it on VDay. We don’t celebrate it. We give our kids a little happy, but my husband and I don’t really do anything. I just think it is silly. He came home last week with flowers and a massage appointment for me because it was Wednesday and he loves me. 😉 Those random moments are better than any Valentine’s Day gift.

  98. Meredith

    THANK YOU for the reminder that my God pursues me and LOVE me – exactly the way I need to be loved! OH! HOW HE LOVES ME!

  99. Lisa G

    I am participating in the 14 day Pursued challenge, how amazing it would be to win the book!! {Valentine’s for me is Single Awareness Day!}

  100. Natalie pennington

    I am so enjoying following you. Would love to win the book. Thanks for the chance.

  101. Aubri

    I am one of the weirdos in the couldn’t really care less category. Because Valentine’s Day means nothing if you don’t already have a good relationship the rest of the year, And if you do already have a good relationship, You don’t feel the need to prove anything on Valentine’s Day, because it’s already been proven. So I value my marriage more than I value a holiday That I kind of feel was made up Or at least has been exploited to sell things and put pressure on people

    However that is a personal preference and I sort of view a lot of holidays that way. I deny no one any extra opportunity to spend time with the one they love and do special things for them. It just shouldn’t be on one or a few days a year. Hope everyone has a great Valentine’s Day and a great life with the person God has given them. May each and every day be filled with His love

  102. Jackie Bodnar

    Lysa – you always know what to say to pull me out of whatever ick I am facing. Valentine’s Day will be difficult this year as it is the anniversary of the first date I had with my husband whom I have recently lost. Instead of dreading the upcoming day, I am now switching my focus to the love Jesus has for me. Thanks for the reminder.

  103. glenda

    my husband and I are in the middle of alot of pain and hurt in our marriage right now. I know this book will help me!!!!

  104. Gina Ball

    I need to learn to listen to God and follow him. I never feel like I do the right thing. My goal for 2013 is to strenthen my marriage and this looks like a great piece to that puzzle. Can’t wait to get started.

  105. Robin Holloway

    This sounds like a GREAT read, and just what I need in this season of my life.
    Praying I’m a winner. 🙂 All smiles

  106. kimberlee

    I was brought up in the church but never had really felt the depth of God’s love for me. It took losing our baby to finally feel His love for me. I understood then what being a child of God really means. Without that revelation, I know that my heart would be harder today in my grief. Grief still isn’t easy, even 2 years later. But I am always reminded that He loves me and He’s with me.

  107. Cristy

    I feel blessed to have such a kind and caring husband. Last year we decided not to get each other anything for Valentine’s Day and I believe I want to carry on that tradition again this year. It is just a commercial holiday that has gotten out of hand. He loves me and I know that so I don’t need that one day a year for him to go and spend a crazy amount of money for him to prove that he does.

  108. Kris

    I so agree with you! As humans, we long to be loved. To feel loved, appreciated. Yet, romantic holidays feel forced…like you “have to” do this. I also have a tendency to forget that God does provide EVERYTHING we want or need! Thank you for writing this!!!

  109. Laura

    I am single and often feel lonely, this reminds me that I am never alone, Jesus is here always and He loves me beyond anything that I could possibly imagine!! When I think of the love that He has for me and the sacrifice that He made for me I know that no matter what I am blessed far more than I deserve and that I am totally, completely and unconditionally loved!!! Praise God!!! I am participating in the 14 day Challenge and would love to have the book!!!

  110. Sarah H

    Wow!!! This post came as I sat here already dreading that empty feeling I feel every year when my husband (gifts is not his thing) comes home with the look on his face that says he forgot all about it (he never remembers dates). I really need to cut him some slack and learn to let God fill only what he can.

  111. Robin N.

    Having gone through a recent broken engagement, I have felt God calling me to allow Him to be my “husband” and this was so clearly confirmed when I attended a conference that Renee Swope spoke at recently. It is so hard to fill the emotional void of losing a partner. No matter how well meaning friends and family can be, it is just not the same as a having a companion and soul mate in your life. But God is pursuing me to allow Him to fill that void. I am having a hard time submitting to this, but I know if I would just release myself to God completely, He would bless me in an amazing way and it would make me a better person for any relationships down the road. Thanks for all of the daily encouragement you provide! God bless!

  112. 4chicksmommy

    I started the Pursued Challenge last week and was invited to Bible Study at the church we’ve been attending on Jonah. I know it’s not in the community God called us to and it’s tough. My own Nineveh is right where I live, and it feels too hard to stay. I am running like Jonah and God is pursuing me like Hosea. Like any Father he is showing me his mercy, his discipline, his neverending love for me and I just need to stop and let him embrace me.

  113. C.J.

    A big struggle…There are certain things in my life that have influenced the way I think about myself and being loved. There are days when I can almost grasp the idea of God’s love for me…some days (mostly in the past) where He out and out showed His love in a wonderful way. But, in this season of my life I am looking for God’s reminders again…needing a Big Daddy/God hug from Him…a deeper revelation of His wondrous love for me…and maybe some “flowers and chocolate” on the side.

  114. Shawna B.

    I really needed this! I am divorced and it is such a painful time of the year as everyone is planning their Valentine’s night dinner date…I just can’t wait for the date to come and go. I feel almost as though I am pitied on that day but I do know that Jesus loves me more than anyone else could and although I still can’t wait for the 14th to pass. I am thankful for the love of Jesus! I’ll hold my 3 kids a little tighter that day and remember how blessed I am to have them. 😉

  115. Debbie Wilson

    I never knew a Father’s love. It was so hard for me to understand how much God loved me. I would run, He would pursue. I would cry and He would comfort. His love touched my heart so deeply that it healed the little girl who could not trust, could not believe that a Father’s love would satisfy her deepest longing to be loved. He made me feel beautiful when I never did. He gave me confidence that I was a princess, His royal daughter and valued beyond measure. I don’t celebrate Valentine’s day. I celebrate every day that I am His bride dressed in white and that is enough for me!

  116. Alicia Benson

    This is very true. I usually put too much pressure on my husband or tell myself I’m going to be disappointed.

  117. Donna

    I would love to win a copy of Pursued.

  118. Leslie

    I’m excited to learn about this book. As a single woman of 32 years old, being single is one of my biggest struggles. I don’t want to be. God has placed the desire in my heart to be a wife and mom. I often forget how much God loves me and how much He longs to be in that relationship with me. Much more than I desire to be a wife!!

  119. Bobbi Peppin

    I very much struggle with God’s love for me

  120. Susie

    God’s timing is truly amazing. I was just having a major conversation with my friend about our marriages and this fits right in with what we were trying to communicate to each other…would love to read this book

  121. Amy Milliron

    I too have mixed feelings about Valentine’s Day. I truly do not think celebrating love should be a forced event. I do think that having a time period where we focus on reminding ourselves that true love is shown through Jesus helps us set the stage for us providing this same love to others. I also think that modeling how to love on others in some way or another is a great example for our children. This year my family will be packing food boxes for people across the world with Feed My Starving Children on Valentine’s Day. I cannot think of a better way to celebrate the love of Jesus than to love on others with our time.

  122. Joyce Watson

    This reminds me of the story of Leah in the Bible.
    In His omniscience, God allowed her to conceive even through her sister’s fertility was delayed. She had the honor of mothering Jacob’s oldest son, but she wrongly assumed that it would earn love from her husband. Still a second child did not change his thoughts toward her. Then, another child still no change even though Leah longed for his love. Finally after the birth of her fourth son she learn to trust in Yahweh (Now, I will praise the Lord) . Leah’s faithfulness was rewarded tracing the messianic lineage. She could not change Jacob, but she could change herself and recognize God’s hand in her life.
    __Today, we have many women who would like to change others, so that they will feel loved, cared for, liked and feel wanted. We cannot change others, but we can change who we are_by trusting in our God. He will accept us and give us the love we need. He will want us just as we are. He will take care of us.
    I have a wonderful husband who does other things that are just so helpful, kind and loving, but yes, it is fun just to have that time where you feel you are special to him, special enough for him to think of something out of the clear blue and let you know he appreciates you too. Maybe, I will do something special for him instead.

  123. Janice

    As a newly married woman, I am learning a lot about how much I DON’T trust The Lord Jesus to be my everything and tend to dump all my insecurity issues in my husband’s lap, issues I wasn’t aware I had until I got married. Lol. This has helped tremendously today, thanks for your insight. 🙂

  124. Amy

    I’m a bit pathetic in this area. I am struggling with worthiness lately and trying to figure out how to FEEL love when I don’t feel loved! It is a hard thing. I am trying to believe that God loves me this way, but I don’t FEEL it. If I don’t FEEL, I have a hard time believing. I wish it wasn’t that way. I just keep trying……thank you for all that you do. I love your heart!

  125. Carrie L

    Thank you for sharing this today, Lysa! I love meditating on 1 John 3:1 – Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us (me!), that we (I) should be called a child of God!! So humbling!

  126. Ann

    Oh my, perfect timing, almost every woman I speak with feels this way! Getting the book for me and to share! Thank you, I am looking forward to more on this. Have a great day and thank you for providing such valuable and relevant messages and materials.

