Stop carrying the weight of holding everything and everybody together and surrender what you’re most worried about into God’s fully capable hands with my free resource, “Am I Trying To Control the Uncontrollable?


Lord, help me see beauty

January 11, 2018

My word for this year is “beautiful.” I want to…

— create beauty for myself and others to enjoy.

— redefine beauty using my soul more than my eyes.

— notice beauty that others might miss.

I just had these doors installed in my bedroom in the entryway to my bathroom. They were discarded when an old building here in Charlotte was demolished. An antique dealer rescued them and sold them to me. They were dusty, rusty, and battered. But to me, they were beautiful.

I cleaned the dust off but other than that I left them untouched.

In the back of the antique store they were nothing but discarded doors in a pile. But in my room, they are my favorite part.

Beauty… only those who choose to see it, enjoy it.

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  1. Michelle

    Just like God – Finding beauty in the broken, discarded and outcast!

  2. Amy Swabe

    Thank you for your beautiful words today. We do decide our attitudes; we decide to have a good day, no matter what. I needed this message today. Today, I choose joy and beauty. Thank you for your commitment to Christ!

  3. Kathy Eddy

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Lysa… God has used you and the Proverbs 31 Ministry to help me see so many things that have helped strengthen me on my faith journey. This photo of your beautiful doors paint a picture of what we should see in everything. God has gifted us with His Holy Spirit to “See” what others mias. Thank you for sharing. We love be you!

  4. Debby

    Choosing to see beauty is always a good choice. It’s exactly what God sees when he looks at our dusty, battered and broken lives and calls us His.

  5. Chelsea

    Thank you for giving me something to look for this year. Every year I find a goal for God to work through me. This year I have been a little stumped on what that is. Reading this I feel I need to notice the beauty in others more and find compassion through the beauty.

  6. Lisa

    Thank you for this beautiful reminder. I needed it often. I too want to redefime beauty using my soul rather than my eyes. I love this! You are such beautiful soul inside and out. Thank you for your transparency and commitment to follow God’s lead.

  7. Tara Canady

    I definitely need to learn to see beauty this year. I get so focused on my problems that I forget to see the amazing blessings God has already given me. A home in the mountains, an amazing husband, and so much more. If I can’t enjoy and appreciate the beauty of what God has already given me, how can I hope for God to increase me?

  8. Kristin

    Love the doors! My word this year is patience. God has a lot in store for me for 2018. He knows my anxious heart. So He has shown me that things will happen, but be patient. His timing, not mine. I wouldn’t be able to hear God’s voice or see God daily if it wasn’t for the help of Proverbs31. Thank you!!

  9. Marilyn in East Texas

    Love the doors Lysa! They are so beautiful, like you!
    You are in my prayers!

  10. Christine

    I love to read all your positive writings, definitely a beautiful Jesus girl. xx

  11. Hyacinth

    Thank you for inspiring me.

  12. CarolAnne

    Oh Lysa, the doors -are-beautiful,
    And so are you!
    Hope this year is blessed for you

  13. Donna Cummins

    I recently came across this quote: “Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing.” Camille Pissaro

  14. Debra LaCoste

    I just love this!

  15. Deb

    Thank you for responding to my email.
    Many blessings for you today and always my dear!

  16. Nancy Wahl

    Lysa, I didn’t learn of your cancer situation and surgery until today, but I enjoyed your video very much, and will keep you and your family in my prayers. Have greatly admired you since I started reading your books, and admire you all the more that you have not given up, but have chosen over and over to trust God in the face of overwhelming challenges during these past few years. With the Lord, we will win!

    Take care and God bless!

  17. Chrissi

    Lysa, I’m so grateful your able to get back to your writing….you were missed friend! Been praying for you and loving you from afar. 💕

  18. Karla

    Beautiful! I love the doors, your word, and your pursuit to see beauty (then share with others). My word for 2018 is ABIDE.

  19. Krista Morris


    It is interesting that you wrote this article on beauty. I have to say this is what I really struggling with about myself. I can’t see the beauty in myself like God does. I am working really hard on this.

  20. Sarah W Goode

    A beautiful reminder! Thank you for being so real and transparent with your journey. P31 is a blessing to me in so many ways. God is using you to draw others to HIM! Prayers for the ministry and your personal life – sweet “Jesus girl”.

