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Friday Favorites: Leadership Blogs

July 26, 2013

A phrase I often use with my team is “what got us here, won’t get us there.” In other words, we always need to be reinventing, reevaluating, and choosing a posture of learning in order to get where we want to be.

As an organization.

As individual leaders.

For me, it’s important to glean insights and wisdom from other leaders so I can effectively communicate to my own team. Recently, I’ve had many opportunities to look at different leadership styles, teachings, and techniques as we transition some departments at Proverbs 31 Ministries.

It has been so beneficial to work through these changes with perspectives from leaders who are speaking with Biblical truth as their source.

And whether you’re a mom, mentor, or ministry leader, I thought it might be helpful for you to check out some of these amazing leadership blogs I like to read:

Michael Hyatt: If you’ve ever been curious about building a platform for your message, you can find a wealth of information on Michael’s blog.

He’s also joining us as a keynote at She Speaks this weekend! As is my next friend…

Emily Freeman: I bet you a latte my friend Emily wouldn’t expect her blog to be listed in the leadership category. But here’s the thing. Leaders are influencers. And Emily influences me. So, a leader she is!

Jeff Goins: Brilliant thinker. Great writer. Solid advice-giver.

And, cue the angels to sing, he’s got a new book! It’s called The In-Between. If you’ve ever felt like time waiting is time wasted, it’s because you haven’t read this message.

Brad Lomenick: I love Brad’s right-to-the-point leadership ideas.

Brad is one of the creative minds at Catalyst. I’ll be speaking at Catalyst Atlanta in October. This isn’t just a conference. It’s a leadership experience.

Today I’m giving away a mini-leadership library to one commenter. Leave a comment below to enter!

This giveaway includes:
• a signed copy of Michael Hyatt’s book, Platform.
• a signed copy of Jeff Goins’ book, The In-Between.
• a signed copy of my pastor’s book, Greater.

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  1. Veronica Nyarambi

    Lysa you are a Great Motivator, very real and human. I love your style.Had an opportunity to listen to your message ‘Cut The But’ That is a life changing message. God bless you.

  2. Andi Barkley

    As a work from home mother of five-including four young ladies, and a husband who travels for s living, I constantly striving to improve my leadership skills. I need leadership to be a strong ‘sometimes single’ mom, to continue directing my children to their true Source, to maintain my husbands leadership of our home regardless of his physical location, and to manage running a business, family, household and, oh heavens-me!!

  3. Tamra Schmitt

    I believe we are all works in process, as we become all God created us to be. One of the ways to learn, to grow is through reading. I love words and how powerful they can be; words can literally transform one’s being. Thank you for this opportunity to win the mini library.

  4. Hughie J Barnes, Ed.D.

    I recently finished my dissertation: “Called to Lead an Examination into the Phenomenon of Calling” (July, 2013) and was facinated by the findings in my research. Using Moses’ burning bush as my exemplar, I found that today’s leaders who are successfully carrying out their roles have been called of God. Some of them to recognize who the “caller” was, but all had an encounter that forever changed their course of action. Some were not as dramatic as Moses’ burning bush, but each one experienced the awareness, preparation, and launch of their call to lead.

  5. Michelle

    Lysa, you have become one of my favorite authors yourself. Your candid and honest approach always help me relate to you and your humor keeps me captivated. But most of all, you shine as a woman who is in love with the Lord and it is clear to me that He is glorified in the ministry you lead. Therefore, I admire your opinion greatly and would love the opportunity to read the books of these leaders. God Bless!

  6. dani

    Hi, it amazes me and humbles me that even at your leadership level you still search for ways to lead better.
    I have been looking at pastor Fertick’s blog recently and would love his new book.
    We are missionaries in Spain.

  7. Beata

    Reading today your blog it was like finding the tresure I did’nt even know I was lookng for! And I guess I am that leader in the “In-Between” times right now. So excited about that book and all the other blogs – I really need all the help I can get. Greetings to your team of women from Poland/Europe- love you girls in Proverbs 31:) – so thankfull for the internet!

  8. Kathy Wilkins

    You too, are a leader…thank you!

  9. Amanda

    I would love to read each of those books!!!

  10. Gail Jackson

    I would love to read these books. Thanks so much for your insight and encouragement Lysa .

  11. Lea

    I love learning something new every day no matter how big or small. And to glean something for my spiritual life blesses me more than anything. I would love to read one of these books. Love you emails Lysa.

  12. Annette

    Fellow pilgrims we all are!! All in various seasons of life but the one thing about every season I have been in is the ever increasing desire to know God more and go deeper into the life and breath of Him. Whoever wins these books will be blessed!! Thank you Lysa for your words this morning!!

  13. Lauren Jolly

    I’m continually blessed by your words and teaching, Lysa. Signed up to be a “Yes girl” with OBS and can’t wait to dig in and be influenced 🙂 Will be praying for the She Speaks conference this weekend!

  14. Amy J Hodges

    Pick me….: )

  15. Debbie Sutherland

    Hi Lysa:

    I read Unglued and it got me through a very trying year this year. Thank you. I am a new Christian (January 2013) I was baptized in June. Add to this wonderful new relationship, God called me quite strongly to bring a special needs ministry to my new church! So strongly was the call that I flew from Toronto, Ontario Canada to Little Rock Arkansas on my own time and money to train for the respite program for this new ministry. I stayed with people I didn’t know trusting in this new to me powerful God that he would keep me safe and provide what I needed. And provide he did! So here I am new Christian, thrown into a leadership role! Yikes!!!!! I can use all the help I can get and think these books would be a great tool for me to have along with the powerful hand that continues to guide me as I forge my way into uncharted territory for me. He continues to provide, put people in my path I need and everyday I marvel at this new relationship and how faithful He is and how I trust more and more each day!

  16. Kerry

    God has led me towards several new ‘projects’ over the summer and I am beginning to feel as if He made a mistake when he chose me. Would love some additional encouragement and leadership advice!

  17. Liz Cress

    I would to learn about being an influence!!

  18. Rochelle

    God amazes me to infinity. Lysa, I know that great leaders like yourself are not only born with innate skills, but also are a direct reflection of their circles of influence. It is awesome for you to share such valuable insight because I am definitely gleaning nuggets of wisdom from everything you write! Thank you so much, and I pray you forever have Deuteronomy 1:11 experiences within your life! Continue to walk in your blessings! Be blessed (that is a commandment by the way)! 🙂

  19. Sheilah

    So grateful for all these authors and leaders who help me stay the course. If I receive these books, I will read them and share!

  20. Molly Fulton

    I’m a bit of a leadership nerd. I read the blogs and listen to podcasts and just started my own local leadership book club so I could have a group to process with. Iron sharpens iron. I’m thankful to count you in my list of influencers.

  21. Heather

    I love the comment that leaders are influencers. Leadership is simply leAdership whatever the context. Whoever we come into contact with on a daily basis we have the potemtial to influence positively or negatively.

  22. LAura

    This is so exciting! In this world of fast communication that it can be used for God’s Glory to influence the next generation! God uses all styles and created us all different and wach is so necessary, Thanks for the reminder.

  23. Carissa Welch

    This hit so close to home! I’m not a leader by nature, but The Lord has put me in the leadership role on several occasions. The truth is…I hate it! I hate it because I realize the danger of me leading someone because I am one flawed, human, crazy girl and I know what I do affects everyone around me and even some that aren’t. I look forward to reading these books and seeking some help on being a more effective and faithful leader. I really REALLY want to read the book The In-Between because I really struggle with the in-between times of life and I feel like I have been in an in-between for about 7 years now. (Sigh) and you mentioned a latte…..I think I have to go get one of those now….

  24. teresa

    I have felt God working in my life this summer. I know that I can be more for Him! These books would certainly help!

  25. Missy

    Who doesn’t need leadership insight in all aspects of her life? Mom, wife, co-worker, sister, daughter, small business owner- always love to learn and hear from other leaders!:)

  26. Regina

    Communication is something that I’m continually reminded of at work. God’s given me the opportunity to “stretch” these skills both in the work place w/ additional responsibilities as well as in my personal life. I would be grateful to use the references provided to continue my growth and share w/ those around me. I truly appreciate your style of communication, Lysa. I enjoy your relatable nature and “bam” approach. God’s doing amazing things through you!

  27. Lorraine

    I’ve always had an issue with accepting the fact that I’m a leader. To me that means that someone is forever watching an what you do and say matters. I’ve never wanted to be up front. I enjoy working behind the scene, but that doesn’t seem to be where God wants me. Now I’m at another cross road waiting for direction. Hoping I make the right choices…this time.

  28. Donna

    Thank you for all you have done….Made to Crave helps me everyday!

  29. Lugene Blair

    I go to bed late and get up early to “squeeze” two days work into one day. However I love my early mornings and late nights when I sit down to read or meet with God. I thoroughly enjoyed every bit I read here this morning and have marked some as favorites. All of these books would be a great addition to my library. God bless you Lysa for being obedient…:-)

  30. Laura Harris

    I have been following Jeff and Michael for quite a while. You are right…powerful leadership ideas. Excited to add Emily and Brad to my daily reading. Thanks for being a powerful leader Lysa.

  31. Michele Morin

    Wow, I guess my learning curve is nearly vertical. I need to look up all these websites and see what my leadership efforts are missing!

  32. Katie

    I love the quote! I am beginning to read Unglued today. Al the blogs listed have already become a daiy read for me!

  33. Michelle Thomas

    Lysa, thank you for being such a wonderful leader yourself! I have gained a great deal going through many of your studies with my fellow Jesus girls! I feel like I’m in a challenging time of waiting or “in – between” and thought perhaps I could gain a nre perspective during this tough season. Thank you for being so genuine and transparent with us so we can relate! God bless you and yours!

  34. Gloria

    I feel as if I am in the “In-between” time. This made me want to go in prayer and thank God for this time period. It’s a very challenging time, but this has made me more aware, this could be my most beautiful times.

  35. Charletta Rupert

    I love the statement wht got us here won’t get us there.

  36. Katrina

    Leadership is a gift that, with right attitudes and a heart that seeks God, can produce so much growth! Everyone of us is leading someone officially or unofficially… 🙂 Thank you for these resources!

  37. Jenn Albright

    I would love to read these books & learn more! Thanks for all your “real”messages!

  38. Mary @ The Calm of His Presence

    I have been in a time of wait for a little while now & believe I am on the threshold of God telling me to move & follow Him in what He has planned. My prayer is that I used the wait & “in-between” time to fully prepare for what He has planned next. Thanks for the giveaway.

  39. Jackie

    If I wrote about my leadership library, YOU would be one of the authors! I consider myself blessed by all the many ideas and encouragement I have received from you, Lysa. Thank you for allowing God to use you! And, if you meet a sweet woman at She Speaks this weekend by the name of Stephanie from Ohio, please give her a BIG HUG! We had hoped to attend the conference together, but I couldn’t come, yet I am soooo excited for her! I know this will be a very big blessing for her and am praying for you, her, and all the women at the conference. I hope to make it next year! 🙂

  40. Traci Millea

    Lysa, you always bring a perspective to me that hits me right in my heart. I love how you allow God to use you to reach thousands and thousands of women as if you are speaking directly to each one of us indivdually. Thank you for being such a great and awesome servant and follower of God.

  41. Michelle McCaskill

    I would LOVE to read these books in this season of my life…I have recently been promoted at work (beginning in September) and I feel a little “stuck” between my old and new role right now. I’m also a single mom, and am always looking for ways to encourage my heart during this journey…and having to lead at home. God bless you, Lysa…you always encourage my HEART!

  42. Angie Clayton

    I’m definitely living the in-between! I a women’s ministry leader so I really appreciate this post.

  43. Joyce

    I love good spirit filled books. My life has been influenced more through private reading than anything else. Would love to dig into these books. Thanks for the offering.

  44. Rachel Pratt

    I like your phrase, “Leaders are influencers.” I had never thought about it that way before. Too often, I think people (myself included) think that being a leader is being a person that is boldly out there-and that may be true for some. But people forget that the quite ones, who lead by example and influence others are just as much a leader as others.

  45. Monica Nixon

    Thank you for these great suggestions. I am familiar with a couple of them and would like to learn more about the others. Thanks for sharing with your readers those authors from whom you’ve learned a great deal.

  46. Jennifer Ebenhack

    Hi Lysa! Thanks so much for your ministry!

    I’m especially interested in reading The In-Between… I lived there for 9 years as my husband and I worked and tried to adopt in Haiti! There is SO much to learn in waiting!

  47. Janetta Dobler

    Hi Lysa, I subscribed to all of these leaders and would love to read the books! I believe each of us is a leader in some way. Whether it be at home, work, or in our leisure activities, we all lead in some respect. The greatest leaders are those who lead others to Christ! Lysa, I love your work, your style, and your encouragement. Thank you for all you do and may the light of the Lord shine upon you always! <3

  48. Lori Brooks

    I would love to add these books to our church Library. As a teacher, mom and wife we all need all the help we can get in all areas of our walk with Jesus.

  49. Susan Meriwether

    Moments Matter! I feel it is in everyday moments that we are leaders. The everyday moments where we have so much influence can be when we are talking to our children, spouses or neighbor. Everyday moments in our workplace, in the community or in our Church matter too. Opening our hearts to hearing God’s whispers on how to live, embrace and respond to all sorts of moments in our day takes an insight and knowledge of self. Learning and reading about others causes a ripple effect which spreads and touches people in ways we can never imagine. We are all leaders in everyday moments! I have an insatiable appetite for learning and would enjoy reading these books and passing them on to others. Moments Matter!!

  50. Mary Ann Anderson

    Lysa, God is so amazing with His perfect timing in all things! I have had the God-given desire to write a book and also to share all that God has taken me through for a few years now. Just recently, I have been encouraged by the wonderful women God has placed in my life to “get at it”! I love your ministry to women and it has blessed me so much. I just signed up for your training newsletter and information yesterday and then to see this today! WOW! God continues to speak to me and how I wish I was at your conference this week! Maybe next year! I would love to have these books on leadership. They would be a gift from God and more confirmation on God’s leading in my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you! 🙂

  51. Kathy A

    These books would be such a blessing to me. I love all the Proverbs 31 people. We are starting your Made to Crave. Great works

  52. Jackie

    I love the devotions. They really speak to my heart. On this journey we can all use encouragement.

  53. Kari

    I am reading Made to Crave and am so blessed by the hope you give me through it.

    Would love to read the books from today’s post!

  54. Loree

    Thank you Lysa as a new leader I am constantly for new ways to improve my leadership skills and organization.

  55. Tammy Mixon Wright

    You are such a blessing! Change is constant! Some changes are great and then some changes are quite uncomfortable. I am in an uncomfortable state of change right now. I am always inspired by you. Thank you for sharing others that I can receive more insight from!

  56. Linda B

    So much good stuff out there! Being in a difficult leadership position has been stretching for me this year. Would love to read some of the books you mentioned.

  57. Tracy

    I am always blessed by your posts and look forward to them with eagerness! I enjoy sharing them with my friends as we all seek to learn and grow in our faith and relationship with Christ.

  58. Rhonda G

    Love the opportunity to win these books. Blessings to you and your team.

  59. Stephanie

    I am the Small Group Coordinator for Women’s Ministries at our church and would love to win that bundle of books.

    Thanks for the new ideas for leadership. If you have any more it would make another great blog post! 🙂

  60. Cassandra

    I’d love to win those books!!! I want to be an influencer in my sphere and it’d be awesome to get some ideas on how to make that a reality.

  61. Deb

    I recently had someone whisper to me “You are a leader – use your voice & speak up!” She’s seen the interactions individually & in small group settings as Jesus gently nudges me with a “holy boldness”. My prayer is that God speaks through me & it’s not my own thoughts & feelings. It’s pretty amazing to get out of His way & have Him lead! I’d love to get the books & be more articulate in encouraging others.

