Download my new, free resource: Trust Is a Track Record: 5 Scriptural Truths To Remember God’s Faithfulness. 


Recapturing “US” in the Midst of Our “RUSH”

August 27, 2014

Mary and Ken lived right down the street from me. They were famous for their amazing hospitality, adorable farmhouse, and parties that stepped right out of the pages of Southern Living.

Mary was alive with creativity and was always thinking of ways to bless others. Ken adored living out his retirement years helping his bride create a haven for family and friends.

They were still young and vivacious with many plans. But cancer swept in and, before long, Ken laid Mary to rest in the arms of Jesus.

I remember seeing Ken in our restaurant not long after Mary’s funeral. He and Mary had been regulars for years. I knew I needed to stop and say something. But what?

I felt so unsure as I walked toward my grieving friend.

As I approached, words escaped me, so I just bent down and gave him a hug. Tears filled his eyes, “The silence is killing me Lysa.”

“Well then, you must come to our house for dinner. I can’t always promise it will be tidy and I’m certainly no great cook, but one thing is for sure… my house is never silent.”

Thus started a tradition – Monday night dinners.

I have to admit that I didn’t feel adequate to have Mary’s husband over for dinner. He was used to Mary’s lavish meals… all I had to give were quick and thrown together kid-friendly offerings.

We never had candles or tablecloths or even a properly set table. But the noise of our family was an orchestra of comfort and healing to Ken’s lonely heart.

We just did life and let him join in. I would often ask about Mary’s ways of doing things and his face would light up at the opportunity to keep part of her alive.

One night, as Ken was leaving our home, he stepped off the sidewalk to make his way over to a bush in full bloom. He tenderly picked up one of the flowers and pressed his face close, breathing deeply its scent.

He then looked back at me standing in the doorway and said, “Don’t miss this. Don’t rush through your life, Lysa. Make time to stop and breathe it all in.”

I’ve never forgotten that.

My family and I still preserve that sacred space for Monday night dinners. We invite co-workers, acquaintances, and friends that feel like family to join us. We take time to talk. Laugh. Process life. Breathe it all in.

Although our to-do lists and schedules tug at us to get our attention, we don’t allow anything to take priority over these moments. I refuse to let the people I’ve been entrusted with get my ‘less’ instead of my ‘best’ because I’m distracted.

It’s amazing to me that what started out as a simple gesture to help a grieving neighbor became one of the greatest blessings of my life. And I’ve done a lot of breathing it all in, ever since.

If you ever feel like the relationships you treasure most are constantly getting your ‘less’ instead of your ‘best,’ I’d love to invite you to join me for a Monday night dinner conversation around my kitchen table. I’ll be webcasting from my house and teaching on powerful ways to recapture the “us” in the midst of our “rush.”

You don’t want to miss it. Here’s all the information:

Who: Me, you, and friends…
– Renee Swope
– Chrystal Evans Hurst
– Melissa Taylor
– Nicki Koziarz
– Paige Klein
– Tonia Bendickson

Where: Broadcast from my house to your home! Join us here at

When: Monday, September 8th – 8pm EST

Enter your email address in the form below to sign up for the reminder list. I can’t wait to see you there!

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Leave a comment below telling me a few of your friends you plan to invite to watch this. I’ll randomly pick three commenters to win a $25 gift card to either Target or Walmart – your choice!

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  1. Patricia Harris

    I plan to invite my best friend, Lisa Davis.

  2. Meggie

    I used to try to do Sunday dinners with my sisters and their families but everyone was getting ready for the week, so I’m thinking Mondays will be better. Hope to spend some time with my sisters and watch this!

  3. Dianne Ewin

    I am looking forward to this webcast. And I’m very thankful you aren’t perfect in hospitality and that you encourage us to share our homes, no matter what it looks like!

  4. Tracy

    I plan to invite my mom, sister, sister-in-law and aunt. : )

  5. Cindy P

    I am going to invite my other single friends to join also. Thank you Lysa.

  6. Lisa George

    I plan to invite my sister, sister in laws and a couple of friends.

  7. Arlene

    I’m going to invite my girlfriend group to join in. Thank you for doing this for us!

  8. nancys1128

    I’m going to invite some life-long friends, as well as some new friends.

  9. Barbara Cole

    This will be the day after my husband and I return from a mission trip to Venezuela. I plan to invite several ladies who participated in past Proverbs 31 Bible Studies. I’m forwarding the email about this now. 🙂

  10. Megan P.

    I am going to invite a couple of my best friends from my Sunday night prayer group. Thank you for the reminder!

