Download my new, free resource: Trust Is a Track Record: 5 Scriptural Truths To Remember God’s Faithfulness. 


Don’t just read God’s Word. Experience it!

May 6, 2017

Before I went to Israel for the first time a few years ago, my Bible reading felt a bit thin and disconnected. What was once so invigorating felt more like another thing on my endlessly long to-do list.

You know, when a person lives with the stress of an overwhelmed schedule, they’ll ache with the sadness of an underwhelmed soul.

That ache of sadness was draining the life out of me and my desire to do ministry.

And then a friend called to invite me to study in Israel. My friend knew this trip would change me. There isn’t anything else that’s invigorated my passion for ministry like studying in the Holy Land and experiencing God’s Word up close.

Now, I know you’re thinking … That’s great for you, Lysa. But what if I never make it to the Holy Land? Can I still have that invigorating encounter with Scripture?

And the answer is yes. I want every woman to experience this same revival in their souls. That’s why I’ve partnered with LifeWay for an event called “The Word Alive.” It’s an immersive, two-day conference where you will:

  • Experience Scripture with elements that will help you see, taste, hear and touch the Holy Land without leaving the country.
  • Stop seeing your time in God’s Word as mundane or confusing by developing a genuine passion to study and practically apply Scriptures.
  • Know how to identify some often misunderstood details of crucial Bible stories.
  • Connect more deeply to God as you read His Word with more understanding and sense Him speaking personally to you.

Find out more and take advantage of early bird pricing here.

I hope to see you there!

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  1. Zoe

    Dear Lysa,

    I have been meaning to write to you for some time to thank you for being you, and using the gift within you to bring hope, truth and love to others.

    I began following you on FB about a year ago now. At quite a sad, and crucial time in my life. Life has been up and down, I’ve been on an emotional roller coaster the past year and my life was and still is unsettled, unstable and a little in the air. I’m looking to God for what’s next. All u know is he is God, I don’t always understand and don’t have to understand the why, I just have to get on with what he last time me to do, and wait for him and take his lead. I love him with all my heart but I do struggle, battle with low moments, and unhealthy thoughts/desires from time to time. I know he gets me, he’s changing me as I walk more and more in tune with him. I’ve been able to share your wisdom with others who need encouraging!

    Your blogging/posts (not sure what u call them) have been such a blessing to my life, it’s always been a word in season, always what I’ve needed to hear. Whenever I’ve felt at the end of myself/low I go onto see what wisdom you are sharing and often it’s exactly perfect timing! Thanks for being authentic, real, being honestly raw about ur life in order to help relate to others and help others. You articulate things so well.

    Your written pieces are often great devotionals for me. So just wanted to take some time to thank you, and honour you for investing your time into me and countless others.

    This year on 30th September me and a group of ladies from my church are hosting A Splash Of Colour women’s conference where we want to invest in our women, love on our women and encourage them in the season their in, and cheer them on in their walk with God. We want to address where God is in our pain/grief, how to manage disappointments, despair, when things seem to take a long time ie healing, finding a husband, having children, how to manage the heartaches of life, when we feel like our prayers are not answered the things we cannot even articulate! I wondered whether you would be willing to donate any of your Uninvited books? We would like to place a book into each women who attends hand but we really believe in sowing into their lives. Would you be willing to do this? Do you ever speak in the Uk?

    P.s love the fact you have adopted. I’m adopted. Love the fact God placed me into a forever family, I love to champion others to give others a forever family!


  2. Heather Magbee

    I’ve never been to Israel but am excited to be going in 2018! I can’t wait to see what I’ve been reading about to experience scripture in more life-like way like you have! I enjoy your blogs and ministry very much! You along with my husband inspired me to begin writing myself on my own blog. So thank you and God bless you, your ministry, and family!

  3. Tanis McNeil

    hope you will be putting this conference into book format soon for those that can’t travel. wonderful idea for a need long debated but seldom resolved. effective influence for study disciplines is rare especially for women. for such a time as this, may the annointing of gladness truly be caught as taught by the Spirit of grace with new fervor and favor. His Word IS alive and active and sharp. discipline had become a view unto legalism that needs His renovative touch through those who have tasted and seen. thanks for devoting yourself to sharing His Word. greatly encouraged!

  4. Wendy Luster

    Dear Lysa,
    First off I just want to thank God for being my very best friend. I have been going through a lot of things at my job dealing with rejection. I am still dealing with it. I am learning to be patient no matter how long it takes God to respond. Every morning I check my email but I strolled down one morning and found an email from Gateway. I then saw the information on the book Uninvited. My best friend was directing me to a place where I could get help and I love him dearly for it. I have learned so much from reading your book. I am learning how to handle certain situations. I now know that I am not set aside. I am set apart for something great. Please keep me in prayer along this journey and thank you for being obedient in doing the work of the Lord.

    Win Day

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