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Rest and Reassurance

February 26, 2018

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” — Matthew 11:28

We all have those times we wish the voice of God would audibly speak so loudly there’s no way we could miss it: “This is the direction I want you to go.” Then we’d know whether to stay the course or head in a new direction.

Have you ever wished for this kind of certainty? I have.

Most of us want to know what to do. Without that confidence, sometimes we stay in a place too long. But the greater loss happens in those times we quit too soon. Then, we can live with this nagging sense of “what if?” What if I’d persevered one more year, one more month, one more day?

Knowing when to stop and when to keep on keeping on is a crucial life lesson. One I want to learn well. Often, the more I struggle on my own, the less confident I am with the right next step. It’s exhausting!

But the truth is, I don’t need to be confused or tired. There is one central place I can go for direction and rest. In Matthew 11:28 Jesus encourages us, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

I used to get so frustrated with this verse because I thought, I don’t want rest. I want reassurance! I’m burdened by this decision I have to make. I don’t want to mess up by missing a cue from You, God.

But the rest Jesus offers is not a spiritual sleep aid. The Greek word for this kind of rest is anapauo, which has as one of its definitions, “of calm and patient expectation.”

In other words, Jesus is saying, If you come to Me, I will take your exhaustion and uncertainty and turn it into a calm expectation.

But how?

My friend Jennifer Rothschild does this enlightening exercise at some of her conferences. She tells the audience to imagine her writing two different words on a large chalkboard. She then speaks the letters as she draws the first word into the air . . . R-E-S-T.

She does the same for the second word . . . R-E-S-I-S-T. Then she asks what is the difference? The difference is, of course, “I.”

“I don’t know what to do.”
“I can’t figure this out.”
“I’m worn out.”
“I’ve tried everything I know to do.”
“I’ve given all I have to give.”

I’m familiar with these “I” statements because I’ve said them myself. We can only find anapauo rest—fresh hope—as we stop running ragged and simply take on the next assignment Jesus gives.

In verse 29 of Matthew 11, Jesus gives us the assignment: to take on His yoke and learn from Him. Ask Jesus to show you how to rest in Him. It might mean sitting quietly, asking others to join you in prayer, or clearing your calendar to read the Word. Once you’re still, take the next step. Not ten steps. Not the whole path. Not the Google map with the highlighted route. Just the next step.

Complete that step with excellence and an open, humble heart. Listen and look for all Jesus wants to teach you in this next step.

This is your part of the equation.

But after the assignment comes the reassurance in verse 30, “My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” We don’t have to have all the answers. We just have to stay connected to the One who does. Where our strength ends is the exact point where His will begins.

This is God’s part of the equation.

I must do all I can do. Then trust God will do what only He can do.

Should I stay? Should I go? Maybe the better question is, “God, what is the next step I’m to take today? I’m going to do my part. And trust the rest to You.”

Dear Lord, I am tired, and I can’t figure things out. Please help me see Your part in this equation. Where my strength ends is where Your will begins. Help me, Lord, to look to You for my very next step. I will wait in calm expectation. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

If you ever feel like it’s hard to hear God’s voice about all the chaotic noise competing for your heart’s attention… the struggles, the worries, the hurts, the betrayals… I understand.

Sometimes we underestimate how much courage it takes to release our desire to fix it all and make the choice to fix our eyes on Jesus. That’s exactly why I pulled together a collection of devotions from my recent books, blogs and personal journal for my new book, Embraced: 100 Devotions to Know God Is Holding You Close.

The devotional doesn’t release until March 27th, but if you pre-order your copy now you’ll receive free gifts including 14 days of devotions so you can start reading right away! Click here to get your copy of Embraced.

I’m also giving away 3 copies of Embraced today. To enter, leave a comment below telling me how you spend your quiet time with the Lord.

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  1. Sister Thomas Aquinas, OP

    Since reading Uninvited, I have hungered to read more from Lisa to nourish my spiritual life. As a Catholic religious Sister in education, “quiet time with the Lord” is a must — and often short-changed. One more lesson plan, one more stack of essays to grade, one more parent email to respond to… busyness crowds my free minutes and my quiet time with the Lord? Well, it just isn’t. Lately, I’ve been going for long, slow walks to still my mind and focus on the Lord. I imagine Him walking with me and I let my heart do the talking. I’d love to receive a copy of Embraced, to recharge and refocus — especially during this Lenten season! God bless you and thank you for everything, Lisa!

  2. Dawn Davenport

    I soend my quiet time with the Lord each morning before I go to work. I read from my bible and pray while sitting in my chair in the den. I feel this prepares me for the day ahead. I am a first grade teacher, a wife and a mom. Starting my day with God puts me on the right path.

  3. Beverly

    I spend quiet time with the Lord at night, before I go to bed. I enjoy using First5 for my devotional and reading through the Bible that way.

  4. Kim Dockery

    I get up early in the morning, sit in my big easy recliner, pray and read the Word!

  5. Stephanie

    Honestly, I struggle with finding the time to spend in “rest” with God. I am working on not just finding that place, but staying in the place and not letting my mind wander.

  6. Elizabeth Shafer

    I have 2 small children so my time with Jesus takes on different times. But I adjust as my kids change. I use to set my alarm for an hour before they woke up and spent time in the word that way, then they started waking up right before my alarm would go off (stupid satan) so now, I spend about 1-2 hours in the word during my youngest nap time. That was my time to clean house and shower, but what good is a clean house and clean body when my soul is heavy and burdened. I prefer a clean soul. 🙂 My Made To Crave devotional is almost over, so it would be awesome timing to get a new devotional to devour! 🙂 my quiet time with Jesus looks like this:
    Worship music. Read a devotional out of Made to Crave and Awaken. Do a day homework in which ever study my Bible study at church is going through. Journal. And then I’m in the process of reading through the Bible, so whatever my reading is for the day in my Bible plan. It fills me up. I can’t make it through the day without my time with Jesus. I am so desperate for the Holy Spirit as I raise a special needs child and balance that with being a pastor’s wife…

  7. Marie

    My way is not very original, but I am quiet with God, while still in my bed, as I am waking for the day. I am filled with a lot of peace during this time.

  8. Donna Thomas

    I get our homeschool started and then spend some quiet time while the kids are doing to same. I have my bible, bible app and devotional~

  9. Jane

    I spend my time re-orienting to see through His eyes. I’m learning to stop and seek Him. Not just answers from Him.

  10. Andrea Gautschi

    I spend my time with Lord in the morning in my closet reading the First 5 app daily Bible study. (I get up super early so I read in my closet where I won’t disturb anyone).

  11. Debbie Applegate

    I spend my quiet time reading thru the devotionals I have sent to my inbox like this one. I am trying to separate from my husband after 33 years of escalating emotional and financial abuse and then physical abuse last year. I struggle daily with what to do next while I go thru the process of working out a legal separation. This devotional spoke to me in a huge way. I don’t know where I will live or how I will live or what where I will go when we separate. My husband has mishandled and controlled the finances for our entire marriage and created a large amount of debt. I have been a stay-at-home and homeschool mom while our children were growing up. I must trust God to lead me to the next step…one day at a time. God is faithful. God is just. God it true. God is love. Thank you for this devotional. I would love a copy of Embraced.

  12. Tori

    At night after the kids go to bed. I so wish I was a morning person to do it before everyone wakes up.

  13. Amy

    Lately I try my best to spend time with the Lord before we start homeschool. But some days it’s while I am waiting for my daughter to finish voice lessons or another class as we are on the go. I have been really struggling with keeping my joy in the Lord because we are so busy with Ministry, family, and homeschool. I recently started a Bible Study on Fighting Back with Joy. These devotions sound like they will definitely be a blessing to many. Thank you for your Ministry and service to the Lord.

  14. Karen Addison

    I find the most powerful times of God speaking to me in quiet times is when I am outdoors. For me, the mountains (I live in Colorado) are the most powerful places where God speaks. He woos me with all He has created–the mountains, the blue sky, the vastness of our Earth, and that settles my spirit to be able to hear what He is saying. it also reassures me that He is truly the One True God! One time I was sitting on a mountain top completely devastated and confused and scared. I asked Him for a sign to show me He was still with me. And out of nowhere, He produced the most beautiful rainbow I had ever seen! Stretching across the entire valley! 🙂 And then I looked at a cabin that was next to me, and inside on the wall was a framed picture that said “Never ever ever give up.” That was one of the most powerful times I’ve had with the Lord! 🙂

  15. Alyssa

    Thank you for this. I am in a hurting lonely marriage. Our son and i attend church and pray alone. I endure a lot of verbal abuse and deceit but refuse to give up. This email from you could not hzve arrived at a better time. I just keep reminding myself that my husband doesn’t need abandonment because he is hurting and not working. I need REST and also remind myself thT CHRIST has to be my first focus. Thank you again.


  16. Christie Garrett

    I get up early in the morning and have my quiet time with God in my sun room where I can see God’s creation. Being able to look at His creation and fellowship with Him gives me a sense of closeness and peace that is indescribable.

  17. Rachel Plucker

    Not near enough…tends to be when I’m rocking my baby to sleep…sweetest time of the day!

  18. Nicole Taylor

    My time with the Lord is either in the early early mornings right before work – I will either sit with him listen to worship music, journal my prayers and heart, then wait to hear from God, I will then read a scripture or chapter the Lord leads me to read. When I don’t do it in the mornings, I try my best to spend time in the evenings before bed. or on the Weekends when my son is napping 🙂

  19. Laura W Smith

    Oh how I needed this encouragement today! It has been a wild but wonderful week. Within 7 days, just one week mind you, the Lord sent a couple from Florida to buy our home! We’ve been praying for 4 or so years about downsizing and miraculously they heard about our house via word of mouth. We are blown away and if the Lord works out all the details, we will have to be out in a little under 5 weeks! We don’t even have a place to live and haven’t even been looking. I am rereading tour book Lysa, Unglued, because that’s exactly how I feel right now. Like I’m coming unglued! I know the Lord has a purpose and a plan for suddenly allowing this right now and yet I am very anxious about what the next step is! Please pray we will trust Him to lead us where He wants us to be, whatever that looks like and wherever that may be!
    Needless to say my quiet time is even more important than ever, but it’s sure hard to be still and know that He’s God right this very minute!
    I need You, O I need You. Every hour I need You (actually each minute). My one defense. My righteousness. Oh God how I need YOU!!!

  20. Karen Sims

    I am recovering from a traumatic divorce, betrayal and abuse. My quiet time is reading first 5, scriptures and listening to music. I am resting in God’s word and searching for promises to carry with me through the day. This season of my life is teaching me to take the “I” out of the expectation.

    • Cori

      Precious sister, me too. I have found such healing with the help of Restore Ministries (and my Journey group of women). Passing this info on with a prayer for you. 💗

  21. Sarah Penick

    To be quite honest, I’m struggling with having quiet time with the Lord right now since my daughter was born in November. I read a quick devotional at night before bed after my baby is asleep and I do a lot of praying in the car on my commute to and from work.

  22. Keri

    For the past year I have had a relapse with severe depression and anxiety. My family have been so supported as well as my Doctor…why this happens, I dont know. I have fought so hard and talk to God all the time. I found myself saying…I am fighting hard…please God help me, help me stay strong…show me the path.. I know God is with me. I have to keep my faith strong. Sometimes i get so tired but God helps me find a way…always..

  23. Lisa

    I spend my quiet time with Jesus by retrieving to my closet, where there are no sensory distractions, as soon as I wake. Having no sound, light, etc. allows me to quiet my mind. I call upon the Holy Spirit to speak to me and to send me whichever gifts of the Spirit I am in need of at the time.

  24. Julie Millard

    Reading the Word, praying, sometimes staring into space and wishing for a nap.😉

  25. Danna

    It’s so simple to trust God. Why do we always seem to make it complicated and forget this basic advise? He’s always there. He is the one true and faithful guide to help us. He’s simply waiting on us to let go of trying to do things ourselves. Thank you Lisa for the reminder of this truth that we as people often forget.

  26. Denise Lawter

    My alone time with the dear lord is evening before bed time when I journal my thoughts and my prayers. I feel that if you write down your prayers, it easier to go back and reflect on them and continue to pray for solutions.

  27. Megan Carson

    I am in a season of life where I spend most of my time driving to and from graduate school so my quiet times are in the car. Sometimes that means worship music, prayers, and reading the Bible at red lights.

  28. Liz Thomas

    I read the Word, then write the Word (in my journal), then speak the Word out loud and finally pray the Word!!

  29. Wanda B

    Lysa, Rest and Reassurance could not have come at a better time for me. I am struggling right now. I just had to put my mom in a nursing home. My now sleepless nights are filled with anguish and I pray for God to reassure me that I have made the right decisions. I have spent so much time on my knees lately and the tears just pour down. I know God walks with me, but I am definitely struggling.

  30. Haylee

    I try to get up early in the morning, usually around 5 am, to get an hour of quiet and prayer/scripture time before all the kids get up and the day gets rolling. I’ve learned that if I don’t do it when everyone is asleep (besides the fact that the kids themselves can be a huge distraction), I tend to start in on chores like laundry or dishes, etc….unless I’m trying to be quiet as a mouse; we have a small house!

  31. Amy Benson

    Just what I needed to hear today! I spend time with the Lord five mornings per week. Reading the Bible, praying and reading a few pages of a book.

  32. Monica Smith

    Lysa, your post has met me right where I am, and yes, I am exhausted! This is one of my favorite verses. Thank you for bringing a new perspective. I’m wanting to make some big changes in my life and pursue God’s call to women’s ministry. There are so many steps I can take, but I’m not sure as to what the next step is. Thanks for your help in making the decision to lay it all before Him and ask Him for direction.
    Take good care, Lysa!

  33. Cynthia

    I spend time with God by reading the Bible and my devotional in the mornings. This helps me feel more grounded and gives me the strength to face the day.

  34. D.T.

    Definitely needed to hear this today. God’s timing is amazing. Definitely, need to watch my “I Statements” and turn it over to HIM. Usually, listen to Christian music in the vehicle whenever driving, pray before I go to sleep at night, in the morning when I wake up and also in the shower!

  35. Vicky D

    I have been trying some Bible journaling to spend time with the Lord.

  36. Anna

    I do my quiet time with the Lord after I wake up, while still in bed. I go through a couple YouVersion Bible app plans, and then journal what I take away from it and what I feel He’s speaking to me. During this time I also try to sit in silence, and He usually brings a word of line from a song and I meditate on that a bit. I also spend a good amount of time soaking in worship songs.

  37. Sandra Walls

    I have a special area in my bedroom that I spend my quiet time, during the winter. I sit in my prayer chair! During the summer I pick a nice place on our wrap around porch and have my quiet time. This summer my husband and I are going to finish up my prayer cabin. Then that will be my special spot.

  38. Valerie Brady

    I begin my day with the Lord in the morning and I check back through out the day. I can’t make it without him.

  39. Lila Diller

    I spend time with the Lord in several different ways. I usually listen to praise and worship music while making breakfast and doing housework. I then study my Bible after breakfast. Then I also speak to Him and listen to Him m in prayer throughout the day, whenever I think of something I want to bring to Him.

  40. Ramona Brenneman

    I get up early every morning so I can spend at least an hour in the Word before work. It is much easier to have this quiet time in the morning before the day starts. The only setback is that my cat – Otis – also likes to read the Bible. I now have 2 or 3 Bibles open so he can lay on one and I can read one. This system is working well for both of us!

