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Summer Sanity Savers

April 16, 2013

Ahhhh, summertime. The word itself just seems so full of relaxation, right? But if your household is anything like mine, things get a little hectic when that sweet season rolls around.

School’s out. Stress from balancing everyone’s schedule is in.

Preparing for vacation and resolving all of the “growth opportunities” that my daughters have on the way leaves me feeling like I need another vacation just to recover.

And I know you can probably relate to the struggle of fighting off those unglued mama moments every day.

Well, I’ve got three words for you: Summer. Sanity. Savers. (Try saying that ten times fast. And by the way, you will see me getting the words quite tangled up in the video below!) Want to find out more? Watch this…

If you don’t have your planner nearby, don’t sweat it! We’ll send you an e-mail with the important details — all you need to do is sign up to receive those reminders. I’ll see you on April 23 at 8pm (EST) right here on my blog!

Unglued Summer Sanity Savers

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about this free webcast.

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  1. Esther

    So cool! You can NEVER have too many ideas for summer. Looking forward to it. 🙂

  2. Pam

    I could use some sanity savers! This should be fun! Can’t wait!

  3. Sam

    You kept saying Eastern STANDARD time. But we are on Daylight Savings time now … so if it’s 8:00 pm here in NC, should I tune in actually at 7:00? Are you broadcasting from somewhere that doesn’t follow daylight savings? (I know there places like that.).

  4. Jill Beran

    So looking forward to it…your insight, ideas and a Word from God as He speaks thru you!!! Thanks Lysa!

  5. Chris Carter

    Oh how fun that sounds!!!! I can’t WAIT!!! 🙂

  6. deborah

    Sounds like fun! I enjoy Crystal’s blog and I am currently reading your book, Unglued, and very much relating to it. 🙂

  7. Debbie Pemberton

    This has to be God I was just starting the Unglued Devotional and the book along with Study guide this morning and I just looked at my Email and there you were. Thank you

  8. Lori Lovelady

    I have a meeting at the time. Will there be a way of watching it later?

  9. Melissa Chambers

    So excited and I already forwarded this on to two girlfriends who I know need some summer sanity savers as well!

  10. Sharman

    That sounds wonderful. I know this is off point but I gotta tell you…..your hair looks amazing in that video! It is a lot longer then the last picture or video I saw you in. I just couldn’t stop looking at it…..Beautiful 😉 You have that hair thing under control.
    Have a great, good hair day!

  11. Catherine Porter

    Will I be able to listen to a recorded version of it after i get home? Will miss the live one cause cub scout graduation is that night.

  12. Debra

    Thanks Lysa, looking forward to it!

  13. Lisa

    You and Crystal?? I have been a fan of hers for YEARS!! Just recently became of fan of yours through “Made to Crave”. Wow…the world is so stinkin’ small!!

  14. loretta P

    Please do a re-play as I’m tied up on this Tuesday night

  15. Robin Love

    hi i would love to get the notices but was unable to place my email where indicated thanks

  16. Sue

    Hi Lysa, please can you put a time for us in U.k. to listen to this as I don’t know what 8pm EST is this side of the water !!
    Thanks Sue

    • Carol Oswald

      +4 hours (as we are on daylight savings). It should begin at 12 midnight for you there.

  17. Julia

    PLEASE record and allow those of us who can’t be available at this time to see it! I would LOVE to be a part of this, but soccer season is at hand and our family is committed to being at games of my kids who are playing.

  18. Stacy

    Hi Lisa. Thank for this opportunity. A bunch of my “sisters” from are going to be joining the webcast at our community room. Ladies, run with this idea we were inspired to have: Smoothie Social on Tuesday at 8 EST 🙂

  19. Cheryl Bliss

    Hi Lysa, Looking forward to seeing this with some Sister’s in Christ; we are going to watch during our normal Bible study time. How long is the broadcast?

  20. Sandi in MN

    One of the things I like to do to keep my sanity in the summer is to keep the van packed with necessary supplies, like extra clothes, towels, swim stuff, hiking shoes and snacks for unexpected adventures! We love adventuring up the shore of our beautiful Lake Superior!

  21. Hannah Baldwin

    Looking forward to it!!!

  22. Kristine

    Can’t wait! And I am definitely trying these recipes! My sanity saver? Drink lots of water! I get cranky when I don’t!