  127. mirna raya

    Being passionately pursued resonates deeply with me. It gives energy to the hohum of the ordinary. It breathes life into my very existance. It makes life fun again. To be wanted and loved by the one you want and love is the mountain top experience we all crave, I believe, on a gut level. Especially when that love is true and real. Life us worth living in that place. Life becomes alive with the fullness of living. Nothing else feels as important. Your soul has found a resting place. Pursue away My Lord. Pursue. Ahhhh!

  128. Crystal

    My favorite picture of God’s love for me is Deuteronomy 33:12: Let the beloved of The Lord rest securely in Him for He shields her all day long. And whom The Lord loves rests between His shoulders.

  129. Tracy Williams

    I am learning that God’s love s enough. It has to be. And His love enables me to love. I just pray that I can continue to grow in the His promises and really experience how deep His love truly is. Sometimes, it’s hard, when I let the things of this world cause doubt and worry and fear. It’s a process.

  130. Sarah Triplett

    Thank you so much for posting this. My past includes too many examples of me trying to fill my loneliness with dates. I have been married for almost 5 years now and would love a copy of this book. My husband is not romantic and even hates the thoughts of spending money on cards so I really need some help with adjusting my perspective to appreciate the many other ways he shows his love, by working hard to provide for us and all the other ways he helps me and shows his care.

  131. Leslie

    I know in my mind that true unconditional love can only come from God but I’m glad I’m not the only one whose heart tries to look for it from my husband. My expectations have been the source of many conflicts. With God’s help though I can move past this obstacle!

  132. Kelli

    I have been separated from my husband of 13 years for 17 months and without having God there to hug me and lift my spirits I wouldn’t be able to get out of bed. I thank Him for showing me the way Love is supposed to be; patient, kind and is not selfish.

  133. Cyndi

    I have been drawn to the story of Hosea and Gomer a lot recently. How awesome is God’s love for us that He continues to pursue us, time and time again.

  134. Tina

    After being married for 25yrs and now single the last 7 with 2 of my 4 kids still at home, it is a day that puts so much pressure to be in a relationship or to find one quickly. Lol. You’re right that most of my marriage I had to remind my husband of the day. I can remember one very special time. But the rest were forced by me or this world. Since divorce, I try to make it fun with the kids and we make stuff for our neighbors and friends instead to let them know we appreciate them and are thinking of them. But I would be lying if I didn’t say there is a part of me that wants to be loved and adored by a man. I like the thought of putting God in that spot knowing He does love me immensely and cares for me more than any man ever could. Thank you for this thought today! And I am looking forward to Juds new book, as he is my Pastor and a wonderful teacher of Gods word!

  135. Julia Gordie

    I am such a people pleaser. I love to do, do, do for others and yet secretly deep down I’m hoping someone will do for me. It’s that twinge of selfishness that gets me every time. But I know Gods love shines more than any roses ever could and comforts more than any box of chocolates could do. I am so thankful for these sweet reminders that Gods love is all we need.

  136. Ann Brehm

    Enjoyed your email, as always. We just had a girls “celebrate God’s Love” valentines party Saturday. We watched the bonus session of “Unglued” , played games, ate lunch, read some of God’s Love messages to us , played more games, and were filled, and overflowing with God’s love. It was fun decorating the house with hearts and red lights , and red balloons , your bonus session was very touching, and there were 12 girls even though there was snow the night before, and was calling for snow storm that day. I highly recommend a girls valentine party to celebrate God’s perfect Love, and give your hubby a break. By the way my husband showed his love by shoveling the drive and sidewalk after working out in the cold 10 hours Friday, and. Then getting up at 5 A.M. To put down ice melt Saturday morning beore going to work. That is Love, and better than any old box of candy. Thank you Rick !

  137. Emily

    The Lord has shown me that even when I don’t feel it from any earthly source, I AM LOVED. YOU are loved. Always. Ah.mazing!

  138. Amanda

    Redeeming Love based on Hosea is one of my favorites! I can’t wait to read Persued…..signed up for the emails. Yes Valentine’s Day places too much pressure on our poor husbands….mine is a selfless servant to me a d my children all year, but it is still nice for him to give a little extra that day….roses and chocolate covered strawberries. Yum!! 23 years of marriage. It just gets better!!

  139. Donna

    What a great reminder of our promise of thermal, undying love!

  140. Nicci Ramirez

    Yes, I too feel too human around this time of the year. Being 32 and never married and not knowing if I ever will be married can make for a depressing day, but I am digging in and leaning on the promises of our Father and trying to find my contentment with this season of my life – for however long it may be. Would love to read this book! I signed up for the 14 day challenge! Thank you!

  141. Sandi Taylor

    I have been married for 41 years… The day we were married was the day my how husband stopped all romance in our marriage. No hand holding… no cuddlling… no kissing just to kiss me… I was devestated. When I tried to get him to talk about it he came back at me guns blazing. I couldn’t figure it out. I haven’t figured it out. I just don’t know. What I do know is my husband loves me. He supports me. He is proud of me. He puts up with my nonsense. But he cannot talk to me about it. He changes the subject… and he knows he’s done it. Yes… I love him. Yes it changed me. Yes it still hurts if I let it. But because I don’t believe that God makes mistakes, I have had to come to Him over and over and over again. Have i stuffed it down? No … I don’t think so. I ranted at God so many times… Yes… in the beginning I wanted to leave him… I hurt so much. But God is faithful… and He has taught me to love Him more than any other thing or person in my life. God is faithful. God loves me with an everlasting love. And God taught me that my husband loves me in his own way… just not the way I wanted him to love me. I asked God to change my husband. He didn’t. He changed me. 🙂

    • Barbara Prince

      I didn’t know anyone else ever felt like this. I’ve been married 48 years and my husband will say he loves me if he is cornered into it, but never willingly. At least you believe you husband loves you. I’m sure my doesn’t. For 25 years I was sure there was something wrong with me, I wasn’t good enough. Finally, after so many hurts, I’ve given up. It may be that I’m not good enough. It may be that he regrets not going after the girl he loved before he met me. A girl he never even dated. It might be the woman he worked with who he always spoke so admiringly of – I don’t know. Yes, I believe God loves me, but then I think, I am the worse person in the world that even the man I’ve been married to all these years doesn’t love me? It hurts. Then I realize how much God hurts for me, for the whole world. How much pain He must suffer!

  142. kristen

    I too feel a little to human sometimes! I cannot wait to sign up for the 14 day pursued challenge! I am also going to look into the book pursued because I long for that! Thank you lysa!

  143. Darlene

    Yes Lysa I struggle with this day also. I love the story of Hosea and Gomer. It is truly a showing of God’s love for us. Thanks for sharing.

  144. Dallas

    Time and time again I stand in awe of the way God pursues me. Even when I am turning a deaf ear to what I know to be truth from God himself, he finds new ways to speak into me, encourage me, and move me forward. I am single so valentine’s day has always been more of a single awareness day for me. I don’t necessarily buy into the commercialism of it all anyway. I know that this Valentine’s Day I will be reflecting on the fathomless love my God offers me, and praying to find that in a husband one day. Today, and everyday, His love is more than enough for me!

  145. Jessica Rohlman

    I have never been a Valentine’s Day person. My husband does a pretty good job and showing me love every day, making me very special on a very regular basis. I am blessed beyond measure on that.

  146. Trina

    Sometimes I get caught up in it and begin hinting about the holiday coming up. But really….I am so blessed to have a husband who loves me everyday and shows it often. Another great book is The Love Language book

  147. Brooke Kirk

    I don’t like the commercialism of Valentine’s Day, but, my husband and I are looking forward to going out, just on the Saturday after VDay instead of the actual day. It’s not really worth waiting 2 hours to eat just because of the day. Neither of us are really romantic people, so I’m thankful to have a day set aside to encourage us to celebrate our love and how far we’ve come in our relationship (yes we do this on our anniversary too but its nice to have more than 1 day a year). I’m excited to try the 14 day challenge as well! Every day I’m thankful for the love and support of my husband and my heavenly father!

  148. Jessica

    Good to know I’m not the only one.
    So many years, I’ve found myself alone on Valentine’s Day. But, even those years when I have had a ‘Valentine’, I much preferred the daily considerations and thoughtfulness over the obligatory 12 red roses.

  149. Melani

    I don’t look forward to Valentine’s Day. My husband hates commercial holidays and spends more time reminding me that they were created by the card companies and flower industry. So he goes out of his way not to celebrate.

  150. Brittany

    What a precious thought! So glad God takes me back when I try to do things my own way!!!

  151. Linda B

    The first time I allowed myself to be pursued by God, it was a foreign concept to me. It felt weird reading about God pursuing me. I was under the belief that it was always I that had to pursue God. How life changing this truth has became to me as I let God begin to pursue my heart. It has changed my relationship with him forever.

  152. randi

    This valentines day marks a year that my husband and I have been seperated…. I long to be pursued but have gotten nothing…..i am looking to God to fill the void. Only He can make me happy!