  11. Brooke

    I will be having my small group girls over to watch. Five incredible women that are a pleasure to do life with. We may be in different walks of life, but we enjoy doing life together and it’s a nice breather for everyone.

  12. Julie

    I will be flying solo Monday night but looking forward to some “me” time!!!

  13. Kelly Goodman

    I plan on inviting some friends from my Bible Study group. Thanks for being such a blessing in my life!

  14. Tanisha G.

    I will be inviting my best friend, some close friends, family, and my facebook list as well.

  15. Halona Luna

    I plan on inviting my church friends and my mom and sisters. I would love to win $25 to Walmart.

  16. Leigh

    This sounds so fun- I have signed up for the reminder 🙂
    I am asking my daughter & sisters to check this out too!

  17. Dancey Robinson

    This is perfect because my mentor and I were about to start reading this book together! What a perfect way to start this adventure!

  18. Shirley

    Lysa, thank you so much for you invitation to join you at your table. When I lost my precious husband in 2003my entire life changed. I know so well the way Ken felt. Although all my children are wonderful, and constantly include me in their life, there are times when you feel like ‘the fifth wheel’! Of course without my Blessed Savior I would have no life! Some days are so lonesome, but I don’t let those feelings control my life! There is still sooo much to be thankful for, and believe me I thank HIM everyday. Thank you for all your uplifting words. It wasn’t that long ago (or so it seems) my life was filled with the wonderful joy of raising 4 children: oh what happy, happy days. The house was always filled with ‘life’! Don’t take those days lightly, enjoy everyone, they are gone way too soon!

  19. Mona

    I’m learning again not to rush. I recently moved in with my parents and me and my two kids (high school jr and college jr) are getting the opportunity to spend time reading God’s word and praying with them. Making precious memories.

  20. Luciene

    Thanks for the invite and idea of inviting others in, yet my kitchen seems to always be the messiest part of my house so I’ll hold off for now! Though the seed has been planted to nurture hospitality.

  21. Sandi

    I’ll invite my mom(who’s a grieving widow), my girlfriends here and my sisters.

  22. ann

    I’m going to invite girls from my Bible study group. It’s a very small group and this hits the nail on the head…for my life anyway…:) Thanks!

  23. Kim

    Can’t wait, thanks so much for the invitation. I’m inviting my Mom and two sisters to join me. Thank you so much for doing this, what a blessing!!!

  24. ann

    I’m going to invite girls from my Bible Study. It’s a small group and this hits the nail on the head…especially for me! Thanks!

  25. Michele

    I am not sure who I would share this with just yet but your blog really touched my heart. When my mom passed away it left my retired dad home alone and that was his statement as well was the silence. It eventually hampered his waking and sleeping hours and he had to move because there were just too many memories in the house. But we too started having him over once a week and then he would have us over for dinner once a week. The blessing was spending more time with my dad and also learning that he DID know how to cook. My mom was always the one cooking and he must have paid more attention then we gave him credit for. What I wouldn’t give for one more of his pot roast dinners…. he passed away from a broken heart within a year of loosing my mom. So I applaud you for taking the initiative with your neighbor and hopefully your blog will help save others from utter loneliness. <3

  26. Carole

    I will invite Pam Shulz, Karen Carrington, Sue Groenenboom. I’m super excited!!

    Thanks for the invitation!

  27. cindy

    I’m inviting my mom, sister, and sister-in-law!

  28. Robin Glaus

    I can’t wait to pass this on to the gals that will be starting a NEW small group next week, where we will be studying the BEST Yes together. Several of us were at the book launch last week and decided we wanted to go deeper… and study it together. This is going to be life changing… it has already begun. This webcast will be the perfect Jump Start to our small group!

  29. Terre Munk

    Lysa: I am looking forward to this “dinner” conversation…our house is much too quiet with just my hubby and me.

  30. Deb

    Christy, Ann, Amy will be my invitees! Lysa, thanks so much for sharing life with your neighbor. I remember after my husband’s death how hard, lonely, quiet it was – God nudged me to have people over (which had been our habit). It was challenging the first couple times but God gave a rhythm & grace & people commented on how good it was to be back in ‘my’ home! What a sweet gift!

  31. Kellie McGriff

    I plan to invite my sister and a few friends who have children and busy schedules.

  32. brooke

    Thank you for sharing this story. It made me realize how little I think about people that seem to “have it all together” and the needs they have. Looking forward to some intentional community. 🙂

  33. Molly

    I’m inviting my friend, Marti.

  34. Trisha

    I plan to invite 2 women who are grieving from divorce. I also plan on inviting some people who live in a faith based half way house as they don’t get to have sit down dinners with family & feel abandoned by this world as they are forced to live at half way homes & need this sense of belonging to aid their recovery process.

