Download my new, free resource: Trust Is a Track Record: 5 Scriptural Truths To Remember God’s Faithfulness. 


Do My Prayers Really Matter?

November 7, 2014

Do you ever feel guilty for not praying more or wonder if your prayers really matter?

Your heart really wants to connect with God. But when you pray, maybe it feels more like a wish list than a conversation. Or you don’t know what to say, so you just don’t pray at all.

I understand.

But if you want to discover confidence in your God-given prayer strength and learn to trust God hears you, you don’t want to miss this…

I am so excited to have Max Lucado joining us for this much needed webcast. I need this message! And I just know the inner prayer warriors in us will feel empowered after our time together.

To sign up for the interest list, just fill out your information in the form below:

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  1. Chris Carter

    Oh gosh…. this sounds amazing. Two of my favorites in one place? I’m IN. <3

  2. Grace

    I am literally struggling with this right now. I’ve been thinking about it so much. God is amazing, isn’t he!?

  3. Linda

    I can totally relate to feeling like I am praying a “wish list”. Looking forward to the webcast!

  4. Vena

    I’m really strugling about prayer so when they ask me to i say no. I don’t know if my prayer is good.

  5. Helena czeiszperger

    would like to know story about Lysa’s prayer box?

  6. CJ Patton

    Lysa, Thanks for giving away the free audio book with the early registration on Proverbs 31 “Best Yes” Bible Study. I travel a lot by car, and it was the only way I could finish the study with the group. You are truly a blessing that has touched my life with your story and the prolific authorship that God has given you.

  7. Bertha Daniels

    I would like to take part in the live webcast November 18. Thank you.

  8. Mackenzie

    Dear Lysa, I feel like this should be a handwritten thank you card on pretty stationary, rather than this blog comment…but I’m not sure how else to do this, so here goes. You and your gift for writing and telling stories that impact people has thoroughly blessed my family SO much over this last month. I’ve been listening to “Best Yes” and it is sinking deep in my bones and my life…so much so that I feel like we’ve been having coffee together and you’ve been discipling me.. xo It’s been such a gift. Each word, each scripture feels like God handpicked them for me and delivered them through you. God is working in a big way in my life and my husband’s and we feel like God’s calling us to something great…and your book seems like it’s part of our preparation that He’s using for us. (And maybe I “encouraged” my husband to listen on his way to work too..because I couldn’t keep regurgitating it to him every day over the dinner table…he loves that 😉 And, we’ve had SUCH amazing conversations around this. Just don’t tell him I told you. 🙂 He keeps saying he and I are “best yes girls” … 😉 Anyways, sorry for a novel. I adore you and am blessed by how you’ve let God work through you. Dearly and sincerely, Mackenzie in CO

  9. anna de bruin

    Im also struggle with prayers sometimes it feel like my prayers are not going anywere

  10. Lindsey

    I am struggling with a few things right now. I need prayers please!! I am thankful for a mighty God!

  11. Ruth

    I would love others to pray along with me for my children that they fall in love with Jesus and that they all (I have 3children) someday marry their best friend and have a marriage with mutual love and respect

  12. Ruth

    I would love others to pray along with me for my children that they fall in love with Jesus and that they all (I have 3 children) someday marry their best friend and have a marriage with mutual love and respect

  13. Sam

    I pray that the Holy Spirit guides you in how to pray not just for me but my family too. God bless you

  14. Jeanne Cordum

    Hi Lysa-

    Your daily devotions always get me through my day. I’m really struggling right now, I feel like nothing good works out for me. Whether its my job, my love life, my friendships. I feel like its always so hard. Please pray for me that God hears my prayer and that life wouldn’t be so hard all the time. I just want a little happiness. I’m a single mother and it’s hard.


  15. Shirley

    Lisa, thank you for a great message on prayer. Please pray for my daughter, she needs to fall in love with Jesus! She has moved away from Him and needs God to transform her heart. Please pray that I am able to keep my eyes on Jesus through the process. Thank you and God Bless.

