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Holy Land – The Upper Room and His Prayer for You There

April 17, 2014

“The Teacher asks: ‘Where is the guest room, where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?’ He will show you a large upper room, all furnished. Make preparations there… When the hour came, Jesus and his apostles reclined at the table. And he said to them, ‘I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. For I tell you, I will not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God.'”

Luke 22: 11, 12, 14-16

Jesus' Prayer for You at the Upper Room

They ate together. They drank together. They experienced Jesus’ last supper together.

All 4 Gospels give an account of this Last Supper. Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22, and John 13-17.

But I like studying this event as recorded by John the most since he was most thorough.

There was so much we could focus on in studying what happened in the upper room. I treasure reading about these last moments of Jesus with His friends. But at the same time, my heart aches as I read them. He knew all that was about to happen to Him. He knew.

John records so much that happened on their last night together. There was the washing of the disciples’ feet. Jesus tells them about His plans to prepare a place for them. He promises the Holy Spirit.

Then He prays. For Himself. For the disciples.

And then for you and me.

As I reread the account of what happened on this night, the fact that He prayed for us… you and me… in these final moments, astounds me.

I need to read what He prayed. Even more importantly, I need to live what He prayed.

“… May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me,” (John 17:23)

May those of us who He brought to complete unity let the world know about Jesus and His love.

Unity. Love.

That’s what He prayed. But is this what we live?

Do I see unity and love in the way Christians speak about one another online?

Do I see unity and love in the way I handle frustrations?

Do I see unity and love in the way I process people who think differently than me?

Do I see unity and love between pastors and churches and denominations?

Sometimes I do. But heartbreakingly, many times I don’t.

If I don’t see what should be the defining marks for us Christians, what must the onlooking world think?

Jesus' Prayer for You at the Upper Room

The last words John records of Jesus praying to the Father in the upper room were these, “I have made you known to them, and I will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them,” (John 17:26).

This Easter, might we each choose to redefine what unity and love looks like in our lives. We honor Him when we live His prayer.

As a special Easter giveaway, I will pick 3 winners to each receive a rock that I brought back from the Holy Land. I’ll write a note explaining why I chose this rock and include it in your package if you are one of the winners.

To enter, leave me a comment below telling me how you will seek to live Jesus’ prayer for unity and love more authentically this week.

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  1. Beth

    This past year has been nothing short of exhausting and overwhelming. This Easter, I am reminded that although my world can seem chaotic and cruel at times, there are so many people around me who are also facing trials of their own. I used to be very patient, loving and empathetic, but have let the world creep in and tell me that my problems are more urgent than those of others, leading me to focus more on myself and my burdens than loving and serving others. In an effort to bring love and unity back into my life, I plan to put my problems on the back burner and begin looking out at those around me with loving eyes and a loving heart once again, realizing that this life was never meant to be walked alone.

  2. Garrett Soulen


  3. Lana

    I will seek to live out unity and love in marriage at all times. Its easy when things are going well…but from now on I will be more intentional of seeking unity and love when my marriage is messssssyyy!!

  4. Chris Carter

    I swear, I don’t sit at the computer waiting for your post! HA! It just seems I am right there when it comes in my inbox! Too funny. I feel a bit stalker-ish. Don’t worry! I promise I’m not creepy!! Onward….

    Lysa…. you speak my HEART! Thank you for this. Truly.

    I am sharing this all over the place. It feels like this resonates so much with my recent post. Oh, how I love how God weaves together messages that prove to be so powerful, and so personal.

    Praying for unity. For His Light to not be hidden in the shadows of this world. For each believer to rise to their calling to nourish unity, choose love, and honor His Grace.

  5. Loree Van Gelder

    I will pray for God to use me as a light to shine & show Him to those I meet. I will smile, be patient & helpful. I show grace not frustration to those that are rude or impatient.
    It is my dream & prayer to someday travel to the Holy Lands myself, I have a great hunger in my soul to walk where Jesus walked & learn more about Him in the places the events actually happened.

  6. Julie Salva

    It’s so funny that you wrote about this……I just taught this very verse to a young adult class at Community tonight! Our class of “still cool, yet older adults”….is partnering with a young 20’s class… the unity of young and “not quite as young” in the body. We were discussing Passion Week, and one of the girls asked what we thought Jesus was thinking as the time drew near. Being able to share this verse…..He was thinking about you….and me….brought a MOMENT to the room. #reallove #realtruth

  7. Kristi

    Thank you, Lysa, for your dedication and incredible insight. I’ve recently discovered your blog and follow you on Instagram. I’m thrilled to be able to reflect on your words along with the Bible as I facilitate a women’s group and help to coordinate weddings at my church. As you can imagine, there are times when details are missed or communications break down. It’s easy to become frustrated and yet, essential to practice extending grace to others during these slip ups. After all, we’re not perfect and we’re supposed to be working as a team. So, my goal is to do a better job of being more patient and extending grace to those that I encounter each day…displaying unity and love!

  8. Robin

    Recently our family was led away from the congregation I was led to God through. We had been there for over 9 years. I fought it for as long as I humanly could. God led us to a congregation that is more Spirit led. This was a very difficult decision for me. But His answer He is clearly reminding me & using me to share with others is… we, the people are the church, the building is only a building. Recently I was blessed to be in the audience when you shared the wise woman story out of 1 Samuel. Which God used to open my heart. Then I met you…. you shared that you always look for a sweet, comfy audience face… And at this event mine was yours!!!

  9. Jenny

    Oh … The battle for more of him and less of me … Daily, hourly minute by minute. Refine me …

    • Debi J Holliday

      Jenny – my heart cries out that same prayer! I worked with molten silver and can see the “dross dancing” under the heat of the refiner’s flame……so glad that the His love gently refines us and we can dance too!

  10. Anne Marie

    Recently my father was killed in a car accident by a negligent driver, my mother suffered a traumatic brain injury along with other physical injuries. My life became so overwhelmingly busy that it has caused me to lose weekly communication with my small group and has caused me to lower my expectations of others so that I am not disappointed. It has caused me to stop worrying about everyone else because worrying about my Mom and my family has been too much. For lent I took a break from posting scripture on social media and reading others. Although I think this break is a positive one for me to focus on mourning and caregiving, I feel disconnected and no longer an instrument that shows God’s promises to others. I want that back. I need to and will focus on speaking/writing about God’s truth to others.

  11. Cindy

    Our weekend Easter celebration will include two very elderly mothers (each with a walker), one of which we have had a very contentious relationship with, uncles, nephews, our 4 grown children, spouses and a grandchild. And three dogs. Who have never met each other. In a small three bedroom ranch house. Staying overnight. Love and unity MUST be our guiding focus this weekend, or I might end up throwing rocks! Lord have mercy.

  12. Kelly

    I desire to live and breathe and walk his truths. That I would always be a light by loving God and others.

  13. Lisa Langley

    What a beautiful picture…Christians being in unity. Can you imagine what the world would look like if we were? I just finished studying Matthew and my church just finshed a two year journey through Luke….so this is fresh on my heart this Easter season. I want to look at people the way Jesus does. Not through my sinful, worldly, judgemental eyes, but through the eyes of someone who has spent time with Jesus. I want to make a conscience effort have my words and deeds reflect Him and stop wasting time on trying to be ‘right’ or proving my point. Love is more important than that!
    Thank you Lysa for sharing your Holy Land experience with us-

  14. Valerie Biver

    You hit a great point tonight, something that was already plaguing me. Thank you! This has been something that I struggle with, being more confident in discussing Jesus with those I don’t know. We can’t have unity without bringing others together for our love of Jesus. And this week, I have had several opportunities to spread the word. It was awesome and felt so amazing to let go of that fear. I know now this is something that need to happen every day. It is something as Christians we hear about doing so often; yet actually accomplishing this is a challenge for too many.

    With love, God has brought our family to the most amazing place. To have everyone else love Jesus as We do, To share that love and remembering to practice it no matter what— a challenge when it involves conflict, fear, outside influences and so much more. The word and emotions, actions will be shown to all.

  15. Abbey

    You are such a inspiration! You speak truth in love from a place so easy to relate to. Not as if you have it all together but are along for the journey with us. Thanks for sharing your experience in the Holy Land. To seek to fulfill Jesus prayer for unity I will try to see others through Christs eyes. Through eyes of love and forgiveness. I will remember that Jesus died for us while we were imperfect sinners and I am to love others in the same way. To love without condition. To love with all my heart. It is powerful to know The Lord loved us so much that he knew what was coming and he still chose that path. He could have saved himself but, then he couldn’t have saved me. He choose me! He chose all of us! That is the type of love we should pass along!

  16. Amber Nixon

    Rhis week I will choose to feel the love God has shown us by sending His son to die on the cross for us so thay while we were still sinners Christ died for us. For US! That alone takes my breath away knowing that someone died for you and me so that we could be saved from hell and have enternal life with God just by believing and accepting Jesus Christ into our hearts and living in His Word. Amazing!

  17. Angie

    Thank you for your post and all you do for God’s kingdom and people. This week I will be intentional about seeking unity in my marriage. We are working through some hard times. “Love” has been the word that God has continually given me over and over this year. And without love there will not be “unity.” I want to be a better wife, not just for my husband, for the glory of God. Thank you for the reminder and challenge. Happy Easter Lysa!

  18. vickismith

    i got saved 5 months ago
    before that my sister,and
    a friend and i have bible
    study and still do once a
    week,all praises go to JESUS.i love the book of
    psalems.its truely amazing the love he has for us.amen.

  19. Brenda Mabry

    I am so awed at how much He loved me to go to the Cross and pay my sin debt. What a Savior, what a Friend!

  20. Lady

    This week I will seek to live in unity and love when I see family. I will emphasize God and what Christ has done through the resurrection to focus on what we hold in common instead of thinking about doctrinal differences.

  21. Tre

    Unity. That is such a hard concept. This week, I will seek unity and love by praying for compassion and asking God to help me see others as Jesus saw them. I am also doing the Made to Crave study and have been struggling…. so I need to seek unity within myself, that I walk with the spirit and not be divided by my sinful desires for seeking comfort from food rather than God. Happy Easter Lysa and thanks for all you do.

  22. Debbie Thurmond

    My heart cries out for unity in the Body. As a minister, I will aim at placing place relationship above insignificant doctrinal differences. It is our love that speaks louder than our words. I pray for His love to guide my actions, my attitudes and my words as I spend time with family and friends who may not think exactly as I do. Let me decrease as He increases and may I have a servant’s heart towards all, just as He did with His disciples.

  23. Shawn

    You are working my nerves with these posts and that’s a good thing. I struggle with the unity and love together mix because it has always been easy for me to dismiss what I don’t like or who I don’t like. That doesn’t give rise to unification but at least my way I feel safe.
    I will work towards unification and love by starting with vulnerability. I don’t like letting people get too close because I don’t want to take the time to get close to others. It husrys when they don’t act like I want them to and there is no unity in not being able to come together with others. Jesus loved others and his love unified. He is my rock and having that rock will serve as my daily visual.

  24. Rhodora

    Psalm 119:165 is a verse I often go to. ” Great peace have they who love thy law, nothing shall offend them nor cause them to stumble”. When I mediate on His Word, and take every thought captive to Him, it helps meI love more sincerely. Praising Him for the power of His Word!

  25. Melinda

    When I think of the ways that I may reflect God’s love and demonstrate unity among believers it may be a daunting task. I think that the moon merely reflects the light of the sun for the inhabitants of the earth to see. I think that I may be a reflection of God’s love to others. I must allow myself to be used by God so others may see His love. I think of love. It is patient, kind, casts out fear, and doesn’t cast judgement. I in my flesh in my ability alone am not capable of giving this type of love. If I allow God’s love to shine through me then he can use me to love in this manner. This surrender to God’s will in my life; His perfect plan for me allows me to love and live in unity. It is a choice and a challenge that occurs daily and even minute to minute. I need to think before I react and allow God to use me. The hope from Easter needs to be visible to others. I think in knowing that I don’t have to do this on my own and in my own strength but I can rely fully on God allows this to be possible. It is a choice. It is worth it to try.

  26. Nicole Picollo

    I have been praying for peace and unity this entire week as I am preparing for Easter.

    During this Holy Week, I continue to feel a bit like Peter. Peter, who followed Christ at a distance at times, was still a believer who denied even knowing Jesus and even under oath swears he could never deny his Master and promises he would never do such a thing! Oh Peter! I long for the peace Peter wanted.

    Every day I deny Christ many more times than three as I complain, rely on self, take my life and blessings for granted, act before praying, speak ill words to my children, and forget to pray daily for my marriage. My mind is longing to be unified …. Torn between thinking and knowing GOD’s word and ACTING on it!!

    I can read these stories and say, “Geez! These apostles were so blind! I mean come on
    …. How can one screw up so badly?” And yet each day I deny GOD’s grace, Jesus’ sovereignty, and His humility by thinking I can fight lest fall to temptation and sin.

    Luda, I pray for peace. I pray for the unity of my heart that just breaks as I deny GOD …promising I won’t …
    Failing over and over…. Just like Peter!

    My Easter hope is the redemption Peter received and role of discipleship GOD placed on his head . Wow! Talk about undeserved redemption!!!


    • Nicole Picollo

      A draft that should be deleted!!! My next post has corrections!! So sorry

  27. Karen H

    Now I lay me down to sleep… and I find this treasure!

    God’s timing is stunning. I study God’s word through BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) and this year we are studying the book of Matthew. It is no accident that THIS WEEK we studied Matthew 26 and supporting passages from all the Gospels!

    The true meaning of Easter has never been more clear to me. I am completely humbled by Jesus’ obedience of suffering for me. Me! And for you! And for everyone!

    This week, I am not getting caught up in the outfits or the baskets or even the meal. I will keep these things simple and keep the focus on Jesus. I intend (through only the power of the Holy Spirit!) to be intentional in how I speak to my family and in how I treat them. So often I want to shine for the world, stepping right over my precious family in the process. I want to be the example of Jesus in my home, especially to my teenage sons. So my focus won’t be on insisting they wear something new and shiny. Or that we take that “perfect” family photo. But rather on being our true selves, keeping our hearts centered on what He has done for us and His beautiful example for our lives.

    To want to live His prayer will be easy. To live His prayer consistently will be hard but worth it. And completely possible not through my own strength, but by the power of His Holy Spirit living within me. (Did i say this already?!) Oh how i want this for everyone!

    “A rock”…made my gasp. I have a few special rocks scattered throughout my home as visual reminders that He is my Rock. As the calendar pages turn, what a beautiful reminder this would be to remain in unity and love for Him all year long!

    Thank you, Lysa, for being a real life example for us!

    • Nicole Picollo

      Right with ya!! AMEN, sister!! A fellow rock collector and BSF’er! Your post was great!

  28. Nicole Picollo

    I have been praying for peace and unity this entire week as I am preparing for Easter.

    During this Holy Week, I continue to feel a bit like Peter. Peter, who followed Christ at a distance at times, was still a believer who denied even knowing Jesus and even under oath swears he could never deny his Master and promises he would never do such a thing! Oh Peter! I long for the PEACE Peter wanted and the LOVE Jesus offers.

    Every day I deny Christ many more times than three as I complain, rely on self, take my life and blessings for granted, act before praying, speak ill words to my children, and forget to pray daily for my marriage. My mind is longing to be unified …. Torn between thinking and knowing GOD’s word and ACTING on it!!

    I can read these stories and say, “Geez! These apostles were so blind! I mean come on
    …. How can one screw up so badly?” And yet each day I deny GOD’s grace, Jesus’ sovereignty, and His humility by thinking I can fight lest fall to temptation and sin. Disconnected from GODS LOVE.

    Lysa, I pray for peace. I pray for the unity of my heart that just breaks as I deny GOD …promising I won’t …
    Failing over and over…. Just like Peter!

    My Easter hope is the redemption Peter received and role of discipleship GOD placed on his head . Wow! Talk about undeserved redemption and merciful LOVE !!!


  29. Jessica Sanchez


    I am a strong women, but I struggle daily with all my relationships. Keeping my fire alive with my relation with God is one of my hardest.

    I am a restaurant manager and the questions you asked about frustrations and people who think differently than myself really hit home. Made me think about how I handle myself and when I walk away. Do they know I’m a believer? I will work on unity and love thus week!

  30. Debi J Holliday

    Unity and love… authentic and actual demonstration would be actions and words that honor those in my path. Specifically, my spouse will feel respected, my adult “kids” will feel loved and my co-workers will feel a touch of His mercy. I want to be grace-filled-and-overflowing this week as I celebrate the resurrection of redemption, reward, and restoration – when He said “IT IS FINISHED” – He meant it!

  31. Lori

    My daughter is being baptized on this Easter Sunday and is just beginning her walk with Jesus. I know I won’t always answer her questions exactly right or “do” exactly right, but I have prayed for unity and love within our family this week as we look toward Easter and as we prepare for such a special time as her being baptized. I want her to feel Jesus’ love through us as she takes such an important step in front of family and friends. I would love to share this tangible token with her at such a special time.

    We also collect rocks on trips and small tokens of places we’ve been. I can’t say this one that you have brought home would fit in as it is above and beyond, but it would certainly find a special place in our home.

  32. chelsea davis

    First off- thank you so much for posting this holy land series. It is truly helping me daily! I’ve re-read the olive tree post over and over-I’m still gaining insight. I’m 23 and recently moved from Mississippi to Brooklyn, NY not knowing anyone. I’m meeting beautiful people in my community church group, as well as, at work-my plan to seek love and unity this week is to form connections that are meaningful with strangers. I’m going to strive to be vulnerable and open and pray to be in God’s will and direction as I navigate change and the unknown. I’m going to give my kindness out freely and take time to not just be polite but have real conversation with those I come across.

  33. Crystal

    I feel challenged to start living in unity and love at home first, by being more connected to my husband, then children. Then on to unity and love with others, I need to focus more on all of us helping each other get to Heaven, rather than daily stresses! Thank you!

  34. Jan Box

    Ouch! Ouch! And double ouch! This is so poignant tonight, on the Eve of Easter weekend as I prepare my heart to ponder Christ’s sacrifice for me. It brings me to my knees. When reading the Easter account in Scripture, I gloss RIGHT over the whole “prayer for us”! And, yet, there it is: the whole point of Easter right there in that simple but holy prayer. I plan to ask God to help me be INTENTIONAL in loving fellow believers unconditionally and in fostering UNITY among the ladies in my Bible Study group. We’re studying “Unglued” this year. I’m not likely to see the Holy Land first hand but would cherish even the smallest piece of that Hallowed Ground. Thank you, Lysa!

  35. Shaun

    I will through reading my Bible, praying for God’s help, and listening for His Still Small Voice.
    Thank you Lysa for all you do!
    You are a Blessing from God!

  36. Sandy Pace

    My husband comes from a very broken family. We have been married for seven years, and this weekend I am meeting, for the very first time, many members of his extended family. We have been talking about this day for a month or so, now, and already we have had to play “the grown ups” and make many phone calls to clarify ‘what was said,’ ‘who said it,’ ‘apologize for things that have been said that we did not even know about,’ etc… I have heard for seven years that my husband never had a family; his friends were his family, and that makes me sad. I come from a very close family, and see them all often.

    I want to be the driving force behind showing this family who Jesus is, and what He stands for. My husband is still a very new Christian, but I can see his heart catching on fire for Jesus, so this weekend, I am going to be unified with him, our two beautiful babies, and Jesus, and hope that this unity of ours will be contagious for the rest of the family.

    Unity is absolutely what this family needs, and I am praying that this weekend, unity is what they will finally have!

    God bless you, Lysa!

  37. Joan Pittman

    This year has been a tough but a growing in God kind of year. The HOPE of unity between choosing to be grateful and believing good will come out of the pain.

  38. Lori

    Oh how I needed this.. Unity and Love 2 big words in my life right now that I am dealing with.

    My husband and his family owned a business for over 30 years and we just lost the company. My husband now for the first time in his life works for someone other than his family. I am dealing with a lot of different emotions. So, these two words are a reminder of what I need most in my life.

    Oh,how I love the word “Unity” as we all need to work in unity by working together to see God’s plan come to light in our life, and to show His goodness and mercy to us from going through this ordeal.
    The word “Love” its so easy to say I love you but to actually physically show that love. Even in the hardest times it’s not easy to love others when they have wronged or hurt us. These two words for me go hand in hand.
    My prayer for this Easter is to become unified in Christ so that the people I am in contact see the Love I have for Christ even in this hard and trying time.
    Thank you for posting this in a time in my life when I needed it the most.