  62. Emily

    I would be honored to win these books – thank you for sharing!

  63. Courtney

    I like, “what got us here won’t get us there,” because it is important to treat each dream, goal, and day to its own plan. I would enjoy reading the bundle of books. Thank you.

  64. Jody

    I would love to read these books. Thanks for the opportunity!

  65. Colleen M. Geyer

    Love the Leadership Book Package you are giving away – Thanks.
    -Colleen Geyer

  66. Dawn

    Thanks Lisa for humbly leading us by sharing your “real-ness”!

  67. Kelly

    I would love to read these books as I have found the impact (both positive and negative) of human leadership.

  68. J Johnson

    Thank you for always encouraging ne and gently but firmly leading us into new territory and new ground to be covered. Leadership is not easy and it take sacrifice but it is worth the end results. Thank you for being you!

    J. Johnson

  69. debbie

    Nice giveaway. I would love these. Thanks for the opportunity to win

  70. April Garner

    Thank you so much for your insight into what ministers to women in this culture. I am a pastors wife and really find myself refreshed by your blogs, magazine, and online bible studies affiliated with your ministry. I believe leaders must be good followers to the degree of teachable and humble. My prayer is that we all will lead well and finish strong.

  71. Cheryl Abney

    I just moments ago, before reading your email, downloaded a loan copy of Jeff Goins “You Are A Writer.” How wonderful to see he has another book out! I would be thrilled to win the three good reads you are offering. Thanks for your continuing inspiration.

  72. jennifer

    God has challenged me of late to lead by becoming a greater steward of what he has already provided me. He has drawn me into deeper thanksgiving and increased appreciation for work contributed by another. I believe he is trying to mature me so that others will see what he has done and risk themselves to step out in faith that God is for them as well. I have just passed the 2nd anniversary leading a celebrate recovery ministry in New York and you and your team and the wisdom God gave you all has helped get us here. We are ready for the new tools we need to he’ll even more people to overcome themselves and let Christ lead their lives.

  73. Sheri Perez-Segura

    Lysa; I am trying to figure out where God wants me to be. I feel like I am being pulled in so many different directions. Can you just please say a prayer for me that God will show me his way, his will and his call on my life.
    I also love to read what you have to say. There are so many times that I feel like you are reading my mind. Thanks for doing work for the kingdom of God. You are a true blessing.

  74. Mickie

    Thank you for your work at Proverbs 31! This is my first time to leave a comment, and I really enjoyed reading about each of the leaders. I think the one I could most relate to was the leader that influences, I guess I’ve never thought of a leader in that way, and I couldn’t agree more!! Thank you Lisa for bringing that to light and thank you for the influence you and your staff have had on me! Your ministry has truly made a difference in my life!

  75. melissa gilliam

    The power of association is incredibly important and influential. As a man thinketh…
    Thank you for your Godly insight, down-to-earth messages, and sharing your list of leaders for us to “associate.”
    God bless 🙂

  76. Jennifer Ames

    It’s humbling and a bit frightening to me to realize we all have a certain amount of influence. When I watch one of my children mimic me in appearance or words, for good or bad, it sometimes stops me I my tracks and either makes me smile or cringe. Thank you for your ministry. God has used it mightily in my life in the last year

  77. Mandy

    I would love to read these books

  78. Kim

    Thank you for the information. Most times its the In-Between that is the hardest and the best.
    Thank you for your ministry.

  79. Cora Nash

    Lysa, how timely that you write about leadership: I just returned from a 3 day leadership conference! I have been in leadership roles most of my life but I still get intimidated by certain situations and certain people. I have just been named into a new role at my church. Many people in the church did not agree with my promotion including my former boss who now is acting as my consultant. This week’s conference reminded me that I am no longer the old person but a new person and that Jesus lives in me. He equips me with what I need. These resources are part of that equipping so thank you!

  80. Terri Mason

    My Husaband is a pastor who has recently been diagnosed with cancer. Our world has been turned upside down! God is showing us what it’s like on the otherside of ministry – the receiving end. God is blessing us through our church family! I am also a worship leader and so many of my husbands responsibilities have fallen on me. I have lots of help but feel overwhelmed. I trust God to lead me daily but I also know he helps me through the advice of others. I look forward to reading my devotions through your ministry every day. Thank you for YOUR help!

  81. Laura Simpson

    Thank you for sharing your inspirations with me. You, yourself, are an inspiration to me, too. Thank you for the giveaway! 🙂

  82. Sarah

    I find it hard to be a leader sometimes because I think life can throw us into “people pleaser” and let’s face it, you can’t please everyone. We should only have an audience for one, our creator, God! I serve on the women’s ministry team at our church and currently we have no physical leader, dirctor, coordinator, whichever you prefer. These books would be some awesome insight.
    You have an awesome weekend Lysa. I have also suggested we offer your new book to our women’s fall growth groups!!

  83. Kathy

    I love how God lines things up like an air traffic controller. All week long He has been speaking to me about being obedient to “be” more fully who he’s called me to be where he’s leading me to serve. I feel pregnant with the sense of expansion, just around the corner. I almost did not open your email this morning, but what an encouragement to remember (again!) that God always equips us for what he intends to do in and through us. I look forward to seeing how this equipping plays out at Proverbs 31!

  84. Sheri

    I am in that ” between” area right now and it would be great to learn more as I wait for what The Lord has for me and how I will be able to help others.

  85. Deanna Clardy

    You are such an inspiration, Lysa!! You have taught me so much and I love your leadership skills and abilities! I am always looking for new books to help me in this area as I yearn to be the person, and leader, that God created me to be! Thank you for all you do, Lysa! Again, you are an inspiration!!
    In Christ,
    Deanna Clardy

  86. Cindy P

    I’m not one bit surprised to see Emily Freeman’s name on your list. Thank you so much for giving her the recognition she deserves. What a great giveaway, Thanks.

  87. Lisa

    Thankful for spiritual leaders such as you who encourage and inspire me to grow in my walk with our Saviour and to delve deeper into God’s word. Love your books and articles. Thank you!

  88. Jennie

    i would love to read these books.

  89. BethA

    I’d love to win these books! And I’m going to check out their blogs. Thanks, Lysa! Have a great weekend!

  90. Christie

    Wish I could be at She Speaks this year!

  91. Lexie Smith

    I so much enjoy your Friday Favorites (when I get a chance to read them). As a woman and a leader in my church’s women ministry, I do struggle at times as where do we go
    next. Kinda at that point right now. Proverb 31 Ministry and daily devotions minister to me everyday. Thanks for your commitment to God’s Kindom work.

  92. Laurel

    Missing She Speaks to serve with a mission team. Asking for prayer for safe travels home. And I would love the book package!!!

  93. Lynn Mehringer

    A former pastor once told me I was a leader. I tried to argue, said “No, I’m a follower.” Guess what? I grew into the role. I’m a leader. (In a small way, but I trust it’s in the way God wants me to be.)

  94. Kate Patterson

    Thanks for the leads! A great, gentle reminder to all of us. Hope to get to read the books!

  95. Paula Lloyd

    I have recently been asked to help lead the youth in my home church, the church where I grew up. It’s scary. Do I know enough to lead these young people and mold them? In have and am doing a lot of praying and seeking guidance.

  96. Gwynda

    Pick me.

  97. Tricia

    In my classroom I lead little ones during the school year. Change and reinventing the wheel happens constantly in education. I would love to learn more about leadership!

  98. brenda

    Am a First Place 4 Heath leader but am in need of encouragement and fresh ideas – what got me to this role needs to be refreshed to get our group to the next level.

  99. Pam

    Would love to read all of these books, but especially The In-Between by Jeff Goins. Waiting is so stinkin’ hard!

  100. Lori

    “what got us here, won’t get us there” …boy isn’t that the truth – in leadership, parenting and life! We need to be constantly moving, changing, adjusting or things just end up stuck and not working (going through this in parenting right now). I really feel like God has been nudging me toward some type of leadership role (which I’ve been fighting because it scares me to death!), so thank you for the opportunity to win such a great group of books.

    Wishing you all the best for She Speaks this weekend!!

  101. Melissa

    Thank you for starting my day with wonderful encouragement and inspiration. I would truly enjoy reading these books. 🙂

  102. Jenn

    I follow a couple of these authors and would love to read their books!

  103. Debbie W

    Love the phrase ‘what got us here,won’t get us there’. I work at a school and it is so easy just to do what we’ve always done. But you’re so right. We are stagnate and slowly sinking into apathy and wonder why. Not that this phrase will work miracles but maybe it’ll be an ‘Aha’ moment for a few of us. Gotta start somewhere… thanks for sharing, Debbie

  104. Wendy

    Being a leader can be exhausting. I would love to learn how to be effective and NOT get burned out at the same time.

  105. valerie

    Reluctant leader….love to work behind the scenes but usually find myself encouraging, praying and patiently waiting for others to step up. God is such a source of strength, joy and peace so I must step up. Yet in leadership, responsibilty takes a toll on those factors. Each day His mercies are new and He provides, but for a hesitant leader it is a spiritual rollercoaster,experiencing the anxiety of failure because mentally I am relying on self but thank God, spiritually I am standing on God’s promises . I have not been an avid reader unless it was course books, but God is doing something new in me and it was not by happenstance that I was led to post a comment.

  106. Charlotte

    Amen. Change is hard. But when God brings it…it leads to so many good things.

  107. Julie Sunne

    It’s difficult for many of us to think of ourselves as leaders, but if we influence people to rethink, reconnect, or reinvent–even if on a small scale–we are just that.
    So appreciate Michael’s and Jeff’s guidance; am familiar with Emily’s sweet encouragement; and will check out Brad’s. Wish I could be at She Speaks 13 to encourage and be encouraged. I’m sure Michael will deliver a fabulous keynote!

  108. Traci Easterling

    Your post today was exactly what I needed. I’m preparing a presentation to a group of people that make me very nervous. I need to be an effective leader and influencer in order to get my point across. I’m extremely insecure and certainly not comfortable speaking to a large group. The resources you listed will be a huge help and hopefully, a self esteem booster. God is good and I know He is my lifeline in ALL things. Thank you for being such a devoted woman of God. I look forward to reading your comments everyday!

  109. Carla Gillespie

    Timely, indeed! I just wrapped up three days of leadership training with my employer – good stuff, but could have been even better if it were rooted in Scripture. (Practices are similiar, even the same in some cases, but the backbone is very different.) Knowing throughout the training that God is my source of “calm,” that He is the reason I do what I do with passion and accountability, and that listening and encouraging others is really His command to LOVE…. is what shapes the messages I heard this week. I love seeing God reaffirm His teachings time and time again through different people and experiences! #commontheme #leadership

  110. marci

    What an awesome giveaway!!!!:)

  111. Linda Stotlzfus

    I love your encouragement! Thanks for being devoted to God!

  112. Cheri Clyde

    I am not a natural leader but that seems to be where God places me! I have an exciting new role of teaching in a brand new school in my county. It is exciting to see God work through this new Christian School. School starts in a week!

  113. Melissa A

    Oh this would be such an amazing prize!

  114. Katrina Harmon

    I was just promoted to a department leadership role at my job. What a timely email for me. I’ve subscribed to some great new blogs that I’m already getting great tips from. I’d love to win the book package giveaway, but already feel like a winner thanks to some great motivating tips I’ve read this morning. Thanks, Lysa.

  115. Kathy

    As a mom and grandma we need to continue to lead our children and train them to be leaders themselves. These resources would be very beneficial.

  116. Nichelle

    I love how God work and orchestra things for a purpose. I just met with my pastor about my role as one of the leaders in church. I feel like I am in a slump on where to go next in my project and role as a leader. As a small ministry, it is easy to get discouraged but we need to continue and move forward and watch God create the path, just as He did when I opened up this email. 🙂
    Would be really great to have resources to take me to the next in my role for Christ. If not, I still want to thank you for your knowledge as it is valuable. Thanks!

  117. Kristin Ditto

    Had that revelation not very long ago. God showed me that you can’t live a fulfilled fruitful growing life on yesterday’s revelation or last years awesome time with The Lord. It’s a constant and has to be ever growing relationship with The Lord. Seeking His direction daily. So encouraging to read that again here this morning.

  118. Jenn Beth

    I would love to win this prize pack. I have really been working on my leadership!

  119. Lorrie Moudy

    As a leader, here is what God has been teaching me over the past 6 months: Don’t ask HIm to do something and then question the manner in which He does it. Leaves me speechless!

  120. Brenda Black

    My husband and I became Crown Financial Ministry leaders many years ago when Larry Burkett was still alive and taught many years. Later, I became a personal budget coach and have worked with some couples and individuals as they wondered down the road to financial freedom. For the last 4-5 years this ministry has not been utilized even when our country and our families have been in financial ruin. I question our leadership and why God called us to have only used us for a short period of time. I get questions sometimes and people tell me that so and so needs me to help them with their finances but no one seems to want you to help them with their finances . We are leaders in our church , my husband is a deacon , we manage The Master’s Cup coffee shop in our church of which we have been members for 20 years. I’m not sure what God is waiting on for us to be used again in this area of ministry but we have been patient . We are about 4 years from being debt free , have 2 sons in college and have not had to assume any debt at this point , and we tithe faithfully . We just want God to be glorified in and through our lives and nothing more. I was a volunteer at P31 ministries many years ago when you had just a small little office and Sharon Jaynes was still there and have continued to support , receive emails and newsletters , and promote your ministry all these years. I have been blessed beyond measure and would not be the mother and wife I am without all these years of being loved and ministered to by you. Jamie and I will celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary on July 30 . We are the only ones in both of our families, from parents to siblings who have not been divorced. We praise and thank God daily for blessing us and loving us like He does .

  121. Piper

    Thankful for your honest words and your ability to communicate to reach those needing that extra umpf!

  122. Becky

    Thank you for YOUR leadership!

  123. Sherry Prescott

    I loved your blog on leadership. I feel if you don’t have a teachable spirit you cannot teach or lead! If we are continually open to learn from others God can use us in so many more areas. I agree with your comment that if you influence, you are a leader. I want to be the kind of leader and influencer that always points others to Christ! That means I must continually be willing to learn and grow by keeping myself in the Word and gleaning from others. Thank you for your ministry!

  124. Courtney

    As a stay at home wife waiting on the right job opportunity, I often feel as if times
    a-wasting and I’m just getting older! Jeff Goins’ book would be just what I need right now in the waiting period! I’m trying not to get discourage, but remember I need to use this time to grow in an area that God needs me to grow for that new position! Maybe it is a leadership role… Who knows! I’m also weak in that area. I would love to be a leader, but I often feel this 5’1 girl with the soft voice with the country twang wouldn’t be effective. These books would be a blessing to me!

  125. Susan

    Lysa….you influence me so much by your writings and it makes me a stronger Christian woman. I love the saying: Time you enjoyed wasting was not wasted! I always have a book with me and enjoy ‘waiting’ for my husband as he shops the hardware chains. He’ll even say: I’ll park you here in the shade. Thanks for all your insight, I appreciate you!

  126. Sandie Lou

    I am in the in-between. I am faced with a mountain and I do not hear Jesus talking with me in that still voice or do I see the path I should choose. My family is in need of a miracle and I know God has the power. I try to let God handle it but there is always a decision to be made and it falls right back in my lap and I feel the guidance and peace I need are nowhere to be found. Even though I did nothing to cause this situation-it is affecting my family and their hurt is unbearable and so is my hurt. I can’t fix this and my heart is breaking. I know God has increased my faith and my daughters’ but my husband has a passive aggressive personality that is causing my family to be broken. I am praying for his salvation but what do I do? I have to be the decision maker and leader and no clear answer is coming. Please pray for us. I could use the books to read.