  41. Jen

    It varies for me. Many times, it is on my lunch break at work. Other times it’s at night while my kids are watching television or doing homework. The weekends are usually when I have the most time. I like to have a devotional book that provides a daily scripture reading and then a guide that asks challenging questions to help me understand better what I read.

  42. Pamalee White

    I spend my quiet time with the Lord by beginning on my knees in prayer….that is my rightful place to start the day…at His feet. Then I read the Chronological Bible – this is a wonderful way to enjoy God’s Word, year by year. It is so exciting to see such things as Saul chasing David, interspersed with David’s Psalms which quite possibly were written during this time. It is such a beautiful picture of Biblical history. (Note: this is not my study Bible; only my devotional Bible.) Then I write in my journal things to praise God for and be thankful for. Then on many days, I walk for 25 minutes listening to praise songs. I am fueled to begin the day walking with my Lord.

  43. Tina

    Since my husband and I are “empty nesters” our house is pretty quiet. I love mornings and he loves late night. We have an all season sunroom that is surrounded by large windows on three sides and looks out over a mountain side, woods and a pond. My time with the Lord is when I look out those windows and see the moon or a star or two left from the night before; or if it is a little later the sun barely peeping over the mountain welcoming a new day. This is my opportunity to say ” Good Morning Lord, thank you for another day”.

  44. Irene Talaasen

    I aim to spend my quiet time with the Lord, thanking and praising Him and reading the devotion for the day and praying for those on my prayer list. My heart wants to be thankful and expectant!
    Irene Talaasen

  45. Jessica Alexander

    I have young children, so I have been struggling with how to fit in a quiet time. I’m too tired to wake up before them, too tired to try it during nap time, and exhausted in the evening after they go to bed. I know these are excuses, and each one falls right into the “Resist/I” category. I appreciated reading this today. I need both kinds of rest, and this gives me hope as to Who I can cling to! Thank you, Lysa! Excited to hear you live at the Word Alive Conference in OKC!

  46. Diana DeSpain Schramer

    I spend time with the Jesus before even getting out of bed with prayer and devotional and Scripture reading. I journal about what leaps out at me in the readings, and anything else I feel the Holy Spirit is revealing to me or lays on my heart. I also do Centering Prayer for 20 minutes twice every day and talk to Jesus and listen to Him all throughout the day (and night when I wake up). He truly is my Best Friend.

  47. Anita

    I love to spend at least 20 min every day in prayer and scripture reading at my favourite nature spot – a little waterfall and flowing river near my house. Nothing beats sitting in quiet solitude with the peaceful sounds of nature all around, assured of God’s faithful presence and safely held in God’s wonderful embrace!

  48. Jeanne Keena

    I usually spend my time with Lord throughout the day -while driving my kids to and fro. You see me and my daughters are navigating through some difficult times and I know I need God’s grace and Mercy, but I do struggle with the ‘what if’ and the journey I’m
    On. I’d love a copy if your book. It said to leave comment I hope this counts as an entry.

    God Bless you
    Jeanne Keena

  49. Bridget Lynch

    I spend time with The Lord by bringing my tea or coffee, and sitting in my spot. I get up early, on purpose, to carve out time for The One that renews and refreshes my soul. Let me just say that I could have used a lot more time with god this morning. My 19 month old is very whiny right now and momma needs some sanity- including quiet time with God. He’s napping now. So I’m scarfing lunch and diving in, girls! Thank you, Lysa, I definitely needed this! Xoxo

  50. Kristin

    I received this message at just the right time as always. I look forward to diving deeper into my relationship with God through this book. Love you Lysa!

  51. Carrie

    I savor each morning–or evening–that I am able to sit quietly in our family room: ready to hear from and pour out my heart to God. On occasion, when I cannot do this, I feel a sadness–like missing a good friend that you see daily.

  52. Cindy

    Age makes no difference, we All have times when we need to Feel Embraced by God and sure of His presence. Looking forward to this devotion as a tool to turn my heart and thoughts toward our Jesus!

  53. Becky

    Lysa, I needed to hear this today. Thank you.

  54. Cori

    I get up early, and either go to my prayer closet or snuggle under a blanket on the couch for my prayer and Scriture time. I have been trying to journal more consistently too.

  55. Debbie

    A word in due season! I tried to keep up with First 5 and got terribly off track. My schedule has had me constantly in motion since November when my husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I’m hoping on the other side of this journey I will be able to get back on track and be able to have my quiet time!

  56. Margaret

    Due to the recent death of my mother and my father’s declining health, my quiet times aren’t as “structured” as they once were, so I rely heavily on the email devotions I receive and a few minutes here and there much more than I did.

  57. Karen Burton

    I often think of the lyrics of old hymns when I’m praising and thanking the Lord.

  58. Melisa

    You are such an inspiration and bring so much hope to me and my family. We share so many similarities in our stories and I loved you from the first Daily Devotional I ever read from you. 🙂 Your strength and perseverance lately are nothing short of God’s Grace and Mercy. I am praying for you. I spend my time with God first thing in the morning upon awakening with First 5, then when I get to work I read my daily devotionals from Proverb 31 before I answer any emails or take on any projects! It sets the tone or my day. I would love a copy of your new book as I am sure it will be a blessing!

  59. Christy

    I spend my quiet time by preparing first in prayer so God can cleanse my heart and prepare me to hear from Him. Then I read His Word & answer questions in a study I’m doing now. Followed by prayers for my family & other’s requests.
    *Loved what you had to say in your blog bc it’s where I’m at right now. Seeking direction to stay or move on with a job and for rest bc life is just very busy as a mom and wife. Thanks!

  60. Stephanie

    Boy, I’m so glad I received this email this morning. I’m a teacher and a military spouse. My husband and I are expecting our first child very very soon. There are a lot of uncertainties coming up soon, and I feel scared. I feel stuck. I feel worried. And I can’t rest because I want to know what to do to prepare for the tomorrows. It’s hard.

    I pray in the morning or evening when I’m in the shower or bathtub. That’s when I feel most present and calm. That’s when I ask God to listen and give me wisdom and guidance.

  61. Diana

    I spend quiet time with the Lord between 2-4am in the morning. Often, I am awakened and feel it is to have my prayer time and “talks” with God. Often, I get great wisdom and peace at that time.

    I don’t necessarily read the Word, but I seem to hear God’s voice quite clearly when it is dark and quiet. I am grateful for realizing that this is God’s time not insomnia.

  62. Sarah C

    I have come to realize that our life is wholelistic, not compartmentalize, and the “read your bible and pray every day” mentality created a sense of guilt and failure when I didn’t meet that expectation. As i have been raising 5 kids under 12 years of age, and living a life devoted to Jesus, cross-culturally this sense of Abiding that Jesus taught is beautiful. Meditating on stories of his life and how “normal” (cultural and cross-cultural) he is, is beautiful. He did much of his teaching organically with others at their homes and at their tables, taking walks, at events and festivals, on a hill side, by the sea, in their village. Our devotion stagnates unless we are aware of his presence in all aspects of our life and relationships. Sure, quiet moments are needed—and desired, but he gives that calm communing with Himself on a daily basis…… I look forward to reading your book, Lysa. Thanks.

  63. Charmaine Meintjes

    I have a devotion book next to my bed. After my husband brings my tea in the morning I read a devotion and pray about what I have read. This helps me to get my mind right before I get up and see the dogs and household tasks I need to complete for the day. Before my husband leaves for work I pray for him and over his day. Later, after my husband has left for work, I do my “quiet time”. I have a prayer binder I set up a few years ago. It has sections that guide me through my prayer time. Then I spend about an hour doing in depth Bible study. At the end of the day, before bed, my husband and I pray together again. I normally read the morning’s devotion again before I get into bed. Sometimes you find things you may have missed on a first reading.

  64. Ana Pena

    My quite time is before bed, I pray and read the bible. It calms me before going to bed.

  65. Mary Bender

    This devotional alone is confirmation that God is worki my right now. I’m a mom of 4 and help run a women’s ministry called the connection. I love the name of the we are launching a monthly women’s event on 3/26 called embrace!!! It’s geared towards young women.
    I fight daily to keep my quiet time. Waking early…I’ve even hid myself in the garage before 🤣. I do what’s needed for that time. Very much looking forward to this!!

  66. Susan Currie

    I came out of the womb worrying 🙂 lol. I have had several challenges in my life that have caused me to be stressed out and as a result, I suffer from anxiety. It is a daily struggle and my counselor is now having me meditate to rid of the negativity and swirling of “life” in my head. I trust fully in the Lord but I am practicing giving things up to Him to handle because I myself cannot do it on my own. Having a regular regimen will help me stay focused and this will become a habit, which is the structure that I need to keep my faith in check. I love your positive outlook and impact on life and thank you for making a difference in the lives of others.

  67. Florence

    This has always been my favorite verse. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  68. Cris-Annette

    I spend time in His word each morning for a little bit before I get ready for work. I also spend my quiet time with God during my commute to work each morning.

  69. Candyce

    I’ll be honest with everyone,

    I haven’t been doing my quiet time for months, and I feel it in my soul. I feel an emptiness and a dryness. I’m not sure what happened but it was a slow spiral. I see how it has affected me life.

    Well I had my first quiet time again this morning, and I can already see how it has impacted my day. I plan on returning my first few moments with God in the morning. This would be perfect for that. Thanks for the opportunity. Hope I win!

  70. Elisabeth

    Thanks for your encouragement Lysa! I am going through Made to Crave right now (book and study with a group) and it is so life-giving!
    I spend quiet times with Jesus in the mornings, waking before my daughter wakes up. Coffee, my Bible, a journal and sometimes a devotional. Imperfect progress!

  71. Kimberly

    Hello Lysa,
    I wanted to say thank you for the message in today’s post that I can only believe has seemingly come from God himself. I begin every day by spending time in God’s Word. I read a daily devotional, I enjoy bible plans on the YouVersion bible app, and I love the Proverbs 31 ministry app. Sometimes I can feel slightly overwhelmed, sometimes my mind wanders off and I feel disconnected …. but sometimes the Word of God comes blaring through in a message like yours today. Your words in this post are the very words my heart cried out to God last night and this morning ! What an incredible feeling it is to be reassured of His hand on my shoulder and reminded to “patiently expect” His guidance.

    With sincere gratitude,
    Kimberly Cram

  72. Loretta Johnson

    Well sadly, my quiet time is pretty lame. I do try to head a blueletterbible today’s reading and prayer’s when they are ‘needed’. I know I tend to see my heavenly Father as my earthly father and I wasn’t really on his radar much and so have a hard time believing I am on God’s radar. But I won’t give up!

  73. Bambi Griffin

    My quiet time is before I get out of bed. I always thank God for a brand new day and for guiding and directing me by the Holy Spirit. I read out of a Joyce Myers Devotional in the evening, read the proverb for the day. I also like to listen to the scripture audio versions that are available online. I pray throughout the day as I remember family etc needing prayer. Christian television is a very important part of my day. I would love to have your devotional to read on a daily basis. Thanks for sharing your life and the Word with me.

  74. Donna

    Thank you so much for this email
    A friend sent me this email
    We are all in situations where we feel God is listening to our prayers but stalling in responding to us
    We are like the Israelites wandering in the desert for fourty years going round in circles

    Asking God how long must we wait
    I am like a petulant child , wanting God to appear as a human and hug me and say it’s ok I am here for you, rest, trust me hold my hand and I will walk you through the ups and downs of your life
    I was made by you
    I was made for you
    So all we can do is trust God to see us get through our hurts, grief, struggles, joys, triumphs, life
    Hand it over to God

  75. Emily

    I spend my time with the Lord in prayer, devotions, at church and talking to Him throughout the day. I need to be better about my reading His word daily.

  76. Margaret

    Some kind of daily Bible study or journaling

  77. Wendy Martinez

    I have to be honest and say mornings are hard for me, but this morning I made it happen and plan to continue. Right now it is just reading through Phillippians for a few minutes each morning. I love praying in my car or at night right before bed.

  78. Amy Ford

    Loved the devotion today, Lysa. I read it as I am sitting at work, 2 hours into a 12 hour day of dealing with people’s anxiety and distress (I am a counselor educator). Rest is the beauty in the stuckness.

    My daily routine with the Lord is to rise early, spend 20 minutes doing a light cardio workout, then a cup of coffee and the Word. For me, connection with the Lord is holistic, through Spirit-Body-Mind. Physical exercise awakens my body; the breath opens my heart to the Spirit. Then I hear the Lord so clearly. It is transformative.


  79. Melissa Warden

    My quiet time is usually spent nursing a newborn or in the quiet mornings with a 2 year old (sometimes both). This season of “quiet” isn’t exactly quiet but my Jesus meets me where I am.

  80. Pam

    Thank you, Lysa, for the encouraging word today. My husband a d I are seeking the Lord’s direction and wee seem to tasks ones step ahead then rethink and back step. We want to do what the Lord’s will. Thank you again for the lesson on REST or RESIST!

  81. Catherine Newell

    My quiet time is usually at the end of the day, when I’m lying in bed winding down from the day. I spend time with my devotions and in prayer.

  82. Amanda Olsen

    First thing in the morning with my coffee…. but the past month has been hectic and I’m out of sync…. trying to get back on track!! ⚓️💗

  83. Amy

    As a high school teacher, mom, wife–human being, finding any quiet time is next to impossible. Yet, due to some of my student’s needs, I had to move my lunch time. Because of that, I can’t eat with my department as I have in the past, but it has given me much needed margin. Not just in my busy work day, but it has become the 20-30 minutes I get to pray, read, and listen. I find that quiet among a desk burdened with papers, notes, emails to which I should respond, and loads of work to do, but I have found more solace in these 30 minutes of relative quiet and alone time than in the morning or evening times I have utilized in the past.

    I would love to check out your devotion book. At this point, I am definitely needing to feel purpose and the embrace of our Father in my current situation. Thank you for sharing this devotion today. Rest–anapauo—is exactly what I need.

  84. Faith Pharr

    I start my quiet time by staring out the window into God’s beautiful nature. I watch the squirrels or ducks and become mesmerized by the ripples in the water, feeling His presence and majesty. It’s so easy to praise! I then study and pray.

  85. Deborah Faulk

    I spend my quiet time with the Lord outdoors. I feel like that’s where it all started anyway. And there it’s so easy to thank Him for the little things we overlook everyday like birds chirping, the gentle breeze, the sunshine, etc. Feels very peaceful to me.

  86. Savana

    Loved this article! I just started reading your blog and this post was exactly what I needed to hear. It also related to a bible study Im going through as well. That’s how I know the Holy Spirit’s yelling at me now LOL
    My quiet time is in the afternoon when my husband goes to bed (he wakes up at the wee hours for work). I get this time for all my bible study, bible reading and prayer.
    Keep up the posts!

