Stop carrying the weight of holding everything and everybody together and surrender what you’re most worried about into God’s fully capable hands with my free resource, “Am I Trying To Control the Uncontrollable?


Why Did This Happen, God?

December 15, 2016

“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:12-13 (NIV)

Has God ever hurt your feelings? I’ll be honest, sometimes I’ll read those verses from Philippians and think to myself: This is a tough pill to swallow.

Content in any and every situation?


When my middle daughter, Ashley, was younger, she was a state champion gymnast. To see her do gymnastics was like looking at God smile. She was beautiful, graceful and captivating to watch.

Then one night while practicing for one of the largest tournaments she’d ever competed in, she fell. It was a move she’d done hundreds of times with the greatest of ease. But this time something went terribly wrong and that one mistake destroyed her gymnastic dreams.

We spent a year going from doctor to doctor, only to be told she’d never be able to support the weight of her body on her injured shoulder again. Watching a 14-year-old girl wrestle with the fact that her dreams were stripped from her doesn’t exactly lend itself to feelings of contentment. Now, I know in the grand scheme of life, people face much worse situations. But in her world, this was huge.

It was so tempting to want to wallow in the “why” questions and tell God He’d hurt our feelings.

Why did this happen?

Why didn’t You stop this, God?

Why weren’t my prayers answered?

Have you ever been there? Have you ever had a big situation in your life where you just couldn’t process why God would allow this to happen? Maybe it’s one of your young children having behavioral issues that seems crazy complicated and daunting. Or one of your older children having issues with addictions and devastating life choices. Or your husband being distant or possibly even destructive in making choices that are harming your marriage. Or another year of singleness that brings you wave after wave of grief, while watching others celebrating the gift of true love.

It’s so tempting to wallow in the “why.”

Asking why is perfectly normal. Asking why isn’t unspiritual. However, if asking this question pushes us further from God rather than drawing us closer to Him, it is the wrong question.

If asking the why question doesn’t offer hope, what will?

The what question.

In other words: “Now that this is my reality, what am I supposed to do with it?”

Philippians 4:8 says, “Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things.”

I like to call this verse, “Directions on Where to Park My Mind.”

And that’s exactly what Ashley had to do with her dashed gymnastics dreams. Instead of wallowing in why did this happen, I had to help her say:

This is my reality. Now what am I going to do with it?
What can I learn from this?
What part of this is for my protection?
What other opportunities could God be providing?
What maturity could God be building into me?

Switching from the why to the what questions paves the road to parking our minds in a much better place.

Is it always easy? No.

But is it a way to find a perspective beyond situations where we feel God has allowed something in our lives we don’t understand and we absolutely don’t like?

Yes, it is, and I pray this helps you today. Because even if our circumstances aren’t good, we can trust God’s purpose always is.

Dear Lord, I want to process everything I face in life through the filter of Your love. I know You love me. But sometimes it’s just hard to understand the circumstances that come my way. I find myself consumed with trying to figure things out rather than looking for Your perspective and trusting You. Thank You for this new way to look at things. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

If disappointing circumstances have left your heart feeling empty and depleted, you can trade those feelings for a more personal fulfillment from knowing who Jesus is. That’s what my new Bible study, Finding I Am, is all about. You can pre-order your copy here and receive FREE resources you won’t be able to get once the study releases!

And today I’m giving away 5 copies of the Finding I Am study guide to randomly chosen commenters! Just leave a comment below for your chance to win.

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  1. Liz Perez

    Would love to win a copy for a friend. ❤️

  2. Sheila

    I am trying not to ask “why me”. But it is so hard. I have been disnosed with a terminal, fast progressing illness. I look forward to this study. Thank you for your posts!

  3. Shaun

    I feel like I need to read this book. Thanks.

    • Cynthia Brown

      Would love the opportunity to win a copy of Finding I Am.

  4. Jody Rodriguez

    It’s so easy to get stuck in the ‘why, Lord?’ that getting bitter towards Him becomes a daily struggle. This study sounds like a gift from the Lord himself and I can’t wait to start it – whether it’s won or not!

  5. Shannon

    Very good. I needed to definitely read that. Thank you 🙂

  6. Jan

    Wow. Needed that today! Thank you!

  7. Cynthia

    Yes, it is hard to understand hurt and pain. It is hard to feel pushed away from things that give you joy. God does have a purpose and a plan. Thank you for reminding me that I should stay strong and remain faithful and wait for what God has in store for me. I can do all things through God who strengthens me. Great message.

  8. Carol

    This is something I have experienced!

  9. Sammie Perkins

    I think we all have been at a crossroads and wondered why something didn’t turn out the way we expected.

  10. Carol

    I’ve always felt bad even entertaining the why thoughts. Thank you for stating it is not unspiritual to think that

  11. Nicole

    Awesome reminder. And I appreciate you saying we can ask why! To many times we are told we can’t. The God of the Universe can handle it when we question and longs to help us find peace for our why’s.

  12. Kathy

    Woke up to read this post believing it was sent from the Lord Himself. This year has been some ride. After loosing both my parents, our son and husband being ill for months with no real diagnosis it’s been a year of why. Thank you for this.

  13. Cyndi Salmon

    I thought I had resolved the why’s of all the
    “circumstances” in my life. Turns out I haven’t.

  14. Sherri

    please, please, please…

  15. Piper

    I’d love to read this!

  16. lc

    I’m stuck with the why questions, but after 5 years I’m literally sick, tired and angry! Lord, please help me ask You the right questions and trust You to reveal to me Your unfailing love, protection and grace. Amen

  17. Lori

    This is so timely Lisa. I’m going to share it with several friends that will be blessed by this perspective. Thanks for always pointing our hearts in the right direction ❣️

  18. Keri Skeins

    I love your inspirational and thought provoking messages.

  19. Pam Thorne

    Really really need this! Have been struggling lately with issues that I feel this book can help me with. But and by God’s grace He is seeing me through!

  20. Daniella

    Hi Lysa, thank you so much for sharing this.. i can’t even begin to tell you how much I needed to read this today & to pray the prayer at the end..
    My husband told me today that he wants a divorce. There doesn’t seem to be any way of working it out at the moment.. I don’t understand why… this blog post has helped me park my mind on Christ… and rest in His all knowing of this situation…

  21. Angie Jones

    I really needed this in my life right now! Thank you
    so much for helping me switch to the what questions.

  22. Michele

    I can relate to the why questions all too well. My oldest son who is only 9 has some significant behavior issues at home. It breaks my heart. We have had a hard time finding the right professionals to help us help him. My marriage is not doing well either. We are trying to work on it, but it is really hard. Both of us have wounds so deep that it is definitely going to take the intervention of God to make us whole again. My husband says he is a believer ,but the words and actions don’t always align. And to top it off there is a lot of dysfunction in my family that directly impacts me and my family. I have a hard time detaching. Sometimes I feel despair, at those times I need to get myself in the Word and remember my hope lies in Jesus. But I admit it can be hard. I spend time in prayer everyday but sometimes I do shout out to the Lord, “Why me, why is it so hard. ” I find myself looking at other families and marriages and comparing and it hurts. But then I feel that gentle voice saying “I’m refining you my sweet daughter, your desire is to be close to me, and you will have to suffer just as I did, but the reward will be great.”
    I try to put my trust in Jesus, because without that I have nothing.

  23. Tonya

    There are times when I so need some directions as to where to park my mind. I circle things I shouldn’t, take streets I know lead to more heartache, and refuse to give up the driver’s seat when I know I should be enjoying the view from the passengers side, maybe even the back seat because I’m not even wise enough to ride shotgun. Yes, I took your metaphor and ran with it, but the point is, I am lost without God, and being with Him even in my discontent is so preferable to being anywhere else. Thanks for the directions, Lysa. I can’t wait for the new study.

  24. Brenda pisco

    Lysa, I can believe that, after 2 failed marriages ,my third marriage was gift from God! The 1st one produced two wonderful Sons, and we are very close. The 2nd one taught me that I am stronger with God in my corner , and this one, was God all the way , 20 years we have been together and I thank our Lord every day , every minute for what I have. Bless you, always

  25. Laura

    Would so enjoy the book!
    The questions posed in the email were very helpful: “this is my new reality- what am I going to do with it…..”
    Thank you.

  26. Myrna

    “Directions on where to park my mind”… Awesome! Thank you Lysa! Thank you Jesus❤

  27. Cynthia Harris

    Thank you for helping me redirect my thoughts back to truth. Often it is so easy to meander down the wrong thought path away from expectations of what God will do next. ?

  28. Beth

    As I visit nursing homes I always question why? So much pain with so many years! I love them all.

  29. Cindy w

    After 5 yrs of my daughter’s hurt foot like you to go from dr to dr she is finally pain free only to develop severe anxiety and panic attacks upon going to school. She has become withdrawn and depressed and it scares me. My marriage has no communication so there is no support there we just cohabitat I have never been good enough for my mother who has never had a nice positive thing to say to me in my 48 urs of life. I am feeling lost and worthless and hopeless

  30. Angela S

    Your message is inspiring and a great reminder of how I view tough situations. Thank for guiding me to focus on the what instead of the why.

  31. Rachelle

    Your emails always come at just the right time to remind me that I am not alone! I signed up for this study several weeks ago, and as always, I can’t wait! I always look so forward to your newest release, and this one is going to be so amazing! I would love to win this copy to give to a friend so she can join the study with us.

    Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

  32. Terri Lang

    Prayers for all who read Finding I Am, that they also find His peace and love.

  33. Ginger Wood

    God’s timing is amazing! I lead a women’s study for our church. I have been waiting for the Lord to tell me what to share next since we just finished our study. This topic is perfect. I am very interested in the resources that apply to this new study. Please send what you can.

  34. Meadow Rue Merrill

    Love the comment about “where to park your mind.” Definitely a good parking space! Thanks for sharing.

  35. Christina

    My daughter is the most persistent person I’ve ever met. She asks my why about EVERYTHING. Mostly it is when she doesn’t want to obey. I’ve gotten to the point that I know she won’t stop asking “why”, so I’ve explained to her that if she will simply answer “Yes m’am. Why?” That it tells me her heart is willing to obey, she is just curious about the details. I’m convinced that God doesn’t get irritated at our “WHY?” but He does want to know our heart is postured to follow Him no matter what.

  36. Jayne Smith

    The “what” is the easiest to slip past whenever things don’t make sense. Even when we know with God we can grow in the hardest places. Breaking through as Ann V. might say lets the plant grow.

  37. Teresa Hagood

    We are in this very season of “why” right now. Thank you for this reminder.

  38. Pam

    Oh my, I know the feeling well. My daughter a level 10 gymnast was not recruited to a college team after a long and stress filled year of trying , talking with and visiting coaches. It changed the coarse of what we all thought our next few years would be. Something I had my heart set on, cheering on her and her college team mates. She is doing great now and enjoying her college life, but shattered dreams do take time to get over. Even though we understand there a far worse things in life.

