(Below is a little peek into my book, What Happens When Women Say Yes to God – the story of how I really got started on this life-long “yes” journey. And I thought it just might speak into someone’s heart today. Find out how you can dig deeper into the book at the end of this post!)
It all started the day God told me to give away my Bible.
I was exhausted from traveling and speaking. All I wanted to do was to get to my assigned seat on the plane and settle in for a long winter’s nap. Imagine my absolute delight at being the only person seated in my row. I was just about to close my eyes when two last-minute passengers made their way to my row and took their seats.
Reluctantly, I decided to forgo my nap. The last thing I needed was to fall asleep and snore or, worse yet, wake up with my head resting on the guy’s shoulder beside me. No, I didn’t need another most embarrassing moment, so I pulled a manuscript out of my bag and started reading.
“What are you working on?” the guy asked. I told him I was a writer and I was working on a book titled Leading Women to the Heart of God. He smiled and said he thought God was a very interesting topic. I agreed and asked him a few questions about his beliefs. Before long, I found myself reaching into my bag and pulling out my Bible, walking him through some key verses that dealt with the issues he was facing. He kept asking questions, and I kept praying God would give me answers.
All of a sudden, I felt God tugging at my heart to give this man my Bible. Now, this was not just any Bible. This was my everyday, highlighted, underlined, written in, and tearstained Bible. My kids had even drawn pictures in this Bible. I started to argue with God in my head, but His message was clear. I was to give away my Bible.
I emptied it of some old church bulletins and other papers, took a deep breath, sighed, and placed it in the man’s hands. “I’d like for you to have my Bible,” I said. Astonished, he started to hand it back to me, saying he couldn’t possibly accept such a gift. “God told me to give it to you,” I insisted. “Sometimes the God of the universe pauses in the midst of all His creation to touch the heart of one person. Today, He paused for you.”
The man took my Bible and made two promises. First, he said he would read it, and, second, someday he would pass it on, doing for someone else what I’d done for him.
Before I knew it, the plane landed and we were saying our goodbyes. As I stepped into the aisle preparing to disembark, the woman on the other side of the businessman reached out and grabbed my arm. She’d been staring out the window the entire time we were flying, and I thought she’d been ignoring us. But her tearstained face told a different story.
In a tone so hushed I could barely hear her, she whispered, “Thank you. What you shared today has changed my life.” I put my hand on hers and whispered back, “You’re welcome.” Then a knot caught in my throat as tears welled up in my eyes. I didn’t have another Bible to give away, so I gave her one of my books and hugged her goodbye.
It has been said that we are to tell the whole world about Jesus, using words only if necessary. I saw this powerful truth come to life. Though I never spoke to this lady about Jesus, she saw Him through my obedience.
How humbling. How profound.
As I got off the plane that day, I could barely hold back my tears. Three people’s hearts were radically changed.
I believe the businessman came to know Jesus as his Lord and Savior. I believe the same is true for the lady. But my heart was changed in a dramatic way as well. While on the one hand I was overjoyed at what God had done, I was also brokenhearted by the flood of thoughts that came to mind recounting times I’d told God no.
How tragic to miss God’s divine appointments.
I just kept wondering, How many times have I told You no, God? How many times because I was too tired, too insecure, too uncertain, too busy, or too selfish have I walked right past Your divine appointment for me and missed experiencing You?
I lifted up my heart to the Lord and whispered, “Please forgive me for all those noes. Right now I say yes, Lord. I say yes to You before I even know what You might ask me to do. I simply want You to see a yes-heart in me.”
Several minutes after exiting the plane, I was weaving in and out of the crowds, trying to find my connecting gate, when I spotted the businessman again. He stopped me to tell me he had been praying to God and thanking Him for what happened on the plane. We swapped business cards, and, though we lived several states apart, I knew we would stay in touch.
About a month later he called to tell me his life had totally changed. He’d taken a week off from work to read the Bible, and he’d already shared his testimony with numerous people.
When he said this to me, my mouth dropped open. I couldn’t bring myself to tell him that I’d never taken a week off from work to read the Bible. God was definitely pursuing this man in a serious way!
When I asked him what his favorite verse was, he said it was Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” I thought to myself, Wow! Look at how God has already answered that for my new friend.
He also told me that after reading the Scriptures he knew he needed to get involved in a church, so he’d decided to visit a large church in his town. On his way there he passed another church, and a strong feeling came over him to turn his car around and go back to that church.
So he did.
When he got to his seat in the sanctuary, he opened up his bulletin and gasped. Inside the bulletin he saw my picture and an announcement that I was to be the speaker at an upcoming women’s conference. He said he felt as though, once again, God had paused just for him.
That day on the plane, when God impressed on my heart to give this man my Bible, I did not know what would happen. This man might have thrown my Bible into the nearest airport trashcan, for all I knew. Normally, I would have come up with a hundred reasons not to give my Bible away, but that day something changed in me. That day, for the first time, I truly heard the call of a woman who says yes to God: “Whatever God says to do, do it.”
Over 14,000 women have signed up for the Proverbs 31 Ministries’ Online Bible Study of What Happens When Women Say Yes to God, and you can too! Click here for more information and to sign up.
And here’s a fun giveaway to prepare you for the study… five commenters will be chosen to win a copy of the book today.
Tell me about a time when you’ve answered God’s call to be obedient.
I can’t wait to get started on this bible study. I am encouraging all of my friends to join me.
Wow!! I can’t wait to get started. Lysa you are changing lives and I hope to one day be able to share the Word like you do.
I need to say Yes Yes Yes to God in so many ways instead of putting him on Pause …
Wow, awesome story of Gods beautiful work! My soul longs for more too and I don’t want to quench God with anymore No or Later answers. Jesus, help me serve You..help me say Yes every time and help me to not lean on my own understanding!
So would love to do this online Bible study.
Several years ago I was a discussion group leader for a larger Bible Study I was serving in. Each morning before small group & lecture time we had worship. During our morning leader prayer time before our very first session our coordinator announced the worship leader had backed out at the last minute & would not be serving that year. She asked who would be willing to lead the worship service portion of our study for the morning. I immediately felt God tell me I needed to do it & I immediately started telling Him no. I loved to sing but I had very little confidence in my abilities to lead in worship. She asked us to pray about it during our prayer time and let her know after prayer. Instead of praying for the ladies coming to the study that day I preceded to give God all the reasons why I shouldn’t do it (& believe me I came up with a bunch)! But God kept nudging my heart saying “Trust me & see what I can do through you.” As we closed our prayer time I prayed the verse, “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” I nervously told the coordinator I would do it & very nervously led the worship portion. Later that day I received a call from the coordinator asking me to serve in that position for the Bible Study year. It was then I remembered my quiet time from the night before where I prayed that I would allow God to mold me into the woman He wanted me to be. As nervous, scared & inadequate as I felt, I trusted God each & every week to give me the strength to serve Him & allow Him to mold me into the woman He wanted me to be. With that nervous & fearful Yes I learned how to trust Him when I felt at my most inadequate.
I am adoptive mom to three beautiful babies from foster care. We adopted these three and fostered two others. Often in my time out with they are African American and I am white I have the opportunity to share why we adopted and why we chose foster care – a beautiful way to love on kids who need Jesus. One day in particular I was in the drug store sitting next to a pregnant young teenager. He ended up telling me she was aging out of foster care never having been adopted and now was pregnant herself. I was able to tell her that while people on earth may not have adopted her she could become an adopted child of the King and loves with an everlasting love. What a wonderful gift to share to a hurting lady
I am currently working on another bible study. But, the title and your blog draws me in. I fear that I have told God no, many, many more times than yes. I can only imagine what I have missed out on and I don’t want to say no! Sometimes at chuch you know that a sermon is meant entirely for you. This bible study may have been written just for me. I want other’s to see God in me!
I believe I followed God’s call to be obdeient when I directed Vacation Bible School at my church summer 2012.
I would love to do this bible study!!!
I went to college for six years to be a pharmacist. I wanted children, but I dreamed of being a career woman and a mom. After working for six years I became pregnant with my second son and I heard God calling me to stay at home. After weeks of arguing with God I left my job to stay at home with my children. I never imagined it would be the greatest blessing of my life, but it has been.
LOVED Unglued…..And becoming less unglued in the process…:) So blessed to have found this blog, and to know about Proverbs 31….you are all a true blessing. Following Gods direction becomes more clear when I stop to actually listen to that still, small voice, or that tugging in my heart….amazing what adventures He brings when I listen. Really need this book.
I cannot wait to do this study. I feel that I have too often told God no out of my own insecurities and fear of failure. But God’s not finished with me yet. He is doing some big things with this girl and I am so excited!! Thank you for your obedience and your timely encouragement.
I was obedient to Gods call when hw told me to move from the state I was in to another state. I no job lined up and was leaving a job I made good money at. I was obedient and the.abundance of Blessings I received was amazing.I stepped out on Faith. God is good.
A few years ago, I was asked to make a woman’s cursillo. I was bent on not going. I had a dozen reasons why. I had been involved with this retreat center as a teenager, and that time in my life was over and I was done with it, and that place. I wasn’t ever intending to return. More and more people asked me , about a certain weekend. Finally, at a funeral for my husbands grandmother, the priest who officiated, who I was involved in that retreat center with as a teen, and hadn’t seen since he baptized my daughter, invited me to that center, on that specific weekend. I felt that God was asking me to go, on that weekend, and so I said yes. The women who’s table I sat with that weekend, said their lives were enriched by my presence, and my sharing, and I feel that God wanted me there for a reason. I think now, after 2 years of trials and tribulations, it was to spend a quiet weekend with him, to prepare for the storms that were headed my way. I need to do more saying YES, instead of trying to be in control all of the time. I think this is a book I need to read.
Look what happens when we say yes to God! It’s encouraging to hear about your experience with the people on the plane.
As I read this story you shared tears stream down my face. I wonder myself how many times I have said no to God and missed out. I pray that I have a Yes heart. I am looking so forward to this study and the changes that will take place in my heart and life!
Wow – I need to read your book. God is showing me so much right now and I know He is preparing me for something I’m just not sure what yet. I know that I have learned in the waiting that He has a plan and we just have to be willing. Regardless of when He chooses to bring it to pass He will work it for our good and His glory. So today I’m praying circles and dreaming dreams that I know someday He will use for His kingdom.
I was obedient to God’s call when i found out my husband had been cheating on me. I was devasted and the only solution was to leave him. I prayed constantly and asked God for guidance and he did. he showed me that my place was at home with my family and that i wsa going to ge tthru this difficult time.
This writing today was beautiful! I, too, heard God telling me to get out of my comfort zone one day while driving down a busy road in the middle of a cold Indiana winter and seeing a man with crooked, deformed legs and rolling walker trying to hurry down the icy side of the road, almost trying to run. So many cars were zooming by and as I did, God told me to turn the truck around and go offer to take him to wherever it was he hurry to get to. So I made a u-turn, drove up to where he was, rolled my window down and asked if I could take him somewhere. He accepted and hobbled across the road, then struggled to get himself and his walker inside my truck. Once inside, I noticed he only had a light jacket, no hat or gloves, and was shivering. He said he had an interview at McDonald’s and was going to be late if I hadn’t picked him up. It was just a short distance to get there and when we were pulling in, he told me I was an angel sent from heaven to help him. I replied that I was just an average lady trying to be more like Jesus and that if he would call me, I would be happy to come back and get him when he was done. He turned down my offer and said he would be fine. I’ve never seen him again, but as I pulled out of McDonald’s that day, I cried and thanked God for giving me a chance to be obedient and prayed that He would give me more opportunities to be like Jesus! It’s funny how we are blessed for being a blessing!
I am sitting here weeping because I know I have missed out on so many opportunities. I went through a divorce almost 2 years ago and I have really felt God tugging at my heart lately. He has something for me and I am anxious and excited to see what He has for me to do.
Brings a tear to my eye. Our Lord is so very gracious.
I feel like I have been floating along not really serious about my faith. I will be getting this book and joining in the study! Thanks Lysa for putting yourself out so we can Say Yes to God!
Lysa you are such a blessing, cant wait to see you in 3 weeks at WOF conf in OKC! Thank you for sharing, your stories help give me courage to step out of my comfort zone.
I met a new Christian through the lady that cuts my hair. She was so on fire for the Lord. She has a Jewish background. As we talked she had so many questions and wanted a mentor. The Lord laid it on my heart to say yes to her request to mentor her. I did not want to. I did not feel equipped. I did not think I knew the Bible well enough. But, I knew I could not say no to God when He asked for my obedience. I said yes and I have been so very blessed in meeting with my sweet new friend. God has taught me more than I could have imagined, and it has been such a joy learning and growing with her. This was His divine appointment. I can’t imagine the blessings I would have missed had I said no. He is so faithful.
Recently, I began taking a Zumba class at my church. I sometimes ride there with a couple of other women, one of whom I know struggles to pay the bills. When we got there, it was time to pay for our next 10 classes and she didn’t have cash with her. I felt the urge from God to pay for her classes as well as mine. Although a small thing, I felt so good inside to respond to His prompting. Like you, I wonder how many times I’ve simple ignored or dismissed His nudging.
Wow. This story brought me to tears. That is amazing. God is so good. It seems that my faithfulness has been so small, but I know God uses it in a bigger way than I can ever imagine. God has asked me to be a shoulder to cry on, to be a phone call with a loving heart to someone in the midst of darkness, and a kind word to a stranger that perhaps is not used to kind words. While I do not have any amazing transformational stories, I believe God wishes us to be obedient in love in the little things too, and I work to do that everyday!
Lysa, this is a beautiful story! You have touched more lives than you could ever know! I admire your strength, courage, and the ability to say yes and allow God to use you. You are a direct reflection of God’s love for us. Thank you for being so many women’s role model! 🙂
I read this post and tears welled in my eyes. Lately I have been dull when it comes to sharing with others. I have the opportunity to work with youth every Friday, but dread going, out of selfish reasons. I have the chance in a few weeks to share with people at a booth at the local county fair, but WILL I? Will I say yes to God.. Thanks Lysa for the challange
I am still working on being obedient. I look forwad to this bible study.
A couple years ago I was renting a house I could not afford,had no job, and wished to find a man that loved the Lord as much as I did. I felt God tell me that I needed to let go of this house and move ininto a reasonable apartment. I loved that house so much but I knew He was right. Less than one week after I moved in I found a wonderful job and met the man of my dreams! This was all in the same week!! His plans are so much better than mine. God knows exactly what unwed. I just need to be obedient and say “yes!”
I am our churches treasurer, I made a comment that another member did not like about our financial situation, and I heard about it from our pastor as this person refused to come back to church as he could not afford it. Instead of addressing this individual God told me everyone in the congregation needs to know about this. So leaving out names I did a mass email to the whole church and wow did I get results. I expressed Church is not about money it is about Love and Jesus, it is not about how much you give to keep your church running it is about coming together in fellowship. I was afraid to express myself at church and even here on your website, but GOD is LOVE and he shows me his ways.
I am currently an adoption specialist at Deaconess Pregnancy and Adoption Services in Oklahoma City. Even though I love my job — I could not have predicted my life as an adoption specialist. When I was a Junior in college at Oklahoma State, I accepted an internship at LifeChurch.tv as a LifeKIDS.tv intern. I thrived in the position, and I absolutely loved what I was doing. The LifeKIDS pastor at the time told me that she would have hired me then if she could, but she wanted me to finish school. I continued to volunteer and be mentored by this incredible woman, and I continued to believe I would be hired when I graduated in May 2013. Sadly, my mentor was moved to a different campus in Hendersonville, Tennessee. We kept in contact, and she told me not to give up because I could have a position still when I graduated. I went to visit her at the Hendersonville campus in the summer of 2012, and fell head over heals in love with that town, the people, the staff at that campus, and more. I absolutely was sure this is where I would be. I wanted to be there so badly, and it was extremely heart breaking to come home and go back to school for another year.
Things played out differently because I interviewed for another campus here in Oklahoma in November, and they told me it wasn’t my time to be on staff yet ( need to say the least…I was devastated ) I couldn’t believed the place I loved so much told me to wait. It took a lot for me to get over that, and even consider applying again, but my mentor called me in February and told me there was a position open for me in Hendersonville — she wanted me to apply. I prayed about it for a long time, and I submitted an application despite my uncertainty — because of this uncertainty, I had sent out over 15 resumes to a variety of different places concerning ministry and adoption. I knew my heart was somewhere else. The day I was called to schedule a time I could go to Hendersonville for a face-to-face interview, I received an email back from the director of Deaconess Pregnancy and Adoption Services to come in the following week for an interview. I knew that God was saying “no” to Hendersonville. It was the most difficult thing in the world for me to say “no” to the thing I had set my heart on for a year and half. I couldn’t believe that God was calling me away from being a staff member at LifeChurch.tv. Even though it was hard, I said no to Hendersonville, and I interviewed at Deaconess that following week. I was hired, and working at this amazing place (in my hometown I might add), close to my boyfriend – soon to be fiancé, and close to my family. I absolutely love what I do, and I know that His plan truly was better than mine. I would not change my mind if I could go back because he truly has done so much through me saying “yes” to His “no.” I truly am blessed, and I rely on His every word because His plan is always greater than my own.
I said “yes” to God today by forwarding a Proverbs 31 e-mail I received to a coworker with whom I have a not -so-wonderful relationship with. She and I used to work in the same office together but did not get along too well and I have since moved to another office but still occasionally have contact with her. I have been harboring ill feelings and probably some hatred towards her over things she has said and done to me and I honestly didn’t expect her to even acknowledge my e-mail. However, she actually replied in a positive way that made me feel much better about our situation and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from me. I hope that God will use this to help us mend some fences. Thank you, Lysa, for being an inspiration to us all! Blessings!
Thank you for sharing a powerful moment that changed your life. It reminds me of Beth Moore’s experience in an airport, when God asked her to brush another woman’s hair. It was very moving. I look forward to reading your book.
I was obedient to God when I got up in front of a church-full gathered for a funeral and shared a precious memory about the deceased. I have an extreme fear of public speaking, but God gave me the words and the courage to obey him. Based on the reactions from family members in the weeks after the service, I know that God used those words to bring comfort.
I am a contract writer. Last month I was just beginning work with a wonderful ministry that was struggling financially but on fire in their mission. When I was detailing my fees for different copy pieces, I thought, “I should do the first month free as a show of support.” This was a step of faith for me as an independent agent. Clear as day I heard the Lord say to me, “Do three months free.” What? But I need that money… “Test me with three months free.” I literally sat at my computer for a half hour in battle. Was that really the Lord saying that? Hasn’t he always provided for me? But three months–thousands of dollars? I was humbled by how strong the battle was. Once resolved that He is trustworthy, I quickly wrote out the email with the fees, with three months free, and hit “SEND.” By faith I am going forward, expecting His provision in other ways. I am only sad that I didn’t run to obey. Next time I will say yes quicker.
This was such a heartwarming story! Thank you for telling and listening to God’s voice. I, too, hope to be a Yes-woman for God.
I was asked to join a group of women that i have spent allot of time with (not anywhere close to church) they were going to start a monthly meeting of women that would learn discover and help each other understand christ. I was not a believer and was in a very controlling marriage so at first i said no. a few of these women called and said you really need to join us if for no other reason than to have some time with other women. so i prayed about it and not thinking anything about it had this tug on my heart that i should go. So i did and about a week later we were all chatting and i turned my life over and have never looked back. That was January 2010. The same group of us still get together once a month and read and share the bible. Some of these women have become my closest friends.
As I sit here and read this at work, I am brought to tears at how touching this is. Such an AMAZING WOW!!! I got chills reading this too! I love love love reading real life situations like this! God is amazing!!! How wonderful to know how you touched this mans life too! All too ofetn we think something we say or do goes unnoticed and then someing amazing happens like this and we just know! Such a WARM FUZZY!!! This emotional pregnant mama needed this today!! THANK YOU! God Bless YOU!!
Two poignant moments spring to mind when I ask myself that question.
The simplest was a couple years ago at a Chris Tomlin concert, I was worshiping my little heart out with hands raised high and singing at the top of my lungs when I noticed a group of men come in and stand at the edge of the balcony towards the end of the concert. They were clearly homeless and I thought how awesome is it that this church let them in here to get warm and hear the end of the concert. I remember thinking, I wish I wasn’t so broke. I wish I had cash to give them. And then God whispered to me to go give this one particularly rough looking man a hug. I said, really? He said yes, when you give love, you give everything. So I didn’t even think about it and I bounded down those steps and told the man that God told me to give him a hug and I wrapped my arms around that man as tears poured down my cheeks and I told him that God loved him. He said thank you sister and I went back to my seat. As we exited the concert later, we looked at each other and smiled.
Another time, I fought harder against God telling me what to do. I told him no for months. It was to forgive and pursue a friendship with my best friend who had hurt me very badly. God has restored that friendship and made both of us stronger people because of it. Listening to Him ALWAYS brings peace and joy beyond imagination. The fear never outweighs the good that happens.
I am looking forward to hearing you speak at WoF in Des Moines next month!
Attending and then serving on ACTS Retreat for our church to bring other women the faith, trust and forgiveness of God after witnessing it myself what freedom it brings to your soul & heart. God is Awesome.
Tears in my eyes, Lysa. Thank you for saying Yes.
This brought tears to my eyes. I’m currently working on saying YES to God and in the past two months I’ve come across more and more books and Bible studies all with the surrendering and obedience theme. I know He is just making His point and I’m trying to follow His lead! Right now, in my life, I’m changing and trying to do His and not my own will. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy! I will be signing up for this study now too!
That is such a good question. Over the past few months I have been convicted of my selfishness and how that impacts all the relationships in my life. That selfishness is simply not trusting in God to give me what he thinks is best for me. I am obeying by learning to show my trust in the loving sovereign God by thinking of others instead of myself. I am seeking to obey the charge from the Westminster Catechism. “What is the chief end of man” “To glorify him and enjoy him forever” I can not do this and live so selfishly. I am thankful for God showing my si, forgiving me and helping me to obey. I really enjoyed “Unglued” and would be so blessed to receive a copy. Thanks Lysa !
I often hesitate when God’s urges me to speak up. By nature, I’m still a shy girl who likes to blend in. But there are occasions when God presses me to open up to someone I don’t know very well. Every time I do say yes, God shows me that the words I spoke may have helped someone else but I feel like I benefit most from those discussions. When I step out of my comfort zone, I am always blessed!
I am a receptionist at a tractor dealership. Last fall a woman stopped in to ask directions to a nearby town. She was from the east coast. She began to tell me her story. She was in the area to visit her daughter who had suffered a stroke and was in town to basically “say goodbye” to her. God told me to offer to pray with her right there at the front desk. She put both her hands into mine and we prayed together for the restoration of her daughter. I received a note from her several weeks later thanking me for being so kind. It brought tears to my eyes. Thank you Lord for your direction and for healing the woman’s daughter!
Oops , I meant to receive a copy of the new bible study. I want to daily say yes to my Lord. Thanks.again.
I finally said yes to God last year about getting free from all debt. I was able to pay off a car loan and my credit cards in January of this year, and I feel like a big burden has been taken off me! I’m also more free to give to ministries and special needs that God lays on my heart.
Years ago I had a similar experience with saying yes to God. I was sitting next to a lady in Sunday school who was sharing about having to go out of town to visit her sick granddaughter who was having some tests. She commented on how the trip would be expensive. I was a single Mom with a very limited income but I felt God urge me to give her $50.00. I argued, maybe $25.00 Lord, no $50.00 kept coming back. I wrestled back and forth trying to justify that I didn’t have extra money to give until I finally got in my wallet and happened to have $50.00. I gave it to her and she said she could not take it. I told her God had told me to give it. I left Sunday school that day with such a reassurance from God that I had done the right thing. I never missed that $50.00. God provided in so many more ways because I was obedient. My friend mentions from time to time how that blessed her. I tell her, I am the one that got the blessing. Thank you Lysa for this reminder of how we need to be listening to God.
Searching for more. I feel hints and tugs. sometimes I wonder if its all in my head or am I being lead. Some I know for certain, some I question. Looking for certainty and patience for more.
I want to say Yes to our God. I would love to read this book. Thank you 🙂
Hi Lysa!!! It’s Chris the girl who is STILL rockin’ your book in women’s group! THIS book too! We finished unglued during the school year and now we are in the middle of “WHWWSYTG” now. I told my group about your response to my comment with a SQUEE and A WOOHOO! I will also tell you I make a mean fruity drink for my back patio summer groups too! I believe you would approve. 😉
Tonight is group. Last Tuesday, late in the night I felt led to write you. I sent the email and certainly don’t expect a response when you are so busy… I get that! My only concern is that it ended up in the “spam folder” because that has happened before to me. God keeps nudging on my heart to tell you. I feel absolutely foolish doing it here. Please forgive me!
If it didn’t go to spam and it’s just one in a million that is surely okay. I will at least be at peace that I tried to contact you. I may have used my other email address: Coolmusicteacher@Hotmail.com (yes, I used to be a music therapist and then a music teacher!)
Love you so so much Lysa. Keep letting God use you to touch and impact so many many lives!!! You’re a gift.
The most rewarding and most dificult times that Iwas called to be obedient happened when I was a single mon and there had been many difficulties and we ( the girls and I had conquered a big mountain the tuesday prior to two of the girls leaving for school and I was leaving for work and maybe five minutes after we had made goodbyes, hugs, be careful I received a call from my daughter w ho was driving and could barely make sense of her cries which instantly led me to know there had been an accident, she called me first I asked her location and told her to hang up and call 911. Arriving on the scene it was much worse than I could have imagined. One daughter appeared to be badly hurt but speaking the othre emergency workers wouldn’t even talk to me about just cautioned to let them work. The car had hydroplaned and hit a telephone pole that broke in half on my youngest daughters side of the car. At first there was no noise as she was unconscious but then screams after being in a small Bible study with the most precious group of women that taught me Gods love I knew to find some thing to be thankful for, one thing amongst this most horrible night mare, all they told me was the little one was critical, I knelt in the middle of the road and thanked God I could her her screaming,thankyou God she is alive, It took them an hour to cut her from the vehicle and after I learned they were calling Vanderbilt for a helicopter, I thanked God for the helicopter…My eldest daughter who teaches school went by ambulance to a closer hospital with the middle daughter whose neck was broken in three place and other injuries while I was allowed to ride in the helicopter which I hear doesn’t happen often. Well finding some thing to be thankful in the middle of devastating circumstances led to a path that was very difficult with two girls in different hospitals and no family except our church family. God shone thru everything! PS I had journaled that morning as I had for years and asked God for travel mercy for my girls, he gave that to me, I still have them. It was a long rehabilitation but Man how God showed his love for us during this time. It was miracle after miracle! Being obedient opens the door for our most amazing and loving Father to work!
Thanks for sharing. I have started sharing this type of God being real and personal story with my 12 yr old son. Thanks for more fuel to keep that fire burning.
Don’t we serve an awesome God? So many times we try and box Him in to abide by our will and not His. I am so glad that you listened to Him that day on the plane and gave your Bible away. That was a brave act! I don’t know if I would be able to part with mine (written in, cried over, children/grandchildren’s love notes and drawings). May the Lord bless and continue to guide you! You spoke to my heart today! Thank you so much!
Well, At the time I didn’t know it was God telling me to do it. I was beginning a Beth Moore bible study with friends and our group had pretty much dwindled to the 3 of us. I got the idea to send a mass text to all my friends, even the ones I knew wouldn’t be interested. I got 3 responses. 2 right away, and one about a month later. My friends were praying for more participants and they gradually invited a few new ladies as well. Now we have a lovely study group of about 8 or 9 women and it’s is my favorite day of the week, to fellowship with other believing women is truly a blessing. It’s like therapy!
Lysa, I clearly remember you sharing this story at Hearts at Home in MN back in ’06 I believe. God spoke to me powerfully through it and you!
One of my say Yes stories stemmed from time at that conference…God began stirring in my heart to bring a women’s event to our area…with fear and doubt I said yes along with some close friends. In 2010 it came full circle when we were blessed with your presence at Rise and Shine. In the past year I’ve said yes again and in a month we’ll be hosting the 2nd ReNEWed LIfe Event and Wendy Blight will be joining us. God truly blesses our obedience!!
As I share that story I’m reminded saying Yes isn’t always scary or leading to the unknown, but it is usually hard. Sometimes God calls us to say “Yes” to things we don’t want to do…and a no to the things we do, yes that requires letting go and walking away. That can be a challenge as well, just like your Bible story, but He has plans much bigger than we can understand! And I’ve found the more I say “yes” in the little daily things, the more opportunities He gives me to say Yes in the bigger things.
Blessings to you!!
I once had a best friend. Someone I was always with from the time I was in first grade until I was in high school and some even in to college. We attended different schools in college and participated in different things. Long story short we were no longer friends. Due to a series of events I disowned her as my friend, I cussed her out (before my Jesus days of course), made me feelings known at every possible moment, and even would act as if she didn’t even exist if we were in the same room. A couple of years ago, after I gave my life to Jesus I knew she would be attending a friends wedding. I told myself I was going to tell her how sorry I was for the things I had done to her. God told me to….so my plan was to ask for her address at the reception but as I sat there God said, “Tell her you’re sorry”…I fought him a good 10-15 mins saying, “No, I’ll just write her a letter! It’s best that way.” But he insisted. So, I scooted my chair back, took a deep breath, and walked over where I apologized for all that I had done to her. She accepted and also apologized for things she had said/done. It was a moment of reconciliation I would have missed had I not been obedient to the Lord. 🙂 Restorer of relationships, the healer or broken hearts and deep deep wounds.
When my son was going to be ordained as a Pastor he asked me to read something at the service. I had NEVER spoken in front of a group before and I totally freaked out. I said yes but I really thought I couldn’t do it. When I went to the church to practice, I really thought I was going to be sick. But something happen when I was reading those words. I realized that it wasn’t about me, but about God and my son. God totally took the fear out of me that day and I was able to do what He wanted me to do. I will never forget that day when God showed up in a big way!
I sure hope I am able to listen that well in my day to day life. Sometimes it’s easy, other times it’s not.
What an amazing and moving story. Thanks for sharing that today.
My heart is heavy even now as I am in the midst of a scary and uncertain time in my life. I am saying yes and trying to hear God’s voice over my insecurities and fears and doubts. It is a daily battle but each day i say yes to God’s voice and not the world’s I am blessed a little more.
AMAZING!! Sitting at my computer at work with tears running down my face! Wow! Thanks for sharing, I needed that pause today!
I’ve been nudged over a period of time to stop drinking soda & wine. I have obeyed & am still waiting to see what happens 🙂
When God called me to leave my home church of 32 years, I was broken hearted. I knew I needed to get a home church where the Word was spoken and lived out. But, it was just so hard to leave my family and church that I had attended since birth. Once I left and did what God had instructed me to do, I grew so close to Him. I wouldn’t change it for the world now. I know there was no other way that God could draw me as close to Him as He did by this process.
Thanks for your wonderful ministry, Lysa! Blessings to you.
I do not have any story like yours, Lysa. All I have are years of small Yes in my work in ministry with children and training adults in ministry. The times of Yes have always been full of blessings for me and increasing knowledge of the Holy Spirit working in and through me.
I can not wait for the OBS to start. Just got your book the other day. Thank you for signing it.
Love and blessings always.
Thank you, Lysa, for this blog. I was on a flight back from being the speaker at a retreat and sat next to a young woman. I was exhausted and wanted to escape from being “on”. The young woman sniffled and I put my arm around and asked if she was okay and she said she had a cold. So I sat back and didn’t pursue. At the end of the flight I felt the need to speak with her. As we chatted about her work and her confusion over a new job opportunity and then my work, she said, “I thought you were a Christian.” And she discovered that simply by my asking if she was okay. God told me to give her one of my books. I initially hesitated because of the cost to me, but couldn’t not shake the feeling. I handed her the book as the plane landed. We said our goodbyes only to run into each other later in the airport. I took her in my arms and prayed with her in the middle of the walkway. I don’t even know her name, but I pray that she has followed God’s nudging on her heart.
Many, many years ago God instructed my husband and myself to pledge and give a ridiculous amount of money to our church’s building program of a new sanctuary. We had two small children and I was a “stay-at-home” mom and we were barely scrapping by. We obeyed God and wrote that pledged check on the first day of every month for 3 years! I have 36 testimonies of how each month worked out ~ sometimes unexplainable extra cash, sometimes vehicles, appliances, etc. miraculously outlasted their lifetime! I have often spoken publicly of these months, and I have treasured each circumstance in my heart for all these 25+ years as a reminder of how great God provides:)
I was obedient after experiencing the greatest loss of my life. Five years ago I lost my 21 year old sister. Her husband took her life, then his own and they left behind a 2 year old little girl. My 15 year younger baby sister was so truly dear to me. The reality hit me hard. Within weeks God was tugging at me to move forward and do all we could to obtain custody of that little girl. My mother currently had obtained temporary custody and to go against family in a court of law went against every logical thought and tugged at many a heartstrings. At first hesitantly, but soon boldly, we (my husband and myself) proceeded to walk with God through a 4 year legal battle. We prevailed, with God mastering every detail, and permanent custody given to my husband. The damage within our family is severe, but I remain confident in the Lord that His hands are in those areas as well. I do not understand His ways, but continue to trust in Him who has shown Himself ever so faithful to the call placed on my heart.
When my 2nd child was almost 2 (16 years ago), he was definitely going through the “terrible twos”. One day he was throwing a royal temper tantrum, and I was just holding him, praying over him while he threw his fit. The whole time I was thinking, how simple it would be for him to just give in, obey, and do the simple task I was asking of him. Then, I felt God whispering the same thing to me in my heart…….”My child, how simple it would be, if you would just give in, obey, and do the simple task I am asking of you.” You see, I had a friend who needed Jesus, and He wanted me to share the Gospel with her. I was afraid. I had told Him “no.” But at this moment, I decided to say “yes” to God. The moment I told God “yes”, my son immediated ceased his temper and obeyed. I was awed at how God used my son’s temper to show me that I , too, was having my one temper tantrum. That night I called my friend and shared Jesus with her. She did not accept Him then. Now, 16 years have gone by, and I am feeliing God tell me once more to write her and share Jesus with her again. I have spent hours on this letter, and I am asking God to pause, and call my friend to Himself. What an honor it would be if Jesus would touch my friend through my letter. How amazing it is, that the God of the entire universe cares enough to love me, and even more amazing, that he would desire to use me. I am honored. I am blessed!
Just recently, I said yes to God when He asked me to keep fighting for my grandfather’s right to die at home. My mom and dad and several aunts and uncles were already fighting and had faced serious opposition from other family members. We are still fighting and we’ve faced backstabbing, lies about us, rumors about our reputation (and our sanity), and all manner of evil from people we once thought we could trust. It’s been a long journey in these last three weeks and my heart breaks watching my grandfather’s frail body worsen under the influence of too many drugs and not enough love and dignity.
There are some family members we will probably never speak to again (unless by God’s grace, He does a healing work in their hearts and ours) but we also know that God has asked us to fight this battle for one of his needy ones and we won’t quit until my grandfather takes his last breath.
I just participated in your Yes to God study and loved every session. It is not always easy and sometimes it’s even very painful. But in the end, my heart knows that God is fighting with us and will not let ANY of us go in this horrifying mess.
Right now God is currently asking us to wait on him. And as hard as that is we are trying our best to do that and not make something happen on our own.
This looks like it will be an amazing book! I have had moments in time where I have said “Yes” and am looking forward to saying “yes” more!
So love your books!
correction – toward the end I made a typo. permanent custody was given to my husband and I – not soley my husband as I had typed.
There’s a gentleman who stands asking for handouts at an intersection I cross every morning on my way to work. He’s not pushy or indignant when the majority of drivers looks away, pretending not to notice him. For several mornings I had felt the urge to give him any spare change that I had, and unfortunately I generally don’t carry cash on me at all. But one morning I did have a couple of dollars and I felt that same urge to roll my window down and give it to him. When I did, he appeared to be genuinely grateful and walked away from my window with a smile on his face. For just a couple of dollars. That money meant very little to me, and I have no idea if the man was really in need or just pan-handling like so many others. But I felt like that’s not for me to decide. It’s been several weeks since that morning, and I haven’t seen him anymore. But I will always remember the fullness my heart felt at just the gesture of not saying no that time. My only regret is that I wish I had taken a few moments to ask him if he knew Jesus.
In 2006, my dad passed away from cancer. Three weeks before that, I felt God wanted me to do something instead of asking everyone else to pray for him. So I had communion at my house and went to see him in the hospital. Once there, I anointed him and his room and prayed and spoke in tongues. I have never done any of that before with my dad. Every day when I left the hospital, we prayed. I had my Bible and prayed constantly during this time. I learned what it meant to meditate on the Word. God performed a miracle and took my dad to heaven and I got to be there and see it happen. What if I had said no to God? I am so happy that I said yes.
I was looking for a new job 2 years ago. I said yes to a part-time Youth Director position at our church. I didn’t have any experience, but felt God was calling me to this job. The amazing part of this yes came 1 1/2 years later. I was working a different job and I got a call from the State and they wanted me to help a young man out that was in serious trouble. I was connected to him because I had him in the youth group. I was told that I had to go and visit him asap to convince him to want to go to a christian youth ranch for help. Otherwise, he would go to prison at the young age of 17. I said yes and several miracles later he is now at the ranch. I am always amazed and thrilled when God asks me to be a part of His plans. I just know that that young man has a great call on his life. I am looking forward to seeing what is in his future.
When God told me to adopt my daughter I was all kinds of excited, scared and anxious. I was(am) a single black woman in her mid thirties being told to adopt a white, abandoned 5 yr old girl who the system said was special needs. Well after much prayer and pleading I obeyed and adopted my now 11yr old daughter. It hasn’t been easy but it has been so worth it to see God work in both of us.
I got this email on the most appropriate of days! I have been afraid for years to say yes to God and start leading worship. I have been a worship leader for years but have always served at the church that I have been attending. However, I feel that God is calling me to take it to another level. It scares the everliving daylights out of me! But today I said yes! Today I have decided that God will lead me so I don’t need to fear. In a way this post is confirmation for me. Thank you.
I was engaged 2 years ago to a wonderful man, but not a Godly man..God was pursuing me and asked me to give my fiance up…I took that FAT diamond off my hand and I haven’t looked back…oh boy: what a ride we have been on…what an adventure. I got the best of the trade..has it been easy? Nope…but so worth it! No regrets!
Love that you shared this. We sometimes need reminders of God things. It reminded me of a family camping trip years ago. The kids were in the 10-12 age range. They met a boy named Luke about their age. My husband invited him to our camp fire. He shared about the God creating the heavens and earth and stars. He ask many questions about God. He was in awe of stars that night we could see the Milky Way. My then 12 yrs old daughter ask us if she could give her Bible to Luke. We agreed and were so blessed. The next morning before he left the campground, he runs over today bye and tell us he read the bible all night. I still pray for him when The Lord brings him to mind.
My personal experience with hearing God ask of me was going to Mississippi after hurricane Katrina.
Ashort while ago my husband and kids were leaving the church. We were chatting and discussing where we should go for breakfast. A couple and their 3 small children came up from the basement where we have our church’s food pantry. As they were struggling to carry the kids and diapers and toilet paper, I felt compelled to help carry their burden. I didn’t know there situation but I knew that they could use our “breakfast” money more than we could! We gave them money for groceries and we ate at home. Best breakfast ever!
Lysa, I just read your blog and had chills as I was reading it. It made me a little panicked, because I didn’t want to think about the times that I had said no to God because of some of the same reasons you listed. My family has said yes to God and moved to another state to follow His will and I have left behind friends and a job that I dearly loved. While I know that this was truly God’s plan, and that He does have another plan for my future, I have come to the point in my life where I am second guessing what to do next. I have been praying for guidance and to glorify God in all that I do, and I am waiting and wondering if a particular thing was a sign, or if I am reading too much into everything searching. Could you just pray for me? Waiting is hard, but I don’t want to run ahead of God and mess up what He has planned for me, you know? Thank you for all that you have done for me through your ministry. You feel like a friend.
I felt God leading me to teach Sunday school, but I didn’t think it was time to. Not yet, I kept saying. But God was persistent, sending people my way to ask me to do that very thing. And when I prayed about it and agreed to teach, the Lord sent people my way who had never come to Sunday school, who had resisted that call, until my class opened up.
I guess I am one of those that needed to hear this story. For the better part of two years, I was miserable. I was working full-time at a job I was no longer enjoying, trying to keep up with three boys and their activities, keep up with the housework/yard work alone because my husband drives a truck and is gone for long periods of time and trying to take care of the chickens and garden as we are trying to start a homestead. Often I would feel like I was being led to leave my job and work full-time at my other jobs (being a mom and homesteading). But uncertainty about income was always an issue. In December of last year, things came to a head and I was just tired of fighting. I turned in my notice and committed to the other aspects of my life. And was attacked from all sides. But I kept going because I felt like this is what I was supposed to be doing. That this was where God wanted me. A couple of days ago, I was feeling pretty down and frustrated as it seems nothing was working right. Then a quick conversation on facebook with my grandmother, a gift from my mom and a possible post on craigslist in the past three days all seem to pointing to “Yes!” this is what God wants me to do. I think back to those two years and realize that if I had said yes earlier, I would have saved myself and family a lot of heartache and misery. Thanks Lysa for sharing!
You have touched a tender place in my heart once again. For the past few years, my goal has been to “Say YES to God” – no matter the price, and I have earnestly tried to keep that commitment; and He has never let me down – quite different from the shy person that I used to be. Although He asks me to give away books all the time, especially on airplanes, but never my Bible – what a sacrifice! I usually carry my I-Pad now, since my Bible is downloaded on it (and it has large print) , but in reading your blog today, I realize once again, that it is not the same. My favorite verse (although I have a fav of the week, usually) since I was 9 years old, has always been: Proverbs 3:5-6, so that touched my heart, too. Once again, thank you for your transparency to reveal possibly “the good, the bad and the ugly” of your life – you give us all HOPE that His grace is sufficient! I can’t wait to share this Bible Study with my little group of women – I have a feeling it will be life-changing!
God asked my little family to move 800 miles away from my parents and my sister (my BFF). I didn’t know if I could pick up my life and move so far away from them. I have always lived either in my parents or in the same town. How would I survive without them? We did what God asked us to do and it has been a wonderful life changing experience. Through the moving process I learned to lean on him for anything and everything. Doors would close and just as quickly he would open another. I am so thankful we chose to do what God was asking of us even though we were nervous and scared!
When it was time for my daughter to go to preschool, I knew I didn’t want to go back to work in the financial world. After many prayers day and night, God revealed his plan for me during the early hours of the morning. He spoke to my heart and told me that I was to persue a nursing degree. How could this be possible, after all, my husband was wanting and expecting me to go back to work. I said, “Lord, if this is your will, then I need you to convince my husband of Your idea”. Several days later I mustered the nerve to tell him my plan, that is, God’s plan. My husband paused for a moment and said, “We’ll, let’s look into how long this will take to get your RN degree.” I was stunned. We had so many conversations about my need to work to help us financially! Needless to say, that August I signed up for classes. As I was turning in the paperwork, there were applications for a nursing scholarship. I debated whether to complete it. I felt like God was telling me to fill it out. I took the papers hoem and they sat on my desk. A week went by and it was nagging me. I filled out the paperwork and submitted it on the last qualifying day. Three weeks later while on vacation at the beach, I received the phone call. I had won! The moral of the story….say yes to God and leave the details and consequences to Him!
Thank you for sharing your story, Lysa. What a wonderful reminder of how important it is to listen for God’s voice and be obedient to Him. It’s also a good encouragement to know our Bibles and to be ready to share our faith with others. What an amazing God we have who allows us to be part of His plan to bless others!
I said “yes” to God long ago when I chose Him over my mother’s “religion.” I knew it wouldn’t always be easy, and there have been many times I’ve told Him “no” or just tuned out His voice, but I’ve learned that no matter what He asks of us, saying ‘Yes!” is always best!