  87. Wanda Lattimore

    Hi Lysa,
    I am looking forward to your new book, Embraced. It is so comforting to know the struggle to discern the Lord’s voice is not a quest that is felt alone in the daily existence of my Christian walk. Many times, throughout the day, I call out in prayer that He may direct my next steps, nudge me with a certainty, yet days pass quietly whereby I feel He’s silent. I read inspirational books as yours and other great authors, I read the Bible’s related passages, listen to Marianne Williamson CDs as I travel, and watch evangelists as Joel Osteen, Beth Moore, and Jentezen Franklin. Other times, I softly chat with Him as a friend who accompanies my errands. While at times I feel spiritual messages being spoken directly to my heart, tearfully grateful for the assurance of words My soul thirsts; other days I’m left with a feeling that I’m lost in my own mindful wanderings. I often remind myself to ‘be still’ but in truthful transparency, I’m a planner and an action driven woman who needs to be ‘in the know’ lol. No doubt qualities the Lord is truly refining in His efforts to teach me patience 🙂
    Lysa, I am thankful for your gift of encouragement to women across the chasm of vast miles. Though a stranger having not met, you make it sweetly easy to feel like a friend who truly understands. I pray for you and hope the Lord is restoring your health, guarding your safety, and healing your tears. I wish you and your family His sovereign blessings. _W

  88. Stacy Barfield


  89. Michelle Reed

    After quite some years I have found that the best time is any time to sit still in the presence of the Lord. I have found an app that has a background of a rambling brook that keeps me centered and in peace when I close my eyes and praise God quietly or out loud. I feel centered and then I pray and/or read God’s word which makes me feel like I am really just having a conversation with my Heavenly Father. I would love to do this more often and have found myself repeating what I have heard you say over and over, just spend time with HIM he is patiently waiting.

    Thank you for being you and allowing the Lord to bless so many. May God continue to Bless you and your family.

  90. Kasia

    There’s times or seasons I struggle with getting “away” for my time with God.
    However I have a spot on my couch where I can look outside my big living room window…. there’s nothing exciting really to look at – I live in a city and I’m looking across the street to see roofs of houses and some trees, but seeing the fresh snow on the roofs or trees or beautiful blue sky makes me think of my Creator.
    I have a little stool turned table where I keep my Bible and prayer devotional and that’s where I will spend my time with God – reading, praying, crying, singing or listening to music.
    I’d love to receive a copy of your devotional, Lysa!
    Your ministry is a blessing and so much appreciated!
    May God continue to bless you and direct your steps, especially during the struggles.

  91. Julanne

    Your message is perfect for me right now! I take my rosary with me when I walk my dog and that is my quiet time with God….some walks definitely require a lot more miles than others depending upon what is going on in my life and who I’m praying for but I love that I’m outside in His creation, talking to Him and feeling him walking beside me.

  92. Mindy

    I like to get outside and walk to be close to the Lord. It’s easy to carry on my side of the conversation, but I frequently struggle with being quiet to listen for His voice.

  93. Martha

    My quiet time is before bedtime. I will read Scripture and devotions for awhile, and then when I’m feeling hit in particular by what I’m reading, I will stop and sit with Him. I pray and share my feelings, concerns, and gratitude, and just sit in His presence. <3

  94. Kim McCormick

    I would love a copy of your new book. I spend quiet time with reading God’s word every morning with the First 5 Devotional and Bible study and then also at night before I go to bed, I read the Proverbs 31 Ministries devotional during the week and on weekends I have a Bible Study app on my phone. I am so thankful for all the easy ways I have found to surround myself in Bible study and God’s word and extremely thankful for your messages, they make so much sense and ring so true to me. Thank you for sharing your gift of understanding God’s word and making it easier for folks like me.

  95. Alex Andrews

    I’m usually in a hurry and don’t spend but about 5-10 minutes in the morning for my quiet time and sometimes I even skip my quite time. Those are the days I can tell I skipped my quiet time and start thinking “dang, I should have made time for my quiet time this morning” and this usually happens after the fact I have exploded on someone and I start to feel that sickening feeling of regret after it happens.

  96. Terra

    I get into my First 5 App every morning to fill up with Truth and then I either go to my closet to pray and talk to God. or if I am working that day, I pray while I drive!!

  97. Kelly

    My quiet time is prayer when I go to bed at night and before I get up every morning. I also reflect on blessings and things I am grateful for.

  98. Tina B

    I love to listen to preaching throughout my day while giving God glory,honor and praise for the things he has blessed me with as well as thank him for what he is doing in my life. I like to read my scriptures and study them out. God is good and deserves our time and dedication.

  99. Amanda

    I usually do my Bible study while my kids are playing, but I do my praying in the car on the way home from dropping the oldest at school. The only quiet I’ll get! 🙂

  100. Pamela Hale

    I enjoy spending time reading my Bible in the morning with my English Toffee coffee. I enjoy journaling in my Bible while reading. My goal is to read through the Bible in a year. Thank you , Lysa for sharing with us.

  101. Melanie

    Using my YouVersion Bible plans, I soak in God’s Word and then I pick up my prayer journal and write prayers down. Something about the writing keeps me plugged into the source and often I find myself writing God’s sweet answers to me. This has turned into sending my husband prayers and devotionals via text to read at work. This is especially powerful in that we are dealing with much in our marriage and God’s word is doing a work in us.

  102. Elizabeth

    I like reading at night and typing out on my computer what I got out of what I read, such as how I can apply it to my own life.

  103. Laura Jackson

    I do prayer journaling with my Bible time. I read a chapter of scripture a few times in a row until it’s clear. Then I pray based off of what the Word said, trusting God to bring people and situations to mind.

  104. Michelle

    Often times my best times with the Lord coming while my special needs daughters are in therapy and I’m waiting for them. The waiting time becomes God time for me.

  105. Jenna Moore

    I like to get up early every morning before I leave my bedroom and spend at least 30 minutes praying and reading the Word and my daily devotional. Even if I have a lapse in judgment after I leave the room, at least I know I started the day right.

  106. Crystie Hicks

    I have learned that devotions help my ADD mind slow down. I have two on my phone and pretty sure your book should be the next one. I also have you Facebook page as one of the first ones I see if you post. It forces me to slow down and read.

  107. Stacey Chambers

    I spend most of my time with God in the evening after I get home from work after I’ve settled in for the evening.

  108. Rewa ZENO

    Get up before everyone awakes, light candles, Be still and listen for his sweet Good Morning to me and then read first five and In touch. Pray and listen to worship music.

  109. Shawnia

    I go in my backyard sit quietly and call to the Lord. He is my strength. I am facing the hardest battle I have ever faced. But I believe with all my heart He is going to heal me. I will cling to Him always His name will forever be on my lips❤️❤️❤️

  110. Anne Marie Molster

    My favorite quiet time of the season permits is on my porch early morning or late evening with worship music, my bible and journal. When it’s too cold, my bedroom will do.

  111. Jennifer

    After the alarm goes off, i begin thanking God for waking me for another day here on earth. Before I get up, I read my devotionals that are emailed to me and then I pray to him to help me through what I feel I need at that point. My prayers continue all day, especially now, I’m having a rough start to the new year.

  112. Kayla Torrez

    I read my Bible along with my First 5 app, then journal, then I’ll workout and listen to worship music.

  113. Shannon

    I read from a daily devotional.

  114. Stephanie

    Most days it’s during my lunch hour. Either at my desk or, if it’s nice out, walking outside. It’s a nice reminder in the middle of the day to refocus on what really matters.

  115. Gretchen Schutter

    Thank you Lysa. We will be starting Uninvited study this Saturday (ladies group). I am so looking forward to it! We continue to pray for you and your family.

    I like my quiet time before bed as it helps to calm my spirit and mind before bed. Otherwise, I think and worry about everything that happened during the day. Ultimately, I would like to have a quiet time in the morning and at night. I am working up to that.

  116. Micah Dodd

    After my daughter gets on the bus in the morning I have my quiet time. Sometimes it’s just me and my Bible, others it’s a devotion book or Bible Study.

  117. Linda Miltzow

    Thank you for the reminder of rest, no matter the season of life we are in.
    Finding quiet time in today’s world can easily become non-existent. Even the really good things can dominate our days (and nights!) and use up the precious moments we want to set aside for the Lord for rest and refreshing. I’ve learned that the hard way. I have found for me that this works best for me in the early morning. Reading The scriptures, and pondering His word to me, maybe even jotting down a note or two as a way of reflection again throughout the day what. I find His word bring life, joy, peace and rest to the deepest parts of my soul, so that even when I have crazy busy months (like this February has been) I am not overwhelmed or stressed.
    All of this combined with a good amount of sleep…don’t underestimate what physical rest will do for you, friends. It is necessary and it is okay to lay it all down for the day. Enough is enough. Put your jammies on and go to bed. Remember the words of Jesus from Matthew 11:28…”Come to Me. I will give you REST.” For tomorrow, and for the next day, and for forever!

  118. Sherry Holton

    My favorite time with God is outside, walking and enjoying His creation. I pray and talk to Him about the realness of what is on my heart.

  119. Stephanie

    I have learned to take some “me and Jesus” time. I sit with a daily devotional and read a few minutes at some time during my day. I have also started a journal. I write down all my thoughts, worries and prayers. I am learning that once I write them down, I leave them on the page and for GOD auto have his way.

  120. Laurie Staalberg

    I suffer from anxiety and sometimes it’s just plain hard to refocus. When I’m spent, emotionally and physically, I just have to sit down in a quiet spot, in a quiet room. This helps me to calm down, and hear what the Lord is trying to tell me to do next. I realize that I don’t have to do this alone.

  121. Tonyia Stewart

    I get up every morning at 4:30 and read a devotional then do the First 5 – When I get home in evening, I try to take time to do a little more reading of His Word. It’s been a struggle to get started, but now I enjoy reading His Word. I started way to late in life, struggling with some things, learning scripture and memorizing verses to repeat and say over my life. So thankful for His grace and mercy!

  122. Rose Roggow

    Early in the morning I meditate, pray, thank God and read. A quiet house tends to let you listen more carefully to God’s guidance.

  123. Jennifer Hendren

    Early in the morning, it is so quiet and peaceful. Just finished my first OBS, my first ever bible study, and looked forward to it every morning because it helped me dig into The Word. It was a great foundation for my relationship with our Father.

  124. Char

    I am always up very early, not necessarily by choice. I then get my coffee and sit at my desk in the quiet, pray, do my devotions and read my bible. My day doesn’t feel right if I don’t start each day this way.

  125. Jodi

    I like to have my quiet time in the mornings. I have been reading Proverbs 31 Ministries devotionals that are sent to me. I also go back and forth with different books and online resources. I was struggling with my prayer time. I had such a huge list of prayer requests I would get overwhelmed by it. I heard about someone who made a prayer journal. They broke down what they pray for each day. That has been a HUGE thing for me. I now have different things for each day. One day is family and friend’s needs, one day is for our countries leadership, one day is praying for missionaries….You get the idea.

  126. Susan

    Talking to Him and thinking on His Word.

  127. Chelley

    I wake in the morning and do my daily bible reading in bed before I do anything else. Then I get my praise and worship on in the car in my way to work and in the way from work, this helps to get my mind right before heading out and again after dealing with the public! I end my day reading my devotion either in the quiet of the easy chair in the living room or in my bed. I plan on several times in case life gets crazy and I miss one, I still have other time already planned.

  128. Sheri

    I find writing out the Bible comforting and peaceful.

  129. Jennifer

    My quiet time comes at the end of the day when the house is still and I can read scripture. I’m not always the best at maintaining my quiet time, especially if the mind is full. I’m afraid I’m still a work in progress.

  130. Lyn

    Finding quiet time with Poppa God these days is more difficult for me but I always make sure to begin and end each day talking with Him. It may just be a short, “Goodnight, thank you for being with me through the day.” , or a “Good morning Poppa, I love you.” and I find a scripture to read during the day.

  131. Brenda

    I struggle to find time with the Lord, I have not been disciplined and am so distracted lately. I pray throughout the day to him, I worship while driving in the car, and I end the day with my family in prayer.

  132. Stephanie Lucy

    First thing in the morning. Just God, me, and the dog!

  133. Brittney

    In the morning while coffee is brewing i read his word and a daily devotion and prayer. Then lately at night i sit and write reflecting my day looking at the good things at life that i was blessed with.

  134. Charlene

    I like to spend some time early morning with God. Best way to start my day! And often spend more time in the word before bed ❤️

  135. Sherryl

    Thank you so much for this word today! The Lord has laid the word “rest” on my heart as my word for this year. I am trying to learn to just rest in Him instead of trying to take on too many things in my life. I like to think of it as floating down the river on an inner tube – He will lead me where I need to go if I just rest and stay put on that inner tube of faith! It may end up being a peaceful and serene river, or one filled with rapids, but either way I will be at rest in Him.

  136. Lisa

    When I first open my eyes in the morning I say, Good Morning Lord…I love you. I grab my phone and open The Bible App and start my quiet time with Him. One of the perks of being single. I don’t need to be or do anything for anybody else. I so cherish my time with Him!

  137. Holly

    Wow. This message really hit home with me. I just prayed that God would help me to learn how to better understand and discern his voice and I read your post For today. I love to spend time with God in nature either listening to the birds or near the water. There is something so wonderful about connecting with him outside where you can experience his glorious creation!

  138. Linda

    Just started to intentionally sit and focus on what God has to say to me. Finishing up the study on Discerning the Voice of God and practicing having a stance of anticipating what God has to say to me and expecting it. Sitting quietly is pretty difficult for me, but I am practicing –

  139. Amanda

    Running an in-home daycare, naptime is usually the only quiet time I get. When everyone is sleeping I take that time to recharge and spend time with God. This settles my mind and Oreos me for the afternoon

  140. Lara Ludwick

    I spend my waking moments with the First 5 app so I can start my day with whispers from God. Today’s post is so timely, because I spent my morning journaling my heart out to the Lord. Telling Him how mentally exhausted I am that I don’t know what to do next. And as I released all my worries, my concerns, my fears to Him, He gave me clarity and a gentle reminder to go back to my priorities of God first, family (and myself) second, and my business third, then it will all fall into place. Because I know that I am going to do all that I can, and that He is going to do the rest. Thank you for sharing your heart with us too.

  141. Cheryl

    Thank you for the encouragement. I have felt so stuck lately and unable to move forward or backward.

  142. Katie Laven

    Before my kids get up for school, I sit in my room and follow the ACTS prayer method: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication. I keep a prayer journal and a gratitude journal, as well as pray through Beth Moore’s Praying God’s Word. Lastly I read a devotion and then I’m ready (usually 😉) to face the day.

  143. Elizabeth

    First thing before my house wakes up…coffee with Jesus every morning!

  144. Coco

    My quiet time lately has been in the middle of the afternoon, when I have the house to myself, on my knees in prayer.

  145. Lisa

    I have been running ragged in ministry. A season great loss and transition has left me wondering, “How did I get back to this place of not sitting still and enjoying what is at present? Why am I doing so much more worrying again?” Your devotional has caught me red-handed being restless in His presence. I want His love to overwhelm me not my worries.

    Thank you.

  146. Brittany Hollis

    As an unexpected stay at home mom, it can be difficult to find quiet time studying the Word. Most days, like today, the stars align and both girls take their naps at the same time and I enjoy some much needed quiet, study time while they sleep!

  147. Kelly

    I am an early riser so I like to get up & start my coffee & feed the dog…sit down with my bible readings..devotional & journal my thoughts as the sun breaks thru the lightning sky.., it’s my alone time that helps me set the tone for the day..

  148. Kristi Hilmer

    I wake up an hour before my 3 kids and spend 30 min reading the Bible and 10-15 min praying. It’s my favorite part of the day and I notice a big difference in my attitude if I don’t wake up on time!

    Kristi Hilmer

  149. Erin Elizabeth Karr

    Early in the morning when the rest of the house is still dreaming. Me, a cup of tea, my bible and notepad.

  150. Tina Latterell

    Some days it is through a blog I read, some days it is through the music I hear, and other days it is just trying to listen and hear what he has to offer.

  151. Julia

    By moving all distractions away and sitting at the feet of my Saviour. But sometimes my quiet time includes worship music in the mornings reading the Word and journaling.