  39. Natalie Howard

    I will love more authentically this week by not being afraid to love people. There is always the risk of being hurt, but it’s just not worth it to shut yourself off from others. Jesus is the perfect example of this for us.

  40. Debbie Carson

    Thank you for voicing what has been going through my heart so much and whatsmore putting it in perspective to what Jesus prayed for in the upper room. My heart has been aching over the division and judgment reflected in some in the body of Christ. It’s easy to find sin and shortcoming in people. However, it’s not our role to criticize and divide. Thank you Lord Jesus for the words of your prayer reminding us anew that we are called to Love and unity that all your human creations will see the Gospel,

  41. Amy

    I am going to live out this final prayer! I have been a believer since I was 12, but just last month I truely decided to live my life for Christ! I am going to show love by not being ashamed of living for Christ no matter what the judgement may be. I am going to proudly share his love! I have been guided by Christ to remove myself from social media ( Facebook) and I will continue to unless further instructed by him. Christ is teaching me how to pray and love others like he loves me.
    Thank you for the ultimate sacrife and for patiently loving me God!

  42. Amanda Bacon

    This week, I will seek to speak and act in a way that promotes love and unity as Christ would see fit as I travel to a family wedding where the discussion surrounding it has been wrought with disunity. I pray my natural tendency to be a peacemaker will be used by God as I interact with my family and learn to trust God with the outcomes.

  43. Candy

    I’ll show love and unity as I prepair to celebrate Easter this Sunday with family. Eccspecially since i have a highly broken relationship with my younger sister. I try to remain Christ-like showing kindness, love, and pray for her and our relationship. Though it all I cling to my faith like (a rock) in trusting God’s hand is on this and all things are poss. through him.

  44. Bonnie

    Your question has me sitting here concerned I’ll write a novel to share how I’m seeking to live Christ’s prayer for us. It feels as if He’s been pointing at me and saying “THIS is what I want you to live. Stop saying you’re going to & do it.” In the midst of a situation with a dear friend, handling it biblically has been an extreme challenge. Who wants to deal with confrontation? Who wants to look long & deep at their own sin? However…both have been extremely necessary to live in unity. To humble myself, forget my ‘want’ and instead focus on her ‘need.’ It has been painful but good hurt. It hasn’t been fun but OH the closeness developed from it. If this is what comes from living Christ’s prayer? I want more. Get rid of the “yuck” and give me Jesus!

  45. Polly

    So beautifully written…forwarding to my Christian sister who has recently been baptized and hungers for His truth and hope. This speaks volumes and truly touched my heart. Also plan on sharing with my small group Love Feast and communion tonight, before our Good Friday service. It is my desire to be more intentional in love with those I’m already in close contact with, and those who I am not as much so they can “see” His love thru me. Thank you for this post…

  46. Jillian B

    Unity, is the exact word I spoke with my leadership team in a recent prayer meeting. The number one way I am seeking unity, is with my husband. We are parents to two you a children and sometimes it feels like we are on totally different pages. I am working toward spiritual unity. My children and I have a church that we regularly attend. My hope is that my husband will join us for Easter service this weekend. This would be a big step in the direction of unity. To love others more authentically this week. I’m praying for eyes to see others the way God sees them. To let go of bitterness and to show grace to those who have hurt me. In remembering what Jesus did for me, I need to also remember that He did it for everyone else too. Then I’ll be able to live out unity and love towards others.

  47. Lisa Petrarca

    Such an AMAZING picture you paint with words Lysa. I’m working daily on bringing unity and love into the life of our young foster boy. The Lord brought him into our lives when we thought we were done raising our Brady Bunch family. But God had other plans. We are seeing an incredible transformation as we point him to Jesus. After a difficult childhood- the loss of his mom to breast cancer and an abusive father…The Lord is restoring him daily. We are blessed to be used by God to be His hands and feet. What an awesome God we serve. Please keep our family in prayer along with me as I await a Dr.’s appt next Thursday to find out if I have colon cancer. I’m trusting The Lord in and through all things. Praying for Jesus to fill me to overflowing no matter what. Have a Blessed Resurrection day Lysa and thank you for the love you share through the gift He has given you. Continue to shine your light.




    I will seek to live Jesus’ prayer for unity and love more authentically this week by loving people for who they are and praying for the people who confound and/or hurt me.

  49. Jules

    First of all your pictures have been awesome! This devotion has touched me Jesus demonstrated the greatest act of love and if we aspire to be like him we must love and love for reals. So this week I’m trying to be more loving to serve more to do what Jesus would do in little and big things and I want to make this a habit. So it becomes my way of living.

  50. Roz

    Unity & love… its been 17 yrs since a very special group of womem were disband from ministry together. Disunity… But recently the courage of one leader who’s heart was lit on fire by the Lord for more of Him…called me after 17 yrs to seek reconnecting & forgiveness. … I also needed that from her as well..after sharing our hearts & prayer we are seeing & looking forward to what new things the Lord may want to do again through us & our friendships with our dear sisters in Christ…. 17 yrs Gods grace amazes me! Restoring love quite humbling

  51. Theresa

    I know that God truly wants to move this weekend as my church in unity does a 3 day fast and pray to end on Easter. I am personally seeking and praying for God to release strongholds in my church family (in New Jersey and the world), earthly family and myself. Praying and seeking God’s love to heal, restore and resurrect what the enemy has taken away through lies is for me the only way to spend this Easter weekend.

  52. Genie Cowden

    I will seek to be gracious and loving to all people – even if they are different from me, worship differently than me remembering that we are all God’s children – – – and that He doesn’t have any grandchildren. Blessings – – –

  53. Pat T

    I will seek to accept all people, knowing we were all made to be part of one body. Maybe that will show others the joy of being one in The Lord and to accept His love and grace. Lysa, thank you for sharing your trip to the Holy Land with us. Very awesome. Blessings to you and your family.

  54. Robyn

    Thank you so much lysa for sharing your trip with us and for your words that encourage us to love one another. You are such a blessing. I have enjoyed the Holy Land posts very much that I have read. <3 This week I will truly purpose to strive for unity in my relationships with my husband and loved ones by using a " soft voice to turn away anger" and also praying that Jesus would help me to hold my tongue and may it used only for blessing, building others up. I purpose to also not just think about doing loving deeds for others but to do them as well, loving not just in word but also in deed. <3 May God bless you and your family. I pray you have a beautiful and blessed and lovely Easter!

  55. Heather

    What a beautiful post for this Easter weekend. Thank you so much!

  56. Stella

    Oh, how appropriate is your message of unity for me right now! My family and I have been attending a small community church for several years now. In recent years, we have lost our long-time minister, as God needed him in another community. With the coming of a new minister, there has been many conflicts. There have been meetings and discussions that threaten to tear apart the church. As I read your words for today, I think of those disciples uniting with Jesus in the Upper Room. I pray that our church will once again unite. I pray that God will unite us all in one purpose- to spread his word and tell others of God’s love, God’s gift of salvation, and the importance of having God in a life. I pray that God will once again unite us as one body in Christ- one body serving him and doing his will.

  57. Ebony Hutchinson

    I will seek to love those that may not want to be loved, to for gift hose who have wronged and ask forgiveness for wrongs I’ve done. Working with children daily and the teachers who teach them, you see all aspects of love. I am commanded to love all! Not just those who want to be loved!

  58. Ashley

    I’ve been struggling with people I work with & it really does get to me more than I show outwardly. I know I need to continue showing Jesus’ love no matter how hard, but when it comes down to it, I’d rather them be in the kingdom than not. No matter how my flesh feels, I know I’m meant to show love and to do so, I need to look past the temporary. In order to live in unity with everyone, you must treat them all like they are a child of God, because they are no matter what their actions show. At one time, that was me, the one you couldn’t see Christ in. Sometimes you need that example of Christ’s love to know the difference between His truth & what the enemy says it’s okay. I plan on continuing to show God’s love and continue praying about the situation.

  59. tammy

    embrace others rather than judging

  60. Kris

    Unity and love: That is what the Holy Spirit has been trying to work in my heart for this Easter but I have been shoving it away. God has used your message to break me. A couple of months ago my sister found out her husband was cheating and not for the first time. I was determined she would leave. She decided to stay. He is now coming with her family to celebrate Easter. With every fiber of my being, I wanted to avoid him at all cost. He caused so many people so much pain. He is so undeserving. But I am soooo undeserving too. I have been given the gift of eternal life through Jesus by His grace. And I will extend that love and grace and forgiveness to my brother in law this Easter. Thank you Lysa.

  61. Connie

    Praying for unity in my family and my church. Thanks Lysa!

  62. Jessica Santos

    Lysa- youve nailed it! In today’s world it is so hard for unbelievers to understand the light that a such a loving god blesses us with. To me as a baby born again christian I feel like im on fire and want to share it with the world. I often feel the wind of satan trying to blow it out but how beautiful it feels when it start burning even more. It used to hurt when doors were becoming closed as I began walking with Christ but ive realises that god closed doors and has opened new ones. This week and forward, because jesus prayed for unity before he suffered for us, I will continue to love on those around me so that they too can see forgiveness and love just as jesus showed for us. Every days tribulations I try to react like Christ. Non judging, loving and forgiving. After all I want to please him and ill do whatever it takes to make him smile ♡

    Thank you for all you do Lysa… you are an angel ♥ God bless!

  63. Cindy

    Intentional…Jesus was intentional in all that He said and did. What a perfect example He was and is for us. He showed us the proper way to live, putting God first, seeking Him, praising Him, trusting Him and then pouring into the lives of His disciples. May we always seek Him, His wisdom and His will and pour love into those around us. Happy Good Friday, all. May we treat this day as it should and forgive all those who have sinned against us, just as He has forgiven us.

  64. Tina Johnson

    Sometimes I don’t read your emails, sometimes I do. Sometimes I don’t read the bible, sometimes I do. Sometimes I don’t pray, sometimes I do. I don’t want to live like this. I want and need more of God and his presence and he’s right there waiting on me to stop procrastinating! I ask myself why, why can’t I just be a better Christian? Why do I always sin? I hate it! Please pray for me I need to make a change… God is waiting on me. And when that happens then I can be united with other believers better and love more! Thank you Lysa for this post. This is my first time commenting.

  65. Renee Mitchell

    I felt our Lord call me to my very first mission trip last year at 43 years old. I served on board the Logos Hope with OM Ships as it was docked in Bahrain, in Arabian Peninsula.
    I have never felt more unity as I did on that ship! All Believers, all with one purpose-sharing the Love of Christ and His Word with those who do not know Him, all over the world. I have never felt more at peace. If only we could live like that daily! I can only imagine that is exactly what we will experience in Heaven and I look forward to the day when every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord! Blessings to you Lysa, for all that you do and to all your readers as well 🙂
    He had risen, indeed!

  66. Christa G

    One of my main focuses over the past couple of weeks was working on taking my thoughts captive, and renewing my mind. (Retraining the mind, if you will.) This question – and challenge – goes right along with that for me. The questions you ask at the end of your blog, how do those hold true in MY life? I need to reflect on that, pray on that, and have it show in my life as much as possible. By being more aware of whether I am showing love and promoting unity, it’s in those moments where I may NOT be….that I can stop where I am, repent, and think about what I need to change. What needs to be different? By having it at the forefront of my mind, it becomes easier to recognize, and easier to make swift changes!

  67. Tinia

    Unity by being intentional and praying, I can’t love others fully until I fully accept Christ’s love for me.

  68. Mona

    Awesome reminder. Someday I want to walk where Jeaus walked.

  69. carole hardy

    Every morning I rise early to meet Jesus in a quiet time of prayer. Some time is spent not to ask Him for anything, but just to seek His face and hopefully and prayerfully here from Him. I loved your blog this morning and thinking about John 17:26 as Jesus praying for me was an amazing moment. I long to serve Him because through Him I have knew life and am able to love. He shows me how. So I will love those that are easy to love, the ones close to me, and those that are likable, I will love, and I will love the ones that are a challenge to love. And He will show me how as I follow Him.

  70. Gloria

    I love that he prayed for us. I try and pray for the person(s) the moment the need arises. Thank you Jesus.

  71. LaDonna

    I will seek to love from the pure ness of my heart without any selfishness, judgement or expectation of anything at all. Pour out His loving kindness the way God had graciously given it to me.

  72. Kim Johns

    I struggle with having bad thoughts about those who annoy me because they act differently than me or do things differently than me. I am going to make a serious effort to point out the positive about them instead and build them up rather than knocking them down. Jesus loves me even when I don’t do things the way He wants. I need to show others the same kind of love.

  73. Evie

    I have been asking God to teach me how to love others like He loves us for the past month. I pray and ask fo this because I am prone to lash out verbally, in my thinking, and oftn times with my body language! I keep meditating on His great love and just making this conscious effort helps me put my love for other into perspctive. I will continue to ask Him to teach m ho to love this wek the nex and forever more.

  74. Pattie Pope

    With today being one of our holidays from work, I logged in early this morning to do one seemingly simple task. There was an email from someone in the office that is truly getting under my skin with his young, obnoxious, overbearing attitude. I read his email, then your post. Needless to say, it was what I needed today for several reasons. I want to apply this to my life in several areas, but especially in dealing with seemingly impossible people I work with. Pray that I will find the wisdom to handle circumstances as my Saviour would and not let the situation bring out my own character flaws. I have been blessed by your posts from the Holy Land. Thank you so much.

  75. Debra

    When I see myself walking in the spirit of division or being judgemental, I will ask God to help me see the person as He sees them and to love like Him.

  76. Lisa

    I’ve so enjoyed reading your blog following your trip to the Holy Land. You just bring to life the places where our Saviour lived and died.

  77. Melissa

    I believe God is strongly working on the hearts of all of those that are His and urging them to get real and honest and in His word. We can’t understand what He wants from us if we are not in the word. Sometimes it is so overwhelming to me the love He has for me and I feel so unworthy, but so loved and beautiful at the same time. This week makes me stop many times and just think and reflect; am I allowing Him to use me, am I showing proof of His spirit in me, am I showing love to everyone I meet? This week I will work hard at thinking about He would respond, instead of what I want to do in those moments of frustration or anger. I will choose to remember the most incredible act office He have me and choose unity and love:)))

  78. sandi

    I pray to be more like Jesus and less of this world everyday. I’ve been struggling with my attitude towards things I do not agree with, raising my voice in my home and not letting bitterness go towards past tragedies. This message was exactly what I needed to hear and at the right time. God’s timing is a beautiful thing. I am forever faithful and appreciative.

  79. Jennie

    Sharing my struggles and joys, praying together with others. Matthew 18:20

  80. Carol

    Loving and praying for my family through the difficult process of losing both of our parents within 10 months of each other. Mom passed away on April 8, 2014 and Dad on June 13, 2013. It’s been a difficult time but the faith in and love of my Savior has sustained me.

  81. sharon jouver

    My prayer is to live a life that my Lord would be pleased with. I know I fall short, but I am so thankful that Our God had mercy on us and loves us so much even when we are not always being obedient to his word. Oh that I would be able to be a blessing to others and share the message of hope and salvation so that none should parish but have everlasting life. I was able to share this with a friend this week and what a privilege it is to lead another to Christ. thank you Lord for loving us so much that you gave your only son.

  82. paige t

    He prayed for me. What a statement of truth I missed. A way for me to show love to others is to continue praying for those I already regularly.pray for but to also pray for those that annoy me. I need to pray to be more open minded to their ideas and accepting the for who they are rather than theiraannoy in factors. I need to pray to let anger go when I am angry because I am really only hurting myself. So really I need to pray for my short comings with other people. God created each and everyone of us to be unique and I need to love and honor that in all things. Look for all the right things in and of a person will also help me show Gods love to others.

  83. Doreen

    Lysa, your post drives home a topic that has been burning up my heart. I am always thinking about why Christians have such a bad rap. Well. It is because done if us deserve it! I have been wounded deeply by my brothers and sisters in Christ. I have been that person who walks into a new church. The stares of judgment have sent me right back out the door. I personally believe and strive to not only love Jesus with my everything, but in every day try to emulate Him in the most organic ways. I thinks Jesus was the first example of a grass roots movement for love and peace. He did not come to us in a way that was glory seeking. He was laid in a feeding troft, hung out with prostitutes and tax collectors, was mocked, beaten,betrayed and ultimately killed because He gave us an example if the ultimate level of unity. He gave us the very guidelines for loving everyone, not just those who could get Him somewhere or shopped where he did so they had something in common. Recently, I was blessed to see the movie Son of God. What struck me most about this rendition was that Jesus was a man. He hurt when he knew his friends would betray and deny Him. He hurt for His mother as she wept over the coming events. He was, is, and will always be the best example if raw pure love and unity any of us will ever know. Be blessed sister by your experience in the land of our Yeshua. I pray you have been forever changed.

  84. Connie

    We serve an amazing God. He has been calling me to pray for church unity for some time now. I felt certain He was calling others to pray for unity as well. Thank you God for the encouragement and confirmation. We must begin working together. We all work so hard within our own walls. I see another church’s sign about a special event and yet I don’t consider going because it is not my church. Imagine what could be accomplished if we all worked together for the kingdom…..if we felt free to walk into another church’s building attending a special event instead of wasting time and energy to reproduce it for the people within our own walls. We must focus on the main truths we all believe and not nit pick about the differences we have. Will we be walled off in heaven with a section for Methodists another section for Catholics, Baptists, etc.? I think not. We will all be standing together worshiping our Lord. God is calling us to get along here on earth. What a wonderous witness that would be and so I pray for our eyes to be opened and our hearts to be softened. May there be no more us and them only servants of the One True King!

  85. Sarah

    Praying for unity in our church and unity in my marriage. Thank you for your words. I have been using John’s story this week especially Jesus prayers and am so humbled that He would pray for us as His time drew near. I also love how he spoke about the Holy Spirit. As Christians we need to love one another and realize no one is without sin. Thank you for your encouraging words Lysa.

  86. Kristen

    I work with 5th graders at an after-school program, and they have been testing my patience as of late. Lately I’ve been convicted in my actions towards them. Its not necessarily that I’m being too mean, its just I’ve realized my heart could be softer towards them. I have high standards for them to accomplish during the homework time, and I get upset when they don’t reach those. I will work on loving them just as they are, right where they are, and not get caught up in whether or not they followed every single standard. I will work on showing love and being gracious and patient towards my students.

  87. Shannon

    I’ve always preferred dogs over humans. Dogs are loyal and comforting. Humans have not always been. Sadly this is the result of a painful childhood. But as a Christian I know this is not what God has in mind for us. Your posts bring everything into perspective. It reminds me of how I should value others and trust that God is going to be my strength in every situation. You inspire me to be creative and make a difference. I will make a conscious effort this week to step out of my box and be more like Jesus. To reach out to my neighbors and everyone I come in contact with. Thank you for sharing your Holy Land trip. I would so love to travel there and this is the next best thing.

  88. Heather Armstrong

    I pray that I may accept, love and forgive those closest to me as I accept, love and forgive those that I do not even know. That would unify my world.

  89. Maria Whitaker

    Good Morning! Yesterday, I went with a Christian friend to see the movie Heaven Is Real. Please go see it, if you have not . The world brings doubt to everyone, as we try so desperately to live as a Christian in a very broken world. It surrounds me, and sometimes brings me down. As I go forward in this very special season, I will attempt to set the example that I want others to follow that are in my life. First, I will be very disciplined about my time with the Lord. Reading my Bible, doing my daily devotional, get involved in small groups. I have made so many excuses not to. No more excuses with God’s help. I will follow !!!!!

  90. lynne oliver

    I am studying the schemes of the devil and how he seeks to cause division in the body. I am excited that God is reenforcing with your words from John. I am praying for unity in the body. thank you Lysa.

  91. marilyn

    Honestly I’m asking the Lord to help me trust my husband’s leadership. It usually works out well for him but the decisions frankly put me in a place of struggle. Sadly I have complained and others — both Christian and non-Christian — have observed the struggle and its resulting conflicts. I know this misrepresents Christ. I am now asking the Lord for help to trust Him to help my husband listen and to not just work things out for his benefit but for his family.

