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Why Isn’t God Answering My Prayer?

October 22, 2018

When God doesn’t seem to be answering our prayers, it can be hard.

Sometimes, downright awful. Heartbreaking. Soul-shaking. One minute I’m determined to trust God. In the next, I feel myself slipping.

The “why” questions tumble in so hard. My heart hurts. My eyes leak. Can you relate?

The hard realities we’re facing can really make us believe that God isn’t hearing our prayers. And when our cries seem to go unanswered, His timing can feel questionable, His lack of intervention hurtful and His promises doubtful.

But the truth is … God loves us too much to answer our prayers at any other time than the right time.

At one time or another, we all feel the ache of these “why” questions when our situations don’t seem to be getting the attention they need from God. That’s why I’ve written a 5-day devotional called, Why Isn’t God Answering My Prayer?

With this free devotional, you’ll be equipped to:

– Stop feeling suspicious about God’s goodness by discovering how to better understand and process the times when He seems silent.

– Find the hope your heart needs in the midst of deep disappointment by recognizing there is purpose in the process God is working out in your life.

– Learn how to trust that the Lord will answer your prayer in the right way, at the right time, with new perspectives you can embrace today.

Click here to download Why Isn’t God Answering My Prayer? and receive the help and hope you’re needing right now in this season.

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  1. Lydia

    I find people often forget that “no” is an answer too…and God says no sometimes. I don’t believe that there are “unanswered prayers” just not answered in the way we wanted. In truth, God knows what is best for us in that moment of our lives, or what will be best in the future that only He can see. It is all about Trusting Him, the One who is Omniscient.

  2. Denise Vernon

    Thank you Lysa for your words about Gods love for us and that our prayers are not answered at any other time than the right time. I needed to hear that.

  3. Lynn

    Thank you Lysa!

  4. Denise Pass

    Love this. When God seems silent, I think He is trying to get my attention to lean in closer and draw nearer to Him—to trust Him in a deeper way as I wait on Him. <3

  5. Linda Goodlow

    Thank you so much for these words i needed to hear this today.

  6. DM

    Lysa, You’ve done it again, practical down home things we face. As I said before God is using you in real situations that didn’t show 2 years ago. There’s reasons why you’ve come through the storms. Thank God for your words.

  7. Vanessa Rivera

    This 5 day devotional has blessed me so much! Will there be a more expansive one coming out as well?

    • Lysa TerKeurst

      Hey Vanessa! Lysa will be diving into this topic deeply in her next book It’s Not Supposed to be This Way which releases November 13th. It is available for pre-order anywhere books are sold 🙂
      – Mary Scott, LT Ministry Team

  8. Anesu

    Sometimes I feel like God put you on this earth to work as conduit through which God answers my hearts cry. Time and time again I have cried out to God and He has answered me through your devotions. Thank you for your obedience. Thank you for you dedication. Thank you for being such a blessing.

  9. Anna

    You are a blessing to me.

  10. Lisa

    Oh the list it long, but at the top of it I’m praying for spiritual unity in our family. Without it, it’s a bumpy road, at best!

  11. Paula Carter

    I hope we can fine this book in the Library. I’m homeless right now and we love yo set and read this book.

  12. nancy

    I am inspired by your articles. They help me so much.
    Please please pray for me. I work with very condescending officials and I hurt almost everyday. I am 63 and have to work 2 jobs due to assisting my daughter (x heroin addict) I am ‘spent’ to say the least. I do remain grateful and pray for knowledge of His will for me and the poser to carry it out.

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