  23. Kimberly Dennis

    Always ready for any help I can get in my closet.
    One of my SSS that I use is making sure all of my daughters extra curricular equipment is already loaded in a basket in the trunk of my car the night before. We live approx 30 miles from where we work so when I get off work its a mad dash to get to our home town in enough time to get her changed and get her to the ballpark or gym (depending on the day of the week). So the night before I put her clothes and equipment along with her water bottle (empty) in the car that way I can fill the water bottle up prior to leaving work and then I have everything I need for her games or practices when I pick her up. It cuts my time down by at least 15 mins from having to run home to our house out in the country.

  24. Beth Oslund

    My summer sanity saver tips are to spend as much time out doors, grill outside while the kids play, go for walks with the family, etc. Spending time outside keeps the inside much cleaner and therefore I have more time on my hands to keep up with things and enjoy the nice weather as well as time with family.

  25. Kris

    Sanity saver– A packed bag filled with snacks, first aid kit, sunscreen, water bottles, and a water mister. You’ll be ready for fun at a moments notice!

  26. Marie Eckenrode

    Part of our daily stress is finding foods our oldest will eat. I love the healthy d-I-y chicken pizza recipe! I know a huge part of keeping sanity is having children involved, having them help make the foods, not in front of electronics. Though there are times we have to cave in order to get a mommy-time -out that’s needed. Always looking for new suggestions.

  27. dayna haynes

    sanity saver would be free local camps that the we can do together as a family….everyone gets a little play time… 🙂

  28. Kimberly Dennis

    Always ready for any help I can get in my closet.
    One of my SSS that I use is making sure all of my daughters extra curricular equipment is already loaded in a basket in the trunk of my car the night before. We live approx 30 miles from where we work so when I get off work its a mad dash to get to our home town in enough time to get her changed and get her to the ballpark or gym (depending on the day of the week). So the night before I put her clothes and equipment along with her water bottle (empty) in the car that way I can fill the water bottle up prior to leaving work and then I have everything I need for her games or practices when I pick her up. It cuts my time down by at least 15 mins from having to run home to our house out in the country.

  29. Sharon Carpenter

    My summer sanity savings tip is to grow your own produce. Learn to can and or freeze vegetables and you can save money all year long.

  30. Laci

    I love summer ~ no school, less activities, etc. We focus on vacation bible school, church camp, playing outside, swimming, going to the library, and just being together. For this momma, there is nothing that makes me more sane than a nice day on my porch with a glass of tea, a good book, and my kiddos playing in the yard. That is a good day!

  31. Cindye B

    My Summer Sanity Savers will absolutely be your Unglued Devotional! I’ve started it, and it has already de-escalated things here! Thank you!!

  32. Angie Walthall

    Wow, thanks!!! One way I try to save our sanity in the summer, and year round is to keep a family calendar on the front door. Nothing fancy. I just take a calendar at the beginning of the year and cut it apart so each month is separate, then we keep 3 or 4 months at a time displayed on the door so we can plan ahead. For anything to be official, each family member has to write their agenda/event on the calendar. It helps us keep from over-booking or forgetting someone else already has something going on.

  33. Carol

    My summer sanity saver is to try to keep things simple – take advantage of the slower summer schedule, rather than packing it with activities; save some down time to catch up on that book I’ve been wanting to read, and plan as many meals involving the crock pot or grill as possible.

  34. Brenda

    Lysa, enjoying your book unglued, leading a study of it on Tuesday night’s, hope there will be a repeat of the webcast.

  35. Natalie

    My husband likes to bbq. I make sides. We will use plastic disposable items when we cook out. We always make extra so I don’t have to cook for a couple of days afterwards.

  36. Melissa

    My summer sanity savers would be structure and planning. Trying to plan activities that are fun but yet not have my kids over scheduled. We love time at the pool, summer reading program at the local library and play time with other children. Our church does an awesome job of scheduling summer activities for the kids as well. we also enjoy the discounted kids movies at the local movie theater. Last but not least, I have my kids complete one educational workbook over the summer and read at least thirty minutes per day. I think there are many free fun summer activities to enjoy!

    • Shawna

      great ideas! I forget about the library! I wish our church did more, I will mention it to the pastor and Sunday school leaders. I also make my kids read at least 30 minutes a day in the summer!