  127. Carrie K

    Thank you for sharing your heart with all of us. Your willingness to continually learn and grow inspires me!

  128. Karen

    Thanks for the encouraging words and comments about Leadership and Influencers. I know that all of us who are moms and grandmothers have to lead our children & grandchildren in the way of the Lord whether they are saved or not. It is a tough and sometimes a thankless job, especially with our grown children, but someone has to do it! My daughter is not following the ways of the Lord currently, but my living example, whether on the phone or by her side, is what matters most! Whenever I’m between a rock & hard place with her or someone else, I pray that God would show me what to say or do. He helps me to endure so I am able to get through whatever the situation may be. He always comes through, but in his PERFECT timing not mine. What amazing things he’s done for not only me, but for others as well!! Your blogs that I receive everyday are constant reminders that we’re never alone in what we’re
    going through, and that we are ALL influencers and leaders in our homes, work places and with our children or grandchildren by the very example that we live by day in and day out. We don’t have to stand on a podium and speak to an audience to lead or influence someone around us. When we fall, which we all do, we can show that it’s okay to make mistakes so long as we learn from them and try not to do it again. So long as God is in the driver’s seat of our lives, we can do all that he asks us to do! We are ALL leaders and influencers, whether we believe it or not!!

  129. Beth B.

    Would love to learn about building a platform as I’m just starting to build one!

  130. Brandy

    Hate The Wait! lol

  131. Dianne

    Ah yes, I love those who influence me and tell them so!! I pray I do the same mainly for my children.

  132. Kristin

    I would love to give this to my husband, he is running a drug recovery and could use all the wisdoms he can get.

  133. Tina

    Thank you…my nephew has just graduated high school and been called by the Lord into the ministry, this would be GREAT for him!!!!

  134. Heather

    I would love to be the one chosen for this giveaway. I’m especially interested in reading The In-Between.

  135. Rachel Q

    Thank you, Lysa, for your encouragement to keep learning. It’s what keeps us moving forward in what He has for us. Thanks for the links to these blogs. Time to go check them out! 🙂

  136. katie sexton

    I lead a women’s small group. I am truly not a leader. One of my favorite quotes is:
    “God doesn’t choose the qualified, He qualifies the choosen.” Amen!! God has taught me so much from this beautiful group of women. I would love to share these books with them.

  137. Robyn

    Michael’s advice helped me set up my website….love his blog! I would love to add to my library! 😉

  138. Christine

    I recently moved to a little town in the mountains and started my own little bible study group. I feel like I can do so much more. I keep running into these leadership blogs, your she speaks and now these sights. I think God is trying to send me a message. Why am I so scared????

  139. Joyce Kaiser

    I like your quote of what got us there and where we are going…..yet I think of my 95 year old Mom when she died four years ago of colon cancer… she always had faith in me when it seemed others did not, she said “Joyce, youhave been through so many things that were worse or harder than what you are going through- that you can do it ! I always felt love from here- my Mom and Dad had adopted me when I was 3 1/2 months old and they were in their 40’s– unheard of now. I love them even more now. Mom had a saying I want to leave with you Lysa..she always said, “Take your time going and hurry back!” I think of that so much, say it to friends, and when I talk with God…I ask He listen to me, take His time thinking over what I said, and then Please God hurry back to me! He always seems to come back to me and I am grateful for our friendship.

  140. Lori S.

    One of my gifts is leadership but lately I haven’t been developing it. I could use these three books to to help motivate me to more. I ma going to be a Sunday School teacher again in the Fall. It is time I use some of the skills I have to influence others for Christ.

  141. angela taylor

    I Went on my first mission trip with my youth at church and was put in a leader role. I was scared to death, I have never been a leader before, always a follower. The youth were great and we all learned a lot. I learned I know more about God Than I thought I did and I was even good at praying out load even if I had never done it before. It was a learning experience for all.
    In Christ Love

  142. Kate Hill

    Thank you for this encouragement this morning and a big thanks for the links to some others.

  143. Erin

    Thank you for the reminder to seek wisdom from other leaders about leadership! This is an area in ministry I want to grow in desperately. I run a crisis center, a jail ministry & re-entry program for women. I know we are just getting started on this exciting path God is leading us down!

  144. Erin

    Thank you for the reminder to seek wisdom from other leaders about leadership! This is an area in ministry I want to grow in. I run a crisis center, a jail ministry & a re-entry program for women. I know we are just getting started on this exciting path God is leading us down!

  145. Erin

    Leadership is an area I want to grow in. I run a crisis center, a jail ministry & a re-entry program for women. I know we are just getting started on this exciting path God is leading us down!

  146. Alexandrea

    It’s so easy to say, “I’m a leader”, because I’ve always been cast in that role. However, what to do when my ambition is more centered towards raising my family rather than building my resume? I feel a little like a cop-out. I know, raising children is such an amazing calling, and I wouldn’t trade it…but I know how to climb the ladder better than how to lead my kiddos.

  147. Karly

    I am always asking God how I am to lead, thanking him for the the husband I have who is a tremendous leader, and praying that our children would be leaders every day even in their young years now. I feel as if i am in a waiting period and believing it is for something BIG! I would love to read the books and share them with my family, so in the wise words of some of the other ladies on this blog, PIck me!! 🙂
    I also love “God doesnt choose the qualified, he qualifies the chosen..” POWERFUL! Thanks to Katie above for sharing that.

  148. Melanie Eads

    Woud it be wrong to jump up and down and loudly express “Pick me! Pick me!” Okay, that was my inner child. 🙂 My adult self is in great need of encouragement and most likely would just stand in the back and watch everything happen without participating. So, stepping up from the back today! I am a mother of four, one with difficult needs that leaves my family broken most times, and a husband in a Rock n roll band who is living his dream. ( which isn’t his family anymore) I also work full time, the kids and house are my responsibilities, I mow the yard, keep the budget, take kids to appointments , etc. I decided about a month ago that I needed to focus on me. ( no one else there to do it) So, I have thrown myself into the book Unglued. The next to read is What happens to women when they say yes to God. Working on myself! Hubby and I used to do everything together, we were even the Worship Pastiors at our last church. We ended up having to leave due to political things we did not agree with. Ever since I have been looking for a new church- no such luck! So, in the mean time I am sowing into me, listening to podcasts, having church with friends, etc. I know these books would help build me up, fill me with the hope to keep going, and the encouragent my spirit is in need of. And that’s my adult version of saying, “Pick me! Pick me!” 🙂
    May today bring you all an abundance of all the things you love.
    Determined Woman

  149. Erin

    Leadership is an area I want to grow in. I run a crisis center, a jail ministry & a re-entry program for women. Thank you for what you do!

  150. Tonya

    Pick Me! 😀 I want them. I want them. I want them.

  151. Kim Johnson

    Lysa, I don’t really know where to start “commenting” on this topic because I’m not a ministry leader or an influencer. God revealed a “GO” to me this week that is so outside my sphere I am rocked to the core…I am not a writer or story teller…or was ever good at grammar in college! KLOVE’s scripture yesterday was “Publish his glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things he does. 1 Chronicles 16:24” I know God has been preparing me in this season for something, but I didn’t have any idea WHAT? I am scared because I don’t have the tools for what He has called me to do…
    I realize this may not make a lot of sense, but it’s where my heart is. I plan to go to the blogs you have listed and do some research. I have faith that God will provide even when I feel inadequate. I thank God for your life and the glory He brings to His name through your works!!

  152. Lindsey Burris

    Can I tell you that I freaked out a little when I saw your giveaway?! In a good way, of course. I’m recently divorced, about to join DivorceCare, but also in the process of praying over and organizing starting DivorceCare in my own church with one of our wonderful, Godly women. Karen is actually the one who had originally been praying about the group, but approached me about joining with her in this endeavor. I’m very excited about it, but I was thinking that your leadership giveaway would be great for us as we prepare our hearts and minds to be Godly leaders!

    I love that you have a heart for God’s people and your blog just makes me smile! Thanks for all of your generous giveaways to help us grow and learn!!


  153. Erin

    Leadership is an area I want to grow in. I run a crisis center, a jail ministry & a re entry program for women. Thank you for what you do!

  154. Lynn

    I’ve recently been following Jeff Goins and he is amazing. I will definitely check out the others mentioned as well. Thank you Lysa!

  155. Amy Heirbrandt

    Love the line that a leader is someone who influences others. We all have some kind of influence over others making leadership topics relevant to all. I’ve always been drawn to leadership topics/conferences, but honestly feel like a David in a Goliath market. It is a joy for me to influence our three, five year old boys and my 19 year old stepdaughter. They are number one on my list of those I want to have a powerfully positive influence on.

  156. Andrea

    Look forward to your words everyday. Would love to win the prize pack.

  157. Helen

    I love to read and have never read after any of these people you have mentioned. I would enjoy a new mini library. Have a wonderful, blessed beyond measure, Friday!!

  158. Nicole Meredith

    We are all called to lead in life, whether it is in the home, at the workplace, in ministry, etc. A few years ago, I felt God calling me into leadership positions, and slowly the positions started to appear at my feet. Then, he said go to school. I started taking classes at Grace Bible College in a program called Leadership in Ministry. I’m not sure what God has planned for the rest of my life and the education from GBC, but I am really excited about it and loving every minute of late night studying, even though I am working 40 hours a week! I would love to win this leadership package to widen my knowledge of leadership with these three books, and hone my leadership capabilities.

  159. Norma Gillis

    I would LOVE this prize pack! I’m taking on a new position as Director of Children’s Ministries at our church…stepping out of my comfort zone, for sure.

  160. Janet

    I utilized my talent and was a leader in my home church for almost 30 years. Due to a big outbreak of “control freaks” running off the pastor, I left that church and sent to another smaller church where I continued to be a leader. Due to finances, that little church closed its doors approximately 4 years ago and I am sad to say that I pulled away from church and felt that I just didn’t want to be involved ever again. Unfortunately, I am learning that I placed too much trust in people that continue to fail you over and over again instead of keeping my eyes and trust in God. I am at a point in my life that I don’t feel that I can be used any longer and truly feel an emptiness in my life. I would love to refocus on searching God’s heart for what He may still have in store for me and if leadership is a closed door. It sounds as if this package has all the right tools to do just that.

  161. Peggy Clees

    I have a huge desire to do great things for the Lord! Maybe as a teacher; I so desperately want to find ways to share everything that I’m learning and my experiences with God with everyone. I was in the dark for so long but I finally let God’s light shine through and I finally got a clue! I don’t know though, maybe God has something else in mind for me but I do have a feeling that I will need leadership skills! I am a shy and timid kind of person but when it comes to serving God, I am willing to do what it takes to fulfill his plan for my life!

    Lysa, I just want to let you know that I am so grateful to God that we have you to share your knowledge and experiences with us. It’s people like you who are changing the World.

  162. Christine Marie

    Lysa, I would be thrilled to be picked but if not, I definitely need to get Jeff Goins book. I am in the state of “In-between” right now and it’s making me come Unglued! I feel like God has something he’s trying to show me but I can’t quite put my finger on it…

  163. Faith Watson

    Thanks Lysa for your leadership and ministry to your sisters in Christ. I am a children’s ministry coordinator at my church. We are a small church, however, leadership is a big role to have. I believe that I could be better equipped for this calling by these books that have influenced you. God doesn’t call the equiped but equipes the called! Thanks for sharing your leadership favorites!

  164. Michelle

    I would love to read all of these books!

  165. Julie

    Yeah!!! I live in Atlanta so I need to check out Catalyst.

  166. Denise Vernon

    Hi Lysa,
    I would love to win a book for my friend Jodie who is leading women’s ministry. She is growing in so many ways. I would love to be able to surprise her with one of the wonderful books that you are giving away.

  167. Annie M

    I would love to win these resources. Thanks~

  168. Theresa

    As a mother of four, three of which are girls, I am ever aware of my role as a leader in their eyes. I don’t always get it right but there are lessons to be learned in that as well.

  169. Debbie K

    I am always looking for things that will help me grow and influence in the world God has placed me in. I feel like I’m in that In-Between stage right now with God moving me toward bigger and bigger things step by step. I would love to win the prize package, but if not, I will definitely put these books in line to read.

  170. Lori D

    Such great resources that you share with us !
    I am learning all about servant leadership with my students & realize I need to be educated
    In ongoing workshops & books to stay abreast of how to be an effective leader & change agent !!

  171. Judy

    I’m so glad we can change, our leadership styles,
    parenting styles, etc. That way maybe our kids will forget our mistakes!!
    We won’t be perfect until we’re in heaven! I’d love the books!!

  172. Suzanne

    I have to be honest… I didn’t want to be a “leader”… I wasn’t the best daughter, wife or mom, I was terrible when it came responsibility…
    BUT GOD!
    He has changed all of that, He is molding me and shaping me into the women He has called me to be … before the foundation of time ~

  173. Tracy

    Thanks for the book/blog recommendations and a chance to win. Love your blog and listening to you on K-Love.

  174. Beverly

    I just retired from serving as part of our church staff for many years. Now I am WAITING to see what God has for me next. Thanks for sharing the various types of leadership and encouraging us to be leaders wherever God places us.
    In HIS service,
    Joshua 1:9

  175. Candace Loyd

    I would love these books! God often uses my readings to speak His truth into my life 🙂

  176. Michelle S

    Like others posting here, I never thought I would be a leader, but when God is your Leader and He asks you to step up and join him…well, it’s kind of hard to tell him “No.” 🙂 Thank you for sharing your resources with us. And I am SO looking forward to you being at MOMCon 2013 in Kansas City in October too!

  177. Cindy

    I would be so excited to receive these books. I am an avid reader that is looking for a message that will change me for the better so in return I can have a positive affect on those around me. God is good, all the time!

    Thanks for the chance to win. Thank you for being sensitive to the call that God has placed upon your life. God is working through you and your ministry.

  178. Debbie

    Thanks for the tips! I am currently reading books on leadership since I was asked to join the leadership team for our women’s life group. May Gos bless your work.

  179. Liz Salomons

    I appreciate Lysa’s teaching and writing, including this article about leadership! Not my strong suit, though as a mom I’ve found myself needing to be one.
    Thankful for Lysa’s informative and encouraging articles to help me be a leader without taking on my husbands’ leadership role.

  180. Bill

    It appears I am the only man to comment so far, I must be getting in touch with my feminine side. Last Sunday a guest speaker in church in said direction not intention determines destination, therefore I am paying attention to my direction in order to be the man God whats me to be.

  181. Cindy

    I would love to read those books. I tend to be the unofficial leader at work, play and two bible studies. It would be nice to have some direction.

  182. Miranda Turney

    As a homeschooling mother of three toons children, who is tirelessly working on adopting two toddlers, and running a farm,I definitely feel I could benefit from this give away. I’m a leader in so many areas, to my children and my church…bit most days I just feel overwhelmed and like a failure. Like I could do better.

  183. Brandy

    Thanks for the recommendation on The In Between. That is where I am and I find it to be completely unsettling. Ready to lead in the area God is directing which is completely unclear at this time.

  184. Beth H

    Lysa, I am certain you have heard this before…you my friend, inspire me! God has placed me in a plethora of leadership roles in my church; women’s ministry and child/youth/family ministry. The past six weeks have been a bit turbulent to say the least! Many have shared with me, “tell your story”, “you have an such a grace-filled spirit…share how God has used you as His vessel”. And so I pray, I listen for God’s sweet voice and seek Him in all I do…not always succeeding but always after His heart! Right now my head and heart are engorged with so many emotions I am finding it a bit difficult to sort….seems like I need to just (excuse the expression)…puke them out and then sort and sift through it all. The library you are offering excites me…I have attended the Catalyst conference for the past 3 years and the Lutheran Church (western states) have a Best Practices in Ministry conference that I have also experienced these past 2 years. I have been a keynote speaker at a few LCMS church-workers/early childhood educators over the past 10 years as well as workshop presenter in the LCMS National Children’s Ministry Conference in 2010. My heart just wants to share my contagious love of our Risen Savior with children and their families, to empower educators to understand their importance of planting the seeds into the hearts of the youngest and at the same time continuing to steep – to marinate in the Word of God themselves. At the moment God has given me time to rest…I do not know where He will lead me but what I am assured of is that it will be amazingly wonderful!!