I have been called upon more in the last 6 mos since my health has become worse. It is a daily struggle but I know he loves me.
Thank you for this awesome testimony to living in God’s faithful plan!! This brings tears to my eyes, I needed to hear this reminder of God’s working in others, for others. I remember a time over 10 years ago, living a life of a single Christian girl and God calling to me as I left my local grocery store. I heard him calling me to take my cart full of groceries to the near by bus stop and giving them to a very specific person waiting for a ride home. I pleaded and argued with God. I thought it was crazy at first, but the closer I got to the bus stop a calming peace came over me. A courage that only the Holy Spirit can give allowed me to roll down my window at 8:00pm on a weekday night to a total stranger and tell them I had arms full of groceries for her. She accepted, I jumped out a prayed as I tucked the plastic bags all around her. I told her God had this planned just for her and God Loves You. Then I drove away. Thank you for your story helping to bring this story back to the forefront of my memory, and for touching my life again reminding me we worship an awesome God!!!
I said yes to being a leader for the first time at VBS this summer! Eeek! Exciting 🙂
In 1990, I was asked to start a Crisis Pregnancy Center in our county. I felt so inadequate and was an average stay at home, homeschool mom with 2 young daughters. But I said “yes” and that center is still going today led by others called to carry on the ministry.
I went through a traumatic situation a 9 years ago that was the most shameful time in my life. I worked so hard to bury it in my past but then 3 years ago I heard God say in my heart that now is the time to write the story. I decided to obey the Lord, even though I don’t want my past to be made public, and He brought along a very well known literary agent in New York and we are in the final stages of editing. The book will hopefully be sold to a publisher this summer. It’s God’s book, not mine, so whatever happens, happens. To Him be the glory!
God has called me to start a ministry in the area of childhood sexual abuse. It is scary and hard but I have said yes!
Very simply. No bells ringing or whistles blowing. I was a baby Christian going through a debilitating illness. My neighbor had always stopped in her car for a chat when she spotted me outside. She spent a year or so inviting me to church. She finally broke through my heart. I was saved at her church day one.
Well, my heart was so full of God and I was finally at peace.
Now God was in my ear constantly. He wanted me to work on my family. They thought I was kind of loopy. But, my biggest breakthrough was that my mom asked to join me at church one morning!!!!! Yes my work is showing progress. I will continue to spread God’s message to my siblings….. Chipping away softly. I no longer choke up and cry about my family’s faith. I’m positive more and more that God will work through me —- his children will hear his voice, they will hear him and they will make it!
Seven years ago, The Lord asked us to homeschool our boys. We said yes. My husband was later unemployed for three years. Our needs have been met and we continue to say yes, despite our unknown future, waiting for His daily care.
What a wondewrful blessing the three of you shared. Thank you for being so obedient and thank you for sharing. This is a great encouragement.
One time that I did what God led me to do, I met my husband. I had been divorced a few years earlier and then gotten out of a bad relationship. I wasn’t looking for another relationship and in fact didn’t want one. Then God told me to go to a local church I had been attending for their home group meetings. I met a man there who ended up being our small group leader and after that, he e-mailed me one day to ask me for coffee. Four hours later I was amazed at what a respectful, honorable man God had me meet. Couple of years later, we were engaged and we just celebrated our second anniversary. Another note, two weeks prior to our wedding day, I kept getting Bible verses sent to me, either by my devotionals or by friends, etc. and the one that kept coming my way was Jeremiah 29:11 – For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Even the day of our wedding a friend sent it to me, not knowing it would re-confirm that God had put us together. He’s an awesome God!
Thank you for sharing this today Lysa.
I am a high school teacher and I love working with the students God has entrusted to me. I have however, grown increasingly frustrated with some of the adults at work, to the point that I cried often at school and take home a great deal of stress.
While going through the recent OBS-Stressed Less Living I felt the need for change.
I prayed for an opportunity to teach at another school. I was offered an opportunity shortly after my prayer. I was excited that God was going to change my workplace.
Interesting, the day before my decision was to be made one of my students (who had no idea that I planned to leave) asked me if I would “be there for them” this coming year. I prayed for guidance and then turned down the new offer, convinced that I will be obedient and that my Father will provide me with all the strength I need to overcome the difficulties. I am confident that a change will be made, maybe not in my workplace, but in me. I choose to be obedient. I praise Jesus in advance of the work that He will do in the lives of my students this coming year.
Amazing !! Wonderful !! I feel so encourage ! I totally Love you Lysa the way your honest heart shares your experiences truly bless my heart !! One of the most recent times I say Yes to God was two weeks ago my husband and I have many friends from the middle east Arabs and Persians most of them are Muslims. My Husband talk to Atef he is from Egypt and he has a wife Miriam they both don’t have have a relationship with Jesus. My husband and I are praying for this couple to come to know Jesus as Lord I have to say that it has not being easy to be able to share about Jesus haha.. two weeks ago we went to the beach here in San Diego and my husband took Atef for a walk and I was by myself with Miriam at that point I hear God telling me Tell her about me “Of how much I love her and how real I’m ” Of course I was like what ???? right now ??? are you sure ?? I don’t think I’m ready !! but he said “today is the day she needs to hear that I’m God” … My heart started to rush and I was like ok I may get kill right now hahaa.. Seriously that thought come to my mind … But I really felt I need to open my mouth and I did I told her about Jesus about the bible. I told her that God created that beautiful scene “beach” that he not only created everything but that he dearly loves everything he has created I told her about Jesus and ask her if she will like to come with my to a Christian church that the member are from Irak and that the Pastor is from Egypt that she will totally understand him when he speaks.. and guess what ?? she said YESSSSSSS!!!! In my mind I was like; Did she say yes ??? Then I started to feel a wonderful Joy because she said yesss ! I really believe she will accept Jesus and that she will be the door Jesus will use to bring the gospel to her family… God is amazing he is incredible… I will never think a mexican girl like me will be learning Arabic words so I can bring the gospel to the Muslim people… I feel so privilege.. By the way I’m still scare sometimes to speak to Muslim women but I need to do it I was created for this and I will die doing this. I’m willing to say YES again to God when he ask me to speak to a Muslim women.
We boarded the tram at DFW at the same time, headed towards the parking lot. I recognized her from earlier as working at one of the concessions in the airport. We exchanged pleasantries and immediately found out there was a language barrier. However, her smile radiated and I asked her if she knew God. She didn’t understand my question, but before I departed at my stop, I reached into my purse for the New Testament that I had carried since my teen years. Although we didn’t understand the same language, I hoped that she could at least read English. I put the book into her hands and smiled and nodded for her to have it. I could tell by her response that she was surprised but also accepting.
Saying “yes” to God has reaped so many benefits and taught me many lessons of obedience with always a follow-up of His faithfulness. Thank you for this great post!
Last year, as my husband and I prepared to go out for a rare dinner together to celebrate our anniversary, we heard a frantic knock on our front door. A neighbor’s child, who we did not know very well, was crying and screaming that she needed help. They could not wake up her dad. My husband and I ran to help, once I told our oldest to look after the younger one. When we got there, her father was slumped over not breathing, and her mother was calling a friend for help. The paramedics were just arriving, but they were not in a rush. Things looked bad. He was already dead in their eyes. I quickly took the crying kids upstairs and sheltered them in a room. They were understandably hysterical. “I don’t know what to do!” they cried, over and over again. A small voice inside me said one word: PRAY. After my internal monologue listing to God the reasons why I could not suggest that to the kids: they don’t believe, their father is dead, why get their hopes up to be crushed, etc., I kept hearing that one word: PRAY. So before I said it out loud, I said to God, I know this is coming from you, because it feels uncomfortable for me. I choose to trust that you know what you are asking and I will obey. With that quick internal prayer, I said to the kids, “There is something we can do. We can pray for your father. Would you like me to pray, or would you rather do it yourself, silently?” She said, “I want you to pray.” So I placed my arms around her and I prayed. As I prayed, her breathing returned to calm, and she began praying with me. While all this was going on, her father was being taken to the hospital with no siren on in the ambulance. They tried several times to revive him to no avail. He ended up in a coma. I kept on praying. 2 days later, the family was about to take him off life support. I prayed: “Heavenly Father, things don’t look good for ___ , but I know you can do anything. If it is your will to have him die, please take him now so they do not have to suffer the decision to take him off life support. If it is your will to have him live, please allow him to truly come back to them.” Later that day, I received an e-mail saying that as they were saying their good-byes to him, he squeezed their hands, opened his eyes, and asked for water. I was told that “he had truly come back to them.” My very words from my prayer echoed back to me. My small yes allowed me to witness a miracle that only God could perform. How humbling.
My husband and granddaughter and I were eating dinner at Wendy’s one evening. My husband was at the counter ordering and my granddaughter and I were at a table waiting. A man came in and sat in a booth; he was obviously homeless. His clothes were beyond dirty, as were his hands and face, but when I looked over at him, he had a kindness in his eyes that brought tears to mine. He wasn’t begging and he didn’t expect anything.
The Lord, of course, told me to buy a meal for this man, but I was afraid of embarrassing him or what if he refused and wasn’t homeless afterall? I reasoned maybe he knew someone who worked there or maybe they knew him. Again, the Lord again told me to buy him some food.
I got up and went to him and, as quietly as I could, asked him if he were hungry and would he like something to eat. He said, “Yes ma’am, that would be nice, thank you.” I asked him what he would like and he said, “Oh anything is fine.” I went to my husband and said we needed another meal for the gentleman in the booth.
When we left, on our way by his booth, he nodded another thank you and my husband said, “God bless you.” I will never forget that kind face. Maybe it was an angel.
I said Yes to God in February 2011 and started a Prayer ministry called Pray LIke A Girl in hopes to start a much needed prayer revival among women all over the world, no matter where they’ve been, what they’re going through, whether they attend church or not, or even believe in God. Everyone believes in prayer and Pray Like A Girl leads them to the One Who holds all the power behind the prayer. We meet in churches, homes, parks, retreats, and a Pray LIke A Girl event will be held in Kenya in November at a Dangerous Man event, Praise God! We just reached 500 Likes on our FB page. To God be the Glory!
Recently I delivered my twins baby 6 and 7 and a week Or two after they were born a friend of mine announced she was going to lose her baby..she would carry him until she couldn’t anymore but he would not survive outside of the womb. God put it heavy on my heart to go see her in the hospital, I thought of 100 reasons why I shouldn’t go especially the fact I hardly knew her. So I showed up to the hospital and brought her a blanket that said loved. I sat there for a bit she showed me a gift that had been sent to her I left there with such a heavy heart weeping the whole way home I looked up the organization that gave her the box and there was a post from the lady she had just posted it about allowing yourself to cry for your loss. And so I did 6 yrs ago I had lost a baby at 12 weeks a barren aunt of mine scolded me for being hurt when I had one child and she could have none. I lived in denial of that miscarriage leaving it undocumented on my obgyn visits with all my other babies..I cried for the first time in 6 yrs over my loss child and in that God gave me peace for not only myself but for her also. My hearts always been heavy when anyone has experienced loss and God showed me despite my 7 blessings one of my babies went to be with him early and that left a huge hole in my heart. My loss was valid and I could comfort a friend about to lose her child.. The story is much more in depth but tonight is the baby’s life service I’m praying for 20 seconds of courage to speak about the healing God did in me threw her unborn child…:) I want to say yes lord I currently fuss before yes and I would love to answer yes lord period.. Thank. You for your on timely post
This is one of my favorite stories EVER! I was just thinking about this story the other day. The ladies at my church and we went through this AMAZING Bible study. Thank you sharing this:) It truly made my day! ~ Whitney
Your story made me cry. It touches me so deeply to hear of God working miracles through people in such simple ways. Bless you!
I help organize and coordinate a program in my neighborhood called Nourishing Noggins. We provide food to students weekly who might not otherwise have access to food over the weekend. Two times a year, at Christmas and summer, we provide all of the children in our program and their families a big box of food and toiletries. This spring as we were planning for the boxes, I told the group that I would ask my church to contribute the toiletries since we didn’t have the money in our budget to pay for them.
Well, I asked the church to help and they agreed to put the word out and support us. As soon as this was done, I began to doubt whether I should have opened my mouth. What happened if we didn’t collect enough for the families? How would I look to my group and church? How would we provide the toiletries to the families?
Right then and there, clear as day, I heard God say “Tammi, this isn’t about you, it’s about Me.” I never doubted again. We got more than enough toiletries for our needy families. And, I’ve shared my story with friends, my Nourishing Noggins group, Bible study group, and now you! I wish I could say that I always have a yes heart when God asks me to do something. But, I’m trying.
The most life-changing “yes” that I said to God apart from salvation was when I accepted His will for me to be a “mom.” I did not want children but wanted to be a career-focused woman. He slowly worked in me through His word, Bible studies, and circumstances until I longed for children. I have four children and have spent much of their lives at home with them.
I just bought this book today for my Momma. I had read this book last year and it spoke to my heart when I was going through a tough time. I love you, and thank you for your obedience to God. Because of what God does through you, others are blessed.
Once when I was driving in a torrential rain, I saw a man walking with a big backpack along the road. I felt bad for him, but passed him by. Right down the road, I felt the Lord telling me to turn back to pick this man up. I didn’t want to – I thought it might not be a safe thing to do. But eventually I went all the way around to get back to where he was. I stopped and asked him if he needed a ride. He said that he did if I didn’t mind. It turned out that he was trying to make his way back to an alcohol/drug treatment center, quite a ways away from where he was walking. I don’t know how long it would have taken him to get there. But he was ready to make a fresh start and was determined to get there. I was so glad I had stopped to help take him there, and I pray that he was able to make the changes in his life that he wanted to.
This is a beautiful story. I loove it soo much. I hope one day I can experience something soo big like this. 😉 of course there been times I had battle with God and told him no I have trouble in this area because sometime fear can come up. But in the times I said yes how incredible deeds he does.. 😉 One morning I was praying for my family my aunts and cousins and suddenly I heard the holy spirit saying one of my aunt name for a sec I question it because I ddlidnt feel like naming every single person in my family. But I knew there was to be specific reason why he mention her and for me to pray for specifically, later that day one of my cousin her son end up telling me they found a tumor on my aunt and that they didn’t know if it was cancer. So then I realize how important was for me to pray for her and like you said lysa God of this universe pause just for her. 🙂
I most recently said yes to God when I gave my husband a second chance after inappropriate behavior with two women that had gone on for several years. I wanted to kick him to the curb but God told me to wait, listen and try and not only is my marriage stronger, my husband turned to God because of his behavior. As I was shouting at him for being so stupid and throwing away 28 years of our lives, I reminded him that he would never be fulfilled and content unless he had God in his life and heart that no woman could fill his heart like our Lord can. He heard me and he started having prayer time and Bible study with me every morning, on his own, he asked questions and he turned his life over to God. Had I said no to God, I would be divorced now and my husband would still be lost and looking for something or someone to fill his voids in his life.
Thank you for sharing this story Lisa. I have recently followed God’s command and went and spent a month with my mother who is going through Chemo treatments for stage 3 lung cancer. This was very hard for me as she is not a Christian woman and not a very loving person either. I had decided a few years back when my son was sent to prison and she was not there for me yet again that I would continue to love and pray for her at a distance. I felt God prompting me to go and help my sister take care of her and put my hurt and angry feelings aside. My husband could not understand how I could put myself in the position to be hurt again because I was but I just kept telling him that this was not about me, it was about her and what she needed. Although, it did not bring my mother and myself closer, it did bring my sister and me closer. While I was there her dad had near death complications from a routine surgery. If I had not been there, I would not have been able to show her God’s love and share with her the miracles that God was doing in his life. There have been so many times that I have said “yes” to God and I hope that I continue to always do so even when it’s hard.
What a beautiful story! Love it! I’m leaving my comment from a hospital room from which I heard last night my cancer is again growing. But five and a half years ago, I said “yes” to God and my life has been flooded with comfort and peace ever since. At a women’s retreat, I felt God whisper into my soul “be still” and I heeded His call. I knew it was His voice. So I came home and re-prioritized my life, putting God first, my family second and me — way, way in the background. A first. What resulted was an intimacy with the Lord that is priceless. When my diagnosis came two years later, I knew my Lord and Savior in a way I never had before. His timing was perfect. My ministry “can’t do cancer without God” was a direct result of saying “yes” to God! Love your writing and your heart for Jesus. Ruthie Marek
After losing a house and income, I was working part time in a pre school, looking for full time work. Our car was about to be repossessed and our backs were against the wall with no hope. At this time, I felt God distinctly tell me to give notice at my part time job. I wavered momentarily, but the compulsion let me to do that very thing. I got a call about a full time position shortly after I gave my notice and started the day after my last day at the preschool. God is good, and He is my provider!
I love reading your stories and am looking forward to the online study starting in a few weeks.
I said “yes” to God in 2004 when He called me to start a ministry for the single mom. We have been meeting ever since. God continues to bless me with new friends and the ministry has expanded to include a group for teen moms and a vision for housing the single mom and her children. You could visit or website: http://www.momshavenofhope.org to see how God has grown this ministry. All to include women who are saying “yes” to God every day! This fall we are going to go through your DVD study, “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God”. Thank you for the work you do! God bless!
Lisa I just read your email today and it touched my heart so much. I have been going thru some rough times as of late on my job. For various reasons I will not go into (because it would take all evening) I do not fit in, and the project manager seems to really have it in for me. Every time I turn around I am being reprimanded for not doing something the way it should be done according to her. I really do try to do my best but sometimes the rules change from day to day. This really really got to me on many occasions until one day I decided to pray for her asking God to let her see Him thru me and also asking Him to let me see her and my coworkers thru His eyes not mine. His answer was to be patient, don’t get upset and have peace and grace in all situations. Life is not absolutely perfect in my workplace but there is a difference and I am letting God lead and hold my hand as I follow. It’s really hard to pray for someone who hurts you but oh the joy you receive when you see His plan start coming together. I want to be that woman who says “YES” to God not matter what the situation is.
I wish I could say that I regularly say “yes” to God. In fact, I would like to be able to describe a time like Lysa did above in which I said “yes” to God and beautiful things happened as a result. Often, I just feel the desire to pray for certain people. One day, I was at the gas station and saw a man crying as a woman embraced him. I felt the urge to pray for that couple, so I did. I hope that was God’s voice telling me to pray and I hope that He brought them the comfort that they seemed to need.
I’m hearing disabled but I’d love it if God would attune my brain to hear His voice talking to me even if it’s soft!
Five years ago, God asked my husband and I to take in our 13-year-old nephew, who has always lived in an unstable home. We were only 25 at the time, with no children of our own yet. While we knew it would be a tremendous undertaking, we said yes. He moved in with us and we faced numerous learning challenges. While he was in the eighth grade, he barely knew his multiplication tables. He had never had any sort of strucutre in his life before. So we did the best that we could to give him stability, love and encouragement.
About one month after he moved in with us, I found out I was pregnant. It was such a wonderful surprise, as a health issue left me unsure of whether I could have children.
Unfortunately, a few months later our nephew went home to visit his mom for Mother’s Day that year and never returned. His mother didn’t want him to live with us anymore. So while we were hurt and angry, we knew that we had at least done the best we could and wouldn’t wonder what could have been if we’d tried, because we did try.
So a few months later, God blessed us with a beautiful baby girl. I truly feel that saying yes to God by taking in our nephew opened us up to the blessing of being parents to our own child.
On my vacation, I was in the hotel pool one day when God pointed out a girl to me. She was about my age (I’m a teenager) and God told me to go talk to her. I don’t like talking to strangers, so I argued and resisted for a while, saying, “God, if you want me to talk to her, you can have her speak first.” I sensed that God wasn’t pleased with my response to His prompting, but I wasn’t willing to get out of my comfort zone for Him (doesn’t that say wonderful things?). Just then, the girl did a handstand in the pool and God, in His mercy and grace, spoke to me even through my rebellion and told me to compliment her on her handstand. I did, and started a conversation. Nothing miraculous happened, the girl didn’t get delivered from anything, and I’m not really sure what the point of the conversation was. I don’t have a moral of the story or a happily-ever-after ending. But I’m glad I obeyed!
I have said “yes” to God many times but it is usually with reluctance. Not sure why, maybe it’s fear of being rejected. Stories like the one you shared make saying yes to God seem like a no brain er! We don’t always see the end results like you did in your story, but that should not stop us. We must be obedient and abandon the outcome to God. My most recent “yes” to God was to make and then give a little treasure chest of personalized bible verse promises to a lady that is in a lot of physical and emotional pain. It was on your site that I saw the suggestion a few months ago and I felt like God asked me to tuck the idea away because I was going to need it one day. Thank you Lysa.
Many years ago on a cool fall day I was out grocery shopping. While there I spied the bouquets of fall colored flowers. We were not on a tight budget so I decided to put some in my cart but a strong sense – the Holy Spirit- said no. I put the flowers back and continued on my way. Later at another store I once again played out the scene of wanting a bouquet but knowing for some reason God did not want me to purchase them. Surprisingly I obeyed. The next day as I am standing at the kitchen window, I see my husband coming down the walk carrying a bouquet of fall colored flowers. I never told him about my tug of war over the flowers or about even wanting them. My husband had never brought home flowers unless a holiday was attached. Tears filled my eyes as I realized my heavenly Father had wanted to fulfill my desire for flowers and did so through my husband. Our marriage during this time was hitting some rocky patches and by blessing me through my husband strengthened our bond. If I had failed to listen and pampered myself what a double blessing I would have missed out on.
Thanks for your testimony, Lysa. I know it’s hard to say yes to God sometimes. I know there have been times when I’ve said no instead. But I have said yes when He asked me to travel about one hour from my home to help care for my dad. He has had some health issues this past year. Thankfully he is doing a lot better now so i only go twice a week. I thank the Lord for all He has done for my Dad during this time.
Lysa, Thank you for your post today. God is so amazing. I know this but yet I am always so amazed at the ways he works in our lives. Sometimes, it’s in the unexpected and routine things where he can speak to us most clearly – as he did to you on that plane. Thank you for sharing.
Lisa, it is crazy that you shared this. I had a very similar situation happen. I had been away for a conference. I remember being upgraded to a suite at the W hotel and just being overwhelmed by God’s blessing. The last night I went on the balcony and just praised God. I thanked him for everything, prayed over the town of spring breakers I was looking down upon, and asked him to use me. Little did I know that He would do it so soon. Early the next morning, I was flying back home. I am not a morning person and desperately wanted to take a nap. Before the plane took off, I met the people in my row, which all had a random connection with professional soccer. The plane took off and just as I was closing my eyes, I heard the whisper, “open your bible.” I hesitantly whispered back, “I don’t really feel like reading just yet, maybe later.” Once again I heard God’s tug. I gave in. As soon as I took out my bible, the man next to me said, “I need to get one of those.” “Oh geez, that was quick God,” I thought. I gave the man my bible. This opened up conversation to him, the people in front of us, and the lady by the window. This man was going through a difficult time and was flying to a christian conference because of a friend. He told me was standing in the airport and almost didn’t go. I was able to cry with him, pray with him, and give him his first bible. It was such an honor to see how Gid was pursuing this man and to be a part of it. At the end of the flight, seberal people around us mentioned that they needed to get closer to God and were going to start diving into his word again. I was blown away by how much God had done with my little prayer and willingness to say yes.
That’s an awesome story. Thanks for sharing
This is the third time today I have read about being obedient to God. I am so jazzed right now, because He is preparing me for something to come.
When I took a position as a youth pastor right out of college. I was not the fun, energetic stereotypical youth pastor. I was shocked they hired me. I was shocked I took the job. It ended up opening up an opportunity and passion for Women’s Ministry that I never would have otherwise known. It seems the moms of the students I was serving needed as much or more direction than the students did. That was years ago. Now, I’m back to teaching middle schoolers in Sunday School and am loving every minute. And my passion for Women’s Ministry has transformed into a passion for women mentoring women. Not sure what that’s going to look like yet, but am excited to see where God leads.
I have lived in a small town in Kentucky my whole life. When I married my mission minded, soon to be pastor husband, the first thing I told him was “don’t you think about moving us” After years of dealing with infertility we decided to adopt. We adopted 2 little girls from Ukraine who both happen to have Down Syndrome. About a month after we got back God spoke to me and told me that we needed to move and at first I told him the same thing I told my husband, but I remembered this amazing thing he just done in my life. A year later I am sitting in my home in Bozeman Montana where my husband is a youth pastor. Telling God yes is a lot better than tellin him no I can’t tell you how much our life has changed for the better since moving here 🙂
I said yes when my family answered the call to go on the mission field. I still have the urge to say no sometimes, but saying yes is always so much more fun.
I guess I would have to say that I’m in the middle of being obedient right now, in that our (my husband & I) plan was to do his final tour for the Army close to home in North Idaho. But God had other plans & we are in NE Georgia. Still don’t know His plans, but anxiously awaiting what He wants us to do/learn while we are here.
Wow. What a wonderful story. I’m about to embark on a 21 day Daniel Fast to grow closer to God and get healthier. To hear His voice and say yes is what I need to learn to do more of! Bless you!
When I said Yes to marry my husband, I said Yes to God. You see, I’m young and have never been married before. My husband has an ex-wife, a son from his marriage with her and a step-daughter from his ex-wife’s first marriage. I knew it would be messy, but God asked me to say Yes, and so I did.
I have grown up in a Christian home all my life. But I am guilty of letting myself get in the way of God’s plan. He has really been dealing with me lately as my husband is in the Army and about to deploy right as we are having our 2nd son. I am trying to learn to trust God and let Him lead in our lives. I can’t wait to read your book!!!
I want to say that I have said yes to God…I honestly can’t say that I have. I want this for myself but for some reason I can never seem to hear him. I pray that one day I will hear God and that my answer will be yes.
Several years ago, we said yes to God’s call for us to be foster parents. Our first placement, a beautiful newborn, went home after 5 months. After processing the grief, we prayed about accepting another placement. Several months later, 2 traumatized little screaming boys entered our home. They screamed for hours each day. I wrestled with God daily. The time came that we were asked if we would adopt them. God clearly paved the way, but my selfish heart had a very hard time. Every day I had to decide to do what God wanted me to do, then go to Him to get the strength to do it. Some days I failed miserably, but with encouragement from my husband and dear friend, and God’s enduring promises, those two little boys are now my sons. They are still healing, I am still seeking God daily and we all continue to grow.
I call this book “dangerous”…..in a good way! We found ourselves without a Jr. High Sunday School teacher mid-year, and I had been asked to teach that class. My answer was NOOOOO WAAAY! I have younger kiddos, and that’s the group that I understand. I loved teaching my son’s class, but I had taken a break this past year from teaching. If I WERE to teach again, I wanted it to be for his age group (1st-3rd graders).
As I was reading this book, I prayed the prayer in the beginning to be a woman that says “Yes” to God. Guess what I felt him nudging me to do??!!
I ended up saying Yes to teaching the Jr Highers, and I LOVED it! Dangerous. Fantastically dangerous. Such an awesome book ~ I would love to win a copy to share with friends! (Mine is the Kindle version).
Wow. What an awesome story!
I was so full of anxiety in my engagement. I had been struggling with anxiety, and I kept analyzing everything – it wasn’t that Charlie was not right for me, but I was so scared that the Lord was telling me that in order to prove my love for Him, which I knew was not true, but I kept throwing out the “what if” – as if the Lord would be completely disappointed in me marrying Charlie. When I finally sat down and asked the Lord to tell me what I need to know, He whispered, “Just trust Me. This is a good thing. You can’t be 100% prepared for marriage because you’ve never been married before. Just trust Me. This is my gift to you.” And, oh, what a gift it has been. When I finally said, “Yes, Lord, I’ll trust that this is good, that this is your gift, that I don’t have to prove my love to you in order for you to be pleased,” I felt free. Being married to Charlie has been the most sanctifying, most beautiful gift in my life so far. Praise God for asking Him to trust us.
I was in line at Lowe’s the other day to return an item when I overheard that a gentleman needed a document notarized to take home a trailer he had purchased, but that the store’s trained Notary was not there. The man needed the trailer that day to carry lumber he had purchased. I happen to be a Notary and I also happened to have my seal in the car. I told myself not to get into this man’s business. Return my item, go get what I actually needed, get the kids back in the car and go home. My husband is oilfield, so I have to handle a lot on my own and I was extremely tired that day.
I guess God had other plans because before I knew it, I’d opened my mouth and volunteered my services at no charge to the company or the gentleman. The manager looked at me and said, “You’re an angel!” While I know that isn’t true, I did feel a lot better knowing that I’d helped someone who needed it.
When I payed for a lady’s meal behind me in a Wendy’s drive thru. i had such joy from not only obeying God but also doing something for someone else.
What an amazing testimony! Or, I should say, testimonies. I guess my biggest step is in international adoption–God has led, & changed paths for us, & he’s often asking for my patience & trust. And so…slowly I’m giving the reigns over to Him.
I can remember a time during the school year that I had completed my devotion by myself and asked God to use me in a special way that day! I was taking my daughter to school that morning and saw a friend’s husband pulling out of the local high school. He pulled out behind me and I knew he was heading to the elementary school to drop off their daughter for choir practice. I went on and dropped my daughter off and headed back home. As I approached the light, I saw him sitting there in the van. He had their 11 year old daughter and their newborn daughter in the van with him. I passed on by, but felt God telling me to turn around. I turned around immediately in the high school parking lot and went back. He had run out of gas!!!!! I asked if I could load up the baby for him to keep her warm and wait or if there was anything I could do. He asked if I could take the 11 year old to school for choir! I did that for him and as I passed again, his father was there putting gas in the van. It was something small, but the blessing I felt from simply asking God to use me and putting someone right in my path to help was overwhelming!
reading Made To Crave right now:) Thank you for putting everything in terms we can all understand and relate to! This is definitely going to be my next read. More than once I’ve wondered if I haven’t paid attention to what God is telling me. Can’t wait!
There are so many times I have said “yes” to God and have seen immediate results. Then there are times the results are not immediate but I have faith that things will work out the way God intends. It is quite a long story but my husband pursued me for years before I final said yes to God and went out with him. I thought I knew what I wanted for my life, but God had another idea. Here I am today happily married with two beautiful twin boys. Praise be to God for what he has done for me.
Several women at church were all in midst of divorces. God told me to share that I, too, was had been divorced, and to facilitate DivorceCare at our church. My own husband even told me that I could try but the elders wouldn’t approve it. I had to meet w/elders, preacher, GULP!! Almost backed out but I SAID YES!!! And they did too. I ended up facilitating the 12 sessions two times through and one neighbor lady was led to Christ as a result. PTL!! I’m xcited about this bible stdy!! I’d love to win a book!! I have a copy on my Nook but would like a hard copy too!! Thanks Lysa for ALL the good you do!! U r s blessing!!
This almost sounds silly to say but last week we had a new garage door installed. It was very hot out and the man that was working was looking pretty warm. I was just getting ready to make my three small kids some lunch and felt the Lord leading me to see if he wanted anything. I went out and told him that I was just preparing lunch and I would be happy to make him something if he was hungry. He looked at me, quite surprised, and said in the ten years that he had been doing this job no one has ever once even offered him a glass of water let alone anything to eat. He went on to say that he had had to leave the house in a hurry that day and hadn’t packed himself a lunch and he would in fact love something. Fairly needlessly to say, I made him the biggest sandwich and fruit lunch I could pack for him. He even went back and told his boss what happened. The Lord used that to remind ME that His love is not just to stop at me. He loves that man and cares about him so much that on a day where he was running late and had three garage doors to install on a 100 degree day that He provided what this man NEEDED when he needed it. I was honored that the Lord would use me in that way. I say that, not to boast by any means about what happened, but rather to say even a stay at home mom making lunch for her kids can be used to bless another and shine HIS glory from her kitchen.
Thank you Lysa for your post today and your ministry. God can use anyone of us no matter where we are if we are willing to say yes. I injured my back in a fall and in the beginning wasn’t even able to get out of bed on my own. I had always been active in our church and our life, we had only been married for 13 months. I was feeling really low and useless. I had managed to get downstairs with help into my prayer corner and was crying out to God, asking Him how was I going to be able to serve Him now, and very clearly He told me you can Pray! God’s grace has prevailed thru out our marriage and lives I serve Him now as a prayer warrior for our women’s and youth ministry as well as anyone else who asks for prayer. God told me He would heal me and I believe in His time he will. No He did not take the pain or limited mobility away but by His Grace I am filled with His spirit everyday that I say yes to Him!
First I want to say “Thank you” for sharing words that God gives you to help folks like me. I am trying to listen more so I can get clear instruction from God. I need help in this area though. I want to do His will. I have gone to visit friends when I felt God telling me to go, only to find out that there was a specific word that had to be shared. On the couple of times that this happened, either my husband and I or the other couple received confirmation on a subject at hand due to the visit and words spoken there. 🙂 So cool!
Thank you, Lysa, for sharing just the right thing at the right time!! I am a life-long service person. I’m in a church now where things are changing, my responsibilities are changing for what I love doing, “not needed as much”, etc, etc. This post sent me a reminder that it’s not about all of these things but keeping my eyes on Him and continuing to serve Him, even if it is not packaged the way it has been in the past!!
I was in the checkout line at Walmart a few weeks ago. I had a $20 bill in my wallet earmarked for something else. God clearly told me to give it to her, tell her He loved her, and she is where she is supposed to be. I, too, had an argument in my head/heart. WE needed that money. What if I was hearing wrong? What if I offend her? Finally I just gave in. She looks astonished, then her eyes glistened and she said softly “thank you”. I’ve not seen her again and have no idea what ever happened to her after that. But I know without doubt I was supposed to do it.
I love your story. It touched my heart and made me cry. I tried to give my bible away but the man wouldn’t take it. I was on my way to church and a man was walking beside the road looking for something. I felt like God wanted me to stop so I did. I talked to him a while and invited him to church. I thought I had another bible in my car to give him but I didn’t so I told him he could have mine. I tried but he wouldn’t take it but he was gracious about it. He wasn’t rude. I told him God loves him and he thanked me. I still pray for him sometimes when I pass that way. I wish I always said yes to God but I don’t.
For several days, I have been arguing with God about going on a mission trip. I have thought of many excuses but the biggest was my daughter’s baby is due in a week. Friday while reading my devotion, God spoke loud and clear “Go on the trip & trust me to take care of Jaycee.” Needless to say I’m on the bus headed to rodeo bible camp expecting great things from God.
Sadly I can say I answered his call only once- at age 7 when I was saved. My selfish life is nothing to brag about or be proud of… Although I’ve been in church all my life and call myself a Christian, my life does not reflect it. Very eye opening for me!
I prayed during church on Sunday for divine appointments and to direct who I conversed with after. Just as we were leaving I came across a friend who needed some encouragement and was able to be a breath of fresh air in Jesus for a few moments for this dear sister who is in the midst of darkness. It led to an impromptu dinner, fellowship and start of a DVD marriage study that eve. What a blessing and encouragement for my husband and I as we watched and were challenged by the refresher of the study.
I’m sure there have been other times more recently that I have said “Yes!” to God, but perhaps the most profound one that I recall is when I heard Fern Nichols, founder of Moms In Touch (now Moms In Prayer) on Focus on the Family in 1989. She talked about how to pray for your children and the schools they attend. I knew God wanted me to do that! When I could find no groups established already where I lived, I looked for one other mom to pray with and we started praying for our second grade children and their school. I learned to pray specifically and expectantly and it changed my life! While no longer formally involved with MIP, I still pray using the same format and love praying in one accord with other people. It’s powerful!
I’m at a place in my life now where I’m wondering what’s next. Kids are grown and gone, I will be retiring in the next few months, and I’m searching for some passion to grip and shake me. I want to serve my Savior – just not sure where or how. This book sounds like a great place to start on whatever God’s next adventure is for me.
I’m sure I’ve said “no” more than I’ve said “yes”… I’ve even had moments when I was convinced God wasn’t speaking to me. I’d like to say that I answered his call in the midst of my despair but I can’t. I have once felt a strong call from God and answered it. It was the summer between my senior year in high school and freshman year at college… I was with a group of friends attending a summer program at Trinity University. I was driving and saw a man about a block from the school with a sign saying he was hungry and needed help. My heart ached for him and I asked the other girls if they would be ok with me going back and taking him some food. They were and we all took our meal plan cards and bought what we could for immediate and later consumption to give him. We went back and gave him the food. He started crying and thanked us and kept saying “God Bless you”. He was shaking and seemed really moved that a few 18 year old girls came to his aid. Unlike other homeless persons who you see day after day asking for aid we never saw him again. For some reason I feel that was Jesus reminding us that what we do for the least of his people we do for him. I’m 38 now and still think of that day and doing for other’s when I can in His name.
April 7, 2013
Our church had done a wall of hope for Easter. We were asked to write on the wall or little cards in seat backs, of a time of hope in our life.
I had written mine on a card. Not wanting to be seen at the wall. Then on April the 7th. I was looking at the wall. Full of stories of hope. First row, close to the top my story was written in bold red lettering.
Im still here and so is my unborn daughter.
Seeing my story, even just a sentence long brought tears to my eyes. Then I heard or felt pull. Today is the day. Do not wait.
I walked up front and asked what i needed to do to be part of the water baptisms that day.
I said yes that day, and Im so very glad i did.
In 2009, I felt God’s call to return to church. Back to my childhood faith, which wasn’t my husbands. One two of my three children came with me that day. The subject of God and religion was always a hot topic from that point on. Which would always end me with me back out of a soon to be argument.
In February 2012, I had this “feeling” of inviting my husband to church with us. I was so scared what he was going to say, since I had never asked him before. I thought it was kind of a “given” that he knew. But this was…”ask him to join you”. So I did. I waited for his answer. To which he replied, ” let me get ready.” I had no idea that for the past two years while I had been praying for God to enter his heart, he had been praying for God to show him where to go to church. God is faithful. Now our prayer is for the salvation of our oldest son who chooses not to go to church. If God pursed my husband, he is pursuing my son too.
I love plane rides. I, like you, do enjoy sleeping on them, I find myself, more times than not, being asked by the Lord to stay awake- He has an assignment for me. However, this time, I’m not going to share one of those times, I’m going to share something else. I live in a small town in Tennessee. I had a job at an Alzheimer’s Assisted Living community, and that was rough. I quickly realized that although my residents couldn’t really remember what I told them, I was able to minister to them, and even more to their families. To their families- these people are in a season of life where they have to watch their strong mothers and fathers deteriorate, and yet they have to be strong. There was a certain resident who grabbed my heart as soon as she arrived. She walked into our facility tall and strong with her daughter at her side. I could see the hurt, frustration, anger, and hopelessness in her daughter’s eyes, knowing that her mother wasn’t going to walk out of this facility… ever. I made it my mission to show and speak the love of Jesus to this woman every chance I got (which was everyday because she came and visited her mother everyday). Fast forward about a year, I’m no longer working at the community, but I woke up thinking about this woman and so i prayed for her. As I drove down main street that day, I passed by a store with a few cars out front… One car stood out because it had a Florida license plate- and I thought to myself: “only one person I know drives that car with that plate.” so i said a quick prayer for her and her mom and kept driving. The Lord quickly convicted me and I turned around. As I entered the back of the store, I saw this woman leaving out the front. so I chased her down, called out her name, and as soon as she saw me, she started crying! I knew instantly that her mother had passed away… As we stood there, in the parking lot of Verizon Wireless, I just held her as she cried. I was able to share the love of the Father’s embrace with her that day. I was able to give her the hope of the Father. Not many words were spoken that day, but it was an opportunity I almost missed because I almost said no to the Lord… She couldn’t believe that I actually turned around just to come and see her- to hug her. I told her that she was precious in the eyes of the Lord, and that He saw her in her time of need. He knew EXACTLY what she needed that afternoon. I’m honored that the Lord allowed me to be a part of it!
I remember the excitement of VBS as a ten-year-old. My mother had been giving us small change each day for the VBS offering. One morning my mother ran of change to offer us three kids. I decided to deep into my little savings that may be amounted to two dollars and dug out a quarter. Now this was the mid 70s and a quarter was a lot to me but I placed my quarter in the offering anyway. The pastor asked the gathering of us VBSers who believed that someone outside had a quarter to give us. I raised my hand and was told to go outside. I was given my quarter back.
This made me cry. How many times do I say “no” to God, or worse, ignore Him completely and not even hear Him speak. Definitely going to chew on this awhile. Thanks for your words Lysa, always the right ones at the right time.
I was obedient to God after I had my third child. I am a teacher and wanted that more than almost anything. Even more I wanted to be a wife and mother. I was a teacher first and loved every minute of it! Once I had more children I thought I had it all! Society said I could work full time and be a great mother. God told me I could only so one well at a time. By this time I had already taught 10 years and knew that the time had come to be the other person God choose me to be. Not the person who society wanted me to be. I feel. So great about listening to God and being who He wants me to be.
Thanks so much for this giveaway! I have all of your other books and would love to win this one!
I went to a women’s retreat my church had put on in Novemebr of 2011. I was in the midst of a 2nd separation with my husband and was suffering from sever anxiety. I needed desperately to hear from God that weekend. During one of the teach times a women told a story about hearing God speak to hear to do something radical and the amazing fruits that flowed from that. I prayed Lord I want to hear you like that. Please speak to me. At our outside morning devotion time where we sit quietly with The Lord I journaled and prayed and asked God to show me what to do. He told me 3 things. I needed to forgive my husband and go back home. I needed to let go of another person and I needed to apologize to a lady I worked with. I was bawling and so grateful He spoke and I said yes to all 3 things. What transpired was a marriage that was restored by His grace and an unexpected blessing that will be arriving the day before Christmas! I was pulled from a pit of sin by letting go of that other person and the lady I called to apologize to is now a dear friend and sister in Christ! God is so utterly faithful and by His grace He spoke to me and BY HIS GRACE I listened! What an incredible God we serve!!!!
Wow, your testimony brought a tear to my eye!! That is beautiful!!! God is so awesome and worthy!!! I don’t have a story quite like yours but the most memorable times I (or should I say we b/c it was my husband and I) said yes to God were the times we have helped out family by opening our home to them. We have been blessed many times over for our yes to Him in those times, we have been given food, a fridge, miracles have happened with our mortgage, and many other ways we have been blessed just b/c we said Yes, God, we will open our home up. Thank you so much for sharing your testimony, I am going to share this one on my FB page!! Thank you for your YES!! <3
Wow. This is one of my heart’s deepest desires- to learn to say “yes” way more than what I do. I can’t wait to read this!!
My husband and I were on a mission trip in Iceland about three years ago, and my teammates had been asking me to sing in a church service. I love to sing, and sing in choir, but it’s not something I feel comfortable doing as a soloist. I really felt the Lord leading me to do this, however. As much as I argued with the Lord, He kept urging me.
I agreed to sing, and was led to sing Amazing Grace. After the service, I got hugs and thank-you’s from the precious people who were in the service, but I kept noticing this one lady, crying by herself over to the side. The pastor of the church told me (he had to translate) that this sweet woman’s husband had died the year before. That was his favorite hymn. She had been feeling very discouraged and alone, but hearing me minister in song blessed her heart. She said that she felt like he was there beside her as I sang, and she felt God’s peace wash over her.
Whew. All glory to God.
Your story really touched me.
I said yes to leading a Small group Study group in our home. Way out of my comfort zone…but I know it’s what God wanted us to do.
Reading this makes me feel not alone in my obedience to God. I have stayed with my boyfriend even though people have told me to leave him only because God has told me this is where He wants me to be. I have had my doubts at times but God keeps reminding me that He is with me and everything will work out to His glory. I’ve learned with the doubts starting coming to praise His holy name and He gives me the peace and confidence to keep going.