  35. Jennifer

    I struggled with this just last night! Needed to have a dear family member over for dinner. How could I do that in the middle of baseball for my son, sitting down and doing homework with my daughter who needs much one on one help and actually try to be able to converse. Did not want to say- dinners over,I have got to make lunches, kids have to get in baths, please go home now we are on a schedule to get the kids in the bath, stories and bed by 8. Monday dinners, oh my. I was stressed at how this was going to play out so I said my best yes to my family by saying no-not during the week. Very open to hearing how you do it (Please don’t say be more organized;) thank you!!

  36. Rachel S.

    I’m inviting ladies from my homeschool group, my mom, my sister, my sister in love, some cousins, and some really good friends too 🙂 I’d want the Walmart gift card if I won.

  37. Linda Hicks

    I can’t WAIT to come to your house for dinner! Your kindness to Ken grips my heart. Someone extended a similar gift to me when I was widowed and it meant the world. I will ask my daughter and girlfriend to join me Monday night at the dinner table! That is if you have room for all of us! For a hostess gift, we will bring you a bouquet of open hearts ♡♡♡♡ ready to bloom!

  38. Linda

    I can’t wait. I plan to invite my family and our best friends that we have not been able to spend much time with lately due to end of summer/start of school craziness. You encourage and inspire me every day. Thank you for sharing your life with all of us!

  39. Dana

    I’m going to invite some ladies from church.

  40. Anna Sherrill

    I had just talked to my husband yesterday about several friends that don’t have a family to sit down with like we do and how we needed to make it a regular invitation to include them in some of our family time. We had one for dinner last night and it’s always a wonderful extension of our family. Thank you for sharing the story of Ken and how we need to “stop and breathe it all in!” I look forward to sitting down with you and your friends and will invite a few of mine!

  41. Vicky D

    We have some friends at work who don’t have any local family that we are going to invite over.

  42. Ruby

    Hi Lysa,
    I think I’ll invite my Mom Debbie, and my sisters Angie & Sara. My mom and I already love to read your books, and I think my sisters would too. I really enjoyed reading about your friends Ken and Mary, and it touched my heart deeply. Because, my mom is my adoptive mom. She actually found out that my mom passed away, and she and her husband let me into their home, and into their big family when I needed it the most. Much like what you and your family did for Ken. Except since I was 17 years old, they kept me:) I am forever blessed beyond my imagination. God bless you!

  43. Erin

    I’m inviting Renetta and Heidi from my life group!

  44. Chris Carter

    Oh gosh Lysa, what a powerful story!! Thank you for this… a perfect reminder to truly embrace these moments. They are fast and fleeting. I pray I grab each one with intention!!

    Dinner at YOUR HOUSE? I’m THERE!!! 🙂

  45. Betsy S.

    Thank you Lysa, your post brought tears to my eyes. I’m often afraid of what to say/do when someone is hurting, or I don’t feel I can invite someone for dinner because the house isn’t as clean as is should be, or because the menu might be a ‘Pinterest fail’, or all the other ‘becauses’. This is a perfect reminder to boldly step out! I’m inviting my friends Patty, Kim, Lori, Lisa, and Robin. Can’t wait till Monday to share time around your stick farm table.

  46. Leigh F.

    I will invite a few of my neighbors.

  47. Brigette M.

    I am inviting my book club as well as all of my Steel Magnolia friends 🙂

  48. Kris

    My daughters, Alistair and Miller, and friend Trudy 🙂

  49. Jeannette

    I just discovered your blog last night on bloglovin. So glad to have found you:)

  50. Mary

    I plan to mention it to my study group

  51. Carrie

    Can’t wait to do this study. I’m such a people pleaser and I have wasted so much of life worrying about feeling controlled by others instead of giving my time to the only One that matters! Definitely need to embrace the things in life that truly are important.

  52. Megan

    I’m inviting my best friend. She’s actually very good at this and I want her to know her hospitality has changed my life.

  53. Kathy

    I plan to invite Nancy and Tracy

  54. Hannah

    I’m inviting “my girls”. They are 5 of my closest friends. We are starting The Best Yes study tonight and I will be in BIG trouble if I don’t tell them about this webcast!

  55. Angela

    I plan to invite a couple neighbors, my mom, my sister, mother-in-law, and sister-in-law.

  56. Leslie

    I will invite my daughter who is getting ready to move to uptown and start her big girl job in November. She has already attended Elevation during her internship. I want her to know about your ministry in that area. Also, so many resources are available to her online. Thank you Lysa! You are such a blessing to so many!!

