Stop carrying the weight of holding everything and everybody together and surrender what you’re most worried about into God’s fully capable hands with my free resource, “Am I Trying To Control the Uncontrollable?


3 Free Writing Resources

September 5, 2013

A few months ago, I asked if you would be interested in learning more about writing.

Your response overwhelmed me in the best way.

Some of you said you are interested in writing your story. Others want to learn how to more effectively pursue the dream of getting published. Still others want to have a greater impact when writing a blog or business memo.

My team and I read your comments. Then we dared to pray and dream and wonder, “Could we do this?”

After many conversations, I’m excited to announce the new monthly membership site we’re launching called “Compel – Words that move people.” We will be opening registration on September 23rd.
Compel_logo-07But today you can get a sneak peek at the type of training we’re offering with Compel.

We’re offering:

To get these resources, just click here to sign up for a reminder email to be sent to you on September 23rd. This will ensure you get into the program at the introductory price of $25/month.

And make sure to help us spread the word to your writer friends.

Leave a comment below telling me how you spread the word about Compel today and you’ll be entered to win a one-year membership for free. We’re giving this away to a randomly chosen commenter from today’s post.

I’m so excited about this new training I could do a cartwheel. Except that’s not really smart for someone who has birthed children. So, I’ll just hoot and holler and thank God for all the amazing fun we’re about to have together.

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  1. Maribeth Gibson

    This sounds great! I would love encouragement on writing and your expertise. Hopefully friends of yours who have successful blogs can share this with their readers. I believe a lot of readers of blogs are women who dream of writing one themselves, I know I see one in the mirror everyday! Thanks again for all you do for your readers!

  2. Lynn Bass

    Dear Lysa,
    I am going to forward to my husband because he is the #1 writer I know and will forward to my sister and some of my church friends. Once again, you are just blessing others!! Thank you!

  3. Lindsay

    Hi Lysa! I’m going to share this with my bible study group! What an awesome opportunity!!! Thanks!!!

  4. Chris Carter

    Pick me, PICK ME!!! 😉 Although I can’t do a cartwheel either- (last time I tried I nearly broke something) I am excited for this as much as you!!

    I will share this link on FB and Twitter and Pinterest… the farther the reach the better!

    Thanks so much for caring about all the writers who read you, and are compelled to follow in your footsteps with their feet! XO

  5. Rochelle

    Yay!! This is so exciting!! Agree with you in the cartwheeling…4 kids later my body isn’t the same!! Can’t wait to jump in to this!!

  6. Randi

    I am just curious as to why the G in God is not capitilized on the cover of your book, “What happens when womean say yes to god” ?
    Thanks for writing and sharing your faith!!!

  7. Chris Carter

    Okay- I’m back because I don’t see a way to pin this post… am I missing the Pinterest button for the post? I follow you on Pinterest, so I will just wait to find it there- I looked and don’t see it yet.
    I would LOVE to start pinning your posts as I read them! 🙂

  8. Amy McVicker

    I am so excited about this! I posted it on my Facebook page and will forward it to all those I know who enjoy writing. I can’t wait to get started. I long to encourage other women in the Lord through writing but financially cannot take classes. Praying the Lord will work it out! Thank you Lysa!!

  9. Joy

    Hi Lysa,

    This is a perfect resource at a perfect time! This is a great way to be mentored in the craft of writing. Thanks for working to “fan the flame” of younger speaker/writers!

  10. Tammy Rude

    Hi Lysa,
    I’m so excited that you are offering your knowledge along with the ladies from Proverbs 31 on how to be an effective writer. I have shared it on my facebook page and Wednesday will be letting the ladies in our bible study class know about this great opportunity!


  11. Anita McGinnis

    Excited to share on my twitter! Will also post on FB. Looking forward to furthering my writing skills and compelling others towards Christ and the grace He has for each of us!

  12. AliceAnn Williams

    Thank you, Lysa, for this opportunity to get closer to my dream of being an author! I have spread the word on Twitter, Facebook, Pintrest & Instagram! I cannot wait to get closer to what God has put on my heart!!!

  13. Lynn

    Hi Lysa!

    As soon as I read about Compel, I did a happy dance and then sent text messages and emails to my writing friends. I can’t wait to get started! Blessings to you!

  14. Damaris

    I got this blog in my email and i shared it to a friend by forwarding it to her.

  15. Annette


    My first response was $300/year for something that I probably can’t use… but God reminded me of my goals (I have 12 that I am working on this year) one of which is writing a book that I feel totally unqualified to do. After all, I FAILED English (my native language) in college EIGHT (8!) times, how could I write a book?

    However, I feel God has given me some great ideas… like “How to Write an Academic Essay when English Seems Like a Foreign Language” (for Math & Science students) and for people learning to deal with their learning differences, “When Life Gives You Melons, Make Lemonade”. (It is funny for people with dyslexia because lemons & melons have the same letters just mixed up.)

    After being diagnosed at 40 and getting help I finally did pass English (& even got an A+ on my essays!) God has certainly strengthened me in my weakness. However, the decades of academic failure due to my writing initially makes me skeptical; BUT I have been praying about how to start on my projects this fall… It is a get out of the moment kind of choice for me (think Peter), so I am going to jump in with both feet and do this.



