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The Song My Soul Needs

January 27, 2014

Sometimes my soul needs a song. And recently, “Last Word” is on my list of favorites. Its message is one that lifts me above what I’m facing and recalibrates me to the reality that Jesus always has the last word.

Today you may be facing a hard circumstance… a diagnosis, a break-up, a financial hardship, a rejection, a loss, or a loved one making choices that seem devastating.

I pray this song and the story behind it blesses you deeply. (For those of you reading this through e-mail, click here to watch the video.)

“Last Word” is from Elevation Church’s new worship CD, “Only King Forever.” Today, I’m giving away copies to 10 commenters who let me know what their favorite worship song is. (To download the album on iTunes, click here.)

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  1. Mecha Andris

    Sorry to go old school but the “Old Rugged Cross” makes me cry like a baby every single time… “ugly” cry too.

  2. Marty Walden

    My favorite worship song? That is so incredibly hard to say! I write a faith post on Sundays on my blog entitled Simple Gift Sunday and I include a worship video that I love. One of my favorites at the moment is I Surrender by Hillsong.

    My niece and family attended Elevation when they lived in Belmont and Gene Lakey (on staff) was our pastor in Greensboro for a short time. I’m also doing the online study for Made to Crave and I’m an adoptive and bio mom as well. Hope to meet you in person one day and tell you how much you’ve blessed me!

    • Sallie

      My favorite depends on how the Spirit moves me that day, like many, but one that never fails is one that I can not remember the title of, but my favorite part is this: “Take joy, my King, in what you hear. May it be a sweet, sweet sound in Your ear”. I love that part because I honestly can not carry a tune in a bucket. But I know that God loves me anyway. Enjoy your day! Love your messages.

  3. Dusty Dixon

    My favorite worship song right now is Oceans by HIllsong.

  4. Karen

    Yes, very hard to narrow down what my favorite worship song is…and it changes depending on what i am facing. Right now one of my favorites is “Lay Me Down” by Chris Tomlin

  5. Angie Borgmann

    My favorite worship song is I Have Decided by Elevation Worship and Great Are You Lord by All Sons and Daughters

  6. Lisa Harrell

    Wonderful words… Thank you for sharing.
    Favorite worship song Jamie Grace HOLD ME.

  7. Mia Cornelius

    I love so many different worship songs. One of my favorite worship songs is Bteak Every Chain by Tasha Cobbs.

  8. Mia Cornelius

    I love so many different worship songs. One of my favorite worship songs is Break Every Chain by Tasha Cobbs.

  9. Irene Talaasen

    My favorite worship song is Christ Alone by the Gettys.
    Thank you! We are doing your study When Women Say Yes to God in our church Ladies Bible study. Thank you for that also!!

  10. Valerie


    I was not familiar with this song, but I have now listened to it over and over again.

    Thank you so much for sharing this! I really needed to hear it and know I will be playing it many more times.

    My favorite worship song? “Great is Thy Faithfulness”

  11. Laura

    Thank you for sharing this today.
    My favorite worship song is a tie between In Christ Alone and Cornerstone.

  12. Jodie

    Blessed be your name comes to mind as one I really like. It’s really hard it depends on how things are going. The Lord always seems to have just the right song come on the radio or in worship at church. I just lost my dad this week and things with my sister are tough right now. I’m grieving the loss of expectations we had as a family. This was timely right now.

  13. Lisa

    Praise God ~ He always has the last WORD!

  14. Julie

    Oceans (where featay fail) by Hillsong

  15. Colleen Dearborn

    Favorite worship song is “Praise you in this Storm”

  16. Linda Kelly

    The song that comes to me right now as one of my favorites and an older one is “Open the eyes of my Heart …I want to see You.”
    So many times life comes to this point that I do need to see Him in it and through it.. Whatever the situation. Maybe in nature to be filled with His beauty. Or in a situation where my expectations are not seemingly being met. To know He is with me. I want to see Him. Need to …thank you for sharing your song. A recent part of your life that you shared recently touched a deep part of mine that I deeply need to see Him in. Blessings to you Lysa

  17. Teresa Jarvis

    i love the song “God of Every Story” by Laura Story.

  18. Halona Luna

    my favorite is Revelation Song by any artist.

  19. Miriam

    My favorite worship song right now is Oceans by Hillsong United. “Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders, let me walk upon the waters wherever you would call me. Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander, and my faith will be made stronger in the presence of my Savior! And I will call upon Your name. And keep my eyes above the waves. When oceans rise, my soul will rest in Your embrace, for I am Yours, and You are mine.” This song has helped lift me up in the midst of great pain, and also inspires me to be brave!

  20. Sharon Smith

    Thank you for your post. I also love so many praise and worship songs. Some of my favorites are “10,000 Reasons” by Matt Redman and “How Great is Our God” by Chris Tomlin.

  21. Danielle

    My favourite worship song is 10,000 Reasons.

  22. Amber Trusler

    Listening to Misty Edwards right now. I could put about any one of her songs on the list at any given time, but right now I would say Victor’s Crown has been blessing me. Not sure who is the official artist? Hillsong United/Kari Jobe? 🙂

  23. vanessa

    Love your blog! My favorite song right now is Oceans by Hillsong!

  24. Courtney

    I Can Only Imagine is my favorite worship song ever. Blessed Be Your Name is another great one.

  25. Carolyn

    Oceans by Hillsong!!

  26. Erin

    Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) by Hillsong. It challenges, humbles and inspires me every time I hear or try to sing it. Often I end up with tears running down my face because trusting God is a minute by minute thing and I fail more often than not.

  27. Sonya Sanchez

    My favorite right now is 10,000 reasons by Matt Redmam. I saw you yesterday in Lubbock you were fabulous!!

  28. Kathy

    Any song that has a praise within its content lifts my spirit to worship our Lord. I especially enjoy “Amazing Grace,” an old hymn that never fails to make me worship our Lord for making me His child.

  29. Kim Ford

    There are so many powerful Spirit directed worship songs; one of my favorites that speaks to my current season of life is Robin Mark’s All Is Well.

  30. Kristi

    So many that come to mind but the first one was Blessings by Laura Story.

  31. Vicky D

    So many favorites but right now it is Redeemed.

  32. Karen S

    Oceans – Hillsong United – focuses me directly on Christ no matter what is going on around me.

  33. Brandy Becker

    My most favorite is Beautiful by Mercy Me. I have 3 daughters and we continuously remind them of the Beauty the Lord has blessed them with. They are truly beautiful on the inside and out. In a world of such uncertainty we must hold tight to our faith and spread the good news of our Lord. The Last Word was something I needed to hear tonight after having a heart to heart conversation with one of my daughters. Thank you!

  34. Teresa R

    I have two worship songs that are my favorite – Broken Hallelujah and The Only Name

  35. Debbie

    In this moment I am really liking “Great Are You Lord” by All Sons and Daughters. My heart and soul are touched by the song. It’s HIS breath in my lungs.

  36. Mary T

    Lysa, divine appointment with this post…not 2 minutes before I read this email, I was reading Matthew 27:46 and meditating on it… My favorite worship song is “Be Still and Know” by Hillsong (United)…the sneak peek at the “Last Word” leaves me needing to hear the song…all of it! God bless!

  37. Andrea

    My favorite right now is Speak Life by Toby Mac. It not only reminds me that our words are so powerful, but to hear my sweet 3 year old boy sing it out at the top of his lungs brings me SO much joy!

  38. Kathryn Bonnett

    “Blessed be Your Name”… Seth first moved in utero during that song at worship (well, first time I felt him move i should say) and while pregnant with him the “on the road marked with suffering” line rang painfully true.. and we sang it at Seth’s memorial service to remind us that He gives and takes away and Blessed is HIs name.

  39. Lisa Smith

    One of my favorite worship songs is Amazing Grace 🙂 It doesn’t matter which artist is singing it, it always leads my heart to worship! )

  40. Paula

    Revelation Song is THE BEST worship song. I have to keep my eyes on the road and my hands on the wheel when it comes on in the car…and that is nearly impossible to do!

  41. Rachelle Smotherman

    One of my favorite worship songs is “Praise You in the Storm” by Casting Crowns. It reminds me to always honor the Lord with my praise, regardless of what’s going on around me. Thank you for your encouragement through your blog. Blessings!

  42. Heather

    My favourite worship song is You are my hiding place. I don’t know who has sung it. But I’ve got it on my phone and whenever I’m stressed or low or you know happy or just I hum it and listen to it..

  43. Peggy Savory

    My Redeemer Lives by Nicole C. Mullen!

  44. Donna Hamilton

    My favorite worship song is Jesus, Lover of My Soul by Darlene Zschech. Because always loves me, even when I don’t love myself!

    • Donna Hamilton

      He* Because He always loves me.

  45. Lynn Leaming

    At the moment my favorite is “Never Once” by Matt Redmond.

  46. Patti Chriestenson

    “Hurricane” – Natalie Grant

  47. Mary E. Feie

    I’m home from a gathering of girlfriends and one of our great friends was totally not herself tonight. We were all so worried about her and tried to keep her with us but eventually we had to let her go. Wow! This song and message is sooooooooooo what I needed to hear. Abba has her in His hands, and He will have the “last word” for her life. Thank you!!!! Oh…a favorite song? Depends upon the day and situation.

  48. Nikki

    Oh there are so many good worship songs to choose from! One of my long time favorites is Revelation Song!

  49. Diane Kozlovich

    “Beautiful” by MercyMe is great! I haven’t heard all of “Last Word”, yet. I heard Wade Joye’s overview of “Last Word”. He said their daughter, Sydney has Cystic Fibrosis. I just finished reading, “God Bless These Little Legs” by Lisa Sexton & Tyler Sexton, MD. Tyler has Cerebral Palsy. The book is wonderful!! When Tyler was in college working on his doctorate degree he discovered a young boy with CP who was quadroplegic. Tyler raised funds to get him and his mother flown to the US to have surgery so that he could walk! It was a success!!! Tyler is now a doctor helping kids with difficulties. Go to

  50. Lisa Reed

    My favorite worship song is IMAGINE! I play it really loud in my car and sing at the top of my lungs! Always my favorite!
    I told my children when they are planning my service (hopefully not for a very long time) I want IMAGINE playing really loud and everyone singing it!!

  51. Hudsonmotherof4

    I worship God by breathing in the outdoors in every way possible. That’s why “God’s Great Dance Floor” is my favorite outdoor worship song!

  52. Debi Owinyo

    My favorite worship song is “Behold Our God” by the Bairds because it takes scripture from Isaiah 40 to remind us God is incomparable and the only one worthy of worship. It’s also a beautiful tune with great harmony!
    My all-time favorite hymn, though, is “Great is Thy Faithfulness”. No explanation needed. 🙂
    Thank you, Lord, for music that brings your character to mind and encourages focus on You. Thank you for the sheer beauty of great tunes and powerful lyrics, and for gifting those who bless us with these.