  57. Melissa Cosgrove

    Lysa, this is such a great idea. I am moving this weekend and will be full of boxes, but I don’t want to miss out. I am going to invite Anja Pacetti, Christi Finnigan, Linda Easley, Tammy Gibbs and Ruthie (I can’t remember her last name). I hope one or all of them will come on over although this first dinner will be a potluck! Thank you, Melissa

  58. Kellie

    Me oh my! I was reading your blog and my co-worker caught me crying! Being able to touch others’ lives is such a blessing. Thank you for sharing your blessings!
    We are so blessed to be able to open our home and we have started out with Family Nights on Tuesdays in order to keep my sibs together and encouraged. My brother is recovering from his 2nd round of cancer, one sistah is divorcing, the other is raising a teen girl on her own. I am a mess too, but looking to Jesus to help heal us and keep us growing in Him.

    As for the broadcast on Sept 8th – that is when my wonderful ladies and I are beginning “The Best Yes” Bible study at our church so we will miss it. Is there anyway to see it later? I am looking forward to NOT rushing and being able to smell the flowers as I wait on God and His Best Yes!

  59. Kathy

    Beautiful story. Thank you for a wonderful reminder.

  60. Emily

    Words are not adequate for my gratitude to you, Lysa! I am reading your book “The Best Yes” and being convicted by every word! I am working two jobs, beginning nursing school, organizing a 5K, looking for more stuff to do, and wondering why my head hurts all of the time! I must stop this rush! I plan on being at my computer to watch the webcast with bells on (I don’t know what that means but my mom has always said it) with my mom and whoever of my friends that will join me! Thank you for your obedience! You are being used to convict this girl’s heart!

  61. LeeAnn Taylor {The Mosaic Life}

    I plan to invite the ladies from my discipleship group and possibly open it up to even more!

  62. Polly Spencer

    I plan to invite my 3 daughters, my friends, Mary, Judy, Karen and Janice and others as I think of them.

  63. Gina Fumoso

    I plan on inviting to your webcast – Amy Ahrens, Eileen Dinger, Jennifer Pisanni, Susan Dillan, Leigh Kelly, Cara Carroll, Sara Jara, Carla Hagerty, Ginger Thomas, Layna Netek

    I am certainly looking forward to it…praying for you as you prepare for it! God’s blessing on you!!!

  64. Lauren Jolly

    My small group mamas, non Christian girlfriends, mom, sister and sister in law! My husband as well. Basically all my Jesus loving or desperately needing Jesus people 🙂

  65. Jessica Easley

    I will invite my Mom, Rose-she has been my rock lately! Seeing that my home gets cleaned and my family gets meals while I battle an illness. Sadly illness has shown me this very thing; slow down and never take life for granted…..

  66. Cassie

    Inviting Stephanie!! Can’t wait!

  67. Tura Klepfer

    I’m going to invite amy Brenda and beth. Amy’ s husband is dying from cancer, she is a local police officer in our town and they have a son. I think this may give her a lift she needs. Beth is raising her granddaughter after her daughter passed away. Brenda and I are just t here for them.

  68. Vivian T

    My sister and my two best friends

  69. Shirley Norris

    Lysa, thank you so much for the invitation! I plan to invite my precious sister, Bobbie who lost her husband, suddenly, a week ago. She is grieving so & feels like her life is over. I pray this will help her in some way start the healing process.

  70. Krista

    I’m going to invite my homeschool mom friends

  71. Karen Gibson

    Dear Lysa,
    Monday nights were my Friday nights in my friend’s kitchen for one year when I became “one” after being “two” for thirty years! My friend and her husband invited me into their country kitchen with abandoned babies with Aids, Crack addiction, MS — tubes everywhere, love, laughter, ball jars filled with spices and fruits, wonderful aroma of homemade baked bread and simple fare. Bringing my friends to your kitchen table on September 8th will carry on the tradition of “coming out of the cold” to the warm and cheerful hearth of friends!

  72. Lisa Hyatt

    I’m going to share this with everyone I know and invite them all to join in! This is such an important message not to share with everyone. Thank you Lysa!!

  73. Joy Manoleros

    I’ll be inviting my prayer partners Jan and Lynne!

  74. Lisa Suit

    Definitely my mom, and my best friends Melissa and Kim!

  75. Johanna

    I just watched the webcast again…so wonderful!! I plan to invite my sister, my friend Amy, and my friend Monica 🙂

    Thank you Lysa, and God Bless!!!

  76. sara

    I’ll be inviting my friends, Teri and Mandie. Can’t wait!

  77. Denise

    This is just lovely. I will invite my sister, a super busy pastor’s wife, and three of my nieces who are young moms. Thank you, Lysa.

