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Unglued Summer Sanity Savers Webcast Replay Available

April 24, 2013

I had so much fun last night with my friend Crystal sharing our summer sanity tips! But here’s a little reminder of the most important tip from the webcast — don’t try all of these tips or you will go insane. Seriously. Try one or two that work for you and your family!

And in case you weren’t able to tune in to the live feed, the replay is available to watch below. Technology — it’s a beautiful thing, isn’t it?

{Webcast replay no longer available.}

Here are some of the links mentioned in the webcast:

Crystal Paine – Money Saving Mom
Motivated Moms
Kids Bowl Free
Unglued Devotional

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  1. Deidra

    THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU for last’s night webcast! It was encouraging and so helpful. My favorite tip was the bucket list idea. I am going to share some tips with my MOPS group next week, in hopes that they too will be encouraged and have a little less stress this summer.

  2. Esther

    We signed up for the bowling, and the adult pass at our local bowling alley. I’m so excited to have an extra activity to plug into our summer weeks!
    Thanks for all your work in compiling all these ideas!

  3. April Emery

    I was so excited to see my Quiet Time Bins (Holistic Homemaking) post featured during your webcast!! They are the greatest tool in my toolbox for sure – so customizable and versatile. And they don’t even have to cost you much money! You can take small toys/books you already own and use them to stuff boxes or, if you have a little money, you can purchase a few special toys for the boxes (links to several ideas in my post). Thanks again for sharing this post! I recommend Quiet Time Bins to moms often.

  4. Melissa

    There is no video showing on my desktop computer. Will try using my mobile.

  5. Sandra

    No Video on my desktop either. Will try back later.
    Thanks for all you do.

  6. Annie

    Having a scheduling conflict on Tuesday night, I thank you for posting the link to watch the webcast. Super fun!

  7. Sharon

    Thanks, you guys are amazing. I can imagine what it’s like for all of you get together. Someday I hope to I’ll be with you in person.

  8. Mariah

    Enjoyed this webcast!!!

    Some tips I have for keeping sane with younger kids:

    1. Give the amount of chores to each kid according to their age. My 4 year old has four chores she does, my 8 year old has 8. Some of the chores are once a week like putting the garbage can to the curb, but it really helps as they get older to add more responsibility to go along with the older privileges. At 16, will they have 16 chores? absolutely! Some might be once a year or once a month, but they are fully capable, we are training them to be successful adults after all. It helps my home and my sanity when I’m not left with all the chores to do alone.

    2. Reading aloud while they color, draw, build Legos, anything quiet. It educates them (if its a good, classical book) and it gives mom a chance to rest and not hear so much noise.

  9. Jessica

    Thanks for this great webcast! Not only was it so much fun to watch, it is packed with useful information. Just what this busy mom needs to get ready for the summer. Thanks!

  10. Elizabeth

    I watched/listened to 3/4 if the webcast while making dinner this evening and plan to finish tomorrow.
    I especially enjoyed the “soft no” tip from your devotion. That makes complete sense and would help our family live in unity much more easily. I have tried unsuccessfully and not-so-eloquently to explain that to my husband, but will try again more nicely and respectfully this time.
    I have three teens, almost two tweens and one last preschooler to wrangle and I need all the sanity I can get!
    Thank you!

  11. Shelly S. Cantrell

    Whoooo! That devo was steppin’ on my toes! But it hurts so good. : )

    “The trees hadn’t practiced their release yet; so the weight of what came caused them to break.”

    Just yesterday I was being coached around my crazy to-do list (b/c I was about to break) and what I realized, my takeaway, is that I need accountability around “shedding”–letting go of some of the things already in my life so I make more room for the MANY blessings God has been pouring out on me.

    At this season in my life, I have not let go of enough so I can let God bless me with what has come.

    I need to release unrealistic expectations 1st. That’s a great place to start, and I’m so grateful for this replay of the webcast I missed last night ; ).

    2nd: I’ll be practicing that small no! : ) Thank you for that BIG WORD that will protect me from unrealistic expectations ; ) O’ thank You Jesus!

    Thank you for this BLESSING, Lysa! I’m turning back to Praise God : )

  12. Nancy L.

    Thank you so much for the Unglued devotional. I’ve had the book for several weeks now but haven’t read it. I cried from the first couple of lines until the end of today’s devotion. I so desperately needed it. Every morning I TRY to do better – be a nicer/calmer mom, eat better, move more, keep a cleaner home, and the list goes on and on… and I fail. This devotion was exactly what I needed today.

  13. Dee

    Did you guys really have to waste time to do this segment? Do you think no one else could come up with ANY of these ideas on their own? What a timesuck.