  92. Stacey s

    This is a wonderful reminder and opportunity – I’ve been catching my negative thoughts lately before they take root or spin off and if I feel that I’m judging I quickly remind myself I’m not a judge and if I’ve been blessed with grace and forgiveness the least I can do is attempt to extend compassion and refrain from any form of judgment! Blessings!

  93. Brandi

    Wow. This post tugged on my heart for sure. I feel that I’m in this season where God has called me to love, past the people that are deemed “loveable” in my eyes. He’s called me to love the people that have hurt me, shunned me, rejected me. How dare we be bitter and unforgiving towards another when Jesus forgave us? He has called me to love and cry out for the Pharisee type Christian, one that condemns the sinner and the unsaved. It’s something way out of my comfort zone, since I was once the judgmental Pharisee that pointed my finger at other people as well. But how beautiful, knowing and seeing and receiving God’s love and grace, and extending that to other people. That, to me, is part of what unity is about.

  94. Terry

    I just finished reading “Killing Jesus” last night, and today’s picture of the Upper Room and the fact that it is Good Friday brings tears of sadness and joy. Thank you for sharing this place and all that you continue to share to myself in California and so many others around the world. I hope to share the unity that you share through Him who lived and died for us. Love to you, Lysa.

  95. Denise

    This is what I need to do and live in my home and wth my prodigal son so that he can see the love of the savior through me. I can get so angry and frustrated with him but living John 17 will be my prayer from this day forward. Thank you Lysa!!!

  96. Tracy Venable

    This week I will be a blessing to others and show them unconditional love, especially my husband, family and coworkers. But, especially my husband. We are going through big changes lately, and I have been more angry than usual. I pray and ask God to help me in this area and time in my life.
    Thank you for this wonderful post, and I enjoy reading, hearing and seeing your journey to the Holy Land. Its amazing!

  97. Rhonda

    Several years ago, I was walking thru a difficult season of preparing my mind and heart for a surgery, that I absolutely didn’t want to go thru. I struggled and struggled and fought God, as I wanted desperately for Him to heal me supernaturally. Instead He chose to heal me by surgery. As I was struggling with facing this huge mountain He woke me up in the middle of the night and wanted me to read His word. He took me to John 17:23. His peace became so real, and covered me like a “security blanket” as God showed me loves me…LIKE HE LOVES JESUS: the Messiah, the Sinless One, the one who walked on water, raised the dead, healed the sick, the blind, the deaf…God loves little ole me like He loves the Savior of the world! Blows my mind sometimes…
    Today John 17:23 has new meaning for me; about “unity”. It seems that the older I get, the more ugliness I see, so I have to pray constantly for God to show me the good in people and to love them like He does.
    Reminds me of that song, “they will know we are Christians by our love”…
    I’ll be looking for someone to love on today…

  98. Nancy Moshier

    Dear Lysa,
    After searching for a volunteer activity, I felt God urging me to visit nursing homes in our small town. Not just visiting by myself but taking a friend with me! He guided me to a very special friend – a rescued Greyhound. Her name is Peaches:) We have just begun our work in the nursing home and we are both learning the needs of these elderly clients. My goal is to bring a little relief from the daily routine and some “therapy” that a visit from a sweet dog can provide. I pray that God leads me to the people that need some extra attention and loves dogs:) and that I say the right words to tell them the love God has for them – even if a nursing home is not the place they want to be. I ask for your prayers as I enter a new phase of my life – to bring some joy from our Lord:)

  99. B.B.

    I realized last night that since my husband and I decided in November of ’13, to not give up on our very strained marriage, that all hell has come against us. We have been attacked by family (of all people) and accused of the most bizarre things. One of our relatives works at the church we attend and was shown a confidential prayer request that was sent to “Pastor’s Only” through our very large church’s prayer request link online. We have dealt with feeling betrayed by our family and church. At the same time our oldest daughter left home to “find herself”. We have had random financial attacks. But last night we realized it is our unity and love (mine and my husbands) that will keep us before the feet of Jesus. We know that we are being tested and tried and we even realized at this beautiful time of Easter we the enemy is especially venomous. But our faith in Jesus stands firm. We will love those who hurt us and keep our eyes on Jesus! It is our unity with Him and each other that will bring us to the other side.

  100. Kim

    I will consciously look around and see what needs besides my own can be met. It’s easy to put my head down and ignore what is truly going on around me.

  101. Tonia

    WOW! God sure know what we need when we need it. Yesterday satan was all in my business. Instead of turning to God, I let satan have his way. I cried and had a horrible night because I didn’t turn to God and I feel like I discredited my witness for Him. I prayed for God to show me what I need to do, and your post was the first thing I read. We are supposed to have unity and love. I work with the public and with Christian coworkers. I will have unity with my coworkers in that I will talk more about God with them. I will not only show love to the ones I work with (which is easy), but with the people that come into the office (which is NOT always easy). I will have a smile for them and a positive attitude no matter how they treat me. Jesus died for us when we didn’t deserve it, so I’m going to be loving to the public even if they don’t treat me well. Thank you for all you do!

  102. Sarah

    Why is unity so hard and vulnerable? I see it with Christian friends. Sisters in Christ brought to discord because we were vulnerable or real in our comments our actions. Everyday is a battle a battle to deny self and follow God. But what is beautiful is that God fights our battles when we feel like we can’t that day or the next… To not be self-centered but to truly see people the way God sees us.. Not outward appearance but the heart! Oh how I pray for unity with friends, marriages, churches…

  103. Michelle Eigemann

    Before my feet ever even touched the floor yesterday morning I asked God to use, teach me and guide me. I got the kids off to school and had a few minutes to spend alone. Being a single mother of 2 kids is hard enough but my oldest also has special needs and I had a meeting at his school that morning. My plans for the day quickly changed when my car wouldn’t start but instead of being frustrate I closed my un eyes and said “okay god you have my attenrion what are you calling me to today.”
    On the way to the auto shop from the front seat of the tow truck I noticed a waman walking in a parking lot. She was wearing a purple coat and a hat that matched this is what first caught my attention but what I noticed next changed the course of my day. She kicked a rock not just one rock she was searching the parking lot for rocks to kick in a way that was both obsessive and accomplished. I immediately noticed how many rocks were in this parking lot and smiled as I thought “had god placed all thoese rocks there for her?” I could have watched her for hours because her searching and kicking was done in a way that made me believe that not only was this her mission but it was her purpose.
    I don’t know why she was kicking rocks but I do know that I was able to look at that woman through the eyes of God and in that momet I felt Gods love for her.
    I met some other people yesterday and god taught me something from each one of them if your interested about the others I was blessed to meet you can read about them at my blog

  104. Debra Barron

    I will pray for Gods guidance as I write my blog next week. I will pray that through the words God gives me, I may be able to spread the idea of unity and love to all who will listen. My heart aches as I see so many different “religions” battling each other over petty differences. Being a former Catholic I have heard it from people I grew up with, who are praying for me that I return to “God’s chosen church”. I try through my blog to help them understand that Jesus didn’t die for us to have a certain brand of ” religion”. Instead He died for us to have a personal relationship with God. I pray that we stop asking “what religion are you?” And start asking “who do you believe in?” My prayer for the world is that religion is a thing of the past and a relationship with our creator become th driving force that units us all. Thank you for this post.

  105. Dena

    Striving to build bonds of love and unity with my husband’s ex-wife, my adult stepdaughter, my teenage stepson. There are years of jealousy, pointing fingers, blaming others, and very little love, mercy and grace. I will pray for strength, discernment, and peace to help me be an example of Christ’s love for each if us.

  106. Pat Cobb

    Thank you Lysa for sharing this especially on Maundy Thursday… Your challenge for me after reading this is to just let go and let God help me to see the good in each other… To strive every day to live in unity and love… To look for good in all people whose paths I may cross… To have eyes to see like Jesus sees… Thank you for helping me to deepen my relationship with God…Your ministry is a blessing! God Bless!!

  107. Laura Tosto

    This week, I will sit with and embrace family that my heart is hardened towards. I will allow Jesus to fill me and guard my heart as I allow Him to heal these wounds. I will let what comes out of me to be overflow of the love an grace that he continually shows me.

  108. Michelle Eigemann

    Before my feet ever even touched the floor yesterday morning I asked God to use, teach me and guide me. I got the kids off to school and had a few minutes to spend alone. Being a single mother of 2 kids is hard enough but my oldest also has special needs and I had a meeting at his school that morning. My plans for the day quickly changed when my car wouldn’t start but instead of being frustrated I closed my eyes and said “okay god you have my attenrion what are you calling me to today.”
    On the way to the auto shop from the front seat of the tow truck I noticed a woman walking in a parking lot. She was wearing a purple coat and a hat that matched, this is what first caught my attention but what I noticed next changed the course of my day. She kicked a rock not just one rock she was searching the parking lot for rocks to kick in a way that was both obsessive and accomplished. I immediately noticed how many rocks were in this parking lot and smiled as I thought “had god placed all thoese rocks there for her?” I could have watched her for hours because her searching and kicking was done in a way that made me believe that not only was this her mission but it was her purpose.
    I don’t know why she was kicking rocks but I do know that I was able to look at that woman through the eyes of God and in that moment I felt Gods love for her.
    I met some other people yesterday and god taught me something from each one of them if your interested about the others I was blessed to meet you can read about them at my blog

  109. Tina Blackwell

    thanks so much for the opportunity to win a rock from the Holy Land! I have so enjoyed ‘seeing’ the Holy Land through your eyes! Thanks so much for your posts. I know I will never get to go there, (even though I have always wanted to), but reading your posts has been very ‘enlightening’. 🙂 I try to share His Love with others via Facebook. Each day, I post an inspirational quote or Bible teaching from a pastor, and also a Christian song. I have had many facebook friends tell me that it really helps them to see this each day. That makes me so happy when I hear that God has used me in that way.
    May God continue to bless you. Thanks for all you are, and for all you do…Love, Tina Blackwell, Columbia, S.C.

  110. Catherine

    As a blessed wife and mother of three young children,I am so grateful for the gifts is unity and love in my life. It can be difficult at times to maintain the unity and love in the challenges that can present in our lives. This is where is can rely on prayer and faith in God’s plan. Knowing that he has our journeys planned and that his intent is for us to foster unity and love in our communities. By sharing a simple smile or gesture of caring with those lives you touch daily, my hope is that those individuals will feel the warmth of Jesus’ love in their own hearts. Thank you Jesus for your amazing presence in our lives….help me to spread this love first beginning in my family and radiating into our community. Easter blessings!

  111. Joyce

    If we are honest, we will look at others with their eyes looking at us and realize that we need the understanding as much as any. Although our sins may not be the same, they are still sins and we are in need of the same forgiveness as those we see. May God open our eyes to love them all unconditionally as Jesus loves us and to forgive ourselves as well.

  112. Kerry Ann

    I love that he prayed for us!! I try and pray for people the moment the need arises. I need to be more intentional in this still.

  113. Martha Peck

    I will seek to love those God puts in my path everyday, I refuse to see them through my eyes and fully see them through Gods eyes. I will be His light, I will be His servant and spread His love, compassion, patience, grace, mercy to others. For He is my Saviour and He taught us to love, that amazing love when He knew He was going to be betrayed by a friend , that is love.

  114. Tara B

    I will choose to listen before I speak and love others through Christ’s love and not my own.

  115. Jennifer C.

    I pray that on this Easter weekend and forever more that we will not just come to church but go out and be HIS church by reflecting the love and grace that he so generously and beautifully showed us!

  116. Nicole

    I am going to work on having God honoring conversations this week

  117. Tracey N.

    I will seek to serve others, and not allow condemnation to enter my thoughts.

  118. rickart

    brothers and sisters are (supposed to be) more than just FRIENDS, I dont see it either Lysa…after 30+ years. I worked missions, we we fed 100k a day almost. Area ‘churches, let it all go down, cause they had ‘thier own stuff’ but they couldnt do what we did. We are all in the apostate’ now. $ not Christ, is the point. We should be in our respective closets, learning how to read/listen, as directed. Pure wisdom and love, is how I got here, and was drawn. Teach the truth Lysa. rick

  119. Diane King

    I will pray for Jesus to show me how much he loves me so I can love other this way and this much! Then I will put into action this love, because love us a verb! Yes, and amen. Thank you, Lysa, for sharing your experience in the Holy land in such a personal way.

  120. Karen W.

    I will choose to turn the other cheek instead of engaging in an argument . . . to treat others the way I’d want to be treated – kind, loving and with respect – even when we disagree.

  121. Melissa

    I am praying that God will fill me to overflowing with his love so that I can pour out onto others. Especially my husband. Loving experiencing the Holy Land through your posts!

  122. Aimee Roddel

    Hi Lysa,

    In seeking to bring glory to God I am growing in Christ. I am growing in my personal relationship with Him. As He lives in me I shine His light through my relationship with my husband and my children. I share His perfect love with my ninth grade youth group girls and encourage their growth in Him as well. In my educational experience in Christian Ministries I delight in sharing with other adults in my cohort how His love has changed our lives and how we strive to reach others for Him. Lysa, it is a daily, purposeful, conscious choice that I make every single day to live for Him in the hopes of bringing Him glory in everything I do. May your Easter be filled with peace and joy.

    In Him,

    Aimee 🙂

  123. Melanie

    Before I even read this, I have tried this week to reach out to my brother. We havent spoken in two years. He hasnt responded yet, but I will continue to try.

  124. Steve

    I will try to remember each day that there is a plan for each of us and to treat each other as he would have wanted !

  125. Paula

    I will slow down and ask God to show me the distractions that keep me from paying attention to Him in those He has placed around me. I will ask Him to help me drop my concepts that get in the way of me regarding others as myself. I will join Him in His prayer for oneness.

  126. Geralyn

    I want to commit myself in each moment, no matter how large or small, to being merciful – “slow to anger, rich in kindness”. That truly challenges me

  127. Ellen

    I try to reflect the attributes of Christians as we are meant to be. I’m not always completely successful, but I try. I think of the people who have impacted me throughout my life and they were always the people who worked at reflecting their Christian values. I find that people are much less likely to respond to being told how they should be living than they do to being shown. If “the world” sees Christians who are saying one thing and doing another…they see hypocrites. If the world sees Christians, UNITED, living as Christ taught us…it will have an effect that is almost beyond imagining.

  128. Kim Bradfield

    Today fills my soul with both a deep grief and boundless gratitude. The love that was shown to us by Jesus is unmatchable. I live with my daughter due to medical issues. She takes in foster children and with the Lord’s grace I help her as much as possible. My prayer and desire is too pass on the love of God to these children and my hope is that they also feel the love of Christ through my daughter and I. I have a rock collection comprised of places that I’ve been that hold special meaning to me. Even though I’ve never been to the Holy Land, a rock from there would be a constant reminder of what Christ did for me and how through His mercy, He is the rock on which I base my life. Thank you for the opportunity to share with you and for doing that which God has called you to do.

  129. Melanie SCR Hilliger

    I try to live each and every day for God; instilling His sacrifice for me to remind me of what He gave up. I am not blessed with children of the human nature; I run a big dog rescue in my home (at least they can be legally crated!) When I lose a dog, my heart breaks; especially when people say that ‘it’s only a dog’. They do not realize the love that is shared between us; as I as a human do not realize the impact of the love that God has for me or His Son, that died upon a cross for me…..I am in awe of such a love.

  130. Kristy

    I will love those around me that are hard to love.

  131. KCJ

    I too need to read what He prayed. and even more importantly, need to live what He prayed. Thank you Lysa! I hope and pray that you and your family has a very happy and blessed Easter!

  132. Heidi Stone

    I will live seeking and yearning for a closer, more intimate relationship with Jesus; realizing that when he prayed, it was not mere words, but I was on His heart and mind. Each one of us words. That brings me to my knees. Literally. And I want to live more closely in the comfort of His words and love. He’s my ROCK.

    • Heidi Stone

      Each one of us “was”, not “words” 🙂

  133. Lianna Jackson

    Lysa- First of all I want to say thank you for helping a single momma through some ROUGH years without even knowing it. I found you by accident, or now I’m thinking not so accident during a very painful time in my life. Now it’s four and a half years later I’m out of the shock I was going through then and the divorce proceedings, but now raising two children by myself.
    My son is 13 and giving me challenges and worry. I love that the Lord prayed in the Upper Room for all of us. He prayed that we would know that God loved us as much as he loved Jesus…Just as much. God loves me and my son and daughter just as much as he loves the Savior. So powerful. My job is to show love and unity in my words, actions and home. Some days that can be so hard when I’m tired and my children are stinkers. The days seem so long here on earth with all three of us in school, work, and kids extracurricular activities. My time and patience always seem to run out before the day does, as well as money. I need to remember that with the Lord I can do all things. I’m relying on myself too much and will try to rely on God’s mercy more. I will try to have my mind and home be more unity and love focused.
    With love, unity, and the Savior saving us all my son can make it through this life and even middle school okay I pray. My home and heart can be a soft place for him that he will always want to come to as well. Lord please help me have love and unity……

  134. Loretta Oliver

    My desire is to love like Jesus, if we have this kind of love really we find out what is important. I have been praying this for 2014. I lost my husband just about 4 years ago and I found out first hand that if we allow our Heavenly Father to become our everything, He will take and show you things you can not imagine. So I have declared this is the year I find me and become the Person He wants me to be, He is amazing! So not only for a week but a new life !!!

  135. Kim

    I pray that God will use me to bring the lost to know about Christ. There is no greater feeling then working for the glory of God and once you experience that, for me, I can not get enough.

  136. Michelle Sayles

    First, I want to thank you for sharing the Holy Lands with us. I want to strive with all of my heart to look at people, our brothers and sisters with a LOVING heart and not judging eyes.

  137. Susan

    I am praying that God will shine through me! That HIS love will be what people see in my life! He is my joy! He is my peace! It is ALL BECAUSE OF CHRIST IN MY LIFE! He sees no race, no religion, no status….he loves unconditionally! I want to have eyes like that….not eyes….a heart like that!

  138. Barb

    As a pastors wife I know that there will be times that my husband and I will be “targeted” and hurt. It happened this week. After all these years in ministry it still hurts and it’s so difficult to not reherse the hurtful words etc. I will ask the Holy Spirit to enable me to let it go so that the smile on my face and the heart inside of me seeks unity and truth, that points others to Jesus.

  139. holly c.

    I am trying to see beyond my current circumstances and look for outside opportunities to bless others. Would love to have a piece of that place. It’s a dream of mine to walk where Jesup walked.

  140. kathy

    this is something I pray for frequently for our church. in my own life I have been struggling to conquer the unconquerable…my tongue. I choose to gulp down the words that will bring hurt or pain. I am trying to wait on GODS timing to speak and not my own. I choose to love when I have been hurt. GODS word is the only thing that has helped. they will know we are HIS by our love, by how we are bound together by HOLY SPIRIT.

  141. Renee

    Choosing to listen before I speak and love others through Christ’s love and not my own. Control my anger and frustrations!

  142. Brenda

    My prayer is that I will focus on loving others that are often unlovable. I desire to have a heart full of love.

  143. Carrie Cheecham

    I am a few weeks into “The Love Dare” and this prayer of Jesus for unity and love rings true. I never thought so much about love til lately. Now I’m viewing every encounter I have with people through the “love lense”. And yes, it is changing my heart for my husband, my family, the church, and powerfully for those that I’ve been bitter towards. May Jesus continue to change my heart 🙂

    • Kandice Warnke

      Hi Carrie,
      I just wanted to say that the Love Dare movie saved my marriage! My church did a small group over the book and man was it trying at times. I’m not sure if you’re already doing this, but if you do the work book with the book it really helps. I hope your experience with that series is as awesome as mine and my husband’s. Good luck and Happy Easter

  144. Lisa Rubel

    Daily I meditate on Colossians 3:15 and Philippians 2:1-18. I ask the Lord to make me available to others and I have recently added Psalm 19 :15 to what I have been praying in asking God to change me to be the woman he is making me to be. I give Him all glory for the work His is doing in my heart. I have many broken relationships and family issues but the Lord is truly restoring my soul and I am eternally grateful.

  145. Lee Roberts

    Lysa I really have enjoyed your post on the Holy Land. You brought me a little closer to it. I have dreamed of one day going with my husband but right now it doesn’t look like that is something we will do. But I never thought I would go to Mexico on a mission trip without my husband. We do most things like this together. Later he is going to Africa. But God is so Good and will provide as always. Hope your Easter is Delightful and blessed. Thanks so much for blessing us with your words. 🙂

  146. Arlene H.

    Lysa, Today you are my angel in time of need. I am praying asking God to keep my little grandson close to his heart always and forever. Unity. Love.

