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Telling My Flesh No

I don’t like to be in pain. In any way. And if I’m not careful, this aversion to pain can lead to me grabbing at anyone and anything to fill the deep ache in my soul. Maybe you can relate. When you’re lonely and you see your ex-boyfriend post a picture with a new girl...

Pressing Through the Pain

Does it ever feel like the heartbreak in your life is trying to break you? I understand. I really, really do. I’ve been in that place where the pain of heartbreak hits with such sudden and sharp force that it feels like it cuts through skin and bone. It’s the kind of...

Seeing Beauty Instead of Pain

My aunt grew roses for years. She’s the one I lived with for almost a year when I was in middle school and my family was falling apart. I remember her telling me not to run through her rose garden. After all, she had what seemed like hundreds of other acres that...

A few really scary days…

You might have noticed I’ve been a little silent on the blog lately. But I want you to know it hasn’t been by choice. I’ve missed you dearly. Which is why I really must update you on what’s been going on in my world. About a week and a half ago, I was rushed into...

Getting Past My Past

Is there something from your past that haunts you and constantly interrupts your thoughts? For many years, that something in my life was my abortion. I walked around in a zombie-like state in the months following that decision with a growing hatred for myself at the...