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It’s Here… What Happens When Women Say Yes to God Devotional!

August 1, 2013

Are you struggling to hear God’s voice or discern what He’s asking of you?

I know what it’s like to want that so desperately. In my experiences as a wife, mom, and ministry leader I’ve had many moments where I felt stretched way too thin and spiritually malnourished.

What Happens When Women Say Yes to God Devotional was born out of my own desire to grow closer to God through saying “yes” to Him every day. And I’m so excited to share it with you for the very first time.

Here’s a peek into the pages of the devotional, complete with Scripture, thought, prayer, and reflection questions for the day.

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good
to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.
(Genesis 50:20)

Thought for the Day: God untangled my need for approval with the challenge to live for an audience of One.

Whenever I’ve stepped out to do something I felt God calling me to do, the voices of criticism and condemnation have been there to greet me. Early on in ministry the voices were loud and cruel. “You’ll never be a speaker.” “You are not wanted.” “Look at you. Do you really think God could use someone like you?”

Sometimes I measured myself against other people. “She’s so clever. She’s so educated. She’s so connected. Who am I compared to all that?” Gradually, I shrank back. I pulled away. I put up a front of perfection with carefully crafted words and a house and kids that looked just right. Polished on the outside yet completely undone on the inside.

Eventually the Lord called my bluff. He’s good at that. I was simultaneously going through the books Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby and Victory Over the Darkness by Neil Anderson. Often I would have tears stream from my eyes while attempting to get through the lessons. But one day it was more than just tears. It was sobs pouring from a chest so heavy with burdens I thought I might literally break apart.

Down on my face, I asked God to speak to me. What I heard in reply was one simple yet life-changing question: “Will you share your story?”

“Yes, I will share my story. The good parts. The parts that are safe and tidy and acceptable.”

But safe and tidy and acceptable were not what God was looking for. He wanted the impossible.

Totally impossible.

Absolutely impossible…in my strength.

But God wouldn’t drop it. He met every one of my arguments with Scriptures about relying not on my strength but on Him.

He untangled my need for approval with the challenge to live for an audience of One. He helped me see where the voices of doubt were coming from and challenged me to consider the source. And, quite simply, He kept whispering He loved me over and over again.

The first time I shared my story was nothing but an act of absolute obedience. I kept my head down and my guard up. I expected the ladies listening to all start stoning me…especially when I got to the part about my abortion. The shame of all the abuse and rejection was nothing compared to the shame of my choice to abort my child.

I’d wept over that choice.

I’d repented.

I’d gone to God hundreds of times and asked for forgiveness.

I’d laid it down every time there was an altar call.

But nothing brought the redemption that this day brought. As I stood shaking at that podium, I shared exactly what and how God asked me to share.

And then the miracle happened.

When I finished and dared to look up at their reactions, tearstained faces were looking back at me. Mouths were whispering, “Me too. Me too.” 
In that moment, I finally understood “what Satan means for evil, God can use for good.”

Seeing God use the very thing that made me feel utterly worthless to help others changed everything. I was finally breaking free from Satan’s chains of shame and could see his lies for what they were.

In that moment, I felt victorious—not in my own power, but in the Lord’s strength and ability to use all things for good. Without that decision of obedience, I would not have been able to see how God wanted to work in the lives of so many women that night.

My saying yes to God gave others the courage to say yes to Him as well. Burdens were lifted. Lives were changed. Hidden secrets were touched by grace. It’s a beautiful thing when women say yes to God. In what way is He calling you to say yes?

Dear Lord, thank You for making the impossible, possible. Thank You for taking every event in my life and using it for good. You are worthy to be praised. I want to follow Your plan for my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Reflect and Respond:
What has God placed on your heart to share with others?

Be intentional in encouraging someone with a compliment, positive note, or text message today. The Lord wants to use our words and actions in our own lives as well as in the lives of others.

I’m giving away 5 copies of the devotional today!

To be entered to win, leave a comment below with an answer to the reflection question: “What has God placed on your heart to share with others?”

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  1. Benita

    Good morning Lysa,
    Like you I also made a terrible mistake of having an abortion many years ago and of course God forgave me. I did go through many years of regret but God’s grace got me through it as I put it in the back of my mind or try to. But one day at church as my pastors mom was speaking about how God is merciful on the woman that had abortions and that our babies are in heaven with God, as I heard this message I wept with tears of relieve and I knew that God had forgiven me. Thank you for sharing your story and I too have shared my story with a family and friends to help them understand God’s grace and mercy. May the good Lord continue to Bless you and your ministry.

  2. Stefanie Huber

    God has placed on my heart to share the Women Who Say Yes To God study. I want to make available my lessons learned and struggles that I face and my weaknesses and my victories…anything God impresses on me to share. No more hiding behind that shiny veneer of “everything’s fine!!!” I just want others to know the freedom that Christ gives us and that He is there, holding us up and cheering us along. So, I will be blogging my journey through this OBS:
    I can’t wait to get started!!!

  3. Jodie

    I want to share with you about letting go. I struggle with giving God my worries/troubles. I’ve recently gotten sick over the anxiety and stress of the burdens I carry. God is my rock, and I need to get my childlike faith back and fully rely on Him!!!!!! 🙂

  4. Kristen

    God has recently impressed upon me to share with a particular woman that it’s okay to not be okay all the time. And in sharing my struggles with a sister, I found out that she has the EXACT struggles that I do! We all walk around with masks on, pretending we have it all together — yikes!

  5. Emma (Priya K)

    Today I was sitting and hearing some lovely songs on HIM and then as I moved to some of my fav numbers in Tamil , a strange but yet a profound thought crossed my mind.. Some of these numbers pull the deepest strings of my soul and in atypical behaviour theory – these are called conditioning of the mind. That is we hear specific things/ specific sounds/ see some signs and some thoughts will reflect in our memory .. it may be pulling out old files and revisiting them.. the good bad and the best all of them come out… In one such thought of a song that Ananth had made me hear saying this is for me– suprisingly i chanced to hear it yesterday and today too… as it appeared on you tube (later i realised i have it downloaded in my phone – but have avoided hearing it ) …. It pricked me that you are feeling for some of these memories because you have never mourned them…. then i just closed my eyes and asked god.. “should i mourn them at all? , lord- have i lost anything at all? or is it them who have lost me? How should i construe it? How do i console myself.. if at all it hits me deep within and i go spiralling in nostalgia?”

    He replied .. “Emma, you mourn or you feel the hurt when you feel that you have lost.. stop that thought. Whether they have lost you or not, is for them to correct their lives about”
    Me : “How do i stop the thought? These are automated ., :)”
    He replied .. ” Emma, have you let the dam flow from your mind ever? have you let yourself drown and remove these unto me yet?”
    Me : “No… i ve never mourned any loss.. taken it in a stride that i thought is mine..” “I understand you lord… i am still in the realm of my doing to wash this away… let me move this to you .. let me mourn unto you”

    A profound message for me…



    Little did I know that I yet have to mourn,
    Thinking I am steadfast, I continued to pull the shots;
    Wondering what is in for me , I moved my pawns,
    Not knowing what it can do to me, I craved the past;

    Today, when hurt yet again in nostalgia,
    Feeling the want of that one aspect in my life,
    I tried to shrug and push it under the carpet;
    HE stopped it saying, things can never hide under the mat;

    Take it out , crush it with me, mourn unto me,
    Throw it in the dust, you cant do it, but I can HE said;
    Why do i hold on to it, I thought,
    A small hope of having back all lost?

    I shall give you new land and new hope, HE said
    Yes lord, so shall I wait, I cried,
    Your mourning is only till you know your value HE beamed,
    Never have I given me so much importance lord, I said;

    You need not, the world will,
    You need not, I will,
    Look into my kingdom and it shall all be yours,
    Never to mourn again for anything that you think is lost;

    What a powerful promise I wondered,
    Lord, do i deserve it ever, I felt,
    He smiled and told unto me, my Emma you are forever,
    I lay prostrate in soul and thought and thanked for the glory of mourning today;

    Let the dams burst and wash away the feel,
    Let the thoughts burn and dust away,
    In HIS name, I shall never want to mourn again,
    For HE has cast every one of them out of the mind’s pane,

    Wanting to show me that I am holding my past,
    HE has pushed me today to mourn unto him till i am lost,
    Oh, it soothes me, I want to cry,
    Oh, it makes me run so that I can fly;

    Wanting to make me exceed beyond excellence,
    HE has moved the mountains in my mind,
    I know HE carries me on HIS shoulder,
    For there can never be anyone throwing at me any boulder!

    In HIM I live,
    In HIM alone shall I die,
    With HIM alone I shall cry,
    As HE alone can make me fly


  6. Eva

    Oh my goodness- to not be afraid to reach out to Christian woman who believe in a different ‘flavor’ to the way I do. That’s us ok to not believe in everything the same- I can sill learn about faith and love.

  7. Jenny Humphrey

    Hey Lysa. For just over the past 2 1/2 years my husband and I have been & are missionaries in Zimbabwe. As Australians, we know what it is to live in a 1st world country…. to live with all those distractions…… coming away from that & living in a 3rd world country that is presently facing such enormous upheaval……. I can only run to God (my Hiding Place) & seek His wisdom & His will for my life. Every day is a battle ….. hearing the voice of the evil one (distractions) I am soooo looking forward to studying His word & everyday saying ‘yes’ to Him….. no matter the cost! Would you pray that I have the courage to share my story one day soon? Having a Devotional on exactly that would be awesome.

  8. Heather

    God has recently placed on my heart to take action by trusting in His power and provision to accomplish that which he wants me to do whether it is mentoring the local neighborhood kids at day camp or at church with my young women’s group.

  9. Lee

    I really needed to hear this today. I’m struggling with feelings of negativity toward a friend who has lied and spread gossip about me. Thank you. I want to share with women that God is there, no matter what, and regardless what others do He is there always.

  10. Dena

    My faith has been tested recently, God has impressed upon me the importance of trusting in Him and Him alone. Heaven is my goal and I am just a visitor here on earth. I want to fix my eyes upon Jesus and stop the worry and pain. He is my healer and my God. Nothing else should matter. I am no longer afraid of what today has in store for me. Jesus will prevail.

  11. Molly Courcelle

    Lysa! You’ve done it again! Your words to go straight to my heart. I woke up sleepless and decided to read your blog…and I am left in tears. Yesterday I was recalling the story of how you came to adopt your boys–what a beautiful act of obedience. It has been especially meaningful to me as my family is currently in the adoption process. I need the examples, like yours, of courage in the face of fear. My fears flood me and paralyze me even now–months away from having our child home with us. As I look deeper at my fears, The Lord has been showing me that at the root are extreme feelings of inadequacy. Your blog this morning brought up memories–I carry them around with me like weights. See, I have two children who, of course, are imperfect like all humans are…yet I blame my shortcomings for their every flaw. And now, with the adoption, comes an extra pressure…that my inadequacies as a parent will be on display. I don’t know if I am ready to tell the world all that (I feel) I have done to effect my children, but I am ready to look at them for myself. I am ready to give them to Him and let Him expose them as the lies that they are; for Him to fill me with the truth of His love and sovereignty.
    Thank you, Lysa, for allowing yourself to be used by God. You are a blessing!

  12. Cynthia Carter

    I think God wants me to share with hurting women, like in prison or drug rehab. My early years were very messed up. I don’ t know how to tell it without choking up so miserably that I can’t be understood. The only way I can do it is Him. Of course I keep thinking what an idiot I am.

  13. Adrienne Young

    For the month of August, God has me sharing with his daughters the power of confessing the word in four areas of our lives: finances, relationships, health and destiny. Now I’m up at 5am creating a blog site (Thanks She Speaks Conference!) to put it on instead of taking the easy way out and posting it on Facebook :).

  14. Joycelyn

    God has placed on my heart that now is the time for me to TELL the love of Jesus. I have missed many opportunities to do this for fear of rejection. Oh, it’s easy for me to SHOW the love of Jesus in the way that I live and treat others. Just the other day I turned to a devotional for that day and it’s title was, “Just Tell Them I Love Them”. WOW! How plain and simple is that?!

  15. Erica

    Obedience showers in His Grace brings amazing Joy!!

  16. Christa

    God has been teaching me that it’s OK not to be perfect and that I must rely on Him and not my own powers and my own “independence”. I’ve learned this when I opened my imperfect self to others and realized we were going through similar struggles.

  17. Erica

    God has placed on my heart for me to share my story of abuse. My shame and my fear. Growing up with a mother who tried to destroy me by her actions and words. Years of hurt piled so high on top of me, breaking me at my core. Then learning the secret to which my mother has kept from me my whole life, I have a different father from my sister. A lie held by her for 22 years. A man that never knew I existed. By God’s strength I’m learning to walk through forgiveness and fully rely on the truth that God loves me and will use this for good!

  18. Patricia D. Church

    I have learned that I must forgive myself and that God gives grace even to sinners like me. I actually wanted to post in the hopes of winning this book for my friend Dionne. She is down and called last night for me to pray for her struggles. this is a Godly woman and my best friend. She would love a copy of this devotion but I would also pray that you would pray for her as well Thank you so much. Her email is

  19. Regina

    I have found that sharing the plethora of daily devotionals & providing a “recap” of how they are speaking to me (& my obvious foul-ups that go along w/ how the devotionals speak to me) has supposedly helped friends of mine. I have a tendency to share my outlook through Facebook or other written media due to the lack of confidence I have in “speaking.” (Though my spelling & grammar can be more atrocious using this channel of communication.) With this posting about your devotional, something stirred in me… I wonder if I should try and do short “devotional” type sessions w/ a few of the friends that have voiced their appreciation for my posts?

  20. Shamika

    Recently, God has wanted me to tell others about His love and His goodness. When I had struggles in school, He delivered me. When things seemed hopeless, He showed me that He still performs miracles. There were times when I didn’t think I would make it and I wanted to give up, but God brought me through. He has taken me through these things for a purpose, and that is to help someone else.

  21. Christine Nicholl

    “You are as sick as your secrets”, how many times have I heard that or said that out loud but never let it sink into my heart. The Lord has been pressing me to share more of myself to the women that I meet in my 12 step program. He has pushed me past my comfort zone and He has asked me to take on more responsibility when I can’t see the possibility of it. Satan tells me “Im too busy”, I have already too much on my plate, I cant possibly help and the big lie, “there are others better qualified than you!” Today, August 1, I thank God for my 29 years of soberity and say Yes to what He writes on my heart.

  22. Zernah Alekseenko

    I come from a ‘shame’ culture and it has only been during the recent years that I have come to really worship God without any pretense. In my culture, it is taboo to admit any weakness, open up about one’s sordid past… Although it is so normal to show all kinds of emotions. I find myself like a specimen under a microscope, strange and different when I do speak about what I feel about God and how He is working in my life. It is so out of my comfort zone. But God’s fire is burning inside me that I can’t help but speak. Thank you for the encouragement. I may look like a good Christian girl but God is daily sorting out the garbage inside me and helping me bury them all… And I know He will complete that work in me. I know He will.

  23. Kerri

    God has placed on my heart my imperfect humanness and the fact that I cannot live this life without His guidance. I have learned through a damaging secret that I am not perfect nor do I need to be. I have learned a dependence like no other on Him and want to let others with secrets know that He is waiting at your door. Let Him in!

  24. donita j burston

    I still live the burden of shame in so many areas but the one shame is when I use to wet the bed. It burdened me for so long and why God did’t answer my prayers(at least I didn’t think so). This carried into my adult life and how I looked at life. I have learned that shame is an enemy used to keep us down. Today I shared with my heart and tried to share what He wants me to share. Sunday I have been asked to lead women’s bible ministry and I don’t think I’m capable so maybe your book can help me.

  25. Vicki

    I am blessed to have received inner peace from God and when someone asks how I am able to deal with certain issues, or when i know someone is going through a difficult time, I share with them how it all came about by finding and talking to Jesus.

  26. Sallyanne John

    I’m laying here in tears after reading a portion of your book. I have been through similar experience. I have heard God tell me to share my story, but I’m so afraid and ashamed of things that I’ve been through. I even questioned God…What would I name the book? He revealed it to me months ago, and I am still struggling with embarrassment of my past. I got up this morning feeling stressed. I decide to check my emails and came across yours. Thanks for sharing. I’ve decided to start writing my book. God bless!

  27. Marte Janea

    For many days, God is reminding me of lordship. To surrender everything to His hands even my hang-ups. I’ve been sharing my journey on confronting and giving it up to God with my churchmates. I’ve volunteered in our church’s campus ministry, and it’s amazing how the Holy Spirit helps me in communicating this to students as well (I’m always claiming Matthew 10:19-20). There are times we tend to put our hang-ups at the back of our minds not knowing that this emotional baggage manifest itself on our everyday lives. Just as what Jacob did, I really believe that we should wrestle this with God. And He will never leave us on our battle with it. Instead, He will bless us with His powerful presence and will sustain us with His grace. This is what I am so excited to share with other people. 🙂

  28. Lee-Anne Buys

    Job22:28 “You shall also decide and decree a thing, and it shall be established for you; and the light [of God’s favor] shall shine upon your ways.” AMP
    Whatever the situation / circumstances you have the power within you to decide the outcome.
    I am currently separated, going through an ugly divorce. I could let the circumstances overwhelm me, I could allow the pressures of providing for my children, or the fact that I work with my husband’s new girlfriend, or that I stand to loose the house in all of this ugliness get the better of me. But God, in His grace and infinite wisdom, provides a way for me to cope with all of this every day. Every day declare your victory, declare your peace, declare your joy. “Cement the parameters of your situation.”

    God is ever faithful, He is Alpha, omega, the beginning, the end and everything in between. You are the apple of His eye, His beloved…rest child, in His love, rest in His grace. He has done it all.

  29. Jill Beran

    Oh Lysa, it’s early, I can’t sleep and I prayed about turning on the computer…God usually doesn’t lead in that direction, but today He did. I know why…your words again brought tears and are being used by God once again. Thank you.

    What has God placed on my heart? To share a bit about marriage and how GOD brought me to where I am…including pieces of my story, my mess, that I’ve never shared, but He’s now asking to be part of His message.

    Thank you again for saying “Yes”, setting an example and encouraging me to do the same. Blessings to you from the farm!

  30. Marci

    I’ve recently been convicted that I don’t give my husband enough credit. God has shown me through prayer that he is an extremely hard worker, and even though he doesn’t tackle things the way I would, that’s okay and right in it’s own way. I’m saying yes to God, that I trust that He equally yoked me to my husband!

  31. crystal

    I have been led to share snipits of the Proverbs 31 & YouVersion devotionals on my social network feeds, while also providing the link to the full deco. Sometimes no one comments. Other times, multiple “likes” and comments.
    I have shared the opportunity of the say yes study and the fact that I have signed up for my first OBS. Not knowing what to expect, but responding in faith to what God is calling me. I am excited and eager to get started.
    Thank you, Lysa, for your book, for your ministry, for everything you do!
    God bless you.

  32. Teri Triplett

    God has placed on my heart to share with others my journey with depression. I’m still in the process of praying it away, but medication is ok in the meantime!

  33. Heide Zahn

    Some truly amazing things are happening in my life right now. I have had to hire 4 out of 9 new staff for the preschool I am the director of. Many people have asked me if I am worried or stressed. I have learned to rely on my faith to show me the way. The story of filling the last 2 positions is something that could only be from God. While reconnecting and rehiring a former employee over dinner, a former preschool family walked into the restaurant. In catching up with this family, I find out she was recently unemployed. I offered her a job on the spot. She accepted. Moments like that are not random. It’s God’s hand at work. I have shared the story first with my fellow believers to strengthen us all and now when those on the fringe to show how I know it’s God because it can’t be explained in any other way.

  34. Jackie

    God has, and is, leading me to encourage other women. To shine His light, especially in time of adversity. To demonstrate to others, especially my closest friends and closest co-workers that to look for the blessings in all circumstances because if we really look they may be found – it may be miniscual, but they are there.

  35. Adrienne

    God has placed on my (our) heart to better equip the women in our church to recognize God and His calling for their lives. Myself and co-leader Jenny are starting the What happens When Women Say Yes to God study this week. The amazing thing is, we had already planned to do the study this summer on our own. The we saw info about on-line study. This was affirmation that we are in God’s will, for ourselves and the ministry — which is EXACTLY where we want to be. Excited !!! Peace

  36. Diana

    God has placed on my heart to share that with His Love and Grace we can find the way through horrible tragedies. Through whatever life throws at us. That feelings of bitterness and resentfulness blind us from the light of his Love, and that light is the only thing that can allow us to see our way through. That forgiving someone who has stolen people we Love can be too hard to do alone, but not forgiving can block us from His forgiveness. (The Lord is still helping me work on that one). That though it is beyond our understanding God loves us more than we can imagine, and somehow is using all of these things/ events for my Good. God has Been pulling on my heart strings and is Calling me. I’m gonna try to be quiet and still and listen.

  37. Sally

    God has placed on my heart to pray in private and to share prayer and the miracle of prayer with others. From praying, “O Lord, where are my keys?” and then finding them; to “O Lord, please watch over ________________.” and then learning that at the time I prayed for them it was what they needed or when they needed it. That makes me wonder – how many other prayers do we say for people who may not have faith or who we don’t encounter on a daily basis and they know that something touched them deeply but they don’t know exactly what. There is never a shortage of what to pray about when praying for guidance in my life as well as praying for others. Rather, sometimes the challenge can be to stay still/quiet and let God speak back to me. I have learned that instead of remaining quiet and shy about my prayer life, I am learning to share with others the happiness and peace that comes when I pray as well as the joy of letting them know they were lifted up in prayer. Thank you, Lysa, for your daily dose of encouragement and your constant prayer for all of us.

  38. Amy R.

    I have been feeling God telling me to share aspects of my testimony that I’ve been too embarrassed to share. I spent 10 years married to an abusive man, and sharing that has been painful and embarrassing. I feel that I should’ve “known better”, should have seen the signs- but God has been asking me to share. I’m also unable to have children, and God has not only blessed me with 3 children through my second husband, but has been showing me how my story can bless others. Again- sharing that is somewhat embarrasing, but freeing at the same time.

  39. Kathylynn Duggins

    Lysa, Most mornings I share on my Facebook page the Encouragement from that day and I always get positive comments from various friends about how that particular blog was just for them that day. I recently had a friend who is usually pretty quiet send me a private message about how something I had posted that day was exactly what she needed to hear and she wanted me to know how she looks forward to reading what I post every day and wanted to have a closer relationship with me because she felt I was a Godly Woman and she really needed a friend like that in her life. I was so humbled by being called a Godly woman!! I pray EVERY day for the Lord to let me be a light to shine for him and what a blessing to be a vessel to share what you write and be an encouragement for someone else! I am honored in sharing God’s Love thru you and Thank you for taking the time each day to write what you do because YOU are an encourager for me!! Have a Beautiful Blessed Day!!

  40. Rhonda

    I work with a lot of young women, many of whom struggle with relationships, raising children, financial problems and juggling daily life. I know God wants me to share my struggles and how when I finally gave up on fixing everything myself and let God in it changed my life. I am about to begin using the devotionals from “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God” with them.

  41. Rachel

    I feel led to share by praying more with the people I serve at my job. I recognized the sin of prayerlessness in my life and as I work to overcome it I feel led to pray openly and often. Having the courage to offer prayer to my patients is a huge step I’d like to take regularly.

  42. Rebekah

    God wants me to share with other women that he loves them unconditionally – his love isn’t based on what we did, what we do or what we plan to do. He wants women to just know He loves them.

  43. Marisa B

    Hi Lysa, So enjoying MTC action plan right now. I shared it with a friend at work yesterday. I feel God wanting me to just show His love to others. I am learning not to shy away from others when they are in need but that it helps to talk to them and say I’m praying for you ( and REALLY pray)! Sometimes people say I am praying for you (to me) and it takes my breath away! The power that we have to lift each other up in prayer! What a loving God we have that he lets us be a part of what He is doing! Praying and praising God for you, Lysa. Thank you for saying YES to God!

  44. Tammy Rude

    Me too! Over 6 years ago, God called me to share my story (God’s Story) in a blog format. As a matter of fact, it was during my time at a SheSpeaks Conference that I thought I was hearing things because writing wasn’t my forte. But I said “Yes” and from that point on He has opened doors that I could have never begun to push open. Now I’m feeling the nudge to write my abortion story in book form…yikes!


  45. Georgia

    Good morning, I love the blog today, it touched my heart in many ways. Lately, God has placed on my heart to be a Titus mentor to younger women. I am 44 and there are many 20 somethings that want a mentor. But, Satan has been telling me how unworthy I am to mentor these precious girls, that I am not holy enough or righteous enough. Today…I am calling them and setting up our first meeting! Thank u Lysa and thank u God.

  46. Kim Cragg

    God urges me to share “realness” when I speak. I don’t have it all together – never will – but I know who holds my altogether for me.

  47. Cindy Winter

    Lysa, the Proverbs 31 devotions have been such a blessing to me every morning and have become a stepping stone, no – a diving board for our Sisters’ ministry at our church. One of our leaders shared a few of the devotionals with us through email, we would comment, then very shortly I signed up myself (as did a few of the other ladies). Each of the ladies that share as part of Proverbs 31 are so different and yet so much the same. We all struggle with something (or many things), but it gives us all hope!

    We took the 2012-2013 season to study “Woman After God’s Own Heart” by Elizabeth George. She encouraged us to keep “5 Fat Files” of topics that the Lord is leading us to learn more about or strive for. Proverbs 31 “Encouragements for Today” fill most of my files because they are so relevant to what the Lord is teaching me as well as the rest of the ladies in our group. God is speaking to me to dig deeper into His Word rather than just scratching the surface as I have done most of my life. I’ve been a Christian for 48 of my 52 years and love the Lord with all my heart, but I still (we all still) have so much to learn and struggle with my walk becoming stale. We will never stop learning and growing and falling in love with Him until the day we die. One day when we see Him face-to-face I want Him to say to each one of us, “Well done thou good and faithful servant.”

    Thank you for being faithful to follow His leading and helping lead many other women toward Him every day! May God continue to bless you and your ministry.

  48. Twylene

    We are foster parents, and one of my prayers has been to share the compassion of Jesus to the bio families…without judging their choices and without holding back to guard my heart we want to love them and let them know we care. It’s hard because we get sucked into the vicious cycle of change without foundation, bad choices, more changes, etc. And we wish we could make the choice for accepting God’s grace for them, but we can’t. All we can do is love them through all those hurts and failures…thanks for allowing God to use you through writing!

  49. Rebecca F

    I have been pressed to share my thoughts that my mind has become a battlefied of negativity. In order to regain happiness I need to study the Word more. The struggles of understanding the bible is working against me. Any help on how to get into the Word would be so helpful.

  50. Nancy

    God is calling me to step forward and share my walk through breast cancer with others.
    There is no active breast cancer support group at my church. I am almost 5 years out from diagnosis and up until now have said that I don’t need a support group. I am fine. I was diagnosed this summer, not with cancer, but with lymphedema associated with the cancer that is going to be a lifelong walk. I NEED a support group. So do others and I want to build a support group with God at its center where we can come wherever we are in the process to help and support and love each other.

  51. Sherrell

    Your post made me uncomfortable this morning Lysa. It slapped me directly in the face of my insecurities and the longing I have to reach out for God and completely trust Him. There are many things that God is leading me to say yes to. Namely, speaking openly about being adopted, born to a mother that was addicted to crack, not knowing my father and having a major identity crisis. Even now, as a believer and learning to surrender completely to Christ, I struggle with who I am. There are times that I’ve felt defeated by the unwinding of my emotions, mental stability and need to feel accepted despite God’s longing for me to give him my heart and know that I am His. This road is excruciating but God somehow keeps calling me to speak up and out for those kids that have felt loss on an entirely different level when you walk around with the pain that your parents failed you. I too still suffer through my choice to have an abortion mainly because I was afraid that I would too fail my child.

    Thank you for making me uncomfortable this morning Lysa by sharing your truth. Your healing brought forth healing and I know that is exactly what the Lord is asking me to do by sharing the sweetness of my misery.

    – Sherrell

  52. Tricia

    God has placed on my heart to share more with those who do not know Him. I enjoy time with a neighbor who does not know Him and pray my life, my example will help to draw her in. I’ve also shared with a coworker this study and we are doing it together! I’m so excited to see what God has in store for us!! Thank you for this study!!

  53. Mary Givens

    Gods been telling me to share two stories to show how he can forgive and change us. I was raised in a very plain christian family, so when my first marriage dissolved due to my husbands drug abuse it was very shameful to me. I was always raised that divorce was completely out of the question. I live with this shame for many years while it kept me far from a close relationship with God. I finally turned all my shame and guilt over to God and since then I have gotten so much closer to Him. There is no sin to large for Gods forgiveness. Now 4 years later God has brought me to a place where He sent me on my first mission trip. This is another experience that i am having a hard time sharing. Not because it was shameful, but because it was so special and emotional that I want to keep it to myself. I know thats not Gods will though. I have been trying to open up more and share what God showed me and how He moved in my life on that trip. God has brought me from a dark place to a very wonderful, happy, light place. I praise God for that.

  54. Heather

    Your words hit close to home this morning- a little too close for comfort! God has impressed on my heart for some time now to be more open in sharing our story of restoration, healing, and hope. I’ve consented in parts, but I’ve been more than unwilling to share the “ugly” parts of our story. The past year and a half God has brought my husband and I through the fire… we’ve dealt with being separated by distance for the military, working through confessions of adultery, my mom fighting breast cancer, and then giving birth to a beautiful baby girl (our third) who was born with hydrocephalus and cerebral brain cysts. We almost lost her, and had to allow the doctors to operate on her brain three times in her first month of life. But through it all, God has been ever so faithful, and has proven His promise that “hope does not disappoint” (Rom. 5:5). Now it’s time for us to use these painful experiences for His good!

  55. Kelly

    God has pushed me to be real with women. I’m a pastors wife and sometimes we want to act like life is just perfect. When I am real, that seems to really help other women know life isn’t going to be perfect but we can strive to live this life to glorify God.

  56. Katie Riley

    God has challenged me to give up some things that I was too attached to and to trust him. In doing so I had to give up my house, leave my family, and move out of state. I felt convicted by god so I listened. I am starting at my dream job today and living in a wonderful place…. God is good

  57. PattiS

    Every object lesson the Lord gives me! Jeremiah 20:9 says, “But if I say, ‘I will not mention His word or speak anymore in His name,’ His word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.”. Giving testimony is a part of how we overcome. …as Rev 12:11 says.

  58. esther

    We have been facing some real hard struggles in our family for about 4 years now. Our oldest son got into drugs, alcohol, pills in high school. We pulled him from there and sent him to Teen Challenge. He is home now doing better. He got in a relationship with a girl and we now have a grandson to help raise. They are still seeing each other, but wanting to wait a little, she is not sure she is committed. We have been thru a lot more in between these few words, but thru it all God still is faithful, even when days are hard–there are others out there hurting just as we are. We have learned to continue to share, as hard as it is to let all the hurt and disappointments out on the table–God will use our pain and turn it into purpose. Encouraged to read this book and learn more about how God can use me.

  59. Alli

    God has impressed on my heart this last year that its not about me. I can be so selfish and want everything that is convenient for me. This life is so short – a vapor – and in that time the only purpose I have is to bring glory to God. But its a daily choice to put ME aside, and take the opportunities the Lord has for me – even if not convenient or easy. The only things that will last are whats done for Him.

  60. Carol Redden

    I am grateful for the work you, Renee and others do so faithfully.
    I strive daily to acknowledge God in all my ways, giving thanks and praising Him. Praying in everything from finding the right parking place to comforting a friend whose mother is in transition to eternity. He uses me in ways I do not expect but am grateful to do as He directs.

  61. Tisha Fletcher

    I want to live for an “audience of One” every single moment of the day. When I step away, letting others or this world influence me, I fail miserably. I always am reminded of the song, This world is not my home I’m just a passing through, my treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue. I want to continue to share the good news, and always follow His lead!

  62. RLH

    2013 has slammed my family like a ton of bricks, and it’s only August. Already so many things have happened that would test anyone’s faith to the max and maybe cause them to fall away from their walk with Christ, but I have held on and am trying to strengthen my walk with God daily. It has been put on my heart to not stop praying for loved ones who need more of Christ, and also to trust God in everything more than I do. He is challenging me and strengthening me for a reason. I’ll know why one day.

  63. Eden

    Thank you for sharing, this hit home to me as well. Over the past year, I’ve felt convicted to be more real in sharing my story with others. I’ve always left out the ugly parts as well. I’ve struggled with this because we have two teenage daughters, and I struggle with them knowing about my past, even though it is not who me or my husband are anymore. I don’t know how to share my story without them knowing the ugly parts too. I know that our past and how God has restored my husband and me would be encouraging to other young married couples but I am afraid of my daughters or my family discovering the ugly past. I am definitely going to pray more about what God would have me do – what His will is, not mine. Thank you for your encouraging devotions, you are such a blessing!

  64. Sarah Dalman

    God is calling me to be more than a teacher (Leadership at church) and start impacting ladies lives for healing. I know that what I go through is what I incorporate into what I teach and see that this devotional can be a spring board as I share and develop more relationships with ladies for God’s healing.

  65. Cindy

    For some time God has asked me to share your devotional’s with one sweet friend but I believe that is only a beginning and He is asking me to share more often and to share with others too. Frankly fear of judgement has kept me from doing just that. God is leading me through a valley with my husband unemployed and my son moving out of state for the first time and yet He is giving me peace that is only possible through Him. He wants me to share more of His story of simply surrendering my will to Him and trusting Him.

  66. Jean Kindstedt

    I have been working through with God the matter of trusting Him. A question that was given to me in another reading, was “Am I willing to bail into the arms of God and trust Him completely ? ” I had to say no, but as I have worked that through, I would share with women that God is walking with us through this step by step, and sometime carrying. He also brought to mind a saying that was given to my husband and I when we got married, which over the 38 years has proven true :God always gives His best to those who leave the choice with Him. Psalm 37:5.
    I appreciated your devotional today as it reminded me of this and getting away with Him and saying yes to His choices and trusting Him for His best. Thanks for your words today. God used them as I am walking/working this all through.

  67. Shari Kozlowski

    Boundaries are necessary for freedom. For those of us with a gift of mercy it is hard to say no. It is also necessary to know who we are in Christ even faced with confrontation to be able to speak truth tough love and not be left with a feeling of guilt. God is working in me on this not to just sweep everything under the rug and think I am being a peacemaker but to be able to speak truth in love.

  68. Lugene Blair

    That God is enough. That He meets you right where you are and provides sometimes in the moment what it is you need. That He is trustworthy. Perhaps man/woman is not but God always is. Put your faith and trust in Him…Him alone.

  69. Danielle @ The Domestic Four

    This couldn’t have been more timely, love when The Lord works that way. Have been in some kind of inner termoil for quiet some time now wrestling with my role in a certain situation. Thoughts of ‘they won’t listen to you’ and ‘your opinion doesn’t matter’ have been creeping in. Still not sure of my role but I am beginning to feel the courage and strength begin to build for whatever I’m going to be asked to do. Prayerful that I will allow The Lord to work through me in this situation and always.

  70. Lori

    I have a hard time making friends. I’m always putting up walls and making excuses to myself that it’s because I’m too busy. This shows me I need to meet with my audience of one more and let Him do the rest.

  71. Robin Sims

    23 years ago I made a promise to the Lord that I would help others with an issue that many people have. I still have this issue that I wrestle with daily but I do see deliverance up ahead and I am looking forward to sharing God and how he offers deliverence.

  72. Paula

    It’s interesting to look at someone else’s life and just feel like, “Wow, they have it all together!” Through opening up and sharing our stories we find that what outwardly seems great, they struggle with the same issues.

    The day my world was turned upside down when my daughter spoke out and I realized I was married to a sexual predator I was scared … I didn’t want to be a statistic … I had no clue how to be a single parent. It was very hard, dealing with the fall out, the emotions, all the things my daughter had to deal with. Suddenly the life I thought was amazingly ‘perfect’ was suddenly changed. The cutting, suicide attempts, anorexia … my daughter completely changed.
    Ah, but God didn’t allow me to do it alone. I am amazed at the healing that has taken place in the past three years. Our family and especially my daughter have come so far and I know it is a miracle. Repeatedly I would say what Satan meant for evil God can turn to good. We’ve shared our story … only to learn that we are not alone in this … so many people have the same story. I am praising God for the victory we’ve been able to experience … FREEDOM from our past and looking to our bright future.

    I loved the devotional this morning … thank you!!!!

  73. Kim

    What has God placed on your heart to share with others? Very good question, this is going to sound sad but I am not sure. Maybe encouragement but not really sure.
    My comment seems so out there from everyone else but I need to trust (wait) that in time the Lord will make it known.

    • Kay


      I’m with you. I don’t know what it is God wants me to share, or even do on a day by day basis. I’m just seeking his guidance.


  74. Halona Luna

    God has been showing me to share His love with my family & friends. I can’t wait to get this new devo. What a blessing!!

  75. Fran

    God is enough…I must share that God is enough in every situation!

  76. Ellen

    I tend not to have the confidence to share my faith with others in a direct manner, but I have found the confidence to share online devotions/blogs from Proverbs 31 with others and tell them why I find them meaningful. This practice has opened up some surprising conversations!

    Thank you for all you do~ Ellen

  77. Cyndi

    GOOD ENOUGH….in my heart of hearts I am always striving for that unattainable goal of GOOD ENOUGH. others look and see a woman who has adopted special needs children,has homeschooled for 17 years, always smiling
    ….but I often feel so short of “good enough”

  78. Krisi house

    God has placed working with children in my heart . I have four wonderful children of my own and keep more in my home . I believe that is what has called me to do . Is to minister to children , not only at my house during the day but as well as at church through children’s church .

  79. Sarah Brubaker

    To take off the masks and be real. There are others struggling and there are others that have already walked this road and they can help. It is painful but also freeing to be real!!

  80. Cherri

    God has placed on my heart to share His word with my young employees. I employ many female college students at my small business I see so many struggles they face in trying to navigate through the trials of college life. Though I consider myself to be a ‘newbie’ Christian and am still learning how to trust in Christ and let Him guide my life, I know there is something I have to offer through Christ to guide these young women in their lives. Sometimes that means offering scripture to those who are Christ followers, but sometimes it means praying for them or simply turning to God to ask that He show me how to help them and that He strengthen me as a leader and a mentor. Thank you, Lysa, for your guidance and God bless!

  81. Jennifer

    To be honest, I’m not exactly sure yet what God wants me to share yet. I know He wants me to share, but I’m where you were years ago…. “Yes, I will share my story. The good parts. The parts that are safe and tidy and acceptable.” and definitely coupled with the thoughts of, “You’ll never be a speaker.” “You are not wanted.” “Look at you. Do you really think God could use someone like you?” I want to be a woman who wants to say, “Yes” to God…….thanks for your ministry!

  82. B Williamson

    I have been crying out to God for guidance in my life. Even though I have a wonderful family and friends I feel completely worthless much of the time. The worlds voices scream in my ears and blocking them out is so hard sometimes. I know God doesn’t make junk and that my weakness in allowing these worldly voices to infiltrate His creation are my weakness not His. My insecurities about myself effect my ability to have a more intimate marriage and to go forward with the work I know God wants me to do. I am consumed at times with fear of failure at many things and then I try to remember that Jesus is freedom from this world and the voices if I do just what your devotion suggests and focus on the right things. Many mistakes and successes from the past shape who we are today. I guess I should be more thankful for my weaknesses and look at them as having that much more room for God to grow in me.

  83. Samantha Birdsong

    God has placed on my heart to buy the falling down 110 yr old home I’m renting and turn it into a shelter for domestic violence survivors. As a single mother of 4 surviving on disability from the VA for our income I have no idea how God is going to do this but I know He has a plan. My children and I are survivors of domestic violence and it has not been easy. With little support from family we merely survived for the first 3 yrs. I turned to alcohol, drugs, bars, and sex to deal with the emotional turmoil I had from 10 years of living with abuse. My children and I were not living; we were simply surviving and my home was chaos. Then Jesus came and rescued us. Only a few months ago he sent a group of loving women of Christ into my life. I began praying, reading the Bible, and the first Bible study this group of women did was your book “Unglued”. I accepted Christ as my personal savior and He is now the head of my household. As a result order has been restored to my home and my heart. God is still doing the hard work of restoring what was broken for so long. He is a mighty powerful God! I’m so looking forward to this OBS so I can keep moving forward and say “Yes” to God every day. I’m excited to see how He’s going to use me to lead other women to Jesus; truly father to the fatherless and the ultimate bridegroom!

    • Suzie Cook

      I will be praying for you Samantha as you continue your walk in faith. I’m so happy to hear that you are my sister in Christ!

  84. Maggie Warren

    This is just what I needed to hear today! Thank you! I was just recently nominated for deacon. I waited until the last possible minute to finally accept the nomination, and I am still wondering what makes me qualified other than my love for Jesus. I guess I just answered my own question…Thank you again for your words!!

  85. Juli

    Boy, isn’t this timely. God has been impressing on me to loosen my tongue and talk to people about not only how He continually saves from depression, but how He has redeemed my past of giving myself away to any boy or man who asked. That’s the hard one. The shameful one. But I also know that when I do, when that opportunity comes, it will come with great healing. Doesn’t mean I still don’t want to avoid it. I do. But I keep praying for the strength when the opportunity comes.

  86. B baker

    Considering what God has for me to share is a question I have not answered in quite some time. I keep most people at a distance by changing the conversation to one about them. I will pray this morning for one person to cross my path that God wants me to encourage from my heart today.

  87. Renee

    Losing my husband to leukemia four years ago, I have found blessings in sharing my story in a couple of different ways. First, I’ve met many others with a diagnosis of cancer. I want them to know not every diagnosis of cancer ends in death. Second, I make sure when someone comments on how well I seem to be doing, I let them know God is the only reason I’m doing as well as I am. Today would’ve been our 32nd wedding anniversary. Never dreamed 32 years ago that today I’d be a widow, but so very glad I know who holds my todays and tomorrows.

  88. Nathalie Timeny

    God has placed in my heart the desire to counsel and encourage young couples in my life. Many times I have asked God: “why me? My marriage is not even close to perfect”. In multiple instances, when family and friends have called me for guidance and encouragement in their relationship trouble, God has shown me that he can use my experiences in my imperfect marriage to help others. Your message today has inspired me to stop hiding behind my imperfections and to say “yes to God”.

  89. Kathy

    God has given me the courage to help women in domestic violence relationships. I can share with them that HE is there to help along with a long list of loving agencies and safe houses to protect them and their children! I love the devotionals you have and share them with the ladies in a safe house when I have finished!

  90. Cheryl

    Wow – every time I read a post by you, it speaks to me. I thank God for the radio ministry that led me to your website! You are such a blessing and inspiration to women everywhere. God bless!

  91. Erin Thompson

    God used my friend to help me get out of the boat and walk on water, all the while encouraging me each step of the way.

  92. Amy

    This is scary stuff! I was bitten by a dog when I was 6 years old, and still have some scars on my face. Many people say they don’t even notice them anymore, but I know that they are still there. This has led to exactly what you stated, trying to put on the facade that all is great, and our family has it all together even when I feel like a mess on the inside. I feel if I let go of the facade, my scars will show up more. I am ready to say yes to God, and move into the life he has for my family and me, but letting go is so hard! So I am going into your bible study with great excitement and fear. Lord guide me through this, I pray.

  93. Susie Hoffmann

    God has placed on my heart that even with ADD, dealing with a mom with dementia, and trying to lose weight, I have something to offer others who are dealing with the same struggles.

  94. Erin

    God used my friend to help me get out of the boat and walk on water, all the while encouraging me each step of the way. I can’t wait to tell her…

  95. Aida

    God wants me to share my life, my time, my walk with other women who don’t know He is there for them. Regularly I am faced with women who are living in a place of discouragement, pain, confusion and shame. Not knowing how or why to turn to God. When I am able to share the difficulties I face daily, the struggles…honestly, they realize they are not alone. It has been a blessing to me to be able to share my weaknesses, mistakes and struggles and see them produce something positive through the filter of God’s truth. Thank you God for wanting to use all of me to glorify you!

  96. Dee

    How interesting because I just said to a co-worker yesterday “it seems as though Gods theme this week is Trust” Yes we trust him in our ever day to day but its in those big & overwhelming situations where he is looking for us to fully trust & give it all to him. To not try and solve the problem or provide a solution but to truly trust and patiently wait on him .. To surrender because as moms we want to solve things but he knows best & we simply need to let go let God & be still to listen…

  97. Ashley

    God has laid it on my heart to write a book, sharing my love and unique way of viewing nature with others, specifically women I think. I view nature as His artistic masterpiece (I literally think of God as a painter, paint brush in hand, quite a bit). My issue so far has been getting started. I keep listening to Satan’s lies about how I’ll never get all of those words written (when you start writing, a 10-page chapter seems incredibly long), his lies about my writing ability, his lies about my worth in general, honestly. God put it on my heart to write this book because He gave me a unique gift and I want to follow Him in that but the hugeness of this project is more than a little overwhelming which unfortunately, leads to complacency on my part.

    He’s also laid it on my heart to let go of the fears that have held me in bondage for so many years. I am only 28 years old but I have lived in fear since I was a child. I am in the process of breaking free of those bonds and I have to tell you, it feels really good! As I let go of fear, I find out more about the confident Ashley rather than the fearful Ashley.

    There are other things He’s speaking to me about, but those are the two main ones that came to mind. Thank you so much for sharing your writing ability Lysa and please thank those that work with you as well who post on blogs and write for the daily email that goes out. I look forward to reading them each day!

    Lord, please show me how to overcome Satan’s lies when they become overwhelming and begin sounding like truth. Show me how best to overcome my complacency and follow You with reckless abandon, just as you love me with reckless abandon, no matter what I do or do not do. Thank you so much Lord for your unfailing love and the gift of your Son on a cross, sent to die for my sins. Teach me Lord, that just as you made the ultimate sacrifice, I can sacrifice such things as my time and gain so much from You and Your Word as a result of that sacrifice.

    In Jesus’ Name,

  98. Amanda

    “What has God placed on your heart to share with others?”

    Parts of my past. My testimony.
    From my struggles of a healthy relationship with food to how God has showed in my life even when I turned completely from Him in the following more extreme moments of my history:
    dabling dangeoursly at one point in witchcraft being a self proclaimed witch, when I was a stripper, doing drugs, homosexuality, self mutilation.
    Then finally I hit the point I thought I would never face, unplanned pregnancy and the push from the guy I was with to abort. Thank and praise God my dad spoke sense into me and I listened.
    I am still trying to form my testimony fully, but I know God just pulls the right parts out to the right people at the right time.
    The Holy Spirit is pretty awesome.

  99. Kellie Westover

    Yesterday the Lotd led me to finally answer one of many Facebook messages I had received from a distant, estranged cousin. When I typed back the “hey, how are you?” I never expected the honest answer of “horrible, he won’t talk to me, the deployment messed him up, he has night tremors and I know he has PTSD.” As a wife of a warrior who has been deployed, mother of three and Behavioral Specialist that works with PTSD and other issues, it became clear that God called me to answer her yesterday, sharing my own story, my understanding of her situation, giving guidance but most of all leading her to pray and listen for Gods response. What satan means to rip their family apart, God will use to bring the closer and make them stronger in Him; just as he did in our home. Thank you Lysa, for leading the way for all of us to be clearer in our path to be His women. God bless you and yours and the women making the choice to say Yes to God.

  100. Robin

    Lysa, You have been a source of strength for me for the last year because you continually point me toward the only true source of strength – God. The last two years have been the hardest but the most fulfilling if that makes sense. I released all my secrets to my husband of infidelity before we married and the journey since then has been filled with highs and lows that I have never experienced. I have been so desperate and crying out to God for wisdom and seeking guidance. This journey has been one of discovery for me and seeing myself without the mask that I put on for so many years. I have discovered that I am not as ‘good’ as I thought I was, but that I can be better than I thought I was truly for one reason- Jesus. I wouldn’t trade what I have learned about Him and myself through this trial for anything.
    My story is one of seeking love/acceptance from the opposite sex and giving up what is most valuable, but I held no value in it. There has been abuse, adultery, lying, but then truly God stepped in. And he began that good work in me, but He didn’t stop. He wasn’t satisfied that I still held onto the mask and lived a life that was less than He intended. So He revealed me and I had no choice but to trust Him entirely. My story is still unravelling as I try to hold onto my marriage and my family. As I try to unconditionally love a man that appears to no longer love me, as I try to point him to Jesus for help with his depression. But God has given me a heart to share my story with others that may be experiencing the same desperate feelings of seeking anyone or anything to live each day in the battle. I hesitate to share though because my story is still a daily battle and my husband is still dealing daily with the consequences of my actions.
    When I read about your abortion, the tears just streamed. I want to be real in front of people and you are real. You have greatly ministered to me and I am thankful for you, but also for the promise of what God can do with my story, with me.
    Thank you, Lysa!

  101. Monica

    The easy answer would be to say that God wants me to share with the middle school girls that I work with each day. That I already do. The stretching me answer would be that God wants me to open myself to my friends and allow them to see me without the front that all is well all the time. I’m realizing that relationships can only deepen if I’m willing to open up.

  102. jenn

    God has told me to reach out to the unchurched, to moms struggling with life or faith and to encourage them in sharing of my story. To build a community of moms that put Jesus first in all they do!

  103. Diane Ippolito

    God has put on my heart a burden to teach women the power of prayer. This is linked to abiding in Him and is something I need to remind myself too.

  104. Suzie Cook

    I have a testimony that starts out like a Jerry Springer episode. I have been able to share my story and can relate and empathize with so many people, because I have been through so many trials.
    The Lord has been speaking to me about starting a small group at my church for people that need to share their hurts and receive encouragement. Please join me in prayer as I propose this to my church leadership.

  105. lindsay

    God gently nudges me to share my struggles as a stay at home mom…and finding fullness and validation in my children alone. He calls me to scripture often regarding this but I still struggle to feel like I am filled up enough by being st home….knowing God puts women in my life so often who feel the same. He is trying to draw us all to him! Thank you Lyssa…Love your writing so much. God bless.

  106. Leslie B

    God has placed in me the ability to be a friend to women who may not realize they need it because they are trapped in relationships they feel they cannot get out of. I continue to be a strong single woman trusting in Him and his mercy and grace and hoping to lift them up!

  107. Jettie

    Thank you Lord for your servant Lysa! Her words, guided by Your word have helped so many of us to see that we are more alike than we are different. While our stories are our own, we share a longing for a deeper relationship with you Lord. So Lord as you refine us in the fires of daily life, keep our hearts open to hear your word, to seek you, to do your will, to share our stories and to grow out of our own brokenness. Thank you Lord!

    God simply placed this prayer on my heart this morning.

  108. Jill

    Hi! I feel compelled to lift people up and use my words to encourage not criticize.

  109. Vicki Elfers

    I have struggled for so many years with low self-esteem and still do. There are days I don’t want to get out of bed to face the mountains I must climb. But lately as I have turned to God more and more for the strength to climb my created hills and mountains I have seen successes beyond my wildest dreams. I have seen that each and every day when I have really turned to God for my strength and am feeling good about who I am, that is when God has brought me women to speak with and pray with. I can feel God calling me to share my pains and hurts of never thinking I am worthy and I am desperately searching for a way to make myself feel “good enough” to accomplish what God is calling me to do. I know that God is the one giving me the strength to search for the answers and God is the one giving me the answers and I want to be able to give other women the same hope and determination I have found in the love of God.

  110. Helen Katy Blair

    After reading all the previous posts, I sense there is a common thread we all share. Though the variables of struggle are different, the need remains the same: Jesus! He is the only source of complete unconditional love and acceptance. At 55, I need and truly crave Him more than ever! Those same whispers you mentioned Lysa are one’s I hear The enemy doesn’t want us to function well within the body of Christ and beyond, reaching others for The Kingdom. With wisdom of the ages, women have powerful life changing testimonies and victories that need to be shared to encouraging all generations. I am ordering your book “Unglued” today. It’s time.

  111. Krista

    I want to share with friends at our Moms Group that life is more than having the perfect house, perfect kids, the perfect husband, or perfect job. It is all about our relationship with God and relying on Him in every moment. Trying to keep learning this myself!

  112. Lori

    God has placed on my heart to realize I can’t do this on my own and to lean on him for everything. He has the strength that I lack. By sharing my weaknesses through small groups and with others, my spiritual growth can shine through and hopefully be an inspiration.

  113. Gwynda

    God is telling me to be transparent and stop hiding. Start encouraging ~ it is the gift He has placed in me!

  114. Stela

    I’m so grateful that The Lord uses you in such a way that so many of us can relate too. I’m so grateful that you don’t run from His calling. Your writing touches my heart & makes me want more of Jesus. It’s such an awesome blessing. Thank you.

  115. Debbie Hollingsworth

    Today my daughter, Laura, and I are giving our testimony fir the first time of the blood disease God brought my son thru and His grace thru Laura’s hydrocephalus. We are speaking at a local church’s women’s coffee club.

  116. Karen Johns

    I am feeling God ask me to lead a weekly Bible study in my home. I actually wrote down the title ” What Happens When Women Say Yes to God” as the study I thought we would do. Hmm….maybe God is telling me that is what He wants me to do!

  117. Denise Wall

    God has asked me to Love, no excuses.

  118. Carolyn

    I grew up in a family where I was always criticized, made fun of, teased – never encouraged, praised or thanked for anything – sometimes jokingly, sometimes not. Then my school years were filled with the same treatment. To reinforce the cruelty at school I always had to dress the way my mother was brought up: skirts to my knee (or just below), high necklines, etc. I could seldom dress stylish. Even my hair style and eyeglasses were outdated. When I was old enough to start buying my own clothes, I was scolded and criticized for my choices and anything too short had to be returned. I’m in mid-life now – and I still get the same treatment from people in general, my family, husband’s family, and my immediate family (husband and kids) – but I still take the words quite personally because it has become a part of me and my thinking. I know I shouldn’t. God has told me that. I’m trying to let go and take it lightly. To stand up in my own defense when the occasion calls for it. I’m His child and worth more to Him than to anyone. The scars are deep. It takes more than heeling on the surface. My self-esteem has been shattered over the years. I gravitate to people similar to me or to those less fortunate…to offer encouragement, to build up their esteem, to somehow love on them. I have the spiritual gift of encouragement. God has showed me in countless ways how I have reached people for His glory.

  119. Allison

    We have a beautiful special needs daughter, who was born with a brain malformation. She ended up with seizures starting around 9 months of age… we were told that the meds were no effective and she is in the 5% that doesn’t respond. We were given to options: brain surgery, at the age of 2, or a specialized diet. We chose the second. She is non-verbal, but over the last 6 months has made leaps and bounds! Her diet was so extremely difficult, between the medical induced allergies, to what kept the seizures at bay. Her diet is now Low Glycemic, Free of Gluten, Dairy, Most Nuts, Egg Whites, Garlic, High Salicylate foods, Peanuts, Legumes, Tomatoes, anything Red and Grains…. Most people want to know what she can’t have, I have learned to tell them what she can. Fresh Meats, Non-starchy Veggies, non- tropical fruits, seeds, and a dose of faith! We made oriental coleslaw with “BBq’d” Meatballs for supper last night! She loves Latkes, made from shredded Zucchini… and best of all… she is beginning to TELL ME!!! I yearn for the day she can say, Momma, but more importantly she is not just surviving, she is thriving! I’m not good at sharing, it makes me uncomfortable, and a lot of times when I do share with others what we do at home, I am often left feeling as if we are aliens on a strange planet. Maybe we can’t eat hotdogs, but I’m learning to be okay with that, I’m learning to say yes to God, to trust His mighty plan, and above all to have Joy while doing it! With Much Love, X’s

    • Lorri Wright

      When I read your post I knew I had to reply and say, “Bravo”. You are awesome. I felt like I should share with you encouragement for doing what you are doing. You are a great example of healthy eating and your precious daughter is thriving because of you and the grace of God. Keep the faith always and always be the advocate your child needs 🙂

  120. Elizabeth

    God has placed on my heart to share of His redeeming love and no matter where you or what you’ve done He loves you!!

  121. Carol

    Hi Lysa,
    Your are so REAL. I have been enjoying your daily devotionals from Proverbs 31 ministries for some time now. They have reached down into the very essence of my own personal struggles and have challenged me on so many fronts. When I read the sample of your devotion from your new book about a secret you’d been keeping – I had to choke back tears. For years I have struggled with a deep, dark secret that has been holding me hostage. I’m not sure yet how God wants me to get release. I just know that I am tired!

    I am a product of his grace, love and compassion. I only wish I could be more like Him! Thank you for following God’s voice and being his instrument. You are a blessing!

    • Anita

      God has been telling me to really slow down and listen to others and reach out to them as I take the time to hear their needs. The world seems so busy as a whole and it gets so easy to be wrapped up in myself rather than listening to the opportunities God is giving me each day to be blessed by being there for someone in need.

  122. Larissa

    Recently our youth group went on a mission trip to a community that was not only less fortunate, but has a very high crime rate. Every night during the week they were to leave, we would have a “pep rally” to get them pumped up for what they were about to do. They were going to be divided up into groups and go into different communities in this town knocking on doors asking for the children and young people to come to Bible study. The night before they left, God laid it on my heart to share with them something I had read in What Happens When Women Say Yes To God. I told them that each morning, before they went out into the mission field to say this “Lord, open my eyes so that I can see what these children need. Lord, open my ears so that I can hear what these children need. Lord, open my heart so that not only can I feel what these children need, but so that I can also show your Love to these children. But most of all, before I know what this day brings Dear Lord, I say yes to you!”. We had 8 of our own youth to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and 3 to be called as missionaries. All because they said Yes to God!!

  123. Grayson

    I’m not sure yet, but am trying to discern where He is leading me!

  124. Kristin

    I work as a 911 dispatcher. Our job is very stressful and you can easily get sucked into unhealthy actions and words outside of God. Not saying I am a saint, but I believe God has placed on my heart to help our center be more relaxed, fun and not let all the negativity that comes with the job bring us down. Help people see more of the positive side of why we are in that room. And that our tongues get sore by the end of the day from biting on them the entire shift 🙂

  125. Tracy

    I have really felt the Lord speaking “Love people where they are, not where you think they should be. In my life as a young christian I know what a difference this would have made for me. Now as a mom of 5 (and at 3 different stages ) it is so hard not to judge them or push them, Jesus keeps saying “Love them I’ll take care of the rest.” Funny how about ten years ago I told someone in a bad place to come as you are to God, he will take care of the junk. Now he is speaking this to me as I struggle to trust him daily. Thank you for you willingness to serve and speak as it is encouraging to this wounded soul.

  126. Lynn

    With such busy lives it is so difficult to find time to study. With God’s leading and blessing I have been able to set aside morning time to study. There is so much to learn and share. God has placed on my heart the desire and the blessing to share what I study each morning with women I know and love. When God leads, I share what I have read and learned by way of email. I chose email over a blog because our Father did not wait until we asked for Jesus, He sent Him to us before we knew we needed Him. I have been doing this for several months now and have been blessed beyond my expectation. He is faithful to reveal His word in season to my lovely sisters in Christ, I am just so thankful He has allowed me to be part of His glorious plan.

  127. Gina

    Thank you for sharing! I purchased your book; “What Happens When Women Say Yes” at a Women’s Conference over two years ago. I read the first chapter and life got in the way and it sat on my night stand. A few months later, my husband became very ill. I found that my whole life had change in just a few minutes. As I had to temporary leave my job, put my friends and social life on hold, become the “brains” of the household by myself with my two daughters, and take care of my husband, I picked up your book and read it while my husband rested and my girls were in school or at 2 in the morning when worry took over and I couldn’t rest. It gave me peace and comfort. I told others about your book at the hospital when I would see the look on other women’s faces who were going through similar situations. I bought an extra copy to keep in my purse to share. The book change how I took on my new role. God is so good. My husband is well, still getting treatments, but is enjoying life. Thank you for giving me courage to say YES! I will be buying this book for sure!

  128. Judy

    Lysa, as I sit here with tears after reading today’s blog, I feel led first to express thanks to God for directing me to Proverbs through my friend Jenny. Second I feel led to share that the feeling of being stretched too thin has defined me for a couple of months . . . until a visit to my folks in the nursing home last week. God showed me, through the smiles of many of those residents, that my being there even though they don’t know me, was more important than being home preparing a perfect meal. Please, sisters in Christ, remember the shut-ins in your community and share God’s love with them through visits and smiles.

  129. MOLLY

    I feel God wants me to share my story/struggle/journey with weight loss. But, it’s never been about just losing weight; it’s been about excepting God’s perfect love & seeing myself as beautifully & wonderfully made. And actually BELIEVING it. He’s shown me that He’s going to have me become a speaker (along side my sister, Mary)…HIS timing, of course.
    I just love your style of writing, Lysa. I have truly enjoyed everything I’ve read of yours. Thank you.

  130. Barbara Bersani

    I believe God wants me to share with others the knowledge of His grace. How His grace alone has changed a wretch like me. I was so angry as a teenager and as a result I ended up with quite a reputation. But as I’ve grown God has shown me who I really am and I love sharing with non believers how God’s grace has transformed me and given me pure joy. The kind that can not be shaken. Thank you Lord!

  131. ann

    Yesterday I. Shared on our church women’s face book page your devotion on faith and how I had a melt down on Monday and whatever happens keep that faith in God. Ready for the on line study!

  132. Eileen

    God is leading me to share the gospel with my family & friends…that God is real, that He created us…that He has a plan for us…that He is our Father who loves us and showers us with grace and mercy…we are not alone in the Universe…God has it all figured out…he finished the job a long time ago on the Cross..we just need to abide in Him…and keep saying Yes, Abba (Daddy)

  133. Janet Axelson

    God wants me to share child abuse, rape when I was 13, abandonment by my mother, shame, promiscuity, a bad marriage, anxiety and depression…then love, salvation, cleansing, healing and wholeness.! Oh yes, He does what He promises!

  134. Dee

    God wants me to share my family’s past and our journey. To show how faithful He is. To show He always provides a way when it looks as though there’s none.

  135. Stephanie

    I believe that God is telling me to somehow reach out to women in my area who have school-age children to uplift their spirits and encourage them to put Him first in their life. The Women’s Ministry at my church only focuses on baby showers and the MOPS program. I’m praying for God to show me how He wants me to be involved.

  136. Pam Anderson

    I am an incest survivor who told at age 14. My mother divorced my dad to protect me, but she withdrew emotionally, leaving me with abandonment issues. I’ve had bouts of depression and anxiety over the last 30 years – major panic attack in 1992, out patient depression treatment in 2002, and this past March I had to return to medication and counseling. Like an onion, God is peeling away the layers of hurt in my life. I can talk easily about the abuse and the forgiving my Dad. I don’t carry guilt over my brother’s suicide, I’ve worked through being angry at my mother for “leaving” me. It is a work in progress. I have always felt this draw to write/speak for God, writing many devotionals & poetry. He has shown me it is His will to share my story so others can know true healing is possible. It will be a difficult but greatly blessed journey to expose such intimate things, but it is His will and I must follow.

  137. sonyamacdesigns

    Today GOD is asking me to share two chapters of my story with the publisher I meet this past weekend at She Speaks. And, HE is also asking me to COLLABORATE with other women (300) to share their God Sized Dream Stories on the web and in print (later) to launch on August 28, 2013 … Yes in less than twenty-eight days … I have some major fears in the money department …

  138. Marisa

    This past year, God gave my family a chance to slow down and we took a sabbatical from our ministry (we are missionaries Poland). When we arrived at our new destination in the US, He decided to strip us from all ministry activities. This was very hard for two type A personalities. We were burned out and frustrated that we had to slow down. But everyday God kept whispering to my husband and I, “I just want YOU! All your thoughts, all you time, all your heart! Just be with Me.” Wow, this call from God was life changing. God reminded me that he doesn’t care about my ministry, my busyness, my service…He just wants my heart. He just wants a real relationship with me. He wants my hopes, fears, hilights, disappointments, tears, contentment, frustrations and more than anything else my love and devotion to Him.

    Now that I am back in Poland (we just returned a month ago), I have this new perspective on life and ministry. I now know that my power, vision and love for others can only come from the depth of my relationship with God. He must come before everything and everyone else! Oh what a joy it is to have such love poured upon me everyday from my Savior!

  139. Rosemary

    Hi Lysa, a lot of times i struggle with sharing anything at all! Fear of judgement or seeming too “preachy”, or thinking people don’t really care what i have to say, etc etc. All the while inside, I am ‘bubbling’ with the thoughts that God wants me to share whatever it is. Then I leave with the regret of not saying what I know God wanted me to say. So I definitely can identify with the first few paragraphs. Thanks for your encouragement, and all the hard work you guys put in at P31! 🙂

  140. Renee

    What has God placed on my heart to share with others? That is a good question. I feel like I’m an open book. Very open about some things but if I look closely, I’m very closed about other things. I have a bumpy road sort of story. And when I often tell my story, I smooth out some of the bumps. I leave in many of them, like the deaths of my parents and brother (leaving me the oldest living family member at the ripe age of 39). I leave out how it is I came to be married to my husband who has left me and my sons about 18 months ago. Those reasons I find embarrassing. But maybe it’s time to come to grips with my reasons why I married him so that I can realize much about the marriage and move on? Maybe there is another bump in my road that I’m glazing over that needs to be shared?

  141. Judy

    We all need to learn to make saying ‘Yes’ to God a daily, minute-by-minute, natural part of our lives. I encourage everyone to make this a priority. how I wish I had ‘gotten this’ at a younger age. However, it is never to late. Praise God! He waits always, for us to turn to Him and let Him love and live through us as we die to our self.

  142. stacy

    I want to share how God has made my family ” beautiful in His time”. He took a broken girl and a broken family together and made a beautiful family. I’m ever so grateful.

  143. Christine R

    I have been feeling the same way! So many times I feel like I am not hearing God, I feel like its all me. I want to hear what God is telling me. What God wants me to do, His direction for my life. There are so many things I want to do and I want to know it is not me but God who is giving me the ideas. Ugh… Thank you Lysa for hearing to God.

  144. Susan K

    I can share about my experience with infertility

  145. Linda Williamson

    God has asked me to communicate the significance of prayer in our daily lives. Oh, the transforming power!!!

  146. Kim

    I’ve been battling with the shame of depression, anxiety, and feelings of worthlessness or inadequacy, especially as a mother. I’m making progress, but I’ve also felt led to share this with another woman I know. I’ve assumed it’s for my own healing, but perhaps God intends to use this for more. Perhaps this other woman (or someone she knows) has locked similar struggles inside, afraid for the world to see that she may be as broken as I feel. God is sufficient to cover all my shortcomings if I’m humble enough and have enough courage to let Him! If I’m obedient to share my story, not only may I experience this and truly believe, but this other woman may be helped as well.

  147. Kay

    I have drifted away from my daily time in the word and gave up attending bible studies when we began home educating our kids. I’m trying very hard to get back to that and am looking forward to what God will have me do and share in the future.

  148. Ashley

    God has placed it on my heart to start a bible study with a dear friend of mine- Unplugged, as we both are going through trying times right now and feel, well unplugged.

    My son was born with CDH (congenital diaphragmatic hernia) and was in the NIICU for 6 weeks. At day 9 he had a serious surgery to fix the CDH. I didn’t get to hold him until day 15 of his life. Now, at 11 months old he is going into surgery at the end of the month for cranio-facial (which in short terms means his skull has fused too soon and could cause brain damage if he doesn’t get it fixed). We’ve been in and out of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia for the past year with all kinds of specialist, BUT all that said.. GOD IS GOOD and He will never leave of forsake us. My husband and I clung onto each other and still do, as well as clinging to God! I am truly blessed by my little man Isaac and couldn’t be happier!

  149. Melissa

    Sharing your devotional….our small bible study group finished the DVD study a month ago and the devotional will be such a blessing to remind us of the lessons we learned and help us to keep moving forward in saying ‘yes’!

  150. Courtney Lynn

    Lysa, I was anorexic for over seven years in my teens and early twenties. It’s only been in the last year or so I have started to feel like maybe my story coud help others.

  151. Lily Rodriguez

    Jesus as gentle as He come into our hearts, so that we can be a vessel filled with His heart to do God’s will. We are called out of our imperfections to serve as vessels of love. We need to be as my Friend Jodie wrote: Jesus Hearted Women! I add that a Heart filled with the Lord’s will be a vessel used anywhere, anytime and for the Glory of God! Let us be vessels to feed, serve and pour living water to the world. Shout I’d Jubilee!

  152. Carol

    God is telling me to share my story too-a story of overcoming a difficult childhood with his help, of returning to his presence again and again as I struggled to ignore the negativity around me. I am in an exciting time of life now-newly retired, listening for his guidance and looking for a way to help others. In order to be obedient to God’s will for me, I spend lots of time in prayer , scripture and journaling. Love your devotions, books and inspiration. Thank you Lysa!

  153. kim

    In the world’s eyes, I am the most unlikely of women to be called to help heal the emotionally and spiritually wounded body of Christ, and those who would turn to God in response to their woundedness. What God calls me to share is my childhood story of abuse and my journey as an adult of healing and freedom in and through Christ. It has been a journey of finding emotional healing from the experience of growing up in a ungodly, non-Christian home where on the outside our family looked perfect, but on the inside, there was incest, domestic violence, mental illness, impression management, and various forms of addictions and dysfunctions, as well as issues that had been passed down through the generations. God grounded me by giving me Godly grandparents and Godly great aunts and uncles, but the issues I was surrounded with in my own home had consumed me, in spite of my own best efforts to choose NOT be impacted. It was only after the end of my dysfunctional marriage to a minister, that I began the journey of emotional and spiritual healing through forgiving those who had harmed me, forgiving myself, and learning who I am IN Christ. During the process, God called me from being a professional educator to being a licensed professional counselor. My personal healing of knowing who I am in Christ, was a process took place after I experienced core healing from the childhood issues, as God healed me on a deeper level, as He led me through the experience of many catastrophic circumstances and injuries, trials and tribulations, which were the instruments which God used to teach me how to die to self and live for him, and how to do spiritual warfare on my behalf and behalf of others. The end result is a message of hope and healing, a newfound freedom in Christ, and a greater capacity to live above my circumstances as I continue to grow in His grace and in His knowledge, irregardless of my circumstances, while being used of Him through writing books, counseling others, and speaking to groups who would choose a path of spiritual and emotional healing in Christ, through His power.

  154. Janet D.

    I can share that taking that big leap of faith may be intimidating at first but sets you free from the things that keep you in bondage.

  155. Linda White

    Lysa, I have been struggling and praying the same things lately. My story is very similar to yours. What is God asking of me? Am I listening? Am I willing to hear what He has to say? I feel that my life is in another stage of metamorphosis and I don’t know what to expect when I emerge. In the meantime, I’ve been forming thoughts on a blog in hopes that I will stop swerving and get on the straight path of God’s plan for me. Thank you for your ministry. It is a rock to which I hold.

  156. Pat

    I am a very reserved person and it is causing problems in my marriage. I need to allow God to work through me to give me the courage to share my feelings with my husband before we end up divorced.

  157. MIchelle

    God has placed in my heart a huge compassion for children. My hope and desire is to teach children about His unfailing love for them.

  158. Rachel Pratt

    God has put it on my heart to share the Bible study Yes God with my sister in law and mother in law. He has also put it on my heart to share with strangers the story of forgiveness I have regarding my father.

  159. Lauren Payne

    I believe God has placed on my heart to share my story of how I’ve went from punishing myself to loving myself and how this journey has affected how I view and treat myself and others. I began saying YES to God a year ago and it has been a great journey, some days I feel more connected than others but I know my relationship with God is growing each day. Lysa your posts always hit home for me, thank you for sharing! 🙂

  160. Sheri Perez-Segura

    As I read you blog today I had tears in my eyes. I always try to hide my past. I have never even told my husband everything that has happened to me. I know that I am to share my story with others because the life that I have had and the way that God has brought me through it is amazing. I have been abandoned, raped, abused, depressed, anxiety, fearful, unloved, unwanted, undesired and have had so much anger and disappointment in my life. I use to wonder WHY? WHY ME? But God has showed me that I AM MADE IN HIS IMAGIN that I am loved, wanted, desired, and needed. I was made to be strong in God. I am to follow him and tell other people and show others that ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD. All the lies I have been told my entire life and the “bad” things I have to use them to tell women/young girls about God to let them see that HE WILL NEVER LEAVE US OR FORSAKE US. HE LOVES US. I have to get my story out I just don’t know how and where to start. Will you please just be in Prayer for me that I do God’s will in my life. That I not be ashamed anymore of my past and live my life to the fullest. With God showing me and leading me!
    Thank you for following God’s call on your life. Thank you for being obedient.

  161. Tara

    I need this book! I have been struggling to settle down and listen so i can hear God’s voice! Sometimes I wonder if its there and I just don’t want to listen! I read a bit out of the book you wrote with your daughter (a student in my youth group was reading it) and thought it was right on target… I cannot wait to read the version for women!

  162. Felicia

    God has placed on my heart a certain sister in the faith to pray for and create an atmosphere of genuine community and selfless friendship. The challenge is that I am super introverted and I do struggle with depression over this one issue that I’ve prayed about for so long that isn’t seeming as if it’s going to change anytime soon…or at all. I know the Lord hears and sees and HE has let me know that HE loves me dearly and that that love doesn’t depend on me but HIS faithfulness, so I can always depend on it. I just feel so inadequate to be a good friend…comforting words aren’t really my forte and I always seem to create that awkward moment, where there’s just silence or because of a comment not very well thought out. I did read John 15 today because of your devotion and 15:4 is what stood out to me. “Remain in me…” I do realize that apart from Christ I am nothing and can do nothing, but connected to HIM, who is the vine, nothing is impossible! GOD bless!

  163. Marie

    God has placed on my heart to work with women and children that are in abusive situations or were in abusive situations. To help her understand that she is a beautiful confident woman and that she deserves more and her children then what she is allowing herself to endure. I just started a ladies Book CLub in my own home this past month and am looking for good books. This devotional would defintely be a God send for our little group. Also, this month at our church, some ladies are studying “Unglued”. We just had our first class last night and I know it is going to be a great study. I purchased “Unglued” just last night for my Kindle and can’t wait to start it!!
    God Bless

  164. Brenda Yohman

    I believe God has ask me to share the burden lightening feeling you get buy praying. And to reassure that he is listening and wants us to talk to him. I’m a work in progress but each day keeps getting better and your post are so uplifting, thank you.

  165. Robbie Schuchard

    God has asked me to go back and serve in a ministry I stepped away from last year. He has reminded me that I am to be an encourager to younger women. Also he has used Made to Crave in a mighty way in my life. Thank you so much for pouring your heart into your ministry. You voiced what I have experienced since I was 12 in my battle with food. ( I will be 60 in December) This spring I lead another lady ,10 years younger, through Made to Crave. What a blessing. I look forward to starting the study when women say yes to God on Sunday. It will help me prepare to lead the young mons in my church this fall.

  166. Tersia Changuion Cronk

    I have been torn by being left twice before divorce and by having my second child taken halfway through my pregnancy due to a fatal birth defect. Yet I have a beautiful blessing in the form of a wonderful 5 year old daughter, and God has made provisions when I least expected them.

  167. Robbie-Lynn

    I do not know entirely what God has asked me to share yet. I do know that He has called me to a new neighborhood and a new season of life (children going to school instead of homeschooling). I believe He has something for me to do and I am looking forward to walking with Him.

  168. Hannah Lewis

    God has laid on my heart to share his love. Plain and simple (:

  169. Christina

    God has led me to share the power of prayer with others. Not just my sisters but my brothers as well. We all are in need of prayer for one thing or another and I seem to be a very good “prayer warrior” for Him! I have many conversations with God and feel privileged that I can bring so many requests to Him and He knows each one, all the details, and answers them in His time. I have seen him work! I lead a prayer group at church, sometimes it is me and several others and sometimes it is just me. We meet on Thursday mornings and the awesomeness of the Holy Spirit is right there with among this meeting! I love helping others and I know that I am when I tell God their individual need!

  170. Rose

    As I was reading the question the thought came to me to share with my daughter who’s in college my college experiences, especially the bad. My experiences with the opposite sex left me with shame, guilt and confusion. I’m going to have to pray for courage to share this and ask God why do I need to share especially with my daughter. As far as I know, she’s not had any issues in that area so my thought is why God?. Our last couple years have been rocky and I don’t want her to dislike or disrespect me anymore than she has or I’ve felt.. Thanks for listening

  171. Kate Kelly Rothschild

    To my sister in Christ, bless you for your words of encouragement. It is very difficult and painful to share and admit, but I have allowed myself to be entrenched and almost addicted to a friend and her friendship, that I have pushed God out of my life. I have made HER my all in all. I am so broken. I want to pray, God, please forgive me for having a false god. I need to learn that friendship, as wonderful as it can be, is NOT a substitute for my Heavenly Father. I want to now, at this very moment, dedicate my heart and my life to you, oh my God. With all the turmoil of a failed 26 year marriage, I have turned away from youand not let You in. Please forgive me. I have failed my five, beautiful children, by not bringing them up more closely to God’s heart. I need to repent of my sin, turn back to you oh Lord, and pray it is not too late for me or my children to receive your grace and redemption.

  172. Noemi

    I can’t begin to tell you how God just used you to speak to me in volume. God wants from me what i journaled about this morning, to lean on his strength to do what i see a impossible. My 87 year old grandfather lives with me and i dont have the mental strength to care for him anymore. I’m single mom, financially, working long hours, he brings strangers into my home during the day when he’s alone, he’s throwing my personal belongings out, he has come to a place that i can’t take care of him. My heart wants to but God is showing me that in my own strength i can’t do it. Thank you for sharing because somehow i feel i have to super woman and I’ve had God in my passenger seat when i should have let him be the driver instead of the passenger. God bless you and thank you for your obedience to God!!

  173. Jina Young

    God wants us to share His love! His love does not judge, but is full of kindness and peace and is not selfish! The more I grow in His Word the more I understand how He loves us! I want to be able to do this everyday in everyway! Seems the world just keeps getting more self centered and people more cruel. We really have to look at the world through God’s eyes and not ours! I thank God for your insight on all you write about, you are a blessing to many!

  174. Evelyn

    I think it is a work in progress to share my story, the good and bad parts of it. I have shared my story of abuse and even today it makes some people uncomfortable to hear it.

  175. Paige

    Wow , God is really pulling on my heart. In our church we are doing a series on My story, And then I read this. God is not just talking to me, he is yelling at me. I always thought my story was about addiction and then til a few days ago I realized it was something way more powerful. My dad is a minister and when I got saved in 2009 he said to me that I would minister to women. I laughed at him of course. I have a very dark past, like you said how can you share that with out judgment or hurt.
    But God has showed me strength like I have never knew, and even though it doesn’t sound like much that is my story is strength and trusting in God through hardship after hardship. I lost my mom a few months ago and honestly ,sometimes don’t want to get out of bed. Even with 4 kids and a job. But I do and only God can give you that strength.
    I so need this book, I want to give that gift of sharing to my dad. I want to be obedient to God. I just don’t know how to start.

  176. Suzanne

    I have been abandoned and abused, I have turned to alcohol, drugs and men to fill the voids in my life and deal with the depression, anxiety and fear. I have felt unloved and unwanted, all of which have led me to be bitter, resentful and angry.
    BUT GOD – He had a better plan for me! I have begun to share my story with other women in a small group at my church, where we Celebrate Recovery from life’s hurt’s, hang-up’s & habits…
    “He sent forth His word and healed me, He rescued me from the grave. I give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for me” ~ Ps 107:20-21 🙂

  177. Kathie

    I’ve tried to handle life in my own strength and it has not gotten me anywhere. I cannot forgive and let go of bitterness and resentment without seeking help from my Heavenly Father. I have neglected spending time with Him as I have believed the lies that I’m too far gone or just not worth the effort. I’ve reacted and responded to life’s challenges in ways that have not reflected the grace and mercy of Jesus. Oh how I need to spend some quality time with Him and feel His touch once again!

  178. Teri P.

    God has placed in my heart to speak for the unborn and to advocate adoption of the orphans in China. Having gone through adopting a child, He has given me many opportunities to help others in their adoption journeys, to offer encouragement through the process.

  179. Asha Booth

    I believe that God may want me to share this wonderful love story that seems to revealing itself in my life. After 30 something years in this world and trying to feel, experience, know exactly what true love feels like…I have finally realized that God has truly loved me from before I was even born. I have made a lot of messes in this life but the lovd story is not over….

  180. Patience West

    Lisa- the answer would be my story, too! I am big on sharing testimonies and know firsthand the importance of this action to minister to others hearts, and I have…yet the one area I feel the Lord’s direction to share it, I have put off for far too long. Partially maybe because of what you described as far as lies of Satan over inadequecies, and partially because of being a “busy” Pastor’s wife & Mom of 5…but there is no “putting off” God. He gives AND He takes away, and I pray that my obedience would come before He decides to use someone else for what alone He has called me… Because the truth is- only each of us can share OUR story of Grace and Redemtion… They are all equally amazing and “written” by God Himself, but they are uniquely our own! Praise Him through Whom ALL Blessings flow! Thanks, Lysa, for sharing yours!

  181. Tina Collins

    Hi All,

    I am the mother of a 25 yr old son who committed himself to a year long program of rehab with Teen Challenge yesterday. He has struggled with drugs and alcohol since he was 17. His dad and I have prayed since the onset of his struggles for this. It has been a long, hard and emotionally exhausting journey as his parents. God has seen us through this and brought our son to a place where looking up was the only option left. If anyone is struggling with this I want to encourage you to NEVER give up. I also want to encourage you to LET GO, AND LET GOD. There IS hope even when you think the situation is hopeless. Please feel free to email me if anyone feels the need to talk or be encouraged.

    Your sister in Christ,
    Tina Collins

  182. Lara

    God wants me to speak restoration and hope into the lives of women who were molested as children. He that is mighty has done to me great things! What He has done for me He wants to do for them.

  183. Brenda C.

    Thank you so very much for being a Yes ! Women. Your response to God is something amazing. You are helping shape the lives of so many women, myself included. It’s incredibly encouraging to read over your stories and blog entries. Your words speak right to my heart, filling it with love and comfort. Especially today’s story as I as well had a life changing event occur during the same bible study of “Experiencing God”. During the study , I found Jesus and for the 1st time & claimed Christ as my savior & one true father. The story of my salvation and how my life has changed since I’ve been reborn is what God has placed inside my heart to share. I’m looking forward spreading the knowledge of His Love to others & I’m super pumped up to learn more about what it means to be a Yes! Women !

  184. Shirley

    Thanks for sharing your story. I’m not sure, but I think God is leading me to encourage others and share the importance of prayer in our lives. I’ve been told that I’m a good listener and I try to point out the positive and strengths of others. However, I’m rather shy and quiet, so I think I work better with others one on one. I’m still praying about what it is exactly that God wants me to do and when.

  185. Joanna

    I find it amazing how God can turn the bad things in our lives and if we “trust” in Him, into good. God has been working on my heart over the past few years to trust fully in Him. I know that God has never left me, I left Him. He has always been there waiting for me to come back and these last few years have been so passionate. I know that He is working something big and I do fight it at times, and I lose every time. He has changed my heart, my life and has made me an even stronger person. God has been working deep my heart. I turned away from God and everyone for that matter when I was 14. The choices I made those next 5 years were harsh and I attached myself to things and did things that could only hurt me, I was filled with so much anger. What I didn’t realize at that time was that I already had the seed of God planted in me, and once you have that seed it never leaves you, only you can leave it. Over the course of years He was working in me in a way I could never imagine, but no matter how much I fought Him (and I fought Him) He continued to love and I ran further until finally I was tired of running and God finally broke me down! I went from drugs, alcohol, and self abuse, to ten years in the military as a Police Investigator, to now a wife and mother of a beautiful little girl and a Disciple of Christ. Through God’s Love, through that tiny seed that was planted long ago God never left me, he has been and still is working in my heart, to do what, I’m not completely sure yet. Maybe it’s just to plant the seed of God in my daughter heart and the bigger plan is for her, but what I can tell you is there are days I still have fear and doubts, but there isn’t a day that goes by I don’t Love Him! I’m so thankful and blessed for blogs like these, for Klove, and ministries like Proverbs31 because they plant little seeds and we need seeds! So thank you!

