Download my new, free resource: Trust Is a Track Record: 5 Scriptural Truths To Remember God’s Faithfulness. 


But Victory Seems So Far Away

January 3, 2014

I started out this year with great determination to be victorious in my healthy eating resolutions. But then life happened.

Like when the upstairs toilet clogged and flooded my kitchen ceiling. Or when I got stuck in traffic, yelled at my kids, and missed an important meeting.

Those are the moments when my long-term goals to get healthy don’t feel as important as my need for immediate comfort.

I just want to blow my healthy eating plan out of frustration with something gooey, sweet, and cream laden.

I bet you’ve had something occur this week that doesn’t make you feel very victorious either. A sick child, a missed deadline, tension in a friendship, or a number on the scale that almost made you cry. I understand. But may I encourage you? Even in the midst of trying circumstances and bad days, you can be victorious.

You can be victorious even when the distance between your present reality and your desired goal seems so far apart.


Set mini-goals.

Losing twenty, fifty, one hundred pounds, or more can seem so far away. And faraway goals are hard to hang onto when life drains us and it feels like those French fries sure could fill us.

Set mini-goals physically by getting a strategy for making healthy choices. How can you prepare now to drink eight glasses of water today? What is a healthy snack option you’ll turn to when those afternoon salty and sugary cravings start calling? Are you going out to eat at a restaurant? Use the Internet to look up the nutritional information for their menu so you can make informed healthy choices. If hit with an unexpected temptation today, what healthy go-to script or Bible verse can you arm yourself with in advance to combat justifications and compromises?

Each mini-goal you accomplish today is a moment of victory.

We can also set mini-goals spiritually. We will always be most victorious when we are in the center of God’s will. When we are in God’s will, we are able to see our trials from God’s perspective — through the lens of His grace and truth.

But what is God’s will? The apostle Paul wrote, “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks . . . for this is God’s will” (1 Thessalonians 5:16 – 18). This is an explicit description of what God’s will is. To be in the center of God’s will is to be a woman who is joyful, prayerful, and thankful.

Be joyful: Intentionally look around for measures of joy each day. There is joy in simply being alive and in being redeemed by God. Remember, joy is a choice we make, not a feeling we hope to get from our circumstances. It’s good to look for the good, to celebrate it even in small ways. Doing so is a moment of victory.

Be prayerful: Focus your thoughts on God through prayer. When I was tempted with unhealthy choices, it used to trigger a pity party. Now, I turn my temptations into triggers to pray. Turning to God rather than turning to food is a moment of victory.

Be thankful: When I focus on how much weight I still need to lose, it brings me down and I start entertaining thoughts of defeat. However, when I focus on all that I’m gaining with God through this process of losing the weight, it makes me all the more determined to keep going. What is something positive you’ve gained during your weight loss journey so far? God’s activity can be seen much more readily when we focus on what we do have rather than what we don’t have.

We can’t control our circumstances, but we can control our choices. Setting mini-goals physically and spiritually positions us for victory today. Indeed, you can be victorious even when the distance between your present reality and your desired goal seems so far apart.

Today, you can join 15,000+ women who are also claiming victory over their struggles in Proverbs 31 Ministries’ online Bible study of my book, Made to Crave. The study begins January 19th! Click here for more information or to sign up.

Leave a comment below sharing one mini-goal you’re setting in 2014. I’ll pick 5 winners to each receive a signed copy of Made to Crave.

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  1. Mindy

    My mini goal is to get on my treadmill every day for 20 minutes minimum! Thank you for your ministry & sharing your struggles & victories with us all! God Bless you doubly!

  2. Amanda Bacon

    I’m excited to read Made To Crave again. This time with the OBS gang!

  3. Pat T

    To lose weight so I feel better physically, but also to spend time in prayer so I improve spiritually.

    • Kristin


  4. Carol W.

    To write down 5 things I am grateful for each day and to focus less on my shortcomings!

  5. Amiee

    To bring my kids before the Lord in pray EVERY single day of 2014!

  6. Mia Cornelius

    As I read the bible daily, my mini goal is to memorize 1-2 bible verses a week that apply to my life. I want to become spiritually closer to God

  7. Kim S

    To choose life! Just like it says in Deuteronomy 30:19. Obedience=Choose Life.

  8. Suzi

    For 2014, I chose one word…Stay! Stay focused, stay calm and stay committed.

  9. Rochelle

    My one word for this year is “focus.” When I “feel” like something sweet/salty and soothing,
    I’m going to “think” FOCUS. I know all the right things to do, but I need to overcome my
    feeling with thinking and doing.

  10. Paula

    I want to stop mindless eating.

  11. Yvette

    My year’s goals are to run a half marathon and climb a mountain. In working toward those, my daily goal is to seek The Lord first thing each morning in order to make healthy choices throughout the day and finish each day strong in Him.

  12. Tina

    My daily goal is to start with Him. To get going in the morning with a simple prayer “Lord, thank you for a good night’s sleep.” Or what ever He lays on my heart.

  13. Shamar S.

    My one mini goal is to begin each morning thanking God for another day of life and opportunity to be in His presence.

  14. Latrelle

    to drink more water every day

  15. Barbie

    My goal is to fill myself first with Him, and then with water and lots of greens!

  16. Leslie

    Your beautiful words inspire my life daily Lysa. Thank you. Nothing tastes as good as peace feels.

  17. Sarah

    My first mini goal of 2014 is to be thankful for the grace of God to help me shed over 80 lbs three years ago and not best myself up over the 15 lbs I gained back in the past two years. God loves me no matter the number on the scale. I need to let that sink in and know 165 lbs on a 5’6″ body isn’t ugly. Jiwever, j want to honor Jesus in everything so my second mini goal us to get back to the basics of healthy living.

    • Erica

      I am with you on that to celebrate the almost 60lbs I lost and the two races I did in the last 2 years and stop worrying about the almost 20 I gained. To truly bath in Gods word each morning. To celebrate all victories. I already have and love love your books but every year I seem to need to re read it..♥

    • Amy

      80 lbs lost is a great achievement. I’m 5’6″ tall and I would LOVE to weight only 165 lbs. Its all perspective.

  18. Aida Davila

    I need to start worrying about a family member and fill that with God’s will.

  19. Louise New

    My goal is to draw nearer to God and further away from my fears.

    Do we need to read Made to Crave before the Bible study?

  20. Robyn

    Physically:To stop drinking pop completely; Spiritually: To pray for others more by immediately praying for their need as it is presented to my attention; Emotionally:To learn to be more focused on positives in everyday life.

  21. gayle

    Drink more water

  22. Vanessa

    To remind myself that I am of more value to Him than the sparrows and to cast all my cares on Him because he cares for me? I’m going to stop worrying with His help.

  23. Kristine

    My first goal is to seek God in all I do and to deepen my belief in Jesus.

  24. Lisa

    My first goal is to be more active. My husband and I have joined a hiking club and bought new mountain bikes.

  25. Felicia

    To pray and have faith and trust God with all my daily needs.

  26. Cathy B

    To stick to the budget each month when it comes to grocery shopping.

  27. Jodie

    One of my goals this year is to finish my novel (by September) so I can go to my first writer’s conference

  28. Heather

    My mini-goal is to work on better, more positive email communication with my daughter’s father and his girlfriend. This mini-goal is in order to work toward the bigger goal of becoming unglued less often and to allow myself to use the unglued moments to bring me closer to Jesus. Thank you for your book Unglued. I just finished reading it.

  29. Monica Liner

    To have a closer walk/relationship with God in all aspects of my life!

  30. Kim

    To start exercising again and choosing healthier foods

  31. pattistrain

    My goals are to be joyful, thankful, prayerful, and to be an encouragement to others because by doing so, it will encourage me.

  32. Lachelle

    My first mini-goal is to commit to starting each morning in God’s Word to prepare me for the day and to help me keep my focus on HIM as I take this journey on weight loss again!

  33. Eniola

    One mini goal of mine is to drink a glass of water when I wake up in the morning. Hopefully by doing so, I continue to drink water throughout the day, but baby steps first…drink a glass of water when I wake up.

  34. Lori

    My goal is to nut judge others so easily. Scripture says that how we judge others we shall also be judged. This is a daily goal. One step to a better me…

  35. Lana

    Seeking to understand the importance of honoring my parents, but to start I’m going to do a word study on honor and pick 1 way to serve them both this week 🙂

  36. Carla

    To make lifetime changes to a healthy lifestyle by taking baby steps. First step: Get moving! Bought a $30 treadmill off Craigslist. Second step: Stay with the Made to Crave bible study.

  37. Jevonnah

    A mini-goal for me is to train for marathon #14. It’s a 26.2 mile run, and although I’ve crossed the finish line every time in my previous 13 marathons, it’s still a mental challenge. Every time I want to quit, I remember Phil 4:13 “I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!” The marathon is March 9, 2014 in Los Angeles. SO EXCITED!

  38. cindy

    ugh… I need to set the goal of not projecting a totally messed up future on my daughter based on some bad and on the fence decisions she is making now.
    We talk about her potential choices and how they can play out to end up looking like a totally different picture than she would ever think… but I don’t know if she has the grit to do the hard thing.
    I am boring tomorrow’s trouble big time. I will try to find joy and set a goal to just focus on TODAY..
    thanks for the reminder Lysa.

  39. Vera

    My goal for 2014 is to accept what is and live in joy for what is each day. I see that I create so much pain for myself by wanting something different that what I have in my life. I am not wholly grateful for what God has given me, but grumble that I do not have a great fulfilling job or that I don’t have the dream life I thought I would have by now. I miss out on so much joy by letting these thoughts run rampant in my head instead of being present and enjoying all the blessings my Heavenly Father has given me.

  40. FaithD

    Goal is to let go and let God have control. To trust The Lord completely. To grow in Jesus’s ways. To get a healthier body and lower cholesterol and blood pressure!

  41. Erin O'Grady

    I have a verse I want to share with you. I’ll be the first to admit that it is taken taken completely out of context, but I really think God gave me this verse. It’s been on my mirror (dry erase works on mirrors too!) for months. Heb 13:9 (ESV) “Do not be led astray by diverse and strange teachings, for it is good [better!] for the heart to be strengthened by grace, not by foods, which have not benefited those devoted to them.”

  42. Linda

    My “mini” goal is to always give God the glory for any victories I experience, and to not get prideful, thinking I can do anything without Him.

  43. Michelle Johnston

    One of my goals this year is not only a healthier lifestyle but to make sure I get back into my bible whether it’s through a study plan or just reading. Right now I’m actually doing the Made to Crave bible plan. Was very excited to see it. Thank you, Lysa for putting it together.

  44. Katy

    My goal is to stop losing and gaining the same 10 lbs every year. I want to lose it and never let it have control of me again!

  45. Julie

    My first mini goal is to quit soda. I’ve been slowly weaning myself off. I have so much to change to get to where I need to be and love the idea of the book to help me!!!!!

  46. Melissa

    My mini goal is to rely on God to keep me from mindless eating. Last year I lost 43 pounds after reading Made to Crave, but I feel that I am going back to old habits. I pray that I can refocus my thoughts on Him.

  47. Pam

    My first mini-goal is to remember how God sees me – a his beloved and worthy child – regardless of my weight! Then, to remember that this body is a gift that can be used to do so many things, like hug those I love and the circumference of my arms doesn’t matter. Then, I want to teach my daughter that she is more than a number on a scale and that she is worthy because she is God’s precious creation. I want to be wary of comments I make about the importance of being skinny or the ugliness of fat. And – I want to set an example about the importance of being healthy, in order to best serve our wonderful creator! I have to change my thinking – be joyful, prayerful, thankful! Thanks Lisa for your great message today!

    • Kimberly

      Amen! This is a great goal…thanks for sharing! I too have a daughter and feel the same way about teaching her it’s not about the number on a scale (which can to often lead to unhealthy issues) but about being healthy and seeking to glorify God with our bodies. God does love us no matter what our weight is, but we are also to take care of the body He has given us to serve Him in.

  48. Jana Nelson

    I know that my mini goal will need to be micro mini in order for me to be successful as I begin to get healthy and as I begin a relationship with God. Therefore, my goal is to get through every half hour without reaching for something to eat. Instead, I will reach out to God to help me in that half hour.

  49. April Hayes

    For 2014 my mini goal is to be like Barnabas in the Bible. I want to be an encourager. Whether it be in losing weight, my hobbies, or whatever I do. I want to be someone who lifts people up and not tear them down.
    I really enjoy the Proverbs 31 daily devotions and I have enjoyed reading your books. Looking forward to the “Crave”. That is exactly what I need.

  50. Trish

    My mini goal this year is to slowly organize my life physically mentally and emotionally. I am a single mom of two wonderful boys and last year was a bit of a struggle for me to stay organized and be on time ever. This year with baby steps I hope to overcome that.

  51. Sabra Penley

    Lysa, I’ve read through Made to Crave and listened to the DVDs more than once. I have my printouts on the fridge, marked with scripture and quotes from your lessons. I have prayed about being faithful to eating right. And yet, still, I have struggled–especially over the Christmas season. The Lord is working on me–PRAISE GOD! This year I have as a mini-goal each day to look for ways to DENY SELF. It is not difficult to find ways to deny self, but to be faithful in following through–that will definitely take the strength of the Lord! Thanks for your wonderful teaching and encouragement!

    • nancys1128

      Sabra, I like your goal to DENY SELF. I hope out don’t mind if I add it to my original mini goal of taking things one moment at a time and letting one poor choice/decision/action dictate the rest of the day to be the same.

  52. Donna Lott

    My obedience to God’s will. That my body be a temple for Him, what I eat becomes a life style change , it’s all about the 4 sided person: emotional , physicial , mental and spiritual.

  53. Cindy H in Texas

    To start my day in God’s Word.

  54. Roxanne

    My goal for 2014 is to put Christ as my focus in all things, instead of relying on my own strength and feelings. Giving up my control will allow God to work out his plan for me.
    Proverbs 3;5-6.

  55. Elizabeth Graff

    My mini goal is to reach for fruit instead of a non healthy snack.

  56. Debra A

    To take one day at a time. Rely on God for help. No junk food!

  57. Lia Corral

    Lisa I love that! Setting mini goals. It reminds me of something I read a while back- inch by inch life’s a cinch, yard by yard life is hard. Setting mini goals WILL be my inch by inch from now on. I’m signed up for the made to crave, so excited!

  58. Mary B

    My goal is to eat more fruit and veggies instead of junk. To change my eating habits first! Pray and enjoy the fellowship of the on line bible study group at P31. These ladies really know how to encourage each and every person who joins the studies! Check it out! 🙂

  59. Leslie Dannhardt

    This devotional went along with what I am learning in my Mary Kay business. We are told to set daily, weekly, monthly, etc…… goals for ourselves and our business. Thank you for giving the spiritual outlook for how to do this.

  60. Leigh Ann F

    In 2014, I pray that my eyes will be open to something fantastic God is going to do in our lives as a family! Sometimes He’s working and we just can’t see it because we are so caught up in what WE think God should be doing, or what prayer He should be answering.

  61. Erin Thompson

    As a single mother, I will be starting my 2nd semester of nursing school on the 13th. Unfortunately, I feel as if I’ve neglected part of my roles as a mother in order to study almost 24/7! This year, my mini-goal is to set aside time each afternoon to spend with my son… no matter how many assignments and tests I have going on!…. Each day, I will examine our schedules, deciding on the time that would work the best for both of us!…. Say a prayer for me to stick with this goal, for this has been heavy on my heart! Thanks! 🙂

  62. Val

    I want to complete the Made to Crave Bible Study.

  63. Nancy Vanstone

    I have many goals to set for the year. As a grandmother who is homeschooling two grandchildren with dyslexia, I need to first set the mini goal to go to bed by 9:00. I need to get up and exercise so I will have the energy for the day with the children.

  64. Joyce

    My goals, increase my everyday faith in the Lord and to eat healthier.

  65. Angie Stafford

    “Be thankful: When I focus on how much weight I still need to lose, it brings me down and I start entertaining thoughts of defeat.” This 100 lbs I need to lose really bogs me down mentally, physically and emotional at times. I most of the time do great from 5 a.m. Until 7 p.m. then the battle is on. Lord, I pray I need your help to totally consume me during these hours.

    “We can’t control our circumstances, but we can control our choices. Setting mini-goals physically and spiritually positions us for victory today. Indeed, you can be victorious even when the distance between your present reality and your desired goal seems so far apart.” My weight loss goal and my closer walk with God is so craved. So thankful I found this study. Lord I pray for strength to press on.

  66. Linda

    My mini-goal is to focus on one word each day – thankful. To focus on my blessings and look for the positive each day as I tend to think about what is going wrong and then it drags me down. I have so much to be thankful for! The grace of God, my job, my family and grandchildren!!

  67. Beth

    My mini goal for this year is to forgive others when they hurt me as Christ forgives me when I hurt Him. Then not to then crave food for comfort, but to crave His comfort when hurt.

  68. Barbara Gaona

    Thank you for wirting this book! I have lost and regained 100 lbs on my 5′ 0″ frame 3 times. I have finally kept the weight off for 4 years but it is slowly creeping back on. I am hosting a group of women in an exercise and fitness group that begins on 1/6 and this study will give us encouragement and God fueled support to change our perspective toward food and our situations. Eating is so emotional and the brain is what controls all. Thank you!

  69. Brenda

    I want to be consistent in losing weight, in my quiet time and not thinking negative thoughts about myself.

  70. Emily

    I have a real problem with addiction to sugar. Most days I eat a little sugar and then find I just can’t stop until I feel almost ill. My mini goal is to not have any sugar today. With God’s help I can do this. Then I will set a new mini goal of no sugar tomorrow. More than losing weight, I want to have self-control in this area. I realize that I cannot do this in my own strength, but my victory will have to come from God.

  71. Michele C.

    My mini goal is to be consistent and pray every morning to make right choices. I am learning that I don’t have to be perfect…I just have to keep going. It’s imperfect progress 😉

  72. Heather W

    First mini goal is to not beat myself up when I do fall off the horse! Instead of focusing on food – I am going to focus on God – especially during those times I wanna eat!

  73. Ann Carmien

    I am looking forward to Made To Crave OBS. I studied this with some lovely women from my church, but my life became very hectic and I actually gained weight since and have had some very tough situations in 2013. My goal is to get out of this depression and focus on God, to crave Jesus, instead of focusing on situations that I cannot change.

  74. Beckey

    Mini goals for this stage are to drink more water and to park further away from store so I have to walk just that much further

  75. Kelly

    Mini-goals? Re: Food – To listen to my body so I know when I’m satisfied rather than stuffed; my first 5 pounds. Re: spiritual: Hang and memorize 5 Scripture verses to keep my focus on God and joy.

  76. Kyndra

    Eat more fruits and vegetables every day- physically. Spiritually- to turn my life over to God every morning, and seek his presence throughout my days by surrounding myself with BIble verses and praise music! I want to see God in my daily life and I know I can by focusing on Him and his mighty power.

  77. RaZella

    I love this… “Turning to God rather than turning to food is a moment of victory.” SO TRUE. This is what I most want to accomplish. Filling my moments with Jesus instead of food. I’ve struggled up and down and down and up for so long, and I know for me personally, I’ve spent far too long using food as an idol to fill me instead of turning to God. I got my MTC in the mail and am totally looking forward to the online Bible study. Thanks for this inspiring post!

  78. Wendy

    I was always the skinny kid with no figure, then 2 kids and 42 candles later… My 92 year old granny is tell my mom I’m “fat”, (yes! She did.) on Christmas Eve. It made me mad, sad, then motivated, to prove that was not the real me! I reacquainted myself with my trainer and a nutritional plan that I want to stick to for a minimum of 6 months. Surviving a 21 day DETOX is my first mini goal!! Giving God all the praise for small victories and depending on Him each day to help me is the only way I will make it to a long term goal of 40 lbs! Thank you Lysa for the inspiration!!

    • nancys1128

      Wendy, I would love to know anything you can tell me about the DETOX you’ll be doing. I’ve been thinking it would be good for both my husband and I to do something like that but don’t know where to start. Thanks!

  79. Tricia

    My mini goal is to finish 3 miles on my treadmill, 3 times per week. With 2 young ones at home I have a hard time getting a shower in most days but KNOW that with this start at exercising again I will be setting a good example for them as well as setting my soul straight.

  80. LK

    I want to make better choices, AT NIGHT. I seem to do pretty good during the day and even exercise 3 – 4 times a week (early evening), but on the nights when I don’t exercise, I seem to make not so great choices…that I wake up thinking about the next morning.

  81. Shanna

    My mini goal is to work on my choices one day at a time and not look so far into the future. To make sure each day I am spending even a few minutes with God.

  82. Kitty

    Psalm 37:4

  83. Dorre

    Lysa,it’s like you read my mind this morning. I’ve felt so discouraged lately that it’s been tempting to give up altogether… My mini-goals are to drink more water, to replace sweets with fruit, and to replace my nightly TV time with more time in the Word and reading books, such as Made To Crave, instead… (our church is participating in a 3-week fast that starts this Sunday, and I felt the Lord led me to fast TV (which is where a lot of the damage is done (eating a bowl of ice cream, etc..))

  84. Kristin Hartley

    It has been several years since I let myself go, mainly from depression and not caring about what was best for me physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Alot of the pounds have been packed on from alcohol binges, carb binges, sugar binges, and lack of motivation. Loosing about 100lbs is ultimately what must happen, but in the midst of the weight loss, I pray God changes my heart, my spirit, and renews my mind. I pray that I change from the inside out. In Jesus name.

  85. Carol

    I have many goals this year, but am working toward them one day at a time. I know that I cannot achieve them on my own, but only through the will and strength of our great God. I have steadily gained weight over the past 15 years until I’m about 60-70 lbs. overweight. One goal is to lose those lbs. to address health issues, to feel better, and to be able to wear my wedding and engagement rings once again. With my church I have started a year long plan to read the Bible through in 2014. I want to gain more of the knowledge that God intended for me, and most of all grow closer to Him. All lifestyle improvements, physical, emotional, or spiritual, will improve all of my relationships whether it be wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, etc., and allow me to be a better witness for Jesus Christ. Please pray for me as I pray for all of you.

  86. Rita

    Put walking on treadmill back into my morning routine.
    Thanks for putting together the M2C journal; I just ordered it and will be using it during the online Bible study. God does use you, to Him be the glory!

  87. Angie

    My mini-goal is to turn to prayer when I am faced with temptation.
    I signed up for my first online book study with Proverbs 31 and am excited! Thank you for sharing it. I look forward to craving God more and food less!

  88. Jennifer

    I am all signed up for your online Bible Study. I am ready to get healthy this year and finally lose all this extra weight. My mini goal is to drink more water and to stay away from salty snacks…very hard for me! I will turn to my Bible and not food.

  89. Mary

    My goal is to eat mindfully…using food as fuel for my body and not love or comfort. I have read Made to Crave once and am signed up and excited to be part of the MTC OBS. Thank you so much, Lysa, for your encouragement and for following God’s will.

  90. Nicole

    Exercise 3x/week

  91. Melody Byrum

    I want to get healthier. Make better choices when we go out to eat and better choices in general. I’m not as healthy as I should be and I don’t eat like I should. I need to lose weight, but I can’t focus on that, or I will get discouraged. If it’s God’s will, I will lose the weight while I focus on being healthier and at the same time I will grow closer to God. I think that is my small time goal and my long term goal. It’s not about losing the weight, it’s about being healthier.

  92. Donita

    Starting a made to crave study with a few friends. Core strenghening

  93. Mary Davidson

    I am so excited to be starting the MTC study in just a few weeks. My goal for this study and this year is to turn to The Lord in times of trouble and discouragement instead of sleep. Sleep is my food. It is my escape. It is how I avoid the realities of this life. But, it leaves me feeling even more lethargic and depressed. I am seeking to overcome this through the strength of The Lord.

  94. Christina

    I was recently introduced to your writing with your book, Unglued, in a Sunday School class at my church. I also just completed the Prov. 31 OBS, Confident Heart, and both my mom and I have signed up for Made to Crave. I’ve been touched by your transparent honesty and charming sense of humor. Your “down-to-earth” style of writing makes deep spiritual truths simple and applicable. Be encouraged that while some days make victory seem so far away, God is using you in the lives of many women. We are all “vessels” serving a mighty God. So thankful you are allowing Him to use your gifts and your struggles. Huge thanks and much expectation for the study, MTC, Christina

  95. Mari

    One goal I have is to start and end the day in God’s Word as well as the in between times..

  96. Leigh Anne

    My goal is to seek opportunities to serve – to occupy my body and mind with living the the life Christ died to give me – to replace idle time with Kingdom assignments. More God – less me! Hallelujah.

  97. Debbie

    I start my weigh lose journey on 1/11 but I also know that I need God’s help and need a network of girlfriends to accomplish this. I sorely feel the lack of friends these past few years and the pity parties I’ve had have definitely helped my weight gain. BUT this is all going to change!!!! I am SO excited, I can hardly stand it!!!!!

  98. Lindsay

    No more fat shaming myself.

  99. Helena

    My mini goal is to live one day at a time, and to run to God when I’m feeling emotionally spent, instead of food and taking frustration out on kids! If I can do that, maybe they will also learn to go to their Savior!

  100. Kim

    Today I’m going to be aware so that I can change my habit. Progress not perfection!!!

  101. Renee Griffith

    My mini goal is EVERY SINGLE time a defeating thought or temptation comes into my brain I want to immediately say STOP and pray and them thank God for my victory!!!

  102. Hope

    Learning to I brace the new season I am in

  103. Melody Byrum

    I want to get healthier. Make better choices when we go out to eat and better choices in general. I’m not as healthy as I should be and I don’t eat like I should. I need to lose weight, but I can’t focus on that, or I will get discouraged. If it’s God’s will, I will lose the weight while I focus on being healthier and at the same time I will grow closer to God. I think that is my small time goal and my long term goal. It’s not about losing the weight, it’s about being healthier.

  104. Linda

    My mini-goal is to focus on one word each day – thankful. To focus on my blessings and look for the positive each day as I tend to think about what is going wrong and then it drags me down. I have so much to be thankful for! The grace of God, my job, my family and grandchildren!!

  105. Robin

    To learn to relax and trust in Jesus more!

  106. Ashley Fields

    My mini goals for right now are to drink more water and not turn to sweets/chocolate when I want a snack or am stressed. I am a college student and classes start again Monday so the walking/exercise aspect of things will become a daily habit anyway. Thank you for the encouraging post! I look forward to working through Made to Crave on the 19th!

  107. Amy

    My mini goal is to be successful today, and then get the first week under my belt at a reduced caloric intake, adjusting to the hunger. I signed up for the MTC OBS! Looking forward to it. Invited a few friends. 🙂

  108. amyD

    Struggling through things out of my control. Thanks for the inspiration by sharing the word. My mini goal is keep a verse close so I can turn to and memorize it.

  109. Kathy

    My goal is to eat healthier, portion control and being mindful that this body was wonderfully made and that by taking care of it will give glory back to God. I am thankful for this upcoming Bible Study and hope that this is the time that I will claim success, not just in my quest to be healthier, but to have a closer walk with God as the center of my life. Less about me and More about Him. 2014 is my year!!

  110. Garilyn

    My first mini goal is to spend more time in prayer daily. I’m joining the mtc online study.

  111. Roberta

    One of my mini goals for 2014 is to get back to drinking 8 glasses of water daily.

  112. Karla

    Make my eating healthy a lifestyle not a diet and to walk and start jogging again. To crave God in everything I do.