    Thank you Lysa; to you and your beautiful team for leading me, indeed, your sweet sister ever closer to Jesus!

    Fondly, Beth

  185. Pamela Roberts

    God has called me to be a leader and it is challenging me as a recovering wall flower! I am starring an organization to support parents of sexually abused children, designing a website, developing a blog, and speaking at conferences. Thank you for these resources!

  186. Sandy

    I’m always looking for places to gain inspiration for myself as a persona and as a leader in our church. Thanks for providing so much information in one post.
    Looking forward to reading each blog.

  187. Amy Faris

    I would love to have any of those books! You inspire me on a daily basis! Thank you for being such a great leader!

  188. irene Talaasen

    Thank you for your Blog!! I would love to have those books; don’t think of myself as a leader 🙂 but need that encouragement.
    thanks, Irene

  189. Cindy W

    Are you kidding me???? Yesterday someone texted me that I needed to check out Michael Hyatt. I have stepped into the role of Women’s ministry at my church, and need a little guidance! This was so needed today thank you!!!

  190. susan sage

    That’s the first time I’ve been able to add my Website!! So excited for all God is teaching me. These books would be such great additions to what has influenced me. I know a couple of the authors and am so thrilled you are doing this. May God bless the conference He’s called you to this weekend, where you are speaking in Oct., and the ministry He has given you. “…..Do not lose heart.” II Cor. 4:1

  191. Karla Kramer

    I would love a copy of those books. Greater has been on my to read for some time and I’m very interested in in-between. I’m sure platform will be great too.

  192. Heather Peoples

    You are an inspiration Lysa and I would love one of these books but all three would be AWESOME!!!!

  193. Kaylee V.

    These books and authors sound great. Leadership…I always think of it as being out there, in front of everyone, leading a group, but God has been showing me that I need to be a leader wherever I am. Sometimes it isn’t in front of a group, but while being part of a group and leading while following; sometimes that is in the quiet places of my own home while homeschooling my daughter, or talking with a friend. And, I want God to use me in all of those places – the big and the small – to make a difference for Him, for His glory. Lysa, thank you for your inspiration through words – in books and blog posts. I hope to be somewhere where you are someday, and glean from your speaking as well.

  194. Cass Ridley

    Today I am pushing myself to plant seeds where I might not typically find myself, waiting to see what God might nourish.


  195. Ingrid G

    My husband and I have just made a major life change and now we are waiting. I’d love to read in between!

  196. Sheila

    These all sound like great resources for our women’s ministry. I would love to win them for our church.

  197. Angela

    I can’t wait to get back to Catalyst. I’m working now on my PhD in Leadership focusing in Human Resource Development, although mainly focusing on what God wants me to do with the knowledge, he has great plans. I am also on a count down for the days until October. I know it is so important to be refreshed daily by the gifts Good has given and the loans that we can learn from others experiences. Thank you for sharing great blogs. I hope some day I will be one you share.

  198. Mimi

    As a new school director for a non profit agency serving children and adults with disabilities, I would love to have these books as a resource. Thank you!

  199. Amy

    I first heard of Michael Hyatt a couple of months ago from a blog friend. I’m looking forward to learning more about the others now that I know about them. Thanks for sharing, Lysa.

  200. Maxine Gonzalez

    Thanks Lysa for your blog – always said with much wisdom. I have been a leader and a follower, GOD has shown me how to be content with either position that I find myself in. HE is my rock beside me and my confidence too.

  201. Tami

    Thank you, Lysa for this opportunity to read about leadership. Leadership is not my strong suit, I have always considered myself a follower, but God thought otherwise. God gave me the courage to step out of my comfort zone and leads other women in bible study. It has not been easy though!! I would love to learn more…

  202. Samantha Compton

    As a person who just graduated college in business management, I’m new to the field of management and leadership. I think it’s important to continue to read books that will enhance my knowledge on the subject. I look forward to winning these books!!

  203. LorettaPearson

    Thank for continued challenge to grow! Pray for you Lysa. Stepping out to follow God’s lead.

  204. Pat

    Lysa, I want to be just like you in many ways- open, sincere and not holding anything back if it will bless someone!

  205. Denise

    I’m working 6 days a week …and depend on proverbs 31 to help me with my daily bible study … chidren are grown but keeping up with everything becomes difficult at times …oh yes and did i mention I’m single which Jesus and I have a agreement when the right man comes along he will shove him in my I have a few women i look up to for prayer and guidence ,,, I’m thankful for the women God has placed in my life to look up to!!!!!! Jesus is my stronghold I seriously don’t lnow how people get along without knowing him!!

  206. Julia Melatis

    I never thought of myself as a leader, but God had other plans. Even when I try to shrink away from something, He makes things happen, so that I am where He wants me to be. Sometimes I still have fears and doubts about the direction _He is leading me, but I know it is He who is leading, so how can I not follow?

  207. BJ Bowman

    I am anxious for God to use me as a positive influence in the lives of others. He is continuously using me in different avenues and i want to remain willing to serve wherever .i think these resources and blogs are great resources. Thanks a bunch!

  208. Nancy Genova

    Whoa! I have not heard of any of these leaders!
    Would love the books to aid me with my life as a Christian.

    Nancy Genova

  209. Angela B

    Those books sound awesome. I desire to become a more powerful influencer in Christ.

  210. Tricia

    God has been calling me to step out in faith in an area of leadership. I was so excited to see this giveaway as well as the list of blogs. Thank you!

  211. Lindsay

    I’d love to win!!!

  212. Jenny Schmidt

    Pick me, pick me! Would love to read these then pass them along to my son.

  213. Crystal

    I’m excited to learn from some great leaders. I started following Michael Hyatt when I heard he was the keynote at She Speaks. I’ll get there one day. I just recently found Jeff Goins and can’t wait to discover the others. Thank you and have a great weekend!

    • Jeff Goins

      Thanks, Crystal! It’s nice to have been “found.” Let me know if I can help you in any way.

  214. Cheya

    Thank you for this list, Lysa! As a new leader in my church I am trying to absorb as much as I can. I am now following all of these & can’t wait to read what they have to say. 🙂

  215. Nella

    I do so much appreciate Christian insight to leadersgip, the true formula for leadership in any organization. I am currently president of our local oncology nursing group. There is a lot of secular training and input available, but I desire to convey Christ’s example utmost. Would most welcome those resources to grow & learn from! Thanks for your great example of wanting to be a great leader for His glory & His work!

  216. Melissa Baldwin

    Wow! You’ve had a LOT of comments already so I’m sure I don’t have a very good shot at winning but thought I’d try anyway!

  217. Colleen

    This post could not be more applicable to this time in my life when I’m considering a job/career change. Thank you for guidance and inspiration.

  218. Kim Brown

    Lisa – I appreciate your blog, teaching, ministry, writing, insights, etc., etc., etc.!! This year has been a whirlwind of unanticipated change – most of which is completely beyond my control, but all part of Gods amazing plan. The year will end with leaving my almost 6-figure income, as part corporate structural changes, choosing to “do things the Lord’s way”, rather than following the path of what the world would should be pursued. Pursuing with a heart of victory in the Lord, rather than fear of the unknown, praying for the grace needed to not come completely “unglued”!! I look forward with great faith, all the Lord has on this journey, my journey – all for His glory. Alignment with Christian mentors, speakers & leaders is a critical part of this journey, as I pursue His plans. Thank you for being you – for having the courage to be transparent and dedication to helping women grow in their faith & journey. God Bless you, your family and your ministry.

  219. Katharine

    Thanks for writing about leadership. Love the Proverbs 31 radio words of encouragement.

  220. Patty Rhodes

    Thank you for clueing me in on Jeff Goin’s work. Waiting on God has been a relevant focus in my life and I look forward to reading his new book.

  221. Heather

    God has been growing me in this area. Last year I did the Unglued study and boy has it helped me deal with so many situations. I’m feeling the Lord’s pull in leadership of our Christian homeschooling group (Unglued to the rescue), in writing and beyond. Thank you for offering these books and thank you and your team for all that you do! Blessings to you all!

  222. Connie C.

    Thank you for sharing some of your favorites, and for the opportunity to win!

  223. Cindy

    I don’t look at myself as a leader. Then when my husband took over both youth groups at our church I was kind of thrust into that position with the girls. Going to check these recommendations out!

  224. Michele Pepper

    Thank you for inspiring women. Thank you for being so real and sharing all your challenges. Thank you for leading with an understanding of all we need to do to put God first. Thank you!!!!!

  225. Cheri

    I just started a degree program in Leadership. Working in a government agency and studying in a business school, I am very interested in having some inspiration about leadership that is grounded in God’s blessings. Thank you for the direction to the blogs and the books.

  226. Kim

    Cant wait to check out these new blogs.

  227. sarah birmingham

    Thanks for the information. I have a feeling God is leading me toward a transition and I will check out the Leaders you listed. I already love Emily Freeman so that is easy 🙂 Thanks Lysa! I will also share this with my mom who is at her own ” In Between”.


  228. Danielle

    I always look forward to your posts and the wealth of information you share with your readers. I think I need to schedule a Stay-Cation just to read all the blogs & books you referenced! 🙂

  229. Elaine

    While I don’t consider myself a leader–at least not in the church–I’m married to one!! It would be a blessing for both of us to have those books and appreciate you sharing the info!! Blessings!!

  230. Melissa B

    You are a tremendous encouragement, Lysa. Thank you for your blog and the opportunity to win such words of wisdom!

  231. Tristine Barry

    I love your heart, writing, and now being a new OBS leader with your ministry.Thank you for sharing the links. I do have a blog and it was your ministry that encouraged me to get it started. However I am craving mentorship and learning new ways to be a better woman of God and leader. It would be so amazing to win those books as I don’t have the money to go buy them all, but again I thank you for providing the links. I am praying and saving to be at your she speaks conference next year. Thank you again Lysa for all you are and all you do. I just love you and hope to meet you one day.

    Love in Christ,


  232. Sandy A

    Thank you so much for these links. It’s always good to be lead from various leaders and encouragers.

  233. Jen F.

    I was asked last week to co-lead our evening Mom’s Group at church. As the youngest one on the team, I have a lot of great women to look up to and learn from, but some solid books are always welcome!

  234. Diana

    Wow! I love this Fridays
    Favorites! It’s always inspiring to learn & grow through the many ministry gifts of other leaders.

  235. Jean Barnett

    Thank you Lysa,
    You are a great leader! It is good to know where our leaders gets their leadership. Thanks again. Jean

  236. Melinda Nelson

    Thank you so much for this list!!! Have a blessed and lovely weekend!!

  237. Hayley H

    I read your blog often and love how God continually teaches, renews, and inspires me through your words! I so value a carefully crafted sentence, especially in relation to leadership. I am young but in many positions of leadership, including running a traveling youth weekend event ministry (called Become Ministry) at the ripe age of 23 and it would be such a tremendous blessing to receive those books on leadership! Thank you again for allowing God to use in so many ways Lysa 🙂

  238. Patty

    I was a newly recovering drug addict and had just recommitted my life to Christ. I was struggling with weight and food issues when God whispered the words that have changed my life forever………”First Place 4 Health”……….. that was 5 years ago. Up until then I had never envisioned even going to church regularly, let alone becoming a ministry leader. I constantly feel inadequate in my leadership abilities, but my group of healthy living seeking ladies keep lifting me up and giving me the encouragement I need to go on………… one 12 week session at a time. I’ll be checking out these recommended reads soon. Thanks Lysa for all you do!

  239. Molly Higle

    I would be blessed to receive a free gift of these books. I have learned so much from your writings and always look forward to more. I trust that these people have a rich array of truths to offer.

  240. Chris

    Thank you so much for your obedience to what God has called you to!! I have just started reading your ‘Crave’ books! So good!! I look forward to reading the books you listed above!!

  241. Kasey

    Thanks for the list. I can’t wait to check these out. All these books are on my to-read list, unfortunately, textbooks come first. 🙂

  242. Linda Hannigan

    I’m really praying and praying that I can go to She Speaks next year. It’s calling me. And I don’t know even know why, but I’m believing in faith that I will be there! In the meantime, I am starting Bible College as a 40 plus year old mother of 3 boys ages 6,8,10. What am I doing? Gulp. Excited and freaked out and yet I know that God is calling me to this. These books sound like just what I am heading down the path for. Leadership. Waiting and God doing Great things in my life.

  243. Jennie Jackson

    thanks so much for the recommendations! we are all leaders of someone, whether we realize it or not. we need to continually work on becoming better leaders… which will make us better people overall!

  244. Shanon

    I Believe this is the first time God has actually done everything but run me over with a truck to provide answers to prayer and guidance for taking a leap of faith. Just last night I prayed for what seemed like the ten thousandth time for direction in an area of my life…And God used the Friday fun list to open my eyes and say helllloooooo Shan, can you hear me now? Thanks to Lysa for being a faithful servant and influencer, and thank you God for always speaking whether I’m listening or not!

  245. Jeff Goins

    Thanks for the link, Lysa. I’m honored to have connected with you and call you friend.

    Oh, and to whoever wins the book, enjoy!

  246. Brandi

    I would love to win! I can’t wait to check out these blogs, I’m struggling with unity and cohesiveness in my ministry and I can’t wait to learn from the wisdom that awaits in these sites. Thank you for such a generous offer.

  247. Jeanie

    I am currently in a state of “in-between” and for someone like me (a constant go – go – go girl….), waiting is SO NOT MY THING!!! Thank you for posting Jeff’s book info….cannot wait to get my hands on a copy and gain some insight on how to enjoy this time of “in-between”. 🙂

  248. Kyndra

    Can’t wait to check out some of these leaders that I’m not familiar with! God is SO amazing! Many of the Bible personalities were not what I tend to think of as leaders, but look what God did with them! I’m saying Yes to God and allowing HIm to use me as he will (through HIS strength)!

  249. Cathy

    My husband and I were having a conversation last evening about leadership styles. I want to always let God fill my mouth with what to say and he works more in the secular realm. I run a free non-profit for children with rescued horses. When you work with an all volunteer staff it can get very interesting how to balance everything. When your program runs out of an accessory dwelling on our horse farm. Our personal life gets a little tangled with our private life. I often struggle with balance and couple time getting lost. I can only rely on God.

  250. Sharon

    My platform has changed since I retired. I’ve been struggling to find what the Lord wants me to do now. He has shown me my greatest place of influence for Him is my family. I have three adult children with spouses, 14 grandchildren, two great grandchildren, nieces, nephews and on and on. I want to make a difference for Him in their lives for as long as the Lord gives me and reflect Jesus in everything I do. Thanks for being an influence in my life, Lysa!

  251. Mary Lou

    My first reaction was “I’m not a leader.” But God gently reminded me differently. I’m a manager at an insurance agency with 11 locations in 3 states, I have 2 precious daughters who need me to lead them from time to time, I’m active in children’s and youth ministries in our church. So I guess I’m a leader after all…one who would probably greatly benefit from reading others’ words about the subject.

  252. Donna Norris

    Would love to have these books! Always looking to hone my leadership skills! Be blessed.

  253. Cindy Jansen

    I’ve been a leader for many years as a HR Director. And being able to always stay on my game in my professional life and religious life will always be something that stays at the forefront of my mind.
    Thanks for discussing and providing an opportunity for those in the business world to keep our biblical truths alive by giving us these great opportunities!