  152. Leslie M.

    My quiet time varies but usually in the car on the way to work – praising Jesus as I listen to the local Christian radio station and praying my hour commute away!

  153. Shari

    Your words always bless me! Thanks for sharing your heart!

  154. Hannah B.

    I’ve honestly been struggling to get a decent chunk of quiet time each day. Usually it would include a large cup of coffee in the morning, and short devotional. and prayer. But with 4 kids who are early risers, I admit it doesn’t always happen that way. Some days I just get in a prayer when I wake up and go to bed, some days I am able to read a quick 5 minute post (like many of yours Lysa), reflect and have a quick prayer. I do whatever I can, because I know something is better than nothing! <3

  155. Kendra

    I pray while I’m on my daily walk.

  156. Holly

    I go into a quiet room where I can pray and read my Bible. Right now I am using Beth Moore’s THE QUEST to help me become closer to God. It’s helping me be really honest with God without fear of offending God (as if He doesn’t already know what I think)!

  157. Jess

    Sometimes I do my devotions in the morning and other times, I do them at night before I go to bed.

  158. Alison

    Right now my quiet time happens after I drop one of my daughters at preschool, and get the other one down for her nap. I brew a cup of coffee and let in all the light into the kitchen that I can. I bring my journal, my bible, and my prayers for as long as I can linger there….unfortunately my daughter only naps for 40 min at a time. There is never enough quiet time!

  159. Gretchen Scoleri

    My time with him is daily in the morning on my sofa. But lately I’ve been trying to get a 1/2 day with the lord at the beach. Every few years i try to get away on a personal retreat with Him. That where i rest and connect with him

  160. Tina

    I sit at my kitchen table, looking out a very large window at my tree filled back yard and cornfield. I gather my several materials happily around me. I love to write out Scripture daily using Sweet Blessings list. This is a lovely quiet calm spot in my day.

  161. Darleen Farnell-Hudson

    Would love this for myself, but I know someone who I will give it too.
    Her husband is divorcing her & they have 20 month old son. She is still walking with God. These short devotions will be something she can grab, carry with her, read between caring for an active 20 month old to lift her spirits. Her name is Sabra

  162. Sue

    Currently reading Uninvited and prayer.
    You honesty has touch me greatly, and I am learning to let go and let God.

    • Sue

      Reading Uninvited and time in prayer.
      Can’t see a renewed relationship with our children, but faith is beginning to come back.
      Thank you.

  163. Makenzie Goeglein

    I am 19 and I am a full time nanny. I often fit in my quiet time in the sunroom during nap time. Life gets crazy chasing around 3 little boys and I love every minute of it. However I can’t help but to look forward to afternoon nap time, when I can sit back and study the word. Some days I just open a book in the Bible and I read. Other days read a devotion, take notes, or write out where I’ve witnessed God moved around me.

  164. Michelle Lee

    I wake up before my daughter so typically about 5:30 i get up and pray and read a devotional and find a scripture to meditate on. In this season of my life God is calling families to reunite. So also i am happy i get to pray with my mom on Thursdays we both get up and pray together and share scripture. I even just bring my daughter down stairs to be in the atomosphere even if she doesn’t fully understand what is going on right now.

  165. Sharon Dear

    I get up early (around 4:15), put my worship music on drink my coffee.. Then I pray and sometimes I just sit in his presence. After that I read the word. Sometimes I just read a few scriptures, sometimes I work on a current bible study and sometimes I read a devotional. Sometimes I just park my mind on one scripture and try breaking it down. I love spending time with Jesus!

  166. Phyllis

    I have been doing my quiet time in the evening before bed. To quiet the soul. I also read a verse each morning, just to start the day.

  167. Mikala

    I sit by our back patio window and pray the rosary. My favorite place and one of my favorite prayers.

  168. Andrea

    I read through the Bible every few years.

  169. Kim

    Each morning before my feet hit the floor I spend my quiet time with the Lord by following Christ’s example with the Lord’s Prayer and reading my devotion Bible. He was after all the perfect example God gave us to follow. Then through out the day when things come up I go to him immediately to seek guidance.

  170. Chelle W

    I admit my quiet times with the Lord are not as daily as they aught to be. Sometimes it can be superficial and “checklisty”. Some days, it’s all I can do to get a moment to meditate on a scripture or concept someone shared on Facebook while I was sitting in a parking lot waiting for a teen child to clock out from work. Other days, I might actually get time to read a whole chapter from scripture, or begin (but never finish) a word study based on the text of a certain verse I want to dive into more. Other days, my quiet time simply comes from turning on my Spotify praise and worship music station (which is different than much of the fluff Christian music that is often played on the radio these days) while I work on tidying the house, etc. Spending time with God doesn’t have to be difficult. It just needs to be consistent and genuine. That’s where I need to “step it up” more.

  171. Heather

    In the mornings, with a fresh cup of coffee and my notebook before the rest of the house is awake.

  172. Summie Roach

    My quiet time is usually in the morning, sitting on my comfy chair in my office, reading my devotion and journalling and drinking my coffee or tea. Then journalling praise and prayer and praying. Some times, it may be just having a conversation with Jesus in the shower then singing His praise in the car with Klove.

  173. Tessa

    I’ve been thinking of this a lot lately, because for so long I feel like I’ve erred on the side of staying when it was time to move. It’s really difficult to know sometimes what’s my part and what’s simply my grasping for control. I love the insight on the word for rest meaning “of calm and patient expectation;” so often we think rest means “of sitting still and not moving” and that’s all, but I’m starting to learn that maybe we can abide in His rest as we also take steps.

    My quiet time with the Lord is usually reading the word and journaling on it in the afternoon, then journaling my outpourings to Him in prayer before bed.

  174. Amber

    I’m a millennial. Before I get out of bed each morning for work, I open my bible app. I go through a couple plans, and I usually post an image from the app with the most compelling verse from my morning time spent with God across my social media accounts. I love to inspire others and put the word in their feeds!

  175. Jennifer

    With two small children, I don’t have much quiet time… but I always try to start my day with God for a few minutes before getting my kids up in the morning.

  176. Megan L.

    I’ve been having a hard time lately making quiet time to be with God. I like to try and get up early though and spend time reading His Word so I can try to focus on what I’ve read throughout the day. Sometimes its hard to make time to be in the Bible, but its always so worth it when I do. Great blog post by the way!

  177. Julie Rowan

    I work 4:30 pm- 1 am as a hospital switchboard operator. I do my quiet time when I get home, around 2 AM. I read Jesus Calling, the Word, and I journal. Journaling helps me process better, and I just give up whatever is going on in my job, and my life to th Lord by writing out my thoughts and prayers, then I go to sleep.

  178. April

    I start my day witY the Jesus Calling devotional. I’m just the most anxious I’ve ever been! Teen daughter going through very challenging time, I’ve been seperated almost 3 years and have aging parents! Feeling very hopeless , fighting so hard to stay afloat right now ! Thank you for your encouragement, April

  179. Elizabeth

    I am up at five a.m., return home at six p.m., have dinner, do homework, and then retire for the night. I pray in all the quiet moments in between. Teaching third grade, there aren’t very many, so I do sometimes have to create them myself. And often I find, I miss the Lord. I have been reaching out for so long, I fear I have waited too long. But I keep trying.

  180. Rebecca Toews

    I love to be in nature by myself when time permits and just take in God’s beauty through creation, reflecting on his power, greatness and love that he shows me.
    When time doesn’t permit I usually sit in my recliner chair with a cup of tea and read his word.

  181. Jacky

    I have a toddler so my quiet times look different every day, but I am intentional and make the time. One of my goals is to read through the Bible this year so I’m workin through a reading plan as we speak. I also just try to keep my Bible open on the dining table so when I get a min I can read a quick passage or two and meditate throughout the day. One other way I’ve been getting my quiet time in is by going to the library after dinner. My husband so graciously has given me the time to do this,so I can really focus and give the Lord my undivided attention. It’s been great!

  182. Sarah

    I enjoy spending quiet time with God while spending time in nature either walking or running. It’s my time alone where I can just talk to God without interruptions while I enjoy the world He created!

  183. Jerri-Lynn

    Hi Lysa, I’m currently reading the Bible in a year this year. I’m using Pastor John MacArthurs book. You get an old Testament passage, a Psalm passage, Proverbs passage and a new Testament passage every day. Blessings to you!

  184. Tracy

    I try to start my time with God before I get out of bed, thanking Him for all my blessings & praying for anyone who comes to mind. Then in my comfy chair I drink my coffee while reading “Jesus Calling” & “Being Still with God.” I sometimes write in my journal those treasures of wisdom that I want to remember or words from God. Then I spend time praying/talking with God (usually with my kitty, Izzy, purring on my lap🐱).

  185. Dee

    I go outside to my back porch and look into the woods, right now I’m outside in a jacket (chilly in WV) but I feel peace out here.

  186. E. Beswick

    My quiet time has been mainly non-existent for a while now. However, Bible study group has started up again 2 weeks ago (after summer break), studying the story of David – the study guide has 45 minutes reading & questions per day, so, with God’s help, I’ve had to re-evaluate my time, make time, effort and commitment to participate – something I had forgotten lately! One step at a time!

  187. Melissa

    Early mornings, first 5 app.

  188. Brittney

    I wait late at night when everyone is asleep and read the Word.

  189. Ronda

    My quiet time is my drive to work and when I get home I have time set aside. I need this time to recharge and reconnect. I find my drive to work is perfect to lift those I care about to God before the day really gets started since I’m at work before most are awake. After work is my time for reading and learning and more connection with prayers sprinkled throughout my day.

  190. Stephanie Carter

    I had a dream recently where the Lord showed me to read anything you are writing!! That really happened!! Please keep me in your prayers Lysa with a difficult relationship situation and I would love to have the devo book but can’t afford it right now 🙂

  191. Angie

    This was just what I needed this morning. Why do I let frustration and exhaustion overtake me? Man, I just need to fall on my face every day. God is always my strength. Standing in His promises for all of my burdens today and every day! I should know my “fixing it” never works if I do not seek Him first.

    Thank you for this blessing!

  192. Kim R

    Just finished Finding I Am. I am now using the First 5 App. I am really struggling and so desperately need rest and reassurance.

  193. Cyril

    I woke up in the morning and start to do my devotionals with God. Learning more and more. I do praise a worship and Pray.

  194. Hallie

    I need this so much now as we have experienced the 2ne death of a loved one in 10 months. It is too much. I pray all the time for God to take the burden from me.

  195. Carrie Frith

    Early in the morning and during my daily walk/jog is when I spend my best times with Jesus. But I try to spend every moment in His presence.

  196. Miranda

    I do my quiet time with coffee in my sun room or at my desk before school starts.

  197. Tonna

    I wait until all my kids are out the door to school/work then I listen to worship music and read my bible, or work on a bible study

  198. Sue

    I start every morning early with a cup of coffee and my First 5 app. It’s the best time of my day and I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Thank you Lysa for helping me to hear God’s voice and to put His will before mine. I needed to read this blog post today.

  199. DeAnn

    I like to listen to praise and worship music. It calms me and many of the songs bring my attention back to God and His will for my life.

  200. Sherry Harris

    I have learned to practice silence and in so doing I am able to more clearly focus on God . In the silence I am not distracted, but able to tune in to what He needs for me to know at that very moment.

  201. Rachel

    I speak to God throughout the day and read His word at night when my kiddos are asleep and safe in bed. I also wake up before everyone to open His word for atleast a verse, chapter or page…whatever the Lord and Spirit leads me to♡♡♡♡

  202. Kathy Bowen

    I get up early… First 5, then I read the current Proverbs 31 study – right now I’m in 2 Kings. Sometime in the midst of the reading there is the first cup of coffee!

  203. Jane Anderson

    I have a desk in my office where I spend time with the Lord. I use First5 and absolutely love it. I post Bible verses on the wall, quotes, goals, and prayer requests. I got the idea from War Room.

  204. Kristin Parker

    I spend my time with the Lord at night after everyone else in the house has gone to bed. I do my Bible studies and talk to him about whatever is on my mind. This helps me to wind down and sleep so much better than I have in the past.

  205. Angela

    When I wake in the morning, I enjoy a good devotional reading or a chapter or two from an inspirational book/study or directly from The Word.

  206. Serenity

    I often find my quiet time after I put the kids to bed and before my husband gets home from second shift. I will sit with my bible or a devotional book and my bible app open to read the verses and just rest in truth.

  207. Stephanie Fessel

    I know I need to spend more quiet time with the Lord but I get so easily distracted.

  208. Joy

    In the shower! With my 6 children, my bathroom time is about my only non family time with God. It’s the place I can cry and actually talk to God.

  209. Mayce Tipton

    Every morning I love just opening my Daily Walk bible and reading, after reading having a reflection and prayer time is crucial. I love telling the Lord I am ready for whatever the day brings because I know that he is watching over me and has a plan for me during that day. He is the light in the mornings. and of course all day!!! (:

  210. Kelly Griffis

    Thank you for your words. They are timely in my life. I spend my time with God by kneeling beside my bed and pray to our Heavenly father.

  211. Janet

    I get to work one hour before I have to start and sit in my car reading scriptures, praying and sit expectantly to hear from God.

  212. Kimberly

    Spend all my quite time reading Devotionals and praying deeply!! I have been fighting battle after battle the last few years and really struggling but not giving up because I know my God is powerful!! I would really love to have this devotional!! You have been such a great inspiration for me!! 💕

  213. Kathy

    I start my morning with a cup of tea, toast with peanut butter and a boiled egg. I also prop open my Morning Revival to read the Word and enjoy the explanation of its meaning. This ritual stabilizes me for the day and brings fresh insights into God’s direction for the day. How wonderful to have the Word of God to bring a fresh perspective on our daily life!

  214. Amber

    I spend my quiet time with the Lord in the morning, while my 4 year old daughter still sleeps peacefully. I get my Jesus and coffee cup, open my Bible and just rest in His presence. As a mother, wife, college student and full-time employee it is sometimes hard to just get away and get quiet. I’ve also had some of my most profound God-moments while locked in my bathroom, just sitting there…I know it sounds funny, but when you have a 4 year old you take what you can get! Haha

  215. Hope

    I’m utilizing a devotional on Psalms during my quiet time. I also have a couple of notes on my phone full of scriptures that I’ll read throughout the day. I’ve started prayer journaling again as well.

  216. Debbie Mitchell

    Seems I have to adjust these days where to have my quiet time with the Lord. Schedules change and my quiet time has to be just that, quiet. I have a king size bed and since my husband has left I have my bible, devotional, my journal and my Precepts Upon Precepts Hebrews study there. There is also a commentary there. I have grown to enjoy my time there and see that since my husband is not there Jesus has become my husband. I can go to my knees beside my bed it is already a place of prayer.

  217. Jacque

    I do bible studies. I have loved several of the P31 ones. They have always been timely for me.

  218. Shelly

    I would love to win this book to give to my sweet friend. In the last two years, she has lost her sister, who was her best friend, to breast cancer, and her father to lung cancer. My friend just had surgery for esophageal cancer a couple months ago, and now her brother has a malignant tumor of the same type. My friend is cancer-free, but she is struggling with her faith right now. Her brother isn’t a believer, and isn’t likely to make it out of the hospital. I am praying hard for her faith to be strengthened, for peace & healing for her and her brother, and for her to be able to bring him to Jesus with her renewed faith. I don’t think the book will be published before her brother passes on, but I am positive it will be a great resource to continue to help her heal spiritually. Thank you for sharing your tough times in order to help others struggling along. God bless you Lysa. You have been spiritually uplifting in so many ways, and I have bought extra copies of several of your books to share with others who need to hear your story too.

