Stop carrying the weight of holding everything and everybody together and surrender what you’re most worried about into God’s fully capable hands with my free resource, “Am I Trying To Control the Uncontrollable?


Unrush Me

July 22, 2014

Ever felt like you’ve set your life to the rhythm of rush? Me too.

Sometimes it takes stepping out of the rush to see things. Recently, I went to the Holy Land. It was a trip I’d longed to take for years. But as the day to leave marched closer and closer, I wished I’d scheduled it later—another time, a time when life didn’t feel so busy.

Exhaustion gnawed deep places in my heart, demanding me to slow down. But how? I’ve made my decisions and now my decisions have made me. Me — this shell of a woman caught in the rush of endless demands.

But the trip was booked, so I went. And I’m forever glad I did. In the Holy Land, busy took a break from chasing me. This trip forced me to “unrush,” and I discovered I like who I am so much better when I’m not set to the wrong rhythm.

I also learned so much about Jesus. His life. His decisions. His lessons.

Today, I’m sharing the most impactful lesson about unrushing that I learned over at (in)courage – will you join me? I have a feeling you might need a breath of fresh air in your schedule. Click here to read more.

We’ll also talk more about an unrushed life in my free, 5-day “Unrush Me” devotional. It’s so easy to sign up and it’s a sneak preview of the message of my new book, The Best Yes: Making Wise Decisions in the Midst of Endless Demands. The devotional will be sent right to your email every morning to encourage you before all of the day’s demands come flooding in. Click here to sign up.

Today, I’m giving away an advanced reader copy of The Best Yes as well as a beautiful “Unrush Me” necklace here on the blog and at (in)courage… so you have two chances to win!

"Unrush Me, Lord…" - The Best Yes by Lysa TerKeurst

To enter, leave a comment below with a simple way that you can unrush your schedule right now. Or, be among the first to pre-order your copy of The Best Yes and receive $50 of free resources! Just click here to get your copy.

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  1. Jennifer Cruciano

    This is a topic we can always learn more about. God isn’t finished with me yet and with a 4 and 6 year old, we are “busy”. I happen to love “busy” but not “BUSY”! I pray that they remember me as more patient than impatient, that discipline = love, that His rod and staff comfort as He leads us, and that I got on the floor to craft and build forts on cold and rainy days. I’m not there yet, but thankfully He is faithful to complete what He starts!

  2. Kris Elmshaeuser

    On of the best ways for me to not feel rushed is to Be Present. Be present in the moment, the conversation, what ever I am doing to be present focused and listen. When I start to think about the next task the next conversation I become rushed. This is very hard for me to do but with Gods help I will get better at being present in the moment and with people.

  3. Tara

    I “inrush” when I chose to rest in the knowing and trusting that my God has my very life in the palms of His hands! I’ve learned a very hard lesson over the last few years that I can’t control everything around me! I can’t control the winds & waves of life but I’m so glad I know the One who can! Knowing, trusting, resting! My words for 2014!

  4. Kelley

    I’ve learned to say no to the things that make me rush! I never did this when my children were growing up because I was always so busy. But you are so right about when the rush is removed, how much more peaceful it is.

  5. Tonya

    A simple way for me to “unrush” is to say Yes to Jesus. Listen for His voice in your decision making and you will never go wrong!

  6. Lynn Lindahl

    I’m a list maker and always have a never-ending list of things to do. I’ve decided to get three things done off my list is enough for a day and that takes the rush off to get it all done!

  7. katie sexton

    For days now, God has shown me to “Be Still and know that I am God”. My mind is full of anxious thoughts, worries and demands. I am reminding my self every morning that God is in control and what a relief to know that I can stop worring about my busy schedule and anixous thoughts. I would love to have this book to share with my Bible study friends.

    thank you

  8. Jenn J.

    I could get rid of the clutter in my house that takes so much of my time, physically and mentally.

  9. JJ Snyder


  10. Lyndsi

    As a homeschool mom Knowing my children do not need to be involved in every little thing is something I struggle with. Staying home and resting is not a bad thing:) thanks Lysa!

  11. Tammy

    I feel like I am rushing all the time….never enough time. I am going to let go and let God. I am going to take the time to be still in God and pray for peace over my life.

  12. Diana

    I use flylady to keep me unrushed.

  13. Jill

    Stop and pray.

  14. Angie

    To unrush my day I have been crawling out of bed a little earlier and getting into God’s word. All of this started last week while my daughter was gone on a mission trip. I would get up a little earlier send our youth and adults words of encouragement and dig into God’s word before I started my day. It has helped with unrushing a little. I would love to find other ways to slow down, unrush, and relax during the day and week..

  15. sandi raymond

    Good morning,
    I “unrush” with devotion, prayer and Christian music before I start my day. Make a list, see what’s important and then breathe. You, Lysa have taught me so much. I am reading “Unglued” right now which helps me “Unrush”. God bless you <3

  16. Elaine Segstro

    Oh Lysa, I wish I knew. My life is always rushing, rushing,… When I have quiet time, I have a difficult time to settle down and rest. Resting in Him is what I need. Oh how I need to read your book!

  17. Margaret

    Sit in silence for a few moments right in the midst..

  18. Sara

    Can I just say I initially rushed through this post (and the other on so I could say I “read” it while juggling emails and chats right now? Unrush. Stop. READ! Digest what you read! Seems simple, right? I’ve been reading and comprehending for more years than I haven’t yet how easy it is to skim and mark it off a list of to-dos.

    I need to slow down and read posts like this. Read my devotional. Read my Bible. And not just read, allow time to really understand and think critically about what I’ve read in the context of the Bible and my life– life application. That’s what I will do when I try to unrush.

  19. Michele

    Each of has to find our own ways to unrush. For some if us, making lists, hiring a maid for one month, taking a mini staycation or a vacation helps refresh us. So does date night or family night. I cannot tell you what a walk with a girlfriend or going for a cup of coffee can do for the soul! When life filled with people pleasing and anxiety consumed my heart and mind, I had to learned quickly to unrush. Actually, God I rushed me by allowing panic attacks and fear to alert me in my need to rest…to center myself into doing just what it was that He had called me to do. Not everything I wanted to do. Meditating on His Word was (is) refreshing, healing, prioritizing, joyfully strengthening and my best Yes!!! I pray with fervency and fear before I make any decisions. I want to be in even step with my Lord and not rush ahead!! He steadies our paths and shows us what that looks like individually! Life gets crazy but I don’t have to!!

  20. Shila

    I need to unrush my schedule so badly! I think right now I need to step back from my summer multi-tasking and to figure out what “needs” to be done and not do everything all at once that “should” get done. I really want to spend time with the kids this summer enjoying them before they rush back to school. Thank you for this loving reminder. I can’t wait to read this book!

  21. Bonnie

    As a mother of three, a full-time professional and a full-time farmer’s wife, learning to unrush my life is an ongoing battle. I’ve learned through my years, it is all based on having Him in my life and the choices I make. Saying prayers and talking to Him throughout my day keeps me focused and calm.

  22. Mary

    Un-rush…practically, plan my day before it starts and when God has different plans take something of the list :-)…this is God’s day and I’m just a vessel to do His will. Today…I’ll shop for groceries with a meal plan…my family meals will be about the people (all 10 of us) and not about the presentation :-).

  23. Bree

    Prayer. <3

  24. Lisa Smith

    Lysa, this book has already changed my life and I haven’t read it yet! It has given me the push to follow through with hard to say no’s so I can enjoy the rarer yes. I have not enjoyed my yeses in a long time & I’m excited to be doing just that starting now! ❤️

  25. Karen

    I pray and read scripture every morning before getting ready for the day. Throughout the day, I try very hard to be relational and not task driven (extremely difficult for me) by reminding myself that people are more important, listening to worship music, playing with my kids, including my kids in tasks, and remembering the scripture that spoke to my heart that morning. I’m definitely not perfect at Remembering to do these things, but trying to see success in my imperfect progress. 🙂

  26. Ann Kite

    I’m learning that part of unrushing is valuing the gifts and talents that God has built into me, enough to allow space to be able to develop them. A well-thought-out “No.” is one of my most valuable stewardship tools.

  27. Sarah Pinault

    Funnily enough, four of us watched Lisa Chan’s True Beauty video “Be Still” just last night. so defying the rush is on my radar big time today. I unrush with my kids. Saying yes to playing trucks, that slows me way down.

  28. Koy

    I turn off my phone and put it in the drawer. I sit down and read a chapter in the book of Psalms which usually turns into reading two or three more chapters! I take in David’s praises and loving prayers of both thanksgiving! It’s humbling for me and helps me put things in my life in perspective.

  29. Leah

    I need to “unrush” my life by saying ‘no’ to some of the more unimportant things that take up my time.

  30. Becca

    Rush often ruins things. Things that matter, anyway. I can be the queen of rush, and I’ve found that one antidote is to schedule mandatory time to do things that I love–things where I lose my sense of time and dive deep into creativity. Not only is that time rejuvenating, but by making it as important as other ‘official’ business on my calendar, I find that I can be more focused, efficient, and judicious with my other tasks in order to keep the time slot free for fun!

  31. Carla

    Lord, unrush me! Definitely is the cry of my heart. Slowly but surely, the Lord is answering that prayer – but it does take intentionality from me to continuously make Him a priority. Can’t wait to read the book… maybe even lead other women in the same.

  32. Jane Turner

    How to un rush? good question.. especially for a middle aged, slightly overweight housewife of the sandwich generation… older parents, younger kids… Pray, pray and let Romans 8:31-32 companion me. also, a little caffeine and chocolate help- as well as friends to share the journey with. looking forward to Aug 13th!

  33. lisa


  34. Sarah

    Getting up early and making time for God before the day starts. He brings peace and clarity to my rushed days. Also trying to delegate a little more and not trying to do everything myself! I will be starting to homeschool my girls this fall so definitely needing to prioritize what’s important!

  35. Pat

    Oh to love intentionally! What a wonder that would be. I pray today that God will show me how He wants me to spend the hours each day!

  36. Christy C.

    When I need to unrush my life, I just say no to the things I can say no to and sit on my huge porch overlooking my lake and just pray and meditate on things of God. Such a refuge!

  37. Amanda

    Set small goals and stop to enjoy the moment.

  38. Deb

    Typically, I make ‘plans’ for the week on Saturday/Sunday, writing down what ‘needs’ to be done during the week – which keeps me reminded of responsibilities & I’m not aimlessly wondering/wandering . I’m limiting my time on facebook to 10 minutes in the morning, sometimes looking at supper, then 10 minutes before going to bed, which has freed up a good ‘chunk’ of time. Before getting into the day, I have a short devo (sometimes an extended time) which really sets the ‘mood’ & gets my focus God centered rather than ‘me’. I’d love a copy of the book!

  39. Pat

    I just notice that I typed love instead of live in my comment…maybe that’s a lesson too!

  40. Kelly

    This post was read in the middle of rushing off to work, cleaning a bathroom, and arguing with my sister about not having time to get to a family function. I really need to unrush and reevaluate my time! Would love to join your group, and learn life lessons. god bless you for what you do!!! Thank you

  41. Jenna

    I’ve learned to unrush by listening. I listen to the sounds of the car tires rushing by on the pavement or the birds chirping in the wind or the bees buzzing in the garden or the kids splashing and laughing in the pool. It’s hard to say yes to the unnecessary if you’re busy listening to the beautiful things of life. And listening carefully to the questions that are asked of me so that I can better understand if God would have me say yes.

  42. Kate Lantry

    I know it’s not spiritual, but the only way I can feel unrushed in my schedule is to grab a crochet hook and yarn and force myself to sit down for a few minutes. The simple act of making the stitches quiets my soul and makes everything else slow down.

  43. Dee P

    I try to just breath and trust that God will see me through what I really need to do. I just lost my husband who took care of everything so I am trying to find my way with help from above, I know he will see me through.

  44. Brooke

    I can ‘unrush’ by focusing on God’s truth and his assurance in my life. Slowing down and making His Word the number one priority i. My life is the best thing to help me focus on His goodness and unfailing love.

  45. Chris Carter

    I think rush has stolen my joy this summer. And I hate that so so much. I have said ‘no’ many times… but there is no ‘no’ when you have kids who need to be at swim team practice at the break of dawn every morning, or kids that need fed and laundry that needs done, and ministries that need attending to, and soccer practices that need to be driven to…

    And as I write this, I just finished getting my son off to camp (ya know- feeding, dressing, sun-blocking etc) and I am stressing about getting packed for swim champs- leaving asap. to manage the grueling sun and the cheering for my daughter and all of swimmers. I will race home (hopefully) in time to host my women’s group. I know this is a season- and it will pass, but oh, how I wish I could embrace the busyness and enjoy the moments IN it until I can truly be ‘unrushed’.

    I get my unrushed moments late at night… where I dive into processing, prayer and peace. Thank God for those hours!!

  46. Roxanne Torres

    I need to stop sometimes, just breathe. Realize who I am in Christ. More than a conquerer, victorious. Always do my T.A.W.G. time (time alone with God) it sets the tone for my day, blesses me. He is a gentleman, he would never rush me, so why would I rush him?

  47. Cat @ MaryMarthaMama

    I put the to-do list down and just savor my kids. I take care of what we have to do (eat, change diapers) but I let go of the rest for a while. Today we just got back from a trip and I’m tempted to jump into what needs doing (weeding, laundry, projects I left undone before we left) but I know it doesn’t NEED to get done right now. So for now I’m letting it go so that we can have a more relaxed day.

  48. Mindi

    Finding balance between saying yes to
    Everything or no to everything. I’m
    Learning to pause, pray and avoid making emotional decisions or obligations. Asking is it good for me or we and is it what He wants!

  49. Michelle

    I love to unrush by getting outside on a beautiful day, walking and talking with God about His beautiful creations. I do think it is best to take the phone out of my pocket and leave it at home!!!

  50. Paige

    I feel like all I do is rush, constantly! I am always running behind and never seem to get caught up. I have been praying lately for my desire to spend time with Him in the morning (before I am rushed) to outweigh my desire for sleep. Sleep has been winning most days, but days that I do get up earlier and spend time in the word seem to be less rushed than days I choose to sleep those extra 9 minutes before I hit snooze again 🙂 I want to say yes to time with my Savior and time with my family before saying yes to anything else!

  51. Ellen

    I unrush when I allow myself to say “NO”. “No” to another obligation, “No” to feeling that this chore has to be done today or bad things will happen, “No ” to skipping my quiet time because I’m too busy.

    I’ve just returned to work after three weeks with pneumonia. I stayed home and rested. Guess what? My desk is still in my office, my emails are still in my Inbox, my tasks are still awaiting being done. Nothing fell apart in my absence.

  52. Jill

    The only way I can accomplish this is to BE STILL (Psalm 46:10).

    • Debbie Mankins

      Hand over all things to God and listen to the Holy Spirit as He reveals wisdom and discernment. Dwell in His Word and apply.

  53. Alexandra Alba

    A way for me to unrush right now will be to sit alone (I am married & have two 6yr old boys) & go to the secret place with God. Throw on some worship music, cry out to him & feel the peace that surrounds me. I am the leader of a women’s ministry, I am a wife, a mother, I work in Avon & attend classes at my church. Rush is my middle name.. but through the Grace of God I know he can get me more organized & unrushed. Thank You Lord! My trust is in You!

  54. Kathy

    I have been hearing God speak this to my soul for awhile now. I’m so tired. I just turned 50 and have raised 3 beautiful daughters and now I have beautiful grandson. I’ve always been very active in their life and have done alot of volunteer work in my community and church. I’m a prideful person and I’m just now learning how to say “no” and to “delegate” without feeling so guilty. I sure wished I would have learned this so many years ago. I would love to read this book and to pass it along to my 3 daughters as well so maybe they can “get it” way before I did. Love you Lysa!!!

  55. Lori

    I stop what I’m doing and try to use my senses to locate at least ONE item of beauty where I’m at right that second then I just “sit in it” for a few seconds before life swirls around me again. I do this often throughout the day

  56. Nicollette

    My life is always feeling rushed. One simple way I can unrush my life to take time for just me. Waking up a half hour or 45 min before everyone else will give me to to get a grip on the day and not feel like from the moment I wake up im GO GO GO

  57. Barb

    I am a teacher so I am living in the unrush of summer right now. I savor lots of things, but really love the time to read your devos, search blogs, ponder on ideas or scripture presented.Thank you for being my first thing every morning.

  58. Margaret K

    I can unrush by slowing down and taking a deep breath. And pray when I go to the bathroom.

  59. Pam

    Well I am always feeling ‘rushed’ 🙁 but I could be feeling even more rushed. I have been much better at saying ‘no’ to things not that important to me. I have focused more on my kids and their sports – not wanting to miss a single game. I am finding that my little ones are no longer little they are now 12 and 9 where did the time go? Being there for them and their friends is very important to me.
    Projects around my house – getting rid of the clothes that the kids have outgrown( or that we have outgrown 🙂 ) , cleaning out those no longer use toys, projects I want done, just take a back seat. Work rushes me enough… so I try… I stress that I TRY to be a bit UNRUSHED at home ! Relaxing with my husband and friends in the screened in porch over wine while the kids hang out is my first favorite!

  60. Krista Beigle

    To un – rush I like to make a cup of coffee and sit with some Scriptures that encourage me to keep going. I sometimes feel I rush through life and forget to “STOP and smell the roses” as my kids love to do. They remind me to stop and enjoy the moment. Don’t just rush right by it (although I still do at times).

  61. Lisa Caprio

    I unrush best when I stop to remember God before my feet hit the floor from the bed. I ask him to enable me to what I cannot do without Him.

  62. Diane

    I seem to stay lost “in a rush”. It seems like “the finish line” of each project, each chore, each commitment gets farther away no matter how fast I go, causing the “rush” to push me even faster. Frustration sets in, causing an unpleasant me. Help!

  63. Pam Anderson

    The best way for me to “unrush” today is to sit, be mindful as I look around and see all of God’s wonder and just take a moment to “soak” it all in.
    Please enter me in the contest.
    thank you.

  64. Dana

    To unrush my daily schedule I’ve needed to get up earlier in the morning, I have had such a sluggard problem with sleep. I would still get all of my day completed but it’s all done in a RUSH that I can’t see what’s really happening!!! But recently I’ve had some things happened that has made me slow down for the bigger picture. I know thought that it’s been none other than God putting these things in motion so that He can refocus me. Thanks for all you do for us ladies, you really help us get through life!!!!

  65. Gerri Favreau

    Do a thorough analysis of your lfrom the world’s view of what makes you important, worthy, successful.

  66. Leslie

    I can fill a day with things that “have” to be done very easily… I need to schedule down time for “God and me” time.

  67. Jessica T.

    I am learning to say no to things that I know will put me over the edge. I am learning to better trust God with the big and small decisions in my life. I am learning to value the precious time I have with my husband and my two beautiful baby girls over all the busyness, no matter how good the cause or my intentions. But I still have a long way to go…Can’t wait to read your new book!

  68. Nicol R

    I need to be ok with saying no sometimes.
    I get so caught up in helping others that I forget to take quiet time to myself. I can’t be the best me for others if I am frazzled and rushed. I need to take the time to put my oxygen mask on before I try to help someone else put theirs on.

  69. Tammy

    Have a grandchild! Since my granddaughter was born 3 weeks ago my life has become ‘unrushed”. Her and my daughter live with me and when I get home in the evenings I make time to just sit and hold her and enjoy her preciousness.

  70. Erica

    Take time for God.

  71. Kristi

    A practical approach in this age of technology…. reevaluated our boundaries/rules for “devices” in our home, set new boundaries for our four children AND mom and dad, too. It’s unsettling when you realize how much time has been robbed from you by staring at a screen, checking emails, checking fb, etc….
    Refocusing on the people in our presence definitely cuts down on the rushed feeling….we have more time for one another and the things that matter.

  72. Susan Blossom

    I need to get to bed no later than 11:00 so I can get up earlier to have a longer I rushed quiet time with God.

  73. Vanessa

    By spending the quiet morning moments of my day in God’s Word, and allowing His truths to guide my choices (we make over 5000 per day!), my paths, my steps, and my interactions with others.

  74. K.Pool

    I am trying desperately to unrush. I have been the caregiver for my father since last October after his stroke and have recently had to place him in a nursing home as he is now blind. I didn’t realize just how “busy” I was until I had a moment to just rest. I treasure my quiet time now as never before because in the busyness I feel I took God and the time I should give Him for granted. By resting in His arms and un-rushing all else falls into place.

  75. Mary-Margaret

    I pray over this verse every day “Be still and know that I am God”. Why is it so hard to be still?!

  76. Kathy

    I SO needed to read this this morning. My simple solution to Unrush Me right now is to stop and pray. Prayer always calms me when I’m stressed. Thank you, Lysa!

  77. Stephanie Ryker

    I can unrush by taking time to enjoy the beauty that God has created. Slipping outside on the back porch to listen to the birds and enjoy a little coffee is a great way to slow down and remind myself of God’s majesty.

  78. Juli Barrett-Almquist

    I’ve learned to just breathe. There was a point in time in my life I was so busy volunteering, helping with this and that, that I found I did not like the person I was becoming. I did the hardest thing I could think of, I started saying “no” The guilt of saying no hit me hard but over time it became much easier. Now I can pick and choose what is important to me. I can pray about things now and do what I feel is God driven.

  79. Char

    Being I rushed to me is a quiet mind and a list for the day helps to stop the buzzing of “What do I have to do next”

  80. Chelsea

    Sometimes I’m rushing for/to nothing. Today I want to remember to take a deep breathe and think carefully about each thing I’m doing rather than rush through my day. Yes I have things to check off my to do list, yet also so much to calmly enjoy.

  81. Grace

    Pray before getting out of bed in the morning. I too am a list maker, if I get just one thing done for that day, I thank the Lord. I just read the verse Proverbs 16:20, those who listen to instruction will prosper, those who trust the Lord will be joyful. Blessings……

  82. Elizohbeth

    Taking things off of my plate that I put there that aren’t a good use of my time, to clear my mind and focus on the things that are worth focusing on.

  83. Gerri Favreau

    Please ignore my above comment…I was tiring to edit it and I ended up posting it.

    Do a full analysis of your life and activities. What are you doing to fulfill the world’s expectations of success? What are you doing to encourage growth in you walk with Christ? What are you doing to make the moments count with your loved ones? What can you remove from your list that really doesn’t matter in the bigger scheme of things?

    I am convinced that when I die people are not going to remember me for how clean or how dirty my windows were BUT they will remember if I took the time to brighten their day and spend time with them.

    Satan wants us to be busy and rushed…it will hold many of us back from God’s plan.