    • Lisa Griffeth

      I am waiting to receive my next ministry opportunity in a new season of life, so wherever the Lord decides to place me or whatever resources He wants to give to me, I’ll be grateful. We are ALL winners in His family!

  254. Bori Kim

    Thank you for all your postings! I always get them via e-mail 🙂 I do love to read “The In-Between”! That is a perfect match with the season that I am right now! Hope win to this book, if not I’d still be looking forward getting this book 🙂 thank you So much for your recommandation!

  255. Rebecca Spence

    Leader…follow the leader…we all remember being taught that ?
    Being a Godly Leader is just that.
    One who leads to God.
    Not to themselves.
    I Am That I Am…God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

  256. Devin Berglund

    Jeff Goins and Hyatt are both great! I just visited those other blogs you mentioned. They are great as well!

  257. Holly Simpson

    Thank you for listing this information. I never saw myself as a leader until the last couple of years. The Lord has been working on me and through me to develop this skill and I am humbled each day as a result. Thanks for all you do, Lysa. You are a great influencer and leader too!

  258. Melony Teague

    Leadership comes with its own set of unique challenges and I am most fascinated by leaders who lead leaders.

  259. Lynn

    Definitely feel like I am in the ‘waiting’ mode! Will check out Jeff’s book if I don’t win it first. 🙂 Thank you for all the recommendations, this baby Christian sure appreciates it!

  260. Nancy

    As Director of a Christian child care center, I am always looking for ways to learn more about leadership. I can’t wait to read more from the people you mentioned!

  261. Paul O'Rear

    The best leaders are those who know how to follow. If I’m not willing to follow God and seek HIS will and HIS ways, then I’m not going to be very good at leading others. If I’m not willing to submit to the leadership of others from whose wisdom I can learn, I will be less effective at leading others who may be able to learn from my wisdom. Teachers must first be learners, or else they will have nothing to teach.

    I love the premise upon which you built this post: “What got us here won’t get us there.” I need to remind myself of this truth often. Thank you for sharing your wisdom, Lysa.

  262. Jessica Galan

    This teacher here is enjoying her summer months writing and reading a variety of inspirational books; leadership tips would help this newbie blogger! Bless & keep you all…Jess

  263. Stela

    As the HR Coordinator for an international company leadership is crucial. I have been blessed that the VP of our company is a Believer as well. The best leader ever as our example, Jesus.

  264. Angela

    I would Love to read these books. Thank you Lysa for sharing your love of Jesus. I have read both ‘Made to Crave’ and ‘unglued’ and both have made such an impact on me. They have changed me on the inside and out with God’s grace.

  265. Kate Moore

    oh, oh, oh, oh….pick me, pick me (hand raised excitedly) 🙂

  266. Sharon

    I am a reluctant leader and could use all the help I can get. Thank you!

  267. Jessica

    Would love to raise my leadership potential through these books.

  268. saryta

    My husband and our family have just moved to phoenix, Az to plant a new church. We have quite a few years ministry experience but we do struggle in the area of leadership. We have been listening to some of the messages from catalyst past and really enjoy them and find the quite empowering, insightful, and definitely helpful. I myself need more help than my husband, this is very new role as a leader for me and I never quite saw myself as much of a leader. So we’ve decided while we wait for things to get going, we’ll fill ourselves with as much wisdom on the area of leadership as possible! Thanks for the blog suggestions, I’ll be taking advantage of them!

  269. Tiffany

    Thank you, Lisa, for your leadership through sharing your insights! I am transitioning from stay-at-home mom to a big-girl job in the “real world” and need all the help I can get with guidance on leading others while maintaining Christ-like qualities!!

  270. Beverly

    At times, “Stuckness” is almost like a mire in retirement. The days of accolades for a “Job Well Done” become memories. It is so easy to let talents lie dormant. Thanks for the “words of reality” . . . great links! Be blessed as you bless others!

  271. Miriam Joslin

    My husband and I lead a Young Families group at Olive Baptist. We would love to have the mini leadership books. Our ladies just completed your “Unglued” bible study! What a blessing and life changing experience. Thank you for the challenges and the faithfulness of your team to share Jesus!

  272. Bo White

    as someone seeking to lead well, I need to read well….so this is an exciting opportunity. I do appreciate your work and my wife has quoted you more than once.

  273. Michelle b

    Not much of a leader here, maybe I could learn 😉

  274. Cara Strickland

    Sounds like a very interesting trifecta! Thanks for the opportunity!

  275. Jacqueline

    Jeff Goins is incredible. Looking forward to checking out the other writers you suggest here 🙂 Thank you for this post!!

  276. Theresa Davies

    Funny I should see this today. I just moved a month ago and I am not sure where the Lord wants to lead me in this phase of my life. I didn’t consider myself a leader, but I just reread my “goodbye” cards and each one of them prays the Lord leads me to others who may need my encouraging words just as they benefitted! So, maybe your books would be a starting point for me in my new adventure.

  277. nancy

    Hi, Lysa~Thx so much for sharing your blogs, as well as those of others and your recommended reads. At, at this point, i am jus rejoining leadership in CBS. I feel like Moses–don’t know how or what to say, but am trusting the Lord to give me the words and the way. It is because of many, like yourself, and reading your blogs that my husband and I prayed fervently to receive a REAL answer if I am to be in this leadership role. After much prayer, God showed us “YES” to HIM to be in leadership in CBS beginning at the end of August.. Through all the blogs, experiences and other readings, especially the Bible, I trust the Lord to provide everything I will need to serve Him. I would love to add these books to my readings to enable me to continue to listen to HIM to lead me to continue to be His hands and feet. Thx so much for sharing your wealth of knowledge in THE TRUTH with thousands of others. In our community, as well as others around the world, your info and quotes are shared through e-mails and social media daily. Much love in HIM

  278. Rachelle Metrejon

    Yes need new pathways. I’m a teacher and this fall will be teaching a new course for me. Your phrase reminds me to be open to newer methods for teaching harder content.

  279. Jan

    Thanks for the info!

  280. Donna

    Emily influences me too! She is such a gifted, thought provoking writer and so poetic! Love her…and you too LYSA. A huge thank you for being such a great leader to both of you ladies!

  281. Joyanne

    Love the concepts in these books. I think we are all leaders in different ways at various times in our lives. As God calls, we are equipped for the task that is set before us.

  282. Josué Barrios

    Jeff Goins and Michael Hyatt are starting some kind of revolution in Internet. They are my favorites bloggers. 🙂

  283. LeRyiah

    I’m actually supposed to be attending She Speaks right now and obviously I am not there 🙁 Life circumstances changed my path’s trajectory but sometimes it is a blessing in disguise. My family and I just moved over 900 miles from home as a result of an amazing job opportunity for my husband! We are so excited to see what God has in store for us in our new home because I just know that He called us here to do something great! Two and a half years ago my husband underwent emergency open heart surgery at the age of 35 due to an undiscovered heart birth defect. We always said that through all of that, God had a great plan for us to use our trials and tribulations to be a powerful and inspirational testament to His Great Love, Healing Power and Strength. Today, my husband is the Director of Service Excellence at a faith based hospital and I just know in my heart that God lead him there to improve the patient experience and service delivery for others going through life altering circumstances, just as we did a few short years ago. My husband is a true leader at home and in the work place and I would love to win this leadership packet of books because I know that he would greatly benefit in his new work ministry, but I too, am searching for God’s purpose for me in my life and how I can go out and serve others through Him. One day Lysa, I hope to meet you and attend She Speaks. I love your writing and all of the women at Proverbs 31 are a true inspiration to me! I have always wanted to use my love and passion for writing and speaking to be my personal mission work and I pray that these resources will help inspire me to take action and to stop wasting time with excuses! Thank you for the opportunity!

  284. Karen Watson

    Michael Hyatt is one of, if not THE best leadership mentors around. I just discovered him a few months ago and have downloaded all his podcasts. What I am learning from them has made me not just a better leader, but a better person. Jeff Goins is blessed with an incredible amount of wisdom, humility and a big, big heart for helping others. Thank you for introducing me to Emily and Brad. I look forward to getting to know them better. Thanks most especially for your servant-leader heart, Lysa! Keep on keeping it real – I learn so much from you!!!

  285. Libbie Kucel

    As a business owner (and therefore, boss), I would GREATLY appreciate some insight and encouragement as to how to lead to the Glory of God. Thanks!

  286. lwwarfel

    Jeff Goins wrecked me last month. Can’t wait to see what he’ll do next!

  287. Sarah

    Would love these books! I want to become a better leader!

  288. Paula Ingle

    Would love to have these books and I love your blog!!

  289. Serena Hanson

    As the statewide Training Director for a child abuse & neglect advocacy group, a college professor, and a Mom…I have lots of places to incorporate leadership principles. These resources sound amazing! I love the “what got us here, won’t get us there” thought and will definitely have to use that!

  290. Marlena Bell

    Taking a leadership role in the church truly scares me! I would love to read these books to gain some insight as God leads me down this path! Thanks! 🙂

  291. Trina

    Love Proverbs 31 Ministries. Recently started blogging and would love to gain more knowledge in Leadership. Love to read and love to learn. Thanks for being a blessing to the Body.

  292. Rachel Cornelius

    I feel God guiding me into a position of leadership in my church via the women’s ministry (which right now is non-existent). New territory for me, but excited to see where it takes me!

  293. KrisDot

    I’ve never considered myself a “leader”. But I’ve realized that as a wife & mom I am one, a leader of my children and home. That’s leadership – probably the most important kind. I need to remember that and be proud of it, instead of letting myelf feel less-than because I don’t work. Thanks, Lisa.

  294. Lauri Smit

    I love reading your Facebook posts and your blog. You are very inspiring to me as a leader and a woman. Keep them coming!

  295. Jennie Wynveen

    I am a follower by heart, but I know I need to be a more positive leader at my home and work. I would love to learn the Biblical perspective of a leader rather than the worldly one. I would love to learn through your books! Could I share them with my hubby too? 🙂

  296. Judy Dickson

    I lead a couple of weekly inductive Bible studies and I am always excited to learn more about being the most effective leader God wants me to be. This life is a journey and I want to make a good difference for those watching and learning from my daily life and in turn doing the same in their own lives. Let’s keep on keeping on following Jesus and inviting others to do the same.

  297. AG

    I just discovered you in the past 6 months & it has made a big difference in my life. thank you!

  298. Scott Belcher

    My girlfriend is a youth minister who is having a tough time trying to deal with some issues in her life as well as trying to meet her calling to the best of her abilities… I know she could really use some help and support right now… She is an amazing woman, who i know can do so much good if she can reach her potential… If my name is drawn, I would love to give my gf these books, I’m sure they would help her in her position a lot… Thank you for the contest/give away! :0)

  299. Gricela Shelton

    My hope is to be a leader in the sense that you wrote about Emily. I pray that I can influence.

  300. Catherine S

    We can never really “arrive” at a place where we have leadership all figured out! I appreciate the writings of others who have gained wisdom from their own leadership experiences. Thanks for the opportunities to get these books!

  301. Kathi Byrd

    Great advice I am planning on implementing myself with my team! I really appreciate the leadership blogs!

  302. Lorna

    It’s time to stop struggling and start embracing the leadership roles the Lord has in store for me. I’m in a season of learning. Would love to have these books. I love, love, love your blog! Thank you for all you do, Lysa <3

  303. Jill Wallace

    I am new to your site but can’t wait to begin your daily blogs and daily encouragement!

  304. Sharon Wing

    God calls us to be “leaders” in different ways. Would love to read more!

  305. Jody

    I’d love to share these books with my husband as well as read them myself!

  306. Kim Cragg

    Would love to have more “umph” to my leadership positions… looking forward to reading the recommended blogs.

  307. Venessa

    I love this! I’m always looking for ways to improve my leadership skills not only at work but with my family, small groups and ministry.

  308. Kathy

    Thank you for your insights. You have influenced my life many, many times. Thank you for being a Leader for the Lord who influences so many!! I have been at home raising and leading my 4 children for the past 20 years. Prior to this, I was in the Air Force for nine years. During my time in the military, I learned a thing or two about Leadership. I even attended a required “Leadership School” graduating with honors and awards. It seems the older I get, the more I realize I don’t have a clue! I am in a place of transition in my life, feeling a nudging and prodding of the Lord to step into a place of leading outside of the home again involving influence in the Public School with Elementary age children. Of course I have argued with the Lord, even asking Him, “me, you want me”? The Lord simply says “yes”! I would love to win these amazing resources and would read, and re-read, and pass on to others seeking a deeper understanding of leading and influence. Bless you and hope to meet and hug you one day.

  309. Nettrea Robinson

    Thank you so much for this post Lysa. I was in need if this today. The first paragraph caught my eye and my heart. I shared this with my husband and this was just the spark needed to reignite the fire of creativity within our family. Right on time! Gods perfect time.

  310. Delaine

    Great read and blog! I enjoy reading your status updates on Facebook.

  311. Carol Hare

    I am going to save all of these blogs on my phone as bookmarks! I am looking forward to checking them out. Thank you for sharing Lysa!
    Carol Hare

  312. Cindy Hinde

    I can not wait to read the many blogs and words of wisdom you have on here.

  313. Anna

    Thank you for sharing Lysa, cant wait to check out each one of these blogs! I appreciate all that you do! God Bless, Anna

  314. Laura Thomas

    Your first line stopped me, “What got us here, won’t get us there.” Perfect for the discussions I’ve been having with our women’s leadership team! Thanks for the insight and suggestions!

  315. Judy Williams

    I teach univ students at church. We have been studying “Coffeehouse Theology” by Ed Cyzewski. What an eye opener. Talk about the need to adapt to reach this generation. Only with the help of God and the leadership of the Holy Spirit can we even hope to reach them. But I still believe this generation holds the key to revival, reformation, awakening. Thanks for the reminder. God bless you!

  316. Emily Winters

    I’m in a precarious position. My loyalties are divided as I try to balance my commitments as a wife and a mother to three young boys and a part-time employee at a international corporation. I feel at times that I’ve built for myself a glass ceiling that I struggle to overcome when I’m passed over for a promotion or I miss a soccer game. But in both I recognize that I have a great deal of responsibility to those around me. It’s not /just/ a pay check, and I’m not /just/ a mom and a wife.

  317. Hilary

    I keep finding myself in leadership roles, I’d say I am somewhat of a reluctant leader. I’d love to find some inspiration and confidence, I struggle with identifying my leadership style.

  318. Terri

    I have been a ministry leader, a mentor, and I am a mom. My oldest is a senior this year and off to college next year, hopefully. Wow, thanks for this, I’m finding it a challenge to lead him at this point. I’m thankful for fellow believers on the journey to lead their children and others on the narrow road that leads to Christ. Blessings!

  319. Pamela

    Leadership skills are so important in every area of our lives. I like implementing new and innovative skills that calls us out of our comfort zone!

  320. Penny Poorman

    Love the encouragement to embrace change! When recognizing where we are and where we want to go. when we trust in God to be with us through the change, mending, evolving, refining necessary to get to the next spot! The JOY that results is just hard to explain.

  321. Becky

    I was just at a leadership conference where I heard “what got us here, won’t get us there.” I have reflected on that for several days. . . God is using it in my personal life as well. I agree that leaders influence! Thanks for bringing that point to light. I can’t wait to check out Emily’s blog, as well as the others.

  322. PJ

    Thanks for the web references. I’l either subscribed or marked them for future reference.

  323. Keith Dozier

    I so much desire to learn from all these leaders. Hungry for more!