  153. Sandy

    It’s not that I don’t want the attention on Valentine’s Day, but instead of the chocolate or roses(flowers) I would just like my spouse to sit down and talk to me. I have given him several topics to talk to me about.
    One of my local congressmen has a mail box that you can put valentines in for the soldiers, he distributes them to veterans, those serving over seas or those in the states. This is something special that I do for Valentine’s day for others.

  154. Margie

    Thank you for your gentle reminder that God loves us and pursues us. It is so easy to forget that important fact in our stress filled daily lives. I so appreicate Lysa and what she says, when and how she says it, Thank you!

  155. Michelle

    Thank you for the blog today. God is so amazing in how He pursues us. This “Pursued” challenge its exactly what I need to help stay focused on God through one of the most difficult times to feel pursued. My husband and I decided for him to move out Jan 18 due to his poor choices and I am required by God to show tough love right now because of his sin in hopes of his restoration to God. It was the last resort and he admitted as long as he stayed, there was no chance he would change. That makes this Valentines day especially hard… After almost 23 years of marriage, but God its so good. He has given me peace and lead me every step of the way. He provided for me and my children even before it happened and has showered his blessings on us. Satan wants us defeated, but I am resolved to “let it go” and let God handle him and his wrong choices. “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”!
    Please pray for God to open his eyes and heart to Him and not harden it like so many times in the past.

  156. Kathy

    Am thankful every day for a husband who daily demonstrates his unconditional love for me. He makes feel special every day which also helps me to experience my Father’s love.

  157. Mary Anne

    This was such a great reminder today. When my husband doesn’t “get it” I need to remind my self that my Jesus “gets it” all the time. I love my husband dearly but I need to submit my all to my Jesus!

  158. Kristen Pachan

    Lysa this post was just perfect for me today. A great reminder about God’s true love for each of us. I’m looking forward to signing up for the 14 day pursued challenge! The book sounds wonderful! Thank you lysa!

  159. Erica

    I’m so thankful for this, can’t wait to get started!!

  160. Janet

    This is exactly what I needed today … not for the reminder that my husband loves me. He shows me daily. But rather for the reminder that God pursues me even when I need to be slapped on the hand for being so human! Thank you.

  161. Jaclyn

    I am right where you are Lisa. It took me a while, and a huge fallout in my marriage, to realize that my husband would always fail me as he is human. He could never be the knight in shining armor the books we read as children told us about but he could show me love like no other human could if I would let him. The only one who could fill me though was God. He would never let me down and He would always be by my side to save me. He could be my knight in shining armor and was waiting to sweep me off my feet. Boy did he ever and my husband was right there with Him holding on. Our marriage has never been better. God is so good. I would love to read this book Pursued.

  162. Angie Osbon

    I find it interesting that the story of Hosea and Gomez doesn’t focus on a desire to “fix” the faults of the other person in the relationship. It is about our response to the “human sin nature” of those we love. Do we love them in spite of their faults with an unconditional love or do we love them because of the change they are willing to make on our behalf ( which is conditional love).

  163. Shannon L

    I don’t understand being pursued. I’ve always thought of God sitting back and waiting for me to find Him. Even my husband didn’t pursue me. I pursued him. I don’t believe I’ve ever been pursued.

  164. Janet

    Sorry! I just realized me email address had a typo! This is the correct one. Thank you again for your words of wisdom!

  165. Tess A.

    I just journaled 4 pages on the human-ness of wanting my husband to notice me. I have always joked that I already have “super-powers”, I’m the invisible woman. I was just asking the Lord this morning why he would ask a woman who was so wounded in her childhood by neglect, to be married to a man who is not attentive to her….but God reminded me that it’s because He wants to be my perfect husband. “My Maker is my husband” ~ and I am to be grateful for the refining that my husband provides to point me back to my Savoir to meet all my needs….but yes, oh yes….I do long in my flesh to be noticed, appreciated and seen. I hear you Lysa! (btw, just started your Unglued book….it’s helping me to bring it all to God and not dump my humanness on my man)

  166. Elaine Segstro

    I love my husband so much, and can’t think of life without him. He does have his flaws (but boy, SO DO I). My sensitivity can challenge him (poor man doesn’t even know what he’s done that has upset me), and to think that with all of my flaws, Jesus still pursues me. Wow – what love!

  167. Onyx Conklin

    This article couldn’t have come at a better time. I’m among the single and searching but not supposed to be searching as I’ve been told. Valentine’s day leaves me broken hearted and ashamed for being alone. I want to do more than survive this day. I want to like it.

  168. lydia

    knowing God’s abudant love for me fills the empty gaps of feeling unloved that i have known for most of my life.

  169. Karen

    Yes, Lysa, I too struggle with being too human and the desire to be pursued. Thank you for being real and such an encouragement to us. I loved the Inside Chatter webcast. Shiela’s story was amazing, and I cried and cried when you discussed how you thought you would be ruined if people knew you had an abortion. I too have lived through this, and even though I knew God forgave me, I so wanted to know that my Christian sisters would accept me too. I have shared my whole story with some people and hope to someday be able to share it even more.

  170. Vanessa

    After my divorce 2 years ago my faith was renewed and I have never been happier. Knowing that Jesus loves me and that I am worthy of a love like no other is so overwhelming. Yes I would like to feel adored and loved too but I get that from my daughters, my friends, my family and my Savior. I don’t need a holiday or a “man” to make me feel special. I was with a man for 15 years and never felt as special as I do now knowing I am a child of God and I am loved. I look at St. Valentine’s Day as a time to honor a Saint and his good works. And to show others how much we love them. I will be loving on my daughters that day and being thankful that God gave me such precious gifts. And I will be praying a prayer of gratitude that I might be single but at least now I am not alone for He is with me and I am with Him. 🙂

  171. Stacie

    A few weeks ago, KLOVE was discussing the fact that the words “I Love You” are an automatic response to someone telling you that they “Love You”. As I was listening, one of the hosts called his wife, tried to get her to tell him she loved him, so that he could just respond with a “thank you”. I know this sounds crazy, but I am starting to understand a little bit about what they were trying to say. When you get off the phone with your husband, you say I love you. When you leave the house in the morning, you say I love you. You know what I mean. Almost always, the response is I love you too. My husband and I are having a difficult time right now… and the words I love you are being said, but not heartfelt and meaningful. It’s a “I don’t think she’ going to say it, so I am going to say it just to get her to say it.” It is very difficult. I love my husband, but i am not sure that saying I love you hatefully or with an angry voice just to get a response of I love you back, is not the kind of love that JESUS tells us about. I am just writing words right now and I am sure it all sounds crazy, but I love you in my life has become just an automatic response and I so don’t want it to be that way!!!

  172. Leisha Winfree

    I SOO needed to hear this today!!! Can’t wait to get my copy of Pursued! Thanks Lysa!

  173. Peg Horvath

    I know that Jesus loves me unconditionally all of the time, and I am moved by this. However, he has blessed me with a husband who makes every day Valentine’s Day. He does so many little things for me. He’ll make the bed before I can get to it, he does the dishes often, when he comes home from shopping, he always has something for me…a favorite fruit, a new tea to try, a chocolate that I love. I am constantly surprised….so, no I don’t look forward to Valentine’s Day…I don’t have to! ♥

  174. Stephanie Craig

    I feel the same about Valentine’s Day. But I love the story of Hosea and Gomer. When my marriage gets a little hard, I think of that story, and it helps me put things in perspective. More importantly, it fills me with awe at God’s love for me and makes me want to show my husband that kind of love.

  175. Gina

    This is the perfect little token of wisdom to hear today. I was just telling my boyfriend how I felt about Valentine’s Day and how there shouldn’t be a day dedicated to showing/proving how much you love someone. Instead, shouldn’t everyday be another chance to show how much you love and appreciate those around you? Always let someone know they are loved and cared about- whether that’s a simple note or word of encouragement each day.

  176. Nicole

    This is a particularly hard subject for me to grasp especially when I am feeling really low. My 6-year marriage has been a battle with never really feeling loved or particularly special, and now that it is almost officially over (not by my choice) it is even more of a struggle. I know, book-wise, that God loves me and that I should only look to Him for fulfillment, but heart-wise I don’t always feel it. I know that God has really taken this time to change me and I truly believe that a flood of blessing is headed my way. One thing I absolutely love about being a Christ follower is being able to give and receive encouragement from fellow believers – it is nice to know that we are all connected. Thank you Lysa! Praise The Lord!

  177. Barbara Prince

    I watched a movie about the story of Hosea and Gomer the other day. I got a sense from it of how God loves me even though I am not worthy of love.

  178. Latrelle

    Your site is so easy to post a comment on – thanks !! Yes, Feb 14 is a biggie for me > A big bag of…rocks !! I am divorced now, but even when married, it was not a special day. So, I am learning to let my Lord fill that need in me. I say still learning, because the world is so strong saying otherwise. The need is already in me & the world just re-enforces it even more to find that special someone who will…… It’s a daily struggle to re-enforce to myself that my cup is filled by the Lord & none other. This time of year the pressure doubles up to be part of a couple. I signed up for the teaching, cause as a single–I really need it. Thank you for making it available.