I have been a Jonah almost my entire life. A few year ago, as my graduation date was approaching and I was really questioning God on what path I was to take (my original intent was to open a regular daycare & preschool center) but as the months went by & planning was underway, I remember specifically God leading me to Hourly Care. The thought of this terrified me, and just like before… I fought and tried to figure out a way to run like I always have. God found a way to lead me back to this idea. Hourly Care is scary bc it is a lot more risky, you really have to have a lot of kids stop in in order to make sure you can cover the overhead… And every time we ran into another obstacle of showing how difficult this business was going to be, God provided. Whether it was a random check in the mail from a family member or friend, a great deal on materials, basically a stranger forking over $700 to ensure our doors did not close, it was all a test for me to say “Yes”. It is really on my heart to do this study because even though I have said “yes”, I do it reluctantly & still struggle often with Why he led me here-creating depression. I will continue to pray for this as an opportunity for me to learn to say yes, more willingly.
I recently have gone through a tough time with trusting and fear but I came across Psalms112: 4. Every time I felt overwhelmed and anxious I would repeat this verse over to myself and sit down with my bible and read a devotional. I have been carried through so much because I have said yes to God!
When my husband and I first met and started dating we were Christians we were overlooking one sin that is very difficult for new couples to refrain from. Soon I was convicted and talked with “my boyfriend” and said this is not the way God wants us to be living until we are married… Well he was silent….. for one day…two days….I prayed to God , “It’s up to you Lord.” “If this is meant to be I want your blessing on this relationship and eventually marraige.” After three days my boyfriend came to me and said, “you are right, we need to do the right thing.” “lets go talk to the pastor”…We just had our 14th anniversary on July 4th…Thank you Lord…
Thank you.
I am looking forward to the book and the study.
Thank you for posting this Lysa. I am 34 yrs old and a SAHM to my daughters Alexis 7 & Samantha 5. My husband and I have been married for almost 9 yrs. Right now we are going through some things. I am ready to call it quits because I am tired of trying to keep it together.Our Pastor has given us a marriage councilor to talk too and I spoke with him today. I am a woman who lets her emotions rule her and they have finally gotten the better of me and I’m torn and don’t know what to do or how to handle the situation. Luckily I have my Circle Of Friends. There is only the three of us, and we have become sisters since we started our group in Feb of this year. I have been drawn closer to God these past few weeks and I suppose that’s why I haven’t left. I am not ready to give up and I want to say yes to everything God says to me but oh how hard it has been. I am looking forward to this Bible Study
Many years ago, I said “yes” to God when he called me into a leadership role in women’s ministry. I had tons of arguments but ran out of excuses when a more experienced woman of our congregation said she would be my vice-president. It was one of the best times of my life as I served the women of our church.
one of the most life altering times I answered God’s call to obedience was in my early 20’s, when I felt prompted to ‘call a boy’. I wasn’t romantically interested in him and in fact had claimed Jesus as my date on Fri & Sat nights. He worked with my sister’s fiancé at the time and they hosted him at their home often. I had just moved into the basement of their home, so naturally I would see him once in a while. 6 months prior, my sister tried to set us up and managed to pull off a blind date for us. But like I said, I wasn’t looking. Jesus had my heart, and I wouldn’t be giving any of it to anyone else any time soon. ‘this boy’ was moving to another state to pursue his career. when my sister shared the news I simply new I had to call him. my head was confused. why does it matter that you keep in touch with ‘this boy’. but I offered up prayer and stepped out in courage and faith. I called him, we met for dinner and to exchange email addresses (there was no facebook back then) in order to ‘stay in touch’. that is all I could say, ‘God wants me to stay in touch with you’. That was August. We were engaged 2 months later in October. He moved back to my state in January and we married the following September. 15 years ago I answered God’s call to obedience when it didn’t make sense to me, nor did it fall in line with ‘my agenda’. And every day since I’ve been blessed with the daily opportunity to wake up and submit to an amazing man of God. daily I ‘get to’ answer God’s call to obedience, simply by being his wife.
Thank you so so much for such a beautiful message. I remember sitting in church one Sunday by myself near the front of the sanctuary. I saw a woman approach the front after the sermon on her knees crying. I looked around to see if anyone would come up to talk with her and there was no one. I looked around again..it was as though God tapped my shoulder and prompted me to go…I wrestled with this..how would I have the words to say to her in her time of need. I looked around again feeling a nudge and it was as though the Lord held everyone back and said are you going to go up there or what? I got out of my seat and spoke with her..prayed with her and he gave me the words to do so. He prompted me and to this day we share a connection.
Truly an inspirational testimony, Lysa! I said yes to God last fall after studying and practicing your suggestions in your book, Made to Crave. I reached out to the medical arena by approaching a weight loss physician office group and pitched the idea of facilitating a group study with some of their current patients, using your book, study guide and videos. After speaking to my Life Purpose Coach, I wrote a letter to the president of the group laying it out. I really didn’t expect to get a response at all and after all, this will really stretch me and my confidence!
The letter circulated through the office practice and after several emails back-and-forth, telephone communication and an meeting, the physicians said yes! Now it was to happen over the summer~in my mind and my control, ha ha!~it could potentially happen this fall and of course, when God decides the time is right! My contact, Scott, said to me as I was leaving the meeting where the “yes”happened, “No matter what happens from here Michelle, you were obedient to God’s nudging.” I.Said.Yes to God and what He asked me to do! 🙂
Thank you, Lysa, for showing us so many opportunities to be obedient. I love your books and also the dvd series Made to Crave.
I love this!! Three years ago I wanted to walk out on my husband and give up on our marriage, God told me to stay so I did, very unwillingly. God has since delivered my husband from alcohol and me from all of my hurts, anger, resentment and unforgiveness. I am so glad that I said yes to God. Our marriage is stronger than it ever was before and God has taken us down paths we never thought we would travel!! We give Him all the glory!! 🙂
I’m so excited to start the online study with this book! I can’t wait to get it in!
God called this introverted, conflict-avoiding girl to lead a whole weekend retreat, including giving the keynote testimony on discipleship. The retreat was preceded by 6 months of intensive team-building and meeting-leading. Directly following the retreat, He sent me the scripture, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” 🙂
Lysa, your words are always like music to my ears… But immense pain to my head and heart! It seems that you always hit the nail on the head as to what I need to hear! I really appreciate that you allow God to work through you. I just really appreciate that your style of writing is such a blessing to me. Even a simpleton ninny like myself still gets the message!
What a wonderful way to share God with strangers. I remember answering God’s message with a stranger soon after church one Wednesday evening. This man was riding a bike near my husband’s work. He asked me for a few dollars to get a bite for him and his wife to eat. There was a BK next door and I got them a gift card that should take care of them for a meal. Best part of this message was the timing, the message preached earlier that evening was about how if you feed the hungry man you feed Jesus.
First let me say how much you inspire me Lysa. You are truly a blessing. This last school year my son started middle school. My husband was deployed for 8 months and this was a time my son needed his father the most. He struggled a lot and his grades started slipping and his attitude was awful.I would talk to him everyday about how important his education is and how I knew how much he missed his father. Over the months he raised his grades and started communicating with his father and I a lot better. My husband was a month from returning home and my sons grades started slipping again and he was failing most of his classes. He was very anxious and it showed. I began to become stressed and anxious because nothing I did helped the situation. My husband has deployed 7 times over 15 years, this was by far the roughest. I prayed all throughout the months for my son while still trying to control the situation. My husband returned home and we tried everything we knew to help our son. God spoke to me one morning and said let go! Love your son more than ever during this time, but let him fall if thats what it takes.I was so upset and frustrated. What mother lets her kids fall? I wanted to save him. I love my son so much but I was angry with him. I argued with God because while I loved my son so much I didn’t want to be nice and show him… Finally , I let go and loved my son. I had no clue how his grades were and he was a month away from the school year ending. I continued to love him. On the last day of school he walked to the car and said mom I got my grades. He passed all of his classes and I was so happy I cried. Sometimes it’s hard to let go and trust God.. It’s when you do, you see God work in ways you never imagined.
I joined the online Bible Study and I am very excited to get the book. I really enjoy your articles and devotions on Proverbs 31. I have many stories of God’s faithfulness as a result of my obedience to Him, but the one that is still fresh is answering His call to home school this year. He has shown Himself faithful to us in so many ways and given me such a wonderful peace since I finally, after 2 years of feeling this calling on my heart, surrendered. If we take the first steps of trust and obedience, amazing things happen!
My husband and I moved our family back to my hometown after his deployment to Iraq. It was the last place I wanted to go and I had said many times that I’d never go back to my hometown but I obeyed and what a wonderful blessing it turned out to be! God’s will is always perfect.
I am so excited to start this study! I can think of a few specific times that I said no to God. When I finally was obedient and said yes, I experienced many unexpected blessings as a result. I would love to learn and grow into saying yes to Him more often (and without hesitation)!
Years ago my husband, our five small children and I lived in a 2 bedroom rented home. The people who owned our house lived on the street and owned a few other houses on that street, all of which (besides ours) were inhabited by their family members. They (seemingly) had everything. They had swimming pools and play sets and we had a large roll of plastic that became a slip-n-slide for our kids in the hot summer months. Our landlords were never kind to us. I baked them cookies and sent them over for their pool parties, to which we were not invited. Their children played and were welcomed at our house anytime they wanted, but our kids were never allowed to play at their homes, or with their toys. We paid all our bills completely, but we paid late. Eventually, they evicted us without notice, stating that they were tired of the late payments. (I believe that another family member moved in after we left.)
Months after we moved out, God asked me to drive over to their house, knock on the door, and APOLOGIZE to the patriarch of the family, for causing them stress by paying our bills late! They had done SO MANY rotten things to us, but I was the one being asked to apologize. After a lengthy “discussion”, I obeyed God and did as told.
I’d like to tie up this story with a nice bow, but honestly, I have no idea what happened after I left that house, or for that matter, what impact it had on anyone else, but I was changed. I had stepped off a building and God had caught me. I obeyed…
Hi Lysa! Your story was amazing & inspiring. Ever since I was a little girl I wanted to become a teacher, in special education because I too have disability and thought I would be able to relate to children well. After community college in 2008 while I was at our college age group at my church God let me know he had different plans from that day on when it came to my career. I felt his call for me to enter ministry! At first I played the no way card for a few days but then through him reminding I said ok. At that point I knew nothing about degree types, what school to apply to, nothing but I knew I had to find out. I talked to my pastor and with his help I was able to find a school that had an online degree with a concentration in Christian counseling! Now looking back I am so glad I obeyed God and followed what he wanted for me. I have learned so much throughout my degree about the bible and myself! I have also been able to share things I have learned with people to encourage them. I Love Jesus! Not only for changing my path but everything he has done 🙂
All I can say is thank you for sharing! I needed to hear this today!
Three years ago I was offered a job as vice principal of a Christian school. I had lots of reasons to say no: my experience was in child care not education, my degree was in social work not administration, I went to public school not a Christian school…among many other reasons. I just was not “enough” in my own eyes but I felt strongly The Lord leading me there. The way He has worked thru me & in spite of me over the last 3 years has been such a blessing!
I have one story with two points. In January 2012 at a youth parents meeting a video was shown concerning the upcoming summer mission trip to Guatemala. I had not planned nor signed up to go. In fact to leave the state was the last thing I wanted to do. But I felt compelled to sign up volunteer because I knew without a doubt that is what God
Was calling me to do. At that point
He was not necessarily asking me to go, just to sign up. It was way past the deadline to be able to go. As it turned out o went with the youth of my church to Guatemala.
Fast forward to June 2012. While packing to go I asked God what book He wanted me to take. The book “Jesus” by Charles Swimdoll came to mind, so I put it in my bag. We got to our destination and I learned that one of the university volunteers who was there for the summer from the states was amormon who had just recently made “the decision to become a Christian”. Only a Mormon would put it that way. I was uniquely able to tally to her because I had grown up on Idaho and had talked to many Mormons about trusting Jesus as savior–becoming A Christian. This is why God wanted me to go in this trip. Well that night after I had talked to this student God told me to give her my book. I argued with God because it was a book I had not yet read, but in obedience I gave her the book. She gratefully took the book and went to put it away. She came back a few minutes later, walked up to me and said, “I really want to thank you again for the book. I just finished reading the gospels and this is just what I needed to read. Thank you for listening to God and being obedient.”
I am new to obeying God’s call but I show obedience in the everyday type moments…staying calm with disobedient toddlers, showing love my husband no matter how I feel, being kind to strangers, etc.
Thanks for sharing!
Starting a young families ministry in our church. It is definitely out of my comfort zone. I had/have many excuses not to, but knew that was what He wanted.
I have been quilting for a number of years now. Most of my quilts have been given away as gifts. Often God tells me which person I need to make a quilt for ahead of time and I can plan it for that person. Recently I did a scrap type quilt in a pattern I wan’ted to try. As I quilted I kept trying to think of someone or charity to give this to. About 3/4 of way, a name popped in my head of someone who needed a quilt. I gave it to them anonymously through our pastor. I hope it blesses her as much as quilting blesses me.
I absolutely loved this story and where God had you. He had you at the right time with both of these people. I continue to pray that God would use me like this. I am an introvert and not sure if I would be able to do it, but with the courage and trust in God that you had I do believe that God can use me just like he used you. I am so looking forward to this book. I am ready to say Yes to God and no to the circumstances that I have. Thanks and many blessings.
What a wonderful story. It is so hard to say yes and admittedly I have said no more times than yes. My most recent yes to God was a life changing ah ha moment. He asked me to sacrifice something that I really wanted to start something He called me to do. It turns out (months later) that what I sacrificed I was using to hide from Him and what He was calling me to do. And I didn’t actually want what I thought I did. Or maybe it’s just that His plans are so much greater than mine.
I am in the middle of reading ‘Unglued’ for a Bible study. It is exactly what I need right now in my life. Thank you for saying YES to God all the times he told you to write something down.
Thanks for sharing your stories…. You seem to always share a quote or story that seems to be just for me.
One simple ‘Yes’ changed my life forever.
I only found church for the first time in my 42 years a little over six years ago. It was a tiny church in South Carolina and I fell in love with Jesus then. But we were called to move to Houston, TX a year later I couldn’t find a church that I loved like that. So I chose a church similar in format and hoped God would still be there. In the meantime, a neighbor invited me to join her in a few women’s ministry events at her church. I had never heard of women’s ministry but I went, curious. I was drawn in with a force more powerful than I could imagine and was crazy about this ministry, the people, the bible studies, etc. But MY church didn’t have a women’s ministry. So I asked them why and they told me it wasn’t in the vision. But one woman on staff overheard my request and approached me. She and I were friends and she knew my heart for women. So she asked me to write a business proposal about what a women’s ministry would like like for the church. My first thought was, “Not me! I don’t know anything.” But I felt a strong sense that I should obey and so I said, “Yes.”
God was all over this project, whispering to me that He was planting seeds. I assumed that meant He was planting them at the church. I was obedient, wrote the proposal (over two months), turned it in and it was rejected. But I was at peace with it. Especially because a month later, we got the call that my husband was being transferred to Dallas. My first task was to find a church and I did! Complete with Women’s Ministry! I was thrilled. A short time later I shared with my small group leader about writing that proposal and she invited me out to lunch. It turned out that the current director was leaving and there was an opening for a new one. Would I be interested?
I cannot express the visceral reaction I had to that question. It was as if part of me that I didn’t know were dead came alive. I was honestly terrified because I have exactly NO experience running a ministry. But because I was obedient to the call to write the proposal, they decided to take a chance on me. I have been the Women’s Ministry Director now for 18 months and about 8 months ago, they commissioned me as a pastor!
One simple act of saying yes changed the course of my life forever. I am now in the humbling position of helping other women be obedient. My story is completely nuts to me but I will never doubt the power of saying yes. God is just waiting for us to say it! He can’t wait for us to say yes!! Why would anyone ever even think of saying no?
Thanks for sharing Lysa ! !
The time God tugged at my heart to do something was to teach my little girls on Wednesday night.. I was being too stubborn…
I have been saying Yes by Praying for my son !!!! He has a hard heart and an unwillingness to believe there is a God . He has been raised Catholic and went to CCD from Kindergarten through 8th grade but a few years ago has NO interest in God. God refuses to let me give up on that precious boy ….AND I WONT !!!!! Im saying yes to praying for him 🙂
One cold winter evening I was shopping at the local shopping plaza with my youngest son. There was a homeless (I believe) man just standing outside the stores shivering, with not enough heavy clothes to keep him warm. I felt God asking me to somehow help him, but in my mind I started resisting. My son and I went into one of the shops and just walked around looking at things. the man was still on my heart, so I “made a deal” with God. I said that if he was still out there when we left the store, I would go back in and buy him some gloves, and contact someone at our church across the street to provide some financial assistance for him to get food or transportation. then i proceeded to wander that store for a VERY LONG TIME. Well, when we finally went out, there he was! God couldn’t have made His wishes any clearer. We asked the man to come in with us so we could buy the gloves. We then got some money for the bus and sent him on his way. I foolishly thought I could out wait God, but He had other plans. Now, I try to respond quicker to the Spirit’s urgings. 🙂
I have been blessed by reading all these comments and your original post, Lysa. One time I can remember saying Yes to God was when I was sitting in Bible study and realized it was the first day of Lent. I hadn’t thought about giving anything up. But, I felt a calling to give up Facebook for Lent. That was so hard for me, as I check it constantly throughout the day, and it makes me feel connected to friends, since I am in a new town and don’t have many local friends yet. I obeyed, and gave up Facebook with the hope that I could experience the Holy Spirit talk to me. Late in the lenten season, as I was driving home from Bible study again, I felt a voice in my head say to pray for a friend I hadn’t talked to in years. Specifically the voice said to pray that she would make it through the day. I thought that was strange, but I prayed for her. That afternoon, I emailed her and explained what I had experienced (She is a believer.) She said that she had a stomach virus and her husband was deployed and she had been praying to make it through the day with her 3 kids. I think it was an encouragement that the Holy Spirit had put her on my heart, and it was a huge answer to prayer for me to hear from the Holy Spirit because of my obedience to give up Facebook for Lent.
I was so excited to see your next book is about saying yes to God. I have recently been experiencing the need to do this. It started with something small. After working in a ministry at my church that helps single women and widows, I felt the urgency to do more. I felt God was telling to help a single mom with her finances but I wasn’t sure how to get in touch with the ladies I had met during that ministry. After dropping my son off at school one day, I passed a lady I know personally who is a single mom. I felt so strongly that she needed financial help. I sent her some money and a card explaining that it was out of obedience to God and I didn’t know anything about her current situation but I had to do what I felt God had placed on my heart. I was afraid she would be offended or think I was crazy or both. I received a note back from her and she was very appreciative. Since then, I have felt the need to add to our benevolence fund at church. At a council meeting, I learned that we had completely this fund and have had people in the community come to our church with various needs that we could not meet. Right now, that is what I feel I need to say yes to. To expand my story a little further, I have recently had a season of growing bitter and distant from God. I work in a ministry at church that is draining and I see the ugly side of people and stuff in this ministry. It really took a toll on me. Thankfully, God didn’t give up on me. I joined a bible study with a friend at her church. We are doing the “Unglued” study and I absolutely love it! I can relate to Lysa and her stories so easily. I am also reading Made to Crave and we plan to do these bible studies at my church in the fall. I know the importance of saying yes to God. How could you not?
For me, obedience came long and hard. I was unhappy in my current job and wanted to return to school to get my degree, but I didn’t know what I wanted to study. English was my favorite subject in school. I didn’t want to be an English teacher though! I even remember asking God, what can I do with a degree in English? I don’t want to teach! He asked me, “what if I want you to teach?” The blessings began to flow once I surrendered to Him! I received letters from students thanking me for making a difference. How humbling; because of my grumbling!
Obedience to God was when my husband and I were first meeting. God had been preparing both of us for each other our whole lives prior to meeting. My obedience was following God’s desire for my life & marrying HIM. We are best friends & have a wonderful God based marriage! Next month will be 8 years!
I signed up yesterday for the online bible study, and can hardly wait to dig deeper into God’s word and plan for me. I have ignored His promptings far too long!
Thank you so much for your ministry. Your books and posts have been such a blessing to me. and then to read about your obedience on the airplane with that man, your Bible, and then the woman sitting nearby… Thank you!
I’ve said yes to God to not give up on my marriage. I have been separated almost 2 years now. God has told me to keep praying and believe that my husband’s heart will turn to Him and back to me. God has been so faithful to encourage me on this journey. I have faith that this yes will turn into something amazing to glorify Him. Would love to get a copy of your book!
I volunteered to help out at VBS this year. I’m new to my church and don’t know many people. No one actually. But I know He wants me to take my son. The best way to teach is through example and living what you believe.
Love your story. So amazing! Thank you for all you do and put out into this world.
This post touched my heart deeply an convicted me at the same time. I desire to be a woman who says yes to Christ…
One experience I have saying yes was in line at a Dunkin Donuts on my way to church. I didn’t have tons of play money but I allotted for coffee every Sunday. As I’m paying and waiting I felt The Lord say pay for the car behind you. I hesitated and the guy feeling only got worse. So I looked and saw it was a woman by herself and sadly I thought “ok, her bill can’t be that much” I told them I was paying for it. They looked dumbfounded! Asked If I knew her and why I was paying for her. I simply told them “because I need to”. Her bill was small and I had the money, I paid and pulled off. About half a mile down the road a car comes racing up next to me honking like crazy. I looked over and it was the woman from the drive thru sobbing and saying thank you! Something so simple obviously touched that woman, and I almost passed it up by saying no. I can’t wait to read your book!
I said yes to God at my husbands family reunion. It’s no secret to my husbands mother or grandmother that I attend church. They grew up Lutheran and I don’t believe in my heart they are saved. Just a few years ago, my husband gave his life to the Lord and we did not keep our salvation and baptisms a secret to this side of the family. So on this day, his grandmother asked me to say grace before dinner at the reunion. Now, in the few years I have gone to this event, I don’t think they have ever said grace. I was scared to death. I mean I hardly know any of these people and I would guess not too many are believers. I said yes to God. My body trembling, I prayed for the beautiful day, for those who put the event together and most importantly I took the oppurtunity to thank our God for sending His son to die on a cross so we may be saved from our sins and live forever with our Lord. With my husband and children present, I felt I took a stand for what I believe in and all I can hope is that I touched someones heart. I had one relative come and tell me the prayer was beautiful and that I had a special talent. I took that as God’s way of say job well done. I love serving my Lord. I can’t wait to say yes again!
A year ago my husband and I started planning and saving to surprise our 5 kids (age 9,9,8,7, and 3) with their first trip ever to Disneyland. The months went by as our excitement grew. I think my husband and I were more excited to surprise them then they would be to go!! 🙂 This was going to be our very 1st vacation with all 5 of the kids and we couldn’t wait. A week before we were planning to reveal our surprise to the kids, a brother in Christ at our church who had an immediate financial need was put on my husbands heart. I fought and argued with the Lord and even bargained my meeger stash of beloved shoes to Him but to no avail, and the Lord opened my heart and mind to the ocean of His love and followed my husbands lead as he looked to the Lord and we laid down our vacation. We can never out give the Lord and as He called us to give he gave us a greater faith and level of praise to sing to Him for the strength and grace thru the Holy Spirit to obediently follow Him wherever He leads. Hallelujah!!
Last summer I said yes to God when I took a leap of faith and went on my first missions trip. We went to Joplin, MO and helped renovated two homes destroyed by the tornado of 2011. I was the only female and I don’t consider myself any kind of a handyman so I almost didn’t go because I wondered “what will I be able to do? I’m not skilled like some of these guys are.” But I have always wanted to do a mission trip and decided to put my fears aside and give it a go. I had the most awesome time!!! I got to fellowship with some great Christian guys and I learned to lay sheetrock, I used power tools, and a power saw (and came back with all my fingers!) and I did all sorts of other things I never thought I would see myself doing. I am now looking into going to my first foreign mission trip (to Haiti) in 2014. 🙂
It is just incredible when we catch a glimpse of God at work! And to think that He’s doing these works non-stop… we just haven’t seen or understood them all yet. He is amazing!
Thank you for your story!
I am currently 25 years old. When I was in high school, I took Bibles to school to give to people who I had talked with and needed or wanted a Bible. My mom always made sure we had extras. I remember doing this but I don’t honestly know the outcome of how this affected any one’s lives. However, I was called this past January to obey God. I argued, begged, and pleaded with God because I did not want to do what he was asking me to do. I had a lot of bad memories from living with my father when I was younger after my parents divorced. When I was 18 is when I starting asking him about it, he always yelled or cussed at me. It was never a good or easy topic. Therefore, I ended all communication with him. I got pregnant and engaged and he was never a part of any of it. My child is now 5 years old and my biological father has never met him. God pressed it upon my heart this past January to forgive him. I had not spoken to him for seven years. I cried…A Lot! I kept praying until finally I got the courage to text him, then call him, then we finally met. I was terrified to meet him. I became that little girl again subject to the harsh words and beaten down. I spoke with our pastor before I met him and her suggestion was to write on the inside of my hand, where I could look whenever I needed, “I am God’s child” and I put a cross next to it. This was my focus point. I prayed and prepared for the worst. I thought I just need to forgive him and when he starts his old behavior, which he will, I will walk away and never speak to him again. I wanted to obey God and be done with the situation all at the same time. God had other plans. A lot of people in my family, friends, and church had been praying for my dad and to prepare him for what I had to say. God did prepare his heart. The conversation was amazing. I forgave him and was even able to tell him the specifics of most of what I was forgiving him for. He actually listened and apologized. I still have tears stream down my face when I think of this. He apologized and I apologized to him as well for shutting him completely out. We agreed to take baby steps in this new relationship that God has created. He has not met my son yet. However, with a lot of prayer and God’s guidance, it might happen one day. I can honestly say that if I had not obeyed God, I would still have a cold, angry place in my heart for my father. But since I did obey my true Father, we both got to receive forgiveness and we even talked about God that day. My father was baptized a while ago, he no longer attends church but he said he believes in God. I am continuing to pray for him and his relationship with God. I hope he prays for me too. I know I don’t always obey God, and reading this post showed me that I did obey God in the situation with my father. It also showed me that I need to learn how to obey God more when He needs me to. It is truly amazing.
He called me to be obedient on March 13,2013. When I was diagnosed with stage two breast cancer. That is the day that changed my life forever. Although I was shocked, I was not shaken. And I know that I have a God that causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.. (Romans 8:28). I have been blessed in so many ways by this experience. I know that sounds odd to hear but it’s true. He & I are so much closer now than ever before. Hearing the voice of God & being obedient to his word has made my walk with God an amazing experiance, especially since I never imaged I would travel down this road. I am thankful I am not going it alone!
Whilst out walking one day before church, I was prompted by our Lord to give a lady a certain amount of money after church that day. I put the money in an envelope and placed in her hand and then blessed her. She was very taken back by this but thanked me. It wasn’t until about two weeks later that she shared with me that she had guests coming for lunch that day and she had no money for food for them. She went to do some shopping with the money and the groceries came to the exact amount that I had placed in the envelope for her. She blessed me for being a faithful servant. It is so rewarding to be obedient when we receive a prompting and remain faithful. God Bless
My story of saying “yes” to God is leaving this comment right now :), even though I didn’t want to take the time (dinner on the stove, other things to do etc)! Slowly growing in my obedience to Him, by His amazing grace alone!!! I have also begun a journey of trying to become a Proverbs 31 woman. I grew up in “churchianity” and am now focusing on finding Christ in all of it!
I have failed to say yes many times. Some of the most important times I have listened though, have surrounded my personal testimony in various forms. When I was in my neck collar after my two different surgeries, I would constantly be stopped and asked what happened. Each time would make our grocery trip an hour longer or more, because of how often we were asked, but each one would also be filled with the miracle God did in keeping me alive through the crash that caused the surgeries.
I look forward to learn how to say yes all the time instead of part time!
Thank you for sharing, Lysa!
I have stood in awe of what God does when we choose to say yes. The most profound example in my life is when I was led by the Spirit to love and forgive the man who murdered my dad. I was called to correspond with this man and work toward forgiveness. And in the process both he and I were completely transformed.
The man who murdered my dad was brought to his knees and is now living to the glory of God in prison, and I was not only healed from my past wounds but was set on a new path proclaiming what God has done.
The message I’ve been entrusted with is much the same as yours – God accomplishes the impossible when we simply say yes and follow Jesus wherever He leads.
Thank you for sharing and for encouraging me to continue to shed light upon the awesomeness of our God!
Oh my Word Laurie! This really struck me to the core!
Lysa, this story is sooo amazing! Thank you fm for sharing. I know I’ve said no to God way too many times because of the embarrassment or discomfort it would cause (me). I just shared the basics of this story with my teens s d their friends that were sitting at our kitchen table. One of the boys, who has tried committing suicide and spent two weeks in a psychiatric hospital, told me “I’m turning Christian. I’m going to church for the first time ever this Sunday”. I’d love to read this book and share it with my family too! Please be in prayer for this young man, that he j see stands you don’t “turn” Christian and that he understands the true Gospel and that we say yes to helping him (& my kids other friends) in their journey to / with Christ.
once at camp God told me to hug a young man and I said God he is praying I will wait a bit. God said no do it now. SO I did and he grabbed my hand and held it, so I just prayed God I don’t know what ….. is talking to You about but please let him know you love Him and so do I. and I hugged him again and off I went. Later he told me he was just saying to God no-one cares about me, and then he felt the hug. Sadly I haven’t been as good lately. I do want to get back to saying yes to God.
I can’t go into details publicly….just been praying about something ALL DAY… Oh my, this post just answered the prayer. God used you…once again!!!!! THANK YOU for allowing yourself to be used.
I’ve signed up for this Bible study and am excited about it. I haven’t been a part of a Bible study for years. I look forward to how God will use this study in my life and I pray that I will be able to stay the course and finish the whole thing (once school and sports start life becomes quite hectic!).
I’m a high school football coach’s wife. From July until December my hubby is super busy and if we want to see him we go hang out at the fieldhouse. God has been telling me I should start a bible study for other coaches wives. Last week I started getting the details worked out. Everything is falling into place. I don’t know why it took me so long to say yes.
I am answering God’s calling in my life right now. A few months ago I started volunteering with Rubies for Life, a prison ministry. I had heard about this ministry through a mom’s group at another church. I quickly dismissed it, knowing it was not the thing for me. Well, the Holy Spirit kept pressing on. The more I heard about it, the more I inquired. Then it led to a visit with the team, just to see what they do. One visit and I was hooked. These inmates who are all addicts, among many other issues, have changed my life and blessed me more than they know. I am so thankful that I answered God’s tug on my heart to share the wonderful story of His Son, Jesus Christ, to those in need, and give them hope for the future.
Hi Lysa,
OMG your story was amazing. I have a story like it, and think back on it so many times. At least 12 or so years ago, a good friend and I went to Long Island to a Joyce Meyer conference. We traveled about 4 hours to this conference, stayed at a hotel, had a blast. The last day of the conference was when “I said yes”. All weekend, Joyce was pushing this new book she’d written “Help me , I’m Married”. She kept encouraging the single ladies to buy this book NOW while you’re single so you can learn about marriage before you even start the journey. So, having been one of those single ladies who had many books on being single, how to find your mate, etc…I was like a professional single – so of course I bought the book! I was so excited to start reading it, I desperately wanted to be married some day… and had no prospects at the time. During the sermon, the Lord began to speak to me about giving that book away, and I of course had some internal arguments and begging sessions on how much I wanted to keep this book. But alas, He won, and I knew I was to give it to the women sitting next to me. I felt so silly, not even knowing if she was even married! I think I did catch a glimpse of a wedding ring and slid the bag w/ the book inside under her chair and proceeded to tell her that what was under her chair was hers. she was a bit confused, but I think I told her it’s hers, I wanted her to have it. Then there was an intermission, we went to lunch or something and saved our seats, so we left and would come back later. As we came back to our seats the woman approached me and asked me if I’d overheard her and her girlfriend talking. I hadn’t and made that clear, I just felt like God told me to give it to her. She started crying and said how they were talking about her marriage and some issues they were having and her husband said these words “we just need help, we need like a book or something”…and here the Lord used me to provide this book. I was in such awe of how the Lord used me, I was like high the next couple of hours just basking in the feeling of having heard the voice of the Lord and having obeyed and being able to see him use me was just incredible. I love to think back on that just because it felt so amazing! Fast forward about 13 years…married for 9 years I was in my mother’s car trunk and what do I find? Yup…”Help me, I’m married” and so now, all these years later, I’m FINALLY reading this book – a borrowed copy from my mom, just sitting in a car trunk waiting for me to discover. Not a minute to early or too late – the Lord saw fit to give me my turn to read this book!
Thanks for your story and for the time for me to reflect on my story!
Thank you for sharing this amazing story. “Wow!” about sums it up my feelings after reading your post.
I am in a season of my life where I desire nothing more than to love Jesus with all of my heart, mind and soul and reflect Him in all I do and say. And yes, say “YES!” to whatever He asks. I believe when you start doing what He asks and you experience Him in such beautiful ways you truly cannot wait to see what He’ll ask next! True, the things He may ask are not always easy. Sometimes they may make you scratch your head wondering why. Sometimes they may even cost you. But for this mama, I want nothing more than Jesus! To be used for His purposes, to share His love and to glorify God. And yes, to be emptied of self to be filled with Him. Oh Jesus is just that good!
To answer your question, I have one special friend at church who God literally told me to befriend. I didn’t know her. I felt very awkward going up to her, introducing myself and explaining that apparently God thought we’d make great friends. But I did. And that was years ago now and I love her so very much and thank Jesus for our friendship that He had planned. One of the greatest “Yes” moments of my life 🙂
Blessings to you Lysa! Thank you for being a champion Yes girl!
Your sister in Christ,
A couple of years ago my husband (a pastor at a new church plant) said he felt God calling us to be full time missionaries in Ethiopia. I would like to say I was the uber Christian and said YES immediately but it took a few days of prayer before I agreed. We sold everything but a few clothes and our beds (our daughter was 16 at the time) and put our house up for sale. We got to Ethiopia and went to the place we were going to serve (a place to teach pastor’s in the community and an orphanage) only problem it was years from being complete. We stayed in Ethiopia a month, prayed about what to do and knew we weren’t supposed to stay. Did mention that a tornado hit our house a few days after we landed in Africa? With no home to go back to, no cars to drive, and all my “stuff” sold I could have been bitter but I was not. I saw amazing things in Ethiopia: a service where 125 people came forward to be saved, people standing outside buildings just to hear the Word, and Muslims being converted to Christianity. I am so blessed that I said YES to God!!
Thank you for sharing. I am signed up for the bible study and can’t wait.
Our call was to go back home where I grew up and leave my business I had birthed and nurtured for 10 years, leave our church family and move our 3 kids and us back to where I grew up(had some pretty major skeletons in my closet there, lots of painful memories, etc.)and for my husband to start his own business. My job call was to help him do the business side of things and close my business. It was so God driven, that now that I say it, it sounds crazy, but while going through it, it happens so fast and so many blessings have came through it.Lots of healing for me and my family. So thankful for his call.
Wow, I am not sure I could give away my bible like that. You are truly amazing!! Isn’t it strange how you feel that tug and know you just can’t ignore it. It is wonderful that you didn’t ignore the tug and are seeing the results of God working first hand.
Another example of God working. In the mall buying shoes, my son is with me picking on me and being his typical sarcastic self when the assistant manager of the shoe store hands him an application and asks if he would like a part-time job. My son was a bit shocked. He starts a full-time job on Thursday this week. He hasn’t had a full-time job in quite some time. To be offered not one but two jobs within a few days of each other was outstanding! I have been telling my son that God works in funny ways and to believe. You see my son is a recovering drug addict. What should have been his senior year of high school he spent in drug rehab and has been up and down since then. Just a couple months ago he wanted to die. Stated the only reason he hasn’t committed suicide is because he knew how much it would hurt me and his baby sister who looks up to him. I have prayed and prayed for this child and asked others to pray. He now lives on his own with 2 room mates and things are looking up. I will keep praying he sees what God is doing in his life and it isn’t just coincidence.
I enjoy your blog very much. It is wonderful to hear such great stories!
One day when I was in college, I went to Walmart with a friend. On our way back, we saw a couple on the side of the road holding a sign. They had run out of gas and needed help getting home. I felt God leading me to help them out. At first, I argued with God, but I finally relented. I turned around and approached them. It turns out that they were Christians who had just about given up on Christ. They had a series of misfortunes and didn’t think they would ever see the light of day. With a tank of gas, some food, and a couple of cups of coffee, God renewed their faith. I am so glad I obeyed so he could use me!!
Actually I had the opportunity to share my most recent “yes” story with you in Wichita, KS at the WOF Conference…..God had kept urging me to try to get a group of women to go, and everyone around me kept saying I wouldn’t get 5 people….long story short we ended up with over 30 from our little town, started an online study of UNGLUED, which has turned into two online studies, (we do our work “together” in a FB group online and meet monthly for fellowship)….God has been so good in the way He has brought such diverse and special women together in such perfect timing with these groups….I have limited financial resources and so do many of the women, but each time someone has wanted to attend a conference or do a study and did not have the money for resources, God would send someone else along asking if anyone needed a “scholarship”: or needed a book or to borrow a book….He is so good!!!..a few of us are looking forward to seeing you at WOF in OKC, OK in just a few short weeks! After my 4th time through Unglued (and I have been GREATLY blessed by it each time, and learned new things about myself each time)…..I would LOVE to have a copy of this book to do a new study with you, Lysa.
God called my husband and myself to start a Visitor’s Center at our church and we said Yes! All I know is I have said “no” more times than I’ve said “yes”, and I want to be that “yes” girl again. I am also reading Unglued and I started saying yes to believing that He will help me when my raw emotions want to take over. I’m signed up for the online study and excited about it!
When my husband asked me to join him in a prison ministry, my first reaction was “no”. But then I knew God wanted my to say “yes” and I received a bigger blessing than the inmates. I’m learning to say yes more.
I answer God with a yes every day when I stay home with my boys. When my husband and I married, we knew part of our story would be God’s provision in a “one-salary” home. Long story short and two lay-offs later, I am still home with my boys only due to God’s provision. We have multiple streams of income, are debt-free (other than student loans and our mortgage), and have enough food on the table to share. Even on those days when I really want to go back to work in ministry, I realize my ministry is in my home right now. I would much prefer teaching adults, but my little men need teaching only I can give them. I am grateful that God sees our yeses for the sacrifices they often are and rewards us in subtle and loving ways.
A couple or more years ago, the president of our women’s group was about to complete her time serving as the head leader, and asked me if I had ever considered running for the position. I had a small child and was always extremely embarrassed to speak in front of people, so I thought the position was definitely not for me. When the day came to choose a new leader, they asked if anyone would like to enter to be chosen for President. I heard a small voice telling me to raise my hand, but I ignored it because I thought I couldn’t possibily be the person for the job. Eventually, the structure changed and it became a committee style group instead of having president, vice president, and so on.. Now, with two children under 4, I have become the leader of the sister’s committee. I finally said yes to God. I don’t do the best job, but I’m sure that this is where God wants me. I no longer turn tomato-red when I sing or speak. God has been preparing me for this time, and He is preparing me for whatever else may come. I haven’t read your book, but I feel my heart longing to read more from it. May God bless you, and thank you for your ministry.
I said yes to God when I let my sister move in with me after she got out of jail.
For years I have felt The Lord tugging on my heart to go into ministry full time but I didn’t have the faith to leave the security of my long time job to take that risk. A little over a month ago I realized I could no longer continue to deny His call. I have left my job and I am in the process of opening my own cafe that will partner with other local ministries by offering internships to unemployed single parents who are struggling to find work or need to be shown grace by being given a second chance. I am so grateful that I made this decision to step out on faith and be obedient to God and so excited to see what God has in store for my family!
It was last September and a friend told me about a mission trip to Africa in October, saying I should go. I’m thinking I don’t have time to raise that much money and I have several things on the calendar. One night I couldn’t sleep, I’m asking God if I should go, I just didn’t know. So I get up to do my Sunday school lesson. In that very first paragraph I got my neon sign…my friend says God hit me over the head with it! It said, “are you willing to get your shoes dusty in order to show the love of Christ to those who do not know Him”. I knew that I wad going and that God wad going to provide the money for me to go to Uganda.
Hum… I’ve known about you for quite some time. I love your blogs, books, and commentaries. Yet… Sometimes I find myself saying that my spiritual life will never be as yours. Of course that is a lie from the devil. Especially during the past few weeks. I’ve been angry at myself. I don’t love myself as I should. I pray and pray and keep singing in my heart the words “Lord I need you oh I need you! Every hour I need you!” on and on. I know he’s with me. I know I have to die to self. Buy how? I want to take my walk with Christ seriously. More than ever. But why do I feel SO incapable of doing that? I blow out of proportion for no reason. My patience is very thin. I’m exhausted. I seek God’s word and it speaks to me but my heart is like a rock. Why? I ask God in honest plea “why God!? I love you. I want to follow you because one day I have to give an account of my thoughts, how I spent my time, my words, and my fruits.”
Have I been obedient to God? (To answer the question even if I don’t win the book): no. I don’t think so. I can’t recall right now. But I want to be obedient starting now to whatever he calls me to do. Even in the smallest thing like praying for my co-workers, or being kind to my brothers and my mother despite of their neglect towards me. That much I can do but I want to do it out of love. Not because I have to. I guess I have to start loving myself to love others. To stop believing the lie of the devil that I have no purpose in this life.
Thank you for allowing me to pour out my heart. Thank you for what you do. For your not-so-perfect “mom” moments that definitely make me feel like I’m not alone. Thank you for being Lysa. God bless you.
I’m saying yes right now…God has been working on my heart telling me that I was not living right by living with my boyfriend of 4 years. I was raised by Godly parents, I knew what was right but I just kept living in more and more sin. After having my boyfriend move out a few months ago, I thought things should get better but they got worse. At church this last Sunday, I asked God to give me wisdom and discernment. I went up front and my pastor even walked by and prayed wisdom over me (how did he know that was exactly what I was asking for?!?). I felt like I was being told end things so that day after church I called my boyfriend and ended our relationship. I don’t know what God has in store for me but I’m trusting him by saying yes to what I believe he is asking of me. I wrote a list of qualities I want in my future husband and I have that by my bed now to look over when I think I may have made a mistake. I trust God to bring the person He wants into my life; a Godly, honest, loving, etc. etc. man with a heart after God … As hard as this is on me right now, I will be patient, I will trust, and I will seek God until the day I meet my future husband.
I was in tears by paragraph 5… you are truly amazing, and I so enjoy reading your blog. I wish I could sit here and type some wonderful, inspiring story about a time I said “yes” to God. But the truth is, I am in a really dark place right now… and I can’t think of a single thing. My teenage son is having run-ins with the law, sexting, & all kinds of other things I could never imagine having to deal with. And I’m handling it with anything but grace. After over a year of searching, I thought I finally found ‘my’ church… and realized this week that I hadn’t. Last night I had all those thoughts of “who cares, why does it matter, I’m not good enough anyway, so why even bother going” running through my head. None of this makes a very good case of saying yes to God. Except that I need to. And even at my most rebellious, I still long to. You are more inspiring than you know, Lysa.
Hang in there Joell! I dealt with drug addiction in my daughter for 12+ years. I found a story by Jim Cymbala that talks about his wayward daughter that helped me a great deal when I learned of my daughter’s drug addiction.
When I started going back to church and rededicated my life to the Lord and professed Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.
I found myself disconnected and discontent. Nothing could fill the emptiness in my soul and I kept wrestling with the idea of going back to church and becoming involved, but did not want to go alone. I felt that I was not worthy and worried about whether I would be welcome. God never gave up on me and I listened and obeyed. Best decision I have ever made in my life!
Little did I know that he was preparing me for what lay ahead. Not 2 years after I gave my life back to the Lord, my husband passed away. If not for the relationship that I had with God, I do not think I would have been able to make it during that time. He walked and continues to walk and guide my steps each and every day.
We have walked through a lengthy period of difficulty with our middle son. Recently God called me to fast for 21 days for him. On day 21 I was feeling relieved & proud when I awoke & then a gentle knudge asking me “How badly do you want a breakthrough?” I said yes & continued for 9 more days until I felt a release. I wish I could say our situation had changed. While it remains the same my heart has changed & my spirit ear is hearing like never before. I didn’t realize how I missed His voice until I began to hear it again.
