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4 Fun Ways to Grow Your Child’s Faith

June 18, 2015

My kids have always been fascinated when I’ve shared things I remember from my childhood with them. Those memories are especially meaningful when I point out how the stories relate to my life now.

So much about our stories can be traced back to God’s hand working in our lives, and when we share them, our kids can see evidence that Jesus is real and intimately involved with us.

What’s even more surprising is that they can later recall them in surprising detail! It’s amazing how well they remember the life lessons that I tie to the stories I tell.

While it may be difficult for a child to recall a passage of Scripture they just read, most can recall in specific detail the accounts of a story.

For instance, I love to tell them of the time my stepdad brought home a hand-me-down typewriter from his office. I placed my hands on the keys and wondered what it would be like to type pages of legible words. I loved the rap-tip-tap sound it made and envisioned myself finishing the final page of a book. I didn’t know enough words at that point to write an entire book, but one day I would.

That story allowed me to point out that even back then, Jesus was preparing me for my calling as an author. And although my kids may not understand their own callings yet, by seeing me live out mine and knowing that the Lord put it in my heart at a young age, they understand the reality that God does indeed have a plan for their lives. This gives them access to Divine Truth.

Jesus wanted children to have access to Him, “‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’” (Matthew 19:14)

Tim Kimmel, in his book, “Why Christian Kids Rebel,” explains the number one reason that children walk away from the faith is that they never see it make a real difference in the lives of their parents.

So now, not only do I trace the hand of God in my past stories, but I also constantly look for ways to exemplify Jesus today.

I point out answers to things we’ve prayed about.

I show them the many ways God provides and make sure they know where credit is due.

I live my faith out loud so they cannot miss that Christ is the center of our home.

He has become too real to deny.

I pray my kids will start collecting their own stories of experiencing God. Then they can share the reality of Christ’s presence with their friends today and with their own children in the future. Yes, indeed, let the children have access to Jesus.

Help your child look for the hand of God in their life with “4 Fun Ways to Grow Your Child’s Faith”!

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  1. Rachel

    What an awesome message. Thanks for providing this free resource!

  2. Jennifer

    I love all your stuff P31M gets me through life. Thank you for bridging the gap between Gods word and my heart.

  3. anna

    Years ago, when the postman delivered a letter saying I had passed my Comp exam and I now had a Masters degree, I jumped for joy, got down on my knees, cried, and praised God for his MERCY! (It was the most difficult test I’ve ever taken!) I told the mail carrier “If you don’t believe in Jesus, you should now because THIS is a miracle!” My daughter stood in awe as I fell to my knees and shouted to God, and she talks about that moment often. I give God the glory for letting her see Him and His work that day!

    • Nicole

      I love that you were so open and candid in front of your daughter (and really the community – for anyone peeping through a window at the hollering!) We are our children’s first teacher so your daughter definitely received a lesson! I have a similar experience when listening to worship music while cleaning the kitchen where my singing (which was simply background noise) turned into sobbing cries of joy out to the Lord that attracted the “what’s wrong mommy?” It was wonderful to explain the overwhelming feeling of God’s love that I was overcame with.

  4. Patti Chriestenson

    I recall as a child, the pure joy of taking pictures of babies, flowers and animals! This simple gift of photography which began at an early age – now allows me to complete work and ministry projects. What a sweet relationship I had with God as a child and yes, He’s still with me now.

    It does matter what we teach children about our Heavenly Father. We can help them see Him through photographic lens of faith!

  5. Kim S

    I did enjoy what you had to say. Right I wish you lived in PA or we lived in North Carolina so we could somehow arrange to meet with you and Art. You mentioned either on your blog or one of your books (can’t remember which) about a time Art invested Money and it did not turn out very well at that time. Right now my husband and I are in a sticky business situation and would love to have spiritfilled Godly people to speak words of truth over us. Its overwhelming and very alone. God is silent, we know he is here and not foresaked us but feels like He has.
    Sorry to unload and not sure if you will get this. I so what to be a supported wife but not sure how to do it.
    Thank you for your ministry.

  6. Kelly

    Wow! It’s amazing to me that “the number one reason that children walk away from the faith is that they never see it make a real difference in the lives of their parents.” Thank you for encouraging us to share how we experience God with our children, and thank you for the free resource!

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