  16. Stefanie Huber

    Hey, Lysa! This is a fantastic opportunity! I have posted about it on the blog I started in conjunction with the “Women Who Say Yes To God” Online Bible Study. You are a great inspiration to someone like me who is a Jesus Girl with a hubby and kids and sticky tables and who loves to write!!! Getting training from you would be AWESOME. Blessings!


  17. Annette

    Oops! A dyslexic moment… (I KNOW I need an editor…)

    That should have read… It is a get out of the BOAT moment kind of choice for me (think Peter), so I am going to jump in with both feet and do this.

    See how embarassing dyslexia can be…

  18. Stephanie

    I’m face booking it, pinning it on Pinterest, and blogging about it on my blog Very excited about this!!!

  19. Tricia

    This is an amazing offering of your skills, talents and experience. Thank You! I will be sharing with all of the Mommy blogger friends I know!

  20. Haylee

    I’m going to share this with my husband because then I know he’ll push me to do it…if left on my own I’ll come up with a hundred excuses—and he’s been pushing me for over 10 years to write more. I think only sharing it with him, though, disqualifies me from winning. 🙂 I do have some friends that need to look into this, too, though, so I’ll talk to them about it! Great idea, thanks for all you do!

  21. Lisa

    Just posted on Facebook. Looking forward to reviewing the resources!

  22. LoriAnne

    My devotion writing friend forwarded this to me as she knows how I would love to be able to put down our story and maybe even get published some day. I can use all the writing tips I could get. I’m forwarding this to my friends that also have an interest and try to post to my facebook page. Thank you for offering Compel. Looking forward to it!

  23. Christa

    Wow!! How timely…
    I am just launching a web presence, so this could not have come at a better time. Looking forward to sharing this information with my writers’ group.
    Thank you!

  24. carrie

    Pick me! I just started blogging and could totally use this help and inspiration….I will share on my blog.

  25. Raelynn Munsinger

    I would love to win the free year’s subscription for the writing membership! What an awesome tool. I feel like God has been tugging at me to write; something I’ve NEVER done and I’m terrified and have no idea where to start!

  26. Stacy

    I’m so grateful to you for this! I’ve wanted ti write for so long, and I’m saying yes to God and signing up! Thanks Lysa!

  27. Penny

    This is great news, Lysa! I have started two books over the past few years and am stuck and unmotivated. Maybe this is the inspiration I need. Thank you and God bless!

  28. Kathy

    Shared this on Facebook and with personal friends.
    Looking forward to this!

  29. Rachel

    God keeps whispering on my heart to do something, to touch others through sharing His word. I keep making excuses as to why I can’t do something as bold as writing a blog about faith…but left and right, these hints keep appearing in my life…write, write, write. Maybe this is the final push I need to take my leap. I know God can use those who are feel ‘inadequate’ to share His word. I seem to fit that role and Lysa, you seem to be a beacon of God’s light on me. The decision for your team to come together and offer an opportunity like this…is again God nudging me! Thank you, regardless, if I win a free year memebership. This is going to have far outreaching affect!
    I am going to share this on FB, get the courage to take ownership in this nudging and be held accountable! Bless you!

  30. Leanne Reichhoff

    I have forwarded this opportunity to a dear friend of mine- one whom I’ve never met. She went to middle school with my husband and wanted a godly woman to build a pen-pal relationship with… so she asked my husband if I would be willing. We have been writing over a year- and it has also turned into phone conversations. The point of the story is this: She has a gift to write. Although I feel a calling to write, she has the gift of writing. She is so good with her words and when I read her emails, I feel like I am reading one from the apostle Paul. Her writing is a lot like his! Although I would love the free year, if I won, I would gift to my dear friend who I know could not afford to register for Compel. We hope to attend She Speaks 2014 and meet for the first time!

  31. Debbie

    I am going to share it on my facebbok timeline, and on a couple pages I run on facebook. I have felt a stirring for awhile to write, but just not confident enough that I am capable. I know its the devil telling me lies. Since I am saying YES to God this is my first step.

  32. Kristi

    I will share with my Facebook friends and others as well. I’ve had a book on my heart for a few years to give to my cousin, Arabella, who is adopted. Hoping this will push me to move forward.

  33. Bori Kim

    Dear Lysa,

    Thank you So much for sharing this! I am a writer, but have stopped writing for a while. I’ve been discouraged, doubting I’m a good writer or others would recognize me as a writer. No matter what I’m thinking of what I am, God has touched me to pursue being a writer 🙂 I see God answering my prayers through your post and what Proverbs 31 Ministries is offering! God know me so well 😉

    I have shared this link on my facebook page 🙂 Since my turn is coming next week to write a devotional for the small group Bible studies, I will share this with my co-writers in our small group team 🙂 Thank you again, Lysa! Love.

  34. Paige

    I’ll be sharing this with my husband when we sit down to revisit the budget in the next few days : )!