  179. Natalie

    Yes! I’m feeling too human today. What do you do when your spirit is defeated? You’re striving to soak up his truth, but you’re human-ness is too big too miss.

  180. Lindsay

    Oh man. This is so where I’m at. I LONG to be pursued even though I know that God is the only one that can fill that hole.

  181. Dance

    I really struggle with the thought of Jesus persuing me. I know it should be enough, but I want the hugs and hand holding, etc. that goes with a human relationship.

  182. Laura

    The story of Hosea and Gomer (I keep wanting to call them Homer and Gomez) has always been hard for me to swallow. Hosea is such a sad, pitiful man with this prostitute woman! (I don’t want to think of God that way!) And yet, he is told to pursue her, forgive her, love her…and we all have felt “love” like that at one point in our life, haven’t we? But to picture ourselves as Gomer–to admit our sinfulness–is a far reach. How amazing that God loves us in spite of ourselves, stains and all…and how blessed I feel to have a man of God as my husband. I guess I should be making him feel pursued, too! Thanks for so much to think about, Lysa!

  183. Judy Davis

    Jud Wilhite is awesome ~~ I have attended Central when I visited my daughter who lives in Vegas ~~ I will be there to see you in person in May !!

  184. Diana A.

    I’ve found fulfillment in Christ which has given me a different perspective on life. It’s given me the freedom to serve freely, and by doing so, I have a wonderful sense of peace. I’m divorced of 25 years, and do not have the desire to date. So Valentine’s Day is the perfect time for my friends and I to provide child care to the parents of a church. We accept infants to teen. One of my God given desires – help others through the struggles of life.

  185. Kelley

    Thank you for reminding us that our husbands & loved ones are just human; & only God can fill our every need for enduring love & pursuit.

  186. Liz

    Thanks I needed this today 🙂

  187. Billie Jo

    JESUS is the answer. The feelings seem impassable sometimes. Thanks for helping us press pass the feelings to the truth.

  188. Carissa Huffman

    I have a wonderful husband, but, yes, I, too am too humna, I guess. I feel so blooming selfish sometimes. I am with you–I want to feel like I am loved beyond reason, and I that desire is not at all very rational or ready to count the blessings that I have.

    Thank you, again, for sharing what you are going through to help us other humans to become more like Him!

    Carissa in eastern Iowa

  189. Bree

    I’m almost 30 and haven’t been on a single date. The idea of being pursued by a man is foreign to me. Thankfully, Jesus adores me.

  190. Cipriana

    So refreshing he hear that I am not the only one who wants to be pursued 🙂

  191. Kristin

    Yes I too feel a little too human at times. I have to remind myself that there are certain areas my husband will never be able to fill.

  192. Susan

    I don’t think I have ever really understood “being pursued” by God. I thought I was supposed to be the one running hard after my maker. I really want to know more. Looking forward to reading the book. I am thankful every day for my wonderful husband. Whenever I want to complain about the dishes he left in the sink, I remind myself of those who have clean sinks and are very lonely. It is then that I send up a quiet prayer that God will tame my humaness and show me how to find the joy in every day situations. It’s truly all about perspective isn’t it?

  193. Kelly

    Boy, between this blog & you’re Facebook post, you’ve just summed up my struggles for the day. Thanks for your incouragement Lysa! I’ll just keep on movin forward!

  194. Bronwen

    Super thankful for the wonderful, hard-working husband that I have, but all I really want for V-day is a day off. And that is something he just doesn’t get. A day off from being a mostly-single mom (he travels a lot) to a sick toddler and a three year old with CP. Thank you for the encouragement and reminder of God’s love. I really wish I could feel it right now.

  195. Patti

    I long to be pursued! Or… Is that “I long to know that I am being pursued!” Can’t wait to start the challenge! 🙂

  196. Loretta Pearson

    I printed out the Valentines for the Mister and my husband says he has “plans”! That’s good, he usually just goes to Wal-Mart and grabs something…way to make me feel like he doesn’t care. We all want to be cherrished. I hope he got that from your article! And a very big Thank You to you for the article.
    I’ve struggled for years (before God started working on him) because of his actions toward me, so maybe this year will be better.
    I kown that God is the one who loves me unconditionally and I’m now able to accept his love. Past hurts made it impossible to accept until healing happend. I’ve been a Christian for many years, but couldn’t fully accept God’s love. Our brokeness sometimes blocks our ability to accept love.

    Anyway thank you for your constant encouragement, challenges to live close to Jesus, and your help. I appreciate you and your truthful openess.

  197. Claudia Clark

    One of pastors at my church will be sharing about this very book and the Hosea & Gomer story- I love when God works in themes in my life! Well, until He steps on my toes with it!

  198. Stephanie

    I definitely feel Singles Awareness Day for Valentine’s Day. I’ve only ever been in a relationship once during Valentine’s, so my gifts always come from my family or myself. It seems like everyone around me is either married or in a serious relationship, so I usually feel left out.

  199. brenda milheim

    i have been struggling with this issue for some time now. my husband is cold and can’t demonstrate his feelings for me. i am learning to allow God to love me and pursue me. as i am learning these precepts, i am learning that is it okay for my husband to be as he is. it isn’t his job to complete me and my feelings. but i still struggle with the need to be adored and showered by his attentions.

  200. Kami

    Would love to read the book.

  201. Rachel

    This is very timely. After almost 9 years of marriage, my husband typically waits for me to tell him what I want. The feeling of being pursued died out very quickly after we got married. He’ll do ok for a little while, then fall back into preoccupation with work and hobbies. I try to remind myself of the same things you talked about today. He’s only human and I need to cut him some slack and look to Jesus to fulfill my needs. It’s so much “easier said than done” for me. I never really felt pursued by God before, more the other way around. So maybe I need to read this book.

  202. Christine Marie

    Lysa, Your post today made me feel so much better. I have been struggling since the new year with feelings of insignificance and yes all of that other “inside chatter” of negative thoughts and feelings. I was so relieved to know that I am not alone as I too feel a deep longing in my heart to be pursued. Can’t wait to read this book!

  203. sarah otte


  204. Teresa

    After walking away from God and having Him pursue me and win me back, I am learning just how much He loves me

  205. Susan

    As this Valentine’s Day approaches I have a “mixed bag” of feelings. I have been married to the best man a girl could ever ask for except one part, he was unfaithful last year. I want to acknowledge the day this year but am unsure and uncomfortable in doing so. The trust is lost but I believe it can be regained. However, what hurts the most is my disappointment in him. This has made me realize that people will fail me but God never will. This year, I am leaning on Him to fill my heart with love. He is the Great Valentine! Thank you, Lysa, for the reminder!

  206. Ruby Barnes

    I love the story of Hosea and Gomer and have gained a lot of knowledge and some peace from it … redeemed & restored! Thanks for pointing me to this other resource. Ruby

  207. Wendy Franke

    This post was perfect in its content and timing! I’ve always been ambivalent about Valentine’s Day. That’s one thing God isn’t when it comes to His love for us!

    Thanks for the reminder!

  208. Jodi

    Feeling too human too… A paperwork mistake I made has left my stomach in knots and my week in turmoil! I needed this encouragement!

  209. Lynne Sluder

    Wow! This speaks to my heart and soul.
    Single again after divorce from my 2nd husband. Struggling with pain of rejection.
    My first husband died from leukemia.
    Divorce is Definately more difficult.
    Totally wanting to put my healing and heart into God’s hands. For God’s glory.

  210. Kathleen

    I am so glad to be pursued by my God… Learning just how much He loves ME! is incredible. As with Christine Marie I struggle with feelings of insignificance especially in my most personal relationships and this was a fantastic reminder to come home to. Learning to let my husband off the hook and allow God to fill me completely is challenging, but SO needed! Thank you, Lysa!!

  211. jennifer reinert

    I am a single girl blessed to be being pursued by God. Being the Bride of Christ until I unite with my husband is living a sacred romance. I love how God makes me giggle, surounds my apartment with smiles of dandelions and he teases my hair with a gentle wind and cleanses my face with tear drops; giving me permission to dance with him in puddles like noone is watching. 🙂 Keep on keep on pursuing me God.

  212. Kim

    love this!

  213. Shari

    Only the enticement of winning one of these books could make me leave a comment on this today. That ache, that longing is too familiar. Too close to my heart to want to bare it to others. Lysa, kudos to you for being willing to share it. Thank you.

  214. Holly

    I love Valentines Day. Mostly cause its a good excuse to get a babysitter and eat dinner at a place we wouldn’t go to under any other circumstances! I have over the years learned to just say what I want/expect out of the “day” from my wonderful husband. This way I’m not upset when he “doesn’t read my mind”and get me just the 12 punk roses I want! We just say – no gifts, card only – or small gift – doesn’t need to be expensive or even store bought. Just something that got thought about.