  37. Krystal Russell

    Looking forward to this!! My Super Sanity Savor is to plan healthy meals ahead of time to have on hand so the kids and I can have a healthy summer. Also, plan lots of activites outside witg my kiddos.

  38. Heather

    My summer sanity saver is to let the kids be outside as much as possible!! They love it, and it’s great for them. Spray sunscreen and a sprinkler or a slip and slide will keep them busy!!

  39. Amy Halverson

    My sanity saver is to continue to get up early and have “me” time before everyone else gets up!! My quiet time and coffee time! 🙂

  40. Pam Bristol

    My Summer Sanity Savers start with the barbeque grille! It stays cooler in my home when I cook outside, and when it’s hot, I can lose a little sanity!
    I also plan a few weekends of fun so I have something to look forward to when I am in my office looking at the sunshine and beautiful green grass (and a little concrete).
    My last, and favorite, sanity saver is an early morning walk with my dog. Great time to pray and offer my day up to the Lord for His guidance.

  41. Mary OBrien

    Hi Lysa, I am a big fan of your Made to Crave book and devotional. I have not read Unglued yet although I hear it is fabulous! I pray you and yours have a memorable summer together. To God be the Glory – Great Things HE Has Done!

  42. Beth Easterling

    My biggest summer sanity saver is to make “flexibility and patience” your mantra! I have three children ages 5, 9 and 12, along with a wonderul husband who travels almost 4 out of 7 days a week with his job. For years, I used to live by a structured, hardcore, daily schedule. While I am the first to agree that schedules and routines are good, I have learned, with some quite a few nudges from God, that I need to just be flexible and patient when things don’t go exactly as I set them up to go. Expecting everyone around me to stick the plan all the time is a surefire set up for disappointment and frustration. Life is NOT about schedules and to-do lists! So this summer, save your sanity by being flexible and patient. Sometimes the journey is more important than reaching a destination on time.:)

  43. Christi McCraw

    My summer sanity saver idea would be for Mom not to forget to have fun, too! Sometimes we plan the summer away – church camp, youth camp, cheer class, vacation. As we plan activities for the kids (in my case, 5 girls), let’s not forget to join in on the fun! For instance, I to plan to read a couple of books – strictly for pleasure! I am going to splash around in the pool, play in the water gun fights, practice my cartwheels, and play in the park!

  44. Rhonda Wagner

    Can’t wait….I always need ideas on how to save! Our family usually takes a camping trip in the Summer…Just to stay connected to each other with not interruptions!

  45. Sarah

    Excited to see!

  46. Michele

    My summer sanity saver is to take advantage of all the awesome seasonal fruits and veggies available in the summer months. They can be frozen; canned and made into delicious jams and jellies.

  47. Nanette

    My summer sanity savers is one word PINTEREST! I will have 6 kids under the age of seven this summer. Already have great activities planned.

  48. Renee

    My Summer Sanity Saving Tips are: Make your own popsicles, grow your own veggies, swim with friends at a friends house with a pool or find a river/brook, use a fan and keep windows open as much as possible, air dry your clothes on a clothes line outside, grill as much as possible, use paper plates! Oh, and one of our favorite pass times in the summer are sitting around a camp fire, sharing stories, laughs, singing praises and eating s’mores. You can save on wood if you gather it from the woods outdoors and it’s fun for the kids. 🙂

  49. Kay Mathias

    Tie dyeing t-shirts, going to the park with a picnic lunch for the day, spending time at the local library taking part in summer activities, doing crafting of any kind.

  50. Tiffany

    My Sanity Saver for the summer is a local pool membership. We have a private pool in our area that allows us to bring our own food in. We use it almost daily and can bring our own picnics and snacks in to save us money! I also like to get a list at the beginning of the summer of activites in the area that are free that we can do as a family, such as games at the library, or free state park admission day! There are many out there…you just have to do a little research and be organized!

  51. Carole Percy

    Thanks for all the encouragement and great ideas! My summer sanity saver is a big swing in the flower garden I built out back. When things start to pile up and get stressful, I take a short break (and a grandbaby or two) and sit in the swing. We listen to the birds and look around at the blooms on the flowers and just drink in the beauty and fresh air as we gently swing back and forth awhile. It only takes a few minutes to re-charge and appreciate the blessings all around me to let go of that stress and tension (and a soon-sleeping baby helps, too!).