  39. Dianna Linville

    Sometimes I wonder if God made a mistake and chose the wrong person. In my heart I know that’s not even a possibility, but my head tries to figure everything out and put a reasonable explanation to everything. It’s at those times when I remind my head to think according to God’s Word. God has everything planned in our lives before we are born. He knows us better than we know ourselves and sees the big picture. Like a 500 piece puzzle, God sees the finished product, but we are only able to see the pieces spread out before us and on occasion are blessed as we can see how a few pieces begin to form the beautiful picture it is intended to become.

  40. Anne Daniel


    We studied four of your books in our Bible study: What Happens When Women Say Yes to God, Made to Crave, The Best Yes and Twelve Women of the Bible and we loved them. Unfortunately, our leader moved away and I am unable to attend where they relocated and have decided to try a Bible study on my own. I think “Finding I Am” would be a good one for me. So enjoy the videos you provide with the studies.

  41. Linda C

    Hi Lysa,
    Thank you for sharing this post. I’m not a fan of asking why questions at home or work (why did you do that?) because it puts people on the defensive. I never translated that to asking God why things happen.
    I love the idea of having a place to park my emotions. Philippians 4:12-13 (NIV)

  42. Heather

    I needed to hear this. Thank you. I am one who asks why and finds myself confused and getting bitter as the time goes on. I am ashamed of that and I want to change. I see it as a punishment when I should be looking and asking how can I use this.. what does He want to teach me. Thank you for reminding me,

  43. Kate Semer

    My best friend lost her 16 year old daughter in a car accident years ago. She handled her loss with such faith and her love for the kids that were grieving her daughter brought me to tears so many times. This was a why God situation, but she never went that route. I learned so much about God watching her and walking with her through this loss, even now and it’s been 16 years. Oh my, here daughter has been gone as long as she was on this earth, I hadn’t done the math. It is still sad and her loss is great, but my friend and me, our God is greater.

  44. Nelsa

    Your email comes just when I need it the most. Thanks, I would like to win this book for myself since I’m full of resentment and unable to forgive family destructive behaviors.n

  45. Theresa

    Thank you for this good word. We’re stuck in the “why” of our daughter’s estrangement. We are “laboring for rest” in Christ. Love your work. Thank you.

  46. Joan

    Love the idea of changing the “why” questions to “what”! It has been a year of challenges, but the “Uninvited” study has helped sort out many of them. Our small group cannot wait to start the “Finding I Am” study in January. Would love the Study Guide to preview.
    Merry Christmas to all at Proverbs 31 and all the readers out there who benefit from your ministry.

  47. Sharon Abiuso

    I have a friend who recently learned that her husband has been cheating on her. A Godly woman, she is struggling to come to grips with the situation she now finds herself and their three sons in. I’m going to share this devotion with her and recommend that she read your book. I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate your ministry and how much help it has been in my life and hopefully my friend will find that same help. Thank you!

  48. cheri

    Lysa, i wish i had your questions 24 years ago when my daughter died. They would have been easier to ponder than ‘Why’
    Thankfully, i have stopped asking ‘why’ and i do know most of the answers to your questions
    thank you for this post

  49. Michelle

    I love your teachings. Thank you for the opportunity to read what God lays on you heart.

  50. Judy

    What a wonderful reminder for this single mom and Nana – especially at Christmas. Thank you!

  51. Sherry

    Would love to win!!!

  52. Tamara

    This is beautiful. Cancer, addiction, death has been affecting my family the past 10 years. The why questions haven’t plagued me it is the anxiousness and wondering what it next. Being content, trusting in God, letting go are areas I am working on growing in. This book sounds like a perfect tool to help me surrender and letting go and letting God guide and grant peace His peace and joy that can only come from Him! Thank you Proverbs 31 for your ministry. God bless you ~ Merry Christmas!

  53. Laura

    I so needed to read your post this morning. It really spoke to the heart of what our family is going through right now. Thank you for sharing new ways to think about the situation we’re going through. Praying our family can find healing in hope in a hard season. I’m looking forward to digging into your new study!! Blessings!!

  54. Carrie Barnette

    Thank you for helpong me adjust from why to what as I navigate life’s challenges. God has a plan and your words about his word help me to continue to grasp that plan even when circumstances challenge my faith

  55. Toni Dennis

    Being advised to look at the WHAT instead of the WHY is wisdom from above, especially in light of God’s word in Philippians 4 that directs us in what to meditate on. Entertaining the WHY can drive you insane. But focusing on God’s goodness, His unconditional love and the fact that He has plans to prosper us, is so encouraging!

  56. Karen

    Loved this post…… Touched my heart and making a list of many friends and acquaintances to forward it to. Thank you

  57. Deborah Hawkins-Stewart

    I am on a spiritual journey after finally recovering from addiction and mental health issues and I find your words inspiring.

  58. Karen Ouellette

    Loved this post! It touched my heart; I’m making a list of friends and acquaintances to forward it to. Thank you!

  59. Sherry

    Yes! Going from why to what questions is powerful. Getting our minds to focus on what is right……on HIM! Thank you!

  60. Carol

    When my husband decided he no longer wants to attend church with me, I finally said to myself, “this is my new normal. What do I do with it?”
    Well, I pray. Pray. And pray. And I am continuing to sing praises, serve Him, and try to become the best Christian wife I can be through Christ’s strength. It is HARD. I mean it. All while trying to sell our house and find another. All while watching him flounder around. But God. He holds my right hand and says to me, “it is I who say to you ‘I am the one who helps you’.” Only with His help do I go about my day. Only with near constant communication with Him through the minutes and hours am I able to say “it is well with my soul”.

  61. Linda

    Wow, Lysa, this came at a great time! Thank you for the timely God-inspired word of encouragement!

  62. Catherine

    Such an important attitude shift, now if I can only remember it when I need it!

  63. AJ

    Wow! I needed this today. I have been through a year of one thing after another. While it’s been hard, I am thankful.

  64. cindy b.

    so needed this. our daughter was diagnosed with scoliosis four years ago, two months ago we found out surgery was necessary to stop the progression. In less than two weeks she is having spinal fusion surgery…I have asked over and over why and it is not drawing me closer to God. need to shift my perspective to what now. thank you for this post Lysa.

  65. Gwendolyn Jones

    Today’s study really hit home. I am in PT learning how to walk again after a myriad of health issues the past 2 years. Get down many times, but fight my way back with the faith my parents taught me. Love the prayer you ended with. Please pray for me to remain positive that what I am going through is in God’s plan.

  66. Linda Welton

    This would definitely be a study I would be interested in. My two great grandchildren were killed in an automobile accident two and a half years ago. My family has been asking why did God allow this to happen. Why didn’t he prevent it?

  67. Marsha Allen

    This was something I needed to read this morning. I have two children with Crohn’s disease, my youngest has it the worst. I have watched him lose his childhood to this illness and grow up faster than his friends due to this illness. I have asked why but I and my son have never lost faith that God is with us and will take care of us.

  68. Gwendolyn Jones

    Would love the book to help me through the difficult times. Thank you

  69. Robin Kanz

    I would love to receive a copy of the “Finding I Am” study guide. Your devotions always seem to speak to me and be applicable to what I am facing in my life.

  70. Janet

    Lisa, I am involved in a Bible Study group and we are always searching for new inspirational writers. I would love to read and study your new book for our group.
    I recently had a dear friend that lost his son and grandson in separate car accidents in less than 2 weeks. Your messages always give me hope and understanding.

  71. Christina

    Love the visual of “parking” my mind on the *what* instead of the *why*…especially as our family faces enormous transitions, yet again. Thanks!

  72. Christina

    A friend forwarded your post today. It speaks to where I’m at. Learning contentment. Learning to meet the circumstance where I’m at. Turning to Jesus in all things. Rejoicing always.
    I’ve started my second book that you’ve written, they are life giving. Thank you Lisa.

  73. Kristal

    I need this study! Thank you for sending this email devotional, it came at the right time. I love the way God speaks through people, circumstances and His Word to help us through life’s struggles. God bless you and Proverbs 31 Ministries!

  74. Kris

    Going through a loss with my best friend that daily we are wondering why it happened. Easily the worst thing I’ve ever experienced. But I trust that my God was not caught unaware.

  75. Lynn

    My husband is making destructive choices, being mean and hateful. I don’t know why God is allowing this but I do know there’s a purpose. And that He is with me through it all.

  76. JoAnn

    Over the years our family, as many, have struggled with illness and death. The death of my father at the age of 57 came unexpectedly. At this time my middle brother was waiting for a double lung transplant and heart surgery. Dad’s passing came two days before my youngest brother was to be married. My middle brother brother passed two years later. Since then my mother has lived with me and my family. Seven years ago, my only child, the child I prayed and prayed to conceive, was taken home to be with Jesus. It was this time of year when she became ill. Today I struggle with caring for my mom who has dimentia. At times I question God, and through His grace He gives me strength. Your book sounds like the perfect book for many women in our bible study. Bless you Lysa for sharing your life, and the word of God with us!

  77. Crystal

    Jesus taught us more by his questions than by giving us directions. I love the questions you gave Ashley to consider. We get so fixated on the “why?” in life when the Who,what,where,how,and when questions could serve us better.
    Thanks for the reminder!

  78. Judy

    Thank you, Lysa; God has spoken to my heart many times through your words. May He richly bless you and your family this Christmas season!

  79. Gretchen Scoleri

    Grateful for this devotional today. What great insight

  80. Rose

    Love this reminder of what God does in our lives

  81. Darlene Rench

    i love the questions you posted to process the hard times in life…such good filters to help us see the issue through God’s eyes and perspective. Thanks for writing this. I’m looking forward to reading this and sharing it with my Bible study women!

  82. Laurie

    Your book would be awesome to give to my daughter who is struggling with her identity in Christ.

  83. Carrie


  84. Leah

    My father passed away from cancer, it was caught early and he did really well. He truly believed that God was going to heal him. he never gave that up, what an awesome testimony except it didn’t happen! I thought what an awesome testimony that would be about answered payer. It left me feeling lost and disappointed and so distant, I can’t seem to find my way back. I have never been a strong Christian and now???

  85. Ann

    I definitely can relate to this , we all have had a small or big speed bump stops us in the road of life .
    I’m on top of a speed bump right now .
    I would’ve like to have detoured , went around it or just right over it .
    My ways are not his ways , my timing is not his.
    Thank you for sharing your life we can relate to and reminding us God is always there .

  86. Bambi Bandle

    I so needed to read this this morning. There are a lot of things going on that are difficult to deal with. I do know God has it handled even though I can’t see it all.

  87. Kelly

    thank you for a new perspective on verses that I have read all of my Christian life.

