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Let’s Travel Together!

December 19, 2014

Just a quick little hello to give you an update on the intensive study trip I’m leading to The Holy Land next year.

First of all, I’m so excited I can hardly stand it. And I’ll probably wear this plum hat at some point on the trip because, well, who doesn’t want to wear a plum hat in the Holy Land. Right?

Second of all, I’ve decided after just getting back from Israel and looking at several of the sites I want us to go to, that I need the group to be smaller than I originally thought. As a result there are now…


So, time is of the essence, as these spots will fill up fast. And I really want you to experience this with me!

My prayer for this trip is that during our time together the Holy Spirit will stir your heart and invigorate your mind with a fresh passion for God’s Word.

The lessons I’ll be teaching will help you make connections like never before between the Old and New Testament. We will go to some places that most tours go… however, we’ll also explore others that are less common but so full of rich meaning they’ve become some of my favorite spots.


We will pull out our Bibles and study on location! And you’ll forever have pictures in your mind of what the settings look like when reading about Biblical events that took place in the Holy Land thousands of years ago.

It will be amazing. If you’re interested, click here.

And for those of you unable to go, I’m praying about how to bring this teaching alive in future conference settings. Will you pray for me to have clarity on this and that God will direct me to the right people to help make this happen?

This is a big assignment for a simple girl who occasionally wears a plum colored hat.

Thank you for your prayers. And thank you for all the many ways you encourage me as we do a little bit of life together here on the blog.

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  1. Amanda Bacon

    I’ve been drooling over this particular opportunity with your particular group for some time! Still committing it to prayer… if not this time, then another, Lord willing!

  2. Suzanne Minor

    I have some physical challenges and walk with a cane. Will this trip allow for such needs? I am aware the terrain can be challenging, etc. Other trips I am aware of allow for those who are physically challenged. I am able to walk and get around well overall. This is a trip I am so desiring! And want to take before my body absolutely won’t let me!

  3. Denise Wall

    Yes! I will pray for you! I look forward to the lessons you will teach us upon your return.

  4. Debra Brigden

    I would love to do a Holy Land Tour with you! Since I work in the schools, Summer would be the best time for me to go. Would you ever do one of these tours in the summer?

  5. Darlene

    I so wish I could join you in person BUT I can join you in prayers that the group with you will have fresh eyes for the Word and it stir them deeply. I know that with God you can accomplish a study for us – to help us experience this Fresh and New. Blessings on your journey and prayers that God will accomplish what needs to be accomplished in these last days.

  6. Sam Moorcroft

    I’ve been to Israel 4x and loved every trip! I got to go to the usual places, but also other places that tourists don’t normally get to see, which was exciting. My wife and I have 5 kids like yourself (ours are 2 sets of twins and a single), so it means trips like this aren’t as easy anymore (and expensive).

    On another note, do you ever blog about “women and singles” type issues? On our Christian dating service, we’ve had millions of Christian singles create accounts with us over our 15+ year history, so we’re familiar with singles issues. I’d love to chat more with you about this.

    Keep up the great work!


  7. Kim Bradfield

    What a wonderful opportunity it will be for all those experiencing the Holy Land with you! I wondered though, for those of us who are unable to experience it, if you would prayerfully consider doing a bible study or daily devotions on what you’re teaching those attending? I know for myself, and I’m sure countless others, it would be so appreciated. I do realize, however, that you do already have so much on your plate. My prayers and blessings to you.

  8. Kim Bradfield

    Oops….i read the other posts after posting mine and it looks like I may have missed where you wee already contemplating some sort of teaching for those of us who can’t go……Sorry! My prayers for all those who attend and of course for you!

  9. Mary

    Posting my prayer request here. As this is about a journey, my prayer request is for our next family journey. My husband has list his job and my 2 small part-time jobs are not enough to sustain us. Please pray that our next chapter/journey in our family and his career life begins soon. I’ve been praying that his next job opportunity comes soon, allows us to maintain our current living situation in location and salary and that his travels for work, be less so he can spend more time with our family. Please pray with me for this request and for the strength and faith in God’s plan for us during this time of uncertainty. Merry Christmas!

  10. Pat Lloyd

    Delegate someone to take videos of places your next visit in the Holy Land, describing what is being viewed, a little human interest history, what meaning it has to you. After your return, you can have someone video you teaching, sharing, evangelizing as the Spirit leads you. That way, your video can reach more people than you can possibly ever actually speak to in person.
    It was a privilege to hear you speak several years ago in the Cookeville TN area. Today I was seeking God’s direction, and came across notes from the second convention of yours I attended. So I looked online for your name (NOT an easy spelling to find!) and came across pics of your books and your blog. I recognized the Unglued books because they’re sitting two feet away from me on a shelf. My sister loaned them to me a few months ago. I know The Lord will speak to me through them and thank you for your faithfulness in fleshing out the ministry to which you were called. May God continue to bless you, your family, your finances and your ministry. Sincerely, Pat Lloyd. Cookeville TN

  11. Kellie Vogt

    I will pray for your insight, though, truly, you are so on target for me, inspirational, I know God is using your talent to his purpose. My question is a little naive, as I am somewhat behind in my journey. What is C3? When I search it on the web, I find multiple meanings. I see it used as adjective, noun, and verb

  12. Sarah Baumgartner

    This is a lifelong dream. I am praying for guidance and wisdom. The opportunity to make this,pilgrimage with you and your teaching is such a gift. Like Suzanne, I too have some physical challenges and would hopefully bring my daughter. Praying for all,of you

  13. Judi Murdoch

    I’m so thankful to be able to say that I’ll be joining Lysa on this trip to the Holy Land! It’s been my dream for many years and I thought it could never happen. Praise God for His limitless mercy in all our lives! Keep praying Amanda, Suzanne and Sarah (and everyone else who strongly desires to come) and I’ll pray for you too. May God be gracious to you all and I hope to see you there!

  14. Victoria

    I’ve been praying that God would give you the strength to continue with your ministry. He will provide!

  15. Ngareta Campion

    I really love your FB posts, there’s something about the way that you write, and your honesty & transparency, that I find really encouraging. I don’t usually comment on these sorts of things but felt too do so. Keep up the awesome work!

    Bless ya, all the way from Nelson, New Zealand 🙂

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