  147. Kandice Warnke

    My plan is to be there more for people that need Jesus and healing. And to put God first before anyone and anything. Thank you Lisa for all you do for us. It was such a pleasure hearing you speak. Also hearing the Women of Faith sing. You have really made my outlook on life so much clearer. Have a Happy Easter from my family to yours. “Kandice”

  148. Tara Hendrickson

    I am to a fellow BSF’er and as we are wrapping up the end of Matthew and tying into your question my answer on how will I be an example of unity is to be more “Intentional”. It struck me in our BSF notes last week that Christ had 3 Crisis in his life, #1 entering his ministry, #2 Telling his disciples he was going to die on a cross and #3 Becoming Sorrowful. All three of these is an example of his Intent to do his Fathers will. Beginning when he was that 12 yr old boy sitting in the temple. Intent means to be firmly fixed on a goal. That can only be done through consistent prayer, studying his word and serving. Jesus was that example to us and teaches us that without them it is impossible to overcome our daily crisis and eventually find that unity. That oneness… With our God and others. Happy Resurrection Day !

  149. CarolAnne

    I am trying so hard to be mindful of showing love & unity when online posts are opposite my beliefs. I am trying to ask *why* they believe as they do. Then, I explain my beliefs. Thank you for modeling this for us, Lysa! xo

  150. Janice Schell

    Goal for me this coming week — less of me and more of Jesus, which translates as more grace to OTHERS!

  151. Jody Rae


    I feel that love has always been easy for me. It has always been my prayer that we as the body of Christ live in unity and love. The past few years or so though have been extremely trying and challenging as new things have come my way to test and try me. I have had to forget all that I knew and relearn about love and forgiveness. My daughter has PTSD and has had an extremely hard year. I have had to really challenge myself to learn how to forgive and love the stranger that hurt her so that I can again walk in love and find peace again with my relationship with God and those around me. This Easter is especially raw and emotional as I remember the cross and his suffering as my family travels its own road of suffering. Its been an interesting blend of learning how not to be hurt by well meaning Christians around me and on the flip side being so thankful for those that are there for us and willing to sacrifice to help us through this time. After many years of being a Christian I am learning so much more about love.

    • Nico Smith

      What a wonderful reminder on Good Friday of just how wonderful Jesus’ love actually is! He gave up His own life as a self-sacrifice to save us from horrible punishment as a res…ult of our own sins. Jesus was sinless and blameless; however, He chose to do this for me. I’m glad that we’ve got such a wonderful and awesom God. My husband, Ron Smithand I enjoy listening to WCIC’s inspirational music each day of the week, no matter what we’re both feeling. “….Then the governor’s soldiers took Jesus into the Praetorium and gathered the whole company of soldiers around him… After they had mocked him, they took off the robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him away to crucify him. A…s they were going out, they met a man from Cyrene, named Simon, and they forced him to carry the cross.

      When they had crucified him, they divided up his clothes by casting lots. And sitting down, they kept watch over him there. Above his head they placed the written charge against him: This is Jesus, the King of the Jews.”~`Matthew 27 What a very powerful reimnder today! I’m so very glad to know that Jesus fet the desire to do the unimaginable for the world He so totally loves unconditionally. How many of our loved ones would do the very same thing for us? ““The Teacher asks: ‘Where is the guest room, where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?’ He will show you a large upper room, all furnished. Make preparations there… When the hour came, Jesus and his apostles reclined at the table. And he said to them, ‘I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. For I tell you, I will not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God.’”

      Luke 22: 11, 12, 14-16

      They ate together. They drank together. They experienced Jesus’ last supper together.

      All 4 Gospels give an account of this Last Supper. Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22, and John 13-17.

      But I like studying this event as recorded by John the most since he was most thorough.

      There was so much we could focus on in studying what happened in the upper room. I treasure reading about these last moments of Jesus with His friends. But at the same time, my heart aches as I read them. He knew all that was about to happen to Him. He knew.

      John records so much that happened on their last night together. There was the washing of the disciples’ feet. Jesus tells them about His plans to prepare a place for them. He promises the Holy Spirit.

      Then He prays. For Himself. For the disciples.

      And then for you and me.

      As I reread the account of what happened on this night, the fact that He prayed for us… you and me… in these final moments, astounds me.

      I need to read what He prayed. Even more importantly, I need to live what He prayed.

      “… May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me,” (John 17:23)

      May those of us who He brought to complete unity let the world know about Jesus and His love.

      Unity. Love.

      That’s what He prayed. But is this what we live?

      Do I see unity and love in the way Christians speak about one another online?

      Do I see unity and love in the way I handle frustrations?

      Do I see unity and love in the way I process people who think differently than me?

      Do I see unity and love between pastors and churches and denominations?

      Sometimes I do. But heartbreakingly, many times I don’t.

      If I don’t see what should be the defining marks for us Christians, what must the onlooking world think?

      The last words John records of Jesus praying to the Father in the upper room were these, “I have made you known to them, and I will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them,” (John 17:26).

      This Easter, might we each choose to redefine what unity and love looks like in our lives. We honor Him when we live His prayer. “~…/holy-land-the-upper-room…/

      I am always trying to live out Jesus’ prayers for unity and love in eeverything that I do. I am always trying to help those in need whenever they may be dealing with difficult times throughout life. At The Pentecostals Of Springfield, I’m always trying to show people just how much I really love God. I’m always dancing, singing, and praising God in my own way- despite having a disability. Having cerebral palsy doesn’t stop me from living strongly for God.
      “In the upper room, Jesus prayed for unity. We honor Him when we live His prayer.” Nevertheless, I ♥ how we can honor God by doing the things He did durin His ministry. Ultimtely, ♥ being able to give glory and honor t God through my ability to worship Him when I’m at church and even at home. See More

  152. angie peters

    I am praying to love my husband more completely. To choose to overlook petty “stuff” and focus on our love and relationship. He is not a believer and needs to see the love Jesus has for him. He can only see that in me right now. So I’d best be showin’ it!
    Thanks Lysa for your ministry.
    You are a blessing!

  153. Carol

    If we love like Jesus, our presence changes our surroundings, there is calm and peace and no fear. If we love like Jesus, we demonstrate compassion and understanding even if our views don’t match anothers. If we love like Jesus we have the opportunity to build concensus with those we meet. If we love like Jesus, we praise the Father, serve the Father and love the Father!

  154. Tiffany

    I will walk in unity and love in my relationship with my mom as we work through some hard issues from the past- by loving her and honoring her even when we disagree.

  155. Therese

    Living in unity seems to be so difficult for Christians; different “churches” with different rules. We certainly seem to be more concerned with our rules than what Jesus taught. This Holy Week and this Easter (and, hopefully, throughout the coming year) I will try to extend the grace Jesus spoke about to all people. To listen to all people without making assumptions; we all have a story that others don’t know about.

  156. Judi Mayer

    I will seek the Lord in my body, mind, and soul and I will listen to his whispers to be slow to anger, to be an instrument of His light, to serve rather than to be served, and to have a humble heart. I will pray each and every day that the Lord will give me wisdom to guide me in all my daily encounters, challenges, and temptations, in ways that will be pleasing to Him. “Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” NIV: Matthew:19-26. In Jesus name, I pray!

  157. Barbara M Steele

    I will choose to be compassion versus taking things personally. I will remember that everyone is carrying a cross and their responses and behaviors may be reflective of the heaviness of that cross I will seek to be kind and to serve others joyfully so I may be a beacon of Jesus’ Light versus another thorn in their side. (Philippians 4:13)

  158. Shannon

    At the beginning of this year I read a suggestion of choosing a verse to live your life on for the whole year. One verse that you would experience and live everyday. I chose Matthew 20:28-For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give HIs life as a ransom for many.-Serving people no matter race, religion or background brings unity and love. There is no better way to show Christ love then to serve like He did. Everyone has a past and everyone has hurts that may seem to make them unlovable but when you remember that God created them and they are here on purpose it seems so much easier to look past the hard exterior and truly love someone. Some days come easier then others but I have found joy in the journey and can’t wait to see what God has in store for the future!

  159. Jenni Elwood

    I just read this passage last night before I went to sleep – God really wants me to get this. Will be living this out by seeking and submitting to a more solid unity with my husband.

  160. Lydia

    Living in unity for me means removing the labels that we tend to place on ourselves or society places on us. And ask Jesus to help me see people the way He sees them. To keep my eyes, my heart and my ears open, so that the Holy Spirit is able to move through me. To get myself out of the way and to allow God to be God in my life.

  161. BethAnn

    I have been holding on to bitterness against my stepdaughter. she physically assaulted me several months ago and I am having trouble forgiving. I am struggling with what forgiveness looks like in this situation. I need to live in the unity that Jesus speaks of. I need to lay it at his feet and not pick it back up. that is how I can live in unity and love this Easter season.

    thank you, Lysa, for all that you do for the Kingdom.

  162. Melissa

    I have a newly Baptized teenage son that I MUST be an example of God’s love and sacrifice for. At the same time, God is using this child to help me see where I have much room for improvement!! I will remember Psalm 145:15…
    The Lord upholds all those who fail and lifts up all who are bowed down.
    Yes! Because of Jesus and his example of the ultimate sacrifice for ME I can do this!!!

  163. Donella Pogue

    I adopted a child from foster care with many special needs. So much of my life has been put on hold because of these needs and sometimes I am so ashamed of the frustration I show when working with him. I pray that I can see my son the way Jesus does, perfect. I will focus on the journey more than the destination and remind myself I am caring for a child of God. Thank you for your blog, I love it and it brings peace to me.

  164. Barbara

    Dear Lysa, I love that you brought rocks home from the Holy Land and I would love to win one! In scripture, Jesus answered, “I tell you, if these become silent, the stones will cry out. Not only should we be united by Jesus, we should be united in worshiping Him!

  165. Karin

    When i come across something that offends me, and the offense is always greater when it’s from another Christian, I will lift that up to Jesus and seek to see it through the lens of eternity. Nailing to the cross my desire to be right (or the need to add my 2 cents), and making a deliberate effort to see the other person as Jesus sees them, and as He sees me.

  166. Ericka R

    Response to Easter giveaway question. How I am going to try to live Jesus’ s prayer to live in unity & love. Before I read this email, I thought I was doing my best as a Christian to love one another etc.. but now I feel as though I could really try harder & especially to encourage others to love & forgive. Right now I know so many around me going through divorces & bad relationships, I pray I’m giving good advice but I will try to encourage love & unity & forgiveness to myself & others. Being reminded that I am forgiven because of Jesus. And pray God gives me grace to do the same for me in all situations. Such an awesome reflection you wrote on God’s love for us & reminding us how we need to honor Jesus & do our best to please Him one step at a time knowing He is our strength in our weaknesses. God is good all the time! Thank you so much Lysa, for your love & commitment to God & helping us all to be better & do God’s work!

  167. Andrea Runyon

    How do I seek unity as Jesus did in the upper room– mostly through prayer just as he did. Praying that my heart is open to forgiveness, to reconciliation, to love. Also, reaching out to others when God opens that door so love, unity and reconciliation is possible.

  168. Myra Parnell

    I will show his love by being his hands and feet this Easter and share his love by telling others what Easter is about. By loving on others and praying for unity in the body in my church. By showing love myself and by reflecting this weekend on what he has done for me. Praying that i can love more and prefer others more than myself. Because he has done so very much for me i can not tell it all. I just love the Lord and so want to be more like him.

  169. Marisa

    My sweet and faithful King Jesus, I long for the kind of love we read in Your Word, AGAPE love. Yet, it is there, I simply have not allowed myself to embrace it. It is there, but I have refused to taste what I cannot see, what I cannot touch. Why is this Thomas-like characteristic in me so strong? Untangle me Lord, from this world and from my quest to find the answers and contentment in the wrong places. All of the answers are in You. The answer to peace, joy, and fulfillment are found in Your word, Your truth, and it is there with each breath I breathe.

    The void in my heart can be filled only by You, Jesus. You are perfect in all Your ways. Your example should be followed in all I do. You know my needs and every nuance of my heart. You never disappoint. You will always love me no matter where I am at. And You continually fill me with the Holy Spirit, so that this living water will be ever-flowing, sustaining, satisfying. All I need to do is seek You and be in You. To seek You with every life-giving, water-flowing breath I take is the most important thing I can possibly do. Keep me close to you, Lord. In You I am complete and lack nothing.

    Thank You Jesus. My strength comes from You and You alone. Use me Lord, to shine Your light, Your love on others to draw them to You. How I long to say the words and to do the things that are pleasing to You. Give me the perseverance to resist temptation, to forgive, to allow myself to be forgiven, to be an encouragement to others, and to advance Your Kingdom until my last dying breath. My departure from this world will be a glorious day that my living will truly begin in eternity with You. I love You and know that I am loved. Amen.

  170. Heather

    Unity and Love. Such wonderful gifts that leave one’s heart full of the overwhelming recognition of God’s grace and mercy and forgiveness. Yet, sometimes, so very hard to embrace.

    Especially when someone has hurt those you love, those you hold dear, those you seek to protect.

    This Easter season, specifically this Good Friday, I am forced to my knees in humble recognition of what my sweet Savior sacrificed for me. And yet His sacrifice – meant to create eternal healing and unity and love – was not only for me. It was also for that someone that has hurt my child and caused damage that only my sweet Savior can heal.

    How desperately I want that someone to pay for what they have done, the hurt they have caused, the pain they have inflicted. But the longer I look, the more clearly I see a picture of three crosses on a hill. And I am crushed with the recognition of what my own sin did to God’s child. The hurt. The wounds. The sin that separated, that wasn’t even His own.

    I am saved and there is no part of me that deserves it. I am no different than the person that has wounded my own child. What a humbling realization. What an amazing God that loves us both anyways.

    I am begging for a spirit of forgiveness. A spirit of unity. A spirit of love. And for healing. What sweet hope I am able to carry knowing that my God is faithful, and that He prayed for me on this very day so many years ago.

    Unity and love. Those are the things for which I will strive.

  171. Jeanie

    Seeking to live more like Jesus in taking the time away from all the distractions and agendas and just be close to him….so that when I am around others, my spirit has been nourished by the Spirit and I can give of myself the way He would. Sometimes, I forget how important it is for me to ‘Be Still’ too.

  172. Jeanne Newman

    It was after joining a new Bible study group last fall, that I started to sense God’s call on me to share my love and hospitality with groups of friends, in my home. For some people this may be easy. For others like me, that tend to be a little introverted, lack a little self confidence, and are so afraid of judgement, this task seemed impossible. I kept feeling the call though so I made an effort; “Hey friend, let’s meet at the coffee shop for a quick cup.” I tried this three or four times, and although good, it was never enough. I wanted my friends, believers and non- believers, to meet each other. I wanted to share the food and recipes from important people in my life to others that are important to me. God’s whisper to step outside of myself, and to bring my friends together in an act of love for them all is happening tomorrow in my home. I am expecting 16-18 women at my home for brunch, with ages ranging from 20 to over 70 years old ( the older ones will never share their exact age!). All religions, and lack thereof will be represented. The bottom line is as different as they are, I love every one of them for who they are and all they give to the world. In addition, I will be intentional in my serving and love. It’s not about me or my insecurities. It’s about God’s love.

  173. Rosa

    I want to continue to press into what The LORD is Revealing in my personal walk with Him. That I may come to a Fuller & Deeper Understanding of His will & purpose for me. To lay those things that Stop or Hinder my Closeness to Him. So that then, His name will be Glorified on High. To REST in all area’s of my Life, knowing that He has me Covered.

  174. Elaine

    I will thank God everyday all day. He is awesome. He is faithful and trust worthy.

  175. Jenny C.

    On Easter Sunday I will ask the Lord to give me His love for people who are not easy to love that will be sharing the day at my parents’ home along with my family.

  176. Christy

    I will try to be a humble servant & not judge or criticize others. I truly do want to be more like Jesus. By the way, I love rocks!!!!! Yeah!

  177. Jacqueline

    I will always keep Jesus front and center in my life in all that I do, I want the Lord to be a part of everything I do in my life, because it is him that made it possible for me to have a life. I love the Lord God with all my heart and want to get to know so much more about him.

  178. Molinda Bailey

    I pray to walk with less of me and more of Him. His love, His compassion, less of me and more of Him. Coming to more understanding of His word and walking it out daily!

  179. Stephanie Gilmore

    It is time to walk in love and unity, not just this week but all the time. My prayer is that all Christians stop and think before acting, remembering we are the light of the world and others are watching.

  180. Amy Lee

    I am seeking to love more like Jesus not only this week, but every week. Everyday I pray to have a heart like His. If I make this my daily prayer for my heart I will push forward and be reminded in all that I do to love like Him. His love is relentless, and unconditional. Wow. He is the perfect example of how I want to be. I don’t want to have conditional love or love that waivers. I pray this not only for myself but for everyone to make this their prayer too so that we may seek unity.

    Thank you Lysa for your encouragement and love for God. You are truly an inspiration to me and am thankful for you.

  181. Tammy Kizziar

    I will try to hold my opinion and not just blurt it out.

  182. Debbie

    It is so humbling to think about and know that Jesus prayed for me at the Last Supper. I certainly didn’t deserve that prayer, but I am so glad that He did! Living this everyday life can be somewhat challenging even on good days because people can be “abrasive.” Being more understanding, compassionate, and kinder to those I meet along my path is my desire. Honoring my Lord by having more of Him and less of me in my life.

  183. Katie

    This year has been full of changes for our family… All in response to the promptings God placed in our hearts to go deeper with Him and to change our family legacy. I quit my full time job and brought all three girls home to do school. We now get to spend time discipling the girls and it has all brought us closer as a family. Unity around God’s principles and obeying His leading has brought us joy, even in the hard days of adjustment, sacrifice and laying down all we thought was a normal way of living. Seeking Him will not come back void. I’m so thankful He made a way for us through the cross.

  184. joyce wilson

    I so pray for those who have done me wrong and show gods love by doing good unto them, send them a card ,tx , or maybe e-mail telling them that GOD loves them and so do I. read in one of your messages that to have true forgiveness for someone is when we can pray for them and show that act of love toward them,, I will strive thru God to obtain this forgiveness and let people know that God loves them and ready to forgive them. love you

  185. Maryann Schwinge

    I seek more unity in my prayer life and in walking closer to the Lord. I have been so convicted of this more and more lately and I really feel God speaking to my heart about this.

  186. Gwendolyn Dixon

    I will seek to live Jesus’ prayer for unity and love more authentically this week by listening closely to those speaking to me or around me. I will strive to always see them as Jesus would and to allow the love of Jesus in my heart to manifest in my thoughts, actions, and words. So many hurting lonely people in the world. They are hungry for a touch, a word, a kindness. They are hungry for Jesus.

  187. Charlene Daniel

    This Easter season, Jesus has come alive to me in ways I’ve never known. His life is personal to me. His words are personal to me. Most importantly, His death is personal to me. That He endured the torture and pain for hours so that I could live a life led by the Spirit and covered in His blood and one day to join Him in Heaven astounds me. He died for ME. He suffered for ME. He rose again for ME. For ME. He knew me even then – long before the world ever knew me. I’m so thankful that I’m loved that way. No matter what the world says to me or does to me, I AM LOVED.

  188. Jodi Michaelides

    I have just become a saved Christian and having a true intimate relationship with Jesus this past December. I thought I was a saved Christian my entire life, but realized I was not until the Holy Spirit actually filled my being with himself. My entire life has drastically been changing and I am enamoured by God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I have been getting healed from extreme child abuse, strained relationships from my family and from my former spouse leaving me since he has not found Jesus yet. I pray that he will through seeing my entire life being transformed by Jesus. I am working on a greater love and unity which reflects God’s word but I am realizing that I still have a lot of ‘sin’ that needs put to rest. I would be honored to receive the stones. My mission is to learn as much as I can about God’s Word and then to reflect that to others. Enjoy your Easter holiday Lysa!

  189. Brady Wilhelm

    I am seeking unity and love with my kids. We’re getting at the age where they are learning about sin and consequences and it’s been a hard road for all of us. I get weary and worn down and definitely don’t speak unity and love to my kids at times. Praying for strength in this area.