  186. Carrie

    The Lord has put on my heart to share too how in need I am of the continually filling of His precious Holy Spirit. I don’t want to be a weak-willed woman, I don’t want to be a strong-willed woman, I want to be a Spirit-willed woman!!!

    Blessings ~
    Carrie Kittinger

  187. Redheadkate

    I’m a storyteller, so I’m always sharing. But lately I’ve wanted to dive deeper into writing songs because music reaches people in a way nothing else can. My fear of not being any good had held me back. The voice I heard as I read this was “just try and leave the rest to me.”

  188. Bonnie

    I once had a close relationship with Jesus! The last 18 months have been really hard, full of lots of negative changes, loss of parent, teenagers beginning to drive, job changes with huge decreases in salary, returning to work after years of being Mom, selling, renting, then buying new home. STRESS! I have had times when I just couldn’t pray. I miss him so! I am desperately seeking a renewal in my relationship with Him.

  189. Nicole

    I believe God wants me to share how my life has changed after I accepted Christ as my savior. All the things that are new now since being reborn and how to grow closer to Him.

  190. Dawna

    After years of depression and anxiety, I spent time in counselling. One day the question posed to me was “Who are You?” This meant beyond a role of mother and teacher, beyond the things I filled my time with…who was I? had no idea how to answer….I had wanted to say “I’m a child of God, chosen” but the words wouldn’t come out. I didn’t feel it, I had drifted so far from God’s truths, into a life defined by feelings, and opinions from others. Over this past year I found Lysa’s books: Becoming More Than a Good Bible Study Girl and Unglued- they were a starting point to life changing growth in me…I have since been involved in intensive bible study, speaking engagements, and today I go for a consultation for a tattoo I am putting on my shoulder. This tattoo is of a cross with the words “Grace” and “Love” and my life verse Philippians 4: 6-8 (a verse I claimed this year and wear on a ring, from my best friend, around my neck). I will confidently display “Who I Am” on my shoulder as a visual reminder to me and a statement to others of God’s Awesomeness! He has brought me to the place today that I can say: ” I am weak and anxious yet confident in truth, I am self-cemtered by nature yet a work in progress, changing and growing, I am broken and sinful yet forgiven, I am a child of God chosen for great purpose and I AM LIVING PROOF THAT GOD WORKS AND IS FAITHFUL WHEN WE SEEK AND TRUST! “. I now want to share with the world what my awesome God has done in my heart and can do in yours! :).

  191. Christy

    I’m not yet sure what God wants me to share with others. I’ve been dealing with anxiety issues and am learning that I need to make God my focus. I’m not in control, no matter how hard I try or what I think. I’m learning to trust in God fully….and sometimes it’s hard to just let go. Patiently waiting to see where He leads me. 🙂

  192. Tessi Cook

    As I go through what I feel are trials everyday in my life I find myself leaning and relying more on our Heavenly Father each day. Two years ago I “thought” I was a believer in Christ but I now know what being a believer in Christ is. There isn’t a moment of each day that he is not with me and that I am not learning from him. As I struggle with Changes at work recently I went to the book of Job and find that I should be asking each day “Why am I here and How can I Grow” rather than “Who did this to me and How can I get out”. There is something very Mighty about our Heavenly Father and for that I am thankful each day! 🙂

  193. Mona

    I just ended a year long relationship with an incredible man. I learned more about myself and my weaknesses than I ever thought possible. He is an alcoholic and after my being married to someone who was bipolar for 18 years the relationship started out of a need to help and ended with the realization that I am not God and I can’t fix people and I have to let go of my pride and let him heal with God’s help. I know God brought me through yet another challenge to share my story of the realization that God is Enough!

  194. Katie

    God has strongly put foster care and adoption on my heart…even though I’m a single woman. I’ve often pushed the idea away, because I’m very young (just finishing college!) and I always imagined being married before I would adopt or foster care for children. I don’t know what’s in store for my future with that, but God has made it clear to me that I must be open to care for His children in whatever way he asks me to. It’s been hard sharing this with my friends, family and extended relatives because they often judge me for this tugging at my heart. If I was married, it would be all well and good….but because I’m a single woman, they frown even upon the idea of me caring for a child. I often feel shame from their judgement, even though it’s nothing to be ashamed about….I need to work on focusing my attention on the Audience of One. Lysa — thank you SO much for your honesty, your thoughtfulness and words of encouragement.

  195. Gwen

    I will be leaving for a mission trip to Guatemala in nine days. I want so much to be able to share the love of Christ with women and children while I’m on this trip. I want others to know what peace, joy, hope and comfort there is in having a relationship with our Lord. Please pray for me as I prepare for this mission journey.

  196. Lucy Sanguinetti

    We should not live our lives to please others. We should be real…..honest, moral, trustworthy, loyal, and should apply scripture to back every decision we make. Others may not like and may not agree with what we say and do, but if we are living for Christ and acting in obedience to him, then we please HIM….and that is, ultimately all that really matters. And all of those bad things said about us will be turned into something good and fruitful and wonderful for HIS Glory!!

  197. Lisa

    God has placed on my heart to share of his healing powers of the heart. He wants others to know Satan plants lies in our hearts that we believe to be truth and then we live out of those lies. They are the reason we stop living. He wants me to share his truth. To help others find their own individual truth he has for each one of us. He loves us so just as we are. He has healing just waiting for us to be willing to come after it. To hope again. To live again
    This is what he has called me to do. Help others hear his truth. Healing the hearts

  198. Robin

    My infertility journey over the last 6 years. And now the foster/adoption journey God is leading us through.

  199. Terri M. McCoy

    God has placed on my heart the things I’ve gone through since childhood. When I was 11 my mother died with liver/lung cancer. Then I went to live with my father and stepmother. At age 21 my father committed suicide and then a few years later his wife and stepdaughter were killed in the Valujet crash in the Everglades. Later on I had married the love of my life at age 21 just before my father died. In 2001 I failed miserably at being a mother and wife and left my family and ended up with another man. How could I have left a 4 1/2 year old and almost 2 year old child with their father because I was depressed? Yes I still question how I did this even though I forgive myself and I know God has forgiven me because he loves me and if not for him I never would have made it this far.

    Blessings, Terri

  200. Kimberly

    I think God wants me to just encourage others. I have no idea how God wants to use me, or what to say to others. I’ve had done experiences I could share, but really don’t feel led to. I do feel like others come to me when they are struggling.

  201. Suzanne

    I have begun to share my story with a small group of women at my church

  202. Shila

    Hi Lysa,
    I’m so looking forward to diving into this book during our OBS with Proverbs 31. God has given me a desire to speak to women (and young women) and I’ve turned it away many times, thinking how I’m a horrible public speaker, He can’t really mean me right? I know that I have a message about beauty and self image to share and I know this book will help me get out of my comfort zone, say “Yes” to God and do what He has called me to do. Thank you for your honesty, you are a blessing to me!

  203. Christy Justman

    I’ve struggled with so many things. Depression, alcoholism, anxiety, single mom for 17 years,abandoned, abused, etc. God has delivered me from all things and restored me to Him. I have walked away so many times yet he keeps patiently bringing me back to Him. One night while lying in bed all my past failures and struggles were replaying in my mind. I’m a loser. I’m always depressed. I’m a alcoholic. Im a adulterer. God spoke to my heart and said child you are no longer any of those things. He said what you are is forgiven. What you are is free. What you are is my child. That’s what I want to share with others. His message of hope that no matter what you go through He loves you with a unfailing love and he always brings His children back to Him.

  204. Jill

    I believe that God wants me to share that although I trust him with my life, my future, myself, I have so much trouble trusting him with my children and their lives and their futures. I want to try to control and manipulate things for them. I feel such hurt as they struggle through life’s lessons that I want to help. I am learning that God is in charge and my job is to pray and trust. But I struggle daily with this. I am learning to put God first, not my children. I am learning to let Him have His way in their lives and I am learning that He loves them and wants good for them, but it is so very hard for me. I must remember, God is good. That is my mantra, God is good.

  205. April

    Struggles with major postpartum depression.

  206. Sarah

    “Seeing God use the very thing that made me feel utterly worthless to help others changed everything.” Powerful words. Gods grace. The past couple of years have rocked my world. Divorce. Unemployment. But God is Faithful! And, allowing Him to use the ugly for good is healing me and helping others. Praise Him!

  207. Anne Peterson

    Great post today. I think your devotional will be great because you are someone who is transparent.

    As far as what God wants me to share? I’m working on a book called, On Shaky Ground, Rising above the effects of Abuse. It’s a hard book to write. There’s nowhere to hide when you’re telling the truth. You are all out there.

  208. Christy

    I have fallen into an endless pit of despair. I am disabled and trying to get disability. I miss working and helping people. I stay at home all the time with just me and my dog. I am recently márried but I feel I don’t fit the roll of a housewife or anything right now. I feel far away from God. My life was not suppose to turn out like this. I keep praying God will help me find a purpose. Please pray for me that I will achieve a closer walk with God and find my purpose in life. God Bless all of you.

  209. Candice

    I know The Lord wants me to be real with people…share my hardships and pain and let them know that HE will walk them through it and there is another side…a side of healing!

  210. Sharon

    God has put on my heart to share with my co-workers that living the Christian life is attainable even in working in an environment (school) where they are trying to take The God of the Bible out of everything. .

  211. Robyn Terry

    God asked me to “share my wounds” on the day He called me to Himself and I became His daughter. My story includes that I was sexually molested by my father. I have been trying to figure out for the last 10 years where and how to tell my story. God has convicted me recently on the “tight rein” I’ve had in telling it and challenged me to let go of my face-saving tactics. I’ve written my story in book form and now write a blog, but I still struggle with just telling the whole story – the good, the bad, the ugly – and trusting in how He wants to use it. I hear the voices like you describe in your devotional too. Thank you for sharing your testimony of what it was like the first time you shared and how God used that. This encourages me in a current ministry in my church that just might be my first real place to truly to “share my wounds” the way God asked me to all those years ago.

  212. Kelley Ross

    Today as I was preparing for another long day of PD at school, I was doing my daily devotional. This is a new thing for me. I have been doing this for most of the past three months. My 40th birthday as in July and a friend of mine gave me a devotional journal. She is not a believer. Her family are not believers. But she knew how I have been studying God’s word and knew about my daily devotional time on my back porch. I was so touched by the thoughtful gift. Before I even read your post today, I was already thinking that I needed to text her about how much I have enjoyed writing my thoughts and reflections in that journal, particularly today. Today I quoted your prayer from the daily devotional praying for God to speak for me and not to let my own insecurities or selfishness react first today–just one of many stressful days leading to the beginning of a school year.

    So I feel like God was already speaking to me. He was saying, “Reach out to Sonja. Tell her how much her thoughtful gift has allowed me to grow closer to Him. Encourage her today.”

    Then your words just reinforced what I sometimes doubt I hear. I am still working on opening myself up to His choices. Thank you.

  213. Karen Zuber

    I too have a shameful past that I continue to allow it to make me feel unworthy. Along with all the abuse I had as a child. I lead a small group of middle school girls and am slowly using my past to try to help them navigate through their lives knowing that God loves them and considers them worthy of his love.

  214. Rebecca

    Today on Facebook, I shared, asking for prayers for our county’s animal shelter workers. Due to a wild animal brought to the shelter, we have had an outbreak of distemper; all 143 dogs have to be put down, starting today. I ask for prayers for the 4 workers at the shelter…this is an insurmountable task. God’s strong right hand is needed upon these workers today.

  215. Jennifer

    I am just beginning to really listen to God when it comes to sharing my story. I feel there is much more of my story I am supposed to share; however, what I know God has called me to share is my family’s faith in leaping. I was pregnant with my second child. We were in horrible financial condition from student loan & credit card debt and had no savings. While my job as a special education teacher made for a nice second income, I went to work every day with a dread filled heart. While I had once felt called to my career, I felt a louder calling to give up that financial security to stay at home with my children. It was a scary leap. On the outside my husband’s paycheck seemed large and more than adequate to take care of us, but no one could see the mountain of debt we were under. No matter the circumstances, we knew we were supposed to leap first and worry later. It has been a year and a half filled with lessons of faith, patience, and contentedness. God has always remained right beside us. He has taught me what really matters in life and has filled our home with a joy on he can provide. He is teaching me everyday where my treasures are and what really matters in a life lived for Him.
    Matthew 6:19-21 is now the mantra of our home.
    21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

  216. Babs

    Cannot hear it enough that God is in control. I need to be still and listen for God. Easier said than done.

  217. Colette

    God has called me to share my story of a struggling marriage saved by the grace of God. My jusband and I are in the marriage ministry at our church coaching other couples. So far from where we were a couple of years ago.

  218. Lori

    To start loving my husband, REALLY loving him…

  219. Kelly

    I felt the Lord asking me to share Hebrews 13:8 – “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” It is so amazing to me that I serve a God who is NEVER changing! Through every trial, heartache, and defeat, God is always by our side with open arms. When we feel as though no one understands what we are going through…God does! It doesn’t matter what the situation may be, or how far we have strayed from Him, He is a CONSTANT source of strength, hope, and joy! I am so thankful for the God I serve and what He means to me! I would LOVE to be the winner of this devotional book!!! 🙂

  220. Beth

    I chose to say Yes to God, when 3 years ago my husband of 30 years, told me to renounce my faith and join him in a newly discovered cult, or he wouldn’t stop a divorce. While the choice to choose God was easy, the enemy has tried very hard to deceive me. God has, and continues to, gently and lovingly bring me closer to Himself; foiling the evil one’s attempt to bring me to the dark side. Now that I am stronger He has been whispering in my ear it’s time to share my testamony of His goodness, Mercy and Grace through the darkest of times. As a 51 year old, He’s directed me to become Titus 2 woman! Through my experience He has equipped me with His promises throuh His word. He has encouraged me to meet, talk and pray with these younger women and be His vessel to help them through their challenging seasons. Our gracious Father has brought forth beauty out of the ashes allowing me to say Yes, everything I do, I do it for You! I covet your prayers as I continue to seek His will and direction. May God bless you and your ministry. Thank you!

  221. Sue C

    I wanted to share what God has done for me through these studies–he has opened my eyes to His love, caring and compassion for me. I have been dealing with a small bowel health issue over the past few years–there are times when my small bowel stops functioning–it may require hospital stays and other times my doctors have given me the tools to manage from home–for many months I was depressed didn’t understand and I hide my fears from everyone–put on my happy happy face–but through the on line Bible studies I have been able to “put it out there” share my story–each on line leader has prayed me through my “bumps in the road” times when my body wasn’t playing pretty. I had to give up my full time job–but God has provided with me a part time job that I can work when my body is up and running–this is all God not me–I have learned to lean on Him and not me–I love my Group 12 leaders/ladies–we can keep it real!–pray with and through each situation we are walking through–God is faithful and he carries me when I am weak! blessings to each of the Proverbs 31 leaders and staff–

  222. Charlotte Hammer

    Tell my story…that’s what he’s asking me to do. Yes, Lord.

  223. Jennifer

    Even as I write this comment I hesitate to share my struggle with depression and anxiety. Because of the stigmatism still in the church that Christians shouldn’t have this problem I feel like a lot of women suffer in silence. God has amazingly brought me out of the pit and my desire is that other women find this same peace and know they are not alone.

  224. Cozette

    We all have a story…that story will help others when we have given ALL those places to Christ and are transparent. My story goes back many years and includes many heartaches, my heart hurting and me hurting others’ hearts. I have loved the Lord always but my life revealed a sinful, hurt, broken young girl who became a woman, who never believed the Lord could use to help others. My two grown daughters and I have been reading your stuff daily for quite awhile now and we were blessed to see you in Wichita Kansas. I laughed and cried and thanked God for you!!

  225. Cymon F.

    God has out in my heart to share about my own short comings as well. I stil hold alot of self hate and unforgiveness to myself for all of the things that I have done wrong in my past. I myself Lysa have had 2 abortions and I dont really talk about them much but I have shared my story with other young women who were thinking about making the same decision. I have 3 children twin girls and a son and they are the light of my life. God ahs been telling me to share his gospel since I was 5 years old I knew that I was called to do Gods works.I was even ordained as a minister when I was 16 years old and honestly the happiest and most fufilled days that Ive had in life where those in which I was speaking Gos word.However i think the things that I have done hold me back. Ive attempted suicide twice in my life and one of those times I was pregnant with my girls.I was 20 and alone and in a abusive relationship. I find it hard to forgive myself and hard to find out why God wants me to speak his word.I thought by me getting married it would motivate me to do what I am called to do because I was no longer fornicating and I married a wondeful man.However, I still find myself bringing up my past. I know who God is nad what he has called me to do but Im stii so confused as to the how and whys.And that confusion alone gives me a reason to not do what he says and in turn I feel the “yuck” as you call it, with my decisions.

  226. Jen

    God has been working on my heart in huge ways. About two and half years ago in the middle of my perfect little christian life I had mid life crisis and became involved in adulterous affair. The Lord swept me up out of my disgrace and surrounded me with forgiving and loving family and friends and a husband that chose to forgive me and love me unconditionally. Following my sinful act I went into a deep depression because I was so ashamed of what I had done. I too have gone to God many times asking for forgiveness. I still struggle with forgiving myself…this past week my family went to a Christian family camp and the message there was that of letting go of your past and letting God use you through your mistakes, we were encouraged to write our story down and find 5 people to tell it to. Up until this point the last thing I have wanted to do is to tell my story but your post today was just another reminder that God wants me to tell it. He and I both know there are other women out there that have dealt with this in their life and need to hear the hope Christ offers and to be reminded that we don’t have to forgive ourselves..that’s already been taken care of…Christ’s forgiveness is all we need. We are cleansed by his blood, redeemed! I am so ready for God to do something powerful with this story….I think I am ready to finally pen it out and see where God takes it.

  227. Rebekah

    Thank you for sharing. I am a stay at home mom of 3 beautiful children. My youngest is almost 18 months and when she starts school (in about 3-4yrs, hope it doesn’t hurry by!) I will probably go back to work. I have already started praying about what The Lord would have me do. I keep “hearing a voice” saying I am to write a devotional book. What?! That is definitely not my own voice bc I am NOT a writer. I am still praying just to make sure I am hearing right. Not sure on the timing of this said book. Please help me pray about this bc I want to follow His will but the thought of writing a book is very overwhelming and scary to me. Like you said “Who am I?” Nothing without Him and His good and perfect will. Thanks!!!

  228. Marcia

    My family has soooo much fun together, even though I’m a messed up Mama. My messed-up-ness can’t thwart the plans of God for my children’s lives! So I love spreading the reminder that we’ll never be good enough but God is always great enough. Therefore, we should relax and enjoy the day God has given us!

  229. Pam

    I just shared with some friends/sisters at prayer meeting last night how God is showing me how important it is to take every thought captive. I’m also reminded of the verse in Proverbs that says out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. When I’m “rehersing” the contrived thoughts (what I think someone is thinking about me) and the irritations of my m-i-l living with us over and over it will come out. I HAVE to BE in His word and I HAVE to repeat scripture and BE constantly praying! I’m also learning that I have a problem with really trusting God…He has things happen in each day for a reason, am I going to thank Him and trust Him. I’m a work in progress and I know
    I don’t have this conquered…..the peace and joy that comes when I’m obedient to Him makes me want more of Him. I remembered the verse last night from Proverbs, When a man’s ways are pleasing to the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. My prayer for myself and my family is that we hunger and thirst for God and His righteousness.

  230. Terri

    God wants me to share my struggle with depression with others.

  231. Dawn

    I was reading your devotion on Proverbs 31 today and it was exactly what I needed to hear today. I’ve just accepted an elementary teaching job after I’ve stayed home with my kids for the past 10 years. Nervous isn’t a strong enough word for how I’m feeling! Will I be able to teach effectively after so many years? How will juggle being a full-time teacher, mother and wife? Can I really do this? When I get stressed in life, my patience and temper are the first sign of it! I don’t want to become the woman I was before I knew the Lord and spew all of my frustrations on the hears of my precious little ones. After reading the verse today, it is apparent that God wants this to be MY verse for the next few months. “Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.” John 15:4 (NIV).
    In the past, I would have tried to do all these things myself – now I will strive to remain in Him and He will bear fruit through me. Thank you for giving me a space to share my story and struggles with others.

  232. Michelle Richardson

    I believe that God is telling me to share my life with other women. I have always wanted to share but I feel that I am still going through a lot at this time. Lately I have felt pressured to share my life more than ever, but I again I want to wait until I have gone through the trial or tribulation. I am finally understanding that God wants me to share my life now while I am in the midst of going through the many changes in my life. I truly believe that I will be able to help and inspire others by being transparent and allowing them a peek into my life. Please pray for me to have courage and to be obedient.

    The scripture that God has given me is

    James 1:2-4

    2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.


  233. Carla

    I believe God is leading me to share my 31 year struggle with depression and subsequent deliverance from it. As a mental health provider it is hard to admit to your clients (or anyone else) that the very thing you are called to help relieve is the main thing you struggle with yourself.

  234. Traci

    I’m the mother of 4 boys. I am very social but I keep very private about all I have experienced raising males in today’s world. I find a lot of people are feeling judged or disappointed by the decisions their children make & by sharing my less than perfect experience as a parent helps others in their time of need. It is hard for me because I adore my children & feel the need to protect their privacy but by doing that I am leaving others thinking what their children are doing is something I have never experienced & couldn’t understand. When in fact I have been through it all & through God’s strength & the power of prayer my sons have become fine Christian men with the experience to back what they believe in. When they were young I had a list of things I felt I could teach them to avoid. I threw that list away a long time ago. Mentally I memorized the list and through it all there is only one thing left that they didn’t manage to do. So, if sharing my experience helps others I am more than willing to step out of my comfort zone & be judged or accepted by the stories I have to share. God is in the details!

  235. Angie

    About 2 years ago I felt God wanted me to share how He was working in my life. So I began a weekly blog. After about 9 months my writing became erratic and finally stopped. I definitely feel God still wants me sharing. I’m just not sure if it’s through the blog or what and how often. I will continue to pray for answers.

  236. Savannah Parvu

    God has placed on my heart to share the story of redemtion that He has given me. I sturggled with the addiction of cutting myself for 10 years. I felt so hopeless and attemepted suicide. I’ve broken several bones in my body. I did anything I could to try to numb the emotional pain… BUT GOD! God has changed my life and has given me a HOPE that is unexplainable. I believe God called me to share His hope with the brokenhearted!

  237. Tammy Howard

    Hi, Lysa.

    I, too, had an abortion when I was young. I had never told another living soul until our church got involved with our Not Alone Pregnancy Center here in town. I knew I had to tell my story. I did not want to, though, because I thought, “what will people think of me?” I was a church girl and had been since my conception. The shame I carried was overwhelming. I asked God to forgive me 26 years ago after it happened, but I could never forgive myself. January 2013 I got a chance to share my story at the first annual benefit banquet and silent auction for the Not Alone Pregnancy Center. I kept my head down, got through my 25-minute presentation, and afterward I dared to glance up, and I was looking at people with tears streaming down their faces. They then began to clap and gave me a standing ovation. THAT was the moment I felt a true release of the shame. I have felt since then that God wants me to share my story with others and I am working on (gulp) a book about my story. I was brought up thinking what other people thought is HUGE. I now also understand that GOD is the one I am living to please, not other people. Love you, Lysa! Keep shining!

  238. Bonnie

    I struggle with trying to control everything in my life. I need to let go and let God be in charge. His plan for my life is the right one and the only one.

  239. Vonda

    I want to share that no matter what obstacles you face daily our God is bigger and He knows what our journey is and what the future holds for each of us. We simply have to trust Him at ALL times, not just the mountain top times, but the deep valley times too. We all have things that we have done or said that we feel guilty about, and typically we are hardest on ourselves, but we have to learn to ask God to forgive us, and then we have to forgive ourselves too, which is never easy to do. May each of you have a truly blessed day today, and may you be a blessing to someone else!

  240. Misty

    Oh the tears. I struggle every day with my story and my younger years. Despite the fact I was raised knowing God and loving God, I chose to go my own way through college and for many years to follow. As I began to say yes to God in my forties I lost many friendships and gained the best prayer partner and Sister in Christ I could ever hope for. My children and I became closer as I worked with the youth. It is an amazing feeling to say yes.

    Thank you for your story. I truly do understand. I am afraid that one day God will tell me to share all of mine. But, like you, I know he will tell me when and where and will give me the strength to do it.

    In Him,

  241. Shawnna

    I agree with Lori. To love my husband. and to show others love also. I know God gives us his strength to do that and for everything else. We have to rely on God for our lives. Not worry about anything,knowing that he is in control. We are fearfully and wonderfully made!

  242. Michelle Nehrig

    I believe God has laid on my heart the need to share with others that I’m not defined by my past. Matthew West’s newest song, “Hello, My Name Is” has a line that resonates with me. It is, “I am no longer defined, by all the wreckage behind.” WOW!!! How powerful is this?!?!?!?

  243. breanna

    Thank you for this in a time when it is much needed. I’m in a struggle right now between work friends/church friends/family and trying to surround myself with only people who are willing to grow with me in my walk. I’m listening hard and trying to be obedient but it’s not always easy to break relationships that have been familiar and comfortable at times.

  244. Brandie S

    I believe that God is calling me into a women’s ministry and I believe that my story is important. I think that God is going to use all the things that I have been through in my life for his Glory! My story is sad and happy and sad and filled with low vallys and high mountain top experiences and even somewhere on the climb up. I have put this calling to the side for most of my adult life, but everytime I read my bible or read an email or even turn on the radio, I seem to hear God’s calling in my spirit and it has gotten to the point where I can no longer close my eyes and say No, God I can’t hear you. I do hear him and I am saying yes and I want to share my struggles with Divorce and remarriage and blending a family that still after 3 yrs doesn’t seem to want to come together. I am not going through all of these things for the Devil, I am going through this because God is teaching me something that will ultimately help someone else, I am a part of God’s Grand Plan!

  245. Beckey

    I know God wants me to share all that he has done in my life and continues to do.

  246. Vaughan Luker

    God has been calling me to share my story of how I was in an abusive marriage and got out. I now serve on the board for a local women’s shelter and help raise awareness of abuse and its causes and help raise funds to keep the shelter going and growing. My call though is to talk to women of all ages, ethnicities and backgrounds about abuse – how to avoid it and how to escape it. I have not yet been given that opportunity but look forward to God’s perfect timing. I recently found your blogs and look forward to receiving your emails every day – they have become an integral part of my devotional time. Thank you for sharing your testimony with us and for your wonderful uplifting words. God bless you always!

  247. Lisa

    I really feel God has been dealing with me to listen to His voice and do what He says. Its going to be hard sometimes, but how can I be a Christian and not be as Christ-like as possible. I just have to remember to rely on His grace.

  248. Dayna

    I have been struggling with anxiety and depression for about 15 years now, it started when i moved to go to college and returned after each of my four childrens births. Over the course of the last 6 years, i have been to share mu struggles with many other women and cling to the 1 peter 5:7 and Phillipians 4:6-7. As i continue to grow closer to God, attend buble studies and small grouos and now going on mission trips, I am able to share my story with many women.

  249. B

    THis just broke me down as I cried out to God, “Please don’t make me! Please don’t!” I’ve been struggling for years with my past and with what others see on the outside. I’m seeing my daughter now struggling with “secrets” in her life now. I must brak this chain! But I know I cannot do it on my own. Thank you for this devotion! I’m thanking God that He cares for me still by speaking to me through this, even as I have walked in disobedience. Please pray that I will say ‘yes’ to Him.

  250. Gloria

    I have several songs the Lord has given me that have blessed our small church family and I have felt Him calling me to do more, but I have not been obedient because of feelings of inadequacy. I’m not a good enough mucisian, i’m too old, it costs too much…lots of excuse. Thank you for your encouragement to step out. 🙂

  251. Amy Jo

    God has placed on my heart today that I should share, sometimes I just want to walk away from it all, my husband, my kids, my house, my job and go be alone in the woods in a cabin and live like a hermit. See my husband is a truck driver and gone Monday through Friday and home on the weekends. I do count my blessings he use to be gone 2 -3 weeks at a time but I feel like a single parent. Managing the house, the kids, the job and throw the business in there and sometimes I just want to run but God has on many occasions has shown me many reasons to stay, like the little hand that rubs my face or the sunset that makes my kids say look mom or the phone cal from my husband just when I need to hear how much he loves and appreciates all I do. God is so good!

  252. Lisa

    Hope… Not alot of words needed. Hope for a better future, hope of cleansing the soul of past mistakes and knowing God loves you where you’re at.

  253. Sara Smailes

    I have been needing a lot of encouragement lately. Taking care of a family, struggling financially, and meeting responsibilities has been taking its toll. After attending the Grace Conference at Quentin Road Bible Baptist Church ( awesome, by the way) I have it on my heart that the best way to find the encouragement and peace I need is to help and encourage others even when I think I can’t. God doesn’t want us to let our finances or family needs stop us from giving what we are able. To give to someone in need is to give to God and God will bless my life and meet our needs.

  254. Ardis Rivera

    I came to a third world country ten years ago and see poverty all around. God put on my heart to start a non-profit organization to help reach the poor with what they need physically which will open doors to sharing the Gospel. What I have learned is that nothing comes about in the Kingdom without great sacrifice. I think it is a word that has been forgotten today, and I feel that God has put it on my heart to remind people that we are called to sacrifice everything if necessary to see His Kingdom expand.

  255. Katherine Moore

    God has laid it on my heart this morning to share the idea of being small. As women, I think it’s hard for us not to want to be in the spotlight, and even more difficult not to speak our minds (at least it is for me) I think it’s important that we pray and ask God to help us be small so he can be big. For example, this past week I went to watch my little brother graduate from Air Force Basic Training in Texas. The whole time we were there, my aunt kept interrupting my brother’s stories to talk about her own and, being the protective big sis that I am, all I wanted to do was put her in her place. afterall, it was about Clayton not her! I would get so angry at her for interrupting that I said a few things sometimes just to pick fights and give her a piece of my mind. I realized this morning that I could have been a Christ-like example for her, but instead I tried to be big and bad and she brought me down to her level and beat me with experience. Also, by getting irriated at her, I further took the attention off my brother and put it on me and my vengeful emotions. Father help us to be small and quite, learning from our mistakes and growing in you. Close our mouths and speak through us with a love that only you can fathom. I pray that you would help us to be examples for you in things that are some small and petty as well as things that are much bigger than us. In Jesus name, amen.

    • Autumn

      Katherine – I couldn’t agree with you more! Why is it so difficult to be less so God can be more? For me, it stems from wanting to be valued. But who values me more than God? My children depend on me for daily needs, my husband for keeping our lives in order and my employer depends on me to perform my work but none of them value me as my Father does.

  256. Serena Hanson

    For years, I’ve felt God’s calling to share my personal testimony of childhood abuse, foster care, and how God led me out of the “statistics” to successfully overcome my history with others. I’ve had the opportunity to speak to many, many child welfare groups (as a social worker) but never to a church. Just this week, God prompted me to speak to a pastor’s wife from a small community. I’ve been reading a book by Joel Osteen lately and I really believe My time is coming…God will use my story for good!

  257. christina

    Over the last 6 years, God has transformed me to reach out to others who are teenage mothers or in an abusive relationship. I have spoken to schools and church’s concerning these issues. He is preparing me for bigger things to help more women and girls as I learn new speaking and writing skills.

  258. Joan

    I think we wear the same size shoes. Once you allow God to work through you the results are amazing and surprising. It’s still hard sometimes to share my life, and there are still tears at times in the telling. Just to make a difference in one heart is awesome.

  259. msbirdy

    I’m amazed! I am to share this devotional.

  260. Brooke Chowdhury

    I have finally felt free to share parts of my story and accept the judgemental glares I get. I grew up a dedicated believer until the devil got some serious hooks into my life. At 18 I was convinced I was going to be alone forever and tried to kill myself three times and was seriously ticked it never worked. Then I met a boy who gave me a chance, but he was Muslim. Well, I love this guy and didn’t want to let him go. We got married when I was 23 and I then spent eight years following Islam. I’m now free and have returned to Christ but I am still married to him, he’s truly my best friend. He totally accepts who I am and has even allowed our daughter to be baptized and he came!! It was a beautiful moment that I’ll definitely treasure forever. God is so good!!

  261. Mary Margaret Smith

    God just wants us to always share our heart. Whatever he has put in our heart that day is what we are to share. It might be an experience you went through to help another or it might just be a hug that someone needed. It could even be just a smile and a hello. Could just be a card they get in the mail from you to brighten their day. God uses what he planted to grow in someone elses life. All we have to do is be obedient. If people don’t see Jesus in me they may never see him. Oh what a responsibility………..

  262. Jan

    Thank you for a glimpse of your devotional. It is God speaking to me.
    I so often speak negatively about myself. If I will take the time to listen to what God is saying to me, I know I will hear Him…but to get to that point is hard. I need Him so much…

  263. Rhoda

    I feel God is telling me to write a note to a coworker and tell her God loves her. I haven’t been able to do it yet.

  264. msbirdy

    I’m amazed! In Gods time, I am to share this devotional.

  265. Leah A.

    I’m feeling led to share my testimony about my teen years, all the things that I wish I had never done. If I could help one young girl make the decision to not choose the same path of destruction….

  266. Glenda

    My faith, to tell not just live it. I really struggle with talking about my faith to people that I don’t know well. I am very introverted and find it very hard to step out of myself and talk to others, unless I am pretty familiar with them.

  267. Tammy P

    My failures as a wife, mom and woman in general. The reality that I am not perfect in any area of my life but I’ve got to keep getting up and doing my best even if I fail.

  268. Kay

    As a stay at home mom of 2 boys- 5 & 1, we found out when our 1 yr old was 8 weeks that he has cystic fibrosis. Thankfully he is very healthy and amazes his medical team with his progress. I give praise to God for all this. Some days the reality of his disease is too much to bear, but I know he is covered in prayer by many people that we are blessed to call family and friends. Our story is that of daily miracles and how a life threatening disease can show God’s ultimate protection. How we deal with it is a testimony of not our strength but God’s. Thank you for sharing yourself because Proverbs 31 ministry is how I tackle my day with reading what God intends for me!

  269. Jennifer Bennett

    That divorce is not the answer and is no good.

  270. Lynn

    Thanks for the great post! As a recovering alcoholic, I used to feel so awkward in social settings where everyone else was drinking. Then one day it hit me that God calls us to be set apart! He uses different ways to accomplish this for each of His children and alcoholism was His path for me. Being rather shy, it is still tempting to feel uncomfortable, but knowing this is part of His special plan for me brings peace that passes understanding. That is what I want to share!

  271. Patsy Prisock

    Today’s devotional was just what I needed to be more encouraged to help my best girl friend. She is a wonderful Christian friend who is struggling with uncertainties in her life. Unfortunately, I made some poor choices and was married 3 times prior to the husband I have now. I have begged for forgiveness, left these regrets at the altar, etc. and am asking God to help me forgive myself. Now, as I visit with my best friend, I see how God is using my past experiences/choices to help her. God surely blessed me with the husband I have now, and her husband is a blessing to her. I pray that He will fill me with His wisdom to counsel her, and to pray to Him on her behalf. Thank you, Lysa, for allowing God to work in your life. You are such a blessing to me!!!!

  272. Donna

    I’m single, a widow in a wonderful relationship and having trouble saying no to sex. I am strong for a period of time, then give in……I know God has set these boundaries for our beneft and I know the blessings that are there when I am obedient. And I don’t want Him to think I love this other person more than I love Him …. I truly value my relationship with my Heavenly Father! I really want to be obedient.

  273. Cari

    God is good! I struggle with food. I love food!! I have known for about 7 years that I am addicted to sugar and I am in bondage to it. I guess i have just become ok with it and thought it is to hard to overcome. A few years ago my now 7 year old was having some health issues and we discovered that both my daughters and myself are intolerant to gluten and dairy. Ouch! I am so ashamed of my inability to give up these foods while I hypocritically tell my 7 year old that she can’t have it because her reaction is much worse than mine is. While I give it to God , I take it back at the first sight of a donut. I know The Lord wants me to share, but not until I claim the victory for Jesus and be satisfied and filled with him and not food.

  274. Maja Caldwell

    As I sit in small groups listening to other women tell what God has put on their hearts, I always hold back for fear of falling apart. But I always feel God gently pushing me to share and tell what is in my heart. Reading this post has encouraged me to want to give in to God and share what He has so gently been asking me to do, to share my pain of having an ill child. Thank you for your words of encouragement.

  275. nikki massaro

    i honestly dont know. im always unsure about what God wants me to do. maybe i need to spend more time in prayer with Him each day. right now, i do have alot of “dont knows” in my life. i dont know what house im going to be living in, maybe what state, i dont know which of my horses to keep, if any. i know that may sound unimportant to some, but horses have been a huge part of my life since i was small, and not having any would seem unnatural and im afraid i would have a huge void. thank you for todays devotion. im going to spend some time in prayer asking for direction.

  276. Amy M

    Lysa it sounds like you did it again. You wrote a book on exactly what I am struggling with. Do you have a tape recorder in my home? The Lord has called my family to the mission field and while my husband is at school the Lord keeps calling me to women’s ministry because of my past their are so many women out there hurting like I was that can be encouraged that God does forgive no matter what the sin! And you can be used by God! But Satan keeps feeding me lies “You are good enough, look at your past, you lose it with your kids how can you serve God?, You can’t homeschool your children, take care of your home and serve in that capacity you are an unorganized mess!” I turn to God’s truths over and over, yes I lose it with my kids (15, 12, 8, and 3) but I apologize to them and ask for forgiveness over and over and use each of my failings as a teaching moment to point our family back to God, my past has already helped others who struggled with the same sin. But the lie I get caught up on is my day to day unorganized mess of a life! I can’t wait to do this Bible Study I really need it I want to glorify the Lord with my life and help further His kingdom but I know I am getting in the way! Thank you again for being sensitive to the Holy Spirit and helping others serve God and share the gospel!

  277. Laurie

    I am becoming more negative than positive in leading my 2 wonderful children. God is tugging at me to speak His Word to them in a gentle tone and spirit. I am so in need of an overhaul… to not only have a desire for the Word EVERY day but actually read/hear it.

  278. Sherry

    What has God called me to share with others? My story. My past. My hurts. My healing through Him. The story of how he took a broken woman and mended the pieces. A story of His grace and love and mercy and forgiveness. A story that says He is not done with you yet. For years I prayed “Lord, Bless MY mess”. I asked Him if there was a way to help anyone through what I have been through to open the doors. I want to bring Him glory. I want to point others to Him. But, opening up and sharing my past is hard. I can feel Him calling me and preparing me. I want to be ready to say yes. Thank you for reminding me that it can be HIs will even if I am afraid.

  279. Brittany Puckett

    I totally agree with Mary M. Smith. I will try not to focus on just one testimony, but many. People need different things at different times. I will try to be quite and listen to what the other person is needing at the time, and draw from my own life experiences, and allow God to speak thru me. I am just as guilty as anyone when giving advice, in that I want to tell that other person what I think, not what God knows they need to hear. God Bless you Lisa and your ministry. I look forward to your Blogs every morning on my work computer. It puts a positive thought in my head every day for the work day. I work with the public, and it always seems I deal with at least one person every day, who truly test what i read that morning. I can reflect on that mornings devotional, and it puts a smile on my face.

  280. Nicholette

    I feel like the past couple of months God has been calling me to be real with the people around me. My hole life I have been the girl like you discribe the one who “had it all together.” I’ve never allowed anyone to see me struggle, be hurt, sad, confused, frustrated, lonely or even scared. I’ve always had a warm, happy smile and walked around with a confidence that I had it all together. While on the inside I was all those things I just discribed. It has only been the past couple of months I have allowed those around me to see that I don’t have it all together and the confidence I used to have was fake, a wall to keep people from asking the “tough” questions. To me not having it all together was a sign of weakness and failure. God has really shown me that it’s just the opposite, like most things when it comes to be a daughter of His. It’s been a real struggle however, I am greatful for it because for the first time it’s causing me to rely on Him and His strength. To rely on His promises and truth. I’m learning that I can still have a confidence however, this is a confidence in Christ and that He will do all His word promises to do. It’s been a great journey and I can’t wait to see where God will take me.

  281. Renie Mccanney

    I just wanted to share that you can overcome evil for good with God. Only God can remove the hurt and the self hate from your soul. He did that for me when I was a drug addict and a wild teenager. He got my life back on track by sending me a Godly man who cared enough to encourage me to stop and turn it all over to God. Since then I am a mom of two wonderful adult children and 3 grandchildren who without God I would have never survived the horror that came when I lost my husband and my life went out of control again. Never give up ladies God has us in his hands and he does not let us go.

    I count it all JOY!

  282. Tracy Carden

    I think sometimes we create in ourselves a sense of unrest by letting worry build and fester. I try to share with friends that Worry is a sin. It is second guessing God and His plan. I struggled with it in the past but have come to realize some things are within my control and some things are not. I leave those up to God as to what He allows in my life and I know that if He allows it then there must be a reason. There will be better good come out of it than if my plan were followed. I trust Him completely. Romans 8:28. Matthew 6:25-34

  283. Rachel Q

    This was spot on for me today. God is, again and again, peeling back the layers of my life, showing me how He wants to use ALL for His good and ALL for His glory…even the ugly of my life. Thank you, Lysa, for this word of encouragement today!

  284. Terri B

    God has a message for all of us to share about His Son, but He has equipped us with unique life experiences to be able to help others who are going through the same things. My message is that God can redeem the broken past and use you again… don’t lose hope or lose heart. He can use you again in His Kingdom work!

  285. debbie

    I’ve read some of the other comments and hesitate to comment myself. These women have been through so much hurt and my heart breaks for them and whilereading I was praying for healing and restoration for them. What I would share is that God wants us to be strong women, leaning on Him women. Here’s my backstory…I’m 55 (aahhhh) grew up in a fairly conservative church where I constantly heard that we were preparing ourselves to be godly wives and mothers. Which isn’t bad…but roll forward to this 55 yrold who is neither a wife nor a mother.( I am a pretty cool aunt). All my life I felt like a failure. I didn’t want to be too strong spiritually cuz the husband is to be the leader in the home (I really did th

    at) . I held back on so many things because I wanted to do them with my husband. I kickmyself up now for all the opportunities wasted. But I also know that my God doesn’t waste a moment of our lives and today I embrace who I am and cherish each moment. I want the girls I interact with to know that they are valued and worthy and not alone. I love men but if God has a plan for us to fly solo then let’s do it! Sorry for the soapbox….

  286. Beth

    Being transparent is such a crippling thing for me. On the outside I appear to “have it all together” but on the inside – I live with some choices that I made years ago-that are shameful.
    I know God has forgiven me, but I fear what others may think.
    I don’t know that I’m supposed to share those things, but it is my prayer that if I am – I will yield to the Holy Spirit.

  287. Regina

    For me its not over a pulpit or a group of woman…its that one woman, when God whispers in my ear…”Yes, her..go speak to her”, “me??” is usually my reply…”um but God, Im in the middle of the cosmetic aisle at a store, u sure??? She’s gonna think Im crazy!” That’s been my usually conversation several times with Him…I wish I could say I’ve been obedient each time, but Im embarrassed to say I haven’t….but I want to say YES each time He whispers in my ear….I want to be a Woman who says YES to God!!

  288. Linda I.

    Awhile back, I was asked to share my testimony at a women’s bible group. My first reaction was NO WAY! But since then I have been thinking about what I would share. I will be ready the next time God calls me to speak up. Who knows, it might be today.

  289. Samantha

    I don’t know what He wants me to share. But I am ready to listen to Him when He tells me. Thank you for this. My heart is open. 🙂

  290. Dee

    I’m feeling the need to be quiet and listen! Stop attempting to justify my actions and Just Be Present for Christ.

  291. Diane

    Sometimes I get discouraged because I always thought that God would call my husband and I to a greater ministry – you know like risking your life in the jungles of a far away country to help others hear the name of Jesus or having a ministry where you convert hundreds upon hundreds to the Lord. What recently has been placed on my heart is to obediently share His fullness and glory right where I (we) are. Both my husband and myself are in jobs that are certainly ours because God placed us in them and most recently I have felt like God has asked me to obediently serve Him where we are at and in His timing He will call us to a different ministry. I have to smile here because I always feel like He reminds me it will be a DIFFERENT ministry which makes me think that every ministry I find myself in is the greatest ministry calling for this time and place in my life. Thanks for your transparency and reminding us all that if we are willing, God will use us right where we are at every day, hour and minute. Patience truly is a fruit of the Spirit!!

  292. Cindy

    I have taken spiritual assessment tests four times over the past years, always hoping to have a gift I “wanted”. But I am now convinced after getting the same answers every single time that God has given me the gift to teach. I have taught children Sunday school over the years and am the unofficial leader of my monthly women’s group. I could use the encouragement from your devotional. Thank you for listening to God in your life.

  293. Intentionally Katie

    God wants me to share the struggles and triumphs I experience as a wife and Mom with a seemingly perfect (on the outside) social media world.

  294. Kathy

    The thing that almost always rolls in my head, the first thought I have when I hear of a struggle, an ache, a disallusionment, is that we cannot let the devil win. God is good all the time, He is right here with us, He is more powerful than anyone or anything. God is love and we have to cling to that. Our hope is in Him. I believe we all share one basic need and that is to be loved and know that we are loved. It seems in all the times I listen to my friends and family pour out their worries and troubles, this fire rises inside of me and I cannot stop from reminding them that the devil not win in the long term and we cannot let him win in the short term. That God is love and in Him we find our hope. I think this is what I need to hear the most as well when I am feeling low.

    God has given me this great love for people and while I am still figuring out some days how He wants me to pour out that love, His love, it most definitely is a fire inside of me. Jesus was and is victorious over death. So awesome. So much strength there and it’s all free to us, for the taking. The devil will not win, Jesus is Lord!

    This is what I am compelled to share, in many different ways.

  295. Lisa S

    The Lord has shown me that even at work I can share the ways, thoughts Of our Lord thought being a Godly nurse. One who loves and care for all the patients in my care. Sometimes they ask and I can share with them openly about our Lord and Savior. Especially when doing Hospice work.

  296. Terri

    Unconditional love is a gift…sometimes it requires being on your knees to give but it is essential to live!

  297. Grace

    To share the love of Christ with those around me. Sometimes I’m not the best at being loving, kind & compassionate – starting with my family. Even tho I get discouraged I know God is there to lend a hand and pick me up.

  298. Mel

    God has been not only laying on my heart, but bringing this to the forefront of my mind, to allow those around me to see Him. To see Him, through my actions, words, and my attitude. This is what all Christ follows are called to do and I know this has been my call since accepting God’s invitation. Lately I am much more aware of how I present myself in His light. I want others to feel the love of Jesus, through me. This has caused me to stop and reflect not only how I act but also the words that leave my lips. It is a daily re-offering of myself and laying down my own thoughts, at times, to allow Jesus to speak through me.

  299. Sharon

    God asked me to share about losing my baby daughter and about the abuse I witnessed as a child – very hard thing to do but it opened the door for other people to share and I never would have guessed the things others had gone through as well.

  300. Lori

    I’ve been in a very dark place for some time now THINKING that I was remaining in Him and not understanding why God was so silent. I have not been, but now that I have truly opened my heart to the Godly encouragement that was around me and opened my mouth to speak the earnest prayers that God wants to hear, I can once again FEEL that He is truly in me. What a wonderful and freeing sigh I just expelled after putting those words in front of me to read aloud! What is God saying to me? Remain in Me and I will remain in you. I’m not done with you yet and if you only could see what I have planned for you! I LOVE YOU like no other and if you just look to Me and continue to say YES to Me each and every day you will rejoice as my plan for your life unfolds!! And this will be the testimony that I want you to share with those I put in your path…

  301. Kendra

    I feel led to share my testimony with teen girls. Growing up, making wise choices, & staying pure is so difficult. I would love to share with them how to work toward that by discussing the mistakes I made & subsequently what I learned.

  302. Molly Hudson

    I am a grateful believer in Christ Jesus! He is my redeemer, comforter, counselor, healer. I have been delivered from a brain tumor, abandonment, divorce, sexual abuse, severe depression & anxiety. Saying yes to God has saved my life and brought me pure joy. I was not walking with The Lord when this tragedy started, but after saying yes to God he has delivered me from a brain tumor that was suppose to take my life, 20 years later I am walking on my own, married to a wonderful man, have a daughter (which is a miracle on its own). So never limit what God can do!

  303. Tracy

    I saw this in another reading this morning and had already sent it to two friends before seeing this devotional:

    “Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.”
    Corrie ten Boom

    And the encouragement is that no matter what our situations or circumstances, God is a Faithful and Trustworthworthy God and we need to remember that all He does is focused on our good and for His glory.

  304. Tonya

    To share the little things in life that we so often take for granted with others that are completely given to us through grace and mercy from God! I think I need to share something big and monumental (even though nothing like that has happened to me) but God just wants me to be me and share the little things! Thank you for your blog and your ministry!

  305. Alicia Detrick

    Lately God has put on my heart the importance of my relationships with others. I often become self centered and busy and I don’t realize the damage I do to those around me when I put my needs before those closest to me. With prayer and God behind me I am working on changing some bad habits. I believe I will always be a work in progress but I know God is working to make me a better person for His purpose.

    Last night I had the opportunity to encourage my cousin. She has a tough relationship with her mom and is going through a difficult time right now. God gave me the words to let her know He loves her and when our earthly relationships fail or aren’t as fulfilling as we would hope, He is there for us. This is something I am learning too.

  306. Veronica

    I am learning that I am not what I’ve done in the past & just maybe God will use me & the things that I’ve done to help other people through their trails in life. I am also learning that satan will use any & all fears, Insecurities that I have to trap me & keep me silent . Because then I can’t help anyone , or share just how great God really is .thank you Lysa your books & devotions are really helping me become the woman that my husband could love again . Can’t wait the read this devotion

  307. linda

    I am sharing this devotional with my friends.

  308. Kalie Thompson

    Sharing is so difficult for me and it really pushes me out of my comfort zone. However, I feel God pulling me to share my stories of miscarriage. Seems to be a subject no one wants to talk about…mostly because of others reactions or uncomfortable feelings. It’s a heartbreaking experience and mother’s who’ve had this experience need to know they’re not alone. The hurt, anger, sadness, and questions that cloud your mind are all normal responses. This is all made more difficult because many suffer all of this in silence. That’s why I want to share my story, so women don’t feel they have to grieve the loss of a child in silence. I’ve had two miscarriages and I’ve been through all the feelings and questions…a journey God has used to bring me closer to him.

  309. Andrea

    I am not very good at sharing. Not only my past but just my feelings, thoughts. My husband gets upset at me because I do not share. God is really the only one who knows. I am not sure how to change this. But I need to.

  310. Tia

    God is working on me to open up and share my past, my story and to forgive.

  311. Margaret

    As a volunteer staff member at my church, I lead a few areas of ministry and God has recently placed on my heart, the need to encourage those who work alongside me in those areas – one gentleman in particular who has gone through some really rough times and come out the other side smiling so big, it makes my heart sing! I want him to know that he truly is an encouragement to me!

  312. Melissa

    God has placed on my heart to share with others that everyone who is diagnosed with cancer has their own unique story to share. Each cancer diagnosis is different and each person will have a different experience to go through. Yes, all of us cancer survivors share a common bond, but, we all need to share our stories, as part of healing. I want to encourage others to share their cancer experience and for others to listen and hear what these brave people have to say.

  313. Amy

    His love…God wants me to love on the unlovable with His love and share with them how much He wants a relationship with them.

  314. Vicki

    My daughter and I just moved from California back to Florida..While preparing for the move and the drive, God laid on my heart that loving others is what is most important to Him aside from loving Him….Nowadays we are all caught up in OUR schedules and to do lists and things that WE feel are important and sometimes those schedules and to do lists get in the way of God’s business and our spending time with those that He has placed in our lives. Don’t get me wrong, I know schedules are important BUT when they get in the way of spending time with our loved ones OR serving others as God would have us do then we need to reprioritize our time and start seeking God about how we are to use it!!!

  315. Jaimie Rachal

    God has placed on my heart to be thankful for having just enough. We are struggling financially, but there is food in the pantry, the bills are paid, and there is just enough money to provide the essentials like diapers and some gas to get around. I’ve been trying to find a job and I have felt that sudden peace come over me. I know that all of those jobs I was passed over for were not in God’s plan for me. I eagerly await where he will take me next on this journey.

  316. Barbara C.

    God has been urging me to share some of the ways I searched for significance before completely surrendering my entire heart to Jesus – many of which I have feared people would condemn me for. I know that through salvation in Jesus, I am not condemned but now is the time to focus on the audience of One and no longer desire to please people. I look forward to using Lysa’ s new devotional because I have participated in the study What Happens When Women Say YES to God.

  317. Sophia DeLonghi

    After a lifetime of wondering what it is that God has for me to serve Him in, the last two years I have gone to Africa to serve the orphans and widows, although it seems they serve me because of what I learn and receive from their example on how to trust God! The Lord has given me a heart for the oppressed, broken, wounded, and healing. I have learned what the verse about being called means. He doesn’t call the equipped, he equips the called. The first time I went to Africa, I prayed to have my heart broken for what breaks His. I never realized how much He heard that prayer and answered until this second trip when I learned that my sweet Momma died a few days after arriving in Africa and how He carried me and cared for me through His children.

  318. Kristin Ditto

    Recently I started a blog out of a passion to share life and testimony with whoever may come across it. I am a sahm of three little ones so my area of influence has been pretty small but I still felt the urgency of the great commission…making disciples. So that’s what has been on my heart to share. Share stories, failures, successes, and mostly God filled life stories and revelation. This book seems right on with what God is walking me through.

  319. shannon

    I am making a point each day to share God’s promises with a friend who is in a valley right now. I don’t know what else to do for her, but this is what He is having me do, and it is the best thing I can do for her!

  320. Madrid

    Hello and blessings to all! God has placed on my heart to encourage other women in their marital journey. Only by the grace of God have I not only survived in my marriage but thanks to our perfect savior I have learned to be a woman of virtue and how to bless my husband…and still open for learning each day! He’s shown me to share my story with other women and His message of hope. I pray for God’s strength and courage each day!

  321. charlene

    God bless you for sharing with us. I have a problem sharing, with getting pass God is good when talking with others about how good He has been to me. You wonder if they know how sincere your are, because you feel so ashame about your pass. But when I pray I’m telling God let your light shine in me so that others may see how you have healed me, as I was sick for a very long time. I need prayer to go beyond and tell it all to keep my word about sharing and His light shining. Bless you

  322. Annee C

    I want to share how we have helped our daughter get out of a emotionally/verbally abusive marriage with her ministry/husband of 13 yrs….there are other women out there who need help to know when/how to escape!

  323. kim ebert

    God would like for me to share that I am a cutter. A beautiful loving happy child of God. Blessed mother of four amazing boys. Mother in law of the answer to my prayer “please send someone to love my sons more than I even do”, Grammy to the cutest kid in the WHOLE world! And a cutter. Ugly, tears, scars and pain.

  324. Phyllis

    Lysa, I am humbly using the failures in my life to reach out to broken homes & marriages through leading a DivorceCare ministry at my church. After going through this painful situation myself, my heart just breaks for these people. God is equipping me & using me in a way that I never could do in my own strength ! We all have a story & a past… Would love a copy of your devotional….

  325. Katie

    I’ve been avoiding leadership responsibility in my church, waiting until I have it “all together”. I realize God doesn’t want that; He doesn’t want me to try to do any of it in my own strength. I feel broken; I am still mourning a miscarriage and struggles in marriage. But God is faithful! He is carrying me now, and will continue to carry me, and that is the hope I have to share with others. Me, inperfect, incomplete, but seeking the One who created me for His glory.

  326. April McCourt

    God has placed on my heart to share with others that you truly desire to know the truth then the truth will set you free if seek after Him. He will show you the hard places that need to be softened and what you need to change in your life that is not good for you. When you make the changes you will see things from his perspective. God’s perspective makes those difficult areas much easier to deal with when going through them with Him.

  327. Shannon

    I feel called to be an encourager; to offer kind words, hugs, pats on the back, and prayers to those around me. Then my focus becomes that of lifting others up instead of tearing myself down.

  328. Catherine

    About 12 years ago, an affair (mine) nearly ended my marriage. My husband had had an affair, and was traveling a lot for work, and I decided that I had had enough. The Lord send lots of red flags my way, but I charged ahead and had a long-term relationship outside my marriage. When my affair was discovered, I was “outed” in a very public way. We come from a small town, and everyone knew every detail. There were even pictures, courtesy of a private investigator. My plan had been to run away with the man I thought I loved, but when the time came for me to pack my bags and go, in the storm of shame and condemnation, I heard the Lord’s still, small voice: “stick with what you know to be true. I chose your spouse for you. Remain in me.” My husband and I decided to stay married, and it was a long and very difficult road to healing. Now, all these years later, it still haunts me. My stepdaughter, who was 14 at the time, was damaged by it and every time she has a failure in her life, I see it as a direct result of my actions. I live in fear that she will tell my daughter, who was born a few years after the reconciliation. I have read studies that say that many marriages are destroyed by affairs, and I often think: “If people only knew that it’s possible for God to take those broken, smashed pieces and craft something beautiful with them.” Lysa, your writing has helped me so much to move past it, and to understand that I am not defined by my past. But I know the only way I could ever share that would have to be orchestrated by the hand of God. I can’t believe I am writing it down here — but I felt like I needed to, just in case there’s anybody out there facing the same situation.

  329. Molly Higle

    I don’t look at myself as one who had “wisdom” to share. I am always shocked when it comes out of my mouth. I know that God wants me to comfort and encourage the brokenhearted. I try to make the most of every opportunity.

  330. Kristy

    I feel god leasing me to share my struggle with depression and the feeling of low self worth. I have struggled with depression since th birth of my second child. After three misscarriages between my first two children, I couldn’t understand the feeling of depression. Especially since God finally blessed my hisbad & me with a second child that we so desperately wanted. That seem to have make the depression worse, because I thought I surely would feel so much joy instead of what I was feeling. The depression has worsened over the past 6 years since the birth of my third child. I simply don’t understand why I feel this way. I have a husband who loves me & our children more than anything, and I have a job, a home, and most of all my kids are healthy. What more could I ask for, right???? I need God to show me the way!! Why am I going through these feelings??

  331. Darrelyn Kelley

    Thank you for sharing your ‘sneak peek’ of the devotional. I have a really hard time putting into words my deep feelings. I wish I could completely express how this devotional touched me. I have felt blessed by your words. You are such an encourager to everyone! I praise God for bringing you into my life. You have open my eyes to my life circumstances. I am seeing things clearer than ever before. I need to keep my eyes on God even during the hard times in my life. He will take the bad and turn it into good. I think what God wants me to share with others is not necessarily speaking to others, but to do for others in service. I have this strong sense of helping others right now. Being a servant has been my Spiritual gift for several years, but now I am feeling more of a stronger sense in helping people than ever before. I want God to use me to bless others. Thank you for saying yes to God!

  332. Alana

    God actually placed on my heart to share something I read in your Encouragement for the Day today, which is: “The more I say yes to remaining in God’s secret place, the more I will live in expectation of seeing Him. The more I expect to see God, the more I will experience Him. The more I experience Him, the more I’ll trust Him.” When God places it on my heart to share, I post it on Facebook to bless others with His Word. It’s so wonderful to see others “like” the post or comment on it because I know God touched them in some way, shape or form and I’m so grateful when that happens.

  333. Janet Rogers

    That no matter what your circumstance is God can use you for his glory.

  334. Jennifer Henn

    I loved the title of the devotion the first time I heard you mention it. I ask myself, “Are you ready to say ‘yes’?”
    First of all,God is telling me to not rush ahead and work where he has me. Second he is telling me to give my testimony. After I shared with a small group last week, a woman quickly came to the podium to address me. In a heavy accent she told me she was Muslim. She seemed amazed by my testimony. I don’t believe she had ever listened to a Christian speak before, she said I helped her.
    The crazy thing is-if I knew I would be speaking to a Muslim woman, I would of boned up on her culture and religion to be “effective’. But God used me as I am. Exciting!

  335. Brenda

    The lesson I have learned over the years (very painfully) but now very, very clearly, which has given me a boldness to speak is simply this: (and it is written in the inside cover of my Bible): I am accepted by the One who matter most. It is that lesson, which is the pouring out of His Grace on me – unmerited & underserved – that makes me get up when I fall and continue on in spite of events surrounding me. Our God loves us beyond what we can possibly imagine! He truly is a God of miracles!

  336. Shelly

    Lysa- I appreciate you so much…you are so real and easy to relate to…Thank You.
    God has asked me take time to listen…be patient…people are needing for someone to just listen to them..everyone is in such a hurry that no one listens or takes time to really build relationships. So I pray God can use me today working with the public may I by his strength brighten at least one persons day today.

  337. Mary Swoope

    God wants me to share something that I read this morning – We are engraved in the palms of his hands. I have never thought about it in such a way. It overwhelmed me. God will never leave me, I am his and I know that when I don’t feel close to him it is because I have moved from HIs.

  338. Dee Acord

    God wants me to share my journey through weight loss and how He has shown me to find my worth in Him and not in my looks and that as I am obedient to him in this journey that He called me to, He will do what He has promised to do in my life.

  339. Denise

    We hold things deep down buried inside and need to release them. Releasing us frees us from the bondage. I am so glad you shared. This really helped me in some areas where I have held things inside and need to share as well. I would love to have a copy of your book.

  340. Karen

    Our women’s’ Bible study recently finished your study, When Women Say Yes to God. When we decided on this study months before, God knew I was going to need this study to know he was calling me to a mission trip to Liberia with our church conference. When I was reading the book along with the study, I came to the part where you said you had adopted two boys from, where else, but Liberia. There were other confirmations as well. During the trip, we will be delivering birthing kits to the women there. I, like you, had an abortion before I was married. Very few people know about it because I cannot bring myself to say it out loud. I did tell my Bible study girl friends and they were so supportive. I feel delivering the birthing kits will help me to heal and come to peace with that decision I made so many years ago. Please pray for me next Sunday (11th) when I speak in church about how your study led to me to know that God was calling me to this trip. I am not sure I can bring myself to tell my church family what I did. I am so ashamed of this selfish act and have pushed it so deep in the depths of my soul that I am not sure I can do it. I thank God for your gift of this book and your study.

  341. Heidi

    I am learning to share about Jesus and His love for us.

  342. Linda

    What a truth heard mant times before, but now hit the target. Count me in ! I want to be a part of a healthy vine. God is so great !

  343. Cathy

    Weight! I’ve been over weight my entire adult life. When my father died suddenly, I lost weight, only to get married, have children and gain it back…plus some. When my marriage was threatened by adultery, I lost weight, only to put it back on when things got better…plus some. Now at age 54, I am considered morbidly obese at 100 pounds above “my” ideal weight. The most I have ever weighed. When my pastor preached about eating and weight control God’s way, I stepped up and made myself accountable to my pastor. Then, he asked me to lead an excersise group three days a week. We begin “Get Fit” classes next week and I am panicking over the commitment I have made. But God has challenged me to share my story and struggle with others who may need this jump start in their lives to get fit God’s way along with me.

  344. Cheryl Iavicoli

    Thank you for sharing, I needed to hear these words in my heart. Eleven years ago I lost my daughter on her 29th birthday. The Lord has used me to Help other moms in their hurt and to love them them through their journey. I need to say yes to speaking out to women’s groups on loss and hope. Will He use me this way? I don’t know. That is not the question. He only wants my answer.

  345. Allison

    You are worth so much more than you think you are….lay down your worries and concerns at the feet of the Lord and he will manage the rest. Trust that the Lord has a plan for you and your family that is the right plan. Don’t settle out of fear.

  346. Chris

    I don’t know where to begin! Our stories intersect, but I don’t know if God wants me to share mine! I’m pretty good at convincing myself He doesn’t!! People think I’m such a goody-two-shoes… I’m not, but I admit that I like for them to think that! That’s awful, I know, I really do… Yet I “allow” others to think better of me than they ought!! Sad, but true way too often! Amazing how deceitful the heart is, how easy it is to “hide” the real me! I’m sure that’s why I am so drawn to you, Lysa, and to your devos… You are SO real and SO transparent… I love all your WARTS!! :). Thanks for sharing straight from the hip and the heart, obeying God’s call on your life! I am blessed every time I read something of yours!!

  347. Katie

    I was reading Ephesians 2:10 with my boys yesterday, about how we are God’s masterpiece and we were created to do the good things He planned for us long ago. That is such a powerful vision of who we are in Him! The pinnacle of His creation, and He made us to do good! That good was already planned, as were we. It overwhelms me (in a good way) and I want everyone to understand that! We really have our work cut out for us. 🙂

  348. Angie

    God dropped it in my heart to share my past with young girls, teenagers. To show them a way to make smart choices and not one night stands. His Holy Spirit and not alcohol to numb past hurts. What a bad combo it was. I want to share it so others deal with daddy issues by running to the one true Daddy!!!

  349. Joyce

    God wants me to share that my diagnosis of breast cancer is not the end! It is only the beginning of re-evaluating and letting God back into my life. He strengthens me and I find I can go to him even when I feel and look just awful. He is always there for me and that makes me feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my chest. I know I am not alone in my fight.

  350. Alicia

    I’ve been working through an abusive relationship in college that left me battered for years. However, I’m still ashamed to admit how my weakness led to the abuse. Thank you for your testimony…….

  351. Cindy Kyle

    I need to be more willing to lay it out there so people can see God work on my life. I have a tendency to only show the highlights of my life. I need to remember that God is on my side, who can be against me. Live for Jesus without fear and limitations. He certainly didn’t hold anything back for me. Thank you for the reminder today. God bless, Cindy

  352. Nicole

    Simply said; God wants me to share my life. Not so simple to do at times. I love blogging and sharing my life and have had a response like nothing I ever thought could happen. But the insecurities that lie within me take over quickly. I haven’t blogged in a few months; once again afraid I’m not enough. My story isn’t helping. My words don’t affect anyone. Satans attacks on my soul have been heavy hitting lately. However, my God is so much bigger and I need to breathe that day in and day out. I am a child if God. I have and can make a difference. No matter how small… He’s pushing me. And I need to answer His call.

  353. Jody

    I feel as though God has been chasing me for quite some time trying to get me to tell my story. But, those voices of doubt, shame and inadequacy have kept me doubting myself, my abilities and made me doubt that it is truly God’s call at all. It is in reading your devotional today that I can begin to face those fears and step into whatever it is that God has in store. I pray that today is the day I finally leave the baggage I have been carried all these years behind and whole-heartedly accept God grace and His call on my life. Thank you for reminding me that God’s call must be followed no matter what the voices tell me is not possible.

  354. Denise from Iowa

    THANK YOU, Lisa! It may not be an abortion, but if we are honest with ourselves and others, we ALL have some pretty major stuff in our past that God can forgive and once we ask him to the Prince of Peace will heal and restore. God bless you, Lisa!

  355. Margo

    My heart ached when I read this and I cried. I have experienced the prompting from God to share, and have experienced the reward of sharing and watched it help others. I am sad to say that because of circumstances, the state of my marriage, I have allowed that shame to prevail. I am learning to be more consistant and confident and am walking in that journey right now. It is truly a blessing and encouraging to be able to read blogs and comments on this site from christian women who can relate and know that I am not alone. It serves as a constant reminder, to keep pressing on, God is not done with me yet!

  356. Erika

    Me too, my friend. Me too.

    Thank you so much for being courageous enough to shine the light on the dark and dusty corners we all have in our lives. You bring so much to so many.

  357. Sheila B

    There is always something that we keep hidden from God even though deep down we know that He knows and has always known. At this point in my life I don’t know where God is leading me, but I can already tell that this Bible study is going to open up my heart in a way that it’s never been done before. Thank you!!!

  358. Sandy

    We are valuable because we are children of God. We are not valuable because we have a husband who loves us; because we are thin,;because we are smart; because we are pretty. Simply because as a child of God – we are His and He is mine – and that is why we are valuable. When we understand that one simply fact, we become so much more valuable because then we can truly serve other as God wants us to.

  359. Michelle Axton Kelly

    Lysa, thank you a million times for your devotional today. Oh how God uses you to inspire so many of us on the tough days. Days when I feel unqualified for what He has called me to do. Days when I feel far from His inspiration, His peace, His comfort. Thank you for reconnecting me this morning with my Lord. I am drinking up this encouragement with a thirst like nothing else. With increasing frequency I feel God asking me to share a story I’ve never had the courage to put into words.I’ve tried to shut it down. It’s a tale I’ve spent much of my life running from. One of a man who posed as a grandfather and found an opportunity within our family to sexually abuse several of us. It’s a story that tore our family apart, drawing lines in the sand when others beside myself had the courage to share it. Even all these years later with the key players gone the details leave me feeling vulnerable. Scared. Alone. And yet I know this story is powerful. That so many of those friends surrounding my days have unfortunately some way to relate. How powerful would it be to let God use the best and worst parts of my life to free others? To protect those who may be put in the path of a predator? I ask for courage. For prayer. For God’s words.Bless you and your P31 sisters for all you do! I pray I’ll be back to join you at She Speaks next year!

  360. Michele

    I need to learn to share my struggles instead of appearing like I have it all together. I need to learn to let people in instead of keeping them at arms length always afraid I’m going to be judged. I’m excited about starting the “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God” bible study with Melissa Taylor next week!

  361. Carm

    God has placed on my heart to teach people how to be content no matter their circumstances. He is still preparing me for this.

  362. Vera

    Christ died for me. This is what God my father whispered to me this morning. He has washed away my sin and taken away the shame. . Those secret past sins can be most entangling but Jesus died for those too. I am free to dream and trust in His plan for me even at 52

  363. Monica

    I srtuggled with drug addiction my whole life and abusive relationships, among many other things, god has delivered me from addiction and I have been given a new life 🙂 Thank you lysa for your obedience to God you have helped me so much so I must give back as well I know that god has put me on a path to help women just like me I believe God put these things in my heart to share with others.

  364. Melissa Baldwin

    In answer to the discussion question— What has God placed on my heart to share with others? —- I believe God has placed a few things on my heart… Grace and Redemption, Adoption and depression. I am passionate about these three things and whenever I have had the opportunity to share on these subjects I am surprised at who it reaches.

  365. Kim

    Time and time again, the Lord has placed it on my heart to share my experience with postpartum depression. I could not have gotten through it without the love and grace of God, as well as help and support from my husband and other family members. Any form of depression can be such a difficult topic of discussion, especially for a Christian. But it shouldn’t be. If you are struggling with depression of any kind, please talk to someone and ready out to the Lord in prayer. You do not need to face this alone.

  366. Donna Leigh Hinkley

    The greatest thing I want my listeners to hear through my music ministry and testimony is to NEVER lose focus — always keeping their eye on the prize. There was a time when I took my eyes off God (not backslid — but gave my attention/focus to someone else), and it caused my world to completely crumble. He’s a jealous God, and He has such a perfect plan for us — if we’ll keep our eyes on Him and trust Him. <3
    Thank you, Lysa, for your incredible ministry! I learn so much from it!

  367. Keri

    “What has Placed on your heart to share with others?” I’m not sure exactly, but He currently has me in a season of trial, and I feel like if I can hang on long enough to see what he’s bringing through this, I’ll have a story to tell.

  368. Crystal

    I have a cousin that has been coming to me lately in little ways (I believe she is reaching out for help). She is struggling with her marriage and family and placed on my heart is the need to help her. Not only to help support her in the decisions she will need to make but also to help her find the Lord!! I gave her Jesus Calling daily devotional last night and I felt the Lord’s presence as I visited with her about relying on God. I pray that she can find the Lord and use him to make the right decision for the plan he has for her. Thank you Lisa!!

  369. Rachel

    The Lord wants me to Lean on Him… Which means letting go of a few key working relationships…

  370. Penny

    I don’t know that He is calling me to share anything right now, but I feel Him calling me to surrender….to LET GO of the doubt, believe in His goodness and TRUST Him. I’ve let broken dreams, loss, grief, and anger to harden my heart and the enemy has taken it and run with it. My husband and I are facing some hard decisions right now and I just want to surrender to what God has for us and our family….to accept and follow His will and not my own! Ugg!!!…it’s so hard sometimes. Thank you for always sharing your heart Lisa….your devotionals always touch me and make me laugh, but mostly they point me to my desperate need for God. Bless you!

  371. Susan

    After going through a miserable divorce and raising 3 children by myself, I can finally look back and see how all the anger and pain affected my children. I think God would want me to share the importance of forgiveness. Thats a legacy we want to leave our children, not one of bitterness. Inspite of the bad marriage, God had blessed me with 3 incredible gifts that brought so much joy to my life and yet the anger was always there. My exhusband was never hurt but my children were. Thats what I would share.

    • Erika

      Right there with you, Susan.

  372. Pauline

    Thank you Lisa. I have had to share with my brethren how i have been told to read and give the Lord thanks at the midnight hour and it has not been easy to get out of bed to do this but so far it is becoming easy.

    Just want to give the Lord praise and in spite of my being in a situation where family members are Jehovah;s witness I continue to firmly believe in mt ‘pentecostal’ beliefs and ignore their comments.

  373. Penny

    Sorry Lysa, I just realized I spelled your name wrong!! 🙂

  374. Cindy

    I believe right now, that my call is sharing how we are loved by Almighty GOD, a deep, unmoving love a perfect love that I don’t think we can fully grasp. That there is NOTHING that can keep you from Christ if you just seek Him. I myself have been on a Journey for over 7 months now, I think it is the transition of becoming spiritually mature? I’m not 100% sure…yet, I just know I yurn to know Jesus better, a true relationship, friendship with Him, and in that, I am finding out just how much I am worth to GOD, how loved I am, charished, how compassionate He is, its mind blowing right now. And I just can’t help but speak of it whenever given the chance. Which is ironic, since I was always the wall flower & trying to not be noticed or just be ‘one of the croud’ and here I am now. I’m excited about where GOD is taking me but fighting fear of not being able (in my own mind) to do what is asked of me.

  375. Janet Miller

    Quiet, rest, peace….almost impossible to find here in the Bay Area. The lure of technology, material wealth & possessions, a prestigious job, higher education, all these are valued above all else here. Life is fleeting, and all the worldly goods & accomplishments will pass away. God is calling us to Himself and to revealing His love and care to those around us. As Christians, we need to be ready to give a reason for the hope & joy we have when the world fails even “successful” people and leaves them empty, unsatisfied, & hurting.

  376. Ann.

    God wants me to tell children about Him. I have. I do. And I will continue to do so with His help and direction. I love Him so.

  377. Yellow

    This imperfect mom drinks too much at night behind her facade of perfection and I’m so ashamed. Praying for courage…

  378. Cass Ridley

    I pondered so many clever things to put in here, humorous antidotes, heart-felt quotes, a favorite passage. But then I heard a gentle voice reminding me that I might actually want to ponder what God might truly have put on my heart to share. It was simple, it was beautiful, as truth when stripped of human manipulation usually is. God’s love is unfailing, it is unending, and obviously is patient beyond belief. I am a living, breathing, mistake-making reminder of that blessed promise.

  379. Marlein Zebell

    It’s the fear that keeps a testomony locked inside. Thanks for letting
    Jesus help you get through that fear.

  380. Susan Winters

    To remember that our Lord Jesus Christ is living right now waiting for your response to seek him with all your being and will fill you with his joy that this world cannot offer. It will be a taste of the peace and joy we will receive in heaven. You can only receive if you seek him and you will find him. He is waiting for you. God bless you!!!

  381. Zanetta

    The Lord has had me share my testimony and what He did in my life repeatedly. I committed adultery on my husband, before knowing the Lord. We have two children. We ended up getting divorced, one month after I gave my life to Christ. The Lord had me end that adulterous relationship completely close to 9 years ago. I confessed this sin to my husband two years after being divorced. Since then the Lord has restored us to a great friendship. Over 6 years ago the Lord gave me a promise through His word that He would restore my marriage. I have been waiting and praying since then. Praying salvation for my husband (ex-husband) and restoration of our marriage and family. This testimony has been shared over the years to individuals who are in the same position and called to wait on the Lord. However, I believe in my heart the Lord wants to use this at a greater level through me and have me speak and share with ladies to give them a hope of HIs great faithfulness and how His promises are yes and amen to the glory of God! praise You alone Jesus.

  382. Michele Morin

    “What Happens . .. ” reminds me of Evelyn Christianson’s books; a blast from the past that we all need.

  383. Kristen

    I really wanted a big happy family. Eventually, even after the doctors said we couldn’t conceive without God’s intervention, He gave us 5 beautiful, healthy bundles of joy. The most difficult thing about that time in my life was the realization that there was absolutely nothing I could say or do to get God to change his “no” to a “yes.” When God says, “No,” who else can you go to? He grew me up quite abit over those first 10 years of marriage. In the business of life, with those 5 beautiful children, I mentally and spiritually feel like such a failure. I don’t know how to get back into the Bible- I’m overwhelmed with where to start. I can’t focus and before I know it, someone needs me.

  384. Sara

    I live for an audience of ONE! Only He has the power to forgive. In Him I am made new! Praise Jesus!

  385. Connie Boles

    I have been feeling the Holy Spirit tug at my heart to raise money to build a water well in Africa, especially for children to have clean water. It seems crazy, and I don’t really know anything about water wells, but I am trusting God to hook me up with the right people and to lead and guide me every step of the way.

  386. Katie

    “Me too.” And I suppose that is what God is wanting me to share.
    Lysa you are truly a blessing to me and so many women.
    Thank you for having the courage to share your story with us.

  387. Janelle Keith

    God has placed on my heart my long walk of obedience with my weight loss journey of 130 lbs!. He asked me several years ago to start writing things down. I have wrestled with God on this, feeling like my words had no value. But the more I sought the Story-teller, the more words I have been able to record, the more obedient I have become in telling His glory story. Praising Him all the way!

  388. Shere

    Thanks Lisa for your words of encouragement. I feel that God wants me to share my struggles with honoring him in all my relationships and my struggle with unforgiveness.

  389. Jenny

    Him….The Lord wants me to share Him with ALL those I know.

  390. Angie

    I have been looking forward to reading this book. But I have a draw back to this, that all the bookstores in my area are out. I had a best friend in high school that went through the same thing. So I was their for her if she needed me. I went through a divorce, fortunate that we did not have any children together. I am remarried now, to the most wonderful man ever. I have 2 step kids, which both are wonderful kids too. I had to experience his emotions with him missing his kids and not having them around, when we wanted them. God has blessed me with them all and would not change it.

  391. Barb Strauss

    I’ve been wanting to share Jesus with 2 co-workers. One recently retired and the other is having serious issues with her adult son. God has been prompting me to do little special things for each of them as preparatory to sharing Christ with them. It has been so much fun thinking of ways to bless them i.e., flowers, cookies, hugs, telling them I’m praying for their situation. Even though I know I’m encouraging them along their separate journeys, I’m also being truly blessed for listening to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. May there be two more women in heaven because of sharing Jesus’ love with them. I was able to have a really good private conversation with the mother struggling with her adult son, sharing bible verses and praying with her. THANK YOU for being real about your struggles and your victories. It gives me HOPE to keep on keeping on with the Lord. P.S. This summer I’ve been working through UNGLUED with a dear Christian friend. We’re having the time of our lives watching God work in our lives. This fall I will lead this UNGLUED study in my home with four other adult women and I pray that God will speak to them like He has to me this summer. THANK YOU!!!

  392. Tammy Brice

    I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis nine years ago. I’ve had my sharevof struggles. My mothervand brother has it as well. I tried for years to keep the diagnosis secret. God led me to share my storybwith others and now I do.

  393. Stephanie

    God wants me to share His love and his forgiveness. I heard it said that we want mercy and grace for our lives and justice for everyone else. That hit me hard because frankly, it’s true. Forgiveness, at times, is very hard, but necessary.

  394. Kathy McAdams

    Thank you, Lysa for laying down your life to please God and not others! You have fulfilled His purpose and are helping to encourage others to do the same! I struggle everyday to be the one He wants me to be because I am such a “people pleaser”. I spend too much time worrying about pleasing others instead of doing what God calls me to do. I pray that one day I will be all that God calls me to be!

  395. Dawn

    While listening to KLOVE, I heard about a ministry to women that I have never thought about before. While listening to the details of the ministry, my spirit jumped and I began to cry. I felt a tug to talk to my pastor about this and to begin to make preparations to start this ministry in my local body even though I have not talked to him about it. What’s odd, is that I cannot relate to this group of ladies. I have not walked through the trials that they face each day. As I was praying about it last night, I felt the the Lord say to me, “Even though you cannot relate to them, you can still love on them.” Again, I began to cry, realizing we may not all be qualified, but we are all called.

  396. Jan Udlock

    Anger is so ugly and we have a lot of it in our household. It’s always been hard for me to accept that some of my children’s anger is because I have spewed it out. And now He seems to be highlighting my “sarcasm” which is extremely ugly. I want to be funny but when I hear it in my teen agers, it can be so disheartening.

    I would love to win your new book.

  397. Judy

    In 1979 the tourism slogan in Michigan was “Say Yes to Michigan”. So while I stood in the corner of my living room in Chicago I whispered to God “I will say YES to Michigan.” having no idea what that would mean for my life down the road. Three years later I married my wonderful husband, who just happened to live in Michigan. (Go figure!) So for the past 31 years I’ve been living in this beautiful state with my hubby, raising our two boys, working in the small group ministry at our church and having an impact on those God continues to bring across my path. Now in 2013 I’m saying “Yes” to God again as I begin a new stage in life as the mother-of-the-groom next year. In preparation for the wedding I’ve been watching the TV show “Say Yes To The Dress” and can now predict which dress each bride will pick and how the family and friends will respond. Saying “Yes” to something can be harder than we anticipate, but I know God is faithful once we surrender to Him. I have seen His faithfulness throughout my life and I want to share that with others, including my future daughter-in-law and those I will come in contact with during the planning stages. There are going to be many things in the year ahead that I’m not going to want to say YES to, but I’m mindful that my responses and reactions to the events in my future hinge on my walk with the Lord. So I’m trusting God will use this study to grow me so I can share new ways of His faithfulness as I walk through this next year. I’m ready …..and I’ve said “Yes” to God and this study… and I can’t wait to get started.

  398. Marla Dunn

    I too have learned to share a lot of the hard stuff for God’s glory. The devil wants us to stay in shame and darkness but the chains fall off us and others when we share the truth. Thank you so much for this message today! I know God is asking me to step out of my comfort zone and you have encouraged me to do that even more! Bless you!

  399. Carol

    I have felt the Lord calling me to speak, which is why I was at She Speaks this past weekend. Yes, I argued with Him that He must have the wrong person since I don’t like to talk even sitting around a table with other women. I have many dark places and trials that I have walked through and if He wants to use me to help others – I say yes to Him! As difficult as it was to speak in our group, I think I felt more at peace than I ever have!

  400. Stacy Smith

    I love how real you are Lysa. I’ve been sharing your FB posts all week with a single mother that I have the privilege of being a friend too. She’s struggling with not being enough, not being a good enough Mother, Satan is reminding her of all her failures. Your FB posts are perfect! They remind me that I have a story to tell to about being a single mother and setting the bar high for the future and sticking to it, even when times get tough and the ‘world’ tells you there’s an easier and more fun way. I would love your new devotional and will share it with others, you can be sure. 🙂

  401. Ang

    To share my story of being raped and held at knifepoint at seventeen.

    • Corinne

      To listen to His Spirit, a Christ centered marriage and the joy of motherhood.

