All relationships can be difficult at times, but they should not be destructive to our well-being. Learn the difference between a destructive pattern and a difficult season with this free resource, “Is This Normal? 15 Red Flags You May Be Missing in Your Relationships.”


What We Can Do About This Election

November 8, 2016

We’re about to witness what might be one of the most divisive yet monumental elections in American history.

Some of us will rejoice with the results tonight and some of us will fall asleep weeping for what the election may mean for this country. Either way, it will be our reality.

But I refuse for that reality to stifle my sense of possibility. An election can determine who sits in political offices but it is God who is ultimately in control.

Now is the time for Christians to live the message of Christ. Maybe, more than ever before, we will be invited outside our comfort zones where living what we believe won’t be as easy. And dare I say, that may be the best thing that has happened to Christians in a very long time.

It’s one thing to hold fast to traditional principles, but a completely different thing to act whole-heartedly upon them.

It’s easy to say abortion is wrong, but let’s walk beside and support that woman who chooses life.

It’s easy to think we should help the poor, but let’s also write that check from our own bank accounts to do so.

It’s easy to point out wrongs in other people, but let’s also examine the many places we ourselves fall so short.

It’s easy to point out problems, but let’s also sacrifice our time to be part of the solution.

These are the choices that being a Christian is supposed to propel us to make. With grace and gentleness and humble spirits, we are to be more than a band of people labeled as conservatives. We are to actively be Christ’s hands and feet in this world.

Jesus never called us to the comfortable life. He called us to follow Him through whatever life hands us.

Jesus never waited for the circumstances of the times to line up in His favor. He called us to follow Him and be light in the darkness.

And in following Jesus, an air of excited expectancy will be breathed fresh in our souls.

Abraham Lincoln once said to a very divided country, “We are not enemies, but friends … though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection.”

Now is the time to be representatives of truth to all those around us. May we Christians be seen not as those who continue to strain against the unity of our country, but as followers of Jesus, who shine the light of His eternal hope.

Now is the time… today is the day… to follow Jesus like never before.

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  1. Margareth

    Amen Lysa, we have to keep our eyes on Gid and trust him wholeheartedly.

  2. Deborah Daigle

    When I was thinking what to post this morning on my facebook page to encourage, I found this link in my email. Thank-you Lysa you nailed it and I have shared it! God never fails!

  3. Pam

    Thanks again, Lysa, for being a clear, crisp, warm, and compeling voice of the good news of the real Hope of Glory: following Jesus Christ – no matter what opportunities are provided us: when polished (even though it seems the wrong way), we shine. When pressed (even though we think it is to the point of crushing), we become diamonds. When blown (even to the point of almost breaking), we grow more flexible and stronger than before, strengthened by the very winds that seemed to be a force of destruction.
    May we find our food in the Word of God; our water, in the washing of the Holy Spirit; our clothing, the righteousness of Christ; our shelter, the hand of God; and our peace, in our conversations with The Great I Am whose grace is extended to His children, His mercies are everlasting, and His Truth endures to all generations.
    Our God reigns.

  4. Louisa

    Well said Lisa! King Jesus is still in control and we as Christians need to unite and become a strong force in His Name! Taking care of the orphan, feeding the poor, coming alongside those who are sick and hurting….all in His name. Looking with eternity in view….that is how we will see what is really important in this life.

  5. Heather Marsten

    Daniel 2:20-21
    Daniel answered and said: “Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, for wisdom and might are his. And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.

    No matter what happens today in the election, God is not sitting on His throne slapping His forehead and saying, “Geez, I never saw this coming.” If it is our “worst nightmare” or our “greatest hope” I trust that God can turn all things to our good. We may need waking up, shaking up, or comforted. God will be with us through it all.

    • Bev

      Heather – thank you for your response to a perfect post by Lysa. You both have given me what I needed today. I know God is in control, no matter what happens today.

  6. Brooke T

    Lysa , thank you for being bold enough to speak out during this election cycle. Your counsel has brought comfort to my very weighed-down & almost paralyzed soul. Thank you!

  7. Christy Mobley

    Amen Lysa. The world needed those words today. Thank you.

  8. Paula Fernandez

    Well stated!

  9. Toni


  10. Ann

    I think that what you wrote is one of the very best things that has been written about the election. You are right we need let the love of Jesus shine through us, there has been too much hate and ugliness in this election.

  11. Kathy

    Amen and amen! I remember your message from the last presidential election and was so hoping you would have words to share today. Thank you.

  12. Glenda Brown

    It’s not whose in the White House but whose in the lighthouse. King Jesus is listening!

  13. regina

    Yes, thank you for writing this. We do need to be apart of the solution. Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control against such things there are no law.

  14. Rita Manea

    so well said!! I am with you 100%.

  15. gloria johnston

    This really spoke to me. We as Christians have to remain faithful with whatever decisions are made today. Thank you so much for that gentle reminder.

  16. Michaela Clancy

    I appreciated what you had to say! As a Christ follower today I will cross party lines and vote for Hillary. It’s the right thing to do!