  53. Melchorita Fahey

    It’s so hard to pick which one of my favourite worhip songs, there’s so many which I listened them everyday when I’m at home or in my car driving to work and back home. I could share and name few of my favourites worship songs; How deep the Father’s love (By Stuart Townend), Create in me a clean heart (By Keith Green), In Christ Alone (By Kristy Getty) and, As the dear pants for the water (By Martin Nystrom).

  54. Nicole Janssen

    My favourite worship song that resonates with me right now is Worn by Tenth Avenue North. Thanks for your blogs… Love reading them!

  55. Brenda

    My favorite song is “Who Put the Tears in the Eyes of the Lamb”.

  56. Carol Garrett

    My favorite worship song is “Blessings” by Laura Story. My husband has had YOPD (Young Onset Parkinson’s Disease) for 19 years now. Our journey has led us through many hills and valleys but God is always there to see us through to continue to be a witness to others through the storms as well as the rainbows! BTW, I lead a women’s Bible study group and we use many of your books. In fact, the name of our group is WILD GIRLS (Women In Lifelong Development Growing In Relationships and Loving Spiritually). We received the inspiration for our name from your definition of WILD in your book, “A Different Kind of WILD.” Thank you for using your gifts through all your books and teachings! You are certainly a BLESSING!!!

  57. Carolina

    Thank you for this message and having the song title to share. I am going to a healing conference for wives of sex addicts in Texas. Just found out about it. Just decided to go this morning. I have stayed with a “recovering” sex addict who says, “I am sexually broken and do not want healing” and whose anger is over the top.. I have stayed with him off and on for 28 years (married, divorced, re-married, separated, re-united). I continue to pray for him. My favorite song is “You are My Hiding Place”. I am finally making plans to live alone . It am breathing this morning. My Abba loves me Thank you for your love, Lysa. My Abba loves me unconditionally and says, “You have been faithful. I want you healed and well and free from the need to stay.”

  58. pamela browne

    My favorite worship song is “press in your presence” shania Wilson. we all need to be
    whole in jesus presence.

  59. Nanci Zehner

    When I came to believe in Jesus several years ago, worship music fed my soul. I listened to Michael W. Smith’s album, Worship, almost non-stop and cried almost non-stop. I love worship songs and there are so many that are dear to me. So, like the others, it’s hard to pin it down to just one song. But, for today I’d have to say my favorite is “This Is Amazing Grace” by Phil Wickham.

    I Love you, Lyza! You are incredible so very inspiring. Thank you for honoring God and answering his call. You’ve helped so many of us by doing so. God bless you!

  60. Suz

    Grace so glorious is my favorite. Love them all! I would love to win this album, it’s the only one I don’t have.

  61. Holly

    Matt maher- Lord I need you

  62. Michelle

    It’s just too hard to pick one song. But I will say it depends on the season I’m in or what I’m facing at the moment. I’ve been hitting replay on Oceans, Redeemed, beautiful day just to name a few. Worshiping God no matter what song or even in silence brings me back to a place of focusing on Him and not myself.

  63. Heather

    My favorite worship songs are “Whom Shall I Fear (God of Angel Armies)” and Sovereign by Christ Tomlin.

    • Annette D

      Heather = I love the Whom Shall I fear song as well. Awesome choice!! Have a blessed day.

  64. Bethany

    Right now? Hillsong United, Oceans

  65. Bree

    Currently – Oceans by Hillsong United.

  66. Kelly

    My favorite worship song is by Kim Walker Smith, from the album, Home, Christ the Rock.

  67. Lisa Thompson

    Desert Song by Hillsong because it reminds me that in every season He is still God and I have a reason to sing!

  68. Julie C

    Psalm 73 – My God’s Enough…BarlowGirl

  69. Carol-Jo

    My favorite is Hosanna by Hillsong. It makes me think of Heaven and His Glory.

  70. Dawn

    My favorite worship songs would be any by Francesca Batestelli! Her lyrics inspire me and bring me peace.

  71. Colleen G.

    LOVE me some worship music…
    My favorite worship song right now is Christy Nockles, Waiting Here for You.
    Beautiful, amazing and pure worship to Him.
    -Colleen G.

  72. kara dennison

    My favorite worship song is 10,000 Reasons by Matt Redman. I love that song because it’s all about the Lord Jesus Christ. My Grandpa died almost a year ago and that song got me through my grieving.

  73. Ashley

    Wow! Tough Question! I guess I would have to say “Shout to the Lord!”

  74. Sherry

    Lord I need you.

  75. Janene

    I thought about this today as I walked the dog and my ipod down the beach, sometimes you have to escape the house, and face your grief head on. Lately it has been a toss up between Kari Jobe” what love is this” and Casting Crowns “Praise You in this storm”. After loosing my husband it was hard to sing at all, I am thankful to have found my voice again. Thanks for sharing “last Word” it”s great.

  76. Donna Reed

    Your Grace Finds Me by Matt Redman

  77. Jamie Lynn Garrett

    “I will Rise” by Hillsong!

  78. Lis Reitsma

    My current favorite worship song is Lord, I Need You by Matt Maher. Daily it’s the cry of my heart. Thank you for your words today. Blessings!

  79. Lisa

    My current favorite (because there are many), is David Crowder,” How He loves”. My heart longs to KNOW personally and intimately His love for me. I struggle with understanding The love He has me. I can understand how he loves others but not me. This song speaks to me deeply and I can hear God saying this personally to me “oh how he loves me”

  80. Connie Teague

    I love “Redeemed” by Big Daddy Weave esp. the part that says “stop fighting the fight that’s already been won” That almost stopped me in my tracks the first time I heard it. Also love Hillsong’s “I Surrender” So powerful.

  81. Michelle Palmer

    My mom past away on Sat. Jan 18 very unexpectedly. She was my hero and my best friend. The song and your post was something that I needed to hear at this moment. Thank you for posting this. My mother’s favorite song: Let There Be Peace on Earth. I listen to Klove and have too many to list….Thank you.

  82. Martine Bykowski

    There are many praise songs that speak to my soul. One of my very favorites is “The Potter’s Hand”, with Darlene Zschech and Hillsong! I yearn for my life to be what the Father wants.

  83. Aimee Jenkins

    I love the song Oceans (Where my feet may Fail) by Hillsongs United!

  84. Fiona Knight

    Wow, amazing story behind the song. My favourite worship song, at the moment anyway :-), is Rooftops by Jesus Culture – “All that I am I place into your loving hands and I am yours”

  85. Kathie

    Love the song and the story behind it- hard to pick a favorite worship song but Sanctuary is one of my all time favorites

  86. Felicia Hutchinson

    Something Beautiful by Needtobreathe.

  87. Kim

    I love music and it often speaks to my heart in whatever circumstance I am facing. I guess the one that comes up the most is “God is in Control”. Any time I am faced with a difficult circumstance, the words to that song just play over and over in my mind….it brings me such comfort and peace.

  88. Annette D

    I Can Only Imagine by Mercy Me. When my husband, age 41, was diagnosed with cancer, our world changed overnight. One day when I was driving him to an appointment, this song came on the radio and he started crying, which is the first time I really saw him break down and cry. He passed in May 2006.

    Whenever that song comes on, I remember my brave and loving Jeff, and know he is free from cancer and rejoicing with Jesus.

  89. Tamara

    Holy Spirit, Thou Are Welcome In This Place is seems to be the cry of my heart these days. I cannot do it alone. I need Him with me.

  90. Tonya

    How He Loves by David Crowder Band. I can just feel his love as I sway and move to this song! It is so awesome to know no matter my circumstance He loves me. I may have never truly felt love from my earth father but the love that comes from Jesus is enough! Thanks for all you do for us women! Truly an inspirational bunch at P31!

  91. Jessica

    Revelation song by Kari Jobe

  92. Kate

    You Are My Strenght – Hillsong United

  93. Hope Varnedoe

    My favorite Worship Song is the Revelation Song by Kari Jobe. It is so beautiful and it declares the holiness and worthiness of our mighty God.

  94. Jessica

    Thank you for posting about this song. I love it! I would have to say my favourite worship song is the old hymn “It is well”. It was my Grandma’s favourite and every time I sing it I think of her and the incredible legacy she left. It’s amazing how even a few years after her passing, there are still times when I forget for a second and think of something I want to ask her or share with her, usually something about my walk with Jesus. But whenever I sing this song I am brought to tears, remembering that through all her struggles, especially toward the end of her life, she glowed with the light of Jesus and faced every trial knowing it was well with her soul. What a beautiful life!

  95. Stephanie

    My favorite worship song now is “10,000” Reasons.

  96. Rebecca

    My canyon of transgressions, 
    It echoes through my troubled mind
    Reminding me of desperation, 
    And of the peace I long to find

    I wrestle with this world around me, 
    I forge the chains that hold me down
    But it was your love, a dead world’s pardon
    You gave it all, you gave for me

    I’m falling into your love overwhelming, 
    I’m falling into your grace
    I’m falling in where my heart knows no wrong
    I’m falling into you

    To you my life I will surrender, 
    Surrender heart, mind, flesh and soul
    Reveal to me, reveal your calling, 
    It is your will I long to know.

    These are the lyrics from Falling sung by Caleb Rowden.

  97. robin

    We are so blessed with amazing worship songs & song writers today. The message in this song is a powerful one. My current favorite is one I clung to last year as I received a breast cancer diagnosis and went through surgeries, chemo and radiation…Laura Story’s Blessings. My surgeon said I sang it during one surgery (under sedation) made the entire surgical team cry.

  98. Laura Beth Lamb

    My favorite worship song is Lord, I Need You on Matt Maher’s newest CD.

  99. Dianna

    My favorite worship song is not one that is really new, but it does help me voice my how I feel. It’s “When I Don’t Know What To Do” by Tommy Walker. Dues to some overwhelming situations in our family, sometimes I just don’t know what to day or what to do. When I hear this song I can focus my thoughts on the One who knows what I’m feeling and where I’m at. When a circumstance arises, almost without exception, one of the lines from this song pops into my mind. Thank you for allowing the opportunity to share.

  100. Sheryn

    My favorite song right now, though not a new one, is Kari Jobe’s “You Are for Me.” It reminds me that God is rooting for my victory; He created me for victory so that His name is glorified and proclaimed throughout the earth!

  101. Beckey

    I have so many favorites I wasn’t sure I could pick one! Then I realized the one I listen to and sing out loud to the Lord most often right now is “Lord, I need you” by Matt Mahar.

  102. lisa chickering

    I cannot say it is my “favorite” song, but a song that has a whole lot more meaning to me is “I WILL WAIT”. I heard it for the first time when suffering depression, I didn’t care much for it. However, as I got better, the song took on a more positive meaning, “on HIS time, not ours!” I absolutely LOVE that song now!

  103. Debbie S

    “In Christ Alone” It is a song that causes me to remember that every moment of Christ Jesus’ life was lived for me to look at, for me to understand that how he lived, his characteristics; right down to his laughter, is how I was created. Such an awesome God!

  104. Kim

    “Come to the River” by the Rhett Walker Band. It has such a great message and an upbeat rhythm that always makes me want to sing!