    • Dee

      I feel a need to share my failures as a mother (that I was always too prideful to admit – had to have the “perfect little family” facade!!) I am now facing three rebellious teenagers and I think, now that God has brought me to a place of complete brokeness that has put me to my knees and to His Word, I could help other mothers avoid some of the same mistakes. I would love the Devotional!!!

  402. SDB

    This morning I shared with an employee to not be burdened with his hard choice to move out of state to take care of his family. He loves his job and the people he works with. I reassured him he was leaving for the right reasons and accepting a lifetime legacy to take care of his parents and to be closer to his widowed sister’s kids, who need an uncle to be a positive influence in the middle school and teenage years and the years beyond.

  403. Gindi

    I’ve struggled with the same thing. Especially since I grew up a PK and people that knew me as a child couldn’t comprehend what the me of my 20s went through. But it was as I shared the struggles with insecurity, men, drinking, spending, etc., that God really found a way for my story to connect with others and also for me to become more approachable. The biggest gift of my wayward years was the elimination of judgment from the me of old. I’d love the devotional to share with friends in a new study.

  404. Lisa Waters

    I have recently finally been obedient as I have felt for years God wanted me to start a Women’s Ministry at our small little church. Even though most were just so so about it. But we need it! BUT ….I felt like as a divorced woman, God how in the world will these ladies listen to me??? As I began to open my heart, God has shown me the way and we are starting! I have been overwhelmed at how receptive the women have been. Thank you Lord!

  405. Lisa Stockman

    This touched me so much. I lost a baby years ago and even though I had no control over it, they listed it on my chart as a missed ‘abortion’ and I wanted to tell them to take that off of my chart. I have been divorced twice and I just want to encourage other women that have been in the same situation because I know God still loves me. Neither of my ex-husbands were Christians even though I met one of them at church. I would struggle with staying home with them and going to do things with them instead of attending church, but as I got closer to God, I told them if they wanted me to go, they would have to wait until I got home from church. That was a big turn for me and I am so glad I did. God has blessed me in so many ways. No one in my family had ever been divorced and I felt so ashamed but God showed me that He would never leave me.

  406. Stephanie Beach

    I’m not sure what God wants me to share. I know He has me on a journey that is going to take me to minister to people on a grand scale. Right now, I’m in the trenches learning.

  407. Macy

    God has placed it on my heart to share his unfailing, unearned, and unlimited grace. He has reconciled us of our past mistakes and is here to sustain us fully! God bless!

  408. Traci

    Good Morning!

    I have often struggled with my Faith…

    I ate my way through it ( I was 245 pounds at one point.) I have lost abuot 80 pounds and done so through an injury ( a total knee replacement that has had complications–I have helped many with this, because if I can do it, anyone can.) 🙂

    But the story that I’d share is this…
    My brother committed suicide and it was one of the hardest things I have ever gone through. The reason it was is because he’d been arrested for indecently touching a minor. He’d gotten out of jail, been on probation, trying to put the pieces back together but could never forgive himself–sadly, I didn’t either.

    I would get letters and stories from him, he’d reach out to me and I’d slam the door–I just couldn’t get past what had happened, like somehow it made ME dirty!

    When he went missing, my husband told me he’d welcome him in our home with my step daughter and he’d be ok with it, he’d forgiven, he was humble. I was angry, I was scared, I was a terrible person!

    When my Mom was diagnoised with lung cancer, I had the chance to see him–he left the same day I got there ( we live in different states.) Sadly, that was the last time, he took his life shortly after. He could not forgive himself, not let it go, not live his life!
    Since this time, I have regretted this, tried to live with this and had a broken heart that has not mended.
    Then I had to know, was he in Heaven, DID I believe in that, was it possible??

    I finally had to surrender my pride and ask the Lord for forgiveness–for me, for him, for the destruction it brought to my family and for the hurt it caused everyone. But mainly because he’s my brother and it’s ok to love him and ok for me to believe he’s in Heaven and God has forgiven him.

    This was and is a powerful lesson I have learned and have to continue learning–we are all humble and we are all human!

    God Bless!

  409. Alva

    “What has God placed on your heart to share with others?”

    Well, first of all, even as I type this, I’m wondering: Will someone I know be able to find this and read it? Will my secret become known?

    I’ve been hearing God saying that it’s safe, and it’s time, to come clean and quit hiding the truth. I don’t necessarily lie, or try to completely cover the facts; I keep it general when discussing it with others, but I certainly haven’t admitted to the depths of troubling truths about… my marriage.

    I’ve casually said, to a few, that I could use prayer in that area, or that we are having some struggles, but I’ve in no way been real about the problems my husband and I face. Even now, I still don’t want to be specific or explain the genuine detriment of what is going on. It’s hard. The Lord has placed me in some positions of prominence in my church, through serving in a number of important areas, and the outward appearance, is that my life is going smoothly.

    By no mere chance, there always seems to be some easy way to hide or cover the truth that negates that “outward appearance,” but I fear that others are catching on. We haven’t been to church, together, in months. And before that, it was always sporadic, and never consistent. Basically, we haven’t done church as a family, in over a year.

    I know I shouldn’t “feel” as though I have to hide this heavy burden, but from what I’ve learned, marriage issues are very private in the church. Even on our church’s Facebook page, where prayer requests are constantly being posted, no one ever asks for the prayer warriors to go to God on their marriages behalf. It’s this health issue, or that surgery, or this person’s job loss, but I’ve never seen anyone openly admit that their marriage is in trouble, and that prayer is needed – ever! And what a juxtaposition! Christian marriages are falling apart at the same statistical rate as non-believers.

    It’s just not talked about!

    And the few people that do know about the dangers looming over my marriage, don’t seem to understand the real darkness of it all, and I feel that if I started to uncover this beast of a mess, most won’t believe me. Worse than that is their impending judgment or contemplation of “why” the marriage is failing. What will people think of me if they know that my marriage is in complete shambles? Will they question me as being a woman who is incapable of submission to my husband, because I am such a strong leader in the church? Will they assume things about fidelity? What kinds of negative things might they start thinking about my husband, and won’t that make things worse if I start admitting to some of the facts? It would certainly cast a shadow over my husband that could bring about more hostility and anger if others started spreading the word.

    It’s complex, and in the world of faith, it’s unfair. We should be able to open that can of worms and feel welcomed – loved.

    So here I am, totally rationalizing every reason why I can’t share the very burden that God tells me I don’t need to carry. And here I am, in complete fear of telling others the junk that God is saying I need to share.


    But your article has pushed me into a closer examination of the reality that is present in me and my fears, as well as a deeper understanding of why I need to take this step. For me, I think I’ve done both, with this post. It may be a baby step in coming clean, but at least it’s a start.

  410. Lisa Robotham

    Oh goodness, God has been tugging at my heart so much lately with so many things. I listened to the first to home school my daughter and the second is to share our story. I don’t know how that’s going to be done but I do trust that God has a place, time and situation for me to do this.

  411. Sherry

    I have a hard time believing that God forgives my past mistakes. I have a hard time believing that He finds me worthy. I have a hard time believing that He loves me. I have had a rough childhood with abuse, alcohol, death, promiscuity, guilt, guilt and more guilt. I have such a wonderful husband and kids that God has blessed me with. I feel God has been calling me to tell someone this: I haven’t even told a therapist in trying to save face. My husband is pretty much impotent. He has been to see Dr.’s, and even was told his problem is emotional. He will not deal with it. So I deal with the consequences too. I have taken this so personally, that I feel God is punishing me for my past promiscuity by not allowing me to enjoy an active relationship with my husband. Every time we “try” I end up in tears, and my husband feels terrible. So he won’t even try anymore. I have turned to food, and gained 100 lbs. and am now very obese, which does not help matters I’m sure. Our relationship has become that of roommates. We have no intimacy, and I feel our facade to our friends, family and church is fake. If they knew the real us, they would laugh at us and think less of us. I read all these blogs from wonderful Christian women who talk about “never” saying no to their husbands, and that a husbands appetite for sex is normal, etc. While I love these blogs and the hearts of these women, I just get more depressed reading about sex and how good it can be in a committed relationship. I’ve often thought of starting a blog myself. I can’t be the only woman going through this, but that would mean admitting our marriage/relationship is not perfect.

  412. Lilly H

     “What has God placed on your heart to share with others?” There is no shame in going to God as you are. In the past I let go of God when I was extremely angry, frustrated, or just so confused that I did not know if I could take another step. Recently God revealed to me a nasty sinful pattern that arose every time I did not work through my thoughts and emotions WITH him. These dark times help us learn where we lack faith and understanding, but when we hold on despite the pain, when it’s over there is less regret and a more intimate relationship with the Father.

  413. Sonya

    God wants me to share this book in a Bible study at school with my teacher friends. We did unglued that semester and it was so good! Thank you for letting God use you to bless us!

  414. Heidi Bylsma

    Even in the most challenging of trials, we can move from fear to faith on a path of praise. Instead of “Woe is me,” I can declare with confidence, “Great is God.” Instead of a pity party, I can have a praise party! Instead of being a victim, I can be a victor. Oh magnify the Lord with me! (Instead of the dust mites of life!) What will I make big? God? or…?

  415. Amy

    Thank you for being willing to share and speak what God has on your heart! You are an encouragement to me and so many others!
    God is working on me and allowing me to share my struggle with self control and anger when things don’t go my way. It isn’t pretty but I know that He will and can provide the strength I need.

  416. Liz McGraw

    We live in a world where people feel so hopeless, in their marriages, careers, relationships. God wants me to share hope for the hopeless. He wants me to proclaim that His precious Son Jesus is the only real Hope. He wants me to share His Word which is filled with Hope and promises of Joy and Peace.

  417. Julie

    To be real person witn real feelings,it sometimes hard. Because sometimes some people don’t how to reponse to me. I need help in this area, that the Lord give wisdom,strength,power. Can you please pray for me, I want to be okay with God and myself again, than I know I will be okay with others. Thank you,Julie

  418. Hannah Ulrich

    The question itself is so powerful. “What has God placed on your heart to share with others?” It makes me step back and think “Have I been sharing God?” In the last few months God has showed me that I must return to him and his will before I can help others. I have been trying to do things on my own without him for far to long. He’s been telling me that I can’t do his will and what I feel called to do without him.

  419. Mary Ann

    I have struggled with being my own worst enemy for as long as I can remember. I have never measured up in my own eyes and some relationships have reinforced my ‘not good enough’ self-perception. Keeping my heart focused on God and on my audience of One has helped me take my eyes off of me and turned toward the needs of others. I feel so much better when I am not in my own spotlight!

  420. Carrie Holdcraft

    God has placed on my heart a desire to write a book about the lessons our family learned from God’s Word during our daughter’s journey with leukemia and a bone marrow transplant nearly 10 years ago. I’ve allowed busyness, homeschooling, and the feeling that no one would want to read our story stop me from writing. I want to step out in faith and trust that God will use what’s He’s allowed in our lives to bless and encourage others.

  421. Susan

    God has put on my heart to put others first, and myself last. There are so many hurting people that I come into contact with, and I want them to know that God loves them no matter their circumstances, and He will be there for them if they will call His name.

  422. Courtney

    Oh Lysa, I am sobbing uncontrollably. I cry every time I read your story. I love how you are so vulnerable with us, and let us know we are not alone. I feel God has placed on my heart to share the story of self worth. My father left my mother for another woman when I was six weeks. He had a child with the other woman while my mother was dying from cancer when I was 11. Even though I lived with him after my mother died, he was never there. As I got older, I tried to find affection from men. For a while I thought sex equated loved. At 19 I was raped which caused me to contract a STD. I felt nasty and worthless. But God never gave up on me! He changed me heart and repeatedly showed His love for me. He also blessed me with an amazing husband that loves me through all, even my past! I want to let young women know that if they started down the wrong road like I did, God can surely turn it around!

    • Vanessa

      God has placed on my heart to share with my sweet sisters in Christ that we are never too far from His grace. His grace reaches out to us in the farthest place. Besides, He loved us first. There is nothing we could do to ever earn His love. He loves us just as we are. We are to just receive His love in simple faith and allow Him to walk through life with us. We need to just trust Him and obey Him. God bless you all.

  423. Beth

    I have decided to come back to my First Love after years of chasing dreams that offer empty promises. Bigger home, newer car, designer clothes,shoes and purses. What a shame! I looked so rich on the outside (at least that’s what I thought) but I was lacking so much in the inside. I am thankful that God us always forgiving and compassionate,always willing to take us back! Now I can say that I am truly rich not because of material possessions but because I know I have Jesus and I pray everyday… Lord, please don’t let go, my grip is weak but you are strong, so hold me tight…


    I am working with a team of teachers and we are encouraging to each other how God leads and directs each of us every inch of the way. To help each other and the students (high school) that the Lord has chosen for our classrooms. Each day is a journey for us to choose the Lord’s way not our way. Sometimes we get confused and mixed up. It is important for teens to have real life stories to learn from. I would love a copy of your new book to read and share.

  425. Connie

    I need to share my challenges of a blended family and how to navigate those trying days. It is so difficult to stay connected to your spouse when their kids/your kids are all causing struggles for the other person. Seeing things from their perspective is very difficult so we must both view things from God’s perspective to find a middle ground.

  426. Danielle May

    “Are you struggling to hear God’s voice or discern what He’s asking of you?
    I know what it’s like to want that so desperately. In my experiences as a wife, mom, and ministry leader I’ve had many moments where I felt stretched way too thin and spiritually malnourished.” That sums up the 6 paragraph novel of an email that I sent my sweet blessing of a friend who I lead a cancer ministry with. We are both cancer survivors whom God brought together to jump start His beautiful dream of loving and encouraging families as they face cancer. Then I got in the way. I allowed myself to get sucked into striving, striving that led me to be stretched way too thin and into the depths of being spiritually malnourished, to the point that I was begging people to take the yukky moldy crumbs I was throwing at them, the leftovers I had to offer…not my best. I was not giving Him my best, or my family, or the ministry, or the Bible study I was leading, or my discipleship triad, or my sweet Sisters. And it all became so very heavy and hard, and I claimed He was giving me zero clarity. But I had muddled it with all the muck of striving and stretching past thin and not taking in His nourishment. So today I got to write that email. I got to tell my friend that He has put me in a season of resting and waiting. And I cannot jump in with guns a’blazing. I cannot move unless it is Him moving. I cannot bless unless it is OF HIM because otherwise I am attempting to play God and it will not be blessed.

  427. Eleanor

    What interesting timing for todays topic. I stepped out of my comfort zone and entered a contest a few months ago. It was for free publishing of a Christian book. I had alot of stories on slips of paper and in folders but had never organized them in any order up until this point. The contest did not require a complete edited finished product, only the best version of the work…so I went for it. Even the perfect title seemed to drop into my mind only a few days before the deadline. Was that a sign from God that I was being obedient to what he had placed on my heart to share? I did think so and it gave me the courage to submit my entry. Yesterday was the day they posted the winners of the contest online. I was not one of them. So today I begin again with your question in your blog: What has God placed on my heart to share with others? I will say a prayer and know that he will answer. Thank you for allowing me to share today.

  428. Jennifer

    God has put on my heart to help others tell their stories of His work by being an editor. While attending She speaks last weekend, it was also confirmed to me that I must also tell my own story and not just hide behind others. I have shared my testimony previously about looking for approval through success in my career and a large bank account. Now, I feel pressed to share my experience of being a mom to a troubled teenager diagnosed with a serious mental illness. I want to help the Christian Community understand mental illness so that the families affected don’t have to live in shame, experience judgment and gossip, and can instead find safe place to find acceptance and support.

  429. Lindsey

    As I sit here in the hospital waiting room, now a veteran at placing the safety of my child in the hands of others, I know that God has given me the opportunity to encourage other parents of children with health issues. It has been a rough road for us, but God has been by our side and shown His love for us throughout and will continue to provide. What hope we have in God, and what a joy to share that hope with others!

  430. Karen

    Having a child with autism and a job that requires us to move every four years has shown me how important it is for churches to have programs for children with special needs. I have met too many mothers that have given up on attending church or attending separate services. I want to offer a safe place and an understanding staff to help them be ministered to each week.

  431. Marielle

    I used to be so hopeless about my life that several times I tried to take it. I grew up, listening to everyone around me and following what they thought I should be. Instead of reaching out to God, I succumbed to the pull of the world and ignored God. That also happened to be the absolute worst times of my life. I was in abusive (in every sense of the word) after abusive relationship, each one increasingly traumatic. I suffered from severe depression and was very self destructive, which lead to several suicide attempts and hospitalizations. Everyone around me wrote me off as crazy and that I would amount to nothing. Now I realize that even if I wasn’t conscious of it at the time, it was God who carried me through it all and I know it pained him greatly to see me that way. I am currently working on creating a deep bond, deeper than I’ve ever had in my life to God. Without a shadow of doubt, God forgave me before I even asked him to. I am so grateful for his unconditional love.

  432. Charlotte Balentine

    That joy is an achievable choice. It is an action, a lifestye. It can be hard and difficult and when it is done beside Christ, joy is life changing every day. we do not have to be sucked down and devoured by the world and all it throws at us we can rise up. Just as we have learned that God’s love comes with depth so we need to learn about joy. We can dread everyday or we can rise from our pillow choosing a new way, a way of hope, a way of joy which brings life. This has been such a hard lesson over these past few years. Just as healing comes with steps and daily choices it needs to be replaced and filed and joy does just that. at 41 I have learned to live past the pain, the abuse the disappointment and rejection because i have allowed Christ to show me, teach me and show me joy. Grow me like a beautiful flower in His garden surrounded by other sisters shining their new found beauty and life nurtured and grown by the hands of God Himself. when we stop being scared and start scary the scars we find ourselves all in His garden filled with beauty ourselves and seeing it reflected all around.

  433. Paula

    God led me to write a bible study a couple of years ago on Phil 4:8, but I’ve been holding back from actually getting it published. “Thinking who would be interested in hearing from me, I’m know one special”. I know I am through God, and I need to push forward and just do it.

  434. Dana

    I am in the midst of healing from a very bad depressive episode. In June, I tried to take my life. I wouldn’t wish this horrible event in my life on anyone. However, my healing as been nothing short of a miracle! Through this, though I felt God had abondoned me…. He was there all along. He made interventions happen that no man could ever have done. He brought Godly women in my life that were able to put their arm around me and tell me they’ve been there too. I questioned everything about God, especially my salvation. I was working so hard to please Him, and just could quit hit the mark.
    A good friend gave me Unglued and Grace for the Good Girl a few days before my suicide attempt. Both books, along with many prayers and lots of support, have saved my life. I am an Overcomer as Mandisa sings. More importantly, if God can use David after having an affair and commiting murder, He can use me. I can tell women that they don’t have to stay in the pit. Choose life!! I learned mostly “What thoughts we practice tend to become the truths we live.” I even have this taped to my computer at work. I’ve made myself scripture flashcards and teaching my mind that I don’t want to only believe “in Jesus” I want to “believe Jesus.” What he says is true. I just needed to grasp it.

  435. Cassie

    I share God’s love for the unlovable and how that making wrong choices will effect your future But,God will never leave or forsake you!! I love my son so much, he is my life, but if I could go back and redo my past, I wouldn’t of married my ex to begin with. It is a struggle to raise him alone and I now am labeled a divorced woman. Pray and wait for an answer, don’t get impatient with God…He know’s best!!

  436. Joyce

    Hope. There is total freedom in Christ becase He loves you, accepts you as you are and says we are GOOD ENOUGH for Him … who am I to say otherwise?

  437. U Zach

    Not sure what God wants me to do on a global scale. Right now, I think he wants me to minister to my two elementary aged kids. We haven’t found a church since moving to the Triangle 3 years ago (although we’ve tried several), and the only Christian education my kids are getting is from my husband and me. We both work full time and stress has become my middle name. However, I find my rest and peace in Him, and how can I not share that with my precious babies???

  438. Tammy

    Lysa, our stories are so similar. I thank you for your obedience to God. Because of you I have been able to do the same. In August 2011, with my face to the ground sobbing from my burdens, I repented of my sins…my abortion. I asked for forgiveness for this everyday, numerous times a day, for 16 years. God asked me to “share my story.” I have since shared my story of being a daddyless daughter, my abortion, the pain I have experienced beneath the mask of perfection, and most importantly- God’s gift of grace in my life and for all who accept His Son. I would be lying if I said it was easy to stand before a room full of people sharing my story with them, but the Holy Spirit inside of me compels me to keep going even if my flesh is afraid. I definitely rely on His strength to help me. We are all broken people and have a story to tell and no matter what the differences of our stories are how we are in need of Jesus is the same. When we share our stories and bring the darkness into light God receives all the glory.

  439. Jenise

    I have felt called for so long to share my story, but I always resist out of fear. Sometimes i feel like i let fear rule my life, instead of God. Most recently, I have felt led to share about my struggles with depression and my history of childhood abuse. Even writing about these in this semi-anonymous forum terrifies me. I am so excited about the upcoming study. I know that this is a message that I really need to hear and i am looking forward to how He can work in my life through this book. I can’t wait to read it!

  440. Felicia

    God placed on my heart to share today that we should strive to enter into
    “His rest” and not be stressed about problems and situations. Give eveything to God and let him handle it and learn to wait on Him because His time is not our time. We do not like to wait, we want answers right now, however, if we would just rest in the Lord we would avoid unecessary headaches and heartaches. Rest in God and watch what he will do for you. Reference Scripture: Hebrews 4:1-11

  441. Cheryl

    Thank you so much for this website. I just orderd the book, “Say Yes to God”, yet there are several friends and family with whom I could share an extra copy.
    I really want to share this Bible Study and hope to gain more courage to do all of the things GOD wants me too.

  442. Megan Richey

    Last night my husband and I got into a fight about our finances. My husband is an unbeliever and its hard to help him to understand that everything is going to be okay as long as we have faith. It’s a struggle I deal with everyday, but I know the stronger my faith is, things will get better and maybe my husband can open up his heart to our glorious God, and understand that He will never let us down. Thank you soo much for all of your encouraging words! You bless soo many people just by your worlds : )

  443. Stacy

    I think God wants me to share the burden I feel as a 45 year old mom to two teenagers and an eighteen month old. Some days I am overwhelmed trying to balance it all! I am often overcome by guilt for not being able to participate in so many of my older children’s events and activities. It feels like a lonely place at this moment as my friends seem to be so free. Yet, when I take the time to meet with God, He puts it all in perspective and overflows me with thankfulness for all He has given me!

  444. Crystal

    I was the other woman. My husband was previously married and I took part in the destruction of that marriage. It was wrong, hurtful and it haunts me still to this day. I’ve have asked God to forgive me, and asked my husband to forgive me. As for his ex-wife, I have never been able to apologize to her and am not able to find her now. All I know is that she’s re-married with children now. I understand now what I never understood then. I was wrong to break up something that God designed to be a reflection of his love. But here I am, married to my husband whom I love. I don’t know how God intends to use me, an adulterer, for His purpose- but I do know that for the first time in my entire life, I am ready to be used by Him. I know that He forgives me. I still struggle to forgive myself. I am learning, slowly, about God’s unconditional love, and that I am worthy of it.

  445. Julie Sunne

    The Lord has put on my heart to share the power of His grace to redeem all circumstances and the importance of sharing the story He is scripting in their lives–as a catalyst to healing and to empower others in healing as well.

    I appreciate the sneak peak into your new devotional and your willingness to be so vulnerable.

  446. Mari Hafner

    Being divorced twice and married three times. It’s a burden I carry and which I’ve shared a few times when I’ve felt it has been needed.

  447. Alyssa

    Most people think I’m very open about my life because I share my story of God helping me overcome an addiction to pornography and a self-esteem issue. But the reality is that I have conversations with God and write letters to Him that express the deepest places of my heart, and I don’t share those. God has recently been telling me that it is out of fear of rejection and hurt that I won’t share those things and that I need start sharing with more people–even with those whom I haven’t yet determined as “safe” people, meaning I know they won’t judge me. In particular, I know I need to share my testimony and my ongoing struggles with the after-effects of pornography with my Bible Study Fellowship group this next year, and I know there will be those who will be judgmental and/or hurt my feelings. Trusting God to be my refuge in times of trouble will be hard, but I know He won’t leave me!

  448. Edie

    He just simply asked me to share my story with young pregnant girls. To share my story of being married and having my dream then God shows up with His plan and trumps my plan. Through 12 years of marriage and 3 types of birth control I found myself pregnant ~ hunh?. Yeah ~ He is the author and finisher of our lives and He is the Creator who opens and closes the womb (and birth control does not trump His power).
    God had just showed up in the middle of my life, my marriage, and showed Himself like I had never thought of Him to be.
    Jesus loves us and has a plan greater than the one we have. We just need to yield and follow.

  449. Chelsea

    God’s placed sharing my story- My Testimony – with others.

    It’s hard, as there are things I’d rather not tell. But I’m just asking God for the strength!

  450. Diane

    Lysa, I LOVE your writings and Proverbs31 ministries. Thank you so much for your ministry and for those who help write your daily devotionals.

    What I have to share is Our Wonderful Creator, Redeemer, Best Friend Jesus and how He brought me out of darkness into light. I met Jesus for the first time at age 21. Raised in a disfunctional family with a dad who was an atheist, who rejected me all my life. And a sick, depressed mother. God’s merciful gift of forgiveness! God’s awesome creation! God’s incredible tomorrow when we shall see Him face-to-face.
    Because He lives, I can face all my tomorrows!

  451. LauraTripp

    I took this Bible Study years ago, and my desire to study God’s Word has never been stronger. I can’t believe what saying yes to God does in my own heart and mind. I have peace that I cannot explain, joy that is contagious, and a desire to be a blessing every single day to every single person I meet. My prayer each day is what you pray, Lysa. Lord, today I want to see you, know you, hear from you, and follow hard after you. You cannot pray that without becoming an effective Christian woman. I have shared your website, books, conferences, and ministry with every single woman I know. I would love to win this devotional and then pass it on to another friend or relative. You are the best, and God has used you and your ministry to minister daily to me an to thousands of others. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your writings.

  452. Marisha

    lately it looks like share with others and saturate myself in the truth of Phil. 4:6-7 (6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.) God led me to this verse the other day and then last night our church service was on exact same verse (I thought it was soo strange 🙂 )…and it is very relevant for the period of my life at the moment.
    Also, the role and importance of secret sacred places to nourish our souls seems to be the theme as well, including today’s devotion from you 🙂

  453. Karen Phlieger

    I am studying the bible and learning so much about the life of Jesus… and about myself. One thing I am learning is that I CAN share, and I need to share. We can’t go back and change what has been done or said. We learn from what we have been through, that everything that has happened and what we’ve endured has shaped us and made us who we are today. We can’t go forward if we are looking back. God’s love for us never fails.

  454. Debbie

    Just this past Sunday, I watched a father struggle with his child during church. The boy almost knocked all the money and checks out of the offering plate as he passed it along to me. Afterwards, the father put his hands in his face in frustration. I could relate as I have three high spirited children and have been where he is. Then it hit me that so many people in our church have children who follow the traditional path of becoming an adult. Then there are those of us whose children have alternate paths. I want to start a support group for those parents who feel isolated because of “difficult” children. I asked God to open doors for me to do so. Your blog was perfect timing to continue praying!

  455. Kathleen

    I teach in a public school and even though I have to be careful what I say, I tried to express the love of Jesus with the students. So many of them are drug babies, living very hard lives. Some days before I can even teach, I am drying tears and giving hugs along with encouraging words. Things that I took for granted when I went to school is so different at my school now. For some of my students, the only meals they get are when they are at school. Many will come without school supplies in the next few weeks. For most, being at school is the happiest time for them. Many don’t like to have holidays or days off and when I ask them, they tell me they feel safer and loved at school than at home. I get up early every morning to make sure I have time to be with the Lord and read His word. I never know what awaits me at school each day.

  456. Julie H

    The Lord has put on my heart to share with a friend my perpetual insecurity in one area of my life. In college, I felt a deep insecurity both academically and romantically when compared with a particular female classmate. That classmate and I have long gone our separate ways, but what she represented was a perpetual “gold standard” that I could never live up to. Since her, I have felt that deep inadequacy around a couple of other women as well. I’m working through this and praying hard. I’m recognizing that it’s not the women themselves that are the problem, but my own confidence in God.

  457. Angela

    I am not really sure what God wants me to share. I have been feeling lost and alone. I have been reading ‘a confident heart’ by Renee Swope. It has been changing my heart to looking to Him to love me unconditionally instead if others and stuff.

  458. Yvette

    The biggest thing that God wants me to share is that He loves each and every one of us and that we can come to Him about anything….abortion, promiscuity, anger, hatred….everything; because no matter what He loves us. To share this He has urged me to create a network of sorts for Women of all ages and stages with the first thing to be a weekly prayer call….and let me tell you…He has urged me for some time, but I’m starting to put some things in action. Women U.P. Network (Women Unite in Prayer) will begin full force or slow force starting this month!

  459. Connie C.

    I try to share that I am not a religious person, just a sinner saved by God. It is the relationship I have with the Lord, not what I do that matters – most folks are caught off guard by this idea.

  460. Dianna

    Lately, I’ve been stuck…not wanting to make decisions or choices because I fear that I’ll make the wrong ones. If I make the wrong choice or decision – God WILL turn it into something good. I just have to learn how to listen to God – that’s what I struggle with continuously…and asking for His guidance to begin with. I keep hearing “If you would have asked me, I would have pointed you in the right direction”. I’m still learning and grateful that He grants me grace each and every time I mess up.

  461. Lindsay

    I have made some big, BIG mistakes in my past. At first, I was so ashamed of them, embarrassed by them and did whatever I could to hide them.

    But as I’ve grown in my faith and in my love for God, I accept that HE IS A FORGIVING GOD! And how beautiful is that?!?!

    I no longer hide my past mistakes – now, I want nothing more than to share them with others and help them to grow as well!

  462. Jan

    God is faithful! I look at my life and see His faithful care of me and my family throughout- good times and bad, He is there, He loves me, He is trustworthy!

  463. Holly

    The Lord has been calling me to write a book but about what I am not sure. I have gone through things that could not compare with the struggles that some have gone through. My biggest battle have been in the form of bondage to food and books with heavy sexual references and descriptions. I believe them to be wrong because when I eat the food or I read the books, I try to hide the fact that I have done it. This is a form of bondage that I don’t believe that I am alone in dealing with. I know that I can be at free from it too.

  464. Doreen Conover

    I was an unsaved Jewish girl who had no knowledge of Jesus. At age 26, after having 2 children in 1 1/2 years, I had an abortion with #3. That made me into an emotional cripple. The Lord, in His Mercy, led me to see the show “Jesus Christ Superstar.” I found a Bible study near my home and after 6 months Jesus saved a wretch like me. It took me several years to forgive myself, but I have, and I find myself sharing my testimony with women and young girls who’ve gone through the trauma of an abortion. I am so excited to let them know there is forgiveness and cleansing in Jesus.

  465. Michele Parker

    God has put in my life to becareful of how I look at others. Do not judge, because who am I to do so. Let God take care of it and go on trusting him each day. It is easy for us as christians to judge others especially other christians. When facing this in your life remember to trust God, keep the faith and love others even when it is hard.

  466. María

    I had the same experience five years ago. After 20 years of The Lord leading with me, I finally “came clean” about my divorce in my early twenties (before The Lord saved me in 1994).
    I knew that The Lord was calling me to “speak out” what he wanted instead of what I wanted. So after years of struggle I finally shared my story the first day my Sunday school class. It was amazing the response of the ladies. I felt a burden left my soul and finally realize the word of 2 Corinthians 1:3-4.

  467. Heather Nagel

    Got has really impressed it upon my heart this summer to share with ladies the difficulties of motherhood with three young kids. To not put on a pretty face and say its easy – but to be real about the challenges and the rewards!

  468. Lisa Davis

    I am being led to share my story…I have always wanted to be a Marketing Director. I felt that was my calling. After completing my Masters degree with student loans to be repaid I was introduced to a gift. That gift is Thirty One, a faith based direct sales company. Now rather than a why of paying student loans, I am called to spread gods word through this ministry and to help empire women. I am so blessed to have this call and I am so excited to know I am one of gods girls making a difference in the lives of others.

  469. Becky

    I didn’t want to share. I thought I could do the Bible Study and be fulfilled. God told me otherwise this morning as I read this email. I have been struggling with The Lord since before my first marriage. My first husband is not a born again believer (as far as I know), and while married to him I fell far from God and into sin. My reasoning was that I wanted to be loved by him so badly, I was willing to do what he wanted. After he left me for another woman, I felt ugly, unlovable and lost. I tried to fill the empty void with other men and broke a few hearts the way mine had been broken. My mother finally convinced me to move and come live with her, which I believe was all God’s doing. A year after my move, I met my current husband. He is a wonderful man, who loves The Lord. Through this marriage, God has had to humble and break me. I found myself struggling to believe my husband could love me, so I pushed him away. He just kept loving me and showing me stability. God knew I needed a man just as stubborn as myself. There is a lot more to my story, but the point I need to make is God has been faithful to me and showed me more mercy than I could ever possibly deserve, but by His Grace. He has shown me that even though I am a born again believer, I still need to pursue Him daily as He is the only One who can fill the void in me. He does love me and He is the only One I need to please and crave. Everything else good in my life is a blessing and gift from Him.
    Thank you Jesus for loving me and teaching me how to finally love myself.

  470. Theresa

    Working in the world sometimes and more often I don’t want other women on the train that I ride with know what I do at times, or I escape an opening of sharing the my Savior, which leaves me feeling devasted after a missed opportunity. Well, I heard Him say, “Acknowledge me before men” because I knew that’s what I wasn’t doing, so I purposed it my heart to do that. I facilitate a women’s bible study on Tuesday evenings, so on Wednesday 7/31 when I got on the Metra and met my friend, we started talking and I told her why I was feeling a little tired because after leading this women’s bible study on Tuesday evenings I’m wired up and it’s hard to relax when I get home at 9:30 at night – she just stared at me and didn’t make any comment at all – and she continued on with her conversation. I was surprised and didn’t push her into asking me more questions, but the door is open and I knew she knew that I was “religious” but I’ve never before told her how involved in my church that I am.

  471. Wendy

    I believe God is asking me to be vulnerable and share the struggles I’m going thru w my teens. Painful trials I’d much rather stay hidden because I feel such a sense of failure, but I know God is bigger and that His grace is enough.

  472. Sue

    My mother was tragically killed when I was 10 (she was only 30…and 7 months pregnant at the time). I felt abandonment, and fear has gripped my life until just recently. The journey from that time until now (50 years) has been filled with many stories…some with good choices, and some not so good! There are many ‘messes’ that have been turned into ‘Messages!’ And…they continue every day!

  473. Erica

    The Lord has asked me to share my problem I had with pornography.

  474. Linda

    Girl Rising and Half the Sky are two documentaries every American should watch. God has placed on my heart the desire to be a voice for women around the world who are stuck in hold of oppression, inequality and poverty. I want to share ways to help and rally others to join me to empower women. These precious women need a voice!

  475. Sheila Reed

    God has placed on my heart that I need to share that WHATever, WHENever, HOWever He chooses to work in my life, to HIM must all glory given! In the GREAT moments, in the TERRIBLE moments, through the TOTALLY UNEXPECTED and the PRAYERS ANSWERED, He gets the glory. I have learned that life “We are all just one phone call from our knees” – or in my case one police officer visit . . . my husband was taken from us suddenly and unexpectedly on 11/5/11, yet through it ALL, GOD has remained FAITHFUL and all He asks of me is to TRUST . . . even when I can’t see past the next tear drop. HE will restore, HE will sustain, HE will bless . . . I just must give Him all the glory, even when I don’t feel like it!

  476. Kathy

    I’m still “listening” very, very hard – trying to determine what God wants me to do. I just can’t figure it out. Please help me pray.

  477. Elizabeth

    Thank you very much for those words of truth and encouragement. This year, the Lord has been showing me how to bless and love women going through pain and suffering even as He works in my heart to heal and renew me from a broken engagement last fall. This area of suffering is one that many Christians shy away from, since physical and emotional pain is often associated with lack of faith and trust in God, but no, sharing our own hurts and how Jesus is all sufficient for us is part of how we can show love the most. After all, Love Himself met us by taking upon Himself our own frail humanity and makes us strong in Himself, praise His name!

  478. Ashley

    God has called me to share. Not just one specific thing, but all things. He wants me to open my mouth and allow Him to use me as His vessel. Many times in bible studies or just in conversation, I connect with others’ stories, experiences, and trials. But I don’t share enough of my own experiences. I stay upon the surface of my life. God is telling me to be more open, more vulnerable. My story could set someone free; and here I am being too scared and selfish to share my testimony and glorify God. Letting Him use you shouldn’t result in fear, but faith.

  479. Dana

    I had an affair several years back and God used that negative and embarrassing thing and he put our marriage back together and made it stronger than I could have ever imagined. We too did the Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby as a couple (thanks to our counselor) and it was amazing to see how God changed both of us. Our kids are seeing what it can be like to be raised in a home full of unconditional love, the kind God gives us every day. It is seven years later and we are still reaping the benefits of God’s love and I know it will continue for the rest of our lives.

  480. Elizabeth

    Having a relationship with Christ is the most awesome place to be, I just want to share Him with people. I have really been seeking God and asking Him how does He want me to share His word with others? I think He just wants me to live by His word, and to keep close to Him, and be in prayer at all times, being ready and instant at all times to hear His voice so if He says go here or drop what your doing and do this other thing instead. He is saying just be available, to be ready to speak a word or whatever He wants me to do, in order to touch someone else’s life.
    For a while I was starting to think that I had wasted so much of my life, going down the wrong path maybe looking for love in the wrong places, thinking I needed to be accepted by my friends who are not so committed to God, I let the devil get a foothold, I actually was serving idols and didn’t realize it. My Pastor said one Sunday if there are people or things in your life that are more important than God, they are idols. I really had to examine my heart and ask for forgiveness. And since then the Lord had given me a word that I like to share with people that its
    Never too late to live for Gods purpose in your life, to give up your rights and live for God. To be a living sacrifice and to be filled with the Holy Spirit where rivers of living Water flow through you. And God has still a work to do through us the best is yet to come in this life. We still go through trials and tribulations but The Lord said that this is His battle, the battle belongs to The Lord. The Lord gives us so much encouragement through His word and using people like you Lysa, one thing The Lord often reminds me of from Ps 27, the palmist says “I would have lost heart unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of The Lord in the land of the living. So I feel like the best is yet to come not just when we get to heaven but here on earth as well as in heaven

  481. Jan

    So many times I felt that others were not doing, acting as Jesus wanted. I did not go to those ladies but instead would respond openly with what I thought they should be doing. I did not take the time to go to them privately and meet them with the love of the Lord. No , I so regret that I was not the peacemaker that Jesus calls us to be. I was judging AND was feeling really righteous about! Somehow for years I deceived myself of that truth. I am so sorry that I have hurt some, been a stumbling block to others, and have hurt the witness for our Lord.

  482. Cindy

    I don’t know if I’ll ever forgive myself for doing this even though I know that God has forgiven me……after years of infertility, my husband and I were blessed with triplets conceived via in vitro fertilization. One of my sons passed away in utero at 30 weeks. While in the hospital we were given the decision to have an autopsy performed. Our other option was to have a funeral, burial, etc. I was too weak emotionally to handle a funeral. My son had an autopsy and then, I do not know what happened to his sweet little broken body. I know where his soul is, and I anxiously await the day to be reunited with him, but in the meantime, I torture myself with the unknown of what happened to his earthly body. It literally makes me sick to think about. I am so ashamed.

  483. Andrea

    I want to be a Godly wife and mother and also be an example unto others in my work environment

  484. Bobbie G

    I belong to a small book club. We come together each week to discuss a great book that will help us grow in our faith. In this small group that I can trust, I have been able to open up and share from my heart the struggles I have with growing closer to God, struggles in relationships, health, and other things. We all pray together and hold each other accountable. Thank you for the chance to win one of your devotionals, this would sure help me in my struggle of growing closer to God.

  485. Naoma Jean Bird

    God often speaks to me through music and the song “Heal the Wounds But Leave the Scars” came to mind after reading this devotional. It goes on to say “…to remind me of how merciful You are.” So often I have wanted to go back and start over so the pain of bad choices would be gone but I am reminded it was in my pain and bad choices that God found me and it was where He brought healing through His mercy and grace and the shed blood of His Son, Jesus. Thomas knew it was Christ only after he saw the scars, may my scars serve to lead others to know Christ.
    I cover my scars with being outspoken and sometimes “tell it like it is” to a fault, but that is to cover up my insecurities and to keep people at a distance. God has been working in this area and together with Him I am getting better at letting the scars show.
    I believe God wants me to share that I hear those mean voices and have doubts and fears at times and I am not as secure and strong as many falsely believe that I am. Another song comes to mind here that says it all pretty much. “The Warrior is a Child”
    Thank you and God bless you for not hiding your scars. They are promoting healing in others!

  486. Shelley

    Wow! Where to start…God has been calling me to speak up for Him in so many ways. I think the overall message that He is sending me is that I, as a women, am just as important to His kingdom as any man. I grew up being told that women need to sit down and be quiet, so I have done just that. However, after battleing depression, God has been showing me that He created me for so much more! He has given me special talents that He wants me to use boldly for Him! His spirit is alive and active in me! He has placed me on a path with many opportunities to share His truth to other young women at our non profit coffee house, as well as speaking up for the poor and oppressed. The next step that He had placed before me is to be part of a team that plants churches around the world! I battle everyday with not feeling Adequate and worthy. I battle those voices telling me that I’m not wanted, needed or good enough. But, I am diligently seeking God and I know that HIS power is made great in my weakness! God placed a desire on my heart as a young girl to be a speaker, a leader that motivates others to take action and live a life worthy of their calling…I’m excited to see what He is going to do with that!

    • WMS

      I so agree with you Shelley

  487. Debi Pugh

    I need to share the peace that comes with saying yes to God with my daughter who is fighting against letting go.

  488. Tillie

    This has been my heart’s desire — oh so much stronger within the last few months! Passion comes at a price I know. I need to say YES to God EVERYDAY!!

  489. Ibidun

    Thank you for writing this story Lysa! You are always a blessing! This is coming at the perfect time for me and I am so encouraged to say a louder YES to God!
    I have felt God calling me to write nonfiction books to encourage women and call his ladies to live the full life; but I have been hesitant because the process seems daunting and overwhelming! However, I finally said Yes to God and submitted query letters for my first book yesterday. I am excited about what God is about to do and I am going all the way with God.
    I like to plan next steps, next project, etc… However, I am learning to totally rely on God for everything and for every step. I am getting comfortable not knowing! There is so much joy in my heart because I said YES to God and I am that excited girl going on a ride with my Jesus. I don’t know where He is taking me, but I am so excited because He is leading me! I know I will win with Him. Where He leads, I will go! Yes Lord!

  490. Gwen

    Severe depression and a suicide attempt. No matter how deep your personal Pit, the arm of the Lord is long enough to pull you out of it and into His marvelous light (which frankly is quite disorienting after being in the dark so long)… but once your soul adjusts to the light, it’s GREAT!

  491. WMS

    I know the Lord wants me to share who He is with others and what amazing work He can do in their lives. I know He also wants me uplift the young people which is a great passion fo mine. But…the Devil makes feel otherwise. He whipers in my head that i have no words to share, that I am incompetent, etc… I know God needs me for His work. I am surrounded with people who needs Him desprately. I need to be used a vessel and share the good news. I need the Lord to help shut the Devil out of my head and for Him to take over completely. I I love to counseled and loved be counseled. Lysa, I love the way God is using you for His glory. Please pray for me and I will do the same.

  492. Zohary Ross

    I have loved the Book and I would love to get the devotional to share with friends. I feel the Lord is asking me to share with others to stop looking to the world for our identity but to look to Him for who we truly are.

  493. Ann Parsons

    Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5 & 6
    The core to our strengh to carry on. Lots of times there are things we don’t understand or can’t figure out but we must TRUST in God.

  494. Maribeth

    This excerpt was so powerful! Thank you so much for sharing this. I needed it today as I am struggling to trust God and have Him be my audience of One. I always worry too much about what others think and what God is calling me to do. Truly believing it is God calling me to do this big thing that I know I can not do under my own power so it must be God! Thank you again it is so important for us to encourage one another!

  495. Leslie

    I became a mom at a pretty young age, so I never quite “found” my calling. I spent those years that people normally are figuring out who they are being a mom, which is really awesome and what I wanted to do, but as they are beginning to leave the nest, I am feeling left with this terrible and overwhelming emptiness. I am trying to find that place where The Lord would have me serve him, what He created me to do as a “second calling”. Perhaps this devo is a piece to solving this puzzle for me.

  496. Rachel

    I’m experiencing a pulling form God to get reconnected. Not only with Him but with other christian women. I was raised in a strong and devote christian home with a father who was a pastor. My older brother also became a pastor and author. I always felt the pressure to appear in control, put together and problem free. This wasn’t pushed on me so much by my family (intentionally at least) as it came as an expectation from the church. I married a good man who was very different from what my family expected and was used to. Long story short I’ve found myself after 25 years of marriage, two children and a career (I’m the sole provider by necessity) in a place of isolation and need. I’ve spent so long providing and caring for others ( I’m a nurse) that I have not maintained the relationships with other christian women that I need for my own well being. I feel God’s tug to reconnect with christian women and am having difficulty remembering how. I know it sounds crazy but it’s a challenge.

  497. Ronda Bean

    Im so lost right now…my husband and I are separated due to the fact he cheated, he says that he didn’t…hes also in to some other stuff…ive just discovered that there are so many women like me thst put with this on a daily basis…we as women haveput up with so much crap…..I would like to have support without all the “what did you do to make him do what that”….

  498. Holly Simpson

    All I really want to be to be a positive influence on those around me. This includes my husband, children, the students who work for me and my colleagues. I have been working on my leadership skills over the last several months as God continues to lead me in this direction. I am hesitant as I have never felt like a leader, but know that with Christ I can do all things. Thank you for your leadership, Lysa!

  499. brenda

    I confess I don’t spend enough time in the secret place. I got a devotion from Lisa Whittle about procrastination and it really told me my truth. I have lived with feeling empty or dead inside for years . I know who and heal my wounds. Thank you so much for sharing so honestly.

  500. Brenda

    Each time that I hear something that I needed to hear at that moment, I’m amazed at God’s wisdom and power! I heard you speak at a woman’s conference [Cedar Creek] and you were amazing. Although the conference was a few months ago, I felt nudged today to go to your site. And, I’m so glad that I did. I heard a whisper that I needed to check it out so that I could share your site with other women! Your story is inspiring. Thank you, Lisa.

  501. Sarah Price

    I believe The Lord has really put on my heart to share with others contentment. The world is caught up in wanting more, doing more, needing this and that. We are so blessed as Americans and I feel people need to stop taking things for granted and start being thankful for what they have. I was reading Proverbs the other day and I loved what it had to say: Proverbs 30:8-9 “Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, ‘Who is the Lord?’ Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my God.” That seriously touched me so deep. I need to practice better habits of this so I can share with others contentment.

  502. Sandra Cleary

    God ‘s unconditional love is life changing and over whelming!! I lead a women’s prayer group and realize women are craving for more and more of their heavenly Father’s unconditional love. Help me Lord to continue sharing your message of acceptance and forgiveness to those who feel unloved.

  503. Whitney Sparks

    For the past couple of years I have been teaching at a low socio-economic school where we probably have 95% of our kiddos on free and reduced lunch. God keeps placing me in schools close to this scenario and I have loved every minute of it.

    God has laid it on my heart that just seeing these kids Monday through Friday for eight hours a day is not enough. I have learned with this particular school that you have to build relationships with these kids outside of school because there are major trust issues with the children.

    I brought this up to my small group a few months ago and we were tossing around different ideas that we could do with the kids to teach them about Christ while just getting to know them. So we decided on a Vacation Bible School – which our church has not done in years!

    Me (the pessimist) knew that nobody would help, it was going to be a disaster, and that none of the kids would come! Boy, was I wrong! After that first small group meeting I had a family contact me telling me that they would teach, help in the nursery, and drive the church van to pick up kids in the apartment complex where my school kids live. After that I had a total of 20 volunteers.

    I was shocked! Anyways, after two months of preparation and going out to this apartment complex near my school we had our first night of VBS last night:) We had 31 kids in attendance and 8 of those attend the school where I teach. They were all giving me hugs and they were excited to see that some of the teachers who were there last night were at their apartments the last couple of weeks.

    God showed me how when He lays something on your heart, you just need to prepare for a great feast! It was great hearing the conversations going on around the rooms and listening to the kids sing, ask questions, and just learn about God. God is truly good!

  504. Stacy

    I am scared to death of giving my actual testimony. Even though I was saved as a young child, a broken home, abandonment, abuse, and being surrounded by the wrong people led me so far away from God that I still can hardly believe that He cared enough to change my situations over the years to bring me back to Him. I believed every lie you can imagine that Satan uses to confront the weak and hurting. I know that my testimony would help a lot of women to finally believe that God can and does forgive us our past, no matter how bad it is. Lisa, unlike you, I’m not as afraid of what those who don’t know me will think, but what those good, Godly people that God has blessed me with since He changed my situations and heart. Is it really possible for them to love me the same as they do now if I were to reveal my “real” self? My heart knows that anything is possible with God and He wants us to share our testimony, but my head just cannot let go of those lies whispered in my ear by Satan…Please, God help me to say yes to you!!!

  505. Rhonda McMahan

    I feel God is asking me to share with hurting women that there is hope after your husband has an affair. My husband has had 7 affairs and lots of trouble with pornography. I have been devastated many times in my marriage but oh, my goodness, I have truly seen how God takes something so destructive and turn it around for good. I now work with a company that I get to help women and couples heal, restore, reconcile and rebuild their lives after infidelity. I never would of asked to be here but I am saying “yes” to God!! If any of you know of where I could speak or share the good news of Jesus with this, please let me know. I have been in Toastmasters(a speaking club) for a year now polishing up my ability to speak to large groups. I now feel ready to step out for God! He is asking me to do that, as well. Yikes, I am scared but so willing!!!

  506. Sarah Echols

    I am an artist. I haven’t created anything in so long, I feel like it’s a lie to say it. But I know that God has given me artistic talent and wants me to use it to share his love. I also know that I can’t do it without Jesus. I have a terrible time getting started with any project and have a tendency to allow myself to get caught up in comparison, and this seems so daunting. (Thank you for the Imperfect Progress devotional, by the way!) I am working on saying Yes, getting past all of these fears inside and getting on with what God has in plan for me. Thank you for the encouragement and insight along the journey, Lysa!

  507. tracy williams My Hometown Column

    I have written a syndicated newspaper column for years and always chose humor and life stories to encourage and entertain my audience…but lately, more than ever, I have been led to write more faith related material, and so I am going to start sharing a faith blog along with my regular blog/column. I have felt insecure for years about going this route, but now feel its God leading me to do this. I will continue my secular writing, but will designate this part of my life to not only encourage, but to share insights and devotional thoughts. So, now its time to obey.

  508. Sarah Kowalchuk

    Right now I believe that Lord wants me to share the importance of letting people into your life! Since having my first child 5 years ago I have isolated myself from my friends and have stopped trying to find anyone that I could possibly relate to. It was like I felt that I was the only one going through everything that I was. I completely shut down trying to communicate with anyone. My husband and I bought our first house 2 yeas ago and a year later we got new neighbours. Over the last year and a bit we have become very good friends. We relate as mothers, wives and women of God! If I were to have stuck to my rut I would not have met this wonderful women. My life has completely changed by being able to finally talk to someone. My marriage has changed (for the better) because I come home from coffee dates refreshed and feeling renewed! I give so much thanks to The Lord for placing this women in my life 🙂

    • Nicky

      Every person has the right to know that there is hope, and truth, and that love has come for them. It is a basic human right (like clean drinking water). They should know with Jesus Christ they will never go thirsty again.

  509. Lori

    I want to let every women know that God will meet you where you are. You do not have to try and perfect things before he will accept you. He will love you and accept you no matter your past. We are all a work in progress and all sin and make mistakes. Talk with him and believe in his word.

  510. Patti Mason

    God has placed it on my heart to share my struggle with self esteem and weight issues with women. I have started a blog to encourage women and lead them closer to God during the times we doubt our worth.

  511. Shulah Neff

    God has placed on my heart to share my talents of singing and playing the paino with others in worship. Also to share my story of how God brought me out of an abusive childhood and has restored me and freed me from the bondages of sin and bitterness. I want others to know that freedom that comes from knowing God!!! I am starting my own little ministry where there is a worship time and a time where I share my story!! I can’t waito to see how God is going to use this all to His complete glory!!!

  512. Charlotte Cornett

    God has really been pressing on my heart to Step out in FAITH and encourage women. I know my ministry is to Lift Up Women especially in these days. Thank you for your words of encouragement!! I can’t wait to see what happens know that I am Saying YES to GOD!!
    Blessings to you and your family, Charlotte

  513. Felicia Davison

    God forgives you, so forgive YOURSELF! =)

  514. Erin

    God wants me to let high schoolers know just how loved and accepted they are!

  515. Marlo Smith

    God has placed on my heart to share that it is okay to be broken. It is okay to show your brokenness because God puts us back together. The same God that knit us together in our mothers womb knits is back together when we become broken down by this world. Good loves us unconditionally and wants what is best for us and wants to heal us if we will only come to him just as we are.

  516. Kim Forbes

    I believe He wants me to be on the lookout for the next opportunity to encourage and uplift others. I need to stop being so absorbed in me me me and pay attention to others. Sometimes our life maybe the only Jesus people get to see. So many people are hurting and alone and I want to share God’s Grace and Mercy with others. We were created to share the Good News. HE LIVES… MY JESUS LIVES!

  517. Stacy Van Laar

    To forgive. I struggle with it a lot but know in my head it needs to be done but my heart resists. Being judges by others and treated poorly by those that don’t know what I’ve been through is hard. Thank you for all the encouragement you provide.

  518. Heather

    Encouragement! Even though I am going through a rough period in my life, I want to share the blessing of love and encouragement that so many have shared with me!

  519. Ashley

    My heart has been broken for marriages all around me…watching people just throw it away because it gets hard. “What God has brought together let no man put asunder”. I’m praying over and speaking LIFE into broken, hurting, dead marriages today. If Jesus was hung on a cross and raised from the dead..then can’t that same power save our marriages?

  520. B Zahler

    The Genesis Scripture fits well. The unbearable anger is what God wants me to share. I have had other attempts at therapy, but in 28 years, as odd as it sounds, I haven’t addressed how painfully angry I am. I say painfully because it has been so painful trying to hold it in. And somehow, painful when I let it out also, as I then go through the guilt of having a fit. And I say “am” because I am just realizing lately how full of anger I still am. Which has lead to fear and anxiety and exhaustion as I try to control so many things. I realize now, just in the past few days, after all these years, that its ok to let that anger out. God has brought me to a therapist that I feel safe to do so with. I have thought all this time that stuffing that hurt was protecting my family, protecting myself, maybe even protecting my relationship with God. Oh, the things we somehow convince ourselves of! I know now, it’s time to share it, and I know somehow, this is His timing, finally. I’m not scared to do it now. I’m looking so very forward to the relief, the healing, the peace.

  521. Laura

    Just to be the Christian wife and mother and friend I should be. To be able to handle losing a friend because I am not good enough anymore to being able to sit through games when my daughter can play and is sitting on the bench. To trust God through all kinds of situations and not act unChristian, but to let others see Christ in me.

  522. Stephanie Budlong

    God has placed on my heart to share my story of raising a child alone and how what Satan intended for bad God has made good. I was avictim of rape and became pregnant with my daughter. I will say by the Grace of God and him whispering in my ear ” you can do this” I have raised a beautiful, smart and funny sweet girl who is now 8. She loves Jesus and I could not be more thankful of having the chance to share this story to possibly change someone elses life . I now am happily married to a wonderful Godly man with another sweet daughter joining us 2 years ago. God is so good and I choose to say YES!

  523. Dana Force

    God has asked me to share with women about marriage…what God showed me when I was being an ungodly wife. He taught me about what godly submission really looked like…and how I was to love my husband and honor him even when he wasn’t getting it right. I just finished writing a book…but am trying to get it published. As a first time author I am trying to figure out how to do this since self publishing is so expensive. In the meantime, I am trying to share with others in my sphere of influence. 🙂

  524. kelly hubbard

    I believe that God has put on my heart that it is never too late to re-establish a relationship with Him. I am excited to be a part of the upcoming On-line Bible Study to draw closer to God and let Him direct me.

  525. Hannah Cosar

    The Lord has walkes me thru a period of beinf completly lost and hopeless feeling like life didn’t matter any more. You see I was a daddy’s girl and in my sophomore year of college my dad went to prison. Up until this point my dad was my best friend, the one I could tell anything, the one I always tried to please and had always shown me uncondition love. When he went to prison, i gave up. I had no one to please and if my own father could do these things to me and leave me abandon then what did the world have to offer me. Well, thru my 12 step study at celebrate recovery I was able to forgive my dad and realize what true uncondtional love from my abba father feels like. The lord has placed it on my heart to share thise with young women who are seeking to be loved like the world says it should look or for girls who are lacking unconditional love from their earthly father to seek that love from the Lord instead of other avenues. 🙂

  526. Laura

    That God wants us to stay in the boundaries of His protection (in our marriage, with eating, and spending $)

  527. Annette

    I believe God is doing many changes in me right now, but first and foremost to make sure I and those in my life understand the importance of making sure God is first in all areas of life. Also the importance of being yourself, the person God designed you to be. To not feel like you have to fit a mold or be like those in your life. God can’t use you if you won’t be who He created you to be, He only designed one you, be the best you can be and be obedient to His works for you!

  528. Stephanie

    God has given me many testimonies to share so that others can come to know him through me. I have had many trials that I have only been able to come through because of the Grace of God. Glory to The Lord Forever!

  529. Rachel

    God has impressed upon me to see and love other women the way He does. Is this ever difficult! He keeps putting the seemingly unloveable in my path. This exercise is forcing me more and more in communion with Him. He has yet to have me display this love with material things, but with prayers for them, a smile and a bridled tongue.

  530. Patsy Parkey

    The importance of marriage, to be a submissive,(not a doormat)wife, to love honor and cherish your Husband. To keep your marriage pure.

  531. Bina

    Simply, as complicated as it can be, that God loves more fully & deeply than we could ever imagine…and it takes us surrendering fully to feel it completely.

    Congrats on the new book…I know it will touch many hearts!!

  532. Laura Maxwell

    Follow the Peace…you will find God’s Will for your life there.

    Don’t close the door to what you believe The Lord has for you and your family!

  533. Jaclyn

    God wants me to share the importance of letting go of the past so that you can freely live your future in Him.

  534. Janet

    We all made mistakes and bad choices – or simply poor or misguided decisions. From pastors to priests, moms to executives…we are all the same. But we ALL have a forgiving and loving God who made us and allowed us to face these challenges – He only asks that we come to Him with a repentant heart when we realize we have done wrong, and He wipes the slate clean! How amazing is that?
    God has placed on my heart the desire to admit to others my shortcomings, share my falls, take away the veil which distorts the truth of imperfections, trials, and errors. Instead I am to share these truths and express my trust and belief that I am still loved, still ok, still have hope, still His child, and yes, still will make mistakes.

  535. Amy

    I want ladies to know just how loved they really are in Christ and the lies of the world are just that, lies!

  536. nicole Anderson

    God has placed on my heart the call to adoption. We are excited on this wonderful journey and ministry to a lovely child and birth mother

  537. Lisa C-B

    The importance of taking time to do a self-evaluation based in God’s view of how forthright to be about challenges in my life, especially those having to do with my child. Looking inward and to Him to find the right path and how to balance sharing about my family struggles to help myself cope while at the same time respecting my child’s right to privacy. Finding the balance in the truth will set you free. And really just believing that if I continue to search, ask for guidance, and listen that He will come through and help me know what to do.

  538. Becky Mutina

    I feel that someone needs to know to keep praying for your children, regardless of their age. I have 2 sons (25 & 27). Their father passed away in 2000, when they were teenagers. Both have rejected God in their lives, contrary to what they were taught. Many times I have had to remind myself to pray that God get their attention, WHATEVER IT TAKES. That is a hard prayer to pray as a mother. Proverbs 22:6 tells us “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” This doesn’t tell us how old. Don’t give up. God doesn’t.

  539. Laura

    God wants me to speak truth in love to a friend who is really making some bad choices! Thankful for a God of grace and forgiveness!

  540. Angee

    I struggle in this area big time. I have a desire to minister to elderly who may have no family but because of my insecurities and feeling like I can’t head from God it has kept me from moving forward with this ministry.

  541. Lisa

    God will always love us. We need to stay focused on him. We also need to change the way we pray. Go to him in conversation as you would with an old friend.

  542. Angela

    I feel like God wants me to share with others that they can obey his will for life despite what others think or feel. Sometimes staying in His will means not doing what others are doing or want you to do.

  543. Marilyn

    Life isn’t always easy, but God is always there.

  544. Claire

    We are not alone in our spiritual victories and struggles. Community of believers.

  545. Penni

    That my daughter is on the Autism spectrum. But I am having a very hard time opening up.

  546. Tammy

    Today I shared at my blog how God showed me that doing the mundane, day-to-day tasks around my house (especially picking up messes others leave behind) is actually serving Him. We receive no glory for doing these chores, but our treasure is stored up in heaven.

  547. Bonnie Johnson

    By reflecting on God’s great love for Israel, I am compelled to share how much he loves each of us….even when we sin and rebel, His love is everlasting!

  548. Barb

    God loves each of us even if we’re not perfect and it’s obvious! He cares even if your house is messy, your kids (or grandkids) throw fits in public, you say stupid things. I need daily leaning on Him and sometimes I lean in the wrong direction. But He’s always there when I turn around and look for His strong shoulder.

  549. Kandace

    God is a God of grace and do-overs. We should show the world his grace through granting as much grace in a day as we require in a lifetime.

  550. Kendall

    Living God’s way isn’t easy…but I know every morning that whether life is easy or not my God will ALWAYS be with me leading others to Him. Praising Him in the Storm!

  551. Elizabeth Abshier

    What has God placed on your heart to share with others? Right now I’m looking at past filled with hurt, anger, frustration. I come from a broken home (and I’ve forgiven those involved) but I still have 1 thing that has yet to be cleared up and I’m working on this now so that I can express to others about food addiction brought up by emotions, habits, etc. I don’t want to see my children wither away like I did and feel hopeless as I do on occasion … but knowing that God will provide and lift me up. This is my challenge and I’ve accepted… He’ll purify me and I’ll be able to help others…

  552. Jessica Knisley

    As a pastor’s wife I have found it to be very important for people to understand their purpose. Women in particular seem to not realize they have gifts and callings on their lives too. I believe we are all ordained and called by God to do particular jobs and giftings while sharing how mighty our God is. My purpose and vision is to help people understand that every circumstance and situation in their life is to help build that person and calling. To help them understand they do have a purpose and are a very important part of the body of christ. God loves all of us and wants his children to live in freedom and power.

  553. Brandi Caple

    What’s heavy on my heart right now is the importance of forgiving others. God forgives us of our sins daily yet so many people find it impossible to forgive others for their wrongs and go around carrying hatred on their hearts that could easily be taken away by simply forgiving and letting go. I was on a very bad path in life and it took me changing my life to be able to see why its so important to forgive others. I pray everyone would learn forgiveness and always remember: Forgive others as you have been forgiven.

  554. Emily

    I want to share He is redemptive

  555. Bretta Ogburn

    I honestly don’t know yet! But your question has me thinking and I will be praying about it. 🙂

  556. Tina

    I believe that God has put on my heart that I just need to let go of things and fully trust him. And focus on him.

  557. Melissa

    God has spoken to me in my life about His sovereignty.

  558. Beth Morphis

    “What has God placed on your heart to share with others?”
    God has placed in on my heart to share about my experience with my daughter. She is not my husbands – he knows this but has always claimed her as his own. She just turned 7. I have shared with some people and always tell them that she picked him, and I truly believe that. When I was pregnant she would respond to his voice. He was always there for me at all my doctor appointments and there when I gave birth. We weren’t married but he put his name on the birth certificate. He is her father in every aspect. I feel there are people that need to know this to help them thru what they are currently facing – but telling them sometimes changes their view of our family. Plus my husband isn’t ready for our daughter to find out – and he fears my sharing with too many people will cause her to find out before she is really ready to except it all. I want women to know that God really does use the bad for his good. I want women to know that they are loved no matter the “mistake” they may have made.

  559. Rhonda

    As a new month is beginning, the God has placed the word FEARLESS on my heart. He is challenging me to go out and face the things I FEAR with no Fear and succeed as he made me to do. He has given me all tools to walk in FAITH and face each challenge with the knowledge of knowing that he has full control and everything will be fine. 🙂

  560. Loretta Lineback

    God has been speaking to me about talking less and doing more. How we can Pray about it, talk about it, and tweet about it. But until we step out and do something about it, we are nothing but noise. I am guilty of this just as much as the next gal and I feel that I am being led to take the next step. Now with all of the days hustle and bustle and financial bruisings, I am trying to hear what he has for me to go out and do in faith.

  561. kelly

    give grace extravagantly! There is different seasons, walk close to God and be flexible. I have homeschooled for 9 years. My oldest just graduated and we are putting our kids in public school, my daughter ifs going on a 6 month mission Trip, my husband is retiring from the Air Force. I’m learning to walk by faith, not by sight. Thanks for all you do!

  562. Marybeth Smith

    Love everyone that crosses your path, the ones who are the most hateful are the ones who need your love the most, so let Gods love pour out of you on to them. You may never see the result, but God will use you to help them find Him.

  563. Andrea Poole

    That we are no less worthy to honor Him in our ministries because we are women.

    Sometimes women are seen by some as weaker leaders within certain faith communities. But I am here to tell you that God has recently opened doors for me to be in church leadership at my church though I have no ministry degree or previous ministry experience. I didn’t even realize this was a desire of my heart until He made it possible!

    God uses ANYONE who will take leaps of faith for His glory.

    We, as women, have lots of love to share and talents to give in service of our Heavenly Father!!!

    Be blessed and know your worth in Him,

  564. Samantha

    God has placed on my heart to share the importance of being a Godly wife & mother as well as finding your satisfaction & sense of beauty in the Lord. I grew up in a non-Christian home with divorced parents & I love how marriage can be used to glorify God more now than ever because so many marriages are failing daily!

  565. Angie

    Just began reading What Happens When Women Say Yes to God. Would be awesome to have the devotional as well 🙂

  566. Elaine

    Make a difference for eternity today in someone’s life!

  567. Lori DeVries

    The Holy Spirit gives guidance and peace.

  568. Gerrie BOURQUE

    That our whole purpose in life is to please Him and bring others to Jesus. If our actions are not pleasing to God than how can our words bring others to Him?

  569. Stacey

    God is wanting me to begin a missions ministry specifically geared towards raising an Esther generation, as Ann Voskamp calls it. I’m just waiting on the how and when but God has specifically given me the “what” and I am ready; saying yes to Him each day.

  570. renda

    God has been working on my heart about adoption. Instead of wearing the label of infertility, I’m learning to share about our heart for adoption.

  571. Gina

    I feel like God has placed it on my heart to tell others that failure doesn’t mean to stop trying. That God uses us even when we are weak to reach people. If we never fall we can never tell others how to get back up. God uses every failure for His Glory. And through those failures we gain a deeper understanding of who God really is.

  572. dori jones

    That He loves even those who have a past. Its not our future. He loves us not in spite of but because of our inperfections. Don’t let your past define your future be all that God wants you to be. Stretch your comfort zone.

  573. Gena

    My entire life story…from physical abuse, healed of a brain tumor and aneurysm, 2 rapes, an abortion, raising 4 kids on my own, etc. I welcome any platform to give my testimony, I serve an AWESOME God of TOTAL restoration!

  574. Lori Talamo

    I have been through many trials in my life (ranging from sexual abuse, drugs, and loss of a baby – to name a few). At a recent prayer meeting I felt God was telling me I did not go through those trials for mere punishment but rather to help others. So I am starting a young adult ladies bible study at my church on 8/15 and we are starting off with Unglued. I think it is time to share my experiences and help others know that God is the only true answer…..

  575. Crystal

    I have been very blessed. I believe my blessings come from the giving I have done over the years. I can not express enough how important it is to sow good seeds. Sowing those good seeds has led to a beautiful/bountiful harvest for me and my family. 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 says; “But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.” I live by this verse. I love to give, and to see others smile and to make others’ day is so wonderful to me. There is nothing better than to help others, even if they don’t appear to need it. You never know what kind of impact you have made on anothers life until you reach out and become a true disciple. <3

  576. Jodi

    … I need to share and be crazy open and honest that I’m an approval addict. I constantly seek others’ approval of what I’m doing, who I am, how I raise my kids …. when I only truly need One’s approval. I keep finding myself in the same pit over and over again …. I’d love to finally have victory over some of these challenges … but I think being transparent and honest is where I need to begin.

  577. Tosha Johnson

    I am walking through a journey of infertility. For the past 4 years. Until recently it has been a depressing journey to say the least. However, God is beginning to show me purpose in my journey. To uplift others that are going through the same feelings and to help them see that He is with you, even when you are screaming and crying every day. He has already used me talking to a few women, and I can’t wait to see what He has in store. He has definitely turned my mess into a message.

  578. Stacy

    Cultivate Thankfulness 🙂

  579. Tammy Lane-Sanborn

    I believe God wants women to be reminded that he sees your true heart and nows your fullest potential; that He loves you and is waiting to hear from you so he can direct you to the path He has intented for you.

  580. Cameron Silva

    For the past few years, God has been instilling a message of the power of faith in my life. I have been through very stressful times and I completely gave it up to God and put it in his hands. He has remarkably brought me through it all. I was most stressed about my mother and her health issues. I encouraged her when she was completely down and told her that God would take care of it all and in His own time and way, He did. I continue to share the importance of faith with my mother and any other person that needs encouraging. God takes care of us like know other and I want everyone to know that and trust in Him.

  581. Bethany

    I definitely feel a burden to share how God delivered me from the pit of despair, heartache, and grief after my Daddy’s untimely death when I was 14 years old.

  582. Courtney

    I just read a few of the posts from fellow family members in our Great God… I am picking up a similar theme on hearing “voices” ~ voices from the devil, that make us feel like nothing, that beat us up and put us down and leave us feeling shaken all over the place. It was encouraging to read (not that I am happy other people are going through it! by no means!).. it was just encouraging to me that I am not the only one out there who struggles so much with hearing those things… It drives me crazy! I have a hard time sleeping at night, I have a hard time focusing on doing one thing at a time, I feel guilty CONSTANTLY, and I am terrified of God’s anger. I am having a hard time knowing and believing with every single thing in me that God’s voice is speaking (if/when He does). I am constantly nervous and feeling like I am on a life-or-death race with time.. I have a lot to let go of and a lot to love… my heart feels so hard at the sounds of all these hurtful, mean, scary voices and everything I believe about not being good enough, and how great REALLY is our God? (Oh! my doubt list is so long!!!) I want to love Him without fear.. and I am really, really struggling. Please pray for me. For my sisters out there struggling with these things…. I got your back, girl. I know exactly how you feel… Thanks for being brave soldiers and sharing with us… Prayers and Love to you all. Thanks Lysa, for not backing down. Your sisters love you.

  583. Patsy Parkey

    The importance of marriage, to be a submissive,(not a doormat)wife, to love honor and cherish your Husband. To keep your marriage pure. Because there are so many troubled, hurting marriages in this world today. I have a great marriage and am Thankful for that, but it takes work, anything worth much value takes work. I believe others can have a great marriage if they follow Biblical guides for Marriage.

  584. Angie Lane

    Be still and know that HE is!

  585. Cynthia H

    For now, my time. But when the time is right & my husband is ready, I’ll be able to share some of our story.

  586. Edie

    I’ve learned that God’s plans are so much better for me than my own. I’m so thankful that He didn’t give me what I wanted, but made me wait for His best. His plans for me are so much bigger and better than my plans for myself! Jeremiah 29:11

  587. Tracy Smith

    That God’s plan is perfect – we don’t need to be. In the struggles and the mess of our lives He is drawing us closer to Him.c

  588. Wendy

    I know God wants me to minister with music in any capacity He sees fit. Right now it’s singing in a trio with two others ladies at church, singing on a praise team, singing/ teaching my girls to sing with me and leading a concert choir at our homeschool co-op. I’ve had some formal training, but Satan loves to jump in and feed me lies that I’m not qualified, not good enough, etc. I’m slowly letting God’s truth ring in my heart that He’s placed me in this moment for a purpose. He knows what qualities/certifications I have, and He still has chosen me to fulfill those positions. So I need to stop listening to Satan and start listening to my Savior. I so want to be used for His glory!

  589. Nicole

    Praise God that He always gives us second chances!

  590. Pat

    God has been using me to encourage both guys and ladies, through your book “Unglued”, to remember that there is hope and grace for each day as we imperfectly “make space for grace” for all those “unglued” moments, both ours and others we ‘bump’ against. Can’t tell you enough how much impact your God-led words have made in my life and in the friends I’ve shared the wisdom gained by reading your book!

  591. Ruthina

    God has put it on my heart to share the story of how God brought my husband into my life. Just shy of being married for 1 year I love reflecting on the story of answered prayer (including a mother fasting from chocolate!) and the incredibly clear direction from God in bringing us together.

  592. Jessica Conner

    I believe that I need to be sharing with people that there is Hope for this world to be a better place. There is so much negativity in our world today that we need to be positive thinkers and always looking to God for the answers instead of trying to do things on our own.

  593. Latrice

    I thought when I first was divorced it was the hardest thing. Then came being a single mom of three boys, even harder, then came bills with a single income, then came new man in life with children of his own and many issues I was unaware of. So first I have gotten rid of the man, now I am sitting down with the bills, later I am going to play with my boys and tonight I will pray for forgiveness of the divorce. No matter what God still has allowed me to overcome all the obstacles in which I feel have been the hardest, he continues to hold my hand. You have to believe he is here for us and will take care of us. I believe he puts things in our lives to just show us just enough what he went through. We will never feel his pain. I know when I keep my communication open and I am honest with myself no matter how much it hurts, God leads me and he will you. Sit down and listen never question, he has us and is always on time.

  594. Tracey Bourgoin

    I believe right now God wants ME to know that He has never left my side. I have really been struggling here lately and need a word from Him. I believe He has placed this on my heart to share with you because HE knows my heart’s desire is to be closer to Him and to have a better relationship with Him. I am sinking right now and need my Savior to save me! I am certain your devotional book is exactly what I need as you have been in a place like this before as well. God bless you and your ministry!

  595. Sylvia Hansen

    These have been tough times in my life. My husband has been so sick the last few months I really thought I was going to be a widow. I would like people to remember if you live in a church family they are there for you. With out the prayers, meals, and kind supportive words over the last months I don’t think I would have made it. I am still dealing with depression but with God and the people he has given me it will be ok. So the importance of having a good church family is what He needs shared. They will be your rock when you have trouble on the sand.
    All is grace

  596. Lisa Flournoy

    I think he wants us to return to the basics;to love others and be loved. Be a good friend; there is a world of hurting women out there needing to know that they are loved and accepted just as they are. As wonderful as technology is, nothing replaces the personal touch; a phone call, a card in the mail or better yet an actual girl’s day. Life can be hard and it’s nice to know there is a physical person on earth to show God’s spiritual love. God forgives us but sometimes it’s so hard to forgive ourselves and it’s nice to have that reassurance from a friend.

  597. Melanie Manley

    I feel like God has placed on my heart to share with others don’t be afraid to love the unlovable. If He has called you to it He will show you how. Reach out and help one struggling person that’s in your path, share His love and grace, for these are the only true lifechangers that people are looking for.

  598. Stacey

    God has placed it on my heart to share with other women that they must first have a relationship with Him before any other relationship in their life can prosper. This includes their relationship with their spouse! When God is first, everything else will work out to your good. He will guide your paths and provide you with answers. My marriage has been saved by this, and I am proud to say that our home is a much happier, stronger, GODLY place to be!

  599. Alisa Duncan

    I am not perfect by ANY means but with God’s help I believe I am getting better and strive to keep making myself a bit better each day!

  600. Lori J.W.

    Everyday, I pray for God to help me say the right words to help others. Everyday, I pray to God to give me the patience and help me change in the ways He needs me to change. Everyday, I pray to the Lord to direct my actions to make me a better person and help others find answers to their problems. And…everyday…God is there to give me what I need and help others in their path and plans that God has placed on them. I thank the Lord everyday for his wisdom and guidance! It is He that steps up and helps us get through every day!

  601. Nicole S

    I often joke that my life is one big object lesson. I’ve gone through trials and hardships, and the Lord has told me its so that I can encourage others who are in the midst of it. One of the most important stories that He has for me to share is that of forgiveness. Years ago, the Lord kept telling me that it was time to forgive my dad. I was hesitant, plus.. I just didn’t know where to start. So with the help of a trusted Christian friend, I went through a process of Biblical forgiveness. Oh what freedom! But then God told me to go home and talk to my dad. That was harder. But eventually I did it… and I finally got to hear my dad tell me that he loved me and was proud of me. I was 25 when I heard those words. Then a year and a half later, on my 27th birthday, my dad had a massive stroke, and we had to make the decision to take him off of life support. If I had not been obedient to forgive and reconcile with my dad, I never would have heard those words, never would have had a year and a half of reconciled time with him, and probably would still be carrying around some of the bitterness in my heart. It is SO important to forgive! There is so much freedom in that act of obedience!

  602. Theresa LeBlanc

    What God has placed in my heart to share with others is this: You don’t need to go thru life grieving the fact that you grew up without a father, or grew up with an abusive father, or for whatever reason didn’t get the love and acceptance that you need and crave your earthly father. God is waiting with open arms to be the father you need. I scoffed at this until I opened my arms to God and he filled and healed all of the broken places in me and lavished his love on me. I am the daughter of the King of Kings and I am blessed!

  603. Melody Gartman

    That God loves us all, all the time. our actions may disappoint Him, but He is always there for us. It sounds simple, but if everybody truly knew this, think of all the hope that would grow from seeds of loneliness.

  604. Kimberly Hickman

    I have felt that God has wanted to work on me with my tendencies to gossip with friends. I also feel that he wants me to radiate more positivity to other not only about how I feel about myself, but to hold my tongue when I want to say negative things about situations. I’m a teacher, and I have spent my summer looking at scripture to guide me with these issues. It’s hard sometimes when you feel you can’t understand the word the way it was intended. I think this devotional would be great. Liking your page on Facebook has definitely helped me through hard times, and seems to speak to me directly. Thank you for what you do.

  605. Toni

    This week has been one where God has me reflecting on the past years and really opening my eyes to the ways he has been weaving my story behind the scenes. I know that he has something in store for me because I am so unsettled and uncomfortable in my own skin. I feel like God wants me to slow down and close my mouth & my constant internal conversations and just listen to HIM. Maybe others need to hear that as well…

  606. Katherine

    For a long time I’ve felt called to share the story of my past as well, but have been so afraid (that’s Satan…I know!). My story also involves sexual sin and a time in my life when I deliberately walked away from the path The Lord had shown me. The way He picked me up, right from rock bottom, and brought such restoration to my life is an amazing story. I know it could reach others, especially young girls. I always fear what people will think when they find out I haven’t always been who people might have thought I was. But I know people and their thoughts are not my standard…Christ is my only standard. And he wants to use me! Lord, give me strength!

  607. Tracy

    God has placed on my heart a desire to share that marriage is a reflection of His perfect love for us. We have such a wonderful opportunity to use our marriages as a living example to the world. Love and honor your spouse, keep the passion alive!

  608. Krissy

    Oh my…does this hit home. For the last few months I have been praying for God to help me be more VULNERABLE. To share my story, despite the shame I associate with it and the judgement I expect from others. He has already opened doors for me to step out, and by faith I have said YES and shared. His grace is amazing. He truly does work all things for good. I am excited to see what He has in store for me as He continues to write my story and lead me to new ministry opportunities.

  609. Misty Hughey

    God wants people to develop confidence in simple, believing prayer. We need the confidence that even if we simply say, “God, help me,” He hears and will answer.

  610. Melissa

    EVERYTHING! God has been leading me to share my testimony with woman but wanting me to start small (but for me is a huge step) to journal daily. I grew up loving to write, the only thing I ever wanted to be was a writer but then I was attacked in college, months before graduation – I went through that time on autopilot after being so passionate and that was ten years ago and while I have had moments of obedience I still hide from writing, no I cower. I know that in writing God has healing in store, I know that He not only wants me to share how He has changed my life the last 4.5 years since I became a Christ follower but also how He was clearly in my life before that.

  611. Elizabeth Sullivan

    I would share this verse with people.

    1 Corinthians 13:13 NIV
    And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
    As a Christian I feel that this an important way to live by. Having faith in God allows us to trust in him knowing he will take care of all our needs even if it seems impossible. Having hope gives us the strength to live each day to the fullest and be thankful for everything he gives us. And last love which is most important. We known its hard to love everyone but the bible tells us Jesus loves us unconditionally and so should we. Thank you God bless!

  612. Jennifer Culbertson

    What has God placed on my heart to share with others? I think the message from my lifetime of insecurities and feeling unworthy would be to sit/marinate in the truth that He is your hope and that He loves you and He is a God of mercy.

  613. Malinda Gomez

    God has placed in my heart to share with other women, that He is healer!! No matter what has happened in our past He tells us in the Book of Isaiah to leave it all behind. God makes us new and all that was will never have power over us after we let Christ have complete control! He’s a MIGHTY, POWERFUL , and HOLY God who still performs all the great miracles in our lives today!

  614. Jennifer Magreevy

    A sermon a few years ago struck a chord with me, and to this day I share it with many people. My pastor said, “sometimes bad things happen to you so you can glorify God to others.” Up until I heard that sermon, I really questioned why about some things in my life, including why my son had been born with two rare conditions. Hearing that sermon completely changed my outlook on life. I also feel right now I have to share with people how important it is to me that, even though I am imperfect, broken, and a sinner, Gods unconditional love for me never falters. And that makes my heart sing!!

  615. Kim

    It doesn’t matter where you are, what is going on in your life or what your struggle is, God loves you! He is waiting with open arms to receive you! We serve an amazing God, who wants us to have an intimate relationship with Him! When we start to say” Yes” to Him, things start to change in our lives.

  616. Rebecca Jacobson

    God placed it on my heart to start a Dorcas ministry at our congregation this month. My hope is to bond as sisters in Christ, lead our younger women and reach our community. I am on the younger side (if I do say so myself) and was a bit intimidated at leading a group of ladies. We had 25 women show up to our first meeting and already have our first service activity scheduled. I am glad that I said yes to God!

  617. Denise

    Today I want to just say that no matter what the circumstances in your life God loves you more than you could ever know. He is a good and faithful God who will not leave you in the depths of despair. To despair is to not trust God. I can tell you this because I came out of the pit if despair, depression and attempted suicide after a lifetime of physical, sexual and verbal abuse. With Man it is impossible but with God all things are possible. Look to God today! He can and he will restore what the locusts have eaten!! Wherever you are in your life today believe Him and trust in Him today!

  618. Terri Moses

    The Lord has walked me through depression, hurt, betrayal, bitterness…I am made whole and full of joy and that is what He has called me to share. There is always Hope and that Hope is Jesus. Thus the name, “Hope & Joy Women’s Ministry” at our church! 🙂

  619. Dee

    I have a very similar story. I have walked with shame and guilt heavy on my back because of things that have happened to me as well as things I have done. The unforgiveness for myself almost ruined my marriage and ended my life. I went through a bible study called Forgiven and Set Free for post-abortive women and it changed my life. I am now training to be a facilitator to help other women free themselves of that bondage

  620. Jenn Castano

    I’m feeling the draw to mothering this young adult generation- lacking in mentorship and mothers/fathers to speak of His faithfulness and experience. My heart is for them as they take up the yoke of leadership both in and out of the church.