  113. Paige

    Perseverance in failing. To learn failure is not permanent. That there is no perfection this side of heaven. That the very next choice can be victorious. That I can pray HOPE into my heart. Even if I’ve already tried and failed a thousand times. That each time I choose to get back up, I make the enemy cringe in defeat and make my heavenly Father smile and clap. That I can visualize a heavenly host standing ovation when I make a healthy choice. Thank you, Lysa, for sharing your innermost struggles with the world and thank you, Jesus, for using that struggle to encourage so many! I pray Lysa is blessed today in some amazing, personal way.

  114. nancys1128

    My mini-goal is to take things one moment at a time and not let a poor choice at one moment lead to more poor choices throughout the day.

  115. Barb

    Good morning from the snowy Northeast. Taking a moment to enjoy the beauty of the snow & cold.

  116. Robin

    My goal is to cut down on processed foods and sugar. I have signed up for the on line Made to Crave Bible study that starts in a few weeks and I am really looking forward to it. Thank you, Lysa, for being an inspiration to so many women who are seeking a closer walk with the Lord.

  117. Tracy Richardson

    My goal was to begin an eating well and exercise program starting on January 2nd. On December 15th, I injured my knee while trying to push my teenage daughter’s car out of the driveway. Her battery had died, and in order to boost it, we needed to move it in order to move the other car into position to boost. Needless to say, I slipped, heard something snap in my knee, and was in agony. Two weeks later, the MRI results showed that I had ruptured my ACL, along with a fracture on my femur and a fracture on my tibia! I will admit that I had several bouts of self-pity and discouragement. I’ve changed my mindset and am focusing on slowing down and working on my spiritual health. I think God is using this injury to remind me what is important in life.

  118. Brenda

    To draw closer to God …. losing weight (though needed) would be a bonus, but drawing closer to God is what I need.

  119. Vicki

    One of my mini goals will be to slowly start exercising.

  120. Bev Anderson

    I am going to try and look ahead a week at a time instead of thinking so far ahead that it isn’t realistic. Also placing it before the Lord to help me through this journey. thanks so much for your help.

  121. Ashley

    My mini goal is to lose 3 pounds per month and RESPECT my husband.

  122. April

    Thank you so much Lysa! Your inspiration is a light to us all. God is truly using you and I look forward to the MTC OBS! As your post mentions, if I focus on what I have to loose, rather than what I will gain, I will feel defeted. I’m going to take one day at a time, and soak up all of His word that I can…that is what I CRAVE!!! Blessings to everyone in 2014!

  123. Lacey

    My mini goal is to track on myfitnesspal. I make that new goal with my self each morning. Each morning I get a new day.

  124. June Stracener

    My mini-goal is to remember throughout the cares and struggles of each and every day that I am a recipient of God’s goodness and grace, and there is nothing that is too difficult for Him to accomplish in my life.

    God bless you, Lysa, for being God’s encouraging helper.

  125. Kelly

    My mini goal for this week is to use scripture — I’m memorizing 2 Cor. 12:9-10. When I’m craving a treat or feeling defeated, I can focus on God’s truth instead.

  126. Peggy

    My 2014 “mini goal”: To keep plugging away with Bible reading, Weight Watchers and Zumba because these are helping me with my LIFE choice making!

  127. Brittney

    My goal is to grow closer to my Lord and Savior by reading His Word more and being in constant conversation with Him. I want to listen to Him more instead of doing all of the talking.

  128. Jody

    My mini-goal for today, is to make room to bring the treadmill from the garage so I might actually use it.
    My long term goal is to have an attitude adjustment… To be more like Christ, courageous, confident and caring.

    My weight and lack of self confidence has caused me to hide within my self instead of being a light shining for Christ.

  129. Denise from Texas

    I have signed up to participate in the Made to Crave Online Bible Study, and I am super excited. I really enjoy your writing, Lysa, and I look forward to another insightful journey into God’s Word and your perspectives. Thank you for all that you do to encourage us every day!

  130. Mary Sue

    My mini-goals are to begin each day with focused prayer, and that when feeling stressed and overwhelmed my thoughts would take me to the comfort of the Lord.

  131. Kristen Beard

    My mini goal is to go 24 hrs. without smoking.

  132. Dot Welch

    One mini goal is to reduce my diet coke intake to just one can (12 ounces) each day – from 56 ounces (or sometimes more) I have been drinking.

  133. gaitha

    I am aiming at losing about 30 lbs. And getting in better shape 🙂

  134. beth

    I have been a bulemic for over 25 years, my minigoal is to have no behaviors for a week at a time, with the help of my GOD.

  135. Dora

    Thank you Lisa and everyone at Proverbs 31. You are all such a great source of support and love and guidance and I am so thankful that someone told me about it.

    My mini goal for 2014 is to slow down and appreciate a day at a time. The world seems to go faster and faster all the time and it is easy to get caught up in the whirlwind and suddenly the important things (my relationship with the Lord and my family and friends) are in last place. I want to deepen relationships with God and family/friends by spending more time with those in my life that are important.

    I am starting Made to Crave because I do have a weight issue and I think part of it is tied back to the constant stress in my life. I want to not allow food to me my crutch any longer. Thank you for being my partner in this new year!

  136. Janee White

    My goal is to stop pondering all things in my head and begin to ponder them in my heart – where transformation truly begins.

    • Cindy

      I like your statement, Janee. Thank you for sharing. It makes me think of one of the several goals I need to keep before me: Stop over-thinking things. That’s a must. Go to God and listen to His sweet, loving voice. God bless you richly!

  137. Michele Roach

    To take better care if me:)

  138. Betsy Cunningham

    A mini goal for me is to be consistent in my morning devotion. This will help in many many ways. I have signed up for the on line study and am very excited.

  139. Deb

    Years ago, I went to a nutritionist & was going to do everything that was recommended to experience ‘optimum’ health. Needless to say, the fervor waned after a few months. My husband commented that we should have worked on one change at a time & once that was a habit, add another ‘discipline’ to our health habits. As we begin the new year, I’m being intentional about cutting calories; last year was drinking 64 oz of water & exercising. Slowly, the weight will drop. I loved your reference to 1 Thes. 5:16-18 – too often we try to conjure up “what is God’s will” & make it far more complicated than He does when He puts it succinctly in this scripture. Would love to read “Made to Crave”

  140. Becky

    Mini goal of 2014: To listen to my husband and kids more and talk at them less. Quick to listen to God and my family and slow to speak and slow to become angry.

  141. Kathi

    My goal is to start moving more by walking each day. I had successful spinal fusion surgery 6 mos. ago and I need to keep my weight down and strengthen those back muscles to avoid further surgery. I have signed up for the Made to Crave Bible Study online and am so looking forward to it!

  142. Kaci

    I would like to simply rely on God more. As I am contemplating between an unhealthy snack instead of the healthy choice, I want to rely on God to help me make the right choice!

  143. Dana

    My mini-goal is to take the first 15-20 minutes of my day that I spend reading through the Bible and add exercise. I have started a daily reading program on my phone and I have it read to me while I use my elliptical for just those few minutes. I had already established reading at the beginning of my day.

  144. Linda

    I need to make healthy snack choices…more veggies! I’ve signed up for Lysa’s class and look forward to spending time with God on a new goal. xxo

  145. Susan McWhite

    My mini goal for 2014 is to get closer to my weight loss goal. I had weight loss surgery in 2012 and I want to get to my goal eventually.

  146. Lisa McDonald

    Lysa, you are such an inspiration to me. Your book “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God” changed my life. I’ve read Made to Crave and am signed up for the P31 OBS. I am looking forward to the changes I will see during that study.
    Thank you for your transparency and honesty. It means so much.
    I am so grateful for you and for P31.

  147. Susan

    My goal is to be God’s word everyday; even if it’s just for five minutes and to exercise more. I signed up for the study and I am looking forward to it!

  148. Melissa

    My Bible study group just finished the Made to Crave Bible study. I enjoyed the study so much and realized i have so much more to learn so I am signed up for the OBS starting in a couple of weeks. I truly believe that 2014 is going to be a year of victory and healing.

    Here are a few of the mini goals that I have set for 2014:
    1. Spend more time in studying God’s Word and truly understanding it, not just reading words off of the page
    2. Spending more time in prayer. Pray about every decision and situation (easy or hard)
    3. Spend time praying for my future mate. Not only praying for God to send that special Godly man into my life, but praying for him daily and even praying for the family in which he comes from.
    4. Build better relationships with coworkers, friends, and family
    5. Lose weight around 100 lbs. I am really focusing on the scripture verses 1 Cor. 6:19-20

    I am looking forward to 2014!

    • Chantelle

      Melissa!! God must have sent your words to me today! I needed to read your words. #3 made me cry! Yes I need to do that also! I have only been thinking of myself and not asking God to watch over the person he will eventually send to me and my children! Thank you for sharing and allowing God to speak through you to me. I will ask God to send you blessings since you have blessed me today.

  149. Kimberla Arnold

    First of all, thank you so much for this blog. It came this morning just when I needed it most. I am going to jot these words in my journal today to keep referring to them, “in my time of need”. My mini goal today is…in order to keep from being defeated today, I will choose to look for the good and therefore maintain my goal. Good happens all around. I just have to open my eyes to see it. 🙂 Blessing!

  150. Becky Carr

    My goal is to walk closer to the Lord each day and let Him do a work through me that will please Him. Find His will for my life and let Him do the rest.

  151. Renee Stephenson

    Galatians 6:9
    And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

    My new word for the year… Do. Stop being and start doing. Do better, do more, do gladly, just do.

  152. Michelle Gasser

    I am looking forward to starting the Made to Crave study! One of my mini-goals for the year is to read through the whole Bible. I have one of those yearly Bibles so it should be a very attainable goal. So far so good!

  153. Suzanne Parent

    We all know that Gods’ timing is perfect – and the time is NOW!! With that being said – I know in my heart that this is my time to step out of the boat and finally open your book that I have in my possession for over a year. I always felt that is was going to be a challenge I wasn’t ready to face, but with you offering this online Bible Study and several women in my church signing on – willing to meet twice a month – God has a great plan for all of us. I am going before the Lord with a prayer of surrendering to Him and not to the “snacks” that have caused to abuse my body. Thank you Lysa for caring enough for us dirty, filty sheep that seem to get loss in the pasture!!

  154. Natasha

    My mini goal is to set a mini goal. I haven’t set any in part because I’m afraid to set my self up to lose. But i did sign up to do the Made to Crave online study so that’s a major victory.

  155. Amanda

    Spend less time online and more time focused on my family. Also to eat healthier food, less junk, and drink more water.

  156. Connie

    One of my mini goals is to exercise more! I will lose the “all or nothing” mindset and realize “every little bit counts!”

  157. Donna

    Thank you Lysa! I am signed up for the MTC OBS! I have been since I knew about it. Funny thing is that I have had your series (DVD & all) for about 3 years but never opened it. I had never really done a bible study. It was intimidating for me. I have a wonderful program that I have lost 125# (put 20# back on), but I am having a struggle to continue. According to my numbers (which I will post if you want me too), I still have 87# to go. I will be 60 in March and to continue to be healthy, I need to get to my goal weight. 50# is my goal by my 60th birthday on March 26, 30# more by July 15, which will also be my 30 year cancer free celebration. When I was diagnosed, the doctors were not sure if I would make it because the cancer was so rare and I was only 30 years old. They were not even sure how to treat because it was inoperable. Chemo was out, so radiation was the only treatment. My faith was non existent at that time. But within the past 5 years I have grown in Christ. Day by Day. Looking forward to getting healthy in Christ! I am still here so He must not be done with me yet.

  158. Lisa

    To be healthy…in body, mind and spirit. People look at my outside and talk about how tiny I am, but clothes can disguise alot

  159. Carlene Hetland

    I can’t thank you enough for compiling this study. I am so grateful to God for letting me hear Him thru you! My story might be a little different from some of the others. I have actually spent most of my working life in the fitness industry in one capacity or another. I’ve coached many on how to lose weight, get fit and develop a healthy relationship with food. Yet here I am, 25 lbs over-weight and “hungry” all the time. I understand now that it’s not food I’m hungry for. It’s my Savior, my friend, my Abba Father, my Jesus. I firmly believe that this study may be one of the final cogs in my wheel. That I will finally be able to find my satisfaction in Jesus and not in copious amounts of pasta. Thank you, Lysa, for being so transparent and allowing God to use you. Thru your work, I may finally be able to truly help others and genuinely understand what they need in order to put away that scale and stand on their Bibles to get their worth! Love ya, sister!

  160. Pat S.

    Signed up for the OBS. I can’t wait! Thank you for your inspiring words.

  161. Margaret

    I start one of those crazy shake diets next week. It’s medically supervised here at my hospital. But I know that it won’t be easy. Mini-goal: day to day staying with the program, back to the asphalt running again (I’ll feel so much better!), encourage my daughter and soul sister in their weight loss journey as we all participate in MTC

    • Marjie

      Margaret – I don’t mean to sound negative or discouraging – but I did one of those medically supervised shake diets myself almost 24 years ago – and here I am STILL battling my weight. Oh, I lost weight – about 85 pounds – but I slowly gained it all right back because it did not teach me how to eat – what nutritious foods to choose, how to prepare them, portion sizes, etc. Nearly 24 years and numerous “diets” later, I found MTC and finally learned how to trust in God/turn to Him instead of food – to make healthy choices, learned portion control, and added exercise, and I lost 75 pounds.

  162. Ashley

    My first mini goal is to learn to pray through the emotional moments and trying times instead of immediately acting. It’s not really all that “mini” but it’s most important to get all the other aspects to line up!

  163. MrsW

    My mini-goal is to lose five pounds. I also want to eat more fruit and be more active. Thanks for the encouraging words!

  164. Joyce

    Thank you!

  165. carolynn

    My thoughts turn to food constantly. My goal is to (each time food is in my thoughts) to turn to a Bible verse for encouragement and fulfillment. Thank you! for including some verses I can use to reach a mini-goal/milestone. I plan to print it off and place it in a spot where I can easily see it.

  166. Jackie

    I am aiming at losing 120 lbs. I know it sounds like a lofty goal but with God all things are possible.

  167. Jessica

    My mini-goal is to live in today. I am planning to quit looking back with discouragement. I am planning not to worry about tomorrow, but enjoy today, right now, right here where God has me today.

  168. Glenda

    My goal is to have a motto scripture to live by daily, to study, to ingest, to model my life after. I am currently praying for God to show the exact right scripture for me and for this time in my life.

  169. Amy

    Acting on God’s calling and tugs on my <3 instead of going back and forth in my mind wondering if it is what I'm supposed to do.

  170. Janet Olson

    Hi Lysa,
    Your devotions always touch me in some way. Today’s devotional here and especially at Encouragement for Today really are appropriate for me. Since childhood, a looooong time ago, I’ve gone for sweets to take the place of whatever. A doctor put me on a vegetarian diet to correct hypoglycemia primarily, but I felt fabulous, lost weight quickly. But Hubs won’t eat veggies so it was 2 meals and I got lazy. Now I;m physically unable to do that amount of work. I most often don’t fix one meal. I pray for discipline to overcome my reaction to whatever. For me and for my adult son with autism who lives here and, unfortunately is following my path. Thanks so much.

    • Lauren

      Hi Janet,
      I have an adult autistic son also…. maybe we could be an encouragement to one another in this OBS…. Lauren

  171. Kim Gabbamonte

    My goals are to read His Word, drink my water and exercise 30 minutes daily. I’ve had a weight problem since I was a child and have dieted my entire life. I’ve been up and down too many times to count. I have lost 28 lbs over the past 3 years in a slow process. That was after having my 4th child. I still need to lose about 75-90 lbs to be where I should be for a 41 year old at 5’0″. Now I have to because I was diagnosed with prediabetes last year and am having to work to control my blood sugar so I don’t become diabetic. Also, I need to do it for my family. Right now my sons, 6 and 3 are fine and have tons of energy, boys just do. However, my daughters, 11 and 9 are both like I was as a child and are both very heavy. My husband was also a heavy child (though he did have a “skinny” phase in high school and early college) and has been heavy the entire time I’ve known him. So, my goals are also family oriented, not just for myself. I pray every day that God will see us through our changes this year, as we all know we need to do it.

  172. JB

    For a mini goal, I will create a checklist that I can review to start my day and then review at night to see what I accomplished. My checklist would include: Quiet Time with God, Read/Reviewed Made to Crave Section, Planned Menu for the following Day, List what I was grateful for, Recorded in my Food Diary, Moved More/Exercise, etc… Tweak it as necessary.

  173. Kathy

    I’m starting MTC again, and this time I want to lose 15-20 pounds. I lost 25-30 last time and gained some back. I want to really depend on God again, I’ve gone back to old habits. A small change I will start with today is to record everything I eat. With Your help, I can advance against a troop; With my God I can scale a wall! 2 Sam 22:30

  174. Robin

    I’ve had the Made to Crave book for a year. Signed up for the OBS so I would actually USE it – so my health/weight has been weighing (pun intended!) on me for a while. My resolve for this year is to use the strength made available to me through Christ and tools like your book and bible study to overcome this weight thing 🙂 Thanks for what you do, Lysa!

    1 John 4:4

  175. Lisa

    My first mini-goal is to drink 8 glasses (4 water bottles) of water each day. Maybe I’ll pair that with remembering a verse each day, so that I can be memorizing scripture as well! 🙂

    • Anna

      Good idea, drinking the water and a verse. I use the verse mapping that we learned in OBS, and I like to take a few days to a week to memorize the verse, depending on how long it is. When I head to the kitchen for my water, I will pick up my index card as well….Thanks Lisa….Good Luck, we will all be victorious!!!!
      Blessings Anna

  176. Teri P.

    I am so excited about the MTB online Bible study! I purchased the books/dvd last year and have not started them yet. I know this will give me accountability and also to know I am not alone in trying to win back my health. My “word/verse” for the year is this: in Romans 12:1-2 (The Message)

    “Place Your Life Before God
    12 1-2 So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.”

    Looking forward to starting this journey with all of you.

  177. Michelle Cervantez

    My goal this year is to lose 40 lbs. I’ve started walking with my husband and making better food choices. With God’s help this will be my healthiest year.

  178. Angie Boucher

    I have lost 58 pounds this year!!!:) I have 42 more to go this year..:/ I have with the doctors help figured out how I personally lose weight and it has worked. I have that key figured out now I need to figure out why I got to that place where I needed to lose 100 pounds. (4 kids, husband cancer, huge crisis in our family) are some external things but what about the internal… Excited/anxious about the study!

  179. amanda

    I have tried so many times to lose weight and failed. Same old lose and regain cycle that a lot of us have been on. Around October of 2013 God began to really speak to me about not just weight loss, but my unhealthy relationship with food. Of course, I went into fix it mode and began tellinh myself, ok, I’m going to eat this, not eat this, cut out this, cut out that, already feeling defeated. Then, God spoke to my heart and said, “You can do all that if you want, but how about letting me show you another way?” I just broke. I have come to realize I cannot do this on my own. If I could I would already be model material, ha! And He doesn’t expect me to. I believe God led me to the Made to Crave book. Already has been so very helpful. One of my favorite lines from the book is where Lysa talks about, “Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial.” I have had to repeat that to myself over and over. Thank you Lysa for sharing your struggles in such a way to help others on their journey with getting healthy, not skinny, and most importantly drawing closer to God! Looking forward to the online Bible study.

  180. Lauren

    Lysa, I am so very blessed by your transparency…you and Proverbs 31 have helped me to realize that I am not alone in my daily struggle of becoming the woman God created me to be. Motherhood is the hardest yet most rewarding honor The Lord has blessed me with. I have put on 40 pounds with the birth of my 2 daughters…I’m going to be 50 this year so you can imagine some of the battles I’m facing! Lol…truly, I thank you for your candid and funny stories and mostly how you always point us to Jesus for our hope. I am very encouraged to be participated in the MTC bible study. My small goal is to prepare healthy food alternatives so I don’t just grab junk food in the busyness of the day. God’s Blessing Always. Lauren

  181. Melinda

    I’m trying again. My first goal is to drink a glass of water if I feel hungry. My second goal is to eat an apple if I feel I need something sweet. My third goal is to be ready when my husband comes home from work to go to the gym.

    My fourth goal is to get through your book without stopping this time. I’ve signed up for the Online Bible Study.


  182. Sharon

    I love this message – it really spoke to me. Looking at a goal weight seems so daunting. After reading this I am just setting a mini-goal of 1 lb. a week. I am tormented by after dinner cravings. My mini-spiritual goal is to turn to God when I feel these urges coming on. I am unable to control these cravings myself….what am I really craving? A closer relationship with God. There is a hole in my heart that I have been attempting to fill with food. I am left feeling empty and guilty. I know God has so much more in store for me….and I will discover this with my new mini-goals!
    Many blessings – Sharon

  183. Misty Cox Henderson

    I have a couple of mini goals so far; when I think about losing 30 lbs it is very overwhelming to me. So I want to look at it in 5 lb increments. I also want to be in God’s word more so my goal is to do my morning devotion before I get involved with any type of social media. I am really looking forward to the MTC on line study. I just read Unglued and was so blessed by the content. Lysa thanks for being “real” and sharing so much of yourself with us.

  184. rolbb

    My mini goal is a huge one in its manifestation. When I am tempted or feel defeated, angered or frustrated, I want to see the face of the Lord before me and have Him carry that burden with me, to help me overcome it. (Thank you for the scripture references as they will be most helpful in keeping the Word before me when I am weak.)

  185. Janice Wagner

    My mini-goal is to remember to pray! I believe that by doing this it will help me to be more focused on God than on other worldly things…including food. I have been trying to fill the emptiness in my life for a long time with food and other things. Now it’s time to concentrate on filling it with God. How better to do this than strive to pray and turn my focus to Him to fill me. Thank you Lysa for your encouraging words and for this study. I am working with our small groups pastor and hope to be leading a MTC group at our church soon! 🙂

  186. Beverly Skiles

    I’ve signed up for the OBS Made To Crave—I am excited that the end date for the OBS is March 1, 2014 (my birthday). This is my birthday present to me—I want to feel better about myself and really go to my God for comfort instead of food!

  187. Nichol Giddens

    My mini goal is to lose 2 pant sizes. To be able to run around with my kids and be energetic. Also for The Lord each day, to know he is my focus of preserverence. Phill. 3:12-14

  188. jessica

    First thing is getting more into God’s word and letting him mold me and shape me to the woman be has called me to be I want to dedicate time aside everyday more than just 10 or 20 minutes I really want to search and dig and let him speak to me then I can be a better wife mother sister friend and start on my weight loss goals once I start dedicating god his time forst

  189. Cathy

    I am so excited to start MTC OBS. My mini goals are to exercise at least 20 minutes every day and to read one inspirational article and one fitness article every day to keep me motivated. I have 80 lbs to lose.

  190. Abby Craig

    My big goal this year is to get healthy and move from the obese category into the normal category. My mini-goal right now is to quit smoking. I know it sounds like a big mini goal, but I feel its the single biggest thing I can do to propel my big goal by doing it first. I am twelve days in without smoking and although I am feeling very vulnerable in weakness and need, prayers is my moment to moment salvation. I was feeling really down this morning after stepping on the scale, but was led to this page and am feeling much better and motivated. Time to hurry up and get through my email inbox so I can get to the gym and make the most of this day I have been given. Blessing to you all!

  191. Harmony

    My goal is to eat healthier, lose weight and do it all in a way that will be a godly example to my teenage daughter who also struggles with food and body image issues

  192. Judy Martin

    My husband died 2 years ago this coming February. I have gained 16 pounds. I’m done giving myself permission to eat while I grieve. I want to trust God to comfort me and not look to my own solutions.

  193. Michelle

    My word for the year is depth. I want to go deeper with what God is teaching me. Made to Crave is a perfect book to go deeper into establishing His desires into my heart, mind, and soul.

  194. Tammy

    Thanks for your words of encouragement!! They usually are exactly what I needed!!

  195. Karen Patterson

    Thank you for the encouraging blog!When I read it, it sounds so simple but I have lived long enough to know that in my flesh it is impossible. My goal today and forward is to remember to pray for God’s help EACH time temptation hits today. Really looking forward to the study! Praying for you already that you will be used of God to help us who struggle.

  196. Angie Poole

    My goal is to lose 30 pounds and get into shape. Start exercising and enjoy life more. Right now I live but do not really live and this has been going on for 6 years. Something needs to change and it needs to be me. I need to actively be joyful, actively seek God to make his place in my home, life, relationships-all areas of my life.

  197. Tracey

    I have lost over 160# in the last 6 years, and I have gotten back to the lazy mentality that I have done enough. That is not the attitude that i want to go forward in life with. I taught the MTC Bible Study a couple years ago & gained so much from it. I am excited to go through it again w another group of like-minded ladies! My mini goals for 2014:
    – getting mobile & not stagnant – I just joined a 6wk Bootcamp that starts on Tuesday
    – drink more water – just bought a really cute water bottle to drink from
    – make better decisions on food choices, especially stress times – purged comfort foods from house & have decided w the family that we would go & buy a one-time portion if we “need” it
    – attempt to see myself from God’s point-of-view, not the world’s, or worse, the mirror
    Thank you, Lysa for being real & transparent w your walk!

  198. Maribel

    My goal is to dive deep into the Word of God. To encourage my kids to do the same by reading one bible chapter a day. Doing so, they will be able to read the NT this year.

  199. Shauna

    Thank you for your post. I have a lot of goals for 2014, but I try to break each of them into smaller, more attainable goals. One of the goals is to memorize scripture this year. So, I’ve written out verses on index cards and plan to memorize 3 verses a week by reading them over throughout my day.

  200. Christi

    My mini goal is to purge my closet of what is too big as I continue on this journey. My scale may not have moved but I are the difference my workouts are making in each pair of baggy butt jeans. Sending them to Goodwill or a consignment shop removes the ability for me to grow back and hopefully they are something that other women could use! So excited for the 19th!

  201. Kathy

    I bought your book when it first came out, read the first couple of chapters and then let life overflow and my good intentions were selected away. I did a program with our ladies group a while back, the potter and the Clay, and I spent a lot of time combing through my life. I have found out that I have become very adept at wrapping God up in a box and putting Him aside, then trying to cover everything up with food or not saying “no” when I should and filling all my t up me up with activity. I am working on changing this. First, this past year, it has been making sure I spend time in the Word daily, to talk to God, to ask Him to accompany me throughout the day. This year, I will add to that- I am inviting God to help me in my journey to change my cravings from food, from a need to be needed to Him and a need to be healthy, both spiritually and physically. I am praying that doing this workshop with a host of beautiful women is the first step. Thank you Lysa and thank you to each of the women who are taking this walk with me. We need to keep each other in our prayers. This many women praying – wow just think how strong th prayers will be.

  202. Karen

    I have been doing another weight loss, Bible study for over 15 years. I have taught a class for over 12 years. I wanted to try something different. I bought, Made to Crave, for myself for Christmas. I am reading the book and I am excited, because I know, “I was made for more”!! I text my friend and ask her to go on this accountability journey with me. She signed up and ordered the book. We are both excited to try this together and let others who want something different see our success!! We both understand the importance of exercise, eating right, being accountable to God with our bodies, but we both Crave more. We both feel God lead us to your study!

  203. Angelita Moore

    This is a new year and a new day and I am inspired to make changes in my life. I am struggling to lose weight ( 30 lbs). I am also struggling to stop drinking beer. I would love to join this bible study. I am praying to God for freedom from these problems.

  204. Irene Talaasen

    Hi Lisa,
    This was such a timely post this morning!! Thank you! Also excited to begin your study in our church What Happens When Women say Yes to God!! Singing~~ Victory in Jesus and drinking some water now!