  16. Tina Spriggs

    Since we adopted our two very special needs children my husband has not been able to work. I feel like a broken record with God and asking him to help us financially. We are close to losing our home and I am working at least 3 jobs at any given time. My husband works very sporadically and does what he can to help contribute, but it seems like God is silent on this. I am so scared and I really feel like God is not going to help us on this. Why is this? I want to have faith, but the faith is starting to grow dim. Please pray! Thank you!

  17. Rachael Nichols

    Please, pray for my husband’s salvation. I want so bad for him to let his wall down, forgive his faults and let Jesus truly heal his soul. He is such an amazing man and such a lost man at the same time. I pray every morning, every red light, every night… I feel like the Lord is not hearing me. Why is it taking so long for my husband to accept Jesus into his heart?

  18. faith

    Please pray for my daughter Nikki as we struggle to find the tuition for her to complete college. She has missed out on three semesters and earnestly seek to register for Spring 2015. May God continue to bless you in your ministry

  19. Beth

    I have asked my husband to join me on this study, in Oct 2011 we became foster parents and on Oct 19th 2011, we received a little 6 dy old boy, we had him full time , going to court after court, and in Aug. 2014 at almost 3 yrs old they allowed this little boy to return home to his bio-mom, of course I can not go into the whole story, but I had to just hand this little one over with him screaming and crying yelling out Momma to me and he has no clue why. I have not seen him for 13 wks now and it breaks my families heart. I prayed in the beginning please dear Lord let me have this baby back, but I truly do hope this person has changed and he can be with his bio family, my prayer now is please dear Lord let her heart soften to allow us to be part of his life..I feel its just not fair and I am having a hard time keeping my faith in a lot of things. I just need prayer for strength and remaining faithful in my God that He is protecting this little boy, and he is working on her heart, thank you for your encouraging words.

    • Sarah

      Praying for you! I can’t even imagine what you and your family are going through, but know you have a sister in Christ who is lifting you up to our amazing God.

  20. Tywanna

    I am believing in God for an abundant financial blessing for me and my 4 month old son. I’m believing in Him for a full time job with benefits. I am believing in Him for a home for me and my son. I am speaking it into existence. I am claiming it and thanking Him in advance. Please pray, believe, claim, and thank in advance with me.

  21. LeAnne

    Your words to press through unanswered prayer greatly encourage me today. Please join me in praying for my children, 2 girls in college and 2 boys in high school. They have endured great difficulty in their short life. Pray they embrace the love of Jesus and fall deeply in love with Him and His word! And, yes, that I do not let fear overwhelm me but trust and have peace as I continue to pray for them knowing God is in control and writing their testimony and that He is guiding them strengthening them.
    Thank you.

  22. Sarah

    I am in need of prayer for this very reason. My husband and I are going through a very tragic situation right now. Even though we are going through this, we know that God has a purpose and plan for this and we pray that we will be focused on His purpose, and not the hardship. During this, I have felt some times that God isn’t there, but I know He is, and even feel guilty for feeling that way. We want His will more than anything. We are having a tough time making some hard decisions and I just want God to audibly tell us what to do, but I know He doesn’t work that way. We’re terrified of making a decision that is not meant for His will. How do I know which way He wants us to go? Thank you for taking the time to read this and pray.

  23. Judith Hummel

    I need encouraging words. My faith is faltering. I have been unemployed since April, and now am in acute danger of losing my home. I pray constantly, wake up each morning with hope in my heart, to no avail. I have been interviewing quite a bit and have prayed for His love, His miracles – I’m empty. I’ve started selling my furniture, and donating china to various charities. I will have to surrender my animals, and that is breaking me apart. I have asked for God to “kill” me in a car accident (w/o harming anyone else). I cannot live on empty, and feel that I’m in hell on earth right now. I am highly educated, so am deemed overqualified, plus that I’m in my upper 50’s, and yes, Virginia, there isn’t a Santa Claus, but there is age discrimination. So, what do I do when my faith is broken? If Jesus is loving, compassionate, why is there so much pain? I have to give love to get love, but I can’t equate my pain to love. I could really use help, prayers…..