  84. JJ

    I’ve learned that if I don’t slow down in order to make time for Him that He will slow me down Himself and sometimes His methods are not so fun… Example: herniated disc in back! 😉 So I unrush myself by waking up with Him every morning and turning my day over to Him.

  85. Michelle V

    Starting my day with quiet time and prayer is essential for me to start my day off right. And throughout my day when I start to feel rushed and overwhelmed, I make myself stop for a minute and pray for His peace.

  86. Terri

    I always want to say “yes” by human nature. I have learned to pray about it and that it’s ok to say “no” when I feel led by Praying about it

  87. Melissa Lobozzo

    Romans 12:2. Do not conform to the world….do not sign your child up for unnecessary activities especially in the younger years when they won’t even remember the activity. Pray about God’s path for their lives and ask Him to show you what activity to spend time in. He will not allow your life to be overloaded if you listen and obey.

  88. Vicky D

    I am in a season where I am not saying yes to anything! Just taking time to slow down and see what God would have me do.

  89. Sheryl

    I used to be controlled by my To Do List….I am unrushed by asking God to plan my day and then being willing to let my To Do list go!

  90. Tandi

    I try to remember that in this season of my life I might not have that hour or two to sit down and do a thorough bible study. I have to take it when I can – 5 minutes here, 15 minutes there, whenever I do have the time. Drive/commute time is for prayer and focus, keep my bible out where I can look for a quick scripture as I pass by, listen to uplifting music to worship… There are days I fail and find myself frustrated, but I work to keep God as my focus throughout my day and He blesses me with the time to spend with Him.

  91. Susan Blossom

    Are you going to offer the necklace for sale???

  92. Toni Holt

    My best “un rush me” is to ask the Lord in my early morning time, to order my day. I then spend some literal quiet time listening for God to speak.

  93. Carrie K

    I can un-rush by setting aside ‘my’ priorities and hear God’s sweet whispers to see (and focus on) things that are really important. The laundry can wait!

  94. Erin

    I can un-rush today by accepting help from my husband, friends, and family who offer it. I can realize I don’t have to do everything alone to be worth something.

  95. Julie Sunne

    I am purposely cutting back and reigning myself in during this season of launching my children. With God’s help, I am reminded each morning of what is most important right now. The others can wait. My children growing up won’t.

  96. sherry

    I too am a list maker- so i have to take a minute before i start -the list- and breathe- know that God has everything- including my list – in control.
    a word has come to me- through a wonderful woman- to know that God already knows our problems and what is happening so- we need to be praising him and not asking for stuff. just learn to praise him! so i have been very conscious of this for the past few days and when i stop and praise him it seems my day goes better.

  97. S. Brown

    Take time in the morning to start my day right!

  98. Becky

    I’m trying to think ahead and plan better. If I have a plan and realistically decide what I can get done I don’t rush as much.

  99. Christina

    The best way I can accomplish “unrushing” is to stop, listen through prayer (Be still and know that I am God), and obey His commands.

  100. Jennifer

    The first thing that came to my mind about untrusting was trying to please everyone else. I actually just took that step of faith and left a job where you were always rushing to satisfy someone else’s priorities when they were taking no steps to help their own priorities. My in rushing will lead to Gods will for the priorities He has set for me.

  101. June Belew

    In Ann Voskamp’s “One Thousand Gifts”, she likens slowing down to being in a glass bottom boat and only able to see all the beauty God has given; when the boat slows to a stop! Intentionally slowing down is the way we can be thankful because we are choosing to See Him:))

  102. Kristin Anderson Ratley

    (this is a work in progress for me)….to “unrush”, I need to remember to greet God as I start my day and to be in His Word…to seek His “timing” and “pace” and “direction” for my day… if I keep my eyes on Him, FIRST and FOREMOST, all the other “priorities” will not be pushing my heart and mind for “first place”. As I am attentive to His Spirit, those areas that seem to demand my attention will be less debilitating…they may even be sources of blessing.

  103. Andrea

    Quite honestly, this is a struggle for me. There’s hubby/family, ministry and work, and so on and so on. Everything needs to get done, and normally that means “now”. Consistent prayer for God to order my steps and direct my path helps me prioritize. Continually feeding myself through worship and the word as I complete my tasks helps strengthen me to get it done. However, I need more of God’s wisdom and direction on what to pull back on and what to say yes to so that I operate not just in what’s good, but so that I can make the finer distinction between what’s good and what’s best.

  104. Heather Talton

    I am committing to unrush today by stopping work and actually eating lunch with my kids instead of just sitting beside them and working while they eat!

  105. Nicholette Indovino

    I can completely relate to this blog today. I too had the same experience with going to the Holy Land, it seems like life picked up and was crazy right before I left. I was scared all the stress of life would follow me. However, God was faithful and left all of that behind and allowed me to truly experience Him in a way I never have. Coming back the stress was right here waiting for me but this time is has been a little different. One way to unstress my schedule is to remind myself that God is in control and has everything of my day planned out. I need to rest and rely on Him not myself.

  106. Tracy

    There is NO DOUBT I need to “unrush”…. I have a beautiful canvas reminder in my den “Be Still and Know that I AM GOD”… But it seems lately I need more than a canvas. This may sound like a joke to some, but I have pictures (and a bill from the body shop) to state my case. You see, I have a hard time saying “no”.. I admit, I’m a “people pleaser”, which causes me to RUSH all day long… About 6 months ago, I ran out in such a hurry, I began to back out of my garage before shutting my car door… Let’s just say “my garage ATE my door”… Then, 2 weeks ago, I was leaving for a women’s bible study, and knocked my side mirror off…again, my garage “ATE my mirror”, because I rushed too much!!! I would love the devotions and book!! And possibly that beautiful necklace would be a much needed reminder to “unrush”…. God Bless You!!!

  107. Sharon

    I didn’t have time to read your email this morning, but decided to take the time, so I could make my inbox smaller. Boy am I glad I did! Just what I needed to read before going on with the rest of my day! Thanks!

  108. renee meinholz

    I have learned rushing is me being the driver when God clearly mean for me to have a chauffer. When i let him drive We get to the destination quicker and I am ready to do anything that is needed. Jesus Take the Wheel.

  109. Darla Jesser

    The best way for me to un rush…… Unplug from the cell phone, tablet and computer.

  110. Cathi Nichols

    This is hard for me, my life is all about being off to work, church, sports for the kiddo, the gym. What I need to do that will help unrush me – learn to say no. I tried to say no this summer and take a break from a church ministry that I am involved in and the person said but I’ll cry, so I stuck it out. No, such a small word but so hard to say sometimes. 🙂

  111. Andrea

    Quite honestly, this is a struggle for me. There’s hubby/family, ministry and work, and so on and so on. Everything needs to get done, and normally that means “now”. Consistent prayer for God to order my steps and direct my path helps me prioritize. Continually feeding myself through worship and the word as I complete my tasks helps strengthen me to get it done. However, I need more of God’s wisdom and direction on what to pull back on and what to say yes to so that I operate not just in what’s good, but so that I can make the finer distinction between what’s good and what’s best.

  112. shere

    I recommend dedicated quiet time each morning. Pray and allow God to order ur steps.

  113. Glenda

    Life gets busy and it’s hard to slow down sometimes. One of my daughters is always busy. I would like for her to have this book. Thank you Lysa.

  114. Joanna

    How does one figure out what to say “no” to. Or how??? Remembering to put God first always,always relaxes the rest of the day. If I could just do a better job of that.

  115. Kristin Ferland

    I want to learn how to unrush my life now before I have kids so my future family can be unrushed and truly know how to enjoy our time together.

  116. Joyce H.

    For me, I try to take 5 minutes every day to be still and do absolutely nothing. I reflect on all the wonderful blessings in my life and the awesomeness of God’s small miracles that occur every day.

  117. Kristen Shroy

    For me, it’s bringing Christ to the center. If I’m feeling stressed or overwhelmed, it’s a refocus of my spirit. There isn’t a rushed feeling in His presence, there’s peace. When I stay connected with Him, it is well with my soul.

  118. Kerri Shaw

    One simple way I can unrush my schedule right now is to make it an absolute priority to begin every day with a quiet time- just me, my Bible and Jesus. I make the mistake of not doing this on a regular basis. I let too many other things get in the way. There is so much to be done in a day! But, oh how beginning my day with the Lord changes my day entirely; my priorities are a little different, and problems are put into perspective more quickly. This is my daily goal and I thank you, Lisa, Proverbs 31 Ministries & (in)courage for helping me, encouraging me and loving me every step of the way. 🙂

    Kerri Shaw
    Collierville, TN

  119. Kara

    Unrush = putting the devices down at home. Planning for the next day the night before so the morning isn’t a rush. Determining that sometimes it’s good to do something for relationship’s sake and the chores/tasks/work can wait.

  120. Linda Hendeson

    To take ten deep breaths and allow my mind to quiet.

  121. Holly

    I start the morning with prayer and help the children pack up their back packs with school work the night before. It makes for a better morning.

  122. Meghan

    I’d love a copy as I’m often rushing around! Today I can sit on my porch with my cup of coffee and enjoy my view & my coffee 🙂

  123. Jo

    As a single mom, it’s sure difficult to “unrush”…. but by beginning my day in God’s Word – instead of making it the last part of my day, as I tend to do oftentimes – I have found that my spirit is much more settled on the things that are of more importance. It gives me peace, and having peace in the Lord helps me not feel so guilty when I let some of the little things slip by some days. So being more conscious and intentional about where in my day I place my quiet time will be crucial in my attempt to “unrush” my life.

  124. Kristy

    I went back to work after 18 years of being a stay at home mom. Though it is only part time I feel like my life is reeling! Trying to balance work, carpool, sports events, kids social schedule, volunteer house and my sanity is not an easy task. I hit the floor running in the morning! I make a point each evening to read scripture and pray. Pray for the blessings I received throughout the day, pray for comfort in my battles….with 2 teenagers I have a lot of battles, and for guidance when I open my eys in the morning. Looking forward to getting my hands on this book!!

  125. Linda Henderson

    To take ten deep breaths and allow my mind to quiet.
    This helps me center myself.

  126. Brooke

    I find if I set my mind in the morning to linger with God all day long, everything seems so much more relaxed or “unrushed.” When I’m not intentional about it I notice that the stress of the day is much more likely to wear on my spirit.

  127. deb

    I don’t feel as rushed if I make a list. It seems to put what I need to get done into perspective. It’s never as bad as I blow it up to be. It also feels great to cross things off as I do them and see I am accomplishing what I have set out to do.

  128. Erica

    The best thing I do when I feel rushed is stop and be still. Rest for moment with a cup of tea and then talk to God. I ask for peace and clarity on what is most important for today. I then look at my to do list and take off all unnecessary tasks. Those that can wait or those that are just me being my type A personality!

  129. Martha Robbins

    I am reminded (by name!) in Luke 10, every time when Jesus says,”Martha Martha, you are busy with many things…” I know I need to daily stop the rush and sit at the feet of Jesus as Mary did!

  130. Liz Fitzgerald

    One way and a big way you can feel unrushed is to pray and ask God what the priorities for the day should be. We fill our schedules so much and often don’t think that alot of the things that are on our schedule for the day can actually be put to the side for a different time. Ask God to show you what He has planned for you that day, and if it doesn’t get done, then maybe it didn’t need to be done at that time or day.

  131. Johnna

    I can unrush by putting my phone away. I try to send a text or email “real quick” and then that leaves me rushing to get to whatever I have next. I need to allow myself more time for my scheduled commitments.

  132. Rhoda

    The best way to Unrush me is to turn off my Facebook and live in the moment t

  133. Rhoda

    The best way to Unrush me is to turn off my Facebook and live in the moment

  134. Holly F

    Go to bed earlier so I won’t be so tired when I get up at 5am.

  135. Terri

    I’m now in a different season of life which impacts me in various ways, so I’ve had to recognize and accept it and let go of legalistic tendencies to beat myself up for not being able to get with God first thing at the crack of dawn as I used to be able to. Now, I find it more effective on some days to get some of the smaller but nagging things out of the way DIRST, so I can spend UNRUSHED and typically, more quality and quantity time with Him. Otherwise, those nagging things tend to distract and RUSH me. It works.

  136. Terri

    That’s FIRST, not DIRST.

  137. Courtney J

    The only way that I can unrush is be still and know. And remembering that God’s ways are not my ways, His thoughts are not my thoughts, and His timing is not my timing.

  138. Nicci Ramirez

    For be to unrush –> means I need to guard my heart more and my time with God more

  139. Jessica

    I teach kindergarten at a small christian school, and for the last year I have been working two jobs to help with my daughter’s wedding. (She got married March 1st) I feel like I’m walking in a fog with all of the “duties” of life, much less trying to keep up with my Bible studies and prayer. On top of that, we had to leave our church that we had attended for most of our lives, and now have to drive 45 minutes to go to another church we love. I have been trying to focus on Proverbs 8:17 “I love them that love Me; and those that seek me EARLY shall find Me.” Slow down, love God and seek Him.
    Everything else will fall into place. God has to come first.


    I try to get up early enough to get to work 30 min early & spend time in the word & write in my prayer journal. There are days that I don’t make it & I can tell you it makes my day crazy! If i can start the day out with a fresh word & write down what I’m dealing with & praise the Lord for what he’s doing in my life…being Grateful & having a Thankful heart changes your ATTITUDE! Thank you Lysa for always having a source of encouragement for me!

  141. cindy

    I have got to learn to say “no” to things that I only say yes to out of guilt.

  142. Dorothy baker

    I am little by little learning the “unrushed” lesson by closing my mouth before I answer, – I am not good at this yet, only through God’s strength! I am learning to say no to things that I am capable of doing in order to do the ” best” things. I don’t have to “do” and “serve” everywhere. In fact, if I do, I could be denying another person the chance to serve. That doesn’t release me from all service. Just from filling up all my time.

  143. Amy Niemann

    Before my feet hit the floor in the morning, I ask “Lord, what do you want from your servant today?” and then I give Him time to answer, which is probably the hardest part. I’m a do-er and being still and listening is hard for me.

  144. Kim S

    To take the time to play baseball or swim with my children. To focus on the positive and good. To keep my eyes open for the little things, the bright red cardinal in a bunch of greeny, or the bright red trumpet blooms or a little tree growing in the cracks of the stone sides of a bridge.
    Thank you for your honesty and encouragement.

  145. Alexis

    Every part of me is tired. If I could just accept His perfect love for me, I believe rest would come. I have way too much junk in my mind. I need to just accept and rest at His feet.

  146. Debbie

    Getting to bed earlier is huge for me. But also, when I’m In the midst of things and feeling the stress rising, its good for me to step away, outside if possible and look up to the heavens and BREATHE! I ask God to please meet me in the midst of my chaos and calm my spirit.

  147. Stephanie

    Just the other day, I made a realistic list of what actually needed to be done that day. I think I try to fit too much into a day. Every other thing I got done felt like a bonus and I felt so much better at the end of the day knowing that I got everything that *needed* to be done done. I need to start prioritizing my day better. Someone once told me that 24 hours in a day is enough. If you need more time, you need to reprioritize.

  148. Kristi

    I can ‘unrush’ by taking a moment in the morning to listen to Him and also look for Him in my day, each day. And to look right in the eyes of my child and ask what can I pray for you today?

  149. Jeanine

    In the midst of my everyday rush of things to do, I stopped for a minute to read your email and am so glad I did! This is a reminder to me to make sure I take time each day to just unplug from everything! I need that time to just be in prayer and also to spend time with my husband & kids. Thanks!

  150. Michelle

    Unrushed is a little something we all need! The unrushed can happen during a vacation that you stressed out to get ready for, or an unrushed season can happen when a loved one is sick or hospitalized. We need to create our own unrushed moments. The book sounds phenomenal!

    This was kind of a joke shared on Twitter, but I found that it could be very helpful to slow down life during the day:
    A time to just STOP, sit, think, reflect, pray. Two minutes is nothing out of the 24 hours we are given, and yet those 2 minutes can change how we feel (less stressed!), change the direction of our day, even change our health!
    Happy “do nothing for two minutes” today!

  151. Shalena Douthit

    I’ve learned to “unrush” my life by avoiding all social media. It always seemed to suck all my time away and I let my time with God pass me by.

  152. Liv

    Thanks, as always, for your beautiful reminders of God’s Love and Mercy – and for the inspiration not to get in His way!

  153. Nan G.

    I do not do Facebook or Twitter or any of that for a reason. Do not have the time, patience, or desire, do not see the need in it at all. It’s enough to be a Mom, work full time, keep a house going, email, and texting because we are forced to for communicating. When I have my space and time to myself to think and reflect, usually at night, after everyone is in bed, that’s when I gain perspective and slow down physically and mentally. I just need to demand more space and time to myself to keep ‘me’ healthy for my family-that’s what I am working on. Breathe….

  154. Donna

    Can’t wait to read this book! With 2 young children, a messy house, a hard working husband and a home based window treatment business to run, I need some “unrushing” in my life! I find that I if I sincerely ask God to show me what needs to be done that day, He somehow will intervene.

  155. Jeni

    Ways I can unrush:
    * Get up 10 minutes earlier in the morning.
    * Keep my phone in a different room during family time so that I am not tempted to look at it. This allows me the time to focus on my family.
    * When I am alone in my car, turn the radio off. This gives me time to pray and listen for His whisper.

  156. lanie

    I can unrush by asking God to help me slow down and to see what, if anything, requires me to hurry

  157. LeeAnn Taylor {The Mosaic Life}

    I’m learning to “unrush” by turning off social media at specific times of the day. Otherwise, it can overrun my day!

  158. Kim

    I can unrush by taking time to say yes to playtime with kids and no to all my housework test always seems so pressing.

  159. Pam moor

    Quit feeling like I have to do things. I’ve gotten to the point that I resent anything that interferes with my time at home. Even fun things….feel like a burden. Like one of the blogs said … I’ve forgotten how to have fun

  160. KRISTEN

    I feel the best way for me to unrush is to spend time with God first thing in the morning. I am really busy and i usually let all the other things in my day take me over until i am just irritable and exhausted. Recently I am really trying to go spend time with God and pray first and it has made all the difference in the world whethere it is 5 minutes or an hour. My day goes so much smoother when I do and I feel more at peace.

  161. April

    I ‘unrush’ by lowering the too high expectations I put on myself. I used to keep daily check off lists and if I didn’t check a task off that day, I felt as if my day was a failure.

  162. Teresa


  163. Jill

    When I turned off morning TV last year, and picked up my devotionals, and bible
    I completely found a new calm in my life. I wasn’t sure at first what made me feel
    calmer in the midst of a hectic life, but then I knew it was Him!

  164. Carol B

    I learning to unrush by letting go of the things that are not mine to handle. I think we as women are always trying to take care of everybody and everything around us even when it is not our responsibility.

    • Brooke

      Amen sister.. I totally agree!!

  165. Brooke

    For me I find my days are often filled with busy schedules, deadlines, and very little time for myself.. let alone God time !! I feel so guilty of filling up my life constantly…. it’s like if I’m not running from one thing to the next something is wrong. I constantly say yes to everything and everyone.. then I wonder why I get exhausted at night.. I’m burning myself out and the candle at both ends as they say. So for me, I often have to stop to take time and smell the roses!! Literally and figuratively. I sometimes go somewhere I enjoy like the beach and grab my journal.. I take time to reflect, journal, pray and just literally pause the play button on my life !! Let me know what works for you.. I’m always interested in hearing what other people do to destress 🙂

  166. cindy b

    oh how I need this right now with 3 weeks left of summer vacation! I can unrush by starting my day in prayer and in the word.

  167. jody

    In addition to praying “unrush me”, I prayed “change me”. My oldest daughter is more of a light than I am. I am so proud of her…I need to learn how to get out of my comfort zone.

  168. Jada Huff

    RELATIONSHIP (prayer, alone time, FOCUSED time) with God is what will “unrush” me by establishing my priorities, passions, possibilities and places to be!!

  169. Molinda Bailey

    Unrush? Wow, was this for me!! Just last night I was running around the house like crazy, I ask my husband to turn the fan up in the living room I was roasting” He said ” Slow down” The words unrushed often makes my chest tight. How do you not rush from A-B-C etc….. Music. Listening to Jesus Culture helps slow me down, it takes my focus off of the A B C to do list and appoitments to on Him! When are eyes are on Him we are at perfect peace. Isaiah 26:3 When we are peaceful we are not rushing! That’s how I “unrush” For me it’s a struggle daily, but Grace. His grace finds me!

  170. Alissa

    I am learning to “unrush” by repriorotizing. There are so many things that I’ve placed higher on the list than they should be. God matters. People matter. Loving them both matters. Philippians 1:9-10

  171. Darrelyn Kelley

    Hmmmm what is a simple way that I can unrush my schedule……it would probably be dig deeper into God’s Word. By doing that, I will have a heart of contentment & peace (and possibly sleep better too.)

  172. Melissa Miller

    When I need to ‘unrush’, I take some time to listen to the sounds of nature. Birds that sing, leaves moved by the wind, bugs chirping, the sounds of a summer rain — I marvel that God the Creator gave voice to His creation just so we could enjoy it that much more. He didn’t have to give the birds a song or the tress a sound but He did! And oh, how much more I enjoy His creation when I can hear it as well as see it. This brings peace to my soul!

  173. Brooke Beyer

    I can unrush my day by just starting the day with whispers from my sweet heavenly father and by spending time in the Word and even taking time to journal my prayers. It is such a temptation to wake up and hit the ground running and before I know it, the demands of my family, ministry and the world drown out the loving “woos” of my heavenly father. May we all be led by the sweet whispers of Jesus and not by the demands of an enemy seeking to tear us down.

  174. Julie Harris

    Allow God to prepare your heart and He will nourish your soul.

  175. Robin

    I am starting to unrush by learning to prioritize. Not an easy decision to make, but if it doesn’t benefit my family, I put that way down the list. I am trying to put God first, family 2nd, myself 3rd, then look at what I can do from there.

  176. stacy

    I am unplugging from my electronics and really trying to BE in the moment with my kids. These days will be gone before we know it. This gets me to unrush and not miss even small things 🙂

  177. Jasmine

    My best way to ‘unrush’ is to ask for help. I always feel like I have to do everything myself. But there are plenty of people around me who are able and willing to help if I just would ask…

  178. Jan

    I can’t unrush! Help, I am in the midst of crisis after crisis caring for my aged parents. I guess I’ll try to read the book when I get some time back!

  179. Beth

    Today I’m going to Unrush by saying no to a hundred little things and saying yes to a relaxing hour or two at the lake with my girls.

  180. Geralyn

    When I am feeling overwhelmed, it is because I have neglected my time with Jesus. I know this, but I always forget this. Peace, calm and tranquility are just minutes away, if I simply remember.