A gentleman was taking a team to Jamaica for Christmas one year to take Jesus and gifts to the orphans there, the prisoners and the people living in infirmaries. He needed another team member pretty much at the last minute and I said “NO” – I had never flown, had never been out of the state, much less the country and had never been away from home on Christmas. I couldn’t get away from the feeling that I was supposed to go so I told God if the man asked me one more time I would go. I rarely saw this man but wouldn’t you know it? I walked right into him within just a few hours and the first thing out of his mouth was “Have you changed your mind?” I told him I would go but raising the money would be hard in such a short amount of time. I went to church that night, mentioned that I was going and without asking for a dime the people at the church started writing checks and handing me cash and I had a little extra to throw in on supplies for the VBS program. God is amazing and I have many stories like this of where He has blessed me time and time again even when I have doubted. I have now been to Jamaica 7 times and have led the teams myself. They have now dubbed me a Jamerican = part Jamaican and part American. God knew all along…..
A few years ago, God tugged at my heart to come back to Him. I was involved in a loving yet ungodly relationship with a boyfriend. I knew He was calling me to be pure. It was so hard with the culture of the world all around me condoning a monogamous and committed relationship. But I stepped away, stood in the lonely place of obedience. That relationship ended shortly after that, and my romance with my Lord has flourished to this day! I am blessed to be so in love with my Savior, and to know He loved me first 🙂 I would love to read about becoming a yes-hearted woman for God! Thank you & God’s blessings always XO
God had been putting on my husband’s and my heart to sell the house and downsize, so we did even though it wasn’t a good time to move with 2 sons still in high school. The house sold and then the deal fell through. We were confused because we thought we heard God clearly tell us to sell and downsize. But a month later my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer and he stayed with either my brother or I during his treatments so the extra room in the house was helpful. A few months after my dad passed away another buyer came along (even though the house wasn’t back on the market) and made an offer on the house, so we went into contract again thinking that obviously God does want us to sell. A day after giving the contract to our lawyer my father-in-law called and said he needed to move in with us so we got out of the contract. Now we were even more confused but found out a few days later that the buyer had a major illness in their family so it would have been extremely difficult to go through a move. Needless to say, we continue to be confused about God’s plan regarding our house but we keep listening and know that His timing is always perfect.
When I stayed in my marriage.
Saying yes to God is the most scariest and most freeing thing I’ve ever done. My desire is to learn to do it more and more.
Your stories inspire me; I do not want to miss saying “yes” to God. Life is full of blessing, I just don’t want to miss ALL the God has planned for me – even if it seems like the rocky path can’t be “the best”; I know God works out all the details for His purposes. Just today I felt the Lord tell me to give someone $20 and tell them to “celebrate themselves” – they are made in the image of God. Don’t know how this will turn out, but reading about your new book THRILLS me to be aware of that “God Whisper” more and more in my daily agenda.
The Lord cont. to use me to show Christ to my unsaved family members (mom, dad, bro /sis) not sure how just yet, But I know in my heart one day (in Gods right timing!) I’ll be sharing with you a bigger story!!! By HIS Grace
God has always called me to work with individuals with special needs. I majored in special education in college and prepared to enter the education field. I loved working with these incredible kiddos! I applied for Teach for America and was offered a chance to join. I felt God pulling me towards Phoenix, AZ. I had never been there and didn’t know why I should go there other than God was telling me I needed to be there. So once I graduated college, I moved to 2000 miles to Phoenix to begin my journey. Once I met my kiddos, it was so clear to me why God led me there. Those kiddos taught me so much. I am so grateful that God led me there. It was challenging in many ways, but God made me stronger and it led me closer to Him.
First, thank you for your sweet obedience to our Lord. You touched me today with this story!
Anyway, I am a single 46 year old that has just recently battled many years with MS. Before that, I was sexually abused for my entire childhood. All that to be said to say that I DO know that God loves us all, and am thankful that He healed me of my MS for no apparent reason! I THOUGHT He wanted me to go back to school and become an elementary teacher (after having been a sub for 6 years) and I got my Master’s in Teaching in 2012. I am currently thinking I have missed what He really wanted. I am unemployed, I have sent over 300 job apps to different schools and am left with a degree that did not include my teaching certificate! I had a professor make false accusations regarding me and I was dismissed. I want desperately to follow His will and leading, but I think my hurt and shock has left me in such a fog that I have NO CLUE what I am supposed to do now. I am considering going back into sales, but I feel as though I am giving up on Him. I’m packing my things to move now, even though I have no direction as to where I’m going or what I’m doing. I followed what I, and others, thought He wanted, but after a year and a half, it seems I was wrong with all of the closed doors I am getting. My testimony and healing are amazing, and I would love to be used in those areas, but I just don’t know what to do next. My hope is that He will continue pursuing me and that I will soon know what I am to do next. The money is gone and the jobs aren’t interested in me. Help, Lord Jesus! I need your guidance! I want to serve only YOU!
I too am struggling with discerning whether I’m following God’s direction in my life. But, as I read your post, it was impressed upon me that maybe you did exactly what He wanted in getting your education but that perhaps in a school is not where He wants you to use it. Where else could you put your degree to use? I will say a prayer that His direction will be revealed to you.
Lori C. hang in there! Perhaps, God has a creative way for use to use your degree. I am so sorry that you had false accusations made. That is so difficult with your sexual abuse background. Makes one want to retreat into oneself and never trust anyone again!
I am reading a book called ” Wounded Heart” by Dan Allender. God has blessed me through this book.
God Bless you!
Hi Lysa,
My story isn’t a very powerful story but it touch my heart and I was so happy that I said Yes to God. One day at work I was wanting a snack. So, I went to the vending machine and there was this envelope that said Please Enjoy This Random Act Of Kindness. I looked inside and it had $2.00 and some change. Now if this would of been a normal day I wouldn’t have had enough money to get a soda and a snack, but on this very rare day I had enough money. I felt God say put that back because their someone who really need it. So I immediately put it back and got my snack with my own money. I left and didn’t think about anymore. The next day I went to work and was talking to my boss. Then, I noticed that she had the envelope in her hands. I said you found the letter on the vending machine. She says yes and I was so blessed because I left home this morning with nothing to eat and didn’t have a lot of money. I went to the machine and there it was. I smile and said I saw it there yesterday and God told me that someone else needed. She smile and said Thank you. I know to many people that isn’t a big deal but I was so happy that I listen to God. I was able to be apart of blessing someone else. I’m learning more and more to listen to him. I use to think that God not talking to me but I have learned that its me that Not listening. So, I very excited about this upcoming bible study. Thank you for all you do but helping all of us grow closer to God. 🙂
Bridgett Bailey
I loved this post. I have also missed blessings because I said no to God but on one of the days I said yes He changed my life. I was asked to start teaching bible studies for our women’s ministry and one particular lesson really broke my heart because it made me deal with my self esteem issues. Through this experience God gave me a lesson called Through the Eyes of the Lord. The first event I taught I cried as I listened to all the hurt the women had carried for years but by the end of the evening God had changed lives and one young woman gave her life to the Lord. I never dreamed God would use me in such a way but because I said yes to Him, He did.
Thank you Lysa! Your story is a great example of why being a Christian is so very important today. God works through us to reach out to others who need Him so very much. God bless you 🙂
I said Yes to God when we took into our home a foster child that had experienced
a great deal of trauma in her life. The road has not been easy but we are seeing glimpses of changes in her. She has begun to trust us and I see she is becoming curious about God. Our foster daughter is deaf and up to the time before living with us she was not in a home that could communicate with her. In our home she has full
access to communication because I am an American Sign Language Interpreter and three of my daughters are fluent signers.
Sue, that is awesome! I know some basic ASL and have decided that this fall I will be taking a class to broaden my ability to talk with the hearing impaired. I am studying to be a counselor, so think it could be very beneficial.
When I was 14 years old, I said my first prayer to a god I had only heard about from a friend. The prayer went a little something like this, “Dear God, I don’t know who or what you are but my friend told me to talk to you when I needed help. So I’m here. I don’t need your help but my mom does. You need to step into her life before she kills herself. I don’t care what happens to me just protect her. The end.” For 14 years I lived with my mom who was a drug user/ drug dealer. On that day, she was having a really bad day and I knew that things were going wrong between the two of us. So the only thing I knew what to do was pray; like my friend said. The next day I woke up for school and my mom was still awake from the night before. She was mad at me that I was awake so early and kicked me out of the house. The really odd thing is, I felt, deep inside that everything was going to be ok. I went to school and felt an overwhelming urge to talk to someone about my mom. So, I went to the guidance counselors office and told my story. I was taken away from my mom and never resided with her again. However, I feel like God answered my prayer that night by using me to help my mom. She is now clean and I now have a 6 year old brother. I thank God for my past and how He used me that day because I know that if I didn’t go through what I went through; I wouldn’t have figured out who God made me to be.
There was a girl who was really shy and in high school that my heart went out to in my college level art class. I was driving away and I saw her sitting at a bus stop. I felt that tug to turn around but I was tired and wanted to go home. So I turned around. I found out she missed her bus and would wait another 45mins plus had to ride the bus for an hour home. During the ride she told me she lived with her grandparents because her mom disowned her for drug addiction. She was a believer but really ashamed and unsure of her past and her future. I got to encourage her that God had a purpose for her and pray for her now. I want to say yes to God more in my life and be sensitive to His leading because its worth it every time!
Your article really touched my heart. I have just recently started to try to read the Bible all the way through. I’ve been praying for awhile to God that I want him to direct my path. A couple of months ago our church was planning a VBS and I told them that I would help, but would rather not be the teacher. Well, the time came and they told me I was going to be the preschool teacher. I really struggled with this, thinking that I was inadequate and not as skilled in the Word as others in the church would be. But, I continued to pray and on that day, God truly helped me through and gave me the words to say that day. I only hope that someday I can be as knowledgeable and courageous as you to step out of my comfort zone to help others.
I said yes to taking meals to the children’s pastor of our church. She was battling cancer..and it soon became apparent our beloved Heidi waa going to be with our Father. The odd thing was….I have no kids..we really weren’t good friends…..and oh yah..I DON’T COOK. 🙂 But clearly I heard God telling me to do this. So every other week (after payday. ..) I did. We would sometimes visit…but not all the time. Most of the time I wondered why I was even doing this. Heidi’s mom and sister are amazing cooks 🙂 (as well as her friends)
I guess I need to back track a little…I was saved at 30…but quit going to church until about 5 yrs ago (at 39) Heidi knew of my love for kids..snd honestly working in the children’s wing kept me from running away..she gave me a place. So one week when I was delivering food…I told her that they finally were going to do a ladies bible study in the evenings. They had been doing them in the morning for years. The only problem was that none of my little group was going to go. (They all had kids & activities) She and her mom encouraged me to go anyways. It took me two weeks to even get the courage up to ask about buying a book..and introduce myself to one of the ladies running it. So..everytime I would go to deliver she would ask me about it..and really I just wanted to leave. ..I was way out of my comfort zone…I could talk to kids… not adults (especially when i didn’t know them). One day she sits me down on the couch and says that one of them is a good friend of hers and I could trust her. Well..that I guess is what it took…I dove in…fell in love w/ tbe ladies….and best of all with Jesus! I love learning and understanding the Bible….I switched SS classes to learn more..and don’t get between me and my Thursday night LBS 🙂 All because I said YES to God. 🙂
Wow. Some of the stories on here are amazing. I asked God just this morning to forgive me for my selfishness, for times when I do what I want rather than what is good for my husband or kids (or someone else God wants me to serve). Then in my inbox this morning came your blog about saying YES to God. I signed up for the Bible study immediately, without giving all the reasons why I couldn’t do that right now (our oldest daughter is getting married in 3 & 1/2 weeks, and things are absolutely NUTS here right now…). I just clicked and did it. I’m praying that God uses this to help me to say YES to EVERYTHING He has for me to do and to be.
I don’t have an amazing testimonial to share. Your story touched me, as your blogs and posts usually do. Thank you for sharing.
You know, I lost my mom to pancreatic cancer just 3 months ago, and I have to say it knocked the wind right out of my sails – it still does. My mom was my mentor, my discipler and the person who knew the real me best of all.
As I read through your blog today, I was struck by how God seems to be speaking to me daily about taking the legacy my mom has left, and running with it. Your blog was shouting confirmation at me. I need to take the call and run with it; I need to stop allowing my insecurities to keep me from God’s call on my life and I need to speak God’s beautiful, life-giving Word into those around me.
I have decided to do the Bible study of “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God ” Because I have just said yes to more of Him and more of hearing His voice in the chaos of my life.
Thank you, Lisa
Fifteen years ago this summer our family hosted a little girl from Belarus for a six week visit. She was with a group of children and several interpreters, and my husband and I quickly developed a friendship with our interpreter, who was a believer. We spent many hours talking about the differences in our life experiences, and yet how similar we were, because of our connection in Christ. At the end of the six weeks she returned to Belarus, and we promised to keep in touch. Within days we received a phone call from our friend, in tears. Her sixteen year old son had won a scholarship to spend a year as a foreign exchange student in California…but when he arrived there he was told his host father had suffered a heart attack, and he was placed with a temporary family, while the agency looked for a new placement for him. His mother, in Belarus, had no way of communicating with the exchange agency, and was terrified, not knowing what to do. We promised her we would make some phone calls and make sure her son was okay.
Almost as soon as we hung up the phone, God very clearly told both my husband and me that WE should become his host family. We had two little girls at that time, ages 2 and 5, but we lived across the street from our local high school, so we began making calls to ask if we could be his host family. After much prayer and days of being put on hold, transferred, and told “there’s no way…we don’t transfer students out of state, it’s NOT going to happen”… I said to my husband, “These people obviously don’t know the One who makes things happen.” The next phone call I made resulted in the answer “You can pick him up at the airport on Saturday.”
That was fifteen years ago, and the son that we now share with his Belarussian family is still here, and a huge part of our lives. Our daughters don’t remember life without their brother, and because of him, God also enriched our family with five other beautiful international children. The blessings of that one “yes” have been multiplied many times over, and now we have family in Belarus, Japan, China, and Nepal. We know the power of saying “yes” to God, because we have a family that we could never have imagined, much less created, on our own. God’s plans are so much better than ours could ever be…Say ‘yes’ and be ready for blessing and adventure !!
In obedience, God asked me to share the following letter, to a family that I have never met:, on the anniversary of their daughter’s/ sisters death:
This is the letter, I wrote:
May 23, 2013
I write this to Sandrine’s family,
14 years ago, in May 1999, I woke up, after what seemed to be a very bad dream.
I do not remember what the dream was, but only how I felt. I was completely anguished, and extremely torn up- in grief, and I felt an intense emotional pain.
I remember, allowing myself, to physically grieve, and I began to sob, out loud, feeling, somewhat, a release of the emotions, that were on the inside.
I did not know, what it was, that I was feeling. I had no reason, in and of myself, to experience such deep emotion and grief.
I asked God to show me what it was that I was feeling, and why?
God spoke to my heart and told me- that I was feeling, how He felt.
I asked him to reveal more… so I could understand, what He was feeling, because I knew this was of enormous significance, to God.
The news, then, came out about the school bus accident; and at that point… the Lord directed me, specifically, to ‘Sandrine’.
God showed me, and He impressed upon my heart- that he cared, so much, for Sandrine.
Sandrine was precious to Him. He loved her so much.
He also impressed upon my heart, that He loved and cared, very deeply, for Sandrine’s family.
After having this experience and revelation, I had a sense that this was a very special young girl, a precious family, and that God was very active and present, in the midst of this situation.
God revealed, to me, the following:
· God cared very deeply, for Sandrine and Sandrine’s family.
· He was very present, at that time, in the midst of great tragedy and great loss.
· God felt, exactly, what you felt. God grieved with you.
· God was with you, throughout all the difficult times in May 1999, and onwards.
· He comforted you, He sustained you, and He strengthened you. He continues to do so.
· God is present, with you, at all times, and cares for you, with a great depth of care and love.
Ephesians 3: 17- 20
17 May your roots go down deep into the soil of God’s marvelous love.
18 And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love really is.
19 May you experience the love of Christ, though it is so great you will never fully understand it.
Then you will be filled with the fullness of life and power that comes from God.
20 Now glory be to God!
By his mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope.
God impresses upon my heart … God loves Sandrine- God loves you; with the same love, expressed in the above scripture verses.
(Please Note: I kept this, in my heart all these years, as, I did not want to, inappropriately, share it. This week, Bruce, my husband, shared, with me, that he talked with Sandrine’s brother, Ken … and then… I slowly, began to connect the dots. I believe that through divine circumstances, only orchestrated by God, that, He would have me share the above words with you at this time).
In Christ’s Amazing Love,
Absolutely bawling right now! Praise God for your obedience. I struggle with obedience sometimes, no really most times. I want a yes heart as well. I’m going to sign up for this study. That’s a step toward obedience right?
God has asked me to trust Him with our daughter. She is getting ready to turn four and every day is a battle, some easier than others. She was born with a birth defect and as a momma it is so hard to not feel as if somehow I did something wrong. She has so many allergies to foods due to the medications she was on for epilepsy, she is non-verbal and I really struggle with feeling incompetent! Somehow God shows the way, answers my prayers and is giving our lil baby words. It is hard to say yes, to not want to look for the answers or be consumed with thoughts of defeat. We serve a merciful God and I’m really glad He loves me!
Thank you for sharing. I have had a lot of experiences of ‘saying yes afraid’ but today you have blessed me beyond belief. This morning I was crying out to God for yet another confirmation that I had heard Him correctly. We have 6 children ranging from 14 down to 3 years of age. Last week my husband and I both felt that the Lord is saying for us to take our 4 children out of school and homeschool them. I have been reading many homeschooling blogs for the last 6 months without realising that God was preparing me for the very scary adventure. You are my final confirmation! Today I relent and say ‘yes’ to God, yet again. I have received so many blessings out of saying yes that even though I am terrified, I am so excited to see how the Lord is going to work in this new chapter of our lives. Thank you for being open and vulnerable. You have eternally blessed me. May our precious Jesus reward in full for your generosity to His world!!
I love your books! I have been President of the Women’s Ministry at my church for several years, and to be quite honest, I have felt “burned out.” After reading about your life in Christ, I realize I can do this so I must roll my sleeves up and get busy! I am now looking forward to planning a book study and possibly a retreat! Thank you for your encouraging word! I have just finished Stressed-Less Living! I look forward to your next study!
There is so much that I want to share, but I am going to try to keep it on point. Sadly, I have always been more of a no girl. How many blessings have I missed because of that? But over the past year, I have gotten a taste of what it feels like to say yes to God. And it is a very good thing. Here is what happened . . . .
My mom, struggling with life and mental illness, came to the place where she decided everyone would be better off without her. She attempted suicide, and, thankfully, was found just in the nick of time. She had to spend a week or two in the psychiatric ward of the hospital, and was scared, confused, and ashamed when she came out. She was in a deep pit. My mom has always known of my faith is Jesus, beginning when I became a Christian in high school. I would talk to her about Jesus then, but she didn’t want anything to do with knowing him then. And as for me, somewhere along the line, I became fearful of talking to people about the Lord. So sad, I know. But this awful event that had occurred, this attempted suicide, brought both my mom and I to a different place. She was finally at the end of herself. She needed help. I was desperate to help her. I didn’t know what to say, but somehow when your heart is saying yes, God gives you the words. That is what happened. Words just started pouring from my mouth – God given words. Scriptures were called to mind, as well as many of the things that I had learned from reading the devotionals from Proverbs. Little did I know how those devotionals would be of help, but they really were! My mom took it all in, and became more and more hungry for God. About a month after her suicide attempt, she prayed to receive Christ! While the greatest blessing in all of this is that my mom has come to know the Lord, I grew as a Christian too. I am so thankful that I was obedient in speaking to my mom about Jesus. I’m glad that He helped me overcome my fears and just go for it. The blessings that have ensued are immeasurable. So I definitely want to experience more of saying yes to God!
I had been hurt and wronged by a pastor at our church. I did everything to try to reconcile the situation but couldn’t, to clear the air but she wouldn’t talk. We went a year barely speaking then I got an email from her asking me to lead a women’s intergenerational bible study. First, I lead young girls, not other women, most older than me. Second, I had no desire to fulfill her need for bible study leaders. Third, I didn’t want to be a part of something that would force me to work with her. Fourth, it was very tempting to “show her” and just say no. But, before I knew what I was doing, I was uttering the word “yes”. What was I doing?
A year later that bible study is thriving. The women are amazing and have grown so close. And little did I know how much I would need those women when I experienced a number of trials in my life. As for the pastor, it has been a healing process…and we are getting together for coffee, as friends. Only God knew the outcome and if I had said no, which was oh so tempting, I would have missed out only many friendships in a year I would need them the most.
I would love to be like that. I have a big mouth but am usually hesitant to witness and my Bible, even though I have been a Christian since I was nine, is not one I would give to anyone because it has not been used near enough. I am using my girls as my Christian examples and trying to change my Spiritual life and Bible Study and after knowing this man took a week off work to read the Bible has made me really want to read mine through. Thanks for all your encouragement on FB and your blog and books.
Last September a friend was talking about a mission trip to Africa she was going on the next month. She said I should go. I told her I couldn’t raise over $3,000 in a little more than 6 weeks.But over the course of the next two weeks I couldn’t stop thinking of Africa. One night I lay in bed and I couldn’t sleep, asking God what He wanted me to do, so I get up to work on my Sunday School lesson. The very first paragraph was said “are you willing to get your shoes dusty in order to show the love of Jesus to those who do not know Him”. There, those words in front of me was the neon sign I was looking for! My friend said God hit me over the head with that sign!! haha! I knew then and there that I was going to Uganda, Africa and God would provide the money needed. (My friend ended up not being able to go, so I went with 8 strangers, but came back with some amazing friendships)
I will be going back this October as well. Waiting for God to provide the funds for this trip too. although I have more than 4 weeks to raise the money, my plans due to one family crisis after another fell through. Pray for me and the team as we will be Jesus’ hands and feet. I can’t wait to see the faces of the Ugandan children again!
i tried posting this earlier using my cell phone in an area with poor cell service, so if there is another post, I apologize.
I just finished reading your book Unglued and I can say with all honesty THANK YOU it is so comforting to know I’m not alone with this. I look forward to getting this book and reading it. I am currently saying Yes to God in a situation that I really don’t want to. So I don’t know the outcome buy certainly look forward to what He is up to!
This past January, I resigned from a very stressful job with no idea how we were going to replace my income. Instead of a new job, I found out we were expecting! Totally not what I thought God had in mind for me (I’m 42, my oldest child will be 18, and this will be our 4th living child). God has provided our every need and I’m still laughing about this continued life adventure.
I had been trying to pursue a job in a leadership position for 3 years. This year as in the past 2 years I was honored with an interview. I felt such peace the day of the interview. Gods presence with me. After receiving the news that once again I didn’t get the job, I was disappointed. Not sad, just coming to terms with it with it happened…
I looked at my phone and noticed that I had a msg from an old friend. I haven’t talked to this friend for 10-12 yrs. In the msg she said “you are beautiful inside and out” which I found so weird. My mind began to race with questions, why would she say that, is that msg for me???
So I MSG her back and said is that for me? She said God told her to send the msg and that He was proud of me!! Me???? I thought…I began to cry…a good cry. Then she when in to say that He has different plans for me do much better than I can imagine. Here’s the kicker…this friend knew nothing about the interview. She was just listening to the Holy Spirit!! I cried ins more time about the mere thought of God being proud of me…me???
And them “poof” I had such peace and knew that I was being obedient to Gods plan!! I cannot wait to see where God is going to put me!!
I look forward to the day I hear god’s words. I need god in my life. I read your daily devotions and are so inspired by your stories. I joined Proverbs 31 to help me with my journey. Thank you so much for sharing your story it is very inspiring.
Two years ago my son was in a relationship which was going way too fast for such a young man. I prayed every night while crying myself to sleep that God would stop this relationship. Instead of listening to his wisdom ( Let go and let me take over) I continued to push my son away from his home by yelling, saying hurtful things and disobeying Gods word. It took me too long to finally surrender and give this sorrow over to Gods hands, yet I finally got on my knees and said, ” He’s yours, I’m yours, I can’t do this anymore”. That night I slept like a baby, knowing that I had finally allowed God to do his will. Three months later, and a lot of unspoken words and lifted prayers, my son ended this relationship on his own. Being a strong willed women caused me so much sorrow, it was only when I finally listened and gave it to God that he could do his work. Every day and night I give all my worries over, and listen for Gods wisdom..following it even when my human pride struggles.
Wow, your post today really touched my heart! Thank you for listening to God and giving
your time and your bible to the man on the plane. What a testimony to the faithfulness
of our God. If we would only listen to him when he is prompting us. Oh, what a difference we could make in the lives of others for the cause of Christ Jesus.
God bless you! I really enjoy reading your blog. God has certainly gifted you! You touch many lives every day I am certain.
I gave a girl money for her lunch lthough it as all I had. I felt lighter thn air alking to my cr and oh so blessed of God. I have lerned when God sys to do something you say Yes Lord Yes. Amzing Grace!
Sometimes I look around and think my “story” couldn’t possibly inspire anyone. I look at my life right now and realize that the plans I thought He had carved out for me are nowhere to been seen as I approach my forties. I always thought God’s plan for me would be crystal-clear and spelled out so I could not miss the way. Recently, I stood in a friend’s driveway and asked her what we should do when the dreams we so long for are fading before our eyes. How to hope when the dream dies on the vine. She just prayed with me and I went home and mulled the question for a while. The next day my friend called and asked me to consider a different question, “Who do you trust?”
I spent the next two weeks trying to figure out what trust had to do with my story. What did trust have to do with loss? With coming to terms with the ugliness of life? With arms that ache for babies who are with Him instead. With estranged parents and passive in-laws. When what I LONG for is depth and connection… and purpose.
Yesterday, I found myself sitting in a room of women who are WRESTLING with life. So many hurts, and so much longing in that room that the ache for hope was palpable. And yet, I was in the ‘leader’ chair. I have been taught that I should always be encouraging and strong and positive. I shouldn’t say things that might discourage these women as they grapple. But God very specifically told me to open my mouth. Admit my hurt. Own the loss and the questions. And then…
One woman came to me and poured out tears and the same questions… different details… how she thought NO ONE knew how she felt. And then another. And we hugged, and encouraged, and connected over estranged kids, uncertainty, or loved ones who control. It was amazing! Last night, I opened my mouth. My YES wasn’t beautiful or graceful, but I know that His grace covered that room.
This morning, my tiny garden was stripped bare by one big, ugly caterpillar and a few tiny beetles… and I kept thinking about the similarity. ONE big hurt and a few tiny questions… but they have gnawed at my heart and soul separating leaves and fruit from vine. I wanted to be mad. But as I snapped a picture of the offending pests and shot it off to my husband, I couldn’t stop thinking about the worm that ate the vine that gave shade to the man who was mad because he didn’t want to say yes to God. I have no idea why that came to mind. Jonah… Really? But it made me consider that I don’t really understand the ways of God. That there are plans He has for me that aren’t ready yet… or that maybe I have not said yes yet because the plan doesn’t look like I thought it would. I don’t have it figured out.
So I wait. Decidedly. For another chance to say YES in a moment that might seem small to me but might be huge to someone else.
I love this story. I just finished Unglued and it was such a blessing. Thank you for your work and encouragement! Looking forward to reading this! : )
Long ago we had a new couple come to our church. They had lived together for several years and had several children. One evening, during a service, the woman was in a separate room nursing her child. I stopped to talk to her and felt God telling me to speak with her about getting married. I didn’t know her well and didn’t was to offend this new child of the faith. I put it off for a bit, but God continued to urge me to talk about making this important step. I discusses it with her and we parted amicably. The next day, she called the pastor and a asked him to marry she and her boyfriend. She wanted to honor God. I was humbled. This couple came to Christ and allowed Him to work in their lives. I felt privileged that God would use me in that process.
Not too long ago I won the new Proverbs 31 Bible, and right after I heard I won, God asked me to give it away. My answer was yes, but I said I wanted to personally give it to someone. A couple weeks after the Bible arrived, I led a young woman to Christ for the first time, and the following week I gave her the Bible. She’s still coming to church and walking with Jesus!
There is a lady member of our church that has COPD and has to miss a lot of services because of her health. She is a precious woman who drops ME cards often (I am just finishing breast cancer treatments .) I felt impressed to mail her a card a few weeks ago and say a prayer for her. Turns out that on the same day she had an accident (fell down an escalator!) and really needed my prayer and encouragement. I really need to read this book, though, because there are so many times I think I miss opportunities to share God’s love because I second guess whether it is God or not. LOVE Lysa’s books and blog!! Becki
Wow. I was bawling just reading that post. What an amazing story and awesome testimony to being obedient. Sadly, I know I have missed God countless times due to busyness, selfishness, exhaustion and just flat out disobedience. I would love for that to change. Looking forward to this book.
Thank you for sharing this “Yes” moment. I loved what you said to the man… “Sometimes the God of the universe pauses in the midst of all His creation to touch the heart of one person. Today, He paused for you.” That is an amazing thought! I had someone pause today just to say hello because she saw me across a parking lot…that little bit of time and yelling my name today changed my day…made me realize that God had heard my plea for someone to just want to say hey not because they needed something from me or for me to do something…just because they wanted to be an encouragement to me. HE paused for me today:) I know I try to seek out those who seem overwhelmed and send a note or someone who does a lot and let the know how much I appreciate all they do and just them for allowing the Lord to use them. It was nice to have someone just say Hello and they are praying for me:)
You know, I’ve been thinking a lot about obedience lately, as well. When it all comes down to it, obedience may be the most important virtue you have in your relationship with God. All other ministry and such will stem from this obedience of God. It is also amazing how much God will accomplish in your life through your simple obedience to Him. 🙂
I have been blessed with a couple of rough spots in my pretty smooth life. Where God reminds me of what and who is important. I have a mom that I talk to on a reg basis, but never really thought to much of it. One day, God said I needed to send her an email. When she replied, I did not realize how much her heart had been hurting. She was talking about the dark place she was in her life. We have poured over the Bible in search of ways to help get her past this moment in her life. Reminded her that this seems like forever, but God will hold her close and remind her every day of all those little things – through her beautiful children, meditation and prayer.
Todays entry was more than amazing! It’s truly amazing how God works through us. Sometimes big like this story or even small to which we might not even notice. But God does notice and He encourages us to do so. Thank you for all your wonderful works, you have found your calling. I’m hoping someday I will know mine or notice mine 🙂
On New Year’s day God asked me a “what if” question of combining my love of writing with my love of missions. I said..teary …eyed yes to that. He then invited me to trust Him to obey and buy 8 field journals. That same day, I did just that. And added 8 of my favorite pens for writing. Waiting on Africa…waiting on God. I have never written this publicly before. When I read your obedience, I knew that I needed obey and to go public with this dream. Thank you for your obedience to the One we wait patiently for. As He unfolds His perfect plans, He perfects our obedience in our hearts.
I actually bought this book on Kindle a year ago. Before I could even start reading it, my Kindle broke. Would love to win a copy 😉
Thank you for the encouraging posts I receive daily in my in box. Blessed over and over by your down-to-earth honesty and the truths you speak through your own mess. Can’t tell you how many times I have seen my own messes in your God-infused words. Thank you!
Saying yes to God in all things is a huge struggle for one who likes control! A few months ago I said “yes” to leading a group of women to El Salvador to be a part of a new women’s sewing ministry! I had been twice on short-term missions trips to build homes and thought I “was done” with that. Check that off the bucket list. Then I said yes to a fb request! Yes, ma’am , facebook! So, now , the girl who likes to be behind the scenes is being asked to step into the light instead of being in the shadows! Part of me is screaming “yikes” and the other part is feeling a real peace about this. I covet your prayers as we step out to teach these lovely women skills that can change their family’s futures, spend time sharing from His word and pouring the love of Christ into all we do . May He be glorified in everything! Yes, Lord!
Great blog post, Lysa. I have been wanting to read this book for quite some time.
I am sharing my testimony with my small life group of women this Thursday. I have been so scared to share with them about my past. What if they are disgusted by me? What if they don’t like me anymore? What if they ask me to step out of the group? After, a lot of prayer I finally felt God whispering in my ear, “I’ve got you baby girl!” I’m not sure why God has placed it on my heart to share my story with this particular group of ladies but I’m trusting Him.
A time when I said yes to God’s call to be obedient is when I got out of a wrong relationship. I had been dating a man for four years, and we were engaged. Deep down I knew I was being disobedient to God by continuing in this relationship. I wanted to hold on to what I wanted and the future I hoped for, yet not at the cost of feeling unsettled and not honoring God with my choices and my life. I finally stepped out in faith and ended the relationship. It was one of the hardest things I have had to do but such peace came from trusting God with my future enough to follow Him fully and let go of the man I was engaged to. Years have passed, and we have both moved on. I am now 30 and recently married! I had such peace when I completely let go and obeyed God. It has been a blessing to get married and begin our life together knowing this was God’s plan for my life all along!
I have said “Yes” to God and turned in my notice at work. I am leaving a well paying full time position to have more time to spend with my family and work as the WMD and CED at our small church which are both non paid positions. I am saying “Yes” to God to fully rely on Him to provide for our needs as I pursue the passion that He has given me.
It is something when you your heart beating so fast! That you it is the right do and it wondeful feeling you are doing what you suppose to! What a blessing to be a blessing, in their lives but it does something to you and can change your life, It is a good thing and wonderful! God bless you in all you do for His kingdom,let His light shine forever!
I, too, would have a hard time giving up my beloved, worn, re-bound, written in, favorite Bible – but what a greater reward you received!
I followed God’s call last year to bring a rough, angry, loud, new-believing teenager into our home. He came from a background of abuse, his father had been in prison almost his whole life, he had virtually no Bible background – but he had come to our youth retreat (under protest) and been saved 6 months earlier. He needed to leave his father’s house full of abuse, drinking, smoking, and more – and we brought him into our family. Hard? Absolutely! Did I wonder if I was crazy? Oh yeah! Cause of much tears?? You have no idea! BUT – I learned to lean on God like never before, and I watched Him change this boy little by little as He worked in his heart. Its still rough. But I love this kid like I birthed him myself. God has plans for this kid, and I’m so glad I was obedient because I can’t wait to see what they are. 🙂
God is calling me to say yes about a major career change that will mean I step away from the “security” of a good salary. I don’t think it is a coincidence that I read this post today.
Recently I was leaving WalMart. I had just gotten groceries, $40 cash back to buy a baby gift for a friend, and loaded my baby in the car. I had exactly 20 minutes to get my other 2 boys from preschool
On my way out the parking lot, there was a man, standing beside a beat up mini van with a sign: please help, God bless.
God said: go help them. I was all like: Lord, ain’t nobody got time for that! I’m on a time crunch here!
I obeyed, pulled up beside them, reached in and gave them the $40 I had just pulled out. He told me he and his sister were headed to Alabama and needed money for gas, etc. I told them to be safe, etc. I got back in my car.
God told me: buy them gas. Without even thinking, just obeying, I got back out, told him to pull up to the pump and I’d buy him gas. He did. He asked, how much? I said fill it all the way up. Once I swiped my card, I told him and his sister to travel safe and God Bless You.
I pulled away, plenty of time to get my boys from school.
And just as God always does with me, after I cry, thank him for giving me ears to hear Him and the will to obey, He ups the ante: next time He says, ask their name and PRAY with them.
I have had several of these little appointments. I am so glad God chooses me to do his handiwork. And he’s always showing me I can do more for Him.
Meredith in Texas
WOW! Thank you so much for sharing this. I feel convicted by my no’s too 🙁 I want to stop saying no to him and to say YES! Just like you, before even knowing what he is wanting.
There are many times that I may feel prompted to help a homeless person off the side of the road holding one of those signs. I’ve ignored it and at times felt guilty. But there was one time I couldn’t shake it..so I didn’t have any cash on me..so instead, got off the bypass and went over to the McDonalds and got a meal and drove it back over to the guy. My son who was 7 at the time asked me if he could give the man his bible. (it was a little pocket Gideon bible) I was like no sweetie..your great grandma gave that to you..but he was so insistent, so we finally gave it to him and the man said that he wished he had a bible..and thanked us. I love that even my little one was wanting to be obedient to the Lord as well.
I do want to learn to say yes to God instead of ignoring Hi because I don’t feel adequate.
Wow. I have actually been in your shoes in the giving-my-Bible-away department, Lysa. Trust me…it gets easier!
I am currently reading Made To Crave, trying to get free from evening munching (especially). I have lost almost 150 lbs and know if I don’t get control of mindless/emotional snacking, I could very well end right back where I started 1-1/2 years ago. On that note, I have a 21-year-old son who is walking in the world right now, completely opposite of how he was raised. He used to love Jesus, and it breaks this momma’s heart to watch him on the path he’s on. I was getting a snack a little bit ago and heard God challenge me to fast eating tonite and pray for my son. I said “yes.”
I would love to read “What Happens When Women Say Yes To God.” I’m a new subscriber to your blog and have been so blessed by your writing.
You go girl with losing that weight! I am impressed! I lost 80 pounds over two years and I KNOW how hard it is to lose that weight.
I say yes to God frequently when I’m going through a drive through for food or a beverage. I “pay it forward”, or in my case backward, and pay for the food that the vehicle behind me ordered and ask the cashier to just say “God bless you today!”. I don’t do it all the time, only when I feel God is telling me to do so. It’s a gift that they cannot say “thank you” for, so there’s nothing in it for me other than knowing I followed His leading in some small way and maybe, just maybe, I got to bless someone who can do nothing for me.
I read this book during the summer of 2011 and shortly thereafter my husband had a female employee approach him about his faith. After talking with her, he realized I needed to be the one to share with her and answer her questions. I began meeting her for coffee once a week which lasted several months and then I began a lunchtime Bible study at my husband’s office for this lady and several others. I had never led an adult Bible study. I teach children all the time but adults are different. It’s a bit more intimidating, but when The Lord put it on my heart, I knew I had to say yes and that he would be there with me every step of the way. I still keep I touch with these ladies today.
What happens when you say yes to God? It changes you!
I am sitting here balling out my eyes and telling my husband who is a pastor and going through a very hard time right now, your story on the plane and realizing how intricate the Lord’s dealings are with us and others. It seems Lysa, that almost everytime I read your article, it is not just a little bit, but always the exact situation I am going through in that exact day or the day before. This story I am going to hold in my heart to know that I will see something miraculous happen in my life real soon. Thank you sister, for talking and giving that man your bible, but also teaching me and affecting my life right this moment.
One morning as I was praying, I felt that God was telling me to give a message to a woman at my church. I REALLY did not want to do it because it seemed kind of silly to me and I questioned whether it was truly God speaking to me or if I made it up. I wanted to obey God but I didn’t want to mess up a message from Him to someone else. That morning I saw her and we both ” happened” to be alone. I shared the message and she told me that it was clarification of what she sensed God telling her. I saw that over time, it was true. Saying yes to God can be scary. I want to do it but sometimes my own fear gets in the way. Lord, please help me to say yes to You. I want to obey You. Please bless the other women reading Lysa’s blog and help us all to choose to say yes to You. We love you Lord. Amen.
Thank you for being obedient to God. I have been in Children’s Ministry at my home church for more than 10 years. My three children are all teens now. Last year at a planning meeting I voiced a dream that had been stirring inside me for almost two years- “I have been thinking about putting on a Children’s Prayer Conference” , is what I heard myself saying. My heart felt as if it would jump right out of my body. You see, I don’t have a college degree, many days I battle feeling like a failure and totally inadequate for most things. To my surprise, everyone at the table expressed positive remarks, the ‘go ahead’ from the ministry head and Priest came minutes later. Wow! My elation lasted just minutes until a voice inside me said ‘you don’t know how to do this’. Here is where I will make a long, exciting story short, God came through mightily! On April 5 and 6 we had our first Children’s Prayer Conference called ‘Hands Together’ with over 100 children came and encountered Jesus in a new and refreshing way. Our speaker traveled (with her four children) from the International House of Prayer in Kansas along with a good friend and former prayer partner – this same friend connected me to our guest speaker. As I look back and marvel at the way God worked out every tiny little detail, I am more than happy and blessed because I overcame my insecurity and said ‘Yes’.
God is so amazing. I want to be more willing to say Yes to God.
I said yes when God called me to stand for my marriage and pray for my husband’s restoration to the Lord. Everything in me wanted to give up and move on, escape the hurt of what he had done. That was two years ago, and I have witnessed God’s hand in miraculous ways. My husband is still not home, and he is still running from God, but I have never felt more at peace with God’s calling on my life. God works in mysterious ways, and He blesses obedience abundantly. Would love to read your new book!
Reading your article was like a flashing light. I am a flight attendant and while I really do LOVE and am very thankful for my amazing job it is often in the most irritating ,obnoxious ,crazy seeming people that God is working his magic! When I listen to that still small voice and ignore my selfish prideful voice blessings overflow and I can honestly tell you I pray for a mind and a heart like Jesus every day I don’t know how to explain what happens sometimes when I step on that plane! When I ignore my prideful self I can tell you that the person I am so irritated with in one moment becomes an amazing blessing when I let God lead ! I had one gentleman come on very angry irritated and RUDE he was in coach and I was working first class. Good news for men right? That’s what I was thinking but God said not so fast missy so I went back to talk to mr crabby ,
He had some heartbreaking things happening in his life,it melted my heart he became a friend and I wanted to know what I could do to help him! All he wanted was someone to listen who cared. Easy yes if you keep your eyes on our beautiful
God and not our human selfs ! I’m praying everynday formGod to surround my heart and my mind to be like Jesus but I struggle And its so frustrating! I see my opportunity struggle with my humanity. I don’t make my father proud nearly as much as his amazing blessings deserve ! Maybe your book will help! It seems so simple why is it so hard? I love him and have been so blessed FILL my heart with your will, fill my mind with your thoughts please help me be the blessing you planned!!!!!!!!!!
A time that I was obedient to God in a most peculiar way was years ago when I felt God telling me to go to a particular Christian bookstore. I told God that I didn’t need to buy anything at the bookstore. I felt Him prompting me to yet again go to the bookstore. Again, I “argued” my case that I didn’t NEED to go because there was nothing I needed to buy. Finally, I drove to the bookstore, got out, went in and just started wandering around, having no clue why I was there. After perusing the aisles and meandering throughout the store, I “just happened” to see an accompaniment cassette tape (yes, this was years ago) to a song I had been wanting to sing in church for YEARS. My pastor had told me about the song and wanted me to sing it in church. I had searched for years for the accompaniment tape but could never find it. When I saw that particular accompaniment tape that day, I knew exactly why God had wanted me to go to that store. Within a few weeks I was singing that song in church during our “special music” time. It was a song that touched my heart so much, and God directing me to the tape gave it even more meaning. I’m so thankful that I obeyed Him and went to that store that day, having no idea what He was directing me to do. The song is called “When He Sees Me” and talks about when He sees me, He sees His righteousness and sees His Son, Jesus.
