Download my new, free resource: Trust Is a Track Record: 5 Scriptural Truths To Remember God’s Faithfulness. 


I Didn’t Know How to Find What I Needed in the Bible

December 1, 2015

I closed my eyes and warm tears slipped down my face onto my pillow. I knew I should pray but quite honestly, I doubted God was listening. I could hear the kids fighting in the kitchen. More evidence I wasn’t measuring up. I knew I should get up and address whatever was causing the chaos between them, but I just didn’t have it in me. Not that day.

Not when the very foundation of my family was imploding. I mean, if your house is on fire surely you don’t stop to straighten a picture hanging crooked on the wall.

I didn’t know what to do.
I didn’t know who to call.
I didn’t know how to pray and get some sort of answer from God.

And I certainly didn’t have a clue how to find something relatable to read in the Bible.

This is the desperate place I was in during the early days of my family.

The desperation. The helplessness. The days full of hurt and seemingly void of hope. I know those feelings deeply and personally.

That’s why my team and I are so committed to the work we do at Proverbs 31 Ministries. We are devoted to meeting women right where they are and helping them connect with God in ways that restore their hope, renew their relationships and, most importantly, revitalize their faith.

These women and families are literally begging for help. And we know if we connect their needs with God’s truth, their lives will dramatically improve.

Chances are if you’re reading this blog post, me or my team at Proverbs 31 Ministries have shown up in your inbox with words that the Lord gave us to make you feel less alone, more understood and more deeply connected with truths from the Bible.

Millions of women are engaging more deeply with Biblical truth and growing in their relationship with the Lord because Proverbs 31 Ministries exists.

In 2015 alone:

Over 500,000 people woke up with our First 5 mobile app, dedicating the first five minutes of their day to reading God’s Word.

810,000 women received Encouragement for Today devotions in their email inbox, with an estimated reach of well over ONE MILLION! We get women into God’s Word daily!

126,000 women from nearly 100 countries participated in our Online Bible Studies. They were able to learn how to connect God’s Word to their everyday lives, regardless of where they lived!

3 million people received our biblical teaching and inspiration through Facebook, with hundreds of thousands more on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.

Over 3,000 women pursued their calling in ministry through She Speaks Conference and COMPEL writers training. We love the multiplied ministry impact of equipping others to serve Jesus!

Yes, in a day and time where the world is trying to quiet Biblical truth, we’re determined to help people engage with God’s truth like never before. We’re determined to get people into God’s Word so God’s Word can get into them.

But we need your help.

If you’ve donated to Proverbs 31 Ministries before, thank you. Please know your investment is used to carry God’s Word around the world on a daily basis. Your continued support is a well-placed investment allowing you to truly know you’ve played a crucial role in fulfilling Jesus’ instructions for us to carry the Good News to those both near and far. Click here to continue your support.

And for those of you who haven’t invested yet, this is an incredible time to participate! Click here to give to Proverbs 31 Ministries today.

There are so many more to reach. We want to reach your friends and family and neighbors who have never known how to connect the life-changing truths from the Bible to their needs of today. And it is possible! We’re hearing from people every day who find Proverbs 31 Ministries resources then begin a relationship with Jesus and start studying the Bible as a result. He has answers for all their greatest needs. As Isaiah 55:11 reminds us, God’s Word never returns void!

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  1. Jenny S

    I am currently participating in the online Bible study “Unglued”. I just read your story about the woman making the comment to you in the grocery store about how she could not leave her children and making you feel guilty for leaving that weekend for a speaking engagement. I know you have a team of support around you, but I thought it never a hurts to have more support. I just wanted to tell you how much your ministry has meant for some many. You do have to sacrifice more than some of us because of your calling. As a mother, I am sure it is difficult to make the choices for your time. If your life was smooth and you were perfect all the time, none of us could relate! In all your craziness of life , we see ourselves! Your children will ” rise up and called you blessed”. Watching their mother impact so many with her sacrifice and theirs will impact them in so many ways we don’t even know ! Just a note of encouragement from a random OBS person and fellow Christian. Thank you for all you do and sacrifice for all of us to be more like the Proverb’s woman!