  24. Dianne@Baking4Six

    when I saw the topic 3 Ways to Press Through Unanswered Prayer – I thought to myself, I believe that God hears me… but I wish I had a way of knowing, a little proof AND I also thought, well, not sure what this is about, but I’m going to apply it to what’s currently on my heart and then I read it – and – there was my proof.

    My concern is knowing/figuring out “what” to say & “when” to say it versus “when” to say absolutely nothing at all… l “what is my responsibility as a parent, as a mother?” – when to speak up & when to step back. – that’s what I’m torn about.

    For now, I will stay silent and pray. My prayers are for my daughter who is 17 and a Senior, preparing to leave for college next year. How true your words rang for me, “my daughter’s mistakes, shortcomings and frailties”… I do have faith that she will learn from them.

    What a blessing for your daughter and for you. When I read your post, part of me couldn’t help think that I hope that’s my daughter & me next year – and I hope my daughter falls in love with Jesus, too. I do believe God’s plan/will is different for everyone so whatever it is, I am asking for prayers for peace for myself and prayers that God’s will be done in my daughter’s life.

    Thank you for your prayers and thank you for your post, it came at the most perfect time – and for that I’m thankful to God as well. I am hopeful for the future – yet grateful for today!

  25. Kathy Banfield

    pLEASE PRAY for my family as we are all struggling right now. God sees, so He knows what is too difficult to put into words. Thank you!

  26. Mary B

    I have been praying for my daughter, she has some mild learning disabilities. she tried college and didn’t make it. she is very talented, artsy. she loves to make jewelry. i was very touched by the jewelry from bullets. she knows Jesus but is not serious about it right now. She needs direction in her life. she is 24 and not doing much at this time. I am at a loss as how to guide her. Please pray for me to hear God’s voice telling me how to help her and for her to find her way. Thank you, Mary

  27. Amy

    Please pray for my niece and my sister for a healed relationship. My niece has not spoken to my sister (her mother) in 4 years and has just recently had a baby…my sister is so broken, sad and distraught that she cannot see her grandchild now either. We have been praying that my niece find forgiveness of whatever is driving the wedge between her and her mother as none of us know what brought this all on. Prayers are greatly appreciated! God is good just not sure why this is taking so long. Lots of sadness in our family right now over all of this.
    Thank you so much for your prayers!!

  28. Tory

    The topic of unanswered prayers really speaks to me. I have been praying for a business venture to come into fruition for years now. Deep down in my spirit, I know I am suppose to do this and God speaks to me on so many levels concerning it. For some reason, I just haven’t been able to go through it. I get to a certain point and I convince myself to give up because of lack of money mostly or other problems. I am determined not to give up this time. I don’t know where the money is going to come from, but I am not giving up this time.

  29. Stacey

    Please pray for me that I get a new job very soon and an apartment and also my niece who needs an apartment as well. And am really bless with these 3 ways and I will definitely hold on to them. Thank you.

  30. Kathleen Brownell

    Your blog about ‘pressing through prayer’ really touched my heart. I have been praying for three of my children who are far from God for many years now. Yesterday my daughter had knee surgery and they have told her that she can no longer play the sport that is her greatest passion in life. I have been praying for God to ‘do whatever it takes’ in the lives of my children to turn their hearts towards Him, but this is a blow even I couldn’t imagine. Of course fear whispers it will drive her even further away from God, not towards Him, but I know His ways are higher than I can think or imagine. Thank you for the reminder that we need to press in to Christ even when it seems as though the opposite of our prayers is happening or there is no movement at all. “Those that wait upon the LORD will renew their strength…”.