  219. Jaydunn

    Thanking Him
    Seeking His Word
    Asking for His direction and discernment ,
    Praying for others
    Thanking Him

  220. Kathy

    I have just recently resumed having regular uiet times after a chaotic 15 months…so I keep it simple. I read Hi Word slowly, pause to reflect on anything that stands out and then pray. I broke my dominant arm 6 weeks ago and have not been able to take notes. I read one or two short devotionals online…one at the start of the day, one at the end…and my quiet time in the Word in-between.

  221. Sara Winterfeld

    I typically do devotions at night. I want your book for my college daughter!

  222. Krista

    I’m not very good at having a quiet time. Mostly it’s the shower. When I think about my day and pray for calm.

  223. Terry M

    Oh Lysa I go in my small room close the door! Praying for answers just like you said! I wait to hear his audiable voice! Only when I give it do I really rest !

  224. Melissa McNaught

    I sit in my favorite chair in the quiet of my bedroom- frequently with a dog on my lap- to read and study and pray.

  225. Tiffany Todd

    In the early morning before the two kids start waking up and preoccuppy me, is when I have my quiet time with the God Who Hears Me; with a hot cup of coffee.

  226. Megan Graham

    I spend my mornings with Jesus, coffee, and hopefully sunshine. I wake up before the sun, listen to worship, and journal my prayers. Then, I read through wherever I’m at in the Bible and study commentaries on it, and sometimes I’ll read a chapter of the book I’m reading to supplement my walk. In the midst of whatever season, whether I feel like it or not, whether I’m in fire or in the desert, this disciplined time is where God has shaped me the most and has pursued my heart and filled up my cup. It focuses my day and lights me up with joy. I truly need that time.

  227. Joyce

    I start my morning with a cup of coffee and my First 5 app. Once I’ve done that devotional, I open my bible to Psalms and read one each day. I write in my prayer journal and try to keep my mind still and quiet so I can hear the Lord. The days that I can stay in His presence the longest are the best days!

  228. Mariella Alquiza

    Dear Lysa.
    I’ve been reading your articles for about 4-5years now. They are such an encouragement to me. I spend time with the Lord early in the morning as soon as I wake up. This reading now is very timely as I feel so downcast since last night I can hardly get some peaceful sleep. Thank you for your ministry.
    This is a morning greeting from the Philippines and if it’s God’s will that prompts you to send me a copy of your book may I request for a printed one since I don’t have a computer and so I can share it with our group. Thank you so much.

  229. Glenda

    Sometimes rest is hard and waiting is hard but with God it is easier knowing he is in control and he will carry our burdens. Thank you for this devotional today.

  230. Lorrie Stutzman

    Prompt: How you spend your quiet time with the Lord.

    Through Prov 31 OBS, I have recently started to take more time for God. What I have found works best is actually carving out some time in the morning before I get started. I have to “get over myself” and take the time. After I have gotten dress and stuff, I sit and drink my tea and try to read. I was doing one of the online bible studies through the P31 team and am currently waiting for the next one to start. So in the mean time, I think what I will have to do is continue to get up early in the morning, read a Proverb and a Psalm, take some time to journal and then pray. I have found a great time to pray is when I am driving to work. I have a 43 mile commute (one way) so I have plenty of time to really just talk to God and let it all out. I have found this helps clear my mind and also prepares my heart for the day. I like to picture God or Jesus sitting in the passenger seat with me while I drive and talk.

  231. Nicole

    My best friend and I live half a world away from each other so we have been using the bible app to learn and grow in Him together. She spends time with God in her morning and I in mine and we get to share how God is changing us as well as our weak and vulnerable parts of ourselves. It’s such a gift when we’re so far apart.

  232. Melody

    I sit down with a cup of tea and my devotionals and Bible. This year I am attempting to read through the whole Bible and I have a special journal to record my thoughts. I spend time in prayer for my concerns of the day.

  233. Jubilee

    I usually start off with a passage of scripture over coffee and then I purpose to be quiet for a while and let God speak to my heart. This used to be really hard for me… to get quiet and not let my thoughts take over. But the blessings that come from letting God open the Scriptures to me and point to something specific that he wants to say to my heart have meant so much to me. I always have my journal handy so that I can write down the Holy Spirit insights for that day and look back on them later. It’s such a beautiful time of him imparting his heart to me through his word and it is truly the most precious part of my day.

  234. Taylor

    I sit with my coffee in my pajamas at my kitchen table. I read my Bible, worship a bit, and pray before I go teach kiddos all day!

  235. Brittany Knight

    I use the First 5 app from Proverbs 31. I’ve enhoyed the app for almost 2 years… it seems to teach the right thing at the right time.
    I reach for my phone after the alarms sounds and lay in bed to have those first few and quiet minutes with The Lord before my chaotic day of working full time and tending to 6 children begins.

  236. Patricia Muir

    Embrace – Hi Lysa,, I would like to enter for 1 of your free books, by explaining how I spend my quite time with God.
    Every morning I read a booklet, The WORD for TODAY, that gives scripture titles and Headings for the reading plan. I read the plan and then they give you scriptures for that day according to the word given. I have a large “Family Bible” that gives cross references, which I read through. I use what I need as a prayer and write down my important ones in book I keep to use when I need to go back and confess the word over my situations. I then place my petitions before God in prayer and they are mostly for God’s grace and mercy over me and my family. Giving God all the glory for His wondrous works and praising His name for all things and giving Him thanks for what I have. I then try to be as quite as I can be to hear from the Holy Spirit and thank God afterwards for His will to be upon me according to His plan and for His purpose in my life. I talk all day to Him as He is the only one I have during the day to talk to and He is my companion throughout the day and night. I give Him back my LOVE for His percious LOVE to me. I do pray that I qualify. Bless you and thanks for all your encouraging blogs that I receive vie email as they are a blessing and encouragement to me on days that I am down. Thank you. Patricia.

  237. Colleen Avery

    For my quiet time with the Lord, I volunteer in two different third grade classrooms to be a servant to the teachers. I pray this gives the teachers a moment to pause, breathe and know that He is present. I have retired from a 40-year nursing career and I want to give back to the leaders of tomorrow.

  238. Phyllis

    I start my day by giving my first hour to Jesus. It’s on my knees praying, reading devotionals, reading my bible, and sitting quiet in His presence listening to His voice. It’s praise and thanksgiving knowing He can’t make something beautiful from my trials until I let them go and continually place them in His hands.

  239. Deanna Buchanan

    I need to make time for some quiet time. With a full time job, grad school full time, a husband and 2 children… I rarely have time for myself. I’d love something to get me started on my journey for quiet time and a bible study!!!

  240. Lenore

    I want to thank you so much Lisa, for your ministry and for openly sharing of yourself. I lead the ladies ministry in our local church (in Australia) and I share a lot of your insights and devotions with our ladies. I have gifted your book “Uninvited” to several of our ladies and they testify to the enormous help and encouragement that has been. I look forward to the release of this new book. I’m sure that it too, will bless many women worldwide. God bless you as you serve Him.

  241. Ashley Roberts

    I love to spend quiet times alone with the Lord, outdoors- reading my Bible, devotions with a cup of coffee nearby. I also enjoy walking or running while listening to praise and worship music or praying. ❤️

  242. Pam

    My quiet time with the Lord is so dependent on others instead of seeking Him only. I so appreciate reading your books, OBS, P31, Precept studies and other Christian resources. All inspire me to love Him, trust Him, seek Him and serve Him more. But I seldom just sit still in His presence with His Word. I need to wait on Him to quiet my heart, guide me, comfort me. I need to hear His whisper to my soul. First and foremost, I need Him alone. Please pray for me to stop striving, and to intentionally direct my attention to seek and hear Him alone first.😔

  243. Claire

    My quiet time with the Lord is usually spent at my desk at work. As a 22 year old with so much of life up in the air, this time is where I find the solidarity, tenderness, and hope that Jesus can offer. It also doesn’t hurt when I have a cup of coffee stabilize my life and my quiet time!

  244. Allison Adams

    When I am on the mark I most often pray on my car ride into work, if it’s been a particularly rough morning it will continue once I get to work. Lifting my loved ones up to God and for the Angels to protect them all throughout their day. then again before I turn in for the night this is the time I repent to God for forgiveness of my sin again asking the Angels for my loved ones protection.
    But there are times more often when I take my eyes off for a moment and find these are the times the enemy uses my insecurities and fear to keep me down.

  245. Cheryl E

    I spend it with my coffee in the mornings, before work. At the kitchen table. Looking out my kitchen window. I have the above questions daily. Thank you for sharing this. Just what I needed to hear!

  246. Jami Friend

    I write out my prayer time on my iPad, this keeps me focused on what I praying and not letting myself get distracted by random thoughts or running through my to do list. It keeps me focused!

  247. susan

    The LORD has told me to read proverbs,for wisdom,I pray twice day and I read your devotions every day.I thank you for that.BLESS you.

  248. Loretta

    My quiet time is when everyone’s asleep, and I’m catching up on my to-do lists. Or it’s my Sunday morning online church sermon. Or it’s my prayers at night before I hit the hay. Sometimes it’s watching a documentary or listening to music, as this seems to calm my restlessness, and I am more able to just ‘be’ in the moment.

  249. Hilary

    I’ve been trying to read God’s Word all the way through. I’m in Job currently. Sometimes I just read it through the Bible app and sometimes I listen to it. I so enjoy my reading time.. it’s the calmest part of my day! I’m trying to do it everyday.

  250. Angela

    I usually spend my quiet time in my car on the way to work. I am blessed enough to be able to drive back roads so it’s only the hum of the road and Jesus. I find talking or crying out loud to him makes me feel the closet.; Like he is in the passenger seat next to me.. If I am struggling or I feel the Holy Spirit nudging me while at work I’ll take a few minutes and go walk around the pond..

  251. Pat

    I try to do my prayer time and devotional before I get out of bed.

  252. Deon

    I use my drive back and forth to work to have “me and God” time. Sometimes, I have my phone App read me the chapters from the Verse of the Day, sometimes, I listen to music and ask God to speak to me from it, and sometimes I just drive in silence, alternating between moments of prayer and pondering, and moments of just trying to listen.

  253. Jennifer Mason

    Listening while walking along the river bank taking in all of God’s beauty.

  254. Jo Ann Van Hoven

    Every morning I read “Jesus Always” by Sarah Young and look up the verses in the Bible. I lead a book club and have gifted the Jesus Always little books to who ever hosts the club. Every person whom received the book loves it. I’m hoping to start this with the “Embraced” by Lysa TerKeurst book too!
    I read the Bible mostly at night but also during OBS or when spirit moves me. 🙏🕊❤️
    Jo Ann Van Hoven

  255. Pam

    My favorite place for my quiet time is my front porch swing. It is very calming to feel the warmth of the morning sun and to hear the birds chirping away while reading a couple of devos & the First5 app. There is something about being out in nature that helps me feel closer to the Creator. While the colder temps are here, I spend my quiet time in my bed and try to open my Bible before reading emails, scrolling social media accounts, etc. I want to hear from Him first before those shouts of the world start tumbling in. Being in His presence at the beginning of my day makes all the difference for me throughout the day.

  256. Emily

    Sometimes it’s late at night after my kids are in bed. Other times it’s a quick prayer time on the way or from work. Sometimes it’s without words or reading, just silence… and tears.

  257. Naomi Larson

    I start each morning with a cup of coffee in my bed reading devotions from a few sources. I also pull up your page and read all your posts on social media that I have helped me through some of my lowest days. I’m so excited for your new devotion book. I have a few of your books and love them to pieces. You know me. It’s crazy but perfect all at the same time. Please pick me for your givaway!!! Love you and God Bless! ~ Naomi

  258. LInda Bird

    Just getting back to where I need to be. I start the day praying in the shower. No judging, for me its a good place. Then I read my bible for a little bit. The house is empty, quiet, and safe, and I can think.

  259. TM

    I jornal. As heavy as my heart may seem; once I put pen to paper I’m able to see how much I have to be grateful for.

  260. Theresa

    This devotional was exactly what I needed. Thank you. I pray you are doing well.

  261. Michele

    The first thing I do every morning is to turn my IPad on and click on First 5 to see what book and chapter of the Bible I will be reading that day. Once I have read the chapter, I read the comments from the one teaching that day on First 5. Most times I also read the “more moments” before I get ready to fix breakfast.
    There are times I also enjoy quietness with God throughout the day by just sitting back and resting my eyes as I begin to pray to Jesus thanking Him for all my many blessings! 💜🙏🏻💜

  262. Penny

    I spend my quiet time with the Lord in different ways. I usually do best first thing in the morning. I always start off with thanking God for something… or everything I have, not just physical things; and praising Him. Then it varies with where I am at the moment. I may pray a little for others and for myself, and my husband. Then I may concentrate on a Bible verse I’m trying to memorize, and I may meditate on that verse or several verses I am focusing on, and spend some time being still so that I might hear Him speak to me. Then I end in thanks.

  263. Gina

    I have learned lately to embrace the silence. To shut every distraction down, and to listen. Just listen. It’s not something I’m great at yet, but I’m working towards it daily. 🙂

  264. Candy

    I think that you wrote this just for me. I needed these words right now. When I can’t seem to find that place of relief that’s when I get alone and scream out His name. JESUS! Then I grab my bible, and a journal, or grab my camera and have a one-on-one at sunset… somewhere out in the country. He’s never left me waiting. He’s always met me there at that place where I end. Then He begins. He takes over while I rest.

  265. Melissa H.

    My best abiding time with God is with my Google Music playlist of my favorite worship songs. It’s stored “in the cloud”, so I can listen to it anywhere. Some days I sit outside and listen on my back porch swing. Sometimes I listen in the rocking chair in our empty nursery (we’re waiting to adopt). On my hardest days at work, I slip my headphones on and still turn to Jesus. I often sing along in worship, but it’s just as important to me to be still and listen for my Father.

  266. Kristie Donald-Brown

    Although I have had the First5 App for many months; about 3 months ago I began to really read it faithfully to begin my quiet time with the Lord! I usually get up between 4:30-6:30 and make a cup of coffee to wake me up more =)
    I can’t thank you and your ministry enough for revitalizing my quiet time and prayer time! May God Bless ALL of you at Proverbs 31 Ministries!

    Much Love,
    Kristie from Birmingham, Alabama

  267. Anita

    Thank you for this post, which is very applicable in my life today.

    As for devotions, I’m reading Streams in the Desert, also very applicable, then reading the Word, and trying to spend time in prayer throughout the day.

  268. Michelle Marsh

    This past March I7 th I underwent surgery to have 90% of a incurable glioblastoma tumor removed prior to undergoing chemo and radiation treatment. Because there is no cure I am simply receiving in home Hospice care from very dear friends and an amazing medical organization called Gilcrest. My desire is to stay st home til the end if possible. Bible Studies have been a source of strength and life throughout this trial. God’s Word keeps my heart at peace as I wait for that moment when He calls me Home! I would love to read this new one if possible.

  269. Tessa

    I have been fasting 1 day a week this year to pray for God’s will in my life. And 4 weeks ago I was laid off from my job. So now I am really seeking direction. I would love to win your new devotion book. I need to feel His embrace.

  270. Heather

    Every morning I grab my cup of coffee, my bible and my prayer journal. I sit in my favorite chair that was my grandmothers and begin reading His word and journaling. After I journal I I listen to praise and worship music while I get ready for work.