  621. Vanessa Engel

    I have been saves for almost three years. Through my faith journey, I gained the strength through Christ to deal with my past demons. I am a post abortive woman. Without the saving grace of God through his Son, I would still be living in the darkness from my past. I went through a wonderful bible study and understand the love of our Father. Later this year I will be giving my testimony at my local Pregnancy Care Center to bring awareness to options beyond abortion and the the love and forgiveness of Christ.

  622. Tammy Michael

    My hubby and I have both lost over 100 lbs, God is using us to encourage others who are trying to lose weight and be more healthy. That our hope is in Christ and he will give you the strength you need to keep working at it.

  623. Keischa Pruden

    I feel like that God wants me to share with others that even if you are a work in progress, He can still use you to facilitate His will in your life and other people’s lives.

  624. Susan Tuma

    I believe God has placed on my hearts to share with women that they are not alone in this world and that we were not called to walk this life alone in isolation.

  625. Kaci Williams

    God has called me to share the abandonment and abusive childhood I had and along with dealing the murder of my fiancé at 16 while i was 4mths pregnant. For a long time i struggled to break free from the hurt and chains, to become educated and now hea called me to share my testimony and find ways to minister his word to all those I come in contact with.

  626. Kate

    I feel like God wants me to share the message of his love as a faith instead of religion. Religion has gotten such a bad rep with young people that you need to emphasize his love!

  627. Charla Skinner

    Lately, I’ve felt God asking me to share my talents with others. I took piano lessons since I was six years old and have been playing since. My husband and I have been in ministry over 12 years, and during those years, I have been asked several times if I taught piano lessons. Each time, my answer has been “not at this time.” I believe God is asking me, now, to step up and use the talent He has given me to help others by teaching them how to play so that they may glorify Him and that future generations can also serve Him through playing.

  628. Theresa Kleinsmith

    Can’t wait to start… this would be a great companion.

  629. Stephanie

    I feel like the Lord is telling me to share my nursing skills to help others. I have a heart to help those who are in need, whether they are homeless or just can’t afford health care. I also have been involved in mission trips to Honduras, and see a huge need for even more medical mission trips to assist those in need there. So, at the wonderful age of 42, with 4 kids, I am going back to school to be a nurse practitioner. I just feel like God wants me to do this so He can do even more through me.

  630. Melanie

    Even when you feel far away from Him, He is still in pursuit of you.

  631. Priscilla

    For a long time, I have struggled to speak up about the way that I was raised. My parents were very abusive and I grew up in an angry & hostile environment. Now I have 3 beautiful boys & I want the world to know that I struggle as a parent! I was never taught how to react properly to disobedience. I still struggle with feeling angry, even about very small things. I am so thankful for the grace of God and that He continually lays it on my heart to love my boys in every way possible, and I am thankful I have never resorted to acting out in anger toward my kids.
    Anyway, I never shared my struggle with anger and my past until recently. It has weighed heavily on my heart but it is so great to have a body of believers who will pray for you in your time of need!
    Last week, I shared my story with a woman in my church and learned that she was also abused as a child and was feeling alone in her struggle. I am so thankful that it was laid on my heart to share! She and I have been praying for each other since!

  632. Kerri Sutti

    I believe that God has placed on my heart that we need to FULLY rely on HIM in all areas of our life! This past year has been VERY difficult for me, I have been going thru a divorce since last July, and it’s still not over! i have 3 kids, and my oldest who just turned 19 got into drugs and such and in January I had to have him taken into protective Custody, and went over 2 months not knowing where he was or what he was doing and if he was going to graduate from High School. Then last week I lost my job. BUT, through all of this I have relied on HIM, praying and reading my Bible have brought me to have a better relationship with Him! I can’t do it alone, and I have to let him have control! I am enrolled to go back to college, and I start Monday! Have a date to hopefully get my divorce final in september, the longest year+ of my life, and I am starting to have some type of relationship again with my son! With GOD ALL things are possible! And with a great Church and Friend and Family Supporting us GOD IS GOOD!!! 🙂

  633. Amanda Rose

    I believe that God wants me to share my story on loving and viewing myself the exact same way God sees me. I see and have seen nothing but an unworthy mess for years. No matter what I do or say or how I act, I never feel worthy or good enough. I believe this is something every woman (and everyone in general) struggles with. We compare ourselves and our walks with God to others, just as society has taught us to. If we don’t measure up to society’s standards then we aren’t good enough or of worth. But what about God’s standards? Our righteousness alone may be filthy rags but because of the blood and grace of Jesus Christ we are made righteous. We are beautiful creations in the image of God. It doesn’t matter what our physical appearance is we are beautiful. This is something that God has been dealing with me on a lot in the last months. I am beautiful and I am worthy of love. I need to love myself as He loves me so that I can love others. I can’t give away what I don’t have.

  634. Sharae

    My marriage journey

  635. Karen H

    I guess God has placed on my heart that the struggles I face everyday are part of my story. I sometime feel that just because I still struggle with certain issues in my life it must mean that I am a failure. God is showing me that the struggle proves that I am trying to do what’s right and one of these sweet days – I will have the victory. Till then – someone else is struggling and my story of struggle may help them through theirs.

  636. Nancy Frazier

    I teach kindergarten in the public schools. God wants me to share his love with my students and parents.

  637. Andrea Roberts

    I believe God has placed the message beauty from brokenness. I saw God saw intimately through that season. I was so broken and needed to be out back together. I would always seek out others to help me do that. It was the first time I allowed God the sole right to my broken pieces. The results were a relationship with Him that was pure and beautiful. I wouldn’t trade it for anything, even what caused it.

  638. Ashley Smith

    We all have a different story and I think that that is what makes part of us unique. I also think that we can use those stories to help others who may come across some of the obstacles that we have faced. I can say for certain that life has not always been perfect and I know it will never be. I had things that I faced in my life such as the loss of my parents at a young age and not knowing where my next meal was going to come from but somehow I was always well kept. If there is one thing that God has placed in my heart to share with others is that no matter what life throws at us, He is always there. We do not need to rely on the things of this world but we need to rely on Him because with God we can do all things. God is a pretty amazing God and I know if not for Him I would not be who I am today.

  639. Jeanette

    For ten years God dealt with me and prepared me to tell my story. In January 2013 the door was opened and I began God’s work out our local pregnancy center. I am the Community Education Director for the center and get to speak to youth about Sexual Integrity. I also have the privilege of telling young girls that they are enough and encourage them to spend less time worrying about what the world tells them and focus on what the WORD tells them.

  640. Tara White

    I want to share with hurting people that there is HOPE and it is still alive! Hope can be the anchor in their hurting places thru Jesus Christ!!
    You are a wonderful writer! You inspire me!!

  641. Sabrina M.

    That God is not mad at them. He loves us unconditionally 🙂

  642. Mandy McDonald

    I feel right now what God has placed on my heart to share is my journey of being raised in a non Christian household and how I was able to find Him and grow in my faith walk with Him and my amazing spiritual influences. I have been tested and failed many times, but He has always brought me back to the light that is His way and word. I recently got baptized and it has solidified my decision to follow Him and to show others the amazing works He has done in my life.

  643. Margie

    As Women We Can Be So Hard On Ourselves, Even The Little Comments “I Can Be Such A Klutz”. We Need To See Us As God Sees Us, Fearfully And Wonderfully Made 🙂

  644. Marlena Bell

    God has placed a burden on me for the women of my small church. Satan keeps creeping in telling me that I’m not good enough, not strong enough, not spiritual enough for the task at hand! I want to start a women’s ministry with this group of ladies! I am the girl that never even WENT to church until I was 27 years old! I’m terrified to even share these THOUGHTS with anyone! Who am I to think that I can do this? Today, you’ve reminded me exactly who I am to do this! I am a woman who says YES to God! I will share my love with these women and we will be stronger together!

  645. Sheryl Weaver White

    Lysa! I’m “Weave” in the photo you took at Camp of the Woods two weeks ago. I didn’t make it this year, but perhaps next. God is teaching me – most profoundly – that trusting people doesn’t always work. But trusting HIM completely; that’s where I can find joy and strength. And through these struggles, I’m trying to be obedient by teaching other women the same thing I’m learning. To let Him be my all in all.

    Bless you for your ministry. I love it!!

  646. Tammy

    God wants me to overcome my shyness and insecurity and glorify Him through my artwork. I truly believe He gave me my gift to do this. What I seek is the wisdom and confidence to know how to to do this.

  647. Liz

    I would want women to know that they don’t have to earn God’s love. We accept His grace for salvation, but so many women then live the Christian life under the law, thinking they have to be good enough to earn God’s acceptance and approval. His grace extends from the moment of conception, to our rebirth, to every step of our walk with Him until we see Him face to face.

  648. Heather

    My number 1 thing is that our kids and all kids would grow up to be followers of Jesus. No matter what obstacles they face they will have God as their foundation. The most important decision your kids will make in life is to follow Jesus. The next thing would be my husband and I are already praying for our children’s spouses. Our hope is our kids would marry followers of Jesus and they would always want the relationship Jesus and want that relationship with a church family.

  649. Nancy jo

    That God’s mercies truly are new everyday. I blow it so often but God forgives me when I confess. Jesus said go and sin no more and oh, how I wish I could say I have done that but I rest in the fact that although my flesh is weak, I serve a mighty, forgiving God. *blessed!

  650. Tish

    God laid on my heart to share my testimony with others who are having marriage problems. I believe marriages can be restored even in a world that says marriage is disposable. <3

  651. Debbie R.

    God has called me to share my healing testimony of my abortion, and my past. I too fought him because when I first shared my story I was so attacked my shame and fear that I hid my story and put on my “perfect” act. This last year or so God has moved me out of that and I’ve spoken twice now and am planning on leading a post-abortion Bible study this fall, plus am open to speaking more. God told me last year in a worship time that He will use all my pain for His glory and to not shrink back anymore. With His grace and strength I will keep pressing on and do that.

  652. Connie

    After spending hundreds of days at a nursing home to be with my dad & not always with a good attitude, the Lord has spoken, through my daughter, that instead of complaining, I should be looking for ways serve the Lord at the nursing home. So many hurting and sad people there, maybe, I just need to share a smile and Jesus!

  653. Rachel Kaechele

    The thing that God presently wants me to share with others is that He will be faithful to them if they will wait for His best, especially when they are waiting for a husband. I didn’t get married until I was 35 years old, and just had my first child at 38. For years I thought that something must be wrong with me and sometimes was wondering if I would have no choice but to end up with someone who was divorced, since a lot of people have been married and divorced by that age, and are single again. Did I feel alone? Yes. Did I feel discouraged? Yes. Did I feel like the Israelites walking around in circles for 40 years? Yes. Was I ready to move on to the next chapter in my life and have a new challenge to face? Yes! Did I get frustrated with God and ask Him a thousand times… why me? Yes. But something in me believed that there could be a godly man out there who was in the same boat as me… single and saving everything for that one special person. Well, God did bring him into my life in a way that had God’s fingerprints all over it, and he was so worth the wait, and then some! He shared the same struggle as he waited many years for me, and so we now have something to share hope with other singles, as a couple. That’s what happened when I said “Yes” to God’s timing, and never gave up hope that someday I would find (or be found by) the one He had chosen for me.

  654. Nadjejd S.

    I truly enjoy those days when I am home alone & it is just me & my Heavenly Father. We talk. And I sing songs of worship to Him!! When I can’t have those days I feel at a loss, but then the Father will speak to my spirit and let me know He is still right here. I am so thankful to Jesus for all He has done in my life….I just can’t thank Him enough!!

  655. Becca

    That God is real. He is real in His love for us no matter what we have done or may be doing. He is real in His faithfulness even when we tend to wonder.

  656. Melanie Ghan

    I believe that it is forgiveness. I’ve been through a lot in my life and I believe that until you forgive others and even yourself you can’t really move on with your own life.

  657. JessW

    I’m still working on unraveling this. It certainly has to do with seeing God working in and with mothers as we struggle to raise godly children though the chaos of the little years. It also has to do with raising them to be mission minded caring disciples and working on letting the fruits of the spirit flow out and touch others.

  658. Cryssi Jeffries

    Don’t give up! Whether it be hope or, God forbid, faith just hold on. We tend to give up right before a miracle happens. God put that on my heart to share with all of you, and I hope whoever needs it finds solace in that message. God has made many promises to us, all we need is to claim them♥

  659. Kim Wood

    That God has placed a burden on me to minister to the widows in my church. To help and encourage them, to listen and love on them, and let them know that they are oh so important to God.

  660. Lori Boyd

    I am feeling lead to share truth, to be open, while sharing my life experiences and relationship with the Lord. As a mom to 6 kiddos (3 biological and 3 that needed a safe home)…I am full of experiences. LOL
    Thank you for this opportunity! And thank you for writing Unglued…I just finished the study with some women at church! 🙂 Have a blessed day!

  661. Jill Hart

    as my daughter’s grow up rapidly and bring home friends both boys and girls I find I need to show by example true love, affection, and acceptance of them no matter who they are pregnant, gay, depressed, young with babies, ect. These kids have to see God in someone and I hope I can be a good witness for God.

  662. Sara D

    That it’s okay to ask for help when you feel like you can’t do it alone anymore. That’s it’s not God’s design for us to think we have to be super woman/ super mama. It’s okay to admit, I just can’t do it alone…

  663. leslie sample

    My Dad was killed by a drunk driver 22 years ago & I cursed God for it. I was so angry! But God used my Dad’s death for good & if it wasn’t for his death, I may have never come to Christ. I now use my testimony of forgiveness & how God can use a tragedy for good. I also struggled with drugs, alcohol, & etc. & God brang me out of that & depression to help others.

  664. Sara Thomas

    In my current season, I feel I am supposed to show love and proclaim freedom. I work in an all “non-Christian” enviromnent. I stick out to say the least. I just want them to see the love of Jesus and the freedom His forgiveness brings.

  665. Nicki

    My childhood was great. I was surrounded by parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents who loved me. When I was 11, my parents’ marriage started falling apart due to my Dad’s infidelity. There were lots of cruel words spoken, and I tried to shield my three younger siblings from what was happening. My dad left and I became the second parent. I developed ulcers because I was so full of hurt and anger. It took several years, but I was able by God’s help to build a relationship with my dad. Unfortunately, he died before I could tell him all that I wanted to say to him. I would like to share with others the importance of forgiveness. God loves us and forgives our many sins. We should be willing to do the same with others. Also, I try to use the bad experiences in my life to help the kids I teach. A little compassion and empathy go a long way.

  666. Kristi

    Today I am reminded that God knows my worries and fears. He is big enough to take and wants me to lay them down. I need to step out in my faith and trust the One who knows every hair on my head.

  667. amanda

    I believe God wants me to share the struggle that my husband whom is a preacher and I had for five yrs, when the struggle of addiction grabbed ahold of him. I have such a burden pulling me to be active in sharing this message of the struggles and pain that we pushed through. I know God wants to use this to touch livez and keep marriages together but fear like you grips me. I’d love to have a tool to help me fulfillGods will

  668. Sue

    I believe that Jesus is The Christ, The Holy & Triune Son of The Living God. I know that when I followed my own way into internet chats, fell hard and was almost destroyed, along with my family, that surely others are not immune. If I can speak out about my own fall, then perhaps others can be saved from the same mistakes. God is gracious and merciful and I believe He works within us to shed light in the darkness.

  669. Serena

    I believe the Lord is leading me to share the truth that our identity of who we are is ONLY found in a covenant relationship with Him. Nothing else in this world will satisfy our deepest longing for connection and acceptance. He created us in His image and there is an open imprint in each one of us that only God can fill. Nothing else will satisfy! His love is unfailing, His love is true and His love trustworthy! Thanks for letting me share!

  670. Kristin B

    “What has God placed on your heart to share with others?”- I feel that first and foremost God is calling me to love share His love with others in special and creative ways that reflect Him! Secondly- I feel that God is calling me to share my story. Our stories are what shapes us and God gives each of us a story to relfect His glory! I have had a journey for sure filled with sadness, joy, loss, blessings and having faith through those ups and downs brings you closer to God. I could not be where I am today had it not have been for my saviour rescuing me! Amazing and I feel that would help many others who may be where I have been…..

  671. Jennifer

    My struggle with seeing myself as God sees me. I’m obese, and there are times I do not feel beautiful. I certainly don’t feel as beautiful as God says I am. Even though I don’t have a complete positive self-image, I still encourage others, but what good is that when I don’t believe it to be totally true of myself.

  672. Dawn Butcher

    Love and compassion for others has been placed on my heart.

  673. Maria

    No matter how deep into the darkness you fade God’s hand is never to short to reach in and pull you out and redeem all you feel is lost. Don’t lose hope, don’t lose heart, press on through the doubt…He is faithful!

  674. marie chandler

    Right now where I am in life I believe the Lord is teaching me to be quiet and pray before I say or do anything. I want to be a yes woman for the Lord but I have to learn to be quiet first…

  675. Lisa DeFelice

    THIS week the very most prominent thing God has placed on my heart to share with others is UNGLUED by Lysa TerKeurst!

  676. Penny Cole

    God has put it on my heart to share that He can be trusted. I am a certified Life Purpose Coach and it took my own experience through near burn-out and permission by my Life Coach to slow down, for God’s message to become clear to me. I encourage women to discover how God has wired them–to consider their life experience, education, passion, skills, talents & abilities to discover the work God has for them. Over and over I have learned that if I am faithful with little, the mundane, the every day, that God will give me opportunities to be faithful in larger things, such as moving away from my home town to be in full time ministry with my husband. It wasn’t until we said, “Yes” to God that He showed us our next step of faith. But I think that before we can take these steps, we need to have a basic grasp of who we are in Christ, that we are dearly loved, that there is nothing we can do or not do to make Him love us less, that we have great worth just because He created us. This is the message I share and it gives me great joy to do so!

  677. Leaha Rice

    After going thru a divorce and being a single mom God has put others in my path to minister to in these areas. I also like to be an encourager to others and have been able to reach out in His name to do so.

  678. Deborah Pulliam

    I’m reading “When Women Say Yes to God” and I would love to have the devotional. I’ve made a new commitment to study, absorb, and live God’s Word more than I ever have before.

  679. Jennifer

    For me to bring light into the darkness. To let people know the Grace God offers us even though we are undeserving. We are his children and he will never forsake us or leave us in our time of need.

  680. April Chessor

    My daughter is getting ready to go to college in a few weeks on a softball scholarship. We have started telling her story of how she was born with 2 holes in her heart and were told that she wouldn’t grow very tall. Well, with lots of prayers, anointing, and God’s grace, she’s 6 ft tall, played varsity in 3 sports all throughout high school, and has been nominated for SIAC (our conference) athlete of the year. We find out this Sunday evening. God has blessed her life and we give God all of the glory. We want others to have hope and to trust Him, no matter what they’re going through and to remember Romans 8:28. God bless!!

  681. Jamie Watkins

    I feel got has laid on my heart to share and mentor younger women in marriage and parenting.

  682. Joyce Watson

    I know you probably will not believe this, but that is exactly the same path I am on right now. Seeking God and letting Him open the doors in some areas of my life I never dreamed of doing. I am speaking at small churches when He opens the door. I am in the process of writing a book which my son is helping me with the computer set-up. This is so crazy. I thought I was just a Sunday School teacher, never dreamed I would be trying to venture out like this. It is baby steps for me right now. Would appreciate your prayers during this journey.

  683. Molinda Bailey

    Right at this moment I believe God is asking me to share the wisdom and knowledge He has given me about being a Godly wife. Now, before it sounds like I have it all together let me say I DON’T! God has done a great work in me and He isn’t finished yet! God has given my husband and I’s marriage a mighty testimony! I love God’s word in Rev 21:11 And they overcame the dragon by the blood of the Lamb and the word of there testimony! Praise God! As we walk in His perfect will, and say YES to Him we can’t even imagine all that He is going to do for us, and through us! We didn’t walk through those dark places for no reason! God will turn it around for our good! Amen!

  684. Louise

    God has been working on me for a while and I’m stubborn and seem to keep wrestling with Him. He keeps telling me in various eyes that I am loved and accepted no matter what my past was. I am forgiven! We need to move past our past and live the new lives that He has created in us!

  685. Jane

    I am learning to say “Yes” at this time too…I just quit my job to be home with my kids more.

  686. Cindy

    I feel led to share that whatever you are struggling with today… whether it be a new struggle or and old, ongoing battle… God wants us to rely on HIS strength alone to have victory, and not our own; not to rely on our plans, but the plans he has for set in advance for our lives (our purpose); not on our will-power, but the power of the Holy Spirit inside us. See, the power is already in us because the Holy Spirit is IN us. We HAVE the power, we just don’t realize it, we don’t CLAIM it, we don’t LIVE it. He has given us the tools, and we need to run to him for his guidance every time we look elsewhere for answers.

  687. Carrie

    Just to remind everyone to take time to love others! To have His heart and when we see other people that we will be a friend to them and love them even if they look like they have everything together! We don’t know if people are going thru a divorce or if they are dealing with a death in the family or trying to quit doing drugs/alcohol to make it thru! We can all help people and encourage them cuz we would want encouraged even when we look like we have everything together!! Just to live a life that makes a difference so when we get to our last days on this earth, we will know that we pleased the Lord! Hope that helped someone!
    Here is a video I like that kind of talks about this and its not christian but gets the point across that we need to live each day like it is our last! Can we make a difference everyday in 1 persons life….Absolutely!!
    Have a Great day! 😀

  688. Susan

    The cycle of my rebellion into my children and how we each have overcome!

  689. Brittany Ross

    God is calling me to share my story, too–a dark history full of sexual sin– in order to help escort many other broken women out of bondage and into freedom. He’s asked me to share the parts of the story that I’m not able to clean up, dust off, and spin around in order to put myself in the best light possible. He wants women to know that even when we are wicked to the core, His heart of love towards us doesn’t change. Quite ironically, His love– a love that knows no bounds or limits–compels us to get out of the pit and into His call; a life of adventure and intimacy with Him.

  690. Christy Spurlock

    I feel that God is wanting me to know that when I worry I’m believing more on my problems than in his promises! Worry is a sin and I must turn it all over to him and have faith that he will handle in his way and in his time.

  691. Rene'

    If I can do nothing else, I can encourage. It can come through a hug, prayer or simply taking the time to listen to a friend. God means for us to come along side one another and not carry burdens alone.

  692. Paula

    To share with others the pain of attempted suicide in families. Out of 5 in our family and extended family, 2 were “successful” and did not survive. I am learning how to deal with the ones who survived, what to say, what not to say, with one being very recent and very close to me. This is a whole new thing for me.

  693. Dawn

    I had my feet kicked out from under me last fall when it was revealed that my husband had miss managed our finances so badly that we were in severe financial crisis. Not having any experience with budgeting, feeling complete desperation, and daily thoughts of divorce luming in my mind, I turned to my Christian friends and church for help. What was wrong??? Absolute lack of trusting God!!!! My husband is a wonderful father, devoted husband, and very spiritual man but didn’t trust God to guide him financially. Thanks to our Hope Resource center at church, friends, and a 9 week course in Financial Peace, I am happy to say that God has blessed me over and over. I am doing the fianances. Started off January tithing…giving back and trusting God faithfully! First check I write each month is to God! He continues to show me that He is always there and will NEVER forsake me!! What a comfort! Our marriageof 22 years is improving with daily prayer and work. Looking so forward to what God has instore for me in the future.

  694. Llyndze

    As simple as this sounds, I believe God wants me to share his love with others. God’s love is healing and everlasting. Unlike the love of this world that can leave us more empty than when we started. God’s Love is all that we truly need. He loves us, no matter how many times we fail him in this life, he remains faithful.

  695. Donna

    God has placed on my heart to let others know that they are loved and that their past does not define who they are now or in the future! God loves unconditionally and uses our past to make us who we are and to be there for others who may be going through the same things we have gone through.

  696. Dawn Lang

    God has given me a heart for people in the everyday journey of life. I am blessed to be part of a church that is very involved in foreign missions, and I have shared in that too. But each time God always brings me back to “you can go 500 miles away from home to serve and help others, but what about the person across the street” It used to sadden me that I felt alone in that view, but then He showed me that maybe that WASN’T their ministry, maybe it is MINE! So I am trying to let him lead me through the day and and day out who needs to know that He is there. Sometimes it is as simple as a text message to say I prayed for you today. 🙂

  697. ACG

    Always enjoy your blog & books. This one is no exception!!

  698. Tonia

    I would tell of the abuse that I had endured for years, first from my mother and then from my ex husband and how God had been with me through all of it even though at the time I did not see it. Now God is very much alive in my life and has shown me an unconditional love and I praise Him for that.

  699. Jamie Perez

    After many trials in my life I have come out with wonderful testimonies! Although most of my trails i created myself I was always brought through by the grace of God! I can reflect back on my storms and see where my disobedience to God created my down falls. So I want to tell everyone to listen to the convictions, the heart tuggers, and your gut. I knew I shouldn’t have done some of the things I did but I did them anyway. I went against Gods will and created my own. We need to learn to walk in Gods grace, to trust Him in every situation, to know that His way is always better than my way. Let’s walk in trust with God and be obedient to His word.

  700. Mary

    Letting others know about my health struggles so that others can make changes to their life to be healthier

  701. Ann Riffle

    I feel that God wants me to share what He’s doing in my life and teaching me each day. I’m imperfectly unprepared but through His grace I am equipped to face each day in my role as mom, wife, teacher, friend, singer, writer…..I want other women to know that God can use our mistakes and imperfection for His glory.

  702. Kristy

    I think God has been working through my life to let women though that although marriage is tough at times, It’s worth it to stick it out and work on it!

  703. Lori Koerner

    My son was killed in March of 2012. I felt God almost immediately tell me he wants me to share my story…he has provided so much peace for me and has placed so many people in my path that have lost children….

  704. Brenda

    I am part of the baby loss community. Many hate hearing, things happen for a reason, but I have always lived by that saying. There are no coincidences, no mistakes; all things are blessings. I truly believe that. Even now, that my husband has left me, I still believe those sayings. God has a plan for us. Jeremiah 29:11. We may never know what that plan is, but we must trust in HIM!

  705. Stephanie

    I believe that God has placed on my heart for me to share with women the healing, hope and forgiveness that God gives when you hand Him your biggest mistakes. How he doesn’t want us to stay hidden in self condemnation. The devil lies and deceives us by telling us that no one can possibly understand what we’ve been through or what we’ve done but the truth is we’ve all messed up. True freedom comes through accepting the grace of God and exposing the lies of the enemy.

  706. Melissa Driggers

    Oh, he has most definitely called me to share messages of hope and encouragement to those going through tough times. It’s what I was created to do! 🙂

  707. Carolyn Powell

    I think He wants me to share that one missed opportunity or several does not have to define who we are. We must always with His help keep moving forward….

  708. Tracy Williams

    Each week for the past 5 weeks, I have been leading a community women’s group. for over a year now, we have studied several of the books written by the beautiful women of Proverbs 31 ministries. Last summer God called me to step out of my comfort zone and open my heart and soul to other women to share the grace, mercy and love of God. We are raw and real and God is moving in my life and so many others. I want people to not just hear my speak of my love of Jesus but to look and me and see it. it is a daily process to walk in faith and trust. I have shared over the year how God has changed me and how he is working through His messy child. I want people to know the god I know. The Beautiful Rescuer who longs to be the King of our hearts. The Healer and Redeemer of brokenness. The Giver of Life and all blessings. I want people to know that I am a child of God.

  709. Heather smiley

    The last few days god has reminded me to turn it all over to him. I had major surgery yesterday and I started out scared but then he reminder me to turn it all over to him. He is in control when I let him be.

  710. Julie

    God has been teaching me about hearing His voice. . . pressing into him more and more makes it easier to hear His voice without the clamor of my daily life interfering or confusing me. This has been on my heart but not yet as much as today so I’m sure it’s what God wants me to share.

  711. Julia Ganaway

    To share mercy & demonstrate His love by having a servant’s heart attitude & actions.

  712. shanida stewart-Goggans

    That GOD IS REAL, no matter how YOU Feel!

  713. Cindy Nicholson

    God has placed a desire to share the experience of being a step family. The joys, trials, issues, love and blending….it really is worth all the extra hard work. When you marry someone that has been married before with children you are really marrying another entire family. It takes lots of hard work understanding and compassion to make being a blended family work. But when we all remember to put God in the middle of it all nothing is impossible!!! I am very blessed to be a blended family and want to share it with others. God is so good to us and I do have the love of my life right by my side! Blessings, Cindy

  714. Dee Ann Henn

    Be joyful because God gives us hope. Be patient when trouble comes, and pray at all times. Romans 12:12 God does hear every prayer and gives us strength to fight off evil.

  715. Krishanna

    To proclaim the power of prayer!

  716. Tonya

    In a world full of technology, twitter, facebook, email, text etc…. God has really been laying on my heart to share an encouraging word in the form of a handwritten & mailed card to those He brings into my heart, thoughts and paths.

  717. Andrea Mata

    God wants me to share with others that whatever trial you are going through, keep your Faith and believe in Him. There is a positive in everything! Life is such a gift that we take for granted. Trust Him in everything we do and He will get you through it. It is a constant reminder in the Bible….Thank you Jesus for where I am today! God is Good all the time!!

  718. Debbie

    That God is in control of everything. Even when things seem to not be going so well with your life, family, finances, health or the nation, trust in Him and He will get you through it. God works things out for the good for all that believe in Him.

  719. Halie B.

    I feel I need to share that even though we make mistakes, God loves us and is still willing to use us. Thankful for His mercies!!

  720. Kellie Sumners

    That no matter what you are going through don’t let the enemy keep you from hearing God’s voice and to Let Go and Let God.

  721. Sarah

    I would share what God has done since I’ve said “yes” to Him instead of to myself and the world. If I had said yes to myself years ago I would be lonely and in a very dark place. Instead, my husband and I have been blessed with 3 amazing children and are happier then we could’ve imagined. God is great!

  722. Dania

    Lately I have been led to just really seek out the Lord. Seek His advice, His will, etc.

  723. Sophia Franklin

    I have the urge to work with kids and youth. I feel like I have been chosen by God to wake up the youth at my church spiritually and lead them to God. I decided to do bible study with them and slowly but surely the Word/Gospel is changing them . It is very hard to work with young kids when they are so lost in the world and love the world. but I am resting on the promise that says God’s word will not return to Him in vain.

  724. Julia Ganaway

    To demonstate His mercy & have the heart, actions & attitude of a servant…serving gladly.

  725. Monica Goodwin

    Feel that God is really nudging me to get involved with Women’s Ministry in our church….to bring women together who need the love & support of other women…who need a friend, a confidant…mentoring. Just not sure what, how, when but open to his leading & seeking His will <3

  726. Katie Adkins

    I am a pastor’s wife, and I have seen a lot of women deal with anxiety, fear, and control issues due to mistrust or little faith. Instead of dealing with these things the worldly way (doctors, medicine, psychiatrist, alcohol, fleshly pleasures, withdrawal, continuous negative attitudes of bitterness and such, etc), I have really been trying to encourage the ladies of our church to allow God’s Word to change their lives. God says that “all things work for the good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28) and that we are to “Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice. Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
    Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. 9 Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.” (Philippians 4:4-9) Women (and everyone, really) are so susceptible to believe lies that allow all these things (anxiety, doubt, fear, etc) to enter our minds. Whatever goes on in our minds, that affect our actions, reactions, attitudes, etc., it should not be contrary to God’s Word. He loves us and wants the best for us, and He has clearly given us His instructions to deal with the problems of this world. But He says, “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:32) Our war is flesh against spirit (Corinthians), but Jesus says that He came to give life more abundantly, that we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus. (John 10:10; Romans 8:37; Philippians 4:13) If we set our affections on Him, and renew our mind with the Word, we will be able to face the challenges of anxiety, fear, doubt, control, mistrust, lack of faith, etc. and walk in His will. (Colossians 3:2; Romans 12:1-2) I have such a strong desire to help women know what God’s Word has to say and to truly have faith that it will work in their lives. And I thank you for your obedience to the prompting of God’s call on your life, to be an encourager and mentor to women all around the world. You are truly an inspiration and I just love your books! <3

    • Cheri

      Very well said!!! Thanks for the reminder of how amazing God is!

  727. Stefanie Brown

    God loves you unconditionally and will meet you right where you are…and grow you from there.

  728. Laura kubik

    Matthew 7:7, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
    We serve a good God, a powerful God who tells us in His word, that He will neither leave us nor forsake us. He loves us unconditionally, in spite of ourselves.

  729. Sugar

    Trust God, He is already there… That moment or place where you are afraid to go!

  730. Dee C

    God’s story of redemption being written in my life.

  731. Kat Raiford

    Wow!!! Just reading this sneak peak in the new devotional was convicting! We just went through the “When Women Say Yes to God” study in our church. What a breakthrough!!!

    I felt the call at the E-Women’s conference this past April in Pensacola to do something with a journal I had kept many years ago. You see, I was a addicted to drugs with meth being what sent me over the edge. I have a story to tell- it’s not pretty and now that I am a wife, mother, and very active in my church I shudder at the repercussions that would spawn from telling THAT story. However, after going through the study I realized it wasn’t MY story to tell- It’s God’s story of forgiveness and redemption. I went out to my shed and pulled the old journal from a box. Just looking through the pages angels are drawn everywhere…. I read and don’t even know the person who wrote the words…I’m still not completely sure where to start but He is and I’m excited about the next steps. Praying that my story is one that will help someone else.

    I am a woman who says Yes to a God who paused a moment in time just for me.

  732. Kari

    That He loves them and can forgive the worst of the worst.

  733. Skyler

    Think God wants me to share my struggles the past severals months I’ve struggled with tell people I have anxiety I’ve struggled with it for over a year now and it’s been a journey I’ve learned a lot and its now under control! God has done a work in me. But I was embarrassed to share this with others adding to the anxiety cause I thought I’m alone, they’ll think I’m a freak, I’m not godly she has no faith. And I’ve learned I’m not alone and sharing it more and more is the key people go through what you do at some point and as brothers and sisters on Christ we help each thur these struggles no need to be embarrassed! God is amazing!!

  734. Karen

    Jesus’ grace is big enough to cover anything you’ve ever done. He can forgive you. His joy and peace are indescribable and fills the voids in your life that you have been searching to fill with all the wrong things.

  735. Gracelyn George

    God is calling me to show people that Joy is a choice we need to make. For about 2 years I suffered from depression because of circumstances around me. My husband lost his job after being part of a family business for 35 years, my own mother told me that she didn’t care if I was dead or alive, my father lied to me and I was just falling deeper and deeper into Satan’s lies. But God spoke to me one day in a still small voice and gave me scripture after scripture of Joy…and…so…I choose JOY and my life has never been so wonderful!! He gives me strength from the joy that I choose and when the days come that i have a hard time finding the joy, He gives me strength to reach out and grab it…a free gift from Him!

  736. Debbie

    There is only one way to get to Heaven and that is through Jesus Christ our savior. you cannot work your way into Heaven by doing good things or good deeds. Trust in Him and He will direct your paths.

  737. Leah

    Life is not a choice. It is a gift from God. Adoption is a choice. I gave up my son when I was 17 years old. Yes it was hard, but I know he is loved by a mother and a father! I think I showed him the most love of all by giving him to a family that could give him all he needed!!

  738. Cheryl Johnson

    Awhile back a friend and I did a Bible study entitled She Did What She Could (or something like that :)–doing even SMALL things can make a difference to someone going through a hard time! I have a friend who’s daughter was diagnosed with cancer: I’ve been mailing her gift cards, etc. the past few weeks, a coworker is returning to work Monday after maternity leave and it’ll be hard so I’m making her supper and have a small gift for her, and many other stories! My mom was always like this, so I guess I got this gift from her!

  739. Robert Widmark

    There is incredible hope available to those who are struggling with their weight (as I did for so many years).

  740. jess dillow

    I need to keep telling my story……what God has done and is doing in my life. I have been challenged to share the details of His work, so He can get the glory.

  741. Liane

    God has been putting it on my heart to share His message and love with youth. He’s also been guiding me to advocate for shelter and rescue animals. He is slowly defining what these roles will look like in my life and I am very excited to see where he’s going to lead me 🙂

  742. Metta Redding

    I too had an abortion. It took me 12 years to even acknowledge it. It was something I did not think about but instead acted to others and myself as if it did not happen. I never truly accepted God’s forgiveness. He continued to bring it to the service and He help me understand what forgiveness truly means from Him. One day He told me I would share this with others and that I was to help women. FIRST, sharing my story…really God?!? But then He was asking me to help women! I am good with childrens and teens but not ADULTS or people my age! I said yes to the Lord and He openned so many doors. I am on the Ladies Ministry now and have shared my story which openned doors to disciple some ladies. I am not sure how else He will use this but I realize that if I will just say yes He will do the rest. I have to constantly remind myself to listen to His voice..the voice of truth and no other. So very thankful for His plans…

  743. Amanda

    I completely understand this. I needed the encouragement to continue. Three years ago God kept telling me to homeschool our daughter. Time and time again I said a blatantly NO in His face. He started slamming doors and He dealt with my heart for two years. I told him all the reason why. I finally said yes and we were met with many people who were being negative. Joy comes in the morning. This has been the best year of my life. I have watched my daughter’s self esteem sky rocket. Spiritually, God has taught me so much about Him, myself, my daughter, and our family. All because I said Yes to him. I know this seems so cliché but for our household Phillipians 4:13 is a prominent verse in our house. See, my daughter has a learning disability and possible aspergers.

  744. Wanda Coldwell

    I had breast cancer last year in 2012. I had a single breast mastectomy and went thru 6 chemo treatments and a month of radiation treatment and now I am doing 5 yrs of hormone therapy. I have been told that I was very strong and courageous throughout the past year as I went through everything. I don’t think that I was courageous to say as I did it all for my kids. I was only 38 at the time and I knew that I had alot of years left in me. My kids needed their mommy in their lives for the future. I just hope and pray that I can encourage others who have been through cancer and such to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. My life has changed alot during the past year and I see things totally different that I had before 🙂

  745. Gretchen

    To show others how marriage can be awesome if God is at the center. Too many believer and non believers are hurting and that is not God’s plan. A Godly marriage should be a reflection of how Christ loves His bride, the church(us). God’s word has a lot to say about marriage. We just need to study and do what it says.

  746. kim

    I feel God would have me be transparent about struggles with depression & doubt, to admit I don’t “have it all together”, that I’m daily CHOOSING Faith,joy, contentment. And it’s a struggle.

  747. Tracie

    God has put on my heart to speak words of mercy. I am a “stick to the rules” type of woman and the other day I was challenged that God has been merciful to me so I need to show & speak words of mercy to others.

  748. Ondrea

    God has put it on my heart to share my experiences as a single woman. I struggled with loneliness for 31 years. I was often attacked with thoughts like “you aren’t pretty enough”, “God will never find you a companion”, “there is no one out there for you and you will end up truly alone”. Many times I would ask for prayer with tears in my eyes. I felt rejected and hurt. It was in that time that I drew closer to God. I realized how many bad relationships He had kept me from. Only to show me how truly valued I am in His eyes. I feel blessed and would love for other single women to see how truly beautiful they are in His eyes. We are never alone!

  749. Trish

    Wow, such a deep question that could have many different answers. I would have to say that God never places you in a season that he has not gone before you that he knows that you will be able to handle and come through it much stronger and with a greater opportunity to share with others in need. Praise God that he doesn’t ever fail us!!!

  750. Cindy

    Every day I pray for God to guide all my thoughts, words and deeds so that I am sharing what HE wants, and not whatever pops into my head (’cause let’s face it ladies, most of those things that “pop” into our heads are not worth sharing!!!) Ever catch yourself thinking “Did I really just say that out loud?” Yep, that’s me. . . although I am getting so much better, glory to God!!! What I’ve been loving about God lately is that while He’s training me to “bite my tongue”, there are things I feel the Spirit leading me to say but yet I know it won’t be received from me, then all the sudden “viola” I get a post from site’s like Lysa’s and others that say EXACTLY what I really felt led to say and rather than say it myself, I can just like or share that post! It then comes across less “confrontational” yet often makes the point even better than if I’d tried to share the truth in love in my own words. I have been amazed at how many times this has happened even just this last week. . . sometimes word for word confirmations and then an added point I didn’t even consider, so that not only is the person/people who are on my heart being blessed, but God uses it to teach me too. . . HE IS AWESOME!!!!

  751. Margie

    My favotiteencouragement to share with momsis that the teen years are the BEST years. After all the work of toddlers and elementary years, teens are just plain fun!!!

  752. Amanda S.

    God has been wanting me to share with others to never forget that our identity lies in whom we serve. Not our job, our bank account or how many letters are behind our name. We leave a legacy for our daughters and for others in how we shined the light of Jesus. Our identity is in Christ and Christ alone.

  753. Anita

    That there is an answer when you are in pain. That He is always there & hasn’t forgotten us.

  754. Catherine S

    I don’t have a testimony which includes trials and heartache. I was richly blessed to grow up in a Christian home with Godly parents. But I also don’t have it all together and am searching how to be open to what God wants to do with and through me. What in my life can be a help to others? What is God calling me to do and share? What does being obedient to His Call in my life look like? My kids are grown and gone, I’m nearing retirement… So looking forward to this study!

  755. RKW

    God has placed foster care and adoption on our family’s heart. Currently, we have a sweet 3 month old entrusted to our care. We’re learning to rely completely on God’s plan for this little ones precious life. And in the process, He’s changing our hearts that it’s not us against the birthparents, but it’s our ministry to love this baby and give him a safe, loving, and secure home as long as we are given the opportunity. It’s honestly a pleasure to care for the least of these…

  756. Rachel

    Thank you Lysa. You are a blessing, inspiration and a gift.
    I have been struggling with where God is leading me next. I am currently a stay at home Mom, but will need to be getting back to work. My passion is teaching/speaking but I do not feel called back to the classroom. Although I am willing to say yes to what God has (I think LOL) I struggle with “is it God’s calling or something I think I want”. Too bad God doesn’t put the “writing on the wall”. Guess that is where stepping out on faith comes in to play. 🙂

  757. Patty Pappan

    I feel God leading me to share with other women that may be experiencing now what I went through with an addiction. Sharing the hurts, the struggles and how God brought me through and out of that to this side of life with Him by my side each and every day!

  758. Karen

    I feel that God is really working on my need for approval from others. Since my husband’s affair and decision to leave our marriage, I have often struggled with my worth and identity, but I pray that God can somehow use my broken mess to encourage others. 🙂

  759. Regan

    I believe that God wants me to be His hands and feet. Each day that may look differently. I pray each day that He will use me for His purpose. That may be as simple as taking care of my family and home, or as difficult as helping others who are struggling…or putting my physical body to work. My relationship with Jesus is simpler, yet more amazing than ever…when I started listening and expecting His answers.

  760. linda

    God is leading me to share with me about what god has brought me through. And just draw close to god and rest in him and he will comfort you

  761. Amy Saunders

    I believe God wants me to share my story with other so it can help them when they are going through a hard time. Other can help me as I go through a hard time.

  762. Lisa Braunius

    That He is enough, we need to lean and trust in him, not in our own ways. He will and does provide and has the right plan for our lives.

  763. Melody

    God has been dealing with me to share and mentor with women about the endless lies the enemy is constantly telling us….how to recognize them, refuse to listen to them and command them to go!

  764. Belinda

    I have felt for a long time that God wants me to share my testimony of my lifelong struggle with food addiction and compulsive overeating and the heartbreak of my husbands infidelities, forgiveness, divorce, etc. All along God has seen me through. And still is daily!

  765. Angela

    To share my story overcoming addictions and how he has changed my life. How God has restored relationships with my family and restored my marriage. By stepping out of my comfort zone of shyness, fear, and insecurity and being obedient to him. By loving others, supporting them and walking with them on their journey to recovery. “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” Phillipians 4:13

  766. Vonda

    I think one thing that God wants me to share with other women is how to love their husbands and do their part for a heavenly marriage.

  767. Heather

    I have a friend of mine that is going through a depredation with her boyfriend. The best advice that I could give her is that Jesus wants is to be with ppl that love us like he does. We are His prince and princesses. And if the one you are with doesn’t treat/love us like Jesus does then they are not the person you should be with. Jesus’ love is unconditional. And that what we should feel daily from our significant other as well. 🙂

  768. Cheryl E

    God has placed on me to lead the moms group at our church. I have a real fear of public speaking so this one was a hard one to say yes to. In fact, I tried to say no and also negotiate with God. “How about I coordinate a few women to lead the group?” but that wasn’t what God asked of me. He flat out said, I want you to lead. After many tears and weeks I submitted. I know that God will work through me and I can do it on His strength.

  769. Sharon

    God has called me to share and lead others through music. He has given me many gifts and I hope to continue praising Him and witnessing through music. I feel He is also telling me to share my marriage’s ups and down and how He has always been there for me, helping me and guiding me, with other women.

  770. Krista

    God has been leading me to share my testimony. I have felt for so long that in sharing my testimony it would cause others to judge me. God is showing me that through their judgement He can work mightily and that I should feel no shame because that is not who I am now. My testimony has lead me into service in the church that I would have never thought I would be a part of. It is amazing how He works through our lives!

  771. Chelsea

    I also have been blessed to have God break the chains of my shame of abortion. If this is something that you feel the need to break free from there is a wonderful community of women that have come together for a Bible study called “surrendering the secret” by Patricia Layton. To find out about a safe place to tell your story to and to find a way to heal from your abortion visit the website at I was not able to say “yes” from God until I was able to break free from Satan’s chains….now I am free and I am ready to say yes to God and to have God use me to His will. I pray everyday that I have the discernment to know what God’s plans are for me.

  772. Ella

    At this moment in my life I struggle with trying to forgive myself of past mistakes and I carry them everyday accompanied with anxiety like travel bags that I can’t let leave my side but I know that God sees all our failures all the disappointment in our lives and he wants us to know his redemption is ENOUGH he knew before dying on the cross the purpose was to cover us as sinners and to wash us clean of all unrighteousness sometimes we get stuck believing our sin is to BIG for The Lord to forgive but that’s one if the biggest traps we fall into believing from the devil and will always hold us back from Gods plans for our lives to live out his full desires for future in him if we don’t forgive ourselves also so today I feel like God wants me to share ” his redemption is enough his blood is enough to cover any sin we have, no matter how bad we see it there is forgiveness in him so start believing it with your whole heart and lay it down and quit picking it back up and carrying it as if he’s not enough”

  773. Liesl

    Lately, I’ve been feeling the need to share that even when darkness enters our lives that “The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5

  774. Shara Wright

    God has placed on my heart, that I should become an evangelist. I’m not sure what that exactly entails, but it will be a lot of devotion and trust in Him. I never finished college, but am now a homeschooling Mommy to 4 beautiful children. My hubby is currently attending Nursing school to better out family, and I’ve just applied to Moody Bible Institute to get an online associates in Biblical Studies, and when the kids are bigger, I will be able to attend Moody for their Bachelors of Evangelism/Discipleship. I know that Jesus is calling me to be His hands and feet… Learning to lean in and trust him daily is hard, but I can’t wait to see the fruit it will bring!! 😀

  775. Kathryn

    I feel God’s calling to women’s ministry. My husband had multiple affairs and I stood by his side because I knew that’s what God wanted me to do. This last year he had another and chose to leave me for her. I fought for my marriage but in the end I had to let go. This was so hard for me to go through but I truly believe God is going to use this struggle to help other women in my situation. I really don’t like telling people I’m 30 and divorced but if I can help one other woman then I beg God to use me and my story for His purpose.

  776. Barbara Ann

    Because God loves me, He is always with me. I pray that I will find Him in every moment of the day. He answers my prayers soon or later – sometimes it is beautiful and totally unexpected. And I can say “Yes God, Thank you.”

    • Barbara Ann

      Fogot to add the scripture: “Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.” Ecclesiastes 3:11 NIV

  777. Andrea stansbury

    Don’t judge People. As a mom with two boys that have a form of autism, and a third son that just turned two, I am often stared at in stores when my 6 year old is having a melt down because I told him no about something…it ours hard enough to go to the store with all three boys, but to have people stare I feel Like maybe they think my kids are spoiled.. To be honest there are times i think that Way myself… But this is the way they are wired. Try instead of staring giving a smile and a nod… Maybe simply say a prayer for God to be with them and give them strEngth and peace.

  778. Laura

    My heart just craves to be fully surrendered and say “YES” to whatever God has in store……and yet…..something always seems to hold me back. Huge life dissapointments have been overwhelming….divorce, death of dreams, kids not choosing to follow God, chronic health issues….becomes very discouraging. Life is not where I ever expected or wanted it to be…..and yet…..there is God……Intellectually I know he wants to transform me but if I’m totally honest…I live as though I’m not sure I really believe he will….. My physician once asked me…”what lie are you believing.” This is hit me quite hard. To think I have been subconsiously believing that God is less than he promises! I am very thankful for this Blog ministry. I would very much like the devotional to explore and grow from lies to the fullness of God’s love and plans for ME!
    I think what God is asking me to share is that it is not abnormal or somehow negates my Christian salvation to have doubts or past experiences that do shade the lenses through which we see our world…..and yet…..God longs to shape our futures. The lense through which HE sees me is quite different than any of us can fully comprehend. But all is not lost! Life may not be what we expected but can be far more through His grace and goodness. I’m looking forward to the journey. Thank you for providing a forum where we can learn from each other and grow into the women God wants us to become.

  779. Rebecca

    After attending a small group Bible study that used “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God”, and then continuing with the same small group in a study about the Holy Spirit, I have felt called to minister to and facilitate a Bible study for teenage girls. I have tried to say “no”. This age group is not my favorite (teenage girls can be so mean) and I would never pick this age to teach, but God has been adamant and keeps putting scripture and ideas on my heart and is showing me things that I need to pass on to these girls. I have chosen “What Happens When Young Women Say Yes To God” to start with. Through our small group study, I saw how present God is in my life and how specifically He shows that presence when I am asking to be used for His kingdom. I would love a copy of the Devotional. I think it would be a wonderful tool to keep my focus on saying “yes” to the things that I would not be willing to do if it were not for God’s prompting.

  780. Susan Hilliard

    God has something wonderful for all of us and He is waiting for us to say Yes- totally and in complete confidence that He is able to do all things.

  781. debbie

    I am sharing today that God is bigger than anything we are going through. He will place us exactly where we are to be for that moment. As he opens doors to heal or help us, he will bring people into our lives for that very moment. We need to be open to that opportunity. The open door may be for our good, or maybe it’s for someone else’s good and God will use THEM to heal ME through MY service to them. He is sure working on me in that area….and I am willing….so send me, Lord!

  782. Amy Murphy

    No matter what you look like or what you struggle with, you are valuable to God. Created in His image. Loved by Him. And no matter what happens, that truth remains.

  783. Marie Solla

    I feel God has put it in my heart to share HIS Word with others, however, I can’t really do that because I don’t really read the bible or know scripture enough to talk to anyone about it! So I am challenging myself to first read the bible,understand the bible, and start memorizing verses.

  784. lani

    At a very young age as learned from my mother and this is what I always remember and believe in and share with others when they also face their own difficulties and challenges:
    There is nothing in this world that God and I can’t handle together. He does not give me anything harder than what I am capable of.

  785. Renee

    God has placed the desire to love others…to show His love through me and my actions. This is not only something I can do consciously when I am in contact with others but also I have a desire to change/impact
    My community by assisting the homeless and less fortunate by volunteering and developing plans to move forward

  786. Tera

    That the wrongs we point out in others is sometimes just us trying to not see our wrongs. It is always easier to see what others do wrong then to look at our own hearts. I feel burdened to pray more for others and also to ask God to open my eyes to my own sins regardless how little they may seem.

  787. Brooke

    I believe he is asking me to share my gifts that He had blessed me with. I have not been using them to glorify Him for many years and His whisper says it’s time.

  788. Aimee Burke

    God has been calling me to adopt. Way out of my comfort zone!! I am a single mother and have been waiting for the “right time”. I believe God wants me to share that if he is calling you to do it…it IS the right time! I took that step and although I do not have a child placed yet, I am more sure than ever that this is my God journey! You can do it, ladies! Don’t let fear and timidness hold you back. Faith is the key! It is soooo rewarding! 🙂

  789. Elizabeth

    Some time ago God placed a burden on my heart. I, as so many others I know, used to live two lives. One that I lived and one that I showed. My life that I let others see was near perfect. A clean house, well behaved children, a perfect marriage, a great budget and one that we followed. It was just what I always did. Then, I got my message from God. I need to just be me. I was terrified each time I had to spill the truth, which seems so silly, but what I had portrayed to others is all that so many knew of me. There was the first time I invited a friend over, and I left my home as is. The first time I told a real story of my children’s not so cute behavior. When a friend had a problem in her marriage, I shared a real example from my marriage. I also became honest about our finances and went as far as to allow others to guide me to better our financial situation. To my surprise, I was not judged in the way I had thought I would have been at all. When I became real, so many of my friends followed. Now I am able to really be of help to people in their low times. I have been in many low times myself, and I am no longer ashamed to tell whoever needs to hear it, all about my own experiences. And as I let everyone know, it is all thanks to God. He is the one and only reason I made it through. I thank Him for that regularly. I feel free, as if I finally am able to live my life. And this new way of living has really opened up so many doors for us. God is good!

  790. Becky

    I know that God wants me to share with others real ways that they can reach out to single moms … truly serving and meeting their needs without condemnation or judgment. But that requires me to be vulnerable and open about what it was like for me to go through a divorce (including my unwise choices and the subsequent abuse I suffered that led up to the divorce) and what it was like to be a struggling single mom for 3 years before God blessed me with the amazing man who is now my husband. Revealing ugly and embarrassing and shameful things is difficult … those are all the things that are so easy to hide.

  791. Erin

    I hope every woman knows how beautiful she is to God, how precious, glorious, righteous and loved she is! That nothing she can do will ever separate her from her Mighty Creator, but that her heart is clay in his hands and beautiful things can be sculpted out of her!

  792. Monica

    “Just do the next thing” Life can be so overwhelming sometimes and we need to know God never asks for more than we can give, but we ask that of ourselves all too often. As a mom of three teenage boys working on her undergrad degree , I understand that, but I also understand peace from God in the midst of it.

  793. Briget Williams

    My story is the opposite, but similar. I kept my baby at 16, as an honor student, but the bullying and judgements of peers adults, without any real support led me to have very low self esteem. I endured an abusive relationship with the father where he kidnapped and raped me during a weeks span. I’d never dealt with the trauma because I came from a tight knit culture where I getting help could bring shame to the family. That began a downward spiral of detachment and some promiscuity. I became a Christian when I was 21; and my son was 5 years old. I graduated cum laude with him by side from college. God began to restore those parts of me that led me to believe I was unworthy for any ” good” man- the parts of me that were dejected and self-abased. I am not titally free- yet- The trauma has manifested in an array of health problems, and I still struggle with low self concept, but I have seen HIS redeeming power in restoring what the enemy has taken in mist areas of my life that have me in all of God’s faithfulness. I have married a kind, loving man; my son is one of the youngest managing software engineer for Apple; I have had a lucrative career training the country and have seen and lived far beyond want I could have dreamed from the windows of my poverty stricken neighborhood I grew up in; I have walked away from that career to become a high school teacher and the fulfillment to pour in these young people was amazing. Three years ago, I was diagnosed with a dibillitating bladder disease, but I continue to remind myself of Gods faithfulness; I don’t know where I’m going, but I know where I’ve been- and who held me through it all. That’s the story I want to tell. I want to shout it out for all the women who hide it as we’ll as I did; and all the young girls who are making the same choices based on a broken and flawed philosophy they’ve been raised or surrounded in. One day, I guess. I’m trusting God and sharing it one person at a time for now.

  794. Marie Harville

    I feel like God really wants us to get how much He loves us – it is not a trite, old saying, but something new, fresh – alive! And through His love, we learn how to care for and bless others the way He wants it done.
    I think He also wants us to understand how often we have fellowship with His suffering – whenever we are misunderstood, misjudged and mistreated because we love Him.

  795. Bonnie

    I honestly am not sure what God wants me to share with others at this time. I feel He is leading me to continue going to church although my husband is not going so that I can guide by example. I feel He has encouraged me to change jobs so that I am out of the house more often, so I am able to be with others and hopefully, be the parent I was created to be. When God works in my life, I am sure to share that, because He deserves that glory and it helps me, spiritually, to continue to grow and seek Him.
    Lysa, I have enjoyed your blog and books. Your honest really speaks to me. Thanks!

  796. Melissa

    To share encouragement with others. To be a reflection of God’s everlasting love. And to not sleep a night kn the enemy’s camp when defeat knocks at the door.

  797. Pamela

    Freedom from shame of growing up in an alcoholic home, freedom from perfection and performance,

  798. Erin brackett

    God has placed on my heart the importance of stepping up and into the calling he has put on your life! He has called you to a calling that is special and unique to you! Say yes to God today!

  799. Nancy Whobrey

    Be still & watch what I will do.

  800. Patricia

    I just finished the study book “What happens when women say yes to God” and then I cried because it ended too quickly. I am looking forward to being able to get more of your books. Thank you for helping me to see that we need not be perfect, just dedicated to God and He will give us the peace we need.

  801. Rebecca

    For me God had me step out of my super quiet shell and lead a small coffee mommie group with some sweet mommy in my daughters class.This is so big for me to do this .I have had to trust God to guide me and help me to not be so scared and show me what HE wants with our coffee mom’s.I have seen HIM do alot with us and as we go into our 2 nd year with our 2nd graders I’m so excited to see what our year brings 🙂 .I am learning to be honest with our moms that we are not perfect and we do not need to pretend we are and to be the moms we are even if we mess up but depend on God and take that leap of faith and trust 🙂 .

  802. Ellen Schumaker

    God has been speaking to me in the last few weeks about being bold in my faith and sharing his amazing, all-encompassing, ever-forgiving love for them. We are all children of God. We need to tell others that we have walked their walk, but that our walk with Jesus is so much better and now has true meaning and purpose. We need to tell them that we want for them what Jesus has done for us, in forgiving us, in loving us all unconditionally.

  803. Donna Cheek

    Thank you so much for this posting. I’ve been struggling with the issue of what does God want to do with my life and yet somehow I know the one thing I can do is share how God’s grace has granted me the hope of redemption from a life of sin. I know that without His love and continued tuging at my heart I would have endlessly wondered in the wilderness. Sometimes people just need a willing soul to stop and listen to them and then the opprotunity arises for you to say – I’ve REALLY walked in your shoes and here’s how God has been with me through my journey. God bless you Lysa – you’ve made a difference in my life. (Paying it forward – because I’m a “restored” child of God.)

  804. Shelley Sawyer

    God has been working on me through the children we reach in our bus ministry at our church. These precious little ones endure more than most adults do in their entire lives and they are only children.

  805. Rene

    God has placed it on my heart to reach out to women and lead a study. . . a parenting one with our church that will encourage moms of any age children to know that when we say YES to God we allow Him to guide us 🙂

  806. Tori Shaw

    I believe God has been teaching me and encouraging me to share with others that nothing can separate us from His love. Nothing. And that we can face any trial with confidence because we are conquerors, victorious because of Jesus!

    Romans 8: 35, 37-39

  807. Melanie Bacca

    God is leading me to pray deeply for my childhood friend who just returned from abroad to find that her teenage daughter had died.

  808. Carrie

    Sorry this is the link I wanted to share! I don’t want to take up a bunch of space on your blog with video links but this video makes you think what if today was your last day! Let’s make a difference in people’s lives and tell them about the love of Jesus!

  809. Emily Thilges

    I would like to talk to others about how I struggle with not feeling worthy enough to come to God because I am such a failure in so many ways as a Christian. There are so many people who trust Him better than I do, and I feel embarrassed by it. It is hard for me to think that he could even still care about me with all of the mistakes that I have made. Most of the time I feel ashamed and when I try to pray, I don’t feel like I should even be able to bring my thoughts to him, I am not good enough to. That isn’t a very inspiring for others, and I don’t know if there are other people that feel that same way, but that is what is on my heart right now and it has been for a long time now.

  810. Jackie

    God wants me to trust his path and to share that with my family. It is hard for me to not attempt control at situations, but I trust.

  811. Bev Harrelson

    He is teaching me to say “yes” to the hard things and the areas where I am not naturally gifted. An example is self control. My house feels like an episode of hoarders, but I know as I say “yes” to God in the area of self control, He will enable me to have a house that can be used by Him. I want Him to have all of my life, including the areas that need more of His assistance of the fruit of the Spirit of self control.

  812. Cheryl C.

    As a divorced/single mom, it seems God has put me in a position to share with other singles that having certain relations outside of marriage is not okay. It’s not like I seek out the platform, but somehow get placed there frequently. I am blessed to be able to share God’s word on that topic and any other topic He places upon my heart… even when it’s not very comfortable.

  813. Beth Ann Bruno

    Thank you for sharing yourself and this wonderful opportunity! I know God wants me to share my struggles of accepting Him, divorce and, most especially, showing people Jesus through my work as a birth doula/ breastfeeding counselor. I am here to glorify Him in all I say or do, no matter what is happening in life!

  814. Seana

    Thank you for your obedience in sharing what God has placed on your heart to share with other women. It is in our broken and vulnerable moments that His strength seems to permeate and shine through us most! I have found that in sharing our hurts and disappointments (often by those closest to us!) that we can truly be the hands and feet of Christ. We all need to know that we are not alone in our journeys and there really is hope for our futures – in Christ! Blessings.

  815. Brandy

    I feel God has been calling me to share my time, serving others. I have, in the last six months, volunteered for several ministries in my own church and serving the community. I want to be the love and light of Jesus and I hope that I am a blessing to everyone I encounter in my days.

  816. Tera @ Adventures in Mommy-hood

    God has placed on my heart to share my stuggles and victories as a wife, mom, friend, daughter, sister, and child of God honestly.

  817. Rebecca Robinson

    To be a servant. Nothing but a servant.

  818. Christie Hawkins

    I feel like God has placed on my heart a special interest in younger female girls in early to late teenage years. They were some of my worst years and I want to share how I turned my life around and came to depend on Christ instead of placing my worth in the things around me the most teens face each day. I have three girls of my own and I want them to be so much stronger in Christ than I was so that don’t have to go down those same troubled paths. I was always a believer but I was not following His path for me at that time and I didn’t fully depend on Him. That is what I want for young girls to realize. How much they need to lean on Him.

  819. Astrid Beyleveld

    Lets stop judging others, Lets stop looking at and too others and lets just focus on Jesus and how much He loves everyone. Let reach out to those who don’t know Him instead of shunning them and try and show them His love. Romans 14.

  820. Angela Stricklin

    God spoke to me a couple of months ago. It was so clear. And so overwhelming. My husband was an alcoholic for 17 years. I was angry with God. Why would he put me, and our three girls, through this awful life, day after day. Why didn’t He save us? Why didn’t He deliver my husband? His last drink was August 14, 2012. Our marriage didn’t get better after he stopped drinking. For months. And then it did. God showed me I needed recovery too. And to truly “get” recovery, you have to share. Share your testimony. Share your grief, your pain, your struggles, your heartache. Because someone out there needs to know there is life after this. Some wife out there needs to hear that after 17 years, you can have a marriage. God didn’t choose for me to have babies with an alcoholic. I did that. What God did choose, 17 years later, was to use me to encourage other wives. I started blogging about our years during my husband’s addiction. And now, our recovery journey. And when I (finally) listened to what God was calling me to do, I prayed, ok God, I’m in this for three years. If you reach one person in three years, it will have been worth it and I’ll keep going. Three WEEKS later, I got my moment. The tearful thanks from a wife who isn’t where I am yet. Who longs to be there. Who God used me – a broken, imperfect woman – to reach out to and give hope to. So, I share with others my story. It’s sad sometimes, embarrassing a lot of the time, but it’s real. And it’s important to share. Thank YOU for sharing!

  821. Stacy J

    That’s is ok to not be perfect. My life has not turned out the way I thought it should. It’s messy, not the perfect little dream I’ve held onto for so long. But that’s ok. It’s still a part of God’s plan. I have trusted God with my life and therefore, I am exactly where I should be. That I can handle this…because God already has. God is in my every moment. That means He’s already in my future and is preparing me now for that next step. I just have to trust Him.

  822. bonnie

    I keep hearing God asking me “will you follow me even when its scary, will you trustand listen to me only.” I think I am saying yes, but there are parts of me saying no

  823. Gale Croft

    Recently, I have heard God calling me to write and BLOG of all things. I have begun to collect ideas, but haven’t begun writing yet. There are so many things he is saying to me right now, but the biggest message is that I am never alone and all things I do are not for me or my husband or the children. They are for His glory. I should find rest and comfort in that and I am trying hard to every day.

  824. Karen

    For years I felt the Holy Spirit prompting me to lead a women’s Bible study but I never felt I was qualified to do so even though I am a Bible college graduate. Then this past winter, I finally said yes to God when I lead my first Bible study in my home and used “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God”! Lysa, your books have literally changed my life and I am now hoping to lead “What Happens When Women Walk in Faith” beginning this month. God bless you and your ministry as you reach women to further the Kingdom of God!

  825. Sara Myers

    Our faith isn’t attached to an outcome whether it be our prayers unanswered or answered in a different way than we have planned or hoped or our cirucmstances. Our faith lies in who He is. Our faith and love for God shouldn’t be conditional based on Him answering our prayers. It should be unconditional that no matter what happens that we love Him for who He is and His character that He is a good and faithful God!

  826. Pam Fogerson

    So many people are hurting in the world today. You don’t have to go through your circumstances alone, God is always there. No matter what you are going through at this moment in time, God has your back. Call out His name and He will give you rest.

  827. Keli

    I have hit rock bottom more times than I thought possible but God always is there to CARRY me home. I have given up, lost faith, gone down the devils roads and turned my back on everyone that I thought I had given up on me but last Sunday I rededicated my life to Christ and wow it is so amazing how God can forgive and the love his children have is unconditional. No matter what you have been through, God still loves you.

  828. Jennifer Sofie

    To look for the positive and blessings in every situation. I was diagnosed with a brain tumor this year and am thankful I can use this to be living proof of God’s grace and unending love. I could be a moapy mess but instead choose to let God shine through this.

  829. kelly wells

    God has given me the strength to share all my insecurities with other women so we realize we are all the same and to give each other a break!

  830. Tammy

    Over the last several months (nearly a year!) I’ve been closing my eyes, my heart to godly friends. I’ve encountered a difficult situation at my church, and after seeing others leave because of that situation, I’ve decided to close down. I’ve only recently (through God’s amazing grace & vision) have seen that my closing down has effected every step of my life: marriage, parenting, friendships. God has been so good, so gracious to literally put godly friends in my path to soften my heart, to open my eyes to HIS words, HIS love, HIS comfort. So much so that just last night I began leading a small group study using “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God”. I’m saying yes again! Although it’s faint, it is YES! =) Thank you for the study – I stand in amazement that God can put complete strangers (Lysa!) in our lives to lean on. Thank you Lysa for saying yes!!

  831. Beth Hays

    God is calling me to follow Him on this journey… the journey He has laid out for me yet I have not always followed. The shame and all my unwise choices — abortion and addiction, to name just a few has followed me and I refuse to let it consume me anymore. He, in his Grace and Might healed me several years ago and is now calling me to a path of hope and light. Hope is a word I have struggled with many days and nights, but the light at the end of the tunnel is becoming clearer, day by day. My desire is to now follow His lead, down His path – not my own. I am seeking His face and His plan for how to share my story with the brokenhearted and hopeless.

  832. Tonja smith

    Please and thank u

  833. Leslie

    I love young people and I truly believe that society doesn’t give them a fair chance. I would love to have the nerve and the finances to have a place that young people have someone to go to, when they feel they have no one. I at one time was over a youth ministry and I was so open and honest with those kids about every day struggles. Most of them have gone on to be successful adults with beautiful children. I love them and I have a heart for all youth. I would love to be able to share my life with all of them!

  834. Angie Rice

    This past year has definitely had me asking a lot of whys, having much doubt in what God wants me to do. This spring I have seen with the verse from Exodus 14:14 You only need to be still The Lord will fight for you, a verse I read clearly for the first time a year ago. I just needed to walk the path and be still and Listen for Gods instruction. Wow what a difference when were still and can hear Gods voice. I know God has something for me to share about this past years experience.

  835. Deborah Kopstein Burr

    God has laid it on my heart to encourage others how precious we are to Him. We are not ‘JUST sinners saved by grace’. We are accepted in the Beloved One. God doesn’t see our sin, He sees His Son.

  836. Janet

    God puts on my heart to share my journey with pulmonary hypertension ( an in table lung disease ) with others and thru this journey my faith has grown stronger -he’s the great physician ; healer ; peace maker;alpha and omega -don’t know where I’d be without Him!

  837. Beverly

    HE is an on time GOD!!! I have had many struggles in my life and had opportunities to share. Just recently I was called, and just as you said the enemy has tried to push me down in a lonely self pity place….so today your message inspired me to rise up brush myself off and move forward! Greater is HE that is in me than he that is in the world!! I am an overcomer by the words of my testimony and to GOD I give all the glory and walk in victory!!! Thank you Lysa for your words of encouragement!! I do not walk alone 🙂

  838. Tiffany

    About His love, it is never ending and can wrap around anyone and whatever situations.

  839. Julie Ellis

    I think God wants me to learn and maybe share that people are always going to let you down, even bring hurtful situations your way but you have to look past them and learn from them.

  840. Whitney

    The power of prayer!!! Both of my daughters were preemies and we almost lost my youngest. Prayer changes things and God works in mysterious ways and he taught me so many things through the experiences we had and the times spent in prayer

  841. LeAnn Creasy

    “What has God placed on your heart to share with others?”

    It does not matter what you have done in your past, it is under His blood and you can still make an impact on the future for someone else. NEVER let the enemy trick you, you do matter and your past does NOT define who we are in Christ!

  842. Lisanne Jensen

    God has placed it upon my heart to become a preschool teacher. Also, to help others suffering from anxiety, because I suffer from it, too.

  843. Heather Minter

    The Lord has taught me there is more to Christianity than just “being saved.” He is teaching and growing me as I grow in my relationship with Him. He is showing me how awesome it is to rely on Him, trust in Him and put all of my faith in Him! I hope that as my light grows, my life will shine His light unto those around me. That I will show my family, friends and strangers how wonderful life can be(even in the valleys) when you choose to walk with our Father.

  844. Devon Greathouse

    I think the Lord is calling me to be more open/share about my battle with depression over the years and how He has helped me through it.

  845. Vicki

    I know God has called me to encourage older college students. Since earning my doctorate, I have taught multiple traditional and non-traditional classes of students with a desire to learn. I have taught at a small liberal arts Christian college, and a urban university. I never plan to tell my story, but a question is always asked or the Holy Spirit seems to say, “now.” I treasure those opportunities.

  846. Jammie

    I believe we all have something to share from the heart. For me it’s offering hope to the broken especially those struggling in marriage. I once was broken & believe that God brought me through this mess to deliver a great message to those that need to hear it.

  847. Kacey Vratis

    I just finished reading What Happens When Women Say Yes to God bible study today. I can only imagine how awesome the devotional will be :). I was a teenage mother & then a year later aborted my son “Logan” after much pressure from my husband at the time. It is my heart to share my story of Redemption to young women. It is my hope that my mess will be someone else’s message. As He speaks through me about His love for all His children no matter their past. And his ability to use the cast offs & broken to minister to his people.

  848. Leah

    God wants me to share my time, talents, money and heart with ALL, and specifically my family and friends. I am called to be a mother, called to be a wife, but called to act like God’s child first and foremost!

  849. Donna Harris

    There’s a Lysa TerKeurst quote taped to my computer screen at the newspaper that I work for that says “Watch for a moment today where you are given the choice to let anger, envy or something else negative slip in. Recognize it. Refute it. And replace it with God’s spirit of love.” As a reporter for a newspaper that reaches 191,000 readers a day, I try to use my stories as a way to minister to others. If a subject mentions they were blessed by God or they thank Him for their blessings, I put that in the story so that it may touch others and inspire them. Any time I can mention God, Jesus or Christianity, I do.

  850. Leslie Smith

    God has put on my heart to share with the world my “His-Story”! It was amazing to sit down and write out exactly what that was. My sister and I just started this Bible Study and this devotion would go great with our growing process. 🙂

  851. Adriel

    About how much Christ loves each of us. Every day. All the time.

  852. Nikki

    I recently completed Made To Crave and have loved your insight, wisdom and HUMOR that shines through!! I learned so much about myself, my journey with Jesus, and Satan’s temptings that I want to begin the new school year with a Made to Crave Bible Study group for women of all ages and hungry for more than just food!!

  853. Laura

    God not only wants us to share the big life changing events but also the whispers in our heart those words of hope when He says “I got this”
    I’ve been struggling for a long time that others have a huge life changing event on their conversation story, I didn’t and don’t have that
    But I know He Is God…. I’m facing a job change at 53. In my humanness I am scared to death! But The promise that God has a plan keeps my eyes on Him and keeps reminding me “Laura, I got this …I am bigger than a job I know the plans I have for you… God)

  854. Valerie West

    Your life’s not over until God says it is. He is our great and faithful Healer, you can trust Him for it is His will that you be healed and made whole through the blood of Jesus. It is…what God says it is.

  855. Susie Griffin

    I am a 6 year breast cancer survivor. I was diagnosed at stage 4. The Drs. say I was lucky. I told them I was healed by God. I have been able to share my story with women going through the same thing. I feel truly blessed.

  856. Leona

    A quote by Grace Allen says….never place a period where God has placed a comma…….sometimes life brings us circumstances where we feel we are stuck…we feel that we can’t move on from where we are…period… God intended a comma…there is alway but, or and,……God has a plan for us…..plans to prosper us…and give us hope…so whatever situation you find yourself In today that has you feeling stuck…remember,…….God has more for you…..

  857. Lisa

    God has been dealing with me in a very deep way. I know that living according to God’s word is not easy and in order to be in alignment we must make decisions to purify our hearts even if it means to break it. I divorced after a 19 year long relationship due to adultery on his part. I entered into a relationship and felt love like never before. My person had been yearning to feel beautiful and loved again. We moved in together and shortly after that decision, my conviction rose up and my spirit was unsettled. A year later, I made the decision to listen to God and to ask him to move out. Today is the day that he and his children move and he informed me that he can no longer see me because I hurt him by asking him to leave, that I gave up on us and that I’m a quitter. My heart is aching, my flesh is crying out BUT MY SPIRIT IS TELLING ME TO TRUST IN GOD. Although I’m in pain I’m saying YES to God and no to myself. I can’t wait to see what God has for me. Please pray for me I need all the support I can get.

  858. Marie

    I sit here with tears streaming down my face… I am thankful for walls that come crashing down every time the Holy Spirit uses you to speak to me and other God fearing women. I am a 28 yr old , married, mama of two girls. Struggling with deep insecurities. Affecting every aspect of my life. I am confined by my low self esteem and isolated by my fears. I am sick of my thoughts that paralyze me from enjoying my marriage and family as God intended. I am christian woman and im making slow progress to being confident God fearing woman. Please keep me in prayer as I feel I need more support, counsel and help. Thank you Lord for blessing us with Lysa and her ministry may you bless her and her family.

  859. Marlo

    God has placed on my heart that even though my upbringing was rough and certainly traumatic that He loves me and redeems those years. Forgiveness is the way out of bitterness. If He can do it for me, He can do it for anyone. Thanks, Lysa, for your awesome encouragement. Thank you, too, for the chance to receive one of your books. Blessings on your ministry!

  860. Chelsey

    God has been calling me to say yes to trusting Him. I have been filled with doubt and anger and its been keeping me from what He has called me to be.

  861. Amy

    I truly believe that God wants me to share my love for Jesus thru my words and actions.

  862. Kim

    Life has thrown such a variety of things my way that God just has laid it on my heart to be help to others in multiple ways. From raising 6 children, teen pregnancy, financial disaster, marriage issues, death of a grandchild….you name it….I think I have had some experience with it. The one thing for sure is that God NEVER left me in any it. If anything, HE drew me nearer to Him. I just want to help others who are going through some of the same things that I did.

  863. Maegan

    A little while back the idea of sharing my testimony came to mind. For the longest time I didn’t think I had a testimony. I always thought a testimony was something from people who were addicted to drugs, stealing money, on the brink of death but turned to God and changed their lives completely. This wasn’t me. I was raised in church and saved at a very young age. But then I realized every lost person is just that, lost. There’s no measure of “how lost” and no salvation story any less beautiful than the next. My salvation and walk with Christ was just as much of a testimony as any other and I think God wants me to share it with people….he knows there are people out there that can relate to me, my struggles, fears, and thoughts. I’m making the decision every day to be more open to telling others about God in my life.

  864. Lori

    One word. LOVE.

  865. Deb Baumfalk

    I have to keep reminding myself that God is in control and to say Yes without knowing the question. My teen step daughter is moving back in with us due to unplanned pregnancy, my best friend was diagnosed with ovarian cancer on Monday which is the day I buried my mother. I have been feeling overwhelmed, but keep telling myself that God knows the plans for my life.

  866. Pam

    That we need to trust God in each and every area of our life. Not just the big things but EVERYTHING. If He says move, we need to move.

    • Lori g

      To stop being too busy. Making time to check on another sister in The Lord. Sharing what our family has financially gone through and how the voice of our daughter helped us get on the right path! Thankful for her young obedience!

  867. Chenell

    God has been calling me to help others find their dream, their chazown, and live it out.

  868. Bess Daniel

    It has been placed on my heart to share the patiwnce and grace He gives each and every one of us each day. 🙂 Lord knows we all need it!

  869. Amy Milliron

    I feel called to encourage other moms, particularly those who home school.

  870. Gena

    For the longest time, God had laid it on my heart to share about forgiveness. I was not raised in a home with a forgiving God. I didn’t understand it. Once I did, I wanted everyone to know that it is never to late to get right with God, to seek forgiveness to be forgiven. But over the years, there has a been a silencing of that voice and a move into speaking about stewardship of God’s blessings. That we need to share our blessings with others, whether that blessing is money, time or talent & that we need to take care of the blessings we have been given (our health, family, etc).

  871. Chantelle

    I feel that God wants me to share his passionate LOVE for His people. He loves us with a love that we truly cannot comprehend. We need a daily reminder that His love is real, that His love is forever, and that His love is for us!

  872. Serena

    God has placed on my heart that I need to continue to encourage others. About a year ago God revealed to me that I have the gift to encourage! I have found myself finding it more challenging since to do just that. What had always come easily, without any thought really has now become almost difficult. Where I once was just letting God use me, now I’m questioning myself. Am I helping? What should I say? Will it be what this person needs? And so on. I need to let God and his holy spirit to allow me to share my gift!
    Thank you, so much for the uplifting, and encouraging devotionals. They are a blessing to me. As for all the others…share your story! You just never know how YOU can be used to touch and change the lives of others. May God bless you all.

  873. Shelley

    God is asking me to write my story. He’s asking me to share my childhood traumas, my abortions, my total dysfunction and struggling with a “label” of mental illness. But also, how so many times, looking back, how he’s intervened and made himself known and available before I even knew it. How GREAT is our God! Transparency is difficult for most of us women. Christian or not. We put other women on a pedastool who we admire and shame ourselves for not being this way or that way. Often times, we don’t see the path they’ve walked or the pain they’ve been afflicted with or even inflicted on themselves. We only see what we don’t have…but desperately want. But the Cross is even ground…no pedastools… there’s no one greater or less than another. He’s asking me to shed His light on my darkest hours and bring those women to a place where they will “taste and see that the Lord is good”. But, i struggle too. Satan is always on my tail end telling me “no one wants to hear it”. “No one cares”. Even now he whispers to me. I would absolutey love the guidance and encouragement to say “Yes” to God and then I, too, would be so blessed again in “tasting” and “seeing” that HE IS GOOD especially in our darkest hours…He truly shines the brightest!!

  874. Caroline Hartley

    I would tell them to keep their eyes on The Lord. He is there and will never leave them.

  875. Susie

    Thank you for your reminders of all God’s promises to each of us. Your books have helped me break the stronghold of needing human approval all the time. I never realized how my wrong thinking dominated nearly every choice I made and led me farther from the only One whose words matter. At nearly sixty, I’ve learned it’s never to late to turn around. God bless your ministry.

  876. Micah Graham

    Something the Lord actually showed me today. I’ve been struggling with if my husband and I should put our son into public school this year or continue homeschooling him. I was crying out to the Lord this afternoon asking Him what we should do. I have had fear of sending him to public school – the not knowing what he might be exposed to. I told the Lord that I didn’t want my babies to have to experience this evil world, and then I had a revelation…..He let me experience this evil world. He wanted me to be born, and to live, and to choose. He gave me the precious gift of free will – the ability to make right or wrong choices. And He is training and teaching me in this world how to draw near to Him. He also showed me how I’ve been relying to heavily on myself for my children’s outcome – when He wants me leaning heavily on Him. He is teaching me to never let fear be my guide and to trust Him more. Blessings!

  877. Monica

    God is teaching me patience with my children’s behavior and their salvation. Maybe I can share with others that even when we hurt and we are waiting for change, God has a plan and purpose far above what we try to accomplish ourselves

  878. Caryn

    I feel that God has been reaching out to my husband and I to play a more active role in our Christianity. We have been going to church since the beginning of our relationship and just started doing devotions together this summer, but I feel God is wanting us to do more! We are talking about looking into some different churches and doing some Bible studies with others too! Thank you for all of your inspiring comments friends and especially yours Lysa!

  879. Becky

    Love and encouragement!

  880. Nancy Garcia

    Trust in God in everything you do and let him tell you and show the path he has even though we question him… Listen, Let Go, and Let God!

  881. Lynzie

    “What has God placed on your heart to share with others?”
    God has placed the worth of women on my heart. I don’t know a single woman who is content with their body. So many women tie their worth into how much they weigh. I read your book “Made To Crave”. Already had 3 of my friends read it. It changed me and I pray God uses your book to speak to them. Your book helped me realize that I’m probably going to give in. But I have an option to not give in. Through Christ’s strength I can over come it. And just because I fall doesn’t mean I’m a failure. More than priceless is my worth. And I have just been realizing so many women close to me don’t see how much they really are worth in God’s eyes. We are God’s princesses! (Worth a whole lot!)

  882. Jeanne

    It was a bit crazy to read this, and relating to so much of what was written. Satan will use are negative to keep us down! But God lifts us higher, not by using are negatives as positives…but also for personal healing and growth! I have shared my story with the teens of our church, how God redeems an how He just does not want us to “dip our toes” in when it comes to Him! We have One to serve! Thanks for sharing an excert from your devotional!

  883. Deb Graham

    I can’t imagine how you write so many books and speak at so many engagements… I imagine it’s because you HAVE said YES TO GOD!! I want some of what you have!!! Thank you for being a willing vessel of God and pouring yourself into so many people you don’t even know… your crowns are great in Heaven for helping us to draw closer to God~~~

  884. Bev Blair

    I hear God saying, listen to me and then be willing (I will make you able) to do what I ask you to do!

  885. Hope H.

    God provides for all of our needs, even when we feel like we have been forgotten! He is so good…all the time!

  886. Suz

    My church has never had a Women’s Ministry. I was taking my sons to another church for Awana and I started attending a Women’s Bible Study. 3 years ago, I talked to a few women in my church and started a Bible Study. In 3 years, we have grown to over 20 women and still growing! It is amazing what God has done for the women in our Group ~ not only to learn to open their Bibles, but the fellowship we have drawn from each other!!

  887. Marcia

    I feel like God wants me to share with others how no matter where you have been or what has happened in life He is always there and welcomes us back.. As a single mother who has been abused many times over the course of my lifetime I have learned to not let it rule my life, but to let God restore my life and to use what He has taught me and done for me to His glory.. God is so good and if I didnt have Him I would be a mess and I want women to know and especially teen girls that there is no need to use your bodies for bad.. GOd has something so great in store just trust Him..