  17. Ann Migliore

    Thank you Lysa for your timely message. We had a guest Pastor from Tanzania speak this Sunday. He spoke about how they train the national Pastors to bring their muslim neighbors to Christ. They love them. They don’t preach, or talk about Jesus, they do what He said to do. The love of God is so convincing, that many ask, “Why do you love us?” Then they instruct them to read the Bible, and if then they want to be saved, they lead them in the sinner’s prayer. How beautiful and simple is the love of God! Love you and all the work of Proverbs 31. Sincerely, Ann

  18. Samara

    Well said Lysa! I live in England, and feel there’s definitely a bit more of a split over here too. But your words are so true. We need to be living out and acting upon God’s truth in our world each day. And God is definitely in control, despite who comes to power in the U.S.A, or if England goes ahead with the Brexit. Time to really rely on God like never before! Thank you for your words. Xx

  19. Amy Murphy

    I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about how God has treated His people in the past. Consider what caused the Israelites to wander in the desert for 40 years. They hadn’t had a very good track record in their relationship with God up to the point where the 12 spies came back from scoping out Canaan. Ten of the spies didn’t believe that God could handle the “giants” in the land & convinced the rest of the Israelite to side with them against God. Only Joshua & Caleb believed God would make them victorious. Was the report false? No. The difference was that the majority did not believe God could protect them against what appeared to be insurmountable odds. I also find it interesting that the major issues God had with His people up to this point were complaining & disbelief. So it seems to me that trust & belief are REALLY important to Him.
    It seems to me that no matter how this election turns out, we as a country are facing some pretty big “giants”. Do we go into hiding or do we trust God to move us forward?

  20. Penny Diamond

    So very true an excellent letter thank you for sharing!

  21. Haley

    Curiosity brought me here. I found myself wondering what you would have to say today. I appreciate the hopeful reminder that our God is sovereign and we need to be like Jesus not just share His values.

  22. Debby Hiler

    Thank you Lysa for putting it into words that I needed to read. I have never prayed so hard for a Presidential election like I did this year. But reading what you wrote reminded me that there is only one person I need to follow and live my life for. Now I need to live what I read in God’s word and show others God is our leader. God Bless you Lysa!!

  23. Karen Knobbe

    Lysa, thank you for this blog post!! Your words are a breath of fresh air & give hope in a time of uncertainty. Well done good and faithful servant 😉

  24. Martha Lockery Nelson

    I actually read this after the election. It is STILL relevant after the fact. I am praying that all the outpouring of prayer that inundated the Heavens pryor to this election will continue! When God’s people pray for His perfect will, God will move Heaven and Earth!! I believe so STRONGLY in prayer that I believe there is NOTHING too trivial or too huge to bring before the Throne of God!
    Lysa, I so very much enjoy your writing and that of the other ladies of Proverbs 31 Ministries. I have the First 5 and Proverbs 31 Apps on my phone. They are GREAT!
    I am overwhelmed by the passion and love all of you have for the Scripture and living out your faith with feet on the ground and eyes to the Master!
    I write a daily post of Scripture and “My Thought” devotion on Facebook every day. It all started when a friend of mine challenged me to post a Scripture every day for a week. I loved it so much that afte the 7 days, I just kept going. Little by little, I began to share the insights the Lord gave me after the verses. It has been an unexpected ministry that has reached people I would never have met if I had tried to do a blog or some other form of writing.
    I also have posted many of your pieces and those of the other ladies. We cannot get enough Scripture out there for all the hurting and lost people who may not even be looking for Biblical answers!
    I don’t know where all the Lord will use the gifts He has given me, but I am BLESSED beyond measure every time I can put the name of Jesus before the world!
    Thank you, all, for your ministry and love for all of us!! Lord bless and keep you, make His face shine on you and be gracious to you, turn His face toward you and give you PEACE! Love, Hugs, and Prayers, Martha Lockery Nelson

  25. Nancy

    Regarding the abortion point, I think it’s equally important to walk beside the woman who chooses it to help them heal.

  26. Jennifer

    Just thinking about “Uninvited” made me think to come here, and that all of this tumult is rooted in feeling uninvited. My prayer is that we all learn to invite ever more.

  27. Tina Robertson

    I have been reading uninvited slowly using it as part of my bible study and journaling. This is not my real name but a made up one to protect my identity. I am in a position where this is necessary. This book has helped me in many ways but sometimes I still feel like the person that is insane, doing the same things over and over again, that I don’t want to do, and trying to find a different result.
    I have a friend that is going through some hard times in her marriage, something I had to go through and she helped me through it. But now that she is going through somewhat of what I did but not as grave, she has cut me out of her life. When I have tried to make contact, she says I am making this all about me. I have read, in your book, about some of your female relationships going south and I am encouraged that I can go on with my life without this person but I am not free of the pain it has caused.
    I identify so much with your past and your dealing with rejections. I am trying to be set free from these emotions but I still feel rejection and then start to wonder if I am making it all about me.
    Any advice from anyone will be greatly appreciated. I know that I am loved of Christ for it is the only Love that will never fail. And I must say I so identify with the statement to lean on Christ but it is hard when I can’t put my arms around air and the one I am trying to lean on, I am just so very much human.

  28. Esther

    Very timely post. Thank you for sharing!

  29. Bailey

    I need this book! Your message today spoke to my heart. Thank you

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