  14. Janet

    Loved the webcast and loved the radio program for today. WOW I am glad I am not the only one who feels RUSHED all the time. I don’t like it and want it to stop. I don’t ever seem to feel relaxed. It has become my normal to be rushed. Thanks for Proverbs 31 ministries and all the wonderful Godly women who post on the daily devotionals, the webcasts, the books, cd’s, DVD’s, OBS’s and all the materials that help up all to become more like Christ and to survive in this world we live in. I thank God for all of you, you are a blessing!!! 🙂

  15. Tabitha St Blanc

    I thought I was alone. All these years of struggle thinking, believing I was the only person who felt this way, Unglued, unable to control my emotions, reactions, especially to my husband and children.I felt angry almost every day not realizing I was angry with myself. I would talk to my counselor and try to figure it out. I bought Unglued because K-Love and started reading but didn’t get very far. An emotional meltdown happened last night and I started reading Unglued this morning and also Captures ingredients His Heart, it’s like Lysa lives in my head and in my home. A light bulb went off and all I could do was cry. She was describing me. I was finally able to see myself. I wasn’t alone. I wasn’t the only one who is this way, who struggles daily. I needed and need God in my life front and center. I needed to ask Him into our marriage and family. I was raised in a Christian home just have not made him the most important in my life in quite some time. I pray and thank God for my life, family and blessings but it is not enough. I know this, but didn’t focus on it and put it on back burner. Losing my brother then my dad in tragic car accidents within 2 years of each other put me in a spiral . Today it stopped. Today I am making a change with God. Thank you Lysa for sharing your books. I will read and reread them over and over.

  16. LuAnn

    Lysa ~ You, Once again, are hitting home for me. I’m working on prioritizing in this season of my life. My only child is grown and gone from home but still works in the family business. I’m helping to care for my father who’s in a care center after a stroke and working 2 partime jobs besides our own business. I feel God is calling me out of teen ministry into women’s ministry, but I’ve got to keep a handle on my commitiments. So thank you so much for the devo! Also wanted you to know that I ordered White Jeans and Capris both this morning! :o) I haven’t worn white pants in a LONG time, but I’m also working on my weight so it’s time to step out and try something new!
    Thanks again for all your encouragement!

  17. Joy Hamm

    I just had a chance to watch this today. LOVE IT!! I wished 20 years ago when I started having kids there was so many great ideas. I now have 6 kids 1 in college 2 high schoolers 2 middle schoolers and 1 in elementary school.

    My Summer Sanity Saver idea is teach your kids to 1 time a week completely clean a room. With 6 kids (homeschooled) we get a lot done. I taught them how to clean the room and than made a check list in a plastic protective sheet and a dry erase marker to mark off each thing as they get it done. They swap chores every month so nobody gets stuck with a job they don’t like. Now that they are older they have taken on doing their own laundry as well. We are suppose to be raising these kids up to be adults. To manage their time and to take care of themselves. One of the issues that arise when I talk to young moms is they never learned how to clean and take care of a home. YIKES!! SO looking forward to summer.

  18. Nancy

    I just finished reading Unglued. Thank you. It was exactly what I needed. Your honesty and struggles were a breath of fresh air to me. I just want say I saw the cover from a distance and I thought it said Unplugged and that the picture was the end of an extension cord! Thanks again for letting me know it’s ok to be human.

  19. tara

    I have the same fears as you did Amy, but God is calling me to start a singles group in our church and community. He has laid this on my heart for 3 yrs. I went to my minister 2 yrs ago and we talked but it was up to me to get it going. I was just starting a new job and maybe some of the other things were just excuses. fear, ect. So he is still bugging me and laying this idea on my heart. Im like u cant i go to Africa or work with children Im really good at that. Thanks for listening.

  20. BobbiLynn Miller

    Hi Lysa ,
    I tried to watch the replay of your Summer Sanity webcast, but cant find it ! On the post of the 24th it says,” watch replay below”, but then it says its no longer available. I desperately wanted to see the webcast live ,but circumstances prevented that.So I was relieved to see it was available later. Oh I hope I didn’t miss that too??? Is there just a short window of opportunity with a deadline ?
    Thank you for your help .
    Warmest Regards,

  21. Brandie

    Awww…the replay is unavailable!? 🙁 I REALLY wanted to see this and just had a chance today to check it out, but its not available now. Please!! Is there anyway it can be made available again?

  22. Missy

    I also would like to view this please! 🙂

  23. linda gale smith

    I am exploder who shames herself. This exploding is always toward my husband. We almost always cannot disagree agreeably. I do repent to the Lord for this…but find myself right back doing it again. When I ask my husband to forgive me, he will shun me, this is not somthing he does regularly..he then hurts my feelings. I am accountable for my own actions. I did my I will be the one standing before the Lord not having to give an account for him. I want to make sure my heart is pure.

  24. Christy Fenstermacher

    didn’t see or find the unglued excessment… would of liked to of taken it… however right now I’m both, in my mind.

  25. Denise

    Google “Lysa TerKeurst Unglued Summer Sanity Savers” and you’ll find a link to watch the webcast on vimeo. Enjoy!

  26. Gladys

    the replay is unavailable!? I REALLY wanted to see this and just had a chance today to check it out, but its not available now. Please!! Is there anyway it can be made available again??????????????

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