  31. Kathy

    Thank you for your honesty! I am dealing with my 17 year old daughter who just has so much stress, anger, and hurt right now! And I have to admit, I have yelled at her, been hurt, and depressed………….but neglected heartfelt, targeted prayer! This was a wake up call for me! I know I need to respond in grace and love – and PRAY! God will touch her where she is at – and me, too! Thank you!

  32. Jennifer

    I have been pleading with God to melt my husband’s hard heart in regards to spiritual matters. He is so self-sufficient and lacking faith! His actions impact my boys and the way they relate to God and it’s breaking my heart.

  33. Mary

    Please stand along side the family and I are going through a number of health issues, Husband is being tested for prostate cancer and my father for throat and stomach cancer. I have a sister in law who is stalking our family during this time as well. I’m overwhelmed and almost paralyzed to pray sometimes. God works all things for our good. My father is not a saved man. We all can spiritually grow through all of this. Pray for healing, protection and strength and salvation. Thank you, in Jesus name.

  34. Ivelisse

    This study and your testimony has really impacted my life today. I have understood every word of what you have written and I have felt God etch his word in my heart. Today I have learned that God is forever with me and my children and family. I have also learned to pray for others. For those that hurt me because when I pray for them God takes care of mine. Thank you so much for allowing the Lord to use you in such a powerful way.
    Please help me pray for my daughters. For God to heal their pain and lead them to his grace, mercy and love. For a supernatural renewing of their mind.

    In his love, Ivy

  35. Regina

    I lost my job at the end of May and my husband lost his at the end of June. We need jobs! When I lost my job, I believe that it was because of ethical conflict with my boss. I tired of trying to convince him to do the right thing and he was always questioning me and my position on certain situations. ( My position was one where I had to make sure that we were ethical and legal) I loved my job but the stress of being harassed was to great. Sometimes I am not sure if my prayers are “good” enough. Does God hear me? Do I fall short of his expectations? How do I know why God is telling me something or answering my prayers? I know that God has a plan for me and it may not be exactly what I want – I know that I need to trust in His will to be done. I think sometimes I am missing his messages to me. Please pray for me.

  36. Jaki

    Thank you very much for your article to which I can wholeheartedly relate. I have two sons who were baptized but have chosen to follow the world. My husband and I have been in constant prayer for them. n addition, they are battling emotional issues. Your words are very encouraging to me. Please join us in prayer for both their emotional and spiritual healing. Frustration and hopelessness set in from time to time as we recognize that the devil is in a constant battle for their minds and they don’t seem to want to accept this. Thank you very much.

  37. Kathy

    Pray for an LDS man to believe in scriptural truth as he faces health issues and for my son to seek God’s counsel to marry a godly wife