  181. Renee

    Feeling rushed usually happens for me doing special events or functions in my home. I get so overwhelmed. Thats when I say a prayer of Lord help your child. I take a deep breath and set for a few minutes.

  182. Jenna

    Ways I’ve leaved to unrush my day are waking up before the kids to sit on my back porch with a cup of coffee, my devotional and my bible. It sets the tone for my whole day. Now if only I could get in sometime with Jesus throughout the course of my day, now that would surely unrush me.

  183. Mary

    Starting my day with the Lord is what I need every day to stay unrushed.

  184. Anna

    What has helped me become urushed, (which I started a few weeks ago) is reading a daily verse, I get on my phone, before I even get out of bed, I ponder the scripture while I am ironing and making lunch for my husband. Once he is gone to work I sit and I journal, read my devotional and bible, listen for God to speak. This last week I offered to help with our great nephew, he is seven, I told myself that on the days he came I was not going to do wash, housework, nothing but spend time with him. It has been amazing, we talk about dinosaurs, play board games, color-draw, went out and checked the garden to see how the pumpkins are growing. Awwww seeing things thru the eyes of a child. Today I feel this peace in my spirit, and I know it has been from not pressuring myself to rush thru what needs tending… can wait.
    Thank you Lysa for this devotion and for sharing about your trip.

    Jesus still doesn’t rush, He still takes the time to connect with us and is always compassionate……..”Lord, unrush me”
    Blessings Anna

  185. Michelle

    The best way I can unrush is to spend time in my bible every morning. There are days that I don’t feel like I have the time to do it, but I make myself do it. In doing so my life feels more organized and less hectic.

  186. Kris

    I can unrush by waking up earlier and spending time with God before work rather than pushing snooze so many times.

  187. Missy B

    Since I am very task and goal oriented I focus straight to the goal at the end and I don’t slow down to enjoy the journey there. I need to enjoy the in between whether it be conversations, people, nature, music. I need to learn how to enjoy the present moment.

  188. Kim

    My unrush time is to wake up 30 mintes earlier and read my Bible. It will instantly make me feel better.

  189. Brittaney Basak

    Right now unrushing means that at night after the kids are in bed I have to be intentional about sitting and just taking time to decompress by reading, talking with my husband or just being present and thinking over the day. It means taking in that day and resting in Jesus.

  190. michelle h

    I’ve unsubscribed to many email newsletters, company updates, etc because all of that clutter in my in-box made me feel rushed and like I was missing out of things if I didn’t read it all!

  191. Andrea

    I unrush by sitting and having coffee with my kids on weekend mornings while they eat breakfast. I love to listen to what they have to say. I so dearly wish I was able to spend more time with them during the week……

  192. sandi from NE

    unrush, oh gosh, don’t think i have found a way to unrush me. i guess one way i relax, is to read. i like to keep busy. canning cherries today, doing laundry and watering the gardens. and if i should win, how do i find out–will i get an email?

  193. Lisa

    Stop. Turn off tv, radio whatever distraction for just 5 minutes and speak to our heavenly father about all the blessing you have, then just let his peace surround you/me!

  194. eva

    I’m in a rush so much sometimes I forget how to breathe and just relax . The biggest thing that makes me “unrush” is when I go out for a 30 min walk and just revel in the beautiful natural surroundings that God has created. He is so divine and I love that we can have a life that is not rushed but we just need to slow down , take a moment to breathe it all in

  195. Kim

    My job is chaotic…multitasking x 10, and hurry it up, will you? I refuse to work through my lunch, even when the piles of tasks are huge. I sit at my desk in the corner and I read a book chapter, or a devotional, and talk to God. Calmly. it is like an oasis in the middle of the day.

  196. Rachel

    I can unrush my schedule by keeping on top of my commitments. Staying organized and by really knowing what is “on my plate”. Then I can be in a better place to say yes or no and be sure of that answer.

  197. Nikki

    This speaks right to my heart as these last few weeks/months have seemed sooo rushed. As the mother of a 3 year old and 9 month old who works full time, I long for moments we can just stop and enjoy each other.

  198. Jen

    Today I will “unrush” by choosing to turn off my phone & TV and play a game with my kids, read my bible and/or a devotional and sit in silence & pray. It’s all about the choices!

  199. Lori

    I need to un-rush more often that is for sure. I like to keep empty days on our family schedule but as a mom of a large family that can be hard. The best way for me to get a quick break from thr rush and demands of life is to spend time in God’s Word. At this current season of my life that works best in the evenings but there have been times that mornings work better. Keeping my focus on God is the best thing I can do for sure!!!

  200. Debbie Wright

    I would love to have your book. You are such an inspiration to me. I enjoy getting your devotional every morning and sharing your insights with others.

  201. Jordan webster

    I tend to be rushed in my mind — always thinking of what needs to be done and taken care of and talked about and prayed for. My mind never stops! But I know that when I take the time to slow my mind down and stop to just appreciate the moment I’m in, I am able to allow myself and my mind to be unrushed. Those moments get me through even the heaviest of days!

  202. Anna

    Unrush. It seems almost impossible. But by spending time with Him first thing every morning, in prayer and in His word, asking Him to help me prioritize, it is possible! I also feel less stressed and unrushed when listening to praise and worship music. It seems to put it all into place. 🙂

  203. Heather

    Going to un-rush by taking deep breaths when I feel overwhelmed.

  204. Anna

    Focus on Jesus every moment. I need to start acting like my husband and daughter….they never seem to rush.

  205. Laura

    I can “unrush” by giving my full attention to the people I come across today, rather than my mind jumping to the myriad of things I must accomplish today.

  206. Dee

    Taking a minute to take a few deep breaths with my eyes closed after tasks really helps.

  207. Megan

    This whole aspect of “unrush me” is so wonderful. I definitely need to be intentional about making “consistent” quiet time with the Lord. Having that foundation and time with Him in the morning helps start my day off on the right foot. I also need to put my phone down more and be in the moment with my husband and kids. Even when I’m doing productive work on my phone (not social media), interruptions frustrate me and then I start to feel rushed.

  208. Lisa E

    Before I get out of bed in the morning, I take some time to thank God for all my blessings. For my family’s health, a good night’s sleep, a warm bed and a roof over our heads, just to name a few. It sets the tone for my day.

  209. Victoria

    To unrush you need to focus on/know your priorities, start each day with The Lord in prayer, even if it’s a short one, and set realistic expectations.

  210. Sherry B.

    I’m going to learn to unrush my schedule by learning to be more present with my kids. Instead of my own agenda running the schedule, I hope to let theirs help me slow down! This is going to be a great study!

  211. Jennifer

    my daily devotionals help me to refocus and remind me through my day to “unrush me”. Thank you Lysa for all you do, you are such a wonderful sister in Christ.

  212. Katie

    Just waking up 20 minutes earlier to spend a few minutes in prayer makes a world of difference. That quiet time with the Lord and a cup of coffee relaxes me, even on the busiest days.

  213. Vivian T

    Two things work for me: 1) Lists! — when I list out what needs to be done things flow (more) smoothly 2) Pray! — I ask God to help me use my time wisely; everytime I pray it seems that God multiplies the amount of time I have to accomplish things.

  214. Ladawn

    The best way for me to “unrush” is to pick up my Bible and read scripture. After doing this, I am able to look around and be thankful for the things I have and the people God has put in my life. I am also reminded that housework and “life stuff” can wait.

  215. Teresa

    If I can get up before everyone or find a some quiet time before the day really begins to just have time to read God’s Word and do my study (whatever one that is at the moment) – I find I am able to handle my day much better. I really want to stop and live in the moments more – to enjoy more.

  216. Sarah C.

    To be “unrushed”….is a lifestyle; to purposely cultivate daily habits & disciplines I’ve learned from the Life of Jesus & the Bible & implementing them into practical day-to-day life.

  217. Lori Ketcherside

    One of my super smart Bible study friends, Sonja, let us know that she’s been putting aside blocks of Un-scheduled time everyday on her calendar. If someone wants to drop by or needs help, she’s glad and able. She says no to plenty of “good things” to leave her self open to the best that the spirit has to offer.

  218. Jami G

    I’m finding that they best way for me to unrush is to stay away from my email inbox for the first few hours of the morning. Prayer time, breakfast with my people, and beginning the day’s tasks keep me focused on Him and working at a peaceful pace. If I open that inbox, I let the world start dictating the day’s pace, and it’s just not pretty. I’m not sure how well this system will work once the kids head back to school, but at least for this summer, this is making a huge difference.

  219. Sarah

    For me to unrush is to rearrange my day allowing for one on one time with Jesus and some exercise.

  220. Jan

    I spend quiet time reading God’s word before work, but in order to find in-distracted time, I leave early and sit in my car at a local grocery store near work. I roll down my window and listen to the birds and focus on God. It’s the most un-rushed time of my day!

  221. Shelly O'Brien

    One way I can un rush now; in the midst of packing for a move in 2 weeks, throwing a birthday party for my almost 3 year old in 5 days, and handling a screaming and teething 5 month old is to take a step back hold my babies, read books, and Thank the Lord that they’re my kiddos and Im their mama and that this crazy life is my awesome privilege!

  222. Teri L

    Starting my day off on the right note by spending quite time in God’s Holy word. This helps me to start my day off on the right note.

  223. marilyn

    the best unrush for me-sitting quietly in my favorite chair with a cup of tea flavored with honey and lemon and a scented candle burning-just me and Jesus.Alone.

  224. Mandy Nydam

    Not doing “stuff” for appearances but because it has value for my family etc. Letting go of what others think helps me do what is important in light of eternity!


    I am “unrushing” today by releasing my teen-agers (4 of them) to fight their battles with their own God-confidence, not with my God confidence my personality, my little life rules, my “shoulds”, and my methods:)

  226. Lisa Winters

    Simply spend time with Jesus every day in the morning and throughout the day. Enjoy some of the beauty around me that He created for me.

  227. Halli

    I’m learning to unrush by simply not allowing anything else to get in the way of my early morning quiet time. I always feel much more prepared to take on the world when I give myself 15 minutes every morning to hear from him!

  228. Liz

    I could wake early in the morning before my family does, spend time in prayer and doing my devotional. Then getting myself ready and breakfast ready, so I do not feel rushed once everyone else gets up and pulls me in several different directions. Also, staying offline until all my chores are done would really help. 🙂 I cannot wait for this book to come out!

  229. Tracy

    I could unrush by relaxing a little more and learning to let some things go. Also, having my kids take over more chores!

  230. Mia

    Spending time in God’s word & having quiet time holding my little ones- sometimes little one’s are more in touch with Him than us grown ups are and have little gems of His wisdom for us- if we listen 🙂

  231. Erin Conley

    I can unrush my schedule by recognizing what it is that truly makes God happy, what His will is for my life, and to fully pursue that. In order to do that, I need to make time for Him, to discern His voice, and to obey Him.

  232. Jennifer Stanton

    Prioritize! Start each day with prayer and ask the Lord to show me where my priorities should be for the day. In this fast paced world it is easy to get wrapped up in things that really don’t matter. It is so easy to get distracted from what really demands our attention. Focus on Christ first and he will gently lead us to peacefulness in HIM!

  233. Melpo

    I need to be intentional about taking time for prayer in the morning to prepare my mind and my heart for the day ahead. Also, by trusting the Lord with my day and being comfortable with saying “no” sometimes, I can put much of my stress to rest and know that I can’t do it all and that God will show me what my priorities are!

  234. Akino

    Talk to God.
    Having a my favorite mocha coffee.
    Lisa, your msg is always encourage us
    Thank you!

  235. Elaine

    “See that nice fluffy pillow, Elaine?” Look, pause… “Grab it, sit down, put your feet up, tune out all distractions – except maybe some pleasant music– and just be still…” I grab, I do, I close my eyes and bask in the stillness…

  236. Karman

    I have often thought if I could just wake up earlier during the week I could accomplish so much more. I have never been an early bird so this has been an issue for me. I hit the snooze 2-3 times and get up at the very last minute possible to still get ready and get out the door.

  237. Audra

    Make quiet time with my Savior a priority.
    Give Him my day, my plans, my dreams.

  238. Sarah Travis

    I am making the most of the quiet day at work by taking moments to pause and pray, and also have worship music playing softly. It’s been one of the most peaceful work days I can remember!

  239. Andrea

    Well, the first thing I can do is get off Pinterest! 🙂 at least it led me to this giveaway! Secondly, I can simply take a step back- evaluate the activities that I find myself doing and seek out wether they are effecting eternity? If they are just mindless and unfruitful, I can eliminate them and make room for the King!! ❤️

  240. Randi

    I can unrush by not being lazy. Being diligent to do the things that need doing and leave the rest for another time. By giving myself and my kids and my husband grace. And acknowledging that the world will not end if we are late!!!

  241. Jodi Rosser

    Spend time with God before the craziness of the day begins! Rely on His Strength, Wisdom and Love!

  242. Sarah Bredemeyer

    I need to sit down and look at the little things that steal my time away from my time with The Lord. Like pruning away branches that steal away water and nutrients. Put away the iPad, schedule time for imprtant things, being intentional.

  243. Alison

    Learning that “no” is not a dirty word…it is a loving word when it allows me to say “YES” to what is truly important!

  244. Melissa Mashburn: Real Women. Real Life. Real Faith.

    By doing one thing at a time. Not being concerned about pace or what “others” would/could/might be doing. Doing my thing and staying in my own lane while asking Jesus for clear direction. Not relying on myself is a great big first step.

  245. Lori Deckman

    I absolutely need to learn to say, “no”…I would love to learn how to save my best ‘yes’. Wow, what a thought to be more present in the ‘yes’ and not guilty in the ‘no’!

  246. Stephanie

    Putting away the cell phone & facebook….!

  247. Victoria Kuhlman

    I can “unrush” by fixing my eyes on Jesus. In the middle of all my rushes one thing is constant: Him.

  248. Mary

    Saying no to keeping up with ” the joneses” or the jam packed activities. Saying no more without feeling like you will miss out!

  249. Salina Iavarone

    Today I’m “un-rushing” my day by putting my phone (or iPad) down more and shifting my focus on my kiddos. I would have missed an amazing look on my daughter’s face when she laughed so hard she almost cried if I hadn’t 🙂

  250. Laura

    When she crawls in my lap and pleads, “Tickle me!”
    Stop what I’m doing. Look, really look into her beautiful brown eyes, and tickle her..
    Tickle her for all I’m worth, and then some. Until we’re both silly and breathless with giggling.
    Then tickle some more.
    Living with her right there in that moment.

  251. Twila

    Stop volunteering until I’ve prayed and asked God if it’s His will.

  252. Angela Greene

    I can unrush but not being distracted by things which are not useful to me – the television, social media, games. I can pray and read instead of indulging in time wasters.

  253. Jennifer

    Unrushed = sitting down to read your post here and over at (in)courage with undivided attention (a.k.a. sans children, as they are napping). I came. I read. I pondered. I prayed. That was refreshing–time for me with words from you. Thanks!

  254. Evelyn

    Simply by learning to say “no”!

  255. Cindy

    I need to prioritize my time where it can be best used. It’s hard to say no, but God & my family need to be my first priorities.

  256. brooke

    Not worrying… giving myself permission to BE with the Lord… not over scheduling… saying yes only to things that bring Him glory!

  257. Karen

    We are all rushed in this world. What we are rushing toward I do not know. I saw a sign at a church today–In Quietness there is strength. Maybe we should take this to heart and stop and have some quiet time. We need to review why we are rushing, as time passes all too quickly, we need to slow down and enjoy the moment. Sometimes my morning prayers are rushed. God knows I am in a hurry and I only stop of 2 minutes. It is so much better when I slow down and take my time. That is when I feel God is really listening.

  258. Lisa

    Lisa’s book encourage that my struggles are common to all women!

  259. Joe K

    I give myself permission to sit and hold my kiddos. They won’t be small forever. The dishes can wait. Thanks for this giveaway.

  260. AshleyS

    Unplugging from technology & the need to keep up with what extracurriculars the other moms have their kids doing

  261. Andra

    I haven’t really figured out a way yet to “unrush” with full-time job and part time photography gigs, but I’m working on it! Tonight I am unrushing I think, but not forcing myself to exercise and edit photos. Going to enjoy an evening in the recliner. (At least that’s the plan. Lol)

  262. holly

    To be more purposeful in selecting the things I do say yes to. I want to say yes to more of the things that fall in line with my spiritual gifts and calling.

  263. Lana Archer

    I allow or at least 30 minutes a day to just lay down and cuddle with my dogs…..calms me down ….and I talked to the Lord about my day, about how much I need him, and it refreshes me to be able two finish my work or whatever I need to do.

  264. lee

    Most days. I find myself caught up in the busy-ness of life that I forget to save a little bit of the day for me.

  265. Wendy W

    Give it all to God and leave at that!

  266. Katrina Van Dillen

    I need to learn to say “NO”. It’s one of my weak areas, I’m growing, imperfect progress 😉

  267. Glenda

    I am truly able to unrush right now, as I am on summer break from work. The thing I am striving for this summer is to focus on God and reading his word. I am being truly refreshed and prepared for a new year of busyness to come.

  268. Ashley

    I can stop worrying so much about having a perfectly decorated home and just enjoy being in it with my sweet family.

  269. Betty Johnson

    Turn off the TV, cell phone and find my favorite place to go set and be with Jesus. Slow my mind down and just be still. Such a peace at times comes over me. He does tell us to Be still and know I Am God.

  270. Donna Stella

    I can unrushed by putting the phone in my purse while I’m in the car and not thinking about looking at it or making a phone call just listening to Christian music and enjoying my alone time

  271. Amy Tagle

    Literally praying over each activity in my schedule to see if God wants me doing it. He sometimes says no, even if the activity is good.

  272. CarrieC

    As a pastor’s wife, I’m excited for tips on how to slow down! I find that daily quiet time with God is a real help to getting my day started off right (as long as I don’t rush Him!)

  273. Mary Lou Kleveland

    I need to prioritize instead of rushing around in too many directions and not really getting anything done except for increasing my stress level.

  274. julie

    Wow! great timing- I am always trying to hear what God has for me and not what I have for me. To Say yes to his will and No to my will or other’s ideas of what His will is for me is my daily challenge.
    Looking forward to reading this new book He has given you to share with us.

  275. Loretta Pearson

    Boy do I need your new book!!! Hoping to do in a study group!

  276. Marsha

    Pray pray pray – inevitably God always shows me how to slow down. He is my guide. Whenever I align myself with him first thing he orders my steps. He says if I seek him I will find him.

  277. Erin T.

    I am currently in nursing school; I am also a single mother with a precious 9-yr old boy. So yes, my life absolutely feels like a rush!!! BUT – in order to “maintain a sense of sanity,” I often just walk outside onto the front porch… and tell God how thankful I am for His many blessings. Also, one of my “most favorite” things… is to curl up on the couch, alone or with my son, and read some for pleasure (NOT just for school!!!) — These 2 things truly help me to “unwind!!”

  278. Linda N

    Would love to win a copy of your book. I try to make time every day to read for pleasure. It might be fiction, nonfiction, instructional, inspirational, magazine, etc., and it can be for 10 minutes or an hour, but it’s always a separate text from anything I’m studying. Might read while I eat lunch, wait at the doctor’s office, just before bed, or even in the “powder room”. Just a few minutes of stepping into the pages of someone else’s story slows me down & refreshes my spirit.

  279. Emily B

    I’m practicing ( with constant God-grace needed!) looking into the eyes of the person speaking to me~ trying to SEE and understand them as the breathtaking work of art they are.

  280. Nichole H

    Just this evening I felt rushed by everything going on and went to my church and sat in the sanctuary and prayed. What a relief it was to let go of everything that was consuming me and to deepen my relationship with our Heavenly Father.

  281. Janette

    Take one thing at a time, not everything at once.

  282. Nicole Fairchild

    I need to begin praying for discernment. I need to make time each morning to listen for His voice, to get in tune with Him.

  283. Chris Utter

    It’s time to make time again each morning. Too many people are demanding my attention for minor things. I need more time with God.

  284. Kim Jarrell

    One way is for me to realize that things do not happen at “my pace”, They happen at Gods pace. I try very hard…..

  285. Monikee

    I try not to waste mindless tv watching time. Watch a show and get back to other items so I am not wasting down time.

  286. Magen Robison

    Rushing is pretty much part of my every day life. I despise being rushed or feeling rushed, and so have worked quite a bit lately on correcting this problem. For me, it’s a matter of living in the moment. I’m having to learn to breath every moment in. I don’t HAVE to spend every moment rushing to the next thing on my schedule, and I don’t HAVE to schedule every moment of my day. Thank you for writing this book, which will undoubtedly help me in advancing this very real challenge in my life!

  287. Sarah O.

    I have started writing in a “gratitude journal” at the end of each day. Taking a few moments to quietly consider what’s truly important in my life helps me evaluate what is really a “must” for my busy schedule. And I love Lysa’s style of writing- speaks right to my heart…looking forward to this book!

  288. Monica

    I have learned to stop and take a few deep breaths. Its hard in a really rushed world, but stopping to enjoy the roses, coffee and life in general, makes me a better follower of Christ, better wife and a much happier mom.

  289. Robin H

    I would say no to more to leave myself open for some unexpected yes He has awaiting. I tend to over-pack my days. I think it may be a fear of not making the most of my days.

  290. Cheryl

    I.need to stop procrastinating and then I wouldn’t feel so rushed to meet deadlines. Also need to slow down and get in the Word more. I would love this book.

  291. Debbie Sutherland

    I need to not feel guilty about saying no to things that God isn’t calling me to do. I also need to learn not to feel guilty about my quiet time and protect it. I am horribly out of sync when I don’t spend time with my Father. I am so excited to read your new book! The necklace is stunning and would remind me to slow down.

  292. Elizabeth Jones

    I need to stop being such a perfectionist, and learn to let some things go… Like it’s okay if my house stays messy for a bit or the laundry can wait to be folded if it means I can slow down and enjoy the moments in my day that matter. Things that matter like spending time with my kids or husband, enjoying time with a friend…

  293. Shay P

    To wait patiently until The Lord calls me to move. Not only have I been tested but I’m being taken through another unforgettable journey of simply trusting God and in that of itself is calling me to slow down and rely on His timing.
    It’s been difficult. It’s been challenging. But it’s been worth it because I know that He is who He says He is and God will always be on time with what HE says He’ll do.

    Thank-you for your ministry Lysa. You’ve inspired me greatly.
    Sure I’m 22 and have a lot of life left to live but seeing how you’ve gone through life and trusted The Lord with GREAT THINGS, I too desire to trust the Lord more. Your genuine and authentic character has helped me to realize that I don’t have to be so hard on myself when it comes to my spirituality but to give Him my best.