  88. Theresa

    Thank you for this reminder. I have learned this lesson too…we can’t help but ask why. But it’s in the “what” that we find peace and purpose and can grow closer to Jesus.

  89. Jenn

    Remembering to trust that all He does is for our good and for a purpose. Thank you Lysa & God Bless!

  90. Carla

    Asking “why” not only can distance us from God, it can increase our pain over time. Shifting perspective to “what” is the imperfect progress I diligently try to do for myself, and model for my daughter. Living as an example is daunting, as the example I was given was very different. But the other example I have to live is living in His grace, and extending that to yourself and others.

  91. Susan Graves

    I had a why me God back in 2014 when I broke my back and my life changed, there were so many “you can’t do that again” It to easy to fall into the pit of disrepair that Satan was leading me to and I almost did follow; than I found God again and every day is a blessing to me, I might not be able to run a marathon anymore but I wake up everyday with my Lord Jesus Christ and his word and I am the richest person alive

  92. Jennifer C.

    I would love to win a copy! Thank you for all you do!

  93. Dawn Jimenez

    My daughter is in gymnastics. I so get that watching her is like God smiling on her experience. It is like God is smiling on her and on me. There is such joy in watching your children thrive in their God given talents. It is precious.

  94. Kelly


  95. Rebecca

    I have a dear friend who seems to be stuck in the “why” question. She has been single for over 7 years and she doesn’t understand why she hasn’t met the one God as designed for her. This devotional really hit home about asking “what” instead of why. I would love to get this book for her and pray God shows her what is next for her. Thanks for sharing this very timely devotional today.

  96. Darcy

    THis is good stuff! I recently had my daughter sidelined for 3 months from her “love” of swimming due to an emergency surgery and it was not easy. It wasn’t a permanent departure from her “love,” but it was a difficult journey back to where she was pre-surgery. It is difficult to see your child go through this.

  97. Sandy

    Thank you for doing this study!! I need this so bad right now. I wish it were starting today!

  98. Molly Koenig

    Perfect for today, Lysa! Thank you. Early this afternoon, we’re burying a dear friend we lost to suicide last week. He was a believer, so we know we will see him once again, but there are hard questions for we whom he left behind.

  99. Linda Hedeen

    I am looking forward to the Finding I Am Bible Study. I like how you said that we need to change our perspective when situations seem daunting. I tend to look at the negative and not the positive. I am slowly learning to change my perspective by training myself to quickly acknowledge that God is on the throne and He is working all things out for my good.

  100. Betty

    Very helpful! Good directions on where to “park my mind” when confusion and bewilderment set in.

  101. Becky

    Thank you Lysa. Going through a season of waiting but God is holding our hands and providing. Great question to ask…What, instead of concentrating on the why? Thanks for that insight.

  102. Melissa

    LOVE THIS – thank you for always being transparent and pure – thank you for sharing your words and giving me hope and faith that I am a true Jesus girl! I am blessed to have come across you and ALL your books…I can’t get enough – keep writing. 🙂

  103. Pamela Franklin

    What a blessing your word for today – the perfect word for my husband and me – after an upsetting phone call yesterday!! Thank you so much for being a vessel for God!

  104. Kathe Conner

    thanks for the thought provoking message.

  105. Bj Bludau

    Love this! I am in my 60’s and still struggle with the ‘why’ of being single. So thank you! I have forwarded to a dear friend whose husband was in a horrific tractor-shredder accident and wondering ‘why’

  106. Tina

    I was just crying out to God “why is this happening?” Through my tears I knew I needed to turn to Him so I opened up my email with this Devo! Thank you for pointing me to ask the “what” question. I know God will not waste this time of unknown, He has something to teach me!

  107. Mary Margaret Smith

    My heart is breaking over a situation with my grown son, I could sure use some mighty encouragement and payers.

  108. Stephanie

    My friend and I were just talking about doing this bible study! We would love a copy!

    Thank you!

  109. Stephanie

    I always find encouragement in what you say. Thank you for your ministry.

  110. Mirna Raya

    I also have concluded that it’s the what question to ask God but still struggle with the why. And that only frustrates and paralyzes me. I love your wholesome honesty and transparency, Lysa. Thanks for tackling the hard and relatable questions in your ministry.

  111. Rhonda

    This book sounds amazing and would be such a help to my daughter at this time. After years of infertility she and her husband were blessed with a baby boy with special needs. He is having open heart surgery tomorrow at 8 weeks of age. I pray she moves from Why to What soon.

  112. Lisay Gillespie

    I am so looking forward to this book and study. Our house burnt down and we lost about everything. We needed even the smallest of items like a toothbrush and underwear. God showed His love to us and taught us that keeping our minds on Him giving thanks and praise we could conquer all and be content.
    Lisay from Florida

  113. Jj

    Thank you for sharing your experience and your heart.

    The questions and the prayer in this post were especially important for me to read. I’m asking God to help me take them in.

    Please pray for my husband and me. Severe illness and lack of income for 5 years, and deep depression have taken a heavy toll on our hearts. Thank you.

  114. Johnette Peck

    This devotional today is such a great reminder to not question God but trust him instead.

  115. Mia

    Sounds like this book can be great help to many people! Good luck, Lysa! 🙂

  116. Amy L Anthony

    I have done the last three Bible studies and I have to say, I love them! I have signed up for this one, but have not been able to order the book yet due to financial circumstances. I would love to win a copy so that I can continue to study! God Bless and have a wonderful day.

  117. Paula Johnson

    We are always looking for a new bible study. Would love to win a copy.

  118. Sandy

    Thank you for this timely reminder to ask what now instead of why. Am walking through difficult circumstances and needed to hear that today.

  119. Elizabeth Bordeaux

    Thanks Lysa! This was right on time for me. As silly as it may seem I had a wreck last week and no one was injured but it was the straw that broke the camels back after a long week of what seemed like everything falling apart. So I was left asking God, “why”. This gave me a much needed perspective shift. 🙂

  120. Erika Morelock

    I am super interested in this book! I just recently joined Proverbs 31 emails and subscribed to your email list, and I am really enjoying digging deeper into God’s word.

  121. Tiffany Edwards

    After having 2 major health problems this year that left me in bed and alone for most of the day for weeks, I finally asked God, “Why?” His answer was to teach me about contentment. It looks like he intends to use your book to help me. Thank you for walking in obedience and for allowing the Lord to use you as His mouthpiece to bless me and others who desire to be content in Him.

  122. Brenda Wolff

    At times, in certain situations, I seem to have an unquenchable need to know why or to understand. I spend so much time and energy trying to analyze the motives of why someone would treat me “that” way or make promises they never intend to keep. I am learning, albeit a slow process at times, to accept I may never know the “why’s” of others actions but I can know the character of Jesus and trust in His ways and nature and His promises!!
    I am looking forward to the FINDING I AM study!

  123. Marti Crowe Pope

    If ever I needed to remember God is I Am and I am not it is today. Thank you Lysa for sharing. We have just had a tragic death of a young cousin with four small children leaving us in shock and asking why?

  124. Sharon myers

    Wow, that is exactly how I was feeling yesterday. I needed to read that. Very helpful!

  125. Mart Pope

    If ever I needed to be reminded that God is I Am and I am not it is now. We have just lost a young cousin with 4small children to a tragic accident. It has left us in shock and asking why. Thank you Lysa for sharing.

  126. Courtney Goins

    Wow, I really needed this today. I’m struggling with a personal issue and also struggling with seeing my 22 year old daughter in a terrible relationship. Thank you!!

  127. Private please

    Good article. Here’s my WHY – 4 weeks ago I came home to find my husband of 39 years had committed suicide at home. Although I called 911 and tried to resuscitate him until they arrived – all of our efforts were in vain. Why?
    He had struggled with severe depression for over a year – being admitted to 4 different facilities, each time following an “attempt” that was termed a “cry for help”. Each facility ultimately discharged him after stays of 1 to 8 weeks. Each termed him “not a risk.” Clearly they were mistaken.
    I am left to pick up the (very large) pieces. So, “why God, why” has been my cry.
    I can’t get to the “what are You trying to teach me” – because – really a man’s life is ended and mine and my children’s will never be the same. For the past year – my prayer EVERY DAY has been for restoration – restoration for him, for our marriage, for our life together. Where are the answers to my prayers? How can his death have been simply about something I need to learn. His life is over. My life – as I knew it – is over. I will walk through the rest of my days (I turned 60 ten days ago) without the love of my life. How can this be God’s will for my life??
    I know you don’t have the answers to my questions – but any guidance you can offer would be appreciated.

  128. Melanie Currin

    I so needed the reminder this morning that God works everything out in his timing and he knows best!!!! I love your bible studies and thank you for allowing God to work through your life to reach so many hurting women and men across this world. Merry Christmas!

  129. Sandra Hogge

    Trusting God is the only thing I hold on too!! So much is coming against me and my family that some days I just want to give up but then I read
    the word or start praying and God gives me the hope and comfort I need!! He is so GOOD and FAITHFUL!! There are so many times when I
    open up the proverbs 31 devotional for the day that God has given one of you exactly what I need to confirm what He has said to me. I just want to THANK YOU ALL for all you do , having a love for others and a heart to serve the Lord!!
    Love and Blessings,

  130. Linda Hanstad

    Thanks so much for your words of encouragement today. Family issues will make this Christmas extremely difficult but I will try to trust in God’s purpose.

  131. Christine

    I’ve been in the “Why” corner many times. It is really good to read this post because it puts things in perspective. I think the toughest thing a parent has to go through, aside from losing a child, is seeing their child suffer and it does not matter what the age. Especially when it is a health issue that is serious and keeps dragging on. Test of faith for sure.

  132. Jana

    This devotion is just what I needed today as we deal with hard family circumstances. Learning to forgive and to trust God’s purpose even in difficult situations.

  133. Sheila

    Thanks for this. I work with teens who often ask this question and this will be very helpful. Keep on Keepig in for Jesus. We give Him all the Glory.

  134. Elaine

    I I have been so encouraged this week of the things I have read on Facebook and your blog I really feel like God is reaching out to me through your word and encouraging me. Things have been really tough right now on this family and sometimes I get so down and I feel like God is not listening. he’s telling me to wait and trust him. Everything I’ve read this week has encouraged me so much and I really appreciate it and appreciate proverbs 31 ministries I wish I could help somehow but I can’t this time but God has provided the things we need and it is enough

    him and I just really crazy

  135. Dinah Ferrer

    In our small group, these why’s seem to be increasing. I would love to focus and learn this together with the great gals of the group I facilitate. God leads it.

  136. Sharon Cox

    I am 74 years old and I am learning so much from the teachings of Proverbs 31. It is never too late to live for the Lord. I have gone to church all my life but never really “got it” until I started studying every single day. Thank you so much for your teaching. All of you ladies have made a tremendous impact on my life.
    I am so thankful.

