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If You Ever Feel Lonely, Read This

November 21, 2014

There were many feelings I thought I’d have at this small conference I’d been so looking forward to attending. Acceptance. Fun. Camaraderie.

I was sure that these were my people.

And I couldn’t wait for the deep friendships that would surely bloom as a result of our time together.

I walked into the meeting room and quickly found the people I was excited to meet. Every seat had a nametag attached so I circled the table looking for mine. As I got to the last chair and realized my name wasn’t there, I got a sinking feeling.

I milled around the room looking for my name, feeling increasingly out of place.

Finally, at a table on the opposite side of the room, I found my name. I rallied in my heart that the Lord must have a special plan for me to meet and connect with the others assigned to my table. I took my seat and pulled out my cell phone as I nervously waited for my tablemates.

I waited.

And waited.

And waited.

As the prayer for meal concluded and the event got underway, it was painfully apparent the others assigned to my table weren’t able to come for some reason.

So, I’d be seated alone. Very alone.

I wasn’t just in this place at the dinner that night. I’ve been in whole seasons of my life where though I had people around, I felt quite alone in the calling of my life.

Maybe you can relate to feeling this way. If so, can I give you three thoughts that might encourage you? I’m sharing them today over at (in)courage. Read the rest of my post here.

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  1. Diane

    Page Not Found… 🙁

  2. Teresa

    Link to rest of post not working 🙁

    • Lysa TerKeurst

      Hi Teresa! This is fixed now 🙂 Thank you for letting us know.

  3. Marcie

    Dear Lysa,

    I cannot express how your words resonnate with me right now.

    I am SO in a season currently where I am so set apart and I guess you understand how loney that can be at times. The feelings you felt and the reality you encountered at the conference are things that I literally experience weekly, if not daily…

    Thank you for giving me some insight into ways I can view this as an assignment as opposed to a rejection. I will more fully embrace this now with a joyful expectation of whatever it is He is preparing me for.

    Your sister in Christ,


  4. Kristen

    The link says “Page Not Found”! I’m so looking forward to reading the rest of the post.

    • Lysa TerKeurst

      Hi Kristen! This is fixed now 🙂 Thank you for letting us know.

  5. Krista

    I too am receiving “Page Not Found.” Would love to read the rest, this seems to be a season I’m going through.

    Our family moving to a new state a little over a year ago, new church, will be transitioning again to a new neighborhood, our son is a Junior in High School…finding more & more independence (b/c that’s part of life) and my husband who is having to work two jobs. Even though I have the blessed privilege to homeschool our daughter and spend that precious time with her, as well as, daily reading & praying; there are those times seemingly more often than not that are lonely. But, I must trust and believe that God is working ALL things for MY GOOD!

    • Lysa TerKeurst

      Hi Krista! Thank you so much for sharing a little bit of your story. He is working all things for your good and His glory 🙂

      I’m so sorry the link was broken when you tried to click it earlier. We fixed it and you should be able to access the blog post now!

  6. Peggy

    I was enjoying the article on feeling alone in what you do and when I clicked to go to in courage it said ERROR. Kind of ironic : ) Can you tell me where the rest of the article is?

    • Lysa TerKeurst

      Hi Peggy! This is fixed now 🙂 Thank you for letting us know.

  7. Kathy

    I too am unable to view the page 🙁

    • Lysa TerKeurst

      Hi Kathy! This is fixed now 🙂 Thank you for letting us know.

  8. Susan

    Page no longer available.

    • Lysa TerKeurst

      Hi Susan! This is fixed now 🙂 Thank you for letting us know.

  9. Jackie

    This is exactly how I feel. Alone, forever alone. But God is doing a mighty work in my life. It causes me to draw closer to Him daily.

  10. Sabrina

    I just saw you speak at women of faith in Sacramento, thank you for being such an amazing blessing and what an amazing word you spoke to me personally…. I just have one issue I was very distracted by how absolutely amazing and fabulous your jacket was with the glitter sleeves…. Can I find them somewhere online to own haha?
    Thank you!!

  11. Margaret LaNier

    Dear Lady,
    Thank you for the reminder. Sounds like my own ongoing life and particularly just now as HE calls me to “Come ye apart”. In my own mind I have been concerned that I am thought of as “uppity” or wanting to present myself as “special” or different at least.
    Since these are not my thoughts by any means I shall have to leave the “explanation” to HIMSELF and trust His Grace to take care of everyone and everything as HE sees fit.
    Again, thank YOU.

  12. Christy Sullivan

    I really liked how you mentioned that you always find someone that is setting alone and make sure they feel noticed. I’m single and often feel alone in large groups due to everyone having someone else. I speak from experience, when someone walks up to me and talks to me it’s usually the one I attach to more than anyone else. That one moment could make a person not feel alone anymore. It could brighten that persons day up.

  13. Val

    I have loved your writing for several years, but never more than now! I’m in the throws of teenage parenting and you have no idea how much this post helped me! Keep ’em coming!

  14. Sengretta

    This post has truly blessed my heart and gave me a fresh start and a new appreciation for my walk with God. The verse was a blessing that my soul needed

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