  205. Gail

    Enjoyed your comments. Especially “…turn my temptations into triggers to pray.” Will try that beginning NOW! Thanks!

  206. Gay Pruett

    I have signed up for the next session on “Made to Crave” Bible Study on line. I am so looking forward to learning.

  207. Patricia

    My deepest heart’s desire is to continually seek Jesus every moment of the day with prayer, thanksgiving, and praise. The mini goal that I want to meet hourly is to automatically turn to Him for guidance through His love. I need to lose about 25 pounds and keep it off. Why does food seem so important some times?
    I’ll be praying for you, Lysa and for everyone who is in this study.

  208. Lindsay

    My goal for 2014 is to lose just 5 pounds at a time. 5 pounds is a lot more feasible than thinking about how much weight I need to lose as a whole!

    • Sharon

      I like that goal – It will be mine also – 5 pounds at a time and I am ready to start on that first five. Thanks for the idea.

  209. Cindy

    I have signed up for the MTC online Bible Study with Proverbs 31 Ministries. I am excited. My word for 2014 is “Choose.” I need to find a scripture – Joshua 24: 15 “…choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…” would work. I desire to make godly, wise choices in all things.

    • Stephanie Cisneros

      Cindy…”choose” I love that. And I’m going to be using it as well. Thanks for the idea. Im signed up for the MTC OBS and am excited but a little intimidated. Im not great with follow through :/

  210. Lauren

    I struggle with this… actually if I am honest I don’t struggle I give in much more than I struggle. I want to be honest in this study because it is so easy for me to fool myself into thinking that I am using the resources I have when I really am not. I purchased the book about 1 year ago…. read a little but never finished it. When I saw that the OBS was starting I knew it was time. So I am signed up and want to be willing to work on this. So I will pray that I am willing to be willing to be WILLING.

  211. Lisa Kidd

    Thank you Lysa for your encouraging words today. I have signed up for the MTC OBS and I can’t wait for it to start. Mini goals is a wonderful idea….. here are some of mine.
    1. Since I have well over 100 lbs. to lose, I will set mini goals in 10 lbs increments and reward myself for every 10 lbs. Not with food but with something such as a new cd or a book or a pedicure…. etc..
    2. Incorporate my water drinking with my meal times… that way I’m sure to get all my water in that day.
    3. Read my bible daily
    4. Have pre-planned healthy snacks already made up and in my purse for those times that life just doesn’t go your way and you want that “comfort” food. Instead I will reach for my healthy snack in my purse.
    5. Make sure I have my menu set and grocery list made before leaving for the store to grocery shop. It will help me with impulse buying. 🙂

    I know this year is going to be my best year ever!!! 🙂

  212. Dawn

    My 1st goal is to turn my cravings away from food and towards the Lord. I want to bring my weaknesses to His feet not to my mouth. Looking forward to this Bible study and the new relationships I get to develop.

  213. Melanie

    My goal is to stop all the negative self talk in my head. I want to turn to God and look for the positive in myself. I am going to stop bullying myself.

  214. Rosanna

    “Remember, joy is a choice we make, not a feeling we hope to get from our circumstances. It’s good to look for the good, to celebrate it even in small ways.” I will work on choosing joy a little more each day! Thanks for reminding me of this bit of truth today…needed it!

  215. Traci

    Signed up for the Online Bible Study. I haven’t even started yet and I was feeling defeated about how far I have to go. Needed today’s blog to help me break it down and feel like I can succeed. I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!!!

  216. Shelli


    First, I would like to thank you for your Online Bible Studies and for the books you have written. Though I have only read one or two (Made to Crave being one of them), I have always managed to get something out of them.

    Second, I must admit that I have already started reading your book for the MTC OBS that I signed up for, and I am learning so much from your perspective on eating healthy, but craving God first.

    Last, you are so right about setting mini-goals, because thinking about those ‘huge’ goals can really set a person back and scare them away from doing what is right for them. I have been there and done that. So, my mini-goal for 2014 is to focus on one day at a time. Everything I do in that one day will have some affect on my final desired outcome. So, instead of focusing on that final desired outcome, I will instead focus on the items I will eat today and how I will feel tomorrow after eating them. :o)

  217. Bonnie

    My goal is to start going to Sunday school and church more than just on Sunday mornings. I have always gone to church since I was little but since I went to college, I stopped going to Sunday school. I really want my children to grow up in the loving Christian environment that I did. I look back on my childhood memories of small town church and they are positive and encouraging. I want my kids to see Christ and be used by Him in blessed ways.

  218. ruthie knox

    I am just starting my journey to be healthy. I realize I have to do this at my pace and setting small goals is very helpful. One day at a time…. sweet Jesus!

  219. Amy

    My goals for 2014:
    Enjoy the moment I am in, truly live it, be present.
    Honor the body God gave me by filling it with wholesome, healthy, Godly things.

  220. Melanie Nolan

    My first mini goal is to not only read scripture every day, but to actually think about it and how it applies to my life. Along with this, I will be trying to watch my portions of food and make healthier snack choices.

  221. Leslie Goleneski

    Spiritual Goal: Devotions in the morning and evening
    Health Mini Goal: Lose 10 pounds in 6 weeks (I weigh 210 now)

    God is good!!! He wants the best for me.

  222. Julianna

    What a blessing you are to me, Lysa. I recently put on about 15 pounds that I didn’t even know I’d gained. Well, except when I tried to wear jeans… ouch! Truth is, over the holidays a family member made a comment about my weight, and it crushed my little soul. In 32 years of life, no one has ever accused me of gaining weight. The cut of her words went deep. I have always been a fit, active gal, but a couple of years of hard stuff sent me seeking fulfillment in food, sleep, laziness, etc. I have started anew with this glorious new year, and I needed to read this today more than you can possibly know. Thank you for this. Thank you again and again. God bless you!

  223. Angie

    Thanks so much for offering this study online! I, like others, purchased this book some time ago (I think when it first was published). I read it, but like what often happens for me, life goes on and I never let it sink in or make necessary changes to apply it to my life. I have struggled with weight my whole life, but now I am absolutely miserable and weigh more than I ever have. I have read all kinds of Christian self-help books, tried eating right and exercising, but it’s always temporary, and I have never been able to stay successful, lose the weight, and keep it off. I just turned 50 and am feeling really depressed. I am turning to the Lord and asking for His help. My main goal for 2014 is to put God first. My mini goals are to participate in a couple of bible studies, take steps to get back to a healthy diet and exercise, stay focused, and get motivated to get the weight off. This study will be good to give me a jump start! Looking forward to it!

  224. Stela

    Lysa, you warm my heart. I love your reminders to keep going back to our Savior. When we’re in the midst of doubt that makes all the difference. I’m looking forward to starting our OBS, I’m looking forward to being a Small Group OBS Leader during this study =)

    Thank you & many many blessings to you.

  225. Debbie

    First Mini goal….lose 9 lbs… Will put me into the small goal I’ve had for about five years but have not attained! I believe this will be my umph to get me all the way to my bigger goal.. about 60 pounds from now….praising God for every triumph.

  226. Cindy Meade

    I really look forward to the bible study. I have been on this plan since Sept. 12 and is going slower than I thought it would but i am steadily losing. Need this study to give me a kick again. I have a long ways to go! A big thanks for doing this again!

  227. Monica

    My mini goal is to use my moments of cravings as a moment to pray. By doing this, I am hoping to change my dependence on food to dependence on God!
    I am so grateful for these reminders of who God is! I’m thankful for your obedience to share what God has given to you, Lisa!

  228. Diana

    My goal is to get back on track with God after breast cancer and other surgeries which have made me appreciate life that much more and see how God is in control and I am not. I have a big goal to lose 60 pounds but with the right focus I know all things are possible! Looking forward to the January 19 Bible study.

  229. Sandy M

    I am so looking forward to the MTC Bible Study. I bought your book last year on my Kindle and got almost half way through before life got in my way. Since then, my dr has told me to lose weight and to bring the triglycerides down. So my mini goals include the triglycerides and to play outside with my children regularly.

  230. Christine K

    My mini goal is to exercise at least 3 times a week and to actually trust God and not worry about circumstances.

  231. Priscilla

    Thank you, Lysa, for the encouragement. My goal in my weight-loss journey is actually not about the weight loss… God began a few months ago to really lay His finger on this area for me – like so many women, it’s been an area of struggle my whole life – so my journey has begun with one small baby step of obedience, and clinging to Him and His word for strength. My goal is to experience the Lord’s victory over one small area of sin in the food realm, then move on to another.
    I’ve experienced defeat in the past because I try to change it ALL at once, just setting myself up for failure…

  232. Susen Waller

    I took part in your Bible Study 2 years ago and it showed me some intense truths about myself. Then life got in the way of my plans, goals, and good intentions. Here I am again, overwhelmed by how much weight I gained and how tired, in pain, miserable I am. God got my attention again by having a friend send me a link to your online Bible Study and I signed up! (First step accomplished) My next goal is to be more attentive to God’s will every day and lose 10 lb in the next 3 months by making healthier food choices. Thank you for being so real!

  233. Sarah

    My mini goal is to start exercising at least two times a week and to drink more water!

  234. Karla

    I am aiming to lose the baggage of addiction. I want to lose 30 lbs, in hopes to feel better and be the person God wants me to be. It’s not about the weight, but the addictions!

  235. Maureen

    My mini-goal for this year? To “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” I am a strong person. If I can take my thoughts captive for Christ, I will have victory. 20 pounds to lose.

  236. Christine

    I have signed up for the OBS. I’m hoping this will help me lose the 80lbs that I need to lose. As well as to learn more about our God. I’m looking forward to this study. We did Lesa’s Unglued study in our women’s Sunday school, & learned a lot. Thanks Lesa!

  237. Vicki

    My mini goal is 5 pounds. I have tons more to lose than that, but at this point in my life 5 pounds is alot. I have lots of medical issues that get in my way so it is very hard to be physically active, but with Christ all things are possible and I pray that He will hold my hand and help me to get healthier in spite all I am going through.

  238. Leesa

    Thank you for the encouraging words! I have at least 80 lbs to lose and have struggled with food and weight all my life. What I am learning is that health and weight management is a journey…and food addiction is a heart matter. Seeking to fill my heart with God rather than fill voids with food is my goal, the weight loss will follow once my focus is on Him. I’m ready to know God’s love and know who I am in Christ. So tired of going around that same mountain and being down on myself. I know I was made for more!

  239. Elizabeth

    I want to improve my health and start the transformation process by renewing my mind and syudying God’s word. Have a vloser walk with my Lord!

  240. Kelly Blackwell

    I signed up for the study and am so excited! I even picked up the Crave God devotional a few days ago and signed up for the connection calls and journal. I am at the point where my pants are so tight…they hurt. I weigh more than I did when I was pregnant (pout) I refuse to buy another size up at this point (I have done that enough) so I WILL do this. My first goal is going on now. Five days a week I go to the gym and do 30 minutes of cardio, three days a week I also do 30 days of circuit training. I picked a gym that is right by my work (and cheap) and asked all staff to keep me accountable (I change after work to go to the gym) Because I am going to the gym, I am needing more water which is also helping me.

    I’ll be honest, I do not think about turning to God instead of food. I think it was my self-imposed shame that caused that.

  241. Shelly

    Mini Goal: I have resolved to put my faith where my mind -body -and soul is! (Or vice versa)
    Rough moments ahead but I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!

  242. Tammy

    My main goal for this year is to be closer to God!!

  243. Kendall Smith

    My goal is to LOVE myself. I would like to lose a little weight and continue exercising, but most importantly, I want to stop being so critical of myself! I want to look at myself in the mirror and love what I see.

  244. Yvonne Howard

    My mini goal is 5 # at a time it’s more , manageable for me.Start made to crave on the 19th.

  245. Prairie Scraps

    I know this one sounds weird, but I set of goal of drinking water this year. I had a bout of cryptosporidium in college over 15 years ago and haven’t been able to drink water since. My goal is to just drink it! I’m starting small with 3 glasses a day. Who knows, maybe I’ll get that up someday! lol

  246. Lindsey J.

    I’ve come to a realization. I fear success because I fear failure. you can’t have success without some failure. so I’ve given up FEAR. Therefore, that has helped me give up some calories, some sweet cravings, unhealthy eating habits, saying “I can’t” at the gym because I’m feeling uncomfortable with lunges or even sweating. my mini goal is to make healthy eating choices for myself and cook healthy for my family and exercise at least 3 times a week.
    there are so many things is this world that I can’t control, and yet I want to control them. the things I can control, I haven’t. for example, spending and saving, eating healthy or unhealthy, my attitude, my responses to those I love, my relationship with the Lord-choosing to pray daily and read His Word or choosing not to. these are all things I can control, why don’t I? I am getting better at some, but I’d venture to say that if my prayer and devotional time with my Lord and Savior were more “healthy” then I would be physically, mentally and emotionally more healthy. I guess after saying all that, my FIRST mini-goal should be getting closer to Christ through prayer and bible study. thank you for helping to make it easier with OBS. Happy New Year!

  247. Lisa @ c/oMKE

    You have changed my perspective on losing weight entirely. It’s not just about me. It’s about this temple of the Lord that I’m using at this moment. How can I do my best to serve him and protect this vessel he has lent me for my time here on earth. Wonderful words!
    Lisa | c/oMKE

  248. Beth

    My first mini goal is to recognize that my cravings for food are actually a desire for more…I vow to fill my more with the Lord and His Word…

  249. Katie

    I signed up for Weight Watchers December 29th. This will be at least the fifth time I have joined. My mini goal is to stay committed for at least 16 weeks. I am hoping that participating in the MTC OBS will give me support and motivation for 6 of those 16 weeks and hopefully I will learn to be at peace with me.

  250. Anna

    I’m so excited for this study. I started my weight loss journey in August 14th last year, during the OBS What Happens When Women Say Yes To God It all started with the question that went something like Is there something that God might be leading you to give up permanently or for a season (change in your life)?….I pondered the question for a while and could not come up with a thing, until I heart His still small voice say..”your weight”…Boy was that a Say What moment for me, I looked around to see if there was someone else there with me besides God, nope it was just Him ;o) I knew from that time forward I had to be obedient. I have lost 28 pounds since then, and I’m so excited to continue on with this study. I have struggled with my weight for many, many years. My mini-goal is to take it 5 pounds at a time, for now.

  251. Terry

    I just want to lose some weight,something, and make good choices. I am tired of programs, I know enough to write a book. I want to use what I know and make it work for me. I am excited about the study.

  252. Judy Ringgold

    I just want to put one foot in front of the other. I want the fullness of God’s to fill my belly instead of food. I want my comfort to be from Him! Oh, God, I need your help!

  253. Brittany Walker

    My goals are to read the Bible all the way through in 90 days and to lose 60 lbs 🙂 I have wanted your book since last Summer when I seen it at the Christian bookstore while getting my husbands birthday present…

  254. Tonya Davis

    My first mini goal is to do a 30 day sugar detox. To try and break my sugar addiction. I was getting pretty good with my eating, survived the halloween candy and Thanksgiving, and then fell apart with the Christmas candy. I need to regain control over that temptation.

  255. Sheila Bard

    Good morning Lysa, I have had some issues with weight loss, I lost last year 67 pounds, and with some family and friend issues I gain 20 pounds back. Its so hard to believe how fast it can come back on. Its been a life long battle for me. I did so well losing that amount of weight just by cutting out certain foods. Now I need to really need to focus, and get back on track. This will be my 3rd Made to Crave studies I have been a part of we did it twice at my church. My daughter got me “The Daniel Plan” book for Christmas I have been reading it. I would love to be a part of a group of a ladies online with this study I don’t know if you do that or not? God Bless everyone who is a part of this study!!

  256. Linda Paver

    Through the P31 OBS “When Women Say Yes to God,” God spoke to me in a way never before about living a healthier lifestyle. Last September, I set a goal of being healthier physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. I set my ultimate goal of losing 80 pounds and being healthier in all areas—40 pounds by 3/2014 and an additional 40 pounds by 9/2014. As of December 20, 2014, I had lost 25 pounds, was exercising regularly, and spending quiet time regularly with the Lord every morning. I was on track to a healthier lifestyle. Needless to say the holidays got in the way and my time at the health center stopped and I gained back 6 pounds as of this AM! However, my quiet time with the Lord each morning continued:-) So, my mini-goals for the moment are to get to the Health Center 3X each week starting next week and to lose the 6 “holiday pounds” I gained. Then, I will work on an additional 15 pound by March. I can’t believe how much better I feel already. I think about how much better I’ll feel by 9/14. Thank you Jesus for bringing Made to Crave when I need it the most!

  257. Veronica Correa

    I love the thought of a mini-goal! With 3 boys under 10 I can do this! After my 3rd son who just turned 3 I never really went back to my pre-bay weight, but I don’t know that I want to either….I just want to feel healthy. So loosing 10lbs is a nice mini-goal. I also realize that a deeper relationship with the Father is what I crave the most. Every year I say the same thing and every year I do feel a closer relationship with The Lord. The one thing The Lord has shown me is balance. If I start my day in fellowship with him everything else will fall into place. As I get into his word and continue in prayer I believe I will desire to want to make healthy choices.

  258. Jamie

    My goal is to fit into a skirt that I absolutely love, but can’t squeeze into anymore by next Christmas!

  259. Beverly

    Take charge of MY DINNERS!

  260. Cheryl

    To make time for me, whether it be quiet time, time to exercise or time to plan meals. I’ve put others first for most of my life and it shows in my tired face and tired spirit. You cannot give to others when your tank is on E!

  261. amritha

    I am reading your book MTC for young women. I intended to buy the other book, but the one delivered was different. I have been struggling with emotional cravings for some time.
    I really feel god is speaking to me thru ur book. I really love how simple your made the will of god. I want to be a woman after god’s own heart, and the setting the will of god as my mini goal will help me to be transformed to what god wants me to be.
    May god bless you.

  262. Sarah Travis

    Can’t wait to get started with the MTC study on the 19th 😀 Mini-goal…8lbs to my next mini weight loss target and to wear the t-shirt I already bought myself as a reward!
    Thank you so much Lysa for being such an inspiration 😀

  263. Kelly

    My mini goal is to stop for a moment and pray when I go to eat that unhealthy food or start an evening binge just before bed. Also to get on my treadmill, even if it’s only for 15 minutes each day.

  264. Michelle Laney

    I signed up for the MTC obs and my goal is to finish it and not get discouraged and quit 🙂

  265. Debbie Allen

    I had already bought the book and it’s been sitting on my shelf for about a year! I knew I needed to read it when I picked it up at the store, then I got online and discovered Proverbs Ministries and have taken 2 bible studies and loved them both. I can’t wait to begin again, this online ministry has changed my life! I’m naturally an introvert but I have found through these studies that I am moving away from my shyness with people and reaching out to them instead.
    The MTC study is one that I really need in my life right now. I am learning so much more about God in these studies than I have ever known and I have been in church for years. I’m looking forward to the study and also looking forward to the interactions with my online study Facebook group. Thank you Lysa for writing this book and thank-you Proverbs Ministry for bringing this study and hopefully many more to come, into my living room each morning. I look forward to my time with God and my time in studying His word with your help each day.

  266. Gwen Rubenstein

    My mini goal for the new year is to keep a gratitude journal. Life goes by so fast and it’s easy to rush through the day only to go to sleep at night without taking the time to be thankful for all the blessings of the day! God is so good, and provides so many blessings and so much grace that is often overlooked. I want to reflect on each day and the amazing blessings our creator provides daily for me!

  267. Kristen

    I am aiming for peace. To eat for nourishment instead of boredom or because things taste good. To feel good about myself. To have self control.

    This is the 5th time going through the M2C devo, and because it’s so very good I keep trying to get all those truths to STICK! and though I’ve made some progress, I’m still not there. The focus needs to somehow be off of food!

  268. Linda

    My mini goal for this year is to stop dreaming and put it in to action!!!! Whatever tasks I have before me this year; eating healthier, building my retirement business, loving in spite of, and the list goes on. It can seem overbearing, however, if I just DO and not look at the list, God will guide and encourage me in my action. I’m tired of letting life pass me by because I *feel* like doing, but never take that first step to complete that feeling. Ready, set, go! That’s my own little goal for this season of my life.

    I’m grateful for all of the P31 team as I learn more and more through “Encouragement for Today” that you are all REAL! What a blessing to have an online fellowship. Thank you Lysa for this study to help us all learn how to turn to God when food is one of our weaknesses. God bless you and all the P31 gals!

  269. Lucy

    My mini goal is to cook a healthy, well balanced meal for me and my husband at least four nights a week. No more snack foods in front of the TV. That’s my way of honoring him and the Lord.
    “She watches over the affairs of her household
    and does not eat the bread of idleness.”

  270. Susan S.

    So excited to start this online study with other women with my same food issues. I crave food and I am hoping to turn my cravings onto God instead. The rewards will be numerous other than smaller size. I am at my highest weight, and right now I would be happy to get into the ONE Hundred + range, Don’t like seeing a 200+ number on the scale every morning!!
    My mini goal is 199!! Woowoo! Amen I say!!

  271. Pamela

    I’ve had the book, Made to Crave, for a couple of years now but just signed up to do the online Bible study through P31….so looking forward to diving in and doing it!!

  272. Chanci Kasper

    I am going to drink more water each day and make better food choices! 🙂

  273. Carol

    Lisa – I so could relate to your blog or devotional today. Seems to me I have had weight issues all my adult life! Now in 2014 , i want to focus on healthy eating and exercise , so I have signed up for the M2C Bible study online as well. I love in the blog how you remind us that WE have choices to make, and it’s up to us to choose Joy , Thankfulness and Prayerfulness ! Thank you for sharing so much time and energy on helping others . Looking forward to starting Jan. 19

  274. Angel Dancy

    My goal is to strengthen my walk with God, get healthier, be accountable and encourage others to do the same. I sent out a FB message to around 15 ladies and our goal is to encourage and pray one another as we start our first P31 OBS together! So far we have around 10 signing up!
    Excited! Angel

  275. SuSuzanne

    My mini I struggle with goal setting a lot because I tend to get so overwhelmed with the larger picture. My mini goal is to write out my daily to do list and pick the top three. Starting one day at a time because I’m not there yet but will be after taking baby steps.


  276. Lorelei

    A friend posted in FB this morning a question about who is joining the P31 online Bible study, and it brought me to here. I’ve spent close to 25 years fighting food and my unhealthy relationship with it. Just a few days ago I had a mother / daughter talk with my mother and I knows that this “food thing” is my mountain, and it’s time to get over it with God.

    I thank God for the timing of this study and the way it’s offered. I will be signing up. My goal for 2014 is to be free. My mini goal is to cut the sugar and eat for my body and not my brain. Thank you Father for these ladies.

  277. Missy B

    I’ve wanted to start a bible study or something with the teachers and assistants I work with. Just don’t know how to do this that doesn’t require overwhelming things to do along with the other responsibilities the other teachers have. Praying for more guidance on what and how I can do this.

  278. Debbie

    My mini goal is to begin a new an vibrant relationship wi th God and food. Right now I’m not doing well in either. My first step was to sign up for this bible study. I’m nervous and excited to see 2014 unfold.

  279. Kim

    To make exercise a regular habit, drastically reduce my sugar intake, and drastically reduce the dose of diabetes meds and cholesterol meds I’m taking.

  280. Eileen Reilly

    To love how Jesus loves me. Sometimes it hurts, yet there is a reward that is so great in heaven for us who walk with Him knowing his word will pull us through because it has power to change us from the inside out.

  281. Shalena

    My mini-goal is to overcome the autoimmune disease I’m fighting that is consuming me with wanting to curl up in a ball and stay in bed. I don’t want to be defeated! I want to crave God more and become a better Godly woman/mother/wife!!! Thank you Lysa for all your encouraging words!!!!

  282. lynn fincher

    Looking forward to this study for 2014 Excited to be in the group too! i love your post especially your comment re; setting mini goals. That is something I need instead of thinking hurry up and get it done quickly!! God Bless you and your family in this New Year… 🙂

  283. Jody Price

    Thank you Lysa for putting your faith forward and inviting me and so many others into deeper relationship with our Lord! My heart is yearning to know God more and so my goals…mini and otherwise…are to spend time each day and be in the word…I am starting by reading a Psalm each morning and have a reading plan for the New Testament in one year. I am praying for a life verse for 2014 to live out and hide in my heart….Romans 1-2 is what has come to my attention right now and really the whole 12th chapter…as I seek God each day I want to be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer. I hope to do your upcoming Made to Crave study and enjoy Proverbs 31 daily devotional so very much and thank all the women contributors for their dedication to sharing their faith! Blessing to you in 2014!

  284. Shari

    I have 100 lbs to lose to be healthy but know it have to take it 1 day at a time, 1 lb at a time, and I can’t do it without God’s help. Looking forward to MTC OBS!

  285. Deb

    Lysa, your blog post nailed my life on the head. I am hoping to make my resolutions for change stick this time. My mini goals are to exercise daily for at least 30 minutes a day, drink 8 glasses of water daily and find a healthy eating plan I can stick to. I hope to achieve those by focusing on being joyful, prayerful, and thankful and replacing my cravings for food with cravings for a God.

  286. Tammie

    My goal is to draw closer to and be in greater relationship with my Creator. This is tough to do when I’m unhealthy. A small step in this goal is getting to the gym three times a week and rebuilding physically while building spiritually! I look forward to this online study

  287. Andrea

    My mini goal is to not drink every night of the week. I want to start with cutting out one or two and work my way to none. This doesn’t seem like the best way to do it but one that I can handle. As long as I am trusting in God. When evening rolls around to not mindlessly pour one. But to call on God to give me the strength not to. I know He will help me if I just ask. and trust.

  288. Dotty

    I am so inspired by your words today. Thank you so much for sharing your journey. As women we have similar struggles and your words touch home!
    I plan also to get back on a healthy regimen with losing 30 lbs and exercise. I also am excited to start the online Bible Study too!

  289. Heather Martin

    To remain calm, peaceful and understanding with my children and to loose weight starting with 15 lbs on my 60 lb needed weight loss journey. Thank you for inviting me to be a part of this.

  290. Jamie C

    I have not read your book yet but am looking forward to it. My mini goal for 2014 is to lose 15-20lbs. I’m not that overweight but I know that I use food to compensate for the lack of emotional fulfillment in my life right now. My hope is that this book will help me redirect my focus onto my God and my family and bring back the joy in my life.

  291. sara bowen

    Thank you for the go to Bible verses that are on your blog page. I will copy them and put
    them in my no fail bucket.

  292. lola r

    My goal is to get my diabetes under control……

  293. Brady Wihelm

    My mini goal is to not eat after 7pm and to have a quiet time with God daily!

  294. sherrie

    My goal this year and onward is to spend time each morning with my dear Father, exercise daily and lose 50 pds. I know I will gain so much more in this journey than what I will give up. Thank you so much for doing this obc for people like me who have this struggle with our weight and depending on the Lord to supply “all” our needs and desires. I have read your book and loved it, tried to live by it, worked for awhile but with no support, I went back to my old ways. So thank you so much for your time and gift to us all. I can’t wait to get started!!!God Bless

  295. Lisa Haines

    My mini goal is to include in my morning prayers for God to help me avoid tempation in eating sweets and candy. Help me take my mind off of it and to know that I am pleasing God for taking care of my body.

  296. Carla

    Thank you for offering this bible study! I’m ready to do it! I appreciate you and all you do for the Lord & the encouragement you are always giving to others! God bless you!