Dearest Lysa,
Over a year ago I found myself crying out to God to WILL ME INTO OBEDIENCE when it comes to food. I also cried and remember saying I can’t do this and I WON’T! I didn’t have answers at that moment but my answered prayer came to me when we switched churches. You see my husband and I were going through some changes. Changes meaning~ we wanted more of GOD, a deeper connection. And we felt we weren’t getting that where we were. My husband was on staff, I was in women’s ministry leading a small group. It took God to move us from a mega church to a small church in our local area for about a year. I remember thinking “I hate change” not knowing what God had in mind. So in short, we get to our new church, we attend for about 4 months and God is tugging on my heart to get back into serving. Mainly women’s mininstry. BUT theres a big but there! Ha ha! I decided to be a greeter:) During the 2 months I did that, I had no peace. There was a constant tugging on my heart. I bet he was saying “what is she doing” “oh my child, if she would just trust me”…I “reluctantly” ask the lady who headed the women’s ministry at the time, if they need help. She said “Oh how we have been praying for you to come”…UGH! that means responsibility I thought! Meet with us at our meeting at the beginning of the year she says. So we did. It wasn’t anything I thought it would be. I soon found out that it wasn’t going to be as hard as worried it would be. I finally had peace, I knew I was at the right place at the right time….then it was suggested that the bible study we were going to do was “Made to Crave” and guess who’s hosting that bible study?! Yup….it was me, along with the associate pastors wife who found this study to be intriguing. We are a small church and you should have seen the turn out to this study. It was bigger than I had expected! And the lives you have touched, including mine and my ANSWERED PRAYER I might add 🙂 Now I laugh, it’s quite comical to me. I keep telling myself HE has a sense of humor. This will be an ongoing journey, however I have a foundation that I had often questioned as I came up with conclusions on my own…yet confirmed through this study that I was on track with God. I’m more at peace with this, there’s progress. Imperfect progress :))) We are having another study in the fall and guess who’s hosting that one? Yep, and it’s with your book UNGLUED….hmmmm I have yet to see what God has in store for this ministry…but I can say I’m excited and so on fire for HIM more so than I had ever been. At this point, I guess I should stop arguing with God and say YES GOD! I don’t know, I’m stubborn :/ I just want to say…Thanks so much for your heart, your transparency, your words of wisdom and most of all what God is doing through you. YOU are my answered prayer. Thank you!
Tucson, AZ.
I loved reading this. My husband and I are also moving from a very large church to a much smaller one. The first time we visited the new church and I explained my part in the children’s ministry. I was greeted much like you were: “We’ve been praying for someone like you!” I immediately clammed up because I was deep in the throes of burn out. Once we made the commitment to leave our larger church (which we have been attending for 11 years) my excitement grew again and I am saying yes to God in many ways. Good luck to you! ~Mandy
I was shopping on Black Friday and had gone through a drive-thru on my way home. My son & I had been up quite early that morning and were pretty hungry. As I came out of the restaurant parking lot, fighting a lot of traffic, and got to the intersection, I saw a man with a sign asking for food. It certainly wasn’t the first time, nor the last, but it was the one time I felt the Holy Spirit nudging me and asking me to give him my meal. I too began an argument with God, especially since the light was green and I had to drive – it was on a busy highway that was extra busy that morning. I told God I would drive around the block (which encompassed a shopping complex and several restaurants), but He was going to have to make sure I hit a red light at that intersection; I didn’t want to create a traffic jam or get hit by someone. As I drove around, God made sure that light was red. Since the man was on the passenger’s side of my car, I gave my meal to my son and asked him to open his window and offer it to the man. God kept that light red until the man could get the food, thank me, and get off of the road. As I drove home, I was no longer hungry – God had filled me up, and I had a precious “teachable moment” with my son! God is good.
I don’t have a beautiful story to tell but I do want you to know that Proverbs 31 in my inbox each day is a blessing. I love each devotion and they all seem to apply no matter what is going on in my life at that time. Thank you for your work for the Lord. This world needs all the help it can get.
I said yes to God by leading a Bible study on the book of James with the high school girls in the youth group of our church. I am shy by nature and even though I’m 25, high school girls still intimidated me, and I had avoided things like this for a long time. I felt the tugging at my heart, though, that I needed to step outside my comfort zone and be obedient to God in starting a girls’ Bible study. So I did! There were several girls in the first meeting, then the number dwindled as the school year was ending and their schedules got hectic. I had one girl who made it to every meeting and one week, she and I were the only ones. I could have felt disappointed, but I chose to be glad for my one girl and she and I spent that meeting in some good one-on-one conversation. It was awesome!
I have been involved in the same church for over 10 years. However, I have struggled with some things that were going on. So, last year I began attending the church where a friend is the pastor. I love his sermon style. (I did both churches for bout 10 months.) My friends church has come around me in a very difficult time: praying with me, providing food, encouraging, etc. I am involved with their women’s Bible study, kids programming , music program, etc. They have been wonderful. In the last 7 months I have only been to the other church once. I know my friend’s church is the place to be. I know the way I ended up their was God’s doing.
What an amazing testimony! I love that! I want to say yes more. I think I have said yes in a few situations. I went to Africa with my BCM group in college, way out of my comfort zone. We went to do church planting, which meant we went out to villages to tell Bible stories to bring salvation. Witnessing is way out of my comfort zone, and I want to be more open to say yes to God!
I listened to God’s call when He put on my heart to help a friend out financially. I followed through and He blessed me & my friend! God is awesome 😉
This story is achingly beautiful to me! I am constantly amazed that the God of ALL not only KNOWS me, but loves and cares for me.
I took a position in the company that I didnt want to take, but somehow knew I was supposed to. I was scared of failure, but turns out it is the perfect place for me. Better than where i was before. Can never under estimate Gods plans.
God showed me I was meant to become a teacher after years of trying to decide between nursing and education.
God has given me a servant’s heart: I walk my dog through a senior living community and one day about a year ago God spoke to my heart and I started picking up their newspapers and placing them on their porches. Volunteer with our House of Manna as we assist the needy. I also serve on our Connection’s team and help with informational classes for those new to our church and I know each of these assignments are from God.
I’ve felt God telling me to do many things but more often than I’d like to admit I’ve said “no.” How many blessings I’ve missed out on experiencing and ways God would’ve used me that I’ve missed! Today in our ladies’ Bible study I felt God telling me to send a particular recently widowed woman a note of encouragement. I don’t know what on earth I will write to this woman but I WILL say yes to God! Thank you for you post!
Wow – what a very inspiring blog today (but then again they are inspiring every day!). I am not sure I have the strength to do the online bible study. I am often very overwhelmed with my job and other activities. Yet, I feel that this is one area for me to say yes to God and watch Him do His amazing thing. Thanks for sharing, Lysa!
I love that we serve a God who wants us to obey Him in all things even the things we consider small and monotonous. I remember praying which store should I go to first on my errands today, where should I park, and if there is someone you want me to talk to today please open that door for me to praise you. After looking around Kohl’s for a while, I found the kids pj’s that I was looking for, they were on sale and another lady was also looking at them. I commented about the pj’s, we chatted, she offered me a coupon and I praised God right there in front of her for that blessing and for putting her right there with me at the right time. I can’t help but believe God had a plan for me and her that day. In case your thinking, yes but your just one of those chatty people that can strike up a conversation with anyone. No not really. I have read your book Unglued and Sun evening our bible study group starts Made to Crave. Looking forward to your new one as well. 😉
This was a beautiful story. I can only hope one day I can affect someone in such a way. I’m still struggling to say “yes” in all areas of my life. I have actually drifted and came across your study in hopes that it will help me be a better Christian, wife, mother, friend, and person. So with that I say, “yes God” please help me have eyes to see, ears to hear, and words to speak
I don’t recall ever being obedient to God’s call. The problem is that I don’t hear Him or know how to discern His voice from my own thoughts. I’ve only known Him for a few years and I’m still learning about Him and how to follow Him. Sometimes I get so frustrated when I hear or read about others who have heard Him speak to them (sometimes loudly). Lysa, I love your story. I hope that someday I am really able to listen for God’s voice. I feel like I’m missing a vital piece to truly connect with God.
I love that story of how God used you, Lysa! Saying yes to God involved offering the basement in our home to a young mother with two small children who was going through a crisis in her marriage while she sought counseling. It was uncomfortable and we have a child with special needs who craves routine and structure and same-same. There were at least 10 great logical reasons to never even contemplate this. But I felt God saying go. Do this. And I said yes.
Amazing story. I said yes when my boss retired and I had the opportunity to become a stay at home mom. It is tough to put aside my wants (things, money) and my desire for success, ambitions and a career for myself (though that is NOT what is important in life). Even though it has been a big financial sacrifice, the Lord has been providing for us along this journey (most recently providing a new job for my husband). It is so rewarding to be a stay at home mom, especially when I got to spend time in a conversation yesterday with my son about heaven and he asked Jesus to be his Lord and Savior. I will continue seeking ways to say YES!
WOW, What a divine appointment from God, Gave me Goosebumps.
I have a HS friend who happened to move to the same state as me well after HS and life and have ran into her and her parents just so happen to go to my church. Anyways, Her dad had made a comment one tuesday that she was struggling, i listened and seemed concern. I almost wrote her that day on FB but got distracted and went on about my week. I forgot about that conversation for a few day until a Friday night, at midnight to be exact when i saw her on FB and felt something in my heart telling me to message her on FB. I listened and said, “Hi how are you….” We started superficially talking until she asked why i was up so late to which i said that i couldn’t sleep and saw her online and felt like i needed to reach out to her. She told me that she had been crying all day and she was surprised i cared enough. We went on to talk for about an hour and God just used me to speak encouraging words to her half of which i realized i had been saying. She asked me to txt her the next day to check on her to which i did. I went to sleep that night at peace and amazed at Gods timing and appointment.
When my mom died I ended up w/ her Bible and had it for several years. I had taken it w/ me when our daughter got married & distinctly remember reading it on the long trip home and God told me to send it to Suzi, one of my sisters. I didn’t know it but she was going through a very hard time then & that Bible was such an encouragement. She has since given it to another sister who lost her son to suicide. This wasn’t near as hard as your situation b/c this Bible is still in the family, but that was the first time God spoke to me in such a specific way. And what’s awesome is that it’s not been the last!
I often doubt the voice that I hear to be the Lord. I often try to say I don’t want to impose my feelings on someone else that the Lord may be trying to draw nearer to, Often I think what if they are not ready and I am trying to rush God or use my own personal agenda. I tell myself that I never want someone else to feel that I am only their friend in order to show them Jesus. While Jesus is the greatest gift to give. I want to be friends without strings attached. HOWEVER, recently I had a girlfriend say Yes to attending one Celebrate Recovery meeting with me. Also, her children came to our local VBS and her son said to me with such joy, “Thank you so much for inviting us to VBS without your invitation I would have never known about Jesus or the Bible I love you so much and I can’t wait to see you at church on Sunday.” I was touched to tears and so joyful that he was blessed. That Sunday, not only my friend but also her husband, 2 sons and 1 daughter and 1 teenaged family friend boy was at church. I continue to pray for the family and I see the lord truly working in their life. I pray that I will be able to say YES more freely and without hesitation and self doubt. I pray that I can trust in the Lord more and more by hearing and listening to His calling.
Thank you for being a leader for God in women’s studies. I was called to be obedient to God when I found out I was pregnant with my son. Initially, the doctors told me to make a decision about keeping my son because he could have some birth defects and they insisted on an amnio test. I did it, but during the waiting period for the results I chose God’s route of trusting Him and not going against the Bible regarding abortion. Test results came back that he was a healthy baby. Immediately after he was born, he was very in very critical condition. He has multiple special needs due to a stroke while I was pregnant with him. During these times of hurt, anger and confusion, I always remembered that while waiting for the test results I would love and take care of whatever gift God gave me. He gave me an incredible gift of love and I am beyond blessed. My son is now 16 and we still have daily struggles, but he teaches me each day about unconditional love, he shows me there is no prejudice in his eyes and he shows me that each day is a blessing that we should celebrate. In all my prayers, God told me to trust Him and I did. Thank you Lord for opening my eyes, ears and heart to an amazing life with my child.
I have said yes to God when I have written my check to tithe, especially when I am not sure how I can tithe and be able to pay my other financial commitments. Whenever I obey, the Lord provides!
I’m having a hard time ‘hearing’ but there was no question when he told me to sign up for this study (my first one)!
God is so amazing!! Saying yes to God blesses everyone involved so much. His power, love and mercy defines Him to the core. I came to know Christ after becoming an adulterer and separating from my husband, and tearing up my family. I was destitute with absolutely no hope. When Jesus lifted me up and showed me the way to healing, I couldn’t help but to give all of me and all the gratitude to our heavenly Father. I began thanking Him in my prayers and asking Him to give me a chance to serve Him. He soon showed me exactly who to serve, but not how to serve. He told me to serve his precious ones that are caught in drug and alcohol addictions. I didn’t understand at first, because I did not have that particular problem, and I asked Him, “Are you sure”? He said yes, and the conversation ended. I spent the next six months waiting for Him to tell me “how” to serve, and coming up with my own failed ideas. When I finally gave up He told me how, I was afraid of rejection, so I didn’t move on his instruction. It finally dawned on me a month later, with gentle prodding from Him, that my serving would be to tell the addicts how much He loves them and wants to help them. My husband and I have been sharing His Word with them weekly for a few years now and I am still humbled by His patience with me and His confidence in me to serve his most precious people that need healing from addictions. Oh, and one more amazing thing. My husband and I did not divorce, and he was in fact re-born a few weeks before I was. In fact, he is the one that showed me the way to the King. To God be the Glory!
Such an amazing story Arlene! I think it is wonderful that you and your husband laid a hold of God’s cleansing forgiveness and forged ahead!
I can not wait to start this study!!
I know without a doubt I have missed out on so many blessings by not saying yes to God. As I look back on the last couple of years and I can see where I didn’t obey Him and have thought about how the outcome may have been different if I would have. I am looking forward to this study, because I definitely need to be more obedient to God.
I normally donate everything that I no longer have a use for instead of having a yard sale. I always believe the items will go on to bless the people who need them. Recently, I’ve been having a lot of anxiety about my families finances as my husband has started a new job. I decided that I should sell some of the items that I normally donate instead. As I posted the pictures of clothing and baby items my son has outgrown, I felt a twinge of this isn’t right stirring inside. One buyer contacted me to purchase a lot of items and then another promised to pay more if I agreed to sell more and I took the second offer. With in a few hours I felt overwhelmed with grief that 1) I wasn’t trusting God to provide, 2) I wasn’t trusting my husband, and 3) I felt that I had to donate the items, God wanted me to trust him and let the other woman have the items. I contacted the buyer and told her I could not sell her the items, and then contacted the first woman and told her that I wanted to bless her family with the items that she needed. We talked for over an hour about her struggles and I knew that it was meant for me to connect with this family. After I gave her family the items, I felt relieved because I trusted God, listened to God, and stopped trying to solve my own problems and got a reminder that I’m not the only one in the world with problems and we should try to help each other how ever possible, even if it is just passing on some gentled used household goods.
Several months ago, it was announced in our church that a Crisis Pregnancy Center was going to be opened in our community. There was to be a time of training volunteers to work in the office and as counselors in the Center. I live in a very small community in North Florida with a population that definitely has a need for this witness. As I prayed about this because I believe that abortion is wrong, I felt God leading me to train as a counselor and to help work in the Center to prepare it for the women God will lead there. It is something I have not done before but trust God to give me all I need through the Holy Spirit to serve in the Center and share Christ’s love to those He brings there.
I felt God telling me to leave my job even though we were living completely on my income. In the end God provided more than I could ever have one on my own
“I don’t WANT to give her that bell! It was my MOM’S!” I prayed and struggled, wondering why it had to be that bell. “She won’t care about that bell like I do, Lord. It is sentimental, one of my mom’s treasures.” But finally I gave it to my 96 year old neighbor, whom I had been witnessing to.
The next time I was over, she showed it to me. It was front and center, displayed in her front window on a lace doily. “Forgive me, Lord. By withholding that bell, I was withholding Your love.”
I’ve had similar promptings to give or do something and I knew it was the LORD asking me. Saying “yes” to God is never disappointing.
This story is so touching. It is so amazing how God works. I love to hear stories of His grace and mercy. There are so many things that God does for me each day. And each time I’m always in awe. My son just got married and God answered a momma’s prayer to send a wonderful Godly woman into his life. Thank God!!!!
I said yes, and continue to say yes, to God when He asks me to trust him. God bless!
Tonight I said “yes” to living my life more fully again. For the past few months I have been saying “no” to everything, being depressed, hopeless and giving up on the joys of life. I have decided to say “yes” to living more fully again, but you reminded me I can’t do that without God. I have been mad at him lately, even blaming God for my misery, but how else could I have been pulled out of the pit I was in without him. It’s going to take me awhile to fully feel my faith and put it into action, but it’s got to start with saying “yes”.
Wonderfully written! Not sure how many times I have sat still when God was telling me to do something. It shames me to say that. Yet, the times I did step out of my comfort zone and do what I felt led to do, sweet release. I could feel God all around me!! Praise Him, in spite of myself, my Lord can work everything into goodness:)
March 5, 2007 was the day of the funeral of my stillborn baby boy, Kenny. As I sat there and listened to our pastor tell our friends and family how much God loved them, and that if they were the only one on earth, He still would have sent His son to die for them, I got the overwhelming feeling that God wanted me to say something to everyone there. I kept thinking, “really I can barely hold myself together, how am I going to talk, what do I say?” Then I heard a baby cry, there was no baby in the entire building. I said “ok God, give me the words.” I got up and told everyone how I have the assurance that I will see my baby again someday and I want that assurance for everyone else too, and asked if anyone didn’t know Christ that they would think about what they heard that day and make sure they too will meet our baby boy someday…” I’ve been able to share my testimony about losing Kenny and how God has brought me through it several times since then as well. I would love to have this book, and go through this study, but at this time cannot afford buying the book or paying for the conference calls which would be AWESOME!!
One of the most profound yeses that I’ve given to God was to His request to homeschool our children. God’s request came 7 years ago. My husband felt the tug on his heart months before I did, but kept quiet because he knew that most of the work would fall to me. Our children were in 2nd grade and Kindergarten and we were seeing some things we didn’t like. I asked him how he would feel about homeschooling; he just grinned and shared the months of God’s words to him. It has been a long and wonderful journey. Not every day is perfect, but every day is a blessing. Thank you!
Well I have to tell you that during my spiritual journey, your name has come up more than once when we are speaking on the topic of obediance. The first was when I had signed up for my very first bible study on your book When Women Say Yes to God. The book seriously changed my life!! Thank you. And then the second time was when God had been impressing on my heart to lead my first study & I said yes! So who did he lead me to…you of course!! I taught my first study on your amazing book Unglued. Thank you for all you do. Wish you were coming to Orlando for Women of Faith!! 🙂 have a super blessed week. Love & Light, Kacie
God spoke to me years ago about my excessive drinking. I had reached rock bottom and was in a deep dark pit. He reached out to my heart and directed me to a rehab. My counselor there was a Christian, and she led me back to Jesus. Being obedient changed my life, forever
Oh Deb, this is awesome! Never forget where you came from and trust Him for Future Grace.
I would love to win a copy of this book. God calls me to be obedient o my husband and to trust him when I don’t want to. It starts in the small things and then God leads me on to other things to trust Him in. Realizing my life isn’t my own helps me to be obedient when my flesh doesn’t want to.
Thank you for that wonderful story of how God used you when you said Yes. Can’t wait to participate in my first online bible study!
I said yes to God when he clearly called me to start a Ladies Bible Study at my church. Out of my comfort zone for sure. But God knew exactly what He was doing…..our study is still going strong 5 years later! What a HUGE blessing those ladies are to me!
We were newly weds, and I had (and sometimes still do) a problem with allowing my husband to be the leader of our home. An opportunity came up for me to be able to get my bachelor’s and master’s degree in nursing, and I applied, despite my husband’s protest.
One evening, my husband and I had a “disagreement” about school, and I left upset to go to my women’s bible study. I sat in the car and laid my heart before God, and He brought the verse about wives submitting to their husband to my mind. I sobbed, knowing what he was asking me to do. And after much grieving, I did. And God blessed that decision, more than I could have ever imagined!
Not only did God allow the way for me to go to school, my husband and my relationship grew so much through that trial. I also got to share my testimony with that women’s bible study, which had many single, younger women. I was thankful that I got to witness to these women and show how God blesses obedience!
I currently have so many books on my nightstand that I need to read and wasn’t going to sign up for another, but I really think this is something I need to address in my walk with God. Your story gave me goosebumps and I really want so deeply to abandon earthly ways and follow God moment by moment. If I don’t win this book, I’ll buy it. Thank you for taking the time to write it and bless so many……
Over the last three years, God has asked me to completely put my son’s life in His hands as He called my son into foreign missions. Our family said YES! My son spent a month last summer in the Philippines and just this evening he left for a month serving in a country that is not open to the Good News of Jesus Christ. Through it all…much prayer and even tears…God continues to pour peace into my life and uses my son and our family in many ways to spread the amazing gift of the gospel!
When we let our son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren move in with us. It has been 4 years now. I am glad that we got to spend so much time loving on our precious granddaughters. I would not trade that time for anything. They will be moving out by the end of summer. I am glad that we have been able to help our son and his family during a hard time in their lives.
My obedience to God has been letting go and letting God’s will be. I have always tried to be in control and make sure everything happened the way I thought it was suppose to be. If I didn’t do it who was going to?!? Was my thought and in this process I realized that God was actually calling for my husband to rise to be the leader of our house so that I could then follow suit and be able to let go of control and allow Go to lead our family through my husband so that I could be the wife and mom that God desires me to be. So thankful for being still and being obedient!
I have started to pray more for my husband and even when it’s scary say yes to where God is calling our family.
I am not sure I have ever truly said yes to God. I say “yes but….”. I am excited to do the book study for this very reason. I want to say yes unconditionally!!
My husband and I were at that point in our marriage where we were deciding to start our family. God called us to start it in a different way. We became parents in a courtroom to his troubled teenage nephew. It hasn’t been an easy journey but God continues to guide us everyday and it has been the MOST rewarding thing he has called us to do in our lives thusfar! Can’t wait to see the work HE is going to do in this young mans life!
A few years back, God was asking me to go on a mission trip. At the time our children were 1 and 4. How could I possibly leave my children? I fought this for many months. However, God was persistent. Finally, one day as I was standing in church in the commons area and became sarcastic with God. I thought…If you want me to go so bad, then give me a “sign.” At that moment a man walked over to a dry erase board that was behind me and wrote “Mexico Mission trip meeting” with an arrow to the adjacent room. I laughed to myself and walked into the room. I told the guy that God was prompting me to go. When I told him my name and that I was a nurse, his eyes got wide and said “I’ve been praying for a nurse for months!! We need one so bad!!” How could I say no? My husband and I went and our lives were forever changed. By the way…the kids did just fine without us. 🙂
I have signed up to join, but never thought about the purchase of a book, so I may have to either borrow it from the library or resign until next session. Have a blessed week
Recently I have really felt the call to study my Bible more deeply. I can’t say I’m perfect at it, but I’m working on it. Imperfect progress, right?! 🙂
Can’t wait for this study and see what God has in store for me.
I can remember telling God “yes” about praying aloud with my daughter. It seems simple but it was very difficult for me to take that step at the time. I was so unsure of myself. Each time I have been obedient to Him when I felt He was telling me to do something I have been blessed! Thank you for your ministry.
Last year I was asked to lead a mission trip to a foreign country and at the time I was feeling very irritated about all the things I couldn’tdso because of the time I needed to invest in this trip. As anyone who has been on a mission trip knows, it (and God) changed my life in a way I never could have imagined. Around the same time, I desperately wanted to have a baby with my husband, but I was scared of the unknown…would he/she be healthy, would we be good parents, etc? God showed me on the mission trip that all of His children are loved and He gave me peace about our future. Two months later we found out we were expecting and I thank God everyday for our perfect baby girl. We have had health challenges with her that have been difficult, but because God changed my heart on that mission trip I have put my trust in Him as we care for her. It is amazing what God can do when we are obedient to Him!
I am kind of freaking out. This is YET ANOTHER BEACON OF LIGHT God has put in front of me telling me. “For crying out loud, say YES to Me!” I have been struggling for months with the calling God has given me to blog more boldly and wear Christ daily in every area of my life. I just recently (as in less than a week ago) turned over the reins to God where my children are concerned. I know–He doesn’t need my permission, but He certainly wants us to be willing parties. It was a physically and emotionally exhausting prayer that I prayed on my knees in my kitchen, with tears streaming down my face. I let go of my control over my life and my kids’ lives and gave that control to God. And now I am waiting on Him to see where He’s leading me next. And it looks as though He’s leading me to this book. 😉
God is so awesome! As I am reading your story, I have a ring on my finger that I felt God prodding me to buy last week at the Creation Festival In Pennsylvania. The festival was an opportunity that I so desperately needed for me to reconnect with God. Ever since then, I have been seeing little signs that God has been sending me. As I read your article, I burst out laughing! The ring I am wearing says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge him, and He will direct your paths!” Thanks for being part of HIS message to me! Currently reading Unglued and will be reading this book next!
Well, I just acquired my first Bible through a purchase at P31. We were raised Catholic, and we never had a Bible in the house. Went to church on Saturday or Sunday and came home and that was it. I still haven’t written in or highlighted anything in it yet. It’s like my sacred book on the bedstand. I had no trouble marking up my Stressed Less Living book. So, I think the time will be upon us soon when I will take pen or highlighter to the sacred page:). We have a few Bibles from my husbands family and I gave one to my son last week along with a few other church momentos of his from years gone by.
God does answer prayer….before I left work today a friend asked if I would loan $100 to her daughter. This young gal is not in the best of situations as she smokes, drinks, has been known to use drugs and this has been going on for 6 years at least. I was so torn, i prayed in the car for Jesus to tell me if i should do it or not. When I got home, my friend emailed me again, that they got the money and I was off the hook. Thank you Jesus.
I answered call to obedience when I stopped fighting everything within me and agreed to follow his plan. I lost my job and, without skipping a beat in our finances, started back to school. I began to volunteer at a crisis pregnancy center and have fallen absolutely in love with these women. I have answered the call to he available more when asked at church. I know that God is on the cusp of delivering something awesome in my life that I have been praying for. I can already see his hand at work!
Wow! How similar my introduction sounds to your journey. I just recently lost my job and the journey that God is taking me has been one that would have been frightening, but is peaceful. Blessings to you!
Being obedient is NOT easy for me. However someone (God) told me to give this person holding a cardboard sign money. I really DID NOT want to because I felt like it might be wasted on drugs alcohol or cigarettes. Then I realized it doesn’t matter what those dollars are spent on, its the point of being obedient to the ord and helping others regardless of whatt they might do with what’s given to them.
My most recent and difficult call to obedience came with the same words that our Saviour whispered as He hung on the cross, “Father, forgive her for she knows not what she does.” I had to utter them with a mixture of feelings as our daughter in law left her husband and children through divorce. Laying down what you know is right and what you have asked God for over a life time, is not easy, but brings peace and releases the redeeming power of Gods love and goodness into the circumstances.
I can’t stop crying. I want more than my next breath to be a woman with a yes heart. I want to be an agent of change that God can use in others lives. I am so in love with Jesus. This story makes my heart soar! Thank you for sharing it.
Pam Thompson
I have trouble with this area but I said yes to being the small groups chairperson at my church. Listening to God & taking on a big responsibility as such as blessed me in many ways! I want to be more obedient so I’d love to do this study! Thank you for sharing your life!
Several years ago, I felt God lead me to send the current youth pastor and his wife money. When she received it, she told me she cried. They really needed it and it came at just the right time.
Being obedient is hard, but so worth it! For several years my son kept asking my husband and I to take him to church, but we always had an excuse not to…we managed to put him off for a loonngggg time. UNTIL, this one night…he crawled up in my lap and with tear filled eyes and in such a serious tone demanded an answer on why he did NOT KNOW GOD….I was crushed and could feel God in that moment calling me to step up and be the parent he created me to be. God was calling me to be obedient in that moment. On Sunday of the same week we visited a church and have been there evwey Sunday since!
Your story brought tears to my eyes especially when I just lost a beloved uncle yesterday after one short year of loosing my cousin, his son to cancer and knowing the importance of having Jesus as our Savior. Thank you for being so faithful and willing to share His love with so many everyday!! I am looking forward to the study after I locate where to do so tonight, is there a link for me to share with other girlfriends and guy friends tonight? (The area I need to work on is being STILL to hear God, I am willing to obey but feel like I don’t stop long enough to do so daily.)
Many times I have felt God to ask me to pay for someone’s food at the drive-thru or help someone in need with groceries. It usually happens when I have my 10 year old twins with me. When I am obedient, they are able to learn how to be obedient as well.
I would like to say I said yes all the time when God was leading me to give extra to someone in ministry or a visiting evangelist. But when I do obey, I end up getting blessed. When it leaves my hand, I have no idea where the money goes to but just knowing I obeyed is satisfying in itself. You cannot out give God!!
I packed up and moved away from a well paying job, away from family and moved to an impoverished town. Trusting God to provide and he did! I truly believe I’m where God wants me to be since I’ve been able to help so many people who don’t have enough to eat or clothing. This has been my testament of Gods love.
Your story is definitely a Glory moment. What a blessing. One that clearly stands out in my mind is when I was wanting to relocate and start over. A difficult time I was in. After being so involved in my church I was at a point of not wanting to get to involved in new things at church, I felt like it would be setting down roots I was wanting to dig up and move. After many exhausted efforts with plans falling through I found myself on top of the mountain in which my church was building a new facility, talking with God about everything that was going on. I was praising, begging, and praying for new beginnings. As if He was speaking audibly the Lord said for me to work where I was planted until…I knew this meant until the timing was right to move or until staying was alright. I obeyed God’s direction. That was eight years ago, I am still here and it’s alright. The journey has been rewarding all the way. Sometimes hard but I have never regretted it. I have grown because of it. Praise the Lord I was obedient and He was faithful. What a Glory moment!
I’m in the process of coming back to Him. Sounds like something I can very much relate too. I struggle with being obedient as well. There’s always something inside of me that prevents me from doing what I know in my heart I should be doing.
The other day I shared a little piece of my story with a near stranger. Any time I share details of my struggles with mental health, I feel like I am saying “yes” to God. The more I share little bits and pieces of my life’s journey, the easier it becomes and the more alive the story is. I am a work in progress and quite imperfect, but I do not want to wait to share my story until I am “finished.” The more I live freely in the Lord, the more He frees me to become what He envisioned in the first place. Trying still to put my story together in a humorous form. Like my Mama always says, “Honey draws more flies than vinegar,” and in my case, I believe God is telling me the “honey” is laughter. Praising God for you and your work, Lysa. When I grow up, I want to be kinda like you.
Two weeks ago my husband came home from work and said one of the workers on a construction job he was on was asking a lot of questions about what it meant to be a Christian. He asked me if we had an extra Bible to give him. I looked around and found one that I used before the Bible I am using now. I told my husband to give him that Bible even though a part of me wanted to keep that one. It was a study Bible that had a Greek-Hebrew lexicon in the back. I am so glad I obeyed God. The man couldn’t believe my husband would give him such a nice Bible and underline a bunch of verses in it. I am so glad I obeyed God because my husband called from work tonight to tell me he had led Will to the Lord. Please pray for Will. He has many issues and has a tendency to quit when things are not going as he thinks they should.
I will never forget the time when I was on a lunch break during a women’s conference. While my mom and her friend chatted, I couldn’t help noticing a well-dressed woman sitting alone nearby. God said, “Buy her lunch.” I argued with God pointing out she didn’t look like she needed money, but the real reason was, I had never done that before.
As we got up to leave, I gave in and quickly laid $20 on the table, while telling her God told me to buy her lunch, and then hurried out.
I had been so nervous, but was suddenly exhilarated with a rush of joy as we left the restaurant. My mom noticed and asked about what I had just done. After telling of my wrestling match with God, my mother’s friend teared up and said, “God was telling me the same thing but I didn’t do it.”
To this day, I don’t know how God used it to help that woman, but I’ll never forget how He used it to help me.
TODAY! I was obedient just today and blogged about it. My sweet freckle-faced boy and I had a date together and completely enjoyed each other’s company. It’s was blissful, memorable, and absolutely spirit-driven.
Sometimes I think the best way we can share His love every day is with his kindness and compassion even if we don’t truly understand someone else’s circumstances and or their story behind their faces which can be so compelling.
I am blessed to work in a christian book store where I am able to follow God’s calling to love others in many ways. I am always praying for opportunities to share His love but not sure I am always prepared for who he going to bring into my life that day.
In today’s world, it is hard sometimes to stay the course and live by example with the heart of Jesus but I am determined to make a difference in the lives of those I encounter every day.
Thank you again for being so obedient and for your willingness to share your story with all of us so that we may grow in His love!!
Boy do I have many since I’ve rededicated my life! But one very important one was signing up for the online study! I’ve never done one before but when I saw this one, I just clicked, typed and joined with out blinking an eye BC I felt like God told me to. I’ve already been blessed with the emails, blog and FB posts and I can’t wait to start the study!!! Can’t wait to see what he has in store for me. 😀
One of the hardest times for me to say “yes” to the Lord was when I was waiting tables at Applebee’s. I was waiting on a man who kept complaining that his back hurt. Every time he complained I heard the Lord tell me to ask to pray for him. The nudging of the Holy Spirit got stronger and stronger and I knew God wanted me to pray for him right there in Applebee’s. I made a deal, “Ok, if he says how much pain he’s in again…I’ll ask if he wants me to pray for him.” Sure enough he did. I said, “You know…I believe in a God who heals and if you’d like I can pray for you and I believe He will touch your back.” He said, “Here? Uh…uh…yeah…I have some neighbors that believe in that stuff.” I said well we have a little carside room I can take you to. He said, “Uh..sure…ok…but maybe after I eat.” He was clearly uncomfortable. LOL! He took forever in eating his food ofcourse. Finally I brought him back to the carside room and said to the Carside staff, “Um…could you leave the room for a second…I’m going to pray for a customer.” So he did. We stepped in the room and I prayed very quickly because wouldn’t ya know…the phone rang and the staff had to come answer the phone.” After the prayer we parted ways and I’ll never know what ever became of that man. I do know that it was definitely a time for me to learn to obey the Lord no matter how uncomfortable I felt. I can’t wait until I get to heaven and get to find out what ever became of the seed planted that day. 🙂
I was asked to interpret the pastor’s sermon in Spanish at church. I felt inadequate and unprepared. I made all sorts of excuses and argued with god that there were only less than a handful of people who spoke Spanish, why did I have to do this? This was an English speaking church, let them go to a Spanish speaking church. I reluctantly did as I was told. After services were over, some of the. Spanish speaking church members thanked me for interpreting the sermon. I felt ashamed and humbled by my thoughts and anger. But I was truly blessed by being obedient and bringing the word of god in their native tongue to a small percentage of the congregation.
I was asked to be the speaker at a women’s retreat this year. I reluctantly said yes. Within minutes of saying yes The Lord showed me through another woman that he wanted me to speak. It was amazing! Preparing for and speaking at the retreat was the easiest retreat I had ever been involved with because The Lord wanted me to do it, and I had actually said, “Yes!”
Dear Lysa – I needed to forgive someone but so did not want to. This boy in my daughter’s band class started last fall harassing, threatening, stalking, and even claimed to want to kill her. She was a mess, and my heart was so broken and I was so angry that someone could feel this way about my daughter. I had been praying for this to end. One day I woke up and just felt refreshed; ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you this is so out of character for me. I thought about this for days, then finally realized that God was sharing my burden; I was still heart broken and angry, but I had to forgive this boy. I was told to do it. He gave my daughter an apology note the last day of school. I am not convinced this is over by any means. My child at this time cannot forgive him, I am still working on her. I keep praying that she will eventually be able to do so, as it is what God wants her to do. Thank God she is doing much better now. I am very new to wanting to say yes to God, after 50 years I am just realizing that is what I need to do. I’ve been broken on and off most of my life and I don’t want to be anymore. I accidentally stumbled across your “Unglued” book just a few months ago, and started checking out your blog and the Proverbs 31 site. I’ve read that book 3 times now, and each time your messages sink in a little more. Thank you and all of the gals at Proverbs 31 for all you do, pray, and write. An awesome group of ladies you are.
I’m not sure that it has happened. I want it to more than anything
Several years ago I was going to school taking classes for nursing and got to a point to where I found myself studying the bible and not my class work so I prayed and started taking classes for Christian councilling and ended up working with children. Now I am helping to open a women’s shelter. I would love to have a book and take this study to be able to help the ladies as they come in, but money is tight. Thank you for this chance. Bless you.
Thank you for the timely reminder. Father, help us to say yes!
Thank you Lysa, for the thousands of times you have said Yes. So many of us are blessed by your yes!
I have spent far to much of my life saying No….
So, in March I said Yes, and my husband allowed it. We took the biggest leap of faith that we ever have. The financial numbers didn’t compute, living a part seemed impossible…but we still said yes. I left our small rural community to lead a Pregnancy Care ministry four hours from my hometown.
Every day, I am witness to many other individuals being obedient. Say “Yes,” to volunteering in the center, yes to donating the needed size of diapers, yes to giving of their resources in order to help the center provide ours.
Has the road been smooth….absolutely not. Hubby is still waiting for the job God has for him. Our finances look impossible to him. But God didn’t promise it to be easy, He just promises to be by our sides.
I look forward to reading your book and learning more about how to say YES.
This brought me to tears! There are many times that I have said no, due to fear, self doubt or many other “reasons” but I have said yes to spending the rest of my life in ministry. I finally gave into my calling 3 years ago and The Lord has led me the the Los Angeles Dream Center! I have been here as an intern for the last year and a half, and the midst of my life long “yes” I find myself saying no more often than I would like to admit! I definitely am learning to submit, but it is a one minute at a time process a lot of times! The devil is a liar, I have to remind myself that God wouldn’t ask me to do something that He hasn’t equipped me for with His help. I have to learn how to recognize the attacks and say yes to Him, and NO to the lies of the enemy!
I awoke early one morning with a dream vivid in my mind. The message needed to be shared. I had always wanted to publish a book and now I had my story. God asked me to collaborate on the story with a man I barely knew. I thought to myself, “But I’ve never even read anything he has written. How can I ask him to collaborate with me.” After trying to argue my way out I finally said yes to God. He knows the plans he has for us! Treasuring Grace was published with the collaboration of Rob Plumley in the fall of 2010! It is a beautiful and profound story with a message of LIFE. May my yes be a bit more instant next time 🙂
I have always lived in one area and gone to church in another area. A year and a half ago when my Mother had to go into a nursing home the family decided to go with a home close to where my sister lived. As I had been going to a church where my Mom lived and had always been somewhat uncomfortable there I decided to change and check out a small church near me. It was nearly Easter and Holy week services were just starting. That week 5 different churches gave me the same message – community. I joined the small church next door and am now involved in music ministry, Celebrate Recovery, bible studies, community soup lunches and a Community Food Initiative trying to make good food more acessable to people in need. In hearing the Lords message I have been blessed with a church family who accept me and welcome me .
Wow! What an amazing story!!!! Thank YOU for being obedient and for sharing your story!! I’m blessed by hearing it!!!!! I just said Yes to God in obedience this very week as I began a new job! I am the new secretary at a woman’s shelter in the Women’s Life Recovery Program. I am making less than I have made in many, many years BUT it is truly a God thing and I feel God’s peace and know I am where I am supposed to be. Excited to be a small part of God’s plan!! 🙂
I have always loved to write- short stories, long stories, poetry, songs. Writing has always been the way I feel and cope and heal. And because it is so healing to me, it has always been my private thing. It is the place I go, all by myself or just with God, to fight and struggle and learn and really allow myself to be me. So when God asked me to write down my story, I did so gladly. But then when He asked me to share it, I balked.
For one thing, when I write, it is the one place where I am totally and utterly honest with myself. It is the one safe space where I tell the truth about what I really feel, where I really struggle, and who I really am. And to share that with anyone goes against all I know.
Ever since I was a child, I have learned to shape and reshape who I am to receive approval and feel loved. I have mastered the art of gauging what someone wants in that moment, and then becoming that version of myself in hopes of gaining their acceptance. But when He asked me to tell my story, He asked me to tell that true version, not the fluffed up versions I have been telling and even believing all my life. He told me that in order to really tell the story of who He is, I must first tell the truth about who I am, and who I was, especially. In other words, I can’t tell a story of redemption without being real.
So after 4 years of first ignoring and then arguing with God, I finally discerned that the only thing scarier than saying YES to God is saying NO. So I have set out on a journey to share who He is and what He has done in my life with others so that they may know the same joy and peace and redemption that He has shown me.
So, to be honest, I am terrified. Telling the truth about my life has been HARD and VULNERABLE. But every time I dare to tell it, every time I make the choice to be seen as just me – the me I have always been convinced is no one special or not enough – He is glorified. Because my story, just like all of ours, is the story of the gospel. It is the story of failure and forgiveness, of refining and redemption, and of healing and hope.
Hi Lysa,
What a touching story, thank you for sharing. Wow, a time when I was called to be obedient… the time is now. That is exactly what I’m working on in my life. We’ve just moved to a new area, leaving our home church, home group and dear friends behind. Fighting physical sickness for several years and just feeling plain miserable. My husband working out of town for weeks at a time leaving me to take care of the home and kids alone. We hadn’t found a church yet and I was feeling quite discouraged. Then a few months back my husband came back from working out of town and had to ride home with a co-worker that he didn’t know. Fortunately, he found out that this man lived just down the road from us and invited us to the church he and his family attended and invited us to join them at a Super Bowl party after service, at their house. I was reluctant, but went. We enjoyed the service and decided to go to their house after. In taking the leap of faith, we’ve found a new home church and are making wonderful new friends.
Since then, I’ve been asked, by the pastor’s wife, to lead a women’s group and was hesitant, but prayed about it and felt that God wanted me to do it. The study groups take a break for the summer and this just seemed like the perfect study to fill in the gap while waiting to lead this new group. Again I was a bit hesitant, because my flesh doesn’t want to do it, but my heart has led me to do it regardless of how I feel about it. I feel God is nudging me to be obedient regardless of my feelings and I feel so much joy and peace even though the idea of it all makes me uncomfortable. God is stretching me to build relationships because without God, I wouldn’t.
Oh and this study, I’ve invited several friends to join me and 2 ladies have already signed up. Praying my mom and sister will do so as well. Thank you for the perfect study for this time in my life, I know It was God that led me to sign up for it and I’m looking forward to it. It is so cool how God works all things together for our good. Things we may feel are bad work out to be blessings in disguise.
God bless,
I said yes to God when we moved our family across the country to do his work. I say yes to God by keeping my husband and kids my priority. I will say yes to God by listening to him and finally taking my health/diet/exercise seriously.
I said yes, when I was losing a boss I truly cared for and he was a man of God. I was nervous about it, but I did do it and I’m not sure where he is today, but he said he seriously considered what I said and that he had been wrestling with it for awhile. I asked him if he ever thought of being a pastor. That the word kept coming to me in the last few months he was working in our district. Who knows, someday he just might be. I hope I get to find out. 🙂
It always amazes me how God uses us in profound ways. Ways that may seem weird, uncomfortable and even strenuous to us, but they are important to Him. And he always wants us to get something out of every opportunity to say yes. And most of all I am grateful that no matter how many times I have said no to God he has always said Yes to me!
Your story has touched me so profoundly. I’m crying my eyes out…out of godly sorrow, but also because of God’s love and unfailing mercy. I want to say yes to God.
Sunday, a young couple with two small children visited our church for the first time. I’ve been away for awhile so I haven’t been in my church either. The young mother was having a hard time with her baby. She kept having to leave and come back. ( we r a small country church). God prompted me to take her children so her and her husband could sit in church together.
This doesn’t sound like it should count, ( who doesn’t want to watch a precious baby and a super cute two year old)? But I know it was Him.
Our church was having a crusade at the high school football stadium. During the invitation I felt led to go ask a friend if she was okay. At first I argued with God. Of course she’s okay… She’s always at church … It’s obvious she loves you. I was obedient and went to her. She told me she was fine. Later that evening I got a phone call from her. To make a long story short she wasn’t sure of her salvation but nailed it down that evening. I’m do glad that I was obedient for now I know that I will see my friend in heaven.