  888. Patricia Rodriguez

    There is nothing we can do to make God love us any less. Even when we were enemies of God ( before we accepted him) He loved us so much.
    We must always focus on Jesus, His Grace, and what he accomplished on the cross. Remain hopeful, because with out hope there is no faith. For faith is the substance of things HOPED for and the evidence of things not seen.

  889. Heidi

    Our absolute freedom from sin and guilt through Jesus Christ.

  890. Chanda

    Wow, this really hits close to home! LOVE!

  891. Danielle

    Health! I’ve seen so many people spiritually fit, but lacking in the physical. I feel it’s become the “allowable” sin for Christians, to be unhealthy and overindulge in food. Also, there’s just not enough education in this area for most. I LOVED Made to Crave!!!

  892. Shelly Lane

    What has God placed on your heart to share with others? That God is faithful. He is trustworthy and He loves you. If you are looking for God you must seek Him. Read his work and spend time getting to know Him.

  893. Stephanie

    God is asking me to share that He is enough. That following one’s dreams is only a good thing when the dreams are thoroughly committed to Him. That HE is the One in charge, and because I know He is enough – this is GOOD.

  894. Monika Kelly

    My call is to share God’s UNCONDITIONAL love with the world!!!!!!!! 🙂

  895. Lisa

    I feel like God wants me to encourage single moms – struggling with seeing that God has a purpose for them (as an individual) beyond all the craziness they are dealing with in this season of their life (working full-time, seeming like someone else is raising their kids in daycare so that you can “provide”, cooking meals, cleaning house, all the financial struggles, etc…) Sometimes we can get so caught up with “the moment” that it’s hard to see that God has a plan for us and that He does want to bless us!

  896. Amy

    Jesus is truly our saving grace.

  897. Julie

    God has put it on my heart to share my testimony with others.
    I have endured 6 miscarriages, and I had to fight, what I feel in my life to date, was the ultimate spritual battle.
    Not only against the devil, but against my own mind and thoughts…Fear and doubt.
    During that time I got closer with my Lord and Savior, and I reminded Him of how he helped Hannah and Sara, and all the other barren women of the bible, and that every single one of them had children.
    It took me 7 long years of fighting..but I WON! And you can too!
    I have a beautiful 5 year old daughter, and a handsome 3 year old son!
    Every good and perfect gift is from above – James 1:17
    I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him – 1 Samuel 1:27

  898. Bonnie

    I know He wants me to share my story. I was severely abused by my father, then when it came to light he went to jail. My mother blamed me for breaking up our family and dropped me off at a children’s shelter at age 11. I went to several foster homes and shelters including a lock up mental facility. I’m a recovering addict and as in several abusive relationships. I gave my life to Christ eight years ago, and I’ve been clean and sober for close to nine years. I’m a single mother of two amazing children. I feel like my story could help so many, but fear keeps me stuck. I worlds live

  899. Maria

    I feek that God is asking me top reach out to young girls and to remind then of who they are and what that means. To instill in them confidence, love, faith, and acceptance all in the name of God. I feel so lost add to where to begin but know God had it all planned out. So excited for your devotional. I loved the book.

  900. Jenn

    I heard this the other day: When You’re going through one of the storms of life, Jesus doesn’t stop the storm…. He comes out to meet you in it’s midst. Just like he did with the disciples in the boat.

  901. Traci

    I have been married for 25 years, but it hasn’t been easy. I feel the call to share with other women that sacrificial obedience to God can save and sanctify even the most difficult marriage. Yes, my husband is a Christian, and so am I, but we weren’t on the same page for years–I don’t even think we were in the same Book!

    It’s not a simple thing to be obedient. It’s like swimming upstream, hitting rocks, cold water, and the current going the other way. However, once I surrender my will to God under my husband’s authority, there is no safer place to be for me.

  902. Jennifer

    I have no great story of trials. I’ve had a very blessed life. So I often feel I have nothing to draw people in. God is reminding me that it’s not about me. The power of the cross is enough. It’s all for Him and His Glory! .

  903. Patricia Rodriguez

    There is nothing we can do to make God love us any less. Even when we were enemies of God ( before we accepted him) He loved us just as much. We must always focus on Jesus, His Grace, and what he accomplished on the cross. Remain hopeful, because with out hope there is no faith. For faith is the substance of things HOPED for and the evidence of things not seen.

  904. Nickie McDonough

    pray, pray, pray, cry out to Jesus and trust Him

  905. Yvonne

    I think my struggle with my faith is my biggest problem. I just can’t seem to let go of a lot of stupid stuff. I want to be that Prov 31 wife/mother but I can’t allow myself to let go of so much hurt & anger. I have a non-believing husband that makes me feel guilty & question my faith. What God wanting me to share with others? to not give up, keep fighting that battle that I lose everyday…

  906. Patricia Rodriguez

    There is nothing we can do to make God love us any less. Even when we were enemies of God ( before we accepted him) He loved us just as much.
    We must always focus on Jesus, His Grace, and what he accomplished on the cross. Remain hopeful, because with out hope there is no faith. For faith is the substance of things HOPED for and the evidence of things not seen.

  907. Kelli

    He has placed on my heart to share with other women that we can be real, and vulnerable and still LOVED! Would love a copy to read and share with other women in our group!!!

  908. Emily Vance

    I too am saying yes. Im saying yes to have god work through me to shine his light.

  909. Monica Barnes

    Let go and let God….my biggest struggle!!!

  910. Brandy Ogle

    I feel like God is calling me to tell my story of the abuse I suffered as a child but I haven’t yet been able to forgive the abuser so I don’t know how my story will help anyone.

    • Robin Saxton

      Brandy, sharing your story will help you heal and forgive. Remember forgiveness is not forgetting or relieving the abuser of their guilt or sin or consequences of their sin. And forgiveness is not a feeling, it is an action – something you may have to do over and over until you know in your heart and head that with God you have forgiven. I am praying you will begin to walk in the abundant life God has given you. The Lord Jesus died so that you might be set free. Praying for you!

    • Trish

      write a letter, you don’t have to give it to this person . It is more for yourself to start. write to the abuser that they did this or that and then note how God enabled you to get something beneficial from it such as God equipped me to see how damaging words can cut right into a person’s soul and he had given me love meter to spew only loving kindly words that will build others up. So I thank God for that trial cuz I am better for it. look for the things God taught out of each spectrum of the abuse so you actively take back what you think was taken away & when you see he has taken nothing but allowed God to replace/ teach then you can forgive and move on. Hope that helps you.

  911. Nikki Rutland

    I have always had a walk with Christ but did not always live accordingly. Six years ago when my husband and I decided to start trying to conceive we became pregnant the first month. However, God had a different plan for us. We had a miscarriage at 10 weeks. A year later we had a chemical pregnancy. We have been struggling with infertility since then. God kept pulling on my heart to start a ministry for couples going through miscarriages and infertility but I kept telling Him how unqualified I was. When I finally gave in, He opened so many doors for this ministry. Within the first week I had 3 different people approach me without me saying a word to anyone! He is so amazing!!

  912. Brittany Kohler

    I want to share that: We can’t be perfect only perfectly submitted to Christ!

  913. Laura Kineston

    That God loves me despite my faults and shortcomings and that I live my days to Glorify Him!

  914. Dana Yoder

    God has put on my heart to share how much MOPS not only impacts the moms that come, but how it impacts generations to come!

  915. Johanna

    “What has God placed on your heart to share with others?”

    I’ve never shared this before with anyone except my husband.

    I was sexually abused by my half brother when I was very small,about 4 years old.

    All through my life I blamed myself because I thought I did something wrong. And I know a lot of girls and even grown woman blame themselves when they get abused like that.And I would like them to know to stop listening to the devil beacause it is NOT your fault when someone does not respect your body enough to not do that to you,and you should stand up and tell someone.

    I would love a copy of the Devotional because I know it would inspire me to help other children or woman in the same situation,whereas I never want to do it because I’m always afraid and ashamed of what people would think of me.

    Thank you Lisa for being such an inspiration,I’ve read your Devotion on losing wheight and it helped me a lot.

    God bless

  916. Avery

    Give grace

  917. Lori-Anne

    God’s placed on my heart to share the lesson that I am my weaknesses are overcome by God’s strengths. I know that it may sound cliche, but I need to FROG = Fully Rely on God

    Lysa your devotional words slapped me (in a good way) right across the face this morning. Wow! I NEEDED to hear, see, read your words:

    God untangled my need for approval with the challenge to live for an audience of One

    THANK YOU!!! Your words touched my heart & soul this morning!!!

  918. Shannon Chilson

    I am just starting out in ministry. I am learning to obey God, but the issues he want me to talk about are difficult. It takes a lot of prayer for me to hit the ‘publish’ button on my blog. I am sharing the story of my affair. My marriage was in pieces. God pulled me from the slime and filth of my lifestyle and made me a new woman, restoring my marriage to something truly amazing. I give all glory to Him and pray that I will continue to have to strength to share the depth of my heart and soul and all the secret sins that hide there in order to share the peace and grace of God with others!!

  919. J Walker

    God is asking that I share about my work and how utterly broken I am in this area. I cannot do this on my own and I am afraid of failing in this area. The other area is that I am the one who brings home more money in our household and I don’t want to be. My husband is working a minimal wage job that leaves me frustrated and overwhelmed. I am carrying a burden that I know I need to hand over to God. I want to come alongside those who are in similar situations.

  920. Angel

    My failures – all of them and with brutal honesty about my thought processes that led me to them. It’s not so hard to admit my failures but man when I have to be honest about my inner thoughts and feelings surrounding those failures that’s when things seem to get “dicey” for me. And as I type this I do believe Daddy has answered my prayer for today of “Why do I feel stuck?” UGH…..somedays I wonder about me!

  921. Christa Villarose

    That we need to have more faith and strength to take the steps He is calling us to take. It might be hard at times, but we are never alone when we walk with Him.

  922. Bobbie

    Warning: this may be long, and I need to get my blog started again, because I’ve had such a joyful and peaceful weekend, and I wanted to write about spending some of the weekend with my mom and our shopping trip, but it got erased, so I’ll save it for later, because this is what He wanted me to write, and not only do I want to obey Him, I have found that my life not only flows much smoother when I do, but also when I obey quickly! Saturday was the 55th anniversary of my Christian birthday, although it took me until about 16 years ago to surrender to being His disciple and truly acknowledge Him, as my Lord – He kept pursing and wooing and never got tired of waiting on me – of course that’s not to say that I’ve ‘arrived’ – nor am I anywhere near perfect – what is means is that I am clothed in His armor, that I choose to follow, praise, honor, serve and obey Him, instead of being deceived by the enemy. What a difference it’s made in my life! Oh yes, I still mess up sometimes (okay-probably daily), I still have problems sometimes, I still have pain sometimes, but I choose not to live there – I look for His light and truth and get back on ‘the road’, where I find Him waiting to take my hand, so we can stroll through the garden, and chat for awhile – where sometimes He swirls me around, like He’s so glad to see me, and although it took me a few years to understand or admit this – I believe that He is glad to see me! If you aren’t following or hanging out with Him sometimes, He would love to see you, too – I promise! It’s not about your past – it’s about your future, but it’s also about now – don’t miss the best part!

  923. Trish

    I like you had much abuse in my past and I like you when dealing with a big trial in my life made the biggest life altering decision of my life thinking I could not handle another child coming into my life when my child was missing & chose to abort a child. I asked God for forgiveness & I know wholeheartedly I have it because God spared my life in that decision. God gave a conviction that I needed to get to the hospital urgently & that he has already spared me by giving me that conviction.. I was hospitalized for a wk from mrsa and told if I had been one hour later I would have been dead & asked how I knew to come in & demand immediate attention, I simply replied my God told me.
    I thought I was obedient because I shared when I felt I had an opportunity to use it directly but I chose the the circumstances because I still have pain as even though forgiven consequences are still there to be dealt with and felt so I navigate the ability to use my testimony when I felt it would make the most impact. I would rationalize because I have more than one story to use to impact lives. But God wants me to use all my testimonies at all times and he will determine if and when it’s necessary or will make an impact not I. I need to simply be obedient all the tine & show others that obedience to walk the walk. So here it is posted for all not just some to see. Step one Lord of many more to come

  924. Melinda

    I am trying to seek the peace of God’s grace and truly giving everything to Him and quit always taking His grace for granted.

  925. Jamie

    My constant fear of being judged. I am so afraid of what others think of me. I always feel like I am not good enough, smart enough, my house is always a mess, I’m not a good enough wife/mother. Reading your post almost felt like I was reading something about myself. I hold it in until I cannot hold it in anymore. I know I need to lift it up to God and stop being so afraid of what his plans are for my life.

  926. Robin Saxton

    I would share that God does not expect perfection. I would share that God loves us exactly as we are right now, with all of our faults, with all of our hurts, with all of our sins, with all of our imperfections. He loves and accepts us exactly as we are in this very moment. He does not wait for us to get rid of every sin, every fault, every hurt, every ugly thing about us. He accepts us right now!

  927. Dawn

    That they are LOVED, no matter who they are or where they have been.

  928. Terri

    My faith with my teen children in a way that communicates how much I love The Lord and trust in him.

  929. Kitsi Eakins

    I feel like He has placed it on my heart to help others to understand to not be afraid to go to Him with whatever you have. Not to feel like that you are unworthy or that because of your past and current mistakes that He is not still there for you. It too me a long time to get there and now I just want to help others see the same unconditional love and grace that God shows this undeserving girl every moment of every day 🙂

  930. Kim Phillips

    I can’t wait to get this devotional! God is leading me to step out of my comfort zone and share my weight loss story, but I haven’t shared ‘everything’ yet….especially what drove me to eat out of control and gain a lot of weight. Through my journey of losing weight, I relied on God’s strength, not my own…to not give up and to keep persevering as hard as it was at times. From this, birthed the name for my blog: Stronger 4 Life. In God’s time…I hope to share my full story to change the lives of others to become stronger for life in all areas: mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically…for His namesake and glory!

  931. Leslee

    That no matter what your past, God has plans for you to do great things for him and only He can restore what has been lost in our loves due to sin. He wants us to say “YES”! and He wants to use us in remarkable ways. I want to share my story of how God has done this in my life to inspire women to trust God and say YES!!!! This book and online Bible study could not come at a better time. Thank You so much Lysa!

  932. Charlene

    The thing that God has put on my heart that I’m passionate about is teaching children the Bible. There are so many untruths thrown at them from every direction, that I want them to know that there is a source of truth we can count on, and it’s found in the Bible. I think this is near and dear to me because I didn’t know what the Bible was all about when I was a child. As an adult, I went on a search for truth myself, and God was true to His Word in Jeremiah 29:13. And God has truly made up for the years the locusts have eaten, but God willing, it would be awesome for kids to know God at a younger age and have an abundant life earlier on!

  933. Amie

    Our 4th child was diagnosed in utero with Trisomy 13 and we chose not to terminate but to allow God to be in control of his life. Many parents are only encouraged termination because hospitals are not equipped to walk the road of a fatal diagnosis. We realized early on that God has called us to share our story of complete, desperate faith in he midst of an incredibly overwhelming storm. We do not know where God is leading us, but we know He is preparing the way.

  934. Jodi

    When He is telling me something, He has started out gently. If I don’t pick up on it, He repeats… until He’s slapping me upside the head with it! Lol

  935. Debbie M

    Lisa, thank you so much for this post. I feel God calling me to share my brokenness in purity, my walk through depression, and in trusting Him with my faults.

  936. Julie

    That God loves you so much.

  937. Sabrina J

    No matter what is going in your life. God has a plan and divine purpose for all of us. We just have to learn to have patience and understand that God is still in control. He will do things in his timing not ours. I too still have to remind myself of that al well.

  938. Mona DeLuna

    God has reminded me lately that its ok to question and fail. As long as I am willing to stand up and try again. He doesn’t ask for perfection only obedience and humbleness. If I seek Him first, everything falls into place in His time.

  939. Kendall H

    My journey of infertility…all the tears, bitterness, loss & feeling like I was broken. The anger with Him, the resentment towards loved ones (even sometimes strangers) that were carrying precious life inside of them, the frustration with those that just didn’t understand. How only He can heal those places. How He has a plan, completely & totally beyond us. Just to be able to love & support someone else experiencing all of those same things & feeling guilty for the emotions they are feeling. How He is good even in the middle of our mess. (Today we have 3 beautiful children, 1 through adoption, 1 through conception & 1 on the way next month. He is good.)

  940. Carol Bryan

    where are we dwelling? In our forgiven sins or in the future hope given to us by Jesus Christ in His death and RESURRECTION.

  941. Teri

    Thanku for sharing so very true I call it the battle of the mind when Negative thoughts come Satan your the Father of LIES and My Father God has Created me and He will help me. Than start Thanku Praises! 🙂

  942. Lynn

    A simple act of kindness that may only take minutes or even seconds of our time can have an impact on someone else that lasts a lifetime.

  943. tiffany Brewer

    Let God use you no matter what your circumstances are no matter if you feel worthy enough or not! When we were ask to teach in the jr high dept I thought there is no way I can teach im not good enough I don’t know enough but I told our youth paster we would pray about it and we did. I felt God push saying I know you can do it. so we said yes even though I was soooo scared. and I have to tell you those girls taught me more than I feel I taught them the blessings I have receive with every relationship I have is truly all of God! So what im saying is no matter where you are in life God can use YOU to glorify him!!! AMen =))) Can’t wait to do this devtional

  944. Amanda

    I lost everything in a house fire and God has shown me through it all how much he cares and wants to bless us, even down to the little things like a toy box or rugs that he has now replenished our new house more than our old house ever was.

  945. Chrissy

    Pictures of His creations . It is his gift that he allows me to use 🙂

  946. Alisha Baughn

    He wants me to share my testimony with others. He doesn’t want me to keep it to myself, but share with others the healing He has done in my life. He wants me to share how He can turn a mess into a message!

  947. Rachel

    God wants me to share my story – the tragedy that happened to me and my daughter almost 5 years ago now, and how He has been pursuing me, even though I’ve been trying to run from Him and do things on my own. I have finally started to see that doing things my own way creates a much bigger mess out of everything. He wants me to be obedient to Him and trust Him in everything. He has never let me go and never stopped loving me! He has been waiting with open arms for His daughter to return home. I am done going my own way – I am trusting God to lead my life. I am saying “Yes” to Him!

  948. samantha

    God loves you!! I know we have heard that over and over. But do you, in your deepest heart place know that? I can asure you that Gods love is deep and true, better than anything you have ever know. Begin your journey of asking God to show you who He is and his great love for you that will give you a peace and joy that passes all understanding no matter what your situation might be.

  949. Pam Luckie

    God wants all of us, our good and bad and he can use it (with our obedience) to further his kingdom!

  950. Denise

    Whether you are struggling in your marriage, dealing with difficult situations at work or caring for ailing parents, God is there to comfort you and to help you through His word. He loves us so much! Even in the darkest times he will never leave our side. He is a God of hope and the answer to our prayers.

  951. Michelle Moye

    What God has led me to share today is that your value is not defined by a number on a scale but by the true fact that you are God’s unique creation and you were made by design.

  952. K Haley

    I teach a group of women ranging in age from 25 to 75. I have found that we are all in different seasons of life, but the one thing that is a constant is that God loves us and has a plan for us. We have all heard He has a plan for our lives, but I want every woman to know that plan starts with right now; today. Not just when our kids are grown or when we get to retire. God’s plan for you includes this very moment in which you are living. I want to encourage women to look around each day and see what God wants you to join Him in. That “accidental” meeting with an old friend was part of His plan. That delay in the waiting room was part of the plan. Look at every moment as the adventure of serving God!

  953. Jill

    I teach 5th and 6th graders at church and am constantly feeling the need to tell them how much God loves them and cares for them – No Matter What. Because we all make mistakes but thanks to God’s grace He will always be there with open arms. Plus, trying to impart a spirit for loving and serving others. Love those kids!

  954. Lindsey Riley

    That life will rarely turn out as we have planned for it is all according to His plan, not ours.

  955. Janelle T.

    To share more of the “realness” of my life and less of the rose-colored glimpses into the good stuff. Past experiences have hardened my pride and I convince myself that if I share the struggles & less-flattering chapters of my story, it will be used against me, to shame & humiliate me.

  956. Kathy Pierce

    That God’s greatest will for us is to help others. Sometimes even just smiling and saying hello to someone can make their day. Today an elderly woman was having trouble separating two carts at Wal-Mart. I said “Can I help you?” and I broke the two carts apart for her. She said “Thank you so much, I could have been here all day” and was smiling from ear to ear. While I helped her, her smile made my day!

  957. Stephanie

    That God wants us to bring our weaknesses to Him.

  958. Amanda McCellon

    Battling depression. Being a full time step-mothee to 4 teenagers. Infertilty.

  959. Andrea

    Love. That’s is the theme, if you will, of my life. I tell the people I already know, co-workers, really anyone I know for any extended amount of time that I love them. At first they are kinda weirded out by it, but then they ask why. My answer is that God loves them so of course I do too! I tell them I don’t have to wait to get to know them fully or wait for them to love me back, I just love them! Love, the theme of my life!

  960. Rachel

    Right now I feel God leading me to share myself. My time. My knowledge. As a wife of 18 years (so far), a mom for 14 years (5 kids now), home schooling for 10 years, having hubby work from home for 10 years, and now doing my best to keep the sanity in our hime while hubby & teen son build our garage, barn, and new home 🙂 God is stretching me in how I participate in our home school group and community.

  961. Mona

    My story is years of infertility, with miscarriage, treatments, etc. which was difficult to endure…but God knew the next chapter in our story…adoption! We have adopted a precious little boy through foster care…and hope to adopt more. Adoption and helping others with support and information is a huge passion for me!!!

  962. Jen Sterner

    To listen to Him in a way that says, “Lord… Whatever, whenever, wherever”. Something I’m working on (and struggling with) daily!

  963. A girl in the world

    I now know why you are my go-to girl. Why when your posts show up on my feed, I feel compelled to share them. One single word made tears course down my cheeks. For years I have respected, admired, and loved you. And now I love you more. You KNOW. Me too.

  964. Anna McCabe

    We have an anchor for our soul. Our mind, will, and emotions do not have to be “rocked” by the waves of life. We might sway, but we will not come loose.

  965. Lark

    Beautiful…thank you

  966. Lorie Hartshorn

    I can relate!! When God asked me to speak my biggest question was what do you want me to speak on? I thought it might be to share in my areas of strength and learning. Ha!! No it was to share my brokenness and the power of Christ to bring victory to me and to our family!! Both Experiencing God and Neil Anderson’s books have been significant in my journey as well. I now share the truth of spiritual warfare and the power of prayer to allow Christ to rule and reign and to defeat the enemy. Keep sharing your story Lisa. All of it! Your ministry has significantly equipped me to speak. I am so thankful you said YES!!

  967. Becky

    Deaf ministry! And doors are flying wide open for my degree and certificate! PRAISE GOD!

  968. Brooke Adkins-Kirk

    Get out of the boat, no matter how high or scary the waves. Keep your eyes on Jesus in spite of the negative voices and all the ways Satan will try to tear you down once you start trying to walk in the center of God’s will for your life. God rarely asks us to do easy things and He alone will provide when we say yes to doing whatever it is that He asks of us. Our family is in the process of an international, special needs adoption. God clearly asked us to go get this child that we know is our son, but, its been a struggle and we’re not even close to being done. Some days all I can do is give every thing to God, the worry, the doubt, the fear, the frustration and ask him to replace it with His peace and trust in His perfect timing. And, he always has. Our God is faithful in all things.

  969. Jessica

    GRACE….God has laid it on my heart to share with the world his GRACE. To help them see that by our standards not everyone should be saved but buy God’s GRACE everyone can be saved.

  970. Kelli Vawter

    Matthew 6:34-36 Do not worry about tomorrow, but live today to the fullest.

  971. Mandy

    I am excited to do this study. Hope it leads me to know what God wants me to do!

  972. Margaret

    Even though God hates divorce, he will never hate anyone who goes through it. And Divorce is not the end for anyone. There is healing, redemption and future blessings even after that much pain!

  973. nicole mcgee

    Nothing is easy in life trust god he will get you through it…as im writing this I have to focus on these words everyday the devil is a liar and he will try anyway to bring you down. He is always on my back but I keep pressing forward considering my husband is athiest its hard everyday but I got to keep going or the devil will win!

  974. Ann Hett

    We let so many things define who we are – when the reality is that God sees us as His unglued children and provides everything we need to trust Him.

  975. Judi

    In the things we do on a daily bases, we need to do it to honor Him!

  976. Marcy

    That he God loves us and he know every thought and dream we have even before we know we have a dream. That my inheritance from God my father is everlasting life in eternity. For this reason I say YES TO GOD!……can’t wait to start the OBS could use the book for a friend to also join the OBS with me. Spreading his word is wonderful. Thank you Lysa!

  977. McKala Nehring

    My postpartum story. You are not alone, you are loved.

  978. Nancy M.

    God has placed on my heart to trust in the sovereignty of God and to use my – & our – language to reflect that. So I encourage others who proclaim their trust to refrain from using “luck” language in their speech & writing (including “fortunate” bc hat means “lucky,” too). I mean, if we believe in the he sovereignty of God, why do we say it was luck or fortune? Thank you.

  979. Barb C

    Most often what God lays on my heart to share is my own story. “Talk about what you know.” I share the good and the bad and how God has taken me through each of them. I love to share my favorite saying: “Blessed is the Life that finds Joy in the Journey.” A dear friend painted a lovely version of this above an archway between my dining room and living room. So precious to me! Thank you, Lysa, for this opportunity.

  980. Tracy

    The need to love children, with or without disabilities, and understand that all children are works in progress!

  981. Jenelle

    That God loves us more than we could ever imagine. We are all his children, and he wants the best for us, like every parent wants for their child.

  982. Denise

    God has been speaking to me to seek only His approval and praise over the work that I do. It does not matter whether I please those around me. So I can shake off my feelings of discontentment and worry. Instead, I can look to Him and praise Him and thank Him for all that He has done for me.

  983. Danielle Haen

    Being open to God & SEEKING him in everything is the first step! I am so waiting on God to hear his intentions for me & to follow them wholeheartedly as both my children will be in school & my “stay at home mom” status will not be needed as before 🙂 excited 🙁 scared!

  984. Ally

    I am currently reading Unglued and can’t express enough how much I appreciate your being so open and honest with your own struggles.

    As I walk through life as a mother to three children with food allergies, I believe the Lord is moving me to share our family’s perception of food within the church. With our body as our temple, shouldn’t we have more whole body health including our spiritual, physical, and mental health, rather than a fleshly food focus in the name of fellowship? My children need a safe place to worship and fellowship.

    For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Romans 14:17

  985. Becky Burks


  986. michele loconsole

    share what you have, be it testimony, time, food, wealth or talent. Everyone has something to share

  987. Lisa

    Just about 15 minutes ago I told an insecure friend how much she inspires me to go after my dreams. She worked hard and had many doubts but finally hot accepted into nursing school and starts in 3 weeks. I wish she saw in herself the amazing woman I see.

  988. Pat

    There’s always hope.

  989. Jasmin

    Forgiveness, trusting in Him, and not looking back.

  990. Terri C

    This really hit home! We had a situation in our church this weekend where someone was left holding the ball for a large meal. I’m the kitchen lady and had already advised I wouldn’t be available. But this sweet lady needed help. I met with her this morning and ended up telling her I would change my plans to come help her. It blessed her and will bless many others. I had to give up a very special time with my sweet granddaughter that I don’t get to see very often. Her sweet 4th Birthday. But I really felt a burden to do this for this sweet lady needing some help, and guidance.

  991. Suzanne Conch

    The ministry of reconciliation,

  992. Dana

    God is telling me to teach my three boys the real meaning of being humble first. 🙂

  993. Laura McAliley

    I’ve recently been praying and hearing God’s call to share love. Love for all of His people. The love that Christ showed everyone – no matter their sin. To share that we are not called to be righteous. Rather, we are called to share God’s truths as just that – His words. His calling. Not ours. In this I believe He’s calling me to share my sins and how my relationship with Him is the only way to turn away from those transgressions and become renewed. It’s not about finding the wrong in others, but about leading by example. It’s not about finding fault in others, but about acknowledging our own and leaving it behind.

  994. Edrea

    Sharing joy, true joy that comes from relying on God, through patience and forgiveness. Learning how to speak life into others.

  995. Joanie Warner

    I feel like God has placed on my heart to share with others that we need to see ourselves as God sees us…His beloved, His treasured possessions, His beautiful children who are redeemed, forgiven and set free!

  996. Pat Allen

    God has placed in my heart to share with others…”not to worry”. He has it all under control! There has been times in my life that me and my family had no place to live, except for a tent on someones back lawn. God gave me such a wonderful attitude when I gave up all my worries to Him. People would ask me…”aren’t you worried that you don’t have a home to live in?” And I would repliy…”No, everything happens for a reason and for some reason, right now, He wants us to live in a tent.” And the two times that this has happened, both times, just before the cold weather would hit, God would bring into our lives an affordable place for us to live in. God has blessed us with so many wonderful things in our lives and I believe it is because we do not “worry” and leave it all in his hands and in time He works it all out for our good. And by blessing us, I don’t mean material things….I mean, love, family, friendships, piece of mind, contentment and my beautiful family of eight! And always, ALWAYS providing for us!!! So….be happy and don’t worry! He knows what He’s doing and He has it all under control 🙂

  997. Ellen Graves

    That we all go through times of desert lies and times in the Promised Land. God is with us no matter where we are!

  998. Erica Thornburg

    That we can live in Freedom – we just need to have that intimate relationship with Him in ALL aspects of our life – not just one or two, or just sometimes – everyday, all day, everything, all. Freedom is our relationship with God through prayer, meditation, love, reading His word and living that Word.

  999. SueAnn

    I’m stepping out of my comfort zone to help lead our Magnificent Moms Bible Study group, because our original fearless leader has moved to Missouri. I hope I can help spread God’s word the way she did!

  1000. Kim B

    How He has carried us through our financial trial & the truths of how we continue to struggle day by day, but He DOES give us the strength to persevere & the hope to not give up. 🙂 I’m doing your Bible Study & am SO excited!! If I win your book, I’m going to give it to a friend so she can be blessed by it as well 🙂

  1001. Angela Robbins

    He has put on my heart to extend grace and love, though many times it is exactly the opposite I really want to share… I, too, am a broken work in progress who so desperately wants to say yes to God in every moment without a wink of hesitation!

  1002. Shirlie

    To share of His unconditional love and forgiveness and also He has so much more than we could ever with or even fathom. Jer 33:3.

  1003. Deanna

    That it is okay to let some things go.

  1004. Joy

    I’ve learned that He always takes our pain, turns it around, and uses it and us to minister to others going through similar situations, to bring Him glory. I’m so thankful that He doesn’t waste our mess. I love how He also uses those times when we trust Him and are obedient to step out of our comfort zone to share our stories with others, to continue our own healing! He’s so good like that!

    Thank you for your transparency Lysa!

  1005. amber

    To trust God even when its easier to bow out. Like marriage…the “easy” thing would be start over do it right. But God has my good in mind. Holding on tight to this.

  1006. Amy O

    That we are to be instruments in God’s hands…willing to be ‘played’ however He sees fit. My flute doesn’t decide how it will be played, so I shouldn’t either. 🙂

  1007. Amy Westall

    I have been blessed with the care of a great group of Bible Study Ladies called Godsippers. What I always always always want them to remember is that They Are Daughters of the Most High King! We are beloved princesess. We are a mess our dresses are tattered our crowns are askew. But, One day we will be made new.

  1008. Erika Cook

    Live in the present seeking God’s presence. Stop looking and being ready for the future and the next phase of life. You miss God presence in the present when we do that. Hard to do sometimes!

  1009. Evelyn Perallon

    I have been feeling like a women in labor waiting to give birth. Spending time reading having devotional time at all hours talking to the Lord. I like to write and share what God gives me in my quiet time with Him. Many times I have these Wow moments while reading The Scriptues and what is reveiled that blesses me I pass it on in hope that the Words given to me bring restoration, healing and strength as they did for me. I have felt that soon God will reveal to me why I have been feeling like a women in waiting to give birth. I do want to serve and become all God wants me for that His will be done I am ready to give birth and see what the Lord has for me to have to blessed many all for his Glory.

  1010. Shannon Stocks

    He wants me to LOVE on others! To show them HIS love, to encourage others, to empathize with them and understand we’re all human. To share the experiences He’s entrusted me with – the good and bad – throughout life in hope of His good coming to others through them. Its all for His glory and if I can share my story – raw and transparent – to help or encourage even one other person, then its worth every bit of my struggles and time!!

  1011. Sarah Catherine

    God can supply me with everything I need for today!

  1012. Michelle

    As I read this article, it immediately hit me. I am always asking: “How can God use all these negative experiences, too tough to handle decisions, and constant challenging of my every move from others to make me the best coach that I can be.” And hear the answer lies in easy to understand terms. I won’t let those experiences get me down anymore. Now I know that they are meant to build me up if I trust God through them.

  1013. Kiersten Griffith

    To be honest and real with others. Not to try and hide behind a perfect me, because I’m not perfect. It’s okay to show people I struggle, in fact that’s what they want to hear.

  1014. Pam

    To always practice kindness

  1015. Cecilia

    My daughter’s fiance broke off the engagement two days before the wedding. I’ve been so comforted by Made to Crave study and Godly sisters. It’s been one week and God has used our testimony to help others. But helping my daughter is difficult because she’s pushing ne aside to a degree. She has a 13-month old daughter and is grieving the loss of what her plans were. My desire is that she hears His reminding her His plan is to bring full, true, and committed love into her life.

  1016. Allison

    That God is the source of restoration for marriage. He can take the broken pieces shattered by affairs and arguments, by our selfish attitudes, by our stepping into each other’s God given roles for marriage, by our putting self, our spouse, our children, work, etc. before Christ , and He alone can mold them into a beautiful, new creation. A strong vessel to glorify Him. A vessel, a marriage, that can pour out a testimony of His Grace, Mercy and Forgiveness and His Awesome Power to reach others for Him. I know this, because He forever changed mine. I am in love with my God and my husband and my prayer is that others can come to know that same love for Christ and their spouse.

  1017. Stephanie Mapes

    My struggles with depression and learning to rely on God every single second.

  1018. Jessica

    I am actually going to start my own Mary Kay business today for this very reason. Huh? You say? Well, The Lord showed me that He wanted me to do this, not to make money so much (cuz I really don’t feel qualified at all to do this and I’m super shy and don’t like getting in front of people) but as a ministry opportunity for women that may never step foot into a church. I struggled with it for a while even after my friend’s mom contacted me about it out of the blue! I never told anyone what I was thinking, not even my husband. But she called me because The Lord had shown her my name while she was praying (and i hadn’t spoken to her in about 10 years!). So I am finally saying yes! I will probably need some encouragement along the way, so I really hope to win this book! 🙂

  1019. Nancy

    What God has been impressing upon me over the last several weeks is to walk in complete obedience to whatever He is calling me to….whether with family, church, or friends. I feel like these are little opportunities for us to trust Him in sometimes very challenging circumstances, like someone else’s feelings. When I shared with a friend recently something God had asked me share, I found that He had already gone before me, layed the ground work and had already begun HIS work, I was just giving additional scriptures to back up His leading……….He is so awesome and loving! Thanks for asking

  1020. Debbie Callan

    God has inspired me to write a book on giving and how giving has helped in my healing of mental illness. Although my illness remains, it is less severe and I have a real sense of purpose in my life. I want to motivate others to give and share in the joy of giving through my story. I have met some amazing people who share so much of their hearts and belongings I am wanting to honor them and show how through love we show Jesus to others. I am praying to attend your writer’s conference one year! Many blessings in this book!!

  1021. kendra George

    My struggle with food and eating disorder and the control it’s had on my daily life….and now my need for healing and forgiveness from a significant person in my life….for the first time in my life I’m starting to experience freedom especially in the 2nd area (both are very interconnected)…and it’s only by e power of the Holy Spirit in my daily life that this forgiveness is possible….I’m saying yes to God by saying yes! To forgiveness and freedom…I’d love to be blessed by your devotional…honestly I can’t get enough of your writing Lysa! I’d love to be blessed again!

  1022. Jennifer Powers

    That life is crazy sometimes and can shift at a moments notice, but God is always the same and never wavering. He loves us in the turbulent times as much as the calm and peaceful moments.

  1023. Trisha

    Just in the past 48 hours, God has really placed in my heart a calling to be a mentor. Even though that in itself is a slightly scary concept to me. May God use me as a vehicle to bring a young woman close to him! How amazing is that?

  1024. Marchelle

    What God has placed in my life to share with others is: “Life is not easy, however we have to learn to trust in Jesus. Let him take control of every situation in our life. We all go through things in different ways in life. An example for me, my husband have been deployed four times since 2003, in the process of all the deployments it have really took a toll on us all. He has change so many times, I really do not know him at all. In a everyday life he can be happy one minute and mad the next time. Then depression sets in, gets in the bed and sleep all day on Saturday. He will not say a word, to me or anyone else. We have two girls one nine year old and eight month old. He is saved, goes to church, however sometimes after church; he will get angry and upset. Sometime,, he takes his medicines and sometimes he do not. When he does is fine and normal. however, he feels nothing is wrong with him. I am a full time college student that have been married for fifteen years, my first love. I am holding on with all my might, that I have inside me to make it work. In the process, he handles the money and bills, he do not want me to help. It makes him feel less of a man! Then money is always short! Yes, we have been to counseling, married retreats, and etc. However, I am trusting in God, because your first ministry starts at home. So, life is hard we all go through things in different ways. “Trust in God regardless of the situation that we are going through.” “Just say Yes Lord to your will”

  1025. K'Lyn Smith

    His love. It is everything. Without it we are nothing. And to be effective for Him we need to show His love to others through how we treat others. Only He can give us that ability.

  1026. Kiana Chelsea

    He has placed in my heart to wear Christ on my sleeve and extend uplifting words to others in their time of need. I feel that the Holy Spirit has blessed me with the amazing gift of encouragement so that by His power I can empower the Church as well as unbelievers to keep believing God for a better tomorrow, a better you.

  1027. Stacy

    Our journey with our child who has a terminal disease. The hard times, the great times, the times that He has literally had to pick us up off the floor. That in our weakness, He is strong! This is not the end, and we are so thankful for this journey He has placed us on.

  1028. Rhonda Woods

    His unconditional love.

  1029. Summer Taylor

    I believe God wants me to share the power of faith and trust. Faith and trust are what we need to get through this tough world. We need to have faith that God is bigger and can do more than we imagine. I trust that he knows what he is doing. 🙂

  1030. Daniele

    I have been saved by His grace so many times…Today I am a struggling but recovering addict. My choice drug was heroin and I did thought I may not have fallen as far as some in their addiction but I fell to my lowest, I was neglecting my God, my child, my relationships and finances…the first time back in church after my detox I wept and cried, the songs seemed to be meant for my heart! Now I clearly see where I am blessed and where God is working in my life, where before I ignored them and could only wonder why my God was letting things get so bad… I finally accepted that I am powerless and that I must entrust my life to Him because I cannot accomplish anything without first bowing to HIS will instead of my own.

    Today I am learning that I do not have to hide from Him and feel that I am not good enough to know Him, because HE ALREADY KNOWS ME… He WANTS me to go to him and my Father is waiting patiently and will always be by my side as long as I accept Him into my heart, and only through Him can I quiet all the doubts and fears that MY OWN EGO creates…
    Today I am learning that no matter what I hate about myself physically, I am perfect for He created me in His likeness, He placed all my “flaws” where there are ON PURPOSE. And today I am learning that I WILL FAIL and I WILL MAKE MISTAKES but He STILL loves me and there is forgiveness for me if I just admit that I have failed. I am learning that when I follow my own will I will fall short but when I listen to His word and ask for Him to guide me HE WILL SHOW ME THE WAY!

    I don’t know how or when but I hope that God will see fit to use me as an example, a tool if you will, so that I can pass a message on. Even if it is just ONE person, if i could show what He has done in my life and how He has blessed me maybe then they too can have the hope and love that can be found through God, just as I have.

  1031. Christina Burroughs

    God is calling me to say “Yes” to him concerning my health and eating habits, specifically and immediately, but also concerning the calling He has placed on my heart to be a professional singer. I am classically trained, but never really believed that it would ever happen. Even now, I struggle with unbelief, and the desire to stay in my comfortable, easy life rather than to take step after step of faith, believing what He says, and follow where He leads. I know He’s developing my obedience through food and habits in order to ready me for what He has next. But boy am I struggling to overcome the desire to stay put, stay inactive, and as a result soak in the sour complacency of disobedience. Thank you for this devotional, especially today! God knew I needed to hear it, because I have been operating under the assumption that what He has for me is impossible and will never happen. Well, of course it won’t, apart from Him!

  1032. Yayi

    I recently had a breakthrough after 25 years of absolute fear in one situation, 10 years of guilt and constant asking for forgiveness… I finally realized I am truly loved by God. I have spent the last 15 years believing that I was not worthy of being loved by God.. That I was not worthy of being in his presence, not worthy of Him listening to my prayer – let alone answering any of them. And the entire time He’s been right here waiting for me to open my eyes, uncover my ears and realize that His love is unconditional and that I AM worth it to Him. I have tried suicide, I went through depression, I miscarried twice, my marriage hit rock bottom, and I felt like a complete failure at life. But God was there. And He never let me down, though I failed to see it at the time – I see it now. “Those times when you see only one set of footprints in the sand, it was then that I carried you.” Aaaaand now I’m emotional. :0) Hope you all have a blessed day!

  1033. Alysia Peterson

    Love how God speaks to through you and many times its as if it was just for me. I’d very much enjoy this book!

  1034. Christen Brough

    God is in control!! When I gave my life to Christ I learned to just “give it to God”. It doesnt mean that I have a “do not care or worry attitude”. It means that God has my back, He is there for me whenever I need Him. Our lives are already planned out for us. (Jeremiah 29:11) I have less worries having God in my life. Let God pour His love into your life,you will never be the same.

  1035. Valerie

    For me, I guess it would be a struggle with weight and coming to a place of acceptance and wanting to change from a health standpoint rather than cosmetic one

  1036. Rhonda

    I want to share that God is a God of forgiveness and love. When we stray, He’s always there waiting to welcome our return with open arms.

  1037. Helen de Luna

    Hi Lysa, I will share that “you are not defined by your past nor will it affect your future.” Thanks for sharing your story, I have heard you before in a CareNet conference and I have your book so I am hoping to get the devotional as well! God bless you and your ministry!

  1038. Cheri

    Lysa, I am grateful for you saying yes. I have so been encouraged by you, and your willingness to put yourself out there. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!

  1039. Monikee

    Acceptance, love, refusal to judge.

  1040. Christa

    Forgiveness & acceptance.

  1041. Zona

    That God is there all the time! Give your troubles and worries to God and he will show you the way.

  1042. Roxanna Bova

    Trust simply full trust

  1043. Susan

    God has placed acoustical guitar music in my heart to share ~ I have been working on learning some guitar chords and some newer worship songs. I first began learning guitar in January this year and most recently i have been sharing the songs i am learning during evening services.
    If i win this contest I will be sharing it with my secret sister so that this can add value to her life.

  1044. Lucy Touchstone

    If ever, we as God’s ppl, we need unity. We truly need the fellowship of one another. We were never meant to walk our journey alone. Blessings to you . 🙂

  1045. Charity

    a passion and a call to be an intercessor (prayer warrior)

  1046. LoriGail

    Why is it so much easier to kick someone off who is an annoyance than to simply offer them a lifeline of a cup of coffee, or an apology if required or even a smile? Jesus is watching and listening to me every minute bad days and good and I want him to like what he sees. How about you?

  1047. Angelaford

    Children are truly a gift from God. So love up on him every moment you can. knowing God with you every step of the way to raise them up right. God is good. I’m so blessed to have him in my life.

  1048. Brooke Arcia

    Trust Him! Trust Him! Trust Him! God has put several women in my path lately who need to be reassured that when you trust Him, everything will work out according to His plan. Even when our situation seems hopeless or we feel God leading us in a direction we don’t want to go or our vision of what is suppose to happen is different from what He is doing…TRUST HIM! He doesn’t make mistakes so whatever pain, suffering, confusion, or frustration we endure will be made worthwhile in His perfect timing. I have seen this happen over and over again in my own life and God is using these experiences to show others the Truth of Romans 8:28.

    • Randi


  1049. Amanda B

    The message He is asking me to share at this time is that the world will lie to you, but He will live in you.

  1050. Teri Beamer

    How God has healed me from 4 years of depression.

  1051. Rachel

    God has placed upon my heart a love to help and encourage other women in the faith.

    • Christian

      God has showed me that I need to start sharing the good news of Him! I find it so hard to share my testimony, and share with others what all He can do for them! Especially with other women and girls that have not had a father figure, and the hurt that comes along with it. What God has shown me is that no matter how hurt our earthly father has hurt us our Father in heaven can restore any hurt and be the only One Father!

  1052. Angela

    Peace and Joy beyond our understanding. That is what God is pressing on my heart alot these days. Look forward to reading your book.

  1053. Lisa Smith

    God has placed it on my heart to share with others the way that he has changed me, the way he has shown me to love others and more than anything else, that faith is always the answer.

  1054. Nicole Blackford

    He wants me to be a light in my workplace and share my faith in Jesus with everyone who comes in my path. Sometimes I have been bold, other times I have pulled back in fear. Joshua 1:7-9 tells me to be strong and courageous and to study God’s book so that it will not depart from my lips or my actions while remembering that He is with me wherever I go.

  1055. Randi

    Being raised Jewish, when I accepted Jesus as The Messiah, my Lord, and my Savior it didn’t sit well with family. I have taught my children to believe, read their bible, and we were baptized. I have made bad decisions in my life – but seeking God certainly wasn’t one of them. God has really placed in my heart that we can’t change our past, and we need to understand He has forgiven us. He can and will change our hearts. He will instruct us in His ways as we move forward. Learning to forgive myself and others is something I work on daily but I fill myself with His word and it replaces the hurt.
    You can’t feel God’s love and carry old baggage all at the same time.

  1056. Maria

    To be bold for Him!

  1057. Julie

    Share my story…. Be a living example of love for others.

  1058. Annetta Hindman

    I am blessed daily by the Proverbs 31 Ministry. God wants me to share His love with those He puts in my path. Through hugs and through telling them what He’s done for me.

  1059. Kirstin

    “Are you struggling to hear God’s voice . . . ?”

    Some people in the Bible heard God’s voice and disobeyed, but who struggled to hear God’s voice?

  1060. Cheryl

    In one of your books you tell us that Satan has no power over us … except what we allow. Isaiah 41: 10 tells us…” So do not fear, for I am with you.
    Do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
    I will strengthen you and help you;
    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand”
    The Lord is always available for us….He will help us through anything that we are facing if we just ask! Awesome!!

  1061. Krista

    God can deliver me from anything that the enemy tries to hold me down with. I only need to trust Him.

  1062. Leslie

    Your book and your blogs have truly truly helped me over the past couple of months. I’ve learned to let go and let god. I want to say yes to him before I even know what I’m saying yes to. I would like to share with others that in god you are set free. Free of burdens, free if worry, condemnation, regret. Etc. no matter what the devil tries to use to bring you down god will set u free from it if you keep your focus on him! Keep your eyes on gods vision not your conditions! 🙂

  1063. Christina

    I am a pastors wife and God has called me to lead the women of our congregation. I love the women of our area and I love The Lord, however, I was extremely hesitant to lead. I do not feel like a leader, but He has called me to that position and I said yes.
    Then He called me to be transparent! I was scared to death the share my testimony. I cried and cried but did what He asked me to. You see, my testimony is riddled with everything from being a fallen church treasurer, suffering from severe post-partum depression (to the point of not only being suicidal but homicidal as well), sexually abused, having premarital sex that wound up with me having an abortion, and much more. However, He has redeemed me and He wants me to share my story of redemption.
    My answer to God has been yes, although it is not easy, it has been very well worth it to see how He works through us sharing our stories with others!
    Thank you for all you do and for being obedient to what God has called you to do!

  1064. R Wilson

    God desires you…He wants a relationship with you and thinks you are to die for!

  1065. Lisa

    God loves the real you, not the person you wish you were.

  1066. Kathy

    God has placed on my heart to share Jesus in all that I do and all that I say. People are watching us all of the time. We need to show Jesus in the way we act. We just started this bible study 2 weeks ago. Love it.

  1067. Tiffany

    I have an amazing friend who keeps separating herself from everything church related due to a sin she can’t forgive herself for. I’ve been searching and praying for a book to use for an intimate girls study to help her turn back to Christ. I honestly believe this would be it, then I read your sneak peak and knew God led me to this page. I love your personal take in all your work and your use of scripture. we are blessed because you follow God’s plan for your life.

  1068. Pam P

    The love he has given

  1069. Heather Hayden

    There is no greater gift, no success more important, no earthly craving or desire, as important as a complete surrender and acceptance of the beautiful grace that God has shed on us. 🙂

  1070. Jinci Carter

    Your story is my story….and that is so difficult to share…but I did. “His grace is sufficient for me”

  1071. Dannielle Rendon

    As a mother of 4 little ones, God has recently called me to homeschool my children. Anyone who knows me, knows this is so far out of my comfort zone! For a while, I struggled, felt inadequate and even questioned God at times…”God, are you sure this is for ME? I mean, I have little patience as it is and I am deifinitely not an educator.” God spoke to me repeatedly telling me “You’re not doing this alone, I will equip you. You are teaching my children. You are the BEST teacher they could ever have. I CHOSE YOU FOR THEIR MOTHER.” Since I have submitted to his will, I have been abundantly blessed (really, as if He wasn’t going to bless me?). God has laid before me so many resources, and sisters in Christ that have encouraged me. All of my fears and anxieties have diminished as if they were never there.

    Thank you Lord for choosing me. AMEN

    I hope that my testimony will speak to other women and encourage them to rest in His assurance, walk in His ways and submit fully to His will. HE WILL BLESS YOU BEYOND MEASURE!

  1072. Shannon Kinney

    God has given me the gift of a sensitive and compassionate heart. More times than not, I find it hurts me more than helps me. But I know that God’s plan for me is to touch this world with the warmth of love. I can’t change who God has made me, flaws and all. I believe my sensitive nature and compassion brings light to this evil world.

  1073. Nancy

    I like to share my mother’s favorite Bible verse with people. She used to share it with people she met and I memorized it when I helped her remember it when her memory started slipping. Romans 15:13 May the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

  1074. Stacey

    God has placed in my heart to be more forgiving. I recently read your book “Unglued,” and it helped put into perspective that other people are not the enemy and to really look to Him for answers. Once I was able to understand this and put my trust in Him, it eliminated a lot of negative feelings I was carrying around and replaced them with a desire to follow the path He has in store for me.

  1075. Cheryl Strathearn

    My two best girlfriend’s and I, are doing your book Unglued, and I am proud to say that I was finally able to forgive my sister and not want retaliation for the hurt she has caused but instead chose to ask God for His mercies on her life.
    I blew up if anyone even mentioned her name, now I am able to take a breath, and ask God to forgive her, for her sin is hell worthy.

  1076. Theresa C

    That He really IS GOOD ALL THE TIME! He wants me to live like I believe that because HE IS my Strength, my Shield, my Joy, my Salvation, my Redeemer, my Savior, my Overcomer, My Savior, My God. I am HIS child and HE IS my VERY great Reward! He is the ONE….the ONLY ONE…in whom I can TRUST. Not myself, my emotions, my desires. HE and HE ALONE is the ONE!

  1077. LndaLou

    Love your story Lysa! In my quiet time, God has me wrestling with my motives in ministry – the impossible task of getting out if the way and making it about Him instead of me! The journey from infant to mature believer is filled with a stripping down of my pride that at times can be painful, but always worth it! Motives, motives! Lord, help me to make it all about you!

  1078. kimberly yeich

    What has God placed on your heart to share with others…My husband and I have been thru some difficult challenges and I think that the Lord would like for me to share with other wives how He has gotten me and us thru them.

  1079. Ryan Rumph

    After having my daughter in Dec 2010 I suffered a terrible bout of postpartum depression. 13 months of it. But that was just the tip of my “iceberg.” For a decade I’d already been living in a black hole of darkness and depression. In that time I turned to drugs, sex, self glorification & many other worldy ways to deal with my cloud. It seemed like I was never going to get out. Then Mother’s Day weekend 2012 came and I broke. I had what I now refer to as the “big meltdown.” I packed me & my then 1.5 yr old and left my husband. I drove from our home in FL to my hometown in NC. I’d had enough of my own misery & the misery I thought my husband was causing me. And what happened that next week is nothing short of a miracle. A childhood friend of mine had given me the book “Free Yourself Be Yourself” several months prior & when I left the book and my bible found there way to NC with me. In one week I let God enter my life again. I found myself releasing YEARS (all the way to my elementary school days) of pain, hurt, shame, rejection, lies & guilt to Him. For so long I had chosen to live away from Him because I was ashamed of who I was and the things I’d done/was doing. In those moments with Him that week He took everything I’d been holding in my heart and released me of all my shame and guilt. I sobbed, I screamed, I laughed & I smiled through it all. It was and still is one of the most difficult things I’ve had to do in my life to date. But oh the sweet peace I felt when I was done. I literally felt hundreds of pounds lighter. The woman He molded me into that week is a woman & child of Him. My daughter & I returned home to my husband after that week and today God still is working in my life & my heart every day. I stumble and I fall. But I know I am His work in progress. I know the woman I was before He broke me will never be who I am ever again. God has been whispering to me since January of this year to share my story & journey with others. Lysa you have been a huge inspiration to me. Your honesty & transparency are ALWAYS so refreshing. I know God will use me just as He has used you!

  1080. Teresa McGlon

    I am a recovering alcoholic and drug addict. I have been redeemed from that strongholfd for over 3 years. I am a 49 year old believer and I work with other women daily about the release from this darkness. That God never intended on to live our lives by the skin of there teeth. That with the transformation of our hearts and allowing God truth thru His word to change our thoughts we can live free from the shackels of addiction. I speak in many recovery settings and churches. I am also on the Board of Directors for the local recovery here in Mobile Alabama. So many soul wounds that cause of to have very large holes in our lives and if we are not filling them with God, we are filling them with the enemy. He tries to take our lives away. I know tho, by personal experience that he has no power over us if we CHOOSE to surrender and give God control over our lives. We surrender as much of ourselves to as much of God as we understand. Beginning that relationship with the man of all of our dreams is the most important decision we can make. I try to show others thru the way I live my life and my joy thru the storms that God is the only way to true happiness and the only way to feeling wonderful about yourself. Love yall Lysa and thanks for reaching out to us everyday with God’s word in a way we can relate!

  1081. Jennifer Lunsford

    I am a teacher and God placed it on my heart to be a spiritual mentor to 2 young teachers I work with! I heard him yesterday urging me to begin planning how I could encourage them either daily or weekly with an inspirational verse and some type of relatable story. I can’t wait to go back to school this year now!!!

  1082. Libbie

    “God’s got this!” That’s what I am to share with others. He’s able. He’s WAY bigger than the god of this world.
    **Thank you, Lysa. As I encourage others, you encourage me. Please know that I pray for you, too. 🙂

  1083. Ralonda

    As a Mom, God has equipped me with everything I need to mother our 2 boys!

  1084. Cyrena

    I am in the middle of a separation with my husband. We were living the perfect Christian family life then one day I was blind sided by the devils scheme. I became so obsessed and focused on my husband and his absence that, although I prayed all day everyday, my focus on God was completely clouded over. He began to use other believers to help me remember His order – God, husband, children. And that until I got refocused on that divine order He could not make us whole again. I am relearning and regrouping. And God has given me reassurance that my husband will return to his family soon. Sometimes you realize you can’t see as well as you once could out of your glasses. So you have to go to the dr and have your vision rechecked to achieve 20/20 once again. Yup, I just got checked ❤

  1085. Lea

    we cannot be strong enough alone so have faith

  1086. Sonya G

    God wants me to let everyone know that it is truly so hard to give up something you enjoy so much in His name, but it is so worth it to be blessed beyond my wildest dreams!

  1087. Beth

    God has planted in my heart to share the Joy of life and to teach people to be glad! How good He is to remind me everyday that someone needs to hear that!!

  1088. Bethany S.

    The strength he gave me while going through a very difficult trial in my life last week. I have had strength from God and his promise to us has reflected through me during this trial: “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness” -2 Corinthians 12:9a.

  1089. Dawn Wilson

    I’d like to write a post about your book on one of my blogs. Could your publisher send me a review copy?

  1090. Susan

    That the struggles we face in life can and will be used to help others and bring Him glory!

  1091. Kelly Quebe

    (NIV)Ecclesiastes 8:15
    ENJOY LIFE!! because there is nothing better for a person under the sun than to eat and drink and be GLAD! Then JOY will accompany you in Troubles all the days of the life God has given you under the sun!!!

    <3 Dance in the rain & enjoy the little things in life 😀

  1092. Diana

    Allowing yourself to accept God’s marching orders and end harmful relationships (even marriage) with as much grace as possible with minimal guilt issues.

  1093. Dana M

    Something He has placed on my heart to share is His love, plain & simple.

  1094. Alyssa Duranto

    God has placed on my heart the desire to share my life and time with others for His glory. The more I share my life, the life of a slave to Christ, the more I am able to share so much more of Him and His love! I used to think that my time and my life belonged to me. But when I denied myself to follow Him, I was awakened to the truth that all I have and all I am belongs to Him – not me! And what a beautiful and fulfilling life in Him I was able to embrace when I finally let go of “me”.

  1095. Jill

    To reach out, despite my insecurities, to a young preteen girl who desperately needs a positive role model.

  1096. Janel Gramenz

    My husband is not a believer so God has placed on my heart to show God through my actions and duties to show my husband how much God does in his life.

  1097. Dana

    I hold close to two words… “HIS TIME”. For 7 years my husband and I tried to have a baby. My husband has a beautiful daughter forma previous marriage whom we have custody of and I have had the honor to raise as my own. Through the years of us trying to have one I suffered a tubal pregnancy and was later diagnosed with Graves Disease. 4 years form the date of my tubal pregnancy I found out that I was pregnant. We now have a precious 22 month old that has stolen all of our hearts.

    I think that as humans we want what we want when we want it. I think that God was showing me that we should want what is best for us at all times. In wanting what is best for us we should recognize that HE is the only one that truly knows what is best for us. I am appreciative for all the ups and downs that we as a family have gone through in tying to add to our family.

    In the end, all the ups and downs have brought us to where we are today. EVERYTHING happens in “HIS TIME”. When God says no, we should understand that it is because he loves us and knows what is best for us.

  1098. Kerri

    My love of music with children!

    Over the past few months my relationship with God has become stronger and His voice louder – I think it is because I am digging more into His word and listening – being more intentional. By reading my Bible daily, reading your blog, Proverbs 31 daily devotionals, Amber Haines (the Runamuck) and Ann Voskamp’s blog -He spoke to me loud and clear to volunteer in my church with the children specifically with music. Being an introvert, it was not an easy step but with God on my side – I stood up and said “Yes”! Super excited to start the OBS this Sunday with 2 friends! Thank you Lysa! Many blessings!!!

  1099. Trel Welker

    God has placed truth on my heart to speak. There have been moments where someone is talking about a topic & I have this huge tug on my heart to speak what the Bible says. It’s not all the time but when I feel that tug, I know I must speak.

  1100. Mel

    Called to share in the midst of a major devastation (a christain marriage ending in divorce because christain husband left for another woman). I felt abandoned by not only my husband, but worse…my God. Through the worst time in my life I learned and realized much about myself, my faith and my Heavenly Father. I will never doubt him again as a result. I still struggle with self doubts but I am rest assured that no matter what comes, he never did and never will forsake or leave my side.

  1101. Kristi F.

    God has placed on my heart to share with others how limitless He really is. Come with expectations that God is going to do something… My husband and I are youth pastors and desire for our students to know the deep, compassionate, forgiving, and powerful God that we know and love!

  1102. Janice

    God has placed on my heart to share how He has restored me and redeemed me from feeling I am unworthy, thati am not good enough to be loved by Him and to tell people that we are loved by Him and very important to him despite what we were told all our life growing up.
    I feel your book will inspire many people to believe in themselves and to trust God at a deeper level.

  1103. Amy Anthony

    He’s calling me to share about the his redemptive grace regarding relationships with girlfriends.

  1104. Becky Lavergne

    God has placed on my heart to support and build up mothers. Especially those like myself, with young children. Sometimes it’s a daily struggle and we need to be there to support and love one another in all areas!

  1105. Marci

    I feel that God wants me to help others know that Anxiety & Depression are nothing to be ashamed of & with HIS help, they can be conquered!

  1106. Tracia

    Hello Lysa, I recently finished reading your book What Happens When Women Say Yes To God, and I can’t tell you how much I related to your story, God promptings and all. I am so encouraged by women like you who God uses to be witnesses of His amazing grace and love. Thank you for your transparency. I know that God is leading me to continue to share my story with other women to encourage and exhort them to walk in the abundant life that Christ came to offer.

  1107. Traci Kincaid

    I feel like God wants us to know that life is a roller coaster…..and the whole purpose is to strap in cling to him and let him navigate. It’s what we learn about ourselves and about him on the journey—-we were put here on this earth to learn how to love him. Our hope is in Jesus – our redeemer – and heaven is our final home.

  1108. Diane Fetter

    God encourages me to share His love, peace, comfort and strength with His children that have suffered lost of love ones or that are dealing with illness, recovery or aging. I do this through cards, visits and baking. It’s because God loved me and forgave my sinful actions that I can respond to others.

  1109. Nicole

    I have been feeling lately that God is calling me to encourage other moms to train up their children in the way they should go. We have a great opportunity as moms to change an entire generation of believers!

  1110. Lisa

    My heart is telling me to be a teacher for my children. To bring my family to His word. In turn, I am finding myself talking to other Mom’s and sharing what I have learned or how much peace I feel since I have started this DAILY journey. Imperfect progress is great progress and much better than thinking and wishing and INTENDING.

    Thank you.

  1111. Debbie

    I believe God has asked me to share His love with others through kindness in daily life with them and by extending extra measures of grace and patience as He works through me to them. Acceptance, rather then quick judgement to the ugly parts of their life so we can establish and build relationships as He does His work in their life. I find this far easier then trying to do the Holy Spirit’s job of conviction and restoration.

  1112. Marybeth

    God wants me to share the story of struggles that in my life I have overcome, from losing my mother at an early age to breast cancer, to having first born be born with spina bifida, and now dealing with my own survival of breast cancer! God wants my story out there so that others can grow to know Him more through my roller coaster of a life!

  1113. Sarah

    To help and comfort those with anxiety and panic through my own experiences.

  1114. Cynthia Atkinson

    I really enjoy reading your books. My oldest sister Marilyn let me borrow and read Becoming More Than a Good Bible Study Girl and I felt like it was written about me! There was so much that you and I had in common in that book, that it really touched my heart. I cried and laughed and read it in like 2 days, because I didn’t want to put it down! Now she has loaned me Unglued and I am about half way through it. My sister goes to bible studies at her church, but I am somewhat of a stay at home bible study woman. I read your things you put on my facebook and enjoy them for daily lift ups. I would love to win a copy of your book, then I will be able to share it with my sister as she has shared with me! Thank you for the chance and May God continually bless you, so you can keep blessing your readers!

  1115. Sheila

    Thanks for sharing Lysa. Your book What Happens When Women Say Yes to God was the first Bible Study I ever taught adults. It was about six months after reading the book myself that I felt the Lord telling me to share it with others. It was totally out of my comfort zone but with the Lord leading it was very successful. I would love to win a copy of the devotional but if not I’m sure I will buy it. The Lord has used your obedience to him to bless many people. Thanks for all you do. I’m sure you put a lot of time and effort and prayer into your ministry.

  1116. Billie Jo

    Encourage my adult children even though their choices are not what my choices would be. Understanding God is so much bigger. I want them to hear well past me to His voice.

  1117. naomi

    That God knows what we are going through He knew we would be in a waiting season, difficult season, dry season, frustrating season, season of utter defeat. Yet in any season we are in He is there holding our hand and asking us to trust Him even with the unknowns and uncertainties. He will never abandon us!!!!

  1118. Kristi

    encourage others and share my struggles and realize that God loves you unconditionally!

  1119. April Keith

    Lately God has been dealing with my heart about church hurt & how we can so easily hurt those who are desiring to serve Christ just as we are. We need to stand together and protect our brothers & sisters in Christ. It says in Galatians 6:9-10 NIV “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”
    So we should never tire of doing good for those in the house of the Lord & our fellow believers. Standing together and showing Christ like love, especially to our fellow Christians. None of us are perfect but we all deserve grace, mercy and compassion especially from our fellow believers. So let’s be sure not to inflict any extra damage and stress to our fellow Christians and not grow weary of doing good for each other.
    May God bless you & keep you all.

  1120. Debbie

    Following our God of Peace means that I may have to make some adjustments in my life. Perhaps my plans are not His plans. Peace……………….thorough comfort.

  1121. Kristina

    Powerful story! Exactly what I needed to hear today! God is urging me (us) to share our story of faith, perseverance and triumph as we go thorough life’s storms/downpours/hurricanes.

  1122. Celeste

    God has shown me that time heals and the struggles that I have been in for 3 years now.
    God has shown me how much strength I have that I didn’t know that I had. God has placed angels and so many blessings in my life. Prayer, Hope, & Faith has got me through.
    Knowing God is always there no matter what, even if at sometimes it feels like he isn’t…

  1123. Tricia Martin

    God has shown me how to be patient and that everything is in HIS timing and not my own.

  1124. Britta

    That no working mother can do it on her own without God’s help. That looking for the next season or the next breather is not the way to do life. Rather, in the difficulties of choosing to continue on in every day and every moment is where the Lord meets us. When we come to the end of ourselves he is there in his Grace to continue carrying us along.

  1125. Sandra Strohm

    That at the ripe old age of 50, I said YES to God to (maybe???, hopefully???) lead me to start a new business that involves college kids and Mexico. I feel inexperienced, unglued, and incapable EVERY DAY. I want to give up EVERY DAY. There is a new roadblock and challenge EVERY DAY. I question EVERY DAY if this venture is God-led or just me wanting to help my family financially (right now the business is WAY in debt) and get a trip to the beach in Mexico every once in a while. But, EVERY DAY I am forced to surrender all the difficulties and self-doubts and EVERY DAY God’s grace overcomes the obstacles until another pops up. That is why I end up believing EVERY DAY this is truly God’s will and path for my life.

  1126. Denise

    God has placed on my heart to share that you can live debt-free. To give ideas on how to live a simple life, that includes total surrender to God.

  1127. Wendi Keenan

    I don’t think I can just limit myself to God placing just one “thing” on my heart per day. In my personal journey of getting to know myself and God better, I strive to put others needs first no matter how small so that maybe, just maybe they get a glimpse of God though a “Godly Woman.” Everyone wants the best for themselves, their family, their kids their friends….etc…but when I step back and take in some perspective, I try and think about what’s best for God today? How can I be a servant? How can I help? Who can I help? Not every day is perfect and I do have wants and needs but when the day is done I have to ask myself was today “done” in HIS glory or mine. This is where I hope to grow and be lead.

  1128. Cindy

    God is challenging me to be real…to let down the walls that I have built up around me so carefully…in an attempt to create the image of someone who has it together…while inside I feel broken. God keeps pushing (he is rather persistant that way, thankfully) to step out of my comfort zone and deal with the issues that I struggle with and to share those struggles with others as a ministry to them. It scares me beyond words. I question what I have to offer, whether I am good enough to speak truth and encouragement into the lives of others, and how in the world God can work through me when I am still struggling. Yet, when I really listen, I can hear God’s still small voice telling me that He has a purpose for me and asking me if I will be bold enough and courageous enough to step out of my safe world and to follow Him. I am praying and asking for your prayers as well…because I want to say yes…but I am afraid…

  1129. Heather Williams

    God has placed on my heart the desire to share the Word with others, especially my children and other women. Whether its through a scripture jar, forwarded email, note, text, etc., whatever encourages them and draws them into the Word.

  1130. Nicole

    Before I was saved I thought God was a mean God. My mother had me at the age of 21 only to keep her boyfriend around permenantly which did not work. My biological father had nothing to do with me. My mother married my step father and he adopted me when I was 4. He was a wonderful dad, but they had a horrible marriage. There was constant yelling and fighting, they were separated more than once and finally before being divorced after 18 years of marriage they both had affairs and I was right in the middle of it all. I have struggled all my life with depression and anxiety. I coped with it all by excessively partying and drinking when I was a teenager and experimenting with drugs. When I was 16 I became pregnant and made a difficult decision to have an abortion. Seven years later I gave birth to my first child out of wed lock. My step father came to see my son for the first time when he was two weeks old. Three days later my step father drowned. They think his wife was responsible for it, but it could never be proved. I then battled with extreme depression for about year after. One night at my lowest point I was contemplating suicide and Jesus clearly spoke to me and I gave my life to Him on my bedroom floor. Now at 29 years old my husband and I have 4 children ages 4 months, 22 months, 3 and 6. Everytime God blessed me with another healthy child I would tell myself I didn’t deserve them because of the guilt I had about my past decision to have an abortion. There was a lot of my past I did not share with my new Christian friends out of fear of being rejected. But, I now see things clearly. Satan had me believe God put me through those things because he was mean. I now know God had me go through what I went through to share it with other and either bring them to Christ or help them grow their relationship with Him. I can empathize with them, share my testimony with them and share with them my faith and trust in God that He intended it all for good. Lysa you are a true inspiration to me. I used to think I wasn’t good enough to be a godly woman, but because of your openness and willingness to share your story I can now share mine! I can also forgive myself and others who I have held so much anger for in my heart. Thank you!

    PS…sorry it was so long, but that is what God put on my heart to share! 🙂

  1131. Tina

    My task from God is to give encouragement, support & speak positive words into lives of women. God always places me in lives of women who need a support person in their life for various reasons. This task is not always easy, but usually results in joy!! This task causes me to determine that I always am studying God’s Word & ready for what he sends my way. I love & cherish this task & the women who I am connected with!!

  1132. Darlene

    That He uses all our broken places for His good. Thanks so much for sharing your story to bring hope and healing to so many. Blessings to you.

  1133. Melissa Shaw

    To love the unlovable, to offer grace that has been given to me, and to offer forgiveness. My job is to get it all from God then give it away. To simply shine or radiant my daddy God.
    ARISE [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you–rise to a new life]! Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! (Isaiah 60:1 AMP)

  1134. Yvette

    For most of my life I have been struggling with various forms of an eating disorder. I never thought that anything good can come from this. I thought that I was just bounded to this horrible life I was living. However, after spending more time with God and hearing other women of faith’s stories, I know that God indeed works all things for the good. He used this struggle to strengthen me and prepare me to help other women fighting this battle. Proverbs 31 played a key part in my spiritual journey! Thank you so much!

  1135. Darlene

    It’s time to change our default status!! We can not continue to try and live right to get close to Him… We have to actively pursue closeness with Him in order to fully understand how to live right!!!

  1136. josie

    God has put in my heart to be intentional with the relationships he has placed in my life. To let them know how much they are loved and wanted!

  1137. becky

    It has helped me to use devotion. God has used the verses or something in the devotion that I am woking on. I thank God for people like you because I am reminded. I am not the only one with that problem. So thank to you for that. Bye becky

  1138. Anita

    God has placed upon my heart to share the encouragement I’ve received through your ministry. Your words of wisdom have been such a blessing in my life and the lives of many of the women in my life. Thank you for being so real and honest about your own struggles and vulnerabilities.

  1139. Rebecca D

    I believe God would like me share my testimony of how God answers prayers. God has brought us through an amazing journey with my husbands career. I am amazed how my faith has increased though our time of hardship and am truly blessed to watch God’s plan unfold. I love to share of how God brought us out of a place of despair into a place of blessing and hope.

  1140. Lori Mueller

    That even those of us who at one point thought there was no place for Him in our lives and wanted nothing to do with Him can eventually find Him and follow Him and want more of Him all the time.

  1141. Rhoda

    After years of trying to do things my way and coming to the end of myself, The Lord sent godly mentors to care and speak truth into my life. Be ause of my experiences God has called me into Care Ministry to lead others to abundant life and wholeness in Him.

  1142. Shannon Obenski

    God has placed on my heart to share with other young moms that we all make mistakes, no family is perfect, and we can only do better with Jesus as our Savior.

  1143. Cindy Stachowiak

    God has blessed me with special needs children. Something I would of thought I could never handle and definetly not part of MY life plan.However,I have been truly blessed. I have leaned so many things through the gift of my children. Patience, unconditional love, a sense of humor just to name a few. What I would like to share is that God has a plan for us and it is so much more rewarding then what we could ever plan for ourselves.

  1144. Lana

    I had an awesome church family as a child. I’ve felt soo guilty lately that I haven’t been able to find that for my family. I feel especially guilty for not having found that yet for my children. I mean I am responsible for showing my children the way to salvation and I have felt as though I am failing! I mean we pray and I teach them about Jesus but I know it’s not enough! I have visited a church a few times lately and I think we have finally found a church home! I have also found a really great friend at the church who has been an encouragement and a true blessing! Life is so much easier when God is in control! I’m still learning to let God lead my life!

  1145. karen

    Keep leaning on Him. At this time in my life, so many things are working together to overwhelm me and the only constant, faithful thing in my life is my relationship with the Lord. He will not fail me nor will He let me go. While most days are not easy, He is there. And for that, I can rejoice.

  1146. Tabitha Johnston

    God has given me a heart for young women struggling with eating disorders and things like that. What he has put on my heart to share is that freedom is possible. If we seek him and allow him to go to work, he will do great things in our lives.

  1147. Carol

    Believe it or not “FAITH” (crazy thing is, I am being tested and I feel that I’m failing miserably.) I love to encourage others.

  1148. Heather

    I’m not sure yet exactly how God wants me to share this but I feel Him calling me to be an encourager to my girlfriends about naming and claiming fears and giving them back to Him.

  1149. Tammy

    I am very blessed to work for a Christian ministry so I experience the joy and freedom of talking about Jesus throughout my work day. However, I am lacking when it comes to discipleship outside of the office. God has laid on my heart to be bold in my faith, no matter where I am, and to remember there are many people who are lost and need to know about about the love and compassion that a life with Jesus offers!

  1150. Christina Fortier

    I would share that someone’s hurt go deeper than you can see.

  1151. Windy

    Forgiveness, not just for others but also from others.

  1152. Erin

    Instead of asking God “why is this (hard thing) happening to me?” Instead ask “what are you trying to teach me about you or myself that I can grow from (in this hard thing)?”

  1153. Wendy

    I’m not sure, and I guess that’s why I’m interested in this study. We have a lot of changes going on in my life right now and I’m trying so hard to see God’s will in it. We’re getting a lot of roadblocks and it is so hard to maintain the faith and attitude that this is what God has called us to do.

  1154. Christi Engle

    I believe he’s called me to share my journey with weight loss. “Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.” I feel called to bring a handful of ladies who I know share this struggle and have a time of encouraging, sharing, and loving…no judgement or negativity. Just so you know, Lysa, your book Made to Crave has been an AMAZING, encouraging anchor for me- like water for my parched and weary soul. I have sat for countless hours with your book, my BIble, and my prayer book. It has been a rich and spiritually filling time. Thank you, thank you for your ministry!

  1155. Nikki Eneff

    I want to remove the phrase “Love the sinner, hate the sin” from our culture.

    If we are hating the sin in the midst of our love–then are we really loving?
    Jesus did not spend his ministry loving the sinner and hating the sin. He spent his ministry loving.

    Jesus understood that loving someone and meeting them where they are could change a life. He loved them. He poured wisdom into them. He connected with them.

    Repentance will come and behaviors will change. You do not need to distinguish your love for someone. You don’t need to love the sinner at hate the sin. You just need to love. You are the sinner. Your sin is no better than the other person’s sin.

  1156. Nancy Hayes

    God has placed on my heart to share with others that we all need to be more transparent. When people ask how you are, how do you respond? Nearly ever time you will say,” I’m fine.” When we have struggles going on in our lives, we need to share those so others can pray for us and we can pray for others going through “stuff” in life. As Christians, we are part of the awesome family of God. We need to be sharing one anothers lives, both the good and the not so good.

  1157. Karen

    GOD has placed on my heart a passion to help other women I never thought of myself as a leader or anyone who could speak to other women or lead Bible Study. After I got into Bible Study, GOD began tugging on my heart to share my testimony with others. I always felt ashamed of my past and the situation of having a mother with mental illness. I thought surely GOD can’t use someone as ordinary and as shy as I am. BUT GOD kept on tugging on me until I finally obeyed Him. Then He began to Give me the courage, strength, and confidence to be real and transparent with others through sharing my testimony and coordinating women’s events and facilitating Bible Study groups. GOD IS MY HOPE AND MY TRUST. HE HAS TAKEN ME OUT OF MY COMFORT ZONE IN ORDER TO HELP OTHER HURTING WOMEN. WE are all real women with real problems who serve a very real GOD! GOD has grown me and is still growing me. I am an imperfect progress. I would love to have your new book! My Bible study group is doing your Unglued study now and absolutely love it!

  1158. Christina

    I believe God has placed in my heart to share my struggles with depression and help them through it through His love.

  1159. Sharonlynn

    My first marriage 15 years ago with my ex husband and he was tremendously physical, verbal and mentally abusive to me for several years. I became pregnant with our child snd he told me to get an abortion, I refused and the first time i stood up to him, he filed for a divorce. Such a big blessing because i dont know if i would of pursued a divorce. God was in control the entire time and he was there the entire time i felt so alone. A few years down the road i went back to college and i was offered internship to be a domestic violence advocate and after i was done with my internship, i became an employee. I was able to share my story and assist many women and children to be freed by their batterer. I believe that god had me go through the abuse so i would be able to relate to them, talk about where my strength came from and encourage these women that god has their back no matter what their circumstances are. God has used me to speak openly regarding the abuse i endured. Without him being present in my life, i know that i would of stuck my past in a closet and not shared with anyone. There have been so many opportunities that god has used me to share his word with survivors of domestic violence.

  1160. Lori

    Thanks so much for all that you do to glorify Him! Lately, He has been placing on my to “be still and know that I am God.” I became a Christian just over a year ago and in doing so He restored my extremely broken marriage, drew my husband to Him and to serve Him as well, and forgave me for drug use, sexual immorality and so much other sin. Since then, I have been struggling to hear Him. I know He speaks to all of us in different ways and I think He does so with me more in circumstances that seem to be coincidences.

    My husband and I were pretty sure that the Lord wanted us to move from Colorado to Texas to be close to family. We prayed and planned and never got a strong yes or no–so we began to plan to go. Until I woke up one morning and really felt the spirit moving to give a month’s notice at my job so that I could “finish well.” This, to me, really seemed to be the yes we were wishing for. Until, my husband got called for a job interview that he did not recall applying for. Since he was unemployed at the time, we thought he should go and maybe earn some income for the short period we would still be in Colorado, if he were offered the job. On the way to the interview, he got a little lost and found himself in the parking lot of Golden Gate seminary–where our pastor had been urging my husband to consider attending! And, he got the job! AND, our youth Sunday School teacher began needing a substitute and my husband was called upon.AANNDD, our church secretary asked me to sub for her while she was on vacation–my dream job!! Needless to say, we began to discover that the Lord spoke to us in “coincedences”…if we were still and observant enough to see the connections.

    Now, after being blessed enough with periodic miraculous financial gifts from the Lord while I was home with our children for the summer, I need to find a full time job to support some of the plans that He seems to have presented us with: seminary tuition, Christian school tuition (subsidized by a financial grant) and the possibility that my husband may become a part-time Youth minister…provided it is His will. In my BC days, I would be pushing and fretting and contacting anyone and everyone I could for a job. Yes, I do look and apply to something almost every day, but I try to listen to Him in my selections. Every morning, while it is still dark out, I wake up and spend some time alone in prayer and try to be still…and just listen instead of running at the mouth…and know that He is God, He is good and He has amazing plans for me.

    • Terry

      Thank you Lori! I really needed to read this. I’m at the point in my walk with Jesus where I just have to stop & listen. To Trust & wait for His leading & not my own! Confirmation with your post. I will keep you & your Family in Prayer. Remember Proverbs 3:5-6

  1161. Alison J

    As I’m nearing the end of this pregnancy, I acknowledge that this has been extremely tough – physically, mentally, emotionally. I have days full of tears for no apparent reason and days of joy that I get to be a mom again. I worry about finances, provision, strength, future direction for my family…. Yet I’m reminded time and time again that God’s grace is sufficient and His strength is made perfect in weakness.

  1162. Patty

    After reading your book, “What Happens When Women Say Yes To God” my life was changed. Radical obedience is the theme I live by now. What I would most like to share with others, especially those who live with with chronic illnesses, is that they too can say yes to God. That they too can live a life of radical obedience. Sometimes living with chronic illnesses we want to say no right at the get go because we think that we can’t do it. I have seen God enable me to so many things inspite of my limitations living with chronic illnesses. When I taught Women’s Bible Studies at our church, there were days I thought I would never make it up to the podium. Yet, because God enabled me, I could say yes to Him!!! That’s what I would like most to share….Say yes and watch what God will do in you and through you even when you think you physically can’t. Thank you once again, Lysa, for writing this book!!!

  1163. Tara

    The reflection question goes so deep inside of me. Not becasue I believe I know what God has placed on my heart but because I have spent so much time avoiding the answer. Why? Because it is too hard or I am too selfish, or I am not a good listener when it comes to God but I am such a good requester. DO you hear the devil in there. I guess the time has come for me to really ask the question and listen to his needs not fill with what I am willing to do for Him.

  1164. Cindy Tardif

    Just hafta say that God works in mysterious ways! He truly has all the answers and works miracles! So excited about the new devotional!

  1165. Heather

    God has placed on my heart to tell my story about heart failure and how God healed me

  1166. Monica

    So many sharing wonderful things to God’s glory! I, along with several others here, an committing to shares story…when you finally forgive yourself of past sin, you allow God to work your past for good. Until then, You will not fulfill God’s purpose for you. Accept His forgiveness, then cut off Satan’s lies that you are not good enough. Trying to teach this to my teen son who is working is way out of a porn addiction and feels that God cannot use him anymore because of his past sin. :-(. We are speaking Truth over him and praying that God will give him the courage to forgive himself.

  1167. Natalie Hardison

    A young wiman who works at my kids’ school had built a reputation for herself as competetive and difficult to get along with. Many of the teachers and aides had nothing good to say about her. I admit she even rubbed me the wrong way. Any time I saw her at school or dance class or any other place, she was always sitting alone, not talking to anyone. No one ever approached her or sat with her. One night, I could not fall asleep. My sweet husband told me to pray. This woman, a single mother, and her child were on my mind, out of nowhere. I prayed for them and immediately fell asleep. Next time I saw her, I felt God telling me to tell her I had prayed for her, but I was too nervous, so I disobeyed. A couple weeks later, I saw her again. This time, I approached her and told her what God had told me to do. I could literally see her letting her guard down with me. Tears came to her eyes and she thanked me. I realized right then that she really needed a friend. I am thankful for the opportunity He gave me.

  1168. Jen Brook

    To share what he has done in my life and my personal testimony

  1169. Stephanie

    God has placed on my heart to share that we should be brave and bold enough to touch the lives of others by pointing them to our Lord and Savior.

  1170. Melinda K

    That during a time of waiting for a dream to be fulfilled, an answer to a prayer, a job to be provided, etc, to trust Him and be content in Him instead of leaning on our circumstances. Even though we all have our moments of frustration or despair, by looking at ourselves, we forget that God is bigger and better than what we are facing. He wants our love, our focus, and our worship; through these, we will be more obedient to Him and His Word.

  1171. Amy Finchum

    To be kind and stop judging people by my own beliefs. God is the one to judge us not others.