  297. Barbie Lewis

    Thank you for today’s blog post, and thank you for heading God’s call to write MTC.
    My mini goal for each day is to live life joyfully, to be thankful for how far I’ve come, instead of depressed about far I still have left to go.
    The last time I went through MTC with Melissa’s online study, I was 120lbs heavier and had many physical health problems. Since losing the weight my physical health has improved dramatically, but I have focused too much on the physical and lost sight of what is truly important – the Spiritual!
    I am looking forward to going through Made to Crave again, this time with a heart and mind that are open to learning how to truly and deeply crave my creator to be my Lord and King. I know that means giving up self – and it is scary.
    Thank God I have you ladies to go it through it with me!

  298. Niki

    My goal is literally to Crave God and NOT food! I started “emotional eating” in my early 20’s and it is the hardest habit I have ever tried to break. I prayed for God to show me He was there and to open a door that will help me succeed. All of a sudden this study popped up in my Facebook feed a couple days later. He answered my prayer. With three little kids, I need to have HIM as a focus in my life, and not my addiction to emotional eating. Praying this study truly helps me.

  299. Debbie B.

    Hi Lisa,
    My mini goal for 2014 is to loss 20lbs. I have a larger goal to show more of God to others through me. I have already signed up for the Made to Crave OBS and am really looking forward to it. I did the When Women Say Yes to God OBS and just loved it. Thank you so much for that. It started me on the path to saying yes to God even more than I already was, and in 2014 I feel he has big plans for me to reach out to others. Can’t wait for the study to begin. I’m already Craving more of God. 🙂 🙂

  300. Colleen

    2014 Mini Goal #1 Quit looking to myself for the answers and focusing on me and focus on the One who provides all I need – including the power to overcome -one day at a time- leaving me breathless with His abundance

  301. Leslie B

    My mini goal is to prepare my heart for the OBS. I know I need to start praying in advance to have my mind/heart in a place to receive and live this new way of life. Soooo excited!!

  302. Katrina

    My mini-goal is to get back into running. I had my second baby boy 9 months ago and I’ve been pretty blue about how hard it has been to lose even a little weight. I had just barely started running and had my first thrill of a 5K before finding out a couple weeks later that I was pregnant. I tried to continue running but morning sickness made it pretty much impossible for several months. I miss how good it makes me feel and how just by running a little the past couple of days it instinctively causes me to watch what I put in my mouth. Hopefully I can stay on track and try to live a healthier lifestyle. I’m going to also try to borrow the Made to Crave book from a friend since I’ve heard such good things about it! Thank you for your encouraging words!

  303. Staci Lane

    Continue daily my thirst for Gods love, mercy, grace, blessings, joy, anointings and peace. All this has come from daily laying down my flesh and giving myself to God. I can’t get enough of Gods love in my life. Everything I read daily, God speaks to me. I read my Bible, devotional books, Lysa, one of your books….and before I read each I ask God to meet me where I’m at. I’m left in tears multiple times daily as God talks to me about what’s on my mind. I’m in a time of training and waiting patiently on God to see what He has in store for my life. In my 37 years of growing up in ministry I never knew God as I know Him now. In the midst of trials & tribulations I have found peace and trust in my heavenly Father. I look forward to expanding His kingdom!!!

  304. Amanda

    My goal this year is to share Christ’s love unconditionally to my husbands ex-wife. Over the past few years it has been a constant battle with her and the Lord has been faithful to give me a heart to forgive her and show her His love! So my goal is to be the embodiment of the Messiah’s love to her!
    Thank you Lysa! I praise the lord for your heart for Him and to share Him with all of us ladies who are blessed through your ministries!

  305. Melissa Darrow

    My mini-goals are to begin two short Bible studies along with the online Bible study for Made to Crave (I have already signed up & have a Kindle book) this month.

    I will also begin the modification for my meals by using several guides along the way. I know all the ins & outs, the whys & why nots – now to put all of this together with a more prominent Spiritual presence.

    I am looking forward to this new year & new me.

  306. Joanne

    I signed up the minute I heard about this study. Now have gone through the action plan already because when I ordered I received that I’ve first, what insight to go on. Not sure about the supplements though as am from Canada. Anyways, it will be great to start the book with some online support. I am going to start reading the book today and really take all I can from it. My pain us to crave God more, to have those things in my life that hinder to be taken away and smashed to pieces ago my relationship with God it’s amazing and ever surrendering. Can’t wait to read some truths in your book and learn to crave God in an amazing way. That would be one goal. Short term:read your book and really divulge everything. The other us to change eating habits and win over each temptation that comes my way. Grateful for online Bible studies. Others are not possible for me at this time. Thank you, thank you, thank you for God’s leading you to write this book. God bless

  307. Julie Sunne

    I have minigoals in many areas for 2014. One is to write for 20 minutes every day. Great encouragement again, Lysa!

  308. Jennifer

    What a wonderful post to read today. My mini goal is to choose healthy snacks and when I feel defeated in my journey to turn to prayer 🙂 May God Bless you on your own journey! I am looking forward to the online bible study!!

  309. Theresa Hughes

    Happy New Year, 2014!
    My mini-goal is to find more peace and joy in my heart as I just lost my husband to cancer in Sept., 2012 and 2013 was a tough year. God truly pulled me through rough days but I’m making it! And I have made a commitment to choose to be happy instead of choosing to stay in bed and avoiding the world! God bless you Lisa!

  310. Maggie Bishop

    Small, applicable, growing goals. Love it! I can focus too much on the bigger picture and by pass the many little steps along the way in my pursuit of reaching the end goal. Although wise to keep our mind set on the finish mark like Paul talks about, there are so many details amongst the trek!
    Big goal: Meditation and memorization of God’s Word.
    Mini-goal: Write out a verse on a cue card and carry it with me. A new one every few days/day.

    I love sitting down and digging into The Word for however long of time but it is those 20 minute breaks or waiting in line somewhere where I am not feeding myself spiritually where I know I need to be! Going and starting this.. right now!! 🙂

    Thank you for sharing your wisdom and thoughts. Thankful!!

  311. Christi Stapleton

    Lysa, I have already signed up for the Made to Crave Online Bible Study! My first mini-goal is to lose 5 pounds. When i’ve done that, i’ve promised myself a little treat of buying something small for just me that isn’t food.

  312. Mandy Shelton

    My mini-goal is to run 3 days a week for the next 11 weeks, in hopes to run a half marathon in March. This past summer I was in the middle of training for my first Marathon and was unable to run it due to a stress fracture in my left ankle. Was told by the Dr. that I couldn’t run or do any activity that would put too much pressure on my ankle for at least 3 months! I was SO disappointed…I had already registered for the Marathon, had booked my flight and hotel, I was flying to Minneapolis from NC for the race. But through all the anger and hurt I felt, I tried to stay positive. Praying that God would heal me quickly and that I would be back to running soon enough. So last week I started back, slowly progressing and so far I’ve had no pain! I definitely learned not to take my ability to run and be active for granted…ever! Even though being unable to run or workout like I was used to has tipped the scale higher than I’d like, I know with His help and guidance and the help of the Bible study, I can get back to where I was this past summer…and who knows, maybe even run that Marathon after all. 🙂

  313. Leslie B

    My mini goal is to start preparing my heart/mind to, through prayer, to receive/live this new way of life that is coming through the OBS. So excited!!!

  314. Kim

    Mini-goals…so much more do-able than the total end-goal
    Pray when tempted by food. it accomplishes two things that I really need…to draw closer to my Father and to avoid unhealthy choices.
    Baby steps! All toward being a healthier me..both spiritually and physically.

  315. Cheryl

    My first mini-goal is to drink at least 4 glasses of water a day. I am a huge soda addict, so 8 seems a little out of reach! So I will start with 4, and once I make it I will set a new goal. 🙂

  316. Shari

    I want to do this study so I can improve my inner me as I improve my outer me. I also want to get to a point that I can feel my value is not on my outward appearance but what is inside.

  317. Regina Ellison

    My goal is to get my blood pressure back into the normal range and to maintain my hemoglobin A1c at 6.0. Losing at least 10 pounds of fat would go a long way towards my fight with diabetes.

  318. Amy

    My goal is to lose 30 pounds by the end of July. One of my mini-goals to get there is to eat mindfully, which means no more eating in front of the TV or the computer. No more stuffing my face sitting in the recliner in front of the TV. I have a very nice dining table, thank you very much. No more stuffing my face in my office at work. We have a nice big conference table with no pesky distractions like computers and radios.

  319. Luz Tentou

    I am so happy to be part of the Bible study Made to Crave.
    One of my main goals this year is to start a faith motivational blog in my native language Spanish be the woman of a God that God wants me to be

  320. Kathy

    It is so easy to get sidetracked from the goals that I set for 2014. It is best to just remember the mini-goals that will keep me on target. I Thess. 5:18 is certainly a verse I will keep close to mind and heart as I travel through this year. Your message about making conscious choices will ultimately bring the results we desire to be conformed to the image of our Lord. I look forward to your Bible study.

  321. Michelle


    I’m Michelle from Ga., U.S.A. I can hardly wait to begin the MTC OBS.
    I have read the book before and have asked a friend to join me for this journey.
    What an awesome way to begin 2014. Thanks Lysa & P31 Ministries.

  322. Susie

    To simplify.

  323. Denelle

    i want to fit into a size 14 dress for my son’s wedding. Just one more dress size to go!!

  324. Teresa

    I am Teresa from Utah. I am looking forward to being part of the MTC study group. My weight and I have gone up and down together so many times. I find the pattern that when I manage to lose a significant amount of weight-between 60 and 80lbs-something in my life always goes into a disaster. My response is to eat my way through it, always leaving me back where I started. Life changing crises with both of my children were the last two issues. I am a christian, a praying, Bible reading person, deeply grateful to Jesus for His sacrifice to me, but control in this issue continues to elude me. Almost 51, the physical consequences of high weight are taking their toll. I don’t even have a plan for losing weight at this time, but I believe the study of this topic will help me get started.

  325. Karyn


    I’ve read Unglued, which is the story of my own life, and I loved it. I’m excited to join the MTC study! I NEED this right now to beat down the demons of temptations, and turn to prayer and other more fruitful and gratifying things instead. I feel like you are a friend across the miles. Thanks for all your work!!!!

  326. Brandy

    Very good post. I loved the part about the pity party. It described me to a T! I am not over weight but I have had bulimia since middle school and I am 37 years old now. The end of January will be

  327. Missy

    My mini goal is to clean veggies when I purchase them so they are handy for snacking.

  328. Brandy

    I am 37 years old and have let bulimia define me since middle school. The end of January will be 1 year since I have had an episode. I am not over weight but have gained 10 pounds this last year from not purging. I then give myself a pity party and sulk in it and think I am a failure. My friends and I are doing the Made to Crave bible study in hopes it will help us all. The scripture you referred to 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18 really spoke to me today and I thank you! We as women think that we need to be this skinny person to have approval from everyone. When really we only need our Father’s approval and he loves us regardless of how we look. We just need to remind ourselves daily of this.

  329. Laurie G

    Mini goals:
    1. To get The Word into my mind each morning, at the beginning of my day – even if it is just 5 minutes. I know that my attitude, outlook, and response to my husband and kids have a much greater chance of being better if I do this!! Our morning schedule/routine has changed drastically this fall and so I don’t have the luxury of the quiet 30+ minutes each morning that I used to… and I need to just get back in the habit of God’s Truth being the first thing I soak in!!

    2. To do a “plank exercise” each day… you get into what is called a “plank position” – much like getting ready for a push up – but hold your body in that position… works lots of the muscles that I’d like to see firm up again! It may start out with being able to hold that position for 10 seconds – but I’m ready to start somewhere!! 🙂

    3. To work with my family’s photos each day – even if it is just 15 minutes. I have so many big, huge goals in this area – and having this mini goal has already given me freedom to not feel defeated when I only get a few minutes to do some organizing or editing!

    I’m signed up for the OBS for Made to Crave… have yet to purchase my book… how sweet it would be to have a signed copy as a gift! 🙂

  330. Carrie Carlsen

    So I was not going to do the MTC OBS study as I am starting a bible study in my church and did not want to be overwhelmed. BUT I am doing a fitness program with a group and feel that old feeling of struggling and wanting to make choices creep in again. And i heard a little voice saying this is something you must do…so here I am and excited to see what will come from this.

  331. Mandy

    I’m Mandy from Indiana and my mini choice daily is not to speak “i’m so fat” especially in front of my 7 and 4 y/o girls. Right now, they are at that innocent phase of knowing what true beauty is. I don’t want them to think just because “I’m fat, overweight, etc” a women can’t be beautiful.
    So when they say “mommy, you look pretty” instead of saying “Oh, sweetheart I feels so fat.” I will simply say “Thank you!”
    Thanks Lysa for your encouragement today and look forward to the OBS January 19!

  332. Abby

    I am so excited for the MTC Bible Study to begin! One mini-goal I’ve made for 2014 is to be active at least 2.5 hours per week. This could be done by hiking, running, aerobics, etc., but Sunday – Saturday I will put in at least 2.5 hours. Have regular physical exercise, coupled with a change in how I view food should put me in the right direction for changing my physical health around. Relying on God for strength, comfort and guidance while accomplishing this goal will better my relationship with Him. He is good!

  333. dorothy

    My modest and I pray do-able goal for 2014 is to remedy each negative thought with a short prayer giving it to the Lord and also to think one positive thing , especially in regards to my self esteem. I have a lot of emotional recovery to do after being abused throughout my childhood and making some bad life choices but I am resolved to not giving up . I am also resolved to find ways I can help people around me, no matter how small a thing I can manage because of my disability and finances! God is able!

  334. aj

    i create small goals every day. it’s nice to feel as though i’ve gotten something done on those days when the depression or anxiety are severe. i like feeling accomplished.

  335. Peg

    Two goals: 1) focus my thoughts on God and not constantly be thinking about food. 2) be satisfied with “normal.” In the process I hope to lose 25 pounds.

  336. Phyllis Nichols Gutierrez

    Thank you for this post. My week has been insane. I had the inside of my home painted this week. In order to prepare Christmas decorations needed to be taken down and stored and every room in my home needed to be packed up and prepared. While doing this, I managed to misplace papers needed and blocked myself out of my closet making it a feat that required an acrobat to get something to wear.
    I found myself on Monday afternoon searching my cupboards for something sweet and/or salty to eat. Praise God that I had sent everything away. But I still made poor choices. My rational was that everything was in a jumble and that I was tired.
    As I start putting my home back together, I saw your post. God is so good and sends us what we need when it is most needed.
    Looking forward to starting MTC.
    Have a blessed afternoon.

  337. Karen

    I have a mini-goal to follow my Bible reading plan faithfully for 30 days. (I have to do 30 days to do 60, or 90, right?) I would love to have a signed copy of the book!

  338. Cheryl

    I’ve signed up for the online bible study and am excited to get started. My mini goals are
    1. I want to begin to memorize and keep in my heart a bible verse or two each week so that I have them handy to share to others during “real life” and also can use for my own encouragement in times of trouble.

    2. I want to get back into the habit of going to the gym and keeping a count of what I eat each day. I have gotten off the right track and want to get back on and I KNOW this study can help me with that.

  339. Jennifer

    Life sure does happen. And when it does, I need to be armed with Scripture. Thank you for sharing that! I needed the reminder.
    I’m looking forward to the study! I pray that with God’s help, I will be victorious!

  340. Sheila

    I have been a P31 fan for YEARS! The women that write each day always seam to know my heart and what is happening in my life- Gods way of saying I’m here- Excited to be signed up for MTC- battled 30 lbs for too long- gone round that mountain to many wasted years- time to surrender the heart issues to God & get on with it. My short term goal is to daily ask God to help me think on His word more than the food. Already eat healthy, exercise, but can do better to stay consistant- thats my struggle. Thank you Lysa for listening to God and following His leading in your life. many Blessings as we travel this journey.

  341. Kathy

    In addition to wanting to lose weight and take better care of myself physically I also want to take better care of myself spiritually and emotionally. I am determined to stop allowing others opinions to dictate what my worth is. God says I am precious in His sight. I am choosing to stop the tapes of negativity that have been playing me for years. Through this, I am also determined to finish ONE of the several books I know I am called to write and have already started. To GOD be the glory for finishing them one day!

  342. Karen Vernon

    My goal is to simply “just start”. That is a big step! I have signed up for M2C and WW in order to equip myself with the tools that are right for me. So looking forward to January 19th!

  343. Erin

    This year I my goal is to identify when I am feeling unsatisfied with what I have or am wanting to throw a kicking, screaming fit because I’m not getting what I think I deserve, and instead focus on the blessing and privilege it is to raise my sweet daughter and be married to my strong husband and be thankful for the million beautiful things that are in my life already.

  344. Kristina Torr

    I am doing the Bible study through Proverbs 31 and reading this blog has made me very excited to start. Thank you for sharing. One of my mini goals for the new year is to get to the YMCA to do one water class a week for the next 6 weeks. I struggle with a serious back disease and struggle with severe pain everyday. I feel that holds me back more than anything else.

  345. Melinda E

    Thank you so much Lysa for this amazing study! I have been doing the MTC program for the last 7 months, have let go of 63 lbs so far… have a long way to still and am filled with Love for God and am excited about the MTC OBS starting soon. My mini goal for right now is to continually allow the Lord to remake and renew me. My word for 2014 is FOCUS! I want to keep my focus on God, not the numbers on the scale, not food, not on what other people think, but on my beloved God- that is my short term and long term goal. One of the women here wrote that “no one had ever accused her

  346. Patty

    I aim to memorize 2 Bible verses each month for the first 6 months of the year. I plan to increase after that, but that’s how I want to start. I have a HORRIBLE time memorizing, so this can only be done with God’s help!

    • Terri

      My mini goal is to make ice cream a treat not an every night thing!!

  347. Angie

    My mini goal right now is to get back in a routine. I so quickly fell out of it when the kids and I were on break from school, work and BSF. God needs to be my top priority and I know that when I get that uninterrupted time with Him everything g else falls into place. 5am seems so early to get up but I know God will give me grace for each day that I make it. I have also tried out something new. God put it on my heart that I need to offer up my body before I workout so I start my workout in prayer that my workout would be a pleasing sacrifice for Him. Thank you for your ministry!!!

  348. Mary S

    To be able to maintain and/or lose weight without being obsessed with counting anything. In other words, effortlessly be comfortable in my own skin without adding more lbs, which could lead to health detriments.

  349. Melinda E

    Thank you so much Lysa for this amazing study! I have been doing the MTC program for the last 7 months, have let go of 63 lbs so far… have a long way to still and am filled with Love for God and am excited about the MTC OBS starting soon. My mini goal for right now is to continually allow the Lord to remake and renew me. My word for 2014 is FOCUS! I want to keep my focus on God, not the numbers on the scale, not food, not on what other people think, but on my beloved God- that is my short term and long term goal. One of the women here wrote that “no one had ever accused her of putting on weight before” oh my how it hurt my heart to hear the word accused about someone body- being fat is not a crime! I have been overweight my whole life -although not for much longer- and I send so much love and compassion to all of us who feel being overweight is a punishment and we are visibly guilty of being terrible people. We are not! We are so Loved by God- no matter what. That one truth has changed everything in my life, that I do these things (eat healthy, exercise, rest, drink water, think good thoughts) because I already AM Loved- Loved by GOD- not to get love from someone. Thank you Thank you Lysa for your words and your honesty. You are a gift beyond measure.

  350. Nancy l 53

    Thank you for the encouraging words! I’m excited to begin the bible study !
    Mini goal : to seek the power of the Holy Spirit in every food decision , thru prayer. & scripture . To resist temptation as Jesus did with the word of God !

  351. Dodi Berthelot

    I am having surgery in June. My goal for 2014 is to get healthy before the surgery. My goal is to lose 30 – 35 pounds.

  352. Madeline

    Thanks, Lysa for the encouragement. I signed up for the “Made to Crave” bible study. It actually begins on my birthday. What a birthday present that will be!!

  353. Cynthia

    My first mini-goal of the year is to complete a 21-day challenge of eating five healthy meals/snacks per day. The food is pre-packaged, but it’s fresh and nutritionally balanced. I have never been able to stick to a “diet” but this is definitely set up so that I will succeed. I hope it is truly just the beginning of a lifestyle change.

  354. Mary S

    My mini goal is to consistently keep track of what I eat. For my spiritual mini goal I want to similarly keep track of my thinking, thought processes, and spiritual understanding through journaling, blogging, or some other type of tangible platform. The purpose of both these mini goals will document my journey as well as serve as a tool for reflection.

    Thank you Lysa for your transparency and honesty as you share your life stories to minister to others.

  355. Sandra

    Just like you Lisa and many others that are on a mission to loose physical weight ~ my goal is to loose the emotional weight, that years of lies from the evil spirits, people and my own beating myself up have done…which is weigh me down. Each day, 3 times daily, I am cleansing my mind of all the toxins, with Gods help. To the point, I feel it draining out of me like the water in the shower. I then in partnership with God, together fill me up with what He says about me. Along with love, gratitude, joy, passion, hope, joyful expectation, (true) happiness and excitement. Also I am filling my mind with scripture that supports my goal, to the point of saturation.

  356. Barb

    My mini goal is to actually start setting mini goals and accomplish them. I have been standing still for 2 years, suffering through a bad marriage and trying to fix everyone…including myself. I want to move forward in an emotionally and physically healthy way through accomplishing even the smallest mini goals.

  357. Patty Ringer

    I started to read Made to Crave 2 years ago, but, let life take over…..I tend to do that…I start with the best of intentions and some how the intention looses its pizzazz so quickly. With God’s help and the OBS, and continued obedience to God I will be able to get my diabetes under control so that I can stop the medications that the doctor started me on in September 2013. Thank you so much for your ministry and may God bless you!

  358. Zena

    Forgive myself for trusting the wrong person!

  359. Bonnie

    My mini-goal: be thankful in all circumstances. 🙂

  360. Angela

    This pregnancy has thrown all the healthy eating and freedom from binging and purging out the window…I aim to find victory with Christ in the midst of my circumstance. Admitting my struggle is my mini goal.

  361. Julie

    Thank you so much, Lysa, for offering this study. For years, I have started the new year excited with the goal of losing weight. Four weeks later, I end the month completing disappointed with myself. That self-defeat is a constant tag along for the rest of the year. This year, my goal is doing it God’s way, not my way. By drawing from God’s perfect way, I am so excited to finally win this battle and become victorious. Intentional Well-Being is my theme in 2014.

  362. Staci

    Mini goals:
    *keep my motives for everything I do focused on glorifying God.
    *start making the scale go down instead of up!!!

  363. Joan

    My key to weight loss is to get emotional eating under control. In order to this my mini goal is to realize emotions are indicators not dictators. I need to stop and find out what emotion that food is stuffing, and deal with it rather then stuff myself physically, or emotionally. Which makes me feel weighted down spiritually.

  364. Karen

    I read your blog AFTER I indulged in something I did not want to/need to indulge in. Getting back on track after the holidays is so hard! I have signed up for the online study and am really looking forward to it. I know my long term “why” on being healthy and losing weight. My short term “why” is my daughters wedding on March 29th. I haven’t weighed myself yet since the holidays, but I think my goal is about 12 lbs by then. I also want to use the healthy go to scripts. Should’ve used one today! Thanks.

  365. Joy Senecal

    One small goal I have for 2014 is to eat a healthy breakfast every morning soon after I wake up and also to take a 30-minute walk.

  366. Deb Flaugher

    My mini goal is to find one GOOD THING each day. I’m recovering from surgery, and just got discouraging news from the doctor. I plan to write down the good thing, put the paper in a jar, and go through the jar full as needed. (Not original, saw it on Pinterest) I don’t want this physical problem to define me, I want to be able to honestly praise God each day for the one good thing.

  367. Amy Murphy

    I am trying to walk at least a mile every day.

  368. Kay

    While my weightloss to control health issues is my main goal I have felt the more important goal is to pray for my children, they are grown and are following the ways of the world. I have started the couch to 5k which has me working out only 3 times a week, so for those 3 days I purpose to pray for my children during that 30 minute time frame. I know I should pray daily but at times get caught up on all there is to do around the house and with my business. So now I can tackle my physical health and my family health.

  369. Lydia

    One mini goal for me this year is to be more intentional with my time.

  370. Brandie Ridgeway

    My goal is to get control of my weight (again). I also want to purpose everyday to smile. A smile from me could quite possibly change someone else’s day and if I can go to bed each night thinking that could have happened, every day will be worth it. My depression and anxiety attacks have taken over my life in the past, but this year I choose to change my reactions to situations and let God’s love change me and in turn help others through it.

  371. Bethany

    My mini goal of this year is to record at least one of my songs I have written. It has been a long two and a half years and I feel I will never get this single mom thing down. So my second mini goal is to keep trusting that my Abba Daddy has me just where I am suppose to be.

  372. Jennifer Anderson

    My daily mini-goal is to keep Jesus the center of my life. I have also joined in with many others in claiming 2014 as the No-Fear New Year! I already signed up for your Made to Crave online Bible study…I can’t wait. ♥ and appreciate your willingness to share.

  373. Maxine Rose

    My mini goal is to read my new devotional and journal on it daily. I have never done that and I really want to give it a try. I bought “Jesus Calling” after it was recommended to me by my niece and was given a beautiful journal for Christmas. So far I’m on day 3!

  374. Wendy

    As I read through the Bible this year, I want to make note of the verses that I would like to define my life. I’ve never really done that before. I write down verses that I like, but I really long to live more intentionally.

  375. Liz Brumley

    My doctor told me to cut some things out of my diet in order to improve a condition I have. I plan on tackling them one at a time instead one huge change all at once. Also, my kids & I started a Bible study together, we are aiming to be more consistent with it.

  376. Laura

    I have several mini-goals for this year. My most important goal is to turn away from the super-busy, keeping up lifestyle, and settle into a more focused, simpler lifestyle. More focused as a family on God, on each other. We are united as a family in our desire for God’s will and direction, but our society’s tendency to hurry, keep up, etc. does take a grip on us. Before I know it, I am sinking into unglued reactions, bypassing family time, and just focusing on checking things off my daily lists. This is when I feel like I am losing control as a wife, as a mother, as a child of God. More focus for my God. More focus for my husband. More focus for my kids. More focus for me. Sounds lofty, but really it only takes a small step to live much simpler. A step each day. Progress each day. I can do that.

  377. Connie Bjorklund

    My goal for 2014 is to grow more spiritually by digging into God’s word. I want to be doing God’s will not mine.

    • Tina

      We have the same goal for 2014. I pray we both will be successful in our attempt.

  378. Tammy

    I just had surgery that will take 6-8 for full recovery. So a mini-goal is exactly what I need. It will be to walk more steps (per my pedometer) than the day before.

  379. Adrienne

    My mini-goal is to try to get into a routine of getting up early enough to get a little exercise in before work.

  380. Krissy Beaubien

    My goal is to trust God more and more everyday! :0). I hope I win!!!!

  381. Julie Woodman

    My goal is to get back into working out regularly. Even if I only have a Small amount of time on certain days, I want to make my body move more. And on the spirritual side I want to spend time each morning in prayer & devotion.

  382. Susie

    My mini goal is to find one thing that I can be thankful for each day. Each day I write it down and put it in a mason jar. At the end of the year, I will able to look back at all the wonderful things that I’ve had to be thankful for.

  383. Eden

    To continue eating healthy and taking care of the body God entrusted me with! I have a lot of weight to lose but I’m focused on being a good steward of this body rather than focusing on the pounds I’m losing!

  384. Jennifer L

    Watch TV less and read more. And be more present with my children too.

    • Kelly Smith

      How did you get your picture to appear?lol I can’t figure it out! 🙂

  385. Theresa

    Hi Lysa!