  105. Debbie

    My favorite worship song changes frequently, but right now it is “Let the Veil Down” by Judy Jacobs.

  106. Elosia

    I have found that music is the strongest connection between me and God. I love the worship and praise that I can offer to God through music. I have many favorites but right now I’m loving Phillips, Craig and Dean “Great I Am”.

  107. Jennie

    Great song and I am loving Awake My Soul by Chris Tomlin as my top fav.

  108. Linda Baker

    “Word of God Speak” has enriched my quiet time so much…love it!

  109. Glenda

    My favorite right now is “Praise You In This Storm”. I just recently lost my 35 year old son to heart failure. He was here one day and gone the next. The hardest thing I’ve ever gone through. But I will still praise my God!

    • Amy

      Praying for you, Glenda, and praising God that you have Him to hold on to in this difficult time. He sees you and loves you

  110. Amanda

    I have several favorite songs. 10,000 Reasons is one that touches me everytime I hear it.

  111. Shaina

    For the honor by Elevation Worship. I used to live in Charlotte and I loved Elevation! But then we moved away and I miss it so much. Still listen to Pastor Furtick onthe app but I miss the music

  112. Tonya McCoy

    WOW…this really spoke to my heart this morning. I am in a constant battle with my 12 yr old step son & this morning was no different. Just when I think I can’t take one more day I hear this & I’m reminded that God is in control & He is going to have the last word! Thank you so much for sharing this Lysa!

  113. Valerie

    Powerful song my mother has had several close calls with her health and I prayed to God and He reminded me he is the Great Physician. She is still with me but she has had several heart attacks I’m truly thankful, We could be here today but gone tomorrow time is valuable and love is a MUST to everyone.

  114. Cheryl D

    My favorite worship song is 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) by Matt Redman. So many promises from Him and, no matter what, I will praise Him!

  115. Susan M

    Amazing Love….love this song becuase God’s love is amazing and He shows me every day even when I feel I don’t deserve it. He is the one to show me.

  116. Vanessa Dorsey

    “Oceans” by Hillsong encouraged my faith last summer as I went back in to critical care nursing after having been gone from my profession for several years. As I listened to it over and over in the car my oldest daughter (9) told me she felt God telling her it was time to be baptized (she had been nervous bc we go to a big church). So this song will always be special to me for both those reasons.

  117. Erin

    I have too many to count. But right now How I Need You by All Sons and Daughters and Oceans by Hillsong are my two favorites!

  118. Roxanne

    The song I Will Praise You In This Storm has encouraged me and strengthened me when I didn’t think I could make it through the day. I sang it or thought it continuously through the days when that was all I could do. Our Father brought me through the storm. He never left my side!

  119. ida lively

    Oceans (Where my feet may fall) by Hillsong

  120. andrea

    Mandisa overcomer Amy Grant better than a hallelujah and Mandisa stronger these are all songs That speak me deeply

  121. Barbara Freeman

    It is so hard to pick only one song that is my favorite because I have so many favorites. The song that ministers to me,in a mighty way, right now is “My Help” by the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir.

  122. JJ

    ohhhh…. to pick a favorite is hard. But one that I listen to over and over is Phil Wickham’s “This is Amazing Grace”.
    This is amazing grace
    This is unfailing love
    That You would take my place
    That You would bear my cross
    You would lay down Your life
    That I would be set free
    Jesus, I sing for
    All that You’ve done for me

    • Brittney

      Love this too!!❤️

  123. Susan

    One of my favorites right now is “Never Once” by Matt Redmond.

  124. Sara K.

    Great I Am by Phillips Craig and Dean. A room full of people singing this song sends chills up my arms!

  125. Glenda

    One of my favorite worship songs is “Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord”

  126. val

    I like “I can only imagine” – Chris Tomlin

  127. Happy home fairy

    Our family has been in a season of trials as our baby boy was born with high diaphragms and a muscle weakness called hypotonia. He is sick often and is susceptible to being in respiratory distress. It has seemed like we roll from one emergency to the next. But my one sweet comfort has been in the presence of my Lord… He does indeed have the ‘last word’ over all the situations we face that look in favor of the enemy’s victory.

    The worship song that has blessed me most recently is called ‘Alive In Us’ by Hillsong. The best part is the bridge – a confident declaration, “The enemy is under Your feet. We are free. We are free. Death has been defeated by love. You overcome. You overcome.”

    The victory is His. 🙂 Thanks for being you and sharing such genuine and encouraging faith with us.

  128. Gayle

    My God’s Not Dead – Newsboys. Seeing my 7-year-old daughter belting it out in church is priceless to me.

  129. Nicole Meredith

    “Never move on” by Meredith Andrews! In fact, I was jamming out to that this morning on my way into work… Worship with that song this morning on my way in was the only thing that kept me calm in this winter blizzard we are having!

  130. Kathy J

    I have many favorites, but the first one that comes to mind is Phillips, Craig and Dean “Great I Am”.

  131. Karen

    It’s one by River Valley Church in MN. The words of the chorus:
    “Let faith rise up, in Jesus’ name.
    “Let the walls fall down as You draw nearer to us.
    “You are the Living God.
    “Let Hope abound, and break our chains.
    “Let healing come as You draw nearer to us.
    “You are the Living God.”

    I reminds me of our two children I lost in miscarriage, why I named them Hope and Faith, and to look to God, the Living God, for hope, faith, freedom, and healing.

  132. bonnie

    The God of Angel Armies is Always By My Side!!

  133. Cindy

    I have been really encouraged by the Laura Story song, “Blessings”. It is another wonderful song that speaks to the trials and difficulties of this world. Listening to this song really helps me to remember that His ways and thoughts are far beyond my own. I may not understand, but I can trust in His goodness and love.

  134. Brittney

    Oceans Where Feet May Fail, by Hillsong United Zion! Moves me in a big way

  135. Karen

    My son and I love “me without you” by Toby Mac.

  136. Melissa

    “It Is Well With My Soul” (both the original and praise versions)!

  137. Janet D.

    Oceans by Hillside United.

  138. Heather Tolbert

    Right now my favorite worship song is “10,000 reasons” by Matt Redman. Throughout the day I’ll find myself humming that song. When I catch myself, I can’t help but smile.

  139. Jen Hartmann

    This is a beautiful song, thank you for sharing. I love so many songs but one I find I cling to right now as I work through the hurt of rejection is How He Loves me but David Crowder.
    He is jealous for me,
    Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree,
    Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy.
    When all of a sudden,
    I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory,
    And I realise just how beautiful You are,
    And how great Your affections are for me.

    And oh, how He loves us oh,
    Oh how He loves us,
    How He loves us all

    He is jealous for me,
    Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree,
    Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy.
    When all of a sudden,
    I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory,
    And I realise just how beautiful You are,
    And how great Your affections are for me.

    Oh how he loves,
    Yeah, He loves us,
    Oh! how He loves us,
    Oh! how He loves us,
    Oh! how He loves.

    And we are His portion and He is our prize,
    Drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes,
    If His grace is an ocean, we’re all sinking.
    And Heaven meets earth like an unforeseen kiss,
    And my heart turns violently inside of my chest,
    I don’t have time to maintain these regrets,
    When I think about, the way…

    Oh, how He loves us oh,
    Oh how He loves us,
    How He loves us all
    How He loves

    Yeah, He loves us,
    Oh! how He loves us,
    Oh! how He loves us,
    Oh how He loves.
    Oh what love

    Yeah, He loves us,
    Oh! how He loves us,
    Oh! how He loves us,
    Oh! how He loves us so.

  140. Pam

    What a powerful message and one I’m holding onto for a couple of loved ones battling sickness and disease. Thank you for sharing this today, Lysa. My favorite worship song right now is Oceans. I want my trust in HIM to have no borders and this song encourages me in this way.

  141. Shirley Dixon

    10,0000 Reasons by Matt Redman and Angus Dei/Worthy by Third Day

  142. Carrie

    It’s hard to pick just one! However, when I think back over my life my go to song is You’ll Get Through This by Susie Luchsinger.

  143. Frankie

    I can’t say I have a favorite worship song. There are so many that touch me deep in my soul. I can say that this message spoke to me loud and clear this morning. I’ve been trying to control my life, my children’s lives and everything around me. I needed to realize that I have to give it to Him because after all is said and done, Jesus has the last word and I need to trust that He knows better than me.

  144. April V

    One of my all-time favorites is ‘My Redeemer Lives’ by Nicole C Mullen!

  145. Michelle

    I could name 10 just off the top of my head… but, I’ll go with Lift My Life Up by Unspoken – “I lift my life up, give it all in surrender. I lift my heart up, take my life…You can have it forever. All my dreams, all my plans. Lord, I leave it in Your hands. Have Your way with me… Take my life and let it all be for You, Lord”

  146. Rhonda

    “Set A Fire” by Will Reagan and United Pursuit

  147. Cindy Dullum

    Thank you for reminding us that God always has the last word. We need to spend less time in worry and more time in thanking Him or what He is doing in and through the situation!
    One of my favorite songs of late has been “Worn” by Tenth Avenue North.

  148. Stephanie

    How Great is Our God by Chris Tomlin! I really love the international version too!

    Stephanie Sanders

  149. Andrea

    My favorite songs tend to change depending upon what my soul needs at the time. Currently, there are 4 songs that minister to me greatly, encourage me and strengthen my faith. They are:

    1. Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) by Hillsong
    2. Show Me Your Glory by Jesus Culture
    3. Spirit Break Out by Kim Walker-Smith
    4. You Are I Am by Mercy Me

  150. Lisa Wine

    Overcomer by Mandisa

  151. Andrea Runyon

    One of my favorite right now is “Overcome” by Mandisa. The other is “10,000 reasons”. They both remind me of His Power, His Glory, His Mercy

  152. Amber S

    My all time favorite worship song is “How Great is our God” with “How Great Thou Art” by Chris Tomlin. An old classic with a new classic!

  153. Tammy

    The song that makes my soul dance is “Your Name”. The name of Jesus is my strong and mighty tower. And when I speak His name He removes me from the stuff of this world and and puts me out of reach. Proverbs 18:10 The name of the Lord is like a strong tower. Godly people run to it and are safe. I’m safe with Jesus!

  154. molly

    Love “Broken Hallelujah”…perfect

  155. Vanessia

    “Amazing Love” will always be in my top 10 favorites. I have very good memories of a time when I was closest to God and this song was a huge part of that experience, and His love is AMAZING!

  156. carolynn

    There are far too many to count! I am able to praise and worship God best through music; though I am totally unable to sing. Right now, I think Oceans-by Hillsong.

  157. Kim

    SO hard to pick just one favorite but one that is on my heart this morning is The Answer by Shane and Shane.

  158. Susan McWhite

    My favorite worship song is Your Great Name. That song says it all. Everything happens at the sound of His Great Name.