  271. Kathryn

    On my off days, I love to go for a walk at the park, and then cool off sitting by the water. I listen to worship music, pray, and listen expectantly for what the Lord has to say. It’s such a refreshing and much needed time. On other days, I sit with my coffee, the Bible and sometimes grab a devotional to read. I can’t wait to get my hands on your next one!! ❤️

  272. Jeannie

    I have insomnia. So, that is when I usually spend the most time with the Lord. I might journal, read passages, pray, or all three. Praying takes away my stress and worries and allows me to sleep and get rest.

  273. Karen

    Life has been so hard the past two years and I have to be honest and say my quiet time has been spent crying, wailing, uncontrollably screaming to the Lord. I feel as if every time I read God’s Word, I end up crying because I so desperately want Him to whisper to me, just a soft whisper so I know He is there, so I know He loves me. I don’t like to post comments because I feel someone else needs the giveaway more than me. But you know what, I need this book and I can’t afford to buy it.

    • Jen

      Karen, I’m a fellow soster in CHRIST. I’m praying for you for your circumstances. I also hope you win the giveaway. Hugs to you!

  274. Tiffany

    I didn’t have a set “routine” until I started first5. Since I started doing that daily, I have been intentional to set my alarm before my kids wake up and the hustle and bustle of life begins. I pray, then I read the chapter, then read the app. It only takes about 30 minutes of my morning, but it is vital for me to spend that time connecting with the Lord. I am so so thankful for Proverbs 31 Ministries to help me spend time in the Word and also glean understanding from what I’m reading. My husband has started doing first5 with me every morning. And when he needs to leave for work early, he will do the day’s devotional on his own. I love to see God working in my life and my husband’s.

  275. Sarah

    I try to sneak away in the morning to my tiny office to read a devotional or two and pray before my kids are up and running.

  276. Kristy

    Honestly I struggle to have alone time with God every day. I’m in a season of having a lot of questions but studying just brings about more and that can be frustrating for me when i get stuck in one verse. Music helps a lot so lyrics that match up with verses is a go to. And blogs like this one that expand on a few verses are very helpful. I need to learn how to be ok with reading just a few verses instead of frustrated that I didn’t finish the chapter.

  277. Laura

    I spend quiet time with the Lord each day using a Write the Word journal from Lara Casey and Cultivate What Matters. It has transformed my daily prayer and bible reading habits!

  278. Theresa

    Here is one way I like to spend quiet time. One is, I like to jump on my bike (weather permitting) getting out in the Nature He made me. I’ll put some worship music on and just thank Him for all the beauty He has given me to enjoy. I come home and have released all my stinking-thinking. My husband and I know I’m just one ride from a Great mood…

  279. Janet

    I don’t spend much quiet time with the Lord, but I so needed to read this TODAY…and I will wait, I will wait in QUIET expectation.

  280. Deborah

    I need to make my time with God more of a priority. Sometimes I think we use the excuse of “I can pray anywhere” and that gets us off the hook of spending quality time with Him. I am going to work on that…

  281. Megan

    I love to get up in the morning before anyone else in my house. I enjoy dimly lit light. I open in prayer, spend time in the Word and my devotional and then close in prayer.

  282. Shelley L Sisson

    I spend my quiet time with Jesus in prayer &/or just music. It is something I need to do more of.

    PS I am looking forward to seeing you at Word Alive in OKC

  283. Sue

    This last year has been one of the most difficult years of my life. The closer I grow to God, the more obstacles & attacks come my way. At first I allowed it to create a wall between me and my relationship to God. I just couldn’t understand how all of this could happen. However, it has not deterred me from pursuing a relationship with God. I know that He loves me and wants the best for me, and even if that means attacks, He is working it all out for His plan. I have turned my focus from the horrible things happening to me to Him. Nearly every free moment I have is focused on developing my relationship with Him & I have found comfort & love I never knew was possible in times of complete brokenness. Sometimes my quiet time is simply asking Him to speak to me & opening the Bible to whatever page He needs me to hear. Sometimes that is all I can do. Other times I am studying the Bible & reading devotionals. Your blog & videos & Facebook pages have been such a blessing. Sometimes it’s like you’re speaking only to me. I spend much of my quiet time reading these & focusing on the scripture discussed. I have a commute to work & instead of listening to music, I now use that as my quiet time and listen to Godly podcasts or videos. God knows exactly how to speak to us in these quiet times & lead people into our lives who will give us the exact message He wants us to hear at the perfect moment. Thank you, Lysa, for doing what you do & for being so transparent & sharing your life with us. You have been that person to me & countless others who need to hear the message you are delivering from Him.

  284. Jessica

    I sit with my cup of coffee in a quiet room, pray that God helps me open my heart to receive His word, read my First 5 devotional then pray, pray, and pray some more … it’s truly my favorite time of the day!

  285. Jodie

    Commuting used to be a nightmare for me! Now i spend that time with my travel mug full of coffee and either listening to uplifting and God-filled music or in silence while i pray and have a morning “chat” with the Lord!

  286. Dawnielle

    I gather a cup of coffee, and my bible, or if the sun is shinning I go outside in God’ beautiful creation of nature to spend time with Him and thank Him for all that I see and He has done.
    Some mornings I stay and bed and pray, and when I fall back asleep, I pick up where I left off praying.

    It is still very much a work in progress.

  287. Vicky Vorhauer

    I’m using the YouVersion app with a variety of devotionals in the AM and Corie Ten Boom’s “Each New Day” and Oswald Chambers “My Utmost for His Highest”

  288. Kelly

    I start my coffee, even kneel on kitchen floor and pray. He’s baking my dream. Other times I sit on bathroom floor and pray, sing, or just say thank you, praise you for you are good.

  289. Katrina

    I work from home and generally work the third shift. I enjoy the dark and quiet when I’m done working as I read from the Bible and/or my devotional book. It’s my wind down and relax time. 🙂 I need to get back in the habit of doing this every day.

  290. Neko Kleckner

    First thing in the morning, before the kiddos and husband are awake. What a great way to start my day. Excited to read your book, I’m a huge fan of your work!

  291. Eileen

    In my car, alone, praying and crying. But with a full heart of hope, knowing that He loves me.

  292. Angela Groppel

    I have a chair in the corner of my bedroom. I sit and ready the Word and pray. Often though, I find myself in the floor, between the bed and the chair, when I truly need to hear from God.

  293. Kim Glascock

    I spend my time with God meditating in His Word and listening to praise and worship music.

  294. Rebekah

    I get up before work in the morning and read my Bible… some days a full passage, some days focusing on a verse or two. I enjoy journaling when I have time and feel the Lord speaking to me personally through His Word. I pray for strength for the day and that He would show me His plans and help me to walk in them. I greatly appreciate your ministry and so enjoy reading your posts. So many times they are exactly what I need to hear. I have prayed for you many times and ask the Lord’s blessing on your family and ministry. Thank you for all that you do to reach out to so many!

  295. Amanda

    I try to start my morning with devotion and reading God’s Word. Right now I’m going through a very tough time in my marriage. I’ve started journaling my devotion thoughts, prayers etc. I pray to one day read back over the journal and see Gods hand turning this mess into something beautiful.

  296. Kiley

    I do my daily Bible reading and prayer journal as well as a gratitude journal first thing in the morning wrapped in a blanket on the bathroom floor so that I don’t have to turn a light on in the bedroom while my husband is still sleeping (my choice, not his) 🙂

  297. Cathy

    I listen to a podcast, usually Joyce Meyer or Rick Warren, while I’m getting ready in the morning. If I have extra time Ill worship or pray.

  298. Cheryl

    My quiet time is First5, Coloring Inspire Psalms and 2 way prayer.

  299. Rhonda

    I get a cup of coffee, then sit in my living room for my quiet time. I use my phone for the First5 and Bible Gateway apps. I bring up the devotion in First5 to see what chapter of the Bible I’m supposed to read, an then find that chapter of the Bible in Bible Gateway (NKJV) and in my Bible (NIV 1984); read the chapter along with the notes in my study Bible; get another cup of coffee; and then read the devotion in the First5 app. I write notes in my Bible and/or in a journal as I’m reading through everything. I’m working on beginning with prayer, and sometimes ending with prayer (sometimes I remember, other times I don’t). I am so grateful for all the ladies that write for the First5 app!

  300. Kimberly

    The other morning I woke up in a lot of crippling physical pain. I turned on some beautiful worship music, lifted my hands to Heaven and asked The Lord what He needed from me. He said “Dance for Me”. I am not a dancer but I danced all around my kitchen for Jesus for several minutes. When I stopped dancing my body was completely pain free….He is so faithful and loyal to us.

  301. Janet

    In the winter months , I sit by a large window in the upstairs hall of my house , and when I’ve sat quietly long enough to feel calm, I read a section of Psalms and a verse of Proverbs , a slice of Old Testament and a slice of New Testament… and then journal my daily prayer … but lately , I’ve just stared out the window and quietly asked God all the questions on my mind … and then pray for others on my prayer list …

  302. Heidi syverson

    I sit in the corner of the couch, get out my Bible , and spend time with Jesus.. pray, talk with Him, thank Him, ask Him to equip me for the day that lies ahead.

  303. becky d

    I read a daily devotional and listen to worship music. I also talk to God throughout my day.

  304. Courtney

    I love having my quiet time in the mornings. Typically, I wake before my husband does and I take a few moments for myself in devotions and prayer. He comes to join me after he wakes up, and then we do devotions together as we have coffee. It’s such a sweet thing that has become our regular pattern. We cherish it.

  305. Carrie

    Most days quiet time takes place on my bed or in the recliner after my 6 and 4 year old boys are asleep, and my husband is at the gym. I can rest and open God’s word. It’s difficult for me to focus, to shut off my brain to all the things I need to finish or prepare for the next day. I’m usually exhausted from working all day and making the most of my evenings with the kids. In November, I had a miscarriage. God met me one evening in my quiet time and assured me He was still with me… that He still loved me, and that He wasn’t finished with me. Through this devastating experience, God has drawn me closer to Him.

  306. Lisa

    When my heart is overwhelmed I have learned it’s my cue to go away and be with the Lord. That usually has to be away from my home. So I have picked out some parks, ranches, or coastline that is quiet and offers a retreat-like setting. With cell phone off (I always tell one family member where I will be) Bible, journal and open heart ready I sit with Jesus and take in His peace and His Presence. Sometimes it is simply to cry and worship so that He can clear the clutter for me to hear His Voice.

  307. Natasha Anderson

    I dedicate the last part of my day to reading the dayms devotionals from Proverbs 31 Monistries and from the book Jesus Calling. I also participate in whichever Proverbs 31 bible study is running at the time. If there is a break in these, I look for another faith based book to read.

  308. Val

    I have two toddlers who wake early (I’m not a morning person). during the day I do a devotion with my little girls but at night after I put them to bed is MY time with Jesus. I like to take a bath and listen to my Youversion APP (the NIV version has a guy who reads in an English accent which I find calming:)
    If something sticks out I go back and read it again, make a sticky note or screen shot it. Then I listen to ambient music and meditate on what the Lord might be highlighting to me through the verse that stuck out. Probably not a super common way or method to have my one on one time but I find it beneficial to have my mind set on Christ at bedtime instead of myself or my problems.

  309. Amy Edgar

    I sit in my favorite chair, open my Bible and pray for my heart to be receptive to what I am about to read. I really am enjoying my quiet time as I make notes in my new journaling bible.

  310. Melissa

    I spend a lot of time with God in my car. I travel to several places a day and use the travel time to pray, praise, vent,and cry out as needed. It’s amazing I haven’t been pulled over by the cops😂

  311. Lauren

    I love to spend my time with God journaling and listening to worship music. It’s in those quiet moments that I feel him speak to me the most.

  312. Vicki King

    Jan 30th my life changed forever. My husband and I were in an auto accident in which I was driving. I suffered some broken bones and my hubby didn’t survive. all I had asked God for was some time to rest. Now Ive got time to rest but this was not what I had in mind.

  313. Linda

    I try to get up before everyone else so I can focus. I pray and ask God to speak to me. To fill me with knowledge, wisdom, understanding, discernment of His Word. I sit in my Jesus chair by my window and open the blind so I can see and hear the birds and feel like He’s close. I put Klove on low because it helps keep me focused. Then I read my Devotional and 1 year Bible. Then I pray.

  314. Andrea

    I spend my quiet time (usually before going to bed of an evening) praying and talking with the Lord.

  315. Ria Gripaldo

    I start with some caffeine and worship music from my iPhone then I talk to the Lord a bit sharing my heart before reading my devotions and the Word. I do feel more centered when I do this consistently. Right now I am praying through something and I am already weary but I am hopeful God will come through for me. I am also hopeful that my consistent devotion time will continue long after this period where I am specifically seeking God for a particular concern.

  316. Meg

    Exercise, tea and a daily devotional. That’s my morning before I begin the day with my five beautiful children.

  317. Maria Banda

    I sit at the kitchen table and read my devotionals and listen to the prompting of the Spirit.
    I also type my prayers and thanksgiving. Lately, I am trying to sit in my son’s room who is in college and I pray for him there and for all the other intentions I bring to God.

  318. Valerie

    I actually don’t spend any quiet time with God. He and I are…estranged. I came from a less than stellar home situation in my childhood. The entire concept of God being a Father brings up images of someone who is harsh, hypercritical, ready to punish and someone who thinks I am unlovable and unworthy of notice. Though I went forward to accept Christ when I was 10 years old, I am still uncertain of my salvation and doubtful of His love and good intentions…37 years later. I’ll be using your devotional as a way to reach out to God in hope that He will heal many years of built-up spiritual and emotional scar tissue.

  319. Wanda

    I start out with prayer, then move on to reading scripture and devotions. I have started saying to be continued as I end my prayer, because it really doesn’t end all day and again at bed time. He says draw closer to Me and I’m trying.

  320. Tracy Thomas

    I sit at my dining room table, where I can see and hear my 2 small boys. I always thought my “quiet time” had to be just that, quiet. Then I read somewhere that it doesn’t. God doesn’t require silence. That had kept me fpr doing a daily devotional pretty much all my life. Now I enjoy it at the start of every day. I love that my boys see mom making,it a priority. They are only 3 and 6 months, but I hope one day they will understand why it’s so important too. And I love how it sets my mood for the day. I feel,more grounded and less stressed. And more patient!

  321. Sylvia

    I just finished my 3rd bible study of yours! They have met where I am right now! Thanks!
    I accompany my praise and worship time with my hand and motions. I started this during my prayer time and it has enriched my time and made me feel closer to HIM! I don’t get distracted at all! Examples are praying hands, bowing down, lifting my hands, covering my heart, beseeching HIM with my expressions etc.

  322. Jessi

    I try to sneak down the stairs before my two littles wake up and have a cup of coffee while doing my devoes. Ideally, I sir my the fireplace under a big sniffly blanket with a full 29 minutes of solitude- but it very seldom occurs 😉

    • Jessi

      Haha you can tell a sleep deprived mama typed that!!. ** sit by the fire with a big snuggly blanket for a full 20 minutes of solitude!! 🙂

  323. Riley

    I used to think I could only spend my quiet time with God in the same way, each day. God has been teaching me so much about how we can spend time with him in so many different and varied ways! I started spending time with Him by going for a morning run and listening to worship music!