  35. Carrie Holdcraft

    SO excited about this!! I’ll share it on Facebook.
    I’ve just embarked on writing a book that my husband has been asking me to write for close to 10 years since our daughter finished her treatment for leukemia and had a bone marrow transplant. We want to share how the Lord prepared us for our journey and how He carried us through it.


    I am going to share this on Facebook. I think it sounds like it will be a wonderful resource. I am writing a few books right now, 3 actually ( a children’s book, my story, and a book about “preparing yourself” – for relationships in life and with God, etc.) and a blog. Anyway, I hope I win, it will be the only way, I will get to use it as I have no income so even the price is reasonable, I wouldn’t be able to.

    Thanks ~ Julie

  37. Lisa

    Sounds Great!

  38. Amaris Freier

    Dare I hope to be able to partake of this feast of words and inspiration?For the last two years I have been studying a Certificate of Journalism (in Australia) in the pursuit of my dream to write but, as it draws to a close, I find myself wanting more. And today your email popped up in my inbox with this tantalising morsel for my mind and my heart to express my words. I devour the words from your Proverbs 31 ladies and yourself daily so to learn in greater detail from you as well would be, dare I say it, life-changing and inspirational. I hope as a writer from Down Under I will be able to connect in and learn from you all.

  39. Teresa

    This course is just what I need!
    I shared this on Facebook.

  40. Kimberly Wyse

    I signed up to receive the free resources and shared the information on my Facebook page:

    $25/month is a big investment for me right now, but I’m strongly considering it. I’m impressed with your willingness to help others, your willingness to share from your own experience, and the excellence of your products. I can’t often say that about someone. I hope God continues to bless your ministry.

  41. Whitney DeCillis

    Writing is my first love, can’t tell you the joy this membership would give me. I can learn how to properly express myself and leave a written legacy to my child.

  42. Laura Sziy

    What a wonderful opportunitu for anyone! You are truly genetous. I love the way you present because y ou are so relateable. I plan to pass this to my DIL because she has been writing and mt cousin he is starting with cholftens books. I want to as well.


    Wow!! 🙂 My husband passed away on 11/5/11 and I blogged about our journey through loss since that time. My new husband CONSTANTLY tells me that I should turn my blog into a book (I used to “complain” that I had such a boring testimony with “no story to tell”). Just TODAY, I got laid off from my job that I LOVE and bam, I get the e-mail about this writing course…..maybe it’s time I listen to my husband (and God’s urgings)?!! I shared on my Facebook page as well! 🙂

  44. Rachel Piferi

    This sounds like a wonderful opportunity. I cannot wait to learn more about it! Thank you Lysa!!!

  45. Joan

    I just shared it on Facebook, I’m so excited and timing is perfect. I know I’m to share my story in order to help others, and have several notebooks of stuff, The thing is I just don’t know where start. I’m so grateful to God he has answered my PRAYER and I have know I place to start. GOD is so good!!

  46. kathryn freeman

    I will be sharing this with all of my friends who long to tell better stories. Thank you for offering such a great resource!

  47. Molly Higle

    Share share share…I know there are writers out there!

  48. Jenny

    I was so excited to receive this info from a precious friend on our ministry team. We are sharing it with our team and all over FB! We have already started our book so this will be an amazing resource and cannot wait to be blessed by the training and wisdom!! THANK YOU!

  49. Debbie Kirkland

    Lysa, I am so excited about this! I can’t wait to get started. For years I’ve had people tell me I should write a book, and I know God has put it on my heart to do it, but knowing how was the one thing stopping me. I’ve really been praying for the Lord to show me the steps to take, and this shows up in my e-mail.

    I shared this on my Facebook, and it already had a share 5 minutes after I posted it. I will also be talking about it and telling my friends by word of mouth.

    Thank you for doing this!

  50. Alicia

    Posted to Facebook.

  51. Jenen Scott

    I lead a women’s writers group in Phoenix, AZ called Abba’s Writers. I shared this wonderful opportunity with my talented group. You should hear the amazing things they write! Poems, devotionals, short stories, novels, etc. God has given them a voice and my prayer is that He gives them a platform through their writing. This world needs to hear what God has to say more than ever. Three members, including myself, have just self published our novels (launch is Sept 20th) and in my heart I know God has a big plan for the rest of our 50 plus members.

  52. Leona Pease

    Ohhhhhh!!!! I would love this.. I am currently working on a book…but I struggle with trying to get my thought down on the paper, so this would be great to help me out. Lysa, your are a great inspiration to me an many others. We would love more instruction for you to help us share our stories too…I will share this link on my Facebook page so all my friends can know about it too!!!!!! Sooooooooo excited !!!

  53. Robin Lee

    Blog. FB. Mouth.

    That about covers it!

  54. Stephanie T

    I will be sharing this onto my FB page, tweeting it on twitter, pinning it on Pinterest, and spreading the word by mouth. My daughter also has the love of writing, and therefore I am definitely sharing with her (and spreading the word to her youth group).

    Awesome, great opportunities. The Lord is good! 🙂

  55. Whitley

    I am very excited for this to be launched! Promoting this on Facebook !
    God bless you and this ministry !
    Thank you!