  159. Melody Byrum

    I have two favorites. One is The Good Morning song by Mandisa (Love that girl). It helps me wake up in the morning and I get to worship while it’s playing. And the other is my all time favorite and it’s Amazing Grace. I love that song. When my son was first born (He’s almost 2), I would sing that song to him and it was the only thing that quieted him down. Even now, when I sing it to him, he’ll settle down. It was the also that song that we played at my Father-in-law’s funeral and it’s very special.

  160. Aaron

    One of my all time favorite worship songs is Hosanna by Hillsong. “Heal my heart and make it clean!”

  161. Leslie Dannhardt

    I have 2 favorites:
    I am Redeemed by Big Daddy Weave – whenever I hear this song it brings me to tears because I know that God loves me no matter what.
    Overcomer by Mandesa – this song gives me the confidence to take God by the hand and let him lead out of the darkness and into the light.

  162. Caitlin

    We just got word in the last couple weeks that our family’s sole source of income is going to be gone in May with the JCPenney store closings. We have 3 kids 6 and under right now and panic had and still does briefly take over me. Spirit Wind by Casting Crowns has really been speaking to me in the last couple days as I seek the comfort of the Spirit but find myself needing that Spirit breathed into me again sending me looking to God for comfort.

  163. Judy Grieve

    Any song from Shaun Grove’s Third World Symphony album.. No Better grabs me every time.

  164. Paula Walstrom

    My favorite worship song has to be, All if Well by Kathy Troccoli. Whenever I feel down and discouraged I put that CD in and my spirits are lifted.

  165. mary Mommy MN

    One of my favorites right now is 10,000 Reasons by Matt Redman. It is powerful to me during this season of illness and children struggles. But God is good. “But for all your goodness I will keep on singing…” “Bless the Lord oh my soul–oh my soul, worship His Holy name..” Amen! So glad our choir is singing this now at church. : )

  166. Heather

    10,000 Reasons and Better Than One Day. Always elevates my outlook and lifts my eyes towards Christ!!

  167. Aline Wyles

    Rich Mullins…Hold Me Jesus and Awesome God…then Chris Thomlin How Great is Our God…and Nicole C Mullins…On My Knees

  168. Shawna Puckett

    I find that soul needs music often. For me music is therapy and songs turn into prayers. My current “anthem” if you is Oceans by Hillsong. Thank you for sharing. May you hear a song that brings rest to your soul everyday.

  169. Kiji McDaniel

    Good Morning and thank you for sharing 🙂 There are so many songs that speak to me, but I must say the song I turn to most often is “I Still Believe” by Jina McCool and The Turnpoint Choir.

  170. Kelly Campbell

    Mine is “My Soul Sings ” by Bethel Music. I am a 40-year old stroke survivor and when I hear the words “I feel the breathe of Heaven over me” strengthens my heart, soul, mind and body!!

  171. Cari

    “In Christ Alone” is my mantra always. Only through Him, in Him, and with Him can I accomplish everything I need to in life!

  172. Jeanette Lytle

    My favorite song is “Glorious Day”. It is an awesome reminder that one day we will all see that glorious day in heaven. Every time I listen to this song, my heart is filled with joy. I want to lead others to Christ so they too will know of this glorious day.

  173. Grace Jones

    My favorite worship song right now is “Lord I Need You” by Matt Mayher

  174. Christine Marie

    My favorite worship song is “In Christ Alone”. I sang this song one evening as part of a worship set for a small group of first time believers. I am NOT a worship leader by any stretch of the imagination but there was a need and I felt God calling me out of my comfort zone. I spoke a few words before starting the song about how the word “Hope” is actually both a verb and a noun and that I felt God was telling me that I needed to have “Active” Hope in him so I shared that with the group. Afterwards a young women came up to me and told me that she was touched by my words and by the song of which I told her that it was all God as I was just following God’s leading.

  175. Rhonda Kuhlow

    My favorite worship song is “In Christ Alone”.

  176. Jen Russell

    Oceans (Where Feet May Fall) by Hillsong. The Acoustic version was sung in our church and I felt as if I glimpsed heaven. It spoke to my hurting, grieving heart. Music does that…especially praise music…speaks when our words can’t. It is our praise, our prayers, our longings. God calls us all out upon the water…as He did Peter, at some point in our walk with Him, often more than once. We will ALWAYS find GOD there in the mystery as this song says. I just have to keep my eyes above the waves!

  177. Sue Ketchum

    Oceans: Where Feet May Fail is my new favorite song. After attending a Women of Faith conference and singing it with 1000’s of women and Kari Jobe, I am taken to the throne each time.

  178. Margaret

    Amazing Grace!

  179. Julie A. Carlson

    Dear Lysa, I have so many songs, but for now comes to mind. I have a sister who going have surgery tomorrow, I can’t go see her because of reasons I can’t go there. The song to my mind,is song my sister and I used to sing together. It is the old hymn, it is well with my soul and if by chance she goes home tomorrow. I have to hang and know it will be okay with her soul and mine, because we are both in God’s hands! Thank you, God bless you in all you do for him and kingdom! In Christ; Julie

  180. Terri Juliano

    “It is Well With My Soul”is my all time favorite hymn/song because no matter what this life throws at me I can trust the Lord to be there for me.

  181. Tasha

    My favorite worship song is “This I Know” by the David Crowder Band!

  182. Julie Olson

    My favorite worship song is “Oceans” by United. I love this song because it tells to love without borders….that we should love everyone despite their situation or where they come from. Something I am trying to do more of.

  183. Heather

    “Emmanuel” by Hillsong speaks to my heart so deeply. We’ve just endured losing our 2nd newborn in less than 2 years and when I hear that song, I’m reminded that Jesus will never let me go, He’s always watching over me, and that I’ll see my babies again one day. I also love that my 2 daughters who are very much alive and living for Jesus sing it when I can’t speak the words myself.

  184. Denise Roberts

    This year there are two – Whom shall I fear and Lord of Angel Armies – both of them remind me that it’s really the Lord’s battle and that in HIM and HIM alone I will experience victory.

  185. Leighanne

    At this time “You Alone” by Kutless seems to be my favorite worship song. It’s been a real blessing to me for the past few weeks after dealing with some things in a relationship I’ve been in for the past 9 months. The longest relationship I’ve been in since my divorce almost 10 years ago & it’s been even longer for him. I’m still hoping for God’s best for the both of us.

  186. Treasure

    Lord, I need you by Matt Maher!
    It just says all my soul need right now!

  187. Melody Placker

    My favorite worship song is “Desert Song”. The first time I heard this song I was brought to tears. It just spoke to my heart and the struggles I was going through at the time. It has been my favorite since.

  188. Molly

    Right now, it seems my ‘song’ is Oceans by Hillsong UNITED.

  189. Lucy Sanguinetti

    One of my favorite worship songs to sing is “Create in Me a Clean Heart”. I know that we need so much from God, and continually need to be in constant contact with Him. However, we need our hearts to be pure and we need to follow His word and cleanse our hearts, our minds, our bodies, our ears, our eyes and everything to make ourselves a clean vessel to be filled with the Holy Spirit! Each and every day, I need God to remind me of that, and to create in me a clean heart.

  190. LeeAnn G Taylor

    “God Day” by Jen Stanbro is my current favorite, particularly for morning quiet times.

  191. Peg J. R.

    The last 4-5 yrs I’ve relied on Sanctus Real’s song “Lead Me” to get me thru a tuff spot in our marriage. It said exactly what I was feeling. I couldn’t believe it when I heard that song at a baseball game by St. Louis, MO. It was the first time they’d sang it & I cried all the way thru the song cause that’s exactly how I felt. We were meant to be there to hear that song! Still love that song!!

  192. Amy

    What love is this by Kari Jobe…very powerful!

  193. Gina

    My favorite song is “Lord, I need you, o I need you!” Also I have had a rough morning and your devotional ministered Sooo much to me today! Thank you for sharing! I relate Sooo much to songs and when I’m down or struggling I pray and listen to music!! God bless you today!!

  194. Jennifer D.

    I love the song “Always”. It reminds me God is Always my refuge and strength!!!

  195. Sue Henry

    One of my favorite is “Bless the Lord, O My Soul” … and one of my biggest blessings was to hear my youngest grandson sing every word to every verse as he was going to sleep at nap time.

  196. Janel

    In Christ Alone, Solid Rock

  197. Veronica Carr Yerger

    Right now it is Stronger by Hillsong 🙂 I go through times where I have a “theme song”.

  198. Linda Leighton

    Hi Lysa! That is my song for this year! I am doing Made to Crave with OBS (for the 3rd time) and I have determined that this is my year! I am done circling the mountain! The words of this song minister to my heart and give me hope for my journey!

  199. Julie Bottger

    Definitely my favorite worship song right now is “Good to Me” by Audrey Assad. Bless you Lysa!

  200. KK Huckaby

    Let Them See You in Me by JJ Weeks Band!!! 🙂

  201. Danielle C

    My favorite worship song right now is “Oceans” by Hillsong!!

    • Suzanne R.

      – Mine too!!

  202. Shirley Jones

    We lost our son 6 years ago to a massive heart attach. in Oct. we lost our son in law the same way. we have 3 grandsons. Is was so hart for them to go through Christ without their dad. My favorite song is It will be worth it all when we see Christ.
    I love your books. Keep writing them.

  203. Regina Campbell

    Alabaster Box, I so, so, so love that song!

  204. Patricia Hite

    “You’re an Overcomer” it touching me right now though I do not feel like much of an over comer yet. I know The Lord will see me through and give me the swift kick I need to keep moving through and moving past the ills and pains of this world.

  205. Carol

    Lysa – I’ve got one that you’ve never heard of but is really good. “No Greater Love” by Brant Boneh. He has a CD “The Covenant Worship Project” and his website is I highly recommend checking him out.

  206. Crystal S.

    My favorite song…Well anything that Life 101.9 plays. The funny thing about your post today is that I woke up around 2 AM this morning with the song “I have been remade” by Tenth Avenue North. I just kept hearing I have been remade over and over again. I do love that song and on Friday evening I had been singing it at the top of my lungs after bible study with my cousin. I really relate to that song. Also I am doing your OBS Made to Crave right now so this just all fits!! I truly believe that I have Been Remade!!!!!

  207. Sarah

    This video brought me to tears. My brother was diagnosed with a brain tumor a year & a half ago at the age of 29. My husband & I had been burdened about his salvation prior to the diagnosis & even more so after. It was a long road & there were several very scary times but praise The Lord that HE is the last Word. It is finished. My brother accepted Christ just last week! He’s being baptized feb 9. What Satan intended for harm, The Lord turned into good.

    I love catching pastor Steven’s sermons via podcast & would love to win a worship cd. I’ll be worshipping regardless. Thank you Lysa.

    • Sarah

      Oops! Favorite worship song is Kristian Standfill “Always”

  208. cindy

    Hi, Lysa. My favorite is “Jesus Loves Me, this I know for the Bible tells me so.” So many of the newer songs are amazing also! But for me the bottom line is Jesus does love me and He will never ever leave me. This thought produces the most peaceful feeling in my heart.
    God bless you.