  324. Cristina Castruita

    I use my quiet time with God right now to just pray and cry and tell him exactly how I’m feeling at the moment. My mom passed unexpectedly Christmas morning so I’m just trying hard to hold on tight to God in order to survive this.

  325. MJ

    Often my bathroom is the only quiet place I can find. So I spend the first few minutes of my day on my knees on the bathmat in front of the shower telling my daddy just how much I need him 🙂 It’s weird but it’s become a precious time to me!

  326. Ashley Vedani

    So….my alarm goes off at 5:30am. I quietly gather my devotional material and head downstairs. I make a cup of coffee, and head to the couch. I gather my big fuzzy couch blanket and cover my legs, and with my IPAD and smartphone in place, I start with prayer. After prayer, I open up my devotional material and spend time with the Lord until my loud, fun crew of 7,5,3, and 18 months gather downstairs with me and pile on the couch with the books they want me to read to them. So, then we start our morning off together reading and cuddling and watching Mr. Sun peak his head from the horizon!😊

  327. Susan

    Right now, I have a couple of devotionals, including a Lenten one.

  328. Kara

    Quiet times are hard to come by in a house that is rarely quiet, but the length and hard-hitting truth of your Unglued devotionals is perfect for a mom of two toddlers!

  329. Laura Payne

    I love to get up and turn on Christian music and pray. I use the youversion app to read my bible and then pray.

  330. Debra Madden

    I would love to read your book. I have two devotions I read they really speak to me. I always have a notebook to write down anything I feel the Lord is saying to me. and what I get out of what I read. I like to put on worship music sometimes I pray with music on. I do different things. some time I go back and re-read what I wrote. and God uses it to speak to me. Thank you for your Ministry.

  331. Sheila

    As a momma of 11 it’s hard to find my quiet time. I do however no matter how tired I am get out my bible and seek time with the Lord nightly after my children are in bed. I also throughout the day find those little moments of quiet between the mommy I need you, dinner cooking, homeschooling etc. I find at times these little moments bring the most peace to me, I know it’s in these little moments of prayer, when I’ve found a moment of time during the busy calling of being a wife and mother, that I find time for God he knows that’s my greatest times of sacrifice.

  332. Tamara

    I read my Bible and then go for a walk in the nearby park and, as the day starts, I talk with God as I walk my dog.

  333. Janine

    I sit on my bed and ask the Lord to speak to me and then open my bible. More often not the place where it falls open speaks to my heart deeply and is a word in season. I have a journal where I write down what the Lord is saying and spend some time in prayer.

    Thank you for your posts. I follow u on fb and they speak to my heart every time.

    Blessings, Janine

  334. Ligaya Amboy

    I try to do my quiet time when I let the dogs out in the morning I will sit in the patio. Sometimes it’s hard since I have to be at work at 5 am. I’ve started waking up at 330 am in order to at least read a devotional and I read in my bible during my lunch.

  335. Adora

    I spend time with God daily by first reading from the first 5app then praying and then journaling. Some days I turn on worship music first before digging into His word.

  336. Teresa

    My morning quiet time starts in my front porch between 5:00 -5:30 a.m. I sit in my rocking chair with a cup of coffee and marvel at the moon and stars. I thank God for many things and then I’m still and quiet. Then I come inside and read my devotion and the Bible and then pray.
    Studying the Word makes all the difference in my day, week and life.

  337. Arlene

    My time when I really “see” the Lord is when I’m up early enough and witness sunrise. What beautiful work and what a beautiful gift! A new day, denied to many. A new chance to get it right, to do my best. I “see” God in the sunrise, and am overcome with gratitude

  338. Jane Seaman

    I find peace in God with constant prayers to God and quietness! Then he speaks peace to me and speaks into me. It’s a very tranquil act. Giving over my burdens and allowing the Holy Spirit fill me with His fruits

    • Leticia

      I get up early to just be quiet and ask God to direct my day.
      Then I read Jesus Calling, my Bible and Open Windows.

  339. Angelle

    My knees hit the floor first, ask Him to direct my thinking. Start coffee, read Proverbs 31, First 5, and some other stuff (grabbing coffee when it’s done). I hit my knees and pray all of my prayers in the middle and finish my reading. I’m searching so much for my answers about my devastated marriage that I don’t rest in Him enough- I read and read trying to find a message written for me. I read scripture references as well.

  340. Holli

    With a cup of coffee in hand, I read my Bible, sit quietly before him and then pray to start my day. So thankful I serve a God who will meet me here everyday to do that!

  341. Diana

    Right now my time with God comes in the wee hours of the morning. It is a time that all that is heard is the sound of clocks and white noise machine in the other room. I have my bible and God’s direction on what to read and intermittent prayer as He directs.

  342. Dawna

    I try to get quiet- lifting my hands and heart up to the Lord to iffer myself and day to Him. Listening for what He might whisper to me through His Word. Playing Praise music while I’m in the shower. Stays with me all day. At night I write in my gratitude Journal/pray and fall asleep listening to audio Bible.

  343. Diana

    I just read some of the previous posts. I needed to hear all of those encouraging words. I was hoping this year would be so much better then last year but things are not off to a great start. I started a business the end of last year, things are starting slowly but getting there. And my husband may not have a job in the next few months. He is 60 which is a tough age to be looking for something. I am resting in His promises, crying out my worries in prayer and trusting Him as we go through this place of the unknown.

  344. Nora

    I begin my morning with a cup of coffee in the pre dawn hours before any children awake. I’m armed with a daily devotional or two, my Bible and prayers for new mercies for the new day!

  345. Teresa

    I am in a couple Bible studies and have study time for those. I have a “read through the Bible in a year” devotional (and I am already behind) but M-F I search for Scripture to pray for my kids and I text my first born who is a college freshman the prayer.

  346. Donna Elder

    I have a corner in my home dedicated to reflection, silence and reading. No one is allowed to disturb me there. I would love a copy of your new book!

  347. Gena

    Every morning I get up, brush my teeth, let my dogs out, grab a cup of coffee, my Bible and journal and go sit at the feet of Jesus. I would absolutely not be able to do my day without this precious time with my Abba! He feeds me, holds me, sustains me, loves me, guides me, and makes me brave when I look to Him ❤️

    Thank you for this good Word this morning ~ just what I needed!

  348. Tricia

    I spend my quality time, most often, first thing in the morning before anyone else gets up, just me and the Lord, as I read His Word. We watch the sunrise together and I listen to His beautiful creation wake up and sing their praises to Him each morning!! It’s their that I find peace. I’ll admit, there are days that I’m not able to slip away with the Lord for these precious moments with Him before my role as Mom or wife gets called on for some certain-to-them emergency (😊) so I have to be more intentional and creative to make time for just me and God throughout those kinds of days- and boy, do I need Him to sustain and strengthen me!! I’m so thankful that He is with us constantly and that He truly provides this expectant calm you explained!! I need it so desperately most every day and He always provides. Thank you!!

  349. Heather Delaney

    Now that I find myself single at 48 and not expecting to be I started building small projects around my home. I’m actually pretty good at it too, one of those projects is my prayer nook I built in a corner of my bedroom. Its a place every morning I relax with both my fur baby dogs and we all start our day with devotions, prayer, and quiet time with my Lord.

  350. Jan Gardner

    I’ve been going through some issues lately coming from all sides and struggling with not knowing what to do. I usually know what’s wrong and can figure it out with much prayer and know what to do. This time I don’t know what to do so I’m in a holding pattern, not wanting to step out of His will. Your devotion helped me this morning as I read and rested in the Word. Thank you.
    My quiet time consists of reading some different devotions, and when a verse hits me I like to go further into it … it, look it up in different versions, journal and pray. At my age now …. I have the time I didn’t have when the kids were home. I am also doing a journaling Bible I like to draw and color in the verses I look up….. see where they fit into the picture. Will love your new book I’m sure!

  351. Staci

    Praying. Confessing. Singing worship songs.

  352. Nancy O’Leary

    Im an empty nester who now watches another family’s children. Four days a week I arrive at their house at 6:30am and open my bible to read before the kiddos wake up. The one boy 7yr is named luke. He sees me reading when he wakes and one day tells me he is named after someone in the Bible. So I turn to that book and read to him. Telling him about the Luke in the Bible.
    I continue my time reading every morning sitting on their sofa. Sometimes Luke comes downstairs and snuggles up to listen. Sometimes his older brother comes down to sit with me now.
    I’m not their parent, I won’t overstep the boundaries of their Catholic beliefs, but I know with all my heart that God has me there for a reason. I hope that His heart & example in me continues on this journey with this precious family. What’s more is how much this special Morning time has strengthened me in my own life. How God’s given me strength and wisdom to walk alongside our own adult children, and is leading me into this next chapter of my life to trust Him.

  353. Nancy O’Leary

    I cannot thank Lysa enough for her ministry and the way her words of encouragement speak to my heart. 💕

  354. Marpy

    I’m an unemployed woman. Thankfully, mu husband has a job that keeps just enough food on the table and we barely make our bills. I have no vehicle, no money. So I’m sort of a forced shut in. I felt sorry for myself for a while, but felt the Lord’s hand reach down and pull me up our of my despair. I give Him my every morning in prayer and devotion. My artwork praises His name! In the midst of my tremendous need, I find all I want is Him. 🙏

  355. Tammy

    I spend my quiet time with God first thing in the morning. I read my devotions and ask him for help with our day…but I talk to Him all day long!! It keeps me calm and focused to talk with Him…I don’t always “know” what He’s saying, but I’m learning slowly to “rest” in His promises! Blessings!!

  356. Rebecca Dunlop

    After my little guys are asleep at night I lay in bed with my 3 year old sleeping beside me and read devotions or a Christian book and pray to God. I go to sleep with a feeling of peace.

  357. Lura Somers

    I like to spend time with the Lord in the early morning when all is quiet. I read a portion of the Word and then journal as to what God is saying to me thru it. I enjoy your writings and hope that maybe I can receive your new book. Keep up the good work.

  358. Laura Taylor

    I drive the back country roads in the early morning light. Watching the rising of the sun, seeing the beauty around me and singing my lungs out in praise and worship! Then I talk to the Father just like he is riding shotgun next to me. Just the two of us. He reminds me of His truth. Sometimes I pull over and read a scripture, out loud, that He impresses upon my heart and focus on each word, emphasizing them one at a time so my heart can hear what He is telling me. Precious times that have been a soul saver, especially in some of my weary, embattled seasons! Thanks, Lysa, for your tender ministry of truth and love!

  359. Carol

    With the new year, I’m trying to start a new routine. I have been following 1 & 2 Kings through Before I started that I listen to an overview of 1 & 2 Kings through the Bible Project. Then I listen to a few worship songs . I listen to scripture and I end with praying to God

  360. Lori

    As soon as I get up I begin my conversation with God by thanking him for things. As I wake up I will read a quick devotional reading to set my thoughts for the day. Then later I have my quiet time after my kids leave for school. I have a cup of tea and do a devotional/study/bible reading and then pray. If I have to be busy for some reason I will take this time after my kids are in bed for the night.

  361. Angela Hetzel

    I stay close to God by praying, journaling, and thanking him for every trial, triumph, test, and success. Without him I am nothing.

  362. Janet Mitchell

    I have been reading about a revival that started in theUK in 1949. They were praying for revival and God answered in a big way, as only He can! So, I have been praying for revival in my own life and that it might spread to others in my church.

  363. Laura Kost

    I start my day with First 5! It’s helped me get back on track with my time in the Word and fall more in love with Christ. Thank you, thank you for the many incredible resources of P31!

  364. Missy

    I try and start my day before my feet even hit the floor with First5. I do a couple of other devotionals or when we are in one, a Proverbs31study. Then on to a inspirational book ( just finished Unglued LOVED IT!!)

  365. Julie

    I start my days by listening to Joyce Meyer and pray continually throughout the day

  366. Susan Cook

    My favorite place and time to do my quiet time is on my deck right outside my door. I enjoy this early in the morning as the sun rises or later in the evening when the sun is setting. The perfect time is when it’s raining and I can see God in the storm. I typically do a theme and study those verses in the Bible. Right now I am looking at verses that say, “But God”. Since God is always on journey with us, when the storms of life have come I have had to learn to dance in the rain. The cool part is I never dance alone, God is the ultimate partner. When life doesn’t make sense, He is the calming force, like the sun breaking through the storm clouds – the brilliance of the Son shines through.

  367. Lydia

    I start by getting guiet and opening my heart to Him and praying. I then do a devotional, either out of my Bible, devotional book, or the First 5 app. I then journal, pray, and give thanks and try to continue the thankfulness throughout my day.

  368. Jackie

    I wake up very early. After my husband leaves for work, I use that time as my prayer and devotional time. Beau way to start each day.

  369. Amber

    I try to find a little time in each day to sit in y chair and read the Bible and read a chapter from each or a few of the books I am currently reading. I also like to listen to sermons and worship music on my phone. Sometimes I sit in my literal closet and soak. I also like to write down in a journal what I am going through and what I feel God is saying to me. 🙂

  370. Marla Imhoff

    Hi Lisa,

    My quiet time is spent in the Word, waiting and listening for Him to speak. Recently, I have become aware that I am not always in His yoke. That is the reason I am not entering His “rest”. So my quiet time is transitioning into “learning” how to come into my position in His “yoke”.

    How beautiful and timely this word is for where I am at in my walk with the Lord.

    Thank you,
    Marla Imhoff

  371. Debra

    Knowing when to stop is crucial. Hit me like a ton of bricks, I can’t develop my relationship with the Lord, and learn the word, and let it penetrate my heart, because I do not stop. I’m so thankful that I stopped this morning for this timely word. My worst fault is being too busy, truly a tactic to keep me from growing. I pray your word touch as many as it did my heart today. Thank you for your ministry

  372. Barbara Claunch

    This was such a good reminder for me today I do find it hard to rest in him and trust to let him do his work in me. Reminds me to begin again and trust in his will in my life.

    Thank you for the needed word
    Barbara Claunch

  373. Amanda Owensby

    My quiet time is sitting outside in silence, talking… crying out to God, while taking in His creation.

  374. Jody

    I spend my quiet time in my room after putting three beautiful children to bed after a day of work, evening of homework and sports, dinner and baths… my mind usually racing but my body exhausted. I have found solice in your blog and daily Facebook messages. They relate so well to me and always seem to speak to what I need to hear. Journaling in response to your daily teachings has calmed my mind and allowed me to acknowledge God’s blessings! Your teaching is a gift and I am forever grateful 💖.
    ~In Christ

  375. Linda

    Listening to a Christian radio station while walking at the YMCA. I love to worship Him in music 🎶

  376. Lori

    I always wake up 15 minutes before the alarm goes off. I take those precious moments to look at the First 5 app, then read some scripture, and then pray. It’s so nice and quiet since my hubby and dog are already up. I love that time of sweet solitude and how I hear my God so very clear.

  377. Sandra Mauldin

    My quiet time is first thing in the morning, with a Diet Coke, Bible, devotional in my ” quiet time spot”. As I am going through a very difficult trial right now, these quiet times resting before the Lord and seeking His guidance are the only things that keep me going.

  378. Diane

    Today especially I need to feel embraced by God’s love. 🙏😇

  379. Kathryn Toner

    I like to spend time with God reading devotions (Mornings With Jesus and In Touch by Charles Stanley) and then spend time in prayer. My prayer time leaves me in tears, pretty much every single day, but they are good tears. Releasing tears. Renewing tears. 🙂
    I feel ready to face the day after my time spent with the Lord. Thank you for considering me for your book.