  137. M

    Some days, I would read this and say, “Amen”. But when your child has free will and he is destroying his life, it is impossible to trust that everything is just going to be ok… God gave him free will so he doesn’t have to turn back to God. I can trust that God will help me through it, but I can’t trust that everything will turn out ok… and that is where I struggle the most.

  138. Elaine Tomasello

    This sounds like a great book that will be helpful to many people. Thank you for sharing this with those of us who needed to hear these words today. God bless you!

  139. Monica

    Tears are coming to my eyes as I read this. Recently I have been questioning a lot of things, a family that had a healthy 15 year old, now is in a wheel chair for his earthly life, relationships with family members, my less than delightful relationship with my husband…why God? why?

  140. Meg-Anne

    Thank you for this. I got served with divorce papers few days ago and I just can’t grasp the fact that this is my situation. I can’t believe that my husband was quick to leave, I feel deserted, betrayed and confused. But understanding now that I have no control, I want to trust God, His plans and purpose. Instead of questioning Him, I want to understand and accept His truth.

  141. Joy L McClain

    Wow!! The timing of our Lord is impeccable! I’m His “Why” baby. We recently moved to a new city where We don’t know anyone. Even after being excited and praying for it, the placement here brought the Why questions came quickly.. struggling with going immediately to just staying before without trying to fix it first. Excited to read this book

  142. Lissa

    Thank you for this post! a great reminder of God’s Power and Protection – even when we don’t feel it.

  143. Samantha Faloney

    I am struggling with infertility. 2 cousins, 1 sister and a best friend have all had babies within two months of each other and i was suppose to have my first next month. i’m lost, i don’t know how to deal or where to go next. i keep thinking, my sister didn’t want children and she’s blessed with a loving child…why not me? am i being punished? i know god doesn’t punish but what else am i to think? i volunteer and have at my church for years now and my sister hasn’t gone. i did things in order, house marriage family. i can’t help but ask why me? did i do something wrong in a past life that i’m not able to have the greatest gift one could possibly receive while everyone else around me is falling pregnant without issues. I’ve lost 2 within months of each other and i don’t know how to deal with trying to put on a rave face and be the aunt my niece needs me to be. i’m really struggling with what and who i am. i just don’t know what to do anymore or how to feel cause it’s hard to be happy when i can’t even smile.

  144. Sandra

    I can definitely relate to the story. Thanks for sharing!

  145. Christine

    This has been my year of asking God, why. I could write a story about how hard it has been and what I have learned, but the bottom line is that God can handle my questions (because He is a big God) and He wants me to pour out my heart to Him. This has drawn me closer to Him and helped me see Him more as a father.

  146. Debbie Wedel

    “Finding I Am” looks to be just what I need, especially during the holiday season. Lysa, thank you for your tremendous witness and studies. You always seem to know just what I am feeling!! Merry Christmas!!

  147. Maryann Schwinge

    I have wanted to ask the why God question often. I also have learned to be content and be patient and learn to wait on God and his leading to see where He would take me.

  148. Rhonda

    I’m reflecting on the five “W’s” of any news story structure… Who? What? When? Where? Why? And sometimes How…

    In my current situation, a deep valley, I have to ask the following questions:
    1. Who….is my God in this pain? Is He bigger than my devastation right now? YES, so I’ll lean into Him.
    2. What…is my new reality and what is my role in it? My reality is one of waiting and is temporary because I have received Biblical promises of restoration. My role is to wait well and be thankful in the toughest of days in order to reflect the image of my Father.
    3. When…will I see God’s glory in this situation and know His plan? When He sees fit to show me. I have to expect much and be thankful for much as I stand in wait.
    4. Where…will I find strength, endurance, courage, breath, energy, security, wisdom, and a sense of who I am? Certainly not from the world around me! Not even from those who love me most! Only from my Creator, Elohim, who knew me before I existed and knows me better and loves me better than anyone else.
    5. Why…did this happen? Why not a divine intervention before the destruction in my family? Because my God uses what is intended for evil and turns it for my good. He has this situation and my family and only He knows why now and why me, but more importantly, He knows HOW He is working this for His glory and my good.
    Please pray with and for me and my family.

    • Gussie

      Praying for you and your family-for strength, guidance, peace, comfort. Your perspective is encouraging for me. We are in a valley right now also as a family and suffering as a result of another family member’s sins. It is hard to be patient and wait on God.

  149. Starla Jensen

    My Bible study is currently doing Uninvited and we would love to do this one next!

  150. Carla

    This is such a timely reminder. I am processing the loss of a relationship. I am so encouraged when I focus on God’s word, and his promises. He is faithful.

  151. Lisa George

    I needed this so badly today. Everything seems to be adding up against my family and I and I broke down crying last night. I totally said I don’t understand why you are not showing up and helping us God. Then all I could think about was having a roof over our head, heat for our home, food on the table, no serious illnesses, etc and I realized I am blessed beyond measure. I would love to win a copy of your new study.

  152. Corena

    This kind of thing did happen to my daughter and she has in addition been left with a diagnosis of chronic illness. She was a up and coming contemporary dancer. She works very hard, gives back to our community and it is her passion to dance. Watching her was watching her love show through God’s gift. Anyone can learn dance but to see her perform was a rare moment to see passion. God has completely changed her life and ours. It went beyond the ability to continue to rise as a dancer. So it could have been much worse for your daughter. God is good. He is Sovereign, so no matter what He has reign over all of her life and ours. PTL for He is God Almighty and always in our corner.

  153. Janice

    I would love to do this bible study with my Young Mom’s group I lead. This would be great for them and for me.

  154. Julia Waterman

    We are walking through this very thing with our 14 yo. A sudden move and the departure of her beloved older sisters to college. She is slipping away from us. Lord, could you use this study for us to work through together? Tender her heart! Show us an opening and give me patience and wisdom!!

  155. Barbara Taylor

    I spent many years asking God “Why me?” . It wasn’t until I began the “What now?” dialogue that I began to climb up out of the valley. My life isn’t perfect by any means, but I have learned to deal with my reality.

  156. Betty Mac?farland

    Lysa it is a joy to read and study with you through your books!

  157. Betty MacFarland

    Lysa it s such a blessing to read and study with you through your books!

  158. Rhodora

    losing 5 family members in 3 years is a bit baffling. Just found my precious niece deceased. Through it all, He is faithful, true, love and good. Oh how I love Him. I haven’t asked why until now. What does He want me to learn in this.? Never in a million years did I expect this. Excited to glean from your insights! Blessings sisters be upon you.

  159. Dee Mallory

    Thank you Lisa! I greatly enjoy these daily devotions!

  160. Kathy Scott

    I just wrote a poem on this very subject of “Why?” and found that only when we surrender to the Lord’s working can I find the peace and joy to go on in life. It’s easy to become bitter about circumstances that aren’t ideal, but to grasp that God knows the end from the beginning makes rough roads become bearable. Thanks for your great insights. I know your daughter is finding another avenue to use her talents.

  161. Cindy

    Your post and prayer “…looking for God’s perspective instead of trying to figure things out for myself…” is just what I needed to read this morning! Thank you for your godly insight, Lysa. Christmas blessings to you and yours!!

  162. Andrea Gautschi

    I struggle with trusting God in all things -especially desires that are close to my heart. I’m really looking forward to this study and growing closer to God.

  163. Melissa

    Sounds like a great Bible Study to participate in!

  164. Jeanna

    YES YES YES! But God allowed those types of things into my life to keep me in line with His will and purposes. And I’m so grateful for everything – domestic violence, rape, sexual assault, sports injuries, unexpected pregnancy – all of it. Now He’s teaching me more about surrendering my utmost and deepest desires. I’m learning to find my hope and expectation in Him alone. Every single tear, heartache, thing I was angry and bitter about – WELL WORTHWHILE 🙂

  165. Bree

    I would love a copy of this book for myself and my family. We lost my brother to an overdose in October and have questioned Why. This post was timely and much appreciated.

  166. Emily

    Thank you so much for this reminder, Lysa!

  167. Berni

    Our small group just finished “Uninvited”.
    I’m looking forward to the new study!

  168. Tree

    This .. yes this was perfect timing!!! Thank you!

  169. Sherry

    I am considering this study for the Women’s Bible Study that I lead! We have done several of your studies, Lysa and have loved them all! Thanks for being His servant.


    I love the message ‘instructions on where to park my mind’. What a fabulous view of such an amazing verse.

  171. Lisa Butterworth

    Thank you, Lysa, for allowing the Lord to lead you through difficult times for the benefit of so many. It’s such an encouragement because you meet us in the place we all live. Bless you!!!

  172. stephanie romine

    I desparately needed this today. My husband of 10 years had a bi-polar mania episode and decided he wanted out of our marriage. I have struggled so much with the why……thank you Lysa for the encouraging word.

  173. Hyacinth Downer

    Dear Lysa,

    Without even trying to win anything, I just want you to know that you are a wonderful blessing to the body of Christ. I just love everything you write. You are true and practical and I love that about you. You are sincere because you write from your own experiences. God bless you richly as you continue to learn of Him and share with others.

  174. Erica P

    This a study is definitely what I need after being let go from ministry and trying to find a job to no avail. I’m asking why Lord, what’s next.

  175. Hyacinth Downer

    This article is very timely. God bless you. Can’t wait to see the study.

  176. Gussie

    I am so blessed to read this today and intend to share it with my husband. He has been deeply hurt by his family and is in business partnership with one of them who has mismanaged the business. He is at a crossroads and has a tremendous responsibility placed on him with no help and each day we hold our breath wondering if we will receive provision. I am not in a position to make decisions for him-it is his future and he cannot see the gifts he has if he leaves this business partnership. I pray that he will be blessed upon reading your email.

  177. Elisa

    My sister-in-law asked me if I would like to do the “Uninvited” online Bible study together and I admit I was hesitant. Online Bible studies aren’t my thing. But, because I had turned her down before, I felt obligated to agree. I bought my book and was still less than enthusiastic, until….I began reading the study and discovered God was meeting me smack-dab where I was in my life! I was heartbroken, UNINVITED, and having a hard time processing why I had been rejected. As I read, I thought, “Wait, someone thinks those same thoughts! No way!” It was fun and beautiful and life-changing.

    So, I’ve been wanting to tell you thanks for letting God use you to reach me in a heartbreaking, painful place.

    Now, I can look back and feel the peace of God envelop me and remind me that I have been invited to the best, a place at the Lord’s table.

    Your work is good work.

  178. michelle ingram

    Just finishing Uninvited and you talk of this same thing… so very, very true… Thanks for your honesty & vulnerability…

  179. Dee Pate

    would love to have a copy. I am trying to see promise in my situation

  180. Brittany Forrester

    This couldn’t have been better timing for me to read. Thank you for your encouraging words!