  209. Lori Holmquist-Nash

    Good Morning Lysa,

    I would have to say that my favorite worship song is How Great Thou Art.
    “And sings my soul, my savior God to thee..HOW GREAT THOU ART..HOW GREAT THOU ART”
    This song resonates deep into my soul..


  210. Tami

    I know this isn’t a “new” song, but City On Our Knees by Toby Mac just resonates with me because it is one of the first contemporary songs my boys learned in VBS. And seeing over 100 kids singing this song together was so beautiful.

  211. Rebecca D

    10,000 Reasons, I Am Redeemed and Amazing Love. There are so many worship songs that minister to my soul. Sometimes they bring me to tears and sometimes my spirit is filled with joy. Music is powerful!

  212. Sharon Carden

    That’s hard I have 2, the first one is Place of Freedom by Highlands Worship and the other is Oceans by Hill song United.

  213. Vonnie Kronk

    I love many new songs But would love to hear my old favorite song “Victory in Jesus”. In fact I would love to claim this.

  214. Phyllis

    My favorite worship song (and it’s an old one) is “The King of Love My Shepherd Is”.
    The words of the first verse are are “The King of Love my Shepherd is, His goodness faileth never..I nothing lack if I am His, and He is mine forever”. Oy my! How great is THAT?? The subsequent verses are just as glorious….

  215. Marcy

    Hi Lysa, Overcomer by Mandisa. I have a siser battling brain cancer, she’s a fighter. Your song sounds great, I would love to get this song to her also.

  216. Julie

    10,000 Reasons. . . . and so many more

  217. Lori

    Lysa, My very favorite song is by Building 429 and It is “Not Home Yet”. I have heard it a thousand times and it inspires me, lifts me and gives me goode bumps every time I hear it still. The truth in it seeps into my skin and makes my heart swell knowing ONE DAY…One Day, anyone who loves Jesus WILL be HOME! Hallelujah!!! 🙂

  218. Jenny Gay

    My favorite worship song is by Kari Jobe, “The More I Seek You”. It brings me to the feet of God and places me in his lap, with His arms around me. This reminds me of my grandpa, who died when I was 12. I used to sit in his lap with his arms wrapped around me and I felt so safe and secure.

  219. Brook

    “Redeemed” and “Who I Am” are currently my two faves.

  220. Tami Tipton-Fletcher

    Hi Lisa,

    It is so difficult to choose just one, but today … my choice would be, “What Love Is This,” by Kari Jobe. I help lead our Worship Team at my church, and this song always moves me to tears. It’s not just Kari’s beautiful voice, but the lyrics that impact my heart and soul. For our Abba Father is indeed – never changing, taking away our pain … and leads us to the Cross. He is … enough for me. Blessed be.


  221. Lori Martin

    My favorite worship song right now is “Be Still” by The Frey. I love the thought that He calls me by name and all I have to do is “Be Still” and know that my Jesus is in control. What a peaceful feeling.


    I LOVE Revelation Song!!!

  223. Tish McNeill

    My favorite song right now is “Overcomer” by Mandisa….It has such a powerful meaning, just like the song you have shared today!

  224. MIchelle

    Lysa, I love that song that you shared. Wow, what a great reminder. How often we forget that God is always watching us, and most of the time we look at that as a negative thought, instead of a positive. Our God, is Always watching over us. Praise God!!! One of my favorite worship songs is, How Great Thou Art. I know its old school, but touches my heart every time.

  225. Teri

    Praise music IS our strategic victory action. Straight from 2 Chronicles 20! The one song that helped me focus yesterday was Strong God, by Meredith Andrews. “Father to the fatherless. Defender of the weak. Freedom for the prisoner. We sing: God is in His holy place. This is God clothed in love and strength. Chorus: Sing out. Lift your voice and cry out. Awesome is our strong God. Mighty is our God. Sing out. Raise your hands and shout out. Awesome is our strong God. Mighty is our God….There is none higher. No. There is none greater. No. There is none stronger than our God!”

  226. Sandi

    I agree with the others, it’s hard to chose. But one that comes to mind, I find myself singing a lot is “Beautiful Things” by Michael Gungor. We sang it at a Justice Summit in Chicago last fall, and I could really picture beautiful things growing out of the hard concrete of the city. God always restores!

  227. Amy

    Jon Guerra “I Will Follow” – such an declaration!
    “When the boat is tossed upon the waves/And I wonder if you’ll keep me safe/Even in the storms I’ll follow you..
    I believe everything that you say you are/I believe and I have seen your unchanging heart/In the good things and in the hardest part/I believe and I will follow you”

  228. Barbara

    Lately it’s been Victor’s Crown by Darlene Zschech, Revealing Jesus album. Love this powerful song! And her voice!

  229. Dena

    I love “I Am” by Crowder and “Oceans” by Hillsong.

  230. Linda

    I love the traditional church hymn “My Hope is Built on Nothing Less”. Organ music and singing it with all I have in me.

  231. Jennifer Jones

    My favorite worship song…there are so many! Right now I love “Architecture” by Jonathan Thulin, and a classic favorite is Chris Tomlin’s “Our God.”

  232. Mary Bankert

    I like the song Redeemed by Big Daddy Weave
    Thank you Lysa for writing on a level so many of us can relate. It helps to know we are not alone.

  233. Tiffany

    Lysa, my favorite worship song is David Crowder’s Oh How he Loves Me.

  234. Linda

    Contemporary would be ‘I Can Only Imagine’ by Mercy Me

  235. Laura

    My favorite song in “Overcomer” by Mandisa. Our family has been going through a lot lately and this song just lifts me up and lets me know that everything is going to be all right.

  236. Evelyn

    so many, but what came to mind this morning is Shout to the Lord.

  237. Joanna

    Hi Lysa,
    Awesome song about an awesome truth! Thank you. My favorite worship song is “You Are Limitless.”
    You may not have heard of it, but it was written by the Transformation Church worship team to go along with Pastor Derwin Gray’s book Limitless LIfe. It’s another awesome song about an awesome truth! Check it out at:

  238. Pam C

    Everlasting God. It has gotten me through a very tough year.

  239. Shari

    ‘Your Grace is Enough’ by Chris Tomlin. It reminds me that always God’s grace is sufficient and all that I need .

  240. Rebecca Caldwell

    My new favorite worship song is “Hope Will Rise” by Warr Acres!
    very powerful song! If you have never heard it you should check it out!

  241. Debbie Cardwell

    Our God is Greater by Chris Tomlin. My son was the drummer in our praise and worship band when he was in highschool. Watching him worship his God with music really touched me. He so loved this song and so do I. When he left for college it was so hard to listen this song with another drummer playing. Then I listened to the words, God is stronger and with his help I realized that my son had moved to his next journey. He became the drummer in the SFA Wesley foundation praise band. Again, I was able to hear him praise his God with his music! God is good 🙂

  242. Suzanne R.

    “Oceans” by United

  243. Apryl

    My favorite song is How Great Is Our God – it always seems to speak to me when I need it most that He is really is an amazing God that will always take care of us.

  244. Jenny B

    One of my favorite songs is Hallelujah, He has found me:

    Hallelujah! He has found me
    The One my soul so long has craved!
    Jesus satisfies all my longings
    Through His blood I now am saved.

    I am always so humbled and amazed that He pursued me!


  245. June Stracener

    My favorite worship song (oh, it is so hard to choose from so very many) would probably be How Great is Our God (the World Version). It helps me to remember that my God is greater than any difficulty that will ever come my way. He is worthy of my highest praise and worship forever and always.

  246. Stefanie

    My favorite song is “Voice of Truth” by Casting Crowns. It encourages me to remember whose voice I need to listen to. To keep my eyes on The Lord & not on my circumstances.

  247. deb

    My favorite praise/worship song TODAY is Hillsong’s MIGHTY TO SAVE. Of course, tomorrow another song may be my favorite. Last Friday I heard a song (new to me) that listed God’s goodnesses and followed them up with the line ” and that’s the way it is” . I don’t know who sings it or who wrote it, but I sure do need to hang on to the concept that GOD is GOOD and THAT’s the way it is!!!

  248. Tammy


  249. Debi

    My favorite worship song is an old hymn: “It is Well with My Soul”. The words alone always touch affect me deeply, but when I remember the story behind those words, I am humbled, and my perspective about my own problems is adjusted.
    “When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
    When sorrows like sea billows roll;
    Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
    It is well, it is well, with my soul.”

  250. Ruby Armour

    This was a very inspiring story. My mom passed away last year and God showed me how He has the last word, by giving me the realization that I will see her again in heaven. My favorite worship song is, Jesus Culture, You Won’t Relent

  251. Rebecca M.

    I have so many favorites! I guess my most favorite would be “The Greatest Commands,” closely followed by “Agnus Dei.” Thank you for offering this giveaway!

  252. Barbara Cole

    Thanks, Lysa, for sharing the story behind the song “Last Word.” My favorite worship song is “In Christ Alone.” I am especially inspired by the music of Keith and Kristyn Getty.

  253. Estrella

    That’s a great song Lisa! One of my favorites is “Blessings” by Laura Story. That line “what if Your blessings come through raindrops…” is so true and has been true in my life. Going through a troubled marriage with physical & verbal abuse and divorce at such a young age (I was 26 when we separated & filed for divorce) left me weak and wondering why all of that happened in my life. But I found comfort in the Lord and felt my relationship with Him change in such a beautiful way. My blessings truly came through all of those raindrops, storms & thunders. I relate to that song, word for word.


    xo Estrella Navarrete

  254. Chris Durham

    My favorite song right now is The Only Name by Big Daddy Weave. What an uplifting song.

  255. Angela

    My favorite right now is “Blessings” by Laura Story. It reminds me that we all go through trials and that the way we see things is not always the way God sees them. He uses those trials and hardships for our good and the advancement of His kingdom and to His glory.

  256. Janet Worthy

    In Christ Alone!

  257. Paige

    Wow that’s a hard one! Right now I’ve been singing out Overcomer by Mandisa while working on my Made to Crave Bible study. But probably favorite of all times is In Christ Alone. When it says “Then bursting forth on glorious day!” I just want to stand up and cheer!

  258. Tina

    My favorite worship song is “The Revelation Song” I will stop dead in my tracks (unless I’m driving!) to worship with it. My favorite version is from the ladies on the “Hope & Grace” cd from Women of Faith. My 8 y.o. daughter sings right along with me with her hands raised. Again, if I am driving, I keep my hands on the wheel!!
    Have a blessed day!
    ~TinaW 🙂

  259. Melissa Pratt

    In Christ Alone

  260. Michelle Niederriter

    it’s hard to choose just one. “Revelation Song” is one.
    another is by Third Day called “Sing Praises

  261. Casey Gragg

    Unfailing love by Chris Tomlin!