As outgoing as I am I’ve always had trouble believing in myself and my God given gifts…inadequate. I’m in full time ministry and have opportunities to be used by God to speak or minister but almost always I decline. It’s “out of my comfort zone” I have been asking God to work in me and get “me” out of the way. Recently, I have a friend who happens to be a Pastors wife ask me to minister at an upcoming retreat. I already felt the “no” coming on but prayed and decided I’m not going to let Satan win and the “yes” would prevail. That same day I was going to speak briefly to a group of young adult women and I titled my brief message “You Are A Gift” and challenged them to believe in the gifts God has placed in them. Obviously, talking to myself. 😉 I got home and received a call from my Pastor’s wife friend who asked me if I had decided. Before I could give her my “yes” answer she said “I want to tell you first the theme of the weekend….. “You Are A Gift”. I think “yes” was the right answer. He is AMAZING!
Right now we are walking a very unknown path — my husband was recently diagnosed with a rare form of stage 4 metastatic cancer that doesn’t respond to chemo or radiation. The night before my husband’s surgery that revealed the cancer, I had been listening to “Whatever it Takes” I’ve always loved that song. After we received his diagnosis, I felt as if the Lord were asking me if I still meant it. I do. I want more than anything for God to be evident to all those around us no matter what the future holds. One day, as I was talking with our oncologist in the hallway, I commented that I believed that God was in absolute control of this situation. Our doctor was expressionless, but their was another woman not too far away who looked up at me, smiled, and nodded her head. There are other situations, too, where God’s working has been evident as a result of my husband’s diagnosis. I just want to fulfill the role that God has for me as we walk this path.
I’m so excited about the study! Can’t wait to see what The Lord opens up! I’ve invited several others to join us too! Thanks for saying yes to God!
I often wonder why obedience to God’s prompting is still so difficult for me when I have experienced his clear blessings as a result of my obedience. One of the clearest examples in my life happened as a result of reading of a missionary family, sponsored by our church, in need of some reliable transportation. My husband and I were just about to trade in our minivan when I became aware of the need. I clearly felt the Lord’s calling to give it to them, so I asked my husband if we could. Although, we really needed the money, he agreed. What a joy it was to be an answer to prayer for this family. That was a tremendous blessing on its own. As my husband was driving home from work that day, he called and said “You won’t believe this, but my boss called and said there was an error in my commission check and I am going to receive more money”. The amount was the amount of the value of the minivan plus a little more. God is so amazing. I look back to that time to remind myself that I love and follow a real God, active with a clear plan for my life if I will only obediently follow Him. Thank you, Lysa, for this opportunity to share.
I am in the beginnings of being obedient to God. I have been arguing yes arguning with God for the past few years, knowing He was telling me to quit my part time nursing job of 25yrs. Married raising 4 kids the other part time job. I also had went back to school to go LPN to RN kicking and screaming the whole way but this is what everyone said I should do. I finally said God if you really what me to quit my job you will need to take away my joy of nursing. ( I was always happiest at work) . Yep, it has happened. Now try explaining this reason for quitting to the rationale world. They say keep a foot in the door it is still listening in case you change your mind. My answer is I need to be totally obedient to God or else He cannot bless me. After all I tell my child to get off the road and they stand by the side of the road, what would we sayI am wishing now I would have listened and trusted a couple of years ago when he first told me. Earlier this summer God told me to give an acquaintance one of the hanging baskets that I had just bought for myself for Mothers Day, I refused, I had some issues with her character, told myself it wasn’t God. The plant died from lack of watering…… ouch. So my 4 week notice is not up I am being encourage to stay on my job. Please pray for discernment and conviction of Gods will in my life. Thank you all for sharing your testimonies!
Beverly, If God is calling you to quit. Do it, He may be protecting you from a situation at work. (Ok, that all came out and typed before I could even think about it. So here’s my yes for the day.)
P.S. I am a RN too, now NP.
Awesome, awesome story! Thanks for sharing. I need to say yes to God more often!
This story melted my heart. I have been in such a tussle with God lately, thinking very uncool and not nice things about Him and refusing to say Yes to Him in any way… afraid I wasn’t actually hearing from Him but just some made up voice in my head. I am still struggling in so many ways..
BUT, this story you shared, Lysa, reminds me of the night the Holy Spirit kicked me in the pants to move across my MASSIVE home church’s floor on January 30, 2011….
God had just released me from a very unhealthy relationship and so (for the first time in my life) I had absolutely no desire to meet the man or even look for the man I had been praying for to be my husband (been praying for him since I was seven years old)… I went to church by myself for the first time in a long, long time to rekindle with God. “Just you and me, Lord.”
I was 15 minutes or so late to service and (because of the size of the church) one of the ushers moved me to an aisle seat. At my home church, the last service of the weekend is usually a recording from one of the previous services so we watch it on the television screen (but hooray for live worship thru music!) This aisle seat I was placed at was at a direct diagonal to the television screen and as I looked to the screen and clicked open my pen to take notes… lo and behond…handsome man. An INCREDIBLY handsome man. DIRECTLY across the room from me. I kid you not, I am convinced it was a near-perfect parallel line. He was wearing a beanie wrapped in bright green and different shades of blue (my favorite colors…). He had a little bit of scruff on his sun-kissed cheeks and brunette hair… he was mesmerizing. I saw long eyelashes but couldn’t see the color of his eyes at my angle, but regardless… he was beautiful. I just knew those eyes were beautiful. He was the most breathtaking person I had ever seen.
Believe me, I tried….
got furious. At first, I was in a more “pep-talk” phase with myself and God… “Who cares there’s a handsome man over there… I didn’t come for a rebound.. I came for Jesus!” Then… the staring didn’t stop and I got mad. Like, really mad. My prayers turned into “God, will you please make him move? He is in my way and he is distracting me from You.. so make Him move. Please.” Nothing happened except for my continual gaze. Someone could have stolen my purse right in front of me and I wouldn’t have seen a thing happen.
I felt my face turn red as my arms and legs crossed tight around my heated body. Then, before I knew it.. the sermon was completed and everyone (all 300 or 3000 of us) were now being invited for communion and the singing of hymns before going home. At this moment, the chaos of colors of fellow churchgoers blurred around me and I finally released my crossed arms with a more angry-like gesture and said “Okay fine, Lord, if You didn’t make Him move because You need me to move instead, make me move. Holy Spirit, make me move.”
Instantly, it was like a kick to the pants sensation and I was booking it across the room, through the crowd, on that perfect, straight path between our seats. When I was close enough to be considered as breathing the same air as the guy… I panicked. “God, NOW WHAT?! Where do I sit?” I scurried myself into the row behind them and sat behind his friend.
As soon as jeans met seat, I felt a peace that is absolutely beyond my comprehension to describe…. I try to explain it as floating down a warm river filled with perfume and floating flower petals on my back with cherry blossom blooms, butterflies, and crystal blue skies as my eyes’ delight…. I don’t know how else to describe it…. I can’t find the words. Neither could Mr. Dictionary.. but as soon as I sat down, I knew the Prince of Peace is the One who led me there.
I was elated. Soaring. Peaceful.
With my heart overflowing with joy for God, I sang to those hymns with all my heart. I didn’t even see the handsome boy anymore. It was like he didn’t even exist and I was never distracted by his beautiful face to begin with.
“Finally…” I sighed “THIS is what I came for tonight, to connect with God.” When the last note rung out, I finished singing and opened my eyes.
When I opened my eyes… the handsome man was turning around… TO ME… to tell me “dang girl! You got some nice pipes! You should be up there on that stage!”
My jaw dropped.
We started talking and I don’t even know what I said. He was asking me questions…. I just heard my voice shake and tremble and struggle to say Courtney with only one C.
He was the most beautiful, breathtaking sight I had ever seen.
(And still, have ever seen).
We were parked in the same lot so the two of us and his friend walked together. They invited me to sit with them the next coming Sunday and boy oh boy, I was there 15 minutes EARLY this time. I counted down the days til I could see him again.
That second time we had ever seen each other, we walked to our cars and ended up dancing and singing at the top of our lungs in the empty parking lot in the cold February air. We talked and hung out like we had known each other forever.
We became inseparable friends.
Best friends.
He changed my life.
And that Lord of ours…. *sigh* that cold Sunday night in January was the night I met my husband.
The very first time in my life I wasn’t looking for “the man I am praying for.”
And….. truth be told, my beloved also said YES to God that night when he turned around to compliment my voice… his mentor was teaching him to speak the kind truth to people and not be afraid to compliment people he had never met before because it lifts people up and lets them know that they are seen and their beauty is recognized. He also wasn’t looking for the one person he wanted the most, his wife, as well..
We both said YES.
Yes to moving across the room to him.
Yes to turning around to her.
And today, we have been married for 220 days.<3 (I counted down the days of our engagement til our wedding… and once married, I didn't stop<3).
What a wonderful thing it is to say YES to God.
Thank you for posting your story… you didn't only get to be a part of the changing of the lives of the two people on the plane…. the story is still bearing fruit. You still have peaches to pick from this tree.
This reminded me of the reality of our story and how radically we had been touched by God that night… I could taste it in my mouth, I can feel it in my bones, and feel the heart beat… Thank you so much for saying Yes to sharing this story and writing this post.
May you be blessed my dear sister.
Please keep me in your prayers.
All my love,
I answered the call when God called me to be in education. I began as an exceptional children’s teacher, which is one of the hardest jobs. After 4 years of teaching I became a school administrator, which is an even harder job than being an EC teacher. I work in a very low socio-economic high school and feel each and every day the difference I make in the lives of my students. God knew what he was doing when he place me in education…although I did question him a few times along the journey.
As I laid on the exam table in the ultrasound room I prayed please God no no dont let this be it. Im five months pregnant no please God not me. But then a feeling of peace washed over me and I said Your will be done and immediately the dr walked in and confirmed my worst fears. It was my baby girl Hope Charlotte I lost my baby girl. God very plainly spoke to me over the next few months and said Your Hope is in Heaven. I prayed for God to help me to remember that and to help me reach others. He led me to MOPS and I am now a coordinator for our churches MOPS group and working daily at sharing my story and helping at least one mom a day to know God isin control and that God has plans to give them Hope and a future and that Our Hope is in heaven. I have reached out to women I never would have all at Gods direction. She needs to hear this, or tell her about your Hope. God is good all the time. He takes our messes and makes them masterpieces!
One time I couldn’t shake the thought and name of a friend I had lived with right after high school. After 3 days I finally called her. The first thing she said was, “How did you know?” I said, “Know what?” She was going to commit suicide and God used someone who was sitting in her chair that day, (my friends a beautician) to save her life. God was gracious to show me how he speaks at times. If I had known & called her right away the first day God would have used me to save her life. I’m so glad he taught me and saved her too.
When my mother was diagnosed with Stage 4 neuroblastoma, my sister and I didn’t know what to do. We both tried very hard to have her come and live with one of us so that we could care for her (as we both were stay at home moms of children between the ages of 3 and 2 months.) My mother, however, did not want to leave her home and wanted to stay in her hometown where she had been her whole life. After praying for the right thing to do, I felt very strongly that God was telling me to “Obey my mother’s wishes…you have been given the opportunity to not have to work at this time so that you are able to travel and stay with your mother and help her in any way necessary. She’s always been there for you; it’s your turn to be there for her.” After much arguing that I was not able to do this, I had two young children that I needed to take care of, how could I take care of them and take care of a critically ill mother, there was no way I could do the personal things that my mother would come to need from me, I could not watch my mother waste away etc…I began to understand that God again was right and that I was to be obedient and say yes. It was the hardest and most rewarding thing that I have ever endured in my life. I found more joy and blessing than I ever thought I could…yes, there was heartache but there was such a peace when my mother did pass. We left nothing unsaid, no questions unanswered and I knew that she was with her Father and that she will be waiting for me to join her one day in Paradise. When listening to God and truly surrendering to His will, we find that there is more peace and joy even in heartache than it is humanly possible to comprehend.
I am not one to go into unknown social situations. So when I got invited to attend a large Bible study where I knew no one, I was understandably nervous and extremely reluctant. But I knew that God wanted me there. And now, several years later, I continue to attend and have even taken on some leadership roles! How awesome are God’s plans!
I work in a crisis pregnancy center and nearly every day God give us the opportunity to be obedient to help the young girls in whatever way we can. Miracles happen every day.
I didn’t even know that Biblical Counseling existed until God revealed it to me twice in one day, I got the hint and began looking into schools. This fall I will begin a three year MA program in Bublical Counseling at Dallad Theologucal Seminary. I left my full-time career of 8 years to go back to school full-time, all to follow God’s plan for me. I want to work with women who battle eating disorders and shame regarding their bodies. I know this fight all too well and the freedom I have relieved from Christ is amazing. Living on a part-time salary will be difficult, but I know that God will provide. He already has through encouraging friends and family. I am richly blessed!!
I obeyed and started helping a patient in my doctors office where I worked because she was poor but she was the neighborhood “cat lady” and took in and fed and took cats to be spayed and neutered and found them new homes. It really blessed my soul when I brought her a huge bag of cat food just to see the reaction from her. She was so thankful and grateful!
Here recently I have forwarded some proverbs 31 devotionals that I have read and God puts someone on my mind. It was encouragement that the person needed. Sometimes at the end if the service God will put a heaviness on my heart to go take someone’s hand to the alter and pray with them over their burden. It can be hard sometimes knowing if it is God wanting me to do this or if its just me. Most times I just try doing it. Is there a definite clear or certain way to know exactly if it is God?
This winter I faithfully served when I just really wanted to quit in the face of opposition, criticism and constantly being told how I was constantly doing it wrong by someone I worked with when the one who lead the group was not seeing what the issue was as she had no issue with me.
It was hard, but I kept my word to the Lord, and when He released me, I felt free to be done as it was the end of the year of service. I learned He is faithful and will see me through, and I survived just fine.
This totally true. I felt God Telling me to lose weight this last winter. I didn’t know what to do I was stuck. I hurt in so many places. I’ve prayed and fasted but never came across the right thing to motivate me. it was then I prayed and began looking online and come across a sermon from GateWay Church talking about the body being a temple and everything he said was like he was talking just to me! Then I felt I should go on Facebook and ask if anyone new a motivating christian weight loss Blog and a friend commented Her pastors wife lost weight by using your book Made To Crave. I read an excerpt and new this book was meant for me to read! Thanks for being bold and listening to God to help people like me.
In the fall, I felt God was wanting me to get a Moms group started at our church. He completely put the thought into my head that it would be called MOMS (acronym for Making Our Moms Stronger). We started a book club and the first book we read was your book, “Unglued”. Every time your book brought us together there was such an insatiable appetite in the room to learn more about God! It was so exciting to be a part of! I am so glad I said yes to God that day. I am still working on slowing down and hearing Him more. I have since been keeping myself way too busy. I think this book would be fantastic as our next study. In fact, I guess I’m hearing God right now as he directed me here this evening 😉
Hi Lysa. I started a message at 4:15 this afternoon and did not finish. Not sure if my incomplete message was sent. Sorry if this is a duplicate. My most profound obedience came in mid December 2008. My 9 year old son came to me late on a Monday night asking for his wallet. He said that God had told him to give all his money to Ibrahim, the boy we sponsored through the Kenya Project. We counted $140. I told him that we actually could help 7 children with the money because the Kenya Project was buying shoes for each student (550 total) for $20 each. He was so excited he asked me to put together a flyer for him to take to school to ask his friends to donate. I was reluctant given how the economy had tanked and how close to Christmas we were. I figured that everyone had spent all their money. But God said “Just do it. Listen to your child.” So my husband and I stayed up and made a flyer that said “All Hugh wants for Christmas is to buy 550 pairs of shoes!” I sent the flyer to school which my son. My husband decided to email the flyer to friends and family. God took over from there. In one month, $10,000 came in from all over the world!
I have always been a worrier…it has always been the way I coped with life. Several years ago, God let me know that it was time to surrender my worries to him. I couldn’t change anything I was worrying about by worrying, so, slowly but surely I have learned not to worry…as much. I am a work in progress.
I to was given someone else’s bible, which started me on the path to salvation 🙂
It was about six years ago now. My husband felt called to pastor a small church of approximately 12 people and leave our existing church. I was so fearful that I kept telling him he wasn’t called to be a pastor. Then one Sunday our pastor preached a message about crossing the Jordan River into your Promised Land. I cried thru the entire message. I knew we were being called to go to the new church. We went about a month later and we are now running a little over 200 every Sunday, have seen hundreds saved, and are in a building project to build a new church on approximately 17 acres of land. God is good!!!! And it’s all because we have said ‘YES’ to God!!!! Will see you in October in San Antonio!! God Bless!
Wow! That’s man testimony is really amazing and this story has made me gasped with joy. My church has a BackYard Bible Club that the teens lead, and this year is my first to be a host. Today I was interviewed about it and found myself saying “Jesus will use anybody” or anything/situation. None the less, this was defiantly something worth hearing to end my day 🙂
I’m so ashamed to say this, but I’ve been tormented by fear for so long that I can’t think of a particular time when I was obedient to God’s prompting. Reading your story blessed my heart. I want to be obedient like you were but I would probably have talked myself out of giving my bible away in that situation. I am so thankful for the opportunity to participate in this bible study. I’m ready to become more for God.
I signed up for this study as I know God wants to do amazing things in my life. I have a lot of medical issues going on in my neck which is costing my family lots of money that we don’t have. I have been in tears because I cannot afford to buy the book and feel like I am going to miss out on what God wants to do in my life.
I lost my dad five years ago. Rejected unforgiveness began a spiral to destruction. Through a series of points of grace in my life, God led me to Proverbs31 OBS and introspect with a final destination to saying YES, in surrender to God to begin healing a shattered heart. My mom died this month. I was challenged, as an orphan, to write a letter to the little girl I did not believe existed.
I said YES to God…. Writing and delivering her eulogy and then the 3 AM awakening with the hand of God speaking into my little girl self who is 46 and in desperate need of knowing the depths of His love.
I want to say YES to His calling to lead women to healing through my testimony when I have enough healing to pay it forward…
Dear Little Girl Gone,
Where could you be?
Amidst the web of complexity
Inside of me?
You were there for a moment
Pigtails and laughter,
Then gone in an instant
With no one chasing after.
What is it that breaks
your little girl heart?
What dreams do you have
That are eclipsed by the dark?
When did you begin to believe
you were alone?
To fight the fight and dream the dream on your own?
I can help you escape
From your web of shame,
If only you will reach out
And your heart’s desires exclaim.
You don’t have to shut out
love and affection.
You don’t have to believe
There is no protection.
From the demons in the closet to the monsters in your bed,
These are acts of pain that stick in your head.
Sweet child, I know you ran away “from you,” to be safe,
But embrace me today because
I am your grown up face.
We have the same need, to get to know each other again
To talk and work out …The little girl within.
I can’t promise that the family will keep you from harm
But as long as I am there, we will fight the fight… arm in arm.
I know you awaken with men violating your little girl body for their aggressive gain.
Sexual acts giving way to actions that catapulted you into shame and pain.
Things you hid in the places of your heart,
where you beat yourself up because you could not get out of the dark.
You awakened each day to the absence of parents who should have been there.
To protect and love you, not heighten your fear.
You drew your own conclusions as you watched violence, death and substance abuse fuel
The patterns of life that should have modeled the golden rule.
Exhausted as a kid, you found the empty places
To hide from all of the hurting faces.
You lost your sense of self worth as people expressed disappointment in you,
Too fat, missed school, bullies abound and crazy people too.
You feared the devil taking over your life,
As he played with your head in the death of two people, wrapping you in his lie.
The adult in you carries these demons around
Hoping for a physical deliverance of those by which she is bound.
You have to work it out through this adult me
Revealing and trusting that truth will set you free.
Little girl gone, the answer is in you.
For us to take this journey and trust it is true.
True to heal you so that you can love yourself
because the love you receive will come from me… Your grown up “self”
True to reveal your pain to me
Working through each circumstance to set you free.
True to have hope that The Lord is your guide
The one you can run to when you need to hide.
True to believe that you are worth more than the sum of what you see.
To know that I am committed to adore all that lies beneath.
True to reshape your way of thinking so that this burden you carry will not keep you sinking.
True to give yourself a break
To see yourself from a different lens other than hate.
True to know the difference between acts that defined you.
To overcome circumstance and people in an effort to complete you.
True to break the looking glass to the broken facets of your heart
And instead to embrace all of the broken parts
True to allow the kid in you to live again
so that you can come out of hiding so your healing can begin.
So little girl gone, Elizabeth, your were named so for a reason,
Allow Elizabeth, child of God, to embrace this season.
Trust God in the process and believe your worth in Him.
Know that the adult me is now a part of your little girl within.
We will take back your life and you will be whole again.
The love of your Father is that upon which we will depend.
As we get through this trauma and bear the cross in our lives
We will find it is ok to stop running and simply open our eyes.
To embrace those we learn to trust and to forgive ourselves of the past,
So we can rest in His arms and love others at last.
Stuck With Me.
Little Girl GROWN
Thank you Liz. I cried and I knew where the poem was leading. I am struggling with the whisper to write a letter to my mother and tell her I forgive her.
It started with being challenged by our pastor in a way that was actually upsetting at the time. I think it was at that time that I let God in and listened. I try and listen more now.
I became obedient to God, In the year of 1995, when the Lord spoke to me and told me to dump all my r rated movies and any other movie that may have foul lanuage or the use of God’s name in vain. ( I became a christian in 1994 ). then in 1998 that wasn’t enough. he wanted me to get rid of the rest of the movies that were hard to depart with. then in the year 2008, he made me get rid of my rock n roll cd’s. so I did that. now as I look at my collection. I can have have someone over or stop by knowing my collection is clean.
Thank you so much for your inspirations!!! Your truly a gift and you’ve shared with us your heart and how God is and can be our Forever friend!!! I would love to win a copy of this book!! Blessings, glory to our Father!!
My father’s funeral was June 19. There was a young woman present with long, arm-length wavy brown hair. This person I had never met, our paths never crossing, but she openly wept in torrents while standing at my father’s casket. This so genuinely moved me as to inquire around as to who this young woman was. She was in fact the daughter of my father’s mistress from years past and this is how I would meet her for the very first time. This woman’s mother had died tragically in an accident some years back and I never knew what became of the daughter. All I knew of either of them were second hand accounts of the relationship being nothing more than exploitation and gold digging. But her eyes, through this gulf of grief before me, belied all of that and seemed to tell a much different story. I noticed she sat to the side of the church all alone. I knew even before God tugged at my heart that I could not leave her there-isolated and alone. So, I asked her to join the family section of pews. At the gathering following the service I chatted with her just a bit. She had driven up from Florida to Alabama overnight to attend. And then she said that my father was the only one she had ever known. My heart dropped for a second and then God told me to tell her that my father loved her very much and regarded her very highly-which was not entirely untrue as I never heard him disparage her in any way. It’s was a bittersweet moment in that he was not able to give that part of himself to me, but to her it seemed that he could. The affair too is not something to punish this child over. Now she has lost both her mother and her “father”. It gives me pause to wonder if she has any other family or is she truly alone. I think I’m being called to find this out and if she has no other family, to possibly become hers. Before people get the wrong idea, I’m struggling very much with how to have intimacy on a day to day, minute to minute basis with Christ. I long right now to be physically held, loved, consoled, comforted and there is no one willing or available to do so. Trying to make Christ my all in all or primary relationship and transitioning from a life of zero to little intimacy experiences with humans, to a life where I’m expected to know how to have total intimacy all the time with Christ and that through prayer, reading, worship, praise activities this is to be enough and all that I could want or need is hard for me to grasp still. I’m trying so hard to do all that my mentor teaches and to walk with Christ alone seeking nothing outside of that to satisfy. I’m just not there yet and the shame of this is so great. It’s like a piece of the puzzle that remains elusive-not unlike dating, being held, kissed, loved, intimate. And I’m an older person so this is doubly humiliating. Sorry for rambling. I’m just trying to see if anyone can help me “get it.” Email me if you think you can. Thank you.
I was asked to help facilitate a small group as a part of our Ladies’ Bible Study at my church this fall. In my flesh I’m scared to death, but I believe the Lord wants me to step out in faith and obedience to serve Him. I’m saying “yes” to Him – please pray for me!
I will pray for you!
I will pray for you too Jenny! I felt that same way the first time I was asked to facilitate a women’s Bible Study at my church. It turned out to be one of the most enriching, spiritually positive experiences of my life. The study (and friendships) continue to this day! Let God lead you and have fun.
I’m in the early stages of my biggest call to obedience now. My husband and I are adopting. We’re in the thick of the home study process now, and by the end of July we should be on “the list” … !!!! Exciting times ahead.
Just recently my pastor introduced small groups to our large growing church. We were encouraged to consider becoming a host of a small group by attending an informational meeting, no pressure. Well I knew this was exactly what I needed but had my doubts. So as usual I procrastinated. I came up with all kind of excuses of why I shouldn’t all the while knowing I should. While I didn’t get the response I hoped I am super excited to have pushed through my fear and have a great level of expectancy!! This is just the beginning!!
My heart too, breaks over the number of times I’ve said no to God. I want God to see a “yes heart” in me too.
After saying I would never homeschool my daughters, I heard God calling me to do just that. The next fall I began what has turned into an 11 years and counting journey of teaching my girls.
Nearly 7 years ago I had a job I loved. I thought it would be the job I would have until retirement. Along with my responsibilities came quite a bit of administrative and community praise, and I admit I enjoyed that. However, it also demanded almost all of my time. When I was pregnant with my second child, someone gave me a copy of “The Mission of Motherhood” by Sally Clarkson. God truly used the words of that book to re-direct my focus. He asked me to give up my job in order to be the mother I wanted and needed to be. However, my husband and I were not in a position for me to stay home full-time. I turned in my resignation anyway, without other prospects. God has been SO faithful. We moved, and God provided a part time job that was perfect for our needs. I have also been privileged to watch my husband grow spiritually after we joined our current church…he has grown in ways I could not have imagined! While I am again working full time, I am so thankful for the time I spent at home with my children and for the many, many ways, both large and small, that God provided for us and encouraged us during this time. I am so thankful for that sweet friend who shared that book with me and even more thankful for the God who sees and meets my needs!
Running is my time. My time for myself to unwind from the world and just be myself. I leave everything at the door as I walk out to begin my run. One day my “Me” time was interrupted when I ran past this young girl who had a Sonic uniform on. I figured she just got off of work and was going home. I ran past her and felt God tugging at my heart to stop. Stop he said, then again until I ran 1/4 a mile and then decided to run back. I approached her and told her that God lives her. That was his message. She teared up and said she knows God but had been really stressed out with going to school and working. I prayed for her and then we went our separate ways. This was the beginning. I’ve encountered about 10 different people now on my runs. Every week it’s a new person. I always hesitate to stop. I argue with God telling him that it’s my time. Really Jennifer? He’s using me when I don’t want to be used and I’m starting to obey him. I don’t know what he has planned for me. I get excited talking about him. I followed his command to be a nurse at the she of 18. I’ll be 35 next month. Lets see what he has in store for me.
“God loves her.”
Where’s spellcheck when you need it? Lol!!!!
God kept pressing upon my heart to start a business, & I kept “running the other way.”. I kept asking Him to show me what to do (I really didn’t want to do it!). He kept “opening doors”. I said yes. God has used my business to lead a couple to a relationship with Jesus!! I praise God for using me! I know He must have been so frustrated trying to get me to obey!!
I was very intimidated by my neighbor across the street but I felt God’s nudging to go over there and introduce myself (after a year or two of doing the head nod or occasional wave.) at first I admit, I put it off, tried to ignore it, and came up with a million reasons not to go.
( why was this woman so intimidating?) Finally, I read the verse about tending to the orphans and widows (her husband had died a little before all of this) and knew I needed to obey. I whipped up some coffee cake, said a quick pleading prayer for courage and went over there. To my wonderful surprise, she was very nice and not intimidating at all! Now we are slowly building a relationship and I’ve invited her to my church a couple of times. She hasn’t come yet but we’ll see what God does! And I must admit, it felt really good to be obedient!!!
Hi Lysa! Thank you for sharing this excerpt from your new book. I am very excited to read it. As you talked about reflecting the times you have said no to God it reminded me of my history of saying no. I felt the Lord calling me to leave America and travel to Korea. For 2 years He called and I ran, sometimes I ran while laughing at his request. My noes however didn’t work and the Lord continued to impress Korea on my heart and December 2012 I realized I was going to Korea kicking and screaming or obediently. When I made the choice to say yes to the Lord it was as if I was free falling from the sky knowing he was going to catch me and help me land where he wanted me. It was an amazing feeling that completely changed your life. Thank you for letting me relive that moment through the words you wrote in this blog!
After 5 years of struggling to find a job that would move us across country back to family and loved ones…. my husband and I made a decision to trust in God’s timing… we decided that maybe the right job wasn’t there at the moment but the doors were open to us moving… so we packed our things after selling all our household goods and headed almost 2000 miles away from a paying position…. we knew that God would open the right door when He saw fit…. 10 months later He did and we are settling into a new community within a day trip from all our family.
My family and I moved across the country and I know we wouldn’t have done it if I hadn’t been on board and I wanted to say no more than I wanted to say Yes but as we say Yes the Lord does amazing things. It hasn’t been easy but the Lord has always provided. He is the constant in our life now.
I had a bad relationship with my mom growing up. You see, she was a hoarder (and still is.) It’s a disease. But growing up, I just knew she loved her ‘stuff’ more than she loved me. I always felt like the trouble-maker-middle-child-black-sheep of the family. I grew up Catholic, but never knew God, really KNEW God like I came to when I joined a Church in the Pacific NW and became born again. When I took my 3rd child to visit my mother after 21 years of not being able to stand hearing her voice or being in the same room for more than 5 minutes, I began following God’s prompt to meditate on just one verse he gave to me. So I did. Day and night for 2 weeks until I went home to visit her again. I walked into her home by stepping over all of her ‘stuff’, in the 2nd home she is preparing to trash. I had no urge to yell at her about how grossed out I was or how she needed to get her life together and get rid of her ‘crap’. I just felt the Holy Spirit in me and he washed over me a peace like I have never felt. As we sat and chatted – I spoke up and said “I have a question for you”. In all actuality, I had not a CLUE what I was going to ask, I had no idea I had a question. When she asked me what I wanted to know, the Holy Spirit put words into my mouth that came deep from the drenches of my torn-up, little girl’s heart…”mom, why were you SO angry at me growing up?” At once, as my mom sat holding my 8mth old child, her large face became beat red and her eyes went hateful. I was not afraid, I knew the Lord had my back – but I did snatch my child out of her hands as her face turned bright red in anger. I told her I was leaving as she reminded me that it was my fault in so many words. Then as I stumbled with a baby carrier to her front door dodging her mess, she pleaded for me not to go. She broke down in tears and asked me if I had ever noticed her mom NEVER said she loved her. Ever. At that moment, the Lord told me to embrace my broken mother, and I listened again. Since then I have heard stories about her childhood and I have so much EMPATHY (not just sympathy) for her and we talk on a weekly basis. As I followed God’s lead, and through my obedience, I became the child he made me to be and he has restored a relationship with a mom I never really knew.
I was about 2 1/2 months pregnant at the time with my second child. My husband and I had been completely broke, with only .30 cents to my name. During this time, I was completing my bachelor degree. It was mid- July and I had class during the day. This day was extremely hot and steamy! I desperately needed something cold to drink so I searched my messy bag looking for change for the vending machine. That’s when I found the .30 cents. I looked around at my classmates and thought, maybe I should ask to borrow some change. The Lord immedeatly told me no, I will provide. So I took the long walk to the vending machines and stood in the sweltering heat and I clearly remember saying “okay Lord, I listened to You. Now what?” The Lord replied ” walk over to the vending machine on your far right and place your hand inside the change dispenser”. Boy was I thankful I was obedient and listened, because there was .75 cents in that vending machine waiting for me!
All I needed was .75 cents and now I had more than enough. Becoming a mother of 2 in 2 years, I’ve learned that I must be obedient to the voice of God no matter the situation.
I said yes to god when he told me to stand for my marriage even though my husband is remarried! Sounds crazy but that’s what obedience to God’s word looks like to the world! I am standing in the gap and have been led on a beautiful journey and met wonderful people! It’s not easy to listen to god and obey. But he is a just and loving god, he will not ask you to do more than he can help you through!
I said yes to God when I agreed to THINK prior to speaking. Is it True? Is it Helpful? Is it Inspiring? Is it Necessary? Is it Kind? By asking myself these questions and holding my tongue I find more joy in each day. In holding my tongue I realize I also need to temper my thoughts…God is still working on this in me.
It’s midnight! I can’t sleep I have had caffeine! I realized today in all by chores around the house, taking care of my four month old and watching two other kids for a friend. I shamefully admit today I didn’t get my time in for God. I hate that feeling. So I grabbed my phone to read your post today. I have never commented but I am always encouraged.
Saying yes to obedience! It’s An Amazing feeling to just say yes Lord! Our church leads a group to Colombia, South America each year. Last year was my second time. I honestly didn’t think I could go again. I’m a stay home mom of a 3 year old and it’s not because we are loaded with money. We just make do and God supplies out needs! Last year we were having a yard sale ( that is how I helped fund some of my trip the year before (just some background) before I went outside I prayed, Lord I have not felt you call me to go this year. So what money I make I will put aside to help send someone else or if you call me to go. So my yes is yes Lord! That afternoon we are counting money. My husband, Mike gets a phone call from a church member. I just wanted to let you know that someone anonymously donated $1000 for Sarah to go to Colombia again.. Yes lord!! Two days later we find out we are pregnant with our second baby who just turned 4 months.
Jump to this year.. 3 yr old and 4 month old.. I’m a Breastfeeding mom. No yard sale yet but my yes always on table. Our missions pastor asked me to speak to our church about Colombia. Well Lysa, I am not a speaker but I also know that God doesn’t give us a spirit of fear and timidity but of power and strength. I just let the Holy Spirit talk! God had revealed to me prior to speaking to be open to going.. Me: Lord I have a baby who is breastfeed. She will only be 5 months old when I leave. She will not take bottle so need help with that if you want me to go.
I spoke that Sunday about my experiences.. Wednesday night at church. Someone anonymously donated $1800 for me to go back…
My yes on table …. God works out the rest!! In His timing though because Sadie Kate still won’t take a bottle:) I have faith!!
As a young married couple, the doctors told us we should get pregnant right away or we would likely never have children. We then struggled to conceive and I blamed God for the difficulties and infertility. Three and a half years later we had a beautiful son right when we originally planned. And, although I knew deep down God had always been in control I still blamed him for the negative changes the infertility had caused in our marriage and in me. I then struggled with secondary infertility and was told I’d never have any more kids. Unfortunately, I did not listen to God’s voice telling me to pursue adoption because of my fears. But 16 years later, God still blessed us with a beautiful daughter. She is now 2 and I believe God is telling me to pursue a path of helping children in foster care and searching for adoptive parents. I am simply struggling with fear and determining that I know for certain that He is the one wanting me to pursue this path and that it’s not coming from the guilt of having blamed him for so many years for my infertility. I want to say “Yes” if it’s truly His desire for my life. I pray that this study will help me discern His true desires and help me to follow His direction.
One of the most profound times in my life when I said yes, I was on a mission trip in Europe witnessing to Muslims. I absolutely felt uncomfortable walking up to random Muslims who spoke another language and witnessing to them. Not that I was ashamed of my God, but that I was terrified of their reaction. I simply didn’t want to do it. I’ll help in any way, I’ll give, I’ll serve, I’ll witness to anyone who asks. But this was a bit much. The local group I was working with had been working with this population for some time and had yet to lead someone to Christ, but they didn’t stop sharing! I knew without a doubt God chose this task this day for me and I couldn’t bring myself to say no to God. I simply had to say yes & obey his command to go & share. We stopped a young woman pushing a stroller with a little boy. I thought “ok she’s young, has a child with her, looks nice…I can do this. It can’t go too bad”. Through the interpreter I asked questions, then shared with her the joy & freedom Jesus has brought to me with Salvation. I stumbled all over my words. I was totally embarrassed. I knew I had totally blown it. I just wanted to get it over with and move on. After I spilled my passion to her, the interpreter spoke with her for a while and then prayed with her. They exchanged information and she left. I apologized for my stumbling and cried at my embarrassment for being such a failure. He smiled and chuckled. He asked if I really thought it went that badly. “Yes!” He said “No Lisa! She just prayed to receive Christ!” What?!?! He was thrilled! He couldn’t believe that I thought I had messed it up! I was shocked!! My tears of embarrassment turned to tears of joy. I just helped in leading a Muslim to Christ even though I stumbled all over myself! She saw through that the pure joy I had in Christ and she wanted that too! I was truly humbled by the experience! I wanted to say No! But because I said Yes! god used me inspite of me and this woman now has salvation! Praise The Lord!!!
On my way home from church one saturday evening I passed a young woman. She was with her son, probably a 1-2year old and infront of her was her bowl of goods containing packs of cigarettes, stachets of dry gin and bottles of locally brewed alcohol.
As I passed I felt a stirring in my heart to stop, give her son some money and bless both of them. Oh! But I said no with many many excuses. She wasn’t a beggar afterall. I continued arguing with the spirit till I got home. Almost immediately though, I did a u-turn and walked back to where they were. I gave the child some money, told her Jesus loved her and blessed them. That was all God needed me to do and I wonder why I struggled so much.
Loved your story. I often have people ask me how I have been able to say Yes to God so much, I always tell them, “All my No’s have taught me to hear Him and to say Yes.” God is so good to take our No’s and be a God of U-turns and bring us back to Him to say Yes.
PS St. Francis of Assisi is usually the one that people attribute that saying, “Evangelize always and if necessary use words?” We try to live our lives like that, hard but a worthy goal.
PSS it is very late…was attribute the right word, LOL. You know what I mean. Time for bed before I make other grammar mistakes.
A couple of months ago, I was in line at a store checking out. The woman in front of me was trying to use a debit card to pay and it would not go through. She started talking negatively about her husband using the card to the store clerk snd her daughter. She had taken off some of the items hoping this would allow the transaction to go through. As the clerk is removing the items, she is telling him why she needs certain things. She was on her way to pick her Dad up from the hospital and he needed the clothes to come home in. Needless to say the second transaction also did not go through and I felt God telling me to pay for her items. I said please let me pay today and may God Bless your family. She said thank you and left the store. I hope she saw Jesus in Me on this day and its mskes a difference in her life.
This is so inspiring! I really need to learn to re-develope that “yes” attitude. I think I used to be there, but struggling with fear now more than ever!
I’ll be honest- it took me longer than I wanted to admit to think of an example of when I was obedient to God’s leading. But I did think of a great one at last- today I was driving away from Walmart with my three kids in the car, and there was a couple at the stop sign. The gentleman was playing drums and the young lady held a cardboard sign sying “Traveling, broke, anything will help”… you know, the usual. Normally my heart has been… not hardened at these people but not as they should be. I am not quite sure what to do, really. I don’t give money, I don’t make goodie bags out of snacks and deoderant. I smile and drive on. But I have over time been led to pray for them. But today, as I drove by, I was led to do more than pray. We live not that far from the Walmart, and I talked to the kids about putting together a few things for the people who were traveling and might need a few things like food and taking them back. They agreed that that was a good idea. So I ran inside the house, got some easily prepared food and drinks together, some toothpaste, soap, etc. and wanted to make sure I also showed the reason for my giving: Jesus! I found a Bible, and opened it up, and wrote on the first page: “I am praying for you! Safe travels.” This is the first Bible I have ever given away. So it’s perfect that I have come across this story today. I just love how God brings these things about… I am so glad I followed that nudge, and that you did, too.
Recently, my youngest daughter and I witnessed our waiter having a difficult time with another table. When we got ready to pay our bill, I felt the nudge to pay with my emergency stashed hundred and let him have the change as a tip..oh how hard that was to do…We struggle financially. I can remember exactly how he responded..”Are you for real?” I told him about how someone had given me change for the coke machine at the hospital earlier that day and so I was in turn blessing someone else…and I wanted to make his day better. That feeling you get when you know you made a difference in someone’s day or life is awesome…and knowing I obeyed is too!
Since having my two little ones, I’ve found it difficult to commit my time to anything other than them. More recently with my husbands increased amount time away from home with work it’s been a struggle to keep the commitments I’ve made which bothers me because I don’t want to be someone who doesn’t keep their word. When I do keep to my commitments I’m stressed and exhausted because I’m just spread to thin. God has really revealed to me what I’ve known all along but have to be reminded, Philippians 4:13. When I say yes to him, I’m not relying on myself, my strengths, my power, but his.
During my life there have been many to.es when I argued with God. YOU CANNOT BE TALKING TO ME. I always knew he was and when I started saying yes things became easier. I was prompted to talk with a woman in line at the store about the obs unglued. Before our conversation finished in the parking lot we had prayed for her burdens and she told me she had been looking for a way.out of some tough issues. We continue to be friends and it has been such a blessing to watch her grow into the woman God meant for her to be. I walked away with tears in my eyes a d such a wonderful peace. It is amazing how not questioning ( which I still work on ) and doing what he asked often provides more for me than others. Just have to take those baby steps and continue making imperfect progress. I can’t wait for OBS TO start.
I’ve read many of your writings and your words often speak to me personally.
I try to be obedient to God yet all too often fail. I’m learning as I go with Him that I can/must get up and move forward and keep trying.
The occasion that I want to share with you – one when I did respond with obedience – despite many obstacles, is when God ask me to go back to a husband who had said he no longer loved or wanted me. It was honestly a shock to me. I believed we were happy, things were better than just good, and that we would always be together. I spent hours that spun into days pouring out my heart to God and begging Him to lead me in my next step. When God said for me to pack up my four young children, get on a plane, travel internationally and tell my husband that I wasn’t giving up on us that easily – it was overwhelming. Still I had never felt quite such a peace in such a time of turmoil. I had to say ‘yes’. When we arrived he was totally unprepared. He believed that his words to me had ended our marriage. Over the next five days we met several times, talked, were silent, cried, were angry – and I prayed without ceasing. At one point he said to me,’there’s no way you can still love me or forgive what I’ve done’. Before I could even think words came flowing from my mouth that were not my own, God’s Spirit was using my voice and mouth to say what He wanted my husband (and me) to hear. I told him, ‘I love you. That is my choice. Whether or not you choose to accept that love – is yours. And no matter what you do I will always forgive you one more time than you hurt me’.
We were both silent. Both shocked at my words and the calm resolve with which they were spoken.
With much prayer, some time, soul searching and sharing we reestablished our marriage relationship. It hasn’t been all sweetness and smiles, yet seventeen years later I can tell you with all honesty that we are closer to one another and to God than ever before.
Saying YES to God is always the right answer!
My mouth is hanging open! This is incredible! I can imagine myself in this situation, I just didn’t get permission to physically leave. 🙂
The need to stop what I was doing with my life {which wasn’t working for me at all} and pick up Our relationship where I had walked away was so easy, it was like no time had passed at all since I had taken the steps to give my heart to Him. It was the most prominent feeling in my world and I’m so thankful that I opened my heart to Him once again.
I have had a number of times when I needed to say yes to God and not one of them have been easy. One morning as I walked passed my dinning room suite, I distinctly felt the Lord telling me to give it away. My heart missed a beat, as my dad had gone with me to buy it many years before and he was in Heaven now. I struggled with this for a few days asking the Lord to show me that it was His will for me to do this, and every time I walked past it, it would almost seem as if it jumped out at me. I surrendered and let it go, and the most amazing thing happened, peace just descended on me and I began to cry, wishing I had been obedient straight away. I see my dining room suite from time to time and I have no desire to have it back. Praise God, if only I could be quick to listen and do what He asks me the first time every time..
I think that this is one of the things that I struggle with so much. Listening with an open and willing heart. So easy to get caught up in the speed and obligations of my day and justify not listening. I have had times when I stopped and slowed down enough to be guided to another person. Mostly to listen, sometimes to serve when help was needed. Definately something that I want to improve – starting by slowing down my life enough to have a space to listen.
I’ve recently signed up for this but never anticipated the book aspect so unless I can borrow one from our library, I may have to unsign-up till next class. Thank you for the opportunity though.
