Download my new, free resource: Trust Is a Track Record: 5 Scriptural Truths To Remember God’s Faithfulness. 


What We Miss When We Rush

August 18, 2014

A few years ago, I had the amazing privilege to meet BJ. He was sitting in the row in front of me on a flight and made sure to welcome us the minute we took our seats. It didn’t take long for BJ to make everyone around us aware of how excited he was to be on this plane.

His voice was loud, his exclamations seemed a bit child-like for a man his age, and his stuttered words made it difficult to completely understand him.

But one thing was unmistakable to me – his passionate embrace of the magnificent.

As we rose into the sky he clapped and bounced in his seat. His eyes were wide as he turned to the man sitting next to him and exclaimed, “The clouds are huge!”

That’s when the nudging on my heart started. This gentle prodding to ignore the task oriented part of me wanting to get my work done. A rush-like whisper tripped over those boundaries I’d erected to keep my thoughts focused and orderly.

Embrace this moment Lysa. Notice him. Notice Me. This is a better use of this time. This is a Best Yes.

I’d love for you to learn more about what BJ taught me on that flight by reading the rest of my post at (in)courage today. Click here to pop over there.

And I’m excited to announce that (in)courage is partnering with the message of The Best Yes this week! 100% of the proceeds from copies purchased through (in)courage will go to 99 Balloons – a wonderful non-profit that aids families of children with special needs. This specific initiative will help train churches to better support families with amazingly awesome kids like BJ. Click here to find out how you can help!

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  1. Nico Smith

    Loved that story.

  2. Chris Carter

    Oooooh! Can’t wait to read it!! Off I go!

  3. Rebekah

    beautiful post! It brought tears to my eyes and encouragement to my heart. A powerful reminder to slow down and see the beauty around us!

  4. Hannah

    Lysa, you are such an encouragement to me. I got to meet you briefly at the Women’s Conference you spoke at in Somerset, Ky this past weekend. It was such an honor to meet you, as brief as it was, and in the moment I failed to mention just how funny I think you are! I’ve done your Unglued study with women at my church and now I’m reading your book, “Am I Messing Up My Kids”. I laugh, and I cry, and I can TOTALLY relate to your stories. You are such a beautiful person, inside and out, and I look forward to seeing what all God does through you in your ministry. From one crazy mama to another, you go girl!

  5. Ruby Hannah Martin

    I so enjoy hearing your stories! I read “made to crave”, did the bible study, still inspired by the magnet “crave god” on my fridge! I want to gift to with one of our Proverbs 31 tees. Please return the message with shipping info. If be so thankful if you’d let me do that. Thank you, Lisa!!!

  6. Tris Bendickson Kellogg

    It is with teary eyes and deep gratitude that I reach out to you. I picked up The Best Yes earlier in the week, but I was too busy to crack it open until tonight. And while I was feeling a little sad and left out that I had no exciting plans on a Saturday night, I remembered your book was waiting for me. I turned on my Jim Brickman Pandora station, grabbed something to sip on, and settled into my porch swing to read. I’m a slow reader so I haven’t made it far yet, but felt compelled to share with you the way the first two chapters unfolded for me. Right after reading your account of your husband wanting to talk about giving money, four timid teenagers walked up my driveway carrying a football helmet with money in it. I usually decline door to door invitations to donate, but tonight, my heart was open and I gave. Once they left and I settled back into the book, I remembered a dear friend who is going through something troubling in her life. She’s not sharing what, but I can feel that she is in pain. I meant to reach out to her last night, but I was in a hurry and didn’t. As I completed reading chapter two, my tears were no longer just welling in my eyes, but were streaming down my cheeks. The funeral of the baby was likely the catalyst, but it was deeper than that for me. My mind was streaming the flashback reel of all the times I’ve been too busy to listen, or too rushed to take on one more thing. And like the movies always find the right musical accomompaniment, I heard the piano version of Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord coming from Pandora. Holy God-filled moment! The second I finished the chapter, I texted my dear friend and lifted a prayer for her. And then decided that I had to share my gratitude with you for guiding my heart down the path I needed to walk tonight. So blessed by your wisdom and vulnerability. Thank you!

  7. Kristen Rohde

    Lysa, you are a blessing. Truly. I stumbled upon Proverbs 31 Ministries and your books after scrolling through my news feed and seeing that a friend had shared something from the P31 Facebook page… Since then I haven’t been able to put your books down. It’s amazing. It feels like you’re speaking directly to me and after every statement I find my heart shouting “YES! It’s not just me!!” and I feel better that I’m not the only one suffering from chronic people-pleasing tendencies! You have encouraged me more than you know, that God wants the best from us and not just the remnants we’re willing to give Him after we’re all used up from other people. He has done amazing things in my life and right now, in the season I’m in, He’s challenging me to put Him first. Always. Even when I don’t feel like it. Your book “The Best Yes” is helping me with that so from the bottom of my heart thank you, sweet woman of faith… your passion and love for Jesus is inspiring. Thank you for loving on us by loving on Him first xx

  8. Sarah Ruff

    Hi Lysa, I heard you speak at the NWA Women’s Conference this past weekend. I caught up with you for a second after the conference and asked you about your intense bible study trip to Israel that you briefly spoke on. You asked me to contact you through your blog so I am doing so. I have been to Israel previously but would love to do an in depth bible study while in Israel. If you could forward me any information on the organization you went with, I would greatly appreciate it.

  9. Colleen Swindoll Thompson

    This was spot on. I have a son with multiple complex disabilities and so appreciated the thought of what we can learn from those who are invisible to most of the world. Thank you for this post. Colleen

  10. Jenny

    I am curious if your blog and/or books is for someone who hasn’t quite “found” Jesus yet? I was raised catholic but as i’ve grown older (now 25) I lost my faith etc, and would love to build that relationship again. I would love input/advice from anyone! Thanks 🙂

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