  262. Sheree Wilson

    You are so right! Right now God has me listening to The More I Seek You by Kari Jobe. The more I seek you, the more I find you. The more I find you, the more I love you. I want to sit at Your feet, drink from the cup in your hand, Lay back against you and breathe, hear Your heart beat. This love is so deep, it’s more than I can stand. I melt in Your peace, it’s overwhelming! Repeats over and over…..and it is so true. God is teaching me to seek Him!

    Thank you for your service! And for sharing your love for Jesus

  263. Kellie Caswell

    Love Big Daddy Weave’s song- The only name ( Yours will be)
    It has a great uplifting beat and tells us about our glorius future with belief in Jesus!!

  264. Deanna

    One of my most favorite worship songs is Ancient Words. Ancient Words ever true, changing me, changing you.

  265. Marie Hall

    I love “Praise the King” by Cindy Morgan!

  266. Cindy

    There are so many from which to choose. I really like Ray Watson’s song “it’s You”. I think that is what it is called. In it he says, “It’s not about me, it’s about You,” and he laughs. 🙂 We don’t have to worry. It’s about Jesus, Father God, Holy Spirit. I;m sorry if I have the wrong title. God continue to bless you all!

  267. Tonya

    Break every chain by Tasha Cobbs

  268. Teresa

    I have a small group of ladies that have been meeting at my house faithfully. We are on our second year together on this journey. We have being doing all of your video studies. It’s been amazing to watch how the Lord is changing each of us more and more into His image. Currently, I’m able to help a dear friend who’s in our group through a very challenging time. This music you shared has ministered to both of our souls. We had a praise workout hour this morning listening to the entire CD. Thank you for allowing God to use you to affect so many. Clear the Stage by Jimmy Needham recently soothed my soul while I was going through the Refiner’s fire. Many blessings to you!

  269. Catherine

    Right now I love singing One Thing Remains, It makes me so overjoyed, I want to lift my hands and dance around like Kari Jobe did a Women of Faith.

  270. Lois Pepple

    I am currently stuck on about 3 favorites. We still sing “10,000 REasons (Bless the Lord O my Soul) in church regularly, and that is one that blesses me every time I hear it. Also by Matt Redman is Your Grace Finds Me. Both songs I can’t just listen to, I have to sing along. Both are on my playlist. And another one I love, but can’t exactly name, has a chorus that goes, “Holy Spirit you are weclome here, Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere. Your presence Lord is what my heart longs for, . ..”.

  271. Carol

    I love “Great and Mighty King”. It reminds me of God’s power! I truly worship through these songs. Thank you Elevation!

  272. Kari

    “I Am Redeemed” by Big Daddy Weave. Turn it up as loud as I can. Sing it as loud as I can. Tears every time!

  273. Leah

    I can’t pick just one favorite – but currently I love “10,000 Reasons”.

  274. Jen

    Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) – United
    This song plays almost every morning while I’m driving to work.

  275. Amanda

    “Hold Me Now” by Jennifer Knapp is a long-time favorite of mine, regardless of what life circumstances I’m in.

  276. Mary

    Hi Lysa,
    My absolute favorite worship song is “Restore My Soul” by Vertical Church Band. I cry almost every single time I listen to it. It is THE most beautiful song. It’s funny how certain songs just touch you… I listen it to it over & over and know I will never tire of its beauty. 🙂

  277. Pam

    Overcome by Jeremy Camp.

  278. Leslie

    I Love Your Presence–Jenn Johnson

  279. Gail

    Thanks for sharing,,,it is hard to pick a favorite, but one of mine has to be “The Motions” by Matthew West. It came to me at a time in my life when I needed to stop going through the motions,and go all out for Jesus.,,,,Gail Dyke

  280. Shari

    The Voice of Truth by Casting Crowns. I would like to trust God enough to live fiercely like the bible characters in the song. To hear that Voice always.

  281. Michelle

    The Rock Won’t Move by The Vertical Church and Broken Hallelujah by The Afters. Great songs!!!

  282. Isatel Dutra

    I can’t pick just one, sorry hehe. I love Jesus Culture’s “My Soul Longs For You” “Fill Me Up” and the song “All He Says I Am” by Kari Jobe.

  283. Alvesa Benavides

    Right now it’s Oceans-Hillsong

  284. Felicia

    Something Beautiful by Needtobreathe

  285. Mary Jo

    No way could I pick just one worship song. One of my greatest joys is singing in our church choir and singing God’s praises!!

  286. Aileen

    Revelation song!! And pretty much anything Fred Hammond puts out.

  287. April

    My favorite worship song is…oh, I have so many! but, right now it’s “Oceans”

  288. Lynn

    I love worship music so much it’s really difficult to choose. I’d say my favorite from the past years was “Here in Your Presence”…gets me at my very core every time; and presently is “Break Every Chain”…so very powerful! I also love “Overcomer” & “Waiting Here for You”. There is so much Jesus in a song 🙂

  289. Tonja Herbel

    Awesome song , “God does have the word.” Always remember.

  290. Denise Wall

    Mercy Me
    I can only imagine
    When I hear this song I know that Jesus is speaking directly to me. I’m not able to tell you how many times this song has brought me to tears and I’ve laid all my stuff at His feet again.
    Thank you for sharing this recommendation as I find songs send messges to me from HIs heart.

  291. Kara Hyden

    Thank you for sharing the song. Currently, my favorite worship song is “Oceans” from Hillsong. Whenever it’s on the radio, I just stop what I’m doing and listen to it and just really soak it in & if I’m driving, I just crank the radio and really get into it!

  292. Sarah

    The Struggle by Tenth Avenue North

  293. Heather

    Voice of Truth

  294. Kathy W

    Love Me by J J Heller

  295. Betsy

    Love the new Elvevation Worship CD!!! Currently my favorite worship song is Glory is Yours, from Elevation’s new album, Only King Forever.

    “Oh, God, The Glory is Yours, The Kingdom has come & the Battle is Over!” How cool your sharing the awesome music from our church. YOU ROCK Lysa.

  296. Lina

    “Praise You In This Storm” by Casting Crowns – and at a very devastating moment in our lives, the Lord let me hear this song for the first time and I just broke down, because I felt that He was telling me that in that circumstance, He is right there with me – right there in the middle of it with me and I just need to hold on to Him – and He has been carrying me through it, while at the same time, strengthening my faith and trust in Him even if I can’t see the end just yet. And so, I thank God for bringing me to a deeper relationship with Him through this storm.

  297. Pam

    My favorite song right now is “I will rise” by Chris Tomlin. I take such comfort in knowing that one day I will rise and go home to see my Jesus. No more sorrow, no more pain. One of my favorite lines is, “there’s a peace I’ve come to know, though my heart and flesh may fail, there’s an anchor for my soul, I can say it is well.” Dwell on that…It just takes my breath away. I love praise and worship music. I can’t sing but I sign so I work on it and sign it. That is my form of singing. “The more I seek You” by Kari Jobe is second runner up.

  298. Linda K.

    I have no idea how old my favorite song is, but it’s by Ray Boltz, “The Anchor Holds”. No matter what, my anchor is ALWAYS gonna hold on to God!

  299. Carey

    Well its really hard to limit it to only
    One I cant decide between
    Emanuel – Reuben Morgan
    Ancient of Days – Ron Kenoly
    Holy, Holy, Holy – Keith Green
    Jesus What A Beautiful Name – Hillsong

    To name just a few
    Thanks Carey

    • Christol sterling

      Holy Spirit and He Lives are my 2 favorites

  300. Amanda Bacon

    I love Elevation!!! I live far, far away, but listen to Pastor Steven when making dinner… 🙂 I would love the album. I’ve heard many great things!

    • Amanda Bacon

      Whoops, forgot to mention my fave worship song!! For the last year, it’s been a Oceans! Have been called out onto the waters into the great unknown this month as we prepare to bring the 6 year-old brother of one of our adopted little ones home.

  301. LaVonna Anderson

    Hi Lysa, I’d have to say my fav worship song is “I’d rather have Jesus”. Yes, I know it’s a more *ahem* mature and slower song… but it speaks to my heart and gives a melody to my testimony. 🙂

    • Mary Gessner

      I LOVE the song I Exalt Thee, but I’m equally inlove with a little known album by a worship team called Roah IIs real. Every worship song stirs me to worship. Thank you for sharing this song with us.

  302. Jessica Alexander

    My favorite is Barlowgirl’s “Sing Me A Love Song” because it just reminds that God will sing His love over me every single time I need Him. He will never fail to do that! He will remind me who I am in Him, which He made me to be!
    And sing me a love song again
    Say the words that heal my heart
    Sing me your love song and then
    Let your words remind me who I am

  303. katie

    One of my favorite worship songs is “Forever Reign” . Some of the lyrics:
    you are more than my words will ever say
    you are Lord, all creation will proclaim
    you are here , in your presence I’m made whole
    You are God, of all else I’m lettting go”

    There are not enough words to praise him. It’s all about Jesus! !

  304. Carol

    Kari Jobe “Healer” love Hillsong “Oceans” also. Thank you Lysa for all that you do. God Bless You abundantly.
    Believing God’s Best, Carol

  305. Barbara Bickhaus

    The song “A Beautiful Exchange” by Hillsong says it all. I love to worship my Father with this song! The lyrics remind me Jesus traded His life for my offenses, for my redemption and carried all the blame.
    When only love could make a way
    You gave Your life
    In a beautiful exchange
    Holy Are You God
    Holy is Your Name
    With everything I’ve got
    My heart will sing
    How I Love You.

    Thank you to all involved in Proverbs 31 Ministries!

  306. Kay

    My favorites are Wings of a Dove & Mansion, Over the Hilltop.

  307. Holley Thomas

    Hi, Lysa! I would definitely have to say my favorite song is “Redeemed” by Big Daddy Weave. That song stirs up something in my soul that words can’t express. Every time I hear it, I crank it up and sing to my Lord! I love that song! 🙂

  308. Amanda

    My favorite worship song is a tie between Kari Jobe’s Find You on My Knees and Worship the Great I Am by Gateway Worship. Both those songs were healing for me at a time when my husband and I didn’t know if our baby girl was going to live and if she did, what kind of a life she would have.

  309. Sarah Hurley

    In each season of my life I tend to find a new favorite worship song but one that has always resonated with me has been The Stand by Hillsong. It’s just that reminder to me that all I can do is offer my heart completely to God and give it all to Him in true surrender.

  310. Kelley Worley

    My favorite worship song right now is Jesus Lord To Me by Sandi Patti. It’s an old one but still so good!

  311. Cindy Jones

    Oh there are several that are pretty awesome! My most favorites are “Amazing Grace”
    “I can only Imagine” and “I’d rather have Jesus”

  312. Jennifer

    My favorite song is, Here at your feet by casting crowns!!!

  313. Rhonda

    To Worship You I Live by Israel & New Breed

  314. Lisa

    My fav is “Great are You Lord” by All Sons and Daughters!

  315. Kelly

    Blessings by Laura Story

  316. Karyn

    Although there are so many I cherish, Ten Thousand Reasons by Matt Redman has been especially loved recently.

  317. lynn yost

    My favorite worship song is probably Hope’s Anthem by Bethel

  318. Evie

    My favorite worship song is 10,000 Reasons by Matt Redman!