  294. Darla

    I need to learn that, as a Pastor’s wife, it’s ok to say no and learn to embrace my role being that of my husband’s help meet!

  295. Tricia

    By taking time to truly consider the impact before automatically saying yes whenever I’m asked to do something

  296. Marsha

    Being prepared and a step ahead. As Mom, we tend to put ourselves on the back burner, rushing through just about everything. Our schedules are wrapped around our families. Supporting them, loving them, caring for them. As I continue to type these are things I will miss as they grow older and leave home. But I don’t want to look back on these moments saying should have, could have, would have. Lord forgive me, for putting US time aside and not making it my number one priority. Preparing and stepping ahead of my little ones footsteps in the morning. Or rushing to the soccer fields. Or reading a novel when I should be praying for my Shepherd to lead me.

    Thanks Lysa for sharing our post. Looking forward to what this book has to offer. Hoping for a chance to win! Thanks again!

  297. Cathy

    With purpose…Be still and know that I Am God!

  298. Jenny

    I just returned from a ten day mission trip to Romania. Not having access to my cell phone or my computer was one of the most freeing experiences for me. Freeing from the rushed lifestyle that I live day to day. Although it was tough when I realized in Bucharest that my phone was not going to work, which meant no contact with hubby and kids, God showed me it would mean complete dependance on Him as well as He needed to get distractions out of the way in order for me to “see” what He had for me while I spenf time with children at Camp Eli in Ojasca. I literally lost track of time on many occasions. I soaked in God’s beautiful handiworked as I sat and looked at ghe breath taking mountain side. This trip taught me that it is gime to slow down. Say no to things. Keep schedules more simple and family time needs higher priority instead of just “in passing” conversations. God taught me so much on this trip. His blessings keep coming:))

  299. monica moore

    To unrush my day I think doing more crockpot and freezer meals will help me spend more time enjoying family time in the evenings and slow it down more. I think also not letting video games be so important will help us all watch the time better so we can get ready on time.

  300. Phyllis Nichols Gutierrez

    I have been starting out each day asking God to guide my steps and give me a quiet heart. It has made such a difference. Before, I had found myself rushing through my quiet time and throughout my whole day. Always stressed and with no time for anyone, least of all God.

    This has given my the peace that the last couple of months I had lost. While I still need to learn to make better choices in my commitments, I am a work in progress and am trusting God to guide my path.

  301. Lauri Riebow

    I need to unrush so badly. I just can’t seem to find the time. Lol

  302. Laura LaRiviere

    I’m trying really really hard to read more and stay in God’s word. During the summer time my women’s group takes a break and I feel like because I’m not doing my bible study that I am lost and feel rushed to do so many other things. Although, it seems one less thing on my plate but I feel more focused in my daily routine when I’m in the word. I am doin the online bible study right now on am I messin up my kids and trying to stay focused with that.

  303. camille


  304. Brandy

    Prioritizing what God is calling me to. There are so many “good” things that I could do,but is that where He wants me.

  305. Helaina Wiles

    Time management. I need more of His prescence daily. More time in prayer and in the word. I need a touch of His grace.

  306. Jennifer

    For me, preparing for the week really helps. I don’t feel as rushed and I don’t feel like I’m having to rush my kids. Just makes for a better week for myself & my kiddos!!

  307. Michele Morin

    Plan, plan, plan. I’m a big list maker, and it helps organize my brain.

  308. michelle smith

    To unrush I need to spend time with the Father in devotion and bible study, as well as singing praises to His holy name. Prayer is needed to thank him in advance for my requests whether they be a yes, no, or wait. I also need to say no more often to keep from overextended myself so I can be used by the Father to advance His kingdom

  309. Jennifer Tullis

    I need to prioritize everything in my life and realize that not everything needs to get done. First I need to start my day in God’s Word before I start my school day as a teacher. Then I am better prepared for everything else.

  310. Terri Satterwhite

    I need to take a hard look at each of my activities and determine if it is right (uplifts God or my family) or am I doing it for some other reason.

  311. Elizabeth Clarke

    Make time with God every morning first thing!

  312. Stephanie

    I need to take control of my schedule and not let other people fill it for me out of obligation or people pleasing.

  313. Rachael Williams

    I unrush my schedule by always remembering that Gods first, husband second, children third and outside ministries 4th. It’s tough, but I’m always bouncing new requests and new schedule addictions off my husband so I can get an outside opinion. He knows me best, besides God and can give a pretty good answer. I also get up in the morning before everyone else and spend time with The Lord in prayer and in the Word. It keeps my heart listening to God throughout the day for the Yes and No’s to my schedule.

  314. Sandy Richardson

    Put God first among everything… day, my job, my family!! He has to come first and so many times I let kids activities keep me from church. I have to do better for my Lord!!

  315. Brandy

    God first, all other things fall into line.

  316. Sara

    Remembering it is OK to say no. I can’t be superwoman even if I really want to be!

  317. Kourtney

    I need to listen for God’s direction instead of forging my own path. Im at a turning point in life and need some guidance.

  318. Linda N

    Lysa, I’ll be going to the Holy Land in June 2015 – so excited! I followed the posts from your visit & feel like I’ve been given a wonderful introduction to Jesus’ world. My church choir is going & will be singing in Manger Square (?) & attending a day-long conference. The rest of our 10 day visit will be sight-seeing. Our pastor just returned from a visit & when he shared photos, I recognized some of the places from your pics. Can’t wait to see it myself. Open to any suggestions, travel tips, etc.;-)

  319. Stephanie conquest

    One way I just un-rushed my life is I stepped back from being assistant coach of my daughters high school volleyball team. (Just yesterday). I can’t wait for the Best Yes to come out! It’s a book I need now with all that is going on on my life!

  320. Michelle Putnam,

    I need to thin out my schedule so that I can be available to help others when the time arises. A very busy schedule doesn’t leave time for the unscheduledness of life.

  321. Terri Weidner

    I have been unrushing my life by spending more time with the Lord! 🙂

  322. Katie

    I need to say no more often to things that aren’t really fulfilling in my life. I also need to prioritize my time better

  323. Nikole

    Unrush: breathe deep and actually see what is in front of me.

  324. Jenny Godwin

    By learning and living out the fact that ALWAYS saying yes isn’t what is best. It leaves me depleted and others get half hearted efforts when I’m spent and exhausted beyond my means.

    Can’t wait to read this!

  325. Debra J.

    I must revisit my calling and always seek God FIRST when scheduling and planning!

  326. Lynnell

    Being 36+ wks pregnant has slowed me down significantly. But this week I’ve been making a point to start my day with a little prayer journaling and bible reading, no excuses, which starts the day off in a better mindset than 20 min of extra sleep and a rush to get up and going.

  327. Jene'

    Social media. It takes up way too much of my time.

  328. alisha

    My biggest thing is focusing less on work and finances and more on God, my husband and my children. I constantly worry about finances as we are a single income family so when the opportunity arises for overtime I immediately say yes.. Even if it means working 12 hour days and losing time with my family. I don’t know how to say No and let God handle everything for me. I cannot wait to read “The Best Yes”, I think it is going to be more beneficial to me then I can even imagine right now.

  329. Sheena

    I need to work on getting up earlier in the morning instead of oushing it too late to make myself rush.

  330. candace

    Time management. Starting to set me time to get into the word of god

  331. Stacie

    Do NOT sign up for that new activity that I feel my child just can’t live without, but will drive me up the wall every week to get her there!

  332. Roxanne

    Accomplish 1thing per day 1st prayer to start day

  333. Meghan elliott

    I can make truly wise choices and unrush myself by first thinking what is the most important things like my relationship with Him and my daughter and devote the most time to that. I can say no to those things that don’t benefit me in my walk with God and then prioritize and multitask the rest. The lord and my daughter will ALWAYS come first. Thanks for all the guidance through your books. I’m truly enjoying Am I Messing Up my Kids.

  334. Rosa Messall

    I need to learn how to manage my time better so that I won’t be rushed and always trying to catch up. I’m learning that I need to focus on pleasing God first and let everything else fall into place.

  335. Beverly Wright

    I can start to unrush now by coming home and the first thing for me to do is sit down with my husband and talk with each other. Not start supper or laundry or cleaning, but really connect with each other and make it a priority!

  336. Gena Beam

    Slow down and listen–to God, to my husband, my kids, and grandsons.

  337. Megan Baker

    I need to take the time to stop and read…a devotional, my Bible, or just a good book…focus my mind on getting lost in the text and not getting lost in all of life’s to-do lists.

  338. Heidi

    I need to keep my priorities in place-God, husband, kids, etc. seek to glorify God in all I do, say and think; to do everything I do for the glory of God not mans approval that would eliminate a bunch of things on the “to do” list of life.

  339. Jaynee

    I need to take more time to stop and breath through the moment.

  340. Ashley Simpson

    Prayer…’s the only way during the day I can get refocused and find peace.

  341. Valerie Kneisley

    I love to take a few moments in nature to get in a peaceful, awestruck frame of mind to just be with God. If I just take the time to listen, he always shows me how to “un-rush”. Why do I have to remind myself to do this when it works so well?! LOL

  342. Melinda

    I need to be in the moment, and focus on what’s important. I need to care less about what my “friends” are doing on Facebook!!!

  343. Julie Lazarus

    relax, rest, read a good book, meditate on scripture…..a good way to unrush, and lots of prayer…

  344. Tess Crawford

    I have been working and praying through telling myself the truth including about those things which are absolutely necessary for me to do and those which are not. Focusing on the five priorities and realizing that there isn’t really anymore room in my life for more than those… God my husband, my family, my job, and only one other. That’s not a very long list but it helps me to focus my priorities for sure… and that one priority that’s kind of flexible, well, I’d better be careful what I choose.

  345. Melissa Kasper

    Just say “No” when I do not feel God leading me to say “yes”….. Not to be afraid to lovingly say “no”.

  346. Tara

    Commit to morning prayer time, no matter how hectic you think the day will be. And ask God “take over my day, and my schedule.”

  347. Shara

    I, all too often, allow myself to feel rushed, instead of just slowing down. I feel like, “I HAVE TO GET THIS DONE RIGHT NOW!” instead of taking a breath, and taking in the Lord’s precence and reveling in it.
    With four kids, all going four different directions, I need to find the time to “unrush”, and focus on the simple happy moments that fulfill instead of the stress that drags me down!
    Can’t wait to read the book!!!!!

  348. Hanh

    I think I can be less rushed with my schedule by handling things slowly rather than rushing to do many things at once. I have also been spending time with The Lord everyday when I get up which helps me be patient and not feel as if I need to rush my time with Him in order to get to my to-do list for the day!

    Thank you for having this giveaway!

  349. Chloe H.

    The best way for me to unrush is to stop checking my phone and facebook and other social networks as much. When I stop wasting time doing that, it frees up time for other things.

  350. Bethany Mackee

    I need to make my time with God and my family my ultimate priority. I will say ‘no’ and be okay with it. God’s acceptance and blessing is the only thing I should be seeking! 🙂

  351. Danette Robb

    I would love to not say tou kids so often, hurry, we gotta go! Life at full speed is too much most days.

  352. Lorena

    I feel that when I take time for Him my days are less hectic and rushed. So learning to prioritize and setting a plan for my morning and day will help me achieve and unrushed kind of day.

  353. Cheryl

    Time goes by so quickly and with busy lives, being rushed is a daily thing. Need to take time to smell the roses and have the quiet time needed.

  354. Brandi

    Like you said when you spoke at Newspring- “we must exchange whispers with God before shouts with the world.” Early morning quiet time sets my focus for the day .

  355. Nicole B

    Putting my phone down with my calendar and to do list in moments I don’t need to be looking at it so I can be present with my family

  356. rebecca

    Enjoying your comments. Can’t wait for the book!

  357. Jessica

    I am spending more time with God!! (Listening and not talking so much

  358. Hope

    Put down my iPhone

  359. Wendy

    It’s hard not to feel rushed in today’s world with working moms, kids playing sports and having all kinds of functions to attend and all of the instant plug ins like Facebook and our iPhones. We must make it a priority to spend time with God and to intentionally not to rush everything. Everything will wait and be ok until it is that situations time. I am learning to slowly savor what I am on at that time and that it is ok if I don’t dibthis or that. Please help me Lord to be better at this and to prioritize what really matters.

  360. Debbie F

    I know I commented on this but I can’t seem to find it now.

  361. Anne

    I start the day with Jesus. This summer I’ve tried to tune into my children more. They help keep me from saying yes to too many ‘good’ things. They want to slow down and enjoy each other and summer. Great lesson for me!

  362. Veronica S

    Seven months ago in the midst of my hurried life I had a heart attack, 3 weeks later I had triple bypass heart surgery. What began as a no choice slow down, I now work to not pick up the pace of before. It has been a challenge the better I feel physically it’s is harder to say no, I guess I feel like I no longer have an excuse. But I know God doesn’t want me to go back to the same pace I was before my heart attack and surgery. Each day I seek His direction for my day and take the time to relax and enjoy it.

  363. Chelsey

    Set my alarm thirty minutes earlier and give myself that time in the am to read the word and be silent with god. Let him guide my day

  364. Kirsten W.

    One way that I can unrush my schedule is by intentionally scheduling nothing. This summer I have been going a million miles an hour. I taught summer school for 2 weeks, went to NY to visit family for a week, trained teachers in Nicaragua for 2 weeks and am currently away with family and friends for a week. Next Monday I am scheduling a day of rest and reflection!

  365. Tiffany Grace Marie

    I find myself wanting to volunteer for every event at my church because as a new Christian I am so thankful to God and His people that I want to contribute. I need to remember that it is better to fully commit yourself to 1 or 2 things than sign up for 10 and run out of steam and be able to only give half your heart to something.

  366. Diane

    I am care giver for my Dad. 91 years young. Most of my schedule is taking him to doctors and just taking care of him. I do what is necessary. That was good advice from a senior pastor, one that is a minister to the senior group in her church.

  367. Stephanie H

    I’m learning more everyday. Asking for help everyday. Hoping. Praying. Reading.

  368. karla

    I have been noticing that during my quiet times I would rush through and then wonder why I was so frustrated throughout the day. The Lord reminded me that to hear Him I needed to be still before Him and to also identify my distractions and remove them. Each morning I grab a cup of coffee and my Bible and pray that God would keep me focused on His Words and to be quiet to hear what His Word has in store for me.

  369. Paige A

    To un-rush my schedule I let go of the things I don’t have any control over…other people being late, red lights/traffic, unnecessary tasks. Then I can focus on what I can control and it makes things so much easier!

  370. Jaclyn

    A simple way I’ve found to unrush my schedule is to decide what is a priority … and what is not a priority. The things that are a priority are worth making time for, even if it means waking up extra early, not watching as much TV, or learning to say no to things that aren’t as important.

  371. Anne

    I need to just remind myself to look around instead of at my phone or only what’s ahead of me! I need to sit and be quiet to rest my soul.

  372. Tanisha G

    I can unrush my life and schedule by first going to God about my current issues and see what I need to say no to and then get a calendar and write down all I have and then going forward I will say yes to what I can after praying about and no to what I have to say no to.

  373. Katherine

    Just be still, yield my heart, and let God be God

  374. Tracy

    Can’t wait to read the book. I really need to find ways to stop the rush.

  375. Lynn

    I take time away from my busy routines to watch a movie with my daughter, play baseball with my son, read a book, or go have breakfast with my husband. It is very important to make time for the ones we love and that includes ourselves. Your new book sounds like it will be a great one to read and take time for myself.

  376. Lacey Seibert

    Making the commitment to not compare myself to others, I can only see the outside, so I should not measure myself by what I see. What does God say is important? That is what I have to ask myself to not get sucked into what the world says is important.

  377. Christine E.

    I feel like I need to be more proactive in praying and rebuking the thoughts in my head that get me half crazed before I know what is actually going on. I have noticed that the days I try to reign it in are less crazed and less hectic.

  378. Lisa Braunius

    Breathe, stop and hear God. Looking forward to reading the new book.

  379. Karen Gatschene

    It doesn’t happen very often but there is nothing on the agenda for tomorrow, just lazy, relaxing with the husband and kids!!!

  380. Erin

    I un-rush by limiting commitments outside work and family to one at a time. That way I’m gone no more than one night a week. With our kids and my hubby doing the same thing, it’s kept us sane in a crazy world!

  381. Sarah Steele

    I struggle with this daily being a young mother to two small boys but I make it a point to take time out for my quiet time with my heavenly father and then with my family. It doesn’t happen everyday like I want but when it does it is the most awesome time

  382. Liz H

    I can unrush myself by remembering I don’t have to do it all. My focus is to be on the things The Lord wants me to do – not what my flesh or others expect/demand of me. Saying no to even good things frees me to give a glad yes to what God calls me to! 🙂

  383. Karen

    I need a schedule so not everything become urgent or immediate.

  384. Kelley Keller

    Wife, Mother, Friend, Sister, Daughter, Full-time career, Survivor. Our lives today are in hyperdrive so I stopped trying to be everything to everyone and prioritized myself and my time. Family is priority and for myself I take quiet moments everyday and give thanks in prayer for all that I have and so thankful for and really try to be in the moment. Time is our most precious gift, use it wisely on people who are worth it.

  385. Kelly T

    Pray! That’s what I need to do more than anything! No rushing, more praying!

  386. Angie

    Slow down, spend more time with God in prayer, devotion and worship.

  387. Ali

    Prayer, reflection & meditation! Also, ignoring all the electronic devices we become slave to!!

  388. Melissa

    I need to slow down and enjoy my son while he’s young & spend time together as a family instead of rushing thru everything! I’d love the chance to read this book & remind myself to slow down & enjoy each precious moment God gives me!

  389. Ashley

    To unrush my moments, I just stop , breath deep and remind myself I only have two hands. I can only do what I can and ask for the help of The Lord to guide me on my wild journey of life.

  390. Megan McDivitt

    Managing my time better, and allowing “me time” to unravel and reflect.

  391. Rebecca

    With 2 little ones, I make a lot of excuses for rushing. We rush through breakfast. We rush to the car. We rush through the store. We rush to get home. I know I miss so much of my kids because I don’t take the time to pay attention to why they are dawdling and see the world through their eyes.

  392. Susan Jones

    To realize I don’t have to do everything in one day… Just slow down and enjoy His presence !!! Have already pre-ordered book and so ready!!

  393. Kim

    I love how everyone seems to be in the same boat and needing time with The Lord. I too need to slow down. I did this finally this past weekend. It rained here in Georgia and my husband and I had a veg day watching movies and cooking! But about prayer and bible study. I so need this and do better in my day when I read my bible in the morning or proverbs 31. Also satan knows my weakness is worry and trusting God’s truth and calling out Jesus’s name and studying verses heap me. And also putting others first and asking God to help me shine for Him no matter how my emotions are that day! He is faithful!

  394. Sara

    Schedule my days during my summer to be sure I spend time with God, my family and do something on my to-do list so I don’t feel overwhelmed later.

  395. Suzanne wurster

    I always need to put God first and then other things will come together through His power. He has the ultimate plan. We just need to trust Him.

  396. Madeline Spina

    If we’re being honest here (which is important)…. I could work on putting my iPhone on silent and picking it up a lot less. I could focus on each moment I am in instead of posting about it on social media. I could wake up earlier and set my mind for the day with a devotional or a bible verse. I could pray to God and ask Him to help me unrush my hectic schedule because I know that I need His help to do it. This world is so distracting. I know that I can’t unrush my busy schedule alone. I am a single mom and often let the day get away from me. I need to work on it. I think we all do. 🙂

  397. Desiree Phillips

    Realizing that in this moment I am somewhere in my spirit I have never been before… Each breath is one I’ve never breathed before, and each thought is to be taken captive, focused on the here and now… Not worried of what might or might not be. HE loves me, and as long as I Trust, and Acknowledge Him, what might or might not be is all apart of His Divine Plan…Surely it will be what’s best for me…

  398. Sophia DeLonghi

    I can unrush by being careful about what I say yes to. Am I saying yes to things or people that matter? Have to check in with my motivations.

  399. Sarah

    I don’t even know! But I do know that I can’t wait to read the book because I am constantly rushed, and am constantly rushing my kids! It needs to stop!

  400. Jessica

    The quickest way for me to unrush is to take a deep breath in the midst of those ‘intense’ moments when the kids are all asking me a question at the same time, when we all need to be out the door and someone else wants a snack, potty break, or something else at the same time. A lot of times taking a deep breath and closing my eyes helps me to stop for a moment and remember the truth, that joy and love is my best response not entertaining the chaos, selfishness or lies that try and get me distracted in those moments.
    Thanks for this giveaway, the necklace is gorgeous!

  401. Natalie Harden

    I need to unrush by spending more time with my kids, and savoring every moment and memory.

  402. Melissa Boland

    Putting God and his will first

  403. Debbie Oliver

    I can unrush the day by taking things one at a time. Often times, I don’t think it is that we are truly rushed, but we try to multi-task and do multiple things at once and it makes us feel overwhelmed. Planning blocks of time out to focus on one thing at a time can help us to feel less rushed. I cannot wait to read this book, as I desperately need it!

  404. Samantha

    When it seems like my baby boy just wants Mama all the time, and is happiest in my arms. I remind myself that God gave him to me to love and nurture so I need to take deep breaths and not worry about all that “other” stuff. It’ll always be there, but he will only be little once.

  405. Carla Moody

    I enjoy doing special things for others, I just seem to underestimate the amount of time involved to do the things I commit to.

  406. Stacie Carrasco

    Put my phone down, find a quiet place, and pray 🙂

  407. April Moore

    I can unrush by listening to God’s prompts and being present and still enough to actually hear them.

  408. Karen

    I need to prioritize, make lists and learn how to say “no”. I’m not very good at any of these things – especially the last one. I always seem to overbook. I am excited about your new book! I led an Unglued Bible Study this spring and it helped me so much! Thank you for being so real and relatable! God is using you!!

  409. Heather Jones

    To unrush, a deep breath and then stop and take in my surroundings and thank God for the blessings around me (and there are always blessings). For a longer time of unrushing, some time on the front porch with a good book or some crochet or knitting is good too.

  410. Brynn Miller

    Surrender my agenda and say yes to the kids more instead of being too busy or saying not right now!

  411. Sarah

    I was in the midst of a busy schedule… wife, mother of two little girls, involved in women’s ministry, trying to get my business of the ground, and working hard to break my number of steps in one month. At two days away from the end of the month, I was 80,000 steps away from a million which was very doable. I started feeling sick, but pushed through it. And then… I almost literally landed flat of my back. Over a week and a half of really sick, not getting off the couch. And now a little after three weeks since it began, I still find myself having to take it slow. But it’s forced me to really take a look at things, to really discern what God is wanting to do in me and through me. It may have actually been a somewhat forced look (one I certainly wouldn’t have chosen) but I’m glad I was able to listen through it.