  215. Deb

    Thank you. Signing up and looking forward to the pursued challenge. As far as Valentine’s Day……Jesus is my Valentine every day of the year and forever 🙂

  216. Brandy Barnett

    Crying as I read this because I have an aching in my heart to be pursued by my husband who knows it and yet still resists as he is struggling with just staying in our marriage. Can Jesus really fill this pit?

  217. amy faith martin

    i get so caught up in the busy-ness of life i forget i am pursued. the name alone is awesome. we are in the middle of the Unglued study with our small group at church. rather than react, how awesome it is to remember to breathe before i react and to remember i am still being chiseled by a God that calls me daughter. going to take the challenge too.
    thanks Lysa for your awesome study. it has been a blessing and the message is both powerful & encuraging.

  218. Becky J

    Yes, I would love to win a copy of this book…after 22 years of marriage and balancing 3 teens I could use a breath of fresh wind..we both could 🙂 Thanks!

  219. Cindy

    Yes Lysa, I’m human too. Thank you for your words of encouragement. I have been dreading Valentine’s Day, it’s a reminder of my singleness. I’m aware that God pursues me and He has rescued me many times. I know that He is enough but the longings for love never go away. Would love to read Pursued.

  220. Connie Martin

    I’m somewhere in the middle of the first two choice. I’m single and sometimes singles feel like second class citizens on Valentines day. And since I’ve been in a dating relationship for the last 6 years I also hope that my fella doesn’t forget the day and does something special. Even if I have to wait until the weekend to spend sometime together.

  221. Kristi

    I def know with my head that Jesus loves me, but I do often struggle with that ache in my heart that he doesn’t. Through the struggles of life, finding out my husband had an affair, it’s really hard to feel the Lord’s love sometimes.

  222. Ruby A.

    Jesus is the only solution to the longing in our hearts. I thought that I was missing a man, but now I have discovered that I desire a closer relationship with the Creator of my soul. He pursues me and I find that this is more than I can understand, but it’s all I want.

  223. Jenny Slagle

    I would love to win a copy of the book you talked about…sounds great! Thanks again Lysa for always being so candid….it is so refreshing and encouraging! It prods me to be more transparent with others about my flesh/shortcomings…and then to be able to glorify the Lord with how much I need Him!Please sign me up for the challenge!

  224. Pam Martin

    I would love to win a copy of the book! Definitely feel very human much of the time 🙂

  225. Pam Martin

    PS I tried to find an email to contact you but couldn’t. 🙂 I am planning on doing a small group study with ladies I know of your book Unglued. I have the Unglued Devotional book and wondered if it would be okay with you if I shared a devotional a day from the book through private message with the members of the study during the six weeks we are studying the book?

  226. jennie jackson

    This is definitely where I’m at these days. The divorce was 5 years ago and I haven’t dated, but can’t stop thinking about “being pursued.” I know that God has kept me through these times, and will continue to, but sometimes you just want those human arms around you… I will keep my chin up and keep craving God and pursuing Him the way I want to be pursued!

  227. Phyllis

    I used to get myself into such a tizzy around Valentine’s Day, but have learned to let it go. The commercialism of everything attacks us all and works to make us feel inadequate and builds up such unrealistic expectations.
    I fell away from God and worshipping for years, but He never gave up on me; constantly “pursuing” me until the day I surrendered myself to his wonderful love once again. I am nothing without his love and I give thanks and praise him for his love, grace and mercy during all those years that I chose to ignore His voice.
    He has been with me and guided me during this last year as I have dealt with the loss of my husband. From the moment I learned my husband had passed away, God was with me each step – guiding and directing me – reaffirming my faith, being a source of strength and giving my life direction! I love being pursued by God!

  228. Ellen

    I can’t wait to read the book Pursued. Not sure I will be able to do the challenge, but will try.

  229. Deb McLean

    Wow – it’s encouraging to see a sister acknowledge the “Hallmark Holidays” shouldn’t hold precedent over whether a man loves us – better that they show it because it’s coming from the heart. Learned during 5 years of being widowed just how God truly is the perfect husband – it was a challenging time to go through but increased true intimacy with Him – which took a lot of pressure off when God blessed with a second marriage – knowing that He is still the only one who will never disappoint!

  230. Dawn

    A good reminder that only God can love me the way I long to be.

  231. Pam

    I forget that the “Lover of my soul” is actually pursuing me, not just others, but little ol’ me!

  232. Amanda

    Thank you so much I really needed this today.

  233. Mary Ann Moyer

    This was a really good post. It is so true about Valentine’s Day being so “commercial.” We search out that longing for love, but until we strengthen our relationship with God, we will only have emptiness. It’s interesting that you mention Hosea and Gomer. I just saw the movie on Netflix ~ Hosea. If you get the chance to see it, I would highly recommend it. It really displays the love God has for us. He stands by us through all our ups and downs and eagerly waits for us patiently and lovingly. Thanks again!

  234. Becky Jackenheimer

    My husband left me for someone else just eight months ago, so the last thing I am thinking about right now is Valentine’s Day! However, if it were for a renewed strength in my relationship with God, I never would have made it through these months.The thought of being “pursued” by God is even more encouraging.

  235. Tricia

    Lysa, I love your writing. I feel the same way you do about Valentine’s Day.

  236. Janet Hannah

    Lysa, I so love your reminder that God pursues us and is the ONLY one that can fill us up with the love we so crave!! I’m definitely going to check out this new book!!

  237. Wilma Reynolds

    Thank you for your words today. I love my husband dearly, and he shows me daily that he feels the same way, but I don’t look to him to fill the place in my heart that only Jesus can fill. This book sounds like one I would truly enjoy reading. Can’t wait to check it out. God bless you, and thank you for all your encouraging words.

  238. Lea

    We are forgiven and He comes after us, even when we knew better ;).

  239. Melissa

    Thank you for this! There is so much pressure with valentines day. I don’t want my husband to feel like he HAS to buy me roses that are double the price on that day, I want him to want to do something special for me, valentines day has become so comercialized. Now I am also the one who loves holidays and I will bake and make cards for everyone. 🙂 I would love to be part of the challenge and to win the book. Thank you Lysa!

  240. jeanne

    I am very discouraged in my marriage right now. He’s an unbeliever. I am so lonely for love, affection, kindness, and feeling that I matter to him. It’s sad.

  241. Kathy Andrews

    My husband and I have been married for just over 30 years. He has stood by my side through many challenging times. i could not have made it through this last year without his love and support. my dad died in January of 2012, and part of me felt lost. My husband is the one who helped direct me back where I needed to be. i am taking party in the challenge and am praying that i can do something extraodinary for him this Valentine’s daddy.

  242. Kimberly

    The Lord has definitely spoken to this heart that has all too often been “prone to wander” through the story of Hosea and Gomer. So, yes…I totally get feeling a bit too human. And I am amazed that the God of the Universe would pursue me! So thankful for His scandalous love. So thankful that even though I was not thinking about Him during all of those years where I had walked away from Him, He never stopped thinking about me.

    Thanks for your honesty. And thanks for telling us about the book and hosting a giveaway. 🙂

  243. Jessie Gunderson

    I always get a little cranky about Valentines Day. I’m more of the “who needs all this fluff” kinda gal. But God has encountered me more around Valentines Day than many other holidays. How funny that he chose that time of year to remind me of his love even though I’m a crank about it. 🙂

  244. Clair

    Thank you, Lysa, for sharing your story. It is very reassuring!

  245. nancy

    I’m with Shari…. and working on recognising God’s love for me, hoping to make it enough to accept the huge lack of husband mine is. I’d like to ‘win’ the book Pursued.

  246. Julia S

    Well I feel like Lysa-I don’t want to feel the “world’s idea” of being loved and thought of. My husband and I have agreed to not celebrate a day of love just on Valentine’s day. We consistently give each other “just because” gifts, especially the gift of love. It doesn’t have to be because its a worldly holiday but just because, just like Jesus loves us …well just because…

    We enjoy celebrating love and expressing our love through thoughts, just because gifts, phone calls, and moments throughout our day year round! It helps us stay connected and know that we love each other,

    Jesus loves us and the more we fall in love with Him the more we get closer and fall deeper in love with each other.

    It’s a conscious decision we have to work at but we all have a choice, it’s up to you ….what are you going to choose for your relationship?

    We choose God above all!

  247. Melissa

    Lysa you are such a blessing, your words are right from the Holy Spirit and always what I need to hear! Love you and thank you!

  248. Becky

    Intriguing. I never thought about being pursued by God, but it’s an exhilirating thought.

  249. Crystal

    I completely agree with your post about Valentine’s day and the need to feel pursued and I can not wait to read this book. I look forward to your post and I’ve been reading your books as well as the books you’ve suggested. Thank your for all your helpful insights and helping us to realize that God is the one that we should be pursued by.

  250. Jewel

    I am needing to know God in a more intimate relationship!

  251. Andrea G

    My struggle starts with the word Love. I have a hard time even defining love. My heart has been broken as a child and a few years ago as an adult and even knowing God loves me is hard to comprehend when I have a hard time with the concept. I have 3 wonderful children and love them with all my being, but for someone to love me like that … Even having a relationship with God, I continue to struggle with this!