  319. Michelle Gillham

    I think my favorite worship song has to be oceans by hillsong. I just want to go where God wants & for my faith to increase.

  320. Dana

    Beautiful Things…
    You make beautiful things… make… beautiful…. things…out of dust….

  321. Nancy Hernandez

    My favorite song right now is 10,000 reasons. This song gives me chills every time I hear it!

  322. Patricia D

    My favorite worship song if I had to pick one would be

    One thing Remain ( not sure who its by)

    I can only imagine by Mercy ME

    But I know with all I am going through right Now ..I know He has the LAST Word and thats what I am holding on to.

  323. Glenda

    My favorite worship song right now is Christ is Enough by Hillsong.

  324. Melissa

    The first worship song that came to me was ‘How Deep the Father’s Love for Us”. The verse that gets me every time is:

    Why should I gain from His reward
    I cannot give an answer
    But this I know with all my heart
    His wounds have paid my ransom

  325. Kacie

    Thank you for your books & blog! Both are changing lives!!! My favorite song is Oceans! I just feel so connected & am reminded of His love when I hear that song!

  326. Shalena

    My favorite worship song would have to be Revelation Song!!!! I am an avid KLOVE listener and love to put my earbuds in and sing praises to the Almighty One!!!!

  327. Donna Islam

    Amazing Grace

  328. Jeanette Perez

    Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus the hymn. 10,000 Reasons, I am all he says I am, Every move I make, It is Well with My Soul, the list is lllooonnng, but when I am feeling the lowest my childhood comforts are hymns, the depth of their words soothes my soul.

  329. Laurie Iskierka

    Matt Redman’s Great Grace. That says everything.

  330. Laurie McClure Hausam

    My new favorite is “Come to Me” by Jenn Johnson, Bethel Music. Amazing!

  331. Tiffany

    Wow- this song is powerful! Thankful He does have the Last Word! Right now I am worshipping too and living by the song, “Never Once”- so much truth that in the hard times even with the struggles and the scars that I have—Never once has He ever let me down, left me or been unfaithful. He is forever faithful and I right now through out every day— tell Satan that my God is FAITHFUL!

  332. Tanjae

    One of my favorite worship songs is Tamela Mann’s – Take Me to the King.

  333. Suzanne

    Two of my favorites are “Alive” by Natalie Grant and “Give Me Jesus” by Jeremy Camp.

  334. Missy B

    All the poor and powerless

  335. Donna Green

    Build Your Kingdom Here

  336. Mary

    I love so many, but my all-time favorite is the old-time hymn “I’ll Fly Away.”

  337. Anne Lewis

    I love “O how He loves” and “Shackles”.

  338. Lisa

    So many wonderful songs & artists on Christian radio – especially fan of Casting Crowns & many of their songs – Blessed Redeemer really hits home for Jesus’ sacrifice. (Also big fan of Kari Jobe after Women of Faith conference last fall!)

  339. Jess

    Only being able to share one worship song is so hard! Music is one of the greatest things I think we have and I’m so thankful for those that decided to answer God’s call and share their talent with us. Music really can change lives.

    Here are some of my favorites:
    Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) — Hillsong
    One Thing Remains — Kristian Stanfill (This is like my life’s anthem)
    This is Amazing Grace — Jeremy Riddle
    Holy (Wedding Day) — The City Harmonic
    Brokenness Aside — All Sons & Daughters

  340. Blake

    I heard “Give Me Faith” by Elevation at church yesterday. I downloaded it, went to sleep listening to it, and have have been singing it all day. Love! Was listening to it on youtube but have now switched over to “Last Word” to check it out. 🙂

  341. Deb Patora

    Victors crown -Darlene Zchesch

  342. Julie Sunne

    My favorite, an oldie, is Old Rugged Cross.

  343. Kristi Gestl

    10,000 reasons. Still cry singing it

  344. Le Anne Slippy

    I have a few but, Shout to The Lord, I Can Only Imagine, He Reigns 🙂

  345. Tiffany

    If I had to narrow it down to three, they would be… 🙂

    1. Oceans (Where feet may fail) – Hillsong
    2. Great I Am – Philips Craig & Dean
    3. Revelation Song – Philips Craig & Dean

  346. brenda

    appreciate the post! along with the reminder of the help it provides came the conviction that I haven’t spent enough time in praise and worship. praise the Lord for nudging me to read this post. favs would be: did you feel the mountains tremble, amazing grace/my chains are gone, come thou fount and many others of years past.

  347. Elaine

    “How Great Thou Art” is my favorite worship song.

  348. Chris

    The Revelation Song by Kari Jobe…..awesomeness.

  349. Sherri

    I LOVE worship songs so my favorites are many and change but right now it is Oceans!

  350. shaun

    Lord I need You

  351. Christine Kim

    Plumb – need you now & in your arms
    How many times have cried out…whenever I was in college and not close to God. I would listen to in your arms and imagine my Father holding me. Only safe in his arms. And whenever I’m feeling down or when there is trouble in my life or my friends I imagine screaming the need you now song at the top if my lungs.

  352. Deanna L

    My FAVE song: “Near” by Jason Crabb. Always works when I think NOBODY is in my corner. This reminds me that God always is. 🙂

  353. Hannah

    Oh there are soooo many great worship songs! “You are I Am” by Mercy Me, “Your Great Name” by Natalie Grant, and “Forever Reign” by One Sonic Society are some of my favorites! Praise God for praise music!

  354. lyane

    how great is our God, i can only imagine, give me Jesus

  355. Elwin

    Make Me by Sidewalk Prophets

    • Elwin

      I meant, Keep Making Me

  356. Stephanie Coleman

    Rooftops by Jesus Culture
    Oceans by hillsong united
    From the inside out – hillsong united
    Hello, my name is by Matthew west.

    I have been playing these songs over and over, they are an incouragement during the trying times that I am experiencing right now

  357. Carole Powell

    Whom Shall I Fear by Chris Tomlin is currently the song that replays in my head every day. Apparently I need the reminder that, “I know who goes before me,I know who stands behind
    The God of angel armies Is always by my side. The one who reigns forever, He is a friend of mine. The God of angel armies, is always by my side.” All of the words of this song are spot on!

  358. Tiza Dunaway

    Mornin’ Lysa!

    In all your ways acknowledge Him & He will direct your paths. Until recently I only thought of “my paths” in terms of the big things- where to go to college, who to marry, when to do we have children, do we relocate? However, as I grow in my relationship with Jesus I am becoming aware He has a path for me every day. Every blah Monday & random Tuesday has a path for me to follow. As a stay at home mom I started to recognize my “unglued” happens when I return home from taking my son to the bus stop. The dirty pan with dried oats is on the stove, the countertop nicely displays an open peanut butter jar, a banana peel, Pop-Tart wrappers, & cut off toast crusts. The dishwasher needs unloaded, the buzzer on the dryer is going off, the dog is circling my feet needing his walk, & I’m sure the baby’s diaper needs changed! This almost sounds silly because it’s not like any one of these “to-do’s” is that difficult, but when it feels like they all need done at the same time the great unglued begins to settle upon me. As we know, when we invite Jesus into any situation with us He shows up! So I’ve been inviting Him right into that little morning mess with me! I invite Him in with a quick prayer, but also with my current favorite praise song, Step By Step” by Michael W. Smith. Step by step Jesus show me the path You have for me today. Do I put the lid on the peanut butter first or walk the dog?? Would LOVE that Elevation CD to add to my praising!!!

  359. Tracey Brown

    My favorite worship song is “I Will Praise You in this Storm” by Casting Crowns. In the last 3 years, I have been through cancer, a house fire in which my husband was badly burnt, and then 6 months ago, out of nowhere, my healthy husband collapsed an died of a massive heart attack from an undiagnosed defect. God has shown me over and over that He has the storm under control, my only job is to continue to praise him.
    “God is too good to be unkind. He is too wise to be confused. If I can not trace His hand, I can always trust His heart.”~Charles Spurgeon

  360. Tara White

    Love Elevation Church & their worship! One of my favorite songs for the last several years is Priceless sung by Frontline Worship. Last night I just had one of those nights and kept it on repeat so it could play over and over helping me to be at peace on a restless night.

    I stay close to You,
    So close to You Lord.
    I find all I need
    So close to You
    Speak to me Jesus
    My heart is open
    Hearing your treasures and Your perceptions
    Lord, how can I please You
    You let me know
    If I would just sit and share a priceless moment with You.

    I think you’d love this song! Blessings!

  361. Bekah Furches

    Too many to pick one…but today I am hanging onto the old hymn “I need the every hour.” Just found out it was written by a housewife in her kitchen in Brooklyn, NY. Thinking she knew exactly how I’m feeling as I awake to a sink full of yesterday’s dishes that I was too tired to do yesterday!

  362. Grace

    My favorite song is Oceans by Hillsong. Her voice is amazing. Thank you for sharing this song with us!

  363. Susana

    Hi Lysa, have been going through some trouble at work,and listening to praise during work hours has definitely helped me! One of my favorites at the moment is “Your Grace finds me” by Matt Redman.It just reminds me that I can find God anywhere!

  364. anna

    My all time favorite is michael w smith’s let it rain

  365. Terry

    Casting Crowns- Praise you in this Storm, many years ago while spending weeks in the cardiac intensive care with my newborn I felt Jesus in this song and knew we could make it through the storm together! God is Faithful !

  366. Joanne Hagen

    What an awesome story – I love “How Great is our God”.

  367. Linda G

    Oh How He Loves by David Crowder. I love waking up to this song or getting in my car for my drive to work and hearing it first thing simply because the lyrics are a perfect reminder of how very much I am loved, no need to worry about never being loved!

  368. Melinda

    Lately, Ten Thousand Reasons is constantly flowing through my head.

  369. Kim Schwartz

    You Are For Me by Kari Jobe

    Thank you for keeping me grounded, and making me feel like I’m not a constant failure.

  370. Jen

    10,000 Reasons is at the top of my list right now

  371. Amanda Jones

    SO many to choose from, but right now it’s a tie for me. “Your Grace Finds Me” by Matt Redman, and “Oceans” by Hillsong United.

  372. Charmel Jacobs

    Hi Lysa – I have an old, old, old chorus that helps me focus on our wonderful Lord. It’s called “In His Time.” He has used this song over and over again when I am disheartened and losing courage in the battle of prayer in the spiritual realms for my oldest child. I awoke during the night from a frightening dream about him. This morning, I sing God’s Truth to my heart and trust Him that He has the last word in my life and those of each of my family members. His promise in my little chorus is that He makes all things beautiful in His time!

  373. Tristina

    Jeremy camp walk by faith. I had been trough so many changes in such a short period of time. I left a job I had been at for 10 years, because I just had my daughter to work at another federal job closer to home. I was not full filled at the new job so I changed jobs again but the new job didn’t disclose to me all the requirements so I quite after a week of prayer and talking to family and friends I was driving home from this job I couldn’t stand and that song came on and I cried I had my answer I had to trust God and go with what I felt in my heart against all logic and quite. Best decision I made to let go and let God guide me.