  412. Katie

    10 minutes of just laying on the bed with my baby girl first thing in the morning before I brush my teeth or check my phone. Thanks!

  413. Heather

    Cherish time with my husband more.

  414. Jessica Burton

    I make a list, and my goal is not to cross everything off. There is always tomorrow.

  415. Becky Scott

    I am such a Type A, detail-oriented person that I feel I need to rush to most effectively accomplish all my work, ministry and home tasks. But as I age, this lifestyle is dragging me down. This blog is just another way that I believe God is trying to get my attention to focus primarily on Him and He will lead me through my days without the stress to rush.

  416. joyce whitlow

    My health was compromised due to rushing and being under so much stress so with the Lords guidance I have slowly eliminated things from my daily, weekly, and monthly schedule and am enjoying the simplicity.

  417. Meredith

    Let go and let God. Follow His perfect will for my life and forgo my need to control and micromanage and be in charge. God has very clearly spoken to me to stop trying to in my own strength, and be renewed in His.

  418. Stacy

    ALWAYS starting my day by seeking Jesus and what He wants for my day! When the day starts getting busy or feels confusing by going in a hundred different directions, I stop and take even 5 minutes to just open the Word and quiet my spirit, to listen… to that still small voice!

  419. Melissa

    As my nest empties in 3 weeks I want to seek God’s will for my time and not rush to fill it with activity to distract me from missing my children.

  420. Salina Perez

    Unrush? For me, I think I need alone time to center myself in Gods word. Making myself whole will help me to not feel the rush but embrace the busyness I call life. Embrace because one day my kids will be out on their own and I will long for the rush.

  421. Christi

    I can “unrush” by learning how to say “No,”

  422. Debbie

    Unplug more and read more

  423. Amy

    Manage my finances to be able to go to part-time with my job… Realize I can’t be there for everyone all the time.

  424. Katie Swanson

    Be Still and Know that He IS God

  425. Lee

    I need to discipline myself to go to bed so I can wake up and be refreshed to start the day unrushed.

  426. Dawn W

    I know I need to find ways to slow down, but it’s one of the most difficult things ever. Looking forward to read this new book.

  427. Kaylie

    When I set my mind and heart on God and see the big picture I begin to unrush. Recently, I was blessed with the opportunity to serve Christ overseas and the culture I was in was so laid back and relationship-oriented. Being there reminded me to stop worrying about always being on time or getting things done so much that you miss out on valuable time with your family and friends. We were created for a relationship with God, and our mission should be to share the Gospel and make disciples. Our lives should reflect those two things because we are driven by the love of Christ.

  428. Sandi

    I can unrush my schedule by stopping over doing everything to perfection and beyond! I have to let over perfection go!

  429. Marcy Smithson

    Stope making excuses. Sometimes at the end of what seemed like a very busy day I sit down and I just feel empty. I feel empty because my heart and spirt are so longing for time with The Lord. I KNOW I have not made TIME! I also know that I can not complain because I have filled my precious time with so many unimportant things.. One thing I can do to unrush is to step away from technology. Yes, my phone, calander, lists, Facebook and instant google are SO helpful to me but they steal so much of my time and I let them! So I can take my time back, stop making excuses for it and UNRUSH!!

  430. Diane

    Just stopping to smell the roses or watch the clouds go by. To stop any enjoy my surroundings instead of speeding by to get to thr next task, errand or meeting. Thank the Lord for the beauty he created for us.

  431. Amanda H

    I give myself permission to just sit, be still and enjoy being in God’s presence. I want to remember to use my downtime for His glory, not mine. 🙂

  432. Courtney

    As a special needs mom, this is TOUGH! However, lately, I have been making myself take a little bit of time after he is in class to have coffee and before my day gets busy.I look forward to the book.

  433. Vicki

    I NEED this study/book! I’m 57 & have spent my life rushing & spreading myself too thin & crowding out God. Got to slow down but dont know how!

  434. Beth D

    Learning to say no instead of over-committing my time.

  435. Alli harden

    I need to be more consistent with making a to do list each day so that I feel more productive but not stressed.

  436. Jessica

    I have tried in the past year to “unrush” my life by giving myself permission to take a night before giving a yes answer to someone about a new commitment. If it is not a true emergency, anything can wait one night for an answer. Then I have also allowed myself to say no to some things. By placing priority first on God and my family, I decide if the new task is something I can take on without being a detriment to God time or family time.

  437. Rebecca R

    I need to prioritize. I love to help others and help women grow in their walk with The Lord but I so easily get run down and exhausted from a go go go mentality that I need to make sure I am feeding my soul more so that way I am more equipped to pour into others. Like when you fly they tell you to put your oxygen mask on before you assist someone else with theirs. I need to accept that it is okay to take time away to myself and say no to doing things so that I can make sure my “oxygen mask” on and I am in the word not drained and past the point of exhaustion so that I may be effectively intentional with those He has placed me around.

  438. Mandy Bell

    By making the effort to physically slow down during the day. I find myself rushing through everyday tasks as if I’m under a deadline. Who needs to race into the laundry room to start a load? Will a few seconds’ delay really make that much of a difference? Definitely not. I need to work on eliminating that pressing feeling that there is a ticking clock on my every move.

  439. Angie

    Schedule time with God and schedule time to unwind and just think.

  440. Joy Ambrose

    I need to learn to ask for help instead of doing it all myself.

  441. Christy Lipskoch

    I need to continue to work at seeing the interruptions as opportunities for God to do something bigger than I had planned.

  442. Valerie Drohan

    I LOVE this – “unrush”……! Never heard the term before and have needed to for years! My rushing starts with not forcing myself to get to bed at a decent time and thus dragging in the morning and from that all – dragging all day and making poor choices. I even feel rushed when I pray and when I do quiet time or bible study! I watch small children in my home and basically look like I’ve rolled out of bed when I greet the parents in the morning (it’s not their imagination/I have!) I seriously look a wreck even when I go to church and walk in as if I’m being chased by something because I’m always rushing and late! So, this all said, getting to bed at a decent time probably would be logical! no? and a necklace to remind me would help = )

  443. Erin

    Putting down the technology. Instead of getting trapped spending way too much time absorbed, then rushing to fit in everything else.

  444. Christine Wright

    I always like making a list of things I have to do each day so that I can see everything that’s planned for the day and set a schedule to make sure everything is done. As I finish each task, I place a little check beside of it. Also, morning prayer and devotions seems to help me work better throughout the day. I ask God to help me get my tasks done and give me strength for the day.

  445. Annette

    As a mom of four and homeschool household I am often desperate to find ways to slow down my life. I need more of a Mary view and less of a Martha. I always want to please and need a reminder to stop,praise and pray.

  446. Alejandra

    Hi, you know what I need to do… I need to sleep and take naps. I am a young married mother of 3. I suffer from ADHD anxiety and major depression so I need to get good sleep, however I always worry what other people will say to me or that they will think I am lazy. Truth is God is telling me if I don’t have time to take care of my health and be with him I need to make time. That means stop caring so much about what others will say to me and trust in God because he is always on my side. I need to learn how to say no when its nessisary
    and not let others guilt me for it, no matter who they are.

  447. Shakira Oswald

    One way I can unrush, right at this moment, is to put the planner down, sit down with my babies, and breathe them in.

  448. Michele

    I need to keep my helium arm in check and not say yes to everyone and everything.

  449. Tiffany

    I need to slow down, stop filling every second of every day with “things to do” instead I need unrush and focus on Christ and growing my relationship with him. I would love a copy of your new book to add to my collection of books from you and other Christian authors I adore.

  450. Jillian B

    Scheduling in a “rest day” (or two) on my calendar. Physically writing it on my calendar so the space is filled and I can’t go back to it and change it later, when something else comes up for me to do.

  451. Melinda Gonzalez

    I will prioritize my to-do list and practice time management.

  452. Catherine

    If I can learn its ok to just BE and not always do and to accept the season I’m in, I think my schedule would be un rushed.

  453. Rosanne

    Make sure I have resources (emotional, financial, etc. before saying yes.

  454. Cathy Dickey

    Get up an hour earlier to spend time with God and
    Do some type of exercise.

  455. Lisa

    I’m saying no to a good thing.

  456. Kendra

    I was lovingly reminded tonight, any many ways, that I can only serve one Master. I am not free if I am ruled by so many expectations and desires to be and achieve things for the wrong purpose. More than that, to lose sight of seeking to honor Him, above doing things to glorify myself. Relax and breath trusting my future with Him! What a burden lifted!

  457. Jenny M

    I am going to stop and look and listen. I may be rushed but I want a memory not a blur.

  458. Jenny Moy

    I maybe rushed but I want a memory. I am going to stop, look, and listen.

  459. Shaina reeves

    The best way I can unrush is to stop leaving everything to last minute. I always feel lazy and end u not doing anything and then end up feeling so rushed!

  460. Trista

    Working on projects in “blocks of time” is a new thing but makes a lot of sense lately. I feel like I am accomplishing things because I spent the time working on what I was supposed to do. I want to do this at home so I have more time to create!

  461. Krischa

    Asking my hubby to take over the kids while I go out every so often to get some me time and slow down! 4 kids is no joke! 😉

  462. kate

    keeping things in perspective and stopping that overwhelmed feeling before it begins

  463. Rebecca Ensley

    One way to minimize my rush in the day is to keep all things in perspective. There are those things that have to be done, but many are not required. And the word “no” is ok to utter.

  464. Jenn Y

    Just be still and listen…so hard for me to do.

  465. Trina Lynn Meyering

    A friend told me to schedule 5 minutes in my day to just sit and breathe in and out slowly. I think that’s a good start to slowing down and regaining focus.

  466. Phyllis Miller

    I try to do things ahead of time , am not successful all the time. When I don’t plan ahead , I get very frustrated with my self which leads me tobe short with others.

  467. Miranda

    Just focus on one task at a time and finish to completion! I have been working on that today.

  468. Kimberly Shaner

    The best way to unrush my schedule is checklist and goals I can accomplish to feel successful. Example: Instead of cleaning entire room out, a box at a time a day at a time so I don’t get overwhelmed.

  469. LyndaLambert

    Leaving one day a week as an open day .. Nothing on schedule .. Use it to relax, do nothing , something neglected , or something I just haven’t made time for..

  470. Janice Mullins

    Don’t we all need to “unrush”? I do this by stopping everything on the days my granddaughter is visiting, and focus entirely on her. We have such fun, just being together! Totally refreshes me!

  471. Kim Quinney

    The need to slow down hit me hard toward the end of the last school year. Both of my children will be in Jr High this year & the years of my volunteering in the school will have come to an end. My eldest is now a teenager & it is also time for her activities & social life to be hers & me to transition into her supporter. So this school year will be my year of “No”. I plan to concentrate on my relationship w/God & my family & being physically & emotionally healthy.

  472. Stephanie

    Just say no. Over planning my schedule can lead to rushing.

  473. Shelbi

    I try spend a few hours disconnected everyday. Hearing the songs and beeps make me rush to see what’s happening versus focusing on what’s happening right in front of me.

  474. Megan

    I think I’d feel less rushed if we didn’t turn on the tv. It’s like everyone moves in slow motion because we have one on the screen and the other on the task needing to be complete.

  475. Sherri Zimmerman

    I need to stop saying yes to things just because I think that is what I’m “supposed” to do or because everyone else is signing up. Many times I know I’ve made a mistake as soon as the words come out of my mouth! Oh if I would only pause and pray about it first!!

  476. Julie Taylor

    I have Wednesdays off and most times I babysit my grandson. There are always tasks on my list to do, but I feel the time I spend with him is so precious. I put whatever is on that to do list completely out of my mind and just focus on him!

  477. Deanna Gilliam

    I have learned to “unrush” by starting my day in God’s Word. It gives me perspective.

  478. Courtney Miller

    Definitely making a to do list and spreading out jobs so I’m not overwhelmed with a ton of stuff to do in a little time frame.

  479. Alina J

    I can unrush my schedule by diving right into my day with Gods help, instead of procrastinating.

  480. Janine

    To pick one day a week – preferably Sunday 🙂 to just be a family. No playdates, dinner plans, or any outsider activities. Only church and us 5. A day to just relax and embrace the incredible blessing God has given me with a loving husband and 3 amazing kids.

  481. Cassandra Hale

    I just need to learn to stop dead in my tracks, take a deep breath, and do what needs doing. Anything more rightnow is just too much, and I have to stop worrying about upsetting others when I say no.

  482. Krystal

    Help I need to learn how to “unrush”

  483. Jolene

    I am so looking forward to this book! I need it so much I have a very hard time saying “no”. I am trying to learn.

  484. Kayla

    I could unrush by having better time management! I’m a big procrastinator, and in leaving everything to the last minute I’m always rushing to get it all done in time.

  485. Tana Swedberg

    I can’t believe I’m sharing this, but my whole family would rush a lot less in the morning if I actually managed to get the clean clothes out of the laundry baskets & into the closets & drawers where they belong & could be found without a mad search when we need them! ;P

  486. Jessica Ables

    Get up earlier, as well as take time in God’s Word and exercise!

  487. Taryn

    I need to quit playing cruise ship director for my kiddos and make them entertain themselves more often. Getting rid of the Mommy guilt and try not to do so much!

  488. Brooke Thompson

    I run around feeling so rushed everyday, especially when I do not start out my dad with coffee and Jesus. I find that, given the same amount of things to do in a day, I am much better able to do so when I start my day right. I juggle 2 jobs, school, my husband, friends, community volunteering, and other things- I feel rushed. But when I start my day with Jesus, and allow God’s peace and presence to be with me all day- I am no longer rushed- I am living for God!

  489. heather

    I need to start my day with j.e.s.u.s 🙂

  490. Anjana

    Put God as my 1st priority my doing my devotions first thing in the morning and when I feel anxious, stop and pray to see God’s peace and perspective.

  491. Marlene

    I can talk about the demands and how I’m feeling with God! And also write out and prioritize which tasks are and aren’t essential today!

  492. Becca

    I un-rush by beginning each day with a few hymns, prayer, and bible study. Then a walk through my garden before starting on daily chores and tasks. I also notice my days seem longer when I turn off my phone, stay off the computer if I can, and definitely leave the TV off! I accomplish more, my day seems less stressful, and there seem to be more hours in the day! While teaching Grade 1 several years ago, I gingerly offered a solution to a child’s family during parent-teacher interviews, it was to cut off the cord to the TV as a final last effort to try and help their daughter to learn to read (my mom had done this in our family when I was little). Well they thought about it when they got home that night and did it. At the next reporting period the little girl (who had also been getting extra help at school by the way) was doing incredibly well with her reading, however, something the parents said to me when they came to the next parent-teacher interview stuck with me all these years. When they first entered the room, the father came over and hugged me and then the mother and together they held my hands and said, “We must thank you! Thank you so much for helping our daughter learn to read, but also Thank you for giving us a precious gift! You gave us the gift of time; we now have time in the evening not just for our daughter but for each other … after our daughter goes to bed, we sit and talk without the distraction of television shows. We are not getting the TV fixed, it is unimportant in our lives.” WOW, I’ve never forgotten that and while we do have a TV, it is used minimally.

  493. Mel

    Just to slow down & take a time out by sitting outside, or at the beach, or even in my car. Take several deep breaths & check myself into my surroundings. Grounding the moment in time instead of leaping forward all the time.

  494. Lori

    I’m so rushed and hurried constantly, I have five children and I’m so completely overwhelmed and lost most of the time trying to keep peace and joy. Would love to get a few hours to talk to you Lysa, I would love some real solid advice!

  495. Megan

    The best way I can un-rush my life is to continue to believe that who and what I am is enough and continue to resist the urge to be a people pleaser. Which will free up more time to refocus on what truly matters.

  496. Kayle

    I need to put god first…find my center as god wants me too.not fall in what everyone else thinks I should do or me being stretched do to my own fault…keep list to keep organized and put unrushed time in my day for Jesus…I ask myself all the time when can my life settle down alittle..I notice I can handle it better when Jesus and I are in a good relationship and prayer..Thank u always for your amazing devotion and godly topics.

  497. Leslie hennings

    I need to unrush myself by simply reminding myself that I can’t do it all. Whatever I get done at the end of the day is all I could do and I am doing my best. Putting God first and knowing he is in charge of my day.

  498. Robyn Myers

    Prayer time and spending time in God’s Word always helps me feel less anxious and less rushed.

  499. Jessica Bailey

    Building in an extra margin of time so I can be more loving to others and less frustrated that they/we can’t just hurry up!

  500. Tiffanie Phillips

    Life is so full of demands and challenges that tear us away from what is important… God and our families. I am trying to enjoy the moment and rest in moment. God is doing a lot in my heart in this area.

  501. Teri

    Starting each day in devotion to God’s word. This would ensure starting my day fresh and ready to!!

  502. Natasha

    Remember to breathe, take life one thing at a time and spend time with a child to see things from a different perspective.

  503. Ashley Garcia

    I think that if I would just take a moment to stop and take a deep breath and think of the things that God has blessed me with, it would bring peace into my life. And peace slows things down. 🙂

  504. Andrea

    Putting God 1st in EVERYTHING I have 3 daughters 17, 16 & 2. Every morning I wake up feeling overwhelmed and don’t want get up and face the day. Once get going its hard to get time to just stop and pray for guidance.

  505. Shelley

    One way is to prioritize. Our kids should always be first before housework, they won’t be little long and if we would use our time to just be with them then we would not have to rush life along because we are partaking in the best part of life, our little gifts from God!

  506. Beth Brown

    I could unrush by not procrastinating every day. That’s a real problem that causes a lot of unnecessary rushing!

  507. jaci

    How can I unrush me? I honestly don’t know. Take a little bit of quiet time to snuggle with my kids. Put my phone down and get on the floor to play with the blocks. Read the Dora Valentine book… Again… And not sigh with exasperation. Slow down and listen when my husband tells me he loves me.

    observe the Sabbath. And remember to pray every morning and pray with my kids every night.

  508. Amber

    I need to prayerfully take a hard look at what my daily and weekly priorities are, and let go of the priorities that are unworthy of a God Glorifing life!

  509. Rhonda Magram

    As I’ve been sequestered at home for 5 weeks due to a back/leg issues ive had a lot of downtime. Although I wish I were well what The Lord has brought to my attention is how busy is so overrated and it takes away from what The Lord wants for you. Even best friends have been so busy that they have not offered to spend quality time with me-even an hour to sit with me.clean my house or make a special meal and fellowship! Busy is a vey sad way of life:( It’s a powerful tool of the enemy! Be present and don’t overload your life to the point that your not able to be used by The Lord!

  510. sudha

    Prayer helps me to slow down and feel safe and calm . And which women don’t like to talk and discuss even I do I talk to God all the time.

  511. kelli jones

    If I would put my phone down more.

  512. Meg Miller

    Stay off the internet. Write a Have To Do list, as my To Do lists include A LOT of wishful thinking. Thanks for this post and the devotional, just what I need!

  513. Kelly Duck

    Need to start my day with Him and have an open line of communication as the days goes on

  514. Bailey Jean

    Leaving my phone in my purse instead of keeping it clutched in hand does wonders in the “un-rushing” process! I no longer feel like I need to be available and connected 24/7 to what is happening on social media, and I am able to more fully connect with what or who is in front of me. It’s a game-changer!

  515. Steph

    This is such a hard thing for me. I think to feel unrushed I need to spend some time away from the technology that is constantly in front of me and making me feel like I need to stay connected all the time to work.

  516. Jonna B

    Totally need this right now. I just keep saying, “there are not enough hours in my day”. And summer isn’t usually like that for us! Something has got to change, I know life isn’t meant to be lived this way.

  517. Somon

    Make a plan to be flexible and enjoy the present of the moment.

  518. Allison

    Breathe in the overwhelming joy and the sweet life of my precious little ones and forget about everything else on my to do list!! Unrush me Jesus, and remind me to look to You for contentment in the midst of my chaos!!

  519. Kali

    I’m not so rushed a overwhelmed when I start my day with the Lord. When I ask Him for wisdom in so many things that I have to do in my day. I like to make people happy but that will also lead to doing too many things and forgetting what is really important to where I’m exhausted. Wisdom from the Lord is always best!

  520. Michele Gotfraind

    I am making myself more available to dive into the word of God by not having so many extracurricular activities for myself and my children. I want us, as a family, to have more down time together.

  521. Cheryl Myers

    I found out that getting up extra early before the kids are awake & sitting on the porch with a cup of coffee & my Bible is a wonderful way to ground myself for that day, instead of getting up at the last minute & running around like a nut trying to get myself & the kids ready & out the door. That gets me in “rush” mode & lasts through the day!

  522. Tricia M

    Working from home is exhausting. Both work and family blend together, yet it seems nothing gets completed. I can better organize my daily schedule to have a definite start and end time for my work day so I can completely focus on my family and myself.

  523. Shanan mallard

    Take a second a remember what is truly important.
    Then decide if what I am focusing on is what I really need to be doing.

  524. Kirsten

    After years of stress and frustration, cutting down on my schedule at work and spending more time with my family. Realizing life is too short!

  525. Megan peacock

    I must run it by my husband before I say yes or mark it on the calendar. He knows my people pleasing, pile more on/cram more in hick up I battle. So he is a voice of reason, reality and it keeps us on the same page.

  526. Jessica

    I am learning to ask the Holy Spirit how my day should look, and to continually ask throughout the day. So that I prioritize according to his schedule not mine.

  527. Ashley

    I have been trying to make more time to simply STOP and rock my little boy. Its tough to just sit when there are things to be done but I try to remind myself I don’t have too many days that he will be small enough to rock. 🙂

  528. eugenia mccrary

    I have 5grand babys that live with me from the ages 8 to 3 so its hard sometimes to just stop and take a minute to your self but I do always get a minute to say thank you lord for these babys in my life

  529. Leslie

    For me, I am learning to be more “I unrushed” as I take time to reflect and find reasons to be thankful. Thankfulness slows me down and helps me keep my heart and mind focused on what’s most important!

  530. Krystal Lamb

    I need to put God first and spend more quality time with him.

  531. Dottie

    Spending time with my grandsons slows me down, even though it tires me out!

  532. Julia Widman

    Making time with The Lord my first priority will allow me to live in His will, make right choices & the rest will be as it should be.

  533. Jill Ravey

    I need to take time to appreciate all the important things, spending time making memories with my children which are fun filled rather than a mum who is rushing, stressed and too busy to stop and play.

  534. Jessica H

    I need to stop making such crazy to do lists. I need to pick 3-5 things that need to be done that day and see them as the accomplishments they are.

