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Experience the Holy Land Without Having to Leave Home

March 19, 2014

Have you ever read the Bible and wished you could have been there in that place to see what Jesus was pointing at… to walk where He walked… to see what the Disciples saw?

I just returned home from the Holy Land. There really aren’t enough words to fully describe what I experienced there.

That’s why I want to share some of my journey through pictures and devotions over the next several weeks.

I believe the pictures are so necessary because we think in pictures. Our mind houses thousands, maybe millions of pictures that help us visualize words we hear and read. Without pictures we can’t possibly capture the depth of proper meaning.

I saw this when we adopted our boys from Africa. Though they spoke English, there was a pretty extreme language barrier between us. For example, if I said, “Do you want to eat a hot dog?”… they would picture a dog who was very hot… and, well, you get why that lunch discussion didn’t go very well.

That’s what I kept thinking about while on my intense study trip in Israel. I’ve studied the Scriptures for years, but without the pictures in my mind I missed so much.

Oh, how I wish I could whisk you away to experience Israel with me in person. Maybe we can do this together one day! But since that’s not possible today, I thought I could slip a few pictures and thoughts under your door and with great enthusiasm say, “Isn’t it amazing?”

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I’d also love for you to invite your friends and family to take this journey with us. [af_tf_form]

Now, let’s begin.

I started my journey with shaky hands, wearing broken in boots…

Explore the Holy Land with Lysa TerKeurst through pictures and posts!

After 13 hours of flying, we landed in Israel. I was in the Holy Land. And my soul whispered, “you will feel at home here.”

Explore the Holy Land with Lysa TerKeurst through pictures and posts!

My prayer is that you would have that same sense of feeling at home through these pictures, posts, and devotions. I can’t wait to relive this journey with you.

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  1. Patti Chriestenson

    So happy you were able to go and gain a new perspective!

    • Nico Smith

      I’ve never been on any out-of-countrydventures; hwever, beng with y incredible husband i ha He treats me as if scredsure that God has entrusted him to take very good care of fo…rever. I do feel as if mybody is a “holy land” of sorts in that I take care of wGod has created. Therefore, I don’t knowif you’d agree with me; however, we should treat earth andund we walk on y land. Youe a “hotmple God that should be reshat specersonife. “Young women: if “that guy” isn’t a godly leader who treats you like the treasure you are, stop wasting your time and tears.”~Lysa TerKeurst
      I ♥ this thought. Fortunately, I have the best husband ever. My husband, Ron Smithis the best treasure ever. I’m loved so much by this guy that I don’t think I’d trade him in for anything else in the entire universe. I am glad God blessed me with the most awesome guy in the world. I’ll kee him forever and always. I feel like I’m at the “holy land” because God has given me the most incredible man of my entire life- a husband who I adore. “Have you ever read the Bible and wished you could have been there in that place to see what Jesus was pointing at… to walk where He walked… to see what the Disciples saw?

      I just returned home from the Holy Land. There really aren’t enough words to fully describe what I experienced there.

      That’s why I want to share some of my journey through pictures and devotions over the next several weeks.

      I believe the pictures are so necessary because we think in pictures. Our mind houses thousands, maybe millions of pictures that help us visualize words we hear and read. Without pictures we can’t possibly capture the depth of proper meaning.

      I saw this when we adopted our boys from Africa. Though they spoke English, there was a pretty extreme language barrier between us. For example, if I said, “Do you want to eat a hot dog?”… they would picture a dog who was very hot… and, well, you get why that lunch discussion didn’t go very well.

      That’s what I kept thinking about while on my intense study trip in Israel. I’ve studied the Scriptures for years, but without the pictures in my mind I missed so much.

      Oh, how I wish I could whisk you away to experience Israel with me in person. Maybe we can do this together one day! But since that’s not possible today, I thought I could slip a few pictures and thoughts under your door and with great enthusiasm say, “Isn’t it amazing?”

      Now, let’s begin.

      I started my journey with shaky hands, wearing broken in boots…

      After 13 hours of flying, we landed in Israel. I was in the Holy Land. And my soul whispered, “you will feel at home here.”

