Have you ever felt the sting of rejection or grieved the deep loss of a relationship that was there one day and gone the next?
I want you to know I understand. I also know the difficulty of being in the place where you’re no longer standing in that moment of being rejected, but you’re not on the other side of it either.
I call it the desperate in-between. It’s a place where your heart still feels incredibly raw. A place you may fear being stuck in forever.
But I want to be the friend who whispers to your heart today that healing is possible. You aren’t going to be stuck in this place of pain and rejection. I believe you are going to be strengthened by it and healed from it. In Jesus’ name!
That’s why I put together pre-written prayers based on the powerful truths found in Psalm 91 just for you called “Praying Through the Desperate Times.” With this prayer journal, you’ll be equipped to:
• Know exactly what to pray for the next ten days to steady your soul and restore your confidence in the midst of rejection.
• Experience deeply personal healing by declaring specific Scriptural promises over your life.
• Overcome feeling helpless about your heartbreak by infusing God’s hope and power into the situation.
You can download your FREE copy of this 10-day prayer journal through July 10th by clicking here.
I don’t know what specific thing you’re going through right now. But I do hope with every part of me you’ll use these ten simple prayers. His words bring life. And praying His Word will help us feel less desperate and more whole.
Thank you
I so need this in my broken heart of grief after losing my husband to cancer.
Thanks so much for your care in ministry!!
Whoever is grieving a loss of a loved one, I can relate, its so painful and the void in your life is horrible, so very lonesome.
I pray for the Lord to send me many women I can be friends with and we can share a meal or two together and comfort each other.
Thank you, Lysa! I look forward to reading and praying:)
Blessings to you,
Thank you & God bless you Lisa & staff
Thank you so much for this. I need it desperately right now.
She goes in and out of my life. Sometimes it’s been with harsh words. Sometimes it’s a silent exit. She will probably never go to the Doctor for a diagnosis. It’s probably a mental illness. We all may never know. She’s my twin. When she leaves our lives I realize it’s really not her fault……but it feels like such a rejection and it hurts….. It is so hard.
I am unable to download your 10 Day prayer journal. It says it will send me email but I never received it. Thank you. Kim
I would really like a copy of the 10 day prayer journal. Am I too late? Thank you!
Hi Michelle!
We are emailing you a copy right now 🙂
LT ministry team
Thank you!!
What a beautiful gift! thank you dear lady!
Not able to download since my printer is out of order, would you kind mail
me this 10 day Journal?
I Don’t want to be a nuisance, I have no other way to get this, please.
Thank you much .
Dorothy Di Santo
He turned his eyes away from Jesus…then left us.
Thank you Lysa, I needed this beautiful gift in the middle of my brokeness.
I am thankful to God for His rescue, His refuge…and for introducing me to one of His most powerful tools on this earth…you. God Bless you.
I need this. The rejection hurts so bad 🙁 and it feels like I will never get out from under it.
I am mourning the loss of 2 jobs in the past year, losing the friends that went along with the jobs, all due to my health issues. I also am dealing with the physical pain that goes along with the health issue. Knowing that you, Lysa, have recently gone through physical and emotional pain, makes this email and download all that much more special. I already went through and changed the words of Psalm 91 to my name, making it personal!
Thank you!
Thank you…but I am wondering who won the books?
I have tried several times, to get the download for the 10 days of prayer journal. To no avail. Please send me a link that works. I really want to get this, as I feel that prayer is an area that I fall down in often.
Hi, Stephanie!
So sorry you are having trouble with the download! Keep an eye on your email. We will send you some information that should help!
Lysa’s Ministry Team
Would love to receive your 10’day prayer journal cannot download.
Thanks! Just filled my emaill for the download. I believe I will get answers to my prayer already. Can’t wait
I too have tried downloading the10 day prayer journal also to no avail, suggestions? Perhaps another link?
Thank you…
Hi, Kristie!
We just sent you an email that will hopefully be of help!