  78. Dana B

    I am already subscribed to the email list. I am inviting a few of my coworkers who I think would enjoy this and who I have been inviting to attend church with me.

  79. Mandy

    I would love to have Amy or Laurie watch this with me, and the best would be to have both join me!

  80. Margaret

    I will invite Deb, Robyn and Kelly

  81. Novella

    I plan to invite to my table my three daughters, my three sisters ,my mother & best friend of 27 years.

  82. Gloria

    I plan on inviting a recently divorced friend of mine. I believe we will both be blessed. Thank for being such a willing servant and sharing your stories with us.

  83. Cheryl

    I plan to invite my closest friends and co workers!

  84. Brandi

    This is a tradition we do in our home as well. we are military and there are quite a few service men and women who are far away from home. We invite them to eat with us a few times a week and we always celebrate their birthdays by having them a party.
    I’m going to invite my sisters and mom to watch.

  85. Vickie

    My Daughters Amanda, Aimee & Allie! Thank you Lysa!

  86. Tanya

    It’s my birthday that day, and I would love to join with friends. However, we have a church commitment that evening. This evening out of town friends are arriving for a few days, and I am reminded to be present, not scurrying to prove I have it all together. As if….! 😉 thanks for the well timed reminder (God’s well timed reminder),

  87. Jyll

    This tugged at my heart strings . I think of many women and even men that I would love to invite. Just to name a few: Tammy, Marcia, Stephanie, Sheri, Wanda. What a blessing your ministry is.

  88. monica jackson

    I will be inviting my best friends Nicole, Laura and Kristina, whom can certainly relate to this subject with a busy lifestyle (as mine is as well)! thank you for opening up your kitchen table to us!

  89. Nancy Jameson

    I plan on inviting my Sunday School class and telling them to bring a friend (including me) from First Baptist Statesboro (Georgia). I am very excited! This is a great opportunity to reach unchurched folk.

  90. Michelle

    At a time when we have also lost my mother, I will be snuggling up with my young daughters and listen in on this exciting adventure together. Thank you for your ministry!

  91. Linda Robins

    I am going to invite my Sunday night ladies Bible study group over to join you. We have studied several of your books already. I am going to recommend “The Best Yes” for our next study. Welcome back to Arkansas again.

  92. Patti

    Love this post!! When we listen to God’s tug on our heart… beautiful things happen!

  93. Angela

    I’m inviting the ladies on my work team. We are completely over inundated on a technical project with seemingly unreasonable timelines. Want to make sure we are keeping a healthy work/life balance.

  94. Amy Duncan

    Reading this almost made me cry. I lost my sister a year ago that was single and had no children. She just did life with us, vacations, special events, first day of school and she always appreciated a home cooked meal. This year when i walked my son into his first day of Kindergarten I told him that his Aunt Laura would be here in person if she could. I often said I am going to reserve Sunday afternoons for family and friends to stop by and just have an open invitation. I think now is a time to start. Thanks for inspiring me. I will join with my mom on Monday 9/8 and will also share with my friends.

  95. Amy

    I am inviting my girlfriend. We have discussed many times how are schedules get too full and we need to “stop and smell the flowers”. I am very excited for this webcastt!!

  96. Melinda

    I plan to invite the ladies who came with me to see you at First Baptist Church in Somerset, KY. That would be my daughter, Erica, my friends, Molly, Kaye, and Sherry and hopefully a few more who need to hear. You have really stirred us to be intentional about making our “Best Yes” and slowing down so that we don’t miss whats important in this life. Thank you for sharing the wisdom the Lord has given you with all of us!

  97. Rebecca

    Super-excited for Sept 8!!
    I am going to invited my friends, Deborah, Janet & Stephanie 🙂

  98. Mara

    GREAT post. Very though provoking….I have sent this to my husband’s aunt to read and see if she would like to participate as well. 🙂 Thanks for the encouragement today.

  99. Ruth


  100. Carol

    Rene’, Beth, Carue, Tina, Debbie

  101. Holly

    My sisters Heather, & Brandee, sister-in-law, Lena, and cousin, Andrea.

  102. Heather

    I’ll be inviting my sister to stay when she picks her daughter up after work and I’d also like to invite my single mom friends from church, Tammy & Karen.

  103. Mary Tullila

    As I have just lost my dad yesterday to suicide..this post reminds me of how fast life goes by. How important it is to slow down for US. Thank you Lysa…

    • Tammy

      I am so sorry Mary…..that breaks my heart for you. I will pray for your peace.


    • Elisabeth

      I am so sorry for your loss.

