by Lysa TerKeurst | Sep 11, 2020 | Audio, Prayer, Proverbs 31 Ministries Podcast
Have you ever come across an idea or teaching you needed to sit with and process before you could move forward? Yes, me too. Today I’d like to tell you about a recent episode of the Proverbs 31 Ministries Podcast that delivers ideas and a teaching that will do...
by Lysa TerKeurst | May 25, 2017 | Blog, Prayer
I have to admit: Sometimes I’m scared to pray boldly. It’s not at all that I don’t believe God can do anything. I absolutely do. I’m a wild-about-Jesus girl. Wild in my willingness. Wild in my obedience. Wild in my adventures with God. So my hesitation isn’t rooted in...
by Lysa TerKeurst | Apr 21, 2017 | Blog, Overcoming, Prayer, Spiritual Growth
Have you ever cried over something so much that you run out of tears? Your swollen eyes just give out and dry up while a current of unrest still gushes through your soul. And you look up toward heaven in utter frustration. Me too. And there’s someone else in the Bible...
by Lysa TerKeurst | Mar 8, 2017 | Blog, Overcoming, Prayer, Uninvited
Does it ever feel like the heartbreak in your life is trying to break you? I understand. I really, really do. I’ve been in that place where the pain of heartbreak hits with such sudden and sharp force that it feels like it cuts through skin and bone. It’s the kind of...
by Lysa TerKeurst | Nov 8, 2016 | Blog, Prayer, Spiritual Growth
We’re about to witness what might be one of the most divisive yet monumental elections in American history. Some of us will rejoice with the results tonight and some of us will fall asleep weeping for what the election may mean for this country. Either way, it will be...
by Lysa TerKeurst | Jul 8, 2016 | Blog, Prayer, Rejection, Uninvited
Have you ever felt the sting of rejection or grieved the deep loss of a relationship that was there one day and gone the next? I want you to know I understand. I also know the difficulty of being in the place where you’re no longer standing in that moment of being...
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