      My prayer is that you would have that same sense of feeling at home through these pictures, posts, and devotions. I can’t wait to relive this journey with you. “~Lysa TerKeurst Incredible! The pictures and descriptions made me feel like I was alrey there, even though I’m only sitting at my laptop computer. Unfortunately, I have never been on any vacation to a foreign land ever in my entire life. I remember a time when I nearly had a foreign exchance experience one summer; however, that never happen. Apparently, many applications were in, meaning that there was only a limited number of spots for so many kids to take part.See More

      • robin

        I felt the same way about my husband, I loved him dearly, but God loved him more and chose to call him home after 33 great years. The separation has been painful….but God does give us grace for the journey. Sometimes I believe we can love too much and the greater the love the greater the pain. Treasure each day and thank God for each moment, the ups and downs. As I look back with thankfulness, it gives me joy for the present.
        Knowing of all the people in the world God could have given Tom to…… he chose me.
        Recipient of Grace not just once, but twice given.
        However we do need to remember God is a jealous God, and he will not give his glory to another. We should never make an idol of our husbands, love them yes, respect them yes…. worship them no. Robin

  2. Coby de Groot

    Looking forward to seeing the photos you have taken Lysa and hearing of your journey in the HOLY LAND. Precious experience I am sure!

  3. Jean Wise

    We go to the Holy Lands this coming October and I am so looking forward to your post about this trip to help prepare me. It is more than a trip, it’s a pilgrimage! Thanks for sharing

  4. Laura Godfrey

    I follow you on instagram and couldn’t wait to see what you were going to post next. Visiting The Holy Land is now at the top of my To Do list. Hopefully with you 😉
    Can’t wait to read and see more.
    Thank you for sharing your revelations with us.

  5. Tiza

    I am SO excited to hear about your experiences in the Holy Land! I was thinking about how difficult a task it would probably be to try and convey it all to others who weren’t there. when your post yesterday asked for prayer that you would be able to do it the right way at the right time I knew when He gives you direction we are all in for an amazing journey! I pray His Hands & Blessing surround you in the coming days & know He will give you just the right words at the just the right time! in the meantime, I for 1 will be waiting anxiously!!

  6. Elissa P

    Thank for taking the time to share your journey and joy with us. I so appreciated it and cannot wait to walk this journey with you and your family.

    Thanks again and blessings.

  7. kl

    I am SO EXCITED about this series!! Thanks so much!!!

  8. Leslie

    I am so excited to share in your journey…..I don’t know if I will ever get there, so I am going to live through your pictures and insight!!! Thanks so much for sharing.

    Praying that God will bless this endeavor….


  9. Pam

    Yes, yes, I have wished to see what Jesus and the disciples saw and to walk where they walked! I do hope my husband and I can visit Israel together some day, but until we do, I’m looking forward to enjoying the journey through the pictures and words from your journey you will be sharing here in this space : )

    I did catch a glimpse of a picture through fb of you riding a camel! How interesting was that?!

  10. Lori

    This is so timely! My husband and I will leave for the Holy Land in one week. Thrilled beyond words.

  11. Jo

    Thanks for sharing your trip with us, Lysa! I’m so eager to hear about it! One day, we plan to go 🙂

  12. Jenny C.

    Lysa, I went to the Holy Land last summer. It was definitely a highlight of my life! I thank the Lord for such a blessed opportunity that I will treasure always. I can’t wait for your posts & pictures. I really miss it . . . In Christ, Jenny C.

  13. Jen

    I am so excited to hear more about your experience. My husband and I will never, ever be able to afford to visit the Holy Land ourselves, so we thoroughly enjoyed seeing your pictures on Instagram. Thanks for allowing us to visit through you.

  14. Rachel

    The first two pictures you’ve posted make my heart happy. I’ve been dreaming of going for years now. Thanks for sharing!

  15. Cindy

    Praise God for you, Lysa! I am really looking forward to your posts and photos of your trip to the Holy Land. Thank you so much for sharing with us. God continue to bless you richly!

  16. Nicole @ Three 31

    I’ve been to Israel and experienced the wonder, the tradition, the heritage of Jerusalem and surrounding areas. I made lifelong friendships and ate some of the best food I’ve ever put in my mouth. I cannot wait to see your future posts and photographs, Israel is a MUST SEE destination for everyone. You’re absolutely right, I did feel right at home!!!!

  17. Estrella Navarrete

    I follow you on Instagram and truly enjoyed seeing your posts in “real-time”. I hope you give further detail or devotion here on your blog. Instagram is so limited. But I was super blessed. My dad (who happens to be my Pastor – I’m a P.K.!!) preached about the invalid man at the pool (Bethesda) this past Sunday. All I kept thinking was “wow, Lysa just posted a photo about this, which led me to read & study this same exact thing and now here’s my dad preaching about it!! Thank you Jesus!! You are amazing!!” I was generously blessed by that preaching and I was picturing the photo you had posted, the entire time. It was so beautiful to be able to picture and have the message “come to life”. Thank you so much!!