  21. Jamie

    You’ve been through so much, but remain positive and an inspiration! God uses your trials for good by showing others to remain faithful.

  22. tina kirby

    You have always been an inspiration to us all in everything.!You been through so much and still have a God given positiveness to everything and I thank you! over years I have done your bible studies and listen to you speak on line. Never in Person but one day I would love to and meet you and just give you a Hug! you Have Encouraged me in so many ways! I have been with proverbs 31 for few years now and done bible studies, bought stuff and donated to such an awesome organization that does so many remarkable things and I thank you for all you all do! God Bless you all! Tina Kirby Winterville north carolina

  23. tina kirby

    also! I love antiques too! me and my Husband have several pieces that are not too expensive but each piece has a story and I love it! we kept some of the old trunks the same just wiped off and some refurbished I love to hear stories of were they come from and how old. I am only 49 years old but I have an old sole and I always think I been reincarnated from the 1900 ear cause I love Victorian era!!!
    we also have couple old chairs and tables too! my faith is stronger and stronger everyday and with ladies like you that inspire us everyday keeps our Christian faith going and telling others and just encouraging others!! thank you for being so wonderful! God is Good! God Bless! tina kirby Winterville nc

  24. Wanda Lattimore

    Hi Lysa,
    I hope this post finds you recovering steadily! The doors are in fact beautiful 🙂
    I recently joined a women’s bible study at my church and we are studying the imperfectedness among the women of the Bible. It is so reassuring that nothing in this life needs stand the false perception of flawless. There is beauty in the scratches and the peeling of our framed self.
    Btw, my word for this new year is surrender. Not in the few things that feel safe to let go but in all things, big and small. I’ve resisted His total control at times in my life, rationalizing that the ‘Lord helps those who help themselves’ but I’ve discovered that I used that verse to hold tightly to my own solutions than to Be Still and wait for His answers. In my frailty and weakness, He is my strength, and I am learning that is there no greater discipline than to release all matters to His divine wisdom!
    I’m praying that you continue to heal, emotionally and physically!

  25. Georgiana

    This is a beautiful representation of the old adage ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ and Ecclesiastes 3:11, ‘he has made all things beautiful in its time’. This pair of doors were beautiful when they were created for the original owners. Although they bare the scars of multiple uses, this shows that they endured and overcame all obstacles. This too is like us, we bare scars of many challenges faced throughout time, however we remain beautiful in eyes of our Heavenly Father.

  26. Kerri Turner

    Hi Lysa…..we just started your Bible study “Finding I AM” yesterday. (Jan. 19) I had read a couple of your books before but I had never heard you until then. I’ve been all over your website this evening, reading your story. I finding myself resonating with you in so many ways. I nearly spit out my tea when I watched the video where you had announced your surgery. I do hope by now you have recovered “beautifully” and are in complete remission. I will be praying for you. I am so looking forward to hearing an update on your progress.

  27. Dorothy

    Going through a tattered season right now.
    Being widowed I’m finding it a struggle to survive, makes me feel like your Doors, but the more I look at them, I do see Much Beauty. I am asking my Father to provide work, but seems when you are past 50, no one really hires you.
    Seeking time with My Father each morning and evening.
    Look forward to your devotional each day.

  28. Anthony Innerd

    I have not been sleeping since a fall and banged my head, that after bruises to back, forehead and badly bruised left foot – my mind seems to have awakened. I seem to perceive things much greater,sharper that my dearest and nearest thought perhaps i go for a check up for -“Dementia” as am 65+. Please pray that those i love,will be glad – that i am “glad in me”, but little intimacy with loved ones especially teenager 16yrs.
    I end as started….night owl but bless you …I love your post, it brings out the HS in me even though felt alone much the past 2 years, it is in my lonesomeness – alone-ness, etc that i feel close to Jesus.
    Pray for my new mission work here in Lapland Sweden after coming to Sweden from Uk to work out my Christian life – 60 yrs onwards, new season 2018 – another pilgrim year longer….
    Anthony, Victoria, Rory 22 and Luke
    instagram Fillingstationlapland
    FBook – @laplandfillingstation
    Twitter -@Fillingstation6

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