  52. Sarah C

    With two wild and crazy boys, one pre-K and one in elementary, I absolutely must keep them busy. I usually plan for my oldest to attend a local VBS and a extra curricular type camp at least once in the summer. But my next sanity saver would be this: chill out and rest! Even if you have to schedule it in like I do, create some margin in your summer months. Give your family a chance to relax and make some good old fashioned memories together, whether its cooking, crafting or camping! Life goes by too fast; don’t miss the small moments!!!

  53. windi

    My summer sanity saver…..get outside when the weather is pleasant!!

  54. Shannon O'Neal

    I’m a teacher & I l-o-v-e summer! 😉

  55. Yvonne

    A book, large glass of water with lemon and a comfy chair. AAHH!

  56. Sarah

    My summer sanity tip, is lots of girl time. With the kids home more it is important to get out with the girlfriends and have lunch, or coffee and just spend some time with the girls. Sometimes including the kids with a visit to the park where us girls can chat and hang out while the kids burn some raw energy.

  57. Ronda Bie

    I could use summer sanity savers for sure and I will share them with my co-workers and friends. I always plan a extra day off from work when I take a vacation. That gives me time to get things back to normal and get a good nights sleep.

  58. Cathy Garrett

    I love summer and the longer days. I love spending time outside, digging in the dirt, that helps relieve any stress I have..Thank You..

  59. Sandie

    Love making fruity ice cubes and adding the ice cubes to a glass of lemonade, sprite or 7up. Most importantly making lemons into lemonade by buying a glass of lemonade from a young entrepreneur selling lemonade this summer. Bless someone with believing in them and being kind.

  60. Shawna

    Oh do I need some sanity savers! I have two kids that fight constantly and get bored easily. I have them in as much as financially possible plus some free stuff but its not enough to keep them busy all the time! I also need some sanity savers for the weight issues coming from winter into spring and summer. I can’t wait to see what you have to say!

  61. Carrie Loring

    The grill is my sanity saver in the summer – that, and teaching my teenage son to use it! 🙂 Keeps the house cool, allows him to “play” with fire, and gets dinner cooked.

  62. Carin

    We started this last year. It sounds counter-intuitive but getting up early in the morning is one of our sanity savers! Before it got hot, we went for a brisk walk together. Afterwards, we are energized. We were able to have some conversation and discuss the day and its activities. Everyone is looking forward to doing this again. That said, I’m looking forward to hearing some new ideas !

  63. Lana

    Lysa, I am so in need of this webcast! I have three girls aging from 14,10&4. I have read your book unglued and it has helped me, but my children still fight all the time. I dread summer every year. I always feel like I am a bad mom because of this. I thought that I was alone. Thank you for publicly talking about this. I can’t wait to watch!

  64. Anita

    My favorite sanity saver is very simple. When I get behind on the laundry, I start my catch up with the whites. I hate to sort socks but it is easier to get it out of the way when I still have some wind in my sails.

  65. Annette

    RICE! (Brown for me & White for the rest of the family). We ALL have ADHD which means our home by definition is like a 3 ring circus! There is some research that suggests that eating rice everyday helps increase the level of Serotonin in the brain and increase the ability to focus. While I am still somewhat skeptical, I do love rice. BUT even before I learned that it may help focus, I cooked rice. I always make more than I need. Plain… use for a 2nd meal of fried rice. Spanish rice… use for a second meal to stuff bell peppers. Extra plain rice can also be combined with vegetables (leftover or fresh) and egg to make a frittata. I cut the frittata up in serving size pieces and stack them in the refrigerator to heat up one serving at a time for a QUICK but healthy breakfast.

    This same concept can be applied to pasta. Leftover pasta can be turned into turkey tetrazzini, etc.

    Most of my recipes involving cooked chopped chicken call for 2 or 4 cups. So when I cook a chicken, I chop up the leftovers and freeze it in 2 cup packages ready to be added to other ingredients for another meal.

    My last summer saver is keeping a container that I add leftover vegetables and meat or meat broth to in the freezer to make soup. When I have enough vegetables I put it together on the stove with seasoning and add additional broth and meat as needed to make wonderful and fairly quick soups.

    I love time savers!

    • Mary Knox

      I get the kids signed up for a week of Vacation Bible School. The kids love the music CD, it keeps them entertained singing and dancing all summer! Have to say I enjoy the music too.