  18. Dawn

    So excited to see this journey through your eyes and thoughts. I will be going on my journey in November!

  19. veronica

    Hey Lysa,
    Thank you so much for sharing with us this wonderful experience. May God bless you richly. Cant wait to see those post:)!!

  20. Brandee

    Looking forward to reading every one of these posts! Loved the pictures on Instagram and can’t wait to read all about it.

  21. Nicki Koziarz

    So excited to read your journey Lysa! Thanks for taking the time to share everything you learned here on this blog. xoxo

  22. Brenda

    Lysa, I too followed you on Instagram and I cannot express how grateful I am that you are sharing experience with us. You see 4 years ago I went from being a very healthy woman who loved and served the Lord through my work as a RN and also through my church. In 2010 I contracted a virus and am now medically disabled. I have dreamed of visiting the Holy Land. Will that ever by possible? Well that is in our God’s hands! This is not for me to know and God is also teaching me that I do not need to understand the WHYS!!! My responsibility is to trust Him in all things-Romans 8:28-29-And at all times…this is a moment by moment choice. Just wanted you to understand how God is using your trip, to touch the lives of some, who may never be able to walk in the steps of Jesus. Praising Jesus!!!

  23. RoseMarie Cunningham

    Can’t wait for this experience, I’ve always wanted to go!
    Thank you for allowing us to see through your eyes.

  24. Lady Krystal

    Cannot. Wait! Your Instagram pictures has me all stirred up.

  25. Carlene Brown

    My husband and I were there in 1996 ……. being on the Sea of Galilee and at the pool of Bethesda absolutely gave me goosebumps. So many other places were traditionally thought to be scenes where Jesus was born, or other significant Biblical events took place … but those two were the real deal! SO excited to see the Holy Land again, through your eyes!

  26. Sharmin

    I can only imagine walking the same ground where Jesus and His disciples walked. What an amazing experience.

    I was so touched by your post on in(Courage) this morning about praying for you husband. I posted something on my blog a few days ago about a very similar experience. Just a year ago my husband and I were having a very difficult time, in fact, he had filed for divorce. As I praying for God to change his heart, I really felt God speak to me and convict me that I needed to change things in my own heart. As my prayers changed, from “Lord, change him” to “Lord, change me”, the situation began to improve. When I truly allowed the Lord to work in my life, He also worked in my husband’s. I am forever grateful that God intervened and saved our marriage… not just held us together, but made it so much better than it had been in several years. It is still an ongoing process, but we are allowing Him to work and restore our family. Thank you for the reminder, I keep praying for God to change my heart to become the woman He wants me to be.

  27. Sherry Krout

    I was recently there in November 2013. I can relate with the feelimg of bejng home. And reading scripture now is so visual for me. I was home. I miss being there. God wrapped me in his arms and spent time with me in his home. I think about All the place we walked where Jesus walked. Amazing, i can not wait to go back some day. I will love seeing your pitures and reading you devotions. Thank you for sharing.

  28. Jamey McGowan

    Hey Lysa!
    My Aunt went to Isreal last summer. I heard wonderful things about it! I think it’s so cool that you’re there. I am currently writing my first book. It’s a Christian book about living fully for God and I was wondering if you had any advice you could possibly give me. It’d be an honor and would mean a lot. At first I was going to write about why people hurt other people and not believing them but believing what God says about you. I had thought it over then I had decided to just make that topic one chapter then the next about something totally different like excelling in your faith and knowing that God is in control. I was wondering if you could give me some pointers and tips about writing and how to write it out all correctly also maybe even pitch me some topic ideas. Thank you! – Jamey

  29. Jamey McGowan

    Also, I forgot to mention that I too, go to Elevation :). I attend the Blakeney campus.

  30. Patty Fletcher

    I just returned the 2nd I’d March.I need re-entry classes!My heart,soul and mind are still there.Im praying that God will continue to reveal to me his purpose for my trip.He has already shown me so much!

  31. Pam

    I look forward to seeing your pictures. I traveled to Israel 2 years ago and had the time of my life. I hope to return for another tour some day.

  32. Renee Swope

    Can’t wait to take this journey with you Lysa. I’m asking the Holy Spirit to bring back to mind so many details for you, and the amazing sense of His presence with you each and every minute you were there. Thank you for taking us with you via pictures and posts in the coming weeks!!