    • Denise Birge

      I struggle everyday. Where I work at the medicaid food benefit office its so hard because working for the state they forget God until an event like Septemeber 11 or something major. most the time I want to rescue my coworkers and clients instead of closing my mouth and allowing God to do it. I struggle with understanding love and LOVE.. Its hard to love myself and those that are so mean!

  252. Kelly

    I struggle with feeling like God daily pursues me in Love rather than in disappointment over my failures and rebellious heart. Kelly

  253. Rhonda

    I hope I will be able to read this book. It sounds amazing and good for the soul. I know my heart could use the truth Mr. Wilhite has compiled in this book. To really truly feel pursued… what joy and spontaneous dance that would bring to my heart.

  254. Marisa Tomlinson

    This very much hit home with me. I’m single again after being married for 16 years. I long to be cherished and pursued. Thank you Jesus for being that for me.

  255. Kyra

    great reminder… I would very much love the book pursued. I remember feeling the exact things you talked about only to be reminded that is how God thinks of me.. oh how easily I forget.

  256. Jennifer D.

    I’ve been married 14 years and always want to feel pursued and cherished. It’s so hard discerning between that feeling from a human standpoint and a “Christian” standpoint. Sounds like a good book.

  257. Pam Needham

    Sounds like a great book! I bought the movie Hosea to watch as well. So thankful for the never ending no compromising unconditional love of Jesus Christ and the examples God has provided for us in His Word! I am also thankful for Christian authors like yourself and Jud who remind us of his Word and help us to apply it to our everyday lives.

  258. marci goodale

    Sounds like an awesome book that I’d love to read!

  259. Michelle Roberts

    I can totally relate to the human aspect of needing to be loved, or wanting to be loved. I can also relate with saying, yes,Jesus loves me, with my mouth, but not subscribing with my heart. I want that fulfillment, but my human side, perhaps my stubbornness, perhaps my inability to let go of my dysfunctional past won’t let me. This endeavor is worth pursuing in 2013. This endeavor of feeling loved honestly and truly because Jesus loves me. It’s as simple and as complicated as that!

  260. Lois

    I am single and feeling lonely – this is just what I needed to hear.


    • jodi

      I am trying to feel how much God loves me, but something is preventing me from totally embracing it. Maybe this book could help unlock what is blocking that.

  261. Kate M.

    I am with you on the fabricated holiday. My Anniversary falls on February 12th so we usually do a ‘combo’ thing anyway. We don’t usually buy each other gifts for any occasion (birthday, Christmas, etc.). I like to make him a homemade card and I have printed a wrapper for a candy bar that says “UDAMAN” with incredients like love, patience, etc. We keep it simple.

  262. Dorothy

    My husband and I (26 years this year) don’t do holidays / birthdays, etc. Sometimes I do miss it. At those times I remind myself that he puts gas in my car, helps with dinner, and will do (most) anything to help me out. If I ask him.
    It has taken a while for me to learn that I didn’t get the husband model that is able to read minds.
    <3 Dorothy

  263. Anna

    Very curious about this book. Would love to share w a few friends. Will be signin up for the challenge.

  264. Anna

    Very curious about this book. Would love to share w a few friends. Will be signing up for the challenge.

  265. Rachel

    Would love to read this book! Many days I place my feelings of being wanted on my husband’s hands and many days I feel so let down and this is a good reminder to look to God for that fulfillment and not my husband!. Thanks for sharing this post, Lysa!

  266. krissy

    I want you to know that I am reading your book (Becoming more than a good bible study girl) and I have read through many of your blog posts and I watched the webcast on inside chatter. I love your words! However, I feel like a failure as I cannot control inside chatter and in a nutshell, I don’t feel God with me. I know of the things he has done for me, and I am very grateful, however I am just really struggling to find a closer connection to HIM. I am a Catholic but never practiced my religion. I prayed when I remembered and I rarely attended church. Back in August, I turned to a friend who is so close to God and such an inspiring Catholic girl for help. You see, I own my own business with my husband, have extreme Fibromyalgia and in full menopause from a full hysterectomy when I was 31 years old. I am now 38 years old and have lived with this for too long. I have a wonderful 15 year old daughter, great parents, a great family, a great husband and wonderful friends. But I suffer from severe panic and anxiety. It’s crippling. My Christian friend helped me discover God again. And I have. I read the bible, I do many bible studies, I pray all the time, and I meditate on the rosary. I attend church more regularly (not perfect) and I still find absolutely no relief from the anxiety and panic. I am often encouraging others in need and because I love love helping others so much, I will say that in these times I do feel closer to my Father yet I still struggle with my own struggles of life. I have talked to my Priest, many pastors and a lot of my Christian friends and yet, I still cannot find relief in knowing God is my savior. We are struggling hard at the business right now (like so many businesses are) and this only adds to my panic and lessens my hope. I’m going to be honest, I think Satan is mad that I am burying myself in God and he is wreaking havoc on me. I feel him more than I feel God’s. I am in a spiritual battle and I am scared. How much more havoc can the devil do and how do I keep him away. I pray for God and Jesus to help me. I glorify Gods name when I feel satin close, yet I feel it is to no avail. I feel alone in my struggles even though I know I am not. I feel that I am the only person whose struggling with a business right now, which I know I am not. I feel trapped and petrified and was really hoping you could offer some encouragement.

    • Stephanie Clayton

      Hey girl, just wanted to drop you a line of encouragement. I am a counselor, but before that ever happened, in fact while I was in grad school, I had horrible panic attacks. For me what I had to do was find what was “underneath” the panic and work through it. For me, it was that I felt I needed to be perfect to be loved – otherwise I was unloveable to God and to others. Even though I knew God loved me no matter what, I couldn’t get past the inside voices that said I was worthless. You might want to consider seeking some Christian counseling, I can say that 2 years worth of counseling allowed the Lord to completely transform my life. Also, get specific with that negative chatter. Rather than just listening to the voice that says your worthless or whatever it says, and trying to squash and bury it, listen to what it says and then get specific. Look at the situation that is coming up when you feel this way. Change that thought in a way specific to the situation, for example, I didn’t get the house clean today – it irritated my husband – that doesn’t mean I am worthless or a failure – it means that I struggled with the house chores today – that is ALL! And then think and meditate on a verse that says you are worthy in Christ! Hope any of that helps! Blessings to you girl! Praying for you!

      • Jenny

        Ditto to what Stephanie says about Christian counseling. It’s a great help. My Christian counselor recommended a book called “Feeling Good,” which uses Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to get you to examine your internal “tapes.” Through a little worksheet, you can learn to take your thoughts captive by discerning what’s true, what’s not, and what’s most likely going on.

      • Krissy

        Oh thank you for taking the time to give me hope! I am certainly going to take your advice! Thank you!

  267. Carol

    Totally off the subject, but Lysa, have you ever thought of making a 365 perpetual calendar of key points and bible verses from your books?

  268. Amy

    Oh I’m with you, Lysa. The head-heart chasm feels quite wide these days.

  269. Amy

    Mmmm…just read some comments to the end of “it’s ok that my husband disappoints me” and, while I agree that he will, the longing that it awakens shouldn’t be stuffed. I am learning that Jesus meets me in my longings–they’re the straightest access to my deep heart that he has. My husband will surprise me with his love sometimes, but God isn’t going to let him meet my deepest needs. He’s too Jealous, and knows thats not what I was created for. At best, my husband is a salt lick reminding me of my thirst for Love himself. I need reminded of that so often.

  270. Julia

    Please pray for me that I wait on the Lord with joy. Also pray that I be content and thankful with Jesus love until and after He gives me the male companion that He knows is best for me. Pray that I can wait on God without complaint depending on His word that He will not withhold any good thing from them that walk uprightly. Pray that I walk upright in my attitude actions and words.

  271. Amanda

    today is one of those days when I am feeling almost painfully human! Pursuit? What is that? I haven’t noticed active pursuit of much of anything in a long time. Don’t we all just get comfy and get to that point where we have already “got” the marriage, the relationship/salvation that God calls us to, and well, we are comfortable in the recliner of life. We all need a nice fire lit under us to help remember that we like the pursuit of relationship in our marriages and we should love, love, love, the fact that our God never stops pursuing us. Last but not least, I also think we have to lay down our own ideas of what it is to be pursued by another person and/or God. Thanks be to God for the gift of Lysa’s blog and Jud’s book! 🙂

  272. April

    Oh, my goodness!! I was just praying about this very thing this morning! I’ve known for a while now that perhaps God will keep my precious hubby at just enough of an arm’s length so that I will learn to seek Jesus to fill that space in my heart. I really struggle with this one. In my head, I know the right answer – to seek God with all my heart. In the depths of that secret, innermost place, I want my husband to pursue me just as you talked about in your post. I know I’m not alone, so we’ll pray for each other as we learn to lean on God. Thanks, Lysa!

