Two thousand years ago, God heard the cries of those who were and those who were to be. At the intersection of our sin and hopelessness God split the heavens open to send our King in the form of a newborn babe.
His divine reached right into the dirt of a stable and proclaimed, “I am.”
His grace dared to touch us. His holiness dared to reach us. His son dared to be with us. And on that one glorious night the cries of this Christ-child awakened HOPE again.
We have hope because we have a Savior. A Savior for our every hurt. Our every flaw. Our every need. Those hard places of life that don’t get captured in the smiling photographs. The times we lose it. The fights still unresolved. The rejection that still stings. And the prayer still unanswered.
In between where we are and where we hope to be, our Savior steps right in and declares, I AM the way, the truth and the life.
May His way, truth and life be illuminated to you and yours like never before this Christmas.
I am the first commenter!! A Christmas MIRACLE!!! lol
YOU are an inspiration. You are one of God’s Greatest Gifts… Through you, He touches hearts and lives and reaches into souls. I pray you feel His Presence and may His Mighty Love pour onto you and your precious family, Lysa.
God BLESS you.
Merry Christmas!!!
Hi Lysa- I am in the middle of reading your book “Made to Crave” and I have to agree with what Mr. Carter says….You truly ARE a miracle and an inspiration! Although I am enjoying the book I still have a question. Here goes:
I have been in an “off again-on again” relationship with a guy for about a year now and he is really in to fitness. I have been dieting as well…for quite sometime now but I feel as though it has always been for the wrong reasons (i.e. to impress men with the way I look). This is the reason I began to read your book in the first place (so that I would start dieting to stay healthy and would stop my battle with food and my weight). I know that you say in your book that if we pray and ask God for help he will give us the right mind set and help us to live a healthy lifestyle. I am beginning to learn some things from your book and feel as though God is sending me on the right path but I do not feel He is fully directing my journey to a healthy lifestyle….I want to diet and eat healthy for Him and no one else…Any suggestions??? Thanks again for all you do!
Thank you. So needed this on Christmas Morning. God Bless and Merry Christmas x
What perfect truths to be reminded of this Christmas. Thank you. May you all have a very merry Christmas! Thank you for all your helpful messages this year, and may God do great things with you in 2014! With love, Samara in England x ps I love the beautiful photos of your family.
What wonderful words to wake up to on Jesus’ Birthday. We are so blessed that His Grace dared to touch us. May you and your beautiful family have a Christmas to remember.
Loved your Christmas family card! First thing I did when I woke this morning was say “Happy Birthday, Jesus” and thanked Him for watching over me these 60+ years, which I now greatly appreciate, realizing its the daily breads of life that have gotten me through via His grace! Your devotions have blessed my close friends too who enjoy reading them as well. Your writings are so down to earth and so every day, if you get my drift, that women can so relate! God bless you…and may He continue to bless your ministries.
What a beautiful message Christmas card (email), and beautiful family!! I pray that the Love of Christ continue to overshadow you, flow through you and around you, may His unchangeable mercy, grace and peace guard and comfort you now and through the year!
I am grateful for you! Thank you for being obedient to God! I am learning more about our savior!
So thankful He did come and touched us with His grace! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you and yours, Lysa!
I hope you and your family had a blessed and beautiful holiday!
Because of you, I had a VERY Merry Christmas! Made to Crave changed my life!!! I am now trying to pass the word on to others who always suffered with no hope. God bless you!
This is such an excellent message. I pray that God will bless you and all of your family and all of your friends in every possible good way that God can bless you all.
Ephesians 3:20
20 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, 21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
Ephesians 3:20-21
New King James Version (NKJV)
God works in amazing ways – each year the dance ministry from our church/school presents a concert sharing God’s love and hope in dance, drama, video’s and spoken synopsis. There is a different theme each year and this year’s theme is “The Great I Am”. Your Christmas message highlighting “I Am” was a perfect emphasis on this year’s theme. As this devotion is being shared with the people involved in getting this concert ready, it is a great inspiration as we see God’s hand encouraging us with someone from the other side of the country. Praise God for using you, Lysa, in a powerful way.