  181. Stacey D

    Thank you for the reminder to be content in all circumstances. The next step is to be thankful in all circumstances. I’ve struggled with that recently when I thought being cancer free for five years meant I got to say “adios” to my oncologist only to learn that the research has changed and I’ve got a new medication for at least two years and possibly for life!
    I thank God for my life and I want His to use that life to glorify Himself. Apparently, keeping me visiting that cancer center every year is His plan to do that. God’s will be done!

  182. Carol Keeler Leonard

    Wow! This really resonated with me today. Our little group is looking for a new study for January. Hopeful to get a copy of this beautiful bible study. Thanks for all you do, and write!
    God bless you at this Christmas season.


  183. Rose

    Dear Lysa,

    I cannot express my gratitude for your ministry. Thank you seems so not enough. Your devotions have encouraged me to keep pressing on in trusting the Lord. Though, I must admit I cannot understand how the Lord could allow my son to walk away from Him and embrace a lifestyle not pleasing to the Lord. My husband and I have prayed, fasted and wept and hurt for 5 years now, pleading with the Lord to grab hold of our son again. This boy who loved the Lord and served him and was so joyful is gone. Some days are very very hard for me and then I have others where I know how much the Father loves the prodigal and trust he will return.
    So thank you for your ministry. May our Lord bless you abundantly as you continue to serve Him.

  184. Kay Calhoun

    Thank you for reminding me to focus today on the what and not the why. There are some happenings that we will drive ourself crazy trying to understand the why of God such as losing both our children at ages17 and 20. Daily I focus on the what of living in Christ to the best of my ability and shove the why to the time when Jesus and I are face to face and I am with my children for eternity.

  185. Debi Gable

    Dear Lysa,
    Thank you so much for writing this article. It has really touched my heart. My life has been difficult lately, as my husband has dementia. This can be very frustrating & sad at times. And, I tend to lose my patience on occasion, which causes me to feel guilty. J is a wonderful man, & has been so good to me over the years. Now, it’s my turn to be sacrificially good to him. Please pray that God will do a work in me, that I will have the kindness he needs. And, please pray for J, that they will find a medication that will make his life easier.

    God bless you,

  186. Shannon

    Lysa, this post happens to follow a full day at Stanford where my daughter has been seen for the past year! We have been chipping away at some puzzling health issue for the past 5 yrs, when my daughter had mono in 8th grade.
    We just got a few new diagnosis yesterday, and I’ve been working on digesting this new info. I feel like God put this post through you, to speak directly to me! And I had my precious 17 yr old read it, too!
    This verse, that we will be parking our mind on, is a wonderful slice of the ultimate love letter!!
    Thanks for being a vessel, and for the focal point!

  187. Jen

    When life hits us with curve balls, we need to have a period of mourning for the loss of hopes, dreams & expectations. Particularly where there have been raised and dashed hopes. With grief there is a circle of stages which if one is allowed the time and support to walk through, then one can then grasp the what is next question.

  188. Lisa Talley

    I have a friend that was a practicing attorney, with a heart for working with unwed girls. 6 years ago, she was afflicted with a virus that attacked her brain, confining her to a wheel chair, barely able to take a drink, unable to feed herself, dress herself, etc. and she struggles with her speech. Her mind is sharp, but her body isn’t. She loves the Lord, and we do a bible study every week. I struggle at times to make sense of all that has happened to her.

  189. Melissa Fuller

    I am getting ready for a life move; one of those ugly and uncomfortable moves that take you from your comfort zone with friends and a nice job and community, into a place of new… new people, new routines, and new community. With the new is the fear, the uncertainty, the unknown and while I prayed for God to allow me the opportunity to have the things I am enjoying blissfully now, I do not know “why” he would move me so soon after sharing those desires with me… I opened this email today and am renewed that I am not forgotten nor forsaken and I that I am still a child of God.

  190. Marilyn in East Texas

    I have a son who I haven’t seen or heard from in over 4 1/2 years. I need prayers for Jesus to change hearts.

  191. Melanie

    I cannot wait to start this study! I love the suggestion of changing “why” to “what”! Thank you!!!

  192. Becky

    This word has encouraged me in my struggles today. God ,help me look for YOU in the struggle instead of just trying to figure a way out on my own strength. Thank you for always standing with me, Lord and going through the struggle along side of me. Help me not to forget YOUR LOVE.

  193. Toni

    Life just doesn’t seem to go as planned…. and my expectations have been dashed over and over in the past decade.
    As I read Marilyn’s comment above I so grieve with her… We too haven’t heard from our oldest son and his family in what will be 3 years to the day this Sunday Dec. 18. He lives 30 minutes away, has 2 children Sady 8, and Witt 3. It has devastated our lives. You are so right about the What questions.
    I love your books…. every one I think I love more… but Uninvited has really been a blessing.

  194. Kris

    And we know for those that love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
    Romans 8:28
    For I know the plans I have for you, declare the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, plans to give you a future and a hope.
    Jeremiah 29:11
    Oh, the depth of the riches and the wisdom and the knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!
    Romans 11:33

  195. Lisseth

    You really spoke to my heart today. These past 3 days my mind and heart would switch back and forth with the why and what. After reading this blog I realized I need to put the why to rest and focus on the what. By focusing on the what I am able to allow God’s Grace to enter and acquire his wisdom without trying to control my circumstances. Thank you Lysa for your words filled with wisdom. They bring healing to my heart.

  196. Tarah Wyatt

    I love reading all of your books. I lost my son in June in a very freak accident while he was on vacation with his friends he was 17. I find myself asking why more than I probably should. I like reading your blog about changing the perspective by changing the question. I know God is with me I just need to lean on him more and let him show me his plan. Thank you for your stories.

  197. Robin

    I need this book Lysa. I’m going thru a painful divorce after 20 years. I yearn for the encouragement your book can bring. Please choose me!! Thanks.

  198. Debora Hubbard

    Just what I needed today
    Thank you Lysa!

  199. Stephanie

    Would love to win a copy. My husband is struggling at his job. He’s working 65plus hours a week and the more he works the further I feel him slip from me. He’s looking for another job one that gives better balance to life. But nothing yet. My heart is aching today.

  200. Karen Hamaker

    Your post today hit the spot. My husband recently abandon our marriage, shell-shocking me since he had not expressed anything about being unhappy. The day he left, I prayed a prayer of submission of our marriage and myself to God and said, that no matter what the outcome was, after this storm, I wanted to look back and be able to give all glory to God for carrying me through and giving me strength. All the questions I have and things I want to know are not being answered or given to me by him. Today, divorce papers arrived. Your post asked a question that I had not asked but today heard God say to me…”Look! This is what you need to ask me!”. That question is “What part of this is for my protection?” So, yes, yes, yes…I know God is protecting me. There is an unknown that He is keeping me safe from! Thank you for writing that question in your post!

  201. honey

    directions on where to park my mind…..thanks for the reminder!!!

  202. Gwen

    >>Lysa: Has God ever hurt your feelings? << Boy, did that question ever resonate with me. Nearly 32 years ago I was terminally ill with cancer. The doctors had given up and sent me home to die in my own bed. God miraculously healed me– but not quite completely. He left me with serious nerve pain and other neurological complications I have to this day. My response? I was PISSED at him and wasted the next 11 years before I came out of my funk (much of it seriously depressed).

    32 years of hindsight has caused me to realize I wouldn't have felt the need of Him if it hadn't gone that way. I likely would have lost my way and gotten distracted by the things in most "normal" people's lives. I am much more understanding of the disabled and those living with chronic illness and grief. Those things are now morphing into ministry and service to those people. There is no way I could deal with this without having received that invaluable training He orchestrated. Now I am grateful it went the way it did and am looking forward to serving Him.

    John Bevere says "offense is the bait of satan." I would add whether offense toward others, God, or ourselves. This should be a great study and will bear much good fruit Lysa– thank you!

  203. Margie Normandia

    Thank you for sharing what God is teaching you with all of us!! I for one, benefit greatly from your ministry!!!

  204. Julie Swihart

    Thank you for the encouraging words!

  205. Janet

    This sounds like a perfect next study for me. I finished “Uninvited” at a time in my life when I felt abandoned and lost. After a 16 year tenure with a company that I thought would be the place where I retired, boy was I wrong. Your next study sounds like it is right down my alley as I have now found a new job, scary as it may seem. I believe God has placed you in this time and place just for me, Lysa Terkeurst! Each new study is exactly where I am in my life. I thank God for placing these topics on your heart to share with us. Can’t wait to dig in to Finding I Am and finding answers to “Why”. Thank you for sharing your heart.

  206. Louise

    Have been struggling to find purpose and meaning for several months now…losing our beloved son six days after he held his firstborn in his arms is still difficult to process. Trying to surrender everything to Him and hold fast to His promises. Would enjoy this book at this time.

  207. Sarah Wagler

    Amen! I really appreciate this perspective and will ponder and meditate as I consider what a difference they will make in my life. Thanks Lysa! Blessings.

  208. Sandy Huse

    oh goodness – I ask the Why? question all the time! Would love to join your new bible study!

  209. Christina

    This is EXACTLY what I needed to read today! Thank You so much for sharing your story & for guiding me towards the “what” questions & for letting me know that the “why’s” are ok as long as it brings me closer to God:-)

  210. Megan

    “Because even if our circumstances aren’t good, we can trust God’s purpose always is.”

    There is truth in this promise. Jesus is better. I often forget but have been really trying to dig deeper into the Word, praying to God, and studying devotionals and books through P31 to grow my faith and relationship with Jesus Christ because even when my circumstances aren’t good, GOD IS GOOD all the time and all the time GOD IS GOOD.

  211. Kim Hancock

    What I’m I suppose to do now that I’m divorced? I never dreamed, or wanted this to happen. It just did. I’m scared and afraid. Can I do this? I have two daughters. Ages 16, and 14. Where is god when I need him?

  212. Suzanne

    You are one of my favorites!! Your books touch my heart and I always find the right words to get me through any difficulty, THANK YOU, THANK YOU LYSA for being you!!

  213. Sandra

    Looking for a Bible Study for the months when I am unable to attend BSF. Hoping to see this under my Christmas tree – now I have to re-post so someone in the family gets the hint! 😀
    Have a very Merry Christmas!

  214. Alison S

    Thank you so much for the chance to win. This post meant a lot to me.

  215. Penny Gallas

    This will help me so much as I have struggled so with seemingly unanswered prayer. For instance my singing on a Praise Team at my church has been taken away by a deadened vocal chord nerve that will never heal. I loved praising God in song more than anything else, and so many Bible verses command us to sing praises to him, and now I can’t ever again. I used to ask WHY would God not heel me. But now I will park myself in a more spiritual and constructive place: This is my reality. What can I do with this? What can I learn? What can I allow God to do through me? Thank you, Lysa!