    I am overjoyed to be joining your online bible study in 2014! I think it is just what I need to learn to lean on Christ rather than leaning on ‘stuff’. Thank you for being so raw in your blog. My mini-goal for 2014 is to read and take notes and apply what I read from a non-fiction book every day of 2014. And to keep up with my devotional reading and bible reading.

    Many blessings,

  386. Nancy Allen

    I turn 50 this October, so I’ve set several mini goals. I think a lot of my overeating is my escape from the clutter/unnecessary things in my house. I get paralyzed when faced with the paper junk and “other” stuff and turn to food to avoid doing what I know needs to be done. So, I’ve divided my entire house into 10 areas and I’m attacking a new area (living room, kitchen, bedroom etc…) once a month. In that month, I’m not only decluttering, but I’m also focusing on that area to decorate, clean, paint etc.. I’m also dividing up the weight I need to lose by Oct. 14th into weekly intervals so I can claim the small victories each week. I’m also reading the bible through, so by my 50th birthday I’ll have my home a rest haven instead of a stress haven(emotional health); my weight will be where it needs to be (physical health) and I will have read the Bible through which I’ve never done before (spiritual).

  387. Nancy Silvers (OBS Small Group Leader)

    Hi Lysa, I was first introduced to you and P31 by doing a “Made to Crave” Bible Study at Church in Jan 2012. I was 213 lb at the time, I am 188 lb today. I had lost another 10 lbs but a combination of healh issues and some comfort food eating with the last two OBS studies put that 10lbs on since August 2013. I’m ready to get back on track. I can not do a lot about my current health issues, they are going to take at least six monhs of treatment, but I CAN do something about what I put into my mouth. The verse that has stuck with me since doing MTC the first time is 1 Corinthians 10:23 “Everything is permissible”–but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is permissible”–but not everything is constructive.” I CAN have whatever I want BUT will it benefit me? You are one special Christian sister! Proverbs 31 has helped transform my life. That’s why I support P31 every month so other women can be blessed like I have been and in turn, bless others. The ripple effect is amazing 🙂 God bless you today and everyday!

  388. Linda Griffiths

    My mini goal is to spend time with my Lord the first thing in the morning so that He can speak Truth into me. This should be done as soon as my feet hit the ground.

  389. Robin Mooring

    My short term goal is to lose 20 pounds. However, my long term goal is to get closer to God! I want to learn how to depend on HIM when a chocolate chip cookie is calling my name late at night (when food temptation hits me the hardest). This online bible class is God sent! I am so excited!

  390. Lisa Roycroft

    Mini goal for me means that I take one step forward toward my goal of being healthy. One green smoothie, one workout, water every day….if I fall…I need to make sure I hold myself accountable. I have youversion on my phone and did day one of the 21 day Made to Crave plan. After one day…I know I need the book!

  391. Janette

    My family has had a lot of medical issues in the past year. Four hospitalizations and three surgeries. I have been too anxious and I feel the Lord’s calling me to focus more on Him and not my circumstances. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 has been my “life verse” for several years and yet I turned to food and worry in 2013 instead of resting in the Lord. So my goal is to begin to LIVE that verse again–one step at a time. Thank you for offering this online Bible Study. I am so excited about joining with other women in the journey.

  392. Kimberly L

    I want to grow closer to Jesus. I REALLY want to be a part of the Made to Crave Study! We have been through a stressful week and I just talked to Him instead of worrying. He is so wonderful! 😀

  393. Leslie

    My mini goal is to use glasses of water and Bible verses to satisfy cravings for food. Where Knori want to grab a snack, my goal will be to drink a glass of water and dwell on a scripture.

  394. Cathie O

    My goal for 2014 is to grow stronger spiritually. To accomplish that, I’ve spent more time reading the Bible and am starting to memorize the Psalms.

  395. Carma

    I love the concept of mini-goals. My current mini-goals are: start a prayer & gratitude journal, plan a date night, and sing to my kids at bedtime (at their request — this was a former habit).

  396. Jill Doyle

    I really don’t like New Years resolutions so this year I decided after much prayer that I would choose one word to concentrate on (just like your mini goals). My word for 2014 is “gratitude”. Gratitude for God. Gratitude for my family and friends. Gratitude for my health. I even wrote “gratitude” on my bathroom mirror so everyday when I feel like this world is getting the best of me I can look up and remember what I have to be thankful for right now. It really puts my goals into perspective when I just take a moment and have some gratitude for what God has already given me!

  397. Mary

    My goal for 2014 to get close with God.and stop let other people control me
    and stop worry.and live my life the way God want me to live.

  398. Nicole Marcengill

    My mini-goal is to pray everyday in 2014. God has been teaching me so much through prayer in the discipleship group that I lead & it is a discipline that I need & want to dive deeper into!

  399. Mary

    My mini goal is to be able to seek God’s will all the time by consciously thinking “How will God feel about the things I think about, say and do?” Will it please and honor Him?”..this conscious effort will always lead me to prayer of praise, thanksgiving and seeking God’s guidance all the time.

  400. margie

    My mini goal is to be intentional. Focus on Jesus and focus on being healthy so I can serve him and my family better. One step at a time. First step getting rid of sodas and drinking more water. First step spiritually, this study and I have a one year read through the Bible Bible I have started.

  401. Donna brooks

    To pray more during my day, and to be more present and respectful towards my hubby.

  402. Cindy

    I have been struggling with undiagnosed issues since March 2012. I have been in a period of despair and have let fear seep into my mind. Therefore, my resolution is simply Phil 4:8-10: Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

    • Liz K

      Great verse Cindy. You can do this and God is there to great you enough to get it done,

    • Maria

      I struggle greatly with depression and anxiety and that is the verse that I constantly go back to! Praying that you find peace and comfort in it!!!

  403. Debbie

    I need to keep it really simple, get through today eating healthy! I also want to renew & strengthen my relationship with Jesus. Him being my focus & one true desire.

  404. Cherise

    My mini goal to start this journey to weight loss and spiritual Refreshment and to keep my life centred in Christ. Looking forward to the online bible study and seeing what god has installed for 2014 🙂 thankyou lysa for being real

  405. Becky Brooks

    My mini goal? A couple of them – to continue passing my college classes, working towards my goal and calling of being a sign interpreter. And the second is to continue to work on quitting smoking – cutting back a little at a time.

  406. Sharon

    Looking forward to my first on-line bible study, Made to Crave. Already starting to eat healthier and pray with God’s grace I will continue to do so. My mini-goal is to make time each day to be in God’s presence by reading his word or just sitting and listening without watching the clock!

  407. RobinG

    I have been walking in major depression for over 7 months now–at 45 years old, it seems to be hormonally based. My goal is to get answers soon. No one seems to know what to do for me as I cannot tolerate antidepressants. Please pray that I will find relief.

  408. Kay

    My goal is to developing a craving for God so I can deal with the emotional eating.

  409. Rhonda Stalb

    I hope to get my knee fixed and lose at least 20 pounds in the next few months..

  410. DeeDee

    My mini goals this year is to do one small act of kindness each day. I also need prayers for this one…cut back on wine intake.

  411. Denise M

    My mini goal is to remember everyday to be thankful, even when things are not going my way. Deep breath and thank and praise God. He is everything

  412. Chrissy

    I want to lose about 20-25 lbs over the next year. My first mini-goal is to drink my 64 oz of water each day. It’s easier not to overeat when you’re not dehydrated. My spiritual mini-goal is to start each day with a personal devotional (even if it’s only 5 minutes) where I can read the scriptures and say my morning prayers before the day begins. I can’t wait for the MTC study. I need the prayers and encouragment! 🙂

  413. Amy

    I started off this new year in a slump. My dad was in critical condition in the hospital where I am a medical student, and I had consumed my life with that to the point all I could do was feel sorry for myself. I had abandoned my normal gym routine and workout partner, gained the weight I desperately needed to lose back, canceled my mission trip to Guatemala, and just stopped caring until I had “breakfast with Jesus.” I realized that there are still opportunities to be thankful as others are suffering so much more and everybody is dealing with an uphill battle of their own. With that, I started a goal that I would start doing my hair and makeup every day to go into public, to stop feeling sorry for myself, and to acknowledge at least one other person’s uphill battle with some form of encouragement or support each day. So here is to starting 2014 with accepting myself, relying on Jesus to get us through our current situation, and acknowledging everyday that there is someone else who needs support and encouragement as well.

  414. Cindy C

    I have a goal to eat healthier and cut way back on my pop intake. I did it several years ago but it seems to have overtaken me again. I’m very excited to start the Made to Crave study. I just need to get my book.

  415. vicki

    Thank you, Lysa, for sharing how your start to the new year had some interruptions! ~mine has, too, and reading yours has helped me to re-focus and not throw- in- the- towel already, because of a false start and of a ‘still feasting’ holiday mentality!! So,
    my mini-goal is to not give up because of a slip up, or two, or more… I am excited to go grocery shopping tomorrow to stock up on healthier choices and I am so excited for this study -thank you so much !

  416. sanne

    My minigoals are to exercise 3 times a week and have a cup of tea or coffee and sit the entire time it takes to finish it with my Bible every day.

  417. Marha Brewer

    My mini goal is to clean out, pare down and pass it on to someone who needs it.

  418. Belinda

    Hi Lysa,
    I love Proverbs 31 Ministries and the encouragement you give to all the women out there. My Mini Goal? That is such a tough question as I am the Queen of setting myself up to fail. My mini goal is to find one thing to be grateful for everyday.
    I think in doing this things will start to turn around for me in all areas of my life.
    Thank you and have a wonderful day

  419. Tina

    My goal this year is to grow spiritually and spend more time studying God’s word. More of God and less of me. Even when my days don’t go as I plan, I want to accept the interruptions better than I have in the past.

  420. Amber

    My mini goal was triggered by a woman’s testimony at a New Year’s Eve prayer service. She said how reading the bible in one year has changed her life so much, and helped her to really clearly hear the voice of God. I decided for once to really try it this year. And as I have taken action on my daily reading, I feel TRULY BLESSED! One of the biggest blessings has been stumbling across the Proverbs 31 website yesterday. I couldn’t stop crying with every post I read. And the thought of the online bible study for women just makes me cry (I think because I’m so happy!!) And today, at work again, I’m a sobbing mess. My trash can is half full of kleenex. People here might think I’m sad, but I’m so joyful and feel so loved by God. I am so thankful for your website and all of the women who minister through it. I wish I could hug you all.

  421. Susan Wilkinson

    I do believe that cleanliness is next to Godliness. My house has become over run with clutter due to a recent illness and heart surgery. I have been made fun of by neighbors because I can not keep up with my cleaning, and she has threatened to post the pictures of my cluttered house on Facebook. It would hurt me. But I know with prayer and God’s help I can do a little each day and soon our home will be a place my family will be proud of.

  422. Kinzy

    MTC will be my first OBS with P31 and I’m so excited! One of my mini goals is to be able to paint my own toenails and tie my own shoes without feeling like I’m suffocating.

  423. Amy J

    One mini goal of mine is to focus more on the Lord right now instead of my circumstances. After being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease 3 years ago, I’ve found it difficult to keep my eyes focused on him when my symptoms get especially bad. It’s even harder because I have to use a lot of self control in my diet and sometimes I eat things I know I shouldn’t. So instead of focusing on the bad symptoms, every time I’m feeling sick, I want to pull out my bible and memorize a verse. That way I take the focus off of not being able to eat and feeling sick and put it on God all while better arming myself with scripture!

  424. Kelly Smith

    My mini goal is to at least open and read all emails. Sometimes, I don’t even put out the effort to open up the email to get the instruction on what to do next or participate in a study. I set myself up to fail. I would like to actually participate and complete this study, no matter what the outcome.

    BTW, I have prayed victory over you and Melissa, Thank you very much for your time and efforts for God. You have been reaching into my life for over 14 years in 1 way or another, and it wasn’t until a few years ago that I put it altogether that the resources all came from you. So thank you again. One day I will have to tell you the story of how you have effected my life. It’s a great testimony.

    Kelly S

  425. Tonya Whitehurst

    My mini-goals are as follows:
    ***Add some type of physical activity 2 or 3 days a week
    ***Use Bible verse and the go-to scripts instead of binging or mindless eating
    And most important —- love Jesus more each day than the day before!!!!!!!

  426. vicki

    Thank you, Lysa, for sharing how your start to the new year had some interruptions! ~mine has, too, and reading yours has helped me to re-focus and not throw- in- the- towel already, because of a false start and of a ‘still feasting’ holiday mentality!! So,
    my mini-goal is to not give up because of a slip up, or two, or more… I am excited to go grocery shopping tomorrow to stock up on healthier choices and I am so excited for this study -thank you so much !

  427. April

    I am focusing on my goal of being more healthy. I lost 45 pounds last year and have kept it off so far. I really want to lose at least 20 more. Can’t wait for Made to Crave OBS to begin 🙂

  428. Cheri

    I have so many areas needing improvement (an overhaul!) right now, it’s hard to focus on mini-goals. But you’ve inspired me to think it through – first, I want to be less emotional with my teenage son. So my mini-goal is to intentionally be quiet as each conversation begins – quiet, thoughtful, prayerful and then respond. That’s a biggee for me in my first ride through parenting a teenager (and while I’m entering menopause! Yikes!). I think as my emotions settle down with him, the knee-jerk emotional eating will subside too. Thanks, Lysa!

  429. Lina

    Each day I take another step toward healthy eating or being more active. Today I took the dreaded three flights of stairs at work again instead of the elevator. I am also reading packages again. Who knew that Cracker Jacks is actually less fat than Cheetos? Next month I will give them up. =)

  430. Wanda

    My goal is to gain “self-control” in every area of my life, instead of letting life control me!

  431. Marilyn Gray

    My main goal is to keep up with the study and not put it off one day thinking I will just catch up tomorrow because that’s how I start out, always good but then I start slipping and usually all goes down hill from there. My prayer is for steadfastness! In all things from eating right to exercise to studying Gods word, kindness to others and all things in Gods will!

  432. Dodie

    I lost 96lbs this past year. I need to lose another 150lbs to be healthy. I go to the Dr. every 4 months to check my bloodwork & progress. At my last weigh in I’d gained 4lbs. I let that setback kick off my own pity-party & I’ve spent 3 months falling back into old habits. I have to get my head out of the past & get it aimed on the future by taking one step & making one choice at a time. Everyday can add up to the Victory I’m trusting God for. My 1st goal is to let go of the disappointment. Goal # 2 is to get back in the pool & exercise 4 times a week. Goal # 3 is to have a double digit weight loss next Dr’s visit. Thank you for your book, for this bible study & foryour honesty about the struggle.

  433. Cyndi

    My mini goal is to stop worrying about things that are out of my control. God is in control and worrying means that I am not trusting Him. I have been struggling with being overwhelmed and defeated, so this is my first step.
    P.S. I’m reading your book “Unglued” and absolutely love it. Thank you for all of the sacrifices you make everyday to provide your ministry to others.

  434. ginny h

    I want to memorize one scripture verse each month that applies to parenthood!

  435. Emily Combs-Lewis

    My mini goal is to start counting to five and call on God before I react to circumstances around me. I need to see all things through his filter not the Devil!

  436. Lana Black

    My mini goal is to increase my choices to eat healthy. I lost 25 lbs this past year by managing my portion size. Now I want to add healthier food choices.

  437. Jennifer

    My mini goal is to do my 7 minute workout everyday and up it as it gets easy.

  438. Loretta Del Gadio

    My goal is as I desire to run for food to relieve or numb my emotions my goal is to choose Christ instead and trust that He will satisfy my thirst. My goal is to take all my I can’t’s and fears and surrender them to the God who can ! My Goal is to take each small step and move forward knowing that I move towards Christ and away from the lier of all lies!!

  439. Kimberly

    Hey yawl, my mini goal is to take this journey one step at a time, focusing on what is right here right now, not behind nor what is ahead, God has both of those handled for me. I refuse to be defeated, I have struggled with “addictive behaviors” my whole life and food is the last one to be defeated, and I know with God guiding this journey I will defeat that too!

  440. Katie

    I want to be intentional! With my time, resources, whatever it may be- I am striving to live every aspect of my life with purpose.

  441. Sherri Yoder

    I have a goal to lose 10 lbs (from baby) in the next 2 1/2 months, by exercising when I can & being more aware of what I eat.

  442. Kelli

    My goal is to seek God and see Him in everything. Right now I am in the trenches in so many areas of my life, but I choose not to compare to others and seek God since i know he see’ me in all I do ( the diapers, cleaning messes and trying to keep things organized).

  443. joan

    My story is I have told myself for years I need to take better care of myself and eat better and not to get so stressed out so much . The last 2 years I have been trying to get off drinks I love Dr. Peppers and I would pray each morning Lord please help me get off the soda drinks even tho I love them I would drink about 8 a day and then this year in Nov. I stopped just like that . and I feel so much better I drink milk , water , tea . then this year in Sept. I joined Weight Watchers and also got the Active link I wear it everyday to see if I am getting my exercise and I am doing very well with that also thank the Lord. But I have started a journal to see what I actual eat each day and what make my stomach hurt and when it does I write next to it in RED. this week I have started with very health meals for breakfast breaks and luches I need to work on the dinners my faviot snack is one cup of jello with 1/2 cup cottage cheese , 1/2 pineapples I love this . Like I said it has took me about 2 years to get to this point and the only way I have got this for is The Lord’s help and with Proverbs 31 mins . I started also this year the online bible study’s and I want to thank you so very much for being there for me. I am so ready for this year 2014 thank you Lord. Joan

  444. Lori

    Make healthy eating choices everyday. For my health and God’s temple.

  445. Tonya P

    Getting back into a routine and reminding myself of why I want to get healthy

  446. Lockie

    Lysa–Thank you for your books and the encouragement I get by reading them. Made to Crave Devo really was a big part in my losing 40 lbs last year and I have signed up to take part in the OBS in a couple of weeks. I have 25 or so to go. Christmas was tough but I am getting back on track this week. I liked your mini-goal of praying when I go off my plan. Great idea!

  447. Becky

    My first mini goal this year is to lose 5 lbs which will get me down to having lost a total of 45 lbs and having lost 20% of my weight. I’ve been able to lose this much with accountability, prayer and having mini-goals throughout.

  448. Chandra

    I just want to be more joyful….take one day at a time….

  449. Nicola

    I am looking forward to this bible study as I am feeling very discouraged having gained and lost many times and even read the book on my own several times. So many goals running around in my head which also makes me overwhelmed. Small goals: Create a go to script to carry with me daily and starting a journal for the journey

  450. Sandy Reynolds-Jones

    Thanks. Your words are inspiring. My mini-goal is to start walking my dogs a few times a week.

  451. Virginia Olive

    I have struggled with near-crippling anxiety over the past two years, related to a couple of health events which struck my husband in 2011 and 2012. Either of these events could have been life-changing for him and us, but God is good and my husband recovered almost completely. However, my fear and anxiety have become almost overwhelming; dwelling on the “what ifs” and the “what will I do?” mentality. My mini-goal for this year is to write down and memorize one Scripture verse or passage each week that deals with casting my anxiety on the Lord. I know in my head that God can deliver me, and I need to hide His Word in my heart in order for this to be accomplished.

  452. Mary Gay

    I am so excited to get started on this study! Proverbs 31 Ministries has made such a huge impact in my daily life and I thank you for doing what you do!! I’m growing closer to God and becoming stronger in my faith because of this ministry.

  453. Raven

    One goal I have is to help someone make a decision for Jesus…

  454. Nicole Tatum

    I have pledged to commit to finally adapt a healthy lifestyle with God’s help that will sustain me throughout my life not just a temporary bandaid fix. I will not succumb to my circumstances and let food and emotional eating dictate my life. I will love myself and my body the way God does and respect His choice for creating me the way he did. I will be victorious by relying on God’s strength and word and allow me to digest it permanently!

  455. TracyVin

    One of my goals is to move further in my walk with God. Another is to continue this battle to gain health.

  456. Martha

    I love reading your books! Unglued is my all time fav, but I’m excited to start the MTC study! Thank you for your encouraging blogs. My first mini-goal is going to be to take it day-by-day rather than focusing on a longer length of time. After all, I can do almost anything for one day, right? And then another day and another…..etc.
    God bless you & P31 for all you do!

  457. Kristi

    It’s interesting that all your advice for losing weight also applies to my daughter that has anorexia and is desperate to GAIN weight. The Bible references are exactly what she needs to hear to keep her strong. We are so much more than the outside of our bodies. Our Lord loves us at any weight, at any size, and He is with us through all our struggles. I continually emphasize to my daughter that she is good, smart, funny, has integrity, and is a faithful child of God, rather than making a reference to her size. It’s ok to want to lose or gain weight, but let’s not make that what defines us.

  458. judy worley

    I set a goal of having my devotions in the New Testament this year to learn more about Jesus. I also have a goal to slim down…harder to do the older you get! 🙂 but not impossiblo Have already done the study so I have your book–have a blessed year!

  459. Lisa

    My Mini Goal this year is to continue to be a work in progress! learning not to beat myself for the failures but praising God and being thankful for the successes! A progress of peace no matter what life brings… Seeking peace and joy!

  460. Rachel

    Investing in myself daily, spiritually AND physically is my goal. Being a mother of 5 and a pastor’s wife, I neglect myself way too much. I desperately need this to change in 2014.

  461. Rachel

    My mini goal is to invest in myself spiritually AND physically on a daily basis. Being a mother of 5 and pastor’s wife, this is a change I desperately need to make in 2014.

  462. Michelle Moye

    My short term goal is to focus on my daily Bible study instead of the number on the scale. Staying focused on God`s plan for me!

  463. Mary

    It’s funny because earlier today I made up my mind to make small goals to improve my health and change my lifestyle. My health is declining and my weight is climbing so changes need to be made. So before even reading Lysa’s blog today I told myself that I am going to start my changes on Tuesday and NOT on Monday! No eating after 6:00pm, exercise 3 days a week, lose 10% of my body weight and pray and spend more time in the Word! I am also going to run and sign up for Lysa’s bible study right now!!!
    Philippians 4:13 “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength”.

  464. Rebecca Portteus

    My mini-goal is to not let the perception of others send me into the black hole of failure. Most of my unhealthy choices come when I am stuck in the pit feeling like I have failed.

    • Roberta

      What a great goal. It made me reflect upon another on of my personal goals for this year and this study which his to get a clearer vision of who my Heavenly Father says that I am and how He sees me.

  465. tara

    My mini goal is to focus on what my triggers are and try (one at a time) to fill the void, desire, want, perceived need , etc., with God! Going to need all the focus and prayers I can get! Excited to see what I learn about myself!!

  466. Rachel

    My mini goal is to evaluate my hunger to determine if I’m really hungry or just looking for something to “fill” me up. I truly want to bring God into the midst of my battle with food. I am super excited to start the online study with “Made to Crave.”

  467. Jen Larson

    One of my goals for 2014 is to read more non-fiction: theology, parenting help books, marriage help books, biographies, etc. It’s easy for me to read fiction – I read 110 books in 2013, but only about 20 of them were non-fiction. This coming year I want to read 52 non-fiction books.

  468. Lyn

    I choose as my mini-goal to concentrate on one day at a time to stick to my healthy eating plan and to exercise. Just one-day-at-a-time without looking back when I fail.

  469. Anita

    Though I should lose 100+ lbs. I have decided to break it up in chunks, 26 lbs for the first chunk, with a target date of 6 months, for about a 1 lb a week. If I make it before then, I will reset with a new goal.

    For the month of Jan. I am also adding green tea nightly. Hope this curbs the late night eating.

    • Tina

      Anita, I too need to lose 100+ lbs which is a daunting thought when looked in its entirety. I love that you are breaking it into chunks which are manageable. I can’t believe I’ve never thought of that before. Maybe because I want it right now! Thank you for posting this. I’m going to use your example and break mine into chunks too and use that to set my mini-goals.
      I also like the idea of tea at night. I’m not especially fond of green tea (although I know it’s supposed to be very good for you), but I do like herbal tea so I think I’ll try that. As I’m drinking my tea, I will be praying for your success.

  470. Annette

    My mini goal is to remember that opening my Bible is way more fulfilling than opening my refrigerator. Its also time to quit blaming my weight issues on my last pregnancy; after-all, and my goodness, she is almost 18!

    • Annette

      And… I’ll be praying for you Lysa and the rest of us who have signed up for the Made to Crave OBS with the awesome Melissa Taylor!

  471. Michelle

    Your book was shared with me a couple days ago. I literally picked it up yesterday. And today I find this online book study. God’s will? I believe so! I think for me, I need time to balance my life — spending time in God’s word, being a loving, patient wife, being a loving, patient mother to twin 3 and a half year old girls, being the best educator I can be at school, all the while trying to take care of ME! (I am quickly and easily forgotten…) But my mini-goal is to focus on me: eating right, moving more, prayer time. I think this book study will help with it all! Thanks for the opportunity to join in.

  472. Holli

    A giveaway for Made To Crave, what a blessing! I really feel the Lord wanting me to be a part of this so I’ll share 🙂 A mini goal I have for 2014 is to get below the 200s. i only have 30 pounds to go! If that’s not mini enough another mini goal I have is to be able to run for 3 minutes straight. Right now I can only do just under 2 minutes. The Lord has helped me lose 63 pounds over this past year, He is my biggest partner in my journey!

  473. Kathryn Bonnett

    I want to be more joyful. I think just chooSing that has been a good mini goal.

  474. Bridget

    To be more consistent by studying the Word each evening & pray.

  475. Julie

    To use my temptations as triggers to pray and turn to God rather than food.

  476. Carmen

    My mini goal physically is to drink more water each day. I have a tendency to get busy at work or at home and only take in the smallest amount of water…I hate to even say how little. A long way from even 8 ozs. I’m sorry to say but that is going to change. My mini goal spiritually is to complete a bible study Daniel which I started the end of last year and stalled out in November. I know God’s grace is sufficient to see me through.

  477. Stacy Loveless

    My mini goal is to add strength training to my running program. I need to lose weight and running just doesn’t take my weight off anymore. My spiritual mini goal is to stop comparing my life and circumstances to others! It is eating up my joy!

  478. carrie

    My mini goal is to drink at least 80 oz of water and record diary in Fitness Pal while remembering who is my Living Water. My long term goal is to take care of the temple I was given and be healthy. Thank you for this study. I’m a counselor who is guilty of taking care of others and not myself.

  479. Andrea

    Real encouragement from a real person thanks!! mini-goal is to read scripture every time I am tempted to go to the fridge which I am sure will have me craving more of our Creators words for me!!!and to walk 10 minutes 3 times a day ..just get moving!!

  480. jill smith

    My mini-goal is to get up at 6 am everyday M-F to do some physical activity (treadmill, weights, Pilates, stretching, etc) for at least 30 mins. Getting back into this healthy physical routine will help me mentally and emotionally through the rest of my day, whether at home with my kids or at work. My kids and I talk about how our bodies are given to us to care for while Jesus loves in our hearts!

  481. jill smith

    My mini-goal is to get up at 6 am everyday M-F to do some physical activity (treadmill, weights, Pilates, stretching, etc) for at least 30 mins. Getting back into this healthy physical routine will help my mentally, spiritually and emotionally. My kids and I talk about how our bodies are given to us to care for–Jesus lives in our hearts!

  482. Mary R.

    I am so excited to do this study… I bought the book a few years ago and started it but the timing wasn’t right… Doing the study with other wonderful sisters will help as well!! My personal goal is to make healthy food choices daily and lose 1 pound a week. My spiritual goal is to do a couples devotion with my husband every Friday. I have a new book that is designed for a weekly couples devotional. It is very exciting!!! Did our first one today!
    Blessings to you Lysa in 2014!!