  56. Michelle Weller

    Hey Lysa,

    This is such an exciting new venture for you. What an awesome way to give even more in the name of God. I am an English teacher and new to searching and learning God’s Word, but I know writing is one of the gifts I was given by the Lord. I hope I will get the courage and inspiration to write more. I will tell my coworkers and my friends about this opportunity.

    I can’t wait to see you at a conference in November in KY. I love your books! You are a blessing to all.

  57. Corrine

    I’m sharing this with all my Legacy ladies i’m blessed to partner with. We love you!

  58. Beth Willis Miller

    Love learning about writing…thank you!

  59. Teri Brinsley

    I read several of the above comments and find it amazing how God speaks to us – individually and collectively…urging us to get the story He is writing on our hearts out there to bless and encourage others. Thank you for providing resourxces to “COMPEL” us to be obedient to our Heavenly Father’s call. 🙂

  60. Lori Mueller

    I shared this link on my Facebook page to let others know about the new initiative! 🙂

  61. Joy Patterson

    Hi Lysa! This is something that has really been on my heart to do. I haven’t concluded whether it’s just something I desire or a God given desire. I’m praying through that right now. But was wondering how many months of this training you think it would take? I know everyone doesn’t learn at the same pace. I’d just like to know if is something I can afford.

  62. Melanie Porter

    I have been praying for a learning tool such as this monthly membership! Thank you for being obedient and sharing your knowledge! It’s like a “paying the blessing forward” opportunity! I am sending this opportunity to all my writing friends!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!

  63. Nonie Bennah

    Thank you so much for this AWESOME resource! I am sharing this with my friends on Facebook. Thank you for being such a blessing!

  64. Gretchen S

    I love to write but with 3 little ones, I rarely have time. My only writing now consists of jotting down my praises in my Joy Journal. My husband has been encouraging me to write Children’s books for years. I started a story in college as part of a project and have a ton of ideas to go with it, just not enough hours in the day to get it on paper plus I don’t even know how to begin finding a publisher or what that process even looks like. I wrote romance stories in high school, even won some contests, and had friends and teachers who wanted to read more and more but then I decided it would be better for me to snap out of my dream world and face reality. I really enjoy reading your blog, your books, and praise God for lessons He’s taught me through your words! Blessings to you!

  65. Dawn W

    Sharing on fb.
    Writing is something I would love to explore more! Excited to watch this take shape!

  66. Mary Geisen

    Thank you so much for this opportunity. I have two sons who are writers and I will be sharing this with them. I also cannot wait for the chance to learn from you and to become a better writer myself.

  67. Cass Ridley

    Words for how much this would mean are beyond me-obviously I need some help;)

  68. Angela Shores

    This must be meant to be since registration opens on my birthday!! 🙂 I will be sharing about Compel through Twitter today. I have wanted to be a writer since I was a kiddo.

  69. Stephanie

    Hi Lysa, I’m going to share this with my mom’s small group! I feel this is my “push” to finally share my story through the written word on how I’ve seen God’s blessings in the midst of tragedy & grief. Thanks for being an inspiration to me – as a mom, wife, & Christian woman!

  70. Crystal Storms

    I just shared on Twitter. I can’t wait to see all that Compel will be!

  71. Ellen Cole

    I don’t have a Facebook page or a Twitter account, but am happy to spread the word in the coming weeks as I’m talking to people. This sounds like a great opportunity.

  72. Bonnie Martin

    So completely blown away! Earlier in the day I posted a blog. A week or so ago I wrote a similar post. And today, from you, I see “COMPEL.” God has been prompting me for two years to write. And now you share “Compel.” Compelling me. There is an urgency that mere words cannot express!!! Thank you for your obedience to further His Kingdom!!

    • Bonnie Martin

      Shared via email and Facebook!!

  73. Janel Ellenberger

    Shared on Facebook. You are an amazing author.

  74. Megan W

    Wow, this is so good, I’ve shared about this on twitter! Thank you so much! :o)

  75. Laura S.

    Thanks for this amazing opportunity to spread the love of Jesus! I post a little everyday on FB and I use Word Press through your Spirit-led Bible studies (on my 3rd). What happens when Women Say “YES” to God has changed my perspective and my life! I am so excited to see how God is going to use me more, now that my blinders have been removed. If I am selected for this wonderful opportunity I promise to share Jesus and the Word of God as much as I possibly can. I told your story about the plane and the Bible at church, and when I described your Bible, I used the terminology you did in the book “tear stained, highlighted, precious Bible” and the congregation was moved by your obedience to the Lord. Very inspirational! Your love for our Father and seeing a generation changed and moving forward for Jesus is what this country needs more of! Thanks for this opportunity and thank you for your service!

  76. Ree Molster

    Love this idea! I have wanted to attend SHE SPEAKS for 2 years, but due to my husbands unemployment, I have not been able to. Hoping this is something we can afford this year while we are still catching up! I have felt convicted to write since I was 22, now 42…the past two years this conviction has become even stronger! Would LOVE a year membership while waiting to see what this next year brings us in blessings! Of course, someday you can read all about it! 🙂 <3

  77. jennie jackson

    I’m going to a writer’s conference this weekend and can spread the news while I’m there!