Wow! I heard you speak and tell this same story at a MOPS convention in Orlando about 6 years or so ago. I remember when I heard it, God showed me his love that day right in the class. I couldnt contain the tears as He whispered His love for me that day. It was a day that i will remember forever. As i read it this morning It took me right back to that day, and the tears rollled again. I so needed this.
I said yes to God (hesitantly) when he asked me to homeschool my 4 children. I had 3 in school and was so looking forward to only having 1 at home! Well I obeyed and it changed our family life. My kids enjoy it and it completely changed their attitudes. Something i NEVER would have done on my own.
Lysa I have read that story before but it always brings me to tears. I want to be a YES woman for God too. God Bless you!!!
Hello! I am so excited for you to tell this story! You told this story to our group of women at a retreat I attended at my church…Bedford Community Church in Bedford, NH…the retreat was held in Massachusetts. When I read the first line of this post, I knew which story you were telling as I have held onto someone stepping out and saying YES to God in answering this mom’s prayer to help lead my daughter back to Him! This is my prayer as she does not want to hear it from me…you have given me renewed hope today as you prepare women to say YES to Him…know your book will touch so many lives. Thanks for saying YES that day and having such a powerful story to encourage women to do the same!
What an amazing, inspiring story.
I’m in the middle of being called to obedience as I write this.
God is leading me to open a women’s discipleship recovery program. I feel so unequipped to do so, which means He wants to show off through me – kinda like Moses.
There are days I have doubt, then He reaffirms this mission He has me on. I know it’s something that will keep me on my knees for the rest of my life, depending on him for EVERYTHING, and that’s right where He wants me.
What an amazing God we serve!
I have been wrestling with letting go of a full time job that is so stressful it is making me sick–with a boss who is wrestling with issues of her own and the work environment is very caustic. I also have a Pampered Chef business that is demanding more of my time (that’s a good thing!), however, my husband and I made some bad financial investments and are on a debt management plan and I have been really afraid to say yes to God. Yesterday morning I asked God to give me a sign to let me know that it really was God speaking to me to leave this job and take a big leap of faith with my Pampered Chef business or whatever plan he has for the rest of my life (at 54, it could be today-only God knows and I don’t want to waste another minute). I went to work and the tension in the air was thick all day. In the afternoon, I read Lysa’s blog that had just popped up on my phone. I had tears in my eyes as I finished reading the story and began thanking God for an answer to my prayer. Then last night at a mentoring meeting with my Pampered Chef Director, it just became so clear that I am to leave my full time job and go on a God-lead adventure. I am scared to death and I am asking for prayers that we will be able to meet our financial obligations, but my heart was so convicted that I typed my letter of resignation this morning and will submit it today. God has been so faithful in my life and I don’t doubt God, I know I doubt me, but I’m saying “Yes!” and will let God do the rest.
I said yes to God when The Lord told me to stay with my husband after an infidelity. He has truly restored our marriage. Praise His name.
Such and inspiring story! Once someone was obedient and gave me a paper back copy of “God Calling”,it was just what I needed to that point in my life. That book went ever where I went! About 7 years later, a dear friend gave me a leather bound copy. I was so happy!!! But just 3 days after I received it, God told me to give it to a man on the radio. This wasn’t just any man. This man was on the radio tell his story of how he just found Christ through a local mission and how he was a recovering from drugs and alcohol. Just like you I told God all the reasons not to give it away,but finally gave in. I had been so selfish to tell God, “This was something you gave me Father”. I drove to the radio station and told him how God had ask me to give to him.
God really spoke such sweet words through your blog today. He reminded me that even though I never saw how this one book had changed someone else life. I was very blessed to see the “fruit of my obedience” in my own life!
Thanks for sharing! It would be a joy to read you book.
In 2005, my husband came home from a mission trip interest meeting, expressing that he really felt God telling him we were to go. Very resistant (I’m very comfy in my comfort zone and resist all things new and exciting at first–my poor husband-ha!), I said “He may be telling YOU that but not me”. After praying for a few weeks, I decided to trust that if God really was calling me to participate that I would be able to raise the $3000 needed to travel. I’m in awe (although we really shouldn’t be surprised, huh?) every time I think about how He brought in every penny of that $3000 in just a few short months. I traveled with my husband, on our very first mission trip, to Kenya….and it.was.amazing and were SO blessed! I actually cried when my husband got to go back 6 months later without me (we decided it was best if I didn’t because I was 6 months pregnant with our first child). 🙂 We can’t wait to go back and serve together! 🙂
God whispered to me wbile working in children church, I want you to sow $100 into the lives of a young couple with two small children. I thought to myself I know that wasnt God. I was disobedient because I looked at my finanes and knew I had bills to pay. Divorce with one income. I justified why I couldnt do it. A week passed and God whispered to me again, Be obedient! Now I knew I had to do what God had azked of me. He is my Provider,not my income. He makes proviziom for us all. I was to be the blessing for this couple. Now excited the couple didnt come to church the following Sunday. The Holy Spirit told me to find their number and call to get their address. I did and when I got to them I told them how God dealt with me. Obedience is better than sacrifice. God has made provisions for all my needs and some of my desires. Its more blessed to give than receive. Thanks be to GOD!
I can’t recall any one time I have said “yes” to God; I do truly believe that I need to start listening more. I need more quiet time with God and to study his word. I know that He is speaking to me………………………
Thank you for your story!
I think I sometimes say no to God because I feel overwhelmed. I panic and think, “I just can’t do one more thing!” I need to remember that He doesn’t need me to do one more thing. He’s going to do one more thing– maybe through me– if I just say yes.
I moved from Australia to Canada when my husband got offered a pastor’s job. We got a passport for me and my two young children, sold off most of our possessions, and packed up to move all in 6 weeks. A step of faith as I don’t like change
wow! I must admit that obedience is a big challenge for me. I argue with God more than I want to admit. I know that I am learning. In recent months, things have gotten tough. Personal challenges have arisen in my home and at work. I’m not a single mother of 2 boys (1 of them is a teen). Their dad has become a regular absentee dad and that is terribly sad. And I’ve been placed in a challenging spot at work that I now have come to realize is God’s plan and placement but it is hard. I’m reading the scriptures and trying to figure this all out and be obedient to Him but again I say, it is not easy. However, I have faith that He will see me through. I am about to begin a bible study with some coworkers using Unglued. I cannot wait. I must wait to get my hands on the book, but I am so bad at patience 🙂
Lysa, Thank you for sharing. What a precious gift to give this man: the very Word of God. What a remarkable story of what happens when we are willing to obey. I have always been fascinated with stories from missionaries about the adventures God leads them through when they say yes to God. From a young age, I felt compelled to give to missions and pray for missionaries. In 2006, during my last year of college, I was at a missions conference when God asked me to take a step of faith and give a year of my life to serve in Eastern Europe. I knew nothing about the country he was asking me to go to. I had never been overseas. With an invitation from a family serving in this particular country and God asking me to go, I signed up for a year. So in 2007, as a recent college graduate, this shy, insecure women said yes to God and it changed my life.God did an amazing work in my heart and life as I trusted Him to guide my steps.
Thank you as always, Lysa, for allowing God to use you!!
I said yes to God when I was asked to lead a retreat for a large group of women at my church. I prayed about it for several days before saying yes because I really couldn’t believe that this was something that God wanted me to do. God was asking me to do something way out of my comfort zone. Isn’t that when it really gets good? Times like that are an awesome opportunity to see God’s hand in all that it taking place.
I was at my deadline of giving an answer to lead the retreat or not and as I opened my Proverbs 31 devotion that day, there was my answer in black and white. Literally, all the answers I had been giving myself why not to accept the role were also used as examples in the devotion. I knew the Holy Spirit had given me my answer that day, through a P31 devotion. Amazing!!! The Holy Spirit continued to use the same verse used that day over and over again during the planning for the retreat and even afterwards in other decisions in my life.
I shared the devotion with the team of women working with me and hopefully inspired many others to sign up for the daily devotion which continues to be a blessing in my inbox everyday! I am amazed at how many times the topic of the devotion speaks directly to my heart and causes me to want to act on it and change for the better…open up and say yes to God! Thank you for sharing all the stories you share with others and for all the women you work with that do the same in order to help to build up the Kingdom of God!
I recently purchased the book What Happens When Young Women Say Yes to God for my daughter, now after reading your blog today I may need to just purchase the Women’s copy for myself. Thank you and may God continue to bless you and your beautiful ministries!
Obedience is hard…or maybe I’m just stubborn! The church I attend has been in existence for two years. We are relatively small and there are only a few children of members and several neighborhood children who attend regularly. We rocked along for a little while with various people taking turns teaching the children. Not good enough for God – He told me to teach the children, I argued with Him for several weeks. I am an elementary school teacher and I did not want to teach the children – I told God I taught children all day every day and I did not want to teach them at church. Guess what?! I am teaching children’s church Sunday’s and Wednesday’s and they have brought joy to my heart, I am learning more, praying more, studying more and my relationship with my Father has grown deeper and stronger. I am thankful for finally being obedient what a blessing I would be missing otherwise.
Thank you for you obedience to share your heart with me!
Wishing I could say that I am always obedient to God, but, alas, my own selfishness gets in the way. One of the ways I am trying to be obedient to God is by listening before speaking. Holding my tongue, as the saying goes. God always has the right answer to questions and sometimes it is better to be quiet and listen, instead of spouting out the first thought in my mind. God will provide answers, it’s not up to me. I just want to show God’s love and glory through all I say and do. 🙂 Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
I cannot tell you how much the phrase God paused for you today has impacted me! I would love to get my hands on a copy of this book. If I do not win, I will be certainly praying for provisions to allow me to purchase it!
Lysa, I know how hard obedience can be. God called my husband and me to adopt a then 9 year-old boy in 2006. We came up with every excuse in the book why we couldn’t bring a boy that age into our home to be our only child, how we weren’t equipped to be the parents of a child with that kind of baggage, how he would be better off with parents who knew HOW to be parents, and on and on. Finally, after we realized that God wasn’t going to let this go, we relented. I won’t lie, it has been so hard at times. But this young man will be 17 in November, and while he has presented us with all the challenges that comes with being every age he has been, he is also a joy. He looks just like he was born into our family – acts like it too! 🙂 He loves Jesus, loves going to church and tries to set a good example for the younger kids at church…so I get what you’re saying!!
Hi Lisa,
What an awesome powerful story, Lisa. I am on my way shortly to a job interview and I have tears streaming down my face after reading this. I need to pull myself together! May God continue to bless you in your writing and teaching.
I am in the process of mailing A Confident Heart by Renee Swope to a young mother that recently lost her husband and is currently suffering with depression. I wanted to go back to the bookstore to purchase a copy of the book for her, but The Lord laid it upon my heart to give get my copy. I will obey!
I almost ” skipped” over this as just another message. I didnt, and you really touched my heart this morning. Thank you
So many times God has asked me to obedient but the last year has been the hardest. A year ago my husband lost his job with six children at home the world would have said figure something out, be angry and ask why. We chose to hang on to God. Two weeks later I got a blood clot in my leg. Scared we still chose to hang on to God. Two weeks later my sister in law died at the age of 62. Again we chose to hang on the God. While trying to figure out whether to go to memorial for my sister in law. My husband felt that we should stay home. That Sunday our seven year old daughter had another seizure and had to be brought by ambulance to the hospital. We were both there for her as we had listened to the Lord. It was now September my husband still had no job. Along came our anniversary and in the mail came a letter from an attorney saying that his sister had left us some money. We knew it was a provision from the Lord. The letter said that we would not receive any money until June 2013. We were fine with that. The Lord would provide. Okay so sometimes I questioned but still deep down believed he would. Months before my husband lost his job we had decided to take the kids to Disney for the first time. Our kids had not gone because we had been busy for the last ten years or so taking care of ailing parents and adopting children (four with special needs). Anyway the day before we were to go ( all the kids clothes were pack and they did not know we were going to surprise them) I went to the doctors and found out I had another blood clot and would have to be hospitalized immediately. My daughter, her husband and children were going to Disney with us. The tears began and continued. They left without us. Again I see the hand of God. You see we were to be driving and if the clot moved or got worse I could have died. So again we were thankful. That thanksgiving when I wasn’t sure where we would get the money for Christmas a check for $20,000.00 came in the mail from my sister in law’s estate as the first payment. Again God’s timing could not have been better. By the end of February, I think, we had received all of the inheritance. We could breathe. My husband still does not have a job but God has provided. We have not gone hungry and our children have not gone with out. So listen and be obedient to God even when you cant feel him or see him. He is there!!
I would love to have a copy for the upcoming study! Just signed up!
Saying yes to God to do something is a hard lesson to learn. Even harder is the saying yes to NOT do something. I have always followed God’s leading in teaching, helping, guiding, singing, organizing, doing anything asked or presented to me. I have lead classes I never thought I would, taught lessons on things I never dreamed of teaching, and singing in places I never though possible. The hardest time to follow God’s leading though was a time when I was to step down from a position to allow for a new leader to take over. This came at an unexpected time when all was going well, the ministry was doing great, and no one thought a change was anywhere in the near future. I was asked to step down to allow for a new leader to take complete charge of the ministry while I was to sit on the sidelines and watch. Watch as change took place around me. Watch as growth took its place in the ministry. Watch as new faces took the position I had held for several years.
That sitting and watching was the hardest thing to do. Still is. But knowing that God has a plan, has a mission, has a purpose in all that takes place is the one thing that has made this transition possible. I won’t say easy. It hasn’t been easy. But possible.
When God tells you to do something, you do it. That is what I have always been taught. It was just really hard when God said what I was to do was nothing. A time of nothing. Who would have thought sitting still would take so much work?
My family and I are going through a really rough time right now. I lost my job awhile back and recently so did my daughter. Also on the same day her car quit working so now transprotation is a problem. We also have some health issues we are dealing with. I know God has a plan. I just hope we will be able to stay strong and keep faith. I also hope we will be able to see the direction God has for us to go and be willing to say yes when he asks. Thank you Lysa, for all you do and for your words of encouragement. God Bless.
Last spring I had just finished my 3rd (or 4th or 5th, who was counting?) reading of Made to Crave and began to eat lunch. As reached for a potato chip, I felt the Lord speak to me, “everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial”. I though, Lord if you are asking me to not eat these chips, then I will throw them out. I did just that and then the Lord took away my desire for chips of any kind. When I look at them or think about them now, it is like looking at a spoonful of Crisco. What a picture! That was a beginning and over the next 8 months I lost 50 pounds. What a blessing to say YES to God.
One day after serving at a local homeless shelter and visiting with one of the ladies there, the next morning as I was taking a bath the Lord clearly told me to call the shelter and ask to speak to Jane and take her to lunch. So I did and she said yes….but when i got there she wasn’t there. So I tried to contact her again a few days later but she would not return my calls. However…I obeyed the Lord.
Sometimes I truly thought I heard from God to find myself in a mess and there have been times where I listened to God and it blessed others. I have had to learned to discern His will and voice over just me “feeling” like I am supposed to do something. It has to come from His prompting for it to be fruitful. I know I heard from Him last year amidst a time of chaos and asking Why? as our family was experiencing such pain due to a miscarriage and my husbands loss of a job. God instructed me to spend time with Him first thing in the morning and to be quiet in His presence. God gave me a verse Proverbs 3:5 to rest on and to declare over our lives. He gave us peace and took care of our family financially. I have learned it must be His will and even through the dark times He is there always.
I do not have many life changing stories of radical obedience but I think change is on the way….during my prayers this morning I felt distracted and decided to look at the proverbs 31 website instead of the psalm I thought I should be reading. I read about the bible study and had to chuckle. I was just telling my husband last night before bed that I needed to get back into a study. I just didn’t know where, when and what. Well, I think I have found one! This will be my first on line bible study but I am excited to jump in. I am starting to see that “interruptions” to my thoughts, my plans and even my study are ways God is nudging me. I am glad He interrupted me and nudged me to this study. I am ready to say yes more often!
What an amazing testimony of what can happen when we say “yes” to God. I always get choked up reading/hearing things like that because it’s a great reminder to me of why obedience is so beautiful.
A few months ago I was grocery shopping, and there was a woman on the corner by the traffic light, holding a sign asking for food. I felt very prompted to pick up a few extra things for her while I shopped. When I was done and drove back out, she was still there – so I gave her the things and gave her a smile. I should have offered to pray with her, but traffic was backing up… I did pray FOR her, but I should have followed through completely with the Spirit’s prompting – not just providing food for her body, but perhaps for her soul as well. It serves to remind me to be COMPLETELY obedient!
Thank you for sharing your experience from that day on the plane. I have felt that God has been leading me to purchase a new study Bible to use and mark it up over the next year to give to my son when he heads off to college next year. Your story today was more conviction of what I was being lead to do – I will be going today to purchase a new Bible to load with a years worth of notes for him to take as he starts his new adventure next year.
Saying “yes” to God…woke me up every morning at 3AM for months. Really I can’t even remember how long this went on.
The message I heard from The Lord was, “Pray for Ted!” Every single morning at 3AM.
So I was obedient. I prayed for him each morning at 3AM.
Day after day, week after week, month after month. As The Lord directed the “how” but not the “why”.
I attempted to contact Ted.
No results.
I also tried to contact his wife.
Months later, I finally heard back from his wife concerning Ted.
I was informed that Ted was in a huge, well known, overcrowded prison in our state.
“A White Collar Crime” they call it.
We were able to communicate via letters.
The content of his letters was often blacked out.
I was incredulous when I discovered the “why” when I was able to visit Ted at the prison.
Every morning at around 3 AM, Len had been harassed, beaten, or an attempted molestation took place.
Then, he was “mysteriously” strengthened, emboldened, encouraged.
He was assigned library duty at one point.
He began to read a bible he found.
He began to pray again.
He began to share what he was learning with other inmates.
He became a new man from the inside out.
He shared all this with me.
We both offered tearful and grateful thanks to God for our “joint” obedience.
So Lysa…I treat each and every request from God with deliberate and conscious obedience!
Thank you for this very timely post! Yesterday we put our daughter, son-in-law, and two grandchildren on a plane to go to India as missionaries for a year. It was one of the hardest ‘yes God’ moments in my life. What an encouragement to see how He can use our yeses for His great glory!
Lysa ~ I have been reading a book called God Whispers and here is a small section that resonated with me.
Messages From God
Believe that the universe speaks to you,
And you will be privy to endless chatter.
Believe that God leaves you secret messages to uncover,
And your life becomes an endless treasure hunt.
Messages from God are everywhere.
Listen, watch
Get it on a whisper
God is leading you down gentle paths.
I have been touched by your words time and time again. Here yet again, I am on a work break and only to read one of my most favorite verses: Proverbs 3:5. How amazing, as I shared this with my friend who has been fighting cancer for the past 5 years. She asked for prayers and I shared with her this verse. I am over-struck with emotions right now and can only say:
Wow! This post had me nearly in tears! So amazing how God works things out, it’s so good to know that His plans are bigger than we can ever know.
I was 21 when I began my journey in ministry, I was a volunteer youth leader for 2 years. After I got married a lot of things changed including my church membership. I became a member of my husbands church and even tho asked quite often to take the youth pastor position I continually declined.
I thought I was telling people no, what I eventually realized was I was telling God no.
To make a long story short I decided that saying yes to God may not be the easy but it is worth it, here I am 27 years old and my husband and I are the youth pastors at this church, getting ready to take our test to become licensed.
I have had the opportunity to pour into the lives of these teenagers over the years and to see the fruit that they bear as they grow in Christ, makes all the hard work worth it.
The yes is always worth it.
Reading this just made my spirit scream “I WANT TO BE LIKE THIS, LORD!!”. I want to make a difference, I want to be bold enough to share the love of Christ. I recently had a radical hysterectomy done to remove cervical cancer and I have struggled so much with anger and feeling hurt that God allowed this to affect me and my family. I have found it difficult to pray and read my Bible, my heart is just broken and fear has become a familiar emotion that haunts me. I say all of this to try and explain the place I was in when I was at the hospital Friday with my aunt. There was a man in the ER with stomach pain and I overheard him telling the doctor that he has had stomach cancer in the past and that he is sure it is back because he feels the same, only worse. I could feel God pushing me to go to this man and pray for him. My first thought is how in the world can I do anything for this man when I am such a mess myself, but the prompting continued. I mustered up as much courage as I could and walked over and asked if I could pray for him. He welcomed it, puting his hand in mine and praying softly as I declared healing over his body & asked Jesus to heal ever infirmity in his body. At that very moment, I felt I was exactly where I should be in the world. I felt so much peach and joy and it made me realize that I am here for a purpose and it gave me new hope that He still has great plans for me! I want to always say yes to the Lord. It is exactly where I should be in this world, always saying yes to my Lord. Thank you for sharing your story, it gave me a fresh new desire today! God Bless You!!
Oh my – this touched me today…thank you for sharing your heart.
We, as a family, said “yes” to God when we could not deny that He wanted us to foster and then adopt a meth addict’s 18-mo old daughter. It has been the hardest road I have ever taken, and I must admit it has torn down every shred of every fabric of every decent human part of me…I have never been more convinced of my need of a Mighty Savior then in the last 7 years. At times I have banged on the gates of Heaven shouting “why us?” and yet…I just trust God. I trust Him in my weaknesses, and I trust Him when the future looms fearfully. I trust Him when I actually walk in the Spirit, and I trust Him when I fail to allow Him to work…every.darn.day. I trust Him when I pray every morning for grace and patience, and I trust Him when in 5 seconds flat after my prayer I lose my cool. All I know to do is cling to Him and trust Him to work out all thing for our good.
That said, thank you very much for this very timely post. I know He had this moment perfectly planned.
I loved this message! I had goose bumps while reading it – espsecially the part “God paused for you today” – wow! I am trying to listen to God more and recently stepped out of my comfort zone by going up to a lady in the supermarket and touched her arm and told her that “God told me to let you know you’re mother is fine” I had no idea who this woman was or what this message meant, but I most certainly felt God urging me to tell her this. After speaking with her a few minutes, I found out that she recently lost her mother suddenly and was so concerned and upset over whether her mother was with her Savior or not. Chills to say the least – but I felt so much peace after telling her. We serve an Awesome God! Just listen to Him!
I answered God’s call to obedience in a big way a few years ago. I had a very strained relationship with my father, and I knew God was telling me that it was time to forgive him. So with some help, I was able to process through the emotions and truly forgive him from my heart. But then God told me that I needed to go home and tell my dad that I forgave him. “Um… no, that’s ok God. I feel much better, I’m at peace… plus, I don’t know if you’re aware, but my dad is an angry man. It just wouldn’t go over well.” This went on for 6 months… I gave God every excuse why I couldn’t go home and talk to my dad.
But God wouldn’t let up… so finally I relented. Covered by the prayers of friends, I drove home and pulled my dad and my mom (in case I needed backup) into the kitchen, and read my dad the letter I had written when I had gone through the forgiveness process.
And to my surprise, he didn’t argue or get defensive. He listened. Then I heard my dad tell me for the first time that he loved me and was proud of me. I was 25 years old. Fifteen months later, on my 27th birthday, the Lord took my dad Home.
If I had not been obedient, I would have missed out on over a year of a restored relationship with my dad. I would have had to say goodbye to him with bitterness still in my heart. But instead, I have a deepest sense of peace that God has placed in my heart because I listened (eventually) to God’s calling and reconciled with my dad.
And in the past 5 years, God has used my story to touch others because I have been obedient to tell it. He has used it to draw others to Him and help them to forgive those who have hurt them. And also to encourage them to act quickly when He is calling so they don’t miss out on the blessing that comes from obedience.
I remember a time in college when I was asked to participate in an urban outreach program for the summer called City Lights in St. Louis. I had already done a small outreach during a previous spring break and felt close to the leaders. I was planning to go back home to MS after I took some summer classes. When they asked me to be involved, I knew I did not want to because of the extra cost and I wanted to enjoy the rest of my summer carefree.
After I finished my classes in St. Louis at my college, I was walking back to my room and just felt like it wasn’t time for me to go home yet. I was thinking, what other reason do I have to stay and remembered the City Lights opportunity. I emailed the leader that morning that I had I change of heart if he had availability I was willing to be a part of the program. THAT DAY he was at my room with books and resources and all the things I needed prepare.
That summer was filled with new friendships, children giving their hearts to Jesus, and me learning about a possible teaching gift!! I think about what if I had just let that opportunity pass I would have missed so much. God provided in a miraculous way and I didn’t have to pay for the summer out of pocket thanks to a generous giver!!
I’m thankful for my miracle moments and for saying yes to Jesus! 🙂
A friend posted this story on Facebook today with the heading ” A MUST read gals, you know who you are♥” And it really WAS meant for me today! Lysa, I have heard you on the radio and seen you on TV, but this was my introduction to your writing, and it was well appreciated! I will see you again,” between the words,” for sure now, Thank you Lord and thank you Lysa!
ps: …and thank you Lori for re-posting, it was perfect for today…
I’ve been a christian all my life but it hasn’t been until recently that I’ve really started studying and reading my bible every single day. (I was given a chronological bible by a friend and it keeps me on track! I also watched the whole Bible series when it was on tv in the beginning of the year and fact checked them the whole time through! That series made some things just come alive to me!)
I am overjoyed and learning new things every day just by being obedient to get into the word. Right now I feel God calling me to lead my pastor search committee even though I am young and have no experience!! I want to be obedient to that call but I’m scared!
Loved this post : ) Love your books and insights. Thanks for sharing and being real!
I think I say “yes” to God probably more times than I actually do…..and sometimes it means saying “no” 1st to something else. As a bi-vocational ministry couple to a small struggling congregation the past couple years, we have seen some roots go down but not much in the way of ‘new shoots’ or new people coming. But there was 1 who had a baby who started coming occasionally and I helped get the musty forgotten nursery cleaned up to be ready ‘just in case.’ I remember thinking: what if she doesn’t come anymore? Or Is it worth it for ‘just 1’? We pressed on in faith getting things presentable and sanitary for any potential little one/s, knowing God sees and it would not be in vain.
The next Sunday I felt like I should say “no” to accompanying the worship on keyboard, to ‘take a break’ I thought and just participate in the back row for a change (the pianist was there to do the main part!). Lo and behold, not only the new gal with her baby came partway during the service, but 2 other young moms visiting with one of our senior saints, and their 4 children! The Lord had paved the way to help me be ‘ready’ for the 5 precious children and more importantly their 3 moms who needed to hear the Truth and be loved by our fellowship.
That was a faith-building lesson, for sure, and soon after that my husband also shared a message about “God will pursue even 1 person” as we are going through Acts (Ethiopian eunuch, Lydia, and so many others!). And as a bonus, the spanish church who uses our building was so happy to see the nursery available again so they could use it to for their few little ones too! Saying “yes” to God always results in a blessing for someone else, and ultimately us as well!
You don’t know how much I needed this today… apparently God did…wow!
I am so inspired by you, this post and
Well I am speechless!
thank you, thank you, thank you!
And God Bless you!
Brought tears to my eyes. I have an acquaintance whose husband is dying of liver cancer. She claims to be an atheist and her hopelessness breaks my heart. I want so badly to be able to show her hope and peace. I know that what she is going through is terrible and ugly and ripping her heart out. I just show her love as much as possible.
Teaching is my everyday job. So sometimes this means I don’t really feel like teaching on Sundays. However, God has called me back into teaching my daughter’s small group every Sunday. I will stay w/the group until they transition to Youth. It has been a blessing to have her in class & have a chance to get to know her friends. At this time, I feel like I have many situation that I need to be patient & wait to obey God. I want to say YES to HIm when He asks.
I am right smack in the middle of this journey. I have felt the regret and pain of not saying yes to God. Slowly I am learning to say yes and trust Him. I cry when I think of it. Trusting God had been an issue for me for as long as I could remember. But it is something that He and I are working on together. He is worthy of my trust. I’m so grateful for His patience with me. Thank you Lysa for allowing yourself to be used by Him to set the captives free! Including me!
I don’t have a ‘yes’ story. But I do have a Bible story. I lost my Bible with all my personal notes, sentimental bookmarks my children made, my babies markings, highlighted favorite versus etc.. I pray that who ever has it has a great story coming to know Him because of it!
Mercy. Still crying today after this post. Thank you. Gotta read this book. Yes, yes, YES!
A year ago, God helped to guide me into the real meaning of spirituality, By his grace, he has not only taken away my desire to drink, he has also moved me into learning the bible, not just reading it, through bible coarses on line and independant studies. I am very excited to be a part of this study. I feel that God is guiding me the entire way. I just happened upon your sights, and although I won’t be able to afford the book until August, I know that it is his plan for me to be apart of this experience.
I’m still struggling with say yes to God. I’ve grown up in the church and I know God is real but I’ve struggled with saying yes. I’ve been let down too many times and don’t know how to get over it. I’m not sure what God has in store for me. I read my word every morning, some days I miss but I’m yearning to say yes and understand God’s will for me.
First, I said yes to God by just clicking this post on facebook. There was a reluctance today as I’m a bit exhausted but reading the first line about giving away your Bible . . . well, I felt God push me to read the whole story! I’ll admit I have a lot of growing to do in this area right now but I recently took a step of faith that God blessed. My father died when I was 18 and a kind neighbor wanted to show her love for me during that time. She baked me 3 dozen of the BEST chocolate cookies on the planet. While grieving, I ate those cookies and began to recall my childhood when I didn’t have to worry about calories! I also began to recall memories of my father when he was healthy and happy, prior to his illness. In fact, each time I ate a cookie, I stopped to think of him that way and slowly over those 30+cookies and a few weeks, the memories of him sick and dying faded a bit and so did some of the pain. Anyway, a few weeks ago, a friend of ours who seems like he is searching for God, lost his father. I felt this prompting to bake him cookies so I said yes to God and did. I enclosed a letter explaining why I was baking him “remembrance cookies” and my prayers for God to comfort him during his pain. So many things in my head where telling me this was a ridiculous thing to do – I barely know him, he may find this annoying or juvenile! and so many other excuses. But I baked the cookies and being gluten free I knew I couldn’t eat them so I had to give them to someone . . . might as well be him and in the way God was prompting. So long story shorter – I dropped the cookies off to his house. A week later he called my husband and thanked him. He has kept the letter and was truly touched by our concern and prayers for him. We truly feel blessed by God that we were allowed to do something as simple as baking cookies for His glory. Thanks for letting me share that with you!
WOW — that’s all I can say! What an amazing story — thank you for sharing.
A time when I answered God’s call to be obedient is when He asked me to volunteer to be the woman who shares their testimony at the woman’s monthly gathering at church. At that time, I was a fairly new Christian and didn’t feel like I had anything to really share yet. I didn’t even have a testimony written out so I had no idea how I was going to be the speaker at the gathering just a few weeks away. I couldn’t ignore the strong prompting and so despite my fear and feelings of inadequacy I volunteered. The ways in which God used my testimony that evening blew my mind. Not only did it change my heart, bring me further healing from my past, and increase my faith, but God used it to speak into others lives as well. One family in particular found confirmation in what I shared to make a big change that the Lord had been asking them to act on, which they ended up doing and contacted me months later to let me know how drastically their lives had changed for good. It also opened up the door for a relationship with my unbelieving sister-in-law who came to the event to hear my testimony. After sharing that night, I was also approached by a woman leading a marriage study on the book “Love and Respect,” asking if I’d be willing to come and speak to their group. I did not obey God in that and have always wondered what God had planned with that which didn’t happen due to my disobedience. Can’t wait to read your book Lysa and do the study so that I can make sure to be a Yes girl in all instances!
Saying yes to God, what a freeing but challenging thing to do. I first said “yes” to God when I accepted Jesus as my Savior as a child. If only saying “yes” were always so easy, as it was then. Fear- that is truly what holds me back, but 3 years ago I suppose God put a fearlessness in my heart when he asked me to move 12 hours away to a job in South Carolina, where I knew…no one. Not a soul. I loved my work as a therapist for children with special needs back in KY, and was devoted to my time interpreting for a deaf child in my church, but my service to children consumed my life, and I didn’t have much of one otherwise… I vacationed in Hilton Head with my parents that summer, toting with me stacks of therapy paperwork to catch up on, laptop and all on the beach. I fell in love with the area and wondered, on a whim, if there were any therapist jobs in the area. I saw one posted and inquired…and they called me on our last day of vacation for an interview. I prayed and prayed, and despite how I loved the comfort of home and sameness and being overloaded with work, I tearfully said “yes God, I will move far away to a beautiful place, and trust you have a plan”. Since that bittersweet trusting, God introduced me to my best friend and now husband, and He continues to unfold His plan for me here. Three years goes by so fast. This post reminded me to count my blessings, and that when I fear saying “yes” I should remember that He gave me the biggest blessing of my life when I followed His will in moving here. I’m still learning how to say “yes” to God as a wife and hopefully mother soon. Would love to be a part of this study!
I was on vacation last week. Part of the vacation I went home to Va Beach. My grandmother lives there and I never go visit her when I am at home. She turns 97 this month. I don’t have relationship with her and had not seen her in 7 yrs.On the drive home I felt like I was to go and see her. I did not understand why but I did go. Because I went my siblings also went. I left her home not feeling all that great even though see seemed very glad for the surprise visit. God used this visit to deal with me about forgiveness. I realized that I have a part to play in the healing of this relationship. It is never to late.
What an AWESOME story!!!
Just love Lisa’s work…so excited to read this one!
One day around dinner time I got a phone call from my oldest brother who has been a drug addict for 20 years. I thought to myself not to answer it because it is my busiest time of the day. However I chose to answer the call. During the conversation he shared that he was devasted to find out that the girl who had his child was dating again and now some other man was going to step into his place as a father. He was forced to deal for the first time in his life with his own emotional pain. That day I had the privlege to pray the prayer of salvation with him over the phone. Since that time things got worse before they got better. However God has used that in his life to draw my brother to Himself. He spent 6 months in prison reading his bible and praying and now is drug, alcohol and cigarette free for the first time in 25 years. He is perusing God with all that he has. & I love that I get to watch God at work daily in his life.
I have always hoped to make amends, to be given the opportunity by God to ask for forgiveness for someone I hurt deeply nearly 15 years ago. However recently I felt God urging me to stop waiting and start acting. So I met with a pastor and prayed about it. I also asked a friend to join me in the process and to pray with me. Wouldn’t you know it, God completely opened up the door of opportunity for that to take place. It was in the form of a letter so I may never know the results of it here in this life and that is okay with me but humbling myself to submit to the process was in and of itself a great victory for me. Finally faithful, rarely obedient but man does it feel good when I actually am!!!!
I said yes to a women’s church retreat and have never regretted it. Now I’m part of the team that puts on the retreat for others! God has richly blessed me and has allowed me to be part of other women’s blessings!
Lysa, I can’t believe what I just read…….I just signed up for your blog today, I’m signed up for the Say Yes study. I just spoke with my daughter who will be signing up ;O) I ordered my book, today. I was blessed with the 31 verses and the beautiful idea of the scripture box, and then I read “A soul that longs for more”, wow. I crocheted this beautiful throw for my sons best friend Adam, who will be going off to college this August, and will be pursuing his baseball dream. I placed the throw in a gift box, and I felt God nudging me to give Adam my old bible (It’s a one year bible). I thought “how can I God”, and just ignored the nudging. I just walked over and took the bible off my bookshelf and will be giving it to this precious child. Thank you, thank you, thank you… I’m sorry Lord for my no!, and thank you for Lysa’s story……..I am totally blessed.
Hi Lysa, Thank you for sharing your incredible Bible given away story! God does work in AMAZING ways when we say YES! The adoption of our 2nd son was an example of this for me. We had seen his picture on a website and even asked for all his info so we could decide if we were going to commit to bring him home. We were dragging our feet, then one Sunday in church I heard God speak to my heart very distinctly during a silent prayer. “WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? THIS BOY NEEDS A HOME?” We said YES to God and made the decision that day to bring him home. It took 17 long months, but Josiah came home from Guatemala, and has been our son almost 7 years now 🙂 We are still VERY GLAD we said yes God, we are here, and we will obey!
I did the right thing, but the result has caused me to be in a shelter… my prayer partner asked God to show me WHY this one and NOT ANOTHER ONE that I would have preferred. Today at breakfast, one of the women said, “I used to be religious, but not anymore…” We were interrupted and so I didn’t get a chance to pursue it at the moment, but I felt God in my heart saying, “She is why you’re here.” She has a young child that needs some of my professional skills, too. I am so glad that God gives me these divine appointments.
I pray that God gives me a sensitive heart, the right words to say, and the right timing. It is so humbling to see that you are being used by God to help someone else. I am so grateful for what he has done in my life, that I just HAVE to share it.
I really hope that I will be one of the 5 people to win the book because I didn’t see that you had to have the book until after I signed up for the online bible study. I am in school full time (too) & buying another book is just not in the budget. I was going to try to unsign-up (is that a word?), but I decided to wait… God is very good at providing this or some other way.
My husband decided to leave our very successful film production business to work full time at our church. I knew it was a huge pay cut and a huge change for us, I asked him not to tell me how little we were going to have to live on. I trusted God, but not myself. I have never regretted that huge leap of faith! God is good and has given us all our needs. I am so thankful.
Lysa..thank you for sharing this incredible story of strength and courage. I sooo needed this today. God is challenging me in many ways and it’s been hard to releas control and just say, “Yes!” Your testimony today renewed my faith and encouraged me that God sees and knows all things- and in saying yes – many can be blessed. Thanks again for sharing..you continue to touch lives-thanks for your boldness and courage to say, Yes!!
A time when I was obediant to God’s call:
I am a volunteer counsellor at a Pregnancy Crisis Centre and this has been my main ‘comfortable’ role for over three years now. Then an opportunity came for the formation of a support group for mum’s who had babies but were struggling with life issues and isolation in society. I felt the gentle pull of God’s voice saying get involved I need you in this new work. I am more of a background person, but since responding to this call I have been involved in the planning team initially and now the group is up and running with up to 10 mum’s with babies. This has stretched me beyond my imagination and I have faltered once or twice in confidence, but on these occasions I clearly recalled God’s words ” You can do ALL things in MY strength”. My lesson in all this is that inspite of weakness in natural ability or lack of confidence, God can and will use a willing heart, when it responds in obediance. That is all that is needed and He will do the rest through the Holy Spirit in us..
The truth is I don’t always say “yes” to God, but I want to and feel like I do more and more these days. Some days it’s just in ordinary ways that I say “yes” . . . when I really don’t want to accept an invitation from my neighbor to a meal with people I do not want to be around, but I smile and say I’d love to be there. Or when someone calls and asks if I’m busy (and I am) and can she stop by and talk. I immediately drop what I’m busy at and invite her over. Sometimes big stuff comes of these interruptions, but mostly I think I’m watering a seed that’s been planted. But then, who better to water these precious souls than me? Then there are the big “yesses” to God . . . like deciding to move to northwest Ohio where we know no one and we don’t want to be, rather than moving 30 minutes from our oldest daughter and her family, where I desperately want to be. But we felt God’s call stronger to Ohio, and there’s no place I want to be more than within God’s best will! Sure enough, God had work that was just right for us in Ohio and His church has been stirred up a bit and His kingdom has grown because we made that choice. (And we got to have a great family reunion with all our kids and grands together for the first time in such a long time!) It just doesn’t get better than that this side of heaven.
I was what they called a, “baby in Christ”. I just began to get my life in order when I was asked to teach toddlers and adolescents in Sunday school. I didn’t feel comfortable doing so because of my past and I felt as though I wasn’t spiritually ready to lead others. I taught the class although I was skeptical. A little voice spoke and said, “just give it a try!” I went home dwelling on whether I should do this again. A couple days later, a child’s grandmother told me what her grandchild told her she had learned. All I could do was smile! God had placed me in that position although I thought different. The exeperince has been priceless! I’ve learned along the way as well! Listening to God when he told me to give it a try was the best decision I made besides deciding to give my life to Him. My relationship with Him is constantly getting stronger and I love my students.
I signed up as we were finishing Stress Less Living. I am so blessed to have Christian girlfriends that mentioned this organization and I have shared you with many of my friends and continue to share. I joined the last class to have a common thread with a girlfriend back home as I had just moved to the other side of the country with my husbands job.(that was a Yes, God) Throughout the study I was dedicated to finding employment. After running a Christian based non-profit I had no idea what God had planned next and I was scared He was going to ask me to do something so far out of my comfort zone. He did. Makes sense as He’s never asked me to do anything easy. Hostile work environment- that was a portion of my last employment and it was scary to think God would ask me to experience something like that again. It scarred me. I know the only way I made it through to begin with was God. My earthly father always told me if it was worth having, it wouldn’t be easy. I determined after serious and very deep searching, God’s plan was for me to go home and to start a new career- start my own business. Definitely out of my comfort zone again. Yes, God, I’ll go, I’ll do, and I’ll keep steppin’ in faith.
I decided early this year to have a theme instead of a resolution. My theme- Steppin’ in Faith- that means every step I take everything I do, I do it with FAITH. I am God’s child, he loves me, will never harm me, and He has the big picture. So I just have to keep steppin. When things get hard, when I get stressed, I remember that I am stepping in faith and God’s my safety net.
This story is probably longer than you want, but it has been a turning point in my life.
I grew up in a wonderful Christian family and have known Christ as my personal savior since I was 7. I had always been active both in the local church and in my prayer and Bible study life. Until…
I lost my dad 7 years ago. 2 years before that my best friend lost her 17 year old daughter (who I had known since she was 2) in a car crash. Within those two years, both of my kids ‘left me’ to go to college and of course wanted nothing to do with Mom, we had moved from the house where I raised those precious two babies, Dad had been sick for some time and I was watching him die at the early age of 65, work was a nightmare, and I had a nervous breakdown because I just couldn’t cope with it all. I was lost in darkness and blamed God for everything. The anger I felt towards him was enormous!! How could he take my Daddy and my best friend’s child??? How could my wonderful children no longer need me after I had given them everything??? I couldn’t go to church, I couldn’t read the Bible, I couldn’t even talk about God. Total depression had taken over me and no amount of therapy or anti-depressants seemed to work. My whole family was upset with me for not moving on and tired of my negative behavior. It’s a miracle my loving husband didn’t just walk away!!!
But God had a plan of course. My best friend whose daughter had been taken would not leave me alone. She constantly talked of God and his blessings-BLESSINGS!! Even after God took her 17 year old baby girl home to heaven, she was ministering to me!! She gave me a book called “Loving God with All Your MInd” by Elizabeth George. She told me that she had worked through the book with her husband (great man by the way) and that God had told them I needed to read it.
Well, of course, I thought “If God wants me to read it, there’s no way I’m touching it!” So I put it in a closet. Funny thing though–it didn’t stay there. Every time I turned around, I found the book in a different place-my bedroom, the coffee table, the kitchen counter, the bathroom!! I thought I was nuts!!! I’d put it away every time but it would show up again!!! My husband swore he hadn’t touched it! My friend asked me about the book and I told her how it kept showing up in different places and she said “Well maybe you should read it before God throws it in your face!” I know it sounds unbelievable, but it happened.
So one day I was absolutely at my lowest point-I could hardly get out of bed-when i found it lying on the bedside table yet again. I finally said “Okay, God I get it. I’ll at least look through the table of contents and maybe you’ll leave me alone.” But He said to me in my heart so clearly that I could hear his beautiful voice “Listen to Me. Read just the first chapter. If you will just do that, I’ll quit moving the book.” Picking up that book was one of the hardest thing I had ever done. It felt like it weighed hundreds of pounds!!! But I read the first chapter like He told me and the book became lighter and lighter until I couldn’t put it down. The first chapter started with how Elizabeth George had dealt with depression and it pointed me to the verse from Phillipians that said basically, “whatever is true, whatever is real, whatever is lovely, whatever is positive, focus on these things.” I cried my way through the book the first time and have since reread it in part and the completely numerous times. It’s like the book was written FOR me!!