  483. Heidi

    My goal to start is 5 lb loss and eat more veggies, gonna have to start super small.

  484. Lynell Drake

    I will walk or bike 3 days a week

  485. Dell T.

    Well, you’ve just helped me decide to try to be a wife/mom who is joyful, prayerful, and thankful!! Thank you for your ministry, Lysa!! You ROCK!! 🙂

  486. Stacey

    Simply to do better be better than I was/did yesterday!

  487. Michelle N

    My mini goal is to make a better food choice when I’m craving sugar and to do gratefuls each day because I have SOOOO many things to be grateful for and I need to focus more on God’s blessings in my life!!!

  488. Michelle N

    My mini goal is to make a better food choice when I’m craving sugar and to do gratefuls each day because I have SOOOO many things to be grateful for and I need to focus more on God’s blessings in my life!!!

  489. Sharon

    My goal is to lose weight this year and get back down to the size for my height and body frame. Another goal is to interview women in my church who have a story to tell, write and edit it to sell in our bookstore.

  490. Charity

    Just drinking more water. I have realized that I’m lucky to drink one glass a day, much less eight!

    • Cristy

      I am right there with you on this one.

  491. Lisa cross

    My mini goals are 1. to return to an active walking schedule with my neighbor and friend. Not only did I feel better physically but I gave us time to fellowship and share. 2. Find one healthy choice food I like and choose it instead if an unhealthy choice. I figured if it was something I like it may not be as daunting to give up the unhealthy choice .

  492. Amy

    I am replacing soda and sweet tea with water every day-

  493. Amy

    I am replacing soda and sweet tea with water every day.

  494. Debbie A

    My mini goal is to drink fewer soft drinks and eat healthier snacks.

  495. Tina

    I’m so excited to begin the Made to Crave study with P31OBS! I found the “Made to Crave: 21 Day Challenge” amongst my electronic Bible reading plans for this year and started that to prepare for the study. I’ve already been so encouraged by your words. Thank you for sharing your struggles and victories to help others along the journey.

  496. Jonna

    Mini goal is to plan meals ahead of time that are healthier. Eat less take-out. And learn to eat healthier in the process.

  497. Leslie Jackson

    I have begun my mini-goal which I pray becomes and remains a long term goal by giving more time to our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. I have begun giving time late night where it’s quiet and I can truly hear and listen to God speak. I began a prayer journal during that time as well. I have recently met Lysa through a women bible study a few weeks back at church and I couldn’t be happier. God has placed you in my life at the best time to help me grow back to him after being blessed to overcome brain surgery over a year ago and reading and listening to these women stories and comments are truly inspiring. This is truly rehabilitating for me to learn, know memorize and understand God’s words through scripture. Lysa I thank God for you and your team’s inspiration! God Bless us All!

  498. Jenifer

    Would love a copy of “Made to Crave”! My mini goal is to eliminate sweets from my regular diet. Sugar makes me feel tired and yucky.

  499. Debra J. Peterson

    My first and far most important goal is to make time for God in every day. To make at least 10 mins to have in God’s word daily. Talking with God about things instead of just worrying about them. Thank you Lysa for your post – I’m signed up for the bible study starting Jan 19 may it change my life.

  500. Kristen

    My mini goal is to be intentional about my healthy eating not just snack mindlessly, and every day reminding myself to “commit my actions to The Lord…” (Proverbs 16:3)

  501. Kristin Duncan

    Looking for joy in my circumstances this year. I’m determined to (starting off) turn one negative thought about life to a praise or thankfulness thought.

  502. Mona

    I will be facilitating Made To Crave beginning 1/14. Pick ME:)

  503. Taija

    I am a new follower of yours! I stumbled across your book Made to Crave on Amazon while looking at a different book, Women Food and God. The summary of your book just hit home to me. I purchased it and started reading it about a week ago. 9 years ago I lost 80 lbs with Gods help. It seemed so easy with Him in charge! Then I forgot or became too complacent to keep my focus on Him (in regards to my health not completely!), Everything in your book reminds me of that journey I have already been on. It’s a familiar comforting, welcoming road. I can do this. God has never let me down when I turn to him. Thank you for sharing your gifts and talents and helping so many others! I feel a burden lifted and hope restored when I read your book. My mini goal is to remember to turn to God when temptation comes knocking. Which it does all day long! I feel Him here with me though! To help me remember to pray instead of impulsively eat (being ADD it is a particular struggle to not be impulsive!) I am putting small pictures of Christ in key points of my life. The outside of the cupboards, the inside of the cupboards, the fridge, my wallet etc. Your book is one I will share with many! Thank you so much!!

  504. Judy Redden

    I have read your book several times and look forward to the Bible Study! My mini goal is to begin my exercise routine again.

  505. Judith Reynolds

    My mini goal is to set up a budget and be disciplined to follow it week by week. Studied and found some great books with guidance and plans to follow. Psalms 37:4

  506. Tina Sabatino

    1). To work on memorizing one verse a week from my time in God’s Word every morning.
    2).get back to juicing, back to the gym 3 x a week
    3:) send one card of encouragement to a friend once a week

  507. Susana

    I purchased this book last year,while trying to lose weight.Haven’t managed to finish it yet,but was so happy to find this study,because hopefully now I’ll go to the end!My goal this year is to find something to be thankful for each day and write it down!And I am not allowed to repeat!And am also setting a goal to adjust my schedule for an alone time with God.A working mum of two boys (4&3) am having serious difficulties finding this time,so tips are welcome!

  508. Joyce Miller

    My goal for 2014 is to draw closer to my Lord and to get healthy and my diabetes under control. I’m so excited to start this study b

  509. Lori Myers

    “The scale does not define me”, but I cannot deny that I have gained 4 pounds in two weeks (since Christmas) and it is affecting my whole attitude, regardless of my “knowing” that statement is true! Help me, please… I need help!

    • Roberta

      I know how you feel when you gain that holiday weight especially. It can be a challenge to lose or maintain weight during the holidays. I want to encourage you not to be too hard on yourself. It is a New Year and a new week and you have the opportunity to be successful this week. I believe in you and I know you can do it!!!! Just get back on track and if you ever want to talk , feel free to e-mail me.

  510. Sarah

    Staying focus on God through prayer when temptation sneaks up!

  511. Jennifer

    I am starting this year (tomorrow the 5th) w/a fast for 10 days and would like to do more throughout the year! Last year I fasted for the first time and it was a good experience!

  512. Beth

    I am excited and scared to start this journey, thank you for breaking it down into mini goals…I have gotten so overwhelmed and given up so many times in my past. I travel for my job and stopping at a gas station for a drink is never a good idea for me…I am going to pack a cooler of healthy snacks and water for the road.

  513. Tammy Lewis-Chaney

    My ‘mini’ goal for 2014 is much different than controlling eating. Tho I have been on a roller coaster ride with my scales (loosing, gaining, loosing, gaining) I am not battling with that right now. I am in a struggle with self. My offering for this New Year is to lay every day at the feet of Jesus and take only what He gives that I need all the while recognizing the needs of others. I opened a photography studio last year in April after 3 years of working/struggling to build things up. This past year I was able to make a dream become reality. In doing so I put important things, people, choices on a back burner. Thinking that ‘if I did this one more thing’ I would have the tools to make this successful. Never thinking once about the important people in my life. I was depriving my husband, child, parents of time they preciously deserve.

    So, in a nutshell….(again) my offering or goal is to allow my thoughts to know that our Father God in Heaven will ‘give me’ what I need each and every day. Yes I would like to make the number on the scale smaller but I think I need to make my wants/needs smaller first. Become nothing to gain everything! Though this study ‘seems’ to focus on a struggle every woman faces…I am taking it for what it means in my walk with Him!!! Looking forward to it!!!

  514. Angela H.

    I am currently reading your Unglued devotional and have recently discovered the Proverbs 31 website which has led me to MTC and the OBS. My life has just been going through the motions of everything my work, eat, responsibilities and home , but the worst of all my relationship with God

  515. Liz K

    My min goals are firstly to focus on spending more tie each morning with God. This not only important for setting my day off to the right start in asking His assistance in making right food choices but also in keeping me on track to turn all the interactions and events that will occur during the day over to Him, and to focus on how blessed I am. I think setting this tone for each day will help me better less stressed and more able to handle whatever comes my way. My goal for the month of January is to increase activity. With physical limitations and living where we have lots of snow but unable to use even the treadmill its challenging but I know with God’s help all things are possible.
    thank you for your words of encouragement.

  516. Lisa

    My mini-goals are to be consistent with exercise – to do something every day – and to decide on a way to reward myself with something OTHER than food (which has the been the trend all my life)!

  517. Sherri

    I want to get my eating under control. So much stress it’s hard to do. But, with my multiple health problems it would me feel so much better.

  518. Lori

    My goal for this year is to become totally immersed in the Word and grow closer to the Lord. I went through major changes in 2013. I have finally gotten it through my somewhat thick head that I need to finally turn it ALL over to him, not just parts. I am seeking his will for my life because when I try to take over, things do not work out. His plan will always work and will be what is best. Looking forward to the bible study!

  519. Jaime Albaugh

    I needed this. Starting with mini goals has encouraged me heart. I fell off the exercise wagon a few months ago and desire to get back on but have been letting life give me every excuse. I’m going to drink more water daily and get on the treadmill a few times this week! And read more scripture too. Thanks, Lysa!

  520. Suzanne

    Looking forward toM2C online bible study. My mini goal is get moving and to start each day with prayer.

  521. CH

    My overall goal is to become healthy in every way. One mini-goal is to lose 3 lbs a month by swimming and biking and only going for seconds on veggies.

  522. Connie

    My goal is to try my best to cut out sugar and white flour and start eating healthier less process foods. My daughter and I gave up pop for 1 year and it made me realize that If I am determined I can do anything. I want to be healthier so I can one day enjoy grandchildren. I also want to be more Thankful in the good times and the bad times.

  523. Dana

    I too have struggled with emotional eating all my life. I am probably 40 lbs over weight right now and very discouraged. However, I know God and His Word are my steadfast & true defense weapons in overcoming this addiction. I’m going to begin by doing seeking The Lord first, asking Him to fill me with His strength, then write down my goals, and follow them one day at a time. First mini goal cut out sweets and replace with either yogurt or my favorite fruits.
    Thank you Lysa for Proverbs 31 ministry. It has been a lifeline of hope and encouragement for me. I would love to participate in the new in line Bible Study beginning in January.

  524. Ruby Armour

    One 2014 mini goal I have is to finish my memoir. Then I can find an agent and get on the road towards my larger goal of being a published author. 🙂

  525. Tgreat

    My mini goal this year is to always buy the things i need per time as that Will help me stop impulse spending.

  526. Missy

    My first goal is to reach out for help. I’m signing up for the online study. My church offers a “Made to Crave ” support group but I work nights and can’t attend.Honestly I wouldn’t go even if I didn’t work due to being embarrassed,fear and the fact I’ve yet again picked isolation over community. I need to let Jesus help me. I have to be willing to at least be willing . I’m signing up, so that’s a start.

  527. Linda

    Temtation haunts me. May god help me!

  528. Piper

    My goal is to get up early to spend time in God’s word and exercise. My husband is retired so we have been sleeping later in the morning. My day doesn’t go well because then I don’t have “me” time and I keep putting off reading my bible and exercising.
    Looking forward to your bible study Lysa.

  529. Jill

    Thank Lysa, I have lots to accomplish this year and your advise to set mini goals is such a great reminder. It is something I have heard somewhere in the past but failed to follow thru because of focusing on my circumstance that has been overwhelming and deeply painful. I lost almost everything in 2013 including my husband, our marriage and the future that was tied to it. I desire to hand it over to Christ and leave it with Him but i continually taking it back from Him because I don’t want this to be real. So, in 2014 I need to face my reality by setting small goals that lead to the bigger goal which is Christ. Following, trusting, growing, loving, and doing what God has chosen for me, predestined for me, and given me which is all I need. Thank you again. Jill

  530. Martine Bykowski

    Thank you, Lysa, for this article. How inspired! I need to lose 100+ pounds and it seems so daunting. This article is exactly what I needed!!
    My peripheral goals are to get back into a schedule including Bible reading/devotional/meditation time, cleaning house, cooking, and keeping the family “in the know” about each other’s family. Since I was laid off several months ago, that shouldn’t be too difficult. For some reason when I’m not employed, keeping a schedule seems more of a challenge. My first mini-goal is to get into a going to bed and getting up schedule.
    God bless each of us and our goals!

  531. Denise

    My 2014 goal is to focus on helping others, which makes me feel good. I worked on myself in 2012 and 2013 by changing jobs, reducing stress, losing weight, and learning to love myself. I am still not where I want to be but I have come along way. I now want to do what I can to assist others who need help, like volunteer at an animal shelter, food bank, or LACASA. The emphasis is on others but I know I will gain internal strength in the process plus learn from others.

  532. Sandra

    My plan for 2014 is to finds godly women that understand my grief. Someone to put me on a path to revovery

  533. Martine Bykowski

    Jill, I am not sure why you would choose this place to criticize Lysa’s church and pastor. Lysa is obviously being fed spiritually and is encouraging her to be the inspiration and example we are looking for.
    Isn’t that why you’re here?
    I went to the church’s website and read their beliefs and mission statement. I see nothing that would indicate the teaching isn’t inline with God’s Scripture. If you have a problem with the church and their pastor, perhaps you should contact them.
    If you don’t care for the church or the pastor, I find it odd that you would be here on Lysa’s website.

  534. Donna

    I have lost 100 pounds in 2013, working very hard to keep it off in 2014. My mini goal is to sit down and prayerfully set a “stop light” warning system to measure my maintenance. Green light is a weight that I choose that I am comfortable not going over. Yellow light would be a weight range of say 5 pounds that if I am staying in, it’s time to pull back the rains. Red light, the very next number that is after the yellow light number, is time to evaluate and possibly go back on my diet plan. For example:
    Green – 150 or below
    Yellow- 150.1- 155
    Red 155.1 and up

  535. Danna

    Wow! I so needed to read this today! Thank you!

    I weigh more now than I did at full term with my son. I weigh 210 right now and my weight should be 145. VERY OVERWHELMING DIFFERENCE! I have found that I just need to keep it in the day. Start the morning off with meditation and small DAILY goals. At night, I write about it. Did I meet my daily goals? If not, what can I do different tomorrow. All, of course, in prayer, gratitude and thankfulness. I think, for me, it’s like any other addiction, I just need to keep it in the day. However! Every 10 pounds, I purchase a small gift for myself…even if it’s a new water cup! Thanks again!

  536. Lauren T.

    My mini-goal is to not look at this year as a year, but a day to day, hour by hour adventure. I am striving to start out each morning as an empty vessel for the Lord to pour into & out of. Throughout the day, I’m reminding myself by having the words “Empty vessel” on my cover photo on my phone & in my car.

  537. Teresa

    Now that I’ve finally admitted that my eating habits are out of control (stress triggers it big time), my mini goal is now to pray instead of eating those stress snacks! They are a huge temptation and I work where there’s no removing the snacks, only replacing them with healthy ones from home. My other mini goal is to do some kind of exercise every day and not to get hung up on “not doing enough” or “not doing the right ones”. Just need to move!

  538. Michelle

    My mini goal is to lose 25 lbs in 12 weeks while I draw closer to God and learn how to be more Christlike.

  539. Elizabeth

    I want God to help me to stop being a compulsive eater

  540. Jennifer

    In addition to losing the 30+ pounds I have gained over the past year, my goal is to focus on the positive in my life and to pray for God’s wisdom and grace in dealing with the two main stressors in my life – my oldest daughter’s addictions and the impact this has on the rest of my family, and my father’s rapidly declining health, both physical and mental. It is only by keeping strong in my faith and by asking God for his help that I will be able to keep fear, despair, and depression from overwhelming me. When I find myself feeling overwhelmed and depressed by circumstances over which I have no control I will say the Serenity Prayer — “God grant me the serenity to accept the things, I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” For those things I can change, I must ask God for the wisdom and grace to do what is right and His will. My goal is to refocus on my relationship with God, and seek a deeper and more meaningful relationship with Him. I need to seek comfort from God rather than from food when I am feeling stressed or depressed. I look forward to reading “Made to Crave” and to participating in my first Bible study. All is possible through Him.

  541. Dana Marsh

    I have set a few mini goals for this year. One is to spend more time in prayer and fasting. I also plan on fasting fear, doubt, and disbelief. I am trying to see the joy and beauty in even the smallest of things. Negativity and no motivation can really get you down. I choose to claim my place as a highly favoured daughter of the most high God! My father is the King and what King would not give his daughter everything she needed?

    I am also trying to actually eat more. Even though I need to lose about 30 pounds or more, I am a type 1 diabetic and have to watch my food intake carefully. In my case, because I have long lasting insulin… I generally only eat one big meal a day. I am taking the course MADE TO CRAVE through the Proverbs 31 website. I am really looking forward to it!! Good luck to you all on your journeys and I pray you rejoice in your meeting your mini goals each day!

  542. Jenifer Anderson

    Last year, I broke my foot , my gym went out of business, my husband was laid off and I got off track with my healthy eating plan. This year, I want to get back on track and set a good, healthy, godly example for my 4 daughters!

  543. Lori

    One of my mini-goals is to quit bringing unhealthy foods into my house. If it isn’t readily available, I allow myself time to choose something healthy or to look at what is really causing the issue.

  544. Susan

    My mini-goal is to be thankful for God’s grace every day and to try to realize that when I am “craving” something, it probably has to do with my need for HIM!!

  545. Jody

    My mini goal is to plan meals and snacks ahead of time so healthy options are available when I am on the run.

  546. Cindy

    The Lord has helped me overcome drinking, smoking over five years ago and prepared me for the death of my daughter and dad this past year. Now if I can just get back to healthy eating not just for myself but for my 3 yr. old grandson I’m raising and am so blessed to have. I’ll be praying for everyone and your prayers would also be wonderful. Thank you Lysa you are always an inspiration.

    Blessings, Cindy

  547. Janet Marceau

    Dear Lysa,
    I just recently joined the Made to Crave Bible Study. Your words are very encouraging and I have been praying for the past few months for Him to show me what I need to be doing in my life right now for Him, my loved ones and myself. The answer came through a post on Facebook from a very close friend which was all about Proverbs 31 Ministries. I have family in Matthews, N.C. and they all said this women’s ministry is one of the best. My goals are to lose the weight my doctor has told me I need to do for my health but also getting spiritually stronger in the process. So as always my prayers were answered and I am here for the long run! I have already purchased the bundle for the Bible Study and through prayer have been getting in the right mind set to start taking care of this beautiful temple which God has blessed me with. I look forward to getting to know everyone better and making life-long friends. I just turned 61 after Christmas, and this journey is a gift to me from My Savior and a gift to Him so He can use me in anyway He can, and I will be healthy enough to take on whatever plans He has for my life. Thanks for your words of encouragement and I am ready to start!! As my email says: Graceisalluneed. Amen

  548. JoAnne Grower

    My first mini goal is two-fold: Post on cupboards and refrigerator a note reading “WWJD…talk to Jesus” and turn on christian station on the radio instead of watching the TV.

  549. Mandy

    I have to pass this study up because I am leading a study with my ladies group at church and want to be focused on that. We’re studying Ann Voskamp’s 1,000 Gifts. It looks like you’ll be encouraging the ladies to be joyful and thankful as well. I am trying to turn a new leaf for our family in better eating habits.
    So I think I’ll sign up just so I can be encouraged by thet blog posts.
    Looking forward to “Living So That”!

  550. April

    Lysa, I so enjoy reading your blog and I’ve loved your books as well. When I read Unglued, I felt as if you had been hiding in my closet and knew some of my deepest secrets! Ha-ha! My mini goal is to plan ahead for my lunch. That seems to be the time that I just grab something convenient (which usually involves a value meal) and eat on my way back to work as I’m running errands during my lunch time. I want to plan ahead for my lunch whether it be packing a lunch from home or being prepared to make better choices when eating out. I’m praying this mini goal will be doable and will lead to other mini goals until I can reach the bigger ones. Thanks for always sharing your heart!

  551. Rachel

    I have a mini goal of investing in myself spiritually AND physically on a daily basis. Being a mother of 5 and a pastor’s wife, it’s a change I desperately need to make for 2014.

  552. Mari McConnell

    Thanks for your ministry Lysa, it has meant so much to so many. My 2014 goal is to make my health more of a priority, physically and spiritually. At 53 the window for necessary change is closing and I feel I need to act to ensure I will still be healthy for as long as God allows me to walk the earth.

  553. Mary chris

    I plan to exercise 12 times a month at the gym. I’ve made a plan with my family and look forward to giving it a try. Thanks for your encouraging words about setting goals and staying close to Jesus.

  554. Melissa

    My mini goal is to finally get myself into a good daily routine. I have one, but it doesn’t include all the things it should. Read my Bible, floss, moisturize, wash my face before bedtime, read a good book, knit/sew/craft, and get back to running. Not to be self-serving, but I know I need to take better care of me so that I can take better care of my family.

  555. Charleen

    Simple mini goal for each day….foucs more on the love God has for me & less on the way the enemy consumes my thoughts with all my failures.

  556. Kelly K

    I don’t guess mine is a mini goal but I am going to attempt to read through the bible in a year. I am going through it with a book called Woman’s Guide to reading the Bible in a Year by Diane Stortz. I actually started on Sunday.

  557. Jane Allard

    Want to get healthier this year. My mini goal is to be more active!

  558. Audrey

    My mini goal is to use “My Fitness Pal” daily to record food and exercise. Also loved what Sandra said about 3 times a day cleansing her mind of toxins and filling it with what God says about me!!

  559. katie

    Hi Lysa! I am excited to start the MTC OBS! It is my first one ever! Thank you for this! I am learning many new things. My mini goal is to find a joy in every day(spiritually) and to lose up to 2 pounds per week (phyical). Cant wait to start!

  560. Terri

    I’m not sure if it’s a mini goal or not, but I am going to try and remember that I can’t lose the weight all at once. It took me years to put it on, so I can’t expect to lose it in a couple of months.

  561. Aundrea Bricker

    Setting a weight goal is what I do every day and every day I wake up feeling defeated because life gets in the way. Too much work didn’t allow me to get to jazzercise, kids activities and homework caused us to eat pizza for the third day in a row, I could go on and on. I like the idea of mini goals ….. Or just going day by day. I have at least 20 lbs to lose but that is so overwhelming when I think of what I have to do tomorrow. I have decided to start planning my day the night before each day creating a mini goal for me to reach. Hopefully I don’t disappoint myself everyday and can find a small victory in each day…..even if that is just a loving moment with my kids! Love all you have to say Lysa and plan on joining the made to crave study!

  562. Jennifer Key

    I am going to try to map out all my lunches for my workweek in advance. I “do” Weight Watchers, so “pretracking” will help me stay focused and help me meet my daily goals. I think this would benefit anyone, even if they are not doing WW. They could count calories vs. points. This will help them know how many points or calories they have left to spend each day.

  563. Elaine

    I have lost my focus. I have become distracted by so many things, many are good things, but not the best things. Although I need to lose weight, it is a side issue to returning to the feet of my Father.

  564. Lynn

    Weekly mini goal to a more healthy way of eating:
    Buy fruit and raw veggies each week at the grocery store. Have these readily washed/cut up/ etc. and easily seen on my refrigerator shelf (up front, not in the back!) Also put some of the fruit in a fruit bowl on the kitchen bar. When tempted to snack, reach for one of these and snack healthy!

  565. Tammy

    I am blessed to have found this blog! I have lost well over 100 pounds. I want to lose about 40 more! I need to set mini goals to get there!! Thanks!

  566. Christi

    My greatest desire is to become more positive, less critical of myself & others. I need to lose @ 50 lbs. but I want to do it correctly so it doesn’t come back. This can only be done through GOD’s help. I want to see the restoration of my marriage & family. That is possible also only through GOD, trusting HIM, believing HIS word, & vision HE has given me.

  567. Debbie

    On December 28, 2012, I started reading Made To Crave, and honestly, I will never be the same. -60 pounds have been lost, and although I feel good about that, I have at least another 100 plus to lose.

    I can’t wait to begin doing this study. It will be fantastic!

    For my mini-goal, continue to focus on the Lord each morning. Without Him, I can’t succeed.

  568. Pam

    This year I want to be healthy! Spiritually, physically and mentally. I feel God calling me to go back to His word and understand how He feels about me and stop listening to negative self talk. I plan to eat better exercise more and get all my check ups regularly.
    I also feel God reminding me I am not responsible for everyone’s happiness, that is His job. I just have to love and learn to let him be God of my whole life! God Bless!!

  569. Gina

    My first goal of the year is fasting. I have never fasted, and I hear God calling me to do it. I am going to fast and pray and draw near to Him. I’m scared of failing, but I know this is what I’m meant to do. I start tomorrow. I am offering this as a sacrifice to God, praying for a miracle on behalf of my husband. I am fasting in an attempt to intercede on my husband’s behalf – it’s time to do something BIG and command a victory over my husband’s hardened heart. I know God has led me to this, so He will lead me thru it, but I am afraid of failing because I am indeed an emotional eater. Please pray for me. Thank you.

  570. Pam

    I really haven’t set any goals for 2014 yet, but yet your challenge got me to thinking…I need to loose 100 pounds, I need to read my Bible more, I need to move more, I need to watch less tv, I need to keep a cleaner house, I need to eat more fruits and vegetables, I need to drink more water, I need to stay on budget…I could go on but for now my 2014 mini goal is to be still and listen to God!

  571. Renee

    My goal for 2014, is to take better care of God’s temple. God has been so good to me. I will be 49 in March and I have faced several health issues in the last 11 years. Including, brain surgery2002, hysterectomy from ovarian tumors 2004, Breast cancer, lumpectomy with chemo and radiation2007, osteoporosis 2010, brain tumor removed 11/12/2013. While I am out of work on medical leave, awaiting to find out if I need chemo/radiation for the last brain surgery, I thought what an awesome time to sign up for this online study. God has blessed me, to still be standing after all of these challenges. I feel that this study will help me to grow closer to Him while getting healthier. I have about 35 lbs to lose from medication side effects, surgeries, being out of work etc. I know that with God’s help I can achieve His will. He has never left me nor forsaken me. I have His word on that. So I am looking forward to partnering with P31 and God of course to succeed. Thank you and God bless us all with success in meeting our goals and His will for our lives. Hugs and blessings. Renee

  572. Lea

    I purchased this book a year ago and have started and stopped reading it at least four times. My husband has some health issues that he needs to get under control and I am approximately 70lbs overweight. I have asked God to help me read this book to gain a better understanding of His plan for my life and to be able to help my husband reach his health goals. I am excited about this journey and the online Bible study and the encouragement from other women.

    Thank you Lysa and all of the team members at Proverbs 31 Ministries

  573. Elaine

    To stop drinking Pepsi everyday.

    • Tammi

      I’ve quit my pepsi habit going on 7 days tomorrow 🙂 there are days I crave it but I grab a water iinsted. We can do it 🙂

  574. Debi

    I’m a hoarder — or maybe a packrat. Saving things that I’ll surely need someday has resulted in a stuffed and messy butlers pantry and storage area in our basement. One of my friends offered to help me clean the basement over two years ago in return for my help cleaning her garage. I’ve been too embarrassed to take her up on her offer, despite repeated reminders that she’s ready to come out and get to work!
    My first mini-goal is to get rid of all items in the butlers pantry that would not be used in the course of a month. I’ve told my college kids that the pantry will be pristine when they return home in the fall. Being a procrastinator and justifier of my indulgences, I also need to be accountable to my friend who loves me enough to hold me to my word.