  33. Prem

    Hi Lysa. I just received yr website fr a friend. It’s amazing cos I’m just back for the Holy Land! Went there with my 2 daughters. We r fr Malaysia. We went there in a group of 50 led by an Australian Pastor n his wife. What an awesome, wonderful, amazing, fantastic trip it was! My youngrt daughter (12 yrs) was baptised in d Jordan River n we rededicated ourselves. The feeling is indescribable. It was a dream of a lifetime n can only thank n praise our LORD for this. We miss the Holy Land. We really felt we were at home there. Now when we read d Bible we can visualise the places mentioned. Can’t wait to go back there again! I know The Almighty One will send us again! All of u who earnestly desire n yearn to go there just tell The Lord tat u want to go n I’m positive n sure tat HE will give u d provision n d means to go! For our Heavenly Father loves All to go to HIS LAND n meet HIM n JESUS n HOLY SPIRIT there. So start praying n c a miracle in yr lives! GOD BLESS! Can’t wait to c the rest of yr pictures Lysa.

  34. Ellen McQueen

    I have always wanted to visit Israel. You are so blessed to have been able to do so . I can’t wait to see your pictures.

  35. Mary R

    I totally relate to the statement you heard about your soul will feel at home. That is exactly what I experienced as soon as we climbed the hill in the bus to drop down into Jerusalem. It was as if I had come home. Then I realized that the Spirit of God in me had come home and I felt very comfortable there!! The most amazing experience to walk where Jesus walked and to relive all the stories I had been told since I was young… To see the scriptures unfold and become more than words on a page! So amazing!!! Just like my Jesus!! Amazing… Thank you for sharing your journey! Someday I would love to return!

  36. Millie

    Thank you Lysa for sharing with some of us who oly dream of going there,

  37. Cindy Ledesma

    This is a dream of mine! One of these days! What a Blessing to experience all that you have!!

  38. Wendy

    My husband and I went to Israel in 2007. I will forever read the Bible differently. I truly wish every believer could travel to Israel.

  39. Yvonne

    Hi!. I will soon be 75 and I cannot fly… (Or walk very much, for that matter); forI am too handicapped to go on any kind of trip. My younger years were wasted on superfluous activities… How I wish I had been mature enough to go, back then. I look forward to your future writings & photos about Israel. God bless !!

  40. Janet Vandagna

    i went for the 1st time in Oct/Nov 2013. there are no words to describe the impact that trip had on my walk with Jesus. going back this year in oct/nov. the first time is so emotional and there is so much to take in. I’m praying this year I can learn much more.

  41. Amy

    Lysa, I’ve never had the opportunity to visit, but I recently had an amazing dream that I was flying into Israel with my family. I really believe God was trying to reveal new Jerusalem to me. So, I can’t wait for you to share your journey. Thank you my friend!

  42. Kim

    My sister sent me an invite to your blog and I am so happy she did as this will be a great prelude to my first trip to Israel in May. We will be in Jerusalem for the first 6 days, Israel to the Red Sea for 2 days, then to the Dead Sea for 2 days, and last but not least the Sea Of Galilee for last two days of our trip. Excited and nervous! My better half went his first time by himself in Sept. And is now taking me!!

  43. Bernice

    I’ve been wanting to go to Isarel for such a long time just to be able to see all the places that JESUS taught and walked. I know you had to have had a wonderful joyful experience and I know I will one day soon, and I can’t wait to go and I’m looking forward to all of your posts and pictures.

  44. Amy Tapp

    So glad you were able to go to the Holy Land!!! My husband, son, and I were able to go in June 2010!! When you said that “your soul whispered, ‘you will feel at home here'”, I rejoiced in my soul!!! I sensed that same feeling while we were in Israel!!! I want to go back some day and spend more time in reflection that I did the first time I went. I experienced many precious time with the Lord while we were there, but one of the most memorable times was while I was walking on the “Via Dolarosa”. I sang the words to Sandi Patty’s song and rejoiced in our great Savior!! Look forward to reading about all of the ways in which God used your time there to draw you closer to Him!

  45. her comment is here

    liquid sandpaper Lysa TerKeurst | Experience the Holy Land Without Having to Leave Home

  46. Karen Seigh

    My first trip out of the country was to Liberia in May of this year. I went on a mission trip. I have a whole new outlook on life and worship. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for me now. 🙂

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