I suddenly realized that instead of listening and obeying God and focusing on anything true and lovely, I had been focusing on everything negative and ugly that Satan kept trying to shove in my face. Instead of focusing on all the wonderful years I had with my wonderful Christian father and the fact that he was now in heaven rejoicing and pain free, I focused on my loss. Instead of focusing on the spiritual lessons my best friend and her husband had discovered through their daughter’s loss, I was focusing on their pain. Instead of focusing on the fact that my husband and I, with God’s help, had raised two wonderful, Christian, independent adults, I was focusing on them not being under my roof-even though they were just a call away.
After reading just that first chapter, my heart felt at peace and I could see the light through the dark of depression for the first time in about 4 years. I called my friend and thanked her for the book, told her that I had read the first chapter and how much peace I already had. She told me, ‘Sam, I pray for you everyday,but God put you on my heart as soon as I got up this morning. I knew this was the day that God wanted to work in your heart and I’ve been praying all day for your peace through God.’ I was staggered!! That’s the best word to describe it. I couldn’t believe that after the way I had turned from and been so angry with God, He still cared enough to have friends praying for me.
God guided me through that book and then focused me toward ‘A Confident Heart” by Renee Swope. God highlighted the verse in Jeremiah that says “I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” That verse is posted on my bathroom mirror and my refrigerator and on my bulletin board at work. Over the last 2 years or so, through Christian books, but mostly through God’s word, I have come to understand that God had used every circumstance in my life to bring me to the point where I had no choice but to listen and obey Him. I also realize that had I not gone through all of these experiences, I wouldn’t be in the exact place I am today with a wonderful Christian husband who never stopped believing in me, Christian friends who pray for me daily, wonderful, successful and happy grown children who call me all the time now-well my daughter calls more than my son, but I guess that’s normal! I have a wonderful new son in law who is everything I wanted for my daughter. And I’m working at a job I love where I can spread God’s light and goodness. And it’s all because I obeyed and read just that first chapter and allowed God to speak to me through it. He may have had to almost knock me upside the head, but He got through. And I obeyed. I’m not perfect now and definitely do not do everything He wants me to do though I try, but I have learned that obedience to him brings such vast rewards-both internally and externally. He knows the plans he has for me, and it’s just my job to worship him and listen and obey so He can share those plans with me.
You’ve got me crying a river here in Ohio. Thank you so much for sharing your testimony! What a blessing out was too read!
Thank you for posting your comment. Combined with what Lysa said, It was just what I needed to read this morning. God has used your experiences to encourage me. God Bless You BOTH!
I am so blessed to have a friend forward this online bible study to me. Our church took off bible studies for the summer. I wasn’t aware of these studies and can’t wait to join – I am very lonely at home. In the past 3 years have been the hardest in my whole life. I have been thru so many emotions – I can’t list them all. August 2010 – I was married with two kids, house, and great full-time job I loved. On August 12, 2010, I lost everything with a 1 minute decision where I almost died in a car accident. I got out of a cab to tell my friend I only knew for three weeks to get out of my car – he was in the driver seat and wanted him to get in the cab with me. He had been drinking and argued with me and not liking confrontation – I gave in and stayed in my car in the back seat. Unfortunately, 5 minutes up the road, he crossed the yellow line and hit a girl head on and she died instantly and my SUV rolled over many times. Driver was thrown out of car and was ok, my arm was out of car while rolling and front seat passenger ended up behind me and was ok too. We were all flights for life and I ended up in critical care for 2 months and 4 more months in hospital. The pain was unbearable and only relief I got was people reading psalms or other bible chapters to me. My mom was so angry and my husband divorced me and took the house and our 2 kids away from me. I was devastated. After 9 surgeries, I lost part of my left arm above the elbow and had broken right arm also so I was helpless and only had God to rely on to live. Every other month I was back in hospital for 5 more surgeries, my family was so disappointed with me and that they have disowned me by not talking to me or inviting to family events and won’t allow me to see my boys that are 16 and 18. Devastated, lonely and living by myself, can’t stop crying, having a hard time finding a job with one arm, sad over the loss of the girls life … l can hardly hang on. BUT I have God on my side 100% and my family is the church attenders now! Staying in bible studies and small groups at church help keep me focus on Jesus first in my life. I’m telling you this story to hopefully help someone or your kids from experience this situation. Walk away from anyone that has consumed alcohol – call the police if it’s your car. Try to save lives and especially yours! The driver of my car is sitting in prison for 10 years. I can’t imagine going thru this without God on my side. He has a purpose for me – I do not drink anymore and I have shared my story at AA and plan on getting my story out to kids too somehow.
Wow!! Just reading a little and I’m already in shock. I came to learn about Lysa TerKeurst because I joined a small ladies bible study group near my home and we are on the study of “Unglued”… And all I can say is “wow!” and “God is good” because it is slowly turning my life around and I can’t wait for all that God has in store for my life. Thank you Lysa TerKeurst and Proverbs 31 Ministries for all everything you give to not just me but everyone that is searching for Him. Thank you a million times over!! xoxo
To be honest, I regret all the times that I haven’t said more. I almost feel unequipped to inform people the right way. I have several friends that I know have different views on God, and it isn’t that they don’t believe in Him at all but some don’t believe in Jesus (or at least that He is the Messiah). So, I feel that if they are pushed or challenged too hard they will simply shut down and it could potentially harm the relationship as well. I don’t want to be completely shut out because I want to be able to continue ‘planting seeds’. I often wish I could I go to Bible college, even at this stage in my life (married, two small children, trying to work full time) just so I could learn how to be a better witness, explain things better, etc.
I am just finishing up a Beth Moore study on Kind David. My prayer has been — Lord, help me to be a woman after Your own Heart. What perfect timing to get into this bible study. How better to be a woman after God’s own Heart than to learn how to be a woman who says YES! to God!! Very excited. Thank you Lord.
Wow, that is an inspirational testimony!
When I was in college my high school boyfriend broke my heart by telling me that he didn’t want to be a Christian. His family was Jewish and I had been fighting the thought that he was pretending to be a follower of Christ for 5 years. I was nearing the time that I wanted to get married and I assumed it would be to him, but God told me it was time to give this battle to Him. After weeks of not eating and being heartbroken I began to diligently search for the man of my dreams. I wanted to get married and soon! It was exhausting, not to mention embarrassing, the lengths I would go to for a guy’s attention just to get a date. One whole year past of this and my friend invited me to a Brandon Heath concert in Midland, TX. I LOVE Brandon Heath, and I was pretty sure God was calling me to marry him, so of course I had to go. At the time I had be particularly pursuing a guy I went to school with and worked with. That night at the Brandon Heath/Jars of Clay concert I felt an overwhelming feeling of peace, that everything would be okay and I wouldn’t be alone forever. The next day my now husband asked me to be his girlfriend and took me to the Texas Rangers World Series game 5 for our first date. <3
I “talk” to God throughout the day, kind of like an informal way of praying. I ask for help, guidance, etc. on different situations in my life, my family’s life, etc. I thank Him for what He has blessed me with, especially the life He has given me, the family that He has given me and all the ups and downs that came, and come, with it. I ask that He show me lessons that I failed to learn so that I don’t end up repeating past mistakes, and thank Him for seeing the good in me when I feel like an utmost failure and wonder at times why He continues to love me. It is my hope that He knows how much I love Him and that I want so much for Him to be proud of me. I have felt His gentle nudges, inspiring me to make right choices, to mind my tongue when I want to react to an unkind remark, to respond instead by treating the hurtful person as I would want to be treated and to search for the underlying reasons for their actions instead of just reacting. Stepping away from the situation, reflecting, and then responding. Hopefully I will master this one day. =) We are all here to learn to be more like Him.
I had dated a young man for four years and we were pre-engaged, back in the day. Great guy, wonderful family. I loved him. But for some reason, I went out on a blind date (told him I was going) and fell head over heels in love with the new guy. I asked God to help me choose which of the two was meant to be my soul mate. He sent a friend to speak to me also and her words of advice stuck with me. Breaking up was hard to do, but 36 years, two married children and two grandsons later, the 2nd guy and I are so very blessed and I thank God I let Him choose.
God called me to be home more with my 8 month old son. The financials do not work on paper, not at all. I could give you many reasons why this should be an irresponsible decision. But my husband and I felt God nudging, and so we are waiting patiently on Him.
Thank you for sharing this… with tears in my eyes I am so grateful for the continued nudging from the Lord… our pastor’s wife has been blogging this summer about saying “yes” to God… everyday – different ways we say yes & no… and her personal stories… victories & struggles… He has been working on me… how often I say no… and I am encouraged to say “yes” more often! then, along comes your email… wow Lord… just what are you doing… again He says… say “yes” to Me… trust Me… saying “yes” has so much to do with trust… Thanks again for sharing… blessings!
The one time I remember saying yes to God was when I just found out I was pregnant with my daughter. I had a dream. In my dream was a beautiful child telling me something was wrong with my baby. The child was speaking not with words but telepathically. I totally rejecting this message and I continued to have nightmares every night. The pregnancy continued fine but I still had these bad thoughts and dreams (actually terrifying). The last 8 weeks of my pregnancy I went to my last ultrasound and my baby had a birth defect (spina bifida). The baby in my dream was telling me the truth. I suffered with this for almost 8 months. After getting this devastating news I went into seclusion and prayer for a week. I found a picture of the Infant Jesus and the child in my dreams was that child. I asked God for mercy and said basically yes that I will love, care and cherish this baby who needs me. After that week, I came out of seclusion free from nightmares, dread and sadness. I took this new role that was given to me head on and with great energy and love. I researched doctors, teachers, therapists, anything I felt would help. Today my baby is 20, beautiful, strong, healthy and in College. I shudder to think what would have been if I said no.
Lysa, thank you for sharing this. I am so sure that my noes outnumber my yeses, but i so desire to be God’s YES girl!!! Thank you.
I absolutely love my job teaching in a public school and was, a few short weeks ago, planning new activities for the upcoming year. Completely content, I was approached about a new position which not only requires a new curriculum, doubles the amount of standardized testing. There is no rational reason to make a change like that, but I prayed with an open heart and received several clear scriptures that said, “Make the move.” The last few weeks have been busy, but I can see new ministry opportunities and have been blessed with even greater excitement and lots of new ideas. Looking forward to meeting new families and to seeing how God will meet needs.
June 16, 2009, I received a call from my brother that my Dad had a stroke. I did not want to leave my job and make the 2 1/2 hour drive. My Dad and I had always had a strained relationship due to his poor choices. I was reminded. Of the commandment to honor my Father, my Mother had passed away in 1996. I said yes to God that day and not only did I drive to the Hospital that day, I changed my life around to provide care for my Dad for almost 3 years. My Dad was not a believer, but we were able to put aside our difference, forgive each other and spend time together . The journey with my Dad changed me forever, this was Gods design. If I had said no to God that day! I would have missed out on so much. My Dad died February 3, 2012. I miss him so much, but am grateful for the time we shared.
Well just a few weeks ago we learned of some kids who had been removed from their home. Although we already have one high school girl and her one year baby, plus our birth daughter still at home, we are beginning to dream of the empty nest. But we said, “Yes, Lord!” So now my noble husband is surrounded by three high school girls, a wife and a baby. Another adventure awaits….and we love the Tour Guide!
Wow. God is so good. Here it is 5:30 am est. It’s another night of insomnia for me and I have been lying here in bed now for a couple of hours, playing with my smart phone. I decided to check my email and one step after another I found myself here. Sometimes I forget how amazing God is. I needed to read this blog today so badly. You see, I have a lifetime of times when I said yes to our Lord and saw miraculous things happen. However, I must admit I haven’t done so in 3 years, 11 months, 2 weeks and 4 days. You see I have been diagnosed with a very rare disease that I was born with. In 2007, I said yes to God and laid on my Bible and prayed for a healing miracle. Not.long after, my prayer was answered. I was healed. I wasn’t sick anymore and I stayed that way for three years. I said yes to God every time and I experienced God.in unexplainable ways. I rededicated my life to Christ as did my husband. My children were saved. We found an amazing church and served there. then in 2010, the disease came back with a vengeance. Its ugliness has penatrated every aspect of my life and has kept me from living the life I thought God plan and purposed for me when I went into remission. I THOUGHT. I was not planning on doing the Bible study. My reasons were many including not having the energy, time, or money. So, to speak the truth, after reading your blog I am now convinced (convicted) that I need to quit making excuses to God. Quit saying no and return to saying yes. To say yes without fear. Stop being afraid of what may happen when I do say yes. Regardless if what happens is not what I THINK should happen, I need to trust our Father. I pray that this book and study will help me with that.
Lisa, do you think it will?
I will be praying for you and this book/study as well as everyone participating. God bless you and thank you for this blog and for saying yes to God as well. In Christ, Bridgette
I just finished What Happens to Women When They Say Yes to God with a small group. Our last session was on Monday. I knew I was going to be doing another study this summer that God prompted me to do, which is Gideon. I really didn’t think I would have enough time to fit another study in. God told me he would have something wonderful for me after each of the studies. God spoke to me in early summer telling me to do the study What Happens to Women When They Say Yes to God. This study has been LIFE CHANGING for me. I am completely in awe what God has revealed to me through this study. Many questions I have been pondering in my heart have been answered in this study. Lysa’s prayer at the beginning of the day has become a very similar prayer for me. The 5 questions of knowing when God is speaking to you has cleared up many questions in my life. Knowing God’s will for us is really 3 simple things and everything else will unfold. I felt this study came at a great time in my life. I felt this study has given me direction in so many ways. I have the workbook and book so I don’t need either, but I do pray the women who receive the book are as blessed as I have been. Saying yes to God started with me listening to God to do this study.
This may sound a little odd, but the first thought that came to my mind, didn’t help anyone, but it improved my relationship with Christ. I was sitting on my patio one day, just being, when God spoke to me. I used to read and collect vampire novels. God very clearly told me to stop collecting them and eventually to quit reading them. A sad, funny thing is that there was a series that I was really into and the final book came out. I really, really wanted to read it. So, I bought it. I tried to read it, but I couldn’t. I never tried to read another again and the desire is gone.
Taking on a step son, and marrying a divorced man. HUGE blessings, but a lot of sacrifices as well.
This is so awesome. Something similar had happened to me a few years ago. I had just gotten a book and I was reading it on the plan and a woman was intrigured by it and so was I but after we got off the plan she asked me the name of the book and so I told her but no sooner than the words came out of my mouth, I felt God saying “Give it to her” . So, I did with some hesitation of course. Like the businessman, she was hesitate as well, but eventually took it. We exchanged emails and a couple months later, she emailed me. I have sent her an email or two. Yet, not that you have shared your story, I am compelled to reach out to her again and she how she is. Thank for saying to God.
I would like to read the book by your daughter, with the similar title. Today is my birthday, so hopefully, I can get some cash and purchase the book. I am at a season in my life, where I have been MANY times before, where I want and desire to know more and about God and what not, but this times seems different and I just thank God for it. I just ask God for the discipline to stay on task and to finish what is started and not give up or find excuses as to why I can not read today or exercise….the list could on and on, as I am sure you know.
Anyways, your story has touched me greatly and I pray that you continue to do what God tells you to do and even though I won’t be joining the study. I pray that the women who do, will be SO AMAZINGLY BLESSED!!
With love God bless,
Lysa, thank you for this post.
My biggest ‘yes’ so far….after my son passed away in 2010, I was depressed, grief-stricken and angry. The anger lasted the longest, though at times the grief comes and goes still.
Anyways…while I was angry with God and losing my son, He gentling asked me, “Do you believe in me?” Yes.
“Do you trust in me?” Yes.
“Then will you believe that this will turn to good, for you?”
Hardest question ever, and therefore the hardest to answer. Saying yes, meant I needed to stop being angry. I eventually said yes, and the peace and yes, joy, was(is) completely from God. Giving the anger to Him, and not carrying it anymore, was a huge step of faith for me.
I long for more ‘yes’ moments…
Thank you.
Lysa, thank you and God bless you for being who He called you to be. Your story and the other stories/comments have been such an encouragement to me. My story in brief is that six years ago, God asked me to say yes to leaving my husband of 10 years. My husband wasn’t very good to me, he suffers from bi-polar and wouldn’t stop drinking which only made matters worse. My mum and 2 good friends were the only ones who believed that I could be doing God’s’will by leaving my husband. I was so sure that it would be a short period of separation during which God would change him! I have two children who miss their dad very much (they were 3 and 8 years old at the time). The divorce which my husband was insisting on (and the aftermath) was a terrible time, very difficult financially as my husband refused to contribute in anyway. He still blames me for everything that was/is wrong with our relationship. After lots of tears, anger, self-pity, although I still cry sometimes, my children and I have been seeing God’s’constant love and protection and faithfulness and GRACE in amazing ways! The Proverbs 3:5,6 scripture is very dear to me and I wouldn’t exchange my experiences for anything/anyone. I now try to be there for other hurting women who don’t know about God’s’love for them. Blessings!
I am going on my first mission trip next week to Nicaragua. It will be challenging in many ways for me, but I am confident that God will meet my needs and use me to glorify Him. Your devotion today about saying yes to God was a great inspiration to me as we prepare for our trip. Our team has all said yes to God’s call regarding the mission, but now the real challenge is about to begin for most of us. I found encouragement in your scripture. “Pray aso for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel …” Ephesians 6:19 (NIV)
Our team’s prayer focus today is “Pray that many people will be saved when we show the Jesus movie.”
When I read these words, I felt like they were meant just for me….”But we cannot even begin to understand the plans God has for us. There is always a far-reaching ripple effect when a woman says yes to God. We don’t have to see the spread of the influence to know it’s there. The power of saying yes to God is beyond anything we could ever imagine.”
Thank you for your encouraging words
Wow! I just e-mailed you two days ago asking if you knew of any women’s retreats going on this year. My co-worker and I stated yesterday we needed to go to a women’s retreat and be around a Christ-filled atmosphere to be lifted up in the spirit. I look at my e-mail today and see your message, click on it, and can watch the Women in Faith webcast! What a blessing today!
I have said yes to God about my marriage. My husband and I have been battling a difficult marital situation for 2 years now. Last year I wanted to divorce him. I prayed many times about this and counseled with my pastor. God spoke to me and told me to stay and gave me the inner feeling of His works in this. I said yes to that. The marriage has been up and down this past year, still. God surely has kept his promise of working through this with us, but “we” have slid in keeping our part up. I am back at that same place of pondering divorce, but God is showing me so much more. I met a new friend this past Monday who has been going through a similar issue with her husband for a few years and has remained faithful to God through it all. She became my prayer warrior for me the last four days. Yesterday she texted me to read John 14…today on the webcast ya’ll were reading in John 14! Coincidence? Not at all. God is steadily working in my marriage as I write this. I have been reading “What Happens When Women Walk in Faith” recently to grow that faith…love it. I believe that “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God” will only enhance my walk and encourage my obedience to God when I listen to Him speak to me on working on my marriage and say “yes” to what He asks of me. It is quite a battle I’m in with this, yet God knows the outcome already. Therefore, He knows what is best for me to do. Thank you Lisa for your books. They are not only encouraging but lead me to turn to God even more for His direction. God Bless
Through my husband’s unemployment, illness in the family, my own health causing problems, my mom moving, my work situation being unpredictable-God asked me to trust HIM and I said YES…….it has been life changing.
This past February, my husband and I stepped out in faith in obedience to God when we received a call asking if we were willing to take in a four month old baby boy who had to be removed from his home due to the drug use of his parents. We had recently become empty-nesters, my husband had recently returned from a military deployment, and, quite honestly, we were looking forward to a little alone time! But, as we prayed together about the request, we heard a resounding “yes” from God that this was His will for us. Our home is now filled with bottles, diapers, and baby gates. What was to be my long-awaited reading/writing/craft room is now a nursery. We carefully answer the prying questions about the baby’s race, whose he is, and who we are to him. We have learned to giggle at the raised eyebrows as people try to figure out our hodge-podge of a family where our grandchildren are older than the child we’re parenting. We’ve had many, many sleepless nights, teething hurdles, and a surgery in the five months our little blessing came into our home. I am completely convinced that only through Christ are we able to do what we are doing, which in addition to caring for this little one, has come to include mentoring his parents. We’ve learned a lot along the way. Some things I never wanted to know – about prison visits, details about how illegal drugs are supplied, taken, and their effects, and some slang terms I wish I could wash out of my mind. But, when we say “yes” to God, especially to something He asks that is way outside of our plans, comfort zone, or perceived abilities, He equips and enables us. He doesn’t ask and leave us on our own to figure out the “how”. And, He receives the recognition and glory! We are blessed to be part of His plan and purpose for this family, in serving Him and them.
Right now. God is telling me to “wait and watch and see what I’m gonna do”. It’s the hardest thing when all I want to do is get involved and help, but that’s not what God is saying. “Wait and Watch.” Yes, Lord. Thank you!
About 7 years ago I was attending a ladies connection group bible study, with an awesome leader. She knew all the answers and was very spiritual. I had gotten away from church and really wanted to get back into God’s word and with her help did. I knew so little. Several years later our precious leader Nancy became ill and I was ask to attend a monthly huddle group of connection leaders just to inform them of what was going on in our ladies group…after thinking about it several days agreed. After all it’s just one evening a month and I really didn’t have to do anything, but show up 🙂 Our sweet Nancy went to dance on the streets of gold about 4 years ago and suddenly I found myself being the connection group leader. Please understand that I was not and still am not a Bible scholar. There have been so many times that I think what am I doing? And why would I even think I could? The answer is clear because He ask me too and I am not doing anything it is all Him! I truly feel that there are women in my group much more qualified, but He chose me. He wanted my obiedence. And He wanted me to learn from these beautiful women of faith. Through this experience I am growing closer to Him day by day and get to witness other women growing in their faith. I honestly think I said “yes” accidently (just going to a few meetings) but I have learned so much. There are times I still wonder why me and still feel unequipped. I continue to pray that it is God’s words that is heard not my humble attempt to lead. I am thankful everyday for the opportunity to meet with such a wonderful group of women like me…imperfect, broken sinners who love and worship our perfect Savior. I am always question, why He choose me, but as long as He wants me in this position, I will continue….Because He ask me!
That is a beautiful story Katie. I am grateful for you that you listened to God’s call. I feel called to lead a ladies group but feel as you do–unequipped! I love the Lord yet feel I need to learn so much more before I am capable to do that. I see so many women going through things in this life with no “safe place” go. Women need each other to communicate with, interact with, and be uplifted spiritually…I know I do. I need to pray more about this one and listen to God’s call for me. He will provide the knowledge, the subjects, the place, and take care of all other details for me, I know. God Bless
I’m living that call right now. Every day. It’s been years and I’m still waiting. I know I’m to remain and be patient, even if the end is when I’m with God. It’s difficult every day. Many times I just want to give up, but I remember that God is with me. He cares about me and has a greater plan. I must wait and be patient.
For the second year in a row we were trying to go overseas for summer to visit our relatives but I wanted to make sure this was God’s will and it seemed like God was closing the doors.
I wanted to be obedient to God’s call though we all wanted to go.
Two days ago my dad suffered a stroke.
I’m so grateful I have listened and obeyed God’s will, otherwise we’d be returning quickly from our vacations and likely were coming back for the funeral.
I’m praying for God to heal my dad, use it for His glory and that this will bring my dad, my mom and my brother to repentance as they’re not saved.
My say yes to God moment is a time in my life that I have more or less just finished. I divorced my husband about a year and a half ago, even though I still loved him. His mother never liked me, and thus caused this caring man to be angry all of the time… and yes, he loves the Lord. Anyway, on April 13th, I received a phone call saying that he had a serious accident. His neck, shoulder, hand, and ribs were broken. I was scared for him and of course I prayed and asked many to pray for him. God asked me to help him. When he was released, I stayed with him so that he could be at home each weekend and go to church. This was not easy… so many emotions… but I felt it was something I was supposed to do. He is closer to the Lord than ever. I am so glad for that and for the miracles that keep happening for him. He no longer needs someone to be with him… and can now even drive some. My time with him is over… and I am honestly not certain why God used me in that way… maybe to show me that I am stronger than I thought I was. I am grateful that I said yest to God… and have been praying to be the kind of woman who will say yes to Him whenever I hear His call… and to have ears to hear His call and eyes to see where He wants me to be.
This story touched my heart so deeply. I am finding more and more that when I say yes to God’s whisper, incredible things happen. Just like in your story, sometimes God directs us to do things that we really don’t want to do, but if we trust Him, he will open the door to wonderful opportunities that we would have never imagined. Just over a year ago, God turned my whole world around when I said yes to him and was obedient to His direction. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. For 15 years, I lived in a marriage with my husband abusing alcohol and drugs. His addiction began to get so bad, that I was afraid he was going to overdose. Our home was in constant turmoil. My husband’s addiction propelled me into depression, my 14 year old son was angry and my 10 year old daughter was cutting herself. I was raised in a Christian home but prior to about 2 years ago, I was not living my life for God or raising my children in a God-fearing home. I began to feel God tugging on my heart and after ignoring His calls for so long, my world started to crumble. My husband’s addiction got so bad, that my children were afraid to be around him. One day, alone at home, I cried out to God for help and asked him to relieve me. I felt Him nudging me to ask my husband to leave. At first I questioned it because I thought, why would He want me to break up my marriage and home after all these years? I went to my pastor and we talked about it with my children and we sat down as a family to talk to my husband. We basically gave him an ultimatum that if he didn’t “clean up”, he would have to leave the home until he could be the father and husband God wanted him to be. The next evening, when I was at work (I work nights), my son called me at work and said he was scared. He said he knew my husband was stoned and was scared he was going to die. He and my daughter had put a mirror under his nose to see if he was still breathing. At that moment, I knew that I needed to do what God had directed me to do, so the next day, I packed his things and asked him to leave. Long story short, my husband was gone for about 3 weeks when he began treatment. We began family counseling and started going to church as a family. About 3 months later, he gave his life to God and our whole family was baptized. Today, he has been sober for 18 months. He is actively involved in AA and attends meetings 5 days a week. We have both had the opportunity to share our story with so many people and after he finishes working the 12 step program, he hopes to be able to sponsor and help others with addiction. I have also had the opportunity to minister to women and men who have spouses/significant others with addiction. I can’t even begin to put into words how I am moved every time I am able to share my story of hope with someone in pain. I now see firsthand how God uses our stories, as painful as they are, for His glory and how taking that step of faith in being obedient to his whispers, can change lives. Thank you for your story and for reminding me of God’s faithfulness. I would love to be a part of the Bible study and receive a copy of your book. May God richly bless your ministry.
I was in my early 20’s and a fairly new Christian. It was a nice cool and breezy summer night and several of us were having a bible study on the front porch of my parents house. We heard something going on across the street at the restaurant… by the dumpsters. We lived in a small town and we were shocked to learn that there was a man rummaging through the trash looking for food. I had finally found the PURPLE bible i had searched high and low for. It took weeks for me to find a bible in purple and I was so proud off that bible. Now of us had any money on us, but I felt God telling me to give my beautiful purple bible to this man.
Cont… I did as God had instructed and offered the bible to this man I didn’t know. I was pregnant at the time so my sister took it to him. He declined at first, said he couldn’t take it, but when she told him I wanted him to have it, that Gos had told me to give it to him he accepted. Then my sister came back up on the porch and told us what had happened. By the time she was finished he had disappeared. I don’t know what became of the man or my treasured purple bible, but it’s been 15 years since I last saw either and I’ve never one time regretted saying yes to God that night.
I kept not listening to God when he was directing me to go to another church ,then this past Easter ,I was on my normal routine to g to Believers Chappell where I really loved to go n be at ,but hardly had gas n my stomach started in a knot and I heard do not turn ,go straight ,n I did , I went to the small church 2 blocks from my house, n am so Blessed I did.. my first time I have ever been so involved with a church n felt so close to my Lord… I really do thank him everyday now ..
God used this book about 6 years ago when He wanted me to step up into youth ministry. I thought this was crazy, for numerous reasons! For example, I hadn’t gone to school for this type of position, I didn’t know the Bible as well as so many others, I was terrified to speak in front of large groups of people, I was too young, and the list could go on and on. I was filled with so much doubt and fear in myself, while at the same time knowing this is where God wanted me to go and knowing He would give me his strength. So finally one day, as I sat at my computer, I cried out to Him and said, “Lord, I physically need you to put someone in front of me to tell me this is what I am supposed to do or let me know clearly what I am supposed to do. Then no matter what the answer is, I will say Yes, no excuses.” Well a few short days later, God did just that. I began to cry as they out of the blue began telling me they felt I was supposed to take this position in our church. Not only was I crying because God had stopped just for me today but also because I had promised I would say Yes and know I had too.
Well, I did answer and God taught me so many amazing things during my 3 years at that position in our church. And I knew He was not finished with me yet.
Now I have been feeling Him leading me into something with this book specifically. I know He has called me into ministry, in an even bigger way, one that I am extremely terrified for and I have been putting aside His promptings regularly. Just like I did before. I know His first step, right now, is leading either a group of women or young women with this book and I keep making excuses to start. I also know He is working on me to speak and words can’t express how scary this is to me. So now I just ask that you pray that I say Yes to God again. That I put away those fears and doubt and follow His leading as I know He will give me His strength and courage.
Thank you so much Lysa for the many words you have written and for allowing God to use you in such a mighty way. He has used your words to speak to me many times and I can’t say enough how grateful I am.
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
God is so good. This story touched my heart. I love when “God pauses” are so evident.
Just one such time:
God had prompted my heart that we were to move.we had had some struggles with one of our children and needed a new scene. At the same time he had prompted my husband separately.
When we realized how God was working, we began searching for a house and packing our current one. In less than a month and a half we found bought and moved into our new home where we could have yet another new God given beginning with our family….
Just returned from a mission trip where I was introduced to ATL’s -Ask The Lord. With my group we paused to pray together just simply asking God what He wanted for us that day. We were just quiet after we prayed and really tried hard to be still and just listen. As we were still and listening we would write down anything that popped into our heads, random words, pictures…etc. after we were done, we shared what we wrote down. Here are some things on our individual lists: the color pink, a pig (that one had us shaking our heads), the library, a bowl, a wrought iron fence, polka dots and five people out of our group had either written down or drew a huge tree. So after we combined our lists we got in our van and drove into a town we had never been in. We had no idea where to go so I just prayed and asked God which way we should turn and I got the overwhelming feeling we needed to turn left. Let me stop here and say that we had been helping at a homeless shelter that morning and I talked for a long time with a resident there named Dave. So we turn left and we end up on Main Street in this town. We see Dave walking down the street. We pull over and ask him if we can give him a ride somewhere. He gets in and my friend asks where he is going and he says, ” the library.” Remember, that was one of the thing we had written down on our list. And it was on my list. I was the one who had talked to Dave at the homeless shelter that morning. We were in awe at that point. So we drop Dave off and continue to go straight. All of a sudden one of the teenagers shouts, “stop! Look over there!” One of the shops is called, Pink Pig Pottery Studio” the pig on the window had polka dots on it. So of course we go in an ask if we can help in any way. The lady says no but feel free to look around. My 12 year old comes up to me and says “mama, I feel like I need to go around and ask people if I can pray about anything for them.” There were people painting pottery. Of course I’m not going to get in the way when God speaks to my child so I said, “go for it!” She and another teen went around and did just that! There were other things that God showed us that day. I learned a valuable lesson that day that blessed my soul. God does listen. Sometimes He asks us to do crazy things and things that we might not otherwise do but He does speak loud and clear today. And like you so eloquently wrote Lysa, it is up to us to say yes!
So many people sharing about their personal journey with God here in the comments and Lysa in her books and online presence. Our deep desire to be known, useful and relevant for God despite our flaws and imperfections is truly remarkable. I know God loves me even when I don’t deserve it and He feels the same way about you. Be sure to share God’s love and step out in faith for Him BEFORE you feel ready. I’m praying as I type that I get to find out what happens when Women (when I) Say Yes to God. That we (I) don’t let fear, anger, worry, difficult people or self doubt stop us (me) from going after Gods best.
I want to brag about my daughter. She is only 28 years old. She and her husband have so much faith and say yes to God continually. They answered a call to move their family with not really any idea why. Sold their house in an hour. Packed and moved in 10 days, building a house by themselves and living in an rv with 2 boys. They were able to do this because they have been good stewards of their money. They paid cash for a terrible house with 17,000.00 and have sold 2 others the same way. So they have no debt including mortgage and were able to do this. They have become ministers to a neighbor and they are now going to the same church. That’s the short story. They have accomplished so many things in their short lives because they say yes to God.
A few months back, I was driving my three children and I saw a couple with two small children wandering on the side of the road. It seemed odd, so I turned around. But my fears prevented me from stopping. So I prayed and very clearly heard God tell me to stop and help. I’ll be honest, every part of me screamed ‘NO! They could be psycho’s and you are alone with your three babies!’ but I felt God tugging at my heart in a way that I never had before. I stopped and discovered that they had come from NY with little money, their car broke down and were on their way to San Diego. I opened up my van and asked them what I could do. Long story short, my husband took off work to buy them all Metrolink passes to their final destination, and we loaded them up with food, supplies and a Bible. It was nerve wracking, but answering to God never felt so good 🙂
I just wanted to let you know that yesterday, I said yes to God. I visit a local restaurant regularly and speak with a member of the waiting staff. Emily, she is the sweetest gal. She has had some personal issues and I try to guide and direct her to great resources and the Bible. I have been reading Joyce Meyer’s “Trusting God Day by Day”. It has been the only devotional I have not only stuck with, but shared as a resource and took LOTS of notes. She wrote down the name of it, as I had told her before, but I felt God tugging at my heart. Leave it for her. I offered it to her, but she refused. After paying my bill, I simply exited as she walked into the kitchen. It was hard at first, the thought of giving away my well loved, well used devotional.Especially at a time in my life where finances aren’t allowing me to purchase extra’s like this, but I said yes. I don’t know what God will do, but I wanted to thank you for encouraging me to say yes.
Definitely the call to leave the workforce to homeschool my daughter.
Wow, Lysa! I’ve heard you tell that story quite a few times, but it NEVER gets old. Thank you for continuing to share stories that touch lives… but most of all… thank you for being a Jesus Girl… a girl who’s heart so beautifully reflects The Savior’s.
I know I’m to late for the drawing but I have to tell you one day I was in the grocery store and they had a pink breast cancer BIBLE. I just felt compelled to buy it. I carried it in my purse would take it out at church and underline in it mark notes when reading your books . Then one day several months ago a co-worker let us know she was battling breast cancer. She was always a private type of person and didn’t always talk about herself much. We were all working to support her and let her know we supported her . Someone got the idea of placing pennies all around the department ( we work in an emergency room) for her to find and she was told every time age found one she knew an prayer was said for her. I had never felt compelled to do this before but I knew I had to give her my pink breast cancer BIBLE. So I taped a penny to it, wrote a note inside it to let her know that this BIBLE was to help her get through her treatment and that I would be praying for her. I left it I. Her locker and when she came in to work I was not there. She called me to thank me for the BIBLE and was touched that I would do this. I told her I hoped it brought her comfort and strength. It was great to be able to do as GOD was telling me to. I can’t wait for the OBS to start. Your book Made To Crave is very dear to me. Thank you
This is a space to write about a time when I have been obedient to God. I’m struggling terribly with this right now. I’m always 2nd guessing every thing and want to be in control. Last summer I pulled out a bible study of yours I purchased many years ago at a Heart-At-Home conference. It had been sitting under my bed undone, but I felt the desire to work though the “Living Life on Purpose” book & journal. I understood myself so much better and looked forward to reading, praying & completing the workbook each morning. Now, a year later, I’m struggling with a decision about education for my 4 children . Public school? Private christian school? Work? Stay home? This morning I pulled my “living Life on Purpose” workbook off the shelf and began reading. How wonderful that my P.U.R.P.O.S.E. was clearly written last year. I feel another confirmation of God directing my life and family – something he set-up for me to revisit at a later time. Thanks for all you do ~ I feel my life has been redirected by God through both you and Proverbs 31 Ministires. I look so forward to the online bible study “What Happens When We Say Yes To God.” I’m ready to take that step in faith and watch God turn my life in a way that can only be explained as “it’s a God thing!” 🙂
Just wanted to share this with you, my husband and I are preparing to go to Kenya as missionaries. We never thought we would spend our retirement serving The Lord in another country “but God”. I have a plate in my kitchen that says “yes Lord” and I always tell people “this is the only thing I will take with me” just a reminder to always say yes Lord, God has the perfect plan and though we don’t always see it we want to say yes to Him, walking in His plan what better place to be. Thank you for the encouragement. In Christ, Sandi Eslinger
I am so excited about this study I can hardly wait. Only my second one. Thank you for all you do!
I love this post. Proverbs 3:5-6 is one of the first verses that I memorized as a Christian. I have been a Christian for 11yrs and struggle daily. I need to put this verse somewhere I can see it every day. I have heard God’s voice 3 times. You are one of my favorite Christian authors. I would like to see you in person someday.
I love this post! It’s now always easy to obey God but it’s always wonderful to see the fruit of that obedience….
I am a foster parent and sometimes I don’t see the fruit of obeying God by taking children into my home right away, (most recently at 4am with no details but that they needed a home for a 2 year old) but I always do see God’ hand and His fruit.
I’m praying I win a copy of this book if God could use it to encourage me…
God Bless you for your ministry!
I just wanted to let you know that I am currently reading this book, What happens when women say yes to God. My husband and I went through a failed adoption this past year. We know God led us to the journey of adoption. I have a hard time understanding why he did for us go through this heart ache. As of now we are waiting on what God has for us next. But this book seems to be exactly what I need. I am really enjoying it. Thank you for saying Yes to God!
Just a few weeks ago I was in our local library at the check out counter. I looked up and from way across the room, this woman caught my eye. I could only see her from a far distance but “something” about her caught my eye. I was walking out of the library when the Lord spoke..”Tell her I love her”…I tried to act like I didn’t hear Him and pushed on through the door. He spoke again and said “Everyone says they want revival but no one wants to be the hands and feet it comes through.” I was pegged so without further hesitation I walked straight to her and told her I knew it would sound crazy but the Lord wanted her to know that He loved her. To my absolute amazement, this woman had a satanic pendulum around her neck. The real deal. I am not sure who was more surprised in that moment…me or her. But I knew the love my God has given me…He wanted to share with her. God help us to love a hurting world!
I obeyed God in taking my first full time job, and it has blessed my family for over 10 years. Now I’m able to work that same job from home while keeping my two precious boys. God is good!
I’ve been reading this book lately, and it has touched me. Too often have I not done something God was touching me to do because of fear.
Yesterday I had a bad situation, one of the farmers and I met at a bad section of road, I went into the ditch to avoid getting hit. I was scared, and for me that means I was mad. I drove back up the road to the farmers house, I was going to tell this farmer how he ran me off the road and to slow down. The situation went from bad to worse, things that were not meant were said, and tempers flared. I was indignant. I came home sure of how right I was and how wrong he was.
Today as I am coming home the farmer is sitting outside of his house, I drive by and he waves. Then I felt it, God touching me telling me to stop and talk to him, to apologize. I continued to my house and as I was sitting in my driveway I decided to say “Yes” to God. I turn around to head back to his house. I am scared, neither of us said very nice things yesterday, and can’t I just wait till my husband gets home and he can deal with it? I start to pray, “Lord, give me the words to speak, let this man’s heart be receptive, be with me because I am scared”. Guess what happened? Forgiveness happened, for both of us. It was just a baby step, but that is where it starts.
Thank you Lysa, thank you for your words of encouragement, most of all, thank you for being a woman who said yes to God.
I can hardly wait for the study to start. I want to extend a warm thank you to all you incredible women that are involved in the study. I cannot imagine how much time and effort must go into it. God bless you all, your work is greatly appreciated. Sue
I received the email about this Bible Study and it was like a tug at my heart.
It has been a very long time since my last study and I am so looking forward to this one. I feel God has lead to me this study.
Thank you
I am so looking forward to the Yes to God study! One huge time when I said yes to God was 3 years ago when I left my abusive marriage – and just a few months after that my parents home (for the same reasons). I began a relationship with a friend who is now my soulmate, my husband, the answer to the prayers I’d prayed since I was a little girl – and no doubt the one God intended for me. Since I said yes and did all of the hard, terrifying things, He has blessed my beyond my wildest dreams!
I had been writing devotionals every now and again and created a blog but had not done anything with it for quite some time. I will admit that I spend more time on social media than I should, and it had begun to be a negative component of my life. Early this year, I felt that the Lord was telling me to take some time off from facebook and focus on the blog and writing about what He was doing in my life. The day I decided to delete my facebook and write on the blog, I met with a friend for our weekly coffee and told her the plan with a great excitement. I typically would leave my phone in my car during our coffee time and when I returned to my car at her house, I saw a message sent via facebook from a family friend asking me to be a blog contributor for a similar women’s ministry website! I took this as a resounding confirmation from the Lord that I was doing exactly what he intended for my life at that time. I proceeded with deleting facebook and spent the next couple of months having undistracted, lengthy prayer and bible study times and great time spent with my small group and friends from church. Love it when He shows up like that!
Wow, powerful indeed the day I say yes to God, am trully blessed and looking foward to reading more of your work
Saying Yes to God! Dying to self, self’s wants, self’s needs, self’s selfishness…Its difficult. Its FAITH. I have just left my entire family, lifelong deep friendships, where I grew up ,my adult daughter, my church family, my income, a position of leadership and love in the church I have served in and alongside of for 15 years. My husband of 18 years has chosen to seek God first in our lives, to see this man grow in the last 5 years and God answer my prayers for a deeper walk with Him has been incredible. We felt the Lord stir our hearts, it was time to step out in faith and seek His will for our lives. My husband is involved with Man in the Mirror Ministries out of Orlando FL. We have taken a step of faith, sold our just finally right, (in 2 years) almost paid off home, moved our 16 year old son, our dog and a 28 foot trailer load of stuff 2571 miles from “home”. God has a plan for us, we want ALL He has for us. I woke up in a hotel room this morning with a heavy heart. Missing my “people, my home, my own bed”. Then we went to Life Fellowship in Davidson NC. I showed up, and God was there too! An amazing pastor and congregation. He lifted me up into His arms and let me know, He see’s that I AM SAYING YES! Lysa, we listened to you on KLove in our 11,000 sq foot church thrift store, you and Prov 31 ministered to us and an unsaved community everyday. Many of my staff including myself are lifted up daily by your online devotionals. Thank you for Saying Yes. Blessings to you all.
Amazing testimony. We cannot begin to measure the way God uses his people when we simply obey in faith to act upon what the Spirit is stirring and calling us to.
I too have left from restaurants, airplanes, stores, etc. absolutely jaw-dropped because of what God had done through a simple gesture of love and grace. This is the beauty of the mission of the Church.
Say “YES”!
When I said yes to accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior my whole life changed. I was no longer all alone. I always knew He was with me. As I became acquainted with reading the Bible and learning Scripture verses God showed me that He loved me so much that He allowed His only Son, Jesus, to come to earth and die for my sins. He showed me the further I read how much He loves me, will never leave me nor forsake me, and cares about my every need”. I didn’t know how to handle this at first.
Now on a “weak day” I know I have to go back to His Word, look for those promises He has made to all of us who accept Him as Our Lord and Savior and rely totally and completely on Him He says, “He will take my burden, His load is easy and He will carry me through the tough times. Like when my husband was recently told his job will end soon. Immediately those feelings of fear, loneliness and worry all started to take over.
It was then I remembered, He says, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, those who come to me will have Everlasting Life.” I know when I am weak, He is strong, when I feel alone, He is always right beside me. What an “Awesome God” we have who knows our every need and is just waiting for me to call out to Him and to know that He knows already where the next thing is going to happen and when. I just have to “Trust and Obey”. It sounds so easy, but some days, when I try to do it on my own, I am often likely to mess up. So I say, “Lord, Help me to give it all to You today. You always know what is best for me.” I am going to find my Bible now and hear what He wants to tell me today. Thank you Lord for your many promises and always caring for my every need. Your Child, Mary