  575. Jill Howard

    I signed up for the study! Feeling a little apprehensive as my addiction to food has been a problem for as long as I can remember…. I am hopeful as I know our God is capable and yet so often I feel like the weak link. God brought me to your website to see the upcoming study, so I will continue to follow His lead.

  576. Melissa

    My mini-goal for 2014 is to give the first minutes of every day to a quiet time with Jesus. I have developed a habit of reading the paper first thing everyday. Today I felt the Lord speaking to me about how effortless it seems for me to read the paper each day, yet my time with him sometimes gets skipped for various reasons. I am making a choice – turning North!

  577. Michelle

    Mini Goal 1 – Drink more water
    Mini Goal 2 – Find joy in the chaos of each day.

  578. Diane Cary

    My mini goal is to be mindful when I eat. Which means: slowing down, chewing my food, thinking about how the food tastes, etc. I have lost 160 pounds and have about 15-20 pounds to reach my goal weight. With God’s help, I will reach this goal.

  579. Pam Ward

    Lysa, I have never done a online study. I read some of the book online it looks like a study that could be very helpful & trusting in God I know it can work. I do love French fries. I will look into signing up for this study.

  580. Pam

    Lysa, I have never done an online study. I read some of the book online it looks like a study that could be very helpful & trusting in God I know it can work. I do love French fries. I will look into signing up for this study.

  581. michelle

    i am going to join this Made to Crave–I’ve been trying to “do this one my own” for 10 years and have not made any progress. And you are right–when you look at the big picture …50-60 lbs it is too overwhelming. I would feel stressed and defeated and head for the sweets. So my mini goal for this week is WATER or tea to drink only this week–no soda ..I made it all day today! So only 6 more days to go 🙂 then hopefully it will be enough of a habit to add in the next mini-goal–more veggies!

    Thanks everyone for sharing your stories–they are so encouraging.

  582. Kelley

    I just signed up for MTC OBS through Proverbs 31 Ministries. I’ve never participated in an Online Bible Study, so I’m excited to start the new year with a new Bible study!

    My mini-goal is to lose 10 pounds, then I will set another (and another and so on… ) goal of 10 pounds until I reach my final HEALTHY weight.

    I know the mini-goal is the way to reach the end goal; so with God and much prayer, I plan on losing 75+ pounds this year.

  583. Maria

    My mini goal is to actually read the book and do the study!!

  584. Jessica Devaney

    A mini-goal… I have one each day to just get up and face the day and continue to home school my baby… despite the fact that I feel like I am afloat with out ground. I am learning that if I can ride these waves, which include divorce… that maybe someday we will get to the goal we both desire… my baby and I desire a place to call our own… not just space in my mom’s house… but our own space.

  585. Cindy Miller

    My mini goal is to do a 24 hour mini fast each Sunday to help me focus and rely on God’s strength in me.

  586. Lori

    My first mini goal is a big one for me… To LIVE and not just exist…I have been asking God to send me help… Amen, He answered my prayers… I Believe this is really for me…thank you.. I am excited to get started..God does have a plan and a purpose for my life…I Love Him so much…

  587. Cheryl Pinkman

    My mini goal is to say a prayer for Gods will in my life daily and then surrender my will to him. I’ve tried losing weight on my own and it just doesn’t work. Pray. That I can do!! 😉 I’ll let God help me do the rest.

  588. Mary Easley

    My struggle is staying consistent whether reading, praying, working out or eating right. My short term goal is to write out a daily planner for a week for 3 months and start it over and do it again until it becomes a habit.

  589. Kathy

    My goals are for consistency in many areas but especially these two: exercise and a DAILY time of prayer and being in God’s Word.

    • MiLisa McDaniel

      Thank You, Lysa for inspiring so many of us with your gut honest stories of how you manage the daily pressure of making the right choice & choosing the right words in the midst of situations that beg us to become “Unglued” or “Crave ” . I am an expectant mom with Adult A.D.D., baggage, and a tendency towards reacting & exploding .But, I’m determined to change that for the sake of my amazing husband, beautiful 3yr old daughter, &my own happiness! God is using your writing to help me through this transition and break this cycle with my family!

    • Angie in Guernsey

      Drink water at least 4 times a day, replacing hot chocolate with a glass at bedtime.

    • Nico Smith

      Me and my husband, Ron Smith had to deal with being unable to really go anywhere over the weekend. It felt like we were losing what independence we actually have. We <3 to do things on our own as much as possible, as we want to show people that having a disability only means we have to accommodate the things of society to our unique needs. We <3 being as independent as we possibly can be, showing people that you can do whatever you set your mind to at all times- no matter what life throws your way. "You can be victorious even when the distance between your present reality and your desired goal seems so far apart."Lysa TerKeurst I <3 what this quote is telling us. Even if yo dreams seem at such a long distance off. God doesn't want us to give up on whatever our dreams may be.

    • Terri

      Complimenting comes easy for me, but my goal this year is not to cringe when I look in the mirror and see all my… (Wrinkles, gray hair, body parts not where they once were) …to see God’s creation!

    • KimD.

      Yes I strongly seek this as well as well as exercising to stay healthy and not to compete with others

  590. Tracy

    I have a mini goal to let go of trying to change my husband to praying for him. I have tried many ways to make him more like me and it hasn’t happened in 24 years, but this is the first time I am turning him over to God. I am a logical personality and he is very creative. I believe God can bring great changes for our marriage.

  591. Erica

    One mini goal for me is to meal plan for the week every Sunday. This will eliminate last minute take-out, safe money and help me lose weight by selecting healthy meals!

  592. Sherri

    I have joined the MTC Bible Study group and have great hopes to finally gain some controul over myself. So looking forward to the study and success. I have great expectations as I know the power of prayer and of having your mind & heart in the right place.

  593. naomi

    My mini goal for this year is to listen to the bible on tape. With 5 kids 6 and under I’ve been frustrated with my lack of time, but realized I can listen while I do other things.

  594. Donna

    Thank you Lisa for the encouragement and the verse, “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks . . . for this is God’s will” (1 Thessalonians 5:16 – 18). These are my mini goals! To choose to be joyful when I am not feeling joyful, to turn to prayer instead of falling to temptations, and to be thankful in all things. I am looking forward to the on-line bible study and anticipating positive changes in my life.

  595. Lisa

    I am so encouraged through your words. I have signed up for the bible study and have already began the daily devotional. What struck me the other day was that although I have a long journey ahead of me, regarding the number of pounds I need to loose, if I stay in constant communication with God I only need to get through today. I loved what you said in your devotional that “the scale only measures my physical body not who I am as a woman”. I stopped and read this over and over because I believe that I have been measuring who I am as a woman by the scale. God doesn’t want this I know but I had lost focus. So my goal….to get through this day, hour, moment because GOD has made MY path straight. Amen! Blessings Lisa Q.

  596. Lisa

    I’ve signed up for the online study’s and looking forward to it. Thank you for sharing my life verses in 1 Thessalonians and sharing a new perspective reflecting God’s will…this encourages my heart. I have a couple of simple goals – I’ve always struggled with consistency, so for me it’s both body and spiritual. I want to be consistent in my time with God each day….more than just a ‘check off the list’ experience. Physically, consistent in drinking water, taking my supplements and exercising. I’m looking forward to being healthy…spiritually and physically!

  597. Amy

    For the past almost 2 years I have been going to a counselor who has helped tremendously with past emotions that I did not realize I still had. I have been become great friends with a personal trainer who truly showed her friendship and thoughtfulness when I had a near break down this past summer. She has really whipped me into shape as far as being very strong. I have not lost any weight but have lost inches. I truly pray that the Made to Crave bible study will give me the aha moment to become closer to God (I already to speak to him daily but I’m sure I must not be listening when it comes to eating). I am typically a very strong person who doesn’t allow things to control me but I am allowing my belly fat and my eating to control me and I don’t like it. Thank you so much Lysa for listening and helping. God does work in mysterious ways and I am very grateful I listened when he guided me to your bible study.

  598. Joy

    Making a mini-goal of looking for the joy in life…. EVERY day and in EVERY situation. Already realizing with the mini changes I am trying to make how my attitude toward life’s events can make/break a situation…

  599. Ashley

    My mini-goal is to plan for tomorrow today so that I wake up with purpose and direction. I also plan to wake early to get my quiet time in BEFORE my baby wakes and my day gets busy!

  600. Irma

    My minigoal is to believe and feel that God loves me just as I am and not only when I loose weight.And then I hope to loose weight, without focusing on eating but focusing on Him…
    A minigoal? it’s a big goal.
    With Him!!!

  601. Vicki. Hampton

    I am so excited about our OBS of MTC. I am praying for you as you lead our study! I will take mini steps … Stay in the word … I am offering my mind, body & spiritual growth to God …!! Thank you Lysa!! ❤️

  602. Jennifer Guardado

    My mini goal is to put more of life’s little things to God daily instead of on myself. If I try and start out with the little things the big ones will fall right into place.

  603. Carla

    Good morning!
    January 19th seems so far away, so I appreciate the support that you and Melissa are providing now.
    What mini-goal have I set for 2014? To recognize the triggers/distractions that prompt me (or gives me the excuse) to overeat. Then eliminate as many as possible, starting with the easiest ones first.

    May God bless us all through this process as an opportunity to grow in Him.

    Thanks Lysa!

  604. Ila Blair

    My mini goal is to get closer to God through every thought, word, action and deed. My job revolves around community service. What I can assist others who are in a crisis..a life struggle…those who are down and out….who need a helping hand up….a link to the community services in the area that can best assist them in getting back on track….to get their life back in focus and some security established to help them in become as self-sufficient as possible. And as I start my day, I try to bring some joy,laughter, and hope into whatever situation that may come our way. I let them know that I am a Christian and whether it be in my car…or company car that I have to listen to my Christian music because it helps me focus…keeps me centered and they say they don’t mind and through this, I pray that it will touch their heart and open it to accept Jesus into their life. And we are going to start up a Big Fat Loser program to encourage our clients into healthy eating….which leads to healthier life style…better health and I want to make God’s word apart of this….using Philippians 4:13 as our theme.

    • Ila Blair

      Oh and I forgot…..I want to say thank you for this bible study…I have signed up….and am anxiously awaiting February 19th. I have also told my two daughter’s about it and my best friend too!! I listen to K-LOVE everyday and enjoy all the encouraging words from Proverbs31 Ministry. May God continue to guide you in your AWESOME ministry.

      Your sister in Christ Jesus

      Ila Blair

  605. Patti

    My mini goal is to try to plan a day ahead what I’m eating and then log it daily into a free app on my phone called Lose It.

  606. susie owen

    I am super excited to start this journey with everyone, I have traveled this path my whole life. I am really looking forward to doing it with God ….instead of myself …battling myself .. having a good day or bad depending on what the scale says.. I need to believe my worth and value that I have through my heavenly Father. I need to be healthy and strong so I can serve Him in anyway He calls…..Thank you for being so real! Thank you for sharing your journey with us.
    Your sister in Christ….Susie

  607. Cassandra

    My beginning goal is to apply myself to this biblestudy ( 2nd turn at study). Learn to be still with God, beginning with 5 – 10 min. Working up to 30 by end of study.

  608. Diane Welna

    To wake up and go to bed with Jesus on my mind. To wake up each morning praising God for the life he has given me. To go to bed each night to think of the mercies and grace he has shown me during the day. To think about Him each time I open my mouth to eat with the question in my mind, “Is this what God would want me to eat?”.

  609. Stephanie Mink

    My mini goal is to celebrate day to day success and not worry so much about times when I may not have a successful day. One day at a time!

  610. Deanna C

    I have signed up for your Made to Crave study and look forward to it! It seems like every year, I fight the same losing battle. Lose weight. Keep the weight off. Gain the weight back. I’m 44 years old and in November 2012 I had to have a total hip replacement due to an autoimmune disease I was diagnosed with just months prior to my surgery. All that being said, I can no longer run. I most definitely miss is. It’s hard to find motivation to move this body any more whatsoever, and I know full well for this body to lose weight, I MUST move it. So here I am again, the beginning of yet another year and the same daunting goal…lose 50 pounds. Will this be the year? God I need Your miracle!!

  611. gail

    My first mini goal will be to draw closer to God. Your topic heading is so close to my situation of having to lose 100 lbs. It has always been difficult in the past because I detest most foods and my physical issues do not allow me to do much exercise.

    I’ve signed up for the Made to Crave study and am so grateful to you for seeing the need many of us have and being willing to help us navigate these waters of change. Thanks!

  612. Stefanie

    My daily mini-goal is to be kind to myself. To look in the mirror each day and say one positive thing about myself; reflecting on how God sees me as his child.

  613. Beth

    I am more interested in reading fiction novels than my Bible. So my mini goal for 2014 is to read the Bible for 5 minutes before I read a novel. If I don’t read my novel, I won’t berate myself for missing my Bible reading, but I’ll encourage myself to try each day. I believe I will start to crave escaping to God’s word as much ad I crave escaping to my fictional world!

  614. Johanna

    My mini-goal is to spend five minutes each day reading my bible. I eventually want to increase that amount of time, but being a single mom, going to work, school, soccer, church, and horseback riding lessons, among other things life throws at me, always seems to take my time. So by setting this mini-goal of five minutes, I am hoping I can get into the habit and then increase it. I was saying, oh I’ll spend 15 or 20 minutes reading, and then it wouldn’t happen and I would get discouraged. So my mini-goal is five minutes a day with quality time with God!


  615. Theress

    I have a great deal of weight to lose. I am not focused as much on the total number of pounds as I am the small steady steps I need to make toward a healthier lifestyle. My current mini goal is to have a consistent quiet time daily, lose 2# per week n to exercise 3 days a week for the month of January. This mini goal will keep me both spiritually n physically focused during Jan. I will review my progress n rework my goals as needed for February

  616. Kelly Kendall

    My mini-goal is to journal when doing my reading for Bible study.

  617. Wilma

    My goal is to draw closer to my Lord. To be obedient to what He is calling me to do.

  618. Jolyn

    Hi Lysa, thank you for your encouraging words! I am so excited to go thru your bible study again. It’s been almost a year since I started it the first time. It changed my life, I’ve struggled with being over weight my whole life and thru your bible study and changing how I eat and being more active I lost 60 lbs and have kept it off! Thanks for everything God bless you.

  619. Belinda

    My goal in 2014 is to make God my center once again. Last year was overwhelming. I want to be on top of things once more, but the only way to do that is to get my priorities straight, inside and out. God is the answer to both.

  620. Jazmin

    I feel that my weight is a reflection of how I feel inside. I want the world to know that God controls every aspect of my life-including my eating habits/lifestyle. For a mini goal I want to be able to run a full 5k by March. But This year is about finding myself in God again-wholly in Him.

  621. Tracey Brown

    My goal is to crave God and his word. Unfortunately I have out many things before him.

  622. Christine

    My mini- goal this year is to complete a bible-in-a year bible study … Sometimes made up of other studies, like made to crave (so looking forward to that!). It may not seem like a mini goal, but it’s really the only one I’ve set. I have wanted to be a certain weight or certain size forever, but always seem to struggle. I am 40 now and have two little boys to raise in The Lord; I want to be spiritually healthy more than anything, both for them and for the sanctity of my marriage! Thank you for your constant encouragement!

  623. Ingrid

    My mini-goal this year is to start a healthy habit of regular exercise and to choose joy. 😉 thanks for your always encouraging words Lysa!

  624. Robi

    Thankful for all of the tips already. God is good and wants me to be the best I can be too. Made to Crave Bible study is going to be fabulous.

  625. Sherry

    My fluctuating weight and inconsistant eating habits are things I must simply surrender to God. Obviously I can’t handle them on my own. This time, it won’t just be a promise I make to myself, but a covenant with God. I’m ready to get started!

  626. Judy Haldeman

    My mini goal is to make healthier food choices so my cholesterol continues to come down, and I also want to help my family eat healthier.

  627. Patty

    thank you so much for offering this OBS for MTC. I’m looking forward to begin this journey. I have much weight to lose again, and circumstances (back surgery/nerve damage in legs) don’t allow me to work out like i use too, and therefore i need a a new beginning, a new reliance on God and not self. I know He will help me when I choose HIM first. Thanks for the encouragement to come.

  628. Nicole pollard

    My goal is to be patient with my children by changing my tone of voice with them

  629. Michelle Rodgers

    lysa, where have you been all my life? I am also from NC and so I find your accent and dialect refreshing and comfy when I miss home 🙂 I decided my 2014 word would be HONEST. So one of my mini-goals is to be honest with myself when I am eating-I am not focusing so much on what I am eating but WHY am I eating it. xoxo, Michelle

  630. Megan

    My mini goal for this year is to look more to God for acceptance and self worth than others!!

  631. Jessica Bader

    My mini goal is to put down my phone and stay away from the computer in the evenings so I can be more present with my family.

  632. Linda Morgan

    I have several mini goals this year. First and foremost, I will strive to listen to God’s will for my life and say yes to Him and His plans for me. Second, my church is reading the doing a read the Bible in a year study, and I plan on sticking with it. Third, I will find more opportunities to spend time teaching my 7 year old son and my husband about a relationship with God. Fourth, I will dedicate more time to the FCA club I sponsor at SWHS and to the youth group at my church. Fifth, I want to run a 5k this year in under 25 minutes.

  633. Erin

    My mini goal is to thank God each evening at 7pm for just 1 positive moment that happens in my life on that day.

  634. Living on Purpose

    My goal is to focus on everything positive in my life. To help single women that are going through some of the struggles I went through and help them however God leads me. Lastly start seeking publishers for the book on my life

  635. Julie

    Find a thank you in every situation. Even the ones that require one to draw on a silver lining with a sharpie!

  636. Sharon

    Pray daily and lose a total of 100 lbs. I’ve already lost 86 lbs so only 14 more lbs to go. I’m not stepping on a scale for at least a month b/c I want to focus on making healthy choices not what the numbers say. I will still have some weight to lose after hitting the 100 lb mark but right now I want to focus on just making healthy choices – and ultimately get my mind on God and setting my heart to seek Him above all else. I want my desires for Him to outweigh any other desire I have.

  637. Christy Hawkins

    My mini-goal is to become a better listener to my children and to help guide them in their journey to become closer to God.

  638. Pat

    Begin each day counting my blessings and not dwell on what is missing from my life.

  639. Hilda Chagoy

    I am a widow and I need to pick up my self every dayand let the Lord Guide me…I get depressed and just eat whatever or not eat..I need this cloud to be lifted and start taking better care of myselfe …by eating healthly…

  640. Florence

    My goal is to focus on the Lord & choose a verse each day (or week) that I can use to combat the temptations each time they arise! I need to rely on God, not on my own “self-control”!! Thank you so much for offering this online study. I can’t wait till it starts! God bless everyone who is participating, as well as the leaders.

  641. Stephanie Sanders

    I have been struggling both
    with my weight loss journey and with my walk with Christ just 6months ago I was on a mountain top. Lossing weight successfully and serving in a Christian company. But life has hit full force I am a single mother of two one of which is Autistic. Long hours at work which I use to love now feel like they are robbing me of time with my children. I don’t hive 100% at work. And I don’t stick to my quiet time. All in an effort to spend more time with my kids. As you can imagine this just makes it worse. Now the time I spend with my kids I feel bad about what I as m not doing so I eat and yell and cry. My mini goals for today. 1. Quiet time with my heavenly father. 2. Eat healthy. 3. Give 100% today. 4. No yelling.

  642. Crystal Burton

    My mini goal this is year is to make healthy choices. Not to give in to temptation or the lie that since I’ve had a bad day (or whatever the excuse may be at the moment!) I deserve that big piece of cake or king size candy bar. I want to turn to God for my fulfillment instead of junk!

  643. April L

    My goal is to be consistent in my Bible reading and daily prayer. I also want to lose a significant amount of weight.

  644. Ashley Blair

    My mini goal is to run another 1/2 marathon to show my giant demons that they are not in control, that God is good and my disease (MS) will not consume me 🙂

  645. Donna Slazinski

    Mini goal of 20 pounds January, 15 pounds February, 10 pounds March, April, May, June!!! I have already lost 125 pounds but have been stuck for years. Long term goal to maintain my health at the same time as helping as many people as I can get healthy.

  646. mimi shreck

    My mini goal is to replace all the coca cola I have been drinking with water. I suffer from Multiple Sclerosis and Fibromyalgia. The high sugar content in the coca cola creates more inflammation in my body it seems. It is the high sugar content and the carbonation that I seem to be so addicted to though. I am praying for the Lord to strengthen my resolve to not even bring the soft drink into my home this new year!!!

  647. Stephanie

    This is so encouraging! I have set the goal of daily time with God and also showing my kids that being active is fun and healthy. I find I compare myself so frequently with others, I focus on all the negative things and it comes out in how i talk about myself. I want to be a better example for my daughter so that she will learn to find her self worth in God.

  648. Linda

    To let go and Let God !

  649. Robin

    One of my goals for this new year is trying to see things that are happening in my life as “stepping stones” for something good, or better, instead of feeling that everything that is happening is a set-back; or feel they are happening to cause me added grief.

  650. Linda

    I have a ton of weight to lose (200 lbs) so I have to remind myself dozens of times a day to set small daily goals. I have already seen God do really cool things to remind me that he is walking this with me. I have the digital copy of your book and read parts over and over to stay focused. I finally accepted that (clearly) I lack self control but that’s a good thing because I need to give God control over my life and it is freeing!

  651. holly

    This past year ended on a bad note but reading this today was an encouragement. I haven’t completely blown it! I’m still sticking to some of the healthy choices I made! My mini goal is to pick another one of these choices, like eating to servings of fruit and sticking to that! Thank you!

  652. Sue Henry

    I am committing to being in God’s Word daily this year…a closer walk with the Love of my life. I want to focus on Him more! I want Jesus to take the place of “things” in my life…like possessions, food etc.

  653. Cindy Mata

    I love reading all the emails I receive from Proverbs 31. And I am looking forward the the MTC bible studies. You have encouraged me by reminding me of mini goals :)…I always tend to look at the full picture and what I need to do to accomplish it, instead of what I’ve already done or what has already been accomplished by my mini steps I took. Reading todays blos got me thinking of the type of small steps I can take to get to my goal for this year. I got excited just thinking about them. I’ve already made plans on what small steps I will take spiritually and physical to reach the goals I’ve set for 2014.

    Thank you!!


  654. Melissa

    My mini-goal for 2014 is the word blessings. Focusing on the good and knowing that even through trials and storms God is there.

  655. dowlene

    I will drink 8 glasses of water. 2 before I leave home fork. 2 when I get to work. 2 at Lunch time and 2 home time. I will find atleast 2 things to rejoice about, and be thankfull for everyday , no matter what my circumstances.

  656. Jenn

    My goal is to make it to work on time, with 4 kids it doesn’t happen easily, but I need to make it work somehow. My mini goal is to take it one day at a time, then one week at a time.

  657. Annie

    My goal is to try to see myself the way God sees me and to love myself despite my faults and failures.

  658. Debbie

    My goal is to start a walking program again with focused desire for better health and to remember that God is helping me and is moving faith forward with me. He is faithful. I want to be faithful.

    • Shawna Johnston

      Debbie… Check out Leslie Samsone …. she has a walking website and videos. My mom got me started a few years ago. I love the videos and her uplifting comments while working out! Her website is: May God challenge each of us this year to help us to rely on Him for EVERYTHING!

      My goal this year is to rely on Christ instead of my own strength! This is very difficult for me as I like to micro manage everyone in my life…. When there is a problem I can fix it – just let me! There have been a few BIG things that have occurred in my extended families lives this past summer that are very broken and I can’t fix… My prayer is that Christ will work into their hearts as they seem to have left Christ behind several years ago. I need to rely on Christ and remember that He has a plan for each of us…. even when things appear to be so bad! I pray that in 2014 each of us will far exceed our goals and will give God the glory He deserves!

  659. Deb Jarvis

    My mini goal is to be more consistent – in all areas such as church , prayers, studies , ect
    I know God is consistent in my life and I need to be just as consistent as he is

  660. Cassie

    One mini-goal is to replace my afternoon snack with peppermint tea. It will help me stay away from bad foods, energize me, and help me get more water.

  661. Christi S.

    My mini goal is to find the good in every situation today.

  662. Mandy

    I just read one of your posts on Facebook that said: “whatever has you afraid, angry, intimidated, or frustrated today – take it to our all powerful and capable God. He has the answer”
    But how are u suppost to take it to Him? I mean I know to pray about it, but am I suppost to forget about what’s bugging me after that? And what if He decides not to show me the answer right away? Should I keep praying about the same thing over and over, or is once enough?
    Sorry~ lost 16 year old

    • Toni Moore

      I hope you got the answer you needed to your prayers, but if you didn’t please be encouraged that God hears you and sees you and answers prayers in His perfect timing. If you’re frustrated because you really want something, then yes pray about the issue but then get up believing God will provide you the reassurance and motivation to your requests. If you’re fearful, then ask God to remove the fear and don’t focus on that ailment anymore. Just remember, God’s children cannot be overcomers while also being frozen by fear. I would also encourage you to focus on those good Godly things in your life and to continuously ask God for favor and blessings as you continue your blessed journey despite your temporary circumstance.

  663. Cindy

    My goal is to have more Be Still and Know moments. To make better choices in all areas of my life. Thanks you for all the wonderful inspiration from Proverbs 31. May God continue to Bless you all.

  664. Stacey

    My mini goal is to make healthy snack choices.

  665. kymmie

    My mini goal is to start doing 30 minutes of exercise a day AGAIN! It seems like when I was doing that so many other things were better…attitude, eating, health. 😀 I can’t wait for the study to begin. Many thanks to Proverbs 31 ministries!

  666. Vernita

    My mini change is to focus on getting off my walker an to finish my book…… but Mrs Lysa you have encouraged me so much an I’m finishing up when a woman says yes to GOD… you help me say yes an to continue to say yes to GOD

  667. Tess

    My health goal for 2014 is to gradually reduce how much soda i drink in a week and through the grace of God give it up entirely and instead drink healthy fresh fruit juice and set an example to encourage my small sister and brother to do so as well.

  668. Paola

    My mini goal is to be more devoted to God also to try to get in shape for my health.

  669. Rebecca

    My goal for this next year is to be more intentional about having a heart of thankfulness. By God’s grace, I’ll be busy focusing on how the Lord is blessing my day and less easily drawn to a complaining and critical spirit. God is good, all the time, regardless of what life throws my way. It’s about time I live like I really believe it!

  670. Ethel Branderhorst

    There are so many mini-goals I could set, but that would defeat the purpose! The 2 most important right now in my life are: 1) spend more intentional time alone with God daily, and 2) get into a workout routine that will help with my core, general health, and cardio health – called burst workouts!

  671. Crista

    I am SO looking forward to trying this. I signed up for the last online study and then, as you said, life happened and I never did it. So, small victory that I signed up again and am preparing to do this one! 2013 has been a rough year for me and so of course I have stress eaten my way up the scale. I am Majorly desirous of having a heart change and learning how to lean on God more in every area of my life.

  672. Jennifer

    This post is exactly what is needed for those “down” days we all have sometimes! Thank you so much for your insights.

    My own mini-goals are to go to bed earlier, drink more water, and develop the lost art of moderation! So often, I find that when I’m trying to lose weight and get healthy, I turn to the worldly motivation of VANITY to help me accomplish my goals. Instead, my heart is now longing to turn toward God, not away from Him, as I aim to honor Him with good health and moderation.