Lysa’s Ministry Team
I’ve been on vacation and just got back ho,pre to open my emails. I missed th chance to download the 10 day psalm 91 prayer journal. May I please have that link?
Hi, sweet Laura!
We just sent you an email. 🙂
Lysa’s Ministry Team
I missed the deadline to download the 10 free prayers for difficult times!!!
Hi, sweet Kim!
That isn’t a problem at all. We just sent you an email!
Lysa’s Ministry Team
Hi Lysa, please is there another way to download the journal. I have tried several times already without luck. Thanks
Hi, Irene!
We just send you an email! 🙂
Lysa’s Ministry Team
Lysa, I can’t thank you enough for providing the 10 day prayer journal. It is speaking directly to my heart. It is so healing. You have such a gift. Same goes for the devotions you write also; they are so meaningful and helpful. I am so thankful for how God uses you. Thank you so much for doing what you do. Many blessings to you.
Thank you for this. I know that God is speaking through this ministry to me. I’ve ran into Psalm 91 several times this past week and then this is the Scripture this prayer journal is based on.
My heart is filled with pain that has mostly been of my own doing, sometimes just swallowing me that I feel I can’t breathe and will never get out of this put. But then God speaks to me and calls me to sit with Him and just fall into His word. Thank you again for this ministry.
Can you please send me prayer journal, when I went to the link it says page no longer found.
Thank You so much!
Jean Pollard
I have been away from electronics for a while and missed this offer. I don’t want it just because it’s a neat freebie. I need it because I’ve been living in the in between for some time now. Could you please make an exception and get me the download? I’d be ever so grateful.
Hi, sweet Kay!
We are sending you an email now. 🙂
Lysa’s Ministry Team
I’ve been really enjoying and finding solace in this 10 day journal. Visually stunning, necessarily repetitious in order to reinforce the key verses, and great for self reflection and surrender to God. Thank you for this resource!
Hello my sisters and brothers!! I have done many of Lysa’s bible studies and they have been such a source of growth for me. I thank Lysa for her servant heart and the way she is allowing the Lord to use her for HIS glory!!
I would also love to point you to a place of great resources.. Devotionals, testimonies, books, courses, audio books/conferences etc. This ministry is helping the body of Christ heal from the places of wounding, hurt, soul ties, generational sin and sin that has us in bondage. Here is the link: http://bit.ly/EllelUSA
I pray that it is a blessing to all!!
In Christ Love,
Thank you Lysa, and I am looking forward to the 10 day journal, and the Uninvited course, this is something that will mean so much to me. As I have dealt with this challenge for a long time, and I need to get by it. Thank you for this book and sharing.
In his love and blessings,
Hi Lysa,
I have tried. Few times to download however haven’t been successful. Is there another way to download please?
Thank you
Hi, Alison!
We are sending you an email right now. 🙂
LT Ministry Team
I am just now seeing this post about the 10 day prayer journal. Was wondering if there is somewhere I can obtain it even if there is a small cost?
Can I get this 10 day prayer devotional? Every time I click on the link it says there is an error. I would like to share it with my sister in law as she is going through a very difficult time.
Thank you!
Hi Lysa,
Is there a link that I could obtain the 10 day prayer journal, I have been getting an error message.
Thank you in advance.
Hi, Al!
We just sent you an email! 🙂
LT Ministry Team
Need to help to get the 10 day prayer devotional. Unable to download.
Hi, T!
We just sent you an email!
LT Ministry Team
I would love to download the prayer guide! I believe that I missed a deadline to download. May I receive a copy?
Thanks so much!
-I am loving the ‘Uninvited’ Bible Study! ♥
Hi, Nancy!
We just sent you an email! So glad you are enjoying the study!!
Blessings – LT Ministry Team
I just completed the 10 day study of Psalms 91 and it was such a blessing to me. I wanted to also be able to share this prayer journal with a friend and was hoping you could provide me with the link again. Thank You!
So sweet! So glad it blessed you and that you want to share it with a friend! Just sent you an email. 🙂
LT Ministry Team
Can I get a copy of this 10 day prayer Journal?