  66. Helenann

    Summer Saver…I have it on good authority from a great friend that an automatic robotic type floor cleaner is an awesome sanity saver! …. Lets you clean while doing daily devotions! Saving my pennies now! Less time cleaning floors while spending more time cleaning my spirit! Now that is a BIG sanity saver!

    • BJ

      I love this idea. I just saw one of those and said I could use that on my floors, I have tile throughout and I the one I saw had a mop feature. I just worried that it wouldn’t get the entire floor, has your friend had this problem?

  67. Kym

    I have two things that save my sanity during the summer! One is reading a book out loud during lunch time. The kids love listening and this allows just a bit of quiet, non-arguing time 🙂 We also take a long walk around our town every day. The kids ride bikes and I walk… with my earphones in and music playing just above the sounds of, “Noooo, it’s my turn to be first.” It’s very peaceful and a quiet time for me!

  68. Nicole

    Summer Sanity Saver: If you are in a neighborhood full of kids, see which ones are stay-at-home. Get together with them and see if they would be open to a rotating play date at each person’s house. Or even a rotating play date at the park. Each adult takes a turn watching the neighborhood kids while they play outside. Not all may participate but it may be an opportunity to not only get to know your neighbors but to be able to have a kid-free day and get some things done that may need focus.
    Also could do a time where kids spend time by themselves in their rooms for an hour a day. They can do whatever they want (within reason) but they have to stay in their rooms for an hour. Just to give them a break time so to speak.
    Can’t wait for summer to get here!!!

  69. Mary T

    Looking forward to the webcast! If for some reason my early evening meeting runs late…will I be able to look back at another time to see what I missed? Hopefully that won’t be the case…

  70. Monica C

    Yeah! I’m looking forward to this. For me my summer sanity saver is planning. I have a separate calendar that I plan “summer” with . I have the kids help make a “summer bucket list” and we try to plan just enough activities to keep us sane but not overload us. We camp a lot as a family too so I involve the kids in the packing and unpacking part as well. 🙂

  71. Kristen Fensom

    Make sure the house is picked up before I go to bed. It makes me so much happier in the morning.

  72. Mary

    I like to sign up for local websites that send out lists of local activities like festivals, reading groups at the library, free zoo days, that kind of thing. Great to check when you have spare time and need something cheap to keep the kids happy!

  73. Carol

    Summer sanity saver. Has to be fresh tomatoes, light coating of mayonnaise, dash of pepper on white bread. Quick, cool and tasty.

  74. Michelle

    My Sanity Saver: having a plan for the week for the have-to’s so we can fill in the rest of the time with want-to’s. If we make it clear what must be accomplished for the week we are more likely to actually get it done early in the week so that we can plan fun things for the rest of the week.

  75. Jenn Weiner

    Stay on a schedule and organized. With free time on the schedule.

  76. Mariah

    I have two things that help to save my sanity. The first is using the summer reading program at our local public library. Not only does it keep my kids reading by rewarding them each week for completing their reading log, but they also have a new activity each week that is free for everyone!! The second is purchasing season passes to our local water park. Each year, a local website offers a limited number of these passes for 80% off the retail price! Once a week, we pack a cooler – put on our sunscreen and suits and spend the day on the water slides. For less than $150 for 4 of us for the entire summer – it is money well spent!

  77. Selina

    My summer sanity savers consist of physical and mental stimulation. For the physical, I either ride my bike in the evenings or early morning. A great adrenaline rush is always great for the soul. Another way for the physical is a good hike in the woods. To be one with nature is always a plus. Yoga is another method of physical stimulation that is a healthy for mind, body and soul. For the mental stimulation, I read a good book or work out a good crossword. A stirring of the minds is great stimulation. Another way is to meditation. A clearing of the minds and the days challenges is great for a positive life. And last is a combination of both, I like to train dogs. It is a great physical and mental stimulation in that I work with the greatest animal created on earth, a dog. What better to surround yourself with a creature that is happy to see you no matter what and forgives you no matter what. Thank you for this opportunity to share my thoughts on this subject!

  78. kim p

    Reading unglued right now! and i love it! in the summer its lots of outside time playground zoo etc…

  79. carol mattaliano

    My only summer sanity savers are to let the kids stay up as late as they can so they sleep later in the morning. Try to get them into as many camps as our budget allows. Try to babysit other children so they have someone to play with, summer school or park programs

  80. jackie dicecco

    Can’t wait for this webcast! My summer sanity saver is Vacation Bible School! It is affordable, many churches offer it in my area and the kids are hearing the Word while singing, crafting and playing. I also purchase the CD’s of the songs the kids learn and the fun (and the message) lives on long after the week is over.