  78. Cathy McCoy

    I have been on an amazing journey with God and want to share what He has revealed to me and through me to inspire others. Also, I have lost 110 lbs over the last year after a hospital stay for a severe infection and a new diagnosis of diabetes. I want to also share my journey to better health and how God has used that in my spiritual growth.

  79. Penny K

    Our women’s group is just beginning a new study this coming Sunday and next Tuesday which will give me the opportunity to speak with many who have been impacted by at least three of your books we have studied together. They love your insight and writing style! I know there are women in the group as well as myself who have tremendous life stories and wisdom to share through writing. Compel may just be the tool to ignite potential writers in our group.

  80. Diane Conrad

    I am sharing this on facebook. I am excited to learn more about sharing my story.

  81. Landon G

    Word of mouth comes easiest for me because I love talking to people and hearing about their lives. However, in this day and age, social media is the way to get the word out! So, I’ll do both 🙂

  82. Monica B.

    This is awesome and personally nerve wracking all at the same time!! I’ve been feeling a tug for something, a blog or a small group or something for probably 6-12 months. I have fun dreaming of possibilities, but then quickly poo-poo them because I just don’t know that I have that much worth while or helpful to offer others. I’ve been following the online Bible Study of your book “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God” and now this has me wondering…what’s going on in my head is also going on around me!

    Anyway, I’m going to share this with my husband because he’s my biggest fan and because he also is a great writer. Also going to share with my faith study group made up of 8 other great women! Really anxious, interested and excited to learn more about this!

  83. Hazel Hatcher

    This sounds great! I will spread the word! Thanks!

  84. Theresa C

    Wow what an opportunity! I have shared via Twitter and will also share on Facebook and my blog. This will help me with a dream I have had since a little girl, as a teen, and then as a woman captured and captives by our God who had written the most wonderful story of all…and He continues to add to it daily. Thank you so much!

  85. Jennifer Shuler (@Shu5plus)

    What a stunning opportunity! I have been feeling the call to write. I do journal and have done so for years. There have been a few things burning in my heart to communicate, and God has been letting me know that my voice matters. I hoped to attend a writer’s conference this summer, but it didn’t work out. Can’t believe I’m seeing this tonight! Amazing. I just shared on my Facebook timeline, a friend’s timeline, and I tagged friends who are writers/aspiring writers. I will also tweet about this.

  86. Sondra Haarberg

    Finally getting on my computer to do this and it’s not midnight yet! I have shared the Compel information on Facebook and will be sharing it with others at the Women of Faith Conference coming up soon. What a fabulous opportunity Lysa! I’m so grateful that you felt compelled to create “Compel” for myself and other aspiring writers! I’m SO excited!!!

  87. Liz McGraw

    I shared your announcement with my facebook friends. What an awesome opportunity! Thanks!!

  88. Kimber Bates

    Would love to know more!!

  89. Courtney Lynn

    I let my facebook and Twitter friends know about this today. I have several writer friends, so I’m think that you might have a few southern girlfriends as students! 😀

  90. Penny

    Sharing on FB, Twitter and sending emails to my writer friends. Thanks so much for the opportunity to learn and improve.

  91. Teresa R

    shared on facebook

  92. Shewanna

    It is amazing that this opportunity has come at this time. While doing ” So Long Insecurity” by Beth Moore, I revealed my insecurity regarding my writing skills.One of the goals I agreed to was to explore some options via the internet and then this opportunity appears. It appears as I am approaching a new opportunity that involves helping others reach their health goals. This opportunity would involve extensive writing on a daily basis. As a friend says, “I am not surprised by what God does however I am always amazed!Ask and He shall Answer….WOW

  93. Amanda

    This is exciting! Writing training abounds in the secular world, but something specifically aimed at and by, passionate Christians, is a new focus altogether. I will share with our writing school page on Facebook.

  94. Monica T Smith

    I am posting on twitter and Facebook. What an awesome opportunity for equipping and serving the Lord! Thanks for this and yes, you can do this!


  95. Margret Abbott

    I shared about Compel on my facebook page.

  96. Shelly S. Cantrell

    I plan to share it with my writing peer critique group, and the many writer friends I’ve made along my journey.

    Oh what fun this is going to be!!!

    Thank your for offering such an amazing resource… one that will no doubt accomplish God’s work on Earth as it is in Heaven. ~ Amen.

  97. Anita

    Shared on Facebook, Twitter, and Facebook.

  98. Jessica Baucum

    Wow…you are amazing Lysa, and I am so excited to get started in the Compel Program. I am allowing the Lord to lead me as I begin my writing career, and finding out about your new program was certainly His doing. Thank you for being such a blessing. Almost forgot…I shared on Facebook and with family and friends.

  99. Deanne G.

    This is truly exciting. Your stories are such a powerful part of your writing, Lysa. Look forward to this launch. I liked the new site on Facebook.