  1172. Sheena Bowen

    God has recently placed on my heart to share His love with others. To be His hands and feet, and especially to my family. I often see my staying at home as something I get to do but not necessarily purposeful, but God has shown me recently that my children and my husband ARE my career and calling! God wants me to share with my children every day about His love for them and who He is! It is definitely “imperfect progress” as you so perfectly dubbed it, but God is changing my heart and my attitude through your words in “Unglued”. Thank you SO much for your willing and obedient heart to share your journey and in effect, change my life and my relationship with God and all those around me! I SO look forward to taking part in your latest work!

  1173. Debbie

    I have spent many days running from my relationship with my father. He deeply hurt me and my mother. As I grow older and closer to my God, I have become more forgiving. I am slowly repairing this relationship. Sometimes we have to be the better person and with God’s love, we are able to do this.

  1174. Di

    God has placed on my heart a renewed commitment to my adult daughter and her faith journey. It has been a tough road but she comes to church with me weekly and is dating a very faith centered young man!

  1175. Julie Lovell

    God has placed it on my heart to work on different aspects on my life. He has used the friend He put in my life to learn more about discipline, that its ok to be happy during tough times, and okay to trust. I also feel He has used me to help my friend learn to love and trust, and to be there when my friend needs me for anything.

  1176. Christine

    I take prescription medication for depression and anxiety. I struggled for years to share this with women in the church because I was afraid that I would be judged not “spiritual enough” that I could not just “pray it away”. The first time I shared this with our MOMS group, God used me to reach out and support others, and now I am a leader in our MOMS ministry. Sometimes God doesn’t heal us right away, sometimes He lets us use our pain and struggles to open doors so He can heal others. I’m OK with that.

  1177. Aundraya

    To learn to love myself

  1178. Chelsey

    God wants me to share my encouraging words, acts of kindness. For so long I have not been doing that due to the fact I let the people at work get me down and hurt my feeling it has affected my whole life. No more. No more.

  1179. Jessica

    Our Adoption Journey and the WAITING period it brings!

  1180. Jennifer Merrill

    I have been forced into a very strong role as the leader of my household due to my lack of letting God take the lead. I can speak to other women not to be a product of their environments and/or past choices. Bc God has always been there and will continue to await your return. I love your Unglued series and look forward to this book as well.

  1181. Katherine

    How he lifted me up from anger, despair and depression after the death of a close loved one. I have been in moments where I felt like God had set me up to share…but I shamefully admit I haven’t done that yet.

  1182. Mary Jo Oliver

    God has shown me in oh so many ways that I need to love more, judge less and leave the rest up to him!

  1183. Lela

    After reading your book, What Happens When Women say Yes to God, I found Him. I can now see and know He is with me every minute. I feel I have to share this amazing gift He has given me to draw others near to Him.

  1184. Sarah Von Bergen

    God has led me to share that He loves the people even in the darkest pits AND all things are possible through Him! Transformation is not only possible…it’s our calling! What glorifies God the most is our life testimony of transformation from the inside out, from glory to glory. I grew up with major insecurity and fear. And then about a week ago, at the age of 33, I finally had the nerve to stand in front of hundreds of people and talk a little bit about my testimony. God is changing my fear into faith. He is changing my hurt into love. He is changing my past into my ministry and testimony. To make a long story short, I came from a home of divorce, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, physical abuse, neglect, etc. I know it came from generational sins and hurts. My family line includes sexual abuse, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, adultery, depression, mental disorders, and the list goes on and on. I can forgive the people who hurt me in my past, because I knew they were just hurting. And I know that God forgives me and He saved me to shine His grace, love, and truth. I will love Him forever!

  1185. kimberly holen

    I will not let negative thoughts or feelings consume me. Instead i will focus on the little but oh so much bigger, blessings in life.

  1186. Melinda Brazelton

    The one thing God has been dealing with me about and giving me opportunities to share is about changing our perspective on things that happen. Look at all of the distractions and inconveniences as a blessing and choose to see how God uses those difficulties for His glory! If you are on a mission trip and nothing goes right, praise the Lord that God wants to do something and Satan is attacking.

  1187. Dorothy

    God has placed apon me my struggles with my anxiety & panic attacks. I am learning to manage & overcome them through Gods help. I know I could not do it without God in my life. ♥ I am anxious to read your book and share your inspirational words and stories.

  1188. Sarah

    I am truly interested in this study. God has really been burdening my heart for my unsaved relatives that I have been praying for for years. It is easy to pray and even make a decision to talk to them when the opportunity arises, but it is so hard to have the boldness. God has been working through the preaching in our church lately to be bolder and i get to see some of my family soon. I am praying that The Lord keeps the boldness in my heart.

  1189. Kitsi Eakins

    I believe that He is leading me to help people to not be afraid to go to Him with everything. To no feel unworthy or that your past and current mistake and shortcomings should keep you from Him. No matter what your situation is, God loves each and every one of His children and more than anything, He just wants us to come to Him.

  1190. Gina Robertson

    God has led me to share how He drew me to Him. To share what I went through in my life and when and how I learned and finally felt the love of God! So many people don’t realize how much they are loved by God. They don’t feel worthy and so they try to block His love and push it away even though God’s love is the only love that can truly fill them and heal them!


  1191. Liz

    God has shown me to ask Him each day how I can help others and tell them about Him.

  1192. Meredith

    God wants me to share my real, ugly truth. Whenever I share my totally real, usually very yucky truths about being a mom, a wife, a sinner–people always thank me for being so real. My yuck shines light on His Grace revealing it for others to see.

  1193. Debbie Szarka

    surrendering my need to control others because of my fear of being left with no one to care for my.

  1194. Mary Jo Oliver

    What has God placed on my heart to share with others? I believe it is to trust in God above all earthly possessions and be dependable to him

  1195. Giovanna

    I would love to recieve a copy to share with my daughter who has trouble making decisions about her future. She will graduate next summer, and then go for a masters to teach young elementary children or pre-schoolers. Thanks for the chance. Peace and blessings

  1196. Mary Sherrill

    Today earlier this morning ,about 4:45 am to be exact I took my son to work again due to his car problems. After yesterday being treated so disrespectful i patiently waited for a text from him saying “mom I’m sorry anything but nothing came . Knowing he did not have a way again this morning yes I took him again this morning letting go of what had happened the day before. God reminded me to “cloth myself with love ” Colossians 3:14 so I did as much as I wanted to have a wounded spirit attitude God showed me how I have love for others that are unlovable why not your own son . Everyday I ask God “use me Lord however you need me”, well today He did I showed my son that I still love him unconditional and even bought him breakfast if that’s not icing on the cake HALLEJUHIA !
    Being a signal mother of three young men and just living by faith everyday in Gods strength I have to trust God in every aspect of my life . Psalms 91:2

  1197. Claire

    There is a hole that is undefinable. Knowing that God is the answer, but not knowing where to turn.

  1198. Jessie Taft

    In answer to your question: God has been calling me to minister to others. This is scary to me b/c I am still a “new” Christian & it means sharing parts of my life that are downright ugly. I (truly) found God last summer & was baptized this spring. I sometimes feel incompetent for the job, but my Pastors wife reminded me today that I am not the normal “new” Christian & most of my insecurity comes from lack of knowledge, but she has seen how God has given me a thirst for His word & how I have blossomed over the past 9months. And I know that God will show me what I need to know in every circumstance, He gives me words that are not my own & visions for others that have encouraged them in their walk. It’s terrifying to be in the unknown & putting all your trust in something that seems so impossible, but I trust God & my prayer is to be a “YES” girl, to fulfill all He has in store for me so that I may receive the blessings that He has to offer.

  1199. kuliejellogg

    eye contact & a smile… acknowledgement?

  1200. Nan Spivey

    God wants me to share what He is doing in my everyday life. What He continues to teach me

  1201. Trea

    That Jesus Christ is the key; the answer to every problem, every struggle, every temptation. The closer we can get to God, the more we are filled with His Spirit, the more we feed on His Word & pray & commune with Him…the more Peace & Joy we can have in this life & life Eternal.

  1202. Keri

    Lets turn our trial into stepping stones to what God has planned for our lives.

  1203. Vickie

    Sexual and physical abuse. My childhood was filled with men who only wanted to use me and beat on me. It has taken a lot of healing, but Jesus has brought that into my heart. 🙂

  1204. Dalaina

    I feel that God wants me to share my story of His healing, provision, & forgiveness with teenage parents. Too often the “Christians” are quick to judge where others fall short, however, we’re all sinners…we just all sin differently! I want to offer hope to those who feel as though they aren’t worthy of the love & forgiveness God offers us! Ultimately, I would love to find a way to provide temporary living quarters for those teenage parents to establish a life and relationship with Christ!

    Thank you Lysa for letting God use you to speak to my heart & so many others!

  1205. Jennifer

    I am surrounded by a lot of non-believers, my neighbors who are like a 2nd family to me, as well as actual family members. I think God just wants to use me to show everyone else who He is and help them to trust and believe in God. I am trying hard to listen to Him and feel those nudges from the Holy Spirit so others can see how amazing God truly is.

  1206. Elizabeth

    I feel led to talk about living life with a positive attitude. Everything can be looked at with a positive perspective, and we can turn a bad situation better if we just look at it differently

  1207. Judy

    That nothing can satisfy us except for Jesus!

  1208. Angela D Chapman

    Here lately, God has been showing me that life
    Is not pretty all the time. We don’t have to walk around because we are women of God pretending all is well, when we are human & life happens. We want things to look perfect at all times when God is saying you are not alone. Seek me, I’m here, but you have to be honest & put your all on the table. Then I God, can help you & because I am in you, then we can help someone else. But you must be willing to give me your all.

  1209. Casey

    I believe God has called me to share with others to Trust in Him no matter what financial or health struggles come our way. It is a hard thing to learn to put all of your trust in Him but so fulfilling when you do!!

    • Terry

      Yes! Amen Trust in The Lord!

  1210. Brenda

    … God has given me the gift of empathy…

  1211. Irma Mendez

    God has placed in my heart to share my testimony with others.

  1212. Lily Rodriguez

    When we become the vessels of love through the one who transformed us the impossible becomes possible! Jesus transformed each willing heart! What we carry as a vessel in the Master ‘s hand is transformed to living water for the world! Let us be used to serve the purpose at God’s great banquet table to The Lord! Shout of Jubilee we are part of the utensils in the Mastor’s dining table to the world! Let us dine together. No dishwasher required Jesus has already done the washing with His blood.

  1213. Bambi Dossey

    God has been showing me that HE hasn’t given us gifts, talents and interests for our own enjoyment and pleasure … but rather to glorify HIM and further HIS kingdom. We should take every opportunity to turn conversations toward the goodness of GOD! Our gifts, talents and interests are just another vehicle to share Christs amazing love with others!

  1214. Jana Wisthoff

    To choose joy in all circumstances 🙂

  1215. April Tucker

    Everyone needs to know we have an obligation to protect children all over the world from human trafficking. That is what God has placed on my heart.

  1216. Terry

    I don’t know where to began. I grow up in a very abusive home. It was like living with a Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. In the daytime he was that loving kind Dad. But when he returned home at night he was so ugly , mean & just evil. He was 6ft 5″ & my Mom is 4ft 10″. I’m saying this because he would beat her & she didn’t have a chance. I’m 55 yrs old now & my Dad pass away at 75. My Mom is 80yrs old & Praise The Lord is doing fine. My Mom was saved & always taught us to Pray & let Jesus handle our problems. Well I did & my Dad only got worse. So over the years I said there was no God! So I stopped praying & started depending on self & decided that when I turn 18 I was going to leave & travel the world. But God had another plan for me. Buy the time I was 19 I had already had two abortions. At 22 I had my first Son & at 24 my second. I got involved with a guy just like my Dad! I got saved at 24 ,3 months after my second Son was born. The following year I Married the Father of my Sons who said he had been saved also. The same day we were Married my eyes were opened to his deception. I screamed out no I want out! Lord forgive me for not waiting & trusting you! We are still Married today but at this time separated. ( 30yrs married ) You see I had a problem with trusting, & waiting. I always go ahead of The Lord & do things my way without even thinking about Praying! Yes after I would realize the mess I was in & needed a way out, that’s when it was time to Pray. The Lord because of His Grace would allow me to start the lesson over again! But I kept on failing. As of today I’m unemployed, ( 1yr ) separated from my Husband for the 3rd time, and just recently lost my house. So I’m now where I believe & have accepted where The Lord wants me to be. I’ve learned through this test to Trust in The Lord for everything ( Proverbs 3:5-6), He working it out for my Good & His Plan for me is not to harm me ( Romans 8:28, Jeremiah 29:11), But most of all about His Grace! The reason Jesus does what He does for me has nothing to do with me but His Grace! ” It’s Not About Me” It never was & never will be! Yes by God’s Grace I had forgiven my Dad before he died! I asked the Lord to allow me to see my Dad through His eyes. Once I saw the hurt & pain that my Dad had carried, the healing process began & I came to forgive him because by doing that I freed myself from all of my hurt & pain that caused me not to be that loving kind Proverbs 31 Women to my Husband. I remember when I cried to The Lord to get me out of my Marriage He said ” I’m going to change you from the inside & out so that when he sees you he will see my Son & come to know the one who Loves him enough to die for him!” Wow! I never asked him again to end my Marriage! My husband left me & I know The Lord has this under control also! Soon I will be on my way back to the house where I spent 7yrs of my life before I left. You know something this time I prayed about it & is at peace with this decision because: I LEARNED TO TRUST IN THE LORD!

  1217. Renee

    Words of encouragement…

  1218. Jami

    I read this book, did the study, and loved it so much I’m starting an online study of it. I find that extraordinary things happen and I am immensely blessed when I say yes to God.

  1219. Patty Cable

    That life really IS happier and more fulfilling WITH Christ!

  1220. Sara

    We’ve been going through some changes beyond our control and understanding but during these times I have to remind myself that anything God allows me to face is for His glory and His plan is better than my own so I have to trust Him! I’m praying I grow deeper with him while overcoming my everyday battles.

  1221. Traci DeHaven

    God expects me to share that you can get through divorce, you can allow God to use that pain to overcome! You can have a Godly marriage even if you’ve been divorced and YOU CAN BE USED by God! Some people feel that they have done something so horrible, or something so horrible has happened to them and there is no way God can use them! I overcame a painful divorce that I never wanted, but God is using me!!!!!!
    I have a Godly husband with 5 kids that love the Lord and I praise God everyday for that and want to share that with other women that are struggling!!!!!

  1222. Cara Shields

    He keeps reminding me to rest in Him

  1223. Kirsten

    God has been calling me to something. I feel it deep within. I waiver back and forth on different things, but feel a little lost. I am not sure what the specifics are and am trying desperately to hear his clear voice. So I am trying to listen to his prompting in the little things and do it. That is the only step I know how to take for now.

  1224. Donna M. Frost

    How He loves us Faithfully…As in Lam 3:22-24…His mercies are new EVERY morn..GREAT is His Faithfulness….Even when we falter, make mistakes, we can still depend on Him, His promises, His word, His love, to cover us and redeem from all!

  1225. Kristen

    What does God want me to share? Well, people would tell me years ago that I needed to write my experience into a book; to share my testimony of how He gave me the strength to place my first born in an adoptive home and made Himself more real to me at that time than anything ever before. The Lord taught me so much during that time and I have since been able to use the lessons learned to share with others. However, the testimony is still waiting to be written and shared. I never really used my own circumstances to share the lessons. So God keeps using other people and blogs to tell me its time to start! The amazing thing is that my delay has allowed for the story to get even bigger and better since I got to meet her a year ago as a 14 year old. God is SOOOO good and the story is only going to get better.

  1226. Gina T.

    I felt he was leading me to tell others about my experience with pregnancy loss. We lost 5 boys and through that I was able to help start a much needed support group in our area. It has touched many lives and I feel like I have been able to help give hope to others through our loss. I am at an in between stage right now as I feel that I needed to move in a different direction after a few years. I just don’t know what the direction is.

  1227. yolanda

    As a single mom I never feel like I’ve done enough in one day…. and I only become at peace.. when I slow down..practice being thankful in the moments…. and remember the song “dont try so hard”…God give you grace…….. Thank you Lysa for your guidance through our journeys!

  1228. Dorian Cornelius

    God has placed on my heart to share about adoption. We have two adopted daughters with two very different adoption stories. It is my prayer that some day I can share their stories with others through a blog.

  1229. Delores Payseur

    God wants me to share about the faithfulness of God. No matter what we have been through in the past, currently, or in the future, He is faithful to go along side of us and help us through our struggles and trials.

  1230. Becky

    God is calling me to listen. Everyday is a challenge to take time to listen to Him. I want to do other things and leave Him last but this summer God is not letting me do that. He is making me listen to Him, for what I am not sure of yet but I know in His time He will let me know. Maybe through this new study I will find out because I wasn’t going to sign up for it but I did. So not I will wait and listen

  1231. Mary

    Grumpiness and bad moods are best handled in prayer!

  1232. Melissa

    About 6 months ago, I felt a burden that lay on my heart, that I know was placed there by God, to start a ministry in our church for single moms. Our church body has so many outreaches, not only for our local body, but for our community. But, in a trying to find a place that I fit, as a single mom myself seems to be impossible. Not that I’m unloved , unwanted or friendless, I still found that my family doesn’t “fit” the idea of the normal church family. I feel that God is calling me to share my story, to create a new mold for single moms here in this church body, so that we don’t feel left out when there is a church potluck or when we sit alone in the pews on Sunday mornings. Although, I’m still in the planning/praying stage, I see Gods hands throughout all of this…. As long as I keep my eyes on Him and not all of my fears and insecurities, I believe the program will be starting soon.

  1233. Gina Williams

    I am not sure which way God is leading me to be honest. That is part of why I want this book. Even if I don’t win, I plan on going to my Christian bookstore and ordering it. God has called me to sing, this was confirmed during a revival. I would love to become a contemporary Christian singer, but like you, I feel unworthy, not good enough, my voice isn’t good enough. But ya know what? I think God wants us to dream big and I have a lot of dreams. He put the dream of singing in church in my heart when I was 15. I am 30 now. But just two years ago it brought it to pass, so no matter what, His Will will be brought into my life in His time… I feel like he is leading me to help children. I have a heart for kids. The sick, the lonely and the helpless. There a different things I feel, see and maybe even have visions about, and I pray daily that His Will be done in my life and I will be used even in the smallest things. My family and my kids are the ones that need to see the way I love God more than anyone, so I know being a mommy and wife is my biggest and best calling.

  1234. Sandy walls

    One simple thing The Lord has asked me to share, LOVE!!!! Simple, but sometimes the hardest!

  1235. Holly Gwen Stevens

    Last Friday, I was into week 2 of Lysa’s lesson “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God” and I had skipped the part on week 1 of turning my ‘mess’ into a ‘message’. After hearing Lysa speak at Rock This House in Ash Flat, Ar, I told her that we were doing this lesson in Sunday School, and thanked her for writing it. I came home, and realized that God had given me the courage to go ahead, step out on faith, and say YES and share a piece of my mess-age. This is the Facebook post I wrote, and then shared at church last Sunday: 13 years ago on a Friday night, (at the age of 15, how sad is that?) you would have caught me partaking in some actions that I’ll just call ‘colorful’… 8 years ago, (at the age of 20) on a Friday night, you would have caught me in the bar, drunk when I got there… But tonight, on THIS Friday night, when my sister-in-law has my kids and I could be anywhere in the world I wanted to be, I found myself at a Christian Women’s Conference called ROCK THIS HOUSE, praising the Lord and spending time with other women who are aiming their lives towards serving God! Let me tell you something people: If GOD can take, quite literally as the song says ‘A WRETCH’ like me and turn me into the woman I am today: A wife to the man of my dreams, a mother to the most beautiful souls on Earth, a Christian, a SINNER saved by grace… He can touch anyone. He can save you. He can give you the most amazing gift: Eternal Life!!! Better yet, He’s not all like ‘Well, I guess you can have it’ He is WAITING for you to take it!!! He WANTS you to have it!!! *ASK, and it shall be given you; SEEK, and ye shall find; KNOCK, and it shall be opened unto you! Matthew 7:7 says that God is ANXIOUSLY waiting for you to accept this gift!!! I had such a great night and I can’t wait till the morning to go back and be filled all over again with the joy that comes to me from getting closer to my Lord! God is SO good, ALL the time

  1236. Landon G

    Honestly, today it is cucumbers! I have a plethora of cucumbers growing in my backyard – way more then my family could ever consume – and I know that I am to give them away to those who may be in need of some fresh food. My neighbor “Marty”, a widow who spends many days alone and loves the company of my young children. My other neighbor, Ben, whose family lost their home and all their belongings in the recent tornados, and the local food shelter who would gratefully welcome any fresh produce, instead of the usual processed donations. God has been sowing seeds of abundance into my heart recently, as in “give of your abundance” and “from those whom have been given much, much will be required”. So off my little ones and I will go with our baskets full of cucumbers. Next week it will be tomatoes. 🙂

    • Tracie Johnson

      I don’t need any cucumbers, but that first line alone made me smile. Thanks. I really needed that.

  1237. katja

    Reading your Article/devotion made me choke up cuz I could so relate…I am at a place in my life where I am completely lost …I am 42 years old married with a man that I love so very much but also has hurt me in ways that left deep scares…I ask God so many times to use me for his Kingdom but don’t seem to hear from God …I don’t share much about my life especially marriage or home inviroment cuz to me its so humiliating yet the few peolle that know almost everything about me and what I went through keep telling me if I would just learn to forgive and let go of the anger they are sure that God is wanting to use my life experiences for His good…I would not sit here if it wasn’t for my Rock, my Savior cuz only through him do I get the strength to face each new day and make it a mission to make some sort of difference in someone else’s life…As I was reading your article I actually heard my heavenly father speak to me that I need to go to my Husband with the grace that God gives me everyday and tell him that I love Him and that I truly from this moment on forgive Him for the pain he put me through…that from this moment on its gone as far as the east is from the west …Thank you Lord for this devotion and speaking to me through Lysa…I originally commented to see if I could win this devotional book but Lord that is so unimportant to me right now then actually saying yes and doing what you asked of me …Thank you Lord for showing me what hinderd me all this time from maturing and arriving to my new journey with my husband …I love you Lord the best that I know how at this moment ♥♥♥ thank you lysa for sharing …

  1238. Carla

    My most important current mission in life is in helping with my 3 year old grandson’s care. His mother (my daughter) is an avowed atheist as well as a currently celibate lesbian. While I am carefully teaching my grandson about God through conversations, songs, stories from “The Jesus Storybook Bible” and Christian dvd’s, my daughter refutes everything he tells her by saying “that’s just a theory” or “Nana and G-Joel believe that. I don’t.” I know God is in control. It is my responsibility to teach and let the Holy Spirit do His work. In addition to that, I find social networking such as Facebook, a GREAT place to share my faith and testimony. Thank you so much!

  1239. Dawn Erickson

    God wants me to live in His grace and share His message of grace. God has shown me from Genesis 1 through the last word of Revelation that He only has one message….and that is His abundant grace worked out through Christ’s obedience on the cross. So I don’t have to be perfect, I don’t have to follow “rules”, I don’t have to be religious. I simply have to accept His grace. And when I actually live that — I find that I am able to be more and more like Christ. It’s pure freedom and joy.

  1240. Sandra comer

    For the last 3or 4 years my mother has continually told me I was going to hell. I struggled thru and let God handle it.
    About 3 months ago she called me an apologized. We have the greatest relationship in this world now. She is the mother I have longed for all my life. I am so thankful to my Father in Heaven for answering my prayer.
    God is so good!!!!

  1241. Jill Butler

    God wants me to share that even when things get totally messed up and you feel that you cannot go any further that He will give you the extra measure to continue on.

  1242. Pam

    The Lord is teaching me to share my faith. I’ve always just kept it to myself. He’s also wanting me to share my eating problems, emotional issues & resentments. Thank heavens for Celebrate Recovery which allows me to deal with these issues in a safe place & show me his love.

  1243. Ruth Hughes

    To be honest, I really don’t know if God does want me to share anything yet. I’m still trying myself to learn what God wants to share with me. It’s been a bumpy ride here lately and I’m just trying to figure out what I’m suppose to learn, if anything.

  1244. Kim Villalva

    I think I keep feeling God push me to share my story of two miscarriages, one most recently which occurred two days prior to Easter of this year. This was our miracle baby…after losing Jacob in October 2010 we were given very slim chances of conceiving again…slim to none. We were shocked to learn that we were finally pregnant. But our joy would soon be interrupted by the loss of our precious baby who we believe could have been a little girl, Lily Grace. Only 6 days after we found out we were pregnant, we lost her.

  1245. Amber

    I have felt God calling me to begin a women’s ministry within our church, I have felt a desperate need for it have been waiting for someone else to see that need and step up! For so long I have allowed myself to believe the fears and doubts about not being good enough and not feeling qualified to be a leader to stunt my spiritual growth. At She Speaks you talked about chaining our insecurities to our identity, this hit home for me. God has been working on me for over a year now, gradual baby steps of change. Over the past year God has presented me with ” challenges”‘ but really they were choices that I needed to say YES to, every time I received a greater blessing than I could ever imagine. My new motto is “I am a child of God, therefore…”.

  1246. tricia

    Just began sharing some painful childhood memories with a few trusted Christian friends in my mom to mom Bible study group. Opening up this part of my life and heart hasn’t been easy, but I am coming to realize I need their prayers to help heal on so many levels. For the first time ever, I’m excited to see how and what God is going to USE this situation in my life for the good. I never before thought it was even possible. Now I am hopeful…. Romans 8:28

  1247. Marlene M

    God has placed on my heart to find Him. Again.

  1248. Tracie Johnson

    “What has God placed on your heart to share with others?”
    I can honestly say that I have no earthly idea. I’ve always been one to run from God or use Him as a crutch at times. It wasn’t until about a few months ago that I realized that the devil was really at me. I was weighed down every single day for about a month, maybe 2. I felt like death was riding my back. It was the worse feeling ever and I promise I would never wish that feeling on my worst enemy. It is the absolute worse feeling ever. It took my obedience in order to shake. At church one morning, the congregation was told to turn around where we stood. Really simple command. I turned. The First Lady of my church said that she saw the demon peek from around my back and fell off. It’s a scary thing to know that you are walking around carrying demons and you know that you have them coming at you because Satan doesn’t want to see us grow in God. But obedience is all it takes. It’s hard for me because I’m the type of woman that has to be in control of everything but I have to learn to let go and let God. It’s not easy for me. I often find myself wondering and wandering. Sometimes I feel lost and want to give up. Some days I don’t know what to do with my self or my life. I grew up in the church, but the church wasn’t in me. Every day is a learning process for me. I don’t get it right all the time and sometimes I feel Satan trying to drag me back down and it takes all of my energy to try and fight those spirits. I know that I can’t win against the enemy. I have to give it to God and remove myself out of it. I have to learn to pray and not worry. It gets hard.

  1249. Rebekah

    God has called me to share my story of hope and healing from a rare health condition and His victory through my daily struggles. He is an awesome God!

  1250. Christi Brotherton

    Several years ago, I felt God call me to share my abortion testimony at some local churches…I did. Then He called me to facilitate a post-abortion Bible-study I found in Colorado Springs while attending a conference at Focus on the Family…I did that for a few years. Then my family moved to Fallbrook, Ca.. The pastor at my new church asked me to share my abortion story at church, but I have usually had a bible-study I could refer the hurting women to. The study I had used before had gone out of print, so when my search for a new post-abortion study went unsatisfied…I heard God say, “It’s bigger than that.” I wasn’t sure what he meant. About a week later, my friend told me that she was leading a study about becoming free of strongholds. After much prayer, Women’s Discipleship Journey was born. Now, I facilitate a bible study for hurting & broken women to find God’s freedom from all kinds of strongholds. It is so rewarding to see these women allow Jesus to be their only stronghold & hear them say, “Yes” to God.

  1251. Brenda

    … God has given me the gift of empathy… Looking back, I see my life has been a remarkable journey. I used to ask “why?” but now I see he was preparing my heart to be a help to others. Some of my experiences include; incest, divorce, alcoholic parent/grandparent, rape, being homeless, being jobless, relying on public assistance, complete disability due to depression. Many of these life situations has made me realize how judgmental people can be, that I used to be. I have learned that He is always faithful and right on time.

    I believe God wants me to relate my experiences with others. Showering them with love and understanding, demonstrate God’s love for them. Telling them the Good News.

    Thank you for this question… I have been isolating and stagnant for the past year. You see, I still struggle and fall victim to depression. Reflecting on this question has given me great insight as to what I feel God has called me to do!

  1252. Shelly Bloor

    Always stand up for Christ. He died on the cross for us so we should never be ashamed to profess our faith and belief in Him. I’ve faced a mountain of adversity on this recently and lost a lot of “friends” over standing up for Christ. It was the BEST feeling to open my mouth and heart and show my love for The Lord. I encourage others to do the same, even in uncomfortable situations.

  1253. Jill R

    I have been married almost 3 months, and although we are still in the newlywed stage for sure, we have had some bumps along the way. My husband found out while we were on our honeymoon that he was getting laid off. He suffers from depression, and he really felt like he didn’t even get to time celebrate the joyous newness that follows a marriage. I want to share with Christian women what it is like to have a faithful Christian husband who suffers from depression (newlywed or not), and encourage them in the process. Saying Yes to God for me right now means saying Yes to every. single. sentence. in my vows, and doing what is best for our marriage to support my husband. Can’t wait to do the study with you!

  1254. Gina Williams

    I honestly can’t say I have a specific direction I see God leading me towards or what He wants me to bring to people. That is one reason I want this book. I get your devotionals and from the first time I sampled this book on my Kindle I knew this was the book for me.. (Even if I don’t win it I am going to my Christian Bookstore to buy it). 🙂 This is a tool I know God wants in my life. I have a desire to sing in church, he brought that dream to pass two years ago. I still feel not good enough, or that my voice is what it should be. But it’s what He called me to do. I would love to help children that are in bad situations and just need love. I have a heart for the sick and lonely children. I am a mommy and wife and I know that is the biggest calling on my life. I pray daily for Him to reveal all of His plans and His Will for my life. I want to fulfill the reason I was put here… I have big dreams and I think God wants us to dream big. He puts the dreams in our hearts to begin with. Singing was one of mine from the time I was 15 and I am 30 now. But time doesn’t exist with God, He doesn’t look at how long it takes, He looks at the growth and the moment we are ready to receive and use His callings for His Glory, not ours.

    • Gina Williams

      PS, I meant to say I get your devotionals and that is where I first seen this book advertised…. Then I went and sampled it on my Kindle…. I was bummed when my few pages I had to sample ran out!

  1255. Jennifer

    Don’t judge – you don’t know the full story. Just listen and be compassionate.

  1256. Emily K. Smith

    I’ve always considered myself a patient person, until God showed me otherwise. Trust and Faith are key when listening to God, and He revealed how important Patience is as well.

    After recently graduating from college, I was looking for a job in the same area I had attended college so I could remain with my friends I had grown close to and stay near to my boyfriend. I felt established in that area, more so than in my own hometown (which happened to be 3.5 hours from where I went to college. I felt led by God to not enter into the classroom to teach as I had gone to school for for 4 years! Plus, I felt led that I would not return home to live after college. So here I am: graduated college, no job options available where I wanted to be, no place to live, God is telling me that I’m not to go into the classroom and that I’m not going to live in my hometown! Hmmmmm, so now what? It would be rough on my parents to provide for me again along with my younger brother who just finished his first year of college and has no job. My dad is unemployed so they are thriving on my mother’s teaching pay. ??? What’s going on God?

    So I return home where, ironically, I find a job! I work there for a couple weeks and find out they’re hiring so I recommended my brother. He got the job! I work a couple more weeks and find an apartment to rent. The next day I get a call from a former employer from…you guessed it…my college town! And it’s a full time position paying better than I was already being paid! I accept and move-in temporarily with some close friends until I can find a place to live. When I went to get an application for an apartment complex I was immediately GIVEN an apartment! The landlady was not only an answer to my prayers but I was an answer to hers as well.

    Huh…imagine that. It all worked out as God had told me it would. But I wasn’t patient enough to see that He was working in a different way than I had expected Him to. If I had not returned home for that short time my brother wouldn’t have had a good job. I also learned how important patience is alongside trust and faith when it comes to doing what God is leading you to do. Even if He is leading you to something, the WHEN is a different story…God’s story.

  1257. Sharon Nutter

    God wants me to share faith is faithful. You gradually grow your faith a little bit at a time. Also pray and believe. You need to believe God is going to answer your prayer even if its not the answer we want to hear. If we pray and do not believe God is going to answer our prayer, then why pray. Pray and believe. Keep the faith. This is what God wants me to share. Thanks and have a blessed day!

  1258. Carol

    I share that I am redeemed! And I’ve got a new name!
    I share that my obedience opens my life for God’s blessings!
    And I share that if I eat in a way that honors God, I will be healthy and feel great!
    Oh and I share that God can make a masterpiece out of my mess!

  1259. Nancy Greenway

    Something I’ve learned in the last few years of difficulties: When I felt I couldn’t go through a health crisis or marriage crisis, and cried out to God that I needed his help, his peace, or whatever I needed at the time and HE WAS ALL I NEEDED! When I drew near to God and felt his presence and help it made my tough times worth it, in a huge way! Just experiencing Him like that was powerful. l wouldn’t trade it for smooth sailing any day.
    In recent months God has placed it on my heart to share what he’s done for me. I’ve been asking him how he wants me to do that. I have no experience speaking or writing. I am trying to be open to his leading. And again, he will have to help me with this too. But I know he will! Experiencing His love and power are a huge blessing!


    Love, hope, faith and forgiveness for myself and others. I think it is very important to share these things with others. And with yourself. I am the type that is always nicer to others than I have ever been to myself. I thought on this a few weeks ago and I had to ask myself why I thought everyone else deserves these things when I thought that I don’t. We can give so much to others and leave ourselves out in the cold. I have spent a life, literally of giving these things to others while not even thinking I am worthy of the same. God says otherwise, HE loved me and died for me, I can’t give all my faith, compassion and forgiveness to others without giving it to myself. God thought I was so worth it that HE died for me. So, I will continue to share those things with others but I will leave some for myself.

  1261. Jen Rossow

    I feel God wants me to share what I have learned by reading “Unglued”. I have recommended the book to some other women of faith in my life hoping that we can all strive to live “in the flow of God’s power.” I just bought and will begin tonight “Made to Crave”. I would also love to read this devotional by Lysa. Thank you.

  1262. Liz Brueher

    Let His truth be balanced with your grace for others.

  1263. Candice

    A repented heart is my cry.

  1264. Sharon Hill

    I have been struggling a lot lately with what God desires for me to do with the talent he has given me, but haven’t been able to get a clear answer. However, I have discovered that the more I say “YES” to God, the more clear His will is for my life! I am so thankful for all the people he has placed in my life to help guide me when I couldn’t really hear His voice! I just love you all and wish you a blessed day!

  1265. Jill Valencia

    My Victory Journey…
    His goodness! His mercies! His grace! His miracles! I just beat my third battle with breast cancer. I am still going thru some surgeries, but He continues to amaze me at the advances that have been made and showing me that He has given me divine appointments even right down to every doctor I have had thru each trial. I could not have orchestrated that doctors in different states, different hospitals, hundreds, then thousands of miles from one another would have worked together starting in their fields. Only God! I still stand amazed. I am always ready and anxious to share my testimony.

  1266. Susan

    I want to share that God is in control. Even when you think life is out of control, God is in control. He’s got us covered and has our backs. Isn’t that a wonderful, undeserving and amazing thing? Sometimes we just need to slow down or stop our world craziness and look up to our father cause He is there waiting for us to let Him have the control. I found myself lost in the whirlwind of a situation and I was told to give it to God. I was so lost that I didn’t even know how to do that. I cried, Lord, how do I do that? It was through a lot of prayer that I found that faith and trust and when I let it go and let God have it….great, great things began to happen. God is SO GOOD!

  1267. MAGGIE

    I believe that He wants me to share and lead others to Him through my example. I have often read a quote that we are the only Bible someone reads. This is so true. I hope and pray that I am leading others to Christ by my example.

  1268. Sara B

    For today, I think God wants me to start sharing my thoughts, prayers, frustrations, ideas, hopes, etc. through journaling. I write “think” because even though I have been going to church my entire life, I feel like I am just starting to learn and remember the stories of the bible. I have started to make notes in my bible, highlight verses that stand out to me and pray, really pray. However, I cannot yet discern what thoughts are my own or what God may be trying to speak to me. I have never been one to journal, but I enjoy reading and writing, and I think that starting this journal is what God wants me to share, even if it is just with me.

  1269. Judy

    I want to share that my daughter is getting a divorce and God’s strength is ever-present!! This has been a tough year for our family, but God has proven Himself time and time again. O what a great God we serve!!

  1270. Tristine Barry

    Hi Lysa! I so love your transparency, your real heart, your everything. I just received my devotional (I couldn’t wait!) and thank you so much for all you contribute.

    I just wanted to thank you for all you are and all you do. Your generous heart will put huge smiles on 5 blessed ladies!

    Love in Christ,


  1271. Julie

    Lately this has been on my heart. I have been embracing how God wants to use my mess as my message. Things I had buried soo deep even I couldn’t use them. God kept nudging me with the people placed in my life and I have been able to share with two different people in two circumstances I had faced earlier in life. I just keep opening up and asking Him to use me, and sharing the pure joy that comes with that.

  1272. Angela Weathersby

    To Be bold Enough To Share My “Real” story. I have Been just Like You Lisa, Trying To Keep It Pretty.. I fear rejection and I Know That Isn’t allowing God To Use Me For His Best.

  1273. Debora

    To love the unlovable, forgive the unforgivable, to keep the faith while bearing your thorn. To be slow to speak, doers, not just hearers, to act in obedience and trust God is working on your behalf.

  1274. Joanne

    I am to share my life, my experiences hard and not, my growth in Christ.

  1275. Gina

    GRACE….i feel like God is wanting me to share about His precious Grace in my life, my husband and my kids lives.

  1276. Sharon O.

    One of the things God is asking me to share with others comes out of my desire to clean houses for people. He has allowed me to do some for profit, but the more rewarding times are when I can do it to help some of the elderly from our church out of love. They are blessed, but I walk away blessed too, knowing that I’ve brightened someone’s day!

  1277. April Haynes

    I had to share about my unfaithfulness to my husband and how God restored our marriage and gave us 2 beautiful children. It was hard to tell others that about my sin but God has used it more times than I can count, for good and not for harm. Thank you for all you do.

  1278. Stace Wilson

    I thank you, Lysa, for sharing yourself. Your story touches me so deeply because we seem to have very similar strengths and weaknesses.
    I thank you for it. I thank you that you are willing to break down walls of shame and guilt to honor God and help other women. Women like me who are struggling with where to turn, what to do. Who to please.
    I always felt like I had to have a man in my life or I was not whole; not complete. I had three children before I ever married, then I got married, divorced shortly after, married again. And again. Always I sought ‘the perfect man’. I know that there is no perfect man. Only God can fulfill all the desires of my heart. But I forced my children to suffer through this search for acceptance, approval. Now they have scars.
    God has forgiven me. I am a new person in God. My oldest child has given her life and that of her family to God. My other children have not. Not yet. I pray for them often.
    I still struggle with the desire to have someone in my life. My pastor gave me wise advice once. I have to make a decision whether I want Christ in my life, even if it is His will that I never have a man in my life again at all. I choose Christ.

  1279. Janet

    God has allowed me to witness about staying married in a world where half of today’s marriages end in divorce. Oh, I’ve had those moments of wanting to say, “I’m done!” But after just celebrating 42 years of marriage (met in 5th grade) and thinking of the beautiful family we have, 4 children/spouses and 4 1/2 grandchildren…I’m so thankful He has continued to keep us together. Without His guidance in our lives, we would be a statistic too.

  1280. Cindie Scott

    Hi Lysa,
    I would like to encourage every lady that reads your comments to remember that no matter what the storm they may be facing to always look up because God is still in control and He has our backs. His love is real and His name is power. God’s blessing on you Lysa and every lady in the kingdom. I thank God that He still has committed people in the kingdom that listen to Him, and follow their hearts. God will bless you for blessing others. 🙂

    Sister In Christ,

  1281. Traci

    My husband and I are youth pastors at our church, and we just got back from youth summer camp talking about the last command that Jesus gave us in Matthew 28 to go and make disciples of all nations… What is it that God wants me to share? He wants me to share “my story”… my testimony of what Jesus Christ has done in my life. He wants me to make Jesus known so that others can share in His amazing salvation, and so that He can “know” them in return. What an awe-inspiring God we serve! He amazes me over and over again – and it’s my “duty” to share that and not just keep it to myself. 🙂

    • Cindy

      Traci, He wants all of us to do that, doesn’t He. 🙂 Thank you for sharing this.

  1282. gloria

    I am so excited about your devotional. My husband and I have a ministry and we five books away all the time. I imagine we have handed out at least 25 copies of When Women Say Yes To God. Now we can add the devotional to our give away stacks. God bless your ministry!!

  1283. Kathy Heisinger


    Thank you for your encouraging words! I have felt led to share my gift of photography and even have tried to sell it to help our family’s income as well as donate some to a missionary I support. The enemy has whispered lies in my ears about my inability to make good photos and no one will want to buy them for their home. However, I keep getting accepted to shows and even invited to speak at a women’s missionary meeting this fall. I intend to listen carefully as God’s speaks about what I should take photos of and how I should share them….whether to sell for profit or just to tell the story of God’s goodness and faithfulness in my life!

  1284. Anna

    Lysa, the Lord has lead me to share my ability to crochet, to bake, to be involved with the woman’s ministry at church. Lately I have been going back to Jeremiah 8:6 “Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in My hand!…I’m praying and journaling what whispers come to me, asking God what do you want me to do with this? I believe somehow I am to share my story and this verse with it???????
    Your post has just stirred this more in my heart, thank you. I will begin to bring my notes and scriptures together. I said YES to God and I can wait to start our OBS, maybe the door will be blown right open for me then!!!!! :O) God Bless—Anna

  1285. Kristin

    God started talking to me last fall about having sex with my boyfriend outside of marriage. He was calling me to obedience. All of my life I have used sex as a tool for manipulation and as an attention grabber. God was asking big here…
    I knew in my heart that I did not want to live like this anymore. What I didn’t understand is that I could be forgiven. That I could start fresh with Jesus and be pure again. Pure until I got married again. God has shown me so many beautiful things about myself thru this act of obedience. I feel that men really press this upon women… This whole act of sex. It plays such a huge role in our self esteem, our self worth, and if we will ultimately be able to “hold on to our man.”
    I feel that God wants me to start talking about my story. All of what I have been thru and what I am still going thru. I guess this is a start. 🙂 🙂

  1286. Shannon

    God has placed on my heart to share that even when you’re struggling and are weary, God is with you. He is leading you through and everything happening is part if His glorious plan for you! <3

  1287. Carie Rolls

    I believe God wants me to share about his unconditional love for us. No matter what we’ve done, where we’ve been, or where we’re going, He can and will use “the least of these” if we are just willing to take a step of faith and trust Him when He calls. Obedience is huge, but not always easy! But Blessings always follow Obedience. So I want to encourage ALL my family in Christ to take the time to sit and wait. Learn to hear God’s voice, then obey when He calls. He is always faithful! I guess it’s like learning to walk. We may take a couple shaking steps then fall down. But we always get back up. Take a few more steps. And before we know it, we’re running. You don’t have to be “qualified,” just willing. We don’t need to worry about our credentials, God will take care of that. Thanking God for your ministry Lysa. I see so much of my own life in yours. Go out, be blessed, and be a blessing!

  1288. Linda

    God wants me to share love wherever it is needed. This week it is with my daughter and her family as they deal with her mother-in-law who was just diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer. Sometimes it is to visit a shut-in church member or to take food to someone who is in the hospital and has family visiting from out-of-state. It may be a smile or a chat, but my prayer is that others can see God’s love in my actions.

  1289. Leigh

    Lysa, you can make me laugh & cry like you are inside my very mind! I, too, am in the same boat as you- repenting that terrible choice so many years ago. God has used that for good by enabling me to share with my own daughter the “right” way to marriage & sex- His way. Thanks for always keeping it so real…

  1290. Carissa D. Huffman

    I have shared about my miscarriages with other women. These were the most painful things emotionally that I have endured. I was ashamed that somehow failed my babies. I have one little boy, but I still feel a hole in my heart about the 2 I lost, and I have a deep desire to add to my family. I never knew how many women are affected by this until I started sharing my story. I don’t know if I will get to have any more babies or not. I do know He has a plan for my life, and I know HIs way is best. It makes me crazy to think how often I don’t say “yes” to Him.

    Thanks for sharing your story–the raw parts and all. You have blessed SO many!

    Carissa in eastern Iowa

  1291. Pat S.

    It was only yesterday that I could answer this question…God wants me to share about children with special needs. Four of my children, all teens, have varying needs, but they still have the same desires as other children, mainly friends. I sense a need to educate those in the body…one can put a thousand to flight.

  1292. hope k

    Thanks for letting us share with you. You know my story is similar to many other ladies. I grew up enduring physical, emotional, spiritual and psychological abuse from my father. Our family history is full of abuse, adultery, dishonesty, greed, abortion, sexual sins and so much more. What is so special to me is that at the young age of 25 God has uniquely placed me in a job position where I frequently get to encourage children, adolescents and families who are experiencing situations similar to what I dealt with as a child. This has furthered my emotional healing. What I want others to know is that we are not defined by our past or by the sins that lace our heritage. However, we our shaped by these experiences. And we can choose to let it impact us positively or negatively.

    I encourage all you ladies who have endured great pain and sorrow to let God bind the pain and transform it into good for His glory. Let Him heal the scars and wash you with the purest holy water. May you emerge from your cocoons vibrant and beautiful. Spread your wings and fly.

  1293. Amy Nalley

    God has brought me through many valleys and I feel like He’s teaching me forgiveness and hope. Through marital difficulties, health issues, and disappointments, He is and always has been God. Never changing! He is allowing me to journey through trials, finding hope in Him. I want to share that with others whenever I get the opportunity.

  1294. Lisa Winters

    Encouraging me to give praise and words of encouragement to those around me that are feeling inadequate and unappreciated in what they do. Share God’s love with them

  1295. Shirleyann Cofflin

    I believe God has given me a spirit of patience and the ability to listen to others without being judgmental. I try to lead by example but I am human and I fall down. We as Christians have a Heavenly Father to help us back up and right us onto the path again. I want to let others know that about God that he is not calling the perfect but he is perfecting the called. Thank you for your wondeful facebook posts they help me so much!

  1296. Cindy

    Perhaps God wants me to share the blessing of our new prayer time during the Sunday School hour at church. It started in June. There have been only two (or one) present so far. The leader demonstrated how he prays the scripture. We read a psalm, verse by verse, and he prayed after each reading. It has been a blessing, whether alone or with that one other person. We also pray for numerous topics involving the church – be it the service, youth trips/camp, AWANA, missionaries, or any number of other issues for this particular body. Praise God!

  1297. Susan Todd

    I believe what I can share most right now is my love of Christ and love of family. I feel God calling me to share my love for my husband and children openly to others. It makes us stronger and gives me the courage to share that love fiercely and deeply. As much as I love words, living by example is what I feel called to do right now when we have a lot of change in our midst.

  1298. Michelle Smith

    I feel God is telling me to share my struggles with food addiction. I have been overweight most of my life. I am a stress eater, in other words, I have not quit fishing my struggles back out of the pond after saying I lay it all at his feet. I can help and encourage others but I don’t seem to take my own advice or listen to what God says to me. It is an everyday struggle that I can only overcome with HIS love, guidance and direction.

  1299. Louisa

    Lysa…I have sat in your audience with tears running down my face when you shared your story of your walk as a young adult….those stories have kept me full of hope as I watched my oldest daughter walk away from our family, struggled with what to say–not always doing the right thing with her choices but I have come to a new place where I am waiting quietly on The Lord knowing that he is in control of her life and he has her in the palm of her hand….I have asked for her forgiveness and am preparing for the day I will celebrate her return to The Lord! Your books have challenged me to be balanced in my family, to be radically obedient and most recently helped me to reach the my weight loss goal..I can’t wait to be challenged again. Thanks for sharing your story and giving me hope for her future by pointing me in the direction of Jesus.

  1300. Sandy Stuart

    God wants me share what it means to “extend Grace”. He has placed it on my heart to write a book about grace. I have been dealing with sexual integrity issues with my husband. We have been married 2 years and his sexual addiction to porn was discovered shortly after, then an emotional affair with a co-worker after that. There have been many trying times between us since then, but God has been working in both of our lives. My husband has been in counseling, attended the Every Man’s Battle program (fabulous) and has been a willing party to working through his demons. I have been in counseling as well. I have wanted to bail out of this marriage a few times in the last year and a half, but God keeps telling me “no” and has been teaching me how to extend grace to my husband. Grace is beautiful. It’s what God extends to us all the time. It takes a love like God has for us to extend that grace to someone who has hurt you. I thank Him for loving me through my trials and teaching me how to be more like Him. At times, it’s a lot of work and seems impossible—the flesh is weak and wants to react in unsavory, selfish ways when we are hurt by those we love. Prayer and grace will open your heart and your mind to see what God needs for you to see in that person. He has made a way for me to see my husband as “He created him” to be, not who he became through the years from sin. We have been blessed. Thank you for writing such wonderful books Lisa. God Bless

  1301. lacey poag

    thankfulness in everyday living.

  1302. Tammy

    Lysa, I am burdened with low self esteem and being damaged goods, Mental illness runs very deep in my family…I have a huge testimony and story to tell but feel to inadequate to share… I just cant seem to get it right, I wont give up, I will keep praying,climbing and fighting until I get out of this pit, I have a relationship with Christ I know this…I know this…I will wait as long as it takes and i will listen…and wait, and worship while I wait… Thank God i’m redeemed!!

  1303. Leigh

    I would share how scary and difficult it is to confess a sin or struggle; bring it out of the darkness and into the light for help and healing. Especially for Christian women struggling with sexual immorality. For me, masturbation has been a struggle since childhood. I was exposed to pornography as a child and became sexually active as a teen. Masturbation has been my stress reliever and my excuse for a poor sex life with my husband. I have never told my husband because of the shame and emberassment. God has been telling me for a while now to confess it, bring it out in the open and let Him heal me. I know there are other women who are too afraid to admit their sexual struggles as well. But I trust God to heal and restore me and my intimacy with my husband. He will do the same for any other woman struggling.

  1304. Diana

    What God has placed to share with others is, our private inmost fears and insecurities are precious to he. He will not expose or manipulate us in our confessions. Praises God for his protection and healing.

  1305. Fay Cortes

    Encouragement for women and remembering to stay Glued!

  1306. Stephanie

    God has brought my husband through cancer and though I begged not to go down the path of mental health issues, that is where God has placed me. Mental health is something I had always snubbed and was sure I would never face. God had other plans. I now understand what so many struggle with, am sympathetic to their situation, and can offer them hope. I would never havd dreamed that my healthy hubby would have cancer at 42 but that experience too was another way where God needed to do some refining in both of our lives and helped open our eyes to just how many people are touched by cancer.

  1307. traci

    Life is too short to not be living each moment for Him. If I woke up today then He has a purpose for my life and I need to be seeking Him and finding out what it is.

  1308. Pam Laird

    That you can serve God no matter your situation or handicaps. He is strong thru our weakness’.

  1309. Mandy

    I have felt led to start a marriage ministry in our church. A night that would provide child care and maybe a speaker or something to promote investing time into our marriages. I see so many struggle and our marriage is far from perfect. I just have a difficult time discerning if this is God or my own selfish desires.

  1310. Michaela

    I feel led to be an encouragement to other women, especially new believers or seekers. Having been saved as a young adult, I believe I can relate in a unique way to the pulls of the world, when it is all someone knows 😉

  1311. Cecilia White

    God has given me the ability to teach. Not just adults in a Sunday School group I started, but of children every day. I know my gifts as a teacher like patience, understanding, empathy, and encouragement are all God given talents. I have to use all of my God-given teaching talents to embrace and encourage children that walk through my door every morning. It’s not easy, but with prayer and God, I can never fail!

  1312. Joan

    I believe God wants me to share a truth with everyone. That we are God’s daughter, and no person, or event good or bad can rob us of that.

  1313. Kelly

    God is currently helping me deal with my self doubt. I’ve been in an endless cycle of self doubt for several years now and have unfortunately turned more to food than to God during those times. But I know He still loves me and that he will bring me through this period stronger and more reliant upon him. And with a new chapter of my testimony to share.


    Lisa this post comes at just the right time in my life. God has been putting it in my heart to step up and be a leader, and my response was always I am not good enough for that. When I started reading your post I thought this sounds like me. God is working heavliy in my life right now and my soul is bubbling. I am working on becoming a leader of a bible study and step up and do what God wants me to do. Please pray for me. I have had the opportunity in the past to speak and turned it down because I didn’t think I was the right person but I know with God helping me I can do this.

  1315. Talia

    God has been putting compassion in my heart. He has been guiding me to have compassion for others and myself. He is also guiding me to appreciate all the little things each day remember that life goes by so quickly.

  1316. Kristin Taylor

    God is in control, even when we feel like our world is spinning out of control.

  1317. Corbie Baugh

    Your message made me cry; it was so beautiful. God has placed on my heart to share with others my real every day struggles- of life, work, being a mom, wife, in a real life way( usually with humor). We all have them- let’s just be real with one another. Not just to emote but to use our truthfulness and realness to show others that we are not judging, we have been there, and that there are new mercies every day 🙂 Sometimes we just want to know that others feel the same way, and things aren’t always perfect. 🙂

  1318. Jody

    God has been laying on my heart the need for me to show His love to others without the fear of not being good enough to be used by Him. I feel like I am in a place in life where I am standing still, not moving forward due to feelings of inadequacy and rejection.

    • Ansley Walters

      God has been telling me to get in his word more and spend quality time with Him.
      Also… He wants me to get to a place where I can share my story and not feel the
      intense shame, guilt, and sorrow. To share about the heavy scars and to accept His forgiveness AND forgive myself! He wants me to enjoy my Life while Im here on this
      earth and to help and empower others along the way!

  1319. Karen

    He is always enough…no matter how things appear, or how we feel, He IS enough.

  1320. Brandy Bowen

    God has given me a heart for compassion and helping others less fortunate than myself. I love blessing others.

  1321. Amanda

    God wants me to share his peace with others. I tend to lose my cool often, but lately he has shown me that the root cause is worldly desires. I think there are people in my life that need to see that perfectionism isn’t God’s will and it is a miserable existence.

  1322. Susan Harris

    To be more intentional in my prayers. When we intentionally do something we are more focused… so by praying intentionally, our minds will become more focused on not just the need itself, but on a holy God who hears and answers prayer; thus, praying with more faith!

  1323. Jennifer

    God, has really been laying on my heart lately not just how much He loves me which I have a hard time grasping most days (trying to match up that heavenly Father to the earthly one never works) and that He made just 1 of me and He made me special like no other one and that he He died for my sins if I had been the only one He still would have taken my place on that cross..So, not only is He hitting on my head with a 2×4 to get this but also I want everyone around me to get it too… He knew each one of us before we born, He knew our struggles and our sins before we did, He loves us like we are each the apple of His eye and He forgives us, is there for us, never lets us down, gives us wisdom and strength.. He choose us He adopted us so we could be daddy girls but each day we never can give back to Him like He does us we put him 2nd, 3rd, last or sometimes not at all… So, if He did all of that for me, He can for you too..

  1324. Robin Bolin

    He has asked me to share my story of being abused as a child, being raped in college, losing my first baby, and His redemption in all of that. I can tell one person or a few people but He’s asked me to tell a larger group–this terrifies me.

  1325. Denise

    No matter who you are or what you’ve done, you are loved!

  1326. Marie

    Hello Ladies
    God has put it on my heart to share about the nails in the street.
    We have many parking issues on our block and very often there is anger. After one evening of heated words and lots of anger I heard God telling me to park in the back of my house. This is not a paved spot and it is about 100yrds long but I grudgingly listened and have continued to park there for about a year.
    Last month during a downpour I had 5 bags of groceries and no desire to walk thru the rain and mud so as I pulled thru the alley I thought I am just going to park out front. So I pulled up out front of my house. I jumped out of my car, grabbed some bags and put my head down against the rain and bam there scattered all over the road are about 30 nails/screws. As I proceeded to walk on I clearly heard God say pick up the nails!
    I looked around and said what???really?? I don’t park out here ever why should I pick up the nails?
    So I kept walking on for a few reasons like my hands were full and I felt like I SHOULDN’T have to! ( a little Self righteous, unforgiving and entitled).
    I even texted one of my neighbors and told her about the nails but I still didn’t pick them up.
    This went on for 3 days when I would get the mail or if I looked out the window I would hear God say pick up the nails. Finally on day 3 I dropped my head like a disobediant child finally listeneing and I went and picked up all the nails and screws.
    I felt so good after obeying Our Lord.
    So I wonder why was it is so hard to listen the first time sometimes?
    I do know that is me trying to control my own life!
    I can’t wait to start this study!! Till then Ladies May God bless each of you!

  1327. Juanita

    To simply make more time for HIM!! As women, mom’s, daughters, sisters, workers… we become so focused on all the things we need to do, we don’t often take the time to focus on HIM and what WE need each day. I am learning that I need to start my day with prayer, bible verses, devotionals… when I get my day right then I can be right for everyone else. I am sharing this with others I see having the same problems as i do.

  1328. Brandy Hankinson

    God has placed on my heart to share with others . . . my home, my hospitality, and leading some women together in conversation each week about God’s Word. I’m not excited about it or looking forward to it, but I He has placed it on my heart. I am not comfortable being a leader, especially when it comes to bible study settings, but here I go . . . saying yes to God and sharing my life with other women.

  1329. Paula

    God has placed on my heart to share with others the healing that he can perform in the lives of those of have lost of a child. Our son died almost 5 years ago at the age of 11 due to complications related to an auto-immune disease.Through prayer and trust in God my family has experienced transformative healing. I want to encourage others that God may seem far away during the hard times in our lives but he is there, walking with, and sometimes carrying us through the dark places.

  1330. Nancy ball

    God has really been speaking to me about fellowship. Women need to share their stories. So many times we feel all alone and like we are the I Lu one dealing with said issue then we find someone honest enough to share their story and its amazing. Fellowship and stepping out and being real and honest is really hard but satan keeps us in our hiding places with all that doubt and insecurities but when we know we are not alone and have someone to keep us accountable we thrive.

  1331. Shanna

    God has in the past put it on my heart to share about my battle with depression. At times when I have been at my lowest I always felt God gently tugging at my heart, reminding me of his presence and love.

  1332. JKJennings

    God has placed on my heart to share with other women that- you are normal. You have not failed. And yes, others feel this very same way. Don’t let the devil defeat you with all that “internal noise”! Be surrounded by HIS thoughts. Let HIM be the filter and know that HE IS the only truth.
    I’m currently re-learning the power of positive thinking. And the power of the phrase -strength for today, just today.
    PS. Surround yourself with women who hold you to a standard of grace, not perfection.

  1333. Susan Bragg

    God has placed on my heart a desire to tell others that no matter what they have done He still loves them and desires a relationship with them. His love is greater than all our sins, and nothing can separate us from that love.

  1334. Ellen

    Most of the time I am not clear on what is God and what is just me. But recently it seems like He has been speaking to me about stepping out of my comfort zone and maybe speaking or writing (blogging) about how to NOT be a “Super Mom.” I think so many of us, especially me, try to fit into this image of the perfect mother who can do everything and we set our expectations way too high. I also see women, not sharing their weakness or mistakes with others in order to fit into this image so we are hurting ourselves by isolating ourselves and we end up thinking we are all alone in this journey when we are not. I am so thankful to God for women like you Lysa who God has called to share their stories with the rest of us. Thank you!

  1335. Frances

    God wants me to share his love and kindness with others!

  1336. Alivia

    Maintain your joy even in the hardest moments. It’s God gift to get us through!

  1337. heather frye

    God lays on my heart everyday to love others as much as He loves me, sometimes saying yes to that is really hard but knowing Gods with me gives me so much Joy.

  1338. Michele

    I’ve had it on my heart to be more transparent with my battle with anxiety/panic. Very difficult, but very much needed (by me&others) to share/hear. thx.

  1339. Andrea Hutchinson

    God has put on my heart to share His promise of healing, with others. That the atonement included both salvation and complete healing and wholeness! He put this on my heart to share as I travel my own journey of healing!

  1340. Vicki Hill

    I believe that god has annointed me to share with others that they ARE beautifully and wonderfully made. That each of us are different and that is a quality to celebrate. While I do this everyday as an educator, I have recently felt that I am being nudged to move from just my students but to the entire family unit. I want to encourage and build the families, but I want to make sure I am saying yes to the right path to bring it to fruition. Am I saying yes to my desires or His. I look forward to Sunday & beginning my journey to revelations.

  1341. cammih

    My mom has been battling cancer since April and I have been so disgusted with her attitude .. She is SO negative about everything and seems to find NO GOOD in anything!! I have been very disappointed in her attitude and her reaction. I feel I should share with others the resentment and hard feelings I have had against her .. Terrible but it’s just so hard to be around her when she is so ungrateful for everything ..

  1342. kelly overstreet

    You have been an inspiration to me. I am completing Unglued study right now.

  1343. Crystal Cotey

    God has placed on my heart to share with others that it’s okay to be broken because in our brokenness that is where He can begin to do a great work within us. And even when we are raised to keep our problems to ourselves, humbleness and honesty go a long way because you can learn a lot about yourself through revealing the brokenness and letting God do the work instead of trying to do the work yourself. Moreover, others can learn much about themselves by watching God do his work through you. It is a type a boldness that lends healing and closeness with the Savior unlike any other.

  1344. Stacey Williams

    God is leading me in a way I never thought possible! I didn’t even like to pray outloud and now I have led three bible studies and getting ready to start another one in the fall. I was even elected to be the leader of the Women’s Ministry at my church. I am on fire for God and am so excited about sharing His love with others. God has laid an urgency to be the support system for the ladies in my church both young and old.

  1345. Angie Madsen

    God has placed on my heart to share the fact that His love is unconditional!

  1346. Lois m

    I feel led to share GOd’s unconditional love with others who feel unloved like i used to.

  1347. heather

    I pray for a word to focus on every year and this year is to focus on discipline!

  1348. Kim

    My journey from being an unhealthy, obese, abused woman to a new life of health, safety and freedom. I can see His work in paving the way for my journey in so many ways. God is GREAT, all the time!

  1349. Katrina

    God has been teaching me and laying on my heart the need to be real – to encourage others because I DON’T have to all together, not because I do… does that make sense? SO many people feel like they are the only ones who struggle with whatever it is they struggle with, because believers don’t open up about the struggles. We all put on the happy face and go about acting as if we have it all together and that, as Christians, our lives are awesome. Yes, our lives ARE awesome, but they are also hard and challenging and frustrating and exhausting. The world needs to know that the only difference is Jesus.

  1350. Kim

    God will never leave us or forsake us. He is always with us!

  1351. Naomi

    I feel called to share the struggles and insecurities I feel as a mom. It seems that everyone else has it together and their kids are obedient… By when I open up and share my struggles, they open up and share their own struggles. Turns out no one has it together and we are all putting on this mask of being the perfect mom. When we start to share with each other we feel less inadequate as we realize we are all in the same boat together.

  1352. Mandy

    God has placed on my heart to share with others that through our “failures ” , we can reach out to others and share God’s love. Our failures may be a sore spot for us…. A place we don’t want to go to…. To be reminded of….. A place of shame and guilt. But through Gods grace and mercy, He can turn these weak spots in our lives into good things with His strength and goodness.

  1353. Alicia

    God has placed on my heart to speak to others about my marriage and the struggles I went through.

  1354. Suzanne Townsend

    The Lord has been showing me the freedom and joy that come from fully surrendering my life to Him. I no longer am responsible for transforming myself into what I think He wants me to be – that’s His job. When I am surrendered, He can take my willing heart and mold me into the vessel He created me to be. The focus is no longer on me, but on Him. There is truly a joy and excitement that I experience as I wait on Him and anticipate what He will do next.

  1355. Sabrina Nordeoff

    I am reading your book now and it is absolutely wonderful. I think we are going to make is our book of the month for book club, so excited. God’s plans for your life has touched so many! Thank you for saying yes to God!!!

  1356. Vickie Bowen

    “What has God placed on your heart to share with others?”
    To get our small group back together and be accountable to one another. We’ve been together for 12 years, yet the past few years we just meet once a year for Christmas. We had a great little Bible study group going, but just kind of grew in different ways. Each of us has grown on different paths, but feel a call to come back together to help one another be accountable to be more intentional about seeking God’s plan, to be more intentional about seeking His word with more clarity and discernment and to be more intentional about loving, encourage and lifting up the women in our lives.

  1357. Laura Simpson

    I need to share grace and not be so quick to spout off or be judgmental.

  1358. Meredith

    You are loved and you are not alone!

  1359. Brenda

    God has placed on my heart to share a loving forgiving heart . If we place God above all we will succeed in all of life endeavors . Let go and let god !

  1360. Grace

    It is a difficult process to reveal the scars from our past until we see the victory of them in Christ. When He revealed the scars to Thomas and all who were with Him, He was teaching us that He also walked through the pain and became victorious over it. I have suffered greatly in this life and even as an elder woman there are days that seem much more painful than others from the scars that I carry and I know that there are many many who do. Lisa, your words give hope and strength even on the good days! May the Holy Spirit continue to bring you comfort and wisdom as you humble yourself to the Fathers requests. You are Loved! ~ <3 grace

  1361. Jackie Johnson

    I just finished you book Made to Crave. I am wanting to say YES to Him everyday but I really don’t know how that looks in my life where I am going back to school and working. I really want to read this great book the helps us “stop circling the mountain and turn north”!

  1362. Teisea Kostner

    To share about the Holy Spirit, and how He is important.

  1363. Dianne

    Women – there is “HOPE”

  1364. Karen

    God has placed on my heart the deep passion to share with teen girls and young adults ladies that they truly were created by such a loving God that they don’t have to throw away their purity to find love and acceptance. They can be strong powerful examples of true princesses for Christ. He is the One and Only Prince their souls long for and if they grasp hold of Him, He will take them on amazing journeys worthy of the sacrifice of standing strong against the lies of this world. I want to look into each sweet face and remind them how beautiful they are…that none of us are ever more beautiful than when we reflect the glory of our King. He created them to be worth waiting for! He came to this earth as their Bridegroom to woo them to Himself. Yes, each precious one is truly royalty of Heaven if they will yield to His call of finding true love in Him.

  1365. Dianne

    Coaching – A Bridge to “HOPE”

  1366. Barbara

    God has placed on my heart to help those who are in need.And the word that God has pressed on my heart this year has been Peace. This is a word that I sure have needed this year and I am pressing on.Blessings to all of you….

  1367. Sara

    God has laid on my heart to spend more time reflecting on the Word. It seems something else always takes up my time, and it usually isn’t as fruitful as spending time in prayer or reading the Word.

  1368. Tricia

    Sharing dealing with my husband’s health issues the past few years, as well as my own and how GOD used it for good.

  1369. Keri

    I feel God has called me to share my battle with food. I am an emotional eater, and although God has been delivering me from the strongholds, I still have a long way to go. Also, I feel God wants me to encourage other women whose husband is struggling with sex addiction/habitual lust. Satan has used this as a stronghold in my husband’s life and it is a choice I make to fight it alongside my husband. It is not easy, in fact, there are times it seems like the enemy will win his heart over this. I know we are not the only Christian couple who fights this battle. Thank you for your transparency and honesty, Lysa!

  1370. Brandi

    I really want to read this book! It ties right in with the message Julie Gorman just shared with our Women at our church last weekend!

  1371. Stephanie

    God has placed in my heart that I do not have to walk around feeling like I am a disappointment to Him. I can hear Him whisper, “Stephanie, just as you want your children to know how incredibly much you love them, that’s what I want you to know about Me. Just as you would never want your children to feel they are a disappointment to you, I want you to know that you are not a diasppointment to me.” I have been blessed to be able to share a past mistake (that I am so ashamed of and was so afraid to share) to help a dear friend not make the same one. It was truly amazing how he crossed our paths at just the perfect time. I want to continue to share my story to minister to others and know that He loves me. Thank you, Lisa, for being so brave and sharing yours! i would love to have this book!

    • RR

      Yes! Exactly!

  1372. Mary Campbell

    God is showing me that I need to be bold and intentional in revealing myself to others. So often I hold parts of myself back, afraid to let others see the “real me.” “If they really knew me they would not like me.” The negative thoughts that are not from God, I’m learning not to listen to them. I’m learning to listen to His voice and to His word!

  1373. Blake

    God has been laying on my heart to show people how God can be relied upon in all situations. I am a college student and athlete. Life can sometimes be overwhelming and tiring and stressful. However, learning that it is all in Gods plan and that I just need to rely on him has made a lot of it a whole lot easier. One bad grade is not the end of the world. A bad game won’t be the end of my playing career. God gave me the talent in my sport to bring him glory. Praising him while im playing makes games a whole lot more enjoyable. I hope the way I live my life for Jesus as a college student will bring others to Him.

  1374. Carolyn Taylor

    God has out it on my heart to be more intentional in my walk with Him. Use the words of the Holy Spirit in the very rough 3 yrs to spread His guiding words on my dream job adventure of a T Shirt line and use part of my income toward missions.

  1375. Carol A Ohler

    The love and compassion and patience He has shown me. I just love to show others the love of Christ!

  1376. Kayla

    Love to the unlovable. So many times I see hurting people who show their hurt by being unlovable or downright mean. God shows me who they are in His eyes and guides me on how best to show His love.

  1377. Jenny

    What God has put on my heart to share with others …. He put on my heart last month to start a home business called IT WORKS. I’ve spent the last year and a half cooped up in my house working from home since we relocated to Southeastern Indiana. I am a very out going person who loves being around others, but for some reason I have been going through a season where I have had anxiety about making friends. He has been tugging on my heart for some time that He made me for more, but I will say that this season He has taught me so much and I’ve spent a lot of time in His presence which has been wonderful. So, He opened some BIG doors for me to become a distributor with this amazing company whose founders pray for it daily along with so many who works with them. The team I am a part of is also built on Faith, God is brought up regularly on our calls, we support each other with prayer, and even have a daily prayer conference call which hundreds attend where a leader does a devotional and prays with us to start our day off right. It is amazing and God is not wanting me to so much share the products but the community and to get out and build relationships by using IT WORKS and their amazing products (That CRAZY Wrap Thing that tightens – tones – firms where ever you put it on your body in as little as 45 minutes while diminishing the appearance of cellulite, varicose & spider veins. One of a kind product that No one else has) as a vessel. And God is blessing this business in BIG ways. I can’t tell you how much Joy God has brought into my life since I followed his prompting and as I go out and talk to complete strangers about trying the products & joining my team. I share with them my faith and how God called me to do this and about our wonderful community of distributors & leaders. I would have never thought that God could use a company in such a way, but He is and He is using me too. Not all of the people who join our team are Christian but that’s the COOL part … they are seeing our faith being lived out and that is changing peoples lives. We are seeing the lost find the light and join us not on team IT WORKS but on team JESUS ♥ This life is about loving people and building relationships with them. I thank God every day that I was obedient this time and stepped out in faith to be used by Him. If you want more info about this company, it’s products or to join our team please feel free to contact me: God Bless – Lysa 🙂 you are making such a difference in so many lives through Christ … Including mine. Thank you so much!

    • Joan

      Does God really want us to prosper financially at the sake of other women trying to improve the physical appearance of our bodies? I have struggled with people in this line of business because I don’t think it is what the good lord wants us to focus on (vanity and self focus). It is time taken away from improving a relationship with him!

  1378. Karen

    God has placed on my heart a need to let people know that everything you have done in your life (good and bad) have all led to this moment. You are here for a reason – His reason. It makes forgiveness so easy when I know that without the hurt and the pain, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I am nowhere special by society’s standards but I am exactly where God needs me to be for what He has planned. It gives me a peace that cannot be undermined by others when I know I am exactly where I need to be and I am here because of all my past mistakes, not in spite of them.

  1379. Kori

    I want to live my life saying yes to God but I’m not sure exactly where to start. I am so excited to start the bible study for this reason. I have been through a lot. A less than desirable childhood, depression, my husband who battled a drug addiction early in our marriage, infidelity on my part a few years after that, and a recent medical diagnosis that has caused me to slow down. God has met me in my darkest hours and I am only here because of His love and grace. I now have a beautiful marriage with a clean husband (8 years) and am blessed with three children. I still struggle though on what my calling is. I feel some nudging in areas, but I really want to know what is God’s voice in it all.

  1380. Tracy

    I have the need in my heart to say yes to Him. I am a full time working mommy of 3 young children. I feel very lost in my adult journey. Yes, I have a stable career, healthy children, hard-working husband, but I cannot hear God speaking to me. Where and how do I start?

  1381. Courtney

    God has place on my heart to share my children. I have always considered them MINE! They are 1st and farmost His and are only on loan to me. I must share them w/ others in order for them to grow into the God loving adults they are meant to be.

  1382. Hitswiththemrs

    God has been pressing me to share my journey with others. Facing fears, over coming sickness, battling back from almost-divorce building faith, health and my life to help others.

  1383. Sherry H.

    All my life I’ve felt destined for ‘more’ even while being raised by a mother that constantly told me to never ask for more in life. God has called me to writing for a long time, and I’ve put him off, letting life get in the way. But this past year I’ve felt him calling me to write, not only the inspirational novels I thought I would be writing, but more of women’s inspirational type stuff. He’s led me to you, Joyce Meyer, Renee Swope, etc and told me that I am supposed to be doing this as well.

    My spiritual gifts are wisdom and faith, but he’s been showing me that my faith isn’t as strong as I believed, because while I believe strongly that he can do anything for anyone else, I struggle when it comes to ‘me’. He wants me to start with blogging and I get caught up so much in what to name the blog that I put it off and put it off. Crazy, isn’t it? However, I’m determined to step out in faith and start this journey he’s calling me too. I feel like the time is NOW or he’s moving on to someone that will obey. So, I choose obedience over fear. 🙂

  1384. Pam Stewart

    God has placed FULL forgiveness on my heart for my family of origin. I thought I’d fully 4given for what transpired ALL those yrs ago but Hes showing me that there’s still a lot left deep down inside my heart that I need to dig out, give to Him, and then respond in His love towards them. Whew!! It’s a process and I’ve begun the journey……………….

  1385. Joan

    God has placed it on my heart to ask my Sisters in Christ for help and support. I am always seeking prayer for others but today I asked for help in my own life. Nothing life shattering, just direction, focus, rest and self caring.

  1386. Theresa

    That HE always comes through… may not be when you want Him to, but it’ll be right on time. Encourage yourself in The Lord!! (If it was good enough for David, it’s good enough for me!)

  1387. Barbara

    God has lead me to spend more time in His Word and in Prayer.

  1388. Missy

    That God loves each & every one of us no matter what. His love is not earned, but freely given. Persevere & press on in your relationship with God. Transformation is a process & does not happen overnight.

  1389. Peggy Farmer

    I would love to win your book devotional on what happens when women say yes to God. I lost my husband 2 years ago and a friend gave me a copy of your Unglued book. I have read it four times, I get something new out if it everytime I read it. I have purchased the “What Happens When Women Say YES to God” DVD now I want the book, and now the devotional that goes with it. I am gonna ask if we can do this as a Wednesday night study. We judt finished up the Unglued study. I am going to use both of these as a guide to strengthen my walk with God. Thank you for writing and speakingbabout these things so that inknow I am not alone with my raw emotions, and allow me to say YES Without hesation. Thank you for what you do and may God cintinue to bless you as your wtiting has blessed me. Love yoyr sister in Christ.

  1390. Sheryl Hogle

    Saying “yes to God” requires a heart of surrender….& honestly, even though I want to be able to do that, it is sometimes very hard for me to do…BUT WHEN I do, watch out–because that is when God shows Himself to me in MIGHTY ways….THAT’S when I see HIS “handwriting on the wall” that I have always wanted to see & THAT’S when I truly hear God speak to me through so many avenues…clear as a bell!! It just takes me surrendering my will & heart to Him–sometimes I am just slow to catch on. :/

  1391. Lynne


    Your devotional message, “The Secret Place,” really spoke to me today. I have been trying to get a neighbor to accept my apology for what I think she is holding against me in the area of ignoring me.

    I lost my mom not even 4 months ago and I have spiraled downward into depression as a result of that. Not to mention that about 4 weeks ago after I did my devotions I went to my knees to pray, as I have begun doing in reverence, which has resulted in an abscess on my knee that had to be surgically opened and drained. At this time I am still recovering from this. These two situations have caused me not to want to see anyone, go anywhere, do anything, or speak to anyone. I can see where this would make her doubt me but I had only talked to her a couple of times before all this went down.

    I have been having problems tuning into a place where I can hear the LORD and His Holy Spirit talk to my heart. I have prayed repeatedly to teach me how to open myself to help this happen. However, just yesterday I felt that, while reading an insert that showed grieving the Holy Spirit was not right, I decided that I was possibly being convicted by my actions that the neighbor may have read my absence from her as a offense. I tried to go to her this morning and she either was not home or didn’t answer the door because she knew it was me (I don’t want to judge but I think it was the later that was true).

    I know that Jesus said we would encounter people that were hard to love but we needed to love them because God loved us first–I only want to talk to my neighbor to make things right. I trust that God will bring the right opportunity as today may not have been in His time. I trust that when God knows the time is right, He will let me know and I thought today was it.

    Thank you< Lysa for your stories. I am really finding myself connecting to a lot of them–ESPECIALLY THE ONE "The Secret Place." You see. I have one of those places too.

  1392. Janee White

    God has been laying on my heart to spend more time with Him; in His Word and in prayer. Though I communicate with Him throughout the day, He is asking for a sacred/intimate time. A time where He can speak to me…

  1393. Theresa

    God has put it in my heart that it is OK to be different. We have a household of six. I am the caregiver. I take care of my partners Mom who has Alzheimer’s. I also take care of her sisters two grandkids who are eight and twelve. We are thinking of homeschooling the kids to give them extra help with their ADHD. I am trying to least to let grandma,AKA guardian, see that it would be better for both kids. I am trying to also instill in the children God’s love. Their father is a non-believer so we pray for Hinton some day come back to God. I would love your book because I would really love to be able to talk to God and be able to hear His answer. God will help me.

  1394. Christy T.

    To be more intentional to share Jesus Christ and His love to my friends and family and also when cultivating this love in my children on a daily basis.

  1395. Colleen Smith

    Actually, I think God wants me to share some physical stuff right now, like money and things that I don’t need. I need to focus more on generosity, since He has blessed my family so abundantly. I also need to share my faith and Jesus’ name more, which I am very shy about.

  1396. Terry L. Durst

    I am in need of saying “Yes” more often when God asks me to move or do. Thank you for making this available!

  1397. Donna

    God is the only one who can satisfy all your longings. He has given us the greatest gift that we could ever receive in the gift of Himself. When you feel that
    empty, and you recognize that the cisterns you have dug are only leaving you more thirsty ……RUN TO HIM and He will fill all your empty places with HIMSELF

    • Donna

      Your comment is awaiting moderation.

      God is the only one who can satisfy all your longings. He has given us the greatest gift that we could ever receive in the gift of Himself. When you feel within your soul a yearning and
      you recognize that the cisterns you have dug are only leaving you more thirsty ……
      RUN TO HIM and He will fill all your empty places with HIMSELF

  1398. Laura

    The Lord has taught me that Godly submission is different then being a “people-pleaser” and through Godly submission my marriage has gone from colorless and feeling unwanted to rich with warm color, a deep feeling of peace and contentment, and confidence that if I am honoring the Lord by the way I treat my husband (and speak about him) the Lord will grow my husband to be the Godly man HE wants him to be. I have seen this to be true. I want every woman to know that even when husband is belittling, trying to pick a fight, being unfair and deliberately hurtful with his words – you just do what the Lord requires… God has your back! If you bite your tongue and immediately take your hurts and frustrations to the Lord you will see over time that the Lord will grow and change your husband. This is not a quick fix, you will have to wait on the Lord, it could take months or longer but If your husband has a God centered heart, hold fast to the knowledge that the Lord loves your husband too much to leave him the way he is… and the Lord does much better work then we could ever hope to. I don’t claim to be an expert on marriage but with all my heart to those who feel like they have no hope or are even considering walking out on their marriage, if you love the Lord you have HOPE. God is a God of Restoration so stand fast, pray, pray, pray, and submit in a way that honors the Lord then watch him work. Please don’t give up. Side note: if your husband is physically hurting you that is NOT OK, please get outside help immediately.

    • Patricia

      Your comments were thoughtful and right on the money. I have struggled with similar problems and found following the path you discussed is the right one. Sometimes it is easy to wander off that path, though. God bless your marriage

  1399. Jodi

    In this faith journey God keeps reminding me that His time is not mine, but as I am learning to wait patiently He slowly allows me glimpses of His master plan not only for my good and His glory but the beautiful picture of community and the body of Christ at work. The recent journey has highlighted not just waiting but finding peace in that wait. He is the Prince of Peace I so need to rest in!

  1400. Erin

    Love… I feel God wants me to share love with everyone around me.

  1401. Norma

    To become more immersed in His Word and then to boldly share our Lord with those I come in contact with.

  1402. Lisa

    Oh how HE loves you – right where you are!

  1403. Jean Ann

    For the past 4 months I have encountered the loss of a son (coworker); a grandmother (coworker); Older person (family friend); a neice (coworker); and a mother (friend). Their ages ranged from 19-98. Each had a special purpose in life – at each of the funerals, there were laughter, joy, and celebration. Each person gave purpose to their lives and showed me that life is too short, no matter how old you are and that you should “celebrate” each day – each moment. Life is too short and He has given us Life! We should stop complaining about the little things in life and say YES to GOD! For He is the One that we should give our lives too!

  1404. Rochelle

    God has been asking me to share with other women how to experience His Joy during the good times as well as the difficult times in life. I have struggled with the voices in my head saying, “who are you to teach on that”, “you are not good enough”, “you are not smart enough” etc. And that may be true; but, with God I can do what He has asked me to do. I am saying Yes to God! Lysa, I’m looking forward to meeting you in Hershey, PA in November.

  1405. Missy

    God has laid on my heart to not dwell on the past, but know that HE has forgiven me & is looking forward to what He can use me for! Once we have asked God for forgiveness…HE forgives! He sees us as beautiful creatures HE made to do a good work here on earth! He’s ready to use you…are you ready to let him?? I say YES Lord!

  1406. Ashley-Nicole

    Today God showed me the answer to prayer. I was at my Confernce Table at work talkin to my new hire about faith, religion, and our Faithul God. I went from having a non beliver in my building where it made me second question my job to this!!! Prayer and God is amazing!!!

  1407. Kelli J

    God has placed a desire to slow down and reflect in his word more often.

  1408. Debbie

    I do not know what God wants me to share as I’m stuck in this ‘nothingness’ & cannot find my way out & when I think I get a glimpse of some positiveness I’m bombarded with negativity ;(

  1409. Kayla McIver

    Lately God has been asking me to share my testimony and to teach others about forgiveness, as I have forgiven someone who has hurt me deeply.

  1410. Ali C.

    God has placed on my heart to share myself and my journey toward freedom in Christ in a one on one relationship, as a discipler.

  1411. Marcia

    To let others know that “you can do anything” in the midst of all those who have doubt. With hard work and proving – not to them or anyone else – to yourself that you are a strong, confident and intelligent woman. Also, to let others know that when you feel like you are in a hole and can’t climb out, that is when you truly figure out who you are, what you want and where you’d like your life to take you.

  1412. Patricia

    For years I have not wanted to share any of my flaws or weaknesses with others, but in my growing sunday school class recently God has led me to discuss my struggles with my weight, and how I am working on addressing this problem with my heart and mind. I find that despite what I expected, no one is condemning me or looking down on me. In fact others have admitted to their struggles in this area as well. Talking about this also opened the door for me to be able to recommend “Made to Crave” to someone.

