Stop carrying the weight of holding everything and everybody together and surrender what you’re most worried about into God’s fully capable hands with my free resource, “Am I Trying To Control the Uncontrollable?


5 Reasons Your Boundaries Aren’t Working

September 29, 2022

You can love them, but you can’t change them.

Have you ever found yourself in a relationship that sounds like this? 

You’ve prayed about this challenging situation. You’ve talked about this. You’ve tried to navigate it or even tried to stop it. But in the end, nothing has worked, even when you think you’ve set parameters in place. They’re still acting the same way, the relational tensions are higher than ever, and your mind is screaming “I can’t keep doing this… something has to change.”

It’s a terribly hard truth to accept, but what if learning we can’t change other people is actually one of the most freeing truths we could embrace? While we can’t control their behavior, we can draw effective boundaries that will actually lead to healthy progress for the relationship. If you need help navigating this, I created a free resource just for you. 

When you download I Can’t Keep Doing This: 5 Reasons Your Boundaries Aren’t Working, you will be equipped to:

  • Overcome the frustrating cycle of ineffective boundary-setting by applying practical strategies to help you communicate, keep, and implement healthier patterns.
  • Give yourself permission to draw necessary parameters in a Godly way even when the other person disagrees, is disappointed or disregards your needs.
  • Answer specific questions that will help you discern what your feelings are, what you’re comfortable with and why certain boundary practices aren’t working for you right now.

Click here to download your free copy today!

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