  374. Susan Daggett

    Where I Belong

  375. Kyra

    Right now my favorite worship song is “Lord, I Need You” by Matt Maher. That song really embraces all of the thankfulness, all of the humbleness, and all of the praise I feel while I worship the Lord!

  376. Dana

    My favorite worship song is between Revelation Song and Oceans.

  377. Lisa Chapman

    Recently I was introduced to Audrey Assad. Her music is phenomenal!! I especially love the song,
    “Good to Me”…….. I put all my hope in the truth of Your promise
    And I steady my heart on the ground of Your goodness
    When I’m bowed down with sorrow I will lift up Your name
    And the foxes in the vineyard will not steal my joy

    Because You are good to me, good to me

    I lift up my eyes to the hills where my help is found
    Your voice fills the night – raise my head up to hear the sound
    Though fires burn all around me I will praise You, my God
    And the foxes in the vineyard will not steal my joy

    Because You are good to me, good to me

    Your goodness and mercy shall follow me
    All my life
    I will trust in Your promise

  378. Jenny Kozar

    Right now the song that resonates with me is You Are More… Then the choices I have made, then my mistakes. Our God is so good he loves me and reminds me that I am so much more then I think.

  379. Sheila Good

    I often turn to Tamela Mann’s “Take me to The King” because it is a song of pain and sadness but also there is power behind her voice. She knows that she does not have much to offer but she gives it all to Him. She come to throne, and she does it alone which is also a challenge that I deal with often as a Christian. Often I worship alone, pray alone, but I know I am not alone. My Lord is always with me.

  380. Liz Merlino

    Breath on me by Chris Tomlin

  381. Victoria R.

    “Blessed Be Your Name” is always a favorite. and lately I have been playing “Oceans” by hillsong united over and over again daily.

  382. Kristin Deas

    Oceans by Hillsong United

  383. Tammy

    Worship is my heart poured out to the Lord in prayer through song! Sometimes it’s a lifting and other times a healing in place. Thanks for those many worship singers! To many to list in my list too.. Held is one though.

  384. Steph

    10,000 Reasons Matt Redman

  385. Lindsay Capobianco

    I love worship music! I actually listen to a lot of older praise bands like Petra!! I love the new stuff too. But “I love you Lord” by Petra is my favorite song and lift my voice…. even though it doesn’t sound so pretty! 🙂

  386. Lacey Bidegain

    I have so many favorites but one that I just can’t help but stop and feel its a love song between my Lord and I is, Great Are You Lord by All Sons & Daughters.

  387. Sandra L

    Matt Maher’s “Lord, I need You”… Speaks my heart into action daily for His Glory!

  388. Shelly Smith Lohman

    This was so encouraging to me! I had a miscarriage on Saturday & have been struggling & feeling like it is my fault. It’s not my fault. GOD knows the number of our days. Hers were just few. The number of her days was set before her conception. GOD loves her just as much in her few days as HE does everyone.

  389. Ashley Simpson

    Oh how I needed to hear the words of that song tonight. I have just begun reading “Unglued” and it’s amazing how God gives us the words and tools me need at exactly the right time. I am almost in tears as I type this now-as I think about how God has stepped in and worked through this book at a time when circumstances are rapidly changing in my life and need those words the most. Thank you Lysa for allowing God to work through you and for sharing your experiences with other women. It is so encouraging to see other women experiencing the same struggles and then seeing God step in a work through them. Thank you!

  390. Allison A.

    10,000 Reasons!!

  391. nancys1128

    We just started singing it at church, and I have to admit I wasn’t crazy about the song when someone shared a video of it, but my current fave is Oceans.

  392. Terri Satterwhite

    MercyMe – I Can Only Imagine – puts everything in place and perspective for me.

  393. Joy

    I always seem to come back to Selah when my soul needs to be uplifted or even get back to where I need to be with The Lord to prepare my heart for some needed time with Him. ‘Bless your Name’

  394. Tracy

    Great I Am! I just cannot get it out of my head. Our worship band at church put their own twist on it and it has been such a blessing!

  395. Karina

    Oceans by Hillsong United and Lord, I need you by Matt Maher.

  396. Nikki

    It is so hard to pick just one song. I am loving Francesca Battistelli’s new song “Write Your Story”. I am a MercyMe fan “Spoken For” and “I Am” are just two of my absolute faves. “Oceans” by Hillsong.

  397. Rebecca

    My favorite is “Grace Like Rain”.

  398. Taar

    “oceans” by hillsong; “be loved” by Christy Nockels

  399. Cheryl

    Hi Lysa, I just want to thank you for your sense of humor. I’ve read 3 of your books, and you need to know how much you’ve touched my life. Your deep commitment to Jesus inspires me to live for Him even with all of my “unglued” days. May God give you the ability to keep writing, and sharing in the honest way you do!

  400. Melissa Marker

    I’m not answering for a freeby … The song / Elevation is wonderful. “My Own” by Ashes Remain Gets me every time. It’s as if I were the one crying out to the Lord. And I’m admitting now for the firt time, that it is that song that had finally had me surrender and want to share my story with so many woman. Pray for me sister, I have been trying to get my website together. Y’all are an inspiration. … Pray on! ~melissp

  401. Kim

    10,000 Reasons is my favorite!!

  402. Andrea

    A real fear hope is not in my circumstances .. My hope is in the only Hope there really is CHRIST.. I am doing the on-line made to crave bible study.. Powerful connection to encouragement I so need.. Thank you for your part.. Letting Our Creator flow thru you so beautifully.. Amen

  403. Tammy Vanderwerf

    My favorite worship song is “Sweetly Broken”. Amazing song for those times when you feel broken and you are reminded there is the cross where you can surrender once again.

  404. Rebecca

    What an EXCELLENT song! I needed that today!

    Right now, the song I can’t get out of my head is “Open Up Our Eyes” by Elevation Worship. It seems that I always need to breath out the words “greater is The One!”

    And also “Forever” by Kari Jobe! Whoop Whoop!


  405. Krista Kaper

    Oceans by Hillsong United has quickly become my favorite! It speaks right to the heart of me and moves every part of my being when I hear it, can’t get enough! 🙂

  406. Tasha

    Our God is Greater….says it all.

  407. Lacie Young

    Hi Lysa! It’s Lacie from Tallahassee from She Speaks 2013. This gave me goose bumps . . . thank you for sharing. So many good worship songs. Music always speaks to me. One I recently wrote about on yes, finally a blog along with my accountability group, is on Mandisa’s song Real. This is moving from the performance trap to being REAL. Thank YOU and Mandisa for the courage you gave me to do this and how you speak into so many women’s lives everyday. You are such a blessing . . . please never stop!

  408. Lisa Peters

    I love a lot bur right now Kari Jobe Love Came Down ~ Love ~ Love ~ Love!

  409. Jan Muske

    Thank you, Lysa, for sharing this. I’ve have come to the point that I am committed to doing something about getting healthy. Fortunately my church started Made to Crave two weeks ago. I am thoroughly enjoying it and I love your style of writing and presentation. I have started an MTC playlist on Spotify and will add this song to it. Praise God for your enlightening words.

  410. Tanya

    “I Need You”—Matt Maher. Oh, do I ever need HIM!

  411. Ramona Saucedo

    “Cornerstone” by Hillsong United… I have a tons of songs that touch my soul. Thanks for all your inspirational words!


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  413. Becky

    I’m not posting to get a freebie…but I do want to share my favorite worship song. I’m currently reading “More than Just a Good Bible Study Girl” – and I’m seeing so much of myself in this book….

    My absolute favorite worship song is Revelation Song. Phillips, Craig & Dean do it – – but I actually prefer Kari Jobe’s version. I had this song played at my wedding – there was a lot of music included, as I’m a singer myself. I’ve loved this song since I first heard it a couple years back. But probably the top reason that this is a favorite of mine, is that not only can i do “regular” worship when singing, but a close friend (my Christ-sister) of mine taught me how to sign (sign-language) the song. Let me tell you – if you’ve never signed before, and especially a worship song…It puts a whole new meaning on the word WORSHIP!!! I feel the spirit take rest in my soul when I’m signing, I feel closer to the Lord, I feel the Holy Spirit moving thru me, and through the worship center of my church. Not only do I get something out of it…but when my Christ-sister, “MJ” and I sign during church, it is common for people to come up to us afterwards, wanting us to teach them also. It feels wonderful to connect to the Spirit in this way, and also cause others to want to connect on a different level as well.

    Thanks for taking the time to read my long(er) response.

  414. Nancy

    I absolutely LOVE “Give Me Faith”….. such an AMAZING worship song by Elevation!!

  415. Rose

    Shadowed wings. This is a song that I wrote, it was late and I was sick with the flu. Thinking about my adult sons and wondering if they are choosing the right path. Then the words just started to flow from my mind. I had a friend put it to music and it brought tears to several eyes. I didn’t mean to bring all those tears. Maybe someday I will have someone in the church sing it. For I dont have it on cd just cassette tape. Thank you

  416. Robin LeGare

    Heaven. By Phil Wickham. Love it !!!!!!

  417. Cathi Nichols

    I love to worship and there are so many songs I love but one I can say that ranks up there is Glorify You Alone. Have a blessed day!

  418. Lisa

    I’m loving young and free’s Alive.

  419. Sue Greer

    Awesome song. Reminds me to cling to the promises of God. He has the final say. I am really liking the song Broken Hallelujah by the Afters. My dad has a terminal illness and my mom just went to be with the Lord a year ago. I am just trying to praise Him in the storm because he is worthy. We don’t see the big picture. Only God knows and I need to put my full trust In Him in every circumstance. So I come before Him with my Broken Hallelujah.

  420. sue

    I love Give Me Faith by Elevation Church.

  421. Mary Jayne

    Our God Is Greater is ONE of my favorites. Kept singing this to myself as my husband went through cancer surgery for a huge malignant kidney tumor!

  422. Kelly

    Come to Me from The Loft Sessions, Bethel Music featuring Jenn Johnson

    I sometimes listen to it over and over again letting the words wash over me. The lyrics are awesome and tune is soothing!!! Helps me focus in on the truth of how close God is to me at all times.

    Which just made me think of one of my favorite jammin’ worship songs. At All Times by Mandissa!! Now that will get your worship on :))

  423. Kathryn

    How Great Thou Art!
    I have been turning on Pandora for my children. The Classical music statiion for studying is calming in the mornings and during the afternoon chaos of returning home from school and homework time. What I find amazing is that most of the instrumental and piano music that is played on this station is from church. All of our good ole presbyterian hymns!
    It turns out I seem to be listening to this station while the childen are not here!!!! There is no greater way to do housework while reflecting on The Lord.

    Thank you for all of your inspiration!

  424. Joni

    “I Can Only Imagine” is my all-time favorite. I can’t hear/sing it through without tearing up. How wonderful it will be to look on Jesus’ face in person!

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