    I love your “Be joyful. Be prayerful. Be thankful.” mottoes. I would also add “Be worshipful,” as we seek to glorify God in our bodies and our spirits, which are God’s (I Cor. 6:20). I just wrote a blog post about lavish worship, and though health isn’t specifically discussed, I do believe honoring God in our bodies and practicing moderation are beautiful ways of lavishing worship on our Lord!

  673. Andrea

    My goal is to get more fit – using both cardio and strength training.

  674. Laura

    My mini-goal is to remember to turn to God and pray when tempted to go off my healthy eating plan.

  675. Michelle

    My mini goal is to exercise 4 to 5 times a week. Even if it is just a 15 minute walk or using a resistance band while I listen to a podcast.

  676. Lisa

    My mini goal is to wear my prosthetic each day, I have become accustomed to being in my wheelchair, but know that I can be much more active if I learn to walk again, it starts with getting the leg on.

  677. Colleen

    My mini goal is to spend time with God (prayer, reading, and/or devotions) every day, even if only for a few minutes, so I can continue my weight loss journey and be able to stand up to the temptations that I face every day with food.

  678. Carol

    My mini-goal for 2014 is not so mini! I would like to finally achieve stability in my weight. I have gained and lost the same 20-25 pounds probably 10 times. I will turn 50 in November, and would like to have this battle conquered before hitting the half-century mark! 🙂

  679. Melissa

    Pray more~worry less. Talk about my blessings~not my burdens. And to encourage more people around me…. Even in the small simple things in life.

  680. tina

    My mini goal for this year is to lose the weightand get healthy, and to rely on God to help instead of myself.

  681. Vanessa

    My mini goal is to drink more water on a daily basis…helping me towards my big goal of losing weight. I am replacing anything I would normally drink with water. I’ve done well so far and it does make me feel more healthy!

  682. Kate

    To spend more time doing what matters & less time doing what doesn’t.

  683. Joyce

    My mini goal is to practice every day to wait upon The Lord. I am at a place in my life where I want to make changes. I must wait for God’s perfect timing It’s hard!

  684. Tammi

    My goal is to turn to God over food, eat less and cut out soda and replace with water (been drinking water over anything else been 6 days with no soda). Little steps work best for me my goal is to lose 30 lbs by may

  685. Joy

    My mini-goal is to walk with my son 3 days this week.

  686. Rebecca

    My mini goal for 2014 is to plan my meals

  687. Jeri

    I just turned 53 years old and due to repeated failures have felt worthless, inadequate and defeated for most of the past 25 years. My mini goal is to get through one whole day without feeling defeated. Once this is accomplished then the next goal will be 2 whole days in a row. Thank you Jesus for hope and new beginnings. Blessings to all and prayers for overcoming our obstacles/challenges.

  688. Tracy

    My goal is not to respond in anger this week. I do not need to take on the stresses of others, which seems to find me ending up digging in my fridge each time!

  689. Carl Hurd

    My mini goal is to keep my 2014 word FINISHED in the forefront of my mind daily. Finished with my past, excuses I use not to do things, finished with fear, doubt, insecuroty, etc because I know God is with me and I need nothing else to succeed. Happy New Year

  690. Jen

    One of my mini goals is to remember before I speak:
    “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

  691. Kathy Rawdon

    Two of my mini-goals are to sit with Jesus each day after reading my devotion and just listening to His voice and then journaling about what I hear from Him, and not weighing each day and only weighing on Fridays. It stresses me out if I haven’t lost what I think I should have or if I’ve gained after trying so hard!

  692. Debbie

    One would be to turn my fears over to God and attempt to not let the darkness terrify me but to gradually be able to do things away from home after dark that need done.

  693. PJ Withrow

    My mini-goal is to stay true to my faith and personality. I don’t want to allow circumstances to control my actions or the worries of this world to choke my faith. It is definitely a moment by moment challenge!

  694. Vickie Duncan

    My precious 86 yr old Godly Mom went home to Heaven Nov. 30 so my mini goal is to honor her legacy with more random acts of kindness in 2014 than I have ever done.

  695. Lacy

    I have set the goal to quit my diet soda addiction. As of today, I’m 12 days “sober!”

  696. GG

    Love myself.

    • jan

      Just signed up for the MTC OBS …very excited as this is my first one ever! I stumbled onto your blog for this day and was truly touched. Thanks! I needed that! My first mini goal is to be persistent in staying on top of this study and not get distracted with life as usual! Looking forward to beginning it. I need to order the book unless you pick my post to receive it first (wink, wink) …jk Thank you, Lysa, for your ministry!

  697. ning

    Thank you and praise God for this wonderful article!

    One of my mini goals is to be able to control my talking. Less talk this year for God’s honor and glory…

  698. Shannon

    One of my goals is to be consistent with my exercise program and at the top of my goal list…Give EVERYTHING to God, including relying on Him for comfort instead of food. I pray about the “big stuff” in life…my husband, child, family, illnesses, and lost souls, but I have never given my bout with food and my struggle to become healthy to God. I don’t know why; maybe I thought it was too trivial to bother God with or that it was something that I had to accomplish on my own. If something troubles me, then it troubles God too, so therefore I need to turn everything over to Him and rely on His strength and power. Remember Philippians 4:13.

  699. Georgie

    I have always been bad with remembering my loved ones birthdays! So this year I am buying a box of assorted birthday cards and on the first day of every month I will mail out cards for that month. I know what a blessing a card means to me and I want to be a blessing to others!

  700. Melinda

    More of HIM,
    Less of me.

  701. Pam Voss

    One of my mini goals for 2014 is to put my trust in the promises of Jesus and to rely on these when I’m feeling anxious or worried or troubled, instead of worrying to no end. Also I need to look to gods word for inspiration and strength in my wieghtloss journey which is already hindered by prescription meds I take for fibromyalgia and other conditions. I need to lift myself up and gain confidence in myself through gods word every day and not stray. I want to be all I can be leaning on the promises of god. I want to lose weight gain mobility and prove that fibromyalgia can’t tear me down.

  702. Jennifer Gochenour

    My mini goal for this year is to set aside more time with God. I have struggled in this area a lot. By setting aside more time with him, I hope to know Him in a way like never before:)

  703. Kathy Bailey

    Just found out I am pre-diabetic, and possibly diabetic. My goal is to become healthier and lower my blood sugar through healthy eating and increased activity level.

  704. Tina McKinley

    A few of my mini goals are to love God more dearly, see me more clearly and me the me God created me to be.

  705. Becky

    My overall goal for the year is to live INTENTIONALLY! A few mini-goals: commune with God daily, drink enough water, get enough sleep, and exercise as often as possible (even if it’s a 10 minute walk it’s something)! With all that – to be forgiving of myself when I don’t meet those goals! 🙂

  706. Kassandra

    One of my mini-goals is making better food choices, not just because I am overweight and desire to lose weight, but because I want to learn to love God more that I love food.

    • Kim

      Kassandra, I like the way you put this. Until just now I didn’t put the two together. Thank you.

  707. Angi

    My goal is simply to do and be better than the day before. 🙂

  708. Colleen Dearborn

    My mini-goal is to eat 5 fruits/vegetables per day.

  709. Shanon

    My mini goal is to get at least 30 minutes of exercise 3 times a week, but hopefully more!

  710. Amy Bell

    One mini-goal is to de-clutter our home, one drawer, shelf, table at a time. Making progress! Also to try one new healthy recipe each week.

  711. Marnie

    One of my mini goals is to look for the positive in all areas of my life and to maintain a positive heart and attitude as I work through my goals in all areas of my life. Be positive and know that God is with me in all endeavors!

  712. Barb Legare

    My mini-goal is to take time to focus……on The Lord, His Word, His path of my life.
    Just stopping for a minute here and there during my day to focus and acknowledge Him!
    He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

  713. Susan Plyler

    My goal is to read more!

  714. Amanda

    I take a couple of really nice lady’s magazines and I look at all the nice home cooked things I could make but never do. My mini-goal is to cook at least one yummy, healthy thing out of the magazine each month. It will be a win for me, and for my family.

  715. Stephanie

    My mini goal is to start living for God.

  716. Leslie Wilson

    Don’t have a website yet but wrking on that. Well I have several BIG goals for this ur but a mini-goal is to discipline myself better so that I CAN achieve my BIG goals.
    Leslie wilson

  717. Chrystal

    My mini goal is to drink more water daily. I find myself going through the day not drinking any liquid until the afternoon and then it amounts to only 1 or 2 glasses a day. This also makes me think about the need to quench my spiritual thirst. Although Proverbs31 daily devotional is awesome, it isn’t enough for me to think that The Lord only wants me to drink from His word one time a day. As intentional as I will be with physical water, I want to be with spiritual water throughout my day in His word.

  718. Melissa Freeman

    My goal is to keep my blood sugar in a healthy range today by praying my way through those afternoon cravings that I know will come. Headed off to my job in a busy pediatric clinic armed with HEALTHY food, including healthy snack choices!

  719. Liz Friesen

    My goal is to be more present with God during my devotion times, not as an item to be checked off the list.

  720. Debra Franklin

    My goal is to spend more quality time with my extended family! You can’t take “things” with you..only relationships.

  721. Jane

    My mini goal this year is to ask and listen to God for help everyday for support and help with my food cravings.

  722. Zelene Vasquez

    To give up one soft drink a day

  723. Shanda Shaw

    Two of my mini goals are to have a daily prayer time and to lose 5 pounds.

  724. Mel

    My mini goal is to wake up every day and go straight to God’s word even if just for a short devotional.

  725. Gina Rudolph

    Thanks for the encouragement. Making wise choices in this area is something I have never made a priority. Here’s to new beginnings!

  726. Kelly

    The mini goal I’ve set is to be more intentional with my time, starting with scheduling time out to just sit with my four kids and play or read a book. Sounds crazy that I have to actually schedule this, but with so much packed into my day I rarely take the time to just enjoy my kids without worrying about laundry, getting dinner started, cleaning play-dough off the floor and returning emails 😉

  727. Ann

    I have so many things i would like to see get better in my life this year. First is a deeper walk with God, Better relationships with my children, finding a job, eating better and not seeking comfort in food, enjoy running again. I thank you for this ministry it has been such a blessing to know I’m not alone!

  728. Michelle Gonzales

    My mini goal for this year is to wean myself off of so much caffeine and start cutting back and quitting smoking. I have been having heart rhythm problems and think it is from all the stimulants and lack of exercise. I am cutting out one cup of coffee out of each day for a week, then two the next week and so forth until I am down to 1-2 in the morning or none. I smoke a pack a day normally but I have a mini goal to get down to half in 30 days and have started a get fit plan with my kids as part of our homeschool physical activity time. We are coming up with our own twists on many boring exercises to make it fun and planning mini rewards each time we reach small goals to get moving and get healthy this year. Thank you for being such a HUGE encouragement to me as a wife, mom and woman of God!

  729. Beckypdj

    My mini goal is to cook 2 NEW healthy recipes a week.

  730. Marsha Crooms

    My mini goal is to learn to become a prayer warrior in 2014

  731. Connie

    My goal this year is to stand up for my faith and not be a wallflower. God calls us to make disciples of the nations and though I’m not able to do that I can be a loud voice in my own backyard!!

  732. Heather Miller

    I decided my life overall didn’t feel like it should. I’ve felt I’ve been in a bad place for a while. I felt like I’ve struggled in every area. And I’ve felt in a good place before (When I actively included God in my life). I can be pretty determined so I made some improvements but just haven’t gotten where I need to be. So, for Christmas my husband gave me an Application Bible which I just LOVE. I’ve seen one of my friends reposting your posts so, I bought one of your devotional books and have already felt so much more positive each day. I’ve lost 40 lbs but really need to lose 20 more to be healthy. I just keep going up 10, down 5…I know my renewal of Actively including God is the right step in getting where I need to be 🙂

  733. Mary

    My mini-goal is to focus on the moment not the the marathon.

  734. Samina Redmann

    My goal for 2014 is to make myself a priority…in all aspects. The mini-goal would be to figure out each area of my life to make a priority and focus on accomplishing my goals.

  735. Denise

    When things happen to make me feel bad about myself to tell myself scripture verses that let me know God loves and values me. ex. Romans 9: 25-26 MSG.

  736. Julie Forrest

    Unfortunately, my mind is racing trying to decide which mini-goal to do first! No wonder I can’t sleep.. To many thoughts and things to do! So, I decided my mini goal is going to be writing it all down. Do one at a time and cross it off as I get them done, this way I can decide most important to least important and not stress out! Sounds like this study would be very good for me regardless if I win or not. Thank you!

  737. Cindy

    My mini-goal is not to be obsessed with food, weight, and self. I chose a verse as my 2014 moto: Phil 4:8-9 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

  738. Kathy DeHaan

    I’m praying this a lot because we are helping many couples fighting huge battles and they think they are only fighting each other. They are not! They’re fighting against evil. Thanks Lysa!!

    “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms,” Ephesians 6:12.

  739. Kathy Fisk

    One mini goal that I have is to be a better example for my teenage daughter.

  740. Karen ElAhmadi

    Scripture to pray over my marriage…love The Lord my God with my whole heart soul, Ming, heart and strength and love others as I would love myself. Love is patient, love is kind, ….

  741. Julie Schoen

    Romans 8:31 – As we are facing very serious financial difficulties right now, and may lose out home. Feel like “the world” is against us. and we need this reminder that God is for us, regardless of the circumstances happening. This verse will help to relieve my fears. So grateful that God is always there for us & that our marriage is solid in Christ.

  742. Misty L Berry

    Eph 6:12 For I know that powers of darkness are trying to destroy what’s left (if anything) of our marriage. We are still legally married but it seems like I can’t even approach my husband to discuss anything at all. So I must give it all I’ve got and pray like there’s no tomorrow! Please pray for us Misty & Alan
    God Bless!!

  743. Patti Pedraza

    My mini goal is to love me the way God made me. Ok I will try, and do my best but I know having God I. My heart, mind, and soul, pushing me forward everyday will be a blessing

  744. Leah Larremore

    I know I don’t fit in here. I was married for 35 years. But alone now for 4. I want to go on with a life. Getting hurt seem to be all I find. I just wanted you to know I loved your writings. Your words were lovely. God Bless you mightily. Thank you so much.

    • Cassidy Robertson

      Leah, please stay on here, it is a place that is safe and can encourage one another, I am sure you have much to give to someone else as well.

    • Toni Moore

      Yes, please stay and be an encouragement to the rest of us by sharing your experience as a godly wife of more than 35 years to motivate us to go through our tests to pursue our happiness. I’m sorry for your loss and hope that God shows you that even during your mourning period, He will and can restore you with more of Him to do more for Him.

  745. Kristi Barnett

    One of my goals for this year is to fill my house and office with healthy “clean” options for snacking and meals. Several members of our family have struggled with health issues recently because of eating habits and my husband and I want to start our children on path to a healthy lifestyle so they (and we) might have a better chance to avoid these issues!

  746. Rachel Frankovich

    Thank you Lisa! Your ability to be REAL is what draws me to this MTC OBS. I am looking forward to completing this Bible Study and coming away from it a changed woman. Not because I did anything, but because I allowed God to do something in ME!! My mini-goal is to actively work on this bible study everyday. That seems like a given, but when you struggle with spiritual malnutrition, and life tends to get in the way of your good intentions, it seems like a worthy goal. I goal I can succeed at daily and see the victories coming every single day! Thanks so much for sharing your heart. I can’t wait to get started!!

  747. Nancy

    My mini goal is to make at least one wise choice per day, which I can celebrate with Jesus!

  748. Elaine White

    Hi Lysa … thank you for your encouragement … my mini-goal is to plan meals for the week on SAT or SUN & stick to it! Looking forward to MTC OBS!!!!

  749. KillR

    I have made changes already in 2014. I aim to lose – ON AVERAGE – 0.1kg every day! That’s 365 VERY mini-goals which will hopefully add up to 36.5kg to lose this year. Losing 0.7kg per week (about 1.5lb) should be do-able, because in Christ all things are possible and I do believe He wants me to be fit and healthy to do His work – not overweight, unhealthy and too tired to do what needs to be done. “Here I am Lord – It is I Lord – I have heard you calling in the night. I will go Lord – If you lead me…..”

  750. Jenanne Smith

    I am so excited to be joining this online Bible study…

    Lysa, God has blessed you with the gift of writing and sharing His love for us. You have such an uplifting way of bringing His word across so that we can apply it to our everyday lives. I have been so encouraged by your books, and devotions, and I am so thankful for that. It is nice knowing that we all have the same struggles and can relate to one another, no matter our race, or our circumstance in life.
    My mini-goal for this study is “learn to really listen” to that craving, pray about that craving, and seek what I need, which is God, not the instant gratification of food. Upon reaching that mini goal, the others bigger goals of weight loss and becoming healthy, should fall into place. Thank you for making this available to everyone. I can not wait to get started on this new journey with all of the other participants. I pray God’s blessings on you, your staff, and each participant of this study. Have a wonderful day!

  751. Lisa Darnell

    Lysa, my comment isn’t really about this particular post, but I can’t find where I could ask this question. I am so involved in our church that I don’t get to do small group Bible study. When praying about this, God provided the answer of facilitating an online Bible study, and has made it clear that Made to Crave is where we start. We are planning to just use the book. However, I was wondering if you had the dvd segments available through streaming, so that it could be linked to the private page we are using for the Bible study?

  752. Kim

    My big goal is to find balance in my life. My mom has been very ill and I have been her main caretaker. I am sure others can relate to this. It has caused me to sink into depression. I try to focus on the positive, but the negative really piles up. Because I spend a lot of time with mom (an hour away from home) I have very little time for myself and when I do have time I don’t have the energy to do anything. So, here are my mini goals – I plan to basically tackle them one at a time and once I get one down, I will move to the next. First and foremost is to get more sleep. Sleep is important for all we do but especially to allow our bodies to heal. Next is to start writing down everything I eat. This holds me accountable to myself and just makes me stop and think. Finally, go to the gym 3 days a week with a goal of getting to 4 (I am at 2 days now). Prayers from you all would be appreciated.

  753. Vickie

    My mini-goal is to crave Jesus more and more every day by as spending quality time with Him each morning. In doing so, I am also going to also release some of my food cravings I struggle with. You and your devotions/blogs are always so uplifting! I look forward to the Bible study!

  754. Debbie

    My mini goal today is to be prayerful .
    I am struggling a lot with this weight issue!

  755. Samantha Stainer

    I will be praying Ephesians 6:12 over my marriage. My husband is struggling with his faith right now and it has been so hard for both of us. But recently God has shown me that it is not my husband that I should be frustrated with, but the enemy. I need to remember where my fight is needing to be focused. Thanks for this words this morning.

  756. Donna

    Ephesians 6:12 My husband works in the medical field and his job is very stressful and often times they are very short staffed. It is hard for him to let that go when he comes home.

  757. Mary C

    “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms,” Ephesians 6:12.
    I’ve been married for 10 1/2 years now & 4 kids later.. 🙂 we have been through a lot of crazy things. I’m so very thankful I am with the man I truly believe that God intended me to marry! We are still in a (small) storm & I really appreciate you posting this verse. I need to be reminded of satan being the one to cause all of this discourse & confusion. God is once again there for us, as always! Thank you!

  758. Artina

    no weapon against my marriage will prosper inspite of all that’s trying to come up we are the head not the tail…after 27 years we cant let finances take us out…..I was in a building that catered to single/ low income parents the landlord didn’t pay rent for a wile building went into foreclose now I am stuck with huge bills and loans that I cant repay because of no income. I am praying for a 75,000 financial blessing/ miracle

  759. Heidi Judd

    Thank you so much for this insightful, refreshing approach to marital harmony. I have a responsibility to this relationship just as I do the the relationships I have with my daughters, my sister, my father and my friends. I pray so rigorously and intentionally for all of these relationships, why not do the same for the man I love and the man God chose for me. It is so easy to pick up the phone to gripe to a friend about what annoying thing my man has done today but your blog has given me a new approach, a new response, a new attitude to the peaks and valleys in my marriage. I have been married to this husband of mine for twenty five years and I intend to log in another twenty five years! Your praying words over my marriage suggestion has given me hope for the next day, the next month and the next year. Peaks and valleys are ahead I’m sure, this will be my road map to stay the course!

  760. Marquita

    My goals are to spend more time in prayer, doing the online Made to Crave, being thankful “in” all circumstances.

  761. Debra Shipley

    I so needed this today! God’s timing never ceases to amaze me! I am feeling especially down today about my marriage. 12 years ago today was my husband’s & I first date. We always go to Olive Garden for dinner. We have been doing this every year. We have had a really hard year this past year:(. I really want
    Our marriage to he everything that God’ wants it to be! I’m going to start this day praying over our marriage again. Tears are flowing down my cheeks as I put into words how I feel! I’m miserable. There is no joy in our relationship! Please pray for James & I! Thank you for Proverbs 31 ministry! I hear you on the radio and I love the blog!’ God Bless You as you continue your ministry for helping women become who God intends for us to be!

  762. Lori Belflower

    I have several mini goals drink water and get rid of sodas, begin running again first 3 days a week, lose weight with several mini weight lose goals, get finances back on track beginning with starting a budget and getting things paid off one at a time and saving money so much a month, and lastly grow closer to God spending a certain amount of time each day in pray and meditation on God’s word. I want to change my life for the better this year. I want to stop talking about it and just do it. This year I want to be the person who God wants me to be!!!

  763. Jeniece Harris


    I am cramming a whole bunch of our blogs in this morning because my little one is still snoozing! Blessing.

    I have two mini goals for the day.
    Meditate/think about Colossians 4:6 -Conversations full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

    Choose a healthy snack before bed. I always have one, always. (Now that #2 is on the way, I can’t stop snacking!) An apple with peanut butter or something instead of a chocolate something that will keep me up and slow me down!


  764. Sherrice

    Making lasting changes….wow how that spoke to me! My mini goal is to make a lasting change in my eating habits! I know I turn to food for comfort, out of frustration and I so desire to turn to God and His word instead! Soooo excited for this Bible study to begin!

  765. Debi Schuhow

    My goal for this study is to quit smoking. Crave God and not cigarettes!

  766. Kim Malcolm

    I have so many areas to work on that I am overwhelmed. I know what to do but find it difficult to make it work. So my goal is to ask God to help me daily balance all areas of my life, to be intentional to seek Him daily and let Him direct me. I cannot go wrong, feel bad if He is directing me. So seeking Him for balance in doing what is best. Thx Lysa for living out loud for all of us. It does help. Hugs.

  767. Tim

    Greetings Girls . . .
    I am thankful that my wife has invited me on this journey with some 15,000 wonderful sisters. I look forward to taking each day one step at a time. My first mini goal is to put one foot out in front of the other and allow the Holy Spirit to teach me as we begin this trip as a Two into One couple. Thank you for putting this online bible study together. My wife and I are very busy and unable to make the commitment to a multi week bible study that requires our physical attendance. This online study opens a new door for her and I to grow in Christ together as we both learn to turn our Craving over to HIM.



    Happy to be on the ROAD!

  768. Georgia

    My first mini goal is to get onto my treadmill.

    • Reva

      My first mini goal is to get onto my treadmill also.

  769. Julie


    I have MANY goals and aspirations, period, regardless of calendar date changing to the new year, I also fail at these goals year round regardless of the calendar date. I am ready for some victorious moments! God brought me to a place of living with him “moment by moment” at the beginning of last year, unknowingly to me I was going to need it when our second daughter was born in April. Since then, much has happened, we were suppose to lose our daughter, but God miraculously saved her, my husband and I started marriage counselling, we lightened our schedules, dropping even good things in order to put our marriage first. Somewhere along the way, I have lost a little bit of the living moment by moment. I have gained a lot as well, as God has transformed my heart (and still is!) through it all..but there has been much I’ve been wrestling with still. ONE of those things…FOOD. I have many excuses….GOOD excuses, like everything that has happened, like my marriage needs more of my devotion than trying to “lose weight”. These things might be true, to a degree, but they are really subtle lies from the enemy. When I give in to them, I fall apart in all areas..instead of having momentary victories. I have been wanting to join your study on made to crave. I’ve been battling back and forth with whether it is the right time. God has also been teaching me that it’s better to FULLY commit to less, than half-heatedly commit to MANY things! One of my mini-goals (and the most important) is exactly what you said, with ALL the changes I need to make. I want to start living in the here and now, moment by moment again. Finding JOY in each moment, PRAYING for this moment of victory and not thinking about meeting my ultimate goal that is months, perhaps years away, And being THANKFUL for what I DO HAVE…which is a lot when I think about it. Infact, from a world view it can look like I have a lot to be angry about. But from a correct, Godly perspective. I HAVE EVERYTHING, I HAVE HOPE, I HAVE A RELATIONSHIP WITH THE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE, The one who makes ALL things possible. I have it all!

  770. Beth

    Today I am claiming the goal to honor and glorify God by the food I put into my body. I will make good choices today to take care of the temple of the Holy Spirit! “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

  771. Janet

    Hebrews 10:23 “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope that we profess (possess), for he who promised is faithful.” After almost 40 years of marriage this Word is still true!

  772. Roberta Whitesell

    Hello Lysa,
    My most valuable mini-goal, that I chose to make this year is to truly die to self and live in Christ. For me this means to give up my unhealthy lifestyle, eating whatever and whenever; not exercising. This means to bring my life into submission to him and give up my words for his words, my deeds for his deeds and lately the realization of giving up my thoughts for his thoughts. To let his word reign supreme in my heart and mind. I am desperate to be used by him. However, the more I seek him, the more I find I live for me…my comfort, my likes and dislikes, my emotions. I have ruled my days for so long it hurts, to see all the wasted years, I have to believe that God can take these selfish years and turn them around to use for his benefit. I choose to believe I am a reflection of his light today, that he is using my willing and obedient heart. He alone is worthy of my praise.

  773. Anastasia

    My mini goal for this year to be a prayer warrior for my family. I am also trying to kill some bad habits in my life that have cropped up, due to a lot of changes in our lives this last year.

  774. Patti ouellette

    I am more than excited to start the Made To Crave online study. My husband is a Pastor and I want to be a better testimony for the ladies at our church. I love all three of you ladies and I am ready to begin my journey with the Lord’s help. My motto is ” I can do…” Thank you so much for caring for others ~ May God Bless You!

  775. Susan

    Lysa, My mini-goal is to be more conscious of what I am putting in my mouth while I try to make better food choices. I find that more and more I eat whatever is convenient without giving it any thought. I survived breast cancer in 2013 and I really want to strive for better health in the years ahead.

  776. Ashley Nicole

    I loved “unglued”. I can’t wait to get the opportunity to read your other books!!! Thank you for your blogs, as well, that always encourage and inspire! 🙂

  777. Toni Moore

    This is an encouraging post! My mini-goal for 2014 is to make God smile by embracing His vision for my life. So I’m constantly reminding myself that my actions, reactions, hopes, dreams, strength, will and my intentions should reflect God’s heavenly rules and principles. God allowed me to accomplish a lot with my natural talent but I now aspire to achieve those good godly things that I can only receive so long as I am connected to God and focused on Him.

  778. Joy

    I have joined the Made to Crave online Bible Study. I have gotten behind due to illness in my family and well, excuses. I am determined to get caught up. This is my third time doing the study but my first time doing it on-line. I have accomplished it in a ladies church group and I have accomplished it with a small group of friends. My mini goal for 2014: Finish the Made to Crave book this time around. Everytime I have started this book, I have let something get in the way. This time I am more determined. I need this for my health-physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally.

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