  190. Sheri lucas

    Wow I would love to love like Jesus and I pray my family and friends would come to know his love an how to love like him too it hurts when we hurt people an we don’t even know we’re hurting them with our actions and words , God help me to love like u

  191. Kimberly O'Donnell

    I will live out Jesus’ s prayer for unity this week in my life by sharing His life and His sacrifice with everyone. He is the most important part of my life, but I have fallen short of showing Him that. I have been convicted of a better prayer life and quiet time. I will allow the Holy Spirit to lead me through my daily life and show me God’s will. I will listen in quiet reverence to my Heavenly Father’s commands for my life. I strive to live upright and bright shinning so that all may see the Lord in me.

  192. carol Kicher

    Hello Lyssa
    it was an honor to hear you speak in Geneva, Illinois at the First Baptist church. You had just flown back from the Holy Land. My friend and I were so moved and inspired by your sharing

    there is so much I want to share – but I only get internet on my phone. So sorry about the terrible typing . But I want you to know how much you saved me in these last three years. Now I am sharing your inspiration with a friend who is struggling great adversity. I even bought her your book unglued on that Saturday you were in Illinois

    in the last 3 years – my husband left and filed for divorce. My 3 children and I worked through this. we supported each other in prayers. in addition to him leaving after 20 years of marriage – my mother passed away and my father came to live with me. My dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer and passed away 9 months later.

    through all this — I pray to God each day that I may see Him ,hear Him, and know Him. I seek unity in my life with my ex. He has moved into town with his new girlfriend. I am constantly tempted to be bitter and angry. the dear Lord has carried me at times when I could not find my way.

    help me pray for unity in my life. I want to forgive my ex and move on to a more meaningful life in the Lord

    God works in mysterious ways — Easter Sunday would have been 23 years we would have been married. I am blessed with 3 beautiful children

    thank you lyssa for your great devotion

    your friend in the Lord

  193. Kim

    Lisa, thank you for the reminder. You struck a chord with me – I am going to intentionally strive for unity in my broken family. We are broken, we will always be broken, but we are a family nonetheless. My kids need to see that Jesus died for me and their dad, not just one of us. There is no choosing, he chose to love us all – no matter how broken we are – and He knew how broken we would be. I choose to be intentional in this. Thank you!

  194. Wendy S

    I will work on less worry and anxiety, for when following Jesus there should love and unity and not negative.

  195. ronnie reyed

    Unity and love. On paper, it looks easy. In the real world, it can put your faith to the test. Differences in beliefs, doctrines even among the family. Didn’t Jesus say that there will be divisions bec.of Him? To love your own is easy. To love your enemies is a supernatural act. How do I live out my faith based on unity and love? On my on terms, I cannot. But with God, nothing is impossible. At best, I labor and strive in the power of the Lord to accomplish things I could never do on my own. If I believe that I have the mind and power of Christ, then I can do anything in Christ.

  196. Johanna Johnson

    One of my gifts from God is the LOVE. We all need to be loved and accepted by one another. By his LOVE I will learn to LOVE my husband even when he is not LOVE ABLE do to him being bipolar. I struggle with this but I’m also a child of the highest King and with that being said I am armed and ready to defeat whatever it brings! Thank U Jesus for your son and for LOVING me so. Your blessed Daughter!!

  197. Amy Rogers

    I plan to be more intentional with people, christian and nonchristian alike to show the live of Jesus. I want my girls to be aware and to show Jesus love to others. I love your pictures they give me a glimpse into Jesus life and paths that I have not had before.

  198. Kirsten Lewis

    Thank you for your stories and lessons surrounding your trip to the Holy Land. This week I will try to model unity and love in my own home with my 3 children. As a single mother and a full-time college student, I have been working hard to provide a better future for us. Yet the demands on my energy and time leave me exhausted. I desire to be calm, loving, and to plant a seed in my children’s hearts to strive for a close, genuine and lasting relationship with Christ.

  199. Aida

    I will be obedient to the Lord’s desire for me to live in unity with Him so much so that others see Him in me as I live my life. In every area of my life I desire to point others to Jesus.

  200. donna

    Thank you for such inspiring words to remind me of the unconditional love of God at a time when I need it as s lifeline. My life is do blessed but also such a mess. My marriage is questionable and although I have been intentional in my prayer life, I feel that God is sending me mixed messages.or maybe I’m not listening? I attend Bible study and read my Bible. And I pray and sing and listen only to Christian music and try ti fill my thoughts with Godly thoughts and yet it seems hopeless. I focus my thoughts back to God and His love for me and it makes me feel better just knowing what lies ahead but what to do from day to day is my problem. Yes God is merciful and wants us to be joyful, but I struggle with how to be joyful in a marriage that is questionable. We have been married for 18 years and together for 25 years but my husband is emotionally unavailable and since leaving the Catholic Church, seems to
    Have taken him away from God. I will continue in my faith journey and keep praising Jesus Christ even in tumultuous times and know that this is a time that is going to be nothing in comparison to my time with Jesus in Heaven. I speak with love when I speak of Jesus. He is my stronghold and my deliverer. He is my salvation and my Prince of Peace. I will trust Him to do what He will with my life. Happy Easter and may the grace of God be with you and your family during this special time and always. Love love love..that is the message of our Lord. Jesus. Christ

    be away from God as well. I love Jesus and profess it not only during Holy week, but always. I will continue on my journey

  201. Gerry McIntyre

    Lysa, This past week I was convicted of how I see others that are “different” than me. Different in that they may not be as financially well off as I, or they may not be of the same ethnic group as I, or they may even be of a different nationality. I often have thought, if you’re going to live in my country, then you need to live and speak like I do, and yet, I know this is not what Jesus teaches…this is not “my country” and you have every right to like however you want to live. My job is to love them as Jesus loves them. My prayer throughout this holy week is that I live and love as Jesus does.

  202. Kristy Jensen

    This year has been full of challenges for my family. We have been in a horrible disagreement with my SIL and her husband. It all stems back to forgiveness. We need to forgive ourselves and forgive others if we want to be unified. We must forgive like God forgives. We have been trying to open the lines of communication with them only to be told everything we do wrong (we are not innocent in this either). If we can just forgive and forget and make an effort to move forward then things could get better. We will see them at Easter and my prayer is that we can all love each other as Christ loves us. It is that we can forgive each other and be unified as a family. Not only here on earth but a family in Christ.

  203. Angela

    There is a particular area in my life and my marriage that I struggle with unity and love. See, my husband has a daughter from a previous relationship. My husband and I have been married for 11 years and she is 14. She is raised by her great grandmother, not by our choice, and her mother is a drug addict who is in and out of her life. My husband has tried from the moment I married him (and before, I’m sure) to be a dad to this child and when she was little it was the mom and her family that kept him from getting too close. Finally, after the death of my husband’s 16yr old nephew, they felt like it was time to allow him to spend time with her. By this time, she is 9 and really doesn’t want to have anything at all to do with him. I remember being so happy for him to finally see her and then the overwhelming anger and resentment because of her obvious rejection of him. Long story short, for the last 5 years she is able to see him and us, whenever she chooses. She chooses not to and I watch my husband struggle to make her love him and it makes me physically sick. I love my husband with everything I have, and for this child to blatantly reject him causes me so much anger and resentment. He is a perfect father to my daughter who isn’t even biologically his, but he loves her just like she was, and yet he yearns for his own daughter’s love and she refuses him. I have attempted several times to text her, include her in our lives, invite her out for a girls day. I will tell you that she isn’t easy to be around, very self centered and for lack of a better word…bratty. She is raised this way and is all she knows. I know that unity and love is so important here for her and my husband and it weighs so heavy on my heart. I would love for them to have a great relationship but I hate the hurt she causes him. Please pray for me that God will give me unconditional love for this child and wisdom. I find myself resenting my husband sometimes for trying to force his way into her life and it’s so wrong. Thank you for all that you do to encourage…your words are a reflection of myself at times. Glad to know that I’m not the only mess that belongs to Jesus. 🙂

  204. Marcie

    I will honor this glorious prayer by choosing to forgive my BFF who really hurt me yesterday. I will extend an olive branch to her that represents my desire to maintain a spirit of unity, even though her words and choices really hurt. I will also pray for myself, that my heart will truly forgive.

  205. Sherry

    Unity and love…… to me this means to love others no matter what my flesh says. Loving those who who spew hate at me, hugging on those whose body hasn’t seen soap in a while, embracing the unlovely people of this world with whom the world has rejected. Unity in love is loving that prodigal son that you raised in God’s love, even though he denies Christ and continues to break your heart. Whispering love and truth into the ears of little ones whose parents have lost their way. Listening to the unbeliever who tries to convince me that there is no God and letting them see me genuinely love them anyway, because that’s what Christ did for me. Everyday, every moment I try to live Christ’s love to all people, no matter my personal, fleshly angst.

    • Lori Cutler

      I sense these words were written by someone that knows the truth of those words…it is revealed in the ‘heart’ of your message. Thank you for sharing…it is an encouragement to *my* heart to know that others view this world through Christ’s eyes also. A very humbling and yet empowering viewpoint. Thank you for sharing. 🙂

  206. Holly Benaissa

    As reading this I am amazed by Gods love. I am a new mother and am holding her as I write this, and all my kind can think is God knew her and loved her just like me and that day he prayed for both of us. A little girl I never knew would be with me He knew. Wow!!! This is my goal to shine God through everything I do so that others can see a bird fly and think WOW God is amazing. Or hold the 2 month little girl that is a dream come true in you arms and say WOW God you are amazing. Thank you for your inspirational reads you have been blessed with a gift and for me you are touching my life everyday when I read them. Thank you God for praying for us.

  207. Haven Willimon

    We often get caught up in denominational differences or racial differences etc.. I am just as guilty of these things, but lately God is been talking to me about some of these pre-assumptions of others that are culturally taught to us, as well as impressed on our hearts from life experiences and reading this post just re-affirms His message to me. There is no religion there is not me or them, we should be united in one belief, GOD and that should bring us all together. Religion are just rules without GOD. In the end we should glorify God in all we do and that includes how we interact and accept others and listen and perceive where they are at in their walk. We are to learn from each other and exemplify God in our lives so that others may see God through us. I don’t want to look at people of different colors to see color or different denominations to see their differences, I want and I pray everyday that I see people for who they are and where they are with their walk. I want to meet them and I want them to meet me where I am at. I don’t want to make assumptions about people or denominations. I want to to see people for their hearts desire…which should be God’s desire. I want to reach out of my comfort zones to those that may not know Christ or know Christ but are in a different place in their walk with Christ. I don’t want to assume that because this person is in this situation then they must be at this place or they are not what I am or they do not believe what I believe or are not worthy of what I am worthy of. We have all fell short of the glory of God and we sin and we stray. My thoughts are that God has created us all to be saints not sinners, if you have accepted Him as your Savior then you are saint that sins not just a measly sinner who does their best. God created us all for righteousness, and I never thought of it this way until recently.

  208. Kristi Davis

    The rock to me will be a visual reminder of Christs’ sacrifice for me. I try to be the person that light illuminates from, to where they see a difference in me. By being the light, it causes me to love deeper knowing that I have a future in Eternity. I only get 1 chance on this earth and the deeper I love, the more I feel Christs’ love for me.

    Thank you for sharing your Holy Land experience with us. I have seen places that I never had a visual of and it’s been so meaningful to me. Happy Easter Lysa!

  209. Fallon Poston

    I will live out this prayer by trying to live In unity and love people who are the hardest for me to love. The ones that have hurt me and wounded me. I will show a servants heart first and foremost and live this out with my family, friends and co workers! I will spend more time daily with God and his word so I have the strength to go on….

  210. Marilyn

    Unity. Love. How great is our God. How good God is. How wonderful is our Savior. Thank you Jesus for saving me. Thank you Father that I can come before your throne to leave my burdens and cares and that You hear my prayers and continually watch over me and protect my family.
    Bless each of us and meld our hearts with Your truth and love. Give us wisdom and understanding so that we can honor and praise You all the days of our lives. Forgive us when we fail.

    Lisa, I would truly treasure the rock from the Holy Land, where I have always wanted to go. Thank you for sharing your pictures of the Holy Land with us. I would love for you to put the pictures in an album that we could purchase. I would also love for you to organize a travel event to the Holy Land for a group and of course, I would hope to be in that group.
    Blessed Easter to everyone!

  211. yvonne williams

    Bringing and focusing on Christ ways. Love conquers all and having that unconditional love for myself and all mankind. Studying his word and walking in the word.

    Thanks for you Devotions and sharing the Pics of the Holy Land.

  212. Tracey

    Lately I have really been struggling with not feeling accepted or loved back to my peers and most importantly, my in-laws. No matter how much I yearn to be accepted by them, and how much I have wanted them to love me back, they haven’t. I know I shouldn’t let it bother me, but I have to admit, I have really let it hurt me. I have let it drive a wedge between my husband and I. He feels like I feel it’s a reflection of his love for me and I will have to admit, sometimes deep down I have felt that way. The more I think about it, the more I can relate with how horrible the suffering Jesus paid for us on the cross must have been. More so than the physical pain he endured, he must have felt so much persecution emotionally.
    It has been a real struggle for me not feel hateful toward people who seem to do nothing but hurt me emotionally. It is very hard not to feel resentment and misplace blame on my husband. It is very hard to try to feel love for people who have not wanted me or my child in their lives. I can only imagine how hard it was for Jesus, in human flesh, to endure a world against him. But yet he endured all of it, for the people who hurt him. I pray this Easter for all of the people who hurt others all around the World, and I pray that they will forgive as Christ Jesus forgave us. I pray that God will help me forgive. I pray that God will wrap his arms around my family. I pray for those that hurt me. I thank God for saving my soul, that suffers. I thank God for bringing me to this Blog. Thank God for speaking to my heart through your words and the scripture in it.

  213. Helen Shullaw

    About a month ago, I broke my foot and arm in a fall. Since then, my husband has had to do almost everything for me in addition to working and helping babysit our grandchildren, which I could no longer do. I have been extremely grateful for his help, but as you can imagine it began to wear on both of us. Him, because of all the additional work, and me, because it is definitely harder to receive than give:)! You have to know that my husband are complete opposites in personality, so as he was busy doing, doing, doing, I wanted him to just be, be, be with me:)! Anyway, as we read this blog from Lysa, it struck home that The Lord would have us exhibit unity in our marriage, overlooking any faults or differences, and live in love and peace with each other. Sometimes it’s hardest putting into action what we know to be true, in our own homes. But with God’s help, we are determined to pursue unity at home and in our marriage!

  214. cara cochran

    I am praying that i can take the bad situation i just went through (a 9 month custody battle with my oldest daughter’s dad, that finally settled out of court through mediation) that brought so much tension between my husband and I (married for 9.5 years) to good. I pray that her father and i, along with his girlfriend & my husband can bring unity to raise our 13 year old in a way that is pleasing to the Lord. My faith grew x10 during the last 9 months, God brought so much good from it, just as promised in his word. I am committed to become a better follower of God, wife, mother, sister & friend and share the love that God has provided in my heart to others.

  215. Debbie

    We had the privilege of going to Israel in January with a group from our church. We came back changed after walking where Jesus walked. This Holy Week has been special and meaningful beyond any before. Because of an unexpected funeral out of state, we are unable to serve with our homeless ministry tomorrow night, but next week I will be delivering formula and diapers to a homeless family with twin 9 month old boys living in a shelter and struggling to feed their babies.

  216. Carrie

    How I will seek to live Jesus’ prayer for unity and love more authentically is to pray for those that I have difficulty praying for and to treat them with kindness. This will be the most difficult for the family members I will see this Easter that push my buttons. Be intentional in showing God’s love!

    • Darcy Sauer

      amen! praying for you! 🙂

  217. Darcy Sauer

    How? …this week, really putting these words into practice…oh dear, how humbled I am that our God would give so much – everything – and then ask for so little in return: to love Him. oh, but when I do!! ~when I just love Him with all that I am, laying everything before Him, my life my worries my anxiety my world ~his love changes me~ filling me with His love & peace, joy & wonder, and my heart swells, and my desire is to praise Him all my days…. it’s simple. so simple really, but this is where I trip. I gush on Jesus, but am critical of those praising His Name next to me. oh, how I pray! for myself & for those who know You: to lavish others with grace so abundantly given to us 🙂 for patience, understanding ~and that I would act. taking the opportunities You give me, not taking offense, but instead lavishly giving grace ~ so the world will know that You were sent & that You love them!! (Jn17:23)
    thanks for letting me share 🙂 ~praying for all you sweet ladies!!

  218. Deborah

    Your ministry has truly been a blessing to my heart-encouraging it heavenward. Life is so very difficult on so many levels but yes God is there with every breath of the way. I keep a bulletin board with verses and helps and also prompts throughout my house to ” get me through” the day-as well as His ever presence in my heart. When you mentioned your stone from the holy land my heart skipped a beat. I have seen Him work in my heart in so many ways through the tragedies of life and continue to pray that in specific He will grow His ways of love …. Bless you all for the work you do and I am so thankful For all of you….

  219. Clara Beaman

    I want others to see Jesus in me.

  220. Sally Fowler

    Father, may I be a light of Your love to each person who walks through my door. May I always remember that You love them as much as you love me. Help me to see them as Your children. Help me to see them as You do, not as they might be presenting themselves at that particular moment in time. In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen.

  221. Lynette McMillin

    I have been trying to witness to a friend who grew up Jewish, but stopped practicing it in the synagogue and in her daily life when she got married to a Catholic. She and husband were both rejected by their families for their ‘betrayal” to their heritages. She recently told me that she really appreciates my faith in Jesus, (because she believes it to be authentic and sincere), but admitted that sometimes it is a little over the top and in her face. (So glad she loves my exuberance and was honest!) I have laid back and just tried to live Jesus since then, but this week, I will ask HER to be the instructor and teach me some about the heritage with which she grew up. Maybe talking about what she believes or believed will rekindle a longing for faith in her own heart and THAT could open the door for Jesus to walk through! Thanks for all you do to encourage us in our daily walk with our Lord!!!

  222. Kathleen

    I will seek to live Jesus’ prayer for unity and love more authentically this week (and the weeks to come) by becoming more aware of those around me, especially those less fortunate. I will “pay it forward” at least twice a week to show the love that Christ showed. As we accept His gift of grace and love, I hope others will see that grace and love in me.

  223. Jenn Yarbrough

    God has been working on my heart lately about gossiping. There is one person in particular that drives me crazy that I talk about, and I know that I need to live Jesus’s prayer for love in this situation, but it is so hard when the flesh is so strong. Like I said, though, God has been working on my heart… In reading your book “Becoming More ,” I am learning the power of my words and thoughts and seeking to say words and think thoughts of love that will reflect that I am a Jesus girl, one seeking unity. I was also reading my Bible last night and it suggested writing down particular verses and going back to them when faced with issues— one of the examples? A verse about gossiping!! Now your post, thinking if Jesus on this rainy, Good Friday… Thinking of his live for me, I can do this! Amen.

  224. Linda Reis

    I will look at everyone , old, young, black, white, healthy, sick, rich, poor as Gods most special child. I will think of each detail God so lovingly created and think of how much he loves them, how precious they are to him!!

  225. Steph

    Seeking unity among those I know that might not be celebrating Easter the same way my family chooses to celebrate. That I may love them regardless of their choices.

  226. Courtney J

    I will seek Jesus in every decision I face. I will no longer try to manipulate the sitatution and trust His timing. I have a bad habit of trying to “help” move the process along, not realizing I messing up His perfect plan for me.

  227. Trish Thompson

    As one of a teacher/team dealing with elementary age children, this very subject has come to the fore, and both of us feel that our concentration is to enable the children to see that – what we are supposed to be showing in our lives – and sadly, what we really exhibit. This is going to be our focus for the rest of the school year, to try until the children ‘get it’ – and start living it themselves. Of course, this comes back to us adults too – to model this to them…and we are sure not without fault here too.

  228. Lori Cutler

    How will I seek to authentically live out unity and love in my life this week? Hmmm…Jesus set the example by prayerfully submitting His heart to His Father’s work, so I begin by fasting and prayer. Then, each day I *choose* to humble myself, situation by situation, person by person, to love and seek unity by communicating wisely (thinking before I speak), considering others above self, and resolving conflict in ways that are God-pleasing and not merely people-pleasing, basically seeking win-win scenarios. A challenge so great can only be reached by reigning in the awesome power of the name of Jesus and submitting to the leading of the Holy Spirit…beginning, sustaining throughout, and ending in prayer. Amen…

    • Cindy

      Wow, Lori! I really appreciate your response. I have been thinking about Jesus’ example, too, and His intent focus on accomplishing Father’s will on this earth. He didn’t feel sorry for Himself. He kept His mind and heart fixed on God. Thank you for further
      clarifying that for me. God continue to bless you richly!