  324. Robin Still

    What a wealth of knowledge…I am desire to be a better leader and will gain valuable insight from all these sights…Thank you for sharing and the women of my church will thank you too! Have a super blessed day!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Robin 🙂

  325. Tiffany

    Thanks for sharing these resources with us. I look forward to perusing all of these blogs! I would love to read their books too. Thanks for offering this generous giveaway.

  326. Jodi Bailey

    Thank you for these suggestions! I am always looking for new leadership blogs to read and these sound perfect!!!!

  327. Donna Sachse

    Your comment, “leaders are influencers” really resonated with me. I have been a nurse over 40 years and have taught nursing much of that time. I have experienced many leaders within my profession and in church. The culture of the work place or church activity is determined by the leadership. There is a trickle down effect. The most effective and most admired leader in my lifetime was an influencer. She was an Associate Director of Nursing in a very large hospital. At the same time she was the Chief Nursing Officer for the Army Nurse Corp. She established a culture that encouraged others to do their creative best. Within this culture, nurses matured in their various nursing roles. Many went on to become leaders in the profession. I will never forget her leadership. It was a gift to me and all those who worked with her.

  328. Tabbe Drake

    Thanks for sharing! Great resources.

  329. Becky McDonald

    Thank you so much for posting this! I can’t wait to check out these blogs.

  330. Becky McDonald

    Thank you so much for posting this! I can’t wait to check these out!

  331. Alvesa Benavides

    I love Proverbs 31 Ministries, blogs, books and Women’s Ministry. My desire is to be a better leader to the WM team as well as with my children.

  332. Janice

    I am the Women’s Ministry Leader at my small church. I sometimes feel I am not qualified for this position, so I am constantly looking for new ideas. I want the women at my church to grow in their walk with The Lord and to LOVE studying His Word! I would love to have these books to help me! Thanks, Lysa, for your ministry…I look forward to the Proverbs 31 email I get daily!

    Joy to you!

  333. Stephanie Solberg

    Thank you so much for sharing this information. As a new small group leader for OBS and a participant in a leadership program in the City I work for, I’m always looking for new ideas and fresh perspectives.

  334. Carol

    I’m currently in between ministry leadership positions. Seeking the Lord’s direction!

  335. Stephanie

    Michael Hyatt is a wonderful author and thinker!! Just finished his book “Creating Your Personal Life Plan”. Wonderful planning exercises and perspective changers!!

  336. Marcie

    I’m thankful for these firey years of wilderness preparation for the testimony to come. I’m blessed thinking of the lives that will be touched and changed knowing that they are not alone when they are facing what feels like a solid brick wall!!

  337. Beth

    I am a leadership book junkie! Would love, love, love to have this amazing collection! Thanks for leading us to these great blogs also.

  338. Brandie Potter

    I believe God has me in a transition period, as well as a development point for leadership and furthering ministries. Would enjoy having some pointers from your influences:)

  339. Janet Axelson

    I’m thankful for my “in-between” last year…that is where I found God! Even though it was oh so hard…I wouldn’t trade it for anything! Blessings, Janet

  340. Janna

    I’m not a leader but I love to explore the different pathways that God can use me in. I don’t have a lot of confidents in myself but I have a lot in God! I would love to just learn to communicate with people about God! I loved your book Made to Crave!

  341. Landon

    I just finished two awesome books that I think teach some amazing leadership principles even though this is not the theme of the books. The Mission of Motherhood was an amazing read that has taught me how to effectively lead my children to know & love the Lord. Kisses From Katie has taught me how to take a stand for the least of these who need someone lead them to Christ by unselfishly demonstrating His unconditional and unbiased love. I am thirsty for more wisdom and understanding as God molds me to become more and more like Him!

  342. Laura

    Each of us has a circle of influence, bug or small. Thanks for affirming this in your blogs!

  343. Cynthia Alsup

    My pastor’s been talking about Catalyst but I didn’t know what it was all about. Thanks for all the references!

  344. Christine Ann

    I have just followed through on reading about gaining insights and wisdom from other leaders, by following the resource links. I was absolutely blown away by Emily Freeman’s blog ( June 20, 2012). It was as if she was writing exactly what has been running through my thoughts of late..especially about reading inspiring words other people wrote and getting a ‘hole in her stomach’ and the hole being a drain where ‘ inspiration and courage swirled away like dirty water’ and leaving her with the feeling she had othing to say.. That is exactly where I am at the moment.. But I was deeply encouraged by the 3 points she wrote following this.. I have printed it off and will read it all again and believe that I do have something to say/write.. Thankyou Lysa for leading me to find this inspiring information and lovely woman of God.

  345. Tara

    God Bless those who do not see themselves as leaders. This is how we learn to be humble.

  346. Betsy

    Thanks for sharing some of those who speak into your life Lysa! Will check out these ‘resources/people’. I feel like this past year I’ve been in transition, praying God has something great for me, but at times feel lost and forgotten in the waiting. As always, you provide encouragement when I need it!

  347. Rachel Larkin

    Thank you Lisa for sharing these resources with us – I am always learning!
    I am sure these writers/bloggers will help me and my teenage sons who I am homeschooling. Thanks

  348. Allison

    Thank you so much for the links. It is great to be able to find mentors in different areas that are founded and grounded in Christ.

  349. Jody

    Jesus was the greatest leader by example and as many strive to succeed in those big shoes in our small ways, we realize we all need encouragement to be better leaders. God blesses those who lead (as mamas, wives, friends, sisters, daughters or at work)…thank you for the continued encouragement and words sprinkled with real life wisdom!

  350. Juliet Horan

    I lead young people on a daily basis and always want it to more of a life lead than just a work lead. I started in the Marine Corps where taking care of your troops was the No. 1 priority, and I still believe it today. But I believe to be a good leader doesn’t just mean challenging your people but challenging yourself to learn more and be better. Your quote is awesome to help us realize to move on to the next great thing means doing something different!

  351. Brandy Barnett

    I have always wanted to be a leader but never thought of myself as one. I like your comment “Leaders are influencers” and in that simplistic definition, I see myself as a leader especially in the lives of my children.

  352. Debra Wood

    I look forward to your posts. Always seem to hit me right between the eyes. Keep it up!

  353. Denise Carpenter

    So desire to be a better leader. I also love reading new blogs. 🙂 Excited to read what they have written. 🙂

  354. Jen

    Please pick me! Pretty please! With Splenda on top!

  355. jeanine

    thanks for all the help. I need this.

  356. Holly Barrett

    Great words of wisdom, Lysa!! Thanks for sharing with us. Hope I win the books!!

  357. Tracy

    A reluctant leader; much more worker bee… Would love to learn more

  358. Emily Vance

    Lysa Thank you for being such a great influencer!

  359. Karen

    I co-lead a non-profit and would love the leadership materials! Thank you Lysa for sharing your insights!

  360. Amy

    After 13 years of being out of leadership (to raise my two treasures), I find myself about to jump back in and am desperate for God’s grace since the first go around as a leader I was far too concerned about having it be about. I am like thirsty clay longing to soak up all I can about leadership that honors Christ and He molds me into His vessel… so you can imagine how thrilled I was to see the word “leadership” on your (one of my favorite writers) facebook page!

  361. Netta Schroeder

    I just got done doing the “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God” bible study at my church and it has really influenced how I look at my faith and relationship with the Lord. After such an amazing experience, I got connected to your ministry ( and I read the devotionals daily to help my head and my heart stay in the right frame throughout my day/week. I have loved feeling connected to an online community of women that love Jesus!


  362. Linda Bartosik

    I so enjoyed the post by Jeff Goins about waiting! That’s been the subject of a few of my blogs. I’m “waiting” for this most interesting book. Thanks for the info!

  363. Jennifer

    HI, Lysa!

    I’m a mother of 5, and leadership is not my strength! I would love more insight!

  364. Paloma

    Thanks for showing me that Jesus is my way out my `no way` situation.

  365. Karlyn Hillman

    I’ve learned a lot about leadership through in the trenches experience in the past 5 years. I use to compartmentalize leadership and Then came motherhood. I began to realize very quickly that all I was learning about leadership needed to be used in all aspects of my life.

    Thank you Lysa for all you do as a spiritual leader!!!!

  366. Heather DeJesus Yates

    The title “leader” overwhelms me at times and like Saul’s armor on David, it just doesn’t feel like it fits me! I see what a mess I am and when God reminded me that all women can be a mess, being a “leader” for me meant being a “Messy Woman Representative”! I simply invite messy women to run with me to Jesus for our help daily. Now this fits me! And I need all the help I can get to do this well as a women’s ministry director for a swelling church! Thanks for all the seeds you sow in us Lysa!!

  367. Connie

    Thanks for sharing Lysa. I do enjoy learning from others. In fact that is how I met you!

  368. Paloma

    I haven`t got a team yet but God has been whispering to get ready. Thanks for sharing the leadership blogs.

  369. Sharon

    Lysa, thank you for continuing to share not only your experiences but those of other dynamic Christian leaders. In His Hands.

  370. Janet Trenda

    Thanks, Lysa. One of the things I so appreciate about you is that you are always teachable! That’s why I can learn so much from you.

  371. Rebecca

    What a great giveaway!!! My husband and I are transitioning into leadership roles in our church and it would be great to have some solid leadership teachings right about now! 🙂

  372. Deanna

    Leadership is something we often overlook or don’t realize how important it is until we are missing it!

  373. Debbie

    These resources sound awesome! Looking forward to learning more.

  374. Vanessa Mendez

    THANK YOU!! I’m loving and learning so much from your insight and wisdom! Just bookmarked all of these on my phone! You’re a blessing and a joy to glean from… Praying for you, your team, and all the awesome things/events you guys have lined up! 🙂

  375. Pamela

    The opening words of this post are such an encouragement. I have been involved in an organizational re-alignment with the ministry I work for – and the idea that “what got us where we are won’t get us to where we believe God is calling us” is at the heart of the changes we have proposed. It has not gone as smoothly as we anticipated, but we still believe we are being obedient to God’s calling.

    Thank you for the suggested resources – always appreciate learning from others!

  376. Nancy J

    Wise words that should always be part of serving as a leader — our mission, goals, listening to God and really hearing what he has to say, learn from others and their experiences. I look forward to checking the resources that you have provided.:))

  377. Josie

    The In-Between. Pretty sure I need to read that book!

  378. Darlene Collazo @ {In Pursuit}

    Great advice Lysa! We should never tire of growing and learning… there’s no other way to live 🙂

  379. Leslee Smith

    We are all in positions of leadership within our circle of influence. Right now, I am called to be an under-girder to my husband, adult sons and daughter-in-law and two young grandchildren. I also have the privilege of being involved in a public school with middle-schoolers, and in my job, I have the freedom to speak truth into their lives, love them, and even, if they accept it, hug them and pray with them. So it is my primary assignment, I believe, to pray, and to be continually filling my mind and spirit with God’s truth in as many forms as He provides. I daily read your blog, and though I am in a different stage of life, I am blessed by what God says through you, especially about not allowing ourselves to be stagnant. God bless you and your ministry today.

  380. Beth

    Love this. The timing is perfect as I have recently transitioned back into a leadership role within my company and this post is just what I needed! Thanks for sharing!

  381. Susan

    Thank you for your teaching heart. I have been so grateful and thank-you for all the learning opportunities through Proverbs 31 ministries. I am working on my platform and these resources would be a tremendous help. Blessings – Susan

  382. Christa


    LOVE LOVE LOVE the blogs you suggested!!! I appreciate your heart in equipping leaders!

    BLESSINGS to you and yours!

  383. Giselle

    So blessed by your leadership and authenticity! I’m always looking for resources to grow. Thank you for the opportunity! Blessings!

  384. bonnie

    So many people who we consider “leaders’ don’t look at themselves that way. I think that is what makes them a great leader, the humble attitude. Not the “me first” mentality. Sounds like you have an awesome team. Enjoyed reading this!

  385. penny

    glad to have found your blog…love your studies too!!

  386. Theresa Clark

    I appreciate so many leaders….from my pastor to the kids at church….all who influence me to be a better leader and follower. Lysa, since I heard you speak last year in Bowling Green, KY I have been blown away by how God reminds me….we influence others even when we aren’t aware of it. God calls us as His children to be influencers for His kingdom….as we lead, as we follow, as we enable others to do the same!

  387. Melanie

    Thank you for being real. That is what the world needs to see. As Jesus was a leader, yet humble and washed the disciples feet, Leadership says to me Service. I need all the help I can get to learn to be that kind of servant. “Greater is He that is in Me than He that is in the World.. for all of us…. in Jesus Name.. may we abide in HIM… and walk this out in victory…as you say” Imperfect progress.”, I call this a” reformed perfectionist.”. LOL( so Pick me.). I am so grateful for the mercies of God that are new every morning.. bye for now… can’t wait to hug your neck one day for being such a great mentor.

  388. michele e

    I never considered myself a leader ….but God keeps dragging me places where people look to me for answers….only HE can proved……you studies & blogs help me to not feel alone:) thanks for your help & encouragement.

  389. Stephanie H

    Bookmarked all of these blogs, and lingered on Emily’s to peruse all her beautiful photos! What a great giveaway!

  390. Christie Pickard

    I am loving She Speaks! This is my first time and I have learned so much already. I love this reminder to keep your hand open! I Loved Michael Hyatt tonight, too!

  391. Laura Jo

    I am starting a new phase of ministry in my life, I am now the new Women’s Ministry leader. I am greatful for all you are doing to help women to flourish in what God has for them!

  392. Debby Voth

    I am enjoying meeting all the leaders at Shespeaks conference.

  393. Diana

    About a month ago my husband lost his job. During that same week you were experiencing some sort of difficulty. Your posts have been exactly what I needed to help me realign my heart with my head knowledge that God is still God and we will come through this. Thank you so much for your posts. I tried to buy unglued on a kindle the other day but have to wait to purchase via computer it said. Anxious to read more.

  394. Kristin

    Thank you so much for sharing this information. Your timing is awesome…because its HIS timing! I will be serving in a role as a group discussion leader for BSF, starting in a few weeks. I’m humbled and excited and maybe a little nervous too. Thank you so much again, for sharing this info! God bless you, dear lady!

  395. Mary

    Thank you for sharing these leadership blogs. Looking forward to digging deeper into their content.

  396. Rebecca

    I love this. I agree with you – “influencers are leaders.” I also love that the “in-between” was mentioned – it’s so vital for the longed-for outcome! Thanks, Lysa!

  397. Missy B

    Love learning from other leaders. And this would be a great library for our church staff.

  398. Kendra George

    FOR REAL, Lysa is my new favorite writer!! It started with Made to Crave, and I’m currently reading Unglued and Am I messing up my kids? You are a wonderful writer, Lysa, you are blessing my socks off!! I am always looking for more blogs to add to my reading list, so thank you for your suggestions!! I would LOVE to be the winner of your give away! The Lord is continuing a journey in me, and besides the Bible…He is using a multitude of books to reach my heart!! Thanks for giving of your heart, Lysa!!
    Kendra George

  399. Connie Boles

    Leadership is so important, especially in spiritual settings, because good leadership helps encourage spiritual growth in others.

  400. Rachael

    Hey Lysa, I just heard you speak at Rock the House in Ash Flat, Ar. What an Awesome night!!! I am looking forward to what The Lord is going to do in the morning through you and all who are involved in this event.

  401. Barbara Gaona

    I so needed to read this list. I never look at myself as a leader even though I help people achieve their weight loss goals. I often feel time doing nothing is time wasted which makes for a very stressed life. Thank you for sharing these blogs!

  402. Paula Mantrozos

    Thanks so much for your recommendations! You influence me! Thanks for passing the “good stuff” along to the rest of us. Blessings to you and your whole team.

  403. Monica B.

    Thanks for always providing great nuggets of helpful information! I love that you introduce us all to new things and people, which can be avenues to help us continue on our faith journey. This is a wonderful prize package!