  100. Sue C

    I am sharing on Facebook–what a wonderful idea–look so forward to this new adventure and launch. blessings

  101. Lillian Rudd

    After reading about the launch I immediately forwarded this in email format to all my friends and associates who inspire to write!!! I am so grateful God literally dropped Proverb 31 Ministries in my lap!!

  102. Mary @ The Calm of His Presence

    I am so very excited about Compel. This comes at a perfect time to help me as I move over to my new website & plan to write an E-devotional book in the next year. Thanks so much Lysa. I shared your post on twitter.

  103. Laura

    Could it be that God is calling me to this?? Praying… Love the idea of Compel!

  104. Shannon G.

    Very excited about this God given opportunity of Compel! Ultimately he is teaching me through his precious vessel Lysa, thank you for being willing & obedient to his call.

  105. Laura

    Shared on FB, and will continue to share verbally as I pray about whether this is really a call on my life right now.

  106. Doris Swift

    I was very excited to hear about Compel! I’ve shared it on facebook, twitter, and will also share with the women’s Bible study group I currently lead on Thursday nights. Guess which study we are doing and being super blessed by? “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God” We are into week 4.!

  107. Paula

    Hi Lysa,
    Thank you for sharing this valuable information. I’ve already read the 20 Smart Things and listened to The Power of Story. I laughed and I cried. Wow. That’s what I want to be able to do when I talk with people. To communicate on such a valuable level that people get invested by their response. Did I say thanks? Oh, I did. Well, thanks again…it was doubly good.

  108. Lynn Oliver

    I can’t wait to get started! Thanks!

  109. Lisa Turner

    I have a group of women who are near and dear to me, will share at our next gathering. Excited about the opportunity.

  110. Krista Clouse

    Just started reading Unglued. I had received an excerpt via Faith Gateway, watched the session video and prayed about ordering the book. BTW, it was my first day back from a two week vacation – I’m the administrative assistant (the ONLY administrative assistant) for a Baptist church here in Spokane. Throughout the day, what I had read and watched kept coming to the forefront of my brain. You see, just about everything you wrote or said was like my own life being on display. I ordered the book, study guide and DVD. I’ve decided to read the book first and then work on the bible study.

    I have just one request, and I hope you don’t mind. I’ve never been able to retain much of what I read, part of which has been caused by a Chiari 1 malformation of my skull (too many brains, ha!). I had corrective surgery just before my 47th birthday (7 years ago this past Sept 1) and things are a bit better, but retaining what I read can still be a challenge. I would deeply appreciate prayer that God would supernaturally implant those words that WILL be life changing for me, as and if the Lord brings me to mind.

    Last night I read about being chiseled. I deeply want to be released from the rock that has withheld my best for the Lord.

    Thank you so very much for saying “Yes!” to Jesus and writing this book.

    Believing God,
    Krista Clouse
    Joshua 1:9

    • Debi

      This is for Krista: I started reading your post about reading “Unglued”, and had to go back to look at your name, because I’m in the very same place in the book as you……
      I’m grateful to Lysa for not only her vulnerability, but for the remarkable way she uses word pictures to (hopefully) make a more-nearly-unforgettable impression on our brains.
      Back to the subject of this post: I’ve been told for years that I should write my story, but due to a combination of a perfectionistic reluctance to even start such a massive undertaking and a lack of time while raising two children alone I haven’t gone beyond brainstorming a possible title. 🙂 Compel sounds exciting and motivating! I will share a link on Facebook today.

  111. Megan Romeo

    writing. for me… has become a way of communicating my passion to those around me. & that passion is, CHRIST. everything in me; flaws, insecurities, strengths, doubts, fears, i want to convey to all that it’s about the Creator who molded me that can give me the absolute strength and confidence i need- because on most days, i am not the most confident! just a women and mom seeking continual spiritual guidance! and i want to use my writing to ENCOURAGE CHALLENGE UPLIFT all those around me FOR HIS GLORY! we all have a voice. a journey. a story and the Creator Above wants us to spread His name so if that is through writing, one of many gifts that God gives to people, then why not perfect it in His name through a course! so we can encourage other women who also want to challenge themselves and improve their writing – learn together under His name by spreading the news to others! & see who joins and feels a nudge toward this!

  112. Julie Durchholz

    You have been such a blessing to me, Lysa. Thank you for saying yes to God and “watering” others’ seeds of creativity. You ROCK!

  113. Kathy

    I am so excited about Compel. I have forwarded your email to all my email friends who I know want to write better and maybe publish one day. I have written a few things already but haven’t had the courage to investigate publishing. I am looking forward to learning from you. Thanks again for all you do to bring out the best in all of us!

  114. Elena Marshall

    Thanks Lysa! I’ve shared this with my friends in the social media and most importantly, my daughter who would like to write her story! I look forward to learning from your wisdom and experience. Thank you for giving of yourself and living for Jesus.

  115. Rhonda Bourland

    My Step Mother Verla has been talking about wanting to right a book about her God experiences. Financially she could not pull off this minimal amount each month but I would love to see her fulfill her dream. She is 70+ and could probably write a seven book series on all God has done in her life. Thanks for the consideration I would love to be able to bless her with this means to her dream. 🙂

  116. Elizabeth Jones

    How awesome & what a valuable resource! I’ll look forward to September 23! I’ve shared on Facebook & pinned on Pinterest!

