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The Importance of Having Honest Conversations

June 24, 2020

We all need friends we can trust. Those we can have honest conversations with in the midst of our pain and confusion. People who don’t pull away when things get messy.

If you’ve felt stuck in past hurts, I would love to be that friend for you today.

I understand, deeply and personally, how hard it is when someone does something unchangeable that also feels unforgivable. I’ve cried countless tears and wrestled through so many questions.

That’s why I want to tell you about The Word Alive event. It happened a few days ago, but you can still access it TODAY. It’s a time of worshiping together. Opening up God’s Word together. And I share “5 biggest misconceptions about forgiveness” while telling more of my own story of heartbreak and healing.

You’ll also hear a conversation I had with one of my own dear and trusted friends, Dr. Derwin L. Gray. He let me ask him questions about how we have healthy, biblical conversations about racism right and other positive steps to take. And he did such an amazing job of taking us back to Scripture and offering us much needed wisdom. Honestly, I think it’s a conversation every family needs to listen to.

And because my friends at LifeWay have graciously extended the availability of this event, you can still register for The Word Alive and view the replay at any time until July 13th.

Get your access to watch here.

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