  216. Allison

    I’m reading unglued and uninvited right now. Both recommended by friends. I can’t wait to read this one!

  217. Diane Seagraves

    I’m 67 years old and have been through too many struggles to mention. The verse on being content has always spoken to me and I have tried to share with others that that is the place we have to arrive and find that Jesus is all we need no matter what the situation.

  218. Polly

    You are a gifted writer. I love your work. Thanks for all you do.

  219. Nicole

    This email was very timely; thank you for always sharing your rich wisdom. Your books have changed my life!

  220. Kathy Morison

    Thank you, I lost my job today, a week and a half before Christmas. Wonderful timing…. thank you for your reminder that our heavenly Father knows way more than me and maybe this is a real good thing. I will not lose my faith or my trust that you only mean good for me. Maybe there is something better ahead.

  221. Janet fiester

    On my goodness I love all of your books and this study would so help me! I would love to have it I have all of your books and would be honored to have this one! I remembered when you posted the best yes was half off at Barnes and noble I ran over and got it!

  222. Roxanne Morrison

    God help me to not as why but to instead as what. Much needed reminder for me.

  223. Gladys

    This is exactly what I needed after the type of day I experienced today. I loved the “Directions on where to park my mind” phrase. I struggle to think positive when I’ve had a challenging day. I think I will put that scripture In strategic places to remind myself everyday to think positive and to trust God.

  224. Morgan

    Tonight, this was for me. So thankful to see this and the sweet reminder of God is in control.

  225. Stacy

    Thank you for this post! It is very appropriate for what our family is going through right now.

  226. Sharon DiGiacinto

    Thank you for sharing this!! I have dear friends who are going through some tough battles right now with cancer and they are standing strong through it and clinging to the Lord, yet I am sure that there are those moments of WHy God? We all have them – and its important to not dwell on those why’s but instead turn to what now? Phillipians 4;8 certainly causes us to look at the bigger picture and focus on The One who is there through it all!
    I cannot wait for the Finding I Am study and I would LOVE to get this and start a study with some of the Moms at my church in early 2017!

  227. Karen

    In December, I always ask myself the question, “What Bible Study will I do in January?” I’ve been seriously thinking of not doing a group study in favor of just doing my own study of Jesus . . .and then I read about your study, Finding I AM. That’s what I want, what I need, what I’ve been hungering and thirsting for – JESUS, only JESUS. I’ll be doing my own study, but also be part of an online group.

    Thank you. Your timing is perfect . . . Or should I say His timing is perfect!

  228. Susie Hirtzel

    This sounds like a wonderful study! I really appreciate what you had to say in this post!

  229. Faith

    Thanks Lysa, I needed these scripture verses and words of encouragement today.

  230. Julianna Napier

    I am really enjoying the resources through Proverbs 31 ministries, no matter what link I click on I find something useful and applicable to my life. I have only recently started the first 5 app and love it so much. Today I clicked on your name and then the link to connect with you and it brought me here. Such a wealth of encouragement and biblical teaching, thank you,

  231. Donna

    Thank you Lysa for touching so many hearts with your God lead words.❤

  232. Bonnie Welch

    Thank you for this post I have my self gone through the “why God”

  233. Dena Dodd

    I have appreciated how you have used this life story of your daughter’s life altering injury to teach many different lessons. Contentment. Most of the time, this is easy, but Satan is sure good to distract us from the important things in life. I love your writing style and would love to read this book. I must wait to purchase it till funds aren’t so low. Thank you for this ministry!!!
    ~Dena Dodd

  234. Dee Dee

    I am so touched by your article, why did this happen God? I have questioned this so many times with the dissolve of my marriage. I needed to hear the reminder that it is not the why but what! I pray everyday for an answer and for my hurt to be healed and what does God want me to do for him. I feel I am pulling away from him because I do not see any answers to my prayers or hope for happiness.The holidays are tough or me.
    Blessings to you and your ministry.

  235. Susan

    I guess my “Why” question would be: “Why did God allow my son to take his own life?” Everything happens for a reason I’m told. Really? What purpose did my son’s death serve? Or what will it serve in the long run that is so much more important than my son’s life?

    I know it sounds like I blame God, but I know better than that. I know it was not God’s desire for this to happen, but He does ALLOW things to happen.

    My life is changed forever. I’m not sure what I am supposed to be doing at this point. I’m single, live alone, as I have for the past 14 years. Now, I feel even lonelier.

    It will be 2 years March 2, 2017. That day will forever be etched in my mind!!! It’s something that is ALWAYS in the forefront of my mind. Never ever forgotten! Not even for a minute!

    There are no answers to any of my questions, there never will be. Until the day I die, that is, and then it won’t matter.

    So, what, what do I do now, other than what I’m already doing. I live each day that God allows. I put one foot in front of the other. I grieve!!!!

    I miss my son! That’s all I can say, I miss him. I want him here! He was 34, so much life yet to live.

    I gotta stop now. Sorry!

  236. Sheryl Warden

    Yes Lisa, I have felt this way before. When my 34 year old son had a heart attack, and quadruple by-pass surgery, I felt this way. It was the hardest day of my life. I couldn’t understand why, especially when he had been so faithful, and had always wanted to work for the Lord. He is now doing well, and is the music director at a Chinese Baptist Church. At the time, I questioned why.


  237. Angela Barnes-Mitchell

    Thank you for sending this timely track. I have been wrestling with many “whys” lately. I go back and forth with myself because I know the strength and grace of my God. But between the struggle of feeling my mother has taken something from me that was rightfully ours to share and being involved in a major shake at work, why, just naturally comes to my mind.
    I just want to say thank you Lord for the why’s and the why nots because they balance me and keep me alive. You’re right, I don’t like them all but the whys catapults me and my family to a stronger and better position in our lives. So thank you Lord again and again. Amen

  238. Katie

    Love this!!!

  239. Sarah

    Would love to hear more of your thoughts on this topic. Sometimes it is so hard to trust God.

  240. Peggy

    I am looking forward to this study as I do all of the Proverbs 31 studies. God has blessed me through them all which in turn has blessed others. Thanks for all you do for us women out here that need guidance!

  241. Sandi

    oh my goodness does this speak to me today. several of your “perhaps it is this” issues apply to me right now; not the result we hoped for after beating cancer; the wayward adult child not teaching her little girl about Jesus, and so many other issues weighing heavy on my heart that I can’t understand the whys or what nows, or even share but your comments and devotional intrigue me. Would so love to have a copy of this Finding I Am book you are giving away

  242. Terri Bargerhuff

    Oh Lysa this was exactly what my heart needed today! I love how you give a plan for moving from Why to What! Definitely inspired by God! I would love to win a book, I would give it to one of my daughters! I will be ordering a book for myself today! Lord bless you!

  243. Karen Huxen

    I believe you’ve mentioned this approach before in one of your studies and I just shared it with a woman in our office the other day…..a lot of health issues…and how we struggle with the “why”…and that we may never know…but that instead I’ve started to ask…”what am I supposed to be learning, what are you trying to teach me….etc.” Thank you for your wisdom and insight. Your studies have rocked my world.

  244. Raquel Volen

    I have been a believer since I was 5 years old. I have gone through many various trials, hurts and failures that have certainly required faith and hope to step in. I have always been able to do it, no questions. Since I’ve been married however, I have faced major trials that have rocked my emotions and spirit. I have not responded in the best way and often times when trying to be positive with my husband have done a “fake it until you make it” scenario. There came a breaking point in myself though, where I am finally at the point of saying no more. I will no longer allow the circumstances of my marriage dictate my life. Instead, I am daily, because I cannot miss one day of reading what God wants to tell me or I will fall back into my old routine of feeling like it will never change. So, daily I read Proverbs 31 devotions and set my mind on God. To allow him to be the ruler of my heart. I give him my life amd my marriage. Now, circumstances haven’t changed, but instead of my sarcastic attitude of “another day in paradise”, I am asking God to let me hear through His ears, see through His eyes and to renew my mind. I thank God for the women he has placed in my life and the Proverbs 31 ministry.

    • Lysa TerKeurst

      Hi there!

      I am on Lysa’s ministry team, and I just want to thank you for this uplifting and encouraging message, and we are so thankful that Proverbs 31 and Lysa’s ministry has touched you and blessed you.

      Merry Christmas!
      Mary Scott Mercer
      LT Ministry team

  245. Trish Collins

    On June 26th 2016 our lives were turned upside down when our 3 older boys were in an ATV accident. Our 13yr old Colton sustained a TBI,Diffused Axonal injury. He still remains in a vegitative state almost 6 months later. I question why but try so hard to allow the Lord to work through our situation. He is using Colton, He is using me, and although this road is not what we had dreamed for our boy I thank God everyday for his life. Your words hit me when I need to hear them. I will focus on today and find joy in each small miracle!

  246. Crystal Storms

    Processing everything through God’s love is a reminder my heart needs, not why but what and what does this make possible. Thank you, Lysa.

  247. Jean Walker

    I surely needed this encouragement today! Thank you for redirecting my thoughts from the why’s to the what’s.

  248. Katie

    Excited to start this study with Myndi small group in January! I think it’s going to meet each of us right where we are. And praying it helps me help my kids process some hard questions and deep hurts. Thank you!

    • Katie

      My….not Myndi. Hahaha

  249. Susan

    Such an important truth!! Thank you for sharing. So very grateful for Lysa and the P31 team.

  250. Kelly

    Tears are streaming down my face…how perfect to come across this little devotional tonight. Times have been tough for a few years, but I keep thinking of Daniel and 10 years, as well as others. Thank you. I have to believe that it’s going to get better.

  251. Angela Farris

    At this point in my life, I think this would be very helpful to me.

  252. Brianne

    This study sounds wonderful, something that would really bless me and help me

  253. Edith Fragner

    Thank you for always sharing your heart so freely, Lysa. I could be your twin in so many ways and I am so grateful for your God given insights that bless me greatly. When I read your articles or books I feel less lonely, less of an outcast and so encouraged!
    Especially your book “uninvited” has spoken what was in my heart. Things I could not put into words as for years my voice grew more and more silent as my soul pain increased, The orphan heart in me is hard to convince and still I try to figure things out. Your questions are good. Yes, asking what is better than why!

  254. gagelene

    I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I have ask the why question in the wrong way. In the last 7 years I have lost 13 family members mother father grandmother mother in-laws grand daughter sister brother. And as each one cwent it got harder and harder not to be angry and eventually I lost my way. Today I woke up and decided I was going to find my way back because being angry is too hard exhausting. And when I asked the Lord where to start he guided me to email. Praise God he is good.

    • gagelene

      and my husband just 6 months ago. One minute I was talking to him and the next he was gone. This one pretty much sent me over the edge.