  229. Jan Kelley

    I try to remember what Jesus did for me. I pray daily that the Holy Spriit dwel in me so I can renew my attitude when things come up that through me off track.

  230. Kendra

    I will try to be kinder to the people I work with even though a few of them get on my last nerve because they never do their job right and it causes me to do more work to have everything done at the end of the day. I will pray for God to bless them.

  231. Stephanie

    I will choose to not be offended.

  232. Chris Carter

    oh Lysa…

    My heart hasn’t been settled over my recent post and reading yours -about unity. I haven’t felt at peace about it all, and now I have received some feedback that my post appears to have been misleading in my message. OH, how my heart breaks and I am terrified that I may in fact have sent the message that the Christian church shouldn’t be a vital part of a believer’s spiritual walk. I am shaken to my core over this. I wrote an addendum stating that when the church is vibrant and healthy, it is a vital part of Christ’s mission and that I belong to a beautiful church community that grows me, challenges me, and embraces me in my faith journey. (Etc)

    Oh, how I pray I haven’t made a horrible mistake in writing and publishing a post that encourages a stronger barrier between non-believers and the church! My intention and plea is for those who don’t know Christ to strip away all the negative experiences and messages they have received or lived, and find their ‘quiet place with God’ and seek His Truth. (etc.) Oh, how I pray my message is clear!! I have so many non-believing followers… and my heart hurts deeply that they are so scorned and hardened to even considering the Christian faith. They are so far from His Grace, that I simply want to lead them to the door… and in order to do that, they need to filter all the muck out there to meet Christ in their hearts. Oh, I am rambling…

    I am so sorry. I pray God uses my messy message somehow…

  233. Julie Bateman

    I am a new found Christian. (3 months) I am overwhelmed by this feeling of love that my Lord has for me. I am a daughter of our Savior Jesus Christ and I can’t get enough. I have this warm feeling ALL the time and I read his word and it fills me from within. I cry whenever I just think about it. I am reading Renovations of The Heart by Dallas Willard. I am consumed by the messages of love and the sacrifice. I am trying my best to live as Christ has asked us to. I know I am human and I am a sinner but he loves me anyway. This year is all about becoming closer to him and living in his name. I have such a testimony of our Savior and my friends have inquired and are curious about my changes. All I can say is, Thank you Lord for allowing me find my way back to you! I am so in love with him, it is just plain AWESOME! I Love your blog and read your inspiring words every day. Thank you!

  234. Cindy

    Greetings! Thank you for what you shared here. God has been dealing with me about this very thing – not so much the unity as the love – but they do go together. I purpose to listen for His voice more, and to focus, as He did, on Father’s will and mission. He didn’t feel sorry Himself in the midst of all that He went through this Holy Week and leading up to it. He stayed focused on His (and our) Father God. That is what I need to do, too. Do you know the hymn, “More Like the Master I would Ever Be?” I desire to be More Like the Master in all areas of my life. I guess I am a slow leaner. I am extremely thankful for my Father’s patience and persistence.

  235. Diann Bell

    I will ask the Lord to help me see others through His eyes and break my heart for those who don’t know Him.

  236. christina

    Only till I confessed…too God ,that the truth is all but the truth …and called on for God’s Love and to show me how His Son was a reason and learn to humble ….I had a purpose. This reason was better knowing what God gave me , and How Jesus opened my heart and mind …just to learn how much better right was wrong…and say Yes and say no …when No meant No..Jesus , teaching gave me the comfort , the patience what I had too learn …like me first steps …how my rocks I stumbled, but in between I climbed too the highest mountain…and never gave up in sickness , or depressed ..but just/ as for Jesus

  237. christina

    Only till I confessed…too God ,that the truth is all but the truth …and called on for God’s Love and to show me how His Son was a reason and learn to humble ….I had a purpose. This reason was better knowing what God gave me , and How Jesus opened my heart and mind …just to learn how much better right was wrong…and say Yes and say no …when No meant No..Jesus , teaching gave me the comfort , the patience what I had too learn …like me first steps …how my rocks I stumbled, but in between I climbed too the highest mountain…and never gave up in sickness , or depressed ..but just/ as for Jesus gave me the purpose of His Love ..and where I am today.

  238. Lori

    This thing I know- to live with love , unity , joy and peace can only come from a personal relationship with Jesus and needing and saturating my soul with His truth and His words for my life every single minute of my heart beating and breathing! I need this I’m desperate for this. Struggling with my daughter who has been making wrong choices in her life and has been drawn more and more to the lust of the flesh and pride of life. My prayer is that she will see Jesus in me.

  239. Hallien Stewart

    Dear Lysa- I am not the best in writing so please excuse my sentences. I would absolutely be thrilled to have a rock from your Holy Land trip. I have collected rocks since a child. I have friends that go on trips and bring stones back for me. They are amazed at how happy I am to get them.

    I think of stones and love cleaning them and holding them mesmerized by their shapes, colors, and patterns. I wonder how on God’s Earth they have become what they are and how long it has been in their process of becoming what they look like.

    I love the passage in Luke 19:48 where Jesus is riding into Jerusalem and his disciples are praising his entrance in and the Pharisees were telling Jesus to make them stop praising Him as the King of the name of the Lord. Jesus says, “I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.” Jesus is my Rock just as it says in Psalms 18:2. The Lord is my ROCK and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my ROCK, in whom I take refuge.

    I have had two children in my lifetime and one has flown the coop and the other has been failure to step out of the nest and that would be our son. He is 29 years old and still lives here with his family. As a wife and Mom I have to be very careful to be sure to show love to my husband and respect him as such, and respectful to my Son as he is an adult. This Easter I am going to show Jesus’ prayer in first praying thankfulness to my Lord and Rock Jesus Christ for all that He has done for us! The other is honor both my guys as the Christian men they are and pray that they will be able to do the same for one another. There are times when friction will happen between the two and it hurts me so to see them disagree. I’m so positively sure some of it is they are a lot alike!

    As a Christian Wife and Mom I need my guys to be secure, confident, and empowered because the war is within all of us. Our Christian Families need to be unified is Christ or Satan has a way in the front door to our family homes. Then it infects our hearts. We especially need unity in family homes where God is our leader in our days ahead.

    I thank you for the opportunity to participate in your contest. It has given me a chance to open my heart to what I know to be important to me. Enjoy your trip! I can only imagine what it would be like to walk in the steps where Jesus walked. He’s my ROCK!

    God’s Blessings to You! ~Hallien~

  240. Darlene Grieco

    How will I seek to live in unity this week? We are starting up a new non-profit to benefit needs in Ethiopia. God is revealing to me issues of unity (or lack thereof) of different ministries in the church or in the world. There seems to be a great divide and a self-protectiveness for separate ministries because each wants the needs of their ministry to receive the “gifting”. These ministries are not “ours”, they are HIS! I am going to pray specifically over this issue and look to see how God can unify the ministries in our local church. I want to be used to bring unity between the ministries with a heart for the orphan, the needy child, the pregnant teen. United we are stronger.

  241. Gail Harless

    I am in a lot of online P31 Bible studies. Sometimes I see on related Facebook pages (not an official P31 FB page, but one that has been created for past OBS participants) that ladies are putting down other ladies. No one is immune to doing these things. I will pray that we P31 ladies will be united in purpose and in good will. I’m happy to say that I did point out what I was seeing, and it has not happened again!

    Lysa, I hope you have a blessed Easter weekend with your family. I am bringing a non church going friend to my Easter service with me!

    In God’s love,

  242. Tamaya Tate

    This was very beautifully true! God bless you for taking the time out to share this intricate truth and often overlooked aspect of the Last Supper. I too feel sad to know that there’s little unity and love in the body of Christ. However I ask for forgiveness, and just kneel in prayer, when it gets too hard to stand. God bless you richly! Have a great Easter also.

  243. Elaine Segstro

    I pray for unity and love in how I treat people who think differently than I do. Differences in the church, differences in the family, and still to love. I get frustrated and talk “about” them. I pray that God will take away this gossip from me.

  244. Gail

    ohhh to seek Jesus & be more sensitive to HIS voice. To take HIS prayer for unity & love & let that sink into my very being …… I want more of Jesus – more sensitive to what HE wants of me….. In every situation strive to stay in unity & love….. let Jesus shine through me every where I go. To have unity & love be who I am — I will take this week & press in closer to HIM so that I CAN live in unity & show HIS love to all those I come in contact with…..

  245. Lina Hill

    Something amazing has been happening to me this week. It is like God hit me with a Faith lightening bolt! Suddenly I am talking about God to anyone who will listen to me. This is NOT like me at all…. The most amazing thing is that it seems to be bringing unity between my co-workers and I who share different beliefs. Surely a God Thing!
    It is like someone turned up the Power and it is moving without me. Cool!

  246. Melissa

    I need to show love to family and friends despite hurt feelings,life’s not fair feelings or any negative thoughts that may come to mind. I must look to our Lord and follow his example of how he treated others. Focus my eyes on him and call on the Holy Spirit to strengthen me each day.

  247. Barbara Holmes

    In order to achieve the unity Jesus asks of me I will let the Holy Spirit take over
    in my life these next days. I will let him speak for me when I share Easter Sunday
    with my God and then my family. I will not let petty issues deter me from representing
    the God I love and being the person I know he wants me to be. With Jesus Christ with
    me and In me I know that I can do this! I would CHERISH a rock from the very place
    where my Jesus stood and walked and talked!

  248. Laura

    Lysa, I can’t thank you enough for writing this. As I read it, I felt a tug at my heart. I work in ministry and work in a mega church which means we’re staffed with a lot of people. I am particularity struggling with a girl who is just a few years older than I am, but are staffed with the same position, but she has been in her position longer than I have. Sometimes I take her words and her instructions as “I’ve been here longer than you have so you need to listen to me.” Now, I don’t really know that is her intention, but I’ve certainly taken it that way. Rather than unifying with her, I’ve simply been putting her off for many of the times. I haven’t made the choices necessary to unify with her. Since we are staffed with the same position, we certainly have the same goals and same destination at the end of the day. Today, I will honor God by choosing to honor her through unity in our work. I will seek unity daily with her and among others.

  249. Emily

    In constant prayer about how he wants me to better my way of becoming more consistent with his ideas for me for unity and prayer. I will consult him first and foremost and follow his answers for my life to the best of my ability. I will meditate over the things I am doing in my life about all things and especially my devotion to become better at living my life according to Jesus prayer for unity and love.

  250. Rayna Sexton

    Simply put~I will be striving to live in more unity with my husband and children. I am the most important example of Christ that my children see and lately I have not been such a great example. Deadlines, school, finances, and struggles outside of my control have been overwhelming me and I have had a short fuse. There seems to be no unity in my home. I can only control myself and I give up control to my Saviour~the Prince of Peace~to guide me into an example of peace for my beautiful children.

  251. Seferina Cook

    I don’t know why, but I love rocks… I pick them up as a reminder of the place I was. As I think about it from a Biblical standpoint. I remember the Word saying to build, place, remember.;gather rocks to remember me and this place I have brought you. That is why I love gathering rocks, remembering what He has done for me.

  252. Sherry Hammen

    I. Need to show more love to my family , we just seem to right all the time. I need God to do a Heart transport in my life . Help me Lord I can’t do this any more. You take over the life you gave me, I don’t know what else to do. Please pray for me to change

  253. Barb

    I am a wife, mom of two great boys and after being a stay at home mom for 14 years I am a teacher, too. I got my teaching degree while staying home to raise my kids and it took two years to find a full time position. I work in a struggling area where there are many children who come from broken homes and struggle to make school a priority. It’s very frustrating to me when I find they aren’t doing homework or studying for tests. I have realized that I need to find a balance between loving on these students and teaching them. I struggle with their lack of motivation and discipline so much that I want to give up, yet I know the Lord has put me here for a reason. I really need some help remembering that my purpose is to glorify Jesus in my job and to glorify Him by creating unity with my students and their families. I will commit to focusing on reaching out to my students and loving them first this week rather than getting upset at what they didn’t do for school or upset about their circumstances because they are too young to control those things. The job of a teacher is harder than I thought because each child is unique and their lives are so different. There are days when I doubt myself and wonder if I’m doing anything right. I haven’t done this long enough to know but I am going to embrace your reminder that my purpose has to be for glorifying Jesus by creating unity and showing love to the children and families.

  254. Wendy Phillips

    The Lord ask me to pray for my uncle an uncle that was and has been an outcast in my family my whole life. He was a drunk, thief , and drug user. I was sheltered from him growing up and never really knew him do when The Lord put it on my heart to pray I was like huh. ? I don’t even know him but ok. This was on a Tuesday that following Saturday my church ask if I wanted to join them in ministering to the homeless and I was on board. As we walked through the park witnessing I saw a glimpse of my dad but my dad was deceased then I realized this has to be my uncle that I prayed for. I approached him and asked if his name was John and he said yes I ask do you know who I am. ? He said no. So I told him I was his niece we embraced. I had heard terrible stories through the years of his prison and jail time, and that he was homeless. I immediately ask him if he wanted to come home with me and he did. My family and friends thought I was crazy but I feel if you follow Jesus you are crazy to the world but I like being noticed that way. With the lords hel I was able to get him on disability , get him an id, ss card and birth certificate . He attended church with me twice a week and 6 months later he was doing great . The big day arrived when he received his back check from disability what a blessing God has done in his life not to mention the physical healing God did . But only a couple days after receiving his check he left my home and went back into the streets . I was hurt felt betrayed n a little mad at him well a whole lot mad at him . I got to love him and show him What it’s like to be loved by family but more importantly what it’s like to receive Gods love.

  255. Lisa

    We had a flood in our house in January. I have prayed and asked God to work out the details of how we should replace our floor. I had prayed for God to help my husband and I to be able to agree on what to do. Early on, he would like one type of floor and kitchen cabinets but I didn’t. We didn’t make any decisions until two days ago in mid April when suddenly we were in agreement as to what to do. We revisited the cabinet store and ordered cabinets that we both think will be the right color for our kitchen. After searching at the granite warehouse for a piece to use on the countertops on our kitchen, we had narrowed it down to two choices. As I walked back to one of our finalists, I suddenly noticed a piece of granite that instantly spoke to me. I called my husband over to it and said, “How did we not see this one before? Do you like it?” “Yes, I like it ,” was his response. After going back and forth between our two finalist choices, it was unexpected for us to discover the granite that we both instantly liked. I am telling you that it was like the Holy Spirit was waiting on us to have hearts that were not insisting on our own way, but to have hearts that were open to new possibilities. The unity that I felt with my husband regarding the purchase of the cabinets and counters gave me peace about our decision. It took time for me to get to the place of laying down my wants, but when I did, I saw my husband’s heart soften and become open. Unity and love occurred because of our mutual respect for each other and because I did not want to allow the big kitchen replacement decision to bring discord and disconnect. I sensed a disconnect back in February so I decided to pray and ask God to help us with making a decision that would honor Him. I love how God worked to bring us both to a state of agreement on the counters and the cabinets. Our next decision has to be on the type of floor to replace the damaged flooring from the flood. We have seen many floor samples and had pretty huge differences of opinion up until now. I know that Jesus has prayed for unity and love to prevail. Marriage is a place to practice unity and love so I am asking God to keep me at this new found place for me where I do not insist on my way. I am asking God to help my husband and I to honor Him as we shop for the right floor for our home. We have never done home improvements to the extent that they are being done and realize that as the cabinets are installed, we will not have access to our kitchen for several days. Instead of letting the stress of the situation weigh on my family, I am going to pray for my family to be unified to eat picnic style and to each help with cleaning up. I must lead by loving during the demolition and during the restoration. I am comforted in knowing that Jesus sought unity on the shore after Peter and the disciples had fished all night after the resurrection of Jesus. John Chapter 21 tells us that Peter dragged in 153 large fish which did not break the net. Jesus let Peter know that He was deeply concerned about their daily needs and would provide for them as they trusted in His plan. Even after Peter had denied Jesus, Peter wanted to be reunited with His Saviour. Jesus said, “Follow me.” Peter choose the path of being reconciled to Jesus thus unity and love flowed in their relationship. Following Jesus requires action. As I take steps of obedience to walk in His will, I believe that He allows unity of hearts to happen and empowers us to be filled with His presence.

  256. Morgan Drake

    I seek to fulfill Jesus’ prayer that we find unity and love in him. I just received a job as a youth program officer at the juvenile detention center. I pray that The Lord may help teach these kids that the gangs, drugs, and bad choices are what sets them apart but even in all of these things The Lord forgives and loves them all. I pray that I may teach them thT through His love they can unite and identify ourselves through Him so that they may find the unity in which Christ speaks of. I am so excited and over whelmed by God’s grace and mercy. I have prayed long and hard for God to use me as His tool. He has now given me that chance and I am ready to help youth identify themselves through Christ and identify with each other through Christ!!!


    I will honor with my eyes, my heart, and my hands!
    I will be humble and lead through servanthood. I will celebrate and share the glory!

  258. Candy S

    My family has a severe lack of love and unity.Lately we are all trying to rectify that and I have experienced some meaningful moments that will be cherished memories.However,my daughter is bitter towards he whole family,my son is bitter towards his sister and my sister and her family,my parents are bitter towards me,my siblings are bitter towards my parents and each other.Where is the love? Where is the unity? It was lost long ago during our upbringing and now affects our children,especially mine since I’m the black sheep of the family and the kids’ dad abandoned us 14 yrs ago.I would love nothing more than love.unity,peace,forgiveness and healing(spiritually,physically,mentally,and emotionally).But my Pastor spoke on Honoring God last Sunday and we spoke of it in my Bible Study group.We each figured out where we were lacking in honoring God the most and made a plan to change that and hold each other accountable.So this week I am striving to spend more time with God in His Word and Prayer.We have plans to all got to church and lunch with my Granny Sunday,I will pray for us all to have love and unity and I will be slow to speak and quick to listen,speak positive loving words to my family,and strive to forgive and let go and let God be in control of the stormy seas in my life so I may walk with Him on the water~inspired by Ted Dekker’s Water Walker and Hillsong United Oceans

  259. Roxana

    First off. I am not perfect. Nor will I ever claim to be. I can tell you that every day. In every situation. I will try to be more loving. I will pray for unity.

  260. Amy Wolf

    I love the “ah ha!” moments when something in scripture is revealed to my heart that I have never noticed before. Bless you, Lysa,for opening His Word to us in a meaningful, powerful way. Have a Blessed Resurrection Day!

    • Amy Wolf

      Sorry, not fully awake yet, forgot to say, I will seek to accept those around me for who they are, without my own agenda, and to strive to be authentic and open, rather than living “in my head” and being critical of others when they do not meet my expectations.

  261. Denise A

    Lysa, I’ve been so discouraged of late because of the body of Christ tearing each other down on social media. Underhanded, jabbing comments that cause division and strife. I so enjoy your blogs and have a Bible study group in my home that enjoy your studies. God bless you!

  262. Becky

    Hi Lysa. Today is my first day reading your blog. I’m a day late actually because of my grandmother’s funeral yesterday and I have to say that making a difference in unity and love was something we talked about yesterday. My heart had already decided this when we talked about how Holy my MaMa was and she was being buried on Good Friday. She was the most Jesus like Christian I have ever known and I vow to do better at being such.
    Thank you for your devotions. I am so thrilled I ran across them. I hope you have a Blessed Easter! Becky

  263. Sarah

    Of course, only God can answer prayer. But when it comes to unity in the Church, I can take some practical steps toward being a part of the answer to Jesus’ prayer. I can start by praying for unity in my own church and among our Church leaders. I can also encourage and promote understanding when I see Christians getting caught up in disagreements. Further, I can pursue love and practice self-sacrifice in my own relationships.

    When the body of Christ doesn’t work to build unity, the world sees a sick and weakly Church. But when we join together in unity, the world sees the power and glory of Jesus shining through us.

  264. Laura S

    We have so much going on in my family at the present and I just want to scream. I am praying that I can act in a manner that can glorify God.