  81. Tania

    My summer saver that has worked the best in the past is to PLAN ahead. I was working from home when my kids were 9, 7, 4. The best thing I ever did was to plan. We made a schedule, put it on tag board and posted it on the fridge. I detail planned my morning
    (much like a school day)to allow me some work time and kid time. By 9am clothes on, tv off, ready to “go”. 9-9:30 oldest played with youngest and middle had “alone time”. 9:30- 10:00 middle played with youngest and oldest had alone time. Mom had 1 hour of work time in my office. 10 snack time with mom. 10:30-11:00 I tried to include them in work in the office. Stamping products, or doing their own “work.” Sometimes worked, sometimes, not so much. 11:00 quick fun break with mom. Then kids played in room or a game and mom finished up by 11:30-noon. I have been blessed to have kids that willingly and nicely usually played well together. They still do. (now 14, 12, 9) Maybe this scheduled time when they were young taught them to be together. We still post a schedule on the fridge.
    Also, worked in a babysitting swap with mom friend. That gave me a morning with no kids and then she had a morning. We all loved it!

  82. Carol Oswald

    One summer sanity saver I saw on pinterest and decided to try it. Freeze drops of yogurt on waxed paper (I line cookie sheets with waxed paper and pop them into the freezer until the yogurt is solid). Store in ziplocks in the freezer. The kids can help themselves. You open the bag, toss a couple in your mouth. They melt in your mouth and are MUCH neater than icecream or popsicles. (and healthier, depending which kind of yogurt you freeze). 🙂

  83. Cyndi

    I try to keep a bag packed w/ sunscreen, sunglasses, and towels by the front door.

  84. Debbie Bennett

    Thank you so much for an opportunity to win. Not sure I have any sanity savers. I have grandchildren that come over and I don’t feel like I need much of a break from them! However I do enjoy gardening to save my sanity during the summer!

  85. BJ

    My saver is art scavenger-hunts. I work with various programs to encourage creativity. Each participant has to look at everything with a different eye view and bring something to our art gatherings to collage, draw or add to a scrapbook.

  86. Krisha S

    I will be tuned in…this looks great! My summer sanity saver is to spend time in God’s Word daily and get in my workout. If I am taking care of myself and my relationship with God then I can be better prepared for any summer challenges that might come my way!

  87. Melissa Watson

    My summer sanity saver is to be flexible and only do what has to be done!! Life is short and my kids are precious, so spending time together and learning is important!

  88. Beth

    I am a teacher and know the importance learning all year long (don’t wait till school starts and begin cramming for 9 months)..take time to spend 5 minutes a day learning something educational such as identifying insects that day, visiting a new place and look up the history of it such as river, state park, new town, invent a new way to keep cool…..learning doesn’t just start in August it is every day.

  89. Barbie S

    With 3 teen boys (from 7th grade to a senior) and working full time at our church – I’m busier then ever. I love love having teens but summer is a little crazy – especially with sport schedules.

  90. Catheryn Kunz

    My idea for summer came from my mother. In the summer as kids we would come in and ask for a popsicle all the time! Instead of giving us a popsicle everytime, my mom would ask us to eat 5 carrots or a small group of grapes. After we would eat that we could get our nice summer treat, a popsicle. Usually, After we had the healthy snack and one popsicle we would be full then instead of asking for a second popsicle. This trick not only saves you money on summer treats, but helps your kids to eat healthier too! Enjoy 🙂

  91. Melissa S.

    Staying organized so that we can be spontaneous and go with the flow. Giving everyone a responsibility so that I don’t end up feeling like the summer time help and getting resentful!

  92. Suzanna

    My summer sanity comes from our porch swing with a cold glass of lemonade. I love sitting there with my kids or husband on a hot day!

  93. Aimes

    I like my ‘stay-cation’. We usually pitch the tent and a lean-to in the back yard for a couple of weeks. I’ll sleep in the tent and the kids bunk in hammocks under the lean-to with the dog. During the day we do various outside activities and stay in the shade. Dinner served off the grill or the campfire most nights with s’mores or toasted marshmallows for dessert. And I keep the AC off in the house so we save money, too.