    • arie

      Not sure what to say Mary. Our lives have been deeply hurt by suicide also. It’s a long journey on the grief road. I always recommend ‘No Time To Say Goodbye’. Praying for you this morning.

  104. Sandra

    Inviting my ladies bible study friends…….we LOVE your studies!!!

    • Marty Weed

      Hi Lysa, I’m planning on asking Shawna and Des over Monday night to watch your broadcast! 🙂

  105. Lori Phillips

    I’m going to invite my family, and my girlfriends from my Sunday School class, and a neighbor who has recently moved here from out of town.

  106. Pamela hembree

    I lp to invite my sisters Susan, Patty, Joy and Vicky! We grew up in a home that always welcomed people. What a great legacy, and what a special way to be encouraged to continue the legacy in Christ!!

  107. Shannon Mooney

    I plan to invite the ladies from my Celebrate Recovery Leadership T.E.A.M.

  108. Karen

    Wonderful post! Thank you! I started reading “The Best Yes” today and am planning to do the Bible study with a group of friends: Judi, Alisa, Kelly, Beth, and Tammy and will invite them over for the webcast. We did “Unglued” together and it was awesome! Thank you for being real! I love your books and studies! God has truly gifted you!

  109. Tanya

    I will definitely be sharing this Jenn, Julie, Jamie and Tracy! These are just a few of the amazing ladies in my life!

  110. Peg J. Ribble

    I have invited ladies from our church: Amanda, Amy, Alanna, Kandy, Jaylena, Janet, Lauren, Laurie, Lori, Mary Ellen, Nancy, Peggy Sue, Gale, Linda, Lynn, Bonnie, for a viewing of the webcast Sept. 8th. Can’t wait!!!!

  111. Stephanie

    I remember years ago when a lady from my church who was only a few years older than I but seemed to have it “all together” said that she would rather be invited to someone’s home & have it be imperfect than never be invited because someone felt their home wasn’t “good enough” for me. That left such a HUGE impression on me!
    Amanda, Annette, Allie, Alicia, Melissa, Adrienne, Suzie to name a few.

  112. Nancy

    Lysa, you are such a beautiful person, thank you for how you inspire, share and move people. All Glory to God for the gifts he has given you!

  113. Laurie

    I will invite my mom and 5 daughters. Thanks.

  114. Lucy

    Thank you so much for your heartfelt testimonies. It has given me much encouragements and your prayers are precious. Thank you. I will be inviting my friends, Shelley Herke, Lanny Wirjanto Rachman, Maureen Hallman, Jennifer Bailey, Amanda Watson and a few more others. Thank you and May God bless you and your family.

  115. kimberly

    I will invite Mary, Trish, and Nicole.

  116. Erica

    I’ll be inviting some ladies from my church and my mom! Great idea!

  117. Pamela F

    Love that you are so real & like my neighbor right next door! Thank you for continuing to bless me with your incredible writing team!!! Love Proverbs 31!!!!!

  118. Deana

    I invited my best friend. She is such a strong support to me and I can’t wait to share this with her.

  119. miranda

    Posting it on facebook and tagging some beautiful ladies from church. Really excited about it!

  120. Carla

    I will invite my friend, Leslie.

  121. Jen L.

    I’ll invite my friends Lori and Melissa to watch with me!

  122. Monica

    I just saw you on Life Today. I just wanted to tell you how much I admired and how it touched my heart the tender way you discussed abortion and said that you didn’t blame the minister for how he felt in telling his daughter to have an abortion. Of course that was the wrong thing for him to do but so often it feels as though Christians can be so harsh concerning abortion. People who make that choice are hurting and the choice to do that is wrong and devastating but with more people like you showing love in a way that is not condemning, I believe hearts can be healed and more people can be inspired to make a different choice. Thank you again for demonstrating the love and tender heart of God.

  123. Heather Houston

    I’m inviting my teacher friends/coworkers. We feel we’re always neglecting our own children to meet the needs of the students in our classrooms.

  124. Karen Heinl

    Inviting my Made to Crave group of precious friends! 🙂

  125. teresa sanders

    I will invite my single mom co-workers, zumba friends, my daughters, my mom, mother in love and friends to join me in getting back to appreciating the basics. Gods beautiful landscape, weather and all he has given us. Great reminder. Thanks!

  126. Jessica

    Our neighbors that have a newborn and a couple of single girls that live close by.

  127. Lisa Humphries

    I will invite my sister-in-law.