  1413. Luz Lopez

    God wants me to share how I am overcoming fear and anxiety through my relationship with Him.

  1414. susie

    I also had an abortion before I became a Christian. In fact it is what led me to become a Christian. I wanted to go to heaven to hold that baby and ask his/her forgiveness. I have been married 31 years now. I have begged God to forgive me, and I know he has. I just can not seem to forgive myself. That horrible thing I did more than 31 years ago, still haunts me today. It has impacted negatively my relationship with my husband and my two daughters. Thank you for sharing your story.

  1415. Linda Roudebush

    God has placed on my heart to step out in faith! To not operate in that old place of fear or disbelief that “I can’t do it” or ” it’s too hard”, or ” I don’t know how”. That to understand that I am made for a specific purpose that requires me to trust and just move forward. That understanding that the more I stay fixed in my “I can’t do it” spot, I am not fulfilling God’s Will for my life AND those lives I am to impact. That not even Moses or Joshua “knew” what to do but they listened to God and MOVED! Can you imagine just walking around a city like Jerico in silence and then at the exact time God said to shout they did! They could have just stayed in their camp and prayed for deliverance (emphasis on not moving here). I came to realize this summer that God’s world is in constant motion and each second will never be repeated. EVERYTHING He created is unique. There are no 2 EXACT things of ANYTHING. AND….there is an infinite number of most of them. Sunrises, sunsets, waves, sand, seashells, birds, fish, etc.( can you tell where I’ve been) are all uniquely designed to do and BE something only THEY can be. Why have I looked to others before I make MY move? Because they aren’t made to do what I was made to do! Why have I looked to this world for direction and not entrusted the Almighty that He made me unique for my OWN destiny? Staying connected to my Heavenly Father and just trusting Him that He’s got my back- and has already written my destiny-and it’s mine to claim- if I just keep moving forward in constant motion. By HIS design.

  1416. Marianne Sutton

    The Lord has wanted me to share that in this world where everyone is supposed to be the same, look the same, do the same things, and believe the same things, that unique spirits can be invisible. But God wants us to know unique spirits are a good thing, they remain individuals and instead of being followers they are followed without meaning to or wanting to be followed. Are we the unique spirit God wants us to be…marching to his music, his words, his Love so that others will follow us and hunger for what we have without us saying a word….? I am not invisible…I am a unique spirit…delivered from the domain of darkness and transferred to the kingdom of Christ!! I am a child of the Most High King!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1417. Michelle

    To be thoughtful in the way I treat other people, especially when I’m feeling bad.

  1418. Heather

    God has worked through me in the last two years to share: that He is greater than our biggest fear, and that being in a place of complete surrender to allow Him to move and be glorified, even in our darkest hour, is the greatest way to show how powerful He is. Embrace your trials, don’t run from them. Ask the Lord to show how He can be glorified through your darkest hour. And that through every rainstorm there is always a clear day waiting on the other side.

  1419. Sarah

    God has recently placed on my heart to share about my struggle with anxiety when I was out of God’s will for my life and how everything in my life changed once I was convicted of this & started living faithfully into His will for me. A second thing that God has placed in my heart to share with other women is that we are all fearfully & wonderfully made daughters of the One True King. That God knew us & loved us unconditionally before He formed us in our mother’s womb.

  1420. Raynie

    God has placed on my heart to share my struggles of depression, anixety & my true real-life weight battles. God also nudges me to share my writting/poems. I am afraid to share, because of the “what if’s”….

  1421. Shannon

    When we COMPLETELY surrender to God, he takes all our little imperfections and make them perfections in the way He needs to, so always be willing to Give It To God.

  1422. Jennifer

    I don’t want this book for me….but a friend that NEEDS it!!!! I should say I really want it, but She can’t afford it. I can!!!

  1423. Dianne K

    A few weeks ago I was asked to begin a Mentoring Ministry in our church. I have been involved with our Women’s Team for the past few years and this is a need that has come forth from that ministry. This past year was a bit of a struggle for me. Your book ” What Happens When Women Walk in Faith” especially has been a blessing. God used your writings to help clearify what I have been experiencing and to bring me excitment as I say yes to this opportunity God is giving me. I see this as my ‘promised land” Yes there will be giants to overcome but more so there are blessings of milk and honey ahead as I continue to share my story. Thank you for your words today

  1424. Mary

    God has placed it on my heart to share that it’s ok not to fit in, or it’s ok if your kids don’t fit in. That we always fit in His eyes. To not conform, but just be who He created us each uniquely to be. Can you tell it’s something I’ve been feeling
    passionate about. I could go on and on 🙂

  1425. Isobel

    The importance of self care. As a police officer my life (for many years) has been about taking care of others, currently it is helping women get out of abusive situations, as police officers we learn from very early on that we are no good to the people we protect if we do not care for ourselves and that officer safety does not relate to ‘just the bad calls’ it relates to day life, ongoing self care and healthy lifestyle. In the same way (what has really been standing out to me as I listen to God’s Heart) is that I have to take care of myself first so that i can give out of abundance not out of a place of “want” and self care as a woman of God is staying planted in Jesus my stream of living water and listening to as well as being led to my Global Positioning System – The Holy Spirit of God.

  1426. Lois

    I am struggling with the need for approval and to be self supportive. My marriage is ending and I have given my grief to God to help me through this. I feel the need to share my struggle for approval with others so that they do not make the same self defeating mistakes I have. I am worthy of SO much more that I have allowed myself to seek and will use this turning point in my life as a place to start anew and renew my relationship with my Father in Heaven. Thank you Lysa for your writing…I have gained more insight into ME from reading your books than anything before!!

  1427. Crystal Langford

    That GOD is always GOOD and faithful, I am going through some very tough life changes right now, but for the first time in my life I am NOT alone, I feel him guiding me, encouraging me and giving me strength. If we seek him, we WILL find him!

  1428. Chris Steffens

    Love and patience.

  1429. Jodie

    God has been putting on my heart to get involved in the woman and children’s home that our church is in the process of purchasing. I know he wants me to share my story of how God can turn “ashes into beauty”.

  1430. Allison Tarin

    I feel God has laid on my heart to share the comfort of the Holy Spirit with others. Recently I have been feeling more empowered to rely on the presence of God to comfort me in times of loneliness and hardship. I hear Him telling me to keep pushing forward in life. In circumstances where I have previously put off doing something, I find myself having the strength and energy to accomplish the task. Jesus is working in my life.

  1431. Suzy

    God has put on my heart that I share that HE is in control of all things in my life with the people I work with. As I face difficult problems at work I am able to share that God is in control. I never would have shared before, but this year, I really feel that He’s put it on my heart.

  1432. Heather Principe

    God has put it in my heart trust Him more and believe in myself. Also that I am a beautiful person even though I don’t always see it because I am wonderfully and fearfully made.

  1433. Robin

    I am reading Unglued. God placed on my heart that going through the book should be a class offered during classes we have at our church on Wednesday evenings. We will be starting the class in September and I am so excited to share with those the Lord ordains to be in the class how the Lord gives us our emotions and how we can handle them wisely honoring him in the process. Thank you for writing Lysa.

  1434. Robin

    I am going some tough times right now and God is telling me to stay strong in my faith and let others see so he will be glorified when he brings through it to a better place!

  1435. Melanie

    How every bit of His word is truth, not what we want to be the truth. As you have said, “The Bible will bless us, and stretch us.”

  1436. Angie Price

    Thank you Lysa! Your words describe right where I am today. I know God has placed on my heart to share my testimony. I get paralyzed at the thought… you I can share the “safe” stuff, but I feel him wanting me to share the good, the bad, and the ugly. The bad and the ugly of my childhood which would eventually lead me to the badder and uglier decisions as an adult. Things that hurt others terribly, things that I did, things that I decided, things that I now own without excuses. I come close….then pull back…..I have a hard time hearing God, but I know that is on my end and not Gods. I need to say yes……….but like you I have the fear of others reactions, especially women reactions. I know I have been forgiven by God, AND from those I have hurt the most……I am working on forgiving myself and that is a very hard road. Thank you for this post, it is nice to know that I am not alone….(even though I try to be at times)

  1437. Rhonda

    God has placed on my heart that when we/I say hes to him that the road ahead will not always be easy. I have to trust him with all the details, especially the small ones. I have to let him have control of the things in my life. God called me to go back to school and I know that it is a busy time in my life. I two graduating from high school and one from college this year an another adult son at home with aspergers.

  1438. Patti Budds

    Whenever I feel like a situation is starting to stress me out. I just pray, “Thank you Jesus that I can do all things through you who give me strength.” I also say out loud, “I look toward the mountains. Where does my help come from? It comes from the Lord. The maker of Heaven and earth.”

  1439. Brie

    God has been laying my broken-ness on my heart. I too have learned to be very good at making everything look picture perfect with my 5 beautiful children and wonderful husband. But that’s just it he is showing me that I’ve been hiding in all of them instead of him alone. I’m not gonna lie this has been a wrestling match between God and myself for years but he is finally taken hold of me and my temper tantrum is beginning to cease. Slowly very slowly I am opening up to the idea of being more transparent beginning with my family first. Thank you for this posting it is a blessing to know I’m not alone in these struggles.

  1440. Lori Price

    I am called to share the story of my marriage and 6 plus years of separation. I was on the road to divorce in a hurry, but God had other plans for me. He intervened in my life and nothing has been the same since. My marriage has not yet been restored but I know God is at work in my life and His will ultimately prevails!

  1441. Michelle

    Honestly, just struggling daily, tired of life being so hard-constantly for the past 4+ years. He has me in a small town in Wyoming when all of my big-super-close family lives down in Houston Texas. We have a special needs child, age 6, and a 4 year old. I’m constantly in the eyes of the public, needing to learn to accept help from people that aren’t family/that I’m in the “new friend” stage with, trying to survive one day at a time, trusting in God whom currently feels like He is miles away, even though I know He isn’t! I’m crying as I write this! Everybody who knows me see’s me as strong, but I can’t do anything without His strength! Like Twila Paris sang, “the warrior is a child!” Doesn’t really answer your question, but it’s what’s on the heart!

  1442. sandy chav

    Even when I feel grumpy and down. I know God will always love me. And that helps me get thru my grumpy time.

  1443. Dwayne Sanders

    I’m not a woman, but I have followed you for quite sometime. I one can attest to the power of consistent and persistent prayer. Never be afraid to ask God for what you want, he already knows.

  1444. Jessica McColm

    God has laid on my heart to share our story of pain that God has used for good. My husband and I have suffered three miscarriages in our several years of trying to have a baby. We have recently started the journey of adoption (it was actually listening to you, Lisa, at a women’s conference that I heard God’s voice loud and clear) and are now anxiously waiting to see how a possible adoption match will turn out. We have lost so much and been through some dark times, and yet God is so faithful and He has shown us so much grace by always lifting us out of what seems like an impossibly deep pit. One of the things we are so grateful for is the fact that we have this journey to share with others and, prayerfully, bless them the way we have been blessed.

    P.S. Lisa, back in April you spoke at a women’s conference and you shared about the story of Joshua. You started your message by posing a question that went something like this…how did Joshua have the strength and the courage to face the obstacles that he did? After our third miscarriage I was working through “The Story” and in the back are study guide questions. One of those questions said “how did Joshua have the strength and the courage to face the obstacles that he did?” I was very deeply struggling with that question because I was trying to find the strength and courage to face the difficulties we had been presented. Your message was the first crack in a wall God was trying to break down in my heart…God was speaking directly to me through you. Thank you for listening to God and being obedient to share what He asks you to. We are so excited to see the plan that God lays before us.

  1445. Heather Lytle

    Let’s live life as God’s hands and feet… Let’s focus on pleasing Him and aiming toward the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

  1446. Darlene

    Funny that you should ask that question. I was diagnosed 6 yrs ago with bi-polar disorder after an attempted suicide because Satan had me convinced the world was going to be better off without me around messing things up. Being a Christian with bi-polar disorder is looked down upon, But through the prayers of many friends, medication (which i know I will be on the rest of my life) and much time in personal prayer and studying God’s Word, I am significantly better than I was five years ago. It seems lately as if God is prompting me to share my story with others who may going through a diagnosis of depression or bi-polar disorder.

  1447. Deborah

    God has placed on my heart to share my lifelong struggle with my weight. I am on Day 3 of listening to Made To Crave, and learning to eat what is beneficial, not just what is permissible. I am feeling the symptoms of hunger, withdrawal, and being irritable but trying to stay strong!

  1448. Blenda

    God has asked me to use my own struggles with anorexia, multiple miscarriages, and losing my dad to lymphoma as a child throughout the years we have been in ministry. As we are now in a new ministry setting with different roles, I am seeking to find where and how God wants to use me here. After saying “yes” to God in so many other areas of my life, I find it easier and easier to say YES with each new request He lays on my heart…….just waiting for Him to reveal what that might be for this time and this place!

  1449. RR

    I think God may want a lot shared but sometimes I even am afraid to share with Him. As if He doesn’t know. I am uncomfortable sharing things that are personal with people that I know. I do better with people that I do not. So I guess the answer is being more transparent.

  1450. Darlene

    Six years ago I was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder after an attempt at suicide. I’ve come to realize how much depression and bi-polar disorder are looked down upon in the Christian community. Through the prayers of friend and much personal time with God in His Word, I am in a much better place. I’ve been feeling very strongly strongly lately, that God wants me to share my story with others who might be battling depression or bi-polar disorder.

  1451. Evangeline

    That no matter what you have done he has forgiven you.
    Trust God today and everyday, his time is always the right time.

  1452. Eva

    I have felt that God has laid it on my heart to work with youth again after many many years I have started doing that again.

  1453. Kristy Carnley

    Jesus has laid a challenge on my heart……….
    I feel compelled to write (a handwritten) letter to a friend whom I have drifted away from because of a disagreement. I should let her know how special she was and is to me and that I am so thankful for all the things we did together and all the things we went through–including our disagreement. I truly feel God puts people in your life for a reason–not necessarily for our own contentment but for a lesson needed to be learned, to test our faith, and simply because that person needed something and I may have just been around at the right time to say or do that thing in which God directed. I believe we can have many best friends throughout our lives and at many different times. I do not believe our friendship will be restored, but I feel I have been challenged to obey.

  1454. joan

    I feel that the Lord is working on me . he talks to me everyday I have told everyone that I am starting this online bible study and so excited the Lord has a place for me . I just want to tell everyone I see. Unglued hit me like a rock and What happens when women say yes to God . I can’t wait . My sister is signing up today I got her the book to start. Thank proverbs 31 mins for being here for me . Joan

  1455. Christine

    God has definitely placed on my heart to share HOPE! There is HOPE in Him! He has worked miraculously in my parents marriage and in turn our whole family! All because of the rescue of Jesus! He is HOPE!

  1456. Darlene McAdams

    That our life In Christ does not guarantee perfection, we will always have times when we feel weak and satan starts making us doubt ourselves, but The Lord always forgives and never ever leaves us. He is bigger than any sin!

  1457. Barbara

    God is leading me to have a more personal relationship with him through His Word and through Prayer..

  1458. lynne

    God has laid on my heart that even though I am not perfect that he will use me to help other women who are struggling with past hurts and living in a life burdened with co dependency. In the past 2 yrs. my life took a drastic turn when I found out my husband of 30 yrs. was addicted to pain medication ,but what the enemy meant for evil God used for the good. We attend a addiction recovery ministry at our church and I am a small group leader helping women deal with codependency. So thankful for Jesus…

  1459. Mary Roach

    God has called me to be willing to share any part of my past. This includes molestation, drugs, divorces, and all the things that go with that life style. He has called me to share His love, who He is, for Him, because of Him.
    Recently my sister ask if she could share her testimony to a group of women from my church. ( she was speaking at a conference that I was had created for the women in my home church). If she gave her testimony to them it would expose my past. After prayer I said yes.
    God used her testimony to open hearts for Him to heal.
    It was freighting to be that exposed and I will open my past to all God sends my way.
    He ask and I will go! When he shows me the doors I will be ready because He is my Shield and Rock! He did not give me the spirit of fear but of a sound mind.
    I found in the evaluations of the conference that there were many declarations of the work that God did in the hearts and spirits of these women.
    If God will use me I will let Him walk me through my fears of rejection and the putting down of my self.
    May the Lord bless you to continue to do His work. Thank you for being obedient.

  1460. Lori

    God has showed me that everyone I come in contact with is valuable.I have only recently began to feel this way about myself. Through his grace and mercy I’am working to share this with those I come in contact with.Everyone should know they are a unique creation of God .

  1461. Lisa

    For the last year God has been asking me to share my story and his faithful pursuance of me as I went from growing up Lutheran to becoming LDS and finally fully believing Christ. I have felt an immense stirring and urgency that I need to align everything in my life to his will in a way like never before and it’s a beautiful thing!

  1462. Kimberly

    That although Satan may come to you as a child, steer you as an adolescent, be behind bad choices as a young adult, God was right beside you. He was right there. All you need to do now, is say yes. All you need to do now is allow Him to work through you to use that past as good. A good right now and a good tomorrow.

    • Debi Schuhow

      Oh I would love to hear your story!

  1463. Sonya

    I always try to make the best of every situation. When someone is negative or discouraged, I like to talk it out. What is God’s plan? Be positive. Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes it’s difficult to do but I remind myself of this often and share it with others. You can always find a positive in all situations.

  1464. Prissy Chambers

    I have learned that all families have crap to deal with no matter how perfect other families look! I have also learned that one of the best ways to help is to share your story with others whom you love and trust. It releases such a burden and they, too, feel better knowing they aren’t the only ones dealing with tough family issues!

  1465. Tracy

    The Lord has placed a ministry of love, forgiveness and hope through sharing the losses and pain my family has suffered in the last 4 years with a son being imprisoned, which was immediately followed by my husband leaving and divorcing. My 2 other children have suffered much through all of this but The Lord has been faithful to provide all we need.

  1466. Carrie

    I have spent a lot of years letting the devil beat me up. He always manages to take that one thing you can’t overcome in your life and use it against you to drag you down in a valley you can’t seem to get out of. Many times I turn it over to God, only to run really fast and pick it back up. So I never really turn it over to God, I just try to give him direction on how this situation needs to be handled, as if he needs my advice. May God give me the courage to truly turn it all over to him and grow in his grace. So I can too someday help someone in the same situation, instead of living with the shame.

  1467. Kim

    Im saying no to that tv show I’ve been watching. Just because so and so watches it doesn’t mean I should! Philippians 4:8
    Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.

  1468. Lisa

    I feel called to encourage women to seek contentment, to savor the blessings God has bestowed on them, even when those blessings aren’t what you originally expected.

  1469. Breah Belew

    God truly is our HEALER!

    I have always wanted to be a mother. My husband and I learned however, I am unable to conceive. Through lots of tears, prayers, and discussions with God– adoption hit my heart hard! We are at the end of the stage of adoption and are adopting a sibling group of 4! So saying YES to God allows me te comfort and peace of knowing I WILL be a mother! These children were born in my heart! 🙂 and praise The Lord for second chances!

    Don’t be afraid of Gods plans for you… He will heal you in ways you’d least expect!

  1470. Michelle

    I recently shared my story of how God brought me through a difficult job search and led me to be honest despite what looked to be an impossible situation. He not only brought me through but provided more for me than I ever imagined or expected. I shared it with someone else in a difficult job search situation.

  1471. Rebecca Portteus

    God wants me to share my struggles and my failures, especially those from when I was a teenager and young adult, but also the triumphs and healing He has brought through His healing and saving grace.

    I cannot wait to read the book and the devotional!

  1472. Heather

    God has been leading me to share His love and grace with my own children and all of the children that enter our home. I am feeling that he is leading me to even bigger things and am anxious to see His vision, but only in His time.

  1473. Wendy

    The Lord has placed on my heart to share with others my story of loss. Most of my life has been a struggle but I thought helping others would get me to Heaven, I would give to others even when I did not have any more to give. Unexpectedly I lost my husband of 23 yrs and my family was destitute but I let go of my pride and accepted help. But that help led me to Christ and real love.

  1474. Karen Waites

    I want to remind other women that we are all in this life together! We are a team. We get one another if we will just dare to open up and share. If we do, there is so much bonding and blessing that will happen! Instead of the bickering and comparing we can start to love And encourage one another! I’ve experienced this transformation first hand in a group of amazing ladies. It started with a women’s retreat where we shared our testimonies. How powerful it was and still is! This is what I want every women’s group to see!

  1475. Roberta Meehan

    My heart was broken. My children were suffering. Divorce. Incest. Absolute utter desperation. “You’re no good for your children.” You’re no good to God.” A new pill bottle. I cried for peace. I begged forgiveness. Heaven seemed silent that black desperate day. I was later that a group of Christians worked on me in the ER that day and it seemed they would fail. They circled my bed holding hands and prayed. They told me God took over and slowly lifted me from the death. He is enough!

  1476. Patricia Dunn

    I feel like God wants me to be the mom I need to be to a young mentally disabled couple with baby in our home. I have asked God, “Why me, when I myself, am not qualified and don’t think that I was a good enough mom to my own daughter! I should have been more strict with her! And right now is the worst timing in the world! I am in my own crisis! I need help!!” Our father is telling me that he will provide for all my needs. It is in the best time possible as God knows the perfect time for each one of us. Thank you for sharing your story with me! God Bless You!!

  1477. Kathy Rook

    God has walked me through life struggles and pain. In Him, I know there is more than this life and I have the hope of eternal life with Jesus Christ. Blessed…..

  1478. Cheryl

    Way too long I’ve lived a defeated life full of hurt from rejections, anger, frustration, feelings of insecurity, regrets from living a less than perfect life, over reacting — coming “unglued”. Lysa I think you’re my twin soul sister. I love your book “Unglued”. I’m almost finished, one more chapter to go. In fact I’m about to hit it. Then i think I’m going to read it again. I truly feel God is using you and your book to FINALLY help me get a grip. When I read your book I feel like I’m reading my autobiography. I truly appreciate your transparency. I’ve always said it’s easier to listen to someone who KNOWS, because they’ve been there done that. It’s my heart to once and for all allow God to make the necessary changes in me so that I can move forward in my Christian walk and help others who face the same issues as I have faced. All for His honor and glory!!

  1479. Sandy

    I honestly don’t know! I know that I talk to him daily, I know the times we live in… the closer I am to him the more persecuted I am by others! I have been beat up by people who call themselves Christians! In fact some preach in churches on Sunday mornings! I know he tells me to beware of false prophets, however I’m not sure why I was so arrogant as to think that I personally would not come in contact with such as these. I guess that is what he would have me share… Thank You for being real! Thank You for your words of encouragement and love daily! Thank You for being the real example of a Godly woman!

  1480. Brenda Milheim

    My depression. I kept reading his promises and received no answers. I am still struggling, but I am leaning and believing on HIM.

  1481. Bobbie Warren

    God has been telling me to be patient, to endure, to fight the good fight because the best is yet to come. To just keep following in faith and not by sight.

  1482. Debi Schuhow

    That God is BIG enough, LOVES enough, KNOWS me/you enough, KNOWs Himself enough to take me/you screaming at Him, demanding to know why?, me/you disagreeing with Him, thrusting our fists in the air at Him, and crying with bitterness, resignation, sadness, and repentance. The key is to KEEP talking to Him!

  1483. Lisa E

    God has called me to share my story of alcoholism, and how He has completely healed me. It has been 9 years, and five months since I have felt the need to drink. The day I surrendered my life and my will over to the care of God that need left me. I share my story to help others.

  1484. Jenn

    Jesus is calling me out to arise & go forward in womens ministry. I have too long allowed the fear of others to dictate my words, actions & responses. In doing so fears crept in eventually leading to anxieties. It’s has been a road, but He has made my crooked places straight. He is using it in my life to speak Truth to others. It is so hard at times to admit your weaknesses, but I find every time I do He uses it & it brings me freedom.

  1485. Donna

    I’m not sure yet. Today I feel broken and all messed up. I’m hoping this Bible study will help me to feel loved by God and not need others to feel sorry for me because of all my problems. I feel so all alone.

  1486. Lisa Elliott

    It’s been on my heart to be amble to go out to share my faith with others who do not know Christ to go to schools to share my faith and to go to homeless shelters to share my faith this has been on my heart for along time I have prayed to God over this. The other thing is that God has placed on my heart to share with others is to be amble to travel to different places like Africa to share my faith there as well that is my calling I feel it in my heart that is were God is calling me right now in my life.

  1487. sue

    God has placed on my heart to encourage moms in their journey in motherhood. Thank you for this opportunity to win!

  1488. Laurie

    That Gods love is unconditional. All mercifull and His grace is sufficient in all circumstances . That when we are weakest he comes and gives us the strength we need and the peace that passes this worlds understanding. I would love your devotional to give to my sweet daughter who is going through a real rough time and has two precious little girls.

  1489. Tracy

    God has been placing it on my heart to start a group for young moms and to share my story. I am nervous about it though because I am so not a speaker! He never calls without equipping though so here we go 🙂

  1490. Judy

    I honestly am not sure at this point what God wants me to share. I think He is working on something in me. Perhaps I will know soon.

  1491. Geralyn

    To boldly share the times I have said yes and all of the amazing results that took place because of my obedience.

  1492. Debra Riner

    God has been placing on my heart to spend more time in prayer & Scripture reading so that I can grow closer to Him & be able to hear His voice more clearly.

  1493. Laurie

    My main reason for leaving a comment is to thank Lysa for telling her story. Lysa is only the second Christian woman I know who has been through this experience….besides myself. I believe God has been encouraging me to share my story, and I have been too afraid – mainly of the people in my life who will be hurt. But this second revelation from a Christian woman within the span of 2 weeks really seems to be confirmation of what I think God is saying to me.

  1494. sheilah mullins

    God consistently tells me to encourage the girls who are keeping it real. They are not perfect, they are real. The single girl who decides to have a beer and do her bible study in a quiet nook in the bar rather than sitting home alone another night, the mom who had to leave an abusive husband even though every bone in her body wanted to stay for the sake of her little girls, the single co worker who had a baby without the grace of marriage and is now dealing with the fallout. NO judgements, just offer them love and encouragement. Try to be consistent and sometimes hard to stop myself from saying tsk tsk…now why did you do that?

  1495. Anita

    God is laying prayer on my heart- to share it and to do it with others. He has given me a great love for it with a purpose.

  1496. Aaron

    I would love for women to know we are not called to perfection! Sometimes more is just more, not better! I have learned to know when to say I have completed this task and I did my best and move on to what is next, even if it is just taking a deep breath and going to the dock to enjoy Gods beautiful ocean and animals!

  1497. Angie Akers

    God has put on my heart that one day He will help me share my story in a larger way…maybe have me write a book? My story or “survival” when my young teenage son (14) sexually abused a 3 yr old girl. And if that wasn’t bad enough, how the family of that little girl made it their mission to hurt our family publically however they could.(phone calls, walking around the neighborhood telling everyone, and of course on facebook) I took the brunt of their hateful ugliness with attacks on me as a person of faith and a christian leader in our community and also someone who struggles with her weight. Their assumptions became “truths” and in our small town people not only love a scandal, they love to watch people fall. This situation devastated my life in so many ways….but God was always there with me, and still is. And I know what the enemy meant for evil, God will use for good. I’ve always believed that beauty will come from these ashes of what appears to be nothing but devastation. I’m going to just be waiting to see how God does it:) In His timing, All for His Glory.

  1498. Jenny

    God is asking me to trust Him with a confident hope…a new beginning is on the horizon and I feel God wants me to keep my eyes on Him and remain confident in His love for me

  1499. Martha

    God has placed on my heart that he is still in control. I’ve heard the following verse so many times lately and feel the need to share. “Then if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, I will HEAR from heaven and will FORGIVE their sins and RESTORE their land!”-GOD, 2 Chronicles 7:14

  1500. Emily Washburn

    God has been laying on my heart to share my struggles with friends who are going through something that I have or had gone through. I need to use my struggles to show others that God is faithful and will guide us through our darkest times.

  1501. Norma Jean McDarmont

    That God is still on the throne and no matter what the devil may throw at me, I will overcome through Christs that strengthens me. He is my Almighty King and I love him so very much.

  1502. Kelly Blackwell

    I have thought long and hard about what God would want me to share. Right now it is just how very much He loves them. I have lived a pretty difficult life, and I know that God has a purpose for each tear. I do not know how those tears will be used, but I know in time, He will show me. I think right now I am in my own period of learning and growing more in my relationship with God. At the right time, I believe He will allow me to reach out to others in whatever way He sees fit. At this point, the most important thing I can do is show His love in everything that I do and be available (not always easy, I can get grumpy).

  1503. Michelle

    God has placed on my heart to share with others a genuine faith and His overwhelming love!

  1504. Robin

    I do not know what I am supposed to be sharing with others. I want to know, though. I want to serve the Lord with my whole heart. I want to hear His voice and obey Him. Please pray for me to know His will for me. thank you!

  1505. Ashlie

    Recently God on the spot wanted me to share something with some relatives who don’t have a relationship with Him, the quickening in my heart made me want to run. Over the years I’ve learned that means the Spirit is willing. So I shared how God had released me from so much emotional garbage but asking Him to reveal where those thoughts and feeling rooted. When I was almost done sharing, my sister in law had started tearing up. For years I knew something was there blocking her heart from being hurt. She opened up and told me something so personal she has kept to herself for more than 14 years. I’m so grateful I followed through with the Spirits prompting because had I not then I would’ve never known.

  1506. Kelly

    Timing! All things are in God’s timing…. not my own! Learning to trust that He sees the bigger picture and that instead of being impatient, I can rely on Him for my greatest good.

    • Kristi Daniels

      I am a single parent & had been trying to fulfill a life long dream to live next to my parents. They gifted me the land & I took the first step …5 years later, after my part time job turned to full time w/benefits it gave me the financial ability to pay off some bills in order to satisfy 1 of the banks requirement for financing & because of an old retirement fund from long ago I was able to come up with more money when what I had wasn’t initially enough. I am an adopted child and found my biological roots about 19 years ago..and have been extremely blessed because of 5 year process of fulfilling my dream I lost my birthmother to lung cancer but was able to spend some time with her towards her last days..she would have been so proud to see it finished. I also lost contact with my birthfather because of this dream I was trying to fulfill as he had helped me in this process but his best intentions and failure to follow through caused some heartache that I expressed. I had some circumstances with my contractor I felt I was taken advantage of financially & I challenged him only to be left feeling sick to my soul & unsure of how to remedy it.. While there has been much heart ache in these last 5 years while fulfilling my dream..I could not have completed this project without God’s intervention, strength, guidance or love. I wrote on some of the boards that frame my house (boards that were made from trees I used to climb as a little girl that grew on this very property) “He is before all things & in him all things hold together”. That is how firmly I came to believe that all thigns are possible through God & as mentioned above, in God’s timing. This was completely his timing & he helped me to do this before my son graduated as that was part of this goal. He graduated this year & I was able to have a big graduation party for him here. I am very proud of this goal I accomplished that at times I ran into roadblocks with unable to think clearly & wonder how to move forward. I have lost two people dear to me through this ( my birth mother & contact with my birthfather) so I continue to trust God to help heal this heartache that I carry. I tried to send a christmas gift to my father that was a note tucked inside a box that said “I forgive you” but have never heard from him again.Forgive me for all the words as this is only a nutshell of my journey. But I have come to love your blog & if it were not for my sister, perhaps I may have stumbled past you. You seem to know what to say on the oddest days & I thank you for that. Hope to see you in person sometime. Thank you for your words.

  1507. Suzanne

    I’m struggling with my relationships with my husband, my 3 daughters and my 6 (yes 6) stepdaughters. I know somehow, someway, this is all part of God’s plan for my life. I know that if God is for me, who can be against me?

  1508. Doris O'Neal

    The Lord has placed very heavily on my heart besides sharing the gospel to encourage people to remember The Lord is really in control…you can trust Him..He is faithful..He wants what is best for you and He will give you His very best in His time….He really listens to us and we can really share our hearts to Him….Always remember to Praise and Thank Him.
    Proverb 3: 5 & 6

  1509. Elaine

    God is showing me that I need to get closer to him and reading his word more.

  1510. Dana Ekstrand

    No matter how often I do it, when I am asked to teach a study, it crosses my mind that I can’t Fortunately, now, I know that is actually the truth–but He can do it! 🙂

  1511. Tammy Mittelstaedt

    I am a obese woman who just started weight watchers. I have been able to lose 15 lbs but now it is my third week of doing this and I feel like I am losing the mind battle and my obsession with food is tempting me. I try to find God through this but I feel like I am alone and wondering if I can ever overcome. I try to think: I will do this and then I would be able to say to others-God helped me through this but truly I don’t know where God is. I know in my head-“he will never leave me or forsake me” and yet I feel like I am fighting this battle alone. How can someone have Jesus as the Lord and Savior of your life and yet feel alone. I pray for victory so that God can use me for His glory.

    • Abby

      Tammy, dear sister in our Lord, I pray the Lord will set you free as your cling to Him for strength. John 8:36 “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.”
      I pray in Jesus’ holy name you will be protected from the darts of the enemy that your eyes would continue to open to God’s truth for you. Despite our feelings, and the evil in this world, God is ever-present. I read Lysa’s book “Made to Crave, satisfying your deepest desires with God, not food,” because I also had an eating struggle. I struggled through it, and had fallbacks, but I have to say God brought me out of it, and I give Him the praise. I know He can do this for you too dear sister.

      Love in Christ, Abby

    • Barbara Williams

      Tammy, I would like to encourage you to read 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 which tells us that our bodies are temples for God and meditate on these words. Trust that God is with you, you’re not alone and you will feel so much better staying the course and having victory over this. Be encouraged and don’t give up! Blessings to you from your sister in Christ!

    • Terry

      Hi Tammy,

      I’m a obese women also who has been struggling with my weight for a long time. I can say you are on the right track because weight watchers does work. Ok I’ve learned that in losing weight I had to change my eating habits & pick up good ones. This involved a Spiritual as well as a Physical change. First the Spiritual : I would start my day in Prayer & seeking the Lords guidance through His Word. As the Holy Spirit leads you will find Scriptures of Gods promises that you can stand on like; Philippians 4:13 ( this one I posted on my fridge ) Psalm 139:14 to name a few. I also found reading Lysa book “Made to Crave “& seeing the part ” How your Body Handles Food” . This was excellent ! Once you allow the Spiritual part to work in you the Physical & Mental part will fall in place. Most of all always make sure you Trust The Lord( Proverbs 3:5-6 ) & not your emotions because emotions play by no one rules! I pray this helps because it has helped me to stay focus & to remember that when its all said & done I want to give all the Honor & Glory to our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ!

    • Debra McGan

      Tammy, don’t give up! I follow weight watchers also. I have lost 70 lbs. since last year. I prayed about it and gave it to God. It is a hard journey but keep the faith, you can do it.

  1512. Anita

    I feel that God wants me to encourage people to not worry. Pray to God about their problem and hand it over to Him. I need to remind people to ‘let go and let God’.

  1513. Lynn Ellis

    Sounds like an awesome devotional!
    I am feeling God impressing upon me to be more of a mentor to younger women.

  1514. Katie

    God has placed on my heart to share with my children how important it is to cherish your siblings. Hurtful things done to siblings can haunt one’s heart for years following the incident…I strongly encourage them to stay far far away from such situations, and instead, cherish the gift of their brothers and sisters. (Blessed Mom of 2 boys & 2 girls)

  1515. Sara

    God has really been working in my heart and in my life. God has been preparing me to tell my story of a difficult and painful relationship in my life and how He has delivered me from it!

  1516. Julie F.

    Trust! I’m struggling right now with letting go and trusting that God’s plans are better than any plans I could make myself. Each day I have to remind myself that He is in charge of the plans that I keep trying to make for myself. I really hope that soon I will finally just let go, but boy it is a lot easier to say than do! I’m just so thankful that our God is a God of forgiveness thanks to the sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross. Lord knows that I continue to fail in the faith department on a daily basis.

  1517. Erin Thompson

    My recovery from drugs and alcohol! I never hesitate to share how God literally plucked me from that pit of destruction,…. and how He told me, “NO MORE, ERIN!!” Through God’s grace and mercy, and through great Christian friends he has strategically placed in my life, I have now been clean and sober for just over 2 1/2 years!!!… AND, through God alone, I am about to start nursing school!!!… Though I shake and sweat until there are “pit stains galore,” I never turn down giving my testimony!!!!!!!! 🙂

    • Abby

      Praise God for your and your openness Erin! I’m sure He has, and I pray God continues to use you to bring others closer to Him with your story! I have a similar one, and God is so gracious! 🙂

    • Terry


  1518. Elaine Segstro

    God has placed on my heart to offer sensitive compassion and acceptance to the young children I teach. Many are hurting and feel rejected. I pray that they may see Jesus’s love through what I do.

  1519. Abby

    God is showing me to point my blessings and give my credit to him. It’s easy to brush aside, and simply say thank you when people compliment areas of your life, but i believe God desires for us to give him glory for it all. I got married this July 6th, and we just bought a home in our new town. It’s on the corner that everyone seems to know, and people recognize the house that was for sale. There must be a purpose that God showed us this home, and that we would give him the glory for the blessings He has given us.

  1520. Kriss

    God has laid on my heart to share that there is hope thru Him and to give him all of our burdens. There is so much despair in the world and I want to encourage people that thru Jesus Christ there is peace.

  1521. Carolyn

    The words I heard The Lord speak to me that I want to share with you is to slow down,relax and simplicity. To enjoy life, life is giving and is taking away. He didn’t give us life to make it confusing. Peace be still He said to the waves, peace is in Him! Chaos is not. Your striving to much for peace, when peace is in you through me. Everything you need is in you through the Spirit. Stop striving, start trusting what’s in you. Strength comes from me, I Am the great I Am!

  1522. Mollie Rider

    I let my childhood define me for the longest time. I was unloved, rejected, abused, and broken. I found myself addicted to heroin and living on the streets of NYC at age 22, after the pain from losing custody of a child left me emptier than I thought possible. At 24, I checked into detox and almost died the next morning when I inhaled my vomit. I spent 7 weeks in ICU. I was as good as dead. But God had other plans. The doctors gave me 24 hours to live. But not God. I came back to NC to live with family, but old feelings of worthlessness crept back up and I turned to drugs. Not heroin this time, but many other drugs. I ended up pregnant again. I planned to have an abortion. I was on my way to my appointment and I prayed to God to give me a sign if I was doing the wrong thing. I got stuck in traffic on the highway and when I called the clinic they said I didn’t have an appointment even though I know I did. That was my sign. I now have a 6 year old boy, who is the joy of my life! I no longer use drugs. I graduate in December with a Bachelors degree in Psychology. Most importantly, I no longer feel worthless. Sure, I struggle. This season in particular is a tough one for me, but there is certainty in my heart that God has a purpose that He is preparing me for. I feel loved and I know that no matter what God loves me and will never let me go! I kept this short, but the things I’ve been through seem like a distant memory. I am most definitely a NEW CREATION!!!! I can’t wait to see what’s He has in store next!

  1523. Lauretta Russell

    I am helping with frontier girls and teaching young girls the fruits of the spirit with scouting and outdoor skills. Teaching homemaking skills to the next generation!

  1524. Rosie

    By taking a step of faith and pressing forward in obedience, you will see the WILL of God come to pass in your life. It’s all about The Lord.

  1525. Helena Song

    I stumbled upon Proverbs 31 Ministries through a friend’s Facebook post. She posted a photo of a page from “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God” that touched me immediately. I was lead to find out more about the book and then I found and read “A mom’s greatest fear”. Each word that you wrote reached deep down in me. I cried uncontrollably right there in front of my office’s computer. Those words reminded me of my first born who died when he was 6 months old. That was 10 years ago but I could still feel the emotions as though it happened just yesterday. I’ve never blamed God for all that has happened. God has blessed me with two beautiful girls now (3 and 7). Like you, I constantly told myself that these are God’s children, not mine. Still, the pain is there and the memory is still fresh. I sometimes get paranoid esp. when one of my girls fall sick, so I totally get what you said in that article. One think I know for sure, God is good and He is my everything. Many asks me how I manage to pull through those times…I always say to them “I have my God, thank God!” 🙂 ….and that is more than enough for me to get through anything that will come my way. So I believe that has always been put into my heart to share with others…that all you need is God in your life! I will continue to do that till I draw my last breath to be with our dear Lord Jesus and my baby, Gabriel! God bless you and your ministry.

  1526. Kara Dennison

    God has placed on my heart one of the teenagers from my church. She just got saved at teen camp last week. I’ve been praying for her to see and experience God’s love. She doesn’t have a good example of an earthly father. I have been patiently waiting for a time to share my story with her. I know that God wanted me to pray for her last week when she was at camp. I’m excited to see what God’s going to do as I say yes to Him.
    God has already answered my prayers for Beckah, but I know that many more are to come. Praise God!

  1527. jessica

    I need to have less of me and more of Him!!

  1528. Marci Hobbs

    I feel God has put in my heart the desire to come alongside younger women, to love and encourage them in who they are in Christ. To show them the graciousness of God. To “be there” for them.

  1529. Tammy Hooks

    I feel God wants me to let people know, Remember….. Every SAINT has a PAST! And every SINNER has a FUTURE!

  1530. Kay Youngman

    I want to continue my walk with God by having a much more intimate relationship with him everyday through this study.

  1531. Victoria Waters

    My Story Of Faith, ThatIs, Truly Living In Faith, Began In December 2011. OuR Lives Have Been tumultuous, With The Most Recent Chapter Being The Death Of OuR 9_Month Old Daughter On July 2. I’m Confident That Faith Is Continuing To Carry Us Through.
    Apologies FOr The Capitalization Issues, I Am On My Phone Responding To This Post.

  1532. Vickie S

    I think at this season in my life, He’s calling me to give encouragement. More specifically to encourage the women close to me to launch to the next level of their relationship with Him and pursue their calling!

  1533. Laura

    So interesting that I opened to this passage today. I have really been struggling with exactly what God is calling me to say “yes” to in my life. I think I have the answer – pursue it – then hit roadblocks! Not sure if I am putting them there or if God intends me to go in another direction. So frustrating! I keep praying for the answer to come.

  1534. Barbara Williams

    God showed me my purpose long ago and that is to mentor women, single moms, teen moms, and young girls and I have been dragging my feet because, just like you Lysa I have allowed the enemies lies to hold me back (you’re not good enough, why do you think you can do this when your life is such a mess and you never finish anything, etc). I have a vision to establish a place to fulfill this through counseling (I am pursuing Bachelors in Psychology), help with obtaining job skills, housing, an on-site daycare, and most of all helping them to see how God sees them. God has allowed me to hit rock bottom and I know that he’s my Rock at the Bottom so it’s time for me to finally finish something by his grace. I have four grown children and 4 grandchildren so now is my time – God keeps nudging me!! Blessings to all!

  1535. Tiffany Tremaine

    That each one of us are not alone!!! I suffer from Chronic pain and Mental Illness, I felt so alone until I found Jesus! I feel that God is telling me to let others know that through him they too are not ALONE!

  1536. Kim Garner

    God is teaching me to drink the cup He has given me. What is that cup? To follow Him wherever He may lead, and to be like Him in any situation life may bring. All of our cups are different. We can’t drink someone else’s cup….we need to accept where God has placed us and the circumstances He has allowed in our lives; trusting His goodness, His love, His faithfulness, and His sovereignty. And, oh, the peace and joy we experience as we learn to do this.

  1537. Kateri

    I am a homeschooling mim of 5 who works part time outbof sheer necessity. I reccently felt God telling me to work with the youth of the church. So I am blindly following him to help the middle and high schoolers realizr all that Gos has planned for them. This is all while Im dealing with the loss of our 6th baby a son who is our angel. I may not understand everything but I will be obediant. I pray for each of you and ask you to do the sane.

  1538. Katy Lin

    I feel like God would have me share with teens about the pressures of growing up and how everything that this world has to offer is cheap and fake compared to the unsurpassable riches of knowing Christ and the love he has to offer them! (P.S. – Thanks for the giveaway ;D)

  1539. Ruth

    I think one thing I feel to share is that we are not alone. God has created women to be in friendship and relationship with one another, not to criticize, compare or condemn. And when we are vulnerable and open with each other, as you shared, God can move in hearts and lives. We all have a story!

  1540. Jackie

    “What has God placed on your heart to share with others?” I read this question earlier today and struggled with it for hours. When I think of the answer I’m brought to tears. I moved last year to a new state and I constantly question if I made the right decision. Besides the friends and family I left behind, I just constantly crave the support and encouragement of other Godly women. Phone calls, text messages, and online Bible studies are great, but nothing ever replaces the joy of having a few friends to be able to confide in – in person. The answer is easy – but the process (at least in my mind) is putting myself out there. Saying the first hello, extending the first invitation for coffee – is terrifying. I pray that through reading and participating in the OBS for “When Women Say Yes” helps me to grow closer to others, while also growing closer to God.

  1541. Sarah C

    I feel like God is asking me to be more generous in small ways, simply to make peoples’ days

  1542. Crystal

    I would share that God is full of grace and has forgiven me much and because of this I want to be full of grace and forgive others in the same matter.

  1543. Amy

    It has been placed on my heart to tell others how important it is to teach your child when they are young about God’s word and his will. I was married and had taught my children that God will fullfill your needs in his time. I found out my (ex, now) husband was having an affair with a “nice catholic girl who undestands” and had given him religious tokens. I had not been able to get my husband to be the Baptist man of God that he claimed to be when we first got together and was devestated that he could be for this woman what he could not be for my family. I lost my way and quit praying bc I could not believe God would allow me to take this man back after he had left me when I was pregnant with our 3rd child and two others who were young and Special Needs but during the 10 years that I did take him back I had taught my children well enough that they prayed me thru the rough times and showed me that unwavering love, trust and faith can get you thru difficult times and if my children could do that for me then imagine what our Father in Heaven can do!!!! God has his plan and we just need to follow where we are lead and share with the little ones and tell others how important it is to be there and be a model in good and bad times.

  1544. Linda

    This week I really feel that God is pushing me to give of myself to others. Although I have all my hearts desire (family, health, roof over my head, food to eat, job, etc.) I have been feeling a sense of discontentment. It is in giving that we receive fulfillment and I believe it is God’s way of telling me that I have much to give. Now I’m just trying to figure out how and who He wants me to serve.

  1545. Genie Cowden

    Our precious Lord has promised to restore what has been lost and will restore what the locust have eaten. Praise God that He is a God of restoration – of people, opportunities, chances!!

  1546. Angela

    That whenever we receive an answer to a prayer, when anything good happens, or even in storms, that we say out loud, Thanks be to God! He’s gives us everything. All that we have comes from Him. From the tiniest things, to the huge amazing miracles. We are blessed.

  1547. Cassie

    I am learning bring the light of Christ into the work place. Not by words but with my works. I need encouragement.

  1548. Jen L.

    Being obedient to Gods calling even if we want to run the other way. And being content in where God has placed us.

  1549. Dana

    Home. Our homes are so important and so under attack. Love your people, give them grace, and fight for them!

  1550. Jennifer Reinert

    When I was in second grade I was bullied and tormented. The kids acted as if I was a disease. They would touch eachother and say “Jenny germs, no returns”. As a result of being bullied, growing up in a dysfunctional and alcoholic family, I have learned to fear man. I am struggling to feel God’s love and know his love because People have become Big and God has become small. I live in fear and I too hear the voices of “I’ll never be good enough, “I’m just a Jenny germ loser working at Walmart with no purpose”. I am in a discipleship because I am praying to arrive at as Lysa says “God untangled my need for approval with the challenge to live for an audience of One” I want God to be big and people to be small. Please keep me in your prayers. How may I pray for you?.

    • Terry

      Jennifer I will keep you in prayer.
      I too grew up in an alcoholic abusive Family. The relationship I had with my Dad caused me to be hard & so unemotional towards men. I only had this problem with men in my life. So when I did get Married after I was saved I carried those same feelings with me. One day while in Bible Study he taught on God being our Daddy. The teacher explained the way we viewed our earthy dad was in some cases the way we viewed our Heavenly Father. Especially when that relationship with our earthy Dad was full of pain & hurt. Wow I thought Daddy God is my Daddy! Someone who loves me no matter what! Someone who I can rely on for strength, understanding, for assurance & the list goes on & on! He said The Lord never will treat us the way our earthy father has. My heart was so glad to hear this, it gave me that Hope I was looking in man to full fill! Grace that’s what it is God’s Grace that saved me ; Yes even me! From that day on I started to look towards Jesus for my joy & happiness & not in man. I’ve learned Man can & will fail you but God Never Fails! Fear oh yes I had fear of rejection, being hurt, ( by a man ), what man could do to me! But God! In all of His wisdom showed me in His word; Psalm 139:14,Psalm 56:3-4, 2Timothy 1:7, Hebrews 13:5-6, 1John 4:18. Remember you are somebody in Christ & inspite of what you feel or think about yourself, God new you before you we’re born & He has a plan for you! ( Jeremiah 29:11 )” For I know the plans / thoughts I have for you” declares The Lord, ” plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future ”

      I pray that what I shared will enable you to start the healing process that you need in order for you to move on. Always Trust in The Lord ( Proverbs 3:5-6 ) & not in man or your emotions! If you follow this rule you will never go wrong!

      God Bless you my Sister

  1551. Nicole Fellows

    I am not sure what God is going to have me share with everyone. I have been so far from Him for so long I just don’t know….I can’t wait to see what He has in store for me through this study.

  1552. sheila

    to be the one the lord is calling for in these last and evil days one call to be a witness to save some souls that lost their way and to be use by god as an instrument that man may see and know that he is faithful to his promise he made a long time ago and that he is coming back again please send me your devotional book,what happen when woman say yes to god

  1553. Jecel Manabat

    What has God placed on my heart to share with others?

    There are many things that he placed in my heart to share with others, but everything’s focused on one thing: FAITH. It all started with a small faith. Faith on waiting for God’s timing, faith on God’s love for me, faith that God will never leave me like everyone did, faith that He’s here to rescue me, faith that He’s hearing every cry in my heart, faith that He knows my struggles, faith that He is enough, faith that everything’s under His control, faith that He is bigger than my problem, faith that He is my provider, faith that He restores, and faith that He exists. Faith. That’s what God placed in my heart to share with others and not just for me to keep. It’s what He’s given me to reach out to other people who haven’t known Him yet.

  1554. Brenda Z

    God has placed on my heart to get closer to Him and allow Him to work through me to tell others how He has brought me through so many storms in my life. God is good.

  1555. Missy B

    Still trying to figure out what God wants me to share with others. But I do know one thing I have been trying to learn that a good friend shared with me is to “carpe diem” -seize the day. I am looking at the goal or the finish line but I need to enjoy “The gift of the present”.

  1556. Sonia Crooks

    That God is always faithful even when it doesn”t always look or feel like it. He NEVER abandons us. His grace and love crosses all boundaries, all sins, all actions and reactions. He does make beauty out of ashes. He teaches us about ourselves daily if we’ll hear and He will show us who He intended us to be all along. I’m learning my heart, who I am in Him, not who my family or the world decided I am or was to be. That I am unique and God’s gift to this world through His Son Jesus Christ. To believe His word over any other. Still learning daily.

  1557. Brandy

    That we all were created with a purpose! God wanted a relationship with each of us an created us for just that and without each of us the world wouldn’t be complete! He wanted a “Brandy Reed” and everyone else..So he made us!!! We all are needed an made to recieve Gods love and Job for His kingdom!

  1558. Dani Joy

    Thank yoy for sharing. I am a very open person. Normally the still small voice is vwry loud for me but lately i wasnt listening. God was working on me to follow, honor and respext my husband. Over some5hing i didnt agree about.

  1559. Summer Maldonado

    I loved your devotional! I believe that I should be sharing more of God’s grace !

  1560. Summer Maldonado

    I loved your devotional! I believe that I should be sharing more of God’s grace and mercy!

  1561. Bridget

    God is calling me to do more than just live a Christian witness but to share the plan of salvation with lost family members. The devil is so cunning and he works diligently to deceive God’s children. Thank you for sharing your testimony of God’s power that lives within his children if we will just surrender.

  1562. Sue

    To tell how amazing God is and how He works things out in His way and timing, not in ours.
    To journal prayers and requests and write in when they are answered.

  1563. Fannie Goldsmith

    God speaks to me through posts on the internet and He has laid on my heart to share some of these posts so they can speak to others also. I also thank God that He has laid on my heart to share in online Bible studies since I am a caregiver and unable to attend local Bible studies. Thank you so much for your labor of love.

  1564. Terri

    Me too, me too.

  1565. Marie

    What I’m struggling to share is just about everything. When I share, I feel like people in my family and church just roll their eyes because I’m being a downer. I’ve never told anyone the real deep truth about how depressed I am over starting a new business with my husband and watching his rheumatoid arthritis kill him every week using his hands to make it maybe work. I know there are worse conditions he could be in but not one person seems to allow me to just be open about my fears and pain. Everyone says “Pray and be faithful. It will work out” and then hugs me and walks away, so I just put on a smile because that seems to be the personality everyone is more comfortable with. All the books and devotions I read say to open up and how wonderful it will be. It’s not wonderful for me. Because I have had a great marriage and good children for the most part, my own sisters just say “Oh your husband is perfect. Oh your daughters are perfect” if I try to open up at all. It’s not perfect. It never was. I just try to hold it together but I can’t anymore so its nearly impossible to find a safe place. I talk to my husband but he is overwhelmed with having no income so it seems mean to burden him. I talk to my oldest daughter but I feel guilty having her feel the pain and fear of her dad’s health issues and her mom’s depression. I read so many devotions. I read so many Bible verses. I’ve been in church every Sunday since I was born. My husband and I have taught children in church for 27 years and put on a hundred Christian plays and children’s choir performances. That is the person everyone wants to see…not the one who is now struggling.

  1566. Cathy

    In our women’s Sunday School class we are doing Crave. I so much love this book and your way of writing. I can’t wait to do the OBS with What happens when women say yes to God. I feel that God is calling me to be more involved in the advancement of His Kingdom but I always feel that I am not good enough. Not smart enough, not knowledgable in the Word, shy in front of people, afraid to pray out loud but I must remember that through Christ all things are possible. Would love to have your devotional to read each morning during my quiet time with The Lord before the craziness of the day starts. Thank you for sharing your life with us and encouraging us Jesus girls. May God bless you.

  1567. Amanda

    My story, to my friends. My friends who need to know how my life has been changed, what it has been changed from and what it has been changed to. How everyday I have someone to guide me and love me, and that they can have that too.

  1568. Judy Redden

    I usually just go ahead and sign up for the Bible Study that is being done with your book, not even thinking about anyone but me and what I may get out of it. This time after signing up I kept being impressed upon to share with several friends and my daughter that I thought they would enjoy it also. So I am praying that they will connect with me on this.
    Blessings to you today..

  1569. Melanie Lucas

    I want and long to tell people about the grace of God in my life! I have been going through so many emotional roller coaster rides this year – and reading Unglued as showed me how to start really living vs just being ok with where I am. I want those around me to see a difference so I can say – it is all because of God’s amazing Grace!!

  1570. Shely

    I feel like God told me to write a children’s but I have been dragging my feet for a few years. My fear of failure and my own selfish desires to do what i want each day have kept me from doing it. Your blog this morning encouraged me that even though I feel inadequate, I still need to obey God. He may have a purpose for my book/books that is part of his bigger plan.

  1571. Paula lloyd

    Within the last few months I have really felt the urge to become more involved in my church. I have resisted, I’m not a strong enough Chrostoan, I don’t know the enough about the Bible to teach kids, especially kids like my son who are constantly asking questions…I have just recently come to terms with my struggle and resistance, I NEED to learn to say yes to God and give control to Him, but being a single mother that is hard. I’m working on it.

  1572. sheree

    I need to share my testimony my testimony is similar to the one you described earlier but I’m afraid of rejection and Snickers from the People but I know God wants me to share that story. My children and most of my family do not know what i did. I’m praying for the right time to be revealed.

  1573. Lisa

    I believe the Lord wants me to share his unconditional love and acceptance with others. People need to know that they can go to the Lord just as they are and that He is waiting for them with open arms. Sin is sin and no one is too “bad” to receive Christ. I also need to be willing to expose myself a little more (my past, my weaknesses, my mistakes), in order to allow others to see how God has done a marvelous work in my life!

  1574. Monica R.

    Just want to share something with everyone. The last 3 weeks have been a joy for me. I’ve been deepening my relationship with God in ways that I thought were only for people that had been saved for many years. But God spoke to me and said that we are all his children and he loves us all the same and he wants all our relationships to be strong and deepen with him. So I’m working out my Prayer Time, My Reading Time and My God given moments with family and friends. I also had the viewpoint of well that’s not for me or I’m not that kind of lady to do that. But God wants us to be bold and firm and share his love and kindness with everyone. We cant hold ourselves back from doing what God asks us to do. No, we have to be obedient and follow him and do as he says. Even if we doubt it or think oh, I’ll do it another time. We have to push forward and step into Gods direction and not walk away. He has shown me a different side of who I am and what I can do. I’ve been reading and studying on some things and a question came about in my studying that said, what are 2 scripture verses that might be helpful to memorize as I seek to be renewed? Hmmmm? that’s a good question for someone who is just learning anything about bible books and chapters and so on (totally new to this)… Well as I had been reading the word, God placed 2 specific scriptures on my heart. So I was like ok I can do this’s after all. The 1st verse is very good for me to clam down in those my moments of unfolding so to say, and its Psalms 46:10 Be still and know that I am God. The 2nd one is just a great reminder that prayer is strong, 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing. (Chapter name is a total tongue twister for me) So with these 2 verses together I need to just BE STILL & NEVER STOP PRAYING! This will help me in many areas of my life if I only apply it! So that’s what I have been doing More of God and Less of me. I need to push myself daily to do everything Gods way, not mine. Its easier said then done, YES there’s going to be times of upsets and hassles but its a great lesson to learn when you apply Gods word to it. Pause for a moment and just talk with Him and listen to what he has to say. It works every time! 100% GUARANTEED! (Shared this lastnight with ladies from my chruch, so here I am sharing with you. Enjoy many Blessings to all)

    • Monica R.

      Renewed! Sorry posted twice…. Oops!!!!!

  1575. Monica R.

    God placed 2 specific scriptures on my heart, to help me be Renewed daily! The 1st verse is very good for me to clam down in those my moments of unfolding so to say, and its Psalms 46:10 Be still and know that I am God. The 2nd one is just a great reminder that prayer is strong, 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing. (Chapter name is a total tongue twister for me) So with these 2 verses together I need to just BE STILL & NEVER STOP PRAYING! This will help me in many areas of my life if I only apply it! So that’s what I have been doing More of God and Less of me. I need to push myself daily to do everything Gods way, not mine. Its easier said then done, YES there’s going to be times of upsets and hassles but its a great lesson to learn when you apply Gods word to it. Pause for a moment and just talk with Him and listen to what he has to say. It works every time! 100% GUARANTEED! (Shared this lastnight with ladies from my church, so here I am sharing with you. Enjoy many Blessings to all)

    • Monica R.

      2nd post!!!!

  1576. Tanjae

    I want to be closer to God and have an intimate relationship with him. As a single mom to a teenager (young woman), I want to be an example to her and the importance to be obedient to God even when the flesh says otherwise. I love all the daily devotionals and know that I need to study the word more and have an even closer relationship. I am so thankful for the opportunity to participate in this online Bible study.

  1577. Jody

    Recently in my Egroup we were sharing our testimonies. I felt like the Lord was leading me to share about the sexual abuse, and abortion I went through as a teenager. I hadn’t shared my testimony, with all the details, in a long time. I had a lot of anxiety, and I was nervous what the ladies would think of me. The ladies were, and are amazing. They were so loving and sweet, and never made me feel uncomfortable. I joined the Egroup to strengthen my walk with the Lord, but never thought that I would make friends in the process. The Lord is so good.

  1578. Clara Wiggins

    Almost six years ago my husband of over 28 years abandoned me for another woman. I prayed and believed that our marriage would be restored but last year he filed for divorce. The LORD has asked me like the man who was lying on the mat and could not walk, “Do you want to be healed?” and He told him to pick up his mat and walk. He told me that the mat of brokenness, shame, rejection, heartache, and loneliness on which I have lain was to be a reminder to me to share with others the faithfuless of a promise keeping God who loves me and is always with me. He has told me to reach out to other women who are experiencing this horrible thing of adultery and abandoment–that there is life after the rejection. I want to bring glory to my Father and reach out to the wounded women. Thank you for the ministry of Proverbs 31. It has been a light in the darkest time of my life, and sometimes just the word I need to make it through another day.

  1579. Cherie Driggers

    I loveall your emails. They inspire me abundantly. I know God wants me to share my story of a mended marriage after my adultery. But, like you I am scared, I don’t want my dirty laundry out thee I don’t want the world to know I was so undevoted.. Thanks For uplifting me about God will turn bad to Good.

  1580. Sylvia Tomlinson

    I said yes to God last night, as He has placed me in a position, in which I will be working with women in a halfway house, some addicts, some felons, prostitutes …. many places I have never been. Why would He want me to do this? I believe it’s because I trust HIm. I know that He will never leave me or forsake me. I believe that He has prepared me for such a time as this. Yes, Lord! My prayer today, as I begin this once a month, thirty minute time of devotional and prayer with these ladies, is that they will see Christ …. not me. I pray I will leave them every 4th Tuesday morning with a tasty morsel of devotion ….. a sweet word about Jesus and His love for them, and a hunger for more. I’m saying yes to God! I would covet the prayers of those who read this. I feel unworthy, I feel uncertain ….. but I know I love an Almighty Jehovah Jireh who will never leave me empty handed. He is the great provider …. I will trust in HIm. Thank you Lisa for your devotional this morning. Just what I needed! A true word of affirmation from the Lord 🙂 By the way, I signed up for you emails a couple of years ago after you led a women’s conference at my home church. This is the first time I have left a comment 🙂 Thank you for your work …. your faithfulness.

  1581. Heidi

    I would share that absolutely nothing is impossible for God. He brings us hope, He is hope. My husband has been battling cancer, and I am constantly amazed and so thankful for the blessings He brings to our lives through this hideous trial. He has spoken to my heart, that He “will be with us through this.” He is always with us, holding us, loving us, protecting us, no matter what.

  1582. Cathy Staurovsky

    I was reading our Daily Bread as I always do and today’s reading just fit into what happens when women say yes to God. I have always lived my life with, when something bad happens seek the Lord and you will find something good from it. My faith being so strong has proved this over and over and over and over again for many many years now. So in reading Our Daily Bread today it stated in part of the reading, God promises to bring something good our of even our darkest moments (James 1:2-4). How great is our God when He wants to reveal something that my faith and heart have that perseveres me through each day of my life on earth. James 1:2-4 says, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perserverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete not lacking anything.” I never realized their was a scripture for my faith and belief in positive vs. negative but praise the Lord for letting me know now the scripture and to share it with all of you. God bless all the ladies and thank you Lysa for letting us leave comments to share with you and all of us.

  1583. Carrie K

    I’m feeling God nudge me to share my Made to Crave journey so far… I’ve lost 39 lbs (slow and steady) but have gained so much! But eeekkk! Not sure I could lead others on this journey… God will direct my path!

  1584. Sue

    HOPE! There is hope in the journey towards closeness with God & with that closeness, freedom to live a life that God intended for us!

  1585. Kelly Rafter

    I think I’ve been hearing Gid speak to me for the last couple of years abut sharing my testimony. I’m praying that after or even during this bible study I’ll be able to finally listen to Him and do what he’s been lovingly been nudging me to do!

  1586. Gina

    Loved the post. So encouraging as always! God has been laying on my heart that with Him, Nothing is impossible! What exactly that applies to in my life?? everything. Relationships, job family etc.
    Sometimes I fear that I will “miss” what God is saying, I don’t ever doubt that he speaks, but I doubt my ability to hear sometimes and that hinders my walk with him.
    Lysa, I so appreciate your legitimate realness in sharing your life. It breaks the walls around my own heart and helps me look at my heart and life…

  1587. Grace Glaude

    Struggle today is over the outcome for our 21 yr old grandson who is bipolar and has some traits of Asbergers/autism and is trying to live independently after several years of being in prison, mental hospitals, group homes, etc. He is still unable to handle money, and although there is promise of work he has not been able to organize himself to ‘get it together’. Our hearts break as we see him struggle, but I know we cannot solve his dilemma. He wants so much to live a ‘normal’ life as his older brothers do, have a family, etc. yet I don’t know how he could possibly organize all that entails. We have spent much treasure, time and emotions on this boy. We have 11 other grandchildren, are both retired and now must take care of our resources more diligently. We love this boy so much and it is so painful to see him struggle. There have been many prayers by us and so many others over the years. I am discouraged for his future. Sorry for the long note! I know our God reigns, we long to see His victory in this situation.

  1588. beth

    I am now the mother of 3 little people and being a mom is the greatest adventure of my life. It didn’t start out that way as I struggled with postpartum depression and anxiety. The glamorous life of a mom was abruptly shattered and I thought God had forgotten about me. 4 years later and 2 more kids, God has taught me some amazing things that I never would have learned had I not desperately needed him minute by minute. I know Im supposed to share my story in some capacity or another, patiently waiting for Him to lead me. Saying Yes to change and Yes to growth are definitely things I’ve learned…I hope my response to Him is always YES!

  1589. Marla

    Thank you for your encouragement!!!

  1590. Jo

    Thank you so much for this Lysa. I read your book ‘Becoming more than a good Bible study girl’ when I first came back to the Lord and you have no idea how much your story helped me to stand tall again and to believe that God has forgiven me. You see I made the same decision you did 4 years ago and I regret it every day and if I could stop one person making that decision then I would. The one thought I always have is that God wants to use my story to help others but how can he do that if I never tell anyone. I always feel that people can stand up at the front of church giving their testimony saying they have been in prison, committed armed robbery, beaten their wives up etc before they became a Christian and everyone would clap and congratulate them on turning thei rlives over to God but if a women says they have had an abortion then people will still judge and look at them differently – or is that just the shame in us that we feel?
    Well I have been challenged recently to share my shory, the whole story and I’ve even had my Pastor ask me to give my testimony at church and he doesn’t even know the whole story yet.
    Thank you Lysa for the confirmation I need and giving me the strength and courage in God to tell my Pastor the whole stary and if he agrees then share it with the church. Please pray that I don’t get stoned by the congregation and that it benefits even just one person 🙂

  1591. Sylvia Young

    God has been calling me to be obedient in my use of time. I feel so harried by the day’s events (3 children, a messy house, a part time job, etc) and I feel so disorganized almost all the time. By the end of the day, I just want to sit and do nothing…but then it gets late and when I go to bed late, I can’t get up to be with God early in the morning before anyone else is up. The things I don’t want to do, I do and the things I want to do, I don’t do!! How I understand Paul!! I know in my heart that I will be blessed beyond all understanding, but somehow my body doesn’t connect with this knowledge at the end of the day. I think perhaps I should ask others to pray for me in this. It seems I should be able to do it on my own, but maybe God wants to teach me not to be so self-reliant!! That has been a problem for me as well…I can do it, I know how to do that, I have the answer…Well, sometimes I can’t, and sometimes I don’t. God is teaching me new things every day. I’m so thankful that He is so patient!!

  1592. Vicki F

    I shared with the youth group of our church about depression. The first half of my life (teen years and 20’s) I battled depression and thoughts of suicide. Then in my 30’s was dating a man who after being depressed for a week put and shotgun to his head and ended his life. I had a key to his apartment and was the one to find him. I shared all this with the teens in our church and how with God there is always hope. When things seem like they can’t get any worse, God is there in that storm and darkness and light is around the corner. Put your faith in him and lean on him and you will get through.

  1593. Ashley

    I am only 21 years old and I attend college in NC. This past year has been an awakening for me. I tried to do things my way for a few years. I thought that I was a Christian but I really wasn’t. I said yes to a lot of things that I wouldn’t have gotten myself into if I was truly following Christ—sex, drugs, alcohol, partying. However, the beauty of my story is that God redeemed me even though I had (and still do) a lot of junk in my life. God can take something as yucky as me and transform me. I am not ashamed of my past because it brought me to rock bottom and God pulled me out of that when I finally surrendered everything to Him. I know that God wants me to share my story with other college aged girls and He will use it for His good and His glory.

  1594. Jennifer Wilkinson

    My brother passed away in December of last year and since then I have had this desire for God to use me in some shape of form to help. Help others find him, know him and love him. However, I struggle with my lack of knowlegde. I am so new to this, but I want to grow and learn.

  1595. Joan

    God wants me to share how I was looking to be loved and never found it until I found Jesus and his forgiveness.

  1596. Sandy

    There are no perfect parents or perfect children. There are no perfect people, and when you realize with God’s grace you can be what He designed you to be, then you will live in peace instead of comparison. With two very strong willed boys some days I need to remind myself of that several times during the day.

  1597. Jessica

    That life is hard, but with the Lord there is a Hope in All things and All circumstances.

  1598. kim mast

    i want women everywhere to know that only God can fulfill our deepest needs, not our husbands, not our moms, not our children, not our girlfriends, only GOD!!! when we place expectiations on these people in our lives who we love, and by whom we are loved, we will always be disappointed and frustrated! and we will suffer in our relationships because we unfairly expected something from others than only God can give us….unconditional love, peace, joy, mercy, grace….i believe that if we can learn this as women and put it into practice in our own lives, all our relationships will be transformed and God can use us in mighty ways!

  1599. Deb H.

    ALL things are possible….and how they are possible….through Christ our Lord!! Everyone needs to know this!

  1600. Shamar Smiley

    God places love on my heart everyday to give and share with those around me, near and far. The spirit of love is so rich and so very needed today in our lives and in our world, and it is God’s most greatest gift to us!

  1601. Deb H.

    I want to share with others about what is really important in their lives. And share what I have come to realize is important in MY life!!

    • Diane R

      I believe God wants me to be still and know that He Is God! To surrender my heart, fears, feelings and life to him! This is a lesson that has been a long journey for me and I pray for guidance every day.

    • Amy

      Today God placed on my heart to pray for a pregnant co worker and the birth of her son. That even though her and I don’t always see eye to eye to pray for her and a safe and healthy delivery…and a baby who is happy, healthy and eats and sleeps well. That she will get a chance to rest and not be super exhausted all the time. That he will be a blessing to her and her husband.

    • Holly Paphides

      In all honesty, I am not sure what God’s call is on my life. I am still praying and searching. I don’t feel like I have a true testimony yet or story to share. I am still working on it.

    • Robin

      I would love a copy of your new devotional. I believe that God has called me to start a ministry of support for others like myself who are in a constant struggle to change their eating habits to heal chronic pain. So many of us know what we need to do but are helpless on our own to make the changes. I am praying that God will help others to be brave enough to reach out so we can support one another in our desire to heal and be whole. Thanks so much for your consideration. God bless you!

  1602. Carmen Miller

    After living life with so much shame and guilt from my past, I sought God to truly begin to forgive myself as I had firgiven others. Today, He has placed on my heart and is my calling to share with other about becoming whole and complete in Jesus only. Things of this world are only temporal and will fade, but His love, grace, and mercy in our lives remains forever. That’s how my website was birthed.

  1603. Stephanie

    HOPE!! That we are not ever ever ever no never alone!! Jesus’ sacrifice was not only about the after life but this life also, the abundant life! Life lived w/ communion, fellowship, and relationship w/ God. WE CAN SPEAK ANYTIME TO GOD!! Until the covenant of Grace, the sacrifice of the Holy and Spotless Lamb Who removed all our sins once and for all entering the holy of holies was a once a year thing by one man, we can enter into His presence CONSTANTLY and ABIDE there! That is His desire is us for us to be with Him, live with Him, love Him, and receive His love for us! I don’t understand it all, my mind can’t comprehend His greatness but we can seek Him daily moment to moment and grow deeper in Who He is!!

  1604. Denise

    Lysa I love your blogs and your books even more.
    I have battled with abuse all my life first as a child and into my relationships, Just resently after a year of going to women’s groups and Celebrate Recovery I have found I am a worthy person. Im not garbage, I to have had my share of feeling not worthy to anyone and to share my story to other women was out of the question, I buried every little hurt and emotions so deep until it just festered its way out, I found myself crying all the time I need help I need God to get me through the pain.
    One year ago my husband and I moved to his home state WI, I lived in MT all my life I had no friends no family to turn to I went into shelter one month after we got here, I went to the Catholic church cause I was Catholic and after Mass the Father didn’t even welcome me talk to me and I so need that . I went back to the shelter just shatterd. one of the workers told me of a womens retreat her church was having, well long story short I finally found love and exceptance through God, and a long year of work I hear God calling me to share my stories of the life time of pain I have endured, I Know now If one person listening. One person hears that God saved me . I’ve maybe saved a life, or gave them hope. And at the same time I am healing my hurts. I just Love God and how he works, My life is forever been changed.

  1605. Treasure

    God has delivered me from addiction to drugs and alcohol and blessed me with a wonderful life. Now he’s giving me a chance to help other through Celebrate Recovery Program!

    • Trish Graham

      I am so very thankful that you are sharing the goodness of God with others. It is difficult at times when we have been delivered from addictions to turn and help others because of fears or shame or doubt. So very proud of you, for that which God did comfort you with, you are turning and comforting others with…..I will keep you in my prayers my sister.

  1606. Erica Warner

    Lord wants us to trust him with every aspect of our life. God is the giver of life. Why not trust him?

  1607. Philann Geiser

    I was in a mental/verbal abusive marriage for 33 years. I never told anyone until the last 2 years of that marriage. I went to a counselor for 8 years before deciding on divorce. It was the hardest decision I ever made; however, it was the right decision for me. After that God clearly told me what church to attend in order to heal. I have been attending the church for 4 years and now feel God calling me to mentor and help women that are in marriages such as I was. I know that marriages can be saved and healing can happen whether it is in the marriage or out. I am a stronger person for what I experienced and pray that through my experiences I can help other women turn to God and say YES to Life in Him.

    • Jenny Humphrey

      Dear Philann. Whoh….thankyou for sharing. I have been married for just over 35 1/2 years. Not all of that time has been destructive……. but I hear what you are saying. I would love for my marriage to be restored and am praying that through this OBS I will find answers to my dilemma by Saying Yes to God Everyday! Blessings. Jen

  1608. Karolee F

    Throughout my early years, no matter how many times I went to God for forgiveness for things I’d done, I could not forgive myself. The burden of not forgiving myself weighed so heavy on my heart and soul that it affected every area of my life, and made it very difficult to function each day! As I’ve grown closer to God and wiser over the years, I have learned to forgive myself as God forgave me! It has been life altering and I have felt myself come alive again!!! Everyday I give Thanks to Him, not only for the good and wonderful things in my life, but for the difficult and sometimes awful things that might come my way. I know that leaving everything in and of my life up to Him is the only way to go, and He will be by my side through it all! That puts the biggest smile on my face each day….all day!!!!

  1609. Denise

    I feel I am still trying to figure out exactly what or how God wants me to share. My life has been riddled with pain, abuse, and disappointment even before I was old enough to create those things for myself and I have done that as well. I do and have always believed God would use all the bad for His purpose and good, just not sure how yet. Maybe He already has been using it through some of the youth work I have done and enjoy. I too always feel unworthy and incapable and struggle with changing my thinking to replace it with what God says about me. I am sooooo a constant work in progress!

  1610. Paula

    Though there have been many extremely difficult things in my life, I’ve always been able to see God’s Love for me through the people he placed in my life during those times. While my birth family was a complete disaster! I have had many families in Christ throughout my life, whom God has blessed me with. God’s Love and their Love saved my life many times. I absolutely would not have been still in this life, had it not been for the Miracles God has put in my life!

  1611. Stephanie

    I feel that God has placed in me a heart for encouraging others. And though there are days when I’m far from being an encouragement to anyone, I feel as though my heart compass is most directed at Heaven when I’m helping others grow closer to Christ! It’s so fun to be a part of His plan 🙂

  1612. Sherry

    I gave my copy away and when I did I thought of you giving away your Bible.

  1613. Stacy

    I could really use this for myself. As I too had a shameful past, I have not had the courage to share with others. This might help and encourage me to do the same as you did! Thank you for always being open and honest, even when it may be hurtful or shameful or even embarrassing!

  1614. Library Momma

    To teach, I went back to school and my second career is teaching. I feel that I can be a positive encouraging force.

  1615. Diana

    I just recently shared my bullying story with my 17 year old daughter who has been harming herself. God told me to share my story and that even if she didn’t seem as though she wasn’t listening to keep talking. I told her how I was bullied for four years and how depressed I was and wanted to end my life. I told her everything and let her know I do understand

  1616. Amy J Hodges

    God has been talking to me for quite some time….to share my story…also of childhood/teen abuse. Honestly, idk what it would look like…who i should share with….out how i actually would share my story. God has planted this desire in my spirit….more and more He is bringing out to the forefront.

  1617. Jenny

    That no matter what God will never leave you/us/me and that HE has a plan! Jere. 29:11

  1618. Peggy Stanley

    As my mother lived her last six months in pain and not knowing where she was, my life was falling apart on a second front. My marriage was falling apart, only God could save it. I heard no and saw no answers to my prayers. I became deeply angry with God. My mother passed away and within six months my husband moved out. I suddenly found myself alone screaming at God because He did not answer my prayers. Now, ten years later, I can say God did not leave me nor forsake me. I retired unexpectedly and God took me into fulltime volunteering. My message today is “No matter how angry we get with God, He is still there willing to forgive and has a next step for us in our walk with Him.”

  1619. Cathy

    To share my story of being a young Mom with a husband stricken with Early Onset Parkinson’s Disease.

  1620. Debbie K (OBS FB Leader)

    I’ve just read the first chapter of the book so far, but God has already been doing a work in me. I’ve started stepping out and doing things when I get His prompting instead of shrinking back and finding some excuse why I’m not the one He wants to do it. I also am very aware when I hesitate and miss the opportunity. I want to be quick to be obedient. I can’t wait to see what God does in me over the next 6 weeks as I dig into this book and His word with my Bible study girls.

  1621. Crystal Applegate

    That no matter what everyone can believe in God. Whether they do when you first meet them, or they grow into it slowly, or rush head first into their faith. Everyone can have faith in him and his love for us all. Many of my friends think I am “not the religious” type and laugh when I say anything about religion but they are slowly seeing that I do believe and have faith in my beliefs.

  1622. Beth Miller

    He has laid in my heart to tell others and myself that he is in control. To be honest right now in life this is what I have to cling to. So much is going on that I have to remind myself if this as well.

  1623. Megan

    God is so faithful when you seek him and fully rely on Him to meet your needs

  1624. Collette

    Would love to win the devotionals to share with others. I already bought mine.
    What God has been stirring in me is the unconditonal yes. Not allowing fear, doubt, lack of time, or anything else detour me from His plan.

  1625. Amber La Mons

    Most recently it has been placed on my heart to truly forgive my ex-husband. I really need to discuss this issue with my bible study ladies to gain some insight as to the best way to let him know this.

  1626. Katrina Wylie

    God has placed on my heart to share with other woman the transformational power He can have on their hearts.

  1627. Lahagins

    I think God wants me to share that it’s ok to say no. I have always been driven to do whatever was asked of me. I find myself torn between pleasing others and taking care of my family. The Lord is nudging me and reminding me that I need to follow him first and foremost.

  1628. Tami K

    Faith in the power of God is a very important piece of our lives. Having faith allows us to know that though there are trials and tribulations, we will come out on the other side of them better than before. It is through these that our faith should grow even more.

  1629. Kelly Irving

    That God is not finished with me yet, that I am but a young child, still learning, still falling, still straying, but he is always there to pick me up, kiss my boo boos, and show me the path, guiding me step by step. My life is a journey, and God is my guide, helping me to reach out to others as I continue to grow.

    • Angie

      I couldn’t have said it better. I have been a infant on milk but I am ready for the meat and potatoes. :). And like you, to share with everyone.

  1630. Jocelyn Elmer

    God has placed it on my heart to share with young women (I am a youth pastor’s wife) as well as grown women that there is FREEDOM in Christ and it is beautiful! I struggled for so long being held captive & in chains because of shame. I was a shell of a woman and lived in this constant state of failure. I felt even as a Christian woman like I had failed God, failed people, and failed myself because of my constant mistakes everyday. God showed me that I am PERFECT in Him and through Him! I am no longer bound to those chains… I am FREE! I am free of peoples opinions of me. I am free of having to be perfect all the time. I am free to say yes to God & live with reckless abandon. I am free to live like Christ is right here with me! So many women live in quiet desperation…searching for our personal God whom all the while is right there kissing them on the forehead and speaking words of love into their hearts & minds. My passion & my story to share is that we are not bound to be women of shame or held to what others say about us. We are God’s precious children & get to be FREE with Him! My prayer is that every woman would know this & embrace Christs everlasting love. Thank you for the opportunity to share this with you.

  1631. Cindy Hinde

    God has put it on my heart to share with others that no matter how bad the situation may seem the He will always be there to help you through the storm you are in the middle of. He may not take you out but He will also not let you drown and He will make you a stronger person in the end

  1632. Tammi

    Wow! No words to describe I am speechless just about everything you opened up about is how I’ve felt, I’ve never felt good enough to think God could use me, I’ve failed him 1 too many times! I am so excited to see where God is taking me, and all I have to do is say YES! Thank you for sharing your story

  1633. Carmen Flores

    Today I lost a friend..and the only reason I haven’t “lost” it is the Hope that lives within me, He also lived in her. I had the honor and privilege of sharing and celebrating Jesus just 2 months ago ! So I’m praising The Lord today for He knows the beginning from the end! She is dancing with the King today and forever…

  1634. Lindsay

    Being a mother of 4 girls (with our fifth baby, waiting for birth for gender), I pray often that I raise them with the faith that has gotten me through so much in life. Knowing there is ALWAYS an unconditional love available helped me as a young mother going through a difficult divorce. I pray my girls know the love of our Father sooner than I realized it! I heard a phrase in a sermon a while back and it has stuck. I share it often and it fits so many scenarios in life. “Show me your friends and I will show you your future.” This has fit in my life so many times and needs to be shared!

  1635. Shannon

    God has put it on my heart to tell everyone how much He loves them. That is one thing I have known since I was a little kid! No matter what you do or have done God loves you! He might not like what you have done but He loves you!

  1636. Kathy Graff

    God just wants me to let others know just how much He loves each and every one of them!!!!!!

  1637. Susie D

    To put God first

  1638. Angela Peterson

    God has placed on my heart to make a decision one this study is over if I should step up and help teach a Sunday school class that is small and has low attendance. It’s a big commitment and I work full time and have a child with needs and am going back to school. I believe god is telling me to do it. First ever online bible study and so excited to be with group 12.

  1639. Diane Vance

    I recently joined a new church a God has given me a new voice. I rejoice and speak to my coworkers about their improper language and behavior. I have noticed over the last few days they have not been using the bad language and they were not offended by my approach. I am thankful for my new ground voice and strength.

  1640. Connie

    I often talk about peace! I lost my dad to cancer in 2005, my mom to cancer in 2008, my brother to cancer in 2010. When my dad got sick I prayed so hard, and never ever thought he would not make it, then when my mom got sick I was not to sure, and when my brother got sick I got angry, not at God but at satan! I prayed and prayed! And one night I was sitting in the tub (quiet there) and I was praying, I said Lord I want my brother to be healed, I want him to walk, I want the cancer gone, and then I said Lord what do you want, and before I got the word want out He said I want him to live eternity with me! I got so quiet cuz I did not know what to say! Within a week or so he gave his life to The Lord and within a month he passed away! Through all this pain and turmoil I had a since of peace in my heart! Do I understand why all this happened no I don’t, but through it all I have peace and I trust in my savior Jesus Christ! Things are not the same in my life but I know He is the author and finisher of my faith! It is not always easy but I can say I have that peace I can’t explain, and I want others to know that through all your pain and hurts reach out to Jesus and I promise you will receive that peace, you may not understand but you will have it I promise you that! He has never let me down! There are so many ways He has shown Himself to me through my parents and brothers passing, but I don’t want to write to much, but know that Jesus truly is who He says He is! He loves you and will hold you in the middle of your storm! Thank you Jesus! I am so excited to start this study, a chance to grow in Him and gain new sisters in Christ! God bless you all!!!!!