  535. Kimberlee

    Waking early to make sure I have some quiet time and to get things moving around the house, make me feel less rushed when the kids get up and we are trying to get out the door.

  536. Chrissy

    Sit down and eat meals around the dinner table.

  537. Mandi Funk

    I am a 38 yr old mother of two teenagers. I work full time as a dental assistant and as soon as I click out at work I begin taxing my kids to sports practices, games, youth group, jobs, etc. I never make time for me…ever!!! I need to slow down let someone else help me with the kids once and awhile and just go for a walk or spend an evening with a girlfriend. I feel like I need to unrush before I come undone !!!

  538. Jennifer Deibel

    Wake before my kids, instead of to my kids so I have time to read my bible, pray and get my heart, mind and attitude set for the day.

  539. Maria Gloria

    Prayer & doing chores on time.

  540. Beth

    Playing with my young girls…pausing to share in their joy.

  541. Karey

    I need to be intentional about slowing down. It will take practice, but will help mecreate a proper attitude.

  542. Ashley Marble

    Take time to truly listen & be there for my son.

  543. Diane

    Bedtime. Get to bed on time so that I rest well and my days don’t start out so tired and rushed…

  544. Caroline Bee

    Well, well, well… I’m actually in the process of learning to unrush. I’ve lived like this for years and last month my brain decided it would shut down. I got a memory loss, something they call Transient Global Amnesia. It may apparently happen when someone’s brain is working too hard and thinking too much. That was pretty unsettling. By God’s grace I was able to take it with a hint of humour and it was a true wake up cal that I need to start making this right and that no matter how hard I try at life, I need to rest in the Lord and rather do what I’m called to. Two days ago I said no to a big contract with the help of my husband. God is good. Taming the rush a little more each day, looking to focus! Ahhhh thank you Lord.

  545. Ashley

    I could get up a little before my daughter and get things done so I could focus more time on playing with her.

  546. amy kling

    Working two jobs I don’t have a lot of free time. I need to make the better decisions with how to use that time.

  547. Patti Athey

    I need to turn my cell phone off! It would totally slow my life down and let me focus more on what really matters.

  548. GiGi Bloom

    Giving each day, each, hour, each moment to God & asking HIM to refresh me with HIS JOY so I too can refresh others with HIS JOY!!!

  549. Lisa

    As a paralegal, I could not function without my to do list. It definitely helps me to feel “unrushed” and allows me to focus on the tasks at hand. At home, a power nap helps tremendously. I am blessed with the ability to feel refreshed after a literal 2-minute nap, so stealing away for 5 minutes does wonders.

  550. Sarah Kinsworthy

    Starting each morning in prayer is a way I could unrush myself. It really puts the day and my life in perspective.

  551. Shelby Little

    The best way that I can unrush is to spend more time with God in the morning when I first wake up in prayer. He’s always been there for me and I know he will help me to feel the slow down.

  552. Nancy Gaddy

    Stopping throughout the day to give thanks and praise to our Heavenly Father. Taking those two or three minutes resets my thought process and keeps my go us where it needs to be.

  553. Karen

    I need to set more realistic deadlines on each task. Then I wouldn’t procrastinate as badly – I too often create my own rush!

  554. Karolina

    well what my mom says to do is before you do anything else in a day, start your day with reading Psalm 1…and the Lord will make you efficient and effective, as well as will filter what you actually need to do that day. So it’s like 2 in 1…at the end of the day you will feel productive and will know that you’ve done with the Lord wanted you to do 🙂 Sounds like a deal to me 🙂

  555. Velda E

    I need to learn to not always say yes to my kids wants, I love taking them places and having fun but the weeks fly by and my hubby and I get put on the back burner

  556. Karrie

    I think the best way for me to unrush my schedule is to take the time to really see what has to happen and get prepared for it. Running around with three kids, even the day before, just isn’t working anymore.

  557. jennie

    To “unrush” I get up before my kids and and spend time reading my devotionals. Then I just rest. Ahhh!

  558. Vicki

    The best way I can feel unrushed is to start my day with the Lord in prayer. He will help me to see what is important for me to do that day. I need to lean on him more.

  559. Vera

    I need to spend more time at Jesus feet…. I love reading the word of God cause it makes me slow down and if I listen with my heart as I am reading.. God is always telling me to slow down…. I am often times used by God in big ways when I obey and slow down in the course of my day. The peace floods my soul when I know that I am doing what God wants me to do for Him.

  560. Joette

    I am not sure how to inrush my days. I have realized that my days tend to be more freeing on those days I spend time in the Word. I get up early every morning and take a deep breath and pray! Then I start the Rush. 😉

  561. Kerri Anderson

    Beginning each day with God and scripture, sets the pace for a day reliant on God and His strength allows me to slow the spirit and take one thing at a time! I would love to win a copy of your book and devotional and even the necklace….I simply love your Facebook, website & blog, actually everything I’ve ever seen of yours or Proverbs 31’s! Thank you and have a wonderful day!

  562. Kelly

    Starting the day off with reading his word. That gets me started out right. But rushing thru the day follows! I know I need to unrush some more and working towards that in my life.

  563. Sandi

    Preparing at night for the next day helps me not be so rushed in the morning. Planning ahead for the week takes time but is well worth it when I am not as rushed during the week. Also, getting up a few minutes earlier, giving me quiet time before my family wakes up. This too is planned and intentional.

  564. Anita

    I would love to feel unrushed in my prayer life. I pray every morning and all through the day for family and friends. However, I feel rushed as I do so. I want to make sure I get every need praise in. I just feel rushed to make sure I do so before I get interrupted by the day’s circumstances. (I get up at 4:30 or 5 to try to have alone time with Jesus, too!). I love your FB post sad they help me out so much! Thanks!

  565. Jo ANn

    Take a break at my 85 year old mother’s house, get in the pool with her (can’t do work if you’re in the water!), and (try to) talk about nothing but happy times with my (deceased) dad. This makes her smile and releases her anxiety temporarily, as it does mine as well as deepen my bond with her with more good memories.

  566. Danielle Cromwell

    I can let someone else be room mom this year.

  567. Donna

    Need to put away the gadgets and the lists and have truly quiet time with my prayer time.

  568. Nicholle

    I will unrush by going to bed by 11 so I can rise early enough to prepare a quick breakfast and get to work without having to get stuck in the gridlock “barely there on time” traffic.

  569. Beverly Dawkins

    I have canvases and stickers everywhere reminding me of Psalm 46:10… Sometimes it takes just that simple visual reminder to “be still”. I have learned that I have I say no to some frivolous activities and demands on my and my children’s time in order to make our other commitments more meaningful.

  570. Pam

    The best way to unrush myself is to stop and think about how quickly it can all be over. Having almost died twice (after a routine surgery and an emergency surgery in April), I have a new perspective on what is important and what can wait. The moments with my children and husband, family and friends, are the times when I need to just STOP and enjoy the moment I am in with them. It doesn’t matter what else is going on in life… those little moments will forever be the most important.

  571. Suzanne

    The best way to un-rush is to get away and ‘reboot’.

  572. Teresa Hughes

    Praying throughout the day for God’s guidance in all things always kept me calm and unrushed. I let my busy schedule distract me from that prayer some time ago and am taking every opportunity to add it back in my life….in the car, before or after a phone call (or both), during meetings in moments where equipment and such is being set up and making my prayer before meals more meaningful instead of just thanking God for the food He has provided.

  573. Elizabeth MacDonald

    To unruah right now, I can stop trying to clean te house,do the laundry, make dinner, etc while caing for my 9 week old. Instead I can enjoy her and bind wih her, remembering that those are of little importance to the Kingdom.

  574. Eve

    Focus on the one thing that is before you and let the rest “take a number”! 🙂

  575. Cheryl Hill

    I can always keep God first.

  576. April Bates

    The past few days I have thought about how to let go of the rush, worry, and endless demands. My solution…give it all to God. Ask Him to direct my path, and spend time with Him through out my day even when I feel like I don’t have the time.

  577. Vicki Lawrence

    Get to bed earlier & rest on Sundays.

  578. Wanda Pinion

    I will find myself in a rush to get to work and fail to see all of God’s beauty.. I put a note on the coffee maker to remind myself that I should look at the beauty on the way to work and pray that God leads me through out the day in a new direction and mindset. So far it is working. I have gotten to work for the last week a minute or two late but I feel better when I arrive.

  579. Irene

    When life seems too full of activities and household chores, I read a verse I have posted on the wall: “be still and know that I am God”. I give my schedule to him in prayer and pray for his guidance in setting priorities.

  580. Corinne Renauld

    For years I made my own ” to do ” list. One day God showed me I never ask Him what my priorities shoud be for any specific day. Since then, I make my list but then ask God in prayer to show me what my priorities should be for that day. I will end up crossing things off that I thought were important, I will add things that God shows me are important and I will also be led by Him to change the priorities of some of the things on my “to do ” list. This brings so much peace to me…. Knowing I am doing what He has planned for me that day.

  581. Suzanne

    What woman doesn’t need to slow down!! I take a deep breath – close my eyes – pray and do some heavy sighing!! God’s will be done in the situation that may be causing my panic and rushed feeling!! I look forward to reading this book — All of your other books have been spot on and I am sure this one will be as well!!!!

  582. Julie

    To rush less I need to go to bed earlier, wake earlier, stay off FB, and make the main things the main thing. I also recently printed off an hourly calendar, to write down what I do with my time and evaluate where time is being lost/squandered.

  583. Laura

    Pray before saying yes to anything.

  584. Joyce Kaiser

    I am so rushed today, and I was last night, and already thinking I won’t get everything done this afternoon. The more rushed I get, the more be-hinder I feel. It is viscious, and uneasy to handle for me. Even leaving this email is rushing me. Oh Lord….slow me down!

  585. Anna

    Need to focus on what is really important; God and family instead of “worrying” about “stuff” that doesn’t really matter.

  586. Becky

    Less time on social media. More time given to the important things and people in my life

  587. Andi Johnson

    I am always so rushed because I take on more than I can do. I need to take a step back and really figure out what and who is important and get some of the unneeded rush out of my life. How can I truly live for Jesus if I don’t have time to stop and listen to His plan.

  588. Crystal Stratton

    Spend more time with Jesus and less with technology.

  589. Melissa

    I need to do a better job of spending quality time with God in the morning and letting Him set my priorities for the day. Then I can focus on what I know will truly glorify God. The rest will come into place.

  590. Sherry McConnell

    I have a day every other week I go get a massage then I go to the nearest park ( with tropical smoothie ) and take in the peace.

  591. Leigh Ann Napier

    I have finally gotten in the habit of getting up earlier than our 3 girls. Not by choice though…God started waking me up so I started doing quiet time & starting on my work for the day (since I couldn’t sleep!!!). It has changed my life. I feel much more like I am proactive instead of just reacting to what comes at me. I still have a long way to go but this is a great start.

  592. Kathy

    Spending fifteen minutes reading a short devotional that gives me motivation to pick a short to do job and completing it so I can feel accomplished and motivated to move on to the next. There is nothing like God’s words to calm me, put life in perspective, and slow the overwhelming rush of everyday life.

  593. Jaime creel

    Fully submitting to be still and know…the relief that I have the right answer of yes or no is amazing yet I fall back into doing it my way again and again

  594. Jennifer

    Scheduling 15 minutes mid-day to stop and do something just for me helps our crazy afternoons. Read, listen to praise song, paint my nails…

  595. Tori

    Hi, the best way to become unrushed is to give it all to God he can give u all the time in the world. I need to remember to always start my day with God and ends it the same.

  596. Rhonda Watts

    I need to slow down and have some God and me time..that’s what I call it!!….I use to love to sit on the patio by myself with a cup of coffee and read God’s word..I have let myself get so busy with other things, that now I don’t stop to do this!!..I really pray I can get back to this time again soon!!!..I really would like to focus on my relationship with God!!!..Keep my in your prayers along with all of my family!!!Thank you!!!..I love reading the verses every morning on FB!!!

  597. Shirley Morgan

    I can unrush, because I am retired. I need to priortize God’s direction with whispers from the Holy Spirit. I love giving thanks & remembering.. With His Guidance, I will do His Will.

  598. bonitarose

    I need to keep my list and not get so distracted.

  599. sabrina Stephens

    I can begin to un-rush by not responding to my phone the instant it chimes or rings…

  600. Cheryl

    I need to learn to ask for help. I simply can’t do everything that needs to get done.

  601. Cathy McCoy

    Stop filling time with unnecessary errands. Things that can truly wait and don’t have to be done RIGHT NOW or TODAY.

  602. Michele Camp

    My focus needs to stay on walking with God each and every moment of the day. I have found this to make each day better, realizing that I am in His Will, not mine. It brings peace and contentment that can only be found through the Holy Spirit.

  603. Kristen Bradfield

    Quit hitting the snooze button and make a to do list each morning (and actually stick to it!)

  604. Annette

    My trick to slow down is remembering to keep my head where my feet are. It helps me bring my focus in to the present moment. And if I need to ask for God’s help, it’s a perfect time.

  605. Tieko

    Every time I take to spend time with God, it seems as though time stands still and I am renewed and can tackle another busy day. If I rush in without that time, I never seem to catch up.

  606. Candice

    Stop procrastinating! And spend one day with my phone off!

  607. Patti

    Spending time in God’s Word gives me a good perspective as I start my day. It helps me to trust in God to accomplish what He wants to do through me.

  608. Missy

    I know that I feel less rushed when I put away the electronics. Email, Facebook, Twitter, Zulily, etc. They all suck the quiet, peaceful moments of my life away. When I hide my phone and iPad in a corner, I find myself spending those little moments of the day with nothing in them, relaxing and reflecting.

  609. Debbie Wadsworth

    I need tone prayerful in the choices I make. I need to be prayerful in my yes and no’s to every situation.

  610. Stefanie

    Realizing I was Made for More is a hard thing to do….In the rush of the day I am trying my best to recognize when I think of God or my troubles to stop and Praise a him because my troubles are no longer troubles when I let Him take control

  611. Sarah

    I need to “stop sweating the small stuff”, pray and give more over to God. Part of my rush is attempting to do everything perfectly and taking on so much. But, I know sometimes the small-tiniest details don’t always matter, it is okay to say “no”, and remember that God is always in control.

  612. Cynthia

    Feeling rushed with my new baby and son. Trying to keep the house clean and trying to get the normal and medical bills taken care of. And also going back to work. Feel like my children are growing up so fast even though I enjoy them every day. Need to spend time with Jesus so time slows down.

  613. Rhonda Loftis

    Pray over my “plate” before each day and respond to God’s leading about what needs to be there and what I can
    Let go of-be at peace with not doing it all!!!

  614. Carrie Burtt

    I need to slow down & realize it’s ok to have an unfinished to do list.

  615. Jill

    I write out all my commitments and responsibilities. When things start to get overwhelming, I begin saying no.

  616. Lucy Friesen

    Take the time to stop & prioritize & be willing to let things go.

  617. Yvonne

    My schedule would be so much better if I would just say “no” to distractors and focus more on GOD and HIS calling.

  618. Lori Kirkland

    Taking ten to fifteen minutes each day to think about the next day what all you have to do and get organized. Does what I have to do really need to be done or can it wait.

  619. charisse brea

    Man how do I not feel so unrushed. As much as I plan things and write them down I still feel like there is not enough hours in the day. I am a single mom, I work, school activities, church aactivities and anything in between but what may seem like im hectic running around ive learned to just let things be. No rushing because I will get there in one piece and just take a breath and thank you to jesus for everything and it may seems small but that actually relaxes me..its like God knows us so he takes over my body amd gives me a big massage…

  620. Kerri Whatley

    I need to be more motivated to get things done instead of putting them off till the last minute.

  621. Cheryl McDaniel

    Selah is one of my favorite words…it causes me to remember that “pause” is possible. I have this word mounted on my wall to remind me that after a busy day it benefits me to have a little Selah, to consider my day and how My Heavenly Father has walked with me through it.

  622. Holly

    To wake up early and have a morning routine that allows me time to get perspective on what NEEDS to be done that day so I can get those action items taken care then the rest of the day I am free to enjoy our girls before school starts up again.

  623. Kim

    For me to unrush – I need to make sure I am communicating my needs to those around me and accepting help when offered.

  624. Darcy

    A simple way I can unrush is to lower my expectations of what I can actually accomplish in a day.

  625. Jennifer Richardson

    I pray to desire God’s will for me instead of thinking I know what’s best for me. I tend to rush a lot of things on my time and not on His time.

  626. Susan Tuma

    We need to start saying no to things that aren’t truly needed in our lives. Start saying yes to investing in things that are important.

  627. Wendy

    I need to start meal planning again! If I know what I making for dinner, I don’t have to rush to the store before going home.

  628. Stephanie

    By intentionally unplugging – my world has an expectation of instant response and instant answers thanks to the connectivity of the Internet and our electronic devices. By intentionally unplugging, I am able to refocus on what is most important – have real conversations, reinvigorate relationships, and not feel the need to respond to the chirps and buzzes of electronic devices.

  629. Heather

    I need to keep better track of my time so a planner would help unrush my day!!

  630. Barb

    My husband usually has to give me a gentle reminder that it’s okay to say no to committees and I try to limit myself and the kids to two extra things at a time

  631. Lynda P.

    I start my day with quiet time with God and prayer. Also, making Sundays a time for worship and rest 🙂

  632. Melanie

    I write down 5-6 things on my to do list for the day, then cross out two of them. It gives me space to deal with other things that God may place on my path that day….to pray for someone or to comfort a friend in distress without feeling stressed in the process.

  633. Carissa Anderson

    I am relearning to begin my day with my Heavenly Father and allow him to guide and direct my steps; I am “training” not “trying” to release my worries and cares to him. Keeping my focus on the things that truly matter and letting go of the rest, so that I may find my rest!

  634. Jennie

    This week I started de cluttering and removing excess in our home. Ensuring things have a rightful place saves time as I am no longer frantically searching. Pre-planning meals and prep work is also helping significantly. The Lord has also blessed me with a career I am able to do from my home. Since starting this role earlier this year my work/home life has been so much more balanced!

  635. Cindy fox

    What a great topic. I know I have struggles with this for years and can’t wait to read this book!

  636. Shasta Carbajal

    I need to say no more. My need to please people has put me in yes mode were I am doing to much to often. My family and My kids are more important! I need to focus on them and not others

  637. Wendy Waszkiewicz

    Go for a walk or get some form of exercise early in the day then you can think through your day. Invite God to join you and guide you! Pray for those who are hurting and in need of help and drink in the nature around you. It refreshes and sets the tone for a day full of the Holy Spirit’s prompts.

  638. Michelle Harsant

    I have been working on putting my phone away. This helps me to focus entirely on what I doing, be more productive, and give my daughter the attention she needs and deserves. When I have it with me it is hard not to check Facebook and email and texts every couple minutes.

  639. angie

    I need to remember that my life is in His hands, regardless of how much I plan, stress, or pack in, it will always go according to His will and not mine. Also I try to remember that if I am not making time to be with God in his word and in prayer I am essentially saying that my worldly plans are more important than God! That’s an eye opener for me. Helps me to slow down and rest in Him.

  640. Natalie

    I need to be more diligent in my morning quiet time as I did to wake up and start my morning with a rush which in turn sets the tone for my day.

  641. Susan S

    The best way to unrush me – schedule white space in my day – in pen. Our days tend to move from one thing to another and before you know it there is no wiggle room to account for the “interruptions” that invariably hit our days. White space gives me wiggle room to drop for an hour and talk to the teenager when she wants to talk. White space gives me wiggle room to drop for an hour to play a game while my son still wants me to play a game with him. White space gives me wiggle room to take a deep breath and enjoy the life I’ve been given.

  642. Charrisse

    Just take that moment every morning, completely focus on God. Clear mind and rest in who he is for just a few moments. Gives me an adjusted perspective and pace for the day.

  643. Lori Havens

    When I find myself turning into a rushed, frazzled mess, I need to ask myself if the things I’m stressing about will truly matter in the long run. Will they matter a day from now, a month from now, or a year from now? I sometimes (ok, very frequently) lose sight of the big picture and become bogged down with the small stuff. If my children are happy, healthy, and loved that’s what really counts. The rest can take a back seat — now if I only could remember this in the midst of the chaos!

  644. DD

    When I look to Jesus and The Cross, everything slows down and He shows me what’s important. All the distractions of life become dim in the light of HIs Glory and Grace!

  645. Lauren Dickens

    I need to remember to set aside time everyday to spend just with God , no tv, or distractions just me talking and listening to what He might me trying to do in my life.

  646. Emily Brown

    One way to unrush: think of what I can do today to help others….everything else will fall into place once my priorities are straight.

  647. Serena

    How can I be unrushed? Sometimes I find that my to do list stresses me out. I have found that I don’t always need a to do list and what really needs to get done will get done and if I leave anything out it can be done another day. 🙂

  648. Amanda H

    Fasting from technology will give me the rest I and my family need.

  649. Brandee

    I have learned over the years that the best way for me to stay unrushed is to spend time in prayer and the Word first. Days I don’t, I am overwhelmed and stay stressed. It is amazing how when God is given my time, it seems to extend beyond what it should. I tend to also say yes to things I really do not need to be saying yes to. I am learning to really pray about what I commit to doing and what is truly God’s best.

  650. Amber Groves

    The slowing of life for me comes in counting my blessings and being reminded Who can be counted on. In the writing & counting of the ways He is in my day I am more aware of His presence and on the lookout for what He is doing. It slows my focus on not just what needs to done but what He is already doing & working out for my good.

  651. Tiffany

    Setting aside time with God first thing in the morning helps me be more intentional through out the day with the other choices I make. If not I tend to feel like I’m just on auto pilot, flying from one task to the next. And not packing my day jam full…. giving myself wiggle room to just BE, to love on my family and to enjoy life. Somedays I accomplish this and sometimes I’m praying for the wisdom to get life back on track! 🙂

  652. Shanna

    I think in order to become more “unrushed” I need to evaluate each “yes” and “no” I make more seriously. I am quick to say “yes” to everything and then dreading the things I should have said “no” to, and rushing to do it all. God help me.

  653. Claudia Robinson

    The best way to unrush my schedule is to go to bed early and get up on time.

  654. Adoption Mama

    Yes, seeking Jesus and asking for wisdom on what is important each day.

  655. Cristi Mackey

    A way that I have recently forced myself to become unrushed is on my husband and I’s weekend away anniversary celebration. I am very definitely a planner to the tee. We left for a 3 day/night upper peninsula road trip with no reservations and no agenda!! Just hit the road, drove 1k miles doing whatever the Lord lead us to, and sleeping wherever the Lord allowed (in a tent at a couple campgrounds with openings {and showers, praise Jesus]). It was very unlike me to just ‘wing-it’, but so liberating and refreshing.