  128. Ashley F

    My husband and one of our close couple friends that is dealing with the rush too

  129. Shari

    I woke in the middle of the night heartsick over this very thing. In a few short months my husband will be going to prison for the rest of our lives as a result of a series of bizarre and unforeseen circumstances. In the busy-ness to prepare for his absence in the my and my daughter’s lives, I’ve missed out on what will probably be our last summer together. I’ve begged God to redeem our situation for His glory. I want to be used in the midst of all of this. I want to show God is worth it. I want to love Him more and reveal His tenderness in this season of suffering to those around me – to my dear husband and precious daughter especially. I swept away days that I can never get back.

  130. Annette

    I will invite my neighbor Cathy. I can’t wait to see this wonderful group of women together around one table!!

    • Christy Ryan

      I will invite 2 of my co-workers (Julie and Dee) and 1 of my neighbors (Kathy)- all busy moms who desperately want to “stop and breathe it all in”!:)

  131. Linda Rich

    Invitedy sister, 2 daughters, best friend and a new friend from work!

  132. Alicia Burton

    We just moved! So, it would be my new sisters in Christ!

  133. Rhonda Fellows

    I’ll be at work so will not be able to bring others in to share, but will share with others about the broadcast.

  134. Marty Weed

    Hi Lysa,
    I plan on inviting my friends Shawna and Des over to hear your broadcast!! 🙂

  135. Georgeine

    I love this idea, I used to do it a lot then cancer reared it’s ugly head. I am now slowly improving from chemo and radiation. You blog post reminded me of days gone by and how much I enjoyed having someone over to eat and have fellowship with them. So Monday, I am going to ask my friend, and next door neighbor over to eat with us. If she can’t make it Monday, then I will let her choose another day next week. She is a widow, and like a Mother to me.

  136. Nicci Ramirez

    My entire Boot camp class that I teach!!!!

  137. Monique Smith

    I will be inviting my pastors wife, and few other ladies from several different churches.

  138. Annette Smith

    My husband and our three daughters.

  139. Paula warren

    I’ll invite my daughter, Rachelle, and friends Michelle, Sheila, Bernie, Mary and Carol. Hi from NE Montana.

  140. Tarah

    Can’t wait. Inviting every busy mom I know

  141. Lee Roberts

    Connecting with others is such a special thing. I love your idea. I don’t have little kids anymore. We are like the couple you spoke of but I realize that I have not been doing what I could do to help others who are alone in our church. Thanks for reminding me of how precious life is. Each moment is important.

  142. Barb

    this post and its reality brought tears to my eyes. I want to be my best saying the best yes.

  143. Sadie

    I would love to watch this with my wonderful sisters!

  144. Jeni

    I plan to invite my Ladies Bible study!

  145. Christine Wipson

    I will be inviting all the ladies in our MOMS group. What a precious (sometimes crazy) time we are living.

  146. Cathy Pangburn

    I will be inviting my friend Kathy and my friend Pat, longtime friends that now live a long ways from me!

  147. Heather Chatham

    I am going to invite 3 of my dear friends, one who is currently battling brain cancer.

  148. Kay Hollo

    I will invite my daughter, Pam, daughter-in-law, Lanelle and friend, Debbie. Love your books Lisa and enjoyed seeing you recently on CBN program. Met you on the Karen Kingsbury cruise too. Great time. 🙂

  149. Jules M

    Lysa: I love this! I love that your family has been able to have that one night as a priority to be together but to also bring those that you love the most into your Monday hug. Makes me long for more dinners at the table. My daughter thought it was odd today when we were talking about dinners together when I said that growing up we basically ate as a family every night except for Friday (mom got the night off that night & wasn’t going any where near the kitchen). So much was shared at the table. Dinners take a little more work now because of the kids schedules & our work schedules (neither of us work 9-5). Time for the next dinner to be planned. Thankfully tonight my husband is cooking with the kids at home & they will bring me dinner at work. Such a blessing.

  150. Toni Berry

    Thank you so much for this opportunity to grow and share! This past year has been extremely stressful for me and I had been praying for God to send me girlfriends. My heart was aching for that special support that only close girlfriends can provide! One day, my 13 year old son was trying to convince me that we needed to move into the neighborhood where all his buddies live. Well, we did end up moving and God blessed me with the greatest group of ladies! They are the Moms of my son’s buddies! They welcomed me wholeheartedly and I have never felt so blessed! So, I will be inviting each of these wonderful ladies:)

  151. dawn

    This is a great tradition to start. I’m inviting cyndi nelson, Tammy cleveland, heidi young, and Leah Ann dixon

  152. Christy Belisle

    I will be inviting a couple friends from church and the Fit Moms for Life group that I lead.

  153. Kimber Bates

    We are starting this study this fall at my Women of Faith group and I’m so excited to be a part of it! Looking forward to the webcast! I’ve never seen you lovely ladies but Jesus has brought you into my life for this very purpose.