  273. Karen

    Wow…this could not be more perfect for my current situation. Struggling through a very difficult time right now. In trying to heal from an awful situation, my best friend just brought to my attention that I have been looking to my husband to help me heal and fulfill the things that only Jesus can. I have been so disappointed, hurt and exhausted just trying to heal and move forward. I need to know how to change my head and my heart.
    Lysa, thank you for always saying the things that we think and feel but are to afraid to admit… are such a blessing!!

  274. Sasha

    I’m in the first category but have been in the third category also lots of years just not this year. I love the dollar isle! I would love to read this book! The sermon I heard this weekend was about God’s heart always being adoring towards us. I love that! God has blessed me with a Jesus lovin’ husband who loves me soo well. I want to keep learning how perfectly complete Jesus’ love for me is, right from the source, Jesus!

  275. gina

    I am single again after a second failed marriage. Two men very different yet still the same. My therapist says I go for men that were like my father even though I never knew him-absent physically, mentally, financially and spiritually. At 45 I think I am finally getting it. God does not love me conditionally like the world does. His love is not a feeling, it’s who He is. I can accept his gift for what it is-unconditional or I can go by my feelings and continue to reject His love……think I’m making progress….Thanks Lysa for your blog and your books that help bring the message home. Keep on Keeping on!

  276. Angela

    Feeling a lot “too human” today

  277. Trenity

    Being pursued. . . Sounds wonderful! I’m struggling myself with this approaching holiday. I long to celebrate it but cannot. I’m learning to trust in God for this and allow His love to fill me constantly.

  278. Jennifer

    I’ve never had an official Valentine. This year is the same. I know who I want to be with but he wants to be on his own for the time being and I have to let him. It’s difficult, it hurts, but God has been with me through all of this and more.

    Thank you for the reminder that God loves us more and better than what we would ask for ourselves.

  279. Tiffany

    Thanks for the reminder. I normally joke about it being another single awareness day, as if the holidays aren’t enough we have to remind again in Feb. Coworkers normally joke with me b/c they think I should wear black,,,work in office with all men. 🙂 I’m always the one that is single but everyone wants as the wife not the girlfriend. However, while I’m waiting for the man God has chosen for me I will be faithful. I will worship while I wait, not of things of this world nor ideas of the relationship.

  280. Gwen Foreman

    Thanks for being real and “human” by posting this topic. I don’t feel as guilty for having felt the same ways as you mentioned. Having previously experienced Valentine’s Day as a single woman, I did feel like I was sticking out like a sore thumb. That experience is helping me minister to a dear friend of mine who is single and dreading the upcoming V-day. As a married woman I, too, want to be pursued and CHERISHED by my husband! And it would be great if it came from his heart and not out of duty or tradition. I am trying to “practice what I preach” so this year for him I have secretly assembled inexpensive hunting gear items and ordered cammo cupcakes!! I even found a “Hunter’s Prayer” on line and typed it up on parchment paper. I’ve put a lot of thought into this and it will come from my heart because it is what HE likes. The ultimate goal is for him to realize how much he is loved by me and to give all the glory to God for our marriage!

  281. janay oliver

    Sounds intriguing!

  282. Valerie

    I went to sign up for the pursued challenge…yesterday 🙂 but I havent gotten any info except a confirmation email. The website doesnt even say what the
    challenge is. Am I too late… ? Do you think its because I signed up on day 4? Can you help me figure this out?

  283. Colonie

    When I met my husband in college we were each other’s first romantic relationship. It was easy starting off but as time we on he felt more and more pressured by the expectations of V-DAY (duh-duh). 🙂

    So in response he decided to boycott it altogether and that broke my heart completely. I can definitely relate to putting the ‘perfect’ relationship pressure on a very human spouse. While the pain is still present each year I just do my best to turn more and more to the love of my eternal life and in turn shower my human husband with loving grace.

    • Jenny

      What would happen if you shower your husband with outward signs of your love, not expecting anything in return? Read The Five Love Languages and see what language is his, then pick something you could do for him.

  284. Trish

    Looking fwd to the challenge. 🙂

  285. Kim J

    After going through a divorce, I find it hard to believe that someone will ever love me again. I know God loves me, but if I am being honest, I sometimes doubt that He can love me faults and all. Just the thought of being Pursued by God sounds wonderful. I would love to read the book and regain some of the assurance that has been lost to divorce.

  286. Janet M

    Well single again, ugh! yes married three times. Now I have been single for four years. I am amazed that God offers me agape love and so grateful, loves me with my faults and all. He pursues me so glad because the human side of me often forgets to pursue Him like I should. I am grateful for His nudges. I just know that one day He will put someone in my life that doesn’t control me, hit me, or wants to change me but love me for me, like Christ loves the church. Ya’ know in heaven it will be a Valentine’s Day compared to none. Thank you for loving us Jesus!

  287. Grace

    Would love to read this book and share with my friends. Signed up for the challenge.

  288. Amy

    Wow…the concept of feeling loved is huge in so many ways for so many people. I was born right before Valentine’s Day and my daddy’s birthday. He always said I was the best gift he could have ever gotten for both. He made me feel special, but loving myself was another thing. I was the shy, wall flower who was never in the “in” of anything or any social group. I often felt unworthy and left out. When I finally met a boy who wanted to date me, I put all my expectations of love in one basket and it was way too weighty. I made all sorts of mistakes in wanting to be noticed but when I finally came back to the Christian way I was raised, God was there waiting. I know He loves me but I still find myself looking for that warm, fuzzy kind of swept off my feet feeling rather than the secure hope that He brings to my life and the growing depth of faith that the Holy Spirit is teaching to me. I still struggle with being loved and loving myself even though the Creator of the world loves me just because He loves me and no other reason, I often wonder if I will have that “loving relationship” with Jesus that I hear others speak of and wonder if what I have is it, because I’m not sure what defines that relationship. All I do know is that when I stopped my running around to get what I expected out of love and being noticed, I found that all I needed was One who had been taking notice of me all along but not making a record of my mistakes to hold against me. I am so thankful, because that boy that first noticed me is still in my life, God has blessed us, and we have been married over 20 years, not by our doing but by God’s grace.

  289. Annette

    I love Hosea, but it also makes me sob. It is one of if not the most romantic and most heartbreaking stories I have ever read. God really knows how to touch our hearts.

  290. Ericka Jackson

    I’m very excited to go to Mardelw and see if its there! Also, I forgot how I wanted to read Francine Rivers book too? I will get both!

  291. Leida

    Would love to read it!!!!!

  292. Kelly

    This is my second Valentines Day with my husband. The first was spend recovering from cancer surgery and chemo had just begun. He’s not really the mushy type so to make it easy on him I signed us up for the church dinner/dance. 🙂 I’m trying not to have any expectations beyond him going with me. The expectations are what seem to ruin everything, not my husbands lack of romance.

  293. Joan Hanson

    Feeling love has always been such a huge struggle for me. Especially unconditional love…is that even really possible??? My marriage has hit so many boulders (the rocks are nothing) and two of my thee kids are teenagers (which means I’m not the mom they look up to but the person who constantly annoys them.) I feel constantly rejected by my brother and his family unless they needs something. I dream of having that one constant best friend, but in my almost 48 years has never happened. I could go on and on. I have been trying to tell myself that I somehow need the Lord to fill my heart in all of this, but I just don’t know how. I just don’t get it. It’s hard.

  294. Kasey DuChaine

    I guess my struggle w/ the whole Valentine’s Day thing is one my husband and I have never really celebrated it and two we have two children under the age of eight. My husband is NOT romantic and wouldn’t know how to start. My husband is more of a Mr. Fix-it! If it’s broke you bring it to him. I guess another thing I struggle w/ is I’m a Christian and my husband isn’t. Isn’t not like my husband has ever said, “There is No GOD!” I know he believes in God, but I know he struggles w/ trying to wholeheartedly follow HIM! I feel that my husbands lack of faith keeps him from expressing himself and showing his love.

  295. lori stinnett

    My women’s group at church recently did a bible study on Redeeming Love, Francine Rivers, and I loved it. I would love to follow it up by reading Pursued! Thanks. Have a great day.

  296. Radonna Nelson

    I think in my 40 years i have been around I have pursued everything but God for my ultimate happiness. I searched in all kinds of ways thinking my husband,my kids,and food and friends would fill that space but i am finally starting to realize that he is first and theyare all in line after him and I can’t wait to read this book.

  297. Lynette D

    Maybe I’m missing something, but I’m supposed to just shrug off the fact that my husband isn’t affectionate? That my feelings don’t matter to him? He isn’t supposed to meet my emotional needs? What is the point of getting married? As far as the Hosea story, yes, he took her back, he kept pursuing her. But he also told her to stop her sinful behavior. Don’t know why people leave that out all the time.

  298. Heather

    I am single and this time of year is very hard. I am thankful for the reminder again about how much God is constantly pursuing me. I would love to get a copy of the book Pursued, for myself and to share with friends.