  94. Stephanie

    During the summer my husband and I like to use the crockpot and eat more sandwiches so that we don’t heat up the house too much during the summer. And we like to make homemade ice cream.

  95. Teri

    Peapod home grocery delivery saves my sanity!

  96. Marianne P

    One of my summer sanity savers is to keep a picnic blanket, beach towels, spare clothes for the kids and sunscreen for any last-minute, unplanned trips to the park or water play areas.

  97. Phyllis Swiney

    My summer sanity saver is to spend all of the time with my family I can and to savor quiet times throughout the day since my days take a different pace from the hectic school year.

  98. Andrea Zeigler

    I don’t know if this counts or not but here it goes: After working full time for the last 15 years, I am quitting my job May 31st. I will then get to spend the entire summer with my 10 year old daughter, who for the last 10 years has spent every summer in child care. My husband and I are so blessed to financially be able to allow God to work in our lives and let this wonderful experience happen. In addition to spending every breathe taking moment with her this summer, I will also be going back to school to get my teaching certification. The stress of working all summer and not doing anything “fun” in my daughter’s eyes will now be gone. I won’t be paying for child care and sad that she didn’t enjoy her summer. We have already purchased an annual zoo pass, bought a few books to read this summer, and am prepared to just enjoy the Grace of God in the beautiful summer days together.

  99. Samantha Anderson

    Hi Lysa! I have a lot of summer, sanity, saver tips 🙂 I always check the local libraries for activities…(story time, dancing, pet visits, etc.) some libaries do a lot of cool things you wouldn’t think of. Of course getting involved in fun church activities is free and a nice way to get out. Planting a little veggie garden for salads. Also shopping at places like Platos Closet (or any second hand store) or online at or 🙂 Can’t wait for the webcast! –Sam

  100. Deanna Kieliszek

    We have a 7 window picture frames we write our daily menu on with dry erase marker so we know what to make with easy meals on busy days! Thanks for the chance to win.

  101. Tonyia

    Gardening – love to garden and put away food for the winter! It’s exciting and gives me sanity during the summer….

  102. Lisa

    VBS for a week and then lots of pool time! I also try to make a flexible meal plan for the week — that way, after a day at the pool, I have a plan for dinner!

  103. Devona

    Believe it or not, kids will eventually get bored from playing video games or being on the computer during the summer. To escape that boredom and save their sanity, we all go for a walk to the middle school a few blocks away and they get to burn off some energy. If we’re lucky, we’ll see the snow cone truck driving through our neighborhood and what a better way to fight the hot summer days than with an ice cold treat.

  104. Happy Army Wife

    As a military spouse, living away from family, a wonderful sanity saver is to be able to take the kids and go visit family for an extended stay in the summer. It’s a blessing that I don’t take for granted.

  105. Darlene

    My summer sanity is trading childcare with friends. We each get some down-time, and the kids get to play with new toys for a few hours. Win-win!!

  106. Bonnie Gibson

    I love summer, so to start off we go to the beach and relax as a family, while we are there each of us gets to put in a suggestion for something we want to do to make our summer special. These suggestions have to be family budget friendly or you have to chip in your own money to help it happen. Then the suggestions will be put on paper and go into a hat, bowl, ect.. every week we pull out a suggestion and this is our fun for that week. Everyone gets to add something that is important to them and be the guest of honor when we do the event. We have nine people in our family so this will last the whole summer.

  107. Kelly Wade

    Summer sanity for me is a slow and careful night ride on my four wheeler enjoying the cooler temps and the sounds of summer nights. Its a great time to pray and reflect before getting back into the chaos of life. BTW-God just led me to Lysa in a very heartbreaking time in my life. I am thanking God for the Unglued book and the lessons I am learning!!

  108. Kris Konick

    Summer Sanity Saver = Don’t sweat the small stuff with my kids, let them be kids and enjoy their summer (10, 5, and 1 year olds) but at the same time require them to help around the house, pick up after themselves and each other, help set the table, etc… We don’t have “chores” per se but they know they are supposed to help out when asked to.