  117. Janet Maikenti

    Compell would have been a dream come through for me in Nigeria.But I will have to plan for some other time because of the Financial commitment.Please do let me know when the next one will commence.Thanks for giving many of us the opportunity of a life time….writing,writing,writing.May the lord bless your ministry and I look forward to participating.Will share it on my wall ASAP and by word of mouth with as many as I can.Just saw it today.

  118. Leigh Faison

    I finished reading your book, Unglued, a few months ago, and I just wanted to thank you for allowing yourself to open up and be so honest with other women about what has caused you to come “unglued” in your own life and how to prevent it from happening again. Your book was so familiar to me I felt almost as if it were written for me. I know there is an unlimited number of women that must feel the same way.
    For years I was in a very unhealthy, emotionally abusive relationship with my in-laws. I was very young when I married into a very wealthy family who valued social status more than personal relationships. For years I thought I could win them over with love, when actually nothing I could have done would have changed how they saw me. What mattered most to them was if I was at the correct social event dressed appropriately and replied with the correct responses when asked a question. For years I felt like there was something wrong with me, even though I was raised in a very loving Christian home. The fact that my in-laws shallow world view affected me so strongly that it lessened my own personal value really shocked my parents, because they couldn’t understand why I allowed them to place value on me. It wasn’t until I had children of my own and saw how my in-laws very conditional love affected them that I realized I had to do something. The reason I am telling you this is because of a statement that was in your book was life changing for me. In Unglued when you wrote something like if people are walking all over you instead walking beside you in a Christian relationship then it is OK to take yourself out of that situation. For years guilt lingered in me for removing myself and my children from that relationship, even though my husband was at peace with it (and what is most ironic is that they are his biological family). My husband had never been close with his family and for years I tried to keep them in our lives. I don’t feel guilty anymore, but I still hope that one day we can have a Christian based family relationship based on love and forgiveness with my in-laws.

  119. DeAnna Boling

    Lisa I am so excited about Compell! I write inspirational posts daily on FB and get such compliments from people who say they look forward to them daily. My mother encouraged me to write a book several years ago and I know I have it in me. September 23rd is her birthday and I can’t help but feel this is a complete God thing!

  120. Beth

    I posted a link to this post on my Facebook page…this is coming at the perfect time. I wrote a little monthly column for many years for a local monthly newspaper, but just wrote my last one. I was finding myself wanting to write about my Christianity and my relationship with God as it related to my mothering relationship with my girls, but b/c it was a public newspaper, I couldn’t. I feel the need to find a Christian outlet for my writing, but haven’t gotten very far. Thanks for the giveaway and, in advance, for Compel!

  121. Gwen Nail

    I have no idea how I’ll spread the word about Compel; I only know it is an accurate descriptor and an answer to prayer. For some time, God has been telling me I need to tell my story. But I have no idea how. One thing that has been impressed upon me (and that I hope you’ll deal with)… is clearing it first with those that might be harmed if it is revealed. I assume if God wants it out, He’ll deal with them… but how do I approach them when they don’t know that anything happened? Anyway, I am so looking forward to this…!

  122. 4chicksmommy

    Shared on Twitter and Facebook today. I am excited to learn how to be a better writer. I want my words to move people for Him. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us! I cannot wait to hear you in Kansas City this month 😀 (emoticons are probably not professional writing tools).

  123. Astrid

    cool. thanks. i will share this with a friend who is working on his first book 🙂

  124. Dawn

    Shared with all my friends & family on Facebook!

  125. Tristine Barry

    Hi Lysa. Oh you are such a sweet, generous soul. I was just at your FB party and immediately clicked over here after you mentioned your new program. My husband had a MASSIVE stroke last year. It is a miracle he is alive. God has shown us this blessing in disguise with many miracles and blessings, but financially we are on a “needs” basis. I am involved in your OBS and am growing closer to God. I even was motivated to start my blog during the Let.It.Go study. I have always received compliments on my writing and encouragement from the blog and other things I have done. I would LOVE to be involved in this program but really have to pray about the cost. It is so affordable but things are still shaky with my husband. I don’t want to commit to something that I cannot follow through on.

    Anyway, you asked how we are spreading the word. I am on Pinterest, FB, and Twitter, and I have a blog. I am going to write a page on this and add it to my blog for as long as you have it. I fully believe in this and have changed greatly since I started with the OBS and even before that when I became exposed to Made To Crave. You are a true gift to so many women. I thank you for the opportunity so come here and share. I thank God for you and P31 and OBS. Being home for my husband has been a tremendous blessing and gift from The Lord. Blessings and hugs!