  656. Salina Iavarone

    Today I’m refusing to squeeze one more thing in! That “one more thing” is often the thing I’ll hear The Lord say “lay it down, honey”.

  657. Carrie

    Oh, I can unrush by being strong enough to stick to my “no”, by realizing I can do more in the Kingdom when I cram less stuff in His way!

  658. Christin Burris

    I need to prioritize the most important things & learn to say no to the things that I don’t have time for. I want to help as many people as possible, but that usually means I don’t get everything on my list done. I’m so excited about your book 🙂

  659. alison

    I am working on saying No when it needs to be said. I’ve always been a person to please others but that started to get in the way of being pleasing to my Heavenly Father. It took focus from His will and put it on the will of others. That is unacceptable. Daily, He is guiding me through His will for me. His voice is the voice is quiet my heart to hear.

  660. Shelly Chandler

    My best way to not feel rushed is to BE ON TIME! Or better yet, be early. Nothing gets me more agitated at myself or my boys than when we are scrambling around last minute to go somewhere. I find myself yelling my disapproval, sometimes the whole way, to where we are going, and that is a horrible way to leave each other. When we are on schedule with no pressure we usually have the best time, and are laughing together at random silliness.
    So, my goal is to be on time, or be early. I like that momma a whole lot better.

  661. Jill

    Starting the day with quiet time with God can do wonders for helping me prioritize. Also, having time to “regroup” in the middle of the day to relax and think about what is coming up and what needs to be done. Now if only I could be consistent at these things!

  662. Brenda

    I am caught in the place of when, if I say no to the second best for me that there is no one stepping up to say yes…it’s not even about leaving ministry rather not doing it for every service every week.

  663. Kim Ragsdale

    I have been told that I need to say NO more often. Our church like most churches have the “10% who do 90%”. When I say no I often feel guilty, but my physical & mental health, not to mention my marriage sometimes has to come 1st.

  664. Stacey

    I start most days by getting up earlier than is actually comfortable to me & having my alone time & exercising while listening to my favorite Christian music station on the least a good 30 minutes of my own kind of worship. It gives me time to get the blood pumping & seems to make me more focused & I can think clearer for the day.

  665. Shannon

    I need to get organized! I bought a planner yesterday. I need to write down my commitments and start saying no. I am such a people pleaser and I think I can do so much. I end up filling my plate way too full. I have to figure out how to balance and how to graciously say no for the sake of my family. I am so thankful for this book! I can’t wait to get it!

  666. Shari

    I really need to ” unrush” me. To really do that, I need to prioritize what is truly important in my life and then trim that list to just a few realistic and very impactful goals. If my goals are realistic, they should also be manageable. My ” rushing” comes from allowing tasks that are not necessarily meaningful and important to me to get my limited time and attention. If I set very defined activities and not take on additional tasks, I will have time to engage more completely in what I need and want to do.

  667. Amanda

    I can ensure that I get my alone time with God and His Word in everyday, even if it is just 5 minutes in the car! Also, instead of filling up my “found time” i.e. Extra time that hasn’t been scheduled out to be filled with something from my to do list…instead of filling my found time with an additional to do list item or a chore, I can intentionally use it to relax, have some more time with God, or my kids or husband, or call a friend!

  668. Elizabeth

    Picking back up the Bible which I have not does in years. Learning to give it over to Him, and KNOW that He will take care of Me. Which is so hard to remember.

  669. Erin OLaughlin

    I can stop being judgemental of myself and setting high expectations of that I MUST do.

  670. Halona

    I really don’t know how to unrush my schedule. Mostly take a deep breath with my four kids and all my doctors appointments, it is just crazy.

  671. Tori

    Rushing is not the problem for me….It’s being lazy and unmotivated (I also have kidney failure). I very seldom feel rushed or too busy. Instead I waste time on things that are not important and don’t accomplish the things I should be doing. Ugh!

    I need to be more in His Word…much more!

  672. Shannan

    I spend 5minutes each morning meditating with the Holy Spirit. I begin with a short prayer of thanks and then I’m quite while I listen to the voice of the Spirirt telling me whatever He needs me to know for my day.
    It has made such a differnce in the peace and calm I experience during my day. I have a high stress job supplying anesthesia to patients in the operating room and since I began getting up earlier to do my morning meditations I’m able to bring a peace from the Holy Spirit to my patients.
    My husband even started getting up earlier so we can do it together …

  673. allenia

    In the busyness of life set aside time to rest and reflected. and do not try to put to much in one day. Some can wait till tom.

  674. Kelly Gruber

    A way that I can feel unrushed is to give God my time first thing in the morning. He tends to control my spirit better when I do that. 😉 Call on God to help me to handle the busy things of the day and choosing to be joyful in it. No matter what He may bring my way. 😉

  675. Ginny Box

    My life is crazy with trying the keep my household running and taking care of my mom who lives with us. I’m sure God would love for me to take a break and spend some time with him, but I’m not sure how to accomplish this. I definitely need help in this area!

  676. Jackie Brown

    Stop procrastinating….. Oh boy!

  677. Kristen

    My husband tells me that I don’t estimate the proper amount of time things actually take. For instance, I usually think things will take only 5 minutes. But, in reality it’s more like 30 minutes. For this reason, I’m usually late everywhere I go, and always rushing my kids along with me!

  678. Jackie Brown

    I need to stop procrastinating and prioritize!

  679. Jana

    I need to do a much better job of starting my day in God’s word. Amazing but so simple that starting the day that way gives me peace through anything!

  680. Robin Word

    I feel I am going 24/7 and when I do stop I feel I need to do more. I need those moments of unwinding.

  681. natasha Larson

    I need to make a to do list and a time it needs to be done by so Iam not so stressed out and I have more time to relax with my kids not worrying about what I need to get done and just enjoy them.

  682. Sara

    The world will probably still keep turning even if my house isn’t spotless… 🙂

  683. Tina Russell fletcher

    I need to focus on one set day at least to pencil in at least one hour to sit, reflect and journal my thoughts and prayers. I need to learn to slow down and live in the moment and realize that as life may short lived and not knowing what the next will bring to learn to enjoy the moment now instead of then.

  684. Krista

    Naturally quiet time w/God, determining what takes precedent in the day and learning to say “No.” ☺

  685. Chrissy

    I am such a procrastinator! I will leave home at the last possible second to get where I need to be and them I’m rushing or speeding to try to make it on time…which often times I don’t! I would like to try to leave earlier so I’m not putting so much stress on myself.

  686. Jenna Aderhold

    I need to make a to-do list every day and structure my life to more closely fit God’s plan for me, not my plan or the world’s plan for me.

  687. Christine

    Right now, to “unrush my schedule” I really want to mediate each morning that God really does have things in control. I don’t have to rush around with an anxious spirit, and end up feeling exhausted at the end of the day.

  688. Amanda

    Put the to do list aside, the phone aside and take a quiet time to pray and reflect on the word and the day and ask for more of Gods wisdom and discernment in who and what to say yes to… One day at a time.

  689. Elizabeth

    I can stick to and finish my to do lists, and stop procrastinating on them!

  690. Alana

    To “unrush” I will be more conscience of making “me” time- to just stop and spend quiet time with the family- going nowhere and enjoying our time.

  691. Brigitte Casteel

    Taking time to make myself “unrush”– like taking time to enjoy my morning coffee and conversation with my husband and to talk, really talk together about God, our kids, and just stuff. And to pray with and for my husband! united with God all the demands don’t seem to matter in comparison to loving and serving God with all your heart.

  692. Susan Marie

    I can unrush my schedule by giving myself a break from my own expectations. I have been trying to learn that some things will just get done later. I can’t be so driven to make sure that everything is perfect. One thing I can do today is focus on God’s blessings. When I start to think about all the things I “should” be doing, I will stop and thank the Lord for what He’s given me in this very moment.

  693. Cassondra

    I need to reevaluate my priorities so I can cut out unhelpful distractions.

  694. abby

    Limiting my FB time

  695. Donna Ottens

    Offering praise to the Heavenly Father helps me to breathe slowly and “relax”. Can’t praise Him and be tense at the same time!

  696. sue fink

    I have been studying Psalm 46:10and when Jesus told stormy waves to “be still”

  697. Dima Balendran

    Unrush and refresh your self with God <3

  698. Sally

    I need to start journaling again to unwind and think through all of the distractions, discernment’s, opportunities, and blessings that happen in a day. Many times it just feels as if there’s not enough time to do so, but in reality stopping to journal gives me so much more quality time.

  699. Amanda

    We are in the middle of a big move and are overwhelmed. But today I’m going to unrush by popping some popcorn and cuddling with the children!

  700. Liz C

    To unrush? This time of year it’s hard when I go straight from work to football. YET, it forces me to spend two hours sitting on my duff! I can unwind, read and make a plan of attack to what needs done in the most efficient way possible!

  701. Sarah

    Using my car as a prayer mobile! Beginning the day in prayer helps me prioritize the events that will come during the day. I try to focus on talking with God and not let my mind wonder into the busyness of the day.

  702. Linda

    When life seems to get too busy I take a break by driving to the ocean. There is a beach just an hour away. I walk on the beach, or the boardwalk if it’s winter, and then head home. This seems to reset my clock.

  703. wanda

    Just by…letting it go!
    I’ve come to realize, stuff to do can wait!

  704. Regina

    I need to just stop..take a break..relax..even if it is just for 10minutes. I must start somewhere. When I plan then follow through..get a way

  705. Tiffiny Palm

    The best way to unrush myself right now is taking the moment that is right in front of me to spend with Jesus. When I spend even a few moments alone with Him my life doesn’t feel so rushed.
    I can also start looking at what is taking up my time and asking myself, is this important, is this necessary, what do I need to say no to etc? Just trying to do life can feel rushed. I feel that a lot with having 4 kids, being married, serving, trying to keep up with the house. At times it can get overwhelming. I don’t like my life being rushed. I want to get my focus back on what is important.

  706. Laura

    I feel that the more I talk to my Father God throughout the day, the less rushed I feel. It causes me to slow down and raises my awareness of His awesomeness in my world! I may not have fewer things to do but I feel less overwhelmed by life when I’m in coversation with the King over it all.

  707. Lesleann

    I’m keeping my day to day goals realistic, so I can plan to spend time with my baby and family. If it doesn’t get done today, than I can get it done tomorrow!

  708. Jennifer Gray

    When I’m feeling rushed I like to pause, take a deep breath, and say a little prayer.

  709. Sharon

    I have learned to start my day with God. I play soft music till I can feel myself relax. I love a hot cup of tea and I have my back to the rest of the house…Looking out the window at God’s creation. When I take time with Him each morning, He will give me all the time I need for the rest of my day, regardless of how ‘busy’ I think I may be.

  710. Polly

    I am focusing on appreciating each moment that I am in regardless of it being planned or not. Thank you for the daily inspirations

  711. Sarah P.

    Actually do the stuff on my to-do list in the time I have set aside for each thing. I’m great at making the list, I just stink at actually applying myself to the tasks. And ask God to help me get my heart in the right attitude on my Sabbath day, ’cause when I do that, I am much more calm the rest of the week. 🙂

  712. Polly Herrin

    The best way to unrush my schedule is to spend priority time with my God daily. Although it’s opposite of the world’s ideas and philosophies and may even sound cliche’ in the Christian world – it ALWAYS works. Giving Him the first part of every day yields great rewards, I just have to discipline myself to do that and remind myself without His direction, all I do is in vain anyway.

    Thanks for the chance to respond and win! 🙂

  713. Julianna

    I agree with many of the posts here that it’s important to 1) stick to the schedule I have made for getting necessary tasks done and not waiting until the last minute (for me, that’s doing daily homework as I take pre-requisites for nursing school), and 2) making sure I schedule “nothing” time so that I can give my brain and soul time to recover.

  714. Mallory Atkinson

    I just had my first baby on t
    July 4th, and I am learning how to manage life and it’s tasks while caring for my new bundle of joy without feeling over whelmed and frustrated. It is hard to figure out what can wait and what needs to be done. When I do feel over whelmed, I stop and pray for clarity and to find joy in what God has blessed me with.

  715. Niki Hall

    learn to say no…

  716. Beth

    I need to start going to bed earlier and get up earlier.

  717. Kathy Powell

    Strategery is the game plan that I need to work on. While there is and should be some non-negotiables, such as daily devos, I need to realize that flexibility will enhance my ability to keep my focus and my eye on the ‘Prize’—that of being WHO God has called me to be—the BEST me, that follows His leading–not mine!! 🙂

  718. Kim

    The thing I can do right now to “unrush” me is to say “No”. The hardest obligations for me to say No to are the ones involving my church. I feel guilty for not serving, not being a bible study or leading groups. But if I’m stressed and rushed and my schedule is full, then I have nothing to give. I feel like this is a time of rest for me, of spiritual growth, and the way I need to do that is clear my schedule of obligations, including church at this time. I worry too much of what others will think if I stop serving. But the only one I need to worry about is God and hearing His voice. I can’t do that if I’m constantly rushing and not having time to just Be. I need to listen in order to know what his plans are for me and what I can do to glorify Him.

  719. Jackie Johnson

    I need to start my day by saying Jesus out loud and meditating on His Word. That way everything I do after that can go through His filter of Truth!

  720. Lisa

    Start my day with silence and solitude

  721. Lauren Kueny

    I need to force myself to get up early in the AM to have time Jesus, and learn to let Him be “in control” of my decisions, my day, my plans, my life… Learning to release all control and “trust” that God doesn’t dip in and out of our life here and there, but that He’s intricately apart of it ALWAYS giving it 100% of His attention and affections (no matter how small or trivial it may be) is a life free of stress and worry. I love that verse in the bible that says not to worry about tomorrow for today has enough of its own. It’s obvious God knows how controlling and worrisome we all can be. It’s our natural tendency. We don’t “release” things to God. We always have to try it on our own, learn the hard way and then realize we can’t do “anything” in our own strength. It’s exhausting! And we are never truly who we should be when we are over stretched. It’s different when God is stretching us. It’s Holy! But when “we” are spreading ourselves thin carrying and doing things we aren’t being called to by God to do, we are idolizing ourselves/our own lives/ our own agendas/ our own plans over God (whether we are meaning to or not). Life… Running the race at His pace and in His path.
    Letting go and obeying is Hard to do!

  722. Staci Edwards

    Lysa, Yep, I am always rushed, so it seems! I was taking care of my niece and nephew the other day running around to movies, shopping for a meal, etc. and I realized……Wow! how does my sister do this? I don’t have kids and this is insane! What am I complaining about? It was a true reality check for me……I am not THAT busy, like my sister is with kids! Besides the recent reality check, I realize my busy is not my sister’s busy. Since then, I am more aware of how important it is that I just take a breath, make a list, be present and since then, it helps tremondously!

  723. Misty Gray

    I have finally learned, not that both of my children are in high school, that there are some things I feel must be done today that don’t. The laundry will be there tomorrow, but my son and daughter will be gone in a few short years. So, I leave the laundry and go for that run with my daughter or fishing with my son.

    The second thing I am finally learning at 45-years-old that I can say no. I also have an amazing BFF and prayer partner who has been such a blessing and has taught me to pause, think, and pray before I say, “yes.” The praying is the most important part.

  724. Rachel Throne

    I find the best way to instantly unrush myself is to close my eyes, breath deeply, and say Thank You to my Lord and Savior.

  725. Holly Berry

    Prioritize my “need to” and “want to” lists.

  726. Jessica Garza

    I need to understand that it’s ok to not be at every event that is going on. I can be at home with my husband, reading, relaxing and enjoying time with one another. The Lord will show up just by simply resting and enjoying the simple moments.

  727. Rachel E

    Right now I’m trying to put less on our schedule. I have two wonderful boys and I’m trying to teach them to play and enjoy time at home instead of always having somewhere they have to be.

  728. Melissa

    I have decided to be more aware and intentional to just BEING with my kids. They long for peaceful, non-rushed time with me and I too quickly get caught up in the busyness of life and housework and mommyhood. They are growing up too quickly and tomorrow is not promised to anyone. Intentional time with them is something I will NEVER regret.

  729. Dawn

    I will be enjoying he week at the beach to unrush and spend time with the Lord and my family!!

  730. Donna

    Get up before the rest of the house. Spend that time with Jesus……and a cup of coffee!

  731. Brooke Wagner

    I can “unrush,” my life by making sure to take time out daily and worship with my eyes closed and mind focused on God!! Listening to make me strong by Matt Wagner is just what I need to hear and need to lift up praise to our amazing God!

  732. Farrah Jennings

    Making a cleaning schedule, and a meal plan, and sticking to it would un rush me so much!!

  733. Caitlyn Rankin

    The best way to unrush my day is to hand it over to Jesus!

  734. Elizabeth

    First off ask God to help me choose “the best yes”
    Second prioritize. Third realize I can’t so everything or help everyone. I have certain talents God me; these talents will allow me to help others who I can. Which ultimately, I guess , will help me choose “the best yes” 🙂

  735. Katie

    To unrush I think “Will I remember this/will this matter in a week/month/year/10years.” That helps me slow down and do what matters most and take time to appreciate the ones I love.

  736. Ashley Bertram

    As a stay at home mom of two under 2, changing my priorities is huge. Realizing what’s important to do and what can wait till another day would change our rushed environment tremendously.

  737. Dawn Herring

    Jehoshaphat in 2 chronicles 17, was weak in depending on God for day to day plans. I can’t afford to “neglect” God in the “easy” decisions of life. Not rushing into decisions thinking I can control the smaller decisions. Stopping, seeking, praying listening before I go about my day! I’d rather get 1 thing done right in Gods eyes than 10 things done that day done wrongly by rushing!

  738. Amy

    I need to be better at prioritizing my to-dos and anything that isn’t absolutely necessary can be done another time!

  739. Becca Webb

    We loathe a rushed lifestyle. For us it means starting the day with the Lord in prayer, staying home more, and sometimes saying no to “obligations” that aren’t important to our family.

  740. Lisa

    Wow I know all about a rushed life. I was working full time as a nurse under tremendous stress and physical pain when an accident happened and I was unable to work. God brought me to a literal stop. I have had 2 surgeries and hours of pain. I have learned to slow way down and I am not sure what God’s plan is for me but I trust Him!

  741. maggie

    One way I can be unrushed is to not react to a compelled heart. We all have a desire to jump in & help, but not all help is helpful. We may be helping in the wrong areas when maybe God needs us in a different area. Im finding myself in this place asking God where is my help not your help. Thanks Lisa..looking forward to God speaking through your book!

  742. Sonya Spruill

    The best is to start off with meditation first thing. It centers me when I take the first moments of the day to give thanks and be grateful. The rest of my flows smoothly when I do that.

  743. Steffani

    I will try to place aside 15 minutes per day to have stillness and peace and speak with the Lord, pray and give thanks!

  744. Jessica

    If I didn’t homeschool

  745. Michelle

    Sometimes we simply have too much in our schedule. We may need to say no to something, someone so that we aren’t so rushed.

  746. Caitlyn Foxhoven

    I am new to this – grew up Christian and have never left the church. Until recently, though, my heart was not in it 101%. Now I am realizing that in order to be the kind of woman I long to be – a Proverbs 31 woman – I need to focus on doing less things better, not more things faster. When you can learn that (and it’s not easy, trust me), the “unrushing” feeling will follow.

  747. Sharon

    You are such a blessing! Your blogs are always right on time! God bless you n your ministry.

  748. Jodi Shultz

    The best way to unrush? For me, it is starting my day in unrushed fellowship with my Heavenly Father. Sitting in His presence, talking with my Savior and reading His word…this time fills up my heart and spirit with more of Him and less of me. I can feel His calming presence with me all day- He helps me be the best version of myself! On the days that I rush through this time or miss it completely, I feel crazy, rushed and quickly become a not-so-pleasant version of myself.
    He is my calm in the midst of the wild. He is my peace in the midst of the storm… He is my unrushed in the midst of the rushed. Thank you, oh my Father!

  749. Tiffany

    Sometimes we need to take a step back and realize what it is that’s important. Our family! This is something I am currently working on in my life. I spend too much time at work and bring it home with me. So here’s learning how to say no & disconnect from work when I leave.

  750. Kate Insley

    As the mommy of two under 2, there is so much in my life that needs to be unrushed and so many reasons to right now! I’m trying to learn to be here an be now and not the thousand other things that grab at me, but it’s not a 20 min lesson

  751. Allison Jones

    I’m learning that sometimes the most loving thing I can do for my family (and myself) is just say no!

  752. Stacy

    A simple way got me to unrush my schedule is to say no to procrastination!!!

  753. Stephanie Hanes

    One way I have found to avoid being rushed and always busy is to schedule free days where we have no plans – usually at least one or two days during the week. It helps that my kids all still nap too, because we really can’t go more than a day or two without naps, which forces us to slow down and rest most days.

  754. Dana Williams

    With 3 girls that God has blessed me with I have had it heavy on heart to stay home and raise them to be three Christian women someday. It is hard to leave the working world when I feel like I worked so hard to get my degree and my licenses and it took so many hours but I know that God is giving me peace and that this what I’m supposed to do. I look forward to spending more time at home and more time developing their hearts for Jesus. And I have no doubt that God will be developing mine as well. I don’t want to add too much our plate and I need to prioritize what’s important and thinking my head “is this something that impacts the eternal life”. Excited for my new adventure and will be getting the book for sure!

  755. jenn

    I am constantly rushing. I need to do more planning ahead and changing my mindset!

  756. Amy Stierwalt

    What a great time of year for this book to come out as school is starting and every school/children’s program wants my time!

  757. Leah

    Sometimes I think that I like having a rushed life because it leaves less “down time” to think about everything that really isn’t right in my world. But I have to realize that sometimes, I just need to take a step back and know that God is in control and to spend time with Him first and foremost.

  758. Jill Rawles

    Being unrushed means being more orgainized so I can spend less time frazzled figuring out where I have to be or what I have to do and when.

  759. Le Anne Pietrantonio

    I’m starting every morning with prayers. It’s slowing me down for the rest of the day.

  760. Lindsey

    Remind myself that it’s ok to say no

  761. Heather

    I need to make time for God!

  762. Delia Garrett

    Sometimes we have to just ” be still and know he is God”.

  763. Karen

    I truly wish I knew a simple way……… my life seems controlled by everyone elses expectations……. I have been praying for God to speak to my heart with great clarity……… I hope you can help me find the Godly answers!

  764. Ann : )

    Get up before anyone else – spend time in scripture/prayer – Limit my to do list usually to 3. Can always add more later if time and energy permit.