    • Lysa TerKeurst

      Thank you Jenny! Comments like yours truly bless and encourage me. What a sweet gift today. Blessings, Lysa

  2. Tosha Goyette

    I’m grateful for you & your ministry! I “stumbled” across P31 shortly after relocating to CT. I was in a new place, missing home & in desperate need of connection. I tried attending a bible study through my church, but it soon became clear, that my 2 yr old wasn’t having any part of the early morning schedule! I knew I’d have to let it go…and then…God led me to your ministry! That was 3 years ago! I’m currently in my first study as a GL and I want to say THANK YOU for the generous gifts that you’ve given to the O-team! You & your ministry are such a blessing to me, & to countless others!

  3. Lauren Gaskill | Making Life Sweet

    Lysa, thank you for your vulnerability in sharing your heart and story with us week after week. I will always be a supporter of Proverbs 31 ministries and hope to even work with you guys someday!! <3 Keep up the GREAT work sister!

  4. Ashley Murphy

    Thank you, I am currently a Compel member. It’s been the perfect thing in His perfect timing for my growth as a writer. It’s been awesome to hear all the voices, knowledge, and encouragement through Compel Training as part of my daily writing life.

  5. Pat Kaiser

    I am new. I would like to read a few weeks of daily devotions before I join.

    Thank you!

  6. Sandie

    I have a question. Why should I fear God? I’ve been afraid of people my whole life because of things that happened in my past but I really want a loving God, I don’t want to be afraid of Him. Thanks for helping me understand.

    • Lysa TerKeurst

      Hi, Sandie!

      This is such a great question. And a totally understandable question! We are going to e-mail you a resource where Lysa actually explains the difference between being “afraid” of God and walking in the fear of the Lord. He is for sure a loving God you can feel safe trusting!

      So glad you stopped by and left a comment!

      Lysa TerKeurst’s Ministry Team

  7. Jennifer Dougan

    Thanks, Lysa and P31 team. I know God is using your organization. And how exciting to hear how God revitalized your marriage years ago.

    Jennifer Dougan

  8. Jackie

    Your healthy insights provide all of us with encouragement and truth. When busy-ness means we must leave our children in caring hands in order to help others we kneel before the Lord God for directions. My marriage was breaking down for over 40 years. I was seeking the Lord as much as I knew how. Listening to your program was a important link. This august I was able to get my husband to go for help. After the second day we found a huge miracle from the Lord. We are now restored and back on track. Praise the Lord for prayer and good tools to save our marriage. Bible study is always import growth for all.
    God Bless you.
    Jackie and Rod

  9. Another Mrs Dougan

    I googled “finding a way to read the bible whilst traumatised” and this hit came up.

    I already receive your updates in my inbox, but to be honest I was hoping for some practical suggestions on this page.

    My husband died and it was Christmas Day on which he collapsed a few years ago. I’ve been cycling and skiing to create a health diversion from the death, but I was hit by a car whilst cycling and now I have a fractured shoulder and pelvis and cheekbone and finger, and can’t treat my own patients, so financial worries and worries about my future, too.

    Was also already through one trauma this year already, which was unspeakably horrible and can’t even mention it.

    I feel paralysed from opening the bible, almost like a medical “locked in syndrome” in spiritual terms. God knows this, yet I need to read His word, yet paralysed from so much trauma.

    Jesus please mediate Your presence and the Father’s presence to me – out of options and really feeling like Job.
    Mrs D.
    ps. by the time you read this, I reckon I will be somewhat past this episode, but I just had to vent.

    • Another Mrs Dougan

      “healthy” not health, sorry – that’s the concussion! It (the accident three weeks ago) crushed my cycling helmet into three pieces and I have a concussion as well.

    • DeAnna

      I sure hope that you have found your way to Him, Mrs. Dougan. He is such a good God and His love for us is overwhelming and nothing can separate us from Him. Keep pressing on sister.

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