Hi Julianne!
I am on Lysa’s Ministry team, and wanted to send the link for the 10 day prayer journal! Keep an eye out for an email!
Have a blessed day!
LT Ministry Team
I am new to the blog and tried to download the 10 day prayer journal but the link didn’t work. Can you help?
Hi Melissa!
I am on Lysa’s ministry team, and I just emailed you a copy of the link to download the prayer journal! Keep an eye on your email for it very soon 🙂
I pray it ministers to you, and that you are blessed by it!
LT Ministry Team
Hello Lysa! I am doing the OBS Uninvited! I cannot download the 10-day prayer journal as I tried a few times. I have been struggling with what I would say I wasn’t aware of it being labelled “rejection” but it is.. I would love to run some of my experiences and struggles with you for spiritual insight- is that possible? AGAIN, I WOULD LOVE THE 10-DAY PRAY JOURNAL… (Is it in the book uninvited)??? appreciate the work you are doing and can’t wait to hear back from you!
God Bless,
Missed the time to get the 10 day Prayer Journal. I could really use.
Hi I tool missed the deadline for the 10 day journal if possible I would love to have a copy.
Hi Diane!
I am on Lysa’s ministry team, and I just emailed you a copy!
Have a blessed day!
Mary Scott Mercer
I would like to request a copy of the 10 day prayer journal, if it’s still available.
Thank you!
Hi Sha!
I am on Lysa’s ministry team, and I just emailed you a copy!
Have a blessed day!
Mary Scott Mercer
This is definitely a God thing that I stumbled on this blog post. Words that I really needed to hear but I think I may have missed the deadline, is there a way I could receive that prayer journal?
Blessings to you and your ministry!
Hi Rachael!
I am on Lysa’s ministry team, and I just emailed you a copy!
Have a blessed day!
Mary Scott Mercer
Mary Scott,
Would you mind sharing with me as well? Thanks so much!
Hi, Laura!
We are emailing you the link now. 🙂
LT Ministry Team
I am just now seeing this post about the 10 day prayer journal. Was wondering if there is somewhere I can obtain it even if there is a small cost?
Hi Missy!
This is Mary Scott Mercer – I am on Lysa’s ministry team. I just sent you an email containing the Prayer Journal!
Have a blessed day!
Mary Scott Mercer
Can you email the link to me also. I just purchase the audio book of Uninvited and would really like the 10 day prayer journal. Thank you!
Hi Carrie!
I just emailed you a copy 🙂 Have a blessed day!
Mary Scott Mercer – LT ministry team
Hello! I would love a copy of the prayer journal. I have reread the chapter multiple times in the last few weeks, and would love to have it in journal format.
Hi Niccole!
I am emailing you a copy of the journal as I type this!
Have a great day!
Mary Scott Mercer
LT ministry team
Hi Lysa,
I became a member of first 5 five days ago. I recently loss my husband of 49 years and
five months later I loss my precious 96 year old mother in-law. Would it be possible to get a copy of your 10 day prayer journal I would greatly appreciate it. I continue to thank and praise God for first 5. Just when I need Him most He sends me his word.
Hi Charlie!!
I want you to know that I am first of all praying for you during this difficult time with losing your husband. I cannot imagine that feeling! Second, I just emailed you a copy of the 10 day prayer journal. I pray it ministers to you in amazing ways, precious sister.
Mary Scott Mercer
LT Ministry team
God is so faithful, just when I needed encouragement for this time of grieving, I found first 5. May God continue to bless your ministry as you so freely share you lessons learned through your walk with God.
I am reading Uninvited and I would really like a copy of the 10 day prayer journal.
I tried the download link, but it is not available.
I would like to send the pray journal to someone in Jail.
Could you email it or provide the link?
Thank you!
Hi Sarah!
I am on Lysa’s ministry team, and I just emailed you a copy!
Have a blessed day!
Mary Scott Mercer