  154. Jami Platt

    I plan on inviting my husband and our 5 children to be a part of this. In doing so, I hope this will start our own tradition of having family and their friends over 1 night a week. Thank you for the invite and I look forward to starting something new with my family. God’s blessings to you and your family.

  155. Linda N

    I’ll be inviting my Sunday school classmates!

  156. Lisa

    I have already invited my best girl friends that I don’t see enough of. So far, we are a group of 4 to tune in. Thank you!

  157. Amanda

    I’ll be inviting my friend Cathy and my mom Donna.

  158. leslie

    My daughter Amy, Newly married friend Ashley, and my mom 🙂
    Thanks for asking!

  159. Laura A Lee

    I will be inviting my hubby & two boys as this is our family day and night together after a full weekend of 3 services and football! I want them to here all about the Best yes! My husband actually shared Micheal Hyatt review on his blog at our church staff meeting last week! So cool.. So I want him to hear you !

  160. Kirstin Bolt

    I’ve been incredibly inspired by Lysa and can’t wait to see how her words press deep into my soul. I’m looking forward to this webcast, shared with 8 of my girls.

  161. Linda H.

    This is such a wonderful post. A reminder to live life to the fullest by reaching out to others and not taking any moment or gift for granted. Thank you so much.



  163. Deb Adkins

    Inviting several of my friends to do this…

  164. Becky Moodie

    My precious family <3

  165. Ginny

    I will be at the beach sharing a condo with my parents, aunt and sister and each of our families so this is perfect timing for us to tune in!

  166. lynn

    I’ll be inviting my daughter.

  167. Pam D.

    I will invite my 2 friends from church, Donna and Rosemary. We have started hanging out sometimes for girl time together and it’s been good for my soul!

  168. Shebrina Elrod

    My books arriving this week. And my fb small group is gearing up for the bible study.

  169. Julie Naylor

    Lysa , I love this story ! I have two dear girlfriends , one being my cousins wife . They were both widowed suddenly & I thought of them first. We live in different states but my prayer will be that someone will take them under their wing & invite them to just spend time with them . So I will invite Debbie , Sue, Joanne , Tammy & I’m sure they will pass along this information too . Thank you for sharing !

  170. Brenda

    Our church Moms group studied your book and learned how to be ‘more than good Bible study girls’–I know several who keep up with the daily devotions and will ‘be there’ Monday night.

  171. Rhonda Adams

    Really looking forward to this webcast. I have invited 5 ladies to this event. My daughter, my soon to be daughter-in-law and her mother, and two neighbors. We plan to make this a girls night out with preparing a gourmet meal including an appetizer and dessert!


  172. Teri

    Hello! I’ve invited my girls from our home Bible Study…. Sheri, Karen, Patty, Danna, Linda and Janet. We dawdled over Unglued for weeks on weeks- so much to discuss and learn and give up to God!! We’re so looking forward to the new study!! Its gonna be a pizza nite 🙂

  173. Leah Claibourne

    I plan on inviting my new neighbor to come watch this with me. My plan is to invite her into my apartment and we can watch it and be blessed together! 🙂

  174. Denise Harrell

    Sending inites to my friends, Stephanie, Amber, Christen

  175. Kim Painter

    II sent out a huge invite to many of my lady friends. So far I have nine that say they are excited to attend. I have Barbara Swisher, Kathy Rule, Sandy Huffman, Linda Brooks, Cindy Marshall, Traci Marshall, Bobbie Miller, Denise Wells, Zuzanna Loar. We will be enjoying dessert while you are enjoying your dinner. 🙂

  176. Tracy Larson

    I am sending out an invitation for a BEST YES study… and will invite them all to join you as well 🙂

  177. Kim Muggoch

    I’m inviting my mother-in-law.

  178. Pasquale

    Thank you
    To your continued success

  179. Shannon

    I’m inviting my husband, our 2 high-school kids and our 2 college-aged daughters! Being a family of 10 we so need this! Thank you!

  180. Tara

    I’m using tonight’s webcast for our Ladies Bible Study tonight. We’re gonna use the youth room where there are couches and recliners .. gonna get cozy comfy with coffee and snacks, too!

  181. Anna Tidmore

    Tonight I’m inviting my roommate to watch this with me!

  182. kim hodges

    I missed the bible study broadcast this evening. Can I listen to it now?

  183. Rosie from TX

    The last two years I’ve spent working with the youth @ our church. This year I had to say no to allow myself time to hear from God and grow spiritually. I will be inviting my family, my support system and inspiration.

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