  265. Jill Beran

    Such a powerful post Lysa! May we live His prayer today and always. Lord, help me do this! Thank you for sharing and now I’m praying for you as you walk this out as well.

  266. Gina Fumoso

    HI Lysa, How to live in Unity loving and sharing Christ with others…years ago I prayed that the Lord would reveal to me how to serve Him better. That He would break my heart for what breaks His. Not an easy prayer to get answered…He certainly let me know. As time went on – I found myself volunteering at not just one organization but 3 different ones a week. I soon realized that His calling for me was not for the 3rd one but that didn’t mean He didn’t reveal the hurt to me for a reason. I was to pray…really pray for these young girls. The two other organizations I am still volunteering at and I am able to share the love of Christ with the clients and the staff. I realize that no matter where we have come from in life we all have one thing we draw strength from and that is Christ. The problem is not all recognize Him as the One providing their strength. So all of us at these organizations do our best to be the hands and feet of Christ to all we meet. I’ll briefly share one of my experiences: One day I was a Care Partner (which is someone who meets one-on-one with the clients of a food and clothing provider), my job was to listen to their stories, see how we can help them and pray for them. One day I had a client that was literally filthy from head to toe and didn’t smell very good either…however, she was just smiling from ear to ear and even with mot many teeth. While she was speaking to me all I could think about was having to hold her dirty hands. I kept thinking “Lord please let this one pass me by – I really don’t want to hold her hands to pray can we just pray without touching?” Very quietly the Holy Spirit let me know that My thoughts were not aligned with the who Christ is and what He had called me to do. He said quietly, “If you can’t see Jesus in her eyes – how is she going to see Jesus in your eyes.” Well, my eyes welled up and I grabbed her hands and rubbed them and prayed with her. It was the most powerful experience that I had up to that point. Now I see Jesus in all of my clients eyes…after all we were all created by Him – we are covered in His fingerprints. To think that I get the opportunity to touch His fingerprints keeps me in awe of His grace and mercy and love. So just loving and recognizing the honor that Christ has giving me this opportunity – I will continue to meet people where they are because that is where Christ is. I get so much more from my clients than they do from me…I’m so sad that I almost missed the opportunity to see Christ. But blessed He didn’t give up on me – He gave me a story to share and remember. Amen!

  267. Tina Dobry

    Through made to crave and unglued you have cracked open the Word for me, I am a Bible reader now!!!! I am going to reconcile with my family before Easter sunrise. Thank you Lysa for all you have done for me through Jesus Christ. Amen. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
    Easter blessings to all

  268. Jan

    I helped someone yesterday, very hard and very, very long. It truly interfered greatly with my own duties and work list. I complained bitterly when I got home. Shame on me. I will try and be gracious and realize that I am lucky I am able to give assistance to people who need it.

    • Kaye Provencio

      Your lesson was to help and you did. I have done the same thing helped someone and then feel stressed at the things I didn’t complete. Some how my list gets done or at some point I also look at myself and am thankful I can and I am able to help others, what I thought must be done can wait. Thank you for sharing.

  269. Sue Epling

    I pray to consciously live by the Word. Holy Week reminds me of the ultimate sacrifice paid so that Believers can have Eternal Life.

  270. Amy Schafer

    Hi, Lysa…even if u do not have time to read each of these responses personally, I hope my genuine love, appreciation, & respect for u and your life dedication to mentoring women & modeling Christlikeness is conveyed in some way. I have prayed for u several times recently, that God would empower u to keep “fiery” in your relationship w/ Him. I know from personal experience how hard that can be to maintain. I am struggling, myself, right now.
    Anyhow, can I bend the rules and give an example from this past Weds? I was raised in a super-strict, “fundamental Baptist” church & can still tend to be a bit…uptight. This week, my husband desperately needed a haircut, which kept getting procrastinated (usu I cut it myself, but we were out of town). Fifteen min to closing, therefore, we hurried hopefully to the front desk at Regis. We were greeted by the only available hair tech…a rather obviously gay young man.. He said he could fit Brad in if we were willing to process payment up front, & we had a snap decision to make…defer the much needed cut in order to avoid interacting w/ this person (potentially offending him in the process) or go through w/ the cut?
    My upbringing said “flee!”, & I knew what my parents wld do. All I can say was, something possessed me (the Holy Spirit, perhaps?). I glanced helplessly at Brad, who tends to be indecisive (or at least “slow on the trigger”), then pulled out the credit card & swiped it…no turning back at that point.
    That guy turned out to be so talkative & friendly…as soon as he found out we were from PA, he said he’d been to Hershey once on a trip w/ his mom’s church youth group…turns out his mom’s church is in MI, near where I grew up.
    He made me sit in the adjacent adjustable chair so we could keep chatting. When it came up that we’d lived in Japan, “Justin” told us that his sister’s husband’s parents had been missionaries overseas.
    I doubt Brad’s ever had a longer or more thorough cut…I know he felt uncomfortable…he still cringes when I mention the hair cut. As we finally walked out, I dug in my purse for a church invite that has the gospel plan on the back.
    “Since u mentioned your mom’s church & Hershey,” I said, “well, I’m sure it’s unlikely you’ll get back up there, but if so, this is from our church. If you ever do, please come see us.” I smiled, handed him the card, and he took it from me. I saw him read the front.
    It reads, in large letters: “Love Works.”
    That’s my story…please excuse that it’s in the past. I hope God continues to use me to reach the sinners who are considered unnacceptable & unlovable…you know, sinners just like me.

  271. Gilda Everett

    Reading your stories of the Holy Land brings the Word alive. I hope that I may learn to experience the Word more deeply after reading your experiences. Thank you for sharing your God-given talent with other women.

  272. Kim

    What a beautiful post! I will be going to Israel in less than two weeks. During my time before my spiritual vacation, I have been studyingand meditating on His word even more.

  273. Anita

    Yesterday I felt like Job, asking God why. Today, I woke up wondering “God, do you not like me, am I really your child?” At this minute, I feel His comfort and realize that my life will continue to be a challenge but thru those, God will build my character and strength so I will turn to Him quicker than the trial before. I thank Him and praise Him, for what I do not understand and and that regardless of the hour, He is always there.

  274. Nancy

    Thanks so much for sharing this! It really spoke to my heart today! Just yesterday I failed to show love and unity to my own family! Why is it that we feel we can treat our families with less love and patience than we do others? They are the ones who should be first in the way of seeing his love expressed in our lives not the last ones! That’s going to be my prayer and my desire going forward – to honor Him by holding my tongue (and my impatience) and letting His love be expressed by the way I act and react to the everyday things that tempt me to be less than He intended me to be! Thanks Lysa!

  275. Sheila

    Unity, in spite of differences, pain and hurt. Jesus knew that if we could set all this aside and follow his example we would be unstoppable as Him in His father and Holy Spirit . For me I need to make a conscious choice to not let my “issues” separate me from the victory of identifying myself with another human being just like me. Thanks, Lisa.

  276. Diana Echezarreta

    I have to say that we must always be conscious and aware of our own thought process as well as open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Because of wounds of my own past. The enemy will try to keep me guarded and in protective mode. It starts with prayer and an open heart. My desire is to love and serve the others. One beggar, giving another beggar some bread. When I feel or notice an inward shift or my inability to be used of God and the mercy gift He has given me. I realize the enemy is trying to deceive divide and destroy and opportunity to be used by my Father. It is then that I choose to yield to the Spirit.

  277. Debbie Reeves

    Oh Lysa you have no idea how you have spoken to my heart! We are a Christian family but there has been a break in the unity between our children in the last year. The Lord has placed in my heart a desire to discuss this with my children but I kept thinking “not on Easter! ” After reading your article I know that there is no better time than Easter! Nothing could be more important to God! Jesus prayed for our unity before his death! Thank you for your faithfulness! The Lord has used your gift as a writer over and over again in my life. May you and your family have a beautiful Easter!

  278. Cherie Hite

    I am going to try and make a concentrated effort to be more tolerant of others and to not get frustrated at all the little inconveinces that sometimes make me wait, also not to allow impatience to show on my face or in my body language. I will try and show love and kindness to everyone that I see as I go about my day , not hiding my smile just because someone is different looking,, or be critical thinking because teenagers are wearing something other than my idea of what is appropriate . I will try not to prejudge others based on how they look or dress or the color of their hair. I have reflected on so many things your email has brought to mind, I dare not try to list them all. I am so ashamed of my thoughts, and often actions by looking away rather than going ahead and giving a freindly smile. Lord forgive me my indifference and help me to be a solution for those when in the past I would have looked the other way. Amen

  279. Rhonda

    I will be careful and vigilant as to how I speak of my fellow Christians and everyone in general. I will guard my tongue and only speak those things that deify others and bring glory to my redeemer.

  280. Staci

    Thanks so much for your series & pictures. Last night we went to a Seder meal our church had Jews For Jesus host, then went to a good Friday service at our friends church. Everything- your pictures & posts, the Seder meal, then the Good Friday service all wove together so perfectly & vividly.

  281. Shalena Douthit

    Easter is such an amazing holiday! I love to just think back to all that Jesus went through for us so that we may be free. Thank you so much for sharing the great experience you have had in the Holy Land!!

  282. Colleen Bauer

    Thank you for the reminder that Christ himself on that day prayed for me.Unthinkable that at a time that to Anyone else would have been the darkest hour of their life, He thought of us.

  283. Mary Tullila

    I will remain on the narrow one way & pray for those lost on the crooked paths that leads the wrong direction.

  284. Kathy Rasmussen

    The tongue can be a double edged sword and I want to speak what God wants me to speak and not how this world does. I pray I can be a more humble and loving person with my words to all people. I realize that in my life I have not always been this way but am constantly striving to be more like Him.

  285. Kaye Provencio

    Unity and Love. I like the way you defined them. Each person placed in my life has been placed there for a reason.
    Some I am ashamed to say, I have put to the side. Letting other things get n the way. This week I will contact them and let them know that they are important to me and I am here for them. I forgot what it feels like to be part of life and live. But God gave his only son SO THAT I can live and have eternal life. Jesus thank you for loving me and giving me another chance.

  286. Christine

    I pray that I am able to live out Jesus’ prayer more authentically in this coming week. I pray that I remember those words while driving my daughter to school, going to the grocery store, in my normal everyday life. I pray others see Him through my actions!

  287. Kathy

    The essence of having unity in the body is to abide in Christ as the branches abide in the vine. Without His presence we can do nothing. Our “self” and old nature will try to dominate our life when we drift into the world for our pleasure and needs. Only when we are abiding in Him will we find the true satisfaction, unity and love for others. May I daily seek to hide the Word of God in my heart to keep me from being drawn away from the love of God and to find His life transforming my whole being.

  288. Cheryl Ricker

    Since strength to live in peace and unity comes from Him, I commit to this prayer: Prince of Peace, help me live more peaceably with those around me. Author of love, even as you live in unity, (Father, Son, and Spirit), may every part of me, body, mind, and spirit, be united to bring more love and unity to the Body of Christ today.

  289. Susan Johnson

    Lysa, this question doesn’t really pertain to your blog (although I love your blog!) My question has to do with your book “What Happens When Young Women Say Yes to God?” We are doing a teen girl Bible Study with the girls from our church and this book has been incredible. It has truly challenged each and every one of us. We did chapter 7 this past week and the girls are dying to know what the CD was that you gave to your friend Genia? I told them I would email you and try to find out. Thanks so much for your encouraging and wise words that have made a difference in my life. Susan Johnson

  290. Kathy Webb

    Unity is not insisting on your own way, loving whether we feel like it or not, forgiving always, not having to have the last word, not complaining, only say good things about others, being determined to develop the Mind of Christ. A combination of Phil. 4:8 and 1 Corinthians 13.

  291. shelly Nguyen

    I will put aside my feelings and frustrations for unity and peace because that is what Christ requires of me.

  292. Michelle S.

    I will seek to live Jesus’ prayer for unity and love more authentically this week by practicing patience and pausing before speaking. I am a horribly impatient person at times and quick to lose my temper. Too often I am yelling at my children only to feel horrible afterwards when I realize I overreacted. I think I expect too much from them. I love them so much and desperately want to lead by example. Thank you for the wonderful post. You really got me thinking about Jesus’s prayer.

  293. Katie

    Unity and love: I will radiate loving energy; I will have a non-judging thought process when I see someone different than me; I will continue my ever unfolding Christian journey that is an act of self love.

  294. Julie Sunne

    Unity and love for others must begin at home. That’s where I need to start and continue this week: demonstrating the Lord’s love and grace to my husband first than spread into “all creation.”

  295. Kristy

    God has been teaching me a couple of great, but hard life lessons lately. This post speaks to one of the lessons. God wants us to do our best to live at peace with all people, as much as it depends on us. Of course there are things that we can outwardly do to promote peace, but God has been teaching me to be at peace and live in unity with others by the way I choose to react inwardly toward the actions that other do or say to me. I feel that to live in unity and peace with others we need to learn how to receive or react inwardly toward them with an attitude of peace. This may mean that we don’t take things personally, we let it roll off our back, or choose to not own their actions and choices as our own. God is good, we can give over others actions toward us that may be hurtful and let God have those things to deal with.

  296. Ernest Carraway

    We all can see that The Love of God has the only Power to change what we ourselves can’t. The reasoning behind that is because we didn’t Create our Heart, our Soul, or even our minds… However, we were given life by the God of Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob… Blessings come down by the Father, Through the Son, by means of the Holly Spirit.. there lies The Unity. There lies the answer. My process to getting thru life problems is to embrace the Word… that’s above all that I or any member of His body could ever go thru. All that He did was done… One,- out of obedience, second… out of Love for His Father. FATHER LOVES US SO MUCH THAT HE GAVE US HIS ALL. THE HOLLY SPIRIT WALKED HIM THRU THE HOLLY PROCESS.,,, even as far as taking him into the presents of the one who once had authority, in the Kingdom…. he gets no respect from me by mentioning his name. I say this to all who concur… TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY.

  297. Deb

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for reminding us to walk in unity & love! I will use this, not only to remember but as a gentle nudge to those around me when conversations begin to ‘deteriorate’, remembering Whose we are & His desire for us. We’re taking dinner to a family today as my friend just got out of the hospital & isn’t able to cook, praying for the opportunity to share Jesus’ love for the family as we serve them on this resurrection Sunday.

  298. jenn

    Wow, I never caught that before. As I read it tears stung my eyes. To know that He prayed even for us knowing what was to come. As I sit & think about all this, I realize that all God did is truly for me, for you, for us. Yes, I’ve known this, but it has hit me in a new way this Easter. That all of His children are here living this life just waiting for Him. He knew we would be. He knew we couldn’t live without Him. He knew. So He did. Astounding. May I live life being reminded of the unity & love that He wants us to live out each day with those around us, for Him, for us, for others.

  299. Kelly Bradner

    This post really spoke to me! I live in a very small community with probably 4 different denominations within it. Due to being such a small community it is very important that I show others in some way that we are all God’s children. None is better or stronger or more “right” than another! I will make a point to reach out to others in some way – maybe it will be just a smile or a wave or a simple greeting. I will try to be an example of unity in this little part of my world! And…..loving authentically – – I have a deep love for many – – but do I really let them know? I let busyness take over and let other “things” take priority – -will definitely show my love as well! This really spoke to my heart and as much as I’d love a rock – – I just truly wanted to thank you for opening my eyes to these things!! HAPPY EASTER!!!!

  300. Kim

    You would think that today of all days, Easter Sunday, I would be more compassionate and loving towards my own family. I’m just now taking the time to finally read your message and it’s exactly what I needed to hear today. Unity and Love is not how I would describe my actions today. I have been easily frustrated today and because of that my actions have not been very loving….hence creating more of a brokenness in my family versus a loving family unified for Jesus. Please forgive me Lord and my goal and prayer with Your help is to be more loving to my family so that we will be more united in You and Your Will. Amen.

  301. Vicky mckinney

    I will seek God each morning through devotion and prayer and listen for his voice of instruction for unity and love. May we all slow down and take time to reach out to each other in His love.

  302. Carol Maguire

    I intend to live out Jesus’ prayer by walking closely with Him and allowing Him to show me where the need is for love and for good deeds to be done for His glory. He is my guiding light. I am new to this walk and only want my heart to follow Him.

  303. Christine Mangette

    To be an encourager. To be merciful and compassionate as our Lord Jesus is with me every day when I fall short and sin. Galatians 5:22 says ” But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law”. When my flesh wants to lean towards judgement and opinion, I am reminded that ALL brothers and sisters in Christ will be together in union in heaven and the question will be… did you love? Thank you Jesus showing the ultimate sacrifice of love and freely giving me grace and eternal hope <3.

  304. Missy Guyton

    Oh how your story spoke to me. And that is what God has been dealing within me. Speak life!! Life for me and my family and my friends. I have noticed I judge myself and others. I am working on that!! Thank You!! God has recently showed me His will for my life. To teach Sunday school to the little ones. I have to get out of my own way and stop judging the job I do and let the Holy Spirit teach the children. It’s not about me and my performance. It’s about Him!! Thank You!!! Thank you so much!!! Love you and bless you!!

  305. Tammy wong

    I will try to bring unity by listening and trying to understand others points of view without jumping to conclusions. Unity within my family is difficult.

  306. Margaret Fraleigh

    ,”you shall love the lord your god with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” I want to love
    as Jesus loved.

  307. Diane Senk

    I am seeking unity and understanding by trying to look at people with a new loving heart. I want to draw on the power of the Holy Spirit to control my words and actions to be loving and helpful and always kind to my family and people I come in contact with.

  308. Jodi Michaelides

    Thank you for posting this Lysa. I have been trying to focus on this more consciously since I first read this a day or two ago. My weakness is in my ‘tongue’ and that is where my kindness, love, appreciation of others and unity can get sabatogued. I need to try very hard to think before I speak, take some slow, deep breaths, not get so upset if another person has a difference in opinion from me and gain a little more patience with adults. I have plenty for children. I hope you’ve had a joy-filled Easter.

  309. Christina Irons

    I travel to many different schools teaching PE to kids with disabilities. This week I will work to remain patient and show love to all those I come in contact with. There are so many ways to become frustrated in a job like this, with both students and staff. I will work to be united in doing what’s best for my students in a loving way.

  310. M Baldwin

    You have to become uncomfortable ,to do the uncommon, to fully be in the mindset of living a Christ life in order to pull off living in Unity. If you are praying diligently and asking for help it is just a conversation away . The actions might take longer to get right but if the conversation is open HE will direct you. This week I intend to be praying with a more conscious effort before reacting along with listening more intently for HIS directions.

  311. Susan

    Thank you for this post. I have been trying to get my family back in to church and I hop this will help. Again thank you.

  312. Gracie Predmore

    Unity and love must start within me. After going through many difficult months, I am committed to reading God’s word daily to find my way through the wilderness. Thank you, Lysa, for your gift of words and inspiration.

  313. Darla Jesser

    The past few weeks I’ve been leading a ladies ss class with one of Beth Moore’s DVD series (was actually a retreat in a box) called “loving well”. I’ve been learning the importance of loving 4 different kinds of people well- those that are a joy, foe, far and difficult. I believe that all believers could learn to love better, observe better what others are going through and love them through it. A big task, but a task that could lead to unity.

  314. Christina Thomas

    Unity is desired by God and I’m struggling with this in my home currently. I’ve always been “Baptist” and my husband has converted to the “Holiness” faith recently. We are not united. So I’m going to try this week and in the coming weeks to keep making baby steps at things we can agree and unite on and focus on those instead of the things we don’t agree on.

  315. Rachel McLeod

    I will focus my prayers that my heart will be unhardened to those who treat me unkindly through their man made terms of Christianity so that we may come together in unity as Christ wanted…he commands love and unity and I want to please Him. I will ask for His intervention in a situation that seems so hopeless … I will call upon His strength … I will trust in Him for a remedy so I may be a role model to my children on how to be a true follower of Christ

  316. Melanie mckinley

    After a rough first year in ministry I have learned the necessity and value of unity. I’ve also learned how very difficult it can be to achieve. Thank you for this post. Much love. M

  317. Jen

    Today at Easter supper, when my family talked about the different sermons each of their churches preached, I felt judgment welling up in my heart. Instead of praying and having hope that the true message got through to them somehow, I felt an anger towards the preachers for not getting it quite right, anger that my family members seem to be caught up in churches that do not focus on what I think is most important. By reading your post today Lysa, I was reminded that my job in this situation is not to judge or condemn, nor is it ever. They are seeking, and God is at work in their hearts and he does not follow my timeline….thank goodness. This week, and for weeks to come, I need to pray and love my family deeply, so deeply. God will show me if I ever need to comment or step in, and if He does, may it be His doing and not mine. I will love and pray and let him do the rest.