PS In addition, not only this one,but I love all of your down-to-earth, God-filled messages. Keep doing what you are doing as you are touching many people’s lives with hope and guidance.
Oh my dear Lysa,
Thank you for the beautiful, moving portrayal of the essence of grace in wrapped up in the person of Christ. I am so fortunate to have the opportunity to be inspired by you and I am so grateful for discovering Proverbs 31 Ministries a couple of years ago. Thank you for all you do for women as you inspire them with wonderful. compassionate messages that are real and relatable(mot sure that ‘s a real word). I truly hope that I will be able to meet you in person this year so that I can tell you thank you for being instrumental in changing my life with your books and messages and helping me learn to seek an even deeper relationship with Him and to also be able to laugh at myself when life gets a little crazy sometimes.God bless you and continue to keep doing what you do for His glory and honor. Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you and the family. Much Love, Roberta in NC.
How fun to see your family photo here, Lysa.
Your line, “At the intersection of our sin and hopelessness God split the heavens open to send our King” speaks to me of his passionate, compassionate love for us.
Have a wonderful new year! How is your ear-ringing situation doing, by the way?
Jennifer Dougan
P.S. You’ll have to have your Liberian background children enjoy cassava leaf sometime soon. I know my family does too! 🙂
Hi Lysa
I only recently picked up your book to use as a ministry tool. What I didn’t realize was how God would use chapter 6 of your book to, well let’s say it like it is, knock me for a six (that may be an Australian saying referring to cricket – meaning surprised, shocked and sometimes humbled by an action / word). My issue isn’t with food but it is control. As a single mum of 3, part-time pastor & part-time student & wearer of hats of varying sizes & colours, who has walked a painful journey the only thing I “feel” I have control of is my down time (Movies & Coffee with the Girls). You’re call to do what draws us closer to God put new words to the insights God’s been giving me to take action and spend time walking to pray & worship rather than watch a movie to escape the demands of life. It’s all about surrendering control of my “escape time” to God; to be proactive rather than reactive.
Oh, if this new surrender of control leads to a new dress size that’s a bonus I will celebrate. I’m just excited to understand more clearly what God has been calling me too & why. Proof that when we are open to God you just never know when or how He will open your eyes to a new truth that moves you closer to Him. It’s a challenging life but these moments are like drops of rain in the searing desert.
May God continue to bless others through your words.
Hey Lysa!
You asked us to leave a comment, what scripture I am praying over my husband. Recently this was shared with me, PRAYING FOR YOUR HUSBAND, Head to Toe. I love it, printed it, praying it…and now sharing it with you!
August 1
Thank you, Sister, for the encourgement you are to my heart!
My husband is a wonderful example of support and completion to me, and I think he would say the same about me. We are not always huggy-huggy-kissy-kissy, but when I am honest about what I feel, he shows that he cares. We have been married for 28 years, and I must confess that I realized that I also have not prayed enough for my marriage. We are here at 28 years by the grace of God alone, and I pray that God will lead us to another 28 years. I do not think he is perfect, but he is good to me and for me.
I’m praying Eph 3:20 over our marriage 🙂
My husband and I are praying:
“Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone,” Colossians 4:6.
But we’re leaving out the salt because of his high blood pressure!
LeAnn Baker
I am praying this scripture over my marriage:“Love is patient, kind, not jealous, humble, forgiving, honest” 1 Corinthians 13:4….Beautiful!!
I am praying Ephesians 6:12 over my marriage. People and things of this earthy world are cruel and there is a lot of evil out there and people do not respect a marriage like it should be respected any more. I am praying for safety and a shield of protection from God around my husband, myself and our marriage and our family that we may live our life as one in Jesus.