  404. Chantell

    The waiting place book sounds intriguing!

  405. Anna

    Thanks Lysa for such great information, great encouragement. I will be visiting these blogs. We just started a home group, never done this before and it will be a great learning opportunity to see what each person has to share, to inspire. We have stepped out in faith and said YES to God! This is just the beginning, and we are so excited..

  406. Anne

    I love this collection! I will be adding these to my list, thank you, Lysa!

  407. Kendra

    Looking forward to reading each of these! Thanks for sharing.

  408. Donna J.

    I am so inspired by your messages, Lysa! I am also excited about the opportunity of hearing what these others have to say about leading ministry. I had an evaluation filled out in one of my ministries at the end of last year where I was told that my leader did not feel appreciated…this completely broke my heart! It is my heart’s desire to try to do everything I can to make my leadership team know how important they are to the team and how appreciated they are. I try to send an encouraging email every week letting them know that there is no way that our ministry would not work without them.

    This opened my eyes to the fact that I am failing somewhere, so I have made it my goal this year to not let this happen again this year. I want to learn to be the transparent leader, the person that anyone at anytime can come to and for all of my team to know that they are not only appreciated but loved. Thank you for all of the inspiration you provide. Please pray that God equips me with the skills that I need to be the leader I know He desires me to be.

  409. Priscilla

    Thanks for this entry, Lisa. I am intrigued the ‘Why’ reasons you give for listing Mentorfriends in your life as Leaders.
    I love Michael, whom you’ve mentioned first, who came to my mind immediately as I began reading your blog for the first time. His cozy, non-nonsense, inner techie nerd, Christian love friendliness makes me feel as if we could and should walk in our gifts as brand ambassador for Christ. It is nice to hear how friendsofyours impress you as leaders by their sheer influence and ability to affect through their own styles and creativity. Not trying to be like anyone, just in being themselves. I am learning not to judge my insides by another’s outsides and I am praying daily for strength and courage, by God’s grace to wear the armour of God, garments of praise and love to walk worthy of my calling in Christ Jesus. To be me not for anyone else but God and found guilty as charged ‘doing me’ ‘under the influence’ of the power of the Holy Spirit on the Highway of Life, 7 x7 over the limit for forgiveness, charged with love for my fellow man and sentenced with eternal life with Jesus!

  410. Twizzle

    Wow… Just this week I’ve been struggling with a request for a leadership role…..i love how God leads us to places we need to go. I’ll be reading your blog links for inspiration! Thanks

  411. Wendy

    I have been struggling in my leadership roles for quite a while, and a huge fan of Lysa’s for almost as long. I have been reading Henry Cloud’s books on leadership, and am so grateful for more author’s who have a Biblical basis for their writing!

  412. Jeannie

    I am very interested in info about leadership, the books sound great.

  413. Jane

    I can’t wait to read the books and blogs you mentioned.

  414. Ajayi Deborah

    Thanks for these words “what got us here won’t get us there”.

  415. Debbie M

    This sounds like a great list. Been following Michael Hyatt on Twitter for a little while now. He offers great leadership advice and nuggets of wisdom!

    Thanks for the recommended reading!

  416. Cindy Young

    I just recently found your website! I am going to check out the list you provided. I feel God is calling me into something big, but hasn’t revealed it to me (or I’m too silly to see it)! I have been involved in jail ministry for several years and I am heading up our Operations Christmas Child campaign at my church. I help lead worship at my church and I am getting ready to go to Uganda in October to visit orphanages with Hope Grafted In. I am feeling that I need to have some leadership skills to be prepared for what it is that God has for me and I would love to win these resources! Hoping to be the one you select!


  417. Marcy

    I love the way God puts things in my path to get a message to me. I have a willing heart to be a leader but don’t feel equipped to do so and tend to be very hard on myself for not “getting it together by now”. When I read that your friend Emily Freeman is an influence for you therefore a leader I felt a huge wave of relief because that is what I am. God spoke to my heart. Thank you for what you do.

    • Melissa

      I can relate to feeling ill-equipped and being hard on myself, too! But I am learning through women I bible study with, to see myself as God sees me and loves me. It’s tough but the friends and these resources help a lot. I believe God makes some of us “encouragers.”

  418. Rebecca

    God has been pulling me out of my comfort zone. Every time I take a step in faith and God never forsakes me. I am so thankful for this ministry. I am continually encoureaged to follow Gods plan for my life. Even if I am scared sometimes. It is a weighty responsible and I take it seriously.

  419. Chun

    Hello Lysa,

    I heard about your ministry, but haven’t really checked out yet until this morning. I didn’t expect to read about “leadership” on your site. It is interesting because I recently become very interested in leadership and I read couple of books and pondered about leadership in Christ. I’ll definitely check out leaders you put on your blog. Thank you for the listing. Feel like a good starting point. – CST

  420. Ellen Wright

    These books sound like they offer good/biblical advice on leading-a skill that constantly needs honing! As an older woman in our church, I recognize the biblical responsibility of mentoring the younger women. Because God tells me to do this, it reminds me it is not about ME, but rather about where He has placed me in our church’s birth order at this point in time! When He gives me insights, it is important for me to share them with other women–especially younger women–but to do it in a humble, non-threatening way. Being an outgoing person, I frequently need God’s restraints/directions to keep my sharing on HIS track–not mine. Your offer of leadership books, therefore, looks extremely promising for more help to keep me tuned in to God’s frequency.
    Thanks, Lysa, for all you’re allowing God to do through you! 🙂

  421. Louisa

    I love that you are trying to keep your ministry fresh! It takes work to be a leader and I live that you are offering resources….I have a sin who exhibits such leadership and we are trying to mentor him with his gift…these would be a wonderful gift!

  422. Barb Truman

    Love your quote: “what got us here won’t get us there.” So true! And to keep improving we need leaders, all kinds of leaders at all levels. Just thinking, but I’m guessing every one of us is a leader in some place and some way in our lives. Thanks for all you do, Lysa! I thank God that I found you and Proverbs 31 Ministries!

  423. Margaret

    This collection sounds great!

  424. Tanjae

    Love post about Emily and if you influence people you are a leader. Totally awesome..

  425. Glenda

    I don’t think of myself as a leader often, but I guess I am because I do influence my students on a daily basis. (I hope 🙂

  426. Joyce

    Thanks Lysa – your post was perfect timing. I’m trying to lead a new nonprofit that my husband and I founded called and was asking Jesus for a mentor. I will be checking out you suggestions. Thanks again.

  427. Michelle

    Thank you for the inspiration.

  428. Barb Prinsen

    Being a leader is great – but I realize we can’t all be leaders and sometimes being a follower is good too. My daughter is currently at your conference – and by following her “leadership” I was lead to Amazon to check out your books – I now have a long list to put in my cart, including “Made to Crave” and “Unglued”.

  429. Melissa

    My environment has been going through many changes over part year and half. I have had to adjust and taker on new responsibilities. Some ate positions of influence I see now. I sometimes feel a lack of ability and incompetence.. until I grab the words of friends in Christ, that God loves me where I am- He put me here! That encouragers are leaders and have one of the gifts of the Spirit. So glad to see you speak of leading and offer resources.. Thank you! I love your ministry! God bless you all.

  430. Babs

    To quote Chris Brogan. (@chrisbrogan) “Don’t settle: Don’t finish crappy books. If you don’t like the menu, leave the restaurant. If you’re not on the right path, get off it.”

    • Beth Smith

      I love that idea. Don’t settle as I approach my 50th birthday this week, those words speak to my heart. No more wasting time doing things I don’t want to do.

  431. Sarah K

    I can’t wait to read each of the blogs.

  432. anna

    What a great giveaway. So many great leaders to learn from.

  433. Jessica Winebrenner

    Thank you for sharing these blogs, Lysa. I heard you speak at our Women’s Conference at Sagemont Church, Houston, in February. Still get a good belly-laugh out of your scuba diving story! Anyway, our Tuesday Morning Bible Study will be starting “Unglued” in September! SO EXCITED!!! Thank you for your encouragement and Biblical wisdom! Looking forward to more posts on your blog. Blessings!

  434. Charity Helms

    Sweet Lysa, it’s been so long! I thank God for the ministry He’s entrusted you with. Thank you for remaining faithful to what He’a called you to. I just read Unglued — so so good!

  435. Zernah Alekseenko

    Hi Lysa!

    I have been following your blog and posts for almost a year now and have felt like I have found a kindred spirit. You encourage, you fire us up, and you have motivated me to learn more to grow. I thank God that I came across your site as I was looking for a place to grow in faith and grace. I have been thrown in leadership roles and I always thank God for the opportunity to serve Him in ministry. Now, I have volunteered to serve in Russia as a self-supporting missionary, together with my family, and daily waiting on God to do what He can for us. Our pastor in the local church has asked me to take up responsibilities in leading out the women, children and youth ministries. He has also asked me to assist him in pastoring. I feel nervous, but I know God will equip me to do His work. I want to grow more personally and in leadership. Thank you for sharing this leadership blogs with us. I will be there in no time (right after I write this looking comment..heheh). Also, it would be a great blessing to be able to study through these books.
    I pray that God will continue to bless you and be with you in all that you do.

  436. Valerie Black

    I am currently in a master’s program for leadership. I would love to have some of my foundation in the faith-based area of leadership. I will be checking out the leaders you have mentioned!


  437. Keri

    I’m so greatful for you and your team working so hard to help lead other women into the arms of Jesus. I so wish I had a godly woman leading me and giving me wisdom on how to be a godly woman, wife and mother. Then I came across your devotion’s they are helping me through a dark valley. I think of Proverbs 31 ministries as Titus’ woman. You guys are leading me with Biblical advice and any chance I get I pray that I could be a leader for Gods glory. Leading other women to godly advice. Thank you so much Lysa and all that help with Proverbs 31 ministries.:)

  438. Kimberly

    You linked to one of my favorite posts by Emily. (Actually one I needed to read again…so thank you.) God has used her to breathe courage into my heart many a time. I love that she is on your leadership list. 🙂

    I have been praying this weekend for She Speaks. I know heart after heart after heart will leave blessed. Blessings to YOU as you continue to be a faith-filled, faith-stirring leader.

  439. Casey

    I’ve read Jeff Goins…great. I’m excited for the new names!

  440. Kris

    Lysa… I love your message!! It ties in so well to the story of Joseph in Genesis. Joseph pressed on amidst all he had endured with his brothers!! God had placed a dream and a desire in his heart and he did not let adversity get in his way!!! I love this!! He didn’t let discouragement poison him! Nor think of ways to pay back his brothers! His pressing forward put him in charge of Egypts affairs!! Keeping to the desire, dream God places in our hearts and not getting side-tracked by others who are too afraid to follow they’re dreams and desires is the key!!

  441. Jennifer Dougan

    Hi Lysa,

    I have been reading Hyatt’s book on platforms this month and wanting to buy my own copy so I can write in it, instead of protecting the library version of it. I enjoy Jeff Goins’ approachable upbeat information too, and subscribe to his blog.

    Have a great week,
    Jennifer Dougan

  442. Courtney

    Thank you for the insight on these books. I know leadership is somewhere in my future I just don’t know where;)

  443. Linda Pendry

    First time at preconference, was encouraged by Sharon G talking about waiting on God & not being too old for God to use us. Loved it! Thanks Linda Pendry

  444. Kim

    Just flew in from SheSpeaks in couple hours ago and my brain is fried. But, I can’t stop digging for more information and inspiration! So, here I am on your blog, looking up all these folks that you recommend. I need to get to bed, but I want more and more! Thanks for your leadership at P31, Lysa. I am utterly blown away by what I got this weekend.

  445. Leah P

    Thank you for the opportunity to win this awesome giveaway!

  446. Kathey Clark

    As someone who has been laid off twice later in life and even went back to school to update my education in my 40’s I’m always interested in learning how others re-invent, re-evaluate, and get a grip on who they are in their 50’s. I enjoy your tid bits on KLOVE Lysa!

  447. J. James

    Thanks for sharing these books. I am a high school administrator and I need all the assistance I can get with leading in a Godly manner. I hope to get a few of these books to help me with my leadership. jj

  448. Theresa Walker

    I would love to win these books! I’m headed into a season of volunteer work at our church as a stay-home mom, and would love to read these books and share them with my friends!

  449. N Jean Bird

    Thanks for the recommended reading list. I am the leader for our missions committee but often struggle with the role as leader since I have so many times when I feel I really am the one in need of leading.
    Currently attempting to write an article for my “blog” (a very new experiment for me) on struggling with being able to “be still” and not feeling guilty for being “idle”.
    Your real life testimonies are refreshing!

  450. Stacey

    Thank you for the blogs and the offer of the books. They look like just what I need as I start the Children’s Church Director position this fall. People have already come up to me saying they hope I don’t make too many changes. But there needs to be change to make it a quality Children’s program. I’ll need a lot of prayer through this!

    • mindy

      God has placed on my heart to be a shining light towards him. To inspire others.

  451. Karen

    As always, thank you for sharing what you are learning from those around you! We are grateful that you ALWAYS turn back around to pour into us with what has impacted you.
    Grateful for you,

  452. Melody Holmes

    Hope I am not too late on this giveaway! Thanks for sharing these awesome leadership sites 🙂

  453. Tiffany

    I can definitely identify with time waiting feeling like time wasted. I have spent the last six years reinventing myself… Some things by choice and some by force. My marriage of 17 years ended, two homes were foreclosed, and i lost “custody” of most of my friends, and even my CPA. I had to start fresh and then I lost my job. I have spent a lot of time waiting, waiting for God, waiting for a miracle, and waiting for God’s plan for my life to be revealed. I went back to school, just got remarried, and feel God’s presence once again. And now there’s the call. The call to do more than just live my life, but live what, how, and where God wants me to live. I don’t know if that means to lead or to follow. I do know I have a house full of “hearers” and a new step daughter who is thirsting for a godly woman to influence her life. Now, no time is wasted because I see every moment as an opportunity to love, give, and grow. It’s a challenge, and I’m far from perfect… Just want to make some progress everyday. Thanks for your perspective and help!

  454. Allison A.

    I would love to win. Thanks for the chance!

  455. Betsy Sisco

    I attended She Speaks and waited too late to get Michael Hyatt’s book! He was gone by Saturday, and so were the books. I would love a copy! Thanks for the chance:)

  456. Amanda carney

    I just returned from SheSpeaks and all I can say is “wow”! Thank you so much for having hearts that desire to pour into others who feel the same calling you experienced! I stepped off the plane in Charlotte a scared and confused woman, who only knew what God had laid on her heart but no idea what to do with it. You and your team filled me with motivation, encouragement and guidance that I don’t feel I could have gotten at any other place. I stepped back on that plane with a heart determined to step out for what God has equipped me to do! Thank you for your obedience! And Michael Hyatt was awesome!!! Would love his book!

  457. Deanna Bartlett

    Would love to have these books! The way I do ministry is a direct result of putting into practice what I am taught. Women’s LIFE Fellowship is not afraid to try new things! I have very little help when it comes to personal mentoring for me so I depend greatly on books and internet mentoring. Thank you for PROVERBS 31!

  458. Zanetta

    Thank you Lysa for your leadership and your love for Jesus! I can absolutely see Him in you. I was just at she speaks conference this past weekend and enjoyed it beyond. Because of you and Proverbs 31, the Lord is stirring in my heart the desire to only be closer to Him and to be used wherever He would want me. I was also blessed to attend your church, Elevation, which I follow weekly from New Mexico. I am still overwhelmed. The Spirit was present in a mighty way, Pastor Steven is no doubt anointed! Thank you again for your leadership and obedience to the Lord. Thank you for also ministering to each woman who stood in line for you to sign a book. I noticed you did not pass her by or sign the book and rush her off, you rather, looked at her and made her feel she was the only one present. You inspire me.