  255. linda trapp

    Such important wisdom beautifully shared, Thank you.

  256. Libby

    Thank you for sharing your heart with us…Needed this today.

  257. Angela S

    Thank you, Lysa. Your words have a way of cutting straight to the core of everything I’ve ever felt. I’m working really hard on my relationship with God lately, but this message makes me think I probably should start looking for a professional to talk to.

  258. Veronica E

    I’m very much in this situation right now. My husband is struggling with an addiction and it’s hard on our family. I keep praying about it daily..

  259. Sandy

    Recently after 28 years of marriage to a Christian man (a leader within our church) found out my husband has been involved with website for spouses that cheat. I have always known my need for my Savior, but this book title … I am counting down the days to feed my soul with more of Him.

  260. Pam Blosser

    My recent “Why, God, why?” Was when He brought me to a place of complete and total aloneness. I had to move away from my adult children, family, friends, and church. But oh the riches He showed me dying that desert season. Such a great post with great practical advice. Thank you!

  261. Lory

    I seem to always be wrestling with my thoughts and trying to bring them captive to Christ and obedient to Him. Sometimes I ask the wrong question, Why do you, God, allow me to be so constantly harassed with thoughts about others actions, reactions, feelings etc to me? I can feel defeated by the constancy of this.
    After reading your blog I think I need to ask God what can I learn from this? How can I more readily and effectively put into practice Phil. 4:8? How can I follow the Spirit’s leading in this?

  262. Dawnielle

    Excited for this study. Our Pastor has been preaching on Epoc and this morning it was Restoration and creating an atmosphere of good and finding I AM.

  263. Karen

    I struggle with the why’s everyday. I find it, then I lose it..over and over.. I’m so blessed in many ways but have been single for more years than I care to count and really want to share my life with someone and even when I find “the one” it never works out. Need this right now, as they say.. “the struggle is real”

  264. Tonya

    I really needed to read this today. Sometimes I wonder if God is really represent I my situation.

  265. Karen Saada

    Thanks for these powerful words at this time. You know it’s hard enough to face the heartbreak of in fertility, but to finally get pregnant, then suffer the loss of a child twice in one year, and the last being right before Christmas, is so hard. My daughter is so distraught and questioning God. And as a mom, I have watched her struggle with her friends and families good intentions when they comment to her by saying “at least you don’t have….” which doesn’t help and she doubts her favor and Grace in God”s sight. My heart breaks for her as she faces this “reality” especially at Christmastime.
    This reminder of His sovereign Love and Mercy and redirection of “where do I go from here” and what do I do moving forward is the “hand up” I needed.

    Thanks, Lysa,

  266. Alicia Czuk

    Well I have never done this before……. and hope I get the free book because I have a friend who just lost her 19 year old boy in a car accident. He was a Christian and had such a testimony. Please pray for that family. Their names are the Oaks family.
    I would like to help her through this book. I also have some tough questions myself………
    Even though I have no clue how to answer the tough questions in life, I love the Lord.
    This tragedy has a lot of people morning and asking questions including myself…….. We know God has a plan. Thy will be done.
    I am so thankful for your ministry and hope you have a good day. May the Lord Bless you and your family.

  267. Rebecca Fitzpatrick

    Thank you for this encouragement. My mom passed away in August from cancer and I’ve struggled not wanting to ask the why questions. Changing my questions to what questions is so helpful. I know God is using this situation for good in so many different ways.

  268. sherri morris

    I am right is such a situation of heartbreak, despair and wondering how this happened. I thank God for this day’s devotion. It is so on target to where I am know. I would love and so need this bible study book. I’m praying for continual peace, increased faith and trust and to look forward and keep my eyes on Him.

  269. Cheryl

    Dear Lysa,
    I am in that tough place now. Feel like God is so far away. Would LOVE your new Bible Study. As I keep pressing toward healing. Have a Blessed Christmas.

  270. Belinda

    I have definitely been there recently! After 26 years of marriage my husband decided he wanted a divorce. This came out of the blue for me. Then I find out that he has not been faithful to me for 15 years of our marriage. I was beyond shock or grief. I could not eat or sleep. I asked God why he allowed this to happen? What did I do that was so wrong? Why couldn’t he fix my marriage? It took me several months to realize that God was still in control. In that time I took a leave of absence from work to travel 1600 miles to be with my dad do that I could learn to cope and begin to move on.

  271. Kelly Keefer

    I am excited to make some new friends in Christ to help me through a very tough season. This bible study gives me something to look forward to in 2017. Renew. Refresh. Revisit our relationship with Christ…and hopefully find new endearing friends along the way.

  272. Denise

    I am looking forward to this Bible study.

  273. Trisha

    Would love to read this book, I really could use it….

  274. Charity

    Excited for the new book!

  275. Dani

    Thank you for your inspiration and boldness. I am in a middle of a divorce and oh how it hurts. Please pray for me and my broken family.

  276. Morgan bueker

    Can’t wait to get this! Been battling my depression for the first time in years this past couple of months and it always helps being guided through reading scripture.

  277. Aimee

    I’ve just finished reading Uninvited and I love your writing style…it’s so relatable and uplifting. Looking forward to this study coming out 🙂

  278. Linda Anderson

    Your writing intrigues me. You make me think, and I like that. Thank you for all that you do.

  279. Lin

    Interested. Enjoyed reading your insights.

  280. Leslie

    I am almost 50 years old and I feel somewhat guilty for still having these “why” questions. At times, I feel like, given my age, my life is over. I know I shouldn’t feel this way but I do. Sometimes I feel OK, but most of the time I don’t. Reading the “what” questions helped to see things from a different perspective. I hope that by reading your book(s) and continuing to study God’s word, I will move into a place of acceptance and peace regarding my circumstances once and for all.

  281. Marti

    Thank you so much. I needed this today. Too much busyness and not enough of Him.

  282. Krisan

    Looking forward to beginning this Bible study. Your writing is very easy to understand and relate to.

  283. Cheryl Dupke

    Would love a copy!

  284. Julie

    Thank you for reminding me to ask WHAT. I know God has plans for us that are too big for our minds to see. My faith has grown as my Mom is wasting away from early onset dementia. Soon she will be in His presence. One more day I keep praying WHAT and it helps. Please forward the book to another in need if my name is chosen. God bless all ! There is always light the dark place we may find ourselves in. !

  285. Mel

    Thanks for the opportunity. Sounds like something I would enjoy reading.

  286. Lydia

    I have my faith. It’s not gone. But, my life is a nightmare right now. I’ve been struggling with so much in my personal life. The greatest is losing ‘my one and only’ to suicide on the 2nd. My son was only 28.

  287. Carmen N

    I would love to read your book!

  288. Amy

    Thank you for the reminder to change my focus from the why to the what. I would love a copy of this study!

  289. Tatyana Pashnyak

    I can’t wait for the study! My weak spot right now is my relationship with fiance. Please pray for us…

  290. Isabelle Petit

    Hello Lysa! Thank yiu for this blessed article! I needed to hear that today, i needed it very much without knowing it. God bless you for this!

  291. Lindsey

    Would love the bible study.

  292. Hannah

    Just started reading The best yes, so good for me! Would love love to do this Bible study. Thank you for sharing your heart with us!

  293. Debi

    Hello Lisa! I love all of your posts and feel so loved after really letting them sink into my heart. I am losing my job at end of next week. I am 61 and this is first time it has ever happened to me. I have been blessed with great jobs. 18 years medical, 7 years optometry and this part time job is HVAC and I work with wonderful people. It has worked out great for me in all way…but now it is going to be over. Please pray for me. I am giving it to God. I want to stay home in a way…but want to be open to what God wants for me as well.
    God Bless you!
    Debi B.

  294. JulieAnne

    Oh how this word spoke to me! & it was absolutely a confirming word!
    I feel so blessed to have come across your books and studies Lysa. Thank you for saying YES to God and for being so honest and transparent with your experiences.

    Looking forward to your new book and study coming out & can’t wait to jump into it!

    May the Lord continue to bless you in all you do!

  295. charlotte key

    Just at the time I need this most in my life. After lingering health issues I guess I don’t understand why this is happening.

  296. Carolyn

    Sounds like what I need to read!!!

  297. Teresa Broderick

    I am super excited about this new study & am praying for a free copy to support my dear sister in Christ, Monica as we do the 5 week study to become closer to our Lord & Savior, glory be to our Prince of Peace. In Jesus precious holy name, amen.

  298. Jessica Ly

    Love reading about your faith walk and hearing God’s guidance through you!

  299. Barbara

    A much needed word thank you!

  300. Emma

    I have asked why did my husband batter me, why am I in this situation. The why doesn’t matter much anymore. I have to focus on the ‘what’ now.
    I have to pick up roots and move, yet again. I am 57 and should looking forward to my golden years. It looks more like coal right now. I need this book and others to help me re-invent myself.

  301. Susan

    Hi Lysa. I have been blessed by your ministry in a lot of ways. Your honesty about the hard things to share. Is something I struggle with. First 5 is very encouraging and a devotion I look forward to every morning. This is the first time I have ever left a comment. I have quite a few of your books as well. I thank you and hopefully will continue to grow in God.

  302. sue

    Just started reading Uninvited and I am in tears laughing…. I just love your style and honesty!

  303. Melody Tucker

    Lysa I love your devotions and read them daily but one of these books I would love to give to my daughter who is going through a nasty divorce and is struggling daily with the why questions and more. Thank you and God Bless you for sharing.

  304. Sarah

    I really needed to read this. I am struggling with the why’s of so many things in my life right now from my child and my dad passing away, my husbands addiction and having to raise 3 children on my own. I am happy to learn that I need to learn to change it to what instead. I would be extremely happy to win a book to get more insight.

  305. Lucy

    Well Lysa,
    Just trying to mentally prepare myself for the journeys of 2017 and for all that God Has planned.

    I have a few unresolved conversations to have with someone and I am trying to tune in to what Gods wants me to say.

    I have felt so detached and in the midst of grieving and it is only now I feel like I am reawakening.

    Just want to surround myself with good companions and wisdom.
    Perhaps your book can help with some of this.

    Gods Blessing to you and yours,


  306. Belinda Hilley

    My 45 year old niece just had a massive stroke. I feel this book would help all of us try and understand that God is truly in control. Hoping to start 2017 with being more in touch with Him. Thank you.

  307. Debbie

    I really need a good book like this! I am not even sure how we became facebook friends, but just skimming through your post I was captivated to read, and thefe was so much I could relate to,

    I was adopted at age two and suffered from two disfuntional families. In my early twenties I met the man I spent 15 years of my life with. I was looking for love and security. I had also alwsys longed for a family of my own. While it did ptovide some love, stability, security. We grew apart with trust and respect issues. Once we married he was extreemly emotional and verbally abusive. During this time I got t o know my biological cousin who God used to give me hope and the strength to try once again to move past the broken relationdhip.

