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A customer service rep and my justified frustration bad reaction…

January 5, 2015

I was talking with a customer service agent from an online company I have enjoyed doing business with for years. I was in a hurry to check things off my growing to-do list and called thinking she could help me with a return. But when I explained I needed to return this certain item, our conversation started to head south.

She informed me that my item wasn’t on the returnable list. It was on the final sale list. I had no clue there was a returnable list and a final sale list. It wasn’t posted online or stated in their catalog.

I logically stated my case and felt sure she would see things my way. But she didn’t. No matter what I said or explained, she wouldn’t budge.

I knew the lady on the other end of the phone was just following procedure, but it made no sense. It wasn’t right, and I was frustrated!

And my tone of voice made it clear just how frustrated I was. Honestly, I didn’t have the time or patience to deal with this hiccup in my day.

Later that same day, I was in line at the grocery store behind a man who wanted to use an expired coupon. The check out gal calmly stated she couldn’t honor his coupon. Well, he didn’t like that one bit. And he made sure everyone around them knew how much he didn’t like this situation.

I stood back appalled at his actions.

Until… I started thinking about the fact that I’d acted almost the same way with the customer service agent who refused what I wanted. The conviction wove its way through my heart and made me feel so bad for the way I’d reacted toward that woman…

I’m sharing more on what I learned about having better reactions in dealing with daily frustrations over at (in)courage today. Click here to read the rest of my post.

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  1. justin

    After reading and hearing the word of God onething I understood is reaching out. This reaching out is almost missing in Christian way of life.Many misunderstood that this reaching out is meant for only reaping souls for Christ. Its very wrong. The reality of Christ is personal reach out mainly to those who have difficulties, problems, pain or sorrow. Here a true christian always to look out for any sorrowing individuals or families and try to help them by involving in actions. Faith with out action is dead. Many churches today feel that any one going through difficulties are a burden for them and try to eliminate them from the church. No one cares. This is very common today. Jesus is not meant for only prayers. He is more on helping others in their needs on difficult situations. carry the burden of one another. Jesus left the 99 righteous in the wilderness and ran behind the one which was lost. Are we the same today. Jesus said to His disciples go to the lost sheep of Israel first. What does it mean? Unless the so called beleivers understand the purity of Christ, there no point of claiming Jesus Christ your personal saviour. Help one another, hug one another, share the burden one another, Try reaching out one another – These are the pure quality of God. Just worshiping on sundays is fooling God and nothing else.

  2. Kristina

    January 18, 2015 – Hi Lysa! Someone from Proverbs 31 called me recently, but I was unable to hear the message left at the automation type telephone service currently utilized by our household. Did you need something? Happy belated New Year by the way. And for what it’s worth, I like your title of this shared article – although I probably wouldn’t have crossed out the “justified frustration” portion as there are few customer service representatives who think outside the box, no matter if consideration is made from one-sided appreciation of the work performed by said customer service representatives. Stay strong and healthy and I will look forward to hearing what that message was all about.

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