  126. Erin Wegner

    I just want to say, I am truly blessed by you, Lysa. I love hearing you speak. I really think you should have a podcast. You stories reach so many women and are such an inspiration to me. I was listening to you when you were on KLOVE the other morning. You were talking about how each of our stories can reach someone and how you story helped a father see how wrong it was for him to try and convince his daughter to have an abortion. I was in tears. Since listening to you and following you blog, I have felt an overwhelming passion to share Jesus with people in my life. I am praying that God will help me improve in my writing and speaking skills so that I may someday reach even a small percentage of people. I pray that your ministry continues to grow and bless many people. Thank you for what you are doing. Thank you for always speaking on how God can use imperfect people. It is so encouraging.

    I have shared compel on facebook and twitter and I hope that many of my friends will use this tool! I sure hope to.

  127. Jason @

    Resources like this are so valuable to new writers. I have been so thankful for people like you who have come alongside me during my writing journey with Healing Hereafter. It never would have been published without such help!
    May God continue to use you greatly!

  128. Abby McDonald

    I shared about this great opportunity on Twitter. I’ve been passionate about writing for most of my life, but just recently entered the blogging world a few months ago. I’d love some valuable tips about how to use the online community to further my writing dreams and reach a wider audience. Thanks!

  129. Janelle Keith

    God has confirmed tbis creative process. May I be faithful to use the gift He has given in my hands to improve his gift with your resources. That’s a fancy way to say I would live to learn to write better in a more compelling way. Love lysa’s blog, I am a everyday reader of her amazing greatness in words.

  130. Debby Yarbrough

    I would love to take this course. I love telling life stories and how God has moved me and used me to help people. I think this course will help me! Lysa you are the bomb along with the entire staff of P31!

  131. Ashley

    The timing of all this is such confirmation for me as God has asked me to hand over the dream I have clutched tightly to my heart! I can’t wait to start and have shared this info through Facebook and the proverbs 31 ministry page. Dreaming with God is SO exhilarating!

  132. Andrea

    My mom shared this with me on Facebook today, and it’s so exciting! Writing is one of my greatest passions, and since I’m only 14 years old, this could help me so much with my writing! Trusting God for this one!:)

  133. Rosie from TX

    Truly awesome! I so look forward to being a participant. I have started to develope a desire for writing and consider it to be Gods timing for my life. I will be sharing through Facebook and word of mouth with my friends and family.

  134. Michelle Lee

    Can’t wait. Sounds exciting.

  135. Michelle Lee

    Spreading the word:

    I have three girlfriends who have teens who are excellent writers. One is a young adult. The other two are seniors in high school. One of the girls has already published one book: Never Broken by Emily Audirsch. And the last is a sophomore in high school who adores writing. All of them are artists as well.

    All four of these will make amazing writers one day. I’ve already read some things they’ve written and couldn’t believe it came from people their age. Might invest in our future generations as well!

  136. Nicole Fellows

    I just shared on Facebook. My OBS group leader (21 on FB) keeps encouraging me to write….and I kinda started a book….I will join this group as soon as I can pay the membership! I am so excited….I am inviting my mom directly!

  137. Mirna Chamorro

    I thank the Lord for giving me the opportunity to receive your e-mail. Your resources and new writing course is truly an answered prayer. I am sharing by forwarding my e-mails to my friends, on facebook and word of mouth. My daughter (16) is the first one to know about this blessing.

  138. Jenny

    Just saw this post on one of your other blog posts and I was compelled to find out more. I have 3 blogs now and really could use some instruction on writing better and more impactful posts. 2 of the 3 blogs are personal blogs that I write from time to time just for the pure enjoyment of writing…a hobby. The third blog is a bible study blog I have helped set up for my church which is my newest endeavor and boy, am I nervous! I don’t feel qualified but God keeps calling me to do this. I am saying Yes to God on this one but I am scared! I have shared this blog post on my personal Facebook page as well as on my personal blog FB page. I will be praying that God helps me find a way to afford another $25 a month. Are there other blog writing forums that are free?

  139. Lindsay

    Wow! This is really great! I have been hearing God call me to write a book for a little while now but it was reading “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God” with my small group that actually made me listen. I have no experience writing and am terrified of going beyond my comfort zone to write a book and try to get it published with no knowledge in this area. But, I guess this is one of the signs that I am hearing God’s voice and not my own, right?! I am excited to start this endeavor and potential ministry for so many women and pray that my experiences and those of others that will be in my book may help others who have dealt with similar situations. I know that when I was going through my hard time, I would have loved a book like the one I am hoping to create and publish. I look forward to getting some guidance and inspiration from you to assist me on this crazy journey I believe God is calling me to. Thank you so much!

  140. Cindy

    Hi Lisa, I’m so excited about Compel I haven’t been able to join yet but really looking forward to this. I am going to share the program on facebook, a good way to spread the news. Good luck and God Bless, Cindy

  141. Lisa

    I am very excited to be joining “Compel”. In fact, I get daily email alerts from Encouragement for Today and I also recently purchased your bundle for your book, Unplugged, and hope to bring this to my church soon. I attend a fairly large church and I’ve just signed up to serve in our creative writing department. Everyone WILL soon know about compel. I also teach at a local college, here and my entire department (mostly women) will also know about “Compel”. We have been on quarter break, but return tomorrow. God bless you with this assignment to train women to put pen to paper, because I will soon be a published author 🙂


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