  318. Gloria Berrones

    What a tremendous blessing Proverbs 31 has been to me! I have been learning and understanding so much more then I ve ever understood before. This Easter week was my “Damascus experience ” experience ! Tears , bucketful of tears, as I felt the love of Jesus for me.! Tears of gratefulness for what He did for me in the Cross!
    As I read, this weeks posts , I was totally overwhelmed
    With His love for me! I am praying , Lord I want to see ,hear, know You I want to follow hard after You. I want to say yes to You!
    As I pray with Lysa, I truly, feel that My Lord and Saviour is listening.
    Praying for all the women of Proberbs 31. They have been a tremendous blessing to me!
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  319. Danae

    Pouring love onto and into the lives of my students. To help my daughter understand as she grows up and show her by example how to live this way. Thank you for your post. Beautiful!

  320. Jessica

    I will practice unity and love my not being judgemental to others and instead respond with love.

  321. Michelle

    My desire is to continue to do His will and not my own. To see others with His eyes, love with his heart just as he has for me. To show my daughters and others what God has done for each of us and to know the promises he has given.
    For myself to be what God has created reguardless of what others have said.
    Thank you

  322. Rachel

    I plan to follow out “UNITY” and “LOVE” in letting everyone know that they MATTER. No matter what phase of life your in, whether your an outcast, different from others, you still have a purpose and matter. In my job I get to carry this out with students. In home life it’s with my family teaching my kids not to judge others, at church and within the street ministry, it’s loving on everyone, the homeless, not just through food, but letting them know they matter, they important no matter where they are.

  323. Karen

    What a splendid note to such a precious day to observe! I am so longing to redefine my walk in a stronger more God pleasing way…. I know my prayers need to increase, become more wide spread and my walk requires a deeper willingness and eager heart to Share the Story of our Savior! Prayers will include you for sharing this wonderful blog!

  324. Sarah Murphy

    I live in Northern Ireland. Here religion has been used for decades to persecute kill & hate between denominations. For a long time condemnation was the only face many see when they see church here but things are slowly changing. I pray that today, this week, this month & this year people will see Christ not religion – see love not hate & that the Holy Spirit will continue to move in me & others that we will be a light for the broken & the needy. That it will be a Saviour they meet not religion.

  325. jodee gaines

    Lysa, you write so beautifully, it’s like being a part of the last moments with the disciples.
    Being newer in my faith walk I love to hear the stories that you tell.
    For me love and unity are things that I pray for each day. On February 25th 2013 I moved into my parents home to provide care after work as a hospice nurse and so I am here if they need something at night. My husband moved in a few months ago as it appears their decline is slower than was thought. Until a month ago we had the help of hospice in our home for both my parents. But they have become more stable. Medicare’s guidelines have become so rigid that hospices are fearful that patients enrolled over a year will draw scrutiny.
    Each day I am grateful for the blessings of my parents. But having 4 adults in one home requires much love and unity to face the obstacles we face each day. My mom is bed bound and has minimal vision. So her cares are physical and emotional. She loves being read to. I’ve read 2 of your books to her so far. We are grateful for the words you have shared in our lifes!
    As for the rock I would love one. I have dug rocks from building sites with my dad. Years ago he built a small pond with a stream and a waterfall. I’ve sold my home and brought my favorite rocks over to add to his pond. So I love rocks. Not only for their beauty but for knowing the pressure that formed them and gave each one individual characteristics! I would love to have a rock from the holy land to sit on my table as a reminder of the land that God in Christ’s feet walked!
    Bless you and thank you for your ministery.
    Jodee Gaines

  326. Laura Edwards

    I will ask the God of grace to strengthen me to die to myself daily, specifically to die to my pride, so that I can show His love and grace to others in my home, in my church, and in my community–to everyone He brings into my life. His love covers a multitude if sins, and casts out fear, and showing that love and grace in putting others first is the best way to build and preserve unity.

  327. Jackie McHaffie

    I will start at home. With me – I will seek Unity and Love with God moment by moment with consistent reading of HIs Word so it washes my mind- not just in the mornings. I will seek to Unity instead of criticism when the Holy Spirit gives me opportunity. I will seek to Love, in action, as the Lord prompts, even if it means me saying No to my desires or “good” things that can rob of the best God things. I will LISTEN LOVE & UNIFY.

  328. Leigh F

    I will try to listen and follow HIM and not my own path.

  329. MACH

    I need to be less judgmental about others, more empathetic.

  330. Rachel

    To simply listen whole heartedly and pray for His words to be spoken through me. To be with His plan for me; to live his agenda through prayer for guidance.

  331. Elizabeth Bordeaux

    I definitely needed these words this morning. After an amazing Easter weekend and me posting on social media about the thousands of lives that were forever changed, I was mocked by a family member and challenged on my beliefs. This particular family member had some very hurtful comments about me, my church, my pastor, and those who’s lives were changed at our church this weekend. I know that this person does not have a relationship with Jesus and like our pastor often reminds us… “don’t be surprised when an unbeliever acts like an unbeliever” but the comments still made me want to retaliate with bible verses to knock them off their high horse. But then I read this… and Jesus whispered softly, LOVE him and know I love him too. This post was a HUGE reminder for me that in order for people to see Jesus, we as believers MUST reflect Jesus not get in the way of Him. So, I will not react but instead love and pray for this person to see Jesus in me and in our church. Thanks Lysa!

  332. Mary

    I belong to a large and ever growing congregation, However I have twice before belonged to small churches that were basically broken apart by their lack of unity. People getting in the way of Gods work, they were both lovely churches that I was very at home with, until….,just this morning after reading 2 thes.3, I new I needed to pray daily for the church I belong to now so that We stay united in faith and continue the work God has given us to do, and not take ourselves to seriously.

  333. Jeannine Spencer

    Lysa, thank you so much for sharing your insights with us about the Holy Land. It’s funny that unity has been on my heart lately. Sometimes we get so caught up in the differences between churches that we lose sight of the whole point. Phil 1:18 says that Paul rejoiced as long as Jesus was being preached, no matter the motive. On my own I cannot comprehend how God can work that way, but He is much bigger than I can grasp. Instead of nick picking each other, I want to concentrate on loving the world as Jesus did. I ask God to forgive me for being critical and judgemental. Please give me the heart of Christ in the upper room.

  334. Patsy Farr

    Lisa – 1st of all I thank you for your dedication to God. I have attended several study groups on some of you books and they have blessed my heart.

    I will pray for the guidance from God to Love more deeply those that are hard to love and to strive to unite my family to be closer to God first and each other second.

    God Bless you with His Love and Mercy

  335. jamie boothe

    I’m going to start by accepting that, in spite of my impatience with my husband, my frustration with my teenage and young adult sons, my critical eye of choices others make, that Jesus loves me anyway. In spite of it all, he loves me. And I will challenge myself to remember this each time I take inventory of what I don’t like in my loved ones and show them the grace and love I have been so freely given. It starts with me, my own heart.

  336. Cyndy

    Your devotion is a gentle reminder that unity and love must start within each of us personally. I pray that my life is not a stumbling block to others, but a stepping stone. Let them see You in me………

  337. Torri Woda

    Oh… I would carry that rock with me, to remind me of the sacrifice Jesus made for all of us. It would also help me to tell more people of Jesus, as they will question my rock, and why I am carrying it. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful journey with all of us. With or without a rock, I will continue to be a light shining bright for Him.
    May God continue to bless you Lysa, and your ministry!

  338. Kim Pittman

    Hi Lysa, this week I will seek to live Jesus’ prayer for unity and love more authentically in my own family, with my husband and teenage son. I’m so apt to treat people outside my family with such love, care, respect – but when it comes to my family – not as much. This week, and going forward, I will show my family unity, and focus on the way I handle frustrations, and in the way I process people who think differently than me (you hit those nails straight on the head!).

    Something else, I’m starting to see the lack of unity more and more at my church, and can see evil creeping it’s way in, and John 17:23 will be my prayer for my church this week.

    Love in Christ,

  339. melissa

    There are some people (fellow Christians) in my life right now who have been acting in ways that are very hurtful to me. It’s a long story, but I can’t exactly approach them about it right now. They are going through a lot and I understand that hurt people hurt other people. That still doesn’t make it right. But I am trying to live in unity by watching what I say about them to other people. I am praying for them every time the enemy brings a hurtful or mean thought to my mind about them. I am turning them over to God because ultimately He can heal the situation even when I can’t.

  340. Meredith Ohlsen

    I suffer from severe mood swings and depression. Sometimes, I allow this to get the best of me. I will try this week to really think about Jesus and talk to Him. I want to use His words and power to help life me up and get out of whatever darkness I may feel.

  341. dava Bailey

    Our church motto is Love God and Love People. ..I try to live this daily

  342. Leann

    I try to be Christ like daily I want others to see him in me ,in my actions, in my home and my daily life. Life can be a struggle at times but I know he is with me always and from everything we learn. This is what I want my actions to show in every situations it can be hard but with God I’ve got this 🙂

  343. deb normandin

    I will pray that God guards my tongue and helps me speak in ways that are honorable to Him and to help me be peaceful in my relationships so that it encourages unity.

  344. Abby Shaffer

    “I believe God’s not out to hurt our pride, He’s out to kill it.” -Justin Mayo

    Pride strangles love, and makes unity impossible.

    The only way I can love someone like Christ does is to love that someone more than I love me. Pride must die so I can slide off my throne and elevate another.

    The only way I can unite with someone, especially someone with whom I disagree, is to admit that my way might not be the best way. Pride must die so I can listen, learn and understand. I don’t need to accept another viewpoint as my own, but I need to respect another person as His own.

    So many heartaches can be traced back to pride – in fact, the disciples were arguing about who was the greatest and who would be tops in the Kingdom when Jesus knelt to do the filthy job of a slave.

    Jesus, replace my pride with humility, that I may love without excuse and that I may consider others above myself. Give us unity in the Spirit through the bond of peace. Amen.

  345. Mary-Margaret

    I will seek to view everyone the way God does, with loving eyes. I will focus on letting joy always shine through.

  346. Mary Rapolla

    It has been a journey to live my life of truly loving others as Jesus’s teachings through his word we hear and read in the bible. I have come to realize that all I need to do is just plant the seeds of love by listening, caring, encouraging, laughing, and sharing what I have learned along the way. Trusting that as I become obedient to his commandment to love thy neighbor as thyself, he will open hardened hearts, renew broken spirits, restore us back to his love. The most difficult emotion to love, the flesh battles. I remember the first time I prayed and asked, Lord why is this so difficult? The Lord’s Prayer came through my thoughts. “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” I knew then in my heart, that if I loved our heavenly father, I too could love others as he has called us to do.

  347. Mary Rapolla

    I will purpose to listen,encourage,pray,laugh, share my life experiences and lessons with others when prompted by the Holy Spirit. As I was maturing in my daily walk with the Lord, I realized that to love others is very difficult. I battled getting my flesh to follow the commandment, love thy neighbor as thyself. I remember praying and asking the Lord, why is this so difficult. Immediately, the Lord’s Prayer came through my thoughts. “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” I then realized in my heart, if I truly loved my heavenly father, then I could love others as he commanded.

  348. Dorie

    What a beautiful reminder that we are called to live in unity. I too don’t see much of that in our Christian churches, Christian friends and Christian schools. We attend a Christian school that was nearly torn apart due to a lack of unity, we left a church because of it’s lack of unity and I fear I sometimes shy away from other Christians because I can’t stomach the justifications and assertions that are so misled. Unity starts with me. I am called to rejoice in our similarities and be gracious and patient in our differences. No small feat, but loving our fellow believer isn’t always easy, is it? With God’s help, I will strive to live in unity with my fellow believer. I will strive to lift them up and not tear them down. We have enough opposition with the secular world. Shouldn’t we try to reduce the opposition among our own?

  349. Nichole

    Unity amongst the churches in the city where I live has been something weighing heavily upon the worship/intercessory team I’m part of at church. We are always stronger together.

  350. Melissia

    …I must draw closer to Jesus so I become a reflection of Him…

  351. Lori

    Might you tell me how I really know I’m saved and on my way to heaven? I’m doing everything but nothing’s working right. How do I give up in my own strength and let God and Jesus do it in Theirs?! Feeling so overwhelmed and lost :'(

    • Cheri

      This is for Lori! My heart breaks for the place you are in right now. Knowing God loves you, so much the way you are at this very moment, is the beginning. There is nothing you have ever done or will do that can earn that love. He loved you before you were knit together in your mothers womb. He loves you now, whether you are “doing” anything or not. Following Jesus doesn’t guarantee any easy life, but it does guarantee unconditional love and eternity with Him. I pray you will read his words and let him love you. I pray if you are not already connected to a Bible teaching church and small group, that you find one. He will not leave you nor forsake you, Lori! You are not alone.

    • Tania

      I will try to help Lori. When you give your heart to Christ, God’s Holy Spirit dwells in you. When you are saved, you still have hardships. Faith is believing God will take the bad and work it out for good. We don’t always (In fact often don’t) understand why things happen the way they do. Faith is believing God is still with you even when your world may be in chaos. He is there, and He sees what is happening. You have to believe He is busy behind the scenes making a path for you. Hebrews is a good chapter to read about faith. Romans 8 is a good chapter to read about salvation. If you don’t have a bible, is a wonderful resource to the bible. YouVersion is a great bible app if you have a smartphone. I hope this helps. Sending prayers your way.

    • chris

      Lori, you are speaking for me too, dear! We’ll figure it out!

  352. Patti

    Our family has been in the midst of turmoil. Our nephew is 26 years old, has a fiancé and a little girl, 4 years old. He was a big part of our family while our kids were growing up, taking vacations with us, spending many nights with us, making memories. In the last year or two, he has drifted – he quit the job he worked with my husband, borrowed $1000’s of dollars from co-workers there and never repaid, created havoc in his grandparents household, kept many secrets from us, and we’ve been told that he’s grown addicted to prescription drugs or worse. It’s been almost a year since we’ve spoken. I plan to lay down my anger and PRAY for him…and share that prayer with my family. If they are not home when I pray, I plan to text it to them, surrounding him and his family in prayer. Giving him to God. Completely.

  353. Tania

    Thank you for bringing this topic to light. So often we criticize others from other Christian beliefs, this really makes us no better than Pharisees. I’ve felt the presence of God in Churches of other denominations other than my own. God loves us all and if we truly follow him regardless of faith titles, he blesses and honors that. So should we. For me unity is going out of my comfort zone to minister to others about who I am and who Christ is in me. To let the light shine and have courage not to hide it. To share what Jesus has done and is doing in my life.

  354. chris

    Unity and Love! Awwwww and me sitting here feeling anything but unity and very unloved! What is wrong with me? A Christian and a lover of the One True God! This made me think of how I can work on this from my side! Thanks, Lysa!

  355. Tracie Lee

    After 15 years at home ,I returned to work.I have been back at work for 5 years now.
    I have experienced being a stay at home mom and the love and unity of neighbors.Writing cards to the sick and etc.I also led the childrens ministry for about 5 years.
    Now,I have the opportunity to tell others about Jesus and how he has worked in my life.
    I am a medical assistant and phone nurse for a physicians office.I love it!
    But I have gotten away from being a good friend to others and being involved in activities to care for others,like before.
    I want to work on these things to show others how the Lord has blessed me and my family.
    God is Good.

  356. Julie Stuckey

    As I dig deeper into the scriptures I realize how little I know and how much more I want to know. As a Christian I fall short everyday in my duty to be more like Him. I want to be His hands and feet but realize as I read and learn that this is not possible. He is perfect….fully human yet perfect. Far from me. I can strive to make good and wise choices, hoping to be an example to those around me. I can pray for others and try to bring others close to Him. I can spread the good news! I can read His word daily! I can Keep the Faith through the good times and bad. God is Good…All the Time!!

  357. Melinda

    I often find myself so caught up with wondering why there is so much hate in this world but I struggle most with those that are close to me that claim to be Christians yet harbor hate for others. This week I am going to let go of that struggle and give it over to God. Instead I will focus on my weaknesses/my faults to improve and choose praying for them over arguing with them realizing that unity is the objective!

  358. Christina

    Lysa I am loving all of the photographs you have blessed us with from the Holy Land! I, too, love John’s account of the last supper. I love the fact that I was prayed for before anyone on earth knew. I truly want to show unity and love everyday for Jesus! I am blessed to be in a church that preaches this and shows it to everyone that walks through the doors. Just like forgiveness from Jesus, we don’t see your past; we see what Jesus wants to do with your future. All denominations, everywhere, need to put aside the “doctrine” and bring in the love and unity of Jesus! That’s all I have to say bout that!

  359. Beth

    It was insightful for me to read & ponder: “Do I see unity and love in the way I process people who think differently than me”? With a strong desire to share my faith story and help others, I will remember that their progress and needs will differ from mine!

  360. Cindy

    I pray that the Lord will make me aware when I am being less than patient with my husband, less than open minded with those I do not agree with, and open my heart to all the new people I encounter this week. That he grant me the wisdom to see things in the Bible with new and eager eyes.

  361. Alison anesco

    Beautiful post lysa! Thank you! For me this means I need to continue my spiritual quest at work of promoting unity and showing love to those who do not know my Savior. I will live that prayer out each day and hope they ask me what the difference is!

  362. Alison anesco

    Beautiful post lysa! Thank you! For me this means I need to continue my spiritual quest at work of promoting unity and showing love to those who do not know my Savior. I will live that prayer out each day and be ready when they ask me what the reason for my hope is!

  363. Joanna

    Dear Lysa,
    Thank you for your articles over the past few weeks concerning lessons from the Holy Land, and for the photographic visual aides! This has really helped me!!!
    Every year, during Great Lent, and then especially during Holy Week (which precedes the joyful celebration of Pascha), I struggle with my own Christian journey. I am a sinner (as is every human) and I find that, as I attempt to draw closer to Jesus Christ, the spiritual struggles almost overwhelm me at times, but through those struggles I gain an infinitesimal glimpse of what Our Lord and Saviour must have gone through during his Passion/suffering. I also realize that my earthly trials & tribulations can, in fact, be a means of spiritual cleansing/purification. Also, without those struggles, I would fail to gain further insight into the depth of His love for each & every one of us. To attend the Orthodox church services during Holy Week, I have the opportunity to listen to the reading of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John), and I continually come to a new awareness of God’s all encompassing love for us. And then to arrive at the Paschal (Easter) service, I am filled with joy at the remembrance of Jesus Christ’s glorious 3rd Day Resurrection! This provides me with hope in the midst of my struggles!!!
    This year has been a definite struggle for me.
    Thank you for your words of encouragement along the way, and for assisting me in seeing “visual” snapshots of what the Holy Land looks like. Thank you for the ministry you are providing to others! These articles have been a true blessing to me! Thanks again!

  364. Suzanne R.

    Thank you Lysa, your writings always hit home.
    I am dealing with a very “unlovable” situation in our marriage. Deep in my heart I know God’s will is that I love my husband through whatever mess we’re in, even when it’s hard and especially when I just flat DON’T want to..
    I must love unconditionally.. even when it hurts

  365. Lady Krystal

    This photography is just magical! It really captures the heart of this blog series. Bravo!!

  366. Bobbie

    I am the mother of four children adopted from severe abuse, neglect. If I could not daily hold on to Jesus, we would simply not survive. I am so thankful.

  367. Jess

    Dear Lysa and dear sisters who read this blog,
    I remember I received this post by email a few weeks ago and really loved it.

    And it saddens me deeply because me and a christian friend are burning bridges, even though I’ve been trying to reach out and mend things. I’m really confused, but I want to do what is right, act according to God’s word and will.

    Thank you for your prayers.

  368. Wanda

    These post I read are a big lift to my day. Takes me back to the place I really didn’t know God’s word. 3 and half years ago. Went into a Christina rehab center for alcohol. Spent 9 and half in there. The day I walked from that center I know God was right beside me. Yes, I have a lot to learn and eager to do so. I’m so thankful for this study. I work 3rd shift so coming home to read God’s word is a big lift for me. There’s days I need to be reminded and this on-line bible helps alot.

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