  299. Amy

    As a single mom, I definitely know what it is to feel such an emptiness inside when it comes to love. It’s a lonely and hectic world where finding a significant other to share it with is the last thing on your priority list. Even when I do find time to date, it’s just another thing to juggle that I don’t really have time for. Honestly, I think I’ve finally accepted that I’m looking for someone to fill what only God can. It’s taken me a lot of mistakes to realize that. I struggled for a long time not feeling worthy of God’s love. That has been a hard journey – to feel okay and know he loves me REGARDLESS of the mistakes I’ve made in my life. Also, the realization that He didn’t leave me – ever. What an amazing God to love me like that!

  300. Carol Pavese

    I am very excited for the new book! I would love to say I won a copy, but regardless of how I acquire the book I’m so blessed to be a part of Central Christian and now have such a true connection with God. Thank you Jud!

  301. Julia

    I’ve been married 33 years and many of those years I was disappointed on Valentine’s, birthdays and anniversaries. Hubby just doesn’t do presents and does not appreciate cards, so I stopped giving them to him. I have learned I don’t need a holiday to know I am loved by him. He shows it in other ways like being out in the cold cleaning snow off of my car. And I can usually buy what I want when I want/need it. I’m not into expensive jewelry, etc. My biggest money eaters are hats and crosses. I wear a hat everyday and I have a large collection of wall crosses that I still need to get re-hung since we moved. I put most of them on one wall as a collage with a few others sprinkled around the house.

  302. Penny


  303. Patti

    Definitely feel all too human in this area – especially since my birthday is also this month. Every year I long to be treated like royalty in February (cherished and pursued at least one month out of the year) and I get my hopes and expectations up only to be disappointed that my husband didn’t make a big deal about either one. I’ve known in my head for years that God loves me, cherishes me and is ravished by me. My biggest struggle is getting it from my head knowledge to really feeling and experiencing it at a heart level. Would love to read Pursued!

  304. C

    Yes. I feel way too human. I hate Valentines Day!

  305. Shannon Homesley

    Some years, I am anti-Valentine’s (I’m single) but generally, I’m just ambivalent.

  306. Bec

    I have a difficult time believing I’m lovable let alone being pursued by a perfect God. I need to change my way of thinking and have my mind renewed.

  307. CourtneyH

    my heart is for my girls, to really get this – to know it deep down

  308. Tina Gift

    We cannot fathom just how much God loves us… how much He loves me… it overwhelms me to know that He loves me when I am good, when I am bad and when I am ugly… he sees the me that He has designed me to be and not the me that I have fashioned based on my distorted vision of who I think that I should be. And then God blessed me with the most romantic husband and it is difficult to appreciate his expressions of love because I am NOT romantic. But my husband never gives up on me; he continues to woo me and pursue me just as if we were still courting and it has been close to 22 years!

  309. Martha Evans

    Waaayyy too human! I know all the right answers, and truly believe I am so much better off alone that married to the wrong person, but there are moments… More of them than I like to admit… When I just want to be pursued by someone I can see and touch. Totally taking this challenge!

  310. Kendra

    I read once that expectations are just resentments waiting to happen. That really speaks to me and I honestly think I have no expectations about Valentine’s Day, Christmas morning, Friday afternoon… until the time arrives and my humanness makes a grand entrance. Oh I didn’t know it, but there was an expectation hidden in there somewhere just waiting to pop out. Silly humans! But if I were perfect, I wouldn’t need God’s grace.

  311. Kim

    What I am writting about has nothing to do with the blog post, sorry but I do not know what other way to get in touch with you and proverbs 31 ministry. I wanted to say how your book “Becoming more then a Bible Study Girl” has blessed me as well as your devotional book “God’s purpose for every women”. I have been struggling with my walk with the Lord and it has filtered down into struggling with my role as wife and mom. Which is hard because I had a season of 2 to 3 years that was powerful doing my cancer journey and now that I am on this side of the journey (cancer free) every day life is for me harder to do.
    These books are helping me to look at things differently and I am hoping to be able to apply.
    If I lived in North Carolina I would bless your family with a meal. I have the gift of service but its hard to send ground beef stew from PA. 🙂 Thank you for you heart and your ministry.
    Love and prayers,

  312. Sally

    I would love to get a copy of the book to share with my daughter.

  313. Kerry Ann Prodorutti

    As my DH says and I totally agree) – it’s a Hallmark Holiday – don’t like it!

  314. Suzanne

    I would love a copy of this book. My husband is in prison so Valentine’s Day is a sad one for me. But my God is awesome and always with me! And loves me unconditionally! For that I am forever grateful!

  315. Rebekah

    My birthday is close to Valentine’s day, and when I felt that my husband overlooked both of them 2 years ago, I signed us up for marital counseling because I knew something had to be wrong with our marriage. This helped me grow incredibly, and now 2 years later I can’t say that my husband has magically turned into a romantic but I have changed so much. I now know without a doubt that my husband loves me, even if he can’t always express it the way I would like him to. Maybe just knowing that my husband loves me is enough. I also love myself more than I did 2 years ago and I have come to a greater understanding of God’s incredibly lavish love for me. This does take the pressure off of my husband to meet all my needs for love. This year he asked me what I wanted for valentine’s day and my birthday, and that small change has meant so much to me, just to know that he is thinking about me.

  316. laura

    I am SOOO human, I despise Valentine’s day, I am single and it makes me feel like I am being “singled” out for it. Although I tell myself and others I am happy being single, I want to feel like I am cherished, pursued and have my deepest needs met. I know God loves me and does those things for me, although I forget how much he cares about me and I feel at times I do need that human companionship so this day makes it so much harder. I would love to read pursued and I am taking the challenge!!

  317. Susan Simmons

    I too have the most wonderful, non-romantic husband ever. We are both widowed and 14 years ago combined our familes together. The week of our marriage, packing and ready for a move from NC to SC, my daughter was shot and killed by her “boyfriend” who did not want her to move. My husband, unromantic as he is, is the strongest friend I have ever had. He is always there to support me emotionally and because of him and the faith of God, my church family and many good friends, I got through the worst experience in my life. God does love me so, and I love him first and foremost. Who needs Valentine’s day to celebrate such love. It’s just another day…… Make everyday a day that you can walk with Christ and don’t get bogged down with all the frills and tacky mess…..Just read the word, share your love and push forward.
    I am currently leading “Unglued” in a Bible Study and we are also doing this in our Church Circle. Love it, love you Lysa and thanks so much for helping us take the baby steps toward Imperfect Progress. Can’t wait to read Pursued.

  318. O

    I remember reading “Redeeming Love” and how I couldn’t put it down. It painted such a beautiful picture of redemption in a way that my human brain could comprehend; and to think that true redemption is beyond what we can comprehend. I am currently seeking more resources for growth and for redemption in my own life. I’ve been reading through the Proverbs 31 devotionals, and today’s eventually led me to the interview with Jud on “Pursued”. I would love a copy of this book! I just mentioned it to my husband as a book that I “want”, and I hardly ever talk about things that I “want”, so something about it has definitely grabbed my attention. I’ve already signed up for the challenge as well. I’m excited for what awaits.

  319. Theresa

    Hi Lysa!
    You’ve inspired me to read this book. I’ve been needing something “more” lately. I am struggling at home being a better wife, a better mother & struggling at work feeling unappreciated in all of these areas. I think this book will help me get through my tough days. My daily devotions certainly help. I read them in the parking at work before I walk in to help get me through the day! But this book sounds like just what I need. I will go buy my copy ASAP!! Thanks for sharing! And I love the days I pull up my daily devotion on Crosswalk & see it is one of yours!! Thank you! God bless you!

  320. Stephanie W

    This is so in line with what I’ve been hearing in my spirit. Love is connected to everything!! I’m learning how very important God’s love is.

  321. diana callahan

    Valentines is to celebrate St. Valentine and to spread God’s love, weather you are married or not. My most memorable Valentine’s Day was when I was subing a special educatios class the week before in elementary school. I noticed these kids were often overlooked by their peer in the “regular” class room. I knew they would be celebrating the Valentine party with their peers and probably not going to get the special gifts that are often passed from one class mate to another. God put it in my heart to go to the dollar store and buy each child a stuffed animal that said something cute and some candy. I made cute bags and left them in the classroom anonymos. It was fun when my daughter came home and told me how excited they were. She was in on my secret:) I can’t remember what I got that year, but I remember what I gave!!!

  322. Chimgee

    Hello, i’d like to share the excitement!! I’ve got a book “Unglued” as a Christmas gift from a very good friend. I didn’t really look at it till now, just a few days ago I started reading it. And I’m so glad that he gave me this book. I love it!! It is touched my heart. Inspired me in many ways. This will be my Christmas gift for all my girl friends for this year.
    / But i have quick question, do you have any international copy?/

  323. Dena

    My daughter, who is 27, is just devasted right now because her boyfriend just recently told her that he “loves her”, but is not “In love with her”. She is working on her Master’s Degree in Psychology, but right now feels as though she has no purpose in life. It is as if her whole world hung on this man. I have encouraged her to know that Jesus LOVES her abunduntly, forever and always. Please pray for her as she travels this path of hurt…I believe Jud’s book would be great for her right now. Thank you Lysa for who you are and “Whose” you are and sharing with with rest of us!

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