  459. Laura

    Lysa, thank you for sharing and for inspiring us as leaders and women to pursue more for our lives.

  460. Jennifer Warren

    Hi, Lysa, I just said YES to God to be used by HIM to do HIS work through me and the team of ladies in our Women’s Ministry. We have a great teacher who has been leading us for 7 years. She has now said YES to God to pursue her Ministry Love Everlasting (Deb Waterbury)…she published a book called Painted Window which is a trilogy. I am now starting in the role of Bible Study Director and am looking for encouragement, support and tools to learn how to be effective in this new role. I am in the process of choosing our upcoming Fall bible study to start October 1st and am going to preview your study “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God” Thank you so much for the opportunities you give us to learn and glean from you and these other leaders.

  461. Julia

    Thank you for your ministry! I so enjoy your practical wisdom in the every day events called life! My husband and I just bought a house, way too big for the two of us, praying over the house before we moved in that God would use it however he saw fit. Before our first mortgage payment is due, we already have a young man living with us…mentoring him on growing his faith. Praise the Lord for the opportunities we have to work in the lives of young people – sharing them our life experiences and what a responsibility to learn all we can on effectively leading these young lives!

  462. Katie L

    Today, I had a bit of an Unglued moment when my daughter interrupted me–just to remind me for the fifteenth time that she was hungry. It was close to dinner time and I needed the interruption because, really, I needed to get dinner started but I was still a bit upset at the reminder. Later, as I was preparing dinner, I realized that I often come unglued when I feel I am interrupted. Like somehow what I am doing is so much more important than you, what you have to say or what you would like. In the case of my daughter, it was dinner! After this unglued moment and time of reflection, I checked out Lysa’s website and then clicked over to Jeff Goins blog where I read his post “Are You Interruptible? (You Should Be)”. Praise God that He speaks and uses others, even their blogs, to speak to me! I will now work to be interruptible.

  463. Allison

    I was molested as a child by family friend teen boy…lasted over two years…drink alcohol all my life…started AA after first year of college..went to counseling for post traumatic stress disorder…had an abortion …got married 6 years to another man…we had two miscarriages and an ectopic pregnancy where my right fillopian tube burst and I had emergency surgery…we never gave up and had four children of our own…I was diagnosed with Lupus after my second daughter…after having three daughters we got pregnant with our son and he was born with Down syndrome…we love each child so dearly…wouldn’t change a thing! My husband and I just celebrated 16 years in May…have marital problems…financial difficulties…weight issues….I have anger issues…I don’t know what to do to get further help…I do counseling…am on meds for depression and mood disorder…just diagnosed with narcolepsy…I have health issues…don’t know where to turn…don’t have anyone to talk to…don’t know how to forgive other’s and myself…put it down but keep picking it up over and over…love my heavenly father…my own father is deceased after cancer….I have issues with my mother…would love your input…comments…guidance…comfort….help….prayers…?what to do for healing and forgiveness? I am hurting and alone.

    • Sharon

      Allison please know that I have prayed for you & will continue to do so.

  464. Brenda from illinois

    I love leadership! It is a lost form, seems they are few and far between these days. I have a graduate degree in leadership, and would love to read these books!

  465. michelle h

    thanks for the recommendations, wil lhave to check out these!

  466. Debbie Gray

    We are at the end of the Made to Crave series at our church. I am awed by your insights and will have to read it again to really decipher what Satan is hiding from me. I really need to develop a good healthy eating plan – but I need more resources!! Thanks for the offer!

  467. Amber Livermore

    It is so incredibly important to be a leader especially when following Christ. Against the grain….

  468. Catherine

    I am sure you have already given away the prize by now, but what a blessing this blogpost was today! My husband is in a new position (we moved 500 miles for him to take this job), and he was thrilled to see all these resources for leadership! Thank you!

  469. Jamie

    Would love to win.

  470. Anne Webb

    I am so happy to finally find you. Our Ladies Bible Study Group completed “Made to Crave” this past Spring (2013). The application of this subject is very far reaching. Cravings are in the range of unhealthy desires for me. Your insights truly help. I look forward to becoming your facebook friend.


    Thanks Lysa for all the info! I like how you broke down different folks for the different type of leadership they offer (including friends), as we need varying leaders for varying tasks. That was most helpful. It’s fun to hear your personal quips about some of them too. 🙂

  472. Wendy

    I’ve never thought of myself as a “leader” in the standard sense ( i.e. an extroverted, ideas driven Type A- personality). However, I am beginning to realize the subtler qualities of leadership that I have. I would like to have a better grasp on how to develop these qualities in my multiple roles as a pastor’s wife, public school teacher, and community member.

  473. Laura

    Thank you Lysa, to you as we’ll as your determined team. Sharing the love of our precious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. May God continue leading the way, and may you continue to be His servant.

  474. Angie Miller

    Thanks for the encouraging links!

  475. Christina Furnia

    God bless you and your ministry. You are at the top of my list for leaders and have inspired me since we learned to Crave God, not food–together. Thank you for all you do and the oh so many ways you have inspired me. Your post is a God send as I just picked up a John Maxwell book on leadership and also listened to an Andy Stanley message on leadership. Ok God, where to next?! 🙂 Thanks Lysa!

  476. Katy Lin

    Hope the giveaway is still open 🙂 Thanks for these great links and the great giveaway! <3

  477. Stacie Riddle

    I am a pastor’s wife. Enjoying this with my husband the past five years. One thing I’ve learned is that I am apart of his ministry as he is. Thanks for the opportunity o win some books.

  478. Ida Ortega

    Hi Lysa, thanks for sharing about leadership, I agree to be great effective leaders there always has to be a re-evaluating and re-inventing; so we don’t become stagnate leaders. In order to achieve that we need to conitnue to seek God daily so we can become anointed effective leaders, and help new leaders become all they can be. I recently came from the She Speaks Conference, what an awesome time I had. I have been trying to learn as much as I can about book proposals, and platform. I was encouraged by how real you keep it, thanks for sharing. God Bless you!!

  479. Larissa Wilson

    Thank you so much for sharing your heart. I just read your blog for the first time and it is very encouraging!

  480. Sharon

    It’s no coincidence that I came across this. We have a steering retreat this weekend for our moms group for which I am the coordinator, my homeschool year is about to kick off again (3 boys ages 10, 8, 3), our family’s business is finally starting to grow – I need to glean as much as I can from others that are following God’s leading regarding their roles HE HAS GIVEN THEM. God has placed me in these circumstances & His faith in me is astounding because I feel SO unqualified. I absolutely love what you said about “what got us here, won’t get us there… we always need to be reinventing, reevaluating, and choosing a posture of learning in order to get where we want to be”. Learning from our past & constantly moving forward, not condemning ourselves but looking for ways to correct, grow & help those coming after us. Whether that is our children that we’ve been leading & directing or other people we’re associated with through roles & associations. I plan to access each & every one of the blogs & resources you listed. I’ve already ordered “The In-Between” by Jeff Goins. I would so love to attend one of the leadership conferences you mentioned & I’m going to figure out how to make that happen. Thank you so much for your obedience to the calling God has placed upon you.

  481. linda

    I am sharing this devotion.

  482. Charla Skinner

    Lately, I’ve felt God asking me to share my talents with others. I took piano lessons since I was six years old and have been playing since. My husband and I have been in ministry over 12 years, and during those years, I have been asked several times if I taught piano lessons. Each time, my answer has been “not at this time.” I believe God is asking me, now, to step up and use the talent He has given me to help others by teaching them how to play so that they may glorify Him and that future generations can also serve Him through playing.

  483. bonnie

    Thank God for ladies like you that help ladies like me get through some days! Life is so full of housework, a full time job, a full time Mom and daughter, and a full time wife that it’s often difficult to find 5 minutes to spend with God much less share his message. I have to continuously remind myself that He finds time for me and he has millions of others to care for!!! Your words of wisdom seem to help me find the “glue”! It is also comforting to find out that I’m not alone…God is always there as well as many others deal with the same issues that unglue me!

  484. Karen

    Really looking forward to starting our Bible study…..ready to grow!

  485. Seana

    Thank you for your obedience in sharing what God has called you to share. I have found that it is in sharing the hurts and disappointments (often by those we love and trust most) with others, that we can ultimately be the hands and feet of Christ, encouraging others going through similar circumstances. We all need to be reminded that we are not alone and that we have hope for our futures. Blessings.

  486. Betty Topping

    We are a blessed people. God gives new life, abundant life and we have to live Christ so that others will want Who we have.

    Bloom where we are planted!

  487. Bethany

    It’s so hard to choose just ONE thing that God’s placed on my heart to share. Today, the message ringing in my heart is, “I’ve lived in blessing. I’ve lived in poverty. And I’ve learned the secret to being content. I’ve found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry,hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.”

  488. Laurie Pullins

    Because I live with hearing loss, I mentor to others to let them know there is HOPE and that a hearing loss diagnosis is not the end of the world. And share my faith journey because God answered my prayer 40 years after I prayed a particular prayer as a nine year old. Deuteronomy 2:7

  489. Lisa

    Forgiveness is one of the hardest things to do. However, we must….over and over until the issue, person, etc no longer leaves any miniscue feelings of resentment. Its not an overnight thing, but sometimes a daily nnevessity.

  490. jen kuebler

    God has places the book of James in my heart to share with others this week!

  491. Lachel

    Thank you 1st and foremost, I too have experienced like situations. Molestation from 8 to 14 yrs of age by my brothers father (now deceased), a mother who stated “he is a grown man, why would he want a child”, later realizing she was dealing with her own insecurities and self esteem issues, my husband (we are now divorced)of 18yrs & 3 children had an outside child with one of his sister’s friends, I gained weight over 100lbs met a personal trainer whom I thought would be the answer to my prayers only to find out that he preyed on women like myself with self esteem issues, he helped me get 70lbs down and became physically abusive and became more of a dictator stating GOD was telling him that if i did not cut my mom off, feed my children from a long handled spoon,discontinue my relationships with my only 3 girlfriends that I would never never receive what GOD has for me. I’ve manged to get back down to a somewhat acceptable weight with a goal of an additional 40lbs but I constantly feel/hear the nagging comments he has made to me and wonder if there is any truth to it or is this that person’s way of still controlling and isolating me from all that I know. I’m feeling damaged,disappointed and devastated when it comes to my current life situation but deep down I know GOD has a plan for me I just need to know what it is. I pray through all my ups & downs that each of us have “HOPE”………always have faith of the unseen and continue to believe that as each day seems harder you must be getting closer to a destiny planned only for you.

  492. Julie

    Being real with the ladies in my life. Using the struggles of my broken marriage to show God’s faithfulness

  493. Lauren G.

    God wants me to share with others about His perfect timing. I learned A LOT through waiting 11 months to conceive a child. I love to plan and control things and now understand that He is in control and things are much better that way! I like to encourage others going through the same difficulty that I did.

  494. Faith Boulware

    God has placed on my heart to tell others that He alone is enough.

  495. Rosalinda Avilez

    Lysa we are in session 5 of your “Becoming more than a good bible study girl”. God wants me to see myself as a package deal of unique qualities that He saw as necessary for the life His calling me to live. To trust that He can turn everything I surrender to Him and turn it around for good. Thank you Lysa, God bless you and can’t wait to see you at Women of faith.

  496. Misty Bishop

    Very simply, I believe that God is inviting me to share the wide open, spacious, immense, overwhelming, beautiful gift of love and grace with others. Just as He shares this with me on a moment to moment experience.

  497. Lisa Carson

    He places on my heart to pray so my children see me and to pray with them. Especially when someone needs immediate prayers. It is such an important thing to demonstrate.

  498. Sherry Perkins

    I would like to share how much God has been helping me through a healthy eating/weight loss journey. I have in the past never given this to The Lord,when I did and became faithful in bible study and wanting to do what He wants me to do. I have been blessed beyond measure. I have lost 44 lbs. if not for my Savior I would have probably gained that much. I have a lot more to go, as long as my eyes are on Him I know all things are possible.

  499. Roberta Eldridge

    God wants me to share the message of His gracious love and forgiveness, new life in Christ and the promise of being a son or daughter to Him for eternity where He show love us forever and we can freely worship and praise Him forever!

  500. Rochelle

    I have been impressed to share my beautiful mess of a story to help others find their identity in life and be all that God designed them to be!

  501. Sabrina

    you are never too old to be set free from the sin and lies you’ve held onto and believed for so long.

  502. Anita Hughes

    Dear Lisa, Thanks for your timely advice and list of blog resources for leaders. I’m on the verge of leading another Bible study for the Fall and I’ve struggled with changing from the “traditional” material. Your comment that, “Leaders are influencers and Emily influences me,” caused me to realize that the new series that I want to select is from a Bible teacher who has definitely influenced me. And, where God has “messed with my life” and taught me new things is exactly what I need to be sharing with my group of ladies. Thanks, so much.

  503. Marcia

    Dear Lisa –
    I am so thankful I was introduced to your book “Unglued” at my book club meeting. My After the meeting two nights ago I began to read the book (I have a hard time putting it down) and did some searching on your website. Thank you for the resources as well. Thank you for being an inspiration to us all.

  504. Dena Trone

    I have just been introduced to your website and blog. I have been waiting patiently for Sunday for your new bible study.Would love any of these books

  505. Kristi Stauber

    I know that God has been telling me to share with other women that they are worth more than they could ever imagine. That if God loved them enough to send His Son for them, they have to know that He thinks they are worth it all. So many women just can’t see it for themselves!!

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  507. Collette

    Learning how to say Yes to God and step out of our comfortable place is what God is working in me right now. As I read your post above, I realized each of us our so similiar. Our struggles and challenges may be different, but the enemy fights against us in the same way. Thankful we have a God who never changes and is faithful to give us all the tools we need when we say yes.

  508. Debra

    First, I do not expect a reply after seeing all the comments. But just writing this in itself is the remedy. We have a major decision to make and your words have definitely refocused my fears. Second as a women’s ministry leader I have experienced many rewarding moments but always feel there has got to be more. Have I drawn the line or has God. “For I know the plans I have for you…” Thank you for the challenge. I receive WOF emails and literally for the first time dove deeper and discovered you. God has no limits, thank you for the challenge and reminder!! Always H.O.P.E. Helping Others Prepare for Eternity

  509. Chantel Pekarcik

    Thank you Lisa! You have a very special gift. A friend suggested I do this study with her and inside I resisted because I have three kids, one with special needs, and I barely have time to read a recipe let alone a book with actual pages. But I did it anyway and I love it already. Your experiences and wisdom are very encouraging. So again I say thank you…for taking time out of your life to write books that make us laugh, cry, and self reflect.

  510. Diane

    Jesus said “It is more blessed to give than to receive”. Often we choose to be on the receiving end of insights from others without the desire to seek, pursue and search as for hidden treasure the truth for our own lives. We receive from God so that we can pass on what He has blessed us with. Thank you for modelling the principles of seeking, receiving, sharing and mulitplying the gifts God has given in your life. I would be delighted to receive the leadership package that I might in turn share it with others.

  511. Luhida

    Your words today has open my eyes to what God has been trying so hard to make me see. I have always been afraid to stand up and kick the dewel down the street . You made me see today how he has been using me …how has he been discureting me to be what God had intended for me to be ..

    thank you …God know when and who to use at what time .

  512. Amy K

    It’s amazing how God will lead you to something just to get you to another destination. He works in glorious and wonderful ways!!!

  513. sara chambers

    Thank you for connecting Christianity to leadership and the inherent call we as Christians have to be leaders. I live in a remote Alaskan community with limited resources but great Christians who seek to deepen their role as leadersin Christ. Your resources are appreciated, Lysa!

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