    I have moved to Austin, TX where my biological roots are from, and I have been here for 20 months now. God has been so very real to me and held my hand like a loving father every step if the way. Still its been very tough getting established, and the reality if being 37 and having nine of my life dreams or goals met have left me in deep pain.
    Again God has more real than ever in my life, and I have given my life to him, joined a church, and been baptized in 2016.

    I like you feel God wants me to share my story, and feel I have a calling on my life to help the broken people. I am
    Searching and praying for Gods guidance and what exactly this looks like. Please be in prayer with me and if God gives you any words of wisdom and direction to share with me. Please e-mail me at.

    • Lysa TerKeurst

      Hi Debbie!

      My name is Mary Scott Mercer and I am on Lysa’s team. I read this, and wanted to let you know that I am emailing you this morning!

      Thanks so much,
      Mary Scott Mercer
      LT ministry team

  308. Jamie Smothers

    Lysa, I had the privilege of hearing you speak in Pigeon Forge, Tn 2 years ago at the Women of Joy Conference and you were Amazing! Your books are amazing! You are such a wonderful speaker and touch the lives of so many. I also love your app and enjoy waking up and reading a devotional first thing in the morning. Thank you for your teaching and your giving to others!


  309. Coreena

    This study woukd be perfect for me at this time in my life!
    God Bless you Lisa for opening up and sharing so I can learn to come out of my shell and share.

  310. Heather

    I received my book in the mail today and can’t wait for the study to start! Thank you for this opportunity to find out who I am!!!

  311. Alona Beech

    Whoever read my comment I want to let you know that I would love to have this book so I can share it with my co-workers that are facing their own struggle in life. My name is Alona, I live in Fernley Nevada, I am a wife, a mother of my two beautiful daughters.
    Thank you so much

  312. Alona Beech

    Oh hi it’s me again, I just want to let you know that January 30th is my birthday and this book would be the best present to myself from you guys!!!

  313. Carole Searles Sutton

    I always come to your daily devotions for the needed encouragement. I am struggling with a few life events and have found great comfort in your teaching. I thank God for you as He continues to use you to help myself and others dealing with life and it’s trials/tribulations. I have lost all my five siblings, watching my mother transition through Alzheimer’s, and going through the decline of a third marriage. I am witnessing the devastating impact of substance abuser on my current husband as he desires to continue on that path with disregard for his health. I do know that God is able to bring me through it all and in Him I trust. Carole Searles Sutton, Waukegan IL. Be Blessed in Jesus Name. Amen

    • Lysa TerKeurst

      Hi Carole!

      We are heartbroken so read these words… Please know that we are praying for you.
      Lord Jesus, we pray that You would draw close to our friend this morning… we pray that You would give her strength to keep walking step by step with You today. Renew her spirits and give her hope for her marriage. Grant her wisdom to know how to handle each one of these situations.
      We love You, amen.

      Many blessings,
      Mary Scott Mercer
      LT ministry team

  314. Lillian Jambon

    On Sept 25, 2016(which was my birthday) I was blessed to receive tickets to the Arise Woman’s Conference in Lafayette, La through Our Savior’s Church. It was truly a blessing to me to receive and attend the conference. I had been in a somewhat lost state since the loss of my husband almost 7 years ago. I was kinda living life through a tunnel or with blinders on. After, attending this conference it has shed some new light in my life for having a deeper and closer relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ. I took the words “God is Good at Being God” to a whole new level, as well as the words “you never know what’s on the other side of your OBEDIENCE” It was the beginning of my clarity and freedom journey. Continuing on my journey in faith and trusting God even more for his blessings in my life. Thank you for your ministry. Looking forward to the messages you have to deliver. Lillian

  315. Amber B

    Absolutely love you Lysa!
    Your studies helped me in Such a dark time in my life and by me doing your study unglued- it help me control my reactions and rely on God!
    Choosing to control my reactions & be sunshine and show a more compassionate self to my husband, family & friends and eventually leading my husband to the Lord!
    Keep doing want your doing and God Bless!

  316. Pam Buckner

    I am so excited to learn of your new bible study! I lead a women’s bible study and have been praying for God’s direction for our winter/spring study. I received your “Finding I AM” booklet in yesterday’s mail and feel as if God answered my prayers. I plan to do your online study and then lead my group of wonderful Christian Warriors, aka Women of Faith,
    Thank you for loving our Lord and Savior and allowing His energy and direction to lead you to write this study.

  317. Tamara

    Hello. My mom just shared your site with me. I am having some medical issues right now and I am scared to death. Your site gave me a peace when reading through it that I needed. Thank you.

  318. Sarah Patton

    I have yet to start one of your bible studies but I am interested in starting a small study in my home town which is about 100 people. I received a message from a friend that she said I should enter and start this study. Regardless if I win or receive anything I think this is the Lords push for me to receive the holy spirit in courage to start a small group! Thank you for all the positive wisdom you give to your readers and to those that spread the good word.

  319. Melissa

    Lysa, your honesty refreshes my soul. I just started reading uninvited and the timing is so God. Rejection has been a big part of my life since a very little girl. Starting with my father…. I tend to make up stories about people and circumstance that I believe fit what I feel about myself . Terribly sad… but God is at work and using your insight to help me. Thank you for all you do and give out.

  320. Donna

    Words can’t explain all the reasons that I need this. It goes from a death to a neuromuscular disease attacking a family member all within three years, and the uncertainly of three in the family who will not talk about God at all. The walk I am on is hard but God is there and I keep praying. Many thanks if you choose me.

  321. Jamie

    Most of my life I have struggled in many ways, mostly financial. I became to know Jesus in my youth group after being abused by my ex-step father who forced us to go to church every Sunday. It wasn’t until I became 18 yrs old that he used my aunt to redirect my life from a bad past. As an adult, my children were abused by their ex-step father & I never saw it. I continue to seek those questions of God during my adult life & guidance. I search for what I’m doing wrong to bring so much evil into my life & my loved ones. I could really use this to help me seek God’s reasons.

  322. Patti

    Great message about finding the good and God’s will in every situation!

  323. Erica

    Good Afternoon Lysa,

    I recently lost my mom, her birthday is coming up February 9th and that will mark 6 months of her passing. She was my rock and was the only one who took care of my children and helped me out with them so much. It has been a super hard transition. After my divorce of 1 year my mom was there to help me and everything happened so fast that I still struggle with the “why God”. I am very strong in my faith and I do go to adoration to speak to him however I find myself asking that question. This article helped me understand a little more and to focus on the “what now”. Even though it has been tough for my children and I and losing my mom so fast I struggle with some days as I am driving and cannot just call her to listen to her voice or tell her something the kids did and said. I love to read your messages and I did read The Best Yes but that was when it first came out. I would love to see about getting a copy of the some study guides and not sure if you are still giving them away. With work, getting children to and from school and school activities I dont get a chance to read the stories right when they come out but I just want to let you know they are very inspiring and real. Thank you for keeping it real.


    • Lysa TerKeurst

      Hi Erica!

      I am on Lysa’s team, and just sent an email to you!

      Many blessings,
      LT ministry team

  324. Judy Saucer

    You have been such a blessing to our Women’s Bible Study group. Thank you for being such a Godly woman and sharing your love of Jesus.

  325. Carrie

    In cleaning out my email, I came across this devotion that I had not read when it was originally sent. However, it’s message could not be more applicable and helpful for me today. I lead a 7th grade girls small group at my church. Week after week they share their struggles and trials – school – parent’s divorce – body image issues, and the list goes on. I often struggle in how to respond, especially when they look at me and say, “If God is good Ms. Carrie, why are my parents still getting divorced?” Honestly, so many times I have to respond that I don’t know, or understand, but I trust that God is good, and his plans for me (and them) are good. Thank you for helping me see that changing the why into a what – is a way I can help them deal with life’s struggles! You truly speak to my heart with your words – thank you, thank you!

  326. Theresia

    Hi lysa yes at my church in lisbo maine we studied a book of urs called say yes to God. I am farley new at studying and so very hungry for it. I am a recovering addict who had been clean for 3 years know and the one thing that keeps me clean is the word of God and my believe. So yes i plan on buying one of each of your books and just wantt to say i want to become a teacher in the church as well as sing. I want to help others recieve the gift i have of grace and being blessed. Life is so different from where i was and it takes people like you and so many othera to share their strength and experience and humility and faith for us othrrs to sometimes see i can do it. So i just wanted to say i love listening to you and reading your books. What u share really touches me and if that one book did so much for me i am excited to see hoe much greater i feel and how much closer i get to God and Jesus because of you and my husband ao God Bless you and thank you

  327. Jamie Pearce

    Hi Lysa,
    I came across your book in Hobby Lobby yesterday and picked it up yesterday hoping no one would look at the “Uninvited” lady. 😃 I’ve started it with Kleenex, page-safe highlighters, and Bible nearby (very prepared, lol), and it’s already like you’re talking to me.

    This comment isn’t for me; it’s for my best friend Rachel, about the free things. She is the only one I told that I bought my book yesterday. She asked some questions, like, “Are you okay?”, and then, “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME YOU’RE NOT OKAY?!” 😃 We always end up cracking up, a sign of true friendship! We were each other’s first, and best, friends. My family moved into her family’s neighborhood when I was 3 (I’m 37), and she was almost 4. She peeked around her mom’s legs, and I peeked around my mom’s legs. Our families started going to church together, etc, etc.

    I’m telling you this (actually very edited, lol) long-winded story because she is the friend I know I can tell any and everything, she LOOOOVES you, and I know how well-loved and well-used your things will be with her. She struggles with finding herself in her busy life, and “circumstances,” a lot of times, suck (sorry!). But no matter, she’ll reach out a helping hand to anyone, or any animal, for that matter. Admittedly, as I write, I can’t think of any woman that wouldn’t benefit from your offer. But I still hold high hopes for my sweet, loving, hilarious best friend, Rachel Browne.

  328. Pamela

    I am in a difficult situation at this very moment. I asked God why. I am praying for God’s protection and help.

  329. Midori

    Hello! I just found my way back to church after many, many of years being away. My life has been a roller coaster for many of years. Right now I am in need of a job that will help me support not only myself but my 2 young kids. I live in a home, that’s not the best of circumstance, that one day soon I hope to be out of. After finding my way back to church last year. I have been more at peace by trusting in God. It has not been easy and there are days I just don’t want to be here anymore. But, then I go to church and makes me realize that God has a plan for me and my children. It’s all new to me so getting involved in the church has been a great blessing. With joining a women’s group we are going over your book, “Uninvited”. Love your book and study guide. I will be ordering your bible study book when I get the funds. I don’t have anyone to bible study with so this will come in handy. I can’t wait to get closer to the Lord!

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