I am in the process of putting my marriage back together. My husband had a secret life, left me in May 2012, filed for divorce in August, began talking reconciliation in October, dropped the divorce in December, and left me again in January 2013. In March 2013 he came home for good, after turning away from his “other life”. During this entire process, I constantly clung to Romans 8:31, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (If God is for my Christian marriage, and I know He is, than who can be against it?) and Josuah 1:9, “Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go!” In addition, I really poured over 1 Corinthians 13, which reads much differently now than it did on our romantic wedding day, and used 1 Peter 3 as my guideline for behavior. I was so very thankful that the Holy Spirit moved in his heart and brought him home…but the ensuing 10 months have not been easy. I need to continue to dig into scripture to get the strength to get through each day, and set an example of a godly wife for my two daughters.
I’m praying for grace for our marriage through Colossians 4:6. For the days that I’m not even sure how to move forward in our relationship, this verse will be an encouragement to me.
Colossians 4:6 We like to cook and this is just what I need for us.
Hi Lysa.
First off, the lord has blessed me with you. Your words, encouragement, reminders and revealing of yourself as a “human being” who makes mistakes but loves the Lord? well I adore you and always relate so Thank you!. I too am praying Ephesians 6:12 over my marriage. One of which is on the brink of separation to divorce. It’s a sad situation that has led me closer to the Lord than ever. You see I LOVE the lord (and my husband) but he does not. And says my love for Christ makes us incompatible. I trust the Lord with all my heart and wake up everyday with Hope. My husband is a good man just very lost. And has had some very tough circumstances in his life but instead of growing closer to me, he has made me a part of the problem, not solution. He has told me he does not want to work at the marriage and that he “is who he is”. I believe very strongly in the union of marriage and gods jurisdiction shall reign. I am just praying he will set this very crooked pathway, straight.
Thank you so much for the article. Very helpful! Thank for the opportunity I win the book. God Bless you on all you do.
Hello Lysa, Your messages are very realistic and encouraging. My husband and I were separated for quite some time, but through my faith and glory of God he has returned home. I has not been an easy road, however, I know God remains by my side through every step. I have been praying over my marriage and my husband using two of the scriptures you mentioned above (Ephesians 6:12 and Romans 8:31) and then someone shared these prayers as well.
1 Corinthians 7:16 “For you, wife, how do you know whether you will save your husband? Or you, husband, how do you know whether you will save your wife?
1 Peter 3:1-3 “In like manner, you married women, be submissive to your own husbands [subordinate yourselves as being secondary to and dependent on them and adapt yourselves to them], so that even if any do not obey the Word [of God], they may be won over not by discussion but by the [godly] lives of the their wives…
There are so much darkness, cruelty, disrespect, and so many others to name in this world. The key is to not give up the hope, faith, and love. Just keep pushing the darkness away so the light can shine through (that’s JESUS)!
I am praying Colossians 4:6 since I am newly married and both of us have a lot of baggage theres not a lot of room in the closet for all of it so I want our marriage to be us unpacking together I do believe words are containers of power and with the tongue we either bless or curse I pray that we encourage and forgive each other quickly since that’s probably for sure what makes or breaks a marriage since both of us have been thru this before but before Jesus was in our lives this time I will not give in or up and I truly want a marriage that honors God since that’s what it was created for anyway thank you for all your wisdom sharing I truly am grateful that you are a part of my journey thanks Lysa!!!!!!!
Those are great verses to hold on to in our marriages! I have heard that if we can try to “out love, out give and out serve ” our mates, we will overcome the ugly hurdles of pride and selfishness in our marriages. Your verses are right down that road and I want to commit them to memory for those times when I feel I am not being appreciated or respected. Col. 4:6 is probably the verse that I need to work on the most and would benefit my relationship with my husband the most. Just trying to think before I speak would help also! I am praying that Col. 4:6 would be my first thought when a response is offered to something he has done or said. I can only work on changing myself and pray that he will see the change and in turn, change in areas where it is needed. Thank you for your wisdom. I am new to this site but find it so helpful.
Dear Lysa..It was indeed enriching…Thank you for powerful thought. May God continue to use you. I am 25 planning for marriage….need your prayers. I am so restless & worried over it. Pray that i may find the right partner .