  38. Sandra

    Please Pray for Azriel who is 2 years old, she was in our care as an emergency foster child where her father was a member of our church and over the weekend visit with him the mother had a relasp on drugs, along with both parents has had drug problems, we love her so and had her since July 29, 2014 and prayed with her hold her with her nightmares,she was neglected,mistreated,and infected bug bits all over her skin,bad diaper rash and yeast infections,she was underweight and would hardly eat when we got her, along with emotionally scared and hung on to me every moment and wouldnt go to anyone else other than her Daddy so they allowed me to take her home immediately, she gain several pounds with us she went from a size 18 months to 3 to 4 toddler in just a few months, her feet didn’t grow until barely the beg. of this month,but we where told because she is just catching up to where she should be. She talks and speaks very well, and very smart, she cant be without me for more than a few minutes and in church she had to be with me but would sing and praise the lord and so happy and tell us how happy she was and everyone could see it, so many panic and other problems she had where I had to just hold her for hours sometimes to calm her down I would rock her to sleep and still if she woke up and I wasnt right next to her she had to smell me an feel that i was there next to her hold her and be next to her most every night, if not she would wake up crying for me. They started making her have visits with the Mom and grandma every week several times and during her nap time, so she became so upset and had sever diarrhea due to the emotional stress and melt downs where she would cry and scream for me when i had to leave her with them and than run to me when i returned and hang on to me and not want to get out of the car, or leave the house when we would return home. It was a miracle she was with us and we were not foster parents and i have five grown children all but one married and two grand children, we never expected this to happen but my husband and I had been praying for the Dad and family and trying to help the Dad find work, the Dad is a christian and has had a rough time in his life having no family himself and raised in foster care himself and abused. The Dad asked the day the social services said they where taking her, to give Azriel to me and my husband and her wanted to live and be in a Godly home and raise by Godly parents, he cried and begged them not to put her in foster care,and to give them to me and my husband and wanted us to raise her. I had driven him to there office as the mother was in the hospital from drugs and tried to kill herself along with because of his past they where going to take the baby. Long story short they gave her back to the grandma and Mom this Monday we had to hand her over and all her things they came to our place right after court with the social worker, the pastor was with us and witnessed all and was so heartbreaking, we all prayed for her, and are praying for a miracle and need prayer for Azriel and her parents all of us. she stays in the environment as a teen there will be drug addiction and other problems for her also. The father was clean at the time but when they took her from him and he had to stay away at that moment they said and only have supervised visits at there office until court proceedings. He had one visit and went well and than he relapsed, the church was helping him and he was going to go into rehab but than went missing.Long story short, the Mom went to court with her Mother and fought for custody to be given to the grandma. The social services knew it wasn’t a good and safe place for the little one to be in and the workers who checked us out and supervisor from the beg. who did the paper work said they would not give her to the grandma and her boyfriend. The pastor also told the social services about the grandma and information that both parents had told the church about the grandma along with unsafe and drug and alcohol abuse. The original social worker for the Mom came back from leave and started allowing the grandma and her boyfriend and Mom to have numerous visits all of which Azriel cried and was so upset and other workers saw it, and along with medical reports I had and emailed and sent to there office regularly after visits and due to visits, all where ignored and the little one was given to the grandma custody and Mom. It is breaking our hearts and the pastor and all who know her are praying, we need miracles above all I want Gods will and not my own will and I do feel and so does the pastor and the Dad Azriel should be with us and was doing so well and healthy happy and in a Godly home. Today the grandma is taking her hours away where she lives with the boyfriend and we where suppose to be able to have contact with her regularly along with wanted to hug her pray with her one last time and say goodbye, the pastor contacted them last night again and asked and was told No. Praying for a miracle and she is with us again for good, she was so afraid to be with them and cried and I told her to remember who is in her heart and she said with her last words to me asking if I would go with her, I told her I couldnt and she was going to be going on an adventure, I loved her and to remember Jesus is in her heart and than she repeated to me Jesus is in my heart bad guys go away. Please pray for Azriel and miracles so needed.

  39. Sandra

    lease Pray for Azriel who is 2 years old, she was in our care as an emergency foster child where her father was a member of our church and over the weekend visit with him the mother had a relapsed on drugs, along with both parents has had drug problems, we love her so and had her since July 29, 2014 and prayed with her hold her with her nightmares,she was neglected,mistreated,and infected bug bits all over her skin,bad diaper rash and yeast infections,she was underweight and would hardly eat when we got her, along with emotionally scared and hung on to me every moment and wouldn’t go to anyone else other than her Daddy so they allowed me to take her home immediately, she gain several pounds with us she went from a size 18 months to 3 to 4 toddler in just a few months, . She talks and speaks very well, and very smart, she cant be without me for more than a few minutes toddler in just a few months, It is breaking our hearts on Monday the custody was given to the grandma an her boyfriend, and she will be leaving today hours away. It is not a safe or healthy environment for her. Praying miracles. Today the grandma is taking her hours away where she lives with the boyfriend . Praying for a miracle and she is with us again for good, she was so afraid to be with them and cried and I told her to remember who is in her heart and she said with her last words to me asking if I would go with her, I told her I couldnt and she was going to be going on an adventure, I loved her and to remember Jesus is in her heart and than she repeated to me Jesus is in my heart bad guys go away. Please pray for Azriel and miracles so needed.