  765. Carolyn

    I”m looking forward to reading your new book. The Lord led me to a season of rest.
    It’s so easy to get busy even when it’s in ministry. I minister in dance and part of the dance ministry at my church, God has opened many
    Doors to minister I actually had an opportunity to minister with project dance Jerusalem recently, what a blessing and a privilege!

  766. Mandy

    Just turn off my cell phone and the noise.

  767. Donna Torrado

    When intake my quite time in the morning it helps me unrush. I have started to take some quite time at lunch when I don’t have an appt and that helps with the unrushing also. It ces down to hungering for learning more of God & what He has called me to do.

  768. Amanda

    Prioritizing my quiet time studying God’s Word and in prayer seeking God’s will for my life. The more scripture I commit to memory, and apply to my life… the more at peace I am. Meditating on His Word throughout my day REALLY makes a huge difference in our home, and in my heart!

  769. Jennifer X

    I can unrush my life by making a visit to my friends and their child.

  770. whimzie

    Be in the moment instead of hurrying to whatever’s next on my list.

  771. whimzie

    Be in the moment instead of hurrying to whatever’s next on my list.

  772. Jaclyn

    Wait there is a life that is calm and relaxed?! 🙂
    everyday I feel like I am going through life 100 mph! And it only gets faster when my huband deploys and and goes TDY, along with the home schedule I upkeep as a “single parent” while my husband is gone I have to add me time, things I love to do and that’s Volunteering at my church! They tell me I’m doing too much and Ill get burned out soo. But honestly I’m loving every second. I am the type of person who is naturally scheduling my day like a busy bee, I can’t sit still for long.but I never get that second to stop and review it all, sure I am thankful every night before I lay myself to sleep and pray! But have I really, really stopped and just had quiet time to soak in what god is doing in this beautiful life he has given us? his work in everything i do ? All the blessings he has given my family and friends? No and that’s what I want to start doing, the last year has been challenging but with god by my side it’s been a blessing. I need to stop more and focus in now and today and the moment we are in! I enjoy reading your daily devotions! I feel as though almost every single one of them just speak out to me like it’s just for me and that’s the blessing of devotions! Everyone can relate and they can share with others!! I hope I can do the same in our ministry here In japan while we are here !

  773. Emily Howard

    I find it very hard to slow down, but I could injury my life more by saying no to some things as well as spending more time in God’s Word.

  774. Ashley

    I will give myself 5 minutes every morning just to breathe!

  775. Victoria

    With a 3 month old and a 22 month old, sometimes the only way for me to feel unrushed is to place bare feet in the grass, turn my face to the sun, and breathe for a few minutes!

  776. Katie

    Waking up and spending the firsts of my day with Jesus is one way I can feel Unrushed! It helps me to focus in on what He wants in my life so I can take out the ugly that makes me feel rushed!!

  777. Gina

    Only take my daughter to the most important karate classes each week…rather than think I need to take her to every single one available!! Life can be very busy…I don’t need to add unnecessary stress to it.

  778. Alyssa Davis

    I can unrush by making myself breathe more deeply and actually slowing down my frantic walking pace.

  779. Kari Schmidt

    Stop – take a breath, be still ….make that choice before I barrel headlong into my day!!

  780. Lisa Marie Pappalardo

    What I do right now I wake up at 7am turn on the today show very low volume and then I rest in bed reading your emails from your blog sipping my Tea. I thank God for all of my blessings ,shower and go to work at 8:45! I keep RUSH out of my life!!

  781. Melissa Harris

    With 3 children, homeschooling, and everything that goes along with my many jobs as a wife and mother I have started to try taking a day an just enjoy where we are. I am learning to say no to things that take up too much time from my family.

  782. Montessa Lengefeld

    I have had to learn to not give an answer for something right away, even when the answer is being demanded urgently. I have found in most cases it could have waited and then I could have been able to see what answer should have been given. Often my yes answer was the poor choice. If it can’t wait, then I say no.

  783. Molly Helms

    To stop putting off making decisions. If I deal with everything as it comes up, then I will (almost) never be working from behind, but will always be on top of things. Make a decision and move on to the next.

  784. Becky

    Took many years to learn to not rush. My daughters are grown, but I remember many days of “have to” rushing to get through life. We took care of my elderly grandparents/parents. Great memories. Thank goodness I remembered then to only allow minimal amounts of “activities”. I look at today’s families and think of time they are missing on their growing up. I thank God everyday for our lives and times together. Great, sweet memories. Can’t wait for my copy to read.

  785. Angela Roberts

    Rushing. . . that’s just what a mom does. I have been rushing more this summer to fill it with quality fun time with my daughter (7) before school starts (her 2nd grade, me teaching.) Well, I’ve been trying to tie my needs/wants with my girl’s needs/wants. Example working out at the YMCA followed by pool time. Bonus, fellowshipping with other Jesus girls from church by meeting them at the Y to workout then all kids at pool.
    Knowing that I need to slow down to have time with God, He led me to facilitate a women’s bible group on Wednesday nights. It creates a purposeful Jesus reading time throughout week followed by a discussion with other ladies (and little girl enjoys her time in Children’s Church with her Jesus friends.)

  786. Catherine

    I think I need to realize that just because something is good, I don’t need to do it. I need to step back and let others step in and be a part, so that I’m not always overwhelmed with too much to do all in my own. I need to pray more and let God lead me into what He would have me do.

  787. Carrie

    I need to begin saying “no” more often. Not just to allow moments of quite reflection for myself or so I am not feeling overwhelmed, but to allow God to work through others. Others who have talents and abilities not yet tapped into because I may be standing in their way finishing the task ahead of them. Allowing God to work through the journey of others!

  788. Andrea

    I need to get a routine in place so I can be more organized and less rushed…especially as I get ready to start homeschooling this fall!

  789. Ann

    I’m going off of social media for a whole day (and let me tell you I’m taking a big breath as I type this)! I realize I rush to get things done at the end of the day because I’ve wasted too much time on my phone. So- I’m going to do my work today “unrushed” without going to my phone every little bit! Wish me luck!

  790. Jennifer Kelley

    I need to learn to say “no” with love and to delegate more household stuff to my husband. I’ve always felt a need to take care of everyone and everything myself and that’s not done me any good at all.

  791. Amanda

    The best thing I can do right now to unrush me is to say no a lot more. I have this problem with thinking I have to say yes to everything that everyone asks of me and God is teaching me that saying “no” to things that take me away from my family, my husband and most importantly Him are ok and sometimes very necessary. Its ok if I am not a superwoman! That is why I need Christ because I can’t do everything.

  792. Amber M.

    I am a “rusher” being un-rushed sounds so refreshing 🙂

  793. Jackie

    The best way for me to unrush my schedule is journal and ask Jesus what He wants me to do.

  794. Shannon

    Working full time with three small kids is “rush” enough but on top of that with activities and planned events and trying to be that mom involved with everything it becomes too much! Over the last several months it all came crashing down on me as I battled a nerve disorder that mimicked MS. This made me stop dead in my tracks and for two weeks I went to bed an hour early every night, cut out all events for myself, I got off the computer and phone and we took two weekends with the kids and literally did not leave the house we cancelled events and just stayed home rested, played and watched movies, no stress and no pressure to do anything. I immediately started feeling better. Now I consult God through prayer with every commitment I make outside of my normal everyday responsibilities. God was telling me to stop! My kids will remember these two weekends at home just playing and being together than they will the rush of birthday parties, practices and events.

  795. Brittany

    I will take time to evaluate the things in my schedule and only continue to do the ones that point me towards God. This will allow me to let go of things such as social media or other things taking time of showing others God’s love through me. I will praise God throughout the day and look/listen for God throughout the day!

  796. Grace Jones

    My husband and I got three new foster kids a week ago. So currently I am “unrushing” my schedule by making naptime/resting time a priority to my two young princesses. So maybe it is watching Dora while we rest or rocking the youngest while she falls asleep… I am taking time to unrush!

  797. Shannon

    Just by being okay with saying “no”. I tend to always say yes and try to fit in whatever I say yes to even if it means compromising.

  798. Christina Nelson

    When my 7-year-old asks me to play, I make a decision to PLAY! 🙂

  799. Angie

    To UnRush my schedule, I need to take a few minutes every week to make a schedule for the entire family. That way we can see what is a “HAVE” to, what is a “Maybe” and what we can cut out. Our lives are so rushed with daily things that if we do not take time to be family and relax our lives will sprial out of control.

  800. Carrie Barfels

    For me, having a plan of action and To Do list is essential, but if I don’t bathe it in prayer my priorities can get skewed and the rush and stress can get the better of me…I always find more time and a less rushed feeling when I stop and give God my time and my day!

  801. Mickey smith

    If I start my day with prayer and read my bible
    I’m on God’s time. And it slows me down and I look for Him. Not my own interests

  802. Jennifer Varnadore

    A good way to unrush my life would be to help delegate things I don’t have time for to others who do, like household chores.

  803. LauraLee Moore

    Just getting to bed earlier so I’m not so tired in the morning….that makes me hit the snooze button too many times and that starts the domino effect of why I’m always running around rushing, rushing, rushing…..

  804. Cara Herrin

    Wake up 10 minutes earlier to clear my mind and hear what God has planned for me as I take on the new day.

  805. Terri. Thome

    I steal little segments of time throughout the day, even
    if us only 10 mins. to talk to God. I usually save all
    my serious business with Him until later in the
    evening, when I know I won’t get distracted.

  806. Kaitlyn

    I always wish I could consistently wake up earlier to exercise because I know I’ll be too tired in the evening and a crisp morning walk to take in the fresh air always help me find a place to be alone with God and to feel so calm and peaceful as I start my day.

  807. Shellie taylor

    I would rush to be consistent in my lack of worry and increase in trust!

  808. Michelle Watts

    Be intentional about saying the three word prayer….Lord unrush me.

  809. Katrina Redman

    God had to actually use an illness to get me to unrush my life. I’m having to learn to say no to so many things. Difficult when your DNA is set to serve and help others.

  810. Erica

    Taking a deep breath when I’m feeling overwhelmed make me feel better. Also helps me feel God’s presence which is all I need!

  811. Rachel

    I can spend less time on the internet

  812. Liz

    By jotting down the blessings in my day, I stop long enough to reflect and praise God. The more we praise Him, the more blessed we are. This requires intention focus. Being intentional is a discipline of the spirit.

  813. Jessica Midkiff

    Schedule time in the morning to spend with the Lord in prayer. Start the day off right!

  814. Tracy

    I was just having a similar conversation last night with a new friend I met at bible study. She was discussing how Jesus’ culture (and really many non-American cultures) was event-based rather than time-based. Relationships matter more than productivity (which is a good lesson for a task-oriented person like me!). For me, maybe a slower pace and getting less done is actually getting MORE done eternally. I would like to be more event and relationship focused instead of time-focused. 🙂

  815. Janette Nieves

    To unrush when it see s that I’m always rushed, I as soon as I arrive home, I light a candle in tne living room and just quietly sit and begin to worship and wait quietly to hear the sweet small voice of the one who longs for me…..Jesus

    • Mindy Jackson

      Put away distractions like all the social media and tech things that actually take up more hours in my day and make me then feel rushed. Go back to days when there weren’t as many things/distracitons tempting me for my time! Make each moment count and savor it while God is the cnetral part.

  816. Monica

    Look my children in the eyes more often.

  817. Tera

    Getting up a few minutes earlier to exercise and spend time in the Word.

  818. Catherine McVey

    I am 30 weeks pregnant and this has proved to be the best solution to un rushing! I take time every day to lie down and pray and connect with God. Similarly when I am woken early in the morning or during the night by karate chops from my baby, I relish the time with God, it’s precious time.

  819. Steph

    Stop trying to do it all. Constantly trying to put up a front of perfection and balance, trying to prove that I CAN do it all, to prove that I am “good enough” me running around like a wild thing behind the scenes. Learn to say no to opportunities. Prioritize.

  820. Lynda

    Whenever you have free moments, even in the car, waiting for an appt.- sit quietly and pray, handing over to God all that is on your mind, laying your worries and anxieties down. Staying still for the moment and not trying to fit in more; even through thoughts..

  821. Alexis

    How exciting! Congrats! 🙂

    I would love to win! 🙂

  822. Sarah

    Just stop and take breath and enjoy the peace!shut the door enjoy your cuppa and still your mind. Sounds good but hard sometimes to achieve in the whirlwind of daily lives. I saw a poster once with a man sitting on a bench plugged into his headphones with the bible opened and all around him people were rushing around it was all hazy it looked like the world had stopped for him that’s how it should be.

  823. Caroline

    An easy way that I have found to unrush is when my husband gets home from work we take a few minutes to sit down and talk about our days and then discuss the plan for the evening. It’s a good way to connect and helps us work together on stuff instead of just doing our own thing for the rest of the day.

  824. RikkiLee

    Best way for me to unrush is learn to say no, let my no be my no and my yes be my yes.

  825. Tracy Alderson

    I need to refocus, and let it sink in that many of the tasks I have may be important, but not urgent. Do the urgent things first, the others can wait. I need to schedule time for God, myself, and others. Somehow I often run out of time before I get to “me”. That’s about to change.

  826. Renee Cornelius

    Fill the house with praise music and my mind with his word.

  827. Brenda

    By unplugging from social media.

  828. Karolee Ferguson

    I practice unrushing each day at breakfast so that, when I look at the day’s To Do List of what’s ahead, I don’t get stressed out!! Spending time in prayer fills my cup!!!

  829. Barbara Pearson

    I put the big rocks in the jar first, then stones, then pebbles, then sand. God first, husband 2nd, job, then children. When I reverse these priorities, I would spend all day on my children and accomplish little else. When I seek God first, I have time for everything else. It’s trite but true.

  830. sophie

    I have just pre ordered your book! cannot wait. I watched the first session of the bible sutdy and I really enjoyed it. right now I am thinking of taking some time away from my hobby and from blogging so I can spend more time with my family.

  831. Jamie Gregory

    I sat on the edge of the bed, exhausted to even start my day. The LORD impressed upon me to do 3 things.
    Put all my busyness, chores, demands, desires, hobbies, etc into 3 categories. 1. Must do. 2. Want to do. 3. Can wait to do Don’t forget my family and make HONEST assessments.

    Choose 3 things that are vital to my overall well being. 1. Family. 2. Spiritual growth/discipleship 3. Quilting. Fit those into my groups above.

    If something comes up that doesn’t involve those areas, I have to reconsider doing it.

    I want to fall deeper in love with Jesus without feeling guilty by crash coursing my bible studies or quiet times.

  832. Jennifer Edwards

    The best way to unrush is to be grateful for all the good things I have in my life today. Forgiveness for the past, gratitude for the present and hope for the future,

  833. Jackie Hughes

    Just say NO and stay home all day. Thanks for the chance to win

  834. marie

    I have learned that when I am feeling overwhelmed by life it is best to say to others that I wish I could but I cannot at the moment.

  835. Kirsten

    Stop comparing!

  836. Heidi

    I just moved to a new state and fill rushed all the time. One way to “Unrush Me” would be to realize that everything does not need to be done at once. I need to take time to sit down and read my bible, pray and play with my kids. I can not wait to order your new book!!!! I would love to win the beautiful necklace. It is a great reminder to slow down each day 🙂

  837. Liz

    I would “unrush me” by putting down digital distractions and spending more time in the Word, listening for God to whisper beneath the noises in my head.

  838. Jill Clouse

    Would love a copy of your new book!

  839. Amanda Evans

    Delegate to others in my family, ask God to prioritize my day and always make time to bless others.

  840. Aanna Johannes

    I would “unrush” by not wasting so much time on social media. It sucks me in and then I get behind and stressed about the other things I have to do.

  841. Patricia

    I have learned that it is okay to say no to some things. I can’t help everybody with everything even if I want to.

  842. Sarah

    I’m so totally not good at this, but to unrush myself, put the electronics down, turn off the TV, and just sit and read the Word. While I’m still awake. I too easily fall into the “I’m so tired, nothing I read will stick right now” trap, but if I take time out earlier in my day, I won’t get so distracted, and that excuse no longer holds. Another big thing I can do to unrush myself is to ask for help (another thing I’m really not good at…). Too often, I feel like everything rests on my shoulders when it really doesn’t. I can ask others for help, but I can also go to God, since His yoke is easy and His burden is light (which sounds so fabulous right now!).

  843. Kim

    Delegate some responsibilities and chores at home would help me, as well as getting everything organized and in it’s own place.

  844. Mariko

    I think the best way for me to unrush would be to realize everything doesn’t have to be done right then.

  845. Jenifer

    I’ve been going through my schedule and responsibilities and seeing where I can delegate and where I need to cut back.

  846. Maureen

    Turn off devices and unplug! Sit outside, away from distractions. And practice, out loud, “no”! 😉

  847. Elizabeth

    With two little kids and the natural tendency of being a night owl I have to force myself to sleep earlier to not feel rushed from the word go in the morning. Definitely tough to give up that me time in the evening…

  848. Shirri

    This could not have come at a better time for me! Thank you Lysa from the bottom of my heart! May your ministry continue to be blessed! I’ve been overwhelmed to tears lately. I feel that if I say “No” that I will hurt and disappoint people. So no matter what the cost to me, I can’t find the words to say “no.” But this fills me but so much hope!

  849. Michele

    I wish I knew how to unrush. I’ve suffered from approval addiction and need to be liked lesions my whole life! Being a single mom and an elementary school teacher doesn’t help that any. The closest I come to unrushing, is when my son (9) asks to pray with me. Although I often think of all I have to do, I know that I am sending him the wrong message if I don’t stop and do it. Usually, by the end of the often short prayer, I realize I needed it more than he did! Looking forward to reading your book someday and trying the sample.

  850. Cristy

    For years I have purposed to get up early and spend time with the Lord. Admittedly my mind is not always quiet and I don’t always remember what I’ve read. I still make this time but I am also learning to look for God daily, hourly, moment by moment. I don’t want to miss Him and the awesome things He is constantly doing. I also write down these Innumerable Gifts as often as I see them. Recognizing God in the everyday (even the difficult) brings great JOY and helps me live each moment the way He wants me too. 🙂

  851. Lynda Guinnee

    to “unrush” get up when I should or get up EARLIER ! 🙂

  852. Tina

    Isn’t the “need to please disease” really a self-esteem issue? If you know who you are and feel good about yourself (and as an extension, how you are living your life), saying yes or no to other people’s projects and agendas for you isn’t going to have so much power over you. Believing what God has done for you and who God says you are is very soul satisfying. (I’m thinking of Romans 8 as an example).

  853. Lisa Bekkering

    If I just step back and realize what is more important, it would be a way to calm me. Looking outside for a minute or two always helps clear my head.

  854. Jennifer Robbins

    One way I could unrush my life is to learn how to say no to somethings. I feel that if I don’t say yes that people are going to talk bad about me.

  855. Yvette

    Just say yes to a 5-10 minute sit down ALONE to just take in the silence of all things around us. It is very peaceful and calming.

    Thank you

  856. Lindsay

    Quit my job????? I wish 🙂 Stay off the phone. Ugh.

  857. M

    My best unrushed moment is in that last minute on the phone with my husband when he says “I love you I need you I want you I Miss you” and I repeat it, then he says “sleep well”, I answer “In your arms” and he finishes with “always”. Then the phone hangs up automatically. This confirms what we know, no matter how the conversation went.

  858. Angela clevenger

    Getting a firm grip on the “Yes” monster. God has shown me that he wants more structure for me- that includes scheduling unrushed moments! Sounds paradoxical but, hey, who am I to argue with the Creator of the universes?

  859. Holly Westberry

    My un rush moment would be is to go into a corner or closet or a dark place a cry bc I can’t cry in front of my kids or boyfriend! See if I do in front of them or others Noone wants to be with me

  860. Tracey A

    Every morning I try and get up and thank the Lord right away. I also try to add prayer in while jogging and that reminds me that my life with him Is first. It makes realize that I should slow down and recognize him In all ways. Thank you for helping to remind me of this too! You are an inspiration. Thanks for passing it on.

  861. Emily Long

    I can unrush my day by not focusing on the house being picked up at every minute. I can wait until later in the evening and have the kids help.

  862. Kathy

    I try and schedule ‘unrushed moments’ throughout the day. It starts as I wake up, listen, breathe and Thank God. Get my coffee and my devotional for the day and listen. During my commuttee, take a breath, and Thank God and bless us all for a productive day. At my desk that I do my job successfully. And finally, on my way home, Thank God that the day went well and reflecting on who helped me, or made me laugh or smile and if I was able to do the same.

  863. Mary

    My best un rush time is first thing in the morning, my kids are grown and out of the house and my husband works third shift so I am alone when I wake up most days. I enjoy the quiet of the house where I can drink a cup of coffee and plan or prepare for the day ahead.

  864. Mary

    Great time in the morning when I am alone to prepare for the day

  865. MomeeGo (Trish Luberda)

    The best way I find to unrush my days are to turn off the phone (actually all electronics for that matter) and sit in silence, or get on my knees for a marathon pray session & conversation with our maker. If the timing just won’t allow for that then I instinctually pick up a daily devotional book and read a verse of encouraging. No ifs, ands or buts about it, Lysa TerKeurst you are by far my favorite contemporary Christian author because you are so down-to-earth and real to my everyday life and struggles. I would reach for one of yours without a doubt :-)!

  866. Jennifer

    One thing I do that I realize has unrushed me is to go into my children’s bedroom while they are still asleep in the morning and before awakening them just take a moment to look at their faces and realize how special they are and how blessed I am to be their Mom. It makes me appreciate them and thank God for them despite the daily struggles of parenting.

  867. Wendy

    The best way I try to unrush is to sit at the table after a meal and just relax and let my food settle and talk with whoever is still there. I try not to hop up and be on to the next thing right away.

  868. Annalaine

    Unrush by waking up extra few minutes to get prepared in the morning by starting with the Word, exercise and get my kids ready to school and then to work

  869. Amy

    waking up before my child wakes up and enjoying a few solitary moments before the day starts

  870. nikki adams

    I can unrush by living in the now instead of for tomorrow.

  871. Lisa

    I have my two grown children and three grandchildren (ages 7,5 and 3 moths) so I’m finding it super hard to unrush throughout the day! I have a problem where I try to please everybody, but myself! I think if I could work on that it would help tremendously with my overwhelmed feeling! Hopefully your new book will help with that!!

  872. Amber Clawson

    To unrush I must realize He is God and I am not. His timing is always better than mine. So I must make time for friends and family and remember God is always in control.

  873. Kim Thomas

    Oh how I have been trying to find the keys to slowing down and stopping the rushing around. It is a battle that I wage every day!

  874. Susan

    I need to “unrush” by not feeling like I have to say yes to every thing. Which would allow me to slow down for the moments that need to enjoyed.

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