  380. Shauna soltero

    I love to journal, read the Bible and pray. Thanks for the chance to win!💙

  381. Marcie J. Brown

    I spend my quiet time first thing in the am. I spend at least an hour with the Lord and generally, with my prayer shawl around my shoulders, it goes something like this: I begin in worship, then spend time praying in the Holy Spirit. Afterwards, I go through a list of names of people I pray for daily. Finally, I take time to study the Word. Throughout my time with Him, I try to make sure I am spending time just silently listening and simply absorbing His much-needed and longed for presence.

  382. Trisha Kemp

    Precious Lysa,
    I’m a recipient of all you’re wonderful teaching…watching and learning as the Lord slowly changes my life. My hobby is bible study! I get up early before work and study His word listening for what special message He has for me. Then a 40 minute drive to work is filed with praise and worship that pierces my heart. This message spoke to my heart today as I struggle with some big changes and decisions. Thank you for helping me see through the muddy water.

  383. Jennifer

    My quiet times comes while my kids are at sports practice. I spent it praying 🙂

  384. Sara Gann

    Dear Lysa,
    This is exactly where I am. I feel The Lord leading me into a time of rest in Him. Each weekday I get up at 4 and spend time with The Lord. I read His Word, pray, praise, and then write in my journal. This has become a way of life for me. I am thankful for your obedience to The Lord. Your books have helped me along my journey.
    May God bless you abundantly!

  385. Kristina Tucker

    We have two very active boys 4 and 2 so I don’t get many moments of peace and quiet. In the early early am I wake up and go to the gym so that I make sure I take care of me too 🙂 my quiet time with the Lord is usually at afternoon nap time when the house is still for an eternity (1 hr) – sometimes I have to decompress from the first half of my day so I put my earbuds in and pray & cry and listen and pray some more.

  386. Doris

    I spend my precious time with the Lord in the evening . When the craziest part of the day has gone by. I talk to him as if he was a close friend. I pray to Him and I know He listens. After our talk I can rest at night and have a peaceful sleep

  387. Caitlin Miller

    I spend every morning with God. The first thing I do, before I go on social media, before I even get out of bed, I start my morning with prayer. And then I dive into His word. It gives me so much perspective–a heavenly perspective on everything I face.

  388. Susan Hedge

    First I pray that as I read His word and devotional book, I pray God will speak to me the words He wants me to hear for that day.

  389. Paula

    Lysa, thank you for allowing Him to speak through you! This posting was timely in ways you could never imagine. Incredibly, He has spoken to me again!

    While my time with Him is limited, I start my day with a daily verse from my Bible app and a brief devotional on Abide. I talk with Him and praise Him as I’m driving and most often when in natural settings. (His creation never ceases to AMAZE me!) whenever I can, I listen to audio books and podcasts, but I LOVE to sit down with a ‘real’ book every once in a while to get reconnected with His word. Your ministry has been a true blessing to me as I walk this path; a path that I never dreamed of for my six children and I. Thank you for all that He does through you.

  390. Desiree Denson

    I try to spend my quiet time with God in the evening. Some days are harder than others. But i really try to spend some quiet moments with God

  391. Londa Morgan

    Hello Lisa,
    Thank you so much for sharing your faith and reminding me the importance of spending that 1:1 time with God. My quiet time is in the mornings before I go to work. I am participating with my church in reading through the Bible this year, sonwaxh morning I read the assigned scripture for that day. However, I am looking for a devotion/bible study to help me grow closer to and understand him more.
    Have a wonderful day

  392. Rose Allamon

    I find my rest at 2 or 3 am., when I can’t sleep; I read the Bible and pray in a state of no distractions. As I go back to sleep I sense the Lord’s reassurance and peace.

  393. Andrea Swanner

    I spend my time in reflection and review trying to make some connection on what’s been to what I’ve learned or am learning from the Word.

  394. Rita Beisel

    I recently retired from public school administration and sent my youngest child off to college, so adjusting to actually having more time to get into God’s Word has been a true blessing! Something you said in your Uninvited study has stuck with me, it was something to the effect of what I think about or do first thing in the morning? Do I start off with my Savior? I love that! I start off most days with Devotionals, Bible study and prayer and am learning to live with God moment by moment.

  395. Brooke Price

    My quiet time looks a little different in various seasons, but it always includes reading God’s Word. I’m learning to really dig in deep and soak up everything I can throughout Scripture. Lately, I’ve been doing book studies during my quiet time. I’m studying the book of Ruth currently and it’s been wonderful. I love to journal, reflect and pray in my quiet time as well.

  396. Alice Penniman

    This is for me today! God is teaching me to let go! My job is to believe and rest. Praise God!!

  397. Linda Wagner

    Happy Hump Day Lysa! Hope you are doing well.
    I justed wanted to thank you for sharing this. It truly spoke to my heart, and let’s just say
    everything that you wrote, I was like- wow! yes that is what I am “‘feeling ( I know you can not trust you feelings. I wish I could sit and share my heart with you- BUT know I can not.
    I love reading your stuff!!
    Anyway- Thank you for sharing your heart with us/me

    God Bless You

  398. Pam

    My quiet time is best when I’m listening to worship music or to the Bible read aloud.

  399. Deb

    Because of your book Uninvited, my time with Jesus completely changed. Now I abide, delight and dwell at the well each day. Abide time changes the flavour of the day. It keeps me centred on what matters and that is my eyes on Jesus. He is enough.

  400. Mandy

    I relate to this post so much and it is the life I currently live…everyday
    I start my day everyday with quiet, devotion and listen. I’m still waiting for the answer :-/

  401. Krista

    Quiet time praying

  402. Maureen

    Sometimes I have a calm enough week that I dig in and get some deep Bible studying in…other times I’m thankful for the 45 seconds I can read through a fast devotional. Either way keeps my eyes on Him throughout the day…and you do what you can!

  403. Mary Lou Genovese

    Hi Lysa,
    You ask, how I spend my quiet time with God. I love looking out at nature while I search the scriptures or do a bible study. The other day, I was watching the wind outside my front window. I thought of how we cannot see God, but we can feel Him.. Just like the wind. How He can direct us just like the wind can direct the leafs . He can clean out the clutter that is in our branches of our life by simply blowing on us. He can calm our nerves with the gentle breeze of His love. We can feel His presence if we just close our eyes and allow Him to guide us. That is when I feel His love most.

  404. Kristin Smith

    Each morning I spend some time writing out a prayer before I start my day. It isn’t much, but it is a good way to put my heart in the right place and a way to document his faithfulness!

  405. Tricia

    I spend my time in the front room of my house. I have a large window and no technology except what I bring in there. Today my room is quiet but my mind is not. It is hard to clear the clutter and listen for the still, small voice.

  406. Chrissy Lead

    I spend my quite time with God in prayer and worship. I darken a room, put on some worship music and just pray to God for all the things he is, has done, can do, and will do. It restores my heart and gives me reassurance that my God is capable and will not lead me astray and that when things do happen (or don’t happen) it is for a reason and he is just preparing me for his kingdom.

  407. Carmen

    Honestly, I’ve struggled to even have quiet time with God. I have found “sneak” times to read His Word, but for that quiet, contemplative thinking and/or prayer time? It’s been elusive, and I miss it.

  408. Elizabeth Hernandez


    I just first want to thank you for your devotions. I just finished the “Made to Crave” book, and although I backslid more than a few times, the word is in my heart and mind and I’m forever grateful because now it’s easier to get out of my eating funks.

    I read the end of the book and am eager to get “Unglued” as well, because I too struggle with these issues. Just yesterday I snapped at my niece due to other issues with me and I felt horrible. I never do that to her.

    Which brings me to your blog and reading your message from today. God is funny how He works. I’m dealing with this very dilemma. I’m about to graduate college and there are so many choices and opportunities coming at me. I don’t know what to do. And since I’m in school my quiet time consists of me sitting in my car in the college parking lot reading your devotions and my Bible.

    I just recently did the Daniel Fast, and God spoke to me very clearly then. I’m thinking of doing this again to get some answers, because to be honest, I’m also cultivating feelings for someone and if I go one way, that means leaving everything and him behind. I’m willing to do what the Lord wants…it would just be nice to know what it is.

    Thanks again for your work. It has motivated and encouraged me in ways I didn’t think could happen.

    God bless,


  409. Chelle Young

    I have recently changed jobs that sends my family in one direction in the mornings and me in the afternoon to start my job. After I send them off, I go back to sleep to reset my mind and restart my day, my journey with God. Depending on the day, God and I will sit on the deck and talk while I drink tea or we’ll go to a lake and meditate, singing songs of adoration, or crying tears of joy &/or sorrow.

  410. Robin Himes

    I get up at 5:30 every morning before my kids get up and spend time in devotionals and scripture. I read proverbs 31 devotional and forward them to other women. I started this devotional time about 6-8 months ago and it has changed me in so many ways. I tell friends that this is one of the best things I could’ve ever done for myself. This hour changes everything for me. My 3 kids are watching and seeing the change.

  411. Jessica

    I have quiet time in the morning before the kids wake up. I find spending time with God in the morning sets me up for the whole day. I pray and read the bible. Currently I am reading the bible chronologically.

  412. Donna W

    I have my mornings, each and every morning, booked. I have my prayer chair and my Bible and devotional and spend each morning with the Lord.

  413. Connie

    Thank you dear sister and all of you at Proverbs 31 for being there for me and so many others. I am grateful that Jesus is letting me know who he is through his word and your love.

  414. Julia

    I take the quiet of the 1st 30 minutes and do my devotional book…then pray on my drive to work. Sometimes the quiet of God is scary and I am not good at sitting in it…but I know God wants to speak, if I would stay listening a little longer!

  415. Nancy

    I started implementing what your daughter did in college!
    5-5-5 each morning. It use a wonderful start to my day and gets me focused on the Lord!
    I’m also learning from your bible study Finding I Am with our church. Thank you for this wonderful teaching!

  416. Dawn Overton

    I spend my time with the Lord reading my Bible, journaling, and praying.

  417. Angela Fields

    I get up at 415 before my children wake up and study the word and pray. Thank you!

  418. Kelly

    Every morning, I spend time reading from two devotional and the Bible verses they note. I also journal and am working on mindfulness.

  419. Rebecca

    Hi Lysa,

    I try and be present to His presence. Constantly I get lost in rehashing the past or anxious about the future. Letting God take control of every moment is my deepest surrender to Him. If I keep the sureness of his presence in my heart, each moment feels like I am wrapped in my Protector’s embrace.

    Thank you for your beautiful work. God Bless you.

  420. Faith Postma

    When I spend my extensive time with Jesus, I worship a song and pray for my discipleship groups or whoever then turn the volume down to be background and journal and/or read my Bible wherever I am at 🙂 Sometimes I’ll ask Him questions and wait for an answer or just sit there and soak in worship and prayer.

  421. Errica

    I’m an early bird I start my coffee pot when the house is about an hour or more away from waking up and running, and I sit in front of our fire place that has become my morning altar of sorts in our little love seat I pray and do my devotion. I’m so very thankful for this time it really sets the tone for my whole day just to be able to unload my burdens and my prayers to the Lord and at times I love to envision Jesus physically sitting right on my hearth in front of me ( which I believe He is anyway) . It is such a sweet time.

  422. Harriet

    I get to work early after the children are off to school and sit in my car reading a daily devotion. Then I go into work to start that part of the day. I also spend just a couple of minutes in prayer before I go into the gym to exercise in the dark wee-early hours of the morning. I am searching to find more time and ways to spend getting closer to God, making him first and not 2nd or 3rd.

  423. Victoria VanAntwerp

    I spend my quiet time in the Word or writing monthly letters of encouragement to my penpals or other Sisters in Christ.

  424. Pam Anderson

    Hey Lysa – I have to share. I just preordered your new devotion book. I’ve been using Streams in the Desert for close to a year now and it’s been awe inspiring. So many messages what I needed to hear. But it’s occurred to me my “time in the desert” is nearly over and that perhaps it’s time for something new. See, God called me to a complete halt in July of 2017. I’d been moving forward at a 100 miles an hour for so many years. And though he cautioned me to “Let Go! Be still!” the previous Fall, I failed to listen. I kept on keeping on. But then, July. Activity ceased. My realization is that I’ve been in a period of discipline. A lengthy one. But the hope in that is God disciplines those he dearly and tenderly loves. One of the things He showed me is that I used hugs as a means to feel loved. Often, it’s not just me “giving” a hug inspired by love. It’s me hugging someone because I crave that feeling of we’re okay. They like me. I’ve been using physical means (hugs) to feel loved by others, even gauging their fondness of me by how strong a hug I’ve received. About a week later, I dreamt Scripture over and over… God was saying “Draw near.” And then I received the P31 devotion where you talk about the best kind of embrace. A hug where someone opens their arms wide and draws you in… THAT’s when I knew the time had come for a new devotion book. Thus, I ordered. But more than that, I believe God used that email to “hug me.” I really believe my heavenly Father disciplined me, but then He then called me to Him, whispering “Draw near…” It’s no different than me with my child when I spank them. Afterward, I hug them. That’s what God did for me. Just wanted you to know and I’m incredibly excited to start my new book. I know it’s the direction God wants me to go. God bless you so, Lysa!!

  425. Jodie Laws

    I read First Five every morning at 4:30 to get my day started. Then after exercising I spend time studying other devotionals and reading scripture. And, of course, praying!
    I can’t wait to read your next book! Thank you!

  426. Shelby Hardin

    I try to get up early enough so I can pray and read my devotions while my husband is gone on his morning bus run. I also love playing Praise and Worship music throughout the day because it helps me to keep my mind on the Lord and His mercy and amazing grace instead of allowing it to dwell on things that are out of my control.
    Thank you and just know I am so grateful for this women’s ministry and all the encouragement I receive from it. You all share your stories, struggles and victories from your own lives which helps the rest of us to be able to relate and learn how to apply to our lives. I’m praying that God will bless my finances so that I can help support your ministry. I will be praying that God will continue to bless you and use you for His Glory.

  427. Deidra Marris

    I don’t, I thought I did but I don’t. After learning about life between two gardens, I want to learn how

  428. Samijo

    I have been drawn to a phrase “the rhythm of Grace”, which seems to describe my quiet time. I have rituals that keep the tempo along with daily variations that change like a melody. The only true quiet place is in the holy of holies of my heart where I hear The Whispers of God as He guides me through the day, and I respond with mutual love and gratitude!
    My rituals include listening to Christian television or worship music on the stereo while I tend to daily tasks and I place prayer journals, Bibles and devotionals in each room of our house, where I pause to have conversations with Jesus throughout the day, as I do my work. I enjoy praying in the Spirit as I get outside and exercise in the beauty of our Lord’s creation and spend time with our animals. He consistently surprises me with mini epiphanies that overwhelm me with His love and attention to the details of desires in my heart.

  429. grace

    I take the time and do journaling in my bible — somehow tho I paint and color and sketch in my bible – those colors and mistakes and errors (that happens often) reminds me how God can still use me, broken and tattered for His purpose, make beauty out of those pieces that He put together – as I put those colors and words in the pages and create an art! God is still working in my life and though it’s messy – like art – He will make my life beautiful in His eyes!

  430. Deatra Sweatt

    My name is Deatra Sweatt. I enjoyed and was enlightened by God’s answer to rest. I’ve hear His say stand before me. I keep asking but all I hear is wait. I’m learning what it means to wait – it is to rest in this time so I may rest and wait on this mighty move of God. I’m resting with expectations. Yeah thank you for the confirmation.
    Thanks be to God.

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