  40. Helen

    It seems that your posts are always timely for me, but today’s post really encouraged me. I have a child that needs an answer to prayer today. His faith has wavered so much the last 10 years due to circumstances of his own doings, but to him, it seems that God is so far away right now. He knows his mistakes, but feels like God is no where in sight. He has a new job opportunity that he hopes comes his way by tomorrow. Please pray that it happens and he can find his faith again and know that God DOES have him in his care. He is a Christian that has lost his way and needs something or someone to light his path back to the walk with God that he once had. Thank you so much for praying.

  41. Kim

    I am facing uncertainty with my career and current job. We need my income, but I don’t know what direction God wants us to go. It seems like no doors or windows are opening or shutting, just nothing. For a person who likes a clear and concise direction I know God is shaping me through this, but I still worry. Any and all prayers are appreciated as I am sure many of you have experienced God working in your life in similar ways. Blessings!

  42. Jill

    Dear Lysa,
    I always find comfort with your devotionals, thank you for you genuiness and honesty! I have a 26 year old son who accepted Christ at the age of 12. He fell away through college where he played lacrosse and also picked up drinking heavily. His father died of lung cancer at the age of 46 at the end of his senior year of high school between prom and graduation. Going off to college he stuffed his pain and din’t grieve properly. After graduating college he spiraled out of control with the drinking until it became a full blown addiction. One that he hid well from my husband and myself out of fear of disappointing us and not wanting to be reprimanded. It has been almost two years since it came to light when he got a DUI and we took his car away, then he lost his job, his friends turned away and he was down to nothing. He entered an alcohol treatment facility and completed a 28 day program which I naively at the time thought would fix the problem and he would turn it around and go on with a wonderful life. Not at all, it took another year of relapses and therapy and medications and another 28 day program and he was only worse than ever, drinking more and stronger and deeper into isolation. He has suffered seizures from trying to cut back and so he drinks more to avoid the pain of DT’s and prevent more seizures. By the grace of God he was saved by being arrested for not showing up to his probation meetings, it truly saved his life. He was able to detox in jail safely and has been there for 5 weeks on Tuesday, alcohol free. I think my son has finally come to the place where he wants to change his life and live a different way because of all of the consequences and suffering he has had to endure. He will be released today to enter a 6 months wilderness recovery program in Asheville NC and I am asking for prayers that he surrenders his life and will back to the Lord this time and that God will will redeem him, forgive him and restore his body, mind and soul for His purposes. I know and believe God can use all of this and am praying that this is a testimony on my sons heart where God is the savior and receives all of the glory for what he has done!! Thank you!

  43. Regina

    I pray also for a heart change for my daughter, Amanda.

  44. Kristi

    Hiya Lysa,

    All Prayers to our LORD ( ADONAI ) of lords, KING of kings Yeshua – Jesus Christ are Always Important as HE always hears us when we call on HIM!!

    Yahweh – HaShem – Elohim – Jehovah – El-Shaddai – Hosanna – ( GOD ) Says in HIS HOLY BIBLE – “PRAY WITHOUT CEASING”!! PRAISE Yeshua – Jesus Christ for Today and Everyday, as HE is our LORD / KING / MASTER / MESSIAH / SAVIOR!!

    Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving Everyone, Yahweh – Hashem ( GOD ) Bless Ye All forevermore!!

    Love and Shalom, YSIC o/


  45. Brenda Ulery

    I have done everything you say and cannot access the web cast tonight. I am so disappointed!!!!

  46. Cheryl

    Prayers for my daughter and her children. She has been through alot in her 27 years and now is trying to raise two children 5 and 6 pretty much on her own. She needs encouragement and uplifting experience. Both of her children have been diagnosed with ADHD. You have been such an encouragement to us Lysa! Thank you for your Prayers!

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