  1641. Shannon

    I have recently realized that I struggle with performance anxiety. Regardless of what I do I need to do it well. Not to gain encouragement from others but so others can see the good in me. However, I live with fear and anxiety that I will not perform well. God has tugged at my heart to share my struggle with others as I realize that it’s not the good in me that they need to see, but the good in Christ that they need to see through me.

  1642. Meri L

    That no matter what you go through, God is there. He has shown me that a marriage CAN survive an affair, that quitting a job after a week is ok, and that losing those close to you can be a blessing bc they are no longer suffering regardless of how bad it hurts you. God is ALWAYS there!!!

  1643. Debra McGan

    What has God placed on your heart to share with others?”

    I have struggled with being overweight for the last 20 years and last year I gave it God and began a new healthy life. It has been great and I have lost 70 lbs., am more active now and can feel the love of God and I love to share it with everyone. I have been a Christian for 30 years but this last year I have felt closer to God than ever before. It is so awesome. It has brought me out of my shell and I now serve at our church and love it and am looking for where God will lead me next.

  1644. Amanda Lewis

    I am being led to minister to women through thirty-one gifts. I am unsure of all the details, I just know that God is working on something for me to be bigger than I am.

  1645. Suzie Doyle

    What has God placed on my heart?? I’m not quite sure. But in reading this 2 things come to mind.
    God has been part of my life as soon as I had my 1st breath, even if I never knew it at the time. I was born extremely premature (34yrs ago) 4months prem. I wasn’t expected to survive and my dad was asked if he wanted me to have the last rights. My childhood remained troubled and although I believed in God I didn’t know him, it was based on fear, which was the essence of my life or my position in the world. For many years I used to say I’m sorry for breathing. My true relationship with God didn’t happen until my early 20’s. Yet still my life seemed a messed. However, I can honestly say that it can only be God that I am still here on earth as I’ve wanted to die too many times to mention-the thoughts are worse than actually killing oneself, believe me. More recently-I have been crushed and totally broken by a Christian family, whom I was so close to. Out of the blue, I got sent a list of wrong doings for the last 6 months! I was an awful, uncaring person and they were hurt. As an ex paediatric nurse who would go beyond the call of duty for kids and families, caring is part of me, and something i learnt fron a textbook. So again I so didn’t want to live, which scared me in itself as I never thought it would have been these friends who would have taken me to that place. But out of this hurt and emotion of this experience I have been contemplating what changes I can make to stopping me caring for others to then stop me from getting so hurt. And actually I can’t come up with any ways. So in doing this bible study I’m saying yes to God for who he has made me and called me to do for him, even if I don’t know fully what that is yet. Thank you Lysa and all P31 team. Looking forward to Sunday.

  1646. Glenda Davison II

    God has placed upon my heart to share my experience with walking in blind faith. It’s a difficult walk to make but the results are worth more than anything I could have ever done by myself!

  1647. Carrie S.

    Love. God wants me to love those around me.

  1648. Nancy Silvers

    God has placed it on my heart to tell others that even though they may not have been the best mother when their children were growing up God can use them today to show the love of Christ to children. I made many bad choices when I raised my daughter but through the grace of God I am a new creation in Christ. I am blessed to have children and young mothers in my life giving me love and letting me share with them the love of Christ and his saving grace. God has recently put it on my heart to do missions work in orphanges. I don’t know where he will lead me but I know I will say yes when he calls.

  1649. Jessica

    God has placed it in my heart to help other women with their marriages. You see my husband and I were almost going to get divorced 5 years ago. The papers were already drawn up and in process. During that time The Lord was getting my attention and working on me. Well after seeking God I decided I was going to step out in faith and stop the divorce! My husband was furious. After a lot of prayer and God intervening my husband decided to give me another chance when he got back from Iraq. I thought the worst part was over but I found out really quickly that it was only the beginning! My husband was putting my faith and my living for God to the test! He wanted to see if this commitment that I was talking about was absolutely true. So my husband was all about partying and women. This devasted me but I continued to seek God everyday and prayed for my husband. There were some days that I would cry out to God that I just couldn’t do it anymore! But of course the wonderful and gracious God that I serve would give me just enough hope to get through that day. Now 5 years later I am thankful to say that my husband gave his life to The Lord and He has completely restored our marriage! We have even added 3 more children to our family! I’m so thankful that The Lord helped me get through everyday because without Him there was no way my marriage would have lasted.

  1650. Melani

    How valuable we are to the Father. That He calls us by name, He knows every hair on our heads, He has a plan for each and every one of our lives!

  1651. Jennifer Simpson

    As a high school teacher, I hope to be a positive example to the young ladies that I interact with. They are under so much pressure to look and act in certain ways, and I want to show them that they don’t have to live up to the worlds expectations!

  1652. Tricia

    God is with us all the time, he never leaves us.

  1653. Sam

    I believe God has given me the gift of sobriety not only for myself and my family, but to share my story…which is all to His glory.

  1654. Robyn Heck

    That no matter where you are in your life God loves you and wants a relationship with you right where you are. He is a loving and caring God and will always be there for you even when no one else is. The more time you spend in his word the more you will understand it and draw closer to him. When that happens you will have an even bigger heart for others around you!

  1655. Dana Cowen

    God Took care of me even when I didn’t realize that I was in need! Saved me from an abusive childhood, young adult then marriage! I was so clueless! Praise to my Lord for His amazing grace and mercy!

  1656. Tammy Miller

    I want to share that I am not perfect. I need to put my faith in him and he will not fail me. He will give me strength and guidance to get through all the tough times and be a better person in the end.

  1657. Patricia

    I feel as if God is calling me to tell my story of How He changed my life I spent 3 years at a Homeless Ministry at the beginning I was not very happy being there ..I had a 10 yr son and My husband was in Prison in Florida, I was in Georgia, the first two weeks being there I tried everything to leave as it was not for me as I thought. I was suppose to go somewhere else but some how the papers were lost ..Long story short I stayed at the ministry foir three yrs was able to go back to College and graduated, My husband came there after Prison an we renewed our vows after 12yrs of marriage ..the Most important thing I leaned was leadership and to Always listen to GOD because he Knows what He wants for you More than you do.

  1658. Cristy

    I feel I’m being called to tell my story of growing up the child of an addict and living with a rare autoimmune disease and how the Lord has helped me through! It is so strong on my heart and He has brought me so far!

  1659. Kim

    I want to share how truly awesome and humbling and life changing it is when you actually live by faith! We all live with concerns, yet when you make the choice to believe – really believe – that God will provide for all you NEED…. He WILL! We all have to do our part, not just sit down and wait, but when we do so believing in God’s promises He never ever fails us.

  1660. Sarah

    Even though I haven’t always tried to be close to him, he was patient, loving and waited for me. He assures me daily that he can use anybody for the glory of his kingdom. Doesn’t matter how cracked the pot! Also I am constantly reminded that forgiven means just that. My sins are scattered as far as the east is from the west. I am blessed.

  1661. Suzanne Prak

    God has placed it on my heart to comfort other women experiencing grief….five years ago my 17 year old son died and shortly after that God gave me a precious verse: II Corinthians 1:2-4. These verses tell us that God comforts us in our afflictions so that we may be able to comfort others who are in affliction with the comfort that we’ve been comforted by God. I received this scripture as a promise that as I walked through the “valley of the shadow of death” and allowed God to comfort me that I would one day be able to redeem this experience and in turn comfort others. As we reach the five year anniversary of Andrew’s death God has placed people in my life who are grieving and it is my desire to walk beside them in their grief and offer God’s comfort in whatever way I can.

  1662. Nancy

    I would like to share with others that they are important and valuable not only to me but also to their Heavenly Father. We never know how long we have to make sure that our loved ones know the Lord.

  1663. Angie

    That He is always there for us and will see us through!

  1664. Angela

    In my heart, God has placed in me the never ending thoughts that he loves unconditionally.

  1665. Dara

    God has been laying the book of Esther on my heart for the last 2 months. I find it everywhere I go! Especially Esther 4:13-17. I follow Ann’s A Holy Experience & I have never felt such connection, such an overwhelming pull to her words, & Esther. I know something is building & something is coming that revolves around me sharing that we were made for such a time as this. We are born of more privilege then we know even though we complain of lack & lust for more. We are the Esthers inside our palaces & God has purposefully put us there to delight as we reach out lift up & help others. The most important being the orphans, the widows, & the single moms. We are the body of Christ & it’s time we get moving!

  1666. Colleen Stewart

    I feel The Lord wants me to share my stories of how I’ve had to put all my trust in Him on everything! I just shared the story today about my health issues and how worried I was about how hard it was to continue working with my chronic pain but we needed my paycheck. Long story short I truly believed that I should quit my job. I suffered enough. I just knew that God would provide. He told me he would! I had nothing but negativity from the outside world. I quit my job and was taken care of. Immediately! No matter how hard it is TRUST Him. He is in control. Not us! We just have to listen.

  1667. Niki

    God has given me gift of song, to sing his Praises and sometimes, most of the time when I feel a nudge to speak or sing , I hold back for fear that it is me and not Him who is wanting this. This happens often and slowly I am learning to trust and move forward . If I am prompted by the Holy Spirit, I will repeat scripture while singing. I let go and let God take over as I worship him with song. So many times I hear those voices of self doubt, I remind myself ,” Greater is He that is within me!”

  1668. Kim S

    God wants me to share how He is working in my life- marriage, raising 4 kids, home bible study, friendships, loss of my daddy, loss of best friend. He wants me to show how I am leaning on him and not myself or others.

  1669. Taylor

    I don’t know…hope to find out soon

  1670. jody b

    Okay…right after I post this comment, I am writing a note to someone whose spouse died a few weeks ago to let her know she is still in my thoughts and prayers. After that, I am ordering the devotional…I have my book and am signed up for the OBS with Melissa! Thank you for sharing your life stories with us.

  1671. stacy

    God has placed on m heart for me to share my story. I have had so much shame and guilt and I have begged God to set me free from it. And He helped me to see that He had set me free from it but I was still holding myself in the bondage. So slowly, I have begun to share parts of my REAL life. The pain, the struggles, the joy–all of it. And God has blessed me with an amazing group of women to love, encourage and do life with as a result of my trust in Him that He will carry me as I learn how to be open about the real me. It is the most freeing and beautiful thing.

  1672. Jane P

    That waiting is part of the process. The hardest part, I might add, but decimate.y part of the process.

  1673. Sarah Ackerman

    God will soon be calling our 93 year old retired Pastor to his heavenly home. What a blessing for him!!

  1674. Becky

    What a blessing it is to pray for our children through the Moms In Prayer ministry.

  1675. Elizabeth Jones

    My home. Might sound silly but there are so many times I compare my home to others that I know and then I feel ashamed that my house isn’t “good enough”, “decorated well”, “it’s too small” ect. ect. ect…..I want to be thankful that I have a place to call home and that God provided this house for my family. I really want to push through my insecurity and graciously welcome people without feeling afraid and push forward to things that are more important like relationships!

  1676. Connie D

    I feel called to remind believers that we are the bride of Christ, and that He is coming soon and His reward is with him. To remind people that He is looking for a bride without spot or wrinkle. We are overcomers through His spirit living in us, but we need to be getting ready for our wedding day, by laying aside every weight that keeps distracting us from His purpose and will for our lives.

  1677. Raelene Osborn

    I want to share that God’s love is UNCONDITIONAL! No matter what, He will always love you. He will always care for you more than anyone else could ever possibly try. He is always forgiving and always gracious. He is our biggest fan, and our best, most important friend. He is our loving Lord and Savior! 🙂

  1678. Tahwana Gillman

    Lysa, I really want other women to realize the depth of God;s love for them To come to a place in there walk with him that they can live in that love and share it with others. His mercies are new every morning and we don’t have to live in condemnation and guilt.

  1679. Mary Jo Cyr

    He has placed on my heart to do all things to bring Glory to Him. Sharing Him… for Him…..that’s what He places on my heart everyday.

  1680. Denise Whitley

    I feel like I am on this earth to be a witness for Jesus Christ. I feel obliged to let others know that they can receive salvation as a free gift all for the asking and praying for Jesus to live in their heart.

  1681. Ann

    God wants me to share His love with others. He loves me unconditionally, and is asking me to do the same for others. He already knows that I will stumble and fall, but He is always right there to pick me back up.

  1682. Desiree Z

    I feel as if God wants me to tell my story of my marriage. I got married young and many said we wouldn’t make it and we have been through many difficult things but by Gods grace we are still together. I want to give other married women hope.

  1683. Mary

    God has given me a desire and opportunity to encourage others whose son or daughter struggles with drug addiction. My situation has not changed but my response to it has and I desire to share the hope God has given me.

  1684. Denise

    Good has placed on my heart to share my story with my sons, so they won’t follow in my footsteps.

  1685. Jessica Devaney

    God has placed on my heart the desire to show that domestic violence is not something that doesn’t happen. That it is happening to people who we don’t realize it is happening to. And how as Christians we can reach out and help and hurt. And God is doing this thru my life and story. Each time I open my mouth to answer a question and react to what is going on around me. It is not easy… and I am far from perfect from it. And yet I am learning so much from God and realizing what we can all do to help… to build up… instead of tear down.

  1686. Wanda

    I went through an experience similar to the women held captive in Cleveland, just for a much shorter time span. God is the only reason I was able to survive and endure the whole ordeal, and yet I’ve hid from sharing my story (that would honor and glorify Him) out of embarrassment and shame.

  1687. Sherry

    What I want to share is something I’ve learned through these devotions. Is the fact that God’s forgiveness is there all we have to do is learn to accept it and move on to the blessings he has in store for us in the future. Don’t look back at the past, that will keep you where Satan wants you. Look forward and receive what God has waiting for you. Each morning look up and say O.K. God I’m yours and I’m ready to serve you today. He will use you if you allow Him to. I thank God for finally making me realize that by wondering each day whether He had forgiven me or not I was doing nothing for Him. But now I’m on the right track once again, I may falter sometimes but I know He’s there for me, saying, “I forgive you daughter, now move forward. Thank you Jesus for your mercy and grace!

  1688. Rubi Fellows

    I am still struggling with trusting God in every detail. I think at some point He will use the abuse I have come through to help women escape/ heal from abusive relationships

  1689. AnnettaS.

    The message I am compelled to share is his wonderful and perfect gift of salvation through HIS SON JESUS…a.k.a. The GOOD NEWS! I have a passion to share with pre-teen girls how celebrating one another Is knowing how to celebrate yourself.

  1690. Leeann Hadgis

    That we must love one another and we need to stop being so hard on our fellow brother’s and sisters.

  1691. christina

    FORGIVENESS: This is a hard one to follow through with. However, its one of the most important things to accomplish. This was a hard one for me to do for my father. I was abused by him as a child and now as an adult I am taking care of him due to a heart attack and strokes. God is good.

  1692. Eleanora

    No matter how many times you’ve “failed,” its not over until God says its over. In an instant can restore all that has been lost and he can do exceedingly and abundantly more than you could ever think or ask. Even if you don’t look like the ideal candidate, God will fulfill his promise to you and you will have victory for his glory!! I will see my dreams come to pass, this is my season!! God’s timing is always perfect.

  1693. Mary Beth (@BoosPlace)

    That there is a still small voice that seeks his children, one where he wants to take us to that secret place. A place that only you and God can be in attendance. I felt for some time that God wants to take me to a higher place that not many will ever be able to understand, but often times wonder why people do what they do and how they can live with themselves and still be a christian or go to church. I feel Like God wants to take me to a higher place and that he wants me to focus only on him and no one else around me, just focus on me and being completely sold out to him.

  1694. Elizabeth L

    God is asking me to Trust Him Fully…abandoned, lonely, fearful, divorced, single mother of one teenage boy, fired from my job of 12 1/2yrs unexpectedly since Dec & still searching for the position God has for me; suffering from major depression, anxiety, & low self-esteem along with being overweight; still greatly missing my mom died 10/22/2001 and my dad died 2/18/2008 & both were young and divorced and yet my best friends. I have lots of insecurities growing up in an alcoholic family with one older sister who has always tormented me, yet I always looked up to her…our relationship is toxic as was with my ex and my being verbally, emotionally & physically abused. I know God has a good plan for my life & I am His Princess and I will obey my Father because He is good & faithful! Love & Blessings!

  1695. Sondra Smith

    My testimony would cover too many pages but the truth is so often I feel the sin of pride creeping in to take the glory of overcoming when truly only the love of Jesus and the holy spirit could bear that burden and claim that victory.

  1696. Lois Pepple

    I believe God is asking me to simply share my compassion with others. No judgment, no criticism; just loving acceptance, understanding, and compassion for His people.

  1697. Debbie Whitehall

    God is, who He says He is. God can do, what He says He can do. I am, who God says I am. I can do all things through Christ. God’s word , is alive and active in me. I believe God!

  1698. Miranda Turney

    Please choose to bless me with a copy of your book. Thank you.

  1699. Leslie

    I have been feeling the nudge by God that I needed to truly forgive someone…I don’t mean just let it go, but I mean truly forgive…this person was very mean and offensive to me and hurt me terribly to the core…not only did I feel nudged once to forgive completely but quite a bit by God. I have to admit, I fought it initially. I forgave but I wanted to hold onto the hurt and not let myself move beyond the hurt. I finally just gave it to Him. And, during my working through the hurt I discovered (even though I already knew) and accepted that I am not alone because He is there with me no matter what and that is all that matters. My mother-in-law can hate me and do terrible things but God will get me through it and I know from His nudging that He wants me to show her His love through me…I learned I cannot do that through holding onto anger, disappointment, and hurt feelings. I know that I most likely will be hurt from her again but bottom line is how many times have I hurt God by the decisions I have made and He has forgiven me…if He can do that then I can do this! This is my way of honoring Him by trying and working at having a pure and forgiving heart for Him even when it is hard with difficult people in our lives! Again, He forgives me so I can forgive others! Blessings to all! Our God is good!

  1700. Teresa

    God wants me to share my heart, my love for hurting women and people. I have had my share of struggles, woundedness, failing health, a childhood not so great. Always, God was with me. I have been way up only to tumble in the valley, yet again, waiting on healing. My heart connects with and sees so many women today carrying wounds from childhood, listening to words that harm, fighting the lies of the enemy. I want to stand with them and love them and let them know they are not alone! I am trustworthy, and together with Gods word and His love, we can build a foundation worthy of the daughters of the most High King! We can be victorious and free!

  1701. Meme

    God has placed on my heart to share with a young lady that I was a daddy less daughter, just like her. I struggled with the pain of seeing other little girls with their dads. And my dad didn’t have the desire to be a present father in my life. However, Jesus Christ has been my father since I was a little girl. And this father-daughter relationship is still continuing. Praise The Lord! God bless!

  1702. Trish Graham

    no matter the circumstances you find yourself in, whether it is a traumatic injury, a loss of a loved one, a family member in dire condition, or when we feel rejected or have a broken heart…I have found through my journey over the last two years, experiencing all of these things, it is most important to say Yes to God and then trust Him to be and do what He has promised in His word – I believe for each woman joining this OBS of saying Yes to God will find the strength, the comfort and the understanding in what saying Yes means for them – so very excited to be a part of such amazing women searching for God with all their heart and saying Yes to Him – the world was changed by 12…..can you imagine????…

  1703. Jasmine

    My testimony. Because to someone else and God it’s not an insignificant as I think it is

  1704. Jessica

    That I am searching for a relationship with Jesus, but I am scared that I will fail. I grew up going to church and have a relationship with God, but I feel empty when it comes to knowing Christ. I am afraid to tell anyone at my church that I feel this emptiness. So when this study came along I felt like it was an answer to a prayer. It will be my first Bible Study and I pray that I can find that personal relationship with Jesus. The fear of failure is strong, but I keep praying that I am ready to invite Jesus into my life and my heart. Even if it is not easily, I am calling to Jesus for a relationship with Him.

  1705. Cindy

    I went through a horrible divorce five years ago. Our twin daughters were 15 at the time. I have this complete feeling of being a failure and tons of guilt. I failed at a marriage, I failed my daughters. I just wanted to die. I can’t get past some of the issues, failure, guilt, trust.

  1706. Carrie

    “Don’t worry about tomorrow, God is already there!” My mom gave me a book after my husband was diagnosed with Cancer, 3 years ago. It brought me head over heels to God’s feet. My life has not been the same since. Whenever you need a constant unchanging source of strength, look for God and he will be there!

  1707. Lisa Tarpley

    There are many things I could share, but over the past few months I’ve realized that everything thing I’ve been thru both good and bad/ugly; God has used me to share with others to encourage and show them that all though it may seem He’s not there, He is. He’s not going anywhere, just needs us to “be still and KNOW He is God”.

  1708. Lisa

    I have recently come to realize that no matter how much I love and trust God there is still this dark place of fear and condemnation that has not allowed me to give myself to God completely, like I thought. I have been punishing myself, and allowing Satan to do the same for 20+ years. I can’t believe I have given him that power. I know that God forgave me a long time ago for having a child out of wedlock, but I never wanted to forgive myself, for some reason. I feel that I need to be punished contunually. Well, no more! I am giving this to God because I know the plans He has for me are great! Jeremiah 29:11 is an inspiration.

  1709. Michelle Sanders

    God has placed humility and hospitality on my heart. I’m not sure how I am going to be sharing it, but I know he has a plan and I’m open to his work for my life!

  1710. Jane Taylor

    Lamentations-“His mercies are new every mornig.Great is thy faithfulness”(to me)

  1711. Cindy Stewart

    I want others to know the love of Jesus through my life in front of them.

  1712. DonnaB

    Thanks so much for sharing your heart! Looking forward to the OBS!!!

  1713. Monna

    It’s really about having an attitude of total, happy surrender to God’s plan

  1714. Liz

    I feel like God has been calling me to tell people about my testimony.

  1715. Leah

    How a loving God sent His ONLY Son to earth to save us for eternity from the mess we have made of our lives here on earth!!! And He would do it even if there was only one!

  1716. Kimberyl

    Lately God has been doing work in me showing me that first and foremost God has a plan bigger than ours. After being laid off last year while being pregnant I couldn’t make sense of how my great job could be taken away from me. Once I had my daughter it all made sense why I was at home. God was making things happen for me to stay at home with her. Now that money is getting tight and I’ve been looking for a full time job it seems have been at a standstill. My heart has been set on opening a boutique and so my husband and I prayed about and here we are running an online store! I’m still not sure what God’s plan is and what I’ve been learning through this process is that it isn’t in our time but in His. He has a plan bigger than we cold ever see. He holds a greater future for my family than we know.

  1717. Kelly

    My goal is to share with others that really loving each other, caring for each other and not judging others motives or deeds is a better representation of the gospel rather than quoting the standard “thou shalts” and “thou shalt nots”.

  1718. Allison

    Jul 29 – 11:16 pm
    I was molested as a child by family friend teen boy…lasted over two years…drink alcohol all my life…started AA after first year of college..went to counseling for post traumatic stress disorder…had an abortion …got married 6 years to another man…we had two miscarriages and an ectopic pregnancy where my right fillopian tube burst and I had emergency surgery…we never gave up and had four children of our own…I was diagnosed with Lupus after my second daughter…after having three daughters we got pregnant with our son and he was born with Down syndrome…we love each child so dearly…wouldn’t change a thing! My husband and I just celebrated 16 years in May…have marital problems…financial difficulties…weight issues….I have anger issues…I don’t know what to do to get further help…I do counseling…am on meds for depression and mood disorder…just diagnosed with narcolepsy…I have health issues…don’t know where to turn…don’t have anyone to talk to…don’t know how to forgive other’s and myself…put it down but keep picking it up over and over…love my heavenly father…my own father is deceased after cancer….I have issues with my mother…would love your input…comments…guidance…comfort….help….prayers…?what to do for healing and forgiveness? I am hurting and alone. I love reading your books Lysa for guidance. God is really using you. He is speaking to me through you! Thank you so much. I feel we are Kindred Spirits! I wish we could talk sometime. My sister-in-law gave me a scripture…Jer. 29:11 after a miscarriage and it carries me through. I am learning so much. I love your book Becoming More…I am starting What Happens…

  1719. Susan

    GodGod has placed upon my heart to take my writings and have them published. They are His words given to me. They are words of hope and of His endless love. I pray that this will happen as all the glory belongs to Him.

  1720. Kim Papple

    I would share with anyone about God’s love for them and that no matter what life brings them he and his truths are always there.

  1721. melva nolan

    I need to share how God ha protected and provided for us after my husband’s job loss and the need to heal and move forward

  1722. Renee Westbrook

    How it is very hard for me to “Be Still” (literally) but I am so busy and exhausted. I know this kind of life is not what HE wants for me. Psalms 46:10

    “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” (Matthew 11:28-30 MSG)

  1723. Sue

    I want to share with others that you are not alone in whatever life’s fires are right now. God is with us and we are here for each other, reach out and there will always be a hand.

  1724. Suzie Doyle

    Hi I did share my story in the early hrs of this morning (UK) time, but can’t find it! However in reading through some of the heartfelt stories from all the woman, I wanted to add that I genuinely feel privileged that I have been able to read them. The hurt, pain and brokenness that people shared, was very real to me. Yet many of them also spoke of the hope and restoration we have from be part of the family of God. We ALL have a testimony, even if any of us think we are small and insignificant to the world. I am so excited to do the bible study and I think there is going to be massive testimonies that will be born out of it. We are ALL saying YES to God. Remember the Enemy is not going to like that 22,000 women are going to be standing on the world of God. So we can support each other.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  1725. Beth B

    I have been blessed by the difficulties and heartbreaks in my past. God never wastes a hurt if we trust Him with everything. From a difficult childhood with abuse and loss, I have the privilege of encouraging people to keep trusting the Lord, because He will bring something beautiful from the ashes.

  1726. Brenda

    Over and over in spite of domestic violence/ verbal abuse, and choice to divorce to get away from a bipolar spouse, even when most of my Christian friends disappeared or didn’t support me, God was there collecting my tears and encouraging me through many praise and worship songs seemingly telling my story or encouraging me thru the storm via Air1 and KSGN Christian radio stations. The Lord is there for all of us. Be still …to see the blessings and encouragement The Lord sends us each day along the way. Our God is an awesome God !

  1727. Donna

    As The Lord speaks to my heart each morning in my quiet time with Him, He not only shares things with me about my life but also things my 2 close friends are going through and I share it with them!

  1728. Becky

    I would share that while we all feel like we don’t measure up or we feel not as good as the next woman, we are all in the same boat. Satan uses these measures to separate us where God’s desire is to draw us to Him and together to lift one another up.

  1729. Ashley Ford

    I am currently a Sunday school teacher of 3rd and 4th graders and I feel led to share the love and joy of the Word of God. A lot of my students don’t know a lot about the Bible because they don’t have the faith-filled family life that I was raised in. I want to pass on to them the awesomeness of the Bible and show them that the Word of God can be a guide in their lives when nothing else seems to be able to help.

  1730. Elizabeth

    I am in awe of everyone on this site. I’m still struggling with feelings of self loathing and it has gotten much worse over the last year. I absolutely loved Unglued. It has started me back on the right path. I’m 67 years old and still battling this. I was emotionally abused but my worst problem is my own sin and mistakes. I have such trouble forgiving myself.
    I have joined the “yes to God” study and I’m looking forward to it. I am losing hope and it has become much harder to bounce back when I have an episode.

  1731. Elizabeth

    I would like to share, but I don’t have anything to offer except that God is good and I know he loves me. I hope others will come to know this and then hang on tight. That is what I have not done.

  1732. Tristine

    God has placed it in my heart to share the truth about biblical principles and values that are currently being rewritten to please itching ears and the desires of the flesh. He has specifically directed my attention to fellow believers who are being drawn into false doctrine. It’s not been a fun journey, considering how many people have this idea that “grace” means something it doesn’t, and have taken it for granted.

  1733. Maria Ulloa

    Usually, God places a specific message for that specific individual. That message has truth, grace, mercy, and love. I do according to what God tells me according to the need 🙂

  1734. colleen

    The Hope and Grace of forgiveness and intimacy with our great God. That would take whatever form the person needs in their particular situation. It is truly amazing how the Lord brings just the right person to hear what I have to offer at just the right time for them and me. It brings back around the healing I received at some point….very good to have that reminder!! 🙂 Thanks for this opportunity.

  1735. Mary Jo Kukacka

    I share about God’s love for us and how He will meet you where you’re at (no matter where that is).

  1736. Lupe Munoz

    I would like to share that everyone that accepts the Lord Jesus Christ into their heart and believes He is the Son of God and that God raised His Son from the grave, they shall be saved. There are benefits in being a child of God for He sent us the Holy Spirit to come live within us to help and guide us in our daily walk with Him. Listening to the Holy Spirit when He tells you to help speak, pray or encourage someone we should not let that opportunity pass us by for one never knows what that person might be going through and we also will be blessed as the glory is for our Father for we are the Salt and Light of the world so let us say yes to God as He opens the opportunities for us to be a blessing and show love as He has shown us unconditional love, grace and mercy.

  1737. Valerie

    What God encouraged me to share was that for a long time I wished I hadn’t been born. My parent’s marriage had been a challenge and I kept thinking that if I hadn’t been born when I had that my mom might have left the marriage and perhaps happier. God revealed Ps 139:13-14 For You created my inmost being. You knot me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You, because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. I am thankful for Him reminding me.

  1738. Beth

    Thanks for being brave enough and faithful enough to follow God’s call and “out yourself” when you could’ve kept silent, Lysa. I’m praying it {your book} and you will be blessed! Can’t wait to read it!

  1739. Cara

    Acceptance. That in a world filled with rejection, we are accepted by the One who made us all.

  1740. Kim

    I struggle with loneliness, but even though no one is physically around, God is. He is always with us. And trusting Him during the lonely hours, acknowledging His presence, only strengthens and shapes us to rely on Him more. And when we listen, He points us in the direction to reach out and help someone else, because this ‘lonely’ time is a opportunity to use for someone else, rather than pitying ourselves.

  1741. Tracy

    Lysa, Thank you for allowing God to use you! I too had an abortion 32 years ago and the first time I told anyone was 8 years ago in my current church. I thought I stuffed so deep but it had poisoned my body which has caused my body to have physical and mental diseases. I went online and did an email bible study for my abortion and then another online study for a separate rape.

    I’ve been looking forward to this study not sure what God has for me until this week i realize i have to go see my mom 2000 miles away moving into independent/assisted living from her 2 bedroom condo. With my chronic back, hip pain and Fibromyalgia and other health issues I said Yes I’d go. Today I’ve had a sadness thinking about going I thought? I’ve felt like crying but I dont know exactly why?

    I’m just now getting caught up on my email and I haven’t started your book yet but my heart lept when I read your story. God has not given up or forgotten me even though I’ve walked forward helping others. I thought I lost all my joy when my brother died from a 4 year battle of cancer in 2009 but no I know there is something else? I thought he’d use me to help other when from post abortion? But he reminded me right now, Tracy, you helped 1 young woman to not abort her 2nd child, you walked along side of her and she has 2 beautiful girls. Tracy if that is all you save for my sake I’m proud of you.

    So I thank you Lysa and I look forward to see what God has planned for me as I and all these women say, YES to God!

  1742. Crystal

    God is calling me to share my journey with Him through writing both books and a blog I started as my “yes” to God. Thank you for encouraging me to be both brave and honest as I share my heart with others.

  1743. Chantell

    That even though we are not in a physical prison – we can be captive – to our mind! Last year God called me to share my testimony/lead a women’s group, with a group of ladies to inspire Freedom in them thru Christs redemption. We can be held captive by obsessive thought patterns, insecurity, tear, competition, idols (materialism, etc) and many others. But we are set free! If I won this i would share it with my sister. I have read your book What happens when women say yes to God but I only have the eBook version…I have been wanting to give it to my 21 yr old sister who is seeking, but I can’t share that version:-) this would be wonderful.

  1744. Suzanne minor

    God has placed on my heart that i need to share my physical body deterioration journey with others. Although life has been challenging and difficult it has also been filled with many blessings! I have required 5 back surgeries, the last one because i broke my back. I now have a rod in my back from T3 down. I am now facing both hips being replaced, a huge abdominal hernia being repaired, and foot surgery. The foot surgery is total repair. It will be cut in half, bone will be cut, fusion will be done, etc. fearfully, i may need amputation. Time will tell! This is a condensed version of my physical health journey! God is asking me to share how He is holding me uo through all trials! Emotional and physical. Side note: my husband just divorced me because he “didnt want to be my caretaker any more”. A new chapter of my life begins! Blessing to you Lysa and to all your readers!

  1745. Kim

    God has been laying on my heart to trust Him and live each moment following His lead and let go of control. (In all areas of life)

  1746. Susan Trantham

    Love, compassion, hope.I can do all things through Jesus. God can and will use the bad in our life…if we are willing. Feeling unloved and unwanted as a child, abused and neglected ,never feeling confident, feeling of wortlessness…satan robs us of the truth we were wonderfully made…God gave his only begotten son there is no greater love. Find freedom from insecurities through Jesus Christ life can be changed.There will be trials and tribulations…lots of valleys…but heaven is the reward.Focus on the eternal not the now circumstance. Pray about all things…it is in the valley we grow stronger and God is preparing to use the circumstance to glorify Him.Lord use me …I have learned I can not go forward if I am looking back. …..I would share Jesus

  1747. Lori Hastings

    I would tell them that no master what they have done, where they have been, there is a Heavenly Father who loves them- just as they are.

  1748. Melissa

    God has placed on my heart that I need to share that my husband has been unfaithful for the majority of our marriage but we are in the process of having our marriage redeemed.

  1749. Christina

    God is our Redeemer, when we confess the wrong on our hearts to him and lay it all before him he forgives us, he Redeems us. You and I are not used useless things, we are Redeemed children of God. Jeremiah 29:11 , He knows the plans he has for us. He loves us the way we are.

  1750. Jen

    The desire that God has put on my mind to share with others is that the stigma of mental illness needs to be shattered into pieces. Mental illnesses are diseases often caused by lack of neurotransmitters or traumatic situations.

  1751. Dawn

    My struggle for the need of approval and my issues with codependency. I have also struggled with boundaries and how to establish and communicate these boundaries to others. I’m not there yet, but have recognized it and am wanting to move beyond this.

  1752. Cynthia

    Yes, Lysa….Five years ago after a stormy three years, God called me to “come out of the closet” regarding the fact that I suffer from major mental illness; specifically, Schizophrenia. I began to blog about my experiences and my life with God. I got some criticism –especially regarding some very unflattering pictures of myself, heavy from the weight put on by the psychotropic medicines,,,a crazed look on my face and hair that obviously had not been washed or combed. I replied to the person who chastised me for publishing us unflattering pics of myself. I told her “That is how I looked. Those pictures are real and next to that pic was a pic of me now…illness under control weight lost but still struggling –as I will for the rest of m life–with mental illness. People are shocked by what I have to say about my experiences…but many many people have visited my blog (over 55,000) and many comment on their experience or the experiences of a loved one. My blog speaks to them because I obeyed God and didn’t hide in my room any more. There are rough spots in my blog…things I wrote just prior to another hospitalization…things that didn’t make sense.. Once more I received loving “advice” to remove those things I wrote. Once again I say “No’ that is who I am. God brought me from there to here….and he will do that time and time again. If I cease to be ashamed about an illness I cannot control than maybe some more people will begin to talk about their experiences…and MI will not have the shroud of darkness and shame it carries due to faulty ideas about mental illness. I agreed with God that I would start to unshroud the cloud of misperception …I have also written a memoir…publishing it my self because a publisher wanted to sensationalize my story…The truth does not need more drama. It is dramatic enough. Anyway.,God bless you for opening YOUR closet and letting some light in.

  1753. Sheri

    I haven’t listened for God in a long time and I am embarrassed and sadden to admit, but really looking inside myself today and reflecting its true. After reading your blog, it made me dig deep into my heart. God wants me to share with you my story …. When I was 13 years old I was a drinker. My friends and I would buy booze because we thought it was so cool and we thought it was fun. We drank during study hall (we left school of course), we had parties on the weekends and I would lie to my parents. I was so lost I had decensy in me, but it didn’t know how to come out. My friends and I did this for about 1 1/2 years until finally one night my best friend who had been taking speed to lose weight (she didn’t tell us) got alcohol poisoning and we were all out in a van drinking “having fun”. She passed out and would not come out of it, we didn’t know what to do! I was crying my other friends were freaking out and we decided to drive her back to her house because her Mom was a nurse. I remember paramedics coming and police. I remember being terrified, not for me, but for her. That night my other girlfriend it was her birthday and we went back to her house for a sleep over. We sobered up really quick and when I was asleep a dream came to me of my best friend who was taken to the hospital, she had stopped breathing and died. I woke up in tears and it was 3AM. I couldn’t fall back to sleep, I kept thinking about her and I prayed that God deliver her out and I also asked that He show me the way out of this kind of life. The next day I went to the hospital to see my best friend and her Dad was there and he told me “Michelle stopped breathing this morning around 3AM, we thought we lost her, but she came back to us.” I couldn’t believe it! God brought her back for a second chance and I also knew then I NOW have a second chance to make this life work! On spring break that year my family and I went to Florida to vacation, my Uncle and Aunt lives there and he was a Christian. He sat me down and started studying the Book of John with me, I started crying and I told my Uncle I want to follow God. I want to be a Christian, he prayed with me and he said that was it you have believed and accepted God in your life, so your a Christian. However, I felt empty I didn’t feel that was the right way about becoming a Christian, so I studyied a lot and when I knew the truth from the Words of God Acts 2:38 I found the Church of Christ and confessed Jesus is the Son of God, was baptized and when I came out of that water I felt so clean a new born babe! I repented of my sins and lived a Christian life every since! Thank you for letting me share my story with you Lysa, your an inspiration doing this for other women. Thanks! Sheri

  1754. Lora Penola

    I am so thankful for you, Lysa!

  1755. Meredith

    I am not sure what the Lord wants me to share. I think it is the word ‘BELIEVE’.
    Believe in him, he is with you always,
    Believe he loves you deeply and forever.
    Believe he has a great plan for your life.
    Again I say BELIEVE.

  1756. Janetta Dobler

    I need to submit every area of my life over to the Lord, and allow the Holy Spirit to work in me and through me so that my life may be a reflection of Jesus Christ. My family is going through a very difficult time right now, physically, emotionally, spiritually, with our finances, etc. and I need to lay it all down at the cross and place my focus on Jesus Christ. Lord, open my eyes to see, open my ears to hear, and soften my heart to receive what You have for me. Use me, Lord, for your plan and purpose, and may You receive the honor and the glory! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

  1757. Cammy

    To share that He is All Sufficent…simply El Shaddai at every turn and in every trench. Love you Lisa….keep on!!!

  1758. Phyllis Williams

    I was raised in church but have a lot in my live that I have a hard time sharing with others. I was always afraid everyone would look down on me. Now I am beginning to let some out and I have found that so many feel the same way and have been through the same things that I have. We need to remember we are never alone, there are others out there and we have The Lord, who knows and understands. I am an Herbalist and have started finding ways to share Christ when talking and working with plants and Herbs.

  1759. Britiney @ Consider the Lilies

    I signed up to be a leader for an online accountability group, so I’m excited to be acountable myself and press in to God. God has also been pressing on my heart that I need to pray for people more. People I know and strangers.

  1760. Jessica

    I have to admit that the challenges of being a mother in today’s world can be extremely overwhelming at times. The thoughts of representing that “perfect” mother with those “perfect” kids has sent me into bouts of depression numerous times. Failure is not fun and I look forward to joining the OBS to allow myself to fail and be accepted; to give permission to myself to open up and realize that perfection is abnormal and imperfection is normal, as twisted as that sounds. I’m slowly working on opening up and letting my inner weaknesses become my outer strengths.:)

  1761. Lorena Lucero

    Your story inspired me to keep looking and to waiting for God. Maybe he is talking to me and I just dont want to hear. But as I left my husband and walked out of my house and my children due to my husbands addictions, I been feeling lost,waiting on God to tell me whats next. If he helped me get out of the situation I was i know he wont leave me, but sometimes feel alone and desperate. I am glad i found this website as I think will be of much help to me at this time. God Bless you. And keep me in your prayers.

  1762. Lesli

    I honestly don’t know what God is telling me to share with others but I can say that I am eager and willing to open my heart to this. I can see already how He is using this study to touch so many lives…..and I am confident that He has led me to this study for a reason. God is so great and so good and so magnificent …. He has blessed me in so many ways……I am forever grateful to Him! Open my heart and eyes LORD so that I may see Your hand clearly in my life!

  1763. Gail Jackson

    I am getting ready to celebrate 40 years of marriage to my one and only. It has been stormy but because we are not one not two but we are three, my husband ,me and Jesus we are not divorced. Satan did not tear us apart as he would have wanted to. I want to lt others know there is a God and he does care and comes through when you think all is lost. Lean on Him for all your needs.

  1764. Melissa

    Lysa, I am asking for yours prayers this week, on Tuesday, August 6th, as I minister to the ladies in a drug rehab center in Winnsboro, TX.
    I, like so many others, have a story to tell. At the age of 12 I was sexually molested for a period of time by my father. Now, at the age of fifty, my story has progressed from one of shame to one of beauty. My road to “Count it all Joy” was a long one, but God’s unrelenting love and patience has redeemed ALL the enemy had stolen, including a new healthy relationship with my father. On Tuesday I hope to share that message with these ladies. My prayer is that they would realize the hope of capturing a new dream for their lives, while laying aside the shattered pieces of a dream they see slipping away. Culture tells us that we are scarred for life, but I know when I said Yes to God at the age of 31 He began to heal those scars and turned them into beauty marks!
    Please pray with me that they would say YES to God, and say YES to the incredible plan He still has for their lives. You are such an inspiration, and I thank you for your willingness to be poured out. I am so looking forward to reading your new book!

  1765. Elaine

    Thank you Lysa and others for sharing your stories. At this point I am not certain what I am suppose to share but I do know that I have watched God in the last 6 months turn an awful accident that Satan thought he would use to tear up my family to bring out a wonderful message and 5 sisters and related families who have been touched and moved closer to him. As I was reading one of the things that stood out for me was how often we will forgive others but when it comes to throwing our own mistakes into the Sea of Forgetfulnesss and forgiving our selves we seem to stumble. I have always been a bit unsure of myself but am learning that when I let go and let God I can survive anything the devil wants to throw at me. I am a teacher and I almost walked away a year into my 3rd career. God showed me through my pastor and others that if I let him have it all I was where he intended me to be! I am so much stronger with him than with out that I truly cannot say where I would be today if he were not with me. God Bless and keep each and everyone of you! Elaine

  1766. Judi

    I was molested as a child and lately I have found myself sharing that with other women so they can see they too can move forward.

  1767. Jackie

    I am one of those moms who hid behind the “perfect” house, family and career…we had what people longed for. Behind closed doors, we had the secret of a child who would eventually be diagnosed with OCD and my façade would be blown apart. The shame was crushing, my perfect family would be exposed. I became crippled with shame and felt exposed. How could God allow such a heartbreaking illness on my child? I now see it was allowed for growth, and am reminded today how Satan meant this painful journey to be used for evil and I see how God allowed it to be used for good. I feel it opened up a field for my son’s college experience, he is so compassionate, knowledgeable in this untapped field of mental illness and would be an outstanding support for anyone dealing with this. It is so difficult for people to comprehend what we have endured, knowing how we “had it all together” before this…we never did, this was God’s way of humbling me and peeling away shame that had become much of who I was. My son is not healed, he is managing his OCD and I encourage him to be not be ashamed, he is better for having it and I now allow this experience to be shared as one of God’s love for me, not punishment.

  1768. Lisha Cannon

    I have learned the hard way to wait on God. His timing is perfect and while our own impatience may be our greatest hindrance, we must rely on his perfect timing. Whether it is a daily occurrence or a life changing decision. I learned the hard way the importance of this and I didn’t have to. I just wish I had known that not waiting on him can have devastating effects. This would be my message to share.

  1769. Angela

    I know the giveaway has passed and I just ordered the book to begin the online bible study but I think I am supposed to reply anyway. I have had a fear “to feel”. Meaning I all of the hurtful things that were done to me, spoken over me as a child I just wanted to forgive them and move on. However, God just yesterday is showing me that I need to heal from that in order to move on. I have to ask him to show me the situations where I still believe the lie that was said to me, kind of hook in me you might say. I didn’t want to do that because I didn’t want to feel those emotions. Thankfully, I have begun that step and I know he won’t overwhelm me and I did feel the emotions but it was a healing emotion (if that makes sense). Yes, I sobbed so hard you think your going to blow snot everywhere but it was great. I know there is more to come but I know it will just bring me one step closer to where he wants me. Don’t be afraid to feel is what he is saying to me. Thank you for sharing your story and inspiring so many women to seek what God for what he has for us.

  1770. Jason @

    I kept liking this post the more I read it! There are so many of us guys out there who want to say to women, “You are so much more than what you look like or who you compare yourself to or how much time you spend creating the “ideal” image of yourself.” Why? Because God made you with a value no less than the life of his own Son that no one can diminish, not even yourself! Why else? Because each of you (and us men too) has a beautiful story full of triumphs and mistakes that God is waiting to get out into the world to make something good and fruitful from through the repentance and restoration found in Jesus. Praying your devotional propel many to the lives of service and satisfaction they were created for!

  1771. Amy

    I am feeling the need to share with wives who are in the midst of fighting for their marriage. Today is our “three-month anniversary”. My second marriage and his fourth. To anyone in the world I know that I look foolish for marrying someone with such a history. The thing is is that I have known him since grade school and he was my first love and first kiss. He never knew how I felt then and I have wondered for months why God didn’t let us enter this relationship then and not until after we had made mistakes and now have to deal with the hurt of the past. I may never know the answer but I can speculate. Anyway, the first month of our marriage was blissful. The last two months have been miserable. It was not until I finally “LET GO” and “Let GOD” that things have changed and quite literally overnight. In a desperate run for help I ran to Godly people who prayed fervently me and my husband. I came home that night determined to fight for my husband and our marriage no matter how long it took. Divorce is not an option this time. Whether it took three months or 30 years for God to heal us individually and as a couple I was newly committed to seeing this through. I want to see the fruit of my prayers and commitment. Well ladies, for all of you in the same boat as I am…I want to encourage you and give you hope. God does hear your prayers, He is faithful and He will respond!!! Do not lose hope, all God wants is for us to rely on HIM!!! When we do and when we relinquish all control to HIM and let HIM fix our problems and our husbands then HE is able to. My running to God took place Saturday night and Sunday morning (the very next morning) my husband asked to talk with me. He apologized for his wrong perspective on things and his wrong voice of reason. He admitted to knowing he was wrong in doing things his way and that he needed to let God in and to let God have control!!! You’re so right in thinking I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I don’t know why and I shouldn’t be but was I in shock! LOL! Praise God!!!! And our day yesterday ended with my husband praying with me. His prayer had me in tears. I know this is just the beginning and we have a long road ahead but God’s immediate answer to my prayer has me thankful and full of faith and hope. I went to bed Saturday with Lamentations 3:22-24 playing over and over in my mind…”Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “the Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.”‘
    Don’t lose faith…don’t lose hope…AND take the word divorce out of your vocabulary, mind and marriage!!!! When I went to bed Saturday night I couldn’t have even dreamed of waking up to my husbands change of heart. Thank you God that your mercies are new every morning!!!! XO!!

  1772. Brittany

    I don’t know yet. I struggle with rejection and self doubt. I am passioniate about those that world doesn’t want; those who are forgotten and on the outskirts of society. I’m still working my way through my past and my issues but I KNOW God has a plan and purpose for the pain. I can’t wait to see where God is leading me and my family.

  1773. Sallye L. Wallace

    As I get older, it seems like I missed some years along the way. All my friends kids are grown just like my daughter and I have grandkids. My biggest challenge right now is watching my Mom deteriorate from dimensia. I know that life on this earth is short but my heart hurts when I see her. She is 82 and has lived a long life. I guess my message would be that time moves on so enjoy those moments that are special with your friends and family and trust God to take care of the rest.

  1774. Amy Bovaird

    I shared with my fb network how God taught me through my high school reunion to be confident while using my blind cane! I decided to be courageous and share with both believers (to encourage) and unbelievers (to show God’s light) and I did it! =) I would love to win this book. Thank you for the opportunity.

  1775. Beverly

    Thank you, first of all for helping me realize that I am all tangled up. I’ve been feeling so caught up in so many situations in my life that I’ve been too overwhelmed to even know which way is up. Now I will focus first and foremost on the audience of one-the one who untangles lives. You have give me hope that if I give God the opportunity (instead of trying to manage the mess on my own power) He will untangle my life and possibly be able to use me to give hope to other women just like you have given me hope!

  1776. Mary Lou

    God has called me to share a word of encouragement to a young girl (19) who shared her testimony with a group of wiggly, energetic 1st and 2nd graders at vacation Bible school last week. She shared some info that was difficult for her to share, I’m sure. I want her to know that even though those kids continued to wiggle and squirm, they heard what she said. The testimony of that brave, cute, cool 19 year old means far more to those children than anything an old woman like me (I’m 46…ancient in the eyes of 6 and 7 year olds) could have shared.

  1777. Beth Ann

    God has called me to share life….we are all in this life together and in Christ, our lives are all so intertwined. Life is what we do, day in and day out. Some days we do it well, other days not so well – but we keep doing it, because we haven’t been given breathe to do it, through His strength. A college friend’s son was killed in a car accident last week, and although I haven’t seen my friend in many years, my heart aches for her and her loss. Thankfully, she knows her son is with the living God! She is rejoicing, through her tears, for that hope, peace and knowledge. When one hurts we all hurt….and we are all called to be there for one another and be the hands and feet of Jesus. May we continue, in His grace, one day at a time.

  1778. Jennifer R

    Thank You so much for this message. I needed to hear that today! I am and have been feeling called to women’s ministry for a while now and I battle with telling myself I am not good enough everyday. But the thing I am so passionate about is to share with other women, especially young women that they/you/I am never gonna be perfect but we are perfect to our God. He still loves us! I just saw you at the Women of Faith in Oklahoma City this weekend and it being my first women’s conference I was so blessed by it and by your message which I also needed to hear. Thank You for devoting your life to helping women who want to follow Christ and being honest about your experience.

  1779. Emily

    Hey Lysa,
    I know this is kinda silly as you’re famous and all but I am supposed to let you know I nominated you for The Sweetest Blogger Award since you’re one of my favorite bloggers.
    You can check it out here:
    Thank you for telling your story so well!

  1780. thelwilliams

    God has called me to women ministry i feel that pull everyday, i always felt this great desire to lend a hand and encourage women,to let them know that they can be all that God called them to be and never settle for less ,i am waiting for the lord to unveil his plans for my life in this season of my life right now, and praying that i will be able to say yes to him when the time comes. Thank you for your commitments to building the lives of women and families, you have been a great source of inspiration and i pray you continue to find the strength to carry on this great task,God bless you richly.

  1781. Michelle

    As I was directed to your blog and read your story, made me realize how many women Satan has lied to when dealing with issues of pregnancy and abortion. I am a fellow victim! Like Lysa,I am a survivor that has sought out God’s forgiveness and healing for my decision to end my baby’s life before it began here on earth. Satan still tries to shame me with that lie sometimes yet I stand strong and hold to the Truth of God’s Word that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Thanks for sharing!

  1782. Colleen D

    This past year has taught me one thing- God will turn any trial into triumph. Since July 9 of 2012 my family has gone through some horrific situations. For 394 days I have prayed over us. I have watched God change that prayer to what he ultimately wanted for us. I have also watched the restoration of my family over the course of this time. God has done amazing things through us. I can honestly say I didn’t make the changes he made in me happen. It was in submission and allowing God to talk to me through prayer, devotions, and wise people that those necessary coping skills developed. I have witnessed the same in my husband.
    Today, I can truly say God was holding my hand, guiding me and whispering in my ear. I listened. I followed. I trusted. I would do it all over again to have the relationship I have with God now.

  1783. Natalie

    I believe that God has placed on my heart to share my story as a stay at home mom with others. I began a blog a few months ago, but it’s kind of hit a brick wall, and to be honest, it’s probably because I’ve been so hesitant in being open and transparent. I’ve been nervous about sharing actual stories because of the vulnerability it brings. So, thank you for your encouraging words. 🙂

  1784. D. Wisdom

    Hospitality and encouragement

  1785. Donna

    WOW, this is a heavy devotional, a powerful one!!! I’ve really been struggling the last few days with my ID, feeling down, but God keeps showing himself in so many ways, for this I’m thankful, but admit I’m freaked to take the step I need to do!

    Lot’s has happened over the last 17 years of marriage and it had all finally built up inside me and I went into depression and have anxiety. The depression is better but the anxiety still grips me and is stopping me from doing most things outside the home, and at times even at home. I’ve shut people out in fear of being hurt, don’t live out my potential, at times ignore God and all the gifts given to me. Shame rules most days!

    But the light is shining more and more, I just need to take the leap of Faith and trust God with ALL things!!!

  1786. Karen Sowka

    This very subject has been on my heart and the Holy Spirit has been leading me with an urging that I can no longer doubt or deny. As women we often confuse being unique with being alone or being “the only one” The evil one likes us to feel that way. I am on my 3rd marriage. My first 2 husbands died untimely deaths, one accidentally, and one by his one hand. The second husband convinced me to do unspeakable acts and confused my thinking to a degree that I became quite desperate. He told me often that no one would ever want me and that I was disgusting. Marital relations became so perverse that I cried afterwards. One night I even tried to take my own life so that I could be away from him. As I lay down in some bushes to fall asleep and die, I began to catch a chill and felt a prompting to return to the house. The Lord was with me that night. He began to change my thinking and I started to see things much more clearly after that. Not too many months later I met with a lawyer to inquire about divorce proceedings, and not too long after that the man that was my husband, having continued in a wretched downward spiral took his own life. God is with us through the good and the bad, and I have had many many trials of this same magnitude. Always , always , God is faithful. Not because of something I am doing or saying. Just because that is who HE is. We may not feel it or sense it but He is with us. I am so grateful that even when I forgot Him, HE NEVER failed me. Bad things have happened to me, certainly, but in Him I am a new creation and with His help I will continue to overcome and embrace all God has for me. I pray that no one ever feels alone in their circumstances and that we all keep our hearts open for all God has for us. Thanks for your inspiration Lysa !

  1787. Patti

    As always, THANK YOU! I was in a Bible Study on the book that matches your new devotional. In fact, I reminded our group this year how that book really affected and inspired us to do some ministry outreach when we read yours. I have journaled almost daily now for over ten years and am looking forward to using your book (whether I win it or have to buy it). THANK YOU for ALL you and your ministry do! Our church has 30 people in Kenya right now and your story about the African women traveling hit me in the same way. I feel so lame – but mainly inspired to reach out more.

  1788. Lois

    It is very hard for me to share what I have been through. I know God has done tremendous miracles in my life and I want others to be helped by what I have learned. The problem lies here : My husband had a 5 year affair. He was the worship leader in our church and she was the lead singer. She was married too but was unhappy in her relationship. To make a very long story of endurance, long suffering, extreme pain all I can say is God gave me ability to hold tight to the commitment I made before Him on our Wedding day. So for 5 plus years I endured with the help of my Father, took care of my 4 children and prayed for breakthrough.
    God moved, my husband’s hard heart was replaced with a heart of clay, he was completely restored, and the other woman was removed just as I had prayed from our town and all her relatives !!!!

  1789. Lois

    It is very hard for me to share what I have been through. I know God has done tremendous miracles in my life and I want others to be helped by what I have learned. The problem lies here : My husband had a 5 year affair. He was the worship leader in our church and she was the lead singer. She was married too but was unhappy in her relationship. To make a very long story of endurance, long suffering, extreme pain all I can say is God gave me ability to hold tight to the commitment I made before Him on our Wedding day. So for 5 plus years I endured with the help of my Father, took care of my 4 children and prayed for breakthrough.
    God moved, my husband’s hard heart was replaced with a heart of clay, he was completely restored, and the other woman was removed just as I had prayed from our town and all her relatives !!!!

  1790. teresa

    I could share a bout 10+ years of sexual abuse at the hands of several foster brothers. I could share about rebellion as a teen. I could share about becoming a single parent and being shunned by the church body. I could share about struggles in my marriage (celebrating 21 years) because if how twisted my mind and heart were because of the abuse. But, truly, God wants me to share how my husband and I spent 90% of our marriage in ministry, raising kids, pouring our lives into others to the point of it becoming my relationship with the Lord. I was so busy doing in didn’t even realize that I wasn’t hearing from the Lord. I wasn’t faithful in the word or prayer, but hey, I was in ministry, right? I had let my pastor become my holy spirit. I had become religious, relying in knowledge, law. I was far from God and didn’t even know it. But God took us away from it all, planted us in a new body, gave us time to sit on the sidelines, be quiet, heal. There are soooo many more layers to the story, but I am growing again. I still struggle discerning whether it is the holy spirit speaking to me. I have to be careful to let Jesus be my identity and not the doing. He wants my heart so that HE can work through me.

  1791. Sandy

    11 years ago, I was in a bad relationship and everyone was praying for me to get out of it and I heard God’s voice 3 times. He told me to get baptized, go on a mission trip and get out of my bad relationship. Lately I yearn to hear HIS voice again. I struggle daily with everything. I need revived desparately.

  1792. Melissa

    Well, this is really hard. The whole time I was reading your post I felt God saying the same thing to me. I have shared my hardest secret with a few people but am really scared to share it with groups. I don’t know if God wants me to say what I’ve done but i suppose He does. About 7 to 8 years ago I cheated on my husband. I kissed another man and fell into an emotional relationship with him. Yuck! I look back and think what was I thinking. Now, my husband and I are pastoring a new church and don’t have much money but I feel led to do this Bible study with the ladies of my church. So someday I will get this study and let others open up also. Thank you for this post. It has helped me today!

  1793. Katherine Griffin

    I am still struggling to get past the deep, debilitating pain of betrayal and the loss of my marriage. I believe my struggle is even more difficult because I have been on both sides of betrayal. I have been betrayed, so betrayed, but I have also been a betrayer. While my heart cries out “how could he do this to me?” and “how can he not know the pain, the raw wounds and destruction he leaves behind?”, my head reminds me that I should know exactly how he could do this to me and that he is not thinking about causing anyone else pain. The very man that has broken my heart is the same man that I…hard to wrap my mind and my mouth around the words still and it has been years. I betrayed my former husband with the same man that has now betrayed me after 20 years together. I am still struggling, and still healing, but praising God that He loved me enough to lift the blinders and thanking Him that He knows my name and that He understands my pain, and that He forgives me. Glory to God!

  1794. Renae

    Lysa, thank you for your blog posting today. You see the very thing you spoke about is me! I too had an abortion and live with the shame, regret, worthlessness, how can God use me after what I have done. I have asked for forgiveness time after time and laid it all at the alter only to be reminded of it daily. I am involved in church and I lead a mentoring ministry for girls but feel so unqualified to do that. I see myself as a failure but put on a strong face so no one can see. I want to give back and help but my past mistakes convince me otherwise. The fear is overwhelming of anyone finding out what I have done in the past and just know everyone will hate me or talk bad of me and I just don’t think I have the strength to stay strong through it all. I am not the same person I was 20 years ago and I have grown in the Lord but still have that voice that tells me I am not good enough and never will be in the eyes of God. So I thank you for your post it has made me realize how important it is to share your story as it might help someone else. Yours just did!

    • Sue

      I felt I should let you know how Surrender The Secret study will change your life!

  1795. Helen G.

    Oh my goodness, Lysa! You have no idea how timely this is! I JUST BLOGGED about our ladies Bible study tonight! The Lord used you in HUGE ways, not just tonight, but throughout this particular study. Thank you, thank you! This “season” has been all about opening my home and life to others, inviting them into MY life and shattering the illusion of perfection. Thank you for the confirmation and challenge that I needed tonight, to press onward toward sharing life with others.

  1796. sarah

    Lysa, first of all I can not thank you enough for sharing your life, even the hard to talk about topics, and your knowledge about god. I just finished your Made to Crave book, but think I need to really read it again and go slower and really pay attention to the scripture and work on memorizing some. I have just recentlly started reading What happens when women say yes to god and joined the bible study and am so excitted. I too have things in my past I am not proud of and have guilt and regrets, and often I turn to food not even thinking about what I am putting in my mouth or why.
    Today i am so proud to say that i exercised for 30 minutes while watching your Made to Crave video, I finally made the decision to stop feeling stuck and like I was living in a hole under a fog and I got off my butt and exercised and I was a better mom because of it. Then later tonight I walked to a friends house and on the way home it was so peaceful listenting the the summer sounds that God has blessed us with. When I got home I went onto Face book and wrote a thank you to god and my family and friends for always being there for me and that today was a start to a new day where I am going to get healthy and be empowered like i was 5 years ago. i have been living in such a fog that I feel like I have missed chunks big chunks of my children’s lives and my life because I have been living in survival mode for so long. I am still learning how to really hear god and need to learn more. When I stop and think about it there is only one specific day that I really heard god. I wasn’t going to go into detail, but something is telling me I should. When i was 19 I was just getting ready to enter into my major at college and became pregnant and I too had an abortion, the biggest regret of my entire life. I made my high school sweet heart promise me that someday we would marry and have children. Long story short we did get married and have kids, two beautiful children. About 10 years after being married and being in a physically and verbally abusive relationship with him he then told me that he only married me out of a promise and never wanted to have children. He would say off and on he wanted a divorce, but nothing came of it. then December 24, 2004 after doing some last minute Christmas shopping I returned home, found a sitter and left my two children at home so I could go visit my mom in the hospital. As I was driving I said God I am throwing my hands up to you I do not know what else to do please tell me what I am suppose to do with my marriage. Not even 3 minutes later I was involved in a fatal car crash. Before I was knocked out I remember hearing a mans voice calm, but loud say stay in your lane, which is what I did, but the their car still slid into mine and I couldn’t go off the road as their was telephone poles and no time and before I knew it everything was black. The car that slid into my car had a young girl and boy driving and they died. I was mercy flighted to the hospital where they did emergency surgery to save my ankle as i had a compound fracture and my ankle bones had all exploded my boot was the only reason that my ankle was still attached. Anyways, my husband at the time was only a mile down the road when the accident happened and he never even came to the accident even though people told him what had happened. Long story short we went through a brutal divorce, more so over custody. So I had the guilt of the abortion, living after two other people died and the failure of a marriage needless to say I left god, but he did not leave me. I had several more surgeries and was living at my grandfather’s home, he passed away 2 weeks prior to me moving out of my home. My 2 children and I lived there and my family was all near by to help me. I started swimming and doing exercises that I could, as I could not longer run or play soccer. I soon was filled with god, was in my best health and felt so empowered. I ended up meeting a wonderful man and we were later married. while expecting our second child some custody battle issues came up and things were not pleasant, I ended up having a mental break down and am still trying to recover. Because if this and the stress then there was much tension in my current home. About a year ago my son attempted suicide, he said he was being bullied at school. Currently today our home is peaceful, I have started exercising and focusing on the positive and imagining the positive image of who I use to be and trying to become that healthy person again, but this time I am leaning even more on god. Long story as short as I could make it, I have only heard god once and that was the day of the accident. However, from time to time I read things and it just hits home and is related to so much that is currently going on in my life. I would like you to know that I am so greatful for you sharing your life experiences as when things get tough I tend to run to the freezer, fridge and cupboard also. Today I exercised for 30 minutes, while watching your made to crave video and had an amazing day, ate well even though i was stressed at times and even went for a late night walk to a friends and then on the way home enjoyed the sounds of summer peace. Thank you for your wisdom and for sharing your life experiences.

  1797. Amy C

    Thank you Lysa. Your humble heart is a blessing to all of us, and bringing glory
    to God. You are touching lives in ways that you will never know (until we get
    to heaven).

    That is simply what God just laid on my heart to tell you.

    your sister in Christ

  1798. Laurie H.

    My name is Laurie and I am an alcoholic and drug addict. I have been fighting this disease for as long as I can remember. My first drink of alcohol was at age 5 when I began making my fathers drinks. I am now 46 years old. He drank scoth and water. I recall loving how it tasted and the feeling of warmth as it went down my throat. My father was a physician and prescription medications were aways available to me also in what I still call the ‘family medicine cabinet’. I spent much of my childhood isolating myself and trying to fit in. I never felt that I was worthy and struggled with low self esteem. To make a long story short, I am currently in intensive outpatient treatment at my 5th alcohol/drug treatment facility. This time I went on my own and was not asked or forced to do this. I am realizing that I have lost my identity (self) in all my years of active addiction. So it’s like beginning a new life. Trying to find out who I am and learning so many things about myself everyday. My faith in God is strong and has not faltered. God has been carrying me through my life and there are so many instances that I look back upon and wonder how and why am I still alive. I have realized that God has a plan for me. A plan to love and protect me always.
    I have been sober 30 days today and I am so grateful that I read this devotional today. Life is a struggle for me daily but with God by my side I have faith that I will learn how to live the life He wants me to live. God is my Rock and Jesus is my Savior. Without faith I am sure I would not be alive today to share this.
    Thank you for sharing your story and for asking me to share mine.
    Laurie H.

  1799. Laurie Hoffmeier

    My name is Laurie and I am an alcoholic and drug addict. I have been fighting this disease for as long as I can remember. My first drink of alcohol was at age 5 when I began making my fathers drinks. I am now 46 years old. He drank scoth and water. I recall loving how it tasted and the feeling of warmth as it went down my throat. My father was a physician and prescription medications were aways available to me also in what I still call the ‘family medicine cabinet’. I spent much of my childhood isolating myself and trying to fit in. I never felt that I was worthy and struggled with low self esteem. To make a long story short, I am currently in intensive outpatient treatment at my 5th alcohol/drug treatment facility. This time I went on my own and was not asked or forced to do this. I am realizing that I have lost my identity (self) in all my years of active addiction. So it’s like beginning a new life. Trying to find out who I am and learning so many things about myself everyday. My faith in God is strong and has not faltered. God has been carrying me through my life and there are so many instances that I look back upon and wonder how and why am I still alive. I have realized that God has a plan for me. A plan to love and protect me always.
    I have been sober 30 days today and I am so grateful that I read this devotional today. Life is a struggle for me daily but with God by my side I have faith that I will learn how to live the life He wants me to live. God is my Rock and Jesus is my Savior. Without faith I am sure I would not be alive today to share this.
    Thank you for sharing your story and for asking me to share mine. Laurie Hoffmeier

  1800. Ana

    God has been pressing in my heart/life to be more lovable, caring and understanding of others and myself (less judgmental). I shut down my heart and didn’t let people in. God has been stirring up and healing old wounds. I feel I am in a stand still mode right at this moment waiting to hear his voice and guide me to what to do next…
    Thank you Lysa for what you do!
    Your sister in Christ!

  1801. Cheryl Terrano

    This coming November 5th, it will be 11 years since my youngest daughter passed away. Losing a child is not something I could endure without God’s Grace. During the first few days following her death, God literally carried me through the paces and decisions that need to be made for the funeral. There were divine gifts of God’s goodness and mercy surrounding me all the time. The first morning after my daughter’s death, He presented me with a double rainbow across a pink sky, as a promise to me that I would never again have to endure the pain I was currently experiencing. Even at the graveside, God graced me with His presence. During the days and weeks that followed, God gently began to teach me His Sovreignty and the power of His Divine Purpose. While I still cannot fathom the depths of His reasoning, I have come to a place in my life where I know God wants to work through my experience and testimony to reach others who have lost a child. God was the only One who really understood the depth of my pain and my loss. One key lesson He taught me was the significance of His sacrifice of His own Son, Jesus Christ. I had always struggled with this issue. I had always wondered why the God of the Universe didn’t just go to the Cross Himself, rather than sending Jesus to take on the sins of the world and endure what He did for each one of us. To me, it actually seemed a bit cowardly. After all, He is God so I wondered why did He just do it Himself (another lesson altogether)? It was not until I experience the most dreadful loss one could ever endure that I began to understand the real sacrifice God made in willingly sending His Son Jesus to take our place. From this place, from this lowest of the low places I could be, God began to teach me through His Holy Spirit and His Word, the true nature of the endless love He has for everyone one of His children.

    God could teach me things that I could not receive from other people. It was difficult for me to be ‘in church’ and have to deal with people who really did not understand what I was dealing with. The loss of a child cannot compare to the loss of a parent, a sibling, grandparent or other loved one. What was worse was hearing folks compare their own pets as being members of their ‘family’. It often times was overwhelming to be in public and listening to others compare their own experience with loss to my own. It wasn’t until God placed another Mom in my path that I felt some kind of relief. It was in this strange connection with another human being who was living through a child’s death that I could finally let go. This mother had lost a son just 5 months earlier. When she said to me that she understood what I was going through, I felt relief. It was a release of sorts where I could share all of my feelings, my fears, my frustrations, anger and know it was not awkward to simply fall apart in someone else’s presence. Sharing all of this with God was one thing. It was quite another to ‘be real’ in front of someone else.

    God’s infinite and undying love has carried me thus far in life and He continues to be faithful in my life. It is in this loss that I feel God is calling me to say YES to His purpose of sharing this story with others (Isaiah 61). There is a lot more ‘detail’ in my testimony that God has revealed to me, tying it all together. He knows me like no one else does and He knows just how much understanding I can handle without losing that child-like trust and faith that He truly does know all things and works them together for His good purpose. He does not expect me to fully understand things, despite my best insistence that I do. I realize that this fragile state of human existence in which I live cannot handle His thoughts. They are indeed much higher than my thoughts, His ways higher than my ways (Isaiah 55).

    Having just recently stumbled onto your blog, I know this is not by chance or coincidence. God’s Divine appointment is surely working once again. I’m always amazed just where He meets me ~ always right where I am and where I need to be at that very moment. His faithfulness is so wonderful, His love so grand and His mercy so endless. I pray that my words be His heart and that I can say “yes” to God and His perfect plan.

    Blessings to you and yours!

  1802. Charletta Rupert

    God is helping me to share areas of my life that were very difficult. I am not sure how I will be sharing, but if I can help someone else with a wayward child I am willing to share my story.

  1803. Kelly D.

    ….words of encouragement by sending cards via regular mail on a weekly basis! Especially to those people who are struggling in some way, shape, or form.

  1804. Analisa

    I believe I am supposed to share my lack of confidence. I project an attitude of having it all together, but inside I’m as scared and uncertain as everyone else.

  1805. Victorya

    I lost my husband of 19 yrs to cancer two years ago. It was not easy caring for him, working, and taking care of my (3) three children. But by His grace & mercy, & love, everyday He strengthened me & gave me the will to go on. One day at a time. Moving away & starting over was the best decision for us. I said Yes to God, and Hes plan for us is unfolding. Everyday is a Blessing in disguise. Everyday it’s something new. Everyday is a new beginning. Even though I got discouraged sometimes along the way, He always whispered I Am here with you. I will not leave you. A lot of times I felt His arms encircling me, giving me a hug, as I struggled with the situation that I was in. He always spoke through His word, exactly at the right moment when I needed to hear Him. I praise Him & Thank Him for Loving us, for directing our footsteps on the path He laid out for us. My kids have struggled with the loss of losing their earthly father, but I kept telling them that GOD is their Father now. Whatever they need, want, or complain about, they can take it to their Father God, pray about it. And the amazing thing is they have done that. And God is changing them everyday for the way they are supposed to be. Bless His Holy name.

  1806. Maria chambers

    Thank you for sharing today and reading the comments , especially from the lady who had lost a child. I have a neurological disease caused by a doctor prescribing the wrong medication. it is a movement disorder so my neck and spine move and are never at rest. So Psalm 46 v 10 ‘Be Still and Know that I am God’, is a daily challenge for me. I have had it for 18yrs and so the story in Luke 13 where Jesus healed the woman’s spine is one I keep in my heart every day.
    I love the words Jesus uses ‘Ought not this woman, a daughter of Abraham be healed on the Sabbath’. He also pointed to the source of her infirmity. ‘Whom Satan has bound these 18yrs’ .Every time I see a rainbow my faith rises because it reminds me God’s Promises. The woman in the Gospel was healed according to the Old Testament Promise but today healing is also given according to the New Covenant of the Blood of Jesus . ‘By His Stripes we are Healed. xxxx

  1807. Maria chambers

    I wanted to include in my comment that I know a woman who lives in Kent England who was totally healed of Dystonia, the name of the disease that I have. She had the disorder in every part of her body, but the Lord sovereignly healed her .She wrote a book about her Healing called ‘Dancer off Her Feet ‘ and her name is Julie Sheldon. Through a series of ‘God incidences I was able to speak to her, and for me that was a miracle in itself. We even had the same neurologist in London, but his only comment to her wonderful healing, was that it was unexplainable!!!!! Not many people have heard of Dystonia, so just to know that God knows all about it, and actually healed Julie has kept my Faith and Hope all these years.He is a faithful God even when we have to wait . With love and Blessings, Maria xxxx

  1808. Sandy

    I ‘m struggling with what God has on my heart with what people want to place on my heart. I feel incomplete by not surrendering completely to God, for fear rejection or just plain being wrong.

  1809. Heather Cochran

    You know I have been thinking about this and if I am honest with myself and you, I am not exactly sure what God has placed in my heart to share with others. I used to think that it was to be encouraging to others. I used to be encouraging and uplifting to others because I know what it feels like to be down in a pit and unhappy. I have gotten away from that the past few years because I was in the pit myself and didn’t think that a word from me would help anyone. I guess you could say I wallowed in the pit with everyone else. The past few weeks I felt like God was telling me to get back to that person I used to be…. the one who spread Sunshine everyday, so that’s what I have been doing. I guess I am going to go with the answer of “Sharing Sunshine” with people! Have a Blessed Day 🙂

  1810. Ashlee

    I also am not exactly sure what God wants me to share with others…sometimes I think that it’s giving words of encouragement, sometimes I think it’s to love the “unloved”,other times I think that it’s to encourage struggling marriages as I have been there too many times in almost 19 years of marriage. Whatever it is that God wants me to share, I’m ready, I’m just not sure what it is. I’m so excited about this devotional so that I may hear his plans for me.

  1811. Rosie from Texas

    #saywhat–I would like to share about my experience that occurred two months ago. I was asked to bring a msg to the church by my pastor. o had a particular message in mind. The Lord spoke to me through a dream through his word. In the dream the spirit of The Lord provided the scripture but I argued about my msg. It wasn’t until the 3rd time that I surrendered “my message” for his divine message. Peace overwhelmed me. the next morning I wrote down the scripture and allowed the spirit to show what I was to say to his people. When it came time to share the message, I could sense the lords blessing because of my obedience to his prompting. This has really taught me that we serve an awese God who uses simple people for extraordinary things. I too am struggling to fully rely on God and obey his promptings. This bible study has been a true blessing in my life. Be blessed everyone.

  1812. Grace

    Wow! thank you so much. I have said yes to God but I have had this fear that he may want to “expose” my past shame and incidences in my life. Reading this convinces me that yes it shall come to pass that I shall share my fears but not for the Lord to shame me but for others in my community to experience freedom that comes to us by Grace through jesus. So, I wait and Yes, I will obey when the season comes. Glory be to our awesome God and thank you for sharing. An idea is getting hold of me about the She Speaks conference!! In God’s time.

  1813. Rhonda

    At age 61 and 30 years into my faith journey I’m finally getting it. I’m finding out I don’t need to be someone I’m not in order to please God. I’ve recently started morning prayer time without too much pain. I’ve said yes to God several times and it gets easier each time. I am involving God in places where I used to leave Him at the door. He is working in me and I’m so excited to see where He leads me. I’m ready.

  1814. Veldina

    I am a mother of four children that I love very much, but my choices in my past has hurt my children . The Scripture that says the sin of the father will be passed down for generations is not only for the father. My being promiscuous when I was a teenager and young adult has really hurt my daughter especially. She seemsto be going down a rougher road than I , and it is allbbecause of my stupidity. I was a single mother with one child when I met her father we found out 4 days before the wedding that we were going to have my daughter. We got a divorce right after she was born . I got all parental rights and was advised to not ever say who the father was so he could not get his rights back . This decision has made a lot of anger for her not knowing who he is. I wish I could go back and change the choices I made. I have asked for forgiveness from God but the guilt is still there because the hurt it has caused others.

  1815. Lidia

    What I believe God has been leading me to share with others, lately, especially, is that He wants me to completely SURRENDER. He wants that for all of us. Surrender is hard. Surrender hurts my feelings. Surrender is painful. But there is no other option in order to live this life in peace. Outside of Christ and his Perfect plan for me, there is NO life at all. I am so grateful to Him for leading me to this place in my life. I want to thank Him and show my gratitude and love by SURRENDERING!! God bless and keep YOU in His perfect peace!

  1816. Yalanda Charles

    I thank you for saying yes to God. And sharing your life for His Glory. I too have a filled with abuse, abortions, and believing satan’s lies that God would not and could not use me.
    I remember being at a Singles Event for my brothers new church. During the sermon, the speaker revealed her soul to us, and spoke on many of the abuses and shame that she endured. Immediately following was an altar call where I not only felt God’s loving arms around me, but I heard God tell me that I would do the same ( share my life) one day. As I sat there trembling from the presence of God, I initially denied that I heard the call because I felt so unworthy and I knew I would have little support from my family. I did accept my call to ministry later. It has been a struggle for me because although I accepted my call, I battled with confidence and faith. Almost fifteen years later, I believe my season has come. I have continued to work in ministry, but the passion God gave me to help other hurting girls and young women is beginning to manifest with a ministry that I am joining soon.
    I will definitely find your devotional. More importantly, I am saying Yes to God, again.

    God’s Love, Peace, and Blessings to you.

  1817. Elsie Daly

    Okay, here goes….God is asking me to share with you that the world needs Him again. We need revival. I am so happy to be a part of this! I can feel God working in miraculous ways, as He does. God led me to Proverbs31 ministries, God led me to Lysa Turkeurst, God led me to this Bible study! I am learning so much here! We need to pray as a group for peace and harmony on this planet. So many things, I could make a list but it would take all day! That is why, to me, that we have 24,000! Did you hear me? 24,000 women in this study! From all over the globe! That is amazing in itself! #amazed I was missing fellowship here locally, vacations etc. and this study filled in the gap perfectly time wise but it has opened my eyes and opened my heart to a need and I have already said Yes, #Sayyestogod and there is no turning back so #Whatever God is calling me to do, here I am! I am learning patience, love, peace, understanding, joy, hey, does this sound familiar??? I am currently waiting for confirmation of a #saywhat. Ergo the patience lesson. Me? On the worship team? No way!! (Maybe way!) signed thankful, scared, yes girl 🙂

  1818. Allison

    Who won devotion?

  1819. Kim

    I too lost my son 11 years ago on 8/18/02. For some reason this year has been very difficult and I truly believe God lead me to your testimony. Your words helped me tremendously, thank you!

  1820. Dara

    I really don’t know what god wants me to say, I am trying to find out. I told my son today what I felt was directly what God wanted me to tell him. It was very short and dirrect and knew it was from God. When my son and I shared the experience with someone very close to us they completely deminished it by saying it completely confirmed what God wanted them to share with my son, then proceeded to ramble on for 10 min. or so. I truely did not feel that was God and regret telling that person about what had happened. I am asking God to help me sort it all out. It was the first time God had given me something so direct and I think it was my pride that God had used me that way that promped me to share. I dont think I should have shared. I sincerely hope my son knows what I told him today was from God.

  1821. Tammy

    After losing my grandmother had a panic/anxiety episode. Then a month later my Dad became terminally ill, only for these to return as my husband was leaving to start a new job 3hrs away while I stayed taking care our 2 children. God led me to grief counseling and to a doctor (normally would be very against). He held me the months till my Father’s passing, the move here with my husband, starting a new place all over. Though I am still struggling going through the grief process, panic episodes and also decisions with medication. God has shown me it’s not shameful to need help and others. Looking for the direction of the Lord and he is prompting me to head now to a grief share (group grief). I have prayed to be made whole and poured my self out for healthy grief to try and understand. Though the Lord keeps telling me “lean not on my own understanding.” I have found I more openly share about grief, my misconception of being in Christ that God would keep me from feeling such anguish, fear and anger from loss. I don’t exactly know of course if God will allow complete healing or I’m destined to be someone on medication. I do know it helps when we know we are not battling alone, or as I kept thinking I’m doing something wrong… Why is this turning me upside down? Get a grip. So I will continue to share in my small corner of the world, were God sends me too or prompts me too. One thing God has taught me my relationship, I had with my Dad and my grandmother, I grieve that and it’s not like anyone else’s that specialness with another person you love. But, he brings those that are some the same and similar in flesh to help.

  1822. Cynthia Miller

    I have been overweight all my life and I have tried diet after diet trying to get healthy, but nothing worked. Finally, I decided I was no longer going to get healthy for me but I was going to get healthy for the Lord. Here I was a Temple of the Holy Spirit and I was slowly destroying myself by eating unhealthy food. Since I have gone on this diet, I have learned to crave God more then food. Yes I have read Made to Crave and it really helped me put things in perspective but to also see myself as the priceless jewel that Christ sees. It has been placed on my heart to share this testimony which I plan on next April at the Ladies Ministry meeting. I’m losing the weight slowly, but the biggest change has been in my relationship with Christ.

  1823. Amber

    This really touched my heart!! I havent ever had an abortion but we all have something that we arent proud of and wonder if God could ever forgive but he does- we ourselves are the ones that sometimes don’t allow forgiveness. God is so good and I’m so glad that Lysa has shared her personal testamony even if its not good or perfect. Thanks so much for sharing and I’m so glad that I came across Lysa’s blog!!!

  1824. Barbara

    I will be sharing the power of Christ to overcome a lifetime of bullying and rejection. I was abandoned by my birth parents, and spent years being harassed and physically and mentally abused. I will share how I took care of my grandmother for years until her recent passing and how her love and encouragement made such a difference in my life. I will share an understanding of how hard it is to care for an elderly parent and the difficult choices you have to make. Lord God please bring me to people who need to hear my story and how gracious you’ve been to me.

  1825. Luz Tentou

    To read this post on my phone on a restaurant almost make me cry right there in public because I know what is to want to do Hod’s desires and at the same time to hear the voices that I am not good enough! I want to be an speaker like you. I will prepare this year and already start a little blog!

  1826. Laura

    I want to share with women that God will be with them no matter what they are going through. In the past few years, I have been through some traumatic situations and I realized that God was there through every tear and every trial and He continues to give me strength day by day to face all the things that I thought would never happen to me. My husband and I reared our children in a loving, Christian home, school, and church and hoped we were doing the right thing as young parents. Our children have not followed the path we hoped and prayed for their lives. God has given us the daily grace to handle one crisis after another, trusting in Him and believing He would work in not only their hearts, but in ours. We are praying God will help them overcome bondage to alcohol and drug addictions, sex outside of marriage, financial problems, homosexuality, and other holds on them. I say yes to God everyday so that I will not judge and condemn but continue to be a mom who loves them unconditionally. I have also learned not to blame God or question Him about why He allows us to go through all this suffering. He has spoken to me daily to reassure me He is with me and has a plan and purpose even though I can’t see it.

  1827. Linda

    I had an abortion over 30 years ago. The shame that I feel is overwhelming to me.I know that GOD has forgiven me. I can’t seem to forgive myself. I haven’t been able to let go of the shame

  1828. Annette

    I feel so blessed to have found this article. Around September 2013, God was very clear in directing me to refrain from keeping secrets. He very clearly communicated that He wants me to share my story. Like many others, I am unsure of how this looks. How do I share my story and with whom? Who could “I” possibly help? I’m still such a mess myself. Shame still looms overhead, but I am touched by everyone’s story here, so only God knows who I might touch with my story.

    Thank you Lysa and every other brave woman who shares her story. I pray that we each rely on God to reveal exactly when and how to share our stories.

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