  109. Audra Gillespie

    My Summer Sanity Saver tip is a Family Membership to our local WNC Nature Center. It’s only $65 for the family and it gives us FREE admission to zoos and science centers all over the country, and a lot of them are local. Not only is this great for the summer but all year long. $65 is a small price for us to pay for a year of FUN and learning!!! Also, living in the moutains of Western North Carolina, we enjoy hikes, waterfalls, and picnics all summer long. They are free and close to home and it’s a great way to cool off, get solme exercise, and just enjoy the beauty God has blessed us with!! 🙂

  110. Tena George

    This year what I am doing to help save my sanity is joining the local gym – 3 miles from the house woo hoo – but the reason I’m joining is not to work out, but for the pool. Our gym fortunately has an indoor and outdoor pool that my children can use. It is tons CHEAPER than joining the YMCA and lots less crowded plus my children can bring friends with them each time (a limit of 3 times per person so we have to strategize). I am also hoping that we might get inspired to become more active and give that workout thing a try – ugh. They also have two other gyms in town that we can visit with great pools – so excited about this!!!! $20 bucks a month, no contract, can’t beat it!!! BTW, in case you have one near you, it’s Next Fitness Center.

  111. Courtney

    I have six kids, ages 10, 9, 9, 8, 7, and 7, and we homeschool (just finishing our second year!). I have found that life moves more smoothly for us when I continue with some schooling in the summer AND keep us on a schedule. We start school at 8 am every day but we have a lighter curriculum load in the summer and we spend more time on longer projects (art, music, creative writing) that we don’t always have time to get finished during the school year. Afternoons are for playing and going to the pool!

  112. Susie R.

    The key word is “delegate”. Let your family help you pack lunches, pack bags for vacation. Even your youngest child can be a big help and we all know little ones love to feel useful. Don’t let all of the pressure fall on you, let others help you!

  113. Marlene Schwark

    I love to hang out clothes, they smell so good I wish they could bottle it. Also saves on gas or electric.

  114. Felisha simmering

    When your kids are bored and you’re at home with nothing to do and it’s hot outside and no money one of the things I find that really helps with the kids. and to stop them from repeating theres nothing to do, I am bored every five minutes, is to turn on the water sprinklers and let them run through it and play, it’s a lot of fun and you get to relax under the shade and possibly get a few wet hugs!

  115. Heather @ My Mothermode

    I just have to say that I strongly believe that, as mothers, we set the tone for the entire household. Being intentional about our days is very important- I fail sometimes, but then I dust myself off and get back up again!

    Our “summer sanity saver” is starting the day with devotions. Last summer, we read a proverb a day at breakfast. Also, during lunch, we listen to free children’s audio stories. These mealtime traditions are much loved by all, and they really do give us a peaceful break from the chaos of the day.

  116. Tabitha

    My summer sanity saver is reading in the hammock under one of our huge maple trees. Of course I can’t do this very often, but it is one of the most relaxing things I know to do! Actually, reading a good book is a sanity saver no matter where I read it. Another treat for us all is going over to my parents to swim in their pool. Fun and cool!

  117. Maddie

    Thank you so much for the web cast, I enjoyed it so much!!! Y’all are awesome. My favorite Summer Sanity tip was the bucket list. I am starting my list tonight!

  118. Anna

    Thank you for the Summer Sanity Webcast, it was great, alot of great tips. The bucket list was awesome tip. And I wanted to let you know that I have read your book…Unglued….It was made a great difference in me and in turn has made a difference with my husband, my children, friends and family…I do exchange whispers with God now, before facing the world….. Oh by the way the towel story, so crazy, I laughed so much……I had an unglued momement over towels, three days before I got your book in the mail…… im glad I can choose imperfect progress….I bought the book for my sister and my daughter…I will be reading it again… Right now I Learning that “God promises Hope for my futures despite the pain of my past” with Renee…God bless you

  119. Saundra Dalton-Smith

    My summer sanity saver: Allow every family member choose one night a week to be “responsible” for dinner. Even my 7 year old can assemble a PB and J with a plastic knife, pull off some grapes, and pour us all a glass of milk! Some meals will be mom’s home cooking, some dad’s famous BBQ, and some simple sandwiches pieced together by little hands but it all taste great and everyone get a chance to be in charge while mom gets a little summer break. This is one of those moments when it pays to have lots of kids still living at home!

  120. Amie

    Getting out into Nature and taking hikes with the kids is my summer sanity saver! Its a beautiful gift from God that we all enjoy. Theres always something new to see and explore. Then from all the fresh air and sunshine an afternoon nap :).

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